Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 05, 1879, Image 2

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(Jsoaos B. Ouodumdxk, Editor.
Rwdir, If yua wbbi to know what I. going as
la ibe baalae.. world, Jaet read oar edvertitlng
elastBB, tBe Mptmml enluna IB panieusw.
He bibb worthy to offiee sf Preildeet tbneld
be WilllBg to bOlS It U B0UBU4 IB, Or BIMtd IB
br bbt tread. V. 8. Obabt.
I eould aever bar beeB reeenelled to tha a le
tatlea be tba aaaelleat aid of aiina of a pertoo.
botreeer recpeeteble Ib private life, who rauat
forever aarre apoa Bie Brow too eiaiap ai iraua
Irtl tttuBtpnaBt ia Americas biitory. No eub
aaqaaat aotlnB, bowerer aeritoriona, cm waob
away tba letlars of that raoord.
Cbablbb FaaRcia ASABI.
I weald ratbar bava tba aadoraamaot of a ((Bar
ter af a nlllioB of tba Amtrieaa people tbaa last
of tha LoalilBfla RaturBing Buard. or of tba Com
aalealea which aieladad tba facta and derided
tba aaeatiea aa a taohaieality.
Taot. k. IlMDaicia.
floder Iba forma of law, Katbarford B. ilayaa
haa been daolarad Pretldral of Iba Uailed gialea
alia title reate boob dtelraBebiaenoBt of lawful
volere, tba falM aertlBcatea af tba rale ruing efl
aara acting eorrapUy, and tba deeitlon ol a oom
aiiaaloa whiob hai refuted to baar evidence of al
leged fraad. For tba Irtt tiioo ara tba Anarioao
paopla een fronted witb tba faot ef a franduleatie
eleeted PrettdeBl. Lat U aot be andariitood abac
tba fraad will la ailaBtly arauletced la by the
oaBtry. Lot t a boar paaa la which tba otarpe
ties ia forfottea.
ADPBBtl or Dbuocbauc af. C.'a.
Obb tindred )oera of buuiea depravity aoca
. Bluleted aad aonaaatratad law a eliaea vf eriaia.
Never agala Is Iva buadred yoara tball they bara
an opportunity to repeat tba wrong.
DaiilW. Vooa
Tbe XLV.Congrvssdieil yesterday,
March 4lh, 1879, at 12 o'clock M.
'Hatchets and Sat-b," on onr fourth
page, Inculcates a good Washington
Don't fuil to read Bayard's speech ;
yes, twice il you want to imbibe sound
political doctrine.
"The Cipher Dispatches," on our
iourth page, ibould have boen crodited
to the Johnstown Democrat, instead ol
the Tribune. Some of the D I'd work
Tbo Curtiii-Yueum inquisition haa
liccn holding a session (tt DuBois for
tho past two day. What the revela
tions are wu have not Iron ablo to
How happy tbuir triunds mutt tool,
that Senators' Conkling and Burnside
did not assasBinalo each other, during
their Into fracas in tho United States
Senate. 'Twas well.
A Vito. Mr. Hayes returns the
ami-Chinese bill to Congress with a
big veto, and that body seconds the
mothion by a voto of 109 to 95 far
short ot a two-tbirus vote. Uayes
ahead again.
Qdeer Tabti. The statesman who
embraces the African and discards the
Mongolian is certainly an cnigmr
Kast's thrust at Wnine Is the very best
illustration of a statesman's folly we
have ever seen.
Sunday Work. The United States
.Senate remained in session until 4:30
o'clock on Sunday morning, and then
adjourned to meet, and did meet, at
2 o'clock p. in., and proceeded with
the publio business as on other days.
Printers Promoter. They now
say Mayor Brisbin over at Osceola,
and Mayor Jones at Tyrone. If the
people don't quit promoting printers
in those local afluirs, some one will top
pie In as Governor, or President, with
out the use ot a Returning Board.
FarkwkllI Not a tingle Carpet
bagger, or scaliwag, holds a seat in tbo
United States Senate to-day, March
5tb, 1879. Ten years ago this political
rubbish controlled and directed that
body. The change is truly wonderful,
and well may the country feel happy
over the riddanco of this political pest.
Found Governor lloyt has at last
found an Attorney General in tho per
son ef Ilenry W. Palmer, of Wilkes-
Bsrre. Mr. Palmer made a speech in
our Court House last Full. Lear, who
was in tho habit of taking fees Irani
the other side, did not like to leave the
nest, but Palmer's triends raid he must
go, and tbey heaved him overboard.
Distbissino. It is said that Linn
Bartholomew, who was the Cameron
candidate for Attorney General, is on
- tho war path since Governor lloyt
has appointed Palmer. This ia getting
too much Lackawanna & Western
and Lehigh Valley into one pool to
make the Ilarrisburg borne happy.
The "oil men" are mad too. Last Fall
was the time to get mad, but they did
not. Mow tbey can bowl. Well, bowl
YVniTg on Hand. Some Icllowsars
making fun of Gon. Harry White, be
cause be tailed to got anothor appro-
prialion for covering thj gravel ia the
channel of the Conemaugh river with
wator during the Summer season. But
"the Libby Prisoner" has struck a big.
gcr thing. If Congroas failed to pass
an appropriation of 140,000,000 to cov.
nr the new bounty bill, be is going to
plank down the cash himself. Bully
for Gen. White
A Great Smith. We embellish our
first page this week with a speech of
Senator Bayard, a perusal of wb'icb
most satisfy every reader, who believes
ia civil liberty and personal freedom,
tbat the doctrine he lays down must
prevail on this continent, or we will
land in Despotism or Revolution, which
is still worse. We Lave embellished
tbe speech with cape and italics so as
to diroot those who may not have the
time to read the whole of It, to the
salient points. Senator Bayard is one
of the purest publio niea now in the
ervioe, and tba doctrine ba proclaims
should be posted up in svery school
.iiouse lo the United States.
It seems to be impossible tbctto days
to construct any publio building with
out plundering the Treasury. Even
the charity venders, who build onr
hospitals, steal as boldly as the old
canal ruts did in their palmiest days.
The Philadelphia Record, in alluding
to what is going on now, says :
"Among the various methods resort
ed to to darken the public mind as to
tho course pursued by the Norristown
Hospital Commission the effort has
been made, by reckless assertion, to
make it appear that tho Warren llos
pitul Commission has been equally de
relict in its duties, apparently upon
the principle that two wrongs make
uno right. It has been publicly as
aerled that the 'Warren hospital baa
greatly exceeded its proposed cost. Al
though it would not mend matters for
tho Norristown Commission if this
were true, a reference to the official
report for 1878, just published, settles
this question boyond all contradiction.
The commissioners, Dr. William Cor
son, Gen. James A. Beaver and Dr.
John Curwen, say ;
'The original estimate for the con
struction ol the buildings was 9902,
000, and to that must bo added f 100,
000 lor fire proofing, not included in
the original estimate ; and yet, if the
appropriation now asked for is made,
they will have been ablo to complete
the whole building, witb the price sj
the land and everything included, for
1870,000; or if the expense ol the
larm and the larm buildings to be
erected is deducted, the whole cost ol
the hospital proper will be 1817,000
liud the money necessary all been ap
propriated at the commencement, the
hospital could have been finished two
years stneo, and at a less rate tban
has now been possible.'
This settles the question. The two
hospitals are Intended for the same
number of patients. At Warren, a
tor.o tbrco and ioiir-slory fire proof
building, complcto, witb every appli
ance of a first-clasa modern hospital,
costing two hundred thousand dollar!
leu tban its ongnal estimate ; at Nor
ristown, a brick two story building,
with no pretence to fire-proof costruo
lion, und without some of the moat es
sential requisites for beat and ventila
tion, costing conlessedly one hundred
and seventy three thousand dollars more
than the estimate, and how much
more besides it will cost is a thing
which, in the words of Lord Dundrua
ry, 'no follow can find out.' The two
cases are in glaring contrast ; the one
redounding to the highest credit ot the
Commissioners in cbargo of it, and the
other culling lor the sharpest censure
and the most thorough legislative in
Cabinet Curiosities. It seems as
though Rogers, Hayes' Private Sec
retary, would become as infamous as
Babcock of the Grant regime. On Sun
day aweek a safe full of all sorts of
odds and ends, intended to bo opened
one hundred years bonce, was formerly
closed in Washington. It is called 'The
Centennial Safe," and, if it can be kept
nut of the reach of Dick Harrington,
will doubtless be a great curiosity in
1979. Mr. Hayes, we observe, duposi
ted an autograph album in the safe as
his own personal offering. ' The genial
Rogors deposited a photograph of Ilia
Praudulency, Mr. Hayes, and beneral
Garfield sent in a Cabinot Photograph
of genial Rogers. One hundred years
hence the favored cllisene ol tho Iio-
publio will gaze upon these relics witb
veneration. Tbey may not be familiar
with the shametul theft of the Prcsi
deiicy, but when they contemplate the
kind, noble, virtuous fuco of Rogers,
they will conclude tbat it must have
been an era of Christianity and true
goodness which produced such a coin
bination of human majesty and divitii
ty. A hundred photographs of Rogers
in this safe would have been a good
and safe investment.
Gin. Barlow's Mistake. General
Francis C. Barlow is begining to find
that Republican statesmanship and
common honesty are incompatible,
and he has boen offered the alterna
tive of surrendering his honesty or be
ing drummed out of tho party.
During his visit to Florida he en
dtavored to reconcile bis desire to
serve his party with his convictions of
prtnciplo, and as soon as be was in
lormed of tbo true condition of affairs
ho discovered that ho was expected to
play tbo pait of a liar, a perjuror, and
a thiel. As he did not, liko index
Noyes, expect a foreign mission, as he
bad no son to pension in tbo Custom
Uouse as had Aliunde Joe Bradley,
there was no bribery which could have
paid him for being a scoundrel.
As ho could not bava boen a scoun
drel under any circumstances, the Re
publican managers should have let
biin alone, knowing that tbey bad no
use for bira. But be has beon to Flor
ida, he has studied the facts, and be
has testified thst the vote of the State
was honestly givon to Tilden, and was
fraudulently atolen for tbo benefit of
Hayes and tbe Republican party,
Rudr. The Senators and Congress
men from tho Western slope have not)
fiedtho Hayes family tbatit might as
well abandon its contemplated pleasure
trip to the Pacific coast. Tbo veto of the
Chinese bill did it. Well, those Pacific
slope fellows have not enjoyed civilisa
tion long enough to know bow to be
have themclves,and therefore tbey pro
pose to insult thoir neighbors. Thirty
years ago the Indian and wild beasts
bad lull possession of their teritory,
Now, those fellows want to rule this
Continent and diclato terms to tbs
four hundred and fifty million Chinese.
