Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 12, 1879, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription,
II nild lo ndvonee.or wllbln thrM ojoatbl ..$1 M
If Mid ifler nelore I to
irpnlnliertneeiirra.loBof ill aionbli.., I go
Af-Mturf. 8. M. PlrmiffllLL A Co., New,
p,Vtr Adrtrtiiinf Aeoate, JIT Parb Hdw, novnor
nteknin Street, are our duly aetbortaed Ag-oata
I, N. York CUT.
Mclliodlfl P.pleeopal Church Hot. J. B.
UiMranaT, Po.tur. Sorrier! ever fiabhatb
,1 101 A. M.. and TJ P. M. Bebool at A. M.
Prayer Heating ever, Tbaridajr, at 71 P. M.
Coian union Service, firlt 8abbotb of ever
.ontb, l mi A. M.
YVeat t'lftrUeld M. K. C'burthwIU?
W. M'UTT WiLBiin, Peitor. Preaching every
alternate Beod.y, at I o'clonk, P. M. Saartav
Bebool ! J(. P. M. All ro invited to attend.
Preib)torlaa Church Hot. 11. 8. Bdtlh.
Sabbatb .ernee. morning ana evening ono Bobool at I P. H. Prever Meeting Wedne..
dor evening.
Ilaptlat Church. Rn. J. A. Aloud, Pal
lor Herviovloeorji S.bbatb rawrnlng and evening,
IHroallnj, ol IDIj o'oloob A. M., and It P. M.
Habbalb Bobool at 1 P. M. 1'raj.r Molting over,
vVedneedev evening. '
HI. tfraiirln' Church Catholic Rot. P.
I.ABiainia Preaching at llljoeloob, A. H.,oo
tho Aril. third aod loortb Sundovaof oaok month;
Vuponand llenedlolloooltbe Bleeeod Decrement
ai I o'olook, P. M. (Sunday Bokool every Sunday
aftoraooa at I o'olook.
rial or ioldim ojabto laaiion oooar.
6k. ad Muadoy ol January
Iblrd Moaday of March.
Full Monday of Joae.
Fuank Muaday of September.
tiaa or aoLDiao coaaoa rLB.a.
Firil Monday of Joao.
goooad Monday of Morembor.
rnai.10 omcana.
Pmidnl JWeo Hob. Cborlol A Mayor, of
l.Mh Haveo.
AariManl Uai J'dft Floa. Jobo II. Orrll, nf
ateeeeiore Jarffel Ahrim Ogdea, CleerOeldl
Vincent B Unit, Clenrfleld.
Pretkintotuiy Ell Bioora.
iVeoieler ear Wieordar L. J. Bforgaa.
Itittriet AHerot.- VYm. M. MeCulloogh.
TVloeerer I'blllp Delta.
S.ri mlrew Pent!, Jr.
Ptpuif Sbtrif Chrlit. J. Keariy, CleneBeld.
Coeal Sirnyor Samuel F. MoCloikoy, Car
CiiHafy fVineW.efnnere C. V. Kyler, dratum.
ton P. 0.: Klab Jihuilon, Hruinniaa I'illi P. 0.,'
Julin Nerrii. Sr., Cnrwrn.vllle
loeer, iladtfora H illiaai V. Wright. Cl-ar-Scl.l
: J..eepb Uillllaad, Throt Hanii J. 8. Nor
ril, Wona'nnd.
(.'aaar, Coroner I. R. Ner7. Now Wiihlnaton.
lary 6'ooieiie.i'eoera llr. Jatnea P ttiireblietd,
Mlrarned, Juacpb Alainndar, Madora.
A'aoarialaarfaar o lubtic SchonUM. L. Wo
unoa, Claarflrld
.SWcra WtiijhH d Mtnmrtl Jnl M W . Corlila,
oflro at l.uibrinurg Ha.
Aolnria, PoMi'e Jnbn W. Wriglcy, Wtn. Ba
drbauib, Cyrni Gordon, .Clearfialil Joaopb H.
from, N. B Arnold, CurarcniTlllo ; 1. A. Liring
looa. llulloii City.
... , . uji i. i I tauab aieer the lecret wae in kcoiiiog them eoa
Unr .cpactl column ia decidedly interfiling in '
l.-f.l point of aiew, and provable reading lo rad ai they waro eookad.
ouuidcrl who want lo lave money.
YICX, UK (ii ksi:i
"Mill ion take wheat, oatl or oura for lub.
irnplion f" Wo aro.olVo Inquired of in thii way
b; Itltcr from patron! who raildo at a dialeoee
" Cicarteld. Wo again lay yal The recfipll
-9f a irrpurilble merchant or milt owner In the
-Tii-haly, wiil anawer UI juft II well a. lha oath,
'.ro iliitettrate : If any ef our pnlrooe will deliver
ml a lug of grain at tbo mill of Joaaph II. Bretb,
an Choi loworblp, lloraoe Putebia, In Burniido,
TboaiM II. Furcoy, la Graham, Wra. Porter or
Haa.'a, in .iwanaoa, or Brown A ftcylcr'i, at
Rocktaw, t'nlidi lowuahip, and forward their
icrelpll for cue amount, are will credit Iheua oa
thrlr account for lha amo. Ia tbii way all may
non pay what Ibey owe, tl -tbaf will punua tbii
aouraa. tf.
Fmluy next i St. Vuk-ntiiie)' duy.
fluulinX lit the piiolrlee, in tho iliiro
ue get valenlinea.
o a.
Juitu ilttyvr i pii'idin(( ovit iho
rfrtfion, ol ibo Ulalr eonaiy Common Plcai Court
t l..llilaaUrg tbii weak
'J'htT vill bu Borvicun in St. An
drrw'i Kplac.iielCbureb, In Ibll place, nail Bab
fialh, at II o'clock A. M. and 7 P. M.
I.vmvmbur that Lyllo u County
Aitn.t lor Lorrlllard'l Tobaooo, aad eea eall tbaiu
allaalnry pneoa. Tbey are iba beat tobaooei ta
I'irktt. Try tbem.
On tbo iii(;hl of tho 29th tilt., five
do,i want lk'Ook tha beep-fold of Waibmgioa
Fallen, in L.Trreoce townibip, killing Ion of bia
bM.bop,ane Unrlng Ibe earl oftwoonlrei,
Tho Eldim' C.'"v,!"li,,, "f ,,,e 1rt
k. ol llontlnadoa ,."l Mid in ae
Valley Cb.ioh at Ballwo-H, Tourld.y aad
Frid.y, February 20ib and .'t- onlo '
be bald Blotalag, alleraooa and oi0'"-
M, Kinit .t McFaddoff i the
a.uie of tbl Dial according In Ibo aaw aaaaige-
Oi.iiI ol Ibe O.eeela araia, and under tlielr l
laoll..B Ibat Jouraal will bcrealler appear Irtern
Ike publlo. Hu cai In a bottom lenir, genii'
aj a a -
Anotheh Candiimtic. Wo huvo bo
brt u. Nu. . Vol. I, ui itw UuU..i Cujr CrV',
tut DWkMif .! jonrDil, .f !) tinleptn(iDt pr
lu.iiuu, oitb tb ntnt uf UoiUr Htnfl
Vryt lt it, m i b Ui lr m fdlior. iool luck
le gftatUmtii, it ) will o"y 7 wW"
Xot So. A ciitcmporary annoiinc-ed
ik.. .1.. kH..,.k gt MeS towaahiD elections would
hebrtdoatht M lb of February ; but we presnine i
by Ibis time bo ll willing to adopt tba views of
Iba Act of Assembly, aud aot allow tbem t be
told until the 18th.
Wa riyrut tlmt wo aro oompellod to
ebroaiala tho prcmatora deatb of aa aaallant
jewag primer, Mr. . W. raofnily otw
ot the proprietor! and pablisbars of tbe PhUipa
aorgoa.aof. bo died t bis boM l ralii
harg m iba 'b Initaat, of tonsamptioo, to 4it
Jlib year of hi aga.
WrARoIIapft ThatMcarfleldBR
Tompaay baa gone and redaced Hi rales from
A3 la tt.M pr tbeuaand feet. That ll saigbly
good fat lha aoasamara ef gas but baw does tha
stackkolder Ilka It t Well, oaa of item, at oar
elbow, says t I doo'l care a darn X have htd
several huaJrad dollars worth of slock for over
Iva years and 1 have Bever area a dtvy ' yal."
N. C. Barclay, Ki-q., ih rwnlor i-tli-
te r of iba Vaa, Is ep-.keo ol by the e..nd Ward
lrmcrats as a taodidato for feltool Diraetor.
AJtoeaa Mmmxif fWtuae.
srayoa, give aa emtthtng new. Tbii lt
an o.iita irom year Ilea of last February Ai
teoaa Hm.
Wa weald eall that a Blaine acolJeBt a sua
rtrukt I Would yoe, Vtrm yoa F
Wo Ivaru Innn thu I'hilipnburg
J'mmt Ibat Mr. J. H. CVanotal that boruagb,
tcctlted a lab gram oo Wednesday, the 6lh lntt.,
laUmikg him ol tbe death of his brother Kman
avl, wha died in Cube. The dteeostd resided at
Phili,rborg for oaa season, lai two ytars ago,
bat was a hafertaBato ai t Injured by a
aa.aay Kam af bois.e, seriously iwpalrlig hie
health, aad wbtob may hare berB the taue of
hatt- nn g htl death.
ThiVATB BcmuoLo Wa tall iho at
leatioa al iheo parties whs wise, ta eeapl-7 ft
otpilaat laachtr lor tbelr rbildroo dorian tba
mm ia the advertlstmtnt of Mitt list tie
Moora,te ba found la oar eolamai tbl woeh.
