Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 02, 1879, Image 3

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Termi of Subscription. ;,,
If J4 a advanee.or within. three moathi...I M
If ull after d mon ! monthl... 1 it
If uid (tr Iha upintioB of tlx BionhU... I M
w ii ...... a n XI...
..nVAdvirtltini Agtnte, J7 Park Row, earner
jAn Street, N o" nl7 MlMtlwA n.!",
Ii N.w
i.iiiadlit Knlteopal Chnreh Rtv. J. 8.
UiMiaaiV, Paetor. Berrlenf every Bahbatb
rtlt A-M,end7trM.
Smbbth School et 9 A. M.
t P..t UhIIk avery Tbnredey, e Tl P. M.
Coma enien nervlee, frat Sabbath 0f avary
month, el '"I
waul Clearfield M. B. ChurchRev.
m emrt Wiliob. Paitor. Preaebini every
alternate Bund.;, at o'olook, P. M. Sunday
gabeel . . u an Invited lo ntteod.
pmebtterlaa Church Rev. II. B.Bdtlii.
Sabbath tarvltei morning and evening Hab
balb Sobeel at I P. hi. Prayer Meeting Wednet-
da; tuning.
Iliptlit Churctu Re. J. A. Aldus, Pat.
tor Btrvloee every Sabbath morning and evening,
-....iio.. at lot o'olook A. H., and 7, P. al
Htbbetb School at I P.M. Prajar Mealing .Mr;
Wedaetday artnlng.
M. Francla' Church Cnthelle rt. P.
J Basain.B.-Preaoblngat 10, o'olook, A. U., on
.k. a..i third and loartb Sondeytof aaab month:
Vespers and Benedlotion of tbe Bleated Baeramtnt
at 7 o cleoa, r. m. ouawj bv.
afternoon ni I e'eloek.
Tina or loLnme QtranTiu laaatoni oodbt.
Boeond Monde? af January.
Tbird Monday of Marok.
Firtt Monde; ef Jane.
Poarth Monde; ef September.
Tina or oune coxnoa hui.
Pint Monde; or Jane.
Beoond Monde; af November.
rroue orricana.
FVeeioVat Jdt lion. Cbarlea A. Vayer, of
Look Uavtn.
An."l Urn lufge Hon. John H. Orvit, of
A.eoeiale Jdg Abram Ogdan, Cleerntldi
Viaoent B. Holt, Clternald. till Bloom.
Htjitttr aeo Rnordir L. J. Morgan.
Ihtlritt Attorn.; Wm. M. MoCnlloogb.
JVeaearee Pbillp Dotlt.
Ater. Andrew Penta, Jr. '
'level, flier. Cbrlit. J. Keart;, niearfltld.
Coeely aaretgor oaiuuai a . aioviosa.y, v.r
Oaer fluatutettieore 0. W. K;ltr, Qraham-
ton P. U. Xlah Jolmtten, Oramnian llillt P. 0.;
Julia Norm, Br., uurwenevllle.
JaaVlore William V. Wright, Clear.
Held: Joitph Ulllllan, Three Rami J.B.Nor
vlt, Weodland. ' .
t'oeetf (Woetr J. D. Kofi, Ntw Wllblnjrton.
Jury Oomnitiomtr Dr. Jamet P. Burebfleld,
ejlelroea, joeepn AioDavr, aiauera.
Aaert'altadeal e Pmblit tfeAeele M. L. Me.
'Oaown. Clearflald. HeiyHe at jHeaeane J.IM W.Carlile,
offioa at Lotheriburg Pn.
JVolante Public John W. Wrlgley, fa. Re
debaogb, Cyrot Gordon, Clearfield) Joaaiib H.
Irwin, N. 8. Arnold, Curwenivilli ; J. A. Living
stone, Dalloll City.
Oar Sveiml eolomu la dleldedly Intereiting In
:a lieal point of view, and profitable reeding to
-onlliuora who want to aave money.
tm, op toiJHHiii
"Will ou take wheat, oata or eorn for lub
licriptlon F" Wa are often Inquired of in thil way
bj letter from patrona who reaiJe at a diilaoea
.from Ck-arttli. We again nay yaa. The reoeipla
of a mpobaible merchant or mill owner In tbe
'vicinity, will aniner ua. ju.t aa well aa the eeah.
'To ililoltrato: If an; of our patrona will deliver
u a bag of grain. eA tbe bill of Joeeih II. Bretb
ln Cbeit townabip, Ueraee Patehlo, In Burnalde,
'Themai II. Porcey, tn Orabam, Wm. Porlor or
Hbant'ln Xawrenoa. or Brown A Beyler'f, at
JRoebUa, Vnvni towmhlp, and forward their
rveeiptf for the eenoant, we will eredit them on
their aoeoant for ILe ama. In thil wa; all may
aooa pa; what they owe, if the; will panne thle
eooree. tf.
Mim James will have bcr school in
i the Old Aotdtmy building.
Row cotton drees goods fur Summer'
wear, at Fleck A Co.'t. epl U.
Huntingdon is not Bulinn'ed with ft
t new penitentiary, and they ere aow agitating a
new jail.
Oranges are remarkably cheap this
if aaoo, celling la thia plaoa at low aa twealy rent!
. per dctea.
The annual session of the Central
IPa. M. I. Oonfannoe will hold Ita Beit taeaion at
.Allot. Da la IflSO.
Kev.jGeorgc C. llaftor.of Johnstown,
eoaclated at the eervieet la St. Andrew . Kplteo
leal Charah laat Sabbath.
A lai't;e.flut.k of wild geese passed
over laia towa aa Btlurday, ia a aorlbeattarn
'direction. Now for mild wtalthtr.
David Johnson, ol this place, has
hand aud Ukan poeioaiioa of tbt Ulrard uonn
at Lock Ilavea. lie will be aeaitlad by hia bob Id.
A stick of poplar timber was rafted
in Catrj'a rua thia npriag by Daaial Fryer,
which tquared thlrty-foar Inebca and waa tblrty
faar feet ia length.
Tbe annual Spring meeting of the
: IiaBtlogdja Prubytrry will be held la the Firat
Praabytariaa Charab, Altoona, aa Taaaday Belt,
April Stk, eommonelng nt IS o'oloek A. M.
Wanted by a New York Grocory
Routt a live Stletman. ' Ona who aan oommand
a I ret claw and prompt paying eouatry trade
- Addrati, Urooer, P. 0, Bex 7i, New Tork City,
The Orobens Cornet Band boys will
aooa make tkalr apptaraooo ia a kandiemo unl-
ferw. The ttyle hat bias Minted, aaA Wllley of
tblt pl.ot will make up tke good, la aa attractive
Fred Sackott has just recoived from
New Tork, k fine let af Flaking Taekla ef nporior
qaallty, lueh aa hooka, mood., tilt, llnaa, bait
1 bout, ith bateau, out-liaea, Ac, which he
' propoan to nil vary low far eaah. apl-ln
- a. -
The horse belonging to Mrs. Snyder's
Bilk wagon, while left Handing anattended OB
Second atreet, laat Batordey, started efoa a or Ilk
wan, hat waa aver Ukaa la the vltialty of the
Bb.w Bean, after aaalterlag akawle, Bilk meat
'ant nramlnaoaly along Market ttrtet.
t . - - - er
Our country roads r aow xtreme-
Hy bad. Then kal heea eoa.ld.rabkt rata, the
droit bn tone eat af the ironed, aad the mad It
dnp. A few days af warm laorblaa aad wind
eroald effect a grant change, while the Superr li
tre woald look aa aad tmlle approvingly.
The Lock Haven Democrat of last
week nyt l "Twa large aand-barl ware formed
b, the law gorge la ah Hear near Belumea'l,
abora' Ftraadtvilla." Aad that "a meeting af
lambar aaevehaala laat week molved to redact tba
price pai nf Bantering refit from MteH-
Miss F.'Uiny 1). James, of Baltimore,
hat arrived la tnt, aad will at one proceed la
Bake arrange! teste far tie an eel tvklah the de
llgai laaehlag rtag the tmtur.
wiablng ta eeaeult hew about anylhlng Is tqgad
la the nhaei, at eddree. her bj klUr ornll
her at tha Shaw Uoan.
James A. Moore, Mercantile Ap-
praleer fn 1170, ia holding aa appeal at the Com
Bltaleaere' Oalea, !a tblt haraugh aa eby (Ved
header), when all ear merchant, and etnara la
tanatad may attend. If lhay Ihiak proper, ba
leeea tha heart af I A. M. and 4 P. M ., nr the
fedraae af any grlcvasan.
iiov. Thomas H. bwitaer, a auiieran-
taai.4 member ef tba Central Pnneylvauia Cea
lemn, died at kit koani is Phillpabarg, nrl; aa
Teatda; menlr.g, the 2atk ell. Ha aatarad the
travaHag mlaletry la IMI. Mr. Swllnrwaa wall
kaawa la thil vlalalty.lbaelBg fraqoaBtly preaebtd
te tha Melhadlat aongregatlca af Clearflald.
Leavy coramenoed carrying daily
aU betwaaa Clnrfleld aad Pletd aa Taaaday,
aad. keek win leave Cleerflrld every maralag at
t'eUth (tleepl Saadty), rwtaralag from Pea
aald an aama evealag. This will ha a great aea
"Bleaea, aad wlU gin mora npld eowmaMn
tee hetanaa this plan sad aelau ea tha Law
Otade taianad.
Itotneaaber the Sabbath day and keap
It holj-aia aayl thill Ihea labor Bad de all thy
trk, eta. So we af ear aeaag (7) lad In did aat
En aa ta tkla nmmiad af Urn Dwalegaa ea laat
nekaath maralag. OIlH, BereeAer make ear. Ikal
eeerjlhleg It all right ta Sanrdiy sight, avaa
HUaaeaU W at tha aleynrh bear, and aepaelat-
wbea let af April it n algh at head.
MOTKX. 'llio boat (Ugnrtmont. nf
araaa geooa IB leva eu aa had al Fleak t Coa.
Tbe Court Proclamation an, I II. i nr
Jarora for the tarn ef Coert, eommonelng
oa the Uih da; af May, appear! la tali Ulna af
GmiNo Ekady Klwclt & Co.'g bny.
er la aow la the ally laylag la aae of tbe largeat
took offprint, fx"1 ever hrenght to Ihli market.
tot fall partienlara ate neat week'a lane of tbe
lirttuui, t. i .
a . a
John L. Cuttle, Enq., hta chnnd
hit ratldeaM from Cherry la Read etreet, Bear the
Leoaard Uoeae. Tbe family af Mr. Edwla
Cooper haa moved lata the konn vaeated by Mr.
