Tiotrts. the MAiiSJcr; urns?-, Corner of Becoadand Mark. Strttti. CI EARHI-LI. PA. frill II aaa aommodioo Hotel im. during I, the peat year, beea enlarged U double iu (vraer eepaeity fur tb enurteiuiaefit of atMa fere aad Miu. The whle building bu ba refareiabed, u4 the proprietor will ipere bi puna reader in fueaU eonforuble wbii tayfec wlik kia. -The 'Mention Hovae" Omnthm mm to aid from the Depot as the arrWal aad deperturt at iuk trait. W. C. CAKUU.S, Jul 13 rr.tf Propntu- LLKGUKNY HOTEL Market fttreet. Clearfield, P. Wb. 8. Bradley, formorly iiroprlelnr of the Leonard ll-mie bating kaaed the Allegheny Hotel, entlaiu bar of public patronage, Tbe llouee bee beta thorough! rep.irvd ami ae-ily fa rata tied, and gueeu will And tt a pleasant top ping place. The taMe b 'applied with tbe bat of everything ia Iho market. At tb bar will bo fooud the beet winee aud liqoore. Uovd ttabling attarbed. Wil. 8. MtAULKY, May 17,';. Proprietor. Shaw nousE, ' (Cor. of Market A Front itrMti,) CLEAHFIELD, PA. Tho andereigned bar tag ukD charge or ' W Hotel, would re.peellallji eolion public patrol, 1',-e. leblt,'l. K. NhHTUN BUAW. WASHINGTON HOURK, KK1V WASI1INUT0N, Pi This ae and well furniaued honre baa booo takea by tbo anioraigneit. Uo feele confident of being able to render eeiiafaciloa to tboao who mar faror bin orith a cell. Mej 8, 1171. 0. W. DAVIS, Pnp'r. LOYD HOUSE, . , M.in Dtract, PIHLlPbBUHU, PENS'A. ToMo olwoj. luppliod witb tbo boat tbo marktt afford.. Tbo truroliog nubile ! inriiod to e&IL jaa l.'7. ROUKKT LOVU. County National Bank, OP CLEAHFIELD, PA. ROOM in MiMnie UulldinK. odo door north 01 C. U. Wia,in'f Droit 8toro. Paaiair. Tiok.ti to and from Lirorpool, Quoona town, ii laigow. London, Haria anil Copenhaftan. Alao, Draft for aale on the Roval Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMK8 T. LEONARD, Proa't. W. M. SHAW, Caahler. j.nl,';7 DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Suutb Third Htreet, Phlladclihl And Dealers in Government Securities. A pliratiuo hj mail will rottaire prumpl attcb tion, and all inforuiatioB cheerfully fumiha Ordora aoliatcj. April II if. P. a. AKXtfLD. S. W. ARSOLD, i. I. ir.soLi F.K.ARNOLD & CO., ISankeri4 aiul XSrokci'.s, ReyuoltlMvllle, Jelferaou Co. Pa Mottaj repaired on drputit. Discount at tno dermta raua. Katarn and Koratfrn Kschansaal rara on band and cullrrtionn promptly made, koyaoldavilla, ' HH. j Jcntistrg. J L. II I1EICIIIIOM), B IT II G E O S DRXTIKT, flraduate of tb Pannylrni fnllpir of Dantnl Pnrfry. (j(Bo in rrtitfauee of Dr. I f i Dp, nppo:U' tha hhnw Hoima. rhl:i, 'J8-tf. DR. E.M. THOMPSON, (I'Cit In Dunk Building.) Carweliavllle, Clcarlicld Co., Pa. eh Jl "It tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLPAHFIELD, PA. (Office in rraidrnpe, Pecnnd atraf t.) Nilroaa 0ti4a Oaa adiainiatered for tba pain aaa extraction of teaib. Clrarfi.ld. Pa., Mar . 1BTT.It. lltisrrtUttrottl .1 OH PRIMTINR OF KVKRT DESCRFP linn natlf aiTard at thta nllim. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARDON & BRO., Oa Harkat EL, nt door watt of Man too Ilonaa, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arrangr-maRta aro rf tha noat enaiplota aharaeter tor furni thing tbo puhllo with Freab MaU of all bind, and of tho vary bait quality. Wo alao daal i all kiada of AitrteoUural Itsplo wta, which wawp on aihthiiion fe'r tha beo At f tba pub) to. Call around wbao ia Iowa taad taka a look at things, or addrraa ua V. K. CAHDuN A PRO. Cloarflald, Pa., July 14, 1874 tf. Jual Rtfirod by ARXULP. at CUKWENSViLLE : Cap Load Nora Hnolia Planler ! Car lxad pure Corn, Rye and OaU Chop ! Car Load D oaken Salt ! Car IjOihI Choico Family Tlour ! CarLnHd Dry (ioxii. Groceries, &c.'. jfeir.Shinirle-, I!. irk, IE. R. Tii and Gruin will bo taknn in pxchunge. Curwcnavillo, May 1, 1H73. 'Til COn W E TKI'HT.-A1I "than nan X Py fuf ,n'r VR'k kfira it leavaa lb bop. And aa all Arab la at tba grata of tlia field, and tba nromiaaa of men aro lit a tha fluwrra tbaroaif thay ara giroa ooo day and forgot ten iho aaat tbf taforo it ia bat 0 -t to trait any body. All kiada of work will bo dro ia tbli ahop for aib wt raady pay lloota and iboci of all aiiea aad atylaa tha bit and rhoapart in towa. I hara miorrd aiy abop to tba lowar and of towa, ia Taylor' row, on Ratd itrcet, near the depot, whvra 1 will ta 'onnd at alt tmaa, waitinn for taatomara. All work warraatad good aad heap. Alao, all kiada of Laatbar and Shoo Finding! for aaia Tba ciHtaaa of Clear! aid aad Tidal ty ara apoetfaily larltad to gtva mm a fall. JOS. II. DfcEHINO, Cloarftcld, Pa JoIt II, READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS STATIONERY. Market St.. Clearfield, (at tlia Poit Office.) rfllll aDdaraigned bra learo ta anaonaoo ti X tha alUtana of Cltarfltld and Trinity, that ho baa ttied ap a room and baa Jaat rtturnad Iroaa tha eity with a largo aaoaat of raadiag aaaiiar, toaaiattag ia part or Billet and Miscellaneous Books, Blaak. Aoraniit aad Paaa Booki of ovary da oriptian; Papr aad Rnvalnpca, Franeh praaaan ail plain i fan a4 mctiai uiana Mgai Paart, Oaodi, Mortgagaa) Julgiaott, Biauip Voa and Pruanaarv auiMj Whiu and Parch want Brlaf, Ugal Cap, Kw-rd Cp. and ilili Cap, bhaot Maaio, for oitaor Piau, Flata or Violin, aonataatly oa hand. Any boka or atattonar) 4oaird that I say aoi bava oa band, will ba orured y Irat tiprttt, aad add at wbolttala or rauil to nit oaatoairra. I will alao bacp pariodieal nwratara,aaa aa Hafattaoa, nawfpapara, A. P. A. UAIL1N. Oaarfiald. May T, IMHMf The BeU s Bun Woolen Faetor) Pan tawaahlp, CUartaU Co Pa. BVRRBD OUTI BBT HO BURNED U P I TaoeabeeribereheTe,at froatelneaaa.rebaiHa ajeighnerhood aeeaeattj, ta too ereetioa or a Sret ahue Woolen MaaafactorT, with all the aaodera imnrerooaonta attached, aad are prepared ta eaafco ll htada af Clothe, CaHiaaarea, Satiaetu. Blaa .la, rauaaela, Ae. Pleal af foodo a. haad la aaf ,1 aN aaraM aaa a I ihiui aoaeaeteaaara, araea