She fpuMunn. thr- Usnaot B. GmiULANDKR, Editor. CLKAKK1EL1), Pa. WIDNK.SDAT M0KN1NO, NOV. 11, 1171. Reader. If foa want to know what U going on I. the bnatneae world, Joat rrad our advertising Solanae. lb Special onlumo Id fiertlenlar. MAXIMS FOR THE DAY. No enaa worthy the oflle of Provident ebnold be willing to bold It if ooooled In, or pleeed tharo by 007 fraud. U B. HsaBf. I ooald ooror bare boon reconciled to tlio ele TBtieB be tho emalleat old of mloo of a parson, aowerer' reapeeleble to prirolo Ufa, who Biurt forever carry upon bll hrow tho atomp of fraud Irat trlutnpheat ia American Siatory. No euh oaquont acttoa. kowovor meritorioua, aao waab away ibe lattora of that record. FaaBcts Asabb. I woald rothor bare tho eadoreeaient of a quar ter of a Billion of tbo American people than that of Ihe Loalateea Haiuroing Board, or of tho Com. anlaalon ehieh elelBfied tba facts tod decided tba ojoeatloa od a teobaicaHty, Thus. A. Itr-BDairaa. Under tbo foma of law, ttutberrord B. Mayor hu boeo declared Prealdeat of tho l;oitod Hraiea lllatitlo reeie apim dialranohierment of lawlol Vetera, tho falao ewrlifloateo of tho returning offl oara actinf eorruptlr, and tha deoiilun of a aim mlaaios whlob baa rehired to beer evidence of al lojrod fraud. For the Ural lino are the Amenoeo people confronted witb the fact of a freoilulently eleoted Hrealitent. hot It not bo understood tliai tba fraud wi'l bo allenlly arquteaced in by the . eoaolry. Lei Bo hour paal IB which tba aiurpa- tloa ta forgolteo. Aopaaaa or Diuockatio M. O.'i. Obb hundred years of huuiaB de rarity aoou mutated aod concentrated Into a eiiin.s of oriole Neeer ageio ta Ivo huodred teara ehall they bare aa opportunity to repeat tbe wrong. Daaiat W. Voorbrkb. OUR TICKET. In order to got oven with tbo Pitts, burg Poll, on the Presidential question, we this week announce our ticket for 1880: run rnKsiDKNr: Hon. AL1.ES G. TliritJIAN, or onto. FOR VICS PRKK1DENT ; Hon. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, or rtNNnYLVANIA. Wo will not imitate tlio Post, Low ever, in abusing tickets put in the field by other parties, but we will do the bent wo can to nominnto and elect our ticket, and wo will condescend to nllow others to do tho same, and if they defeat ns wo will agrco to help them to overeomo tho common enemy. Let tha light ba ay-grrailve. - AolMr, Go ahead ? Sell out auin. Wa ara not inll.tioni.te. AVofacr. Well, it you are not, somebody is telling hligo lies. Weston's liubiliiies in bankruptcy art) 15,000. Ilia assets aro plenty of cheek and two poor legs. , Patriots All. Kralzerand Arnold in imitation of "tho Father of his country," havo also issued farewell ad dresses. Yoeaa will go to Uoogreaa aura. CVritaa. Well, you bad better wait until tho Radical leaders cancel their forged tax receipts. Tbe total vole cant in Maryland, at tbe recent election was 119 521 to which tho Grewibackerg contributed 3,874. Lost oft Mislaid. What becamo of tbe 25,000 Greenbuckors in Philadel- phiaf Mason only tallies 3,1 14. Where is the rent ot tho flock ? See Quay Jloyt ft Co. Like MtnciMNuieK. The salo of tbe Greenback party in this county to Von Cameron, on Congress, Judge, and Senator, is as plain as tho noso on Yocum's fucc. One week from to-morrow will bo Thanksgiving day, acccording to Gov. Ilartranfl's proclamation. Wonder if he sent Jack Kehoe a copy of the doc ument. My active orb ia doae. Arwld. Well, you bad a lively and a lovely time ol it. But tho campaign is not over yet. Just hold on a little, don't resign yot. Fiaga. Oil Territory and Summer resorts, are wbero tbo fire hugs resort to follow their vocation, followed by regiments of thieves and tramps, for the purpose of plying their vocation. "I rctiro at the end of the year, (Yes, abont that time. Ed. Kkp.) again thanking and congratulating you." Farewell, William, you will never be bothered witb another campaign. ''Clrealara enateiaing tbe moat iareranue Ilea were Malltrt4 broaataet aear Iba eoautv." Kramr, Truo as gospol I Secretary Sloppy averred that tho party bad been sold, and tho Chairman denied the fact, but tho eloetion returns provo that Nr. Sloppy told tho truth. Allow ana to oungretalete yoa fellow Hrpnbll .eaaa ef Cleart, Id coottiy auoa tba grautl Bad glonoaa reaaita. Arnold. Hold on, you aro not out ol the woods yet ; you should be grateful and give tbe Groenbackers some credit for their efforts to boost Cameron, Hoy t & (juay, through. Every arrran net a lBRer, bondholder, tnnney leadrr ar a tool of the at ,aey power ia iotererted ta tbe ana aa ef tbe Ureenberb arty. fur it ta tbe aeoBle'e parly aod la act eootrolied by aay riugt wr ringviera Awrarr, Saints and angels what perfection those fellows have arrived at In a lew months, and what fools tbo others are, that they do not jump on the same platform. OertlB deaarted aa. la war Ihe aeaelte for de eerlim ta deaib t a,ll ieally Cania baa aaet ibe eeeie lata aead ana liariad aa aad that Ma Olaia't traaiaeiwill Barer raieariaet bla. draold Just you bold on until all tho forged Ui receipts are connted, and the bribes and other frauds are uncovorcd that have been perpetrated in this district by the Cameron agents, and wo will see who will be Congressman. ITho Lies T Secretary Sloppy says tbe Greenbarkers sold out to the Hadi csla. Chairman Kratior says "Its a lie," of words to that eflecL Reader, took at the vote in Philadelphia, wbero ilugbea, DeWeca ft Co., promised their blind followers from 25,000 to 30,000 votos, MaaoD only received 3,114). Bow is that for low ? ,ft . Til K 8 TA TK CA .V VA SS. ..'M.'H(.t)'lti"tt ((in iuTioiHl Vote ol the Suite cant for 8ui,ienio Judiro In! 1877, and that cast for (iovomor in 1878, as received at the Stale Depart niout. uu'iiio ,udgtt, I Governor, 1877. I 1.1,8. ,1 , , -Baa i I COUNTIES. jr 2 ' k, 0 i r 1 f v ? Atlanta... 2H1 2IMH 8,Kil S742 Allrghcnr t)ii'J4i liTKl l.llfrt 2m',o Artnelroi 17Wi IM(I 2lit ,W7 Kraerr... 14k 2WI7 21WS 3,i71 K, cll..i(i - - 2174 347 31114 Wt.kt ll,j72 444,') 134KO MIH 2757 2U22 33W) 37(H) Hiadlord '-:.;. 4; 4 111 31:12 Co 1(1 Bucka ... 0025 645- 70(11 7552 HuiltT.-- 342H 2S53 37IM1 8H92 Cambria-- 2tul 1514 3342 2IM Camirnn 475 3'.I2 3nl 4nH C i be n - 1 0'.'3 1 2( i:i 22('s 2 1 50 Ornlro..- 3015 1 1(14 3K27 2059 Cheaier .. 4233 6l73 540(i 8I7H Clin i..n 2413 1344 4032 2205 (. Vat Bold . 2551 1IV2 3207 1002 rinoon .. lH'.M VII 2i,',i9 1HI4 'oluinbia - 27411 921 327K 1451 C'raolord . 540 5722 3533 2U57 I'uuibrrrd 3H13 2'J53 4h31 3743 Dauphin - aSHNrt 4K35 6320 6591 Iviawate - 1791 3110 3137 4709 Kk 1945 44m 1100 426 Krio, 3094 4841 4237 (P44 h'aveit. .. 4ii24i 3201 4211 2054 Kre,t... 2rd 295 107 3K Fisnkli.i - 3940 4043 4091 4734 Pullon... ICJ3 717 1222 794 r.reena... 2H0I 1370 3229 1006 IliinliimV 1992 2395 2730 3973 Indiana 1329 3150 1557 84H0 .IrtTerinn - 1440 1202 2140 1944 Juniala 19t3 910 1K51 1473 Uckatta's- 1974 4S9S banoatlrr- 7444 121X7 8714 15518 Lawrence- 1701 2459 10 5 287(1 Lebanon -- 1N03 2x081 2046 3914 Lehigh... 58951 3705! 6705 4975 Luierna-- 4418! 64l5 4414 7322 Incoming- 3971! 