THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner nf Seoond and M erhet street. CM:aki-!i;i.i. tA. TH H old aad obiauoitoat Hotel hai. dortn. the putt year, been enlarged ta double it furmr eepee-Hy for the entertnloment of trn ger end guest. Til whole building hu beer. rVarniabed, aad the proprietor will -pare a pnaa t render bia gueata eomlortable whtl (laying with bin. a 9-rbt 'Maaaloa HoaaeM fiaialhoa rna and from rh le(iol on tbe nrrivai end dpeturc I earn train W.C. CAHDON. July It Tl-tf Propnewi tLLKUUEXY HOTEL Market Mtrert. Orarfleld, Pa. V'a.B Bradley, formerly proprietor of tb f Leonard llue, having hotted the Allegheny Hotel, eolloiia a ihnre of pubile patronage. The Huae baa leea thoroughly repaired aud oewiy furnished, and gueata will find It a pleaaant top plug plaoe. Tbe table will be auiilii witb lb brat of everything in tha market. At tba har will ba found tha bast wlnea and liquor. Uood tabling aliened. WJI. 8. ttHADLKY, May 17, Proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. af Markat 4 Front ttreeta,) CLKAKF1ULD, PA. Tba nnderilgned baring taken oharge of thU Hotel, would reipeotlully aoheit putnta patronage. Iab20,78. R. b'EHTON bllAW. ipEMPElUNCE HOUSE, SEW WASHINGTON, PA. 11. D. ROSE, . . pHormiroR Heal, 25c. Man and bona over night, II QO. Man and two boraca over night, $1.61). Die bent of areuuniodnUoDa lor man and bent Oct. 23,';S-tf. WASHINGTON HOUSR, NKW WArtHINU TON, PA Tbia new and well fornUbed hottpa baa bean taken by the uiiieralgned. lie feeli confident ol bing able to render aatiafaclioa to thoao who may favor mm witn a call. Ma; 8, 1871. G. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. IOYD HOUSE, J Mala Street, mtrt Ti)ci)iiui now a. Table alwaya aapplied witb the bent the market anortii, i oe traveling puoiic m icmra wmh. Jao.1,711. ROBERT LOY D. Great Western Hotel, Noi. 1311, 1.118 t 136 Market Street, ( Wrwt'y oppntiU Wantmakt'' Qmnd Depot,) PhUadolphia, Ponn'a. Torxxxm, $8.00 jaor cly. Thl H-lel Unearth new Pohlia Building-, new Manie Tainule. V. H Mint, and Academy of Fine Aria. T. W. I HAl lh, rrp r. one am. ainnr. jl. '7-H-ly County National Bank, OP CLEAKFIKLD, PA. ROOM In MnMiiifr llufMing, one door north o 0. D. Wntion'a Drug Hiore. Peaaage Ticket to and from Liverpool, Queen town, tilaagow. London, Pari and Copeahngen Alan, Draft for a,le on thi- Horn! Hank ol Irelanr and Imperial llxnu of London JAM KS T LEONARD, Pre-'t. W. M. SHAW, Caahier. J-ml.'TT DREXEL & CO., No. :il Nuuili Third Ht reel. Plillaieli!iU And Dealers in Government Securities. AIicatin Uy mail wtll rcveirr prompt attei tifn, and all Inl'orinatiou obeerfutly turniKhef1 Ordcra muIiauJ. April ll-tt. F. I. AltNuLD. O- W. 4H MOLD. J. R. AR.IoLI F. K.ARNOLD & CO., ISaukt'rs mid Itrokern, Reyiiutd.rllle, Jedcriou Co.. P. Mon.j racetved on di'pont. Diicnunti at mo derl. rtp.. Gii.tern .lid Forcifco Kxeh.Dtc. .1 w.Ti on blind nnd .tillociion promptly nt.d.. H.jnnlilaHI, bro In, IM..j Jrutistru. T L. R. nKicniioi.n, S U II a E O H DENTIST, (Iraduat. of th. P.nn.Tlrnni Collei. of D.nt.1 Purgerj. Cffio. tn midenoe ofl)r. II illt, opi.iflt. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (OBn In Bank Building,) Curw.n.vllle. Clearfleld Co.. Pa. mob 1 'TS-tr. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLFARPIELD, PA (OBIo. In rolldcBo. 89ond itrMt.) Nitron Olid. Oaa admiDlitered for th. pain ..a .llraollon of loath. Clearlrld, Pa., May 1, IW-lt. WiSfClUlUOUS. MEAT MARKET. F. M, CARDON & BRO., Ob Market St, one door woit of Maoaton Honit, CLEARFIKLD, PA. Oar arrangement! art rf the moat complete character mr furniabtng the puniie wtin rreah Mretaof all kiod, and of the very heat quality. iVealao deal IB all kinda of AaTieultural topi menu, whiob we keep on exhibition tor tha ben efit of tbepublie. Call around when tn town, tod take B look at thinga, or addreea na F. N. CAitUON CKO. Clearfleld, Pa., July 14, 1874 tf. T W GUI) V K TllirtT. All otbera mutt X p.iy fur their fork before it Icavua the ahup. And ai all flah laaatha gravaof the field, and the i.rnmitoe of men are like tha flowert thereof they are glreo one diy and forgotten the Beit -the te fore it ii bail not to truat anybody All kirnJl of work will be dona la thla ihop (or eaah or ready pay Boota and aboca of all aiiea and alylea the beat and obepeat In town. I bfive reiooeed my ahop to th lower end of town, in Tuylor'a row, oo Reed atreet, nnar the depot, where I will t found at all tima, waiting fur euitouiera. AU work warranted good and cheap. Alan, all ktodiof Laatbor and Shoa Finding! for talc. Tha ettliena of Clearfleld and vioinlty are aapactfallt invited to give m a eat). J04. 11. DKKRINO, ClaarflelJ, Pa., July II, 177. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market HU, Clearfield, (at the Poet Office.) Til R aoilertigned begf leara ta annoanea t th eitlieaa of Clearfield and vielnity, that b baa fitted up a room and baa Jnit returned from th city witb a large aiauaut of reading matter, eon tia ling la part of , Bibles and Misoelloneoas Books. Blank, Aeeoant and Paaa Booka of erary de aeriplioB( Paper and Rnrelopea, French preaaeo and plaint i'ena and PeDctlaj blank Lege Papara, Deada, Mortgage Ju'lgraent, Risuip lion and Promiaarv aoteat Whit and Parol, meat Brief, Legal Cap, lleeord Cap, and Ulll Cap, (Sheet Muala, for attlicr Piano, Plata or Violin evnataatly aa baad. Any booka r etatioaar) deaired thai I may not have on band, will be ordered by I rat aipraat, and Bold at wboleaal or retail to auit uetooiera. I will alio keep periodical literatire, tuob as Magaiinte, Nawapapera, Ae. P. A. UAt LlN. Cleerflald. May T, lflS tf The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory Pann tbwmblp, Clearfleld Co., Pa. nURNED OUT! BURNED UPI Tbeanbteribera bare, at great aipenaa, reballi a neighborhood neoaarity, in the ereetion of a flret flaa Woolen Manafaetory, with all tba modern Improvement attached, and are prepared to make all kind of Clothe, Caulmeraa, Satinet', filaa kete, Flannel, Ac Plenty of good oi hand to eepply all oar old and a tboaaand new eeetoaera, whom we aai to aom ana eiamtna our atoai. Tb baalaaaa of CARDINO AND FULLING will raeelve oar atpeelal atuntioa. Proper arraageaieaW will ba mad ta reeelre and deheer Wool, la auit eaatomera. All work warranted and doae apoa tba abort eat net lee, and by atriet atten tion ta buainaa we bop to real it a liberal a bar af pttbll patronage. ItMMMI POI'PIDfl WOOL WAItTRDl We will pay the bighaat market prtee for We anal ael) ear eaanafaelared good aa low aa aim iter gooda a be boeght la the eoanly, and wbaaeeer wa fail to reader reaaoBable aatiafaetloa wa eaa alwaya ba feaad at bone ready le eaaka proper oiptanatioa, otthar la paraaa ar by tottar. J A MJ.S JOUHSO" A BONA, prirjtf Bffwor 9. 