; -i ictt"U. ! THE MANSION HOUSE. OornarafSeeondandllarketStreite. CLEAR I'IKI.O. PA. I TtHIB eld lid eomaodioo, llol.l bu. daring ; t. past year, b..n onlnrf..d to doabl. tu , lorver eapeelty for tb. .nt.ruinm.nt of itrn-1 eeri end aualti. Tb. wkole betiding ba. eea I r.furalihed, nnd lb. proprietor will iparo ic pttni to rend.r tall gu.lli eomfoiteble wblli luylnf with bin. Witt 'Hanilei Hook" Omolboi rani to end from tba D.pot on tb arrival and dapartarf of .acblr.ln. VY. 0. CARDON, July ll ir-tf ProprialM A I.LKGEEX Y HOTEL Market Htreet. Ciearlleld, Pa. Wi. 8. Bradley, formerly proprietor of tb Iananl Hons, fair la leased tbe Allegheny Hotel, anlieiia a shar of public patronage, Tb 1 House bu been thoroughly repaired mil newly j furnished, aod guest will And it a pleasant Mop ping plao. Tit ubl will be aupp.il with tb best of everything la tb market. At th bar will be found tb beat wines ana liquors, uoou nUbliDg aurbd. WM. H. BRADLEY, May 17, 'TV l'ropritr. SUAW HOUSK, (Cor. of Mark el A Front itrwti,) CLKAHFIKLD, PA. Tbs undersigned baring taken charge of thli Hotel, would respectfully solicit ruhiic patronage. 1.1,2a, '78. II. KKWTON bUAW. WASHINGTON HOUSK, NEW WASHINGTON, FA Tbi now and well funilsheVl bom hit been Inked by th undersigned. He feels confident ot being able to render an I infer lion to thoi who may ftvrtr bim with a call. .May 1 87 J. tt. W. DA VIP, Prop'r. I OYD HOUSE, J Mala Strati, PniLIPBBUHU. 1 ENH A. Talite alrrayi auppllad with tha bent tbe market aTordi. The traTehng publle la iorited to oalL J.n l,'7. ROIIKKT LOVD. t County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. f 00M in Maaonlo Building, on door north of ILC, D. Wauon'a Drujr Store. I'aitatte Tlcketi to and from Liverpool, Qaeen. town, (ilugow. London, Pari and Copenhagen. AIko, Draftx for late on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank m London. J AM KB T. LEONARD, Prei't. W. M. BIIAW, Caabier. janl,'77 DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Houth Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Appllcntloa by mail will reoalra prompt attan floo, and all Informatiob cheerfully furni.bed 0r.lera lullnlad. , April ll-tf. r. a. armoi.tj. a. w. aaaot.D. J. a. arxolp F. K.ARNOLD &, CO., ItaukerM ami IlrokerM, Rfjnuldivlllo, Irircraon Co, Pa, Uoney reoclved on depontt. Dlteuuntl at uio drrnto ralr. Euitern and ForeiffO Exrbanfal wtiT" on Inind and collection! promptly made. Ueynoldavtlle, Deo 10, I874..y gentistrs. r l. n. UK I CI I II OLD, t 0 ii k c i: n dentist;,: (Iraduate of tha Penn.ylranl Onlletaof Dental fiorgery. (ifnoa io reeitlenoa ofDr. Hilli.oppofito the hhw Home. Mcbl3, '7o-tf. Dft. E.M.THOMPSON, (Olee In Sank Building,) Curwenavllle, Ciearlleld Cn Pa. nob J2 '7o tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (OCIee la reilueace, Sccoad atraet.) Nitrnoi Oslile Oal adtnioUlrred for the pain ..a attraction of toatb. Clrartrld. Pa., May 1, 1877-17. tlswUiufous. 1 On PIUMTING OP SVERY DE9CHIP tl tloa neatly aianutad at this affioe. ' MEAT MARKET. F.M. CAEDON St BKO,, On Market 0L, on doorweitof Mansion Houm, ' CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arrangement ar rf th moil eomplett baraoter tar furnlibing th pabll wtln xrtib Meu or all kind, and of tne very Mat quality. W alio deal in all kinds of Agriealtnral Imp, uenta, which we keep on exhibition fr tb ben efit of tb pubhe. Call around whea In (own, and take a look at things, or addreaa ui F. U. CARDON A BRO, Clearfield, Pa July U, 1876-tf. Just lleocived ! Jul HoroiTcd by ARNOLT), at CUUWENSVILLE Car Load Nova Scotia Plaattr ! Car Load piiro Corn, Rye and Oats Chop ! Car Load Pen ken Salt 1 Car Lond Choice Family Floor ! Cur Load Dry Cioodn, Groceries, &c! f!siiinle, liurk, Ii. ii. Tics and Gruin will bo takori in exchange Curwonsviilo, May 1, 187S. TNCOD WE TR l)HT.-AII otbn mutt X Py fu their work bo for it Ivavee th hop. And a all flash la as tbe fraHof thatWId, and tb nromiaea of men are like tb flowers thereof tuey aro given one day and forgotten thenest tbetefure it Is best not to trust anybody. All kinds of work will b don In this shup for east) or ready pay lloou and shoes of all sites and styles tb best and obpeit in town. I have reiuoTed my shop to tb lower nd of town, in Taylor's row, on Reed street, soar th depot, whtrel will b found at all times, waitios; for customers. All work warranted food and fbrap. Alio, all klttdi of Leather and Sho Findlnji for sal. ! Tb oltisen of Clearfleld and TloloJty ar speotfully lnrited to give me a all. Jus. H. DKKKINU, Clearfleld, Pa.. July 11, 17T. READING FOR ALL I! BOOKS tfc STA TIONSH 7. Market KU, ClenrflnU, (at the Poet Offlr.) THE onderaigned kegs tear to annoanc to tb ,tltns of Clearfleld aad rtetoity, tbal k has fitted op a room and has Jat returned from th city with a large ataunat of reading matter, fjonaisting in part of Biblos and Miscellaneous Books, Plank, Aeoennt and Paat Books of rry de scription; Papwr and Envelope, French pressed and plain Pens and Pencils) Blank Legal Papers, Deeds, Mortgages f Judgment, Rf emo tion and Promisarv notes White and Parch ment Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap, bet Miio for either Piano, Kioto or Violin, constantly on band. Any books or stationary dwired that I may not hare on hand, will bo ordered by Irst zpra, and sold at wbolesak or retail to snit eustoeasri. I will also keep periodical literature, soak as Uagatlaes, Newnpeners, 4o. , P. A. UAULIN. I C-earfl.ld. May T, IMR-tf The Bell's Run Woolen Factory Penn townikip, Clearfleld Co Pa. R IT RUED OITI BVf HOT BURNED UPI Thoinbaoriberehav,at crat.ipMaa,r.ballta aelubborhood aeeoeiity, la tbaaraetloa of a tret elaai Wooloa Maaafaetory, with all the aiodara ImproreraeBta attached, and are prepared to make all kind, of Clolhi, Cu.ln.ru, fiattnotU, Bla keu, flaanala, a. Plaaty af (oodi a kaad to uppiy ail onrein ana a Montana a.aoaataaiara, abvai we aak to eoe aad .taaia. oar itoak. Th. bailaMi of