Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 06, 1878, Image 3

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    y rVP-'iitf Tt? C4 N -' "
Terms of Subscription.
It paid in ad.noor wltnin three aWtvwlh . $1 P
If i.atd art-r three oad belote lit atoaibs... S 50
jl pint alter ibeeipiraMoa of aig asobhts... I
.jr-M ess rs. I. M. PsrrBitaat A Co., V
er Adve'lisiag Afteuu, 17 Park R.iw, eoreer
Vs.. I, a-an trt, ara ur dulj authorised A fro l
if( ... Vrh Pit?
Mrth1it F.pUsupal Church Rev. J. 8.
UrMi iHAT. Ptor. Herviee very Bbbth
u lut A M-.end T, P.M.
Sabbath Snhool it I A. M.
Pray" Meeting every Thursday, at TJ P. M.
Colon union Service. Brst tiabbatb af every
onth, t 10 A. II.
rt ClfirBeU M, E. rbrrh.-Rer
W. 'CoTT Wilhwh Puler. Preechibg evr?
elterwat Sunday, it e'eleb, P. M. Huadwy
Senooi it U, P- M. All are tinted lo Ht and.
PreblerUii thurr b Ha. 11. B. Btm.ta.
Ssbbath eerTiees Bioraing aad evening Sab
bath School it I P- M.-Prajtr Meeting Wednes
day raing.
Ileptlut Church. Roe-. J. A. A Lb in, Fac
tor Hem,- every Rabbafb Burning and" evening,
alternating, al 10) o'utoek A. M., and 7 P. U.
Sabbath heboid at P. U . Prater Meeting wry
Wedaesdat evening.
HI. fratiela (Jburch Catholic Bt. P.
J. 8m id" Preaching at 10 o'eloeb, A.M.,aw
the first, third and lounb Saodaysof eaeb Benth
Vespers and Hcradietion of tho Blessed HMraaiant
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Kooday Bobeol ovary Sudaf
afternoon at S o'clook.
tisi or loLPiao ojjabtbb laaaioaa oovbt.
Sl(vnd Muaday or January.
Third Muaday of March.
Knit Morniay of J una.
Fourth Mvoday of September.
Tim or aoLpiaa ooao m.bab.
first Monday of Jena.
MKwad Monday of November,
rviLi orncana.
Prwdtmi lidgm Uod. Chariot A. Moyar, of
l,(rk Harm.
Aitat tw JmJp Horn. Joba 0. Orrli, of
Aitoviatt tlof Abram Ofdoa, Cloarlaldi
Vinant 11 HwlU Clai'flald.
proiAfiaoW Rli HIim-bi.
R,iUr mnd tfrrfr L. J. Morgan.
Ihitrict Attorn Wn. M. BlCallwagb.
rrwiaarcr David MeOaughay.
Sheriff Anilrrw Paott, Jr.
Jeparj Sktrtff Cbriit. J. Kaaggy, CUarflald.
t'oaafy Varaafor fiamaal F. MoCloakey, Car
AMNty CbanafioNr Clark Browa, Claar
Beld : Tbnnaa A. MoiieO, Cbait P. O.) Ilairia
Hoover, Clearfield.
County Auditor WillU-a V. Wright, Clw
Rrld ; hamual A . Caldwall, W illtaaiagroTO i Joba
C. Conner Burnttda.
(,nt9 C,ror J. B. Naff, Na Wathiagton.
Jary ttiaiara Dr. Juinai P Buroboald,
Clt urtlcd. Jnarpb Aleiandar, Matlcra.
Srrinttndt of f-blit AV M. L. Me
Quown. t'ltftrflld
StaUmf Wwiyki Aftiara JriiO W.Carlila,
oftica at La'hertarg Ha.
Sotnrim fmiHe-J-bo W. W rig ley, Wbj. Ka
dctiaugh, Cyrua Urdoa, Clearfield ( Jofffik R.
Irwio, N. R Artinli, CorwenaTllloi J. .A. Liviitg
Mona, DnK'iifl Cit).
Oar .Vfei7 coluua ia daetdelly tatoratliag la
a i'x-al poii't of view, and profitable reading to
tmf-Mrra who waal to lata money.
"W ill )o txka wheat, ttat or e-ra for aub
.rniiou ?" -re often i i" pi re J of ia tbii way
b) Ittttr lrm at root who reaMo at a diilanoa
from Clearfield Wa agia ray yea. The reoeiptl
of a rttpciiibta varcbant or at ill nwarr la tbe
Ticioiiy, will aniarr si jurt "til at lha oih.
To illluitraia : If any of our patron will dalivar
at a hMg ff grail at tb ml!! of Joseph U, Bretb,
in 4 beat towntbip, Horace Patohia, la Barmida,
Tbomna II. Fnrrfy, ia drab am, Wta Porter or
Sbaa'f, la Lawrence, or Brown A Seyler'f, at
Rock ton, Ubia twHhip, and forward tboir
reeelpll for lb amount, w will erodit iheal oa
their account for tba muio. Ia tbia way all may
oon pay a bat they owe, If they will purine thli
ennrte. '
The Stale (trance meets at Bellelonlo
on lha loth of Demcimbrr neit.
For iho ltitent Htyles In iiats and
Caps, go to Moore's Opera It was Htor.
The election is over, and political
affairs will now take a rest for a brief i p1!.
- mm e eei
Willoy has tho largel stock of piece
goods ever brought to CloHrfitld. oetlMt.
(eitt's Furniidiing (rootlM, the best
and the cheapest, at Moore's Opera House Htor.
The weather hart heon ralher wintry
for several da) past, with oeeasloaal spatter-1
ings of snow
Call at llirlinger & Hotik'a store, in1
Clearfield, aad get yoar Winter salts, Overcoat,
Underwear and Hosiery, at bottom prices. St
Read the advertisement in this paper
bended H Vota Early aad Often," for tleorge C.
A T. W. Moor. It will repay a careful perusal.
In the fall of 1879 Clearfield county
will bav hat two candidates tor olBe lo eat for
at lb general eleetloa Sheriff sad Diitrtet At
torney. Thank-oivino Day. Mr. Hayes
his issued a proclamation setting apart Tbarsday,
November Sfith at a day of Haitonil thaaksgif
ing snd prayer.
- mm e
Five of the oine Bruss Rands at the
reerBl polidoal meetings at Pailfpibarg. belong to
Clearfield county, three were from Centr eouaiy.
aort ono fr'm Clinton.
The inspection car of tho IVlinyl
tania Railroad Compan f, onatatalng the road lo
ipretars, passed over tho Tvmn aad Clesrfleld
brsachcBCB Monday last.
We have now on hand several thous
and first class ruie cpea, whieb wa aiil priat fur
baimrss men, or an body all, at prices tbat mi
aot be rivalled. Call an see them. tf.
Several buou rs have made trips to
tbe mounuia ia quant af door, bat Ibey aro nut
gb tally very lucky. Oo ar two careaite kav
krea Bold is this place. A aoapl of laehea of
satw weald make tbe sport lively.
Dr. J. A. Ruuse, who has been prac
ticing medioiaa al Woo I land tara Bamoer af
Years oait. Is eboat lvin that villag. W kav
aot boea infer a. od as ta whtr ba will locate,
Racoon t him, wherever h go.
There ia a slight change in the run
ling time af trains oa tba Treaa A Otearleld
road, bat wa ara uaabl to give tho schedule
chaBgas tbia week. Meat week will try aad
give tbe aorraeted tint labia.
Tbelmdies Sewing Society, connect
ed with Ihe Baptist aharcb, aieetlat lb rtstdewo
of Mr. Harry Hemphill, la this borough aa Wed
aeedav afloraooa. of Ibis weak, (to-day) at 1:80
o'clock. The friends ara iovitad ta aitead. Aay
doaatieM will bo t bank fully received by Ike
Pre.idcot, Mrs. T. A Fleck.
Trof. K. B. Thorpe, a blind musician,
aiiiited by s qaartctte of led It aad geatwaioa,
aad tba C.ili.a Carsrl Bind, of this borwagh
gav a aaiical aad literary taUruiamvat ta the
Court llouos, oa Moadsy avolag hut, ta a large
audience. Tba Birtalaeol wa very (uod
Dr. J. E. W rig ley we tbo ergaaisU
A celery exhibition will be held at
Watsoai Cigar Btera, oa Bat ado y as it, lb ttb
last. Eaoh oihiblwr I roqaired to brkaf twa
talki of oeUry, aad the per sea baig tb best
will uka Iba asjtlra lot a a preaUam. Tb as
halt kj aot oMflsMd t Cwartcld lows alaa ho
sltiisas of the lurroaadiag oeeatry are Uvlted la
pirtieipat. A Rad exhibit isrvqaoeted.
On Friday allernoon, tbe 25lh ol
Ustobsr, lb howea af Mr. Patrick Skwdoa, le
Kartbaav teaaekia wa destroyed by fire. Mrs.
Iheoca, wka had started ta tisil a aoigbbar,
wked beck Uward tb bees whoa a sbwrt dia-
Uie freai It, and dteeeverad tb Samoa. Rho
iid ber ha.haaid ea back lo tba boasa, bat tew
Ui lo aava aay af thaiats, aad evy thing
II wat baraad.
ArtoTHka Iron Bridge. Tbe Com
s-t.(. a.ri tan evai.ty aad Ceaira, usolber
nh ik Sapcrvliarsaf Mortis Uwaship, teepee
sua aier, bain aa ire bridge aerwei tho Moskaa
pi Creek, (which Is tbe dividing Haw betweew
lbs two aeaattas) about eight mllet below Kytor
Iswa. Th street are aeot eboal ll.luw Ceatre
?ls SI.IM, Clearfield 7ot aad Morris wa
bip, $400, awl af their aasoaled (sad. Tba
ssrds al ike two awaatUa mat Iba eeotreeters
o th graand a few daya ago, aad twafe tb jwk
their bead, highly pleased with Ma oeaslrwa
Both aads of the bridge have boea poporiy
Ud aad Wealed ap by the ataaOTaM. That
thaa aaa ka oald abwoA th Doer Creak,
tad LUa FaHUw k,liga,
" e aR te HHfr&A Mm I
Perkinw Drivinfr Ut'OU nd 6bnec,
at Moore's Opera llaa fttnta.
