Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 19, 1879, Image 2

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    Geobue 13. GoociaMiiB, Editor. .
Reader, if you wenl to know whet If going on
ta tho baslnsss world, Jasl rood oar advertising
lama, tbe Sjnttml oolumB id particular.
No mi worthy tbo oflloo of Prosldsni should
bo willing to bold it if oountod lo, or pluoed tboro
by air frond. v. B. umr.
I aootd now hare boa roooneilod to tbo ele
vation bv tbo omollool kid of bid of o person,
however respectable in prlroto lift, wbo mtiit
forever earry apoa bit brow too stamp 01 irana
'Int triumphant in Ansrtsan history. No Mb.
oqaont lotion, cowevor nerltorious, MB woab
away tbo Utters of tbot rooord.
Chablbs FaAacto Adam.
'' I wonld rather have theendorssoiootofniianr
4er of a mlllioD of tbo Amorlooa pooplo tboo tbot
.of tbo LouliioDO Returning Board, or of tbo Com
miMioD wbiob excluded tbo fooli and doaidod
tbo qooBltoa od toohaieality.
, Tool. A. IIbddbioro.
Under Iho formi of low, Rutherford fi. Heyes
has booo declared PresidsBt of tbo United Slateo.
llll titlo root! apoB di.iranohlseu.nt of lowfol
voters, tbo felse certificates of tbo returning ott
ooro ooting oorrupUy, ood tbo doeUloo of o on-
nissioa wbiob bos refused to booroTidtDoo of ol
leged froud. For tbo first tin oro tbo Amorlooa
pooplo confronted witb tbo foot ofo fraudulently
olootod Proaidoat. Lot It sot bo oodorotood tbot
tbo froad will bo silenUy acquisseed Id by tbo
oooour- Lot no hour pool in wbiob tho niurpo.
tion io forrotton.
AnonuM or Dbmocbavio V. O.'s.
Ono hundred yeera of human depravity ooan.
mulated ond oonoentratedlnloaeliuez of erimo.
Never again In fire hundred years iholl tbey have
OB opporlunuy to ropool too wrong.
Dambl W. Voonniit.
Our first page this week it one ol
tbo best wo over put out. All should
read it.
Genoral Simon Cameron oclobratcd
big 80th birthday at Harrisburg on
Saturday. Hi houso wag crowded by
friends and tbo General was In an ex
tromoly happy mood.
That Sunstroke Aqaim. Senator
Tburman' Columbus Democrat warns
Senator Blaine tbat "be should not bo
too sure bo can get away with the Ohio
Senator." Mr. Tburman has novor
beon used up by a sunstooke.
There is one Mississippi editor just
one who objected to being styled Col
onel, lie frankly says tbat be was
born a cripple and bis mode ot locomo
tion is s whoel-cbair, and he doesn't
think tho titlo appropriate to him un
der the circumstances.
Be proparod for taodyism for the
next two or three months, for ono ol
Humorous children of Victoria was
rocently married to one of the equally
numerous scions of tho house ot Prus
sia. The Cuko of Connaught to Prin
cess Louisa Margaret,
Senator John 1). Gordon is quilo sick
at Willnrd's. The Washington Capital
says that be has the sympathy of all
good men irrespective of party, for be
is as pure a character in privato as in
public lifo and bas imparted a rare
charm which amouuU to romance in
bis own country.
If Soooior Wollooo dofoota Mr. Randall, Bono
tor Wollooe It k dood oook la tho bomo pit.
Lantitir nttUtoonot r-.
Jorusalem ! What leviathan is this
that has brokon looso, and entered the
political arena,for the purpose of slaugh
tering human beings promiscously f
Good Lord deliver us from such boasts
of prey.
No Coubt. Parties, jurors, wit., and all others interested in next
wock's Court, aro hereby notified not
to attend, for the reason tbat all the
causes have been continued, and the
Court ordered to commence on the
24th inst. will ant be held.
"It li mid tbot 1,100 hunary Democrats on
aeekiag positions ia tho Bsuate." Aodieaf A'o
cAaaei. Well, the Democrats will have a
good precedent to follow: About that
number of Radicals have feasted at the
Senate crib for sixteen years, and the
editor indicated nevor set up a single
yelp about there being too many bands
At the bellows.
Whenever a Republican of the visit
ing-statesman type fuels the Deed ef
renting bis noble rage upon somebody
wbo cannot strike back and of giving
bis patriotism an airing, he rises ma
jestically and makes an assault upon
JefTorson Davis. When the bill was
up In tbo Senate on tbo morning of
March 3d to pension the veterans of
the, Mexican war, Mr. II oar, formerly
of the Electoral Commission, arose and
moved that Jefferson Davis be exclud
ed from the benefits of the bill "be
cause he bad made himself odious."
This, Mr. II oar doubtless thought, was
a fine and heroio stand to take. To
make Mr. Pavis the "arch-traitor" has
a certain advantage it gives tho
"Stalwart Republicans" something tan
gible to fling tbeir spite at Why be
should be bated more than General
Loo or Stonewall Jackson or General
Joseph E. Johnston bas never appear
ed, lie was not tbo author of Sccos
sion. no was only toe ny on me
wheel of a great movement. It carried
him as it did others. The causes which
lod to the war of Secession were root
ed in the eventa of fifty year before.
Nay, when tbo New England ships
first began to bring slaves from Africa
to the Colony of Virginia the seeds of
the war were planted. To make Jef
ferson Davis the cause of tbo war is
about as rational as to make Washing
ton the cause of tho Revolution. Sin-
gle men count lor little In great eras
like these. Jefferson Davis acted his
part according to bis idoa of duty
just as Robert E. Leo and Stonewall
Jackson did, Mistakes be may have
made in policy, as they did in the field
of war, but he never stained bis bands
with useless blood and novor dirtied
them witb any participation in frauds.
Ho did what be could to ameliorate
tbe horrors of the war and since Its
close has accepted imprisonment, de
traction, calumny, with unshaken for
titude. Sometimos, stung by unmerit
ed reproach and slander, he has bro
ken silence and every word that he
ha uttered baa been distorted and
misintorpretod by bi onomies for po
litical effect. For this reason we have
ourselves severoly criticised bis utter
ancos, knowing tbat tbey would thus
be used by an unscrupulous adversary.
A magnanimous toe would be oontont
to let him live out tbe remnant of bis
days in pcaco. The band of God bas
been heavy enough upon bim. Death
has invaded bis family and taken its
most cherished members; his fortune
bas been impaired ; bis health is in
firm. Is not this enough 7 let when
tbe United States is considering tbe
payment of pensions tojthe vetorans of
the Mexican war in which Jefferson
Davis rondorod knightly service-
Electoral Commission Hoar, stained
through and through with tbo infa
mies and perjuries of tbe Great Fraud,
arises to say tbat Jefferson Davis has
made himself odious and should be ex.
eluded from tbe benefit of tbe act. The
Fraudulent Administration that be
helped to count in has given office to
General Longatreot and Mosby. It
bas given a Cabinot office to Key.
Tbere km no principle at stake witb
Hoar. He merely wished to make a
cheap sensation by striking a broken
old man whose chief offense is tbe pa
tient dignity with which be bas borne
the booting and slander of bis ene
mies and who, despite all tbat may be
said of bim, is as much entitled to
gratitude for bis services on the fields
of Mexico a though be bad nevor rep
resented tbe people of the South in
their war for Independence. Balti
more Gazette.
Read Our Fourth Page. Those of
our reader wbo want to post tbom
elves on the far-off British-African
war, now being waged, can loarn much
by reading tho letter of M. D. Conway,
on our fourth pago. "A Reminis
cence," "A History Completed," and
' other political articles, will be found
on this page worthy ol study.
Tbe Rogue's Galaxt. The New
York Sun from day to day print an
interesting table of tbe distinguished
individuals who bad a band in count
ing Hayes in, what part they played
in tbat great work, what reward they
have received and what the salary of
tbeir present place is. There are about
120 ei thorn ranging from cabinet min
isters down to custom bouso laborers,
and their annual rewards aggregate
$254,115. '
Lorrr Patriots. The minority re
port of tho Potter Committee seeks to
make a point by this statement : "No
man bas come forward to say that any
bribo was acceptod." Tbe assurance
required to make such an assertion can
be nedorslood by considering tbat
about every man connected in any
way with tbe manipulation of tbe elec
toral returns of the disputed Southern
. States, even to Bullock, the telegram
thiof, bas been cared for by Uaye.
