Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 05, 1879, Image 3

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Term, of Subscription. .
II md l advancer "' ""
ir' -id eti.r ibroe a. I eta moai
sr-MrMrt. 1. M. Partisii.i A Co., Newt
e.ter Aj.nn, II f . toroor
BaeaBnn "" ' horlted ""
d.w yq ci.
,lr,hodlet KpU.op.1 Church Rev. 1.1.
UrMusnar. Put. Herclovo sr.ry Sobbatb
"0 A. ,', P.M. , -
u,.'balh School at A. M. '
Prayer Mooting every Tburtday. at 74 P. M.
Cotun union Service, urat Sabbath of every
.oath, nt ll A.M.
wrtit lii-artleld M. E. t liurcli R
,1- -caTT WiliuI. Peilor. Preaching every
1 tevaaee Roadey. al t o'clock. P. M. Sunday
Prsnbyurlaa ttisrch Rev. U. I. Bonus.
8.bbelh awnon merslng ssd srsalBg-Seb.
Mdl School M. Pnyel Maellog ft.dn.t
aaT avenlng.
Baptist Chureh.-rl. J. A. At-nnon, Poi
... I..,e.aoverv S.bhnlb morning Bedeviling,
irlornotiog, at lit o'clock A. M.,aad 7 P. M.
Jba.bB.b.olaiP.M. FnyKstnlllg every
Wodaoldny evening.
Ml frauds' Cbarra Cathalle Rer. P.
1 SsBBioan.-PreaohlBg at lot o'elook, A.M., on
the Ir.l, third aad loorlESuBduyeof eaah month;
Veopera aad Beoudlellon of lb. Ulennd lia.rau.oal
at 7 o'okwk, P. Mossday tvehool every Bnsdny
efternooa at 1 u'olook. m
mom or iotona ooiBT.a aaaaiom ,oaf.
lMiad UoBday al January.
Third M-day of Mareb.
Piiat MoaOay of Jaaa,
S oartb Moaaaf of geptamW.
nn or aaJiH bob ri
pmt Monday of Inae.
, aSeooad Moaday af Jioraoibor.
. roaiie orricaaa.
fridu .ffo lloa. Charlal A. Major, af
aJZZZ L.m Ao-oHob. John H. OrVla, of
UAe Jif Ahrnm Ogdon, ClearBeldi
Vlnoent B Hola. twaruera.
ProlAoaolOTf li Bloom.
orViwl.. J. Morgaa.
jljiriel Aii-Wb.. M. McCalloogb.
rrarr-Ph'P Dolta.
riaW' Aadrow Penli, Jr.
aIwS .n-Cbrial. i. K..M.e, ClearHeld
iT.l, aW..yo-S""' F. MoCloakey, Cur-
" '" W. Kylor. Orah...
in P. O.i Blab JiAoiIob, Oromplan l'llla P. O-
. 1 u 1. u. tf'jiramnavllla
fkJ.1, Altm- Mi.m V. Wright, Clear.
Brta 1 j".eeph GillllaB, Tbroo oni J.B.Aor
tiW. .J B. Vaff. No. VTaahlnatoB.
J.r.O,...i.-l)r.J.m- P BurebJold,
n.aried,Jopa,b Akiaodw. Madera.
up.laaV.I a '.Wi. AcAooiM. I. Ho
Qoowo, Cleerield
,vilaro WiiylH Afowearoo ioifa V.Corllle,
0OI00 al Uaiberaburg Pa. ...
A-olaria. .H.-Jb. W. Wrlgley, ra. Ba.
dabangb, Cyruo Gordon, Cl-arneld: Jow,ti .
IrwiB, N. B. Araold, Carwenevillo J. A. Uviog
aluoe, DuUoia City.
f,. nolumn la docldedlt ieUrealial la
a looal volnt of view, aad proliiable reading bo
oalaidora aha want la lava money.
VMS tir 1 tmiiNUl
."Will you Uke wheat, oale 01 oorB for tab.
.nplloa ?'' Wo ere ofleo inolred of In thil way
by latter k-jm atrom who rtido at a diilaaso
from CloaHUld. Wo again aay yea. Tbe rweipto
of a oaKchant or mill owarr io the
lloiaity, will aniwor ul Jut aa rll aa the eoah.
1, lllltltrate: If any af oar palront will dolieer
m a bag of gram at tbe Bill or Joorpk II. Brelb,
b Ceat loWBihlp, Horaoa P.tobin, In Barnalde,
Tboonaa H. r'ur-ey. In (Irokam, Win Porter or
Sua l, hi Laarreeieo. or Bruwn A Boyler'a, at
Boiklon, I'oliaa .iwiiablp, and forward their
teeelpll for lh eaolinl, wo will araJIt them ob
their aotouol (or lha MM. In tbia way all any
m pay what they owe, If tl..y will pnraoa thil
r'irot installment of Sprinj? (,'oodii
om lawlvedat Fleck A C., mero At.
Tltrco) liorsons wt-ro itnntornod in
Mooao crrri,vc OgKen'a Mill, by Brr. Tlrgal
lart Babbalb.
lluruiiu ill lry 'jotidf, Boots
dhoeaat H, A. linavBB'e.
Fkek Co. are Jdinx lurcly to
Ihalr aliaady large aiock of Dr and llrr Uooda
Cleatfiuld Ik tbo largest county in
raa IB lha Btalr, coBtaiaing a It dool I,0i6
Kiuarc m let.
Vow a.ui liandnomu designs in Wall
iPapvra a large M jncl opened at II, A. KniTraa a,
Mr. L. W. Wild was receotl)' Bji
.l..d at i'ibill nottollice, in
Jjacearia towaahlp.
Tim rlrur iii this vicinity, wbieli
a. clear ol ice lew waekl ago, It agaia Baarly
roica aver In eeveral plaaat.
A number of 1-bildre.n in thie borough
alara prat.Bt wroitl.og with that great tairar u
JovaBllel the wbooptog-anagb.
UcaJs at all hours, for twenty Bvu
raaie, aaa ba had al lie Orpbvut Band Pealival,
now being bald la Pie'a Opera Houtc.
Tbo Lunibur Cit) oinil Academy
will apes April 21th. aa "tptoial localt" la
another plaaa ia Ihia paper ia rrgard lo it.
Thevery fluent aciurtment Hamburg
fdginga, both la q,uallty aud variety, worked oa
Bwiea aotlla, at T. A. Flack A Oo't. mari ll.
A prolracud mettiiK was commenced
Ib the M. al.Cburoh al Centre laal Bonday oven
lag, under Iba iBlitratloa of Rev. W. i. Wllnoo.
Rev. Wm. U. Dill will preach at
William Dale'a Fabool lluuia lo Oooheo lownehlp,
Bekl Sunday allnoooB, I o'elook.
The IronCiiy College, whote advor
llaement nppeare ia aanlhrr ooluma, it Ike ooly
iaatllulloa la lha Ilolled Stalct da
otod la the practical edueatlou of young man.
IV. have now on hand several thous
and Iret nleat eava'apei, which wa will piiat for
baelneea mcB, or anjbod, alee, al price. .n
,ol bo rlvallod. CbII and are thara . If.
" nAvnomlMj that Lvtle is County
Agoal tor Lovriilard'. lobaooo, and aaa aall laom
al Mary prloee. They ara tbe hv.1 tobaeoee to
aaark.t. Try them.
w l..on, that Miss Hatlie Moore,
.V. .Ill aoaa a Pammor cbol la Iba loaard
aebool Ihlt l orougb, oa the 5b of
May, will laelrwot imaM aklldraa by ibo ribu.v
f artaa methsd-
At the RgptiBLlcAN office is tbe place
ta get year job work doao. We ara folly prepared
ladoaaytaiag la the prtaihig Hoe, will da it
aaa, aad at lha right hiad or prvoaa.
Parties who want to nun-has or
rest a atore room, Is CarwcBavllle, Baa ocer
await tbe adionltcaiaBl af lieoirl. Thpoa
A Oa. la Ihia Journal We kaew Ibe lonatloa to
bo aaa af Iba alde't and boat la that lawr..
. m-a -
John A. Gregory, ex County 8upcr
lalMaVat. will apaa a tela aabool al Carwenl.
oilU, far a term of I.B woeki, commencing oa
Mosdar. April Ulb. For term!, aod atb ib
farmalioa. call aa ar addraet Mr. Gregory at
OarwantvUla. Pa Bpeoial atteoAloB glvaa to
tbs ieatraclioB af thaoa who lat.a I to tearb
IV iik !, miiiin.ot 8irinc, we
we may eipxt Iba kafock rnaa, tbo palaal
akara aaaa. tba--aaU-Ua arboaa trma ai aramp.,
thai ara Bathing more of loan IbuB rwlndleit
Olra them a IQoare meal If tbay art hungry
bat d ,a-t give laem maa.f , af yoar same as a
hU af a. Mr that le limply a "aerl 01 a eoaireoi.
a aanimlaa maealv" "yaa oa "-bat
ftar awhile N tarat at la ba a solid, old f.tb
tea 4 j r ,mltrv a " Take warning I
The Orpheus Hand Featival and Fair
It bob la lad bleat ia Iba Opera Ueatt, la thil
borough, aad win (oallBaa apaa daring lha re
aaaiadrr af ILitaeeV, Kveiytblng ta ba dctlrad
far the "iaavr maa" a, II ka foaad ea tbe tabloa.
bllamaala by the tod cl.itlag Oarsat
aade alii aalicea lha aanatvaa M Ike BatltfM
dloa af alL Amang the feat. raa of tbe Fair will
fee a baadaema ailear .rset, vala al MO, la ba
voted for by Ike Irleada af 1 1. F. Oaopar, Jot a
L.Kragla sall'avid Ht-a.rd'. Iba taeeaa
evielag ant tbla aalerpriaa la t . ma darraui e
nsiormiog iha mam lev. ad ibe a. a I. The boy
ar daeaiviag af t hypers) Balreaag a.
Brsimss. Tha Board of County
GamaltstoaBrl adjoined aa the lid of February,
after bolag la m.loa Ibroe dtyt, tad will BMt
ei Monday ! 17th iBitint Conrl ..k.
' Lii-oiiH Builds ciid fviitlom, Of the
form ifim4 by lha Judgeiaf touit ta sampiy
with Ibo rrquirementl of tbs Buw Couitltutloa.
for Ml. at tbtt .Co. tf
Clarenca A. Johnston, soa ol David
Johnalon, of Ibla p one, baa Icarod lb. Nailaaal
Uol.1. at Sbamohla, fa., la lb. aaibrMlio aaa
region, and will lab. pooaoHloa about Ibo middle
af Ibo proven... month. J '
Lyllo baj as arrabgomoat with aa iaitcra Ciga'
Paetory to Ibat bo oaa Ball otgan by lb. buz or
tbbuiand at boltont nguroo. Uivo olgan
OB. trial. tr.
We li-arn that Julm P. and Jonnif
Jubniua, luriarrly . f Ibla plaro, but ftr lb. laai
four y.ara mldoalo of D at or, Coluiado, waa a
frw dayaaloeo, bereaved of tbalr lllllo daablor
Allot, aged three yeare. llipblberiiwaaiheoauaa,
Jobo la a aoB of our tawnaeaae, laaae Jobaroa.