- - ii e -
Who io the bt-tUuUyfinCloar6oI.?
Wnxav. Oet 10 4t
lUt mi CapM. BrMita, Rhoea and
Grata' Parwiablng tioeds, at Moort's Ofera lloaaa
8 lire.
If you want a uooo miit at a very
low prioa, 4"a't fail to go to Willay'a tailoring
sUt)iibaaoa. . ,
Ki'mcmbcr that I.ylle ia Ctmnty
Agei.t for Lorrillard'a Tubaooo, aad oaa sell tboai
at factory price. Ibry ara the bat tobeeoea In
mirlial. Try them.
At tbe Republican ollii-o m iho pi act
io geiyowrivb work doa. W ara family prepared
to dn anything la tb printing line, will do It
wall, aad at tba right kind of prioee. U.
a mm
Wo challenge enmpamon in the
quality of tae goods wa offer for sola, as wallas la
tba liberality af ear prleee, and guaranlea all pur
theses to plaaaa. T. A. PLUCK A CO.
ort :3 4f.
At tho recent County fair the Weed
ficwing Maeblo took the premiam, fur the bt
aiarblfio aad finest tpeotmans of sawing.'
Ml I, Kit ft. HKRRH, Agent,
net. M-tt. Clearfield, Pa.
To Landlords and Storekeepers.
Ljtle ha a arrangemaat with aa Eastarm Cigar
Fictsry to (bat he ean sell cigars by tbe ha or
tbouraad at bttoaa flgwrea. tiira their algars
oa trial. if.
Jut received at the Philadelphia
BrsoehCMbiag Store, Clearfield, a Urgoatook af
bimi'i, boy' aad yoatb" aletbiag, aad a variety
af children' fe,oey salt. Also, a fine stock of
ereiroate, which oaa ha aaU cheaper tba at aay
ether star ia towa. oall If.
LiHt of letters remaining undaimod
la tb PotoSe at Clearfield, for tb Mk andiag
November 4, 1878 :
Mrs. B. A. Burket, Mill Mary Fellmaa, A. K.
Foaear, Joha MUark,Ktnard Hrardman, John II.
MeLaugblia, Jam Qaialon, James A. fleitoo,
Julias Walker. P. A. Oauii, P. M.
A Fact. An advertisement inserted
la tba'AB will rt-acb mor readers than
if bullUb-d 1b all the other ppr ia tb enon
ty,and eoM the advertisri lest than one-halt
(a other words, an advert)- meat pahliihed in
oar journal Is worth double th priea of that
charged by aoy other paMiiher ia tba eouaiy.
"It is a fact." tf.
Dental Notice. Dr. A. M. ilillw
would lay lo bis friends and former patients that
he bai Bot letlred frcm piartie a has been so
UdastririBsly rum la ted by soma peisoos, bai will
caiiaue to give bis personal atieatioB ta all who
may deiiro II, or lo assist Dr Ililehbold whea
ter rtqairtd. N Ureas Oxide Oas gtrea for tbe
( llnless ritraclioB of teeth. April 14 tf.
The Cleaiflt ld (Jan Cnmpany iirTers,
at ar. Coap"B Bonds in den mnattoii r $:too
ai d jOO each, bearing laiereit at tbe rat ol sil
r centum per annum, payable leml-annually at
the First National Bank. The Company has
issued bonds to Iho aiaouat of f 10 00auj Itl.OQfl
of this was taken hut a fw !) ago by one of
Ihe Clearfleld haijk", leaving 4,0ll0 to be dilpored
of. Capiulists who are iceking a safe invest
ment for ibeir money, would eontult iheir inter
est by investing in these bonds. Thi-y be
purcbased at either of tbe Clearfield banks. Aitj
information rcspeeting tba das Company, will be
ebeerfully given by A. F. Boy n ton, President, or
W. W. betis, tfeertUry. jelV-lf.
Clearvikld Coal Trade. tStalo-
meat of Coal sad other freights sent uver tb
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail-
oad, fur tba week ending October 18, IH7C, and !
the aam lime last year t
Pur th week
Sama time last yar..
Previously during year...
tie me time last year
Total la 11
Same tim lal yaar
Lamber . .....
MiealUaom freights. ....... .....
..IIS cars.
VaI.CI OF lioOKS. What apprecia
tive reader, ask th Ludg' Jew raw, eaa soS
eietly Tola boohs those tiloat friends tkat
develop sew beauty at every turwf Th mere
life omhodioA ia lha boob, tho mere oom
paaieBabl. Lika a friend, lha volume salutss
oaa pleaaaatly al every tara af i leaves, aad ea
ter teias. Wa alos it with oh ar seed BMmertes,
and aoma agaia to tbe aatrtalaanL Tb books
tbat ebarmad us ia yoatb recall tbo dslight vr
afterward wa ar srery persuaded thera ara
aay liko them, aay deserving equally ear affec
tions. Fortunate If tho best fall la oar way dur
ing ibis saeseptibl and forming period of oar
Bees. Books ara lo be valaed for their sugge
liTonoss va mor than for th information they
may contain; works that may b takee ia bead
aad laid aside, read at mime n is, oostaiaiBg wa
teiiov Ibat quickea our thoughts and prompt lo
follow iog them Into tlelr rsiiti ia with life sa l
bing. Wa aro stimulated aJ xltd by lb
pral af boohs of Ibis kind.
Kxct'RbloNs to Kansas. Persons
desiring t West, to Inspect lands, aaa proeam
slagla ar ronad trip tickets, via tae Paa-IIandle
Boat, al lha very )et rate, avary day is the
week. Ia or doe to scare th advaaiages of qaiok
tlai aid sure coaneotioai, ticket mast b jur-
c bared ever tba direct ard popular Pea Head I
Roate, the rh or test aad quickest lino be Illinois,
Mlssoati, Arkansas, Texas and KaBiaa.
Following la the lima of Dallv r f press Train
via tba Paa-bandl Koato I
Uav. PitUborg 8:42 A. M. 11:47 P. M
Arr. at M Loan W AM. 9 -1U P. M
An, at Kansas Cit) )t:lk P M. 10:00 A. M
Cvnaretioa Is mad la the taioa Depot, at
Kansas City, fur all poiais la Kaetaa and Colo
rado. Two buudred pouuda af uaggsgo ar
checked ln for awloalst.
It itabla lo prceata Uehel by ike I'aa-llaadl
RuuU Bearest railroad statlow, passengers skoald
oell oa th A genu at tba Uoiob Depot, or 7b
Filth At tee, Pittsburg, Pa., aad tali tor tickets
by way ei tho Pan lUndl Roa'a, b which 11b
Omaiba TraBifers ar avoided. For lima tables,
address W. L O'Baua, Uiaeral Paioeager Agent,
Co I ym bus, Obi. 10 4s.
A llpRRULi Aocidint. A terrible
Mi...t .M.rr rMcoll,. u lb. win rud atll .1
tb. C.Mbrtft w.rk. .ft Job. .town, C.abri.
M.aty. Srivt. B. fubftr. bin.l...
jwn tl m .plo,.4 M lb. rwl, .d bl.
d.i; waaiu la ulo, .1, wllb lb. aid .f .
pair .f toBi, tb. Mil, f ir. whi.h r. rwlad
p a, tb. Malaria! fuM from Iba aiabin, roll. .
Ho bad Im al .' la Ibat MaMi.baal alaaa
it frit .tanwl, aad va. aot aal, asmpMiat, b
ar, MMfal. At tba boar ab... ladbatad ba
laadlaf aaar lb.ra.liag apparMaa, aailia, (or
a ta ba woaad ap, wbaa lb. air. asagbt al
Iba I.Ubla, r.D, aad tb. bo, al Iba rati faiiad to
lack ap tba wbaal la Una. Tba malt vat lb.1
Iba atraad a, ,a.rpad a.aadar, aad lb. aaa
aad aaa JarkMl araaad ailb Hblaia lika raaldil,
rtrlilo, Mr. ft. bar al la right arai, balaxa Iba
albaw aad raoildar. paiatratiag aaliral, ibrsagb,
aad aataitag bi, braaat aaar lb. lippa), wb.a it
gala paawd aal laar Ik. Up f Iba braaat-baaa,
Tb. braablal irUn aar.fad, lb. aja.ol.
badl, lira, aad lb. aWb Mirad bf lb. bat air.
ar;lbiag paMibk aa. doaa far la. I.j.rad .aa.
bat ba diad la. aa avaaiag.
Indian Vtmocrat mfagi: Ramuol
gabriag, Kiaj., K at pranat aaaJaad la bl, taaa
aarlaa.1, IU. Ta. .Id aaapUlat al aMbaM ba.
raid .Waal boaai aaa tba Salra.
Itm M. Rtowarl. a f Wax M. tlawan,
tf , aba aaat ait la tb. IrM raanl (Iba Maraa-
dill) ta Braail, attaabal U Ik. Caglaaaf e.,rpa,
arrirad la ladiaaa aa W.daaada, la.1. Ill,
baallk Wl.g ba.alrad bj Iba, b.
waipallad a, ralara boaia.
Tbat .Ir.Ual diMaM, Dlplbarla, praralli I. aa
alarailag dual la lb. aalgbaarbaad af bl.j.