2411; 4809 3207 McKean-- 790, 8.0 1282 1504 Me'cer- 3503! 314(1 3708 440 Milllin--- 1492; 1355 1750 1744 Monro .- 2301! 6o 2829 002 Monifiny 78361 7203 911,4 90"6 Montour 122 515 1378 772 Norlham'r 6l99j 3115 7504 4035 Nonhuni'd 34 Wi 2215 4584 3281 "eriy ?372j 2205 2711 2097 riiilBdel'a 5U'45i 57322 53755 7oo99 Pike 91.11 320 U.i 497 P.oter ... WI7I 1174 094 1326 Schuylkill 872i 6402 7057 5994 Nnyder-.- 10'iOj 1330 1494 1814 Somerael - 1554; 2434 2140 3134 Sullivan-- 634 302 602 436 Sii.neelm'a 1846; 2448 2246 3832 Tiga 1633 3076 2128 4253 Union --- 9511 1205 1056 1836 Venango - 2T2! 140 3 W5 3482 Warren - 1630 1724 1H26 2175 U'aahingii, 3950 4234 4994 6263 Wavne... 2655 2040 1025 1937 K'ealrr.or'd 5041 3750 58 4795 Wvnming- 1067 1329 10(NI 1417 York 7080 3949 9044 5960 To'.nl . 251,000; 244.480 297O60''l95O7 1297000 0520 Mnjnrity j 22507 Ton Aoobkoati VoTg. With all tho excitement incident to tho late (ampnii'it, tlio vote in this State is 57,000 short ol that cast for President, in 187G. Tho vote then was: For tba tfaeca Fleeter .... IH4 141 For tbe Tflden F'ertora. JHf.,104 For tbo Cooper Elroora. , For tba Bmtib gtectora For tbe Alliance Kleetora 7,104 1,3 IS S3 Total W,57 Tho vote cast for Governor, at the recent election, foots up as follows: For Dill, Democrat 307. 0(10 For llojl. Keimblioee SIB,"T For Mecca, Oreenbecber Bt JtB For Laue, Frobibitloo,.... ....... M.1 Tlal Tola eait T2,03J This shows that neat ly 57.000 voters absented themselves from the polls at tbo recent election. Tbe Democratic vote is short 69, 144,and the Radicals 64, 581, while the Greenback vote has gone up from 7,294 for Cooper, to 81,75)1 for Jloson. Tbeso 57,000 absentees ol 1878 will no doubt boon band in 1880, and will prove to be tho power behind the throne. Tug Rival Nsioubobs, The adjoin ing counties of Berks and Lancaster, buvo always been rivals in a political and numerical sense. Tho former county cast 21,721 votes for Governor, and the latter 24,457. Berks always gives a largo Democratic majority, and Lancaster the rcverno; no difference whether tho nnme was federal, Whig, Know-Nothing or Radical, she would always give a larger majority too than Rerks, until this year; Burks gave Dill 6 974 majority, while Lancaster put Unyt off with 6:804. Berks lurn ished 1,735 Grcenbat kera, and Lancas tvronly 225. Thus showing that In a, voting population in these twocoun ties of over 46,000. less than 2,000 Greenbackers are bar bond. The Plllihcrg 'mi Iriin.tea that G event or Hartranltwill baa eandtdtio for United htatee H Bator at Ibe eari'BOoB af fieaator Wallace 'a tern 'Aifa. Ateord. Tho Post is an enterprising journal. A few weeka ago it put ex Gov. Curtin In tho field, on tho Democratic side, as Cameron's successor. Now, it scorns, it is determined to stuff Gov. Hart, ranft into Senator Wallace's scat, as far ahead aa 1881. Sucb enterprise is certainly commendublo, and what as. toninhea us is that not a single Barr is suggested for eithor ploco. Probably the family is trying to cover itself into tbo Stoto Treasury, wbore Col. iioyos is now rusticating. This may be the canno for the unusual modesty man! fested on tho Senatorship, by the fam. Radical Jcstici. Tbe beauties of our Legii-lattiro are plainly sot for In I'hiludelpliia. That city witb its 70,- 000 liailical voterselocts31fnembersof ihe Ltgi.ilat ure.and the Democrats with 50 600 elect eriWI. That ia 2,300 Ro publican votes elect a member ol the liouao, while it takes 8,000 Democratic votes to secure a like result. And yet these men "controlled by grand moral ideas, upbraid the peopiu of the South for disfranchising tbe nogro. Lot this he truo or not, no section esn he woise than we have it in Pennsylvania, TnaowiNa Up. The Clinton Dmo rral Buys : The sickest men in these parts are those foolish Democrats who allowed themselves to be wheedled Id to voting the Greenback ticket, and whilo thoy wore slicking the Radicals slipped back to vote their own tiekot, having the "greenies" out in the cold voting against their own pirty and wasting their votes on a wild chase af tor they didn't know what I Last year Ihe Greenback vote was 611, this yeor it was 377. We bare defeated Andrew 9 Cer'la. thai a. Iltieal reaegede lor Coagreaa, eta IF. C. drao'a. toil did it so slick. Why not tul; us all about it f Tbe scheme Is a new odo, and you are do doubt entitled to a patent. Apply toon, before there's another "cyclone." Tim sew nousF.. . The Jiresont (SUV) ftonflrvjM roeiU Bt aiioiion ilie 1st lionuuy (it) ui jruoumoer next, uuu me lerin lor which the members were elected, ex pires by Constitutional provision on tho 4lh of March next, at which time the 4(ith Congress begins, though no session may be called until the first Monday of December, 1870. The fol lowing table will show tho political complexion, by Status, of tho 45lh and 46tb Congress, a ny c&n ta veer- tained at this lime ; tiru. 4Ars. H. D. H U. U I Alaliaaaa ... ... .. 4 Arkaaaaa H, ., 4 ... 4 ... 4 California - I I I 1 ... 5 Colorado 1 I 4 CoBoootical til I ... I ... 1 ... I ... I Florida ., I I ... I ... 9 deorgia m ... 9 . 9 ... IV lilinoia . II I II T ... II Indiana 9 4 4 6 1 9 Iwe 9 ... T ... t I K.o.ea ... III Kraiacay ... It ... Ill ... fl touiaiana 4 ... a I t Maiae t ... a ... I I Maryland I 4 ... II Meaeebueetla 9 1 10 I ... 9 M.oh.g.n . I 19 I Miimeaoia I ... I I ... I M'atiaaippl S ... 4 ... II Miaroari 4 9 ... 1 I I Nebraaba I ... I I Nevada , M, 1 ... t I New lump-hire Ill T rew Jeiavy I 4 4 8 ... II New 1 orb It II I. I ... I horlb LaroliB 1 7 I 7 ... 19 obio II 4 U II ... I Oreguu t 1 ... t; Peoaaylvaila If III 17 9 I I lalead t ... I a Boatb Carolina I I ... I ... 1 TenLoaaee II I 9 ... ( Teaaa ... I ... ( ... I Vetmuot 3 ... t ... 1 9 Virgioie II I 8 ... I Heat Vitgioia h ... 1 ... I ... I W'trouaaiu.. I I -A I ... Ill Total .130 lot I.H I IjJ V JuDoi.OrnciAL. Tbo return Judges of this (XXV.) Judicial district, met at the Court House, in Cleurfield, on Tuesday, tlio 12th inst., for tho pur poso of cast up the votes cal tor Pres ident Judgo. Mr. W. S. Wolf repre sented Centra, Mr. A. W. Wolturs, Clearfield, and Mr. Robert Agor, Clin ton, who tallied the voto as follows : caosTlaa, RATRB, OBN- ,H4 ..... 749 J.CII H CORW1CK, fl. A R. 1311 l.iTd 1,I6 Centre Clea.rn.ld.. Cliotoo..,. Tntal V,I4 7.S77 Rtejonty lor Myer HH I.Tdf The voto cast in 1808 was, for Mayor, 9,018, and for McEoully, 7,171. The crusade waged agninst Judgo Mayer by McCorniick and his confederates, was very bitter, and partook moro of tho game pluyod by very low pel house politiuons rather than tbut of a highed toned gentleman, who was as piring to bo a Judge. Conobbss, Official. Below will he found tho voto cal for Congress in this (XX.) district. The return Judge met at Bellefonle, on Tuosduy, the 12tb inst. V in. II. lilair represented Centre, A. J. Jackson, Clearfield, D. A. Cochran, Clinton, M. W. Weadert, Elk, George Butes, Mifllin, and Suirnel Mur- shall, Union. Upon tbe presentation of tbe several certificates, tbo vote was declared as follows: conariRR. Centra ,..... Clearfjeld. CII..10B ........ CURTIS, ftBH. ..... t.bU 1,034 ..... 1,561 1,1'U tocuh, a. a a, 1.014 :,) 80S 1,7f i.jja I,b M.ffl.a. l,7l Uaioa. I, Hi ToUl II ,11 Uajonty tar Yooaoa. 11,414 ..... II Bribery, fraud, and general corrup lion, produced the above result, and we have no doubt but I hat these facts ill be proven in open court before six months roll around. A Political Mission art. One would suppose, from the reading of his congratulatory addresses, that tho sainted Kralier, the Greenback t buir man, was not sold witb tho rest of the flock to Cameron, Iloyt, Quay S Co. lie looms to tuko a deep interest in "follow-citirons," ''farmers," "meohun ics," "laborers," etc. Tncse afflicted people appear to bo tbe chief object of his love and affection at this time. It is remarkable that he has overlooked tbo interests ot these classes for a period of fifty years, and devoted all bis limo and talents to forward bis own inter ests. Singular, indeed I When a man turns, reformer, he should not wait so long, nor turn so far at once, il he do sires those who have passed along the highs ay ot life with him for thirty or forty years, to believe that ho is sin cere in what he is doing. Denator, Official. 1 ho return Judges of this (XXXIV.) Senatoria! district, convened at Bellulnnto, on Tuesday the 12th, for the purpose of ascertaining who was elected. Mr. W r. Rebor represented Center, Mr. T. J. MeCullongb, Clearfield, and Mr, Alexander DcLIass, Clinton, who com piled the vote as follows: eoDRTtaa. alrx aspbb, bbn. eaLDwaia,. a s Canter 4 110 I sill Cle.ri.ld 1.170 I.S7S Cliatos , 1,407 s.aal Tclal 9,sny l.lo.l Mejerity far Air ruder- I 401 The vote cast in 1870 was, Peale, 11,3-10, and for Thompson, 7,375. All Rioiit The editor of tho Lan caster hlelligenctT gets out ol il in this way: It appears Ibat Carlla did not raa H far be. bind the Deatoeratia tleaet 'o bit dirtriet aa a - peered at Bret. Tba eoiabined elroealMeh aad Hepablleaa va'ei (here abont beleaoe the Demo, orotic eola on tbe Hi ale liebet, and beceaae tbey were Bi-lled oa rongreae that heat bint. Wa ac aept tbe aorreatiea oad abaerfally stake It. Now, would it not be well enough for the editor in qnostion, after being so inquisitive, to inform us backwoods men why sucb an excellent Democrat as Mr. Steinmotl! was defeated in the Doinocratio city ol Lancaster. Did Senator Wallaco have a hand in that, toor Lot us know I The Clearfield a rpi'at.lcaa aiahee tbe essoinee neat th la weeh that la Bret paae la covered wnb "geaeral Inioraxetioa." Yoe aboolda't have bera an liberal. Ooodlandar Whet waa the ore In giving ewer all tea had. b.,t I Now. if h. J. eboaid ga la job roraleile, ehat woa d yoa do awiaaaa aveeeeiaer. Mover having been the recipient of Lfyiitative famri, (see Corr-non Pleas Record at Bollefonto, No. 2C8, August Term 1876.) we are not competent to answer the above wise conundrum Experts can only answer sncb wise(!) questions. Please excuse us. RrJoiciNo, Too. We notice that tbe London, England, Timrs goes off in ostacies over the Radical victory in Pennsylvania. It must be a severe reflection to I hose Irishmen who so actively fought against the Democra cy to realise that their bitter loe, tbe English, rejoice over the work of the descendants of tyranized Ireland. Where are tho anna of Krin now f Bat I Il the Greenback parly in tbia Rtato did not sell out to tha Cam ron family, why waa there only 3,1 H Ureenback voto cut Tor Mason in Philadelphia. TI1K BAR IIS A XP THE DRUOO-JIACY. Mr. James P, llnrr, in his PitUburg Psl, which always has been n personal organ, urn never a fuithful exponent of Democracy, soiaos upon a paragraph of ours to vent his venom upon Sens tor Wallaco. Ihe IUpcui.ican is not tho orgin of any man, and the para graph referred to, like our other edi torials, was our own. Wo do not need to look fur foi tlio reusun of Hai r's at tack on S,7.:.tor Wallace. Tbo Sena lor was unwise enough on tho death of Mr. lleister, in 1872, to recommend Mr, lturr for the pluco of Member of tlio National Committee for Pvimsyl vunia, which pluco he held until 1870, but he wus nof fur Mr. .D. O. (tho brother of J. P.) Burr, tut Slulo Treasurer in 1873, nor was be fur Mr. J. P. tor United Slates Senator in I8i4, nor lor Mr. J. 1'. lor Governor in 1875, nor liar Mr. J. I, for delegate at largo to St. Louis in 1870, nor tor Mr. D. O. for Stuto Treosuror in 1877, nor is ho lor Mr. D. O. lorSiato Treas urer in 187!t which iiuminalioii Mr. J I', and Mr. D. U. and Mr. J. C. Barr and their f riends are now actively can vassing for by most unworthy appeals to secturiun prejudice. In tlio light ol these fuels it is eaey to see why the Post turns its guns upon the Senator. Tlio hold he has upon ihe Democrucy must be broken or the Burrs can not gef nominations for fat oillccs The Tost asrerts that the defeat of Senator Dill is chargeable to the fact that hie nomination wus re garded as "Wallaco set up." It might wilh moro justice bo traced to the vi ruluiit, false and treacherous attucks made upon Mr. Dill before his nomina tion, by tho Post and kindred sheets, and to tho lying and guibled records printed and circulated by the creatures ol Mr. J. P, Burr prior thereto, or to the prophetic utterances of the truvul ing correspondent of tho Post, Mr. J. C, in which ho foretold our defeat wherever be went. These attacks before the nomination, woro tho stock in trade ol our enemy alter it wus mudo, and did more to defeat Mr. Dill than ull else, except the money of Cum eron, which was used with such fulal effect to buy up and voio against us tho very men whom tho Barrs aro now trying to send to tho Stute Convention to nominnto Mr. D. O. Barr for State Treasurer. 1 1 is a part of our polilicul history that whenever a (nndiditto for Stole i. Olce is mimed, who is a friend of Sen utor Wallace, that ho is at once at tacked by tlio Post and two or three other newspapers within theStule, and by the New York San, and vilification und Blunder uro heaped upon him in order to defeat his nomination. Sena tor Dill was abused und vilified by these people without stint. For months prior to, und at tlio Convention, they were shameless in their blutant tulc- hoods. Whilst the Convention was in progress, the columns of their papers, and the streets wero alike tilled witb them. Publio speeches were made, and every effort used to influence the Convention to listen to their slanders. On tho other band Senator Dill and bia friends attacked no candidule, wrote no abusive articles, distributed no garbled records and made no pub lic speeches to distract his party. Such has always been the policy of Senator Wallaco and those with whom he has acted since bo has come into public life, lie und bis friends abuse no candidate before nomination and they always give a cordial support to the nominees. Tbe Post and its Iriends coin falsehoods in advance, and stub the nominees in the durk after thoy are before tbo people, if those, nominees are not their special favorites. Il