0- (Our (Oo Sattrrnisrmrnta THE REPUBLICAN, Putll.b rm Wvlnoadat lj GOODLANDER &. LEE, t i i: tm n:i.l. pa., II.. III. Larierat C'lrrulall..H uf any paMtr 1 lu "' The largo knd uun.luiitly inereuNing circulation of tho Ripublican, rendurailvniuublu tobunineaa men aa a medium Ibro' which to reach the public. TcBMa or Subscription : If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 If raid after threo month., . 2 50 If paid after aix moiitlm, . . 3 00 When pupcra are sent outside of the county pnrmont must be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ton lines, or lean, 8 times, , $160 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 50 Executors' Notices, . Auditors' Noliccii, . . . Cautions and Kilruys, . Dissolution Notices, , . 2 60 2 SO 1 50 2 5U Professional Curds, 5 lines, year, 5 0U Special nulices, per lino, ... 20 YEAltLY ADVERTISEMENTS : Olio square, 10 lines, To squares, . . . Threo squares, . , One fourth column, . Ono hall column, . One column, . . S3 00 15 00 20 00 , 50 00 70 00 120 00 Wo havo alwaya on hand a largo stock of blanks ol all descriptions, SUMMONS, SUBPCENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, ic, !ic, Ac. JOB PRINTING. Wo aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL .HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, &c, Ac, IN TUB BEST STYLE,; AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. tfoodlnndcr A Clearfleld, Clearfleld Coontr, Pa. sittlSffHaufons. 7 Ain't Imp i Ii'H ,Dfl C 1 "!m-i'.M.It It tiM tra ar I lo:' '( itubllc Jtyear. 3 Ct,-,i llai!Vfjfj''tK tl U USt 1 'A-lury "i "tin iv "l'y J hi'.lru'iij tfi tlj v.-. lil.Ni rl iiIl.ill.llV t-urri. ul Ul ia.r. oT u-o Hlautj... Illailjrr. .a-l 1 rlBMfi' Irani).. II.-uv.'1, lllabtr., and tiritlli).T-n ' I Keirullan ill f'-tn.. ai luic, luav! . I I. Oil th, i r, .,, ultli U(li..n.iilt. HIINT'is liKII IIV .uri . I':iln III llteH,dff. Il.l-I.. or l.i'llM, llirritl III l)l. Il. ! '-IO i .t-,).. ,). Ifi.iiirJ, d r' '!. I '" rApMli, l)rl.(ll' lil.ii:..' ul llxt Ii il- nrtu and an i )iiiii.tai)'.i)) "r ii.. i rluoi.rml:) I Oriin))-. Ill N IS It r.Mi:lY I p-i' l n... i!r.L.i(iitji' Uit xiv t t'flM'Ddll) 11. riiK,i V i. I.,. (iRnlin; Eaa nun liiia ff S?l? ti own I,) full. Li'iyl lnr. ma. line trial bvui lor!ct to REMOVAL ! James 1m. Lcavy, Having rorehnaed the entire ttnrk of Fr-d 8ckeitt bt rrbv gitea ai-tlee that be haa moved Into the mum lafeli rrut.d bt Ret-d A llaerty. ob Ferohd atreet, where be la prrpared to oiler to IB IUbltO COOK STOYES, tIEATI.YG j.rn PARLOR STOVES, of tb la t rat improved pttlrrni, ut low price. HOUSE FDRNISHINQ GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware. Roofing, Fpnulirg, Pluml-irg. Oo Fitting, and Hepairing ruitiia a aptMialiy. Ail work warranted. Anjthicg in my line will r ordered reiI If deaired. JAS. L LKAVV, Proprietor. FRKD.gACKhTT. Agent. ClaarUcd, Pa.,Ja!y 8. l?7-tf. Icures HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS nrrn In prenernl uac for twenty yrnrw. f.vfrynli'ri'n proved tlie mti'.f Ntl i:, hi.fl 11.1., t 0nit .l-andl fr I II ll NT iriftllriiie hnowti. 1 hry nre Juttt nhnt liif pr-nple want, anviiis timr, ninnrv, alrhiit'Kia firtil HiilTerlitK. i:vrry aliiffle a iter I ne tin' writ tried pen.rrlpt.oii of au r mine at puyalclan. Nob. Cnree, Ceatn. 1. Ff Tfra, Cotlffe-tiun, liiRr-mmatlona, . . i 1 Worm, W-prtn Frv r. Wurni - . f. . S3 8. C rylMar-follr.orT'-eLliliiiii'f Infaot,. 4. ll.arrhora, of ( Itlldron or Ailnlt, , . 5. Iirntrr, :rliliig, HllloiinCuUo, . . U 6. fhitlrra-orbiJ, VutiiitjLK, . . , , 7. I'miKl.-a, Coltln, Jlrnnchltli" V a N.'liral!u, Twthnrhe. 1'nrrarhe, . . i 0. HrnilRrliCM, Hkk Urarlarlif, Vertigo, . 1 1a IyprMlu, liiliun- Flomarh Hi II. Mtinirrnnr-I, or I'aliiftil Peilodft, . . . U 14. llllilCH. HW I ri'IHW I ITIDIIH. . . M C'ronn. cnimb, P menu BiennHinr. It. Nnlt Jirr-iix la. 1.V IthciiniJltNui, Idifimio'lr 1'uina, lft. IVvernnd Awriie. t r.ili l c. t-r. AL-ne. . 17. rilra, hund or bli rtiny , ia ttilithiilfiiv, anil Sou: rr WrMt Free, , 111. t ;ilarrh, acnto or ciironir, Inl!itia, , 50. W hoop n c-t on-xit, vioh'iH cougio, , 51. A tin tin, ojjprt'NU'd Krcaitiinif, . . ., W. F.rtr ISitrlurTr, lnii.lrcd li'-arfni, , 9i. Kri'llil;i, ciilifi'i'tl cltinUf, Hwi IHubs, , SI. fin, "nil heUI'ty. I'lijckal Wcakucaa, , 63. Ilrttpr end acanty ttccri iionn i. en-ji-s r'iMra. alikiii-a fruiu riding, , ST. Klilnrt-tl'.riivr, Ornvel, !W. hM-vm Pi'l)II!ty, Vital WuliiiCM, S't. Ntirc .Tin;;: lit 50. i-.(i:ii'V V '-'nhnej, wettlt. tliobed, 51. I'n'iiln: r?rh(ii, orwlih Hpafme, . . Kl k) ..':.-! t lirart. naltiltatU-it. etc. . Ai. I . a i ( !'v, S.i i-.iM, Hi. Vlliii' Dance, . 1 00 81. ll!t.l:ili'i'', . , tM Si. ( lirittl-1 ; i'Tt'ti.n and Krjptlon. 60 MilliV CASR5. Cut , Bl'i'w- i with nlsivrj Int'c Tlnla artri Manual ol d.rwilona, 610.00 Caaf Morocco, (jTSfi Iciest kid and Hook, t.00 Tht"f rnifrrra nrj arnt by t!if cne Inirboor any part ttf the rminti'), Irrp ot rtmi'ffc, uti receipt of Iirlrr. . Krri Inmphrr H"f'-"'MtlrIrrir?nr Co. OUri! and lU-.i'-u U-.i rn)'i n si. N.