Gbobob U. Gooulanobr, Editor. CIiKARFlKLl,.,P. WIDMKSPXT MORNINO. FEB. U IITI kiidir, If ana wool to kaow what If golog oa la tba baalooaa world, Jaat road oar advortialBg- solamaa, lb .Voaoto enluma la parilealar. MAXIM! FOR THE DAY. No tnaa worth; tba afflaa of Praaldi-nt abnuld ba wllllni to bold It If aoastad la. or jplaooo! bj an; fraud. V. 8. MaaBT. I oould aoror bars booa roaoaollad fa tbo olo-Talli-a b Iho oaiallaal aid of alloc of a poraoB. k'lworor mpooiablo ta frlaaia lifo, wbo nan (orator oarrj upon hit brow Iho itamp of fraud oral triumphant ta Araarican alitor;. No auh aaquaBt aeltna, eoworor noritorloua, coo waab away tba lettora of that rooord. CataLaa Paascu Adahb. I woald ratbor baaa I bo oodoraoiBeDt of a quar ter of a ailMlita of Ibo Amtrioaa noopli than that of Iho LiaiUna HatarniD Board, or of tbo Com atlaaioa obioh oirludrd Ibo faola and doeidod tbo qoottioa oo a toobniealitT. Tsiio. A. HrBsaicKl. Vador Iho forma of law, llulborford B. Hajaa baa bno doolarod rraaidi-ot ot tho Uoltod Siaioa lilalitla roaia upuB diatraoebiirnaot of lawfol Totora, tbo folao oartlBcatM of Iba Manilng offl eirfl aotln aorruilir, aad tbo daeiaioa ol a oon aiiaalua whtoh baa refoaad to boararldoooa of al loRod fraud. Fur tbo Brat tiaio ara Iba Ataertoaa ptoplo eoofrooto witb tho foot afa iraaduloally olralod frtaldoal. Lai it aol ba aadorataod tbat tbo fraud will bo alionll; aoquloaood in bf tbo euautr. Lot no boar paai is whiob tho aiurpa tins ia forgu-.taa. Aitoaaaa or DauocKATie M. C.'b. Ona bundrad oara of aaoaaa dapraritj aoeil aml.i.d ot omiaantratod tnu a oliuax ol nrluio Harur aa-ala lu ova buodrod joara shall tba; haro aa opportune tu repaot tha wioog. Itaoibl W. VooaaBaa. Tuankb. Senator Alexander and Jiepre8entalivo Bennett have our llianko Tor valunblo public documenta. Mb. Havku on End. From what hnppencd in Philadelphia tho olhei day, it ia pretty evident that the de facto baa turned f lato amanhor. The appointment of Kx Governor llart- ranft a Po8tmater. Kx-Govcrnor Polloek aa Naval Oflker.and the trana for of Cnlonol Snowden from the Post- offiio to the Mint, ahowa conclusively that tho Radical machine ia awfully out ol time in thocityof Brotherly I.ove Wi Stand Coi.eecikd. Two woeka ago wo aeaigncd our member in the IIouso, Dr. Bennett, to tbo Committees on Bunks, Pensions and Compare Bills, supposing that lie, being a Democrat, would be fi.rlunato il be was placed on llirco Committees by tho Itadical Speaker. But since, we notice that he is also a member of tho Committeo o( Ways and Means, the most important Committeo in the House, of which that old iron-clad rooster, "Lieh" Davis, is Chairman. Doctor, koep your eye on him ; he is o mighty clever fellow. Don't Tak oh So. The Hunting don Globe rejoicingly remarks : "The State of Louisiana has defaulted tho Junuarv interest on her public debt. Wo aupposo that is called Democratic reform." Well, what kind of reform is it we havo here in Pennsylvania, where we have defaulted cur charity appropriations, school warrants, Judg es' pay, etc.? Wo havo had this slate of ufTuirson bands for over five months, and you never called attention to our boasted charity default, or any other delnult. Those living in class houses should not fling stones at their neigh bors. ii Tit foe Tat. No bull doling just now, gentlemen, no matter if be in a Fox. II ay os can bito back as well as auyboby elxo. lie ia not such a mild man as ovoiy body thinks. Forinslanav, old Senator llumlm, ol Maine, baa a friend named Fox, wbo has been ftr years collector of customs at Bangor, and whose name, on Monday, Mr. Hayes sent to the Senate lor continu ance in ofllee. On Tuesday, Hamlin, having been absent when tho voto on tho Now York Custom llouso appoint ments was taken, requested permission to record his vote against Burt, one ot Hayes' men. Two hours afterward Mr. Hayes withdrew tho nomination of Fox. Tho nation enjoys seeing these olevating exhibitions of temper in Mr. Hayes. Moving for 1880. It is ovident that our party friends are puttir.g on tho harness for 1880. An Associated Press telegram from Washington, on the 7ih,suy: In response loan in vitation of Senators Wallace and Bar num, and a number of othor members ol the Nutional and Congressional Democratic Committee, met at Wil lard's Hotel this evening lor consults lion, their purpose being to arrange preliminaries pertaining to the organ Uation ol tho campaign eommittee for 1880. After an Interchange of views on the question of procedure and the Host practical method to bo adopted tho subject of further organiaation was postponed lor future action, Messrs. Wallace and Burnum being appointed a sabeommiitce to consider a report on the same. It u All I'lai Now. A year ago (iov. Hartranll was aoalously urged ur United States Senator in place ol on Cameron. The thing took well r a while, bufllarty" dropped out of e canvass. Now all can see ho .latest jumped. The Governor hauled off after Don promised to make hi postmaster of Philadelphia, and allow Don to slip into the SenaUirship. Now Cameron is Senator again, and"Uarty" Is postmaster. On Monday last Mr Hayes sen, to the Senate the following nominations: Jainos Pollock, to be naval officer at Philadelphia, vies J. A. lleisland, a hose commission ox pires March 1 ; A. Louden Snowden, to bo Superintendent of iho Pbiladel phia Mint, vioo cx Governor Pollock Appointed oaval officer j Jno. F. Uart rst.ft, to be poatmaelei at Philadelphia, i A. Loadon Snowden, appointed JJapertBtcodoot of the Mint. "HIGH FLIERISM." Hut a short timo ago lluyoi appoint- ed that Rartiesf Mcrary "htgS nicr, tlayard Taylor, ol (. WW county, as Minister t'lcnipotentinry 10 uermany.! Taylor die4 iwently, and it is now dis- covered that hi wile and daugbtorare In' indigent eircumstances.and the bumano Senator from Maine, Mr. Hamlin, pre sented in the l'nitd States Senate tbe othor day, a letter from the Secretary of State, bringing to the attenliou of the Ci mmiltoe on Foreign Relatione the embarrassment in which tbe wife and daughter of Bayard Taylor have boen left by bis death, and recommend ing an appropriation for their benefit equal loono year's salary ol tbe Burlin mission. Tbedead plenipotentiary has already drawn twenty-fivo thousand dollars out of tbo Treasury for about one year's service, and an attempt s now made to give the wife and daughter $17,000 more because they aro poor. Taylor has spent bis tons of thousands. Tbo plan of Senator Hamlin is not half as good as that of Congressman Wright, who wants tho United Statoe Government to givo each poor man (500 and lot him go Wost and squat on ICO acres of land and enjoy his (500 pocket money. Tho Taylor fam ily ask tor too much ; it won I go around. m-1-..l ..