IMHBii nliHIili illiil .. j THEJIEPUBLICAN. '"TcTeabkield, pa. WEDNESDAY MOBrllNI,FKB. 1, IITt. Terms of Subscription. ft .oil la edraaee.or wlibio three aoetha...t! M ,iV.rter three aod before ela I to if Mtd Kft -r th sJtiitas of ell monble... I OO ..ii.un. 8. 11. Pinittiu t Co., Rows ., AOreille'ng Agents, r furs' iiusr,-evltj.y street, are out dnl, sathoriied Ajonu In Cltf . HELIUIOU NOTICKII. Hrthodlst F.plMopl Church Rer. J.S. MrMrseaT, Perter. Bereieee eeerp Sabbath J 10. A.M., Bad To P. M. Sebbeib Sohool oi A. M. prer Meollag ererjTboreder, t tt P. M. Come oeioa Serrloe, Sebbeth of eeerr anlh, Bt 10 A. M. Wnt Clearfll4 M. E. thorth. Roe W fcorr Wiuh, Pooler. Preeohtog eeer, lieroete Soodu,, nelonk, P. Sonde, oebool .1 . M. AU are iuW to attend. eroeb)terla Church Rr. H. B. BtrrLun. Sabbetb terrleee morning and erenlog Hub btth Seboel Bt I P. M. Prefer Meotleg Wedoet. Baptlet Clmrrli. Rer. J. A. Albbbb, P.i. lor. aereleeaeeery Sebbeth mornlag nadeeeolng, alternating, t I0i n'oloek A. M., ud Ti P. M. Kobbolb School i I P. M. Prnjnr Mooting eeer, Wodaerda, orenlng. St. Frauds' thorch ( tlliolle Rot. P. J SsBBinan. Prenoblngnt 10, o'eloek, A.M.. ob tho Irsl, third ond loorli Sund.jiof oooh otuntbi Veepere and lienedletien of (ho Blowod Buerument ot , o'eloek, P. M. Bondu, Bohool eeer, Suadnr afteraooa et 1 '0' . OFFICIAL IMBECTOB. Tim or aolnise QCoBTSn iuoioii ooobt. Beeond Mondu, or January. , Third Monde, of Monk. Pint Monde, or June. Foartk Moodor of September. Tina or iolbisb conaos .loss. Tint Moodey ot Jobo. Second Monde, or Norember. rusuo omenta. Pr-iiM J-dpBn. Chorlel A. Mejer, or Look Horoo. iwwm lew moe Hob. Jobs H. Orris, oT Uollofooto. AeoeoMt. Judftt Abrom Ogd.o, Clearfield Vliooot B. Holt, Cloorlold. VelAeaolar, -Ell Bloom. Jriptofer anof fleoorrfer L. J. Morgan. Muriel Alloree, Wm. M. MeCallough. JVeoiwer Philip DolU. flaeri Andrew Penln, Jr. ifeoel, Seen Chrlot. J. Keen,., CloorBold. Coool, Sow, or Homaol F. MoCloeker, CBr otnirlllo. (nly OoioiofoiooF C. w. Kjlor, Qrobom loo P. 0.; Kluh Johniton, OrouploB Flllo P. 0.; Jnbo Norrll, dr., Corwoootlllo Cnnt) Andiloro Williin V. Wrlht, Clrof. Icldt Jcinpb UilllUld, Tbroo Bun J. 8. Nor Woodtood. (booty Coronor J. B. Noff. Now WiohinKtoB. Jury CootoiioWonoro Dr. Jainto P. UurohOold, JnMitb Aloxondor. Modoro. ShikWoMoWiK o7 P oofto fcAoolo M. 1. Mo- finnan. Cloarflold SnlTtf W oiyM Afooo.roo JofM W.Corlllo, onoo ot l.atBoronori ro. ATorioo y-ooiic-Joho W. Wrltloj, Woj. R- doboorb, Cyrof QordoB, Cloorfiold; Jooopb R. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, uurwcooTlliOi 4. A. iiiring- ilono, UoHoii City. Unr Spitivt eoluma in dacidcdly intoraating la a local point of aiowt and profllabta rondiog lo oataidora oho wont to anro money. YK, OF ( OlIKHIil "Will jou uka wheat, onto or aura for aub. eriplioa V Wo nra often inqulrad of in thla way by letter from patrona who reeiJe nt a dlitnaoo treat Clearleld. Wo again aay yea. Thareoeipta af a roiponalble merchant or mill owaor la the Tleinlty, will nnowor no joat aa well aa tho ooab. To llllaatrnta i If any of our patrona wilt deliver a bag of grain at Iko mill of Jooopb D. Broth, la Cheat townrbip, Horace Potobia, fa Bameldo, Thomna H. Fonay, la Graham, Wm. Porter or Sbao'a, la Lnwrenco, or Brown A Boiler 'a, al RoektoB, Unloa towaahip, and forward their roceipta for the amotiot, wo will credit them oa their account for tba aamo. In tbia way all mny aeon pay wbal thay owe, If they will porano thla ooorao. tr. Next Saturday ia tho 147lh annl- voraary of tko birth or George Weahlngton. Bargain in Dry Uoodn, Boota and cboalat ' U. A. KuTia'a The thermometer at tbia Dlaee lut Saturday worniag wae dowa to 12 dogrooa below New and handttomo designs in Wall Papara a large lot joat opened al II. A. RniTinn'a. The Sheriff ' rmleg, lint of licenser), Reglater'a aotloea, etc., and other legal ndvertiae. menu for tbo approaching larm or Court, appear la tbia weok'i paper. ,. The logmen, having finished up their work IB IBo woode, are montog ineir arrnn oa oar atroola, awaiting tbo Spring treohet lo 10 able tbem to got tkolr logo to morkot. The pay car passed over tho Tyrone a Clrorteld Railroad InotThuradoy with tbo Dec enary amoual of ihokela wherewith to make glad tbo heart of Iko railroad employe olong tko note. '. i " . m There will be a Mnrpby Tntnperanee meeting to the Court Ilouree aexl Moodoy orao- lag, February Jlth, atTi o'dook. Able aad ia Uniting ptakorl will ko praecat lo talk to tbo Oiaambly. i - We have been reqiioeted lo state thai Rev. R. II. Fletcher, of Look Uavoa , will preach In tha Cloarlleld Lutheran Church noil londev. m.rolm aad efeolni. Tho pobllo ia Invlud to attend. The Altoona Tribune snys it is staled that W. D. Tiler, formerly of tbo llerdle Homo at Wllliamiport, ood tbo hotel al Mioaeauo Springr, wlU take charge of the Logon Home, Altoona, an tko rot I rota out of Mr. MoClellon, eooa to Uko place. , -- e Till Sioond. The second of the Ore promlar al Ooloaola ot a former age (Col. U oor go C, Paaamon;, ia BO mora. Tko Snt, Col. Robert M. Smlly, of Brady towaokia, died a a a moor or yea re on. Col. T. Roan McClure, or Tike Iowa. ahlo. and Col. Blrler ond Col. Berrotl, or tkla plaeo, ara otlll left. 11 I oo ' Avction I Thero will be auction aalo at Wm. Heed'a eiorr, ia tbia boroogh, oa WedBoiday aad Thnraday oveoioga or thli week, Fob. lOik aad illk. Alio, aalo or fornitarc oad koaaokold gooda at kla rooideooe, oa Seeoad at root, seal Batardap aftoraooa, Fob. t2d, oom moaoiag al 1 e'eloei P. M. i 0 OO " A drunken sot mistonk tho Clear leld Preeeyteriou Ckoreh for a Ire-clay oatabliah. anoBt. Hoafe Tiwat'iooo. Ob, yol wlohoi maa ! It waa tha editor or tho Now York Ctiooa who viewed II la that light ood be la aa eoker aa a Jndga. Ho wlU givo yoa h k koll Colombia. More tkea Ikal, ko beloogo lo ona or tbo tret ramlliol or tho Comborlnnd Valley. i O 001 Festival. A Festival will be held 10 Plea Oproa Uoaeo, Cloorlold, oo Thoraday, Friday aad foturday,ef thli weak, Febroary Kib, Hat and IJd, for the brteSt of tbo Wool Oleorlold hi. (.Church, aad otber participation oppolot monti of Iko tloatlel'd Ciroolt Foollval to oom monoa oa Thoraday ot I o'eloek A. a, aad will eoatlnua opea sack day from I a, a. till II r. . Tko Cleerlold Coroot Beoda are eipetled to be pioerot. Moala at all hoora wiikool Oyatora, II oral! wllhOyatora. 40oonU Oyilerl atewed, fried, or onooobod, II oenta. l.AWRisri TownsniP Ticket. Tbo) Dimooroity of lowoablp voted the fel bwia tlekot at Ike o'eetloo yoeterJey. Wo will giro the reaoll la fall noal week I ' DlatriM Troararer, J. B. Show Cooiublo. Jao. D-Joekioo Alienor, Jomoa Reed i Aoeletaal Anaaeora, Ueerge U. Hell, Wm. L. Rlikol I Jodgo oT I loot ton, laaloh Bleam I loapoelor, Heary Og deo Aedller, Oooago H. Ilell j Bekoel Directora, Rodelpk Back, Deoiol Welik Bopertlaora, Jao. Browo, Memo S ttremor, A. a. Lonkond, John hew, P A Owoao l Ovoreoera of the Poor, Mat. koo Reed, f evlor Roolel : Towa (Irrk, Wm. T. 