-w Voik. I'hp I nruTirUtM. -tTHun".n'.iir7p' Kp?Hflo Manual on tha care aivt ot diwsiM and its oure, aentJi'llEji on i.jiUcatioo, GEO. WEAVER & CO, SECOND STREFT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Have opened dp, In the atore room lately occupied by Weaver A Uetta,oB Second atreet, a large and well aeifltrj atoek or Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ql'EF.SEWARK, WOOD WILLOW WARE, HAM AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, &c. Wblcb I hey will dirpoaa of at reaaonaLU rate for fr or eicbange lr country produce. OE(RK W KAVKR A CO. Clearfield. Pa.. Jan. 9. M7 tf. JEW LFI.OV1I, FEUD, ; AND GllOCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Room No. it Pla Opera llouae, CIrHld, Pa. Kacpieoaitanllf oa bam SUGAR, COFFEE, TKAB, iODA, COAL OIL BVRUP, SALT, SPICES, SOAP, Cuaad.and Drlad Fruits, Tobaooo, Clgan, Caa- dlM, Oldar Vlnfgar, ButUr, Kjjkb, if. ALfiO, EXTRA HOME MADE Wheal and Buck ft heal Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o., All of vbleb m U wild obmn for aib or I. .lobug. for waauj produc. junn r. KKAHin, Cla.rl.ld, Rot. II, lT4..lf. THE REPUBLICAN. : . -sjpjgjpa. CLKAKKIKLI), PA. WKIiNKSDAV MOHIINll, DEC. 4. IS.' GUV. CUJITIX'S DKFE.XT. C.ntr.oiunlT, lb. home of .1 rttrlta, ,.v. Vdcuio 61 )n.,ii)riiy, and Oi..raiili rtunty. l.rrr Stt rir W.ilai-o n il l... do' ai)a 120 lor Curlin; lut Dill ..Ihad )ll wi'b 1.1)'.. At Ilia al)Clin lr )')i)i(r... iu 117s. Il in L. A jlarkry, wbi iitn aa a iK-moor!, bml a id.J rii,v Dra.ll'll in It), di.hlfil. t'on.we.1 if uui)..-e.arjr Will laat.jiorj a.ON. Coiniiiciit limy In' uniu'i'i'SMiry, 1ml It ia iiuvi'rihfk'KM p-riiiiuiil and iniicr. In ordvr to huvo u c Uur himK rwlumliii).' of llio cuuHi-a wlik-h jirniJiiceil tlio ro nult in tlio TwunliL'lb ConruAoioiiul dii-uiil, it in list tip imrnu in iniml lliul ihu iiHiHiiicni tn Mr. Dill whh ilividtd ti'twcen llnyt Hiid Mumui, vvliilu tlio niji)iii'U'ra of Uoyt mid thu aiipportunt ol Muion wero united upon Yoi iim, tlio iiiionuiit of Governor Cur tin. Mr. Dill did not buro 1.C05 inu juriiy in t'kui field county. Ilo liuil u iluruliiy ol' 1,003 over Ilnt in tlie I'oumy, but ii niiijni iiy ol only 407 ovi r I lie combined vote ot Ilnyl and Mumui. Bui it ia iiiunillnlly unl'uir to cuinpure Ciiriin'a vole to tliul given to llill, wbu recuiveJ a ciiiinideiublu lteiublican aui port in neurly every ono ot tho coun ties and enjieeiully in Inn boinu county Union. In Older to aura tain witb uny degree ol correelnena tbu extent of tlie loea of Deiuoerutiu votea aua luniid by t'uriiu, tbu lutler'a volo kIiuiiIiI be couijuned lo Ibut of I'Vrlijr, who doubilena received tlie full Demo crutie votu of tho district. In older lliul the leuder may muke tho cunipuri oon intelligeiilly, the volo lor Lieutcn unl Governor und Congiena in bere uipeniled : .laUT. 0'.HNOH : CuMOHkna. 7 f f ? v COIMIES. 3 r 2 ill 1.1 Con. 8U2a tun 1431 S:l.i 84 1. 1. .Hi. ill 3111. ntl lilt ;I.H !)4 1:I0I))U 37 IU l;l 22- 22A Km - invn 4; am i ml m a Allium 17611 1760 4. I7s2i 17.7 Loiuli I44 SO.'II la Uii; Jill) To'al 1401.3; Wn.V7 3o. 3a; 13444 Hdtlll 1 1 321 Tliia obowa that Feilig bud a mu- jni'ily of 768 over the combined votu of Mime und Stick, und tliul the Demo crutie Volo exceeded to (but extent tbu united Hi pulilicuii and Giecubuck votu cunt iiir Yociim. Tbu latter oveiruinu thla difl'i rciicc in luvor of tho Demo- crulio cundidulu by un vxceKa ot 73 viiten, allowing a guin lor biin ol 8J9. Thia giimi wua mudo un lollowa : CtirtlD rtcliod )a vula. thao Ferlijr In Centra In Cln.iU.IJ ,..J7 ..1.4 ...IU ... .11 lo Cliutun... In Ut Tola! .i! Cutlio itveiveil vuti. mora tlian Krrtlg In M.ffli. 23 In I'biun 7 Tot.l Zu Showing a net loaa of lleuiocrulie votu by C'urtin in tlio dinliicl ol C-2. Vouin rallied uiut. tvtca IL.d Btun. aiid Sieca toK.ibrr lo cvair. 17 lo Clvartioiil Oil lo Ciii. Ion 104 lu Union 4 T.lal 142 Yucuin r.oiad la.a Tola than titon. and 6tc. lu fell. t lu atitll.n 10 Tulal... la Hhowing a nut gain for Yocum over Itepublicun and Greeiibuik Votu ol'JO". Thia anal) aia may bo atutlied Witb piotil by tboao who uro unxioua to dia- cover whuro tbu bluluo liea tor tho loos of a Ucuiocruliu Congressman in the Tweulielbdiatnct. (twill beperceived, huwever, ut a gluiice, thai the Dumo crutiu plurality in the dialrict is not a luir criterion by which to oslimule wbut ahould have been Curtin'a major ity. Tho figures given above ulao nliow that thu Greenhuck volo came chiefly Iroiu tbu Deiuocratio party, lor while Dill's majority in tho ill ia but 706, Muckey, Democrat, waa elect ed to Congrcaa two ycura ago by a majority of 5,036. Comment in, in deed, unneecwary. Hurra. Patriot. 'CUJITIX'S MFKAT." Thia la wbut tho amall potato Radi cal und Grcciibai'kcr chuckles over. These fellows feel a little liku tho borao thief, who witb his plunder ia concealed ill thu "Green Wuoda," and nolicca tho ufllcerH puna by him, hunying North ward. Tho luugh ia exactly the niniti guilty, though not cuught. Tho llurrinhuig l'atriot, in eluhorut ing on tho subject, suja : " The guHrii8 w bo have tuken a ma levolent pliar.ii lo in diacunning Gov. Curtin'a deleut much alter thu tanhion ol old cronea in abiining their neighhora over their teu, buvu invented tbu alory lliul ho wua to bu aet up as 'a aubndy candidate' fur rpeuker ugainat Mr. Kundull. It does nut multer Uiut thia ia a nicro figment of an evil imagina tion. It ia Healed by tho gotwipa ua gravely aa if it weru a lull, lu thu sumo breulli they havo aaaeited thul Govurnor Curlin's deleut waa duo to tbu neglect, or indill'ereiico, or woino conduct of Mr. Wullacu lowarda him Clearfield county. Tlio gosnipa ahould put tbeiratorica clour togulher Though malevolent enough they luck conaiateiicy. "Governor Curtin'a largo volo dis poses ot the arnerlion that hiarunumiua- lion wan obnoxioiia to tbu Democracy of thu district, which la now so Ireely mudu by the propheta