is an offence in the eyes of the Burrs that Senutor Wallace was tent to tho Statu Convention and used b influence to nominate candidates and cnuncinlo principles. Aro our public men to be retired from active partici pution in settling tbo very principles upon which they aro called upon to vote 7 Is II truo that because a man has tho evidence of his party's trust it is to ignore his counsel and he is to turn bis buck upon its council fires? Just because bis place gives him en larged opportunities and wider sphere of action, tho necessity conies for bis counsel and earnest aid in the council chamber of the patty. If power and patronage conferred by party place wtro used to influence nominations, there might be cause for criticism, but the parullej between Cameron and Wallace, that the Post seeks to draw cannov oe sustaineti. uameron lias power and patronage, lie gives ofli ces and fat places. Ho uses with un scrupulous hands all ol tho perquisite- ol his place to pack conventions and dictutu nominations. Wallace, on the contrary, has neither places nor pa nonage nor perquisites, lie can give no ofliccs to Democrats nor reward deli-gules with postofllces, collector-ships or rich pickings Irom fat government contracts. Cun tho Post point to a single delegate who voted for Mr. Dill who w as influenced by Kedurul patron age? If il cannot, then its complaint of 'a Wallace set up" is tbe sheerest bosh. It is moro: it is an effort to es tublisha precedent in tho counsel of tho Democracy that shall result in ignoring the advice of men trusted and in high pluco, simply because they aro so trusted. Tbe animus ot tbe Post is transparent. Its attacks are the re suit of a personal grievance against Senator Wallace. As to the deluat of Govei nor Curtin. it Is not necessary for thoso who know Senator Wallace and his broad views of tho policy of bis party and bis devotion to iia best interests, both In this district and in the State, in the canvass just closed, to say anything in bis defence. Tbo com bined voteol the Republicans and Na tionals, the unscrupulous usoot money within the district by the Cameron- Quay-Mackey power, and the treach ery ol Democrats outside of Clearfield county, who acted with tbe Post and ta party at tbe Pittsburg Convention, were the causes of tho victory of Yo- cum over Curtin. Upon this subject tbo en J is not yet. Let the Post possess its soul in pa tience. The Post modestly saya, "We" hag. ged fifteen members of the Legislature from Allegheny in 1875, and thereby elected Wallace to the Senate Eleven Bombcri and one Senator were elect ed hj the Democracy o Allegheny (o the Legislature ofl875. Two of these did not volt in eeucoe tor Senator Wallace, and it will bo news wo I Link to the democracy of the Slato that i-i':.'w.", Wahujp? wh.a.u.t.v"i().(iid in caucus by 109 out of 122 votes, owes that nomination to the Hurra. The claim that Mr. James P. Bsrr owns and controls stalwurt DcmocruUt like John M. Irwin. John Swann and Jos. M. Carson, and iboso who were their colleagues in that Legislature, we think will bo slightly contested by those gentlemen. Indeed, we know whereof we speak when we suy that the incubus of the Barrs on the De mocracy of Allegheny ia one Irom which a lurgu majority of them pray to be delivered. SOUXDPOCriilXE. Wo cut from the Lemhr, tho lead ing Democratic newspaper of Luiierne county, the following excellent uriido : what or 1880? Tho one fuel estubliahed beyond all possibility of doubt by the luto elec tions, Is this lhat in a sufficient nuin her of tho States to control the Presi dency in 1880, the opponents of tho iNationul Bunk policy aro immensely in the iiiujority. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, Connecticut and New Hampshire woro carried by the Republicans by pluralities, but in them all, at,d in others, the majority of tbe votes cast were cust against tbo moll ey policy of that party the policy of funding or otherwise retiring that por lion of the notional dubt which the people aro anxious to continue the use of as currency, in order to widen tbe market for tbo costly National Bank currency, and to-cxlend the molded and political influence of the banking oligarchy. Jn Pennsylruniathemajority against "lloytand Bank-Money" is shown, by the complete returns, to have been in excess ol 55,000. Obio is aiili-Nulionul Bunk by at least 25,000, Connecticut by 6,000, and New Hampshire an J other States now counted in the Republican column are properly in tho samo category by equally decisive preponderances of tho popular voto, Tuking into consideration these fig ures, ami mo uoiuiionul lact that in almost overy instance in which a Con gressuian has been gained to tho Ro publicans, or lost to tho Democrats, il has been either through direct aflilia lion of tho Nationals with the Repub licans, or the division of the Demo cratic voto between two anti Bunk Democrats talilngall these things into the calculation, the great question with relereiice to 18S0 now is Is the tkmoemtic party rqunl to the fmrrgency 7 It has always been an ami Bunk party. The proudest victory achieved by it in all its nistory was its victory under tbe leadership of Jackson, over thu United Aiutos Bank, in 1836. Its members ol Congress stood in solid phalanx against the bills author- iging and extending tho present Na tional Bunking system. Understand us wo are not Notion. alists. We uro not rcnudialioiiists. Wo scout tbe crazy doctrine of fiat money. Wo are no forced inflation ists. Wo object to any forced meas ures in connection with financial legis lation whatever. Brick Pomeroy'e no bond idea is worse than nonsense. There is nothing communistic, agrari an or dangerous in the anti-Bunk doc trine we would havo the party a unit for and which it must honestly, and openly, and unitedly maintain, if it would win. The doctrine is a plain biisiness'doctrine which, being under stood, must needs appeal to ibe com mon sense of all men. It ts limply ibis- Gold and ailver are tbe constitu tional money of tho country, but tbey do not exist in sufficient quantities to supply us wilh an adequate circulat ing medium ; and if tboy did, there are certain forms of exchanges wbieb could not conveniently be effected without the aid of papor currency. Paper currency we always havo bad, and always must have. Now then, what kind of paper shall it be? Shall it bo National Bank paper, upon which wo must pay doublo interest, or gov ernment paper, which frees us ol the interest on so much ol llio debt as will circulate in that form ? Tho National Bunking system constitutes a p"lilical oligarchy, more powerful than the old bank oligarchy of lt36 almost as powerful, and in tune likely to become more so, than was tho slave oligarchy Government money obviates this dan ger. As to our debt it is of two kinds that which bears interest and thai which does not. The former the peo ple are anxious to huve liquidated in exact accordance witb tho terms of the contracts under which il was created, at the earliest piacticable moment, bo cau-to