Tbe fablo states what happened the
frog when ba attempted to swell him
self u large as the ox. The toad bust
ed. The ox took his drink and walk
ed off as though nothing had happened.
A Bad Anoru. Tbe bark "Shoot
ing Star" arrived at Philadelphia on
Saturday, tna !2d alt., having on board
Charles W. Angell, tbe defaulting Pull
man Car Company's Secretary, who
abscond od to Lisbon last July Witb
1120.000 of tba Company's money. He
bad 180,000 in bis possession when
captured. Ua was taken lo Chicago
tha following Monday lor trial. On
his arrival at Chicago, ba plead guilty
to larceny as bailee and embeulemcnt,
a tad was asntanced to a term of ten
years in tbe penitentiary tbe fall at
tent of tbs law.
Tho Lancaster Intelligencer of tho
OI mo
,v, upon
' "
28th ult., discourses in this war.
asuhject vital toourinrtitution;
Hive ia ono of the most insolent and
tyrannical of the federal district judges j
who have been appointed to dragoon
and harass the Southern people, and it
was quite characteristic of bim that at
tho opening of bis court in Danville,
Va., yesterday, be told tho grand jury
that they could presume a violation ot
the civil rights law wherever no negro
hud served on the jury ot tho court for
several years.' Accordingly they 'pro
mcd' and indicted Are county judges
of Virginia courta 'for violation of the
civil and legal rights of citizen,' their
alleged offenses being entirely a mat
ter of 'presumption' and not of evidence
a judicial outrago that is only paral
leled in tho performances of some ol
those monsters who occupy such an
infumnns place in English history.
Wore this judge to come into some of
the strongest Republican districts
North he would find colored men vir
tually excluded from the jury box, and
in this county of Lancaster the name
of only a single black man basevcr been
put inloordrawn oulof the ury wheel.
What would be thought ol a federal
judge who on a presumption urising
out of this state of facts would order
the indictment of Judges Livingi-ton
and Patterson and our jury cumuiis
sionersf But that is iut what has
been done in Virginnia. The outrage
is heightened by tho very remarkable
'presumption tbat the grand Jury
which Rives found to bo a convenient
tool is composed of 'seven negroes, six
white Radicals and five Conservatives,'
or thirteen of the minority party to
five from the majority ; while through.
out tho North and South it Is notori
ous that federal jurors are selected as
a matter of partisan favor. Is it any
wonder that the South demands reliel
Irom such oppression under color of
law, and that the House should stand
firm until it is conceded to thorn r
Grave Pboceedinos. Tho Water
bury (Conn.) American, of last week,
says: "Tbrco weeks ago a lady died
in Straltsvillo, and her body was bur
ied in the cemetery. About a week
subsequent, a lady and gentleman cull
ed upon lb" sexton who has charge ol
tbe cemetery, representing themselves
to be a brother and sister of ttie dead
woman. They requested the sexton
to open the grave, supposing mat
they wished to identify tho remains,
this reoucst was comnlied with. The
coffin was exhumed, tho lid was re
moved, and the two parlies stepped
forward, and to tbe astonishment of
the sexton proceeded to lift tbe corpFo
Irom the coffin. Having accomplished
this, they made a minute examination
of the shroud and grave clothes, care
fully removing every pin which was
used in fastening the clothes. These,
together witb a fingerring of the
corpse, wore thrown far off into the
surrounding enow. Then, aftor roll
ing the corpse over soveral timos, thoy
replaced it in the coffin, screwed down
the lid, assisted the sexton in replac
ing tbe ojimo in tho grave, and ex
pressed themselves salisued. Not a
word of explanation was given to the
bewildered sexton rolativo to their
stranse procedure. Tbo twain are
said to be from Hartford.1'
W . B. Ilart, oVeratar af tba CeaimlMiaoara af
taa alldd'a fanitaBOarv uuiriot or rsnanylr
aia, pBbliaai la lBajiWa&d tba Otoit, a no.
lira aoBoaiBinff ffsalad nroaaiala far doing w
taia n koi tba jtroaada aa wbiab Iba aav paa
ItaBtiart ta to ba araaltd, at tala ulaaa Wa bus.
Ilabi-d, laat wrak, for tba ihfonnalioa of taaraad
art of tba atuMTos, tba asbafaooa of Bra atary
Ilart'a eotiea. R'faaa ba pabliabcd it la tha two
ftVj,aVes papara, parhapa It did boC ooear la
buu tbat louia V moemti uf our eoanj night da
ira to rnd la Boated propoaaU f-ir duio tha
work. Jsaliwfdua iasoar,
Tbe editor of tbe Monitor does not
seem to see the point in this peniten
tiary matter. It is a Radical job got
ten up for the benefit and behoof ol
the Radical party of Huntingdon coun
ty, Captain Hart, and a fow outsiders,
wbo aio without an occupation. Let
them alone. Hall of those concerned
in this State steal will land inside ol
its walla wilhin two years after Its
completion. Democrats have no busi
ness to poke tbeir noses into publio af
fairs when Radical interests are at
stako. Flcmmlng, keep your eyo on
those fellows, and you will bo enabled
to sco ball of thorn inside its walls,
and in that way, improve the morals
of Huntingdon.
A Stunner. Mr. Cameron's Harri?-
buig Telegraph bos not sufficiently re
covered from its astonishment at Sen
ator Cameron's voto against Corbin to
be able to say a word about it. Had
somo of thoso godly loyal members ol
tho Legislature, who voted for "Don,"
tor U. S. Senator, known that ho would
vote to keep "the Hamburg butcher,"
Butler, In bis seat, they would have
committed some awlul depredations
throughout the State, and the Tele
graph man would no doubt have kick
ed the roof off the Capitol. But the
shower is over, and a six years' term
in the Senato is still on band, and Cam
eron's rote will keep John J. Patterson
out of the Penitontiary a friend yon
know, etc.
More Exile. France having again
rrjectod an Umpire and declared for a
Republic, young Napoleon has joined
the British army and sailed for Africa
tor the purpose, no doubt, ol viowing
France at a long range. Thcro was
a touch of true pathos in tbo loneli
ness of the exiled Kmpresa Ktigenio
tho other day as sho stood on tbe dock
at Southampton, England, and saw a
troop ship bear away lo Africa bor
only child and tbe only solace of her
broken years. Her piety must find
oonsolation as it looks up from Iho
tomb in Cbiselhurst.
Facts Rendered Into Poetrt.
The Washington Post, referring to the
return ol General Logan and Zuch
Chandler to the United States Senate,
publishes the following odo lo the
whole gang;
Babold I fcbay 00 alt tbaaa Bobla forma,
Lota ah aa thraairh tba strife of atanBi.
Hall Jobs I Hall I Kb I tUII all Uw braroa I
Hail all tba (oraovaa ( af kaaraa I
IM ratbar VlapP, with laaaor aaeliaf ,
KaaaR iba ara el Rood sieellac.
Lot ( b reepd, aad aoa..d tbo alB,
Let aMd B plane preet Jubaaa Log bb.
Tba pear ai JuMlee baa eeaia,
ketura ve hardeBed alBBara aoae.
Promoted. Hayes has appointed
J. Rciley Weaver, of Brook ville, Pa.,
Consul lo Vienna, Austria, lis lias
been Consul at Antwerp, Belgium, fora
long time. The Vicuna movement
adds 11,000 lo the salary, Weaver ia
a too lpw oi Bisbop Bimpsoa. Do
you see it?
i ucre is a gmii ueai senooi mm
''K0 education that is aimless, di
poitionate and cumbersome. Th
'are lo many mediocre prolcssic
There ia a grcnt deal school and col
men. law vols, doctors minirterK,schiHjl-
teitcber, writers ; too lew (-lolled arti
sans, dinners, gardners, intelligent la
borers technically educated for various
sphere that are fundamental to well
ordered society. Society is lopbeavy,
with too little bottom. Agiicullure,
the great prtKlticing interest, out ol
which all other professions and employ
ments r.'ia-ierhtrva. 1 uuro is
a bad tendency to crowd tho cities and
larger towns, and by a j'islling compe
tition to join in a mutual pull down,
and in a race in which everybody ifuis
outot breath. Our boj Baud girls deem
it the right thing to live geuiveliy and
lV one's wits rather ihmi one's hand.
There arealtogelbertoo many students
who drill into college aimlessly, bo
cause their parents don't know what
else to have them do. With no earnest
or definite uinis, they flout along
through successive years of school and
college, and then what? The learned
profcrsione are overfull, they uro edu
cated beyond any drudgory of common
business, they cannot think of soiling
their hands or their clothes, they are
unfitted to lecomo producers whore
iiioduction is avuiluule, in their own
way and In nvery boor else a. An aim
less and disproportionate education has
cost altogether more than ll ever coiiicb
There is too much hiih-st-hool dub
Mine: that is not thorough enough lor
mentul gymnastics, nor practical
etioilL'h lor the tillliturian necessities ol
thosu who must irraduutc Into I lie liaru
work lor the common and laborious
pursuits which ballast society. The
great luw will ussei t itself, and all I nil
education must lay its account with it,
that tiy the sweat til lliu urow we must
eat our bread. That is not good A me
rican education which would spoil a
farmer's boy for the old hoinostcud or
the farmer's girl for the housekeeping.
There Is too large a crowd of until to
mato school-teuchris. i hero are too
many useless, tbird-rato lawyers hank
ering after office ; loo many scribblers.
luuru tiro too many meat mop, milk
men, fih men, dry goods, grocery-men.
Tho rush is for the easiest employ met, t
that can be set up without skilled la
bor, technical education, or any ap
prenticeship of patient industry, on bor
rowed capital, with a bankrupt law for
reluge. Meanwhile tuero is a large
range of handicralts.flner manufactures,
decorative una, uemunding skilltul
lubor, which our American methods ol
education have hardly thought of or
laid any plans for. Hence there are
multitudes of our boys and girls who
are over educated, In tbo sense that
they uro untitled by an aimless and
merely bookish education lor any pa
tient and earnest life-work which will
utilize them as producers, and develot
their individuality into tho manly or
womanly consummation ol a atruncli
character and a robust and useful life.