CARDIIta AND PULLIKO wlU metre enr upeelal atuatloa. Proper arnHiieaiaBU will a. made to raoelTe aad delirer WMl,tofll oaitMiora. All work warrantad aad doa. npon ta. ahortoel notlM, aad by etri.t atua tloa to baelaoa. w. hope to raalin a liberal ekaro of pabllo patronag. IO.OOO POUNDS WOOL WARTKIM We lll pay the hlihut atarkot nrloa he W aad eU oar aaBafaetarod foodi aa lo ai elaillar goodi eaa ko aoaght la tke Meaty, aad eraeaoaw w. rail to render raBoeaable eatiiraatloa we eaa alwayi ke foaad at h.a ready to make proper etplnaettoa, attbee le poreok or ay letter. ikuna iOHNeox a bors, apritttrr Bowel P. 0. Our Oun g.dMrtUrmfot. THE REPUBLICAN, Published mil Wadaaada; bj GOODLANDER & LEE, CLEARt'lBLD, PA., Ilaa th Lerjeet Clrralatloa af aay paper la Horthnreetera Penneylranla. Tbe large sod oonstsntlj inonuing circulation of the Bifcbuoan, rendern it viluablo to bniineM moo an a modium thro' which to roaoh tbe public. Tkrmii or SuBscmmoN : If paid in adrance, . . . ' f 2 00 If paid after three month", . 2 60 If paid after lix month", . . S 00 Whon papers are tent outside of the county payment rannbe in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten linen, or Icb, 8 time", , tl 50 Each ubei)nent insertion, 50 Adminislrutor' Notices, . ." 2 60 Executors' Noticed, .... 60 Auditors' Notices, , ." . ' . 2 60 Cautions and Extrays, . . . 1 SO Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 60 Profesnionnl Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, por lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One squaro, 10 lines, . . . 18 00 Two sqnares IS 00 Thrco squares, 20 00 One fourth column, . . . , , 50 00 One half column, .... 70 00 One column 120 00 IILANKS. We have always on hand a large stock of blanks ot all deseriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPOENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES Of AOREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4o., Ac, Ac. JOB PRINTING. We aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING rJl'CH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, ; LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, .CIRCULARS, ' to., to., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMB. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlander A lice, Clearfleld, ClearfleUI County, Fa. Ufftlau.onsT ' talk Tito f.rvkl ffll W MrollriNf ts not rum mm iid m ha Men m Is Dot a net tWurriiiepuMloaufw Ild MMtd tT all I'ltlM, lit MTrt Kkninv !itm1 from nuttrrtBg dlrM end aVetn butv dml have twa Ibr HUM)., lU.tMrr, e..rj I rimer v llraaav. Jim,.... Ut.tU. B-i II fy.Bar and HMriiUn tw (Mm. ft t !N P M H K WED Y tniM'UiM 1etp. nwti an topeUS, brtwi up tli nm( uid renew, bralih wuuirnaniit. iiiisT'H ftnult, a Hltltv MlMHIlis Hark, r Itr, rvmala lilwi r Aptlie. Hrtlii' IMarnM- ml lkt K nt or thr l rlu-lciii t oM'T bf (or fumiahtid lu Ira I ttMttnV ! nuiri Vr-utv. public, and Itt at mini rWtavStMi ni) or (noM.tl in II, na.ni.ui i yrrparf m..i rriavwij iar inn PN laraara and a t r b b 'S WW ItJ Mil. r paBbla to: "REMEDY REMOVAL ! James L. Leavy. Havloc nurebiHd tb otlr atoek of Frfd Sackeit, hereby itm notice that he hat moved Into tb room lately oeouiiitd by Hed A Harty. on Saeond atr!, whr h ii prepared to offer to in papil COOK ST0IES, PARLOR STOVES, of tb tatett tmproTtd pattern!, nt lw p .), HOUSE FtJRNISHINO GOODS, Oas Fixtures and Tinware. HooGoj. Spoaliiij, Pluublog. dai Flttlni, Hepalrlog Punp, a epaolaitj. All work warraated. Aaythlnit In my lin. will bo ordered tpeelal II de.lraa. JAN. I, lkavv, ' " Proprietor. FItKD. 8ACKKTT, Agent. OerM, Pa, July 3, H7S tf. inCURESl HUMPHSEYB' HOMEOPATHIO SPECIFICS veaeral nawfor twenty years. Iverrwkera BrwTral aii moot a IK aiatPLK. ECONOBJicALaal KVPItKf aaedtrlnea knewa. They are Juet what tbe peapla waat, aaTlas time, aaaner, alrkaeao aad autrerlner. Keery alnala periae the well irlrai yeracrlptlaa mt aua aaalaant aaiyelclaa. Kria. Cnrec Ocnta. 1. PeTera, ConjraMlon. Inaammatlona, . . 05 a. Waraaa, W.ma Fevur, Wuna Coilc, . kS S. rryln-aUe.orTrethlueof InfaoU,. ts 4. larrhara. of ClIMren or Adalta, . . to ft, Dyaeaterr, Orlplruj, Btllooa Udic, . . ffa a CaaleraMorbaa, Veanliuii. T. tflua-ba, Colda, Broocblll ts 0. Nenralala, Tootbarbe. rareartMi, , , Is a. Heaalarkea, Rick llradarbe, VertlfO. . ts 10. D)T.aeBMIa. BUIoa. Slooiarh fls It. Hnpureaaea, or Palnrol porfcida, ... as 11 Whites, too Prorniie Prloda, . IB. CmilB. Cooffh. Dlfflcnlt Br.atnln la. Kail Rhruna, Irrlplaa. KroplUj 1.V Kbetimallftm. ftheamaiie Faine. lft. FrTer an. Ainir, Chill Fever, Ago, . 50 IT. rile-, blind or btei-dfng 50 1ft, Ophtnnltny, and iSoruorWcak Eye. . 60 ID. C'tttarrh, acnt or chronic, Intlitenia, . 50 Kk H hwwplKK'wiiirh, Ttolent cought, . 50 tt. A nth ma, oppressed Breathing, ... 50 n. Kar twlKcbarvM, Impaired hearing, . 50 t3. Hrraftlla, enlarged glands, Nwelllnira, , 50 It. ftMirrnl Dtihtllty, rhyalcal Weakaee, , 50 ts. DniMy and acantv Becretlona, .... 50 M. ttra-Mirkneaai. UkneM from riding, . 60 t7, liiitnry.niaraae. Gravel 50 s& Nf-rvmi llrblliry. Vital Weakues, I oo t9. iitrf null! It, Cankrr 50 SO. 1 rtnary Wraknraii,wttlngthbd, 50 311. Palnliif Prrlntfft, orwlth tinm, , . 60 St iiiranet Heart, palpllationa, etc. . I 00 a. Knlleiwey, Kpaema, Hi. Vitua' Dane, .1 00 34. lllptittierla. nlrerated ore throat, . . 50 66. ( hriir Ifiuxfotltia and ltruptloii, Ct) FAMILT CASKS Ctfr, Mororto. with ibov SI larve vlats and Maitual nl directions, l t.O Cm Morom. of tOiarte vlalt ana Book, .M Tlinc reiatlea are ent r tk Inalo ferOK ur Tial.ta any part of the ceMiutry ffrr of rhantre, on receipt mt ortee. Adtlre umphi'HtmeflrinthleNMIHnf Co. Oflke and Nt. It I ' nlfitn Ml. New Ytva. Vr w.hIk by all It raff lata. Humphreya Speoifio Manual oa tha ear awi troatnwBt of dlaoao and it oar. ao&tFREwXon applioation. GEO. WEAVER & CO, SKC0XD ST It It KT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Bav opened an. In tb rtor room latelr ooot)id by Wearer k Btts,oB Second street, large and wen eeieeioa siooi or Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QtlEEHSWAHR, WOOD A WILLOW WARI, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which tboy wilt difpoa of reasonable rates lor rsao, or oxehaago tor eountry produce. 