the interest they must umiuullv pay upon it constitutes a very grevious burden upon them. Tho latter the peoplo do not want paid off. It ia not only no hardship to them to carry it, but oven John Sherman has acknowl edged thut it is the best currency tbe country bus ever had that, as against National Bank currency, it is infinite ly the preferable. And we say that so much of thu bulunco that ia so much of the inturest-bearing debt tbe people are satisfied shall be promptly paid (according to tbe con tract; and its place supplied with non-interest-hearing debt or Treasury note's, should be so paid off and its place so supplied. In brief, our doc trine is First, gold and silver. Second, government papor, made re ceivable lor all L'overnment debts, and issued to the lulloet possiblo extent at which It can bo maintained at the par of, and be redeemable, when sucb redemption is asked for, into gold and ailver. Third, the outlawry of all otber forms of paper currency. This is a popular doctrine, because it ii a common senso doctrine, and be cause it will bring relief to a people who are in most urgent need of relief. It il entirely consistent with tbe Dem ocratic past and II we t nly have the pluck, as parly, to enter the contest of 1880 united upon II, by saying to the few thousands ol pnilessed Demo crats whose identification with the Ra tional Bunks and participation in tbo profits ot (hat system, makes them our enemies il we have but the courage loaoy to tbesc,"gn you wbero you prop erly belong,'' we aball elect Ibe Presi. dent and CongrtMi Id ISS0 Just as oor talnly as 1880 shall come. With sucb platform, and with inch men as Allen G. Tburman, of Obio, Ri 'n. A., Wallace of PeoiwvKaiiia. as our candidates, Pennsylvania will bo with us, Ohio will bo with us, the great West unci Northwest will bo with We may bare a solid Host to con tend aguinst, because New Yolk and tho East (excepting, Hihaps, Maine, Connecticut and Now Hampshire), are. for the present at least, hopelessly sub ject to hunk rulo But wushull have with us a solid South, almost a solid West and Northwest, a solid strength in Pennsylvania, and a solid Democratic doctrine that will insure a solidity to general business and prosierity that will be proof against the gold-gambling, Block watering and Bluck-Friduy-iug which have, since the war, been the moat notable of the products of New York and the solid East. A Dirtt F 1.10. The Punxsutawnuy Spirit seems to be elated over Camer on's victory. Tiie editor in effect ad mils that "the field couldn't beat Wal lace," at Pittsburg in May, but it did the job in November. We presume the Senator never 'dreamed that Hast ings and Cameron would pool their in te rests and thereby defeat tbe Demo cratic party. Tho job pu t up by Cam eron, Quay and Moekey, on tbe Dem ocratic party, is to ui a queer thing for Democrats to crow over. But tbe Spirit aeems to gloat over our defeat. Well, common sense novurdid regulate selfishness and bigotry. Why did tbe editor in quoslion not show bis toeib maiilully before the election ? Tbe peoplo did lt."-?aW AVto... Such is the caption we find in every Radical newspapor dwelling on the result of tbe election. Was it "ibe people" who bribed voters and issued fraudulent tax receipts r Was it "tho peoplo" who went to tax collectors a week or ten days beforo tho election and paid taxes lor delinquents, and duled tho receipts back to tho 1st ol October. But tha Radical leaders did those same things, and they will reap all tho glory too. Dill and Hon. It, will be noticed that the vole cost for Iloyt in this county, is three leu than Senator Dill's majority, via: Tho vote for tbe former was 1.602, and tho mujority lor the latter was 1 C05. One would suppose that a Ck-ai field Radical could not crow very well over Iloyl's discount, but they have tbe right to crow over the purchane of the Greci.huckers on the district ticket liir Congress and Senator, and partly for Judge. Tumblino 1 N. Candidates lor Speaker of the House at II rg are already cropping out II. M. Long ami R. 8. Fraier, of Allegheny, would like to wield tho gavel and B. L. llowitt, of Blair, and Klisba W. Davis, of Philadelphia, hare entered lor the race. Davis will no doubt win, as he is the oldest rooster on the perch. As the Democrats have no chance they need not bother themselves much about these things. LoveLr. We notice by the addresses of Messrs. Kratxer and Arnold that thoy rejoice greatly over tbe marriage of thoir respective parties. The Green backers and Radicals in this county ocdtled together, but over in Hunting don, and in tome other counties, they slept witb the Democrats. Tbe only conditions were, casb or office, and the old party which offered the most of eithor, always scoured the Green- backer. "Tba man la tbe ainoa bold hie aoao ata k. paared avar a Draaoeretie BMatiae." addreaeMt be Aadrew el Carila. How bare Iba aatghtv lallea I Kevee'daeiUc Html. We have suspected the editor in question for being "a little moony," but now we are convinced, because be was evidently up there or he would not state what he saw. Tbe above pun knocks the bottom out of the Nor nstown Herald man, and, in fact out of overy other punster on tbe Conti nent. It was tbo vote of Clearlald ouanty that de feated Curtis. L'iiieee. That is the mild way of stating a notorious falsehood. Ii was the sale of tbo Greenback party of Clearfield county to the Cameron family that de feated Curtin. It was Cameron's cash that defeated tho ablest Democratic nominee for Congress within tbe bor ders of Pennsylvania. Those who feel proud of it, let thorn crow. There are people who glory in their own shame. A WoNDxarcL Documint. Tbe fart well address of Wm. C Arnold, Chair man of the Radical County Commit- too, "to the Republicans of Clearfield connty," is a wonderful document. Washington a was a fool thing when compared wilh this. We aro anion ished lhat the editor of the Journal allowed himself to be imposed upon so far as to publish it, Tri Minority Goviasoa Iloyt will go into the Gubernatorial Cbair witb the largest minority of any one who has ever occupied the place. The voters who wanted Dill, amounted to Z97.0CO and those who prefcred Mason 81,758, making a total of 378 R18 votes, while iloyt had but 319,587 leaving mm almost 60,000 votes in tbe mi nority. Woader what iba Cloarleld RaeraLirao thloba ot ine ntubarg rir That wee rahblag eatl I to tbe acre pleoea, eaio't It !U,ll, Faie. etna. Never having taken lessons in pr potual office seeking, like tho two edi- tors indicated, we have no SORE PLACES, and salt ia rather a savior witb us than an irritant Like water rolling off a duck's back it makes no scores. A Goon Lick. It gives us pleasure to notice that the Radical Senatorial district composed of Bedlord, Fulton and Somerset counties done a good work in the defeat ol Senator K. D. Yutay, Republican, for ro election -Frederick Gruff, Democrat, carried the district by (19 majority. Iloyt had a majority ol 233 in tbe district. A Good Run. Huntingdon connty gave Unyt, Rep., for Governor, 837 majority, and J.8impon Africa, Dem., for Secretary of Internal Affairs, 641 majority. Mr. Africa certainly ba reason to be proud of the vote of his own countv. IIawtSubjscts. TbeCanadiansare as tickled with thoir coming priooeas, now tossing about on the Atlantic, la maid witb a new beau. Whatever Haw aha maw al.aa K.. ft. .1. for all tints to sons. I A CALL UPOS MART RAN FT. The Evening Telegraph ol yesterday .5r?