Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 05, 1879, Image 2

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    She ffttpuHir an.
Uaoao B. Goodlandxk, Editor.
Kaador. if job wool to know what it foist; oa
la tea baalaoaa world, Juit raad emr adroltLing.
aolama.. 1M HpeMt aolaaa In earturalar.
No bu wortBT IB. olH of Pntidtot ohoold
U wilUoa 10 bold II U ooBBUd la, or ploood tboro
ba aoa fraud. V. 8.
I ooald aoror laaa ton rrooaoilod la Ibo alo
Talioa ho to. oaullMt aid of alao of a portoa,
koworor rospaotobl. la arirata lifa, wbo aaaat
fororar aarrr a poo kla brow Ibo stamp of fraud
nl irlonobaat la Amorioao hlltorr. No lb-
aaquoat aotloa, toworor aiorltorioBi, eaa walk
oar tka rattara af Ibal raoord.
CaABLaa Faamll Apabb.
I woald rttbor btro Ibo oodoraoaioBl of a qaar
torof a aillioa of Ibo America, pooplo thaa Ibal
af Ibo Loaiilaaa Ketaroiof Board, or of Ibo Col
taaloa abiob oaolodod Ibo faoll Bad doeidod
tko qaeftloa OB toebaioalitj.
Taoi. A. HaaoaicKi.
Coder Ibo forms of law, Botberford B. Hater
ku booa dee arod Proa deal of Ibo Ceiled rMatea.
Hla tilla raili apoa dufraoebiMBMOt of lawffll
retort, Ibo lalao aerUBoalea 01 ina rotaraiog oar
oari Ballot oorrapUy, aad Ibo deoisloa af a eom
DiMloa wbioh bae rofaed lo hoar oridoaea of al
leged fraud. For Ibo Brat lino aro Ibo Amorleaa
aeoole eoofrooted wilb Ibo foot af a fraadureatly.
elected Preaidaat. Lot it aol bo aaderetood Ibal
Ibo froad will ba .lleallr eeauteaeed la e Ibo
aoonlry. Lot aa Boar pau IB wbiob taa aoarpa-
iioa la fere-ottea.
uao BaodrobSaTf"tfr QVmea'dopravMj'eoea-
moleted aad ooooootratod tuto a elioua of orlaio.
Jlerer ae;aia la firo buadrod yearo aball they kara
aa oppertuall lo rapaat too wroag.
"Our intellect." Bixler. "I god
Dd little fishes I"
We are norry that the "vultures
and "harks" troublo toiue of our high
toned citizens.
'The one man power" slayer, bad
bis burns end bouts on last week, bu
nobody was killed.
"Tbs Court House Ring," smasher
was out last week in all bis glory
Though visibly be sbed no blood.
The ring destroyor broke looso last
week again, but bo was easily secured
lie- did not hurt himself, though be
had bay on his horns.
W'uo was Right. Wo notico that
the Senator from Centre, and the Sen
ator from Elk, straddled on the Recor
der confirmation. How "ih dot f"
"Tbo CoantT ComialialoBrr bar. ttarted out
Ib b oomnaadabta mJioBar. Ctllaaa.
Here we have more truth than we
have discovered in a month's edition
of tbo reform (?) organ.
Diad Too Gen. George Cad walla
dor, a brother of Judgo Cadwalladcr,
who died in Philadelphia last week,
died almost instantly in that city on
Monday last, of appnplexy, aged aev
enty three years. ,
"J uilra Marat li of tbo aplaloa Ibal it !
wroog for tbo nowipapera to report tbo proceed -log.
of honioido aod otbar high caooe, wboroia
we differ witb blia," fine...
Well, that wipes the Court out. Tbe
Jlllltfn uiiv noil aall A.. II u . w.u, ,
pick up a salary somewhere elso. lie
will never recover from that stunner.
Famr Wkll Pit. We notice that
tbo Radicul speaker of tbe State Sen
ate, lias dealt pretty fairly witb tbe
XXXIV. District Our momber, Cy-
rus T. Alexander, Las been placed on tbe
following Committees : Judiciary Gen
oral, Corporations, Public Buildings and
Compare Bills.
Som Screws Loose. The fact that
Gorornor Iloyt has been trying lor a
half a month to make up a Cabinet, is
notice to tbe public thai the machine
is off the track somewhere since the
election of United Slates Senator. Mr.
Iloyt' predecessors used to put up
this little cabinet job in half a day.
11- -LL.-iM.--i
Hion Salakie. Representative P,
h. Sherwood bas introduced a bill in
the House at llurrisbnrg providing for
tbe reduction of the salaries ot Stato of
ficials, but there is no danger of a Re
publican Legislature agreeing to so
sonnblo a proposition. Reducing ox
ponsos is not a favorite policy witb
them aa long as tboro is any prospect
of the offices being filled by Republi
Settled at Last. The disputed
question whether Abraham Lincoln's
parents were married has been settled.
In Lamon's "Life of Lincoln" an effort
was tnado to show that owing to their
extreme poverty the parents of Lin
coln never wore legally married, be
cause, according to the laws of tbe
Stale ol Kontucky, it would have been
necessary to file a bond lo guard tbe
State against an over su only of paupers,
aad this bond they could not procure.
esoarcues made oy ex-Secretary Una-
tow, show that lliey did file such a
bond and that tbe marriage was le
gally performed. Colfax should in
clude this item in his lecture, by way,
(if spice.
The Credit Mobilierites Floored.
Tbe ex Credit Mobilierites, beaded
by Jay Gould k Co., sinoe most ot the
original leaders have died off, exoept
Colfax, Alley, ScoRold and a few lessei
lights, received a black eye in tbe 8a
preme Court of tbe United States a
tew days ago. Tbe decision of that
Court is against the Pacific Railroad
Companies, austaining tbe validity of
the Tburman bill, which was passed
last year, and will give general satisfac
tion throughout tbe country. Tbe ex
rcssive greed and dishonesty of them
'companies, from tbeir iniquitious be
ginning to tho present time, have arous
ed a tooling of just resentment tbroogb
tbe Cuion. The moo wbo bave con
trolled these roads from Chicago and
St Louis to tbe Pacifto roast, are bat
little better than the free-hooter wbo
feme down off the mountains and plun
alertbe trains. In fact tbey ant worse;
becaas tbe highwaymen only plunder
bos found no the trains, while tbe
Directors and managoia bribe Senator,
Congressmen, and tb-' rob the United
State Treasury.
In 1876, the Radical leaders in Flori
da, stole the Presidential Jiioelors by
false count and lorgeries and all engsg
ed In the clinic, have since been put
into lucrative office by Mr. Hayes.
