THE REPUBLICAN CLEARFIELD,' PA. WIDSg3PAT MORNING, MARCH. 1, 1ITI. Termi of Subscription. ' .TA. .rut th. aed before ! Booth. i M i ::.afi.h...Blrotl.BOf iIB0Bbt... I M Call on Him. Our mbtaafTrieuil, Willoy aayi ha can rAhUr fit it. von., jr., 01 ueeearia mwbbbip, anting tad Better eatlafaetloB la eloiBtBg toaa u; hw gone late tha houl aarlaesi ll Olta Hope, we tailor la tha maty. Al ntUi h aa'l at beipe for hla t liberal alar of pebll nalroa I celled, a at 11.11 age. Bm bU erd .ewhero 1b thll Imbo, 1 U Will b obsorvgd by Our Oblttiarj beeoe el Al.i.W.uo.'i.tlai (Jill ..dge,,, Tola record elaeehero, that tbe borough ef New Week- phoBa," Bad "Mb bogasy Win Flag Catcadlah.' Isgtea haa laai eat af lu aged iUIihi, who ih nth II It reipeted by ell. Mn. MeMarrey leata b large Inle at reletlrei bob ltd l awara ber demlee. Bargains at tni Poarorrioi. I birs Jul melted the largeet Bad laeal eeeort- T)r. H. 11. VanValiah. uf thit bor. "at of Wall Paper, Wladow shadee aad Fli- BBik, haa remote! hla otto from Ikt 11 .renls '' hronghl to thll bIIbb of Ika aaaatt, a. rarraaaix.1. m tse., ..--i i iieiidiae aa ate aaUaaaBB. a.raa ar flial ana woiea win mm aoie terr pm. ' -a- -- ..Tldrerlillng A genu, If Pork Row, Boracr . 1Ua.ta. .her. kt aaa ka Ibaad at all llmaa of aaaiplBl ml Clelh, Caialaero, forelga aad do- ......a Btreet, are our dalj aatbortted AgaaH , , . .4. meet), aaittaei.rrea wbleh Boleetloa. aaa as bumIs . ... ww annamaiv m ,- - - ' 1. M.a 10" - i a asd order promptly lILd. CoapUt mill froa til to $30 1 Feata, from 11.11 (a 10 Vitl, Pita guareBleod. P. A. Gatnia. HELK1IOUS HOTICBaV. ...ii.l Ealaaapal Ctareh R.. J. t. Arouucnt Court. Court adjourn- ad ob lait Tbenday aalll WedBoedey, April loth, I fopl g ,. t. wkaa aa Goarl will Wb bold for tko nou u -wusaat, Putor. B.rtlee try ebbalh pnrpoot of dlipoilng of bbmi Ib wblob BO Jary U H lot A.M., aad Tt r. M. . aooanorjf to adjait ollbir tbo law "V.-i.a.k..l . a M D"" L. "7, ' .1 Tl . M I I t " . - . ,-, . 1 r 0 taw or oqalty of tbo OoBD BBlM BortloB, trot B.bbatk of B.arj SuPIRVIaOP. FOR CHST. Forty. oBl, at ivi a. m. 1 tuuaai af Ika aanar ar Watlarar aad of ii mm K n.irrn. P.,hiB. Oboit lawBiblp potltltaad tbt Ooart at Marok ,.' .u gaador. at a'alaak, P. M. Baailaj Torn la appolat Joka Addloaaa gapanlior for 8.,lalH,P.M. AUaralarUdtoaiuod. id dUlrlot. Tbo Oo.rt graatad tb. roqaaot of wr, plUo.r, Au.,k.aj Praibvterlaa Ckarch Rot. B. 8. BariaB. ,D, pHio.,. larrloai noralag aad BTaalag .a- 8intenoid. Two vlctlmi of thU aouatr woro aoaroUiloaad by Jadgo Orrll laat wook to aiakoaproloBgadTlilt to Allogboay City, ai follow! 1 Blabard Wllwa, for tba ltrnty of ill kaiboU of bnekwktit, 111 naloaood to pay a Ino af II, ooati of proMQQtlofl, and to bo tmprUoaod Ib tbo City for a Buy your Motto Prsme of A.J. JaabBMit iu ti Xaaooa Vwaa, Markot otraat. auill-lt. 1 B Th iw mill ot John Irwin, Sr., at tko raoalk af Wolf raa, la Lawnaat Uwaiklp, wat toully dottroyad by tra aboal I 'look -torday (Taaday) raoralag. Remember that LvUa Is County Aioal for Lorrlllard'iTobaooo.aad oaa nil tkm at raolory prIaM. Tbty Bra tbo but tobaooai ia raarbaL Try tkia. - Red Bur." and many other new araadl af imoktag tobaaao.roruioaoiy at sioa. WaUoB't Tobaaaa Bad MWllr, Markat Mraol appottlo Ooart Baaia, Cloartald. rata loll We have now on hand aeveral thous and Int-olaM aaTalopai, wblob wo will priat far kaiiBMi Boa, ar aaybody alaa, at prlaai tba aaa ot ka rlrallod. Call aad mtkoa. tf. Trv the new brands of Began at Alai. WBUoa'r, wiling at I for I ooaU f t for i aaatli I bbbU aitra It eaata, aad I for It oaaU. HolklBg hi Biarkat atB eenpara wltk Uaaj. nob IB-at Oaa HuaaBBB Paa Oart. Diioopwt aa Old Paioai. Sowing Maoblaoi can Bow ba portibaaW a ''AraUil lia aio '"'"7 i, 1. -F-warda. All kiaa 1 St a. ,imf Buty' n.alrd oa tbo iborUit aotloa. Cloartald, Pa., Joij iZi Sobool at I P. M.-Pray.r MooUag adnaf Ami roaing. BBPtlat Chrch.-R.l.J.A.Al.OBBD( Pal tor. 8.rriooior, B.bbatk raoralag luraaliag, at 101 o'olook A. M., aad tl P. at. SBbbalk Bihool at I P. M. Proyar MaXlag a.ry Wooauday OTOBingi parlod of Ibrao Joan Rlobard P. Daaa, for aggrtTBtad aiiaolt aad baUary.wai BtBtoaaod la pay a taa of II, oooU af New Firm. Rett. Fullertun and Uarr, L''II bbt. p.robMl tko rootaarul dwp , um , tna aaa aiiaaw or eaaiaai a. oauoro, ia ibu n(- ... . u , nu,. ..-. Mr. Baltort kai roatorad bll faailly lata tba raiUoaat raooatly oaeaplad by Tbol. J. MoOal laagh, Eaa., oa Boooad itraot, t. francla' Chart CathalleRoT. P. ' 1! . . l 1 .....a. PraaoblntatlOlo'olook, A.M.,oa rr. rw,il J tlm-nhlr third aad loortk Saadayoof oaok awBtk; " , " 7V . Jk ------ lil woro raarriod lait wook. aed tlx aunt la Woiurn PoeltoBtlary. Bboria Poata, with tba bbots aaaud prlroaara la obargo, loft yoatorday, by way sf Poatold, erar tka Law Grado Railroad, aad by tklt (Wad- la athar wordr, tboia ooidny) norulag will, bo doabt, karo tkorn oafoly TDIlWt"."" . . .1, , . y7Z'l "k, Vut-ljH- !- h aoaaolldawd, ud korn.r l.dgl wllbl. tk. wall, af ta. W-ura PobIm- aluraaoa at I o'oIbob. OFFICIAL DIBBCTORY. tiai or aoiaiBa gDiaraa aaMioai oouwr. BaKBd Moaday af aaaary. Tklrd Moaday of Maroa. yutt Monday of Juaa. ' Poartk Moaday of Boptabor. Tiaa or BoLBiaa caaaoa HUI. Pint Moaday af Jaao. Haooad Moaday af KoToaibor. roiLio orricaaa. PrariaW JmdfBn. Charlai A. Mayor, III aa pabllikad u oaa. Wa wlik tba adllon llary, I aad proprietor Major Joka MoMarray, aad Wa. 0. Clark oaoooM la tko aow soUrpriaa, . Clrarpiild Coal Tradi. State- aant af Ooal aed athar fralgbta ioal erar taa !) Daa.iinan We have for Tyroaa A Cloartald Imtatoa, Faaaaylvaaia aau- aoaa tiaa aaaa aagagad la aaklag aat kiln aad road, for tka waak oadiag Marak Itlk, 1111, aad lalaaaata, aad dropping taaa lata tba poitoBoa, tbo lama lias lait yaar 1 far tka aaraaea af rariTlna Ika aaaory af ear I coil.. aaaareai aoattluoola, aaay af wkoa eooa to bo awfally forgotfal aboat laall bailaoH affalra. XBeroaaa..M Fur tka wook.... I Saaa Uuo laityoar.. Good Pile The cash receipt at , A... tko Pair aad PuUraL kold ta tko Opora Uoua 8aa( tm; lut Uat W tnr lh k.nsi nf tbo Buitlat oononaa' i. Lack Haroa. ... ,... ...lui 1. .v..., ajnn pMti aai! for I Iooroaia , iiMoialo Udan Abram Ogdoa, Cloartold J Tlnooal B. Moll, daartold. rolAonoMry III Blooa. gtciun mmi Hnorinh. J. Morgaa. ftilriol iilor..y-Wa. M. M.Colloagk. Trmmmrnnr Philip DotU. r. fji.Ji Ponti. Jr. Itnm'l i-Cbrlot. J. Koaitiy, Cloartold Co.m, Smrmttor Baaaol P. MoClookoy, Car. "'aII.i.'(l(i(oaiTi 0. W. Kylor, Gnhaa. ton P. 0.; Klah Johnoton, Graapina Hilli P. 0.; Julia Norrll, Sr., Carwoniflllo. Count, Amdiur Willl.a V. Wright, Chwr. told; JoropB Uliuiana, xurww .u , .... WnArilsnd. (J,..i. QuroMT J. B. NorT, Now Woahlngtoa. tbo littlo briob konto oa Sooood itrool. during tko Total la UTI.. af Unl too, and dnrlag ory bad woalhor. ' " lBoroaaa.....M. mm otbbb raaiaBTa, Killed. A Mrs. Mcintosh, residing at Danbar, waa at Uioaola oa Moaday obopplag, (.atabor., aad wbilo aa bar way hoaa la tbo oToalog, la tko MiooolUnoouo froighto. rlolalty of Wilkor Brotkora plaalng Bill, war raa aaar aad kllUd by tka loooaotlro of a ooal trnla OB tba Houtidalo braaoh. Bho loarol a kulbaad aad ooooklld. ......... ,tti tl,311 1I1,01 .......lIloan lit HOAU MATTERS. Potllioa for pablia road from point aa tko pabld ml loading from Hontidalo to Burling, at ar aoar Ibo proatlM of Jobo Maurloo, lB Woodward Aiinifnna' M aayrTMil Th Antr.f Aa MBbly apprond Mareb 11.1. A. D. lirt.roqoiroi townlhlp, to iatorHOt pobllo road laadlng froa lb. aaronab .nd tawB.bla Aadlton U Boot aa- B.otid.l. to OkboIb, at or Boar tba dirldlag Mao ...11. ib. imnd Mond.t af Aarll. for tbo of Daulur aad Woodward lowniblpo. Vlo J ,JiM.onr Dr. J.moa P. Harobt.ld, , .,.