n n M (The Republican. KUBifctJ. (jinDLAHVKTl, A'WT ' C LKAK K 1 E L 1)7 Pa. W ID N Kfi DAT MORNING, NOV. IS, 1871. Roadar. if yo wmt to know what li pentng on la taa baiioH world, (art read oar advartUinf olans. ton Speial column In partleular. MAXIMI FOR THE DAY. Ho mas worthy tb offloa of PrriMfht thtnld W wil1io(f to sold it If Masted In, r placed thora by toy fraud. I'. H. Umit. I 00a Id ooor hav boca rreoncllod 10 tba ) vatlo by tba imalltit aid or mint of a peraoo, fcowavor' ratpaatabla In privata life, who man fnrovor aarry upon hla brow tha laup or fraud Ant triumphal), it Amarioin biatory. No in aaquoiit aotino, towovtr maritorloui, eao waih way tba lattara of that raoord. Cn t.Ba Fiupcm Adami. I woald ratbar hata tha ntiorMtnent ofaquar lar of a an ill ion of tha Aoncrtcao people than that of tba LtHna KaturniDf Board, or or tha Com iaaioa ahieh aiolg led tha facta and decided tba queatloa oa a toebolrality. Tuna. A. Hewnnif kb. Pnder tba forma of law, Itarherfurd B ly baa boao daolared ProifdiDt of tha 1; oiled S'atfta Ilia tltla raata apoa dit ranch irraeat of lawful voter, fba lalaa earlinaalft or me reiuroing om aara actirtf eorraptly, and tb deciiit.a ol a (toto mlaaion wbloh hai rcfui-ed to bear evidence of al ia) (ad fraud. For tba ftrat tina are tba American Deoole tin hooted with tha fact of a fraudulent!?- aiaetad President. Let U not be undrralood that the frawd will be illeMly arqulowtd In by the eoeotry. Let do hour pM la wnicb me uaurpa tioo la forgotten. Apdrkii or Dinockatio M. C.'i. One bond red yeara of human depravity aaUted aid eoneeotratod lnl a climax of oriuae. Never Mi in Ave hundred yaara bell thoy have u opportunity to rrprat the wrong. blNtlL W. VOORHKia. Do not fail to road Judge Agnew'B luttur, found on our fourth pugo. Judgo Agnow's lulUT is fur moio alarming in what it does not lay, tbaii in what it drags to tlio light of day. Those who do not buliovo that ovciy branch of the Slate government i cor rupt, nood but read Judgo Agnow'a letter. Dar UP. The man who has growled at bad government tor ten or fifteen yeara, and on tbo 6lb of November Yotod the Greenback ticket, and there by elected Cameron and all bin hostn, Miould now dry up. Our first page in covered with gen eral inlormatiun thin week. The sec ond, third and fourth ditto excepting tho election returns ; they aro very crooked. Cameron and Jack Kehoo are on top. Koa Lux Mm. Alexander, who was put on trial IiihI week, for the murder of bor husband, at Bridgeport Connecticut, two years ago, was found guilty of murder in tho second degree, and sentenced to tlio penitentiary for and during her natural life. A Victory. The Cameron Green back side bIiow, which exhibited throughout Pcnnnylrama, on the day ol the election, was a urand success. In Toting for Mason for Governor the Cam eron candidate, Iloyt, was hoisted in to office, although theso very same men have boon growling at the Cam. erons for ton years. Gon Ui'. The Pittsburg Leader announced on Saturday lat that Sam uol It. Mason, late National candidate for Governor, bad made an alignment of bis property at Mercer, I'a. Tb mortgages upon it, it was asserted, mounted to (30,000. This is likely a result of the election that ono mun will romomher for a long time. JliT LlKi Til EM. Ono of tbo frauds of tba campaign, was the printing and circulating of tickets in imitation of the Democratic ticket, and so beaded, with the name of Judgo Mayer left off and that of Mr. McCormick substituted. This ticket was not printed at our of (ice, and the fellow that circulated them la no better than the ono tbnt printed them. A sick rooster and a convalescent coon, found in tho Journal last week, was a good symptom of tbo inward ness of tbo editors. They feel partly glad, but being tho owners of a Utile bit of conscience, they wore unublo to swallow tbo bribery and frauds perpe trated upon the voters of tho Stato by Cameron, Quay, lloyt & Co. in any othor way. So, Sol The editor of tho Tyrone DemuCrat, in alluding to recent events "over thoro," says : "One Cameron collar less will bo needed at 11 arris burg next winter, and tho Campbells are not coming as much as lliey used." It looks to us as though the voters of "little Blair" had excluded both A7n7 and Campbell! from their doors, and that t'other fellows will have some hand in appointing route agents, cen sus takers, etc, u .-. I Tacxmr.Ns." With a church stoeplo every three miles, and a school house evory two milos, ono would suppose that religion and civilization was march' ing hand in band on this Continent. But if these things yield scientific burg lars and Cashiers of banks, and em ployes who plunder those who trust them with millions of their earnings, would it not bo bolter for all parties to atop their "progress" and adopt tho old llcalhcn moral codo which donnun cos crime, instead of palliating it ? S - - - ------ Tin Cmir JrsTici Spaks. Wo have been aware for many years that our Executive Chambor and Legisla tive Halls were debauched and cor rupt, but wo never dreamed that tho S'tpreme Court had boon invaded by the corrnplionists, and tho Judges thereof bribed for the purpose of ren dering opinions. Hut it is true! Tbo letter of Chief Justioo Agnow, to be found oo our fourth pago, establishes this fact clear as the sun at noonday. Header, it is alsTmlng to every bun who abhor bribery and corruption I Where will it stop? The result of the recent election seems to indioate that the people of Pennsylvania osteem it a virtue to elect corrupt men to fill our Slate offices, so that every department bail be made a room for trade, bar ter and e-eteos, votes and opinions sold V) the hlgbee( bidder as so much mor Chans' ise. Do sot tail to mad Judge Agnew's letter. I Jleluw M ill be found tlio official vole 11I tbo Stato CUM f'r Supre mr Judge in 1ST", iiwl llint east lor Governor In 187C, liir in llie same has been nltl. ciullv nsccrlainod : (tOVWIiOl , VFrj 77? f .1 .v im as. 3 ?! Adums Allegheny 2H(H M24I ITK'.i; H7j 2(Mlj I.'iiMl ls.il il 21KI7I 21741 444'. 2022' 4IMl 7000 ArniMtrorif1 000 "00 Heaver . . Heillnrd ---Bradford Hucki Huiler Cumbria Cunn-ron Crtib'in tVntre - ('better Clarion I km lipid I'lituun 300i OKOO 200 2000 5110 50 2.-.M; 3I2X; '. 1 1 L 475 1W3: 31115 42:i.1, 2ll.1l 2.W. lMUi 27111: fall) 3y Ti'.KW 17'.M llil.V W.il 11121 2hl): VM( liM:s' 2sni 1902 1.12111 14-1(1, I0NJ 71141 17fil lmal 5; IIIK 3H7II 7110 35ii:li 14021 2:1111; 7H.W 122fi! fdOO' 34Wj 2:)72; 5UM5I 9 l.l: no-' 02! in.w 154! 5S4 i s 111 1(113, OA 1 1 "2S, l.',.in: SO.'iO, 2ii55, SOIl! 250 1200 "00 1.iI4i 302 120.1 1KS.V ml ' 1200 SK73! 1344 1 lOil 3000 COO 1400 20 0 1 1 is' 2i)00 1100 911 (I'M Columbia ; Crawford -( 'umherl'd 57221 29S3 4K151 ;iifi, 44rJ 4H4II 3201 205! 40411 717, i:t7o; 23Ml 3150; 1202! 