Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 22, 1879, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription,
If oeld l edvanee.or "''"I" OBtha...ll 44
if olid efwr "" b,," " wioBiha... M
after leeiplr.lloaf ill Boahte... I 14
jjgrMeesra. B. Ptbmill A Co., Hew,
,, Advertiilag Ageote, M Park Row, eoner
Bm " '' tk'ii Ageala
I, K. Yor CUT.
itci.inoim n otic eh.
Mrlhodlil F.ple.opal Church Rev. J. i.
JC,0 A.M,fTP.I.
g,bbatb bool nt A. M.
fnyur Meeting every Thuraday, at H P. U.
Comoonioa Service, firet Sabbath of every
ootb, at 10. A. M.
y,et Clearfield M. E. Chnrrb Rr.
or fcoTT Witaow, Pailor. Preaching every
alterant Bundey, at I 'look, P. M. Sunday
hool at J., P. M. All ara inviied to attend.
preab)terlaH ChurchRev. II. B.BtJTLin.
gftbbatfa tervieei morning and evening fiab
iiih School at t P. M. Prayer Matting Wednea
rjtr evening.
BaptUt thurch Rav. J. A. Aldemd, Pat
tar Service! every Sab-rath morning and evening,
alternating, at 10, o'clock A. Id., and 7 P. M.
S.i,batb School all P.M. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday evening.
St Fracla Church-Catholic-.-Rot. P.
J 8ntiD4. PreeebingntlOio'olook, A.M., on
the lint, third and fourth Sundaytof eeeh month)
Vespers and Benediction ol tba ifltaiad Sacrament
i T o'clock, P. M. Sunday School every Bun day
afternoon at I o'clock.
peeood Moaday tr January.
Third Monday of March.
Fint Monday ef June.
Fourth Monday af September.
Firit Monday of June.
8ood Monday of November.
rrai ic omcna.
Pr.J-l Wye Hon. Cbarlen A. Meyer,
L. II. nan
Auoti'tt JmdM Abram Ogdtn,
tlaarflald (
Vlneant B. Holt. Clearfield.
PntkiMlmrj-Zll Bloom.
Rtqitfr neiVseordee L. J. Mor(an.
HiMtritt Atror..y-Wm. M. McCallough.
7VaartP-PblHp Dolt.
Shrif Andrew PaaU, Jr.
Dfvuft Sktriff Christ. J. Keaggy, Clearfield.
arty-r-8aMtl F. McCloshey, Cur-
"vllmll 'Cow.Woore-C. W. Kyler, Oraham
1ob V K'n J"htiton, Oramptan 1'iHi P. O.j
JohaNorrii, Sr.. Carw-Diilla
Comnt iladtfora-Willlam V. Wright, Clear
flrld ! j'ttpb Oillilaad, Thrat RonaT J. B. Nor-
n? r J- B. Naff, Ntw Wuhington.
J,r, Commitiontn-Ur. Jamaa P. Burebfield,
Claarltad. Joaaph A'aiandar, Madara.
XNBn'(aadat a 'aWia oooia M. h. Mt
Oooitn, Cloardeld 't'sf-fr tfaaraa Jewa W.Carlila,
allica at Lulber-burg Ha.
A'amnaa a..e-Joba W. Wrlgley, Wb. El
debaurh, Cyrui tlordun, Clearfield ; JnMpB
Irwin, N- E. Arnold, Curwen-Tllla J. A. Living
stone, PuBoUCity.
Our Sjtiat eolomn tf decidedly intarattiag In
a local point of w, and profiubla reading to
outiiden who want to aara money. ,
Vl, Ol' ( OL RHE1
Will )ou Uk whtat, oali or 00 rn for tub
icripiioa t" Wa are often Inquired of In thii way
WtUr from patron, who reeiJa at a diitanoa
hum Clearfield. Wa agiln lay yet. Tbt rtcalpti
of a rttpoKilMt utrcbant or mill ownfr In lha
ficinity, will aniwr hi ju?t aa w.l! a tha oaah.
To illl-itrate : If any of our putrona will dalifar
41 a bag of graia at tha mill or Joiapb II. Brtth,
In Chcit tuwnbip, Horaoa Ptohlo, In Barnildt,
Tbomai II.-Furrty, In Orthtio, Wm. Portor or
SUaw'i, in Lawrenoe, or Brown A Seyler, at
Hocklon, Union town. hip, and forward their
receipt! for the amount, wt will eredit them on
tbtir account fur the aama. In tbii way all may
woo pay what they ow, If tbty will puraue thii
Twovle plump Inches or snow foil in
thii region during Wedneaday of laat week.
The conduct ol aomo ol the boy ftt
iLe Timperanrt nn ell tig on Monday trtning wai
aDj thing but eommendabla. Shaot 1
.- - " 1
Mr. Iliram WiIkod, an employ in
thii office ten year ago, baa been elected Clerk ta
tba Board or Jtffvnon County ComulwloHn.
Mphnrt. Bender Beck have dissolved
partnenbip In tba publioation of Ibt Philipaburg
J9nat, M r. Bf ck retiring on account of HI health.
11 o a
Wilh several protracted meetings
ad ativil Court in progr'tt l weaa, mo mor
all of oar town ought certainly to receive a beattby
Tbo sluigliiiig is still excellent whore
the rood! art broken. Mora mow bai already
fallen bare ifaia Winter than any previoui tna
laea lft6ft-7.
Jutle Mayer is pnwiding over the
deliberation! of lao eeaond week of oar January
Court. Tba attendanoa it meagrt, notwltbitand
the elegant alelgblng and ftoa Winter ntather.
Wasted. A correnpondent at Bower
wtnt la iba tront'la of lending at lota ol iniorae-
tioo, lot ha failed ta tend bn name along. Baob
laKor li all la fain. The namt of tba writer mait
Alwjyi accompany the eovjatnnitailon.
The Mail train" on"tle T. & C. R. U,
did not arrive at thia place kit 1'barrday, from
Tyrona, antil S o'clock two boon and forty min
ntci lata. Tha detention wai on tba main line,
na doubt, tawed by the heavy fall of mow during
tha night pre riot.
Sad. A contemporary states that
Rev. t. W. Ctnrad. I 1.. n prominent minlatar
of tba Lutberaa ohmeb, and far many yeara adi
tor of tbt fr Oaaarwr, ll la Klrkbrlde't
Aiylnm, near Philadelphia, fcopeleiaiy Inaana-
Tbia will be iad nawa to ibt many frienda of tha
Ex Concrewtman Jenks, or Brook
villa ; ex Seoaler Peala, of Loch Uaven ; Oeoera
Wm. U. Blair, of BtUefoale, and United Biatea
Senator Wallace are tn town tbla week attending
Court. With tha exception of (Jen. Blair, tbeeo
gentlemen ere all employed aa eoaaael in eaiet
to coma up tbla week.
hint of letters remaining unclaimed
In the PoiteffioeatCloarfleld, for the weak ending
January IP. 1870 :
John Cleveland, J. 1. llamaker, David Iloder
an, Btepben Uerdman, Stewart llertman, 8ra
Kti MaLaughlin, Cbarlea McFadden, John
Shark, Mite Bella Sootbeia, William R. Wil...n,
Min Clara Waltera-(l). P. A. Oaulu, P. M
Mr. J. P. ltowbotbam, of Thiladel
chin, who rpent aeveral weeka Is Clearfield
roaaoUy, Inatrueting tht Orpbeut Cornet Band,
returned on Monday laat to rem ma bit engage
ment. Tbe membera of iba bad met him at the
Ira ia and eeeorted bim to tbelr band room, play
aome of their boat mneioea tbe way. Mr. R bai
raaaon ta be proud of tbla fiae muical org an I ta
IUrdiqHuouprd. The Wilhamsport
aVeaMf aay Ibet Peter Uerdie waa arret tea a lew
dayi age oa a warrant awirn out by Reyooldi A
Co., af BeHefoata, oo a charge of fraud, lie gate
1,106 Well, Mr, 4ey W. May nerd becoming hit
Miety, Fearful of lurtnet prooeedlaga, Peter
packed hit aarpet bg and went to the aiergladea
el Fiettce. A great many people will aa4ily
wauh for Pate, among tbcm Ike oSetela Of la-
tMalor ooaaty, wbo art very eaxiene to Interview
A fuiNflK-Thai Uulltflunte IinuUi
aoa kaa aeimd tbo abaeaeo tf Mr. Joaat viaget,
the veteran Kagiaoor af the Bald Ragle Valley
Mkilrvad. I pea wqairy U wat Informed tkat
Mr. Biagvi oai eotopelled te abaadon hit rna on
thti road becausoof ill baltb,and h he accepted
a pviitioa en the Mrrlsdale bmnth. The work
work waa too fatiguing, which la not tbe taee
Uk aii tw poaittoa. Mr. Diagea ran Ike Orel
passenger train ovtr tbe Bald Ragle Valley Rail
lead, and baa beeolnllaaervieoonillreeenily. At
A leeemettve engineer be baa few, If any, auperlera.
Appointed. The Uarrisburg Patriot,
ef Tueclay, Jtnuary Slat, eonUins the leliewiag i
Tbe Uotrreor, A editor Ueaeral aad State Treat
arer yviterdty appeioted Osa. W. R, Hariibora,
af Juaiata ewoiy, So peri nlen deal of Pablie
Ureuudr, 10 enoeeed W. II. Pattertea. The '
ititt wM r tba decided opinion I hat a elilteti af
Baepkin eaaaiy ought la bo appelated to tbla
aei.tioe 1 bat the theice baa fallea el sew hare.
