Uboroi B. Goodlandm, Editor. ' . CLRARKIELD, Pa. WKDNESDAY HOBNINO, MARCH 1J, 1171. If yoa iM to kaow whet l going l Ihe bullae, world, Jut road oar adrerttitag oolumaa, Ihe fyeeial aelamn In particular. MAXIMS FOR THE DAY. . Na maa wai-thy Ibe offlM of Praeldeat tboald be willing to bold It If eoaatad Is, or plaeod tbera by any frand. - U. 8. Gbabt. I aoald Barer kare haoa reconciled to tba ele vation hy tho emalloet aid or biIdo of a pereoa, kowover reepeeleble la prirata lift, who muat forever aarry upoa bit brow tbo ftamp of frand Iret trlamphaat ta Aaitrloaa hiatory. Na nib atqaaat aetloa however merltorioae, can walk aeray tba letter! of tbat record. Cbablbb Faawctl Ap.ua. ' T aroald ratbor fceva tbo aadorataieat of a quar ter af a Million of tko American pooplo tbaa that of tbo Loniilaaa Returning Board, or of tbo Com mlaaioa which eicludud tbo fact! and decided tko qnerrioa on a technicality. J . Tbo.. A. Husdiickb. . Undor Ibt forma of law, Rutherford B. Uayaa baa boon declared Prealdent of tba United Htalea. Ule titla reate opoa di.fraBehlerment of lawful vetm,lb. falao oortlloatoa of tho rotarning oB Qora acting oorropUy, aad tha daciaioa of a eoaa nitaaioa wbiob baa ret'n.ed to boar erideneo of al leged frand. For tbo Aral time are tbo Amerleaa people eon fronted with tba foot of a fraodaleatly oloeted Proaident. Let It not be anderatood tbal the frand will be eilently acquiesced in by tbo country. Let no hour pom la which tho usurpa tion la fargottaa. t Aoaaaaa or BaaocBATlo kl. C'a. Ooe hundred yean of human depraritj aeca nufatcd aad oonoentratod lata a elitaaz of crime. Never again In Ire huadred year, ehall they bare aa opportunity to repeat tbe wrong. DaaiatW. Vooaaaaa. ' (j'oyernor Hoyt ia a very glow me chanic lie lias not made np tliat eipull Cubiutjt job yet. . JK. Spencer Miller, prominent Phil adelphia lawyer, died suddenly on tbe 7th inst.f ol heart disease , Vol Hoolt, President of the Penn sylvania Itnilrond Company, is now ttijoylnga trip np the Nile river in Egypt. According to tlie latest ad vices his health has been entirely ro lired. . The Cattle Law is before the Legis lature again. The bill will be found in full on our first page. Tax-payers should, read it and then Inform our Senator and .Representative whether they want tbe law, or don't want it, "Uuhko roa Monet." An artiole undor this head will be found on our fourth page this week. As nearly all our lumber denier, and many others, personally know "Lew Dock," who is one of tbe leading characters in the affair, it will be Interesting to learn how "iw" was trappod in Jiew York. . Inside Information. Tho editor of the Greensburg Jhrald, who is now Deputy Secretary of the Common wealth nndor Governor Hoyt, diaem bbwels himself in this way : If ei-Oor. Ilarlranfl will decline tba Phila delphia Poalottee and keep bimaelf In tha right poeitfoB, bla ebeneo for tbe nomination for tbo I'roetdaaey by the neat NatioBal Repablieaa Coa ventioo ia better than lhat of any ether nan la tho t ailed Btatel to-day. Wo wonder who the Groensburger had in his eyo tor the Philadelphia opening when be scored tbat pant 'o Bump Lost. Senator Jlurnside drew tho following picture of Conklin in his recent speech irf the Senate : "I nay to the Senate and the Senator from JKcw York, with whom I have served on committees lor several years, tbat I speak from personal knowledge when 1 say tbat I know of no one who can, with so mnch readiness and aptness, equivocate and falsify matters to suit his views as tho Senator from New York,"- This remark raised thundor in the Senate Chamber, bat nobody was strnek. . Tbcy are both "loyal" Senatorial Cacctis. Senator Wab lace, Chairman of the Democratic Con gressional Caucus, has called a meet ing fur tho afternoon of the 15th Inst., at Washington, to determine on points relative to the organization of Com mittees. Tbo change made in the Sen ate will, in effect, amount to a revolu tion. The "mi" aro all Radicals who have been tbore, some of them from their birth, and the Democratic "outs" want in just to see bow the conoern looks. Half Through-. Two years, or half, ol Hayes' term expired on the 4th inst. We have nwer before written "President Hayes," nor will we do so again soon, although we daily notice that our cotcmporarlei use that torm, whim they know as well as we do that he was not elected President. We still hold to the old doctrine that the man who reoaives stolon goods Is a cheaper fellow than tbe one who steals tbem, Tbe former manifests no courage or enterprise, while tbe latter risks his life aunt reputation. Lit it bi Settled. A Washington lelogram says: "The constitutionality of the Legal-tender act, so far as it ap plies to the issue of Government notes in time of peace having tbe quality of t Jcgal-tendor for private debts, is about to be brought to a test by an ayjroemcnt botwocn 8. B. CrittrAiden member of Congress for the Brooklyn (ow York) district,' and Benjamin F. Ilutlus, each agreeing to bear the costs ant" other expenses on bis side of car rying a case through IhoJowor Courts au4 op and through the Supreme Court. . J. ' " i. O' S"1-1 1- J I. I , ' , .'iPaisuiu) Caimi." Political god- lines has received a severe blow from tlwe, editor o the Lancaster lntdligt ocf, who goe"flr that especial class in this way :,'If a federal judiciary de cides) ia Virginia that a violation of the civil rights law Is to be prraamed aa inflicted, wherever Judge trie case Without a negro on tbe jury the in quiry should be pursued iuto the North. J n Lancaster county only one oegro bos awver oerred upon a Jury." Hera is a jfuU opening for high-toned Radical, who esteems tli African race above lbs Caucasian, toeolbros tbeir peculiar SdearoLfenchter county. Dare they tUR ' XATIOXAl auAltD HOB BEHS. Tbe editor ol the Cambria Freeman very properly calls the attention of tbe tax-payers of the Statu to a very im portant lact. . That a standing army is being insinuated into our system of government, there is no ilnubt. The editor in questiou says : "t he maintenance ol the National Guard of this State in all 'the pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war,' had owuaitld the form of raid upon the public treasury of the most alarming proportions. The report of the Auditor General for 1878 shows during tbe year the amount of money paid out of tbe State Treasury for 'mi litia expenses,' was f 160,687.74. And now a bill is ponding in tho Legisla ture, and actually passed the House early last week, appropriating the sum of one hundred and dirty thouwnd dol lar) out of the Treasury-, to be expend ed by the Adjutant General in purchas ing tor the National Guard sucb uni forms, great coats, blankets,knapsacks, and accoutrements, as may be neces sary to complete its equipment, sftor the style and pattern of similar articles now in use by tbe United States army. Shortly belore the Legislature met, Mr. Wiekersham, tbo Superintendent of Publio Instruction, stated in a pub lic speech that it was useless for him to draw his warrants for common school purposes, for the reason (thanks to tbe flcpublicau Legislature of last year) tbat there was no money in tbe Treasury to meet them. With this disgraceful state ot affairs staring the Legislature in its face, tbe members of the House, by a vote 124 yeas to 62 nays, found no sort of difficulty in en dorsing this huge and extravagant ap propriation to the National Guard. Mr. Doylo, a Greenback member from Huntingdon county, made quite a spiri ted and vigorous attack on tbe bill, mainly on tbe ground of the present de pleted condition of the State Treasury, and also because of tbe inefficiency of the Guard, charging it with being di rectly responsible for tbe Pittsburg riots. The Adjutant General, howover, and his brigadiers who were on band lobbying for tbe money, bad their forces well organised, and rushed the bill through by the vote we have stat ed. Will the hopes of tbe poople for legislative retrenchment and reform ever be realized T Candidates lor tbe Legislature are always very loud and emphatic in tbeir profusions pf reform before tbo election, but when tbcy go to Harrisburg tbey appear to think that tho only, or at least the chief bu siness ot a legislature, Is to vote away the people's money. Whether the tax payers of the Slate will quietly submit to this extravagant waste of the publio funds fur military purposes, is a ques tion which tppy tbomsclves mnst an swer. VOL VXTAIIY ADVICE. Our Harrisburg Representative, Dr Bennett, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday in this borough, looking after the interests of his constituents, and returned to the Capital on Monday- evening. The Doctor wants his cod stituents to