Tf.upkrancr iHiTiNd. Wo art
pleaard ta announce Ibal Jadgo Jrnaabf Droub
fllle, will addraaa Iba Cbriallao Tta.ieraiieo
Palua, la Ibo 0iart U jbio, lo thil plafo, n-at
Tue.doy eveniog, March I Ilia. Let there bea
gond alteBdaao. All are lovltej to altend.
"The Cleabpiilo Kk.piblican is one
f our moat f aluabla ctahengai But oaly aa a.
eoaltt of 110 Cuuaty Bewa, but beoauae lU louau
aro alaaya Ihb.iare aad raoy."fVetiladaa Ntwt.
W.ll, we oan't go baok oa that puff; but event.
aally the ATaira mill ba oaoof ibaaawaleitjinirBali
1b Ilia glaia.
Thoao ol' oar nuhwriburB contom-
plating a obaoga of roaidenea la lha epriog
iboald proaiptly laforol al eo ibelr paper aaa be
mailed to their now addrear. Ia ordering a ohanga
tho portofteo fiona which they want it obanged
iboald alwaya ba Bamod U conneellou with tbe
one to wbloh Ihoy wiak It aoal.
Fair and Festival. We learn lliat
the lady mraibera of ibo Bapliit eongregatioa ol
Clearfleld pnrpoae lo bold a Pair aad Peelival i a
Pie'a Opera Houaa, oommoBeiog Co Mooday er-
aeing, Marrb 17lb, and will continue It for lev-
oral daya. A programme will appear noit work.
Of eourao, overy body le Invited to altend.
Auction! Tbera will be auction
alea at riukw' Pbila Hranob olulbiug alore, la
thlt torougb, oomairoolBg aa iha I7lb af Mareb
(Court week), aad eontlonlng throughont Ibo
week. Pereooo a'tondmt eaa got barf ala. Ib
Ready-made Clothing, Uata, Capi, aad all bioda
af'a Furaiehlng Ooodl. mar-a !l
Court commenccson Monday, March
17lb, end will cootinno fur two wroke) provided,
nn ice flood doot not noma aloog and braak II op.
Coartt do oot amiaot to autb in ibit billy
ouuntry during a rafting iclroB. WbeB a loud
cuuiaa the plal otiA., dalandanta, Jurora, aod ail.
native, atriko for tbe nearer! rtfllng groond, nnd
the Court eao all plooe.
Dkntal Notuci. Dr. A. M. Kills
would aay to hia frtende nnd former palurntt that
ba bat not retired from piactica at hat uoea to
ildutlrioualy eirculated by aome pciaona, but will
a'Btiaua ta give bit pcrcooal alttatlon to all who
may dealre 11, or la aaaiat Dr. Ueiobhold nken
aver required. Xilrout Oalde Gal glvaa for the
paialeaa eitractioa of tank. April II tf.
Leqal Consolidation. Tbo card
of Meaara. Fitldlng, B'glar A Witon will b.
found eleewhoro in tbo llaruatioan. Tbeio gen
llemca bave farmed a partoeriblp la ibe praotico
of tbeir profcaalon, nnd Ibe) need no in.tiuetlun
on our par, aa moat of our rvaderl ere porionatly
acqualated atlb tbem. Tbe combination uakaa
n eiroug legal rul. whlab will command a liboral
abara of tho I, gal
m . '
Up and Dow n. The editor of ihr
Aviwi7 a, in nlludiog to Iba npa and dowoa in Ibv
ahlnmaut of coal. Iivtl " l.aat week, the coal
abipmeuti amoBBtod touoly 1Z,U00 tooe. Aellvo
oompetitlon with CundMrlnnd, it culling prloer,
vary conaldvrably. Our operator! had bttl.r bo
Cumberland in bulb, and keip It aa a reterva for
old lueifor." During the pravioal wrak Ihc
tbipownti amounted to nearly 80 000 tona.
BaboainbI Uaroaibi ! ! For Ibe
pnrpoae of eloalng out aa Immense nook of goodt,
Intending lo quit bualneH is this place, Mr. B.
Shloaa, In Iho Opera I Ionia building, la now oser-
Ing ready- made Clothiog, grata' faruiablag gooda
of ivny deacripllon, Halt, Capa, Trenkl, An., at
a great laoriOca. If job waat a good bargala Ib
the abaca liae of goude, wall at the Polladelpbia
Branch Clothing Store. tf.
a m
A Sad Kvint. The wife of Bishop
Bowmna, af lha M. K. Church, diodal St. Lonlt,
oa Ibo Jttb of February, sad wit burrled nl Gieao
aatcle, ladlaaa. In a) ay laat the Bi.bop waa
arst ly Iba Cbarcb to Alia, to look ffl tome
Miatloaary work, and look bit daughter vita bib.
Tbo tadneal of Ibe eaea aaa ha teller Imagined
than deoorlbad, whea tho butbaod aad daugbtor
leero of Iba death of Iba wife and mother four
Ibournod milaa away.
Trootvilli Institute. Tho teach
era of Brady held the banner Inalllnla of tho
actios la Trontvllle,8etarday, Feb. Iltb. Twen
ly alna tesohera Biro preavat, lea of Ibeea being
from J.Iaraon aoaaly. Boms Tory laleroattog
dlioutiioai oecarrod daring the dty Btailona.
Tho eveelog eei.loe waa held ia lha church,
wbaa a vary appropriate addrraa wtl delivered by
Itav. Jobs Wolbaob. Their sell Ioalllala will ba
bald at Sew, on Bntnlday, Mareb lath.
A good programme bat baea arranged, aad the
meolias liree promlta of balog tl gooa aa aay
yet held. Let all sbo tre la fatar af live toachera
aad good eoboolcauaad.
SBNSATioN.-Tho editors of the Journal
ad Iba Cifieea hnva bad a Bomber al emeeo.
davoared la 4Wr on'aaiM by tolvaa, during 11
paal las week., ee'eaia lb I plate aad PeaO.ld,
but nobody baa Iboagbt It worth wbilo to maka a
ranoral of Ibo fragmeau left by the wild beatt i
Bcither hat Ibere baea a taalp p relented worth
twelve dollar!, and tbo lows tnd viaiaily bolBg
lull af unpen bualara, who would Ilka In arib a
twelve dollar touoly atrip os Mr. Wolf! aocouou
Tbo atore It loo this lo palm of oa adulla. The
.1.1 bonier. Bill Loni. tare l "Ita a d-e-d lie I
ooald aot even And Irauka."
Kuv. It. Crittenden, Sunday School
at iaalooary, wrltea al, under date ol Fab fid, ar
follow! I I am wrlllng wane reiuraiog irom
meellagt al Tbtaa Rust, and titer plnocl over
the liae In t linloa oonsly. F1M ovoulngi ana
elelihlng encored a good attaadaooa al car; ap
polatmeol. The heal af good ardor prov.lleo
wllh bopofal roeallt. Ariangemeali are la pro
gnat by which Iba Babbalb Scbo.ll Is Ibit let
will ba care rffiolcnl tbe prevent leaaoa Ibal
av.r befon. Tbe three day acbcola I vltiled bora
an aader good maBagrmeat.aad wall appreolalad
by Ibe pnreall and their ehlldrea."
Pirsonal. That veteran printer
and gentlemen, II. L. Dlrffeobeah, al
Lock Uavao, gave at a eab laal wvvk. lie be
loage la lbo"Beatrve Cerpa" In po llla.,aad bl
ed. Ice nlwaya ylnglel well aa Demaaralle aall.
Mr. Dlaffenbaeb wat far maay yam adltar af
Iba Citato, fivaiacrwl, Bleomiborg CWnauMas.
aad alhar Democratic orgaoa. Ho war, in if act.
School Soperinlcodent ooJ.r Unversor Biglor'l
Admlslltritlon from I Ml IB IBM, aBd Deputy
g.or.t.ry of the Commoowcallh abder Oovcraor
P taker, from llif to 18W. Uo wot bore, al Ibla
time la tba capacity of Beak A.Maaor, tbo duliae
of which ba will dlaoharga nltk abllliy and Im
partially. May ba lire maay yean aad tb.a go
where all good prlatera go.
ii mi
SCDDRN DgATB. We copy tho fol
lawiagframtae DoBoUCity Oeartor r "Oa Then
day merelag, Fib. 18th, a geatlamaa aamad Wll
Uam Masa aalled al lha boardiag koaaa of Pea
III Frock, sear the depot, la DaBoit, nnd aaked
fw a boardiag place, wbloh wal fart Uk ad. Oa
FrWay alicnooa al Ibe eld goal lamas wa. alt
nag by Ibe ttova, he aadJanly fell over teaeeloea,
la wbi.k ooaditloa he rvmaiaad BBtll Taeaday
afteraeoa al fear a'dook, whoa Hfb became ai
tlnd. Ul. loa tsd dtngbler nrrlved an Monday,
la lias la alnHler In bu wisla. paooaaad wal
s Bellas of Lootetawa, this iiate, orbats his ra
ailtl wen Itkea for latetmeal aa Wadaaedty
aoraiog. The aaaea af hia dnlh am tuppoaed
ta be tpopveky. Irt. Smnlbeil sad Meaat won
Ibo pbyaialaaa ia attendance.
mv,. ma
I. 0. of G. T. A lodge of Good
Templar wal avgaaliad la lha sU of lha tailed
American Meebaaiaa, la Ibit plaew, wet Wedoaa
day evealag by i. Harvey Dobbe, tlepaly Oread
Worthy Chief Templar. Ibe lodge Haiti oal with
aboat iweaty-tva memberl, aad WIN moat aa
Tt.nd.v evealag of rath ornk. Tba efloer. sf
the organ iutloa for lha euutcf term aro si fol
low. I- t,
W.C.T--T. F. Cooper; W. V. T. Moliaea
alley I W.i-JoboB. Harder W. A. i -M.
Jaaoia MoFhareos I W. Traaa.-ata V. MoMar
a. 9. B ObarlK M. lUHeedi W. M-
Tb.-na.A.M.IIlai W.CBat..a M.M.rr.y j
ar, I. ae-UHa O. MeMwrray W. . B-W. f .
1M i r. W. 0. T.-Wa. A. OgOAV
List of letter, remaining uocJulmod
la tbe PoatoffiooatOloaraelJffur ibaf wok boding
Marob I, 1171 1
Jaoib Uaaigerdaor, George Uarebora. Saaiual
0. BealU P. A. Gantin. P. M.
Nbwupapir l't HcitAsg The Clinton
Anaeorwl vaya 1 M0. W. Prttcber, fur aararal yeara
maaaglBg editor af the Wllliamaport fjoarffe oaat
?aflelia, baa parebaeed a aoatrolliag lalareat la
that aa.abliabm.Bl by baylBg lha aloak owaedby
Jaoub Ballade, B-e,. The tmlllit la bow owaod
by Mr. F. and lloa. Jacob Tomb, ol Port ba
petit." '
A Fact. An advertisement Inserted
la Ibo Rari'Bltraa will reach mora reader! than
if publlabcd la all Iba other papara Ib the aoaa-
ly,BBd Boat tbo advarliaei leal tbaa aaa-ball
Ib other wordt, BB Bdvcrtif meat pabliahed iB
our J. arnal It worth double ibe prioa of that
charged by aay ether pabliaber ia the eouaiy
It ia a fact. tf.