Utaeral llartabera, bewovev, at a good pamoarat
aad will, na doubt, maae a good eSter. Ho
terved with diaitaatioa at Maiet ad tbe Porty
teead Reglmeau P. V. (aktail), aad waa a
DemtoraUe akoeabor af lha Uwav Meow of tho
Ugtalatara tram Clear laid eamaty la b7M.
4.111 ?r rM wvu. rrLT4vt& onnriL
Tbt aom I .Annual matt Log of tbo CaatraJ Pran
aylranla DeaUt Boelaty mat la tko lodge room of
L 0. 0. P., In Huntingdon, January 11 and 16.
Tbo Praaideot, Dr. W. B. Miller, af Altoooa, on
taktog tbt abalr delivered n vary lutortiUng ad
drtaa 00 the proirrou tba Boeiety bad made aioao
Ita trgaoiaallon, the good will and fellowabip of
tba dentiatt In Central Pauaaylvnala, and tba
futnra proipeoU of tbo Botlaty la helping to a
higher itandpoiat or koowledgo and aklll all
tboaa wbo ara took log to liaa and baaama pro
neiaat in Iba pmetlet of tba profmlon tbay bava
ahoaen. After tbo tranaaotlon of tba baalataa of
tbt Society and tba anamination of Dr. Ueiah
bold, of Clearfield, and Dr. Oaalager, of Bella-
fonia, and tbo election to mambarahlp In tba
Society, tht atatad object! Ware takes up In
order and very fully dieouitoi.
1. It tha new departure a altp forward In tbo
practice ordcntlitryr
I. Doea seohanioal dentlitry receive the attea
tion It ihould from tba oduoated portieo of tba
S. Ia replanting end traniplantingof taath aom
pailWy with tha prlntiplaa of pbyilolngy t
4. Doa Dr. Farrar'a acre power or poiittva
mat bod poiaoaa arty advantage orar proeeaact
torwerly mad. Karb or tba abova were taken up
and thoroughly d lieu tied.
Tbt fourth waa contlooed fr the parpaaa of
becoming hotter acquainted with tba method ai
aome of tba aoelety are trying It and wiah to re
port reaulta to thalr own baoda.
From the qutation box were taken the follow-
log : What li tbo mott effectual method of re
moving tartnr from teeth'" During tha diaoua
alon of thii qutation tba horri bit practice of aome
deotlata, and even tnembtra of the Society, In
naing acid for that purpura waa developed. It
waa medical that It waa tba miad of nearly all
that tba man who eould be guilty of tneb practice
waa either Ignorant of the lawa of dental phyal-
olagy and pathology, or ha oared more for money
than the good of hie patlente and tha perm tntnt
tavtog of totlr teeth.
All thtqueitlont dlaouated alioitad aonaiitra-
ble Information, With tbt above waa diecuaaed :
What la tha beat method of treating teeth
whote maititating aurfaoea have beoome abraded
of enamel nod are aeailtlve to tba touob, or to
eating t
2. What la tht belt material for aeparatlng
tctth for fltllng, by preaaure and tba incana of
application t
t. What amalgam glvta tht beat ram Ita aa a
fllllng for teeth?
4. What ta InflauiatioaF
I. When the half of n crown 01' a central tu
ition It broken off horltontally, what It the nwat
practical treatment, the aubject being thirteen
y cart old.
Tha totercbangw of viewt upon theat mbjeofa
la very benaflrial to the dtntlat ahoii itrivlng ta
faithfully dUchargt bli duty.
Tha clloio of Dr. Robb with eofl foil waa per
formed on Thursday morning. Dr. llamtlton't
with cohealve full waa portpootd until tba next
meeting of the Society on account of praaent
phy ileal d liability.
Dra. J. 0. M. Uamiltoo and J. L. R. Uelchbold
were elected delegaiai to the State Dental Society
which meeta at tba Delaware Water (lap in July.
Tba moating then adjourned. All were de
lighted with tbtlr trip to Huntingdon.
J. C. M. Uahii.tos, Secret r(.
Tyrone, Jan. 16, 1870.
"The Lost Sukkp." Social rude-
nan la viewed by refined and educated tuludi na
a crime, and aa wt claim in part that we hare
bacn one of the educational mtora of lb it viein
aire. thuxb not in the bigb-tuntd capacity 01
Sunday School Superintendent or teacher, but
fwl mortified to learn of tbt bad Sunday
School mannere wbleb aeem to prevail emongat
Wo are led to make theat rem ark 1 by
noticing tha following, which appeared In the laat
iluo of tha (Areeeurrtt A'cw York Citiu. Tba
editor doea not name the fennel he viiited, but be
eorea thin r
We wandered into Sabbath School la it Sun-
dav. and felt like one of tbt loit iharp of Israel
After enduring r-r aimoat two buun, tba bat
tery 01 a hundred urigbl eyea wtioae ttr ownen
evident It trot fined we were an intruder, we con
cluded that eur modeatv would allow ua to retire
very well aatlafied with tbe proceeding.
Wo advlae our Snnday School '"'uperintendenta
and teacbera to iaatraot their pupilt to keep tbelr
eyea on their Itiiont, and not to at re and look
out or countenance the lot when It euttn
tbo room. We hope modti atmngert will not bt
rwdelj trtd herMftar, who eboj en-
Sunday School room. Soholare, be elroum'peet
when lhaafortaaid fourth editor ta about.
ThbTkmperanciMektino. A moet-
ing of tba Clearfield Temperance Union waa held
10 tbe Court Home laat Monday evening, Tbe
Union elected tbe following ofioeit to terve tbe
enaulng ill montba :
President Frank 0. Harria.
Vice Piealdeat Wm. V. Wright, A. C. Tate.
Secretary Albert M. Row.
Treasurer Harry Millt.
Executive Committee Harry Powell, Chair'n;
Frtd'k O'L. Baeb, Cyrua Ocrdoa, Henry Shopa,
William A. Barr.
Pratldent Uarrit, upon taking the Cbalr, In-
dulged la n few appropriate rem ark a. He waa
followed by abort add rente by Rev. U. S. Butler
and Mr. W. A. Hagerty. A eo I lection, amounting
to M J9, waa taken up to defray expentae,
Tbe muale for the even log wm furniihed by
tht Orpbeut Cornet Band, the membera of which
were tendered S vote of tbanba by the Union,
Tbt Union adeemed to meet at tbt ea'l of tht
Clbarf-ikld Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freight! tent ovtr the
Tyrone A Clearfeld Divlalon, Peonaylvanta Rail
oad, for tba week ending January II, 1879, and
the aame time laat year r
For tha week
Same time laat year
Previoui ty during year
lame time laat year
Total In 187
Same time laat ybarH
ornan rnaionTS.
Miacellaneoua freigbti
.. M can,
The Clearfield Gus Company offers,
at par, Coupon Bunda In danominattona of M60
and fiOO each, bearing iaitreat at tht rata ol ail
per centum per annum, payable temi-auaually a
tho Firit National Bank. Tbe Company baa
iiautd bonda to tht amount of $1 0,060, and $6,600
of tbla waa taken bat a fow dayi ago by one of
the Clearfield banhi, leaving $4,006 to be diepoted
of. Capltaliiti wbo are aeeklng a aafa Inveat-
ment for tbelr money, would consult their Inter
eat by inveiting in these boodt. They ten be
purchased at either of the Clearfield banks. Any
information respecting tho Qua Company, will bo
cheerfully given by A. F. Boynten, President, or
W. W. Betti, Secretary. JalO tf.
Officers Elected. The stockhold
era of tbe Citiaeni' Cornet Band, of Clearfield,
met at the oSco of B 'quire II awe, Jaauary 14th,
1079, for tba pnrpoee of elect lag ofioera to terve
tbt toning tlx months. Tht meeting wai or-
gaaiaed by tleeting L. J. Morgan Preeidaot, and
W. W. Belts aeerotajv. W. D. Big let acted ai
teller. The election retailed bj foltawi: Henry
Bridge, Treasurer 1 J. P. B u re b field, Secretary
Cyrui Uordon, W. D. Bigltr, nV A. Loavy, Jaa.
Kerr and H. F. Walloeo, Pireetora. On mettoa
tha meeting adjourned to meet at Iba call of the
Preeideat of tbe Board.
A Sad Accident. The Altoona Trib
mnt sat 1 Mr. Cyras Idaiee, a farmer reeldlni
la Cat brine Ivwasbip, wat anltlng atcve wood la
freatof hla bene oa laat Thar a J ay. Tbo ate aa
eldratly atraekawlre tloibea.tiee, oanalag lao
aharp edge of tht leiirameut to strike klmoa the
left side or Ibe face, tailing eatlrely through tho
ebeeh-bone, mahiag a gaab tho entire breadth ef
tbt axe. He It aiK living, and but littlt hopot
are eutetiBlaed by bit fraaada of bit gelt log ell
1 m a e
RiMaVAL. We notice' that our
mainal Irienda, Berliaer A Stream, J e waters, have
removed to 481 Broadway, New Turk. Tbla It
between I) read tad Broome streets. Those tf our
ll I seas who may happen to turn np tn that a ty,
ahonld rail g-pon them,
Remember that Lytic 11 County
Agent for Lorrltlard'a Tobocoo, aad eaa aall them
ai factory prtoce. They are the heat tobaetet In
market. Try them.
