Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 06, 1878, Image 2

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    She jftt publican.
Uioboi B. Uihduni)KR, Editor.
Reader. If aaa want la kaow what ll ffolnf aa
la tba baala... werld, Ju.t nwd oar advancing
aelana.. lb. Itpial enlunn ia partlaular.
Tha frauds and stnit.y iliilay.d Tlie Ilnlliinoro la:itte,n alltitl ln; j
Ilia ( liainiian of tl Kadi-all l one ill I ho Ihiui'sI irnlln ol tbv
W.Hikty iniitntwji a. . ' Ony f li.i' mutt i'j;mill-'
18. ,
'Sum CiiunnU i., wan
uy iim I'linnrt ui int iiv nine rr i "'"""ii" m nun iMHirnrj 19 1111 Aias.
4ui . l.-i ti ave lutilv licon nrinlina a rwal lotiipariv.
MAxiaia roa the oav.
Nn nil worthy lb. ofloo of Prealdrnt aanuld
be willing to bold ll If aooalod la. or plaead Ibara
bj mmj fraad. . V. a. (lata?.
I ooald aarar hara baae rranoellad to tha ala
v.ttna ba tba aid of ajino of a parioa.
Bnw.rar raapoelabla la prlvata lifa, who ataat
Ant ttlauphaat la Anariean Hi.tory. No aoh
aaqnaat aatioa, kowarar narltorioaa, flan waab
awa tna Mttara 01 mat ranord.
I woald rathar haaa tha of aquar
r of a aillioB of tba AMBrioaa Jjaopla than tha
v n utii.hup ouaru, " 01 VU . V IIS -
oaiuloa wblob .zeladed tha facta and daaided
ta aaaatina n a .-hn ...III.
h. iieeuaiuae.
tadar tha forma of law, Ratharferd B. Ilayoa
"aa was aenianja rre.iaeai at loa -Bliea oiaies
Hla litla reel, apoa di.fraaohl.em.Bt of lawfal
oiere, ibo lalao aartiloale. ar Iba rataralng oB
ari aatinf aorrwpllr, aad tba daoialoa af a ooaj.
aiiMloa wbieb baarafaaad I. hearavidenea of .1
leged fraod. For Iba flrat lleia ara Iba Ata.ri.aa
ptopla owafroolod with Iba rant of a fraadaleatlr-
iMIai PmUhI I ., It . n k. ..JmImJ ,. .
tba fraad will bo illanll aequlaarad la by
ooaalry. Lat mo boar paai la which tba uau
tin. ' ft........
Addbbri or -isocb.tic M. C.'a.
Oao baadrod year, af haaiaa daf-ravlte aeoa-
NcraraaaiaiB Ira bnodrad ear. .ball lhay bara
ri ) . . .... .,wB.
Ii.mibl W. Voobsbbi
No UrruaNs As wo ara compelled
to go to presa nt 3 o'clock on Tuesday
aflcrnoo.i, for tbo purpose of making
our mail connections, wo aro unable to
give our readers any election r.liirna
tbia wo-k. In our next issue we will
give the full official tote, and no con
jecturing about iu
i j
"Soldiers in politics," on our fourth
page, is a letter' worth reading.
Our first page is not political this
week, but filled with literary and other
useful articles.
Ananias Anderson sceina to have re
turned to Philadelphia journalism. He
turnea up now as a sort ol u night ed
ilor of the Prat.
iW. V. 11. II. Murray, while out
duclc snooting near Boston, on Batur
day, had his band badly shattered by
his gun bursting.
a nloaaanl
k n'.f monoj
liiiifa ka Seul Cimipanv. John Sherman ia
tutt'i i,l evnher ilmnali'hes -i IiilIi il! one of the urincinala in I In' coii-irii
asiiimeo and alleges to have been sent '"' 't wul through his inllui nco and
to and from Mr. Tilden through his t "I Senator Morton thntthocon
friends, during the elw loral count in cessions which this company enjoys
Louisiana and Florida, after it was were obtained from the (.overtime nt.
known tliut tha people had elected Boutwoll gave the company absolino
him to the Presidency. posesMion of .!ui-ku with a stipulation
It has also furnished its own trans- that they should kill but 100,000 seals
lation of tbo same, and cuiinin -It- per year. John Morton, a son of the
worked the whole business up with a 8enator, wus sent out to Ate that (his
keen view to "dramatic effect" for the P-ft ot the contract was religiously
jrilune, and to tbo hutting detriment carried out. in due time tlie troops
JthuKssl. 1 wr. ( ,, w.-tv j, (Juvemor llemlrickt aniil : Mv lei
the .iiHTsit.ii, Htlinj, ,r.,,, and deck- low t iiiaens, one week n 1 loeeive.l
til oil with .t h hue tlio realtif'thela letter Iroiii (ioveniorCiiniii reiineal-
I Vetlllialirv. 1 ka nm,siH aa.ll a,i..lir... ..... - ... I.:. ... 1
, , , t . r i-v inrio ma iitv. rii'i,
' (in 'Hi lie1
lAYESl.xa THE VA 111 SET.
"Warwick, the Alubamu coiren-
Urur (Irfftisfmrnfu. '
Niitiaa la hara.
of Mr. Tilden
Tbev amount, whon sifted down, to
statements mat in i lorida and in Lou
isiana Itenublican moinhora of return
inir boards and Ilenuhliean electors ot
-i .
fered to sell out their intention to cheat
and defraud, and to do the square and
nonost thing for a "cash down consid
oration t
One thing is plainly apparent. How
ever many electoral votes mere may
have been for salo, they were taken to
the wrong ahop if iver offered to Mr.
Tilden he beina too wise a man to
buy that which be believed was al
ready nisoi riL'i.l. and too nonest a man
to deal with anv who were ready to
- j
sell that which might possibly of right
oolong to another. .
More : hvery body knows that Hayes
at t o. bun tn.m. .Now. if it is a
drime to attempt to commit a crime, bow
is it witn tuose trae nave committed it,
and iiotoiioiialy too? We advise the
editors in ipiestion, aineo they have
Kone to so much trouble on this ouea.
tion, that they now moralize a little
on this point: Who is the fellow who
should bo imputed? the chap that at
tempted to commit a bui-L-larv. or the
one w no really succeeded?
wore withdrawn and Morton wus kit
alone to stand between tbo seals and
the rapacious corporation upon which
Jolin sncrinan depends for dividends.
The company pays the Government
only .200,000 a year for the fihing
privilege of Alaska and is clearing tin
nually five times that uiiicb. Morton
says only 100,000 teals, aro slain per
annum, but as be did all tbo counting
it is lair to assumo that a dozon or two
mora per year would not huve vexed
bis soul. It ia barolv nossiblo that hu
may have been paid somcthinir for hav
ing sore eyes, for all reports agree that
toe tiangnter ot seals baa been vindic
tive and remorseless. What tho Hud
son Bay Company onco was to Hriiir-h
America is Joun Hlierman s Seal Com
pany to Alaska. The lumlnno of
Alaska was a vile swindle in tho first
place and it bus never been worth a
rush save to further ciiricb John Sher
man and a few of his Washington puis."
HK.rnnnwi. ot',
hi:it of tiitt.i.ri.i,
inui.fiit ..' 1 1 nri.v
Of i'EJ'.IM,
Gonoral Belknup is not
siiectaclo in a .Soldier's Jtuunion.
should hold off ontil tho Post Traders
have a sociable gothoring.
OVEKTAKKN If Weston foul hnAn
anything of a pedestrain ho would havo
walked away from bis creditors. As
it ia be has been overtaken by bank
Tha deatba of ministers, by yellow
lever, down to the present, foot up fif
ty-six. Ol these twenty-four wore
Catholic, tbirty.ono Protestant
iu Hosiers, ana ono Jewish raubi.
Wa bopa to bo sola to record tba dalaat of An
dy Cnr. la for Cnnirru In Ibli diatrfnt la oar nr it
Imbo and tha alcctloa af Hntb H. Yoeuia 1 tha da
faat ol Ir. Beana't aad tha akalioa of Jnha f.
Hard fsrwraaaifa Tiaira.
Well, yoa will never have that pleas
ore seek it in some other direction.
General Phil Sheridan came noar
bavins his scalp taken, not bv Indiana
but by a heavy transom, which fell nn
bis bead, in Chicago, last Sunday. As
iiwas,nerecoiroa an ugly scalp wound,
in roa inches in length.
Tho Now York Herald ia thinking
seriously of starting a branch ofllce in
01 reiorsourg, and it is thought that
James Gordon Bennett will hereafter
do bis bunting on tho steppes of Rus
sia instead of the moadowa of decaying
Sir. Wright and Mrs. Wright, aged
respectively I0l and 100 years, aro
Visitinir their son at Newark V .1
Mr. Wright remembers sooing General
Washington on horseback when the
Continental army was encamped in
Passaio county. Tho agod couplo have
enjoyed seventy years of connubial fe
licity. MuasAT's Crowd.-Ono ot the ex
Chairman's "crowds," met at Philips
buig, on last Thursday. It was a
whopper for debts and rowdvinm
. . - j
Tha citizens of I'liilipi-burg say tiny
never looked npon tho liko. And then
too, to have Stanley Mutthows, who
ooiped to perpetrate the Presidential
larceny, aiana np and upbraid Govern
or Curtin lor crookedness, mas eiacilv
in harmony with the party on the
An Expert's Uluniiks. One of tlm
jokes of tho campaign was that Quay
got out a cartoon representing Senator
Dill with uplifted hand taking tho
Know-Kothing oath. Quay and Hoyt
Know bow this is themse vcs. for thev
, rf
wore both members of the order, and
Hoyt its candidate for District Attor
ney of Luzerne county. But Quay
makes a rather ludicrous blunder in his
picture. Dill ut the time was lust nine.
toen years of ago, of slight build, and
much Delow tho average beighlb of
manhood, but Recorder Quay repre
sents him a muliiro man, slightly bald,
with frosted whiskers, which aro un
common for boys of nineteon. While
Quay was torturing Dill into a Know
Nothing, he never dreamed of makinif
u survey of Hoyt's political premises,
until after he found our nominee was
not old enough to become a Know-
Notlmiir, and then onlvdid hediaoorer
mat in menu iioyt was old enough,
and sworn into full membership and
doleaUd tor District Attorney.
