Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 19, 1879, Image 3

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Terms or Subscription!
II Mid l edienee.or within thrte months... tt M
J, ,U after lhre nd before ill months... I 60
iflpaidnftorlbeeiplratloaof III meahta... I 00
r Messrs. S. M. PiTTiinoii.L Co., Nswe
fl. .,i..,, A routs. IT Perk Row, oorner
M.,smen our AJ ootborlted Agents
1. N.w Yrk OUy.
Methodist Kplsaopal Church R.t. J. S.
H, Mraair, 1'eitor. Servloes ovary Bstbstk
101 A.M., audi, P.M. Hibool at A. M. !
.ver Meeting "vary Thursday, t 7J P. M.
Colon union Hervlee, trst Sabbath of every
uonth, al ml A. M.
Went t'lenrtleld M. E. Church Rot.
w Hcott WiLion, Pastor. Presetting every
alternate fi"0dy. V- 8n'!"'
Sebool .1 SI, P- M. All .r. Invited lo attend.
prooliytorlaa ChurehReT. H. S.Btm.Ba.
D.i.k.,k u,rlnai mornln. and evening Bab-
balk School al I P. M.-Preyor Meeting Wednea
dey evening.
Ilaptlet Chttrrh. Rev. J. A. Aioaan, Tu
la,. Bervlea every c.u ..... -V,V. A'
.lt.rn.tinr, at 10, o'olook A. M., and 71 P. at.
N.bbetb School at I P. M. Prayer Meeting every
w..ln..dar evening.
Kt Krauels' t'hurchCathallc Rar. P.
J. Bn'tninsn. Praacblnj at 10, o'olook, A. M on
tba nl, third and lourtk Sunday. of oeeh month,
VeiKon and lleoedletlon of tho lileised Seorement
at 7 o'olook, P. M.-Bunday Behool erery Sunday
aftarnooa at a o eloea.
rial or lolnm aoaaraa sbmio.s oopbt.
Seoond Mondny-of January.
Third Monday of March.
Tint Monday af June,
fourth Monday af Soptemoer.
timb or lokoiaa oouaon rLlat.
Pint Monday of June.
Seeond Monday of November.
ruBLio orrtcana.
v...ut Mat Hon. Cberlei A. Mayer, of
Annual lew Allot Hon. Jokn H. Orrle, of
ilMoct'oK Juiau Abretn Of dan, Clearfield I
Vincent B. Holt, Cleartald.
Prothonolarp Eli Bloom.
Htgiiltr and Rteordtf L. J. Morgan.
Dialrfel Atlora.y Wm. M. McCullougk.
Tnanrtr Philip Dolta.
Slwif Andrea Tenti, Jr.
!,..,. Sktrit Chrlat. J. Kearir, Clearfield
Ooanly Saraayor Samuel F. McCloakey, Cur-
"!.!I.i. Poaimiilfonere C. W. Ktler, Ureham
ton P. 0.; Elak Johnaton, Oramplan Kill! P. U.
itfnrri.. Hr.. Curweniville.
Oaala Ao!.lore William V. Wright, Clear-
leldi Joaeph Uilliland, Three Huul J.B.nor
rif, Woodland.
fi.., Caratir J. B. NelT. New Waiblniton,
Jr Coaiaiiaeioaere Dr. Jamel P. Burcbneld,
Clearded, Joieph Aletander, Madera.
a'aperiRfeaaW o Public A'ceoole M. L. Mo.
Snl'ircf HVoe'e iliaturu Jeiu W.Carlile,
oBoe at uoinenourg ra.
v.,.- P.iiio-John W. Wrlaley. Wb. Ri
d.bauah, Cyrua Gordon, Clearneld; Joieph R.
Irain. N. B. Arnold, Curwenevlllo J. A. Living-
Hone. Dullola City.
Our Sptcial eolumn la decidedly Interesting in
. l.,.l of view, and Drotiable reading to
outiidera wbo want to aava money.
VliX, (IF (JOUKSlil
"Will you take wkeat, oati or e',ra for eub.
icripllon ?" We aro often Inquired of in tble way
by letter from patrona who reiide at n diiteaoe
from ClearOeld. Wa again aay yel. Tbereoelpli
of a rerponaible merchant or mill owner In the
vicinity, will aniwer ul Juit ai well aa the oaih
To illluitrete : If any of our patronl will deliror
ul a bug of grain at tbe mill of Joieph II. Bretb,
in Chcit town, hip, Horace Palcbin, in Bnrnalde,
Thorn. i II. Porcey, In Graham, Win. Porter or
fibaw'i, in Lawrenoe, or Brown A Seyler'a, at
Rockton. Unkn towniklp, and forward their
receipt! for the amount, we will aradlt tham an
their account for the tamo. In tble way all may
toon pay what llcy owe, If tley will purtua thll
IiuP-a and aw log wore running
thick in tha river on Saturday and Sunday laat.
First installment of Spring goods
juit received at Fleck B Co l mere oi.
Tim Citiirn sava that "Wiinht it'En
ally of the Citlaeni' Bend ll a ipleujld later
p'y" , , .
Si-rvict will bo held in tho Clear-
laid Baptirl Cbureb neat Sebbaib Burning at
101 o'clock.
Oaulin's Is tbe lace to got fancy
'avail paper, and good olotber. Read hitprlea
' lint la Ikil paper.
Flock & Co. are adding largely to
their already large Hock of Dren and Dry uooua.
The ice from Curwensvillo up to the
bead of tko rlvor failed tkil place en Taetday
afternoon of laat week.
Thorn will be no nroaobing service
la tka Clearfield M. K. Chunk aeit Sabbatb, tba
paitor being at Conference.
- ,
Buy your Motto Frames of A. J
Jeekioa, In tha Meaelon lloue, Market atraat,
marl Jet
Auction every night this week at
0. Bbloil' doming aura, in m "J"'-
You ihonld not fail U attend If you want to ie
euro a bargaifa.
Tha Rprnnd week ol March Court,
beginning on tha leth, haa been eel ailde. The
rafting eoeaoa and tha Curtln-Yoeaa toateit are
loo muoh for tha Conrt.
The Kcasoii IIebi. llorse bills
printed neatly, cheaply, and on abort notice, at
Ike Raerai iaaacffiea. Give Bl B trial. Wehava
tbe bait cut In tbe eounty.
Willoy says he can give a better 6t
and better laualeeuon in eiounua i
Uilor In tba eounty.
Al a collar ha can't ba ea
mar l-4t
Durinir tho meetiliat of the M. E.
Coaference, at Bloomiburg, Ktv. J. 8. McMarray
will ba the gueat of Mr. Caleb Barloa, ana ner,
In. II. Dill tbe fee it of Judge Klwell. .
It nhnuld be G. F. Goss, dealer in
aeneral marehandiao, la Wallaeetoa aorougb
and aol JeoM Goat, aa arroolouily printed In Ike
Mereantlle Appraliere Hit lait week.
Red Star," and many other new
hrandl of imoklng toDaeoo,roraelaoniy at Alii
WaUoa't Tobacco aol Segar ttora, Market llreet,
eppoiiU Court lloBaa, Clearfield. meB mil
The shovel brigado was out in full
foroe en Monday moralag, eleanlng tka eight
Inchea of anew of tha paramenia whieb fell too
night previoul. Old Sol, wko appeared later. Wat
more effective.
Try the new brands of Segars at
Alei. Walton 'a, telling at 1 for a oealo a lor
eeolei I eentt Hire 10 eentt, and I for It eontl.
Nothing la Baikal oaa compere with tboB.
nob l-l
"St. Tatriok's day in the morning'
(the 17lk) w.i eertalnly one of tka Boot diia-
treeable dart we aver wilnaleed for perane.
Akoat elikl or lea locket of ibow covered ike
groand IB tkil latitude.
From the Timet we learn that th
lore of J. O. Wright A Co., la Curweniville,
wet robbed of goode to Ike ameant of f 50, oa
Tbartday algkt laat. Tbe karglar ageeted aa
eatraneehy prying open a keek door.
Work on tho Ulahville extension ol
tka Bell's Oap R. R , wklek Wat luiptnded dur
ing the winler teuton, will ba entirely rati
at aeon at Ike weather paralie. Tlee kavt keen
eel daring tka winter aad delivered along Ika
Ilea af tka road.
The Prcabylurian Sabbath School of
"Kl llevea lavore tna ennerew vm
eatirulaaral during lit eiereleea. Tho teme.
oral, ef lael week, eayi i " An addition to IU
alia kat barn a late, bate viol, and cornel, to
well Ike choral."
Prof. Kmil Roellirer. ol .Now York.
kei keep engeged la iailruol Iba BcBbera af Ika
Pitinni' Cuinet Bead, af thll plaee. Tka rr.
fenor arrived la taw en Moa lay, aad will eater
lpa kit dellet iBBedlately. HoUllldlokf
la aeeoniplliked muiirloa.
8. i Cranston, a former ciliton of
w.naaea lewainip, tail oaaaty, wiew a
Cktelar, Pa , as Wedaeeday, Fek. Mik, la tko llh
yearefklngt. Me Ie Ike peity freca whoa Ike
' Mil. leaa Miller psthated the artaau) with
Five hundred men wanted to trot
initi al Wllley'stallorlag aaubllakmant In Clanr-
teld. aer t.a.
Mr. George 8. Young ia having an
eioevatlot aada for tba foaadatioa of kia naw
brlek resldoBsa, wklok ka proposes building Ika
aommlof Bummer, on tka wait and of Plna llreet,
katwaan fa. D. Dlilar'a raildanoa enj tha river.
Dr. II. 11. Van Vailn'ah, of thin bor-
a(k, haa ratnoTad kla 0(1 oe fratn tka Malonlo
Building to kia rriidonoo, eornar of Pint and
I Pin. atraata, where ka can ba found at all tltnaa
wbca not nroraaaioaally engaged, mer-ll St.