Last year tome hot beaded Democrats,
in imitation of their Radical neighbors,
did some of the same kind of work
they were arrested convicted and are
now in the Penitentiary. The editor
of tbe Philadelphia Timet, in alluding
to events, w.,they .occur in the South,!
remarks :
Judge Settle gave a just but start
ling display of tbe majesty of tbe law
by sentencing the members of tho Dem
ocratic Canvassing Board of Brevard
county, Florida, to the penitentiary for
falsifying the election returns. It is
the first instance that we can recall
wbon such an offense has been punish
ed in tbe South since tho war, and the
fuot that Democratic officials who have
been so suddenly overtaken by justice
simply imitated tbe frauds ol tbo Re
publican Canvassers ol Florida in 1876,
is an BEL'ravatioo rather than an ex
cuse for the crime. Truo, the Repub
lican officials of Florida wbo commit
ted like lrauds of a much graver na
ture have been rewarded witb public
honors and emoluments by the Presi.
dent whose place was secured by their
lawlessness, while the Democratio Can
vassers wbo followed tbe Republican
precedents in an bumble way have
somewhere, and it matters not what
the political faith of the accused parties
is if they are guilty. Judge Settle bas
made a wholesome precedent, and one
that is likely to become a finger-board
for both Federal and Stato courts in
the South in the prosecution and pun
ishment of election frauds. Tbe statute
of limitations protect many wbo have
set tho boldest and most flagrant ex
amples of election frauds in the South,
and tbe criminals are filling lucrative
official positions as tbe reward of their
crimes ; but time makes all things even
and the day is not distant when lb
Brevard county convicts will find their
prison a refngo from tho hissing scorn
that will make the electoral criminal
of 1870 shunned by every decent citi
zen and driven out as wanderers upon
the earth.
Uua .National Decay. An ex
cbango says : "A statement of th
number of bankruptcies during tbe
past year, prepared by R. G. Dun &
Co., Commercial Agents, shows thai
there were in tbe Eastern States 1,734
failures, with liabilities amounting to
135,204,026: in tbe Middle States
3,199 failures, wilb 195,293,466 liablli
lias ; in tbe Southern Suites 1,415 fail
uros, with liabilities aggregating 120,
322,503 liabilities ; in the Pacific Slates
and Territories 694 failures, with 113,
163,176 liabilities. The reasons for
this long and dismal list of failures
are, chiefly, that tho year just closed
was the fifth year of tbe depression
the last year ot tho Bankrupt Act
and it was a year of uncertainty as to
financial legislation. All of these
causes are now removed. The bottom
of tbe depression bas been reached
and we are on the rise ; resumption
has sottlod tbe finanoial uncertainties
i ha Hsnkrnnt Act is repealed and bus
iness is taking more healthy tone.
These bankruptcies have been painful
but tbey are over now. Tbe darkest
hour is just before day."
Reader, think about it, that during
tbe past year ovor two hundred and
Itctnli four millioni ot debts have been
paid off by this single method of bank
ruptcy. Ibis is about six dollars for
every soul in tbe country. Tbe man
who bas ten children ba therefore
been taxed 173, as his share.
A Powerful Combination. Tbe
last conspiracy against our Democratio
form of government, is that of Sitting
Bull, who bas returned to tbs States,
and John Chinaman, wbo seem to be
pooling tbelr interests so as to over
throw the Tankee Nation. These Red
and Yellow gentlemen are going to
rcsont tbe menaeca ot State Legislatures
and Congress, and propose to tako
matters in tbeir own bands on tbe Pa
cific Coast. Besides : These two bead
Centres keep Sambo as a reserve, in tbe
event that a row might spring up on
this Continent, aa lo wbo should in
habit it in the future. Thus wp have
China, Africa and ti e Bed man of our
own forests all combined against us.
What will we do?
Not a bit of it. Governor Hart-
ranft, Attorney General Lear and Lieu
tenant Govornor Latta have given it
as their opinion, says the Sunbury Dem
ocrat, that tbe Board of Pardons is a
mistake more barm than good and
we think that is about tbe general
judgment among the tbouglilul eople.
The law is exactly right but tbe wrong
men were called opon to excute it A
very different class of men must be put
in that position than tbose wb,o served
in the past and now make up tbe pre,
ent Board. Put statesmen instead of
snobs into that position and then the
law will work well enough. The fault
lies with the administrators of the law.
At Last. At tbe last session of Con
gress an appropriation of 15,000 was
made to place a monument over Tbo.
Jefferson's grave at Monticollo, Va.
Tbe appropriation was made upon tbe
contingency tbal the owner of the
estate where Jefferson is buried should
give a quit claim to the United Suites
of all right of property for a space of
two rods square ot land, including the
grave, and lo giv lb public free right
of access thereto. Tbe Pepartrnent ot
Justice is now in communication witb
lb owner of the property, and the
preliminaries to tbe construction of tbe
monument will be settled without dif
ficulty. Tbo construction of the mon
ument will be begon next Spring.
Probably a Blunder. We may
hav made a mistake last week In
abridging the name of our eoirespoo
dent to "J. R. B ," but lb writer bad
span it out Jemimab Rak Bombast,
and for eonvenienca) we only need tbe
Initials, which seem to pain tbe editor
ol lb A en lor CVi-ars) so much. Of
course tbe letter are tbe same, but our
oon'ortdeot Ma toll more truth in
on line than Ibe other cbap can in
Orrll Grant is apeciitatinc again.
Ilis laUat ac borne is 1200,000 reslaa
rant, which he proHiaoi o start in Sao
Tbe attempt of the citizens ol Alio
;uuiiy tvutfly tr-ovuUltr upon lb.
of the tux payers of the Stale tbe costs
of tbeir accursed riot, is a piece of ini
pertinence which bus never been ex
celled. Wo notice thut a bill to this
effect was reported in the Hnuso on
last Monday ovening, and Is therefore
before that body for action. Members
wbo bave any respect for law, common
sense and their oaths, should not hesi
tate about placing the responsibility
where it belongs. It is understood to
fix tbo limit ot damage at three million
doflars, of which tbe Stute is asked to
assume three quarters and Allegheny
county onequartor. Aa tbose losses
are, by special and unequivocal legis
lation, passed in anticipation of tbe
disasters to which cities are liable from
mob violence, already fixed upon tbe
shoulders of the people of Allcghony
county, it seems preposterous to think
that the Stato should essunio the pay
ment of any part of llioin. Tbe Stato
is already half a million dollars out of
pocket for military expenses incurred
in suppressing the riots. Tho interrup
tion to general business and the cost
of precautionary measures borne by
citizens in otbor parts of the State add
aa much more to the general burden.
The people ol the city of Pittsburg al
lowed destruction to progress unbind
ered until their own property wss
L - , . . .. .- -. (W I
stands Is just what is needed, except it
should bs made to apply to every city
and county in tbe State. If people
want to cultivate riots, let them pay
for them. Let Pittsburg nourish its
Nea&lt Converted. Word comes
from California that Mr. Dennis Kear
ney bas become greatly sottonod in bis
asperities and has changed bis mind in
rogard to the New Constitution. Con
tact with F.astorn civilization seems to
have mellowed Dennis, and he no long
er denounces the now instrument. On
tbe contrary, he gives it as his opinion
that it will be an instrument which tbe
people will support and to which he
can givo a most hearty approval.
What a relief this will be to tho mem
bors of tbe convention, who have no
doubt been anxiously waiting tc learn
how the sand lot blatherskite would
receive their work. The country may
now be considered as entirely sale.
Tue Naked Tbutii. Tbe Baltimore
Oaiettewy: ' If anything were need
ed to establish tho thoroughness of re
construction and reconciliation in tbe
South, it has been furnished by the
visit of Gonerd Sherman to Atlanta.
Tbe man who fifteen yeurs ago luid
the city in ashes, after driving tho
women and children from their homes,
is to day received with oourtosy and is
shown wilb pride about tbe new city,
which has grown up an tbe ashos of'
the old. There is no trace of the old
hate none of the old heart-burning
or town-burning visible on the surface.
