Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 08, 1879, Image 2

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    Gioroi B. Goodlabdbr, Editor.
R.ader. If yoa weat te Im wbet ii going i
U tee bariBee. world, Jnat rad car advertlelBg
eolarane, la rrpeeeal eoluma id pertteaiar.
Ne nM worthy tbt ofllM ef PrMidnot aboald
to willing to bald II if wanted In, or planed there
by any frond. 11. Gbabt.
I ooold Barer novo oooo reoonelled to tho olo
TBtlee by too ouolloot old of mine of a perooa,
bowove.- r-jpeekblo lo private lifo, who unit
forever oorrr opot, bit brow tho atemp of frond
trettriornphant ia eraarioaB bl.tory. Ne eab
eaqaeat aetloa, boworor ateritortoui, ooa woib
.way tho lottorf of tbot rooord.
Ca.Bi.Ba Fbibcii Adami.
I wonld rothor bave tbo aBdoraament of a qaar
tor of B fililllOB of tbo Araorioaa pooplo tban thot
of tho Loaiitono Hetarnuil Board, or of tho Com
mlMioa whioh oieludod tbo faeti and dooldod
tbo quoatloa on a technicality.
Tboo. A. Hbbbbickb.
TJndor tho form! of law, Rutherford B. Uoroo
bai boon declared ProiideBt of tbo Called Staler.
Hil tltlo reeta apoa diafranehieement of lawfol
Kara, tee lalao oertlfleatoa 01 lira rotaraiog oar
core Beting oorropUr. and tho deeieloB of B eoa.
raieaioa which baa refuaed to hoar orldenoo of al
leged frond. For the flrat timo aro tho Amorioaa
rteoole aoofroatad with tha faot of B fraodalently-
oloatod PreaideBt.. Lot it Bot bo aodontood that
tha frand will ba allently aoqul.eocd in bj tha
aonntry. litt BO bour pail tn wnton uio aenrpa
ttoa la forgottee.
Auoaaaa or DaaooaaTio af. O.'l.
' Ono hundred yooro of bomaa d.previty aoon
mulcted and oonooalratod Into a elimai of orlmo.
Noror agaia la Bra boadrod yoart .bell tboy have
BB opportunity tB repeal tbo wrong,
UaaiatW. Voobbbbi.
General Burnsido is the bout dressed
plan In the Unitod States Senate.
Of coin-so everybody but tha inva
lid classes enjoyod A llappy Now Year
Juntiary 1st, 1879.
' Dead, Dead. Tho Centre Herald,
the Greenback organ of that county,
died last week at Bollofonte, aged about
six months. 1
We notice that Democrat in many
aootioni aro preparing to celebrate the
8th of January. That was a. bad day
for vake-n ham. It sottlod the fate ol
Sir Edward lor all time.
t Radical Times. Tho Now Tork
Herald very appropriately calls this
the ora of "closo-flstod timos, low prices,
unloadod debts, cautious investors and
bard bargains, economy and hope."
An oxchango nays : Sergeant Bates
is dying. We hasten to nominate Mr
Kearney to tho vacancy, and to sug
gest that, lo begin with, be carry the
flag through China.
, This 8th day ot Junuary is the C3d
anniversary ol the battle of New Or
leans Gonoral Jackson's victory over
the British. The 8th day of January,
1815, was the groatost day tho inhabi
tants of that city ever witnessed until
Ben Butler turned up thore in -1804.
Gone. Senator Wallace who has
been at home since tho adjournment
ol Congress, loft with his family for
Washington on Tuesday, bo as to be
present at thu opening ot the session,
Those of his friends who wish to com-
municato with him personally any
time between this and the 4th of
.March next, should addross him at
Washington, D. C. . ; I ,, , ,
Editobial Meetihu.--The Pennsyl
vania Editorial Association will meet
at narrisburg, on Wednesday, Janu
ary 22, 1879 (day aftor the inaugura
tion of Oovornor IToyt). 1 Pennsylva
nia editors aro invited to attend and
oonnect themselves with tho Associa
tion. ' By order J
D. II. Neiman, Pros't.
R. S. Menamik, Soc'y.
- At Work Aoain. According to the
adjournment, Congress reassembled
at Washington yesterday, and will now
remain In session until the 4th of
March, when tho term of the present
body expires by Constitutional provis
ion. Both the Senate and tho House
will be Democratic after that time.
After that tho tjemocratio party will
be responsible for Federal legislation.
, A Vindicator. On our first page
will be found Sonator Wallace's Coun
tor on Blnino. A studied perusal of
the Senator's remarks will give tho
reader an Inside view ot what is trans
piling at Washington. The Senator
nnoovers tho Maine demagogue In the
presence of tho Senate and all the
spectators. The sun, or something
else, scorns to strike Blaine ovory timo
ho rises to play the leader of the Senate.
A Chance for a Yell. Why don't
somebody howl because Hayes has ap
pointed, and tho Kailical Senate con
firmed, that famous rebel, Col. Jobs S.
Mosby, to one of tho fattost Consul
ships in bis gift. Had Tildun appoint
ed him, what yoll would have come
up Irom loyal throats; but now, these
same loyal millions ar as quiet as
mice. ' How romarkablo that a loyal
soul can be so easily squelched. Why
don't some orie yell?
On 1ittt. Our momber of Assem
bly, Dr. A. I). Bonnott, left for liar
risburg on Saturday, for the purpose
of assuming bis duties on the opening
of the Legislature, wkora all hia eon.
stit-enis, who have anything for him
to do, can addross him while the As-
r HCmlll V IB in aataainn - T tk.. k J,
j '- .v,uiim n iiv
not porsonally know him, wo can say
that they will find bim to be an affa
ble gentlcrrian, ready lo help all who
are In need of assistance. -
A Sad Death. We notice that lion.
Owen Jones, of Montgomery county,
'member of the Philadelphia bar, ex
member ot Congress from the Filth
Pennsylvania District, and Colonel of
the First Pennsylvania Cavalry dur
ing the late war, was found dead with
in a quarter of a mile of bis house, at
Wlnnewood Station, Montgomery Co.,
on Christmas night , A coroner's jury
pronoun oed his death tbe result of ap
oplexy, flis property It estimated at
two millions f dollars. , r
The. TCnl.D lona for an investigation
into tho recent elections in the South
originally presented In the Senate by
Mr. Blaine wore considered, the lGtb
ult., and the Democratic amendment
offered by Mr. , Tburman. adopted.
There was no lengthy discuasion npon
the passage of either tbe original reso
lution or the amendment. Senator
Wm. A. Wallace, of this Stato, moved
tbat tbe resolution be laid upon the
table but tbe motion failed to carry.
Senator Wallace's resolution for oppos
ing the resolutions were that in his
opinion a great majority of tbe poople,
irrespective of party, are against polit
ical investigations at this timo, and
that they wish Congress to lugisluto in
the interests of trado, commerce, and
a sound currency, instead of wasting
time and monoy in creating a bad feel
ing at tbe North against the South
merely for tho purpose of making po
litical capital for tbo Republican par
ty, Tbe suffrage investigation as now
fixod by tbe Democratic amondmont
ia to bo conducted by a Special Com
mittee of nino Senators, and it has no
small amount of labor awaiting it We
piesume that fow of our readers think
the disclosures of election frauds which
might have been made by a purely
sectional and partisan investigation
such as Sonator Blaine at first propos
ed could have resulted in any good to
the people of our country ; bat as
amended by the Democratic Sonators
tbe scopo of the proposed investiga
tion is enlarged and election frauds
both North and South are to bo in
quired into.
This Democratic amondmont makes
tho investigation more national and
less sectional, and renders it moro gen
eral and unpartisan character. The
Bepublican owners of tbe large manu
factories in Now England have boon
charged with intimidating their white
employes, this matter must bo inquir
ed into as well as the alleged intimida
tion of the black votors of the largo
Soutborn plantations. The Senate
Committeo must also mako inquiry as
to whother monoy was raised by as
sessment or otherwiso npon Ropubll
can office-holders orworkmon for elec
tion purposes, and also look into tho
matter of the interference of the Re
publican United States Supervisors
and Deputy Marshals in the lato Con
gressional elections in the different
States. This modification of Senator
Blaine's originally intonsely partisan
-resolutions makes the investigation
more fair and just, and the county may
thank tho Democratic Senators for
bringing about this change for the
better in the character of the inquiry,
Tho Republican newspapers aro, in
most instances, greatly vexed at this
Democratic modification oi their pet
project of degrading the white citizens
of the South through Senator Blaine's
original resolutions. But the Republi
can majority in tbo Senate is now too
small to forco their party moasuros
through, as was so often done former
ly, and this makes even some Republi
can leaders now hositate who in tho
days of Grantism hesitated at noth
ing ; the Radical rascals are now foro
ed to bo consistent, whether they care
to be or not ; bonce tbo suffrage inves
tigation, this time, includos tho whole
More monoy is just what overybody
is looking for these cruel times. The
Washington correspondent of the
Philadelphia Record gives the follow
ing inside view of this new coin, which
is just now attracting the attontion of
Congress and the public. In his lettor
of the 24th ult, ho says: "Mr. Ilubbcll
has boon over during the past week,
and, at the request of Hon. Alexandor
Stephens, Chairman of the Coinage
Committeo, brought over a number of
specimens of his proposed now goloid
dollars, fresh from the Philadelphia
Mint Mr. Ilubbcll has goloid on the
brain, and appears to have injectod
somo portion of his enthusiasm into
the petite cranium of Mr. Stophona,
Tbe goloid spocimen dollars brought
over are, so their inventor claims, the
exact equivalent in value of tho pres
ent gold and silver dollars, averaged.
1 bat is to say, two of tho goloid dol
lars are the oxact equivalent of ono
gold and one standard silver dollar,
auuea togetnor. J no now coin is
slightly largor In diameter than the
present silver half dollar, but is not to
thick, and it it claimed that it cannot
be split In lone it is a shade darker
than tbe ordinary gold dollars, but is
quite as bright and fair to look npon.