correspond freely with bim iu relation to public affairs, whether they are personally acquainted with bim or not He wants to know tbeir desires, and then be will adjust himself according to circumstances. It is notorious that there is too little communication between constituent and Representative daring the sitting of Congress and the Legislature. Some persons suppose that because they are not personally acquainted with tbeir Representative, that tbey have no right to correspond with him. This is a gross mistake. There is nothing that docs a Representative so much good as for a back country volar to (it down and give bis member "bail Columbia" lor doing this thing or for not doing that thing. Pursue that policy, and we improve the manhood of the voter and the Representative. Thero is too little of this done. Let us be mora communicative upon tbis point, and the numerous misunder standings which arise between parlies will not be so frequent. Sootbino Advice. Oar neighbors on the Western slope are trying to kick up a faas because Hayes vetoed the China bill. The editor of tbeBaltl more Gazette, Consoles the Golden tttate poople, wbo seem to be excited, in this way : "Lalilornia will pot secede from the Union hastily. If she should cut herself off from tbe benignant United States snd break up ber trade entirely with China she might be able to run Up wagos for a season, but we can hard ly bciieva that the prosperity would be permanent. The Pooiflo Hail steamers now bring $30,000,000 of business to Ssn Francisco annually from China. Besides all this the Federal Govern ment has established the principle tbat secession is naughtiness, whether In spired by tbe negro o Chinaman, and it has pledged itself to whip and sub jugate any Slate cutting a dido of that obaracter. Tbe average Californian should keep cool. Hi Sees it. Hon. Charles Foster, one of the brightest Republican stales men in Ohio, doclares tbat the politics of tbe ooar future depend upon tbe re sult of the Ohio State elaotion this year. A Democratic triumph presages lbs nomination of Tburman as the Demo cratic candidate for President ; a Dem ocratic defeat in Ohio throws the Dem ocracy back upon Tildcn and hard money. "The solid South," says Mr. Foster, "will go for either. They desire only power, knowing thai either fac lion will be their tools." He is unfair toward tbe South. If they do get tbe power and do not wield it more hon estly tli on Foster's party bos, they will not keep It long, Don SiTCEssiiL. Kx-Gov. Pollock is a victim to tho sly management of ue adroit rung Jtonalor from Penn sylvania. The committee tailod to re port tbe nomination of Governor Pol lock to the Senate for confirmation, in consequence the appointment fails, and Uetetaiid, Uva tsLhful Lancaster bench- man of Cameron, remains in possession ot tha Naval office. Tbe appointment of Gov. Hartrant and tbe removal of Gov. Pollock, are two of tbe smartest things that bars trsnspirud -lately Jn politics. Ilayes was de&aled in both instances. Tbe junior Benstor sbows more adroitness than tbe polished Conk ling did with bU Mew York appoint mean , . .. . . BIQ FARM ISO. An exchsnfre soys: "Gen. Rrlsbiu. U. S. A., says of (he resources of Mon tana : The yield of grain is prodigious. Mr. Forbes raised a field or wheat ol twenty acres, which yielded him 82 bushels per acre. Mr. Itaymond, of Lewis and Clarke county, raised 102 bushels on each of a number of acres. Mr. llurlon bad a field of barley which cut 113 bushels per aero; a field of oats 101 bushels, and a patch ol land in potatoes on . hich'fio dug 613 bushels per acre. The largest yield ol wheat in Montana on a single acre of land was 11.1 bushels. These figures are not fancy estimates, but sworn to by disinterested parties, and tbo produc Hon is an actual fact. Tbe figures will seem astonishing, If not impossible, to r.astern farmers, but they are true. and can bo provided if necessary. Tbe average yield of wheat is thirty eight bushels per acre. Tbe root crops grew enormously, and I bave had a good op- portunity to observe tbem iu our fine gardens at Ellis. Peas, beans, toma toes, cabbagos, cucumbers, melons, po tatoes, beets, parsnips, turnips, onions and squashes attain romarkablu size and flavor. We bave bad potatoes weighing four pounds each, aad rata bagos seventeen and a quarter pounds." We are not Granger enough to swal low General Brisbin's story. Let tbo public bsve the documents. Locally, we wish to imforui bur readers that this is tbe same Rrisbin, who, in I860, wrote to Gov. Letcher, of Virginia, stating, that with seventeen negroes and a cow, he could lrigbten every rebel out ot that Stale, if allowed to march through it. Brisbin was not hurt during the war, but he succeeded in gotting a Brigadier General's com mission in Ihe regular army alter tho war was over. He belongs to Jlello- finite. His western grain stories, we suspect, are on a par with his wai re cord rather flashy I HA TKS OR DERS AN EXTRA SESSION. The Radical "stalwarts" in the Uni ted States Senato, having refusod to repeal a number of unconstitutional and odious laws, enacted within tbe past fifteen years, are responsible for an extra session of Congress, as indi cated by tbe following document issued by Mr. Hayes: Ay Me 'reaiifaalolie V'ifd Sloltr-J Pnelm eiahoa. Wssaaia. The Snal adloarnment of tbe Fn. ty-Sfth Congreee without making tbo nana! and neeeeeery appropriaiioa for tbe leglelaliTO, exoe utlre anil Judicial eiponaee of the government for the greet year ending Jane SO, ISSo, aad without making Ihe usual and neooaaary appro priation for the aopport of the army for tbe earno naoai year, preaenta aa eitraordmary oooaaiun, reqniring the Preoideot to exeroiae the power rooted ia bim by tha eonatitutlon to eoorone tbe Houeoa of Congreaa ia eattelpatloi of lha day win lew ivr luvir next mealing Now, therefore, I, Aulherford B. Ha Tea. Free Ideat of tho failed Stetoe, do, by rlrtue of tko power vt uia ena ia ma reeled By loo eoeeilta tloa, oobtobo botk llouaea of Conareaa to Mum bio at their reapeettre chamber! at II o'clock aoal ob Taeaday, Ike lllh day of March, iuetant, Ihoa aad there to eonaider aad delermiae nob measurer aa ia tbeir wiaeom, their duly aid tho welfare of tbe people may aeom to demeod. la wllaeea whereof I bare kereoato eat my band and oauaed Ike aeal of the fulled Stalei te Be affiled. Dose at tbo city af Waehlojlon thla 4th day of Marcs la the yi 'ear ot oar Lord ..at. Ibouiaad airht hundred aad aaraelr nine aad of ibo iadepeadeuoe af tha t alted States of America the oat bus drad aad third. R. B. II. n. By the l'reaidenli W. M. Ktaate, Secretary af Stela. Never before wore tbe "stalwarts' Conkling, Chandler, Blaine 4 Co. si completely cornered. They refused to eat their own soup when furnished to their lips by fair bauds. It is the old adage, "every dog bos bis day." These Had leal leaders will be under a cloud from this forward, Tbeir days ol plunder and misrule aro over. Democratic Sense. Tbe editor of tbe Fulton Democrat explains himself in this way: "If Mr. Daniel O. Barr, of Pittsburg, expects to be the next Bern ooratic candidate lor State Treasurer, then Mr. Daniel O. Barr's organ, the Pittsburg Pott, should stop its venom- ous flings at Senator Wallace. We care little about tbe merits of the per sonal fight between tbo Barrs and Mr. Wallace, and could cheerfully support the candidate of either faction for any position, but we do say that the De mocracy of tbis Stale pannot afford to go into any contest without the valua ble aid and counsel of Mr. Wallace. lie bos been tbe loader of our Democ racy In almost a soore of con tests be has ability, energy and tact, and no man knows better than be bow to par ry the blows and thrusts of tbe ene my. We would hare no faith In the su Quest of any ticket tbat was formed with the express purpose of antagonis ing Mr. Wallace's iptercsta. There should be entire harmony jn the Dem ocratic ranks next fell, and tbe single oandidste to be nominated at our com ing State Convention should be obosen with tbat end in view." Let ns adopt Kentucky's motto: "United we stand, divided we fall," and give tbe enemy. b-ball Columbia. Got Hie Daaaare. A eeellawaf by the aaau of Oorbla, wbo bad boob loans about Wsafciaa toa Clle darlai the whole ol the proooat aoaaioa of Coaeraaa, appearing to bo laboring wader Iba balloolaatlea tbat soeioaodr bad ilrea bla aa laoriu lo roBrooeal tbe State af Sooth Cerollu la the raited Stales Senate, la plaea af Beaator Sutler, bad tba roneelt Snail kaoakod oat of b lea but wool! when tba Resale Sealerad. ke f ola of IS bom la St aera, tbat be bad M riht la each east. Tbe Renablleaaa wbo rotej la Iba aefattro wars Dos