Tbe press extonds a hearty welcome
and the officials place themselves at
the service of tho modern Attilla.
This is white winged peace.
Move Slow, We soe it announced
th Haw Hnrl'a Art r"Ui
will bo given at the Executive Man
sion, on Thursday next Would it not
be more in order lor his Excellency to
fix up hi Cabinet, before he goes in
to tho Reoeptioo businees. We once
beard a "stalwart," remark : "Woll I
would like to know wbo in b 1 is
Treasurer, anyhow " From tbe way
the Cabinet business is drifting, wo aro
led to believe tbat there are a great
many people in this Commonwealth
who do not know who is Governor
oxoept they should receive reception
cards, marked as such.
Being Found Out. A sickening
rumor is in circulation in New Orleans
to the tfluct that J. Madison Wells,
Surveyor of the Port, fas been in
dicted for malfeasance in office. If
this proves true it will add another
startling confirmation to tbe tbeory
that sin i cumulative, Having com
mitted two or three oft hand murders
and having assisted In stealing tbe
Presidency ot the United States it
was the most natural thing in the
world that Chevalier Wells should pcr
petrato malfeasance as soon aa an op-
portnni'.y wa afforded.
Gob W. R. Ilattibora. tbooaw Baaoriolaodaot
of Publlo Oroaoda al oarrlibsra, la aot anhsawa
la tbls qaartor, hla alia bolsf UlH Alloa Dtaaio.
fomorlr of LowIiIowd. Ua aarrrd wilb dlitlno
tioa aa Major af ibo Fom-oonBt Roolioaal P.
V. (Booblollfl, aad vol a Datnneratia atamoarnf
tbo Lower Hooao Iran Cloarflald oouBta lo IS" I.
Iile prraont bono la AoadiBra, Jonlata omioiy,
bat tbo Janlala politlrlaBi diaolaisi bia oltiaru
hlp, aad ollaaa tbal tba api-oia'iaant it obaras-
ablo la Claarttald ooaalt. rjtfowa Democrat.
Well, you need not take on so about
it; Clearfield always lurnisbes good
men for every place. If tho General
does not cullirute that State farm let
us know about it and we will seo that
more plows aro forwarded to him
A Clerical Scoundrel. An ex
change states that the Rev. II. M
Turner, colored, in his sermons recent
ly delivered at Madison, Georgia, ad
vised his bearers to not voto at all.
His purpose appoara to bo to persuadu
the colored citizen to slay away from
the polls, so that Northern Republicans
ill think them bull-dozed. Carpet
bag government paid the Rev. Turner
better than the prosent government,
Liort Work. The fact that the
Speakers of neither House of our Leg.
islature announced their alanding C, m-
mittoe until after the election of
United State Senator, shows conclu
sively how closely Rsdcial Legislators
were pressed, although the members
in theBensle and House may claim that
tbey are freemen.
Local Legislation. By resolution
of tbe Common Council, all liquor deal
er of Racin, Wit., bave been prohib
ited from giving, selling, or permitting
to be given or sold liquor to James
Freeman, once a leading lawyer of tbe
State, but lor some year hopelessly
addicted to drink.
Bask Assessor. John Downey, of
Johnstown, has been appointed Bank
Assessor for Cambria, Blair, Somerset,
Bedford and Westmoreland, lie was
a member from Cambria county in tbe
last Legislature.
Fleming W. Pollock, Esq., ol Wi!!.
iamsport died in that city on tbe nighi
of tbe 27lb instant, aged T year. De
ceased was a brother of ex-Governor
Congressman Hewitt, of New York
(jr.vo lV.c Psi!!! bser a set
back the oilier day, by rehearsing some
cumpuign fuels brought under bis no
tiee in 1R76. Ilis speech on the sub-
jeet was tbo most important deliver-)
UlllV, Hi IUU Biuii'iiivnin vi mo fri.iiu
kuowledgo of the innocence of Mr. Til
den, and lliat ibo Democratic commit
tee has scorned to resort to the use ol
money, were accepted e tbe utterances
ofn man entitled lo belief. When he
said that the investigation would piZrv
that at least one of tho cundidutes for
President in thut memorable year was
not a mere trickster, ready lo bar
gain for tho highest ollloe in the nation,
a sensation of npplauso passed over tho
packed galleries and Ibo floor below.
"Docs anybody believe," said Mr.
Hewitt, "that if Mr. Tilden had been
in a schemo to buy those roirupt Re
turning Boards Ibo thing would have
failed lor want of money ?" It will bo
shown that tho scoundrels were lor
sale and volunteered propositions to
tbal end, hut Mr. Tilden refused to
furnish the money, though n few of bis
friends regarded it a cose of property
in tbo bands of thieves. They know
that the Klcctoral vote of these States
legally belonged to Tiblen, and us the
law seemed powei less to wrest them
from tbe rogues, it was thought pro
dont to pay the ransom, as is often
done to secure the restoration of pro-
lw,r tu us iigmiui owner, but Air.
Tilden would not consent to it, and tbe
matter fell through. Tuku Ibis in con
nection with tbe but thut tbo other
sido did induce these sumo thieves to
deliver tho property over lo a purty
who had no claim upon it while It. B
Hayes has rewarded overy one of them,
and wo liavo tbo luso summed up.''
A Ladt Missionary. The Louis
villo Courier relates the following:
"And Btill tho missionary cause waxes
slrongor. New Bedford has a clover
young lady worth a million dollars,
and 'of a rather pious turn of mind,'
wbo made up that mind that she would
bo a missionary. Could anything bo
moro beautiful? Tbo church ucccptod
her services, and when asked what
field ot labor she bud in view, she
pensively looked down at I. or lavender
gloves and replied : 'I think I will go
to Puris."'
Queer Taste. An exchange states
that tbo Granges of Centre county are
arranging to have General Holler lo
deliver a lecture to them at Bellefontc.
Wo do not see tho propriety in hunker
ing alter flen. Duller, llo is no farmer. J
as a Oenerul lie was a l.uluro As a
lawyer he is one of the unscruploiis,
and as a teae'ier of morals ho is not u
success. Ilis true thai this country
has never produced another liko him ;
but bis example bud bettor not be fob
lowed by cither men or boy. His
precepts are in oiien conflict with tho
moral code.
Probable. The Pittsburg Tctegntph
publishes a remark uhlo story ot a
woman named Mrs. Bunks, who claims
to huvo served four years in the lute
war, in both armies, disguised as a
man. She claims distinguished par
entage, bor father being a wealthy
I !- - Oar MioiOta-a M II fiiUTDii
woman. Sho was first compelled to
enter tho Southern army, and after
ward, on being taken prisoner, joined
the Union army. Sbo was wounded
onco. The case looks pretty, and ro
mantic. Cut Throats Stephen I). Richards,
in jail at Slcubenville, Ohio, charged
with the murder of the Harolson fum
ily at Kearney, Nebraska has made a
fullconfcssion, acknowledging the com
mission ot nine murders within the
last three years. Tho details of bis
many crimes, which ho gives with the
most minute fidelity, reveal tbo most
flondish and cold blooded brutality. It
is bolievod Richards is a member of an
organized bind of cutthroats. Is
civilisation "playing out?"
Just Twenty-two. Tbo foolish bill
of that foolish old man, Hendriek B.