In composition it contains 75 centi
grammes of puro gold, 12 grammes
and 75 millogrammes of pure silver,
and 1 gramme and 425 milogmmmes
ofpurecopper. It weight 14 J grammes,
or a little lest than 220 grains. Tbe
design of tho new ooin ia both appro
priate and pretty. On the obverse are
thirteen start to represent the thirteen
original .Stares, a finely -cut figure head
of Liberty, surrounded by tho words,
'E pluribut unum," and nndorneath
the date, '1878.' The reverse of the
coin bears the following in tabular
form: 'Goloid metric 1 G, 10 Is, 1.9
conta, grammes 1125.' Surrounding
this is a chain of thirty-eight stars to
represent the thirty-eight States ol the
Union, and the inscription, 'United
States of America, 100 cents.' Mr,
Ilubbcll it sanguine that the gold and
silver men can be united npon tbit
coin at the nnit of met sure lor all
American valuet." '
BLAiNE'tCoaiMiTTiE.-TheNew York
sayt that "tbe difficulties expe
rienced by the Republican members of
the Senate in finding a chairman for
their investigating committee remind at
of the prejudices that used to be enter
tained in the newly settled regions of I
tbe West against serving en juries. On
one ever-memorable occasion the court
had been waiting for ft panel of good
men and true for three days, when the
Sheriff, radiant with joy- bunt Into
the temple of Justice and yelled : "It's
all right I We're got eleven of 'em
locked op in the bar. and we're run
ning tbe twelfth with dogtl"' "
Psooress. .The Chambersborg
Spirit has It. A column of the New
York 7Viiiw prospectus, and Congress
man Steqger'i apeeoh OS) tbe Geneva
award on the first page. It the Spirit
man wants his readers to stop his paper
and take the New York corruption or-
gan why does he Dot say to straight,
and if be can make mors Democrat by
that process, let us know of tbe fart
lfk ma !f To" ji'f if a f 'ir.4.Tf!..r.
Just previous to the Congressional
vacation, Representative Hewitt of
New York, made a startling discovery
in the line ot John Sherman's favor
itolsro. t How much John hat in the
pool, no one but John, and probably
one or two other fellows, t an tell. Con
gressman Hewitt asserts as a fact that
the 'irl Nlu! bank of New York
has made 1900,000 out of tbe govern
ment monoyt which Shorman baa bad
on deposit thore, aud that this largo
turn might have boon made for tho
government if John Sherman had to
willed. Tho Secretary's own state
ment in roply to Judge Kelly's resolu
tion asking tor the amounts of govern
ment gold on deposit in national banks
shows that the First National bank,
of New York, has b.-n holding an
avorage of 130,000.000 per month of
gold, and in tbe month of October the
amount hold was f 15,000,000. Theso
enormous amounts have been allowed
to stand to the credit of the bank
without any interest thorofor being
paid to the government; and, what is
equally singulur, tho bank bos been al
lowod a oull of ninety days on tho pro
ceeds of all tales of bonds even alter
Secretary Sherman saw fit to ask that
such proceeds should bo turned into
the treasury. In othor words, tho bank
Las boon allowed, as a member of the
syndicate, to have a fat percentage on
its talcs of four and a half per cent.
bonds, and lo hold the proceeds of such
sales on a call of ninety duys, and in
addition, it bat been allowed tho use
of an average of thirty millions of gold
por month. Of course, the bank bus
been wise enough to mako this money
earn interest; and the proof that the
gold hat been out at interest and not
lying idle in the bank vaults is found
in tbo bank's own monthly statements.
For instance, while Shorman't reply
to Kelloy shows that tho bank had to
its credit $15,000,000 of government
gold on December 1, the statement of
the bank for Decembor 1 shows tbat it
had but ono million of gold in its vaults
on that day. The remaining fourteen
millioni had, of course, been put where
thoy would do the most good that it,
Invested in bonds, or lot out at inter
est or in some othor way. Mr. llowltt,
who it an able financier, conversant
with tho banking business and not all
given to looso statements, and withal
an earnest advocate of gold resump
tion, says the bank cannot have made
lost than nine hundred thousand dot
lars, and tbe money value of thoir
privilege may have exceeded that
amount vory considerably. Mr. Shor
man't faith in the bank is somowhat
remarkable, in view ot the fact that
its paid-up capital is only $500,000, or
only one and a half per cent, of the
average amount of government gold
which it has bad tho absolute use ot,
Monday, January 6th,was a field day
in "the Court House ring." Sovon old
officers Treasurer, threo Commlsson
ors and throe Auditors were liberated
from the onorous publio duties confer
red upon them a littlo over throo years
ago. On tbe day indicated, Mr. Philip
Dotts, after having filed a bond for ono
hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in
favor of the county, and anothor one
for ton thousand dollars, in favor of the
Stato, took chargo of tho Treasurers
offico, relieving Mr. David McGaughoy,
although a Radical, yet oue of the clov
orest gentlemon that ever filled the
office. ThoCommissionorswho retired
wero Messrs. Clark Brown, of Law
rence Thomas A. MoGlico, of Boll ;
and Harris Hoover, ot Cloarflold. Tbe
new Board consists of Mossrs. Conrad
W. Kylor, Dem., of Graham ; Elah
Johnston, Dem., ot Greenwood, and
John Norris, Rep., of Piko, The new
board of Auditors is made np of Wm.
V. Wright, Dem., of Clearfield j Joseph
Gilliland, Dem., of Karthaus, and J. S.
Norris, Eop., of Bradford.
The latter are now passing over the
several publio acoounts, and will in a
few woeke make a statement tor the
benefit of the tax payers. ,
A Stubborn Fact Restated. The
editor of the Now York Sun, remarks
"Two dayt after the election of 1876
everybody conoeded that Mr. Tildcn
had carried 184 doctoral votoa, and
needed only one more to insure bit
election. At the same time it was uni
versally admitted that Hayes had car-
ried 163 electoral votes, or twenty-two
short of tbe number rcquisito to elect
him. The twenty-two votos in dispute
wore those of Louisiana, Florida, South
Carolina and Oregon. The Republi
cans have all along assorted that soon
after the election those votes wero of
fered, for sale, and wore kept on the
market for tomo weem. There is truth
in this assertion : They Nwrs tffered or
tale. But Tildcn did not got one of
Then, which tide bought them ? Why,
the Hayet tide, of course. Men are
sent to the penitentiary and even to
the gallows, every week, on testimony
no stronger than this.
The Williamsport Bulletin publishes
an account ot an outrage perpetratod
in Milton, recently, by a lot ot yonng
bloods who pliod a half wilted negro
with threo pints of liquor, and then,
when stupefied, placed bim out of doors
where be died from the effects of tbe
whisky and exposure. Tbe same pa
per taya this outrage was committed
by "a number of young men belong
ing to lbs first families of the place."
If thla crime had boon committed
in a Southern town what a grist it
would have brought to the Radical
outrage mill." But It only thowt
that brutes exist in human shape
North and South. And further that
neithor culture nor the influence of re
fined society can remove the beaxtly
propensity where it hat natural
lodgement Danville Intelligencer.
. That's pretty sound philosophy. '
- - .. r
Queer Indeed. Tbt Nsw York
Timet, an uncompromising Republican
journal, dictates the nomination of Sen
ator Bayard as the Democratic candi
date for President in 1880, without
pledging itself to his support The
fact that tbe Timet tpeaka well of the
Senator dost not detract an Iota from
bit great Worth. It it, however, only
editors that fKMsess a large stork of
modetty wbo voluntarily counsel their
political opponents. Cat isnpudenoe
go fkrthorT '
the ix vestioa Tixa com
trouble to secure five Republican Sen
ators to Bervo on his committee to In
vestigate tbo recent electiont. A con
ference was had of the Republican
Sonators but while many wore willing
to aid in Securing the services of others
thoy insisted on not accepting places
on tho committee themselves.-. It was
found necessary to hold a second can
cut which it represented to have been
anything but "a love feast" ot the Rad
ical Senators. It was demanded that
Mr. Blaine bimtelf should serve as
chairman but tho astute Sonator do-
torminedly declined the position. Af
tor much wrangling five out of the
thirty-seven Republican Senators wore
at last induced to become members of
the CommitLeo. The members of the
Committeo are as follows: Ropubll
canl Messrs. Toller, (Chairman) of
Colorado, Cameron, of Wisconsin, Kirk-
wood, of Iowa, Hoar, of Massachusetts,
McMillan, of Minnesota ; Democrats
Messrs. Bayard, of Delaware, Wallaco,
of Pennsylvania, Garland, of .Arkan-
tat, and Bailey, of Tenneoteo. Tho
Republican Senators insistod that Mr.
Hoar should act as chairman but he
positively refused to do so. The com
inittvo will begin its sessions during
the recess. , ' ; ,
With regard to the selection of Mr.
Bayard by tho Democratic Senators
as ono of tho committeo the New York
Times,' n leading Republican newspa
per, tavt "the verdiot ot a Democrat
so conspicuously fair-minded and inde
pendent on the question of Southern
election frauds would carry groat
weight with tho intelligent members
of both parties." The Timet also ex
pressed the hope that "there will be
among the five Republicans to be ram-
od men who, in experience and iutul
lecluul weight aro tho equals of Mossrs.
Bayard and Walluee." The Baltimore
Sun observes that "the 77m will
hardly find in tho committeo announc
ed, on Thursday, a single Republican
who will compare in either experience
or intellectual weight with several ol
tho Democratic committocmon." The
Washington correspondent of the Now
York JIVM says that at tho Capital
''not a few Republicans, in criticising
tbe composition of the committee, ad-
mit that the tail will wag tho dog in
this case. ork Gazette.
The editor ot tbo Norristown Defend
er, has torn tho tail off one ot tho Rad
ical kites, which was sont down South
for tbe purpose of being turned Into a
United States Senator. He sayt :
C, D. Brigham, who wrote a letter
from Jacksonville, Kla., to the Phila
delphia ZYmJ,a short time ago, respect
ing the Democratic frauds in that far
Southern State of the whilom carpet
bagger, has an interesting record.
Tbe late Henry J, Raymond, of the
Now York Times, sent him to Pittsburg
(poor as a mouse) to take charge of an
independent papor tho Commercial.
Tbe journal bocamo a power in tbe
western part of Hie Stato, and in 1873,
when Republican rule in tbe Gulf
States was in tbe tenlth of its glory
and impudence, and the ambitious car
pet-baggurs bold high carnival in the
halls of Stato, Brigham, having become
possessed ot a controlling interest in the
concern, sold out to Bob Mackoy for
$100,000, and left for Florida. Here,
under tbe influonct of tbe carpet-bag
government rampaat,and bis $100,000,
he expected to plan and execute an
easy march into the United Slatot Sen
ate. Tho overthrow of tho ruling dy
nasty of Northern adventurers, in 1876,
which ho, at tho tool of Mackoy did all
he could to prevent, dashed hit hopes
to tho ground. It It not to be wonder
ed at that he views pemooratic success
with an evil oye and speaks of it with
a fulsilying tongue. . Republican or
gans must seek correspondent! not
quite so well known in thoir peculiar
proclivities of outraging truth, before
they can hope to manufacture much
material for campaign purposes. Brig
ham can't do it ; Blaine can't dp it.