Great Baroainb. Over-ooaU will
be told at coat. AU other fooda at the very tow-
net prlcet will he told la e der to redaee ttoch,
at tbo Palladelpbta Brauah Ctethiag Store. If,
License Bonds and Petitions, of the
form opproood by tbe J edges of aonrtt ta oomply
with the requirements ef thf sew L'easitaiioe
fer ltl tloieo. if
Wa hr. now oa band MTersl ibout-
aaA ral lwa aarrioMa, wklek w. will prat lar,
kaadaaw M,'aa)aewy alaa, at ,-tae, tkat au -
Hi fitalktw, tU Mf ia m. If.
Uaari eoureaoa wd JJpanje4ti!i
Judget Orris, Ogdea and Holt on the beach. Dr.
J. W. Potter, of Covlngtoa township, waa ap
pointed Foreman of the Grand Jury, and William
Ogden, Q. W. Barger and Harry Uampblll ware
appointed Tipitavaa,
Coutiooawealtb vt. Cornell ui Crowtll. Na. 1
Jaauary Term, 1879. Ftloalua Arson. Triad,
nod verdict of guilty rendered. Motion made, en
babalf of Defendant, for a new trial. Motion
overruled and new trial refuted. Defendant sen
tenced to three yeara and two months I in prison -
ent nl labor la tbo Western Penitentiary.
Tha following lieentot ware granted, to wit 1
John Coleman H Houlidale.
Oeorce II Wooden 11
Jeoub R. Lao tt - "
B. Bono
W. A. Mcllonegal '
Joshua Eumeraon , DuBoia.
A. M. Slack H.Uredr twp
Wm. Smith H Woodward two.
Foster Davis Burmida bor.
Tbe other applications wrre either continued or
Petitions of cltixeni of Woodward and Oullcb
townihlpi for a road, leading from S. T. Hender
son 'a planing mill, In Woodward twp , to Bamey't
in Uuliob twp. Don Bt. Ucorge Frailer, Frank
Bolger and (leorgv H. Wooden were appointed
Petition for tleaert of public road from Levi
Dreatltr, in Union twp., to mouth of Coal rui
In Uualoa twp. David Beam, John Brubaker
and David Dresalar were appointed viewara.
Petlilvnt for viewara of puMit road from L.
Drtaaler'aaaw mill, In Union lowoabip,loShaffar'a
aiding, In Sandy Lick township. David Haami,
John Brubaker and David Dressier were appoint
ed via wart.
Petition lo view and assesa damagrt occurring
to John B Uarnson, by tcason of hauling square
limber over bla land. James A. Moorr, Lewis
C. Bloom and John L. Cuttle were appointed
Report of viewara laying a public road In Ou-
lich towoshlp, from pine corner near John P.
Blaom't, to in:trscct tbe public road at or near
Roblaoo't law mill, on Muddy run. Read and
confirmed i ef.
Report of viewara appointed lo view and vacate
a road in Knox and Beccaria townibipa, from
Pine run to Madera. Confirmed absolutely.
Rtporl of viewer! vacating aud aupplying that
part of tho road from Madera 10 tbe mouth of
Pine run, between the Corner or Joseph Alctan-
der't land and tha Madera bridge. Read and
Confirmed hi f.
Report or viewara laying out a public rend from
a pioa at or near tht farm of Michael Walker, In
Decatur twp , to a point on the old Philipaburg
and Jaoeavilla road, near Beaver tun bridge, in
aald township. Confirmed absolutely.
Report or viewer! laying out a public road from
end of Wm. Lamar't land, to the township road
near 0. J. Wei lover's, in Burnside township.
Confirmed absolutely.
Report of viewer! appointed to racate and tup-
ply a road la Union towmblp, leading from John
Leberde'e, to road from Hocklon mill. In Huston
township. Confirmed nisi.
Kaport of rientit vacating and supplying road
tn Bill townabip. Continued absolutely.
Petition of qualified voters of Woodward twp.,
for change or place of holding eltciioni. Peti
tion read and considered, end an election la
ordered upon tbo question or changing tbe place
of hSiding elections In laid township, from tba
rvaidtnoe of Tho wai Henderson to tbe Uoutiville
about house, wlik-h election shall be held 00 tbe
third Tuesday of February, 1S79, at the uiual
place or holding elect loni tn said townablp, thirty
dayi not lot or which citation shnll be given by
Joseph Uiggena, Conttabla of Woodward town
ship, by aix written or printed hund-billi, In tbe
must public plaeea in a id township.
AHGuuaar Liar.
Tbe following oaset on the argument Hat ware
di 'p'tsed or during tbe week t
James W. Uutktie va. Wm. II. Lowry. No. 2j4
Supt. Term, 1887. Verdict lor Doltudant. Ques
tion or taw reserved. Verdict aat aiidr, and new
trial granted.
John Irvto A Brotbera va. Vorlce CUrk. No.
liO January Term, ls76. Rule lo abow on use,
Ac. Rule discharged.
Overseen Tour of Curwemrllie borough va.
Or tracers Poor of Beccaria township. No. II
September Term, 1877. Certiorari on part of Da
leodaut to C, Howe, tttq. Proceedings of Justice
in tne watrrr or tbe public road la am nam
and Morrla township, all proceeding! subsequent
to the conilrmaiiun absolute were act aside.
Cnarlcc Rubacher va. Bcoi.ett'i Branch Im
provement Company. No. I8i June Term, 1876.
Rule made absolute and new trial granted, nnlesa
the Plaint iff, within thirty daya, will remit all
the verdict in exacts ot 2i0, In which ease tbe
rule ia discharged.
James A. Moore et tl. va. Jamet Owrna. Nu
lVfl January Term, 1870. Cerlierwrf 00 part of
Defendaolte Justice Howe. P rooted i ogiu IS rmed.
Lloyd A Lowtber aud Liwtber A Ce. re. Har
vey Cupplaa. No. 48 January Tru, la79. Cer
tiorari on part of Dtilendaot to Justice MoAteer.
KxueptloB! sustained aod prooeedinga uf Juitioe
reverted and set aaida.
la re Independent School District of Union
township. Rule to show tame why confirmation
absolute should not be stricken off. Rule dit
ch urged.
Miller Son vt. Wallace A Ce. No. 720 Sept.
Term, 1876, Rule to ahow cause, Ac. Rule made
Frank 0. Harris, fo; ictst time past a itudent
to tbe lev office ofMcstrs. Murray A Oordeo, Wbt
admitted to practice lo the several Court of Clear
field county.
Court adjournod on Saturday afternoon, Janu
ary 18tb, at It o'uluek.
Queetlone Amwered.
Mr. RniTon Dtar Sir: Snveral frienda of
Clearfield county, who desire to move West, and
have beard of Kansaa by rending "the papera,"
ask a great many questions wbiob no one can
fully answer within tba Hume ol a letter.
therefore, aolieit your permission to reply through
tbe columns of your paper to a few of tba leading
qoeationi uauaiiy asaeu by teekeri lor informa
tion, as followe :
What tort of ell matt have yon In Kanrai ?
Wo bare a climate which, all th loirs considered.
will compare favorably with that of anv section
of the Union. Wo have aa mueh raln-fall dorlnc
the year at 1'tnniylvnnla, or any o'her average
State, which It haa never occurred to anyone to
call " drouthy." Wt have a few daya every V) fa
ter of severe cold ; but, with tbii exception, tht
winters art moct) milder ana tee we;i(ner 01
more agreeatle typo then ibe a v trace throughout
ihe Battern Stales. We also be a few quite
hot davi in Summer 1 bet it is au a-'kuuwledged
fact, that the irerae loveibly acrumpanying the
bot weatner rentiers it mure enilurtlo men a
much lower Summer heal In a more humid at
mosphere. n other words, Ubor to the Kauaaa
harvest-finlda with lha mercury at I OS-, la more
eHy borne than 10 Pennsylvania when It stands
at vw. ,
- How la tha water t
Tbe very best ol waltr la found at from fifteen
te fitly fret throughout tbe Slate. In some cases
deep wells are aeeeeery. but they are more ol
ihem under twenty ImI than over that depth.
Running streams are numerous not large, but
well distributed and never felling.
How ia your limber t "
Every it ream, lerire or email, hat lit bell ef
nalive timber, composed of avb, elm, tottoawood,
and similar varieties. Of these, the ash, cotton-
wood aad walnut are vigeroua grower end propa
gate themaelvee rapidly. It ia uoquesiionaole
that Ihe annual prairie Area alone have been re
sponsible tor ibe open elate of leu country, and
tbeir ravages being now held in ebeoh, tbe task
of raisiag limber la more easily eeeoeupliefced
than in tbe old limber Iwealitiea ibemeaWac. Fire
wood la deliverod, or eaa be prm-ered ia any el
Ibe tewue, at to 04 per eord. Coal ie cheaper
now tliao over before, owing to reduced rales of
freight oat the reiiroed.
W het are your beet crop! 1"
It Is diScoll to distinguish. When ibe attea
tien of aome wa Oral directed lu the favorable
enadiiioo exiaiiag in kaa fur wheat raising
up'B tbe bottoms, lueoest to ogealiy atteedwd
tbeir eflortt thai it seemed to eorniaeod Itself most
highly. Aa soon, however, aa fae uplaadi were
fairly looted in corn, II wat thought that there
wee where taw iimii lay 1 aad ao with oat a, rye
and barley apoa the middle lende. There ia
probably aot a lection 01 loud lo Last era Kaneas
thai will aot pay largely la either oae of tbeee
predweiB, aad ia whiea cue best, the skilled termer
mast aoumiBo lor himiell.
