Sottls. THE MANSION HOUSE. Oeraerof Keooadead Market Hiniu, rpT it A er.i,,..r V I the p..f year. .. ..lorgod I doabl. iu ...rcner capacity for the eaurtalaaeBt of atrao fere tad goeeta. Tbo whole bat Ming bu beea rafarBiibed, and tht proprietor wtllapere to rentier mi gatiti o.vJorubla wbtl toying with his. The MbiIob Hoasa" Oualbai noi to fend mm tbe Depot tht arrival ud departure of eer-h irftta. W. 0. CARUUN, July It TT-tf Propriotm 0ur 0irn SUmtltrmrnt. LLEGEKNY HOTEL Market Htraet. Clearfield, Pa, tT. ft Bradley, fornorly prop riot or of tbo Leonard floiiae, having Uti tbo Allegheny Hotel, Holt a ahare of public petroaage, Tbo IIhum baa hoea thoroughly repaired aod aewly furnlehed, and xauti will find il a pleaaanl atop' ping pUoo. Tho utile will bo 'applied with tbo brat of everything ia Ibo market. At tbo bar will bo fnud tho boot winee and llnonra. Good it a ll log aitorhod. May 17, i a. WM. If. iltlAULEY, Proprietor. Shaw house, (Cor. of Market A Front etnata,) CLEARFIELD, PA. Tke oaderetgnod kavlog ukn ehargo of thi. Butel, wtmld reopoetfally eollelt public patronage. S10 6I1AH. leMS.ft. rpKllPEIUJ.CE IIOUSB, NEW WA8III.NUT0S. PA. II. D. BOSK, PROmiBTON. Meet., loo. Man aod borae orer sight, II Of. Mao ead to boreee uf.r olgbt, SI..0. The le.t of ai-oummodutiona lor tuta tad bcaal. Out. 23,'Il tr. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NSW WASIIINUTON, PA Tuli new and lurnlabed boa.e bu km taken by tbo underaigned. lie fall ooolldont ot b.iag .bit to render .ailafeotloa to tboM wbo may ..u, Ul W WHO OBU. M , l7- O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. HE REPUBLICAN, Feblisaed every Wednoedey ky GOODLANDER &. LEE, CLBArtflCLO. rM Hae th t-argaat Irtulatloa of any paper III Northwesters P.uuaylvaala. The large and constantly increasing circulation of tbo Republican, reudors It valuable to business men medium thro' which to roaoh the public. IHiSffllaurons. I Still Piano f,.r onlf THE REPUBLICAN. ttti MI Organs far oaij. 10. All worronlod ail ywa. Vom t lall io -ul fi.r lllualroied t'outogu m fiAabb tin Lit. Ung-aol Mons'ivlurora, Uwlttoaa. Pa.(6pi. II, Ie7 J to. tRRA COTT STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick kept oooitanUj oa baad. STOAE A.D EABTU.WAB OF EVERY UKSCRIPTIONI LOYD HOUSE, Street, PHILIPHBURO. PINil'A. Talile tlwari lopplied with the beat tbeaurkM """ w.T.nna pooiie ia lanrea toe.lL in '.'' ROBERT LOYU. County National Bank, OP CLKARPIKLD, PA. II OOM In MmooIb Building, oae door aorta of .1 v v. u. n ataoa a urug Htoro. I' Tieketa to and from Liverpool, Qaeeni. town, MImcuw. London. P.ria and Con.BfaNn Aiao, Draft for ante on the Royal U.nk of Irelead jinu imperial nina or bonilon. JAMK8 T. LEONARD, Proa't. W. M. SHAW, Cuhler. Jal,'7J DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Hoiith Third Htrael, PhllaJrlphl And Dealers in Government Securities, npuiioanoa or mftti win reoe re oromnt .itan tlon. and all Information ebaerfulle fornl.bod vraera .oiioiea. April 11-tf. r. I. aaaoLO. a. ar. AaaoLB. 1. a. imoli F. K. ARNOLD & CO., IsiMiker and Ifirokern. Keholdtvlllrj. aJcfteraou Co., Pa, MoQoy roeelrnd on dopoiit. Dienanti at mo derate rater Bititom and Portiga KxcbDg al btoq man oonrciioni pnimptl? maua. HtvnnMiviMo. Do tit, H74.-ly 5entUtr. J. L. fi. nEICIIIIOLD. Oradnau of the Panatelrml. rollava of Dental nurtrrr. nmoe in roeldoooeof Dr. Mllla.oopoalte the Hb.iw linn... rnohU, -Jj if. DR. E.M. THOMPSON, (Office la Bank Building.) CurvrenaTllio, Clearfield Co., Pa. eh t: ; tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEAKPIELD, PA (Offlee in raetdenne, Seeood atreet.) Rllroue Oilde flaa admlolltarad for the pain aa aitrenlaa of toeib . Clearfl.lH. Pa.. Mae t. 17M. 51ti5frlbtifous. SIIOI IMAKIMO.-I bereb, Inforta me p.. trona, and mankind In general, that I bare remored me ebormeking abop to Ihe room lc Hraham'a row, orrr 8 I. Snrd.r'a Jeeelre More, a mat aio pi.pareq IA no .11 llnde or wnr in m line eh.. pa- than anv otbor ah-p la towa Ail work Wkrraa'ed a. go d aa ein ha .l ine anv wbrree'ae. Pueitlrelr tbi. la the .h an"t .bop be. II, I8TI tf. Terum or Subscription t If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 II paid after three month,, . 2 60 If paid alter tiz months, . . 8 00 When papers are sent oulaide of the county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten lines, or loss, 8 times, , Each subsequent insertion, Administrator' Nolicos, . Executors' Notices, . . . Auditors' Notices, . . . , Cautions and Eslraya, . . Dissolution Notices, . . Professional Cards, & lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per lino, . . . 2U tl 60 5u 2 50 2 60 2 60 1 60 2 60 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS; One square, 10 lines, . . , 8 00 To squares, 15 00 Threo squares, 20 00 One fourth oolumn, , ; , . 