In Session. Our Stato Legislature
mot yesterday, at llarrisburg, but as
we go to press tbo same afternoon, it
is impossible lor nt to state who hat
been elected Speaker of either House,
but ' you bot" both will be lor "Don"
for Unitod Statos Senator. Both of
tbo oflloert were selected over four
weokt ago by "Don," 0,uay and Hoyt,
and the Sonators and Members wero
merely called npon to ratily their
choice. . '
P. S. It it altogether probable tbat
Andrew Jackson Uorr, ot Harrisbarg,
will be electod Speaker of tho Senate,
and Honry M. Long, of Pitttsburg,
Spoaker of tbe House, although Goo.
W. Hall, of Philadelphia, is making a
vigorous push in that direction. Both
aro for Cameron. " " " ' '" ' '
' Whittier Left. The rocont death
ot Bayard Taylor brings an incidont to
the mind of a local reporter of the New
York Herald. He says : "The last
timo that the writer taw Bayard Tay
lor the latter was sitting with William
Cullen Bryant in a Fourth avonuecar.
Tbo two poets became somewhat loud
ly interested in a conversation about
tho physical and montal health ofl
Whitllcr, who has outlived tbem. Tay
lor was rather florid of complexion and
in high spirits, and ho got out at the
Cooper Institute, walking' like a boy,
bit manly shoulders twinging lustily,
at if he had a quarter of a century be
fore him." Now, bolh Taylor and
Bryant are gone, and Wbittior it left
behind apparently as hale at he was
twenty years ago, i i - !
. U U.1- - L- Jl 1 , -! - I
A Fish Sroar; Tbt Titusville Her
ald tayt : "Mr. Thot. Goodwin receiv
ed the other day, by express, a con
signment of trout from Tryonville.
The fish were In froeen condition,
and for experiment sake he took one
large tpockled trout weighing, when
fxotoo, a pound and a half, and put it
in a tub of water, , la thirty minutes
tbe frosen fish was alive and swim
ming.'' 1 " ' . )
U! JJ 1 l.i B 1 " '
Another Candidate. We have be
fore ut copy of the Centre Democrat,
new journal started at Bellcfonle, ed
ited by Hoa. 8. T. Shngert, and Maj
R. U. Forster. We recognise in those
gentlemen experience and ability, and
if the multiplication of Democratic
oowtpepert will "boost np" tbt Doav
ocrati majority la "Mother Centra."
we shall be p rtased t the IneWewt '
' -c .IT ,! ? it ir l..ti i
Mr. Editor: Tho County Institute
i rnw over, ami an" impartial
s'urvjjrut'ila woii, 4rr".rrrf j(,
some conclusions which I wish to give
not with any spirit ot lault finding,
but in the way of suggestions :
1st. The programme was entirely
too lonir for tho timo al the disposal
ot tho Institute,-Teachers opeuing the
discussion on the different subjects,
were compelled to burry through as
if in basty pursuit of some object
which was eludinif them, and when
they bad finished, others wbo might
bavo given profitable suggestions re
mained silent rather than use the timo
rtf tttA Institute
I '. Ji The k;tiirtni from 'abtoaif did
not nave a cnaneo to uu as muco as
thoy should bavo done,,, Thuir study
and experience hat taught tbem hun
dreds ol things which we teachers
know nothing about. They are will
ing and even anxiout to tell what thoy
know, and besides, thoy aro woll paid
for all they possibly can do. Would
it not then be butter to have these
gentlemen occupy at least ono quarter
of the timo in telling something new,
than to have our teachers reading long
dry essays on subjects that if thoy are
not, should be lumiliar to ut all ?
As I said at the outset this it with
no spirit of fault-finding. I am a per
sonal friend of tho Supcrintondont I
endorse his efficient and energetic
management of the school Interests of
the county. I rocognize in him a chief
whose lead we can lollow. Ana i also
believe in developing the home talent
at our oommand. But we have Dis
trict and Local Institutes where our
teachers can read thoir essays, and
when teachers spend a whole week to
learn something now, and tbon got
only what should bare been received
in one day. 1 cannot help thinking that
the time bat not been as judiciously
improved as it might have been.
3d. It is too much to ask two young
ladies to aot as Secretaries ot the In
stitute for a whole week. Tied down
to the drudgery of the Secretary's
work, they can scarcely tee or bear
anything else. One day's service st
tbe Secretary's desk ought to be suffi
cient and there should bo enough Sec
retaries to change every day.
1. --. : - 1 ' ' i PtOAOOflUB.
. Business and Verdanct Meet.
Not long tince a eountry parson of tho
M. E. Church persuasion turned up in
tho groat city of Now York, and while
taking a look al some of tbe big affairs
made np hia mind to take a glance at
the wonderful "Book Concern" his' do
nomination Lad built np in tho Metrop
olis. He popped iu at tho muin en
trance, and for a whilo stood amaxed
at tho grandeur of the establishment.
Aftor surveying tilings in the distance,
ho stepped up lo a stack of "Histories,"
and taking hold of one a lady came
hastily np : "how many will yon bave
sir? the very best in tho market."
Our clorical iriend discovered that ho
had encountered a slack of Checker
and diets Boards, remarking, "how it
tbit ? Do you tell those things hers in
the concern -doe the Christian Advo
cate recommend their sale ?" " Yes sir."
"Docs Dr. Fowler, tho editor know of
tbia f" ."Yes sir." Our coun try friend
who bad never encountered those fiesb
ly instruments girdled with the marks
of sin, withdrew hastily from tbo "Book
Concern," remarking: "I'll see Dr.
Fowler about this.'' , Furthor we know
not i But wo presume tbe Doctor re
marked : "Why, thoy all do it, and we
must follow suit, or renij it is alt a
Fobcid Education. Tho advocates
of forcod education are always pointing
to Prussia for an example, and assume
that the nnivoisal education of tbe
Germans it a panacea for all govern
mont and moral wrongs elsewhere. In
no country on earth whore any respect
ia paid lo personal liberty, la it so near
ly wiped out as fn the German Empire,
where all can road and write. To still
further illustrate: Among the Social
ists recently ordered to quit Berlin
within four dayt are two members of
theGerman Reichstag. Tbit arbitrary
proceeding will be apt lo raiso a very
interesting question when the Parlia
ment it again assembled. If tbe au
thorities, on the plea of publio eafety,
can thua arbitrarily empty tbe teals of
the Representative! of the people, Par
liamentary Representation may be re
garded at a farce. It will be made to
depend entirely npon the whim of the
Emperor or bit Cabinet. Now, If tbit
high-toned education begets Despotism
in Its worst form, why need Americant
cater to any tuch viows, unlets they
prefor being vassals to Freemon.
. ' I U J.-. J- ..n
Poos Fellows I Mr. Smalley, tbe
London oorrotpondontof the New York
Tribune, charges that the Democrats
in Congress, by their efforts to cut
down tbe pay of our foreign Ministers,
have determined that poor men shall
nol represent car Government at Lon
don, Paris or Berlin. It is a matter of
regret that none bot the poorest kind
of men represent ut at theso courts
now. As tbo offlcos are purely honor
ary and art almost useless, we oan tee
no ebjoctlon to confining thorn to
woalthy gontlemcn who deairo to cut
a twoll at foreign courts at thoir own
expense. There is moro about it i No
one ia forced to take a Foreign Mission,
and the man who cannot live on $15,
000 a year at London, Paris, or Berlin,
bad bettor slay at homo, and follow
something he can make a living at
Ham and Mis-Haps An exebango
remarks : "Governor Wade Hampton,
of South Carolina, who was disabled
the other day by tho kick of a mulo,
received , eleven wounds during the
war without pormanont injury. The
hero must have been humiliated by
his late mishap, besidoa losing bis leg.
But then lie was electod to the United
States Scnalo for tlx yean tho tame
day the doctors took his leg off." Tbt
editor was t little careless In stating
on which side the Governor received
hit wounds; but then thoso who par
ticipated in tbe war know all about It,
and it makes bat littlo difference to
the stay-at-home patriot on which
side he ttt hurt. ' ' 1 " '
,, i . , - - mi i i '-----? a--; -
Tana Gone. The past week haa
proved fatal to three of the moat prom
inent politicians ol the ooontry. We
altade to tbe death of Morton McMioh-
ael, of the. Philadelphia Xorth Ameri
can, Caleb Cashing, lawyer, acholar
and diplomat, and Robert W. Mackoy,
known to every nolitioiau in Pennsyl
rania. . No three men have created a
wider space in the pollttonl circles re
cently, oft aocoshf of death, than that
made by those named. " ' " ,'
Chicago had a bad lire on Saturday,
tbe 4th jnst., destroying the Pottofflce
hulking and the military head-quarters
of the lajstoarl. Tbem wm a wotv
derM erjattering oftheautila see) .
efit Sheridan and ofUfw rMrlmenUla. ""
. lo -.,11 el u. )! an " ...i 1 nil
Pirond Hit luii tluibrtl
0'ut JTrrt't UfIi mcv t -
tl(lIVs.ll kll IrLtJOIfilatMl.
That furnUittr' hotutntitk 'm-jlvon
new application al tuo naaus 'oi: toe
Philadelphia lUoord, which prints it In
oxclumulioa of its joy that "to-day this
country will re-enter the onurmed cir
cle of the solvent, honorable natloue of
the world ; that tho government ol tho
Unitod Status, from thlt date, not only
promises lo pay on demand, but does
pay ; and the glad tidings beard to-day
will soon bo felt In every town aud
hamletatl this grout ropubliu." - -
In short metro, tbo Urcord sounds
the loud timbrel that Jehovah has tri
umphed In the -renuinpliou1 of specie
payments. It is quite a novel idea that
the hard-money people have beaten the i
softs under tho direct lead of Jehovuh,
but perhaps, at good Christian people,
wo aro bound to believe thai lie whose
regard it even for tha sparrow that
lallotb to tho ground, had a command
ing agency in securing this resumption
duy. But thou tho logic of the case
forces us to concede that Almighty
power it equally responsible for the
stoppage of specio payments and tho
inspiration of tho Supremo Court judg
ment which niado Greenbacks a legul
tender. Ho thai wo beenmo somowhat
confused In tho endeavor to proclaim
with the Record, the great ovonl Of this
day to be tho triumph of Johovuh, while
refraining from charging on High
ileavon tho mischief of tho past. It is
always thus, however, when wo ven
ture upon this troublcsomo theological
question of the responsibility of Provi
dence for our ills and our remedies.