M Uww about ctuah t "
Tbe uoeellua el slock It fettled In eonoetltoB
with I hue answer d above. With theeilmaie, the
weier aad tbe crops, eiovk.rotatig te aim ply a
qutttiwo ol tndivitloel euirpriae. Ibe herd law,
wnioa was me ueain-oiow tw the loote eyetem con
nected with ibe rexaeeeiiM lrad,is,upon tbe eiber
head, tbt meal beaebeeal agent lo ettabiieniog
Ibe belter method! bow ib lavur. Sbet-p are be
lag latevduced ia large leofee, aad, ao lar, prom-
Iae wli, Uwaera are aauguioe Inal partieular
uobIHUi are ousurpasied In laeilitiee lor lh buil-
What dove It eo,t u raiae tbe liet trop ef
woeet r
Tbe drat .neretloa awMaaaary I, Bet, a. I, the
lb.r MiatM. grubbiag, er rvaiovlag rorbe, but
breaaieg ia. eao, wbiob oneta, ll hired, VI, at per
acrs aud ta dee. May to July. A graat
aseny iraeia are nwb wiitawol e.aa .roH-pluwiag
wr berrewieg. 11 Ihvea be neaa.ev),la Individual
eeeae, Ibe lerairr aoaia IJ.16 aad tbe leiur 16
ovate per acre. The ewd, average, for good, aom.
mum varleilee, eell, H eeele pn ba.h.l, aod one
kuibel te Ike .cie. The dnlliu, la 49 aante
ibta la Ike 4rt year', leiel eip.nae. Th. aeat
Jnae ll m kwv.,led aad ,iach.d If ay eoauwi,
Bt 1 ft aerei thrMhed lor ff a. I Mola per
nakel, aad beupi. I. atarael, ,ay ua ail
ilca lor
a ala
1 Hbal U lb. average field per aero I"
I 0,.p., d.n.4 pa tkrrt yin, avw.d
16 buabelt la wheel, 40 la eats, aad 64 in acre.
11 What It ibe cost of imp le meats and ttock t "
Implements, wagons, etc., are sold generally at
Raster price, wilh frciBbt added. Wood horeee
or bortO .,or 4 r ' i- V 1 Wr miei
dliaa bortea end T(taa pnnlaa ere Value"d it fi
to 941 each 1 good toot, 614 lo $30. All klndt or
toola. harness, and everything required in a farm'
leg outfit, are but little, if any, higher than tbay
are in roaosyivania.
What kind ol people have you In Kansas F
Ai oood at tan be round in the World. Thov
are people taken from the mutt tduoated and re
fined communities, who come here, tt may be, to
better tbtir circumstances, but whose vary enter
prise displayed in tbeir removal stamps them at
people of nerve, tluck and energy. Take any
community of a Pennsylvania, Now York, or a
Massachusetts village, and we doubt If It would
oontain a larger preponderance of well-educated
refined people, or those among whom a residence
would oa mere oesiraDie, bcdooj nousea ara scat
tered over tbe State at tbe rate vr to awry
tna nab in ae ana la aear ihraa milts snuara 1 and
they ore not tbe diagy, log affairs, wbiob are to
be found in many bavtern aetticmenta, nut oeai,
oommodieue, pleasant buildings, supplied with
tbe neatest and most improved furniture, mapa,
globea and charts, and conducted by teachers
carefully selected tnm me multitudes 01 eastern
applicant! constantly oflerlog.
Youra, with much respect, T. B. M
Abalihb, Kansas, January 14tb, 1876.
E. K. Thompson's Sloar Coated
DAM.1BL1011 aro Mardraxb Pills These pills
are oonctntrttcd, art carefully prepared aad do
not gripe. Two at a dose for eosilvenett, and not
for a mild cathartic and regulative, repeated for
several days, cures tbe Liver Complaint and Sick
Headache. Sent by mail, free, on receipt of 14
oenlt. Addreai I. IC. Thompson, Tituaville, Pa.,
or ask your druggist fur them and take no other.
Price, 24 oents per box.
For sale by all drugglsta In Clearfield, and by
Jos. Sty ter A Son, Lutberaburg.
Dental Notice. Dr. A. M. Hills
would tay to his friends and former patlente that
ht bat sot retired from practice at bai been to
Uduttrioutly circulated by tomt person!, but will
c ntinue to give bit personal attention to all who
may desire it, or to atsitt Dr. Utfobbold when
ever required. Nllsowa Oaide Oae 6 Ik
paioleaa extraction or teeth. April 14-tf.
A Fact. An advertisement Inserted
la the Rbpublicab will reach more reader! tbao
If published In all the other paper! In the coun
ty, and Cost tbe advertise! lest tbao one-half
In othtr words, an ndvertltiment published in
our jcurnal li worth doublt tbt price of that
charged by any other publisher in Ibe county.
'It ll a fact.'; tf.
An Ameliorating Circumstance.
Tbt agony of nturalgia can be relieved Instanta
neously by using Dr. Fenoer'i Golden Relief. It
alio curat rheumatism, toothache, backache,
tore throat, ett. Price lie, 60c and SI. For
sale by Hartiwiek A Irvio, Clearfield, Pa.
m s
To Landlords and Storekeepers.
Lytic bat an arrangement with aa Eastern Cigar
Factory so that he can tell cigart by the box or
thousand at bottom figure!. Qfve their cigars
one triat. tf.
At the Republican office is the place
to get yonr Job work done. We ore fully prepared
to do anything In tho printing line, will dolt
well, and at tha right kind of price. tf.
f0uoeiBi For Sai.h.-R. Newton Sbaw koepe a
full aupply of Frednoia Uuggiea and flat lorn
Wagons for sate. To be seen at tna onaw iiouae
yard. Call on or add rasa bim at Clearfield Penn
sylvania, may ie-u.
Waxtib 600.000 U-feet shaved hoops, deliv
ered at the railroad, la car loads of 8,000, at all
potnia oa tba Tyrone A Clearfield, r. ., Bald
Katie Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroads, for
which I will pay the highest market price.
J. r . ItKAMRR,
Octlfl, 1678-tf. Clcarbeld, Pa.
Just Itecelvcd 1
JuHt Received by ARNOLD, at
Cur Loud Novu HJOlta Plaster !
Car Load pure Corn, live and Outs
Chop t
i. ur Load Deakcn Mill 1
Cur Load Choice Family Flour !
Cur Load Dry Goods, Groceries, &c!
feaShintfles, IJurk, K. K. Ties and
Gruin will bo tuken in exchungo.
Curwonnvillo, jtlay 1, l7o.
The Oealh-rate af
Our country it getting lo be fearfully alarming,
the average of life being lessened every yier,
without any re ton able eauae, death rtauttlng
generally from the most insignificant origin. At
tbii season ol tbe year especially, a emd is soon
ommot ttiat m kmrrr mt rt tmw llta w
re apt lo owrlouk lh dangers at Wading it end
too ulten nod too late, tbat a rarer or bung
irohble bai already aat lo. Thousand lose tbeir
Uvea this way every winter, while bad liotobee
Uermeu Syrup bean taken, a cure Would have re
sulted, and a la rare bid from a doctor avoided.
Fur alt diaeaart ef the throat and lungs, Boaobee's
Uermaa Syrup baa proven iitelf to te tba great
eat discovery of ita kind lo medicine Uvtry
druxeist la tbia eountry will tell you of Ita won
derful elleot Over tMMOV bottlea told last year
without a tingle failure known ,
juiyl", 76-eow-ly,
l Chalienre the World,
When wa aay we believe, wo have evidence to
prove that Shiloh'i Conaumptlon Cure ti decidedly
Ihe best Lung Medicine mode, in at much aa it
will cure a common or Obronio Cough In one half
tbe time and relieve Asthma, Uronchiha, Wboop
in Couxh. CroUp. aod show more casea of Con
sumption cured than all olbcrt It will coe
where tbey tail, It is pleasant to take, harm lens to
the youngest child and wa guarantee what wa tay.
Price, 10 eta. HO cla. and $1.00. Ir your Lung
are aero, Cbett or Back lame use Rbiloh't Porous
Plaster. Hold by Hartswick A Irvin, C. D. Wat-
ton, Cltirneld, la.
Oo I 'on Helirre it.
That la Ibt! town there are acorn of porsons
pasting our itore every day whoae Uvea are luadc
miserable by Indigestion, iyapepsia, near ana
distressed Stomach, Liver Complaint, Constipa
tion, when for 76 eta. wt will tell them Shiluh't
Vitalisar, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by
ilarlawtok A Irvin, and C. D. Walson, Clearfield,
Pen a a.
For Lame Back. Side or Cheat nse SHILOH'B
POROUS PLAhTKR. Price 24 ell. Sold by
Hartawlok Irwin and C. V, Wats (in, t'leirlteld,
Uea Dr. Vau Ilyke'a Hulphur kop.
Makes the skin beautifully wbite ana healthy
Hmnv., itgnitinlf ukaftn. nrlnkl hat. inrM
eruptions, burning stinging an I itching of Ibe
axia aud ocelp. A aulpbur nam wtto it la blghiy
rtenmmtnried. Aiwayt ask tor tt by us iuii name.