- lk. 8 .aaolBtad Miloholl. Adaa Kopbart aad C"."'1J7..!' ir'Vfuu' lliluV L Mo- paapblat law. of 1871, p.g. H. B.ttl.a..t d.y W. A. R..B.. arrli. S"-"-l' - Qgmat tbl. ,r 0. tba 14 af April. PslUta snatoi for ti.w.r. to U, .at raad jl.,. ,,. ,.. J.aaaW. Carlila, a m froa J. B. Droarlor'a, to pabllo road loading froi otioo al Lalhoribarg Pa. No DlSTlltCTlON. Conference people Roobtoa ta Baaalt Toanol. Vlawora .ppololod A'.lon. rmtiu joob it. " ''l7, aaaa la bo a.d. oat or tbo aaao lias mat logie- 00 0 Klrk Darld JDroaalar aad Cbarloi oao.uga, v. . .7 4 ! laton ara. Tba Prraobara a.aa to o. waienaa aa ,. t i- w w aAirf. i.urw.naTina 1 ,. A. iitiik-1 .ioni.'DnBoia City.' w.ll a. Aaaaablyaw aad Banatora. Waaolloo p,llti.0 for road froa Wa.' i B.ady m nMMMii-- . loat ibo uonirai runniyiTani. vuohkbu. Uownablp, ta pabllo road aoar allaa Ballay a, la Oar SptcM column la dociaeniy lauroaiing ia .ppolotad tbraa laraillguiag aoamuiaai, u, 100a B d ,0nlbl0. Palltlaa graalad. Vl.war. ap aflat tba aplrltual auadoat af Brotaora n liaoa, 0rg. 0. Klik, Obarlaa Goodlaadar Curry .Bit Woanar. .,j gaaual, Roport of riawora to rH.ta and aupply thai a loo.l point of alow, aad protubla raadtag onlildera who wool ta Bar. aonoy. VEB, OPCUURHBI "'Will you tab. wheat, oata or 00 rn for tub. acription V Wa ara oflea ioqolrod of la thla way fcy Utlar froa patroaa who roiido at a dillanoa T ; rin. Mnn..inln, ,it.nlttnnH XJiai, ui luiLvio luniniiiiiiK u.i. .,... 1 . . . . n-it-i- .,.,! la tbo Poatottoa al Cloartold, for tlo waak andtag P"" P " . " Marok 14, 1171 1 Elliott Borkholdtr, Mra. B. A. Holt, Bogh Ir- tIb.O. B. Maltara, Joba MoUairk, Anala Pifar, froa Cla.rt.ld. Wa again aay Jmt. Tb. raaalpU Jaaaa W. W.lkloa, Carria M. Walab. . . 1.1. mill oanar la Ika T- A- Oattua, P. M. aad Mra. Brook'a, la Brady lowaahlp. Cootraod KM. Raport ot rlawara lo riow aad lay oat a road la.dlng froa Blabard Hughea A Oo., aa rtad MadLng lo Dunbar, thanoa by tb. aaaraat aad boat roat. la lataraaot public road loading from Plib f lelnlrr. will an.wer aa Joat aa wall aa tba aaib. fJaiNirn Thibtt Pounds. A eentle- Towa to Oaoaola. ConHrmad iVitl. To illloalrat. 1 If any .f oar patrooo will dallrar aaa whoa, wlfa b.a alwaya baaa too thla to aaka Raport af rlowara to rlaw aad lay aat a raad -in 1 v. u a ahadow. told aa aba Baa g.ta.a .r.r ininy laadiog iroa o. 1. nauooraoa . puuni i, 1 mlm t.bln. n. Itnllf'l Blood .nd l. WnnAwmtd tOWBlhiD. t. RbB.T. ! Goliok la Cb.ll towartlp, Boraoo P.loblo, la Baraald., f Tm (( , , townlb Ooadraad ffW. .. .. 1 J t lit, kvlj.'a ...., ntt Th.raday, M.rob U, 187, by R.. T. Wilton, Mr. 0. P. Riabal, of Claartald oouaty, and Miaa Loab Batarllaa, af Big Boa, Jafaraoa aoualy. At tba Maaaloa jioom, .iwrnaia, oa auoaua?, Marok lBtb, l7,bj Wllliaa M. Blooa, Kaq, Mr. Joba W. Ball aad Miaa Loalaa Bblrarly, all af Claartald aoualy, P.. At la. raaiaaooo 01 ,. .ur, v day, Marok Itlk, lift, by B. B. Bollopatar. Kiq . 11 B... ..,1 af I.. I..... H,nhkar. all al itoakloa, Ctoartald waaty. To Landlordi and Storekeepers. LtUs kaa bb arraBf.a.Bt wltk aa Raatara Cigar Paatory to taat k. aaa Ball .igart ky Ika hoi ar tkoaiBBd at kattoa Bgaral. una uair aigara trial. Willev. ths tailor, claims to b the hut .altar la Cloartold eoaaly, and ka. aew aa kaad a aoaplata uaortaoat af kaaatlfol alolh for Hartal aad Baanar aalu for gaaUaaea. a BlarqiraaaatattoB daoopllaa ataouwa ta ai- faal aalta. AU goada warranto aa rapraualaa. Maroh 1I-4L Demtal Noticr. Br. A. M. Hills wo.ld ray la hla ftlaada aad foraar patlaati that ka kaa not retired froa pnoUoa aa kaa baaa ao ladaatrtoaaly alrealatod ky aaa. aaraaaa. hat will .aatlaaa ta glrakli earaoaal altoattoe to all wha air aaalra lk ar to aaalal Dr. BaiohbaU wbaa raqalrod. Nltroaa Oildt Uaa lr tor ue palalBBiaitraottoBortaoth. April I4-U. A Fact. An advertisement Inserted la Iho RBralLioaa will naoh Bar. raadara tbaa If BabUabad la all tba other aapora la tba ooaa ly.aad Boat tba adrartlaal lato taaa ana-aaii Ia athar warda, aa adrarilaaaaat pabllabM ie oar Jcaraal la worth double tk. prloe of that bar gad by aay athar pabllabar la the Bounty, It U a feet. TtiwnvAi.. The attention or our patroaa la oalled to the fut that wa bars ramtrrad oar goada to tba More rooa feraorly eaoaplod by Wa. Ratd, adjatoat to Powatl'a Bardwara atom, wbora eaatoaara win led oar rtooh largaly ra- plaaiabad with bow good. TbU way for year Boota, Shoal aed Oanla' Paralableg Gooda aar-l 4t McOiroaar A Sbowebb. Look Out por Spring. I am re- oalrlag tbl. waak th. taut Spring Milliner; Goada la bow atylea of Bpriag Bala, Boaaati, Baa Ball, Plowors, Paa lb ara, Agrattoa, A.., aad eaoh waak,darlng tk. Spring aad Bnamat aMaoai, I will gat all aaw atylea aa fut aa tkey oomo into markat. Mat. 1. B. WaTaoa. Claartald, Marok ICth, 1171-11 111 about two weeks it will be law fal to oatoh trout. Bora yoaetamlaod yoer red, reel, llnaa, tiaa, hooka, Aa. W. knew of en. aaa who to Bah. a raid oa tb. "ba.ntlai" wilb th. dawa af Tund.y, April lit, 1171. Bat I. th. point. If not, go at oao. to Border. Oaa and Planing Taokla atora aad gat tba Irat "plok" ef hi. lamania I took ef Piahi.g Taokl. that h. baa raoalrad. aarlt-lt. 5 em 3,drtlSfmftttj. sua. t. ' ib. kAMaspl. f Ntw Wil, In: ton. oa Wd BMd.7. Mftnh 6th, 1879, S.rivh, lh of RdimI CLEABFULB MABKETS. CkBiariBLD, Pa., Maroh tt, IS79, Floor, per owt. Baokwbaal Ploar, por awl. Cora Maal, por owl .. Chop, rye, perewt.... Chop, mixed, por ewt.M urea, par owi Wheat, par buihel.....i.... Rya, par baibel.. Oata, par baabal ijora, ear., pr eaaaai.n., pwbuih Potatooa, par baabal ....... Applto, p.r bnahel . llama, par peund Shoulder, por peaBi....MMM urted seal, per poena ChlakeBB, per ...... .......... Butter, per Bouad. Egga, par doaen Bait, par took, lergo....H -..., Coal Oil, per galloB .t.M....' Lord, par poaod Dried Applea, per peaad.,.... Dried Paaobae., per pound. Beeaa, per baabal .....i ' law.. 11 Tt SB 1 SO 1 40 1 :t 1 00 1 Ab ii 0 1 00 40 to 100 11 I " 1J 40 f It j eo it 10 . t 0 t to WASHINGTON HOUSE, GLEN T10PK, PINN'A. TBI aadonlgaad, ha.ini leaaad Ihia eoa Bodloaa Hotel, la tbo TUIege of Glae Bope, i. aow prepared to aeooaaodato all who any oall. My table end bar aball be aapplied with tba boat th. Bark.t afford.. UKOKMK W. DUTTB, ir. Glan Bop., Fa., Maroh It, 1870 If. ADMINlttrBATOB'S NOTIt'K. Notiee la karoby glraa that Lettora of Ad Blalatratloa on Ibo eitate of LBAB BLOOM, late of Pike town. hip, Cloartald Bounty, Ponn'a, deoeaod, hating baaa duly granted to tha aadaralgned. all peraoaa ledabted to aald aetata will plaaae ouaa- -i-Jia jTtnfn, heriog olelma or demaoda egaiaat the oama wul prcaaot thorn properly aalbanliaeted for aetUe- mentwilhout delay. UEO. H. BALL, AamlBlatraiar. Claartald, Pa., Mar. it, 1879-St. tUfdlaoufu.. CAUTKIN. All paraoaa an bareby warned egelnat purohailng or in any way meddling with the following property, now la the poaiee of Napoleon P. Coudriot, of Coriagten lowaahlp, rla : One bona, I oowa, ealraa, 1 plow, 1 bar row, 1 Iwo-borae wagoe, tt baihela eete, toaa bay, I toaa alrew, 1 aaddle and bridle, 1 kettle, S hogr, SO buabala potaloea, t log ohaiaa, I aalla ef aonblo end oingle troea, It ahlokoea, Bll the farming ulanilla .nd bouaabold furaitura, aa the bm wa. pnroh.aad by me at prirata aaie oa the 14th day of Boplotnbor, Kit, end la allowed to remain with htm oa loan only, aubjeet to ay order et aay time. ADOLPB PAR0AT. t renohrillo, Mar. M, l7-3t flAUTIOM All penona era hereby