60 00 One half oolumn, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 UKUCK.S! POTSI CROCKS rimer race-lit Airtight Sell . Mo.iiug BUTTER CROCKS, with lido. CKKAH CROCKS, MILK CROCK ArrLE O UTTER CHOCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, r LOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STSW poTS, And a great man; other tblnga wo a am .rug. mention, be be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY Uoraor 01 Cherrj and Third Streeta, CLKAUF1KLD, PA. J.H.L'YTLE Whole8ale & Eotail Dealer in GrocorioS THE LARGEST and TIET SELECTED STOCK COFFEE, TEA, Sl'GAR, fVHIlK MEATS, PISH, salt, OILS, QCEENSWARE, TUBrt and BUCKETS. Dkl fcD FRUITS, CANNED OOOUH, SllCr.8, BROOMS, FLOUR, . , PEED. . County Agent for LoniLi,.tMa Ton.ictos, Th.M i gooda konght for CASH ia larga Iota, . . JAMES 11. LVTLB, ClearSeld, Pa., Jane . IMS-lr. REMOVAL MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAED0N4 SB0 Oa Market St, an. door ereat of Manaloa noaaa, CLEARPIELD, PA. Oar arraagemoata are rf Ibo mort aomplet. vD.raew tor lurnianing ina pahlie wttk Pre.h M.ataof all kind, and of Ibe rerj Mil quality " -ainaani orrieuitarai imple menta, wbieb ere keep on oiblhltloa far tb. ba. t of the pnbho. Call aroand erhea ia Iowa aao uae a look at tblnga, or eddreee aa P. K. CAHDON k BRO. Cloarteld, Pa., Jul; 14, IS70 If. "Svvr 3Iurblc Yard. The aaderalgn.d would inform the nubile that w H..opfn.a nrw meJOle lard on Third Mreat, oppoeite Ibe Lutheran Ch.rob. aim he will k. oonitaatle on band a etoek of rarloaa kiada of maioie. Allllodaof TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, Pom for Ctmtlery Lol, aad all other work la bl. lie. will be prompt); roe rooable ratea. H.guarantMBaatUfartory work and low prime. -'-'- a ran. J. r LA II A H 1 Y, Cloarteld, Ha., March IT, 1X71 tf. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS STATIONERY. Market U, tleartold, (at lb Poet (Mire. rpm an'l.riignrd aega leare U anaowoea u, X be ellleeae of ClearSeld aad rtelaitr, thai be haa Sited ap a room aad baa Ja.1 Warned from Ibe elt wltb a large amoaol of read i a, " i w.,iDg tm pan oi Bibles and Misoellaneona Books, Bleak, Aeneaot aad Paee Book, of er.rr da eeripiloa Paper aad laeelepee, Preaeb preaeed p.iu , ran. mam reaeiiet viana eogai rapan, ueaoe, mortgagee Judgment, Eaemp Uob aad Pmmiear aoteei While aad Pareb meal Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap. aad Hill Cap, Sheet Maam, for either Plaae, Flale ar Vlolla. eoaetaatle aa bead. Aae kooke ar atalloaar daairad that I ail Bot bora oat kand.wtll ka ardarad b. Srat aapreae, aad auld at wboiaaale or reull to eail eealomore. I will alee keep period iiwraiure, eaea a magaataea, newepanere, e. P. A. UAULIN. ClearSeld. Mar T. IHgS-tf The Bell's Run Woolen Factory towaehlp, Cloarteld Co., Pa. BUMED O U Tl sat aot " B OR NED UP I Tbeaakeorlbera bare, al great eipoaM.reballta aoighborbood aeeeaeitr, ia Ike ereetiea of a Irtu laae Woolea Maaafaelorr, witb all the modem Improremeau eltaobed, aad are prepared la auke all klade of Olotaa, Caaelaearaa, Satlaetu, Blaa keu, rieaaala, Aa. Pleat; of good, aa bead lo eapp., e waraaa aa. a uooumad aewoaatoeaara, wbem we aeb to eome and aiamlaa aeu nook. The baalaeea mt CARDINO AND PULLING) anu reeMra aar aepeelal attaatioa. Pr.r arraagemeau will be made to reoalre aad detlrer Weed.toealteaitomera. All work warraated aad P eaeneei aot lee, aad be etrlel altaa. Uea ta buteaa. we hope te reallae a liberal ekan ef paWlbe pamaato. IOMM POUNDS WOOL WANTED I ' W. will par the hlgheee market prioe lr ee aad Mil eari meeareeierW gowda aa low ae eimllar goode oaa ba boagbl la tbo, aad abaaem wa fail ea reader raaaeaaaee oeltefaetkea we aaa alwaje be fraud at boa. read, le mab. areaor aipUaaUoa, ettk ia pmeiwk, leuer. ., . JAMJIS J0UN80S A SONS, III.AMtS. We have always on band a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPCENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, ONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4c, Ac, &c. James I. Licavy, M.ring nareh.tad Iha ..ilM ... v.... n.eaeii, Brr.b. ,,.,elhet be bee mored .n.o ,ne room lateli orropl. d bl Rrrd A Hagerlr ?h kN ""' ,k" '" P"Vtn offer to COQK STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, of tbo latrel Improred patteraa, at low price.. HOUSE rUENISHJNG GOODS, Gas Fixtores and Tinware. Roelng, Spooling. Plumbing. Oaa Fitting, and ,..iog rumiie a epeetalt,. All Work warraatad. Anvtbiag la me lina will .a tA.A MHt.i i. eairew. JAM. L LEA VV. Hropri.lor. FRED. SACKr-TT, ClearSed, Pa., July S, )S;.(f. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS , POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILfa HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, Ac, IN THE BEST 8TYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. GEO. WEAVER & CO., ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlander A Ip, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., Hot ononod aa. In th itA- mam 1.1.1. ..... u.i bJ "Wf' Brtu,oa fiooond itroot, a largo and eregiajejejan, ll?TTaa I Dry -Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUKE.1SWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Wbleh the will di.poaa of at rraeoneble ratea for rr.H, or eiohaage lor oeuatrj produee. OEOROE WEAVER A CO. Cleerield. Pa., Jan. . I7.. WEDNESDAT MORNINO, DEC. 25 II7S. any civilizwl man cared to live In, as his nearest neighbors wero Ironi aiitocn to twenty foUr mile away. But the Jutlire Imflire tlila had " routed " il, waa something ol a wag, swing tbo militia Captain wilb his long sword, raised himself tip from the floor where hu hs JiiiOi jf Jivuiiif,.auiJ. ef-kc.1'. ho MK. BROWN ON TUB TIMES HE TELLS WHAT HK KNOWS ABOUT BUSI DOS AND THE POLICY OP THE BUL1.NU PARTT. NEW. flour, fi;i:i, AND GllOCEltY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Roes. No. 4, Plo'e Opera Uoaac, ClearSeld, Pa. XeepawaaUatl aa band SU8AR, C0FFEI, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL SVROP, ALT,' SPICES, OAF, Oaaaad and Dried rrilta, Teoacoo, Clgan, Oa. ama, Older VUagar, Bailor, Eggt, Ae. ALSO, IXTBA HOME MADS Wheat and Buckwheat Flour. Cora Heal, Chop, Feed, 4o., AR ef wkark win) be aeid eaooa for aaab or la nkaaga far aoaato aradooo. ClearSoUL Nee. IS, Utt.