-.T-:4 rriAeReWlakV' 1' """"ill that ho will disregard only by thu con tession that be dure not perform a plain and iniparulive duty to public Justice. His laiiuru to consider and Uisimim ol the Kehoe case in a manly way, by ex ecuting the luw or by. assuming the ress,nsibiliiy and pulling on record his reawns tor disobejing tiie j'ulg nicnls til the Courts to shield thu chief of murderers, baa exposed him 10 impu tation til such political complicity with banded criminals as forbids his admin istration of Justice. The lact that he fiua siitneti loe att)r arrant of a tins en ol Kehoe's iuuorant dependents tor obediaiicu to Kehoe's orders, and the fact that he once signed Kehoe's death warrant, show that be appreciates the justice ol the judgment that condemn. ed Ibum ; but his refusal lor six months past to act on the Kolioe case, alter the nupreine Court bad declared tho con viclion of Kehoe warranted by tho law and tho evidence and the Board ot t ar dons bad refused to con, mend the con demned man to clemency, is a double wrong of no common magnitude a wrong by Governor llartranfl against himself and a wroni; airuiiisl overt' principle of public justice and public safely. The suspicion of the potency of political considerations in thu case is, uiitorluiialely, not entirely the off spring of conjecture, for the records of the criminal courts furnish strong, di reel and presumptive evidence of the immunity loll by criminals of Ihe Kehoe class because of past and future iKililical servicos, and Governor Hart ranlt is thus appealed to by thu bousts ol crime, as well aa by tbe general ra sped tor an Impartial administration of justice, to execute the law in ihe case of Keboe or give tbe public some good reason lor protecting tbe prison er. It baa been slated that tbe case was referred to Attorney General Lear lor examination and report, but no sucb evasion ot a clear and ((rave responsi bilily can mitigate the failure of tho Governor to act decidedly in the mut ter, li is known that Lear denounced thu effort to protect Kuhoe during in lervals of sobriety when not under or ders, and that he subsequently voted in the Board of Pardons to recommend the commutation of the sentence, but il is also well known that Lear is no longer responsible for his own acts, because of bis frequently absconding wits through his cups and bis piliable deHindence upon political traders when he bapiens to be in the possession ol bis senses, and no recommendation of such an official can be pluadud by the Governor as an excuse fiir reversing the Supremo Court ot the State. We do no! insist that Keboo shall be executed ; but we do insist, and tbe people ot the Statu insist, that lieboe shall be judged by the same laevs and thu sumo tribu nals which administer justice fur all il hers in the Common wealth, and that Governor llurlrunlt shall e ther obey ihe law and the court of last resort or givo some reason for rulusinic to do so. - Philadelphia Times. Important to Mechanics. Notice is given by the Supreme Court in two iluoisious delivered at Pillsburg last Mnnduy, that mechanics wbo tile liens against property "lor work done and materials furnished must comply ex actly with the requirements of the statute il they would have tbeir claims susiainea. in one case ine lien "lor plastering and furnishing material for plastering two dwelling bouses ad per contract," was declared fatally defec tive because the claim did not set forth the kind and amount ol material furnished, and fbo time when the ma terials were furnished and tho work done. In the other case the lien set forth lhat tho materials wero furnish ed lor the "erection and construction" of tbe building, whereas the evidence showed that tbey were lor repair ol the building, and it waa therefore die allowed. This is getting the law down to very fine points, but mechan ic are warned by tbe decision that to make tbeir liens good tbey must be very exact in stating thoir claims. In one case at least, tbe claimant has no opportunity to file a new and amend ed claim, tbe limited time lor tint hav ing already expired. ADalOMSHIrlO TBI VICTORS. The New York Pott is one of the original Radical organs, and tbe editor in allud ing to current events savs : We do not disguise tbe truth that an incidental result ot tbe late elections mar be to strengthen two highly objectionable Republican factionsthe Camoron fac tion in Pennsylvania and the Conkling faction in New York. There are, how ever, several things wbicb His well for the leaders or tbe taction and lor all the influential leaders of the Republi can party to remember. Tbe party begins the now political year with greatly improved prospects. If it is wise it win turn tbe late elections to account in gaining latum elections. Bt reforming party management and iden tifying itself witb public interests raib or than the intervals of pontons or lec tions, 11 may approach the next Presi tluntial election in luvorable circum stances. If it maintains the old sys tem, it it puts the machine again in the trout, if it restores the Senatorial cabal, il may easily lose next year what il iieie, gaunt mi year. Sxavio Thkm Kioht. The Demo cratic Association of Reading met last outurtiay, about tbree hnndml mom. here present, and expelled Peter D. Wanner, late candidate for Congress ; J. Geo. Sbeltaer, late candidate lor Mayoralty nomination; Alderman Isaac R. Fisher, Mike Cullouvh. and Alex ander Dumbly, independent candidates or ine legislature, and George Kus- singer, wno baa Isiltxi to make a nomi natiou for the Asstb'y. Thtse men bad asked nominations at the handaof tbe party, euhjoo to the decision of their convention, and, failing to make inem, titrnoa upon the party and tried to rend it because tbey couldn't rule it Tbe resolution to expel them was ear ned unanimously, and tbe President responded wilb emphasis : This is the way the Democrats ol Berks deal with traitors I" It served them right. Glo nous old berks I your example is worthy ot imitation. I GlAVt HosaoRs. The recent ab duction of the body or A. T. Siewsrt Irom tbe final resting place has brought to lightsome startling revelations in re gard to grave robbers. Tho latest and most blood curdling ol thsseoomee from Cleveland, Ohio. An organised band of grave rohbera is said to exist in that vicinity, wbo act by signs and countersigns with physicians ot the highest respectability and test the flu ness of a body as a subject for tbe dis secting board by pulling tba ear, and " tnis member comes off in ths effort, the body is known to be too fardecom posed to be of use toHha twamhsra .1. ter nodical science, Several gravra have been examined and an ear loond to be pulled from ths bead ot many of ths occupants. An Investigation into mutilation of human bodies has been commenced by ths authorities of Clevs land. TBI PlrlNBTLVASIA StaTDW. The models for statues of Fulton and Mnhl. enberg, which are to be placed aa alio gorical reprrsentslivesof Pennsylvania in tbe Capital at Washington have been completed by the artist, Mr. Henry Manger. Fulton holds in his left hsnd a minatrn atesmboat and in his right band a pair of dividers or compasses, while resting agalnt an anvil is a large hammer. Muhlenberg, ths soldier preacher, is i kit pulpit loosening bia beery slosh as k aanoanees lbs natrt- ttoth ataiauaa . t...j.r. A TERRint.K DISASTER. MahanoV Cur, P November lfl The Philadelphia and Rcii'ticg rail road have a line of sinaif cngUiKa1ir.' parlor cms combined, used by t.fllcinls of the Mud for business trips. One ot Ihesu, culled the Gum, mudu a trip to day down thu Mahuuoy vullcy with J. II. Olliaiisen, superintendent of the Mu bunoy and It road Moiinluili blanch. Il arrived in front of tbo depot at this place ut 3 o'cb k p. in. The sliporiii Icllilelil alighted und stepped into tile telegraph otllce adj"iiuiig the depot to send a incssugo. While be wus seated at the lublo with tbo operator tbo boil cr .of tbo W'iUis, )iulodcd wilh lerrilic r - . a.' . i. ..?.. '.:'. i...' :T.. ., lim-v, tearing on tue tent 01 uiu unite, severing lelegiaph wires ami knock l on out one end ot tho depot buildings Largo pieces of plate glass from the Gem w bore hurled into tbe buildings, and the occu punts dropped to ihe Hour in time to avoid being struck. Knginecr W. F. Hrocius, of Frnik villi', was blown lo pieces, and tbe 10 mains were gathered in a bucket. Jacob Trout, conductor and super visor, hud his head blown clean off, bo ing struck wilh a piece of boiler. He leaves a wife and seven children. Willium Weniich, aired 9 yours, had the top of his head blown off. Ills brains were strewn on tho depot floor. Two others, Georgo and Horace Ilngcnbiich, wero both badly injured ; Georgo died two hours after. Tbey wero distributing handbills at the do pot when tho explosion occurred, and Georgu was lost in the ruins. Horace, a bravo lad of 7 years, coveml with blood, heroically seurcbed for bis elder brother, lie ran down the street, und when bis uncle clasped him in bis arms hecried,"Lct me go; I can walk home Go find Georgo ; hu is hurt worse than I." Calvin Lilts, nged 12. was killed by tho shock, dying after an hour's agony. l bancs Conriio, aged 10. son ol Philip Conrad, superintendent of Wig Iran's colliery, was slightly injured In- Hying timber, us were a number of other boys, who wuro nil huddled to gether in a heap. Young Lull's father picked him out of tbe debris and wiped tho dirt and blood off, he not knowing ho was his son. The discovery marly drovo him cruxy. Tbereisgreat excitement in tha town. The force of the explosion was terrible as to shake tho houses to their founda lions, und the whole population was on thu street, rushing wildly to and from tho scene, snd searching the mountain sides alter remains of victims. A cu rious circumstance of tbo explosion is that while the engine and boiler are olown to atoms, the ear apartment re mains uninjured. Not a cushion beinv destroyed. A piece ui the boiler fell in Hollow's floor mill, a quarter ol a milo away, and limbers and uluss are strewn lor tods around. Violation or ths .Sdndat Law. Jiidire Jiinkin.of IbuCourtof Common Picas ot Juniata count)', in a recent case against an employe of thu Peiio sj Ivania railroad lor shoveling coal on an engine on Sunday held that on long lines of railroad "both necessity and charity required that trains carrying live stock and perishuble freight be run upon Sunday, and the statute ol li!(4 is not violated thereby. In ren dering bis decisioh he lll-o stated that tho legalised business of railroading necessarily involves. Ui some extent. worldly employment on the Lord's day. voe peiiornittiice ol wnicn is unavoida hie, and hence within tbo stntuatnrv ex ception, and this construction of the statute ot 1704 bos been accepted as correct by the common sense of the people tor nearly hull' a century." n . . . . ,n. i-asriiiii don-mots. 1 ho Jt York M'orWsays: The campaign that naa just closed has not been very pro liAo of mots, IbotiL'h there are a few that will probably be found for some time to come in tno popular vocabula ry. Mr. Kearney's "pooling issues" is one of these, and Mr. Senate Secrotaiy Gorham bas enriched the language with two pregnant phrases, one when ho declined lo aid tho Republicans of Maryland because be hadn't un) thing to spend on "old Republican grave, yards," tho other when he compared tho Radical parly ol the South lo a "snow-ball in hell. A Ring Smuoolhr. A Now York papor says: Miss Emma Brushy was the last summer upon one ol the East river baths in New York. Mrs. Schlcssingur went there fur a swim, and left her satchel with Miss Brushy until she came out In the satchel w as a $500 ool i tary d lamond ring The pretty female attendant wanted it, and, to Conceal il, swallowed it. Care ful medical treatment of the young lady was ine means ol restnruor the lust treasure to its rightful owner. On I uesilay lust the smiio-ulcr was sou- lenced to lourluen months in the Pen ilcntiury. Stii.L Abound. An exchan irn en cm Tho fact that Hon. John B. Alloy, i former Congressman fn.m Msssai hu setts, has made up his mind to spend his winters in Washington. and basso cored himself a mansion thoie. has some public significance, although Mr. Alio is not now in the employ ut his com,, try. Hu is a shrewd tiiau and will Lake a prolnnnd interest in all niatteis pertaining iu racinu Kailroad l.egisla lion. Hu never noes anv whore fur pleasure, and if be spends his winters til Washington be has business there, MlNNIOUA III ASBKS P.ltiir Tier. die's celebrated summer resort hotel, on the Wdliumsport and Ehuira rail' road, about midway between the two places indicated, was destroyed bv T I an., . J I ueaiiai , toe IJIO. IhO loss is put down at I75.O00 and the insur anco at 150.000. This latter sum will build two auch houses as tho nno des troyed, hence the owners will lose nothing l.apo May, Minncqua, and now lor Newport, Saratoga, Bedford or Atlantic City. Boston Corbeli, the msn who shot the assassin Booth, is journeying to the Far West on foot He had been liv ing for some years in Camden, where be worked through tho week and earn ed on religious services on Sunday, but ...eo t em so tiara mat ne took up his kit and turned his face Westward. Be ing without means he went ahsit Tl.i. ought to be some body's business. How WntTt Mads it. Tl. ed vote of Guffoy and Mrourovo in the Indiana Congressional district is 17. 