- ...flJJ. ..... -CLEARFIELD CEPIBLICAV tV9M IIWHMf.l! 0OODL.ANIEIl & LEE, , CLEARFIELD, PA. u r t ii i. " " in i a i . tue laiffe.t ClrruLlloa el Buy Hcerapapcr tn Kertli Central Pennetlraula. Terina of Sbsoriptiou. If ,,ald IB edvanes. ' wilbia months.. .- M if Laid etlsr 4 "nd to'"" A months 611 If !aid alter the .iptralina ol B months... 3 (Ml Rates ot Advertising. j .,n,ietii s'lverlleinenu, par aipiareof ID Una. or .., a riinvB . (null ah,iiirnl Insertion- 40 A .mini.lfBtore' and Kieeutors' notices I 40 la.litir' n.ill! - I W Cail.ii" !'! E. treys I 40 (I .lulution notices I Oil ...,-..i,nal Card.. I lines or iih.,. B Oft r ,l aollces, per lln. : In OITY YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. 5B Ot I iiere I uere.... lliuere.... Oil I eoluma, ..It OS eulumn- UK ..IS 00 I I column..- 110 ii. it. ooopi.ander. Noel b. lee, Pul.ll.hrn. (fruits. n w. sMiTn, a "'TO IiN EY-AT-LA W, HtliT Clearfield, Pa. T J. LINGLE, A I' T O tt N R Y - A T - LAW, l:l Philip-burg;, Centra t'tw. Pa. y:pd 1 I!. 4 W. BARRETT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, clearfield, pa. J.tieary SO. I87. ISRAEL I' EST, ATTORN BY AT LAW. Clearfield, Ha. (elrOtBoe In Ihe Court Uouaa. UfllM HENKY BUETU. (uaTran p. o.) JUSTICE OF THE I'EACE run ir.Ltv low.ibnir. Maj , 1ST8 lv M. M. McCUliLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. (ffi.c in Maronie building, tecond street, op pente the Court iluura. Je2.'7 If. y C. ARNOLD, I.WV & COLLECTION OFFICE, CURWESPVaLK, Clearfield Couou, Penn'e. J4y 111,'OCKRANK, . ATTOHNKY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. OlSce in Opera llou. ap SJ.Tf lJ J AMES MITCHELL, bBALXI IN S(iuiR' Timber & Timber Lands, iell7J CLKARFIKLD, PA. O V. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fiffice one dir eaet of )Ve,tern Hotel b.ildlnf 0,o.ila Cirtirt Houae. ,rt S.77. CLEARFIELD, PA. JUAXK FIELDIXG, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, C leartlrld. Pa. ' Will atlcntl lo all huaineaa entruated t him piuwpilj and falibfiillr. Janl'7 J. I'. SXYDER, ATTIIRKKY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. OlBco iti I'le'. Opera llonae. June ZA. 'TAtf. wiu.uk a. W4i.i.4t a. pavid L- knaea. oiar p. w.ui.ua. JottK . waiOLar. lr ALLACE & lfREUS, IT (buwiiuri to VVllwe ti FieldioK,) ATTORN KY8-AT-LAW, jarjl'77 flcerUeld, Pa. r.u'L. iliCK. . . A. A fltlAHAH. 1)irtK A C;0 All M, ) ATTuKABYd AT LAW, CLlAeriBLD, PA. Alt Irani buMucti prLtinutlT Attendud U. Office Id flrlietuf Kwt rnoiat formerly occupied bj rnoe. munrat. cmvi aoBisoa. 1 URRAY k CiORDOX, dITOHNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. iEV ((&. la Plf'a Opera llu.e, aaeobd floor. lail'Te loe.ra a. a'anALLT. DAaiak w. a ciaur. fcEXALLY & McCUUDY ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW, ClearUeld. Pa. tr-Legal bqaineta attended to promptly wlthj ddelily. Oikoe ea beeoad street, aboeo the Finl National Bank. jan:l: 4 G. K'lAMER, A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W Heal E.tate and Culleclloa Agent, ll.BAUI'IKl.O, PA., Will promptly attend to all legal bu.inaaa en iru.ted to nta eare. ar-OHee la Ple'a Opera lloaw. )enl'7(. J F. McKEXRICR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA, All legal hii.lne.' entru.toil to hi. eire will re- erira prumpt alteotlon. Office oppn.lte Court llonee, la Maawnle Bolldiag, aeeund BiKir. augie, 10-ij, JOUX L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Vnd Real EataK Acent, llenrtleld. Pa. niitna Third alreel. b.t.Cb.rrj A Walnut. Aa-Re.paotfully offera H.aereleealn .olllag and buying lands la Oloarlold and adjoining e.uBtiaB , and with as esperieaeo ol erartwente f .era aa a aarrayor, flatter, bimtetl that ke eaa .. .. , u .l a.... render sell. isolioa. iro ''-., I) R E. M. SCUEUKER, tH,Jllll'ATMIC I'llYMOIAH, Oflloe la rr.idtnce ea rir.l at. Anrll 14, li. Cleerfl.ld, Pe D It W. A. WEANS ?HY3JClAfl SlIRGKON LUTIIEHHIIUKU, PA. Will attend prefe.e1onBl cell, preniptly aogia'Ta 1U. T. J. J'OiEK, rH YHICIAN AND SUUOKON. OHee ea tlarket Utnet. Cleseteld. Pa. er-OIee bonri: I to if a. , and I lo I p- JJR. J. KAY WUIGLEY. BOMfEPATHIO PnYSICIAK, eeMia adlnlalwe tke reeideejee ef Jsai ti.lc,, fcaw,., ea fi0)uBd Bji., tlearleld, Pa. Jeiyll.'ia If. jyt. U. B. VAN VALZAH, CI.BAHl'IM.U, PtNH A. OEFICEJXMASOXICBUILnlN ar llfjce bours-Froia II te I P. M. Hay II, 1874. D l J. P. BURC11EIKLD, Uai d.rgeea ef tke Md R.glai.Bl, P.aa.ylvaola 1'.iuium BmtoB raiarned freal tke Areay, eOera hi. profeasien.l aerrlee. t. Ik.eiUaeae of Ulearflaldeowaiy. . Osy-Profa.sloaal call, promptly atuaded Ifc Oloee oa SeooBd atr.ea, rerejeriyoec.F ... y Dr. Weeds. t'P'' " " KAERY BNYDER, . BARBER AMD HAIRDRESSER. Mow ea Marks Si- er.pe.tte Oeaet eeM. A lUtm bew for eeery ewMaiw. ' ' i Ala Bmaraedarer a All Ktaala af Artklea ra Baaiaa) atalr. ClearleM, Pa. - aaH CLEARFIELD GEO. B. G00DLANBI2, Pioprietor. VOL. 52-WIIOLE NO. 2.595. (Cards. WILLIAM M IIENKY. Justioe opens Pbacb Ann Hcbitbbbb, Ll'MllER Collections mad and money prompt la paid over. Article, of ac-rerttlent anil d-ed. ol 'Beyanoe neatly eseeutod and warranted cor -ee or no eharice JOHN D. THOMPSON, Jutttrt f (fat Pmm and feiiveofT, rurn-fuirllld. P. fc Collect Uine tuft! ft ml mone prompt); pe... ..nr. MiX'IHt JAS. B. GRAHAM, doalrr la Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards, 8I1IN0LE8, LATH. A PICKKTS, MS'TS Clearleld, Pa, WARREN THORN, ROOT AND SHOE MAKER, Marks! ft., Clearfield, Pa. In tho .hop lately eeeupled by Frank Short, one dour wait of Alleghany Houe. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penn'a. tetuW.ll execute Jobs In hie line promptly and In a workmanlike manner. a r.,i JOHN A. 8TADLER, BAKER, Market St.. Cltarfl, 1,1. pa. Freib Rrrad, Rn.h, Rulll, Piei and Cake, on band or made to order. A a-enerel asaorttnent of t'onferllonariea, Fruit and Nuta In atork. Ice Cream and OyMere In aeaioD. Salut'B ooarly nppoaile the PuBt'.ftVe. Pricei wioiira'. WEAVER 4. BETTS, Real Esta'e, Square Timb:r, Saw Legs, AND LUMBKIl OF ALL KINDS. .B-UffiV ob S-nl Mret, in rjr uf tor riMttii ofiienrtte Wnvr A Co. f lu. '78-If. RICHARD HUGHES, JTHTICB OF THE I'EACK ron ittcatur Township, OteooU Mill P. 0. lnrh2V. '7". J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, AUD HRALRR tl Saw I-aOgM and Ijiimbor, CLEARFIELD, PA. OIBre In Orabam'a Ruw. 1:34:71 E. A. BIGLER 4t CO., SBALLtnt lit SQUARE TIMBER, and tuanuleeiar.ra uf ALL blKIWIIFMHUI I.L'MHIiM. J'7J CLEARFIELD. PENN A. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. erPunipe alwaya on hand and mad. to order en abort notice. I'ipea bored on reasonable larma All work warranted to render aatittaetion, and delivered if dealred. eay!4:lypd THOMAS H. FORCEE, IALIt II MENEKAL M KHCH ANU1HE, fcRAHAMTON, Pk. Alio, exUniir tainufutarer Mid dealer Id Squire Timber and bwed Ltuubervl ell RiBue. Order MHelted And all bilU nrifnptly Ollt J. l"J7'0' I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AMD ftaALCB IB Wstchea, Clocka and Jewelry Oraham't Rom, Mnrktt Slrttf 1. k Ait n 1:1.0. PA. All kinda of repairing In my line rrtinptly at- ' April z.i, tai . Clearfield Nursery. ENCbURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. TUB Bndorrlicned, baring oatehllahed a Nor- .1.