A Judicial r'aiA. Oip pf tho
Philadelphia Judires Briics-on Wad
nesday lust, soundly berated a Jury for
Dngmg in a verdict against the wciWil
of evidence. He characterized their
finding as "infamous." and aneh an nn
as no "twelve men but themselves could
be had to render." If Judue Rriinra
a- BB-
nover erred in the construction of law,
then he might expect to find perfection
in a jury passing noon the facts in a
case, but judges and juries are alike
fallible. Ho was so exasperated that
he discharged the twelve offendine-
jurors irom lurtber attendance npon
the court, alleging that their usefulness
was now ended. W e confess that jur
ors some times render some rv
strange verdicts, but then they only act
iiko nudges auor all. Judtro Briggs
has not been on tho Bench rery long,
out ne is tne proprietor or mora Judi.
cial freaks than any other Judge we
anow ot.
A Modil Patriot - The Ohio hern.
Stanley Matthews, who was mtnulin.
ted by tha citizena of tha Buckeye
mate, lor bia miserable crookedness in
tha last Presidential csmnaiim. wan
w o .
brought to Philipsburg last week, to
. .
lecture peopie wno were not guilty of
perpetrating henioos crime, like those
lummiiieo oy nimseii and bis Confed
erates. Ho is a specimen Radical brick
and should hide himself. Why was he
not caned on the stump in Ohio?
"Out Wist." That political roso.
bud, Bpenocr. the Senatorial rarnat.
bagger from Alabama, has turned up
in politic in Dakota, his new home.
He is act down aa declining to support
in llepublicao nominee (or Delegate
in th Territory on lb ground that
lb gentleman in qnestion ia "corrupt,
uiauonest, I'harise and a fraud.'
Alter tbia distdav of virtue we shall a
pectto boar of Beelzebub dismissing
1. ....
no nreajiao on account or hi gen
oral looaenrsa or character.
A Nairow Escape. Pittsbuso,
November 3. On Fndav niuht Hon
J. C. Mewmyer met with an accident
on the Pennsylvania railroad in whltb
be narrowly cscsnnd instant death
The Senator bad been addressing a Ro-
pnancan meeting in this city and was
waiting at Lawroncoville elation lor
toe n an s accommodalitn at 10.21, on
which ba Intended ia wa ia I,; Um.
in Bwlssvale. O was standing on the
'piawenai ot mo station ana aid not dis
oovsr tfcat ba wa on the track on
til tba loootwadJva struck bim In the
fcack, throwing bin about thirty feet,
tmt lorttnateljr clearing tjba track,
r Bci)iKltaMBboakandamealighllru4a,
, tka genator ascapfd fortunately
without aarioai injorr.
Tkltii That Ktinos Th mnn utl.n
perpetrated tbo Presidential larceny
havo been greatly annored and i..r.
monted over sinco they committed that
enmo, and bavo eouirht evorr nnnnr.
j rrvi
tunny to malign and slander Mr. Tilden,
ano dis immediate party friends. Tbo
last effort was that of the editors nl
New York Tribune, who conceived tho
ideaof iretlineuna lot of forired
' - o . i
telegrams, and apply their own koy for
tno purpose ol damaging the repuia
lion of Mr. Tilden and hie friends. The
forgery in question was not as suc
cessful as tho Presidential thell. and
Irom what i transpiring the lor.fcrcro
are aa unhappy as the thieves, partio
ularly rendered so by tho stinging let
tor of Mr. Tilden. This letter will bo
found on our fourth pairo this week.
and we hope it will be perused by all
our readers.
II z Know. Col. John W. Forney,
formerly of the Philadelnhia Prrti ar,rl
known to very adult politician in the
United Slates, concedes that a I)r mn.
oratic victory cannot be averted in 1 880.
I ne Uoloncl baa spent the past year
in Kiirone. where lie has been a
observer ol things, at home and abroad,
and knowing lust bow the political tiH.
is drifting be has been honest enough
io punitory declare tbia tact. Col. For
ncy is an old sinner, and has arrived at
an age whon he feels better after telling
the truth, than in altering a lalaehnmi
Hence, the Radical parly has lost ono
ol lis champions and the State has
gainea a patriot, t'rof idcd : be does
not return to bis wallow as be did in
Deoradinq. The hie-h offica of
President ia now being utilised hv ilia
a - j - - -
officer of Agricultural Societies, as
Iturnum usoa his seven elephanta to
draw a crowd. Thia Is all Have has
Deen doing tho past fall camnaiirn. Ho
, f, .
seems to have sold himself to a class
of men who make merchandise and
cash out of everything, and have
thereby rendered the office of Chiel
Magistrate a cheap as a baby elephant.
What else could be exnocted Cm in a
enow mno baa stolon all he has? But
what shall wo snv of thnaa
ly endorse the larceny see John 8her
msn.Slsnley Matthews, Sirs. Pinkston,
Mrs. Junks, at. al.
Tat Disouiai Removed The Car.
wensvillo Times became so enliated io
the Radical cause during this mau
that every feature of tho Independence
uereiorore assumed naa Been removed.
It ii now as much an organ (except in
noint ofdecennv) nl tka Kailieal niM
, . r v
aa lb Journal, and Democrat nawl t
boasbagiaj no longer. It') Radical
Wo notice that tho Coiifederuto mon
umcnt which is to be unveiled next
Thursday, at Augusta, G., is the most
pretentious work of art In tho South,
except the equcslrain statue of Wash
ington at Richmond. It is 71 feet
high, exclusive of the foundation, and
21 feet square at tho base. The base
ia of ratone mountain granite. - The
statue of a Confederate soldier stands
on the top nf the monument, and sta
tues of General It. E Leo. General
Stonowall Juckson, General Thomas II.
R. Cobb and General W. 11. Walker.
are placed on tho pedestals about 20
feetaboro tho base. Thefundsforiho
work wero raised bv the Ladies' M.i.
morial Association 01 Georgia. Wo de
test theso offensive famllv fciemorun.
dums that are being croctud In both
sections of tho country, as memorials
of our tunutacism and lolly in former
times. Wo hopv Io livo long enough
to sco ovcry one of them torn down
and Instead of advertising our bud con
duct toward each other aa members ol
the same family from 18CI to 1805, it
would be mora polite to bury and hide
it tlmn to erect stone spires looking
heaven ward. 1 n wijl affairs, it would
bo just as propor lor belligerent parents
to drive a stake in the yard of their
mansion for every quarrel they hannen
to have, for tho purpose of baring their
oniidrun and nei;l)bors to inquire what
.i . .
nicy represent.
un. .1 . iflswwnw
El Uorartor Cortia hu bars namid lor Uni
ted 8t.i s...... i. ,1,. ..... . .k
aarryiB tba nail CcnaaylraBia Lagiilatura. Tba
Piltiburg Port, tha Ocmocra'io ara-ao af tba wrai.
ara pari af tha Stale, baa declared fr him. Wa
tail to rra how the PeBmereliN Mn... ... I..
atrenclhened by introdnoing Iba aeaatoriib ip.
1 ba thing to do ia Io olect a Leguleian thai will
beet bn Cam.n.B Tk.l .. L ....
- .' " w pieiM'rie
aoogll m III boaait men. Ball, men tf.n.ll..
lea, out the ilaluniore limn should
know OnOUgh about his PiLtahurir nl,,!,
" o ---labors,
to understand that the Post men
are full of enterpnze. That establish
ment furnishes a candidato every cam
paign lor some office or other, and t hen
puts enough of other fellows on the
ticket to fill the bill. Our mutual friend
havo been making Presidents, Govern
ors, United States Senators, Stale
Treasurers, eto for twenty years, but
tho shop has been rather unsuiu.esaful
this fur in bugging any of tbo offices
indicated. We presume, however, that
the machinery cannot be stopped ; but
ti nobody else looks alter Gov. Curtin's
interest his fata will hn that ol all ih
other candidates heretofore trotted out
by the Port firm.
Mexico's Kxiiibit. A cctomporary
says: "ilexico, having stood off for
year watching the great Internation
al Exhibitions of England. France. A ne
tna and the United Stales, has conclud
ed finally to givo a show herself. It
isn't often ihut there is an interval ol
peace in Mexico euflluieiilly protracted
to admit of the erection of Exnosiiion
buildings, but it is beluivod now that
the auspicious moment has arrived
Wo of tho United Slates ar Invited to
participate. Manufacturers of fragile
articles win probably be a little back
ward about sending their wares down
to such a revolutionary country, but
thai is no reason, why our Government
should not placo some speoiinens of our
coal and ore on exhibition."
A Senator's Nephew MuanrRr.D.
St. Louis, November 3. Despatches
Irom Hedaha, Mo., say that Thomas G
locxrell.nephswol United Stales Sen
ator Cockrell, of this State, was found
murdered Isst Friday morning in the
store of M. F. Stotts, at Ridge Prairio,
Bulmo county. His skull was crushed
in three places and bis throat cut. The
supposition is that be was murdered by
tramps during Thursday nivhl aa tlm
victim's pocket and the money drawer
oi the store bad been rilled. M r. Cock
roll was clerk in the store and slepl
Th total production of the Pennsvl
vania oil field in Ooober wa 1.348,600
barrels : total shinment from ik
during the month, 1,738,957 showing
a oecnne in stock on hand of 390,457
barrels. In conscotienca of this show.
ing the market has advanced, oil sell.
Ing on Saturday at 60 1 to 87 cenia
per barrel.
" 1 L-
Indiana. The Democratadid nobly
iu this Stale in October. Instead ol
earn ing it by 7.000 or 8.000 niainrtf v
as heretofore, it tallica out 13,73(5, be.
sides getting a msioritv nf tha ..
hers of Congrcsa and tha r.u;.lut,,r.
which secures as a United Slate Sena
tor for six years from the 4th of March
Benjamin, The National RrnvUl
ens says: ' General Butler Is worth
three millions of dollais." Tea. he an-
quired that gigsnlio fortuno after he
left the Democratic parly, and while
be wa a lUdical loader.