'park maa. A 6re occurred at Brook vi lie early vs Setovday merolag. Fob. tk, ok oh d.Mrojod the WooIob Milk) or Moaafa. Thomee Hoooo nad Oeerge A. Joaka, heiag operated oodor a loaee by' W. A. Rooraoy, wltk all Iko markloery, atock aad eikfr eealoeu, aad a (rame dwelliag boaos adjoia ag, oooapwi by Mr. kearooy. Nrarly all lk heeeeheld gooda won ear.d. Tboro kavlag V ao Ire abpot tka ueteVliJtn H aavorol aaya (roiloai, II eoppoood Ibat nmo relooo. toaulaiog noao, waa Igalted by ipoetoaeowo oambnatloa. Tbo Woo jf okoB ,'nla ia oat It.Oof to IIO.OIHJ, oa wh'lok lera f Mall Iniareoeo. Mr. toara. oj'i ka aoa ikool H. E. CoNrtRBNOi. The Central PonnoyltiBlo Oooforoooo of too Uolkodlil Xpli. oopol okorok hold lu ubuoI oniloi In BlooBubory, Oolombln ooonty, ob tho lath of Monk aail, Tb nunllnxdoD OluU, of tba 12tb laitool, iaya i " Moaara. Blolaor, Holt and Han. oa, or Pklllpabori, pnrohoiad tbo Cottofo Plon U Mill lo Iblo plaoo, hOBl Uoary A Co.poor, oa Monday of laat nook, tho bow ita tokin poiaroaloa 08 tho lat or April." Lint of letter remaining unclaimod in tho PoatoBoootOloorlold, for tho wook ondini robrnory ll, 1I7 i Jooob Booob, Uoorro Ulllolo, R. W. Uoary, Joboo L. Laird, John L. Roi, Umuol Yoang. P. A. OoOLia, P. M. To W atkkmrn. Mr. D. W.Scbnarn lltoo aol loo la tkla laoaa thai bo kna Uoood tha botol oa tka riaar al tba month or Iko Big Mo- aknaaoa orook, nod ko waoia kla ap rlror hianda to know tkla foci. For thla ha daooraaa public pnlronago. Doal.l will do what la right for kla gooota. Tin Standard Fish. The Altoona TViooao, or tho 17th laat., aaya i Tho too gorga la tho rlror tho olhor day la tha aolghhorhood of Rlddloabarg tad Uopawoll, oa Iko Rayatowo kraoak, tkrow oat apoa tbo hooka or oltbor alda qollo a Bomkar or hlnok koaa, aoaio of thorn wolik lag u moah an 4t ponodi." Drpartment Kkporti. Our Sena tor, Mr, Aloioodor, kaa forwardad to thla olfica a aaubor or ooplao or tbo Auditor Qonorol'a Hoport, Biota Troaooror'a Hoport, aod Orpbana' Bohool Uoporta, for dlitrlbutloa among bla aonitltnanu. Tbaoa who daolro to poraaooilhorot throo rcporta will plaooo oall for tbam. Mr. William Heed, who lor a num- bor of yoora poat kao kooa onggoJ la tbo mar ebandiilog baalooai la tbia boroogh, will ooia ra- aaoYO hia family lo Mnrtlaaborgh, Woat Virginia. Ia aonaoqooaoa tbaroor, ho will noli a lot or boaoa bold gooda at pobtio aalo at hia rooidanoa on Boa oad atroot, aonrly oppoaito tho M. B. Cbnreb nait Batardoy nftaraooo. A Normal School. We learn that oor Ooaaty BuporiBloadoat, M. L. MaQowB, baa mado arrnBgamanta for holdiog a Normal Bohool for toookora at Now Waiblogtoo, tbo eomiog Suromor, oommonolng oa Moaday, April 2olb, aad aootinno opoa tor oiovoa wroko. Mr. M:Q. baa oooorod tbo aorrioaa o( Moaara. L. E. Wobor and Matt. Sajnga to aioiot blm la oonduoting tha Normal. A Good Lick. Wenotico thut Aud itor Oeaeral Bcboil and fitato Trcoauror Noyoo kava appaloled ouroeteomed printer friend, 11. L Diofeobgob, or Lock Hnveo, Bank Aeaeelor for tbo eountioa of Cleornald, Centra, Clinton and Uoloa. Tbo oflico ahonld bo nboliobed bot while It reoialne on tbo atototo book, we like to are eoojiprtent and deaorving portlea eeleeted to perform tbo dntloa. Sale or Personal Propertt. Bills have hoea printed at Ikia omeo lor Geo. C. Kirk, Admlalltreter of tko catata of Jobo Heoerllng. Iota of Brady towoabip, deeoeeed, who will offer for eole al tbo lolo alora aad roaidooeo of tbo do ooaaad, la the villogo of Wool Liberty, lo raid towaibip, ea Wedneitlny, tho 12th doy of Maroh next, all tho poreonol property of aald decedent, oooefetlng In pnrt or mercbondlee, grain, tnrober, hooiebold good!, Ao., Ac. Sole to cvmmeneo nt 0 o'olocb A. M. on Wcdneadoy, and lo eontiooe from dny to day uotil ell or the property la auld. One or the Oldest. George C. Pass, more, well koowa to moay of our reodera, died at bla homo la tbia boroogh, of dropay, oa Moody aveotng laat, ta tbo T3d year of hia age. Ue waa ooa of the moot vlgorona man or kie age, and an ladoitrioua, Irat aloaa moobeaie. Hiaoocupa IIob woe a blaokamltb, o boalneoe which ha fol- lowed for mooy yoora. He nerved oa oae or the County Commtoilonora of thli eoooty from 1141 to 1141. Prevlona lo Ihnt time, be oervod a term aa Coloool la tbo militia aBd wo bavo oftea beard tba remark, mado by Iboao who eew klm la kia military garb, ikal ko mndn ao loa a pereoaal ap pearance on tkn flold oo aay maa la tka aervioo. "Tu Mosbannon Outlet." The Pkllipibnrg Jnrt, leal waoh, got off a parable ondor thla bood, aad oooeladed aa follow! : H Tba aubjeet of aa ootlet by rail along the Meibannon rooto lo tbo Soequobaooa tlror, which boa been oniotly elamborlng aloao the doya or the paola, mny bora! Into aetivlty la aa aaeapected momeat la the near future. Capllallata are oololly aa. twrlog plana by wbieb ibo rich produete lumber aad ooal of Ibo Moabaaooo boalo, may find an oatlet la tka merketa of Ibo World. Tho general improvement now maa I foot log la every depen dent or boeioeao, will prove a powerful altraulua lo hoataa oa thla moch-aeedod ImproromeoL" Well, aoae or yoor pnrnblea nt thla day. When will yoa koild Ikal ralhood from Morrlcdele to Ike mootk or the Blaoemakooiog areik ' To Township and Uoaoiau Audi- reni. Tbo ported tor poottintag lowoooip oo oouota la drawiog Boar. Towaahip oflieoro aboald aol foil to givo ibolr aeeoaau Ibo greeted poiil bio pnbllally. It ia a matter la which aacb aad avory lax-poyor la ialaroaled. Footing a wrillea aotleo oa a tree at Ibo road-aide dooi aol III tbo bill, for tbo fax payor wnau tko report la inch a nheae that ha oaa look It over al hia laliare. It ia aa maob ibo doty af towoabip and boroogk Auditors to pokllak their aoouol auumenta aa ikal of Ibo toooty Aadltora, and tho poooltloi for falllrg to aompiy with Iko Act of Auembly ara nearly aa severe. Tbia Ihiag of moling lamp Ule moot I ia a aaro aadet of freed, and ta am eoah a rte'iro-Bt aa tba low eoatomplaloa, or the tex-peyere axpeal. A. detailed aooeuot la what ia wanted, ond II ia blgL-lima Ibnt name nr Ibo die trtete la thla ooaoty aboold aompiy with the law, When tbo Aadltora return to publiah Iboir ac count!, II la olmoal eooolueivo proof thai frond boa beta practiced ood where the aeeoonto are lompod, it ll pretty good avidroco that there la eomotblng orooked. Township Clerks. Mr. Humphreys (of Boiler oowoly) preoontod a bill ia Ibo Hooao of Roproaeeutivee, oxtoodlog the time of Towa. Ihlp Clerhe, aod 10 furlher defioe their dutleo Wa do not kaow what the provleloni of tbo bill ore, for wo have no copy of if, kut Ihot Ibtrd ohouM he aoma lew more correctly delning tbe dollei of Townihlp Clarke, aod, indred, vartoua olber loeniblp ellcora, la beyond all qorelloa Aa lha lawa at pretest are, it takea a vary die. erlealeattog lawyer lo aay wkat Ikaaa oneara really are obliged to do aod whal aol. If tbe Leglalalaro woald mho op thlaooeetiea aad paaa a general law oa Ibo anbjool, II certainly would nvoid a greol deal or troable, uulcee, IB tbe pall lag or auch a law tkay woald make a worao meaa of it than bow axlita. It oaoma lo n tbe Legle latara ooold ko protlably omployed Ib Ihla koal dooi ol loan, muck more ao tbaa ky ipeodiog days aad weoka la Iko diaaaaaloa of eebjeeu kavlag oo roaolllag keaell to the greol mosa of tko people. Wo wlih Mr. H amphroye, aa aoaa no tho bill bo preaoated b reported oad priotod, will eead oa a oopy ao thai wo may bo able to oacar tala III provlaleaa nnd giva laformallea lo oor roodere. Jailer Utrmli. mm o mi BokouoR Kliction. Ait we go to proee ea Toeeday, wa oaooot givo tbo malt of iko moalelpal electloa. There wore throe llckole ia Ike lold Doaaoorat, Ropablieoa oad Orton Voak as fcllowf I 1 araoaao. A. B. Shaw, Bern ..