-tf. Mr. Editor: IVrmit mo through thccoliiinns ot jourpupcrto say u fuw wunls in regard to the times. In the yar 1K74. my brother and I assumed the payment of the Clt ftrflo d Plaining Mill Company 'a iinlvliteiJiii'sa, (having a fourth interest in tbo Company pro vioim to ibis lime,) tho liabilities were 851.000. the axrelH $04 000. Any one looking at the figures would say that wo could pay tho debta in full and have $10,000 left, but bow different the re sult. Tho firt year, by the aid of $13,000 oi previous acquired cnpitul, wo letlucvd the debt $27,000. Tbo next year $9,000. Third j oar $4,000 and then offered the balance of Ihe pioporly tor the remaining $14,000, augl winch consisted of timber lund. steam aw mill, planing mill and town pro perly, onginully coming us $30,0(10, and our creditors would not take it, but kindly consented to reduce the debt one half. Any one wishing: the property can have it for $10,000, a loan diicctto us ol $JO,000. In cuing thin cane 1 do not east any reflection on our creditors, lor they are all perfect gentlemen, and did till in their power to help us out of our difficulty ; but llio tlumo is attributed to the system of finance under which we are Buffer ing. The money power, through the leaders of the Republican party, have bad control of the finance ol the country over since 180, when they effected through the Secretary of the Treasury and tho Senate, the passage it the legal tender ail in a mutilated fin m "interest n bonds and diiliex on imports made payable in gold" tho duties on imports to pay the gold interest on bonds. Had tbe interest on bonus been made nuvtihle in cur rency, mere would nave been no ne cessity to have the duties nn imports payable in gold und our government wotiiu not nave discredited our currency, liy refusing to take it for duties on imports. This was the fii hi act of treachory on our currency by tho money power, but it was not ihe lai-t. Every act passed during the war was to dircredit our currency, in order to get posseaoion ol it at thirty-five etuis on tho dollar; so as to buy hu bomls as cheap us possible. How different ulier the war. ' First Act. All bonds, treasury note', and all other obligations of the government, ahull be exempt Irom taxation, br or untler Slate or municipul authority." (Act ol June 30th, 18B4.) Although passed betiuu the termination of the war, this act belongs to this period. ike tho Nutionul bunking law, at sim ply anticipated events. Contraction tgan in 18C5, August 31t, by Secretary McCullough. In I860, Oct, 31st, tbo amiiunl contracted was 1395,815 318.27. This policy was persisted in until all evidences ol ndebtedness of the government bear-1 ng currency interest, and having but short time to run wero converted into gold Interest long bonds. Ill tbe meantime contraction bad done its work, business men began to suffer, and tbo industries of the country to dtchne. ''Hugh McCullocb had lapped great artery and let nearly all the blood fiom tbo body politic." Tbe next great act to prostrate Ihe dustries ( f our Country was the Specie Resumption Act, passed in amiary 1875. Tho lion. Moses W itld, of Miihigan, gives a detailed atatement ol the profession and call ings jal the Forty third House. He said: "the Forty-third Congress, to which I belonged was composed of 379 members. In this number there were six lumbermen, thirteen manufacturers, seven doctors, fourteen mi rchants, thirteen lanners, three millers, one land surveyor, one priest, one professor of Latin, ono doctor of laws, one bar ber, one mechanic, ninety. nine lawyers und ono hundred and eighly-iiiiie hankers, which includes stock-holders in national bunks." Farmers, mechanics, business m n and day laborers, will you not arise, shake off your lethargy and assort your rights r, In tho hour of the coun try's peril you are called to face the bulb ts j in peace you are compelled to pay all the taxes and support govern ment officials. Why should you not have a fair representation in Congress. It is said by politicians that wo are too ignorant, but we know enough to mako laws to protect our own interests. Tbe money power have controlled tbe country sixteen years, rnd why i ii-.. i . nttiium not we nave control, wo are nine-tenths of the population and we let the one-tenth rule us. Real estate is rapidly depreciating in value, which will inevitably result in a general fore closure oi mortgages, and transfer of property. We are last drifting to "Enir lund'a policy," where twelve men own one half of all the real estate, th balance are slaves. M. G. Brown. Clearfield T. Dee. 20ih, 1878. JAMES L. OILLIS. FEW INCIDENTS OP AN EVENTFUL LIFE. Any man wbo bas lived in tbig sub lunary sphere, ever since the year 1792, and been at til active in tho pursuit of Knnwludgo or lame or wealth, or even a living, must of necessity have bad very many Interesting experiences, Think oi il away back to the year of our Lord 1793 is long time sgo almost a century. Washington was then President and lived eight roars after this, until 1800. At that distant Jny, history tells us, there were thir teen little States in this now glorious Union of thlrjr eigbt. These Stales were somewhere away East of us. W have no doubt Judge Gillis could locato tbem if it wore necessary, but thoy were not far from our Atlantic coast. Il was in ono oi those namely, Now York where James L. Gillis first saw the light of day. In this Slate "ho livod and loved and aaw Niagara" until th year 1822, when he removed to 1 effurson county, Penn'a. This was ool the far West, but it was some wars South of iJsw York, but as sparsely settled a ar. our Wtwturs plains or mountain ranges of the present day, and probably as wild country tk.n aa ,. 