Wo prefer, when we can, to find a hu
man agency to hold to accouut for our
woes and to bless fur our benefits.
They were pool, blind and dishonest
abortionsof statesmen wbo brought up
on us an irredeemable currency.
e "Lancaster intelligencer.
' Sold. Colfiix'i lecture on "tbo late
lamented," in our InBtituto on Thurs
day evening,, was tbo best Radical
stump speech we bave listoned to for
a long time. It ia a wonder that tome
of our enterprising school book pub
lishers don't sandwich Scbuylor '
stump production in tho pages of a
third reader, and in thia way boost
Radicalism irom an educational stand
point. Wo are astonished at the ver
dancy or audacity of those wbo per
petiated this fraud upon tbe Institute,
No more of tucb stuff in ours. .:
SNonucar. Ex-l'rosident Grant
having written a letter to Lieutenant
General Sheridan, saying it would ho
pleasing to bim if hia son, Colonel Fred.
1). Grant could accompany bim on bia
trip to India on the Kicumond, (ion
Sheridan wrote to Gen. Sherman re
specting the contents of the ex-Presi.
dent's loiter, Gen. Sherman then had
a cenferonoe on tho subject with the
Secretary of War, who consented to a
leave of absence, but for iio fixed time,
and the grunting of it was left to God.
Sheridan, provided he could apart tbo
(Jolonol Irom Ins stair, i reuuy will
get to go. .,,,, .
- 1 m...i ,
A Specimen, One ol Mr. Blaine's
witnesses to prove fraud in the last
olectinn in South Carolina hat been
heard from. Ho it C. G. Memmlngor,
whoso name Blaine gave the teller
Committee. Mr. Memminger writes
to tbe Charleston Xeutt and Courier to
say tbat he knows no mors about the
election in South Carolina than Mr
Bluino, as ho was still at his summer
residence in Ibo mountains when it
took plaoe. Next I
Judge Chat T. Shorman, falhor-in-
law of Senator Don Cameron, died aud
denly on flew Year s day. lie was a
brother ol General and Secretary Sher
man. ' Gonoral Nolson A. Miles, the
great Indian ftgthter is married to hit
eldest daughter. t ., : ,:, , .
BavardTavlor'afull name was James
Bayard Taylor, and his first publica
tions were made undor tbe name ol J.
Bayard Taylor, but be rasoed hit pa
tronymic to tbe more ounhoniout Bay
ard so many years ago tbat hit earlier
style not long been forgotten. '
tv advrrllsfmrtttfl.
Additional . Rules.-..,
Rales af Court adopted Dec. lTth, 1 818.
.'' .,, ' CunrmiuRCB op causal. , ' , M.',
No oauao hIbm4 ob tbo trial Hit br tbe Pre.
tboBotary and Boitod ia bia offioo is aooereeaae
wltb Halo 119, auall aa br eoaaaat of
tbo partial or Ibotr attoraoya, witboat aa order of
Ibo t'oart ore Law Judao Utreof. Provided,
Ibat boforo auob order .ball be granted. It aball
bo abown to tbo Coorl or Judge, that tea opeeotte
party aae aeueo el too latendod applMattea fee
ucb order.
No oaure ono. plaood on tho araomont I tat and
rat dowB for argnmeBt bj the Protbonotar oa
tbe orgameat dooket, aball be eeollaaed by eao
tentol tbe partial ar tboir attorney!, witbowt aa
order pr.rlou.l; bad and obtained, and filed wltb
the Pnrihotiotir. Provided, that before iBob
order iBell be grantod, II .hall be Ibowa to
tbo Coart Off Jndro,tbat tbo opaoiita party bad
Botloi of Uio lol.oded application fur .ucb order,
0. A. MAYBK, P. J.
' ' 1. 11. OKVIb, A. L. ).
Jaa. i, latt -It. , . v . ,., :
HUNT S uxoEh
niiMiund It OU bMR
f ure t h a Da W I n n tun
,d UMKl lit bUI rlataaaaoi
MMf-red from llnft-rtrtf
Isrrttaea BUitl air ail i kna.
drrHlt who tn-vr, Cra
tf RKAI k II V tiiBM -II
CnriMi al
Orarsinte lint, v. CJrrl, DIIm
I nrOnlir1tlt-ei aVrtrl It aMa-ntl-a. 1
H i: NTHIIl K1KI V iici.ur4ft tWp, cmtr.rm
r .J ,?Jr " ''' " JtKiIM'V rare. I'nla
IniRflNitia, IU, tr falnti. i-er.rr.itj DrMl.
Aftl"l7-.B'lh.r lM.ra- ft thh CIS-
lWr)d hFaUtB
JL' euid all j?iwilB tfitH if t.jin jTiMa-4f tiliM I iiiirtT M H Klfl Kl V t nurnlf ro.
rcana. Ill IN
Injlilrc, nd lav ud
wavriiDPTfr twror niriilnlmrl to tbt ,
MKIlli la erraarea EX.
eva aiMtatM.
aw.nt.wa. a. mi i.
One I I will
KTarjwbrre ar-erre tare
eew ia rearrasi nee rnrtwetity Venn.
HiaiPl.K. umioirll ..iiiKli ,l
BBeslelneekaewa. Thr-rare ju.t what, BAiriewi-a.l.
rr" e..i,aiTiB time, Bweney.
alrknraa an aiirrfrtnr.' r.rrrr alnicfe
eperinri te wen tr-leei Beraarleueei mi
Hot. Cnree. Oeata.
V revewa, rvmowatinn, inS.ntmatlane. , , as
l. Onraetlnn ItiN.mmi.iim,.
Wltrwae, Wnra rever, Wona Cite, . . IS
A tla4lelei or Teetotal of lafaaw..
L KMerrbora, at OaUdron or Adalts . a
i fj'tt,rL' Orjllag. llk. Coke, .. . S
f feiolrra-Blerome, VonlUai. , 7 7.m
1. rotitka, Oolda, RroeeaiiliTT . . . I BJ
a BjrwrnlBia, Tootaarbe. ratearho, .- . wl
t. Hruarkaa, Men lleadecke, Vartlge, . Is
u. nr.ww.le, lull,, stomara, . ,7 . it
ia vewiTwa, aito rromee rerlnde.
ta Croup. Orffrrh. D'ffleatt Imilh. .
M. wajlt ttkewrai, SrT.lp-be. avapraaw.
ftBBleuaBBllam, tUeamallc I'alaa, . . BJ
freer aSAw, (bill Anoa.. S
IT rilee. Nlnd ar blerdlraj, , . , . , at
IS ewetlrtBlBay, aawt Sore or weak Fyaa, ! S
N. Cvtarrk. aeata er ekreale. laaweaoaT I B
a, w BowplaB-t amww, yloVnteoerto.
It AolhaaB, oiiereaead PreaLhlag. . . .. aa
f ar Btiarewntre, tanpalred aearlrat, . S
St. Brrefeilau ealeraed glanda, HwHIInea. . H
It. Uewerml t.Wii7, rfl.etr.1 Waaaawaa, . 5
9. terwewy and eaaaty SecreUoea, , . . eg
BV aw-eilrhnewe, etokma frrjcu rUber. V 10
II. Btiennlarrtae. UeaeaL ..... aa
SI ylei-reua DewllItT, VttaJ Weakaeea,
aa. aeatlaerlBl, ahreratedariea throat, .
teMeeale lleeHyeaUMa aad BniHiBSB,
. . . i r AaWI tVAMI,
JJs.r. Morotra. wiiii abere ( lani etali aal
MaawelWdlraatiaae, - . 7 ... tlSBt
eaeliiiiBii,ettl.ii iialiBBiniak, t.SS i
. Tweeo rraaadlee Breoeait err tate eofe ,
.twalr keaer vial, te ami Pert ef tea
ewe eery, free a eWeeere, wet rii.ttetW .
P-M-e. AdSrres t
k. npwwey.- ewHrMrktrMrwMaere) "
, Wadeaertaet, nm XmtiTl I
rer eJtky ell Krwa-cletB.
waT Meaaewirwoee lWre kernel Ml Oat '
in inn
W Ill Nt
W- havo r-rlMrA a laraa aaraber af tbo now
rKH HILL, t will oa tbo rooolrt of twonir-
- -
i fiVfiT n WANTS
Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs.
Cinvitl, Un. V, II tf
NOTH' H. Th ii.nual nee Kb t fur ilertlun
of Dlltotor of tba County N.llunal Bunk ,
or ClfurflnM, will U bild at tht Bunk Ing IJo.m,
on TuctUay, Jftnuiry Utb, UT, Utwatia l lit
hour, of I ai 4 o'olook p. - W. W. BHAYV,
tlMlV-eH. CeV-Bi-T.
Ut. John B. Rbtffirt, of Venn lown-hln,
u(tr. for rent a dwellim bouM nil ttor rem,
fltUfttotn lb) f iliac ot frOBTUI. UT lOMDtT
iDlortnalioa apply to, or addm.,
flirt. tf U. nnr r nn i i.
bet. n,T8-tf Grami-tan Sfltli.
TIT ANTED. 1-0 0,000 fourltvo fwt Shaved
II no a a, da)i?or4 m ear toadi of
MOO, oa Tjioaa Cfoaroold, P. A K., IJald
Baxla ValleT, aad I'aaa'a ttaU Eaadi, aad for
whioh 1 Will ly lha aaaa.
' . , end V until .
aptll .ia..,. ' Kalaoa, Oatr tia. Pa.
Natloa la twraav rlra taat Ltttara TaMa-
uiaDtarr on tha aaUta of 11KNJ. LANliBBKKY,
lata or Law roe aa towaatitfi, Oloarlold aoaaty, Pa.,
dan'd, bavins baoa duly (t rani ad to tba undar
ainad, at. aaraoD ladabtad la rakd aaiato wtll
ulaaaa uaba itaaiadtaU ayaMatt aad tboaa hav
ing alaitna or doaoaada will praaaat tbata proparljr
auibaatluatad fur aettlauant without delay.
VTaodiand, Pa., bio v. .HTtet J-xaawtrU.
IMTRAV CATTT.R.'Tanatrafpaaainc oa
j tba pmnUaa f Wra. Hawk, Id Ball twp.,
(Cbait poatufflffl), on or abuat tba lit of IaeatB
bar, FOVH HTKEHH, ona and a-faalf yoara old,
one whit with real earn oae blank and wblu
polled i ana red an whit apot tod. and ona red
with whit afrota aa tha forehead. Wo th
narka. Tha owdpm ara reqgaatad ta ootn for
ward, prova trnpertyt pay eharjot and taka
than away or they will ba divpoaad of ateordiaf
to law,
Chait Pa.