- ' U i L. . ........ L.ir mnr lulaM aar7 ln. -pike, aboot half way belweea Cleatfleld and t'orwen.rilie, te prefiarM w iwr niab all klnda of FHU1T THKKS, (.tandard end dwarf.) BrergreoBe, 8brbbery, Urape Vine., liiH),eti.rry, Lnwlun inackoerry, Btrwwnerry. and Raspberry Vinci. A'ao, hlbrrkan Crab Tree., IJaiaoe, and early aearlet Kkabarb, Ae. Order, promptly atlended to. Addre... e. v, ,, niv,,i , , eepaO -) CwrwaB.rllle, Pa. IV'cw Jfnrblt Ynnl. The undcrrigned would tnfrtn the pubilo that b. encil a new Miubie Yard on Third etieet, upoaite Ibe Lutheran Cburcb. where he will keep eon.tnnlly on b.ind a stock of rariou. kind, of aible. Allkinu. or TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, foil for Ctmtlery Loll, and all utber work in bi line will he promptly eaeeuird ia a Beat Bad workmanlike wanner, at reaeonaule rate.. He guarantee eetl.rertory w,k and low price.. Uir. him ac.lt. J. r LAHAhlY. Clearbeld, i'a., March 17, 1173-tf. ANDREW HARWICK, ', Market Plrtet, ClrartJeld. Pa., i MABCrACTUBBB AN0 BBAI.BB IB HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, tail all klnda of , HO It AS rVHHISUINQ gOOUS. A full rtoeh of fsddlsra' Hardware, llru.be., rtoniha. Blanket.. Robe, We., elwa.e on band I and for Bale at the loweat easb prlees. All Bind. I nf no.KlrlM npomnll. attended lo. All kinde of bldea taken in eaenange lor ur bus and repairing. All kinda of hem". lrlkar , kept on hau4. ai,J fat Isle at a uaall prnl. t'leBrsaie, bb. if, icto E. WARING'S LAW BLANKS F.r aale al Ike Clearlald RareaLicAB otlce. Tht mot i omptoi Serb of l.uttt VlaHkipuoimnra. These Blanks an golt.n ap Ib .uperier atyle, are ef anifora. aiae, aad furBiskvd at eery lew Igares for easb. 'Call at the RrruaLlrAV oflee and ssania tk.ai. Orderl by mail pri.Biptly tilled. Aad-ee., uuuui.Al.unn at i,nn, JbIj 14, IkTT U. Cleart.ld I'a. Insurance acencx. I'E.NTI A linoCHOANK, Agban. ' (SBeet.sors te Hurray A OoldoB.) The Inflowleg (rsl eleaa eosapanles reprecat.il: N.rik British A Mercaallle Fire lee. Co., ef Englaad HMOO.OW Seotti.h Oom.erolBl Flra lea Oo , of Kngl.ad.. ...l.Mn (forth ABS.riiw.ef Philadelphia .H',aoa Fire Aseiall"a, f Philadelphia I.IOU.OOO , . WIm SJaw I'rnk. laSBTPS "t ir, ; . . , Mobile Firs Dspartaisnl Ins. Ce - I7,ec . -i la lbs eeentrf wsellag In.oraeee, eaa hare It promptly alteaded lo by oddrelng a. la nereoa r by letter. Uwe.t pos.rbls raise IB l,.t. Ye .Meee..N 0lee la Ple Opera rteeae. AKUB.KW rr.NTi.dr, . T. IROOKBANK, Clearlela, Hat I, IMa-ly. Aea. S. Tin; PAl.l.O'TIIK v BY tlRf. H. r. DL'ITJ. f) I th 1m ir jb low, The roro t" Tip In the fir ; T1i bir,) l-ttvfl off nt-ntlng, Tti tarth heninn rotln)t, i fifcauie 'Hi the Fall q' tlit yi-nr. Tht crlekpfp irsflallinr. The red Irnrei tre iHitiy, In lb 6I'U the itublili ii Mrs The tlttr of iltr clover And villi bra il nt-rr, L'cciiM 'lit the Fell o' ttit ytr. Fiorc Summer ti flitting, Dmr rriptid, tt It fitting The limn r-homd tnelie Junbletier ; So let ui f o tmiliPR. Will, love life bcuiiin(i, llieanxe 'tis tho Full o the yrr. A KEMlXISCEyCE OF 1845. Til K rn.y.HMm that hknbt clay b nnANnton ftnxT . 8. pristirh. Satjrwint S. I'runtiaa lintl it worlil wiilo iTiinlalirin in iliH-Ucippi o nn orator uml u lawyer. His two dni-la with (iiivurnnr Jlunry . f unto, in lt.JJ, in whifh lio whs both times ilinlli'ii(rctl, atnl cucli tiniu wouiiiivil liis atlvtrsury, hail csliil liBlicil his ri')iitalinn loruour am1. Tho wiuhury ol his cloqnunco siiipassi'd any livini. orator ol'his times, or, iri'li-erl, any that hnd prcoctled hi in Irom Patrick Henry down to tho pros ent (lay. lio first camo to Xatchcr., .Mississip pi, in 1S27, anil was employed as tutor in tho private laniily of tho widow ol' I lie late Jii'Iku Shield", of the Supreme. Court ,f that Stato, and uvailed him sill'ol the fine library of that eminent jurist. Aliliouirli n nulivo of tho State of Maine, Prentiss had none of the pro juilii es uf his people, and readily adapt ed himself lo Southern customs and institutions. In 1S20 ho was admitted to the liar. Mr. l'miiis. was tmull in stulnro, nut living over five feet eifht inehes in height, and was deformed hy liis right foot being smaller than tho left olio, and which turned under so thai he Ured a eano in walking. IIo had a mai-sivo 1T1IV forehead, large hluo eyes, hatitlsoinu lealiires, w ith a remnrkalily intelleetual expression, in whieh noble ness, daring and niugimiiiinity were singularly e'unliined. Ho had a very alight lisp, whieh gave to eerliiin words a liici-ing sound, and ihe vxpressiini ol Ins leatu res guve gn at loree to ins lan guage. 1 n those Uuys mere were uioie weullli, arielocraty anil euinvuieu re finement within n firt iinileiein o of twenty miles iivouiid Xaleliex thun in any other portion ol the Slates. Dur ing tho time Prentiss win teaihing in the laniily of Mis. Shield ho was in vited to a neighborhood pal ly, and ho ing a totul strunger, and nl Unit nine exiremely aensiiieo us tu his del, inl ty, ho felt biinroT mgloeted and look ed down upon by the arieloerulie plant- era and Imr liulies. uml unjustly Minn- uted the cause to bis being a p or lame achooltiiuator. l'lom that, lime lie so eluded hiniBell to his books and studies, having resolved to himsell that he wuuld, to use bis own language, "one day brine these people to his feet." In relating this incident Ui the w riter, ho said it was to tho innrtmcalion wnicn he Irll on that urcueion that he owed his future success. On one of Mr. Prcnlisss visits lo Xttlchu! the writer, who hud then just been admitted to tho bar, look u almll with hint to tho Nutchon Uluft's which aro aome SOU fed uhove the level ol tho rivor, and Irom its long roach com manded a fine view. A uliiriou sun net, with its crimson hues, was melting on the western sky, and sprinkling the decoy clouds with the golden splendor . i r. . . . 