Alwayh DtiiNQ SovntTiiiNO. When
yoa wbbi toueibiag 10 altand eirletly to bavloaea
and cure a eough or ooid, get Dr. Poaoer't Cough
llooey. Id cbnio Bought Baa hia Blood aad
Livrr Rrmrily and Ke,va Tonlo In connection.
Aloa aaa Ihia Ib biltaaaaeaa, blood dieaaiea aad
aervoot weaknoev. ' For tale by Uartowkk A
Irvin,, Claarlald. Pa.
Kimoval. I he attention 01 our
patront la enllad ta tbe fact that we have rew'Ted
our goodt to tbe atora room formerly oeoupied by
Wm. Reed, adjaaeat 10 Powoll't Hardware atore,
wbcra aaatomara will Sod aur ttock largely ro-
plealrhed wllh new goodt Tbil way for
year Bootr, fihoea and Genta' Faraiabing Goodt.
mar-a 4t McGaubbbv ARaowana.
A Good Dictionary Tbo Standard
Dictionary It by far Ibe betl and moat oomplele
In Iba ttarld, the nnabridgrd aloae aioepted.
It la a book af nearly ll'Ol pagea, ouaulnlng
more than 0,000 diatlaot rafarenoat, iaoladiog
all bow toienllAe and obaoleto worda. Will bo
tent poet-paid anywbere on receipt of II. St. Send
mump lor aatalogaa of cheap bookc AJdreit
Levl'a Book Store, 140 Pena avenue, Pittaburgh,
Pena'a. mar-4-Jt
i Tux Ngw. Wabhinoton Local In
smuts. We ara Informed by Coanty Baperia
tendenk MrQonwa, Mint tbe Looal Inalltate held
at New Wtrbingtos, on Fridny nnd Baturdty,
Feb. lift and 22d. wain complete aueoeei. Nearly
llfiy loacbert war preteBt, and tbe hall wal filled
to oversowing with rpretalon at every eeirloo.
Aa anoeon) good feeling prevailed among the
worker!, and a aecldad lalerett Wat maBlfeal.d
by vliiiari ia the dlHUiiinsa that look plaoo. It
wsi a ra-unlos that will long ba remembarad by
all who were prevent.
To ill Frinit aad noar'alraaa I
My b.alo.ti relatione with you, running through
a period of elevoa yeara, ewaeei to-day. DurtBg
Ibat time U sat my tlu lo giro each aa Bear aa
poaaible Ibe value of ytar Invniimer I. In leav
ing, I lender each oaa my Bearliel! tbaoka for
yoar ganetunl pnlrooege, nnd wi.biflg one tod
nil a happy and prorpivoul life,! am, very ra
rpectfulli.yaura, Ac. W. Bbso.
CLSnytni.B, Feb I7lh, IS70.
E. K. Thompson's Ghbat IUai.ino
OinTHltT Tbia cvvtlflc, Ihet Irom my child,
hood have .offered eitremely nl tltneo from
Chilblain! in my beeli, eauaing running
that piecel al large at a tea cent terip would
ultea peel off. After nilog all kloda of retaediei,
10 aalKd, I made as applioatlna of I K. Tbomp
iob'i Qreat llealiog Ointuent, wbieb effectually
aured mo, and in my aaaa I eoniidrr It worth
twenty limel ill cotl. Bo greatly did I 'offer I
beve ones luban of utj boota and traveled bare-
toot ta the cbow. . T. p. Means.
SHanaeBO, Pa., March I, 1871.
Prep , red by K. K. Thompl in, Wboleiale Drug
giat, Ti'uerille, Pa.
For I" la by all drugii'tt ia ClaarOald, and by
Joe. Baylor A Bon, Lotbereburg
Clearvikld Coal Tbadb. Btute-
monl of Coal nnd other freight! tent over Ibv
Tyrone A Clenrfiold Dlvitioo, I'ennaylvanin Ball.
oad, for tbo woeb lading Februa7 II, 10", and
Iba larac lllno laat yoar t
Fur tho week -
Sama time laat year
faulaaea ,
Prevjooaly during yoar
aama lima laat year
lacroaas ..,
Total In 1870
Uame timo laal year
otbbb rsataura.
Lember 1
Jdiaoollaneoul froighll .
A Distrkssing Event. Some time
IBM Mill Blaooke Biootn, of Curaonavlllo,
daughter of lie lata f taao Uooa, Jr , manifcted
aymplomt of ioienily, aad bar rilalival aad
Irtands, sfter s aoaiBllalioB over her eete, eama
to tba eooilailon to rrnovo ber ia ibe Uoapital
at Danvillo. eoua altar aae waa ptaeoa .acre,
baa Iba aether, Mrt. Leak Bloom, In.llledupos
the Buperlntendent lo let ber know the pro' ice
aiata of her dauibtor'l oaar. lie ialormcd Iba
mother thai Blanoho'l onto wal a bopoleot one,
at tha aeqael proved, Tbil IsforaatloB araaled
tba mother greatly. But ibl anppra.ieu nar leei
ngt, at only a mother eao ia the aid'l af dlatrata,
aad all icimed la ba well aoU laiiaunaey erea
Ibi. wbes the reeolred s telegram fraa the Sup
....eadeat af lha Uoiplial, ttatlog that her
daunbtor wnl dand I She aioUtmod lo ber eon
Robert, who bapoued to bo pntent t "uu, bum
Blaaobo ll deed t sad I'll die too I" BBS an.
.weaned nwav. The bob gave tha alarm, aad la
tba aid.t of lha aiollomoat he loll to Ike Boor,
nnd for s Uu It loBked nl though aolber, eao
end daughter w.ald ba numbered f lib Ike Sana.
the tos nllnd, bm Ibi mether never aliens a
word. To-day mot bar and daugbtor will bo aoa
igovd 10 Iba City of Ibv Dead al Carwenavllle.
Onb Mobb GoNg. Thirty six yeurr
ago L'tplala John Draucklr aa.amea.iei too
Curweuerills Arlilluy, S foluntcar compear
which found III awa uniform, pold III os bull
an J unrobed un foot. Ut nrpt hotel is Curwcne.
villa, oa the corner whan Mr. KaUlebcrgar sow
naidn. or cppo.lte lha raaidosao af Judge
Thomptoa. Now, wn bnva lha lafovmoliOB Ihot
k. died at York. York aoaaly, la lha State ol
Nebraaka. oa Inn lllhof Fobraary, aged '.Oyoarl,
d moalbl aad IT daya, He nmeved lo Iho W, If
many yean ago. Sillier 0. aad A.J. Draaoker,
reeiding at Corwoarrllle aro l.,ai of tho doeeataJ,
aad a number of other nlotlvel raaldo la to
cootly. Mr., Draa.k.f who bal been dead for
oml llmi wal a .l.lar of Prolhonolry Bloom e
Maay aa amaloar atldlar woaid plug hit aire
with bit iog.n wbvs tba Hi-Boobs bre.i oaa
aea aa. loaded and lha Captala w. ald atitaii
"Beady, aim, In I" Tlao, again, na bit Sergoanl
would pnwod with Iho roll aall, aad J ,ba
rlmlih. ar aay aiher aoldler wuald fill la aoawer
tha Captain would aay, "Prick em r lo tbo,
dan ibey bed mun ibon-'liffy parlea"aad
Nailaaal Ouard paid awt of tho 8ula Tnoaury
Tboa. aoldten aartbateel tbeir awa aellerme aai
paid tbeir awa bllli, allboogb they worhod a day
of le.e beer, for Illy mala, (eieepl Is barve,t
lime,) and eoerahed as foot iroa Claargold I,.
MoVaylawB, la tba Call, oad le Brckrllle, lo
tbo Weat, aVoai, laa eoWlmwvl yxM and alAa rnoaurp anol marc kg raffrenS.
Killed by a Tbbb Uriah Guss, a
farmer, living on Toeerera creak, two ailal wan
of Port Kejal. Jut lata aoaaty, wal billed aa lha
lid all..BBdar pnullir clream.tanaaa. A large oak.
with f raat tpreadlng braacbae, aapding as the
edga af lha croak, ea a baok fifteen real blgb.had
bats cat dewa the day prvvloei. Hit aoa wa.
haaBag keaae I nana bnmba. for fl re-wood, while
ba waa trlmmlag ap tha lop of tbo Iroa. Then
wat a large limb ea lha lower side aad a .mailer
aaag oa laa upper vide ta which ll raited, keep
log lha up of lha trea up the air iba iraob
thirty feat fraa the dump being all ar eight root
froa tha groaad. Tbli lop bo duakt nomad la
bla la na Moarely. Be oat s Mali limb thai
proved ta ba lha laat prop af lha lower Urge
limb, aad the whole Hack iBrBederouadnddoaly.
bringing lha hnvy limns af lha maia tnak
wooplog down tewardi Iba strata. Ha na froa
tbil wbaa ob.irred, ebiplag kit ooarm la arler
la avoid a broth heap Ibal pad aeeemaUted.
lb ll w.. lbs fatal ro4. At BdlMaasaaf
olihtooa faat s hesvy limb uaae dowa apoB hia,
araeklag hia la tbo lea, far ka waa aow aa Ibe
areas. Mia ribs wan araahad la, iha baas an baa,
as wan Ban kit leg aad ara. Tba whale body
sal in. bed sa s brop. Tho ns oa faced bla
aa slo ratara, alter tfieas a laa tea li boiag aaly
throe baadrod yardl from lbs bonis. Ike md
l of Ibo I. me, bwt Ufa wal gowa. Thoaf b ao
croabod, yet then woe ant aa sataiao Soak waaad
Drink Gael sal a aurmsr. B faaf ilrewmetaana.
Ma haa have s ssrpeatcf By Irads, aaaaaiia;!..
lagoaiara. ai a aasbasK had beaa aa einort ai
Seas ad bad vat laaasaadl el Inn bl his Bay.
a aas tp-s ski yean aaa, aa baacas a oaaaly
af okl raa. hs nf ansa an aavrted-
Ho aa a b.stb.f sf 1 1st A. 1 oH of this
baroagh. aaltadn teteo.
.,. 7,85
.. Ill, lilt
,. I,MJ
, U,I5J
.. Iil,H
.. 34,lll
, gl car..
...Ill "
The Lambor City Normal Academy mill apes
April imb. 1870, wllh Iba eeo.l oaoauroglng
procpeoti. Boardiag aaa be bad at kw.r ratee
tbam avar balora ao'l ibiiiob aiioa. aaav.a ea
Wc lean that 0. C. Kmlfb hat bora engaged
to aoodoollba Normal Aa.dome at Lumber City.
lie will be articled by a proo-aole of mo statu
Normal School at ladlaoa, Pa., mabiag Ibia
ad, B reboot for teaoberl. mar I II
Boaona Fob Bols-H. New lot Bhaw kaepa a
full aupply of Prodeaia Buggiea aod Platform
Wuoai fur aula. To ba oooa at tbe Sbaw Hoaac
yard. Call aa or addraaa him al Cltarlold Poaa
aylvanla. may ta il.
