v MeUpubluatt, tig'f 'r' - Utoaui B. UiKini.ANiir.K, Kiliuir. CLHAKPIKLO, Pa. WKDNISDAT MOKMKd. FIB. M, t. Kaader. If ye went t, keow what la going ot in ike kealneea world, Jnet road oar adreniaine. aelainne. tba Upmnl oolumu In nerttoular. MAXIM FOR THE DAY. No naa werlhe Ilia oilee of Prealout laoald U tllln la bald il if Boasted la. or jpleoed tbara be aay fraud. V "nanr. 1 oonlri Barer bare been rrennelled to tba ele- ralloa b Iba amallett aid of allot of a porioa. " bwerrr rraieoieblo la i.rlvele life, who meal 7 forerer oarre upon kl. brow Iba etaiap of fraod , rt trlampkanl la Ameriean Slelorj. Ne eub- aaqueel acrb.a. bnwavar meritorteaa, oaa waib .wet tba lotlora ol mat raoura. ' Ca.Bi.Ba Faascl. Adah.. X would ralker bara Iba aadoraaaiael of a qaar- tar nf a millloB of tba Anarioaa people than that f tba L-eW.ne Hataralag Board, or of tba Cnm- taieotea .blob oieladed tha faota and deetded tbe oueattoa aa a toehnleelilj. Tact. A. RaapalrKl. Under tba forma of law, Katbarford I) lleree I baa kaoa doalarad Prerldrat ot Ibo Uaitad Uteioe Ilia titla reaia apon dietranrbiaroaent of lawlal eotero, tba felao oeritleatee of tha ratoraing om- eara aatinr eormi.tlr, aed tba aaoUioa el ft oom- Biia.ioB which baa rclured te beareeldeaoe of el. 1 legod fraud. Fur tba Drat tlHia ara tba Amerieaa people owafraatod with tba faot of a freadaleallT' ., alaatad Preelilenl Lot It aot ba oodrrataod that tba fraud will be etlentlj eequloeeed ia by tba ' eounlrr. Let no bour pnea in wbieb Iba or.arpa liwa ia feraouea. , AoeRaalor DaaoCBATls M. C.'s. Oaa hundred jeer, of kumaa der-ravity aoea - BJulated and eonoeotreted late Ballmer, uf ertme. Noror again In Ira hundred eeare aball they have ' aa opportunlie to repeat the wrong. DaNIBL W. VOOBBIBI. 6ome of Mr. Tilden ' Iriaade prepoao la get up a meeting la New York end give bin B8 eer ..likeete ef ebaraeter i'A.la. 'ra... ..... Tli txJilor ol tbo Press will Dover bo annoyed in that way. lie made bio ia Congress. A Walerlbrd .) youth, engaged to a girl, laconically iluserts bar with .the following note : "Money scarce and . girl are plenty. (itioss 1 will giro oji tbo contract." General Hulltir will open bis cam paign lor Governor of Massachusetts at soon as Congrcs adjourn by giv ing tbo Democratic members of the Legislature a dinnor. - A Ftrakoi Motto A member of the Lcginluluro of Kansas baa been cheered by the reception of a amall coffin, iiiscrbwl, ''From the people you misrepresent ; go bury yourself." Wm. 11. Vut.dorbilt but not yet oomo to the point ol saying "Mess you, me children I" in the ease of bia aon Frederick, who married a handsomo blondo widow on the 17th of December last. Governor Bishop, of Ohio, talked aood ihingH to a Sunday School Con vention in Cleveland the other day and ran down to Culumhua for the nighl When ho got lip In the mon.lng, ho found thut bis gold watch and pocket book bad been stolen. BtTTtu Stav Outsiox. Eleven of tba convicts sent to the Western Pen herniary died during the past year. This is nearly double the number that have died there during any former year. . It is evidently becoming un healthy in that establishment, and we advise all to remain outside in the fu ture. Behind Aoain. The Pittsburg Pojf men bare shouldered Tildon tor Presi dent and tho Lancaster Inlelligenctr adopts Bayard. These fellows are al ways ahead in nominating people, but, confound their pictures, tbey never elect anybody. We will be compelled to look out lor somebody, too, before tbe candidates are all taken, or wo can never make a P. M. or Mission. . A Boui.DtB. The Democrats, hav ing ancceeded in electing two of the Commissioners in Armstrong county last Full, have discovered that their liadical predecessors played tbe same game that their party friends did in the neighboring county of Indiana There are about 100,000 more county bonds , out than are accounted lor on the books. . A Good 1 oka The Lancaster In idhgencer says: "Beecherand his viru lent enemy, Henry C. Bowcn, wen. appointed joint executors of tbe will ol an old lady who lell ber fortune foi tho purpose of founding a colored to- male seminary. As Mr. ISecchor terse ly puts it, 'Uowen and ho tlo not sai in the same boat now,' and so neither of them comos foiward to accept tht trust. Give ittoTilton. Grace, Mer cy and Peace I" Too Bad Some cruel fellow, in alluding to the matter, hurls this kind ol a brick at the heads of a few great men: "If Ilartranft won't take tbt Postofllce and misses tbo Sheriffalty, Drcxel, Cbilds & Company will havt to again start tbo subscription papei they put in circulation to raise fiftx thousand dollars tor the ex Governoi because ho left office poor, which war not duo to tha lat t that bia salary a Governor was loo low, but dealing ii stocks was ton expensive." II a! Itranto. The large stone barn nn the farm or Clement Biddle of Philadelphia, near Paoli, was dee trnyed by Ara on Thursday niirht, to (ether with six horses, a number ot lmHirted AMerncy cattle, seven tight hundred bushels ot grain and a complete assortment of farming uten silt the building was insured in a Philadelphia company. The fire is supposed to have been incendiary, li was one nf tbe finest barns in the State. and it said to have cost 122,000, Tbi Yklf of A DisiAOooug. When tba Radical of Michigan elected Zac Cbahdler to lb United Stale Senate, the other day, be, among other things, said : .' You and I will march aboulder to shoulder to rescue from tbegrtspot Rebel genprals and Rubol brigadiers tbe Capital of tbo Nation I" What a bloody boll-doting remark I Yet, Iron) April, 1861. to 1805, thesa Rebel generals ware trylog to get to that stmt place. but Chandler never squealed on that t itnt. ' The fact I, those fellows bod swords and gum in their bandt then ; aow tbey only wag their tongues, as Chandler did then. That It tha differ- aaotv betreon a namber on Soldier Apd a number ona demagogue. CLEARFIELD COAL. Tbo qiia'iilj of a.iy r.itli- Id the surest basis upon which to determine ita ultimate success or luiluro when placed in competion with any other ol ita kind ; and on thia basin, it was long ago predicted, that Clearfield coal would ultimately tako too place oi other coals, aa a generator of steam, and for iron manufacturing purpose. It ia not astonishing, then, to learn that shrewd buyers, appreciating the demand ol tbo markets for a belter article of fuel, are pushing Clearfield coal into channels where it was norer before In domand, The analysis of Clearfield coal shows an average oi about 70 per cent, car bon, and 22 per cent, volatile matter, leaving eight per cent, water, sulphur and loth. The bighent percentage 0I carbon, as per table of analysis made Icy Geological Survey, 174.284, lound by analysis of Franklin coal. One ol the tublo,1)owever, makes an excep tion in favor ot lloahannon colliery, giving a carbon percentage of 74.779, but with an excess of water, ami, and aulpbur. The new Moshannon coal hows, by the same table, 71.199 per coot, of carbon, with a high percent age of volatile matter. We ara satisfied that with careful I analysis Franklin coal will yield 75 per cent, of pure oarbon ; and that Eu reka, Penn, Sterling, and the old Mo shannon coal, with mines on Ooss Bun, will not lack more than one or fro per cent, ol reaching that standard, Tbo Vow percentage of impurities, ia another indication of the value ol Clearfield coal. Franklin ahowa three per cent, for ash, and lest than one ball of one per cent for sulphur, with a trifle more than one-half of one per cent, for water. Penn, Kureka, Ster ling, and Motbannon, approach tUi standard very closely, varying accord ing to condition of r wf or cover. Theae facta should be kept promt nently before the public ; and especial ly should tbey be brought to the no tics nf consumers, whose interest it is to procure coal containing tba highest percentage of pure carbon, with the least admixture of impurities. hen onco fairly established, the superiority of Clearfield coal will be maintained by its popularity and the increased de mand for our products. Oicnla Sev- rilte. AboutClianidOut. Tbe negroes, carpet-baggers and scaliwaga made il lively in Congress a few years ago, and commanded some respect because of their numbers and votes, all of which tho Radical party counted. A few woeka more will close the political career of tbe classes designated, and, like the winding up of a shipwreck at sea, not one will be left to tell tbe story. Tbe editor of tho Baltimore Gazrttr, in alluding to tbe effort made by tbe Radical leaders to keep the ne gro in front, and the boosting of Bruce into the Vice President's Chair, a few lay ago, says : "Tbe appearance ol Senator Bruce, of Mississippi, in the chair of the presiding officer of the Senate the othor day has set a great many newspapers to mot alining. From the slave pen