. an . . . i J
A number of clergymen of San Frun
cisco have sent a petition to Hayes,
urging turn to sign the uiili-Uliincse
lor tiiu buku oi puene i,itrain-
basing their w hole action on tho pre
cepts ot tho liospcl they preach. A
still lurger body of clergymen in Phil
adelphia forwarded a memorial lo Mr.
Hayes, in which they urge him to hot
sign the bill, mid their reasons pro the
sumo us iho reuaoiia ot their California
brethren. This divergence or ruther
opposilcncsso! opinion among men
w ho draw their arguments Irom the
sumo sourco, shows iho iiinuelico ul
man a surroundings or location upon
his opinions, Tho precepts of our re
us opin
igion l
liouhl be the same in Pblladel
phiu as In Sun Francisco, yet local
causes In tho latter aro powcrttil
enough to give thcin nn application
exactly contrary to that winch obtains
in tliu lonnoi. Ul course there may
bo moral und economic reasons, from
a politician's standH)int, why China
men should be kept out of this coun
try and also why they should bo si
lowed to come in ; but when tho ques
tion arguud upon a Bible btn-is, and
that by men who assume to be Its ail
Ihorixed exponents, the difference be
tween tho Allunliu and t aciltu slope
will atrike the waylurlng man aa aiti
ixular, at least. But he will still be
lieve that the precepts of the Christian
religion are no ...
' il" same in Sin
Francisco as in Philadelphia, but the
same all over tho world. I enangi
As we see it. The Alloona Sun, in
alluding toatroublesomequei.tion says:
The question ot the liability of the
State for lbs loss of properly by the
Pittsburg riots is onool tbe things now
puxzling leKislators not a little. Tho
bill introduced by Speaker Lung, op
propriating four millions, ia an ugly
thing to muko a record on tho wrong
aide of, and then faco a constituency
who havo to help pay It. Wo do not
think that In the present shapo tbe leg.
islature needs to lake action at all. It
is properly a matter for the courts to
determine whether Allegheny county,
or tbu State, u responsible. If the
courts decide that it rests with the
Stalo, the duly of tho Legislature is
then plain, It must bo paid by tho State.
If the courts dccldo thul the county is
liable, it is not likely any members out
side of Allegheny county will voto to
psy the losses out of the State Treasu
ry. We elect men and pay tbem for
deciding questions or this kind ibey
aro presumed to bo the most ablo and
impartiul men of Iho State, learned in
t ho law, and com potent to render a j ust
decision. Let them decide, and the
people will abide by their decision."
A I.irs or Urt and Dowsb. The
Louisville Courier says: "Brick Tomo
roy has concludod lo go back lo La
Crosse, W isconsin, the sceno of his
earlier newspaper work, where he
kept an arsenal in the first years of
the war, and pitched into tho policy
of tbe Govcrnmeut. Btick haa 'hired
a hall,' and will start anothnr paper.
It happens that tho quarters he has
rented are in a block owned by his
first wile, from whom he was divorced
some years ago. Urick ia poor now,
and she is rich."
A Dot ni.s Sin. Senator Burnsido,
from tho little Slate of Rhode Island.
called Senator Conkling, of tho big
State ot New York, a liar, in a debate
in the Senate, on the 22.1 nil, Wash
ington's Birthday, This is rathor vul
gar for the edncators of ' grand moral
ideas." It might pass ir Indulgod in
by a Confederate Brigadier, or a north
ern dough face, but when indulged in
by such higb-toned characters, it must
be stamped witb the eesl of condom
The Naw Judoe. Governor lloyt
nominated J. Smith rulhry to bo Pros
idem Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial
(Chestor county) district of Penn
sylvania, and be waa confirmed by 48
voles, there being none recorded in the
negative. Judge Putney's appointment
filled the vacancy caused by the ap
pointment of Judge Butler Is the Uni
ted Bute Bench lor tba Eastern Dis
trict of Pennsylvania.
The Republicans, when they had
tho power under Grant, invented the
machinery known as supervisors of
elections, and attached it to an appro
prialion bill in 1872. John 1. Haven
port, of New Yolk, who unites in his
person the functions of Clerk of the
Circuit Court, United Slates Commis
sioner, and General Supervisor of Elec
tions, is entitled to the patent for this
partisan invention, by which many
thousands of dollars were put into bis
pocket, and enormous power into his
hands, which tbe people ff j!-( .iiy
saw grossly abused at tbe last election
and on previoua occasions.
All these laws, 1'ioni reconstruction
down to the last on the statute hook
whilu the Republicans were supreme
in Congress, lurm part of iho general
scheme ol centralisation begun soon
alter the close of the civil war, and in
tended t' go on until the Status should
he sboru of riglita that had never be
fore been disputed, Mr, Morton and
those who acted with him looked lo
nothing ulso than a radical change in
our iiH-litution, through the abused
Ibriiia of law ; and they had the hear
ty sympathy ami co operation ol Grant
in llialprojeol. Confiscation, toetnalha,
exclusion from juries, negro rule, po
litical disabilities, Federal supremacy
in tho Stales, and a whole brood of
kindred measures were among tbo ele
ments used to promote its sucoiss.
Tho repeal of any of these partisan
onactmonls has been obstinately raist
ed by tho Republicans since the pass
ed into a minority in tho House, bo
cause they tenaciously cling to the
past and regard repeal as a reflection
on the wisdom or justice of this bigot
ed form ot legislation. They have yet
lo discover that the world moves, and
that the people of the United States
litter Irom tho lunatic who originated
this intolerant and proscripiivo sort ol
J lierelore, when Hie Democrats pro
posed lo repral Mr. Duvensiri's law,
in the very manner that the Repuhli
cans had passed it. Mr. Hale, De Gol-
yer Uarneld, ami other patriots ol that
brand, who bad carried the job thru
originally, were virtuously indignant
that their example should he imitated,
and threatened tlnnga terrible, mean
nig an exira evasion and the like, rath
er than surrender their supervisors
and unlimited slock of deputy mar
shals at live dollars a day, lo work as
electioneering agents.
i lie Democrats know their duty and
should perturin it unhesitatingly, i-x
Ira session or no extra session, the
whole brood of infamous laws enacted
merely to perpetuate tbe Republican
party in power should be wiped from
the statute books with the least possi
ble delay.
Judoe Sherman Imitated. H. W
Stanton, Associate Law Judge in Lu
xurne county, against whom measures
for impeachment before the Legislature
were being taken, on Tuesday last re
signed his position. Action in the mat-
tor ot Impeachment will doubtless be
dropped. By impeachment and con
viction he would hereafter be dirqunli
ficd from holding offieo, the charges
against him seeming loo strong to be
successfully met.
m.-. uaiaaiit.iB aipeeoa waiea aa ftaiiraroil ta
longreN aa tna propriety or attaaaing to oaenr
Iba apprut-ria lion billa a elaate rrpaaiiag tba law
anib ritioK tha apnniiitinrnt of 3tuiart-,ra of
"action, 'tanounae.l the litoiwrui fiir hnllin B
bijl4 rluily up the hutorjr of tbe Rrpubliees
piirtf wbea I' baj tba Btjnritj is Cuogrraa
ThrB enuue-a we-o hall ererr "venioa; alia mt
nri "kin f'atii." AwIM llt...KllA n
neeure tbl vat paaad. Tba eaiae OK fa b-i
be ag gvwl D,w tlul waa Ibeo. that a tbe 4if
rarnMft..,f Af-m,J
Radical precedents do grate most
awpilly upon Kadital ears those tunes
Ilea- Zecharieh Cbaollr, ana of the old Rt
t-ublloan war boreei, haa bru retari4 to the
Uailod aleu-e Hraete, else Ilea, laaaa P. Carle
llahey, reilgned. Jtadfeat f .eaanue,
Why, we had a four year's war
-while Zuch was in his prime and he
never went near cnoiigh. to smell pow
der. A "war horse"? No, a first
class demsgogue and a moral toward.
Tho mull who Instated on war, and did
not tuke a hand in It, is a knavo or a
coward, it not both,
On Tub Down Grade. Poslmustur
ilunraiill, late Governor of Pennsyl
Vanls, at 110,000 a year, took charge
of tho Philadelphia Postoffice pn tbe
(stof March, at IfaQQ per annu,m
His friends claim be saved nothing
while Governor. How will be come
out of the Postoffice with less than
half tbe salary of Governor ? Will be
raid on the Poatoftlce T
Lovely Again. A Washington tel
cgram of Friday, says: Yesterday in
oxocutive session, Mr, Conkling, by
an appeal to tbe records, compelled
Mr. Burnsido to own that be had been
in the wrong aa to the facta in tho
mstter of the recent disputo between
them j aftor which both Senators took
back what they bad said about each
Sensiiile. We notice that Senator
Uall, of Elk, has Introduced a rosolu.
lion declaring that it is the sense of the
Sonnto that it would be unwise and im
polito, during tho remainder of this
session, to pass any resolutions Instruct
ing our members in Congress to their
action on any measure before them.
Adopted by a voto of 26 yeas to T
Lvonsi-a Count- llAsnaan "If I rota for
Cameron. J hope tied AlBnghiy will rtrikr ale
riMd." Pueh, it la raid, waa tbe pi,ij pledge uf
-una oaua, tna ureaooera repreMSmilro o Lv
ovtning auBMv, is tha llouea of KepreientaUrai
And yvL John taeaa did aula for Uanatoa, and
till urea to roiirefenl Lreunlos aouolr I Btllt
..ore tttmtmt
I here hus evidently bcon a great
blunder committed by some sgont In
this matter, Nearly two months have
elapsed and there is no lunorol yet,
Not so Bad. Somebody wrote ex
Governor Seymour, ol New York : "II
you are elected Governor of New York
this year you will bo our candidate for
President next year." Ho replied
' You tell me that by gelling into tho
frying-pan this year I can get into the
fire next year. 1 respcctlully decline
both propositions."
Rioni.-SenaUi bill No. 07, "grant
ing pensions ol (75 per annum to tliu
surviving veterans of tho Mexican war
or lo tho widowa of soldiers and sailors
of said war," parsed finally by a vote
of 30 yeas to 6 nays and it now goes lo
the Uouso for concurrence. We are
for tbe surviving Mexican soldier and
hope tbe bill will pas.