This fact i .notorious, and, under the
circumstances, the least said about the
lofty patriotism of the Returning Board
Ibimble-riggors the bettor.
A Good Plae. The Now York
Iler'.lH sent an interviewer alter every
Congressa?" two week ago. Hon.
Wm. Kimmol OM of the Baltimore
members, hit the na.'.' rt5bt 00 hed
in this way ; "Sir, I oon.'Jw " 00 lo"
than treason to attempt in adv0
divide tbe party into faction fight
set np the pins in any one man' inter
eat Walt until the time cotnos, and
then unite on any man we can elect
over Grant or any one else they choose
lo nominate. My platform is very
ojluple any Domocrat it better to me
than Republican, That' all I have
to say." Tbat' aright good platform,
and ws are pleased to bear Mr. Kira
mel talk in this Jacksonian ityle.
Tbe Philadelphia Timet say : "Gov.
Pollock has been appointed Naval off!
cer for this port, to succeed John A.
Uiostand, whose second torra expired
a fow day ago. The highly original
agent of the Associated Press at Wash
ington informs the country by bis reg
ular press dispatch tbat Pollock's name
"will be sent to tbe Senate as soon as
Congress roassomblos, and bis confir
mation without delay is assured." It
i quite probable that Governor Pol
lock will be confirmed by the Senate)
as he should be, but it isn't dear out
side of all possibilities tbat be may fare
no better before a Democratic Senate
than he did before a Republican Son
ate. He will now be transferred from
not very tender merry of Cameron to
the uncertain mercy of Wallace, and
should there be a general smash-up
botwecn the Presidont and Congress,
there' no calculating now hew many
finger and toes may suffer in the main
struggles. There can be no substan
tial reasons given for refusing to con
firm Governor Pollock. There's noth
ing, or aoxt to nothing, to do in the
Naval Office, and he can certainly man
age to do that and maintain the digni
ty of the govern ment besides. Tbe ap
pointment of Pollock is a concession to
an element of tbe Republican party
that doesn't run witb tbe machine,
but tbat is very important to bavo run
alter the machine when wanted, and
Hayes exhibits his good sense by keep
ing it level in support of bis adminis
tration. Sensationalist. Tbere is something
exceedingly grotesque and ludicrous
in tbe way in which a fow Washington
correspondents pick up and repeat tbe
vaporings of the few unhappy Green
backers wbo ar running at large in
Washington oity. Tbe New York
Tribune't man is especially given to
tbis sort oi thing, but it i to be set
down to bi credit tbat wbea be give
space to tbe stories which the great
National leaders spin in bis vexed and
weary ears it is an infallible indication
tbat there is no new stirring. To
road tbe declarations of tome of these
National Goliaha an unsophisticated
reader might suppose that the country
was on tbe road to startling events,
when the bet is, these blatant cham
pion are a helpless a cricket under
tbe wheels of field artillery, They are
General with great plan but no ar-
tie. It I Strang that newspaper
wtondent wbo would acorn to
ho claim-
Tho Baltimore Gazette lay : A so
called "horoscope" of tho Democracy
of 18H0 baa been cast by tbe entorpris
ing interviewers of tbe New York
Herald. Tbey have interviewed some
hundred Democratic members ot Con
gress as to their respective preferences
for the candidacy in the next Presiden
tial campaign. They find fifty -seven
against Tilden, thirteen wbo acknowl
edge him as tbe first choico and nine
to whom be will be acceptable. Thur
man is the first choice of fitly, while
to eleven he will be accepted. Hend
ricks is first choice of twelve and ac
ceptable to twenty-eight Bayard is
first choice of ten and acceptable to
nineteen. Forty-two have no prefer
ence, but will vote for the candidato
whomsoever he may be. It is said by
some that "figures cannot lie;" by
other 11 that tbore 1 nothing so
false as facts except figures." To stoor
between these two creeds we may say
that there Is nothing more dolusive
than Ibis particular array of figures.
It leaves out of consideration the fact
that the Southern Democrats will sup
port tbo nominee of tbo party who
ever he may be, and that, therefore,
their "first choico" is a secondary eon
sidoration. The problem is to nomi
natesuch a candidate as will carry New
York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Indi
ana and California, and not one of those
States except Indiana can be carried
by a candidate who bas any taint of
rag money about bim or in any way
inimical to tbe success ot resumption.
It was the maxim of Napoleon Bona
parte tbat victory belonged to bim who
was strongest at the critical point at
the critical moment. The great leader
can afford to be weak in some part of
tbe field but be must be strong at the
key of tbo position at the turning
point of tbe battle. The thing to do,
therefore, is to cast the "horoscope" of
the critical States. If Mr. Thurman
for example, can carry New Jersey and
Pennsylvania and Connecticut, he will
be a stronger candidate than the "first
choice" of all tho Southern States put
Harrisburq Plunder. Mr. Howitt,
a Radical member of the Houso, lot off
a little truth the othor day. In allud
ing to tbo thefts perpetrated about the
Capitol, he said : "The pretence tbat
the 123,586 charged in tbe Auditor
Genoral's account a paid for House
stationery last year never was had by
the members. Three thousand to fire
thousand dollars would be a liberal es
timate for all that tbe clerks used and
tbe remainder was fraudulent. "Tbe
method of furnishing such supplies to
this Houso," bo said, "is porfectly in
famous," and be continued In roforonoe
to tbe handsome curtains, oosting $18,-
000, which bad hung last winter at the
House windows, but which were now
missing and could not bo accounted for.
Mr. Howitt vigorously dofended the
character of members and their free
dom from corrupt practices, but there
ape men ft bout tbe bill of whom all he
could say w : "Thoy wouldn't steal
what they couldn't reach." It is prof
ty evident, when a prominent Radical,
like Hewitt, speaks out in tbis manner,
tbat there has been some high-toned
tealing done at Harrisburg during the
past yeas. Jkow, then, will the rogue
be exposed and compelled to disgorge
their plundor ; or, will they be allowed
to furnish more stationery noxt year f
This is the universal inquiry. Gen.
Davis, editor of tbe Doy lento wn Demo
crat, who went through tho Mexican
war and tho recont rebellion, and was
riddled with bullets, knows what cor
rect government means. Ho says :
"An extra session of Congress be
comes nocessary, and is already called
for the IRtbof March, because l hero
was an irreconcilable difference bo
tweon tbe Democratic and Republican
parties about employing soldiers at the
polls. Tbe House placed an amend"
ment on tbo Army bill repealing the
obnoxious clauses of tbe act of 1805,
which tho Republican Senate refused
to agree to ( and as tbe difference oould
not be sottled by a committee of con
furence tbe bill full and an extra ses
sion became unavoidable. Soldiers
about the polls were never hoard of
uutil sinoe the war, and whilo tbe Re
publicans have had control of all tbe
branches of tbo Govornment Tbey
have so often used the army to save
tboir falling political fortunes, that tbey
cannot bear to have tbis, their last
prop, taken away. Of oourse thoy
would object to have a Democratic Pres
ident use tbis power at elections, but
as Mr. Hayes will be President in 1880,
tbe Republican politicians hope he may
be able lo pull tbem through with tbe
aid of the bayonet. Tbo military pow
er and terror at tbe ballot box should
cease, and it use is so foreign to our
system of Govornment tbat we hope
tbe noxt Congress will blot It out for
ever. Tbe purpose ot the Republicans,
in wishing to retain this power at tbe
polls, is purely partisan, and bespeaks
tboir wish to control tbe election by
military force. As long as the power
remains on tbe statute book there is
danger tbat it will be used. Tbore is
a fundamental principle of civil liberty
involved in this question, which the
Democrats maintain, but which we are
sorry to see tbe Republicans are willing
to surrender. Tbo record of English
history on tbis quostion goes back
about two hundred yeais, and begins
with an order issued by William Prince
of Orange, on January 5, 1C88, wber
in, and in ordor tbat 'eloctions may be
carried on with .greater freedom and
ithout any color of force or restraint, '
he commands all officers to march tboir
soldiers away and keop thorn away
from all places where elections are hold.