--- Ueorge S. Toaog, Rep - Fraoh K. Bmtlk, Tofn oooaclt. Tbumaa Reilly. lloa.-,-.. --."-""vo- i t l. B'.jer, Dem M. a. vnnvauaa, nop , Alelaador R. Read, U . . Bios GOxeraSLS. . . William Derails, Dem... - J' - J. Weeley Deny, Rep - Jobs U Hill, U............. - oaairiBta. John MoClollaa, Dem Jobe Uolioh, Hep - llrai f. Mania, vl .. t j pifsia vnaaioaas J. C. Whltablll, Dem Fredeaiek Ulltloger, ...-r - "- aaoaaaoa. Joha I. Pattareoa, Dem - Ueorgo W. Rheom, Rep tieorge Tbora, )...,. m...-.....!......!..." ' sealer xaasosoas. Fred. M. Cordon, Dem. A. J. Jarkeoa, Dom - John F. Irwia, Rop - Thomee Mllla, U Ueorgo D. Leokh, U - juboo or nfcaenoB. Wm. D. Blglor, Dom Hoory Bridne, Rep Ceiaellwo Ofee, U tnaricroa or aLacvtua, Jomoa P. BorcbOold, Dom. A. A. Adoma, R-p Jaha M. Uoatiaga, 0.1 ovanonaaa oo raj feoa . Charloa Migaed, Dem H W. Pare, Dem Thomee RoMoo, Rep.- Joka Stodlev,) A moo teadard,...... joaitoa. S. V. Wlleeo. Dau.,.......-.. t..-.. ttlehard blrb, Rop ,,..-t.M. Remember that Lytle ig County Agent lor Lorrillard'e Toboooo, and oaa aall tkea atfaatory priooa. Tkay ara tko boat tobaooaa la market. Try tbem. Licenae Bonda and Petition, of the form npprorod by tha Judgeo of tonrta to aompiy with tbo requlremonta of tho bow Coaatltulioa, for anle at tbia oKoo. If We have now on hand toveral tboua- und Iret-eleee aovolopoa, wblok wo will print for buainoaa men, nr nnybody olae, at prieoa thai oaa. aol ko rlaollod. Call and eoo thorn. If. At the Kf-UBi.KiAK ofilce in the place to get yoor )ob work done. Wo ara folly prepared to do aeytking in Ike printing lino, will do It well, aod at Ike right kind of priooa. if. To Landlurdi and Htorhkiipbrs. Lyllo haa an nrraiigemcnt with nn Enalern Uigor Faatory ao that bo oaa aoll oigara by Ike box or tboueaad nt bottom flguroa. tilro their aignra one trlol. If. A Clikuyiian iNmRtHTiD. One ot tbo beat Jokaa aver .erpatrated wna played npoa a aolghboring olorgytaaa recently tho core of a throat nod long trouble hy Dr. Foonor'o Blood aod Liver Remedy and Narva Tonia and kla Qo. daa Relief. For lalo by Iinrtanick t Irvln, Clear eld, Pn. Q- I Oo Ciooo Yield. The Altoona Tribune aata It up on Ita rcndera In thla way t " Mobbo towaahip, Mifflin ooonty, produced O7,02A bnabela of wboot laat year oa Z,0U2 acrea no nverega or nearly 28 buibele lo the aere aad t3,S42 bmhela oroala oa 9o2 ooroa, a littlo aver 36 buibela to Ike aero." A Fact. An advurliHoment inserted in tba RnruBLicna will reach more rendera than if publlohed In all the other papora la tho oobb ty.aud eoat tho advoniaei leoa Ibao ono-balf In other worda, an advortia. moot pabliabed la our jrurnnl la worth double tha prloo of tkat obnrgod by nay other pabliaber la tbo ooonty. It la a fact." ' tr. Dental Notice. l)r. A. M. Jlills would oay to hia frianda nod fnrawr patients tbnt ha has not retired rrom practico al boa beeo ao tbdoitrlooaly alreolatod by eom o peraosa, bat will ai'Btlana to givo hia poraonal at taotloa to all who may deoiro It, or lo aaalet Dr. Haiohhold whaa. ever reqolred. Nltruua Oxide Oaa glveo for Ibo paioleee axlractioo of tooth. April 14-tf. BaroainsI BaroaInsM For the porpoao of cloaing oot aa tuioieuoo alock of gooda, lotcndtnglo quit baalnaia lo tbia plana, Mr. 8. Bblora, lo tbe Opera Houaa building, le oow offer log ready-made Clolbiog, grata' farniihlng gooda of every description, Unta, Capa. Trnnha, Ac, nt n great aaeriloo. If yoo wont o good bargain In tbe above line of gooda, coll nt tbe Pniladelpbia Branch Clothing Store. If. Tho great heitling Ointment has proved of greol rervloo in promoting healthy na tion nf purulent ITIcora, Woonrla, Bolt Rheum, Eryeipelos, nnd other outnncuua affeetluna and for kuroi, fronted parte nnd cbilblaioa, It baa no equal. Prepared by R. K. Tkompeon, Wholeoale Drug glit, Tltuaville, Pa. Price, 13 eooU. For aalo by all drogglota ta Cleerfleld, aad by Joe. Baylor A Boo, Lotberaborg. No, Sir! "John Anderson" is not your aeroo. If yoa waol to humbug o prtoter, yoa Bluat adopt some other plao lo amuggla yoor. self Into notoriety. We judge from your com muoication, and wbal yon aay about your Bolgb bora, thai yoo are craay If not, yon ahoold go and aommit aulcida. Yoor paranta and frianda would be for bettrr off without yon, and tba eom. munily lo which you move would got rid of n drat-elaia nnloaoeo. Clearfield Coal Trade. Stnte- moot of Cenl and otber freighta coot over the Tyrone A Clearfield Diviaioo, PunoayWaoia Roll oad, for tko weik cnJiog February 1, 1170, aad the eotue time laat year : COAL, Tona, Fur the week Same time loot year .... 1,IS0 ... 10,177 Increnie o. ... 0,313 ... llO.OSt ... V0,l0 Prarloualy during year Baioa time laat year looreooe 10,778 ..... 140.1M ..... UO.OM 10,083 1 31 carl. 123 ' Tolol lo 1871 Same time Inn year Deerooae otbsb rnRtenva. Lomber Hiloellaneoua Ireighte Sptctal. BnoolBa Fon Salu. R. Newton 8haw hoepe n full oubbIv of Frednnio Bucsiea nnd Hlntform Wogone lor aaio. tu oo eeeo oi in. namw oww yard. Call oo or addroee him ot Cloorlold Pean- aylvanln. may II-ll. Wanran.&00,000 14-feetahaved boon., deliv ered nt Ibo railroad, lo ear looda of 8,000, al all nolota oa tbe Tvrooo 4 Cloorlold, P. B., Bald Kagle Volley, end Penoeylvonia Railroodo, for wbioh 1 Will poy too aigoooi moram price. 0. r., Octll, 1178-tf. Cleerlold, Pa. Just Itccetvcd ! Jnsl Received by ARNOLD, al CUKWENSVILLE. Car Load Nuvb foolia Plnsler 1 Car Load pure Corn, It) and Oata Chop I Car Load fteaken Salt I ' tf Car Lund Choice Family Plour 1 Car Load Dry Goods, ttnrwrien.