0l(i 12l7 24591 2Klirl; 370.5 641 tt' 2411 2ti 3140 1355; Dauphin -Maffarft -t Kik 1 Kris I Knynlle Korea t - - -; Frankliii -Fulton - - -flieiMie -. -! MtiniingY-j Indians .led'eraon -Juniais - LackauVa-i l.anoA.ter -hawrenco l.ehanon Lrhigh Luzerne -lvcnmiiig- McKean -j Me'cer - Mifflin Monroe Mnnlgnmy! Mnnlour -j Norlham'r.1 Korihum'd Perry - -j Philadel'a I'ike 1 Poller ...! Schuylkill. Snyder - - -j Somerel -J .Sullivan ; Su.queba'a Tioga . . - -j lTnion - -i Venango Warren ! Wa.hingtnj 700 1000 100 25( OCKH 4W 1400; 400 1000 200 10 3300 0500 1100 14U0 3000 100 goo I 1iX) ' 1(00 50; 20OO1 400 500 3100 1500 21 Ki 075 1000! ! .100: 500: 726;i 515' 3115 2215i 22051 57322, 320! 1174 5402! 1330i 24.14! 302' 244S 3O70j 1700 200 200 1000 000 1MJ0 150 700 400 120.' 141 100 1721 423 41 w nvne 2040I 37501 1.I291 700! 121s ii 30j 3400, We.m-or'd Wyoming York -. To'al - 7081 3940, 25I.OUOI 244.4S01 3957." 59250 39575 C.120 M:ijnrilyl I I 10C75 Oi a Cameron Dvnastv. Tho man who bribes 11 voter at the polls is lia ble under the law to bo sent to the penitentiary. Tlio man who buys a Legislature, or enough of it to answer . " ' " his purposo, can go to the Senate ofj tho United Stales ; mid not only go himself, but when he gels tired of ibe honor can transmit tho office . 1 it .1 i 1 w "". 2anv a poor uev, gone to prison for bribing a single vo ter. Simon Cameron wont to the Uni ted States Senate through his purchase of tho votes of Lebo, A agonscller and Mvnear, then members of tho Penn sylvania Legislature, and be bequeath ed the office to his son Don as be would have bequeathed a horse or a (arm. The people aro now asked to sanction Simon's whole career of bri bery and corruption by electing' a suf ficient number of Cnmomnites lo tho Scnato and House at Harrisbutg to re elect tbo son to tbo Senate of tho I'ni- tod States. Tho old Proprietary Gov ernment of Pennsylvania was respec table, for it was based upon law, Tho rulo of tho Cameron dynasty is an in sult lo every honost man in Pennsyl vania, and a crime nguinst Republican institutions. To perpetuate that rule by our own acts as a people is to de clare ourselves ready for tho condition of serfs. Hi de. Tho Philadelphia 7Yiv, in alluding to what happened eome men lately, say. : "We have no disposition to niako merry over the disappoint ment of Hon. Francis YV. Hughes, of Schuylkill county, who will not be the next, nor the noxt after tbo next Uni ted States Senator from Pennsylvania. Mr. Hughes is a dupo and not a de ceiver, lhal part ol Ins brains that deals with the monoy quoslion baa been boiled on some but day when ho has had his head uncovered, and has never resumed Its useful function. Ho is not toblamo fortius." Mr. Hughes and a lew other chaps can console themsolves that they deteated tho Democratic and elcctod tho Radical ticket. Hnoator Waltara 1. aallcl on lo aabl.l. wbv curttB rnna 1,4. B.bit.4 ilia is .nr. wailaoaa uwa county of t'laarfltl4 Lnntnttor arrfu'yra- Wcll, that is a whoppor for a man who always assumes to straddle so much truth, and then gets so far away from it. That is what pur.zles us. Wo llioreforo furnish him with the official figures so that he may come within a squirrel's jump of tbo truth if ho wants to embellish his future sayings with anything of the kind. Senator Dill's vote was 3,207. and Gov. Curtin's 3,034, making a difference of but 173. Now don't add a "0" to this latter sum when correcting yourself. "Pariioihd," A Philadelphia pa- por relates tho following: "Matthew Berg, thirty-eight years old, was tor- rihly scalded by escaping steam whilo making snmo repairs around a boiler in a Munayunk mill, Friday night, the 20th ult. When admitted to the hos pital he presented a shocking specta cle, the skin hanging in shreds from his bands, face and body, and hi hair also coming off. Yet he lingered until ten o'clock next morning-, whon bo ilicd, mcanwhilo having consHmod enormous quantities of ice water to quench his inward fever." Voti roa Juno!. Below will be found the rote cast for President Judge in this Judicial District at the current election : OarartBS. I'aBtra Cla.r0 .14., Ohaloa.... a'cABBies, e. t a. 1141 I.47S 1.14 TS4I ..... 1,011 1,101 .... I.I4I I 4l Tola!.. . 1 1.17 Majority Itr Mayor ....... The harlotry entered into by the Greenbacker and Radical did net suc ceed. Judge Mayer haa handsomely fhrashed both parties. i z ? S- 2 I ? 8 SO , CLEARFIELD COTJNTY liOBOl-UIIS - s : TOWMHIPB. Bum, lilt boroafa Clcarfi.lil ... Curwru.villa ... Houriil.la ... Luuibvr Cily ... Nawhu-f " ... N. Wa.li'loa " ... Oasaola ... Wallaoalua " ... Iluaria Ivwa.aln llrll llluon " lloir. " Uritdiarit ' llraily " Uuro.iJa " Clw.t " Uuvinftoo ' lMatur " Fvri;uuo " liirard " (Jo.ben ' Urabais " Uraaiuoil " Ouhc-b iluiton M Jorda M Kartluui Knux " LawrtB.! " Munia " I'aua " I'ike I'biob 11 WoodwarJ " H Hi IK 31 T Hi I 4 i: t .. 1 "I 11; . 41 .. ; r llni lul lllli l ! , SO IS XII S: S7T U0 SI i.ll 111 411 St., I 6 ti .... lj.... : ... !.... :.... .'!:::: 4?L... am.... i.... 1 3 SI lio VII ll "I 1. n a; S.i, TS lot all UaJrUiM .......... Ml! liij I IDS ItUli Throe hundred and seventy THE ELECTIOS. The formality of holding the Slate election was carried out on the fitb ol the current month. Hut as the inter ests of the Cameron fumily and its ful lowing was paramount to thatof even body elso thoy gained a substantial victory .electing their wholostato ticket, through the assistance of tho National Greenback party, which acted as a side show to tho Kadicnl party tli rough out the campaign. Tho corruption practiced on ovcry hand by the Cameron leaders, was tru ly amazing. Bribery, forging tax re ceipts, and intimidation were the staple crimes practiced on tho Ignorant and those that were in their powor. Tho defeat of Gov. Curtin', fur Congress, was accomplished by the lavish uso of Cameron's money, which brought about a partnership between tho Itadieals and Grcenbackors in this section of the Stato. The nine hundred Dvmoerats in Ctearj.eld ctunty uho told th'tmtlett to the enemy, for tho purpose of defeating cur Congressman, Judgo and Senator, should feel mighty cheap while scan ning tho election rotiirns. Tlio combi nation was brought about for 'n cash consideration, and thoso dupes who have failed to get their portion of tho "blood money," up to this lime, bud better bo looking after it, because the leaders will get away with tho whole of it, if they are not forced to dirgorgo their plunder. Notwithstanding, the general wick edness and corruption practiced by the . ., i.n I Camerons during the canvnss, the Uein ocrats made some splendid gains in certain sections of the Stato, such as the electon of Senators, Assemblymen, RKni.ifrd Trenanrera. Atfl A crr.odlv ' ' 1 o J gajne(, ,n lhi, wa. whi,0 but few were lost. Social luMoaALtTT. Tbo degrada tion of the race on this Continent, is clearly set forth by the perpetration of fAree huge erimei within the past few years, unknown to preceding genera tions. Wealludo to the tholtof C'harely Ross, by Oi mmon thieves, the larceny of the