'us lujiy cdinpeleiff to tako 'carel atalwart Captain-; " What In h I are of bitn.ell. About ' roughing" it, this was one of the little experiences, we are aliotit to relate : At tbe time of tho last war with England in 1812, ibo Judge was about twenty jeais of age and was Dot tbo kind of man to hold himsell alts it Irom any dislui bunco of this kind. Ol course he was iu for it, in lor the aar, ready to do bis part aa far aa in bim lay in honor ol bin Hug ami country. In July, 1814, ho wus Lieutenant ol cavalry and a as engaged in tbo buttle of Luntly'a Lano, July 2.1 lb. Hu wus among the 'first to eugiigv in tbe buttle and the last to come out, and remem bers distinctly all tbo incidents of tbe day and night, Soon after this battle he waa out with a foraging party, and when three miles from Ft. Krio was captured by tbe British. This was on the 7lh of August, 1814. Hu was paroled at pluco culled Ueauport, below Quubee, between tbe mouths of the rivers St. Churles and Montmorency, bis parole limiting bim io a space extending thrv miles fiom the river. November 14, 1814, (sixty-lour years ago), be wa, with twenty-five other prisoners, all army officers, taken from their parole and put ou board tbe transport ship "Stuloly, about to sail lor Eugland, under convoy of a Man of War. Nut relishing a voyage across the Atlantic, undersucb circumstances, Liuul.Gilli with four others, concluded to muke an effort to regain their liberty. Il was, they all very wull knew, a very bold and husardous attempt. Tbe chances were aguinrt their being suc cessful, but rather than be taken to England as prisoners they decided to risk it. The sympathies ot the other prisoners wero with thoin and they aided thetu while they were gutting awuy Irom the vessel by loud songs of revelry. Tho long bout belonging to the " Stately " wus made fast at the ship's side and drilling back of her stern. Lieut. Gillis first got out of thu cabin window in ihe siern ot the ves sel, climbed down a ruddle at the ship's stern, caught bold of the i sinter and drew tho long boat under tho stern by the window, 'J he five thon climbed out, got in and with only a bottle ol rum and a loaf of bread lor rations the boat's painter was cast off and they were sent adrilt, ibo tide drifting them rapidly away down the river. The first danger they encountered was, their drilling on the chain of a niguie at aiicuor neur. Uere il wus almost a miracle thai ibey were not capsized. Their boat rubbed against the side ol tho Irigute and they were hailed by ils watchman, but tbe night being dark liny escaped detection and drilled away, landing two miles below Point Levi, ou the opposite side oi ihe St. Lawrence. Leaving the boat, they climbed the precipitous bunks.sat down. ale llieir loaf, drunk their rum and started, going towards tbo river Chau diere, which empties into iho 8l. Law rence above Quebec. Striking that river as tbey supposed at duv light, eleven miles from (Quebec, they took to the Woods, going up that river, fol lowing tbe woods during ibe ray and the road by night. On the morning of the second duy of their wanderings they arrived at a Frenchman's cabin, he telling tbem thai they were not on the Cbaudiuru river, but a branch of it. He gave them a breakfast of oatmeal cakes and cooked onions, which, in their condition, were very pa'atable. Their host gave them three hitter oat meal cakes, and informed them the1 were on the wrong route, and woul have to go back to Santarie, on tb Chaud'cra river, or tuke a marked line through tbe wilderness for forty miles, to St. Mary s, on the upper Chandicro, They chose tho Isttor, after wandering for three days through spruce and brush. On the third day tbey reachei a beech tree ridga and feasted on the nnts of that tree, one ol their party Lieut, rontaino eating shell and all, bich gavo him the colio. Soon after- wards striking a road, they came to the cabin of another French settler, and no ono being at home, they con suited as to whether they should go i help themselves to food and leave money to pay for it, or go on. Con eluding to leave the Cabin unmolested they pursued their weary march, and soon after met the owner of the cabin, wno, wun ins lamily, was reluming Irom St. Mary's, The Frenchman in formed them that bills were up at St, Mary's, offering $100 and tho King's bounty a guinea for tho capture of: each ono of the refugees. They retured to tho Frenchman cabin, wbo gave them food, and agreed to pilot them through St. Mary's aa far as St. r rancis, stating that he had a brother at Iho former place, wbo would assist them. This man, professedly friendly, finally bit laved them to tbe enemy. In bis company they set out lor St. Mary's, arriving there at a late hour, Here they found the brother and were admitted into lb house. Tbe distance irom St, Mary's to St, Francis was only nine miles, and could tbey have arrived at this place th.y would have found a road cut through the woods, and from there to the head waters of iho Connecticut. The road was cut by a man named Craig, in tbe time of the embargo, several years de- lore, for the purpose of smuggling cat tle to Quebec, and from Quebec goods on tbe return into tbe province of Maine, J be road was sixty miles lonir, through tb. woods the entire distance. Thoy are now almost to this road. which, bad tbey succeeded in reachinir. tbey would have been sale from dangers oi capture, Altor secreting themselves in this bouse by hanging lb bedding up at ID windows, thoy wore told that ibey could not cros tb river until after tb lights wero put out