Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 30, 1878, Image 2

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She ScouMif an.!
tiaoaot B. UiKHH.ANUF.u, Kilitor.
Header. It you waul Id know what it goto 00
la the baetneea world, Juat read imr a.lrrrtlrinf
olamne, IIm tyref! anlutun In particular.
Nn man worth, the ollloe of I'rerident ihnuld
bo willing lo bold it lr enuuted In. or placed Ibtro
by any (null. U . lln.T.
I oould netar bare been reconciled lo llio ele
Tntlen by tho aniallral old of nine of peteon.
hnweeer reapeotable In .rivto lifw. who muet
forever carry upon bit brow lot lamp of fraud
Aral Itloniphanl in Aaterican Hi.tory. No auli
eqaool ootlon, howovor aifritorioua, oan waib
awaj tbo lolttri of that rooord. Pailtt'ii Adah.
I would ratbtr b tv tbo ondorMuiont of aquar
ia til a Billion ' bo Autorinau potiplo lhait llit
of tbo L(,uif ana Ro urnioa: liard, or of tlta Com
ntttioB obieb oaviatlrd tbo faoll and decided
tbo quaition on a tacbnicalitj.
Tutu. A. Hr.armcKB.
Democratic State Ticket.
run aovrRNua,
or cion cooxir.
for LlKt'TKNAitT oovraaoit,
or raAWrotn corarr.
roit aarRRTARr intrrxal ArrAina,
or HCKTliMlDON rocNTT.
ron acr-RKiic ji oox,
Hon. II. P. ROSS,
or MnMTaoMaRr roraxr.
Democratio District Ticket.
ron PREsinrNT jumii:
HOX. A. (i. CURTIN, ok iiklmpont.
Democratio County Ticket,
ron AKHKMin.v :
A . D. 11 1'.N N KTT, or new wahiiinoton.
ton TtiEAKf her:
PHILIP DOT'l'S, or beccaria.
C W. KYLKR, or BfiAtirotiu,
tor cot NTv AuniTous :
WM. V. WRItillT, or cLEAREiEitn,
JOS. G1LI.ILAKD, or kabtiiaus.
JAMF-S A. MOORE, or ci,earkifld,
4 on Montlny night, November 4 th.
Speakers Governor Curtin tuid
Hon. Geo. It. Barrett.
Monday afternoon, Nov. 4, 1878.
Speakers : Senator Wallace,
Israel Test, W. M. McCuIlough.
IMoudity evening, Nov. 4, 1878.
Speakers : Senator Wallace,
iHralcl Test, W. M. McCuIlough.
Ishakl Test, Chairman.
John Howe, Sec'y.
Dill, Fcrtij, Airica and Eoss.
Our first pago is cmbelishcd with
littvrary articles thin week well wor
thy of porumi and study.
Tho citizen who wants thu Cameron
family continued in tho Senate will
vote for Caldwell for Senator.
lemocrats eo that your full vote is
polled on election day. If any are ab
sent at 5 o'clock send after them.
Those voters who aro opposod to
the election of Von Cameron must
vote for C. T. Alexander for Senator.
A full Democratic poll on Tuerday
noxt in every election district, will
give tho Democrats 20,000 majority in
tbo State.
Too Bad. The personal warfare
waged against Judgo Mayer, by Furst,
McCormick & Co, is disgraceful in
tho extreme. We are glad that
tho Judge gives tho whole field to tho
blackguards in which to carry crusade
in their own ignoblo way. McCor-
mick'a conduct should defeat any can
didato for Judge who pursues a simi
lar course.
Is ir so ? Yes ; the man who wants
Don Cameron elected to tho United
States Senato, will vote for cither It rd,
Read, or Caldwell, and the votor who
wants another able, competent Demo
crat as the colleagno of Senntor Wal
lace in that body, will voto for Dr.
Bennett for Assembly, and .Mr. Alex.
ander for Senator. To voto for tho
former trio is chcop political harlotry.
Mayer, Ciirlln nnd Alexander.
Bribery the Game. The ('amor
ous havo bocomo to despcrato within
tho past ten days, that agents are go
ing around in our county offering large
sums of money to prominent Demo
crats, soliciting them to become candi
date for Assembly, but np to this time
(Monday ) no Democrat corrupt enough
has been found. Wa have no doubt
bat tho agents aro alill about looking
or their man. Ro look nut.
01' It TICKET.
Wo i vit entered a potilical contest
heller cd. (Jur siainliud -hearer
en tho State, ilistrict unii County
tickets ii iv nil firm clam men, lor wliotn
no Anmrrun need lie ashamed tu vote,
but exactly llio reverse, proud for hav
ing the jiriviK'o of doing no. Our
coluiunii will hear witness that wo
lave repeatedly alluded to the tumii-1
I. .(..a , .1 ,, tu. 1.. I it.,.-,.... 1.11.
dates i ii our State ticket during the
cunvuf", si well as to the eminent men
who huvu been placed upon our dis
trict ticket, and wo now propoao to
speak of our comity ticket. Personal
ly wo Lit to known all of tho candi
dates l" many years, and know them
Ui be us well qualified for the several po
sitions (or which they havo been nom
inated, as those of any ticket our par
ty friends have put in tho field for a
number of years. To start out with
tho county ticket, us found at our
masthead, und for which alltruo Dem
ocrats aro pledged, we allude first to
Dr. Ash D. Konnclt, of New Wash
ington, who hails from the southern
section of the county. He is our nom
inee lor this office. That he is as com
petent to fill it as any of his predecessors,
no ono will dispute, and that ho will
do it honestly and laitfully all who
know him personally will admit.
we l.uve Philip Dotts, of Glen Hopo,
Iieccuiia township, from tho south
eastern portion ol the county. Ho ia
one ol nature's true noblemen, and one
of the bcM farmers in the county. He
is honcat, competent and deserving,
and should command the vote of every
Democrat In tho county. ,
our nominees aro Conrad W. Kyler, of
Graham township, and Elub Johnston,
from Greenwood township. The for
mer from tho eastern, and tho latter
Irom the middle section of the county.
They both belong to old representative
families anil are farmors, and Demo
crats in whom thero is no guile, and
will take in to tho Commissioners' of
fico as much common senso and per
sonal integrity as over went thero in
ono year. Our nominees for
aro Vm. V. Wright, of Clearfield, and
Joseph Gilliland, of Karthaus town
ship, (Three Runs) as lar north as we
could go, whilo Mr. Wiight belongs to
tho centre of tho county. These two
gentlemen aro expert book koepers and
accountants, peculiarly qualified for
tho duties assigned them by their par
ly friends. Their integrity has never
been discounted
wo have James A. Moore, of this bor
ough, belonging tooneof the oldest rep
rcseiitutive families in tho county. Uu
has served in tho same capacity before,
and discharged his duties faithfully to
his constituents and tho party.
Democrats of Clearfield county, you
have not had a better ticket presented
to you for your suffrages within tho
past twenty years, and there should
bo no hesitation on tho part of any ono
to wul It boldly up to tho polls on Tuep.
day next and cast his ballot for the
whole ticket, from Dill down to Moore,
without a scratch. Friends, this is no
time to swap horses, or to be higgling
ubout candidates like ours, but go
straightway to the polls on Tuesday,
November 5th, and doposit your ticket
in tho box for the gentlemen indicated.
Mayer, furlin mid Alexander.
An Impregnable Structure. Wo
notico by our exchanges that tho now
Stato Penitontiary for Jliddlo Penn
sylvania, which is to bo erected at
Huntingdon, will bo a formidable
structure Twenty acres will be en
closed by a wall thirty two feet high
and eight feet thick, planted to the
depth of ten feet, and provided with a
peculiar coping which will defy at
tempts at scaling It with clamp-ladders
or ropes. Tho buildings will bo ofj
stone, one story in height, radiating
from an octagonal structure in tho cen
tre. Tho cells will bo similur to thoso
in tho now addition built to thu Kust
orn Penitontiury under Michael Cassi
dy's plum; they will be provided with
a retiring closot and a hydrant and
leaving sufllciont room for a shoe
maker's bench or weaver's loom. Tho
solitary confinement system will be
enforced. At each corner on the front
will be tho houses of tho warden and
assistant warden, tho gate keeper's
I welling being handy to bis station at
tho outer entrance. Tho citizens of
Huntingdon agreed to lurnish the site
nnd all nocessary stone and water fico
of charge Threo hundred and fifty
cells will be finished beloro the prison
m to bo turned over to the Board ol
inspectors. An engineer has been or.
dered to Huntingdon to survey tho
lund and get ready for tho grading
The deed will bo delivered to tho At'
tornty General lor examination. The
Sluta has appropriated $100,000 to
commence tho work. Tho total call
mated cost is 1300,000.
vor.rrr ticket.