Rewarded. Mr. Hayes hasappoint-
ed a man named Badger, Collector, and
another named McMillan, Postmaster
ol New Orleans. Tbe Philadelphia
Telegraph, a Republican paper, smjs
lbs appoihlmonta show a contempt for
decent publio sentiment. They are ol
the worst class ot louiiana politi
It Is reported that there Is some
pretty tall swearing being done at
Uarnaburg, in a private way, because
Governor lloyt does Dot make np bis
Cabinet. We won dor who ia Governor I
OVER Til KIR CtllLliliEXS'
In lliocasoof Trustees of Schools
against Van Allen, the question as to
what right the parent has lo direct the
studies pursued by his- child who at
tends a publio school is considered, ll
is held that the trustee of a school (lis
trict may prescribe what studies may
be pursued and may regulate the class
ification uf the pupils, but thul a par
ent muy select from tho branches pur
sued those which tho child shall study,
Kj long as the exurcisu of such selec
tion does not interfere with tho system
prescribed for tho school, and that they
cannot bo excluded from one study
simply because be is deficient ia anoth
er. In this case the pupil was denied
admission to a puhliu high school be
cause ol his deficiency iu a knowledge
ot grammar, which his rather bad for
bidden him to stud tlo had ui-ked
to bo admitted ta pursue only lliose
studies which be wus sufficiently pro-
Itcicnt in to enl'tle In in lo admission lo
the high tovhivl. The Court held thai
rule requiring Ins exclusion was un
reasonable and could not bo rnl'iircetl.
lu Morrow against Wood, in Wiscou-
ain, a lather directed his child who at
tended a iiuhlio school, lo study only
oerliiin branches among thosu laugbl
in a school. Tho teacher, with notice
of such direction, ri quired tho child to
study other subjects, and upon his ro-
lusal lu do so whipped lulu. 1 his was
held to bo an unlawful assault.
In Riileson against i'o-t, in Illinois,
a girl, 16 years ot age, was in attend
ance upon a puhliu school, to the bene
fit ol which ebo was i Milled, and was
in a class which, by the ccx r-e of sludy
proscribed ny Iheiliiectoraol I he school,
was required ta study book-keeping.
Under Iho direction ot her parents she
retimed to pursue the study, and lor
thai ri-Hion was, by tbe teucher, acting
uuuer tliu tinier ol tha ill rectors, h.rci-
hly expelled Irom tho school. The
Court held thai the directors and teach
rr were all liable in an action ol tres
pass, the directors having no power to
prescribe such a rule or to authorize
the teacher lo enforce it. Albany (S.
i.) uxv tiournat.
Judge Uoadluy, of Cincinnati, deliv
ered un address Saturday night before
the liamilion uounty Democratic Club,
on that Iruillul topic, "The Electoral
Commission. lie drew tho curtain
from the past in a very effective man
ner. Indeed, tho story ul U7G-7 can
not be too oflcu repeated before the
Americans, and the Juuire was espe
dally graphic on tbat Florida business.
Alter relating the steps which led lo
ihe order for a second count, he said :
'-Here was the Supremo Court say
ing, count Manateo, Hamilton, Jackson
and Mourov, and hero was Zach Chand
ler, trembling with tear lest tbe wick
ed Democracy should irct tbe Presi
dency, saying, 'You have got to count
tbem, but throw out something else.'
And me atute llelurning Hoard very
quietly took Baker county and cutout
lai tiyville and Jacksonville, and gave
Mr. naves to maiority In tbe Stale.
That ia bow Florida camo to bo called
a Republican State. Are you surpris
ed that tbu people ot Florida are not
in love with the Republican party 7
What did Florida dof Did it submit
In this ouiragu? Tho now lleluruinir
Board, inaugurated with the incoming
ol a Democialio Htatf administration,
mado a re canvass ot the Slate ami
announced that Tilden and Hendricks
hud carried it, and on tbe same 2lith
of January tbo Legislature sanctioned
the re-canvass, and put tbe broad aoal
of Iho Slate of Florida Upon iho result
by law. tot, wbeq tho Llectorul Com
mission mot, the ground on which the
vote- of ibe Statu waa counted for
Hayes and heeler was lb lost
ground tbitt would suggest ilsell the
reason was the sacred doctrine ol
States rights. They had stolen the
voto, tliereloro tho Stale bad tho sa
cred riiiht to have it stay stolep. They
nan stolen me vote, ibereiore no pow
er existing in the United Slates could
legally reclaim tho stolen properly."
DisaHACtD Abroad. Gcorgo F. Se
ward, our plenipotentiary to China, is
likely to bo impeached. Ilia conduct
as Minister, haa boen outrageous, il
half is true that ia rcporlod. Tbe House
on the xi th ult., passed Congressman
Mpnngers resolution declarinu; Minis
ter Seward in contempt for refusing to
produce his consular books before the
committee, and authorizing bisarraiitu-
mcnt befure the harot tbe House to
show cause why he should not be ar
rested and held for such contempt, il
Seward still refuses lo produce his
book, as bo undoubtedly will, the
Springor committee wil report articles
oi inipeacnineui against uun. i bo re
port will aot forth that the testimony
convicts Seward of gross malfeasance
in olnce, sutnoient to warrant such ac
A Famine Predicted. Mr. Wilson,
United Slates Consul at Jerusalem,
writes that serious apprehensions pre
vail there of (amino, owing to the con
dition of tbe crops. Arrangements
have boen made lo Import flour and
grain direct Irom New York, and ihe
Consul baa furnished the merchants in.
formation with this view. Tunis and
Tripoli are suffering more from drought
than I'lilestine, and the condition of
Beirut is more favorable than that of
Jerusalem. '1 he free dispensary ot the
ixmdon Jews Society has rendered el
fioicnt sorvicc.
Good. Tho Doylestown Democrat
says: "There comes a rumor from
ashlngton, that there is a difference
of opinion, which is begetting bsd blood,
Whether the I'emocratic INulional Com
mittee shall be run in tho interest ol
Tilden, or Thurman. This difference
an easily bo settled, by running iho
o imnnltoe In tho interest ol the Dem.
ocralic parly." Correct.
A Good ONE.--T.ere was a dread.
fill rumor at Washington that Senator
Thurman'a wife and daughter (Mrs,
McCoiiri.k) bad visited the wile of
Senator Bruce, (colored) ot Missiaaaip.
pi, but Senator Thurman, with a snort
in his red bandana, said it was a
"d d abolition lie."
Political Vermin. In-1801 iheie
were 46,049 Federal officeholders.
Four years later the number bad in
creased lo S3 067. In 1873 the num
ber stood at 86.G60, and in 1877 it was
increased to 00.384. The number since
the war has about doubled.
congress bas gone home, but our
Legislature seems lo be paving tho
way liir an extra session hv not doimr
- - - -n
anything this section Nonoofyo
tricxs, Doysi
$rw Sdi-rrtisrtnrnts.
laeaaiaa. Ulearaeld, ie.
YOtlNU MEM prepare I for eotlra kwetaeaa
IKa. Ibe ealr ieetitatiea la Ike Ualiel
Buloa eielailrale derated W praeteeal bweiaeal
edaeatloa. Hebeet alwaea Rt aaerlew. Stadaett
oaa ee.r at awp ilaaa. IW ateesiar ftwbu Rafl
BertteoAere aMr,. ,J.C.bllTU. A at.
e, e.ewaj ailinaayh, re.
lTritft, TP''., rim.irt. a
T"A " . 4 rwi iu m .
,ff I f..l ,.. rr IUM ntw gaw . TV
VI f be-alttl . t,U -It rr4 $ty eaaai tt rtrrvf- f
W -t rttsM rf Ee-rttf! f tHWsr, lr W
vt-Bmw ii. i i ituaiiitu .m
Fer oM bj U. b. bp
U $U'frtlrmfn.K
Nntioa la berrho given that l.elter r Ad.
Biini'treliou on Iho ailata of JOHN IILUKIt
1,1 Ml, lata af B edvhnhip, ClearSald euuntr,
Pa.. daeraed. hat iaa boea duly (raoled to the
BoderilKneU, all pert , at ladobtod t" aalJ ettale
will plteaa make tmieeiliate pavmatit, and tliore
baring rlaiina ar deataudl agaiott the Mine will
preaent tbeiu proper! autheutteated lor Battle.
KBUlwllboul delaj.
UKOttt'K U. Kilts,,
LotkrnbBrg, Pa., Feb. t, 1870 St.
y alt-ntd wltbft lo glee aollo that the will
opeB a eebnnl la tba Leonard aohool balMlng. Ib
tbia borough, oa tha Brat Mondat is tier Bail
the Atb to oeatlnoo three nontnt. ha laugbl by tna hinder
gertra atrthoil
Trriee fit per Areolar, 19 t'B para on ine am
der of toltnol.
Further liifo'ntlo-i lo retard lo tluliet aad
teruia oau ba bed bt atlliag oa or a,l l-eing
MISS HA ITI ftionnn,
chaw llouta, Claarlleld, Pa.
Feb. II, IS? m.
A llnlTIIH'H KIM'll I'. In tbe Oi.urtor
A CntDtunn Pleaaof Clearflaldeoun'T. No.W
June Trris. IS-S. H Pa.. No J3I, srpt T , 'JS.
Jnhu tivin A Brother! to ura ve. W. C. Arnold
and A lat. II. Iivln.
Tha Auditor aiplatei1 lv tbe Court lo dial rlb-
ute the tiroi-crde erlrins irout tbvBorriff't tale of
the real e-ul. of W. V. Arnold and Ales. tl. Ir.
vin un.ler ihe above writ, will meet tbe iiard'a in
lere.lel fur the nurpiiit or hit appnintuirut, on
VKIliAY, tba itib d.y of MAHOII, IS7V, at 2
a elorb H. M , at bit toice Clearfield, wben aad
wbrra all partiea Interetlud uiar atieo'l.
UbVAH atlf.l.lir.l.b
Peh. , ISrH-St. Auditor.
Sheriff's Sale.