List of letters roniainini? unekiinod
In the PoetoBoe at Clearfield, for the weak ending
aaaren al, ia,a .
Thomat Bembo, 0. T. llolll.i.r, Oao. Uoover,
A. B. Beovtr A Co., Sidle kobim. '
P. A. OauLia, P. M.
Prof. Gardner, of Altoona. ban boon
aecured to deliver a Tetaperenoe leetare la the
Clearfield Court Honta. thli(Tattday) evening, at
71 e clock. If. haa the repatatloa of equalling
John B. Oough and Pranelt Uurphy In loterctl
and eloqueaoo by Ihoae wbe have beard all. Ad
miatioa free.
Abbcrt. We notice by tbe Iowa
,uj mm, oi toe aria, that I "A. W. Lee and A.
Bearmaker, the lumbermen, nturned yelterday
from the pint ngleaa of Wicooo.lo" A. W.
alwayt having been tnob a temperance man, It
look, a Utile queer that ha aow luga a teenaatcr
around aver the w autre prelrler.
Excellent. Through Mobbm Goo.
Weaver A Co., wo wart made the recipient, of a
fifty pound nek ef wheat flour, ground at the
mill of Matin Duncan, Hale A Co., Phllipibarg.
It It, witbeat aaeggeratloa, the beat flour wa aver
bad in our pantry. Tba ebove firm keepa tklt
floor for tale, and It la aold by a number ef our
Clearfield mtrohaela. Try It.
"Nervous and Hillious." Korv-
out and billioua dittaaet are vary prevalent aow
adaya, and tauaa a great deal of onbappineat,
though thty ma; be ratnedied b taking Dr.
Fenner'a Blood and Liver Remedy end Narva
Tenia. Hit Cough Ilonry onrea all eeugli and
bit Qelden Relief all paint. For tale by llarU
wick A Irvia, Druggiata, Clearfield, Pa.
mm mi
The officers of the Clearfield Co. Agri
cultural Booiet; give notice In another eolumn,
thai a County Fair will be htld at Clearfield to
tluienea Fall, and It now beboovta tbt people
throughout tbe aounly to make it a auceett. Let
every man, woman and child, go to work with a
will and contribute totaetbtng to make tbe Fair
altraotlve. Pleaae give tblt minor your alien).
Uoa. .
Soldiers' Graves. Ad uxcbaniro
aaya : M Wa aae It atatad that Coagreaa baa re
cently uutuorteed the erection of heaUatonat over
the gravel of Union oeldiere who nre buried In
private end village ocmeterlet. Thit will be dona
aa aooa at the nteettary arrangamenta can be
made. Tba Quarter Matter General at Watblng
loa requeatt all peraont having knowledge of the
burial plaoea af eoldlera in village eometerloa to
oommuoicata tba fact to blm.M
Two boys in a wagon made a rutlior
narrow atetpe from dettruotioa laat Monday af
ternoon in tblt plaoa. They had jutt erotied tha
railroad track at tba Market atrttt orotting at
tba Mail train from Curwauavllle waa approach
ing, wbn their hornt got frightened and backed
tbe wagoa agaloit tbe angina. Tba Bogioear
ttopptd tba train, wbicb fortuoattly waa going at
alow rata of apeed. end tbua prtvented wbnt
might have been a frightful raault. Wt did not
Itara the boya' nautt.
A Temperance Movement. The
Huntingdon (lota tayi : "Undir tha auaploea ef
the Lodge of Good Templirl of Tyrone, there
will be held la that place on the loth and llb of
April, a Convantlon at which delcgattt from
llltir, Cambria, Clinton, Centre, Clearstld, liunt.
lngdon and Mlffila oauntiaa will be la attendann
to tha numbai of about a hundred. Tha Grand
Worthy Chief Templar and ether grand lodge
o&oeri will bt lo attendmn. Open meettagi
.will bt held ttoh evening."
The Turner Case. The case of
Turner, indicted for murder, baa been nrtlfiad
bom Clnrficld Bounty to Clinton Bounty for trial.
Tha time for Ibe triel haa not yet been fixed by
tbeCeari. Tha prlaoaar will be defended b;
geaator Well.oa aad aa-Senetor Peele. Mr. W.I
laee'a whole heart haa beaa la tbe tui from tht
begloalng. Hit eoUeigue, Mr. Peala, kaa had
large experienoa at tha bar, and will nmmand
tha Bontldantt of nay Clinton Bounty jury that
may ha drawn. Wa purpenly nlraia from mak
lag an; eommeata an the aan. Lock fovea Jew
el. . ,
It always gives us pain to hear one
eoogb aa tba Itrnt, la tba bean er at mntingt
of any hind ; far tblt renaon, aa well aa other., I
have devatefl time aad ttady for ytara patt to find
nmedy thai will allavtale and aura aa far at
ponlble many af my fellowt wha art troubled
with thia grlavoat wearing, leering, watting
aeugh, and I think tha Glynrolo Oough Bjrup
raacbM mon aant af bad oougna and bronchial
afieotieai then any other nmedy af III kind
Prln. M etotl and $!. par bottle.
Prepared by I. K. Thompun. Tltutvillr, Pa.
For aala by all druggtlta la Claarfiald, and by
Jol. Baylor A Boa, Lulbereborg.
Grange Meeting. Thoro will bo a
meeting ef the Clearfield County Pomona Grange,
No. SS. at Clearflald, la Ple'a Open Uoun, oa
Tbartday, April lath, 117, at I o'clock P. M. ;
alio as evening tee. ion. All Grengal la tha
Oooatv an renamed ta nnd a full delegation.
Tha Fifth degree wilt be conferred la full fern.
Fifth dagm mamben an nquutod to be prompt,
at than It bailout of Importance ta be t ran. toted.
Bring ynar long book, tad ngalia. Be an time
af tha Oranga will apes at I o'oloek, tbarp. A
good meetiog It expected. New bualncaa to be
traaaacted. Cema oat and all.
W. P. Tats, Gao. Baamcx,
Secretary. Mealtr.
Odd-Fellowship. The semi annual
eleetloaa for oflloert of Lodget of Ibe abate Order
wen held laat wnh throughout tbe State. Clear,
field Lodge, Ne. lot, held Ita eleetloa latt Satur
day evealag, wbea Ibe following pereoaa wan
elected i
Noble Oread William V. Sopor.
VIM Grand Frank K. Rmilb.
Snratary John K. Bottarf.
AHlttaat Snratary William Radabaugb.
Tnaaerer Aaron C. Tata.
Truitee William A. Barr.
Tha luttallelloa af ofloen will take planaelt
Setarday analog.
Col. Barrows Dead. Williamsport
hu loll ant of III very belt eltlnnl In tht per
ns of Col. Bylreatar D. Barrow., wba died bn
that oit; an the Slat ef Marah, aged forty-flea
yaara. Ha wet oat of thon few genial, tooltl
bailout ana, who mada everybody fnl happy
while la bit company. When Ibe bntlnaii trml
wtra 1b til. Uan ha waa a mtmber ef tba ei
leeaive lambar irml af Barrawa, Bowmaa A Co.,
aad Barrowa A Finney. Tbe dinan wblcb took
him of waa celled by pbyilileai, "ohorrotii tf
tha liver." Maa af tha en! el aad baBlaam quel,
itlea that Col. Barrawa poitnnd tbould Ilea to
tha aga or alaaly yean. Tha Colonel wet par
entally known la many af ear ellteaea, wbo will
ngrtt te Inra af hia prematara death.
"A IIoutzdalr Fight." Whilo tho
Cartla-YeeBm Inqattitlas net la aeeeloa at
Heatadara laat wnk, oaa of then periodical flghtt
oeaerrad wblth MBIidarably annarved thon wh
art nldom apnletora en inch enatloa Tba
ajeuudala nrre.pond.nt af the Oneola JfetcVIt
glewt a detailed atatemeat af tha nw, and eloon
byaayiagi e Bavaral amatlnf tnetdeala htp
pauad daring tba dlaturbtnn. Ona lanyar to tha
atker "Tkai'a a Ooatldala figbt for yon." A
prominent lawyer, enlng tht srowd gtlng for the
hotel, thought ha weald go ap ttaln la ardor ta
gat away from tba avein. Ha Inked klmnll la
bli roam, nnd tht flgklan bearing tha door aloaa.
Iheuaht Ibalr bird an tbara. They rapped, bat
tha door dU aat open. At as trawled ander Ibt
bed to bide ha wet hnrd te matter I "Boat
hart me, I'll let ap ea Paella."
DuBois The CburtVr, says : "And
saw Do Boll Cite It ta have B grlit mill. Tha
plaalag mill aad meoaiee ahop, awaed by W. t.
Ran, It ta be lamaSallefl aad grltl mill machinery
pat la. Tha building will be pat aa a ttoao
feandntiea, mind an Ibrae atorlea, and Itled ap
with tkna ran af eteaea Blgler, Teaag A Read,
af Clnrfield, kava keaa aagaged le da tba wort
aad It will be aeeaBeaeed ehoctly Bad If peaolbte
U WlU he ready m raa by the tret ef Aaguat.
The plaalag mill will ha takes away h; the par
tin wha an te pat In the grist mill. Row for a
The big lleaea ww mlB ia being avwbaaled is
avajat a ta nedj let eweratiaa with SpriSg. Tbe
naalra aaaaaaary will uka the fane aaw at war h
aa til the middle at April, Bad eerbeea a tberoagh
repelrleg eaaaot ba BtTaoM here re the flrat af
May. grwts BMI wvpwjaa aw lav n... '
Mr, PaBtlt whi la aaw txpeeted eray day.
New Cashmeres, black and colored.
Prion right, at Flank A Ce.e. . apJ Bt.
Millinery goods, boiinela and Lftts,
randy mada and to order, nt Fleak A Ca.'a.
See the now Carpets at Fleck &
Ce.'l. apMt,
mm i a.
Buy your Motto Pramoa of A.J,
Jack ton. Ia tha Man. ion Uoutt, Market .treat.
mail 1-4 1.