ufter thu lucl. Tho Uemocrucy of tho di.trict buvu evinced their liborul spirit too often to juatily tho chargu thul baa been mudu against llicm. Tbu prvavnl member of Congrcaa Irom thisdiatrict bad, when nominated and elected, no older record as Democrat than that of Governor Curlin. Ho was scarcely recngnUod as a Democrat when lie was taken up and elected by tho largest mujiirity ever given In tho dialrict. This ia suflliieiit to relievo its Democracy Irom tho charge ol UnurhoiiiKm. It ia no diaparagement to Mr. Muckey to say that bia popularity and influetice in the dialrict wero never on a level witb Governor Curtin'a, yet ho waa elected by an imnienao majority, while Gov. Curtin, under essentially different con ditions, is defeated. "When Governor Curtin returned from Europe In 1872, abandoning high position to cpouo tho can so of the Democracy, and was nominated for a member at large to tlio Constitutional Convention alter the graceful with drawal ol Governor Higlor, he stood highest on tlio lint of nti(liiltiUa, ro I driving the bill Democrulic vote ofllio iSTtiio with tlTVi vote tif a Coiioiilirnblo number of llopuhlicaii. In the Con atitulionul Convention lie wua recog. nit. il aa a Denim rat, acling and voting with Mr. liuckulew und other Demo crutiu leudera to aecute the puliliutl reforms which the people ol the Klule now unjuy. Thui-u bus boeit nothing anno then in Ihu cuieer ot Governor Curlin thul hua lorl for him in the aligbtvst degree the coi.fideucu und lo oped of llioDemocrulaul Peium) Ivunu. In 1875, bu supported Jiulgo I'cinliing lor Governor. In 1870, hu took un uulivu purl in the cuuipuign lurTildeii und llelidricka, contributing yrvally to the auceena of thu Democracy in Indi uuu by bia eloquent apccchca. In 1877 bo supported Nuyen und Tiuiikc). Tbia couaialuut record of Dvuiociuiic aervicu wua recogtiieed b bia nomina tion fur Congreaa. Ho wua deleuted by a dii-houcal coiubiiiution of lit pub iicuna mid Ureeiibuckeis in favor ot t tiul money ' candidate, aided by a hundlul of lnlu und corrupt Deinocruia w ho were bent on ruin becauae they woru not pel milled to rule. The true und generous Democracy of ihu dial rid heartily supported GuVeriior Curtin, as thu returna ol the election demoimli ule. Thu aaoeriion thul his pcraon or opin ions wero obnoxious to tho Democrats of the dintriel is the ahubbiiat of lulne prclenaes." "H7ii JUIIX KlillUK JiAXGt' Such ia the inquiry raised by thcPhilu diljihiu TeUgraj'h upon thin ubaiubing qiieittitin. Thu editor coiitiiiiicH: "Jack Kehou'a death warrunt hua been tdgiicit, but tbu frieiula of luvv und justice need not be uny too sure ibul tlie Molly Mu guiru leader will hang. Governor llailruiil'l signed Kebuea'dealb war runt once heloro, and withdrew it juai in timu to uve tho neck of thu criui- nut ; und ua bia genciul ennduct und his coi respoiii'em u with I be Attorney General u correspondence which could buvu hud nother object than to enable I lio Governor to shift a portion of his rcponsihiliiiea upon tbu shoulders ol Mr. Leur inuku it very plum that he signed the second with grei't relnctuiice, llicru ia no positive assurance thul he will not w ithdraw it also. There can bu no question that bud not the Gov ernor felt with peculiar loreo the pressure of public opinion, he never would have signed thin second wnrrunl, but would huvo let Kehoe'a case go over for audi consideration aa his sue ccssor might elect to give it. That he did not wish lo sii:n it wherefore our readers cun surmise bu inude plainly uppurunt, and thul he will withdraw il before thu trap ia sprung under ! Kebiio il be pciauades himaell thai he lean do so without too greatly duinug- ling his political liititrc, ia a very un pleasant possibility. We refer to this exceedingly disagreeable subject be- cuuio wo notice thul another attu ntit to influence tho Hoard of Purdona in Kehoe'a beliall ia apparently about to be made. It la true that tbu Hoard ol Purdona lust September refused lo recommend Kehoe us a tit subject lor Lxeeulivu clemency, lint the per lonniiiH'.s of the Uuurd wore of u kind with those ot the Governor. Thul tho llourd waa only restrained by a dreud of making damaging recoida for its memOera from recommending the par don of Keboe, or ul least the commuta tion of bis sentence, is a fuel so pluin ihul il does not nued demonstration, und that a pardon recommendation w us refused lust September ia no assurance that one will not be granted between now and the day of execution. Thai Governor Hum anil will interfuru to save Kehoe from tho gallows, if by any means a majority of thu Hoard of Par dons cun bu induced to regard Keboe's case from Kuboo t poiut of view, is what one of our contemporaries would cull 'a very poaaiblu likelihood,' weru it to undertake tho discussion of Ke hoe'a cuse from a luw respecting and iniquity haling stand -point." LOOKIXG THE FLFCTIOXS IX THU FA UK Tho Washington (Pa.) Ikmocrut re views the situation, und we most hearti ly endorse itsBlateiiicnls,nnd commend the entire article to tho consideration of our reudeis, viz : " We believe in taking a fair and square view of the results of tho recent elections, and druwing from them such lessons as may bo of uau loua hcrealler. In tbia county wo did as well as could reasonably bo expected, and had tho other counties of the Stale done as well there would have been an anti Cameron majority in thu Legislature, although Uoyt and others on the Republican Slato ticket would havo still Kept their plurality. Htiyi'g majority over Dill in thu Slato will be about 20,000, but as Mason's vote will probably reach 70,000, the Iiepublicun candidate ia in a minority on tho whole volo of not less thuii 50,000. How this vote will be cast hereullcr ia tho problem thut will aettle the futuro politics of tho Stale, and especially lis volo in thu next Presidential election. Two thirds at least of tbu Grcenbaik strength camu from the