Wright, to givo 8500 to every mar.
who claims not to bu worth 1300, and
in addition 1G0 acres of land, wus de
feated in Congress by a vole of 212 to
22. It is evident from this vote thai
there aro just twenty-two fools in the
present Congress. It gives us pleasure
10 know thul tbe Constitution kills it
an tho -lib of March next, and we hope
that the number will bo greatly re
duced in the next body.
Just So. An exchango remarks:
"The Now York Star is Jubilant over
tbo thought thut, if the triumph of
Mult Carpenter is not a Duinocratiu
victory, the retirement of Timothy O.
Howe is a Radical defeat. Carpenter,
itsa)i, bus shown his ability lo rise
above party ; Uowp always suffered
the party to sink him. Carpenter wus
cream ; Howe was only skim milk."
"The Buckeye Abroad. That is
Cox's way, but an Itdiuiinpo!a pes
piper, Is publishing skothes of the
members of the Indiana Legislature
and the fact is revealed that nearly
one hulf of Ihem wcro born in Ohio
From Ibis it would appear that tbe
surplus greatness of Ohio is worked
off through a tail race which empties
Into Indiana.
Tue Woni.p. The table below ex
hibits the five grout divisions of the
World, in tho order of their territorial
extent and population :
XV.H.OM 000
IvS SjO.Ailtl
SI.4K0.1 01
1 1 il l S.l
The 8rr.z Canal. This cross-cut
rou I o' from Ibo Mediterranean Sea to
tho Red Sea, was commencod in 1859,
and completed in 1RC9. Its length
from Sea to Sea la just one hundred
miles. Average width, 230 feel; depth,
26 feci, and oust sixty-five million of
dollar in gold. It outs off 5,000 milos
in distanoe between Europe and India
Gov. 0,1'AY, Eh !-The Uarrisburg
coirosondent of the Pittsburg' W
writes tbat it bas been Quay's dream
for many years to be Governor. Ru
tsn wants to be Governor also, and
there are two or three hundred others
?a I still bunt in same direction,
Mrs. Elizabeth Hancock, mother of
Goneral Winfluld S. Hancock, died at
Norrlstown, Pa., on Friday last.
Tbo Si ronton RrpvUleaa says : 1 On
David S. Davis returned to his bomo
on Washburn street, accompanied by
a friend. Biddinir his companion
good night, Mr. Davis attempted to
enter the hnuso, but found the doors
locked, and beard tbe children crying
up stairs, lie burst the door open and
went Into the silting room, but found
it dark and filled with a stifling smoke.
Supposing the bouse on fire bo at once
rushed up stuirs, where lay two of his
children in bed, and carried ihem to a
neighbors across tbo street. In the
meunlimc his companion, attracted by
bis cries, bad returned, and going into
the room where the heavy smoke hung,
wss horrified to discover by tbe light
of the bluzo which brokoout as soon as
fresh air gained admission through the
opon door tho body of Davis' wife
Uurtbu, lying upon tho floor nnd slowly
burning uwuy, while the scarcely
broatbing form of her child, eleven
mouths old, lay on tho sola near her.
Tbe fire wus at once extinguished, and
tbo child taken lo a neighbor's, where
efforts were made to save its life, but
in vain Ibo little one died in a short
limo. Mrs. Davis was quite dead
when fuund, and ber body and limbs
were horribly burned. Near her was
found the kerosene lump shattered to
pioces, evidently by an explosion of
the oil. and that 'uld the ay a
ueuin. It issupposedihut tho deceased
was so enveloped by the flames re
sulting from tho explosion as In be
unable to make any out cry, and so
blinded and stiflrd by tho flsunes and
smoke, fell down upon tbo floor to
meet ber pitiful death, while bor baby
which was burned but little, wus stilled
by the suffocating smoko."
At tho session of tbo Putter Com
milleo on Thursday of last week, it
was doeidod to proceed with the i lives
tigntion of the cipher despatehos.
Leave was granted to Mr. Tilden to bo
represented by attorney before the com
mittce. Theexamiuationof St Martin
was continued. It was J. 11. Maddox,
instead of Mr. Stenger, which St. Martin
accused of tampering with witnesses.
Ho also contradicts a great part of bis
former evidence, as given at the insti
gation ot Maddox and Gibson. He b
evidently another Junks.
Well Officered. Our great Ame
rienn Nary contuins 2,020 officers wbo
command 7,500 men. For this service
tbo officers receive $3 822,000 per an
num while tho men received but 12,-
800,000. In view of this it seems that
it would be an oxecllent idea to throw
off the bund unci slop thut machine at
Annapolis whieb is turning out a ship
load ot officer overy year. It might
bo well lo slow down a little, anyhow:
Trouble All Around. Gov. Hoyt
bus had a great lime making up his
Cabinet. Tbo dead .Mae key is where
tho troublo comes from. A great
many political contracts entered into
by him previous to his death, are be
ing repudiated by some of tho party
blowers and strikers. Tbey nro bold
fellows, and know tbat a dead lion can
be safely kicked, so they sail in and
trouble his Excellency.
Tho L'lica (N. Y.j Herald of Mon
day suys "Boss" Tweed's former coach
man tramped into Ulica one nbbt last
woek. He wulked from New York to
Fort Plain, where a newspaper friend
fed and brushed bun up and paid his
furo to Ulica, where ho has relatives.
Ilis wife and throe children diod re
oently. Tbo 'Boss gave him $500
once for saving his youngest on from
Tho daughter of Wado Hampton,
who will makoherappearance in Wash
ington this winter, is said to be tbo
most beautiful woman in South Caro
lina, lior eyes are largo and of lus
trous black, fringed with long lashes;
bor skin as while as marble ; she baa
ravon tresses and a figure straight and
voluptuous. 11 or ago is 20 years and
she is brilliant in conversation.
Tho prizo oft 100 offered by the
-New Orleans Timet for tbe best poem
written by a Southerner on the sub
ject of tho yellow fever and the churity
it Inspired, bus been awurded by a
committee to Mr. Henry G. Carlcton,
of New Orleans, son of the late Gen.'
Jas. H. Carletnn, of the V. S. Army.
There were about one hundred and
fifty competitors.
Senator Tburman has just promised
lo deliverer the address bcloro the lit
oiury societies of tho University ol
North Carolina al the Commencement
in June. Al the same lime, the corres
pondent of the Raleigh Newt writes,
Bishop Piurco is expected to preach
the annual sermon and ex-Governor
Samuel J. Tilden to deliver the litera
ry address.
The Reason. Tbe Cincinnati En
quirer say South Carolina baa increas
ed the number of her schools four bun.
dred and thirty -nine the past year. No
wonder tho colored voters are joining
the Democratic party by thousands.
Just as soon as the darky is properly
"educated" ho votes iho Democratic
ticket evory timo.
School Sport. A school for tbe
purpose if educating dogs is proposed
in one ol the exlrcmo Western States. If
this new educational movement shall
result in leading some dogs to make
bettor men of ihelr masters, the pro
ject should bo sustained, and dog col
legos should bo erected in every district
of every Stale.
A Tie Fuss. The votors ot Bucks
county last lull saw fit to cast T.C10
voles for Qakos, Democrat, flir Prolhon.
otary, and 7,610 votes for Folwell, Rad
ical. Oukea was In position and "holds
tbe fort," while tbe other fellow Is con
testing tbe case In the Courts, whiob
will wind up about the time the throe
years expire.