era aah ae eaeia aad alaatlaa ear (teak. Tha haataaeo ad CAKDINO AND Fl'LLISU will reeai. aar aapeelal attealioa. Proper arraaaaaaaata will ho Bade re roaotro aad eMiew wTaaLtaaaitaaatoaaera. All work warraatad aad eteaa aaoa tha ehartaet aottaa, aad h; atrtat attea iea u haeiaeea we hope ta raaliaa a liberal ehare mf f abUa aatroaag a. IOANM POUNDS WOOL WANTIDI ul aeU aar aaaaafaetared f oaae aa law aa eiaailar iraada eaa ha haaghl la the eeaete, aad waaaaear wa fail la reader raaaeaabla eetiefeetiea era aaa ewara ha feaad at haaaa read; ta raahe pnraar ajaw lieallia, atlher ia aaree. or h; letter. JIMU JOHNSON A SONS, aprUMlf Bewer P. 0. Our Otrn drfrtiifrac at. THE REPUBLICAN, Pebllahed tITt W.daeidej bj GOODLANDER & LEE, ILfcAltKIELD, PAm Mm lb I.erfeet I Uralatloa of my pr In Narthwcatara Peoneylraiiia. Tue largo and constantly increaaing circulation of tha Kipidlican, rendora it valuable tobuninea" men aa a modium thro' which to roach tho public. TtBM or SuRbCKirTiox : If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 If paid after threo month,, . 2 50 If paid alter lix mouth", . . 8 00 Whon papers aro tent outtide of tho county payment rauatbe in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten linea, or leaa, S timc, . tl 50 Each aubsequcnt imertion, 50 Adminiatratt r' Nolicea, . . 2 50 Exocntora' Notice?, .... 2 50 Audrtora' Nolice, .... 2 50 Cautiont and E.itrays, . , . 1 50 Disnolulion Notice, . . . 2 50 Proloaaionul Cards, 5 linea, year, 5 00 Special noticea, per lino, . . . 20 YEAUI.Y ADVERTISEMENTS : Uno squaro, 10 lines, ... IS 00 Two aqnares, 15 00 Thrco squaren, ..... 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 50 00 One half column, .... 70 00 One column 120 00 We hare always on hand a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS. SUBPCENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLE3 OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4c, 4c, Ac. JOB PRINTING. Wo aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING! SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, .CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, .CIRCULARS, (Ac, 4c, IN THE BEST 8TTLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. GooIInntI?r A Iee, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Fa. Wisfrttaurotts. war ii i eMMtowyeara ( r, in r-i in in 71" C'""-' (r :'' ill iu ii r ii v ,itl ll'llr to did. Ill si l ll a Ji, a nil III.. raereof tlit kUu IimniKH iirtn, i.r-ni. nromlnrii'-t t 1 ICti-nt r.,. I. I'., irk'., ai. ill :s II KM 1.11 v In ill. HiiJ., tlnrk. cit I lii'. l.riK-i'il Hi In). altinn'milt. Ill NT'M Itflia.ill run., a'.ia Ill, I rmnle llm 'an .. Dl iliirli.-a Mi . 11, 1 .1,.. .1 Aaprllli., Hrlplii'e Di-rii. til tin. ft .1- lioeaiilan I null' Of.an III'M'V I II t tlFliV I- l"t a,,f .aii'ir.""!.. i3!'i but) li. ai l luc ii'i' . t r- III rn 111..1JI ... I'litl.V ti.r in.. alKito r-.raM-a h hI nn urrr beau Jii'OWa 10 fall. .jce it 'i ii' i. u i it it- ,', 1. tirrwun il K.v. line inai hui cub. Tine yon. arnul lor patnplilct to r ! Litli-Ja REMOVAL ! James In ic&vyy Hiving purehaaed Iba antira atofk t Kr-d Saeaatt, brby gitea Dottt-athat ha hti m- re Into tba room latal oreuiid h. Rat-d A llatfrriy oa Hacond ttract, wbcro n la pri-pared to oiler t tha pu'lia COOK STOVES, IIE.1TI.rtl ..! PARLOR STOVES, of the la t fit luprorrd pntlarna, at low p lcn. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Gas Fixturos and Tinware. Roofltiir, F,onlina, ritml.ira Oaa Fittinc., and Rcjja nox Huni.a a eii'iU-r. Ail work warrnaled. Anttliinf In mj line will re ordrr.il aprcial II deaired. JAS. I. I.KAVY, I'n'nri.lor. F11KD. RAChtTr, Acrtit. Ciearncd, I'a., Joljr .1, ICTS-lf. TEE 12LD POEI. g nUMPHEETB' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Hrn in rrnrral u-icfor twfnt f yearn, Evrrrwhrre proTrit tlio rmi-f !'' hiyipi.k, M-oSoHicti.aod 1:1 i'iir:r tnrdlrMiea knnwii, 1 lioy lire jut wlint the people want, anvin tliuc, monpy. Irknraa and aufl. rlnff. l:rrr ainKie aprrifln the rvil tried pcr--ritiua ut u eaiincut plif alciau. Not. Cnrrr. Ctnl. 1. PfTf ra, Cn-iprati'm, lnflummntton-, . . f- Worm. WnnaFfv.r, .Vurmt . , W I ('ryintt-roUr, or TiftlmiR of Infaata,. IS 4. n.arrhira, of ( hiliirert or Ailulu, . . m ft. Il)raiery, OrliilUL; lillloiiibCiAlic, . . So IL ( liolrra-Hnrltii, Vonjiiti, . , . , its T. t iiiitIi. Cold, ISfotif-blii SI 8. lVrarnlsia, ToorhNtlie. Kort-iith'1, . . M f. HradurliPs, Sirk l( mtat hn, Vertigo, . tl ia y-pi-la, biiioii- 8t"ii rh a 11. Mipiirrnaril, or I'alnful Ti ilra, . , . S. 12. M Intra, too I'loftisfl pi fl. l rs II t'rillli. CnaKh, I fiicnll li-t'ith!ii7. . , 1 It. hnl Ithriiiii, ErjifK In. Kmfiti.-ui. . il 15. llliriinintlMiti, lun uri lc I'ina, . . S5 I A, Fcvrrnutl Aut, (l-ii. i : vr, Auum, , 6) 17. I'llri, bund or bk'-d iij fv) II Oililh:ilmy, anl S u " V aV Fyra, , 60 19, I atnrrh. a nf or -hi-u... Iiirtrionzi, , W W. W honp nj- iiiixli, viola ri cuba, . .V) tl. Atlililia. ofi'rfM'd r!ra(li:ii7, . . , W ti Far llit'h.irc. lr:..-.iri.d ti.r.rin-, . M 61. hrtMitnlfl, ctil-iriTfil piuiid", lUnc, . W tl. t.rn-r;.l ViWA ry, l'tt-.i.:il WLulUicea, . 60 V5. Ilrl. a rl sraiitv Hrvntit'tr 60 IA. hi'A.hi rniir, alckru-a fruii rit'Ulff, . 60 tT. hlilnrlirnr1, Gravel Nl W. lrvllls llf.tility. Vital Wiakuraa, 1 00 t:. K'ut .,:i:i'b, Can)xrr w tf. I r.n:trv t-j U n?, wrtlln? the bed, U tl. 1'u'iitul P: ritlJ, oi v-iih S;'n.'in, , . Ui 91 Dim-iic nl Mr.irl, pdlpiiatmn. ctf. , 1 tn M. i:i.tli !i.cv, Sjit-mn. tf. Villi' Il.irtca, . 1 m SL 111 1 li. .''n ii ! I'.ttct! turn thmat, . , M S& f lirun . ' 1:1 ff-t:m ai.d L.