- -.a j Nt Uappt. The editor of tbe Philadelphia Rtcord, In alluding to the removal of the Naval Officer in that city indulges in some common sense remaika: "Tbe substitution of Ex- Governor Pollock in place of Naval Officer Hiustand has one grutitying feature, in that it secures to Mr. Snow den the Buperintendency of tbe Mint in this city. But this is all. Tbe officer who goes out ot the naval office is as good as tbe officer who goes in. Both aro exotics who havo no true root in the mould of ibis city. Mr. Uiestand is the better of the two.for tbe reaon t hat men can atill remember a time when be re linquisbed the publio teat long enough to take a breathing spell. Tho day has passed when the commercial in teresls of this city can be safely in trusted to respectable figure-heads. Easy going, good - natured senility, pocketing tbe emoluments of office while subordinates do tho work, be comes in tho course of years a tiresome spectacle. The people long fur a change, Tho President turns his back upon tbe heart and brains of his parly in mak ing such appointments as Ex-Governor Pollock's." Am Inconsibtint Rinatou. Tbe Philadelphia Timt, in alluding to one of the Sages ol the Northwest, remarks: A few years ago Senator Cbrislianry delivered a speech in theSenateagainst the admission of Pincbback thai called a halt in the promotion of carpet-bag adventurers to the Senate, although Pincbback bad been elected by what was at the time a Legislature, recog nised by Governor Kellogg, and with undisputed quorums in both branches. Tbat was when Judge Cbrisnancy had coino fresh from the bench, where he had administered law and justice. Now he has spent four years in Washington, has breathed the pollution of panu-au lawlessness, and while holding a com mission as foreign Minister, be tele graphs to Washington that bo will hasten back to vole lor the admissicn of Corbin, wbo never was elected to tbe Senate by any pretended Legisla tive body tbat bad a quorum of any sort ot members in attendant. How must tha Judge Cbristiancy of 1874 ostimate tha Senator ChrUtianey of 1879?" Still Blundirino. Tho Radical leaders are still trying to prove that Samuel J. Tilden and his friends at tempted to buy tbe members of the Returning Boards in South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana. In attempting to prove this they establish tho fact that a majority ot tha voters in all those States, cast their ballots for Mr. Tilden, and the electoral votes were aftorwards cast for Rutherford B. Hayes, of Ohio. Now, the question arise', how much did Mr. llayea'friends pay T If, as ia proven, those Relurn- ng Boards refused to take 1100,000 from Col. Pellon, bow much did John Sherman & Co. pay them becan he got tbe goods and has them yet. YocumdM. Tho Clinton Democrat says: ' In throwing out his drag net Mr. Yooum blindly strikes right and left. An instance ot this was his ac cusation against the eleclion board of Renovo, four of whom voted for him, as shown in their protest published in tho Democrat last week, Among the othor charges be makes is a special charge that Gov. Curtin, or bia friends, paid to Dr. U. Stricssley 175 to bribe voters. Tbe Doctor comes out in last week's Elk Gazette and says : "I declare most emphatically that not a red cop por has been spent in an illegal man- ner to secure Gov. Cortin'a election, and I brand the person or persons who circulated this falsehood as infamous liars." HlOHLYCOall'L'MBNTBD Mrs Coles, daughter of Senator Thurman, wbo is witb her husband, a naval officer, in Japan, has just been entertained at the palace of the Governor. Three days afterward the Governor accepted the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Coles lor dinner a thing never beard of before in Japan. This extraordinary compli ment, it is said, was owing to the fact that when Minister Yoshida went home from Washington be said Mrs. Coles' father was to be the next Emperor ot the United States." On Hand. The Chamberaburg Be petitory seta it up lor 1880 in tbia way ' riisiDtNT, U. 8. GRANT. VICB fRKSIDXKT, J. D. CAMERON. Now, then, let us see what "stalwart," or any othor Pennsylvania Radical, dart growl or put op any other ticket, We presume tbat if Don was to be elected Vice) President, the father would be routed Into tha Senate again, Just fur tba fnu of tha thing. An OrtMso' rot Nam. Conkling and Hayes are having a st just now. An exchango remarks: 'Tot calling Settle black tba Fraudulent Senator Conkling crying 'Fraud' at the Fraud lent President Hayes, J art fancy tba arietocratlo cartoon which Th, AaH might farniah (or Harpers, If they weren't all cd tbe aaatt awr T UK ARMY HOST F. 11. . , Tbe Secretary of War has acnl the uosc l-.-tirmiiivu . 11'l'"i'7-"iM,,.l,ii,m ,,f In row to crvo in tho V oy request, a statement .,iuv,.,K "SCour(,, 'n,,, uw really disfranchises actual sticngiu 01 toe rvguiar urne m a stated period in each year from the beginning ot llio Government to the present tune, Irora which it appears tbat the strength ot tbo army, both of ficers and men, from 1789 to 1791, was about 3,500. From that time to 1813 it varied from 2,000 to G.C00, but in 1813 it was increased to 10,908 in con sequence with tho war Willi IV real Britain, and in the next year to 30, 140. Inl815itwas33,434. For 1810 il fell to 10,000, and in tho throe years following to 8,550. From 1820 to 1838 it averaged about 6,500. For 1839 u was increased to nearly 10,000, and in subsequent yeura to 1846 varied from 8,500 to 11,000. In 1847 it was in creased to 21,686. falling in tbo follow ing yeais until 1854 to an average ol about 10,500. For 1854, 15,752, and from that year to 1801 the average was 16,000, from 18C2 to 1864 the usu al annual rcturna of the army were suspended. For 1865 tbo slrcnj'th of the army wus 22,310 ; in 18.10, 56,815 ; in 1868, 51,000; in 1869, 36,771; in 1870, 37,075, and from this period to 1877 it varied between 26.000 and 29,- 000. For 1877 it was 21,000. and in 1878, 25,718. " Hkbei. Leaders." Tho particular thin-skinned portion ol this Northern apnttnn who hivaina la,.mt ao otton at tbe movements of Ihe' Conleduiule Brigadiers" had better louk out. The Baltimore Gazette in alluding to what is transpiring snys : " II the Republi can newspapers are to be believed now the solid South, which a lew months ago was so madly Democratic that a Republican could scarcely breathe within its confines, is now about ready to sail into iho waters of Republican ism. Every now and then we hear ol some Brigadier of grc-t Influence name not given wbo has made up his mind to support Grant. The Cincin cinnati Gazette now reports that a lit- llo group of Southerners were talking in Washington, the other day, of the mixed condition of politics, when sonic advanced Southern leaders, who have been characletixed as fiio eaters, "de nounced the Northern Democracy, pre dieted the dissolution of the Demo cratic party and stated that, for their part, they wore ready to join in any movement which would cmbruce a scheme lor internal improvements and would vote fur James G. Blame fur President on such a platform." Those items about "conspicuous leaders," "influential leaders," Ac, aro about aa easy to manufacture as those thrilling local stories about" certain gentleman residing on a fashionable street in the West End." Radical Honesty. Tbe investiga lions of tho Potter Committee is devel oping some wonderful things. For in stance Gen. Brady, Hayes' Assistant Postmaster General, comes out of tbe Potter fire witb bis reputation as badly smirched as some ot the Louisiana rogues, lie admitted he obtained en trance