WasvnB I00.0M lo-fvotrkarad hoopt.dclle
ored al tbe railroad, la car loada of, at ail
poinla on tbo Tyrooo A Clearevld, P. A B , Hold
Kagla Valley, aad P.anaylianin Railroad., for
wbioh 1 wiU pay the bigheat market price.
J. F. Kuauna,
OclIC, IS, lf. CloarHeld, Pa.
Just lleci'Ived !
Just Recrivod by AltXULD, al
Car Loud Novu Si.-olis Plssler 1
Car Load pure Corn, Kye and Oato
Chop I
Car Load Desk en Sail I
Car Load Choice Family Flour I
Cur Load Dry Goods, Groceries, &c.'.
akaT Shingles, Bark, H. K. Ties and
Giain will be taken in exchango.
Carwonsville, May 1, 1878.
The Uralh-raU of
Oor country it getting to bo fearfully alarming,
lb average of lira being kiacntd every year,
without any reetoaable oaaar, daalb loaulting
generally from tho molt toaignificnnt origia. At
tbia taaaoa of the year aepccially, a Bold la aueb
a aommoa that in tbe hurry af every day life we
are apt to overlook tho daogerl attending it aad
too often god too lata, that a Fever or Long bat already act ia. Thouaaoda Iota tbeir
Uvea tbia way overy wlatar, while had Uoaehoe'i
Uarmaa Bvrou bean lakes, a aura would have ra-1
aulted, and a largo bill from a doctor avoided.
For all dieeetee of Iba throat aad laage, Boaoboe'l
Uermaa Byrup haa proven ilaolf ta Ea tbe great
cat dieovery of lie bind In madioiao Srery
drnggiat In tbia onualry will loll yoa of ita wua
derlnl effect Over V30.000 bollloi aold mat year
wliboat a olngle failure haown.
IIV ChallfHf Ihe llorld.
Wbaa wa aay wa believe, ws have avideaca to
prove thai Bbiloh'a Cooaumptioo Care la decidedly
the beat Lung Medicine made, ia at much at It
will aura a ooumoa ar Obroaio Oaogb la oac half
tbe time aad rolieva A.thma, Brenobitit, Whoop
ine Cnuh. Oroun. and ahuw mro caeea of Coo-
aumplioa cured lhaa all at bore It will oa.-a
whore tbey tail, it la pleaaaot lo lake, harmletl to
Ibo yoongeat child aud wt guarantee woat we aay
Price. 10 oia. IQ ola and (1.00. If your l.uag'
are lore, Cheat or Back lame qea abllob't Poroat
Plaiter. Bold by Uartawiok A Irvin, C. II. Wal-
aoa, Claarfleld, Pa.
Do Vou BtlUrt Ml.
That la Ibla town thara ara acorai of pcraont
paiaing our atore every day whoeo livoa are
miaorable by lodigeoiloB, Dyapepaia, Soar aad
diatraaaed Hlueiaoh, Liver C'oniplnmt, Cnnetipa
tlon, wbaa for 74 eta. wa will cell tbem BhiloB'a
Viinlitar, gunrenteed to euro mem. nuiu oy
Harrowlek A Irvla, and 0. D. Wataoa, ClcarOold,
For t.eme Back. Side or Cbnl sw SIIII.OH'8
POROUS PLArTBK. Price Ib all. Sold by
Hartawlek A Irwin nnd 0. D. Wntton, Oltarlold,
tins Dr. Van lljka'a r-ulpliur Boa p.
Makei tba tkln benutlfully while am healthy,
removea aandrulf, obaOug, prickly beat torea.
cruptinaa, hnraing atinging an I tinning of iba
ram nnd acaip. auipuur w,m B'au,r
rremmendod. Alwayt atn lor It ny i" inn na
flna Hrnnann Pan t'aav. DiwotiivT aa Oio
PaiCBa.8ewiog Ma, kiaea eon now bo purebnaed
drrtcll I tin ana variety iiore, irom
warda. AH kiada of Kaing machmea rape
on tho ahorta.l polict.
ClonrOeld, Pn.. July 11. 1077.
Nervoun Debility.
Vital Wcakneaa or llepiaaalon : a weal
cihau.led feeling, uo energy or cooratro; tho re
euli af bibbis! over work. Iiidiarrslioan or
csceaaca, or eume drain upon Ibe tvttem it nl
waya eurod by Uum brey'a Uomurpalb'C rpecioc
N. la. It tunoo up end lovigo,atee Iba eyetem,
di.pela the glooa aod de.poniieney, lumarta
attaogib attd energy, atopa tbe drain and re.
Juvcnateo tbo entire man. Baca aaed twenty
...ra v il nertect lueocae oy ,ouu.uue. o,u .
don on. Prion, l per eioglo rial, or o per
pnekega af Ore vltll ana m viat 01 puwuvr. ova.
by mail 00 reoeipiot prioa.
Addreaa IIUBnilire)B Homapalllle
Medlrlns Compnay. HO FuitoS Si , N. Y.
V. 11. Wataoa, Agoal, VlearOeld, ra.
aept. 18, 1871-ly.
WiTBP.-Dellvcrid nl ike Bajl Road
lOO.fltW 20 Inch ikared abiogiaa.
I'H.m.O 14-Inch nawod ibinglal.
o0,00W real of pine boardl.
41 ,01 14 flat ibavad boopl.
I.U04 railroad ilea.
40,000 feat of good hemlock bonrdl.
pp whih I will one thn hlibeM market price
dclivand It Clearfield, ar at say point oa lha
Tyroaa A Clearfield K.ilro.d.
, a, n.
Clearfield, Pa, Oct la, 1171tf.
Kauai) nnd TcxnM.
It li la lha latenit of peraoal going to Banana
or Tesea la leleet ana ol tbo direct routei by
akieb oni-'b time It undo, through tare run, nnd
eomfortoblo noooamodntlnna provided. Among
tboao lha "Pan-lieodlu ttouto Biaoaa pn-omi-
Following la tlao af Daily Ripreee Iralni via
Pan Handle Hoolet Lnve Ptltaburg 1:41 a. m.
1:17 p. m. arrive at SI Loiil 7: a. m , 0:00
p.m. arrive at City I0il4 p. m, 10:11
a. a. Coaantloaa an made ia Uaioa Depot, al
ladlananolia, 8L Liuia nal Kaaial City for all
polntl Weat aod aVnthweal.
loaooommowaw. iM,,eea .iaii.Bi -" -a -mania
hnvn boon Berleoted to run n Through
Uoaeb Tueeday or aacb week Iroa Pi tabarg lo
Kaaaal City, via' l'ao Uaodle Roan," wllh bat
ona ohango, io Union Depot, St. L.oli Tola
ear le aomfurukly bpko alered. aod will be raa
oa ngnlar B apnea iraia. leaving Uaioa Depot,
Pittabarg, at 11:11 p. m. overy lueeuay.
If job irawaable le procure lorooga iteeeia io
pOinU In JILBOU'I, AtllBHIi a,
Colado or ma Nurtbweet, y ibo direct aad
popalar fl'ia-llesdle Rouis.- el your sotreai italioo, call aa W. B. Brotav, Agent,
Uaioa Depot, Piuabnrg. Pa., or ad. I reel W. b
u Uaiaa, Uaaeral Ha. anger Agent "Pan. Handle
. . .. r-i, . 't. In.
tlOUie, Mi.arM, v.iu, .- -
At St. Franeli Cbarob, Ib Cletrfield, oa Tuea
day moraiag, Fob. leih, 1870, by Kar. P.J
Sborldae, Mr. Igaaliua Urottlogoc, of Si. Ua'f'l,
Elk looaty, Pa. and Miaa Kmily Mary Dale, al
feaatllla, Clnrfiold eoaoty, Po
At the reeideoeeof tbo brtde'a pirenle, oa Mon
day, Feb. 14. h. R.v. N II. Miller, Nr. K.
J ObaBea, nf Honlidale, aod Miaa Bella M, Caa
oroo. uf O.eevie.
At ibo n.lleaes of Ibo brldo'l father, Jama
a Norrla. It.o . oa Thuredav. Feb. 17ib. 170. by
Rev. B P. Foreman, Mr. Cbnrloa F. Albert nnd
Miaa Maggie Norrla, both ol woollaoJ, near
fio-d ooaaty, Pe.
"" jOtcd.
A, ,k. midaane of b dauabter. It B'ady
inwa.hip, ob Tender. Fenraary iltb, IfT, Mrt.
Mary Nan .a, la Ibo I0IB you of her age.
In Jordaa nwBihlp, ea Monday, Feb. Iltb.
la;o. air lleorr Wllheroo, nged la yeara, in
moniha nnd lldayi.
It li with inriaeu that I ohronlclo lha very
auddes dmlh of Mr. ff liber.. w. Is tbe mldal ol
Itlo ha waa But dewo- Alter s few boon of in
lean rati ring, hit iplrll ponerfally leek III
tighL Uo leave, s wife sad two ehlldrea.
father aad mother, three brother, aad two llltori.
who feal very lad and Innely but their loal ia
hit gels. Un wet a kiad hatband and fnthor, n
dutiful tos, an nffoollonnis brother, ns e.teetoed
eitiaen, and s eon.illaat mimbai af lha Frsit
Uill Ptcibylerlas Charch. Wa all miaa hia very
mach sod yet, wa mail by falib ny, ' Tba Lord
gave, aad lha Lard bath takea away 1 bleiaed ba
ibe aama af the Lord."
Cisisnsis, Pa, March 4,
Floar, per awt
Bachwbeat Floar. par awl
Cora Meal, per ewt -
Chop, rye, per awt
Chop, miiod. per ewt.........
Braa, per owl
Wheal, par baabol
Bye, per bu.bal.........M......
Oale, per bulbel
Cora, eon, per bu.bol
Boebwboat, par bs.bplH,.,.e.,
M r
f M
I 80
I (0
PotetoeB,per bo.bel ..
Applet, par baabol , ...
Home, per paead .
Sboaldor, per paaad
Dried Boer, per peatod
Cblekeaa, par pair.......
Battel, par poaad
Base, per d.aao
Ball, par aaok, large...
Coal Oil, per galloo..,
Lard, per poaad ,...
Dried Apploo, per paaad. ...h
llrUd Peaekaa. BOC Boaad .......
40 to Ids
1 oa
Beaaa. aar kaahil t u
Panaaatrs 4. Marok I -Brndetaff. aov
alowly, bat prlaas an aaebaagod.
CeUos le alaady al OjuS I0a0 for aiddlisgl.
Floar aad Meal Tba Boar Bart. I aeatinsea
ail-'e. bwt Iba ivwda lo aaM. Be lea of I.Sos
barraia. bnaladlag .MlaaeseUeHn taaily. andio.
aad laoor at $4 -40(0,19 1 I'aaaavlvaata wa ao. a!
B4.tlfpf I aoeteiB do. do. al 89 I, end
aaawal aad Mane biga gradoa ot II MIalB. Ra
Boar Is aaobeeg-4. Oovwaoal It aaataasl at
gl a, f. 0 b , bee Brood yen no.
Blahs Iks In an at leal ia wheat pre light, heu
elaM ava .IcadT. Bales af MM koabalt. la-
eladiag Paaaeylvaala red at II II i Praaaylva
ntn nnd aouiaera amer. mea-anes eteveier, a.
tl 1 1 fat I. III. avd N. I red. In elevator, al 01. IS.