-Jpiioufl, tut rmaf.M' -' m arii'i a'w.o 35 I::r,,v rinla Whtuuitl ui litxiipua, $10.00 Cttac aInr(K-:o. f iJ,i lrr;e ill and Ikuk, 6 .00 Thrar rrtii'-ip nr.1 unit lay f '.f r.ie Bin trip bo:. -r x nl.ti r.i.y pun aif t lie mituir), Irrt? il i Iiarc, ou rcc-lyl u( Erlre. A t " iiniphrt" ' ir 'fMpiriv?tirro. Uttufai'd ii"-i fnl'i i. St. ru'wVorit. r.ipfc.,,;.' ' it I rn-rKi-it, tW nun.r.h.;-i:yu Epccliio Mannal on tlio oaro and trcaiLQ. nt of disai;o aad its cuw, aont rili,ii en cppli'mtioii. ?E0. WEAVER & CO,, SECOND STIIKHT. CLEARFIELD, PA. Itara obaoad op. In tha ttora ronai lately nacurlfd by Wearrr A lletta, on Kvtwod atreat, a larga aod wall aalertad atok of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOKS, Ql'EENSWAUB, V.OOI1 A WILLOW WAKK, HAT.' AND CA?S, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. ffbich ihty will dipoi of at naiotiahla rata (or ttta, or cirbiuiga lor eouatr prouuea. OEORUE WKAVER k CO. CImHUM. P . Jan. f. IK7.lf. N EW FlaOUIt. FKEI, GROCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Ranal No. 4V Piaa Opera llouoe. Clearflald, Pa. KeeaeeaBaaatly aa head SUOAR, COfFEl, TIAS, SODA, COAL OIL SVRI'P, SALT, SPICEB, tout, Caaaad.aal Dried Fraita, ToVaeea, Clcara, Caa dlea, Cider Vinegar, Batter, Kfgi, Ae. tUI), EXTRA HOME MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour. Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, ic, AD af whlea WIS ha aald aha., for aaeh at la aaeaaaaa fee aeejntn araaaaa. JOll . ERAWER Clearl,!, Nor. II, isrt. if. THE It K l! II 1U I r iiiUriH. I Lu.l Ihm n miminaUd and vote of tlio niuinicl anil crii.lc.l ULl UUljU'.li.tt olcKcd witbout ono limitation ol laionor. of tl.o nalinn by mi nnailiilu-r. ;fy pctfjct li:-Jt.ju;Ki!csirt. To bnvojcilliilsoliood ia tU moat liana and nm-j ci.KAiu iKi.D, r.. WKDXK5.1AY. M'litMXil, NOV II l:, Ttiv in that yrixas. rilu.M (li'V. TIl.DkS Til 'l,i'K!UA t'l'I'lIKH TILKIIIAMtl A sllffl'IMI AMI CiiM l.l'HIVK I'l.MAL. Ntw Yiiiik, Oitilier, 17 The ful biwinji card l'.vi V.vT.'..'.:v .Va j'tl been j;iveii to the i'i-m: I have read the iuhlf atinna in (he Tribune of the Hih innt , piirpm ling to be truli-ilutioti ol typher telefrrania rcUtin o the eaiivana id vutea In Fluridu, at the IVoMih-nliul i lerliun nl 1 870, und have limited over those print en ill mo nt,uiu una iiiuiinii-,', reiaiiii'.' , to thu (UMVUH.H in Si mi 1 1 1 Curulitiu, the tUIIVUIW 111 Sllllth t.arullllu, I ' huvu no kmnvlvilo uf llie vxiitcnrt u tiit-rtu icK'grutn-, nor uny inlorinulioti ubuut tbcin, oxL'vjit wlmt bit been do rivfti !mni or hiih-i. iliu MiblK-uLiun ul i tin Tribune. St mui-li fur ihwe tulo grttn.H Morally. I kIiuII ru tiU yot miiio Hjiccitimlly lo nnnie oi tltein. T'Vv"!' TIium vhii- h relate lo tin oflV r purporting tu bnvo been nuutu in bu bulf of mono nii'i:ihcrt uf tho State Board of C'ai.u-er ot Ftoridn, tn givu, for a pecuniary eomptii.t-ttlinn, eerlilk'uU'H to tho .moeratiu eleetorit wlio bml been ndnully i-boen. Nonu of tlieo teieramfi or uny telegrum eoinniuniealin hucIi un i-tTr, or uii- HWcrinj iueb tin oftet' or relating to Hiieli un urtei', HUHi-etn by me, truim luted to tue, or tho eonteniH ut it in uny manner minlo known to mu 1 bud no kiiOavlei.o uf the existence or purport ol uny teleiain relutin to that KiibjVct, nor did I leuru tbut the fut't that HUfh un olTer of tbu Florida co it i lieu I e. bud Ik en made until lon ufter iheKixth tf Decvtnber, ut wliieb tiino tbo rei Idieulen wero delivered und the ibclouil vtilen e;it, und when tbo inf. iniiii'ion casually n-uebed rue. us of a purt event, it vnnn ornpaniid by the flLulcment tli.it llie nlTer bud been rejei ted. Secondly An to llie publieuiioiH in tbo Tribune t ih'xn niornin, purport ing to bo trun-lutiniis of eypber telo luiuit retutini; to tbo cunvux. of voti-H in South Curulina in lS7iI, wbieh 1 have teen Mine I wn lo the loreoin. I ran wuk of them no I, deliuilely und ponilivtly. Xooneof nut b teleniinn, either in t-ypber or translated, huh ever hbown lo r Ua (-ontentH made known to me. No .,(1. r, no negolia-; lion in hehull of the Suite canvassers! of South Carolina or uny ot them or anv ilealii.g w ilh any i f litem in re pcet lo the i-etlifii'iites to lite elei'tors was authorize! or suni-tion il iu any niuniier by me, direi lly or through any other jierson. 1 ill add tiint no offer lo give the certifieutes of any flL'turning Hoard or Stulo L'auva'sera of any Stale to the Denioerntic electors, in CMiHiderulion of pronii-es ol otii.-o, or money, or properly; no Herniation of that na luru iu bthi.lf of any member of sueh B und or with any such members w as made. No ultempt to influence the action of any elector ol President aud Vico President, by any sui Ii motives, was ever onurluined, considered, or tolerated by me, or by anybody wilh my influence, by my consent or with my knowledge or acquiescence. No such contemplated transaction could, ut any tiino, bare come within range ol my power without thai power being instantly exerted to crush it out. A belief was doubtless current that certificates from Plorida, conforming lo the uctuul role of the people, were in the muikct. " I have not the slight est doubt in tho world," s.iid Mr. Sal tonntall, who was in Florida at the time, in a recent interview w ith the Ihrnhl. That that (Florida) vole could have been bought if Mr. Tildeii had been dishonorable enough, to de sire it, and for a greut deal less than S5n,000 or eO.OOU. It was known I Ii ti t cither ono oi tho two members whocomposcda majority of the Florida Slate Canvashcrs could control its ac tion, and give the certfitates to the democrats. Either one of them could settle thu I't'esidenliul controversy in favor of the Dcnioi rulio candidates, who lucked hut one vote." How ne. cssible to venal inducements lliey wcre. was shown by llie testimony ol Jle- Linn, tho (.'liaiiiniin of tho Hoard ot S'.ato Canvassers, in his examination bcloro tho Potter Commillco in j.ine lust. He admitted that the true role of the people ol Florida was in favor of the Democratic electors, and that fact even appeared on the face of the county returns, including among them iho truo return from linker county, notwithstanding tho great frauds against iho Democrats in some of the county returns. lie also contessed