THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. , WKDNKSDAT MOBNINH. IKC. 16. 1171. Termi of Subscription. ' , If pail la wttaia tbra. noatha ..93 Ot If pala1 alter laraa aioaiba .. i it afiat iba aiplrMioa af til oioufc'.a... I M ' aar-liaaara. . M. FarTaMiU. A 0... Hawa f,7 AdrarltaiBf Ifiiu, Para Row, anraar UMkaaB ltrrl, ar. .ar dal aalaoriiad Agaal. I, N." Tori C. RKLHilOUtl NOTICE. Hrthodlal F.placopal ( hurrh B.?. J. i. IfcMi'UKAT. Pa"or. r'ar.lorl arary aabhalb luA.M., Bad 't P M. g.hbatb B.ho.1 tllt.M. Prar.' MaatiaK .r.rjr Thuradaj. at Tt P. M. Coma Balaa Karolaa. Irll Babbalb of ararjr .oath, .1 l Weal C'lrartlele) M. E. harctaHrr V -cott Wilhun, Paator. Praaubing aror alt'rraatl luad.jr, at I o'clock, P. M. rlaart.j Mhoal al It. P. M. All ara larllad la altand. areab)trlaa Clmrcn Kar. B. B. bari-aa. Sabbath aarriew Biorfling aad .vaBiar. Bab batb School al I P. M. Prayar MaatlB Wadaaa 4ar .r.alaa; , . Rapltat I'karch. Rr. J. A. Al.naar., Paa tor Mttia aonrr D-bhalb a .ralot and arming. 10, .'.lo. A. ., and 7 P. H. Sabbath ttcbaol at P.M. Prayar Maatln, .rarj tl'adaaidii aaaolag. HI. Krucla tbarth Catholic KaT. p. J Sai Praaoblnjal lala'aloak, A.H.,oa lha rll, third aad loartb Suadataof aaab oaonlbi Vaapara and Haaadloiioa ol Iba Uloaaod baaraaiaal at 7 a'alaok, P. U. handaj Babaal ararj Baaiiar aflaraoua at I a'eloek. Oa-flLIAL UIKECTORr. rial or iolmb. quabtbb ibmiobi ooobt. bwiad Moada. at Jaaaarj. Tblrd MoBilar of March. Fitat Mond.a af Jaaa. Fourth Uoada; af BauUMabar. f IBB Off SOUMBfl OOMBOB PI.B.1V Firal MnadaJ af Jo... Baoosd Moadaj af Noraajbar. pdilio orrtcaaa. frail t ffa Bob. Charlal A Ma rar, af I Haran. Autoaai f Jit Uob. Job. H. Orril, of Ballafoau. .aiaaciala Jadoaa Abraja Ogdaa, Olaarlaldi Yiacaal B Holt. Cl..m.ld. VaiAuaaiar. Eli HIoob. Arftarar aad rfaaordar L. J. MorraB. IhrtWal iilornar-WBl. M. MeCallou.B. rrao.arr-David Motiaugbay. JWari Andtaw Paota, Jr. thmit Sktrig Chrlat. J. Kaairc;, rtaarfiald. Oaata (f..a Samoal t. MoOloakaj, Car .tniTlila. . t. n.aMi'fii'oitfrf CI irk BrowB. Claar- l.ldi fboBiaoA. MoUaa, Cbaat P. 0.) Uairil Uooror, Claaraald. flWaata iadiura Wllllaia V. Wright, Orar ttld ; Baaiaal A. C.ldwall, W illlaBifraro Joba 1 Cnnnap. Humaido. Caaafa OtrmrJ. B. N.rT, N.w WaablagtoB. Jurm faiaiiaitoaar -Dr. J.Biaa P Burebaald, ClearHvd, Joaapk Alaaatidar, Madara. a "aa Sehoota M. L. Mo. Uaawn, Claarflald olaro pyoAM Afaaaaraa Jam W.Carlila, olfiro at Lalbar-burg Pa. v.i.w PMilia Joba W. Wrlilo. Wa. Ra- dabauith, Cjraa tiordon, Cloarflald; Joaapk R. IrwiB, W. a. arnoio, varaanaTinai . J. atona, Dolloia City. (lur ftMeta! oolumB il daoidodlr iBUraatinc la a luaal poiot of ilaw, ad pntlltabla raadiog to oulftdcra wbo waBt to aava oai.Ba;. VI1, tK I OURREI "Will ob tola whoat, oato or aora for tub arriplioo r Wa ara eftea inqoirad of la tbia ara bj lattar fMOi patrooa wbo raaida at a diataoaa from Cloartald. Wa agalB aaj jaa. Iba raooipU af a raipooaibla morchaBl or uill oworr la tba rlolBiljr, Bill anewor Jort aa well aa lha a.ih. To illlollrata : If aoj of oar palroaa will dalirar al a bag of graia al tba mill of Joaapk B. Brack, la ( bail towo.bip, Ruraoa Patobla, la, Tbom.a B. Pom;, ia Qrahara, Wat Porlar or Bbaa'i, la L.wraooa, ar Browa t Sarlar'a, a1 Rovktoa. Ual kownabia, and forward thalr racafpti for tho amoant, wa will eradit ikara OB Ibrir aceoaat for Iba aama. Ia tbla waj all ma) aooa paj wbal I hay awt, If tba; will paraaa Ihil aoarae. If- A Merry Chriulmiii! I Our next paper will bo imucil on Wcdnardaa. Jaaaar; ath, 18. a. ( i Try Stink'a " C'learliclil Fuvnrito' Cigar. " The aborleat dayliKht "f the year pafiad oaer oar bead abuat iba 3ln loau Special induccmrnu in colored dreiw goodi, Iblaaaaaoa, at riroa aua. a. aaan at, Tlicro will be a praj'iSr mce t,in held la Iba Claaraald M a. Cbarea oa uariai oraiag, at A o'aloeb. ARUATH MCH(MI, CONVENTION. Tba Sabba'b Pokool Ouavaatloa of tka Praab; tar; of HuatlBgdoa aiat, araordlag prarloaa anBrtaaaamaat. Ib tka Claarnald Praab;uriaa Cburak, aa Toaadar, Daa Itik, at I o'oioak p a, Tba flrat balr hour waa apaat la draotianal aiar a aaa. aoadaaiad h; N. B. Millar. A 4llght ful aplrlt paruiaatad thia aarrtaa, Ib whlob par. lanat aoaaaoralloa aad dapaadar.aa aa tba ll.rl; Olaart wan Ika prom iaaai brpiaa af tbuaghl and pra;ar. Tka Coaaaatliia aaa Ibao faraiall; eallad to mim hf Una H. . Bilhar, af tka paraaaaal oammlttaa aa Satrbath Soaooli af tka Praabjur;, wha rrquaalad Mr. band;, Rar . Moo D. D . aid Or. A. M. Billa, to praaaal aomlnatioaa far pa raaaoal ofB. ari af tba bvdr. iba; raponad aa lollow. Ubalnaaa, R.r 8 B biiB.M, of AllaoBB aaouod ekurob Haaraur;. Mr. 0. J. Eagal, of Tjrooa abanb. Tba raport waa aocaptaal aad adoptad, H.r. Mr Dolt.ld, aa Chairman, aaaouBoad that C;rua Uordua, Eo would tba rliillag dakgataa, wblok ka did la a Baal and aarneat aldrvaa Tha roll Baa tbaa mid. p, k..wlag tbatabuul Iwaol; ar iba aaroai; it mon achuola of tba Praaljl.r; wtra raprti..aiad b; aoma tilt; J.I rgalaa Tba im.ll aitrodanaa waa doubilaaa owing to UBfaaarakla ,.,h,r and .Iir.m.l, n.ugb roada, whlob dva , , , lu,g,,llu latar ia iba aoaaioaa, that 1 ila), koldiag tba oaollog oa ohai.gad blaL laaorabla aaaaua of tba ;or. Iba Mar. L. L. Uaoghawout.yr iba Mill Hall ohuroh, Praakjiar; oi hortbuhbarlaud, kaiag praaan waa ILr.l.d la partieip4a la Iba alar taa laaioa lor aait raiibaih aa.Wujhl lo tba taaohara, b; Prof. N. Foalar BrowaAof L. la- low a. A " FraaCanraraatioa" inlwLraad with pra;ar and pr.lra, waa tb.a aaadaoti k; -r. D. II. Campb.ll, or Aaaoaalllo, dariy wblok faata of aa t tha praiael aonkiloa of retaral of Ike aoboola waro mrnlion.d dryha aa aourageraeat of tk.iaaproaant. . Rar. M. Campbal., , who waa to prraAh lha optniag awtaoa at p hi , baring haaa daliinad hia plaoa waa moil aoerplabl; tllad b; Rar.L. L BaugkawoBt. who, apoBrer.r ahirt notion, dllr arad bb aierllant praot ical diaeoaria, apoa (Aati I. ohap., ll), Ya aball rrcaira powar aftar that tha Holy Qhoat la noma apoa ;ou. and ;a ihali bawitnaiaaa anta aia." An, Tha Rr J. 8. Me.. Murraj, of lha M. 1. Chinh, waa iarilad lo ait aa a oorroapoadiog mombar af tba CaaraBtlua. Tha .U'ltloa " ll lha Sabbath School Iba Childraa'a abnreh." waa tkaa diaauiaed, baring Aral b-an auiad b; tha fhairman. It alivttad Blaeh iataraat, tba almoat vaa'meui opiaiun aaaming to ha that tha fabbatl Subeol waa a ral aabla arcaaaor; both ta koml train in aad an rburoh worablp, it waa b; ao 4ani a aabtilgt for aitbor. Tho arigia of Ika alureh waa aald to ba ia tha famil;, and lha eharcla aa It la bow, an Mgrogata of familial angnged ialtha aarrieaa of Uod. Tho importanoa of wbolaamlliaa attand- Ibg cbutch aarvicta, buth Sabkatbaud wuak da;, and of tho obildraB takiog tbair lhair paraata la tha faniil; paw, w. aiatcd apoa. WBDNaauar Buaaii'i, CouraatioB mot at 9 o'olock, and avnt baif aa hour la darutional axoruiaaa, lad ba Mr. C.J Kegal, of Tjroaa. Tba dorma! Caaa.aubjaol t " The III Iru., la tba abaaaea of Kar. I). 