THE MANSION HOUSE. Conor of Seeoad oad Market Blreelo, CLEARFIELD, PA. mm? aid Bad aBBBodioai UoUl hal. darlna X the peat ;er enlarged u doubU lu loraereapaeii; ler .aa MHrwiMiioi iiraa. car aad iuhu. Th. wkolo balldlag kaa ka referaUhed, aod tha proprietor will ipare at petal It rtpdar his gaoit. eoBltrtaai. while ta;iag wilt hia. jOr-rha 'at all lot Boaia" Oaalbai nu W aod fraa .be Dtptl e Ik arrival ud departar. tt saea treia. w. u. vjiavuni Jul; l-?7-lf ' Prepritlo. LLEGnENY HOTEL. Market attract. Cl.arn.ld, Pa. .' Wti. 8. Bradle;, fontorly proprietor af tba Leeward Hnaae, having laeaed tat AUogBea; Haul, .elicit, a .bar. of pabltt patroaage, The Hnaae haa baaa iboroogh). repaired and aewl; farBl.hed. and aueata will and tl a pleeaaol Map ping plaaa. Tba labia "III at .applied with tba brat ar avarTthtng la Iba BBrhoL At tba bar will ba fnaiid iba bait wine, and liqoor..- Good tabling all., had. WM. 8. BRADLEY. Ma; 17, 'id. Proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor of Market A Proal atreala,) CLEARFIELD, PA. Tba aadarilgnad baring lakaa abarga of tkla Uolal, woald reipeelfoll; aollolt pnbiie patronago. l.bJJ, 7. K. K TON 6UAW. rpfcMPERANCE HOUSE, NEW WAdlUNOTON, PA. 11. D. BOSK, . . PaoraiiTta, kfaali, Jit. Man and boraa orar Bight, $1 09. Mea aad lo bortM over Bight, $l.rv. Tba bait of accommodation! fur naa aad Scail, Ual. 23,78-1'. - WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Tbli aaw and wall furntihad houao kai baaa taken b; tha anderaigned. 11a feeti oenfidoat al baing able tt raodar .atl.faatioa to tkoaa abo ma; favor hia with a eall. Ma; a, 1S7J. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Btraat, f ' PHILII'HBURc, PENN'A. Tabla .applied with tha boat tha markat afford!. Tht'tnroliag puhllo ii invited tooalL jan.l,'. ROBBKT LOYD. SJanfes. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM in Maaonle Building, tat door Bortk ol 0. D. Wataon'l Drug Store. Pauaga Tiokata to and from Liverpool, Qaaena. town, Ulasgow, London, l'aria and Copanbagan. Alio, Drafta for tala on tha Ro;at Bank of Iralaad and Inparial Bank of Londoa. V7. M. 6I1AW, Caihler. jasibo 1. liauiianu, rraa 1. Jan I, '7 1 DREXEL & CO., So, 31 Houth Third Street, Philadelphia BACKERS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will reoeire prompt at too tlon, and all tnfurinatioa cheerfully furoiabed Order eoliotrd. April U-tt r. I. stRXOLD. W. ARIIO LB. 9. I. AftKOLB F. K. ARNOLD St. CO., flSauker nnL Itrokern, Reynoldevllle, J.a.raoa Co, Pa, Mona; received on deposit. Diioonnt. al no darata ratal. Baiter, aod Poraiga Exchange al- wav. on band aad eoUretion. promptl; made. Ha;noldlvllla, Dat It, I874.-I; SfntistrB. J L. R. nEICIIUOLD, 'UHCEON DENTIST, Qradaata of tha Pannr;l'anl Collaf. of Dantal Pargar;. tifiaaiarafidantaofDr. Hllli, oppoiita Iba Kbaw Houaa. ajcbH, -;t-if. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (OSca In Bank Building,) Curnttmille, ClearfleM Co Pa. Bob 13 'J tt J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA (Ottoa to raaldaaaa, fiaoond ftrtat.) Kitroat Oiida Oaa adailaiatarad for tha paia tu aitraottoa of taath. Claarnrld, Pa., Ma; 1, WM;. 5UisftlIanfous. SHOEMAKINO-I karab; Inform ; pa tronl, and mankind la ganaral, that I kava rrnorad at; ahoaaaaking ahop to tat raoai ia Oraban'a row, orar S. I. Sa;dar'a jawalr; atora, and Ibat 1 am piaparad to do all kinda of work ta at; lino abaapar tbao an; otnar aaop aa ttwa. All work warraotad at aood at aaa ba dant aay- wbtraalat. Poaitlral; tbil ia tho obrapaat ahop in I'laarnald. JUS. it. VbEHinu. Daa. 11, H78 If. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CABDON & ERO., . Ob Harbot P.L, aaa door t of Maat-loa Hoato, CLEARPIKLD, PA. Oar arranges. on ti ara rf tbo taort eontnlat eharMtor lor furaUhiBf tbo pablia wttb Froib Moauor an kind, ana oi tBOToryaoit qtiaNijr. Wo aloo doal ia all kindi of Agritsaltaral Itaplo BBtatt, wbiob wo heap oa oibibttioa far tba ba- oftt of tbo poblio. Coll erosBd whoa ta Iowa, aad tako a look at lalnni, ar addrooa oj f, U. CARDON a BRO. CVtarnold. Pa., Joly 14, l7Mf. JSevr Marble Yard, Tbo andmlgnotl would Inform tho puhllo that bo boa opentrd a aow Jdtublo Yard aa Third it root, eapoalto tbo Lathrraa Cborvb, whoro ho will hoop oob Plant ly aa bund a atock of varies hindi af at bio. All biadaor TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, Pmslt for Cemetery Lola, aad all atbor work la hia Una will ba promptly oitcaied ia a aoat and workmanlike maaaor. at roftr-QBabla ratet, Ur Koaraattoooatlibetory work and low priooa. Oit. kia call. J. PLAIIAHTV. OlaarAtld, Pa., March 17, 1878 If. ADING FOR ALL II BOOKS STA TIOXER T. Markat lit., I loarleld, (at tbt Ptat Uatta.) Till andanlgnod krga leara u aaaouaat to Ibo alliuaa of Claardald aad rtsiall;. that ha haa lltad ap a rooai aad ha Jail ratarnad froai tha ait; with a largo aoMaul of roadlag aaatlar, toaaiittag ba part tf Bible and Miscellaneous Books, Blaak, Atotant aad Paat laoki af nor; d. aaripliaa t Papar aad Envalapaa, Fraaoh praitad and plain f fani and Panatlai Blank Lagal Papm, Daada, Mortgagaai Judgmaal, liamp lion aad Pruajiaar. aoloai Wblta aod Parab asal Brlaf, Ugal Cap, Kaaord Cap, aad Bill Cap, kaatt Mailt, tor aiuar Piaat, Plata or Vtolia, toaitaatl; ta aaad. An; took! tr natioaar; ditrd that I aia; aot hara oa haad,will ba ardtr a; ftm tapraii, aad told at wholaaala ar raull to tilt toatomara. 