Ox a II r if drip Pan Cbkt. Diioourt on Oin
Ptticaa. Hewing Maehtnei eannow be purchased
nt Merrrll a tin and variety store, rrota Wa up
wards. All kinds of sew lug math in as repaired
on the shortest nntioe.
Clearfield, Pa , July 18, 1877.
Vervou Debility.
Vital Weakness or DrprcKlun i a weak
.Kbaa.lefl fvelian, Bo eoergy or coeraga; the re
roll of lueutal uvcr-wurk. Ilidlecrettolia ar
eic.aa... or fume drain upon tke ayalom la al
waya enred by llurn hrey'e Hnrutrpelhie Hpvciflr
No. la. It tone, up anj lavlgora'ea Ibe ayateui,
di.pela lb. gloooj and deepoaiteney, iaiitarla
llranglb ai,d energy, ,tape the dreia aad re
Juveneiv, the entire man. Ueaa a.ed twenty
yvara With perfecl auccaaa by Ihouaanda, Bold by
dee era. Price, $1 per aiugle vial, or 96 per
E achate of Ave vial, aud $1 vial ul powder. Scut
y nail on receipt of price.
AdJra.a lluaiplire)'.' Ilomurpattile
Mrdirln. Cumpauy. Ii-V Kulioa Kt., N. V.
V. 11. Walmn, Agent, CleernoU, Pa.
a,pk i, nu iv.
WauTan. Delivered at the Rail Road.-.
100,01)4 24 Inch ahaved abingle.
Iin,nn4 14-lneb eawed ahinglei.
IA0.O00 feel of pioe b'larda.
60",0il0 14 f.el obaved koop,.
6.000 railroad ilea.
6ll,0li9 feet of good hemlock board.
For wblch 1 will pay lha hifiie.t aiarket price,
delivered at ClearO.ld, or at aay point oa tke
Tjrooe A CUaifleld Railro.d.
J. F. KAaa.
CUerd. Pa, Oo. 14, 1171 If.
At Ibe residence of JamM MehatTey, tn Bell
township, oa Sund-iv, I)femher 1st, 117, by
Itt-v. O B. Ague, Mr. Cnantat L. Fnann and
Mlit Ltoauae TaoHrooft, hotb of Cnrttenavilie.
At bis residence, In Bradford levrnsbln, en
Sot ar dev. December Sflth. I7. Robkht A. H01.T
ten of Judjre Vincent U. Holt, aged 3 years,
montbt aad 13 t.ya.
Ia flreenwond township, on Tuesday, January
fib. IHT9. gmu Fnanoia, danxhter ef War re ht.
ad Mary J. Pol more, uged 4 jeers, months Bad
It daya.
Dearest Bma, alill we love thee.
Though we see lay form no more 1
Tet we knew you'll come te meet aa
Weta we reach the mystic shore, t,
la Bores id township, oa Friday, Januarr 1 ft h.
Ififtt, J ohm ftonaai-an, aged M yoert end S
In Osceola borough, on Tuatday, January 14th,
IS71, a bra bo n., lofaat ton 01 h. i. una r. a
Walker, aged a meatbt.
Ia Orabam towaabla, oa Wednesday, January
1th, Ifl'l, Maauanav Uoorxn, relict of Jacob
lioover, ageo abnat at yeara.
Balleroate, ra 93
Lok Uavea I
BaBttBgdoB. 1
Lawletewa. I
Mery.rillo.. 4
hJlddl.t,wTO....6 40
Marietta. 4 14
Leneaater .H 4 44
Pkilip,bacg. ...
ARllUBURa... 4
Clbarfiblb, Pa Jta, u, 1679.
Flour, per twt. ........ 61 Of
ftftflkwheet Flour, per ct....w.., I SO
Cora Heal. es- (...
Chop, rye, per ewt... .. 1 dwi
Chop, mixed, per ewt 1 00
Brae, par cwt 1 00
Wheat, per bushel MM..H..M 1 00
Rye, per busbel 00
Oats, per butbel ........, 86
Corn, ears, per barbel, h 84
Buckwheat, per bushel 00
Potatoes, per bushel - 7k
Applet, per buthel 40 to ISO
Hems, per pound 11
Shoulder, per pound 0
Dried Dcef, per pound 16
Chickena, per pair 40
Butter, per pound 14
Kirge, per dmen til
Ball, per sack, large.... .tH
Cool Oil, per gallon ... 30
Lard, per pound 10
Dried Applet, per pound H..m $
Dried Peaches, per pound H 8
Beam, per buahel I 76
Pnii.ADRi.pniA. Jan. 81. Breadstuff's are ouiet
aad comparatively ateady in price.
Cotton is ateady at Vic for middling unlandaad
Ofc for gulf.
Flour and Meal Floor la quiet and ateady.
8alee of l,40u barrels, IneWdlng Minnesota extra
family, medium aod obniee, at a Zb(aH.7(t; fenn
svlvauiado. do. at $424(4 74 I wesUra do. do.
at $4 7d4 40 i patent and other bitb grades at
sa.ui ($7.X3, itye oourieaieeay at ox 7d(mx.or
and tliu baga aold al about 4 per barrel. Uorn
meal ii nominal.
Grain Wheat la quiet and unchanged. S-ilet
of 4.( 00 buet els. including red, at $1 04 1. 04 i
amber, ai gl.0ri(il.04; and No, 1 red, in eleva
tor, ai 61 lf.f(jl,"4s. Bye ia luactivt. Ctru ia
ia fair duioi.d and firm. Bales i.f 6,000 bushels;
including eieamer elevator, at 4Ij i rejected aod
airauier. track, at 43ffjj4a4o , sail track and train
depot, at 44o i and rail, elevator, at 4S(o. Oais
are Steady, WIIU iir '"-luiry. nun wi (,vuw
bukbils, Iwir and choice white at 80(gi24o.
Keeda In clove reeed theiranaaetiuasare light.
Wa quoto at 6(&fi0. Flaxseed ta wanted at
Whirkv ia firm. Soles of 40 barrels western at
II 10 ...
Chicaoo, Jon. II. Flour quiet, and unchanged.
W heat lairly active, shodi higher ) No. 1 Bed
Winter, fcfie : No. 2 Chicago Spiiug. 8 Vic for esb i
SJ (,tiO for February ;B4(B4ic lor March.
Com active firm anl bigerg iOo lor cash ; SVc
for February ) B0e for March.
Oala io loud demand i abadt higher I 191c fur
oaih ; loio lor May.
Rye steady and unchanged.
hurley easier I ttO($V7o.
Flaxseed easier ) poor to good crushing, $1.10
At tbe cloic nneai nrmtr ; to uiguer.
Corn firmer, nut quolably higher.
Oau dull, nominal.
, .
ON and Bft.r Monday, K0V. 4, 187,, th.
i . .ill itll ItiMkl Hum.
daya) batwo.a TyroB.andCIOBr&ald, aa foliowa:
W. H. Plumbkb, Condoetor.
Curwen. villi
i,..S.IU, p. a Tyrone,.. M0,a.,
...I. to. " Vaoaooyoe "
...S t, - HuibibI - e , "
.. 1 11, " P.... Icon, 10 00,
...4 01, M Oaooola... ! IJ, "
...4 04. " Uojolon 10.17,"
,..4 IT, ' Blainar'., 10.JJ,
...til, " Philipaburg, !0 1i,"
...4 31, " llranaio It.lS, "
...4.X5, " Blua 11.11, 10 17,"
...A AV, Wallao.tuB,...10 44,, " Biglar 10.62,
...4.o2, ' Woodland 10.4K,
...Hi, " Barratt, 1 1 117, ", " Laonard 11.11,"
...t.Si, " Clmrkald, II.IV, "
...4.00, ' Ourwon.villo,.ll.iO..B
W allacaton..
Blu. Hall
Puwtlion,. .
Wb. L. Ruoadi, Conductor.
LEAVE 8011T1I.
Clear, eld
4.40 a.
T:l "
t.2t "
f.S "
f -
Tyroaa I ll P. a.
Miouyoo,....l.S3 '
tiummit, 4.00 "
Powalloa I JO "
OmmIb, 144 "
al7ia 4.3 "
alaioer a eo
Pbilipaburg.... 44 "
Urabaia 4.40
Blua ball 4.44
WallacatoB,....l! "
biglar 4.24 ", 4.46 "
Barrett, ....4.67
Uonard 4.06
Vlearlleld, 4.20 "
Carweaavillv'.M "
Blua Ball
.. 4.24 "
. I Hi "
. I 44 "
. ( 00 "
. 9.10
. .2 "
.. mo "
,.14 00 "
Pu Walton,.
,11.00 "
A au.elearea Carw.aaellledallT for Reyaolda.
Tille, at I o'clock, p m.. arririog at R.ynoldi.ille
at B o flioca, p. at. liatarBing, na... nBuiu.
.ill. dally, al 7 o'clock, a. at , BrrtrlBg at Cur.
wanivllle al 12 o'elock, m. Far., each way, 12.
A aiaee l.area CurwaBarllle dallr. at I o'.loek
a. ib lor UuUoia Cllr. arri.lai at Lluloi, City
at 4 o'clock, p. m. Returning, lea.e. UuBoi, at
7 o'clock, a ., daily, arriving et Carweaivilloal
II o'olwk. ui. rare, each way, ai.
ibatb aoura.
p. m. a. a. a. a
1.1 A
ra aonra.