Ilrnntlt. Volt. Kyler, Johntton,
rigni, vtiiiiana ana .Uoorr,
Good News. We never in our ex
pcrience, on tho evo of an election,
had moro cheering news from all sec
lions of the State, than we have on
this 2!Uh day of October, A. D., 1878.
The jobs set np by our smart enomios
aro tumbling down, thousands of the
honest portion will not go to the elec
tion, and it goaded by tho whippors-in
will voto the Democratio ticket. We
havo proof loo that tho great majority
of tho true Democratic greonbackers
will voto the old tickot at this time
because there is so much at stako, and
whatever wrongs may exist can be
remedied hereafter as well as now.
Watch Voi r Tickets It would be
well for our Democratic friends all over
the connty to keep an eye on the tick
ets that may be furnished in thoir re
spective neighborhoods. They should
look closely at ovory tickot purporting
to be Democratio which may be given
out, and see that none with a wrong
name on it gtt Into the ballot bo.
llnves, who flraw tno stuarj Ol Air.
Tihlen, ami the guerrilla Mtstby went
down to the grave of Madiwm the other
duy. It was a titling pair the heno
ticiury II not the thief of the Presiden
cy, along with a lawless murderer,
whom ho had recently appointed to a
U.OOOoflice. And Hayes talked about
''limtiiitL miincY " n oilier evidence
of the inability of spirits to return to
W,,; fifrt.- l)iun Vimpty to know
.U o lhc
falsely quoted did not ictiirn and dc.
mand that bclore ho quoted ' honest
money" over their gruves he should bo
come an honest President. ' Fraud"
and "Murder" joining hands over III
gotton gains, to shout "honest money"
ovor the grave of Madson, is a specta
cle over which angels might well weep.
To mako the dark and damning picturo
complete, Hayes should have tiad all
the mcmbcrB of tho Returning Hoards
he has appointed to rich offices thero
as chief claqners. And then, as these
tra (fleers In a nation's honor, those cor
rupt conspirators and forgors and per
jurers of election returns, smiled or
cheered over their fraudulent chief's
platitudes about "honest money," Gus
tavo Doro should have been thereto
havo sketched their features, with
Hayes as central figure, for tho illus
tration of the great work w hich will
come to illustrate that political era so
well expressed by Cliaihs I'rancis
Adams as ' Fraud first triumphant in
American histoiy."
Bill, Fertig, Africa anl Ecss.
Gov. Ci rtin's Visit. The editor ol
the Lowiatown Democrat, in alluding
to tho cx Governor says : Ux -Gov. Cur
tin arrived in Lewistownon Thursday
afternoon last, about 5:30, via tho Sun
bury and Lewistown railroad, and, in
company with Hon. Andrew Reed, pro
ceeded to tho National Hotel, where
Irom that hour ho was colled upon by
hundreds ot our citir.ens, without res
poet lo parly affiliations, for, however
men may differ in respect to Gov. Cur
tin's position in politics, all agree that
be is at onco ono of tho ablest and
most attractive statesmen of llio prcs
ont time. Many old acquaintances as
sured him ol their sympathy in his
prcsont fight against corruption in liih
plueos, and it did ono'.i heart good to
see the warmth with which many of
tho veterans of tho late war grasped
tho hand of tho old War Governor.
Ah, the memory of other days swelled
in many a bosom, as tho cx-Govcrnor,
with his usual welcome smile, once
moro stood beloro them. Next day,
beforo leaving, Gov. Curtin also called
on many ot our citizens, and every
where whorever ho went or was seen
ho made friends.
Mifllin County muy be set down us
good for 350 majority for Curtin.
Mayer, Curtin and Alexander.
"Prussian Kuucation." Tho friends
of compulsory oducation in this coun
try are always citing Prussia asan cx
amplc,whero everybody is educated and
supposed to be civilized. Tho conduct
of the Government and citizen with
in the past two years causes many to
hositalo upon the points indicated. Tho
Emperor dare hardly rido oat for his
health for fear of being shot at by an
assassin, and Bismarck fears uttuck
within his own Castle, although ho has
been tho chief educator and manager
of tho Kingdom. Moro: A recent ex
amplo of high-toned education will bo
found on our first page tho boheading
of Hoedcl. What moro could Burba
riani do. If enforced oducation yields
tho fruits now being harvested in Prus
sia no one need wish to cultivate the
seed in America.
Till Cameronb at Work. Wo
know it to bo r fact thatif 'Cameron
man offered a prominent Democrat
(1,200 in ciiAh to bocomo a candidate
for the Legislature, and pay all his ex
penses, but the proposition was spum
ed and the briber just missed a good
hooting for his impudence. Failing in
his bribery scheme ho is now doing
tho next best thing soliciting votes
for Bard nnd Read. When he finds a
man who will not voto for tho latter,
bo politely asks him to go for tho for
t'Ol'.ITr TiCKKT.
Ittntult, ltoll. Kyler, Johnston,
H'rlf-K, vili liana ana .nooi t.
IiOoK Out For Them. The friend
of tho Cameron and tho paid emissa
ries will concoct all manner of roor
backs and other schemes to defeat our
nominee for Senator and Assembly
from this forward until tho count is
complolcd on tho night of tho day of
the elcutinn. Their game Is a despcr
ato ono of lilo or death, politically,
banco they will resort to all kind of
means to carry (heir point. Watch
the men who blow loudly for Bard and
Read, and soo that nono ot our own
party friends havo "been ccn" by the
An Aoed Roouk. For moro than
forty year the name of Simon Cumcr
on has been associated with corruption
in politics. Whalcrorof political demor
alization exists in Pennsylvania to-day
can be traced directly to his example.
And yet tho Republicans aro pushing
this campaign for tho sole purpose of
re-electing his son, Don Camoron, to
the Senate and to retain Quay in tho
Recorder's office And they claim to
be honest 1
At Work. Hon. C. T. Alexander,
our nominee for State Senator, spent a
largo portion of last week canvassing
our county. Ho addressed meeting
at lloutzdale, Kylertown, Girard and
Pbilipsburg. lie created a vory favor
bio Impression whorever ho wont. In
point ol ability and persnnul charac
ter be has Just lour fold that enjoyed
by Caldwell, the Cameron candidate.
The Detroit Free Preu say : "Mrs.
Bcecher hasn't bad a day of rest ex
cept Sundays in thirty year, 8he
never visit, has no visitor, never goes
out with ber husband, and ber lire is a
dreary monotony of old stocking and
cold ltvt."
--821 Fcrttft Aftlei v..' Cosa-i-
The prmonul enemies nl Dr Hi nn. lt,
our noniineo forAssiinhly, have under
taken the task ol he khiiiiiir; ami libel-
lug '''"'i 10 nn 05tU'hl 'l,llt u"
rao on ( iviliratioii. The rio-aha who
havo enquired in this inl'umoiis work
irculaling all manner of stories
uooni ins persona, .miru.-.c, ,....s
i , t 1 .i . it ...... .i.... i .,
WUICII iney Kiiccilicuny suiiu uiiti nw ti
a uruiiKunl and on lull ki.
The following corrcssndcnco bear
ing upon Iho case should be conclusive
it h all reasonable men :
.mil siiuiiart's Ltrria.
Ci n.tiinrl.0, O. I. 16th, 1 S7 .