0E0ROE WEAVER k 00. Cltarfleld. Pa., Jan. 9. H7(t-tf. NEW Fl.Ont. FEED, , AND GROCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, ttooaa He. 4, Pie. Opera Hoaae, Cleerlold, Pm. Xe.p.e.&rtaatly oa kaad ICflAX, OOVPBI, . MAS, - SODA, COAL OIL. STECP, e SALT, ,. shoes, SOAP, Oaaaed.aad Dried Pralta, Tokaero, Clfan, Can dlM, Older Tlnaanr.S.tter, I era, A.. ALSO, rXTRA ROM MADI ' ' Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Cora Mad, Chop, Ftsd, Ac, An wkUk ell ee .eld eeeee fee eneh er la eieknae let eeaatfj aredeM. JUHN P. ESAMIR. Cleari.lt, t.. II, IIJ4..1. Hi E H E'jHHj'lj j 6 A t ... W 1 ". , CLE A II KIEL I), PA. WEDNES3AY MOHNISII, NOV. l.V IS.I. ( kv jus nee a oxm ir. , HI 1MPALIS CAMtntlN, HOYT il.'O. IIIK Illl ll INWARDNKSS HP HOW CAMtll ON, UOTT ANU III AY SIT THE C11IEP ASIliE A PUNOtNT . AHHAIONMENTOI'THE rAMEUON Rl'LEUI' PENNSYLVANIA. PlTTHBtHU, Oct. 2.V Chief Jublice Agnew bus thus far been silent under nil tho miircpnwen tations to which he bas been suhjecled by the Cameron leaders of tho Ktato; but he has finally decided lo define his position frankly without stopping to inquiro what cundidtite or what purty sball suffer by it. It was tho purpose of Chief Justice Agnow tnullow the cleo'ion lo pnss without itmking any utterance on the political insuts of the day or as lo his candidacy j but ho wus impelled to speak by several articles which have appeared in the organs of "Cameron, Hoy t A Co." in this city during tbe lust fw woeks, and he de cided that when called upon to speuk at all, ho must speak the whole truth regardless ot consequences. Theell'ocl of Chief Justice Agnew's public address to the people ol Pennsylvania in this immediate, section and throughout the Westorn and Northwestern counties, must be most daniuging to the cause of both Cameron and Hoyt. It is the first authoritative notice- to the great business interests of the Slate and to all who desire to maintain the purity and independence of the Supremo judiciary, that the present Republican leaders regard every department ol authority Kxccutivo, Legislative- and Judicial as essential to their political and personal interests, and that Courts as well as legislatures must bo sub ordinated to low partisan aims. Ag new's address will undoubtedly lurgely increase both his own vote lor Su preme Judge and the vole- of Mason lor Governor in this county, from the Republican ranks, and it may now be regarded as reasonably certain that Agnew will carry the highest vole in Allegheny for Supreme Judge, and fairly doubtful whether Hoyt, Dili or Mason will have tho most voles for Governor. Tho effect of the address will be widely felt in the oil region and in Ihe strong anti-Cameron Republican counties ol the West and Northwest. It will force fusions in mitiiy Legisla tive districts aguinst the Cameron call. didales and make many hesitating Na tionals and Republicans vote directly tor Dill lor Governor to unsure the overthrow of the odious leadership ol "Cameron, Hoyt & Co." as Cbief Jus tico Agnew styles it. Your correspond ent sought Judge Agnew to obtain any additional views bu might have to give on the subject, but bo declined to odj anything for publication to what he bas carefully prepared for the voters of Pennsylvania. Tho lollowii.g is CllltP JUSTICE AONLW'S AUMiESS. To L ptopk of rennfykania : Tho time has come when I can no longer suffer my position before the public to bo misconstrued. I cannot delay tho explanation until after the election lest it bo then characterized as an excuie. The remarkable silence ol tbe ontire Republican press in tbe State, which bas not even informed its patrons of what tho Greenback press has willingly admitted to bo my atti tude, authorir.es me to ask now, as a right, what its voluntary justico has not heretofore accorded. Tho duty is the more Imperious when 1 have in dubitable authority that Chairman Quay bas slated that he gnvo instruc tions for this studied silence. I there fore say I have not sought or accepted a nomination to tbe Sunromo bench from any party or class ; and when the truth is presently told, it will bo seen that cvon before tho Republican con vention my rnndidacv was nominal only. In July, 1K77, Mr. Quay, my towns man and neighbor and the present chairman of tho Republican Stale com mittee, asked my intention as to the Judgeship in 1878. I slated my wife's aversion, because of my prolonged ab sence, and my indifference. Uo said this should nol be known, as it would beget complications if it wcro under stood I would bo out of the field ; and uggostcd to me to announce no con clusion until the Harrisburg Court, in May or Juno. Believing this to be reasonable I acquiesced. About ton days after Judge Sterrotl's dulcat in Novombor, Lewis Z. Mitchell, Esq., a leading mcmbor of tho Butler bar, came to my room in the Monongahcla House, holding In his hand an I'.'vtnina Leader containing an oditorial beaded "Judgo Sterrotl's Future," and asked mo if I sanctioned it. In substanco it proposed Judgo Slerrettfor my place and read me out by reason of age. 1 believed that it was Intended lo forstall public opinion, oven before the tears of defeat were dry npon tho chocks. Mr. Mitchell, a Democrat, stated it to be the intention of the Butler bar lo sup port me. During the tamo term I bad numer ous calls from eminent gentlemen of tho bar of tho surrounding counties, asking me to bo a candidate. AONEW'l CONFERENCES WITH STEHRETT. 1 had been a warm friend of Judgo Sterrclt'e election, undoubted by bim, when he doubted another, and felt it due to both to havo a frank under standing, resolving to inform him of my probable course If 1 found him anxious to renew the contest after a severe doleat. Next morning 1 sought him, told him of tho Leader article and said the newspapers wore likoly to bring as into conflict.' lie denied per- tonal knowledge-, but wont no further. 