of 18C0 to the Presiden cy of tbe Senate is a big step for tbe negro in less than twenty years, but Mr. Bruce is the last of his race in tbe Senate and it may be some time before another gentleman of Afi ican duscont will swing the gavel over tha peers of Clay and Webster and Calhoun. Tba States of the North in which tha Re publican have supremacy are not like ly to aend a negro Senator to Wash ington for tome year and the indica lions are that the South ha retired permanently from that business. It is really a relief to find a man of color in tho Vice President's chair. Mr. Wheel or is so utterly destitute ol color, is such a shadowy nothing, that evon a man of mahogany huo, like Bruce, ist relief to the eye." Anotiieb Has Fallen. One of the brightest start that has for year illu minated Oswego, New York, ha fall en. A telegram from there, dated the 21st inst., sayt : "Oswego county is in a dilemma. For twenty-one consecu live year Luther Conklin wai her Treasurer, and he was also a worker in the church, and a leader in the en terprises of the little villagoof Mexico, lie died a few months ago, and an ex- pert, who ha just finished investigat ing bis accounts, reports be began to take the county's money in I860, and continued to do so to the time ol his death. Tho aggregate is 1133 810 His bondsmen were merchants, farm- era and tradesmen of the village and its neighborhood. Tbey were frequent ly changed in the twenty one years of bis service, but a tbe liability ol the bond doe not expire until twenty years, they are all liable, and to pay the amount uf the defalcation must ruin almost all of them, and ihat means ruin for the thriving hamlet. Oswego county's dilemma, therefore, is wheth er the bondsmen shsll be prosecuted." Poverty itricken. Tbe plea of poverty is adrnnred lor Governor llartranfi's eager acceptance ot tbe Philadelphia Postofllce. Yet be baa been in office for thirteen years and in the enjoyment of large salaries. For the last aix years be bas bad a salary of Ten Thousand per annum with bouse, furniture and many sundries provided him by a liberal Common wealth. If he Is poor the question Is, what ba be done with all hi money T Just now tha plea of poverty come up from a namber of our plenipotentia rie who are in tha receipt of from 110,000 to 117,000. W are astonish ed that anybody can ba found to take thesa high salaried offices, il their oo- oopancy tend to poverty. If a man was compelled lo take ona ol thesa fat offices, it would ba a mislortune, but as they ara all eagerly sought after, wo advise thosa poor people wbo now enjoy them to resign, coma home, and tarry with their friend. A uxor ed fob Unci. it give us pleasure to notice that our neighbors oi the Journal ara annoyed, because of tbe prevailing "political depravity.' Wall, wbo ha been keeping school theoe many year 7 Of course, you kaow and, no doubt, you will toll your reader fa your next issue, that all tba President tinea 1600, and tba Governor of Pennsylvania during tho tarns Lime, have been Radicals, and tbe fault, therefore, liea witb tba teachers and ttot witb tbo pupils. Pitch into tba former. A TF.HR1BLK EXPLOSION. 8a N FerAACtM, Cui., February 2-. A dispatch from Stockton snys that a terrific explosion took place at half bast 2 o'clock to-day, at tho head ol Stockton slough, on El Dorado street A crowd of moro than two hundred Mrsnna had assembled to witness tbo trial of the now propeller pump sot in the slough and run by a threshing en gine. Those who stood near were prostrated; the body of the engine was blown a diatanco ol ISO feet through the crowd. The dead lay prostrate in every direction, some falling into the alouirh (rum tho bridge. Ten or twelve dead bodies lay on in heap al the northweal corner of the bridge. Others making the aggregate killed aixleen lay strewn dead and dying on the street, blown from filly to one hundred lect. Tba heads of some were blown to tho ground with such force as to break every bone in their bodies. Faoes, bands and whole persons were steamed in dirt, smoko and cinders. The wounded were promptly cared for, and tha doad were lelt undisturbed until tho excitement of the moment had subsided, when they were remov ed to the Coroner's office. The explosion waa the result of the recklessness on the part of tho engin eer. The steam guage roluavd to work, and after the engineer had attempted to fix it and failed, ha screwed down the safety valve and went on with bis work. The exlposion occurred about fifteen minutes aftorward. The wounded number twenty six, three or four of whom are not likely to recover. Many wero blown a con siderable distance and escaped uninjur ed. Tbe body of the engine, weigh ing 2 ,500 pounds, waa blown over the telegraph wire and landed on the plasa. Men are still engaged in drag- ging the slough in hopes of recovering bodies which are supposed to have been thrown into the slough by tbe explosion. Flags bad been thrown to the breer.o in honor of the memory ol Washington, but wore lowered at hall- mast after tbe accident. REFINEMENT RUN MAD. When flowers are used for a mean purpose, il is about time for "grand moral ideas" to subside. To illustrate our idea, we copy from tbe Cambria Freeman, aa follows: "When John James Ingulle, U. S Senator from Kansas, relumed to Washington lust week lrcm Topeka, after having just been reelected by the Republican Legislature, and en tered the Sunute chamber, bo found his desk covered witb elegant boquets, placed there by tome of hit enlbusi antic admirers as an expression of their gratification at bia euocess. And now conies tho newt from the scene of his triumph, that a. resolution bus been passed by the Legislature for the a- poinlmentof a com mil tee of fire to in veatigato the charges ot alleged cor ruption and bribery in procuring the election of said Ingalls, which are de clared to be susceptible ot the clearest and most conclusive proof. Only a few years ago, Alexander Caldwell. wbo had been elected to tha Senate from the same State, and wbo was supposed to ba a marvelously proper man for tbe place, was investigated on tbe same charge, and the evidenco of bia guilt being overwhelming, bo re- signed bi seat in order to escape ex pulsion, lngall may ba compelled to imitate Caldwell' example." Still Beixo Promoted. Next to that of being elected President, Sena tor Wallace ha received from tbe hands of bi fellow-Democratio Sena tor and Congressmen tha highest mark ol respect and confidence that can ba extended to a fellow-ciliien. At a joint caucus of Senators and Mem' bur of Congress, in Washington, he has been chosen Chairman of the Dem ocratic Congressional Committee. The Rariisburg Patriot, in alluding to his promotion, says: "Tha selection of Hon. Wm. A. Wallace aa Chairman of the Democratic- Congressional Com mittee puts the right man in tho right place. Tba services of Senator Wal- lac to bis party as Chairman of the Democratic State Committee of Penn sylvania were of a character that com mended him to the Democratic Repre sentatives in Congress as a man emi nently fitted for the high position in which tbey have placed him. Hit brilliant career as a Senator lias also attracted to him many admirers and friends throughout the country. The Democracy ol Pennsylvania have been honored in this apioiiitment of their Senator to this important place in tbe councils of the party. A Clear Case. The editor ol tbe Warren Ledger moralixe over a past and current event in tbi way : "J. Hill Thompson, late of tbe Limestone Telegraph, is under arrest for moving properly Irom York State into this on which he bad given a chattel mortgage. Ue gave bail in the amount of 12 000. Ho was arrested at 8alamanca last week. We are foaiful tho printing fraternity ia getting corrupt, with all others; and what is to hinder T Hayes is a fraud, and J. Hill Thompson thinks be ia nn worse than Hayes who is a recognized loader. "Tell me," said an ancient philosopher and statesman, "wbo your rulers are and I will tell yon the condition of the people." Tht tendency of the poople is toward trick ery and fraud proceeding from Ilayos. J. Hill Thompson ia not so much out of joint aa tha times in wbieb b lives. He is doing business under the Ilayes administration. It's plain." If any "grand moral idea vendor can amend, or improve the suggestion of tba Ledg er man, let bim hitch on point out the moral. What a Pitt. An exchange say "United Stale Minister Welsh, at the Court of St. Jaraea, complain that his salary (117,000) Is loo amall, and that ba cannot liva on It without serious loss. New, what doe a sensible bus! nes ma do under similar ciroumstan oear u diner curtails expense or quit lli hoaineaa. Lei Mr. Welsh do likewise. 