that in voting to give certificates to tho Itc publican rh etors he acted under the influenco of promises that he should bo rewarded in case Mr. Hayes became tlio Prehlent, adding that " certainly these promises must have had a strong control over my judg ment and action After tho certificates of tho Louisiana Returning Hoard had been repeatedly olli icd lo Mr. Hewitt and others lor money, they were given in favor ol tho Republican electors, who had been rejected by a large majority of the voters, and iho members of this Re turning Hoard now possesses the most important Federal ofilco in that State. The prnjnant ii'i ahcoy remains thai none of thist corrupt BwirJi gate thrir rrrtiticntet to Democratic eleetort, but they all tltd give them to HcpuUican elector!. I had a perleclly fixed purpose, from which I never deviated in word act s purpose which was known to or assumed by all with whom 1 was in habitual communication. If the Presi dency of tho United Slates was lo be disposed ol by certificates lo bo won from corrupt Reluming Hoards by any form of venal inducements, whother of office or money , 1 was resolved to take no part in llie shameful competi tion, and 1 took none. The main Interest of tho victory which resulted in my election, was the expectation that, through llie Chiel Mugis racy, syatem of lelorms riu.ilar to that which had been accomplished in our metropolis and 8lalu ndniinia tration, w ould bu achieved in the Fed eral tjovcrnmnil. .For tins object il was necessary 1 should bu untram melled by any commitment in the choice of men to txeculo tlio official trustsof tho Government, and untram melled by any obligations to special ' vat!ln;i of ilii, txiaiiion by a Ujrad. 1 inj; comitftii ion fur Ili'lnrniiif; llnard !curtifii'uti' would In.t. lit fii In iibaii- 'dun all lliat in .i.l.i iit,.rv d.'.ruli!i'. ev. ry tiling M bich rnultl bavu ausluimd I me in the lurirer atriti.'ii that vn toi v i weald bave implied Uhiii me. I waa resiilved to k intn the Pieaidetilial i l.iiir in lull loiiiiiiunil id all my ro i hi rr cm fur uiufjlneu ir nut. at all. While t la ti ta ulintaiTiini.' frum an innmin- tiita cninpetitioii fur atii-h cerlillralea, obtained fur the riejiiihliran eleelura, who bud not been elmaen by tbo trooplo. i und denied to thu Democratic elector, i who had been eleven by tho people, j Thee fulfo und fraud u lout ferlitb-ulcH, now ,.(,,,.,1 ,,r0V(.j to bavo been I ,,hll,,l hv i,l,.,.,n..,,l. ur., 1 al.orwurd mu lotlie pretext for taking from tho people their rightful choico for President and Vico PreldcMit Those corlitli'utts were declared by tb tribunal to wbiib t'.'t'ret- had ubdio luted tho funcii'Mi of deciding tbo fount of tlio di-pl.ted el 'ct'iral vote, lo ho tho abdolulo und indiKpulablu convey unco of lillo to tbo Cbiel Mugir-lruey of tbo nation. Florida, which had united ull her executive, logiclativc and judiciul powers to tostify to Congres, loiij bttoro tbo fount, who were her enuino uj ill, whu b bud by fttntutc, catit-ed tt re.utivursH of tbo iauu of tlio new eenifUalei, and a Inimul Hiver eign uu I hm linn ion ot the ribt of truo elector to depoii vole entitled lobe counted, w u bebl t be in( npublo to cominunicule lo C'onrer? a hu t which eunnot now bo diNpuled. Convict, ibouh vested by tbo Constitution wilh authority to fount tbo tlec loral vole, though unre-tricted either us to tiino when it tdiould receive evidence, or nt to tho nuturo of that evidence, und though tuljeet to no appeal from itt dcHion. wu dei lared ti huvo no power to uuidu it oun fount by any inlorii.utinrt it could obiuin, or by any authority which it might accept from Ibe wronged und betrayed State, whor-e vote wu u bo u I to bo fuUiticd. Tho monstrnm foncbiion was tbufl reiiched that the u t of ono man hold ing the deciding vote in u Board of State Cunvus!.!- (for w about bi con currenco fruudt of other returning board would huvo fuilcd) in giving ccrliftVute known at iho time, and now, by himself, eonfewHcd to bo falee and fraudulent, and conlensed to have 0,iuini., ,v nmmiso til office, wrllfi,.,l,t.,w,,wc,.lmrttl.u.rwainown moiillis bilote Congress eouhl begin tlio count, must prevail over all the ; remedial powers of iho Statool Florida an 1 of the Congress of tho United Slates combine I. and must dispose of llie Chief Magistracy of ibis Republic. (Signed) S. J. TILDKN. Xr.w York, Oct. 11, 1878. soi.niKits i. rouncs The following is in reply to the "SnldierV Lciig'ie'' cireul.ir, lately printed: PlIILADriLNIlA, Oct. 20, 1878 Cel.. RotitBT L. Onu, President Peiin- aylvania Soldiers' League : My Deaii Colonel: I huvo the honor lo acknowledge Iho receipt of your communication of tho 17th inst., in which you assert "that all tho laws for the benefit of pensioners havo been passed by a Republican Congress," and that "investigation will convince" mo "that tho Democracy hare opposed every measure in their behalf." I have given tho sol ject the investigation you ak, and yon are grossly ignorant of the niutler or havo wilfully misrepre sented facts. 