Presidency by a band of politi cal conspirators, headed by John Sher man, the present Socretary of tho Uni ted States Treasury, and tho "cribbing" of tho body ol the late A. T. 8towart, by sharpers. The sum of 120,000 was offered for Charley. Tho Democrats failed lo offer "'the Returning Board" a cash consideration, hence the party lost the Presidential prir.e. M rs.Stcwart,un. demanding the immorality and crook edness of tho times, has adjusted her self accordingly and now offers a re ward of $25,000, tor the recovery of her dead husband, and for the convic tion of tbo thieves. She has blunder ed in part, and We fear sho novor will repossess iho dead body of her husband, until she amends bur offer to read: "And no questions asked." "The pro- cross of the ago," soems to bo to steal .... . . all you can and hold on to it. Tho moral codo. or ten commandments, is be ing reversed to a degroo that is certain- ly alarming to conservative, thoughtful ciliien'.ind fifteen years of uchprojird.1 in the future, as that of tbo past, will work a complete revolution on this Continent, and whore we will land can. not bo conjectured at this period. A Mani.t Rctractioh. Ono of our editorial neighbors comes down in Ibis mannor. Ho says: "Now that tho election is over and there is no reason to question our motivo, wo desire to say thus publicly that an investigation has proven that wo did Hon. great injustice in charging him, whilo Mayor, with acts reflecting on bis in tegrity as a man. As our readers are lully aware, wo differed widely with him during his last candidacy for that office, for reasons we then thought good and sufficient. Somo time ago we discovered that the information we then had and upon which we charged a personal appropriation by him of monoys belonging to the city was un true and without foundation. A sonse of duty and justice prompts this re traction of all charges affocting bia in tegrity at a public officer or private ciliien." He no doubt feels much bet tor since he hat made this delivery. It would hare been far bettor never to havo made the charge. Such things do a fellow good tomotimes. We Do hot ita it. We notico that our Radical exchange from Blair coun ty, flourish tremendous big roosters, be cause Don Cameron is thoir master, and bocanso the Domocrati have elected their Congressman, Gen. Coffroth, over Campbell, the present member, and have also elected a member of the As sembly and County Surveyor. Dad the Democrats succeeded In elocting a few more oftlconi, w presumo our Had leal Iriends would have holstod two chickens. Improved raooats. The theft, of the body of A. T. Blewart, the mer chant prince of New York, who died a few yeara ago, lor the purpose of ob taining a large reward for the return ol the body ol the dead man, is one of the improvement of tb la "progressive age," in the line of theft ! Sc. 1st. At-ruM. 8nf p IV 1:!.. ZWaj lllli II 111.' ;,.... 411 .... 1, (.:.-. i .... 41...., 4; !:; ....1 ... !:!.... llj 4:1!.... Hrtl... I I,, a.. so: !.... 14i 13 Jl at Sll llj l ''- lu 110! j.. H lj Si .. li; HiVl I III,. Illl III, - VI llj.. 4.11.. ss,.. :;v si... (,!.. 111 . I III il. lllli1 .1 l::. I1 Ml li1'' lla 14'.. !.. I! llib: l na' ! I llti. 0' 1! ih .... v 671 II Sll I .'a!., vll m u M "I "... .!. 7l s .. 101, 421 SI t 4V1 111 2jl III 4l.... : 0 .... 2"L... .... J,; ... j .... aiJ ir- mi 34! IS .1108 1044 i.i: 14.11 17 SIS isn' 1117 laiS It 3102 Ia7l votes wore Cast in the county fur Michael POLITICAL ALMS. The editor ol the I'liiludelpliin Time, n the Oth, rather cruelly tuitunssoniu I our Democratic leaders in this wuy : lost of thu Democratic leaders have ent rich gills lo laurel tho victorious Cameron. Speaker liiiinlall'seily con tributes 17,000 majority and an increas ed Cameron Legislative delegation us his proffer to the new coronutiun. Sen ators Wallace and Dill forward the head ol Curtin on a charger from their Congressional district lo grace the Iro phiesoftheviutiuy. Judge i!i sicontrib utes two Cameron Senators and double as many members ol the House Irnm Montgomery anil Hacks to add to the Cameron abundance in Senatorial wreaths. Kerlig greets Ilnyl with 2,114 majority in Craw ford, a Cameron suo cessor to himself in tlioScnsuvnnd hero served but one of tho four members of the House to voice the opposition to tho newly enthroned dynasty. Hopkins has no menn tribute to offer to the stutcmunshipof Cameron, us the 8 300 Uoyt majority in Allegheny and an ul most solid Cameron Legislative delega tion testify. Unckulew just nii.-M'd giving a eomniiiim for Congress to Cameron's devoted lieutenant. Albright in the strongest Deinncralic (hatrict ofj the Statu, anil Speer sent Ktengcr crownhissand in thongs Irom bis district lor Cameron's merriment. Clynier seems lo have sulked alone ill bis tent when tbo trophies were parted for clc livery to successful chiclluius, as his j J olllcer, who still grasped bis pistol 0,871 for Dill in Berks declares. Thus "I"1,W'V ,r.V' f rise, 'Now you sin 1 1 ..e.u e render! lo which ho replied, '1 will jeweled w.ththegif.sof conquered foe,, ; n)t (u M(, , the new Senatorial toga wiil brilliantly j own head, shot bis brains out. I halt illumine the blushing honors ol the sun, I od my reginieni, and the cavalry were as be proclaims tho succession to the siro wbo lives to be the willing subject of bis established dynasty. Tux Scji Aiir. Truth.- Democrats should not bo too much cast down They aro warned and rebuked, not do- lealed. On March 4. 1879, they will , they gain control of the United Suites Sen ate, and will, in all probability, relain it for many years, They w ill also have a majority, by tho lowest estimates, ol from thirteen to filteen votes in tho Forty-sixth Congress. This majority is largo enough to carry proper politi cal measures, and small enough to de- teat improper ones. A party with such responsibilities upon its shoulders, and with the opportunity before il to regain tho complete control of Iho Govern ment two years hence, bus no occasion to shed vain tears over its present mis fortunes. The proper administration of tho affairs of this great country is a task which no party can venture upon without trepidation. Tho sobering ef fect ol the lato elections will serve to imbno tbo Democracy with a wise bu mility which will greatly become them. A Past Ann Hxvivkd. In 1H45, tho Democrats ol Armstrong county voted e..r on, 1 i..,.i..,i i.';,ii,. P.,,i,.rJ . . . ,. , ., .. member of the Assembly. He was in urn elected Speaker of that body. Now be turns up as a member from Washington county, alter nn absence of thirty-three yean. Tho Whigs of Cambria county elected John Fenlon to tho sumo body in IK 10. Now, the Democrats send him bar k, the Know Nothing crusado of 1 SS t 55 having cured him of his Whiggory. In 1840", the Democrats of Tioga county elected Daniel L. Sherwood to Iho Senate, and he afterwards became Speaker ol that body. Now, lhe Democrats of North umberland county send him to the Lower House, with bis hair as whito as snow. DurrAT'.n Too. It will bo observed that tho Dog Sheep law got an awful , black 03-0, tho vote standing 1,-104 for the law, and .1,114 against lU Tho ! voto in tho ngregato was pretty largo, showing that considerable interest was taken In tho matter. In our opinion the law should havo been adopted. Wherovcr tho law has been tested, two Important facts aro noticeable to all. Fewor and belter dogs, and more and better sheep aro raised. Besides a tax is covered into the Treasury Irom properly heretofore untaxed and real cstalo relieved from a part of its burthens. Senator. Wo have not boon ahlo to rcceivo tho official voto cast for Ren ator in this (XXXIV.) Senatorial Dis trict, but we present our readers with Iho reported voto, which wo presumo will not vary much from tbo official: coesf tap, CtBtsr ALBXA.PBB,Sr.S. 4 tto 1.120 ...... 