11a no doubt could aend a bandred thousand dollar annually, without half trying- It ia bi duly to give European an idea of Republican simplicity and not oatar to tba folly that grind milli'rns of laborer into! tb dust. Ua bad belter coma home. Aiming to ba mora omamental than asalul, tb country cos well do with out bi sorvioea." H AC. CUAXDUiJl. This nUurious moral cowarl and political knave has junt been relumed to the United Status Senate, by the liadical Michigunders, in the room ol C'hriatianry, who bos been bull-dmcd by Chandler and bis confederates evet since he was elot'ted. But the former has boon made Consul to somu South Ainetican port, in conaidurutinli of his resignation as Senator, and tho lutter lake 1'Jatvr.t. Chandler was a mum" her ol the great peace Commission wbieb assembled in Washington in the lall of 1800, for the purpose ot bring ing about a reconciliation between the two sections, uml thereby avert the war which followed. He did more to bring on a war than any man in that body, and declared thut there could be no peace until there ia considerable blood-letting." This morul coward was never seen on a battlefield, and when the Kuboht would cume near Washington, bo was ulwuys ahead In making time for the tin in North. He has always valued bis personal safety fttr above thut of his country. The wur lasted four yeurs. The award I rum Michigan never took a hand In it, except in plundering lh Treasury, by selling spavined mules and rotten hay to teed them on. Thia arrant demagogue, tbe other day, says an exchange, in his speech accepting tbe nomination for Senator, told bis liadical brethren of Michigan that "you and 1 will march shoulder to shoulder to reseuo from tho grasp of Uebul generals and liebvl brigadiers the Capital of the nation." Thia ia the first time he has offered to do this, although there was greater need of it somo auventeen or eighteen years ago. We will make a bet for missionary pur poses, that Gen. Gordon, or Lamar, can walk up to him and spit in h s face, and Chandler would never resent it. How bis speech will alarm the Confederate ! INSURANCE CONSPIRACIES. Tho latest method ot raising tbe wind by impecunious parties, it lo a cure a life insurance risk on somo in viduul, and when it has reached a sat isfactory figure to knock him in the head or drown bim. Armstrong, who was murdered by Hunter, at Camder. New Jersey, it a case in point, but an equally revolting case ol the kind late ly occurred at Lebanon, Pa. It ap pears that a number of such persons as wo havo described, conspired to el feet an insurance on the life of a shift less fellow named Ruber. A t ier hav ing secured policies to the amount l (20,000 in this way, the parlies con eluded to muke a 'rake, hence, at bat tbey conceived to bo an oppor tune moment, managed to drown Rat her, and straightway proceeded to do mand the insurunco money. So far the conspiracy worked w 1 ,nd would have worked bcltor.had not a person wbo bad been solicited to join the gang, and re fused, divulged the whole affair. As a result, all tho conspirators have been lodged in jail on tho charge of mur I r. We think the insuiunee oompa nies or their agents are very mucb to hlamo in these cases in not inresligal ing more closely thu condition of par ties before Assuming tbe risks. Here after persons will bavo to be on the alert lo learn il parlies take such a deep interest in them as to insure their lives, and further, whether In such an event tbey are sale, from hav ing their mortal ooil shuffled off sum marily, when tbe insurer ba a note to lilt iu bank or i in othor way hard up for money. Danville Intelligencer. Sentence Suspended. ThuSupreme Court, in session at Philadelphia, ba mado tho following order in tbo case of Sheriff Willaims, of Armstrong coun ty: Commonwealth vs. George Williams. In tbe Court ol Quarter Sessions of tho Peace of Armstrong county, No 61, September, 1878. And now, February 12, 1879, writs of error and certiorari are allowed as prayed for in the petition of George A. Wil liams, returnable according to law And it is ordered that execution of the sentence be stayed upon plaintiff in cr ror entering into recognizance before the Hon Jackson Boggs, President Judge of the Thirty third Judicial dis trict, in the sum M 15 000, with two sufficient sureties, lo be upproved by said Judge, conditioned that tho plain tiff in error prosecute said writs ol er ror and certiorari, and lo abide tbe or der and judgment ol tha Supreme Court in the promises. Per Curiam. Giohoi Sharswood. The Nixr Omk. A Washington letter writer says: ''It seems to be taken fur granted that Mr. Hayed bus tendered tho Gorman Mission to Rev. Joseph Thompson, for some years past a resident of Berlin. - During his resi dence in Germany Mr. Thompson ha" delivered lectures on American institu tions for the purpose id diffusing a greater knowledgu ot our customs and educational facilities. Mr. Thompson, who is a gradual of Yale, is a son of Philadelphia merchant, and was one of the founders ol the New York Inde pendent. Of course, ho is writing a book. It is an essay on the ' llubits of the llootlle-htig." From the law now being enacted in Germany, it is evident to our mind that Thompson has not been a successful diffuser of 'our customs," because Bismarck is drifting wonderfully in the other direc tion. Jail Bird. The annual report of tha Warden of the Western Peniten tiary is before us : Noenher is prle-.a le 1T SSI Na'sbar teeotved during ISIS M . 117 Total .,.. . 1,16 Perloaed by lleyee II Petdoned by Hartraalt 16 Ripiratlt-a of eeatee'-e T Dlaekarged ky eommaletle Plerkarard by ardor af t. oaiC M I Illeeaari.d by deelk. 1 1 I4 Namber eoaterd January, l;, at follawa i White mtlea .. T.U White emeJea-...H.. ..,.. IS Oolurrd mal.a. ... SI Oolered leaaak a. ,.-.-.. H Total Tbis show a loss of eight during lha year. A Rosy Lawvm. Mr. Belva A. Look wood, the female lawyer whose admission to tha bar of tha Supremo Court of the United Slate wa author- lied by tha bill which passed the Sen ale, placed on tha desk of each Sena lor who voted for tba bill a small boa quel of flower, and on th desk of! Messrs McDonald, Sargent and II oar, wbo advocated it pM-egs, larga bas ket of Sowar wera placed. BAYARD TAYLORS FIRST (WX Until Bayur.l Taylor's death hardly any of hit friends knew that ho hail been twice married, most of them learn ing the tact fur tbe first time in amc ot tba obituaries, A Philadelphia cor resHindent gives many particulars ol tbe first Mrs. Taylor. She was a tann er's daughter, her name Mary Agnew who lived Dear the poet's home, at Iveiinett Square. She was a comely, delicate girl, and bean imaginative, romantic. yo.b( vxl.. "'V robust, ami disinclined to manual labor, believing that he had a career before him. The two met and lell in love in the usual eKiulimuiilal fashion. .Nobody tb'uiglii il would result in anything, and Mary's. parents uiu not wiali thai il siiouni, lor they regarded young Taylor - a - Iieamy, unpractical fellow, who would never be able to take cure ol a wife. lie was engaged, however, at nineteen. ml alter ba bad returned from annum ud published his "Views Altxn," bis rural Iriunus were very inoiul ol tiiiu, and tho parontul Agnews looked most luvoruuly on bis suit. 1 ho marriage was long deterred. 1 bo rn-tic giMsips said his reputution and knowlvdgu o he world bad partially cured linu ol his boyish affection, hut he still saw Mary irom time, to lime, anil urove ber out one raw day in the lato au tumn, and she caught could, which brought on consumption. V bon it be came evident that she could not live, il was decided thut thev should be mar- ried, and thu rose from her bed by an effort of will, and buoyed up by excite ment, wont through the ceremony. She then returned to her bod, and nev er quitted It again, dying aix weeks later in nor uusoauu s arms. Mio was buried at Longwood, the name ot a meeting-house and grave-yard of the 1'rogreseive r i lends, in Ulicslercoiinty, twenty-five miles from Philadelphia. There Jiayard laylors remains will be laid, along with those of othor mem bora of bit family. Before tho civil war, yearly meetings ol the Fikmds used to be held at Longwood, and auelt men aa Garrison, Phillips, Wbitlier, Fred Douglas, and Robert Purves took part in tbum. Receptio of Bisiiop Foley's !!- mainsat Baltimore. Bali more, Feb ruary 23. 