into tbe Senate Committee room, where the cipher telegrams wero stor ed, and abstracted (stole; certain ol the telegrams in which he had a per sonal interest. And it appears he not only took his own telegrams, but made copies of those of other persons. All this time tbe ciphers wore supposed to be in the custody of tho Senate Com mittee ; and the Democratic members were not allowed access to them until Morion, tho head devil undoubtedly in the business, bad the Republican dis patches abstracted and destroyed. Can common Ireebooters resort to anything more degrading in morals? "A Union Saver." Tho true posi tion for the Democratic party to occu py i set forth in the following, part ol an interviow with Senulor Hampton, of South Carolina: ''Let us put good, trusty men in nomination, !carletsly avow our principles, and show ourselves worthy ol trust by being willing to take defeat at tbo bands of the people should they disapprove of onr policy. A constitutional rule, tclf government and no sectionalism I should b the sum and tho substance of our plallorm, fitted to good, honorable, trusted and tried standard-bearers, it matters not wheth er they be from the East or tho West. I have no patiunco witb an Eastern Democracy and Western Democracy, a Northern Democracy and Southern Democracy. It Is no Democracy al all that is not as wido as tbo whole country.- An "Obuan" Too I -The editor ol tbe Curwensvillo Timet, delivers him self in thia way, in bis last issue : BrlloTief bow, aa wa atwa;a havo, that Iho prioeip.ra of Ibo Hrpabiloaa parly ara onireat aad that that graar porta baa laado thia Uoloa what it ia to day tho froo'aat, riohoat ao t moat iaaporlaut sallua oa aarth wiihoal turmoil witaia ito aordora a frca ballot to all ita eii lavaa (rioapt tbo BagroaaJ froa odooatloa aa I aivll liborty ta svery porooa wa throw off our 1'idu ptadoat garb aad aball baraaltor baitlo far iba upholding aad adraaijamaot of tbo Hapublioin Jiarlj aa U la to-day. M To oar Hopabltoaa Moodi wa would aay wa ahall aadoavor ao ai-iha tba fi'maa aa orao al tba party that ao publio palrwaaira aaa buy off ar eloaa our aioaih irvaj apoabiag lur tba oauao." Tba independent feature of tbe 7i'mi-, it therefore discarded and the "organ " plan adopted. A Union Sentiment. The Chicago Timet says that the intermediary be tweon Blaino and Blackburn, which caused them to fall on each olhcr'r necks and weep, at the McCullotigli banqnet, was a demijohn of Kentucky Bourbon. Tho Timet always was a wicked paper, and evidently fails to appreciate tba pathos and sentiment of tbat dramalio scene, in which these distinguished representatives of the North and South clasped bands over the whisky Jug, Il Oovsraar Itartranft haa bwaoaaa a aitiaos of Philadelphia, hatleff Ubaa up bia poraaasrat roaldaaaa aa npraoa atraat. ayrea lapa. It is jnst one square from where ho now resides that bt banded tbe great Bute Collector, George D. Evans, of back pay war funds notoriety, on the nneljcvcnlhouMnd duVariKWwh be had borrowed from Evans while Collector, and never thought worth while to ask bim fur a receipt. Wa wonder how many business men play street tricks of tbat kind. Mr. George R. Graham, at ona time owner and editor ol Graham t Uaeia tine, ia now tilling tbe position of assis tant editor of a Newark (N.J ) Journal He bas accumulated two fortunes, both of which sypra Jost, It la said, lo alock speociahjofl, A Kr.uo or RcAU.AWAnai.RY. U ap- pours that Congress passed on Aft o lU every intelligent citizen in many of the Southern Slates. The Act in qiunlioii requires every man summoned as a juror, to swear that ho has nut williuul duress and constraint, taken up arms or joined any insurrection or rebellion uguinst tho United States, nor volun tarily given aid and comfort to the unumy. Thii. Uw requires the Court to discharge any person declining to laku this outh from serving on the grand or peilt jury. Tho result in South Carolina, al tho lust session ol United Suites Court, wus thai eighteen ol tbe twenty. lour Grand Jurors could not take the oaib, and the Court bud to adjourn. Five of tbo six who wore ready to take the oath signed their names witb an A. Tho sixth was while man who had dudged tiio war, and could read and write a number onuscullawag. We notice thai Congress ia taking steps to abolish this misera ble test oalh,lhul now only Ioib negroes and scaljiwas into Ihe jury box. "KAVmiKn Citizen." Tho 1'hila delphiu Ledger, Independent Republi cun, thinks ' even among the renowned Louisiana type ol political witnesses, illiistracd by the Andersons, Jenkses unit Webers, tho last testifier, St. Mar lin, must take u front rank. He ad mi is perjury, bribery slid various erotik ednens, yet he protested before the Poller Committee tbat he had a 'clear conscience.' Besides these venal offen ces, which leave no burden on his con science, hut which in these atittidos are Monies and infamies, St. Martin admits that he has been indicted three linior, for other crimes yet he says 'be bus as good a record as any man in Louisi ana.' What a nice place Louirana must be fur quiet, ordeily families ac cording to the testimony of these ol her tuvured citizens I' " JUilkoad TaAtric. The immense freight carried over the main line of the Pennsylvania railroad can be ima giued wben we learn the number of freight cars that have passed over tbe road the past year. An exchange says that Duspalcher W. D. Cramer, al Pat terson, gives the following statistic ot care passim; that ioint, during the year 1878 : Cars going eaxl and load ed livestock, 29 2:6; line cars, 123, 757 : produce, 25 837 ; oil, 18,436 ; coal and lumber, 178 737; empty, 8,330 Totul, 384,373. Cars west; loaded, 88 408; empty, 205,508. Total, 383, 070. Number of trains west, 8,289 averngo number ot cms, 47 and on j sixth. Total number of cars uunt and west, 768.319, buing 118,670 cars more than in 1877. Tux Oxe's and Two's. Tho Wash ington Post remarks: -'An impression seems to huve become tustened UHin the rural journalistic mind that one and two dollar greenbacks havo been ordered to be retired. This is a mis take. Senator Chuffco recently intro duced a bill providing for tbo retire ment, and the siibaliiulion of the stand ard silver on it. The volumes of the bills ol this denomination remain the same as when the act of May last Was passed foi bidding the further retire ment of tbe legul tender notes. The rural journuls probably confess the Nu tional bank 'ones' and 'twos' with tbe legal tenders. The resumption act providing for the retirement of the former.' " Tub Cipher Witness. Whala pity it is that tho Potter Committee cannot separate the cipher witness Zack Chandler, Tincr, Foster, Brady, etc., so that they cannot communicate with each oilier during the investigation. Il it had that power as all judicial au thorilius have in cases of assault and battery, stealing chickens, olc, and used il so that each one ol these wor thies must rely on his own smartness instead of comparing notes and bol xluring up each other, tbe entire truth no doubt would be brought out, and stealing the Presidency proven to be quite as unsafe an operation as robbing a hen-roost. Day Rook. Widows