11. Rarp.a, waa aon dueled h lUr. Wm. Ucmmill, of Bmlab Thl. exareiaa waa rar; iutar.stiag. tai mia ii'-wf tbe eanreatioa roapuodia promp I; Lo ltedritioaa 01 tha loader, while man; qucatioul aawi from thooe who deaired laforiaatioB The Best tuple for dieoa.iuB t Tba bait vrdar of exorelaei lor tha HbbatD school errk-a, ' waa opened b; Her. H. UrilleBdcn. The abater, who la tbe mimunar; of the Babbabi Huboul ilaioa, exhibited a ahart, aaowiug aa irief of aiarjiaea, wbieb waa apprvrd b; Iba voa'aiti'iu, aad ia al folluwi i I I.. Ball m -m ' 3d U 1M aiogiug I, a or a fioeaa ti Miatwr t ar.ea a Ke.diua LaaaoB m a fr.j.r a Oluil; ol LwivO ! tta.i a Aoriaw uf i.a..ou M, IV d.ugtng If ttwpaaliug Loru a a'rejer lu Uuuewri a " Tno whole aairiae to ooeup; oaa boar and I-1 aataca miuulee. Taa Kane Lee.oa and Piaa of Heriew t ourrvBt Quarter aai lb we illuairaud aa IBe blac. buard Ik aa admirable mauoer, oowbiamg tb. M.d Domieta at T. A, doollH. Teaehen, Uireolor and citizens kaold ell read lha - Kdaeetloaal " celoma la tha RarriLicaa tbia weak- Mr. Daniel M. Doherty, the barber, b riiHIng bia frl.eli "awa; dowa la Maiaa. Tboa I. Hoar; baa ebarge of lha ahop durlag bit ahaaoee Ouryoungleal friend.Oscar Mitchell Kia-, la aow, and baa bean lor aeme timo paa eonflned to kia home, loffrrlng from ea attaeb of .rbaumaliim. New Ham Flaek 1 Co 'l. No Pai-kb Na.xr V.k. No paper will ka laiet-d Iron. Ibta oAee nail weak. The prinlera want ta ehaarva Iba bnllda;a. Ahskhiior Ai'P'MNTitB. Mr. Al. 8vo. la Id bai lig rtalgbad aa Araaiaor of IIbiiob iowb abip, lha I'oubi; CnaimiMloaerl, oa Frlda; laat. appoinlad Mr. Juhn B. Hrwin lo 011 the raoano;. XoTicg. Tuetuliera ara kindly re- quoated, while aili-uding tha Cuunl; lellilule at week, la eall at Juhn A. Sloek a Cla-ar Paa tor;, and tr; bia brag l-eent aad lwo-lor-1 aval aigara. SptciAi. Trainb Sum-ial iruuia will leave t'urwai.aville oa Ta-ada; and Tbureda; evaninga af luelituta week at T:I6 for ClearBald, aad reiara alter tbe leeturea eta over. Tbla will adur.1 tba nitiiane of that borough, and tbe eur- roundlng eauatr;, an aauelleot opprtuoit; la boar Tod Ford and oVbuvler Cullal Liaa kalwaoB Utroogl; Ib Who !m not ow th Winter. Tht bop, tb atnntf o4 ib Th J..iT,i'...u. Huur, Tha jtnvllBr bIU rt(i th iUI(ti f Who dnM k b Witur, Tht bh itl aaTiful innw, Tb ty nd fratiw Winlar, Wblft oaa iijr m w gu t WhH doaa not ilraad tba Wlatvr, In nttrj, flolil und tloooi. Tha bl-ak kod drttry Wiutr, Tu Iralewp euMfortloM nua f Who diwt B'.l bal lha Wintar, lU ftaat. III ttiH and tU M-rnttM, eruxl Wiatr, Wbaa waoaa't pa; m$ wa u. Htm Y'k Sun. Judos Uillh. -ll uny uf our ruad- ri wtnl to liaru toinelbipg atout an titrauid. nary tut, wo rotor then to oar IWtb ag for rortbvr lofurnntioB baoriof opua lion. Jawai L Uilli. who u alaoUd to tbt PunoiyWaoia Ai- rnbl; ii 1813, to tbe SUM Saoato In Ub, aad ttfiilo to tho AMcmblj Id U6t. Ilo wai olaotod la Congrou fro ibta (than oaiUd tbo Krio) di Ula In ItM. 11 now Itroa at Mount floaaont. Iowa. blo tod bi-ai ijr, in ib 8Tib ytar of bli ago. Band Meeting. Miotic is hereby given to tho aUMkboldiri of tb CI art) -Id -orot Hand, that tb anoual uitKiog ot tifd tiiociftllon will be bId io the arbitration room, at tho Co art 1 1 hum, on Monday oreolng, January Uih, 1979, it J o'clock, for the purpote of looting oftoen of id atroclailoii for tho ooming year. Wa. D. Diai.nn, 8eo'y. C. Uoitnoii. Prti't Will Nut Suhukndkr. The Stump Crtek Oil Co., after putting hoi dowa 1 ,600 fact, earn to a halt. But w lean that after a general ooufuttattao amoug tb partiee iatertited, they luve eoBoludod to pat th wll dowa four huiidrvd feet more, makibg a platnp ,000 leet, and a Mr. Nioholira ha taken ibe two tract. W pietuiua when tbt poiot ii rojM&ed and nw ol fluwi, if will bo abkvnduned. And yet, pethape, if another bol waa pat dowa witbla fifty yard of the prvient wM, uiiliuae might Outn out of It. na awB Attkntiun ! Mr. Holier wanU it uaderetnod that be la not a ooel dealer, barely paroiiaiiug wbal be needa for privet uet aad be it, thnraior. ipweed to i bar lug It with otberi. lie wuuld pretcr Ibat bit caitumrta woold deal wiib bin . tbo f root door, ao that a taotual aetuatotaaoa Hiight aprtog ap fur tbo beai li ol 101b. He bae tvbt uf goda i bia atoie, ta the Opera Ituute, to dUpote uf at wry low pnoa but be pruioaia agaiuat bevlt'g bia ooal eellar evked ia a) - i RunawaYi. Tboro wore two ruiift- wave ia tuwu lilt tinrtlij- Mr. Robert Ltw bail, el Lewreae tut a .hip, bail hi huree. wtb ktitb attaubrd, bitebad to a pott, when tb ani mal got frightened at iiuor thing, tm ke luoie and rtn al, and el r ftiloaieg lb pavmnt oa lit Weal aid of Beonotf wa eaurit la tbe virlniiy of 'iSqulre Hartvr'i ril(tiiee. fh bore til Mr, Jara lrtn. of tbia horougb, alio bitehed to a ali-igb, bveeuie I'rigbteiied at tb runoing of Mr. Lewbt-ed'a borw, and fterted off without leave. It waa eaptun-d near Mr. Maaop'a rai deoee, m Firei atreet Uotb aleigbe were badly detnollabed ( but, fortunately, no parade) waa la Jurd ta tha leaei. II nu and Bonnets trimmed toortloi at riak Co.'a. dee 11 -It. aaiuK:??. fv.Pwila fVt the holiday trad. Tb aiort eoaipUt aeaortneal AH aro tnvitod to call and examiiif Plok A Co.' boltdat gwda deoll It. Lad ten' CoatH In gruat variety of' etyleaod prior, at rieok A uo. aaoii at. FU'ok & Co. never ImU an nict a stuck of holiday good at they bava tbia a.aoa. dell-St. Hi-litlay ftKHlf, chtap and nire don't forgot to aall aad ao tba m lor aalo by T. A. rioebA Co. deoll-tt, LattioH wlhliinR to purchase a Knofi black or colored raaere, ob ap, ebould oal) at T. A. rik A C '. daall at. John A. Stock -Clfarfleld Favor- Ita "ill baod-tuad eigor Tb Mot aot d in ibe euaty. Try It. dtUt A handBomo line of all-wool colored Caahmeref. In all laahlonablo abad-a, Juat ealved at T A. Flax-h A Co.'o. decll Su At the lato County Fair, John A Stork rtoelved th J re mi ara for the bat r titan nad In th etitiatv. ' 19-It A PkKTTr IlitAvy Lot. Tho ship twentaof niaoufaotorrd iuintxr trin book Hawo thl i year to about 10 per cent. than laat year. What ia tha eauee f ihla fa'liag off f - a - The "ClfartiuliJ Favorite" is thr llrat brand nf ft ootalrefht tb manafaotarer, Juba A. Stook, guarantee to oontalo fall Havana IHer. Try It. d l-t Two bitndrvd porcelain vaw ami oard race levari on exhibition at Flk A Co.'a Peraona wishing to purohaaa any of thee abould eall before !h auortuent U broken, deal 1-St Thote Ciirara are warranted to bo band mad aod ontaln rail Haeaaa filler. Tbla lath go a ran tee of J oho A. Btook'a " Ooarfleld Favorite." A 18-St Licendo Bonds and Petitions, of tho form approved by th Judgaa of ooarta to comply with tho raqelreaanU of th new Conatltutioa, for aalo at ihie otto. tf Fatallt tiOALOKO. About H o'clock oa tbe mora i tig ui 1'buradaiy laat, Kvubva tluuaer, a little ri plt-d tau of tioorge liouarr, of Ingeo, at wtib a liorriule doatfe by acaldiog. Mr. lluitir waa aaalrlli g Jitnwthan Prio to buieber, utjieia ol lb leaituua, abuwiug tbeir logtoal owu' tn after ba. tpg arrauged (be barrel and aoalding Ten niocoB ol all-wool black CbhIi- area, without donht tb ohaapeat vr brought to Clearfield, juat reeelrd at T. A. Fleck A Co.'i dcll-St. Remember that Lytle County Agent for Lorrillard'a Tobaooo, and oaa aall thou t factory prteea. They ar tb beat tobaeoea In twarket. Try them. At tbe Rkpublican office in the place togetyoar Job work dona. Wear fully prepared to do anything In th printing liaa. will do It wall, and at tb right kind of prlte. tf. Skates sharpened and repaired, heel- platoa l in tbe boot or afaoo, that a keys, be' plate Ac. for el. A 7-ahot revolver, nlokl plated, for 175 at Hardtr'a Oun Store. De. 11 TMt. We have now on hand several thous and flrat olaa nve'op-at which w will print for buaitiew nen or an body !, at prioea that wn not b rlrelled. fall and tham. tf. ChriHtmas lor everybody in the eointjr. at Fuck A Co.' Never befor hav tbry offered to tbe public caoh an lg-nt and well arleoted atook of boudey gooda aa thia ataaon, dectt-Bt. To Laudlords and Rtokkkkkperh Lytic baa aa errai-getnont with an raat-ra Cigar Factory ao that be can aell aijtar by tb box or tboaaaod at button figorei. Olre their Cigar on trial. If- Ol KiliLLINKHY UtPAHTMKNT.