1 tried to continue the subject, but mot a reticence so forbidding I desisted. I still cherished the purpose of be friending Judge Slerrett, declaring to Judge Uioo, Colonol John M. Sullivan and to memoers of my family to re sign before my torm expired If 1 found it necessary to seenro his nomination by an appointment. Another oppor turjityoccurred to JudgeSterrolt when we met in consultation in Philadelphia on the 4lb of January, 187a 1 men tioned lo Judgo Mercur my effort at Pittsburg, hoping he might communi cate ft to Judge Slorrott Tbe latter called at my room in tbe Continental to say good-bye aad I tried to revive the subject, but without effect Us bas ""..T stiles tnliMt tile .ilew. hm baa.iM' llm lo.inUlf. jvfuwd tn e.un- piimned his purpose until he iwachouaTmfi'wyMiilifKi nomination by n cane I bull stale. I 'did nut claim liilo to Ihe siitii'!ti"ii. though tqiposed by no other candidate,; been notified of my nomination or my presence- in tho field excluding a i asked loaocept. On tbu contrary, Iwad contest, aa wus the jntlgmentol Mr. ing Nationals have I old nie there is no Quay in July, but I did uxtt of Judge; Intention to call foraccepiiiiice. They Stcrrolt an open and friendly underbuy my nomination was mm partisan, standing, especially as my mind was made upon my record as a J uiie, with filled with generous resolves toward a full knowledge that 1 ftni a Repiibli. him, can. On thia footing alone they sup- THE Cameron coils RKtilN To DRAW, port mo. I am, therefore, "in no degree These facts havo the benefit of lugal i responsible for my position, either as a evidence, in communications to others rejected candidate ol tho Republican before conflict as lawyers any, ante' party nr as the announced nominee of litem motum. Their number and re-the National oommittcu, and I havo apeclability preclude doubt or denial.' nevor offered myself as an Independent In November, ulier my return hoiue,u cundidule. While the office itself is member of llie Heaver bar pressud me ' abovo money theories and partisan to pormit bim to announce me as a can didate. This was inconsistent with the course prescribed in July and embar rassed me, and 1 put him oil'; yet, be ing friendly and persistent, 1 concluded un editorial would not commit me! fully, but nol wishing to embarrass mo too much by beginning nt home, 1 wrote lo a friend in Harrisburg, in tinier that it might be sutrested there first. Tho subsequent extensive no toriety given to it ut Lancaster I am not responsible for and regretted, especially some letters written thence without my knowledge. I(1IAV' HKCOKIit llsllll' AT STAKE. Soon after my arrival in Philadel-! phia I found adverse combination-! forming of tho interests nl Philadol I phia, Luzerne, AJIeiiheny and othoi - counties for the purpose of controlling , tho Republican Convention lo I he bono .j fit of a United Suites Senator, a Gov drnor and a Supreme Judge. Mr- Quay hud bis heart set upon tbe Re cordersbip ol Philadelphia. There i wero questions as to tho Constitutional protection of the ollieo, eligibility, res-1 idencc, etc. Tho office liable lo repeal i when obtained, his interests coincided ' with the Senator's in securing the Legislature, or, failing in that, the clue lion of tho Governor und requiring a two-thirds vole. To be just lo hi in I must say that 1 did nol doubt his permnal friendship (nlyears' standing), but bis own interest wus stronger than j mine. I could bring nn political Influ- ence ; Allegheny could bring eighteen votes. At an early day I had reuuest-i cd him to inform mo of anything ad- verse. .Seizing upon this, on the 19thi of February ho informed mo that the lB" shown that I owe a duty canvass for tbe Gubernatorial nnd Sen- j t0 submit lo a selfish cabal and bow at .rial nominations was assuming a ' recticent rival, sbapo which, in connection wilh Ster-! aonkw's political Position iieiined. reit's, candidacy, would render my j In regard to my political fltundlng nomination extremely dutiblful. I was! no man can mistake. Forty years' aware of this from other sources, and j consistency has marked it well, and had been informed of his declaration! when Whigs, in 1841, entered a secret that I did not desire to bo in tho field ;! conclave lo proscribe foreigners and a breach, as 1 considered, of our nn- Catholics I publicly repelled Ihe wrong demanding in July. ! to manhood and ruligion. But as a In my reply of Februury 21st, nlterjjudge I havo never consciously suffer thanking him lor Ihe information, 1 1 ed partisan feeling to influencu my do said which, interpreted, means I am ! cisions, not hesitating topronouncothc to bo eluled aside for tho benefit of! highest executive officer in the State Cameron, Hoyt Si Co. to obtain Ster- in contumacy when be wrongfully sot rell's friends in Allegheny, i'hiladel phia and the Juniata region. I shall nol this time enumerate or characterize the movements of tho combination, of i which I was informed ; but may say they included a plan to displace mo in the oil regions (us to which see editor ial "Supreme Judgeship" in the Press of March 22, timed to suit lawsuitof oil men beloro my friend Judgo Mo- Junkin, In Butler, and bearing im mediate fruit), Qt'AY CAPTlIRINfl ALLEGHENY DELEGATES Another matter to my previous knowledge (at tho chairman knows) tho plan to capture tho Allegheny del egates and prevent opposition by a dis play of apparent courtesy to Judgo Storret. He lent himself to it, and ap pointed, among others, a renowed Pittsburg ally, whoso manipulation ol tho convention boeamo conspicuous. To veil tho secret, tho newspapers gave out that tho delegates wore divided, seven, six and fivo, on the candidates for Governor tho vote was solid for Hoyt. These furtive and unfriendly machinations produced tome irritation, leading me to