weraod J eaeinat ourabaainB or Ib aay way aaddliBf with Ib. following prop.rty,now lo th. poaaaaeioo ef John B. Sbaror, of Brady towaahip, Tie: On. oow, 1 yeerling oalf, t piga, 1 Bore wheel lo the f ound, S boda end bedding, 1 eupboerd, Oohelra, table, M yarda oerpet, 1 eook atore aad atoaall a, lot of bay, lot of queaoaware, lot of Unware, Bad a lot of potatoee, aa the aeino waa parehaaad by meoa the lib day ef Maroh, l7f, aad ia lafl with hla oa loaa only, aabjeot to my order at aayMeae. JUSbB L1BKS. Lutberaberg, P.., Mar. It, lS;t-lt Thomei B. Porcey, ia Urabem, Wm. Porter or tor Th,x billoaanaaa, bleed aad aerte Sbae'e, la Lawreaoe, or Brown A Beyl.r'a, at dlnaa, faaele waakaaaaN. Por aala by HarU KeokloB. Deloa towaahip, aad forwent 1 wiek A Irrln, Draggiato, Olaarleld, Pe. Tetelpla,for tba emouat, wa will erodlt thea oa ahetr aceouBt for the eerae. bbob pey whet they owe, If tbay will puraae thla eonree. Evidentlt Muddled. The Hunt- la thla aay all Bay iagdea Jfeeitor U raapeaalblo for thla t " Tbll i. what aa abieat-Biaded Leak Hafea aaa did aa a raeaat SuBday t The day being balmy, he aer- Thare we. only an. saee oa the etril Hit triad leal week, Til I A. 0. Tata, Adalolatrater of Pbllaader Bmlth, dao'd, Tl. Praak A. Plemmlng. Admlniatretor ef Crawford Gellegbar, wltk notice la B. A. Irrlo, Gamlibee. Vardlot waa feend la fator of Plaintiff, for Hit. BpttiaU. Tb. largeit lot of MoUo Preaea Brer broogbt to the eounty, et A. J. waoiaon a, ia w-.. . of the Meailos Boaaa. aaru-ei. We leare that 0. 0. lalgb hai been eagaged im Annltnn Normal AfledemT mt LaBBer City. Be will ba aaalaled by a frodaola of the Bleu Normal School al Indiana, Pa., aaklag tbia to oa., a eahooi for toeebera. mer-e-a. The Lumbar City Normal Aoadaay will oaea April Ilth, 1ST0, with tba Boat onooaragtng areaDOOta. Bearding eaa ba had et lower ratal uaa erer eaiere, mmm wMwe Look out for the 1st ol April. "You a.n 'I fool a. ! " A now Court House will be built at RUgw.y tba eoalag Baamer. More snow fell Tharaday algbt eboal bb Licenses. The Court disposed of the riad bla orareoat at ha auppoead, oa kla ara, but pttltlona for hotel, ralooa aad wholoaale lieaaae, the leugkleg ef tbo people la ebureb directed bla eat week, aa followa I euaatloa to tbo feet that ha had tokaa kia ererr- aorni. ktcaean eaanraB. day naaUleoae. aad that the luieeadert aUeohed Theme. Moore - Boetadele. to tbea were aaagllag eboathU Vagi.- Rlobard Medlgaa ITTIIliaH vamu Petriok Bhlalda in this region last bora, aow aoperiataudeet of the Capitol greaada VThiaa P.rk.!"". a aad building, at Barrliburg, aad a aaabar of I Hlt gBM The trout fishers will enter upon Ikalr datta aa tha Iral ef April anU Oaiilin, at the Postofflce, makes a grand dlalay a' "all papar. Look .1 II. The "Loan Art Catalogue," lound th.fatar.. ahould bo ataaiea ay aur ran aereraor Boyl'e ataeT, paid bla Cloarlold eoaaty Patrick Dana.. rrl.Bda a rlelt lut week. Be .peat aararal day. M,i',';V la tbia plaea aad CarwaaaUle. Tba Coloaal j,,,,, j,LaagBllB beare hll hoearl aeekly aad reauaata hla Clear, a. H. Bbew - laid frlaada to kaal kla ap wkaa tbay happen to W. 0. Cerdea....i drop lato Marrlabarg, where he will be foand la j J" j-jji"' jaa oar Irat aega aad Paatltal paepto. E. K. 8eaoel Balllbeo.... George W. DbtU,.,., Five hundred sa wanUd to get eauat WUto'BtoiloilBgaatafcUibaeBtiaLtoar. laid. ar ta-ia. Tknmnann'a ftrnat Healinir Mile Hert. Oiataant haa eared eeaa. ef badly froeea ft 'a7 " -f?-' .M ...OIaarlald. ....CarwoBirllla. .N.Waab'a. OMeele, " ' Hi.kiu Oeollina.. aad toaa, uklng ths froal aat sad h..img ta. gmUh ri parte. Reently a aaa Bad BU large toe treaan Wm. Behwea, Jr... ee that a part of the teak eaa. or, leering tha Emanuel Kanta,,, " I 11 a II BaawilaB- . aoaa la nas BlaeM alaoet ban. Ha applies toe "";""' Them will ha serTices in ttia Be. Ini.toii.l aa abora. Bad la a abort tlae ked a bow ,, Aadrawa Ckarek. la ClearSeld, oit Bahbat p-oered by I. K. Thoapaoa. TltBlTllla, ccm Uulaoa Prfea It eaBto. J.aiew ..Bred Towaahip, Baooeria Coviagtoa M aeraiBg aad aeeatBf . fx- . T.ul- tlajvan - Her. It. a. r leicnur ui av- totbarabarg. rraeehad la tba ClaartaM t .ik.r. Cbureh lait " BJ'f " , , Sabbath tMralng and erealag. Per by eU la CU.rt.ld, and by S.wi-1 (toorga S. nooeeeor, Jaaaa b.ooaaia, TnGRAROERS. The PatrOIlS Of llus- Mary Elianbowar..., taodry heya aoaetklag to aay oa tko Irat page U. M. Plynn paper tklaweak. LaWTaBoe Grange, No. J, l-;: til. aeeaea to be allra to Us dutyt We hope other w w , GreBgea will Mia talk We here bit of room William 8blelda, rru. n r,f the Leonard f.r auok toitlrlkatloBa. u "ino aiooa o, ,o. al UB Vy UAAAAUV-V kl.'a v -- - - Aft M. JR. Lewis haa been appointed poalauter at few Millport, ClearSeld eeaaiy,i A. rooa ef fobs Pol, nalgned. , , HMMMMH.Greeaweed " , Buatoa " m " ".'.'..'.'.'.'.Morrl. .Paaa " ..Woodward " 'a Bradad SahooU will bo bald la Tim't Opera Home a Tberidey etaaing, April Wth., . . . A special sale of fifty nw buuy wagoaa at Uerhaen' Baaaar, Philadelphia, April Id. Be. adeerUeeaeat la thle paper. Willoy, in Clearfield, is now ready to make olotbee la Spring atylea. Call and BM hll taaplM. Mer. It-la. Farmers in the eastern part of this Cut. eoanaeaood plowlag two weekl ego. Ia iki. .ln th.e ara walllal for tke aaow to Belt .away. Among lbs names of postmasters undated tor the weak, eadlag March lttk, lt, ere aeUee the aeae ef Tkoae. B. Bottle, el Weodlaad, Is thla ooBBty. Bew. 3. A. Aldred, Baptist, offlelaUd la th. Olaa.rt.ld PreeeyUrlaa Cbarak laet Sabbath BtorBlaa; fey B. H. B. Ballaf, who ll tatarlng trea a aetata etfld and lore throat, Mr. Shloss gives notice that la will eoallaee to eeU gooda at hie .lore Ie lh Opera Baaee, ta tht) pleat, at prtrato rale, aatU taeatap, April lat, et greet redootioa oa foraar prleel. Ona of our entororising merchants, Mr. W. I. Holler, la sew la the oily puroneeleg a fnlleapply ef Bprieg gawda ef ell hlada, whiah hs WIN aapaok la hla raaaw, la Pl', "para ueaoa, aefewdaja : , i eeeaaa Tho Conference Daily of Friday Bate: - Ra. R. B. Wlleeawoa eeaplotoly tladl toted kt tke eeert ef trlel aad kla ehereetsr paaiad apoa by tb. Ooaferaaae." Thai reeda juat like tb. wladlBg ap af a ConfiwiloaBi, at wgn lellre latoatlgetiag Coaalltee. lateatigetiea. slway. leea to laprere Ike ehareeter ar tte la eeetlgsled. e m It will be observed by a notice in deit toaaa the! Miaa Jaaee, fe.erahly haowa to aeay af oar aillaaal, prepoaea to apea aalact Mbool la toll place, Ie April, ea the Kladergariea Ua. Tbl, Ii a aaw fealere la toeeblag, bat we eelieta it to ka ea Improtemcat, la boom epeeta, ee the e44 wytum. George Hall, Administrator of Leah Meoa, doceeeed, (itea aaUoeby aa edrertlaoaoal to aaethn eoloaa aad by hilla priated al thla, Ual ho will offer el pablle aale. ea the Hit dey ad Mareb aeit, til Ika Masai preparty be eagi.g to eeid deceased, et her leto reeideaao la Pike toweihiB. for torlBar parttoalan, see BdeerttenBeelerkilM. The members of tha Baptist congro I'tWe e CUeileld derlra to toader their heert- talt taiaka to Ike pablia far their geaerea. doe a ttoae .red liberal patreeag aatlag aha Pair aad Stomal Mat Week, rr Bearing M a Baaetea am, to tke Cereet Wad. for lee .aaalleat aselt fara abed daring peah aeealng. eapeoiejly Ie the Beaten ef the Orpbeee kaad wha ployad tta PBODUCE MAEftET EEPOET PaiianBLrBia, March 14.