B lrtii of nni.rT writu Af Fir1 F"ri in-
ttiM ant f tb Tonrt of (VmiaVtA plt tf Cnr.
flrltl noun IT e unit In a fiirn-tf, ihfr will 1
hAtynrh ' ClrtrtlfiM. Ait Patnrrijr. Mrrh
IMh IHIO. at I a'pIm b. m., th follow. nt
dtferihod rfiil rtnl. to wit i
Al, mrtaain tt't o groin-l .iut In th v i I
Ufa of Moit'itjid, Hu'Iiiq ioabin, ClrarAnd Co ,
I'., bvclntitf g a tt't cuuthssro buu d-tTT tf Hit
of the puhl.o roi.1, twtfilT t AtrMp trow tbi
north M'trn corner ui &) lot aom by rrnkim K
llrwitt iu J e C. K'ioe; ibrbe Nu.ih l lgrti
Kbi AO fret to WMl i Ibtne H tb 8V d,rriM
mil IV4 tct to fot j tbeni'ajrimiibll degrm wc t
(to iert to t'il t ilit'ueo North at- dtrvM west
194 fart to plooo or bffifmikat, o Moiuiag tboui
one-fourth ot oore, bfiuj t itai tut detie4
hj K MwHtLa wiU U U. Jl. Cr)rlt, and
having i fan 01.0 trwUd Iramo dwelling buuia,
labia, and Othrr outbuilt.. a a. Btlird. tanan ib
iootioo and toba M ai th pt opart ul Wia.
Alio, bj vlru of a writ of f,ri F9it on
Tharaday. Marcll (Mk, IRTO,
At lo'oloek P. al.,thabl),t'sHlt:
AH th lntre it .f aald Dkfaotlaati fa that or
tain real fiUbla titmla abuiit two milai from Car
wrnavtllc, m Pika townibip, Cloarficld ooaftty.
Pa i (Uwrlbed ai Mlowt. Uo4lnaia r a ehvtu
nal corner loroerly tha m i'h a irner of Ua I of
Theodore England ; ibetoa bj laid laad north i
degrcoa wet! 112 (erahci to a maple oa lioo of
wbsvt wai Jobo R'gU' "tata; theooe bjr aald
line foa'h 46 dagnNie west S3 perehee tm m ebet
nut tbe. otfc ooraar of taid Ktlef aetata; tbeane
by taid land aorih 4 dvcretia wett W perobei to
a white oali earner; ihtnee aouth 46 dogreer wett
M perebei to a hemlooh eornar; tbnnoe aoith 8
leffroca aat J50 parehaa to a bealouk euroer ;
ihenoe eoulh 2t deKroricaitfl? perobai to tluoei j
ttienoo ourth AS deitreea aait 331 perobei to a
poilf tbenosj aoath 34 dgreri eaat ISO pnrchea
(o a port; then a aorih 17 degree east 1 .10 per-
ebta to a post i tbeooe Burtb I drgrae ateal 1 1 1
percnea to a Dita pioe flornor ol now or
tormerty af Joaeph Bpeuaer t tbaoa Uy laid laad
north ilk slegreai wec 147 t It pereaa lo an
oak earner i tbaoe atill by taid Hpenoer't land
- - north 47 drgressa won IS per ihe
to a poll ; theatre by land foroerly owned by Ueorge
Beau aorth 44 d-greee wen 10 1 ptr.-hei tA
pnat corner ef aaid Tneodara Kogiaad ( tboaoa by
aid England'a land aa h 41 dtrgreeo eit V2
ptrebej lu theobeinvitoorn(r. fltepiaeeof begin
ing, euoialaiug f4U aerea, 127 perehei aad alluw.
aoop, 're or leee. being pari ot a treat iurfeye.1
a warrant to Niokiltn llriAu, and ka iwu hi
warrant No. W4I, and bar kg i hereon a water
aaw mill anrt itua ihiagie a ill, dwelling huuM
aad aihuildingi. Abiat 49 aora ai tre or lei,
are cleared, baring tfceruoa ittai fruit trat, uud
Teriitqi' improreinxnU A gre-t part ll tiutbir
land, baring ibera a large qiantiy ol r .la tlilv
inne, btukek and o:br liatiwr euitabla
n,irti, ebinjfles a"d olber kiudi ot luiuber
Siiind, taken in t-iecurfan cd tw be told ai Ibt
p'operiy .f J. C.4 J. It. Kmiicr.
Also, that auruia let of gruaal, witb a two-
Hory irnuie dwelling bouse and outuuudingi. an t
improvement tnenrjn, omupiel of etd J. K.
K elier, la ihe Imruayh of CurWelT ile, d eicrlbe4
an fullowi : 6i'iut on the a tut a ude of Slate
itifeu and frualtng oa amd & ale arrevt.
ouuiuienQing at tlte itreet ai a (ornor of to
formerly w-eupd by Jmmn 11. Flowing j theooe
eoulbward y aaid l"t iKtf teet to Hima al.ey
ibeooe weit ward by laid lly feet lo a poet j
thenno aorihwartl lv tet to Hute itruet j ibeaoe
by Biao ll reel aaatward no Teat to tbe plica of
betflanlni. l4ital, u ke la eae-mnea aai to Km
eld ae the property ef J. H. KraUor,
A Mo by vlrtae of a writ of Tt. ., 0B
Tbureday , Hairb I', IbTU, tbo tbllowtug proper J,
to Bit)
Alio, a certain (not of laad lunula Daeearia
tnwnthip, Cket! 1 oounty, PaM bouodod and
ditrrlbed aa fillowe, rli: No. I, on ibe eaat by
land of Juba W. Lal) on ihe north by Und or
M W, Caldwell i on tbe weft by land of Sa-Bpftm.
W alien A Vot aud aouth br Olearflttld crtMb
onatMining 179 aer . with bt aaret elearedp bar
mg a tog n aae ia oy on. urge lug barn, itnall
orihard, and other eutbaildingitborvoa.
Ne. 1. buunacd aad dveeribed aa follow 1 1 On
(1 a eat hy Innda of liaae Kiaith. north hy laaae
er Jau-ei i roe, weit by landiuf Joaeph W. I.ali,
aouth by land of Amaira rvitb ead fimaiff ea
iait, eooUining mtrt ai d allowaooe with 2t
aert CUaivd. with large Unit Mill, large two
lory dwelling bouie 3iS0 with hitobed 1070
and teaant bop I iorlee 11 by 31, w.tb atabie
ana otner (.nioniltiioge I ber eon. Belted, taken
iaeiecutiiia and to bo told aa the property ot
B4raabaa Ara strong.
Tirmi or Balo. The priee or inia at which
tha property thai I bo atruok off ainat be paid at
Ua linear tale, oranoh o her arraageejeate
made a will be approved, otherwise tbe property
will bo laaediattly pat Bp and told again at
tba tipoaao and rub or tbo pereon te wheat U
waa i truck off, aad who, In eaae or deneiaaoy at
neb re-aala, ahall make good tho tano, & la
ao laataBoe will tho Utotl U preMBted im Coun
for oBirB.atioa aaleai tha aioaey 1 aetaalli
paid ta the abort. ANUKaW ffcMZ.jr.,
tfuaHirr urrica, I liberiir.
Claarflrld. . tm M. I?7I.
"I)F;lTKRft NftTICC,
X Notice it heifby given tbat tbo following ao.
oouutf bara been examined and panned by me, aad
remain lied or reeord lo tbia office for tbe In
epeotion of beire, legateea, eredilore, and all other.
Intonated, and will be preaented te tbo neat Or
pbant' Court ol Clearfield county, to ba held at th
Court Hqum. Ib the borough of ClearCeld, oom
menoing on the Id Monday (being th I7tb day)
of March, A. 1). ;
Final aooonai of Or erg Barrett, I locator or th
oi'aie of Hubert Yuen, lata of borne id towa
ibip, Clearfield aounty, Ha., deeeaaed.
Fint aoeount of Joaeph Bhaw, A. H. Phaw and
A. B. febew, Rsaeniori of tbo tale ef Bit-bar
I hhaw, 6t lata of awraea tovothlp,
Clearfield omioty, pa., deaean
Vinal aaennnl of J. f. Oiwald, Adaiiaiilrator D.
B M. C T. A. of the eitate of U Henry Tnaa,
lata of Brady to a-nib ip, ClenrfleU eeanty, Pa.,
The aoaount of Margaret Yaa aad J. t Oawatd,
AdminiMraton or the eiUte ot J.eob nat .
Uto oriliady lewnilaip. C liar Held ooaaiyt Pa,
Partial aeunt of L t. 1111, Adtalnlitrator of
th ettate of Ainoi llile, late ol ihe bomngh of
Lam tier City, Clearfield county, Pa, d.4ld.
Firrt aceoont nr R. & BirebSrU, Admlninntnr
f the let of afnerph BirahHeld, Ul of lb
btirvngh of Cloartlold, Pa . dvoewed .
Final ruM of L D. WeM, guardltn of Theo
dore Wdd, a mlnnr heir of John Wel l.Ute W
th tewmhip of Ueoraria, Clearfield oounty.
Pa., deoaaaed.
Partial aeeonn of Jamet "tPpbeBion, froardfan
of Jane Net, a minor ektld of Philip B. N. ff,
lata of I'nrmtde township, Clearfield oaaty,
Pa deeaed.
Partial noeounit of Lemuel Breri, guardiaa af
L' tnuel Neff, Hobert N-ff end EUa N.-ff, minor
rbiMren of Phl lp B. Neff. lata of fturnaide
towa hip, Clearfield oounty, Pa.( dooeaaed.
Pertlal oeeounti of JaiaM B. Orabam, guard Iaa
r Uanll Kider, JtM,.k Hidr, Henry Blder,
tad Itolomon Hlder, miner beire r Joab Ridr,
lat of CoTlngton tjnthifi, Clearfield Oouniy,
Pa., deoaaiM.
Fioal oeBBt of A. 0. Tate, Administrator f
tbMat of Ktitahetk Miller, lale sf ggi
toeoihip, Clartlid iiaty, Pa , deMe4.
Final aeeoant of A. a Tato, Admlnlnrato af
lb aetata of Je Stone, lata ef 9.igg towa
ibip, Clearfield ouaiy. P., deeend.
PartUI aeronntof A. C. TaU, A ImiaUtrator of
Hate eel Pwell, lat ef Cleat field borough, do
Partial aeooaal of A. 0. Tata. Admialiira'or of
lb eeuuot Pbiiaodar tmitk, la oaf Lawrowa
tewnaalp, Clearfield oantj. P., deoaeaeJ.