Hva rematai eieoay 'itmoee toe inn maa.
fan It very qoiet tad pris t an wnk. Salnaf
I.COS buabela. loelodlng weaterB rrlnled, Iraob
and grata depot, nl H" I da. iteamer, da. do., ol
49(4.'e j tail, raited nnd yellow, Iraob nnd
gnln dipn, nl lltfulele, and anil and olevnlor.
ol Mfo. Oala oraateerTy. aoloe af 7,000 boabele
Including mlied at J vision i ass while al toKjl
Wbliky ira. Selat ar weattts SI (1 OS.
Niw Taaa. Manb .Floor-. Bute aad we. tern
without imnoriont abancat light oiport asd
homo trade deBoadl null era unchanged.
Wheel Spring aaeaaBgod t wleter a abase
atroncer i modentolniai No. 3 ;
do. March, gl 131 1 do. April, gl.141
Cora wiih"Bl decidos obanso ; miaed weiura,
Ipor, 43,Hlc fotorea, dolfSIUo
Oat. quiet, llaadyj Hale, 3j(JJoc wcilera,
13(4 a .
Uaf ancbansed.
Pork dull, heavy l sew moil, 110.74 1 aid da.
Lard is buveri' ravar j .team nndend, on.vo. dull) weaura, tl.OIt.
CaK' aoo, Mareb Flour firm, unehonged.
Whvnl In lair d,mand at d bighrri No I Chi
rago tprlna. 3i(fvio. tor o..b t VJ'. lor
Meraht OIc. for Apiil UTJc. for llayi No. 9
do. 8fljo t r. Jelled, 080
Cora aleadv, fair demaad I ffi'l edge, S.t84e
fur ra.h t 191o. for March i 991 1, for AprU ; a:v
for May,
Oil! aleldr ana nnn I zoeo nia tur caan aoo
for Manb I 9c. for AprU j 7lo. for May,
Rye Bloody nnd unchanged,
barley oaaier. at 7l7e.
At tho elo.e Oraia firm, bat sol qnotnbly
e-a-eweja- L .
tvbune Clearfield brancu
arVN aad after Monday. NOV. 4. 1171, tu
J Panengar Trnim will run daily (eaeept BuB
dayt) between Tyrone nnd Clenrfiold, na foltowi t
W. 8. Plussbb, Ooadoeior.
Curan.rlll.,, r. n
Clearfield........ 1.40.
Leonard, 140, '
Barntl 1.04,
Woodlond 4.01,
Biglor, 4 0. '
Kallacotoa,....4 17, "
Blue Ball,..., ...4 li,
Urabau 4BI,
Pbilipaburg, ...4.16, "
Blelnar' 4 911, '
Boynl 4.4fi,
Oaceela 4.91, '
Powcltoa I0i, "
duuimlt, Ill, "
Yanomtyoa 0.99, "
Tyrone ..S.OO,
Vaaaovyoe,.. t.lo, '
Snmtnii, Oal),"
Powalton lo 00, "
OMO0la,M....ln II,"
Boaura,....l0.i7, "
Btoioov' I0, "
Pbilipaburg,. 10 ,'
llranam, It ,
Blue Bell 10.97,"
Wallacaloa,...10.44, "
Riglor Hi ", "
Woodland,.... .10.00, "
BatraU, 11.01, "
Leoaard, 11.11,"
Clearfield, .....11.10,"
Curwenavilie,. 1 1 .4UA.S.
Ws. L. HnoAPt, Conductor.
LKAVK 801'Tll.
Blgler, ..-
0.40 A.
7:10 '
7.24 "
i n! "
7.01 "
8.U7 '
1.19 " "
...I. I If. I
...l. "
,..1.00 "
..8.10 "
,..144 "
.. 4 0
Bloo ball,..
4 14 "
Urabau 44
Pblllpeburg.. 00
Sieinor a. 0 10
Boynton 014
Oanola, 0 lu
Po wal ton 10 00, 10 90
Vnnaooyoo,.., 11.07
Tyrooo -11.40
4 14
Blue Ball.
Wallacelus, ...111
Bigler 4.19
Woodlead,. ...4.44
Barrett, 4.47
Leonard, fi Ol
Clearfield, 6.10
A itaaaleare. Curwaoav Ilia dally for Bayooldi-
ville, al I o'aluok, p a., Btriviog al Heyauldavllla
at 9 O CIOCI, p. m. noiuranig, leaeea neuoioa-
villo daily, al 7 o'clock, a. m , arriving nt Cur.
wen.villo al II o'clock, m. Fan, aaob way, 12.
A atee-e laavea Cururo. villa dally, at I o'clock
p. m , lor DuBvii City, arriving at DaBoit City
at 0 o'elook. o. m. kctoriiiag, wavae DuBoit ai
7 e'liouk, a. w dally, arrivtugul Curwvnevtilaal
lln'obN-k. m. lara. taob way. 04.
nsavB sours,
r a. a. a. A. u,
baars Boara.
Philip. burg,
I: IS 7:41
840 1:11
1:44 1:10
140 1:21
1.14 !:!
1:90 8:3
12:14 4:11
11:11 4:14
12:14 4
10:10 11:04 4:10
Moabaoi oa. 10:94 11:11 I II
Stprtlog, 10:11 11:11 1:90
llouttdala, 10. II 11:40 1:41
MoCnuley, lu:41 11:99 1:40
Kaudrick'l, 10:91 11:10 9:9b
Ramey. H I llil 1:10
A. a
r. . a. s. "
7 II 8.90 leave Tyroaa arrive 0.10
I 19 1.47 Bald Bagla !.ll
1.01 0.J0 Julias i,
7 49
1.14 0 44 Mileeborg 4 41
g.ll 10.04 Bellofoolo 4.17
1.44 11.11 Mileaburg 4.14
ol 10.40 Howard 4 ul
111 11.11 arrive L Haven leave 114
I wnavwanu a.
IPIttibnrgb Bip'n, 1.90
iPaolfio Bipnaa, 1:10
P. a.
Way Paawoger, 1:19
Mall Trala, 94
Faat Lisa, 7:08
Paeile Bipnn
llarriibarg Aco'l
r. s.
Mail Tnla. 110
Atlantli Bipnn, (:M
Pbiln. Bipn4, 10:99
Oloie ooaaactlosa made by all mini nl Tyrone
nsd Ifoak Uavea.
a, m. m.nii.,
ay If -If. Baparlnundent.
Bellehnle, Pn ....
Look Uavea
Wllltamapnrt ......
Huntingdon ......
Lowietown .......
.11 OIlMlddletowB $9 On
1 II Marietta.. sot
I 00 Lanoaaler 1 10
IIOiAltoonn 1
4 90 Johnitown........... 1 19
Oneoln ,
. JOlpbilitJ.borl. ....... II
, IllTymno I 12
4 lllpiTTSBIIBII I 19
itx 3,drtlSfmtnts.
TRIAL 1.IHT. Li.t af aamci act down for
trial at aoonnd week, March Term, eom-
meaoing Hoodny, Baton tain, io, v, una eon vino
lag two week, t
Annie M. Irvin
A Eaiep. bm of
VI. Adorn Hagy.
vi. Oioeola Park Aitoolntion
John Connory
Wm. Cnvonaugs
P. Smltb'a Adts'tl
vi. 0. Qallagbor't Adm'ri.
vl. Kittnnniug Cal Co.
T. H. Ul.n ly
A. Kobe rt eon
VI. Moabannon L. A L. to.
M. Mollendry at. al. VI Jameo D. Aolhony.
Pntriak Kirna
vt laaac Caldwell.
M Hubert
M. Hot-art
D J. Hoar A Co.
. ra. Diabaknr A Uollopiter,
va. Levcv FleglL
vt. David Duoa.
vi Lafaiette H. Bloom,
ri. L Sbimolet. al.
Ilea. M. Urlatda
Joba U. til. .400
alii. B. Toruer
Dejer, Huyer A Co. vi, Henry Livcright ot gl.
H n vt. T. K. Blandy ot nl.
Co. Hal Dank va. Bamuel Oouoway.
1 va. Hiram Woo.lwarJ.
Lavir Flrgal ri Eliia B. Marahall at al
ILI BLOOM, Pr iboootary.
JttMV l.n)T.M,Nnmra of Iho Junn drawn
for M .rob Term, 1070, eommeueiog nn tbe
third M'.nday, (I7ila, and to eoultoue lor
oamp junr.
R. V. Pnacka
Brady Jacknn Bonaall, Brady
Jba Paitereoa, Jordaa,
Porter VI iir, Uflgg
Roliart liraea, tiirard,
L. B. Carllle. Brady,
.1 W Hill. Woodward,
J A L Flogal, Uoabeo,
A Tbi.mpaoo, llontidalo
A. M- Uoovor, Bradford lla.ld hauflwaa, Bell,
lloo. Bowman, Knoi,
W W Herder, N Wa.h'u
J H Fee, Curwenavilie,
Bob'l Tbompean. Clfd,
Wm M I'etora, Bradford,
Jna ki'cboo, Uncit,
Parlay Uiaham, Uirard
Llvl Uoea, Dooalur,
A C Tale, Cleerleld,
Jae B Smith, Pike.
W II Sedgwick, Ualtcb,
ravioli irnonn lit wing, I7ts.
Andrew Millar, Brady,
M Llverg d, Uo.heo,
Bam'l Boot!, Brady.
D Shunhwniler, llb.
Tbn.Smllet, lloulldnlo,
0 F Hordes, Wo dward
John Beading. Newbarg
J01 Helton, Bernaidn,
A L Hard, Mvwbarg,
Bowl Lawboad, I aw aa
J A Coaowoy, Kartbaa.
Uodfrry Wrovov, Brady,
Cbaa BOaodwia. I'lte,
Jeka Albert, Decatur,
Henry Vtalnger, Brady,
Fillip Cnyle, Uu leO,
A Barmoy, Vovingloa,
1 hue Falrldge, ood'rd
Fbillp bn-I. Morria,
d. B Way, fuka,
Joha Fralley, CkaO,
vj B Conoway, Lov gtoa
Phil Is Mbaffer, Boll,
Jew f Straw, Fergutea,
Alel Sbaa. Brady,
W H Wiogloa, Murrla,
S WkitaaidM ar. lialieh. Monro, Feaa,
W B Bill, Lambor City.
Hoary N.. Jr, M Waal,
Jua Beaaaiager, Uirard,
i r Kramer, rlearaeld.
W m Cleaver, Pike,
L Hoov, Morrw,
W A Boone. Dnalar,
Joha U. Dray, Bradford
lies W Ulnae, Beriaase,
L Wihiama, Bradford.
f W Uraat henbane.
Dan 'I Mewart. Bredlord
L M Haoay, Buraekaa a.
J B Butbroob, Morrliu
Dan'l Chaplta.Ualiah,
J B UtlleB, Beoonrln,
Urlor Ball, Jr, Fena.