1 will alta kaap pariodlaal Jluratara, laak aa Magatiati, Nawipapari, Aa . P. A. liAL'LItf. Cltartala. Ma; T, lMt-tf The Bell's Run Woolen Factory ' Paaa Uwa.klp, Clwdild 0.., Pa. BUKMEO OUT! n awt BURNED UP1 Thoaaboeriber hara, at jroot aipaaM.roaalHa Bolfhborbwod aooootity, In tbo oraotioa af a Irat alaaa Wooloa MaDalaoiory.witk all tbo modora tmprovooaoait attaobod, aad aro proparod lo ataka all kla4a of Clotko, CaaaiaiorM, BattaotU, Blaa., koto, Planaala, Aa. Pioaty af goada oa hand to aappiy au wr iu aaa a tfeoaaaoa aow matoaort. whom wa aok to earn aad oaamtno oar oteok. Tba baiinoM af CARDHta AMD FULLINtf will raoolra oar aopaotal aUaattoai. rapar aJranfomoato will bo mado ta roaoiva aad doHvar Wool, taait oaBtAtwaro, All work warraaaad aad doao apoa tba abartaat aottoa, aad by atrial attaa iioa ta baaiaoM wo bopo ta roaliao a libaral abara af pablia patroaafa. OMM POUNDS WOOL WAHTIDI Wo will pay tba big-boot mark prtoo for WM aad oaU aar maaafaotarad fada ao taw ao oiaallar ffooda aaa ba baafht ta tava owaaty, aad waaavavar mo fool aa loader roaeoaablo aaMajatUa ma aaa alwaya ba fomad at haata ready ba eiabe praear atBpiaadUOsMa, eitaer to eatwaa or by letter. JAAtfift HULMtWa A tO ITS, . aprTaKHff Bowar P. 0. IWisrfUaiifoiti. cr RT PROCLAMATION. Wbbiiai. 1m, 0. A. MATE. Preaideat Jadg ef tli Coart of Co meat. Plea efi e Twaaty Rftb Jadteial DUtriet, eompesed ef the eoeBtiea ef Clearaold, Ctntrt and Chaos aad Uoa. Abram Ooom aad Hob. Viichm B. Holt, Awlt tladfti of Cltarlald caaatj hav iid tBir praccpt, U dirud, for tfe BoldlBg of a Cart af CoauoB fltai, Orphaai' Ooartt Oourl af Qaarttr At tMtoaa, Court Ovm aad TrmiBr, aa4 Oourl of Ooatrai Jail Daar 017, at tbt t'oart Homo at CUarfltU, la aad for tat oontvof Cloaritld, toDiisoatlDc oa itto thirA Munoay. Ua Ut Aay al Marck, IHT, aad to ooatlaaa two wooka. NOTICE 18, taortfora, Unlj giro, M 'Uo Coroaor, Jastlom aftat Poaoo, ana Coaatabloi 1a and for aaid aoaatj of ClomrAald, U ap poar t taolr propor aartoaB. wlta laoir Xoaarda. HeUt loqaliiUuBi, Kiaaiaatloaip aad otaor Robobi. braaooi, to 4 laaaa talafi araicb ia Uioireftooa, aad ia Uoir bobalf. portaia to bodooo. by aa Aet of Auonbly, paaiod tba Itb dT of Umy, A. D. ltti, it ia mda to doty f tba Jat tiooi of tbt Poaoo af tbt cororal oouatiu of Uii Coai aioa wool tkp to rotam la tho Uiark af tba Court of Quarior fiwUm ef tba rtipoeUro bii too rooogananooo oaioroa ibio aorora tbooj by aaj ponoa or panaai thri4 witA too aontaiiHioB of aaj erioio. oioopt iuoa. oaaeo at mj 00 oooaa ooiora a jumioo at ibo raaota aa doroxlatiof tawt. al lMt toa doyi a (or tba eonmoaooBioBt af tho imbIob ef tba CoaK to B wo tbty ara aiada rataraable nattaotiTolypaad la all tun whoro aoy rwof oitaaooo aro oaurod Into Uii tbaa Ua dj boioro IboooaiBiOBOoaiaiil of tho Bnailua to vhwb they art aiatio roMraa bio, tbo laid Jaitleo aro to rotara tbo ubi ia tba tint aiaoBor aa if aaid aet bad eol booa) 01VIN aad.rai;hand at Olaariald, tkla 4th da; of Fabraar;, la tba ;tar af oar Lord, ana Ibouiaad algbl aaaarad aaa laTaatv-Blaa. I.b.l-U ANDRIVY PKNTZ, Jr., bbariC J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Betail Staler in GrocorioS, THK LAROEHTaad BERT RRLBCT1D STOCK IN IIIBCOL'MV. COFFEK, TKA, SUGAR, SYROP, MEATS, Finn, SALT, OILS, QUEENSWARE, TUBS aad BUCKETfl, DRI15D FRUITS, CAMNXD AOODS, SPICES, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. . County Agent for LORILL.tRD'8 TOBACCOS, Thua good! bought for CA8U ia largt lot!, and Mid al aim oat tit; priata. JAMES B. LTTLI, ' Claarteld, Pa., J aaa II, I87.-I;. REMOVAL ! James Lb Leavy, lUvinf pa rob a aod tho oatlro otaok af Frod. Saoktit, haroby fivoa aotloatbat ho haa Marad lota tbo room latoly oroauird by Rood A Hatorty, oa Sooond atroot, whore he U proparod la effor te no pUDHQ COOK STOVES. PARLOR STOVES, of tbo latrot Improved pattorai. al low prloea. HOUSE rURNISHINQ GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware. Roalog, Spoutlor. PlomblBK, 9a. Fitting, aad R.palriag Pampt a apooialt;. All work warraawd. -. AB;tklss ia my liao will ba trdarad ipaeial If daiired. JA8. L LKAV'Y, Proprtator. FRItD. PACkkTT. Agaat. Olaarlad, Pa., Jul; 1, 1878 If. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND RTRKFT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Bara opaaad ap, ia tha .tora room lata); aooupiad b; Woaaar A B.tti, oa Saooad ilraat, a largt aad wall wttttd altek tf Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTH AND SHOES, QCRENSWARI, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, HATH AND CAPS, ' FLOUR, FEED. SALT, &c Whlah tha; will dlipoat of al rvaaoaablt rata, for taab, or oieaaaga tor touatr; prodaoa. SEORSIWEAVEiaOO. CWtrtaM. Pa. Jaa. I, l.7a-at JajEW FliOUIt, FD, AHD GllOCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER. tn Ha. 4, Ptt'a Optra Hmuu, VlaaraWM, Pa. ; Koapi toa.Uatl; oa kaal SU9AR, . . COFFEE, ' TIAfl, ' IODA, COAL OIL, STRIP, ,. ." aUM ' ; SPICKS, SOAP, Oaaaad aad Dri.4 Fraiu, Tabaata, Clgata, Oaa- dlat, Oidtt Vtaagar, latttt, Iggt, A a. ALSO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheat and Boekwheat Flour, Corn MmI, Chop, Fed, Ao., AS at arkltkarW kt tald tktap tatk at la OM t. atmAMSlH. 01tlfS.H, Wt. IS, Wffc-K, - THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. - WIDNIHDAY MORNING, MARCH. II, 1171. "BVSKO" FOR MOXBY. HOW IK1CK V A DOCKEn OVER ,o. THE iTURT OP A RICH PHILADELPHIA!) VISIT TO (lr TOKK, WHUll ttt MET 1HR SON OP A RICH MAN AND FELL INTO THE - RAND OP GAMBLERS From Ibo Philadelphia Tlw. Lnlber Dock, a rich ntl retired oommisaion nd forwarding merchant, of this city, residing at 904 North Broad Street, went over to New York reoontly and guTe hia cheek for 12,200 under Circumstances, to tay the least, peculiar. There is only one side of the story, but tba plaintiff, in a civil suit to recover the face of the check, promises to tell an equally interesting tale Christian Kneass appears of re cord aa counsel for tha plaintiff, whoee name is V. A. Ryan, said to be a Now York merchant. Ryan brings suit to recover the face ol the check, and bis olaim being duly filed, an affidavit of defense ia pot in by air. Dock which eta out the following facta : That he being in New York, he met a young man on Broadway who introduced himself aa A, J. Drezel, Jr., of