Jr. tlfk-frf i
Duar hin : ltvptrti hitv. Iiovn cir-ultttvl ia
our viciollr, to llio tff. rtt lint Ilr. A pit U. Ilront-lt,
our ntiniit.te fur A.ituibl.ti I. a man ol ttitruipor
ate balltr, nnd ki an uiktlivrr in llio i xi.ipiiro
of tloil. KnutriuK Juo tn bo well ariUatnlt-d
with bli bobiu, and, In all pruhabilily. luintiliir
a- lib bit uttctanooa on Ilia auliji-ct ot Mijtiiio. I
anttjuu Ii r inlt.rmalion tin tta almto iuljm-t,
on lb tiblidtroo tbot )t.u mil itsto "tbo t uth,
tbo ahnle tiolh, and btlliin but tho trulli."
Yottra truly. JnR W. t-neoART.
MAHArrrv'A, ''LKARHRt-n l , I'A ,
Crtolior 2Sib, I I.
Mm W .Va...l, ..,.:
IIkar Sir : Your luvorof Iht S6tb is rrerWr.l,
and, a Arli II. Bi nnrtt i. a tiar rrlaiito of oiln.
t ItMrl .onto dilto y ifl a.tuniitig to dclrnd bias
from Ilia aou uAoOnii. ya mj aro circulated in
Tour r iciDttj but 1 a..ute )ou tbai I am gre.llr
lurprtaod at aiiob rrputla awaaT frum bl. butne,
attd reipectlull refer yta ti llio aocotupineitiK
uteiaent of bit fritiid. and noibbura, Willi
wbiitu lie bl iotiuiattlv a..teiated for fifteen
jean, and bit. anj"i-d llio cuufitlrnva ol maur ol
ttirtu a. tbelr fttuilltr phjiiclio. Yutir, Irutr,
KoiiKHT Mauarrair.
Naw Warri-oto.1., Oel. 18th. 1978.
M II'. Skmynrl. A'.f.'
llRAf 6ta : Iu repljr 1 1 jnitr letter of the 36tli,
a'Mro.eil to rlolirl M i-ofl .y, e toko freal
ploaoura in as.urtnjK rnu ttiat bate boea inti
nialtij acquainted oub Ab 1 lleourlt liiruiai
ycitra, and our tnltrouurvu wiib hitu bai be.o
aucb tbut wji there at:T louo littion l ir Ibe re
porta vuu tay art- etreulatel in your vtgioll.v, lu
roaaid to hit liabiie or relieiuu. rieata, tra wuld
ceilainly bate uiauvcr. it ; anil o utibii.iu
tiRKly dtuouoco il.cnt a. faLrlt-aiiima, uuaarr.tit
cd li any actor wt.rdaol hi., aud have been oir
oulaled by bta poraoualaud olilial ouoiaiti.
l our. tru y
t'nnlnT. I..Thli:Ki:ir,
Adah baarn,
. W. Uari'Lat,
IIrsiiy Ntrr, Jr.,
Juua WaAV'KH,
Javls Ciiaphar,
Dasikl II ikhar,
JuHR II. Uratta,
II 11.,
fa A AC MaRKI.,
Jacub A. Utit.Ta.
F.squire Shiigart and Robert Ma
huffey are two prominent and upright
citizens of our county. Mr. Sliugart
was unaware of the relationship exist
ing belwoen Mr. MuhalTcy and Doctor
Bennett ; but tho step taken by Mr,
Muhuffey to answer the inquiries of
tho former, through Dr. Bennett's im
mediate neighbors, is conclusive on llio
points indicated. Wo personally know
all tho parties whose names appear in
tho nliove corresitondence, nnd we
know thein lo be representative men,
whose truth and venn ily cannot be
successfully nssailod anywhere.
That Boomeranii. Tho Know-
Nothing lie which the Catholic .S'Mwi
ard told about Dill bus proved a veri
table boomerang lo Jloyl, who will
now have to clear his skirts If he cun.
Tho Seranton 7Vnc says that the
Know-Nothings nmninuled Ilot for
District Attorney at Pittston the
twelfth ot September, 1835. Will the
Republican candidate for Governor
please rise up and explain if he can
Como Iloyt, out with it guilty or
not guilty ? Wo hopo the newspapers,
which printed tho Catholio .Soiikutii's
Know-Nothing lie about Senator Dill,
will ventilate General lloyt'a record
on that subject. It will make inter,
esling reading.
Democracy Means Ktonomy. In
tho last threo years tho Democratic
Congress has reduced tho approprla
lions tho enormous sum of $33 927,950.
Givo Democrats tho power all over
tho country and they will recluco the
publiccxpenditures every where. When
Andy Dill trots It) b Governor of
Pennsylvania, with a Democratio Leg
islaturo at his back, ho will cut down
tho appropriations ot llarrishurg, and
save thousands of dollars to thu tax
payers annually.
Mayer, Curtiii and Alexander.
TilR Prril or tiih Hoc. Aa before the re
bellion, ao at the prt rent titna. the people of Ihe
North aro dcccirlnir Ifantoaelrra and beinjr, de
ceived. The irrireaalhle conflict" ia not orar ;
the air ia dark.ned wiib elouilr tbat portend an
ioinrnrfina eritl. an t irrhapa when too lata we
wilt And tbat the ajillit uflli."lsat Can.e" Hill
neea, uareprta.ea.
Wo find this stuff in every Radical
newspaper wo pick np, followed with
all tho goro that con bo pqueczed nut
of that ancient und bloody shirt.
Forgetful. Tbo Jersey Shoro j7t-
n(f man has evidently forgotten about
tho puffs tho Bellefonto Watchman gave
Gov. Curtin's Domocrocy as fur back
ii 1872. Tho declaration now made
by tho editors of the latter journal, arc
of tho boldest character, nnd for un
truth aro equaled only by tbo straight
est Cameron organ.
SiutiowKO. Tho character of the
Radical nomioco for Governor, Colonel
Iloyt, is pretty well set forth in sev
eral articles on our first page. For a
"Christian statesman," a 1 claimed
by his friends, his career ha not been
very bright, but in foot, the reverse
Ha is a bad man, and wholly unfit for
Chief Magistrate.
Almost.' When such onco proml
nont leader of the Radical parly, as
Gov. Curtin, who left his purty in 1872,
and Chief Justice Agnew, who has
just now abandoned il, with their fnl
lowing, como over to tho Democracy
victory to u is as suro a tho rising
snn, on the 5th of November.
Itrnnrll, Doff. Kyler, Jnhnnton
Writ hi, tillltland eitut Jlloort.
That Jewel. Siime hculhcn philos
opher once remarked (hat "ennsisten
cy is a jewel." But the Democratic
Grecnbncker who helps lo mako Don
Cameron United Slate Senator, by
voting for Read on Tuesday next, i
never become the owner of the Jewel
"A Bio Thing." All the speaker
ut the Pbilipsburg meeting, on Satur
day, agreed that il wo ono of the larg
eat gatherings they ever witnessed in
tho mountains. Thero wero not le
than eight thousand present.
A Plain Duty. IIhuo Voteis in
in Clearfield county, who want to see
a Stutcsman dueled to tho United
Sluice Senator, Instead of a political
strumpet, should vol lor Bennett, for
Avmhly, and Alexander, lor Senator.
" y- a. li.Dii. i;s A xs we It 1 o
r.m ot, , .! , ,.-
Lewisbuho, Oct. 21. 1873.
Senator Dill, i n his arrival home
yesterday, received the letter from the
Oil Producer Union interrogating him
on the issues which are deemed vital
in the oil region, uml he preptired und
forwarded tho billowing answer lo Mr.
A. .V. Pernio; Ivi.. Chnirmtm Cumnit
Uxqfl'.r. Cntun:
Dear Sia : 1 am iust now in receipt
i t four coiuniiinicalioii of October 15,
ISTrt. In answer to your first que
lion, viz : " ill you, il eleclo l, loconi
. .. II. ,,,, ..v. w .,
mend lo
the Lfgialalnro Ibe passage ol ;
;arry into effect the third and 1
Imu- to PHrt-v
mi.. ... .... ;,.....,, i. .,,iljccl
the third, seventh and twelllh sections
of the sevcnteelh articles ol the ('an
tiunion ol Pennsylvania?' I reply
that, if elected, 1 w ill recommend the
nassauo of laws lor the purpose of ear
rving into etTect those provisions of
tiio Constitution. I have been and 1
am now earnestly in sympathy with
all ol tho reforms" iiuiugurt ted by tbo
new Constitiiii'tn, nn I w ol so in.o my
official power, il ilct lc.l, os lo carry
them into lnactieal execution!