Tlio Fair and Foatival for the benefit
af tba Clearneld Uapllet Cbnrok aommonood on
Monday, In Pia't Opera Ilooaa, and promlia to
be a sueeats, tnaaeially and otherwise. It alll
ba aontlnued ovary aftarnoon and aTaning during
this ,rl, Mrsli can ba obte ued at all boura.
Tlie moat attractive place about
aa auaoey waa tna riser beaek, In tka ti
olnlty of tka Maiket alraat bridge, judging from
tba somber of aaen and koyi wko eongrogetrd
tbarafrom morning till oronlng. Tbaranaand
aaw-loga at oat tare a graat aurloilly to many
wbo never witnessed a almilar leana.
Mm. Thud. Shaw ban rusiirntJ bur
poiilloa ai kacber ie tba Leonard U reded
Sehoola, of tbla borough, and tba remaining
month of tka term la being taught ky Mill M. J
Sbaw, abo taugkt and raeeatly lulaked the Win
ter Urm of tba Waterford eekool, near tbamantk
of Clearfield ereek, In Lawrenoe towniklp.
Willoy, the tailor, claims lo be tbe
neat auttar IB Llcar&eld eounty, and aai now on
hand a oomplate aeaorimonl of kaautiful elotk fur
Spring and Summer auita for gentlemen. Ho
BiirepreMntatioB or dcoaptloB praotloed to af.
feet aalee. All goodi warranted aa represented.
March ltl-4t.
tkeaa daya of retrenokment and economy people
oan aara large doctor billa by ailng Or. Fennar'a
Coogk Honey for oouglta, and bla Blood and
Liver Remedy and Narva Toale for blllouineaa,
blood, akin, and aervoai dleeajee and all die
ordered atatea of tka eyatem. For lata ky Harle-
wlck A Irvla, Draggiata, Olearleld, Pa.
List of letters remaining unclaimod
i& the PoatoBoe at Clearfield, for the week ending
March 17, Hit i
Lewla Bonnet. Mrl. Mary Uraueker, John Doo
leo, Mill lloia Oallaghar, (leo. M. Urlmei, J.I
Organ, J. M. 8iallh, Mile Carrie it. Welch,
Mill Lyda Yarlelt.
P. A. OaCLia, P. M.
.Look UL'T for bi'RiNG. 1 am ro.
oalviag tkia week the Iseil Spring Millinery
Qooda in new etylei of Spring Hate, Bonneta
Bub Hati, Flowere, Peatbere, Agrattet, Ac, and
aaek week.duringtke Spring nod Summer iobjo a i,
I will get all new atylei aa fact at they eome into
arkat. Mm. J. K. Wirioa
Clearfield, March Hlh, 1S79 5t
A GouD Leoturk. Thosa who have
the time Bud lueeoi, end want lo bear one of tbe
leading lecture! of thii country, aboold go over to
Altoona to-morrow afternoon, tba 20lb imt., and
lilten to Rev. Dr. Fuwler, edltorof the New York
C'ariiliaa AoWafe. flit leetaro ie " Muicle ti.
Braina." Everybody kat aome of both t but tbe
Doctor telli kii keareri kow to acquire moro. Go
nud bear blm.
ii a mm . .
Anotiisii 'Suuire. We notice by
Mr. Prothero I letter in tbe lait UulJcli Conner,
that Gov. Iloyt hai alio laiurd an eitra Commit-
ion to bim, aud ha will be reedy for boilneii ee
loon at be ll releeied from tlte Yocum Arnold bead-
quartera In thll place. The new township of
Sendy itarti out vlgoroualy la tbe 'Squire line,
We hope we will beer of no more riuti and shoot
ing matchet from that tcctlon of the eounty for
aome time to eome.
Babuains AT THE 1'OBTOmCE. I
bare jolt neeived tbe largeitand fined assort
ment of Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fix
tures ever brought to thie seotion of the ooonty,
wbloh will be eold very ebeap. Alio, a large lot
of samples of Cloth, Cessii&eree, foreign arid do
mastic suitingirom which aaleotions can be made
and orders promptly filled. Complete suits from
$10 lo l-'IO; Pants, from el 50 to II 0j Vests,
from 11 17. Fits guaranteed.
moh 19 Jt P. A. liuui,
The M. D.'s The Clearfield County
Medioel Society held a meeting In this borough
tly, la Dr. U. B. VanValaak s OBSee, and
elected oSoers as fallows t
Presldeat J. P. Burohfield.
Vice W. A. Means.
Secretary and Treesnrer If. B. VsnValsak.
Censors J. G. ILrlswitik,R. V. Bpaekman, G
M. Wkitlier.
Delegates le Slate Medical Society J. O.
Hartawiok, R. T. Speckman.
Mr. Goorgo W. Rbeom is getting
laterlal oa kaodfora new huildlng. which will ba
erected this Spring, oa Market street, wkvro tho
Espreee office is nnd adjoining his residence. Tbe
new building will ho of brlok, and will ba of tka
keigkt aa his resideoco. There will bo two
rooms ob the first floor, ooe lo bo used ky himself
for tho Express office Bad one for rant Tha uppar
part of tha building will ka used for a dwelling,
he having this object ia view whoa tho west wall
of his roeideaoe was put up.
Rov.'sJ.S. McMurray, Win. II. Bill,
W. BooU Wllsoa, aad other minimis oi tno na
B. Ckurck la this section, left oa Monday to at
tend the Central Penniylvanln M. B. Conference,
which oonvanta at Bloomiburg to day. Blihop
R. B, Poller will presido at tba aassions of Con
ferenoo. Rev. McMarray has Iliad tba pulpit of
tba Clearfield M. B. Church la a very setlifactory
manner during the past two yean, aod, ao doubt,
ha will bo returned for tka third year, as tho feeling eilite between palter aad people.
TheYaoancy Filled. The Altoona
Triteae says i " It ll aow definitely settled that
Mr. Charles B. Pugh Is to bs Iba successor of Mr.
G. CIlntoB Gardner, aa General Superintendent
of tbe Penniylrenla Railroad Dlvlilon. The ap-
polntmont glvoa eery general aatiifaelloB !b rail
road elrclea, and Mr. Pngh ll eounlcd werlby to
itep into tba ahoe! of so good an officer aod
elever geotleman ae Mr. Gardner. Ibereiig
netlon of Mr. Uardner tekei effect oa the lit ef
May. 11. baa been offered and accepted a dellr-
able reilroad petition In Meieaobuaette.
RAPniso. Tho season is horo, but
up tothelfilk of Merck the run ef lumbar and
logs Is far short of what was expeeled from tbe
high stats of lbs water in all oar stroema. How
ever, we preaume tbat BoWly is la Booh of a
hurry while there Is a large quantity of snow yst
in Ike pine woods. But tks owners of rafts and
logs ksd belter Bot rely toe Back on the snow
sending them to m.rk.l. Tkat Bay slip away
and kang their lumber "high aud dry" until Bid
summar, wkea all Beads ahoald ba ongaged at
farming and abop-work,
Court. The Alan-It Term of our
Court opened at 1 o'clock oa Mondey afternoon,
with Judges Orris, Ogdea aad Holt oa tko kanok.
Tka lure-cot, aa aooount of Ika rafting aeason, ll
a vary lllm one, and It looks aowaa thoogh Tory
little builneo! woulii 00 done nulsldo of tbe grant
ing of licence. Aaron C. Tata, Kiq , wai appointed
foreman of tha Grand Jury, nnd Harry ll.mpbllll,
Joeepk L. Tkompion and J. D. TkoBaa ware ap
pointed Tipslavss. Tba Boat of Ike Cooslakles
Bade tkelr relurol, and ih-we elected in February
presented themselves aad ware swora la for Iba
eaauieg year.
Beatb or One of The Flynn
BaoTaaea. We leara from Ibe Altoona TYieaac
of Monday, Ibat aa Friday hut, lha 14th lait., at
Iheroiideaoe of Mr, Joka P. Flyoa la Tyrone,
Frank Flynn, bratbar of Iba list named goalie
Ban, died. Tko deeeaaed and bis krolksr wars
aolod Clearfield lumbermen. Yesterday aoralag
al o'eloek, la tko Cetkollo Ckarek at Tyroae,
eervlcee were held, after whiek tka fanerel party
want ky eerriages la Jaaeevllla, Clearfield eounty,
wkero deeeaaed wee Interred. Mr. Pat. Flyoa lo
cated at Tyroae la tka spring ef 17, lieeo
wklek lime kit wife, hie fatker and Botker and
kit krutkar Frank kara died.
"The World Still Moves." On
Suaday lait netware elevoa aad twelra o'eloek,
walk) eaa af Ike alergyaoa la this plaea waa d.
slalmlng against rolling an Suadey aa leas tksa
tea rails were aioal between the two kridgee at
ana tima, aa wall al haadradi af k'g It weald
ka well oaoagk for Ikooe who kara eabraeed Ikt
Irea bed. teed " views of Ike M Jews I eeso ap
a little oa tko SaaiU) aeiBi. . Then Is ao are in
aaklag ie keek fi4 over tko Saday question
aad Ikea ooaail aerder, aa tka Jews did. Wo
fear Ika teal, aol tko rellgioa, of tka Farltao.
Tko pea wko lopped af the ears and' tut lha
tengeee out af people's Booths, aad Ikea haag
Ikea oa Bottoa Comaoa, had kat Hula reaped
for Ike ooaaend wkleh eold " than eaelt aol
kill." There aro Bra la-da wko held the tame
Ttowa thai Oottoa Mather did eod give Ihea Iko
taao pewar ka held, and laej will eemmll Iko
eaao trlmee. Lot at koto aero af "lave lay
Uj eelgakar ao kjeel'," etd lea Saaday la
The Verv flnnntaasnrtmAntniimhuror
Edging!, both La quality and Tartaty, worked oa
Swiu Bualln, al T. A. Fleck On't. mart. It.