Is aB tipi-rieored taa.her aod eomta well
'Mofcwwaea, beUg at prcseat ao of tbo loaab
ors ia the Ltaeard Graded Scbuel of ibis boroogb,
oaJ Is deservlag of a liberal sbaro of poblto pal
tdB.ja. al mtatKa SunpitNDr.D Itisv. lUubvn
K. "'I-a, wsil kaowp la ibis tammaBtiy. praa-
futer f tbo M. B. Chorah at MiMlatuwn, baa
it beta sasMBded from lha miaistry. Subm
Ml; raster i Brttatird bi reotatla a haul bU bav
I Wa ptohtxi ap by he pollco at NarrwVarg,
uksae liuratac betag f"nd aa his per sen.
CrM were ea arur prefrrad to Iba Pre-id -l
kiaer ef tha district against hm, who ap
Htatsd a eommlttea, and aac, It ta aldf mt Mr.
'bee's awa select ton, to pass apoa tbocbsrgac.
J W. acted aa ooaosei for torn.
Mftiaaats, aad Rev. U. 0. Peanypaehar aad i.B.
"rre tar Mr. Wilaaa. Wa Icara that tbo
'Mlgatiaa wee tbeesagb aad eiWaoetlve, aad
'dial aa Bhoeo otatod. . Wo oirppooo Ibo
HMat that fawdeted agatasl him U fabaot M
ai tbo tftfaraaoa aatt sAoatiV
II boy wants to tea himaelf
U, lal hloj goto Iho poaloBoo and aot a aalantiaa.
Weatwabd, llol Tim uiidnii(rncd
ll iho oaaar of aoaia loa farai land aad oili Ion
la Kaaiaa, ublrk aill bo oold, araaohaagad lit
propany la Claatl.ld oouoty. For furlhor In
forlaalloa, addraii tba lubieribor al Clearlild, Pa.
W. 8. Poat.
lib. ui leiiors renminlng i
la tbo PoltoaooaiClaarlcId, fur lia
r .... i i . . . .
: uni'luimod
Fobraary I,
Jalarlba J Book, Da-id Diaoa, C. U. Ham.
bodJ, ill,! Kalio IiolTinaa-t!;, Daniel Joan,
Wia. K. Road, an. II. Snydar, Oaoro Saotya,
A. II. M'bito, A. K. Wiorrid(a.
P. A. flat Lin, P. M.
Worth Miixiokii. The I'hiltdi-lnbn
Ti-ea of Saturday Ian i Millionalra John
Naully, bu dltd l.eiailj In Uutam Ayrri, lonv
lag aa laa-aooio Man toa Peaaajlranla brolhor,
liraaa nil appranllotibip ia Ibll oily aaitb Tlio,.
Naully, at that liaao a aurrlar, but now rotlrod.
Tbooial Naully wat a bioauaa vf John and
Mkoond bim In tbo bmlac out of ubiob b-nb
draw furluoaa."
Many of oar nadan, no duubl, koi.IIocI Mr.
Thorn. I Naulij, nlluded to by tbi Fiam, ai una
Of thou waoli.ioulad Mahinan, wbu wal ready
al aao parlod ia kit Ufa, to aailga a faim, looalod
oa oao of tbo uoualala auatuiiia in ibiaoouuiy, lo
any good " Dlmuorat " for a aoot aod lb. unci.
Bradt ToWNbinp Institute. Tlio
Iraonon of Brady lowaahip bald oao of tbair
moat lureti.rnl Imtilutai at UuBoii, Fab. 1,1.
Twonly taaohtri worn prricnt. Tho avonlng
lion wal bold in tbo Praihylariaa Cburob. Tha
fawi oira tllrd. Auoag iho aiorolm an
addrtn by Prof. I'. 8. Wabar oa Loci and
Pluck." It wal daoitlaa and applicabia. Many
uf lha olliaeai aaoooragad Iho Iraebori aary oauob
by Ibair I'raraneo. ,
Thay will bold tbair aott Inalituta at Trout-
villa oa Baturday nrxt, tbo loib imt. All iatrr-
iltad la iho oauia or oJuoatbn ara taqualiad l
atland. Rar. John VYulbacb, of Troutvilla. Rfv
L. 0. Ililriob, of DoB.ili, nod M I.. HeQiiuwn.
County Supariataa.linl, or Claarlald, will daliaar
kaetarol at tbl aaoning -anion.
Clearkikld Coal Trade. Stuto.
enl of Coal aad olbor fraiihtj aant oror iho
Tyrooo A Claorfleld Diaiiion, Pannaylvania Rail-
oad, for tba waek ondiog Fabruary I, 19711, and
Ibo aama Unto laat year :
coal. . , man.
Forlboweek H 26aHI
Saiuo titno Inal yoar 17,24k
Provloualy during year
Bama tloaa lalt year
Total ia 1D7I
Sana timo laat year , ,. .
Daoraaia ,
ornaa rBKioura.
Muoellauaoua Iretgliti,.....
1 r3.aRn
111,1 all
.11. Sean
Fryino Haw I'utatoes. Woilinulit
wa knew how tu fry potattiea but we found wo
warn raiatakaa when n lady friaad who came lo
atop wiik oa a faw dayi cunvineid ni ibo bad n
botlor way. And aoob n little difference there waa
ia Ibaeouking of Ibetn, lou to Ineite Ibain lo
IDO potaioei waro waanru, paiau atiu inoea
tbia put lo Iry in a Mor previously baatad
and butlorod the laioa ai I wa. io Iba beil of du-
iug ; a.ltl lo tstte ; nj Ia tbiuk lbt Juil keep
tog thtut cavtrcd it. on Id mkl to Hiacb dirTrrnoe
dJ lmijroeoicrjt lo Iht tray of conking thorn,
Tbcy would con tu tb labia to ttltyy and
cruildd, ilb teirovl; a l-rukD, owing to
that ea( of hiivli.QK whin being turned over, Ob f
ihy ara nicf, and juft aa nuihrr' did ai
how freroUMyt. -
Lebatino It. We uro informed
ibat lb I'tbi ToHBrbi(t Lllcrarjr iitd
Soflltijr bava fiiid upon Pnnv,Kti ihtUoa.
and ntil fialurday alttrnooa, at I o'uloek, a tha
line, to deli-t ibe (jumliou. a haihcr or aol, cup
ital bunirbmrnt iliuultJ L abolibeJ. Ttim I -wii-
bl turai out iutatile dkb-itr aid tboia bo
favor tbiff neaiat of iDtalal ealtara en and no
aflarnouu nora roBlall ihnti to go and litiaa l
tba diiruitlon, or, if ao dlir on d, tuk part ia the
Wa notice that the lata Rliaha Fvntnn, by bis
will and taciatneat, has left the ebovewOeind
institailoa $20 worth ef books and tlu in
money, provided that soatubody !, or tbe com-
tnaolty, raise 1500. We hive no doubt but thai
tba rili tens of Peno will do tbii. and give wore,
if necessary. VVe presume ibe members of the
Lyoeun (if tbay propose to avail tbeeuscKts of
this bequeM) will have ia apply to our ioart fur
a charter, btfore tbey oaa Irgaily aover tha money
into tba Treasury. - '
MfRACULuva Khcapb. NowtShttw'ii
leaia ot blacks created cooi Her able stn-atiun Id
this place oa Tuesday avtaing, l ht Jib, by travt iog
abcut our atracU at a rapid gait, with a sled aoti
ao driver. A parly of Mi four ladies and two
gentlemen were la Iba sled, anj.tjing a sltlgh
rida Ibat beaatlfal mooalight night, and while re
turning home, lha sh-d was upet by soma means,
near where If r. Jubn A. Wcliride lives, aboat a
mile aad ft half west of town. The occupants
were spilled ant and tha lease with lbs sled aama
ever Cwal bill and through tha Market street
bridge la Iowa, wher, after parading several of
iba it reels, tbay waro caught Bear Weaver A
bVlte' stort, oa Raroad ttreet, Na damage was
dene to cither team or sled, which wai driven
back lo Mr. MeBrida'c, wbe a lha ladles bad
baen left, and rtiarned homo, lhay congraiaiailB
aacb other that it waa no woro. No ae was in
jured eierpt tbe drtter, ebn wai (brown about
tea feil, haMd foremoot. Into a ditch. (Ie waa
ettwtwbal altoal tho face aad bruUad shoal
tba b4v. Take everything la'o eon I de rat on, It
waa one of Iba most furtunate rnoawa)i we hae
ever beard of. ,
Huntingdon Loeat Aetes saya that oa Thursday
evening last, after consultation and ergotiatloos
which coniioncd daring iba day, Masarf. Hart,
Secretary, and Mcl'btrO'B, Attorney, for tba
Penitabtlsry Cimmisaton, liflrd all tha deeds to
Ibe land embraced lo ibe Middle Peuiteollary
slie at that place. This consumes tha desired
Kimaiuia mat naa lie wiikiw imn, wiirB
Sonator II. ti. Fisher Introdufed the bill for tha
tastltatioo ia tba State LrgitUtort. There wcra
thirty sewn deeds eiaulned la order to ascertain
tbe chain of tills ta lha lead, and all of tbei
have been recorded in tbe Recorder's office. Tbe
property purchased embraces the following i
T Boasts cast of turnpike. ......... 230
Hi.rin.fB nronerir . ....-...
lvaslbrook's hiuse oa tba site - M2&
To Ligan Marl to H m
IS acres from R. H. Uryaa
Total -mo- -...HMW
Tha Cemmlerloa hnagbt Ibe following t
IS acres from R. It. Bryaa $ l,W
t.i ttaluBxae to Lulheran Cbaroh
Addiib'OI property acr Ppringi lit
Tu Frank llifnghi
Total .
Makiag a total or aboat 1-1 acres, lor a bleb the
su.a or $ll,llt was paid, Tia prop-ny latitudes
tbe lead he.iaatag at Ike ferkaal tbe MeOoiiaalli
town aad Aleiandria roads, a abort distant
above Bioitbaeld.