To vour second tint hlion, viz : -If
such laws should be passed as referred
to in the preceding question, will yon,
ai Governor, tippi-ovo them, if consti
tutional ?" I unstver, I will.
To your third question, viz : 'Will
you, as itovcrnor, recommend ami ap
prove unh otiier remedial legislation
us may be required to cure the evils set
forth in a memorial to Governor Hart
ranll of August 15, 1R78?" I answer,
I will exercise whatever official power
I may have lo control and remedy the
evils under which the oil producers
To your fourth question, viz: 'In
the selection of Iho law nfiicer ol the
Stute will you, il elected, r-ecuro the
services ol one who will prosecute with
vigor all proceedings already common
cod, or that inav be instituted, having
in view the sill jcelion of corporations
to the law of the land 7" I answer:
llio selection of tin Attorney General,
in tho event of election, must be con
trolled entirely by '.he qimlitionlioin of
thu gentleman l filly fill his place in
all re-peclf. I will i hooso no man torso
important a place who will not pcrl'nrtn
his whole duly in carrying intotffect
the remedial provisions of Ibe new
Constitution or use every lawful means
to remedy llio evils under which the
oil producers snfTvr, or compel subjec
tion I iv 1 1 persons, whether natural or
artificial, to the laws of tho land.
I uuswer your questions us I do, not
Irom any desire to express my sympa
thy wilh your cause for tho purpose of
the pending canvass, but to emphasize
my record made in the Senate upon
this subject prior lo any thought on
my part that I would bo a candidate
for the office of Governor ol Pennsyl
vania. Very respeeilullv,
A. 11. Dill.
The following letter has been receiv
ed from Senator Dill in reply to a let
lor from citizens ol Philadelphia asking
if ho was in favor of the repeal of tho
Recorder bill :
Lewisiii iki, October 21, 1873.
Gentlemen : Your favor ol tho -1th
instunl did not reach mo until my re
turn homo yesterday, and 1 hasten to
renly. When the Recorder's hill wiib
beloro tho .Senate 1 consistently and
earnestly opposed it in debate and by
my voles and 1 regarded it as such a
flagrant outrage .against the spirit if
not the very Idler of the Constitution,
und against ull considerations of public
policy und thu individual rights of tho
citizens of l'hiladclpbiu, that 1 felt con
strained lo refuse my support lo the
confirmation of Recorder Ojiay. I can
only say that my record as a Senator
would be my record os Governor ol the
State should 1 bo called to that im
portant position, and no legitimate and
constitutional efforts would bo untried
on my part to effect the repeal of this
justly obnoxious und wantonly oppres
sive measure Very respectfully,
A. H. Dill.
To Robert II. Ransley, Jr., and others.
Mayer, Curtin and Alexander.
Fellow Democrats: But a few
tlay remain in which to work. All
we waul is concentrated action and a
lull vole.
The enemies of your homos and the
.National prosperity aro disintegrated
and hroken. Philadelphia is much
mixed and thu counting machine has
got a screw loose.
The "National" dodge, of Which John
Sherman is the reputed parent, won't
divide tho Democracy worth a cent,
and only saved Ohio, tho homo ol
Hayes, by a pitiless majority, while il
lost the Congressional delegation.
Look at llio onicial returns, showing
thnl in Ohio, Indiana, tt est V irifinitt,
and even in durk Iowa, the people
ure clamoring lor light, ana hove, in
all these Stales increased their repre
sentation and pronounced aguiust hud
ical rule.
Pennsylvania must soon answer the
roll call, and let her do it with a will.
We have the men. BRING THEM
every borough and township select
their men nt onco to havo our whole
vote polled. Through the careless and
stay -at-home voters our Statu has been
plundered lor years.
I ho most tlehperittu means as H is
a despcrato case have been, and aro
being mado lo hoist upon you ' Henry
M Iloyt, tho gallant soldier, tho up
right citizen, the jnsl Judge." Honors
nro cosy in this country, gentlemen.
and we might add, "fViinri'on's pup, the
ring candidate, a.,d Chairman ot the
Kepuhhean Stalo Committee.
Money, promisee of place, and immu
nity for minder aro some ol the induce
ments used to have I'enusyivania select
for its Governor the "upright citizen,
tho just Judge I
Lei no such selection hiimilialu and
disgrace ber people. Let no side issue
distract or divide our strength. Let
not personal preference or party big
otry lead you to scratch the ticket,
break tho organization or slay away
Irom the polls.
On next Tuesday let na poll our
whole united voto and Pennsylvania is
our. 1'very thing indicate a grand
triumph. The people aro massing and
moving toward the great jubileo of
1880, Poll our full vole in every bor
ough and township to a man, and In
the near future you and I will rejoieo
together. lsKAEL Test.
Chairman Dem. Co. Committeo.
covjrrr ticket,
llrnnell. Dolln, Kyler, JohmlOH,
irrlfht, iJUHInnd " vVosrc.
A Queer Freak. Tho following
card has appeared in the Journal, lor
several week:
'I hereby announce myself an In
dependent candidate for tho office of
Law Judgo in tho 25 ih Judicial Dia-
Clearfield,Otl,lfi C.S. MrCoaMlcK."
A there l no such officer known to
the law of thi Stato, we cannot sea
why Mr McCormick, want to ran
muck ol that kind. If it ia "President
Judge" be ia after he should have told
the voters so. As il is somebody's Ig
norance is being played upon.
T11 r.lm ft A
U.. aA TT . f
ai tMiw tM
DILL, TIlKMIffiVK'S rgllifP.
The llariwbuig f'utriut publishes
the billowing red id of Mr. Dill ill ttle
Senate on contun. legislation; nllVvling
the iiileiosls of llio' cioaI iiinerr.jus u
complete refutation of thu lulsehiiods
of Iho Republican paper on the same
1" order that the malignant and
. i ..a i i i ,
.;,ia..l..u.,u in i...Mi.1l tn
.Sena.or Dili's action Rilh' refer, ;.Vl- to er and state uow oitei, , u i. . -legislation
alfecting the miners whit-1, U"' )'" 'Utd ai.d the lin n I
are now beintf ciiltivAu-.l throuirh tin.
..I. I...
i j. ...i i:..i.. ...j.. i....' i.i. . i... i i,
, . , .
. . . . (
111"' SWr'A1.1" l3l2S ViiiaiS. I
On tho 1Kb of Fobiuury, 18il), in ,
the Senate, Mr. Turner, from thecom-
mittee on mines and mining reporteil. 1
wiib amendment, bill -175, entitlotl :
.i a . .j .i... i hi.
nn au iinniuiiiir .tn itiw iii.m,ii. ..,.!
safety of person employed in coal
mine, ami the lull wero read Hie
firot lime. Six tiny afterwards
namely on tho 17th of Fubi uarv the
Slate Senate proceeded to tho second
rcadini; and consideration ol mo mil,
and alter considerable discussion and
somo flight amendments il passed
finally by h vote of 2H to none. .Si I
piifc MOnnd Sm, Senate Journal lHitl.
Mr. inn was then a niemtn.r ol tne
On Thursday, March 3, 1870. In tho
House Mr. Steel (Schuylkill), from the
committeo nn mine anil mining, ro
ported Senaie bill, No. 475, entitled
"An act providing for tho health ami
safely of jH-rsons employed in coul
mines, as committed, and on motion
thu rules were suspended and the bill
passed unanimously and without de
bute. See pa:ir 559 llnutr. Journal
lK7n. Mr. a member of the
House, supported und Voted for ihe
lull, as did ill the nii-mlnus of the
House. So much fur the base rifflrr. of
that Mr. DilLopposeil the mine venti
lation bill. i
lu 1871 a bill was reporlf.1 in the
.Senate by Mr. Tiirmr; of Luzerne, ex
tending the proViKiimrt of ibe act of
.Vlurcb 3, !k,0, to the biluiiiiiions Coul
section of the commonwealth..' After!
varioii amendments and tedious dis
ciission thu yeas nnd nays were If
mantled by Mr. Peirikeli and Mr.