TllU. Klik.aiia.ta. laaa.bip, Araulraag waal.
la aaa laailr u ablldm bar, dlad, aad aaa
aJalt aartaa. Swaral faailla, bara loal fraa
laa la foar abltdraa. Tba ppa af Iba Mlgb
barbaad bara baut lhair abiUraa boaw fraaj
Hbaol u prarral la. illaraM fraa, riMbiag Ikalr
Oa Wadaaada, af kM aaak, Mr. Aadraa Sal
Uy, .aa af aaraart lada.irtaa.aad aatarprlaiag
aaraaatara, wkllal aagagad at aart aa a aaaa. la
Waal ladiaaa atraak a aall all, kU kalabat
auk ftaat rWaa. Taa aaa) kraba - aUk
tba glaaawg atraba aad a plan af U alraab
Mr. 0.11a, ik Ika aa alaM attain; aanra,
lag tka ai,bk TVa akarp palal af laa aall aal
riaaf Ikraagk tka kaH at tka aja, aad pari at
la. araaa M aal aaaa Ik. groaa. awaal V"'
palk, h upraatad far Mr. Oallaj U UU graat
tom a,
.... S4.U491
... SM7S
... k.OIS
Th Burlington BavltmhMwtiti I
V tmiH
aay oi bib ausy lira to learning aow ta maaa a
aew kind of nalte.
Geo. C. &T W MiKir, of the Opera
House Boot aad Phoe Htir, hava jual reaeleed
their aew stock for Pall aad Wiatar trade. If
yoa watt ihe heat gnada, at tba lowest prloea,
giro then a oall. Vrnnuit. Wa have printed
posters fr Mr. Matthias nase,or K art baas town
ship, who proposes lo bar a eery large sale nt
g'ain aa firtfeV !Wrai f sjiy niftsturday,
Novambar tth.
The Tine Kxtknpkd. A new leano
of life has bean obtained ia tba ease of all who
suffer fmm disordered digestion, nerrouSBess,
lleerand lungdisaese, Ae., by BslagDr Feaner'g ,
Blood and Liver Remedy aad Korea Tunto, and
his Cough Honey. Hartswick A Irwin agents,
OlearlleM, Pa.
Fire. The residence of Richard
Hughes, Esq., la Decatur township, near Osceola,
was eomplrtely deslioycd by fir on Monday
morning, October IStb. Th lira wss discovered
whil tba family wr at breakfast. It Is sop.
posed la bav originated from tba flue. Nearly
all tb household gnnd wr lost. Tber was as
Insursnoc upon th building, but not sufficient to
corer tb loss.
The hnys about town did not forget
that last Thursday evening was "Hallow K'oo, 'as
was evidenced hy the sltnatioi of wheel-barrows,
ita , lha aext moraiag. The amoaat of nliohlaf
dm- last Thorsdsy aigbt wa much leas than ob
pravlnus occasions of this kind, no doubt aitrl
bauble o tbe rough and disagreeable weather
which prevailed at the time.
The comniiuoo appointed to arrange
for the ergaaisatloa of a Distrlnt (nitltut, com
posed of Lawrence, Laurence Independent and
Clearfield Borough, respectfully ask all teachers
of th district to meet at Centre Pehonl bouse,
Stturdu-, November ilih, at S o'clock P M. It i
lo be hoped that th teachers will tarn out and
aid io securing a gond organisation. By order of
Com tatties. A. H. Rao, Chairman.
"Wife, Kit uk go to Fleck & Co., to
trad to-day ) aeigh'wr A. says they hare the
finest and best stock ol goods ia tb county, and
an selling thaw bl-iw any on lw "
" Wtll, husband. I was going to propoga that
mysclfj 'or Mrs. B. told m sh wis there a few
daya agt, aad boug'it such uio goods, and so
ouehp ; and I am tiied of tbosa shoddy goods w
bav bren buylt g at the Wildcat 6t-r. They
doa't pay for makiag up H Nov $ '78 St.
Not Our Fault. The following
note explain itself i
"LiCAs. Ohio, 0 t. 19th 1878
Ma. KoiToa : I am sorry tbat I do not receive
my pepr regular. I would like to krow whether
it is mailed rt-gulr to me. Lt me know and you
will oblige yours. J. K Mtbm."
Your paper is lit1 to your adjres evory weak,
why It does not reach you wear uaabl to Stat.
Postmaiters and wail agent i may gio you sm
ralualile inform tt ion on this polbt, if they would
eoodeioend to do ro-
Sinoclar. The Corry Telegraph in
resporfibi for the following : " 0 Bunila of last
wek, a fat ow belorging to th Rous Hospital
was killed by a kirk delivered by on of tbe boy
inmates as be was driving ber to tbo 6ld, The
oow had stepped to feed along ih path, tbe boy
ran up and hi eked ber back of tb left shoulder,
and, Is supposed, over th heart. Alter being
kli'ked, she staggered a lew fet, dropped down,
struggled a ioount, and expired. Will lomoonc
give u a oloe to tHe novl mode of killing.
mm an !
The New Township Vote. AtanJ
elrtioa held at Luthersharg.oa Ik 2d b ult.,on lb i
question of are! lag the northern portion of Brady
and Ihe western portion ol Hustoainw a aew tawn
ship, the vot nood : 812 for, and 17 again it the j
new township.
This seems to be a decided vol i
oo this qut.tloB.and w prelum that th Da-1 diU Buroughd M.isKalli. A. Ualsry, of Clear
Boiisrs will sooa get ready tt keep house on their I field. Pa.
owa acoaunt. Wa hip alt parttss eonosruad will
agrea to naiaa th towohip kltsr soma old Pa
triot Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, or som
one els af eqaal fame.
an -
Changed Off. Wo learn from the
Centra Hall Htporttf Ibat PruL O. W. Fortney i
aa Taesday removed lo Selipigroe. Tb Prof. I
bad boea teaching a lelact school, during the last
tw summers ta thl place, with great socecis,
having had charge of the common acajou of our
towa during tbo winter, Oa account of tb low
wage aow paid la Potter, 25 per moatb, he
fouad himself obliged to quit leaching, aad In
tends to Saiik bit theological studies la ardor to
ntsr tb ministry, Ua taksi with him th best
wiibes ot our people.
Rellefonte Uuests Tbe Watch-
mm af tba 1st iast., says : Vic Prciideat Ha
d risk i. Ex Qoreraor Walker, f Virginia, aad
Dob. Georg Bull, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday
last la Bellefonta, lb guests of Ki-Qovroor
Curtia. They arrived ber from Pallipsburg oa
tb 8:30 traia oa Saturday evening, and spoke to
a crowded Court llouso meeting tba same nlgbL
0 a Sunday tbey rested and viewed th town,
being th reoipieau of many calls la tho avntag.
Tbey left aa tb urly trala oa Monday morning.
El-Governor Walker Is perhaps on of tb finest
lookiag and hand somen tasa in the Union. II
is ta good looking that they take him along 10
(rnanirnt ipeakia stends aitb,
e m
A Valuable Ache. The Ridgwuy
btwuxmi says : Mr. Matbiei Wellendrf, of 8i.
Mary's hasia aora of grouad from which h tbii
yoar raisd on hundred and fifty buhel o1
turnips, one hundred and tea buhls of potato,
lilty bushels of corn, on aad one-half bushels
of beans, and two loids of pumpkins. The
turnips, al forty went a bathe), ara worth sixty
dollars j tbo potatoes, at eighty Cent, aighty
elgbt d-dlare j th corn at seventy At eati,
forty -flv dollars) lh besns at two dollars, three
dollars, aad tb puaspkini, at twa dollars a lead,
foar dollar, which makes a grand total or fwo
ANeoTred t4mt the proeeeda of one acre. Who
via brat it 7
A Hio Fluck rim i-dilor ol tliu
Kaiio. iariarj . I Our Irl.rid tbrlil. Knacbi,
tka aall kaoai P.laiar lawaibip f.riarr, ha. a
Dock of 131 II .ll.od Torbaji, on kl plaoa,
a ihert dinanoa Ibi, rid. f N.t.rcib. Wa,a
tbeaj eoaiing bnma tn ru,i lo thraa fl irk n
Tharad.y crvaiag Uat, and it waa a braoiiful
aigbl. Back Buek afipaara to bar. a l.atirr aal
ibaj foltita kim ailk a inaeb prtaialua aa ilora a
a aiiinpan, af aoMiara tka onlarlf Sargaant. Wo
ialrodaaad thi, aiaallaat arrad of torb.ja iolo
Ihi. Muat, aboal flra jaara ago and aa wafaa.
la a liltla f..liag of prld. ah.n w. tr.ral .vrr tb.
aaaal, and aaa baa g.n.nalljr tba, ar. ubiog tb.
plaa. af Iba aoaiaaoa brrait af larkajra.
A Warnino to llUNTim On Wei'-
naada, af la.l ,t akklal H.arj aad Martin
Walli.1, af Warn, teaaiklp. war. aot aa a knot
for lld larhaya, Haarjt .hat hi. arolkir Mania
tkraagk balk bga.Jaat krlow tba bnMi.;
allagaa Ib.l, b. .oppoard blai la ba a lark. aid
abal. rrlaaatalv tba ball paraad Ibroagh tba
flaibp partioi af M.rlla'a taga anlj. and
a.p aat aag aartoatl, t otkarataa ka ailghl bara
Ion balk lag, If aal alaa kl. Ufa, la abiok laltar
arm Hairy aaald lal kar. Wai aioalpalad oi
Iba groiida af ki'a Mor, f..raa aaaa ha. a right
ta abaot laa aa a aiara .Mapoaflioa tbat lha objaat
ha M la l.gitiB.I. gaai,. Ila aaat know Ib.l
it M lat a haaaa baiog. Olharalaa b. baaaaaa
liabta ta lalialaaat for laaolnaur aan.laagb
tar. taaWarawa Pialaarnl.
K. K. Thompson, Drunl & Cbemint :
Dear Sir It Is over Bine year 11800 I wa
laaea clek with Inlaaimatioa r tb kidneys, end
boetai aa laasa at Mbmi t oald aot kelp asyself
t waa Iwalty pereaadvd ta tiy tba Brosa, Last
Jeaaary y bash aad boojht th Irit battla aad
I ooatlaued tabieg 11 aaiil tb third hot lie was
weed, aad I reel bow Ibat I ered of (real dis
tress aad paia, alsa of palpltatloa of tba heart,
aad I wish ethers ia baaw tbo ealaoeoatelaed la
tba aeedtelee Belled Bimsja, ar paoba. Baek
aetve, Uve ana Ilsa-y Cera, prepared by B. X,
Tbesspeoa, TilwsvlliV, Fa.