The subject was taken up severul times
subsequently by tbe English Psrlii
ment, and disposed of as the Demo
cratic House has disposed of it In Ei
gland soldiers are not allowed to re
main near tho polls, and tboir use to
keep the peaco at tho place of voting
would create a revolution. On the dis
agreeing acts of the two Houses over
tho principles thus deeply imbedded in
English law, Messrs. Howitt, Sparks
and Foster (two Democrats and ono
Republican) woro appointed a confer
ence committee on tbe part of the
Houso, end Messrs. Blaine, Allison, an
Withore (two Republicans and ono
Domocrat) a like committee for the
Senate. Why the two disagreed fully
appear in tbe remarks made in the
Houso by Mr. Sparks." ' Ho said
"Ib roplr to ono roatarit nodo bT tho nntlo moo
iron voiv nr. ooiiorj J aonro to Itoto Wot
failod to outo oomotly tho poolUon of tbo Doaio.
orotic oooloroM, on tho Am opproprmtioa bill.
I woo oao of thooo oonforoof, and I wlih to on of
cno Moaoo tool ovory oupooltloD woo ootfoitod
br tho Domoerotio oonforooo to booo a oonpro-
vi Milling oinoBiiwo oo ior ai opproprla
tiooo aro eoaoornod, ozoopt tho nattor of baring
aa arms foroo lo koop tbo poooo ol tbo polio,
Tbat waa a bold itroho of ooodobit on tho part
of tbo Doojoeratt IB CoBgrooi lalt wook, whoa
tho; oaotod Mr. Flolor, of flortda, who oonuot
od tho Mot of Mr. Biihoo, wbo bod ropnooolod
bll dlitrlot for two MMiono and wal aloorlj obowo
to boro aooa olootod. Tho ooatoltaat woo veto
ia at tho olooo of tho oooiloa oo tbot bo oould
pookot Boarlj Irolrp thopsaad dolloro, wbiob bo
did at oBoo, too wholo pSoir is a lograot oat
rogo, sod tho peohoting or tbo njonor ii on aot
ol boro-foood tbloTOrj. Bat, tboa, tbo Doatooroe
will ihoat roforai Joot tbo moAadlooJ Mr
Our cotemporaries are very enlhu
siastio over tbis case, and no doubt en
joy themselves after the foregoing
delivery. We are unable to say
whether tho Democrats acted wisely
but tbis we do know: they bad at
least one hundred Radical precedent
to govern them. Tbo party that has
stolen one hundred members in tbat
way during tbe past eighteen years,
ihould pot be tbe first to yelp when
tbe other side get away witb one.
little modosty would shine about as
Tbe now members comprising tbo
United States Senate, made up for tli
XLVI. Congress, met at Washington
yesterday, according to the proclama
tion ot the de facto Presidont. Tb
Senate is now, personally and politi
cally, as follows :
ISSSJobDT. Morion. DISSS A. II. lUrlm.l n
mi (i. 8. Hoailoa, D. loot Joa. D. Walbor, D,
lllbirauu, COLOBAIIO.
ISI Nowtoa Booih, n. im H. M. Tiller, R.
HSi Joi. T. Farloo, D. tt N. P. Illll, K.
coaooeTlovT. dblawabb.
ISI Win. W. Katon, D. Hl T. P. Ilnrord, D
uin n. putt, a, im eii s.uiiburj. u.
F1.0BIDA. oboouia.
181 Choo. W. Jonaa, D.ll BonJ. 11. Illll, It,
110 WllklBooa Call, D, ItM Jno, B, Uordoo, D
ISM Daild Darli, I. US I J. B. McDonald,
lost Jno. A. Logos, H. lilt U. W. Vooraaoa,
1MI 8. J. Kirk wood R. 1SS1 P. B. Plumb, R.
last Wm. Alliooa, R. isat Jno. J. Ingollo, R.
4SSS Jaa. B. Hook, D. llll W. P. Kollog., R,
mat J. 8. Wiiiioni, d. laat B. f . Joooi, ii.
1SSI II. Ilanlia. R. tSHI w. P. Whit, n
1SSS Joa, li. Blalno, R. 4sSi Joa. B. Uroooio, D
iHiaviiRi, MicimAn.
llll II. L. Dowoi, R. llll Z. Chandler. R.
1811 Ooo. P. Uoor, R, 1BS1 Tboi. W. Porrj, R,
ipHMuift, laiiioirri.
1881 8.J.H.MoMMIaa,R1tll B. K. Braoo. R,
II8S Wm. Wisdom, R. 1181 L. Q. 0. Lamar. D
ISM F. M. Oookroll, D. 1881 A. 6. Poildook. R
188i Ooo. U. Voot, D. ISM Altla Baandaro, B
18S Wm. Sbaroa, B. 188J K. H. Rolllni, R
188b Joha P. Joaoo, R. l!liA KopoDlloan.
aawjaaxar. mm
1881 T. P. Kandolnh. D 1181 Pruoli K.m.. n
1883 J R. UoPborna, D.laSt Roiooo Conkling, R
.uBTfl L.awhlBO. OHIO.
1881 11. W. Kaaiom, D. 1881 A. 0. Tbnrmaa, 1)
1884 Zob. B. Voaoo, D. 1881 0. II. Pondlotoo.D
1811 L. Uroor, D. , . 1881 W. A. Wollooo, B.
tooo rfonoi u. Diotor, AMiat J. O. Comoroa, H.
1881 A. E. Bornnldo, R. 1183 M. 0. Duller. I,
IS8I U. B. Anther,?, R. 1881 Wada Uamploo, D,
1881 Jaa. K. Boiler. D. 1881 Soml. H II
ibm imn u. iiorrii i.ioDO nioaord Oolo, 1.
TtaaoHT. TiaoiaiA.
1881 0. 1'. Kdtunndt, R. 1881 R. E. Wlthora. D.
I88t J. 8. Morrill, R. 1883 J. W. Johoiton. D
1BS1 Praok Hereford, DJ881 Angui Cameron, R,
18SI liiorj 8. Darii.D.lSSi M. 11. Carpenter, R.
Senators Spencer, Sargent, Barnum
Conover, Oglosby, McCroory, Shiolds,
Morrimon, Mitchell, Dorsoy, Chaffee,
iSuslis, Dennis, Wadleigh, Matthews,
Patterson and Howe all retired to pri
vate life on the 4th inst. Tho Senate
will consist of forty-two Democrats,
thirty-throe Radicals and one Inde
pendent Davis, of Illinois. This is a
good working majority, and will cause
our paity friends to be vigilant, and
avoid all excuses and absenteeism
Oa tbii polat I wont to aay tbat to for oo I om
eoaoornod It woald bo atterlj nielooi to appoint
mo oo a eoBforoo on tbat bill with aa oipot-toUoa
mot i win Tiem IBB! poioi, tor 1 will aot do It
(ApploaM.) I wiU lieid oo for oo mooor is oob-
oornid, Bot tbot tbo armj ihall bo need aador
tbo direction of an nnoorupaloul Kxeoatleo, in
too ions iiege oi otatuto. -to Dreoerro tho doom at
mo pone, wooro a; aetgnoon roto ond wBero J
vote, by mj eonooat tboro aoror aboil bo appro-
prion one aonar oot oi too iTeafarr lo poj
armj for any nob parpooo. (Applomo.)
ed to be building railroad to b moon
will repeat the fano.' tb" fugitive-
financier wbo claim to " organising
tb next House in tbe Inter."' of corn-
stalk currency and wbo talk ebon! 'oo
ting the next President on a Greenback
platform, with as much nonehetlanct aa
a colored maa night discourse on bi
ability to dispose of a ripe watermelon.