Phila delphia, son of the banker ol that name in this city. This young man proceeded to relate to Mr. Dock that only the day before be had, with bis sister, landed in New York from Havana, and that they were stopping now at the Windsor Hotel for a little rest before going home, Mr. Dock's story goes on to relate how he thought be recognized in the face of the alleged Mr. Drexel the family likeness of A. J. Drexel, the banker, whom he knew well, and further, that the young gen tleman was a delightful companion, with a wide range of information and rare conversational powers. THE SAME OLD OA MS. The young man said, "Call on me at the Windsor," and they walked to gether nntil finally the alleged Mr. Droxel said, "While in Havana I got some lottery tickets in the great Havana Lottery, one of which I un derstand has drawn a prize. Let's go to the office and get the money." To gether they went to the office indicated, where the so-called Mr. Drexel pre sented his tickot and appeared to draw a sum ot money amounting to about $100, and was given tickets entitling him to a further drawing from certain numbered cards or tickets which the party In the office had. He drew and lost, and lost some money from his own pocket and thea requested Mr. Dock to loan him his chock for 12,200, forwbicb he gave his note in exchango and oo which ba would immediately pay the money on his arrival in Phila puis. The check was draws by L. Dock on L. Dock oo Iba West Philadelphia National Bank and indorsed by L. Dock to John H. Groan. Having passed into tbo hands of its first in. doner it paused intv tha possession of V. A. Ryan, the client of Mr. Kneass. It appears that Mr. Dock and bis friend after this little transaction sepa rated, aud Mr, Dock thought tha mat ter over very carefully ud oonokded that tha whole affair was tt least a bit shaky and ought to bo Inquired into. Therefor he hailed a passing car and rode ap to the Wiudsor, when the be jeweled clerk assured him that aone of the Drexel family were stopping there, not one, and certainly Mr. Drexel, Jr., and Miss Drexel were not of the guests in the admirable hostlerie of Wether bee & Hawk. Mr. Dock was astonished. That Mr. Drcxel's son, whom he never knew, bad occasion to borrow 12,200 did not surprise Mr. Dock, but that the so-called Mr. Drexel should have deceived bim regarding the hotel was a trifle too much aod let right into a whole city full of darkness and fraud. Ha at once telegraphed hia bankers not to honor tba check, in short, stop ped its payment THE CHECK HOT PAID. ' Mr. Dock then came back to bis North Broad street home and awaited developments. He had not long to wait. Tha fast mails brought along hia check and ( reaehed in doe course the West Philadelphia Bank where it met a rebuff and west back to New York bearing tba neatly stamped and highly expressive words in bias ink : "Payment stopped." Tba question asked aa to the re sponsibility of tba indorsees asms fol lowing that of Mr. Dock, oa the back of tha check, Joha II. Greet), finds no satisfactory answer, and not even Mr. Mr. Dock presumes to say that ha is good tor the money. , Mow auMBt) as platkb. " Bunko ia a very old game, and Admits of but few variations. The victim never appears twice in the same person, but outside oi that it Is ths same old game of fraudulent and false representation to awindlo and cheat Tha victim la "spotted and his name and financial standing ascertained by number one of tha swindlers. Num ber two, with the information obtained by No. 1. claims acquaintance or mu tual friend.. Victim falls into tba trap in short order. His money gone, bis eagsr acquaintance of a few moments before gone, ba usually pockets his losses aa hs conceals hia weakness for tear of ridicolo, and with a load ot wisdom and experieooe in place of hia money ha goes on hia way, leaving bis swindlers untouched. Tha case was ordered for trial yesterday. Tbia ia tha "bunko" theory, but among tha papara ia the case appears a statement aoggeating another ex planatioo of tha motive for drawing tba check In the first instance. The statement referred aays : " Find that Mr. Dock lost his own oheck himself, that Uaa note tot thirty days received from tba gentleman that ba came In with to play waa aa after consideration, a private contract and had nothing to do whatever with the game at which ha lost his check." Harry T. Kingston, counsel for tha defendant, proposes to set ap oa the trial a defense which indicates that no consideration was given tor tha check, aod ha will require tha plantiff to prove " what consideration waa paid for the check by Joha H. Green, who purport to be sn Indorser ot tba check Usual, aod ait what cotMitUratioa was paid cr gives by ths said pUUalifir1 to tbs said John II. Green for the said cbeck lnsult, and also to prove that said plaintiff is a boss Ada bolder for value lor said check." That is to say, he proposes to tska advantage of tho decisions aod the law relating to gam ing debts. INTEMPERANCE IX MA1XE. A recent address of Gov. Gsrcelon beiore the Maine temperanoe conven tion calls attention to various kinds of avoifOYano which have generally escaped attention of reformers in that State. He has been for many years an eminent physician of large practice, and a close observer of the habits of the people. He spoko ol tho use of tobacco aa an increasing evil, especial ly aroeng the young, tbe tendency of which is to cultivate an appetite for stronger stimulants, besides being del. eterious itself, In addition to chewing and smoking, he says snuff dipping is becoming almost universal. As he added himsoll, this fact many are ig norant ol and It excites surprise. The use of opiates has also increased to an alarming extent. Many a man, ho saya, has appeared upon the stsnd ad vocating temperauce who bad in his pocket a bottle of laudanum or