say, among others, to tho chairman, that I would not be pushed ntido by such means, liut, alter my arrival at home in April, I concluded not to be affected by them and toannounco my intention, as be ore stated, in May or June. I was again anticipated and defeated by tho extraordinary call of the convention for tho loth of May, dictated by the foar of a crumbling combination. THE CHIEP RICOH.". ON IIIS REAVER BETRAYERS. Another circumstance intervened. I had scarcely reached Harrisburg when I was followed by a Reavor delegate. Ho called at Mrs. Kspy's on Sunday, the 5th day of May, in company wilh Mr. Quay, and to my surprlso askod me it I intended to be a candidate be fore tho convention. Ho was the same gentleman who had announced mo; who, as a delegate, was instructed to support mo; whom I bad frequently seen at homo, and to whon I bad not intimated my intentions. Tho animus of the visit 1 instantly interpreted from his company, his haste to follow me, and the evident sou roe of inquiry. I was irritated, and in language noilhor misunderstood said 1 would stand II I did not get ten votes in the conven tion repeating it "If I did not got ten votes." And, In truth, 1 did not expect any, except In two or three counties besides my own, where per sonal friends had interested themselves, now NEAR THE RING WAS TO DEFEAT. Such is the history of a candidacy in form, but without substance. I made no canvass, sought no support, formed no loaguos, had no organ, com missioned no leader and paid no re wards. Yet, to my surprise I found a strength of support, s warmth of fool ing and a harmony of result in dis jointed action totally unanticipated, and more dear to my heart than a nomination, proving that tbe true Re publican party was with mo. Indeed, so strong was the feeling fouod to be that it was proposed st noon on the Mlb of May, st the house of tbe Sen ator, to chango the programme, and at night it Wat feared that the 'elate" was broken. Mine was do set op-case, This cannot be affirmed of my oppon ent's, who, having king and castle, set up bit own pawns upon the board. AONEW'S POSITION AS A CANDIDATES As to my nomination by the Na tional oommittoe, the mattm- is well understood by that party and hat boen published in its newspapers. 1 was r.ol a oandidate before the convention to a iiiL'inbur of tho cnrainilli'ti, and rrliiM'd to bu ihk'i viuwoil. I have mil contests I am in the field (nolens tnleiu) by the acts of others, including the Prohibition Convention, und by no act of my own, directly or indirectly. On what ground, therefore, am 1 set upas in opposition totho Republican party ? When It is said it is my duty to repudi- ate the National party, what disclaimer can 1 make? J have nol accepted or recognized their nomination, and they havo nut tendered it to ine. They sup port mo of their own accord on my character and services as Judge. Shall I offensively call them namua, and loll free citisens thcyare unfit try rote tor mo ol their nwr) fixe ivillf 1 know no rsxlt! "'' conduct, moral, political, manly "r Konteul, which commands me to t"-'ul lu,'m Wlth discourtesy or with opprobrium when they, without parti- ""''""'I', (onerously approve of my judicial lilo and services and desire lo trust me again. On tho contrary, a man of right feelings must regard the vole in tbeirconvention and committee ('be latter unanimous) as a tribute of '"H" valuo, entitled to my tbniika In- "lead of my reproaches. THE prohibition nomination. And wlml rule shall be applied lotbe Pi-t.liibiliotti-.tr ? Shall I insult Ilium also? Shull 1 tell them thoy are too insignificant to notice ? Who are they thai proclaim my duty to the Repiibli tun party f Tho people T No .they woru (u' "a- Am 1 to bo reproached by those who disappointed tho people nsinu; a defeated candidate lo con lro' l'ie votes of the socond county in Ihe StaUi ? To tliem, to him. I owe " duty. I hold mysolf wholly ab solved Irom the defeat of any one, un- himself op against law, tbe adminis tration of justice and the highest wel fare of the Stale. 1 began my ttudy of law and government under Hie late Judgo Baldwin in his day one of the greatest defenders of American labor and populur rights. Tbe impression of youth ripened into iheconvictions of manhood and I havo, over maintained tho duly of a nation to guard its labor Agulnst all invasions at home and abroad, just as it protects its soil. Yet it is not the insensate earth which commands the patriot's heart, but tho intorests of those who live and la bor upon it, and by their production mako their own comforts and wealth. Tho rights ot tbe people, as secured by tho Declaration of Rights, it has been my endeavor judicially to enforce, regardless of combined influence, wealth, power and opposition. Let the record speak. In tho field by the acts of olhors, I have asked nothing, assumed nothing. Yet, if the people choose to vote lor me, thoir's is the right, not mine tho responsibility. If not, 1 am content. The attempt of June lost made upon me, in charity 1 havo not noticed, and shall not unless pursued by detraction. Tho actors understand mo. Daniel Aiinkw. BAD FINAXC1AL LKGMLA TJ0X In their excess of power, the Re publican leaders committed many grave blundors, which aro now returning to plague tho inventcrs. They are di rectly responsible, not only for tbe present distress and prostration ot en terprise and industry throughout the country, but also for the prejudices and the false ideas in regard to the finances which have taken so strong a hold on the public mind. ' Undoubtedly tbo wholo financial leg islation and the executive administra tion wcro in the interest of what is called the monoy power and the bond holder. Tho 5 20 bonds, by tho terms of the law authorizing thoir issue, wcro payable in greenbacks, and were Bold on an average at sixty cents on tbo dollar. Tho Interest only was pay able in gold. When tho proposition was first mooted to raise iheso bonds to the gold standard, Tbaddeus