1,11 04IOKIL,0.4 S ions 1,171 1.1' II CWOaU . lllalus .. Total 1,4:0 Majority tar Alaiaaijar. T.SM 1,017 - , ..eeuou. newspaper .n i nuauei, ph.a has made thcliileresllngdiscovory i).i iL.;.i,,i.rm....m.,.:...i -- ..v.,.,,.,K... """" uu,i. . . .,iicV uooy 01 Cameron's adherents lor the next Leg- I.I.Ihm l'Mi4I..4fAta sa..Ml....lM .......... ............ .... . d mo something very iffectlvo lowaidi making it a Cameron campaign. I si" ?r- r I Fiat. Tho celebrated Philadelphia brewing firm of Bergner & Kngle had a portion of their immense property destroyed by fire on last Saturday Their loss will amonnt to 1200,000. ELECTION KTSTURNS.-OFFIOIAIi1878. Ji ih.k. i t Jinor vqhuh'o , 8mTof.i Aa.m.,r. O II I" il f! 1 p r a !; P 3 1 1 l 14 20S 14" tJ IvlI V.I lllli J.. i, ' 101 III H W I4vj IV lul vl 114,1 40: Jl lf 10 ' ..! is;' ! S3 lit ;t lav .: 4": ml "1 . 0,1 3: 4;, IS' Mil "oi, Sol SO' S4 ' SI' SI ; ."it ' k si as: ,! 1; iii.i lis lo. 17I 1 1 u, - "'i! !6,; VI ill ?i 4! lit, n,'i 424; im! ; 10i Mil' .'OVl a.i 01' 42 IV s.,1 -li, r.J tli on iiivi 110: ln, 101 4a, It 72 Si tif I II.-, 140 14a I tail siv m.'i m 1114 OB I vv a. isa 141. II7 1..W, 111)'1 M B.I 204' V7 7 IS2 ill 14111 Si ,1 aV lie 11,2; Sill 41'!! i i"l IV ml 4a "i 111 s ; a, ion.; ioj 41-1 O11I 461 4l' .; 4,.j ao 3; I in ;i; 3! 7.11 4.1 6 4 tS 11' li! 10; "1 ,l t! 111! a' 111; 11 5iJ vi av, ;i at 77, 46 71 '"! 47 aV! C: 4 val sal in. it. lai. Ho; 2 4lil 121, 14 Ul laul 1 1 a I ii.j 14, l-H '4 ina: Si! -! 241 IIS, 12. J . 121, k;i 74 t.', Sll1 at! 14 j Si IV. 21, 3I, 2ij 47, lul;, II,; !', ml 111 al;, 201 j 120 IV. , Ml, I4V4 123V 324V 47 41:4 I'.'H S lUlaiSiV.il 1-70 :.;;; L:n '.IJ isio Stock for liieiitenanl (iurnrnur. THE fiUJ'VDK OF A FErEXAL (lEXEUAL. I ... .iiv ooiiui, rn iiiMuncai oucieij 1.. .1 C . ..... .. 11: . 1 c ... ... I'lipeis" for Octolnr, Col. William C. Ojtn ill AI..I.,..,,. 1.. ... ..-I...I.. ,,n . . ,. 'Gettysburg -Tbo llalile on the 1 . . 1 . . . 1 ... itigiu, tells a slraiige story nl the su icide on Hie lield of a wounded federal General, lie commanded an Alubama regiment on tho extreme right of the Confederate line, and climes bis ac count ol the battle as follows: "On tho third day Law's brigade, still on the rilit, luy along tho south oin foul of Hound Top. Our picket line extended considerably to the rear and nearly at right angles Willi llie line ol battle. About mid-day, or ear ly in the allernoiin, a arpiadron of Fed eral cavalry broke through our pick ets, charged and Hied intake Iiilcy'e Norlh ( urohna s buttery of six guns of wood. Kiine lour hundred Vards i in miMltli.ti ol. iini.m .it tho rear nf Law's line. 1 was ordered to go with my regiment lo prut eel tho hatiory. 1 did not take tune lo coun tei march, hut moved rapidly, rear in Iront, throwing out. a lew skirmishers as 1 advanced. When ascending the hill ul tho edge of the woods, a por tion of the cavalry came in hi ts cell 1110 and the baitery. Tho officer com nanding. with pistol in hand, ordered my skiriiiishera 10 snrreiidcr. lo which they replied with a vol Tho cav- aliy commander and his horse and one ol bis men It'll to tint ground, und the others dashed away. The Lieutenant commanding tho bkiimihhers, with a repeating r.flo in his hands, then sprang forward and said to the wound- K""". "in uul nut go lo tlie dead man, who lay not more limn forty steps to my front, until one of tho skirmishers brought me his shoulder straps, Irom which 1 discovered thai he was a Gen eral. I then went to tho body, and on examination found ono or two let 'V. '? l,x kl'1" addressed to 'Gen. 1 1' f; "wworlh: f was soon order ed to another part of the field, and lelt llie Doilv where it lell Buri.tR Ovkriioard. The Balti more Oa:ette, in alluding to tho defeat ut Ints arrant demagogue, remarks : Den Butler is defeated. The aovur eign Slule of Massuchusets rose up lust Tuesday and sal down ugion lhe Great uisiurlier to the luno of 2.1,000. Al though Massachusetts deserved to have ISinler lor Governor as a sort of poison od chalice, we rejoice at his overthrow He is a loul bint upon the polities of the country and he is unworthv of any position of trust or honor. With But. U-r perish all hopes of tho National Greenback Labor party. Had ho been elected the tact would havo given en couragement to this party of delusions and would have kept its organisation alive. Ben's defeat must convince thfl most sanguine ol them that they aro in a hopeless minority, and having been beaten where their chances were best, they havo nothing to oxpect else where. Hutler carried Boston, how. ever, a circnmetaiiro calculated lotone down tho prido of lleacnn street, Fun'l Hull. Old South Church and the Bunk er Hill Monument. Boston hasdcclar ed Ben to bo her rrpresentatiee man. Rural Massachusetts came to tho res cue, and B. F. is temporarily defunct. Wo say temporarily, liir Ben has been dend and ileeomHioed several limes, but bu always comes to life again in inopportune moments." IlniiNr.n Kpucation Tho stealing ol children (Charley Ross.) and tho plundering ol grave yards (Stewart's body) ol the dead, for tho purpose of receiving large rewards, is the last im provement applied lor under tho "mor al idea" education, of this progressive age. hat other patent will be appli od lor next, for Iho purpose of improv ing this age of refinement (?) we aro unable lo conjecture. This we do know, becanso everv lesson tsm.ht In history by those wbo havo preceded us, goes lo show that those tribes, slates or people, who departed too far from tho moral codo soon became ox tinet. This fact should be heeded by all wbo are willing to adhere to the principles taught in the Decalogue. Irs Composition. Tbo Greenback vote of this county wss in round num bcts about 1,200, nine hundred of whom whero Democrats, and three hundred Itadieals. Thus reducing Senator Dili's majority Irom 2 205 lo 1,605, and of course helped lloyt along to tbo tine of 450 in this way. Ho was the leader of tho party against