Five hundred men wanted to got
Bulla al Wlllty'i tallorltg nubllahmant la Clear,
flald. marlfl-tm.
v , iiea e at -
Whi'.o goods and embmirlnries,
glovn,umnrallaa and paraaolt, at neck A Cu t.
i mm mmmmmm
Willey, in Clearfield, is now ready
to make faahlonnbla olatbn In Spring ttylaa. Call
and an hit temples. Mar. 19-la
" Wo have now on hand several thous
and trel-oUai oBvalopee, which wa will print for
bualntia moa, or anybody altt, at prloat that uan.
not be rivalled. Call and in them . - tf.
mm e ta
" Red Star," and many othor now
nrmnot nt tmoxing mnaoeo, or aala only at Alex.
Walaon'a Tobaoao and Segarttora, Market atraat,
eppotltt Court Uouaa, Clearfield. moh l3l
Try the now brands ol chewing To-
oaeoo at Aiax. vr auon't, Til : M utlt Edge, Tele
phone," and Ma hogaay Win Plug Cavendlah '
mch IS. It
To Landlords and Htorekeepehh.
Lytic haa an arrangement with an Battara Cigar
Factory to that be can Mil clgart by tht box or
thomand at bottom figurw. Glva their elgara
one trial. tf.
Dr. II. B. VanValzah, of this bor
ough, hut removed hll office from tbe Meaonlo
Betiding to bia rttldenn, ooraer of Flrat nnd
Pine itrntt, when he aan be found at all tlmat
whin not profeationally engaged, mar-10-dt.
Try the now brandB of Segars at
Alax, Wataon'Xv lolling at 3 for 6 nnta ; I for ft
nalaj I nata extra ( 10 note, and 9 for 2ft aeote.
Nothing in market am aompara with them.
. inch -H
S. 8. Tho first Quarterly
Jubilee of the Lutheran Sabbath School, of
thii place, will be held on next Thuriday
evening, at 1 o'clock. The exereian will tonaiat
of ainging and rveita'loaa. A eordial Invitation
It ixleaded ta tbt public to be pratent on tbe oe
carlon. m e a.
Pike Townsuip. We invito the nt-
ttatioa of tha Supcrvtaora of Pika towntbip to
tht report of the Grand Jury, pnblithed leal wnk,
In relation to tbt public road batwaan Clearflald
and Curweneville, The 8uparvlurt of Woodward,
Boggi and Lawrence townahipt, nln ahould take
and approplate the hint thrown out to tbtm, nnd
in that their rotdi ard brldgel are put In order.
Prom the amount of Road tax aliened aod paid
ia thou towa.hipi for tbt patt tan yeara tbtra
abould be ao inch public tompleluti mndaaa in
thil eaae.
Clearfield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freight! tent over tht
Tyrone A Clearfield Divlalon, Pcnnaylvanla Rell-
road, for the week ending Manh 22d, 1870, and
tho aama tint laatytar i -
coin. vont.
For tha week 211,141
Saioa time leal year 2H,Uy
.... 26S.H2I
Prevloualy during year
Same time latt year
.... 231,1141
Inonaaa w.
. 37,281
, 207,5113
, 2o,24u
Total In I87S
Same time laat year
otbbb raaiaBTa.
.... 38,221
....107 tare.
....14J "
Mieaellancoua freighta
Tax Collectors. The Board ol
Ouaety Commlatlontri, at their lait aetaion, ap
pointed tba following Collector! of Couoty and
Stela Taxat for 1870, In their re.pcotivt boMuglit
and townahip, eta :
Bos. a vwp.
col. vauas. oo. tax. lav tax.
Burnaida B'r,
Claarltld "
Curwcnev'e "
lloutadala '
Lumber C'y "
Newburg "
N.Waeh'B "
Oeoeola "
Walbneton "
B etc aria I'p.
Ball "
Bloom . "
Bogga "
Uradlord "
Brad; "
Burnaida "
Chnl "
Cevtagtoa u
Daeatur "
Ferguaoa "
Uirerd "
Gotbon "
Graham "
Gmawood "
Gelloh "
lluttoa "
Jordaa "
Kartbaua "
Knox "
Lawrenoe '
Morrla "
Ptnn M
Pika "
Union "
Woodward "
IJtmet S. Wltiel t 2H7 li t II 80
J. C. Wbltahlll..ll,8U0 SA
100 to
Jaa. Thoupaon.
1,117 n
t Oil
4 00
a it
12 ft
it 80
5 00
25 80
8 10
I 80
7 10
44 It
IS 10
11 20
ft 00
ft 20
7 05
f 30
I 85
I 20
S28 VI
its ao
24S 07
S0 J
1S7 20
Aatbon; Hila...
Ieaau Marfcle....
Jno. II. Byera...
Juetin J. Pie...
John Holt..
Lemuel Rook....
Annua Miller...
1,001 8
Adorn Weaver...
T. B. WoodBidoe
Abram Pitraa...
O .'S 00
S4 ill
1.S23 82
ICbrUlian Korb.
S.Voo 80
Daniel Gorman.,
l,77 11
Joe. 11. Braatb...
,072 12
,107 87
bH7 0
Cbrlit. Brown..
A. Bmghman...
Tboa. S. Norrle.
Amll koogeux.,
t8 10
300 66
bht 10 I
a.'.i ta
J. A. L. Flagal.
Semual Smtal...;
Jnn Kttter.
J. 8 McKeiraan
Tbomu Ucwltt-J
Thomn Smith.
70S 41
17 40
12 50
11 It
T 4n
720 82
Soft 1J
ft8 211 !
707 OS
F. P. Coutriet...
Coarad Baker...
). B. Shaw.
I 56
20 75
1,481 to
Jaa. L. Stewart..
I.AHT 24
10 01
Wn V Jnhnenn
70S 76
20 86
17 50
Rlnh. Vraaiaan.'
1,5111 M
8H8 11
Levi R. Draular.
Tboa Uandiriua.
II 70
1,(07 b
11 10
86728.84 110.00
The men teleoud an all nprlgbt and reapootl-
ble ia perios, or by bond, for ever; dollar of tba
publlt fundi ehargtd up to then? aooaunt and
wa ibnll be grtatl; miatikoa If ao; of tbalr
iibm are fouBd among tba lilt of defeultara la
tha teeond Aodltora'nttlcmtnt after the atpelat-
mtnt. If Ibtt eecon, wa bopa tomabody will
call eur attention to the fad, ibanld wb orarlook
It. , -, '
Unotingdoa'i ntw nbool houn will oott $1,200.
gil teaehan era nrvlag their country la the
Bonn of Repranntatlvn of thia State.
There were anrolled In tba tchoolt of tblt
toaot; la.t Winter, 4,227 female nad 4,802 mala
A number of tcbooli hava eloatd with public
axhlhitloot, and nttrly nil bava bald public ex
amloatloat, aad tba atual literary axercliM,
Wa will devote the " Bduoatloaal Column "
next weak entirely for " Paplle' Roll of Honor,"
peblllhlag the aamn of thon who hava attended
ton owl ever; day daring tba term,
Oaa basdred BBd nvaaty flva dollar! worth of
alreulari, progrtmmn, and ntbar dooumintl,
bava bna diitribntad among tncbara, dlmtori,
and tba patroet of our lobooll In thil munty,
tian tba beginning of tba pre tent tobool year.
Oapt, L. B. Oarllla, af Lutherehurg, and Rev,
W. M. Barchd.ld nnd P. 8. Weber, ol DaBola,
are billed for addreianet thaTaacbart'Hcanloa,
at Luthonburg, atxt Sttarday avanlng.
An net haa bna Introduced In the titan of
Reprutatallreo, dnlarlag alxty to ha lha mall
mum Bomber of tebotan to ba allowed an; one
teacher Is lha Common Bohooli ef thia Bute.
Tbe evaraga parcentage ef attaadeBn la the
acboola Is Goahea townahip ll S, ranging at fol
lows I Qnbtn tcbaol, Oft j WllliamidllB, 95;
Shnwavillt, II I Lick Rua, ISO. Thil btiag tbe
per tent, af atlandanoa for Iba term, II la aa
donbtodl; a goes record.
A report af each aewool, filled eal b; Iba teach.
at Is charge, aboold be It ft with lha Secretary af
each board al tha elon of lha term. The bleak
waa prepared at thia oflln and teat to tba teach
era, aad Seeretarln aheald demand them wbea
lha hut order it given. t
Aa aaataal large erowd aanmbled at tba Cea
tra nbool hoan IB Lawman towa.hip, on Wed'
aaeday evealBg af latt wnk, ta llitea IB tht
lletlag taarelaet of tbt achool. The performer.
acquitted Ihtmnlvn vary creditably, le the aa
tire ntltfactloB of all p renat
A aaloa aihlbilioB wat bted at Ntw Millport
oa Tbartday avanlng, Marok loth, participated
la by lha tvbolari and toaobarl of Stony Point
nbool In Fergana towaahlp, and Carry nhoal la
Ptha towaabiB. Tba eatertelameal It Mid ta
have beaa la advenn af the anal nbool eiblhl
Tha aeeaal elemleelloe af aladanti is tht
Ltosard Oraded School, Claarflald, aommraced
BB Tharaday, Iba 27th alt., aad will eootl
aatil lha alnlag af tha nhoal, April Utb. Soma
af lbs Dlretten are la atteaaaan aaarl; all Iks
time, and It ll an Baaewal Ihlag to flBd s trtdila-
bla aaaher af taectaleet lletenlDg ta tho our
Amoag tha rnemmeBdallaas af tba Graad
Jan al lha Manh term af Oearl wat aat atklag
the Coast; Oeeamliileaen Is pnelda aa aflln
for the Ooaaly BeperlBiMdeai. wt hart aa
olot aqtlpped al ear awa aapnn hat man;
aauatna provide, a Mltebiy faralahed nam for
tha Oeaety BdparlaHadaat. Hawavar, wa hava
ranked (rem tha CemnlailoBero nan help, aad
u lar, u aM Uetr baa Be la lha sear
j f,lm, al- u. MotDaws.
Ciatartata, Pi., April let, lot.
Tht fallowing are lha appalnlmaDti a,ada for
the annlng Contemn year by tha Central
Penaaylranla M. B. Coafareaoa, which olond Ita
annual nnlna at Blotmtburg laat wnk t
Pmldlng Elder Silai 0. Swallow, Tynnl.
Alloona Firtt Cburob, Btnjamln It. llamlia
Eighth Avenue, Milton K. FoeUri Cblltnul
Avtnut, Tbomll hhtrlock.