Col. W, T. Thompson, of tbe (savan
nah AYaft, author of "Mujor Jones
Courtship," and otbor humorous
sketches of Southern life, is the most
(imminent candidate for Congress, vice
Julian tlartridge, deceased.
aw a
According to Caleb Cuabing's wil),
all his property i to be divided into
two equal parts, ono cf which is to go
to the fjvo children of Jno. N. Cashing
snd Ik other to (h tore ouildreo. of
the late William Cushinir. ' i
CliaUFIALD Pa., Feb. 3d, 1879.
ooine two years ago i cuneu cue ui-
. r.ii...-.'
tontion f the County t'Mniniissiiuiers
to what 1 believed to be an eiT.meous
and unlawful assessment on this Coun-
ty by the Revenuo Coinmis-ioi.eis ol '
the Stute. Alter some dncnslnn lliev
coneluded to ullow mo one hall ol all
I could i-uiii tor the county, with the
condition Ibal I should bo liable fur all
costs and other expenses if tbo case
went against the county.
Aided by able and experienced conn
sel, wbo never agree to work without
pay, I proceeded witb iho case and
guinea it, and oumined jungmctnis in
the Court ol usninin couniy agninsi
iho Slate for 15,261.25, thus making a
net saving to tho county of 13,307.60.
For this legitimuto and successful
action, in tne line of my profession, 1
have been ungenerously criticised by
persons, who, witb tho entire people
ot tho county, are benefitted by my
Judge Pearson, at Harrisburg, be
fore whom the case was heard, in his
opinion in referonco to tbo action of
the Itevoiiiio Commissioners, covers all
the disputed points so clearly that 1
herewith submit tho following extracts
" It wss intended by tbe law thai
tbe burden of taxation should fall on
the person who enjoyed iho benefit.
the man who carried the watch, or
had tbe money out at interest, should
pay the tax, not the person who had
neither tbe one nor ibe other. li
cannot be tbat the number of car-
riuL'ea held in a couniy shall be in
creased at nluasure. altbouidi alter the
number la ascertained, ibe value may
be increased by the Kevenne Hoard
II certainly never wasiuicnded by tbe
iruiners ol tne Act ol ibis, thai the
increased lax should bo paid out ol tbo
Couniy treasury, tor tbat would throw
it on the real cstalo, cattle, horses, lio.,
ulreudy examined, or that the .person
who hud paid the tux on bis watch or
money at interest should be obliged to
pay it a second tune.
-. a t
" There is neither a listing or csti
mating mo value ol tue property in
Ibe case under consideration, or ascer
taining the ownership thereof ; Who
is required by all of our tux laws lo
make puyiiont,but an arbitrary lumped
sum thereon upon a county, without
tbo slightest regurd to tbe property
" We are then called upon by the
provisions of tho eighth section of the
Act lo ascertain and inquire whetbor
the Uevenue Commissioners excoedod
their powers, or tailed 10 do equity in
the premises.or acted without sulllcisnt
evidence. In short, tbey acted with
out any evidence : did not avail ihem
selves of tbe weak and indefinite evi
dence required of thorn, or at least per
mitted or pointed out by tho slulutc.
We aro thervlore of the opinion that
tne appellants have made good their
It bas been asserted by persons wbo
uia not luxe tne trouble to inlonn
themselves, that tbe county eould re
alizo no benefit from these judgments
without additional legislation, which
could not be procured, and tbat the
Auditor General and State Treasurer
could not bo required to give any
credit for thorn ; and that no money
had been returned to the County
Treasury fur tbe judgmonts.
Tbe fallacy of these assertions will
be apparent upon reference being bad
lo Ibe annual reports of iho Attorney
General, Auditor General and the Aol
of Assembly approved Muy24tb, 1878,
the ninth suction of which is as lob
Section 9. " If said court shall find
that said board of Revenue Commia-
uiwuwb iili.aiall, k.aud willl-
out proper and aufiicient information,
increased any sueb county returns, it
shall ascertain tbe amount of said
error, and shall thereupon certify tbe
amount tbuieol lo the Auditor General
and State I reasnrer, who shall there
upon make a credit in the accounts of
said county tor the said amount, to be
applied upon any then exiBlins or fu
lure indebtedness of said county to
, l,.. Pnn, mnn 1.1. I
iuv vuiNiuuHBcaiiu iur tax miun per
sonal pmporty."
It will be observed from tbe rcadine?
01 tne law, mat il wa not content-
plated that the money should be actu
ally transferred to tbe County Treas
ury : but that the couniy should have
creun lor it in It account current wilb
the Hlate.
By a reference to the last annual
report of the Auditor General, pago
101, it will be noticed tbat tbo oroner
credit of 11,264.50, baa been colored
lor the year 1878. The taxes for 1879
are now due, and tho county will get a
like credit for this year. The same
for 1880 will follow in accordance witb
tbe law and tbe dec isions of the conns.
1 1 should be kept in mind thsl the ad
justment mado by the Revenue Board
for the years 1878-79-80, were made at
me time, and that the appeal for
those yeai-a had to be taken into court
within thirty day tboroaftei, which
was done, and tbe court decided tbat
ibe annual sum of 11.264.60 for Ibe
years mentioned should be stricken off
the amount assessed by tho Slate on
tho county for thoss years. Tbe coun
ty would bavebcen barred from any re
lief bad not the appeal been thus tukon.
At the lime id the decision above re
ferred to by Judgo Pearson tboro was
pending In the said Court, an appeal
from the assessment made for the year
1877. Tbe Court ordered tho case to
be re argued, which was dono in De
cember last, and judgment was en
tered in said Court, in favor al the
connty lor tho additional sum of II,.
470 75, which, under the law, must be
applied to any "then existing or future
indebtedness of the county tor tax on
personal property."
These judgments are flnal. and 1 so
statod to the Commissioners before I
received any pay from them; and, at
my own suggestion, 1 irave thorn a
receipt conditioned, that if the county
tailed to got credit in accordance with
the judgment of the Court under ox
isiing laws, I would refund a ratable
proporlionTor such sum as tho county
tailed to get credit for. In regard lo
tho finality of these judgmonts, I quote
i rum ma opinion oi Attorney Ueneral
Lear, which will be found in his last
Annual Report i
f A writ of error would avail noth.
ng, for lh deoisioa would be sustain
ed, oven if there be a right to writ ot
error unoer ine aot, which is more than
Under my contract with the Com
missioners, I am entitled to fifty ner
cent, of the amount received from the
Stale; I bave received about thirty
six poroont At the time Tmade thia
agreement wilb th Commissioners. I
did aot know what amount oould b
recovered Irom the Slate, If anything;
and lh Commissioner (bowed their
deubu about th case in making me
individually liable for all tbe cost,
direct and contingent I then believed
th action of tbe Revenue Board wa
illegal, and if lb matter oould be got
ten before th court, It would be to
decided, alovsral appeal were made
lo the Revenue Board for relief, but
without effect During tba last (ession
of the Legislature tbe Revenue Board.
apprehending tbeir action bad been
illegal, caused a bill to be introduced
giving ibem power to odlast th a.
aessments of th different coon tie. To
tbis bill 1 aided to bavin aa amend
ment attached, giving a right of ap.
peal to tbe cotirt of Common Plea 6J
uaepnm county, i bus wa tb matter
brought beforetbe coo rt with tbe result
a before stated, At tbe tim I node tbe
oontraot witb tbe OomajWal oaer, I
did aot know what amioa other B-
i MR.
ties lonteiiiiilttlcd taking with regard
'to these over assesmenls of the Stato
Iterenue Board: nnr bail 1, at the
jm,u., uy rwrsunal auquaiiiUiioe or,
icohmiunicalifin witu mo lerfsi iretiuu
nitlll W, nixerward assisted me In
UlWC (w,., in ,y deulings with llio
;mini.ioiioni 1 made use of no mis
representation, and during my entire
connection Willi the case, 1 have done
nothing that I regret or that would
u arrunl any reflections iim my per
sonul or professional integrity. 1 la
boredMiliguully to bring the cases lo a
sueees-lul termination. Had 1 failed
and bad the expenses and costs to pay.