. m m
Willoy, in Clearfield, is now ready
to make faikloireble clolbee lo Spring itylet. Call
and lee kla lamplai. Mar. 19-lm.
-mm- a aw
Try tho now brands ol chowinrr To.
baeeo at Alei. WaUoa'i, ell i ' Ollt Edge," Tele
phone," and " Makogaay Wire Plug Cavendlih "
rnok IVJt
m e m
Remember that Lytic is County
Agent for Lortillerdu Totacoo, and eaa lelltheu
at faoloryprieet. They art tba beat tobaooea la
market Try tkem. tf.
BauoainsI liAROAiNs 1 1 For the
purpoeo of doling out an Immenee atook of goodl,
Intending lo quit buelooaa H tbia plaea, Mr. B.
Shloaa, In the Opera Ilonae building, ll now offer.
lag ready-made Clothing, gents' Turn liking goode
of every dtieriptlon, Hall, Capa, Trunkl, do-, at
a great lecrifiee. If yon want a good bargain In
tka above line of goods, call Bt tha Pbiladelpkia
Branoh Clothing Stora. tf.
Ve have cured some of tho worst
oacei of scalding by hot water and iteam on la-
oord. By taking eold, tbo boroa of a euflerlog
child had become aggravated, and being over tbe
vital parts, tha oaie seemed absolutely kopeleii.
Wa aied E K. Tbompaoo'i Great Healing Oint
ment ai dirweted, eleaming tha angry-looking
burn! by dipping a ipongo ia wa rm Caitlle seep
suds, aud aqueeilng It over the eores nntll thor
oughly cleansed, tbenipreeding the ointment on a
lb la piano of sloth, and laying 11 geatly on. This
treatment was kept up for two weeks er more,
and In a month or six wseks ths pstientwas aa
wall aa ever.
Prepared by B. K. Thompaoo, Wkoleiala Drug,
gilt, Tituiville, Pa.
For lala by all druggiiU la Clearfield, and ky
Joe. Baylor A Son, Lutkersburg.
Eb. RaiMTBLicaa eur Sir: The following
preamble and resolutions were adopted unani
mously by the official body of Glen Hope Circuit,
March lib, 1879 t
WMKniaa, Brother Donulre, onr paitor, has
been with Be the diiolplinnry term of three yean,
and baa greatly endeared hlmielf to ul by bil In
tegrity of oharsotor and faithful dlsobergaof min
isterial nutlel t tberelore, be It resolved.
let. Thai wa lake great pleasure in giving ex
pression to tbe fact tbat ha baa given a hiicu da
area of aatiafaetion as a preacher ta oar doodIc.
and that be hai labored earneitly and faithfully
to promote the beat Intere.ta of tbe ehurob.
Id. Tbet he and family will leave with tbe
kind regard! and bait wiibea of the lovers of ths
nhurcbi and we earneitly with tbe Preilding
Elder may find It convenient to help bim to ao
appointment worthy of bit ability aod year! in
tba uonlerenoe. He.pectlully aubmllted,
JonaW. Wnieur, Recording Stewerd.
(Ilk llol-a, Pa., March fi, 1B7D.
A Sad Accident One Dor Killed
aan ToaBB Injubbd. Oa Thursday afteraoon,
four boys, aamed John MoCloskey, aged 4 years,
soo of David MeCloikey, Gecrge B. Murray,
aged fi yeera, eon of Pranela B. Murray, Oscar
Pensyl,aged o yean, and Wilbur Peaiyl, found a
railroad signal asp la tbo lot la tho rear of Mr.
Pen.yl'i resldenoe on Seventh avenue, near Sev
enteenth street. Of course the boyiih curioilty
waa excited, and quite naturally their firlt 1m
pulai was to sraok It le find out what it was. The
cap was laid on a boarj, an ax procured, and
blow was struck oa ths eap. A fatal blow It waa.
Tbe eep exploded witb a loud report aod fearful
effect. Little Jobony MaCloskej was struck In
tbe abdomen with a piece of the tin forming tbe
oaring of the oap, euttiog a geeh sbout four
inobes long, cutting through the inteilines. Tbe
uter boye were stunned, and somewhat out
bruised and burned about the leg! and feee, but
fortunately eioeped without serious Injury.
Pbyiiciaoa were Immediately summoned to d-
tend young MeCloikey, but an exemieatlon soon
showed Ibat his oaae waa hopeless. lis lingered
until about 9 o'clock 1b Iba evening, wkea deatk
relieved kis sufferings. Tbo parents have tha
eympatby af tba entire community la tbia lad
bereavement. Aflooaa Sun.
Tub Murphy Tkmperanci Meet-,
mo, -Tho N. C. T. Union, of ClaarAald, mat In
tba Court Uouieoa Tuaadayerenlog, March 1 1 th,
in accordance with previ&ua notice, tha Presi
dent, Frank O. Marrli, in tha oh air. Rar. J. A.
Aldred opened tba a aro t tea with prayer, and,
after taking op a collection, amounting to 3.ot,
for eoatlngent expensea. and the tinging of Nf-
aral piece of nuiie by lha choir, Mr. Uarrta
troduead Hon. William P. Janki, or Brookvlllo,
who dellrered one of the flnett and moat In Urea t
ing leoturea an the eubjeot of Teiuparanoe that wo
ever liatenedte. Ill theme waa entirely different
from tha eommon run of temperance lectareri.
lie did not tall how macb ha drank, or how often
ho bad been drank, ur how ha bad abated hit
family and neighbor ( but ha Interlined bin d la-
eon re with ft Una legnl rein wbloh all eoutd an-
dentand who have an ear for and faith lo ft higher
morality. Mia leeturo waa oa ft new eeheduU,
and, tbarefero, intereeting to tba audience, which
wonld have lilt tried to blm half tha eight had ho
eoatlnneds After Judge Jonka ooncluded hli ad-
dreei, Uorornor Biglar made few brief remark a.
Rer. H. 8. Batter ftlao apoke daring the evening.
Tbo meeting wei qalto fnUreiting throughout.
and waa well attended. It adjourned to meat ai
tho oall af tbo protidont and BxeonUre Com
. .I.. i
Medical Virtues or Onions. A
mother wrltea t u Once n week invariably and
wao general when wo bad eold meat mlnoed I
gave tba children ft dinner which wei bailed with
delight, and looked forward to j tbia waa ft dlih
of boiled oalona. Tbo little thing, knew not they
were Uklng tbo beet of medicine for expelling
what molt children luffer from wormi. It wat
medical man wbo taught me to eat boiled oniona
no ft ipeaifle for a oold in the cheat. He did not
know at that time, till I told blm, tbat they were
good for anything olio."
Tho above appear! in tbo Lancaster JVvw Ire,
and having fallen ander the eye of an experienced of that oounty, bo wrltea oa follow! :
" Tbo above ought to bo published in lettora of
gold, and hang np betide tbo table, to that tbo
children oould read It and remind tbelr perenU
tbat bo family ought to bo without oniona all tbe
year round. Qlve children of all agei ft few of
them raw, aa eoon fti they are fit to bo eaten,
three er four timef ft week. When they gel too
largo and itrong to bo oaten raw, then boll or
rout them. Daring unhealthy aeatont, wbon
diphtheria and like oontaglooi diieaaei prevail.
oniona ahoald bo eaten onoo ft day. Oniona er
Invigorating and eprophylectli beyond descrip
tion, farther, I challenge tbe medioal frtUrnl
ty, or any mother, to point oat place where
children have died from diphtheria, ocarlatina,
angiftoia, etc., where oniona wen freely eaten."
CLiAnrinLO P., March 6th, 1879.
En. Rbpuolicir : As you with practical as
perUnoo on tbe auocesiful wloUrlog of bee, I
will give yon aloe. I am just on top, or nearly
an, of tho Allegheny Mountain. The Memory
oftoo com down to 18 aad aome timet for
daya together, below toro. Such haa beea tha
oaao during tbe part Winter, with a graat amonnt
of tnow, there not being one day out of twenty
It for boot to ly.
I pat twenty-lbreo etoekt of beet, Is Amorl
ofto hi vet, into Wlnter-qaarten, ai follown I
ado ohabT onahiot, long enough to go all
aroaod tbo hive and wido oaough to roach from
th top to tbo bottom of tbo hire. I thot up tko
bottom voot pretty oloto, took off tho eap entirely,
laid ft tmalJ itlek or eor-sU!k right aerota tba
bolea to tbo surplui boxes, in tho top of tho frames,
and ever tbli pat two or three thlehneeeeo of earpet,
leaving one bole en eoon lid tuovorod. Then 1
laid a tbaff enihioo, at iseboa thick, oo Up,
having It largo enough to real m tba edges of tbo
hlvo and not let It down on tho frames. Theft
over this I tarwed a "W" dry.gaoda not, which
waa puttied and painted oo toe bottom to prevent
leakage. Tbo edge of tbo bot retted on tbo
ground all ntewnd and that tbe beet entirely ta
tho dark, ao they would not become rottleai on
anany days when It waa too oold to fly. Yettor
day, March Stb, being warm and tunny, I opened
tbem np, taking tbo boieo elear of, aa well oa tbo
oushlooe, and opened np tha hit a below, cleaned
owl tho dead been, and opoaed tbo topi aad gave
tbem ft good fly. Before and all around oa tho
aaow, which wot over one foot deep, I spread
paper, old carpet, and burlap, or straw. I toll
yon It wai a pleating tight, all well and hearty,
troag, and tho happiest thing 1 over tew.
But I have loomed that even la tbia told ell
aU beee oaa bo kept too warm for every twarm,
when I bad aot pnt a long nekton aroaod tho
hive, wat in a much bettor ooaditioa tbaa thoto
wbloh had thf eeukloa arooad thorn fewer dead
bot-i and moah dryer. Bo hereafter all boo tbat
I Winter on Summer itandt I shall ousbloa oa top,
witb plenty of upward ventilation, and a box
'reed over thtm, aleetog np around tbo bottom
wf tho box tight witb lawdnit.