Hollida;elurg John A. PeMoyer.
Dunonnavillc Jama. M. Clarke.
Martlnaburg Martin L. Smith.
Wllliamaliurg-Willlam W. Dunmlra.
Logan Valley George Guyar.
TyroneFlnley B. ltiddla.
Port Matilda Jotopb R. King.
Mv'c.targ tad KalonvUla Jonph B. SbavH.
Howard J. BcceoB Akara, Aahar R. Cronn.
Penn't Valley Walter R. Whitney.
Bellefonta A. Duncan Yoeum.
l'leaaant Gap John A. Wood, Jr.
Half Moon George W. Boun.
Pint Grove Henry F, Cant,
W'arrlortmark leaac Hackman.
Bkrmingliam Henry 8. Mendenhnll. '
Phllipaburg Abram M. Craigbton.
Grehatnton J. Fcaran Brown.
Oncola and Houtadele Joha A. Woodcoek.
ClearAtld Jaoob S. MeMurray.
ClaarOald Minion William II. Dill.
Waodland Robert P. Campbell.
Clearfield Circuit Wlnfleld Scott Wilton.
Cnrwcnavilla Gcorga Leidy.
Lumber City Iaaian Kdwarda.
New Waahlogton George B. Ague.
Glen Hope Furman Adama.
Snow Shoe Harvey S. Lurnly.
Comma Hill Joha P. Orala. .
Jobo B. W. Dean, Profeuor In Penniyli-anla
Diata uotiega, member ot tfallclonte ijaaneriy
WdlUm Earnehaw, Chaplain af Iba National
Acylum for Dleabltd Volonlnrt, at oaytoa, unio,
mambtr of Warrloramark Quarwrly ConfannM.
Prealdlng Elder Wa. W. Evaui, Bloom. burg.
Dtnvlllt Bt. Paul's, Soutk Danville and Rlvar
aide, J. Max Lenta j Trinity, Peter P. Stra
wlntkl. NorthumbtrUnd Martin L. Drum.
Waebingtonville Hlcbard II. Wharton,
lola Unrga V. Savldga.
Buehhora Alem Britlaln.
Bloomabarg Eire 11. Yoeum.
Eapy nnd Light Strnt John Moorhcad.
Orangorillc Tbomat O. Clcci.
Benton Henry B. Portncy.
Berwick-Martin L. Smyaer.
Mifltinville Crawford L. Bcnaooter.
Beach Haven Robert L. Artnltmng.
Bloomtngdale John Horning, BcnJ. II. Moanr.
Muhlcnburg Owen Uickt.
Bbioaihinny Gnrge Warren.
WhiU Uavtn Jamet T. Wllion.
Hickory Run Jacob P. Bcnford.
Wntherly Richard H. Colburn.
Stockton nnd Braver Mudow Cambrlilga Gra
naalclonG. Tarring Gray.
Jcanavilla and Audcnried John W. Lcokle.
Cenyngbam Qaorga M. Laroad.
South llebarton Edward Wblta, John C. Brown.
Cetawiua John B Poligrova.
Celawltaa Circuit Jonathan Quldln.
Klyeburg liideou II. Day.
Bhejnokln Thomat M. Khn.
Utlftuateln and Gordon Nathan B. Smith.
Central la Ceylon W. Merfhull.
Mt. Carinel S. Slilton Froat.
A.hland William G. Fergueon.
Trcverton John Lloyd.
Gnrgetown Miaelon Oliver II. Uulton.
Snydertown John Gun.
Sunbury Hilci 0. Perdce.
Bcllutgrova John W. Buckley.
llugb A. Curran, Proleuor io tht Bute Normal
School, mtmbtr of Bloouilburg Qunrterly Con
ference. Irvln H. Torrenea, Secretary Penneylvnnln
Bible Sooiely, member Trinity Quarterly lon
Pmldiag Bldtr Jausb C. Clabkb, Ilarrli
burg. Herriaburg Grace, Charlci W. Buoy Ridge
Avenue, Gnrge D. Pcnntpaoker St. Paul'a,
MarUn L. Genoa Filth Slrnt, William V.
Gann, Mount Plcutnt, Daniel Ilnrtman.
New Cnmberland Alexander R. Millar.
York Firat Church, Jamal 11. McUarrah i Duke
Stract. Tliomu H. Wilcox.
Wrighteville Jared k. Shannon.
Caatlt Fin Levi S. Crone,
tibraw.bary William Gwynn.
Stawartatown Henry R. Bender
Hanorar and New Oxford Andrew W. Gtbaon.
Uettyeburg JamM H. MoCord.
Littlcatown 1 newton Uoorbaad.
Yorh Bpringa WiUiam Mora.
Lewi.berrv llenry fl. Minnlgn.
Dillabarg William A. Carver.
Wevnnboro niliiam It. netta.
Greva Cattle Henry C. Cheaton
Fori Littleton Timothy 11. lubua.
Cove Te ba aupplicd.
icktna Creek ueorge . atng.
Cbambereburg George W. Miller.
Mornraburg Edward B. A. Deavor.
Loudon Jonathan R.Sbipe.
McConnc laburx William w. ItceM.
Shipptntburg Jamet H. Black.
uratn Village "luiia nvn., neu.
Moot Alto Ueorge M. Hoke.
Ncwville and Reboboth Joha W. FclghL
Carllale Jean B. Yaung.
Mount Holly William C. Robblol.
MnhauiMburg P. Franklin Eyar.
Falrriew and Maryaville Emory T, Saartx.
Duncannon William Kink.
Liverpool Thomn M. Grifllth.
Newport Nathaniel W. Colbura.
ThampaoB P. Ego, Prealdtnt or Irving Female
College member of Mechanioabwrg Quarterly
W. Maalin Frvtiniir. ol Uea-
tral Pannaylvania Mcthoditt Epitoopal Book
Room, member of Ridge Avenue Quarterly Coo
foreon. Aouila R. Bander. Vln Priocinal of Wilming
ton ConfannM Academy, member Grna Cattle
Quarterly Conference. .
Pmldlng Rider Taonraoa Mitchbll, Ilan-
ttngdon, Pcnn'a.
Huaungooa rtleaara lliunie.
Wett Huntingdon Frederick RogertOB.
I'ctcrtborg J. Pettoa Moon.
Manor Hill William M. Momlngcr.
Ennktvillt William A. Olippingor.
Mount Union Henry M. A.b.
Newton Hamilton John A. McKlndlcn.
McVeytown and Granville Amoa S. Baldwin.
Lewiatown Hamuoi vr. Heart.
freedom William 8. Hamlin. '
Milroy Jamal M. Johnion.
Mlfflintown Reuben E. Wllion.
Thompnntown George A. Singer. '
Port Royal George W. Duolap, John W. Rua.
New Bloomfleld Jobn W. Cleaver.
Blaine Marthall 0. Piper.
Concord Andrew W. Dtcktr, Jot. A. Ron, Sup.
Burnt Cabiee W. H. Bowdea.
Shirleyiburg William E llocb.
Tbm Bpringa Jobn W. Oltwlna.
Caaivllle Elltba Bhoomakcr.
MoConncllitown Jaoob Montaromerr.
Sexton Richard Mallalieu, Cbarln V. Hirticll.
Everett Jamaa Curna.
Her e HIM Beth A.Crcvellng, J. II. SUcer Clark
Bedford Nathan 8. Buckingham.
Bedford Cirouit Thomae F. MeClura.
Shelleburg Jamal W. Bell.
PleaMntvllla Jemn F. Penaingtoa.
Prealdlng Elder J. J. Pbabts, Wllliamiporl,
wni:.m.nnrt Plna Htraet- Hamacl Crelahton
Molbcrry Street, John Donahnai Price Chanel,
J. Kill. Bell ; Third Htrett, Alfred 8. Bowman ;
Newberry, Aabury W. Ouyer.
Lycoming William A. McKn.
Lo.Tal.eck John W. llaghawont.
DuBoiatown Luther F. Bmith.
Jamaetown David B. McCloakcy.
Mcntounrlllo- Franklin Genrhart,
Munoy Jamaa HuoUr.
Hugbnvllle Morllmar P. Crotthwalle.
Muney Craek Andrew P. Wbartoa.
Kidroa Charlci J. Buck.
Wataonlowa nnd Monlandr.B BtnJ. H. Ortver.
Moalgomary lleary Wllaoa.
Milton Altxandar M Ilarnltt,
Uwliburg David 8. Monroe.
MIIMinbarg Ben Jen. la F. Stevenl.
Balladeeburg Andnw I. Taylor.
Cogan Valley Adelpbui D. McCloakcy.
Liberty Valley Joiiah P. Long.
Raleton Jamaa F. Aodaraon.
Jtm; Shore William A. Stephenl,
Pine Crnk Jtaeph Y. Rothrook.
Gnat Itltnd Willltm C. llranr.
Look Haven William A. Honok.
Selena Levi G. Heck.
Beech Oraek Theodore 8. Faaa. .
Ulner nnd Weelport Cbarlea W. Burnley.
Kenovo Bartholomew P. King.
Laid; J. B. Graham,
ginnemnhoalag Klial M. Chl'nat.
Emporium Jobn Vroomoo.
PenOeld Andrew B Ilooven.
Wharton Reubaa B Kelley.
Forett Te he lupplltd.
Btnttettt William H. Norerali.
Edwnrd J. Gray. Prtaldenl, and Bn)amin 0
Cenner. Profaanr. Willlamanert Dlcklneon Sem.
Innry, member! af Mulberry Stmt Quarterly
J. R. HykH and A. ). Caok,' mlilloserlet lo
Kla Klang, China.
Superaannalad Thomat Tanayblll, Oeorgt
Berketrener, Fraaklla Draoa, J. A. Calemea,
II 11 Dill Thnnaa II. Rwitur. Oliver Eca. t. A
Melick, G. D. Cheaowetb, William Scbelber, F. .
Orerer, J. W. Bly, Bllehn BuUar, J. P. B-I.b
J. G. MoKnhnn, W. L. HpotUeeod, L. N.Clark.
Ranarnamerarv W. II. Buvana, J. E. Atari,
Reuben Lovelaad, J. F. Da. it. ,
Traaeferrad 0. A. Holmal. to Kntucky
Jneph Gray, to Nebraska 8. L. Bowman, to
tht Philadelphia Coafaroaoe.