--litt'S aid Uonni-ta at reduced price. Ia tbia line we ffer apecial bargain, and every lady rbould call and aamtn hater iiarcbiatng lawbT. Qi lb ia a call, la all that Fleck A Co. a.k. I -It Fur beautiful and unelul Christmas preaaauta, rcapecifuHy invito our patrooa to aall and eianln th Mock f brocage nod a bi t Twilled Silk Uandkerobinfa, aa they war elected with rptcial oar tor lb holiday trad. dfdl It. Fni K A Cj. nutioa and import t toHiug. A. II. Powell, of South Chicago. III., and Aabary W. W, of low City, I., both fewer UltonacfClMrfl-ld, ara pndiag Ib holiday caaaoa with their friend In thia plac. Don't fail to buur Prof. Barlow's Reading anterUipoent la tb Opora Iloa, oa U on day arenlnf celt. No admittance fea wil Va charged, and all are cordially Invited. aa a ' Thwre will be pn ai hinK in the Clear field Bapilat Church ost Sabbath aveniag. Sub. J act t " Tb K inn-do of God ; Wbr la It f Wha la It F" A'l ar Invited to go and tat Uair bibla with than. 'Iboaiuraoua waatuu, bjgtaomg at I w'aloca, I wa wpenud with atngiag and prayer To Nor mal Claea, auhjeot j Uwr ayaUia of Tbeoiu euibodled in Lb Sbrr CbCwechtaoi,' la the abeeoc of Rer. J. J. Coale, waa ondaotd b Hv. K. II. Miller, of Oaeoolt. The lead aald taa abortor Cataobiaai oould all be arraogaJ aa der tbe general aubjeott, vit : Doatrio aod Duty. Aad then under th aama baada aa our ay at taa tic Theology : I. Qoif II. Man) III. Chrlat; IV. Tbo Laat t&inga. A tha loader paeead aloog. auny of tha queationa of th Ct ouiim wr pat to aaetaber af tb oonvcntioa, bat tho aaa ware war not gtrea vary promptly. Tb Yuuug Fopl'a atMiiag waa addraeaad by Prut BruwiaO, Hv, L. 1. Houg-nawoat and Mr. Slp. At th aveaiof acaiioa th avatloa wag ad drcwad by Rev. 0. M. Moor, 1. D., abject: " iionu Inatraoiloa." Tb Queation Bui waa pni aad tb quaatio&a anawrd by antaUra of the onfcatten. Tba cloelnf boar waa epnt la pryr and thanksgiving, intwpperaed with remark a Th tbanha of tb oonreotioa Wria tendered ta th people of Clearfield for their ho!itallty ia eatertaiaing tba delefati, alter which lb coa ventioa adjearaed. platform, went lu bring up a h"g, leaving the littb boy on tb plattorm, ho by torn mean 11 bto the barrel uf avalding Waur, being almact eutily aaltmerged. tlia lei bar almoat imaiedl- ateiyiturniag, ba waa removed, and, with lb .Ll. Ll I ai. -l.Li.. . ..,. . ..Ut.Ul- bjwt.y All that aOtloa and aiedioalakillccald but death cnaaad tb aai burted oa Saturday aflrooua. aocouiptah wa duo, t avtatng y He wa hurt atwietv 8nttnl. Tbe river ia frozen ovor at this place thia (Tuaiday) morniag.x Thia, tngetber witn tne Clcellent alvlgblag, and good proapeeta f.r more anew, will give tbo who an afford It a Id chaaae to enjoy tb apart of Winter. The local editor of the Journal inli at that be will boat da-r up to th I at ot Jan nary, although tb Act el Ammbly fa 111 hi Off a lt wekn b-for. Th Philipaburg Jorni man, la Blinding to thia threat, a ''No, you doa't 1 " or worda to that effect. Thai right I List of letters reiiiainini; uncluimod la the PoatonoeatClearleld, for ihe wh odmg Decmtr U, 1171 i Mi Clara X OaamoB. Ucorgo W. Dickey, Miif Miaerve J Drecttor 111, Peter PUr, UaaH,CbarleaE aalarca, Matthew Powell, II H Thomoa. P. A. Waul in, P.M. . Tbe Ouera Uotine will be oitcned ejaeb avenia; during InitMate weeh at M. Ttie aignei fives will bo tb ringing of tb Court Uouaea-tll. Th ei-raae will bgia oa hall bear iaaaa ibat time. The proper oBetra wilt ee thet ao ooa ta annoyed by boy a, andeoarteiae wbert trill be at tbo aoreloa of all ba may at tend. Georire N. Colbum, ol West Cl ar -field, aba waa lb ire landlord af lb Sbw Hoc after ita Com pi ilea, and far many yaare aj.ropn.taf of lb 11 ClearBald Haeo, ba leaaeel the Wtcblaglva 1111, cwarw by Mr. Dolt a, lb Coaaty rraaurr-ltf ia tb village of uha Hop, and pacta to teh poaaeaaioa early IB lb Sew yar. Wt arn incitlenially thai a son o! Mr. J. 4, Pirard, of Cvlngtva towaiblp, while engaged ia making limber, on day laat weak met with a tcry mlooi aocldeat. M wa aaing a at, eed La maklag a itr.k with tt, ctrwrb a tree, whea Iba at glanced aad clraek hll right font aa tb iaitea. Tb ai wewt alaar through th feat, laedera, bmc aad all, aallraly Ht- Ing It. IIolidat Kxcrasion Tick rra. The Pnnyltaata Railroad Cvmpeny will aell -a ear lioa tiehma ta all palate a ag their He oa tb Ula, Sate, Mtb Saw Slat day af Dewember, a ea tb lat af Vaar, hWb ar gwad to reiara watil tb Id af Jaanary, Il7t. Kiauralaa tWketa wiH ale ba aM a mag tbo Lat ttrada P. all read da r rag tb holiday a. AcciDmr.--Wa are lnf(nnl that M day Uet week, Mr. Am Read, f lewathip, white working abaat hia bara, ran free tba tb reek I eg luer la tb Ub4aa batow, dictaaa af aawat taa fcot, eaataiarag tcry pais fal bat ao( fetal lajarte. M bad la hi arm a a baadla af straw wboa be Ml, wbieb be a tb fore of tb fail. Ka Umaa war br aaa. wa at takaa ta hia reaideae aad a pbyat ela Hhi wb draomd tba wowaac, aad at Ui tiaj Mr. R. la g'! J w.rrt bly. fcf aait aa a, I aaa, aa I bto aoaa A Hit KRAUO. Tbia to a eery tavcuiva age is tbe lis of fraada. Although w bar beeo ia tb printing bualgcaa for cighucn yeara, and daring that tii encouotered tba variuua tricka of tba age, we av, Bvribla, during th pact ail maotbi, eoue acioia a iprciea et Iraud entirely new to ua. Wo will itidieat two caira wbieb baa put ua on the lookout. Tbe flrat caao la aa follow! i la the month of October, 174, a well-to do larmer mt-t a on the atreet, aad remarked t George. 1 would like to hav yor papr, but t am loo poor to pay you aow i 1 want to build bara next Summer, and It will tab all the money 1 caa raia lor a year r two. Kauwitig bia aituatn a, we anawered t M All right i I wtli a id the Karvauraa, ad you nb pay for It whvai It auiu. Wbaa yo do pay will auiy ebarge $1, you paying aa tar ahead aa ua ar be bind a-ew and oonllnu to tak lb paper. Ail right I" b Nmeraed, and th paptr waa eeai ia bia addrce. A lew daya age (ater four yearr) be alipped iuie the ofln.1 aiaU mad our lwrajaa ht,v ibat b Waa got tig lo btte in paper. wbu a only ebaiavd taim t per aiiimt mahaiig ta ta a I. aaa gave fallal bia lb btat Uvea he laiui aa, tLrwugb bia pwimaaer. that b uid coi aaoi in paper au) loafer. Ti.t part w all right umi, ibrvugh ijibg attd dopiiwa, he dMlrauiieti u oai ol 4. 