I had rev en Itookt la tht teller, I tet them
oat to fly ftftd they were la ft moot prft ttaU,
there bo, being a gin of dead boot la any ooo
I will write again at tba tooaoa edroaoe and
toll yon bo tbe proeper. So far there It aot
Oao twarn. bat what ftppean to bo la oieelleot
reniillon,. . A. U. HiU4.
Go to Ilirlinger A Rook's store for
your Bpriog suits, wbieh they bps salllag cheaper
than afar aad Ovorooatl at cost. Pleaee oall
andaao. ', 11-11.
We have now on band several thous
and flrlt-elwa envelope!, which wo will print for
buitnass mea, or anybody alee, at prtoot that uaa
aot ha rivalled. Call and eaa thr-a . If.
At the Republican oflloe is the plaoe
to gat yoar job work dobo. Wo aro folly prepared
to do anything la tbe printing lino, will do II
well, and at tha right kind of prioea. tf.
To Landlords and Storekeepers.
Lytlo baa an arrangement with an Eaetera Cigar
Faotory ao tkat ka oaa tall olgara ky tho kos or
thoueaad at bottoa figures. Giro their olgara
one trial. If.
Auction I There will he auction
alee at Shloaa' Phila. Branoh olotblng store, in
this borough, eommenolng oa tbe 17lb of March
(Coort week), and continuing throughout tbe
weak. Persons attending oaa gel bargalat In
Ready-Bade Clothing, 11 eta, Caps, aad all kinds
of Qsnt's Furaisklng Goods. ttar-e-2t
Bental Notice. Br. A. H. Hills
would say to his friends and former patients thnt
he haa not retired froa f recti oa as has been ao
Industriously circulated by some persons, hut will
continue lo give hit persona! attaalloa ta all wbo
may deiire it, or lo aaslit Dr. Ualcbbald when
ever required. Mltruus Oxldo Gat glvaa for the
polalett txtreotioa of teeth. April 14-tf.
A Fact. An advertisement Inserted
la tbe Rarvaucaa will reach more readara than
if published ia alt tba other papers IB the ooon
ty, and oost the advertise! lea than one-half
Ia other erorde, aa advertisement published la
our Journal la worth double tho price of that
oharged by any other publisbor la Ibe oounty.
'It is a foot." tf.
Removal. The attention of our
patrons Is oallad to tbe fact that we bare removed
our goods to ths store room foraorly oecupted by
Wa. Reed, adjacent ta Powell'i Hardware store,
where evjatomert will find oar atook largely re
pleaiehed with Bow gooda. This way for
your Boots, Shoos and Go&tt' Faraiahlng Goods.
mar-5-41 McOauuhbt ASaownas.
In about two weeks it will be law
ful to eatob trout. Have you examined your rod,
reel, lines, flitl, hooks, Ao. Wo know of one
man wko tbroateno to Bake a raid oa tha
"baautlaa" wilk lha dawa of Tuesday, April lit,
1879. But to tha point If sot, go at once to
Harder't Gun and Flihlng Taokle atoro and get
tbe firlt "pick" of kit Immense stock of Picking
Taek'o thai be hss received. marll-St.
CleariMEld Coal Trade. State
bob! of Cool aod other freights aeol over the
Tyrone A Cleartald Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for tba week ending March Sib, 1879, aud
the aama time laat year i
For the weok
Same time lait year
IneraaM.. 1,437
Pravloualy during year 114,4 U
Bama time laat year - 181,438
Inoreaao o. 31,lfli
Total In 1878 M 141,808
Same tima laat yaar H 2u6,Ui
Inoreaia H 14,062
otnbi rKiiaBT.
Lumber ...109 ean.
Mleeellaneoui freigbta , Ill "
Tbe aad calamity tbat vitited tho old M Bloom
residence," In tbit eounty. oo tbo 3d of March,
deiervet moro than ft patting notice. Mrs.
Leah Bloom waa an old retideut of tha ooonty,
the widow of Itaac Bloom, Jr., deceased. She was
born on tbe 6th of Juno, 1810, and died In ber
tixty-tbird year. A lingular ooiacldenoo ll that
her daughter Blanche vu aleo bora on tbe Alb
day of June, and died on tba 2d of March. Thus,
mother nnd daughur worn born oa tbe tame day
of tbe month, and both died on tho tamo dy,and
worn burr led In tho lame grave. Blanche bad
for tome time been afflicted witb dlaooeeof tbe
heart and had been abaeot from home for treat
ment for a few weekt. Oa Sunday, the ii day of
March, she died. A telegram, announcing her
death, wat banded to her mo titer about T o'clock
i tho evening. Boo road It, and . exclaimed
Blanche it dead!" and without another word
ank to tha floor and died. Tbut ended tbe Uvea
of be tb.
Mrt. Leah Bloom wot a remarkable woman ia
many reipeott. Ber maiden name wat Hoover;
and aha waa ooo of nine tlitert la ber father'!
family. She wot married to Iteee Bloom, Jr.,
and raited bortelf a family of eight daughter
and Ave tona. Two of ber toot aro dead, but tbo
number of her daughter! worn unbroken until
tbo death of Blanche, Bho leave ten children
to mourn their Ion. Sht waa a bright and in
telligent woman, and great reader. Until bor
laat boon ibo took ft great interest la public
affair, and wot thoroughly booked up In all tbe
newt of tho day. II er homo wot always open,
and hoiplullty waa generously and liberally dlt-
ponted. Brer mindful of tbo poor, no one ever
left bar door unaided. Bbo wat In aa good health
at tho had aver enjoyed when tho read tbe dli-
paUb. How true In It Ia tbo mldtt of life wo
aro ia death. Tbe newt al It spread cart a gloon
over tbe whole oounty. Mourning wat not oon
fined to tho relative of thio good woman, at
wat abundantly te tided by tbo Immenat eon
oo urea of people wbo aUended with iad and lor
rowing heart! this doable funeral. That ibo wai
good worn oa and It at reit from tbo labor! and
oBxietloi of earth la the oooaolatlon of her family
and frleoda. Mar Ood blets tha family the haa
lf(t behind ber, and guide them la the way of
preparation for a nappy re-on ion wun nor n
mortal tpirlt lo ft bright aud better world.
Special a.
Tho largeot lot of Motto Frame over brought
to the eounty, oi A. jacison a, in ino wen onu
of tbo M mii I on uouao. uarix-et.
Tbe moat nnnular and frarrant Perfume of tho
day "I1ACKMKTACK" try it Bold by Hart-
wick A Irvin, and 0. D. Walton, Cloorleld Pft.
Aug. 28 ma Cm pd.
We learn that C. 0. Emigh ha bean engaged
to eonduottbo Normal Academy at Lumber City.
Ho will bo aiilited by a gradumt of the State
Normal School at Indiana. Pa,, making thll in
net, irtooi for toarbera. mar-o-ei
The La tuber City Nerval Academy will open
April iHth, 187V, witb themort eneouroging
proineete. Boarding eaa) bo hod at lower rotes
tham over before, and tuition ditto. mor.-Mt
Boooma For Salb. R. Newton Shew keeps ft
Mi aupply of Predomo Buggies and Platform
Wagons for sale. To bo aeen at tho Shaw House
yard. Call oa or ad drees bim at Cloftrfield Peon.
17 1 ranle. may U-tf.
Wahtid. LaO.000 14-feet ahaved hoopi.dcllv
ered at tbe railroad, In ear loads of 8,0(10, at alt
po Inti on the Tyrone A Clearfield, P. A K., Bald
Kagle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroad, for
wbloh i will pay tna nignoii maraet price.
J. K. KnaMun,
Octlfi, I87 tf. Clearfield, Pa
Oxa HttanatD Pub Obht. DuootricT on Old
Pricbo. Bowing Macbinee oaa aow bo parehaied
at Merrell'a I in and variety atoro, from lea up
ward!. All hind of tewing maebinei repaired
on the aborwtt not tee.
Clearfield, Pa., July 11, 1877.
Hoe Dr. Vbm lyho'o Pulphar Boap.
Make! tbo akla beautifully white aa boolt by,
re mo vee dandruff, chafing, prickly bent, aorei.
oruptiena, burning etlnging ant Itching of tho
kia oao oeoJp. A ouipnur oaiu wun it ii aigniy
recommended. Alwayt am for tt by w fail name,
W a em d. Delivered at the Rail load.
lo,0 18 lack abnvod thin glee,
100,00 14.lnch lowed ibinglee.
108,000 feet of pino boorda.
600, lift 14-feet tba red boopl.
6,no railroad tlea.
1.0.001 fa of good hemloab boarda.
For which I wiU pay tbo big beet market prleo,
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on the
Tyroae Clearfield Katrrood.
J. f. KfteiVftRi
Clearfield, Ptk. Oot. 1, lfi7S-tf.
ir t hailrnr liW Hrid.
Whoa wo toy we boltoTo, wo have evidence to
prove that Bhlleh'a Comumptloa Care Ii decidedly
tho hoit Lung Modietno made, la at mueh at it
will euro ft eommon or Chronic Cough lo one half
tbo time aad relievo Aathmu, Browobitta, whoop
ing Cough, Crowp, and ibow moro oaiei of Con-
umptlon oureo tnan oil einera- wm vm
whore they tail. It U nleooant to take.bftrmloeo
the DotiMt ahild and wa euaronUe what we any
Prleo, 10 eu. 10 eu. and ll.uv. If your Lunge
aro tare, Cheat or Baek lame ooo Bblloh'l Porona
PlosUr. Bold by 11 a rU wick A Irria, 0. D. Wat
son, Clearfield, Pa.