Cameras, Matlhea, Coaoeer, Bar la af Illlaola, aad Patiereoa. aT-rraa.,.. Our cotomporery ahould have told the whole story. Corbin failed to get his coveted scat : but those same Rad ical Senators voted bim tbe snug sum of 110,000 out of tbe Treasury. It is veil understood, thst Corbin knows a good deal of tbe Inside working of tbe South Carolina Returning Jtaard, and be forced tbe "loyal Senators from tbe fiorth"to give bim bis seat, or some otbor fat ntflcp, or fash. He got away wild tbe latter. The Bucks County raoraoNoTAaf Casr. Judge Watson, of Bucks eoun ty, has decided that tbe Isilure to elect a rrothonoUry In that county, lost ttll (that result being a tie between tbe Democratic and Republican candi- 4ats), doe not create sucb a vacancy as tbe constitution contemplates and tbat, therefore, tbe man appointed br the Governor bas no right to (be place. J bis decision will loave tha old Pro tboaotary bojd over until after an other election. ' Good I Good II Tha United States Senate by a vote of 20 to 30, on the 1st inst, rofecUd 119,000 appropriation to pay Mrs. Fossou for tw pointing ol tba Electoral Commission. Senator1 Sock said It commemorated n eren of whbb tbj oooplry wis pot proud, tbe ptosis will rtHDsmber (bat loHmy loaf enough without painticg and post ing It ap ftemewber. A LRTTER FROM KANSAS. Ve have rd many IctlenTand pub - lislied some written in the West, giv- ing iho&riyrW aide. A prominent busi - ness man in this county lias handed us one Inuring on tbe dark side of the. case. The writer loll Clearfield in the Spring of 1H74, wilb 16,000 in cash In bis pocket, purchased a farm in Iowa, "went through it," and then left tbat Statu, because it was too cold, fur Kan sas. We will allow tbe writer to toll bis own story, because we cannot abridge it in fairness to the writer or the public. It is as lollows : Barton County, Kansas, 1 -Fobruary 2Stb, 187!. j Ma. , Sib: 1 wish to drop a few lines to you, to know wheth er you will do a favor lor mo to save my life and family. I suppose you have heard that 1 have lost all my property in Iowa. 1 came to Kansas with the expectation of getting my little inboritauco from home, so that 1 could build up again, but so far it has proved a fuiiuro. I had written to Mr. to loan me a little money ; but he says times are very bard. 1 received bis letter on the IStb Inst., wilb 85.00. I wish you would tell bim that I am a thousand times obliged to bim for it until be is better paid. I took tbe money and bought provisions, and then I went in search of work. I trawled ten dayt, but found no work. The country is so overflowed wilb emigration for the Inst six months that a man can get no work nowhere, only for bis board. At almost every house there is one or two men working lor their board. I cannot keep my family by working for nothing but board. Now, Mr. , can vou not lend me 150.00 for eighteen months, so that l can got some provisions, and some seed to nut in a Snrinir cron. I have tried every way tbat 1 could think of to earn enougb to keep us alive until a crop comes in ; but so far I have failed If I could only live and .get some vu piniit iuib opnng, so inai i can raise something, then, alter harvest, I will bo all right : but if I don't tret anv money, I will undoubtedly bave to starve, i nave only provisions enough to last until the middle of next week, and then 1 don't know what to do. 1 am also barefooted. Last Sunday 1 walked eighteen milos with mv feet done up in rags, in search of work ; dui am not nnd any. it you will send me a draft of J.'iO 00 1 will cive vou se curity on my father's estate as soon as I hear from you. This is my last re sort ; it 1 fail with you, I shall com mit suicide to got out of trouble and save myself from the terrors ol doatb Dy starvation. My brothers sav tbev can't help me. What shall 1 do? i nope to hear from vou bv return mail. Yours, as ever, I A CRUDE MEASURE. Tbo Philadelphia Record wisely draws attention to a bill before the Legislature, the object of which is, as expressed in the title, an act to es- tablisb the Iron Industrial Schools of Eastern and Western Pennsylvania. As that papor states, tbe whole pro position is crude and undigested. The bill calls for $200,000 to establish these schools, but no member ol the Legis lature woo nas spoken on Hie bill bss vouchsafed to iniorm tbe poople, whose money is to bo voted away by the nunareo thousands what Is lo be tbe proper scope and purpose if these contemplated schools ; how they are to be managed, or what sort of indus trial education is to result from tbe proposed scheme. It Is, as has been well said, a " leap in tbo dark." Why do not tbe friends of the proposed measure let us know bow they pro pose to organize and conduct these schools, tbo plan to be adopted, to., SiQ, So lar they bave not done so aud yet they domand $200,000 out of an already depleted treasury, to be wasted on a crude experiment which the pro jectors themselves art not able to state what. A Know-Nothino Trick. James Pollock, of Milton, was put into the Gubernatorial Chair, of this State, by the Know-Nothing wave that lolled qvor it that year, defeating Governor Biglers re election. lie ias been in omce ever since. Homo fellows at Washington, played a K. N. trick off on bim by getting him to loave tho Mint, so as to put Pollock iuto the Navy yard, where General J ack Heistand has been roosting fqr some time. Tbe Senate confirmed Snowdeii, aud be walked over and gobbled np tbe Mint, (hp ei-Qovornor picked up bis bat and started for the Jh'avy yarj. Rut some how or other the Senate failed to re port the name of Pollock, and so he is out all around a real Know-Nothing trick again. A contemporary, in al luding to tbe ex-Governor's misfortune, remarks : ''Ex-Qovoriior Polotk lor the first time in some ejghtcen years ias been compelled to leave the publio crib. During all tbat time himself, bis ions and bis nephews have bad a soft thing of It In drawing extravagant pay for an InBnitossimal amount of work. The quid pro quo that Pollock gave for this favoritism was an annual wave of "the Bloody Shirt." Hat It Is said the ex Govprnor hw in somo way offended tbe royal bouts of Loliel, Atny rate its ehiettaln made no sign In tbe Senate, hence Pollock's nomination to the office to which Hayes appointed bim remains unconfirmed. Exeunt Pollock to the rural shiilcj pf Milton, unless, like Micawber, he will still 'wait for something to turn op.' " , Pension Kaal'ds. The statement bas come trom an official source that there aro ten thousand fraudulent psnsioners on tbe rolls, the Senato Committee on Pensions bas reoom mended that tiy surgeons, skilled In law as well as surgery, shall bs an pointed to revise the lists and make a thorough investigation. Tbis certainly ought to be dona. In ths haste to roll out money te soldi?) and cjslm agents during the past ten yean, Congress bos paid little attention to looking after tbe. genuineness of o'aimi for pensions, and ths result bis been that fully $50,000,000 or $00,000,000 hsve been paid out to frauds. Hirini.T Kndorsed. Ilayos receives some purions letters and telegrams. ihe following dispatch wa received at the White IT ous on ths UTtb of February "May the King of Kinirs incline lbs J'residcnf or fhe United Slates (o do gepcous ct and to give tbe postoffice ts Christian gentleman. Tou will bare God's blessing and that qf a thankful pcopio." StJ- - I' Mr. Dane, oi Indianapolis, breamed for many yean t, pen wit), which, his grandfather vroU a termon on com aaaraial brstf, xia) now bla son bas used the same pea In forging cb-r LETTER FROM VJRaiXIA. 1 Auiiusta, a., March 2d, ld76. Ma. Kditob: lieing an occasional 1 reader of your most excellent paper, P",m'1 m w nr I0' " Ipoe ,uaceDtlbl. of ,,'.'(. nf ,hm' ,r otfer persons ; but I do assure you tuat tue LXEAoriEi.D kepublic an shows a master at Ihe helm who shows fearlessness, discretion, judgment and indusliy, a combination ol traits of character that are seldom found in the management ot inland newspapers. Home papors, 1 see, avier( last you are tbe borne organ of Senator Wal lace, bnt judging from ynnr independ ent course, would scarcely tie yourself to me coal tail of any person, but seek to Impart tbe greatest amount of use ful information to your readers, never tearing to scrutinize closely with ail the force of speech tbe public charac ter of all with fearlessness, and a de sire to correct abuses of every kind, than to morely expose. 