Stev ens declared in Lbs House of Repre sentatives : "I would vote for no such swindlo upon the taxpayers ol tho eountry. I woLld vote for no such speculations in favor of the large bondholders, the millionaires who lookadvanlagoof our folly in granting the coin payments of Interest." And John Shorman, in his letter of March 20, 18l!8, went still further. He wrolo: "Yonr idea is that wo propose to re pudiate or violate a promise when we offer to redeem tbe principal In legal tenders I bate repudiation, or anything like it, but we ought not to be deterred from doing what is right by fear of undeserved epithets. If the bondholder can legally de mand only the kind of monoy be paid, thon be is a repudiator and extortioner to dumsnd money more valuable than he gave." These wore the aposUvs of the Green back party, and they planted the seed ten years ago, wbieb baa now produced such an abundant crop" of converts. But In a few months after these em phatic declarations were msde, sn "set to strengthen the ptiblio credit" wss passed, and was among the very first signed by Grant ss President. That law provided that tbe oarrenoy in debtedness of the eountry should b jmyslile in win, und it added five bun- went into the poeketuol me uouuuoui era, and hud to be added lu the then existing burdens on the tuxpaynra. That ait was an iniquity which no plausible pretences have palliated, and it was driven through the House with out debate, under tbe gug of the pre vious question, which served tn con film too belief that a ring of capitalists stood behind tbo bill, who knew that such a schomo would not bear discus sion. Tho Senato finished the work quickly, and tho patriots who prosper ed addition, division nnd silence went on thoir way rejoicing. Ten days alter the passage of this law a proxsition was offered in tho House to tax the bonds, which tbe Republicans defeuted by a unanimous voto on the record Mr. lion t well at that time was Sec retary of tho Treasury, and ho boeamo possessed of the false idea that the ponple Who bad borne the brunt of the olril war and bad made the greatest sactifices to prosorve tho Union, should also pay off the enormous debt wbiub had necessarily been piled up in four years of desperate atrile. To carry out this policy, it was indiapensiblo that luxation on imports and by in ternal revenue, should be kept up to tho highest point Henco tho pressure was constantly applied, not only to meet tho redemption of bonds twenty years beforo they became Hue, but in directly to support great monopolies, protected by a ring tariff from which the great part of tho public revenue was extorted. Bosidos thene oppressive taxes, the reports of the treasury show that it cost nearly a hundred million of dol lars to give effect to Mr. Boutwell's scheme ot reducing the public debt from tho close ot the war forward. Here aro the official figures: Premluini paid oa koad. oxlifl- fulahol V.e.TSa.lT 7S Kinaaioatie the pabtie loam II,4.ss.4St K7 Heluadioi of tbo ublie debt....... ,um,80S 8(1 Tolal fUi,17S,t.1 US All this vast expenditure was made in the interest ot bondholders, who, under tho law creating the debt, have no legal claim whatover tn receive a dollar in gold or silver. Tho exchango from legnl tenders to coin was the re sult of procured legislation. Conse quently, not only the fivo hundred mil lions which were the direct result of this transformation, went into their pocket, duI the trcasary paid out nearly a hundred millions more to put up their value still higher If there is any other record of legislation and ad ministration in the direct interests of a special class liko this, it has escaped our notice. And with all our strong convictions for honest and sound con stitutional money, as not only just but politic, wo are boond to say that tbo authors of this system havo provoked much of tha resentment that is now exhibited everywhere. A'. V. Sun. ADVOCATE ASI CLIENT. Senator Jilaine's opposition to an ap propriation to onablo the Government to protect its lands from trespassers should excite no surprise, lie glo ries in his championship of timber trespassers, and avows himself proud to cull them bis "clients," and ready to defend them on all occasions. The lumber interest is one of bis specialties from which he bas derived large ad vantage. A few facts will show bow this is. When betook up his residence in Maine, be found it important toident- ify himself with the lumber interests of J the Kennebec. Gov. Coburn, tbo mil lionaire, aud other men of like business deemed it desirable to havo at IheStato Capital a champion to look aftor legis lation affecting their special intorests. Mr. Blaine's smartness at log-rolling and his indefatigable persistency in ac complishing hie purpose commended him to the favor of this particular class. From that time to the present be has been true to them, and bunco in tbo Congressional investigation he is found manipulating for and with them large operations in railroad bonds. On going lo Congress, Mr. Blaine carried with bim the championship of tbo same special class. When he be gan lo aspire to tho Presidency he found his relations to tbo lumber in terests in Maine had been so servicea ble in promoting his porsonal ambition that he naturally sought to concentrate tho entire Westorn lumber Slates upon himself. In this ho was successful. Long beforo the mooting of tho Cin cinnati Con vonlion, tho telegrams from the bolt of timber States were attract ing public attention in their unaccount able enthusiasm for this rising sun in tho extreme East. This apparently spontaneous popularity in tho West gave bim a prestige of succoss in other sections of the country. But the secret of it was, that Mr. Blaine had made bis dovotion to tho lumber Intorests such a sieciulity thet bis competitors tound themselves outgeneraled in their own aoction. Morton, who was natur ally the coming man from tho West, was almost ignored by Stales in his own section. hen tho