in the buildinir. situated on tho opposite aide of the stream. Th brothers then, on pretext or going ror a boat, wont to the guard nous and reported tbe presence of Iho A mericans ; th guard was ordered out. in nous surrounded, and about thirty militia, armed with pitchforks, clubs. snot guns, etc., marched In, th Cap tain carrying a long sword, sboutinr at ms top or bis vote to Lb. boys. " Surrender I Surrender 1 1" and room frightened than were lb enarmed Americans, who, tired and fuouoro, bad been odeaforing to get eome rest Captain Uaat, on of U party, wh you going lo do with l but lid spear? The brrya realizing that they had been betraivd, and, being unarmed, made u vijlue of necessity and of course surrendered without ceremony. Tbey were will treutud by their captors tu ken to comfortuble quarters and pro vided wilb a giHsl breakfast Alter daylight, tho news of the capture hav ing been circulated in tho village, tbe prisoners became heroes, were tuuled by all tbe Ireuch girls, who took quite a I'uncy lo the Americans, blacked their boots and brushed their clolhea for them. Kucb of tbe prisoners hav ing been put in cburge of a guard Lieut. Gillis, while taking a walk, cut a slick, and on his return to tliuir quurivrsviueuiiiig ono whom be sup posed to be the fellow who hud be trayed them, lell upon and gave him a drubbing, the unlorluiiulu Frenchman crying "murder I" when Hunt and Clark cumo up and told him be was beuling tbe wroug raun. Each prisoner wus placed iu a culush, and wilb a driver, also wilb a guard, were started buck to Point Levi. A culush is a two-wheeled curriugo, like an old fashioned gig, with a wooden apron hung upon hinges. Tho one having Lieut. Gillis in charge wus the sumo Freiichinaii whom bo had beaten, und ut every stopping place on tbe wity he am used the populace by telling how be bad been mistaken and whip ped for the botrayer, saying that if be looked like the treacherous pilot he deserved whipping. The purly wus two days and a hall niaking the return trip lo Q iebee, and on arriving there were put In Jiul for sale keeping, the Fall fleet having sailed lor Eugland. Alter three duys they were taken bo- lore a Magistrate and arruigued on the cburge of having stuleli Ula Majesty's long boat, and the ieiialij for stealing was deutb Our prisoners employed a tatikee lawyer named Cuibberi, loriuerly of Boston, to defend them, and be shrewdly look ihe position that iho British having lakuu tbem Irom parole, they were, al the limo ol the alleged stealing, lawful enemies ul His Majesty, the King, and added lhal il lliu prisoners bad destroyed the entire fleet they would have been justified by the luws ol war. This plea saved them and they were acquitted, when they weie put on board a brig and sent, as regular prisoners of war, to the prison on Alollullu Island, where were gatb ored about 1,100 other prisoners. The Judgu afterward learned from D James Rush, of Philadelphia, that this lawyer Cuibberl's wife was a daugh ler ol Benjamin Rush, and a sister ol his und Richurd Iiuah. At this prison in Mellville tbey were onfined in a building fitted up with slulls und ulleys. In euch of which stulls wus swung twenty -seven ham mocks. Here they again attempted lo escape, but were foiled by the cowurdice of one of ihe night gunrds whom they linil bribed, and who, al th last mo ment, betrayed tbem. For this at tempt, one of their number, a sailur, was put into a dungeon ior ten days, and given only broad and water, but bis companions managed to supply him pluntilully with rum and rations, so that he tared very well. Here they wero kept about lour weeks and then again paroled al Dartmouth, opposite llulilax, where they remained Until April, when peace having been eon eluded they wero sent to Salem, Mass. At balom, they were royally enter tained hy one Captain Crowninshield, a resident, who was with them al Mellville Island, near Halifax, and who was, Ibe Judge thinks, tbe brother of the Secretary of th Navy under Jefferson or Madison. After tho war in 1818, Mr. Gillis made a journey to Michigan Territory on horseback, being in Detroit when there was only on brick bouse there. There be met the celebrated Ixird Sol kiik, oi Scotland, who, having located a colony at Mauatobn, was then on bis way to Montieal to attend a suit brought against bim lor trespass by the Hudson's Buy Company. Lonl Selkiik bad traveled Irom Manatoba lo Saginaw in a dog train, and here he employed a sleigh to tuke him to Do- IroiL Mr. Gillis accompanied Selkirk as tar as Ancustrr, near tho head of Lake Ontario. Tho Judge describes him as a thin visaged, tough, sharp Scotchman. Not until four years aim, during a cruise with his son ou Luke Superior, did be learn what particular trespass Selkirk had committed. Here be fell in wilb Mr. McLaren, in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company, wno gave him the particulars. The Company bad agreed to furnish Selkirk and bis colonists transportation from tort Chippewa, but on their arrival there, refused for some reason to com ply with their agreement. This was a great disappointment to Selkirk, and be determined to obtain by strategy what was denied bim. Accordingly he invited tbe officer of the Fort to dine wi'.h bim, and succeeding in makinir ibe entire party drunk, while they were under the influence of bis rum, Lord Selkirk helped himself to boata and whatever was necessary, and nut out for his destination. Hence the suit, i Soon after the oiganizaiion of Jeffer son eonnty, Pennsylvania, Mr Gilln was appointed Associate J udga ot lb eonnty hy Governor