&p.! tarHhini!les, Hark, It. 1(. lies ana Gmin will bo lukxn in ext hungo. Curwensville, May 1, 1878. The Death-rate of Ouroouotry la grtting to bo fearfolly nlarming, Ibo nverego of life beiog Iroeoood erory veer, without any reaaonnbla oauao, death teaulliog genarnllv from the mi. el loaigoilcaot ongio. At tble eeaeoo of tho year eoieeiolly, a ould le aaoh a oommoa that to tbo hurry of every day life wo . ,t ia overlook tbo dancere attoodlua II aad too ollea Bod too late, Ibat a Fever or Lung trobblo boa already eet la. Thoueeode loao taotr Urea thia way ov.ry winter, wbile had Boaebeo'a (Jormao Syrup boon taken, a euro woald bve ro oiuJ. .nd a laroe bill from a doctor avoided. For all dloeoaoa of the tbroot end luogo, Boaoboe'a Uermaa Syrup hoa proveo ttaelt lo to tbe great eat diieovery or ite kind lo medicine. Every drooviit In Ibie country will tell yoo or ita woo- dorlul elect Over 030,1'tlO bolllea sold loot year without a aingle failnre known. JulylT, '71-oow-ly. H e t halltngt the World. When wo ley wo l)ellev wo have evidence to prove tbnt "biloh'o Coniuniptlon Cure ia decidedly lha boot Lone Medicine made, in us much aa It will core a oouimoo or Cbronio Cough lo one bolf the time nnd relieve Ailbmu, uroncoitta, nnoop. in. Con.b. Crotlo. and ahow more caoeo ef Coo. ootnptloa oared tbaa nil otbera It will enra where they tall, It ia plraoant to take, harm lata to tbo youngeot ohild nud wo guarantee whal we aay. Prioo, 10 ote. 10 ell and 11.00. If your Lnngo are core, Cboit or Buok lame ooe Hhiloh'e Porona Plular. Hold by Hortawick A Irvlo, 0. D. Wal aoa, Clearfield, I'a. . , , ' " ' t ' Do JVil Oelttv It. Thel In thla towa thero ara soma of poraooa paaolog oar atom every day wboee Uvea are made mloerablo by ladlgoetlon, Dyepepeta, Boar aad diolroaood Blomach, Liver Compmlat, Coootlpo tloa, whoa for 78 eta. wo will aoll thorn Bbilob'e VUelioav. eriieeentoed lo OorO them. Bold hy Horlowlek A Irvln, aod 0. 1). Weteoo, Clearleld, Poaa'a. Per Loaee Bock. Bldw OT Caevt una flnTLOHl POKOIS I'l.AhltU. Price It ill. Bold hy llartawleh Irwin and 0. 0. Wataoo, Cleerlold, Peon' a. ' I o . r Uae Dr. Vaa I)) Be'a omiphur Bo a p. i Makaa the aklo bountifully white and healthy, romovea dandruff, cbalng, prickly hoot, lorei, oroptloae, burhipg atlnguig an I Itablng af the ahia and scalp. A aulphur bath with II la highly recommended. Alweya aak for II by llo tail oarae. Jul, 17,'7S eow 8re. Oaa llcei.oao Paa Cav. Diaootisv aa Olb PatcaaBewlag Marhiaoeooaoowoo parohaeod at Merroll l lla aad variety einre, from t4 ap warda. All hladi of aewlof mack moo repaired on tbn abortnot aotloo. CloarOeld, Ps,, ialy It, I87f. XerTous Oebllit- 'ltal Waakaaaa or leprwaolom i a weak aohaootad fOOliOO. OW HWn or OOWrOWO I the fO- euli of aaeatal or or-work. IndWvratloae wr aoiaoawa. oe aoana draia aaow Iko aymom la at woya eared by Uam kooy'a Uommpoibio Bpoela No. IS, It toaaa ap aad lavlgonMoa tho eyatoea. diaaole tho gloom ood dooonadeney, impnna etienmk ood oaoray, Mowe Iko draia ax Jovoaatoa Iko aal.ra Sana. Beeo aeed twenty mm WHO arfaat ooooeoo hv thooeaada. Bold hy doa ere. I'rioo, 81 Bor otaglo vial, or 8e awr poekogo of Ivo viola aad ta viol ol powder. Boal hy moil oo receipt of prloo. Addreia HBsnfriraya' Haaaeapalhlc Medlrlno Canguaay. I 0 Foua Bt., N. f. L. ll. Hatooo, ageol, vaaaraota, ra. . T oopa. In, 1178-ly. Wanna. Detleoreel aa tka HaU Reoni. 1 00,000 14 look ekoeoO ekiofleo. laao, K-oaok ooeol akioM. looHio roea of ,ioo kTora. eO,on l.-reerekeveO fcoopa. t.ona raiiroael ilea. OB,00 foea el fooo1 keaaaook koayO. kao BkUh I oill mmt Ike h lib Ml 0aiBo Brioo, SoH.eroo at UloarteM, or oi aajawta,eo tka IlMO a) haarM4 oi4r0-O- J. f. K 0400 a. 9eoari4a, H, OH. lo, Wm4f. - Slrl Ib LkwrttM town Ik l, m Satartlftv. thruj iib. 187V, Ju H., mi r X. L. ud Mry Jui Ofdei, I Bontbs and tl 4aj. tm Ibt borough of Nw Wti,lilDt Clatrltld onattg Ft, BuorJiT, rcbraary flib, 187, Hahtir HULL, torn f HIT. JaiM U. Uutl. Iiid afar I 16 jwu Tba family barMftx), bat sot BobUiti ur aiyooa tbtM "darksata atgau i uaa Thair klodrctl oaa baa aoaa to r Ta da-ill aaoara la WijbUr oil id a, A. B. Ia Olaarflfld borounh, oo Mead ay tTaaiag, Fabraary, ITtb, 1S7V, or droniy, Qbobui 0. Paib Moaa, aitad Tl ytara, T naatba aod II dayi. CLEAEFHLD MAEKETS. Clbabviblb, Pa., Fob. II, lSTf. Flour, wr owl. S3 If Buckwheat Floor, per awl, Cora Meal, per awt..M.w. Obop, rye, perewl Chop, mixed, per owl Braa, per ewt Wheal, per koobol.... Rjo, per boohol.... Oole, per bnabel Cora,, per bnohet..H . Bockwboot, per baeheH... Polotoea, per buabel Applea, per buabel Home, per pound Shoulder, per ponod 1 W I to 1 40 I 1 00 1 M 0 at la M TO 40 to 1M li I 11 40 ia Dried Beef, per poond ......... Chlokeae, par pair........ Bntter, perponad Ka ga, par doaan Bait, per eack, largo............ Coal Oil, per golloo Lord, per pound . Dried Applea, per pouod..w, Dried Peocboe, per poond...., Uoooa, per boobel 01 I 00 10 lu t ID PBODUCE MARKET REPORT. PaiioADaLriUt Fab. li.-Ia braadataffa Ihara ta aot Bjueb dotag. Cottoa auotioaaa flrta al ti(cL lOo for tviddllaci, Tba 6our aiarkat ia darutd vt apiHtpand prloaa of loa; gradea ara wrak. 8aloa ot l,4Ut barrals, acladiug Miaaaaata Ettra PawHy, at l 4.Ta t Paaaarlfaaia Sitra do. at 4.Sra4.Tfr ; Wrtura do. do., at $A I6(rti5.60, mmi I'aioat aad othtr bigb gradaa at $ttM(&1.1t. Coram Ml it Moai.Dal. Rya flour ! ataady at t2.fta,(1.7S. Wboat Iroa witb a fatr denaod. Balaa of 6, 00 baabalag Inoladiog aVaaaaylvaaia Hodf at l Qfia,lMAk Pooaiylvaaia Amaar, at $1.0T1 (fl I U, and No. 1 Ud, is alafater at $1.0i. Rya aot b log doing. Cora ia atoady, bat tba traotaotloni ara in a II. Soloa of I, OUt baihala, inoladiog rtjootod. at 4l ; lUaoar, Iraok and grata dot, at 41 (ft 43 io ; aad do, akvator, at 42iof wll, Biiiod aad yollow, traok aod grain depot, at 4444io j 45e ; aod aailp alarator. at 44o. Uia ara nrm, at zvrasio tur n niio, wm aaiaa of 7,000 bnibeU. ClovariMd ta atcady at f5J to lor eaoieo. FlaiiMd ia waatod. at l S7. Whiaki io d.ll. at $I.T fur Wtatara. Bataa of 6 barrvliof Now York and Now Joraty Appla Brandy, at t 64l fll 00 barrtli of Ml. Vor ua '74 and 40 barrali do. '69 ua Herat torma. CttiCAflO, Fob. IS. Flour lo good demand and a abado higborf Spring Kitra, $3..6($4.So ; oboioa Uiaaaaola Eitra. $4 frt ; Wntara Hatoata, $6(a; .Minnewta Palanlo, $i M(a l Winlar Kitra, H.ib(aiA ) low gradaa, II VU($1.7ft. Wbaat aotiva, Irai and bigbar, almot axoitad ; No. 1 Hcd Winlar. O&o for Maroh I Na. 1 Cbtea- go Bpriog, l(u,Ulio for aaib i Q1lo for March Mitgimo for April j no. oo. too.; rt iaotad. 824o. Corn oioitad and blgber t Me bid for aaib ; 3Z.0 for Marc ft ; Hit tut April ; oia lor Mmj rolMtad. S0. Uau aetiva, flra and higbor, at Jljo for oath i lie for Maroh ; 21 to lot April, ido lor May i ra jteted, 18o. Rya In good demand at full prltaa. Barlov dull and 78a. Flaiiood in good domand, and trading upward; tatr oraiblng to good rowing, ai ai.sdi.tju. Railroads. Penimjivniilnltallroad TYRONE a CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON and after Mondny, NOV. 4, 1871, tba Poeeena-er Trnina will run dnily (eteorit Son- dnya) helweeo Tyrone and Vlearaold, no loltowa CLEARFIELD MAIL. r7. B. Pltjbmbb, Condaotor. LBAVB gOUTH. Ourwanevllle,..l.l0, r.m Cloorlold, 1.40. Leonard,.. 