which ail Green backers hurled their anathemas during the campaign, yet, on election day they cast their bullots for blm by the halt way mode. Such men aro queer Democrats, in our judgment. Presumption. We notice lhal some of our Democratic exchanges publish Hayes' Thanksgiving Proclamation. . We like impudence nn a small scale occasionally, but Itand we detest Itl j, too gross a wrong not lo he known by erybo,,,, M ,hj, d,y lnt . - ' ' 1. drawing the 150.000 (alary dna Mr. Tildenjbut Tor him to order on, or ,nJ.bory CTO u, do tu,ksgivlng, is .... n tne ,ulnu.,t f,.,u(i CTcr perpetrated ,y people. We want none of It 1. Return Juhoes. The district re- turn Judges for Congress and Senator met at BelUfonte yesterday (Tuesday afternoon, as ws go to press) and We cannot, therefore, give iho official vote cast for elthor candidate this week. CuantaaloNsaa. ft hi i V II IVai 142: 40 41, hl til 111 42 J0 171 r.: vt; 11:; 4: Ij: 1.; v: 40l ' ! s: if-: 0; 12; 41; 13a; 14! is: 4 41: 37; Ji 10: t' 111: 4T: I7l 10; II t; o; 1: !.. Ki 10' ll 44 10: is: s SI; 101 li' ' 4 ; 4 iii 1 1.: -l II sat 7V Iti 14: In. I lull 1: 1 IV: I loll lul 14j li 7V 7V1 l:l.v I IV S47, ;4 n: ISj 44 vs; si; lav: To! 4, IV II: 45. 4S .S 1381 Sl 4Vl I IV J7 14 4 al 70; 41 14: la S " I s II SI la 4 Hal . 14 B7i 47, SOI 101' nil loll st II. Ill 40; 4 V, 4l! (0 ct 4V 02: e ai: 644 ni v; 121 4 a: sol 10 V2: U-l.. so; ai ni t I m lS4j lOB: l:iv IVV IS4: 171 41 th! IS1 1I.1S 147S lS 1011 0I H71 l2lt I41SIISS lias lou 11,20 , o KEAUSEY S WOUST YET. The ordinary reader is aware Hint m p.,,1.,,. .. l ,1M-,.l., .....i 1. 1 js Kearney, ofCaliliirniii, jointly bo- I. 1 1., .1..,., ,! u ..I 1 . ,. v. . ,7. -" j un 1,1 Natlona -(neeiibackism Hen lutein.. m.l.. am hid 1..1.11I tn ll.n ....vlt. having made up bis mind in ll.c early part of the summer to become u can iiuuio ,r ,.overn or in nis mate sent or Kearney for the purpose of eleelri - lying tho inhab. ants of Boston. Don - ms came and delivered himself accord- ingtolletis orders and lelt. In the nom.na lion or Ooveri,.r, and a few , day. before the e ei tion ho sent for In. beloved pur . ,er, (who delends 41 oily- Magu re,sm(, and who again . onnflod h. . lW uan. more vulgarly than hefi.re. The associate dispatch says:! Boston, November 5 In bis effort I here Saturday night, Dennis Kearney j made lhe most violent soeecb ho has , yet delivered. After denouncing lhe ! ol the people, he said All tho thieving vampires lhal now trample on tho rights of the people, the low, debased press and the burning fiirnuces of bell cannot stop ihU grand uprising of tho people. Tho tyrants of humanity have abiikcd tbo law, have shirked religion and charity to the down trodden people, and now lliey are attempting to bull, I, ,10 jou out of i ,""'" ' Ul'y I . ' "" 1 ""' u" be snoot into bell before the nurerciv iliiution. Appluuse When we, tho wuikingiiien, uro prepared to march, we will find tho hearts of these vain pires Kisscssed of devils, but so will drive them into the sea. Let them not dare lo provoke tbo workingmen into a conflict, fur, by ibe ueaveiis a wive us, ny uie stars 1'iat aro in tnem, by the moon that shines by night and the sun that shines by day, by earth and all its inhabitants, by u 11 itseii, we mutt and shall win in this fight. "Bully for you, Dennis; givo it lo ibem," and applauso.1 Take , C(,".rKe. J'"" while slaves I Capital is on its last legs. You can see now men suffering lor the want of tho necessa ries of life, and robbed of their liberie. You tyrants, beware I Traitors to tho Republic, beware I The temper of the American people is at a boiling beat. Tho workingmen aro ready to prevent, by tho use of the dagger, pistol and torch, any interference with their rights. AH it wants, friends, is to touch on the material, and then what would become of the oppressors ol the people? Instead of saying God have mercy on thoir souls, I would say G d d n their souls. Hearty applause and laughter I waul thu mercenary sheets lo publish this in full. Tho thunder Is coming! Ye vampires, look out I Applause. Tho people are alter you. Uearty applause. You havo succeeded in blighting tho pro, peels of the noblest class on Ibe earth the workingmen long. enough. Let tho vampires arrest me as soon as they please. Voice" Tbey don'l dare loo," " Well Utko care of you," and applause Lot the minions of hell persecute me, and all the honest men will riso in their might and crush out the persecutors. Voices" We aro ready." Como on, you vampires ! You have no terror for me. fAiiiilauao.l I havo no fear of your locks and bars. 1 am not afraid of your cells 1 Lay on, j iuacuuu : Li.ailgnter.J 1 am going to call upon each of you to swear you will risk tour live to hang tho vam pires who mtei lere witb you on clou lion day. My audience has now in creased to 20,000 Shouu of derision, and cries of " Givo it to us easy, Den nis," and I want you to understand that 1 mean a revolution at tho ballot box, and we are going to elect General Butler Hisses and applausol and in- stall him, too, if wo have to wado to our knees in blood. Now, all of you wbo are willing to oriranixe and fieht for your rights, hold up your-right bauds. About five hundred bands went up. " Hands down," said Kear ney. " Now, bold up your right bar... whilo I swear you in." Many vbo had raised their bands at Ibe first com mand, weakened al this ; but about 200 bands wero upraised, and thu deluded fellow slowly repealed alter Kearney, the following oath (?) : "I solemnly swear before Almighty God, that on the coming election day I will risk my lile to perpetuate tho freedom of the ballot box. Applause Ha Wants to Know. Tho editor of the iorriiown Herald, having inves tigated the matter as to "which is the Savage," concludu as follows: 'Lo! the poor Indian I When ho goes home to his cbcerles wigwam in th evening he has no dime novel with which Ui while away the weary hour ; no friend next door lo come in and talk politics : 11 1 , ' u niauinii aimanacs to read ; no -New York paper, with lull proceedings ol tne racy anuerbill will case: no money in a safe for masked robbers to break in and steal no civ iliaed pleasures of this kind. He simply hang up the bloody scalps he has captured during t.iv umj, ovaiiB in squaw wun a cluh. wraps a buffalo robo around him and lie down to pleasant dreams. It a palo face come within a hair mile of hi wigwam, the (liimberimr red man niffs him afar, awake and goes out and shoots bim lull ol arrows." - Queer RuasiNO.