. i i t O- Wm
Pkatu or A Hermit. An olil man
topposed to be earned Michael Bmkt, who lived
a keraii life ia tho woodi aooat ibna aad weir
Bllai barb or Kiltaaaicf Poiai, waa found deal
la all bulun rUa la.t. Ilia hot aoniliiod ol
atounloof lag! laid together la ihelbape of a
V, corered wiibkruit. ooul Iwa woaa.agoa
aov aamld legli. tiallirg bribe but o4 the oil
eaaa ee.alelued o beag Hot, bat ellhowghtrM
koj ref oiled tbU root ao ll.o,iilil waa aiaua Uw
Ua aooditii Of the Old Bob. Thl rrainlni
ware aroagl.t to Allooan oa Kaiardee and Voroarr
llo.ei hnuaoeleel a Jara, who Nadarrd a Terdiol
af death frool liporare. Tbl Allouna Tribmut,
froBt whieh we taae Iho aboTe narticalara, aavl i
Ull (loihiwg waa dlrtl aad l,rgn.le wilh
anal daal. Utile alooda of whieb woaid t awa;
whoa la praoau lora of la aoeiiMi.
rrooa Iho a, eea Uj ol ragi Iba old aaa hod naff,
ad aboat hll beeole M aeold we. that ho had
laid dowa aa hll Ueh te beep wai Na In.
loan irTaa garaaall of dll.lenl hKdl-ahl'M.
Mil aad eoala were draw. Iruol bia bodr, aad
til .g. were oered will or re ,alrl ol
Mail .anlalaoai. Hernial nalti of itoebiagi
war, aa hll feet, bat he had wore Bo ihorl. la
hll poteen were loaaJ a amnio af pieeoe ol .aa.
am 1ft, two or Ibne aate.i , Brinted paper,
aiaiabee, a aleoo of lead aonall, a two. dollar bill,
a twonlT evnt direr pleee, aad tva awBaiM.
It ht felaled ol lha pair old men one dleo) thai
.loanable that he weald tramp anan4 at time,
lor tw, or ibree daji wilh Botbiag lo oat, abea
ha woald a far. ho, a. and eat oaougb for
boll a dolea .an, far it, aai di.a,,
fro. the reel that he how fold far hta f llloell tbe
Idea g.laed Itroaglh WM be bad aioa. aoaralial
a, new nan ha IM weiail lha war eooMe). It
I. naiad thai ho llalraedafl.eeef gro.aaln
bke TU-laltj ef hu horrea, mi ihetho llredai
ho did Ih order to letaoa Bwiamblw of tl,ooaiol
lo Utah H woe ba aoage. of bonjg onaa 'lha,
old .e eonerted derleg hll Wrfl.e that he had
blethor. reeldiag U ilaitj of Cla.Jborg.
i:..i ..i..,i k. r
o la.. ..II .n I ...
Lii'eliao llonila uiid IV'liliona, of the
form approaod by tbejudaelof tourtl to ooniply
with Iba rcqulrraianli of tho'Bew Cwoilitvtioe,
for rale it tbii nfteo. If
Wo have now on hand novel-ill thous
and Nrit-olaaa anvo'opaa, which no will pilot fur
buaineii mea. or on) body olte, at )iriooi Ikat can
not be rivalled. Tall and aao thoio . tf.
At the Hcpuhlican ofllce ia tbo pluce
to getyoor Job work dune. Wa are fully prepared
to do anything la Ike priaring lino, will doit
well, aod at tbo right kind of prlooa. tl.
To Landlord ano
Lyllo bal an arrnngcuiaiit wilh an hailcra Cigar
Factory ao thai be can rail eliara by the box nr
tholirnuJ at bottom flguree. Give Ibolr elgari
one trial. tf.
"VVot'LDN'r Call Tumi On." Tho
jumping loiitbai-hv'.'iiirt-cl c, t.r li urutgla, are not
tbo pie. lent, I cuupini"M In Ilia WorlJ, and If
you want lo col rid of llitm u,a Dr. Ftnnrr', Uol.
dan Relief. I',e hi, t'uu,b Honey lor ell oougbi.
Prioa 2i and (0 centa. Pur lalo by llutlinick A
irvln, t'lcaintll. Pa- - , .
A Fact. An adviTitHcntcnt IriHertcJ
in tba KrtfL-ai ham will naoti tnom rvurfefi iliao
if publinhed in all the othvr pr ia ilia aoon! eut iba advert iri K-r-i tbair onr-hall
Fn oihvr nrdit ait ailreriii uiiui uhtirhi-i in
oar Jrurnal it worth tliulil ih i riett of that
charged by anjr ther dU'liibcr in 111- eouo'j
lt il a friOt ' (f.
i i wmo. ajajaj
Pkntal Nutiok Dr. A. M. llilln
woutdiy to hit frleiida and lorinar iatirnts that
ba baa not inirt-d fti m nait c ut ban havn o
U.dulriiuli f irt'ulmrii !) ntut ie-t(ti. hat will
t ailtue io hi iiri nal aiii-oiin t all who
ma; depira It, or to irt l-r llt lebhM trtirti
aer n-quirvd. Kitruui Oxida Una given for tha
patnlvM .'Xtractlf'n uf tft th. Arll I4-K
IUhoainhI Haihiains ! I Kur tliu
purpoi tf dlufttifi out ui imui-tiaaatockof goo'li,
Intibdlog to quit Lux intra n ihta (Ue Mr. 8.
Bblrtl, in tba Opera llouio building. Ic new uffar
tng timely uitda Cloibiiie. gmie' tumUhlng foit
f irt iy ilfSMipiifn, llt. Cup. Trunk , Ao , at
a great anorifiee. ll' juu want a good ha'-gain in
tba above Itue uf Knd, i-aM at lha Pu iladf Iphia
Bfnacb Clothing 8 tort. if.
E. K. Tiihmi'hon Dtiu Mr ; 1 turn
a biril-laliiiring uinn, ami hava hren iroublml fur
two ari with in in my ebeel. hurling we to
take a Inrg brculhtud ff)iag ai ilrad (bat I
could not walk far withuut a youJ dual of effort ;
at tinioa ditijr la my had. Thought I wuld
haa to etop wtriViug. I gAt a hottla of your
Itarotuia and a bui of Datnielina and Modrak
Pin, which baft reliewd try utiiob indwd
fel lilf a new maa. Mia' I eontinne to take nna
Hot He morr, wbfeh I I b 'tilt will make trt fttir-ly
Wtll. C. J. LlXOUINT,
Preptred by K. K. Tl.iti.i -n. Tt'uiville, Pa.
For aala hr all drugnt-la in C'laarOeld, aod bj
Jo. Se.Tlr A Sun, Lulher'burg
i nan, t - -
A Dhunkem Juroii ST(ira a Court
At icbitnua Mje : ' Wo bava bnard of lha
boaincf of Court being unpen In oa amount of
tba ibV-Beii of a jror or tba Indl'poiiilun of
the Judfjf, hut it ie left for a lluntiogilnn cuoty
Jon r lo mute tha tljounmtPt of enart teauM
of ilrunlte .nrn. Save the uf last wrwk i
Witliata Ilout-k. a faruar of Tod lov oahlp, wat
drawn to serve nt a juror In the eaie of Of org
Firming T The Por.n-i Ivirtia Canal CuupaoT.
Tha um pntrtcdod, allb'iuifh, aa the Mquel
proved, Mr. Ilouok wae then under the inlluen -a
of liqunr, with tnird unfit t waigh the avidenoa
In tho uornir-g cnurt waa called and Mr. lloark
wai ehrriil. Tha tier iff iftit it rrarch l hint
and found him out of town win 'lint; hie way
homeward, lie tm brought buck ard lodfd Id
jail until In the aftermt n, when be wai nam
mona I beforv the Cuuri and takrd f ha hai anr
Iblf.g to lay in ctcii'paiion uf bii ul'SiHiduoL
He bialUtiDgly r'plb-d that ha hat aot. Jvige
Dc-m then ncounte l the iluiid of the Jury
miriioniT tu plafl la the wncol iha name, uf
W, dltfcraot Mi wittcl in tat cltnoo, a dutjr
in which tbey Lad ultiriy failed in tii. case, 11
tha piotu-el tu ibo culprit the dl-raoa he had
brought nfion blinscif by ludutginr bis ai'potite
ia strong drina, sn l tu loll of : liint l,0JO
he halo4Uit'd lie tentf nee I li p iy a flue
of t.'OO, and tmve bil ohuiv strioaen fro,n the list
oF Jurors here "tor Tha i lovvo Jurors wurs ihea
dirOitsrgijit, Dcfeiidint'e ouuiisel refusing to ceo-
tlnua iho o.i.o With la-s thai, the Cunititulloual
Hrecblly Judge Ualbiailh, of Kile otiuoty, de
cided a qaestb a of some lmpnrtsnoa under the
road taw. Jt drf nrd the rights of owner. OB
point that il aiia!Rg ei bllnunasly andcr nar sta-
plci sp.cla' Irgiils'lnt. Tha flai-t lT J iho W
Dawlev, rrstdtt la Frank la Mwn'hlp, Erie
enuoty. oa tho PopuUtion n. I, Tha do endanti
wcra the Snpertisors of Frank-la town hla and
aihera employed bv them. Ia l74 the Rupar
t furs of Fai klin'owtiib'p mplryrd tbeCo nty
fiurvcynrto inrvey Ibe Population road, with in
struct !n to And tha line f ibe original survey of
the find. AaiordinaTtn the tine run by I lalt.
noder these direr-lion, tbe road thr-iub Diwloy'i
iuiprovemeDt appvara I lo he from lbra ta seven
IV t too far west and ihe 8u ar.iforsoidaied hi
to mora h-a faoca on the cast side of Ilia road
hark MM In accordance wiib Ihis new surrcv
liawlcy'i fcoasa and graia hero stood oa tba
side of ibo road, and he bad built a good fr-ao in
front nf bis house, w) h Iron pn-ti, ela , and
nior slake aod rap rail fence lha balance of (n
distance, la all about oia ty twit of fence, arii
hud set shade lre-a alnng tha whole Urn, AD
ihete and fiber imptovetncnti had beea made
with refrrenoo In tbe road aa not nal If opened and
traveM slare the year ISM. furtv seven ycfi
ago. Tha road wsc ibe lawful width, fifty feet.
nod the fonac whkb ibauporvl'orire'iiirod blia
to move waa twenty five feel an I over from lha
centre of the trsveM trnek, and being advised
in rrga d to tha law of tha ease he refused to
cam ply wlh the order of the Supervisors, fa
Ibo fall af 171 tbo operrisoTt came on with
hr-lp and tore down and threw buck the fen re
bIxjvc referred to. aad Daw ley brought an aotioa
of trespaaa against them tho i-ni vear t re
cover Ht.magi. Tha Cour, atar a rery otriful
eiroxldsration ef tba Uw, decided that the riupor
visors have do right to raloeato a road la order te
replace It nn wbt tby m.y auppoia Its rteorlnl
site, and that a ra I ense t-ill out anl opcncl
and used by lha public for a tera nf you.
whether operiod oo its recorded site or not, oaa
only ba altered by a view proceeding under the
road law.