Located-Noah Behloiear, J. B. Moore, P. B.
Rack, U. Lisa
Bargains at tub Postoffice. I
have laat meived lha aad laatt aanri
Ml af Wall Paper, Window Bhadn and FUt-
tarat ever braugkt ta Ibie ntliaB of Iba Manly,
which will be nld vary abnp. Aln, s large lot
oftempUaot Cloth, Cnaiaaraa, foreign and do-
me.tie ralttnga.from which nlntlent tnB be made
and erden pramptly filled. Complete tullafrei
111 le $81 j Paula, from 11 1 te I0 Vntt,
ham II to 17. Fill gaaraateed.
oh li lt T. A, 0tm.
Look Out for bprino. I am ra
cel. log tklt wnk Iks fineel Spring Mllllaar;
Ooedl HI hew Myles af Bprlag Hall, Bnraatl
8as alt, Plewars, PMthtra, Agvattes, Aa., aad
aaoh WMb,dariag IhoBpriag aad Sammer Bean at,
t will get all aaw ttyVM M feet as lha; seat late
market. ' - Mm. J. I. Wane.
Olaarfleld, March Ittb, lsfl-lt
Our new Spring goods will be select
ed with Mrs. T. A. FLBri A Oe.
Komombor that Lytlo is County
Agent for Lorrlllerd'aTobaooe,end ess nil them
at faalory prloat, They are tba heat tobaocu Is
market. Try Iheio. If,
Willey says he can give a bettor fit
and belter uli.facllon In clothing than any other
tailor lo tha eounty. Aa a cutter ha oan't ba ex
sailed. mar 10-4t
At tho Rspcblican ofllco is the placo
to get your job work dona. Waara fully prepared
ta do anything In the priming Una, will do It
wall, and at tha right kind of prion. If.
A Fact. An advertisement Inserted
In the RnFOBMcAB wilt reach mora reader! than
If publlabed ia all Iba ether paper! la tha eoun
ty, and soil lha tJeertieei Itaa than ana-half
In other wordt, an sdvarlltrmoat publlabed In
our Jcurnal la worth doublt tht prln of tbnt
charged by any other publiabcr la tba county.
'It Ii a feet." tf.
Willey, the tailor, claims to be tho
neat euttar In ciearntid eounty, and bn ntw on
hand a c&mpltte aliortmant of beautiful cloth for
Spring and Summor luitt for gentleman. No
mlarepraientatlon or denption practiced to af
fect .alee. All good' warranted ai repreeen ted.
Manh 10 41. '
Dental Notice. Or. A. M. Jlilli
woold aay to hit frltndt and formar palimtt that
ht bna aol ratlred from practice St hit bno ao
Induitrloutly clreultttd by tome ptrtonl. hut will
cunlinua to give bit pertoutlattMtlon to all who
may dtilrt It, or ta ateiit Dr. Ueicbhold whea-
avcr required. Nitrvui Oxldt Gat glroo for tha
palnlaai extraotian of tnth. April 14-tf.
A MitVABB. Somo tvil-mltidcd pcreont have
ct roulated mo report that tba irvio uouaa, at Luck
Haven, doce not entertain rlvarmen. On lha
contrary, tha Irvln Houn It upiclnlly prvparad
for that purpoac, tnd at reducod ratel. ap2-2t.
Tha largoat lot of Motto Framea tvtr brought
to the county, at A. J. Jackion'i, In tba weal end
af tha Mention Houat., mar!2.4t.
Wa learn that 0, C. Erolgh hat bum engaged
to eonduet tht Normal Aeadeinv at Lumber City.
Ha will be BtBieted by a gradaale ef lha State
normal eonoot at Indiana, l a., making tniB
aef, a Bcbooi for teaobera. mar.ft-4t
The Lumber City Normal Academy will open
April 2Hth, 1S70, with tho moat encouraging
pro.pnta. Boarding can be had at lower rntuB
them aver before, and tuition ditto. luar.-ft-4t
Buucibk Fob Balk. U. Newton Shew keepi a
full aupply of Fredonia Buggieaand Platform
Wagona for aala. To ba ana at tha Shew Houn
yard. Call on or addreei blm at Clearfield Bean-
ylvanla. may IS-tf.
Oca Huhiirbu Pan Cakt. Dlicauxr ox Ot-P
Pbicbb Sewing Meohinn can now ba purcba.ed
at aierreit a tin and variety atorc, Irom 035 up.
wardt. All kindt of tewing machine! repaired
on mo inorteei notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July 13, 1877.
Wakteo. 500,000 14-fnt shared hoona.dellv.
ared at the railroad, In car load, of 8,0iHI, at all
point! on tha Tyrone A ClnrOald, P. A N Bold
Eagle Valley, and Penn.ylvania Railroads, lor
wnicu i win pay too niguaai market prln.
J. F. KtiAuaa,
OctlO, 1878-tf. CletrOeld, Pa.
W a atan. Delivered at tlio Rail Road
100,8110 20 Inch abaveil .liinilee.
1110,01)0 21-Inch aawed ahinglea.
100,000 feet of pine boardt.
100,0110 14-feet ehaved hoopl.
t.OHO railroad tin.
511,0110 feet of good hemlock board..
For which I will pay lha bigheet merket prlco,
delivered at CleerOeld, or at Buy point oa the
Tyrone A Clearfield lUiirotd.
J. F. Kbabxb.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 1(1,
For Lame Back, Bide nr Cheat un SHILOH'S
POROt'S PLAMTKK. Price 26 ott. Bold by
Htrtawlek A Irwin and C. D. Wattoti, Clearflald,
Fenn t.
Vo fou Ittlltve II.
That In thia town tbara are acorn of peraona
paa.lng our store every day whon Urea arc made
miaerablo by Indigestion, Dytnepiln, Hour nnd
dietrund Stomach, Liver Complaint, Constipa
tion, when for 76 ctt. wt will tell them Shilob'l
Vltaliiar, guaranteed to euro them. Sold by
Uartaelck A Irvln, and C- 1. IValaon. tleameld,
H e Vhalltngt the n'orld.
When wa It; wa bellave, wa have evldenre to
prove that Shllob'a Coatumptlon Cure It dnidcdly
the best Lunx Mtdicint made, in m much at It
will aura a common or Chronle Cough in one half
tba time and relieve Aethma, xtronchltta, Whoop
log Coueti, Croup, and ahow mora caeca of Coo-
tumptlon eurod than nil otberl. It will euro
when tbey tail, It it pieaiant to tekt, harmleaa to
tno younge.l child aud wa guarantee what we bbv:
rrm, lu eta. tv eta. and Sl.uu. ll your Lunge
arc acre. Cheat or Hack lame uet Bhilob t foroui
Pleater. Sold by Hartawiok A Irvln, 0. D. Wat
nn, Cleiraeld, Pa.
The Drath-rate ot
Our eountr; la getting to bt fearfully alarming,
the average of Ufa being luaened every ;rer,
without any reaaonaule aeuae, dttth rctultlng
gentrally from Uia molt la.ignifioant origin. At
tbii tcaton oi tnt year eipeeiaily, a aold it tuoh
a common that in the hurry of every day Ufa we
arc apt to everlooh tbe dangeri attending It and
too often find too late, that a Fovor or Lung
trohble has already let la. Thtunndt Ion thtir
llvn thit way tvery winter, while bad lionlin a
Uerman Syrup been taken, a cure wuutd have re-
anlted, and a lerge bill from a doctor avoided.
For a II dlBtini of the end lunga, Botohn I
German Byrnp hu proven Ittclf to ta tha great.
ett dlnovtr; of itt kind la medicine. Ever;
druggitt ra tbii country will leu you or lit woo
dcrful licet. Over 030,000 holtln nld latt year
without a lioglt failure koonn.
Just ICocelvecl! -
Just Rocnivod by ARNOLD, at
C U K V K.N S V 1 LL K :
Car Load Nova Scotia Tlaslorl
Car Load pure Corn, Rye and Oats
Liiop i
Car Load iveaken hull I
Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1
Car I.oau Dryoods, G rocorios, io. !
Hsiimirics, iiarK. it. jf. ties and
(iruiD will bs takon In exchnnge.
I urwonsvillo, Way l, 1878.
3Vervout DobilKy.
Vltnl WenknaM or DvpreBBloa : a weak
axhauatcd fnling, ao anercv or murage : the ra'
auit ol mental over-won, inaiicreiiont or
BircnMB, or lomt drain upon tht intern ll al
wnya cured b; liumpbrcy't Homivpathle Spnine
No. 211. It toon ap ar.d Invigorate! the ayalcm,
dispels tha gloom and deapondenoy, imparts
stTcngth and anorgv, atnps tha drain nail ra-
jurenatea tbe entire maa. linn need twenty
yurt with pcrtnt luoeett by tbontandt. Sold b;
dealers. Price, 11 par eingle viel, or $6 per
package of flva vialt and 12 vial of powder. Bent
by mail on renlpt of prin.
Ad.lresB llumplireya llomcrpstlilc
Medicine Company, lull Folloa Bt N. Y.
c. u. Watson, Agent, Clnrheld, fa.
tepU 18, 1878 1y.
KtiiieinM nnd Texas.
It Ii lo ih iatfirtft of ncrtnni foin to Kadiu
or Trim to toltol oo of Iho direct ronlct by
which qmek lla u Bn, ibrourn nrt ran, una
flomrurtftdlt MOominotlftlioDi provltltil. Auohr
t&Mt tho "rn-iiiDaii non. tunai pr emi-
F'ltowlnit U time or Viy Kxpren trint vi
P lltndle Riiutti : I.hti Fltltinr) 8:41 ft. m.,
1:47 p. rriv at h.. Louil 1M ft. m,t 9:00
p. m.j Rrrlro at hnM L'lty H":ia p. m., 10:12
ft. toe uoiBcotiooi ftr rauio in f oiob uapoii t
Jniil.nnpoln, tit. L -uii ftod Kftntni Ctt fur all
point! Welt and 8outhwMU
To ftOtamnodtiU hui Dm itnlgrfttiog, ftrntDf
menu hro been pfrferterl to run ft Through
Ooftofa TaMtlftj of ob wwk (Mm Plttitmr to
hiniM fit 7, fin "raa uaatiM nni, mm oat
ont obiiiffa. In Unlen Uepot, Ht. Lotiii. Jhli
etr Ii MiiiforUbly uphnlitirtxl, nnd wiH fc run
(t regular Kxpreia tia. loftvlog limon Depot,
I'lttiburf, at 11:47 p. m.averj i umij.