CI AIJTION. AU ptnoai ara hereby aaatlonad
j araioat poraaaaiae: ar la any way meddling
with tba fol lowing daaortbad properly, now ia tba
poieeexieo of Uuaa vannway of Karthaa tw p.,
via: Una oook atov and txtarna, 1 beda aad
bedilltig, 1 alook, 1 kmg glaaa, It baahala
potatoaa, I botbala tarnlpa, 1 hog, ft aboaU, t
maitaoaa, i goa, i mawiag aayin. i eaoppmg
ax, and ona broad ai, aa tba a ma waa purouaaed
by me on tb lat day of HoptaBbar. l7a, aad ia
lalt with aakd Coaoway an loan, aobjaot to my
order at aay ticaa, uuivc.a MWftK,
Kartbana, I. II, II7a-t
On 8ALB. '
Tha andereigned will aall at prlrata aal all
that trael or parcel af land aitaata la rUeoalar
townihip, Claarflald oaunty, Pa-, withla a abort
diitanoa of tb Tyrone A CUarflal'l R. R., aad
adjoining Ian da of Robert Hudaoa and otoara,
and known aa tha Jaoob B. Uearhart lot. Tha
aid Iraat oontainlag M aerea nor or leu, with
two vaina af ralaalila ona) tbarnoa, baa about 10
aerea cleared, aad La tb key ta alarg body of
aoal about Doing developed. Will be aold lew and
upon aaay tarata. ot partioulara, apply to
Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 167a. . ,
Ik. Notice ia barebv givnn tbat tba follow! d a ao-
oouota bav been examined and patted by mas and
remain filed of record in tbia offiee for tha in
apaotion of beira, legat, areditori, aad all othr
intereatad, and will b preaented to tha next Or
pbam' Onnrt ol Olekr field eonnty, to ba held at tho
Court Bona, In tbe borough of Claarfleld, rxm
manelng oa the td Monday (being th Utb day)
oi eiaauary, A- u ' 1
Finn) aroeant of John Witberow, Guanllan of
harab A. llrgarty, minor child of K. n. lira
arty, lata f Uutlch avwaibip, Claarnnld Co.,
ra., dfua. , , .
Aroonnt of Wm. B. Wtlhelm, Admlaiatrator at
tba eitate of Jaoob Wilbelin, lata of Urabam
' twp., Ckarflaldooanty, Pa., dea d.
Fhial avcrmat of Jamei W rig ley, Onajdiaa of
Manila MePheraoa.aifttor boir of Jaa. MePhar
oa. lata of Claarflald borough. Clearflold Co.,
ra., aee u.
Final account of J. S. MoKiarnan. Ouardian of
Puian S. llcndcraoc, rstaor child ofgatciiel D.
Handeraon, late f , twp , Craarfleld
aouaty. ra ac a. - t , .
Final aaooant of P. F. Coadrlot, Admiolatrator af
the (! of WfUx Pioard, lata of Uuvingta
twp., cieaniB m eoiiDiy, f., dec d.
Qnardian aoeonnt of O L. Kraba. Ouarllaa of
Kmily J. Bmaal.fnov Rotbroak), miaor heir af
tie. U. Bmaai, lata of brad ford twp.. Clearfield
jo., ra, oc a4
t. J. MOROAX, '
Dm. 11-1. Refieter A Raoorder.
Wbibbai. Bob. 0. A. MATIR. Proildoal
Jadga of tha Ooart af Conmoa Plea, af
tba Twealy-tnt Jatloial Dl.trl.t, eoraBeaail ef
tba aaeatlot ef CieerlaM, Ceaere sad CIIbiob
Holt, Aiioelate Jodgei of Cl.ariald eonnty
bare leiaod lb err Braeeet.te at. directed, for tbo
beading af a Ooart af Comob Pleea, Orabaae'
Coart, Coart of Qaarter fi.iiioai, OoBrt of Oyer
aad T.rnin.r, aad Caart af tl.n.ral Jail D.llr.
ry, at tbe Oeart Heat, at Cleart.ld, la aad for tbo
eooaty afClaareteld.ooBinioBelng ob tb. aerotid
rwoeij, ine istn eay ei wSBBary, ihth,
aad to eoatlaeo two waaba. -
NOTICE 18, tb.roforo, hereby glrea, u tb.
Coron.r, Ju.tltoi of tb. Paaoo, aad Coaitabiel
IB aod for laid ooooty of Claarfleld, to appear 1b
tboir proper poraoai, wltb aeoorde, Rella,
Inqul.lUoni, SianiaatloBi, aad otbor b.raera-
arano.., to do lbo. tbioga wbioh te tbMr
and la b.balf.partaia to bo done.
By an Aot of Auembly, pauod tbo lib day af
stay, A. V. ISM, it la Bade tba doty of tbe Jua
tieet of tb. P.aoo of tb. aerora! oouotlai of tbia
Comraoaw.altb, lo relura Is tb. Clark ef tbe
Court of Quarter fieulooi of tho roipeetive
oountle., all the reoogniianeoa entered loto before
laera oy aay pereoa or poraoBi oharged with tba
oemmleeiea af aay erlaia, otoept nob aaiol ai
my bo ended before t Jaetloa of tha Peaoe, aa
deraiiitiBg lawi, at laait tea day. before the
eommnaeeraent af the aeiaion of the Court to
womb tney ara Bade
la all oa.. whore aay raoogaiiaBeaa Bra entered
inu leu tnaa lea daya before tba oeatanamnaol
of tbo toMiea to which tboy ara ar,ade raaarne-
ble, tbe aaid JiuUoea ara to rotarB tbo aana ia
tba aaina manaar aa if laid set had Bat beea
QIVIM aedar sty bead at Olearteld, tbll 4th
day of IiaoBtabor, la tba year of ear Lord, oae
.ooaaaae aigni aanoree and lerenty-elcht.
deo-te AMDHIW PKNTS.Jr, SberlC
I DRV LIST Ui.t ef tba Bareoa ef (trend
er and iraren. Juror, draws frora the wheel.
to aarre at Jeaaary Tom, Ills, aaaiaiooelaa aa
tha aeaoad Moaday, (lilh), eat u aoatlaaa for
two weak. ) .i ..... c
Hark Taller. Bradford. IK Bruis P-...... .
1 R Tburopioa, Uallok, lleaao MeNeal, Jordan.
n i.irorigni, umaoia, It u falehin, Beoeerle,
V.leello.n.r.1. BornjM Marrar. Dlrerd
Allen Orr, Lawnaoo. Uaatia HllkiL (llnrd. '
Hamuel Kraraar, MorrliRob't MoKoa, Barnalde,
Jolelih (lrii, Deoalar,
A L Toter. Bradr
(Jen MeUelly, PorgaaoB
J W Potter, Oortartea,
Ab'rn Peereo, Uradiord,
Q W Book, Woodward,
Jaa 0 Bloosi, Pike,
at B Bpaoknaa, Cirid,
Jno Tboejee, Woodword,
B KoBaady, floriagtaa.
Jol bVil.r, jr, Brady,
B R Mllel, Woodward.
1 vbavsbii ipaont lir vkbit.
Johe T Blehol, BredT, T.aM Koa, Knot. 11 "
Herri. ileofer.Clearield Jaa Waaliea. lw.
S Mclllaugblin, Cheat, A Curry, Humid, twp.
Jet Caldwell, Brady, W U if MT.r, Uwrenoo,
it nyen, Buraitde twp.,IPeter Bee re, Union,
P Obarieolng, ClearHold! Jaa Ubae, Olearteld,
Beabea Boll, tlrakaaa, U Coleajae, Baraiida tB,
Moew n.lloy, l',ke, 1 W llaneook, Laaroaoo,
Prank Whh, (artba,'P C Bnwmaa, lln.too,
B W Cowher. Booearta.
Jaa W Wilooa, ealleb,
R II riemiag, Uoatadaw
Joha Kakla, Baeearie, .
Chai Dot, Uwronoe,
l u atonra,
Serai Addlaman, Pike,
D Wootoeoi, Woodwerd 'A Bl VIMe 1. u
u Laemii, HnrBlld tf,
1 ThonipaeB, Car'irllle, J, W. liefer, Oaoeela,
H Hubler, Urahara, U W Onle, Cerwea.rill.,
T D ll.rl.. Woodward, Fred Baker, Cbeit, '
W Klag. Buraetd.twp , I J B MelJeaWB. Sreeow'd.
M, Bradfard.U f Bloora, Jordaa,
W Kfpkart, Ileaatar, ; Frank Pallertoa, Pike.
R C Plrtl, Oaoeola, BoVI nugbe., Deoalar,
W T HolaeM. Bareilda. W t Jh.M. P...
Jeeea Weerer, Bell, ,rWI Wiagort, Brady, .
Jame. Tyler, llualaa, 1J lleiteei BarBilde, I.
TBtraaaB .taoaa -to wbbk.
8aro1 Tlrewa, Jr, Dualoq
Jaa Wiley, 0 roar, wood.
joan naaaey, ambee,
P L Beeloea, Car'eeillo,
J t Wr.fley, Uwieaea,
ni.ia neea, ijawranee,
Harrla Saeaal, Bagra, k
W BangBrdaar.Uoeaea,
Ilan'l Fleeter. Beaaarte.
e nayaond, aorne,
Benl ilinoel. Bona. '
J C Ring, Hnaladale,
J H Waller, Oeeeote,' '
w T lHaaa, I'aloa,' '
Ab a Hyrtar. Paea. , i
H kerne. Carweaevilla.
laaae JohaeoB, Cloartald
Owes Canaball, Lew 'Bee
Joha M Ron, Bell,
Martra Kopp, Kartbaal,
dee B Strew, Verge eea,
Reahea lloaerle. tialieb
V a Herroll, Morrla,
Jobs A Dlllea, Jordas,
W M Wileee, Uoekea,
W B Whtloeiaa, Ualioh,
A K Shof, Woodward,
H Coeaer, Bareatd. bar,
W A Bleep Pike,
t 8 Heat, Ueoalar ,
W r Irwla, Clearleld,
IT H Jaaer, Murria,
n lataera, aarthaal,
Jera H agony, Beaaaria,
i aoaae ijeeg, norm, ,
Fraah Roaah, Morrla
J- gnliifrtljKmrnK. ,
SherilT's Sale. " -
t vtrtee er eaadry writ, of Inert p.rf. Ii
leeat eater the Oaejrt ef Oeaaea Plea, ef Clear.
taM eeeaty, aed ta Bra directed, there wtll be
ipond to p.1,11. aala, at the Ooart Heaae, la the
bereagh of Cloartald, ea Tkaraday, Jeaaary
th, MTts u I a'eUak p. a tee fell.wtag
dinilba real aatt.... .