Apr c in Ik,
nroitma Fob Sale. H. Newton Shaw harps a
full suitnlr of Fretlonia HuitKie atil naif"
Waw.iii. for sale. To hp seen at the Shaw Houae
ywrl' t;an on or mm rest nun ai (.waiuRiu rnn
sy tvauia.
may 13-if.
WaarKn 5fl0.fl)fl 14 fiet.hmcil boana,d-llr
errd al ihe reilrimj.ln rar l.ial. of ., at nil
olni on tbe Ijmiie A Ck'arH.ll, I1 4 K, Uald
l-agla Vallr), and t'tni ev henia Hailroad., for
Wbli'b I wilt pay tU bianaat mat he! brieo.
J. . K.A.aa,
I Ootid, Hit lf. ' Clearteld, I'a.
Just Itec-eived ! -
I Jui Rwrivi'd liv A)!N('I.P. ni
fju v K. s v 1 L I . b ;
(Jr liimil Noth N-nlia Plnnlf r !
ur l(iuj ,ri. Corn, l(y null Pi
(,,, J .
, j .r jj Jlimkon Unit I
fur IvtwfJ t'hiilff Knniily Fliitir! "
, Cur laoiiil Dry Uooda, Unicuriea, etc.!
' (wS'-Sliiiiifiei", Hark. It. It. Ttew mid
(Innn will ho tnkfti in rgcliaiigo. "
Curwi imvillr, iluy 1, 1878 ,
H-t MII l'a8
Allow a enld loadraaoa la Jnur lyilem nad
thul eaai.wraga Mure aariooi nail tiiiea, looh aa
wnou.oaid, boiborrbogaa and Idtig tniabioa whan
an reln-l oaa be He-llr. aitniaed
Hn'obaao ttor.aa woroi, baa awieee) ibo largeil
ial la ihe world fur iho oora af iloogba, uotda,
and tbe leerree: Lung lliaaaae.. ll il Dr.
H,efaee'i fannal tleraaan froenhpfi'ia, and ll
prrpmrrd with the ireeiet earaad oo fo.r Bead
be anlana and la nlojinilortud It io Ine e.iao'
eat eblld, ae vor' din eitora. rba f thii
.oitla'Be Ir a'..roa dome I, ."In o lir.t in roj iead
there hoe bt-ea a annilaat Inlreailug
aad wittnHat a dingle renin -aTn ralnre to do til
at! in ant raae. AM Tuar .Iradgill al lo Ih
tra h of ini-re re. irha. L.rge Jit" 34 Ita trf
It and he amrmoal. Jile l Hit 0o I.
H'lhA trrrifcoa(K JaMOaf.
la). Ueorge II. 1 bale,-, aa oM lilllea of Ibll
. leinMe hi. eon to eeare en, aa o ami lefueeniel and t'hnalioa MiiiUiar of IB, at. It
I bum. ull th.l .v.ew Meoaod (a oar .tore on
aa, wB aaery oowy iw anew , . .www'
thai b..B .mil aad wile owe oar Ilea. e, Kailoh'a
Cuooa.nlioo Core." It M honog a lroa.ende
aalo eeer oar owoaierl nod la gulag norleea. aatia.
faotm all aoK, M bun, Ultt, looa aa a....
a. .iM Lmm a.aa llworaoo. law atav I , In.
ba.. Haiaa.ll A Una, eN bj Uarl.wen A
irwla aad U. It Walaoa, kwraelO, ft.-
; Um,;n ,, pl)j,r 4 fraaraal I'ataaja'hf Ihe
d., U-ikbtb.TALK" trf it. hold hi Haiti
I ana A ir.ia. aai C. U. ataoo, Vloar fa.
I A-" H-
tf Uetrpltm l td, .
It te atranva an aaan? panpla will enntlnae la
laaOfr aaT-.v"-"' d .i)tr-. l,tr ''on.
hi-. int. roaatfpatloa. Boor Plotaarb, OunMl I.
iilitv whtn thfV an proeara at our Mora Hlt.
1.0 H H V1TAI JKKK.frta or eiW If It ducni net
care or rtllnre ibawt. Price T4 eta. Mold by
U art i wick A Irwla aod 0. V, Watioa, ClaarBtld.
Ilae Ir. Van lhe'a t-ulphur oap.
Tha leadnr tt'ernal icafiflo Inr di of tha
SKIN, aod Iwautlner nf iba C0V.PLt.XI0N j tor
lha ltatb. Toilet and H.irttryj u raouu n at. dwl
by pb.ifieiaoi. 8"ld by Drugyiata. Prioa 15
Ctoti; box. X Tatia, nO Caoti.
K. 8. W'KBSTKK, Prop. 60 .V. (thflt, Phlla.
JulyP.7H-auw . .
' ' li'.itmaD Pik Cit, Difcxii af kOto
Pnicaa Hawing li biota oaa now boparebatod
at iltrirll'a tin and variety tture, ftoia U6 ap.
warda. All kind of aewlng macbinw rapalrad
tha rbortent nutiea.
ClearBald, Pa., July Id. 1177.
XervoiiM Icbllllye
Vital Weaknrai or llrpreatloti r a weak
txhaurttil firiinn. Bo tnapa;y tr rnnmie; (be re-
ult r menial uver-work. Intllacrelluita or
excraaea, or auiue draiu upon ibe iviiitu n al
waya curad by lluiii hrr) 'a Jlnuiwpaihte HpreiSr
Nh, tu. It tunes up and in .goa'ya tha iyataui,
diapt-la tba g'oom and tltppfudtney. Imparl
atingth abd energy, atope tha drain an t ra
Juvtnatre tba to lire nau. llaan d twenty
yari wilh perfect tuuuru by ihtruattodi. Buhl by
oWa ara, Prioa. $ I par irnjlt vial, or $i per
paokaga uf five lalt and Hi vial ut powdar. baol
by mail on ncwipt f prioa.
Addrt-aa Muiuihreya' llomapalhlc
Mt-dli Ine Compauy. li dt , N. k'.
V. ll. U alfou, Aganl, ClaatftvbJ, Pt
apt. la, IH7l-ly.
WANTtn. Delivered at tba Hull Road-
lOO.miU 2B ii.rh anavixl ahmgiva.
(tn,m(l .l.tiwh mti ihlngle. ' ''
li-U.uau piim b'oirtis
btt ,UHU U liiri .bawd hotiia.
6 Um rwlruaol lira.
iO.Htt) f.tlttf gimd hfinl'ick boardi
Ft.r abu-b 1 will pay iba bighuat narkat prlna,
dali.arad at lirarfivM, or at any point on the
Tyroue A Clear IJ aid Knlre d.
J. r. Kaaaaa,
CKarll.lJ, Pa., Oat. IA, U78 tt.
At the re tidenee of tba bride a parents, oa Bun
day evening, February 11, IftTV, by Hv. P. J
bbendwa, Mr. A.J. HaaB.ufli.if l.,att'ila. Pa.,
aud Mi, tv M. UiuiiSLl., ol UluarOild, 1
A Carwerivfllt.aB Mt.oday, Fvbraery d. IT9,
by J nO Tbouiitrrfa hi -a,., Mr. Uauaica Kucaai
Hiid Uui til mi V ail.. an at Clearfield county.
At tha rt'ldt-ncu of iha bride's iuithi-r, an Turp.
day, Facru.ry 4th. B.. by Kv. T (Jiwty.Mr.
VV M. II. lift, Mail Agut ua iba tt-a'-ury te
latuwa Haiiroadg aud tViiai LljVa biLLat ol Lawia
luwu, Pa.
Ta H'tuttdala borough, oo Monday, January
S'tb, l7a. William, only son ui Ljfce aad rfarah
Kilty, agvd t years,
Io Lawrence township, nn Thursday, Jaouar)
HtJib, l7tt, AftULKT, sou of Wrsl. y aud lierib 1.
IN orrll, Bgutl I luouiba.
One IM'le treasure waiting up yo ider.
Freed truu tiuit aad al- its wars J
One prtieious boiid thai ooibio oau sunder
Way up there 'wuug Kwruity's stars.
Two little arms will stretch oat to greet as
When our 'ears are all shed and worn all dona j
Ooe wee white lave, suite lit, vil meet as
On tbe buuuliful sbure where UuJ is ibe tan.
Tho snow-pure spirit went home lo bliss
tire sorrow bud darkened and sin had warred )
Without a chastening rod to klsi,
Or lear to gloota its shy -heaven slarred. N.