CanoLiMa O.'Tpbbbb,
ferasaleei Coraeta, Vaaaage aoaaty, Ba.
Prle. $1 per kettle, tii fur
Par s.l by all draf rI-u hi Clssrleld, aaJ by
Jo, (toyter A Ron, Lulberehartt.
Wawt MI.MI I4 f-et thaved hoops, deli,
orod at tba railre4,la ewe loads ef n,ot at ail
peteis aa tbe Tyrone A ClaarBoH, F A M , Bald
Kegla Valley, aad Fewney ivaeta Railroads, for
whieb I wtU pay lb highest aaerket prteo.
J. f. .awaB,
Oetll, IITI tf. tltorleld, Fa.
Owa fTcaaa Faa Cbv. Dtioocar aw Ot a Ma htwes aaa aew W parebaaed
at Menell e lie aad eartety etere, rreaa It ap
ward. All lladswf soalag asaeh.wee repaired
aw two shortest aetiaa.
ChaarAeM, FaValy It, 1177.
BfJMias fea Balw-IC. News Bbaw boom a
hll naals af Krmmi Bauta aad PlattWai
Wagwaa for aala. T ba anew al tba Maw Ho
yard. OaA tf UdraB aUaj at Cloawe raa
eyleaala. 1-!-
WsaTin.-ieiiford it tb Rail Road
.,M fill at I-.L m-. -M . L.n..l.
iw,vii leMMfpiao arui-
no,i)na 1 4 1 ret abaved houpa.
s O'Hi railroad tin.
6(l,0l 0 fret "f good beailook boards.
Frwnlt'h I will pa ihe hlgbual nsrket prloe,
delliered at C eerfieM, or at aay point on tb
Tvron A Clearfield IlUlro-d.
J. F. Kbamkm.
Clearfield, Pa., Oot. 16.
In rplt of Bannrli, eougbs and ootdl will make
a MKiaent In tb rtin. But ihey ara not
trnaim at will. o9 can dl-p-". iheia with
Mali's (loner of llrtthuad and Tar, ta les tiiua
tbao it taaoi a HbariO toexwuta a writ. 8 ld by
l'ike Tootbaoba Drops our la one minute.
BoVft 4t.
Wawtbii. f obi satily learned prS"D or Artist
to ma u lecture la tar. it's Pubit tiL I'ahv
PirriiRKP in this eouniy, uu Koynltf. I'ainifd
from pbufciKraphs or aoy picture, and is tbe
Finest Oil Painnng mail. Before iho territory is
ta an I will paint picturea SxIS for VI0 and
warrant fbem lor life. Every per ion should have
uns, aa Oil Paintings on Canvas are the uuly
pie'uroc that will stand th lest of lime, and oaa
be bunded down to posterity. Particulars tr.
L. T. LL'THhH.
Not. T, 1877-ly. Corry City, P.
I.ii'e-r Is inr-
Th Livor i lb imperial oran of tba whole
human system, as It controls Ibe li', bealik ant
happiness ol ma When it iadiiturbt-d in its
proper notion all kinds ot aiimat ere lb aaiu
ral result. Th digerilon ot food, tbe movement
of Ih heart and blood, toe aetloa of the brxio
and nervous sjstem, aro all iuimrdiately ooa
nected with the workings of th Liver. It has
beee aufloesavally provad that Ureua's August
Flower is unequalled io cunug all jjert-ona al
flicled with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and
all tho nameru symptoms tbat result lrm aa
unbrallby ooadition ot the Liver and Htouack.
Hampl botUaa to try, 10 cent. Positively sold
in ail towns oa lb Western Contiawut. Tore
doies will prove Ibat it is just what you Want.
juyl7,7s aow-ly.
II f haUrnge the IVorltl,
When wo aay we believe, w bare evtdraee to
prove that Kbiloh's Consumpiion Cur is d cided'y
the best Lung Medicine movie, in as much as it
will euro a coin moo or Chronic Cough In one half
tbe time and relieve Aeihma. Bronchitis. Whoop
ing Couxb, (VUi, aud show more car of Con
sumption cured than all others It will cue
where they tail, It is pleasant lo tak-, liana lef to
the yonngeat child and w go rente whit we my.
Priea, 10 eta. fO cts and ll.dO. It your l.ung
are eero, Ones' or Il tnk lam use flhilnh's Porous
Piaster. Hold bf Hartswick A Irvin, O D. Wat
oa, CU.rfield, Pa.
Ho Von tie litre it.
Tbat in ibis town iher aro scores of person
pnSrm our store rerv dar whoa live are mn le
miserable by lnJUi'ion, I)B rs a. S-ar and
diKtreveed Hiomni'h, Liter ''iiiplaint, Con
lion, when for 7& tls wo will sell theua Snilob'i
'tialiiir, guaranteed to cure Ibeiu, Hold by
Hartswick A I run, and 0. D. Watmn, Cleurtieid,
Th moit p"pnlar atd trafcrtint Perfum of th
day II A KMKTACh" try it. rold by Marts,
wick A Irvtn. snd C. D. Watson, Clear fin J Pa.
Aug. 2d I87a-8m pd
Dae Dr. Van Hjhe'e Sulphur ftoap
Th Ind'Dg xieroal S-oaitlc for diRfuie of th
SKIN, and brauiitker of the CUMl'l.bXlON ; for
the Balb, Toiit and Nursery i Is reaom uebded
1.) (lorii'ian B"ld ly Diut(iiti. Price 2!
i eats ; hix X Cakes, 0 Cent.
E. H. W KH.ThH, Prop, SO X. 6tb8t., PbUa.
Jolj','7s tow 6a.
XervoiiH Debility.
Vital tVuakueaa or lt-pieaaluu : a weak
exhausted I'teline. no eneree or r"rme ; tho re
iult f aueutal over-work. Indlerreliona or
eicraaea, or iome drain upon ihe saiem is al
ways cured hy llutn) hrey's 11- nm-pxih c hprnllr
No. 3S. It tones up and Iniigoia'es tb system,
dispels tbe gloom aid d.n'leripy, imparl!
ttenxh and snergy, stops the drain an I re
juveuafri tbe entire man. Been ued twai.ty
years with perfert itioot ii by ih'-u.n.U. fVil'l bv
dt-a era. Price, 1 1 per ingle vial, or 5 pi-r
package of five vials and S- vial ol powder. Sent
by mail on n neipt of ori.-e
Addms ttumphreja llomvpathlc
Mcdldtie fjonipaiiy. Iu Ku t-n tit , N. V.
C. D. Walton, Agui.t, C'leaifiela, IV.
sept. IH, 17-U.
At th reiid'-nca of Go, N Colhurn. in WH
Clearfleld, oa Tuevlay, Nov. 6th, l7tt, hy Rev.
For th bountiful supply of cake furoiibc l tbii
oflioe, tb happy coup I bav tb sincere thank
of tb prlotsra. May tbeir pathway through life
tc strewn with m, and psios and plenty ever
b theirs.
In lloDlidtl. on Monrf.r, Ootohcr 2 1 At. 1S78,
J. L. U.uuif.rdn.r. in tli. 4ktb ,enr of hi.
I. Jord.l toituihip. o. Frid.r, October l&lh,
1878. Kr. Alplera, ,i(d ,.ra.
Clbamfibld, Pa., Nov. 6, 1 fiT.
Flour, pr owt $2 AO
Beokwbeat Flowr porewt Oil
Cora Meal, per t - 1
Chop, rya, pr owt 1 40
Chop, Bailed, par awt M ...... 1 1&
Hran, per ewt 1 M
Wheat, per bushel 1 00
Rye, per bunhel 0
Oats, per bushel
Cora, ears, par bunbl.... s"
Bock wheel, per bos bai 8
Potatoes, per bushel Alt
Apples, per bus 0-1 40 to HMt
Hans, pi-r pound 12.
H boulder, per ound .. H
Drird Beef, per pound 2fl
Chtckf-ai. per pir 4ft
Butter, per pound 2a
Bvrs, pi r dnn . I2i
Hm U. ,Pr fsek. larK 3
Cal t'il. prr KhIIoo 2ti
lr.l, per pound. . 1"
Dried Apples, pi-r pound m. H
Dried Fiaeh'S, per pound - I
Bcaua, per bushel 2 00
PniLSDRtrn'A, November 4. Breadstuff oon-
tlnae very dell.
Colfa is inaoMvo, wita smell sales lo tb spin
ners el VlfaVi. for upland end New Orleeos.
Flour snd Meal Fiuur is erry au-t at f-irmrr
prioes. Kales nt 1,01)0 barrel, ipvudinK Minne
sota eslra leuil'y, et( 2(3)6 FtntiBylvnnU to,
do at il.&0(4.7A 1 writ em do. at 14 76((i.A. and
patent aud other hi(b grade at f6.7.i((iis.7o.
Alsa 0 0 A barrels Uirard, t My, I sunli t., piaok
lorl and B,ty pt on eevrot tonus. It re flour is dull
at $.! In corn meal Ibere ii nihina diihic.
Wraio W hrel is Bin and ieaiy. tS.les f
4,1-00 hushels, inclodmg red t Vl' (n i.00 :
bor at l,2 ; and wiitt at, 1114, Kyei
i tnaetiv. We 4001a at 4H(u,4Ue, lor southern 1
64(,i5 lor Western, and u0(oaifl lr Peuos I
vema. Cora Is In lair demautl. Kales of ft.O-tO
iiunhets, ineludinjt r-jeeted at 4i i ffi, 4flt-; fU.imT
I 4ftt$4' I sail, eletaior, at 47c. Mi,d pmn
yelluw, at 45 . Uts are luacllv. Halas ot tt.Ui U
Itu-hri, molbdinn uiUed, al 2 tlfa2.rto, and white,
at H(fiVit tbe latter lor tone,
ttteda lorerat4-d t tjuiei at MfttvMe- We
quota II seed al $1 Jt2J. I imoihy ia aotemat.