If job are nnabla ta prooan tn rough ttnkett to
polnti In Mlriurl, Arkamaa, Tni, Kan mi,
Colorado or lha IWthwtit, fcy tha direct and
papular "Pan-Hand. Kooia," at your naarait
railroad lUt.on, call on W. D. Htohbt, Agent,
Uniii Dapot, Filt.bgrg, Pa,, or n-MraM W. I.
O'llftixa, UeneraJ I'aifanger Agant "1'an 11 ami l
Root," Columbna, Ohio, fab.Jfl, It tin.
At the realeeaeeef Janet H. Turntr, K.a,., la
Wallaetton, aa Tbartday, Mateh 2uih, li, by
Kir. W. II. Mtlltra, Mr. UenrKn 0. Turner Bail
Mln Marr A. Weteel, Beth er WeUaeatea, Clear
field IOBB1J, Pa.
AtBollela, oa rVl J.T, M.r, k Hat, 179, b;
inttpk P. I.J ler, Eat,, Mr. Aaaitat Rider Bad
Mi.s Miller, botk ef Dig Hut, J.Her.tD
eeanlv, Pa.
At tba raaldaaee ef Ike krlda'a falbtr, Mr. Jal.
ThoaapauB, oo Wedaeedtv avealnt, Mareb 2Hh,
IHTv. hv Hav. (leerite llly, Mr. Fred. a. liver
and Mm Nellie U. Theaptn, betb ef Careen-
villa, l a.
ib Bloont loernshlii, en Tbursdav. March 17th,
18)t, b; Utr. VVtlbaeh, Mr. J. A. Kaarr,
tad Mlat illl, StepheBB, all af Clt.rtsid luaalr,
In Lawraaee tawnablp, Olearfield eouat,, Pa.
ea Handav avaaiaf, Mareb Ifllb, 1879, Martba A.
lib af J. Aleak A a lee, aajatl U jaara, ateatha
aae 3a davt.
fa loeiB.hlr. Btat Tronlvlll.- ClttrBtld
taaalr, Pa.,,. Mareb lub, lat, Loaiit
, wife of Jaeob L. BoaulL g4 Ulurt,
A Mid IS 4yf.
In Knoi townihlp, on ThoriJar, March 8th,
170, Klvtra Klliabath, daofatar of kobart 0.
and Harah Hunter agad tf ictri, I nontbi and
? day..
Thou hat gnna and UftBi, Ktla 1
Oh I tbjr loll wa deeply feat (
Bat 'twai Qod who did bareaTa ai,
Ua aan all aur aorrowi baa I.
Thon dldit luffor muoh on tartb. Ella,
Hut thy inlTirlngi now ara o'ar
And wa bopa that wa will meat you
Ua thai bright and poacelul it. ore.
Alas 1 how shangad that local y flower,
Wbieb bloom)d aud ebaarad our heart j
Fair Heating oonfort of an boar
Uuw loon we're railed to part.
6ha died Id Jaiui, and Ii hlaatf :
How calm her iluuberi ara I
From aaferlng and Oom biir sliwaiffd,
And freed frum ovary in a re.
Why abould yoa rei youraoul or fait I
No more ilia'll fiiitjouj
Your aoal will mount to heaven at latt.
And tbara your Kll view. ti. M.
Iu Dell townahit', after a protraated lllneii, on
Thuriday, February SOtb, 1871, Uoraoe, only
obild ol Henry ii. Motlbea, and Ollie, bn late
wife, aged 3 yeari, 10 nuntbi aud 1 dayi.
In tba death of thle little boy Mr. UoUbeo baa
been called to part with tha lait manibtr of bli
family It la but three yean ilnea bii wifa OlUe
(dauahLor of Jatuai Uullurray) fell ft victim to
ooninmption, In one year after marriage, leaving
to hli eare little Horace, then ft belpleu baue. it
warned from that time a doublo ihareof love wa
laviihed upon blm, and, being taken Into tht
heart! and home tit Mr. alcUhee'a parent i, tbey
fairly Idollied the bright protnlilng obild. For
almoit four yean bia life wai Interwoven with
theln, and in many iweet and nnmelaii wiyi be
wen their fondant ifTectlon. HU tp fancy wai pe
culiarly free from llli, and tha pronlie of man
hood wai all that eould be deilred. But bow
often ii the flower In iU full fluth of maturity
gathered by the deitroyer and tbe bud aearca an
folded when blighting ll neareit 1
Thoaa wbo recall little lloraoe aa ha played
about LU Lome, or followed bli father or olher
memben of tha family, ai theyiuperintended the
affalri of Luilnuii, will rcmimber the Joyoui
light ef hit large luatroua eyci, bii iprigbtly
ipeeubei, and winning wayi. Ho wai a general
fa tori ta, and being an only obi id, anumoiuericM,
wai the pet of the homi. Truly It wai no cotn
muo trial to loie mch a child and.lo hava mch
itrongtiei lundeml. Death auiptiai the home,
bat not the heart ; thai keepi iU datliog aafa even
ibouch tutflf ilgbU How many know through
bitter eipirknce tie acbu of utter lonellneii, the
tilenca nerer broken by the found of ft voice wo
till keep llitenlng for, tha longing for the aoft
touch of a v anii lied hand or tba waiting for the
patter of little feet that oouie not again. Aa em
inent writer bai laid, "tba largest boorutiuiti in
tbe world U tha groat bouiebold or the sorrow
lug." In almoit every borne ii itoroJ away
among iti molt oheriibed treat area, ft few broken
toyi, ft half worn cap, a pair of tiny ibuoi, all
tell a ilory too deep for teuri. Sucb a wound
eannot be bound up hut by a Saviour1! hand.
Thete are hli wayi to draw bi umta tn blm,
and only tba hand that takei tba treaiure oaa
beat and lanotify the lorrow. Wa know tbat uoa
li good and doth not willingly afllint. Theie nre
gathered home that we might bear the voice of
Jeiuii that our hold on aarth'mlght ba looianed
and the real objeot of ilitenoe bora bj praiied
opon our ftttcntion. why weep lot tnoie wno
bava early gone to reit, with the now withered
flowan mingling with their duit. Tbey are mfe
Wep rather that our pilgrimage ll through ft
world of temptation and nn, and that moeft or
ita dron and mildew will itain our garment! ere
we lay lifo'a burden down. May Uud in mercy
mark ni for hia own
"And bring ui at last to our Fnther! boun- .
To our Fnthor'i home In the ikii ;
Where tbe hope of our loul ihall have no blight
And eur lore no broken ti.
Wa ihftll r-am on tbe banki of tbi river of paaoe,
And bathe In tba bliasful tide t
And one of the juyi of our heaven ihall ba
The little boy tbat died. " .
Ci.BariBLD, Pa., April 1, 187U.
Floor, per cw
1 15
Buckwheat Flour, ptrowt..
Corn Ileal, per cwt
I 811
I 411
1 lb
1 00
1 00
Ctinp, rye, perowt
thup, tuiicil, per ewt
Ilren, per cwt
Wheat, per nu.liel
Hye, per uu.hel i.
Oata, per buahel
Corn, eara, per baahtl
Buckwntat, per buahel
Fotatoet, per bmhel
Applet, per buabel.... .....
llaml, per pound
Shoulder, per pou.ia .
Dried Beef, per pound
Cblokcnt, par pair
Butter, per pound
F.uki, per doien
Salt, per taek, large
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pound
Dried Applei, per pound...
Dried I'tacbea, per pound..
UeenB, per buahel
1 110
ta loo
. 7
I no
, b
PiltliAPRLPRiA, March Jll. Dreadituffa are Arm.
Cotton la better, and aelli at lori(flluI for mid
Fluur and Meal The floor market Ii unohing
ad, 6a lee of 1,300 barrel, including Minn aota
eitra family, at ff bOOti VO ; I'euDiylvania ae.
do., Bt M ?60ti 5 Wanlern do. 4o., at tbub 60 ;
and patent and other high grade! at$i S6(jvT a0 ;
alio, 5,000 barreli I'itv. Uirard, Proirreia, Cam
den, Frankford, Egypt, and Mount Vernon, on
ncret tenni. lira fl'uar li iteadyat $3 7i(t3 si,
vornmeai n nouitnfty nncnanged.
tlratn Wheat ii Id fair demand and higher
Salea of o.tmt) bunheli, lnohiltag Fennaykania
red, at 1 I ft Hi ljl : PeinnTlvania and Sunt hern
amlter, $110; and No. S Wertern red, elevator,
at $1 Ui. Hye li ateady at Mt&So for We item
ana renniyiraoik. Lorn ti Brm ana in utr de
mand for local eonitimptlon. Salea of 5,00
buahela, lnelading rejected, at 4u(i41ic ! alcamer
do, ao., at 4i(a,4Uio t Boatiiern
(a,4o f (l, mind, track and grain depot, at
4.10 ; and Mil. elevator, at 44ie. UaU are loaot
tva. Salea of 6,000 buaheli, Including mixed, at
so (v 9 to. After tha leeond eail or the open
board yetterday aftirnooa 2.r.,0i,0 baiheli April
com lold ftt Asilc ; and 5,009 buaheli My
corn al ej0, . .
Whiik, li itea-Jy.
Catrano, March 31. Flour itiady and on
ohanged. Wbeftt unaettted, doling tower ; No. S red win
ter, $1 01 (ml 02 j ho. 3 Chicago UprloR. freth,
lo regular, 9?o fur eaih and April; V:lo lor
Way f No. I do., bOo f rejected, Aae.
Corn dull and a ihado lower ; freh, Sljo ; reg
alar, Xlje for eaih and April ; X6e for May; t0e
for June.
Oata quiet hut ateady ,- 21 to fur cash and April;
21,o for May. Jiic for Jane.
llye ateady and uaohahged.
liar ley eaaier at fi5fa,HTo.
At tha oltie Wheat wai ilronger at 80i tld
for oash ; VMe hid for May.
Corn firmer but not quotably higher.
Oata lUady and unchanged.
ON and after Monday, NOV. 4, 1678, thi
Passenger Trains will rua dally (except Son
daya) betweaa Tyrontand Oltarleld, as follow! .