-BraadataD"a are dull J .4m draanine. Cotton la ia good Iceland aad higher, doling BtlOJlOtororBiaaiinie. Plour end Meal Flour ii dull lad woah. Belea of 1(10 barrela. lneludlng mteneie oaire naiij, m.dlooi aed feeae. el 14.60(0,480 1 Peanitlta- .i. t n. et Ba.raraiftt woilerado. do. mediua end fanoy, el l4.Woy4.t2,, end piuat end other high grade, et OiM. ""r ""'! " tl.75(o,JH4, Coroaeal la aominally quoted el 11,40 f. e. b. for Breedealoe. I Grain Wheat la dull hut Heady. Belea of! I, 000 buihela, inolndlng Pennlyltenle red, et II. 191 1 ember, Irak end grain depot, et ll.U(,l. I'll end No. I wealera red, alaeelor, et ll-H. Bye ll onaKired. Corn la laaotteo aau uewneagaa. re'ee oi ,"" Inotudlng rejected, and iteamer, traik and grain depot, at tl4llo eell, aoulbare yellow, etoat, et 44c ; aall, miaed, Woltarn, at 4Sc; and aail, elaretor, BtHic O.te era week. Belea of 4,100 buahela, lacluding mlaed, et IK2ei eod ablta et 13o. At tha aeoond oall el the open boerd yeaterday efteratroa 10,000 boihala of May corn aold at 4ol(a)441ci and after Iba aeoond call t.OO bnibele aay wneal et ei tot- Whliby ia dull. Baaa or oiiy eeneie w....... at $1,061. ,. . . Oaioaao, March J4.-PIoar ll Heady aad bb- wk..ile dall end a abada lower: No. 1 red winter, 11 01; No. t Chicago ipring. freak, Ol.Ci do. rejol.r. Il.c for caik i tttjo for April ; 0.11(9 31c for May No. 1 do., to ; rcjeated, " for caih and April, SSc. for Beyl and Sijo. for June. a . Oata are aleady end lo rnlr oeoneo , -b eeb eod April ,- lite tor Mey- Kyo la aeaier at eetgjaio. Barley la dull, wank and lower et MfaJOo. Fall and Winter - Goods in great variety, are nuw open and ready for sale, at PRICES THAT CANNOT BE COMPETED?, (by small buyers), at tho widely and well known Dry Goods Store of ' " ' T. A. FLECK & CO. , It is only necessary for us to announce to the public that with the constantly increasing demand, we are ever enlarging our stock, both in quantity and variety, so that any and everything needed in the most durable and fashionable lines of goods can bo had at our store at all times. Our goods have been selected in person by Mr. Fleck, mostly at tho manufacturers, and by buying in largo quantities, we save the jobbers' profit, and are ' thus enabled to sell at VERY LOW FIGURES. We also have one of the very best Milliners constantly at her placo, ready to trim V: ' fj HATS fe 3aOIXV3S'X'S in the very latest styles, and we guarantee that any work en . trusted to Miss Grestv's care will be pleasingly executed. We know whereof we speak, that we will make it to the interest of all persons wishing to buy Dry Goods of all descriptions, to call ana examine our stocK Deiore Duying eucnut.ic. UlUSffUatlfOUS. PHOPERTV rK HUNT. Mra. John B. Ilaterty, of l'eaa towaehlp ollora tor real a dwelling bona aad alore re-na, altuelela Ibo tillage ol I'rnntille. Por further i.iK..,inn .,,. t... or addrer. rI , . . Ull. 4. V. -i - r . . . act. iS,7l-lf. OrampleB HIHa. ARNOLD WANTS hinqle Bolls & Saw Logs. Ourwanavllla, Jan. , ft if WANTED. 100,000 SHAVED SHINGLES, B. (loinaburg'e Qrooary Blora, Heoona atrael, Cleertald, Pe. Ja. 'f For Sale or Rents rawToraxj rtooM Pitualed Iwo doora aut of Dank. Beit builneu art of Cnrwenar ror larme appy . niioBwe.or 'i" the Expreii otuce, uurwenitiue, in. Merob 1, l7-4t. AIlMINIMTRATtlH'H lair 1 1 v. as. itouoe 1a hereby given thai Lellere of Admlnlitre- m oo tnaaauiieoi n.nw .... , , , nuk ,..i,in maerncld countt. Pe., doc J, ...i.. kK urmnteil to the nndenignod, ell prraona InJebled lo raid eetele will plena make ,li.t. tietmenl. and tboia haring clalml or in.ndiwlllpreieotthtm properly aulhea Heeled nttlament without dclr. , HKNIIT COMMAW, Btnltb'a Mllla, Maroh 1, 17 . AJiaWr. BIHINIHTRATOR'S NOTIC B.-Notloa i kt. that Lettere of Admlniltra Tonoa theeelete of UAVID A OATH .ART, lata . u.A .minekin. Clearfield county, I'ann e., j. .-j k l.. k jlnle eraatcd 10 the UBder- aigned.all peraona Indebted to aeid eitola, will jlaaae maaa immeaiate pejui., ." n. .lain, or demanda will tbea properly authenticated for aetllamant without delay. l.hMur.L' v. oijyua, New Millport, March I. 1.70 tt.'J Adtnln'r. allroadfi. Pennnylvanla Railroad TYRONK i CLEARFIELD BRANCH OH and after' MoBdey, NOV. 4, 1871, the Pasaaastu Trtvlnl wUI ruB dally (exeeut Bua- deya) between Tyrone end Oleerteld, aa followa t r.--4t ,. ... e ,k. .k...h " whe ere aat aetai. U0BIIB BBrn.BD. erivre ie lee "i 1 , , . ., ,. .. ' . - it.u... i a wtkMk ..WUhkoekoa the tlawr of rarnjeri eaa raBir.. p.. - .. "r Uradford Towa'a. Morria lowaiblp. Liceuaa BBAWTBB. Svlloa la hat ueniuaaioa w ow. . . Claartald Borough, ..j Tk Odtlaeliua ef Wheet,"heceuie s good ..k i ..Carwenatllla a.. I. .r eeeeaaitt a load litliea, aad wheal JohB gcbeurlek - Bredy lowaeklp, I. "Joel mi good ea gold," aad wkoeror rc.pi a good prop la rlok." w. ,.. t a.te.-H.a. ajewioa Shaw kaeaa a fall .apply of Predoaie Beggloe end Platform Wagon, lor aaie. lo ee wmmm et - u. yard. Oall ea ar addraal him at ClasrSeld Peen ayltaala. , , . 't-tf. w .t.o. aat.tea 14-feotaeerod keepa. deltt- ered at lb. railroad, la ear load, ef l.coo, et all k.ite tk. Tvreae a Claeraeia. r. at a., aveiu Bagle Volley, Bad Peaaayltaaia Reilroada, for wbioh I will pay the hlgnort .aerie, price. vctlt, ItTI-tf. oioerlald, a. Warran. DeliTered el the Rail toad lOl.tOS 14 Inch abated eblnglea. ltt.tot 14-laoh BBwed ablnglea. 100,001 feet of pine hoerda. tlt.tat 14-feet .beted boopa, I, Oct railroad tie.. 10,100 feet of good hemlock hoarda. ... .kik I villi nee tea .if eeee aeermee prie dalitared at Claartald, at at aay point an the Tyroaa A Cleerteld Kailroaa. Oleerleld, Pa, Oet It, ll7t-lf. Tha moat Botieler and fregraat Perfume of the dat MHACKMaXAua try ia. woia 07 wlek A Irtla. aad 0. D. Wateea, ClearSeld re. Aag. it Hlt m pa. Jtvi lirrrution rtf. t. I .H.M ee meevneonle will eoBtlnae to infer day alter a.y wne u..p.r. ----alalat, Coa.tlp.Uoa, Boar Stemeob, Oenerel Do. Elllty when that can piooarB al ear .tor. BUI. LOB'S VITAL1IBR, tnm ef eoel If ll doea art eara et rellete them. Price 71 eto. Said bt BarUwlah A Irwla aaa u. " -tew, viiu..a. r iraiefa OalmfeatalM fa KHOmV. K.t. George H. Thayer, ea eld eitiaee of thla etolBlM hnewa to etery eae aa a aaeel lalueotial i,t... mni Chrlatlaa Miaiatar of the at. a, Chorcb Juat ;thla momeat .topped laearitore to let "I wlah etery body to haow th.t I oonild.r lb at both toyoelf aad wife ewe oar 1 1 tee lo, Bbilob'a Coaaatai,t'.oa Cure." It la beting a Iremeadoej ..1 .... m. ecBetera and la atrial nerreel aetia- faolioa ta all cam of Long Dlaaaaea, anck ea aotk- lag .lea kea dene, loarnoa, iao. may ie, ... nr. u.tohett A Piano.. Bold by Uertowtok A Irwia aad 0. O. W.taoa, Cleerteld, Pa. CLEARFIELD MAIL. W. S. Pldbubb, Coaduotor. LIAVI SOOTn., r. a Cleerteld, 1.40, Leonard, l , Berrelt, -Mi " Weedlead,...tBI, Bigler, -.... . Wleoeton,...e.if, Blae BelU...4.1i, Uraliem,.....4.31, Phllinlbarl. ...4.15, Btetaer'e,..,-fd-tll, Boyntoo,, Oaoeele, .4. 61, PewelloB,. ,.B.u, Summit, tit, Veaaoeye.,MMt.te, Tyroav.. LIAVI SOBTB. Tyrone, t.OO.e.a. Vaaaooyoe,.... -at, Summit....... t.tO, Powelloa, l Oaceole, lt.ll, Bo)Blon,, M Stelnar'e, 10.11, " Phllleeburg, lt.II," Oeeaeia....... 10.18, " Dine Dell 10.17," WeJleeatoa,...lt44, Bigler 10.41, " Woodland,, " BerreU,...-..11.07, " Leonard 11.11, " ClearSeld,," Carweaitille,.11.40A.a Mercantile Appraisement. Tbi Tender of VorvlgB nd DoratIe Marehan dlif UUtilleri, Bnwwi, Brokwi, ifl , ia Clw.r ..Id eoantT, will Ukt notto tht tbeT u- priviMd tod flluMd by th indiiKnl AppntMr of MtrohudiM and other Uooono tauos, for tbo 70tvr Wif, m follow.: claai. HuriiaUds Uorouirn tax. 14 Horaeo Patch id, goo'l norebandiio $ T 00 14 Jacktoa Patohia, gta'l norehaadiit..,. T 00 I 14 John C. Coo oar, geo't BerobaDdiN.. T W 14 A. H. Shaffer, ooufoctionorj 7 00 Clari)ei4 BuiMugU. ' 14 M. B. eianls, oonleotieoarr T W 14 J. A. BUdkr, bakerr A ooufoetioMry... 