1 I. , t. ol ltd ruys, wnen i remiss ui-okc lorm into a rapturous Improvisation, in ' : I. l.:.. I.... whten me exquisiie uuauiv ui um mir izuaL'o u na only cnualed by tho gorge- ius siilendor of tho scene lieloro u. hen ho nail iimsneu, supposing uu had been nuoting from sunio author, tho writer asked where tho supposed quotation was from. Tupping Ins fore head with nm tinners no sain, -rrom hero: I never heard of it bef'oro." In 1844 Mr. Prentiss moved lo New Orleans (whore the writer had precod cd him; and lorniea a partnership wnn his old confrere. (Jenerul Huston. In January, 1848, ho was employed In n suit against Jnmes Irwin, Ihe aon-in-law of llonrv Clay, to set usido certain deeds of trust made by James Irwin lo hi brother Andrew, who lived in l en ni'ssee. on the irruund of fruud. liun dull Hunt, one of Ihe ablest advocates ol the bar. was retained to delend Mr. Irwin. Tho caso occupied threo days in luking tho testimony, and creuled ncneral intereal. On the leHlimony be ing closed the court adjourned, until the next day, for tho uignment ol the case. There was a great ileal ol" leel ing on both sides, til d no little clash ing and spurring beiwo n the counsel. As Ihey were going duwn tho Court House steps, the writer being behind ilium, ll'inl observed, with a pninpnii", conflilenl ait, i Well, Prenlisa, 1 ralhur think you have, got on alliguior case lo handle." "Yes," replied I'reiiliss, with his hissing lisp, "it ia an ulhgutor aso, Hunt, uml I'm going to skin him lo-moriow. Anil In) Kept ins woru. Tho next day the court room Was crowded to its nltio-t cupucitr, Mr. I'rentias, in annulling up and eoinuivnt- iug upon the evidence before tho jury dealt in burula ol acuthiiig, wilhetiiig rtmctions on tho ctuiductol I tin do lohdant. "Why, gentlemen," said he, the evidence before Von nliowa that thin man, James Irwin, in robbing his uredilont, has not shown even the com mon honesty, of the high wa man, much h hiiccuraa, (or the highway man. In lakinif spoil dor il at tho risk of his life, while bo wan never known lo stoop ao low aa to poo me poor. Hore Mr. Prentiss mado a deep pause, and, at il reflecting on tho severity of the laniuauo bo had used, ho turned from the jury and tbua addreased the Court: ' Muy it pleano the Court, on reflection. I deem It my duty, in the presence of ihia vast assemblage, to tunoer an apology mr in ianu.w i have lust permitted to escape from my hps; (profound avnsation) for in the oldun (Jays of chivalry when knight er rantry prevailed, there a nobility. a generosity and magnanimity in the soul ot tho chivalrous nignwsyman never nosaeaaed by the defendant in this rase." The Court and counsel for tho defendant looked conloondotl, while n bust of irropreasihlo applause broke liinh from Him audience, mr. i remiss continued: 'I ihoniforn, feel compelled 10 do juslico to tho memory ol tho knightly honor ot the highwayman for having connected his namo with that ut a man so degraded and disgratwd, and mako my apology to theCvartlor the wrong I have commuted. i nen, rwlnrninn- in the IlirV. lie Said I "A more flilinir and appropriate comparf son, gentlemen, would be lo aaaocialc tbo namo of James Irwin Willi that ol ihnati-alLhv.liL'ht flncered nick poclwt, who robs you whilo uol kriowing that yo are robbed." T lis effect was blast ins and nain fullr wltheiinff, and which no effort of the genius and eloquence CLEARFIELD, PA., nf Ruiidull Hunt could obliterate. TriMi. tiss had skinned the alligator. The result wus that young Henry l Iny lrwin.lhooldoslson of Mr. Irwin.aspiri ted young mun only 22 Yea is old, sent by tho hands of hia second, Mr. Hubert Johnson, of Kentucky, a peremptory challenge to Prentiss. Tho friends of Mr. Prentiss. Kuillio Peyton, the Unit: ed Stales District Attorney, and the lute Alex. C. Bullitt, editor of the Pi cayune, advised him to declino tho chal lenge on the ground that lio was not responsible lor lunguatro used profes sionally, and that Mr. James Irwin on ly had the right to demand satisfaction, which was done to save ynung Ir win, as they felt the duel would move fulitl to him. lint Prentiss mid the challenge stated that young Irwin's father was unablo to attend lo sucn mutters, and if ho declined it would only lead to aUvel tight i that lit ad mired Ihe spirit ol the gallant boy und appreciated his noble feelings, and ihere being no alternative, ho wus compelled to L'ivo him satisfaction. Tho chal lengo was consequently accepted, and time given lo Mr. Prentiss to ariangu his ull'uirs. In the meanwhile (icncrul Huston wus called in consultation. Ho advised that if it was possible lo cfl'ect n reconciliation, it should he done, as tho result in any alternative would prove fatally disastrous to the families of both parties, the aunt of young Ir win being the wife of John Bell, ot Tennessee, who was the great friend of Prentiss. (Jen. Huston suggested that II. (J. Hurney and U. F. Morse be selected to act us umpires, and accom pany ihe parlies to the ground. Tho principals and seconds met ut Puss Chrisliunin February, 181K The weap ons chosen were pistols, ut ten puces It wus then proposed to Mr. Irwin's seconds that Harney and Morse bo call ed in us umpires before tho principals were placed, w hich wus finally agreed In, subject to bo accepted or rejected. Alter coiisnlluiuiii Harney unit Morse drew up the billowing : "Tho difficulty between Mr. Irwin and Mr. Prentiss having been referred to lis by their respective tiiends, wo are of tho npininn that Mr. I'routiss liuveleil nut ol llio recnr,l in uie use oi the offensive expressions coinpluincd ol, which it is Hieivtoi'c Ihoniuy oi .nr. I'reiiliss cbeei fully, frankly, und fully to relruet. This wus accepted by tho friends of the conihutiihls, and Prentiss, nccoid ingly, with his characteristic cordial and innnaninions feelings, mniio the umeiidu Ironnrublo lo the great joy ot the Irieiids and families of both parlies. For several dnys, however, telcgrnph c rumors tilled thu country that n hos lilo meeting bud tuken pluce. and that l'niitias was ki ed. .Mr Uuv alter wurd wrote Prentiss tt letter id thuiiTis and gratitude for his noblu conduct. lboseqnullo Ins happy recolicina lion finally ended in a terrible tragedy. luiing Irwin luiiigol a ensinvc, higu toned until iv, could mil easily banish Irom his mind the stuin that he con eeived had been fixud upon his lather's) honor. Jiotwithstiinding tho fullest retruction that Prentiss bud made, wub expressions ot llio deepest regret, and beanies writing a nolo to iiuncn. jon.i son honoring and appreciating the gal lantly of young li win, and agum muK intf tho most generous concessions, young Irwin writhed under tho sting ot condcmniilion wnnn ne ten puuiic opinion had pionounccd tigumst his father. In vain be struggled to free himself from this hideous phantom which haunted him day and night. He- sorting lo dissipation to drive away its memories, ho indulged to excess, and in his delirium, alter being up ull night, hu retired tu his room ut thu St. Charles Hotel ubcul 4 o'clock in the morning, when soon afterw ard a pistol shot w as heard, and the proud spirit ot young Henry Clny Irwin was loiind to have tukeu its flight to another world. THE VALVE OE VOXDJMEXTS. By condiments wo moan substances like sugar, spices, vinegar and others that are employed to impart flavor and piquancy to tho staple lootls They are usually regurded as nou es senlisl, and some writers on dietetics have gono so fur as to condemn their use, unless in ruro instunces mid in the most infinitesimal proportions. J, ike all good things they aro liable to ho abused, but when properly used they aro vuluitble elements inourduily food. Prof. Voit, of Munich, limn whom there is no higher uuthority on such a subject, considers that their impor- tunco has not been sufficiently recog nixed. It is not enough that tood should ooniam uhmont iry principles in proper quantity ; lo render it really nutritious there must also he a supply ol condiment. These