1 find that in every case tho Democratic party have cordially supported all measures looking to the welfare of tho soldier and the pension er; as proof, read Iho following acts passed by the Democratic House ol Representatives : Act ol Juno 20, 187C, lo equalize Ibe bounties of soldiers. Act of Murch 3, 1877 and June 10, 1878, lo provide that pensions shall coinmuico tit tho dale o! discharge, and lor tho payment of arrears ol pensions. Act of June If, 1 878, lo enforce the v. ill of the people in regard to the dis abled soldiers. Act of May 23, 1878, to increase Iho pension of all soldiers wdio have lost an arm or leg to f-4 per month. Act of April 11,1877, providing that thu office of pension agent shall be filled by wounded or disabled soldiers. Act of June 17, 878, lo increase the pension of all persons w ho have lost bulh hands, bull) leel or both cyca to (72 per month. Aclof March 8, 1878, to prevent at torneys ot er charging tho pensioners. Ai t of June 13, 178, to provide fourteen messengers for the House, at (1,200 per annum each, providing that such messengers ehull havo served in the Union army. Ad January 17, 1878, to provide for paying soldiers ol the Mexican War three months' extra pay. Act ol May 21, 1878, to provide that when tho soldier's vvidow remarries tho pension shall bo continued to tho children. Act of March 9, 1878, to pension all soldiers of the War of 1812 or their widows. Act of February 23, 1878, to pension all soldiers who have served iu tho Mexican or iho Florida wars. Act of June 13, 1878, lo increase the pension of (icncrul Shields to 1100 per monih. In addition lo ihcsc acts, all of which passed the Democratic IIouso of Rep resentatives, the pension committee re ported favorably on two hundred and seven'y seven privato pension bills. In pursuing the investigation still further, 1 find in tbo last Congress a bill was reported " to enable officers nl the Union army to recover compensa tion for lost horses." This bill was passed by the Democratiu House, but was killed in the Republican Senate, but the Democratic House insisted upon it, and the Senate was forced in yield, and the act of August 13, 1876, bocamo a law by tho obstinacy of tho Democratic House in tho interest ol the Union soldiers. Now, I hare said enough to convince you that you made a grave mistake when you asserted that all the laws fir the benelil or ienaionera were passed by Republican legislators. Of all tba despicable moans employed by the unscrupulous politician to benefit bis party, this attempt to influence) the In aiiamcr 10 yonr nn-nlar tt Si p- j limlur 10, wliuroin J im k niflovule tlni l!i iul.!iuaii tii kut Iwcaiiau lh tniuliclulia wtru an!iln:n," inc , i-lf I ! will cuy our t'Xni iunco of Xt.-j.til'luuti aiililiira who bavo held ollice ban i.ot boon ot thu nioft iku-in iiuluro. re sident (irniit wu.u boldier.un l un der bin udniininliuiion wy liave hren tho iA-Kihlufuro of wvcrci-n Suio' lii-herwii by tbo bayonet of Federul w.bliein ; und uyuin wo huvo witnessed un ununned auntinvl. with tbo rank oi eurwrul, puuing upon iho quubtioa lions of member of a Stulo l-t.!. j ture Holioveauen thl uilinuibod miilier lining tho army to bold tho poo- l.le tif the Southern Stale in ubjec- linn ul.il., ll, mat lii.rilu (,f l-uriH't- -- - I baggor robbed them, takingfroin them everything they hud-except they elh'W fever and finally cloning hi adminta trution by utuinii wilh hi iialu eiiee. and tho army, tho Heturning Ihiarda ot Douiiuna and Florida in their infumous vturk of counting out the legally elected Frvrtident and plac ing an usurper in tho chair of Wash ington. It waa a Republican aoldicrGcii crul Ailelbert Ames tvho wu forced to resign the (fovernorKhip of iliN-i-nippf to uvoid being impeached for high eriuie, Il u a Xtepublicuu soldier Cieiicrul IK Ik nap who pntilutcd the high otllt e of Seen tary ol War by the moH di-graceful crinnis ever pcrpclra led by a public offlccr. It wa a Ue pnblicaii Nildior ticneral Kulborlord U. Hayes who accepted tbo oflico of President of tho I'nttcd State., know ing it to benlolonand who rj warded the men uboa-Mled in tho great crimo by promptly appointing them to ofTh-e It was a Republican Mjldier (.icncrul Uailranlt who ngncd tbo HecordorV bill ; "un act to rob tho people of Phil adelphia that fund might bo obtained wherewith to conduct this political campaign, ami another Kt-piitmau soldier Colonel A. K. Dunkel volcd for Ibis iiil'umous measure. Hut w hy continue the list ? It would take a life time to recapitulate all the durk deeds of the Republican soldiers who have held cilice. Now, I will call your attention lo one or two fic Is, showing the lore the Re publican parly bears the soldier. In 18C5 Congress pnwd an act ' that all soldiers disabled in the service should be preferred lor appointment t public offices." The Democratic House pass-1 ed an act. Juno D, 1878, to enforce this law, and providing punishment for all persons violating it. How has this ar t of Congress been observed ? Ol' the eighty-five thousand Federal office holders, how many ara ex-soldiers? In this City of Hmthcily Love where are they ? Is the Collector of ibis Port a soldier? iho Postmaster, Director of the Mint, or Naval Officer? Hut, as his act did not speedy " Union sol diers," perhaps (reneral (irant thought he was observing it w hen ho appointed in the departments nineteen of Mosby's guerillas and the daughter of the man Jackson, who shot tho lamented- Ells worth ; and, for tho same reason. Pres ident Hayes may bavo thought he was obeying tho law when ho reeunlly ap pointed the Rebel General Longslrect to a lucrativo position, and when he appointed Mosby, tho guerilla chief, lo a 14,000 Consulship, 1 might tellyou of the equalization of the bounty bill which passed the Forty.third Congress, and was promptly vetoed by tbo sol dier, General Grant, and of the twenty- five Republican members of llie House ot Representatives who voted against pensioning the old soldiers of 1812, and of many other heartless acts of the Republican party towards tbo sol diers, but 1 relrain. In conclusion, I en close an invitation signed by three hundred ex officers of the Union army, a-king you to ubandon the parly of Longslrect and Hclknnp, ol Mosby and Habcock. of Ames and Jackson, the slayer ol Kl'sworth; of Hnrtranfl and " Dunkel, ol Recorder bill fame;" and join that of MeClellan, of Anlio lam; of Hancock, of Rpottsylvania ; Franklin, of Fredericksburg ; ol " Fight ing Joe Hooker," andSeileand Couch, Rosecrans, Rtonoman, Slocom, Buell, Williams. Stcadman, Shields, Warren, Farnsworlb, Mansur, of the War Gov ernor, Andrew G. Curiin whom wo all honor, esteem and lovo and tbo thousand gallant soldiers who have never stained their record by their crimes and betrayal of sacred trusts. Respectfully, your