Iltifttulew, in the final passage of the
bill, resulting yeas IS, nav 15, Mr.
Dill Toting fur the hill. .S'tY Sinate
Journal ;. 301 nnii 843 J So on this,
as on the former hill, the record of .Mr.
Dill is clear, and although the bill was
ih looted by a tie vote, II was no f.nltl i
of hi.
III 1372 tho bill was ogain revived
anil passed tho Senate, Mr. Dill voting
on a cull of tho yeas and nays tn lake
up tho bill. .Sir pp. l.o:i4-6 ttf Henltte
Journal. ' '
In thu session ot 187-1. Senato hill 88,
fin- "the heller protection ot miners
mechanics, laborers and others," pass-
....ut, "",..., I . ..,,,., Ci,v Solicitor
od the Sennto on a call ot tbo yess nnd against his old party friends has been
nays, Mr. Hill voting in Ihe 1rma. lranHllllUcll t0 ,ho poo, ut ,he right
Wee. 8ef Senate Journal pp. H27 ftn( . 11 "
528. timc'
In 1875, Sennle bill 191, Introduced! ,
by Mr. Siantoii, of Luzerne, entitled J'"Liticai. Jackai.i.h. The hardest
"An act fixing common basis from I thing in this world to do is to forgive
which to calculate the ornings of min- a man you havo foully wronged. This
ers or persons working in ciih I mine,"! bit of cynical philosophy finds its illus
was passed on a call of Iho yeas until, , ,, , ,, ,. ,
nays! Mr. Dill Voting for the b,IU-,Se, H1'?". th!' w h'J'"111 rl
Hi nate Journal p. 652.
In 187b, Senate bill 1811. entitled 1
stipplomcnt to on not entitled 'An act j
to provide for tho health and safety of
persons employed in t-onl mines, np
proved March 3, 1870," increasing the
number of inspector of coal mines nnd
collieriiB, passer) the Senate on a Cull
of the yeas and nay, Mr. Dill voting
for the bill. See pp. 579 ami 580, .Sen
ate Journal. '
In 1877, last sesoion, tn tho 8th ol
March, Ilonao kill S3, onlitlod "An
providing the means for eecuring tho
health and safety of persons employed
in the bituminous coal mine ol l'ettn-
sylvania," passed tho Senate on a call
ot the yeas and nay, Mr. Dill voting
for the bill. .Sr-iMf Journal, p. 872.
This bill (No. 60 II. K.) passed the
Senate during tho previous session, Mr.
Dill voting for It, failed In committee
of conference. .SVe Senate Journal pp.
791 and 851.
Tho largest political meeting that
wasovor held in this section of Penn
sylvania, met at riiilipsburg, on Satur
day last. An immense concoursu of
not less than 8,000 t amo to listen to
tho ex Governor nnd or-Senator from
Indiana, Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks;
ex-Governor Curtin, next Reprcseiita
tivvol the Tw entieth ilist-.i t; ex-Gov.
Gilbert C. Wulker, of Virginia, and the
veterun ex-Govmior nnd cx-Uniled
Stales Senator William Bigler. Gov.
Iligler was made President, assisted ly
about thirty Vice Presidents, anil open
ed the meeting with an able and ex.
buuslivu speech, full of his old time
vigor. Govern- r Hendricks folluwod
in a masterly Sierch on the situation,
and highly complimented Gov. Curtin
for his services in Indiana In 187(1. His
arruigumci l of (ho Republican parly's
mismanagement for tho lust ten years
was unanswerable, and hi appeal to
Democrats to stand firm produced a
marked impression. He was followed
by Governor Walker in a brief speech
Gov. Curtin then catno forward and
wa received wilh a perfect ovation.
Tho encoring did not uhsido for ome
tinio. IIo pultl his respects to Camer
on, Uoyt & Co. und (ho. Republican
Ring in gcnerul. Ho was followed by
Hon. George Bull, ol Philadelphia, in
ono of hi best effort. '
Tho evening meeting was another
immense affair and was addressed by
Hon. C. T. Alexander, of Bellefonto,
Democratic candidate for (State Sena
tor of this district, Israel Test, Ksf).,
and Col. Waller Barrett, both of Clear-
field. The Iruila of this gathering will
bo visible on election day.
rorvrri ticket.
Itennelt, Dolln, Kyler Johntlon,
ir rirni, toiimana una ,Uuore.
Look out I Wo advise our Inentl
In keep a look out lo! tho atraddlo
county ticket. The Radical and Grot n
back leader havo entered into a part
nership in the district ticket Judge,
Congress and Sohator and they aro
hard at work now, trying to settle on
a county tickot of the same kind. Drop
Read, for Aisembly nndsetiloon Bard,
drop Bird, for Treasurer, and accept
Kratzer. This i tho scheme by which
Democratic Grcenbackcr are lo be
utilised for tho purpoao of gelling a
voto for Don Cameron, lor Senator,
To accomplish this plot our enemies
will work until Monday nlghl., Solook
out for eome bold piece of strategy dur
ing the very last hour of the cam
paign. ' '' tn 1 1
l 1 i -t t
PHIUMBuao AaaAV.-w-Uigler, Uon-
drlckn, Wulker and Curtin. Such
galaxy nf Statesmen wa never before
seen iu bivouac in the Allegheny rooun
tain. Tb Democrat of thnl borough
may well feel proud of their achieve
ment. Their noapUality is highly
spoke., of by all who were present.
i It I-hi: I l'.l-
- ...i r... .;.. .
Wi, '-." -
Ii. G. KlA.l.ok. I'.MJ r-
Kditor of the Clinton ..nWi : :
III at' tlml appeared In ;
your last iss4v, heath il ".lodge Mayer
culled mi the witness for cross
I'Xiiiiiiiiution," and signed by Cl.rlf
S. Mi Ct.rinii k, u releivneo is nude lot
me which 1 desire lo bruntl us a false-
and inluiiiouo noei upon me .i.-lj.mj
ol Judge Mayer and myself.
Thu wriler i-nys: "Wilfyoi
iliu wi-iiur.
H you now un
r.UL Ui'UllinL .Ull. II I It II.: I w imw J"--
""'t r!'' J""' """".r " ru,u
Colin, was iiuii nrmtnt, because tn
mi.ui.r n, ysell, who was the success-
r ,I(m . Pl,nlp, ,.,, appointed
hi"Mo the olliee i.fAudiitn-, and other
viiiuunie oinces, una wuui was i
' .."""""""'' ,
quotum contains an intimation that 1
was induced bt bribery to allow a non
. . . r t
!," " t.-im-i. m mo i..
eersiirv suit was brtiuirhtairaiiist Judiic ,
Mayer, but il was an iimicablo action j
entered by agreement ol parties, filed j
March, 1871. Seethe records of the
Court to No. 01), May Term, 1871
Thocnse wns pending fours) ears before
I bo new pros was entered.
'As City Solicitor 1 examineJ the
case, and was tulisrlcd the suit could
not be maintained, and ihe case was
abandoned long before the n.ii pro)
was filtered. Judge Mayer always de
nied his liability lo thu city, and he
never solicited me in any manner lo
have the Mill lion prutsfd, nor was I in
fliM iieed in any manner, directly or in
directly, by him or any one else for
him, not to ptoscetitu the case.
!ly character, and
lhat. ol .lutlee
MttVfr, in this couimiiiiiiy is loo well
established to be uU'eelcd by the mali
cious ussuults of McCormick and bis
ullv. I pronounce the charges tnaile at'
littiitiut,tcttiultilouiinl infamous, and the
writer deserves at Iho bawls ol the vo
lers of Ibis district, who valuu their
own reputations, a meiiied rebuke,
which be will undoubtedly receive on
the Fifth day of November next.
James Chatham,
' ! ' 1 Attorney at Law.