huvo been coin pured to oil in u niucliinu. which nei ther Inukea good Ibu watu of material nor supplies motive power, yet causes it to work bettor they render csseu Hal scivicu in thu processes id nutri Hon though Ihey n re not ol themselves uhlo lo prevent the waste ol any part of the body. "A dietary deprived of condiments, a mere mixture ot ulilneii lary principles without tostu or smell, is unendiiruble, and causes, nausea und vomiting." Il is not until condiments aro added to aliment that it really be comes tood. Kxireinu hunger muy en able us to dispense with them, as it muy compel us lo duvour w hut at other limes would be disgusting, but under ordinary circumstances ihey are uu esseutiui part of our diet. Condiments bavo au important in flueiice upon thu process ui digestion and nutrition. The mere sight or thought of a savory dish "makes the mouth water, --that is, II makes the salivury glands pour out their secre tion copiously, which is an important stage in digestion, especially lor cer tain article of food. Experiments made upon dogs show that a similar effect is produced upon the gastric se cretion, and lb us the work ol digestion is further promoted, The loss ol thu sense of lusle would be not merely a lists of enjoyment, but a positive inju ry to tho digestive system. The very smell ot food muy do ui good, just as certain odor will restore a person who has fronted. . It does -not follow because Condi mcnis are uselul, that we may not have too much ot them; on the con trarv. their beat ell'ocl depends upon llieir being used in moderation. 1 lie more decided tho flavor ot any article ol tuod, the sooner does It pull upon Ibe appetite. Jl is una ol the peculiar merits of French cookery thai flavors are so delicately blended ; no one is specially prominent, and yet by their different comhiiialions a wonderlul va riety of appetising effects is produced We Yankees, like the English, are apt to use condiments in a cotrso, reckless way, and thus miss their liner and more exquisite effects, boeidca losing much ot ilia henent that might be do privod Irom them. By a nicer cars in their employment, iho plaiuesl and simplest diet might bo mado at once more) delicious and more digestible. Journal o! CArmofry. IHft'.REPU PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1878. THE EXJ'OSITJOy EXDED. THU KISTHIIHITIOH Ot PHIZF.H. A ORANU CEREMONY AT PARIS AMERI CAN CITIZENS DKORATIDWITH TUB i.tuioN or honor phrsipknt M'MAIIuM S AUllllkSS. Auoelalcd Prel Dl.patob Tho llerahl't speeiul cable gives a full account of tho closing of thu Paris Ex position and tho distribution of awards. Preparation for this event had occu pied several months, and the result was magnificent and imposing. The great gliiss roofed nave, usually devo ted to tho purposes of a winter garden, was converted into a vast hall, with boarded floor, carpeted with crimson and qiherwiso decorated with all that taste characteristic of the French. The eye wns Tnmpleicly satisfied by all the conditions of llio great specta cle, with tho vastness ot tho iiropor- lions, with the brilliant but harmoni ous color, perfect and softly subdued hy light, and with tho curelul adapta tion of the decorations and devices to the occasions. .Nothing could bo more admirable than the urningemenls. Each ticket bore on its liico the number of the sec tion und number of the seat lo which tho holder was assigned, whilo on Iho ruverso sido was a diagram of tho pal ace, indicating the enlranco to each section. The (lias, or central platform lor the President ol tho Republic and tho authorities wus situated in tho cor ner tnuuro nearest tho Place do la Concorde. At un elevution of twenty feet was llio platform, containing six ty seats lor tbo Chief Executive, for eign princes, diplomats, Presidents and Bureau of iho two chuinbers of Legis- lulure, special Ambassadors, Ministers and Periods of tho Seine, Chief of Po lice and siibordinnte Cubincl ollicers. Tho staircase hading to this plat form wus flunked by two enormous pedestals, decorated with various tro phies ol industry und science. Al each side were beiiuliliilly decorated hoxes.or stalls, specially sd apart lor the wives of President .yucJIuhon, ot (.unmet Ministers und of members of iho Dip lomatic Corps. In a spueo separating the "scuts of honor" Irom tho logn of the Indies wci chairs for regular For eign Ainhiissadots, Foieign Commis sioners, tliclicncrul Uninmis-ion ol me ExpOf-ilion and Council of tho Legion ol Honor. Rising gradually, tier above tier, tho scats reached the hrst galle ry, which runs around the building On both sides ol the stage and in front ol il, in the first gallery, wero n largo number of boxes for ladies.. On the benches reaching up Irom tho scuts of honor to tho gallery were pluccs lor Council ol Stale, llio magistracy, mu nicipal councillors, Deputies, Senator and members ol ihe Bar. ln front ol the dias wero 3 000 seals for the lucky persons wjio hod obtain ed prizes, these, scats being formed in two immense pquures, separated from tho other poilion of the nave by a wide passage, beyond which again wero place 'for the' thousand jurors. Beyond tht) jurors was an inclined plane, with seats for 8,000 spectators, raised so that cvory person could dis tinctly see everything that transpired on tho dius. Precisely al ten minutes lo ope o'clock, M. drew, with tho Bureau of Deputies, arrived and took seats on llio I.. ... .1... I..O it. lruMi,lM,if sirundo to llio led of the President amid tho cheer of the spectators. Im mediately atler followed Due d'AudifT- I ret Pasquier, with the lliirenu ol the Senate; these were seated lo the right ot the Chair. At five minutes to two tho booming nf cannon announced the upproacb ot Iho Presidential cortege, which had made a sensation as it pass- ed through Iho principal streets Irom the Elysees. The Marshal President, dressed in the full unilorm of his rank in .the army, entered the nave preced ed by the Introducer of Ambassadors and Muster of Ceremonies. On his right walked Don Frnncicco d' Assir.es, on his loll His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and followed by the Duo d'Aosta, Count of 1' landers and tho Prince of Sweden, who took their souls on tho estrado in the order Hull cutcd. A defile then took place ot the foreign soldiers and guardsmen sent to the Exhibition, and who preceded (he delegations ot Iho nine groups ol ex Inbilurs. Tho United State marines received a special ovation, being greet ed with hearty cheer.' Then ciimo the delegatus of ihe nino grouiis, pro ceded by banners and defiled before the Marshal. Each president of a group ascended the estrado and received Irom the Min ister ot Agriculture a book containing a cutuloguo of awards. This portion of the ceremony being over Iho Mur uhul arose and read hia address, in which occurred tho billowing passa ges, that were most enthusiastically cheered : 1 When tho government of the Re public convened the snvuns, artists and mechanics of ull nations lo meet in our