1mm atovad waa a eaaa of ihie bind t la Sp umber, l7S, a party edircatd a a letur, ta liirmtag aa laat a wanted (he paper bat be bad ao muoy at ta tim, aad ba did aot Want i uay mora iban Al a year. W iafwrmed bim oai ll b paid hie aaoKriptivn auy tim duru th year, and Continued the papr, U woold owlj coat him flJ. Laat ttepUmver b appeared is b ethee hr tao firm time, a pmaa puferty (a aa ad lie), aad mad venooaeicuecafer bt payib; bia eabacnptiua tbea do, lie related ta eec-aaw pty two yeara abeee), although ibat aaaay yeara behind bat wawld pay It, beoaaa be waa poi;r, aaa ouauaa u paper. Th aeit wea I ua a letter th tha efieet that ha wanted the paper atDd. That wai all right, to t oat he abould aot bate lied aad cheated aa eat fit. We hope tba oaa ot tht pa real a Will sot praeti tb precept of their fathtra apon tbir avigbbor wba tba) grw ap to maahoad. Tbaa, nave paid $1 mora lor oar edacatloa I aad 1 wo will remombar tba two feltewa India a ted ava I loig a w Aa atoaad. Mora tbaa thia, lb vary neat leltaw Uet perpetrate a fraad af tan hied upaa aa will and hi aeme la lb HartiBLicAS prtatad ta aapltal tottora. A GouD Idka. Tbe Sviinagrovu Timm eayc i Aiaa w pa lube tb artit aa be id i real aet lee f wild no tmto tbe Baiquebaaae river a a m-ai af maltiplying lab aefl watat lowl, wblab bai been oitwtwavoly eemmd aad ap proved by other paper, twa beahot af tm wild iaa bav beea arderwd by prtM ia Ui plaa Tram day ill, Wietoaaia, aad will b aaeva wbwa th proper Urn arrive, tfiae tbea wt teara alee that tha wild rtaa waa atreed intra dwead wa a email !e laet year by - He. John M. Packer, af Saaawry. who bad a amaU aaaiity avwa aWtm at tia4 at Mart mbarlaad a a tttMW ag1" -be looda." P.iooitlsoiwu. We learn Iroru tbe P.eaidavitlc Mtntii that th flrat train of car waa rao ovlr tbo Soldier Bus Railroad oa laet TburMay miming a wewk, by Joeoph Morrow, Uoadurar, and Jam Montgomery, Rugineor. ib trtwa waa lound td b in good, aolld teadi lioa, anil tb bridge aod treat I work atood tbo Mat wit boat a igo of glriog away la tb leaat, aotwiibateauiag th boa.y raiacol th week pra- vioua. Ibetbraoeh of th B. K. R, K. from tb iliion clkua baa boon cbrlaieued, ty tb Ohio Company, "l'raecutt Hraneb, ' bat la aut auO lently oailaUd lor trniaa to rua apoa. 1n Ubiu Uouipao; mi nee are being openad with all di patch puaiI. Coa.rta bav beea maillor lb lutaiabiog timber for ebuta and taoliaa, and traib wul 4oB o runaiog over tb Praolt branch. Tu pSyapou ar that It will ho toudud ta tbobpr4g aa tar aa tba Hoy sola traot, aow owoad ay J ai, Wiieon. Tb utenaioa ai tbia braoub will ojio up on el the great eat aad riobeet bitumiauua yal ttelda In tbe Slate. vr brought to our ator. Th brocade and plain are ef the latest deiigsi, and eaanot paaaU bly ba aeea ale w her. There i bo eaob aa aa- K'rtmcQl abowa la Clearfield aataide of T. A. Flock A Ca.'i tore. decll 3U ENTKBPaisB. J. W. Nicklin, man- pgrr f tbe Singer iig Maebia o . nffera tbe following ritraordinary Sarg.nat To vr pereon aeeur'ng tbre cb eu Homer to $ta waokine-, will bo gren in astra manbioa of urn nrlea. aad t" evrry titrton aenurliia? three eu atom era lor AM maebiut-a, at to day, with ap proved ouriiy, will be given an our machine of aeme value To Ihe praa ge-t(g ap the b gen. ia acicitwo to tbe eh.iv. a t of ot ore and an dlelulo .vr free, '.hit graod ntftir of Mr Nicltlin only eit.adn! until lha 7th of aeit January. We eonvider tbia a eplendld Ofpnitntiity for peraona to aeeur a i giKiil mirfiiii irre. mr ripaiia ntaaea ina ff r on hu own accord, irrtrpeottve of ihe Cum- lany oeoll-et. '"Soaaia Poa Salb. R- Newton Sbaw keepaa Hill aupply of Kredoni tiuggtea and Klatrorm Wagon for aai. To h aen at tb Hhaw lliioae yard. Call on or addraaa htm al Clearfield Pau y I van la. t may ie-n. Waxtkd otKl.tllifl M fret.aved bonpa, ddlv ered at th rar i.ate of N.uuu, at all polota oo ilia Tyrone A t'larn-1, P A ti , Uald haifle VeMi-y, end Prniaylani Hailruadi1, for wbiuh 1 will pay th higbat inarhet prio. i. r. naii" Oetlfl, IBTfl tf. Clearfield, Pa. 4Tn i itdettlahle Truth, Yuu deerva to auflVr, if you lead a raieer- aile, Bnatirctorv lilr In thia htmntiiul world, ll ia enfitelv your own infi and iner la my on excuae lir ou our unreaainibli pn Judtce an l ek ticito. which baa kill"l tbouvand P ron al knowlrdge and pom in "B avna renatmlra will aoon ibuw yun that (Irreii'a Augut Flower will cur yu ot Liver C'tipi'ntt or D.vpepala. wlih all Ita mtrerahl clTt-ot, auoh aa aica headuelir-, orilLtistinn of th heatt, aonr efoiuacb, habiiual ooativraeaa, diitineaa ol th brad, uerviue proa trailon, low )tnta,Ao. lu le vow reach every Iowa oo tb Heatern Cobtlosat, and noi a urug- gin but what wt tell you of ita wonderful curra. Yon can buy a aamnlc bottl tor 1" crnta Three don will relivou. JlIj1T,7b eow-ly lUttroadi.. STAUR LINKS. A atage leve Carweaavill daily for Reynold rill, at 1 o'clock, p m., arriving ai Reynoldavtlle at fi o'clock, p. m. Ketaraing, Uavea Key ao Ida villa dally, at T o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur. weoavilla at 13 'clock, . Par, each way, $2. A atag leave Curwaaavllle daily, at I o'clock p. m .for UuHula Citv, am vine at I) u Kola City at fl o'clock, p. m. heturmag, leave DuBol al T u'elock.a m., dailj, airincgttt Ooiweoavilleat IV ..'ol.-k, m Per. arb way, $t. PHltiil'SUUHU A MOHUANNON BHANtiHBB lbavb aoura. JI4 IV I u I:. in 1:44 1:67 HO 7 1:11 7:IS 7:44 9:10 7:67 S:A N:ll 11:60 Sill 8:40 I 11 S:30 Mfc- laBAva no ara. ITATIOM. A, M. P. at. I. Ma Morriadal. 12:10 Pbilipal.urg, I? 3 4 11 , . ty-noer'a U U 4-.U Bovntou, '"t;U 4;tt Oaooola, 10:10 13:04 4:10 Moabani oa, 10 .1a 111 fl Htailiug, 10:U 1 1 :4b Stat) llootcdal. ItlMfl 11:40 .-4 MeCauley, Ut-M 11:34 :4U Keodnok'a, W.rt ll:au :(o lUoiay- li lt 11:14 M Ulprfllinfou. UrrUanrotitf. H ALU KAtiLK VALLBY BRANCH. Et. wail. Mail hap. p. it a. a. r. a. a. u. Tib 8.:iQ leiv Tyron arriv fi.10 fl.tib T It S.4T Held Keg I .bfl I 4b n v:m Julian A. lu f.uv B.14 V b6 Milealiurg 4 46 fl 4-1 8 ai III. nb Hnllelont 4 7 0. U 8.4b 10.16 Mileeburg 4.1b AS V 08 IU tt) Howard 4 t fl "ll 41 II It arrive I. INven treve lb 6 26 TVHwNfei h'i'ATIUN. KAtlTW-tKll. pHVilie Kipreaa Uarriaburg Aoo'n Mall Train. Atlantic Kxprei, Pbila. Kipruva, P. M 1:10 1 Way Paaacnger, flrbili Mail Train, lli:.ti Put Lin, I irfA Everybody lo Know. Rev. frora H. Thever, an old eltltcn nf thia Vicinity known to every one aa a moat influential ciliirn, and Cbriallan Miniater of tb M. K. Church Juat tbia moment atepped In our (tor to a v. "I wiab overy body lo know that I ctmaider that both myself and wifeowe nur lives to, Sbiloh'a CooaumptioD Cur." It I having a tremendous sal over our oountera ud la giving perlvet aatn faction In allaaavaol Lung Uiac-iacs, such aa noth ing la ba done. Uourtwn, Ind May 1 , '7d, llrn. MHlcbrtt A Piano Hold by HarUwick A Irwin and 0. D. Watson, Olrartield, Pa. Vo Deception I tied. It Is atrang ao manypropl will continue to anffsv dav after dav with liiroentla. Mvcr Com- Elaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Oeneral Ua. ility when the? can procure at our store Hlll I.Otl'S V1TAL1ZKH, free of cost If It does not cur or relieve then. Price lit ct. Held by llartswiok A Irwin and C. i. Watson, Clearfield The mat pcpular and fragrant Perfume of th dy "HAt hMfcTALH try . iia ny naru wick A Irvin.aad C. J. Walaon, Clearfleld Pa. Aug. 1H pd. l ea lr. Vau Dike' Hulphur auaii. Th leading eitrrnal spciflr tor disrnae of th SKIN, and teauiiUr ol tbo uu run. a tun ; tor tbe Hath. Toilet and lSursaryi is reootn needed by bb) aniens B-ld ly Druggists. Price tb Cent i bux. Jt Cake, nO Cents. K. fl. Vl EBsTCK, Prop, 60 K. bib fit , Phil. July I ,'7&-ow fim. U.f WKNTHANII A. It' Pituliurgh Uxp'H, 3.6 favlQo hsprvss, 8:11. P.M. 1:16 7iW8 Close oonnactious mad by all train at Tyrone aud Look llavu. S. 8. BLAIR, roylT-tf. 8uprinundnt. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW QKA1 DIVISION. fS and after Monday, Dec. I Oth, 1871 J tho naiienger trains will run daily (eicept Sunday) between Red Dank and Driftwood, a follow i R AtT W A B !. Day Mall lea vaa Pltlaburg 8:20 a. m.t Ked Bank 1 : bltco JuncUon JZ:ua New Brtblehem 1:U7 p. m. May a vine i:zo; Trov l:Siii Brookvil e 1:0V ; ruller'a I:8b t Hey oldavlllelbl; DuBois Jt:S.t ; Summit Tunnel 8:40 i Penfle.d4:0bt Weedvill 4:17 l Beneietle 4:bll f arrives at Driftwood at 6:66. vv lT W A K 1 1 Da j Mail leaves Driftwood 11:16 n. m.l Krnesrtte l:Uv: Wecdvilic l:iu Panflald 14b; Summit Tunnel 1:07; DuBoisl SO: Keyooldsville 1:61 : Puller's 1:67; brook villa 8:3 Troy 8:40i Mayavill 4:14; New Bethlehem 4:2 SliKo Junction 6:10 ( Red Bank 6:1.7 f arrive at Pittsburg at 8:10 p, ajr- The Rvynoldavlltc Accommodation leave Reyooldirille daily at 7:60 a. m.t and arrive at Red Bank at 1 1:00 a. m.. Pltlabureh at 1 16 p. m Loaves Pituburch at 8:60 p. m i Red Bank ai 6:66 p. m.; arriving at Reyooldsville at 9 "6 p. Close eoBcectlonr- made with trains on P. A B- Railroad at Dnltaood, aad with train on tht Allegheny Vallsy KailMtd it Red Bank. DAVID McCARoO, Qn'l Sap't. A- A. Jaraaoa, Sup't L. fJ. Div. Pall and Winter Goods in great variety, are njw open and ready fur snle, at PRICES THAT CANNOT BE COMPETED .WITH, (by Binnll buyers), at the widely nnd well known Dry Goods Store of " T. A. FLECK & CO. It is only necessary for lis to announce to tho public tlint with the coiiftiintly increasing demand, wo are ever enlarging our mucK, both in quantity and variety. so that any and everything needed in the most durable and fashionable lines of goods can be had at our store at nil times. Our goods hrtve been selected in person by Mr. Flei-k, mostly at tho manufacturers, and by buying: in large quantities, we Bavo the jobbers' profit, and are thus enabled to sell tit VJ,RY LOW FIGURES. We also have one of the very best Milliners constantly at her place, ready to triul HATS cfc BOINriVKTS in the very latest styles, and we gimvmitee that any work en trusted to Mihs ureHty cure will be pleasingly executeu. We know whereof wo Hpeak. Unit we will nnike it to the interest of all persona wishing to buy Dry- Goods of all description,", to call ami examine our atook betoro buying elsewhere. i STAQB link. Omi llt'mmrD fin CiiiT. Ducoiht on Old Pnicae. Sewing Ma. binra turn ui be purebaapd at AUriell a tin add variety aiure, from $na up aarda. AH aiitd of aealng tuaehiuca repaired on the bo item noiice. CIcarAeld. i'a , July 18. 1877. Gulden Hulk freHiuViii GrnnCt patting advle to bia Cabinet to d tu otnara aa thry would h dnn by, and ntvr be etlibuut Dr. Kunera Cough II ney end Biood ami Liver Kt-nedy and Mere T-oi. Prlt SI nta, bQ Mta, $1. For ear by Heitiaich A Irrio, I' leaf laid, I'. In view of tho aiiproacbinu; holiduyn, and m order ibat all may b 4oently elutbed, priea of e lot b ing bar bean greatly reduoed t tb Pbildalpbi Branch ator, where yo) will alwnya fled the twgeat and beat atook if faabion- ftbl elotblni ! tb eounty. Call in and aee tb gooda and yon will b eon?lned. do4tf. Pfntal Noticb. Dr. A. M. XIHIb would ay to hi frionda nnd forr patisntt that b ba not rtlrd fma practlo aa baa been ao iLdnatriooaly circulated by tome prwni, but will e rat inn to git-obi pertonal ntteatlon to all who may dlr it, or to a at lat Dr. Ilelobbold wbea tt TMtlrad. Nilreua Oiid Oaa givn for lb painleaa aitrnotlon of ttb. April 31-tf. A Fact. An adrorttnoment Inserted ! tb Rarpm iCi will reach tvor rradera than If publlihed In all tbe othr pprt In th ooia tr.and oat lb ndrrtil leas Ibfcn on half In other worda, an advert lament pnollabed in o r Jrnroal t worth doubl tb prio of tbat barfed by any other pabliaber ia tb onnty. It la a foot." , tf. R. fliet tbat in every uielery of ibr allfuia ten a ula are the vi huia i-f orijlecled oouxtia end ulila ; and i( yon ar fflct d, vuii tbeir fate by rciirting at oi oem llale'a iluuey f Horn, bi'iio't and Tar, an iinioediaie, ertreahie anj utr Imiii tnana ol vur. S ld by all L'rugginta. Pike' loutbaoii Drup our ia uue uioutc. dec.-4 1. WiaTnn. Delivered at th Rail ttuad lOii.iH'ti 21 inch abared abingie. 1'iu.Oi I) J4-Inrh aaae l abiatfle li'O.OIlO !if pine b 60 ,ijhu J4 lort afaaved buopi. b linn raiiritB't line. ill.tli 0 r el of riHtd b liilKa. boarda F-ir which 1 will'pay tb bt(bt market price, delivered t UltiarOol.l, ur at any point ua tb Tjrun A CirBld Kilro d. i. r. n RAaiRa Cleardeld, Pa., 0t U, 1878 tf. CLKlRFIFLrt TO PKNVIBLD. Th underaiitned would inform lb puMi tba' be la nuw rnnoiiig a ataga line h. twten Clearfleld end Pennd-I, iDree tlmea a weeR Theater leave I'learlluld on Monday i.Wudnea daya and FriUaya, at 8 o'olork a m., rUioc at rVufieid at 13 o'clook in. Heturnlog ain d.a. Lvarea Penlield at 4 o fllook p m., arnr al Clnerfleld at 8 o'clock l. m. 4'onneetlon ta in a I mth trama on th Low K. K. at PennvM. Fare, r-h way, ?1 Ml (1KO. W. U KAnll Alt i. Clearfiild, IV, Fb. lit, 1878 $riv dyrrllgftncpu. Gp.sllowIsforSale. The Clearfleld Oa rnrepan offara f r aala, al par, e upn Hjnd ot HUlt ana aeo nnina- tiou. bearing mtrt at tbe rate of A prntuot per ni.uaa, paynble eeiul annually at in iirat N.I i. .oal Hank nf t'Uarttold. Pa. Tt. wurkanf ihe Ciarllrld liaa Company wr rreotfd at a enat of U.0i', and the liondi la aued are limited by law to fl'-Vum. eooured by a mTRg9 ua a'l tb P.iu).a"y'a property and iratiohiae. In Uvnr f Win. H Dill, t Aihier of lb Flrat Natmnal U-b, anil Juhn M. Adanta, CkbUrof tb Clearfield County Uank, in truel. Tb Director l irooa to tuau but it,iDO ef tbeae tM.uda for the purpoae of tundinr thrlr flat. itig dl't, and hut lUUi'U n-main unmu Any in. tomiritiun mproflnjr ibe worka will be gWvn by ttie Pre niuul or Treaau er of Ib Cimpany. ti'Mida can be had at any uf th Clearfleld bank. W. W IlKl liJ. A. F. H'-YMuN, PrviiOont. See and Tn-aa. W. D lllill.RIt, JAMKR IltVVIN, JMJ, F. IK IN, Clearll-lil, Jon 19. '"8 tf. Dirtra. iUtttr ,han Evtr' v pFHICE REDl)CEO.ff jT Full f rUin, Practical, Keliable, X1 Pnuinor Information S Paving Tr.r WVt, Est, South, North; fcr Owner S S! ot faille, lioi-e. M.cep, i-xin. e vn Oa(uuu,or V.-I.c l oi-i for llouaakeeperai for j.11 lioy and .n U; T. A. FLECK .& CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. BEADY BEADY READY We have just received a new Btoek of Ready-made OVERCOATS which we will sell at XUC DKVlL'a AcADkMY tukSteckt acttisML ll la vviueiit iinti ta liwruuati Cuuuc wl ireuiunt, btiuylkiiioi.uBiy, bel level tbat tou many aateguard oanidft t ttfrwwa arouiid tb rat of tb ruing giiTiiwn, and in furiber- auo ol tbeir Lellel bat.paed aa ordiaoce rott- dertiig it obligatury up i all tb youth, wboa yeara nauibar ii tbau tut, U b under tb paturua) rwui whea th Ml Mb ahail regiater 8 P. M. Tntr are enifrti loo if any youitgater permititd to r aw the atrett at a let hour, nod auould t d:lvn by a" me autb IcglaUtion a tb a bo to keep wtibla door aiier a eitata buur, uaie aooompiinied by parvtyi or guardian Toe atreet at nlgbt t tbe Uxtitr grabd aeadaiy, In nhlub Uaauna ar given out rapid auooaaton and larid aiib Himimui alartity. Th fruita uf tbli mgtit eduoatio w e (ruund ua.efery day. If uarwt dvait tbeir cHldraa to twak rapid atri'itr don tb broad r ed loperditma, all ibey hav lu du U lu giv then privilege ol a lull ooira In tb nelanuaa aabuul of tb rtreot nt utght. It won't lab IbetM lung to gradual, either. bbb i mm i i'llRIHI MAS ATlHkhAHBAI II SciIuOLS. Nearly all ibe ttabiiaih ttibuwi t tuwu wul gtv a treat tv tbeir ecbulara ibia ( Tueiday ) ovo ing or ua Obrietaaa aetaing. Thia eairg Tuoiday tb Bt, Andrew's KptMupal, Praabyttriao and Lutheran 1H bold tbeir featlelti. At lb tb scholar will b ktndiy rtn-Bbcred by an appropriate present, and a treat l aiia, et. At tb Prraytria Cbureb, oak, lee reass, a all ond aandrel will a earved ap to ibva wbu attend. Th Lutheran aoholara will aaietnble la ibe Cbureb et 71 n'eJusk and after albgiag, leleet read tog, (., gif a Mil b3 dilributJ tv th eibr r tb b l by alalia Claoa lioia a aaow bona. Th Cbriaiuiaa eurria of tb U. B. Sunday eebool will b bald oo Chirtiuai (Wedncadajll Ovraiag, iB tb ttiia audtett -.oon'ol tboCbreai. An apprvprtata srtlo will he road by tbo school, hiah will bm inirpred with alagiag aadj pryrv. At th ouaeiutiua of tbia Mrrtoe, tbr .aoDbera of ib eeaool will reelvgifi rron tb Cbriattnu tr, oualatiag of4eadii, auU, at. A pi eaaa at tie la antteipated oa aeb of tb aboT naased oeaaim. The CloarfMd Gaa Company offprn. at par. Conpna Bonds la dnaiotlonaof lUN and liOf aarb, bearing Iataraat at th rl ot ail par eentuca per annum, pnyabl Htnl-annually at tho Firat National Bank. Tb Company baa iHoadbonda to tb amount of 910 80A,and $MH ef tbla waa lakea but a few daya ago by n of th Clearfield bank), leaving fe.flirO tu be diapored of. Capitallat a hoar leaking a aa! .avast ent for thalr money, would oonault their inter- it by lavaating in the bond. They ean be pur eh seed ai aitbor of tb Clearfleld hauki. Any iitforaieiloa reapeeting tb Una Company, will be ebetrfully glvea by A. f. Boynton, Preaidmt, or W. W . Uett. HecreUry Jelff tf. Cleahfuld Coal Trade. Siutc ent of Coal aod other freight sent over tb Tyron A Clearfleld Dtvleroa, Pennsylvant Kail oad, for th week vndiog Dvoemliar 14, 187a, and tb aaio time laet year i ooitv. Fur tb wek - Haw tina laat yar I our a , Previously during year .... Hauie uuie laat year Decrees - Total ia Ip 7 1 Sam tini last yearw Decrease Tim .. 17.IH . 27,uva ivt ,.lalt,llt prvoiiH nihility. Vital Weakup or IropreaaUli t a weak eabau"tfd ferlinir, on i-ne rt -r oo-tre i 'h ro cult mf uieuial over-work. IndUcrailoii gr nrraavee. ur utu dram upon ib ars'em i al ways cured hy Hunt) hrej's llotnopihe hpeoint No. IH. It toue up and tnvtgwaie in aytteui. litoel the doom and defindeney, iu-paris stiength etid energy, atnpa th drain ni re- jufenaie tba nl.r mat). Iteen ed l )! y rear Wltb oer loot loout-aa oy inouannu. dun Qv aee ere. frto, at per -ingio vim, or per pack eg of five viala and ti vial uf powder, beat by mail oo receipt of pri. Jttlureaa nuniiirrya- nvairiiii. IHedli-lii tunpauy. li.v Fulton Ht., rt. . U. l. Watson, Agent, Ultarneia, ra. eepL 18, Ifl.B-ly, Just llorelved I Just Received by ARNOLD, at CUKWENSVILLJS: Car Load Nova Scotia rlastor I Car Load puro Corn. Rye and Oats Chop I i ar Load Dcuucn ?ai I Car Load Choioa Family Flonr 1 Cur Load Dry (ioodt, Grocorion.oV.! lV8liinirlua. I3ark, H. U. Tiea and Grain will be taken In exclmngo. Curwanavillo, May 1, 1H7H. KAKli FROM CLKARFIKLD, TO Belleronte, Pa K OMMiddletowa $& Ou Uek Haven I 70 Marietta- bb Willimport I Au Lenoeiter 6 80 HuntiniIon. I 80 . PH ILADKLPHIA 7 V Lewistoero. tVOiAltoona Mi Mnrjiville.. 4 5o!.l-.hniHwn. t 8ft Cuwenavill XI 1 Philipaburg bl Oaceol. oijTvntne I 22 MAHHisnnm, ... 4 jsIi'Ittshhih. 1 1 $tvc gulLfrtlsrmrnts. CAl'THi All persons r herahjf w-rncd against purehsiing or in any way meddling with thai fidlowitg pri'terty, nw In lha p.eee sion of W. A. Hea, of Lawrence townabip, vii : Too milk enws, I three Jr old boiler. 4 tw venr i)d hflfera, and 2 prin selves, as the lame helooga to ma and is l-ft with eid Ked on loan onh. ubjat tu aav order at any time, t lear&-'d. Deo. I. 170 3 K. W HEAD. A !; l.K'at NOI ICK.-In ll. Hi.irloi t'ourt t tha tloitnd stta tor tbe Western Ut-irlot uf Pe'in-vlf loi. The uod.riig'ied hereby gives ooflca tb.t b has bteo appointed hy the Curt. Assignee ol Ht-nry liivanght, o' lb .unty or Ciearileld and -tale ef l'enaylrnla, wi-bia .i I Uiatriet, w to has been nljudrd a bimtrupt nioa hia owe petitlou, by th Dutriot Court of said DitrieL JOrtlAH COUKN, Pittsburg, Deo. II,1S7a -i Great Western Hotel, No. 1311, 1313 and nil Market Street, Dirtelty oppott Wnnmmnker' Grand Dtpot.) FMladolphia, Pena'a. Tortnti) taia.OO per cy- Thle Hotel ia near th new Poblia BnlldiB, new Mason i Temple, U. 8 Mint, and Aeademy of Fm Ana. T. W. TKAl'CK. Prop'r. Ora tL biobt 1 JylT; 78-ly iirfl. Ib Bradford townahlp, en BatuHay, NntrmUr tSd, l7, William bblraj.ia laaaaiataar el bll a- CLEARFIELD MARKETS, ClB ABFIBLD, P., Dm. 1, 1B7K- Fl.ur, per ewt. Muck wheat Flour pr ewt . Corn Meal, per w, , Hhop, ry, par ewt Chnp, mi led. pr owt Bran, per ewt. Wbt, per babl - Rye, per bushd-.... flats, per buahel Cora, ear, per buahel Rufhwheat per buahel Hot mUits, per buahel Apples, per buaa'l Hams, pi-r pound Hhoulder, per iound Lriod Ueel, (icr pound (lhickna. per p'tlr hulu-r, per pound Htigt, p- r doitn Hilt, per seek, larg U"ai nil, per gaiiui lrd, per pouun. Drird Afiples, pr Kiund ....... Uriud Pcaohfs, per puuod. Mr-en. er buahal Lumber...... Miaeelleneuu lioights.. ... H.,9A9 , VSoara. ; vii Go AubaU I Our cbubuwl iiuard baa peiuwg ea anoe) a Msewh af inaaiy aatly, thaA we wewsi aot b artaad If thay wM Barry urt iblr p-a la emjihiat bwt tbey wiH add Tub Wkak of 1'aATaa Tbe Evan- gslioat Ailiaae uf ibe Ueited riuu roeoasinead tb 111 tog progranat for Ua Wk af Prayer ta Jaanary, lsff er tb flabbath, Jaaaery Hb, a a nhjaat ht the pal nit i Cbrntiea Caioa." Monday , Jasaarj Thankeglvlag for tb bltaaiaga af tb peal )er, aad pfayor fur tbeir wBtlnaeaee. Tutsday, January I Prayer fr th Chunk ef Cbriat, It twiaUUra, It growth ia grae and iu aalargeaunt Wed ee day, Jaaaary 1 CbrUtlaa adaaatloa , tb' lBiily, th uaag, aeliege, aeaatnarlM at learalog, abbth aad ether eabuoi ) Christ iaa Aiaua wf yeaag asea aai uag weeiM. Tharada, Jaanary Fee Heuoaa. rater aad aeopl i peaoa aad raltgieaa Heny ta th earth. Friday, January It The are, fur a bless tag t,aaiiar. editors aad aathur ) tba aaa ! lpfaM aad Other eueial refer. Matorday, JaLwary UUeM aad feteiga mil mum tb ovat.r.rea at ia World. Utbjathaatag,laaoa7 II, ft toawggtod thai pahiw wrnaa twee tag. a held rar pret, pratsw, aad tte praatUa af flhf )hjaM aaa Tbu Dandvlioii mid Mandraku IMI, aiad by U, K. Tboaipeen, ar a very mid tuaw and diaratie, atiBauletiog tne liver to eetrei ib nil and