140, " BarreU ...l.o4, noodload,....4.0l, ' Bigler,.. 4 OS, Kalleoeton 4 17, ' Bloo Boll 4 15, Urobnm 4.81, " Pbllipabnrg, ...4.10, " Blelaer' " Boyntoa,M.....4.4l, Ooceolo. 4.11, ' Powelioa,. ....., ",, " Taoaooyoo,.....l.l, fl tyroa 1.00, " LEAVB NORTH. Tyrone, ... Veoeeoyoe,... , l.oo.a.a, .. o.js, -... 0 aO, ...10 00,," ....10.17," Summit, .... PowaltoB,.. Oeooola,... Bo) awa, ... Bleioor'o.... ..I0.JI," Phillpabarg,..IO , Granam I0.t8, Blue Boll 10.17, Welleoetoe,... 10.41, Bigler, " Woodlood,.... 10.J0, -Barraat,, Leonard 11.11, Clear! old. .....II. 10 ,' Cerwoo.Tllle,.ll.4lii., CLIAHFIKLU ACCOMMODATION. Wa. L. Kaunas, Ceaductor. LRA VI SOUTH. LEAVB NORTH. Ourwoaevllle. 1.40 a. a. Tyrone,. ........ I. II r. m Clenriold..... 1:10 Vaoeooyoo,....I.U " Leonard 7.! " Summit, 1.00 " Borratt, Ml " Powelioa, I.JO Woodlood,.... t.ll " Oeeoola, I 40 " Bigler I 7 Boyotoo I ll " Wollooeloo, 8.11 " Otoi.or 0,... 4 00 " Blue ball,... . 8.31 " Phllipeoarg...4 It Orabaaa aa ' Oroham 4.40 Pbllipabnrg.. I N " Bloo B.ll 4.4 riioioor o. 0.10 V. allaoatoa, ...I II " Boyatoa 0 IS " Bigler Uereoio, 0 811,. ....4 " Poweltoo, 10 00 Borrelt, 8.47, 10 80 Lounnrd, 8 04 Vnnayoe,...11.07 " Clearleld 8.10 " Tyrone, ll.M " Corweoavllla,.7.00 8TAUK LINUS. A atnaelearee Cnrwenavilla dally for Reynolda. villa, ot 1 o'eloek, p. m., arriving nt Rcynoldavllio al o'elook, p. m. Itetoraing, ieavaa Jtejaolde- villa daily, at 7 o'oloea, a. m., nrnving ui uur wnoavilla al II o'o lock, m. Fare, each way, 81. A nui leovee Curweoivllle dally, al I o'oloeh o. m.. lor DeBolo L'itv. amvini at OoBcia City ol o'clock, p. m. Retoroiog, leovos lluBola nt t o'eloek, a. m, doily, arrlviugat Carwaaavllioal II o'eloek, ai raro, oacs way, ai. PHILIPSBUHQ A UOSUANNON BBANCHIS LBOVB SOOVB. r. nr. A. m. A. bBAVB sobvb. sviviona. I:S0 lit 1:10 114 1:80 1:44 1:41 l:6T 1:01 1:17 1:11 Morrlodnlo, 7 IS Pkillpaborg, V:SI Kuioor'a 11:41 1215 4:11 - 11.11 4:14 11:14 4:11 10:10 11:04 4:10 1:44 Boynton, 1:10 1:41 8:61 8:00 8:40 8:11 8:44 8:18 8:40 8:11 8:85 8:18 8:80 8:14 Uoeeom, Itoohannoa. 10:81 11:41 1:41 Sterling, 10:18 11:41 1:50 lloutadale, 10:48 11:40 1:44 McCaulay, 10:43 11:18 8:40 Kendriok'a, 10:58 11:30 1:14 Homey. 11:11 ll:li 1:10 BALD IAOLI VALLEY BRANCH. El. Mall. Mall. Eip. r. a. a. a. " a. b. T it 0.S0 leaea Tyrone arrleo 0.10 0.0a ttl I tT Ball Eeflo t.ll T.ol t.01 0.10 Julia . I 10 f.00 111 lit Mlloabari 441 0 41 til 10.01 Bellotooie 4.17 1.41 10.11 Mlleebarg 41a 011 01 10.40 Howard 4.01 (.00 41 11.11 arrlreL. lloroa laaro l it I It TYRONE STATION. . aaarwaao. Peeile Eaproea Uarriabarg Aeo'ai A. a. waaTWaao. 1:11 PllUbargk Kip'eo, I t! Poolla iTiproia, 1:10 1:10 O.K. 116 0:14 TlOl Mall Train, 1:10 Wa, Paeeenger, Allaatle Eiproaa, t:t0 Mail Trata, Phila.Kit.roio, 10:31 1 Past Llaa, Close oonneetlooa mode bj all Irolni at Tyrone aad Look lloroa. I. I. BL4IH, i,17-If. gaporlotondont. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefooto, Pa tl 01 1 M Iddlotown tt 00 Look Ua.ea. ........ t 70 Marietta 0 tl Willlomeport....... I 40 l.onoailor t 00 HonllngJoB IIO.PtHLADELPUU 7 00 Lowlalowa. 100 lAlloooo I OS M.rjrrllle. 1 10 JehBatowa..r,., I St Co.ooirllle MlPhilipobarg. Oeeoola OtlTrrono m 7 11 BARRIHBITRfi... 4 7tl PITTBBllBfl 0U IOB PRIM nfl OF EVERT E8CRtP 01 thio 1 ooatlt oaaootod et Ihla a For ole b, H. B. Boaokmaa, Ciooraoid, i'a. NOTICG m FARBNTtk Tba no dor aigood wlihos ta glow aolioa Uot aha will opoa a oobool ra tho Leonard eobool boildiog. la Ikia hereagh, oa tbo Orel Maadao la hia. Ball the Ilk In aoalloaa three aaoalha. Tenae tl pot or holer, to ko pold oa ike tnt dot of eoaool. Fanhor aaformolloo ta regard be .dM a,od term I ooe bo hod or oolliog ow or oddfooolog . . MIM rJATTIt sjOOItlf, - kaat iioojoo, Caaar.l4 fa BTolloi, rrtc.filn Iwri B. iU risnplr, Aff JW n4 ftl I MIsftaJ i(mum tUIoI ia fu -esji- OAW I fhfallli. WA - U r.eod atTtwel Oajfajf. f M gtw dwrtiitmrnli. A TTEWTIOH, KAPTMEH.-Tboaador-JK aigood baa leoaed tho Mneboaaofl Hoooo, al tka mooth of big Moebaa Boa oieek, whoro ko to p roparod lo cBtortaiB watermea at reaeoankle ratoa. Hie table will bo auppllad with the boat Ihnt tbo market will afford, oad ha will eparo ao pniaa to render bla goalie eomfertable while tar rying wltk klm. DAN'L. W. 8CH.NAJIR8. Kortkeue, Febroary 10tk 1170. L ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICG. Notieo la kereby givoa tkat LatUra of Ad miolatrotloa on Iko eototo of JOHN UKBKH LINU, Into of Brady towoabip, Cloarneld ooonty, Pa., doeeaaod, havlog boon duly graatod to the andariltood. oil poraooa Ladobtod to aaid eototo will pleoee make Immediate BMreaeat, aaetove baviog elaima or domonde ngamat tha aeauo will proaeol tbem properly authenticated for Mttlo menaerithoul delny. OKORQS 0. KIRK, Adminiatrator. Utheraburg, Pa., Jaa. t, 1170-11. CAUTIOM All poreoaa ara hereby wonted agoinat purcbaalag or lo aoy way meddling with tbo following property, now la poeaooaioo of Joha Lyooa, of Brady lownohip, via t Onto dark bono, 1 gray more, 1 oat double hamooe. 1 Iwo horoo wngoa, 1 pnrkr atovo, 1 log obaina, oerea wheel In the grouod, I hoga, T piga,and a e reel on t eew, aa the eame woe purobaaad by mo at Bhorig'a oole oo the Mlh day of November, 1171, ood la left with blm on loon only, aubjeet to my order at aoy time. ABRAHAM HKUBRLINU. Jeforoon Liaa, Pa., Fob. , 1171 It. CArTIOPfAll panom ara honby waraad agaiaat purebaiiag nr ta any way uaddliag with tba liilluwiogproparty.nowintpoaMaaiou of Thouaa W. lirant, of Kartbana to weak, p, rll : Two boraaa. dvablo barnaaa aod wagon, obaiol, praada, nook-yuko, two hogi, throo towa, foar oalvoip tbroo bodt, two itoTw, ais obaln, on la bia, can oop board, oo elooip oaa Iron kotUo, all farming iinplauonta, ana faoniag mill, all htinat hold and kuobon larnitnra. Tba tureguing prop arty waa parohaaod by aM at privato aa on tba lilh iay of Fabraary, and ia allowed to remain in tha poaMMina of aaii Thomaa W. Oraat on loan oaly, aubjoot to my ordtr at aay timo. L. W. HANUKK3 Driftwood, Cautron Co., Fob. ltfu, M9 St. RIAL LIST Lift of aaaooaaot down for trial at aaoood wak. March Toraa, aom- oneing Monday, Mink ITtb, ll7,aod oooUoa ing two wtoka ; nnla M. Irrln to. Adam Hagy. ti. OaoeolaPark AtaoolatioB Riiep, in of Joha Coaaory wm. Cavanaagh Hmith'a Ada n R. Blandy va. C. Oallagber'a Adm'ra. va. Kittaooing Coal Co. Hobertion va. Moebooooo b. a u. uo. M. Mollondry at. al. va Jamat b. Aathony. Patrick Kt-rna vs. loonc Caldwell, 11 ubart vo. Btobakar A llolloprter. va. M vo. Lever Fiegol. va. David Donn. va. Lafayette H. Bloom. ve. L ve. Henry Liverlght ot. al. ve. T. K. Bloody ot. al. M. llubart I) J. Hoar A Co. ea. M. Uriabin ha U. Ulaijiow bllla II. Turnar yar, (tuyor A Co. Co. Nat