obedient servant. St. Claib A. Mlluolland. A SlLXflA CASH JS PIT'fS- nuua. discharoi or A PRISONER. HABEAS CORPUS CASE BEFORE JtOOK KIRK- , PATRICK AN INTIRKSTINQ AND IMPORTANT POINT AT LAW ON IMPOSI.IQ riNES. Qn the morning of the 25ih of Oc tober, J. M. Caldwell, K-q.,madu a mo tion before Judgo Kirkpatrick's court to bave Charles Eunia, who was sent to jail for working on Sunday, as a siroel car conductor, by Alderman Haddock, released on writ of habeat eorput. Mr. Caldwell said the commit. ment was defective, and aakod to sub mit the following affidavits; . Simnel Clark being sworn said be was present at Alderman Haddock's office on October l!)lh, during hearing nflhecase of Commonwealth vs Clins. Funis, charged with working on Run. day. At Ilia conclusion ol iho hearing Alderman Haddock did hot pionnunce any formal judgment of conviction upon said defendant, but after rcmaric. inglhat be believed Irom the testimony that defendant was the conductor of a car on that day, bo would decide that' lie must pay (25 and costs of tho suit, aud in delault of payment he would send him lo jail for twenty days. The alderman did not ask defendant if be had any property of any kind. lie demanded the money lorthwiih. This deponent then offered to become s- curiiy for defendant for the fine and coals, but the alderman refused to lake dcMinciit for bail, although deponent was ready and willing to qualify that be was worth ( 1 ,000 over and above bis liability. The alderman said he would not tuko any bail. Ho then sentenced llie delundanl twenty days to Iho county Jail. Samuel MeCullon awore that be was present at Aldormaa Haddock's office during the trial of Cbsa. Fnnis. Did not bear tb Alderman render any fi.rmal jiidiiiuntolKuillytli delcndunl, but board bim cnlenoe defendant to uy ?.'5 nml nwt. Kiftrtl Samnel hm, hut iiie AMt.tman Surrnuvii.-.T.. nut lake nnv bail. The Alder nan iliil mil ak iiil. ndant or any one else if be bad uny i.Hiiwiiy lUard ilm AI- tii - rtiKiii my bo inut bave the money I'T the uno anil cuiioiiuiiii Tho CnurV K'fiiHed to bear tbo affidavits. Mr John H. llamotoii, who was in- U'rlt - - Out KnJiy suit, wid that il huh impoMiblo to iend a man tojuil w itboiit levying on Li i,'ood at fiit for tho amount of tho fino. Ur. J. Sluglu iuid he, too, wa intoroMed in their iuit, and that ho wmueU to hdow tlmt Ilm commitment Has not regulur. It merely mid tlmt Erinis was guilty of " working on Siimlaj-," without sny irHhul Leiliil. 1 1 titles not show any olfunaa under lliu act of 1794. All Hulk on Sunday i-t not illegal, and In onler to, aenil this man tojuil il must bu Milled wlmt he U guiliy of. It tliH-K not aliow that- the magistrate at tenipled to culled the Alio from the diT. ihIuhi'k giHxU, although ihnl is (Mwiiively iiecewMiry. Mr. C C. Ta) lor uNo snpiorled thisTiew of tho mallur, un I aaid there must ha a return nl no goods." The Coiift aakvtl Mr. T. II. Davis, attointy lur the t'ominonweallli, what hud liven done in regard to levy ing on the goods of the defendant. Tho law never intended lo imprison anybody II a llnu ciin Id he colheted out of his giHids. Mr. Oitris said that a good deal of the a t was surplusage. Judge Kirkpulrh k "That is an ex traordinary remark air. It Is a strange thing to say thul a man tniibt be sent tojuil without giving him a chunceto pay his fine A half dor.cn dilferent counsel ull heguu tulking together at the same lime and I lu re was a wonderful ap pouting to alt kinds of Acts of Assem hly und similar authorities. Thu Court then read the fourth sec tion of the act of 1704, and said that this sec'.inn referred cnlirely lo cursing and sw earing on Sunday or getting in toxicated. Mr. Davis" Will your honor let nic see tbo act?" Court "Yes, sir; and if you can get any comfort out of it you aro wel Ciiiiie." Mr. Slugle read from the first clause ot the act of 1791, to the e fleet thai a levy on the defendant's giiods was no- ocssary before he could bo sent to jail Court " Mr. Duris, has not a citiren a right to pay his fine instead ot going to jail?" - - Mr. Davis "Yes, sir." Court "Mr. Davis, can you say '.hat the legal course has been taken in this case to collect the fine ? " Mr. Davis " I don t think tho act asks for such a coursn." Court I shall hold that a magistrate must satisfy every means to collect the fino before ho imprisons a man. In this case there is nothing to show that Ibis coursu has been taken, and there fore wo order Mr. Funis lo be released at onco. The Arrant Knave. After Schny. ler Colfax, there Is not more arrant demagogue in the West than that Western Reserve Garfield. The Bul limoro Gazette, in alluding to this btibed Congressman, says "Before leaving Washington to par ticipate in the Pennsylvania canvass the Rev. James A, Gurfield expressed some views on tho cipher telegram sensation. He w as indignant. Ho was shocked. To the 7i6i representa tive, he said : It won't hurt the R-peblhsn party aa moi-h aa men a aiaie oi raeta. aoeii n aero ba.a p a.ihie, aoald hare hart aare, Wa ara alwe.e tntatlely more e.rioualr tart bj a aaoral drreliettoa tbaa th.y i lat il a.eat La that it will hart area the D.oanerale end thia, ao far ae I haow, la the ani rereal epietna anions RrpaMieaaa aad aaiaag tba aeuer elaaa at IKBioerau. These views, it should bo borne in mind, aro Ibe views of llie pious mem ber of the House Committee on Ap propriations who took a (5,000 lee Irom the DoGolycr paving. ring knaves of Washington city. We are glad thai Mr. tjuillcld bus sKikeu bis nuiid. Tho Congressman who take a (j, 000 Ice Irom anybody, much from a corrupt ring organised by the people lo press a claim against tho govern ment, has earned the penitentiary far more worthy than a horse lliiet Tho latter has robbed but ono man, while thu former has plundered the whole people, A Radical Patriot. Wo wonder how iho members of tho Grand Army of the Republic hko this? We copy from the Baltimore 