Porter, and ae-a I on tbe organization of Elk county, w appointed Judge in tbateouuty. Ue also represented th latter Count i 'in th Legislature j was first eKctid in 1640, and served three years io the House and three years in tb Borate. In 1856 b was chosen to represurl his district in Congress, serving one term Ue made bis first visit to thefiiata of Iowa, in a buggy, in 18JI, auO when b returned borne found that bla Demo cratic friends were again ruling bim ror tbe Legislature. Ue otiin went lo Iowa in 1862, locating ileitis eityoi te rv - . ... oaouui i it-asuni, wncr ns baa ever since resided. . i 1 be Judge relates a veri interesting story about a liitlexwrtinc be one had witb ex Governor C.rlin, ol Pent sylvania, where ihey pitted eucbr for bull ; but be duvliiers to bsv the particular published At any rate the Governor won ihetull. Tbe Judgu is now in the f7lh year ol bis age. He has bad (org and Wenilul life, and having aid. sprtad acquaintance with many of tb leading men of our country, h can Ml many thiog oil interest about them. He waa an inti mate iriend of James Buchanan, and a member of tb Convention that nomi-i nntud l)ltri.vijii!j,'i,''-u!tt . . Judge Gillis has now nine children living, only two of them living at Mounl Pleasant, namely, Roburl S. a,nd Charles H. Gillis. One daughter re sides in tbu Stale of New York, one in Pennsylvania, one in Detroit, Mich., and one iu Bvardstown, 111. One son reside ill Penusy lvauia, anolbor is a journalist in Richmond, Va , while one son, Cspl. James 11. Gillis, ha been in the Navy lor thirty yours, and is now iiKiin.tiHtkr 'ut llir-D. S. Steamship, " Franklin." The Judge, despite his great ago, is ul present iu the eiijoyniuut of good health and spirits, and hurdly looks It be over 60. That be may yet live lo vole for several more Democratic Presidential candidates, and see them sulely installed into office is thu sincere wish ol his many Irieuds. AN ELECTION DECISION. Judge Hoggs, ol Armstrong county, recently gave a decision in an election case Ihut possesses general interest In Washington township, tbut county, the Republican Inspector hud appoint ed the Judge and two Clerks, all Re publicans. He had also sworn ihusu, officers, notwithstanding tbo require ments of tbe law, that tho Judge, al hast, shall bo Bworu by thu minority Inspector. A lurlber objection was presumed thai the ballot-box bad not been sealed, and bud been lull in ibe custody oi an unauthorized person from Tuesday uigbl until Friday uiorning, The objections were presented and argued hy E. S. Golden and John Gil pin, K-q.'rs, while the election officers wero represented by Hon. J. V. fain ter, J. tl McCain and David Barclay. Alter a full bearing tho objections w ere overruled, and Ibe Court directed tbe returns to be counted. Judge Boggs held that while thu ap pointment oi election officers w as irreg ular, and ugsiusl the provision ot the law, yel inasmuch as they had taken upon themselves the duties ol tho seV elul appoinlmints, bad held the elec tion, and no olijucliou had been, and aa no clauu ol truud or unluir means had been net up or proven, be was unwilling tosuy that the uieru luci of irregularil) , and even illegality in the constitution ol the Board should so tar viiialu the election as to make il null und Void. Tho count was therefore proceeded with, and the result in thu county will be as heretolbre slated the election ul thu Dumocralio Assemblyman and two County Commissioners the I'ul ance of the ticket Republican. pisffUanroul." SELLERS' COUGH SYRUPI ""ill ,etMI.ia'l, msb. amitt.v ,.rVfft'W tiw mr..r rot la-ii. roi.nrn, rnnt r. UOhUHh.S..M, tut! Mil TIIKAThd LI Sit stlM'tMtnt. IIiiXIh-tk hi U4r (r .. utt-nui v. l ttiftt rt tsninif ibd II. i. t- Totmab, lug !.(., 111., Mt "It aavu'l inT I wo ihlldrpn fliim tbe' or ore. '1.1. 01 ., Ol a.lliR.fH, IM.( Ol-O Wt ' 1 1..' ifot dLuh" Take om o-llerrl Wee-, m firm. IW i-emii. anrf ai.M prr t-. ltr.avKtJLtV OiK, rrf'i, p.tlakou-k. " For Mlo j It. B. 8faokmau, Cl.iarf.cJti, fa. JLtlvery ftfuble, Tit I anderelgnod bega leare u, He thai br ia Bow full. prrp,s.iIT. i.oi HEALTHS HAPPINESS. Hoolth aot UoriplnoM ar (trleo)" Wealth r tbotr prtWMoM, ond jot mej are) wiidib mt toejrn of orori atao woo wl(l aw WriKht'S Liver Pills, Tbo only i-oro CUHS for Torpid Llwr, Pwp-p U, 11 mi. m ho, fHiur HtuiDftcbi Guootiaittii, Dcbilitjr, Naiixoa. ood all Uilli'tu muftliiiBU aud H'ixhI dtnonleil. Nuno conulno nnhn tigm. "Wm. Wright, (-'Ml'." If jour Urunt will ut uyyy toad li ooab fr woo bo to Uarritik, Hillr A (V, !0 N. 4tb M , J'biia. Ioof M, 'JMy. i JOHN TROUTMAN, . DEALER IN : FUIJNITURE, n lttm:ssi:s. j AND 1 Improved Spring Beds. llAHKfiT STREET, NEAR P.O. Tht ttBrlervlrnod been I tu inform tbo oltl. tons of Oloartold, and iho puMIe p-beraUy, tha bo $ oa band a fitw asortoieBi ot f-'uroitaro Bt-I a Walnut, Cbcttnul and fainted Chnuib-f iiKfi, Parlor 8nitei( Htclitmig oritt Eitonttinn Cm in, I.itlio' and GrniY Kht Chuiri, tht pr ft rittd llinlagand Ptlor Chair, Cane Krataand uadtetr (Jhttlrt, IJM-Iboo Burt, Step and Kitea iIob lAaijiiers, tut r.ena. toruutlng Uroibua, MolTLDINlf A XI) PICTCKK FHAMK8. on mi. U I at net?, ( ttri looa, lo., whlb Vould lltaM tot fltilidmi prernri. WMi-TH .UWIS TH..t'TU. A NEW DEPARTURE L I T II r K S II l It C . HoroatVr, f-ooda will bo hM fur OAHH only r Id cxchtOK fur prodtica. No bH.b vill b krpt to (hj luiuro. All old aooounta nuit be? eltltd. inopo wbo oannol ea'b up, will ptoaa- iiasasu Tr m,ir uvwi q CLOSE THE EECORD. I ail drtorio.Ded to veil my gnodt mt raah prlnns. aoil at a diMoonr far boluw ibat