Uaak ve. 8erouoi Oooowoy. vs. llimm Woodword. vs. IS Ilia B. Marahall at al ELI BLOOM, Protocolary. H u it Lortr Flrgal A NEW DEPARTURE IV Ll Til E ESBC RG. Iloroafter, guoda will bo aotd for CASH only, la oiehaoca for prodaoa. No boo hi will bo kept in tba futara. All old aaoounta moat ho ottlod. Thooo wbo oaooot oaih ap, will plaaaa nana oror tbnr notat ana CLOSE THE EECOED. I am dUrmlno4 to toll my good, at eaah priooa, and at a diaeoont far bolow that aor offorad in thla rioioity. Tha dtaoout I allow my aoatomara, will maho thorn rieh la twoaty yoara If thay follow my advioa and bay taotr gooai irom mo. I will pay oaah for whoat, oau and oloraf aaad. DAN I KL UOOULANDBR. Lotbaraborg, Jaaaary IT, Ibtt. Agricultural Statistics. f (Af OVKmm CtmrJlM Oannfy i Th oriigi.od (nrin boon nppotntotl by tho PtportaetnttM WMBinnton, prtneipu roporur oi ho Aoriculurol ButiitiM of ClonrAnld oountr, rofpMiruIly wqatiti tbo eo-oportlon of nil to Mailt, by Mndlng tho lobterihor nil tho lofomo tlon tboy eon boorlog opoa tbo futlooinf o,twi- tloni, num onnoio bib to boko u oorrooi n lUtcnent to tho Utportrntot, ni potiiblot How ama hortoi ho to i od in yonr buroogb or town ihip, nnd of what dlMOM. How moay 000 aod eolvM, and of what dlfMia. How may iboop bnra you loot, and of what diioaM; how Booy killed by dngf. Mnw nany hotel hart yon loot, and of wbat dttooM. What prevailing dlvoaaoa anoogtt tha poultry. Ia all eaaai givo tho roB edioi mod wbieh havo boan fonnd to bo nooaii- fol, nod in all oaooa to giva tbo oaih ralvo of all took na nwiy na poMiblo, By thooo-oporatlon of oar ouiHBi In ganoral apon thoao important particular, tbo Agaicoltorai roporii wm oooobo aa oaovalooodinof aiafal information to tba pab- li, by oaabling tha DopartBOot to pabliih tbo diotaMa, tha louoi, aad tho roBodlaa that haro boan found moil banafloial In eartaln duoaaoa. An? othar inroraation that will bo oootldorod n nubile bonilt. will ho thaakfaili rooalvod. Addrtia tbo tubaeribor nt Oraapian Hi III, CUaifioldCo.. Pa. bAMUKL WlUKMlttK. Maroh IS, 1878-tf. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW ORADB DIV18I0N. 0 and aflor Moodaf, Doe. 10th, HIT, I ooaeanoor trnina wall ran dalle (oxeopt ) oetereea Red llnnk and Driftwood, oa Mlowa I KAfTW ARI). Dor Malllearaa Piuahorn 0:10 a. n.i Ro.l Book Hits 1 gll(o Jonotloa IJ:i Maw Bolhlebana l:0f p. m i Majarilla 1:16 1 Tro, 1:10 1 0 1:00 Foller'o 1:14 I Re, aoldarllle 1:43 DuBoia 1:11 1 Summit Tooool 1:01 1 PeoOeld 4:0i WeedTlllo 4:17 1 Beoeaetu 4:10 1 at Driftwood at I II. I JITW AHD Pit MalllenToa Driftwood 11:1k ,. na. B.oaaotU 1:00; Heedrillo 1:11 1 Peoleld l:4n; HuoiinilTuDnellOT; DuBolil S0 ne;nollarlllel:tl: Kuller'el:l7; BroohTilleI:lli Tree 1:40: MnTlTilla 4:lll New Botnlokeoj 4:10 1 lio J.notiuo 0:10 j Had Bank 1:17 at fUtabur, at 0:10 p. SI. Jfefr Tba nrvnoUrrllle AoeomBodatioB lonooa Rovnoldiville dallj al 7:60 a. ai. aad arriooa at Rod Bank at 11:00 a. ., Pitlaburfk at l:at p. a. Leaoee Pittobur,b at 1:10 p. Rod Book nt t:tt p. aa.) arriring at Raraoldavillo at l:0t p. Bt. Cloae ooBBoclioaa made witk trnina on P. 4 I. Railroad at Drill oood, and "lib traloaoatka Alleibenr Vnllej Railroad at Kel nana. DAVID kkCAHOO, Uee'l Sup'U A. A. Jacaaoa, gop't I.. O. Dir. BTAOl LINE. cLKanrrBka to ptnriBLD. Tho uoderiiioed would Infona tko nuMie tbnt bo le now raooin, a etaice lino betwooa Chwrfiald aad PonBelil, throe tiaiee a week. Thootage looTeeUieorOeldoa MoadoTa,WedoM dori aad rridoji, al I o'clock a. m., nrrlring al Peateld al II o'eloek aa. Returaing aamo daja. Loaeae Peoleld at 4 o'eloek Ba arrif. lag at Cloorlold at I o'eloek p. aa. Conneoeiea la mode with traiaa aa tha Low Grade R. K. ol Peoleld. Pare, oooh war, II 51. OEO. W. UEARllART. Cloorlold, Pa., fob. 13, 1171 TUB LIKT Namea of tbo Jororo drawn larok Term, 1070, ooinmonoing 00 tho nj for Maroh Term, 1070, ooinmonoing 00 tho third I woeaa: oaila,, (17(b), aad to oooliaoo for two osakb at-nr. R. V. "packman, BredpiJookan Bootall, Brady Joha Pattareoa, Jurdoo,j Porter Wionr, Bnggo, Rubort Uroea, Ulrerd, U W BUI, Woodword, ' l. B. ro.llle. Brod,, UAL Hotel, Uoebeo, Mlloe Wall, Peon, i A Thoaapaon, HoaladaU A. M. Hooear, Bradford Darid Kaoffman. Bell, flea. Bowman, eteoa, W W Borelay, N Waah'a Blmon Tbompoofl, Butga Joe Kliebeo, Ohoet, J K Pee, Gerweuorille, Parley Oiaham, Orrerd, Rob't Tkooipeiio, Cir d, Larl lloae, Dooelor, Wm M I'elerr, Bradford,! A C Tate, Cleerlold, W II ftrdgwlek, Ualkib, Jao B imitk, Piko. Tnraain icaoaa lar wast, I7ra. Andrew Miller, Brad,, M LiTOrgned, Uookoo, Bem'l U Kunta, Brady, P Dhunhwaller, Ouoben, John Frailer, Cheat, M B Coooway, Cor'gtoa Philip nhof.r, Bell, Joe T Straw, Fargaaea, Tbo. Bmiloa, llooladalo, aiai eneo, Braoy, U P Uordoa. Woword W H Wiaoieo. Morris, Joha Readies-, Nowburg'rJ Wbitooidoo et, (luliek, Joa Hattoo, Burnaide, j Kllaha Moore, Poaa, A L Hard, Nowburg, W B Hill, Lumbar City, NewtUwheod, Uw'aool Henry Nof.jr, N Woeb, I A Coaowoy, KerlboaoJoe Booaeiager, Ulrard, Uodfrey Wootot, Brady, Cboa nf Oood. ia, Pisa, Joba Albert, Doealar, Hoar, I'talngrr, Brady, Philip Croylo, Soilob, A Boraaoy, Corlnfton, Iboa Potrtdgo, Weod'rd Philip Ko.x, Morrle, 1 I Kramer, lloorleld. rrai Clemrer, P1S0, L Hooter, Morns, W a Reama. Doeatar. John ti. tiray, Braolord leo w Ulaoe, Karthnna, t, w interne, BrOiirurd. Kdw'd Baebe.Woodw'rd T W UraoL Knrlbnna. dam aay, rise, Dan 'I Hlewert, Brodlord J B Rotbrook, Morrio, L H Honey, Borooluo fc, Uee'l Cbenlia, Uullok, Joka DoU, LawreBoe, iJ B UiDob', Baoeorla, Jomoa Fleok, Merita, lUrler Boll, jr, Poaa. raaTani, jrnona Jo wtaa, lira. Reb'l (toll, Woodword, Juba Hajrorty, Pike, Bom 1 L Hooter, reaa, Ueorgo Hart, Merria, U Morklo, Lowronoo, H D Hooe, N Weeh'gloa Wm L Do. Id, Uolleb, P A Owoaa, Lewraaa 0 Henliae. Korlhoaa, Joha Voolur, Begga, A Shaw. Cloarteld, Prank Bnmitb, BoooorU Joa Byara, Baraeido If, Jeaae day dor, Vkeol, 1100 Itaarr jr, Brodj, A B Straw. Jnrdan. Joe Miohaola, Uaoot, B 0 Brodlord, 4lrard. Voahlla. Uw'aoa Uaeok Mot torroa, Bugga, Joha MeUutre, Urakom, Jao Woo.e., Beraoidolp Bilward M'llor, Uolioa, Praaa Migaoa, Cor 'gtoa, BiHa Irwia, Uookoa, J T Wihha. Weodwari V Aotee, bawrnaoo, Villa Uiiea. Woodwwd. Jaa htroy r, Brodlord, aoaa Hina Jr, am. v sa veryeil, Maeaam. Mark f imta, BroOfoed. t oei Bead, Laerreaar, iJeaa Oiaiaoa, Brady AUgo.14, w mo oor a. Aaaoe BoaUoo), UooooU. 5nr t9vs dvfrtUtmint. THE REPUBLICAN, Fahllihad ovary Wodoeaday hy G. B. GOODLANDER, CLBAKKIBLO, PA Has the Larfeat Clrcalatlaa of any papor la Narthwwatara PannaylvaMla. The largo) and constantly inoraaaing olroulation of tbo Republican, renders it valuable to butinaee men aa a medium thro' which to roaoh lb public Term of Subscription i If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 If paid alter three months, , 2 50 If paid alter ix months, . . 