A Damaoino Doitment. Thu al
divas of Chief Justice Agnew, lo the
people of Pennsylvania, is a tlouemenl
of rare damage to thu Radical loaders
of this Slate. Judge Agnew is ono ol
the ablest men the Radical runks con
tained, but like Gov. Curtin, he is com
polled to break from his party, because
of the crimes tbo leaders are commit
ting against personal liberty and the
Coiiflitutioii of the Stale. We ure
sorry that the Judgo bus concealed his
revelation to this lute hour in the
canVaso, because as a patriot be should
havo mailt) u statement four months
ago. However, ho may think his bull
are lying about Mr. Tildcn and ptjr
vctting all sorts of stories to bus in-
Jury. The only thing Mr. Tiltleii can
do to ftttlsly these jackals is to gel un
der tho sod. They helped to steal tho
Presidency from him ; he is a living
witness of their rascality, and they aro
now trying to steal from him his good
numo os a citizen. And they engaged
in this despicuble business for the meiv
ptlt'in.i r.t ,..,j, poli. c...t.l
their party in the present campaign
It will yd work their own discomfit
ure Ohio Official Tho following Is
the voto polled for Secretary ol Stato
at tho recent election :
Bnroca, Republican- ,
I'aige. Democrat,
Hoy, National
Itobiaon, i'toliibitlonirlHn
, 274.110
, l;u.iin
, S.t:i:
Tlnrne,' iluralitt over Pif M 8,114
Tho Greenback stumpers proclaim
ed from one cud of tho Stato to tho
other that (hoy would poll from 150,-
000 to 175.000 vdle. But behold what
it tallied 30,332. They claim from
1,500 lo 2.000 volos in this county. Il
will "peg out" just as it ditl in Ohio
Their vote will not reach 400 in this
connty, notwithstanding thcl.' exces
sivo blowing.,
Number One Testimony. The
Bt Ik (onto II'iifVAiniin, published al the
home ol Gov. Curtin, and the organ ol
the Democracy of Centre county, on
the 19th of March, 1878, said:
Wo call tl.o attention of those who
are skeptical ahout the Governor
Democracy to this completo endorse
ment on the pin t of the IfiiffWiH cd
ilors. ,
IltME.MllEll I Democrats, remember
that tho next Legislature elect a Uni
led State Senntor for mix year. Shall
it bo Don Cameron, who I without a
single qualification for tho position, or
hull it hu a Dumocrat tho equal of
Sonator Wallace. Those voter who
on Tuesday next cast their vote foi
Bard or Read, will indicate thai they
wuiit Cameron continued, but those
voting for Bennett declare by their ocl
that tbey want a Democrat. In all
coses of this kind "act snook louder
than words."
Radical Desperadoes. On Inst
Wednesday night, while Speaker Ran.
dull was addreiinit a Democratic
meeting in Philadelphia, somo black
guard throw a atone at him from the
opposito tido of the stroel. Tho alone
was tho eiz of a gooso egg, and just
grasod hi bead. Had it atruck him,
il would have killed him instantly.
District Attorney Hagort, who wa
addressing a' Dt mocrutic meeting in
another section of the city, wa also
stoned, but he prococded wilh hi
speech. " ''
"Tn a v All Do It." Tho Philudel
phia Times says: "It begins lo look
a though Senulor Cameron had pair
ed wilh ome one nam unknown
on (he money queelion lor (he cam
paign. This I a little awkward to a
lot ol pcnple who would liko to sup-
port Mr. Cameron for thu high offleo
for which ho Ike only Republican
candidate There novir wa a belter
opportunity for the young Senator to
mako the groat effort of hi life or he
might refer it lo Quay. They all do
iu" ,.. --. .t .
I a 11 I . ej . i U i
1 A Cuoick. Thoso votcra who want
to be reprterntod in the United State
8enate by a natural Know-Nothinu
and anoted corn.rtlonlt,wi.t ofconrsel
vote for Bard or Read, and Cold well.
lull ( axiiiion -Aitnougo ..........
CnMwi - ll I iho Gree it U noninico-i
. . .. v ........ ..
it- w'. n'i 'a. '. !
,,, ,, u i...i..ri.ti lhat he has I
. , ' ,. I , i
givon uo " I"; h- ,
he will enlef und nliido l.y inoir caucus,
if vlc-cli-.L This it the reason why II. e
Radicals put no candidate..! Iliiirown
in tin. field. Il.-n.-n every vole nt
for Caldwell is u vote fur Cameron.
Sanim.e l'ATitiors.- The cililors ol
Iho Bellefonla ll'iifc'imiii, although
ralher slow about il, have come lo the
conclusion that they will not lukeany
'Yocuin in llu irii," but accept the Cur
tin situation for n perfect tlelenoe, ill
1 1... l;... ..C l ri...j mi I Li. iir-ciision .
- j
rtrit .. . . I it. .. V.. ,.. I...
1 nai s inaioy, uiei just in iiini; ...,w
the landing. i
hetaocr.ta, can yo oonal.tetillr .'t-
i fir Dill
ohun x-.u ku'it bitn to be tbo loul (
enrnotallina f With bit. a.rl.tnoe llio Ulo d-bt
a,l iicnart-d tiiofltinto In ot.e year, wliich
amount mu tr.tuuohdi. poop leltt. tup ultaxoi.
There is not a single wot 1 ol truth
jn i,i paragraph. Ilul, ll'.cn, " here
i-i bliss, it is fully lo be
A Tremi.xiioi s (iatheiiino. 'I be I
four cx-Gnvernors, liigler and Cutiin, j
of our Sin !e, lleiitlrit Its, of and
Walker, ol Virginia, nn Salurduy ot!
Philipslmi-g; divw ti.gellier tin. hlltrest
CrOWfl td people lhat ever assembled III
the Wistein I. use o!' tho Alleghe ny
mountaii', on an)' ticcusion.
.. ,t . i, t I ...
Democrats, to lb.) pubs on 1 llesdlt)
i.i. l mill cii.l lint whole Delnticrjllie
ticket tho ballot box, and help to
rescue the Stale from misrule.
Ttfir 3iU'fftiSfmfnt5,
l)l'l I
I'OII AI.I'. A few fool.
J) l',r!:. f Italian, hrlirid, and Ii1 1 'k U.-ca,
in uiotalilu Irnute hl.'i:, fir a. la by
Clci.JM., I'a, Oil. 74 It.
Xrt'llTORH' MlTICK -Nolle ia here
by Riven that llte TctamaR'ary on'
llie ramie of AI) I M KNYKIiR, 'at of Mirria
rtiorn - Ii i-, ( Iritrftold Co.. I'a., drcM, boring been
duly i:raolcl to tbo iind.ralitiic I. all p-raii'ia in
drl.'cl lo raid calate will plcare imtko lutlou.liA'o
pntuii-i.t, anl lliote hdvin c'aiua or th-tnaii'la
will prrar'it Ibtm properly sa'hi'nlicntei! f .r eel.
Ilrinrnt widinut di-lav. JOIIV IIO-IVKR,
Kthrtown. Oet. 3", IS7S St liieiut ir.
Entice ia hereby git-.-n dial l.ottcre nf Al
nnut'tnt'liic on iho rotate ol' J. L DALM
ti A KliM: It. tale of llnutailale. Clearfield o-iuntr,
I'a., iU-oi:ara:l, bartnff bt-ett duly foanle-l to tlte
uinii-olK-ncd, all poranaa indebted to raid e-tatr
will plt-a.o make iitiiueil taio payment, and there
oaring olaiiiir or diiiunnda njfiiinrt Ihe aame will
proa- nt Mi-IB propctly aulh -titicslr-l for et-ttlo.
ia-nl without delay.
- f.l.iliBA I) tUUilAlilAtd.
' AdwitiMratrix.
Oat. .HI, i;t, Ct.
(t A1ITIOS, Allp.reotte aro beruhr aautlnnv I
i a;.itii.l purrhaaing or in any way meddling
with the following dcrcrllifit prnperlT. now in the
pn.aerri'in of C. A , Spanojrlc, nf Morria lownabip,
to a it : One conk atorc. ooo n-irlor al"f a. ono cow .
or.e heifer, otic puir In rlcda. t carlin cull. .one
aorrel mam aa bay imr.o one 2 htT'e oann,
noa act double lutram- and I j aoira af wheat in
the .Si. d pmpntty waa pu--tttcd by me
at pii-atc eatf, nn-l la leh with .aid Sp tnaile on
loati,rul.jc t toniy order ot anv time.