In Pennville, on fiuoday, Fubrusry 2d, 1879, ot
tphold pLeuinouis, biRLLA, daughter ot Uvorito
aud .in rah llaoey, agrj years, 2 in on lb i aud IS
day i.
When we see a preen mi bhtsioia
That we Untied wuh such care,
Ho'lvly takita trotu our bosoui,
How our aching btiarts dvrpair t
Around lie Utile grave We linger
Till Ibe selling uo is low,
-Feeling all our hopes have perished
With tbe ttueer wo ahvrisued ao. L. M.
At Port Matt! In. Centre conntr. na Thuridav.
Ftibtaary Am, 1 7 1 Hilluh F. Anoaar. anvu
SI years, 8 moiillis aad VII days.
Inflatndatioa of tba h ala was iba canse of bit
deatb. Dsar brother, ibou art guns to ihy rest,
where fby tmublta are o'er. o
Ci.iABriai.n, P.. Pb. II, l79
Fb.ur. .-r et i 5r
Huhwheat Flour prrewt 1 ft'
Corn Meal. ier el - I "
rbop. rye, i-arowt 1 4i
Chop, mi led, i-ar cwt , u. '
urea, pr cwi I ro per hu-liel 1 00
He. per bn-hcl OP
atf, per bushi-l 16
Torn, eara, par hii-hel ., 86
lluukwbral. per bohel An
Potatoes, per buhel 76
Apples, per husBel.w-o to Iftu
Hams, pr pound Hi
Sboultler. iter iuund If
Dried Beel, per pound 16
Chick ras, per pair 4B
Hutti-r, per pound Tb
Kcge, prr doaen 02
Halt, per each, larn....H S V
Coal nil, per gallon 2
Lard, per poaod 1
Dried Applet, per pound 8
Dried Peaches, par pound ,,H 8
fit-ana, par basnet ' 1 0"
PniLADKLPB A Feb. 10. There la no Improve
ment tn browdatutTs.
Cotton Ie quiet and Irmly bald at fjic fur
Flour is dull and weak. Sales of I.2P0 barrels.
fucluliug Mione-'ta Kstra Pomily, low and
latter, at $4,t6(iii6 P nnsj Hania do do,, ai
H t0(di 74 ; Obio do. do., at I4.76W6 50 ; Vir
ginia, 4 76 Patent and other high gradel at
6 6(flji 6W.
Hy dour tl steady at $2.80.
Uornioeal ia aommal,
" Wheat la iiull, but unobanged Ha'ei of 8 OKtl
bubelo, tnoluding Peunsylveuia aleJ. at $l.06(a
1.U61 i renosvlvania Am tier, on track aod io
elevai .r. at $1.06(08 1 No, 3 Kid, ta elevator,
Hit is unabaocod.
Uurn is very quiei, but prices are steady. Sale
ul 6te bushels, invludii'g rJ cted and steamer,
traok aud grain depot, al 4.t(fL l8fl sluauir.
ekvaior, at 42o I aaii, mlsed aud yellow, track
aad CMia dftmi. at at 4(a4Uo.
i)U quiet and tirm. Dales of 4,Q0 banhels
White ai 2V3lc
Cnicaao, Feb.10. Flour steady and anobangf d.
U'ltsat fmrly ai-tive nil n itd hiBhr. Nu
2 Ked Wiutt-r, hK(alTe I Ne. 2 CBlcaao Fpiing,
87j)o for caxb, SbfaiMio lor March, Sl'lo lui
Aoril. No. a to. "iUn,JMe l reiee:ed, 6BfA;HAo.
Uurn a'cady end tarra i Hljc lor oanh ; 8l.fa5
t .r Marob J-'fl,Vo lor April j
tor Mny rejecird, 2j.
Oats Brut and unchanged.
Hie steady and uocliaiijted.
Darley dull, weak, ...wi-rand heavy, at T2(t, 7 to.
Peniinj i vniilnltallronaJ
Al and eflar Mxiidar, KfV. 4, I8T8. ih.
Paaaangar Trnlnl will ran daily (eioorit Run.
dayi) between Tjrroneand rjlaarfleld, aa followe
If. 8. PLraan
Oorwen.villrJl.lil. r. a
Cloererld H.4II. "
lonanl,.. ...... 4,
barrem 14, "
Woodland 4.01, "
Bller,........4 ll. "
ttallaorton 4 17,
bloa Hall, 4 IS, '
Uraha. 4 l, "
Pbilip.kar,...4., "
iMner'a 4 , "
U.jnlo 4 4,
UmmoIo. ........ 4. aS,
Powtlioa, t oa, "
uaiuiil,, "
Tynna M
Tyrone,-...,,. I M.i.i.
Vanaroyoo,... ff.SA,
rlun.ii, , N, 14
Powelioa, ...... to,o,
llaeaoln,. In 11,
ilojatun I o.l T,
Itteina,'. 111.21, ai
Mhtllpilmr,,. lb J. "
llraaam le.ln,
BlaoS.II,..,, '
nllaool..a,.lo.44, "
higlrr, "
Wueolaad,.... le.iK,
Dairatl, "
Uoeord, II IJ."
Uloartold, 1 1 . lot .
tt-KAKHr.l.l AOI'UMotolJATluN.
Wa. la. kaoini, Coadoetor.
OorweaeTille. tl t. a. Tyroso I r. a
Claarlald...... T ie ' Vaneeoyoe... I IJ "
Leonard.... Mb,
Barren, J " P..w.H.a....l ll "
Woudla.d,.... 7.H " Oaeooln, . .,... IJ
Blglar tot " b.i)Bl..a Ill "
W.ilaowtoa,. II rlleiaer a. IH "
Blue Hail i lb " Pbilipaoarg...! II "
Urah.a,. ...... I 4b " Urnhaa 4.4.
rhlliweoarg.. I M Blue H.ll...4 bb
Bieiaor'e Ill " WoUaaeoaa,... II -
teyaiaa lib " hl,te,......l -
Uaaeola,.... W " -
P.welioa 1,11 " B.rratl, ........ 4 ; "
DU..II, I'M " Uooor.1, lob
Vanaa-,yoo....ll.lT I'learwetd I. "
Tyrone, Carwruille,.!.IHI "
A ataaalearoa tarwaaalllledail hir RelBolda.
villa, at I o'eloeb, ... airielag al Rryawldarllla
alloolooi,, .. IteliiBiug, kaiae Hoyaolila
vilw dolly, ul t o'.loeh, a. .., arriving nl Cur.
woaavHIeal lie a wee, aa, rare, aaoa way, ai.
A mil leave! Carweaivlll, doltf . ot
o. ra . Iu' Do Hall Car, arnv ia, ai Ilohtoii C
ot I o'elaob, B. Keloroiog, loa.ol iloBoil
T e'oieoa,, la., daily, arriving at Cuiweaevilwel
II ,-aleoa, aa. are, aaoa w.y, a.
P-liu!l'5SlS0 r Vhi"am;i pftc,ejai.
taavi .outb.
i. a. r. a. r. a.
1 IS 4:81
11:11 1 11
7:lt Phil!)!,.,,,
7:30 cieinari
f:l T-JJ
IM 1:11
:ta III
8:10 l:ll
8 .14 8:8
8:311 8:.I6
Boyntua, 11:14 4.16
uaeaola, 111:20 I2:u4 4:1,
U-.tin.oo, 10-Si 11:11 I i!
milling, 111:11 11:10 t-M
1I-.UI,J.I., 0:I8 11:10 J:li
MoUiula;, 11:85 8:40
Kaadriea'a, I,:a8 11:10 :I5
Itaniey. 11:11 ll:ta f ill
JIM.ll gAlll.K Va.u.tV HRitrlCJt.
lit. Kail.
Man a.xp.
r. m. a. h.
r. m. a. M.
7 It IMO lo Tyrone arrlie (.10
7 48
t 8.17 Hold Gagle
4 48
n.oi v.uu auiian
8.14 tbi Mllctburg
S 31 lo.ilo llallnlunii
8.4S 10. 1 a Miktburg
IIU8 10.40 llimara
0 4t I l.ia arrl.a LJUven lea
4 76
na.Twanu. a. n.l wkmtwahu
I'aeilla Klfiraia
8:l0Plttihorgn Kip',1, 1.80
llarriiburg Aeo'io, 8:0
I'anitie Kxireii, 8: In
r. m.
Mali Train.
Minolta b'lnrell,
I'hlla. Ktir.,i.
Way Fallenger,
Mail Train,
r'el Line,
Oloav oonneotlooi miili by all traiBiat Trona
,nd Look Unren.
iovl7-tf. SaperlnUBdent.
Allogltrny Valley Railroad
LOW ORADK division.
S and after MDiUy, Dec. 10th, 1
tho iiasat-nger trains will run dally (oircp-
ftdlowa t
ween KeO lanh and Driftwood, a
I.Af-T.V AKI. At Mailleavei Plttshurn
;2(i a. ui,t hefl Uank H.ifj Hlign Junction lZ:tia
V.. M-.kl.k-,. l:ur.D,sii Maysville 1:20:
fniy l:.tll : ltnoKu a i.HW ; fuller ):) n;
aoldsville l:if Uulluli :S:l i tSum mil Tunnel
4MB 'eollld 4:l.5f Weeivilla 4:17 1 ilaoeaeltr
(;tH arrives at 0 rift wood at S:ii.
W IM IW AKIWDay Mail leaves Driftwood
p. ni.) UelietetU l:V; Wecdville 1:40
t'su field 1:; Huuimit Tunnel J:7 i OuBois TM
KvyuoldevilleZ.Ol; Fuller's J:l7; llntokville
Truy :4U; Maysville 4:ltn New Bethlehem 4:29 :
Hiigo Junction 6:111) Itcd Uank 6:27 arrival at
Pittsburg at 9:10 p. m.