ald whlob form about tb torpid organ, passing ibeae lata tb aloud, afleotlng th heart, lunaeb and digeatita organ. W reauB.and taking one pill every eight lor 10 er M .tay, a torn aud leanar of tb atumat-b wnbut re gard to Moving tb bowels, for wtn produoo a haaltby aettoa ef th etewaoeh wv bat a ova ea th great eaaa af brt aoaati) tea, wbieb afdieta o many people, brnght en by vorittng. er lutprepar aod ladigeitibi lovd. Prepared by ft. K. Thwtepeoa, TitusvilK Pa, Pnee, 26 waaU per hot. For oal by all druggist la Ckarftald, aad hy Jesa Baylor A Boa, Lathcrsburg. LGTTIaR lHOM JJORUA N. i . t Aaaonvii.LB, Dm. 19, 1ST!. Ma. Q03.uDBa aVawr tr t Met teeing aay Ibin ia yunr Dtir from ibia township for aume- tiaa, I tbowght 1 would avt a lw ot th aier iaiBoitaat eveets, W fjrobased a beater, a few weeks age, Iron. Mrs. Jligler, Young A Head, af year pMoe, ir our ae fteset tariea Lrn. it ia now wii and la lull siat, nad gie ntir 4tisfiiun, Wa auw bav tw vi lb Beet bBureaes rresoy toriao m Baptist) tbr ia IB tb coubty, vaisidt et Ulearfttld. Oar aeh els bav ho ravel at loaleed the pres at Wiaior.end ar aow gif tag eeiir eelisteeiiea Meay of tbe eeaular. wha haa ewaw ia th ad- a nerd boohs lor tvrJ years, av g.e baefc iota tbe pn.nea, and ara aow tearaiBg what iBer sfeourd kav saasaed tr or three year ago. ur eeheeia are Uottht by abl aad eaergiU teeeber. We bavo toe erfteea of tiewrge W, guydor, Ka., M wf to beat aad twt pieoita' lawubere I ta aeuaty. Ia piee 4 8plliag. wa w ' leading aa," Tbey are aot waiy iutr eeltog, but tet reel ing. Meat -reek, I naeeriLaad, w are to nao aa Arlibwstss ead Uvograpuy Han " fur a ebatia. Our laetiiaie a.! overt twa wfes. Th saeiBers, By aiakiag il taeUasut aad praattai, aae aaado tt a Ovteniete sat, tew ta lb ewwatt ar aiere -aafj atieaoed by ea apirl est paatia. it ait oa aaa Hhih last ,ai Aran Mill. Wa ate geiaf t ha lataef It aa ChrWtwa ti, . la. t 2 it 3 no 1 SO 1 40 1 RO 1 He 1 OA HI All 7b 40 to inn "i (t Is 40 2a Ift J Hi 2 I 11 I 7ft I-OR a A Ll OR HR-.ftT.-Th Urg ond coQ.Bi. diiiui lbetnry brick hotel, situate o thetiliageol lilen Uope.Llearneid eounty, ra., wltb g-nnl slabling and ell tb bom ry out buildings, together with a store-room 22x40 feet. Is now otTt-red (or sal or rent, on easy trona. fh location and tb bouse i on ot the best, for a hotel. In ihe eountr, A lara mount of travel is kept ap between the southwestern portion oi th eounty to th ooal region of Houta lland Oacevla. It Is on lb through turnpike route from Tyrone to Do Hoi. Fur m'ther partioula'e inquire of or addrasa th uadet-rignrd. PHILIP D0TT3. O Ian Dop, Nor. IS, lT-tf. READY. READY. READY. READY. vsUVtlf 7wu rino tnitHvinvov Ik iS i:ea-iug and inmrticuve. Th kiEricMjgrpltori$l( ONLY l EACH, In 4 r"r'e- f ' ! carh. Single Out number, 14c. A man, pon-lrae, 10c. S k HAGKiFICEHT Slul Hate HCEiVKO to all N ttawveirittal a-.a a"la Ka S v Uurd in'ith A German at aama price. S. Tit V IT IT l 1 1. 1. PS V hMN laid re, PuMistn,iV! t'i, Bin n.ori.. n 1. i,4 Not. 17, IS7. Business Suits, the most fusliionablo stylus unJ the best lmitorml. E0YS' CLOTHING, THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. Skeleton Plaid Overcoats, lining woven with the goods. None better. TO SERVE THE BEST INTERESTS OF EVERY BODY, AT guhtzburg's ONE P1UCK CLOTHING STOliE, , Western Hotel Building. Clearfield, Pa. v27 ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties Curweasvill. Pa. Jan. 9. '78-tf. Yolc Early and Often ! -FOlt- GEO. C.& T.W.MOORE. I GENTS WANTE FOR OUR GREAT AVORK, NOW IN HRKS3, TUB HTDT7STEIAL History of the United States. BeinR a oomp'ct history of all th fmr.ortnl lnrttitries ol America, inoludinf Arrieultaral, Merhaniral. Minulaoturin. Mimnc, Cm nemial and ithr enterprises. Alx.nt IdUO lara; ooure pa gei an I X0 Hna engravings. No W'ork like it ever Published. For larnta a t-rrtia y ap,,ljr at nana M The Henry Bill Publishing Company, fl.. Il,l7 :m. NOKWtCII, OONX TI1ET IbtIU 70a tn rail at tbalr Stor. in th. Opera lloaa CLK.HFIKLD, PA., and m tba baat aod obeapaat atuoa ef BOOTS AND SHOES, BATS AND CAPS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, 4c, EVER BROUGHT TO THE COUNTT. law and al.ff.nt atneh nf fnmU ran.l.t, af all atrlaaand pricaa ia LADIB8,' MIS.-Eti' aadOIIILDRtiNS n.fE .urn HK.ivr snot s, Wblrh will luft all ktnda of enatomer,. Alao. GENTS' FINE BOOTS &, SHOES, This Ii th only plao la CtearSeld eounty her tb eelb rated PERKINS' Driving Boots and Shoes oaa aa houl,t. ROYS' and YOUTHS' BOOTS and SHOES of all klnda. Alao, a earafullr aalactcd aaaortnent ol RUBBER' GOODS!! RubUr floods for verylKiily, oonslning of " PURE" GUM BOOTS, II IT It It I'll HOOTS, LTJUBEElIEirS GUMS, tC. Aliwi, a a.w airlanf T.uaaharmrn'a (Inmi. balrK taa ART1CS wlib aolid Bottnma, whlob ara ro&. aidarad a graat iioprovemant on tba old at jl. Jr9- Plaaaa call and ciamlBa oar gnoda. OKOROE fl MOORE, TOM W. MOOI1K. Darllald, Pa , Norrmlrr 1K7 H.n. lUUro.ids. Ie n nay 1 v 11 1 a Knl 1 rowl TYBONK k CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON and aftar Mondaj, KOV. 4, l. U" Paaamcar Tralna will ran dallj Kan l.jil balwaaa Tjrronaaad Claaraald, aa followa : CI.RARFIKLD MI1, IT. fl. Plubmbb, Cnaria.'tnr. I.KAVR fHTH., r.a Olaarlald 1 40. " LMin.r., s 4V, - B.rr.m........l.t4, " Woodland, 4ll, " HI, lav- 4 0, Wallaortoa..4 17, " Bia. Hall 4 lb, " Urabau -4 .11, " Phlliinhura. ..AM, " a......4 , " Bo.otoa .4.4, " Oaaaola 4.61, " Powaltoa 44, " rtutauiil, ft. 11, " Vaaaroisa,......! la, " trr.Ba,..i......M, LKAVK NORTH., Tama.,.- Vanaroaoa,.... Nnojati P.iaaltoB, 10 Oil, " Oaomla,.. 1" U, " R.jaloB HII," Slainar'a, ID.21, " Pbilipabar,..IOU, tiruaia 11.11, " blu. Ball, , Wallaoaloa,...l4 44, " Niflar Il . " oodlaad, Bar .ll.r. Uoeard 11.11," IMa.rn.14 11.11." Car..iill.,.ll.4u.. CtEAHPIRLD ACCOMMODATION. Wa. L. Raoaim, Oaaauaur. LEAVE SOIITH. CBrwnatllla. 1.40 a. Claartald...... I I" " Lmard Ma " ( " " Woi.dl.Bd I ll " Bl(lr .i T allao.t.a, I.I " Bia. Ball Hi " Mrabaai....... 14 " Pbillpaliari- " " oiala.r'a, II" lufMHp.w. Oaaaola, - " P.wa4laa KM S.BB.U,... .1 " " Trraaa,.MlU " LEAVE NORTH. Trroaa, ....... .I.I1P.B. Vanaooioa,..,. I.M rlaaiailt I 1 Pi,WMM..,.l M 1 0Mola,. I 4t Boyal.B Jtl'a....M. 4 Pbillpaaar...4 It UraBaaa. .. 41 BlaaU.II 4 at WallarMoa, ...III BlgHN' -.. olla,. .. amm.... Lv.afd,..M.4 t'laartald, Cajwaaartlavt.M ARNOLD. PAYS CASH or TRADE. rarwanavlll.. Pa., Jan 0, '7ft If. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Co'wan.rlllo, Ja. 0, 7lt If. HARTSWICK & IRWIN BKCOKD STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., 'DEALERS IN PUUE DHU(iS! . CUBM1CALS! PAINTS, 0115, DYE STUFF ' Pliiladi'lpliia Branch Clothing Store, ROOM NO. 7, OPERA HOUSE. Tha aBd.ralgn'.d wnqtd rrapaetfullj inform tha rltitana of ClearGrld and rloiaitr, that ba baa juat opaoad tba targaat and beat atook of fiM.or-,v.f e, HATS, CAPS, ff Ml a' f 'larnfaflllir f-'ooilt, TRUNKS, VALISES, &.c, a.rr brooftbt ta Clrrfleld, and whlrb b will aril cbrapcr tha. any othrr ttora tn town. ALL KINDS OP GRAIN TAKEN IN EXCHAXOE FOR GOODS. Calf Shin,, Rlicrp Prlli, and Fun of all kind. Ukon In exctiauga. Call and aer, and ba onrlncad. PIMON SI1L0.8. Clraifirld, 1'.., Pvjlt. 