P. M. P. II.
0:14 T:61
H.'ii C:ll4
4:60 1:11
1:46 4:14
4:40 1:21
1:16 4:21
4:30 4:36
12:26 4:11
11:22 4:14
12:14 4:14
1104 4:14
11.61 167
11:46 1:60
11:44 1:46
11:36 1:40
llonUdale, 10:11
McUaulcy, 10:43
Kendriok'a, 10:54
Ram.y. ll:l
11:16 I SO
El. Mail. Mail. tip.
p. at. A. B. P. K.
T.I6 1.30 tear. Tyrone arrlr. 4.14
7 13 1.17 Bald Eagle 6.61
1.01 0.10 Jullaa 1.14
1.14 0.66 MM'iburg 4.46
1.32 10.06 Dcllafonu 4.17
1.41 10.14 Mileaburg 4.11
U4 10.40 Howard 4 01
9 42 11.14 arrive L. Have. leave 1.16
Paoile Etprea,
1:10 Pltlaburgh Kip'aa, 1.64
4:60 Paolfle Kipreaa, 4:14
P. . P.
1:2c Way Paangar, 1:16
1:40 Mall TralB, 1:34
10:31 Ka.l Line, 1M
Mall Train,
Atlantie Eipre,,,
Pbila. Kipre.a,
Cloae oonneotlon, made by all trail, at Trei,
and Look Haven.
Biyl7-tf. SBparinteadeat.
Allegheny Valley Railroad.
OTf and after Utday. Dee. 10tb. IRff,
the iiassenger trnine will run daily (except
Sunday) between Red Dank and Driftwood, at
foliowa r
l-.At-TvVARIWDay Mill Waves Pittsburg
8 20 a. m. Red Denk 1l:( 8hgo Junction 13:011;
New Il.l Mf hem 1:07 P , Mayavilla Mt
Trnv l:AD i Brookvll e Ii : Fuller's 1 Si i Rev
aoldsvilla Dulloia i Summit funntl
I:it Panfleld4:0&t Woedvlllc 4:17 1 Honeaette
4: am es at Urinwooa at t:.
W I'JtT W A R I) Day Mall learti Driftwood
12:1a p. m. Rrneiette 1:00) Weedville 1:40,
Penfield 1 lit Tunnel 1.07 i UnBolsI St,
hetmldaville3:M: Fuller'a 1:47; Brookvlllol:31l:
True 3:, II. M avavillt 4: iBi New Bethlehem 4:39 ;
Silgo Jauetlon 6:10, Red Bank Mf ar rivet al
Pittsburg al l it p. m.
pti- Tbe Heynoldsvlllt AecoKmedatiea leavea
Rfyuoldsville dully at 7:&t a. m. aod er rivet at
Red Hanaot ItOt a. m., fitlihunh at I S a
travee FittburRh at S0 p. a; Red Uaah at
:. p. m.i arriving at neynoMaviiic at ua p. i
Cloae eonnecilnaa made with traiaa oa P. tb K.
Railroad at Driltcood, and with train! on the
Allegbeay Vallay HHrad at Red Bank.
DAVID McCAHuO.Uea'l lup't.
A A. JACKtoH, Bup't 1. U. Div,
CLaaariiLD re raiiritLa.
Tho nederaigned would la rem the pablie that
he la now rnoamg a aiage line brtweea Clearfield
aad reiiBeM, inree timea a weei
TboataAc leavea Clearfield wa MaJaya,Wtdnae-
dnyi end Fridays, at oelook a m., aniviog
at Feafield at It e'ewak m. Retoraiag tame
dya. Leavea FeaOald at 4 oelook p. m qrrif
inx at Clearfield at o'clock i. m.
ConneeUoa i made with iralni oa tbe Low
tirade tt. h. at renneia. rare, eacb way, 91. ou
Clearfield, Pa , Feb. U, W$
grip flvrrtlsrmruts.
CALTIOM.AH peraooitrt hereby oautlonad
against pare boa lag or tn nay way meddling
with the following property, uew iq postetsien of
Jordan Read, of Lawreaoe township, via 1 Twe
bay aoret, I piowtp 1 harrow, tultlvaton, I two
horse wagoo, 1 pair twin tieda, If abeep, I bead
yewpg at 1 tic, sowt. wm uiuiug-voom, par.
lor furniture, aod all the kilchea furatture, I cook
aiove aad Oatoroa, I parier but, ioo aoa oi
oats. 14 aeree ef wheat and ooena ai reou. aa
tbe a ism waa aurehasad Id as u Ahuhfia'a ui,
on tht lib day of Movemhor, 7fi, aad te toft
e)iih bim eo baa only, tubjtwt mj i
aay time. bi.iiit . RBAIA.
Vurntuivlllt, Paw, Jaa. U, Uil-lt
tw rAdrrrtisrmrnts.
Shingle. Bolls & Saw Logs.
OimDitllli, ju. , ' l.
Dl WtOl.llTIOM.Th. Mul..nblp km
lofor. .li.lio, b.tww. tb. uBd.rsiHd i.
tb. DubliMllOB Of th. CLIAKPl.t. kBmlLIOAM. by linil.tlo. OB tb. Il.l g.j of Dm!..
b.r, 1BTI. All lb. .bu .(.ml lb. In will b.
Hunwl by tb. Mmor p.rln.r, wbo will Mtll.
ind .ollMt tb. .Lima do. Ib. f rm.
Clura.ll, P.., Ju. I, I87 3u
T?T AY BULL. dm. tmpiiiln, en t
BroniM. of lb. nbMribor io Utrord to.
bip, otiai. tint, daring Ib. Ll. fall, b. dark rod
Bl'LL, wub whit, ki.d lr,a and tuil, aufipoa.d
te b. about two yrcr. old. Ib. own.r
to ooDa. forward, prov. proDCrty, pay bar,a.
aod laka biai away, or b. will n dl.poaed ol ai
tko law dlroou. UAN1KL KHIdK.
Uilliobam, Jaa. H7S ll'
U horoby glT.a that Lattar, of Admlni,
tralion oa tbo oaUI. of OKOHUK WKTZKU
lata of Wallaoeloo bor., Cl.arn.ld Co., P.., dM'd.,
having b.00 duly graatad to tba undoralgoed , all
paraona iodobtad lu aaid aatat. will plea. Baaka
immadiata paynaBt, and tboao hariag alaina or
d.nBda Bgotnat tb. ,ana will pr...ot Ibam
proparly Bulbantiealad for aelllanaBt without
WillUmigroT., Pa., Jaa. I, U;-Ct.
Netioe la hereby ajlvea tbat Letters Teare-
mentery 00 the eatate or DANIEL UaKTSUUK,
lata of Fike township, Clearfield county, Fa.,
don'd, having beeo duly granted to the under
ligoed, all paraona indebted lo raid eatate will
pleaaa make immediate payment, and tboto hav
ing clalma or demands will present them properly
authenticated furaettlement without delay.
Curwonarlllop Pa., Jaa. 15,7y-t Bxeaatrlx.
Assignee Salo
Personal Property.
The nnderslemed Assirneo In Bonkruntcr for
the eatate of Nawton R. Arnold, bankrupt, will,
by order of tha United State! District Court for
the W eat em Diatrlctof Pennsylvania, sell at pub
lie auction, nt tbe office of W. O. Arnold, ia the
borough of Curwentviile, Clearfield Co., Pa., on
at 1 o'clock p. ., tbe following property, via :
All of tbe aatd Bankrupt'! interest la Judg
ment!, notea, book eooounti, Ac, and all of
aaid bankrupt'! interest In judgment!, notea,
book aooounlt, Ac, belonging to the late firm of
Arnold A llartaboro. Atl ol the above deaeribed
personal properly will be sold subject to ofieelt.
alaiue or credit! that may be due. Terms cash.
J. r ISA HD, Ast 1 g Dee.
Curwenavlllo, Pa., Jan. 16, 1879-St.
NOTICE. Under the aeveral Acts of As
lembly, Iht Protnotariet ef tbe different
Court! of the Commonwealth, ara required to
pay a Ui to tha Slate upon all original write,
every amlcabie action, every certiorari, every
eatry of Judgment, every transcript ef judgment.
Alto, no dor the Act of 1839, and tubiequent
Acta, the Regiatcr A Recorder of Deedt, ia re
quired to return to the Commonwealth a tea on
tbe probate of anv will, and tha creatine of Let-
lera Testamentary tbereoo, or the granting of
any beitcri 01 Administration, aeeut, mortgage!,
aod other inatr amenta of writing.
Under tbe Aot of lain Maroti, 177a, (Hee Fur-
don't Digaat, page 472, eeotlun 78, etc ) It ia re
quired tbat "all deeda tieouted within tbia Bute
to no reeoraea witnin 11 1 monine oner toe fieau
tlon thereof, otherwise lo be deemed fraudulent
aod void against tubiequent purchaser! or mort
gagee!, fur value, unleis recorded be Tore tbe
ded under which tht euoacquent purobaeer
clatma "
Tbii ii, therefore, to giro notice that all feet
and taiea oa tht above aientioaed write, ate.,
uit be paid by tbo partial bringing or tend-
log them io tha eflioes, fur entry and recording,
cie , other the aaid write or deeds win not be
entered. KL1 B).0M, Frothoaotury.