Democrats; in future cleclions it is probable they will return lo their old puny, und take with them a luir proportion of thu Republican Green backers. On Congressmen wo sustuin a loss one member guiued by thu Ro publicum and one b) theGreenbuckcrs, making the delegulion stand 17 Kcpuo- cans, 9 Democrats and 1 Greciibuckur. If thu Democrats and Nationals bad united onCongreasinun tboy would have carried every member outside ot Pbila delphiabul thrue or four. Although professing substantially the sume pur poses, they pel milled the Republicans to succeed, and a minority thus secures control of the delegation. All these things will right themselves in time, but the fact remains that the Democrats are defeated in Pennsylva nia and llio Republicans successful, bo cause the opposition to the Republican parly was divided. We blumo no one lor this division, as il wua probably un avoidable. The Nationals wero bent on testing their power, and in doing so have given success to their most bittur opponent. " Passing lo a largo field, and con- sidenng the Congressional eleotioni.wo find that while the Democrat havo gained Senators In Louisiana, Florida, Arkansas and South Carolina, they havo lost one in Connecticut. Tho next Senate, for the flint time since the withdrawal of the Southern Benatora, in the Winter of 1R60, will have a Democratic majority of ten. Tho .Son. alu is secured to the Democrats for four ycursuituiiihtall pn.'bablecouliiijruiii'iea. " Tho laical uotiiiialos ti tiii, Vmisij of ltein scntulives show that it is Denim ratio over ul! by a lull i.f 151 Democrats, 130 Republicans und 8 (ii'ieiibackeis. Thu Deiuncruliu ma jority w ill be ll iln 1(1 lo 13 over all, witb a plurality over the liepiibiieuiis oi 21. As comput'ed W'lth lliu present lloiisu w hich sluiids l.p).i Democrats to 138 Republicans. Tins is u net Demo cratic looser four, tiul a net Kcpuhlh un iosj of 8. Hut ll-cie ore five numbers yet to bu chosen I iur of llicm from Citlihiruiu to complete thu roll, uml il tbesu mnintuiii their prerciil relations, thu finul figures will stand Democrats, 153 J Grecnbackers, 8. Leaving Cull tiirniu out of thu questions, however, iniiniuiieli aa thu result there can not in any event alter tho situation, wu ob serve that the next House will show a Democratic loss of two scuts, a Repub lican loss of six und u Greenback gain ol 8, as compared with tlio present Congress. If thu Democratic Green backers act with our parly and the Republican G rein bin kers with theirs, tho House will probably stand 136 Ru publicans and 157 Democrats. In the lust llireu Cofigressea polities have beuu divided an follows : D. oi. It. p. Mi.j Fully-thir.l V- I K l, tony l.i.j rtn ... ISi 11 711 Ion; i. oh Inn MS 13 F..rl.-lX'b .Ii7 131 21 'The Congressional ritiiiillnu, ul though not all thai w ua cxpicted alter the Octobe r clei lions, ia still ciuiiliula Ide. Our majority will be large enough lor pruclicul purposes, but not large eiiuui'.h lo enC'iuiiige extravagance or iinpruileiii-e. We will hold both Houses during the count ol the electoral voles of the next PivsidenlisI election, and wo may be sum thai with ibis power in reserve, there will be free dictions al I he South, und no Slut., counted ilial shall bu cuiried by the intimidu lion of l'Vileral soldiery und lite ras calities of Returning Hoards. There will bo an honest count of the next Presidential vote, utid wu believe a De i ocrutio President. "The results of the i lection, although us we have said, not so overwhelmingly Democratic as the October and August elections led us to expect, still show that thu stibstuntiul fruilsol victory re main with thu Democrats, l lio loss ul tho Doinocraiic Slates of New York, New Jersey und Connecticut were owing to local and exceptional causes, and in 1880 they w ill again taku then places in the Democratic column. "Ono important result flows from the tluclions. The Giuelibaek bobby of illimitable inflation is dead ; Dennis Kearney ism is shown to be a pow erless influence ; and (he people of this conn try, it is clear, havo no sympathy wild communistic ideua. All this rubbisl, is scattered. This is important he cause il brings Ihu Republican and Democratic parties face to luce on wbut uru l cully the important financial ques tions of thu day. Thu cxiruvuguncu ol the Gtccnbackcradrovc many Demo crats to the Republican party, und kepi mnny more away from thu polls, They got the jockey word ol "honest money " on us, anu that told with the unthinking who do not look below the muhuci'. Thw prvmtico ol tlie ftutioii- ula III tho canvass, with their crude and extravagant ideas, helped the Republi cans and hurt thu Democruta. Capi tul, which la always timid, took alarm. Dennis Kearney was worth tens ol thousands of voles to the Republicans. Hut the real issues will not bu obscured hereuftur by a furore over impraclica ble notions. That game cannot be twiced played. The Democratic parly in un honest money party, und always was ; it favors no inflation or repudiu linn, and never did." Kum's Iuauinatio.i. Tho editor of thu Pittsburg Tfirtraph, of Novem ber 21st, remarks: "Mr. Koiin, the Washington correspondent of the Phil adelphia Proa and tho Pittsburg G'u ;ettf, endeavored to Bturt a political scn- nation one day this w eek, about Win. L. Scull, of Erin, combining with other Denmcrala to givu this Stulu to TilJen in 1880. Thu dispatch us sent to thu rriss madu Ruudall Ihu ' coparcener ol Scott, while the one published in tho G'flCife madu Colonel James P. Barr 'tho wicked partner.' Mr. Hurr has denied ull knowledgo of such an ar rangement, while the others havo not buen beard irom on the subject. Tho chnnccB are that in the dearth of news at Washington, Mr. Keiin drew on bis imagination lor this ilrcudlul Demo cratic plot. It is no aflair of ours further than lo suggest thai there is too much of this sort of slush sen. out from Washington and palmed off