11, 1S7S 3D. PRIVATE SALE or Valuable Real Estate I Tli omlrriiirncil, Wviag in Pern twp., Tler fl uid eounty, j tiers tb following ralustil heal Knstufur sal: 446 Acres of Lard, inr or trsn, in DccmH township, lyini on th north side of Mk Clsrirfiulii creek, anil within on nil ol th suit. Th Rhorc Innil I U0v..t inTrf. with hfmlork. wliii oak, rock oai, and mlier hartl wood iitnix-r, nd qunlilr of whit fiitic. to be half mitnoo or mora (wl. id mtn is nuariiy anipriaid witn otiummou nnal, and (itrrclly on tbe line uf railroad lea-iIng tro'ii HdU'idaic to 'otort Its va'n Is unknown, rhrr arc, also, oihur raluablc minerals on tb sain. Tb aboTr Und lies about two and a-half roite hrlow lh rHIaK ot (Ikn Hnjie. Hj-ininf UnJs of Heoric (Irooin and others, on whnt is known aa f irifr's run- The imtrnvf DjrriU on lbini. rtr arr gMd Krl saw i in rttni.i'K urd- r, a hifrb dam. stona brat, made in th best tnan-ni-r, lit Titr alio opt any macbitiary There is, also, a largB frsuie dwrlliujc houvean't fraitne bauk barn he i fur, and ab"l loitr ur tiltj acrta, nor or es, ol tb Und ! rlrarfd Any ernn wifbing tn to en in property et this kind will do ell io eiaiiiiiie thU property 1 will veil th wliole or tb undivided balf Inieetart, a, may suit tbe purrbaaer. Tbe ah.. t tract uf laud will mak two ur ttire farms, wbirh wiMeutupar farorably wilh the ftreater part of oar county. Prio and terms made known to any perion wiibinft to pur chase. J-or furtuer partioulars aall i address tn nnden Clearfleld oountr, i Jan. 9, 1H78 tf. VARNISHES, i BOOTSdE SHOES Hats, caps, AKtt Hi Furnishing Hoods. Wiliamsport BootSi Elmira Boots, PERKINS' I Drivins Boots and Shoes, Cladin's Boots & Shoes, Boys' Boots & Shoes, William Powell. SKCOSD ST., CLEARFIELD, PA., Dealer in Heavy nd Shelf HARDWARE, IllON, NAILS. PAINT", (111.3, VAIIN1SIIES. , , , tiiiABHaSV rurrir , , BRI'FHKS, 5 PERFUMERY, FANCY 000ES, TUILET ART1CLKS, Or ALL KINDS, PURE WISES AKD LIQUORS for medicinal pnrpotet. Truss!, Support eri, rVhoal Unoki and Station, ry, and all other articles niuallj found in a Drug Stor. IMIYrttCIANf PRKPCRIPTIONH CAHB PULI.V COMPOUMrKD. HaT-nga laree t perfrnoe In tb business thry ea gif entire st U fart ion. 3. O. nAKTSWH'K. JOHN 9. IHWIN r)Mpf1alrt riaoramkai 1 l?4 ttier partioulars aall io iiermn or Isrriirned at Oramplan Hills P.O., r. i'a- HAM L W1UKM1HB. Pine Boots 1 Stoga Dootl s Wlta a ff.nar.1 .arWtr al l4iM M I.H1 aid tbildrra a uaola, i.aea and u.uara. Ri'MnKR nnonn, RCURI1H OOOVK, HATS AND CAP" HATS AND CAP (1KNT'' FI'PNiallINO OOfltH. UKNTa' ruRNW HI NU OO0U1. Th. aadanlaaail raaaMtlallT larila Ika aiua tina al Iba ar Cl.araVIa' aaanl, ta thalr aw alaaa al Iba ah... aaa. (naa. Oaa.lrj Pr.-a'aM latra la aaabaaf. I.r (4a. Prlart aa raw a. tb. bjwnt. MalialJullaT IHOWER. OalaabBr.' .1. auad, bMua4 atraat. i , ClaariaW, f a., lfc-4, 1171-la. Kari.a cBUnlljr on b.mj tb. bail Conkiita HcatlDK aflU Parlur I Stoves and Ranges t of ll aWrlptUns. TaMe and fjfket C.itry, Carfntrs' Tools, auoh a Maws, Ua'rheU, Kiiuares, Benrh ,-ttops, ri tnei and t'lan , irons, Ohlels, Uitt. Augers. A!te, file, Hin?esofalttilis, Ijoefta, Screws, Bash Cord, I'ulleys, te.t tf. Fiirmliig; IJleiiHlK Plows, Cultivators, Doubl and slnjl Pbovel Plows, Cultivator Teeth, Oraia Cradle, Beythes, Hnatbes, II, Porks, Hakr, II ay Pork, Para belli, etc , sic. Hnre Bhoe and Hart Mails, tb Wt make of Cross eat Saws and aies, Orindatnnes aad Urladsfnw Filter, and erylbif ally k pt to ft Irst ela liariiwar Btor. Alao, a UH ftoek of t i House Furnishing Goods, iRtTSHlft, LAMPS, thlMHKTd, A. All h India of Tin war kept en band and mads U rdr. RoBag nod Apniifnf grumpily at tended to, - ' '-I v Paraaa. wlablaf aayUilaa- ia Bit Hal, ara la rlu. la aall aaa aaaialna atok mmi .n,va . 1 . - WILLIAM I0ICLL Claarl.ll, Pa, Jaaa I, Ilia u. j yv. J. II OFF I Sa, RlKIM Nil. Tlllll.i: Ol'l HA IKIIIHl'., Clearfield, Pa., oi ai.i:r in DKY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, , , GROCERIES, . i i i (IIEESWARE, pRDaYlRE, Cnriu ts, OH Cloths to.t Etc., Etc. ixcman.i: ron coodn AT MARkkT rnicicii. tlearfleld, Pi.. irpf. lS, ti? If. IInrperM Mngazlne. 1879. ILLUSTRATED. SOTICE OF TUB PRESS. trier's iV9s'w tr th American Vactin alike in literal me aod in art - flatten TmvtHf , 1 h most popular monthly in the world. .V, Y. Ohtnr. It is nn Teeltent enmpanlnii for the jnanjr, ft df Mrht to the ntnture. a so!i' for declining age, Aonitriff Vim tw Jmrnnt. No other nontltiy io the Torid can show so Rrihiant ft lint of ntrihutors ; nord'es anr far nlub 1 1 readers with so ureal a rarirtr and so superior ft finality of literator Wtlrhman, Hoi Tho viiloiues of th Mmjatint fccgin with th lumbers of June and leermhrr of aeh year. Whea no lime is spre'Bed, It will he understood that the suhieriber withes to bee In with the cur rent Number. HAEFEE'S PEEIODTCAES. IiAItPEK'M MAOAZINR, One Year 1 00 HAUPER'S WKKKIiV, " 4 00 I1ARPK1V8 DAZAR, " " 4 00 Th TIIHKU pnliliOHttons, one yrsr 10 00 Any TWO, en year 7 00 1SIX Fuvsi'H'tlms, on year 21 00 Terms for largAlub furniibed on application. Port ape Pre to all subscribers In th United States or Canada. A Cnnir-lrte Fot of HAtrrrs' MAnAimt, now romp iing ? Vol-imt-s, in neat oloth biodinfr, will he ami hy exprers, freight at expens uf piirrh'tstr, tor 1-2 l.i p-r rolumc. HinRl eolnmes. tiy mail, ptiitpaxl, M Oil. Cloth eaacs, for bind inn, 3 nt, by mail, pos'pt d. Krai.ttauoes ahoold b mad br Pottoflleft Mom r dder ur Irtt, to avoid eharre ol loss, ewspapers are not to epv this adrelttnFni wi'hont the eii-re" order nt Mri(H A Bnoa. Aiidnss lUltPKK A liROTHUKH. Urn York. 1879. ILLUSTRATED. SOTtVES OF THE PRESS. To dress etrdlnif to ff-n-rier's Pntir will b thr aim aM nm-'ttl-n of th women ol America. rV.rftV.M rm-ieW;rf. As a tatttital rtimnlel nf faahinn. nd a news jitr of d,niPNtie n-l e-icia' rh,ri-ler, It ranks wiih-tiia ril. Ilrnntift E'g'r This paper has aerjin e.! a wide popularity f-JT 'he fireide iijut miii H ff.rd. and has beeom n raiahiMhcd nutaorilj with the lllea-V. fVrem-o W. The Volumes of the ffitr hef ta with the Diet Nwinher lor January of earh year. Whea no time ts mentind, it will be underwloid that th suherriher wish to eommene with tb Number next alter the receipt of hii order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. IIAKI'KR'S MAdAZINK, Oa. Y..r II 00 IIAIII'LR'al WKKKLY, ' ...... 4 M HAIIPKR' BAZAR, " " 4 00 Tat 1 UUtli auUiaalloai, a. a.r. .... 10 00 AtryTWn, ant y rar T 8IXaaLicribarii,aaaair...-..M.M.H..H Tarn, f.r lar,a rlaba farnUliMl OB applloatton. Pi'Moicr Frra lo ill rabMiiLfra ia lha t'alt Slalr, or I'ana-la. . . , Thl Amual V'.luinrl of lUaraa'l Biitmla nral cloth hlnjinj, will lx -nl b; aauraaa, (ia.o( ern., (iari.t J 'b. Ir.lht doaa ool aioard ona dollar .ar ..loiar). or l).0 rh A aou) pi, I. Hrt Elaraa Voloma., aaat an riTrfat i.f -a.b at ib. ral. f H-Ia p" la. frrlxul at aapani ot parebaaar. - inrf m .il u, at ),. mall. ob rMwibt . al M .ar Ur-niit'.tiaua ahual.1 b. to-do b, Poai,,!!! .Mora Onlrr or ilrall, lo arol . ehaaw of lo.. N.a para ara bol U) oop, Ibia adrarliw Ibr aaprra. dr ol llaaran k Bo Addraaa IIAHf KB a illOIlJr.RH, ba Nor. 10-n. ram aura ei bajm Ua to remark ahla. tw two traeaia ta terai. work vfth Evag"lal AUiaaoa.