Aha, a eartaJa bellelag IS beet eriee, M net
lea. aad it ft kif h, wiU let aed eerlilesa ea
Earieaaet therate, altaau la Berth Reettdelo,
oertWd aaaaky, Be, baglaalar at B Beet ta
BOflkweat eareef f bet Be. 1H tkeeea penk aa
degraaa weet U feat aa Rweape etreati tbaeoi
Berth It degraaa ee M lot foot ta plaoe af hogia
Blag, ewd kaaere aa rat Re. It la the plea ef
eeld rlUage. tataod, tekaa hi apeeettea aad ta
be oe Id ea the properly af Uee. U. Weadka,eWBer
w rewwHNi awaor, ae a. u I .oyer.
let ef groped eltaale It th. bore r
ei tuaieeiia, teaei an Bo. IU ef paid eaoawga.
beiaj op tkt aorta aide at Market ateeet aad
weal aide af Fifth Itreet, boaodol aa followat Bo
giaalag at the oaraer ef Fifib aad Market atraela;
tbenoo aortb alweg iua etre 172 f.vt U an
eilAV : tHsa-t.w."t M faot ta lor-
aak ef lor Bo. 1.7 I tnaaoe aauln eHeitt eeiu' .'a
feat to Market atreeti Ikanae al( aaid ttraet 10
leel ha plaoe of begianing, being aaae prenilaaa
mottgiirod by aaid llauiel Jlennar to aaid Jo.i.b
W. Kalik, the Uth day of June, 1SH, and ra
io,lrd at Clearfield, in Mortgage Book " B,"
pegea IN Bad t, aad having tliereoa ereoted a
ono aad a-half atory dwell, ag bouae, with kilrben
atiaobed. and a Iwo-itory abop aaed aa a fural
tare naaafaotory, with .lean oogioe. Beiaed,
token In oieoutiua end to be aold ea lha property
of Uaeiol Baoaoraad A.J. Jaokaoa, terra taeeut.
Taaea er Baul. Th. priet ef iaa at whlob
tba property ahVl ho atruob or aaat be paid at
tha tin. of aala, eriaoh aihar arraBgoaonta
aadeaa wtll bo approved, olberwlao the proper
will b. pal ap and told agala al
lb. tlpeBa. aed rilk P tha peraoa te wbta U
tu BlraoB oa, ana wbb, ib oaaeot aeneieooy a.
.ueb re-eala, .bell aak. good tb. aaaa. and la
aeiMtBBee will the Deed be preaaalad la Oeart
for ronOraation aaleaa tbe nooey ia aciaany
paid to tbo Sheriff. AN1IKKW rt.Mi, Jr.,
Saaairr'l Ornra, I Sherilf.
Clearfield, Pa., Doe II, 1171. I
-.v,- - -v. eu.
SherilT's Sale.""
T)Y virtu of aundry writ af Kaa. fLc, 4aari,
J oat of tho Court of t'oinmon Pleaa of Clear
finldCo., and taadlretd, tber will beaipoaed
to pulli a la, at tba Court Houeo, In the boruurh
af Clearflold, on Tlmmday, Uio tatb day ol
January, IHTH, at 1 o olouk p. m.f tbe fulluw
log doaoribed real tat, to wit ;
' All tboee twd oortato traeta of land aitaata ki
Morrla townahip, Claarfleld aonoty. Pa., boumlad
aad draefibad aa follnwat Onepleoa beginning
at a atone neap in ta arnr'or Jacob flrarhart
eurrev, and ad join lug landa of tha tar Adam
Gray aad Ueorg ttuimel ; tbenoa by landa of th
lata Adam Oray north 61 degraaa weat M per
ahea to a poat of tb lata Adam ii ray aad liaurga
Miiaael t Uteao Br landa ot ueorg erntaei aorta
deroea watt iI7l aerobe u a betolooa. ; tbeaoa
uy landa fornarir or Moorg HBiniai and itaratnu
Pbil ipa aoaih ItJtJ aagrMa waa. 1 1 1 aaraaaa t an
oiu gM ptaai tnenoe by landa former! r oi Hard
maa Philip aad Jaaaea Thonipaoa (now Jacob
Uearbnrtj, eoulh i' degree eaai -U per o haa te a
large atoa an u haa l eiaoea u ear a art a aur
vejr ; thence by laiwl of Jaoab iiarbart north .(SJ
dear aait 103 porchei to tbe uIm of begia
ning, containing 56 acre and 70 perebee, mwr or
aaa. Tb eibet pia adjiintng tb above, and
tMlng baodad and deaoribad aa fol'owe, 4a wit
Brgianing at etenea at tb road on lin of Ueorg
eSbiiueL Oeodi taeana alone road ata 474 d
graaa eaat SO ?10 perch ea to a poat: tboao auath
b degri wee 2 S I paroLsa to a pott ; tbeno
aoutb 474 dgr eaat 6 J 10 perohe to a pout;
then north degree weat I P If parohea to a
poat; tbeno aouth 471 degraaa aait 4 10 per-
cnee to a atone in in roan ; nienoe louin za dtv
greea wat S7 1-10 narebe by landa of Awraaa
Kylr to atonoa; thanoa north 40 degreoe weat by
landa of Jaoob Uearhart M at -1 0 parohea tp atoaaa j
theno north ftet. degree wat along ali pieo
anoT deacriLMtd ao puirnea to a poit r tbeno by
land of Brtiaiai aorta w gra at 17 f-it per
obra to nlaoo of beginning, eootaininc 18 aorea
and 11 ptBTobe. mor or law. baiag the aaina
traott or iiieoa ol land convevad to Jaoob Uear
hart, deo'd, by Edward Albert and olhera, by
aniiguonent dated lit September, 1 8 -4, rooorded
ia Deed Book "0,"pge VM, Aa., eonreyed by
unaa. aiioan and ir renin How, adnttnittraten
of Jarob Uearhirt, dae'd, to David
ourded In Dead Book " B B," paga S2J, i'li and
4,-ana saving aoout ou acra cleared and la
good elate of ealtivatioa, with a bouae, bar and
neceiaary outbuilding, and anal orchard.
There ia alio a eual bank (4 foot veia) in working
order on tb premiiea, HeitaJ, taken In cteea
tion and to b aold aa th property of Darid
AUo, a oertain traat of land aitaata In Coving
ton towmhip, Cleirfleld eonaty, Pav, bouoded
the eaat by land of P. Coudriet, aouth by land
of Laoa Condiiet, wait -ty land of flterhen
Koaaay, weat by Kartbaoa heir, ootlning Infi
aerea, mora or lee, with M aarai eleared, and
hating tberaot retd a larga frame honttwo
atorlaa bigb, larg bank bam and outballdiDgH.
Betted, taken ia eieeution and to b told ai th
property ol Antd Beigleman.
Alao, aoartain piece of land aituato ia Clear
flntd boraagh, Clearflold aounty, P a fa11w :
All tbat oertain lot of ground eituate at tha aouth
eat corner of Market and Fourth itreete. la aaid
borough, bogtnniorat aaid aoutheaat ornr of
Market and fourth ttreot. ; then br Market
treet tu a poat tbeno 0 feet tn a aoet ; t hence
by atner land oi aaid waltaoa aoatb M and ay
parall! lie to aa alley It 2 feal ; tbaao by aaid
alley weat to Fourth itreet 60 feat t iheoo aortb
by aaid Fonrth itreet 172 feet to piece of begin
ning. SelMd, takea hi exeeutloa 4 aold
aa tb property of Wm. K. Brown.
Alao, a eeHaia lot of groaad uKuai In Dtebvtlle,
Clearleld eouoty, Pa., boaaded oa tb aouth by
tbe Glen Cuanl road, aad oa lit waat. aorta a od
eait by land of ej tv- iiiln, euulainiug i of at
aer, more or left, and baring a two-atory frame
dwelling hone, black ami tb .bop aod wagon lbtjl
t hereon ereoted. Seiaad, taken In exteotien aod
to be aold aa the property ol Pater Riaael.
Al, a avrtain traat of Ian liaaatn in (rn
wood tawMhip, Claarflald Aowotr, Pa., landed
and deaeribed aa follawa : On tk at by lead of
rutenoiaa niovraeiea, aoatn by land or Frank
MahatTcj and Jat. MoUoa, aortb by th 6mqu.
banna river, weat by land of Hiob' U Mraakio,
ovntatntng Mt ara, aaor wr !, wHh All acrai
olearod, and having tberaon oraotad a hewed log
bom, larg frame barn, ipring hou, wood abed,
and neoeaeary oatbaildingi, and bearing orohard.
beiaad, taken in eiecntioa aad to ba aold aa tba
property f H, C. Thowipaoa. -. i
Al a norUia tract ef land rltuati In Cbeat
feownahip, Claarfleld aauaiy, Parwataloing ahuat
0 aero-, with aboat S aoraa elard, having a
email twa-atory plaak frama baa, log a tab!,
and other oatbuildknga, boandd aa followi (la
tb aaat by land af Jaaaat Owrry, traM by land of
.tona a-aanuigion, aorta ay livada af John Uaga
falter; and aoath by landa of Jono JffH. Beited,
Ukea ia eiecatioa aad aa ba aold a tb proparty
Of Samaal MvLaaghlia.
Alto, tb following property of John Burgey,
aitaata la Frea-shriiia, Ooringtea twp.,CIarfild
aoanty, Pa.1 A eertaia lot froating on public
road aad running aaofc te aa allay, aoath by ltrt,
aaat by public ruad, weat by aa alley, and north
by lot of Afndaat,aoUiaiag about aa ar,
or ar Uee. and baaing tAaraaa arwatad a twa
lory fratao bona, baaaaaaai fraaaa bam aad
Other outbuilding. . , - , . ,
Alao, another lot of gronad litaate la Franeh,
Till, Claarfleld aoanty, Pa., bounded and de
eHbtl aa followi . Fronting o pabllo rad and
running bank na alley, buunded aaat ar paatto
road, eouth by lot of defeadant, weat by aa alley,
north by road leading at Catholio ehnroh, and
having taarooa ereoted a two itery frame heui
and ether oatbaildinga.