1 would no doubt, have had the srdunt
sympathy of the few individuals who
are now misrepresenting me. Instead
of receiving a largo lee Irom the coun
ty, for which I rendered on equivalent,
as has been assorted, I claim that I
have saved the couniy tbo net sum of
(3,369 50, and in addition thereto, 1
have aided in establishing as tho law
for the future, "tbal tbe tax on per
sonal Dronerlv hereulter will bo re-
mIpikLmI In lit., mn.r.,.,.1 rS 1 1, a I a v a l.ln '
property reported by the Commision
ers of the sevoral counties "
These are the leading fuels of the
case, and as tboy are nearly all mat
ters ot record, I bad not intended
noticing tho numerous falsehoods nnd
misrepresentations in circulation in re
gard thereto ; betas the County Aud
ilnrs bave seen fit to notice it in their
official report 1 thought It just to tho
tax-payers of the county thai all tbe
facts should be laid bare to tbe public.
In conclusion, 1 would say that as all
the points raised have been rulod by tho
Courts in favor of the county, I cannot
imagine that any one can desire to re-
Frank Fieliiinu.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 5, 1879.
Kd. Republican Dear Sir: Somo
Frenchman, many years ago, instituted
Ibis maxim :
"Co Monde est pleinde fous," and the
chronicler of" Fort Fhency" jokes, and
general report or of ovenl,charactcrislio
ot that locality, tttiat one-fourth editor
of the Clearfield Citizen, is one of that
number. If 1 bad boon sufficiently in
lerested in bis paper to read it care
fully, and noticed him in his truly
huniblo and beseeching attitude at the
feet of Gen. Patton, 1 would bave
wailed and ifiven bun lime to crawl up
to Senator Wallace with a similar ab
ject aKlory. PoorRixlerl 1 entreat
you, Mr. Editor, to be "easy on him."
Ilis physiognomy teaches plainly what
is tbo mutter. The actual eharactor
of the derangement, however, cannot
be told by a mere glance, whether in
tellectual, (which is not likely), emo
tional, or sensorial, ot con me the old
legal tost that tbe lunatic must be
capable of knowing right from wrong,
must be given up in this aa well as
some other cases. Do not, therefore,
find fuull wilb this poor fellow's spite
ful rejoicings, and the feeble abuse he
heaps on decent people generally. It
is a natural, and perhaps pardonable
ble, impulse of self-defense.
Yours, 4c,
J. It. B.
P. 8. These initials do not belong
to John Kay Bixler, unless our pro
genitors ore mistaken.
'Hold The Fort I "Tho ludicrous
phazea of tbe Administration plan to
Resumption aro now leaping to light.
Mr. Sherman has called on the War
office for aid in putting the sub-Treas
ury on a war looting, and contracts
navo been made to change tbe Treas
ury office in Ibis city into a fortified
place witb armed revolving- turrets
on the roof I As we have so often ex-
plained, tbo financial system of the
nation now resembles an inverted
truncated cone of something like this
Tbrso baadrad aad twoal? allliaaa of boab aoios.
laroa Baosrod aad fortr-ait antlioaa
af lagal laadora. Oaa kuadrod
aad Afij aaiiliova or
The bank notes are redeemable in
legal-lenders, and these airain in coin.
of which coin the Government has not
one-balf tbe outstanding quantity of
me legai-ienacr. in addition to this,
and in order to prevent the people from
gotting accustomed to the sight of con
stitutional money, Mr. Sherman offers
to store withoutchargo all coin brought
w iu i rowaury in escnango ior green
backs. Tbe nation ought not thus to
go into the warehousing business with
out compensation, and tbe risk involv
ed in keeping so much coin on band
oegins to alarm the timid Secretary.
He la now actually asking-to be allow
ed to make military preparations for
defending tbe national board. When
the revolving turrets annear with
their pmtrudinir iruns above the roof
oi tne Assistant Treasurers office a
flag should be flung to the breeze bear
ing tbe legend, in letters of living
liiflit, "Tbe idea of Ohio." Xetc York
A Bargain and Sale. Between
Hayes and Zseh. Chandler noor old
C'hriatiancy has been bull doa d and
bribod out of his seat in the 8enato of
the United State. Zach. Chandler
will return once, more lo ihe Senate
with the newly rovoaled Droofs ot his
corruption clinging to him and thus
onoV the fillip of reform in which the
itepuoiicana ot Michigan indulged a
lew years ago. Taken altogether thia
bargain loi Christiancy's seat in the
Senato is the most disgraceful thai has
been made in this dickering adminis
tration. Poor Christiancy undoubtedly
preferred the honors and dignity of a
Senator to ibis second mission to Peru,
but Chandler bad an irrepressible
longing for bis place. Chandler is
rich aud Cbristiancy comparatively
poor. The question is. "What hnot
did Cbsndler give in the disrepntable
bargain for the Michigan United Slate
aonaiorsnip r it cannot be supposed
that Christiancy would exohange bia
Humn ior a son oi respectablo ban
ismnooc to ins sou til 1'aclflo coast
without an equivalent If it was not
an equivalent lu bard oaab, what wa
the consideration which could hav in.
duood him to surrender tbe honorable
postot representative ol a great State
lor this potty gift of a fraudulent
f resident 7
1 bat Noted Roqve We see II stat
ed that Senator John J. Patterson, of
south Carolina, announces bis Inten
tion to make a speeoh in the Sonate on
the Buller-Corbin contested case when
it comes up, in which be will handle
the Hayes administration "without fear
or remorse."
Tbe steamship City of Para, which
arrived in New York Wedaosday Irom
Kio Janoiro, brought among ber pas
sengors Thomas D. Conyngham, the
lugl.iv Wilkosbarre forjor, wbo waa
captured In Brazil.
Wright and Johns, two of the con-
vleted Brevard couniy, Fla , canvassing
board, made their escape on tb night
of tba 27th all., from tb onunty jail at
Jacksonville, where they wer tempo
rarily confined.
. ' ' - IT". .
a susTAK. v niteiaw Hold aars
h never intended to. marry Anna
Dickinson, and Annasayaah wouldn't
hav him with th TribtuH thrown In,
and n that, tb Fee Pre thinks,
ought to settle It,
Ki Senator Pirpleriiy it fcr la tb
rear in tho Senatorial race in Sanaa.
Tbal 17,000 brib to State Senator
York did lb buwaes Lbs tb old alu.