1 notice that you say you must look around for a candidate lor tbe Presi dency because some other papers are doing so. Now, permit me here to make a sug gestion to which 1 think all will agroe, wnicn is, mat It is highly necessary at this time to select as tho candidal a truly representative man, wbo has firm ness, bonesty and ability largely com bined. He must bsve a record fully established, holding no views partiul to section or class. No old Fogyism can carry the day. Tbe country cannot all'ord it at tbis time. Virlory is reasonably certain with such for our standard bearer; without such qualifications defeat is almost sure. Now, permit me to say, tbat I think you need not look around long, nor go far Irom home to find one who will BU tho bill, in the person of Hon. William A. Wallace. I have watched his political course wim muca pleasure since bis maiden speech in tho United States Senate, and am constrained to say (notdispai aging the usefulness, honesty and abil ity oi our own senators Johnston and Withers two as eood and true men as tbe country can produco) that tbe career oi oonotor Wallace, ol Pennsyl vania, has boon so brilliant, that every thing seems to point toward him, and, as Nathan said to David, "Thou art the man I" His whole oourso has boen perfectly conservative and fearless, wbo bad nerve to beard the Lion, Blaine, in his strong point, snd place uim nors ae corneal. We, down here, have bad a severe winter season, if it may be called se vera. 1 am assured that there is bo comparison to winters farther north ; dui so continued a spell ot cold bas not been realized down here for rears. At present, the weather is moderate, and hopes are entertained tbat favorable weather will now set in j lor all of us farmers and planters, the State over, are vory backward with our work, so little plowing has or could be done to be roady for Spring crop. Generally at this time we have all our land for tobacco and corn broken up, and tbe larger part of tho oat crop seeded ; but at this time very little bas been done. In the month of January, plowed two days; in February, four days, and expocl topnt out in tobacco ten acres ; in oorn, forty to fifty acres, and in oats twenty ; and to get the corn planted in April, and oats seeded in March with two span of horses, and tobacco land plowed, garden vegeta ble patches prepared and planted, making a due allowance . fur wet weather, (and other work to be done on a farm) we will have to be right smart. I wish, sir, yon could make up your mind to come down hero, and lor a while enjoy our genial climato and the society of our people. 1 leel to assure you of a pleasant and rotreebing time. Kxcuso my boldness, and permit me still occasionally the pleasure of read ing the Clearfield Republican. Dixie. Competent Hoot is. The Bsllefonle Democrat, in alluding to passing politi cal events, aays : "Minister Seward, of the China mission, would not show bis books to tbe Congressional committee, charged with the investigation of bis crookedness, to clear hia skirts of the grave cbargos against him. He bas therelore been declared a contumacious witness and summoned to the bar tf the House for treatment What this will be, or what will be gained in tbe way ol reaching tbe information desir ed, qf ooflrse has pot yet transpired. If he were not guilty, be would ombrado tbe opportunity to make hit Innocence manifest. It looks bad for Seward, and Mr. Ilayes bad better be looking round for a competent rogue to supply his place. Corbin will do, or If not, Jvfm J. Patlemn was relioved on Tuee day and will not again be peeded in tbe Senate, we cap reoonimond bim as fully coinpotcnt to fill the highest expectntioni o any roguo n America or 1'uina, A Bully Representative. -A black- guard, named Petrolf, is one of tbe members sent to the Lower House of tbe Assembly by Philadelphians, and the Harrisburg oorrcspqinlppt of the Phil- adolpbia Time made iqme truthful remarks about bim as a Legislator. Tbe latter met tbe former in tbs rotunds of the Capital the other day and saulled bin) violently. Friends inter fered and parted them. This fellow, Petrolf, was expelled trom the Legis lature In 18TS, lor bribery and corrup tion ; yet Philadelphians persist in sending bim to the Legislature. His immediate ponslitjie.icy evidently need a missionary or two and "free schools. Ax Excellent Bill. We notice that among the bills favorably report ed, in Ihe Senate the other day, was one making taxes assessed upon real estate a first lien, and providing for the collection of sucb taxes by action of debt or otherwise in the proper Court, with costs, and including a res- sonahle attorney fees, to be determin ed by tbe Court. Tbis should bave beep tbe law long go. Many a C'ol lector lost bis taxes, because the de fendant was too poor to pay tbe Col lector, ana me piainurj or tbe purchaser refused to pay it in nine esses out ol ten- Let tbe bill pass. Hadical Uosbhtv. Thl,wis!own &nf infi says : "The sincerity of so call. ed ICepublican sympathy for the "color ed brother," as tbey gushingly call bim pending an election, was oharacUristi. rally exemplified in Lrwlstown on the 18th ult. They nominated a respecta ble colored man, John L. (Jrlfflth, for Junius of lb Praoe, and wblls giving ap average exceeding 11)1 votes for their white nominees, Mr. Griffith re ceived but 17." Il Tim, We notice that no less than thirteen Radical candidates for Sheriff and seven lor ProthonoUry are announced In Blair county, tbroaeb tba columns of the Altoona TVisune. They are evidently In a hurry over lbei It fill bo a good Joke on tbe snthuaiastro tUdioU U lbs pssaoorau nputra vou oaoes at tba next g0 wftftil!?"-.'--'-' " ' ' UO!S THA T A RE IIOOS. The Bordeutown (X.J .j wi respond ent oi the I'hiluJciirhia"vVAo, .) liic 2.lh tilt., thus dilutes on some Jersey hog stock : , llordentown had a sensation to day. A lot of bogs front New Hanover, llur lingtou comity, were shipped to .New York, and twenty-seven of them weighed all tbo way Irom 700 tn nearly 900 pounds euch. This is claimed to be tho biggest " hog crop " in the country. It was a novel sight, and all llordentown turned out to see it. The hogs ti e the property of Joseph Car ter, iletween bim and Samuel S. Southard there is a great rivalry. Last year John Taylor, a Trenton pork dealer, ofTered a gold medal fur the most successful bog-raiser. Southard got it. Eighteen ol his hogs averaged 703 15 pounds when killed, and 7005 when delivered. The king hog turned the scales at 795. If be can hold tbe medal lor three years against all con testants it is his, but if perchance an other should show up tbe biggest aver age in pork be must yield his laurels. Carter says he can do it, und so far the balance is in bis tiivor. HAisiNa nous roB a ntizs. Carter and Southard have reduced tne business ol pork-raising to s set ence. The former, intent upon taking .... . , . tt ... v. tne paun, started ed off with thirty nine v vr counties where said saw-logs' the propem ahall bo .truck off moat be paid at the venty-seven of these he ' dlivered, and such money as shall I Zi''Zvr'.'lu Z s ol success. Of ll..T,d!.t " '' delivery p, bogs, rpon tw bases bis none onginal number several have been JIVO ueoii ihrn nf! loJng ,o fiigtened weiched pectitely. killed. Along in January three of inem came so very near choking lo uuain inai tno lariner grew I and slaughtered them. They 798, 817 and 7118 pounds, resnec The hof,Ti entered for the prize have had the very best of care. They have required attention continually. There are just two events In the lives ot such nogs sleeping ana eating. J boy are too ful even to waddlo. Tbcy never wane up except lo cat, and that pro cess over, they again stretch out upon clean straw in their separate pens. These particular hogs of Mr. Carter's wore loo lar.y even to feed themselves, snd, indeed, even if they were not, thoy could not seo their food. For weeks they bad been in total blindness. Like tho average hog of no particular distinction tbey all hud eyes, but throe inches and a half ot genuino fut kept tbem closed completely. The feeding iirucess is otio oi interest to both hair and spectator. The furm band rolls up boiled meal into round balls and forces it into their hor-shins' mouths. The bogs grunt and swallow and keep it up until tbey are perfectly gorged. iney are acpi in a slutted condition on the best of meal and all that is asked ol tbem is to grow tat. Carter's hogs wore aiiiea on oaturuiiy. (Such moun tains of fat were never seen before. Some one, whodidn't know any hotter, very nearly ended the lives of two ot tliem bctore thoir tune by simply stand ing them on their feet. Happily, how ever, tbey survived the shock, nntl lived lo die by the butcher's knife. .Mr. Carter confidently exiectctl thut his heaviest hog would tip the beam at over 1)00, but ho was disappointed. Tho largest and latest hog of all weighed b' pounds, and the average weiirht of the twenlv-seven was 7ai. This beats Southard s averago of last year, but when the hogs roach -mark el tbey will sbrink, as usual. 