Ths Vet$th-raU mf
Ouroouatry It getting to bo bar felly alarming,
the average of bfo belag leeoeaed every year,
without any raaoonabio oauto, deaia reeuitln
reerally from tho moat Insignificant origin. A
tbla aoaaoB of tbo tear Oipecially, a eold ii each
a eommon that la tha hurry of every day life wo
are apt to overlook the danger attending It and
too often tad to leio, that a fcrer or Long
trobbie not ojrooay tet in. inouaanas iota toen
II too tbU way ovry w later, while had Dote bee'
Oermoa Byrnp boea takoa, a euro wuald have re
ralted. and a large bill from doctor avoided.
por all dleeeeoo ef tbo throat and lnogi, Bneebeo't
Oerntaa Syrup hai prvvea itoolf to to tbo great-
ert dieeovery oi in a tno ib weoicino. very
drueeiol In tbit oountry will tell yea of tU won
derful afoot. Over iy,vt bottles told loot year
w about ft Hogw lotion baowa.
Mo IVh BsImpm It.
That la this town there are aeoree of person,
puling onr store every day whose lives are Bade
alterable by Indignation, Dyspepsia, Sear aad
distressed Stomeca, Live! Complaint, Constipa
tion, whaa for ft els. ws will sell Ihea BhUoh's
Vllaliaar, guaranteed lo euro them. Sold by
Hertswtok A irvla, aad 0. D. Wataon, Clearfield,
Fenu a.
For Lame Beck, Side or Ckest aa SHILOH'l
PUROI'S FLAbik-H. Price It sts. Bold ky
HartswicK M tram ana v. u, walaoo, Ulssrleld,
Just Received!
Just Rocnivod by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Soolia Dos lor I
Car Lend pur Corn, Rye and Oats
Chop 1
Cur Load DcaKen Suit I
Car Load of Choice Family Floor 1
Car Load Dry.Gooda, Groceries, 4c. I
MrShintrles, Bark. R. R. Ties and
Grain will be taken In exchange
I urwensvino, aiay 1, 1878.
2ervoni Debility.
Vital Weakiieoa or Ilenrasalon t a weak
exhausted feeling, ao energy or courage tho re
mit of mental urer-wurk, liidhjcrotloita or
BBecaaea, or some dreia upon the eyeless la al
ways cured ky Humpkrsy's Homeopathic Specific
No. 18. It tuna up and invigorates the system,
ispels tbo gloom aod despondeoey, imparts
itrength and energy, stops the drain and re-
jnvenetee the entire aan. Been used twenty
yeera wilb peneot suooesi by thousands. Sold by
dealers. Price, 11 per single rial, or 96 per
package of Ore vlala and $2 vial of powder. Bent
by mail on receipt of price.
Addreii Humphraya' HoBSapathlc
MedlrlliB Company, m felloe St., N. V.
V. O. Watson, Agsnt, Vleerneld, fa.
- sspt. 18, lSJS-ly.
Kalians ami Texan.
It ii to the foieiwtt of ptmoni ffolng to Kbdim
or Tiu U nlMt oh or th dtroot routtt by
wbtob quick tin ii at-idt, thorough mm con. tod ;
eomfo ruble fcooommodtioni provlde-d. Among
UxkM th "Fu-HUedl itouio ' tuuiu pro-Mol-atnt.
Follow In f U timi of D-IIt RinnM trtiDi vlt
Pto UudU Hoote i Lrt PitUbarg WA m, mn 1
1:47 p. m. t Mrivt tl Bt. Loali 7:30 k. m.t V:00 !
. m.j rrir tt Kiuil City lOtlS f. m., 10:11 1
m. CoDBwuuDi u nut it union uopoti m
Indlantpolii, St L.mli tna Kantu City fur all
polott Waatkod Soathwtft.
To Meomm'-dat famiHca migratinf , arnnga
manta hava boon perfected to ran ft Through
Coach Tuaaday of aivoh weak from PitUbarg I
Kaniaa City, Tift "Pan Handle Routa," with bat
o obanga, in Uniaa Depot, Hu Loala. Tbta
ear la comfortably upholatarad, and nil! bo ran
on regular Expresi train, learing Union Depot,
fltuburgt P N.aTery luaaaay. -
If you are unable to proeura through Uoketa to
point In Miuourt, Arkaniai, Texaa, Kaoatu,
Uolorado or tbe Morthwaat, by tba direol aad
papular "Pan-Uandle Ruult," at your naareit
railroad atation, oall on W. B. 8torht, Agent,
I nion Depot, Piltiburg, Fa., or add rasa W. L.
O'UKiBit, General Pauenger Agent "Pan-Handle
Route," CeltimbQ, Ohio. fee, 2, '7-lm.
On Tuesday, March 4th, 1879. by Wm. M.
Bloom, Kq.. Mr. Hdward Carry and Mlu Margery
Wiler, both of Jordan township.
On Tuesday, March 4th, 1879, by Wm, M.
Bloom, Esq., Mr. J tines Lord, of Knox tow nib lit,
aad Miia Harriet Bloom, of Pike towniklp.
At Lumber City, on Tueiday, March 4 lb, 1879,
by Vim. M. lifnry, Etq , Mr. George Small aad
Mill Adelia Courtne), both Of Clearfield eounty.
On Tueiday, Martb Uth, 187S, by Wm. M.
Bloom, Kq , Mr. John Aughanbaugb and Miss
Adeline u.oom, notn or rtae lownnnip.
At tho ruidrnoe of 0. Smith, Em., itt Belle-
fonto, on Saturday, March a lb, 1870, by Rev.
Laurie, Ur. 'ieorr n. vroemn, oi
IlooUdale, Clearfield eounty, and Mil! Sadie,
daughter of Cberlei Smith, t Uoionviile, Centre
oounty, Pa,
In North HouUdale.on Wednesday, March 6tb,
1679, William Williams, aged 06 yoari.
In tbo borough of New Washington, on Wed
nesday, March :h, 1870, Sarah, wiTe of Hntsel
Mo Murray, aged 76 yeara, U moatbi and 9 daya.
In Union townthln. on Saturday, March Stb,
m. Sadie Etta, daughter of Simon B and Mary
B. Welty, aged 1 year and 84 daya.
Little Etta, bright-eyed darling,
Treature loaned by Heaven above
Game here like a bloated angel,
Filling hearli witb joy and love.
Like a cheerful iunbea, shedding im
Light and gladneil oo ber way
Bver Joyou, leogbur-lovlng , . t
Turning darkneei into day. ,
Her, a million pure and holy I ;k
Winning, by ber artiest love,
Hearu tbat were to eoll and worldly.
And then drawing ithem above. , ,
At the dawn of joy out Spring tima, ,
When the earth wat fair and gay,
Little Ktta, pure and lovely,
Uently pasted from earth away.
O 0 0 0 0 0 0'
She's gone from earth to dwell ia light,
. To live with Jesus clothed la while,
Safe landed on tbat bleited shore,
W bare ttokaasi and death are (alt no mora.
Boved from sorrow hate and it rife,
And weloomed to an endleai life,
Uer happy aoul hat gone to prove
Tho height and depth of Joauo' love.
While we ber parent hero
Without a child our hearU to oheer,
Do humbly kneel at Jttui' feet,
And oak that we 1b Heavaa may moot.
Ob, vile and hard wonld bo onr hearU,
Although we hare been oolled to part,
If wo did not to Qod eonfeee-w
Though we are bereft, Ktu ii bleit. "W,N
lo Bloom townihln. ot Friday. February 18th,
187V, Nora May Reynold, aged 11 months end
B dayt.
CisRABPiBLD, Pa., March 81, 1879.
Flour, per ewt..
11 11
Buckwheat Flour, per ewt
Corn Meal, per ewt....HK....
Chop, rye, per ewt ...
Chop, mlied, per ewt,.,.....
Bran, per ewt.... ...,M
Wheat, per bnthel
Ryo, per bnthel.
Oata, per but hoi
I 00
1 0
1 40
1 10
1 to
uorn, ear, per nnenoi
Buckwheat, per bnthel
Potatoes, per butbel
Applet, per boekaleM.. .,m
J I em i, per pound
Shoulder, otr pound
' 1 00
40 to IN
I 01
. ti
I on
Dried Beef, per pound....
Chtokeni. per pair ...i
Butter, per pound .
E Iff I, per doaen ... a.
Bait, per lock, large
Coal (hi. per gallon.,..., ...... .......
Lard, per pound , -m
Dried Apples, per pound M.
Dried Peaebee, per pound.
Beam, per butbel....
Paii.ADRi.rHiA, March 17. In brea Jttofft lb ore
la leu doing. -'
Voitoa ia firm at tj'al0ie for mlddllRgi.
Flour and Meal Pluur ia quiet and aaohang
edf Salee of 000 barrel tt Including Minnetotaex
tra family, guod to fancy, at H 60oi; PenatjU
vanla do. do. at $4 68(5, wektern do. do. al
$6 J5(6 60; and paleiet end el ber bifth grade!
at WlU (it 8. R7efl'nrijtteail7at$t li-iyl 67J.
Oornmeal la nominally aaa'Uored. -
Urala Wheat ia dtyreuoJ and Irregalor.
Bale! of 4,400 buthell, Ineleding Penapylvaaia
rod, at $1 144, do amber, M $1 I6K9I -6; No. 8
weatera rod. Olerator, at H. it to it dulL
We quote at 60c fur toolhera and 6t6To. for
weitera aad Penneylvaoia. Cora ii quiet and
weak. Bale of 6,000 buiboli, inalading rejootod
aad iteamor, at 43(rti4lc, mixed, aad yel
low, troeb aad grata depot, at 44; do, afloat, at
44ic and tail, elevator, at 43 fa. Oata are eo
obanged. BilM of T.OOVbaabeli; Inohidiag mil
d, at SOrSlic; ood while at .0(3., ibo lat
ter for Penmjlfaoia.
Wbiikv to doll at 81 ti far weiUra,
CiifAoo,i.arob IT. Plaarateady and 9r.
Wheat an tet Med, but geaerailj lowee, wtU aa
aelife demand) No. I Cbioago apring Olo for
oothi 61i(olto lvr April) lalet at 0H(a9Ho
let Aprtlj tf.t for May; No. 1 do 60c; rejootod
Coni aelife, Irm aad bigber) Slit for eab
2ie for April i 8oo for May and bid for Juan.