Trouble in York. Many of the
good people ot York, Pa., are in trou-
bio. The Dime Savings Institution
closed it doors on Saturday, the 8th
inst, much to tbe dissatisfaction of tbe
opositors. It appear tbat tbe de
mand of tbe past few days were in ex
cess of the collection. It is rumored
that the bank lost f 00,000 with Peter
Uordio. Tbe loss by failure of Cam-
bio & Son, Philadelphia, 1 123,000.
It is evident from this tbat Peter even
passed Harrisburg, and displayed bis
business capacities among the "York
dutch." He may have endowed Will-
iamsport, but the dime savers of York
ill not look upon him in that light.
Hard on tbe Commissioh. The ed
itor oi me Aitoona tribune save:
'Since the Columbia dam removal bill
bas been killed, tbe Lewistown Gazette
suggest tbat the Fisb Commissioner
stock the Susquehanna and Juniata
with salt herring and mackerel, and
pas a law requiring shad to have
wings so that tbey can fly over the
dam. We'll bet tbat Representative
uewit, in t fifteen-minute speech, can
convince the average legislator, parti
cularly those opposed to the removal
ot tbe dam nuisance, that tbe above
project are entirely feasible, so pro
foundly ignorant are they on the mat
ter of fish culture and protection."
A Good Idea. An exohange sug
gest this : "How would it do to set up
an India rubber effigy of Jeff Davis in
the rotunda of tbe Capitol at WashiDg
ton and let each Republican member
of Congress 'take a whack at it' every
day f This businoss ol mauling old
Jeff in debate has gone on 0 long that
it is becoming monotonous. But Coiik
ling the Magnificent and Blaine the
the Bignoeed letting fly at a gum effigy
of Jesoraon p, would be novel and en
livening.' " '
Tbe death of Dr. Woodwortb was
another illustration of bow men defeat
their o.n purpose. Hi heart was
on turning the yO!'w lcr acourge
into blessing by revealing tbe C.H51n
or u epiaemlo, and (bowing how it
corld be avoided in tbe future. In the
sicca fa bi sea.1 be won himself oat
with his noM work but half done.
Tbe True Poncr, "Qno thing at
a time is enough. Tbe businoss of the
Houso ol Representatives is not to con
duct the canvas of 1880 in the choice
of a Speaker ot the House of Reprosen
tativos. Let 1880 take care of itself
Such idle talk as "Tburman candi
dates" and "Tildon candidates" lor
Speaker should not be indulged in. Tbe
best way ftt put tbe Democratio party
in fighting trim for 1880 is to oloct a
man for Speaker with an eye single to
his fitness for the office. Under an able
man the party will present an impos
ing front, y ndor a weaker man, blun
ders will be frequont, internal disten
sions will be frequent, and the Repub
licans, though in the minority in the
House, will win a series of strategic
advantage tbat will deprive the Dem
ocrats of all prostige and prepare tbem
for defeat in the noxt Presidential con
tost What is needed in the .Speakership
is a man of native foroe, sound judg
ment, cool head, large experience ia
politics, great parliamentary skill, of
iron resolution and firmnoss, and of
unimpeachable integrity.
TooconTPVL Modls. An oxobange
says : "We are very much amused, and
it ought almost to amuse an owl, to seo
bow much tbe Republicans are inter
ested in the health of Mr. Tilden. Their
nowspapor publish bulletins of bis
health as regularly as of tbe royal fam
ilies of Europe. Tb poor man oan't
have the toothache, a pain in the
stomach, or the influonza, that It Is
not tolegraphed all ovor the country
that 'Mr. Tilden is in delicate health
and will be too feeble to accept tbe
nomination in 1880 Kind, consider
ate, friendly souls these Republicans
are, to take such doep intorost in the
health of a political enemy. Tbeir
sympathy equal tb patriotism of Ar-
tomas Ward, wbo wa willing to sacri-
flee all bi wife' relation on the altar.
of hi country, during the civil war."
Bleedino Kansas. The Philadel-
phia Record says ; "From tb Kansas
newspaper we learn of a most heartless
form of rascality. Hundred of n.
groes are flocking thitbor from tbe far
South, under the impression tbat tbe
long looked-lor "forty acres and
mule" to each of them can be had In
that State. Tbe delusion is fostered
by railroad ticket sbarpors, wbo induce
the Ignorant nogroes to part with their
small properties to raise money for a
third-class ticket to tbs promised land.
The fraud has been carried to such an
extent tbat action by tbe State Gov
ernment may be necessary to end it"
Tbe Chicago Tribune, the loading
Republican paper of tbe Vorlbwest,
say of tbe Grant movement tbat "the
ouly Stale that are bowling for Grant
trt ;hoe lik Missouri, with its CO,
000 Democratio m"or"Jri.-" U on
ly part of tboa 8tate tbat 1' "
tbe whisky crooks." 1
Undertakers' and Physicians
r eks. A case of great importance has
just beon decided by Judge Pearson in
the Dauphin county Court In settling
up the estate of Daniel Hooker, doo'd,
bis executors filed tboir account, in
which tbey took credit for tbe pay
ment of funeral exponses and medical
attendance, amounting to 1110. Tho
balance exhibited was tho procoeds of
tbo salo of real cstato. The lions
against the real estate were more than
sufficient to absorb tho whole balance,
Exceptions woro filed to this item of
funeral expenses and modical attend
ance. Judge Pearson has filed an
opinion, in which ho decides that tho
preference given by the act of 183-1 to
tho claims for funeral exponses and
modical attendance during the last ill-
noss, applies only to personal oetate,
if the real estate be incumbered, and
tbat aucb debts have not a preference
over lions of record. Undertakers and
physicians cannot be paid for their
services out of the proceeds of the sale
of a deceasod person's real estate, if
the latter beencumbered by mortgages
and judgments sufficient to cover its
full value, and if the dead person is
not possessed of personal property.
College Crookedness. An associ
ate telegram from Harrisburg, on tbe
Utb, says : "Tbo Senate and House
Committees on Agriculture this after
noon, decided upon an investigation
into tbo affairs of tbe State Aericultu
ral Society, in Centre county, and a
concurrent resolutiou will be presented
to-morrow for a Joint oommittoe of two
Senators and three Representatives to
conduct tho investigation. While the
Slate bas no title to tbe institution,
J&6,0uu have been appropriated from
time to time, whilo tho Collcgo also
draws the interest on the land scrip
granted by Congress in 18G2, amount
ing to ovor $139,000, Tho investiga
tion is eipootcd to create a sensation.
Is it possible that this bigb tonod in
stitutiou is also imitating the negro
Bureau frauds r If so, let us have it
Radical Food. The shootinir of
Lo. Alston in Atlanta, Ga., the other
day enables the Radical Philadelphia
Pre to indulge some taunts relative
to tbe condition ot society and the in
security ot human life in the Stato of
Georgia just as though men were not
murdered and robbed and women as
saulted every day in the modol 8tate
of Pennsylvania. Tho Preei snoeringly
stakes its roputation on tbo assertion
tbat the murderer of Col. Alston will
not be oonvictod. A coronor's jury
bo already declared Mr. Cox guilty of I
deliberate murder and this is as much
as could be expected in tbe short space
of time allowed tbe operation of tho
law. Pennsylvania oould scarcely
have done so well in the fullness of her
"Mollie Magnira" role.
Cuurch Goibs, Tbo Philadelphia
Timet has beon Investigating the ques
tion of Sundsy ohurch attendance in
Philadelphia, detailing reporters to
count tbs men, women and children,
wbo sillier throng or emphasise tbe
loneliness of some of tbe temples, lo
twenty-nine ohurchoa on a given day
and service, attendance was 32,338, of
which number 11,314 were men, 14,-
435 women, and 6,639 children. Of tho
82,000 attending twenty-nine churclps,
21,700 are credited to four Calholio
oburobo. Of the Protostant denomi
nations there i not much difference in
attendance, although the Methodist
churshe slightly load the other. Th
statistics ar interesting, and will
doaUess create some stir In ecclesiasti
cal circles.
An Assaulter Hanoed. Cincin-
EATI, O., March 16. Tbere bas been
considerable excitement at ISpwport
Ky., all day on account of tbe arrest
of Peter Klein, the tramp who out
raged Mrs. Truesdale a few day since.