Whisky k Heafly. Hales ul aentero at $1 10.
Naw Yoa a, No.4. Flour State and Western
droit tair eijiort aad bnma trade dmaaud ( supar
lue, M li(o On suuihera steady.
Wliea' -oprn.g steady) winter t brtter, raihrr
quiei j bw J red, Nofrwlter, $1.04 ( do, Dfceia
br, l M ; No, I awoer, Noteuiber, Il 0.,.
Cora Boll without Important ebaniie j miied
westero, spot, 40fo4Tlo do luior-, 4H($A9o,
Oat steady ( aieia wrslern, 2QD.t4a.
Bf Iroj, quiet ( new plain at., l(fi;l0.i.O,
Pork Nrtn ( aw mess, .
Lard a iad ttriuer, ateeta rendt-red, W 2i.
Whitby quiet I wvsurn ll,lui(fi)l.ll.
Cntcaao, No vein br 4. Flour quiet and weak
Hprlng eitras. M tfl(ji 0U j low grade, 11 Tof
l.ia patent, l6.Biiai ; wii.ur eatra, 14 UUt$
11)1 eN wheat lieteais. 17 lOdiV 00.
Wbent aetive, Bras aad higher f No. t red wia
tar at lla lor cash 1 Nn. I Lhieago spring, ftJ
taT2)o. lur oasb, 04fciR4t for Dt-eember No
I Chicago spriag, 70711 re)eatd, tl($M-i.
Cora iteedy and In lair deeiaod ( ,'ltr. tor uaib
l.t la. for Deoeaibart reieied. H2i.
Oeli steady aad Irai 1 fe. lor esfbj IPJcfor
veeeeiBeri rcjeeted, lfifn) lfie,
lte in good denied aad prioa a shade higher
Barley Itrongeri ID(nL9l)o. fur eitra No. Aat
37 (Ail.
Market elosod Wheat active, Iria and higher i
84. for Kovambert B4c. for Ueoemter,
Oora easier but aot auolahly lower.
Oats tady and anehaognd.
Fro vie bee 1 atawdy and aeebanged.
Peonayl vanla Hull road
( and afUr Maadaj, MOV. 4, 1878, tb.
Paaaangar Traiaa will run daily (altirpl nan.
da,a) balwaaa Tjrola and ClaarSald, aa tnllowa
'. B. Plobmii. OooHumr.
Canriaarllla,Jl.t., r. a
01a.r8.ld....... 8.4,. "
UaaaW, ....Ut,
Barrett ., "
B.aUr, ..Ill,
BlallaaMoB,...-4 17, "
laa Ball 4 It, -
Urabaa 81,
Pblhaabarg. ..4.88, "
dlHa.r a,.....4 M, "
bitalaa, 4 4l,
Paaaala... 4 H,
faaaliaa,. ...8 88, "
diaait,, a
Tuaouraa, 431.
trraaar. I.N,
rrraaa, ... g ia.a.a.
VHaaao,oa, 14
Haaaii M , to,
fowrltoa,.....!. On.
llacaola,.. la II.
B.) bio., It.lf. 1
airiaat'a 10 88, t
Pkllipabar,,.!! It. "
tlraaaa It. 18, -, II ;i7,
Wallaaaia..l. 44,
iglar,...,.l.88, "
WoodtaaaV..- ,
Olaariald 11.18, -
0raaaarllla,.ll.4 r.a,
Oorwaaa.lllr. 1.4, 4. a. Tjron. I It r. a,
VaDio.ijroo I 43
Huu.uiit II III)
l'Wi-ltoa a.Jll
0.o..,lat , 4.
Ilunlun, 8 A3
..l.u.i-r a 4 00
Lm.n.rd, ..u.
H.rritn, -
Bl... 11.11
a 4S
I nil.iLi.urg
U'ua 11,11
il.(.t..o, ,
4 H
4 411
4 bi
t 11
Fnilit.alior... V
ISirlnir'a V 10
B.)i,l..n fli
U.C...I.. V .10
P.i.fln.n in "U In UK
Vui).o..yoe ....I I .n7 ..Il.oo
n.ilUoJ a 4
UHfr.ll. 4
l....i..r.ll A lit
t'larlK.. i.U
I'urw.n.ullo..? till
kTAUk I.IXt.s.
A .taarlravai. I'orafUi-r ill8.lulljf,
at i u'rloek, p lu., airlrii.i; al rl7uuiaiullu
t 0 o'vloct, )t. lu. K.luioitiK, liu.i liv)
villa daily, Kl T o'clock, a. m., arriving at fur- I, .1 12 o'clock, a. P.n, acli vr.J, it.
A Biajre Iravra L'urat'Oarlll. dilj at I o'clock
p. lu , lur Uullwia Lily, arriving at Cnjr
at , u'ol.k. p. a. H.lurn.n,, loav.a lJulluia al
7 u'ciock, a ui., duil, airirii'if i C'ui a.'U. villi, al
,.'ol.H,k. ib Kuro, oa.h any. ,2.
I'lllLll'oUCKU A MilbllANNON UhANrllBS
Lnavl Biil'rll.
r a, a. a. A. M,
a. M. r. u. r. a.
I2:?.v 4:33
12:33 4:34
12:14 4:111
ll::o 12:111 4:111
111:34 11:42 11,7
111:13 11:14 3:411
10: 18 11:40 3:44
10:43 11:34 8:4U
l,l:.,K 11:311 3:34
11:11 11:24 8:3U
oli.fh.u. on,
3 03
8:40 8:11
8:44 8:la
8:40 8:33
8:.U 8:28
::ill 8:34
r. a.
7 14
A. H.
8.30 loav. T;rou - arrl
8.47 n.iii ii.,a.
0.30 Julian
8.44 M.k.l.ur
8.32 I0.U4 n.'ll.lui.l.
8.44 10.14
V iih I0.4U Howard
43 II I. arrira I. H..n
K A.TW. kl,
Paoirir Ei,rn
ilarriaiiurg Ac'lB,
Mall Train.
Atlantic Kxprcaa,
Pbila. K.ri,,a.
A.M.I M'KMT H A Itt).
8: 1 ul t'ittrt.ur ta Kx.'M,
8:4111 HaulHo,,
p. II
S:2rt H'mv 1'AMrnger,
8:411 Mail Trail.,
10:18 Ku.t l.i
Close eonneotions made hy all trains al Tyrone
and Loch liaven.
my 17 -If. Superintendent.
Allegheny VuIIey Railroad.
OV and after Monday. Deo. 10th, 1P7T.
the (.-eii(ter trsinp will rim daily exwpt
Sundny) t.etwitn Ku Hank and Driftwotxl, ar
lollotvs :
r'.AtiTW ABIP-y Mall leaves I'lt'shnru
H:Sl) a. in.) Heil Deiik 1 1:60 ; thC .Iiil.rlion 12:M;
Nff H.'il.).l..-m 1:07 p. ut; Muviville
Trny l:S ; ltrouhvtl e :t t Fuller's fii-y
ri4i(pville 2:.t ; Dullois H:HH j iSnmiuit Tunnel
1:411; Pen (it-111 4Mb ; VV'oitvilte -1:17; ilemitHlie
1:111 arrivee at Driftwood al a:ii.
A II llWDny Mull leaves Drifl wor.,1
It. Ik n, . It ..Ila I till . U8.,U'li:fl l'JI!l
I'miik-I.i 1-4.S: iumnill Tunnel J:7 t Dultoi 3 :.0 I
Kt-iiolitBVllle2:il. Fuller' 2; J7; llnMikviile AM ; j
Tn.y ;t"i Ways ill 4s lb; New lt.-tlileh. iu 4:2V ; J Juiictt'Mi 4:10; Red lluuk b:'il j arrl vol at j
Piiifburjc at 9: 10 p. tn.
f-Q- li.r l('iii'lilville AiTODinioitilii.tJ tcnvi-i i
KKuoldivilie utiiy al J:i0 a. m., and errivus at
Hoil lienk l ll:iiU a in., I'ltUl-urgl. nl J -ti p. ui. j
L.evi-n I'lttxliuitco t '1:H0 p. tu j Hed Itunk et
6:Sip. u.; arriving! lUy ioldi tile ei p. in.
Cliike ooLDertloas nniie with trains on F. A K
ItailTued at Dnlteood, end uith trains on thr
Allrb-bfpy Valley UilrkVl -t Kfd liiink.
DAVID .Mcl'AIHit, titO'l bup't. I
A A. JArasoM, Pup'i I., ii. Div.
Th undersijcned would inlorui the -u4i ihnt
he is now ru.ton.kf a s affe luie iw.eo t. Icarlivld
-lid FeiiUeld, three time- a wtult
Theaiav lviiwal.leerl.tild on Vt-.O'Ui s.'fjrtnet
dnys end Fridey, al B clock a in., or nin
at Fvniield at 13 u'oluok ut. Huturmog ikiov
4tjM. Lves Foiitield at 4 o'olook p Hi., arnv
nig at ClwktrDeld at 8 o'clock (.. m.
luiinecliou M tual with trains on lb l.ow K. t. al Fetitivld. Purr, reh why, l ill.
UKO. W. tiltAli H AHT.
CI e-r field, Pa, Fob. 1:1, IK79
Ball.lunl., Pa 1 3 8i i Midillatown i Ho
Look llavao 1 70 Mariana 8
WilllHio.uurl.. 8 oil Lanoaalai 8 80
lluntingjoa.. 1 88,1'lllLAUKLl'UIA T 80
Lwialown tVUiAltuona Ink
Marravilla 4 80 Johnalown.- t 8ii
t'uwan.rilla 2H I I'bihoaburg 81
Oaavola ...u 86Tvmn. 1 2'2
HAKHISKIIKH..T 4 rsU'rr rsni Kii t it
lca' ilrrrtisniuuts.