-Mr. Alexander, our nomine for Senator, had i 190 vote in Centre county, while Gov. Curtin oar oominoe lor Congress, had but 8,538 and Senator Dill bad 3,827. I10W, ir such crooked voting as this were to happen in oer county, we ahoeld deem it very queer. Of course, It tan be explained, and we premaie it was caused by the unpopularity of Caldwell, and the eusaednes ol some hightoned Democrats, General Grant, who went reeenlly to Spain, was to have dined witb the King of Spain oa th ITih alt Tb cooper wbo shot at th King probably saved blm a dinner. - Taaaeaas. , r;-r .. - ill : i B k! "i Ml i Si nil 11 llj 07 ii4: SB; On! ts vvl 10: t: is: im 14' S4l S4l sal !' la: ivs in.; iss: iu ,H. 141 7B, 7W! 114, i ic,: inn; 10 1 ; s: 02I loi ia.il t'i 44; l": I114; i'4; 101; si ISllj 40,1 la 12'! IT, I4n: 14i: 1 It; II t 13 It' 0 I7j In I: ir 12; 174 Si: VT II; IT 11 Its si, If 7 ISI; 177 It' 141 l. 4' 4' lit:.. : li 11: Sl livi 41: 44: 4 Ts! 14: 7;' t; 1: 04 ! llsl lv, .ir 40 isv! '! 4i'; 4 it; 101: in TS 10s tl Vl 0:1 lit : 34; IV! I; 4 4ii; 14. 41 111; " ml tlj 14 0 14: io! 41 ts ! li; li: 124 1: si! 7! 70I : svi iv: 1 us; lav. 14,,; i.t; ij?; tr: CO! l"i 144: I'; it: I'a; u.l 1SV II it: To: 0 us 4s 41 H; li f4S 44; 1; 11 2. 10 laj: I4 So; IV I la, Isl 1' 01 In: Hit I II VI' I4 b tt I 12 114 32; 40' at Ml 41 121 : 04 (Mil 13' 141 II IT SI IS IC.il HIT 4T ItVa 1111 IMS 1404 3114 liaaia.iS 1414 1710 MAX TOS'MAUBLE S KEPL Y TO TUBA'. Y. THIUUAECUAUOEH. j To the Editor of the flew York Herald : Sin Your request a niL-ht or two ago at tho Union Club, has induced me to look over the' 7Vi6uneof the laillwo 10 11x1k over the Jnbuneu thela-tlwo ,uuMilll ul,a i baml J0U wnut , u . ... .. ! lo .By ibvru0B. fbe 7Wcn ascribes to me, while in Florida in .November d y,wlUDer i876 lhe Mniiug , 1 c.main lolegnmt mlivb t never nl .,,,,, tbo living of certain telegram, wli(.n 1 ,lev,.t eiteived. Ono decisive UMtaMV wi here .uffice. Cypher un(J , u niMum i ' , k u Majrolwod l0 . UmanyWm , nwer 9l.nl , n l0 or lh Mr. , , The J)ibuM afll.n thal X(j vember 22, not a line was sent by Mr. Marble, even in bis moslsecret cyphers, imidvitnr a helief ih.t il,.. !),., had any riirht to tho votool the Slate My private telegrams show tho com ry. My several dispatches published by iho Now York Herald, World and Sun, the Cincinnati Enquirer and Com mTC(a,tbeChicagorimrs,aiid the Louis ville Courier Journal, justify that beliot with the proofs now silted and incon testible. This fiction and that forgery are the two nocccssarv binircs uton which id.. Tribune hangs every subsequent falsi. J found in the vault, but tho body was flcution of my opinions, purposes and I missing. Inspector Dilks at once sent acts. 1 shall let these thirty or forty lout the following general order: broadsides of disparagement pass on 'Tho remains of A. T. Stew art wore into echoes more or less noisy, because; lasi night stolen from tbo fumily vault there huppens to be no telegram impu-i in St .Murk's churchyard. The cask tod to mo, as there can be no telegram j et was found broken, and lhe body re verily mine, that conflicts witb one litct, namely : 1 never attempted, fur thered or executed in any manner, di rect or indirect, or ever assented to or concurred in any proposition, purpose, scheme or effort to buy the Stato Can vassers' certificate of the vote of Flori da i or even to hire them to certify the vote, as It was cast by hor people for tbo Tilden elector, Real or pretend ed brokers overran Tallahassee, flush iiig the gamo which Noyea bagged. From such people I received many propositions that one Republican mem ber, or both, could and must be bought lo tell the truth, turn Stale's evidence and brave the Kepubkan revenge, else ihey would never give their certificate in accordance with ibe truth confessed since by one ol them, McLin, and es tablished long before the count by all iuo jjovernmeniui powers Ol the Slate, thai lhe people ol Florida on Novem ber 7lh, bad chosen the Tilden electors Though alway informing the proper officer of the National Democralio Committee ot the tour of event. never reiorted lor 1 never had a avlla. Wool consultation with Mr. Wooloy or anyoouy, jvemocral or .Republican which favored or even tolerated the ao ccptance of any such proposition, iNone were ever discussed by me. On the contrary, I repulsed every ap proach ol that sort on the pot. My decision, never debated, was nowhere questioned. Was that decision an error r Th facts which no candid man now disputes, were then plain, a their du ly was piain, to every member of the L'l..-:.i 11 n.. - ... 1 ivitu. miaru. i no loremoet llcpub lican antagonist in our Ion a- contention I General Francis D. Barlow, a 1 heard and believed, bad privately told Mo l.m tnd towgill so. In the behalf of the Democrat from the North, so had 1, and 1 telegraphed when the Board went into session, an intimation or my belief that the right would prevail. A lew hours later their certificate to me reverse ot the truth dispelled my illusion. What Awnorican cilixen oould then conceive that a President it facto by means of one forged and two raise Slato certificates, himself the chief oeneheiary or their purchase, would reward nearly every known agont and accessory in tbat crime with a share ol il fruits, and this sovereign people . mciiinuive idu,uuu lor the annual wages 01 that most successful fraud ? Manton Marble. A Hiqutoned Joke. We notice that tbey have another nice social scandal m England, up among the highflyers. Sir Francis Robert Sherlock Lambert Gooch, a nobleman with something of nBiim ana a strong desire Tor an beir, married a short time ago. The young lady upon whom he conferred his hon ors, being of an obliging disposition, undertook to provide an heir in duo lorm, but not in fact She conspired wilb her nurse and physician to plum off a stray infant on the venerable Sir Francis. Her liege discovered the de ception and caused a summon to be issued lor her arrest, together witb another woman' wbo had taken a band in the liltle sell. Lady Annio Louisa GrxK'h being ill, the Magistrate of the m ariuorougn rwiee Loon, before whom the case Was' brought, adjourned the same for oilu week. Ha hSMUll Ik. beliel that the physician' certificate or nines presented by the lady was all sham and declared that ir she didn't respond when the case was next called he would issne a warrant lor her im mediate apprehension. It is very evi. dent that Sir Franci Robert Sherlock Lambei t Gooch is a man devoid or hum or and that he baa no respect what ever lor practical jokers. Btrrtia. The shade and different turns In life which hsve fallen to the lot ol the hero ot Fort Fisher, etc., are numerous. On of them I thn r.d.t ed by a Wettemjnewspaper : Ilea But ler was ono engaged to young lady of Walerville, Mt and to break off the snatch, which lor eome reason dmpleauv d him, hit upon tb notable expedient of going upon a feigned spree and jam ming aa InofTeOMv ciliaen's bat ever hi eye. The reckless) inobriat was promptly arrested and toed ; tb girl wrote a letter repudiating bim ; bar father threatened to kick hint out ol doora If aver be ventured near the boas and the wilr vnuna man eWkl. d greatly at tb aaooea of bi inno cent elraiagera. . John Bright has caaarhl a !