for news, not only by speciul correspondents, but by tho Associulcd Press us well." The Resurrection Knterpkibc. The lust thing by thu body stiiilcbcrs has been to resurrect Captuin John Smith, of ancient Virginia and Poca hontas lame. The old man's remains were recently found In a cellar in l'bila- ddpbia. A rugged pair of punts, a lorn shirt and aulidiliiviun hat tried to bidu bishumun economy from thulynx- eyed policeman, but be wus waltzed beloro a Mugistrute, w ho recognized bun us histories, and generously provided a resting place for his hones, while await ing the payment of thu reward nflVrcd by thu Executors ol bis lust will. 8m monY Oi out to be Impzaciikd. If Attorney General Lear advised Governor llailrunll lo publish the cor ivspondence In regard loJui k Kehoe, in which tho Courts aru insultingly do nounced for pushing " technicalities to extremes to secure conviction for a crime ol fifteen ycura' Branding," be ahould bo impeached, This ia the first instance in which a Governor baa dared to insult the Judicial Department ol the Government of Pcima) Ivuma JIttrrutiiirg I'atnut. Gen. W. S. Huncock won tbu aword at tho New York Cathedral Fuir, held two or three weeka since. Ilia com petitors wero Generals Newton and Johnston. General John U.Gordon has been re-elected TJn.ted States Senator from Georgia. Ho received every vote in - thoSeiialo, and all hut flvoin tho House. Congressman elect Taylor, ol Ten- nessoe, is 25 years of ago, and will be that niinrraL mamla nt' il. rAi I V " "vignivcyara ny Better man he fan ran sixth Congress. la hotel. 7 E X E W M E M Mill FRO M G EO ltd I A. Mr. Kmory Spcer, the mcmbor olrct from Uic NtnlU iungreaaioiial liiai.Ict of Georgia, ia 2!, and thereloru is four years the senior of Cungio-smun-eloct Taylor, of tho First Tennessee. Ilu is the son of a Methodist minister, whoso ii)iieraiil liiu in a dozen Georgi ii n towns guvo his son a Slate reputa tion fur deviltry. Ilu waa always a fighter, and at 15 ran aw ay lo serve in thu cavalry, returning in rags and on a mule, proudly reported as huvii.g tun stolen. Ilu "us ulwu) s a hard student, being as a boy devoted to Mucauluy, Buckle, Gibbon und Hume, lly (In lime hu was 1-1, bu bad two big volumes of " Pulpit Klnqiiciicu " and " British Kloqueiiiu " by heart. Ilu hus natur ally a wonilei liil flow ol laugiiugu, and having a fucilu and cbasto speukcr in his father usun example, and haviugen riehed bia dictidu by study, und con Bluntly exercised his gilt by constant practice, ho is claimed to bu nally an orator, with a style ornate but lint tawdry, uud a pleasant relieving vein of humor, Hu bus further thu udvan lago of a fine presencu uud powerful pbysiqiiu, Ilu lives ut Athens, in a well uppniiiled bouse, bus a wile and large liimily, which is steadily increas ing, bus a largo luw practice, lives well und loves last horses. He is a man of dauntless courage und au untiring iuborer. In his last cumpuigu ugaiiist '.hu regular Democrulic nominee he spent thu Summer in Ihu mountains, hunting w ith thu mountaineers, taking part in their shooting matches and con ducting suc h u magnetic canvass thai lio carried Gilmer county by 76, where al the piei-eding clecliiiu he had tiol a vote, and Pickiua and Fannin by 500, where he bud less lliun 50 Votes in all. Ilo did all hia own speaking against tlio nominee, Colonel Rillups, Senator Gordon, Congressman Hell and others, having only one assistant, Mr. James Turnbull, "Thu Wild Cut ol the Curu hee," uud both ol them came out budl) scarred from encounters in hostile dis tricts where arguments weru met h) " rocks." His district bus brought forth Howell Cobb, Junius II illy vr, James Jackson und Hen. Hill, und it ia believed that the new Representative, a mull of boundless ambition, bus u brilliant Inline beloro him. HRWG1XG the BLOODY CHASM. A touching scene was witnessed i t Spartu,Gu.,sayB the Judex, while Judge Marks was speaking. Referring lo the war hu said : I see beforu mo my gallant friend, Colonel ItyrJ. During Ihu latu imhappy Rebi limn he w as on ono aide, fighting for what ho thought to bp right ; I was on tho other, fight ing for what I thought to bu righl. This calls to my mind an old man in Virginia, who had two boys. The elder fell while marching bcncu'li the Stars and Stripes; I he younger buttling lor llio Jiost louse. Alter tlie war, the old man gathered up their bones. brought them borne and laid them side by side in one grave. Above them he erected u single ahull, on one side ot which was inscribed : " Su'-rcd to the memory of my eldest bou, who tell fighting for the Stain and Stripes " On tho opposite side was inscribed : ' f-'iueicd to the memory of my youngest son, who fell fighting for tho Lost Cuusc." Higher up, in tho center, in bold characters, was this inscription " God knows who was right." That old man thero erected a plat form long enough, broad and strong enough for tho whole American people, both North and South, to stand upon And upon this platform to-day, Colonel Hyrd (advancing toward him), forget ling the past, allow mo to shake you by tbu hand as a brother. Col. Hvrd hern arosu and advunced to meet hi and ihu two brave soldiers joined bunds amid tho deafening applause of the spectatora. Two bears cages) in tho St. Louis Zoological Garden bad a furious fight. They hugged and bit each oilier for ball an hour, unmindful of being poked with a sharp sink by tho keeper. Thu smaller ono was lit lust vanquished but received no mercy, the oilier spring ing on him aa he lay whining on bis back, and clasping him by thu throat until bo wus choked to death. A Fallen Star. Col. Goorgo II. Bullor, nephew ot Gen. Hnller, was recently sent to the workhouse for sixty days, by thu polico court in Wash ington, lor vagrancy. Hutler ia the husbuud of Rose Eytiiiguund wus form erly counsel general of tho United States to Egypt. Ala later datu he waa a special agent of tho