W. fl. Plomhir, Conductor.
Vanaeovoe,.... .2b, "
Hammll, 0 to, "
PowelUl, Oil,
Oeoeola,.., 10.12, "
llojolon, .......10.17, "
8leioeT .,.......10.aj,
(IraO.m 10 1H,
Blue Ball 10.37,"
Walleoeloll,...l0.44, "
Pillar, 10.1,1,
Barrett, 11.07, "
Leonard 11.13, "
Clearlald 11.10, "
Wa. l. FtHotna, Oondaotor.
Curwenavllle.. I ll t. a
Clearlald 7:10 "
I.eon.rd, ..... Ml "
Barren 7 a
Woodlead Ml "
llljler .07 "
Wallaoelaa,.. IJ "
Blue Ball,.,., b ib "
Oraham 46 "
Pklllpibarf,.. t "
Blelner'a, .10 "
Doynlon 9.1b m
OK.ola,. ...... 0 "
Poaellon 10 00 '
Banailt, .I0.D0
Vanaeojoe,..ll.07 "
Tjron -I1.M "
Pbilipttiar...4 IS
(Iraham 4.40
Blaa Ball...4.a
rii(ler.. .J.
Wood lead .4
Barrett, t.67
Leonard, It
Cleerteld, Hit
Cloaa eonnaetlena ttada bj all tralBl at TjroM
and Leek Hava.
arlT-tf. gepertntendent.
A atatelttvat CerweBtvilltdailv for Reynolde.
villi, et 1 e'tlotk, .., arriving at ReyaoldevUle
al a eleek, p. Retarnkng, leevea Heynolde
villa dally, at T e'eltek, a. aa., arriving at Car-
newville at 12 a lloek, at. Vara, aetb tray, 11.
A aleae leevel CarwaMvlllealellv, at I a'tloek
a. n.. for llalloli Cilr. errl.lna at BnUolt City
I at e'eloeh, f. m,
ttevarenag, earn fuoeio m.
11 T t'elocb, a. daily, reltiiigal Carwawllleat
" entitoi, fare, aaoa way, ai
Carwtntvlllt,..i.KI, r.b
OlaarteleV 1.40,
Leonard 14V, "
Barrett ..J.S4, "
Woodland, 4.01, "
Illler 4 0,
Wallaoetoa 4.17,
Blaa Hall, 4 !!, "
Oraham 41, "
l'hlll,.tur, ... Hi, "
Steiner'a 4..1H, "
Beynton 4.40, "
Osoaola,, "
Powelton Hli, "
rtiiminit B.I a, "
Tan tee; oe, b.3b, "
Tjron 8.06, "
.1.1ft r. ia.
.J0 er
144 "
J.t3 "
4 01 '
Fall and Winter Goods
in great variety, are now open and ready for sale, at
(by Binn.ll buyers), at the widely and well known Dry GooiIb
Store of
T, .A. FLECK & CO.
It ia only necessary for ua to announce to tho public tbnt with the
constantly increasing demand, we are ever enlarging our stock,
both in quantity nnd that ony and every thing
' needed in the raot durable and fashionable lines
. . of goods can be had at our store at nil times. Our
goods have beun selected in person by Mr. Fleck, mostly
nt tho manufacturers, nnd by buying in large quantities, we
save tho jobbers' profit, and
We nlso have one of the very best Milliners constantly at her
place, ready to trim "
in the very latest styles, nnd we
' i 1...1 i ht: ri
irusiuu io luins uiusiy s euro win ue pleasingly execuieu.
Wo kuow whereof we speak, that we will make it to the interest
of all persons wishing to buy Dry
ami examine our stocK belore buying elsewhere.
Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street,
fj,;' ' : -iL . --
mi nr ., . i- . . - -j ui, aim 1. 1 m .
1 Ww.
jt!r-Send frr riastratcd and rricaa! Liberal Tcnua to the Trade.
Don't buy until you have seen the lightest running machine in
the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR."
MIIHM.KTOIVN, CONN., and Hut, VJ9 aud V1 WatMtaU Avenue, CUIVAOu, ILL,
5,000 Rail Road Ties
Corwenavlllt, Pa. Jan. I, ''8-tt
hi B. Gaimburg' Growry Stort, Fttoni ftreet,
ai. t,r iu '
V IMTOOIU, I I. J"m- I "
ifrned wifhei to ((ire notif tbnt nh will
opto ft tobool In tb Leonard school building, In
tbii borough, n tht first Monday la Ma ntxt
tht &thtn ounttnuo IhrM m ont hi.
8mll tbHdren will bt Uwght by th Klndtr
gftrlci tatbod. -
Trot S per ivholar, to It pull on tbt firtt
tiny of Bftbonl.
Furthir Inforrafttifin In ift-ud to itudift and
torai can ba bad by emlling on or aiMiruing
bbaw H(u-c, ClurQld, Ta.
Fob. 12, lm-Sm.
Of I'BKN TO Wlli HIP, liKu'o.
fJolloa i hereby girrn to tbs fcutrt of laid d
Ofdent, that on Mtrrh 10th, 1HTW, vpsn tbe ptti
tlon of Fretman J. W1d, a rult wat granted on
tbt widow and hcln to ihow oauio why there
should oot bt unecific perfurmanco of eontrart for
tbt pnrrhHRt of ral wtatt mnd betwtva Frta
nan J. Wala and William Wain, tbt deoHent,
and deed for tht lamt mad to Frttmnn J. Wain
by tht Sheriff, and SatunUy, May Xd, 1S7, it 10
o'eloflk a. m., rmfow Frank 0. Marrit, Eq., Cum
mUiloatr, at tba offlt of Murray 4 U onion, la
Ultarliald, li fixed aa tho Lima and place of taking
tnatiuiony on said rule. The testimony to be re
ported to tht Conrt oa the first day of Junt Term ,
1H7V, when tht Court will bt anked to make a
deed to period the 1st lo to Freeman J. Walo, tha
ptlitloner. MURRAY A (JOlUtON,
Att'ys for Freeman 3. Wain.
Claarfiald, 1'a-, Mar. 26, 187W-4L
Lumber City
Normal Academy.
The ninth imiion of the I.nmber City Normal
Arademy will open April SXth, 1879. and eon
Liaua ilitaec weeks, with a vaoatlan.
C C. Kuiigh Principal.
Mi.-F Miirgie Mitchell Asilitant.
Mr. Kmiah, having tauih: here daring the past
year, Is already knnwa. Mist Mitchell Is a grad
uate or tut ntaie normal ocdooi, ai inuiui,
and a lad; of fine acoornnlmbmonti.
All branches taught from the alphabet lo the
ciiAKUBS won Tim ibum.
(Out fourth to bt paid on entering school.)
Primary course ... . -
Intermediate oourte - A W
Englinh course T f0
Knglinti eounte, with Algebra t. 00
Ihgher branehes - 9 v
This school baa produced some of tha best
teachers in tht county. It hat tht beet system of
grado ponlble. It is conducted by eiperlenoed
Lumber City affords eieellent ehur bei; plenty
of good boarding at $1.00 per week beautiful
sconery ; opportunities for healthful amusements,
and a lire singiog sahool, eondurtod by Prof.
Uloota. for lull to torn, at ion can on or aaurets
tba Principal, er P. 0. 11 KLL, President.
V. it. r r.KHi urn, reo.
Lumber City, Pa., liar. IS, l7H-tf.
Vote Early and Often!
rpilKY Invlle yon lo rail at their Store in the
J. Opera House, 1'Lli tUFIKLU, I'A., and it
tlio belt aod cbeapeat alooR 01
Gents' Furnlshinfi; (ioods, Ac,
Their larce aad tletbt tltek nf toedt
ef all tlyles md arlott ll LAUUbV Mlhi-K8'
i i.vk a.rn uka rr siioks,
Wblob will nit all kltdt of eittoraari. Alto,
qehts' fine boots & shoes.
ThU ta the only place In Clearfield county
where lha celebrated
Driving Boots and Shoes
oaa ba keenM. HOYS' tad YOUTHS' BOOTS
aad 8IIOKS of all klnda.
Alto, a otrtrallj teleeted tisortnont of
: labbtr See Ibt evtrvWd;, eoealeting af
It II It II i: It 1IOOTH,
laTJiajEEMElTS oxms, &6.
Also, ft aaw ityla ef Lwebermaa's Oaata. being
theAKTIOS with solid bottoms, which are eat).
itdrd a grt Inpravenent a tbe aid etylt. .
p4T- Pleas ell aad tiatalM aor gaodt.
CUirfletl, Ti., Hwremhw , HTH m.
i . '
nro thus enabled to poll nt
guarauteo tbat any work en-
:n t. i i i-.i
Goods of all descriptions, to call
Improveirats September, 1878''
i r uti no mill il lur um ugniisa in .
Ja ptogruelilt,welMwoirerto the World
Important Improvements.
Kotvrilhntnriiliug tbe VICTOE haa long been
tbt pcrr of any marbiud iu tho market a fact
supported by a boat of volunteer vutneeawa ire
notr coofiilcnlly clnim for It greater
timplicitr, A voridcrful redaction of
j friction, anil altogether a Han Com
&inalioitoZfiriWfl Quoitit. ForiaU
by alcrchanU Oliil utlicra.
Prices of Shingles,
Cerwenivillft, "ira. a, '78-tf. ,
ABanklliatKcver Breaks.
Try My Coal.
Tbe nndt-signad adopts tbii method of Inform
ing the nnmeroui ooninmeri, tbat his eoal bank
it not a Winter arrangement only, but tbat It
will bt operated in tbt Snmmar at well aa Win
ter. I claim that I hart tha.
Eest Coal in the Market,
and will tail It for easb, or la exohaoge for floor,
fetd, groorrie. etc. Large ooo tracts will be
made at a rery small prof t. For full partianlara
call on mt in parsoa, residing la one of Qraham 't
upper bouses, or add rets ma throngh tht poit
ullioe. Ordars left at tba postoffiet will reeeira
prompt attention. TH08. A. DUCKETT.
CIsarDeld, Pa., Jan. ft, 1879-tf.
W. tf. HOFFEIt,
'.': ' .
IKMIM Nt), Tlllllili (IPKItA HOlmB,
Clearfield, Pa.,
iii:ai.i:h in
fnrpoK Oil Clothei,
Etc., Etc., Etc,
IN liX(IIAX;H Foil UtMll
AT M.tllklCT PIIK I'.X.
t'lrarfleld. Pa., Kept. Irt, IH1H If.