7 00 14 Joba t. Kramer, groeorioo T 00 14 W. J. Hoffer, fo'l ntrebaodiia...WH., 7 00 14 0. 0. A T. W. Moore, bw.UA Sbooi.... T 00 H P. A. Gaalio, Utloo.ry.,m 1 0 IS H. A. Kraliar, dry goodi II 60 11 J 11. Lylle, ffrooonoa Ml JO 00 14 J. F. Fioltbeiner, bakerj A oDroot'ryH 7 00 li lUiItagor 4 Hxn( Clothing in on 14 A lei. Watooa, tobaooo and eifari T 00 14 A. UOaOibarg, olothiog 7 00 14 8. S. button, eonfeotionery T 40 8. a. Boilers, billiard!, 1 Ublo. am W tl Joha Metlaugboy, grooorieo 15 00 H Wm. Powell, hardwaro 10 00 CI ear 15 fid County Baak 10 00 IS T A. Flook A Co., drj good. M IS 60 14 B-1. Bnyuer, jewelry T 00! 14 R. W. Urahaa..drag T 00 B. W. Graham, pateot nodiolnea m. 6 00 10 Biobard Moiaop, gen'l eotrobaodi .... 34 00 14 Kunklo A McCulluugb, ooteolionerj 7 01) 14 Joba A. Bioek, tobaoeo and e igart..,.., 7 00 14 P. M. CardoD, agrieultural tmplemtnU. 7 00 14 0. D. Watioa, drug! M 7 00 C. D. Watson, paleot medio) noe ft 00 14 MeUauRbey A Shower, booU A iboea.. 7 00 14 Kd. Quinthurg, groooriai 7 00 14 Uartawiok A Irwio.dnigi 7 00 llirUw.ok A Irwin, patent medleinoaH- 6 00 14 J. L. Leavy, itovH aad tinwaro...,.. 7 00 15 Uto. Wearer A Co., gen'l aidM,...MHH IS 60 : C. Lolpoldt, brewery 19 oo Harry Kndres, brewery 1ft 00 14 J. W. Nioklio, tewing maoblnee. ....... 7 00 14 Mllei R. Beeri, lewing machine.. 7 00 Cttrwenirllle Borcarht 10 Bamoal Arnold, gen'l nerobandiM, 14 A rrrn Id A Co., gen'l in orcband. 14 D. Vault, f ea'l aierehaadiao 7 00 IS A. 11. Mbaw, gen l mcrban(iiae...mM It IS P. K. Bprenkle, dry gooda 10 14 Korabauga norm, groeria.,..H.. t o 14 W. H. Thunpien, groooriea 7 00 14 Annio M. Irin, genl merehaadtH 7 00 14 B. J. Uatea, boota and iboa. 7 00 14 Jaoob Bilger, hardware 7 00 14 Abraai atM, bard waro. T PO 14 A. M. Kirk, jowelry f 00 14 W. A. Dale, groeertee 7 00 14 Joaeph K. Irwin, droga 7 00 Joaenb R. Irwin, patent Btedioirot ., ft 00 14 Htopbaa OralT, oonfeotiooeriee 7 00 1 Btepbea uran, oiuiaroa, t iao.....M.,. a oo Cnrwet.r-.lle Bank 10 00 14 Uttrnuia Uowpt, UbatMO aad eijrvraee...M 7 00 IloutadaU Boroavli. 1 Unl on Tlardwan Co., hardware.,......., 1ft T. A. FLECK Sc GO. Crdham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. eJRiiilJ M.UI'1 . I Improvements September, mv Batlnir ratal a rt ne o-mami n wrogreeira aa. u Wo1"1 Uie II iolua NEW VICTOR Juawta nt ntsaei, Important Improvements. Nottrilbstaoiling ths VICTOK has loaf Wa the peer Of any midline in lbs market-a fact supported by a hoat of tolnnteer witneaees ws HOW CO undent! t Claim lor ll Kreaver gimpUcily, a arondarfnl redaction of ".friction, and altogether a itan Com fctrwflonoZWiroMc Qwolifiet,.. For salt by Merchants and others. None Sottor. Nono Caoipor. II V Srli for I.OO Strong', vigorous aai Roici, or 10 flaranloml or 10 Fuchilaa or 11 Vertienaa or 11 1'amiea or 11 elngl. relooiai or 5 Ilsakel end Uediling planta or 19 votrumr u lioloupea or U cnrteanmamuiua or ia ia or 10 Uoulile Tubcroie llulba lor 11.00 II Planta H Hal lie (I of tech coleelioa)el.'U or hell Ihia collection 71 l'Unti and Bulln witn aw pure white ageratnm (Blanche) ended ra.uu r tbr whole collection of I'M choice planta nnl ulbi with e plant of Ageretoui lllejicfca or h Piew ecertel Bore tiereniun yntm. ., eJ.kd 19.00. We gnarnntee eele .It lit err J Bipreai. Cur Printed Circular of novKsIforE7eT7bo47."6ontroo.n Harry Chaapcl, FLORIST, 290 West 4th St., WilliamsPort.P a. ten. IB, If.. -ok OLXARFIKLD ACCOMMODAIIOll. Wm. L. Rbo.oi, Cooduclor. LIAVK BOUTU. Ourweaitllla. S.4I a. a Oleerleld Ml " LeoBerd T.U " Barrett, t.Sft " Weodlaad,.-. Bigler - t.07 Wellecetoa,... I.M " Blae BaU,.... Lit Graham l it " PhlllplbOIg 1.10 " Stemer'a,...,.. I ll Borate HI Oaeeole, I " " Powalton. 10 00 ' Bamnlt, It" Vaaaootoe, .ii.oi Tjmne -11-M " A Bad ArrAia.-Last, Friday a weok B teaag aaaa eacned Bobert Mulbolland, bob of Wat. MnlBollead, af Bnmniarhlll lowB.hlp. Oaa brie eonatj, elartel froea kla boaie oa borieheak t. er.H Ihe .O.B..I.. .. .. eoj..... -"' ,., , b. ferfdied. II. r.iui le return al aooa ea waa erpecUd, sad . - - aa Honda, laat a brother alerted Is Beercb of I RA)D Ji;BOBr REPORT MARC B w s ptr. Jaoab Salada - Sandj " rBtirionl wltapsawa. Mlrhael B. Olaall, B.looa i.Cl.nrtld Bor'gb, Jobol(oBgbert7,lr,BeleoB wnOLBIALB LICBStB BBaatBB. PeUr MoreB Hoaladele beroagh All lloaaiia tnoat be lilted wHhls mean aa;. a. i .-J aa kan at at Bfrl V ed al lb. aolal for wbicb Robert bed aol eel Ba waa aieca eeu,.,... leera Ibel be bed aot beea ibare. Oraatlj elera ed be berried heck re hit beate aad ergaalaad a Tb. sua B007 .r Robert wes dleoorere IB the aw d.t. Tb. bom eaa fee ad aear by browilng It It aappoeed that IbejoaeganaB ee wlldarad ear. bit way and died rtea sipeear. TF.Rta. To lie ffeaeroti. M if l "J""1 lerAeiioea a CUetd ftoelf, Pnmlmf 1 . a r.nn..i inneltlew for the BoaBtf ' "" .mm. a tb. bill, .f ia- oa lace- 01 vit r -- -t-- - ai.ue.eia .lien aa br lb utairlcl atvora., . 1 - . .... 1.. trea Mill la BMII ..10.. .. . . I kin. ead uaea. la aar aataaea, ..g tb. t.rloa. ... re. - - .,, who. ,.. tloa kal Bade. W. Blaailaea IB. voan aad lake plaaaare la aeylnf froas tbe eppearaaos . . . ..l iki th. Cam- .1.1, keen Ik.- . Ik. rl. .Igbt. Bmm- Jaalur, V7. Would reeo.. -r--" Ol Wtm IW-aiaa.ej.---., Vo(.PHTi!a Advioi. If yoo would d.,...rW. a. ,a....r.,-.. ..... ... ., WvNruM,r Btrect WBIBIBI ai aiint laa or eeiev -, e--- nreead llgbl. Mr. J. Aaiilov Klewart. a ftirmei rat Idol Bad aire be al ml Ibtl koreaga, bat wbe re- Tte ie Laaeeater eoaaly, Pe a year ar law age, called at eat eatee ewat day east weea. He ll ea.k. kil km. la ClMll.ld eeawiy at tk. 'elare, lelndieg ea aagege al fane lag aear eeed, la Rradlard lew.thhy. H. say. tkal tea be ball Uaeavrlat eewaly leal mmk la. ferei n vara alealae. ml laee ke4 taat ten aa aata laat at sli asrigg Ike yaat Wlalar J tkate.' la tba aaata raaaeet. pretty .are ladieellea af leeas anorela. ifaerieg mmm Aew, Aad Tj'on. la Billeted aomawbal wltk lk. laaaa dlMoae. Tboae pa re, la wke ellew laalr hall grew, deeghlere ta bete tbeir ewa way taool Ibe qeaatlty of sight raaalag U ka ladnlged ka Bay bob. day bobo 10 grief erer Ik fell ef a bated eaa, aad SB roBBdy cea he appltd which will rettero U Ihe a.forte aata h.r ferBer good aaas sad h.r.eter. Iba aaltar ia a aerle.l aaa, and .beald be raeogaleod a. rach ky all ak kata oetrol star yoaag glrla. ryrttaa JTerefal. ., Emm a Rnnoniid Aomnwir. Tba Bollcfutite KewetHeaa of leal week t.t lb. following I "A oet dletteeel.g abeaUeg aoeldoal happened Bt Cealral Clly le Vrldey etealag, al T r. o Uarry, aged leeriiaa, toa of Ba.oel wy- leea. Merry aad bll yoaager araiBer were piej le. eeldler wilb ea eM Baikal la s reoB adjela- lag taa bb eeeapled By aaronx. hai kata Mated V Ml. Wylead with a haety ebarge ef .bet, end tb. heya Bel awara af Ibll. Aner eajoylag lea aporaor.j white, Uarry eel ea a eke It atar la de, bile hla hrh.r took Ibe aeiket froB tb. earatr ml lk. reea, pelBted II al hla la aa .blle,ea di rerllea, aad palled Ibeulgger. Moat aaaipaeud 1,, ef eoaree, laa pier weal of. aad lb. h.aty eb.rge peaotrated tb. little follow'! ebdoaea, breael sad h.ada, aae ef the latter kel.g flirfally eai ap.l TU key aa. readersd .aeoaiiieee, ad rmaiaed la thai Hal. aalll aboat aldnlgbt. At eaa liaee be liked tba doctor ta opaa hla .yea, bat tba Ilea were opea, alfbeagh lb. BeaM al light had appeteally tafl IkesrgaaB. 111. per eall ware wild Bilk grief, Bad tka woeaded hay'l kretaar wat terriMy .freled. After ee.ilbilltr kotue were aeUtraleed ml kil reatery, k eta ae mm Ut t-.