Firm partial arBBtf Irampten .ll and t. L
Hoover. AdmiotatratNT of lb atat of N.
lat Urewd tewnabia, Clearfield1
want;, Pa deeoared. I
Hewietar A Reenrder. I
Ct.rl Pb. (braary Itth, II I te. 1
Sheriff's Sale.
ly vlrtM af wrlta f lr( Fm.
I l of the Ceori of Oom me Plena af Clear.
fit oBatrt aad m directed. Uee will
ho ORpoaod ta paklleiale, at th Court Henae,
IB tbe borough of Clearfield, en Tbnrediy, tbs
Itth Any ar Maroh, l7,at I 'leak, p. a,
th following dae liked real Mlaia, M wltt
A eectaia plash from beast tiiaei Ib Kerth
Routt dale, t leaifieid eo..iy, Pa., e t Ne. 374
la th taal of raid twa, wettinoinw at a
pwwt Oa the sjonh-oieei ora f Hee4 aad
JetaBBsWh aveaao j ihM M dgr io ti lo a
pset ibe ae euth a est IM teat t W e
ky j iboe along alley sorth fix degreoa wei
m ta -(( lavtjow Ban at tfagrmm 9mm 14)
teet to tha i4m a k-tfiawiog. lwlsMkU
by Uleee If leetha. tkited, UAaa U aoa.
lion anH to ba M ibe property of Jno, Mai
well, owner or reputed owner, and Patriok 8ha
I nto, lerr-loiil
Alio, a Berlin two ilniy lVm h'xna. iltnat
It (tradf-rd loanehip, fkisrleld eouniy, I', U
I lag elgb ta fttt front and iwnlr eUlit frt
' deep, frith a twttwitory hituhoB, I2tl1 feel, with
lot and euiieUg Hpuitvnaat thereto, bounded
kill deeentM'tl a iohowsT, rn; ui ine o'in "7
letidiof Wltliain Albert A Hrotheri, on th Kelt
br Ian I or Cherlei W. Brgor. N-rih by laad of
I Q. A C. W. Uarffer, and the Writ by publio
roed.ooaiaMiig lu. aorei, B-ual, takeu In -utinn
and to ba mid a the property i-f Iaih
li, Bargor.
V.wrrt.W V -Svt frame dwelling bouw,
I iliuale ia Bradford onbip, Clearfield itouoty,-
Pa , together with ib lot ad ear elege eppurt'
neat thereto t taid bout li twrnty-rigbt loot lu
front and elstbiM-B leet d e(i, with hitvbeo at
tiehed, 12 U feet, and being on tract of Uad
Btalnlng about fit) aart, nunlel by lend uf
liaiah Utrger on tbe North and Wt, anil by
lend of Alherte on th Kart and !ni(h. and al.o
by tlie publio Mad kading from Wtxidland to
Mhaejiviile. 8Ue4, tann In ieoutin and to
bo told aa the property of C bar lei Uarger.
Aleo, a one an I a bull toTf p ink frame
building, filuat in lb village or Itl-irevil.,
t'tvartis-M iM.uuly, Pa., beginning at a point ou
ihe huuib li te t-i HrnaJway aireet in lali village;
tbi-ttue utb tO d-grees Weit 161 feet ' t ,
thfOf Houlh Av degree 7 tniiiui-a .V.t bt teet
10 pool 1 ibnaoo north 30 drgren end 8 uiinult1!
kail Ii0 fet-t lu p'it on Urailaav Mrerl ; ihencv
along laid it not tiutih iV degreee 10 ininute
Weit bit liet 10 place oi beginning, and know
In ibe general plan of laid village a ll Mo. 37.
bVitt-d, tabvn In cieemion add t b aold a the
pn.prriy ol Lewi-euro McN igbt, omotT or reputed
owoer, end J. tt. Lehman, o'Binio'.ur.
Tart m or Balk. Tha price or iuia at wblcb
the propert aball be atruok oil wut Im paid at tbe
tiuie ol iala, or uob tttber arrangeiuenti mad as
will be approved, otherwine the properly will bo
lutmediaiely put up and mid again at tbe oipenxe
and rink of lb pnnoo to whom il waa itru'k oft,
end Mho, tn eaie of dcdeiency at each n tale,
1 hall w aike good Iba ratne, and In no I tula nee
will tke l)tj( be prerenied In Court for eoniirm
tion unlee lb inofey li acuaM pttid lo th
Sheriff ANUHKW PKSTZ. Jr..
8HKnirr'e Omen, 1 Shnntf.
Clmrlletd, I'a.. Fob. IV. 1K79
SherilTs Sale.
BY e.rru of writ" of Fi. F ., Iued
out of Ib Court el Common Plaai cf Clear
field eoantr. and to me direeted, tber will b
ozpoaed 10 PUIILIC flALB. at the Court llooie.
In ihe bor. -ugh of Clearfield 011 i'liuraday, Ilie
13th day uf Man li, at I o'alock p m ,
ibe tolloBriog deienbed real eitate, tn wi:
Tbe following tt entate lit-itte ta Peon Iwp ,
Clearfield oouniy, Pa-, boua-i-1 oa tbe north by
laud of J. W. Hiffvriy, went br Und of Irvtn A
MaberTt y, eact by land of 3'gler A Iteed. touth
by land .f Patriek Kafieny. cuntainleg IHaoref,
mnr or b-ai, with liu( 2!t aerea fiared, aul
bering ibemiO era-ted a email frame ho a and
a lug atabie, being th uodlrldod Interest in the
above trael of land. Be ted, taken in eieruti a
and to ba lold a tha property of li. P. iUfferty.
Alan, the following property af rUwuel Hoppir,
situate tn Osooola b rough OlearRel I oounty. Pa.,
bounded mad deearibed ai fullowi: Two lo't
fronting on Ctl ittvei end running book l."0
fret to aa alley, bounded 4t by Ueoattir alley,
onth by 1 oal eirfrat. wet by lot N . liS north
by Hpruee alley, and known ai loll Not. 322 aad
?2K, and baving 'hereon ereeled a two ftnry
brick bouae wiib bhek kiiehen attached, well
floiehed, rotil boue, fraine liable, and other out -building,
mbjeet to the purobate mony due
Daniel Miller oa lot Nn. tU, bld bf llelrndan'
undor artk-le of agreement. An. Petre I, taken in
raeeotion and lo bi aold a tha property of Herq
uti Hopper.
Al, the renJ ettat of the It r feci ant, rl!uat la
Burnetii towm.hip, Clearfit Id Co, P., boondrd
and deeoribed aefo'lowit NoKb by P. M Urk
nnberry, weal byj, Uurg'in.ler tal, -.utb by
John Korabaub's ettat. eat by JameaUallabtr,
eooUihiog b9 aerei, all eleared, a J thereon
erwted a two itory frame dwelling buee, log
t'aro, grain boo, and other oulbuiidiaga, wittx
a god bearing orrhard. Relied, taken in execu
tion and to taw id as the property f 8aiDu-l
AIM), all lb realeMate of the Defendant altu
at in B-iU townehip. Clear ft Id t-ootT, Pann.,
bonadt-d and deirnbod ai fotlown, to wit : Be
ginning at a h te pineourner, theooe much 314
west 1.10 petotie to apit, tbeooe north Kij0
ea-l one bubdred aad H-eeoiy perches' to a cbeii-
nut mp 11 ng ; in. nee n-utb aat lfl, perchet.
to a poll ; ihenoe toutb -" west 14 perobea to
ihe place of beginning, containing I4J acretaod
41 perobet. with about HO aerea oleared. bar teg
erected thereon a plank bouse (fiItoibd) IA 1
SI with kitchen aiiacbed, an t an old liable.
Srite.1, tken tn eieeuti'ia, an i tn be I dd the
propcity of K7L. Miller.
Alao, all th Defendant' Intereit In tSe fol
lowing dereribrd real clie ritua'e in Cheat iwp..
Cicarlie'd eouniy, I'a , bounded and deoritxv a
follows : Beginning ot a fall. biokory 1 tbeaee
ly lend of II r try Kurd ad otaan north 5J de
gree! ea-l snj errheit a post; thence by in.d
d Dae d Mitchell east TV p-rehei 1 a maple :
thenoe by land of sane north II d-grees e.iai I ill
perohei to a poet , 1 hence by landi warranted to
Henry Mtieitr aud other avu b SSJ d greet east
140 perebei to a post ther e by Iniuls warr-snted
to Peter fiulfia and otbera sou'h ti degreo wait
to4 pcrrbei to a port ; tfaeoo west Ml perukes t
I'lai of Brgluiaiiig, being part of n Urjrer iraat
Warranted to Henry Oulfln, containing t9 acre
and B'lowaBee, hating thereon ereetrd a ten
Hory 'tome bMe, a l barn, aa tewint hou.
on log boa, n lug bam and oth.e onihaildingf
with two hearing robrdi, and baring about 80
aerc cleared, tfelsed, taken in eteemina and to
braold a tbe property of Win. Wwl.
Alio, th following deioriboJ propert, iUile
la Bacteria iwp, CI a-field Co., Pa., bounded eaat
b land of tfatnaal llegaut and Stewart Cowen,
eouih by lnd of tile wart Cowen, west by land of
J a m- and Ueor Oshall.nnt nor-h by land of
Wallace A Hopk lot, containing 1.16 acrei, with
aUHit 40 wore elearwd, nnd haviag lber
enoted atw tory from houHand trmo ruble,
and other oatboil-nngf Hitiml, take Ib ie
tB and te t aold ai th p'Oper-y of Jame C
Also, th fol owing dewjfibid pr prty, iltnat
m l.awrvtioe township. Cler"ell eounty. Pa,
bouodod aud deterlbed aa follows. On the east
hy land of II T halea. south hy lnd of Mr.
llowlea. weet by land or il Brown, north
by Und of Bow tor, ontalning ifi acree,
ore er leu. with about la aero eleared, and
having I hereon ereeled a twoatery from house,
a log bara. and other am th tiding. Betted, lake
tn aaao' tion and to ba old ai ti prop- rty of
Jas. S, Norria
Aleo, a certain town lot situate In the village
of JaoMvtlle, lialieh township, Qlarl!d oouniy,
Pa., situate oa wrnr i.f Main aai Cntlaut Kla ,
fronting fin foot more or leu oa Mai atraet, and
reaaiag a ong Cb. taut atraet Ifin feet mora or
lesa. ta a aitoy. and Known la gener.l plaa of
said village as sol Ho. M, and having thereon
areoted a tweatory frame heoo, wH finished, a
iugtr honse, aubi, buteber shop, and other
oitbuildioga Heiaed, taken in eaouttoa and ta
be euid aa th proparty of Q. A. HeaiiL
Also, tb fallowing dewrlbal mt wot tt 0'
Robert Leech, situate la Pike towa hip. Clearfield
oouniy, p. bownded oa th eat' by laat of D
fcittee, south hy land of D, Kt'tir, we.t hy land
of Wm Del, aorth br laad of Mihigu.oola4
iag iu acres, more r lee, all oleared, with bear
lag orahard. a d baring thereon rctl a larg
two nory Iramo dwelling koue, larfa frame
baB, and other uaibni'diugi. Belted, takes as
eieeulion aad to be sold the property f Hob't
Aleo, the following describe.! pro-je-ty of Wra.