Tha yellow fever ia gradually ceaa
ing all through th South, and it ia ex.
pected to abate entirely after a few
nor heavy frost.
Wo know it is a littlle lute to puh
lish the proceedings of our l'liilipiiurg
meeting, nut wo bud no room lad
week, and believing it t.eceHsiiry to
make a full record nl the proceeiliiigH,
siiieu the holding of the scandalous nl'.
lair which cumo off there on the 31st,
so as to put tho conduct of our friends
in their true light, ami for future refer
once, ror tho proceedings below we
aro Indebted to the snoeiu coi resiiond.
cut of tlio Pittsburg Past. Moro: In
all probability tlie guests of this meet
ing may in tho future furnish tho Uni
ted Slates with a President and Vice
President, and -il is therefore worth
while to make a record ot it.
PniLiPsniau, October 20, 1878.
This little lown was to-day tho scene
of litb and party ciithuniusm. It is
Hillllltllll Mil t llH l iu.l, n,,n ...I.l.l.
.......M,. i. vva., Ullil
is tho dividing lino between Centre
ami deal field counties, two of the
Democratic siroiu.lulila in I'.... nui-l...
niu; you reach ii by leaving tho main
lino of tho Pennsylvania Railroad at
Tirono This re,. inn ..fin.. I,....;....
furnished the fineM lumber on the con-
ttlieiil, s now yielding the best coal in
niu a n-aiL'vi fiinii.iitii.u ,. 1,1.1.
pars which bald ulof'l the nation's col
ors on 1110 "American Line weru nm
to the oceun out ol ri..Mrfl..l.l ........ t.
and tho soft coal which makes the
steam and leaves its low line of black
smoke flliilnr tlm I'l.iiiH e.. u. 1 1...
"r. "- ." viih 1 a-
citio Mail plouts Irom Sun Francisco
iiiiun is wonted ami snipped Irom
theso mines. Four hundred cars ot
eoltooul ponio op to the main lino cvu
ry day from tho Tyrone brunch. One
eleventh ol tho entire tonnugo of the
grout Pennsylvania Railroad is fur
iiihcd bv tin) ci'ul und lumber ol i !,.
two counties, Centro and t'lcurlteld,
und goes on the mail at Tyrone. Tno
coal vein Is eleven loot thick ; the pine
trees, standing closd as rushes, tower
ed two hundred feet high.
Philipsburg has a romantic history.
Munv Vcara u.rn ,111 a.,1 ...... ...I k'....l.i.
J j ' miv ..i..inii
nolileinan, lliirdmun Philips, who bad
illumed a beuiililiil and accomplished
wile, look a curious nniion 1,1 l.i,r.
liilln-eil in tho wilds ol V .r. .. . i. ... ..... i
end his days 11- IV,,m iju , 1,11111,1101,.
nl civilized mail. Ho bought large
tracts of liind from tho I'.nng, who
were then tho Proprietary Governors,
and sent an ugeiil to locale ilium and
buy others from tho settler. The
lands ho hud purchased wero then
moro iiiaccessihlo than aro tlinso to
day around Great Bear Luko or Lake
ol tho Woodi. They uu hi.rh in the
mountains und contained the greatest
number of beaver dams over tiuind iu
Pennsylvania. Judge Orvis lold me
lo-duv that tlm iitl..a.,r 1 1... Pl.,l,,. '
land oxicndcij thlwugli tho piosonl
'"" " ieiuiu ami uuniunu, aim
looted up no less than 01 .1 uml a bull
million ol acres. Philips built hinisell
a mugniucent Douse, und hero hu lived
on muiijf y ears. n suddenly as lie
camo, ho wont. Tho greut csluto was
held together for a long lime, und sold
lately in largo tract to capitalists who
have developed it. A party of .Sjmta-
iu usurers ptiuirnL several thousand
ocres of it, and to day Mr. J. N, Casa,
nova, a Cuban gentleman who is hero
superintending tho mine of ono ol
ibeso Spanish companies, was Chair
man of ihe Reception CoinmilteO. The
greatest part 'of iho estate was pur
iiuscu vy iliorgun, tiittu & Co. of tins
ton, und it bus been by tho foreign
Cliliilul of ihesfl nirni-ni ll.,.t Ihn mi.,...
have been opened and worked, am)
ibo coal sent around Caou 11 nm to
sunt v. ns 1 nave mi. mi., ,i...
ocean stcameus on the Pacific coast.
.ji niiiur n aiiB' e onco loni mo Ihut
when ho Visited Dnlnth i.n.l r,..t.,,.r.
distant in the Northwest, that it muilo
nun leel how great our Slate wus
when bo caw every blacksmith burn
ing Pennsylvania niogniuiri coal, But
to our meeting.
Governor Hendricks hud rested at
Tyrone J unci ion on Friday night
whoro he responded to a serenade of
winch I have already dispatched you.
iSatunlsv mnrtiintr km l.i-i..i.t ...h
enai. jii ioro tno log had c carta
away a lornr tr,ii ..r ....o...t
" - - nm ,lllluu
Irom the direction of Lock Haven, and
ine vito screeching ol the wry necked
tile gave dreadful note of preparation.
Bad fnllsio Wus Io be nut niu In
volume. I am afraid it Shakespeare's
ie-i 01 a - miin tiint hath no music in
himself, wero antilii-il to tun ,.:..
of people who hear one of these conn
Irv brass IisiiiIh. iIho-h u-iml.l I,,. f....n.i
inanv deemed fit lor "1
gems and spoils,'' tor next to tho noise
"I escaiiu sii'Hiii ii-.itn nn .......
1 .'f;'..,-, ....iii,-
ot them do muko tho meanest noise
unaginulile. However, those were all
Democratic hamla mit il,n .....l ull
lelt good It ilidu't matter whether
me lellow bit the buss drum early ami
oflon or not; thev hud eomu tn H...
fiiiir ex Govenmrs, lo seo Iho hund
somo Governor Walker, ol Virginia, to
near ino versatile and amusing Curtin.
til Set! and h..ul th.t M.I.I....I u...l ..I
ed Vice President, Oorurnor lleml
ricks, and din back Imn ti,M r,u., u..,i
shako hamls with Govt runs Iti.flns
. . r" .
wno. in niireranil h..tti.a 1...1 1.1
the party lo victory. Well, the bunds
eitine. aim inn LrMii.a 11. .u 1......
nireain. one aiiar 1111111 ti..a whk ih...
gincs heaitiinr tntranU iIim nw.i.m..;...
uul"" ainiveii initu mo eoi. and was
MJM.II f;.ll.....l 1... tl llf .ll. .
...i,uni.'. u'lrvinur it aiaer on
the through Washington train, and
..u-iro nun, one 01 ino speakurs, on a
uiiBuviiina car. ne
accompanied by Goorgo Brisbin, of
w-vu.i, a. oiu,,noti Airiea, judge Jno.
II. Orvis; the venerable Shiigait, who
was warmly welcomed by Hendrick'
asauold Irii-nd : f't r-ne Al..u....H u.i
A. Biglerand Wm. M M..P..II .V "...
yiearnein; j. t;. c. Whulev ol Link
laven, and Pat Flynn, of Tyniim;
Uot'liina, ol Uollcfonto : John Bell
Hells 11 ills ami l i: . it i. ...
,, .. . ' "'" ", oi
uenuioiite, ami many other old llumn
When tllA liamta l.n,l all A,.ll....-.l 1
.V,iu,-V, i
found ono from 11. ll..r....i r'..
Ceiilre Hall, one from Lock Haven,
one from llouta lale, one Irom Morris'
dale, two from CI. ai field and one from
vurwensvino. Among iho crowd 1
saw many old Democrat io friends ol
the Poll, Mr. Hysong, of Sandy R.dge,
Mr. Holland othora.
Thero was ten car from Bellefonte.
tea from Clearfield, and over twelve
hundred neonle from Hnniaila ....i..
. .n, at,
..n..a ...... I A li . .
XH"-' aiii irom aiolTlsilale. be
Irielld Ciisunova. nnd tbeii I .l,.ci,I..J
that thero wus hut one Ibing lo do
nnd lliul was to come, so I packed up
iny cui'i'el ling ami here I niu. (Laugh-
trilled Stales, DeViiT. by Uieulse lit
this wuy :
' The very foiindntionsofsociulor ler
itscll cuiinol much longer resist Ihe
ll kU ol corruption, w hit h the Rudicul
phalanx against die united cmii'iln
lions of tillv-eii'lit llmtis I i.lllcc
holders led by .Morion und his men.
with the wholu iHiunr t.C ll.., i-nl
goveriinicijt nguinsi us, Governor Cur
tin came to our relief and I um glml
III mulcn anini. lillli, i..n t.t i,i... ...u
I hope thero is no question uhnul his
election, nero in ino cranio 01 i'cinis-
racy where liberty makes her home
(Applause). And oh, how earnestly
I Ho hope that Hie neon u of this trrcui
and powerful Common wen lib will ii-
sort her iiiilciienileiice. Tell me. nnil
I slop for an answer, hut good the
Itenulilicsn mirlv bus donnr No nn.
swor.) When u political parly stands
iiuino ii is eoniicmneii,
followed Governor UoiiilriokH, and ra;tj
if tho man Governor llemli iclisi who
had been second on ilm tiili.-t I.n.l
boen first, ho would now hu il.e I'nwi.
dent ol tbo United Slutos. At this
tbo crowd cheered lustily. Curtin ltd
lowed Walker in ono of' his speeches,
which are ulwujs lisleuod to with
great attention.
I asked Judge Orvis whul Curtin's
nuuees in clcclion were, w hen ho told
mo that C curl c . woiil.l ,.iv Inn,
from twelve in liiiocn huiiiired innjiiri-
ly. Clinton will give him nine hundred.
Kik will givehini from five losix linn
nrcii, 31 ill in will tie siihuunlially a lie.
sloi'ig tiiie ol llie nule street's wounu in
uroiind tlio hill , ,, pnun, f t,
unco, was ono of the finest sights I
Imveseeiisiiice the war, Thev hauled a
bigeuiinnii with iheii .aud when luu k
"I tl'o low adu her htsiin, and, as ll
in sy nipiitliy will, these independent
nioiiiiluiiiecis, , lull, re-ecioed it.