8 00 When papers are sent outside of tha ooonty payment mast be loadvaooe. ADVERTISING i Ten lines, or less, 8 times, . 11 60 60 2 50 2 60 2 60 1 60 2 60 , 6 00 . 20 Each subsequent Insertion, Adminiotrator' Noticoi, , , Execeloro' Notices, . . . Auditors' Notices, . . . . Cautions and Eetrays, . , Dissolution Notices, . . , Professional Cards, 8 lines, yei Special notices, per line, . . YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS i One iqatr, 10 lines, . . $3 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares, 20 00 On fourth column. , . , 50 00 One ball column 70 00 One column. 120 00 BLANKS. We bare always on band a large stock of blank i ot all description. SUMMONS, SUBP(ENA3, EXECUTIONS, ' ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEB BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, &o.j ko t Ac. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCII AS POSTKivS, , PROGRAMMES, .... , t CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, to., 0., IS TUB BEST STYLE, AND ON RBASONABLB TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Geo. D. Goodlander, Clearfeld, - C(tarlM Caaaly, H. ggtf rrllanrouf. Pali7 and Winter Goods ; ' ; in great variety, are now open and ready for sale, at PRICES THAT CANNOT BE COMPETED WITH, (by small buyers), at the widly and well known Dry Goods Store of T. A.. FLECK & CO. It is only necessary for us to announce to the public that with the constantly increasing demand, we are ever enlarging our stock, both in Quantity and that any and everything . needed in the most durable and fashionable lines of goods can be had at our store at all times. Our goodB have been selected in person by Mr. Fleck, mostly at the manufacturers, and by buying in large quantities, we save the jobbers' . profit, and are thus enabled to sell at VERY LOW FIGURES. We also have one of the very best Milliners constantly at her place, ready to trim - . in .the very latest styles, and wo. guarantee that any work en trusted to Miss Cresty's care will bo pleasingly excouted. We know whereof we speak, that we will make it to the interest of all persons wishing to buy Dry Goods of all descriptions, to call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. JtmTICCB CONSTABLES' FEES Wej hart printed Urge) aomtwr of th FES BILL, ftQd will lb ixlpt f tw.nty Ito aMflU. Mil MOT to i"y Atn. mfU ARNOLD WANTS ,000 Rail Road Ties Carwenarille, Pa. Jan. I, "71 tf. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. CanrMif (II. Ju. , TS-tf. PROPERTY FOR RENT. Mrs. Jobo B. Rftffartv, f Pen a townihip, offtrt for rant dwosllioj boom nod fton room, itnntein tb tiitgt of fenDTtiM. rur lunnor iafornttion Apply to, or nddroii, Mriati. if. KArrbnu, KL lS,78-tf. UrtunpiM lllllt. NOTIC Iw Noti it brby ni tbot nnp plleation will bo m&r to tho proMntUooorol AiMBtbljr of tbo But of PonniylTonio, for tbo oiHgt or o luppioBant to tn aoi pMtod tnt 0th of April, 1b73, intitlod "An Aet to ropool nn Aet to imy oot nod ntko n Suto rood in Cloor- Bold ooancy, nnd lo roftuloto too nppliontton or tftiti on tbo undo Utroia natnM, nmoootnit mm io ii to nuthorlt tbo UMiimoBt, ool loot ton nod dlibarMment of Bohool Uim on tho proportv with io noo dttrtot, ttj tno proper natnorttiM oi iiuton oa rut townintp. dj oraor oi iot toton of Ilaiton lownihip. L. BIRD. Jon. IV, l7k-4t. English and Classical SCHOOL, Tbia ichool will opan In tba Leonard OraiM School bnilding, Cloarflold! Pa., lo April, 1S79, and oonttoao aloren waaka. Claioaa In Oarman, Botany and Book. Kooning, will bo foraod. Thorough .attract loo will bo giTBS. TUITION. . 'oeaaioB Drnaoboa H.... 10 00 Either Inallih ool Clooaloa I 0, B. 0. TOuNOMAN, ' F. O. HARRIS, ClearleK, Pa., Jaa. IS, 1170. HI. A Bank thai Never Breaks. Try My Conl. Tbo Bttdoriiiaod adept tbia aittood of Infom- Ing tbo nunaroua aonmBon, tbat bii ooal bank ii not Win tar nrroofOBonl only, bat thai It will bo operated in tba Sunmar na wall aa Win I olaia Uat 1 bnTottaa Beet Coal in the Market, and will aoll It for onab, or la oiohanfo for floor, food, grooortoj, ato. Largo oootraota will bo Bado at a vory anall protb For fnH partloala ra oall oa bo la poraoa, roaiding In oaa of Orabaa a uppar bouiaa, or addraai ma through tba poat 0S00. Ordora laft at tbo poatuBoo will rtoafrt pruapt attontlon. THOU A. DUUKKIT. , tiaarnaia, ra., jaa. a, ibiv-u. m mot JETPASTE. grove POLISH, rotrMr-ttos ia. t jaor-nii ft4AW( fair M. tt?l WOsa POLISH Wm Hnna1 NO k oMTTXXfffO. I DUIT. I RUIT, I WABTK, ' BKUIU, HEHRY 1 IIEGLIR, Solo Hanurulurw, William Powell, stroNn ffr, vis.nrtKiD, n., Dealer in Heavy rnd Shelf HARDWARE; IRON, NAILS, PAT Til, OILS, VARNISHES,' ! uLANSANii rum :,, I Reeiie eoo.tonllr on hand lbs beet Cooking, Ileating nnd Parlor , , Stoves and Ranges of all datarlptlooi. Tab la and Poekot Oatlary, ivtrpaotari Toon, aoen at hbwi, ifaicatu, Hquaraa, Baneh 8 topi, Plaoai aad Hlaao Inter, Cbiali, Bitti, hri, Adioi, Plloa, IliorMofaJlklodi, Ucka, Bcrowi, Baih Cord, Pulltji, eta., ate. Farming UteiiII, Plows, Cattirntere, Double aod alnglo Rborol riowe, Valtlralor Tceto, uratB vraaiee, Bertbeo, Saotboa, lloe,, Perko, R.koa, lla, Porka, Form Delia, alo., ote. Horoo Rhors ssd Hons Nalta. lha boat make of Croat-eat Iowa aad saae, Oriedaloeee oad Crladatono Tialuroa, and orarjtbing nauall, hrpt la a Onl-claoe Hardware Blofe. Alio, O foil atook nT ... House Furnishing . Goods, BRl'BRKS, IA1IPS, CHIsl.VKVa, Ao, All blade of Tlaware b4 aa bead aad mad. ta order. Hootag Bad Hoootiag f rom,ir, ae- waiaoa la. Pwreeaa w lab Ing aa,taiag Ib b, Ilea, are I, fcted to aall aad asamlae etMk aad arlaoa. WILLIAM tMWaVloW, CloorOeli, Pa, Jaat I, lIO ll. ISliMllan'oui. Vote Early and Often! FOR GE0.C.&T.W. MOORE. THKY Invite yon to fall at tbair Storo la tho Opora iloopa, CLb'ARFIKLU, PA., nod aao tba boat aad aboapoat itook of BOOTS AND RHOK8, HAT8 AND CAPB, Gcnls', Furnishing Goods, &cH EVER BROUGHT TO THE COUNTY. TbalT larga aod alacaBt atook of fondi eoaiti of all tylM ml pricas la LADII9,' MlSaK9' nod CIllLl'KKN'rJ Which will mit all kladi af enitomara. AIm. GENTS' FINE BOOTS St SHOES. ThU la tha only plaeo In Claarfltld oonnty whoro tbo oolabratW PERKINS' Driving Boots and Shoes oaa do koogbt. BOYS' aad YOUTHS' BOOTS and 8I10K8 of nil kinda. Also, a cerofullt aeleeted aaiortmant of RUBBER GOODS!! Robber Goods for oraryoody, eoniiitlng of PURE" GUM BOOTS, KIT II II Ell HOOTN, Alee, n n.w atyloof Lumbermen'a Oum.,b.lng to. ARTIC8 wita aolid nottoma. wbioh are eoa aiderod a great im,roreta.Bt on the old atjlo. p4f Fleet, call SBd oiamlBO oar goods. f'l - t " ORCnnB C. MOOBE, it V ( joI W. MOO RE. Claarleld,' Pa , Iforombor , 1870 0m. IV. J. 1IOFFER, ROOM NO. THREB OPERA IIOURB, Clearfleld, Pa., DEALER I DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. QIEESV ARE, HARDWARE, :; . J,TlWalE, Cnriiptt, Oil Clotlirs, Etc, Etc, Etc. WILL 