Data In fair oVnund, but lower ( I3o for eeah
and April i SHl&iH for May.
Hye aloady and unchanged.
Barley tteady and anobanged.
f laiteod ateadr, good domoad.
At tho eieie WUol ia ootieo demand and
bigber odTaooodH '
Cora la good demand, a ibodo bigber 83 le
for April ) Alio bid for May.
Oata ia good domoad aad to higher.
$tw drrrtltttntnti.
frank fieldlnf.. W. D. Blfler... A T. Wla
ap-oaea lo Ple'i Opera Hoaa.
English and Classical
Tht 1 tohoel will open la tba Leonard Graded
School batldiag, Clearfteld, Pa., la A pill, 1678,
aad eeatiaae oieroa weeba.
Claaaoe la Uerman, tiiUny aad Dook-Keoblng,
will be formed. Tblrongl matruatlva tu be
Cnaaoa Brsaehei H 00
Ulinor ...,.. I 00
, l p. TormiaJAlc,
Clearlell, Pa., Jaa. H, llti-in.
Pennflylranla Railroad
ON and after Monday, NOV. 4, 1870, the
Pauenger Train will run daily (except Sun
day) between Tyrone and uioarBoia, no loiwwi i
W. 6. Plowbkr, Oondoctor.
Curwensvtllo,.J.S0, r.u,
Olearfleld, 1.40, "
Tyrone,.. 9, 00, a.m.
Vonoooyoo 916,
Summit, V.ftO, "
Poweltoo, 10.00, w
Bo)nton, 10.17, "
Btetner'e,, "
PhUipsburg,..10.2, '
Ureiiem, 10.18, "
Blue Ball,..M..10.l7,
Wallaoitun,... 10.44, "
Blgler 10.51, "
Woodlaad, "
BarreU 11.07, "
Leonard 11.11, "
Clearfield, 11.19, 11
Leonard, X.eV,
Barrett 8.1.4, "
Itigler, 4 0,
Wallooeton 4.17, "
Blue UalL 4 J.-, "
tiraham 4.31, "
Pbiirpiborg, .4.B6,
Steiuer'a, 4.89, "
Boyntoo ..4.48, M
Owoolo, .4.6S, "
I'owelton, 0.113, "
Summit, 1. 1ft, "
Vanaooyoo,M..t.S9, "
Tyrone, fi.00,
Wm. L. Rhoam, Conductor.
Curwonirlllo. 6.41 a. m,
Clearfield.. MM 710 "
Leonard, 7-26 H
Barrett, T.36 "
Woodlaad,... .M M
Illgler .T 8 07
Wallaoeten,. 8.1S M
Blue UU...... 8 S '
Graham, .4& H
Philipsburg.. 9.00
Steiuer'a,.. 9.10
Boy ton, 9.14 M
Oaooola 9.S0 M
Poweltoo, 1000
Summit, 10.80 "
Vanoooyoo,M.11.07 "
Tyrone, 1UJ u
Tyrone, l.tfi p. .
Vanteoyoe,....l.iS 1
Summit, 8.00 1
Poweltoo, 8.10 1
Oaooola. 1.41
Boyuton, 8.63 1
Bteiner'e,H 4.00 '
Grab em 4.40 1
Bluo Ball,....4.5 '
Wallaeetoa, ...ft.ll '
Bigler, 6.38 '
Woodlaad, 1
Barrett, 6.67 '
Leonard,. ...... 0.06
Clearfield 6.30 1
Curweniville,. 7. 00 '
A ittxeleavoi Curwenirllle dally for Reynold -
ville, at 1 o'olook, p.m.,arTtvlngat Koynoldivlllo
at A o'clock, p. m. Betnrning, leave Key no Hi
vllle dally, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Oar
wonarilU at U o'olook, m. Vara, ooob way, $2.
A itage loavaa Carwanavllle dally, at 1 o'clock
p. m., for Dubois City, arriving at DuUoii City
at 4 o'olook, p. m. he turn log, karoo DuBoia at
7 o'olook, a. m., dally, arriving at Curweniville at
18 o'olook, m. Fare, oaob way, $1.
Morriidalo, 13:40
Vhtiipsburg, 13:36 4:31
Buyers 11:31 4:14
Boynton, 13:14 4:16
Osceola, 10:10 11:04 4:10
Mothaanoa, 10-86 11:61 8:67
Sterling, 10:48 11:46 8:60
Houtadole, 10:48 11:40 8:46
MoCauley, 10:53 11:86 8:40
Kondrlok'l, 10:68 11:30 8:36
Ramey. 114ft 11:36 J:30
p. a. A. a. a.
i :
f:6l 8 0S
8:1(1 1:11
ISO ill!
8:40 t:2J
8:Si :a
:itl lilt
KsTMotL ' UmiU Kip.
p. m. a. m. r. Me A. M.
7.16 8.80 leave Tyrone arrive 6.10 8.06
7.33 8.47 Bald Eagle 6.61 7.48
8.01 0.80 . Julian 810 T.Olt
8.14 0.64 Mileeburg 4.46 6.4ft
8.33 10.06 Bellefouto 4.87 6-3
8.46 10.16 Mileaborg 4.16 6 3.H
0.08 16.40 Howard 4.01 6.00
9 41 11.18 arrive L. Havan Iouto 3.16 6.36
I wbiitwaru. A.
PitUburgl Kxp'M. 3-60
iPaclfio Kxpreti, 8:16
- r...!
Waj I'anengsr. 1:1
Mail Train, :34
Fait Line, 1
Paeifle Bxprava
Harrlibarg Aoc'm,
Mall Train,
Atlantic Bipreta,
1' bl la. a. i press,
Cloio aonnoctloni made by all train! at Tyrone
and Look Haven.
,B, B. Oblin,
mylT-tf. Superintendent.
Bellefonte, P. 11
Middlelown.... IS 00
Marietta. 6 bt
Laneaster . 1 10
Lock liaren..
, ItO
. I0
, 1 80
, II)
. 4 M
. 10
. 05
lluntingdon .M...
Altoona 1
JohnstoWB.HMM.. S 9s
I'blliasbnra 11
Tyrone 1 11
. in
5.000 Rail Road Ties
Curwensvllls, Pa. Jan. , It-it.
Mrl, John B. Ransrtj, of Psna township,
nfr.M for ml a dwellin. bouee nnd store room,
situate in tbo vtllego of Peonville. For furtber
iofortnat on npplv to. or ndareas,
aire. J. B. KAPPKBTT,
oot 3S,f tf. Urampiaa Hills,
Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs,
Curwensvlls, Jan. 9, 71-tf.
at 8. Oainabnri's Grooerr Store, aeoend etreet,
C learneld, fa. jaa. w, i i
For Sale or Rent.
flituated two doors east of Dank. Beit bminess
nart of Carwensvillo. for Urms annlT to J. D,
TUOMP6uN,at blseee,or II. B. THOMPSON
nt the Kzpress office, Cnrwensrills, Pa.
Harsh , leTMs, ,
Sheriff's Sale.
flrtoeof wndry wrltl of fitri Faexai la
ttind out ef tbo Ooort of QontBon Float of Clear
field oouotri and to me directed, there will bo
einooed to pa bile tale, at tho Court Honae, In tbo
boroufD OI viearoeia, on
Ttaurwlay, March 'iOth, IH70,
At 1 o'oloob F. M.. tbo fvlluwlnf deacribed real
eetftte, to wit j
All the iatereil of owid Defendanla la tbat ear
tain realeeUte aituato about two mi lee from far
wonarillo, In Pike townahip, Clearfield ooonty (
Pa... deieribod ae follewa j lleiinninf nt a oheit-
not corner fortnorly tho oouth oomer of land of
1 beodore England tbettco by aatd land north
drgreet weet 112 port-bet to ft wanlo on lino of
what waa Jonn Kigiey a etiaio; inence oj mm
lino tontb 4 degreoe weat .13 perehee to oheet
nut the ionlh oorner of taid Higley etlato; thenoe
by aatd land north 44 decreet weit 4 pornbea to
a white oak corner; thenoe aoatb 44 degree! wett
DO perohei to a hemlock corner i thence lootn
degroM oaat 110 perohei to a heaalook oorner i
Ihenoa lauth U deareea east T perebne to atonea :
tbenoo north AA degreea eatt 114 perohei to a
poet tbenoo aonth ! degreea eaat U0 perohei
to pott; thenre norh J7 df greet eaat per
ohootos poitt thenoe orth 1 degree weat 118
perohea to ft white pino oorner of land now or
formerly of Joaeph Hpeooer ; thenoe by laid land
north ili d"- wat 4f l it porohoa to an
oak oorner llienco ami oy eaia rpeaeer e nan
- north 4Tf degreea wett U penhee
to a post; tbenoo bytond formerly owned by George
BmUv enrtb 44 d-rroee tut 1A4 perrhee to a
poet oorner of tald Theodore Kngland I tbenoo by
aftia Kngland l land eoain eo aegreee weet vi
norebei to tho r heel net oornor, the plnoe of begin I
aing, eontalning btA aorta, 117 perehee and allow I
anoo, more or lota, being part of a traot lurvoyej .
oa a warrant to Nlcltlin i tirlffia, and known at
warrant No. 94l. and havtni thereon watori
aaw mill and iteam ihingle mill, dwelling bonee
end oalbtjildinge. A boat 4 aerea, moro or lett,
re clewed, baring tboreon aome fro it treee, and i
Tarioot I m pro re menu. A great pan it untner
bud. having thereon a large quantity or valuable
pine, hemlock and other limber ee liable for
board t, ihinglea and ether kindi of lumber.
Belted, token In eioentlon aad lo be eold aa the
property of J. C. A J. I. Krater.