block drops, which pavs the way to an early grave, Tbo lady, too, carries cbloro form and ether to moisten her hand kerchief with which to allay nervous excitement. As a practicing phyai cian and an observer of human nature, he placed all these forma of intern per. anco in the some category with the intemperate use of spirituous liquors, all of which demand correction. Thore can be no question tbat opium eating has increased toa fearful extent. Not long since from Staunton, Va , a conference of druggists reported thst the ratio of increase of sales in 1877 over 1876 was 05 per cent., in 1877 over tho preceding year 50 per cent That was in another section of the country, and was thought to be a pe- suliarcharacteristic of tho Shenandoah Valley. But wo will venture the as sertion that the percentage of increase in Msine has been quite as large, and that the ssles of druggists since tbe prohibitory legislation has been in vogue will .how. If such is the fact, the change from tbe use of intoxicat ing liquors lo opium is fur from being ao improvement. Gov. Garcclon has done the people a good service by di recting attention to new channels of inquiry. If followed up it will bo found tbat the " Maine law " has not been the grand instrument of reform claimed in its behalf, and that, after all that can bo dono and said to correct personal and social evils, nothing will be found so eft'ectivo ss good example and an appeal to tbe higher nature of the individual and society. KELLOQQ CORXKREV. It is galling in the extreme to take up a .Republican paper and read the floods of vituperation poured upon the heads ot the Democrats for their as sumed connection with the cipher dis patch villsiny; but bow much more galling as ws see dsy by day the veil lilted from the scoundrels who were allowed to impose tha Republican ad ministration npon ths Nation. The character ol the men who "elected " Hayes in Louisiana is again beautiful ly illustrated by the letter of one Uewett, Secretary of the Republican Campaign, committed in 1876, to Kel logg, the present inoumbent of one ot the Louisiana seals in the Senate. Tbe most striking passage ia the letter, which was produced before the Potter Committee, is as follows : . " I have screened tbe Admlnistra tion and yourself in many things. Not withstanding vou have sworn that vou did not drslt the protest for Kelly of nicniana parish, 4c, I Lave the origi nal in your writing and saw you write it This is one of many pieces of uocumentary evidence wlncb 1 bold upon you, and which would close vour political career very suddenly, if notu- wg worse oeieu you, 1 uava wimneid my knowledge ol ibe frauds commit ted ostensibly for Packard, but if my friends are to be sacrificed by the Ad ministration, I do not know why I should continue to do so. I much pre fer to remain upon friendly terms with yoa and the Administration, but my menus must ae taken care ot and my interests must be consultod in all po litical arrangomonta in tbat Slate." Kellogg haa been forced to admit that be wrote tbe Richland protest ; but be says that it was only tha cor rection of another draft. Whether thia subterfuge can exculpate him from tbe charge of perjury remains to be seen. B UTLER RETA1XS JUS SEA T. And now Radicalism gets another blow right between the eyes from a qoarter least expeoted. It will be re membered that Senator Butler, of South Carolina, has been tbe especial object of Radical misrepresentation and abuse, and all manner ol charges have been piled up against bim on ao- count ot what was termed tba "Ham burg massacre." Although he thor oughly cleared himself of alt partici pation in tbat sanguinary affair, the Radical press has never let op in stig matizing him as "Butcher Butler," and further, maintained that ha was not legally elected to tba United States Senate, but that Corbiti waa A parti san committee of tba Senate has been at work for two sessions trying to make out a case against Butler and in favor of Corbin, and It waa determined to have a vote on tha question on Taeaday last But a majority of the Senate refused to take op Corbin'a case; the vote standing, 36 nays, to 25 yeas. Among tba nays were anch staunch Radicals as Cameron, of Pa., Conover, Mathews and Patterson. " Time " it haa been aaid, " makea aU things even," and ia tba ease of Butler tbe tola ol tba Radicals named in his favor ahowa tbe hollowness and false ness of ths charges ao persistently brought againat him. Tbe Mae and BaoTHaa. Tba Lew. iatowa Smfinef puts It in thia way i "The sincerity of eo-ealled Republican sympathy for tha 'colored brother,' aa they gushingly call bim pending an election, waa characteristically e tem pi if! od in Lewistown on tba 18th nil. They nominated a respectable colored man, Joha L. Griffith, for Justice of tha Peace, and while giving aa average ex. oeeding 102 votes for their white nomi nees Mr. Griffith received but 17 1" That to what may ba called Radical gash I There Is ovaoy good wife ho can neither daaoa Dor slug well I STATE HETVRSISO BOAHD. Tbe bill providing a board to receive, open and publish the returns of the election of State Treasurer and Audi tor General, and removing the necessi ty for a aession of tbe Legislature next winter, passed the Senate on Friday by a vote of 39 to 0. ll provides that on tbe last Tuesday of each regular session oi the Legislature there shall be elected, each House voting separate ly, viva voct, four Senators and - six Rcprusentatives(ln tbs Senate no mum ber voting for more than two and in the House for no more than three), who, with the Governor, the President Judge of the Dauphin Judicial district, tho President pro frm. of the Senate and tbe Speaker of tbe House, shall be a Board of Returns for tho follow ing election in tbs absence of tbo Legislature. The bill now goes lo ths House for