6'un : "Col. Mosby, ol Virginia, recently appointed Consul ill )ng Kong, China, drew his first quarter 'a salary a day or two ago. Uo remarked to tbo paying lellert 'This is the second limo I have drawn on tho United Sillies for money; tho first time was whon I pulled up a couple ol army paymasters during the war.' Mosby was appointed over four months ago, and is still hanging around Wash inqton and draws bis pay, whilo the fellow at llie piher end of tho line is dojng the fumo thing. Two ponsulp for the same place are drawing their pay nut of the United States Trees ury. Is this civil sorvico reform, or a square steal 7 KhEPiNO Dark. One oi lbs largest bank failures that baa happened In modern times occurred at Glasgow, Scotland, a few weeks ago, and tbe Glasgow 77mr, in alluding to the rase, saya : "Tbo statement in the London Timet of this morning, as telegraphed to us, that the story ia 'on of tbe moat disgraceful In the whole history of banking cannot bo denied, and is, per haps, all Iho more disgraceful because of the fact that the scandal and crime occurred in professedly the most 're ligious country in the world." lt'ii doubtful if anything mors will ever be heanl from thia side about "wild cat' banking In Amcrita. The Baltimore Oi'iette saya: "A la dynot Olivia-writing from Wash ington, saya id Matt Carpenter : 'What a gallant-looking man he is, having a full rollicking cyo and leonine bead with it great mane of hair a sensi tive mouth aa charming aa Psycho, with its perfect teeth hands as while as a woman's bis grand presence and easy nonchalant manner. It was not writing a letter, but bis name pp t bote register that eliminated bis name from tb roil of tha Uaitexl Slate Sonata. Like ill mrn's mishaps there was a woman In it.' " 3 Ut, IM.-I1, ra M to i"W. ft AansKeMariaanmU H J. Far rak h) II. H. riaokua HEALTH I HAPPINISS. llrallb an.) lai.iiia prteaVfa Waaltb to thatr pnaaearora, and jmt the ara nilbla tha rawrh of warr ai.a bo al aaa MrlRFil'SMver rills, The "ntr aara CI'KB fr Tnrrld Llrrr, Il.ap.p ale, HaadaaLe, Soar Htoeieeh, Coe.lllloa, Ocbililj. N.a.. aad aM Uillioa. aoaialaiala aad Ulood diaunlrla. None seuuiaa anl.ea eigni'd "War. Wrij-hl, 1'l.il'a." Il jour Ilraaat dl ant aofifily Mnd tit r.nta for "no boa lu Rarrlch, Holler A t' , IS N. 4lh St , Vhlla. Dea. It, Tf-ljr. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IS . FURNITURE, MATTRESSi:t AND Improved Spring Beds, MARK FT HTHBKT, HEAR P. O. Tha aadaraifaad baxa laava to la Torn tba tHtt- aao of ClaarHald, and Uia .ullie (fnrrallj, tha' ba aaa on hard a Una aoaortmi-ol of Fnrnltara anch an Wilaut. Obaatnat ana) Paint Ohawbtf iuiWra, Parlr buita. atarltaiag aad KitMima Chalra, Ladira' acd titnti' K Chain, tba Per forated DiniDj an.l I'artor Cbam. Oarm rVaUaKd Wiadanr Ohaira, Clotbaa H .r, Sl-p afid Kitea aloe Laddar. Hut f.ank. Hrnil Miif Itoimhaa, A MIM'LtMNO AXt It (TP Hit ritAMt..S. noktntf Ola .. Cbn mtt, Jto., wbkh tu!J litabla fnr Holiday rnfi. HavrlA'TX jih THiirrimi, DRUG STORE. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Ft.'' oM Stan I, ClaarO.d, Pa, ht J t ,e?naJ a new atovk of ivhe .t.ru ; i m as, and t a traprd fa famiah anjtblat ia tba tba lina af Drug aui Ma4icifaai at tna rarj law at eaih price. lie bui a'ro un haod a 'rS flock rutul-f, l.t.ratid Teo'b brutbir, Faiie; Ailicia, Tut! nod barton S.-aps, an ctrliiing uatullj kept In a flrkl elat I Ira titter PHYSICIANS' PBESCRIPTIONS eiifnur)dfd Miib rarr, day or niht. A liberal burw ol pa'Ti'Dnje n'rHriiuify oli.'iicd. II U. fcl'ACKM ,N. rlrr!d, I'a., Ort. 11. I7T. A NEV DEPARTURE IN L I T II L K S It I R (i . UaraafUr, oodi will ba aeld fur CAS II aatr. or ia airhaatca fur prudaca. Na bootsa will ba krf,l ia tba futura. All aid aat-ouata aauat ba arttlad. Tho.a who aaoaut each ap, will plaaae baad rar thttr aotaa aad CLOSE THE RECORD. I an drtarniard ta rail a fonda at eaah priaaa, aad at a diont far balutr l bat avar offara l in thia rWoirj. Tha dicant I allutr mj enattimera. will makatbea riob fa twontj yeara II tb-y tt.o my adrtaa aod buy ibair irooda fr-tm a. 1 trill pay afn fnr wheat, aata ami elovaf a-d. DA?f fKU AOOULANDKK. Latharabarf. January 17, 1MT.' - Anicultural Statistics. Fa a (N'rfaftM mf Cttmrfttj fWaafy t - ' Tba aadart.ftaad.ba tag baan appoiotad by tha Depanmt-nl, at W'aah'Bgi'ia. priaripal raportar of ba Agricultural 6(atitiea of Cltarftald count?. rcptc)(ttl1y rfuaata tba en-opawian of alt to aaaiat, by aeadion tha abarrtbar all (ba infurtwa Itoa I bay eas bearian I'0-' 'ba fulloviaf qura liana, ao aa to an ah la hita to vaka aa eorrfct a aiaUtnfDt to tha Ufpartmant, aa pORaihlt: How ay boraaa bara d ad ia yoar boroarh or town ahtp, and of what diaraaa. How aiaay aad ealrra, and of what diacaaa. 11 uw a-my aheap bare yon loit, and of what d if rasa; bow aaany fcilltd br dns-t. How nany hog hara joa luat, aad of abat d !. What prtaailiag dt-waaea am on ail lha ponliry. . In all eaaaa ci, tk. nm rdica ard which bara bran found to ba laoceaa- fal, and ia all aaaea to gtva tha eaub valac ot all load aa nearly aa poa ibla. By tha ao-oparatioa of onreiiiaraa la fenaral a poo tbaaa iaaparUat particuUra. tho Attatoailarai rafMrU w.M bacoraa aa oaajtloptHliaal tuefal mr.'risalivo lo tha Mh-liL-, by caabliaf tha Iapartaaat to pahlnh tba diaaaiaa, tho loae.t and tba raostvdiva that hara baa feand Boat banaftoial In OvrMtn di . . Any olbar latonaaiioa that w4il ba ouoat-larost a pablia Uaoti, ill ha tbaahful raaairU. Adirtaa lha aubaeritiar at Uraiapiao Hill. (KatOald Co., Pa. BAMl'fcL WlbKMIKK. kiart-b II, lTKf. ) - TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDISMERRELL Haa npcnrd, la a build in f oa Markat atrrat, oa tba aid ttaa'era Hutal kt, awppoatt tba Umrt lliuaa ia Clearfield. a Tib and abatt Iroa Manu factory and Stura, wbare nlllba found at all tiacs a full lina of hotjse ruEinsimTU goods, ' , Stores, Hardware, Etc. Ilouae Spuallnj aad all kiada afjob