A crowd gathered in the neighborhood
pt the jail early to-day, but no demon
stration wm mado unpl after 0 o'clock
this evening, when about (wonty-five
mon marcnea through Monmouth
street to lb Jail, overpowered tbe
jailor, khocked down two policemen
and tie Mayor, secured Klein and
marched off. Klein wa taken to Mr.
Truesdale s house and Identified by bor
and then to tb wood and undoubtedly
bangsd, although (. tb j tjms th body
ha l1 1 1
ma flood.
Tils s ond commercial ciTk or lll.'N
London, ilurcL 12, 79. A diapafdi
from S.egudin this, Weduosduy, morn
ing at 8 o'clock says: After a fearful
night of anxiety, all effort proved use
less. Tho water broko through with
inimeimo force at throe, carrying away
part of the ruilroud stution, embank
ment and rolling stock, 'tl'iihin throe
hour the town wus many feet deep
in water, tho terrible suffering com
mencing. Shriek and cries from thou
sands are hoard. Houses aro crush
ing by tbo seore, and In many cusos
carrying tbo inmates with them. God
knows what ws shall do to-night.
There are no gas works, thoy being
Alteon feet in water. I feur wo shall
run short of food. Ono boat was just
going to savo a largo houso full of peo
ple, when a fearful crash carried with
it tbo wbolo living freight Tbe sceno
is simply heartrending. Ovor 80.000
people are out of bouse and home.
Hundreds are drowning and tbo wutcr
is still rising rapidly.
Sscgedin is the second commercial
town in Hungary, and has boon 111 im
minent danger tbe pust weekjii an
inundation from the river Tboiss, which
flows through tho town. Soveral large
dykes, protecting tho back of tho town,
burst and tbe salety of tbo town do-
ponded on tho embankment of A Hold
Railroad to strengthen which all ef
forts were concentrated.
Szeuedin, March 12, 79, -. Tho
terrible catastrophe that occurred this
morning is carryingtorrortoall hearts.
So many of the inhabitants as can do
so are fleeing for their lives. Tbo syn
agogue bos fallen, hurrying a largo
number of people who bad sought ref
uge in it It is feared tho worst ia to
Pestii, March 12. Tho groatost ex
citement is caused bore by the foarful
Sxegedin diaastor.
"f was tho merry ni"iilh of May.
The golden-throated songsters ol tbe
woodlund made music oil every bough,
the cowslip and the daisy i 1 1 lod lip
their sweet young faces, and a Repub
lican State Convention met at Hitrris
buig. Henry W. Palmer, a bright but
unknown youth of thirty summers, tho
idol of his parents, made a thrilling
speech, some of which was cut out ol
one delivered by Daniel Webster years
before, In which our hero nominated
tho Hon Henry M. Hoy I lor Governor.
Applause shook tbo building Henry
W. Palmer fell back exhausted, and
tho setting sun painted the wuslurn
sky In crimnon and gold.
"lis winter. Theetorra kingsliakos
bis snowy mane, and coal is away up
out of all reason. Tbo Hon. Henry
M. Hoyt is clectod. Sitting in bis of
fice one evening, be calls bis Secreta
ry to bim and says:
"Had 1 not beon nominated I would
not now be Governor of tbis groat
Commonwealth. Somebody, at some
ono time or another must bavo nomi
nated mo." and bo scratched bis bead,
wbilo bis mussivo brow wa mantled
0 or with the palo cast ol thought.
Twas Henry W. Palmer," said
the Secretary.
"Ah, 1 believe that was bis name,"
spoke His Exoclloncy, "and Honry W.
Palmtir, what ever be may be, shall
have bis reward, and don't you for
get it."
And before night drew bor sablo
inantlo 'round, and pinned it with a
star, or the hired girl got out to gad
about on the streets, Honry W. Pal
nier, the unknown young man of tbe
May Convontion, was Attorney Gen
ernl of tho State of Pennsylvania.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
"Chandler Scaring Davis." This
is tbo last sensation tho Radicals have
raised about tboso two worn out states
men. Chandler was tbe first man to
shed blood (in tbo Capitol at Washing
ton, but never on the field) when the
war broke out. Jeff Davis tramped
all over tho South, looking for Chand
ler, for four years, but no Chandler
crossed the Potomac or went near
whoro powder and ball were used. Fi
nally, Jeff conceived tbe idea of rig
ging himself in female attire, suppos-
ng, of course, that Chandler would
soon overhaul him. Hut Zach, like
many more of the "loyal millions,"
sent a substitute, another Michigan
dcr, to gobblo up Jeff. Zacb was too
cowardly to ever go tor tbo female
Good Ksws. Tho Vron Age soy
that more iron is now manufactured
n tbe United States with bituminous
coal and coke, than with either an
thracite or charcoal. Up to the year
loos more pig iron was made witb
charcoal than with either anthracite
or bituminous coal, but in that year
anthracite took tbe lead, which it kept
ntil 1875, whon it was exceeded by
bituminous fuel and coke, which now
ave the ascendancy and promiso to
retain it. Tho production of pie iron
wan Diiuminous coal and coke was
loss than that mado witb charcoal un
til 18C9, only ten yoars ago, when
charcoal was loft in the rear forever.
A Bold Titief. Sansom, ot tbe In
diana Democrat, ia responsible for this
"Tbe stealing of a saw mill was ac
complished in Fulton oounty rocently
and now we expect to hear of the same
follow stealing a red-hot stove. The
saw mill was owned by tbe Treasurer
of I ullon county, D. F, Chestnut, and
when he went to look for it the othor
day be found it gono saws, saw sots,
wrenches, clevises, dogs, crow-bars,
logs, and in fact the whole concern
He now sits on the bank of tbe tail
raoe with a wbolo armory beside him.
waiting for the thiof to return for the
- -
A Cheeky Affair. The Pittsburg
Post says: "Tbore wore not quite
onongh oflluc to go around in the
State Senate, so a new ono bus been
created styled Exocutive Appointment
Clerk. It is for tbe bonofit of a Mer
cer county Republican loft out in tbe
oold by the 'Slate Committee.' Thii
is simply shameful. The State Treas
ury is bankrupt, and this needless of
flco is created, wo suppose, to carry
out somo bargain mado In tbe canvass
last Fall."
A Result. And he would be poor
reviewer wbo did not make a point
Tbe New York Herald of Saturday de
vote a full page to interview with
Democratio Representatives in the For
ty-fifth Congress, on the subject of the
Presidential nomination. The corres
pondent Interviewed 127 members, of
whom 42 declined to express their
choico; 57 were against Tilden, and 22
for him ; 61 were for Tburman, 40 for
Hendricks, and 26 for Bayard.
A Rascal. A Philadelphia tax col
lector, namod Benjamin Shallcross,
eloped somotime since. His accounts
are abort about 125,000. Uegavtbail
in tho sum ol $10,000. Of course be can
settle tbe ball matter witb bi bonds
men and still have 115,000 left, a nloe
little neat-egg for a fellow who had
nothing except brass. Ob, but tbe tax
payers are mad I But, then, they will
soon sottlo down like bee aftor a
Gen. Sherman and J oft Davis left
Vlcksburg, Mis., on the same train on
Saturday last, and In mentioning the
act tbe Vioksburg Herald says: "A
friend of Mr. Davis remarked to him
tbat be would have good company to
travel witb in tho person of Genoral
hJhcrman, and the ex-Prcsidont replied
wen, 1 tuppose tbere is room enouirl
on tb cars for both of us.' "
An exchange says that the present
united Htatoe Senate contain more
ablo representative membors, than that
body bas had sinoe 180Q. Carpel-bag-gor
and icalawag bav all been sent
to th rear, and statesmen bay taken,
their places.
Th marriage of Col.T K. MoCIqre,
edjtor of tbs Philadelphia Timet, witb
Mia Grata, was aanounced to take
place on the 18th of March.
History makes sad havoc with the
reputations of mon as timeunveilsthoir
past actions. Thus the groat Duke of
aanuorougb wbo in the reign ot yuoon
Anne shod such lustre on the British
arms and made tboinfluonco of that na
tion dominant throughout Europe af
tor tbe battle of Blenheim, it was dis
covered after bis doatb, had, while in
the service of his sovereign, boon annu
ally in receipt of a Biibsidy from tho
French King Louis Fourteenth.