Governor Hendricks and Governor
Walker hail got inn in tho nil. in of the
engine und rode up the branch, gel
ting a line view of that miigniliceiil
lllolllilulll sceliere '11 i....... I I
oil the Til Olio branch I lull. I. m, tl,
sides ill ii, three or four times us long
as tno noise Miioout Kittnning Point,
on Ibo P. II. It , ami bieher nn on Ihe
iiiniiiituin. Tho beuiililiil and varied
colors ol Ibo lorost trees, the green
and golden muplu, the scarlet oak and
iniifiiu creeper, U inrm a picture,
which, ll traiislorrud lo canvass with
Us exacl lints, would bo deemed loo
iiigniy colored in luithiuiiy represent
reiiiity. It was no wonder, aller view
ing Ibis scenery thul Governor llend
Ticks Went lift" oil nn aiiiwlrnul.v l,.l.h
erty anioiig ihe tnoiiiitains, lliul the
Goddess ot Liberty was a niouiituiii
nymph, that ihru soiiieihing
nuoiii iiiuso nioiiiiianis thul inspired
men to liberty, and thul I hoy should
seo to it lliul iho blessings ol our Ireo
Government wure preseivcd und hand
ed down. When Hendricks lulkod to
them in this way and his voice resell
ed the outside i-.l... f tl..,i
crowd, the people looked al one an
other and then raised a cheer which
sounded like the exAltationa ..I' a,.n,u
angry mob.
When wu landed off Iho ears, the
crowd was not so great as when the
mooting opened. 1 he reception com
Iiiittceseemed a little flustrsted. llend
ricks was marched up to the wigwam
mini nv casauova; Curtin went one
wav. Wulker und Bull anoth
huge-ace eot scuiier.-il i
lured, but the people wero nil right, ! hand-omo majority
uii'i niter a winio too irile linamlii He
showed iise.l'. Tho big raftsman who I
took Uemlricks and ('.nil,, nil' ,. .lo. I
ner seemed to huvo uccomplishud ull; the iioastku taxation or coiipora
ho desired. .Mr. L. G. Lini'le nneneil tions a nmu n irni.r
ins house and tho visitors welcomed,
nnd Mr. I usatiovu was all atlenlion.
Linglo's father-in law, a grey beurded
patriot. Air. Mim-wii, 1 believe, decked
his elegant mansion and il,r..u
bis doors. When Hendricks and Cur
tin had been (muni ulp'r dinner, they
took thoir stHlion on Munson's porch,
where iho crowd, nn admirimr ,.r,,-,i
could sou them, und salinfuciion
liilt and cxjircssed,
was ore'anlr.ed be Bi.l..r.ii...r
onuir Bigler to preside. The motion
was put uy futher .-dunson, who looks
Iho picture of a patriarch, mid ucenr.!.
ed to with a veil. Th.. 0.11 .. I
tion wus iiunoiiiiced by .Mr. Cu-unovu i'"''1'" blotsl, unconsciously to the loser.
,w f..l ...... . ' I Ti v i. ...i.i., . .1... : .: . ..
'" - .-- UUU.1I W i niii-i-M n, 1,11. .
rii't.K'it-ll.)n. Wm. JiiMt-r N-uniiuod.tit'8 wl.kb it Uirmi.r, thul""1' 1 ho ,,1,,1'l &n then rcnt tho
Vicj V. Noyyn Vuum IIuiimh hV tho owtu w m iho. I lIlr".tf,!,i'I,ll HHin. iit.tivcl to un
S. II. -ui L.i M,iv(.n; John A, u.hI itn v-Muou ,ni- j tt' , "V,t h(c,ltt,J ,M,1I" bl"u,v T
W.HMlwunl, llowunl; Aimtin M. Luin I Uiw mmihm.u who iMrib. 1 , l"1 ft" ""'owi i 1 vrwumlly appvitr
PiHi.ti Hih!r., Linh.iiu; a. T Khiif,uell,,in'"f'liiiw tu huvL-rii. The'i lltJ,"W"'w V. wl, b.-intf
Dr. A. A . Dill-.. J. F. VVa...r..r w..u... lXv Ut ihu elmi-. li.i- i ,, "",,,IU'T"1 l" ""LK-uiii luiv.inti) t-
llr.ftt, V. lUk.r, CI.-urfiflY: S. M -wiwl Irom their c.imnLTH. Ad the I ',u;,um1, wJ ,,,M"f,.Vi-d by hi
lumijuht ildvn tint go to tho inmbloul
lutruimil ill' I li.i Maur Vnl la D.IU Iteutl I I i hv aritrt-n Ihmt I -titer Brr
'.' ' ' ia ' f'.il-''! I , i , "1 i, )! lit f M.l
00 ly rrfttrru io inn gn(.ninl. i p-r-nni m
Jt-Mtut 10 itM fut will lviw mrtU tmiMiii
(in Hii nti tml l)io biivinc tlntnii or Uu.di1
will fimttiit lbi-iu nuprtjr a.H'hfOiifa.tH fur
, (ii'iDfni ruduii' ut'iny. eiifii.i iiwh
Ktlrrtottit. Uci. 3", l"TI $1 Kiv utur.
I ' ' "" ' "
l IIITflH'A N-H M tl.
Ill h Orphnni' C 'urt. t'lnnrl.-ll C.t., P.
In Oie mutter ut th Kalilt nf KJwsiftl Ktnj.
Ui rtt Humililt twnahii.
'Ih undirrnrd Awililar, ftppotntrd br lh
Coinl in diriitui Id Mifjr in ih hundi f
J. M llnrlrr. Aiaiainiairninroi KUtx t al
mil un i hf irtiri rtuitlfd thtrrlo, wtl allrml lo
hit tlutlr ut rui h, ut hi i.ttice tp ib SriMiifh "f
i'rMrhnl.1. un WKUSKMiAY, ihm tlm V OF
- ... w as. nB nar iiiirirvirti mn j siiiviiii wr r-
'' vaisvu iikh aruuijug in On ma lH I
R!SKHL!T V NOTIcr-InilteDirlrlei
I 'l I ll rl nf lk I'aaltal -. f... ik. aVa
lilrici uf Wam-jlvNnlft.
Hirh.r.t B. TU,tlft CItttrflil.1. Vt., ft Bttnb
rut andr tb A ..t ftf Ccnfreai of Mr.hf, rr ,
and oiliff rltiiuii prufaljla anirr A"t, by or
der of l lie CWt, Notioa ! Iinrtnr gn In all
tiiiKitt'tri. wt- bv .r ,vd iUtr d"aln-, hJ 4tltr
l''"n intrf.fil. it,.iir un lh tUih dy nf
NotimWr, U?8, ut 2 o'olork, p, m. if.tra O, K
Wnodruli; Kni., Unifier tu lUnkrujjt. y, hu
- diet, in Krm. I'm, to thorn ckup. if ny they
bti. why a dichurX bould not be (ranM ft
tbMid B.ittini.t. h. C, Wf'AMLK.-',
Oct. c .rh.
t, hi Ill j WaaO
y,ts llfli'crtiafmfiii,,
I lr Juha B. Hairartr. af . 1... ,
ii w cm one 1 ' "'.. iin,umt u tin,
other; their I"1"' L'nimi lour to fivo huinlied ufjainsl
icy Koi scat-1 l,iH course elects him with a
.... ..n i haniKoino niuloi-itv.
Seillltor Wallace ill hie i-,,n,n.Lu ....
on indirect taxation during his speech
at, v oncer, nun on ll oLiicsiluy even
ing (Oct. 23), hit upon a lopio which
has mora ihun a pnaihir interest for
.1 i.. ii . . .... ....
ieoiie oi 4 eii-.y ivuiiia. llio po.
icy ol indirect luxation has Iwo lliinys
lo recommend it ; J-'irst, such luxa
tion is cheaply collected ; secondly, it
in I'nueiitij ooine. ii is cheaply Col
lected because it is ohluined in (jross
sums liy a lew oHleiiils siationed ul Cub
torn Houses fiir nenerul (ioveinmenl,
and lioin a lew corporations by tho
State (iovernnient. It is imiiemle
,., ii. .in inu a 'i , i ....... ,'. tf,i.,iv,
('so called' because ll huliiliiullv ili iiiirtu
Hi lil just ice I; Attorney (ieiierul luv
ens in Ins bloody shirt circular to the
Unileil Siu'cx AtloiiieV ol' Aluhuiiia.
sHya : 'Iiilorinutloll hits heen uivell me
ol cerium outrmjn it tiynl to Aniv orin
emmitti d, and threatened to lie ivmmittcd
lh Northern and iimldlo tlistricts ol
Aluhumu, in connection with Iho up
proachuiK Conxrcssinnul t-lcclion.'
" What outniia,' Mr. Devons? Whul
fort uf 'liiloriiialion' has been given
you ? Wno is y our infurmant t
"So is it, thul w o are under iho Gov
eminent ol 'spies uml informer' llio
most justly odious and oxeuruted ol ull
overiiiiicms f
"'ihe people id' Alabama never heard
a syllable ol theso 'oiilrai'es,' until llr
ueveus luiiiiniuiuii una circular. Jl ho
hus inloriiiulinii ol anv 'outranet a trurd
to have been committed,' why Jul ho imt
fpreifif Hum. and direct his willing At
loi ney i proceed at once against their
perpetrators ? 1 havo not a pai tide ol
laitn in theso now oulrai;es. air.
Ijevens litis li.i Slli'li Inliirmutiim u. 1...