L. J. MORGAN, Reg. A.Ree.
Clearfield, Pa., Jan. la, loTW-iu
Our (Duo dvrrtUrmrnt.
Publlahod every Wedneaday by
Haa tbo g.oroot i'lrowlotloia ol' asty paavr
In Northwettern Peunaylranta.
The large and constantly increasing
circulation of tbe Republican,
rendora it valuable to business
men as a medium thro'
which to reaoh the
Tin m or Subscription t
If paid in advance, . . . $2 00
If paid ftftor three months. . 2 60
If paid after six months. . . 8 00
When papors are sent outside of the
county payment must be in advance.
Ten line., or lean, 3 timei,
Euch lubni'quent inierlion
Admlnislralor' Noticoa, .
Kxocutori' Notices, . . ,
Auditors' Notices, . . .
Cautions and Ealrays, . .
Dioaolntion Kolicos, . .
fl 60
2 60
2 60
2 60
1 60
2 60
I'rofoaniorial Curda, & lines, year, tt 00
Snociul notices, per Una, ... 20
Una aquare, 10 linea,
Two aquaroa, . . .
Tbres aquaroa, . .
One fourth column, ,
One ball column, .
One column, . . ,
S3 00
16 00
20 00
60 00
70 00
120 00
We bsve always on hanil s largo stock
ol blanks ol all deacrltions,
., ., Ao.
Fall and Winter Goods
in great variety, are now opcu nzii rcr.iy for vle, at
(by email buyers), at the widely and well known Dry Goods
Store of
T. A. FLECK fc CO.
It is only necessary for ua to announce to the public tbat with the
constantly increasing demand, we are ever enlarging our etock,
both in quantity and variety, so that any and everything
needed in tbe most durable and fashionable linos
of goods can be had at our store at nil times. Our
goods have been selected in person by Mr. Fleck, mostly
at tbo manufacturers, and by buying in large quantities, we
save the jobbers' profit, and are thus enubled to sell nt
We also have one of the very best Milliners constantly at her
place, ready to trim
in tbe very latest styles, and we guarantee that any work en
trusted to Miss Gresty's care will be pleasingly executed.
We know whereof we speak, that we will make it to the interest
of all persons wishing to buy Dry Goods of all descriptions, to call
and examine our stock before buying elsewhere.
Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street,
5,000 Rail Road Ties
Curweoavillo, Pa. Jaa. 9, 11-lf.
English aud Classical
Ttalt tefaool will open in tbe Leonard Graded
School building, ClearBeid, Pa., io Apil, 1879,
and continue eleven weeka.
Claaaes la Qerman, HoUny and Bok-Keeping,
will be formed. Thorough loatruetion will bo
CiiosnoB Brenehe, tl 9i
Higher tngll.hand CImbIo, 100
r. a. iukhis,, Pa., Jaa. li, 1878.111.
Additional Rules.
Rulca of Court adopted Dec. ltth. 181t.
covTincaaca or catiaaa.
Ko cause blared on tbe trial list by the Pro.
tbo not ar j avd potted lo hit offino lo eeoordaoee
with Hole 1 IX, shall be continued by consul of
tbe partiet or tbelr attoraeya, without an order of
the uourt or a Law Judge mereni. i-ruviura,
tbat before aueb order aball be granted. It aha 11
bo shown to tbe Court or Judge, tliat the opposite
party had notioe uf the Intended application for
sura urder.
No cause onoa ulaeed on the arrument list and
aet dowo for argument by the Prolhonniary on
the argument docket, shall be cjniinaed bv oon
aentol the partiea or tbeir attorneys, without an
order previously bad and obtained, and filed with
tha Prothonotary. Provides, that txlore aucn
order shall be granted, it aball lie shown to
the Court or Judge, tbat tbe opposite party bad
aotloe of tbe iolonded application t-.r such order.
J. A. Jrl a i a it, r. J.
J. 11. 0UV1S, A. Id. J.
Jan. 8, 1S79 SU
Vote Early and Often !
GE0. C. & T. W. MOORE.
THKT iavlte yoa to nil at tbelr Store la the
Opera llooae, CLBtKPlKLO, PA., and eee
Ui eeat aad ooeapeat aiooa ei
Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c,
Tbelr large and olegent atoek of good ra.l.ts
of all ilylveand prieea ia LADUS,' UISsES'
and CllILUKK.N 'g
riJFE ..! HE.fl'J SHOES,
Which will inlt all klad, of euatomera. Alao.
TtaU tt Iba only place la Clearfield county
where the celebrated
Driving Boots and Shoes
caa We booght. BOYS' and YOUTHS' BOOTS
and SIIOKB or all hind,.
Aleo, b careful), selected aaiortuent of
Rubber Ooodi for t very body, consisting of
U1Itlti:it IIOOTN,
Also, a new style ef Lumbermen's Autos, being
mt Annus wnn loim bottoms, wntrn are eun
lidered a great improvement on the old itjle.
fit Please call and emmloe our goods.
CIsarAeld, Pa., Koverober IS7S m.
William Powell.
Dealer In Ho&vyrnd Shelf
tll.AHSAND I'U'lTV r ,
Rtepi tnnstantly on hand tht bait Cooking,
Heating and Parlor
Stoves and Ranges
of all dcstrlptlnni. Table and Pocket Cutlery,
Carpenter a' Toola, aueb as Saws, Hatchets,
Fqnares, Rennh Stops, Planes tad Plane
Irons, CM 'els, Bilts, Augert, Adsoft,
Files, lllageaofallklnds, Lochs,
Herewa, Haab Cord, Pulltya,
tit., ttt,
ruling; UIoiihIIs.
Plowt, CulMvatcrs, Double nod single Shovel
Plows, Cultivator Teeih, Orain red lea,
fleythra, Paetbea, lleee. Porks, Rekea,
Uay Forka, Farm Hells, ate , ttt.
Ilorte Bhoet and Hertt Nalli, Iba best make
ef Croat-rot Rawt and nice, Oriadatenea and
U Had si one Fitturet, aad evervtbiof uaually k'pt
in Irst-elaaa Hardware Store. Also, n fall
sleek of
House Furnishing Goods,
All bled, af TlBWBre hart .a bead aad Bade
ta ardvr. Rovaag aad aso.tin ,reaipll, at.
Wraeea wlahleg aejlhlag la my Ilea, are la
vlvad U Mil aad eaaailae Meek aa.l prleaa .
Cl.alleld, Pa., Juae 1, II.
We have printed a large number of the new
FKK BILL, and will on tbe receipt of twenly
tva cents, mail a wout tn any nHdrsaa. mvtt
Prices of Shingles.
Cnrwansville, Jan. t, 7 tf.
NOTIC'R Notleo la herebr given tbat nn
applioaMnn will be made tn tha present
Oeneral Assembly of the Htate of Pennavlrenia,
for the pai'Hjre of an Aet to repent that portion
referring to Clearfield eoontv, of the Act of Apr il
8 in, 187.1, eutitlrd "An Ac' In reference to the
pav of Surveyors at wilnfisea In Clearfield and
Centre enunties," end to fix tbe nay of Rurveeora
ai wirnesiea In fltarfield county at two dllart
and ft Tit cents a dev.
By orrjar or tbe memhert of tbo Clearfield
county bar. J. R "eRVALLY,
CUarliaM, Pa, Jan. 15. 1ATU 4t
Ejectment Notice.
Tbomaa Zell et a).
In the Com m in Pleas
Court of Clearfield
oouoty, Pa.
BenJ. P. f-bk. Rmnel
Christ and Henry Lively,
Adintnt-trarors of Jeroh
t'hrist, dre'd, Ann E,
Christ, widow ef Jacob
Christ. John II. Christ,
No. 438, grpt. T.,1d79.
Kdwerd Christ and Wm.
Christ. I Ejectment.
And now, 27th December, 187-, on motion ef
Wellaec A Krone, flair, ti IT attorneys, rule Is
granted on the chore name I Defendants, agilns.
whom ejectment was brought, for all lha lands
covered by the warrants and sitrvers In tbe
names of Thomaa Morrla Wm. Mrrli, Kamuel
Meredith, Wm. Miler, llettie Morris. Thome,!
Tilisiminonr, 0'n Clrmer. Kobt.rt dray. Pal
rck Moore, Mairous Mil er, Nalhro Praitc. aim-
ate In Morrlt township, Clearfield tountr, Fa.,
and ecotaining aerea eaeb, more or less, te
eti pet r an pleat lo the a'tove action of eject
ment. This rulelo be nuliliahed lor sixtv dan
before the return day thereof, fnr at least three
times in tbe t'LRAHnci.0 KaruBLirav. And in
default of such appea-aooe and plea judgment
hy deleult, this rule to be made returnable te the
first Monday of Mmreb Term, 18;t(.
11 the CuuiL
Clrarficld, Pa., Jan. 8, 1870-St.
Clearfield, Pa.,
Cnriu'ts, Oil Clot lis,
Etc, Etc, Eto.
Clrurllcld, Pa., aay.),!. is, IH7S If.
BooTiSts shoes
121? urooas.
Wiliamsport Boots,
Elmira Boots,
Driving Boots and Shoes,
Clatlin's Boots & Shoes,
Boys' Boots & Shoes,
Tlinc Boots
Stoga Boot
With a gvnsrel vaitetr of Ladlr,', MUve,' and
C'blldrea'e IlooU, bbeee and Uellera,
T.vtv nmvimiiNn nonns.