Joba Dan., Lawnaea,
Jamei Fink. Morris,
raavtrii loaaai la waaa, tlvs
Bob'l Bull, Woodward
8am I L Beater, Feaa,
b),avge Man, Mania,
M Merbla. Lanreawa,
J,s Hnartlr. Fiha,
Final BMrta.Beeaerla
Jat Byara, Banalda If,
Joaal Bay dec, Ubaet,
H V Baea, B Wa-h'gtai
Uoo kaarryr, Brady,
A B Amw, Jordan,
loa Mteueeie, Cheat,
d C Bradlerd, Uirard,
Wm L Do.ld, ualeea,
F A Vwoat, Law, aoaa,
C Honilna. Banbaus,
Joha Laaller, btogge,
A B Bbnw, Ctearb.W,
Jaaa M.u), Virabam,
JnwWwavar, Bataeidol
AJIa Lain. Ve.hea,
J t Wlwam. WeoSeerd
lUltver Vuwklta, Lew'aoe
laowb MeLianea, Sga.
Bdward Miller, liaitca,
Fraao Mtgaol,Cav'glaa,
d v) Asue, Uwraaeo,
nuta D.iob, n o-uiwara,
lea Utah Jr, Baaa,
Jaw le, Braswvd
U M Ooclall Mjoawaa,
Maab Bilmnn. raalord
Uaaa Otoyloa, Brady,
11 SSgeed. vreeswera,
Astaa Batii.b, Dataols
2Jmt gUrtrtUrmrntl.
Frank TM,it . W Q. li,lav....8. V. WUna.
JHT'OBn Ib Ple'i Opera Howes.
For Sale or Rents
mvroxtx room
Situated tws door, oaat of Baok. Ban bailBota
fait of CurwcBlvllie. For torml apply to J. D
rJOPi-ON.elbl.i.n,OT B. TUOM.'SON
al tba Kipreaa oAoa, CurweBivllle, Pa.
Manb , l7-4l
liiBod baa Ivaacd Ibo M-tbannon Hoaac,
ai mo Bwuih of big Moabannon cieok, wken be
ia prei and lo calenaia wBterBea at naaoBaoio
ntva. Uit table will ba tuppliod with Ibo seel
Ibal Ibe marhit will oOord, aod ba will apan no
pnlna lo render hit gutati oumfortahlo wtillc lur
rying wllh bin. DAN'L. W. SCUNABHs.
aartbaua, r.nruarj ivts 10, . at.
la botoby giv.n tbnt Letter, or Admlnialrn
l,.o on tbo uieof BbNRY blNKABINB. .'me
of Uuliob townabip, tlaarhold oonuty. Pa., dco'J,
buvtng bovB daly graaied lo Ibo anderelgnod. nil
peraont indebted to .aid catoU will phroeo make
immeotala pameai, aou tnoao aaviug line, r
demat d- will prewotlhim ptoperly auibeslicatod
fur eellloraool without delay.
Pmilb'l MHIl, March I, IrliO St o AJmln'r
la bonny given tbnl Letters u'f Admloiilru
l,ow oa Uo eiuia of DAVID A UaTU .ART, Inla
uf kaos towa.bip, Clcarfiald aonaiy, Paon'a.,
die'd, having been duly grunted ta the aador
eigood, ail peraouo iadobud ta aald eataM, will
pteaeo mono ioimoUlalo paymoai, ana lauw onv
log elatma or demaBda will pnacat tbem properly
aatbaauaalad lor aetllemout wilbout delay.
New Millport, March i IH7t.Q) Admin'r.
Mercantile Appraisement.
The vender, of Foreign nnd Doaoatld Merahan -
dlaa, DiBtillera, Bnwora, bruben, Ao, is Clenr
fiold ooanty, will Uke notion tbnt tbey are ap
praiaed and alaaacd by Iho sndetaignod A(rater
of Mercbnndiae and other lioenao taxct, for Ibo
yoar 1870, na follow.:
cuit. Ilurutlde BoraurrU. rax.
14 Horaoa Palohls, goo'l aenbandin t T 00
14 Jaekaoa Patobia, gen'l merohaodieo.... f 00
14 Jobo 0. Conner, gen'l BcnhandiM...., T 00
14 A. 11. Shaffer, aonfectioaary T 00
ClcarSeld lloruug-h.
14 M. B. Oliiili, conloclionery T 00
14 J. A. Gunler, bakery A confectionery... f 0b
14 John K. Kramer, groeericl... T 00
14 W J. Holer, gen'l monhaadiie . f 00
14 11. C. A T. W. Moore, boota A Shoe..... t ob
14 P. A. Oaollo. atationarv 7 00
11 11. A. Kroner, dry good.- 11 40
10 J H.I vile, groooriel ... 10 00
14 J. F. Ftokheiner, binary A oonfoct'ry. 7 00
11 flirliager A Rook, olotbltig 10 ft
14 Aloa. Walaoa.iob oca and oigan TOO
14 A Oainihurg al thing 7 00
14 8. S. Buttera, eonfootionory 1 OS
B 8. nailer,, billiard., 1 table........... 30 so
11 Jobs MeUeUeboT, grocorin 14 00
13 Wm. Powell, bnrdwnra 10 On
Clenileld County Bunk 10 00
11 T A. riook A Co., dry good. 11 fo
14 8 I. Snyder, Jewelry 7 On
14 W.tlraham.drag 7 to
B. W.Graham, patml med.einM . & Oil
15 Richard Moanp gen'l Berobaodin... IS 00
14 Kutikle A MeCullougb, eonlectinneryM 7 so
14 John A. Slock, tchaoon nnd cignn T 00
14 F M.rardoB.ogricoltuiallmplemenu. 7 00
14 C. D.'Walloa, drugl - f 00
C. D. Wilton, patent mcdiclun fi 00
14 McOtughey A Showcre. boon A thoM.. T 00
14 Bd. Unina'iirg, grociricB f 00
11 llart.nlck A IrwiB.druga 7 (W
Hart. wick A Irwin, relent medloinea.. fi 00
14 J. L. lain. Move, aod tinware 7 00
II Uao. Weaver A Co., gea'l mdn 11 io
C. Leipoldl, brewery
B no
I on
I 01
is Ofi
r oo
T oo
10 ro
7 on
7 00
T 00
T 00
T no
7 PO
T oo
7 oo
t 00
I 00
I 00
90 00
lo i o
7 00
Harry fc'odrca, bnwery
14 J. W. Mckiio, rowing vocbiooi,
Curorsaarllls Dnrnugta.
15 Bamuel Arnold, gen'l Berobaodin
14 Arnold A Co., gen'l morohandkro
14 D. Fanat, gen'l arrcbandin
11 V. K.Spronklo, dry gooda. ...,....,,
14 Rorabnogb A Morril, grooerle
14 W U. Tbompno, groeericl
14 Aonio M. Irvin, genl monhnndin
14 S J. Ualri, boota aod thoei .
14 Jacob Bi'ger. bardwaro
14 Abram niea, hardware
14 A. M. Kirk, iewelrv
14 W. A. Dale, grooeri, 1
14 Joirph H. IrwiB, drug
Jorepb B. Irwin, a lent Bedicisee.,.,
14 Blepbcn Urnfl, oonlcoitonerieB ..,..
btipbon Urad, billiardt, I labia
Curoen.rillu Bniik
14 Herman Uoopt, lobaooo nnd oigan
HoHtsdals Ibo rough,
tl Cnina Bardwon Co., hardwan
14 0. W, VeodoMB, gen'l merobandiM...
14 C. W, Vanduien, iMKrfiand tboN......
14 P. Cameion, gro-arlot
14 0. Lantford, tobacco nnd cignra
0 F. Llvorigbt A Co, gen'l Bdn
11 K. II. Shaw, g.n 1 meroaaooin.,
14 J. W. Knoade, druga
14 J. 11 Fotamao, oonJeetiooerlae ,..
14 R. J. Chaffeo, Jowolry
14 r-tophra uandin, grocorloa ,
II M. A I M Lang, gea'l merebaad'to..
14 A Aihton, grooory aod eonfoetioBory.
14 J. B. Arnold, aialiooery , ,
14 W. J. Bharbaugb, agral, d'Uga
11 Aadnw UI00A0B, dry gedl M
II M. Maiar, aoiloai ,
14 B. Chttltos, sotloe.-
Lunabcr City llo rough.
II Dyer A Coalbrotb, goal monhtBdlaa.
14 D. i- Ferguaoa, gas 'I Barchandiie....
sietvbnrg tlorongb.
14 WillltB llnnter, gna'l Benbacdin..,
Nrar WaBhlut;toa llsraugh.
11 Joeeph Ft MeMarny. ganladn
Id N. A. Aroa'd. gea'l merehandiea
1 tor cola Ho rough.
14 J. R. Brown, eonfee lonery
19 W. U. Kollay, genl mercbnodln
II T C. Himoe. neo'l merobtnil! a
I 00
10 on
. 19 00
It Kraun Bro't, groooriel aod provleloa.
10 00
19 00
M 0
7 00
I 00
7 01
r so
7 oo
7 M
Cltinna rank
10 Livi r ght liro'a A Co , gen'l mdn
14 T. tl. iiinnoy a vo.,oruga
14 J. U. Mnttars A Bra , gen'l mdn
14 Michael Ur far, groovy
14 W. 8. Weill, tlatlonery A oonteoltoaery
14 W. J. Jackaoa, goo'l merckandiro
WsllscBtsa Borough.
14 Jvval Onaa, gen'l mirehadlH
Brccarls Tovtaihlp.
14 W. A J. O. Weld, groooriel
14 J. 11. Ulaagow gea'l merohandiro -
14 Nutter, Komery A Co , goo'l rndao.,,,,.
1 00
7 oo
t 00
Ilurualds Taoruihlp
II Aaron Patcbln
nrady Tontiahln.
14 J. Seyier A San, gen'l me ebnndl.e....
14 D. Qoodlnndor. goo'l merohandiao
14 Moon A Hamilton, gro'l mdie.
7 on
7 oo
14 John Seheorieh, so iuna
T oo
14 U. L. Knarr, boola and ibooi...,
7 oo
14 8. B nnre. srcocrle
: oo
7 oo
7 00
7 oo
14 J. II. Kdiogcr, hnrdwnro
uHuiuh!siidy l.lcb Towfanip.
14 C. D. Brant, general mercbandln
14 B. C. Foater. grooo le.
14 Jiha aioodyear, geo I mcnaaadtn
14 T. Montgomery, goo'l morehoBdin
14 Travel A Bill', goo'l mcn-baudia
14 W. Nbarpa A Co., gen I menhandln....
14 T. II. Simon, grocenei
7 00
7 Oil
7 00
7 on
14 A. I. Hoy, furollun -
7 Irll
10 On
40 00
40 0'
10 V0
14 John Pell, gtororiet 1
II F.S. Weber A Oo , geo', mdae
f J. bs Do Hole, gen l merohandiao
W. L. Mcboloon. billiard,,! labia..,
11 Lang A Brady, hardwan
Bradford Tnvrsntalp.
14 P. Corlcy, agent, gen'l meroh .sdi.1.,
, I 00
19 00
.. I 00
.. 7 IW
.. 7 f
.. 1 On
.. 7 00
.. i ro
.. 7 to
9 I. V. lirny A Co., gen'l Berohnndile..,
It Blettocbergor A to., drag!
14 Aaron Fiten. groooriel M
Hell Topinalllp.
14 Mctlri A Co., gin.l Bcicbendlw
Cbnl Tuvrnehlp.