Uoscrilies, that he uould not be aiuinui-
eit to diKiosc to the country! 1 intend to
Oct un. o the next House ol llcinvscn
luuves to appoint a committee to inves-
liirale thisofliciill uml Mliinil.'rnna cl.,11-....
airuiiisl the inonleol Alabuinu. I want
mo w-iiuio coutiirv, ioriti iitni n mih,
to know the, nhole truth about 'these
oiilrutrcs ullcired.' and ihe soriol
formation' iijuni which tho Attorney-
Uenerul ol tho I luted Stales acts, ll
is time that this work ol slandering
sovoreiun Sta'es in the I'nioii. hi I. , . It
. It! ' .' ., I- . . . ' ' " cis in me reueiui noveiiimeiil,
should cease. It is u j;reut crime, and
all tho in. ne so, because they cuiinol be
niudu legally responsible. They have
110 moro rijfhl to pcrpetruto il than
privuto citiaona. A yreut crime against
tfood nionils, the peuco of society, and
the country. Tho Slutoof Alulumu is
hero proclaimed guilty of tho (jrossest
'outruKos,' by Alloriiey-Cielieral J)o
vens, upon evidence which would not
nut .1 .1... t ..! .... 1.:.. 1...1' ..
u uw.Lt,i .m.,1 ,i, 11, n iriai oeioiui . . "
the council of Auburn, upon a churo ttJtfZ
oi rubbing a luri-nxwt !" i buiimn-i, ,irr Ann
. . - j r, tod Jituia . Fustvr,
A Mo.xtr Katinii Dou An Indiana ij", i"1""'
man had a $3 mitioiiitl banknoloehewed Z kJZ It KoXib
New Fancy Store
IliM- WAT.-MIM i CAKIION would sell lh. i.f the I. din or tlr.ilol l aaU i.-iaua
ii. ilia Ursa atis-k of
..liar. r..r rant a ilaeillrs asaaa as.t .. . atr.
IoloraialinB a .lr1ii. or a't'lrari'.'"'
Un I U HArTm-TV . i,M,
SheriiTs Sale.
)T f.nua of mrU of Fm .
J m. of iho f!otm of Coiamt.a fMa ' , ri"'H
tt-lrl staailtala, a. si l4 a.. J. . J .. "''Mf.
H.o.rf la PUIII.IO SSI.K. ,k( P,
to the hor-tiab of ClearflaM oa frlilav
Mill day .,f kuvrmbar. I nisi. ',!,"
Ihe lulluWIfiaT ilaeri itmel mail . . "
- ii) W
All III at Wm M.k. - ,
lot of Und ri'uttt. In Hr I titw-LLip vi.?Z
otmnty, I'a , ImiuimM and drh fu,
Hinni. k .t a p,t. oorn. r I..., ftf M. J ' ' !
ihruor ro.ilb Nil etr Knit I7 PPh ,1 ;
"' '-.s-v- ini ,1 ,rib J,u
rrwi K-.M TH (.i-irhfi fo imnw ; thoant R..utk ia
I" fn.-l.aa .a M, ,h
.Nur.h 1 drai i T.4 ,,e,f L
(i(iin)i ihrnce t.t Knydi-r't land Su,h tl?
JtiifrMt Watt f'Jl tiarnk... . ... . .
crtNhi Ihrfira up aald Ht.uib ll M
K..I Al a 111 tl.-ak... . a. L a "T"1
.- , .w tt f mrnei ) IThriH
4 Jenblm' land Norlb 87 drinwi Wr.i jflwr,.
ta a hani Irani, I h I n Id.c. n.k-.i "
- , .... . j 'nrirV.iittk
II .lanraet Ea-I 17 trflhM to iba nlaeo e' U.
r'ltainf, eotttamiig ft(t anrw, mnn tr
iaiiod, lahm in fievu'iun, and ta U nJ u t
projitity oi Williuta MttbaflV.
Al... A t..sar. l-.l ........ ..
twMiiitb. CUartlald auimtjr, H. . b.ianrfa.1 ."ndV
wribt-d a- I' lb'wp. tn m,f. On tha K-l br n...
afrx.l ..n t I,.. fi,..,lk k I. .-..I . . !. .. . al1
'i : ' " ' -ar,0
on iba W rpt by an alla7 a tba N. th by 1 f
KUai Kufloir, containlnjf atmui loa-fourib uf
aert, and haviaic rmrtt-d ihcrnoa frma h..SM.
Ira in a itli'n. airl oiriap ntnk..lll... .
lakfn in fiafatinn, an I to Ihi ild tha ti,ru
nf John U.-lwilff.
TaHMa or b La. Tha prlca nr ua at whlrb
tba propfrty .ball ba atrwk off bum ba u
iha Hue of aooh otbar arriD(t. ta u
wad at will ba a pr ad , .ibrlM th propar.
J will ha lanoadiattlf put ap and aold aaaia .
V a T l in i i , ; 'h ipaM ud riik nf tba partoft t mhutm il
NotlOIlH & LnUlCH InnC' (jOCUj I j off. and whfl, In aa-.if dtl,-i.a.r.(
flhl. b Ibrj bivf lu.t oi-nr.) in Horn' 4u,r9 nn ia.iaBr -III lb llaed be pra.nfd . Cart
Kuoui(tn KceiiDd lrtf,
Thi v hwp Kmliroidrrirf, RaiibinK, Tie. lUndhfr
obl.fn, Lollarff. Cuir. Mai-, aud Kid Ulovr,
Kilibun-, tiiitb Hi'.buna.
Himl'brf Fdfier- nnd it-Mrtionp, Lanai, !,a4K'
Mi !', aid Cbildrna tion anr, whim
and colored.
Cn.M-M. all I tl n Zrpb.Tti, Orrmxi-.-wn M'rwl.
Java C'aiiva, j.
11. atriat lfentiot 1 1 tba waqu i f tbrtr puato
ttiffi, tbry lout to r.rivc a aliara of nu'ilia nat.
Their pri.ea a. II b. a tow ai th fame qualil;
of KD'la cib H jmrolioed at any othar pi act in
th. oounlrv. Cnll and ta us. Rtni-umar tb
p'aoc: Huw'a ?lyra Kuuui, Sacond atrvat. Clear
held. Pa.
Anguat '), ik;fi tf
j - - f'wt.lM IB yotrt
I for eon br mat fun BBlraa iba twntj .a aetuallj
i - s.uinrn rfc.ii,, Jr
fBBRifrs Orrim, I Hharlff.
riar6ld, P.. Or. 3.1. 17
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice in Ejectment.
W.Uian A. Itrad
In tha Com id on Pleat
uf Clenrtiell ontliitv
N'i. H -pt, larn,
I8TH, K jt'Citnaijt tit
eoaipul affiti i par
foruiaiK'o of contra.,
ir a pi ir Wiat ot
Uud in Ltwrtma tWt ,
Ciraroel I auuury, p.,
b-ioiirtrj and d aohba-l
a fnlii t O th .
oAtt ti lati la uf (Ji,0
.... . .wHaiiu, ninao. ii
Ul MV IHM ((.. IltiMflit turn IVnrtt.Arili.if1 Aduuia. ab.l 11" .U. ..a. U
t int mil.) t.i i !.. Ts.,.ians... . r .... 1'..:. a ' Adaiua. bt-r huab.mtl.
Slates and wanted a imud tin,, in r... T:"' '.' k' '""i""':
T. l.'ii , . '" -laaaall Haala.aal Olk.r.. be.
turn. ircaslller Ulltlllan refuse 1 o! ,n P" ' olijinal .ur...r ia III. uaiaa ,.f Mar.
bnrno beeaiise it is taken, as a vampire ! rUt",n . "",0.- lhn'u ,K,ill """ ! .o'S'L'l"'.'', " ," I "
.sly to the loser. I " " w u,al ,",,ta i ,',. ,-rf...,.L cj7: " "
I ....Kiii .i"i ne seni in ior another new I 1 Ki.l.ra roret. Kunli S.u.lar. .,.,l M ..
Vuli; I'elitre Hall; J. , Hull. Snow
Shoe; (jeiirgu llrislmi, Osceola j Dsi ar
imn, DiniiMiie; lurl I'all. rson. Col
h'i;; John .Myeis, Harris; I'iii,
Weliber, Iinalsbiiij;, John 1. Fisher,
I'IVHk; John Jlavor. Penn ; ileniamiii
ll., ii - ' i,' i. ..-!
I'.nnei , i.r. iinsii, ration;
W, II Piiitersoii, llomzdalv; Jli.J.
A. linuse, Wooilland ; (ieore llnin or,
Kyk-rlown, Chirk C'riiwell, .Morris
dale; J, ' K I j i . r )tpatnr S;tiiiel
Wilson, Jiradlniil ; Ju.Ku Tlmni'iaDn,
Major I'Vnw, (Jnrwi iisville.
Seeretaries I'. d'ray Meek, (ieorj;e
Ii. GnodlandiT, Kred Ktiru, J. C. V.
W hitley, and II. O. Deninger.
Governor Hitler was on the stand
lo lake the salute, look 111 ur vnnriir anil
heariy. His voice is Biroin and clear,
and with the exeeiiion of (jovepiqr
W'aljer, when hu uh,U at his loudest,
was the ilaini't lalkei of all, t'non
being ililroiluoed, he suid
uov. uiiim:h's ukmahks.
1 cannot exnress lo vnn m a.ii.
- .... pel..'
luetion at beinir lull.-il num i.. ..,;.i..
over these acres of peoilo. I consider
nijscii uiiny nonoreil liy living called
lllHin to liresldu over this,.
lint thero are other things to be
luiiBiuereu uesiues our own leehnaol
liei-soiial (,'i'alitiealion in this canvass.
It is your right and duly to know
whether Ihe men yoi) elect aro compe
tent to carry out llie nrini ii.l. a u,l
vocate. I have never seen, amidst out
oersiiauons, ana all our corruptions,
i,avu ueer seen ino 1IUIle ITIUell
miBianeii, anil l ionsiier there is no
ICrealer wroii(( than that committed
by the unlailiil
you vtile tiir a representative, laying
-n Hung unu tney Bay atiother, it is a
real fraud Whilst 1 am as kind in
my heart as any man who talks upon
I "ci unans, you must parJon me
il I speak stmngly.
They have promised us honesty and
frugality, bin instead of that they
have iriven us Ihu must lri..l.t,,i .....i.
aahiy; and I say It Willi reKreior
i aiways reuri'i sm n tiiinys J huve
never known in annh a l .!.......
such corruption as we havo now. In
.... I,;.. .. i i . .