to be Made Fbke An ex change remarks : ' Under tho existing law, if the widow of a soldier who lust bis lilu in the military service, re-mar ries, she forfeits her pension. There are statesmen at Washington who hold that this prohibition upon marriage ia contrary to public policy, and not con ductive to good morula. A bill has been introduced in tbo House remov ing ibis obsiucie to murriago among pensioned widows, and giving litem au opportunity to contract new niuliimo nial alliances without forfeiting the beneficiary luvor of iho government." Farewell! On the 4th of Murch four carpet-baggers will quit the Unit- I .Slates Senale forever Spencer, ol Alabama, Patterson, of South Carolina, Horsey, of Arkansas, and Conover, of Florida. Of tho lliiity-lwo Senators from tho Southern Suites it will only leave one scallawag of ibo foul crew to recall the infamous daya of their pres ence, and that will be Kellogg of Lou isiana. After tbo 4th the tone ol that body will bo greatly elevated by being relieved of the prewnce of those men A CounErr View. Louis Weil, tbe only Jew ever sent to tho North Caro lina Penitentiary, has been pardoned by Governor Vanco, who indorsed tbe lollowing on the paper : "1 lake pleas ure in saying that 1 sign tho pardon in part recognition of tho good and law abiding character ol our Jewish citizens, this being the first serious case ever brought to my notice on the part of any of that people." Tni Twenty Second. The Boston rml stales that the "Democratic Na tional oommilteo will celebrate tbt 22d of February In an appropriate manner by assembling to consider the policy of tho organisation with reference to the future. Wo trust that tbe spirit of the man who owned the little hatchet will inspire them, and we believe that trust will not bo betrayed." Exactly. "Now if you'vo got any feeding you want done I'm your man," earnestly exclaimed lbs tramp who was at the back door of a Danburj bouso, Thursday, looking for work and tho snow four feet docp. a. Jiar" About tub IIiumt ISifc Delaware sod Bhoda Island ara lb sleeve-but-ton of tba Western Hemisphere. OUR SCHOOLS In Alii tml.rm.tnl ltil-M la ttftl Itlli'r . UeWiii,..gIT;rn71ukeilasouri;oiiiinoi. '; .. , , " . . .. m School system. In point ol expense, . .. it is the most burlhensomo portion our Government, and it looks now though some ol our prominent cdiic.-: tors were about half craxy on thos.ib. j jeevu, o..ueu.m, noin u.u -j .1 I ol liers il is thought that ihe adiullils aru " puddling the canoe." The editor: iruiin elmiises this plan to revenge it- . - a , . . ii - ol the Philadelphia Record, whoso boud seems to bo level on this point savs: ' The proposition of Governor Roll, inson that the Stale ouuhl not to in-o- vide the - higher" education lor the '""" '"''.' ",u V " 7"",. lew children ilesirou. of scholuMio at- tltlliuN-W . and Philadelpl ia ap tainmenu. I... already caused discus "-? hu7 1mw," ".' ' ' ''' sion in the New York Wlalure, and ! ""''l H the question promises to receive unus ual uiluiition in bulb New York city und Stale. In the city there is au In sliliitiuii known, an Iho College ot the City of Now Yurfc, whtoh exists lor no other purpose than to supply facilities tor securing a so-called ucauemiu cilu culion lo a few young men. The ed ucation to be supplied from taxes should be limited lo that which ia clearly usul'ul unit necesnury to men ol every station and degree in life. Any other system is, to that extent, Sucial nun. It is no part of the proper bui. tiese of tbo Slate to supply a man with schooling tiulculutud Ui lit him for the work ol a lawyer or a doctor, or uny other vocation in Ide. Logically lob lowed out, the proHiliou that every person is entitled lo a ' high " school education ut the bauds of tho Stale will lead to a demand thai tho Stale take charge of the entire work of so ciety. A corollary to the proposition uas already become fart ul the leuis latum of the country in tho adoption of the principle thai the Government should provide plenty of work ut good wages for me mooring man. in tin connection, it has been interoshini' to note bow .Mr. llendrick B. Wi-igh'. has been scored lor advocating Govurniuuiil loans to wurkingmun by journuls that al the same lime demand the eontinu unco of our absurd navigation luws, on I lie assumption that the slim build eis and ship carpenters must bu cared lur. Mr. Wright is more lugit-ul than they, in that he sees no dilluruuce, us a question tulher of morals or expedi ency, oeiwoeli u i reel ami indiroei ap propriations lor the benefit of pnvi lodged classes. Again, he is more kou est than they, in that bu is unwilling lo leave llio workinincn in the lurch utter he has promised tbem tho most ample protection agulnst thai "pauper tatior " ot Europe. Tho application of a false principle hi uuvisuig a sciieme ol piiDio educa tion has resulted in schools ailupted lo the vvuiiis of the lew rather than tbe needs of tbe many. The primary sellout, insteaii ol neing what Us name signifies, baa come lo bu u preparatory instiiutiuii tor mini auminauin tu, anil graduation al, the " hiili " school. while its only proper mission, teachini! ol tbe elements of learning, is lell to full into neglect. The plain it judged by its loliugu and flowers rather than hy its fruit. So lar has iho pursuit of error gone thut tho people ol ibis good city have been asked lo admire and applaud while the iiainrm of "high" school graduates are called off, when, al the same time, thousands of ignor ant children havo been clamoring in vain lor mo menus ut acquiring tho rudiments of knowledge. And this ia called a " school system." to be com- mended for the period and noiseless working; of its intricate machinery ! Surely, wo are upon limes when things are nut what they seem: when ve- nooring deceives, eyes tbat once were critical, and fictions of the mind are substituted for realities, Alt'siso His Family. Tbo editor of the Philadelphia Bulletin, has taken to lecturing the mumbera of his politi cal family, lie aaye : "If Iho Lcgisls- tin u shall approve the bill wbicb pro poses to muko tbo people of the wbolo Slate pay for tho ilunuigo done by the Pittsburg mob, the taxpayers, while they are taking the money out of their pockota, will probably have a fresh In- duoemcnt tu ask themselves whether it is not worth whilo to try to send to Ilarrishurg, to represent them, mon of a rather hotter oualitv than they have beon accustomed to chooso. They will simply pay, under the com pulsion of iniquitous measure, the pen ally of levied their political duties.' The editor in question should havo de livered bimsolt something after this manner last Summer, then bo would havo had the carl behind tbe borso, and might have done some effclive work. All Convicted. It is lesa than a year since tbe great Glasgow, Scotland, Bank failed. Tho President, Cashier, threo tellers, four clerks and five di rectors were all convicted, last week, of fraud, theft and embeulement, and were sentenced to eight months' impris onment. The sentences imposed caus ed much surprise rn account of thoir leniency. Lord Justice Moncrieff, the piesiding Judge, in passing tbe udg ment ol