14 J Ft. MeKro, gen'l Berch.ndl'O
14 Jumet MrKwtn, gen'l Borohaodi.o
14 J. Ilookonberry, gea'l BdM
Carlttfrioa T.wnahlp.
II Frank Leignv, gen'l morrhandm
II L. M. Coudriat, gen'l Bcrcbandill
II Uillilnnd A Htoa.ndorn, gcu'l md.e.,,
It So
T oj
Droalup Townehlp.
14 J. II. Lang, gen'l merobundioe...
- t oo
.. 7 o
.. J to
10 00
.. 7 On
... so
,. 7 so
- T M
.. f 00
.. 1 00
t 00
. I so
... 7 oo
,. i o
.. tl 01
.. r
... 1 00
.. I w
(ilrsrnl Townehlp.
14 F A. Mignot, gen'l merehnndlM
Orshssa Tawanltla,
14 T. II. Fvreey, grfl'l mwbundlro. .......
Caullrh Towanblp.
II P. A A. Flynb, gea'l aernbaBdiao
14 F. A. Frideaui, gea'l aercbaadin
14 I). K. Hamey A Co., ea'l mdn
14 U. Allemnn, gen'l mercbaadin
Msntoa TuvrBBBlp
14 C. H. Coryell gea'l BerchaBdlM
Id 0. D. Wood, drua-a
14 Cbaa, Bobnckar, goa,l aenBaodiaa
14 J. Dorr, goo'l aerokoodlM.....H
Id A. Horning, jr., bnrdwnra
Karthaaa Tavraihls.
II O. Fivbar, ges'l aarchandlM ...........
14 tl ill, land A Kotberi......... ,........
Lawrancs Tavraihlp.
Charln Shagcr, bnwery n,.
slorrla ruwaaalB.
t R. B. Wigtoa, gen'l Borchaodltl
14 Polar Meyr. g-n'l menhnodin -
Id Leonard Kyler, gen'l aenbeO'ltn
Id Joaal Moaa, gra I Bi.rcbaa JMe
feaa Taeraahlp.
14 W, A. al'Mire, grooory A oualoelloaery.
liabta Tawaohla,
14 J- Bey lor A BoB.ra'lannbaBdln.....
I( Daniel Brabakor, g. a'l menbaadin... .
troodwoH Towntlilp.
14 Jamn Ceroaaly. gen'l erobasdlao
14 Jamoe Lnutner, gen'l aiorebnidtM.....
Is M Llvsrlght A in., gea'l Bdn ...
14 Mrt. L. J. rowondiagor, gen'l mdn...M
t Wbltobnd A Co, ges'l morebaS'lln..,
7 Oo
7 00
I m
lo on
7 00
l so
II so
1 ruber srci a Hitler, gen t man
Take sotlro. ail who aro aoaooraod la Bill aa-
tral.emeal, thai aa sspeal will as bald at Ibe
ommleetiino ' Odloo, la CMarleld, oa Wodafl
say, At-ailt IP, 0I, hotwcoa lha hoan .1 10
.'.ilock A M. nnd 4 P. M , wbaa asd hon yea uo(jt
fttoroaolil AppraiMf.
OiarftU, llaroh I, H7 4u
Fall and Winter Goods
in great variety, aro now open and ready fur sale, at
(by small buyers), at tbe widely and well known Dry Goods
btore ol
It is only ni'Cfseary for v. 8 to announce to the public that witb the
conptnntly iiicrensmg demand, we are ever enlarging our stocK,
both in qunntity and that any and everything
needed in the most durable and fashionable lines
of goods can be had at our Btore at all times. Our
goods have been selected in person by Mr. Fleck, mostly
at tho manufacturers, and by buying in largo quantities, we
save the jobbers' profit, and are thus enabled to sell at
We also have one of the very best Milliners constantly at her
place, ready to trim
3HCATS c3 3301W3LVI3,rI"S
in the very latest styles, and we guarantee that any work en
trusted to Miss Gresty's care will be pleasingly executed.
We know whereof we speak, that we will make it to the interest
of all persons wishing to buy Dry Goods of all descriptions, to call
and examine our stock before buying elsewhere.
Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street,
Wt hf printed ft Urn of th
FBB BILL, Mai. will on tht rrotipt f twwty.
5,000 Rail Road Ties
atTurweoivirie, Fa. Jan. . TB-lf.
Prices of Shingles,
Cuvwcnivlllc, Jan. 0, '79 If.
Mra. Jobo B. Rafirty, of Pens towntbip,
offen for root n dneliing boun nnd at on room,
ilioite in tbn village af Ponnvillo. For further
information npply to, nr nddroai,
ncL13,71-tf. Urnmpins lllllt.
A Bank that Never Breaks.
Try My Coal.
Tb vDdr.go't. adoptt thil nfthod of Inform
Itft Ibat DumcruM O'Oiutntn. that bit mil
It mot Wist arraofrnc&t nij, bat tba tt
will b prm(i in ib Snnnir M wll u Win
tT. I tlala tbftt I b-vttbt
Best Coal in tba Market,
aod will !! it for Nih, or la nehanc for taar,
ImJ, RroMriM, tta, Lar aontraori ill bt
aiaJi at a -mall profit. Fur full ptrttoulari
emit oa ma ia paraoa, raiiiilag In oaa of Qrmbiai'i
nppcr houii. or Bvddren m thmugh tbe poiu
otBoe. Ordtra lafl at tb poituffioa will reoolr
pr npt atuatloa. TH M. A. UUtkElT.
Cl.arfiojld, Ha., Jan. , ISTS-tf.
news uLlfAijldtji polish,
ALwva RtaoY ro use.
Allegheny Valley Railroad,
VN and nflcr Monday. Dm. 10th, 1177,
I tba pa.aenger train, wilt raa dally (elaopt
Sunday) belweea Bed Bank and Driftwood, ai
followt t
KASTW ARI). Day Mall In. ea Pltl.hurg
1:10 a. O.I Red Baakll:90 Sllga Jnnetios 11:01;
Now Rethlehea 1:07 p. at Mnyavlllo 1:21 1
Troy 1:10 I Broobvll o 1:00 j Foller'a 1:19 Bey.
nuldaeillo 1:91 1 DuBoll 1:11 1 Sumalt Tunnel
1:40 I Penfleld 4:09 ; WndviUe 4:17 t Raneaotto
14 , arrtvee al Driftwood nt 1:99.
M bHTM ARI. Day Mall leave. DriHwood
11:19 p. m. Benetetw l:O0 Woodville 1:10 1
Paafield 1:49; Summit Tunnel 1:17 1 DnBolal M;
Hoynold.ville 1:91 ; roller's l:97i Brook. Hie 9:IS :
Troy 1:40 Mayavllll 4:I9 Now Betklehom 4:21 ;
rtligo Juoctloa 1:10 1 Red Bank 1:27 nrrlvn at
Pittaburg al 9:10 p. a.
p9- Iba RryBoldivllll AooomaodatloS 'vavaa
Royooldavllla dally st 7:90 a. B. aadarrtvnat
Rod Bank nt 1 1:00 s. a., Pitlabargb at 1:39 p. m.
Leavei Pillaburgb at 1:10 p. m j Red Bank at
bill p. m.; nrrlving at Ray BOldaville nt 1:09 p. m.
Cloro ooBaeelloat Bade witb traiae aa P. A t
Railroad al Driftoood, and witb train! on tbo
Allegheny Volley Rallrond al Rod Bank.
DAVID MrCARUO, lies'! Snp'L
A. A. Jaoiaos, Sup't L. U. Dlv.
ri.aanrtBLB ro pinrlSLB.
Tbe undoreigned would inlora tbe publie Ibat
bo la flow running s cage liae belweea Clearfield
aad Penfleld, Ibroo timoa a wnk
Tbaalaac learn ClrorleldoB MuBdtrl.Wednel-
dey, aad Friday., al 1 ooleek a a., ariiving
31 Petifield al 11 a'nlaek a. Returning latna
,ya. Leavei Penfleld at 4 o'clock p. m., arriv.
ing nt Clnrfleld nt 1 unlock p. a.
Cooneetloa it male witb tralal an Ibn Low
Grade K. R. at Peuleld. t'aro, neb way, 11.50.
Cle.rteld, 7a., Feb. 1.1, 1171
Lll:MK lSOTICI-VB-Thotoliowiiig jrr
ooni bar tlod, In tbo offioo o tbo Civrk of
iuCovitof tkuaiUr Holioni of ClotrAold Co ,
their ptiitiob and bornli lor lioenMi. at tbo Hwrca
Mi'looo BMt, agrnkUo to tho Act of AMetsbly ;
BortL Ltosnas,
Tbomoi Moon
Rlrbavd Madlgan
Willi. m Carrea ,
Patrick Shield
Frederick VYrrii ,
WU laa Parker
bin Smile ,
I'atrick Duno ,
Jian Halev
Martin W. blank
Jamea MeLaugblia
K. N. Sbaw
W.C. Cardoa
It. B. Row ....
William S. Bradley ....
Saauel llullibao ...
Ueorge W. Davie.
Milo Uovl
(Irorgo W. Lane
Niobolaa Seollinl.H
Smith Halrd
..II oal tdalo.
N Wa.h'B.
1. A. a.atbr....
Wa. Sibwea.Jr
RmaBB'l Kaau,...
Km. H. Staaloy...
Uwrga Kaarr
Oeorge Dolta
Mrt. sank butler.
Joba Mains
Jaane rtbawaey.,.
...Brady Tvwaahif.
Beocaria 14
CoVlOgtOB "
""T,.m. " "
Low ta Leigvy -.,
uteorgo D. wetioek.s
Ueorge K, Rahachar....
Jamoa L. BooBeld
Mory hlaeabvwor
Jaevb Brababer
M. M. Hjna.,..
John Dxoahoe
MH..unoswood M
iluatoa '
( m w
... . Pi-SB M
.....Woodwird "
Peter Rugnar "
William Malta " "
litem Sbi.lda " "
Moo. go Rbodat..... "
aaUMt biokaig,
s amael 8 Batten ClrorlUU lonngh.
Mleboal S UUnla " " Dongh.tty.Jr " "
Btepbea Uiel HM...M.. rarwannllm.
J,,hs ScBeailoh ..Biady Tueaibip.
Wm. . Pilar - " "
Jacob Salaaa. . Handy t
Felar aiaB ..,.. .-..Unnladala boroagh
CaetiloA boa Ma Record tbia Iltb day sf
Febraary, A. D. I71. " BleUU 91,
loot! la. PrHkaaaiary.
fwsrrtaBlF-ra4) It, I
r hskwlr. Iv. Ils) H aTsawB.
fTrW4y-laaaoio4la li.
lUV rinmhsbgrwa,
, li lit htBtfrWoim. hioBd4 Ml M.
is W:im
is EbarWi
7 00 lcTsA 7a.-i. , ill
. to. Xar:Z-:vrril ....
; Sgll? THE
I to
W Cm IKHJtH Wat Hutta'm I
I jaMixtwa
B so llrsfasuBH.
' HEPIltT t. IIECLER, Sols ManufkClursr,
emu, eao a ten ceee. miuailoBia
Vote Early 'and Often!