ovor oDorof to ibn ftoirjlf-. Tho diaount I allow m nuatoflrra. will nokethoia rich la twenty jfrlt tby Ivltuw my odvloo and buy thoir gooda front ml. I will pay wb for whoAt. ostt nl w-d DANIEL UOODLA.NDKK. Lut ber ib urg, JtBuiry 17, IH77. lata all ia lh way ol furoi. sadtiiaa aou ilomen, a roaaonalilo term a. botwoas Jbird ud frnrtb. Ilotrflold. Peb, 4 '""-H.lli, r. onurs. a. a'coagta. t, ,,, , (ill.HH. McCURKLE &(0T FURNITURE R()0MS Narke-t mreel, fleerllrld. fa, W. manufacture alt kinda af p . Ohamlsira, Uiuing Kooma, Llbrariee and JU, " tl ;..a want Funfi.u-re of en, ,nV ualll juu sea oar atock. UHUUltTAUlKG In all lie branchee. pri'mptl, anebd OI'I.ICll, McCORKmco Cloarteld, Pa., Feb S, TS. W Agricultural Statistics. Yocum b Majuuitt a Khald Curtin Elected f Cunin ia tbo Cong rem, muu oluct, Tbo Importer, all tiloiiir. wmh iiul Tho oridfrattrnert bavin; eo uppotntod hy tba DepanmeBt, ot H aifa. BKt,,n, pHnoinol rwporttr of aa Asrieultural 8ttitioa of CWarllold oounry. reapftfuij rs-ueaia lh m. operation ol oil 10 Miff, hy oMidiiif tho auba-ror all the inform tiivo tbo oaa bearing opnn tho r.illowing q.ire 'toa. oo o to onahlo biat to aiako aa eorrert o Motemcat to tno Utpartinent, aa poeaihlo i Not tiling U OulieVO Hint lurtin WU9 many b-i-eei baro i oH io your b-.n o.-h or tun rcully duluuted; wo tbougbt wv Bimlkd'h!,!,;',d VJ wrhmd!'T' H'Z tt"nT SI f.KIU,L.l... UJ .last! 1.1 N. ... - , " a IT . """H" ""P aa, aysuunvui(f.n3 Bfuui iuu IIJIM, UUU lUttVl " rum, atnu di wnil aiafanO BOW MblM il. t.t uUM l 1 Be i I !- by dufi. How many hojftt bvo ou loat w.- DUM.V W.VWIlUOBOOUIIIUUCIT,UBd of Wbbll die,... Wk.1 Ai mwiiajav tirv psniliry. 10 Oil 0001 gl . O t vaiN uMsa woien boto Boon mand tu bo luoee-aa iui, aaa in all eaaea lo give tbo eaab roluo ol ol aiuoo aa Brony aa po'tiblo. By tba o-oporati vt wor oiiuroa in gunarol opun tboao iinporUnl partitruUn. tho Aicoioultu-al report w II hoooao aa oaoioidiaoi neeful iBfrinatioa to tho iub. Hy, by vaabling the Import bout to pailitb the '"i ine iuiioj an a tbo remutiiua tbot hovi bwo touttd twoenoiol la curt it, di-owea nj oioor iBionaatinn tbt will bo eottal It red pabhe bonofii, mil h Ibanafall. rew-tved. Adiiroaa tbo luhaoriber at UrtorUn If i U, Koioein i o., P. bAMUUI W IUKMIKK. morva ia, if)To-ir. atjjittml!iti an .wan i m ui.ana.Kaa.ama nolwiihslandiug Meek and bis Watch man did all they could lo grutily Cain, emu by turning in to deieat tbe Den ocralio nominee for Congress. hnough of fraud bus already boon unearthed to seal Curtin and givs tbul distinguished gentleman the seat in Congress by a good round majority, which tho corrupt Cameron and his purchased tools tried so bard to pre- Vullt t here will be clear ovidencs of past ing Vocum's name over Curiin'f alter tickets were in the ballot botes. In on ooumy alone of the district frauds enough have been found to give Curliu 250 majority, saving nothing about the same kind of work in souio of the other counties of lbs district. By inuunsof lorged lax receipts, iraud. uieot naturalization papers, pasting Vocum's ou Curlin's uauie on ticaels alter Ibey were voted, by such means we soy, bas Cameron witb tho aid of hirelings in this and odier counties, attempted lodeleal Gov , Curtin enough bas beeu Icaraed to warrant a contest, and Gov. Curtin, in obedi ence lo the demand oi hia parly, and the outraged people df the twentieth congressional distriut. will contest the seat. Wu say Gov. Curtin is tbu Con gressman elect, aud Bu bonual Couulul tbe legal vole east will bear us out at the proper time. Murk thai. t entre Hall H.portcr. I Bark vs. VValmce Isn't it strange that in the malitrol the recent attack upon Senator Wallace by ibe Pills burg JW, all tho Republican newspa- iiurs are las li d sides in lavor ol liai r, and against WallacoT And yet, just sucb men as Uarr allege witb wonder ful porsistefiry that Wallace ia tainted with CamcBjnian Republicanism, and that he if therefore no good Demo cratl Ttd very lact lhal ihe Repub lican orgstis are showing thoir true colors b upholding Uarr and oppos ing Wallace, is sufficient to sulisly very honest Democrut that Wm. A. Wallah is the right man in the right place. And that he ia a Democrat ol the genuine stamp. tViriws Democrat, : n m-el i . aaktro. un. teiisiib;ia,tt!t. - aasTiuso in the Wind. A Wash ington s.ecial to the N. Y. Graphic. wljth ihut paper iu its leader Buys ia undoubtedly rnmxtt .t.iu tLu. .1... j -, o.w.w ua alio frimla of HenaUir Cunkling have r enilv been In conferum.. thum an, I :n jiow York on the subject of his nominav on to tbe Prewidency, and that be is not n candidate and will not again enter tbe eontest. This altitude is supposed lo b due, according to the above named journal, to th movements on loot to concentrate on Gen. Grant. II this m true, Grant and Conkling nave spuceq teams and Blaine will bav to go under again. TuUaUAS That .Inaa.K... ..,.,, VUIU Democrat says : "Democratio and Re- publican paper alike, throughout tbe country, see the wisdom of tb Deino craf$ position. They all admit that to elect Iburman as Governor ol Ohio in 1879, means bis triumphant election to tho Presidency in 1830. Tb ablest journals ol both psnio, in tho Kast and West, hasten to admit this faut." Jacob B. Miller, tbe veteran editor of the AaVTiciia Standard, died at his residence, io Uuioolown, on Friday night, aged about eighty y.srs. He waa probably th oldest editor in lb State, having written all tb leading editorials fur tb fcmuulcaitia Demo trat and iu oeosor, th American Standard, for an uninterrupted period of fllty years. ' ' l .'