As tbo excitement passes away and
men gci a ciearorinsiglit into tbo influ
ences that wero brought to boar to lead
men lookasides for or against thoUnion
at tho critical period antecedent to tho
lute war, it is beginning to be discovered
tbat mercenary motives or tho prompi
ings of ambitiou led many into the Un
ion ranks whoso reul tbelings sided with
tho Lost Causo." Genoral Loi'an. now
tbe rampant Radical, long hesitated
wbothcr to join South or North whon
tbe war broke out, and nevor decided
to join the Union cause until tboro loom
cd up bofbre bim a General's shouldor
straps. 'Iho latest development ol
spurious loyalty is the case of Goorgo
Li. Prentice. Prentico wbo boa lornr
beon hold up as a model of loyalty wbo
at tbe critical moment decided to cast
bis lortuno with tho North, and thus
saved Kentucky lo the Union, it now
turns naa, at tbe lost moment, written
an editorial for his papsr, the Louis
villo Journal, in which be advocated
ond urged in the strongest language,
the secession of Kentucky, and said
iruiturwi oniy lancu 10 appear by reason
of its Nuppression by Prentice's part-
uer. Alter mai me autnor was some
how influenced to side with the North
and use his pen In tbat direction, but
in what way doesn't appear, but tbat
rreniice a heart was witb tbe Southern
cause is made evidont by the aiippress-
wuivurini wnicn gave nis real sonti-
menu. Danville Intelligencer.
Ben Annoys Them. Both political
parties in Massachusetts have boon in
bot water for some time, not knowing
which of tbem was to be subject to the
designs of Butler. Boutwell ha just
discovered it is to be his party, and he
bas thorofore, rushed to Washington
to dovise ways and means to save the
party from tbe grasp of the irrepressi
ble .Duller.
Blaine Heard From. Mr. Blaine's
bomo, the city of Augusta, failod to
ohoose a Mayor at the oloction on
Monday, tho 10th inst, the Republi
can candidato receiving 730 voles, tbe
Citixons' nominee 619. and tbe Green
backer 5C3. This speaks volumos for
tbo popularity of Mr, Blaine whore he
is best known.
The case rofmrio W. Angell, tbe
thieving omeer ol tho Pullman Palace
Car Company, is ono of a lew really
striking examples of crime und its
Angell's nature wholly belies bis
uume. Other men -have embesslod,
but when in such circumstances as bo
was, always had something to plead in
oxleiiiialion Tbey robbed the public
coders to sutisfy the greed of creatures
upon wbom tbey wero lorced tc de
pend lor political support, and not to
gruiuy meir own avurice. i noy laiu
their guilt at tbo door of an ambition
which everybody would admit as laud
uhlo in itsoll, and full proof as a mag
nanimous soul. Thoy yielded lo its
sway and became its slaves before thoy
fairly knew it Tbey socrotly used
the money ot tbeir employers in (pec
ulation, and lost. Hoping to keep the
secret until a fortunate die was oast,
and tbey could return the monoy, thoy
falsified the books and accounts. When
thoy took it they thought of nothing
but restoring it, and in tbe meantime
no one would loso even the intorost on
it When it was lost, thoy sought to
oonccal tbe fact comforting themselves
witb tbe assuranco that to make it
known would do barm by creating
distrust and psnio. ilut Angell bad
nothing to pload. He was dumb as
tbe gravo, and thereby confessed that
in his deed he was sordid to tbe last
degree. He enjoyed a biifb social and
businuss standing, ho was paid woll for
nis services, uo naa abundant means
to secure tho ordinary pleasures of lifo
ho bad tbe honor of bis child in trust,
but in the faco of all be seized the
thousands in bis roaob and fled, willing
10 wanuor an outcast and outlaw
among strangers, denying bis name,
nis luiuny, bis borne and honor through
a base and infamous love of money lor
its own sase. Above all tbat bis fel
low men bold dear he loved money.
Tbe degradation to which his passion
reduced him was shown when ho
reached Chicago. Ho whimpered and
whined and fawned like a whipped cur.
Instead of displaying some sense of
decency and refusing to look in the
faco of tho man whoso gonorous con
fidence ho bad so grossly wronged, bo
begged like a cowardly miscreant to
seo Pullman, hoping, perhaps, for com
passion which be did not deserve.
An exact record of the thoughts of
sucn a mino as Angcll's would be a
valuable contribution to the data nt
social philosophers. It would be nrofiu
able, as well as curious, to seo bow the
sordid lust ot gold, reaching out like
arms of a devil fish, craduallv drew
into its foul maw all tbe nobler senti
ments of tbe heart. Criminals bave
been induced to devote thoir bodies to
physical science. Somo of them might
111 a measure redeem meir right to he
by devoting their minds in a similar
manner to the dissecting knife of in
tellectual and moral soienco. There is
an intellectual or moral disease from
which spring such acts of low villainy
as that in question. Tbore must bo a
paralysis of the spiritual forces when
hardened avarice becomos tho motor
power ol tho soul.
To return to tbo subject, tho nunish-
niont was striking as well as the crime.
u wus co eval with tueorime. Angcll's
flight from city to city, and from
country to country, dodging and hid
ing, shunning the "light of Heaven and
human eyes, deceiving and lying on
every hand to escape the grip of justice
that followed him like fato, told of the
mortal terror and pain in which be
lived. The iron door bad hardly closed
upon him, after his return to Chicago
111 tnuiL-o 01 a oeiecuve. II. ni ned it.
had at nil, when application was made
to tbe courts lor liberty lo change the
name of bis daughter to the maiden
name of his wile. To a man not dead
aa a stone to the fondest tios on earth,
tbis must bave been an awful punish
ment The fray walls of a orison. th
gurb of a convict, the discipline of a
cell can be borne with courage, but
separation from the name and honor
and loveot one's child must be suffered
iu despair. When taken into Court
he found no word of dufonan h
pieaaea guilty, was led to tho bar and
sentenced to imprisonment for ten
; rfumuu was as oold and as
nam as stool m Uci terrible formality.
The (nan who a few months ago trod
mo streets 01 ubicairo with hear) newt
and was tbe companion and social
equal of the beet crouched in o r-rim
inal's dock, and was condemned with
all the outward indifference shown in
khe fate of a convicted tramp. It was
luiuurseiess lOVOlinkT.
Angell s tboa and flight made one of
e genuine sensations nf iho iim I
The deed has boon a prolifio thome of
utin. it snonio point a moral worth
impressing. It shows towhstourevor-
lasting monoy-grubbing leads whon
not guided and guarded bv hinh nrin.
ciple, and a respect for wealth aa a
mean instead ot an ond. The lesson
is an impressive ono, and can hardlv
Cm i 1 in 41,. C . J.
.. ... uv mciiiury ui many wno need
it THttal...- T.l L 4
"sellers' COUGH syS
tloeow. HhiMh-u III uie liHI. ','"
W. Urobam, Cleorleld, p.,
pAUTI(II.-.AII poneni aro bob, ..,
J oialnit purcbulni or in an; ... .Jjll!.
with tb., prouou, ... ,J .bo'
ofVraok KoaS.ol Lowronoo k..,ti.
froy Bullion, about oiaht roori ela. The SI
(uloi property in ,.ur.had !,, no at
ale oa Ib. ITtb lie. of Juno, 1874, and 1.
iciaeio m ui puieaiiion 01 laid Frank ItoA
on loon no Ij, mbjiot to m order at am
Mareb 1, !87S.Jt.
Market Htreet, (Jloarbold, Pa
BiHurAcTCn.a aud hbal-bb i '
Harnett, Bridlet, Saddlet, CoUan, and
jiwc-ruiHisiiing uooas.
r-AII kladl of renalrlno nromiitl .il..j.i
to. hoddlon' Hardware, lloroo Hruibeo, Corn
Comba, Ao., atwava ob hand aad for lolo at tbe
uweeiooin price. IMarob 18, Ills
CAUTKIM. All nonom aro beret,, Wlri
aaainit parcbailna or la anv
wllb Iho folio. Ine, troperl.T,now la tbo pemnloi
of Joba II. Sh.ter, of Rradj lownibip, ,1," 0
w, . J " i oi, , a p.,., ; aero .hilt .