905, while Harry While has only l(f-7-14. This would show thst th ft, le majority atrainst the lalter in ihe die. tricl of 7,161. Quite a falling off since two years sgn, when hu carried the tistnct by a deer mujority of over 1 - roo. The Bowling Green (Kv.) Panto. graph ssys: A fellow wbo bad been on a week a drunk came out i.f k.. house on Green street yesterday morn ing, and seeinir the lime scatter..,! tii around his premises, remarked : "Now 1 reckon they'll quit praying Inr frost, that they've got one about two inches thick." Ths West Chester snd Philadelphia Railroad Comnanv ...!. ... bridge on their Mad. near I.ennl Ri. tion and replaced it with a wooden structure, all in two hours timo. All the bridirus on that liti.l,n... division of the Pennsylvania Rail, road are to be rhanged by the removal of s.rlng timbers from beneath the raila and cross-ties substituted. Bitting Bull wants laiwims k.r-1. i lbs Bute for fresh hslr snd little xsroise. In Spain. An F.uropcan tougram snj s : "General G rant arrived in t'sili, on Tiicsduv lust from Seville, llea( "'"-" '''-'!-"' i''u .' ine mayor of Ihe city and the civil itiiblitry ofllciuls. A guard of I,,,,,,,, wus in ut tendance and a luro cr,, ( clieeivil I he ex President us he pu-.c, out.' The reception was most enllunl uslic on the part of the people and very cordial on that of the authorities." Consolation. Tho editor of id0 lliiftsman't Journal consoles the pur. chased Grcenbackors in this way; T''- .ca'-In Ire rlerllna of R.h II Yia the llep,l,ilcana of Ihe X Xtb Cone;rriaionl Un' lrli-1 bore t I rer.oo Tor rrotij. Alth aab aomli'ally lb ealida'e "f the Ureenbeehen, -o ha e'waja b-a an ardent HrpiiMioan, ami elll doutiilene In Conecee art with tbe party la a qui-atinoB eineitt that of tbe eurran -y. Sold oguin, and who got tho cab? Tho Democrat who voted against Cur tin must feel mighty cbeup, just now. A Good Runnxii. Tho Chamber, burg Split says: "Tho next timo Flunk lleltzhoovor, of Carlisle, runs for Congress, hit opponnet will have to suo out un injunction to restrain him Irom getting ull tho voles. We pre. dieted at tho time of his nomination lhat be would bo elected by a majori ty of 5,000 but hu bus gone up higher." " Wo nn To Hi s csata." Why did oe not urn tour voice and I i,flu Bio In the lnt-rat nftbe ,ro,,e'c iaa II le , tf ie.,o, and ihar I at a aae who waa not the tool ol the hug f O-eaaeeb lrijin. How much do you suppose Mason k Co. obtained from Quay for the 22, 000 gn-finbnckers thrysold him in Phil adelphia? That I.i.tteh. Judge Agnew's loto letter must hare done some good. Ac- c 'riling to tho election returns bore ceivi-d 09.B10 votel while Mason had hut 81 758. This shows that at least 20 000 voters in this State were alarm ed at his revelations. Nrrtw ATrrNTinej. We hops "the Texas Pacific" jobbers, will tire the editor of tbo Punxsiitownev Spirit, snmo i' tie n l ion a job that's what lie wants. lie will never buxx if he is uiven a Custom House, or a division of a big railroad. "Ore-hrher', tl'-k lo voornrinrliitea t There ia no sell out f Ihe ntrtr. Kmtttr't eaoVer arret nf llij Itr Well, if there was no sale what h.. enmo ol your ZS 000 1'liilndolphia hrothren nn cl.-cii n dav ? Why did tbey not voto for Mason in t ad of llojt? An exchange savs: The futher who won't lot his daughter sit out on tlio front step with her bean tbeso civil nights has no respect for the men who mini u fact uro cough syrup. The pardon records at Washington show that Edward L. Martin, elected lo tlio National llonso of Representa tives from Delawaie, was pardoned by President Johnson. Looks Like a Dividend. it issiut ed tbut all the rolling stock of tbe Pennsylvania railroad is now employ, ed in I ho transportation of freight and passengers. Sixty-six discharges in the tempo rary clerical service in the Patent Of fice were mado. The fund tins run out. About one half of the clerks were women. A prominent citizen ol Fort Wayne, Ind., has been arrested charged witb being the principal in tho recent dese cration of tbo Roanoke (Ind.) ceme tery. Tho Rev Dr. Talmagosays: "There are lour roads thut lead to hell and In gersoll ia opening another." Wouldn't that be Fifth Avenue? A'. Y. Observer. Jowph Cisik calls the Butler party tho "Cheap Jm-k Burirlar Greenback and Greenhorn party " ?fw dwtisfmrnts. Harper' Magazine. 1879. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICE Of TBI . IlnrrT', Afn4r,elic 1r Ihe e m..M U....I.. alike la llierala-e anS la a t Ra-eoa TVerefr. Th. nr,at popular mnnlhlv ta ibe world X T. OOrerrae-, It la an eveellent iwimnenlno tarn th. - rtVi.h to tt. matore. . an'. . tnr Jll.;a . .1. LoeiariVfe Com iff j .areof. so "I her ana.hlv In lb. world b rtow re Ttrtl'iaot a lial of rontrlk.tnr. , ... ,1 ... ... r... Blah tie rearlera wl'h as ral a es'letT Bed ao .operler a qualitv of litor.tara- ITeleiaa, Bo.. lOB. Th. volamea of 'be V-reon'sc b'fie wilb tba nrfltera of Juae earl Hr.W f ,Mr When no Hror le er-rwieYrl, h will he rmK.r-lond lhat the rnh.rrlber wirbee to beaia witb the ear. rent Number. HAKPER'S PFRIODTJALS. I.ARPRK'S MtGAZtNK, Ooa Year ....! SS IIARPKUR WKRKI.Y, 4 M IURPIR'9 BtZtR. .. ...... 4 as Tie TIIHKB pablieatloBi. aae Tear It 00 saj TWO, one veer J g, 8tX auhoeriptlone, ana eaar ... II Terrai f -r lar(. elabe faroUbed aa eppln-atioa. Foelaire Free to all aabacrlbera la tba Unite, rtatca or Canada. A Complete Set of narae'a Mia.aioa. eomp laint 17 V'ol,i-e. la seat elib hla-Uaa, in n. .rat h evp,.,,, rrel,bt at eipcmaa af parrbaaer, lov $1 Jft pr volar., SiBffle voleeeee, h? mail., IS M. Clotb aaaea, far bin Iaa. II aeala, be "all. po.'aeel. Rrej,ttaaee aboaltt ba eaaala be Poaeea, aloe.v O-der ar DreO, ta avoid eheeae.r SMS. r-ew-r-er-- B- a eine tkta J ...,!.... wlihoal tbe eerreat order of lUepaa S Baoa. n-oreee iHltCStt a "KOrilKM, New York. Harper' Raztr. 1879. ILLUSTRATED. itoricesorrut rtsss. To Ireaa aooorSina to Yor'. a .ui k the elm en I a.v,,,, f 1B. ,, AmmiUi Aa a I eithfal ohranlele of fbro-a. and a aewa. paper of duoe.tia aad anal.l ob.raoler, it rank. lib , eta rlvsl. -Bhh m,.,.. Taia p.per haa aaaaaunl . .,d. popolarlt; for ibe Ireride oi,Jaeai It alWdr. aad baa brooms a eai.hli.h.e-1 .ute.rli, wok tba ladlee. It. Y. r-Beaixa fv4K Tha Volamea af lb. tu.i. .l- Nami.r lor Jaaaare of each vr.r Wk.. lime la mrniinod. It .III a. . ,, ,,4t lk. at,..riWr ,,,. ,mm web Iba N.ejhaf aeit Blur iba r. Or 1,1 ,f hi. order. HAEFER'S PEPI0DI0ALS. HABI'kR S UAwACtN B, Oaa Year ....$! f IIARPKH'il WBKKI.Y, ' .... 4 a lIARPKR's BAZtR, 4 Tba TI1RKR babliaalloaa, oaa latr, II IS Aa taTO, one year m e 49 BIX eubaeHbere, Ma tear ....! e T.raaa fr large faml.bed aa asplloellaa. rietea. Vr.. lo all ..I.. II 1 .k. A States or Cm ad a. Tba Aaanal Tolamea af It....... a.... 1. aeat al.lh Medina, will baarat be aipraea, f re. ef "?' (PM-I be tralabe ehae ao aiaeec) 00a iS.ll., rr sr. as aaav prrta Set eoapriatei v.lamaa, Beat aw r" tub at iba rata af St l par t alaraa, frcluhl at eipawea ef aarcajeaar. tkub Caaaa er aaeh ralaava, aattebte Svr Med iae, will be seal by avail, aa receipt a' II M oaeb. "newee aa aid .7 reateSM """' Oer ar Draft, ba avail abeae af Waa, rtawrpaaora ara aot ta mo. .at. .a...u... ... ilhoatia. tram, ardor af Hear.. A Mao a. w aa. R ll01'Me ea York.