tho court, said they consider ed tliti circumstance that the prisoners had not fali-ified the accounts lor their own personal benefit, but in the ni tuken idea that it was for the public good. Model Statesmen. For ways that are dark, and truks that are mean, re oommend us to a modern Radical states man. For instanco Conover, the Flo rida carpet bagger wbo was induced by John Sherman to vote for confirma tion ot tho New York Custom officers on the promiao of future patronage, is expected to ho made minister lo Italy Tho experienced and accomplished Mr. Marsh ia to mako way for the Florida a -allawag, bet auao tho latter voted to sustain the civil service ideas ol Hayes and Sherman, while Marsh happens lo boa relative of Edmunds who voted with Conkling. Great is civil service reform. The Tana Story. Radical Con- gressmon complained wonderfully be cause the Democrats in South Caro lina, last fall printed their tickets on red tissue paper, and thereby "inlinii dated the intelligent (?) colored voter,' A Charleston printer turned up before tbe Teller Committee tho other day, now investigating these facts, who swore that ho printed thousands of thoso same tickets lor Radicals, He swore that be primed lea thousand tissue ballots for W. M. Mackey, a Re publican candidates for Congress, who appears to bare boen beaten al bia own game. So we go. Gxttino Ready. Senator Hall, of Elk county, has introduced a resolution in the Statu Senate fixing upon the last Thursday of March for tha ad journment of tho Legislature. Tho Senator ha lots ol work at home, and w bare no doubt he would like lo have Iho privilege of looking alter It Qut there are too many In the Legis lature wbq have nothing of lb kind op band, awi w will not be surprised il tbe bod ut sntil June. 'THhrrilLAflKU'inAArrOIM - AIESTH. I -U'wUtV. .!' Ui tn - fusinnud by the rluinucB luutlc in the , . , ' j,, jllK, UHl Frhlav. Bv soma the uctmn of the nd- uiiiiisiralioii in the mallei' of these ap. puii.tiiicnts i attributed lo the nnxieiy "'' M'- "")' t-'l"1'1'' to TU'MI m .Vui"iiiwi ' ' J Lull Uhiii Senator Cameron lor lukiug wiin LonKiing hi iiiu miu sii..g ,v"r luu ". I 1 ol " ! ' """ -' " is now generally understood that Mr. Uuyes' Secretary of the Trouaury means to make himself the Republican nominee for President in 1880. Ho- conlly the Grant movement began to ilev fulop Biimcieni strengin lo givu me i wily Sherman serious alarm. Iheeleo- ion ol Conkling, Cameron aim Jiogan, lo thu United Slates benate, with lhe,i11(:u hone I threatened return ot C handler ol .Michi-; gun lo tbe scat which It was believed Christiancywotildsoonresign.aronieves n the Dolilical chess-board li'oin the Grant side which Mr. Sherman found il necessary tu check-mate. Tho coun ter moves ho boa madu consist in the appointment, uf persons lu till the Fed em! office in New York and Philadel phia wbo will not use their plaues to promote tbe nomination ol Grant but who on tbo contrary may be relied on to bend the holy ooinmandinenls of tuej concor,ied, they bavu forgotten more oivil service rufos Just to tho extent ol lt)un t,at "Solomon's" narrow eon weuiing Sherman delegates Irom their m.t0( ku will ever permit him U respective States to the Kepublican Nutional convention. While il may be truo that Mr. Hayes took malicious pleasure in removing Senator Camer on's lailhtul fugleman, lliestund, from the naval office, and while be may have Irnen actuulud by motives of charity in appointing Hailrauft to the Philadel phia posloftice, llio man behind the throne, the Mcphialopbelos of the whole busings, wbo prumpted und pushed on thu appointments, had bis uwu purposes to subserve in the mat ter. Liilllu doea John Sherman care for the petty ebullitions of temper which have characterized the conduct of Hayes ill reganl lo appointments. Less null is bu troubled by claims ol candi dates lor office based un emptiness ol purse. He is as cold blooded as the anemone of the ocean depths and like thut floral gem of thu briny deep only opens his tentacles in order to minisUir 10 his own selfishness. He bas used ihe Hayes administration to carry out his ambitious views not only in reaped ot appointments to office but in shap ing the details ol ils financial policy. 11 will be lou nd in duo lime that the most powerful bunking institutions in New York and ulsuwhere will actively ubet the movemeiil ill favor of Sher man lor President. Indeed Shermuii is the only prominent cundidntu for nomination by tbe Republicans who will bu able lo control the momed in lorest against Guncrut Grunt. With iho Federal ollicu bidders und the banks arrayed in bia luvor other aspi rants for the honor ot a Republican nomination fur the Presidency tnsy well bo up and doing if they are to be considered in the race. At present Sherman haa them all at decided dis advantage. Jlarrisburg Patriot. Liberal Legislation. Wo notice that Mr. Jones, one of tho Senators trota Philadelphia, haa introduced bill in the Slate Senate which provides that in convictions of crime or misdo meaner, where the minimum umount ol punishment ia within the discretion of tho Court, it may enter ol record an order suspending sentence for an in definite time and may discharge the prisonor on his going bail to reappear for sentence wben called upon. We may be a littlu too enthusiastic on this point, but it seems to us tbat there never was a more equitable proposition submitted upon this point ot our Juris prudence A "Government Victory." The impending conflict between Hayes and Roscoe Conkling, the Radical Senator from New York, was closed out on Monday. Thirty-three Senator voted to confirm Hayes' appointments of Morrelt and Burt a Custom House Collectors, and Conkling and twenty- three others opposed 'the Government.' 1 ho deloat ia a bad one lor Conkling, and brings but little credit to tbe con duct of the de facto government. Il is truo Conkling will last for six years, and Hayes only fur two; bat tow for mer has lost all his local prestige which be may never recover. A HluuLira Weiidind. A telegram from Niles, Michigan, lo thu Chicago Intrr Ocean, on the 4th, says i "A sud den wedding in high liJia took place in tbia city to day, the kigls contracting parties being ex-Governor Miller, of Minnesota, a widower ot sixty winters, and Miss Bessie MacgofRn, nieco of ex Governor Beriab Mavcgoflln, of Ken tack, a lady of twenty sum men). Miss Macgoflin was accompanying Uorcrn- ur Miller from New York to Minnesota to be governess in hie ftimlly, and tbe maloh was made oa tbe cats. Tin ceremony wa performed by the Rev Dr. McMurray." Too Late I Tho editor ol' t he Venan go Spectator chides his neighbors in this appropriate way : "Tho producer ore now busy entering their protest to our Republican Stale Legislature against the threatened tax on petroleum. The proper timo to enter an effective pro test was Inst November, and on the fifth day thereof, from 7 a. m. to T p. m., but the men who now speak for tbe wbolo oil region then played into the hands ol tha Cameron ring and lurnod their backs on tho mon who had bat tled lor the rights of the oil mon. This may be an unpleasant statement, but il is tho truth." Cam net