Alto, tbat eertaia lot of groand, wlrh a twt
alory fraao dwelling honae aad oatbtildingo , nnd
Improvement! thereon, ooeupled by taid J . K.
Krataer, tn the borongh of Carwonivllle, deierlhed
m follow! t Hitanto on ibo aonth aide of State
llreet, and fronting on aaid Stale it reel,
eommenolng at State llreet at n eorwwr wf lei;
formerly oeoapied by Jeraei H. Fleming; tbenoo
eouthward by aatd lot 180 feet to Blroh alley 1
tlioooe wett ward by aald alley W feet to. ft poet ;
thenoe northward 180 foot to State atreet i tbenoo
bv Slate 1 1 reel eajtwmrd $9 feet to tbe plaoe of
beginning. Soiled, taken In eioentlon and to bo
pole aa ino property w 4. . krwaer.
Abo, by vtrtot of writ of Vm, t-t-i on
Tbondny , March IA, 1T, the following propfr'y,
to win
Aleo. orrtoln tract of land altnato la Beooarla
township, Ulearfield eoon ly. Fa., bonnded and
dooerloee. M fnllowt. Tin It o. 1, oa tbo eaat by
land of John W. Lallf oa tbo north by land of
(I. w. Caldwell on tho weat by land of Sawptoo,
Walton A Oo.t aad aonth by CloorieM ereek,
oonlaiaing 179 aerei, with M aoroa elearod. hav
ing a log honae IB by M, large log bara, imall
ernhartl, and aiher owthiriidtnge uereoa.
No. S. bounded aad deecrtd na fcllowt : On
tbe m by landa of Imm Smith, north by tandi
f Jnmoa 1,'Nw, weat by lavdaor woaopn w. L.nn,
aonth by landior Amaira rlmiib and Broniffea
tote, eoaeainiaa AA aeree and nllowwaoo with n
aerea fleered, with large grill mill, large aaw asl'l
large two it or J dwelling boaH 10x30. kltehealt
by If, aad tone, honet I otortoa Utl4, wilb
table and other onlbqildtngi Ibereoa. Itoliod,
taken taetoewtloa nod ta ho eold aa the property
of eUaraabM Arm4roa.
Tiaai or 8 La. Tho arloa o tarn at wkloh
the property aball be atruek of maat be paid at
tho time ef omle, areweb oihtr arrftngemenU
ado aa will bo approved, othorwiao tbo property
will be Immediate!? ant na and told again at
the eipeaee aad risk of the peroon to whom ll
wat atrnok eg, and who, la oaae of aeneieney at
eweh ro aala. ehell make aoed tbe aama, end la
ao laotoaeo will the Deed fee preaeatod la Coort
for roalrmaiioa aaleta the moaev ta actaaiiy
paid to too tihoril. AHUHIW r"T, r.,
nnaairr urrita, i
CI earl el 4, fa., pel !,
Fall and Winter Gooda
in great variety, are now open and ready for sale, at
(by small buyers), at the widely and well known Dry Goods
Store of
It is only necessary for us to announce to the public that with the
constantly increasing demand, we are ever enlarging our BtocK,
both in quantity and that any and everything
needed in the most durable and fashionable lines
of goods can bo had at our store at all times. Our
goods have been selected in person by Mr. Fleck, mostly
nt tho manufacturers, and by buying in large quantities, we
save tho iobbers' nrofit. and
We also have one of the very
place, ready to trim
in the very latest styles, and we
trusted to Miss Grcsty s care
We know whereof we speak, that we will make it to the interest
of all persons wishing to buy Dry
ana examine our mock be lore buying elsewhere.
Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street,
7 Yiaa if )IU ' 3
II AT eaBaahw M
"Send for Illaatratcd Cirralor and Price liberal Term, to tho Trade. -.
Don't buy until you have seen the lightest running machine in
the World. the Ever Reliable "VICTOR."
HIDDLHOWH, COttft, and Koa. l ad 0l Waaattt Avenue, CHJCAOu, 114.
YOITNO MEX preparod for Mtiro butlocta
life. Tbo only Inititotioa la tbo Halted
Bla tea exelutively deroted to practical baiinoM
dueatlow. School alware In aeaaioD. Btudeota
oan enter ai an; lima. For eirewlar iWini fall
partlealara add rem J. C. SMITH. A. .,
Maron a, jBy-in.j - riiiwiwgB, rm.
we mot TrnPDIC'PP
f.W Wali--ltll la attentat.
tylwrf-tlre'ajeaiaiaaeael II.
Krr-aMlf t mUmtif Pa.hat
HURTS, IIECLER, tktle nufkolurtp,
IBO, OOO tab Ms-JOl, FWimttpOaa,
Lumber City
Normal Academy.
Tbo aiath teHloa of tbe Lamber City FJormal
Aofttlemy will open April llh, 187V. and coo
llano aixtoea wtekt, with a vacation.
0. 0. Ktnifth Principal.
Mill Maggie Mitchell An 1st an I.
Mr. Emigh, baring taught here daring the part
year, ll already known. Mite Mitchell U a grad
uate of tha hlate Normal Bcbool,at Indiana, Pa.,
and a lady af fine aooompltthmenta.
A branobea taught from tbo alphabet ta tba
(Oat ftmrth to bo paid oa on taring achool.)
Primary eowae ,.$.! 00
Intermediate ooaraa M I 00
Kngllth eonrao A f 0
Knglish eoaree, with Algebra - 8 00
Higher branebee 9 00
Thii aehool baa prodnood aome of the beat
teach tn in the county. It haa the boat tyitetn of
grade putalble. it ia oonduetod by oiparlenood
Lumber City afford f eioolient oharcbei: nlentv
of food boarding at $1.00 per week ) beaut if al
aeouery ; opportuaitiea for health Col atnuaetnente.
and a live eingiag achool, oondncted by Prof.
Bloom. For full Information call on or addroia
tho Principal, or V. 0. HELL, Preslunt.
D. L. FRROV0ON, Son.
Lumber CMy, Pa., Mar. 12, 17 if-if.
Vote Early and Often !
GEO. C. & T. W, MOORE.
THKT lavlle joe lo rell at their 8lors In the
Opera Home, C'LRaRFIKLU, PA., and eee
IBO Beet aaa eoeaaen tsaoa a.
Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c
Tbslr larffe aad eleaaat otock of aeods eeailels
of all stvleeead prices ia LAUUtl,''
enii ClllLDKK.N'i .i.rn r suoes,
Whleh will snltall kinds of onstoasrs. Also,
Thk ! tbo only plaoe la Clearfield toonty
where tba aolebratod
Driving Boots and Shoes
aa h. aonabL BOYS' aad YOUTHS' BOOTS
and 8IIOKS of all kinds.
Also, a earetalir hmtM asMirtaMaleT
Raaaer Oeoat fcr every hodr, aoaslslla saf
milt in: it booth,
X,TJMBEBliXirfl ouus, tea
Alsn, a a.a .tela of Laaberaea's Qeae, hela
the ART IO with eolle) eMMse, wkleh are oaa.
sldsred a greet iBBravoaaeal aa tko old sl,le.
aeT PletH Mil aad etaalae .ar goode.
Cleartald, Pa., Noveabar , HI Ha,
toMMttrfaiim asu4wiiL,an.
Or Cm POLISH Wm He.t
mm MtXTWO.
- are thus enabled to sell at
best Milliners constantly at her
guarantee that any work en
will be pleasingly executed. .
Goods of all descriptions, to call
f Simplified i O maintained J
Improvements September, 1878'
tleTtiir reeard frr tbe demaad of -i
prf rrtelTe aije. wo now offer to tbo World
Important. Improvements.
KolwilhsUindiiig tko VICTOR haa long boon
Ibo peer of any mncbioo in tlio market a fact
nuprjorttd byahoatof Tolnntwrwltneoaoa wo
nosr confidently claim for It greater
aimpltcity, a wonderful reduction of
friction, and altogether a Jiare Com.
iiiiwIuMicDeiiraWl QuaUiei. Foranls
by MerchaQta ond oihen.
Prices of Shingles.
Curweniville, Jaa. , 'Tl-Cf.
A Bankthat Never Breaks.
Try My Coal.
Tbo undenlgned adopta tbli method of Inform
ing tbo Dumorooa eoniumera, tbat hit eoal bank
ia not a Winter arrangement only, bat that It
will ba operated la tbe Snmmtr aa well aa Win
ter. I elalm tbat I havelhe -
Best Goal in the Market,
and will aall It for oaab, er la exchange for floor,
food, groeeriee, oto. Largo oontraoU will be
made at a very email prolt. Far fall partlealara
oall oa me la poraoa, roaiding in oao of Orabam't
upper houiei, or addroaa me through tho pott
offloe. Orderi left at tho portoffloo will reoetra
prompt attention. TH08. A. DUCKBTT.
Ulearotle, fa., Jan. 6, ISTti-tX t
Clearfield, Pa.,
i ,THTv7AS,
Carpet. Oil CIoIIi.h,
Etc, Etc., Etc.
Clrarfleld, Pa., dept. las, 1H1 tf.
Wiliamsport BootSi
. j m , ; , Elmira Boots,
Driving Bools and Shoes,
Claflin's Boots & Shoes,
Boys' Boots & Shoes,
pino Boots
r -wvj -a-
Stoga Boot
W Ilk a general variety ef Ladle.1, M Uses' aad
I'Biidroa s uaots, raoeje and Uafters,
Tke awdontgnod respeMfally IsvlU (k. site,
lien of tko people ef Cleartald wnaly, ta toeir
B.W slaek ef the akov. aaaed (aada. Oaaatry
Preduee tekeo la ...Sao,, far gooda.
Prise, a. law aa la. towal.
(waved to Wa. RMd's eld stead, Isooad It,
Cleeriald, Pa., Dee. i, U7I Jan.