ballotlntr com menced st Cincinnati, Michigan led off with the larger number for Blaine Wisconsin followed wilh an unbroken front for bim. Minnesota did the same thing. Iowa, dependent on these lum bor States and naturally Identified with them, followod 1st tbs same track. Dakota joined the column, Monlana tell iato line, and -khan Idaho, and Washington and Oregon brought op the rear. These lacts throw light on his presont antagonism ta Carl Schart and his policy, i0 man oua object to Mr. Blaine's friendship for the respectable and in fluential class to which reference baa been made. But when, as in case of his opposition lo a reciprocity treaty with Canada, he allows himself to war against New England interests at large, or wbon be steps into tbe ring to pre vent tbs Secretary ol the Interior from enforcing the laws against timber thieves, tbo eountry should be waned against permitting his personal ambi tion to thwart its its interests, and look elsewhere than to him for tb promo tion of - the common good. tiotton Post. ' . A lew davs am two carrier nio-enna broua-hl from Soraoton. were let Inoaa in Windsor, York county, flying borne, a distance) of aixty-one mile, In one hour snd twenty minutos. I'd lo Saturday evening B.oRB name bad bee a striekea oft tbe Philadelphia registry Hat, 6.2C2 on Democratic Mil. tkms, snd i,42? oa Reaublioao atl. ttona. 3KlsrrU!nrott. SELLERS' tiGUGK S7(j.'5'i ow i.aee,eee r.tti- "''!. it i the 010 im' nlTwmS!?7v twI-eiHe. ret.lM, tsolr. llllr.r.an.lIITIIIIAa-.ml a.1 SU aiMSMM. ILbf ll use Air A"tr .".''I' ton n--umm.nd a. J. , ll 11., .,1: " It tr4 rnj iw. rhilrt.tt tiu'ti H Cnn-, 1 -sisaon. ol H.ll... .!;;.: '' will rur' th. ...i uf i.imHi.i.lr." Tke mm eat."! Prtr., as o-i.. se wiila. anrl al.ee jut iH'ttir. arij.sita a tax, riiiia.ua. r Per lale 17 II. D. Spaokni.e, Clearlrld, Pa. HEALTH 8 HAPPINESS. Healtb aod Happiness ar priceless Wealth to their postiusiorK, and yet lliry ar within tbs reock ( swtfy pt,i wbo will nst Wright'S Liver Pills, The only tors Ct RIC 1W Torpid Liver, Dyspep sia, Meadaebe, hoar Htoaaob. Constipation, lability, Nausoak, and all Uillious eoinplaiata and Blood ditorUt'ie. tNon genuine unless signed "Wm, Wright. I't.-IV Ir your Drugittst will aut supply tend 14 ntt furoo bot lu derrick, lUller i (V, 70 N. 4 lb M , Phil. D, a, 77-ly. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, TiiTTUi:sr: AND Improved Spring Beds, MAHKCT ftTKERT, NEAR P. 0. TUe undersigned begs leave to Inform the citl ! aeuf nf Uloatrfield, and th pnblle generally, that I K hi on hand a tin assortment of Furniture j tarn a Walnut, 0 best not and Tainted Cbambtr , S'litea, I'arlor Hiiiws, Hecliuing and Eitenaion ! Cham, I.a tilt' aod U cots' Easy Chairs, the I'er t fortited fining and Parlor Chair, Cane Keats and Winleir Chairs, uiorn uirt, nirp ana cuen tiun Ladders, Hat haoks, tSorabbing U rushes, tic VOl'I.I.INM AND I'ICTIIKK KKAWKH. ".kit.', (llasav-s. CkroMM, sto. wblek would nt Me for lifliday presents. (. Mir J'lUN TftniTTMAN. DRUG STORK. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At 8hw's aid stand. Clear r.eM, P , has jut iptnd a new stock of and ts now prepttreU lo furouk anything la the tbe line of Drugs anl Medicines at the very low est eush prioei, He has also on band large stock of Tonibs, Heir and Tootk Brushes, Fancy Articles, Toilel and "having Hoaps, hi rytliing usually kepi In a Hril-class lnig 6 tyre. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS ooinpounded with fare, day nr aiitht. A liberal Shan of patronage rrpotfulfy sulirlted. H. U. M'ACKMAN. CUarflrld, Pa., Ont. 14, 177. A NEW DEPARTURE in L U T II E R S It II R G . Il.reafter, good, will bo eold for CASH onlr, in- la exrhaoae for produoe. No book, will be aet.t in tho future. All old aoeouota nail be allied. Thoie who eannol ea.h up, will pleaie nana over ineir note, ana CLOSE THE RECORD. I an determined to sell my goods at easb prices, and at a discount far below that over offered In this vieinity. The discount I allow my eustuBer, will make them rich in twenty years tf they follow my advio aod buy their goods from sae. 1 will pay ea-h for wheat, osti aol olnttr 1. DANIEL (sOODLANDFIt. Luthersburg, January 17, 1877. Auricnltural Statistics. To rt Pi'ti'wai Clfvrfirld Countp ; Th undersigned having been appointed by tbe Department, at Washington, principal reporter of tbe Agricultural Hlatiitloa of Clearfleld eounty, respectfully requests tbo oo-opratin of all to assist, by sending tb subscrirr all the Inform tloa they oaa bearing upon tb following ques tions, so a to oablo biaa lo uak as oorrect a statement lo tho Department, aa postibl t How many bors have d ed in your borough or town ship, aod nl what diwase. How many vows and eal.es, aod of what diteas. How many sheep hare you lost, and of what disease) bow many killed by dogs. How nsany kogs bar yon lost, and of wkat disease. What prevailing dt-oasea amongst th poultry. In all oases gi. th rem edies used which bar boa found to be tuocess fill, and ia all oaae to give tb eab value of all stock as aearly as possible. By th oo-operation of our cttltea lo general upon tbeie important particular, tb Agaieultural report wtH become aa oy2)up4lat asefal infurmatioB to th pub He, by enabling the Department to pnl1ih the diseases, tb kwse, and th rmdie that have been fouod most beuabeiaj in eertain diseases. Any olbar ialormatloa that will be considered a pohlle booeli, will b thankful,., retired. Address tb subscriber at Grampian Hills, ClraiflaldC., Pa. SAMUEL W IDGMIHK. March II, 1879-tf. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Hat opened, la a building on Market street, oa tbe eld Westorn Hotel lot, opposite th Court Hons In Clearfleld, a Tin and Kbt-Iron Mana factory and Hi or, whr will be found nt all times a full lis f HOUSE sFTJEOTSIIIlTa GOODS. Steves, Hardware, Etc. Unas Rpuutlng and all kinds of job work, repair ing, Ac, done en short netie and at reasonable rates. Also, agent for tb Singer Sewing Machine. A Vur-plr of Micnlnea, with Needle., Ao, nl war oa band. Tonaa, itrlelly eaia or eueatrj eroduee. A b.r. or natronafa eoltettod. 