1 bv Hi-y noldsviilc Aocomuiodation leave
lU-joold-vllttj liuily at 7:60 a. io.( aud arrives a
lUd liank al I l:tl a m., Pitisburgb at 2:;i& p. ui
Laves Puuburgh at .1:iu p. m ( Hod liuk a
6:66 p. m.; arriving at Uwynoldsvlileal t.6 p.m.
Close oouneuiloas made with trains on P. A a.
Hailroad ai lirntsood, and wltb trains on tb
Alleybeny Valley Kailroad at Had liank.
DAVID McUAKUO.Uen'l fiap'L
A A. Jackson, iSup't 1.. U. Dir.
CLKanriKLO to pRsriti-D
The undersigned would intorm ine pal-llo the
he is now running a rage line n.twteu i,laarbuli
aitil PeuHuld, ibrva time a week
'l hla4o leavvi ClearHuld on MmD Jsyi.WedneS
days aud Friiiay, at e o'clock a m., aniviuk
at Peutluld at o'olook ui. Kduroing saiut
dys. Lves Ponlield al 4 o'olook p m.t arnv
lug ai Cloiirlield at 8 o'clock p. to.
t'otinection is mala with trains on Ihe Low
Orade K. ti. at Puntltjld. Fare, a.b way, ?l.6o.
Clearfield, Pa , Feb. U, 1978
Hellcfonte, Pa $2 06 1 M iddletcwo $6 Ob
Lor-fc Haven 3 70 Marietta t
VV'illlauisport 8 fill Lancaster MU
Huntingdon.. I 8uplLAblLPllIA T V
Le wis town SVOiAltoona ..,., 186
Mrtrvinlle 4 60 Johnstown.-,. S 86
Cuwensville. 2iM Pbihuaburg 61
Onceola A3 Tyrone....
i r
H A H K lr II I Kit
4 7AiPITT8nilHfl I I
$tx di'fitisrnifnts.
CAUTION. All pnrsnasaro hereby caatione.1
sgsinat piirt li -ning or in anv way miniiUini;
wi'o too to. lowing propr-rtr. now in ine uom
Ion of K H. I'tlton. of Morris ton . v i : Ten
horses. 3 iwo't-ofse wami i. and 1 set dnabie bar
near, as the aua belongs tu us, and la lefl with
In in on loan only sutijei lo one or'tr at an
una Kb-bUbii iiLrri.uiu.i.
Jo. Ti, 1879
AUTI(M.AI'pori nj'eheraliycutinne.'
agrilnsl purohtilina or in any wat, meddun.
nb ibe lollowii-jr lroi u ly "l,w in 'he iiiisreaoioi
f A. hebnarrs, ol Cuvinatnu UiwiH-hip vii : Om
ot'Wr4 iliaia, Sstovs 1 cupbu ni, t utle, au
ail Iris other huu-ehoiil g d, na be same b-lo -r
me, and Is l fi with him on l-an nlr. eu1 j o l
v order nt any lime rnht) K LIInK
Karibau, Jan. 39 t47V-t.
CI A H Tit I N.h Ml persons are hereby c ulion ei.
J egainst purih.siu or In anv wy ineildl ng
b i lit) loltowllig pioptliy.lltiw tn Ibe Sivelui
AndrtW hiiabMit1 ul Morri towostiip, vil :
Uae small bruwu horse, wto o t on his u u hiu.
aa ibe tame buloogs t me, and ia lett wiib aaiu
pauaglc on loan only, suijct iu inr orur
auy lime. 0. L. bCHOuNOVUK
uyieriown. ra , Jan. av, ihh at.
fPlAUTION.-All ncrtooa are hrreby warned
j ngiott urcuasing r in any w.iy luetitinn.
ih lulloaidht T isrty, bow in ossrasioti u.
ha liTons, of Brady lowuablii, via t tue darl
borse. I crav ware, 1 set louble baroea. I two-
horse siti'is, I parlor stove, 3 log uhaias, C arre
wbal iu the gmund, t hogs, 7 and a cr
out saw, as the sn me whs tur. hmed by tne al
B-riff s ale on tha 3l)ih day ot Aoveintier, l7a,
nd U lelt with him on only, suhjot to iu)
ordarataoy iliac. A HR Ml A VI lUUKKLlNU.
Jeff. Noi. Lint, Ha., rVb h, I8,V t.
OTICi; T PAH!KT4...Tlie under
sin-nod wishes io giw aoMoa ihnl she wil
iiiud asvh'Nil to tbe l.t-ouarl sohod bul'ding. li
his buriHiKh. on tie tlisi Moik1m la May am
the 4lb 1 1 o nllnun three to mitts.
Trite 3 "vr s hour, lu be P tiJ on ihe fl rat
day ot vebool.
runner inio'-maiiii in recaM to sfunfs an i
tcriua cau be h.d by oillia: nn "rail eioin
fllirtS ti A ll lb MUIIKK.
AbaW House, Clearttetd, I'a
Ft-b. IS, u;n 3o.
Nnlioa ll berrbv aivaa ibat Lallan nf Ail.
nl.lration nn Ibe of .1011 1 ll KM KK
I.IMi. lete of B ndt Inanabip, Clearfield oiiuntv
., ilec.-aMil, havma uaon ilulv aronia.1 loin.
ondrreig-nod, all paraoni imlalilr.1 to aaid avian
ill lilvaao make linnieolale navinunl, nnd inaar
having- fllultu. or daiuanda Kam,t Ilia eamo wi I
pmeut Ibou ironerlj aotbtoiioaled fur aottle.
I.alb- r.lmra;, P , J.o. . lt; 01.
A. Ba nk that Never Breaks.
Try My foul.
The anilvriinned tdnpti tnin nrthod of Iriform
inH tlit mtnirnrui 0'ntuan. lhal hit ei1 bno
U not ft VViatir ftrrnnfrutrnt oftlj bat ihut It
will bf ni us nil il in iho ttmnmtr well nl Win
tttr. I fimni ibu I hbtvatha
Eent Coal in tha Market,
nil will ii it lur dmIi, op ta wiflhntf fr,
ivl. roerrit. tic. rii enntrioit wilt tw
U'S'lt ftt ft very miH irottL Vor tuU ptrtlntiUr
esftll on mt m peratm. re 1 1 J n j( la oi uf tlroil 't
iiner hi'tott. tir ulrfii mi thrmb tit piit-
ortiDrJ. Urtltfl IwTl t tb' iiOMiihVt will rt"v
pr .t t ten i inn. Tfl A UU0KK CT.
VI urimi'i, rn., jnn. v, vw u.
(nr M rrh T
mfn f tlit Jtirnn druwii
Tvnn, 7V, a-'intntjiiemjr on tlit
d Wuiiilbiy, IT'bl, eniiu. to ouutinu fjr tu
K. V. Ri Unit)
.1 t.hti l'liitfrion. Jfinl'i.'
H .l.trt tJrwn, t llr nrd, I
I, H. rliiff. If ft t,
Mil iW.tll IVnn,
r M HiMifcr, U'Jf 'rd
lltM. 0-wiimn. Knnl,
Sinmii 1 ln.iii"t.n It-KK-J
H k, Cmwrnrvlilt.
H b't Thoiuhi tj. tU d,
Whi M I'vtair, linitlord.
laoktnti Tl'na.ti, tlr ly
l'tf't?r " ii'-r, IWit-,
tl IV Mill. W.N'dWftrfJ
J AL Kitiil. (..hti
A Th"Wpnin, Ili'U'tdtU
i'r ld hjffino,
J Ki rhn, .'htt,
t'l.r.iy liiihnui, (lirrJ,
Ltri iio, Uiftntur,
A (I T-U-, CI Urdu iJ,
Jfti H Mmith, Pint.
mTFit.n jinfhi iitwrik, 17th
Andran Milltr, Rrnlt.
M Lb tra: , ilo-hn,
9. m l U K iit It, Bravljr,
li Khui.V-.ll. r. Uiti n
Thn XniUit, Hon'tUM.
11 9 U-rttftft, Wo tiwotrd
JokB Kt-ftdiaff. Nwirg
Jt HwiU'fi, Uirntl4.t(
A L Haul, Ntwawrr,,
NrWI Lowbtftfl. I ft
J A Coiinway, Ktftli
Ut-ofiry Mfftvir, rrad.
( tm h Uut4it, lito,
Juhn Attnfrt, JiMHttr,
llriiry Uiiit't-r. Brdy,
Voilip Ctt)l, Oo tth,
A Bairift". t'ovincii'n.
John rrJr, Cho t.
v H UiMtuoiir, Co?'(tfii
Philip hB r. Ut-ll.
Jut T rtirnw, KirtfuivB,
itl Hbrtt. llr ly,
W II Wtnitton. M .rrU,
i HhiifiidM m. Oiilicb,
Kllwiift Moo-o, !,
W H Hill, Lawt-trCity,
lltnry N il. Jr. M Wiubi
Jui Himiiiobir, Ulrfd,
r hramtr, t Itirielj.
Vn UUvftv.r, Vtkt
t. llbowr, Mrrv,
inliit tl. .ry, tl-ftlNrd
lfi W Utaodi, Karlbfaiit,
Ih" friii Hwudrd
I W.Li,.., Hrir-rd.
Cdw'd Utltv Hied-id
r W KaribMl'.
dft. U M.t, I', he,
Drib 'I MtwaTi. HfMditrd
I t. H-iftrtKikt, M
I. II lUtiry, Bbiinl t , l4..'i tbb.tiift. Uoilitb,
Jvbn iiaW, LuriiM, U V hihu, Urm4,
Jriui. y .ifc, Jd-rrt, lU'Ur U.H,Jr, ('.ai.
Rofl (Htt, Woilwrdt
rmm'i L itrttr. I'fftO,
Uturgt Hftii, Altrrit.