-" ' MeTTT Christmas and Harmv N.. Year loall I ram POteSH aha. Hures-eia i I J II w" mTat . Wsnueug. HEHRT S. ZIECLER, tola snulaclursr, emu, eee a aaa mraa.. niM.Mk TINA SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDISMERRELL Hu oiirnrd, n a bulldm ob Uarkot alrtMt. oo tho old Waertt Hotel lot, n.p.,aito tbo t'owrt vmie,a in ana oooot iroB Moaa lociory aoa atoro. wbera wUlb tA .1 .11 n. a full liao of HOUSE rOKISIUlTG GOODS, Stovos, nariv&ro, Etc tlnoae Spoatlna and all kind, af Ink n.t lag, So., aone on .ban nuiio. and al reeaonable mot, man, ageni lor ma Singer Sewing Machine. A repp!, of Heeblaaa. wilb N II.. t. .1 ware oa bead Terms, eltletly eub or eaunlrr produee. A b.reet patroosgo aolleilod. O. I. MERREI.L, , .... Sup.rlataadrat. ClearSeld, April J5, IIIT-lf. REMOVAL i , , JOHN McCAUGHEY Woald reapoelfullr aolifr tba hiu thai be bee remoead bia twrj Store Irom rtbaw'e Row. be Ibo build, a. j hj J. Mllee krataar, aa aWeoad .treat a.n door oigiera aaraware aura, wbera be laMada "S'"S uae 01 noci:it i BAMS, DRIED UEEF and urd. SUUARS aad 81 H0FS, of all gradaa. TEAS, arm aad tfaeb. COFFEE, Roasted aad Ore. a. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CUA'A-KO i HHTH, All hlndi la tho Markai. FICKLE), ia Jare aad barrels. SPICES, Ua every frm ud ' FAMILY FLOUR. ALI. KINUWOFCRACHeRH. ! 0AF, - MAfCRES, " . -( , DRIED APFLES, ' , 0RIKII FEACIIIS, , , . a. 1 DRIED CHEKRfa, Coal Oil Aad t-iap OUiuiyt. Aad a goad aaaortmeat ef tbsee ttlage aeaag, kept ia a grooarr Bordl wlilck ba will eiokaugb far markaUa al aba market p rises. r a ae ekeay aa awy ak owe, rieaaa wall aad pa kla aaaak aad si a. jaaia.lL , , Lesk-, HONEY OF HOREHODND AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Conph 1, Cold a, IaftMBia, Hoaneaeit, Dilrah Brettbing, and all Afftctiont of tbe Threat, Broacbial To bet, aad Loaga, Itidiog ta Ooaanaiptloa, Tliis infallilile remctly is con.jocl of i!,c IIonkv of the plant I Joreliannrl, in clinnkj initon with TAk'UUJti. etiiacu-.l fi.m V'E I'kincici it of i lie ftrrest tie Aims HAtiMr, or Mnlm of Giicait. The lirHic of UurcltouiKl tdK.nits ami sck' krs all iriitationtand inf1nmin.itiniib,sp1 the Tar-ltalm ci.fansks and ufais tlieil.n, i ami air p. 10 pet lentlinf; to the w, lut adtlitional tngrcdirntt kcrp tlie organ co !, moist, ami h healtliful on inn. let no ii ml ice keen you from IryiiiQ tliin peat ti.f !i cine of t (ainrm floclor who )i.i tned i)i'-u-aniU of live Iw itn liin Impr ptivatc practice. N. Ii. J'Jie Tar Halm ha 00 had j asi t or mtcll. pricks 50 clnts and $i pf.R iKni.r. (reat uvtng to buy large aite. Tike'ii TtMUhru'lM Inpfin ( un In 1 Minnie, Sold by all Druppiiatt. C N. CRTTTENTON, Prop., NT- JJARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLE! I ata aware thai there an tome MtKimt 1 little bard t pleaae, and I am aleo awaro that toe nouplaint of hard tiawe" la wall aigh nniTtrtal. nut 1 am oa ettuatod bow tba I oaa eatuft tbe termor evnrl prueo ooDulaaivoly that "bard liaee" will out efleet tbnae wbo buy thoir gooda fmaiBit, aad all tny uatrona aball he initiated Into tba to. erot of HOW TO AVOID I1AKD TlsMES hare goode enough to vnpply all the Inbabl. UBt in tho lower and of the ooubit which I erll al otoofding low ratea from tay ajoaitaotb atore is MOLHUNIiUKU. where I ean alwaya be fd roo'ly to wait opoa ealleri aod awpply tbeo with Dry Goods of all Kinds, lack ae Clotbe, 8aUa.Ha,, Malir,i felainee. Lines, Urillinga, Calieoea, Trimminge, Ribbena, Laea, Reedr-med. Clotblng. Bouu aod Rhuaa. 11. o and Capa allof tbo boat materia) aad made to order noae, eooka, Uloree, Miiuaa, Laoee, Ribbon., Ae GHOCEH1KS OF ALL KINDS. Cot.., Tea, Sugar, Rise, Molaaaee, flak, Salt fork, Lmoaod Oil, flab Oil, t'.rb.a Oil. Hardware. Uueeoeware, Tiawara. Oaatiaaa. Plowa aad Flow Caaunga, Naila, Spikoa, Cora Caltlra tora, Cider Preai.a.and all kiade ef Aiea. rerlamerj, I'atnu, Varaiab, Ulaaa, aad a geaeral aeaortmeal ol statioaery, a OOD 'FLOUR, Of different brando, alwaya oa band, aad aiil ba t eoia at tbe lowest poaaible Bgaree. II. McClain'a lladieinea, Jayae'a Medlelaea Ueautter'a aad Uoolaad'a Hitters. mt poanda af Wool wanted for wblca Uw igbeet prioe will bo paid. Ck, earned oa bead aad lor sale at tbe loweal market price. Aleo. Agent for Htralloavill. mmd rurataa.dlle Tbreabing ktarbiaea. nt.Call and aoa for eouraalva.. You will lad rerytklng aaaally kept ia a retail atoro. L. M. C0UDHIKT. Fronobrilto P. O., Aogual II, UN. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, tSaeeeaeors to Boyatoa A Toaag,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS MaaafaotarenAf t'ORTABLE a 8TATI0N1RT STEA1NI ENGINES Coraar ad Fo.rtb aad Fiae Rtraeu. C'LP.ARI'IEI I). PA. IAVINd eagagod ia Ike maaafaetaro ef Iret elaat MACHINERY, we reepeetfslly laferm paklio tkal w. art aaw prepared to III ell order, aa akeaply aad ae promptly aa eu be dose aay of tbe eltloa Wa ataaafastara aad deans a - . Mnlaj and Circular Saw-Milli Read Rloobt, Walar Wkeela, Skaftlag Pallayl, ford's tajaelor. Sloes. Qaagea, Steam Wklatha, Ollera, Tall.. Cava, OU Cape, Saage Ooeka, Air Cooke, Ulohe Valeaa, Ckeok Valroa, wreagkl Iroa Pipes, S earn Pampe, toiler Feed Pampa, AnU Frietlo. Motrae,aaas Seeese Faeklag. Oam Peek. ag, aad all blade ml MILL WORIi egetkor ertrt tlowa. Sled aVaeaa, . . .. COOK AND PA RLOR ST0 TKS, v I n .... , , -. aad etker CASTING, af all klede. -0rder, aoHeiUMl aad Sued al any priest AD letter, at lagalrj wit raf.reaoe U meoklaery ef aw awaafaetara promptly aaa wared, by eddiea Uaj ae al Cloarteld, Fa. JwlTa-tf SlaLia; tOVHa A I1EE0. l-tidr',U.ldi.7 . 'tbwiT" 'Wlwrtiit