We hav printed a laric numiwir of tbe new
r KB IllLU, and will on th receipt ol twenty
re Mcnta. mail a enttT to "T addraxw m1P
Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs.
Curwenavil'e, Jn. fc. fs tf
YOI'NO MKN prr-t.erotl fornctir bu-lnrsalife
Toarie of it iid v and bonine-s trninlng the
tuoat eompreheneiva ttioroorh and praelittal in
eiiilenee. K-trT at any time. Addres lor olr
eu'ars siring full partlo ilars
J. ".(WITH, A.M.
Ort 111-It. Fillshurg, I'a.
WitRiiRAS, Hon. C A. MAV1.H, President
Jutlr of the Court of I'ainmon Pl- of the twen.
ty-filth Jodiciil DistrWt, coinp-iMitl of the oono
tii-s of Clearfleld, Centrn and Clinton, and lion.
AaaM On rE and Hon. Vicrit H. IL'tT.
A muriate Jude of Cloiirliold l.'o., hnve Usoed
their prenept, tn me din-eted, for the hohling of
nn Adjourned Court nt t'ommon I'leas, at the
Court House, at t le arfiebl, in and for the coun
ty of Ch-arfifld, cntiinv-tieitiir on tlie rKt'tlMl
1""H, mid conlinuinic two wreks
M)ril-h is therefore hereb.t given to itirorn and
witnersvs. in and lor said county of Inirlirld 10
ho ii ml iqiiiniir in their proper (it-moon, at 10 "'clock
A pahi (My, io do tlioso loiiigl wntrn iu
their behalf pertain to b done.
Ul r.N undi-r m hand at drain, lit, ll.l Midi
of Ufitibi r, in tli. yi'ar of oar Lord on thou
sand eight hundred atad icvrtit v-f it(bt.
AMJllUW I'KM, Jr , Sheriff.
Gas Bonds for Sale.
The Cberfebl Oas Cmianv off-r f-r tile, at
p:tr, Coup' Bjfld .'I0U e-'d f AU(I ibDntnin i . I
lions, hearing int-rpat at th r-iln ot d pr ormum I
per ani-uut. pay-eie aetul annually at in rtrst
National Bunk of I leaitleld l'. !
Tn work! ul ihe Ui-nrhf II tl rnmtiany wrrc
ereftfd at a ost of BU.HOn, and the llonds t
I are limited by law to l:','to, soured b
mor (gnu uti l the Ct-miaiy's proprrt., and
iraneiiise, In favor of W in. II Dill, t a-hirr of
tbe Ftret National Ba-k,anil John M- Adatnr,
Cashier of th Clearfleld CoBuly Hunk, in truil.
Tbe Hired or i -ri-oe to iiue tut i,imiu oi
these bond for the pmporeol lumlirjt their flout
ing d-bt, and hut liana rraiain ansol l AeT in
loiBiNtiwii rerpredng ihs wink will be given b
tb Pr Idem or 'Ireasuciuf lb Cimpan).
Bunds can be had at any ol tf Claarfirld banka.
A.F. iHANf-iN,
Hen and Trees.
W. D lihil, Kit,
, JAVlhH llttt IN,
J.NO. P I If IN,
78 If. Dlreotrs.
CleerlVld. Jun 10,
THIAL l.lBT,k-Ll"t of ciauatki it down for
trial at November Term, U7H, oninmencing
Monlay, tho 11th day.
pinir w IRK,
Henry Drldr
A. A. hteveas
A. Kstrp, ate of
vi Mrs Marv Wright
vi John M Adams.
s OirenU Park Ass's.
Jtibo Country
II. B Uoodlander
v Geo. Kramer, tt al
rs A. L. Ogtlca
VI D L. Lnngdnn
vi J. W. Davis
vs I ogan Coal Co
vs Henry Ittnggold, tal
TB Darid (lQ,a
fS lluhoh Id.
Musaaoah Wottd
M L. Mcltwaln
H n. tl. Dickey
A. V. H.Mt
Thotaas Mllebell
Jomj b (Job
vim. II. Myera
Hallaea, O rah am A Co T fatrloh 11 Uhsr
Tbomaa Fvin vs Sum u el Mof'ann
wa. H. Bicker Ik.iu I'osier
Joba II. FaMord, deo d, vs b.nj. Kline
Fnd Lii'.eid s Bunoett Br. Imp. Co
uhai Kobftokar i "
John C. Tjler " " "
Bacoxp wain IHth dty.
Phaetirr Bro. A Co. vs Hatauel Araobl
V as. Porter, adaj'r, sH,v Wngbl
Jaiees F. Ilaia vs M vhaneoa b. A L. Co
ha Duels ro m A DieH-y
Bell tp Behool Diet. Ll ian lerlia l al
J. B. UarrieuB v m a. Bim, ir
A.J. Logaa vi T J H.)er
K. J. Upeon et al vs J be W. Hall at al
Btaior. Yuuiia A Co. ''"''a UiiBols
k- pbart ttal'ey va M'hat.ain L. A V Cn
auiouiiB Mat I taaa v Jon M Una
Marine lluairr v Lewi.ard bler
U.J. Hoar A Co V l.eerr Flegal
0rg M. Unptda vs Datlti Dona
U. 11 Urdia A Oa Jaiam Kerr A Co
Joba II. Hleaguw v l.aiatetie U. Blootm
Bin B. Turner s Lewi ehiutmel et al
Beir, Water A C v Ma.r A V, J. ftboff
- ' v Joka U. (Hbof
ww vs Henry Liveright A Co
KLI BLOOM, Prnih'y.
I I:. I
A:34 I
Ilfir gUrtrtiUfmtnU.
"r j IbTHII. Itn.TOA f. ui;.. 4 f,rl Flirv.lJ
8.iif,t oa Tj.uuo A t'iravlit'd, f. 4 i.,"l.i
B ..I. 'all,-r, aitj i'enri'a Hail lloa.1, nn I for
winch I i.av lit. -ab.
A,llr,, JO. 7, NKFI,
acr.t.18 4m. lio'and, C- ntr Oo I'a.
Curwrnarille, Clcarflvld ooun.jr, Pa.
il. , Ir'-lf.
rlOlnrr in llprra II u.c. oflJ, '7f If.
Bl l !im riM f..r r nlv
Or, on lor o.iIt ,74,
t.2 Orraim for nly fi'.O. AM warrant. 1 ix
vriir.. Lui.'l tail lo it'iol l..r,'.i'aiNl.'gt:.
Ill NNKI.I. A Mil I.I ft
Onirin.l Miii.uU-turora.
I.iairtoan. Ta , S. pi. II, l7ci 3in
E.rvawr r... it.
...J b...t, D.r.M.'. It.
K,.rlMMl, '. UnaUf ,u,,,
runiMibrTa.irit tMrtuMiiiM.urt.
Catharine Troy, Dec'd.
Ilyvt'liieof en order out of tho 0r
fliiiLN' Cuiirl of (Jlfurfiti'd coioty. there ill be
expoid tf puhlic stile at tlic puSUj h(iao of
i)nriel ( the villngoof Lo vhermt-ur;,
f'lea field oountv, I'a.. on
Friday, Xovcmbcr 151!., 1878,
Al 1 'clonk, p. m.. tho fcMowitijr d'seriltrd retl
ettHlfot' ta'liirine Tm, defl l, ni'tinle n llrndv
I ii mid I p, 'aid ti'imiy, iioui ilid tid drbciitnl tu
tolloe : l) Kmnii'K ut Leiu look, tlifi.i-r )y ),ind
ol I. I. lit mus 1 03.1 f5 peri'hf t" a bl:kory ;
ihciire south ICS ptrrlies to a d eftniit ; tln-ncc
wtt 6b irD'i t.y lai ds of Win lii-l oll, n-.
imIhw I'ti i ii, jr., to nn e-H : lUrre n'-r'li 1-y
'end ol J-iliu K riollir. i,w tl. M.J. bnatmi, lli.l
tifrchn (o iho piece of ffinuiriir, iiontniotii
51 Acres &nl 105 Porches,
find nll'iwnnfi', luore or 1ee, luing the s une tMOt
ol' I writ fi'ftviyrd hy .lon.-pli 1 rk r orri lo
Miiiiui-I '1 ry, sr. rtuTitt d in J'ttd UH'k, ' V,"
pnn .,.', Av. , liHtinu elinut f(.My arr eiinrcd,
tti.d a fmin- houi-e, two Hone liili. eliiUt 224
tret, ti all b,rn etid other uut'.oi liinxp", with a
good brerioK tir'-tiard. All I lie inlvrm-t of t'eh
eriiie Troy at ihe time of her (iei'erino will bo void.
1 l'!HMS One-third Oiti-h at tbe time of title,
mid lint biUiKtu in two riuil unnu il p lyuicnt,
With intert rt Irmii vootirm ttion of nle, lu la se-tu-ed
ly iioiifcue or Jitt'mr-nt Il"iul ou thi
,,fii.f. HKMvV WKlti,,
Lutberel ng. o I 11-tt AdtuiUistrator.
GlothinQ Store,
The undrrainrd aouM rrrp.-cir.i llj" inf.irtn thai
rititrna o7 CleHrR.M an4 ririntlr, that ba kaa
Juat f.on..d 111. largoat and bral atock of
It E.I It 1 -. W. f K CI.OTHl.rtl,
Criifg' tarnishing Vooiln,
ever brought to ClrarfleM, and which Le will sell
cheaper tli an ony otbrr store In town,
Calf Ski li, tbc-p IVIi., ),) furs of aH kinds
taken in exchang.
Call ar.d if, atd hn convinced.
ClrarfleM, Pa., Fept. II, 1S7H ita.