A. Head, situate In Lawrenc township, Clearfield
ooanty. Pa , bownded and deerthd a f-liows ;
1 a tb aait br lands of Klist Read aL al , eomh
by land of Wm. Bpeckmao, west by land of Wm
Hpaokmao and lurmplk, aorta by land of Miles
Head, containing HI aors, mora or laa, with
about tfi orea oleared, baring thereon erenird a
iwo-atory frame bouea, with hit abet, afUehad.
large irame bank barn, aad other oatbaildiagt.
Also, another piece or land sliuat la Lewrvnoe
towaibip. hounded and deeenbod as followit Oa
lb eait by land of Hbrt Porter, lh by laad
ol KrogUaod Mullea.weat by laadnf MoCrarken.
aorih by land or Robert P irter, oooui niag fit
mvn, more or leu, unimproved, aod having
IhwrtoB erected a aaw mill, a snali dwelling
bouse, nnd lie ble. t vised, taken i eieoutioa
aud t bo sold aa the property of Wm A Heel.
A s, a eerlaia t'sit or piee of land sltaate la
Brady lowaakip, CHiailvld ounty. Pa,, bounded
a ike east by ef Ueti. Kaarr. J. and Jh
81 south hy leads f J.-hn X ap tine aad
fcHiabeih Xumpa Ine. a th weet by towoaDip
road, aud en iho aorth by Andrew Mit'er an-1
Milton wollendry, Boiitalning 4 acre, m ire or
1M. with about II) ureelard, aad b haJaae
web tm rd with nine and other timSer. Heited,
tahea in eieratiow aud to bo sold as the properly
or Chart herb. .
Also, following described real etat of
Mary McCraakt B, aitaato in tJreeawoo.1 taahip
Clearfield oounty, Pa , boanded and deseribed aa
tollowai Beginning at a post) tboaoe ouaih bu
degree west Tl fi Ifi perch as tu a poatj ibeeee
aorta a0 degreea wet Ul peretie u a poet j
thn north degree n MJ erebei t a
hlrhi tbene south M degrees eaat 131 perukes
tu plaa of begiaamg, eoouimag aaroe, wita
aboat 44 aer oleared, aa I hiring theroa
eneeiad a log house, two stones bigo, barn and
uibor eatbuitd.uga. Hailed, taken le teati a
and to he H-M a tba property of Jaa. W. Lcoker
aud Mary M4rraha.
Also, tb following deseribed property. altit
ta Burnside horough, Clirfield aunty. Pa.,
bounded oa the wt by Mam etreet. oa the aorti
Ky lot ef Jam He Murray, ia the eait by an
alley, oa the south by other lot of Defendant,
(rooting 7fi feet Main rrt. nnd running baak
abttat HO fort to aa l ay. having a to.airy
frame dwelling Ooaeeaad a atabl thereoa free led.
Bailed, take In eeuilon and lo ha sold aa the
property of A. II. Shaffer, Dvfeadeat, aad Jaiael
Me M array, lrr toaauL
Alee, all that rlai iraai at pioe ef bead oil
aato ia Uwrawwa lwaikp, Cleotaeld owaaty,
Pa., iMinaded aad deribd as fsilUwat Begin
aiag at a poH srar f laud at Janoh Ouliah j
theee weet by .in of Jaeeb Irrla 101 porehee to
a poet 1 ibeaoe by lioo of Mania aad
Thoeaae IsMiea'i Uad 3iw teea 1 1 a float 1 41 pf.
eheenenh ei hie k wry); theaee Bortb li da x reel
east III perabae te a sM thtaee aartw almg
lie of Jaeeb .hi Uad ft perekei p ,
4 weginatBg.eaataialqg 11 are aa 1 lut perok
wtih a boo I k aora altered aad Bade iUvMlea
a- d having tkertxsfl eoot4 a large two atery
frame dwelling houte, large bank bar-i, and ethr
outauildiaga, detai l, tatea in aiteaiiea a4 to
we sold aa tb property ef Aoram ilamphrey.
AM 1, a ruia M or ple af greoad ia lb
hoMugh of Meutodale. hoaadvd aad deeertbrd as
twllewi 1 Boa a sed oa the MertB by Maaaah
4.ot, a th 8 -ath hy railroad, a the Mart by
Weed Mrtt and mm tb Wert by Ul ef JaaM Her
wood, being T lee) Irvat oa Uaaaah rtiwot aad
3 feet dp,ad bar lag thor. erortel a threw
lory irame hotel, know a ihe Cwewuaatftl Utl.
- AIMbrMU aam haewagh, hamadad
oa ibe hurt t; (o of Jeaae Haley, aalae Boaih
hy Mo. M, aa ta hy ieerge nreot, aael aa
th W.4 hy Moyta altwf. aad feeing tosree
W. bvf (raaa ho, kaewa a th Mar.
peeu Uriel. hleoHwlib hop. le, bult "7!"
and other outbuilding. Seised, take in ,
lion and to b sold a iba property af Wmj
Alert, the tot 'owing reel estate ittuti, t a
towniblp, Clearfield ooanty, Pa., being tkt '
diri leJ one third interest of Jam Aa... V
Lstlitts. Atlsiai ta thi in ..7 "
erty 1 Beaalaglapen aumer flaadoi -:
i.nwaUua t tnonoa uy tract la name Wi,,,
lie wart llfiperohe W ituaes where tiiaa l, .
i IIBporehoi to -toaeswherepi.,1,
nee aouth IM perebes to ooet ; thta
for ; thenee aouth l I perobis to poet ; thtm.
IB pen-bra tu a pt) theme nonk U ptrtlM
" V,wt w -giowing, owawiaieg ir Mr,( .
174 perobae, mero or lei, with about H . "
oleared, being psrt oi a larger tract imta,rL!
nam of Rot'l fliewart, p-d frv. w
and wife to Ltliita Adami.rreorded la Wt,,
!6smt In Herd Book No S. page 48, aae kiti '
thereon rreUu a tw-t storv Irame boaw. frt2!
burp, and BeetHMry ontbuildiog. Railed' in,,
in eieeotion and to bo eeld ai ihe pro4rtf f jj
and Letitia A-law.
Tkrhi 1 r sSalb. Tba prie or iut at
lb property aball b siruek off must kt tajj u
Ui tin or isle, or tuch other arrabtrana
made aa wit) be approved, otherwise the proper
ty will b Immediately put up and sold irtUu
the aipenaa and rink of tho fffrion to 1.
aa struok off, and who, in ao tf dt l,i,P, .
euob re sal, shall wak good tbe eaiai, H4 it
no itnuooe wilt tbo ld be presented laCnert
lor eoDhriwaiio anloaa tbe mnney liaeteiliT
paid In the rih.nff. ANiKKW Piij Jr 7
bnaatrr'a Urrica, I Hkriff
Clrfieid. Pa.. Feb. IV U. (
Sheriff's Sale.
Y virtue of sundry writ or IV Lt mf
out of tbe Court ol Common Pleas of I'laa,
tm id Co , and to laedireeted, there will Ui
to public sale, at the Court House, Id thekoreaj.k
of t:Wrfl-M. oa I hiiraday, the Utit da 0
illart-ll, lHl(, t 1 o'c'ora p. D., tbo (ullow.
Ing described r&l estate, teWU:
that earlaln lt f land situate In CWt
field Itor 'Ub Cl-arfild Oounty, P , htmi lt
No. bH, bounde'l the north by Market itne
on lb east b) bt No !, routh by an a) , 4
wet hy all., bing li lt front MtriH
aireet and 171 let duep to tba alley, u e.ik
I lot is ereeieti a two-itorr iraute qwelha DUItt
I aim a bp on iawi with a lar, f(ai t,
l etad of lot. and oth-r o-jwary "at-huttditiBva,
j bVU?d, taken tn executl m, aod lo he , u,t
I property of J . M. Ketileberur.
' Aim, aoertalu tract of land iltuatt io Djta.
Kid township, Clearfield cuoty, la , ntiiii.
Ing about ID0 acre', au'i nr leu. with b,t 'A
rm oleared. and belng -eted thi-reoe a 1 w
mill and ibittgle-mtll at tar bod, with HaHhaf;
boo,iw.i atorin biah, piaith frame sUhltisd
critia houie. and other outbuilding, with inall
orchard, boindt'd at by A. Heck t. a.1 , wwet
by U itlia Kneat, aorth ay M. and liaee Vti
ling, and ow ibe aouih by hcott el, al. Hii.,
team In execution, aad to be aold as tb rper
to of William Urothera.
Also, all that eertain tract of laud sittiiti in
DuUoia City, Clearfield eoualy, i'a,, beunjed
and deseribed aa follow t Bginntag at a pot
iB the publld road Bow calle I Long Mretl
tbeooe r-otith 47 dgree wrvt IHfi feet to aa alley,
thenf iloo 1 eald alley ia a nuthaslcrly irea
tion 83 1 e( toaeornerof Wm. Kriner s lot, thsocs
north 47 degree 1 rest along aaid Kriner lot IM
ftct to vublte raJ. thence along nil road S3
teet to plac of boflnning, nnd bating llaereoa
erected a frame houo two stories biifk, h 1 34
foi-t witk wareronm Ifi I 16 feet attached, fitii
ed, lake, tn rinoutlon, aod to be leiJ ike
property of P. Traory and C A. Barr.