'I he remains of thu lato bishop Foley, ot Chicago, reached this city early this forenoon. Tba body was met al llarrlsliurg fiy a delegation of Cat holies from Baltimore. It was accompanied Irom Chicago by a guard ot honor consisting of twenty-one ch r it) men, including Very Kuv. Dr. J. McMillan, vicar ol the Diocese ot Uhl cago, and twenty laymen. There were also two nistera ol Charily and two Sisters of Mercy. A large throng had assembled at the depot before thu arri val ol the train, but out ol respect to the wishes uf the lainily of the deceut ed there was no processional display. I he body was removed from ihedcpui to tbe residence of the mother of the Icccascd on Mulberry street, near the Culliedral, where it was placed on a atatuliitie in the front parlor. Unit intimate friends of the family were permitted lo view il daring tbe day. Al an early bour to-morrow morning the remains will be removed to the Cathedral and laid in state to a! ford an opportunity to all who dosha lo view them. At 11 o'clock a grand reqiniiin mas will begin with flight l(oV. liisbop Ueeker, ol Delaware, a- celebrant. Right Rev. Bishop Keune, id Richmond, will also lake part in the ceremonies. 1 lie panegyriu will lie pronounced by tho Most Ruv. Arch bishop Gibbons. Thu burial will be made al Bonnie Brae, the new Calhe dral comctrv. A Good Iuica. Wo notice that the Warden of the Western Penitentiary, in his annual report for 1878, remarks : 'From tbo present outlook, 1 think we are fast approaching the point when the counties will be relieved from any charge for th support of prisoners." Our penitentiaries have been a great burthen upon tbe tax-payer of the State for many years, while tbe aamo establishment in othor State hav paid a revenue into the State Treas ury. Why our officers cannot adopt a similar programme is what boa pur. tied u for many years. Ifaponiten tiary in Michigan can keep tbo prison er on a high-toned plan, and annually pay into tbe Stale Treasury tho mm of $20,000, why must our State Treas ury be charged 100,000, and the coun ties with a similar amount, lor treating and supporting prisoners no belter than they do in Michigan f What yields a revenue in one Slate should produce a similar result in another. That is our viow of the can. "Matt." all Hkiiit. When it was announced that the Legislature ol Wis consin had eleotod lion. Matt. U. Car penter to the United Stales Senate, all the third-term backers set up a yelp, claiming him for Grant, Senator Carpenter, in a letter to a friend, ao nounces that when ho return to the Senate ho will not train with the Chand Icr-Logan crew "if Iher are what they wore in old timos," but will be an in dependent Republican. If Cur, enter help the Grant crew when he gets buck to Washington, wa will be sur prised. He is one of tho most emphatic state tights men in the Northwest, and, ol rourso, cannot train with those who have no respect for that doctrine, and in effect practice consolidation and usurped power not granted by the Constitution. Thr II lATuiff on Tup. For 6ft yi-ftnt, the Americun ntHlwrnun (,u tored at th doors of tba ''Ili'iUrVn Cbinaman'Mortn AuJience, and tin ally uecootltid, ihrongh a MatMucbuMltM Yankee, namud Burlingame. in obtain ing a treaty, allowing ua to impom on ibe heathen aa much aa we pleased. Tbe "aid heathen took ua at our word Now. tbe Chrirtiian turna around and dub an the heathen from coming to our nhorc. The treaty which we clam ored for la Mill on record. In It not enough to make "tba heathen rage" orer what the Cbrititiana are doing at WMbington abrogating eolemn treaty, aa between nationa, by a aim- pie aot of Oongreas? Legislation of this character in Kurope would pro duce war. What's tub Matter? We notice that the Sheriff of llagerstown, Mary land, traced r noted burglar Into thia State a lew days agfl, and naturally re paired to the State Capital to procure a requaition from the Governor for the arrest oi the cTimioal. But when he turned up at Uarnaburg, neither the Uoremor nor the other t)cad of bit department were at home, and aller waiting two days fur tbeir appearanoe, the bird took wings and lew away, ToWAftD IlAaBAftlfiat. A bill bas passed the Missouri Uoose of Ropre suntaUvue mak ing rape a capital offence. Tbe Bl. looia RyuUtc argnoa from tbis tbatr we are going backward, bat it doesn't seem so whan ate are lakao to fittingly paniah ona of tbt moa or nbU erloaea knawu. ' DinicToa or mi Mint. lion, llora tio C. Burebard. who has been a Con gressinail from Illinois fur the past tun years, was apsiiuleil Director of tho Mint in place uf Dr. Lioderniaii.de ead, on Fiiday last by Mr. lloycs. Thure was no sneciul reason for this appointment, either In tho fitness of I he appointee, or Ins rlaiina upon hispariv. 11" I' a very slow man, illi no auiiiinlairalivo amniy, suu n nl,Wa, no mole about the science of coins and coinage or about metuls than the average Western lawyers, lie is thoroughly lioni'st. am will navu tne confidence ol every Uuly, hut he ia in no other sense fitted fur tbe position. Ho has shown a very warm sulo lor Haves, find has therutorediauleasod the turgor body ol bit party In tbe House, but he has hi reward. A Pluckf Woman. Mrs. Clara S. Foltz is a ludy who is practicing law in San Francisco, and who, judging fruiu report, has gone about ber bust ness in a practical and reasonable man- ner. Shu is described as silling in ber office at a table covered with legal works a bright, lairhaired, rosy-teat- ured, uhecrlul, matronly woman, neat ly attired in a dress of dark material, over which was worn a mosi non-juui ciul checkered apron. To an inter viewer she said: "There it nothing lobe said about me. I originated Irom lb cradle, the wash-tub, tbe sewing ma chine, and tho cooking stove, . I have educated myself and am now trying to earn a living lor myself and little ones by practicing law, and I mean to suo leed, and thai' all ihoro is to be said of me." Banished Locally. Ei Judge 8. Newton Pettis was, week before lost, confirmed by tho Senate as Minister and Consul General to Bolivia. This nomination had hung fire for several mouths, but al last the agony is over and our old tnends gels bis little sop, in suite of opposition al home and in Washington. The popularity of Judge Pettis in Crawford county is unques tioned. He can carry her primaries whenever be tiio-" ti do . nonuing him to Bolivia will give a great many little politicians, in his parly al home, mure room to spread themselves, and as there is nothing 10 do in Bolivia lor a Minister, except to draw the aalary Judgn Pettis can do it just as well us anybiHly. The hieb minded and tbe low mind edoomein contact without mixing, like oil bud water, jUrur tlirrtisruiriits. WANTED. 100,000 S1IWLI) SIIHCLLS, Kt 8. Uoinihurg'i lirotMrj ttor, Mn ttrtxt, Clt-rtlrlfi. IV jM. 19, '79 tf. SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP. freer l.aws,sse rrttla wild. It ta the moat son ninr mi,.) rr aeiruiin, roi.na. c-nnl r, IIOellNKSKtM. ami nil TIIHtlATand 1,1 u dleeaMM-o. 11b. lren III una for S, o rreruru- Oou tore n"-tmniand It. J. T. Tniii, l.nna r.f)., III., ..v. : " il Mt mi two.hlldran ITMn th. atem." A. L. Siaafl., or lUltimot., aid., alao ''II en r,,re lha want rih imm.diai.lr." Take aMO welter! rrlr. SS rvnla. ltd renta. ent Sl-Oa per buulf. SUlLal.lJyACO..r..nilaaauaa,rl Far eala by U D. Bpaokmaa, ClearSel, Pa. NOTICE TO PAKKMTsWrbe aader alrned wioaes to sire aoiioo that aha wil o.ea a ei-bnol iB the Leonard aehool baildin. is tbke borooajn. on ttio Irrl Monday Is Atay Ben -the atb it a .attnae three Breathe. Terme M per areolar, ta ba said aa the fret day of rehool. Farther Information In regard lo studies aad term! can be had by eallleg oa or ail Iteming HISS UATTlh HOOKK, Shaw lloaae, Clearleld, Pa Fab. It, IMS Im. DMINIMTRATOtVN NOTICC-Nodoe le hereby fires tbat Letters of AdaaiBis ration oaj Ike aetata of JOSHUA WOOP, late of Morris lowaabtp, Clearleld Co Pa., dee'd baring beaa duly granted to tba anderaigaed , al pereene indebted lo aaid estate wilt pleaao make Immediate peymest, sn4 tkaea karlag oieltaa ar maada egeinel tba aataaa will a re.ee! them prnperly antbeatloaled tor eetliemeat wtlba deley. WIUON UOOVIR, Administrator. Kylaruwa, Pa., Feb. II, UTtl H.0 nCURESn HUMFHISTS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS tmrilm twrtmm ty year. KvrrT where wrmwHk Uf m-t APR. IINILK, ttXNMll'AL4 KFPICIKWT Ktrttk-lntM knw.v Tkrj ar Jut wt.aU tbe aaaala want, aanaa tlaia. aaai alrknmo aaa aHObrlnar. Kvrrp alna;! S3 prrmfi in wm inn aa caUatat aavatclaa. Koa. Caraa. Oai tFcTara. OtngaHkm, iBilttmatdMa, . . Wnrai, Wuna Faver, Wuru Co le, . I Y7ln-Ur. ar Tecthtag of Infaala.. i. Dtarrhora, of Children or Adtiiu, . , I, Dyaratcry Oripiag, BUluna CjUo, . . t, f liolr raMorbii-, Vomiting, . f. nnarha, Oolda, BroacblUa, ft NruralKla. Tootharaa. Pararha, . . ft MrndarhiNL Pl-k lliiarb, Vwtlga, . la Dyipratala, VUinaa Slirwiacn, , , . . Jt. atuiiiireaaed, or Palnfnl Pertoaa, , ia. irniira, Kio rminN rernai, . . II. C roup. OfMiffh, Diffkalt Bmthiac, 1L fcnll khrnm. KrtlDlu. EmtML av mm rcissis, , mirh, Diffkalt Bmtbiac, ML Rbeuaaatlaai. Khrornailc fauu. 16. VrveranM Amir, chili favar Agaaa, . 17. mra. blind or bldlnf 1ft Optii balmy, and Bora or Wrak Kyaa, , 19. Catarrh, acata or chronic. Infloanaa. . 