concurrence. Nolwiisland ing tbe Constitution expressly says tbe Legislature shall meet but onco in two years, and every member of the Legislature is required to take an oath to support tho Constitution, thore seems to be a disposition on the part ot many members of the Douse, to compel a session next year. The House has been shaping its appropriations in tbat direotion. The bill passed by the Senate removes all necessity for a session next winter. If tbe members of the House regard their oaths and and desire to obey the Constitution, they will pass the bill ss it comes lo them Irom the Sonste. If they do not the people should and will mark them for all time to come as men who be trayed their trLsts and are not worthy of confidence again. An adjourned session will cost the Commonwealth one million of dollars, and tax payers will not sit quietly by while their Rep resentatives waste public money after this fashion. Evury citizen ol the Commonwealth should carefully walcb tbo votes of their members of the House on this bill, and on all questions oi adjournment. The present session should not last over one hundred days, but it seems to be gonorally understood tbat it is lo be prolonged to one hun dred and fitly, the limit of the law. All work can be done in one hundred days, if tbe member, of both branches will but got down to tbe work they were sent there to perform. SHERMAN'S GRATITUDE. Tho hardest blow that Mr. Conkling Btrock during his contest with the Ad ministration, and the ono that told with most effect, was the publication- for it amounted to that of that por tion of John Sherman's letter to Col lector Arthur asking an appointment for young Bradley for "manifest reasons." The hypocrisy and deceit of the fraudulent Administration have been made manifest on many occasions, J but nothing ever exposed the shallow pretense of Civil Service Reform in a glaring manner. After taking two or three days to consider tbo matter, no doubt with the view of escaping from tbo corner into which Conkling bad put bim, If any hole through which he could creep could be fouud, John Sherman assumed a bold face and has given the entire letter to tbe press. It is fair to presume, however, that he would not have taken ihis course, bad it already been announced that Gen. Arthur intended to publish all tbe let ters Conkling read. Tbe letter is as follows : Taaasvar Dipabtmxnt, Washinoton, Jan. 18th, 1878. Dkab Hia : 1 inclose a letter from Mr. Justice Bradley of tbe Supreme Court, atrongly recommending bis son for a position in the Custom House. The young gentlemen will rail on you and explain more fully. For mnmfttt reaxmi I would be very glad to oblizc Mr. Bradley, who takes tbia matter greatly to heart, and 1 hope yon mav be able to give employment to bis son. as ne no aoubt is Highly deserving and would oo a meritorious omcer. 1 have promised Mr. Bradley nothing definite ly, but leave tba matter entirely with you, with the sincere hope tbat you may oe aoie io comply who bis re quest. ory truly, Ao. John Sherman. General C. A. Arthur, Collector of Customs, New York. AX AGREEABLE COMPANION. The editor of the Boston Adcertutr oooksupthis jokeon Ex Gov. Magoffin, of Kentucky. "Ueiaa good talker and it ia said that ba likes lo do most of the talking himself, and tbia story told of him : Recently, In making tho journoy from Cincinnati to Lex ington, he shared his seat in the car ith a bright-eyed, pleasant-faced gen- tloman. Tho Governor, after a few common place remarks, to which bis companion smiled and nodded assent, branched out into a description of tbe scenes be bsd witnessed in different parls of tha country, grew eloquent' over tha war, described with glowing speech the horse rafts he had witness ed, talked learnedly of breeding and told thrilling stories oi his battles with Indians in the northwest Tha hours slipped rapidly away, and when tbe train waa nearing Lexington the two exchanged cards and parted with a cordial shake of tbe hands. The Gov ernor drove to an inn, and to an amber of friends he remarked that ths ride had never seemed so short before. " Thea you must have bad pleasant company aboard f " " Yoa ara right. I met a gentleman of unusual Intelli gence. Wa conversed all tba way over. I never waa brought in contact with a mora agreeable man." "Indeed! Who was ha r asked his friends. " Wail a minute, I bava his card," and tba Gov-' ernor felt In bis pockets and produced tha bit oi pasteboard. 11 Hia name ia King." " Not Bob King f " shouted a doaenioone breath. Yes, gentlemen, that la tha way the card reads," was tba proud reply. A roar of laughter followed. Why, Oovsrnor, Bob King ta as deaf as a post ; ba was bora deaf, and dumb I A Nasr-r Hit. Mr. Thoroaa Nasi, io tha current number of llitrptr'i Wttkty, has doalt with tha Chinese qnoslion very effectively. His cartoon shows Mr. Blaine affectionately bug. gin aa African follow citizen who baa a vote, while ha turns a Phralsatc shoulder toward John Confucioua who hasn't a vote. This explains Mr. Blalne'e position, and it also explaine tba ta live for tba paasegs of tba aot rastrio ing Cbloese imaigratioa aodabrogv uag traaty aupUaras. ovn OX FOOT FROM VIRGINIA TO PAT AO ON I A, HO V Til AMERICA. A number of celeliratod hundred and thousand milo foot travelers liavo made their record in thia and other countries; but Col. Tudor, an English man of Fredericksburg, Virginia, pro poses to lay them all in the shade by making a trip on foot to Pulagonia and Cape Horn the exlroino lund point in South America, filly-five do gnu south of tbo r'qiiatur and ninty six degrees south of Clearfield. The Colonel left Fredericksburg on tho 27th oi February, and halted in Rich mond the next day. While there he was requested to mako a spoccb, and wheu closing bis remarks to the mul titude, who bad called to see and bear him, be said : " If you will give as much attention to your own business as you bavc to mine, many of you will be rich boforo 1 return." Col. Tudor's route is through Virginia, North Cur olina, South Curoliim, Georgia, Ala ha ma, ii ississippi, Louisiana and Texas, to the Rio Grand, where he will euter Mexico, pass through Central Amcri cs. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, crossing the Isthmus of Punumu, en tering New Granada, puss through Equador, Peru, Chill, into Patagonia, thence to Cape Horn. From this point he will return and pass m.itbaast through the Argentine Republic, sur vey Ibo kingdom of Bolivia, and theme to tho empire of Brazil and see what Doni Pedro and hia esteemed wile look like. Alter this be proposes to make a survey of tbe river Ama zonby sight and also learn how the Collins are getting along with their railroad. After satisfying himself about Dom Pedro's Empire he will pass through Venezuela, and making tho sea shore he will sail tor Engluud. This is the longest foot rotito cvor blocked out by man and if he makos ths landing bo will bo tho Lcro pedes trian. Tub Obioin or Bulldozino. The Washington correspondent of the Cleveland Plaindcaler says : Tbe word "bulldozing" originated at Washing ton and "on thia wiso: " Dr. Nichols, the Superintendent oi tho National Asylum, who took pride in importing fine csttle for tho Government farm, purchased among olhors a fine Alder- ney bull for 11.600, and he became so vicious that ths doctor ordered a ring to be put in bis nose; but ho resisted, and showed so much fiuht that the Doctor appointed a day when several gentlemen were invited to witness the effect of science over brute forco. When they had congregated, tho Doc tor, having saturated a handkerchief with chloroform, approached the ani mal, which gradually wilted, and was ringed in fine stylo, but bo never kick cd again. Tbe word "bulldozing" originated from this affair. A Modern Improvement. All the way from Australia comes a proposi tion, mado before the Royal Society of i totoria, to reduce tbo number of days in a week from seven to fivo, aud to change the present pagan names of the days to such euphonious christian names aa Oneday, Twodny, Thrccday, Fourday and Goodday. The fellow who makes this suggestion probably don't like to work six days out of seven and wants to get off with four out oi five. If he lived in this country be woald be in for the eight-hour movement, if be didn't strike for six. Five days in the week would give ns seventy, threo weeks in the year, a clear cain of twenty -one " gooddays" to lazy people, W benever this question comes forward prominently in this country, we think our clergy will be entitled to the floor How We Dairr. Tbe New York Sun of Saturday says: Yesterday an ex member of tho Stock Exchange, who ten years ago was a million-tiro, or vory near it, and who in his pros- porous days gave f 100,000 al one time lo New York churches, stood at the bar of the Special Sessions and heard the voice of a Judge sentencing him for the thea of a coat and shirt to five days in the Cily Prison. Not Likilt She Will. When a women spends three hours in a hot kitchen, and roasts ber brains out al most in preparing a templing and ap petizing dinner for her husband, to which be sits down without a word of commendation, and replies, when asked bow be likes bis dinner," 'O, it will do," the tired-out wifo doesn't feel on couraged to wasto much lime on bis supper. Thore is a paper out west which has boon considering, in leaded type, why a lieutenant in the Navy, with a good salary, a good wife and two good chil dren, should elope with tho daughter of a boarding house landlady ; and the opinion at which the paper arrives at is that the lieutenant must have fallen in love with the girl's mother's bash. N. I. Herald. Bay ths iifno : Whenevor a newly elected Republican rienator supposed to bo lavorablo to a third term for Grant arrives at Washington, the eon- tractors and thieves whoso occupation is gone since Grant stepped down and out, raise a collection, hire a brass band and make night hideous with what they call a reception. The real, eimon pure, unadulterated reformers of the Maino Legislature have sold their jack-knives at auction and turned tha money into the treasury. Well done, thou good and faithful sop. vants; by the way, when you have any fourteen and a half stand up, reversi ble linen collars, wa would like to gel in a bid. BoMtn Port. . '"Tia Education," Etc. Tha Now York saya s "It ia fully demon straled that just aa soon aa a Southern aegro learns how to read, he straight way goes and votos tha Democratic ticket It is such bass ingratitude as this that makea Federal election laws necessary. A letter ia now lying in the Chicago postomoa addressed, "To any True Christian in Chicago, and none other." Tha modest editor of tbe Buffalo Ex prssisays: The writer Is very stupid. tio ougnt to know tbat we left Chicago some six months ago. What thia country needs is a man who will promptly accept a good office When tendered him. W anting a month io which to "signify hie actepiaaMe" of wkal bs is bangoriog for ia saoaWy (9M to aeel - $lirt.1nnrouf. AIiMINIHTHATUMW NOTICI.