;roond, I bed! ood boddmi, 1 eupboard, lehairr
tobl., 10 yard! oorpet. 1 oook it.e e.A
lot of bay, lot ofquoomwara, lot of ,j
a lot of pototoei, ol Ibe eooo vol parcelled er
mo us tbo lib doy of Harob, 1818, aad ii left
lth bin oa loaa only, .abjeot lo ny order at
Luthonburf, Pa., Uar. li, 1878. It,
Mercantile Appraisement. of roroltnand Donertlebterebe,..
dleo, Iliitilleri, Browort, Broken, Ao , ia Cleor
told oounty. will take notice tbot tbey are ao
praiied ond olaoood by tbo aodorel(nod Appr.lier
of Meroheadlie and otbor lloonoo uioi. for tbo
year 1878, aa followe :
clasi. Ruritaltfa Borangbi tax
14 Horoeo Polrbla, (eo'l norobaodiao $ 7 as
...wi r.vuin, aoo i noronondioo..,. T
" i-oeoer, gtB i nercBaadiao,
14 A. U. Shaffer, confectionery WM
Clearfield Ru rough.
14 If. 6. Olanti. eonfeetioBorv
14 J. A. Hu.ll.r, bakery A ooofootioBii
r (
7 Oft
14 Jobn r. Kroner, aroooriea
14 W. J. HoBor, enl nercbeodiro.
1 K
' J
f o
f 0
it u
14 U. 0. A T. W. Uooro, kooloA Blio.i,
14 P. A. O.ulla, etatiaaery
12 H, A. Krolter, dry gooda
io J. n. i,yiie, froeerlot lo na
i ''kbeiner, bakery A ooBfoot'ry. 7 oft
U Illriloier A Hook, olotbiaf ) oft
T 00
Radical Believers. By the mouths
of three or four more witnesses, Re
publicans too, it ia established that old
W-tl r .k. r ... n .
ii cno, in liiu uouisiana itoturning
uoara, tried bis bost to soil out to Til
den. United States Marshal Wharinn
believed it, so did Governor Packard
so did Chairman Jowett, and so on.
The Kepublican disturbers who were
olamoring a few weeks ago to have
Senator Butler pitched out of the Son
aie are displaying some unoasinoss,
now that tbere is some talk of a re
count in tho case of Kellogg, the alleg
ed senator from Louisiana,
A man In Southwalk, Wisconsin.
kept bis mother-in-law in subjection
by firing a revolver ovor ber head
whonevor she displeased him. Ho has
at longth grazod her scalp and been
arrested for it.
The pious Scotch, though only num
bering some 4,000,000, pond $75,000.-
000 a year in drink, which proves how
unfounded are th charges of niggard,
linoss so often brought them.
Clark, Rosvos & Co., of ThoonlEville.
have boon awarded a contract for the
building of three miles of bridge work
for tbe Chilian Government, tbe work
to be completed within two yoars.
When Stanley Matthews drew his
salary as Senator, on Wednesday, he
said : "I now shako tho dust of public
life from my loot, and boroafter I shall
give Washington a wide borth."
Some of the Southern newspapers
are offering California a little fatherly
advice on tho aubjoet ot secession.
They have been there, and their ex,
perionce is that it doesn't pay.
Air. Agno Jenks ia In WashinKton
threatening mlgtfty thing which will
follow a refusal ol tho Administration
to reward bor ervicea. The country
would like to know what thoy are.
Tbe Senate of Delaware, unanimous
ly passed bill removing the capital
pl Newcastle oounty from Newcastle
Va Wilmington.
The New York Expreu favor Tho.
A. Hendricks, pf Indiana, and Clark
on N. Potter, ol New Tork, for 1880.1
A colored woman went tn tKn mar
riage-license bureau in Washington th
othor day and inquired if it would b
-agin 00 law" lor hor to got a license.
one was asxed 11 she waa mnrriaH
1 aas, eah," was the reply j done
ooen married niirb on lo' veah km
ole mBn an' I don't got on, io I done
ion nun iroe wooes ago." She was
torn sue oould not got a icenso anil
was asked If she could not got a di.
vorce from her buBband on the ground
that he bad been unfaithiul tn hr
abo said no, but she had boon untrue
to him. It wa then uggested that
she lot him got a divorce from her. She
said she would willintrlv rln .n h,,i
dat nlggah was too doo-onerl m'n in
pay ue eipensos on de paper."
Senator McCreery'a ideal of nerfect
oiise is said to be to sit under a tree In
is Kentucky home on a Summer' af.
ternoon, and watch little niggor ploy
Charles H. Boll bas been aonoinled
United States Sonator from New
Hampshire for an extra session. Yioe
.Senator Wadleigh, whose term has ex
Tbe Kearney ticket, in California.
i ooing beaten generally, at tbe mo
ld pal eloctiona, by Citirons' tickot.
Tbe Republican party is united.
checrlul and enthusiastically obstinate.
Net York Tribune. And so's a mule,
Missouri's now Senator, Vest, will be
tbe smallest nan in, tb Bcnato. Ea
ton and Sharon oome nel.
Hfw aavtrtigtutuii.
NOTICE Ii barebT aim tc ik. ..ku. ..a
oepoolally to tbo .III.... of town.bip.
CI.orl.ld oooaty, Pa., tbot aa .cllc.ilc .111 iL
nada lo tbo Leo Iilatnra of Pooartlnalo f. ik.
paoeasa af aa Aot to aatborloo tbo erootioa aad
nalateaanoa of a Lock oo. lo be 1.1 .1.
town of VuBoto, In oaid lowaebip of Bandy 1 and
further, la aelbcrlie and empower tbo Jaatlooe of
"" Ml'1 """'P " 'bereto aa
proolded by la Joa P. TAYLOR.
NOTICP TO ABE.T1..n. ,.d.r.
v... . ? , T1'lL, J ''
opoa aorbool la tbo Uoo.rd ao.ool balldloi, la
tbo etb-to ooatlauo tiro. n.atha.
Snail eblldrea will bo Uooal by Uo Kinder,
farloa netted. '
Conker lalemolloa Is ronrd la otadioa aad a'al
Urn. bp b -14lZt , -a
NIMfATTiaalooatL I
aba lotto, Craartoht,
- - -a i.w,i, eiuioiog
14 Alei. Wateon.tobaooo and clgar....
14 A. Quiniburg, elothinjr ...,',"
e a. a. nuiiore, eooiotttooery
o. d. noiiere, oilharda, 1 table.-......,..
11 jobb ateoangbey, ftooorieo
13 Wn. Powell, bord.oro
CkorBeld County bank '
II T. A. Hatk A Co., dry aoodi..
14-81. Snyd.r, Jewelry....
14 K, W. Uraliam.drngi ."
E. W. Urahara, patent madieioeo i.
15 Klcb.rd Mouop, ,,.' norohoBdlee....
14 Kunble A MoCullootb, confectionery...
14 John A. 8took, tobaoon and oigera
14 P. M. Cordon, ogrioultaral ImplenenU..
14 C. D. Waleon, drugi M
C. X). Wation, petaat nedielnoo
14 Meo.iighey A Bhowerr, booU A ehoo...
14 Ed. Uuioiburg, groeorioo
14 llert.wlck A Irwia, drug.
H.rtiwick A Irwia, patent nedloinoi-.
14 J. L. Leery, .tote, end tiowaro
II Uoo. Woorer A Co., gen'l ndoo
C. Lelpoldt, brewery .
H.rry Kfldrcfl, brewery ...
14 J. W. Niebllo. towiog naobineo
14 Mtlea R. boon, oewing mocbinea.......
Cumen.Tlllo Borough.