1 esUtrday thero was a steady stream of visitors to the farm. iSleighs of all descriptions were out, anu everybody went with thoughts bent upon pork. .1 CORRECT VIEW. Tho Philadelphia Reeord, in alluding to one of tbe bad laws on our statute book, says : "The question in regard to the ex pediency and right of trrantinif to tho executive authority of tho nation the extraordinary power to employ troops in elections is one which should not be considered from a partisan point of view, inure sun mrics in the f eder al statute book a law enacted on Feb ruary 25, 18ti5, under which It is pos sible to nse the army 'to keep tbe peace at tbo polls.' The Democrats in Congress demanded that tbis ob noxious clause be ciipealed, and the re fusal of the Republican Senato to vield bas brought on an extra Session of congress, w ben tbe Forty-sixtb Con gress shall bave convened, one of the first moves will be a request Irom tbe uemocratto House and Nenato to tbe Executive tbat be sign a bill repealing the law allowing soldiers to no to tho polls under the pretext of keeping the peace. It cannot be thought that tbe President will refuse to givo bis ap proval to such a measure, for the voice of the country has demanded tho re peal of all laws permitting the uso of troops in elections, inasmuch as the ro turn of a Congress Democratic in both branches is, rightly understood, an em phatic protest against the use of troops lor political purposes, T The conduct pf elrntlons should be entirely lea lo the State authorities. Tho truth is tba, no party in tho coun try today demands tbe continuance of laws tolerating, In o,ny way, the presence ol the tpilitary at tho ballot, box. It may bo taken for granted that the real sonlimcnt of the Repub lican party is far from being in sym pathy wilb any such measure. The Republicans in Congress wbo refusod to yield on this question represent tho views and interest of political leaders, not the Bnnfimnnta tf t Ii a! nnn.l SI ... eies. Tb objections o tho Democrats 1 to military interference with the frnn. i . M ...hv.. vb M,V, V Wll-tl tUt II- . ii.- , . dom ot elwtions aro groundoj on the - - - uou-rui'K o AnKiO-Btsnon OlVlHsulluii. Bsyoncu and trot ballots aro iuslra monls that cannot exist toirothoi nnn or tho other must yield. The Demo crats assert tlint tbe bavonets must give way, and ws bolievo that the sen- ---1 - v.w.mr. .u nvu- j timent Of tbe people, both North and i South, sustains Ibis domsod. The llo- r- 1 iwaioiwr ry subjout to the 'rpsltV'nt'a bidding duriiiff the nrovrtiss of an cliKfion. should ask themselves how they like It wor the conditions reversed snd a Democratio Prosidont in the While House. It is honed that Pres. idont Hayes will prove lest obstinate in roasrd to the ronosl ol this dan tr or. ous luw than the Republican rjonate," 4 GOOD BILL. lion. C. T. Aloxandor. Senstt.r f'rmn Ibis district, at Hsrrisburjr, last woek read in place a bill makinir it a piisdev moanor for anv tiorson betwoun ti.n sfrea of IU and SI years to atk for liquor al the bar of any hotel, and also making it a misdemeanor in anv tior son to renrosont a minor as boinc of luti uo tor me purpose ot enabling r..n .... . - minors toobtain intoxiealinir bevoratrna. This is an ezcellonl bill, and if passed y tbe legislature, wil hsve a (jood cacct upon tlio publio morals. Ws never eould exactly understand ihn Ittstice of the law which holds a tavern keeper responsible for selling Ijqnor to minor, wuuo il lets mo minor dim self go Ires. Tbore are many persons undur age who bave theapnoaranoe ol baviiitf attained tbeir full majority, snd who sometimes are bearded like a para I n ben siucta ixjrsons, therefurj ka un to tha bar ahd ask for liannr. how is the bar keeper to know lhat isey are minors I It won Id Im an in. suit to ask them such a question. - aa ia job. as onminal for a person kpowlng bimaelf under g io oU for puor at a par a it la it tba bar keeper to sell it to him, and be oubt to be held equally responsible, if da. tected. Wa hope thla bill will bocome a law, and uige all honest and well intentioned legislators to support it Belief ont ira'cAnifta, . . ; W W yea os ibis bill. Hrery moral and business Question iboaia Ism A LOO LIEN LA IP. . I , Mr; IW;ks, of (Wron has li.tre UUtVU 41 l'.a4 (44 Uli. Ji'Hiv w ew j jobber ami cnninu'lorn, uy lion, Uio logs, Ac., storked anil delivered ly tin in. The first section of the Act is at lollows, the other sections being tor the enforcement ol Ibis: ny iwrann or iirni.ft who Khali may become jobber. or contraolerd for! by Und at t'fcret w. Ii-r--r. Knb uj ud or rutlinir, ptwliiitf. drawing &ud bunkiii I- C- W. lUrnt.r, and ib Wi hj publio any saw'logs, o of stocking and deliv- Zt'JZtJI ering any saw logs into any of the u. Barter. bosuns within this Commonwealth, Alao.amiala iwo-et..rr frame dwelling kooae, shall and maV be entitled to a lien on ! '" 'a Bradford mwBaaip, CloarneU eoaaljr, uitr-li eaio Intra fur 1 lis font met nrii-e fur - " "ir'lr wrllh tba M end rrlelai) a.pune sue i saw-logs lor tlie contrail pntc mr . ,, ,, , i4 ,I11UM i.,,,,,.,,, (Kt such delivery, less the amount he, she I fn.ni end rtinimi rei deep, wn'n kn. hoo at. nr lliev mat- liavn heen naid tinon (lie Pni.lrn.1 .r'inh.a the. lima nf rli-lieerv and the amount ol tlie contract money remaining unpaid at the time of sucb delivery, whether due or to becoino , J ... ..I due according to ;tl,e terms of the con - li'iw t, sliull be a lien upon the saw-lugs thus delivered for the period of sixty days alter the delivery of tbo same, , , - , ' whether uikiii tho bunk or in any ol the said booms, as provided foror Blip tilated in said contract: Provided.! .,. -ii i 1 1 i .... ,..... ., ,.,,,.,, r,,u, , , . slateineut of his, her, or tbeir claims for nnnaid moneys upon tho contract, together with . conj! of the contract! .. . j - - ! 1 ne 1 roiuonniary oi me 1 11 ut"1 u:u Niw-KfH lur tint oi int pt-rouo (e wboia it tu itnt off, iwriod OtsixtV dftVB uloroMiid ; nnd whu eaM "f d-Udeoo il .urh r ttt.lt, i F-rf 7"4r"r dUM ' ?.;;,"J 'assignee s sule ot sucb saw-logs, SUChllioa Bnl.aa Ike maney la artaallr paul to the I ,",l",i' contract money first preferred i kkriB - ANURKW PLNT, it., I '' PiM "l of "' V'U of such clt.rZ y'Z'i. til I sale A am'abi.k Statement. In com piling this annual statement of tbo fiuiinces of Heading, the Controller of tbat city went to tbe trouble of pro curing a statement from tho various other cities all over tbe country, show ing tbo population, valuation and tax rato of each. Tbo roturns Irom the cities of this State aro given as follows : Hate her Cite. Populations Phlladalphia...SI7,4S Pittebarg liO.COO Reeding 10,1011 Erie Jl,00 Hnrri.burg..... 811 01 Lanoaater S7,ooS WilliamaporL. JO.OtH! Alleooav IS.atlO Cbraler . li.OOU. Tiio.rille IS.UUu kleadellle IS, 0S CarboaiUla.... t,il0 Corrjf 7,01)8 Valuation. Him. i.J(,o,K4 1 1 0,404, alio X5,.14S,TT I la,!.ti,7'j; 0. 722.100 11.400,1100 7.UI.4II7 1 , b6U,4U7 0,6OO,OOU MIO.OOO 1,148,241 TilO.OUU I,2I,2II8 2 0k I.SS SU I.St 179 lit 1 24 I M .Si s.os I. so I.SS I. so Joseph C. .Sksden, the fntber in-law ot the lato William H. Tweed, died on Saturday in New York. He was 87 years old. gnu JPwtlSfinfnts. .th. auirmiiM ale.-, g. --... eMHtmlit. o. -n .r, nn child ElliHl.t."-OrL It Hm.'ttm. L imm. JV rrxr ai. B. C. hELLK.S . II.. t.-y'x, r.nrh.ii-, rt $u a. iimpruu ..a Per ule hy 11. li. Hpaokuiaa, Clrarlield, Pa. i i niTHB't KOTirR-r. it,. A Common Plea of Clearfield m.Baty. No. bi June Term, 176. Ti- Fa., No. S'.t. iSent.T.. '7H Q0ld' John Irvin A D rot here to me vi. W. V. Arnold n.l au it ru The Auditor appointed by the Tourt to dlitrlb- ute tbo procecda ariaing trom tbe iSberiiT aale of tne real eiute or w. c. Arnold and A lei. II. Ir vin under the above writ, will meet the nartiea in. tereited for tbe purpoana of hia aiipointmeut, on KLUAV, the Hth dy of MAMCH, 1879, at 1 o'eloek P. If at ai ofHoo in Clearfleld, wheu and where all parties Irtere-trd may attend. UM'AH Jllit'llKLL FebeW, IS79 St. Auditor. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of aundrr wrlU of AVW i'ltn'm la. anrd oat ef tbe Court of Common Plena of Clear fleld eoonty, and Iu aaa dlreetad. thero will be eipoeed to pal. lie aale, at tho Court llouae, in h borough of Clearfleld. on Maturdaj', Narcll Ifttli. IHU, at 1 o'clock p. m., tha followiag dareribed real eatate, to wltt Alio, a certain lot oft-round altuate In tbe vtl. lege of Pen field, UtiatuB townabip, Clearfleld Co., . begiauing o Ibo aoathera bouadkrv f tha of tha publio rod, twenty feat outer I r from tbe northeaaiern eorner of tha lot aold bv Franklin 8. Hewitt to i . 