9ft M'hnwpln! ouarta, violent ooagaa, , tl. Anthma, opproaaed Braaihtng, , . . n. Knr Dlirharvra. tmiaalrad hrarlaa. . n. Mrrafula, ralartrcrd vi.na. Hwrlltora. it. (.rnrrnl mbinty, i-nyitcai Waal t llroo-dv and acantv Snrftlona. . tM. araiatfknri, okkiK-a trvm rMlag , 17. lalilwv..raf. tiravol ta. Nrrvwita litalllty. Vital Wvaktwaa, I 00 ia. nnrr nnuin, t;anacr, an 10. I rlnary Wrakna,wrttlirf thabad, H 11. Palnlnl Prrloa, orwlthnpatramta, . . M It D iruor al Hrarf, palpttallraa,Me. . I 00 M. Flillritary, Hiiaama, bi. Vltn' I)a.Bca, . 00 M. Ilihthrrla, nrcmtiataralhrnat, . . 80 U. IJtrattlrtnTrtlaaaandaVaptloai. afi FAMILT C1SU. Car Worrvo. with abort 8H larira rlala aad Manual ol dirw (ona, I .) Cane Morocco, of lb vlala aad Book, a.M Thrf rrtnrrltra art nrntwy 1h ra alnalr bav or vial, ta any part af tha rMiniry, frr mt caarvct aa receipt af Rrlrr, A l't ra iimthiy'HonirwtTthlrrtlnara. OttKf turl lit it. lOli Fuller H. N-w York. for NHlr by till nrntrartata. Hunijihrnyw Bperifio Kanaal oa tha oare and t reatmont of diaaaoo aad Ita oaja. aant VUK& on appUoatioo. Par aala by f . It. WATflOT. CWfWId. fa. Tl F.f:lTRRa MOTICR. ft (fotlaa la haraby aivaa that tba following aa aoaata bava baaa aituataad and paaaad by a.a,aad raaaala Had ol rooard la tkil oOoa Tor tha la paelloa af haira, Ufataaa, araditora. aad all atbatt iatoraatad, aad will bo prnaaatad to tba aaat Ot- abaoa' Court al OlaarAald aoaatr, to ba hali at U a Uoart lloaaa. in taa aoroain ot llaaraeid, aoaw mrnolna oa tht 81 Moaday (balng tha 17th day) i aiaran, v. inra i Piaal aranaat af Uaarga tafratt, Ixaaator af Ihf atata or art loan, lata o aaraatda taaa hip, Claarlald tkiaaty. n daoaaaad. final aaaaaot Joarph Sba, A. H. Hhav aad A. . bhaw, Kirautora of tha aalaio af Rtoh art Hhar, Hr., late af ' awraa toaaabip, CltarflaM oaaoiy, Pa., 4oaaaad, Ptaavl aoaoantaf J. P. Oawald, AdralalfHralnr D. B R.C T. A. af tha aalata af 41 Banry Tana, lato ol Brady to on flip, ClaaraaU aaaatj. Pa., daoaaaad. Tba arooaal af Marfarot Yaai aad J. P. Otwald. AdaainlMratnn af tba artato of Jaaob Voat, lata af Brady ttwaablp Ctaarf aid aoaaty, Pa . Staoaaad. Partial aeooaat nf 1 D. Bila, Adaialatrator af tho aatata of Antoa Hi la, lata of lha aoroigb af Laaibar City, ClaarSald aaaaty, PS-. Baaaai Ptrat aoaeaat af I. M. Blrohiald, Adajlatatralar f tba oataU af Joaaph Birahaald, lata af tba boraugb of OlaarSald, Pa, aaaaaiae. Pinal atvxint af L D. Wald. nardlaa af Tbat' dort Wt)iJ, a alaar hair of John W.IJ, Uta af 1 tba ttwaablp of Baoaaria, CtaarBaM aaaaty, fa., sieaaaid. Partial araoaa af Jaaiat Strphaaaaa, nardlaa of Jana Naff, a aiaor ahild af Philip 0. Naff, lata ot narniiaa towBiaip, tiaaraaid toaaty, Partial aaaoaati af Laanal Byart, faardtaa af , liaal JS-aT, Robart N.facd iiitaa ,w bildraa af PbHtp B. Naff, la, of ifarailda tatraahlp, Claarlald aoaaty, Pa , dafaaiad. Partial aaooaaU af lan I Orhw. auardlaa af lanlal Rtdar, Joaaph Mid-r, Haary Hidar, aa i-aiaaiaa aiaar, aiiaar aatra ar Jaaa aia-r, aw af Jiagiaa aaaroahip, Cliailala aaaaty, la., liaaaiad. Flaa. aaaiaat af A. 0. Tata, Adalaiatralar af tbaaataia of Kiiaabath Millar, Uta of 9 & taaaaa, viaaraoai awanty, ra Saaaaaag. Pinal aaaaant of 4. 0. Tata, Adatalatrataf af taa aatala af Jaaaa Baaaa, lata af tf tf txra abtp, ClaarSaaaatp, Py Partial aeaaaat of A. 0. Tata, AdalaMraaor at? Saaaail raooM, lata af Otearftald aagb, eo rental oeooeol ef A. 0. Tale, Alaalalatretar sf tka ealaleat rbheeaef lank, at eef Lawraaaa w..iawivawamieaev, re e. fieri rarUal areeaatal ItamaM AMI aa4 I. tV Haoear, Aa,laietrator ,1 taa aatatoat aa. AMI, Uu af lete.aweea' taBabia. fyuiafBalii aoaali. fa- luteal. - la. al , aVajieaara amiaaawt' Caaae.!, rax lekraar, area, tUI-ea. flftr dwtistmtnts. IlallTONH SO HI E--t iWr-wt-i' rn.H. PUeiafl'learflalilo-BB'v. no.ee Junt ne Term. 1ST. M Fa., N MI.KeM. I . Tel in I Jnha Irrln A Irothrra to n.e re. w. o. Arnold and Alei. M. train The AaJilor abpolaled he the Court l eMatrlh- ate the proeeede en.ia Iraaa theShent e aaie oi tha reel e.ti ef W. C Arnold ai.d Ales. II. If ris sailer the alsira writ, win wee im per-i-- tere.tol for the par-.lMf b eppmBteMl, aa vunnY. Ha eia d.r of ajAKUll, '. I tl-a Hi o sloth P. tl ,at kiei-ftee In I'Maraeia, wbbw u i .it ..., fhtereated mar atiea l. ' OSCAR MITCHELL Fab. It, 181 It. Auditor. CAUTIOK. All peraoaa ere her.hr warnrd eaainat .urobaeiua; or in a7 war aiadullnt with the fol..winx pr-pertr, unw in po.aeeaion el John l.rone, af Ured! lowBahlp, rit 1 use dart buree, I rar aaare, I aet double baranar. I two btao aa..a, I parlor e'oee, I log ebaiaa, acres whal la the aroun.l. i bote, 7 VI- and s eriee eat aew, aa lha ane waa purebeeel be iu at kerif a aala oa tbo eOiu da; al Nooaauer, lI, aad la lall wi'h him oa l.iaa only, aal.joot to in J order at aa; lieae. AllRArJAM HhUlflUlNO. J.J.raoi. Lite, Pa., Feb. a. ICS l. (1AUTHIN All persona tra her.br weroad J aialael purebaain( aa ia est way eeddlie( wiia the lul lowing properly, bow is tbe poaeoMien ,.t Tbajae W. Grant, af Bkerthaua towaakip. rtl 1 Two boraea, doable baraeaa and woe, obalaa, aprrada, si-ck-yohe, two hoe;', tb ee eowa, fuar aalvaa, three bed, twa etoew, all ebeira, one la bia, ona eupboard. aae eloue, one Iron kettle, all forming Implements, una Unnlng aaill, all boeae bold aad kliohea luraiture Tbe loregnlag prop arty waa purcbaaed ay aae at private eale ob the I6tb day of Pebraary, end I. allowed ta rraseia ia Iba poaaeaaios of aaid Thmae W. Ureal ea loau only, eubjeel to my order at any time. L. W. HANDXRS Drihwood, Cameron Co.. Feb. lath, 1M ' English and Classical Thia takool fill (dm in iU UotitrJ Ort-J go. 0l bill Id. Of. VlM.ra.ttt4., I-., M Ap V, aaatii saaliakm tlllrlB VaWataT. CliWMliOirgiiiiuUn)! u i.-it.Rving, lit ba formed. Tborvuiih Mtrfilo will W given. TUI1 ION. CMB0 BrMieb .- 9 IligtW EIUbnd Clariisi B. 0. . UI'rN.iMAr., - - r.o. HARRIS. ClHrlld, Pft., Jui. IS. 171-11. None Butter. ITom Choiper. II V rI for tl.OO Strong1, vigorous tuti WU gTOWB aTAAUiliS, I Saaea, or 10 Oaranlneaa or IS Faeh.iaa or ts Verheaaa or li Pan.ira ar le alngle retaiiaa or li keakrt aad IVdd ng planu or li Culeoaor II lleliotottpea or li Chryaaalhemum. ar II "'al io., or IS Uoehle Takeroao Bulha la' Il sd or II Finale Ba h.Jjl of aaeh aolleetiOB)I.OU it halt able tllerllon 71 Pltaia and name wnn New pare while areretum (blaaohr) added li " or the ehole eullenoa af lid eh'doe plaat. and Balha with a plant nf Ageretom tllanche er tbe New f oat lei Hoae Oeraaiem (Mra. Taylet) added .M Wa faarantae eafe deiirary by lawreee. I ar Printed Cimtiar of Flower, for Everybody "sont free." Harry Chaapcl, FLORIST, 290 West 4th St., Williamsroit, Pa. Frb is, i;s St. ItJOVR.VF.n ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VALC4RLI REAL ESTATE I Br vlrt.it of an oMer iaaad out nf iba Orphtoa (tjrt af rnramon Plaaa of Claarflald aoantjr, Pa., tha aadrinal Admtntatrator af lha lata Wta, til-an. doaard, will oxpnaa ta publ a aalt. at tba Court Hour, ia Cl-arfli ld, in aaid eodnt, oa Tt'E.IDAY, WARH I8TH, I8T, at i o'olookj p. m.. all thai eartaia farm or trait of land neantlr oeaplrw1 by tba daa'd. aljolalng a tbo aaat by land nf Wn. A. Bl.wta a4 Daniol Htarr, oa tha math by littla Claarnald aaak, oa tha want hv landa of Wm. H.tSmlth. nn ibr aorta by landa af Furaatar Blaooj aad Naoet Curry, oataiaing lli ACRIS. MOKB OR LR3, Abnat forty aoaa of whlab U tlaarad and andar oultivatwa, having tbarooa oraotad a frata Jwall lag boOM. lg bara, apnag hM aid am ok a baa tagfrtbar with a aaaring aiobard -f frail (rata Taa aaiaprorod parti a U eararad with abiu pina,oak aadaoailack utabar. aaailj loatod ta marbot. TIRM9 0P SALE. Oaa- third of tba pare h km aioaay aat ba paid apoa asjntr.aati.ia af aala. aad tba balaaot la aaa yaar, with tntaraat, U ba aaearad bj bond aad aiortgara aa tba prataiaM. rOKKSTKR BL"OM, Maw Willpart, Fob 19, 'T9-4t. Adn'r. CENTRAL State Normal Ncliool. Eighth format School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co, Pa, A. X. RA UB, A, AT., Principal, Tbi School aa at prtaaataaaiiltatad. ofaratba vary boat faailltica for Prafaaaloaal aad Clarwal i laara inf Butidinra mneioaa, Inritloc and toaiiaodlona : I oaajplataly baatod by at aaia. wall rtntnatod, and I lurui-naa wua a aoaauiai aappiy al part watar, mil aprtrg water. burnt too koai-brni aad aary of aetata. Ha rtuoadi nf aaaaary aaaarpaaaad- Traofaara asooriaaovd. ilc ml aad alira to thrlr work. j DiM piina.flnBbatktad anlfartjaad tbereugb. Bipvaaaa daratt. I Ffty avail a woah drdaotUa ta tbt araaarlnt 1 to toafib. I Stadaata adtalttad any tlaa, UtaraOwof atndy proaoribad by tba Htata, I. j Modal ivib-al. i. Prtparatary. lit. Klatata- Urj. IV.Baiaatila ! auuacT CoattaB : I. Aoadaaic. Jt. Coaiaarolal. III. U.iio ! IV. Art. i Tha Kleaaaatary and Biltatll aiana art Pm 1 faatioaal, and aiadtnu aradaatlna tharaia ratal v a rfialt Uiploanoa, tunfernng tba toiluwiap; aurraa ponding naarvaa: Haatar tf tha Ba.aooa. Qrad- uataa ia iha utbar ooaraoa raaalvo horn at Cartil eaiaa of tbalr attain hmoU. aigao.1 by tbo Patalty. Tba Prnlaaaloai aoaraaa ara libir.1. aad ara in thorongbBta aot iuiarior to tho.a tf oar btat a"Hf(tef. Tha HUtt rrqa rta a hifhar arlar of altlaan hip. Tht tiaiaa daa.aul it. It ia aaa r tha prima ubjajta f tbia aob- 4 tt balp tuaatart II bj lurnUblug taiatligant and afflulant taaehra lur bar a h tla. To thtt aad It aoUettt yaang pr lrti at gHrd abiliilaa audgiad parpwaaath itt wha dtairt to laiprart thair tiaio aad tbair taU aau, aa atadrata. To all aavb tt pr tvltta aid ia dttval 'tlaf thairpowara and abundant opp.rta aitiaa fur aali paid labor a itr loaviag ttb i ! Par tt'alogut and larai addrtaa ttia Piiaoipat. B. U. BALL, PrttidtBt Board ol Ttaitaai. T. C. IltPPL. Pterttary. BOABD OP TR' fcTblald Oliatoa aoaaty.