capital, Franco was just emerging from a painlul strife, and her industry had not escuped the force of that vast commercial crisis which depressed bu siness throughout the globe. Yut the exhibition ol 1878 has equaled, if not surpassed, Its predecessors. Let its thank God. who. to oonsolo our coun try, has permitted l hat this great and peaceful glory should be reserved for it Wo may declare theso happy re sults with profound sutislactiuii, bo cause, In our Idea, iho success oi mo International Exhibition redounds to thu honor of France, lint il does not become us simply toencouragoariand exhibit tho improvements made with regard lo the various means of produo lion. Wo have boon uble, in a most earnost and convincing manner, to demonstrate thai seven your passed in refleclion and devoted lo labor have suffered to repair the most terrible dis asters that ever betel a nation. The world has witnessed tho strength of our credit, the abundance of our re. sources, the peace and quiet of our cities, the content nl our populations, the instruction and gcsnl discipline ol our army, aa now reconstructed, testi fying to an organisation whieh 1 am convinced will be fecund and durable. Our national ambition has not been arrested by disaster. It wo have be come larseeitig, prudent and more la borious we shall become still mora so, and, in memory of our mislortunra, maintain and develop among us Ihe spirit of concord, absolute leaped for our institution and laws, and ardent and disinterested love of country. The Minister of Agriculture and Commerce replied lo the Marshal in a long speech, which was iinperfeely hoard throughout the hall. M. tier- gcr then proclaimed the names of the foreign extnuiiora so nil lien to ine uu irreiil grades ot the Legion of Honor. Among Americans decors ted were the following : Richard C. MuCnrmik, Commissioner General, commander; Frederick A. V, llsrnard, President of Columbia Col lego, oflloer; Andrew I). White, Presi dent of Cornell University, olllecr; Prof. Wm. P. llluke, chovahorj Mr. Edward II. Knight, chevalier; Wm. W. Story, chevalier. A number ot exhibitors wero also decorated. Of those wore: Charles Tiffany, eilvorwaro ; Thomas A. Edi son, phonograph ; Elisha Gray, tele phone ; flrewsler & Co., carriages; j. A. liridgmun, srust. Cyrus II. McCormick, of Chicago, and Walter A. Wood, who were decor ated as chevaliers in 1870, wero mado "officer." The following, attached lo Iho Amer ican Commission, wero also mado cho valicrs: A. II. Girard, Foreign Secre tary; Henry Pet lit, architect; Homer Pickering, Superintendent M Alachin cry ; John I). Philbrick, Superintend ent ol Iho Julucational Section ; 1). M. Armstrong, Superintendent of tho Art liallery; Lieutenant ji. il. Hacking hum, Xuvul Attache General McCormick had been asked if ho hud any recommendations to mako in tho matter of decorations, and ho replied that he had none, as ho know ol no rule by which he could aiscrimi nato between his assistant commission ers and tho exhibitors and jurors. The proceedings were ull over by three o'clock. Paris, ho-rovcr, kept up the file. The houses were decora ted with varioiiB flags and devices, and scenes of excitement and gaiety were observable everywhere. To-night the city was brilliantly illuminated ami all thu streets wero thronged. Tho Min ister of Agriculture and Commerce, M I'ort, guve a grand banquet, at which tho Foreign Ministers, his colleagues and many other distinguished guests wero present. YOUMi HUEHMAS. Thomas Ewing Sherman, son ol tho General, who wus curulully educated for the bur, according lo thu desiro ol his tulhur, prefers the Church and is about to go to Europe to lit himself for the priesthood. This fact is one of more than ordinary interest. Young Sherman incurs the displeasure of bis lulher opposes his wUhus with evident regret in thus turning Irom tho puth murked out for him by his fond parent and retiring from thu world to under take the arduous and pecuniarily un profitable labors of a clerical life in the order ot Jesuits. To most peop.e this chok e of a profession will seem a sacri fice, and many will pronounce it lool ish. This young man hud a brilliutil and promising f uture before him. The favorite son ot the (icncrul of llio Army, whose tumo us a soldier is world-wide ; connected on ull sides by alliance in social life tho most powerful and re spocluble ; carefully educated and pre pared for tho legal profession nothing seemed wanting but his own ambition lur him to enter upun a lite radiant with prom iso und lull of assurances ol success and worldly happiness. Prob ably no young man in tins country ever had more powernu reasons lor adopt ing the courso ol life murked out for him hy bis lather. General Sherman had evidently set great store by the young man, and entertained high hopes ol bis success in mo. lie nau sent nun to Georgetown College, wbero ho took iho full course of classics and mathe matics. Yule instructed him in the natural sciences and modern languages, and the St. Louis Law School uf tho Washington University graduated him but a few weeks ago. Tbo stem Gen eral hud probably cast the horoscope of his son with bright visions of a pub lic life at the Bur, on the llench, in the Nutionul Councils and Cabinet, and, perhaps, in even a higher position And theso wero all within reuch and reason, it the young man bud fairly de veloped the Sherman Ewing character us exempnnud c-y his kinsmen on ooiu sides of bis houso. But this young scion of 'the Sherman slock decided otherwise, and as is evident from his published letter to his kinsman, Pofes sor Ruber, not without a painful strug gle between his natural affections und religious convictions, a fact which docs credit to him as a worthy son, solicit ous to render the blow to hi stern but kind lutber as light as possible. He s.tys that ho takes the lull responsibil ity of tho step as, indeed, he alono must and without his luther "ap. proval or consent" to whom the young mini's choice must indued have ap peared "startling and strange." The occurrence is notable as an act of inde pendence, in view of the surroundings, of a choice hy a young man with every thing to bind him to the world of u calling and profession, which, in our tune and country, is not surrounded by attractions fur pride or ambition. Young Sherman is now in liis twenty- third year. His term of probation ol seven years, according lo the rigorous discipline ot the Jesuits, will expire with his thirtieth your tho youngest ago if we may use the term allowed or oidliialion by this order. 