I v I
Wiliamsport BootSi
'.,.; Elmira Boots,
Driving Boots and Shoes,
Claflin's Boots & Shoes,
Boys' Boots & Shoes,
flino Boots
BP aaeu
Stoga BootU
With a jjnrtrat variety of Ladles', Ml teas and
RrniiKR oonns,
' Tha altn(til raiaaairallt iarkai latt altea
tiim ef tha people of Clearfield eoaaty, te tbele.
aew ttoelt or tat above naaied ffmla. Coaalre lalen la tieaaaini lee (ixKia. .'
Print u lew at tbt leeeet.
MeliAtldHIT tllOvTlRK,
Removed le Was. Reoa e aid tta.1, Ballad tk,
' Olearttld, Pa., Dee. , IITI-Jae.
For Sale or Rente
Situs ted two doors out af Bank. Best basloest
part of ('urweatTilla. For irm. apply to J. D.
THOMPSON, at blseffloa, or 11. U. THOMPSON
al tba Express office. Cur wen rills. Pa.
March ft, lHTtML
Market Mtreet, 1'lfarBeld, P
atiauriCTvaaft aan naibaa in
Harncs, Bridlet, &iddtes. Collan. and
Horse-lrni$hing Goods.
phAU kinds of repalrinj promptly attended
to, Haddlers' Hardware, Horse 11 rut bet. Carry
Combs, Ao., always on band aad for sale at tba
lowttt oftth arioa. (Mafeh Hf, 1879.
Nolioola hereby gives that Letters of Ad
uiiaiitratioa an tha aetata of LB AH BLOOM.
laU of Pika township, Olaarfleld eounty, Penn'a.
deeeaaad, bating beeo duly graatad ta tha
undersigned, all persons Indebted ta said aetata
will pleaea make immediate pay meat, aad these
baring elaimi or demands ettait tba same will
pratent them properly authenticated for set lit
uentwithou! delay. liKO. II. HALL,
Ckarficld, Pa., Mar. I A, 1B7 0L
la hereby giTen that Letter! of Admlnlstra
Uid on the estate of HKNRY S1NKAHINB. late
of Oolieb township, Clearfield eounty, Pa., dee'J,
bar log been duly granted to tba undersigned, all
persons indebted to said astaU will please make
immediate payment, and those having elaiou or
demands will present them properly authenticated
for settlement without delay.
Etnith'i Mills, Marok I, UTIMt. Aduin'r.
Is hereby giren tbat Letters of Administra
tion en tbe estate of DAVID A. CATHCAKT, lata
of Knoi township. Clearfield eounty, Penn'a,,
aea u, n eying fteea auiy graotael ta tao under
sis;nad,all peraona Indebted to aaid estate, will
f i lease make immediate payment, and those kav
ng elalms or dciaands will prateat them properly
autheotloaUd for settlement without delay.
Now Millport. Mareb ft, ls7V 6l.J Admia'r.
CAHTION-AII person! are hereby warned
aveinst purchaainc er in anv wa meddlinv
with the following property now in (be possession
of Frank Head, of Lawrenoe township, vis t Oaa
gray Bullion, about tight years old. The for,
going property was purchased by ma at private
sale on the 27th day of June, 1874, and It allowed
to. remain In the possession of aaid Frank Read
on loan only, tubjeot to my order at any time.
aUAiriiftW aSAv.
March 19, 1S79ML
CAUTION. All pertoBS are kerebywaraml
asalnst purohasloc oris anr war meddlin
with tbe following property, now ia the posses,
of Kapoleon F. Coudriet, of Covington township,
vis : One horse, 1 cows, t calves, 1 plow, 1 har
row, 1 two-horse wagon, SO bushels oats, I toni
ay, a uos straw, i tauoie ana bridle, 1 kellle,
aogr, .iu Duauais poiaioee, n log cnains, I setts
r double and si Dele trees. SO ebiokeaa. all tha
farming utensils and household furniture, as tha
same wa pnrahaead bj me at Drirata tale on tbe
Hthdayof BrpUmber, 170, and ta allowed te
remain with hia on loan only, subject to my
order at any time. ADOLPU PAttOAT.
tf renobville, Mar. SO, l7W-8t
Allegheny Valley Railroad.
N and after Monday, Dee. I Oth. 187
the passenaer trains will run dailv
undav) between Red Bank and Driftwood
follows t
EAHTvVARO. Day Hall lea vat Pittsburg
30 a.m.; Red Bank 11:50: Bli to Junction I-oh
New Bethlehem 1:07 n. a.: Mavarilla 1M,
TnTl:S0; Brookvilte 1:09 Fuitar's 13 ; ReT.
oldavilla 3:51 j Dullois 8:33 i Summit Tunnel
49; Penfield4:0a; Weedvilla 4:17 1 Bantaetto
ft9 ; arrives at Driftwood at ft:ftft.
U hMT WAR UDav Mail leaves Drift.
2.15 p. m.t Benesetta 1:0V i Weedvilla l ia.
Penfield 1:6f Bum rait Tonne! 1:07 j DuBoia S-30i
Reyooldsville 2:63 : fuller's S:ft7: Brookvillo X !
Troy 3:40; Maysrills 4:1ft; New Bethlehem 4:29 j
nugo junction o:iu; Ked tiank ft:!7 j arrivaa at
Pittsburg at 0:10 p. m.
SHY' Tba Revnoldirllle Aeeommodatian u
Reynoldsville daily at 7:60 a. m.( and arrlvea at
Krd Bank at )1:U0 a. m.t Pittsburgh at 2:3ft p.m.
Leaves Pittsburgh at 3:10 p. n.- Bed Bank at
bo p. u., arriving ai neyneidsvUla at 9:0ft p. m.
Close eonnectloas mada with trains m P. ii
Railroad at Driftvood, and with traina ob tha
Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank.
ifAViu HcCAROO.Gea'l 6up't
A. A. Jatciioaf, fiup't L. U. Dir.
The undersiiriied Would Inform tho
he Is now running a stage Una between Olaarfleld
and Veil Geld, three times a week.
The stage leaves Clearfield on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays, at 8 o'clock a. m., arriving
at Penfield at IS o'clock ta. Keturiiag same
days. Leaves Penfield at 4 o'clock p. m., arriv
ing at Clearfield at 8 o'olook p. m.
uonneeuoB u made witb trains oa tha Low
Grade K. R. at Penfield. Fare, each way, $1.50.
u&u. w. UJUKUAUT.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 13, 1878
Would resMetfuIlv aotifv th nattlu HAn.
that ha haa removed hia Qrooary Store from
Bbaw's Raw, to the building formerly ooeapied
by J. Milea Kratsar, oa Seooad street, a ett door
to Uigler'i hardware store, where ha in ten da
keeping a full Una of
U It O 13 II I E S.
SUGARS aad 81 RUP8, of all fniu,
TEAS, Ones and Black.
COFFER, Routed tad Greta.
All klnda Ib tba market.
PICKLES, Id an aad barrel!.
SPICES, la every fons aad varitt.
Coal Oil and Lamp CMmnayi.
And a rood aaaortment of thai. lain.. ..-
kept In a froearj tlora, whlrb be will uckanae
for marketing at tba markat prleaa.
will let tor eatb al ebeaplj at aa at ear ana.
Pleata call tnd tea kla alaeb ul l.a
. tJ ; . Jons Mooaoohit.
CWiCeld. Jta . Hit.
State Normal Nchool.
(Eiyhth Normal School District.)
Lock Haven, Clinton CoH Ta.
A. X. R A UB, A. M., Principal.
Thia Sobool tt at tireaiat eoatlllaud. ilMih.
varv beat faeilitiaa for Proreaalonal and ri..i..i
Dull. line, tnaoloaa, lavltlnf and eamnoJIna. ,
eemnlelel; healed by ateam, well venlileled, aad
famished with a boaatifBl aappty af pure water,
toft tprlrg watev.
Bjooatlon Beelthnil aad easy of aeeett.
SorroiiBdiof Menery anaorptaaed.
Teaebarl linwianeeiL ecleaL and allv. I.
their work.
IMtelptlna, trm hot kind, aairom and thereae-h.
Ktprasaa moderate.
Ffty eeatl a wtek dedaetlaa ta tkaoaB..a.lna
teteaek. '
Sladenta admitted any tlata.
Coareaa of atudv preaerlbad bv lb. Hiai. , t
Model Heheel. 1 1. Prtparatary. Ill, llamaa.
Ury. IV. Icientiie.
Atwoaov cacaaa :
I. Aeedemll. II. Commercial. III. Ifaile,
IV. Art.
Tba KlemeBtary and Selantlla aomrta ate Pre.
feetlooal, tnd tladtatt rradaatlaa taenia rami
State lliplomae, eoaferrlBg tea followlaf aorraa
poaamg aegreta : maaieeei iaa Bolaaaaa. UrM
aalea ia tha other eoanet reteire Nermal Certia.
eatte ef their auaiamaata. tigaad by the f aealty.
i na rraietaiBB. wuaiaae are iiaerat, aae ara
In Iboroagbaaet net iotariet ta tkaaa af enr httt
Tbe Sula rea,airet a b later arelar ef altleoa
tbtp. Tbe timet demaad H. ll la eae af tha
prima ehjatU ef thia teaeel tt help letaaara lib),
rarniebiag laulligael aad eftoieal taaahera for
bar aeboela. Te thia and It telleitt yeaag par.
anal of goed abllillea aad goad pnrpeeee thaaa
wba desire ta Improve their tieta had their taU
cbU, at itadenla. Te nil rath tt aeemteee aid ia
de.el'plng their powera aad abnadaat appena.
Bitlea for well paid laear alur laavlag tehool.
For eeialogue nnd terma addreaa tba Priaelpel.
B. tl. BALL,
Preeideat Benrd ef Tratltai.
Cllatoa toanly.-S. D, Ball, T. 0. Hippie, r.
J. H. Barton, A. H. Reel, J.eob Brawa, Wllaaei
Ruler, A. N. tab, W. W. Ranbla, R. . Oook.
Semael Chriat, t. Klatalag, S. M. tlleblied, M. L.
Diafanhnah, A. O. Neyaa, i R. Peala.
Uentre ka-ttov. A. 8. Cartla.
rieavneld la.Uoe, Wat. ttlglar.
Rlh-Chariaa R. larley.
Leek Uavan, fab. It, ll.lf