Uraaantton, dot. l:,'78-JeV
Great Western Hotel,
No.. I.'lll, 1.11.1 A I I I Market Street,
(Pirretly 07,ioa,' Wo-itirtW-rKe'e feWMif lepor.)
Pliiladolpliia, Ponn'a.
Torzxxm, I&U.OO jjor dray.
Tbl. lintel ia near tbo now Pubtio fluildince.
new Maannio Temple, H. R Mint, and Aondeuy
ol Fine Aria. T. W. TKAl'Ck. I'r.'p'r.
oi-r.if ALL Rlfllir. j)l "S.y.
4NKKI IM( V N'OTI(;rMIntb P'iMriot
!ourt of ihv t'nitfd bttc, f..r tli) Wt-ilorn
Iitl r.l of lvant.Tlvaiila,
RiHmri! R. Tailor. of C. irfifl.1. Pi.. - tiink-
ruit uu tier in rtiH ut ;tfi((rfK or Mnr.-liJ, 1M17,
bat. UK applied fur ft lilbiirftd Iron till bil Jt-bU,
nd 0irr olkitna trobl oojir At, by or
drr of the Court, NoIim hertnjr K-teD tn kit
creditor bft bvc prnroi thutr debti, aol oibor
Driuiii iDlerrirvti, tii kiir on lhc dy ut
Kotmnbrr, IH7H, at 2 o'clock, p. m. tcfor H. K
WtmtJrtiff, lUf uter im Hiuikruptrj, a, bit
'fficc, ia Kne, l' , to rhow etuve, if any ihny
haw, nhr a ')lctiarirR b'iuld not le (franl.d to
tbRiaid llnokrui.t. . C. MnCANHLKS.',
Ool. 8U.2t. C erk.
Tho (irrat Klin
jM ,M)iii In ntan.
fonipDund t It Iim bena .
bi fcirt'tlicpah)lc)yfri
ihtven from iihk rtnf
nmj nd drall) hun
"ii in) hittn bcr-a
to d!o. IHM' S Iti;Ml lV r'arris wil III-
or tnr HitliH)r, liinodrr, and I rlnarv
Intana l)rut, IHnlK-Ua, and
iicuinlnrn.ft a:nl ("trntloit f ('rftlf.
1 1 STh it I'.ltV.t V eii''urai: ilfcp, nr.ii an
arrw'tito, uracrii up tin' nyslnii :n1 ri-m wi d ht allll
UthntU iniNT'M ItKIflKDV rnrr. I'atl
Intlir Hiilo. liirk, or l oin-, (.fin riil III till.
Aptiellic, Itrlithl'a iMwcna- nl' Hi
nubile, and Ibe tunn.i rriitnea in dp nlnrt J in It.
IM NTH IILMI'DY it pirpnrr.l KX
i n r."Mi.a mr ins
Ebuta (liB4aM-( and
aa optrr beuu
i'in-n to fatl.
lino trial will
bead lur
wm. r. n hkf,
Notice in Ejectment
William A. ltoetl
In the Cnmtain Plea,
of ClearftiM eonnto.
No. , S- pt, 'tern,
1H7S. - K joctmanl to
oitniel ajieeill t ,er
lortn.nee of oontrael,
tor a jiieeo or tr.t-t of
lanil ia Lioro ioo ttrji.,
Cicral.l ouoDt,r, Pa.,
bounjej aa-J tleannbni
aa fnltotfa: 0.1 tin
Joel 0. Forert, Richard
Ft.rrrl, Ftutljr Haualer,
soil Haualer, ber
borband, Mare Ann t-oe-
lor, anil Jnmea J, Foitt-r,
Iter buabaoi, Caroline
Maith, anal A. 21. gintto,
her buabanil, EliBAb, Ih
Ailoiua, anil U illiatn M-
Atl.ina. her ho.bano.
euat be laola of tloo.
Iluorr, o the ataat by the Kria uirniiika. on tba
north uy iaotla ot Maiariill Kowlaa ao I otliora, Imi
ltK iart ot ortttioal aurvey In the oniae of Marr
Keeil, ooiilaiiiioa: aiit-ail acr.l. It Iniaj an
equitable EH-iuant brought tocoinfil tho aoe
ettte perfiirtnanoo of eniitraut.
lo Kirbard roraat, Emily Sanater, and Merretl
Baaater. ber StAry Ann Voeier.aoa Ja.
J. lo.ur, bor haaiiaod, Catolioa ciiattb. and A.
M. tiniiib, brr buaband, K'iBAlietb Ailanaa, and
Wot M. Adaa,bar hu.baad, drfeailaat, abova
aauteil I
Yoa will take sotlca tbat rule waa erantnd oo
ov by tba Judtfea of Ihe Court of Couiunn Pleat
of Cleurbeld oouaty, on th lib day ol Oelobor,
a. ii tain, in in BDove oaaa, retjotrtaf yoa aad
each of you, lo appear aod plead to tbe abore
aait or aoliaa within aigty day, f.ant tha data
orreoi, accorainc; to tbo prnrttluBa or the Act or
Alaeoibly ot Uth April, ISal, or In default there
oLjBtlgaiebt will bo readera. agatuat you.
VertiSed from Ibe ltoenr.1.
hl.l BLOOM, frolbonitary,
Clearfield, I'a, Ol 30, l7.
llrn In mnm I nc lor t went yrnrw.
?.Il7.VM'r l,rwTr, Nl" Ml K
MII,K, K(00MirAl,a(.KI .V. IK1t
JnrdlDni?-. known. Try arr Juat what
wmni, anrinv tlmr, nmurT.
atrknraa and i.mrlnc. V.vcrj ainaffi
apiilo me ril irlrd pcrrrllion f
nn eiulncal pbyatcltub
I. Pover. Onnsortlnn l...n.,L,-.
t Worrno, Worm Kerer, Worm l u ll- . ,
f lrl,,5-''"o'Teethinitof Irlaiita,.
J. jlrrhtr,ot blldrrnor AOaMa, . .
& IM-amler-. Orij.loK, rlllloiie Colic. . .
I h.ilrr.aierbuo, VorolUaji. . 7 . .
T. I'onxlla, Colda, Hronrhiua
S Nrtiralarta, Tooilinrhe. rerearhe. . .
a HreHlnrhr-a, Hlrk IL-atlaelie, Vortlao. .
ia llylerl, Billona Nli-oiarh, . , .
II. htipi.rpaarit, or 1' I'rikoda. . . .
11 Ul.itra, tno rrofoae rerlntla, . . . ,
I X I'm ii
fi. l-otiRn, it Dlrint Hreatlilnf, . ,
thrum, Knalprlaa. Ititipil.itla. ,
i. nun itnruiii, srrnns'iaii. Kiupiimia.
Irl. Fi vrr nnd Atntr, i'lilll t-svur. ArusML . at)
IT. PIIm. bi ml or blci'rtirw, , . . JJ
IR. Ophthnlmr. and Ho.rrrWrnli Fr . m
Vt. f itlnrrh, arnt or rhronle. Inll-icrna, . M
Whoop n-lmih,i(,irntou:Ua. . 5tl
II. Anlmia, frriprrwd Pn-slhlrr. . . . (3
H Hr Wiirhmur. lmiaircd bfartntr, . no
tl hrrnluln. enlarged eland. fiw,-itnsis. . hi
II. fctMtrral Iteltlny. rf.vlr WaaUi-ML . to
. llroiHrand eaniv Hrtn-ttotis . , , , m
Ifl. Mm-mrhnraa, atrknr-a rttlltu. . U
IT. Itiitn?. nigral, (Jravel, ... m
K rSrrwms llrhlllty, VJtal WvakarM. 1 00
. hnrr 'lonth, Vnnkor 60
I nnnri rnhnra,rrtttnrtirbl, N
l. Pntnlul rrriorto, orwtih Hrmana, . . w
m tlisirnorof Hrurt, ra)riliaiion, etc. . t tti
St ri.Hi prT, Si-.n!., ft.ina- Daw. . 1 on
llMi1hstla, itkrrali'd anrrt Ihrviai, , . H)
n t'hioti:e( i.nrctiiUMaandlCraiUoM U
PAilLI CitlM.