0. Kline ; thence North 61 degrees Beat AO feet to n ttost 1 thatioe 8outh Iff deereee eaat 14 I net to poat ; thanoe South 51 degreea weat o isjsji io m pow j in ence norm -iff degree weat 194 foot to plaoe of beg Inning, eantelntna about one-fourth of ap acre, lieing be aame lot deeded ay r. it. riewitund wile to O. II. Coryell, and having thereon erected a frame dwelling bouse, stable, nnd other outbuildings, Beisod. token in elocution ana lobe eJd as thi praporty ol w Also, by virtue of a writ of Fitri Ftat on Thitreday, Ma it ft HmU, I! ft. At le'plock P. If., the follewiag property, te wit All the Interest of said Defendants In that ear- tain realeetftto situate about two miUe fmtm Cmr. wenavllie, iu fiha township, Clearfield ooanty. deacribed aa follows .- Berlnnin &t e nheat. not eorner formerly the south eorner of lend of Theodora England i thenoe by said land north a5 degreea west 112 perches to n maple oft lino of what was John Rigley's estate j thence by said line south 4 degrees west SS perobas to a cheat- nut tbe south ooraer of aald Rigley eatate, thenoe by said land north 44 degree wast K6 paruhet to a white oak eorner; thenoe aoath 4,0 dfiireet wtt 00 perches to a hem look eorner i hence aouth I degrees east 120 perohas to a hemlock ooraer ( thence f-iuth li degrees east 07 perehea ta stones ; Ibenoe north 00 degrees east 234 perohes to a post; thenoe south H degreea east MO perohes to ft post) Owe aartb 17 degree anal 150 per ehea to post) thenoe north 1 degree weat 110 perches to a white pint corner of land now or formerly of Joseph Mtienoer i thence by said land north il 1 degreea weat 147 t-10 perches to aa oak earner i thenee still by aaid Bpenoar's load uorth 47 degrees wait IS penbos to a post thenoe bvland formerly owned by (ieorge fieatty north 44 degrees went SOI nerehea to poat oorner of aaid Theodore Boglaad t thearo by said England's land south 4ft degreea west VI perehea to the oheainut oorner, the plaoe of begin ning, containing 503 acre, 1 27 percbea nd, alio, anoe, more or less, being tart af a tract aurreeavi ."--. -V B"S ' ua a warrant t; NiokUu i QriQln, and kaowa as J'"!. S'J: a"' 'ai h"''H ""r" a water " 1 1 ,??''" '"t iM..mii.i,nifc n qom aore., aaore or loae, ' ar. olr.t, Satiag Uiawia ao fruit treea, aaS USB ODlDBllUinn. A DOlll ells 1A1SI. BSrlpa bb varioua iraproreuieDta. A area! oart 1. !,(. land, herln Ibereoa a laree qaaatilj of r .la. bla pioo, armlook and other tioaber nlubla fur boarda, ahlnglea and oltier kiada of loaaer. Srl.ed, taken (a eseeulloa ui tu aa aold aa lha import? olj, 0. S J. K. Kroner. Aie, loa oernia IOI BI frooal, WIIB a two- aim irame aweiting oouae ana eutonlidinge, Bad I lP'oremenla thereoa, ooonpled by aald J. K. t" lH'h"'' 'c-"""iii. 4.rtbi 1 nnw, an, iroaitnsaa tato) qtaia ilreai, ifwiaaoclna at iitt. .ttt al a eoraor of lot I0'"'."1' f"P1,?.V l".".": rtemingi iUm IZtZrmJS i lbraee Bortbward l0 feet to SuioUreel i Ikone l.j Plata atreet eaitwerd M feet te the place ol n.i.i, win in ex.MaiioB tO't to ha rold aa Ida fropertj af U. Kraliea, ' . A l.o, be rlrtua of a writ of Tea. tr., oa Tbundar, Uarah 10, Hf, the lollowlag properir. to fill "' " Alao, a errtala Iraol af laad eltaate la Beeoaria towaabip, Clcarlcld oooal;, Pa., bouaded and deaertbed aa followa, Tla : No. I, oa Ibe eaat bj land of John W. Lall aa Ihe north he landa ar II. W. Caldwell on tba weal kj U,Bd tt SanaeeB, Waller! 4 Co.. anj aoatb bj ClearSeld aiaea. containing If, arre... with M eor.. olear.J, bar log a her houn II be IO. lern U. k... ' .., arcbard, and ather Su'lbaiUino, th.. No. I,.beuidrd asd deeeribed aa feflowa t Oa the ea.l br laaill or I .ear Smith, north b. laad. Z . " maaaor Joaepb W. UII, aoatk b, laadaof Araam Haallb aad SroalSee late, eonuintag II acroa Bad allewaaee witb II ere. c.earru, with large gri.t mill, large eaw mlM largo two tlorr dwelling hopat lui.10 hltabea It by It, aad tot, aal koae. I alorlM Ibl4, wltk alabla end other a,lbiIMiaga Ibereoa. Hoiaed. takca lariecniWa and to U rold aa Ibe proper!, ... ..,,,, TbBBI or Bai.B Tha ..Ia. .lia Ike propertj ahall ka atruck ot ma.l be paid al . ' " ' arraagemaatt "nfV T'" "". BtkBMriM lb BNBOttr HI kf Immediaulr p.i ,p ,ad aald agaia al the aapaaa. aad ri.k of lha Bareoa to whom It aaek re.eele, 'ahall make n.dlka aama'-'JVd il aa In.unce will Ibo Peed be pre ..aud la Ueart for eoaCrmatloa aaleat lha moper la atteajlr paid ea the Sharif. - ANPRitaT hKNTf, Jr , barr a Hrrv n, i ClearSeld, Pa., i'.b It, lilt. "irr urrsy-st. I (bartf. SherilTs Sale. Iljt tlrtaa af write af leewW Torra, looed 1 m of tka Oaorl af C.mmaa Moas of Clear. .14 eea.tr, tad la me d,lr.t,d, u.,e wtU taogpoied te pekllcaale, al Ihe Cmrl UoBoa, ia the bareagk af Olaarlold, ea Thuredae, lha lllh dap af March, llll, at I .eeeeh, p. m, Iba (ollewlag deeeribed real aetata, to wl : , A eertala plaak frame awa allaata la k'erlk Heatadale, Clearl'eld eoaatj, Pa, ea lol Ne. !4 la tka geaaral plea af eald Iowa, seglaalag at , tataaoiok arts Be j thasaa .1 degraaa hot ta pel th.no. eooth H' wee! It r.l la VYeeeel SllMr i Oh. .1... . .itM..lk a. . w... oa iao BHia.BM sorBor af Rd waat) tWe went doaraaer iaa tv $di'frtlssfnunt. j ((M Mj t,UmU ,.. rf .f M. 7Tlu ttt. MT 4J 1VUi4Is. Wtfltftr, dU4 l'.rtOK im)B. irr-tOaDt Alio, tswrtiia twtvitorv ftura boiiM rIIimU ti. Bridforsi Uvula. p, ClMrtlJ fvnly, I' , tM ln sji.tb.4XB ft Iroct wd twit -right fMt iMp, Willi to.itry ktisbvn, with I.. ' -J a. I a .L..,. k....a..L4 or, UnAtat ,,.-, alh.rt iwoti,.- oB the iw I laobed, IZxIl leel, sad beioa on Iraet of laud . ooBlaialns akoet So ai-rea. bounded hf land, of ! i.j, f Siberia on tbo K..i aad Bomb, and alio j the pui.no road leading from Woodlaad ,to 1. . . . L ii . . . ... u ,l i ia- . - I .. f""";;'"';k " 'Be eold aa Ihe pMprrlr af Uharle Barter, , A1 , ... mJ ..,, .., frk01, ' l,ii,ii,, rituate la iba villa,, ol Hlalrevilie, 1 Ulsm.-ld eoontr. Pa., beeianiei a! a polai oa ! 'J V' ZV'V? I'1?.'1"':' Ihenoe houlb IS drareoa n eat IU9 feel o no.t i 1 ih-n s0n. ss .i.r.r.. s? min,.. .., iiir.., - 1 1 ro" I Ih'ni-e North !0 deree and .1 minnl- '".T1 "' ".? '"". ri i ihenr. I aieax aaia atrrei Aonn ow degrees as mtnutiw J B, M lnt u fltM ol jg,n0,Dg and known ia tlie (rai plan of aid linage aa lot No. '''' ' ' tioooiion and to be .old ae the S.'rJ:::r;et;r:r:", Tasaa or 84i.B.The prli-e or asm at which SherilTs Sale. Y tlrlua of writ, of V. 'o , la.aei J) eatoflb Codrt of Canmai PUu ofCltr. BIJ m-alr. u to tn directed, tbra will U In i iheborooKb of ClerflelJ. on Tliurwlar, 131b dy of Marrb, lMYtl, 1 e'eleek d. tlie following dcHnbe-l real HUU, to wit: Tbe following reel eiUUe litutte Iu Pens twn , Clesrfinld fwurny, Pe., bouti'lril on Ihe north by Und of J. W. HfttTerty, wert br lend of Irvia sk Mftbalfey, cant by land or Blgl Heed, tovtb by lnd of Pitrl-k KaiTerly, euotaislif )H7aore, more or IrM, witb ftbout li aerei eleared.aod bar log ibereoa treeted a imall frane bouae and a lug etebte, being tbe BBdiridd ioteret In the above traetof land. Baited, Ukru ia eieeatia and to be eold ai the property of 11. P. Huflerty. A lao, tbft following property of Samuel Hopper , Ituate inOicwle borougb. Clear field eoubty, Pa., bounded aud dcrribed aa follow; Two lota fronting on Oval atrret aud runuing bark litt fret tu aa alley, bounded eaat by DenaWr alley, aouth by Coal Urt, waat hy lot No. 22i, worth by Bpruee allay, nod known na kta Noa. til and tin, and barlttg tbrreon ereoted ft two-atory brick bouae with brick kitebeu attoobivl, well finiabodt eoa! butue, frame auble, and other out building, aubjaet to ibe purabaae money duo to Daniel Miller on lot Ne. 116, held by Delendant uoder article of agreement, ko. 8iied. taken in etecution and to bt aold w the property of (Sam uel Hopper. AIm, the real relate of tbe Defou riant, ai'.uato In Bornaiia towabip, Cleartifiid Co , Pa., bounded and darribd at follow; North by F. U. Httrk- . enbrrry, weat by J. Burguudrr trart. aouth by i John Knrabough'a eatata. raat hy Jamea (iallafaer, j coniBining 0 aerea, an iMrei, ana thereon t-iaro, grain bouae. and other outbuilding, with I K' baariog orchard. Sailed, taken iu exoeu t lioa and tu bt ft. 1 4 aa Iba property or .Sainul Btiekls-j, y.-a.w .w-.ory .