-H- " ul II,,. had take lie tight. Bad ea at.B a., a L Malaa wet karled. Tkll ealielleB I i. . kd mo aW Ifc aeaae feallf, eyBpatay et aae weee. e LEAVE WORTH. Trroee, r. a, Veneoojec,....l.ll Huaailt, to Powelloa 1.10 Oeceole,.....ttt BotBtOB, 1-13'e. t.OO Pkilipibarg...e.ti Qreham. ....1-10 Blua Bell Wallaoeloo, .t.ll Bigler 1.18 Woodl.Bd,...t.4t Barrett,.., 1.17 Leogerd, 1.01 Clearfield, t.10 Cerweniville,.7.00 BTAIIB LINKS. A liege leeeea Cerwenatllledally for Reynoldi- tllle,et 1 e'doek, p.B.,artrtingae.e7.oio..... at t o'clock, p. a. neierniog, ...... tllla dallt. at T o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur weaatUleellB'clooa,B. Fare, each way, .. A Itaae Carweaarllla dally, et 1 e'.look T...D..I Tit a. a., for vulJoi. vuy, tr,.inB "-r"" at I o'clock, p. a. Rataniiag, leetea UuBole t a'clook, a.m., dally, erriting at Cuiwenatille II o'clock, m. rare, Baca way, ea. We tlilled tk. Coaaty prlaoa, tnd wea eeeorted Ikrough II by Sharif fmrnU, froa ooller la garrel, ud tnd tb. dwelling aad Jail la earefel beade. ar. M...eiaBd tbt Oaaalaaloaen I hstt lb. weler.alnel thoroughly repaired, si they ar llrely a. at for Baa, end kata already deelreyed aha Uelerlei ia ..teral alaeee. Wa alt ri Bead tbe lop le M teles os in. .n.-otew relied blgh.r aad i foed Hhil.all.l reof pat Ih.reoa. la the t.rei.a efth. OT.nd Ineueil, laere aboald ha a raoa llled ahd faralab ia laaCe lleuaa for theedoeetleaallatereiM el Ue cewaty, waete Ihnee hat lag haataea. wilb tke Beperla Undtel aay kenw where la lad bla. We 1 eeert th kridge eereM Big Olearldd ereak a Ike Phlllpebarg aad Oerweaetllle Tara plko ea t.ry di.ger... aad aaear. for .ratal. We alee reaart tbe kridge aad road el Ike aaatb af Alataader'i raa, la Weedwtfd Ueeihlp.aa ealktalt anaalb aad aall to atita. W. alts report lb. rut. lowa.atp eaa er ibo eabrie rood froa CUarlald U Carweairills ea la e - , .reel eaaael el rrBBir. We reeowmeod laa OearalHleam la parchtee for tbe Ceanly, eoea .1 practical, tb. ClMrleld ersek bridge al Leeaard'a lalaad, IBs i-eaaeet Cite bridge, .ad tbe lower bridge at ll.ara.a 1 thai they any be et ether brl!gei threaghoal the Coaaty opes and free to all peblUj trar.l. T lha Ooart, lu aoerl, Ibe el lee dee ta ef th Oeart Hoar aad Jell, we ettead aar laaakl tmr th sed naruiiM readmd at la lha parfcraaac el ear detUi. All af which lr epMifly BBhaaiitW! aj-fear Will lOM Allow a sold to adteaoe ia year ititca and tkui eaeoareee acr. Mrteaa aaladlH, aaoh Ba aaeuaoBla, hcaerrhegee end long trouhlea wh. B r . ...... . 1 : lu J 1 1 l 11 nd . BeaahWa Uereaaa Byrap kae gaiaed lb largeel aelelB lha world lor lea oore 01 v..,.., ..J tk. mmrm eat Lesi Ulaaeteea. It 1. Dr. Baaehee'l faaoea ueraaa praaerinuo , arepered wilb the peateat cere, end no fear need tl in eanlnlaUriBl It to Iba reeag- eet child, ea par dlractloaa. The eele of tbia Biedlclaa la onpraeraeniea. mnee mm" titer, haa beea a ceaHeal laereeelng daaead, mU wlthott aingle repen ea re.i.r. w m. work la aat aae. Aak yor drngglit .a to the treth ef taeea retaarka. lerge .lea ft eta. Try K aad ha ooarl Bead. July IT, lilt eow-ly. Just Reoelred! Just Rooalred by ARNOLD, at CUEWENSVILtiE: Car toad Nora Scotia Tlaalorl Car Load pun Corn, Ry and Oats Chop 1 nee Tteil Tlaalron Rail! Car Load of Choioa Family Floor 1 Car Load Dry.Goods, Grooaries, io.l taJ-Sbinglet, Bark. R. R. Ties and Grain will ba taken In exohanga. Curwsnaville, May 1, 1878. PHILIP B BURG A MOHH A N ONJ1 RANCH KB LS.tS lOUTB. r. a. l:tt lit 1:10 111 1:10 lit 1S1 1:17 1:01 1:07 1:11 1:4 1:11 T:ll t:Ot tit 1:11 l:i 1:11 1:40 1:11 I SI 1:11 1:31 lit! ITAtloB. Morrledel., 715 Phillptbnrg, T:St Buiner'a UoyntoB, Oeceole, Hoahenneo, Btorling, llootedele, MoCeuloy, Kcndrick'a, Reiaay. jim-Scni for niualralcd Circular and Prioes. Libenl Term to th Tirade."; Don't buy until you have aeen the) lightest running machine in the World.-the Ever Reliable "VICTOR." VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, HlDDl.k.TOW.N,, aad Hoe. 1U anal l Wbaa. Ateaae, CtUOAOv, USm ARNOLD WANTS mm 5,000 Rail Road Ties T 00 OfVWWITlllO, F. .U. V, 'TS-U. (JmtL Y0CS8 HEN for acUt. baalaea. nr. Tk. ..I. inititalioa in Ihe Lolled ftt.M dMroted to Brectloel bmlneaa doaeUoa. School alwetl la tenioa. .nt.r ei ant time. Por circular gtring full pertleeler. addreaa 1. 0. BM1TII, A. U., Merob 1, 187W-1B. Pitlebargb, la. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, r SHAVED AND SAWED. Carwsntelllo, Jaa. I, Tl-tf. s PECIAI, I.EClatATION. MATIC1 la barebt titan U lha aeclle, aad eipeclelly le the clllieni ef fand; lownibip, ri..e.ld Mtett. P... that ea ennlloetlOB will be 4 C. W. Vendueea, Kea aerchaadlae.... f 10 i. t. ika Leeieletere of Ponnarlraala fr the 14 O. W. Venduaau, booti ead aboa..... 100 paaoego of aa Aot to enthoriae the ereetloa and 14 P. Cameron, groeertee t 00 eaeiateneaee ef a Lck-np, to be located at Iks 14 0. LeBgford, tobaeee end cigera...,,, 1 10 tewa ef DaBota, ia aaid towoabip of Beady Bad 9 r. Ltraright a to, gea'l adee so B0 farther, te eathorlle end empower tbo Juaitcea ei II R. B. Bhew, gea'l mereheadlM II SO the Penes ef eeid toaaehie te eoamlt Ikerelo ea 14 J. W. Khoeua, drag! 7 00 Ir0Tad by lew. , JOB. r. TAinilt, r u . e en I 14 K.J. Chaffee, Jewelry .......M T 00 ABankthatNevcr Breaks Try My Coal. Tho andonietood adopt thti method of lofora iog tbo oomaroui oontuinori, thot hii oool bonk to not o wtntor .rr-vaicmoa odit, out toti u will bo oporftUd in tbo Suuaor u well h Win tor. l !! uiot i novo too Best Goal in the Market, tod will Mil It for otib, or ia oiehanfo for floor, iom, frootrtoo, oto. ldtrgo eootroou win i nod at a rorr mall prnlu For full partioula oall on bo ia ponon, rooidiof In ooo of Qrahatn1 onpor houtoi, or addi-Ni mo tbroogh tbo poit- ornoo. urdon (on at iao pooionoo wiu roooii poaipt attoMion. - TKOg. A. DUKRIT. vioaratMp r., jaa. a, ibtf-ii. 14 BtopboB Oandio, frooorioi T Or, W. N; PR0TB1R0. DoBoii, Palfanh II, IWMt - . 11 M. A I.M. Laogp goal morobaadloo.... IS M -TOTICB TO PARENTA. Tho aodor- 1 e elgaed WUJhee le gtta Bene, taaa eee wiu An.a a ankoal le ibe Loonerd aohool building, la Ti- - aa Ika Uotldae la Met BtZt ll in e- -- -::------ - - - I tbe th U eaatlBao leree aooiee. vv Ratatl ahltdree Will bB teUBbt bt 100 lllnaer mm aeathed. - 9 Tcrma ao per .caoar, to o pane wa u a, a. 14 A. Aibton, grocery ead eoBteetieaery.., 7 00 14 J. E. Arnold, atatloaery T to 14 W. J. Bherbaugb, ageat, drugi...... . T M II Andrew uleeaon, dry goodi 11 M. M.ter, notloel. ....... 14 U. I'bariton, aotione . r 00 Lumber City Rorouirh, 11 Dtw A Ceelbrelh, eenl merchendiae... II 10 aaa .r aakaol 14 I). L. TarguioB, geo'l merobandiaa...... 7 10 Purtber InferBetleB la ragard la atudleaand Newbura; Borourh. tertnl eaa he bed by celling oo or addret.lng 7 00 . 11 00 7 I 7 10 11 00 loffatB Noam ' 11:10 11 16 4 . 11:11 4 13:14 4:10 10 10 11:04 4:10 10:31 11:11 UI lt:tt 11:41 1:60 10:41 11:40 1:46 10:61 1 1:33 1:40 11:68 1 1 :0 1:36 Hill 11:11 l:tS BALD EAGLE VALLEY JKANCB. Ea. Mall. . Etp, . . a. a. B. . A.M. e ia BUB Uet. Ttrone errlee l.ll I.Ot 11 a IT Held Kill. . t il 1.01 1.10 ' Juliea j 1.14 t 66 Mllcaharg 11.00 Vellefonte l.4t lt.ll ' Mllcabarg ' 01 10.40 Howard t 41 errlt.L. eUtea leete " TYRONE BTATION. aeeTwABD. Paeile Eipreea liartlabarg Acb'b, l.ll 4.46 4.16 4.0) I. It 7.41 I. on t.49 Hi l.eo l.ll A.M. WBBtWABn. A. lilt Pltlabnrth Eip'H, I II S I Paolll KiprsH, lilt Se. " , l:M Wey Paeacnger, 116 :W Mali Train, t4 lO.