Rascality. If Tynor and Chandler really meant lo sell two In dian appointments for the benefit of their campaign fund, and did it, they were, aa Cabinet Minister, guilty of corrupt practices. If they deliberately chose lb word "Indian agent' aa a cipher to cover aa innocent transac tion they were fool. Nobody ever accused Zacb Chandler of being a fool, and tho lato Senator Morion consider ed Tyner a particularly shrewd fellow. A Good Cabo. The re-election ot a lot of old castaway Radical (inner, to tbe United State Senate, bas caused the Washington Pott to publish tbe lollowing excellent canl : "All' for given To W. W. Belknap, James Harlan, 8. O. Pomoroy : Como back, all has beon torgivon. John Lou an, Z ten Cuanlihb, Matt Carpenter;. . j t- -i -i "Conkllpg'i overwhelming dyfct," I tbe way everv body call It sine Uayet pat but ma Into tba New York Coatom House, and put Conjoin j'l out. I. KIT t: II mu.n JU.t fun.v SHIP. Nkir MiLLruuT, Pa., Vol. i; :S7!. KuiToa liKfiiliLicAN Dear Sir : 1 looking over tho punt history of Clear field county, anil n vunceiiieiil in all field euuuty, and noting iu steady ed-, M . i . i priritlu ami punuc hjii.ine, I ulieii wonder hn ever possible for II to att: kv il was attain to its present prosperous coiiiiiuuii wuntiui the presence and influence of that "Solomon" editor and publinher, (don't know how about the proprietorship), it i hut mil en t sliuel. tbe Clearlield Cit- IM - VnUM llWIWItlua twannnw -''ltii n nus . only about lour, ue aire.uj discovered a "Court House King, anil now threaten lo annihilate all llio ullleiula of the eoliiiiy. lie even pro poses to enter the Unitd Stutcs Sen ate and lake the scalp of one ot Penn sylvania's brightest sous Hon. Will A. il ui nee. &n uiwnur wuum nut- . .. . , ., . MF..II 1 - . I I.I ..... CO uruny su pposo tuiii, in me uniiiiiuuuu of thWiLon," Bigler, Wallace and l'utuin havo never amounted lo any- thing but boys, and have been playing m mu(.uuddlea thuir whole life-lime. ia i, u ondor that tlioro is a u vti,itu,r ansa oiiui u w a - left in Fielding's body lor on" lo t.iek at Ho has t,j8 '-Solomon' uulu( 0 W(JIUr ,jsin: (:,, (his "Solomon1 ever lav down to neaceliil slumbers without being in tour of tbat dreaded criticism so long as they are competent to crilicibo, but as a ruin, so long us there am old dogs about, pups should refruin from harking. Biglur, Wallace hi.t UM . ii fi ' and Palton nre old and well ruspectod ,,:,, ,.,. an inini..c j. learn. I confine tbat it ia almost a shame to notice the littleness with which this man, John R. Bixier, assails our good citisens; but there are times when forbearance becomes a crime, and hence we must meet that crime and hurl it Irom our midst. Reynolds ville did so, and so must wo. All that I demand of "Solomon" is to keep within tbe limits of truth, and ul least ball' rusjiecl. and then he can remain among us as long as ('base and Krutzer see proper to support him. I do not tear Ins "Greenback humbug," at all. Yours, Ac, Improvements Wanted. Wo notice that a delegation ol Philadelphia inert-hunt", headed by Messrs. Hand, Win- sor and Wright, repaired to Washing ton lust Thursday, and called Uhjii Senators Wallace and Cameron, culling tbeir attentiun lo tbe fuct that the commercial interests of that city de manded tho iinprovument of thu Dela ware river, and the delegation asked that a liberal appioprialion he made lor that purpose. Button's Feat. Mr. Paul Boyton is courting notoriety by inertsnig bis body in a rubber suit and paddling himsult down the Allegheny river, Irom Oil City to Pittsburgh. Tbe river was pretty well covered with slush ice, which adds to the zest of tbe performance. Mr. lloylon ought to bo taken out of the waler and sot ut some useful employment. The public war over tbe New York Custom House settled, there are sign of a private war between Sherman and Arthur, Shermaa charging the ex Collector witb dishonorable conduct in publishing hi privato letters. Tbe Republic will be grateful if Mr. Arthur will attend to his profession and Mr. Sherman tu bis finances. What the country needs is a rest. Thu Graphic haa a full page cartoon which represents a flag bearing the the i ascription "politics" being hauled down from the New York Custom House, and one bearing the legend " buaiDOss" i going up to take its place. Uncle Sam stand by making some approved observation. ay aw Gettinu Married. Tba Luzerne 7nioa and the Wilkes Ilurro Leader have consolidated, and the Sunbury Gazette and tbe American havo also gone to housekeeping together. Hard times compel people to pool thoir in terests in Oiso of thia kind. Kentucky Stock. An exchange say: Four of tbe new United State Senators-elect Messrs. Vest of Mi souri, Call of Florida, Walker oi Ar kansas and Jones of Louisiana are ea-residenta of Kentucky, and are all Democrat too. Spite Dot). One of tho members in tho House, from York county, has introduced a bill in thu Legislature, to fuio and imprison all owners of Spit dugs. The fine to be not less than $10, and the imprisonment not to exceed three months. Tbe Grand Juryol the District of Columbia refused to find a truo bill against the fiery U union for Bending a challenge to Columbus Alexander. The re is no harm in daring a man who won't fight. A War Relic Stonewall Jackson's old sorrel war-bon-o, which bore bia muster under the moon on tbe fatal night at Cbancelloraville, is still living at the Morrison homestead, in Lincoln county, North Carolina. A Mistake. The editor ol tbe Whitehall Timet taye: "Tbemsnwbo wrote tbat "nothing wa impossible" never tried to find the pocket in his wife' dross when it was hanging np in a clothes press. An Illinois cotemporary suggest that Mrs. Logan, instead ol the Gener al, should have been elected to tbe Sen ato from Illinois, as she is the smarter man of the two. Gen. Butler -believe both parti are going to destruction a fast a possible ; and a be doesn't happen to belong lo either, tha Buffalo Exvrtst thinks ihero I probably no doubt of it. A bill is belore th Ohio Legislature to authorise tbe us of a bell punch ballot box. Tbe Legislature baa a keen sense of the needs ol Ohio politic. MacMahon ought to come lo thia country and travel until 1880. By that time the movement would be booming, and he might jump right in to Gravy' shoe. John Geia, a wealthy farmer In Auglaiae county, Ohio, was feeding pigs wben a ram came np and butted him in the back till be died.' Idea are Imperishable ; word, like the pulsations of tbe air that transmit them, ar evanescent. Qejaonl b barman ia oa a (oar of 1. peotlon in Georgia. SOUR CIPHERS. I York Inhane and When the Now its MMilcJerati 'i' 'iKilorwj: " '" n" j wiieii tiieio will he a Jaeiiiw-raiie ins investigation of the eipher dispatches juiily ot seven, do the cumu tiling re ihey could hardly havo imagined lliali (U t.a0 Hl,, r Bl,ui Hutk-rY Tho " Tl t r T ,v I b. T , " V ""Vtr vieii a "null on the first tlat ol lhuii.ytiir.-a i hoieiu t undr i ... i examination. Not Mr. Tilden, whom j they have sought to cover with oppi"- briiim, bill two uf Grunt's ettbiiiet illl curs, Chandler and Tynor, aro iliscov-j creit lo have been in telegraphic cor riiHpuiiilonco, the onjeoi ni wnn-ii lo corrupt tho election lu luiliiina through the sulo of federal offices. In limit agencies were put up for sale us a means of raisuiu: campaign lilinN, anu tuia siiaiiicnH iaei, in piutv.i i-.