1 AKB COUNTRY PHOOUCI IN EXCHANGE FOR tlMIDH AT MARKET PRICES. Ctrarmald. Pa., opt. IA, Itltavtr. BOOTS& SHOES HATS, CAPS, 5 Fiirnislaing ' Goods. Wiliamsport Boots, .112;), ). Elmira Boots "PERIONS' ' Driviii2 Boots and Shoes, Claflin's Boots & Shoes, Boys' Boots & Shoes, Tllne Boots lo .mVXoTXJ 1 Stoea BootL) Wllk a gonernl rarlat, of Ladloe', Mlieee1 aad vaiiaroa s voota, nseoa aaa uotiora. RI'tlFRR DOOM, Rl'VIIKRUOOUH, HATH AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS AUNTS' irn.MI'MllNd 0OODS. UEKTd' rilRNIflll.Nli eOODS. "'.!. t f j , . ., . Ilea ef Ue aeoPM ef UeorOoM Mwaty, to their- aow eteob oi tbe aaere aamad gooda. Co.alrj Prodoeo lahea la eaoaaage for gooda. Prkeo oa lew na the leweit. MeUAVUHET A SHOWERS, nlaabaig's old ataad, booead aireel. CaaarnWd, Pa, Dee. 4, lOtS-la. trnr vrrtUtnrBtf. RNOLD WANTS Shingle Boils & Saw Logs. Corwaaarllto, Jaa. , Tl-tf TXECUTHIX' NttTICB. j Molina la aeroo, giroa tbat Letter, foeta meour, oa tkoeeioteof DtNIKL UAKTSOCK, lolo af I' it. lonoonip, Cwor(.ld 000.1,, Pa., doo'd. aarlag beoa del, (rooted to too oadar aigned, nil pereone indebted lo anld aetata will pleaae moke Immediole permeal, aad Iboao bar log elaima or domando will proooot them preporl aulbtuliealod for eoiil.ojeot wiihooldelo,, MARTHA UAKTMCK, CarweoiYllla, Pa., Jaa. Ii,'7 41 Kieeatrls. TOR DAI.K ()R KENT Tho lorn mmt X aommndloua throo.ator, brlok betel, eitonto 10 (Ao ti. ,Vgo rlioo Hope, CleerOold ooont,, Po. , with good etabliag aod all tba BoeeaMr, oat buildlogo, together with a elore-room SladO feet, ia bow offered for aale or root, oa near tome. Tbo loeatioa ood tbo boaeo la one of tbo beet, for a hotel, ia Ibo oooat,, A lore, amoaot of trorot le kept ap betwooa tbo sootbweetera porlioa of tho ooootjr to Ibo ooal ragioaa of Heotodole aad Ooooola. It la oa tho throogb tnrapika reals from lyrono tn DoBola. For turtbor partloala Inqulro nf or addroea Ibo uadenlgoad. puilip pons. Olaa Hope, Nor. IS, ISTI-tf. 1 GENTS D A- WANTEJ FOR wUR GREAT WORK, now in press, TUB nTSUST&LiL History or the I'nitcd States. Btinc a oonplate blitory of all tba Imftortaal Indoitrloi of Aaarion, laeladiog Afrioaltara), HMbanioal, llanufaetnring, Miaing, (JobbonUI and othar oWrphaaa. A boot 19V$ largo ooteTt pagoa nnd ot loo ongrnTinga. No Work like it ever Published. For term. A territory appl, at oaeo St The Henry Bill Publishing Company, Do. II, 187 :m. K0KWICU, CORN JOHN TROUTMAN, DKALIR IN FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET AT R BUT, NIAR P. O. Tha andonlgoad bogi Iooto to lafom tho aiU aaoi of Oloarlold, and tbo pnblto generally, thai bo haa en hood n loo naaortBOBt ef Farniiara, mob oaa Walnat, ChoatDOt and Palated OhaBber Snitoi, Parlor Baltea, Roolialag nod Bitantioa Chain, Ladiaa nod QanU' Baay Chalra, tba Per forated Dining aod Parlor Chain, Caao Soataaad Windaor Chain, Co thai Ban, Stop and Kitoa. aloa Laddert. Hat Ilaoki, Sorabbing Braa aoa, Aa MOULDING AND PICTUHI PRAMKS, oohing Olaim, ChreBoa, Aa vhloh waa Id auitabla for Holiday preaenta. 4el'TI JOIIlt TROTlTXArf. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Has opened, In a building oa Markot etroot, ea tha old Weetera Hotel lot, oppeetto tko Co art Hooto ia Cleerleld.a Tia aod Sheet-Irea Uaaa. faetorj and Storo, where will bo foaad at all limeo a full line ef house nra.ins:snTa gools, Stoves. Seirdwart, Etc Uobm Spoatlog aad all klndi ef Job work, repair ing, Ao., dona on abort notiaa and nt raaeoneble ratea. Alto, agaat for tbn Singer Sewing Machine. A mpply of Maohioti, with Needles, Aa, el- wayi on hand. t araa, atrlatly oaah or eanatry predooo. A ihara of patronage aolicltod. U. HBnnBldla Ssptriatoadoat. Claarflald, AprU St, l7T-tt JERRA COHA STANDING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eoBitaaUr aa band. STOXE AD EAETHEIoWAU OF EVERT DKSCBIPTIOJC I OKOCKS! POTS1 CBOCESt Plaher's Patent Airtight BclfcaUmg mm cnnai BUTTRR CROCKS, with I Ida, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLI- BUTTER CROCB, PICKLK CROCKS, FLOWER POT8, FU PISHES, STEW POTS, Aad a groat aiaaj ether tbiaga too aaaaoroas U BBSBtioa, aa oo aaa aa FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE WARE POTTERY, Cnranr af Cberrr nnd Third Rlrooto, CLEARFIELD, aag PRIVATE SALE Valuable Real Estate I The nodatainod, IWIat la Paaa two., Cleer Aald eoonty, Pa., offarf the Mlewlng ralnnble Hon) Ertate tor aale t 446 Acres of Land, (ore or 1cm, In Baeearie towaibip, tyfe on tbe norlb tide of bif Ulearftald oreak, nod oitbin one mile ef tbo aamo. Tba above land Ii heavily oororod wlib bomloek, wbito oak, rook ea, nod otber bard wood timber, and a qaeatitr ef white, pine, aaid to be bolf a Million at niore faei. Tho tame ia beeri!; aderlaid witb hUe-Bloee ooal, and dlreetly on tbo lino of mllreed leading frooi Hontidalatouoa.iort. Uaaa now. Thure nra, alee, otber vatnable ininerali ea tbe ana. Tba above land Ilea about two and e-half mlU bolow tbe village of Ulan Hope, ndjotnlag laovde of Qeerge Uroom and ethera, oa what ia kewwta aa Portar'i ran. The laiprevamanta oa tbo prop erty are n good geared aaw Bill, ia rannlng order, a big b dan, atone brcait, aaado in tba boat Bkiva- nor, at tor aimoat anvaiaontnery. laera 10,010, a largo frame dwelling beaee and franc aaak bora thatoon, nod a boat forty or Itty noraa, Mora or Ian, of tbo land ti alearod. Any poraoa wiibiag io Invoit in property of thli kind will d well to oiaatiae tbia prvparty. X will aoll tbe whole or tbo nndividad half intoaait, na may aoll tbo parehaaer, Tha above t reet of lead will twahe twa or taroo lama, waien will ooaaparo raveraMV with lha greater part of ear ooonty. Prio aoi tariai Made known to any nenoe a iihing to par obaaa. For further partianlara oall in noraoo or addran tbe nndanlguod at Gram pi aa Uilii P.0Y Ulaarflald onnaty, fa. BAM Ai n Al AM I KB. iaa. t, INTi tr. REMOVAL I JOHN mcGAUGHEY Woald reapoatfally notify tbe pablfe jeaaaralJe that be haa removed bii Oroeorji Slore froaa Sbaw'a Eew, U the balldiag fomMly aeaapied by J. Hiloa krataer, ea Saaoad aireot, neat doer to vigior f hardware aioie, warra no tateaaa kaepiag a fall liae af OBOCEniEH. HAMS, DRIED BEKV aad LARD. BCOAR9 and ST RUPS, of all gradea. TEAS, sirens aad tier. COFFEE, Routed aad Ureal. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cjjtjted rmvm, All klada la Ibo morkot. PICKLES, ia jere aad hanele. SPirRg, la erory Form ood rerlet,. FAMILY FLOUR, A IX KIMIMOirtllACKKelH. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEA0HHS, DRIED CHERRIES C0tl Oil Ual ZaU&P CUaUUTI. ana a good aaeortmeat ef there In I t marhoa arliaa " nwael avaeo. J Will art for Saab ao abeaal, as Bar, And s good aaeortmeat of Iboao tktags aoonvllf atkaroara. Plooe. sail oad oae kit otoob oad lodge fw nareaif. nut MoOUBOHHt-. CleerOold. loa. . Ufa. I' !!: t Uaoraea,lt.O. , , j. p. Bbopo, U