II Mar hit, LrMt4,
II U Mum, N Hft.b'ntbH
Wu L b.M, UmImii,
I A Owen, Ltw.tuoo,
U lltrtiint. Ktribtott.
Jt,b toulUr, UgN,t
A b Itttftw, taruij,
Joun MvUn.rp, Wrabmi,
Jmv H tftvvr. UnifttMt i liwiw, Uu.btn.
J T Xm, W.bird
Jbt fbirt) r, Brridioid
ti Id trtlk, IItMIvW,
Mart tVimi. bf.uofd
Jlin IU;iir, Pikt,
CivnL U sib tn, Bt-e.rU
Jul bystf, BiirDiltt tf,
Jwnw n) Jr, Cfc-t,
lioti Knrr )r. UrtvlJ,
ti Sufttv, JordtO.
In! MltliMiri,,
4 C Ura.dtor.1, U.r-rd,
iiltr Cum ft it t i.ttw nai
iftt-ift Hr lariftil, u
ilwftrd )4iii r, iUl4,
f ' H ifttt 4, C fjlaitj,
d ti . to. ttwrtftMs
Mill 1.U, WwMlWft
ibb. nun ,fi ftavg.
Jt. UlM. M.ftdy,
al fibftlf Htfti, LftH.tfti,
AftltMs iift(tcti, Ufttlft.
(9ur urn Advrrtisrmrut.
Fabllihed iv.ry Wadaaaday by
11 ai thl Lar(o.t tlrcolatlou of auy- paper
lu NortboTMtern PaiutovlTUitm.
Tbo large and constantly Increasing
circulation of the Republican,
reudors it valuable tobubinem
men an a medium thro'
vrhitb to roach the
Tebmb or Subscription :
If paid in advance, '. . . 12 00
If paid after three months, , 2 60
If paid alter aix montiii, . , S 00
When papora are gont outside of the
county payment must be in advance.
Ten linos, or less, 8 times, .
Each subsequent Insertion,
Administrator' Notices, .
Biecntora' Nolicos, . . .
Auditors' Notices, . . . ,
Cautions and Eitrays, . .
Diitsolulion Notices, , .
tl 60
2 60
2 60
2 60
1 60
2 60
ProfosHionul Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00
Sneciol notices, nor lino, ... 20
One square, 10 lines, . . . $3 00
Two squares 15 00
Three squares, ..... 20 0(
One fourth column, , . , . 60 00
One hull column, .... 70 00
One column, 120 00
We havo always on band a lurge stock
of blanks ol all descriptions.
An., ic , Ao.
We are prrpured lo do all kinds ol
srcii as
to., Ac,
a t
Ueo. IB. C.ioiliiuderf
Urnrtlcld t'omitf, Tn.
Fall and vv
in great variety, aro now open mid ready for mile, at
(by utrmll buyer), at the widely and well known Dry Goods
Store of
It is only necessary for us to announce to the public that wilh the
consiilllliy incrensinueiimiiu, wu are ever I'liiargiug um nun i,
both in ouitntity and vniiety.RO that nny anil everything
needed in the most durable and fashionable lines
of goods can bo had nt our store at ull times. Our
goods have been selected in person by Mr. Klerk, mostly
nt the manufacturers, and bv buyinc in I a rue quantities, wo
save the jobbers' profit, nnd
We also have otto of tho very best Milliners constanily at her
place, ready to trim ,
in tho very latest styles, and wo" 'guarantee ' that any tvork pit
trusted to Miss liresty's cure will be pleasingly executed.
Wo know whereof we sneak, that we will make it to the interest
of all persons wishing to buy Dry
111(1 PVatUinC our Stock lii'tiiro lin
Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street,
llraTICIX dk COKMTAItl.l'.N H-.l
We hftVfi prlfitd 1tk nuiutvar ot tht
CKE RILL. nd will on tbe rnffiiil of twnniy
5,000 Rail Road Tics;
rurwrnvvillo. P. Inn. . '7 tr.
Mn, John H. ltn(I'rtv, ol' IVnn toti-hi,',
iiiltn fr rent a duttiti ft bnur and more r-"in.
fiiumc In tlit villtgo ol I't iio vilic. Fur fur-hnr
iolurtnfttiun ni tilv to, or n l-lrpni,
oet. tirauiii,n tlillf.
j Kttior li hereby givvfi 'b it Lctttra Tt-I-uii-itUr
mi ll.- -.U.:.j -I D N I KL II HT",'K,
lat of .Mitt 'owtinlitii, flfiiiliflil citiitity, I'n.,
dtf'd, bavloff betn duty gntotetl lo Ilia unlr
ngrjcti, all crMiia indrlitvd to rmd CKia'e wi'l
platiM ini ko Imiuortiale ivajei.t. aii'l llmo b-
ins claim or tluuifttiu will iirttcut lit em iiruiicriy
utbtnlif-ftlvd fuc 'ttlfint'iit Kiilt'iiitdriiiy.
uahui lumsucic.
CorwcDiTtl.i-, I'.t Jnn Ij.'iV (it Kit-oucrii.
AI)IIM1 II ATdlPM liOTI( r..-Voite
ii bcrcliy iisn Unit letter ot Atlminia
Ufttion on the ol (IKultOl. U'KIZKI,.
kit of U wUnorion br.. l lcnriicld ( r , dn d ,
havinic l'tn duly gr-ntfil lu ih undcrtiijiii'ii , nil
permiti indr btci i anl cttxto will ilo,nr iiinka
immcdiait jinj int nt, and ibose but lag el itm nr
demand! aKiiiiI lha vhIiib will (ireetit lltrin
prujiirly autliti.tirnirtl rr prt Icim-nt Ml' buut
drUj. 1I1:NHY .iKAl
Willitnifr-ro.e, Pa., Jnn 8, l7'.t t.
Prices of Shingles.
Ct,wnrit1f, Jul 9, 71 tf.
NOTiri-waVfttict'la liTrbVafivoi ilmt an np.
liratin wil ba at Ir tu tlit iirefrnttlciirral
rtfrauiMy al tba Stntt f tVnn- : vnfiia. fr tlit
naafr of ft tuM liii?nt to Ilia Act pail d lha
KMb f Aril, l73. rniitltd "An Art to ral
an Aet to lay out ftod me n St la ni I in
tlftM ecunty. aa I t' r-RulHt tlt ftiilii!tiin of!
taxi i n Hit lnna thtrciii o-mia Hinctutinat tht
amr tu ll to aulborlia lha Mt(iui.t eulleit n
and iiluiMmft' ot Sob ml txctoitth nieny
within Pint district, i y iht (.tojur auihurilica
llurton and I'ikt luwnb'j.. liy or ler tf tlit
voter, of 11 u ft t.n townbip. L. U1IID.
Jnn ID, l7H-4t.
English and C lassical
Thiufcbool tll opto In thn Tionnarj Qradrd
Qrhool building. Clmrfta.l( V,u, in Ap tl, HT9,
nd totlnua tltvro waclta
Clafft' Id UertBft'i. Uoianr nnd B iflk-Kini.
will U furatd. Xborougb inmrustion wi.l be
Coumnn rirnnelie. $1 Ai
Higher Kngllvlinod Clariiea 8 1-0
n c. ol'(lMA',
r. o. ii a it ms,
Claarlleld, Pa., Jan. IS, 13;,.I2.
ng grow
always r.aor roa use
wit xt no.
HENRY S. ZIEGUR, Sola Blanufhcluror,
fflo, tflt ft Jul .i ntlr-el. rtltatvli-kla.
William Powell,
Dealer in Heavy; nd Shelf
tiaUAns Ariuruui
Krriii ffinlnntly on btnil tbo trait CifKin j,
11 cat t ii j, and lirl r
Stoves and Ranges
f all draerltlonfl. TMaanil I'ock.l Cullrry,
Curpflatera' Toi., a-ioh na Haw, Hatchet,
htinarfi", fltnch d'opi, I'l Hint ami
lrop, Cliilt, lllt. Ausrcrt. Ai!itrl
fUft, Hlnitaotftllhiil, Uttta,
VrtTTitHab Cord, rulla,
tie , tit.
laritilii lllciisils
ri"T, Cultivator. D"ub1t and Phot)
How a, Cwllttfttor Trtib, tlrain tVa-il.,
Srjthra, Suaibfr'. lUca. fiirkl, kkl,
IUj Ktrai, rf lit-IU. tlt.t'o-
UotM gkiKl and Utirrt ValU. la Wai
of C'rntt rat Baw and ait, Niiadtionoo and
Urtadttont Pixtum, and trtrylblug uaually h a
ta a tnvolftfi It ard wart tr. AIo, a fall
Monk af
House Furnishing Goods,
All bind of Tinware brpt On band aod made
to orlvr. llu..SaB and Pp-onling- rt.oioilj at
'ended to.
Prraeol "I'blai aajltilm In ml lino. Bra la
'karj lo eall aal eiawlite .inea aad (iriri..
Cleorlelbt, i'a, Jan. b, IIII tl.
SmtkiHli-HifiMnMrtiJi It.
TJaMwolj UaoMlB; Ilaa-l oaaj-X
inter Goods
aro tlius t'liiibled to sell nt
Goods of nil description", to call
nm I'lwn
Vole Early and Often!
- I'O It-
GEO. C. & T. W. MOORE.
rpiiriV iR.i'e yoa to rail ft thfir Store in lh
X 0urt llu'C CUE UtH ;i.U, I'A., Bud -w
lliu bvt oi vhtftpc.t a luck of
I100TK vNl) S1I0E?, UATS S0 CAPS,
Gouts furnishing Goods, Ac.,
Their lii'fcr- nnl flrpnnt itfV rf po' il- enn-l-tF
or all m- rit't f ritffi in LlDI'tS,' iIIS.-K4"
aod CUll.IKi;.'8
rf': fiK.f r shoes,
Whlt-h UI full nil Unit f ouMoroirt. Alr.