(. .. pon4 trout Will Mr. U(rM pl.ue chalk that dowar SAM V EL LA OP. The Grenada (Miss.) Setinel, In al- Zll - Jc&.0 ' t.i iho; iwent ylr -fwr scourire in that aoctlon, sy. "That occasions make and unmake men il too true and commonplace lo dispute. In time, of revolution and war, civil itrifo and anarchy, the great and commanding rise to tho surliiee, w hile the liltle and ignoble sink lo the bottom. Times ol great publiu ills tress, such as a lurgo (mruon of our couiitiy is now experiencing, ere pro liftu ol great changes in character, ter some men hitherto unknown und uncured for, developing noble traits of human nature, and stand ing firm as a rock amidst thu most appuling trials, while other-, re garded heretofore, not only as leach cm, but exemplars of tho purest pre cepts, and Iho highest moral courage prove hypocrites 111 principle and cow ards in practice. There is hardly a town w hero the fever has been, or is prevailing, which has not testified 111 examples to tho truth of ojr prnpoei lion, unless it be that wo have no re er. ant ministers to deplore, no cow ardly disjtora to condemn Our pur pose is now with an individual in stance. ' Kvcry habitue of (irtiiuda, and many people of lhe country know Sam Ladd asa quiet, unassuming man, who was seldom seen unless w here lie was engaged, anil even there, he seemed to have nn more lo say than one could mechanically pump out ol blm. llie physical courage wo never heard questioned, nor did we ever see it test ed, though we eves fell assured lhal bo bad it. But wbo would have thought that ill this noiseless, undem onstrative man slumbered a moral courage that would awake in tbo dark and terrible hour ol trial, lo command the respect and enlist Iho gratitude of our people? Soil has proven, bow ever, during the scourge of the pesti lence In Grenada, when tho strongest nerves might quiver, and the stoutest hearts might quad, bo devoted liimsell lo the good of tho sick, the dying and the dead, with a courage that never faltered, and a devotion that never tired. The people owe this young man something which, in due time they will be glad to repay, and if lie will seine tho opportunity for himself, lliey will. finally givo him a chance to display lhe virtues drawn out in times of distress and danger, in a period of prosoriiy anil raloiy. REMA1XS OF A T. STEWART STOLEX FROM THE FAM ILY VAULT. NsW York, November T. Judgo Union rushed Into the police bead- quarters this morning, greatly excited, and beld a consultation with Inspector l)i Iks. lie stated that the body of A. T Stewart was missing from its rust ing place in tho family vault at tSt. Hark s ctinrch, at Stuvvosant Place and Second avenue. The vault, ho said, had been broken open, the casket moved, j lecomposuion 01 tne remains is so offensive that they cannot be con cenled. This is apparent from stand ing at tbo oponing of the vault this morning, conscquuutly it cannot bo taken across the ferries without dis covery. Cause diligent search to be made in your precinct, as the remain wore evidently stolen in the hope ot 1 rewaru. New York, November 7. Early on tho morning ol October 7, just ono month ago, tho assistant sexton or St. Mark's church discovered that the Stewart family vault hud been tsmper- ou wun. 1 no rune siao nan neeii re moved from its position and the earth dug up several feet. Aa the slab was not over the opening of the vault, the thieve did not get at tbo body. Tbo sexton reported the matter 10 Judge Hilton, wbo ordered the slab lo be placed a lew feet from its true position in order to deceive any one attempt ing to steal the body. A watchman wa also engagod, and he patrolled the graveyard every night until recently. The discovery of the outrago was ni ado at 8 o'cloc k t h is morn i ng. T be rob ber bad removed one alone f rom I be opening to ibe vault, broken the three coffin in which the body was enclosed and carried away the contents, it is supposed in a sack. The ground di rectly over the entrance to the vault was sa it had been left by the robbers. The clay was sealtered about, and ono of the throe stones which covered the opening to the vault was out of place, leaving a small sperature about eight inches wide and tbirly inches long, through which the pontons wbo stole tbo body effected an entrance, and al ter unscrewing the lid of the outer box, which was of pino, went to work on the leaden box, which enclosed the oak casket, with a knife, and gradually cut me cover on. 11 was men an easy mat ter to open the casket and take the re mains out and hoist them lo lhe sur face, where they wi re ovidontly placed in a wagon and born away. Tho rob bers wrenched the plute of the casket and left a small galvanized iron shovel, wun wnicn tuey aug the two teet o earth covering the entrance to the vault away, and a nuw pocket lamp be hind them. The robbery has caused great excitement In tlio neighborhood, and a largo crowd surrounds tho grave- yarn The Torch. Tho famous seaside summer resort, Capo May, New Jer sey, was visited by a devastating fire on Saturday, tbe 9th. Forty acre of territory was burned ovor in a lew hours, the wind blowing at a rate ol forty mile aa hour. All tho chief ho tels except one were burned, and over lorty ol lhe costliest villas shared a similar rale. Tho fire originated in the attic or tbo Ocean House, in thu best section ol tbe city, and spread in evory direction. The loss will reach nearly a half million of dollars. Brothor Talmage remarked in his sermon last Sunday sight; "Givo young man plenty of cigars and wine and a laat borne snd Satan quit look Ing after tbat young man, only giving order for hi reception whon he arrive at the end or hi journey." It is dif ferent with a aensalioual clerical acre bat who haa 112,000 a year, we pro some. If Satan la wise he will keep his eye on these follows all tho time. Btim. Goisd One aftor another nl tbe small-lrr Radical Statesmen ol lhe South find tbeirway 10 tbo i'eiiilentia ry, or take refuge JSmih, to avoid those immoral pest houses. The other day rrank Small, a Florida statesman wousign.il dis name with an A and was so conspicuous a Witnoss at Tll. haseee two years ago, when he was anxious to expose Democratic frauds, is now in jail lor stealing hide. The Kins of Holland, in iuaiifioiinn of bi mcriiage says ; , "Time will equalise aa. Today, when I am (0 and my betrothed 20, I am of course throe time a old as she is j in twenty years, however, when we shall 1m r sitecetivefy 80 and 40, I shall only be avw aa oia; nu. ir We live lima. enough, we ahall one dav be a vrv good match." A Radical Miraoli. the Cincin nati t7aMfe thinks it worthy ol note thst the Covington. Kenturkv. nn-i. ofBo building has been comnletnd at a cost of 150,000, leaving a balance of w oe eoTrsJ into lb Treara, IL lT lll".?!, i!.v, """'"I laat II 1 proper tit record them. CIPHER IXO HALE. Eugene Hale, tho liltlu man ,0 had un ixliiuuishkr l.ul uism ,;. , ti' in ur)e.v I'..