-tt Kelt Line, ' ftOI C,ha Petleteea, Me. Wall, Ueerwe Leaip, ' KeeaH Thoapaoa, - W. H. SMgwieh, t ferter Wieat, I m l rifel, -Betid Kewtaia, Jure. KHeevea, A. 0. Tata Foreaaea. Peberl Oreea. A.M. H octet, Plena Th.Bpeea, -r . Jattee ketaelj. U W. Mill, a. W. karelay, Pertay Qtekea, Nervomi lebtlity. vital Wa.kaeee ar IarBraaelaa t a weak reelt.a. aa eaertt er oeereg. 1 lb. r. i. . ...tal .ter work, Indkt.relloaa ar Auu aaaia dreie BOOB the .tatea la al war. aared by Haapbray'. Homapelble Bpeolt. No. II. It leea ap aad latigeral- la eretea, dlipell tbe gloea Bad deipoBd.aay, lajiarti IJ-..k aad art. M.B. the drala Bad re- -. .w taaa. Beea aae ' ,,k .r-,, .aaaaae kt the.iaeji. Bold bt Lalara. P rtea. II wat Blagl. tiet, .et Ber aerbege ef It. tl.l. ead 11 rial ef powder, Bee ay aaau .. I"" rt--. . u ,kU, rwaBa BBBajVr... w.,. - av Modlrlao Co-ap-y. U1 IT""1 Ma C. P. Wm-m, AfMi, Vimi-mwp r-. topi, lip lBTt-lt Kanuin and Texaa. THE DIRECT ROUTE. It ii te Ib. mlarMl of perioaa gelag U Keaaa er Tea ee le eeleet ene ef the direct roe tea by which alak tleae I Beda, Ihnagh een raa, and toaferteble eceeaBoaatiea pretlded. Aaeag Ibeee lee "Pee-UeBdls Rout.'' .tendo pre-aal-Bent. Pollowleg Ii tlae of Daily (ipren Irelnt tla Pea Beadle RoBlei Uat. Pltt.enrg 1:41 a. a., at . . ...I. a el Bl. Leall 7:M B. B.. 1:00 b. a. arrite al Keeia Clly IStlt p. a., 10:11 a. a. Oeaaectlea. an reade la Ualea Depat. el Iediaaepolia, Bk IaU aad leelaj City for Bll ulai Waal eee Boatawct. ' ..x-.- raalile. ealrreilet, arraag. L kaae a.ifntid ta raa a Tkreegk Ceaok T cedar ef eeak week Ilea Plttiberg le kanaaa City, tia "Paa Beedlo Beele," wllk bel 2mm ebeegi, Iw I'aiea Depel, 81. Loel.. Thla ear le eoaforteMy Bpb.talered, ead will he ma ea regelar Bapteei irala, leatiag llaiep Iepol, l,lleh.rg, .1 1141 p. a. etery T.dey. if a.e are aaaea ie proeere hi.. - M la MleeearL Arl Mell Train, . Atleatic Eipreia, Pblle. Eiprwee, Oleic eosnertioBi Bade by all Irala. at TyroBe -1UU:"" ....BLAIR, mjll-tf. SeperiateBdcat. I 0(1 1 7 I I 00 7 oo 7 00 7 oo 7 00 7 oo 7 oo t oo 7 00 7 10 I 00 7 on 7 10 7 oo I oo f to 1 III FARE FHOM CLEARFIELD, TO B.llefoeto. Pa $1 I' Lech H.rea I r HentiBgdoB .'. Ittwareawaw .. Muyatlll..... Owwawatllla... Oaeeole.... . 1 to III t 61 10 tt RARRIRBIIHO... d tt MlddletowB 11 10 Mattelte. Ill Lancaiter . 1 10 PHILADELPHIA 7 10 AlleOBB..Ml..MMM. I ee JobnttowB.. I It Phlllpibarg II Tyrone . I II piTTriRima t it keaeee, Teaaa, keasea. a. ike Motihwal, ky Ihe direct aad IIP. Basil Beele' at year aeereat tteiioB, eeU W . a. it.i.a -- rattaawiw. n. . a I! r Baaal "Pea LX- Cn-b,. ft bJi, V la, perau la Mleaaarl, ceiereet. 4raf w. KIMDEtOARTBll. Tboiodorilfiiodwlll opon a Ml tot ebol iu tho LOD-rJ Uradod Hohoot bofrdiog ApHl. oao wook altor tho otoalog nf tbo gradttd oohooli, InUoduoing f of tho Kladofgortrt gomtt ind prlaeilpoi now and attraotlTO bu-l of Uai-hiag ohtldroo. Torvill p aioota, paja-no aoninir ana adroaoo. ''. . Claaraold, P- Marea , lo.w-air 14 Wllliaa U no tor . goa'l morohacdifo.... Kaw Woah Ina; toa Iworoaffh. 13 JoMph R- MeMarraj, goo'lndoo 14 li. A. Arnoia, goa i DieroDaDaiio Ooceola IVorowch. 14 J. R. Brown, on foot. oao rj H , It W, 0. Kel.ojr, gonl Berebaotlloo ll T. C. Himt, gen'l norchtDdita M IS Krao Uro i, grocorio and proriiioa, OUiioao' Uank t , 10 Uro'i A Co , gon'l mdao.... 14 T. R. Hlandv A Co.. dru 14 J. H. Mftttera A fire., gon'l mi 14 Miohoel i.ntTey, grooorv e H 14 W. B.Wttli, it at ion try A conttMitlo'ry. 14 W. . Jack ion. gen'l aiorohaDdif...H.M Hallareton llorough 14 fl, t. tlon, gen'l morehrindlio Beer aria Town oh I p. .. 14 W. A J. 0. Weld, grooorloo. 14 J. O. Ola'Kov, Ron'1 morobandiH 14 Natttr. Ruaitjry A Co., goa'l mdao Ituruoldtt TowuahlH 14 Aaron Pot oh U Brady Towtiohlpa 14 J. Boyler A Boa, goa'l norehaadiio.. 14 D, Uoodlandor, gttn'l mrebandlio 14 Mooro A Uaraiuoo, gni ndn 14 John Bohourieb, aotioui ..m.. 14 O, L. Kotrr, boot anil ihoo-.., 14 8. Knarr, grooertoi 14 J, 11. K-iioger, hardwaro...- I)uH.ila.Handy Lick Townohlp. 14 0. I. Kvaao. goaoral norobaadloo H K. 0. Foftor, grocortoa H. 14 Joba Uoodyear, gen l nercnaadiM 14 T. Montgomory, gen'l morehaadlM 14 Trotol A Kllti.gon'I morahandiii 14 W. Kharpo A Co., gen'l raorvhandlio.... 14 T. H. twiavoa, groeortoo..MM 14 A. L. Hoy, furnttoro - 14 Jebn Putt, (frottHot e 11 P. B. Weber A 0o goa'l ai(Uo...,.., T John IiHoU, gen'l merobandiee 40 On W. L. Mieholoea, bllliarde,S tmbUo 40 IS Long A Brady, bardwara, H ' llradforA Townohlp 14 P. Carley, agont, goa'l rohaodlea.... 9 I. V. dray A Co., gon'l noreliaadiio... 14 SUttethergor A Cn.,drgo 14 Aaroa PoUri, Bell Townohlp. 14 Me flff A Co., gon.l aorebatidlM ' Chaat Townohlp. 14 J- R MtKoe, gon'l Merohandieo , 14 Jamn McKwen, gea'l mfrrhandU H J. lloohonborry, goa'l oidio.-..-. CovlnftoR Tuwitohlp. 14 Frank Leloer, ct-ii'l morehAndino IS L. M. Coudriot, gonl mooohaadtM UHUa)4 h Hcokendura, gen'l mdi:. pcatur Townolilpa 14 J. II. Laag, goa l morobandiH Ulrard Townohlp. , 14 Jf. A.MIgnot, gen'l aorcbandtie Crahau Townohlp. 14 T. U. Futooy, goa'l totjrt)Aiitliao.. Gullrb Townohlp. , 15 P. A A. Vlrna, gon'l aierebandlo 14 F. A. Prtdeaal, goa'l TebaadlM..M 14 D, K. Honey A Co., lea'laidoo 14 H, Allenaa, goal moroaaBdloo.. Haotooa Tawathlp. 14 C. H. Cory til, gea'l ere hand lee....... 14 O. D. Wood, iron 14 Chao. Robaekorpgoa.l ewhwdrJO... 14 J. Dorr, gen I roiaodin , 14 A. Uoratat.Jr., hardwaro, ..M KarthAM TwwKohlp. 14 fl. Flbor, grB'l norobaadlM.. ..,.., 14 Olllilaad A Yo there.. Lawrenct TowiuUlp Chwlfo SheBcr, brtwory..,.,M Murrlo Townoolp. f R. B. Wltoa, gt-al Borthoadioi HIiSS HATTIR MOORB. ' Bhaw Hoaao. Clearfield, Pa. fob. It, 187t-Sm. Lumber City I Normal Academy. 7 Mi 7 00 Th. ninth Hll ion of th. Umber City Normal ' 00 A-aJenit will open April J"lli, ll, ana coa ' 10 itnae llaUeo weeke, wilb a raeetloa. , ' TKACIIRKS. T 00 C. 6. Ktnlgb.: Principal. Mill Haggie atllcucll ...aaiiaieev Mr. Eaigh, bating Ungb'.hcre during the pait year, ll already kaowo. Mill Mitchell ii a grad- aata of the 8taU Normal School, al Indiana, Fa., anil a lady of One eecotrtpliihmenti. All brenchci taught from the alphabet te the elaeeioa. ... CHAHclES FOR TUB TKItM. (Ob. fourth to b. paid ob .ntering aohool.) Prla.arteo.rae..... -IS 00 islermediete eonrie - 1 00 Kogllih coorie T 00 Rngllaa eonree, wilb Algebra I 00 Higher branclioa I 00 Thla aehoo! baa produced lotne of lha beat teeobara in tha county. It bee lha bait ayateia or grado poiilblc. Il ia ceoducted by .ip.ricnced IMcbcr.. Luabor City effordl ciolllent obarehea; pl.oty of good boerding .1 11.00 p.r week beautiful Menert i oneorlualtie forkeelthful eraoaamrnte, . and a lira aieglcg aohool, eoadaolad by Prof. . on Bloom, for full lnform.tioB ell on or aJdr.ii r vu ' .. , , a n ant. Datait la. rnaaiOM, er a. v. .,.,, .- 1). L. yBKtlllSUN.See. h. A. VKT7.KR. . Laaher Oily, Vm Mar. U, 1870-lf.. . -' Allogheny Valley Railroad. LOW ORADK DIVISION. ON and after Monday, Dec. 1 0th, 1877, tbe paeacnger trelna will run dallt (aleept Sunday) between Red Bank end Driftwood, aa follow, t KAKTWARI). D.t Malllcate. Plttihurg 10 a.m.; Red llank 11:60 j bligo Junction 1 2:01j New Bethlehem 1:07 f. m. Meyerille 1:10 1 Troy l:t0 Brooktlllo 1:00 ; Poller'. 1:96 I ltrj. olditill. 1:61 ( iruuot. .:aa aeaait ?unnei 40 1 Fonteld 4:06 i Weestillc 4:17 1 aen.aelte 10 f arriteo el Driftwood at 1:11. lillTW A R I) Dar Mall Icatee Driftwood 11:16 p. m.; BanaaetU 1:00; Weed. III. 1:40 1 P.nt.ld 145; Summit Tunn.l 1:07 DuUoill:30 Rernold.vlll. l:63t Full.r'l 1:17: Brook till. 1:S3 1 Troy B IO: M.yarllla 4:16,- New Bethlehem 4:20) ltgo Junction o:io; nca o:i nrritea ea ritlinarg aaa:ie p. a. eg Tha Rctnoldatllle AceomaodetloB lea tea Rejnoldatille daily et 7:60 a. a.