Alao, tha dfndaat't Interert In kvnthr pleo
f laad ill a at la Covtagto towaakip, Clear ft Id
aounty, pa., boaaded aad Aoribd at followi!
Oa th weit by land of A. buaamaa, ath by
land of Karthaua hein, eaat by land of Karthana
heir, north by iaed of HmiU ha in, aoauiaiog
10 aorea, mora or leu. with about 40 aoraa cleared,
and baring taera eracteal a log kern,
and othet kuildtagi. Benftd, rakn fa iMntia
and to be aold aa the property f Job a Burgey.
Alao, a oertain tract of land iltaata in La wren
townihip, Clarflld aeoaty, Pa, bounded and
deaeribW at fellewi : Begianing at atak n th
aid BiaanB honing mad, bolng tb Btt(reait
oorner of Charlee H. Maoambar' land; tbeao
waatoa line betweea Reed, Ogritn and Macombar'i
land 17 peirhea to atump, m ta aaat by Moot
4Tk ; lbnoe along aaid creek anqtb 10 parebe
to ajtak j theno aaat 10 parehet to a pott tn old
ainaomahaning road ; thane along aaid road
ortk 10 parohea to pleo of beginning, outlin
ing en nor, mr or J, aad baring haraoa
rooted ft two -atory fraina heaar, 6ak4 feet,
email atahla and other outbuilding!. Heiaed,
takan In aieaaMoa Jnd lo b old aa tba arvaartT
of Joaepb H. Wtoa. '
ArM, aaariala traat ef land attaat la BarailJto'
towwahlp, UteartaM aoaaty, Pa , boan.Urj and
doMeibW atfUoNt Oa tba by laad f
lavt4 MaOalloagk, South by tha Saiqnehaana
rlvat, Weit by laud af Joha NoU?, aad North by
land af aaaa, baiag tba earn land which Me!
MOoy and otbar naTer-d by dad daM 4th of
Marob, ld7l,la laaaal JUad, and raor4d fa
tb olio for wording af deodt ,1a Dd Book
No. S, page f 1, ooataininf 7i aorai, mare or ln,
with about 40 ara eleered and aodr or4 ttn.
tlratloa, with baring arabard, and having erx3t
d theria a fram bara and other nutbajldingi
(dwtsUIng hoawbudmoi). , -
Alao, on athcr pleo af laad aittuaa In at ma
tawnihip, bounded on the Kait by lani of Thpi.
MiUhell, Wt by laad af Bbff. Canon and
Horn Patobin, South by Uni of J. L. Mef, be
Ing tbatam land wkbsh John O. Hndroa and
wile onvyd to aaial lUed, aatoiaing 74
ar, mor or leaa, with aO aorea olea-d, having
thereon a hewed log boa, tw rtorie high, a
fram barn, tad ataar oaiauildiafrs, Baiaad'tahei
ia aiarutlua and to a ald aa U ptoparly af
8aaaaL Hoed. mft , , m ,
Tanaa or i.a.--Tb wrtnt ar taai a bVh
tba propatty bil b atruck of mail ba aid t
tha tlwaa af eala, ar auau other -rangmU mal
a will bo aparaawd. otkvnrte tba property will
ba ImmadiaUly put up aad sold ar at tbat
paa aad liak of tba parm ta whom It waa
atmek off, aad who, ia aaa of aaAaiene- at aaek
ra-aala, ahall mk gooA tb awaa, aad la ao
iaatoaoa will tb Deed b preienled ia Uourt for
oonAraaatiaa aaaaaa tb a.y t actually paid to
UkeHC - AN1BKW I'liM.. Jr- ,
rtr'a vrrima, BSeriff. 1
Claarflald, Pa., Da, IS. 1170.
aj at t'-".' f
Sheriffs Sale.
TIT ?lrtaa nff writ- atf n, ra tmad
J I out af fta Oeart of Cam lMeaa ef Clear,
laid eowutT. and lo ma directed, tber will ba
tipoMd to PUBLIO 0AM. at th Ooart Hoa.,
la th borough af Clarflld, oa Tkaraday, tba
th day ef January, iNItt, at 1 a0ek a.
tke fallawlag aerlred raal MUto,'ff wil:
Tba follow tng daorlbd property ti'aat ia
tavBiBaip, vwaraeta aoaaty, Fa., be
ing two oartaia Iota af groaad knew aa lota No.
aad t la th garJ pita af tb town af Weet
i leara.u, rroattna 110 fe( oa Hirer tint, aad
II f-ei la drpth, Mng 01 feet aaro tbe baak
aad of aaid Iota, bonudiad Mat by Rlrr etrt-t,
mwnm ay i iwi mi--, wt or aa all aad tsath
by aa allay, bar tag tbaraoa treebad a larg aad
wll-Aalhd two atory hoaia, larg Habit, wall
ftalih-A, aad other outhaildlngt. tad to (
K. Mowuaktr, riaaided ta 1I Boak Ma a r,.H'
Alto, aaetaar aarlala lac af mmi as..
lot No . U la Mnaral plaa af Wtt Claarfleld.
bouada4 nad dWiltod a tWItovtt Oa two !
by Proal .traet, a. ia rtk by att allay, aa tk
oat ay M alley, bei.g a Uianf.lar 14, auad
bag along Fruat itraat about lot aaat, aad bam ,
Um park 14, bin. fead aad plaatod wttk
abada Uta. lad f.r tbi Ut regarded to 1W
k Ha. Ik, page lit A, tataad, Ukaa aa an
tutia. aad to kt told M lb frraavatt ttoa
Akua.vl that arv4r a4to-uf toad aituato fa
awaaatp. vioarrM awaaty, ra kawto
aba, auert at laaa,. to aaat,
IManaliftrd laad nor 4 St mm
by Ornto A
totbot, tnarw tr lata.
t IU beg laalng, aantaialng II nmmJZ2
leaa, nf nnimproted land, aad blng part of
rant hat tall. 4Mad. labe fa ater ,D4
to b told aa tba property of Daall 1L..'
W .-af WAaWVt, iV'-V
aide townahlp, CUarlald aounty, Pa,, boaaiitd
and deeerib-ad a follawa t Kaat by l.nj ar Uu
rlaa Hooknbarry, eautk by land ef Wra Knt
mow wart by toad af Oa-pball, n-rtk by'
land of M. H(tokaherry, eontoining IS I acrai
mora or leaa, with about 7 aorea eleared and aa '
davawltfraytloo, md barlag thereon creeM a
two itory fraaaa huo, larg ft bara, and ether
out baiMlnga. riiiod, tkn la iratioa, and
to ba aold aa th properly Of f. M . Hoektniierr
Alin, a aartala lot tltnai la Wait 0Uar(j
Lawrenoa towmblp, Cl..rnld oaitrf Pa,, ,,'
ttioornar of Front and Merrill iti-eet, boundtj
on lha aortb Sy Hrt itreet, aait br "rwt
tmt, w by an alUy, and aouth hj lot N it
being flj frrt front aad tSt feat la depth, and
oown m in genera, piaai t aal towa ai let
No. 00, kavlag thereon ereotej a Iwn-atory houn
well-Oniaked, and a bar aut.bolldiage, Beiiw'
taken to aieautioa, and to b aold aa tk aroner'
IfofTbotNloh!. ,
Alao, a ortata bona and lot af grauad iltaata
to tk borough of Clear field, Clrlld oetr
Pa., known in plaa of aaid baroagh at ttNe.kV
f routing j0, aiore ar laaa, aa Cbarry rat
aad runoiag bab 171 faat t aa ally, ioBad
oa tb north by Cherry atfe4,aat byUt or Frad
Litsiogr, toatk by aa allay, and watt by 1m of
Jamrt 11, Ora hem, and having thereon treeUd
a twawatory 'ram hou, well flaiahad. a fraej
atabla aod otbar out boildinga. Hiaod, Ukia ia
tei-utloa, and ta 1 aold at tba property r R.
N. BbatTe ,
Al", ft aartoia Iraol of laad aitiata la Bara
iida townahlp, Claarflald count r, Pa., bouBdel
na tbat ky laud af Mr. Aadrow, watt by
land of A. II. Shaffer, aootk by, land of W. D
Wartf, aontaiaing 74 ara. Mora or Uu, )
r lear4 and uader improvement, aad having
tbroa oroetod a fram hoaaa, twoatirnn high,
log bara tod otbr on t-bai Id ing. Sailed, tek-a
In eieeution, and to .ba ald aa tk aropertv of
Jeaapk L: NaT. - "
Ala, a oertain traetnf land altaate la QraUei
towaabip. Claarflald aoaaty, Pa., aoataialg l it
aorea, aaora ar leaa, with aboat 40 aoraa oleared,
.bounded and daaeribad at followi : Kaat by landi
of A wo Hubler, aouth by laad af lien. U abler,
weat by landa of IV, P. Siaeal, and north by
landa ol Ban jasmin 8pakaaat and kaviag tUer
on aroeted two dwelling faoai, log barn ud
other out-building. Soiaed, taka ia oiutia,
and to ba told aa tba property af Uee. Narehoed
and Wm. 11. Hnbler, trr tenant.
Alaa, a aartoia traat af laad iltatto Is Morrla
to wo bip, Clearflold aounty Pa, bounded and
di tori bed aa follow: Oa th eaat by laadi f
Joaepk Potior, oatk by landi af Wanner A Bro.,
weit by land of Jamee Uugba, north by land of
Jam Hugh, oa tain ing XI aorea, mora ar leei,
witk aboat aora eleared, and having thereon
erected atwa-ttor. bona, lag bar no 4 other
at-building!. Belted, takea in xeentloa, and
to b told ai th property of Robert Brown and
Abraknat B. Psara. j - -
Alao, a oertain traat of land tl'uatt tn Law
rne towmhip, Claarflald oauuty, Pa boandel
and daieribad aa followi t On th eaat by laadi
a Kliaa H-vi, t. al., aouth ly laad af Wia.
Spaek-na wt by hand of Wan. Spaakmaa and
turnpike, artb by Mil Baad't land, aootaia
Ing St nor, more ar Ian, with about aerea
Uarad, and baring thereon araetad a two-itory
fram houaa and kitehea atlaoktd, kwg baok
bara and other oat-buildloge. -,
Alao, an otbar plana of ItadiittuUta Lawrnr
townahlp, ClarAld aounty, Pa, bounded aad
deasribd ai follow ! Kut by laad of Robert
Portor, aoath by land of if ragle. wet by land of
Wm. MoCrackvo, north by land of Robert Por
ter, eoBtaln'ng 04 uni, nor or laaa, animprr
d, and hariug theroon araetofl a tawaill and
amall dwelling bonv nnd itaMe. Seised, taken
in axorutlon, ao 1 to ba aold aa tat property af
Wm. A- Read and II. W. Mullin.