...ninK ineiw cnures 1 tlesiro to ipi
Imck to Ihe time wlimi n....... ..... ,i..
flared. Kvery fair man mp-l eoiicede
.in,, men iiver Clll SIIICU tllO WUI'
lias uecn u lull II re,
(tenllemen. in all !,!.... -,...:.! i
t ' -- ' - ".".ishj.-i n
It IS tho llldirltieiil nl' ll ....!.. .k...
. . ry 'v"'iw iinii
the party in power slmiihl retire liir
mo K.n..i oi uie peopiu. i hey are un.
able to any measures of relief
. ... j i.-ii j.iii ii ne mn, (Miwcr we
"ill nav Ihu r. Ii. I ii.i,t U'i..
ih-nien, theru ia no rebel dehl lo nav.
We miL'hl ansa er their char ire. in il.'i
...uiier mm mv iri.'iui iv M.... .
. J - inr nv
ed down on ihu Siiui.ii.i ..
... j .. . 7 K "
swereu tne squire when arrested lor
ee,iinK m leroeiuiis ting who hit a pass
in)f uaveier. "I will rely on ihreU
iints, sanl Weaver: "First, Thai my
K is a quiei a,K. and I tan prove
, , mm ue nas no loetli, und
I fan prove that; third, that I never
had a dug, and I can prove thai."
Tlio redd debt was to be paid aller
iho iiidein ndi nee nf tha f'..i,i.,i.....,
Mules, ami tbere is now no debt to
1 llCSe nentlhlieMliB as., l.nhlir... .,.
. - I..VW.
inus here onlv to nick nm nail I.
1'va l'iiI no iierstmal liniM.a in t-.l.ti...
and lliunk God I vn m if t. f.a.
(Cheers.) My old Democratic friends
amieui iu ou not tn inia is..
l onr Vote. I kllOW v,,nr ,.an.l,,l. .
he is a very decent man. I also know
um ureennaiK caiidiilute, Mr. Jfason
an lltlltt'Bt illll'lliinil.t ..,. I..n.n k...
... -... ...a.., wl,i
il you elect linn, what could he do nn
the linancial qiieslinn. You havo him
covered all nvur i,k ..!...!.. .k
..... .,,. ai.nin
something he has nothing Ui do with.
-oiiiu nave ui stand there with
hia fiiiirer in his towards airesim the coarse
ol the iteneral Giiv..r,,n,i.nt nr. tl..
rinancial nuestion than r tk.,
....(.uuinia iios wniih runs aller
,rain, ran alter Its curse.
.Star with tha uraml ,.ia ..- .. i.;..i.
.ii I..: k. " " 1 . "' "
-.., ., govern menl Da-R to its
"na I ai ninii'iii-ii v aa if - .iii...
it ... - .. 1' A .1 I . ....
aim jrHt-rmin, anil Hail
ison and Jackson. You need such a
man aa i)il for Governor. When I
waa Oorermir I round my own housa,
wec.s.ked our own violualsi wa bad
m.. a i .
informing hinisell or of lellinj his cus
loiner how much of tho price of his
Hoods is duo lo lux ami -I. ..
other causes or services, llie distinction
ooiwccn what is lax and whrjt is not
is soup os, The man who buys i
eout fiir himself or a gown for his wife
is, therefore. iiiiontiiL nl u-lmt ,,,,,-t ,.i
his outlay urines Irom the burden of
Uoveriitneiu and what purl (-oea to the
dealer. Ho, ulao, if he purebasi s a ton
of coal ho duos not know how much ol
his money goes to tho Slate, nor bow
much is reiuiiieil hv- tl,., ...t....
nueiits whose united services biiii(,' il
io ins ounr. ii is evnieiil that a s)s-
lum Of this kind. whi'lHi llm eiu,i...,.li..,.
is so completely broken bct, euii tho
layer Ot UlSes and tho payer of taxes,
is liable tu tho irruveat ulmsiv M,.v
easily gol is easily spent Pennsylva
nia nas inrown tlio whole burden of
taxation iinon cnrnoruiintia uml il,
autborr. of tho policy make the silly
uoanL iuul ano nas tuna iienn ......i, ...I
to relieve the tiiiiniu-te nf in,li,i,l,il.
Irom Slate levies. Where it is possible
io no so, me corporations regather the
tax laid upon them in added charges,
freights and commissions, lint there
aro cases where tho tax cannot bo so
easily rofruthered. Corporations which
arO Workimr in ahnrti rieuli-v. will. ..
taxed cnmpotilors in other Slates must
either lose the uinniinls eiilleeii.d I'
litem or seek sumo dangerous means
oi reimuiii-semenl. As Senator W al
lace says ;
V kat I. th. .- i .
.. . ..... ,. - . .,, ,i -.-
K la Orlaiaara and ha fna flam lea. lion f II,
Still aniehl liara a..... k.. ...... . ... ...
""" V I" gri.winj ti-fora the ImlldiiiK.
af ruaie of jroar rirhrrt eiir.ora'lona t If the
aarporatliia. aaaa,it lira aura taej aiora oati!4
"f ilia Mate ar alaa tk t a nlh.. .....b
the burd.B as the l.boii,,, at,, lij, redwing hi.
--.' r s'i.o. tu oa lo la.iha thi.
sraat Slaia nf imra tha amkahn), al tba eouatrr t
liut. ails iI..m ... .m. . .
. a-- -i i wa juir nana
faaiarri., I hil.delpl.ia am sot ba able ta isia
liaia ailh a raiall Iiwb nalridaufihaSiaia. L..,.k
at Iha las ee aual I Ihrar arola oar laa I. t,.i.i
lo iba suie aa lbs .i ait.rla Ibai .b-ihib.
j . .-. i-mia ai voiiiiiarlaoa. Sid I We
onaaul nuuiniiie ailh lie ia 'l li.a aaB unlatlall
'f s Mea York, allknugli aur liaa U .'burlar.
inui tua . . mat tbia raa laaleiial ll l.tid aa
III II bt-svlae. a euraa.
May not the boasli d iminiiui v which
ia ohiuiiied by taxing corporations
aon iy tot toe support ol the Siulo Gov
eminent be u Ueur tnn-chn-.. li.....
ll iml discourugo leitimaia enterprise
i mini our uorucrs io tncel it Willi ills
crimuiuliuns and disMliihiina u-i,.i.
be avoided by ItK'uliiij; uulsido of our
ooiueni i i ue policy ol Indirect taxa
tion in its annlieaiioii in S1..1.. nil,.,. . ,
..ivn 10 mo xruvesltil.jeellolis. i'Aiu
ui 7111111 jtecoru, ucl. ZS.
.. ., w.v ...-.,, aim aierrrtt
B.s.lar, li.r lu.bnnd, M-rj ana fu.icr, ana Jan
J. to,tar. hor bn.b.nj. t ai ilina Kinitn, an4 A
M. Siui h. h.r bu.l'.nd, K iuul A, aud
ia ,M. S.I. 11,., l,er bu-band, di atsiva
leu .III Ink. a,.llee llial a rule araalrd on i
Tuil.tlliilu.i. ,-ih.i' .. ... 1
... .7 v. -wuim.m riaa. I .
-I tlruruaU a.uot), on Iha lib daj ol Uelub.r, 1 "" P'P"'? .hall ka llraek nt
. . . ...... ,.,lr,g ;ua euq
aa.u ol Joa, to aiiaar anil tno ai-ove
. . -...- ..ij uaj. t.-oia tna dale
i ot, jU'lKiarut will Ui rtmd.-ra . asaiuat you.
earo.uil lioin iba Kao.r.l.
., ,. , tLI BLUUI. PralhonaUrr,
Cli-arOaM, I'a, 0.1 Jll, .S7S.
.,. (l m.iis, lunnig . ...m n'.n, mn, o ta delauu Ib.ra
ineiii irom tno ooir s Inoiiih, and thai
the remainder of this bill , I,, I
and awullowed by Iho aforesaid Hog,
and thci-ehy tnlully deslroyeil. Sub
si'ribed und sworn hefiirn mil'" TV,;.
heinjf oiinsidered sultlcient ovidonco of
m.. unWs voracity uml the Indiana
inau's veracity, tho Treasurer sent on
a new note.
" " wuirisiiaie, no eia.aeu our own violiisls; wa bad
snlua the reKnlar trains, and the pro- " flowera, and we uined onrown or
cussionofcavalrr. n-tl caiiil an.l irl.ii. Iiran. or wnulri haa.i j :. tr l.j
.... .. . I,,,,
cossion of cavalry, red captnl and while
hcailed by a arriaKa deiked with
flatrS. -Oniaitlinir llntarnn III..I... I
, ,,1-- ,.,)u
soma oi the obi reaidonlcra. Wallace
waa not at tha ovntinj; at all, having
been detained by Chairman Rpaar In
r " v uinm un i uwn or-
itan, or would bavetunodit if wa had
one. (Laughter.)
Governor BiKlor continued at aoma
length and then introduced e Gov.
ernor Uendrkka. (Uraatahoaring.)
oovot naaoaioia' ktMaaia.
The Lancaster Intelligencer, in ullud-
n tu ine i oner rope ease, says :
(teiierul I'niiu will nut i..t;i.. t...i.. .
the Porter linaid uf inquiiy, and this
luiwitusitii ii nr ta-aa mi Ina n..i..
und on his charges that General Porter
as couri-niailialetl. 'Iho reason of
General Pnpe's reluctance to appear is
11. 'a mua uu la ill. villi... 1.. ....u-..
aeainst Porter, but it is because he is
unn ui lesliiy against himself". He
tifl'ers to aniu-ar lu'liim 1 1... f'......:
..uu eueen iiiy Kiva 11 any tnformi:.
mm in nis power 'on any point lirouirhl
mil In ll,;. IK......: :. ' t, . . ..
noi, 11 appears, submit lo a cross ex
animation hv li..n.,r.l l..,t..,. 1
The Judge Advocate refuses tosiihpaina
...... mn m nnnvna it,r tlie VtOVOm inetll,
because then Ihe defenso would have
thecbsnca thev want lo crosa-eiamino
him. Tha defunso will m.i ni...n,.