Tbo French Nation lias literally un-
derwtiil a Revolution during the paM
lortnignt. 1 no fmrtut rumuikii
The rosiifiiulion of MacMuhon a
President ol the; French' Republic is
only nwlhcr evidence ol tbo unU.uess
of army-trained men for positions
which require statesmanship, and
unolber instance of Ibe unreasoning ul-
taebmeiit, ut no niuller what eosl, such
men invarittbly exhibit tor their pro
fession. No lonir as the interests of the
army and the Slate are identical the
averago army omeer is patriotic
enough, but soson as they conflict tbis
prolcsnlon receive . bis unciivmcu sup
port, ' I n tbe vase, of tbo roorgutiiza
lion of tbe Fieueh army il wus iilsin
thut the removul ot tbe suspected olU
cers was absolutely necessary lor the
preservation of ihe Republic. Men of
reactionary tondenuius in control of
tho French army bave been proved to
bo tbe moat dancorous enemies to ber
sulcty the Republic could harbor in her
bosom, and tbo sooner she is Ireed
from ihem tho sooner the danger of
another coup d'etat will be removed.
The late President MacMahon knows
tbis ns well us any man in Franco, and
yet in order lo stand by bis ohl uriny
friends he refused lo act for tho good
of the Stale he assisted to found. Tho
French Republic can do without II ae
Mabon and without the army bo loves
too, for that mutter. History bus I urn
ished lo many instances ot how the
army, a country, has taxed itself to
snpHrt, has barred the progress ot lib
erty within its borders. In M. Grovy
the French people have a Presideni
wbo is a statesman, whose career has
noun consistent with ins opinions, ana
whose opinions aro those of the mass of
people. Through all the exciting days
ot 1830 and 1848, M. Grevy 'sarin was
raised for the people and his opinions,
so that while tbe late President a as in
Belgium fighting with tho army, the
present bead ol the Republic was in
Paris fighting for the establishment of
the ail valued ideas over whose result
bo now filly presides. But the new
President is no extremist. Although
be first earned fume as an advocuto in
the defense of persons persecuted tor
their political opinions, he himself has
always been moderate in Ins advocacy
of those opinions. Ho has had abund
ant political experience nnd his ability
as a statesman is undoubted.
France has reason to congratulate
hersolt upon tho possession ot a f resi
dent, who, on the road the now Repub
lic designs to travel, walks far ahead
of bis predecessor.
The Lloyd Bankruptcy. Tbe Cam
bria Herald says the voluntary as
signees of William M. Lloyd & Co.
have turnod over to tho bankrupt as
signees the papers, books, till deeds,
etc., in pursuance ol tbe decrco previ
ously reported. When Mr. Lloyd
made the voluntary assignment in 1875,
Mrs. Lloyd joined in the deed and ac
knowledged it separate and apart from
ber husband for the purpose ot barring
her dower. This deed was made lo
tho voluntary assignee and recorded.
In the decree ordering the voluntary
assignees lo convey to tbe bankruptcy
assignees, tbey were to convey the
whole estate so full and entire as they
had received it Tbis they did, and
the doed from them to the bankruptcy
assignees was put on record on tbe
16th lilt Tbis vested tbo cstato in the
bankruptcy assigncos as full and en
tiro as the voluntary assignees held it.
When sale ol the real estate is made,
it will pose to the purchasers clear and
discharge of dower, oven il Mrs. Uoyd
should survive her husband
In a Hurry. Justice Hunt, ol the
United Suites Supreme Court, recently
stricken by paralysis, is considered
out of all ini mediate danger, but il is
not oeiieveu no can ever be well enough
to resume bia scat on lbs bench. It is
staled that Senator Matthews, of Ohio
and Kdmundr, of Vermont, are both
anxious to step into Hunt's shoos, and
that Mr. Hayes will likely nominate
sir. aiaunew to nil tne vacancy in
case Judge Hunt is retired. It
further stated that the proposed nom
ination oi aiattnews is severely criti
viaeu, ana nownere more so than on
tbe floor of tho Senate, and that il the
nomination is made, it will undoubtedly
no rejocioa. .mage iisnt being Irom
new iorx, mat Mate claims the ap
pointment. Nobby Indeed. The Philadelphia
Timet says : Tbe elder Cameron va
cated Ibe rtenutorsbip snd transferred
nis omce to ins son ; Kccorder Ouay
vacated tbe Recorder's oflk-e for tbe
Secretary of Stale and transmitted his
ottlco to Deputy Recorder Lane, and
uovornor; ilartrantl field tbe single
Major General's commission ot the
Stale open for nearly a year and now
lakea tbe place himself from his suc
cessor. All this is vorv well for tlwwa
who happen to be in tho circle that
vaeetos and snpplies offices at pleasure,
but it wouldn't bo urnriaimr if the
outside multitude should weary of it
in the course of forty or fifty years,
more or leas. - -
A Practical GovERNoR. -Tho Pitts
burgh Post says: Governor Murks of
Tennessee, in his message, did not talk
so much about getting down to hard
pan as Governor Hoyt ; but one of the
first acts of his administration was to
sign a bill reducing his own salary
Irom 14,000 lo 13,000 per ei.num. We
pay our governor I1U.UUU a year, with
a mansion furnished luxuriantly, and a
hig incidental fund, tbat he muy dis
course on the beauties of low wages
and small profits. If be waa bothered
about his market money, you aee be
cu-jiu not turn out aucb, glowing
Worth Tryino. Says the Union.
Leader : Cortain Philadelphia Renuh.
lican of tbe colored persuasion oom-
filain that in the organization ol tbe
egislature thoir people were allotted
no offices, while several positions wore
parceled out to Greenbackera like Gib
beney and Siney. They say that if to
vote against the party ia a good way
to get offices from the Republicans,
they believe Ihey will try the game
luemscives next lull.
A physician in a country town, who
nau ooen annoyed By numerous ques
tions concerning the condition of a pa
tient, was slopped, while on his busy
rounds, by a man with the old ancs-
tion : "How's M. T" "III," replitd tbe
pnyaiuian. -uoe a Rocp bia bed r
"Ol course, be doe. You don't sup-
! r- i ... .
tnmo un a iiwti eiiQiigu io sen ins bod,
lecauae he'a 111, do you V
Brave Female. The Boston Fust
aay: "Cheyenne squaws would make
good farmers' wives. They are not
afraid of tramps, and are aa baidy
with a Springfield rifle a they are with
a frying pan.
A tornado strucdi the town of Look
port, 'Veins, last Sunday evening, de
molishing 40 houses, Including churc h
, tho Court House and Maxinio hall.
A child waa killed and several person
btdly hurt.
Gen. G. W. C. Lee, the eldest son ol
th late R. F. Lee, wbo has jnst estab
lished his right in the Arlington estate,
is a tall and bandaonv man, apparent
Ij bott 35 year old.
Gen. Sherman write to Sen. Rhnri.
dsn '.'that lha controversy, as each."
between him and Schurs, "should ud."