-B D. Bait T C. Hlpptt. Dr '. U Bart.. a, A. H. Baal. Jaanb Bn-wa, Wilaa Ril or, A. If. Kaab. W. W. Baahia. R . Canh, I vana,t amiiing, n. at atcatwra, u. t Dtaffaanbtth, A. C. N-.ya, a R Ptala. (atra hi-nv. a tt. Cartia. fHaailaldEt Wm. Blghr. Alb- Charlta M. barky. Look Havoo, rab J. 7a If SherilT's Sale. Br rlrlaa af emsrj wrlu 1 SVeH wesre la- aaes asl el two uoart el licmaans flea, of Clear- lei eo.ely, an le aaa olreeiee, ibera will ka aiBB.es la Mbtte eale, bi ibo C'owrl Hoaee. Is he noroafk of Ck.rl.la, sai ISBtwrelaw, Mart ltk. IMS. el I e'eloek aa, Ike (ollewui. aeaerioea real eneie, ra wil I Alao, a oertat. lot af froaaa etlaate 1 Ik. rl lafa.1" PaalelS, Ua.l.a leweakle, Oleartela Co . Ib.. kagtaBlat es tka nealkera BoBaalar, af tka ai ina samie roaoi iwaaiT loot oaetorir from Ike serlkeaaierB eo.B ef ibe letaol kr fraakllB B Hewitt t. I. 0. KHee; tkeaaa Noetk II S.re.a B.at SS feat I a Mat I Iboaaa Aealk ,, eraoe aaat 14 leal Uaoeti IkaBeeSoaiktl agrees weal It loot to a Boat I tkeaoo Norik 14 IM lo ,leea af kefflBBlSf. aaatalaiai a keel ewe-fosrtk ef aa aero, keto 'ka tame lot e.ajal y t. B. Ha will aas wua ta B. M. Vareell. aa kaek Ikrreew areeteel a frame Swellla, keaeo, aukla, bb eiber ewtkallalBra. flolae4, lakea as oaaraties aa te ka aaM as tka pioperle of Wm. make- Tsaaa er aits. Tka ,riaa ee earn al wkleb Iba ,rewerti .kail ka atrack af maaa ka at Ik. tlaas at Mia, ar a,ok , kf arraa.,ameau aala aa will ke aerorea. elkerwlee tba aarte will ka laaaaesiejel, rat a, aa eel aamls st tb. sswaaaa aa rtak af ma ,.raaa aa wkaas It wm at reek af , as wba, Is aaae af aekeieee at taeh re. aala, afcell make foe tka aaaia, esa Is aa asaaawaa will tka Doe ka ,raaes.e la Oeart Nf aaaareaatlaa BetOM aba aaeaee la artaaile amis' eke Haerif . AbUHHW fkMTt, Jr, aeaeie-r a urrtra. I Skerif. ra.. reb M, II?. I SheriiTs Sale BT eweae al wrlu ef teearf Wfae, leasee) earn ef tbe Oeart af Demotes Ilea, af Clear- Seal aoasty, aa ao aaa Sureeaea, bber. wall so oaoea.a ta ,aklle aala, SI aka Court Moaaa, as Iba beiaaab af OlaarSer. a TkareSar, Ibe IU am, al Marab, lllS,al e'eUok, aa, aaa BMeewama Sl.lllbil read aatata. aa ,H i saatala aleak frame k.eae aikaal, ia Wank ileal eSele, t.ieaiel aoantr, r a aat Pa. lit i at laa ajeaaral aiea al aats aowa, aeejiaaiaa; at a ' a wa tare Wa aeM eoea-e M ktael aa Vrtaaaaa aeefao itkeaee el a)eajaajaa W aaat at a J oat tbtaaa eaulb 17" arm IK M to Wrae.. aiaa, i tbMoe aaeaa sue, aHrtb II aMreae aeel M I baaa aa aaat ta.aaa aoelb al ajeajtaea saa, la Item ta kka flaeo at aajuaaa kiw asT kaaaa. U Ily tSaaaa.! aamaaaa. aaawa, lakea la eaeea- Uf1 3.dPfrtlfmfnt. well, earner nr reputed awaer, and Patriot h s soo, terre-ti-na&l . Alan, a eerte'n 'aa erj fr-aa- h uaa 'lueta It Uradf rd town.hlp, fleer-ild eBi J, Pa . I a lac risk era feet front ad e nUr-.leht la. I deep, with a two-.tore hliehen, UHS last, with lot aadauilelea apraitenant thrrrle. b..asdid r.J!d. rln Oa tbe Hottr, hr j. .ulnu.n altwrt A llrothere. oa the Knt h. I.n I of C'arlra W. Br.r. iwm nr mno . I. O. C. W. U.r.T. and 'ht wrt bj puwia ro.d. af. In in .crai. H-iw I. Uia io rntina a4 la ba .old -" ("P'-V (J. Bargar. Ako.aearnta tw for dwalllrf bou Hui( ta Va.tra fewo.b.itJ-ffWf r)i rvuM, P.. i..ih.rtlih iki lot av.d ear ! MPpurt ikrralo i mmid h..iiM U trnlT-iatt I frutit ami ritfiHa-B Oat d.af, with kitohen at i.ebrd. 13. M !'. and bring aa Iraet of Had o atalaing aatiui aiat-ianda1 bf land f It.ib lUrgt-roa iba Porn ana waai, ana oj i4m f.f Ait.rl. an lha Km. and rtonh. and aUo by tba vablfa mf taadiag frata Wtmalaad'to -ban-rill- Beiiaa, ukb in im'i " ba auld aa tba pniiart 4 Charlta lUrger. A.m. a ana aad a-bf atirv r ank fmasa building, fiiaaia ia iba riliaga af bUirtril a. Char&tld mjuB.y, Pa., bagianing al f"Ut an tba antb aiia v.f Hniadaar rt in aaid vilUgr; ihraea routh 10 dtgraaa Wait U fmX pat t tbmea floutb at) d'-grraa 67 lnuta Vat a fauC u pual t ib'-aoa ulb 20 dfgraaa and J ottaatoa HmU liO fa, to poit uu Brnatlaar nlrtt f thauoc Along Mid itrt-tt North . dagreca 9 minulu V.'mi M f-et ta ptw;a uf aagiuning, and aofn ia iba gaavral t'lm of aid villiK 1 ' N R7. 8tUad. takil in ciaeution abd t ba avid a tb .rup-rlT of 1 wrvtica MrMgkt, oant-r rrtttd uaiaar, aad J. U. Labaaa. ..vr.ctor. Tana a er 8At. Tb prla ar awa ai whiob tba prupartt aball ba atruok ufl auM Im p-vid at tba linia al aaia, or raob AUiar amngainanta tnada aa ill ba apurovad. tbarwlw tba prupart will b iaivadiatalf put apaad aold ag'n t tbaainaoa aud rirti uf tba paraua i bai it waa trunk tf, and abv, la onaa of dtnoleDof at aaob r -tala, ball naka good tha aaa.a, aad la aa taataaoa will tea lad ba antraicd ia Court for ounHma- lion anlaaa iba mvpv U artaallr paid t tha Sharif ANDRKW PUNT, Jr.. Sneairr'a Orrioa. 1 ajemf. Claarlald, l'a., Fob. I. 1879 SheriiTs Sale. TT tlrtnt of write tt Fi. fm.t I) oat of tba Court of Comaoa Plata cf Claar- i laid ooaaty. and ta at dlrtottd, tbara will Ka ; txpoatd tt PUBLIC BALI, at tbt Court Honao, ; In the torogfO at uiaaraa.Q ow innratiaj. ii 13th day .f Marctt. If1tt. at I o'clock p at., lha following daaoribtd raal taUtt. to wit , ; Tba folltwiiig rati tUU altutta In Pano two , riar field oounty. Pa, boundad an tba rorth by land t J. W. ItaAVrly, a art by land of Irvia Mahafft-y, taut by land of lliglar A Kaed. -OJtb by land of Patrick KanVr'y. euorainlag llfTaoran, monmr If it, with aliout 31 arret okarad.and having tbarooa art tod a aralt fraiat boatt and a I- f -tabla, baing iba uniivitlod inlartdt in tha abort traot tf laad. tft ad, ukan ia aiatntl ia and to ba aold aa tht proptrty of U P. Haffartj. Alao, thr f.iaWiag nnpariy af Rmaol Hopp-r , aitota laOiotola b roogb ''l.arfl-ll ooai.tr. Pa., boon dad tad daaarfboaJ aa followa : Twa lo Iroalingon Coal air-ai aed ranting baoh lah fact to aa allay, boandad taat hy llWatar allr. onlb by otl tiraat. wott by lot N i. T-H. a-rth hy Hpniea alloy, aod known ta Iota Nu. 31- aol and baring birvoa rrtcal a twit atory brick bouaa wilh brieh kliohoo atiacb-d, wrll rlalfhrnl, ma) h"aa, fratat Habit, and lhar out haildina. aubjatt to iha jmrchaaa mo -y d-ir t. Iianial Miller on lot Na. Ill, held bv Dalandua under artist of ar-niant. Ae. Haiaal, takao in axccati.a and to ba aold a (h; propurty of Ba ual Hop par. A'an.tbtraal ralattof th Dfnlant, tlaita ia Burneti i Vwuahip, Claarl-ld tlo, P , bmnil-.t and di-oribd aa (b'luwa : North br P. U 11 k aiibarry. wart by J Uurguoir fart, t-.nth by Joha Korabauath'iaaiattatai-t by Jamaa Uallahi-r, uoataHiiaii 60 artraa. nil olrarod, a J rbroa meiO'l a two atory f-ama dart-Mfna; boa?, lot; barn, trait hnun. and othtr iwibuiidiu;, wt'b a gif-d tiaahtig orrhard. Bvltt I, uka in aiaeu - M- o ana to on na ai tot j-rojieriy ti csinuci Uriek 1. y. Al-o, all tha rati tRlata of tSa DafiniUnt attu t,i a In Itrll tuwnki, ChMrl-M tiuaty, Panav... boridd and" drarrtbod aa tollra, wit : I? ginning at a b la piatftornrr, ibaooa anotb 3i) wart I. 'it paithta te a p"at j thenoo aortb i'-i evt aot bitbdrtd and a-nir parebvf to a ahatt nat rati lift tf I tbiaca math tnt 167 parch to a poai i thr nc toutb IS watt 114 parch aa ta iba plant tt begiaaiag. toaiaiatag 143 aoraaaod 4 prrabvt. tb about Xd aaraa a laara d. bariaf anetad tkcrvoa a plank huaaa faoAaili"dJ IS a .13 with kilchra atiaebad, ani an aid atabta. Ftt-ltad, taka ia aiaauun, aa 1 tt aa M4 ai lha property of K. L- Millar. Alan, all tbt Dafaadant't iattrrat In tU ful lowing daaeribi'd tral tatait iltoa'a ia Cbl wp., Ctf at field county, fa , bandal and daeriba(J a Ultima : Boginalog at a fa I lea biabory t thenoo hy land of H-nry Hard tad otttra north li dt graaa aat .tn. parcbaa ta a poatt tbaaot by la- d uf Dar d Miletarll aaat 79 pMvhoa ta a aiaplo ; thaaoa by laid of aaata nurlh 1 1 d -graca taat 131 pvrahta to a poat , ibraoa by Ian 1a worraoird to Hvary Miuter and ttbtra tvt b SH) drgrvoa taat 140 prrahf-a to a putt ; tbaaaa by landa warranted to I'ttar aOuflta aad otbtra aoa b 1 drgrtea wast lot parrhaa to a port ; tbrnoa watt 60 perchaa tt iilMa of baglnntng. btfnf part of a larger Iraat Wwrraalad tu llanry BaUtn, oontaiaing lrttf aerra aad a'towaata, bat tag thartoa rrt otd a twa lory lama buuat, a lo barn oat taaaat hoara, ant log huaot. a log bara and otb-r oat ball ding a with two baaring trcbarda, and baring abvtt hi taraa alearvd. Balitd, takra la aireaiiea aad la be aold aa tha proparty of Wm. Woois. Alto, tht ft'ltawtng doHribtil pro part , altaatt la Bacearit tvp, Cl-alrld Co., Pa,, boaadad taat bv land of Baaaatt Haamrty and Bttwart Oowta. aoath by lnd of Stewart Co waa, wot by laad of Jamaa aad Oaorto Oaball, an 4 aorb by land nf Wallaot A Hophioa. eontainina 13o aorta, with aboat 41 taraa elaarad, and baring tbarooa trtt4 a two tnry fraint hnuaaand frama tab la, tad otbar tatbailiinira. 