1 1. . 1 . . . 1
unn w-uauso mey ao not wisb In make
unn ineir wnness.
The Doanl has ik...i.,r..- .1
mined that as General Pnpo, under the
direction nl Me ll, . I... ,i. n. 1
..... ..jv, llnlv ut'ii,,tiu
to come belure il for cross examination,
uuv oniy 10 give Inlormatmn on points
brought out on this ino. ..;.. .1
had exhausted their mwer or securing
him aa a witness ami m.a.i.i l... k. ...
... ... I.,.,,
Mr. Ilayea, it seems, Uleuraiihed Poie
n auouiu siay wnure be waa till
further ordera i an.1 a,ri it... 1...
. i ----- -k-, ...aa u
...,Ki,i oso uis own iii.creinin about iro-
H ueiora me t'orter Hoard. Mr.
Haves avmiiBlhiaua iik p.,...
seeks lo shield him, aa nna fraud stands
ny anomar. And ibera can ba but one
opinion aa to I'm, aa .. 1. k
aaloHayes. Popashould have shown
nimsell eager to ausuin bia charges
bkbiubi l unrr 11 innv 1 .... ...
retract them il they were falsa. I n re
lusing to fata Ihe flra, and shrinking
awav frem iha ..1- .k. .11
tion wbioh droro a fellnw-oftleer In dia
gram from tba Army, Pop has shown
himself to ba a aneak of tha first order."
The Hrriulilo'S prtef haa aiada so war Bona
Judsa Ai,.. I i. (.11 sa.l.rinel that all
tailor. 10 rrciva . rrni.uilnatio- fr r. tha Hrpub
lirana aai oelag to hi, axa KaJiral i.c..,,,
les; but Judeo Agnew iav that
I aineron, Iioyt 4 Co. refused to num
unite (mn because hu refused to sav
that tho Philudelphia RecnrJer-Qiiay-
klll n. ... .. , . . nas vjtinsiiiutionai. jnow, who is
lying the Iladical Chief Justice of our
.-iiipreme uiurl, or tbo Hadical editors ?
That is the question which honost men
are calico upon to decide in the future.
An Kntkriiiihim) "(;ivrnjiknt."
Hayes haa returned from his Agricul
tural hxbibilion to Washington, where
ho has taken charge of tho " shebang "
again, and ho ordered 20,000 Clerks to
their homes in iho Slates whoro eleo
tions were held yesterday. When the
Municipal election comes off in Wash
ington City, ibis sumo class nf men
vote t tho Cupilal, How handy I
Tim Wamixrkk. Haves, whosleal
Tilden's 112 500 salary quarterly from
ino united Mutes Treasury, is boctini
ing too unhappy to remain at the sent
01 iiovernment, and tramps around
over the country, exhibiting himsell at
Agricultural Fairs lust aa Burnnm ...
dibits tho kicking mulo In his circus
A NARanw Escsra. The Radicals
barely got through tho recent political
thunder-storm which swept over Iowa
They havo been getting away with
Irom .0,000 to CO.OOO n.aioritv lor ten
years past; hut they scrambled through
mis nmo witn only B.302. Another
eleciion will muko Iowa a Democratic
liight Dev. Sylvester 11. Kosecrans,
Itoinun Catholio Ilishon of Columbus.
Ohio, died in that city on Monday
night, the 28th all., aged 42 years.
110 wus a -Hither to Gen. Jioserrana.
Don't mind the A ; Ihu name of ihe
Delaware Senator is sa 11
sM-lled livard. not Iinvard.
VaIu&Ws Coil tnl Timid Laala.
Tbira will ba anld at tha Caarl Mo. a-, (n tba
b tough vl Cti.aiflald, I'a., on
Tuewlr( Novuniber 12th, 1R78,
At 3 1 iiVlwk, P. M , ib dilded part
uf allibaaa tbrra .aM.m traeti of land ..'uatt in i"oinip, LlaarBvld eouolr, bouoJad
and tfaaenbed aa fulura
Na. I. tiling part af tba Job a Harrltoti aar
y, bouftdtd by tendf r Jtrph B.t, Jwbl
I niiipi bure.aod atb. r. toulaloia 32 mtm,
141 vrtba., and ailawa-e.
J ! ' f,",e",' of tb Jl,ifl,! Clark tad
- - mm.vjw, ooaoaaa my of
"BH "nertB aad otbart, enntaiotoff 100
No. n -Uaitig part ul tba lurra?, Waad-
d bv ...a Aik. .....
and alb.wana. ' 1
lluah HsahiW-ns.'. ....a- i i . . .
nabta wbite pioa, oak and balb ticabar. wltb
IB a I hurt diaiana. ... Mi- i . . '
Rml ..! I l .! .. .... m u
, vitirt ibb caiaia oi uaorfa w
vuW,n .nnsvu, A U. I A I 15,
A'ty lii tact f-r Zx'tm nf (1, W.
Cloarld, P.., N'.iv. K7S-.
I I..T virtu of nondry wrlli of rritt.
j cued nut of the t't.urt of dmronn float of Cpir.
field fH.tir.iy, and lo na dira-fd, ibirc will U
ripLurd to puh lln a), st tha Court Iloava, ia ih
l..nob nf Clparftrld. nn Krlday, rVort-mhcr
Hlh IM7H, at I o'etoeb p. m., tba MLmiBC
dt-Mribad raal Mita, to nil:
A rrtain iwo-atnrr fram1 IloVl, knowa lb
" Arllncton llUia," with lot an 1 enrtolnjie apptir.
tenant lherfn, aitun fn the borooh .f Hoiitt.
itilf. Clnrfleld ctintr, I'a., on pari nf lot N . Jild,
in irrnaTal (H-H ol Mtd Inroufh ; iisa ..f bat',fVa
Taet, fMnriDK on tha Hoaih rtda r the Maltra
Bfmfteb HailrtMd. 2 fnt dw-p nn tba Kaat and af
Mid fcuildini.. anrl 4? fs.1 . U'.a .. i... i
tha hap of an L Pttird. taken i ietint .a.
and lo I told a tha proper? of Prfd. Urata
AUnt A earlaln buildi- itu' n PoutiU!
"-r'ti,U CVraifild eownit, I n . ilb lot and oar.
leUf" apptirtenat t thrift to. 8aid houa U athraa
torv fr raa hitiHitie. hi own aa tha rlinjtHHi
Il'.ua, fiootin 7ll ri on lUilroad Mroct. aila k
drpth ol ahotir 40 fi. with an I. t xN-it.lim htkP
tie., with Ir-a louga and oihaf outi-tiinljim'
Ss-ilfd. tikn In t Kontttii.n an.l t.. k ...II ..
a. ... ' ' '
pr -pri T .f t f n i Vrw.
angb t.friaarfi.-M. riaarilel l rn.n j. ( . ii..MII,p4
and follow : On fho Un i,v f ...
treat : on llie Xuvh by bv aitm.!. d l.ti.t Mnet;
on tha 1 at hr lot furmrr y nwnad hy Har.rr K-ib-'
Mnj; on the Sou. , bv an a'lr ( eontaminf two
town lo'i. ea-b beinjf 50 fant r.-ont a ; Nj t itix.1
and 17 t'fmt d p to an allav, b.lm ib- mi lou
omvavml bj II. tltiehar woop., ritaiai trior .if
I. R. rKrti r- deeaaia j. to Danifl Sta-wa't. t dod
.dut-d 21 nf, October, and baviajr taaivoa
M-eifd a lar two rd.rv frrttna dal Ina; hoii
W'in . hi O. to anil mti.s !,.,....
ffind, taken In rverutinn, and In ot iuld a tha
pri-pilv of Julio U. hhujiru.
Tkrmi or Sii.b. Tba priea or iuia at which
trntDtrlV ahall ka alm.b . i..t .- ....j
'JD m aaio, or auoD bar arranffaBenu
tMadeai will W approved, olbarwiva tha property
wi'l bo itamndiatelr pat ap and told ria at
tba eipenaa and rlk of tha par in. b to wboia it
aa urufffc off. and wbo, ia eauoof deAoiaaay at
Itrh Tm ala. .k.ll ..b. - I ..
H"WV HIVIlBf.aia B
I no inManea will iho llaad bv proaantad ia Coort
for eunfirmaiiaa aula tha maer i artaally
, - ... ...rin. Aiiuntn rbAU, Jr
ISniMirr i Ornra, i SbariT
riearftt ld. I'a.. Qot. ti, 187. J
SherilT's Sale.
T)V alrlsa af aoadrr arlli af F.a, tr., Inaeil
Jlrw fletnlsrintnlg.
Wa. aa.iJrd at the P.rli ip...itiiia far I87S ki
Fur h... fii. f a . a...
... .... ..,..v,w ap.,., vanon, coaBranaa
Ina ..liinata ... i i .. . . ... ..B
,,, - . ". . ai an iBa
arid Kiiei i-.m, fr,.tn ikat at I, ,b4oii, ISst,
""aa., ai.i.i.,u IS, s. wbaea I flat
too. a diploaia f,.r Superior Snrn.l. aaa Ki.
IHiUaal,." a -a
The H- a.l Pri of a Mailal a.i uk.a
T k Lil"" -aiiaar. ajaiok elaia.
- r v. .aaviu lauatut,
and ablrh Sal eifaailrel- aa.aniaad a UraaJ
-me si Fail..
NO GRAND PRIZES were awarded
lor -pool Cotton at PARIS.
MeR.rii. J. A P. r.i.. I... , .,
tuak.i. It I .i.. i . ...... .. .. .
a T. . ' '"'" "pa-a -atlaa Hill, la
tna Halted Ki.... If.... ...
.....j ,.ru a w. laa.iaiaQ-
ata, Irrm Ika ran Mm u laa tauha I nal, 1 1
aJuelail tl,.,,. Ttnlr Aiameaa isala ,,obi
O'ltt'iB look Ika a.... . .