Til BY invite yos to call at tbeir Bton lo the
Open llouao, CLBlHFIKLD, FA., and aae
toe boat aad obnpeat atock of
Gents' Furnishing Goods, 4c.
Tbeir largo and elegnnl Hook of gooda rOB.Iat.
of nil atyteaand price, la LaDI8,' MISsES'
aod CUILDHKN's . a . .. iE.ri- B1IOES,
Which will lull all kiadt of ooitoonn. Alio.
TbU ! tha only plaot In Oiarleltl eoantj
wlvara Iba tbr.trKi
Driving Boots and Shoes
eaa ba bought. BOYS' aad YOUTHS' BOOTS
and SliOBS of all bleda.
AIM, s eanfully ailoctrd attortaoBt of
Babbar Ooodj for tMrjbody, ewnsittinjt of
It U Jilt Fit HOOTS,
Alio, a saw ityla of Lambtrmaa'i Qomt. being
Ibo AHTIUB wlib Mild bottoma, wnicn nnaoa
tidarod a gnat itaprovemeflt on thn nld alyli.
Jotr Plaaw nsll and nsamtas aar goodt. -
Claailnld, Pa , Novoabor , U7-a.
W. sj. 1IOFFER,
Clearfield. Pa.,
Cnriict., OH Cloth),
Etc., Etc, Eto,
I learheld. Pa., Hept. let. IHlM If.
Boots is shoes
Hats, caps,
I la:.
Wiliamsporl BooUi
Elmira Boots,
Driving Boots and Shoes,
Clatlin's Boots & Shoes,
Boys' Boots & Shoes,
Tllno Boots
Stoga Bool
vTltk s general variety a Ledlro',' and
Cbiidna's korda, Skoro aad t. altera.
0KNT4' FrsmniiNu HOODS.
The aaoweilgned ntsootially lavlte tbe atus
tius of Ibo pe. pie of ClearSeld oaanty, la tbetr
sew ttooh of tha above Baaed gooda. Comalry
Prodoaa taken la etokaago lor goods.
Prion aa lew el ISo lowoot
Rratavwd U Wa aad e old otaad. See oad St.,
aumnWd, fa., lean. 4, Mll-ta.
Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs.
Carw.n.rll',4. Jin. TO if
at 8. Oolaibori't Oroearj Slor. aoaet Wrott,
CloarCrM, Ca. jao. tf, T tf.
IOil tALIfi OH HBIkT.-Tbt Ur(p aa
. temm ijioiu tbottory brick beta), iltaata
iu tho ritlatftol UUn llufho.ClMrficldaouaty, la.(
witb food Mibllaf aoa all tba iMirr; at
bu lining, togotbar wttb a tora-rania Hit fMt,
li hi tillrird for aalo ar raat, aa mit unaa.
Tbo Ipeatiua aad tho boaw U ao of tbo Utt, for
a btl, ia ibo rvubty, i largo aaoaat of traral
ti btpt ap boiwota tho Mnthwttwtro portiuaj of
tbo auaaty to ibo oval rciuai of Uoatidato aad
0ooola. It li ea tbo ibrutitb tarapika row to
ft via 'I yroao la UuBuia. fur in'taotr swtWsila-a
itiqairo of or addrao tbo Mdorria4.
fuilip Dorrs.
O'oa Hopa. Vow. IS, ISTI tf.
CAUTION.-. aonorti aro boroby wrao4
acaloit purvbaiiug or la an? way atoddtag
mb ibo lollirWii'gptopffTiy.aoain tbo poMasoioii
f Thcnai W. tirulp of Kartba lawaahlp, tU i
Two boraoi, dwablo hora-ai aad wajtoa, obaiai.
'proadi, a?k-yokf, two hogt, tb oo oowi, four
oalrt, tbroo 04, two iiotw. lis ohaln, ooo tv
blo. coo tapboard, ona olooh, ono Iroa kettlo, all
faraiag liuploMaiiUt ooo Uooinf mill, all bntaio
bold and buoboo tarvltaro, Tbo lurofoiog prop
trty wu parabAMd by M U pririto mIo urn tmm
Ibik day of tVobrmary, and U aliuw-d to roaala
in tbo poiwiiioa of it id TbuMao W. Groat oa
loau only, tubjeet ta ny order at aay timo.
Drirtwood. Cataoron Co., feb. IWtb, 1M-Jt.
English aud Classical
Tbiitobtwl will opon la tbo LoonarJ Oradtl
rVbool baUding. CkorioM, Pa. ta 1179.
and eoBttsao oloroa wooki.
CIomo ia Ooriman, Houny 4 B ok-Kooplo-,
will bo fvnaod. Thorough taitniwloa aw i ba
Canton TJrancbaB H A0 00
Higher Engll.b nnd Cbuiiai .. I 0
. C. YOi'NtlMAS,
ClearSeld, Pa, Jib. IS, IS71-IK.
lToao Bsttor. None Cheaper.
nt hell tor tl.OO
Stronj, vifjorous and
wsll gTova PlaVsts.
1 aoHi, or 10 Oannlomaoi 10 Fnobaiaa or 15
Verbonat or 11 Pao.ieB ev'tk oinglo Potaniaa or
19 Baikal aad Beddiag plant, or 19 C-taaanr 11
Heliotoopet or 13 Cbr.nntbomnmt ar 11 Olad
io at or 10 Double Tuberose Bulbs for II.O'i
or II Plnnti A Bu bo (I of aaob onllntiont 11.00
or ball Ibia eullaetioa 74 Plasu and Bnlbo with
Naw para wbite agerolom (blaaehe) added 15.00
or the whole soIImuob of lbs ebutoo plaau aad
Bslbo wtlh a plant nf Agerotum Blaoeba ar tha
New Scarlet Ron U cranium (Mra, Taylor)
added $9.00.
Wa guarantn aala delivery by lioreai.
Car rrtalod Circular af
ITlowtn f ot Everybody "sont froo."
Harry Ghaapel,
290 WeBt 4th St., WiUiamsPort, Fa,
Br vfrtos of aa order laanod oot of tbo Ornhnci
tourtuf Common Pirn of Clearfield eoaoty. Pa.,
no underitgoed Admlniatrnlur nl tan Into w a.
llenn, deeoorod, will eipnro la aoblta isle, nt
ba Curt llonae. in Clrorfield. in laid eoaoty, on
at 1 o'clock B. a., all thai aortaia fara or tract
ri load rceeatly oaoapicl by tbo dw d. aljolalog
a tbo eaet by land of Wm. A. Bloom nnd Daniel
iurr, on the aoath by llttla Clnrfiold eroek, en
tbo wait bv laoda of Wm. M. Smith, oa tho Berth
by laoda af Fonetor Bloom Bad Nanny Curry,
About forty alrat of wbieb It oleared aod nnder
oailivation, baviag iberooa anctod a frame dwell.
lag boun, lug bora, spring boun and amoka
boota, tngetbor witb n beariag aiebard of fruit
treel. 1 bo aalmrroras porti-oi 11 covered with
whlto pinn, nnk nnd hemlocb limber, oaaily floatod
Oaa-third of lLa poroban moaew must bo Be id
apon oonflrmntion al tale, aad Iba balaanc In oa.
oor, with intereal, to bo aeeared by bond and,
motigara oa tno pnutan.
ruHin tiin aLwsi,
Saw Millport, Feb 10, 'M at. Adm'r.
Wovla nipootfally aotlfr tbo babllo naorally
tbat bo bai roaioTod bu Orooory Boor froa
dhaw't Row. to tba bai Id tag foraarly oooapiod
by J. Miloo krauor, oa tfooa4 nroot, Mit 4eor
to Biglor'i bardwaro tioro, whoro bo istoada
loopiog fall Itoo of
SIKJARS and R R CPS, of all grades
tEAS, Snea and Blaok.
COFFER, Roaetad and frees.
All klniii is lha markei.
PICKLRS, Is Jan asd barrela.
4PICTM, la every form aad variety.
OoiU Oil aval la&mp Ciimaeya.
Aad a good aaaortswat af tbaia thiBSl snail
kept la a grooory atore, which ha will aiohaaaa
for markatlag al the marhat prisma.
Will sal Ifor oaib u cheaply as say ether aaa.
Please sail sad las all vtook aad laine fos
Jt'ua HowAueJnKT
Okarlold. Jan. 0. Ills.
Ntate Normal Rehoal.
Kiijhth Xormnl Sekoel thstrict.)
Lock llaven, Clinton Co., Pa.
A. X. RA VB, A. A!., Principal.
Thil School st at! coBttllutcd, obVritka
very belt ftoilitica for Profcaaloaal aad Clatioal
Building, epaoloaa, lavltlng nnd ooraaod,loa ;
ooaplelely boated by etoaa, wall evaluated, aad
farolebod with a baustlful tapply of euro water,
wit aprlrg water.
laatloa healthful aad aaay nf acsaal,
Biirroaadiag icnery nntarpaaaad.
TeBcben BlparieBocd, eOcient, and aliVa lo
Ibdr work.
Dimpliaa. fira but hiad. ooiSjtB and Iburosgb.
Bipiani modonta.
Fliy MU a wnk doJuolioa li Ihonapnpariog
le loaob.
tadoall admiltes any lima.
Ouurro. of itudy p race rt bed by lha Stole t I.
Model Sobnl. I'. Fnparatery. III. hlemas.
tary. IV. Be ion I, Ac
anjpacr cBrsagt
I. rVudorala. II. Coaaerotal. III. Mntlc.
IV. Art.
The Kleanantary and SolOBllgo aonrn an Pro .
feelloanl, aad itudenta gradnaling tbaraaa iwoates
Bute Diploma, eoorerrlng the lollewiag cerree.
poading dogren t Maetarof Iho Boioaon. Urad.
uatei ia the other eowron raoetva Manaal Oartifl.
cam of Ibeir auaiameata. atgaod by lha Faoulty.
Tho Proree.loat ooureat an liberal, aad an
la tborongkaoii sot it, fori or Is Ibon of oar beat
The Stale recja m a klgbor order of sillns.
thip. Tbs limn domeod it. It le oaa af tba
prime obJa"4a of thil tec, eel to help tonean II by
funlohlBg Intelligent aod aOlclenl loaeken for
bar l buoli. To tbil tad It soiioltl yeaog pee.
aval of geod abilltln aad g md pttroeM--.hoaB
was da, ire la laapnva their tieae sad 'beer ul.
oale, nt ttarceale. To all aaob It pr.altit aid h
dweb ning Ibeu ar.wen Bad abaadaal eeeana
siilei for wall paid mhur sua laovtag tahovL
Fur oatbiogva aad term. saJdron tea PilBedBal.
s. . ball,
IWdval Board al I runt en.
Htef alary.
Cllotaa ananty.-f . Ball, T C. Banwla. Br.
I. H Bartaa, A. M. Beet, daoeb Brewo, Wileaa
Eiaor, A.M. Kaak. W. W. Kaakia, R. aa.Oaak,
Seaoet Caeiet.U Kiatalag.g. M Biaasira, M. ia.
DkaaTeabaoh, A. 0. Moyoe, Paala.
taalra Ba arov. A l. Cartia.
ranrSoU I1-II.1. Waa. Blgler.
Bsj-Obarle. R. Iai4ef.
Look M.raa, Feb. IS, Tt