1 ueti he will bo fairly and fully launched upon his new cureer 8 celibate lulher in the Church of liome. Should he prove pulpit man of a high order, great possibilities await him, lor the Old Church, as history shows, is ever politic and utilizes brains and position in the shrewdest and most tolling manner, it is not dillicult to imagine, if young Sherman possesses a tube of the quail- tic of a Mussillon, a Iloiirdulone or a Chateaubriand, that In return to his native land would creulo a decided sonsulion. Indued, it may be thai the name of Sherman, already fumihar to the public ear in connection with a General, a Cabinet Minister, a Senator and a Judge, In say nothing of old Roger of the Revolution, will yet ho associated with the now dignity of an American Card'nal. I'hUa. Jiecord. They told Lord Erskino that a cer tain man was "dcau, ana tnai no lull 200,000." His lordship replied, "Thai's a poor capital to begin tho next world wilh." Whit a fniluro was tbut man's Idol Ho got no good of his 200.000 in tins world, and did not get biniscll ready fur tho next. What did he do? W hat i the grand result of bis life, of his toil, of his anxious lavs and sleepless nights r Kept Has long as ho could. Why did ho rot keep it forever? Ho died. W hat be came ol it? IIo lea ill To whom? To thoso who came after, and to the soiiubhlej of con r is. It any good in the world ever camo out oi mm 000. no thanks are due to him. Ho ..A a. . -P-I.I. j.infl kepi il as lung as ho could, anJ left it only because he could not carry It with him. Worldly ambition I founded on nrido or envy, but emulation or laud able ambition. I actually founded on humility, for it evidently Implies that we bavo low opinion ol our present attainments, and think it necessary to bo advanced. "A Bible which formorly bclongod to George Washington, and was pre sented to bim by the author, u vcrtiaed by a Western bookseller. JOG KW TEEMS KEEriXQ POTATOES. M. Carriore, a French writer pub lishes somo interesting particulars re garding the preservation of potatoos during tho winter ami spring. The methods usually employed lie charac terir.es as both good and bod ; good, becnuso tho atmosphere ot cellars or pits is usually damp enough to prevent l no toospeeuy evaporation oi wuier Irom the lubors, ami bad, because the cellars aro olmost invariably kepi clos ed, so that occasionally tbo tempera- turo rises considerably and induces the vory evil most to he avoided, namely, the sprouting out of buds. In storing potatoes for seed or culuiury purposes, the muin object In viow is lo prevent I their germination, so that it may not bo necessary to pick out the Dunning eyes, a process wnicn invariant)' in duces a rupid deterioration in quality and strengiii. lo prevent iius, me store places should be wholesome, dry. and frerltj ventilated. I n extremely cold weather the lomporuturo must he rais ed hy artificial means, hut an excess ol warmth is to be curctuiiy guarded against ; it is sufllcient lo keep the tem perature just ahovo Ireezing point, tho arrival of which may bo proved, in the absence of a thermometer, by the ap peuianco of ico on a sliullow pan ol water purposely kept in tbo store placo. These measures suffice in tho case of potatoes intended for planting out, but where they nro required lor domestio consumption the tutther pre caution must hu liiken of shielding them from the action uf light. If this bo not done, tho tubers are apt to turn green, a change which is nothing to their detriment for seeding purposes, but which is attended by chemical al terations that give them a bitter taste, and quite spoils them for domestic use. Hy attention lo theso poiiils.M.Canicro bus succeeded in keeping old poluloos in good puhttuhle condition up lo tho middle ol June, or sometimes, as in Iho iiresetit vear. to the middle of July, hv which (Sate llio new potatoes nro no longer scarce, dear, and Instolcss, as is the cuso at the time n o old stock usually goes out. EA TEX l)Y HIS BE A II. A few days ago an Italian, culling himself Felix Boriiichi, went to el don. North Carolina, with a big black bear, which ho exhibited on (ho streets Tho animal was trained and afforded entertainment for men and hoys. It danced, turned somersaults, stood on its head and performed ull of tho usuul tricks. As it wub inclined tobolui ocinus at times, its master kept n heavy muz zle on it as a safeguard, und never on any occasion took this oil', for il was made lurgo and in sucu a way as 10 ufl'ord ample provision for the animal to partake ot us tood with u on On Friday Bernichi's receipts were greater than usuul, and on (ho strength uf this ho betook himself lo a sample room near by, whore begot gloriously drunk. He then tamo forth again with Bruin, and told the crowd ol by standers that he would show them something they bad never seen before. He unfustunod iho muzzle and look il off. No sooner bud this been done than the pet bounced him and begun ' to "chaw'1 on his throat. Tho crowd thought that this wus only some part of the show, and looked on wilh . in creased interest. Thopoormon yelled ; but as ho was in the huhit of yelling and making a great noise when he Was exhibiting tho bear, no attention was paid to them. Presently the blocd rushed out und Borniehi fell. Some one then rushed lo his assistance, und found thai ha wus dead. The hour hud taken a large pieco ol flesh out (r bis noeli and devoured it, and in a few minutes the showman was dead. Il then dashed across tho minds of the lookers on what had hap pened. Tho struggles of tho man with llio bloody monster was terrible. Tho bear was shot, and Borniehi was buried in the town cemetery. Thoro aro many profound remarks of Lord Bucon upon the philosophy of religion strangely overlooked by Hur bert Spencer, Huxley, Tyndull and others, who glory in being his disciples within tho spheru of the inductive phikisophy in its application to the fuels und phenomena of nature. Thus, for example, thoir great master has said that a little philosophy inclinclh man's mind to utbeiein, but depth in philosophy bringolb men's minds about lo religion ; for while the mind of mun lookeih upon socond cause scattered, it may sometimes rest in them and go no further j but when it Uholdeth the chain of them confederate and linked together, it must needs fly lo Provi dence und Deity. And with direct re- to re nee to tho function and limits of thu human understanding, he further says, "tho prerogative of (Ju l oxtond- elh as well lo the reason os to ino in ot man, so that wo arc to obey If is law, though wo find a reluctnlion in our reason." It is said that when Oliver Cromwell visited YorkminstorCothedriil.iii Eng land, he saw in one of iho apartments stalnes ot tho twelve apostles ill silver. Who aro thoso fellows there r he asked as bo npprouched them. On be ing inlormed he replied, "Tuko them down, anil let them go about doing good." They wero taken down apd melted and put into his treasury. Thcro are many who like theso silver apos tle, are too stiff lor service in much that tho Lord's work requires. Some are too nice, some too lorinul, somo dis inclined. They stand or sit stiff and stately In thoir dignity, and sinners may go unsaved and believers itncoin forled. unhclped, tor all tho elTort they will mako lo uu a nanu 10 servo mem. They need melting down and to ho sent about doing good, Sialuury Christians, however burnished and ele gant they may be, are ot litllo roul sorvico in the kingdom oi jesus. em i aw, A Strange PARAixn.. A Hjb Francisco paper sa s that the eonvicts in tho Stale Prison huvo contributed moro to tho relief of the yellow lever sufferers than the Stale olllecr at nac- ramento : tho newsboys more thun the railway ofBoers, and the theaters mure than the churches. Wouldst thou multiply thy rishes, diminish them wisely : or wouldst thou make thy ostato entire, divide it char itably. Seed llial are acaueruu m crease; but, hoarded up they perish. Uneasy and ambilluus gentility is always spurious. 