-folaa la barab; giraa Ibat LHIara of Adaial. ration oa tha .itala of JOSHUA WOOD, lata of Marria luwailiip, I'lrarS.ld Co, Pa., daa'd , having bean dul; gr.nlad to tha unilariignad , all noraotu Indrbtad lu aaid aatala will ilaaa Osaka ImBMHtiala a;ioaitt, and Iboaa baviag .lain, ar damanil. agnoit Iba aauit will prajant lllaia pmparl; aulboutieaiaj for aatilament without J.I.J. WILSON 1IOOVKK, Adniaiitrator. K;l.rt..wa, P.., Fab. 19, II7MI. H SALR. Tbo andrnlrnod will aoU at prlrato aalo all tbat traot or pareol ef land aitaaia 1b Doeatar lvwV, t,Vi,,-6l,'WHiB,v al Bbort diatanoo of tbo Tyrono A ClearfloU K. H., aad adjo.oioi laada of Hubert lludiua and otnora, aod knuwa aa tbo Jaeub D. U ear hart lot Tba anld traot contalnine itu aorta more or loia, with two Trior of valuable eoaj thorcoo, baa about 10 aereo eteorod, aad ia tho hoy to a larre body ol Dual aitout botiif devolupod. Will ba ould lew aad upuo oay Mr iu i, tvt uartioulara, apiiiy to DAVID L. IvKKliH. CUtarfield, Pa.. July U, IS7. A GENTS fl ll- -WAWTE FOR OUR GREAT WORK NOW IN PRBM, THE rrTDTTSTEIAL History of the lulled States, n?lufr a nuMiplelo biatory uf all tbe Important laduttriea til Auitriea, toeloiJiOgf AgrwoUarai, Meehonlcal, Uaaufaourina;, Miaiaf, Cumtaoroioi and vtlior cntrrpriMi. Atwal lttOtt largo octave pogoi aaa na nno otafraviaga, , No Work like it ever Published, For ttrin. A tarritor; appl; at oooa to The Henry Bill Publishing Company, Dae. II, 1871 :m. MOKWICH, CONN JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FUIINITUIIE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 6TltKKT, NEAR P.O. Tha on dor it nod boca leara to la form tbe olti- io of Cloar&old, and tho publlo generally, tbat he haa oa hand a flno afaortmeat of F urn it ara. fracfa aa Walout, Cbratnflt aad Painted Chamber suitea, Parlor Huitoa, Keolioing aad Kxleaiioa Cbaira, Ladioa' aud Urata' Saay Chain, tbe Per forated Dining and Parlor Cbaira, Cane Soata aad Wlmlir Cbaira, Clot boa Dare, Stop and Kitcn aioa Laddora, Hat Reeka, Sorabblng Braahoa, Ar MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, ooking Ulaiaei, Chronica, Ao., which woald ritalfl for Holiday proaonta. '7i TltnilTMAri, A NEW DEPARTURE LITHEIISBIRG. fTereafor, wchM will be aold for CASH only, or ia oxrhaaff for produce. No hooka will bo kept la tbo fuiore. All old aaroeata moat be or ttle'l. Tho.e who oanaol oaah Bp, will ploaao naaa oror meir note ana CLOSE THE EECOBD. I am determined to .all m rood, at eaah prieaa, and at a diaeoont far below that trar oSarad ia tale riotalt;. Tha diaeoaat I allow aa; oa.toaera, will nakalbeoi rioh la twrnt; ;eariif the; follow n; adrloa aod bo; Ibeir good! from me. I will pa; eaah for wheat, oata and oliTer- aeM. VANlKb MOOULA.flJKK. Latheraharg, Jtaaar; 17, 1877. Agricultural Statistics. To t Citittnt CtwJUU County t Tho andonijrned having boon appointed by tbo D-partmont, at Waataington, priaripal reporter of ibo AarriealtBral Hutiitioa ef Otearfteld eoaaty, reppcctlally rcqtwata tbo eo-operatiaa of all to aaain, ay oenuiDg tao aoeecrirvor an the tareraaa lion tbey oaa bearing upon Ibe following a nee tion, ao aa to enable bim to mako aa eorrort a automeat te the Department, aa poaaiblei How maay boraeo bare d ed In yoar borough or town hip, aod of wbat dioaoaa. flow maay oowi ud oalveo, aad ef wbat dioeaoe. How maay abeep an jw mat, aaa oi wnai oiaeaaei aow Buoy killed by doga. How msay hig bare yoa leot. aad of wbat dioeaae. What pr rail ing ditaoeoa amongat taa poultry, in all eaaea guo tha rem odioo afod which bare booa found to bo aitoai fal, and ia all eaaoe te girv tbo oarb ralao of all atoek aa a early aa peeaible. By tbe eaepermtloa oi oar ouuoae ia goaeraJ apoe taeoe iiaportaat partioolaro, tho Agaieulturai report a will beoomo aa oooyolopediaol aorfal ib format ion to tho pub- lio, by enabling tAo DopartmoBt te pablib Ua ataeaiea. too ioibm, ana tbe romotlloa tbat bare booa found moat benefit) J la certain dlfoaaea . Any ether inlormatloa that will be eoaalderod a publie baaeat, will be tbaokfailj reeoired. Addrete tbo aubecribor at Uratalaa Hill, Clrai&eldCo., Pa. BAMI KL WlDKMIHU. March la, IHIS-tf. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL flat oprnr4. In a building on Market atroet, ea tha eld Weatera Hotel let, eppoaite the Cart Hooeo la Clearneld.a Tib and Nboet-Iroa Mane factory aad Store, where will be found at all timea a full liae of nousE FTONaisimTa goods, Stovos, Hflxdwsire, Zto. Uouae flpoutlni aad all kiada of lob work, rosatr- tajr, Ao., done oa abort nouee and at roaaoaablo ratei, Alao, agent for tbe Singer Sewing Machine. A mnpl; tf M.obiaea. with Needier, Aa. al- wa;a aa hand. Tame, etritll eaah or etnalrv aroduat. A .bare tf palrenage eoltoited. O. B. HKRRELL, Haparlataadeat. Claaraeld, April 14, 1877-tf. rJERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VA8ES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept atnelaatl; ta aaad. STOVE AD lABTIlEX-WARI OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS! CROCK81 Pl.Uer'a Patent Airtight Bell BeaUng 1...BI Rl'TTER CROCKS, with II da. CREAM CHOCKS, HILIC CROCKS, ArrLS- HIITTKR CKOUSS, hikviv fuoftru FLOWER POTS, PIE DLSUEL BTSW POTS. Aad a great aaa; otbei to aaaaoreaa la aeatlea, te be bad al FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE-WARE POTTERY, Oeraer ef f Berry aaa Third Btreota, CLKARIULD, PA. , aag- PRIVATE SALE Valuable Real Estate I Tbe andettlnaa, llrtog la Peas twp., Clear Said eoaot;. Pa., tier. Ua fbllowlag ralaablt Real E.ute for aalt t 446 Aoreiof Land, botc ar Ua.. la Beotarta taaaiblp, rjlof .a tbt aoMk tidt tf big Oltaratbl eaeafe, aad wttWa in alb) f tba taam Tbt .ton bead la kaaTtl; oatorad with kealoeb. wala. tak. rtak aaa, ead other bard weed tlabar, ad a awauil; tt wbla piae, eatd aa ba half a aiUio. af aar. feet. The .bom ia bearli; aadertaid with ktttj.i.aa coal, aad dlraatl, wa aaa Haa af railroad Hraleg iroa iianmeiouo.iBei. liirwaatMaaaa. Taai. art, alee, etkwr loJaaUt Bakwralt .a la. aaaie. Tbe abar. lead lata abtwt tw. and a half eaila. helew tbe tillage af Ola Hope, aaj.laieg bade of Ooorgo Oraaa aad .laaaa, a what la k.ewa a. Porter'! raa. Tba laproiaaaa.) ea lb. pre. art; sr. a good geared oa Bill, Ik raaolng erd.r, a high d.a, atone brraat, Mode la tha tart aaa a.r, dt for alnoit an; aardttnar; . There la, alee, a large frane dwelliBg and froao baah bara 'hereon, and fort; or In arroe, aaoro ar lea, af tbt land ia Bleared. An; perron wuhlbg It ia ampartf af ikla blni will d. II tt tiaaloa tali trope;.' I win aaU tbe Whole tr tba andlrtd"d half Itteeert, aa aa; nit tba parfheatr. Tbt boot traot of land will aaha twa or three farai, arob. WllllMpaVa'fhrorabI; with Ibe rtMlar part of tr eoaatr. Prlea BBd tarai aide haova to as; frrmm wurblaa ta par. I tikaia. fwr faiihevaanwa'en B.S IA aawnti art MUraatktatWnlatll at -'. t Tf OJ Caewaah. .,,, ' AAJk i WtvULB. 