- . moving fur an Investigatiou ol tl.,-,. leged negotiations between certain DcmoiTuiB, und tho Hi-turning Boai.j, of Iho South. He had better n,,i, ur be muy sink his own party more dorp. Ij in tho niiro ol coriuplu.n. 'J'hela' i is notorious lhal Iho three linuril were in the inurkel for sale; tin, bcwnid a ilou'il, and il is tquully lvr lain lhal their votes were cat ,M il0 Republican candidate. What il,., this imply ? Why, that the price giy. en by thu purty ol the latter was iin.ro than the sums otl'ored by the It it-titU of Mr. Tilden, If, indeed there i.ro any such negotiations pending. '1'lmi the Florida ami Louisiana Boards were 4-iiuipiised of arrant scoundrels, no can did Republican will deny, and that lliey decided oguinsl tho rightfully elected candidate, is equally , ! aa 1 1, . That Sherman and other confidential friends ol Hayes wore deeply 1 1 1 1 g ,1 , . cated ill bringing about the result. Kl he, for all future lime, a black n,mk in the history of the country, and tlmi the climuX of intiimy was reached In itio political prostitution of thu j,li eia. ermine, In tho Elec toral Couiuiis sion, will loiever stand a crimu nl uu dacioiis magnitude- and Irta-oii. t. r which a felon's term in the iiutm. tiary should he punishment too light. Now, In the face ut all these, little Hale wishes to inrestignio. Admit lhal with tho knowledge of thu Returning Boards, being in llie mui'kel, and that be who was lo bu President dcpcicliil upon the highest bidder; sat that such negotiations wero entered into wilb the view ol purchasing with money lhal which lnei been luu ly mm by thu votes of thu people; nothing is proven but that the liicndo of Til icn woro out-auctioned by the Ri pubbenn knaves who had 111010 exH-iium-e in such mutlers tliun tboinrolv.s. Wea-e simply putting this as an h.) potions, lor we do not a Imil Hint any such bar gain and sulu was contemplated b any portion of the D. tnucraiic party, but take either born ol the ddeinuia, and it is a damning showing for the lie public in cause. Lllllo Hale, who bus Jet u brief term to si nil and I rot and liirnc upon tho floor of f .'ongress, imt be careful, lest in stirring up the ciphi r comm. drums, he I ring iiis tat In.-i -: 11 law, old Ziu'b Chandler, into the ivsh pool. We believu, however, that I hero is so much negative hpnestv iuZach, as imt to by claim to any ..I that virtue, still, as the liltle limn, being played out in M.iinc, must look lo Miclngnn, as the future pssturo where, itndrrllicp.i'c 11:1! la'Ji. er in law's guidance, be is to look for fut ro political significance, it 11 ay let bowiso to stir ti. the foul matlerof the Presidential rape, the stele li of which is still hcuvy upon the atmosphere, which no ono contributed inure to thi'ken than old Zaeh Chandler i9.t fimorr Gazette. "Coal Oil Johnny" has un imitator in PilKsluirg. Eleven motillis ago a lust young mail bad a large iiirtuiie lelt to bim, but now tho spend. thnlt is ah most as many thousand in debt us ho has fingers ami Iocs. When a boy blacked his boots bo would invariably give the urchin a fiee doliur hill, and there was a chatiipaigne suppi r everv evening. Nor Ai.uiwkd 10 sat "(iuoii Ev. Nino." "Prisoner ut lhe bar, "said tlio Judge, "is thoro anything you wish to say belore sentence is i..i-s,il 111,011 you?" The prisoner looked wis'fullr toward tbo door, and remarked Unit ho would like lo say "good 1 veiling," II It would bo agreentde to Hie compa ny. But they wouldn't let him Henry Ward Beecher still iiiuinigct to season his Sunday discourses w ith a dash of the humorous. On Sunday last ho Said : "There was one old dm'. lor of divinity that actually set apart a day lo repent for tbo sin of Adam. I guess ho luuglied when ho waked up in Heaven and found what a fool ho had been." W'iiose Nauk is ' Haines ?" A Western exchango says : "Mount Ui lead, Ohio, has an insane heiress named Mrs. Diana Haines, wbo baa iuberted a Pennsylvania estalo valued at 700,. 000. Mrs. Haines has a son near.) of ago to whom ibis fortune will ultimate ly fall." Dr. J. Marion Sims, an eminent South Carolinan, long resident in Now York, has been in Paris, and it is re ported that be has been enga.'ol os physician to the President, Marshal MacMahnn, a position ho held during the Empire under Louis Nap,, lean. Secretary Stanton's widow has tak en rooms for the winter in Washington. fi aarrrlisfnifiiis. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties Curo.n.rllla. Pa. Jan. . '71-lf rlHiHKItTY IMIH It ENT. Mra.Joha R. R.fTertr, of Poo town.bin, i.flar. f..r rrtit a itwallir-E tinaaa and ana Mi.in, ri'ualaln Ibaaill.re of Paaa.illa. Fiir furlhar iolnrmattua aj.piy txi, or a:!.!rr!s, Mr.. J B RAr'PKRTY, jKt M.'Mjr. lrani,iao llilll. rpEMPERANCK HOUSE, NKW WASHINGTON, PA. n. D. ROSK, , PaorstBroB. Mtata. !4o. Man and kotaa avar olrhl. tl 00. Man and imo toraea uvar niht, 11.40. Tba I oat of areuumodattoBa fur mas aal trail. Oot. 31,'7t l(. CAUTION. All prrrtiBiara Borah? Minrt pnrt hkiirit r la any my ?ddlinj( witb ta MlDtr.nf jMritml pnprtT, low (a the tMiMMini of C. A,panitL,of Momi low b, Lip, to it : Ob rook Iot, mo prlor !, nn.c4w. omt kafrlVr, odo (.Mr lu lwlt, 1 1 ooriiog ftolH.-n orrtl more, ,.D titty horo ono S otirpo tfn, nro Mt JutfMo bara.M ! It aeri-i of wheat im (ba rnttjnii. tad ).rM-rt paruhsutoj bj an al yri ai ail. aa l ! UR wit h aii Sianagti oa loan, adject w order al anr tiina HA Mil a L r-PANAULR. tirtnuutoti, ort. 2V78--1 Great Western Hotel, N01. till, I.1IS a 1.1 , Marks! SOMt, ( tlirtrtln ata-ttifa Waanatata'a fisnaal Drfol,) ridlftdolpMa, loaa 'a-. Tonus), 00.00 por claxy. TM. II .1.1 a n-ar Its aair Pakllt BaUdinir'. saw Maaiiala Ttutr-la, ll. S Mist, and Aasdrai; tf Flna Ana. T. W. TRA11CK, Prnp'r. oras Al-L BinsT. Jll". TS-ly- A GOLD MEDAL Waa awaidad al lbs Parli Fipoaitla far 11:1 K J. & P. COATES, rar tkf.r tan Sit Cor Sanel OMtan, MBtlraia( the aaiimate flasad apoa thalr E'N"1S t" ,b World, H,f. t'.aa, rtai ,tal at L.sdon, lU, ts tba Ora'sanlal Kanoalll .a ..I l;t harvtha, loot s Sipawa f..r Hur.il, Hiranftk and El erls.nl guaiitr.1 Tha Hat a t Prl,a af a Alia ar Mrdal La an kr lbs Wlulmaatla Llnra 1 ..aipaar. wtiab rauaM to ha lhi aproial eh.mptaa af Aaaarleaa ladailrr, aid ttbi-b baa ailvaatrtl; ad.artiaad s Uraul Priaa al Part, NO GRAND FRIZES were awarded for Spool Cotton at PARIS. Maa.ra J. A p. Casta, k ... aat.kil.had Is Paw- laobM, R. I , ita lamm Sp4 Count M.lla la th. Ualtad Slatas K.ar, ar 1 of aaa iaUa lara. frrai tba raw .u.i talta Sai-bal ap,sl, I' aoadualad Ibara. Tbrlr Aancioao nada Hfisal Citlaa took iba Board al tha I'aalaaalat, end bila thy k..a aa.ar alalnjod a.acial siarit t" Ibair Aai.rli-BB nada H,mJ Coiiab .ro that aa.a- afaatarad la tbair Waonh Mill., tb-r ba.e ma aliaraotlaa af aanaaaolni Ibat tba, bara lo Ural land ihasaal.aa olih Una aoantri, tb.t AUgBICdi, a rtprMtatod by J.fcF.cam&ia still AHEAD IN SPOOL COTTON, ta niWtlp.1 nr J. P. COATS: . .... .. ' . TM at VOATEH.