6rifd, takaa la txtta tlna and ta tt ttld aa tbt p-oparty of afaaaoa C Uil.. A laa, Iba following doacibd proparty. aitaau la Lawrtaa tawnabip 7lai-tlJ taaatf. P- hoandad and doaaribod aa folio wit Oa tbt aaat by land of H T kawlaa. aonth by 1nd tf Mra. Rftwka. waat ay land of 1 art I Brown, aorta by land of Bowlta. on tain in a; aS aorta, mnra or Iom, with arvnut 3t arraa alaarad, and having tbarvon trartad a two-atory tVnma b'na, a Inr barn, and othar nathnl'dlnita. SXiad, tnkta la a action aod tt ba aold aa tbt prop-rty ef Jaa. 8, Nerrit A'ta, a oartala town lot ritual In tha vlllata nf Jaaavitla, tlaMnh towaakip, Claarlr-ld tianty. Pa aila-ta aa ratr f Mata aad Oiattnot ru , fronting 10 foot ntro or laa oa Main atrtvt, aad rinniacaoag Cha-tnat artat IKt foot tanra or Iraa, to ta allay and baiwn In ar I pita af raid rtl 'ara aa lot Hn. 7. and bavin iba rata art tad a twt. at-ry fraat hnaat, wall Bniahrd a nrangtar hnate, atabio. Bttch-r annp, and ttntr ontbafldlaira fUtiad, tnkra li t'tootton and ta ht aold aa iba proparty af 0. H. Ilmaal. Alan, tha following danriha I rw.l tut-tt a' Robert Woh.ai'aataj it Pikalowa hip rirrfiald rwinnty, l'a . honndnd na tha ru by Ian t nf D Ritta. annib hj laad af D RiM-r, wat br laad nf W at Pa la, anrtb br land of M tliif aa. toatal ' iag T" Bern, aint a- ttM. all tltr-d. with boar- lag arcbtrl, and bavin thtronn trtotad a araa wo atora fro wta dwelling bona. larpa frataa bra. and Mhrr nnibal dingn. fi lial, takaa ta aioaatloa and U ba aaM ta tba pmptrty af RoVt L-'h, Alao. tba fhllrawtnr daaarlHal p-o-wt-ty of W-a A. aad, ailoa'ala Uwraaat lown-hfa. Cloarlald tountr. Pa, bnnnd! and dwrlKaH M fallow 1 1 a tho t a b land nf Kllta Rd at. al . anb br land nf Wta.Rpaahaia, waai hv Ian1 of Waa Ppaofcman and tarnplba. aorta br land of Mil Raad, tnaltialnt II aorta, a.- ar I -an. with ahoat II atroa rlaarvd. bavin thartoa tra-tad a two-atory Iraa bnaat, witb hi tab -a anaaht, itrgt ivaaa nana aara. and amor oatbo Miaa, A 'to, anrtbr plant of land rltt'tt la f.awrtnrw townahia. boaadad tad d-aarlbod aa fallowai f tha aaat by laad af Robart Pnrtar. at'h bv land oi Hrratad M alien woathv laadtr MtPrarha. anrtb bv land of Robart P rar. tontai nia SI aroa, tanra or lata, aaltnnmvad. and htvin tbarooa tratlod a aat fait, a aaialL AwttHag toHao, and ataMa raiBa. tah-a ia atanotioi aad ta bt told aa tbt p-oparty af W A. Raad. A'aa, atartaa It at arplato nf land altaala la Brady tawfbia, Dawl'ld tataty. Pa.. Koa ,! nn tba aaat bv lat'tttf Man, Kna-r. J. and Jrnh at nor. annth by Uada nf J bn In-ap tint and Haabtib lompa laa aa lha araat by tnwaahtp I rn-d.and oa tht north by Atvlrtw Millar aad Viitna MHadrr, aoaUlala 41 aro, aaora ar ltaa. wlfb ahowt II acaat ttrod. aad tha balaaot wvNtlaiitrtdwithniaoandritbov ttaabor. Hal tod. takaa In rxaratiis aad t bt told a tha proparty of Charita Korb. , , Alan, ha Mbrwlnt AawHbad ral altt nf Mary MoOrtohaa, ailaata ta eraaawnad tonrhip Olrarlald aoaaty, a . boaa4d and daatribod aa fnlloarti B-rtama at a aoali thaaat tomb n dagraat watt Tl I II ptrabot ta a pogtf tbaaaa north M dagroaa trat III pamSa t ft ptt thonat aartb t darata aaat TUf tarht ta a birth t tbanet anatb IS darrvoa aaat 111 paraboa te plaat af batiatta. tootainiag aara, with aboat 41 aaraa tlaarod, tad bariaf tbarooa artetad a log boaat, twa atoriaa high, bara and othar OBlbaildiaira- Raiiad. takaa ta aiaeaUoa and to ba aold aa tbt proparty af Jaa. W. Ltohar aad Mary MaCrackaa. Alao, tttt following dtteribtd proparty. rltaatt la Baraaida boraagh, daaraold aoaaty, P., boaaaVd ta tbt wrat by Mala ttraaLaa tha aartb by lot af Jaaaa Ma V array, oa tbt aaat by aa alloy, aa tba Booth by aiaar tat of !tfaadaat, f root ing T foot op Main atratt, tad mating baoh tboat IM fwat to aa al'ay. bating a two-atory rraatt dwallitf btaat aa4 t atablt tbarooa artttaal. BoiaoA, tafc ia aiaeaUoa tad ta ba aold at tbo aroaorty of A. ti. BbaPar, IMaadaat, aad Jaaaaa Mo at array, tarrt taaaat Aka, all tbat at train Watt ar piano af load tit aala la Lawraaaa aawathrp Claaraaad taly, Pa., buaadod aad dattrihtd at folUwa i Baia. niag at a pt a -raor af bad af alaoob O a Itch i tbaaaa watt by rVoa af Jaaab trvla lS porrhoa t. t poati ihttat by haa of Man la Ml-hala aad Tbaaaat Ltoirh'aUtd til iMt o a poit 1 44 pa. abaa aonh blakoryii thaaoa aorta aagrnoa aaat III parahtt tt a p j ihatt aartb alag Hnaaf jMwh MaH Valaad Ml porwb at ta plaat afhoginaitaf.taattiaiaglMotraaaal IdSpafbaa, w.th aboat SS toraa aioarod aad and at taitlvad-a d barta tbtrtaa avoatad a ta-ga twa atory rratat dwrlling baaat.Ufa aaak hara. aad aha Mtaavlldingt. SoU-d, ta aa ia aia aat Ua tad ta ba aold aa tht pparty af braaa Miiavpbra. Alt s a otT'tin M ar piaea af graaad ta tht bataagb at Utaiadala. baa aad daaiilb.d at laaowa i Baaadad aa tbo North by Hanaah atratt. at tbo A- aib by illrood, aa tat Btat by aioaal Mrart, aad aa tha Watt b Wtwf Jbtatat Har- woad, botng TI ta froat aa HaaaaOh Kvaot aad SI faaa ap.aad bavfag tbaiaoa eroatod a tbi ttary kataa bottt, kaoa a at ba ttataa i Mi Matai, Ala aat otbar tat a taat hirait, b.aadad a Hat bartA by lat af Jaaaaa Maiay.aa tMaVanb by Ho. at, aa tba att by toawat r traat, aa4 aa taa Wat ap Maada alttp, aad bmag tkr-a artttw4 a laifa (rata hnt Aaawa at hbt laara. ftn Hntal. a blanarniltb tw ttt',i and othar nniha.lding'. rnr... takri, in , tin, and to bt n!d a tba proparty tf WiiUfi Parker. Alan, Iha'ol'nwlng rval aiUa altuata in B(( townhip, ricarAald toanty, ft.. btng Ua . dlrilt ana third latoro4 af Janai Adaai 4,4 LaLilia Ad.taa ia th Mlowitg drtariKfd arty t Bainnlng at a poat 00 ntr of laad ut W Lawadaot thaaoa by trite la at,a al Wnilia Sitwrtrt llaparoha U Muaa whora pint i atli4 fur: than-aaon'b I SI parrh'i ti piatj thanca.t( I II par'ha to npM, thanaa aorh 161 p-rrN 10 p'-tM nf bgiDiin, eootalaiag 17 erai atd 121 pftahaa, mora or laat. wilh aboat Mt9 elrarad, being port of t larger traat warraai b. natua r Rbl "Nwart, I..d froai Dild Ada., ml wife to l.ttlKa A rfa avViVHrrf ia ktHnnbt't 'flit, lo Drrd Book Nu I, pagt II, ami krn Ibarton rr-atrd a iwn atorv Irana hotra. hart, and tatoaairy oatbaiidiag. bViitad, ta.k ia irulion and to bt atld na tba ftroptrty of Jti, and Lrtilit Adaiaa. TiaatudLt.-Thtprittorata at which tht pmptrty aball bt atrack off tniat ba pitd u tht tiat of aala. tr aaeb tthrr trraogaaa taada at will bt tpprotd,othtrwiM tha proptr. ty will bt iHMtdtttaly pal ap and aaid again at Ut ttpaaat too rna 01 ibo parvon ia wiva R wai atraob off. tnd who, la e-t cf dalciy an ah ro-aalt. aball niakt good tbt anna, and it ao laatanoa will tbt Data bt praatatad la Onart ror aonttrmatloB tit laat tbt muoty ta aetaally ptiid to tha Kbariff. ANUKKW I'KNTZ.Ji. hHtmrr'a Orrict, I Hharif. Oltarlal-L IV. tftti. IV. I "TV. I Sheriff's Sale. )Y flrtna of aandrp writ of I'a J oat of tbt Court of Common flam of Clear bald Co., and to mt dirattcd. 