work, re,alr iss. Ae., done on abort nolire end at reaaouable H,.a . Ik. . - i. Singer Sewing Machine. A aa.plr of Maehinea, wilh NeaJlee, ta, al wave oa head Tarana, rtriatljr aaah er roe airy ataeluaa. A ehare af aaei ewaga eoltoalo)d. - , , ,. , .0. a.MERKEM,, , ' fiuaerialaadral. ClwS.ld, AvrtUi, nrr if. r JF.MOTALI JOHN McGAUGHEY. Woahl rasaoatfoNr otlr lha aablle (eaaratl, thai ha haa reaeeeod b Vruaarr ti ore I row She. a Haw, la tha build 'BS (onaeil oaau,uad by i. Mile, kroucr.oa beaoad afreet, aeat door la Bleler', hardware flora, a bare ha latanda haaaiag a fall hee of . , . RO C K R I EM. I1AM8, DRIED BIMPaasI LARD - SUOARS sad Si HITS; ail raaa. TIAB, trae aad Black. ' OOFPEK, Roaated and Oraea.',. ,', ' ' ' , FLOUR AND PROVISIONS,' ! cjreo irnvits; . ' All kiada I the ajarhrt -' , PtCKLES, taan aad barrala. , SPICES, la aaery ffcraj aad varlaie. FAMILY FLOUR, ail Kinna Of m ACKER. SWAPS, - - - ' . matches, ' , , ... owed apples, , ... ., deied fbaciiis, '-'.. cried cuerrie. Coal Oil aad letunp' Chitaaerjrs. And a (aad anerleaaal of thaaa lhitraewalre keen ta t irbeae, aaara, whlrh ha will eaahaan ler aaathaUaf at lha aaarhM ,rtaaa. . WUIrt hraartasskaatliaa aaraUarsaa. rtaas. sail aad aa hla ataak aad iaaae fat jasrealf. . ' . "H aoaADenir. OaaarSaH, Jaa. , lltS. . . iaoieuai, tuarhrld, P.. , ;Vtl5ffUanfous. Ijlvrrj Ntublo. !N'li n!r'(wl l-r l'u'r,.W.f,:l1l, . ,'. W-... t.Wu;.-' I .i. t. .k. ..nr u.n..k,... ti ... .. MUdivl anu iru., ,ne .aon.ai aolia. . an raaawaabla tereao. Heeidaaaaua Imtc.i atw.. feelwaea J liira anil funu. OSO. W OKAMIIAlit llearteld. C.h. 4. I aft r. eoi.ira. ,. a. a caate. a. aan1(, GURU McCOKKLE 4 10.V FURNITURE ROOMS, - MaratM mrtwi. 4 taarfiald. a a. Wa aaulatrt'Hra all tinda of urn . ,,T Cbanriart, Ihmift: Auuia', I.itirarirt mid Hn. It jruu waat Purnttura ut ajr kiad, aa'i bay aatll ra oar ium. UNDE It T A IU (; la all k, breaches, pmoapot ai ei oVd m. (H I.IOII. MeOliRKLI A CO Clear-told, Pa., fab S, ';. (IPIMH mmm HONEY OF HOEEHODND AKD TAE FOR THE CURH OF Coo ? li, Coldi, Inluaoca, Qoamnri", Tiriit UrntLiaf, and ill A Section! of tU Throat, EraacUal Tuba, aad ltcsgi, Itadiog ta Coaatsijtitto. TIi! i,r.tll.l.!t' i cjncly is ci'iniM'-1 i-f i t MuM'V f tlie innt lliiiclmuiiil, it; ti.tnin 1 iiiinii iiii IM'-IiMM, r1 in; Hil f, :! I. he rKiNtinr of ilic f"rci tire Aw -'Iximvih, or It.tlm of (jilfj'l. Tlie JI("t' of I1'ih.!i h;ii'1 miiiis . r "t iTKi:- all iriitalioiiMincl int1.mnn.it inin., n, 1 l he Tar-halm ci.i.ansch ami mhi iln- i-.t-. : an-l air wsibanr le..ilniK lo il.v Itinj,'-. 1 . AiMiti'Hial iti'rcTit-ritH ltvi the oif-ms in-.!, mtiitt, and m hcaltlilul at lion. IaI ii f litlice kM-il V'"tl fr---m liiii'R il l- f'-'t n r..; cine of a fjinnn titKlcr who l.rtv .-.n tli- u faiiHUof live hv it 'm hi Inrpc (truatc mctM-. N.B. The Tar-IUtm ha no inn lAvir ot suell. PRICES 50 CISTS ANtJ $1 Tl T.tri ItF. teai savin ( in buy larrji tiie MIikc Tootliaflio DropM 1'iire lit 1 Minute. - - - Soldi bv all Druiiguti. . . 0 N. CRITTENT0N, Prop., N-T II ARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLEI I aa a war tbat then art aotaa peraweB a little hard ta pleaae, aod I bid alao aware tbat tba auupiaint of "hard timea" ia wall ai,h oniiarral. tint l ace ao eitnatad now tbat 1 ean aatirty ma farmer and prota ooor.) ull rely that "hard ttmaa" will tint affect th'eo who buy their rod frai m. and alt my patrutia thai) ha initiated lato tha aa irrat of UOW TO AVOID 1IAKD TIMES ( hare roade aaouch to fontly all tbr InhaH- ttaota in tha lower and ot tba atsttaly which 1 aril at eieedina; lw ralwa frun mj maainwtb attrt la Ml LiUMil llli, wfaera 1 aaa alwaya ha foan4 ready to wait upon eallen and anpply then with Dry Goods of all kinds :aob aa Clatha, fiatinette, Caativarwa, Maalin UaUiaea, Ltaa, Urilunga, Cahaoea, TriiamiDKa, Ribboaa, Laoa, Hoady-Biade Clotblnf, Doola and Bboea, Ilata atd Cape all uf the boat material aad made to order Hose, iMKfce, uiotea. Mitten a, Laooa, nibbona, ae onocEKiEs or all kinds. Coflce, Tea, 8otr, Rice, Molaaaei, fiih, Turk, btaeeed UH, Vtah Oii, l' UU. Hardware. Qaeasawara, Tinwara, Caattaca, Plowi and flow Uaatina, Naila, fipihea. Cora Calttra- tore, Older Praaaaa, and all ktadj of Aiaf. Per Tamery, faint a, Varnirb, 01 Ma, and a feart aaawrtiBoat af autiM&ary, GOOD FLO VII, Ut difarent hraada, alwaya aa band, aad will ba aoiil a tba luwaM poaaibla bgurat. J. It. .0:a.n'a Medieiaea, Jayne'a Madlclaaa ' nuateiiar a aaa 11 out, ana a atittera, 0u poaada of Wool wanted for wbieh tba biftbeel price will ba paid Clororaaad aa haad aad (or aale at tha lowest aiarkat price, Alao, A rent for liUaUuaUia aad Corweaai-llla Tbraahiag Alaahutaav MuCtVI and aaa far yuwraehee- Tea will Aad ararLbiiif aauall; kept ia a retail atora. It. II. COUU&lEf rreaebrilla T. 0., Aaftult 1), ltr: T BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, . iSacauora le fiBlu 4 Tuaag,) FOUNDERS it MACHINISTS , Maagraetarera of PORTABLE & STATIONl HY STEAM ENGINES Oora.r of VoaHh aad fine tuaau, ci.EAitrir.Ln, p. UAVINO easMad la tha Baaafeetare af Int elaee M AC 11 IN SRY. wa raapaatfallr laferal -a naahria that oe an law araaarad ta til all ardere aa ebeaali aad aa ,ram,lljae taa ba doaa la a7 af tha eittae.. WereaaMafaalara aad daal is Mala; and Circular Saw-Milli Head Bloaha, Walar Waaela, 8hafllr T-nlltr,, Oiford', tnjartof, (taaaa Oa.j.a. flteeea Wblail-, Oilara, Tallow Cap.. Oil Capl, Oaafa Oaoka, Alf Oooka, Bloha Valrea, Cbk Valraa, wroafbl lrs Plaaa, S.aaaa Paaapa, Boiler Food Paaipa, AaU Prletloa Metre,, Baa, Stoae Paealaf. Oaaa Part, af, aad all kiada af MILL WORK tofeihor with riewa. Bled Bale, COOK AND PARLOR STOVK. tf other 0A6TIK4S of all kiada. '.., ; ;'i . 'Orw.ra saHalteel aad liud at iif prleee All aWaera at laejalr ultk fareraaa t aaaaaiaar) f ar maeiafartwra ataaapUr aarvered, by eddree laf s Ofeartatd, Pa, JanlTt-tf BIOLER, TCOIf RSt V'"-'' t''',; a..' pipi i i HALirH