-i telegraphic dispulcbes uf thu two ., : . . ..I I,., II,,. cabinet ministers. Ol the vat nni'S ol dispatches uf this character of 1870 the Democratic ciphers were carelull.v ollectcd anil sent to the A uw ioik ... VVitune fur narlisan uses while the re- , . . ,.,,, i i, 1 - " ' " ....J ....... , id fraud and corruption from coining to light. Bullock, olio of thu ugeu'.s to seixu und destroy thu Uiipulilii uii . , , , . ., , 'l'. '"1."1 ut V,' '1 " reward ol bis services. But the contents of these dispatches w hich Mr, '"""'"' "uu"" "u " Mr. Floyd Grant, a confidential clerk il W l'"'.,n ''1 lies VUrV UlSlllli liy lir me leu ft. ,, corronpondcnco between Chandler and Tyner. Tho latter telegraphed lo Coandler on the ove of the Octobur election in Indiana that he must make two appointments in the interior do purtniunl, lor which live thousand dol lars would bo paid, and that the money must bo deposited in Now York so thut it could be drawn in Indianapolis. Chandler answered tbat he had done as directed and tbat tho money had been deposited. It was further staled in Ihe telegrams that the money w as to be used tor election purposes. The meaning ol tin transaction is that these positions in tho interior depart ment were to bo sold ; thai tho person named would pay twenty live huinlred dollars each fur them, and Chandler must collect thut amount ot iiionoy and send it to lndjana to bo u-ed in the campaign. One Cabinet Minister made the appointments and thu oilier acted as broker tor ibe sale. It appears from an admission of Mr. Tyner thai the positions were Indian ugencies. and when the immcino fortunes have been made by Indiun agents tin stnull salaries are taken into conider.iliim the price ol five thou-emd dollars for tho two agencies is extremely low. Tbia is tho first nugget that has been discovered in tbe investigation of tbo cipher dispatches. Anticipating investigation and probable discovery of the most industrious effort wei'ii made by the Republican managers to destroy theevidenue. Mr. Tyner made application to the President of tho lelegrnph Company for permission lo withdraw certain dispatches ana the originals were returned to bim. If; they were not compromising in their I character why this anxiety lo destroy I them ? The evidence elicited snows; that all the campaign dispatcho wore gathered together and sent to the Senate, where they were carefully overhauled by Morton and bis clerk. Such a were thought to be useful as a means of attack upon the Democrats alter tbe 1 residency wus stolen Irom them were industriously collated for tho New York Tribune while the Republican ciphers wero dcsiroycd throuirb the agency of General Brady of the Postoffico Department, Evans, a Republican ex member ol Congrcsi. trom lnuiana. ami duiiojk, .Mor ton'a confidential clerk. When il was believed that all proof of Republican rascality in the purchase ot the lie turning Boards of Louisiana and Florida wero removed by the whole sale destruction ot telegrams the 7'n bune opened up it revelations ol tbu Democratic ciphers. This assurance that there was no danger that the cipher ot Chandler, lyncr and thu rest ot the -conspirators in the great electoral Iraud would ever return lo plague tbeir authors Is what Inspired tho boldness of the Tribune. It felt perfectly safe in translating Democratic cipher and giving them any desired perversion, with the knowledge that Bullock and Brady and Evuna had put a match to all that could compromise the Republicans. But tho lailhtul memories of trustworthy telegraph operators which registered ibceviiloiicv ol the iniquity ol thu Kepuiilitiin con spirator were left out of the calcula tion. Harmburg Patriot. WILL THE PLOT SUCCEED t Tbo Radical plot to capture ihe United Stale Senate of 181 by a bold roup, I pretty well laid Dare by ibo minority report of the Committee on rrivilege and hlucttons lu the Duller Corbin case. There is no pro tome of reason lor reopening the que tion of Senator Build's right to bia seat. He has been adjudged entitled to il by a voto of tbe Senate, and bas taken bi sest. 1 he only excuse tor it ia that the Radicals mutt have the Senate in 1881 by fair means or foul, and the most ready plan is to unseal Mr. Butler and seat the carpet-bagger Corbin. The Senate after the next fourth of March will stand lorty-two uemocrala, thirty-three Kcpublicani, and one Independent (Senator Davis ot Illinois), but should Corbin he seated it will aland forty ono Demo cral and thirty lour Republicans. Now in 1881 tho terms of Randolph, Eaton, Kernan, Wallace and Thiirmun, all Democrats, will expire, with the strong probabilities of Republican suc cessors. This would, if Corbin be seated, make tbe Retire stand thirty nine Republican and thirty seven Democrats. The Democrats on the other hand would probably gain a scat in electing jirnre a (urcessor, which would mako the Senate a lie thirty eight to thirty-eight, with Senator Uavid Davis on the lenco. This la the objective point of the Radical strategy, ana the re-opening ol the Butler I ur- bin caso which baa been decided and i now ret adjudieata, in only on the ground that tho Republicans hare jusi now a majority in the Senate and can perpetrate this wrong to hold on to power, senator Hill in hi minority reKrt fur the majority report ol the committeo favors sealing Corbin say: ".To charge ot Iraud bos been made against tbe former derision. No allegation tbat testimony was before excluded which ought to bave been admitted, or that testimony wan ad milled which ought to havo been ex cluded ; no request by either of Ibe parties to produoe testimony has been denied, and oo pretense that testimony then offered and excluded can now be produced. Tbe jurisdiction l the same, th panic ar the same, the subject matter of contest Is the same, the facta are the same. The petition of Corbin ia a mere naked proposition that the Senate at a subsequent session ahall re- vote on tbe Identical questions, lacts and issue on which tbe Senate vou-d and decided at a former evasion" Now all tbat the Republican need do is to vol lor the majority re.rt or the Committee on Privileges and Elections and ao'acat Corbin. Tbe abornc of Conover who voted for Butler be tore and th presence of Sharon w ill giv tbe Republican the necessary strength provided the lull pari) strength can be counted on to pvrpr visiw auis wrung. mil alter all would it be a wmnir ithout a remedy T Woald not Ihe Mcnata by reoiiening the question of th Butler Cor Wn coutest, establish a preoetieat by hivl it eeekt be re opeeed again t II tbe 8eat oboe Id now, upon praatNiaa tha nam) tacts whicli it adjucuud belore, reverse n decision, wny cotiia not thu Ncnaie un mediately utter the fourth of lUr, 1, atituiion tho judge of the election n, (itniHealioii or lis own members, ami ,on, n dei-iiion ihi-re is nu appeal, 'j'(lllt t, Incoming Democratic riu.uuj wj IUVU ,,u numerical power lu do this is iioyonu ui-puto. j hut u, Ul, doing