(ui uweiuiig Boiae, log A leu, all the real eatate of tba Def- adent rfu ate In Bell towaabip, Clearfield eouaty, Penna., bono .led and deaeribed aa follow, to wit : be ginning at a white pine corner, ttiene-e aouth 31 J1 wrt i:t(l perehea to a poat i thenoe north au hubdred and arren'f perebna tu n fbeaL. V ""io j ,h0M ""i ! ' Poat ' ,h,Bct iul M 7 Prhoa to I thr P10 of beginning, eontaiutiig U;i aoreaand j AH perche. with about 30 eorei ared, having T- 7D.r P" n.0"" ("nni.hod is t , i:2 with kitchen attaehed. a-nd an old atehle. i Beieed, take in eaertKioa, and ta be iH aa tlie properly of K. L. Miller. Alao, alt tbe Defcndaut'i intoreat In tba fol- 1 lowing deacribed real .1 ealite situate in Chelt twp of David Mitebell aaaM Ttf teereboe lo a menle thenoe by Uad of same north 11 degree east I-HJ , r.s . pu , xnwmrw oy uojs warraniea to tlenry Mu seer and others aoatb SKI dor ran raat ii.i .. v.. . ol . . perebee lo, a pnat ; Ibeooe weal 60 perrhee to plara of b.ilnni.j, Mag part of a larer trael warranted to li.or; Vu0jb, eonlaieinf ltlu acrea aoil a'lowacee, hariBg tborooa ereoted a two etorj trame kooae, a lof bara, oae tenaol boa.., one log hoaae, a lee bara aad other oatbaiidiog, witb two beariof orobarda, and baviof; aboat SO aeree eleared. Soloed, lake, ia eaeemioa aad to be aold aa tbe property of Woa. Woeda. ... Alao, tbo f.'Mowla, deaariboil propertr, altu.la la Merrarla twp, ClrarSeU Uo., rV., bouaitrd e..t br land or Somuel lletrte and Blewarl Cowan, aouth by load of Stewart Cowaa, weat br land or Jamaa aad Ueora. O.b.ll, and Berth bj land of Wallaeo A Hopbine, eonteiotog Uo aeaea, with about 40 aerea elrared, and bariog iharoaa arreted atwo atorj trame houeaand rrawe auble. aad other mtbaildlnga. Seite4, takea la execu Itoa rod lo be aold m lha propejlj af Jama. C. Alao, the follawlof deaeribej pmporlw, altuate ia I-awreaea tewnohip, Cleariell Ooonly, . boBBded and deaertbed M followa: Ob Ike eaat bj land of II. T. howlea, ooutb hj land of Mra. 8. Rowlea, weat bj land of I'artJ Brawo. Borth bjr land of . Rowlea, conlainio all acres morr or leia, with about 31 acrea .leared. aad having thereon erected a.two-atorj frane kuuae, a log barn, and other oatbuildiaia. Relied. t&ke ia eaecatioo and U ae aold aa tha tW'P'itJ of Jn. S. Norria Alao. a certain towa U alluale la Ue fiUage of Jaaeaville, titlich townabiu, 'JlearCelJ ooontr, Pa., liluata oa ooraer of Main aad C'haalaat Su. fronting til feet Bore ar leaa aa Mala atreel. and raaatug aloag Cheetnal atraat Its faol. aiora ar leaa, toj aa aller, and koown la geBeral plaa af a no. ana aeriag taarwa ereoted a twr. alorj frame h.s V,H gntabod, a alaaghter koaaa, liable, autoaer ebop, aad other oatbolldlaga. Sailed, labea io elocution and lo bo Bold at Ike propone or 0. II. Ueaaal. Alao, tko following deaoriaed real aatbla ef Robert Leech, altuate ia Piketowa-hlp, Clear 1. 1 J oounl. Pa . bounded oa Ibo eaat he land of II Kilter, aouth kj had of D. It i tier, weat by Und ol '. Dale, aortk bj land or Milligao, eoataia B( 10 aerea. Bore ar aa, all olaared, wltk bear in, orchard, and having thereoa erected a tarae two-etorj frame dwelling aouee, large fraoae bara, aad other ootbuildioae. SalaeJ I. eieeullou and la bo aold a. the f 1141.11 j of Rob't Alac, tba following deaerlbo.1 properl of Waa. A. Read, altuate ia Uwrenea town.blp. ClearSeld ooualr, Pa , bouuded aad deacribed aa followa ' "a Ihe eaat br laod. of Kllta Hni et. al., eouth bj land of Wm. 8parkmaa, weal br land of War. Spacemen nnd larnplke, aorta br land of Mllee Read, eoaiaiaiiur Si acrea, more, or lee. wilb about SS aeree Bleared, hating Iharaoa meted a two-atore frame buuae. with kltekM .n..i 1 iarga iraaaabaak bara, aadMaer aulbwildinge. ' Alao, another ulere of land altaate la L.wrenoe townabip, bounded and draerlbej lnIL.. ,,. Ihe eaat by lead of Hwberl Porter, aoalh by land of Krogloaad Mullra.wnt be laadof attci-k.. aorta 07 tana 01 Koborl Porter, BOBUiniBf 64 acrea, more or Ina, aaimprotao. ui harlua tMoo. ereeu,: in, i5, , .n d.eiiio. ana lo be aold ta ikt property of Wm. A. Keed. Alea, a eoHola trad ar plaa. ef laad eltaate la Bradp town.blp, Cleatlrld cannty, Pa,, boaod.it oa tbe out by land, of (loo. Kaarr, J. ao Jaaob Stagnar, eouth by laad. or Job, dnmpillae and SUiabetk Zumpatlae, aa tka weal hy towo.hiii road,, anil oa the worth by Andrew MUltr and Villoa MaUoadry, oontainiag 41 acrea, mora ar leaa. witb aboat It aerea eleared, aad lha balaae. well timerad with ploeaod other timber, Melted, taken ia oiroulloB aad to be aold a, tka iroperti of Charlea Korb. " ' Alao, tbo following oWcrlUd teal aalala of Mary MeCraehea, lltaala ia Ureeawood lowa.kin, CUarield oouaty, Pa., bouaded aad deaarlaed aa followat llegionlag al a poali laaaoa aoatb till degreea weat 711.10 perohoe la a poet) Ihaoa. aortk 40 degree! weal 1.11 perehea la a poali Ibenoe Berth t0 dogrooe aa.l TJ percke. to a birch, tbeneeaaulh it degreea ee 131 perohee lo place ef bagiaaing, annlaialag II aerea, witb atnrnl 41 aeree eleared, aad karing thereon erented a log koaae, two otorlee kigb, bara and ather oatbatldingi. . rt.iaad, takaa ea aiaoatioa aad to be eold m lha prcpertjp of Jw . loo,,, aad Mary NoOraokcn. . , ,.,, , ,,r . Alao, lha following deacrlbe l properly, .lluata la llura.iile borough, tlearteld voanty, Pa., bouBded aa eke W..I by Main etraot, owlha aarlk by lot of Jame. Mi-lavrrar, oa tho eaat by aa alley, oa tba aoalh tiy ether lei ef UefeH..i fronting ft feet os Mala Hreat, aad running book aboat I HI feat tn an alley, having a Iwo-etory frame dwelling be.ee aad aalahl. thereon erected. Seiaed, lakea In aaeeaUaa aad la ka aald aa tha pnaperty tt A. N. SbalV, Dwfaeidaal, aad Jaaaea aaeMurrny, lorr, aawaan ' Alao, an thai eertala tract ar plana of tapd l uewriwoe ufwa.Btp, Vaarteis County, Pa., boaBdod and dearlbe V lolloeri : Begin ning at a noil eorner of laod of Jacob Uallch i Ikeaoe writ by liaa of Jacob Irria 110 percbee b, . i..o. .j ii.. .i Mania niaaoia aad Thomv Unlck'. laad tit root te a peat 144 aha. ...I .1 kl-L .. ,1 . . . . 1 . Ua. of bagiaaina.0 Mb tbaul M acre, eleared aad aader ealliralloa and baring Ihtrea) emted a Iarga Iwa.atart "'.f""' ko,,,.Urr bank bara. aad ather ...., ,, eieoatloa aad te 1 raia aa lat properly of A brum Uamphrey. Alio, a earula lot ., piece ,f .,, , lh. korougb af Heat.dala, koaadtd n! d.aerlbed aa SaUewa 1 loaaded aa the North by lliaaek -r4, .. tka Soatk k, railroad, SS ioSaHb, Oad atrael, and aa the We.( by lot of Jamea Hay jod. boll T feel Iroat ea Haaaek atreal aad tl feel deep, aad ha.lra th.rao. . ,l alary tram, hotel, kaowl aathe Cealaaalal Helel. Ala., eae other lot la ua. k..b l-..ai aa Ibo North br lol of Juu H .1.. .iT7a"..L 9 crtisfmrnts. f.aa B.td, a e-la-knelil, ,lo fc Mfctr e.Il:iJ!id.j.V!iii lairTr k ll.nd.ob.a.ld - lb. ...oar,, Alao, lha fulloslo, real ealale alluale I. n ti.wo.blp, ClearCeld eeaalr, Ha brio, V "' a,, i.l.l one third inlereat or Ad.. ""' Lelitia AJama In lb. foll.i, ia, erlj Uefinalan at a Boat . , ,Mj '"f l.uiu.-l.ir; Ihrot-e I.J tract ia naiaa el Vim 8lewart lix ..r,.,,. lo i..aea .hare nine u '! f..r ; those aoeih IU perehea to port " ' l nonaee w a pgat ; Ibaneo norlh lit M7" a plan of b-iinainf, oouuiBiBj 107 arre. .Ta i: parebee, more or leaa, wilb about ss eleerej. Iiein imri nf .. . name of lUb'l Stewart, Deed flora De.ld li. siJIO hlKAiml, reoorded IB ReaartT' omes, in ueei aooa fto. , page a, k Ibereoa .reeled a two-aUtre Irama honu r.. bara, BBd seeeaearr outbaildlagi in oxecutloa and to be eold aa Ihe aad Letitia Ademe. 'o. laaaa propen, o Jm Taaaa or Silb. Tbe prion or asm tbs property ahall bo alraok of maal be and Z lha Ua,a of aal,,., ,., alh.r " made aa will be approrod, otherwise the ,,..? IjF will bo immedlatelt put ap and eold a,Vu blab "- "I-- - u.e peraoa to whom It was atrnek ol, aad wbo, ia eaaa ol dele,, ', auob re. ..la, ahall make good tbe aame, and J. ao Inatanoo will Ibo Deed bo preaeated laOouri lor ooalirmotioB aaleaa tho mono; i. .ctt,i. ! M''' t" "lo Sberllf. AM'KKrY PKNtz J,, i ""'. .... shartr. Uleartald, Pa.. Ken. Ii. IS7j - - - Sheriff's Sale. 1Y virtue of in miry writi of I'm Er out uf Lb Court of Ooiiainuo PltM t,f Clar. ttridO , ni tume flirvvtril, then will WtifaJ lo .ul.l, itl. ai tbs i:.tnft IIotM, B th Immml f Uf.trlf-14, m rkur-MUy, lb t4tk 4x Mnrrli, I Hit, .t I h.t p. Mi( t toT lu( JwribsMi rl tiKU, to wli i ' , lltltl trfan 1t of Uo fitu4l U Clfr. I1M ber.xls CltupiuM oniy, !., Ktin Ur No. lestf, bouDilwl in ib ourtb b; Ukrhs-i Mri lb. at I., K4 1(14, 4.