( and arrlra. et Had B.nk et 11:00 e. m., nttiburgb .1 J:i6 p. m. Leetea Piiteburgh at x:S0 p. m ; Red Bnk et 1:66 p. B.; erriting at R.ynoldivill.at9:0l p.m. Cloeo eooBectloal Bade witk trelai OB P. II. R.ilroad Bt Drifttood, and with trelna on tbe Allegheny Vellcy K.ilroed at Red Bank. DAViii ncvAnuu, ucn i onp u k. A. Jacaiol, Sup'l L. O. Dlt, 6IA0K LINK, CLBanriBLb te rttpiBLB. Th undenigned would inform tho pablia that be Ii now rnnotng a alege Itn. between Cleerteld end PenfleM, three timce e weak. Tbe alege leareaC'leerfleld oa Mondeya,Wodnea. day. and Fridaya, et t o'eloek e. B., arrltiog at Pcatcld el il o'clock m. Returning aemo daya.. Leetel Pootold el 4 o'olock p. a., errit ing al uieeraoia et e o ciocb p. m. Connection ta mode with treina bb the Low Orade R, R. Bt PcnOeld. Fare, each way, 11.60. QUO. W. GHAItHAKI. Claartald, Pa., Fab. 13, 1871 W. af. 1IOFFC1C, ROOM NO. THREE OPRRA HOUSE Clearneld, Pa., IBA1.BR ID DRY GOODS NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. Ql L ENSN ARE, HARDWARE, Cnrpetik), Oil CIotliN, Eto., Etc, Etc. WILL 1AKE COL' MR V PRODUCE i ' v l KXCIIANOB POR CilNIIM . ; ' J" AT MAHKKT PRICKS. ' 11 00 7 oo 11 00 7 oo I 10 7 oo 7 00 7 oo t fl Vote Early and Often ! -ron- GE0.C.& T.W.M00RE. C IcrBcld, Pa., Kept. IK, IH7-tr. tr- TII8Y Intlt. yoa lo rail at tbelr Hten la Deere Home. CLBRFIKLD, PA- and let 11 00 th. eod chrtpeit nock ef 7 00 .... . i)OQT AND B1IOBS, HATS AND CAPS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, 4c, KVKR BROUGHT TO THE COUNTY, BootsiS siioeS hats, caps, -AND- JEMOVALl JOHN McGAUGHEY Would reipMtfally lotirt tb pablle ctntnUlr thU li bu rvnoTKl bit Grow? Btor froa Hbsew't Raw, t th build Id k formtrlj Moaplcd by J. Mil Kratisr, oa tSocd itrt, it door to jiiKiri nardwar itor, wbtr ismdiii kofing fall I In of OKOfJEUIEN. HAMS, DRIED BEKf and LARD. SUGARS and SI RCPS, ef all grade.. TEAS, Green end Black. COFFKK, Routed and Greco. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJJT.TED Ml ITS, All kind! la Ike market. PICKLES, in Jen and barrel.. SPICES, In etery form ead tartetj. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIND OV CRACKER". SOAPS, HATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES Cool Oil anl Lamp CMmaoya. And a good eiiortment of thoic thing! Binatly kept ia a grocery iloro, which he will exobenge for marketing at tbe market pricca. Will id Ifor oath bi eh..plj aa nay other oae. Pleaae eall and aee bll itock and judge for lanalf. JOUH MoOAUGHET. Olearl.M. Jen. I, Ittt. CENTRAL Htate Normal Nchool. (Kijhth Kormut School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A. X JIAVH, A. J., mneijml. I N TUB EBTATR OW WIUl-IArVI W AlaN, ar raa. terrasite, .at-'a. BTnllaa la b.rebt elten t ttt. ketrr of laid da- aJ, thai ea Mafeh Itlk, IHTI, apoa Ika notl- llaa af t ,... J. WBIB, a rate WM en the widow ead bclra le ibow eeuei why lb.r boald set ee nrecltc perferaeaee of eoatrecl for tke aerekeee ef real eetele mde belweoa Free. ea J. Wale aad Williaa Wala, the decedent, aad deed far tke easee Bed. U Freeman J. Wala by the, and Saturday, Ma; Id, lT, .1 II a'eloeh a a eeotB Fraak 0. Uarrli, Ka, , Oca tal..loaer. el tke ef Harrey A Uor loB, la Oleerteld, la teed e. tb. tie. .ad piece of taking taeiieneat ea Bald rale. Tee teelitaeey U be re ported lo Ibe Court ea lb. tret dey ef Jeee Tera , 117. wkee Ike Oeerl will be aibed le B.k. a deed te Betfeet Ue atl ee Freeaea J. Wala, tke JTlUonlT HtKRATAOOhllOM, . Ur(i,)d,Pa,aJ.r,t(ll7 tt; ; . , , 1 II 10 00 I IS , 7 M , 7 to Their Urge and .legeat rtock of gooda raaeleta af ell Htlea aad price la LADIIS,' HIRbRS' aad CHILDREN'S . 7 M 7 to 14 Pater Morer, gea'l mereheBdlee., It Leoaard Ifrl.r, gen'l a.rcb.adi 14 Jeaa. Hone, gee1 1 mereneaUieo...... ercbaadiH., Prua Tawanklf. 7 00 7 10 I M 7 11 W. A. Moor., grocery A oonroctlcBery. - Union Tewnehlp. It I. S.yltrA Sob, gea'l aereh.edlte..... 11 Daniel Brubaker, gea'l aercbeadlM... Weeder.rel Tewaalilp. ' 14 Jaaaa Coraooly, gea'l aaereheBdiae-.. 14 Jaa.. Loulber, gea'l eaereheediee.. It H. Literlghl A Oo., gea'l adee 14 Mra. L. J. Benendiaaer. nee 'I adee Whitehead A Co, g.a'l niereheadlee.., II M II Flakor Bre'f A Mnier, gea'l Bdae It to Take sotloe, all wk ar concerned, la tbia en pralicmeet, Ibat an Butiral will be bald al Ibe Cleerteld, ea Wednee d.t, APRIL ID, e'.lees A. a. bb, y .Ileal (I jog fareanllle Apprehjit Cleer(cd, Hark 1, . .... . .. Wbick will aall all kl.dl af aaitoaer. , Alt, 'T JJ aEllTS, FINE BOOTS k SHOES. TkU I tk ealy pleM la Clerl.ld nonty e gg wb.r tb celebreted PERKINS' Driving Boots and. Shoes aaa k koaghk 0VI' Bad YOUTHS' BOOTS 7 BO i an, .ire r ll ktaa. t. 1 e Alaa. acarcfellr Mleclei uierlaeBt ef 7 10 Gents' ? Furnistiiig ' Qoods. Wiliamsporl Boots, Pi 3 " "; Elraira Boots, ' PERKINS' : Driving Boots mid Shoes, Claflin's Boots & Shoes, Boys' Boots & Shoes, F ino Boots Stoga Boot s Witt gnrl rftritlf ( ltdl'. Mimi' Cbildrta't Rot, Shoi and Ultr. RUBBER G00DS1I Rahber flood! far tterynody, eeBilillag ef " PURE" GUM BOOTS, ".niiunnmi booth, tiTKBimmrs otjics, tco. ri'bhrr goods, ri:bber goods, Alan, ft m HyU of I.T !' 9am: lln tbt ART (OH with tolid bolti, wbltb r fo. iprrint m wm oia tnjt: Mate w ' OlOlliiB C M"URK, TuM W. MOORS. - HATS AND CAW. HATS AND CAPS, RRNT!' fl KWIHINtl HOODS. f l ' Tli ailrlnJ rtofMCtfijtljr UrlU tb Bite .loft of tt ptU f CI-rHld tUmiy, loLh-lf ftMgfe of ttM ftbvn MM4 fMU. Country Prod I-" ! ebftftR tor goo4. PrlOM M sf M tb lWMt. HttiAtMHliY m IHOWRkft. i lMMd to Wa. ld MMid. Utoti tH Clrl-Ji, Pft., im. 4 ll TbU Scbnot it i.rM-at oonitllutej. oITnrath rtry bwt fftolllilci fur l'mfviiional and Cltties. If unit r j. Bihliltoffi rptoiooi, tBTitinf ana com mad out i eoni-lfielj hotted by itfftm, wll rntilRtd, tnd rarnifb-d wilb a bouotlful npply ( fw wattft, tofl iprirg watff. kortioB Btnimrai taa vany or acM. Parmaii(Jln wntry tKunrptiMd. Tracbcri vtiierUoc-d, rBtileQt. aftd ftllrs ta their work. lHttiptln, firm but k ted, MQunrn and Iboniiif b. Ktpmta nodartt. I' ft? nt a wck dftdaotttfa .otbeiprtparlD to tMcb. Biadtratf adnitt-d any tint. Court, of Mudy prMribtd by tb Ptat i t. Modtl Miool. U. rreparatnry. HI. tla.a. Ury. IV, Bcl-Dtiflo. . AtuvxvT Clinil : I. Aradl. II. ConBtrdal. III. Ua.l. IV. Art. Tb KlfBrr,Ufr and 8elntlfiit ooar ar Pro- ftntional, and HadcnU HraUaatitif thereto rt!tf Stat UiploaiaJgOoefBiTttiR th follow, ag orr- pnadiBg 't((ri .HaitdHof im n.nof. (trad iiaitri la tb lbr urM riT Normal Crti6 ( of tbiir ftttalBinvotii. liitncd Ky th pMulty. Th Prflttoal oar ar htoiaJ, aad ar Id ilittrwagbBMi not tnfcihir to thoMof oar acta oolleft'. TantM m)airi a DiBf oriMf i nrii. tfalp. Tb tim dMBRBd U. ll ta vim af tha prim objecta f thi Nbl t blp to Maar it by rurBiihlac lat.llRnt aod (hcial taobr fut br acbnoU. To thtf oU ll aollfitA yoang pr ob a of goftd alulUlM and good parMw ibo h dir to Injtrov tbir tin and tbair lal tni, a atnilrnta. To all rurb It Trotall aid la developing ibtlrpowfri aad Blandaal opporl. Bitlva !'r well paid lUr after llog Mbool. tor mtalngy and ttnai ftddr th Priafiptl. H. U. BALL, PiFtldeat Hoard ( Traitti. t. c. nirpLt, Herlary. L'OARD OV TRI'dTESSi Clinton ttot.nty.R. D. nll, T. C. Htppl, Dr. J. II. llartoa. A. II. Hart. J".wb Rrowo, Wtltoa Kialar, A. N. Ranb, W. W. Rmnkin, R. 0. Cek. rtnaia! Chrlrt , O. Klattlag.H. M. ItifkfoM,!!, Lv btaffMbaob, A. C. Noya, H. R. Il. iair Eior. A. O. Carlia. ri4-.r-U Kt tlor. Wai. Blgltr. Blb-Cbart R. Karky. Urh HTa, Fh. 'Ta-H ;t:. v i , Villi ! i i ; ' , 1 1 ,i. 1,.