1 ha garment which one has long worn never sits uncom tortobly. ' "" "Think wrong and welcome," suid Leasing ; "but think ;" and that max im is tho plain corner-stone of great ness. , Tht public wishes Itself to be man aged like s woman one must say nothing to It but what it likoa lo hear. $2 per annui-i :.a Advance. NEW SE1UES-V0L. 19, NO. 43. educational: 11 Y VI. L. McQl'OWN. boll or honor. Wo have concluded to place under this caption a report of ull tho schools in the county that reach one hundred per cent, of tiltendunco any orevcry month of tho term. In our opinion the school that cun boast of one hun dred per cent, of attendance, is worthy ot public notice and praise. Teachers who Biiocccd in reaching this high slundard, will conler a lavor by re porting to us nl once, giving a full ac count of their school, and telling how they succeeded in securing such rcgu lur ut tendance. Mr. J. 11. Mead, teacher ol Lii k Run school, in Gushcn town ship, has the first honor in this direc tion. J. D. Flcgal, teacher of school No. B-, In tho same township, reached one hunflren per cent, ol gins ana nincty iiiiio per cent, of boys. IIo has not as yet sent ill bis report. We sub mit Mr. Mead's report as sent in : Lick Run, Pa , Oil. 23, 1878. I huvo tho pleasure of sending you the following report ol my school. Al tho close of month ending October 9th, I had enrolled eighteen scholars, and bad an average attendance of seven teen: 1 hirteen came li days and be longed 22 days ;' ono camo 21) days and belonged 22 days; ono cunio 21 days and belonged 21 days ; one came 17 duys and belonged . 17 duys ; one camo 15 days and belonged 15 days; one came 7 days and belonged 7 dnys. The percent, of attendance during ihe month was ono hundred. Three of my pupils refused to go to the show oo tho lOih of October in order thai they might huvo a clear record in in school. (An example oi fidelity rarely found ill tho nverngo school. En.) Tho nverogo grade on reports sent to parents at the end nf iho month was ninety. Pultons and scholars manifest the greatest interest in tho school. lU'speclluHy submitted. John II. Mead, Teacher. PlbTltlCT INSTITUTES. Very favorable reports have reached us from a nninbei ol districts In which institutes wero organized on Saturday October 20th. Tho outlook lor success ful work in this direction is very en coraging. Tho great political demon stration at Puilipsbiirg off that duy In (irleiej lo some extent with work in lite southeastern part of the county, hut this is not significant of a lailure! n,l,..r nf icncber, bare informed us that ihey intend going to work in earnest. There are u low scattered about who seem to ho opposed lo this means of improvement, as well as every thing else which hue for its object ad vancement. It Is gratifying lo us to know that we have struck a means by which wo can discriminate between the two classes that engngo in the woik ot touching, and we are satisfied that such information will come as a beacon light lo guide us in our future efforts to sustain tho dignity of Iho professiun. To satisfy innumerable questions tbnut a list of questions to teach, as a general lesson in history and fennsyi vunia Geography, we will slato thai each teacher is privileged to select his or her own. Wo may get tho timo to select a sufllcient number of questions und publish tbcm in this column for tho uso ot schools and teachers. Mr. Silas Recce, organized a Liter ary Society at Blue Bull, where bo is leaching, on Friday evening, Oct. 25. Tho dipthcrin is so hod in some parts of Girad township, that ono school has been compelled to close. Two hundred and filly teachers at tended tho Ucrks county teachers in stitute. COMPOSITION WRITTEN BY A OIRI. FIF TEEN YEARS or AOE. Among numerous compositions re ceived train scholars, wo publish tho following instructive one, verbatim: Deau teacher: According to your request for composition, I, in my hum bio way, will endeavor lo givo you a limited description ol Tiiiiadoipiiia. Tho poniilulioi), as 1 find, of this Una ker Cuv. is CJ4.022. It borders on the Demwuro and bcbuyikill rivers, a short distnnco abovo their junction. The city is twenty miles long and eight miles wide. Its streets are straight and its people bettor housed thun in any oilier large city in mo world. It has a mogninceiil parK con taining 11,000 acres of land, and a num ber ol public squares. It is noted tor its benevolent, uterury una scicniinc institutions. Philadelphia was select ed as the proper place for Iho Jnter- natlnnul hxposition ol IoiK, commem orating the anniversary of tho Dot-la-riilionolTndependencc. The exhibition plateau stands one hundred and twen ty toot above llio ncuuyiKiii unu is ai ways swept by a delightful breeze. Tho principal buildings wore nvo in number, viz: Main Hull of Exhibition, Mcmoriul Hull, or Art duller?, Agri cultural Hull, Horticultural Hall and Machinery Hull. 1 heso cover a total urea of about forty eight acres and ((institute the principal cdiHco only. The muin exhibition building is a par allelogram in shupo 1.8S0 loot long, and 4i!l fool wide. Il is 70 feet high with cenlrnl lower 120 high. Iho is, si of the Main lluilding was 11,580,- 000. Fearing I have made a groat many mistakes, 1 will closo my first composition. X our r riunu and ocnoisr, SlI'llltnillA I'AOE. Kaiitiiaus, Oct. 10, 1878. PiNriii.n, Oct. 20, 1878. The teachers of Huston School Dis I rift convened and organised their Insiiiniii tor the term of 1878-9. The olliuers elected wore as follows: Presi dent, A. II. Rosenkrans; Secretary, Wm. Postlcthwait ; r.xecuiiro tnm miltee. Geo. W. Weaver, W. A. Am brose. Mrs. Animormun. Teachers nnwiit: G. W. Weaver. A. H. Rosen- kruiis, W. S. Lulher, W. A. Ambrose, Tin. Egun, in. Postlathwuit and Mr. Amtnorman. Respectfully submitted, Wm. PosTi.E.iiWAir, See'y. , "Do you like your teacher f" asked one little girl ol another. - Indeed, 1 don't," was the prompt reply. "Why?" asked tho first, innocently. 