Than wa more in th leUer, bat that
wa n gist ot -
They ar Rover aioee that are aoeoaa.
panted with nobl thoaghla. -
A curious story is now afloat in
Pittsburgh to tbu iflecl tl,t ho
of the Into distiniriiishril tw,l,ii..i...
ex mine treasurer, nuuart w.ilu.K(,v
is to be contested by a woman .,.,
nig t-i be bis widow. Mr. Muekey it,
wus believed, died a bachelor; hut lin,
woman who now tomes forward ig
contest bis will claims that rho ,
married lo bim uboul twenty yntt
ago, Sho has two children, ul(l
asoii ol nineteen yeurs, and thoyounuur
a daughter, li is alutud by ih
loineys wbo bave been retained in I0
case, thai the woman has the docu
monls to prove,' without the shadow ol
a doubt, that she is Ibe lawlul widuw
of Mr. Mac key, and that her cUin t,,r
a dower is as strong us law and cvj.
denco can make It This devulupinull,
ia a great surprise lo tho friends of tba
wily politician, who always on iijxmtd
that ho was unmarried, and died leav.
ing them in that belief. It will be re.
lucmhorod that bu left a will at tbs
limo ol hi death providing that his
property and money should be divided
equally uniting his three sisters snd
ono brother. And us tboy were ig.
uol'Aiiluf thu exubuliee uf a wifi, it.y
lire naturally greatly bu at tho
turn eMails have tukon. No definite
information has been obtained yet
uboul tbu value of Mr. Mackey's prop,
erlv, thoai-h it is believed that it is
between $150,000 aud 1200,000. If
tho contestants succeed in establishing
the validity of their claim, they may
obtain all this wealth, the children
two-thirds and the widow one third.
Mr Maekuy, during his Iile, had beeii
very successful as a business man, and
ni-qnirwd w bundoosrta fortwuw, but a,,.
foriuiiulely a tew years ago, by the
fuilure ot n broker in Philadelphia, hs
lost lurgo sums of money. Had' hs
not met with this reverse, it is believed
thut be hi oi hi have died worih at least
bull a million. While bis marriage
was not known, tbe claimant to bis
priipoity states tbat ho frequently
culled to sec ber while sho lived in Pitts
burgh, nnd that sho ulso lived in
Philadelphia lor a timo. At present
she is residing in Pittsburgh. This is
certainly a romantic ending to the Iile
of the glial politician of Pennsylva
nia, v, bo not only ruled State Conven
tions and Legislatures, but dictated
the policy of the Republican party,
nnd nuined its principal candidates.
So great was bis recognized powerand
political sagacity that ho was not only
consulted in ail sc heme of the poli
ticians ; and so greal was the confi
dence ihey reposed in him that bis
wishes aud suggestions were always
deferred to. Xuvcr in tho history of
Pennsylvania ,as (bore lived a man
who wielded tbo political power that
Mr. Jluckey did in bis palmy days, or
who could more successfully direct
and control the destinies of a great
party. In polities his word was law.
llo could arrange pluns and calculate
results with unerring certainly, and it
was this wonderful faculty that placed
bim bead and shoulders above all his
contemporaries, and caused him to b
accepted as the master spirit among
politicians. His death is universally
regretted, and now, before the days of
mourning have passed, this stranee
story of a wile unknown to his triends
and the world, comes up to plague his
relutives, wbo were led lo believe by
bis lust will and lostamcnl that tbey
were the legal betrs to his largo
ealute. ll'iVinsirort Bulletin.
A C'iiiloofthe Masses. The Dem
ocrats ol Florida have elected Wilkin
son Call, United States Senslor for six
years. His election was unexpected to
every body but himself. A cotompor
ary in alluding to bim says : "The
dream of his life and the goal of his
ambition bus been a seat in tbo United
States Senato, but the gods havo been
anliioo kino amtil mw. Ona vl ilia
striking features of tho canvass was
that nearly all tho leading men of tho
party, if not opposed to bis election,
were not his advocates. He is, there,
fore, the child of tbe masses the
choice of the country member win
ning sucoess by indomitable persever
ance and tbe strong hold bu had gain
ed on their regard in the numberless
political camjiaigns in whieb he bad
been engaged. He was admitted to
the bar before be wa twenty one years
old, by act of Legislature. The new
Senator excels before a jury and on
tho hustings by hisaxuberunt rbeiorio
and wide rangoof thought rather than
by close reasoning and exact logic
Tho shorthand reporters will find him
a hard man to report in the Sonate IT
ho gets warmed up and leu loose hla
fancy. Uo is about filly years old and
bos a young and beautiful wife, never
having been married until within a
few years."
Mankind worship success, but think
loo little of means by which it ia al.
grit gidMftisfmfttts.
I 8iOainihor,'i eraoorr Star., -aosv, ,trrt,
Clo.rfii.1.1, lia. ,f
Notioa lo aoraor rlroa ik.t I . in
nioiatratioa oa ibo oatoio of JOHN HBBER
1.1 KU, lata of B od,lo.o.hip,Cl..r.ld ooa.t..
Pa., .,s, hlo, boan di, ,nalrt u ,K
oodaraiaaaa, all ,j,oUa w Ul4
will pl-jo .. I.m.di.1. a.,B.(, , ,.
oonna; claims or daaiaada anaiail IK. aamo will
praaanlUiooi Broparlj aalhaaliaaasl lor sotUa.
I'Blwiiaaul dolor.
GKOiiUR 0. KtRR,
Ij-.w a, i AdmioUlrotor.
Lalhfribar, Pa.Jaa. , ll;t t.
NT ciE!!"i!! " ,,mb'
Aa.oo.hlr or th. ,.,. ,f p.B,1,l.i lk.
lotb of April, I--J o.,.,d Ao A el to
aa Aot la lor aat aod saata a Rial, rnad la Cloara
loira aa Ibo Uada taaroi. .B.r..,di Ik.
sa.a a. a. u, a..aa,M o.lMO..a
aa Jiabarmaa' ol ak.ol l..n oa Ik. aroporl ,
wiu,,. p,. di.irk, ... ia. .r.p ..,,;, ,;t
llaalaa , p,h. lo.a.hio,. rB, wrfo, ,h.
ITX witi "lit aiTwir
".": Cam.
i ' tk.n, l.e.,.ttoa, . .
t!wwir;tew -
.TI'.r""trTalrol rtoil
' nnaa, too rroroao PwU.
17. t.,r hllod or MaodlaV
Mil favor, Aswoa, . SS
fr ttHUffl.VfP tlaoda. iwrliuJI ;
af t.ll "aou'ir, rsyaaral Waaaaaaa, .
S? ""I"' anS atonlY Strrrtlooa, . . . .
M. Nsai.ailrhwswa. olckw hTJail.' '
FAMtlt eiasa.
fciT:J!.0T1:f 2 ,," larva vtala
annal of dlmuoaa, .,
Caao Morocco. oC SI lrau., Sook, as
iJT&'ZV ',P'"'HSrro fax,
w Lfa ! aw, H iVll,.. Si. . tor,
ar-a."' M'"5V" "r-swUSa.
MumphrtaV Bri.oa. klaaaual aa Uao
ara sn.l trafitncnt of doaoaaa ' ia aaaa.
as r REC a. apratoLSr""
tor aalo ar 0. D. WATSON, MairaaUL fa,
V7. KlSnrvniaraoe. Otaral, . . ' Z
a. Jrrrn,,. nrbllllr, VUaf WoaVaaaa. I a
. fare Mania, tlii, , . . .
XT J,ltlrr. airoValrsl aaro ihroatT? '. aa
a. tatreaiBtaseaiiuiiaaadZmsdeasI S