pustofllcv department. Ghant Stock. - Zjuh Chandler's friends in Washington insist that il an election weru lo take place in Michigan today the roaring Zachuriah would be sent to Ihu Senate in thu place of Chris- tiancy. Quite likely. Thia ia another evidence that the Grant movement is bounding und booming. Grunt bus received orders from his followers lo conio homo from Europe uud gut ready for the campaign ol 1880 All the members of the Whisky Ring have been pardoned, und the bouse is being set in order lor thu coming ol the Chid. Henry T. Darlington, cilltorand pro- prietor of the Buck County Intttligcn- err, was stricken with paralysis on the Ho remained unconscious during tho day and night and died at 4 o'clock the nexl day. lie was agod 46 years. A Solid South. The New Orleans RejiuUican hnsccuBcd publication, after an Mistcnco of ten years, leaving no Republican paper ot anv prominence In the South, except al Dulliinoro and Louisville. All the western wild geese shot this year and presented to editors of week ly papers measure exactly six lest I rom tip to tip. They weru hatched on purpose fur tho occasion. Governor Fremont, of Arizona, bus mado hia first report, Ue advises that the niililkrshull bo given control of. tho Indiana in Arizona. Tl,. ,;.. ,.,Ti:.TvT.i.. n ... r. Governor or South Carolina is only a imi. ... um mm v ..i . . ....... w.fc. ...... ....... ..uwiieu ior a Roturnino- II, turd ihfirei. Th. Chicago T,m makoi'tb. aB. gostion that Judge Hilton can't run a . . . Uscfllaiifoua. UtNCSEf'S P10.PD ptARCHEh if L ..... .. -a.. eirr... m::.,.T'. .Z. i rrf r -...I aii'lil.Miil -Ii . .1,1 1.. il. a- 1,-1' ' rnl.,..i.. l'ir.MMll'.ll nnri.i,r !,"- J .,m....i, -ii.;., mil. .1 l.r,.i,.i..--- a... K a.'iw, l..rX l,ita.. i .a it Diarr" .-a f ar .al. lit II. b. S)Hcauia.., 11. arnvi.i. P.. HEALTH J HAPPMSS. Health ami ll)inii ate'rM Wealth tn their pti'acfraurai, and yet the) ar Wltblu th rtrtuh til every tn'wbd jl w , m m. WrlRht'S Lire: nils, The . nljr -or CI' KU tor Torpid Lirer, Dysix i ul. llfHdtu-lie, ft't-r ytoinaoh, Cunstif.aHuu, lh biMj, .Saii-ea. aU'l all llillious oou.ilaint and li-H.d dis'inlfi. Nun nenuin aljrn d U IU Wrift-lH, I''a." Il uur DiUKa-iit will ant MUtilv rend Hi rente fur una bua to Uarriuk, llulUr A i o , .U N. ah t , 1'uiia. Dee, 2. 7Mj. JOHN TROUTMAN, , dealer in FURNITURE, Improved Spring Beds, .UAHKK T STKKKT, NBAK P.O. fbe unilcrngiied btn lea re to inform the etl en of Clenrttvid, and toe iuMia ftntierall, that tie ha" tin band a fine BimrtuiDDt of Furniture, ant-b a Walnut, Obrjctfiut and I'aintrd Chamb-r luitef. I'll r I or triiitei, Heelimtif and Kx ten mob Ofiulrn, Ia'tief' ar.d Orntf V.nry Chair, tba I'rr fnrntrd lmtnaod Parlor Cbair. Cane Heataand Winder Cliaira, Clitthea linn, 8tep and Kitea ainn'lerR, lint Rural, iScruMang ltiarhei, Ar WWl.inSH AMI I'ICTI UK FIIAM KH. oiliiiit (lan"v". Cbnin jn, Jr., ahirh would aiitaMe fir llolidat rnetila, deeia-7 Ji.llV TKni'TVN. DRUG STORi:. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Shaw' dI.I It, in. I. Oar fie U, Pa, hti Jul cfieuerj a new aioek of anil l ri" j-refircj In furnlnh anjtbioa in the the lino of Jruj and Medicinal at tbe rerj low' cat enn irt.'e. lie ba at pi on hurr! a iNre Hock of rmnbn, ((irand Tooth Hrtibc-, Kane Artinle. Toilet and "hat ing hoHt, an e trjtiiia uea-illy kepi m a iint-oiai LTUaT ntwre. PHYSICIANS' PEESCHIPTIONS ftoiiiiiDundivl with care, dnv nr nit;ht. A lilicraf hura ot a'rnMgu repccliul( uli'-itcd. II If. M'Ai.KMAN. riecrfieM, P., tM. 24. IH77. A NEW DEPARTURE 1. 1 T II K li S It U K G . Hereafter, aood will be aoM fr CA8II anlr r id eii-hanire for (irodura. No b-iokr will be kept in the futute. All old account oiuat be nettled. Tbnxe who cannot eab up, will pieate nana over ineir auiee era CLOSE THE BECOED. I am delertnioed to fell mj gondi at aaib prifmt, and at a diwoni far below ibat aver nffere I in tbia vicinity. The diicount I allow m uuitouera, will makeibeua rirb in twrotj vare II they ftdlow ut advice and hue their good frotr me. will pj eaeh for whet, outi ami etnver ed. DAM t.L GUODLANDKK. Lutheribntg, January 17, s7i. Affl'icnllnral Statistics. To tkt Citittu WtarfietH Count f : The uiderirned having Iteen appointed he the Departtni'Dt, at Wah'njrtn, principal rep or lor ot be Atfrieultural fiat in tic of Clearfield county, rerpeeluMy requerla the eo operatien of all lo aim, by aenrlinr the nbarriar all the Informa tion they can bearing upon the following quea tinn. ro aa to eneMe biin to make aa correct a ataUinent to tha l) pattmeiit, aa poihla: How many boraea have J ed in your borough or town, tup, and of what dieeaee How many ew ud ealvea, and of what diaeaaa. How many aheap have you lut( and of hit diae bow many ktlbd hr dga. How mniiy bog have you loat, and of what tilteaie. What prtvailing dieeee amoogsi the poultry. In all aaaea gi.e the ram t-diea tif.-d which have bean found to be auneeaa Jul, and in all onaea to give the eab value o all atonk aa nearly aa poiaihla. by the en-operation of our rtilten tn general upon theaa important parlitfuUra. tha Axaioulturai report il beooma an eiie.veiopodtaei uarlul information to the pub lii, by fbabling (he Department to puitlik tbe ilineaM. the lonner-, and tbe ramediea that hare baca lound moat banetieial In amaia dieaaee . Any othar imormatiou that will be eonaidered a puiilie bciiefl', will he thaukfull rev ived. Ad Ire tba auhicriier at Uminplan Hilt, t'l.aitiel.lCo., P. HAM TEL WlUbMIHh!. Mareb IS, In78 lf. TIN &SHEET-1R0N WARE. CANDISMERRELL Haa opened, In a building no Market atreet, oa the old Wea'crn Hotel loi, opnte tha Court llnuta tn Clearheld.a Tin and ribeet Iron Manu la. tor v end tUre, where will be found at all limeeH a lull line of house rrainsnnra goods, Stoves, Hardxaro, Etc II au Sp .nilng and all kirnti nfj.ib work, rapalr im, Ae., noli, un abort awtic and .1 raaaonabl. rata.. Al., agonl fur th. Singer Sewing Machine. A ripl nf Ma.blnei. with N'Mdlea. Ac- al wav. on band T.rma, atrlollv .aab nf Mnatr eroda... A bar. nl patrvnag. aoltuttad. O. B MKHRBI.L, fiuptriata.daat. Cl.arllcld, April M, l7T-lf. REMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Woo Id raapaetfvlly aotlfv tba aublle aenareJI that be haa removed hia Ureoery fitera from .Shaw Row, to tba building formerly teen pied by J. Mile Kratier, oa tieeood atreet, nett door tsi Uiglar'a hardware atora, where ba Intend keeping a fall Una of ii It O V 1? It 1 13 H. I1AM8, ORIRD LARD. SUIIAH8 and 81 Rl'1'8, of .11 TEAS, Oraso and Black. COFFKE, K...II.4 and Oim. ' ' FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CAAWKII mi ITS, All kind, la th. aarkt. PICKt.R.1, . j,ri and b.rr.ll. HPICKtl, la trwj Tom sad T.rity. FAMILY FLOUR, AM. KINKS Of t HAl KKRH. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIKD APPLES, DRIED PBACI1KS, lIRIKD CIIKIIRUS, Coal Oil && Lwp Cliimiityt. Aid a SOod uaottnant af Ikaaa AI.m ..ll. t" la a (roMr? M.ra, whlrb ba will aiakaaca fur Siarkalli), at lh. aisrkM prtaaa. Will Ml far auk a. .k.apl, aa aa; ,ikar ..a. Plau. sail sad SM kl. eteak aad IwdM At y oar eel f. CTearffald, U, f , tlT. I A Ulecrtlnurous. lalvcry Ntuble. It. a iSS-rSWr .v.-a rtr.'rwn a .u, . lie llial ha ia now full l.r.,.i ' u, aBK, (lata all 1. th a-a.Y el (arniahina H..aa, buggi., Saddla. and llaruaaa, wo lha .hurta.l auttn u.' u rsa.(inatl. tarui.. It.iid.nn. ua Luauat .iraaL Sia.B Tl)rS n.J VuDrlk. Hal). W. UEAIIIIAMT Olwnalil. Cab. 4. IB74 p. aiK.ii-K. a. S'roaai... . aiiiaa,, (.UK II, McUlKKI.E lUd.S FUHNITUKE ROOMS, Market lrrl. t leartlvld Pa. f Rin.i!e'ura all .jxda of fvra.iere for CbitD)lerf Utaiag Hutma, Ubeartee and llalla. It oa waut Kuraiiaravl ao kind, aa't b.i uotil jroa eee our iwx h. l B i: It T A K I j la .11 III br.aohM. in-B)pilt at'.ixM to. Ot'LICII. McCOIIKLlACO. Claarlalil, Pa., Fek S, '78. vi It Hi ... . aai. . )-- -r.'i I 5 -Vti' V1" "'ia wrriwai HOllEY OF HOREHODKD AIID TAB FOR THE CURE OF Con rlil. CtA3, Inflnenia, ffotrsenraa, DifficrU Ero.itbinr, anj all Affectiot of tba Throat, Bronchial Tuhei, and Luara, Utding ta 0onanm)'Uaa. Tlii inf;illillc tcmrdy i minpirff if tl . tlliVKVof tilt? I'l.illl I loitltiiiili.l, ill llilhiu .' union with T k-It i mlrnctrtt fi'tii il I. ikk Pkinciiik uf ihc fiic. iit-e Ami Mt.miK, or of Cilr.vl. The (limrv of lliiii-lioiiiwl mvr:rs AM sc rt h.Hs nil irritatiitns, lie!ialtn t'l.i a.nm's am y ilic lltm. i and air p.iajrc teailin to lite Iiin;. J-r. atlditiniul inj'rc'lirms Urp the tin', nmitt. ami h he.ihlifnl nrtinn. nn pt--u-1ice kco)i vil fnm trying llii prtvit nicl:. cine of n f.inmiM Nx:ir v im hat winl tb"n Mnd of iivra I iv il "in liiu l.iic piiv.ilr j:rMtia N.H. The Tar-Halm has no mi) tASiKor naiel). ritlCH 50 CENTS ASM $! I'M) Unni.F.. Great navinf tn buy Urrc tire "Plke'H TootliiK'liit InpHM C'ltrfc 111 1 Minute. Sold by all Prttppi.. 0 N. CRITTENTON, Prop., H.T- II ARD TIMES HAVE NO BTFHCT IN FRENCHVILLEI I am aware that there are aome peraona a little hard .to pleaae, and I am aleo aware that tht complaint of "hard timea" if well algb nni rental. Mat 1 am ao aituated now that I ran aatirty tba former and prove oonelottvely that "bard tine" will aot afreet tbnee who buy their gooda from me, and all my patroaa aball be initialed toto tba aa- erel of UOW TO. AVOID JlAIil) TIMES T have good enough to eupply all tbe inhebl. tanta in tbe lower end of the county which I aell at exceeding low ratea from my mammoth etura ia .Mll.Mi,Ml(iHU, where I eaa alwaya ha foandi rea ly to wait upon eel) ere aaal aapplj them witb Dry Goods of all kinds, "neb aa Clothe, 6alinetta, Caaiimeraa, MaaHu Delainee. Linen, Drilling., Caliooea, Trimming, Hibbona, Laea, Heatlj-uade Clothing, Boot and Shoea, (lata aad) Oapa all of tle beat material and made to order lluee, bocki, Uloree, Mitten. Laeet, Kibbone, Aa URUCEKIKS OF ALL KINDS. Coffees Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molaasea, Fiib, t?ait fork, Linaaed Oil, Fiab Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Jueeniwar, Tia war, Caatiag, Plowa and Plow Caatiaga, Nni It, hpikee, Oora Cultira tora, Cider Crease, and all kind of Atet. Perfumery, Painta, Varniih, Ulaaa. aad a general aaaortment of butionery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, alwaya on band, aad will ba old at tbe lowaat puulble bguree, J. II. MeCiato'a aledielnee, Jayne'a Uadlelnaa Utt-utter i and ilooOand Bitter, ittotl puunda ot Wool wanted for wbfeb tha hit; heat pnoa will ba paid. Cloreraead on band and fur Mir at tha lowaat market prion. Alao, Agent for 8trattonrtll aad Cnrwanivllla rbreahiiig Maohinea. trnjuCall and ee for yonraelT. Tea will tni everything anna lly kept in a retail atora. L. M. COUDRIKT. FraaehvUla P. 0., Angaat 12, UM. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iSneeeeauri to Boyatoaj A Teag,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS UaJDniaetnrari nf PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Cornar sf Foortk d Ft., Slra.u, CLEARFIBLD, PA. f T AVINO aaratrad la lh. maa.raotar, tt IrM 11 .Ua. MACIIINKRT.V.NaBMtralljIafMa Ii. pukllo that w. an sow .raparad u III .11 dm aa akaapl; aad aa amapllaaa Ma aa dm la aa, af Ua atOaa. W. auaabMan aad dwal Is Mala; and Circular Saw-Mills 8aa)l Bloskl, Walar Wbaal., Shaftlaa P.II.J., Oiford'l Injactor, StMBl Otnaa.. RMai Whl.IlM, Oll.n, T.llow Cap., Oil Corn, O.naa Coeka, Air Coak., ainh. Val,, Ckwk V.laaa, wro.jkl Iraa Pip.., k'.aam Paaipa, Boilar Faad Punpi, Frlalloa, Soap Stona Parkins. Oam Pack ns. and all bind, af KILL W0RK W-jrlkw with Plowa, glad Snl.a, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, aad atk.r CASTISOS af all kt.da TOrd.ri KUrltad aad IM.d al ntf priwa A latlar, of Inanirj ltk raf.nno. la aiaablam .fwu aaaaalatan prsaipUa aaswand, bt addw. lag aa at Olsartald, fa. . )nl74 tf HallR, TorifO plltD. :u. i -) .ay- -f 'v. lie mi ,.--sl...k.