'Because she's just ns sossy to mo as my own mother I" Evidently thoro is ono tcachrr who does not know her place. Wo aro all sculptor and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Any noblenoss bo gins fit onco to refine a man's loalnre, and mcannes or sensuality to imbrute them. Thnrcau. I No teacher who want to be a sue eoss. or Is success. In hie work, can afford to be without an educational journal. THE POKTBV OF CRIRP. Line, written e Ibe death ef K.rf ltd, daeghirr ef J,ba aad S. i. Peals I Tbna bait goae and loft as, Ad.. Yoa have left Ji iH ee leaaecea., Bit we hc-f e ihet we will Brest ye ) iMSto&e-itUtt! :'; Tb'ia ba.t suffered much oa earth, Ada, But iby aufferleg. bow ar. o'er, A.d I hope tbet we will bimI Joa, la that peeeeful land. , Uow ws king te see reo, Ada, Standing here with na enee eaere, Put you hare gees aad left as. Ads, And yoa Barer eea retera. She eallrd her el.tera aad her brothere, And bade them all good bye. Tben wiih a eolut end peaeelal amilo She told ua .be mast dis. Now ws gatbsr arouad the table, And ace Iby vacant ebair, 0b, bow it make, ua think of thee, Ada, Hut our daughter la aot there. And whea the children semes at see, 1 To ssy to as good Bight, There I. one eoiee we do aot hear. That Bled lo make home hrlgku flBAUPlAB tlli-LS. Sept. itb. 1S7. MUCH IX LITTLE Religion may bo tested by its results, by its power; not now directly over matter, hut over the soul, the charac ter. We may test different religiou systems by comparing the effect oo a nation or community. As to sudden death, I never could pray to bo delivered from It, but only to bo ready fur it. God alone, who knows our Ira me and lemperamont, knows by what deatb we can best glorily liim. Sudden death may be to many a great blessing. , "Sec," said an ecclesiastic, holding nut a bowl of money bvforo Thomas Aquinas, "tho Church has no longer to 1 say, 'Silver and gold have I none.' " "True," replied the stern ascetic, "and no longer is she able to say to the lame man, 'Stund up and walk.' " There are many nnxiotics that make us "lio awuko" in this world of perils and disasters. ''To morrow morning I will go and draw that deposit out of the bank," says the wakeful merchant, whoso suspicions have been aroused as to its safety. But tbo true believer can lio down and sleep serenely. His deposit for eternity is secure. Good old Bishop Aylmer, one day looking upon bis drowsy flock, com menced and read them a chapter from iho Hebrew Bible, to which of course they listened with open-mouthed as tonishment, only to be reproved by tho good man for sleeping when he was preaching what ihey could understand, and waking up when be was reading something ihey could not. Thcro nro men of tusto, men whose natural refinement leads them to enjoy contact with whatever is good and beautiful, who yet are quite unable to form un opinion on a picture or lo know whether two colors hormin'zc. And thcro aro men who, loving the science of music wilh tho greatest ar dor, aro yet unaffected by it sympa thetically ; lo whom it is a scienco and nothing more ; who are not touched by it. Almost any husbnnd would leap in to Ihe sea or rush into a burning edifice to rescue a perishing wife. But to un- If" convenience or biPpineH of a wile in some email matter, the neg. led of which would bo unobserved, i a more eloquent proof of tenderness. This shows a mindful fondness which wonts occasion in which to express it self. And llio smaller tho occasion seized upun, the moro intensely aft'eo- . donate is Ibe attention paid. A young Parisian, noted forhisgraco and readiness a a second in many duels, was asked by a friend to accom- . puny him to tho mayor sotuce to utnx his signattiro ns a witness to the mat rimonial registry. Ho consented, but when tho scene was reached tbrgot himself. Just as the mayor was ready for the last formalities, be broke out : "Gentlemen cannot this affair bo ar ranged ? Is there no way of prevent ing this sad occurrence?" Tommy is just old enough to under stand literally what he hears in church, a placo he dreads to go to, for Sunday is a duy oi inisory to him. The other morning be came heme in gloomy stato of mind, and confidentially in formed bis mother that be didn't want to go to heaven. Upon boing asked why, ho said there was too much Sun day thero, for ho heard Ibo minister read out of a book that it was a place 'whero congregation! nover break up, and Sabbaths never end," and he thought one Sunday a week was all he could stand. Ho who hears the Word and doc not do il is a monster in religion. Ue is all bead and ears, having noilher hands to work with nor foot to wlk with. Thore is a disease to which children are Bubjcct, callod tho rickets, wherein their heads swell as large as two beads, and their legs are crooked, which binders their going. We have many rickety Christians; they hear much and iheir heads swell with emp ty notions and undigested opinions, but their walking is pcivorso. Every such person is a mocker ot God, a de ceiver of himself, a discouragor ot min isters, a barren soil, a bad servant, a beholder ol his natural face in a glass, a builder of bis houso upon the sand. A mothor and babo wero among the passengers at tho Central depot in . Detroit. Sho had tho child carefully wrapped up, and this fact, perhaps, at tracted tho attention of a big fellow with a threo-story overcoat and a rusty salchel in his hand. Sitting down be side her ho roiuarkod : "Cold weather for such lilllo people, isn't it f ' She faintly nodded. "Doc ho seem to feel it much?" continued the man. She shook her bead. "Is it a healthy child ?" he asked, seeming greatly interested. "It was up to a few moments ago," she snapped out; "but I'm afraid he' smi-llod so much whisky that he'll have the delirium tremens beforo night I" Tho man got right up and walked out of the room, and was afterward seen buying cloves and cinnamon. You must measure strength of man by Ihe power of tholcelings he subdues, not hy tho power of those which sub duo bim. And hence, composure i very often Iho bighost result of strength. Did wo never eeo a man receive a fla grant insult, and only grow a lilllo pulo, and then reply quietly? That was a man spiritually strong. Or did we never see a man in anguish stand a ii carved outof solid rock, mastering bim sell f or ono bearing a hopeless daily trial remain silent, and never toll the wot Id what it was that cankorod his borne peace? That is strength. Ho who, wilh strong passions, remain chaslo ho who, keenly sensitive, wilh manly power ot indignation in hiaj, can he provoked, yet can restrain pimaclf and forgive those are strong nen, spiritual heroes. Does any one suppose that if Martha had been more than taken at her word, she would really have sat at Jess' feot. with surrendered and sindling mina r and that she would not rather have started upon the remembrance ol soma loose screw in tho economical machine, which mast bo set fast ere ber alten tinn could be at liberty ? And I it not plain that the ball' of mankind whom she represent, while lamenting that their years ar spent in drudgery, and leave them no time lor wonder, thought, and love, aro at homo only among the means of life, and those once ready, would be perplexed to live.-' Aad It h that they are always preparing for tt time that never comes ; one trifle more of management, and then they will lit down to wisdom ; and as they run out on this final orrand without their bat, death overtake them like a tbundr shower, and drive tbent to the shelter that forbids return. . , . . .