. , - - van.aaaiai, ana
Bile lb. , beta e'aiinad .paclal aient Cjt
""' i-pw-i -aitua liver I bat aaa
alaoianxl in Kuoli-h Mill., lli -a bare l.
aallia.-lluBafan..nua.....l... .1. L . ,. ..
-."a . -a., a--meal
lna4 tnriam.ea aits Ibi. a anu. ih.l
AMERICA, ti roprosontod W
vT. fc P. COATiS. ia aU
'.Ajian la rn:adeiklafarj. f.l'0AT-.
- ......
u. a, taiB ZI.
5,000 Rail Road Ties
Carara.HII., Pa. Jan. . "
. D. II0SR, . . r.orai.T.s
Meal., 15a. Haa and karea ai(ht, tl M,
Maa aad Iws beraa. aaar alakt Si a
Tha kaat f aranaimfKl.tloB. far naa aad Waal.
wc. .a, i a-n.
a tiaiiiiriiT.iai a,....,..
J Nallaa U berak. .1... . .
pAHi!!L. " ""''' Oa'arSald".."'.
-., -.. aaea aaia araatad aa tha
and.-H-nad, all pa ran., I.dabtad ta ul. .,!.
all! nl .. . . L ....,. . . .
aaaiaj alalrni ar daaiaBda aaiatt Iba aaaia .III
r -. ..- pranaria aatbaallaaHMl a .....
CM. w, ,Ml. Ad-l.l,.,riI.
-a--.-- P....,I ar ia aap way aeaaitaa
Ilk lb. I'.l.,ai Sar,, pn.partf , Bow la tba
pa.aa..laa af 0. A, Hpaaaala, af Uarril lawaablp
.. . ..a.raaa rote, aaa parlar .l..f.,ana aaa.
aa. baif-r, aa. pair la .led., I taaril., ealt.,eaa
. 7 . . . ' u" "na a aara. aaaaa.
ara eat doable barnea. aad It aara. af oheal la
... . - - . prapenr a,. p,rbaaad b, a,
at arl.aia aala .... i. i ,. r . . .. '
7 ' wna aaia apaaacM aa
kaaB,hJaatl...rd.ralan. llai. r
Great Western Hotel,
aa. Kit, mi a ll H.rkrt Strael.
("W TP-tH naa.kl Ormmi AnM.), Ptaa'a.
Toraxxas, IB.OO rjr claay.
Till Batat I. aaa. tba .. ...
aj MM. TaaipK U. a. Mi.C-ad AI! I
1 1ta. ana T. W. tllAnca
Vole Early and Often !
GEO.G&T.W. M0011E.
'Ull KT la. II. am. I. .. .. ..
X ."fr. II....S, t'LK AHF1KLD. PA., and .
Ihu kkaaal mmA ... . L . a "
ar.rv HVM Of
Genu' Furnishing Goods, Ac
Tbal. taraa and ..... ,.l ... .
... - . nm. a, anue raa.l.ii
fia-e .urn nravr
Wblok all I nil all Had. ar ea.loa.ra. Al..
Thi. to Iba oalj pl.aa la Clearleld avaali
-bare Iha aalk..,l avaai
Driving Boots and Shoes
a'Sin.!1''' t0ri' "4 V"'T""' H0OT8
-a.-a. ISIIBa
Al, ft 0-.rt.iM MlMUd MMrtasnl m(
aabkar Boadi br .aerjSod,, aaailnlag af
n unn Kit BOOTH,
Aha. a Baa itrle .1 LaatbaraiM'. a.. k.i..
a graat l-pe..a.,t aa Ue aid at;le.
aa aaii aa. .iBBila. aar (aada.
0 Boas I 0. MOORR,
CU.KI44, Pa., (, wi!tm.
fiat Of lh Onnrr nf laatiaaa (.!.. . t oi
field Cn , xnA to mi riireotad. Ihar will tmmmA
t pt.lir tU. at lhf Cnnrt IIumm. in ika ImroHih
r ri a.u ii . u.. .
"ranria, on rnniy, in (fin V Pi
Novemlr, lHTt4,at I o'eliwk, p. the follow,
ing rlwriKH rJ tulat, to il :
All nf dff'-iiilant'i iiUrM ia as 4 la a earinfa
. in laiaiii wva'Dip. V'lMflilJ
j rmontT, P., Mor trt af nrrr in tha n. nf
wi.wnT jfa oj MAUI ia AHirl, Ki
ernrar, to Jamr Harbai br 4- I 4a Mar 4th.
INAI. lk Ik t L. avii J
- -, . "-'-a vwvm , ptT' .
bonndH aid d-MriheJ acfMcrt : Bg ionin al
ft enMiant toramri thtnM .oath 1 4grf wat M
a ... whim of aavraaa
! M (Mreha. to a batak t Atmm aortk ti d
tr w SS pamfeM to a Mrriea Wrrr. mow ft
p"t)l t-B- toaili Wigrt ait lil Ii
flhettnut id. plana of beginvitif , Mitaiaitg II&
er ami 14ft ptntbni aa i ftllowaooa.
Aim,, Iha Ufa a tata of tki. W.tH,nt of. In. to
oat of all that lnt f land an whitk ha o
ri-nidar, i)iato tm Marrb Uwabip. anttUinior
1T aors, Uint p.rl of Haaaal Milaa iurr.y.
MDravrd by Orafi at. al. to Jtmina Uaihn, b.
Amd monM ia Dead Book N' rr . boan
dd ami lar.t.dl ..ii.. .. . .i- -
ektBat mutb-cart comer of ihii aad land fw-
vi nurain orown oa Alport j tbMft aonh
L " ,i7 P to a poat t thMM rtb
wnth I drzm wan 17 p,nUt u port tb-a
mVt a I n Q H.h.. - . BAA . .
. -- "x (rp pmoat ia iaoa oi rt
fftnnmir. hwajt hoat t aemt f rlMrd land, &
-o-.tort Oaiaa bnt3, with a lo
harn. I arn ,n.L..L. 1 .1 .. "
. -.. mmw umihc ineraon.
notiod. tokra ia rxrwatini and t b tU as iha
pr.'p-rl fJanrt Huxh.
At-o. ih fi..winic di..-rjhf.. rl aitato f fa.
rondant Pitnnto ii th borntiKh of LuiatMr Cit.
Hflitrtmar ac a nKaaiaai s ... . .. .
-a.t M paral, la . p , ; ,-rlh -, ,
aaat Sn I.e. : tbana. ath S .laTMl ...t lis
. T.. ! ' " '" " faatj
.Ti 1 v l"""k- "-
J..f'1'.aTr' ,K"'" '- "sua I d,n,
J"' " ' '" ST --l aanb 11
H-alk Al .!........ art ...
- - ... p., aaa. u a Salt : tk,aa
"B'kt da.rae. a-eat 7 1 p.mlia. ; Ib.uoa ..anb
an immu a.M e ...... . -
u ., " --" r va a paai oa Haa ar U.
a ..ta 1 b, land al Miaira aad 1.4
i. . . 4 . a .0 nejerara wa.1
it pa.raba, f. a ahaHaul I tbeaaa b. I.n.l. r
."ml '. k'"i"rk M ,r "
1 r-ojl ba hiiifka . .a. . . . . ..
v..... .. :.'. " -
viz v-:''
- ,r' v.wsm-w,, aarian irtarauft
Ud Utblr HUlhlbil I.. .a ml . . 1
i s. j . I i, ia aiiiaa-
mm, m wnala invl f land .ila.t-i la t rriaaaa
a.1 b, had af Ala.. ar,,, m.mU, h, la.idaaT
s rlh l - ,!. jnh t Kp4 , 4 KotaliJ
S' sons .-,, I,-, .,b ab.,t S4 mm. .ta.n.
Ina iharv-aan iBa.ti . . .. . .. . .
""a.1, tabes la ai..Milna aad la ba aall aa tba
prapart. ar Ha.d.
Al. a ar'aia irast af Ian I iltaa'a la Daaalar
.Ilia turno ka. .. k. i ... . . I U ' wwn.aip rM(B..rtS Of
W.I, a "- ss-l sj Wad. af
Wall... Orabaat . C... . il.ll.t I. ,
iT,p""'. " '"'
a-Wr "oSST
mmmt k. i i . 7 "aaT. ra., Buaadad
W1 b and af anm. .w v. K ....
baa'la.' . '" "lB " Mr "
nartca Ihrasna m il a. ....
r niT. 'T'1.' f. "V --t. la
k. , . ' pann. Na, aafl
?...l.-?ij. 1"'' b' " 't ad. aa.
l-laiB, .!.,! mm, mm kaaing
..71', L"S-z 'r-
tlnaaaJ L. 7i " aiaaa. ISBBfl la BlBaB-
'"' ssal a. lb. pr-pa-t- af Job. .
I- . r: 77", TT"r. ri aaaaded aad
daiilld a. I.llo., , On tba eoaib b. J. r. D.ta.
k.. .' . sna saaa arakard
l57. rk.,:', I- aad la ba
a, a Braaakw
aad U. A",'f mriu Mm.
ll..,. i. ,, ,rl ! " attain trat af aad
la.. .1 I a V.- ""aa Saatb b
Zl f il "" " ". -BTlB.
M! mt?,"' ''-mm
s . a" T m aalkBltdla,.
"Id a. laa
prapartt r w, K. fl.aiib
.i.: "Uia irwl af kad .lla.u la Wad-
l.. .r i-: 'a r""f aata.aa.tabr
i?J.I. 2 7a 1 a eel br Lad
l.k a . ' " '-
ilaa a.a k i . ""'" aaa aaaaf .uiitr.
ftaaM ka.-I !... T" ," '.
kT.. , a- teat, .lib
a ba 'd lb. pr-p.,1, af W.. A.kl A Braa.
Tssbb ar a.i Tk. ..i ...
tba IiT .7 . r"" " M
laa praparl; .ball ba etracb aff aaaat ba .aid al
Iba ll.. af K m, mxmm,"
aa will ba .n. i . 7. ll-" mmtt
k. i ,. ' . a. tea a ill
ZZ. m
iartaaaa -ill (..tljb. .n.ud l oLZ Z
ml mZltk! " -"r said M
. - r.
CUarSalk a.,
'a, im. is, in.