1 jaa. a, i.ntx- 0ur (f)tcn drniUrnrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, PablUawl alar, Wedaeeda, b; G. B. GOODLANDER, CLEAHI-'IKI.O, PA., Hat ths l.arf.ot llraalatloa ef aajr paper la North waalera P.naeylaaala. The large and constantly increasing circulation of lbs Republican, rendors it valuable lo business men as a raodium thro' which to reach tbe public Terms op Subscription t If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 If paid after three months, . 2 60 If paid after six months, . i 8 00 When papers are sent outside of the couuty payment must be io advance. ADVERTISING : Ten linos, or less, 8 times, . ft 60 Each subsequent insertion, 50 Administrator' Notices, . '. 2 60 Executors' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors' Notices, . , . . 2 60 Cautions and Estraya, . . . 1 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 SO Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, psr line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, . . .18 00 Two squares, . , . . . . IS 00 Tbroo squares 20 00 One fourth column,. . . . . 60 00 One half column, .... 70 00 One column . 120 00 -irey-M-t -m-T - - i RIsANKN. Wa bavc always on hand a large slock of blanks ol all descriptions. . 8TJMHONS, SUBPOINAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, ' BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, Ao , . Aa. JOB PRINTING, Wa aro prepared to do all kinda of PRINTING dl'CH A3 P08TERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, Ao., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Geo. II. Goodlaader, CkarfeMr Carlc.J tzzzij, ft. tjllsftllsinrotij. . ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwanivllla. Pa., Jaa. I, '78-tf. ' r. .cue. - a. a'eoBBLi. a. .,, Ij 111 til, Mi'l'OlULE die's FURNITURE ROOMS Market Btrtat, CltarSeld, Pa, ' Wt aiaaafaotart all hlndi tf Pnraitara u. Oh.ab.ri, Dialog Rooai, Libraries aid Hall. If ;o. waal Karail.ra tf aa; hind, doa'l . aatil ;oa too oar aloe a. ' aa lit n i i p it i f"fd"j V 10- uin:itTAKix Is all lU braaebea, promptly attended ta, GULICH, McCOKKLRACO Clearfield, Pa., Peb. , '7a. errrwT- HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICAL8I PAINTS, Olli5, DYE STUFF TARNISHES, BRUSHES, ' PERFUMERY, FANCY S00C8, TOILET ARTICLES. OF ALL KINDS, PURE WIXES AXD LIQUORS far nedtelBal parpooat Trailer, Sapporten, School Book aad BtUwa. , viair ariiriee aauaii; foaad In a Drag Star. PHYSICIANS PTIVRrRlb-rrnv. r.i. FULLY COMPOITNIlKII. II.. I.. . I. . Cirlaace la tba thr; aaa give entire M. fai-tloa. i. O. HARTriWICK. JOHN r. IKU IN ClMerSald. TUamUr IS, IS74 JJARD TIMES RAVI NO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLE! I am await that there are teiae perron a little karri L, .U.a. ..J f . . ", m mmm mimv aw ere ttatti late oomplalnt of "bard timea" ta well aigh anivertal. Bat I am ao ait sated aow that I can aatiafy the trriaier d prore eoBoiuoiroiy teat "hard timea " Wilt Dot aarFaWlt fhnaa Ba kn la.a. sk-i - J. t aad all my patroas ohel! ha Initiated late tho ae' orat of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I hare gooda oaoagh U .utalr U Ike Inbabl. taaU la tbs lawar aad af Ikeeawat; whioh I eell at eioaadiag low rataa freB b; Baaaelh store la MTLSONUIIRU, where i aaa alw.;a a. fesad, read; ta wait apoa taller, aad aappl; thea wilk Bry fioods of all hinds, Saok a. Cloth.,, Caaalaaraa, Mar Haa veiaiaee, t-laaa, uruiaaga, C alta oaa, TriBBiaga, aibhoaa, Laoa, . Readjr-Bade Cbrtklna. Baate aad Baaoe. Haa. ud Cape all of Iba heal aaurial aad Bade la erder Haaa, Sochi, Olorea, Mltteaa, Laaaa, Ribbon., At GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Rogar, Eloa, Molaaaa., Fl.h, Salt rora, biaaatt on, rua Oil, Uarbee Oil. H.rdwar., QBoeaeware. Tiawara. Caatlaaa. Plawe aad Plow Cling., Nail., Bptkea, Cera t'alllra tora, Older Presaaa, aad all blade af Asm. Portansr;, Palate, Varolii, Slaei, aad a feaeral aa.artBaat tf Statioaor;, , . QOOD FLOUR, Of braada, alwa;i ta kaad, and will ba eld al la wwaat aualbn Sgaraa. i. II. McClala'i Madlolaai, Ja;aa'l Medlrlaaa no.t.ttr'B aad Hooaaad'i Vlttera. H0, pooad. af Wool w.nud for whir-k tha kigbaal prlea will ba paid. Cloraiind .a kaad aad far sale at the lewtil a aria. aait. Alee, Agsat for Straltaa.Ule aad Carwsaarlla) Thraihlog Maoblnaa. haZvCall aad Mafot rtarMlrtl. Toa Will lad. Ter;lhiag a.aall; kept la a retail abara. L. M. COUDRIlr. Praaahrllla P. O., Aagael 11, 1874, William Powell. MfCOKD ST., CMAXrlKlZ, PA. Oealerin Hearycnd Shelf HARDWARE. IRON, NAILS, PAINTS. OILS, VARNIFHKH, ULAHSAND PUTTY Kaept aiartaall, m kaad the halt Oowhlag, BeMiag aad Parlor Stoves and Ranges c .1 all Table and Peek Cellar,, Carpealor.' Tooii, .aah a. Saw., HalobaU, Squarer, Reaoh Slta, Plaaaa aad Plana I roe., OhUaH, Bitu, Aagera, Adaee, Fllea, UiageeallkUdh Ueha, Horawa, Saih Cord, Poll.;!, at alt. Farming UlensiIIs PI..1, Caltlraum, Doable aad ataglt Sb.r.l Pleat, Celtlrator Tth, Orala Cradlta, a.;thea, Saetbel, Haee, Parka, Eahea, Ma, Foraa, Fara Bella, eta., ate. Herat Skt aad Bern Natle, the But aaha f Croet aat Raw. aad a lea, Ortadtteaei sad Oritdaua. Plilartt, aad wrarrtblsg Be.aU; hi la a Sret-elaat Uardwar Bteea. Air, a fall etaaktt House Furnishing Goods, IbTmLTb b H Brawl, libh aaiaaau a. S i H k I , . . i i . . . . . t. erder. EoWlat aad Steall. praspllT ae ttadtdl. ' Peieeas arlaalaf aarUilBg la b; Baa, ar He 1T1 --- . WItXIAja IVWBJ Olaafaali, fa, jaa t, LUS-ti. A