0. B.MKP.RBLL, Suncrintendent. Ciearlleld, April M, Hit If. JEMOVALl JOHN McGAUGHEY am i - Mum aw piiitHc generally that k has removed kit Grocery Store from - ' a.w, mbo wis i iu taiaj lorsniairij rjcoupiea by J. Mile Kratier, an Beoond street, att door " ivr, wsivr mm laieaoo kauaniaaa ai Sn. 1 1 II-. . ItOCEKIEN. HAMS, DRIED BEEP aad LARD. SUOAkS and SHOPS, ef ell ando. TEAS, Onaa and Bison. COPPER, Routed aad Qreea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, eajrjrBD rnt'm, AM bind, la tke market. PICKLES, ia tan aad bnrr.lt. SPICKS, la ererj for aad rarielj. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL Kinds) ok cp.ackkp.ii. SOAPS, HATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACIftS, DRIED CHERRIES, Goal Oil ul Zeiap Chlaatys. Aad a -od nanrfaat el aneoo Wee, aenalre kept la a f rooorp euro, wkkb ke wUI eioeaaie Nr eMrkeUe at tao Barbel prions. wiu eel w out at .eeoalr ai aa; elaar eaa. Pleeae a II and a. nr. muw ... ... joamlL , .. . JOHS McOAvOHtT. CleaHlelA, S, tin. 'pill, under I K lied Ugs lean a to Iniuiu llt ,,0b 1 lie that be is now fully yrvymt t at-cnit! date all in the wayuf I'urutsiT.ing II...., liu,,,, noddles and Harness, on the sbnttet nuim, Kbj to reasonable terms. Itealdt-nr on Lamu.i pirM between Third and Fourth. UKO. W. OEAHIIAKT TlaarC!d. rek. 4, 1874 P. OtTt.lOH. a. a'COINLK. p. HM1LBRDX (i 1 1.1 111. MdOUkLE & 10.S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Clearfield. Pa. U'. aK..,.r.flai all lflrxfai nt W.n .... , w,w ataana. ... a...,.- . a. ar, Chambers, iiulng Koonis, Libraries and lUIU. If you want Furniture of any kinj, dua l buy until yon our stock. IMUHITAKIX; In all ill branebee, ir,iDipllT atietidrd to. Ofl.ICII, Mi-COHKLE A CO. Ciearlleld, Pa., rob , oxIMiW;-- HONEY OF HOUND AND TAR ron THE CURE OK I Con (flu, CMt, Inflnrnsiv, H can esc f, Lia.t''. Brrtthing, nil all A flections of tliu lhto-t, Bronchial Tubes, aud Lnng, leadirg to Coniom ption. Ttiis i s . Hi 1 1 i 1 t r rcnmly iv i'iniit"- .1 .f 'I j Ilnxrvnf lift? l.int llott'lioitint, in tl.rn :. I I union wilh TK-llM.M, ?Klrnct.- fnn-i i; . i I.ltR F'KINCIMK Of tllC ftHfi-t tue AH'- 'lu.sir, or Ilnlm of Gilcnil. j The Ilnncy of Hurtrliountl s-'iuMl'- .' ' I Sf'A l t'f ks all n rilat inns ami iiillainn:nttinv. n 1 theTnr-lMlm Cl.r-ANsi-s asm tit l s tin- il;r--. : aivl air p.Hnflcs Icictinj; to t lie 1'. I i additional nirc'licnl l.tcji llic if., is c . moist, and hi lieftllliful rrlinn. I .i m nn lice kern Y"U fnnt 1 1 y inj ll.ir- imv.U iiuv cine of ft f.unut hurt or v ho li;i m.lI ill" : a.md' of live hv it hi larpc piivnu j rm fit . N. H. The i'ji -r..ilin li:ib no iiai i si k ,ir MU'll. TRICTS JO CENTS AM $1 f) (i l!" I V. (Jrent Having to rty Isrgc tie "I'ikoV Tootlm1in Itrtiiw" Cun hi 1 Minute. Sold by all Prut") si. C N. CEITTENTON, Prop., NT JJARD TIMES HAVE NO KFPKCT IN FRENCHVILLE1 t am aware that there are some persons a little bard t please, and I a 10 also aware that th oomplaint of "hard times" is well nigh universal. Itut I am to situated Dow that I oao satisfy tb former and prove conclusively that "hard times" will not effect thus who buy their goods from me, aod all my patrons shrill initiated Into th se er! of UOW TO AVOID IIAItdU TIMES t bare goods enough to supply all the Inhabi tant in tbe lower end of the county which I sdl at exceeding low rates from my mammoth store In MlILSOMlUHt), where I ran always be found ready to wait upon callers and supply them witk Dry Goods of all Kinils. Such as Cloths, Batlnetts, Casst meres, Wulit.i Delaines, Linen, Drillings, Catlooei, Trimming, Ribbon, Las a, Ready-made Clotbing, Boot aod Shoes, Hats and Caps all of tl betl material and mad to order Hoe, bocks, U lores, Mittens. Laces, Ribbons, Ar OR0CEKIKS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Hire, Molnsses, Fish, rait Turk, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queens ware. Tinware, Castings, Plow and Plow Castings, Nails, (Spikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kindt of A. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, tilast, and a general a tor Linen t of Stationery. QOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwayi on hand, and will b sold at tb lowest puitibl figures. i. II. MeClatn'i Medtelneis Jayne'i Medicines itoiutter s ana tloofland's Hitters, 6000 pounds of Wool wanted for which th highest fine will b paid. Clovarsecd on band and for sale at the lowest market price. Also, Agent for Stratum ill and Curwecivill Threshing Machine. t-fuCall and see for yourselves. Ton will Hod everything asually kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenchville P. 0., Augurt 13, 1S74. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, lBMaor to Boynto. A Toang,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Moaafaoturera of PORTABLE & STATIONAHY STEAI ENGINES Corner of Ponrlk aad Pin, Slneta, CLEAR PI ELD, PA. TTAVINO eneaaed la tbe amaafaetare of Irrt 11 elnei MACHINERT,woripettfnll;lnfona be publie that we nn now prepared to III all order, el ebeapl; and a prompll, a. eaa he doae laaa;ef Ike etllee. Wo auaafaotaro aad deillt Mnlay and Circular Saw-Mills Bead Rlooka, Wat.r Whetll, 8h.ltln Pull.vi, OiSord'l Injoetor, Sleira OaucM, Steam WhlitlM, Ollen, Tallow Cop., Oil Cupl, flaufe Coi-ki, All Oookl, Oloba V.lT.i, Cbecb Valrea. wrou,!it In Pipe., Stenai Paatpi, Hollar Peid Punpi, Anil Priatloa Matraa, Seep Ston, rekini(, Oud Part o. and all klad. of MILL WORKi tgnhn wltb Plowa, Sled Boloa, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, tad etker CASTINGS ef ell kloda. V Order, eoUolted sal Iliad at oil, prion. AU rattan ef laaaJr with refbreae to aueklner, of eat auaojfaetare praaptl, aaaw.red, b, addrw- aiSlloaalilsiAaliBlllanlilllllil wrx'-'rV'i-.V mmmmi. mt a, at OlaarSeM, Pa, aa17d-tf BKJLIR, TorifO RPPD