Jl It V l.l-T I i.t Travfr-r .furors drawn
lor November T'-rm, A D 1H7-, eommene
lug on ihe secon 1 M ndy, the I lib.
rtnnr wr.m,
Kloh Johnson. Or- en'd ; K Al- xat.der, W
lirnton Hiinan, Knox.
Ii F ank Wue. .Ionian
Jo II itri-th, Chet.
O II Hoover, l ur'-vjll.
.Inn Mitch' II,
,Ido II U(jdi'ti tih'n.
,Io pll,t, lloulftUle.
rd Fidgi:nn, "
j'f vi I'iiIIimi, I.iwrctit?-.
!W It J.mes, W Iward.
i.lrt'i t oatler, Hntdturd
j loo II Hums, Decatur.
! F t'r,ni).in-in, WH loctxn
L K .VlcJulouli Olt'd.
P (to-leri, H.rulrU'.
j Hiram Hiiininel, llulii-h.
T K 11-Ko-nr, (linrd. IW J King. II
D K Mohle, Knox. : Ti" Iko xh ik. 1'ninn
J II aMiuns, Wootlward Iliid T'on Lu'S, Murd.
Ilv.brrt l.ii'bor, Btady iJolinn Uinl(n, Brady
hinerson Bead Ferguio 1 1 Kicti'.l Huipon, Morrin
L V lirowo, Law icuou. i in t Llylr, Ijwrviice.
K II J rdnn. I' ui .n. j tV Jl K. mhiii-.i.i
lieu p4ltorson, Jordaa. j lo B talker, I'uion.
J K Ihincock, Pike. , l'rib Lili, U
rrnf tf.iK 1 fTtt
U S tlillilntnl. (ov'nttii. Win ti'n;lit't D.-cdur.
John 1'i-nti, I'ti.n. .Iii DJorian, trulirU
W A Wbtorid", (jull"h. Jihn Liitle.
Matt Bead. L-wronoe. ,Sl Livinglit, lluuttdalr.
Jos M hunib, Heeraiia i Hi nry r't.iiller, ol tli-orgi
M I. Cupplen.W lwurd BirtU.
I' B Mutur, llign'a. ,!.,, id I'ricr, Kar1 ham
Jill, LtHntui Mimiitl Baiiry, llni-'ii.
J, nr llo , Dt'Ualtir. J W liU tri, lUuftl,l
.1 W lltjil. Onriivrooil. A J Ja. ha.n, "
Duvld Hoover, (I r . hum pViu McKaj, IIuMnn,
hiepben 1m, Dvi-alor. iWui I'nw, u, cleat ti-dd.
Ofo Hngti-y, il. ui'ili' Jno H io()(.ii, Law'nue
F I 1 hum .rUi, Cur fM lv Uavid I'tkc.
7. WcNhuI, t-iimeasvalii: It-ntyJ 1'vuti, llrndy.
Kmii'd lluitJpliii-y. I'ikt' 'Hiounl i:r,fi. 0 adi-ird.
J H tir-, iS Hfti'xt.ti. ;.lm-l J-otvat, Liareiiiie.
Juil iU) ilon.Wot ilnnrii.uu'J IWrrUi, lloraida.
J Cook, N Via-h g on j
notice in Partition.
To 'he heirs and b' r'lireantifirui of WM Um
( biimucl, latn of M .ris tOrvmb p :
Ctntr of Prom) Ivania,
Cle4r ie:d county,
tn lie elnte of William flhimtntd, dn-M. The
Coin m in w. ni'h of Peiinsy ' rant i t i Iht-Nit'r.lf of
Id untv, (jrei'iing : berio.. af nt il-phan
urt brld at ''li-nrH -M, In nn I f i' 'h" rnnu'y of
C'etirileid, tn tbe SI d iv if O -lohe', A D.
K,H, tho (le ihoo td .U iips II Bliitiiniel and Klut
J, Warn n, f fbeo' univ ifore-md, wai prett ntf-l,
srliii'g fonti i h it Witiinia rhini'd, bite of sai l
oimlr. died at M rn townihip, in the , optitv
rrB4id, oi the div of A. O. ("77,;
inte-tiie. leavi'ig to I'lrviet hi in a wi low, Cilh
am rimninel, and sorts in I da-igMrr, vis: bhinuivl .Nanry A. I'b'llips, wit of I)ivid
Phi Hp, bllt J. Uunrn, mfe of Hen. Warren
John F. Nhinn I, niinor, who has for hit Guardian.
William D. Ilitiler, Kueafi M Hbitnninl, who dind
ioeu tbe dea'h -t bar lather, end Hit to surrir i
her ona ehild, Frrdetiek Obi met, a mlnnr, whn
has fur his Hnardian, Wilhata D- ligl'r, and
Jane II, hhiinrl, f y ur pflif iom-is. Tbat
said Wilham FMinel died relied in fee of. In and
o all that rer'ain farm, in'i'Ung", ln-inorit and
tract of land situate In Morris township, nnly
alurrrad, b-n tided bv Inn -Is of Morgm, Hal A
Co , David Flegal. Joiiri Nu'lwl! ami 'brs, and
known a" th William Hhiimn) h'ineiti'al, cm
lainlng 1.10 acre, more or Icbi That tind r and i
bvviitneof Ihe iiitcilale laws of thi. Common
wealth, Il tieloiitfsto Ih sail Jiiines Ii H him air I
and Kdia J, VA trrn, the petitioner., lo haie one'
equal sluh pari enrh, ai'er the shan dower or!
'bird part nf the said premis to whiob the Bald
Calbaiine Kbimmi I, widow, it entitled to hava f-r !
the term of h r natural life. No p trtilinn of said
real eote'e, having been mt lo. the petitioners
praj iheCmiri in award an trtqueiit to imhennr
tmn of th real riate to and among tba arore
riid parlirs, a-ording lo their respeetlv righli.
We tlirfpfore ei mirnd n-j, ihitt iikm wllh you
iwvr fie- and lawful turn ut your ba liwiek yoa
a to and upon tbr piemirrs slnns d. and there,
by natb er aflirttiation thai you mok parOtlon
t'iri'f to and aiuotiK hc heirs and U gal repre
et)taitesnf ibe aii Willt'in rhimtnel, de Base l,
ia surb manner ad In such proporflns as by
the laws nf Ibis Cainuiunwealih ar direotH, II
roi'b p iriltioa can it taade wlihuut priiidi Mi t
or spot ing th eh le hat If snob perliim in
nn be iitada tbire tf a aforesaid, thai yon iht-n
ea'ae and apprais the same ero-.r-llng to law and
make a irue rat urn thereof Nntioe tu lha ariie i
la iaterist reIJIi g out ef ihecunl of Cl-nrllnl I
lo bo given by puhlieation ia ana nrwspaper for1
ibift) dM)i b'lure ih- meelmg or tbe li.queit, s,
eopf of Ih paper ooniNining "iid notloi tu he
wiled to orh parties latrrested.
Klines, ihe Hon, J bn II. Orris, Asiitant
Law Judge, and tbe seal of our said Court, et
Clfartt-ld, ibis II day ol October, A. D 1-7H.
1, J M'fHlMN,
Clerk of Orphans' Co irt.
Kolte hereby give tbat I Will proox-ed I
bold an Inqeuttiou on In uiM el aaij dee'd, on
bAI UK1MY, NuVEMiihll M, HM,
at II 'lok a. as. of tuld day.
Karnirr' Orrtca, I BhtnlT,
Cletrfteld, Pa., Oet. II R7ft. 41.; ol x&JZ&Mrs
leMVe SJfc ft2i C-. POLISH WaH..n.Tr
l fMXXXn:0'
Ift, HENRY S. Z1EGI.ER, Sole Manufaclurtr,
an... ... o Md.s niri, i'
P.M. ' ' '
mm isfM
Ami llioir rcs ci'livo familit!, aro nolifuil tlmt on
fo.idny, Kiteinbir 15lli, 1S7S,
Q'liaio will lie opened n
Cuinsburg's Store,
A lar iro mid uiillii'lv nrw Hock of
Wo will lio pri'ptii'i'i) lo rliow llml our oro ll.cliiot jiricos In tlie
State; uo l.nvo lite )nii'it urr-ni linriit, w liirh wc U'liM-itnl lo
iivo fiilii-lui-liiiii. or llii'y will l" ITiliit-(d. In rxrluinue lor llirre
L'i'i'd I inn unxioiiH lo rci uivo llm inui-n di'riii'il niltcr, lliu tnxililo
K'.mu r;ii.,'nl,u. k. tlio iiii.uximI IiiukI. or tlii-iii.l;inliul pi oil ucln of tlio
fa rni . (You Inki'a jnur i lmiio liovv 3011 iay j-i nr monry )
Tlio i l.-tion 1110 iMininit on. Tlio "All ! liow uro j 011 ? How is
Viur funiily ? Nicoliulu boy. tlmt! Oil. it' 11 tlirl, in ill" aro 118
pli'i.ty 11 h lilitnit.r roil in.'ii. 11 lid jnfit 11 liurd 10 pl u run nil.
You want new HOOTS nml SlIOES for tlio Yi'intur, and
Tlu'i i'loi i" go in n Boliil doily, cxuinino
Tim lo!lnwiuj price lifl ill ivo peoplo
A,y'r K'"1 ,boe
A li.l.v'. no.,1 o
...."(' r . i Coy
40 ami,
Ch'l'l a good rlio.! aim hrL 44 ornl.
" " " " l 00 a rlrc.a .h it, I.'O
Mi, ara c .lf h..i-a I
Mi,.r. bulloiie l ili.H'a I 24
Woman 'a laororeo ,.'i:ir".l ,hora
" ' 1 w. J .lioca I . I'll
" nllili.n b..cp 1.34
" liellrr droa. .hor. I AU
" lir.t drou all,,, a t.nO
kid l.ulionrJ 2.40
All tlitirrent rl laa.