M' ' h::i G:;ii,
Ketiee Is ksrabj giraa tkat Letter, of Ad
uiniatrallaa an Ik. e.1.1. eT JOHN I1KBIR
LINU, Ul. of Bvedr towa.klp, ClearOeld ooaale,
Pa., deoeaaed, kavlng keoa dolj graated U tk.
nnderelgned, all aereoae ladebted to aald aetata
will please Bake Imaediau Bnva.nt, aadtkeee
baaing elaias er deaaada against tka saao will
araaent tkea nronerlj aatkealleatad for aettle
aeot wttboat delay.
Latberabarg, Pa., P.b. t, 1170 Ot.
ta hereby aivaa that LetUra oLAdaialatra.
I tton aa tba Ule of 8 KN RY M N k 1 Hi NR. lale
u, u.iic. ww...,p, .HW.... oeuaiy, ra aaal J,
having been dnly graated to tbe anderaigaed, aM
peraona Indebud ta aaid estate will please aaa.
imaediau payaeat, aad tkoee kaving elaima or
d amends will preeeat Ikea properly aataMatloetael
for aettleaeBt withoat sjolar.
Smith's Mills, llarok I, ltia-lt.0 Adaia'r.
le kereby given tbat Lettere of Adalnlstra
lion oa thoeauuof DAVID A.CATIIUART. law
of Kbox towoikip, Clearfleld ooaaty, Pena'a.,
deo'd, karlng aeeB doty g rented to tko aoder.
eigned, all penope ladebted t. eaid aetata, will
pleaee moke Immediate payment, and thoea Bav
in, elelme or demaade will preeeat tbaa properly
authenticated for aettlomenl withoat deley.
Naw Millport, March 4, ula t.o Adaia'r.
ITUJR IAtE OR RENT. Tho large aai
. eoaaodloae threetory brlek koUl, eltaato
tn the villeaeor Ulea Hope, Casarfleld arantr, Pa. .
with good atahllng Bad all tha aeeeeoery oat.
buildings, together with a atoro-raoa 9le.a feet,
ie aow offered for aala or rant, on easy taraa.
Tba loeatloo aad tba hooe. Is oao af the kest, for
a kotal, la tke eonnty. A large eaoaBt of travel
la kept ap betweea tka aeutkwaelara porltoa of
tke ooaaty to the aeat regleae ! Uontadala aad
Oaoeola. It le oa tho through turnpike
froa Tyrooe to DuBole. For fartker partiaala
laqulra of or addraa tka aadertirned. irurta.
Olen Hope, Nor. It, ISTI tf.
None Bottor. ITont Qioaper.
H . Sell for ti.OO
Stronf.'vijforoui and
au grown runts.
8 Boms, or 10 Oaranloas or 10 Fnehslaa or H
Verbenu or 1ft Paneies or U atoglo Pataataa or
1ft Baaaet and Bedding plaits er 16 Coleueor IS
Heliotoopas or IS Chrreantbeaorae ar IS Olad
iolus or 10 Doable ,Tnberoee Valno for 11.00
or IS rianU a bolbs (I of aeon eolllioa)ll.00
or ball tbla sollselloa 7ft Plaata and Bulbs with
Nsw pare wblle.'agoratBB (bleaehe) added Ift.ot
or tbe wbole ecllectioa ef I&0 eboiea plaata and
Bolbe witb n pleat of Age return Blanche or the
Aew bear lei slooe usraalna (Mrs. reylor)
added S.O0.
Wa guarantee eafa delivery ay Bsprett.
Onr Printed Circular of
Flowers fotEverybod7,"tentre."
Harry Chaapel,
290 West 4th St., WilliamsPort, Ea.
sen. ae, leie.OB
Allegheny Valley Bailroad.
ON and after Monday, Dee. lOlh, 1ITT,
the paisenrer trains will ran dailv ravMnl
Sunday) betweea Red Bank and Driftwood, as
follows t
EAHTWARDIar Mall leaves Ptttsbar.
J a. a.; Red beak H:i0; Rligo Junction 1J S,
Nsw Bethlehem 1:07 p. b. May. ville 1:10 1
Troy 1:10 Brookvlllo 1:00 ; Faller'i I IS j ley.
noldivllle 1:61 DuBoit l:S8 1 Sumalt Tunnel
HI I Pen!. Id 4:04 j Weadvlll. 4:17) Boaoaelt.
a:tt arrlvM at Driftwood at 4 46.
WEmr ARO Dav Mall lear.a TiAK-Jt
11:16 p. m.t Beaasstas l:00i H'Mdvitu ..a.
Penleld l ti Saamll j DnBols l it:
Reynoldivllls 1:61; Fuller's 1:67; Brook ville 114 i
Troy 1:0 Meyeville 4:16; New Bethlehea 4:,
Sllgo Junotion tat! Red Bank 1:17 1 arrives at
rittsonrg at s;iv p. a.
Jat The ReTnolderille Aaeoeoaiodetlna t..
Reynoldaville deily at 7:61 a. a. aad arrira at
Red Bank al 11:00 e, a., Pltukargh at 1:16 p. a.
Leavse PilUbarah at 1:10 n. a i Rl Beah
1:66 p. m.j arriving at RayaofdsvUle al t:tt p. as.
I'loae eoaneetloae aada with traias aa P. A I.
Railroad at Driftwood, and with train, oa tha
Alleghsny Vallsy Railroad at Red Benk.
DAVID MoOAROO, ttea'1 Sup't.
A. A. Jacisoa, Sup't L. a. Dir.
The undoreiraed would infaraa ta. ..Ul, ta..
be Is now running a euge line between Cleartald
ana rennoia, (aree ttmae a week.
The sUae leaveeClearfleld on Hoad... Wl.M.
days aad Fridays, at t a'elook a. a., arrlviag
al Penteld at 11 o'eloek a. Returning same
days. Lea vee Penteld at 4 o'eloek p. a, arris.
iug . vnanus ai a a eiooa p. a.
Conaeellon Is made altk tralae aa tha Loss
Grade R. R. at Penteld. Fare, eaek war, 11.60.
uau. w. UBAHHAHT.
Cleartald, Pa, Feb. IS, 1171
Would reaTIenstula Bntif vtia a,HV. u 11
thai ba baa rtmnmmA hi. flm..- a. L
flhaWi 9w, to tha but Id in f formerly oeenpled
by J. Mllee KraUor, oa Beeoad llreet, aext Soar
w ainji nirnwin aiora, woero at la ten da
keeping a full lino of
BUOARS aad BY HUPS, of all grades,
HAS, Oreea and Blank.
C0FFIE, Roe. ted aad Oreea.
All kinds la th. market.
PICKLES, la jars aad Barrels.
SPICES, la every fans TrtM,
Coal Oil ud Limp CKlttatyi,
Aad a good aaeortmeat of tkoee Ulan anally
kept In a groaery atoro, wklek ka wUI eiahaage
wiu sol iror oaek as aaeaply as aay ether eaa.
Pleeae oall aad ku k . . ...
yoertf. "
, . . ,ea MoeJAMHeTT.
Olearleld. Jaa. t, 1171.
State Normal Nchool.
(Eighth Xormal School District.)
Lock Ilaven, Clinton Co- Pa.
A. X. KA UB, A. Ji"., Principal
This Sehool aa at prwaat eaaelltaleeL elera lha
very beet fulliliee fa PreJeeiioael aad Claeleal
Buildings spaeiaws, Inviting aad oeaaodlooai i
ooapletely heeted ky ateaa. waU ua
ftirnlihad with a hwaattlal .apply af pan wakes,
soft iprlrg water. '
Loaatloa kealtkfal aad aaey ef ainai.
Surrooadtng eeeawy ,nnd-
Teaekera espaUuMd, eSoleat, aad ailfw a
tksir work.
1)imI, Ilea, Ira bat hied, aalfbra aad Ikayasuk.
Kipeaaas aaodWatt.
Pity mis a week dedsaAsea aa tksee presvarla.
to teeeb.
StadeaU admitted aay tima.
Cearies ef Medv preeertlad by tho Slate I.
Model Rakool. If. Preparaton. 111. limit
tar;. IV. tcientlle.
aajcscv caaatu
I. Aeadeala. II. Coaaerelal. Ill, Masts.
IV. Art.
Ths Elestsalary aad teleaUle aware, are Pre
feHieaal, and atadeau gradaatlag thareta reeetv.
Hun Diplaaas, eo.t.rrtag tka follawlag seme.
poadlng degreee i Master af tke Seteaees. Ored.
uatM sa tka otkar OMree. reeetv. Revaal Oarkit.
oata af tkelr etlataaeata. slgaed by tke Faealty.
Tka Prefeulaal aoareae are liberal, aad are
la Ikoteagkaeee sot taferler lo thoee ef oar beet
The SUU reejalrae a higher order of asthma,
skip. Tk. tlaea daaaad It. It It aa. W ska
Rrtms ekMts oftklaeekeoltakalpto a save ll hw
iraishtag latelligeat aad ameteal taskaa 1st
her sshools. To this oad st eoUotu paeaaf ear.
eoea ef good abtlltla aad good pirpaee. thsea
wb. desire ta Improve their visa, aad shear eat.
ants, ee stadenla. Ta all taeh It tweaaaa. Bed la
davsloaiag thetr power, aad ahaadaal epaerta.
eltIM for well paid labor after Uevtaa sshaaL
Far emlalege aad teraae addraa tse Prlaeipal.
. V. BALL,
Presides! Beard of Traot eaa.
Cll.t.n eeaaty S. D. Bad, T. O. Nipple, Dr,
1. H. Barlaa, A. R. Raes, jMh Irswa' WUaaa
Kisler, A. N. Raub, W. W. Raahla, R. . fee,
aaaal Christ, 41. Ktatalag, . M. IMferd, I. L.
Llletaabae, A. O. Neyet. 8. R. Paaaa.
Cealra Ka-esev. A. tt. Oartla.'
Cleartald s U.V. Was, Rlgtet. ,
Elh-Charles R. Barkvy.
Uck Mavea, Pek. It, 7t 1
1 ' ;
I . .1