Tbi U tl-o only I'liii-a tn Cliir3ti!(l emnty
Driving Booh and Shoes
oon 1-a h..mli. nOYS'an.l YOl'TIIR' r.OOTS
n.l SIIIIKri ul all blu.l..
A la.., a carefully lelvctid ai,orlmant if
ItuMirr Of-odi for tvfrjbdy, coifi-'ing of
Al.a. n nrw I'ylenf Lumbermen1! Ouni. bnin,
Iba AKTIIM wi h ..'I'd Ixiltolna, wbich ara ouo
filleted a great luiproi-t men! nn Iba old atyle.
- ST I'lenie rail and aaamlao oar gniata.
? flKortllB 0. MOURE,
Cl-atrK-IJ, Pa, Knvemlier fi, IS7riA,o.
IIIKIM Kit. TllltrE-OPRK ll(IL'E,
Clearfield, Pa.,
nicAi.un iv
Carpets. Oil Cloths,
Etc., Etc., Etc.
him. hki:' ttiL'srtiv I'ltniii'C'ii
in ixt iiAVoi: inn t.oop-.
fln.rni-ld. rn.. Hrrl. 18. IHIK tf.
Boots shoes
Hats, caps,
AND , .
Eenls' Furnishing kk
Wiliamsport Boots
Elmira Boots,
Driving Boots anil Shoes,
Claflin's Boots & Shoes,
Boys' Boots & Shoes,
fllno Boots fi
Stoga DoolU
Wltb a ffr-nrrnl varlatr ef tA-llnl', Mii'Ol' and
tbildna'l lloatl, hliurl atid Ualiell.
m RflFR (innus,
HAT" Artn ClPS'
'IRXTV Pt'tlNI0lM.l noofig,
ub.V W ruUNMIIIMU tlOllll.a.
Iho nadvrtlg 'td rt(wetfniif UtHt tbt a1 tan
turn nf tbt j'f. h$ of t Irartntd toutity, ttrihatr I
mw $UDk of ba abort nind (wl. Covutrj,
indtifja lh n tn atnhftn lor gvoda.
I'llo'l allow a Iho hibar. "
6iiiBaburK'a uim) .tftft'l, lktei'aJ trti.
Ckwflrii, I'a., itM. 4, Ull -la.
Uw dmliSviufnts.
ARnr.n WAXts
Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs.
rorwon.rille. Jn. . '7 If
DlVnntr. KtlllCfV-In lb rnmtnoa
I' t Cva Htu I . u itf. 106. Ja.
Tf m T M ll. it v L tov K. Ho I
Tbt unJilgr.i rntiiitiffioiit.-r. asno nU-l )y I taori t ibahw til in .fiv in lha aro't et,
rill ttior d to ffti I dJtv at tba nffl a of t. H. A
V lia ll..,HI,l . a. f-1 H
lift. IT'J. hrtwMn lha hun ut 9 oVtwh ft m.
andSo'cluek p.m. CU iltLl K I) ARhK 1 1,
C ar t-1. Pi . Jib. T), IV9 Sl
IO II HAM'. Oil KIT.-Tha tarjrft ,f
c .iii' di'iui 1 h . tfiry brick bait). ailua.j
ti tht TlHajrof Ultft Hi pClrartltliloouBiyt fa. ,
f tin ffo.l ttablinf and oil lha root ry ovt
uiltlii'gx, loyall tr Willi a a. a. -tooni JJ4U laot,
a nut wflerfd Ur tile or lent, on raay ttrna,
I'i o lK-aiHn aad il a biHtao ia m ibo brti, lur
1 bdalrt, in ilitiuutii.v. A lar.o aiuoaot -f
i h.i ou baitrtt-n tb-t toulbwrarii noril of
ho cn-aniy to iba otiat ivkiiib of llouli lalt and
rmla. It la on ihe llToiigh lumiilta ruto
t' tiia lyioutto Uullult. Kr itWl ar ptrtioulft',i
H.nuir ol ur addraaa tuo unlerinrd.
0 0 llnpt. Nov. II. l78-tr.
NOW IN rill S3,
History uf the United States.
in-iuftrift ot America, inolutltof Affriaalinral,
M, IJnlia)trin(ft Mimui., Cuisuivretal
and olhtr tnltrpnaat. Atxnit i-tm lrf amara
a..l lift II,. an.,..!...
No Work like it ever Published.
For ttrmi A trrrltoiy iprly al oore to
The Henry Bill Publishing Company,
1)1). II, 1ST in. KOItWICIl, COIiN
Improved Spring Beds,
Tbe BndtralKTitd bcg leavt to Infurn tbt cltl
tana of ClaartJalti, and tat ublio ftnr!.y, that
ht bar nn hand Ant naorluirni nf Pumliora,
noh fti Walnut. Cbeatnol and fainted Chamber
4uitea, Parlor Hullea, KMllning nnd Batanaioa
Chnira, Udioa'ftnd tirnu' Eaty Cbftlra, tba Per
for ted Dining ad I'nrlnr Chair, Cant Hvattftnd
Vindmr Cttniri, Clolhta Bars, titcp and Exioo
lion Ladder. Hat Cacki, SoniliMng Hraahrt, ta
ooklnit tllaaaoa, Cbrcmit, At., whiob would
liintil l..f lliiliday oreMffiti.
.Wiw TX .miltf THnHTMraM.
tin fiend, tn a buUilinj on Market atroft, oa
ihe old Wtiirrn llt.tcl lor, oppmito I tit C-urt
llouae in Clearliald.a Tift and Sheet-Iron elanu
fat " ry and htora, wbe re trill be found at all tiinrt
full lit. of
Ctovcs, Hardaro. Etc
Iluure Rpi.ntlng aod tl kindi of job work, rtpalr
nif, Ao., -lone on ahnrt nuiirt and at reaionabla
rmtn, Alu, ftjct.t lur the
SingerSewing Machine.
A opp1y of Ma oh i net, wltb Needle. tn.t at
wit on hno-l
Ttrin, at rl city enah or eon n try product. A
hurt ol iifttrunage aoMeittd.
Clearfield, April 25, 1877-tf.
Stove Lining and Fire Brick,
kept oonftantly an luuid.
Klalilr'e Patent Aliilcht Self . Ballli(
mil ...uai
BHTTKR CROCKS, wltb llda,
nd grnat BianT otber thlnfl too Bavjoroal U
mention, to be aad at
Coratr ol CbtfTt and Third Stirfti,
Valuable Real Estate I
Tht nndmlcned, llvlne la IVnn two., Claar.
fli-ld eouiity, I., offeri tbt follewlBK Talwablt
ntv Ahtaitior taiei
446 Acres of Land,
nwe or 1m, tn Diecnria lownnbin, lyinjf na tbe
ti'irih niilv ( bitf C'ltrl1i.ld crrlt, and wiibta one
uitta of tht taint. Tht ftitovt land la btarily
Trriti wnn nriiiinri, wout oaa. rwi ofti, ata
ber bun! witod tiinlier, and a quantity of white
pine, trild to he half a million nr more foot
l nt rant l beatuy ntertftttj wuh bitaainoat
oal, and dimity on tbe line uf railroad taaltog
roa Hi'U'idatf toColiort. Iiarnlut It on known.
fh'Tt art, alrn, uthnr raluable u inr rail oa tha
'Ihe above land Hei nVont two and k-balf ml Ita
Iwlow tbt village of (Urn llopt, ftlj.ininj( laodl
of lleorjrft tlrooin nnd olhrra. en wont U knowa
4a l'mler't run. The imprnraurnta oa tbo prop
t-rty are affooil ftrartd aaw mill, In rnnnln) ord.r,
11 high daui, etone bn-aat, nada ia tha beat aaa
tirr, lit fur almost any machinery . There It, alin,
n lar(( framo dwdlitif bouieand fratnt back bam
heiron, ard abtial lortt or BMy acre, aoro tr
'ei. of tht land it Bleared. Any ieroa
llitr(t to to taut In property of thii kind will do
HI to exauihta tbia prorrrty. 1 will anil tba
whole or tbt undivided half ioteent. at aay anil
(he purrhaier. The lmvt trtet of land will maka
ttu or three fertnt, which wllloowpftrt favorably
with Ihe trt?aler part of our touniy. Crieo aod
termi made known ta any prrion aibinc to par
tihato. I'or furl hot pnrilaulara eall In iiorawa op
xiiiraii tne aiiorrptttnea at m rain p tan lima r O,.
Clearneldoounlr. I'a. 6AM b WlllK&liHK.
Jan. 0, IhTH-tr.
Would reipeetftitly notify Ibt cnbllo centrally
that be baa rtnoved bit Oraoory fit on froa
Hhiw't Rnw, to tbt bat I d inn fomtrly aeeuplad
hy J. Mile Kratier, on HaeoBd ttreet, aeit door
to Uiltr't hardware atore, wbera ht lattndt
keeping a full Hat of
ii ii o v 1: it 1 u w.
-IIIIIARfl and SI RfpS, nf all fredee.
TEAS, Oreaa and Elaeb.
COFFEE, Raited aad Oroen.
cj.r.rEn frvit, ' .
All bind, ta the oiarbiL
PICKLES, la .ra a.4 barralo.
jPIfkfl, la ovorr fOrat ind lartalj.
ALL klllle'(RA KEtV
unitD ArpLiw,
3oal Oil aai Lamp Chimsoy.
Aad a goad aeeoHojoat of Inoae talnaje aaaallw
tewi ba a aroeoro More, wbtob ao will aaobaafa
or atarbottwg at eao aaarbel p rteea. -
Will eel far eaab u abMpIv u aa, otber oao.
Pioan eall aad lea bit- Moat and Jndre far
jnntt McflAronET.
rioarCoki. Jaa I, IStl.
8 !
I 1