UKNH' rUHNlflllNU OOllDd.
The aadvr.lgned Nipeclfallj iavite tbe eltoe
tioa ef tlie pei.ole of tlrara.ld eeunl,, I. their
Bvw eloek of the above Bemud good,. CBalrv
Prodeee lakM la oaekange rer guoda,
Piiete ae lew aa the kwe.t.
OalaBbBr,, eld Uad, Heauad atreat.
Cleejaeld, Pa.. Ilea 4, IBI. Iae.
$tvc dwtlsrmrntj.
I -10 9MLH OR HKWT.-Tbe larga aad
1 oAfliaKdlou, lhN..tery brlek kotel, aitaaU
11 iba village of Ulee Hipe,ClMrleUMuBly, Pa.,
with goJ .tabling and all Ihe aooe..-ry out
building., lugellier wilb a rlore-rooui 11,44 feel,
I, bow for sale or rent, .a aay tome.
Th. loealloa aad lb. hut.. I, n. of Ihe beil, for
k'aJtel, ;a ':; K awoaat ef travel
ia krpt ap belwrB the eouthweelera porfioa of
Ihecoonty li, Ibe cool realiiaa of !loutaialo and
iWula. It la on Ibe through turaplko real,
fioia 'lyrone lo buBuia. fur lurlkor partioula
Inquire of or addrMB tbe uadeclined.
Olea Hope, Nov. II,
ron our
mow in miss,
the htdttsteial
History of the lulled Slates.
Belnt a eomn'ete history of all tbe important
industrial of America, Including Agricultural,
Mechanical, If mufaoUring, Mining, Commercial
and other enterprises. Abuut 10 U0 large oeuvo
pages aad Ji'd Dot engraving!.
No Work like it ever Published.
For ttrmi A territory apply at oaot lo
The Henry Bill Publishing Company,
Dot. It, 1878 9m. NORWICH., CONN.
Tbt Clearfield Gai Com pan r effars for tale, al
par, Coupon Bonds of $300 and $400 deuomlna
tioni, oearing intereii at toe rare ei e per centum
per annum, pay h bla semi annually tt too Firat
National Bank of Clearfield, Pa.
The works or the Ciearfleid Una DomDanr were
erected nt a cost of $31,000, aod the Bonds ie--a
U.u. hp ! a gl 1,000, tMrd by a
niiriarar on ei me ompapv J, nrqwn ana
franoliiae, in favor cf nm. II. Dill, Caahier of
lha First National Bank, and John U. Adams,
Cashier of the Clearfield County Bank, In truet.
Tbe Director! prepoio to issue but f 16,000 of
tbeaa bonds for the purpose of funding tbelr loot
ing debt, and but $4tflili remain unsold. Act in
lot iha tion respecting tho workt will bt given by
ibe Pre-idem or Troetnrtr of tbe Company.
Bonda can be had at any of tbe Clearfield baakl.
President. Bee. and Treat.
Clearfield, June 19, '78 tf. Directora.
OliJrt lni Cn.PDMiitoi
v ------ -sj-.t-A.
,B4o,'Mrn.N r. v ;
Nov. 17, 1118.
Valuable Real Estate 1
Tba under si reed, living In Penn twp., Clear
Arid counly, Pa., offart tbe following valuable
Heal Estate for lale;
446 Acres of Land,
more or less, In Beccaria township, lying on tbe
north side of bit Clearfield creek, and within one
mile of the aame. Tbe above land la heavily
cvered with hemlock, white oak, roek oat, and
oiher bard wood timber, and a quantity of white
pine, laid to be half a million or more feeL
Tbe eme Is heavily underlaid with bitumlnout
coal, and directly on the line of railroad leading
In. in Houttdale to Coal port. Its value la unknown.
Torre are, alto, other valuable minerals on tbt
Ihe above land Haa abaut twe and a-ba)f mtlet
below tbe village of Ulen Hope, adjoining land!
of Oeorge Orvuin aad others, oo what It known
aa Portar'a run. Tha Improvement! en tbe prop
erty are a good geared aaw mill, ia running ordvr,
a high dam, itone breast, made in tbe belt man-
ner, fit fur atmoit any machinery. There It, alto,
a large frame dwelling bouse end frame bank barm
thereon, and about forty or fifty aeree, more or
less, of tbe land fa cleared. Any person
wishing to invest in property of this kind will do
well to ai amine tbii property. I will toll tht
whole or tbt undivided half intaaait, at may rait
tbe purchaser. Tbt above tract of land will make
two or three fanaa, which will compare favorably
with the greater part of ear county. Price and
terma made known to any person wishing te pur
chase. For further particular aall in pertea or
address tha undersigned at Grampian Hills P.O..
Clearfield county, Pa. 8AM L WIDKMIRS.
Jan. t, 1B78 tl
Ilnrpcr Magazine
Harptr't Vngnuint it Ibt AmtrteaO efagailat
alike in literature and ia art. aVeetao TrmwtUt.
Tbe most popular monthly ta tha world. AT. X.
It la an tioellent companion for tbe young, a
delight to tbe mature, a solace for declining age,
Loutivillt 0m ir-Journal,
No other monthly in tbe world eaa abow to
Brilliant a liet ef contributor ; nor does aay fur
nish Ita reed ara with ae great a variety and ao
superior a quality of literature Wntekwta, Bos
Ion. The volumes ef the Jfaoatvt begin with tbo
Knmbert of June and December of each year.
When no time la specified, It will he understood
tbat the subicriber wishes to begin with tbe ear
rent Number.
hARPER'tt MAQAZINB, One Tot r 4 U
HARPER'S WKEKLT, ...... 4 00
Tbt THREE publication!, tnt yrer......10
Any TWO, one year w T M
BIX tnbacrlptioot, ontytar -....Id 00
Tormi for large clubs furnished oo application .
Postage Free to alt tubtcrlbert In tht Catted.
States or Canada,
A CompUte Ret of lUnrna'a II aoa at n, now
comp'laing 57 Volimn, in neat eloih bindiag,
will be trot by a i press, freight, nt et pence of
purchaser, lor $2.1b per volume. Single volumes,
by mail, postpaid, $10. Cloth eases, for bind
ing, 38 eentt, by mail, postpaid.
Brmiltaneei should be made by PoalolBon
Money Orator or Draft, to avoid eaanee ef leas.
Newspaper are not to copy this edvwHfeeeaeal
wiihout the oipreea order el II urea A Boo a.
Addrett HAHPBR A BR0TUBB8, New York.
Harper Rnznr
To dretl according te fforper'a Bmtar wilt bo
th aim and ambition of the women e( America.
AoefM Trnfertpl,
At n ftitbfal ehreolele of fashion, and a newt
paper of domeatie and totfal character, It raaka
without n rival. Brklj En$l;
Tbia paper bat acquired a wide popularity far
ibe fireside enjoyment It affords, aiad haa become
an etiabiished authority with tho led iae, H. 1.
aeem eg fvl.
The Volume! of tbe Jroaar boa-la with the Iron
Number for January of oaeb year. Wba ne
time te mentioned, it will be a eder steed (bat tbo
subscriber wishes to commence with tbe Number
aeat after the receipt of bis order.
HARPlR'8 klAOAHNI, OaeTear....l N
HARPKll'g WSBKLT, - , 4 a
UARPIR'l BAZAR, - 4 a,
TaeTMRIR ,.blilUe., e M
Ao TWO, oae year ......HM..HmH. f 44
RIX a. bervi bare, ea rear ,. f, mm
Teraia for large elab. faraleked ea ap,li.ati.a.
Peatege free to all taeeerlBev, la the Called
Slate, .r CBBBda.
Tb. Abbb.1 Velaeaa. of llAaraa'4 B 1.
Beat elotb biodiog, wll he Mat by iar,H,roeof
.lpeaae, (pravtded lb. freight daw. at aieeed
eoe doller per velaaie), lor 47.44 eaek. A aeat
ileU Hei, Meapriaing Rlevn Valaaaee, Beat mm
rereipi ei eaaa at iae rata af U l per veleote,
Ireicbt at aipeae. mt Bareheeew.
Vlolh Caeea for aaeh eataawa, eaiuhle Her Mad
lag, will a. seat hjr Ball, a raeeipt .ItlH.rt..
HeaiiiiaaMa ehoald be Bade mf PMteae.
Moae, Order er Draft, I. aval J ekaaM af loea.
Newipaper. ara aot lo eeT ihle edverHaeMeat
wllhoat the eiprea. Kdor ef Haeraa A Baa's.
Addreee UAHl'hH A BKOIMUBA Haw tart,
No. 14-41.
iy rulloflljio.rraclical.R.UAble,
; Paying Information
ft-r K'U. Fut. South, North; for Owner, S
of C.tilv, IIoimr, bliM,, Swinv, or F.BMa,, o. Vtlbe. Ili for lleuiekMBeni
forll Boy. and UirB; S
both plcewing and mstructivt. Tbt
4 enpiet, ft s;cach. Single ubKrip4iODi, $i.a. V
lv Una number, ijc. A ipetomen, poai-iree, sec. sj
1 lAGHIFlCEHT Steel Fll UCUTilO to III
Largo raEilltni for Clnhw.
luoed in Enftiti A Civm. al aaaae arioe.
grNsTnv it. . .it win rAV.yJi
r'V 0inalnUCi..nUuitTl VVSi