(b by mn ud wl by mlmr, bin SO r.xt front on sirktt trt ntl 171 i-rp U lb ftllay, on Ttbi.'b lul if rrrtti twn-ni'irv ftiinj dwlliii ban.,, Ua fa tntam wilb Wr ruu uH ib ftiJ ! ImC. ftitil otlt-er nX'SM.r aaK-bnlirit.... lUtMtl, ukM in ttMatiaa, o4 U b mU u lh lid losrn.hii). Ct-arrirld mit.tv. P... ..tai.. , aim, intuii irftei ! Mail itlBHtvlt Barn- ioff kbuol 100 ir-r.i, more r Uii, witb abUHt il i mil) mai ibiugle.ill etteefanl, ub d-T,ii1Br B.risjw piBDB iramo aiaaia aad grain bouae, and otbr oatbuildingn, with aaall wroliard, bounded eat by A. ilark at. aj , watt by W .Ilia Nugeat, north by M. and 1mm Ying liug, and on the aouib by boot! et, al. Seiini,, taaen Iu raecutloB, aud ts be told aa the propcr te of William Urotbera. Alao, all that oertaln tratH of land itu.tt i DuBoia City, Cleartteld ocuaty, Pa beaaid and deaenbed aa fa. Iowa : BglDaiug at a poa in the puW.A roadnuw called Lung atrtai theore riiutb 47 degreee wet ltttl feet to aa alky, thenoe ulong aald alley In ft touibeaeterly dirrt tion 83 feat toaeornerof Wn. Krlaer'a lot.tbeaee north 47 degrtea raat along aaid liriner'a lot 1 9(1 feet to iiublio rHtd, tbenoe along aeid road it foot to plat of beginning, and bariug ibereoa ereoted a frame lluuae two atorioa high. IS i M feel with warereum IA i 16 feet attached. 8rii . ed, taken n eieeulion. and to be eold aa tbe property of F. Tratwy and 0. A. barr. Alao, all that certain traot of land litute ia Kaoi towot-bip, Clearfield eon My, Pa., bounded eaat by land of stiuoal Hayder, n(h by lad f Jared 11 loom, Weat by Und of W. Wiae, aartk by land of Peter Maya, eontaininar alible-fit (A) are. aora or k-ae, witb aount .la aerve rlrervd, and having Iberoon arreted a plaok bouae two atone Isigh, lug barn and other out. bulldinga. Halted, taken iu axeAution, and to be aold ft tbo property of rl. B. fihugerta. Alao, all that eorUlo IjI of Und alta-ite lo Cur. wenarille borough, Olearfleld oouniy. Pa , bound- ed aa follow; iroiiting m Filbert atreet and running back to an allev. bavlnc thereon aree ad a two-atory dwelling hoair, stable, and other out building, tjeiaed, taken in aieealiuii, and to be IJ a the property of 1 P. McClure. Alao, a certain treat of lend situate in Fergus ti.waxhip, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded nnd dencnbed aa fulluwa t On tbe eaat by lead of John 8. Wil!iiua, sooth by land of aame. wt b lead of Thomaa H. Norria, north by land ol Philip aloCracken, eonlalniug lo aereo, mre or lea, with about 30 aorta eleared, and having tbereua j a plank bouae, two atoriei kigb, round leg I and other outbuilding. Krttad, token iu ei i linn and tu b aold M the property af Ji leg barn, xecii. nronartr af Jemra Ulenn. Alio, a rertaln traH of land sttoate ta Cheat townahip, Clearfield oounty, Pa., containing about d arres, with about HQ aerea cleared, and having a small two-etory plank frame henao, log stab: t and other outbuildings, bounded aa follows; 0 as the nr .inert of rikmiel McUugblla. ..j, -y,rnlirh iuij t: " ctiu piece oi i an 4 fituatt- Bura- i a. . r"i,.'. . " . "V "u eurs-r n i ana inira streets. Iron tin 7Ufssv M..sv eaat br ao aller. Booth We In. ar. tu mm, mil ny ia.r.1 lire.!, a.4 knowa la Ihe gearral plaa af aaid boroojh ay. kit No. 71, aad baring thereoa .reeled a Iarga two Mo ry bouae, well fTalabed. Alio, anol her piece or lot of groaod altuate ia Bara ride bar , oa ooraer ol Maple and 4th etre.te, froatlng na Maple afreet SO ft, .ad raaning back MS foat to aa allay, koaaded aaal by aa alley, aoatk by bi 0 li. Headeraaa, weat hy Maple otreet, worth by Prowl atreal, aad ruaalag back l0 feet, aiid having thereoa mooted a two. alory fram. koiia. and Beeeaaary oullmlldiaga. Soiled, takaa ta otecatlen and ta ha aold aa tha property af Jamea Mejjurray A Sua. Alao, a oertala lot of ground aaltaale te Otoeola borougb, ClearSeld ooanty, Pa., being a eerie ia let froatiog tt feet, more or leaa, on Curtis atreet, aad ruuotng aloag beoarur alley lot feet hi Sprue, alley, aad kaowa la general plaa of aald boroagh aa lat No. J04, and aa.mg thereoa ereoted a two, alory frame bonce, aeed aa a etruw alora, a frame alabla, and other aatbaildiaga. Alio, aaotsor towa lot la ibe borough or Oeeejola, fronting It feel, more ar leaa, oa Corliw atreet, and ruaalar back ta Saraee ell,, llih. aad kaowa la geaaral plaa of aald borougb aa " earing laerooa araeted large two- alory frame konao, with kttchoa aUaohed, and ather aulbnildiagr, aeleaed, let .a ia aieratioa aad 10 bo aold aatka property af Tboa. R. Ulaudy. Alan, a eertai. lot af groead altuate la Madera, Woodward townabip, ClearSeld ooaaly. Pa., boanded and deacribed aa followa : Being a cor. lata towa lot froati.g oa a atreet, and boaoded oa Ibe eaat by lol of Jamea Moore, aouth by lot ef Heubea JaSanoa, weet by a .tree!, and Boni by lot of leaa. Ilegerty, aad baring theoa, ereoted a frame bouae, two atarUi ktgk iauaL bara, aad other oatbulldluga. Alro, aaother lol af groaid eltuale, ki, kfaidara, boaadad oa the eaat by load of f. kenraaoa, by an allay, weet by lot of Saoyysl lgorty, andi aouth by a atreel, and kooata ha ptaa of Saot'i aiidltioa to Madera aa lot Ko. a, and no imprero. moata. Hoiaed, ukea, ai.ecul.eB and take aold aa the properly at (. A,. VlVrea. . ..'"i r' Place al groanl altuats lo. Wa.l Qleartold, leawreace town.blp, ClearSeld aoaatr, I'e, koaaded aad deacribed aa follow, t Oa tbe weat by Park atreet. oa Ihe w.a k. alley aloag tba line af ClearSeld Park, ea la.' aa.1 by lot No. ST, beloogiagte W. W. B.tu, aad, ea Ibe aoalk by Merrell alreet, being la all lio io. v. oierreti atreet aad let leet deep la aa alley, aad kaowa la tbe pleat of the towa at Weet clearO.ld a. Iota Noa. IS, IS aad 4t aad, baviag thereoa creeled two frame kou.ee. beiaed, ukea la eieoatloa and to bo a.u .. ... ofAadrawShugarl, r t Alao, a oertaln tract of l.aj .iiii.t. 1. ta.Kik lowuahlp, Clc.r6.ld eounly. Pa., beg.nnlng et itoae.fomeriy a white, oak eorner 1 tbeura by hud. of 1 Leonard eoatk III percbea la a poat; thence eaat til perehea to poet 1 tkcana by land. .....jr. noaert Kala.y Borth SSI l.r p. eaea toa while plaa 1 Ibenoe aloag lemda lur, eg. d to Sletibua Kuigaton, Ibt perche. to la. nlaca, ! of beginning, ooatainlng lot acta. aad 31 perche aad allowaaar.bauig partaf waaraat te Leooard nyier, aaoa, lath o alarok IM7, batiag I0S acre, eleared, and a aed from. h..u -- 1 '"" bar atd other orlbaildlaga Ibereoa. Alio, tbo L.I H n . In. it. ..11 I nM..u,. r. , k Moot, attuate la Dec. tar towa. 1. 1., hounded on lha oaM hy land af J. g. Kuok eu al., aoulk by Uad af Albert el. al., weat by laad af D. Don, aad aortk hy townee!,, liae.aoataiaieg 141 aore. more ar leaa, with about lot aloered aad aadee cojlirenoa, aad haling Ibereoa erected two frame boaaeo, twa atoriaa kigb, well l.lebed, frame alora koaaa, Iwo aleriea high, Iarga frame bank barn, wagos eked, aad other oat baildiaga, being aame premieee aold to Jacob Mock iy a algnment or 1). t. Hoop and wife, an. I recorded ia Peed Book "I F," page ill, ate, Alao, all tbat laad altaata laMorrt.huro.hli.1 ClearSeld eounly, Pa , beglaBing ai a fujtea kern, look 1 Iheaeo tooth It degree, waat lit paroaea at white plaa 1 theaea aunk I't degreea, weik Sit I 1 0 perch.. t. maple 1 tbaBoaoorthlf degree., east 113 IIS parobaa to poali theaea Sll degreea, weet SI I-IS pctjhee to plaaa af boglaaiaa, tataiag 411 eorca aad St parobaa, more or tea., being pari of aarrey la aama of Jamea ft. Uraaaat. Alao, kat eertala traetof Und alia alt ta Morrla lowaaklp, ClearSeld aoaaty, Pa., bewlaaiag at apruca coroor) Ibeaea by Paalel MHIa porrbeeo, aortk IS degreea, weet IIS perehea la a plae t theaoa by Joba Taylor and Joba How.ua ewrrey I7i perahM taaplae, aoatk lldagreaa, weet OMW.r, "..eu on w. artg.aai earroy. aoatb I Ibeaee ea 71 perehea to a poat) Iheaoe aortk It degree., eaet lutromkeMaeprmaoMlleeaeeeeatkai)!t ''greoa, eaat 14 nerehea to poet 1 tbeaoe aarlh 14 degree, eaet Ij4 parch.. 1. pUc af Beginning., eoel atalog 171 aerea, belag part el aarrey ia iba aaaa. af (larld Belerac. aao fraaaae Jobaeoa. AIm, thai portleaof a eertala trael iltiaaT partly la aVaak toweahlp, Oe.tr. eoualy, a. and partly la Moreiatowaabip, ClearSeld coaaly. , Pe.lwklrk Maa la Morrle t..waekl, t'learteld eoaaty, p the whole af Ue aaid tract, being de. acriaod aa followa 1 Aa tba aanb by lead., lale lb. nlau ef R,.r, Loreiaa, aad ea tko ea.1 by laada lata af a Kyi,,, M the aoatb hy lead, ta tka warreate. aam. af Henry llraf, aa the weet by .ada, lat, af Mrenaar A Oo.,aoj. tatatag 417 acre, aad Ml perehea, more eg lea. , beiog part ef Oartettaa Maaaaa Warraiit, all tha 1 abare four tract, which were eoareyeo) by r elea Swerte aad t, hy tkalr Dead aMik avamaaeg, M6S. Reeaeded In Head pt il, pege ta, ta Jaeak Moak . Be 1 red, token ia eiaeaiiaa aad l ba eabl at tke pieperly af Jaoak Maak. 1 Tagg og Ut e -Tti price at aaal Bt wkh-k Ik. property .kali ka etraek ef aveat bt paid at the time af Bale, ar each ether .-T..game.tl meHe ae wlU ka apprecad. alkeewtaa tka aroaerle will ba immodiawiy put ap aad aald again it the ea, , fwnee aad rl f the porOM ta wem at eS atrwek at, aad, ha, ta eaee ef aelcleaey at aaek a-aala, akaU anvhdj goad tka aama, aad ia ao iaatoaee will Ike IhaoeV ka aaaaanaU im tlwlt toe BonBrmatien nalaaa the moaot In. ahoaoi ia aetoaJty aaad ANbawtNTs,rV uaanaons. ANUS tleartald. a,lfee. la, lira.