'bara will htt .aMd 10 paiilia aalt. at tha Cuart Hon, ( iKa buratigk of Cii-arRHd. aa rituradty, tba Uik day o Mirch. IH7, tt 1 a'tloah p. ta4 iha Ml... log diaeribad raal tiUta, to wit ; All that cart a in Lt nf land aitntia la CUar 6c Id borth. Clrarfial-i suuoty, Pa., being Ut No. 16H, bonndad oa tba north by Uarkat itraat, on tha taat by lot No. inj, toutb by aa al:r.ai4 waat by all,, btlng laat front ta Markat atratt and I7S faat duap to lha allay, oa wkieh lot la traotad a two-atury I raw a dwalling hatia, alao a rhup oa aaaia wilh a larga aui.la wn tka and of lot, and othar etviary at-Valltlingi. tfoiied, takra in tiarutimi, aad la bt raid at iba 1 proparty uf J. bl. k'aUlabargar. Alao, aeattala traot of laad altnaia la lion Ida toanihip, Claarflald auaaty, Pa, onitiK. ing about 101 ncrtf, moro or Joaa, with tbaat il acrtt elearad. and btrlag trretad 1 hereon a taw and ahingla-BitU attaceod, wilh dwalling huaaa, two rtoriaa hih, plank fraat atablt and graia boua. and olbvr outbaildingi, witk aaaall orchard, buuBd'd taat by A Baca tt. al , aaat br Wi.ila Nat-ant, aortb by M. and ivaae Yiag ling, aud nn tha t-u'h by fcevlt at, al. iiel, uai-n In aiaouiina, aod to bt aold aa tha proper to if Williaia Unit ber. Alan, all tbat acruln traat af land aitata ia Ouboia t'ttr. Olearhald aoanty. P,, bottadad aud dateriWl aa folitwa t B. mo ing at a puit tha nub to roai aow eallol Lmt Ureal thanoa ajutb 47 drgrvea wt-t 111 fvat u aa aliar. haaot alun aaid all. y in a tnnibaaltarly dirvt- lion Hal avi to a corner of Wm. Krinar'a kt,ibaoct oorth 47 datrrvaa rial along aaid Krinar'a lot Ut ft at li nubltfl iaJ. theaoa al'n fall road 13 teat to it Itc af hfctouitg, and bat iug lLaraon t-rsttad a frataa hi-a twu atoriaa high. U 1 SI inrt with warartion 16 l Ifl fvat atlanbad. Bvii- H, tha- iii Tiuti'irt, and to ha nil aa tha property f F. Traavr and C- A. Barr. Alio, a I tbat or r tain tract ef Und rrttait ia Knot lawn ln 1., ( luartlrld county, pa , h-iufM oast by land l auiaal lnvHar. ma h by l.t l-f Jnrad lilooai. H an n Und of Waa. Wiaa. turtk by land nf t'eter Mavr, efBtaining ntgntv-tit (Hfi) airaa, aiort or bae, witb tb.at aerea aleard, and baring ttvtrtoa ortotad a plank boo -a twu at'iriaa bt.. log barn and otbar wai. na'idmra. ft tod. uk a ia axaaahon, aad tt. ta au d aa taa pr party of H. B. ahugart. Alao, all ihat ttrtaia I t a laa I -itaate la Cur wrnavtlla bortnch, Olaarlal 1 o.ai'y, Pa ,buaJ. cd aa ftilluwai PMnting on Fi bri fraat and tunning book lo ao allay, having thtraoo trao ad a two alnry dwalling buaa, atab t. aod olhrrout bulldiiita. rtiaaJ, taki a in a.ao'itinB, and to a i aa tbr profitrty uf D P. Mo JUrr. A 'to. a trtain tract of laad aituatv in Farguiaa owantiip, Claarftttid toua'y. P., boun tad aad dwarririad aa f'llwa : ta iht taM by laa I vf Jhu J. tYiliiaatva, n.tih by land of ao.t.wait y labd nf Tbninta 8. Norri north by l.btl at Philip McOackfo, ountNining lfl aena, ainra tr lai, wilh tbo .t SS toraa a.'tartd, tnd having thartoa a pUnk houat. two atorita hitfb, roaod lf bara, aad ttivr autbillinga. Maiaod, Uk-n In tmat t 'io aud to ba aold at tba property of J aat el 0!eoa. Alai, a carta In tract of land ait a. la lo Chart tow'irbip, Caarflald eonnty. Pa , tontatning tbott 6d aorva, wlta about 4t aerta oiearet, aad baring am-ll two.atorv pUnk frama h-ata, log aiah a and otbar o .tbuillioga, boun -lad aa f llim : Oa til aat by land of J maa Carry. w4t by land of Jtiba Pannlnftion. north by laala uf Jan b Linga. fvlU-r, ana Mit'h ny landa of Jana HaB. Baitad, takai ia a i ecu 1 ion and to b tuld u tht proparty of titatnual McLtuchiin. AIM', a certain plant of land ttUiato ia Bars riila buruagh, Clearleld tonnty. Pa., oa toraar of Mead and Third atroatf, fronting 7V feat oa Main tract aad running hack IA0 ftet to at allay, buaadod aaat by an alltr, aoath by lot No 70, waat by Maia ttraat, aortb by Third 1 Iraat, and knowa la tba general plan of aaid boraagh ai lot No. TS, aad having therooa trttttd a larga twa to r bouaa, wall flauhad. Alia, aaotbaf plaet or lat of groand 4itit la D urn r itla bar , oa toraar af Mapla and 4th alt-tat a, frvatiug aa Maplt atrtot IS faat, and run at of baeb HQ feat to aa allay, boanded aaat by aa allay, tuath by lot al B. Htaderaoa, watt by aiapit atraat, Bortn ay rroat at rati, aad raunuig baoh 101 faat, aad baring tbarooa tfoetel t tt aiory fraint baat and Btoataarr tatballdiara. Sai tad, takaa ta axtontiaa aad tt bt tjld aa tht proparty tf Jamaa McMurray A Boa. Alao, a ttrtaia lot af grauad ailaata ia Oicaola borough, Claarflald aoaaty, Pa., baiag a tarttia bit (rottiag M tttt, mora ar lata, ao Cartia ttraat, aad raontaf tltag Paoatar allay lit foal to Hpraoa allay, aad known In fanartl plan of aaid Ikorough a lot No. tot, aod hav iag tbtraoa traeted a two-atory frantt boaat, aaad aa a drac atora, a fr4tat aublt, aod otbar tatbiildlagi. Alao, anoihtr town lot la tba barouah of Ofoooln, frnniing 40 foot, a or a ar laaa, aa Cartia ar tt, ai d rnaaing back to Spraoa aMty liTatt, and ka wn la gen art! plat f tail birough aa lot Bu. iZ, Having iBaroa aroetad a lara two. atory Iramt hotta, with hi to ban attacked, and olhrr ouibuMitiPffr, BaUtrd. Ukaa ia ateoatioa aad 1 bttold aatbt prjport af That. H. Biaady. Alto, a torUia lot of f '--aa 1 aituate la Ma-iara, Wuudward townehip. Claarlald twaaty, Pa., baaodad and dtjortbtd aa followa : Boiag a ear tain tuwi lot froaiiag na a atroot, aai twvnded ua iba tait bt tot f Jan ar M wore, death by kit uf Reutiea Jeffe rano, aett by a Ptraet, and n w b by tat of Jaant linn ty, and harin tbra a-toted a fraaa boa -a. two tttitaa high, aaa I nan,aat atBaraataaiiainga. Alao, taotbtr lot af t-oaad aitaita la Ma lera. baadad ua tbaaaat by laad of t. Lavaia, tank by aa alky, waat by tot of Aaaititl Ugrty, aod outa ny a airoei, ana towa in pua ot al a aiditia U M .tiara a I it N S. aa 1 o-i iaprora- to in 1 a. tteiaed, uaea iatiatutiwand to at aaid aa Ut pnparty at L A W arraa. Ala i, a tarttia pitet af gruaad altaats la Wat Viaarlvid, Lawranot tuwa.htp, doarind oouot'. Pa, bounded an i detente a to. Ua tba wrat by P.rh atroot, a tba aorth by aa aliey nlang the Itao of Clairdall Para, 01 iba a I by bt Sq. IT, bttosgiato W W Btita, aid on Iba tulh by Mer roll airact, bring ia all lis) leal trvat 00 Mer rail atroot aad lVt fjt deop ta aa alitt, aad hnwwa la tha plaa uf Iba tiwa af A net Claarnald a lota S h Is, li aad 40, aad haviag thareuo eioettdtwn Iranvi bvaaa, feeiMda lahau ia aaecalinB and v ba avid aa iht proparty ui An tira a ebugart. Ala, a atrtetu trvat of laal aitutta ia M irria twniui, Cltarflald 00a ity. Pa, bataiito( at twae,ruraai ly a irnitt ah eurocr ; tbaaaa by laaA ui A Ltaoaar I anatt til partbaa t a ptu j tbanoa nat lit pircbaa ti pjt ihaaia by ua I aarvayed ta Motart Baiaa.v aunh 110 I 10 p r cBa tu a wane p'at l thante along I a4i aarroy ed twMa.ha kiagtts IM t-arehat Iba pi aod ot bvgii.iiiBg.a'aia.BingiaflaaraaadS' perobxt ft id oiliw .aa , iktiog part al warreat ta Lattatd Ky tr, date. Iltb wl Marah ltd;, having HS tao tH-araa), ami a gad f'aaao boa pa aat arfe irawa aaia aud e tor at ball Jiaga taaraaa. Alag, tbt failoalng dea.ribal property arJti b ttcc, rtlatta ta UeoMar taih p. brailal 01 iba aaat by laud af J. tt. Ra a at al., aauta by land af Aibvrt tt. at . Wra. by laat of D Ooaa. ad tarth 1 J itiuahip line, tuaiaxlf.g HT tare " ro ar Icaa, wua ab at lot tloartd an I uadt caltiTotioa, aed baricg tbraoB eraated twa iraaa huaaaa, twa tloriea ht.b. wall Boiabada fraaa itora boaat, twa eWriea agk, karga fraaa "ana aarn, wg-tt aaai, aaa other oat boil Jin, baiag aaa pramlaa aild to Jao.b Muck Sy aa ignarnt af i. V Hoop Bi d wife, aad rtoordad a IHtd Baoh "i P," p-ge a IS, ate. Alao, all Ihat land atta kit ta Marrietownthlp. Ckarflald toaaty, Pa , Wgiaaing at a fallea baa look 1 thanoa eouth l degrooa, wtal III ptrubaa to whitt pint 1 thtoot oorth I7t dagraat, waat 111 I 10 ptrntatoapltf thtact north 1 d -grta. aaat 101 1 IS pnrabtt ta poat 1 tbaaaa SIS tVgrata, waat tt a- ! parabtt ta aiaaa af aaaiaaiaa, taa- talaiag 4 tt tree aad 14 aarthtt. Bora ar lata t baing part of aarrty ta aaaaaf Jaeaaa E. Qrabaa. Alan, tbtl rtrtala traot af land rHaita la MorrU Inwaablp, Claarlald aoaaty, pa., tturianing at pruot tornor 1 taaaat by Iaaltl Mult pwnkvaa, nana BR dagreae, wait ISO parehaa lo a ptae 1 thaaet by Jebo Taylor aad Joha Maattoa aarvaf IT partbat to a plat, tooth II daTtta.aroat taraar, called aa tbt arigiaal tarvty. taath ; tbaaot taat 1 a ptrtatt ta a poat; latent turtk It degree. aaat luarrbea teaaupaoa poat Mbtaot toatb degrtaa, tttt S4 parobat ta poat : tbaaaa aorta I dtiraeaa, aaat lit porob aa to plana of b-f "' tttt aia tag I7S aaroa, baiag part af tarvty la tbo aaeaa af David tMtraga aad Praattt Jahoaaa. A laa, that partita af a tarUia traot ilyiag part'y In Rah I wee hip, Ctatra aoaaty, Pa, aad pamy ta Marrial waablp, CkarSoM eotaty, Pa. which Uta la Morrta tnwaahlp, Claarlald aoaaty, Pa,, tbt whale af tha aaid irvt, baing it a.rtbd at ft-llvw. j tm tba aortb by taada, latt tat aatata af Uiary tria-, aad ta tba oaet ky taada lata af A Kyttr. aa tba toaib tp laad la ibo warrantee aaat of Ueary itrat, aa tha waat by lea It, iati af Mraaeer A Ottaa taialng 4 aarvo aad l.t acrobat, nara tr laaa 1 beaeg pert of UVtaioa Maatta Warraat, aH tba aaovo latwtreou bcb war aoaveynd by Peta -twani aad wife, by tb Ir Doad ot II b letner. ItaS Rajtordadaa lead Bab II. page ftt. to Jaaob Muoh . ttaiaad, taAaa ka aaacatiaa aad ta ba ro d at tbt prop ftp. of i atab Maatv. Taaaa at data - Tba prtot tt aaat at hbb tba prtpartp aball ba ttrwab off aett wa paid at tba lieae af tola, or aaob tabor arnegoaaoete aalt aa wtU bo aparoaad. athanrtaa tbt proparty wilt ba laaMdtataif pal ap aad told aaaia at aba at -paaat tad rl of tho poraoa tt wltota at waa aiawoh off, aad wba, la taat of lilMaaiy at aaab awb atad 1 At itaad baa ooaSraetiioa naviaat tb taaaat It aataaJty aatd) M tbo Aatrtf. dkWIaW f BBIB, J- Baaawal Oatioa 4 (Itaaaaa, Ptb, taa. LA. UTt. J WtwStaV