10 Sannol Arnold, gca'l norebandlao
H Arnold A Co.,gea'l norekondiio
14 b. Fault, gen'l nerohendlae
15 A. H. Show, gen'l nerrhendiie- H
18 P. K. Sprenkle, dry goad.
14 Itorabaugb A Norrii, groeerie. w
14 W. II. Thonpion, groceries
14 Annie M. Irrin. aen'l nerohendii.
14 8. J. Uotoo, boou and abo......
14 Jacob Bllger, hard.ara
14 Aliran flatol, berdwara '1'"
4 A. M. Kirk, lawelrr
14 W, A. Dale, grooeriea M,
14 Jvaeph H. Irwin, druga
JoMllb X. Irwin. UOAont medUlaa."""
14 Stephen Graff, ooBlootiooerie.
mrpoon uran, miliar., 1 lab I
14 Uernealttulpt, toboooo BBd oig'ara.'".H 7 Qtt
lloutulale Hanugh.
XX Vnloa Hardwaro Co., bard wire 1 J Is
; ", gon'l noreb.ndiH.... f
v. lanouaea, boots aad abooo....
14 P. Caneron, grooorioo
14 C. Longford, toaoooo aad oigoro...'!
t. Lirerigbl A Oo, gea'l ndoo.
It K. H, 8bew, geo'l nerobandleo M
14 J. W. Rboade. dror.
14 J. 11. Porenaa, ooBfoollooerioo
14 I. J. Cbaseo, jewelry
14 RllnkM f 1 . I i .. i
1? . y Ul'' '' oiorobon'diio.'." 11 tit
" f ' "". rooery and oonfootionory... I
I 4. m. Aroold, stationery . 7 OS
11 Andrew Uleooon, dry gooda K
W M. Mayor, notions......
14 b. Cborllon, notions
Lumber City Borough,
15 Dyor A Coalbrotb, goal morebeadiso.
14 D. L. ferguaua, gea'l nirobaodlM....,
Tdevrburg Borough
14 William Hunter, goal aurebeEdlse...
New M'aahlngttm Borough.
II Joeeph R. bl. Murrey, ion 1 ndoo
14 M. A. Arnold, gea'l aaarobaadiso ....
Oateala Bw-aojgh.
14 J. R. Brown, ooBfeetioBOry ,,
II W. O. Kolloy, goal orebaodioa
II T. C. Illnoa. a.a'1 narobindiao
II Krone. Bro'a, grooarias aad provision.. 10 10
viiiHHi nana 1. as
II Lirerlght Uro'a A Co., gonl ndso....... 10
14 T. R. Blandy A Co., drugs Oi
14 1. H. Hotter A Bra., geol ndso J to
7 OS
10 00
11 Os
lo 0O
0 00.
II to-
7 00
7 00.
I 00-
10 Ofr
7 00
7 00,
7 0
7 00.
I 0o
7 0
7 00)
7 0
I 00
r 00
It M
11 00
It 00
7 00
r 00
1" 00
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7 00
11 00
10 00
7 o.
1 1
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7 OS
r os
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7 00
I 0
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10 US
7 0
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li OS
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7 oe
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I oa
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7 so
7 os
I on
7 os
7 N
II 01
II 01
ia niooael uriDey, grooory .......
14 W. B.Wells, stotiooory A eonfootionorj.
14 W. J. Jackson, sen 'I norohandiao
Wallaeeton Borough.
14 Q. F. Goes, goal narobaadiaa,
Beecarla Towjuahlp,
14 W. A J. O. Weld, grooorioo. .
14 J. O. Olargow, gen'l merchandise.. ,
14 Natlor, Ronory A Co., goa l ndsa...
Homilde Towaauln.
14 Aaron Patobin...,.....
r o
7 00
7 10
T 10
r o
Brady Township.
14 J. Bsylst A Boa, gon'l ereheodhe...
14 D. UoedloBder, gon'l merchandise.
14 Moors A slonilleo, gon'l ndoo..
14 John Seheurioh, notiooa.. ,,..,.,
14 O. L. Knarr, boots and ohooa....'...'
14 B. Knarr, grooorioa .....
14 J. H. Edioger, hardware .'...
DuBola Sandy Lkk Township,
14 0. D. Brans, goasral orohaadiaa...
14 B. C. Poaur, groeerie.
14 John Ooodyear, gon'l norohandiao
14 T. blonlgotnery, gen'l n.robandiss......
14 Trosol A Ellis, gen'l norehaodieo
14 W. Kh.rpe A Co., gea'l norabandisa....
14 T. 11. Hmoa. arororioo
14 A. L. Hoy, furniture
14 Jobn Pott, groceries .
10 r. H. Weber A Co., gen'l nibM....H...u. II OS
7 Jobn UaUola, gen'l aoerobondiso...... 41 SO
W. L. NicbolSwB. blllioriOL t lahUe AAOO
II Long A Brady, hardware. ... 10 00
Braotfore Town.hlp.
14 l. Curl.?, ogeel, gea'l narobaadloa...
I I. V. Uray A Co., gea'l nerohaadiae.,
14 Blatletberaer A Co im
14 Aaroa Teters, grooorioo
Hall Township.
14 MnOeo A Co., gon.l nerohendlM.......
Cheat Townoblp,
14 J. R. McKoo, goal norehaadiaa
14 James atcKwca, gon'l norohandiao..,,
14 J. ilookonborry, gea'l ndeo .,
CavlnartiMe TownuM.
14 Frank Lelgey, gen'l merehendiee 7
II L. M. Coadrlot, goal norehaodieo II 0
14 Uillilead A Uookeadora, goal ndso.... 7 Wk
Iccatur Toormahlo.
14 J. 11. Long, geo'l nerobaudlaa 0
Cilraro) Township.
14 F. A. Mlgnot, gea'l nerebeadiee.,
(rah ant Towaahln.
14 T. II. Forooy, goat nershaadlet.,
Uullch TowuaasB.
II P. A A. Flyaa, goal ajaaobandloa... II 0
7 IS
7 OS
t OS
7 0
7 00
7 0
7 OS
r 10
7 OS
7 0
7 0
7 ss
7 e ,
7 os
r 0
n os
7 0
t M
7 01
t ri
t M
14 F. A, Prldoaua. sonH nerobaodlao...
.I u . lea lndaa
14 H. AlliBiaa, gea'l nankaaAiaa..
Haste TowsuhVn.
14 O. H. OotyeU, goal nerofcaa-llaa
H CD. Wood, druoo
M Chaa. Robaekor, gon.l norohaadiaa
14 J. Dorr, goal noroboodieo.,..MM..HH,
14 A. Homing,)!, bardwar....,
Karthaas Towaahln.
11 O. Fisbor, gen'l nonhaadlM
14 Ulllllaad A Votbors
Lawrenca Tawaahlm
Charles Shalcr, brewery ....
Morrla Tewnanlp.
I R. B. Wiotea. aenln.iibiodiio
14 Peter Moyor. gea'l norobaodio. .
' ' Kylor, gen'l norobeodioo
14 Jonas Hons, goa l arehaadiee
Flo Ta wM.k 1...
14 W. A. Mooro, grooory A eoelectioairy.
I'aboa Township.
U J. Seylor Bon, goal oaorcbaadin
14 Daniel Bmoeker.genlneeekeodlso....
Headword ToWBikln,
14 ianeoCorBoely. gea'l nOTohoodieo
i i.". L"u"' I""'' orobaadiaa
! H ?..,,M' ndso
14 Sirs. L. J. Konoodioaar. aen'l Hdee!"
I Whitehead A Co .Xi ..k..A.
11 Fisher Bri o A Killer, goal ndso..-'.'.:
saaa noiioo, all who aro aoaoarnod la tb a ao
praleenoat, thai an appeal will bo bold at tbo
Oonniiilooora' OBoo, la Clotrlehi, oa Woden
day, APRIL ID, IS7L batwooa tho boors of II
I 10
. 7 IS
. T ID
. T
. T I
, 7
. t
, I M
, r
. f ot
, II M
is oi
7 OS
r h
7 II
I 00,
11 m
10 01
fib. 11, i7.a
look A. M. aad d P. H . .In UA k eoa
ay attoaA If yea duah pr .
atonanlllf Anpraiaat
4- sVOORC.
Clsvlala, Maroh 1. 1I7I-4L