I liavo u nuuilicr of el It-a in nil (lie uliovo ooJh. Alro,
Also, ftliiit you may want in GldH'KIUKS unci TOBACCO, in cx
cliunge lor gruin ol uny kind.
At (liuiiizbiirg'M ISool nnd Shoe Ntoro,
(I'legal's old stiind). Soooml St., oppoaito Court Houpo,
8,itll,7S. CI.EARFIKLL, TA
Z. $ n & Co.'s (Column, j J. gL glttl & (Cos Column.
Fall and Winter Goods
in great vnriety, aro now open find ready for sale, nt
(by small buyers), nt the widely and well known Dry Goods
Stoiv of
It is only necessary fur iih to announce to the public that with the
constantly iiicrcasinjr demand, we are ever enlarging our utock,
both in quantity and variety. so that any and everything
needed in the most durable nud fashionablo linen
of gt.ods can bo had at our store nt nil times. Our
goods h ive been selected ill person by Mr. Fleck, mostly
nt the manufacturers, mid hy buying in large quantities, we
save the jobbers' profit, and nre thus enabled to cell nt
We also have ono of the very
place, ready to trim
Cjl-X-S db 330WIr3E!"X"S
in the very latest styles, and we guarantee that nny work en
trusted to Miss (Jresty's care will be pleasingly executed.
We know whereof we speak,
of nil persons wishing to buy Dry
unit examine our stock belorc buying elsewhere.
Graham's Building, - -. - - Market Street,
Old IVenteni Hotel Corner, Clearfield, Penii'a.
I have just returned from the Eastern cities, nnd nm now receiv
ing a rull line of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, of the
best, most substantial and fashionable goods ever bro't
to ihis town, while the prices nre lower thnn ever.
(.uiNZHUiurs clothing stork.
Western Hotel Building, Clearfield, Pa.
-1 v m rvi-,..itti i i;i-r;':i'ifto lw
-in- - l tit.t-iih.u.
F 'UTF A st.SK,
i'. i t-i'i.u.. i, r.i.
IIOOM M. Tlllll:ti OPtH IKIOaK,
Clearfleld, Pa.,
) nr.Ai.r.n is
Carpet!. (Ml Clothm,
Eto., Etc, Eto.
Wll.l. 1M; Ctll'M'HV IMU'DULK
AT MAHKI.T rmticit.
t Irardrld, Pa., rPt. IA, IHtH tr.
Ineir atoik lind price llm (food.
an iJcit of what wo nro lining
'a kip biMila
" "
. 1 40
. 1.74
.. 100
.. 1.24
.. I 40
.. tti
.. 174
.. 8 40
.. 1.40
laerd ahor.
bn. - kl. ah.wa....,
kip boi.ta
N M .lio.a
" " bunkl.-d ahora
I 1 Vnn I I , aaaa I I.
tia)flasyuw-kl i -
Man'a dro.a l.ool. 12, ( I and 4 00
Fina d rc a a abooa fioai $ 1.24 uoaarja.
best Milliners constantly at her
that we will make it to the interest
Goods of nil descriptions, to call
ruiaanarilla. I'a,. Jan. ,, 'J8 If.
Prices of Shingles,
.!-, Jaa. P. ;8 if.
C 11 E M I C A L S I
tip. mil t:.s
rKKri itk'RY,
rANcv ooor,
or Alt. KINDS,
ir medielnal purpoe.
Ttushs, Supporter, Pekool Boob awd Rlatloft.
ry, and all otkar artieles atuelly
foaad la a trrmg Hteeo.
PI'LLV CuMPDUNUKl. Ilsfiag a largo oa
porteaoe Ib taa business tbey oaa giv aatura aatv
rtearwelti, Iherowiber 10, MT!
Htm ailifrtisfinniti.
Tt J-T.!,;c'l 'III Mi'lat prlr.a Ml. .11
rr. . -,. , 4. ov uaior
town.hio. Cloarfl.ld aanf. I'a., allkin a abort
li.taiir of ih. T.rnoa A Cla.rBal I H. H., aad
i.ij',.a,i,g laniia uf Koln-rt lUidaoo ai.d otoara.
anj kon aa lha II. Ilrarbart lot. Tha
a.i.1 tract MtniRtain. 80 aora aora or lo.a, with
two rcina of onal tharean, baa ataut 80
arc. elearc'l. an.l la Iba krv 10 a laraa body of al'Oot l,ring drrrloDml. Will t.a .old low and
opoo aurjr trroia. For pNrtirtilRra, applr to
I'.'.V!!, L. KR KIIR.
flrarflrld. I'a.. Jul, 13, l7
Stove Lining hikI Fire Brick,
hopt ooaauall, oa hand.
PUlier'a Patent Airtight Half - callnp;
rruii iiaaj
BI'TTKR CHOCKb. wllh lida.
And graat aan, otkar thlnga to. iaa.roaa ta
aaolloB. to ba bad at
Corner ot Cherry and Third Sirwots,
Wholesale & Retail Dealer In
DlllfcD KKMTS,
County Agent for s cos,
Thru, imnla Wurhl for CASH la larfa lola,
and Mid at almoat ally priraa.
Cla.rflald, Pa., Jana 12. 1878-tj.
Valuable Real Estate I
Th undersigned, tiring la Penn twp.. Hear
field eouniy, Pa., offer tb following valonbl
Heal E talc for rale:
446 Acres of Land,
nor or Iras. In B-eearia towofhiji, lying on tha
north side of big Clearfleld eiek. and within ona
mile of th sain. The above land la heavily
evrred with hetnloek, white oak, rork oat, and
other bard wood timber, aad a quantity af whit
pi tie, a Id to be half a million or en ore faet.
Tba ame Is heavily underlaid with bituminous
eoal, and directly on the line of railroad leading
tro.n llontada'elot'oalport. Itsvaluatsanknown.
There are, also, other valuable minerals oa tha
The above land Has about two and a-half mi Ira
below lb villag of tllen Hope, adjoining lands
nf Ueorg Urnota and others, oo what is known
as Purler's run. Tbe Improvement oa tba prop
erly ar a good geared sew ait in ranalng ord-r,
a high dam, stone brrai. made ia the best mea
ner, at for almost any machinery Tbora ii.also,
a large frame dwelling boua and frame bank bara
ihion, and about forty or tfty aero, mora or
It is, of tba land I cleared. Any perron
wishing to it veil ia property af thi kind will da
well to iuiln this property. 1 will asll tba
whole or tho undivided half latooest, as may suit
tb purchaser. The abov traot of land will make
two or throe farms, which will oompare favorably
witb iba greater part of war oouoty. Priea aad
terms mad known lo any persoa wiibiag ta pur
chase, for further particular aall in person or
address the undersigned al Urampiaa Hilli P.O..
Cloatlieldoouoiy, Pa. BAM'L W1DEMIKB.
Jan. 0. lM7t-tf.
Weed Sewing Machine,
poa s&lb ar
ITIilcft 11. KeerH,
(Rrsldeono, Wast Clearfleld)
Tha NKW IMPROVED WEED Is oaa of tb
het meehioes Ib tba aiarbet, and runs rare light
and quiet Its aewoyliader Bteel Shuttl bu
only on bole to b threaded, and bold twine a
tnurb thread ae moil any other Biacbia. It baa
on of tha best Narrow Uenners aiada. It
Talda Is long and roomy. It has ao gear aad
earns. It has no rrew or lsep)atte ban
moved while oiling or eteanlag.
The WKKD, betor tb late Itnprorrtaeat, drew
a pnt at th Paris Expo it ion la Praaea, also,
an award at tba Centennial KxpoeitloB, and ia
almost vry State in the I'ninn.
klarhines ro'd on Uoothly Paynents. Person
shuuld ant buy before seaiug tb Nea Weed.
Hay, grain, beef eattla, and some kiuds of aid
Varhine Uken in pari pay for New Maahia.
A, I kinds of Sewing Maehioe cleaned and repair
ed. Alio, draler in all kind ef Sewing Uaebin
Needles, Oil, Hufllsrs, Tock msrkeit, Castors,
lleinmers, 8 but flee. Cheek springs, Ao.
In ordering an thing by lut. r, ba sara to giro
nsma ol o a chine, lasb atost aoeoanAay all
orders by mail. Persons wanting aay other kinA
of maehtne, ptoase writ far price. aug.M..tia
William Powell,
&BC0SD ST., VLEAHrliLD, rA.,
Dealer in Heavy ;nd Shelf
K,.(.a aoa.l.mlj aa h,n4 iba bait Oaoklag,
llratlng a.4 Parlor
Stoves and Ranges
f .11 dcaarlpllaaa. T.hl. aad Paakat Oatlrry,
Carpralara' Taola, .acid m Haaa, llalaaata,
Fquaraa, Raneb Biaaa, plaaa aa Plna.
Iroaa, Chirrla, Bilta, AairMt, AdiM,
lll.a, Ill.iaaalallbiada.U.ka,
Saraaa, Saak CoH, Pallrya,
Farming ITteiiHlla, t
'kaa, Calilralara, Iraa.l. and Haul Saaaal
I'laaa, Calliralar Tralb, Draia t'raalaa,
H.;la.a. Saataaa, llaaa, Pnr8a. Raa
llajr Far.a, Fara Halla, Ma., ale.
Hotm tkaa. aa Baraa Halla, laa aM aaka
at Craa, ral 8)am aad aaaa, Uriadatnsf aad
Oriadaiaaa riilaraa. and ar.r,lhlag a.aatla k4
I. a 8rat-,laaa Hantaan 8lur., A kaa, a lail
look ef
House Furnishing Goods,,
All klada af Tlaaar. kaat aa kaad aaa? aata
la ararr. Ruala aad Paaalia. uaaatla U lr-r
Prraaar alaklt( aaatklait la aa- (aaa, ara faV
"Mr. ta fall ,.d ..mbIbt rn an! arlna
Caaalllald, ta.. Jaaa t, WW .
f1 ' t'"' " ueaaata