Alio, all that eertekin tract of land rituals i
Knox township. I luarlitjld oounty, Pa., liuidd
oast by land of Ramuel Hnyder, sou'h by Utd cf
fared llluotn, Weai by land of Wm. Wise, avrth
by land of I'titrr Mayr, containing rljf (ity-sic
(fi) arret, more or Iras, with alio I iij ami
eleared, and having thefeo erected a plank
house two stories Liirb. log bara and etbrrool
liuildiniri. 8 i I, Ukn tn execution, aicl te bi
sold as tbe property of 11. B. fibugert.
Alt"., all tbat certain lot ot lsn-1 itote ta Cur
wtnaville boronih, Clearfield caun'y, Pa , b4
rd as fallows: fronting on Filbert arrtet and
running back lo an alley, bat ing thereon eree ed
a two itm-y dwelling bove, atab'o, and othereul.
butidingi. Seized, lakes in elocution, and te be
j aold as the property of U P. McOlure.
Also, a net-tain trait of Uad situate in ForguiDfi
twnhip, Clearfield oouoty, Pa., boon led aad
j deseribed a Mlow t On the en it by Ian. I of
; Joho H. Wii:iauf, mutb by land of aaiae, wett hy
land of Thomta H. Norrie. north hy land of Philip
I M"Crack-n, cooUluitig 0u acrei, more er k,
I with a bo t .10 aoees ol.ared, and baring thereon
a plmk bouie, two eturlei bin, round l hern,
and other outliuiMingi, raised, uk-a In tteru
ton and to be aold a the prop'rirof Juta-j
- Alro, a certain traot of land sito .te in Chef
Inwocbip, Clearfield oounty. Pa , cootaiuinf abnt
oi acres, with about .10 nerei eleared, aad hiriDg
I a m'ill wo-itory plunk frame h oe, k-giae
aiu otner o t'lullilinits, bouO'icd as I -lluwi: Uj
tbe MHt br land of J atnoe Ctirrr, Wtkt by Unl of
John Pnuloyion.nonb hy laadi t J-ie b Littft-felt-rt
and eatb by lands of Joba Neff Kctied,
lake' in execution id lo bo Sold a the property
i'f Staicucl McLaUktbiln.
Alt-o, a eertain plnro of land situate la Ilnra-i-le
borongh, Clearfield county. Pa., oaeororr of
Mead aud Third atroetr, fronting I U feel on Wia
street and running hack IAD fiel to so ater,.
bounded east by an alley, south by lot t '!,,
west by Main street, north by Thirl itreet, aad
known In the general p an of aaid borosh at lot
No. 72, and having thereon ereeled a large two
story bo uee, erellflniabed.
Also, another pleoo or lot of ground sliatte It.
fl uro ride bor , ua corner of Maple aod 4th it net,,
iruotibg on Maple atraet Sg feet, aad running
back I'Vtl ft to aa alley, bounded teat by aai
alley, south by lot of 8. Ilenderaon, wett Lw
Maple reet, oort-i h Front street, and runnitag
ban ICV feet, aad hrin thfrwoo eetoi i
story Iram boa and oeeeaeary outbauldmga
Seised, Uko in etecu'la. and to b a-14 ai tb
property of Jamas Mo Hurray A Bum
Alio, a eertain lot ef gv aa l el.geta la Owrv lux
borough, Clearfield aomaty, Pa , rwiuga eeruia
lot iron ting frt iel, wore or lass, an Curtia aireet,
and run mug aluag (keeatar a ley I Ml Ta! t
Spruce alley, aa4 haown in general plaa of Mii
teruugh aa hat ho, tu. aod htvtag tasreoii.
oret4 a iwo-ttory frame bouse, aeed w a
ktwc,a lr.tae stable, aud other ouib jil-kof-.
Alan, another town lot la tba borough el
Oeoeola, tronnog i,0 teet, more or Waa, oa Curtia
si net, aid rousing bang to Spruce alley linfeot.
aod ha .wo in g-oer4 plan of ead borough a
lot No. JOi, baeiug therous e rooted a large two
story irame bouse, wtih kitchen atuoovd, and
other outbuilding', SoieaeA, taka In eierntio
and ! b aold as ibe property af Tho. IL Blaody.
Aleo, a ecrtaitt lot of groan I altoat la Madera,
Woodward tow nab. p, Clearfield eeaaiy, Pa.,
boanded and deacribvd a lollowa : Being a cer
tain towa lot fronting .ta a at root, and bounded
on tb east by lot uf Jama Moore, eoaih by let
of Reuben Jeffemn, weet by a street, and ib
by lot of luwo I. a get ty, aad haviag thereo
footed a frame bow. tw triea high, imill
barn, aad etboreatbaildiag.
Alio, aotbarloeaf fnABtaitaat la Ma lira,
hounded oa tho east by land ef IT. Lara-, north
By aa alley, woat by lot of ttatauel Hegerty, and
outb by a it root, and ksown in plan of daoff's
addilioa to M 4ora aa lot No. fi, aud no improrr
lueute. Belie!, Uaea ia eieeutUo and to be so kl
ae tau property ul L A. Warran.
Also, a aert-vla p tec of grouoi sitaal fa
Wt Clearfield, Lawrofioe tuwaship, CWarttnid
euuutt, Pa,aundd aad deori4 aa follows :
Oo tb west hy P.rh it rt, on th north by
alley along th hoe of Clear!! 1 Park, oa the
ea t by lot No. V, bebu.giagt W. W . Reus, and
on tbe couth hy Merrell atret, being in ail lJ
red front oa Merrell trot aad teet deep ta
aa alley, aud known is tbo plaa of tho lee l
Weet CUarfield aa Iota Ns. fid, Itf aad 4, aad
baring thereoa ereeted tw frame boa, fteiied,
lakeo ta eieoutioa and 10 be aold as the properly
ot Andrew dbagarU
Also, a ortln trart ef Uad situate la M rr.i
towaibip, Clearfield ooanty. Pa., hegiaain at
rtoae, formerly a whit oak orur thenoe by laad
of A Looser I aouth 2JI perebas to a pmii
ibeac cast 151 p troh t t-i post j tbeai by UaJl
aurveyed t Robert Kataev north 13" Ifip r
ebva to a wall p'a ibeoeoatoag I ads aurre)
ed to tSUpbea Kiugeto, U4 iabtit lo Ihe plee
of begiittting, euBia aing loOaerasaadS' perebea
aud a Hi w.s aec, met eg part f warrtat te LeouaiBi
A kyr, datj I.Htb ol Maroh loir, having 1
ta etearad, and a good frae huua aad irgm
frame bara aud otaarvatbatl iioga thereoa.
Also, the following deaerlbed property of JtMh
W., silot'O io Dsiuar tstwaah p. batiel oa
ib ear by land ef J. B. Ren a ot. aL. imilb aw
load ef Albert et.aU w-t hy leal of t. tee
and north by towaibip line, eoaai-iiiig I4f eee
m re or leas, wtih ah at lUfi la trod aa I aaoor
euiiivattoa, aud bavlag throoa irtnirl iww
fram hoaa, tw etonee high, well fioiibed,
frame itara boo, two atoriea aigb, large lrm
bank barn, wagoo ihe I, aid other out buildings
being earn proiate sold to Jaoob Mock Sy a
ignmentof . P Hoop aod w if, aad rerrd
in Deed Book "FP," pe klfi, e .
Also, all that land at ait la Morriitownihlp,
Ctea-field aaty, Pa . .Miiniag at a fahoa kern
look f thane loath 1ft Aegr, wat lib pcrhei
IB wklto pin 1 thenc north fili degree, weit
filfi9-1Aperebtmpli lhe norths, d-grei,
t US fi I perehee t poet, UeoeeBI degrees,
weai fiff 11 perekee la pto f hegiaaiag. o
alig 4 IS eco aud 14 pore be, m er hwtt
bingprof survey ia aaws ef Jaeae B. Urabea.
Also, that eerteirieof laat attuai la Morris
township, llearteld aalv. Pa., beginning at
epruoe onr then by Oaaiel Mt la pareha,
north degrees, wat lfiO pebs toapieii
ihenoe hy Joba Talor and J' ba Uoast a surrey
l?i -ibe to a 1 la, aoath lidegreee.weil eetner,
i-allwl on the origiaal survey oatb ; theaee aeit
' perobea lo a poal thenoe aorih It Jegren,
east I ti perobea loan ruee port ; lhoesaihiivlM
devreoe. aal 4 porebe t port t lbao aorth 1,
degnee, eaM llu pcrebe tw plaee mt beginning,
oaialalng 17 acres. iiag part ef urvy lathe
nm ef Dartd BeUrag aad Praaeee Jenoa.
Alwt, that arUoaof a eoeuia trael Ijiaf
partly ta Ra.b tewuehlp, Coat'W eoeaty, Pa
and t artly ia Moemi wahip, CUatseld .aaty,
Fa. whiaa lUa Is M .rni t.seb!p, Clrfil4
oaaaty, P.. whole of th aaid ir, bemg de
ribed a f allow. : Oa Ibe aorth by Uad-, let
m niie m u.m:j LM-la, aad a i&s 1" J
aosll lata of 4 kyier, ea the outh ky
land la ib wrraato name af Meory Uraf,
th west by lead, lati af Ureaaor A
talnlng 4a; eneee aad 1-14 ptrehee, m re er lJi ;
beiug pari mt Cbrt.uaa Muaeea Warrant, all Ik
ana fear Iraot ahwh aroavy4 by Prer
rtwam ad wire, hy th Ir freed ml H h D.-ewi'.
lafiff RowirdW la Deed Booh It p.g , L ,
Jawwb Mosjk , ltsd, takes ta tiawiea aai t-i
we aer a iae prupny mi 4 aaoh Meek. I
Tinea er lata - Tho price er torn at which?
tb property ebaU ho otrwoh off mm mm paid alf
ih lime ef sale, ar aoh etkav arraageeaeaU ma-l
a will h approved, etherwu th property 'i
bo immediately pal up end old aaata at lbs ei A
e aad riB of tb pereo to whom H
eUweb tafl. ftaal sah awata. mM AmAmxm al Mrh
raal, ahall mak gwoA th oamo, aad la no)
taeuoee will tbo Iraed ho araeaed ia Court H
iwrt l"l(
eoalrmatioa aalee tb aeoy lo aotoaliy
lb ItberlC. ' AfftMJttt PKNTK.
aastPfg Omoa, I Jrtf.
Cearsal V, Feb. If, U7I.