Alao, ona trant of land aituato la Knot towa
abip, Clearflold eonnty, P., beginning at a pott
n traat Una, theno north 60 degrott eit t
per Oban, mor or leaa, to atonoa ( thoa aoath it
degroat wit 02 perch to at rap, tbeaee aorth '
37 degrae went 170 parch, nor er lM, to
plaoe of bcgfnalag, aontaiaing Ot aoraa aai it
perrhei and aliowanon, being part of Hiobard
Jackaon attrroy.
Alao, all defendant." lnteratt (al tha war of
judgmsnti) in and to ortain other triotaof 75
aorea of land ia tba tamt towntbip, koing p,rt of
a largor trant of land, bounded aad doeeribed a
folio wa: Beginning at a rook -oak, theno 4Ui de
areoa oaal 110 psrehea, theaoa aouth 34 drrra
aat 1.10 preb, aoutk 60 dagroat waat 04 par
ti bet, thence north 40 dgreea wait 1.1(1 perch at to
pleo f beginning, eantaioing Sift acre., mora
or laaa, aad being part of to Beajamio Put I tney
eurrey. eonveyed by tba eieoutora of Wm. lrio,
by deej of Fbraary 9, 17 J, to Samuel Lamrwrt, "(
and th earn prmia whlob Liaberi, by artl
al of agroement, agraed to ooorey t John J.
God, baring aboat 40 aaru alee red. aad having
tberaon rold a frtme bout and bara aad tkr
oat-buil'llnfr. ftelaad, taken in exeeutiaa. and
to bn aold a- th property of John J. Coder.
AI, a oartaia lot of gruaod rituate in the vil
lage of DuBoia, CloarAeld oeuatf, Pa boanded
aad derlbd at followi i Beginning at a noit at
tbe oorner of Stmt and Wrtnt itrteta, thonna
long Orant itreet 120 feet to a poat at Buoth
traet, thno along toth itreet IM feet to a
poat atttUtoattwat. thaao aloag Stato atraat 101
fet ta a wait at Oraat itreet aad alao af bcrta-
tog, kaawa la plaa af aaid village aa lot No. 04.
Alio, one ather twrtaia lot litaato la tb vil
lage of DuBoii, Claarfleld eonaty, Pa., bounded
and deaeribed aa followi: Beginning at a pout
at .Jraut i traet, tbaao ta liaa of lot No. 48 IN
feet to a port at Una-Tar allay, thane alonr aaid
aller o0 ft to a poat, theaoa ia lin af lot No
50 180 feet to a poat at Stat ttrvet. tbnea along
Statu etiwet 00 faat to a poat and plant of begin
ning, known in plaa af aaid rtllag aa lot No 49.
Saiaad, taken in xcutton, and to ba told at tha
proparty of I4U Barding. j t . h , . . .
Alao, all thoa two ear tain aiaaat af lawH iltii-
ato Id Cheat townithlp, Claarfleld oouoty, Pa., th
flrat pton thereof being bounded north and aaat
by laadi of Jaa. T. Laard and E A. Irvio,
utb by landa of Philip DoUa, aad wt by biBda
of llenry Bennett, aontaiaing 100 aorea, mora or
Itaa, and having aboat JO aoraa altered, a amall
plank kow, log bara aai otbr tnt-bnitdinx-.
aad good betring orohard taaraaa. ' --
Tb othtr Ulaoa tber of bounded aorth. ait
and toatk ky laadi of Jaa. T. Laaonard aad K. A.
lrria, and wat by laadt af Wat. MoMattort and
atbari, aoataiaiag M re af aaimprovad laad,
both ptatea kaiag part of tb Benjkmla M oarer
turry. Salaed, takea la atocntion, aad to ba
aold at tb proparty of Inoa P. Moalattara. , ,
A. io, a oertain tract af land litaat la Btoea
rla towaabip, Claarflald 'aoaaty. Pa bounded oa
tko aaat by land af (Samuel Hegrtyt toatk by
aaa, wet by laad af ft. W. Brrlyr aortb by
land of Jeia Dillon, tontalning 00 asrsi, mor
or laaa, SO aerai alaarod, and baring theraoa a
pi ana oouaa, tog oara aaa eat auibiiagt. aai tod,
taken ia xoutin, aad to ba aold aa th nrjnar-
ty of Thoa. Hopkina.
Alao, a eertaia ont aad a-half ttorr frame
but Ming, U feet long and 11 feet wide, and IS
feet high, with lot and eurtiltft kppartonant
inarrvos eunai near rartonvill, oa Broadway
treet, la tha rUUgaof BlairevillA. tie i aad. taken
in xcutMa aad to at told aa tba property of
nut.. tvBiw, vwnir tw rap caw owner, ana wm.
Raadelph. aoatraotor. -
Alto, k oartaia lot or pit? of ground aituato
Brady towniblo. Claarfleld ounli. Pmbds...
bounded and doribd aa followi : On tha eaat
aad aouib by landa of J. H. Bylr , aad oa tha .
norm ana wen by jotapb Serler, Jr eoaUinuig
about I atre. all laard,aad tiarlng tbrrta
raotod a two-atory fram houi, wltb
kltokn aad waodabad attaenad. a amall bubl
aad othtr outbaiUinga. Thara It alao a lot ef
Irult tri growing oa Mid lot. 8iaed, taken ia
aeration and to ba told at tht proportj af t, S.
Alio, a oertain lot or ttioot af araand la tba
vlllag of DuBoia, Brady towoibip, Claarflald
oounty, Pa., bounded aad drlb4 a followa :f
Uegiaatng at a poat ta th Dufloit road : thaatt
aoth 3!t dagraaa aaat by lot aold to Monroa
A ekay, 166 feat to a poat oa lin of Wm. Hoover'
lot ; thftaoa loath 00 deg. wait by aaid lloovar '
lot 10 faot to poat la tonaablp roa 1 ; tkanot
aarth 3 dgrM wat oa laid read let that to a
Katf tMaoa aarlk O'-i dagraaa aaat eu aatd Da-'
it road I SI faat to plaa. af baginalaaj aad
kavlag tberooa rted a large two-atory frama
bonaa, 34i00 feet, aad L attacked t0t3 IW, aad
known aa tha City Hotol. with frata ataato. lea
kouea, aad othor oatbntlding. Saiaed, takea la '
taoatioa and to be told aa tba property af I.
Alao. a oartaia traat or alto of land altaau la
Brady towoibip, Clearleld oounty. Pa, bonadd
and drier i btJ aa fllwa. On tb eavit by 0. C.
Kirk knd Sevler't land, oft tk tonth h lend af
C. A d. &'htn, oa lb weat by laad of Joaep.
Unee, and aorth by laada af Mra. Neety aad a.
Rbaffbr, oonlalnlng 41 aoroa, mora ar leaa, aad
having about 18 aorea elerd, with an arebard of
oholo fruit tree, ttbd baving tacroaa arootad I
a larg frama hoa, well flniehod, log born and I
other oatball dings. , tartaad, takaa la antt.
aad to b told aa th proparty of Uaarg W,
Alto, att ttat traat or nlea of lintf tUaaik la.
Law react townahlp. Claarflald Co.. P. baaadeA
aad deoorfbrd aa followa i Baglaninf at a aaratr ;
of George B Logan'a laad, a th waat bank af
ta Vttaaaahtaaa rtvr j thean by laad af tald
bogaa aouib 14 dfgraei ait 10 parohw to a poet
oarar t thaaea by laad af aaid Logaa toath 73
(iegreua wat 14 otarab to a poat aamar tocnoa
aoutb 14 dr-graaa aaat 1 aorab to tarvloa-harry
ooraar! thtno by land af A. 0. Tata aorth 01 - ,
grroa aaat 110 parehMsta a lna , thane ky had '
f A. O. Tata aad Joalah n. Head Berth 41 de
gi tavrt 87 prb to a whlto aak I thaaea ky
land ef Wm. Hpackraan, Sr., aortk 40 degra
oaat tfl awrohat t ft loautt -ea bank af rtrar
tkaaaa aa aaid rtrar tb amrai aaaaa and dt.v
tanou ta tht plana of aagiaaing, aoataiaiag 101
"""o ar IMI. starving aad iptkag ant ,
or tho above deatribad aramiM about k aerei,
oonvayad to Baj. Bpaokmui, dae'd, la kia Ilia, i
t Charley ti4wa, aad now to p ea af
Mattbia Uenry. It keiag tht taow premitto
whtnk Mattbav Brown, by Indenture kaanag .,
date tbatoth day of kfarth A- D. INl, faatyJ
ta Itoajamla Rnaakmaa, reaordad at Clearleld,
la Itoad Book " I," page UKl -l, having about
i ara rlarad, vLb an areaard, aad having t
Ibaraaa twotod ft (w atory frame ho, frama J
lank bara and aeeettarv natbailditive. Heiwd.
takea la iiantlea aad to (to toad at taa Itraparty
of Ada Baeekaaaa. . . : - -i ,
Aiao. a Mrtaie lot ritaattt. im k. k..ka
tarwBlll, Clavatfletd atrauty, Pa., k.und
aad daaartbad at ftlltwa t Nartk by Htato etrwts
aA by lot of ft. Krateer, waat by tot af Mr.
Ppaeear, toatk by an allay, front tog M feet, mora .
r ). aa Htoa tr4, aad aaaaiag baak IM
feat, mora ar 1, to aa alky, and hiving tkort- t
oa aruatad a twa-ttory aa at awN flalokaad, ataAto
aad atoar eat baudiaga. tol. takaa to aaa
eetiaa, aad to aa Bald at tk praany f I. JC
taraoa Dioeaa. ..!...' -
TtHM at laLft-etkl aiba tattlsA
tbo rpwrty akaU ba mtt af umbm (to paid at
or aoa aiktr arraaaeai
toad aa all) be anYrwW,kr.totAb pre
t Will b BsadLatok mmi mm at. mmlA BvaWta a
tk ipaa aad atofc atka parawa ta wka aft
o trah aA, aad h,ta aaa af dafletoacy at
oaok iBato, akadl taaaa feed aba aaaa. aad la
laataaa tii tdw Itoed ha p tod Oeart
for aaravaal uatoat tk aj to aatoaily
adtoWt ' AKbRBW PlJiTLJr.
: . Bmmwrti Own taa, k a iktrlaV
Claraad. Pa-. lfl,ltTl.I t h-