the wrong to Senator Butler and tu iSmlli Carolina, it would bavu the noiiil support of the country is equally lire. This should muku Iho liudiiuU l ., - I I ., puuu mm iiiiiih over lue tiling oat-o IMUI,,. HnUimore Sun. fUH CIPHER DISPATCHES. Tbo inquiry into the mutter of tU cipher dtpulchcs bus already uiiruv. ed the mystery of their publication. A greut buU-li of dispatches, some thirty tliou-und in number, were de livered by the Western Uiii .ii Coin- I hi ny to thu Senate ('oinmitlio nu 'nvileges ami Elections. Some one in thu confidence of this roitmiilite abxlracled a large number of ihe ulu. gruuis an delivered, and they were llien, ul'ler being copied and given iu a city journal lur publication, plaed secretly on General Butler's talile. few of tbo dispulches wero carried off by cerium ttepillilican olllcials who feared they would bo criminated by tbetn, und have never since been seen. There mem to be no doubt that tbo whole body of dipalches surreiideri-il by the telegraph company lay iu luu conimiltee loom tor several weeks, ue Ovssiblu lo any one who wus on friendly terms wilh llio Clerk of the CoiuiiiiUe, Senator Morion's brother in-law, ami Willi Ihe Messenger, u iiiiin liainisl Bullock ; and ills equally clear thai, in the whole buoinc, the lu-piiblii-uus hud un udvunlugu lo which llicy were nut entitled. Tiny could at will pult oiil tttiil uiukeuwuy Willi iliu evident-?, if such existed in the telegram, of an inlrigiio lor stealing tho I'rcsideiiey,. w hile lliey could manipulate all tele grams Irom Democratic sources in any way whatever likely to advance lln-ir piirll-illi IlileleM. It Hill be dlltii-lilt, if not imp-HMiile, lur the Cumimut-u or its subordinate lu explain away the dipuTuceful features ot this utterly in tlftensitdo But it will be even mute ilillii iill, wo imagine, for the A Iminislralion tu junlify iu action in appointing lo an unpin tittil ( iiusulate Ibe poison wbo is shown to have abstracted the ilia patches. This man. Bullock, wu a mere incetieiigcr to the Comitiiltee, of ordinary attuitimonts and without social standing, and yet ho was mads Consul at Cologne, over tbo beads of applicants infinitely bis superiors in every particular. Why ? No reason for so extraordinary an ap pointment can be imagined than thut he paH-ictl the damaging cipher tha. paichi-8 from iho committee loom into the hands of persons ublu w hen tiny got them to make public use of them, out uiiocouni not anoru to ou cnargui wilh taking llicin themselves." And this is a " lelorni " Administration, which pretends lo make capacity and integrity the standard of ull appoint nicnl in Ibe consular ami diplomatic service. THE PLYMOUTU CHURCH. A writer in the New York Herald, who evidently has considerable admir ation for tho Rev. Henry Ward Beech-' or, has published a lengthy sketch of the great Plymouth pai-tor, in which he shows that in thirty years of intel lectual luhor thu old gentleman has earned nearly .2,1)00,000. A state ment is given of llio earnings of this monumouiul money-maker, liissulury as a pastor for Ihe first ten years of luhor is set down al tiO 000 ; tbo sec ond ten years, fi 00,000; the third, S.!00 000. 11 w lectures in thirty years foul ii j) a profit of (170,000. His novel of " Norwood " and " Life of Christ" brought him $ 45,000 and his editorial and journalistic work in thirty years netted him $100,000. His receipts (mm sermons, hymn books, weddings and copyright of various kinds are lumped at 1:10,000, while tbe grand total is swelled by aid received during bis celebrated coiilrover-y with Ttllon to the extent uf (100,000. And yet Mr. Boecher snys thai bread-aiid wa'er diet is good enough lur poor men. Tho Herald writer says thai the old gen tleman bas spent his earnings freely. He bus a small army ot relative de pending largely on his bounty. So has his wile. Fitther, mother, sisters, bml hers, children, Iriends, patishioncrs and stranger havo been, aru and ul,. ways w ill lie recipients ot his iiy. lie owns a fair but not a tang. n-licent house nn Columbia Uvighlai and a hirin in I'eekckill. On ih littler he has recently built for fiiesm:!! and ull his wms, married und snire, a grand I rividnicu tliul cost a fortune and so long as he lives will be a resort lor swarms of friends. I'is ittlcresl in Ihe Christian Union is nut epeoiully valu. able and, in fact, his one remunerative property Is that from which all Ins. money has been coined bis activoj. fertile brain, backed by a slunly physique that has endured a straits greater than that ordinarily horns hy a score ol men. ilruf 3h'tft.srmtnts. WANTED. 100,000 SHAVED SHIXCLES, t B Oiinthon'i Oroearjr Ftort, tconl ftrtt,, rw-rllt li. IV W.S If. SELLERS' GOUGH SYRUP ii Ovat I. earn, saw mim wa. tt u tha am sor BaaliSH? 2-' '"""' -a-lIB. f ami t, aa.KxaJ.B. aiut.u tbhiiitim li ku WiaaawM. 11 a Imu la aaa fur Ae a rmtwra. ix- lura rvmm.n.l IL J. .. Tot..., L.R l , lu, aaia: -ll.j m, ,,,K.r koaa ihTf.." t I. Siaaao, of BKn-, lis., al-a t. : "h ,ll mr Mn..f,,,.. Tafcw aa ottha-t-t mr. Oa rrnta. SB rraita. Bail ai-04) nrr bulll-. .LhaUAstai at Ma, rr ntuomnk. r for aak ty II. B. RoukaMa, CUarHala. fa. CURES?! HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC BPEOTICS Bsrn In KriH-ralnaotnrtwmtT rears. a.mi'i.K. mxiSobik l.Frll iio 1 . mrdlrinraknnwa. Tbrr ar Juat what Jht prarile want, Baring time, aaMinrr, airknraa and anm-rlns;. t.xrrj amnio ann lne thn writ trlr peraerlptltHa all anriulncrilBHiralclaa. ""raw. Orsta a r.Vr' ITP". InSanrmatiwaa, . . t. rlliJ-.lir,CTTi-.thlnsoMnlBilB.. a wvarttlrry, B f nnlrra-nn-rbui OrtrHBK, miloftw OoSM, . . I nucha, folda, Broaxolila. la, Vovaltlag, , , !!r"'lr,;'Si,"' Hi aSsrSr, Vatflaw. I 10. tr-H-rla. Bilk.. Banmarh, . ... a nriirwia- a. i i t m : . - IJ hllea, aooTmroaa IVrtosiTT IS. I roil m. Cnaah. ftiswii ll .1.1- ttl'.,..LI".,,." KraiKbaa . J. IthrilmalLin, fihnima'lo l-aaaa, . . Is. Jrvrr an Axnr, t rull l ater. Aiaoa, . IT. f lira, hHi or Bio,... . . V7: It Optilhahnr. ami SiaaoaW-ok Xros,. TS. I slnrrh. wuta ot ehrosie, InOoMiaa. . u. Mhnnp wi-t.u.w aaajt-Moow-oA a l. lhnw, oproaUlWlBlr . . . ''"'.''sra, topalnl ta-artao, . n krrnfiila "UarfaO rlanda. Sxrlilaaa, , Jt llfn-ral fs-bilit, I t,,l Woaaasas, . ?V a-w-a rlutraa, akaiM. man ridta'. '. a) a-rtuo-v arts acarita SKirlloaa, Ir. hlSnsv.fllr-Bf, ti,BvaL . . m c Hrrtotia larbllltv. Vul arkH t at. hlanf-y.flUr-aiBr, ti,BvaL, n. hitra !lHtilh, Cwakor, , . . SO. J r;nr ra h araa, w.tlla au ...i ... k-J oil l J'alMliil l-rrlwals orwltk Bpoaoaa, . . P - " M "twira, aaiailauow ata. I " tPllei"". Siaaia, Bl:Vllaa Oaaaa, . 1 ) St. lalasath Tl. olr-ral-al aoro tk frC7 . S at, t hro'.l,c I .intaallwaa aa aVwatlsas, aa naitr rtau. tlaaa. Wnmora Mik atmo aa latwe Ttah an MaNoalaadtraTikiaa, II taaeMoaw.orKta,aailalaaalkok, . Thsoe rrmrtllsa am asat kv tf ra-w atnalrraaiar vial, in aa wart of th mimtri-, "- t-hanta, aa rlrta( arha. A,lSr.. 1iiiiishrTv.'tinM.nnth-Blrlrlarra, t'flR-a and I-w,i, If Vutl, St. a-w York. rwr amir h, all laraiaitlala. V Tl -jnshr'TB" (tpariBe Btaastal a ah ear awl trnutaaaaitaa oaMaase aaat tfj (Sara. taat IW. c appUaaUow. fat aaia to C. O. W4M0IJ, Ctaaylsli, tt.