Cf . Mn-rm. wtih ahsva S lanrt SH and
Manila) of dtrsKitoaa, ..... ti,)))
Mororfo, of larjra tlala aod Dook, M
TbMf rrmrdlpt mrts rut by th
tHKltteo.or vim, in mmr part or iha
roimtry, free ml r boner, on rectlptof
tMrbVrJ th.
inaifiMiDff a
hu rs
, v ' . j
oi torraBeWt!if
lru 'flt'trtlsfmnitj.
)HOI.'.H TV I I'M III: Ml',
I" Jtr ' .1 U. H.ff.'l'. J.f I'
:" .' a ,
:t .v. p
.ittati-li. llo..ll. ol ivrn.ll,..
-i I"' ' "
Or.ti-pl.e Mill.
ocl S.VT If.
Sheriff's Sale.
liY flrlua of aril, ol
V- ',t,
I tint of tho Court ol Ctunmi,
I'l f CI...
Iteld enuntr, and to ma directed. Ibara il .
eipnard to ft!! SAI.K. at Ihe Con ll.ti,,,
in the h..r'-or of Clearli-i.l oil frlilar, ,v
Hlh tlay t.f Sti.amhor, IH1M. at I o'etort p
llit- (ulloarinie dcaoribod real oalato. to i r '
All Ihe tnti-reai of tVm. alsbaire? in a eatii',
lot of land ehuat In lie I ttiarn.bip, Clrarti.M
jcotntly, I'a , buuniled and deeorihel a. Ii.i i...
' hrninnisK at a piat, eoro. r "I line of lleti., Ilrre .
I'tlie.icr Ho.ith S Hcrreoa Kaat 17 perebe. tn .
Iirtulirti 1 llti-iti-o by Suydar'f Ud N ,rih 1:1 ,.
tfri-e. Ea-t TS ri-u-hca iti i,nt. : tlx Doe S-iutb tji
di-Kti-ea K .at Tall-Ill piri-hea lo p-ial ; tlii-ae.
Ntuib ft'lf tlrjtrota 2:i4 petrlio. In a m.,it
frolic), Iberre Ii.' J.eub'a land Hnoih i:1
uVurrea Wert TU s)rtln-a to p.t.1 by Chr,
croikl Ibenro up aAtd oroclt Houib S3 drft...
h'a.t i4 8 in peri-hce lo a pnat i ib.-nra by Chuit
A Jenklna'tand North S7 ilrcrrce Writ Wpirrl,,,
to a bruilorli ; Ihent-e l-y Breth'aland H .ut,
ii dcreea Fa. I 170 perchoa to tbo place ot b.
inBtnf, oiiDiatniPR at.) acre., aaoro or la.t.
faiio'l, taken tti elocution, and to bo aold a. tlia
proiietly O' Wtlaoui M.ballry.
Al.ii, A certain torn lot ailuato lo Hurti.l,..
bor...ti.'h, CI. arfteld enittily, I'a , luiuo-M aua 4..
Mtribid a li'lliiwa. to oil: On Ilia Ea-t b, tt.i,
elr.'l , no ll.r rnulb by land of Ju'-Rtuo I'a'.-liin
no lliu H rat by an allev 1 on Ibe N'irlti by lut r
Kliu. Itutfmr, cniitntnliiii alsiut ona-riiunh ol an
arc, and ha.ioit rrt-oir,l tltttr.-nn a frauia hnu.,
frame rlt'.'c, aid tilliar OU' outl'li'i. K.,1,
takrl. lo cie-utl-in, au I 10 l.o a,i'd aa lha prujrt,
.if Julm l tai'.-r.
'Iraaa or nai.. The prli-a or tut at whirl
the prnperty ahall ha atrurk off mual be paid at
I tho tine of or .uch olbor .rran,.tt,
I aa will bo ai.t-r.,e'l , otbertelaa the proper.
. ty will bo Immediately put op aod aold av.lnat
the esornao and rlak of the perann to wltmn a
! waa altuclt oil. and h... in fa of drB.-l.ney it
ouch re-rale, ahall make utiud the eatno, and la
nn in.lanoe will the herd be preaontod In Coon
i for oonhrmatlon ur.lera tba loi.uey la actually
' ,tij , , M,or,r. ANIlllltW l'F..T..Jr
! Sttaairr'a Omcs, I Sheiit.
1'lo.roeld. r.. Oo . 24. IS7S
Sheriffs Sale.
By firlue nf aun-lry write of Ltvnri iVicio. i,.
! 1 nut - f tec f tiurt of I', nitnnn I'leea of Clrar-
1 Gold eminlv, ami to we .lite-tej, ilicro will be to publio ante, at lbs floart llnure, In ti,
I'nrouxh it arfli-l-t, nil 1'iidwy, Nitrt uitier
Hill, IMTrt. ui I o'ulnek p. ta.t ttte t.llwiDf
Ji'Mriltcil ral rut-He, tn ait :
A rrria'n Iwo-ftorT fcin Uo'et. known ti tb
Arlinrloii II" ut," with lot an t cm Miitf1 apmr
tenant ht-itii, ultnla in the liorouzh f Monti,
-lull-, CI' (irBi-ld 'on-, r-npiri of lot N SH,
in Kfiif nl p n '! ail l-orr.ii(h : vita f bni-, AD
feet, frurt'inif on th Si.uih l.lfl f tba Maltri
Hraneli K'i. 2 frM uwp nn tlit T'nl ami uf
i. l.rilrjirtr. air! 47 fal 011 WH d bi-ian ti
thr nhapa of an Id S(.ld. lnlifn in exivjutlia,
fttxl to be r:d aa ibnproptrty ( Fr. V r
A1, A rsrit.iin l.iiilJii'X iln'a In Houtilni
l.iriui;h. ClraTtltld n-ui.l.v, Ta . iih lot and -ur-telflft
ppir(anart iberrtu. Katd hnue is athra
nor.V friiritn bull tioi. kriown a tha ' i rlini;tij
HoiH. rn.niirn: 7l f-nt no Htilron.l stfrt, a-nl
depth of it,.., it -in fi rt, wiili an I. ru n linj Wit,
Af., with I I.oiifia anl iitlit" nut iik: lingt,
Pr-iiwl. toltrn t fSifC-uiito. a-i.l t 'J a tha
pr"!'. rly .f Frr U'f'.
A If 'i. Oif-j'm lulu nr tf-tirl fitd itf (i tli.1 bir
ouch i-f Clcarfli'l.I. riaarficM cui y, t'j .h im lifj
anil 'Jtti-r.l"Ml fhllowa: On thr- Wr-t r.y F.mrlh
Rtrcol ; n ilir North by Uy rxtrc) d I-'.cust slrrei;
a ll.a Kaft liy l! former f nwne.i ly Il-mry Kt-iii-linn;;
on the ;'nttH hr tin aHov ; cuntaininf tao
town lo'f, t-nh br-i'tf 4(1 fot IVoit n I. wet Mrrtt
nnd ITS !tit i -rp to att aliov, b-i'iit 'hi i a i l)t
fliiitvevrd Uy II. I.affhtsr Kwit.., A Jinini trtor nf
la. H. Tartt r. df ersn.' I. tn I4t.icl Sic wurt, Uy -Iw4
H,it d !i I nf .Ucltil cr, 1., ai d havipa; tinrtwn
eneliol k laK" rtory frtua iUnl U.g ti-msr,
wiijrm i-1. 'p. cliil l and oitwr in. p r c-iunt.
.vii'd, la'ti'ii in rtft'titi-ii", ai. to tit. mid a tha
j.ri.piTty f John W tSlmxirt-".
Tikhi r Bulb. Tha prlca or mm at whirl,
tba pniorty ahall h atrurk off biuk ha paid at
tbo tiuj of iaie. orauofa har arraniceiMDii
tuadeai will ba anprnvad, olharvin tha property
will ba itntnadintaly put up and told axaia at
th ex pen a and rink of tti 0 per fun to whom it
waa (truck off, and whi, ia ojio of drdoianey al
aurh re aala, nhnll tnalta Rood tba isviao, inrj ia
no ibManea will tha ta4 ba prasantrd In Coart
for fi'tilirmaliwri unlum tha tnonav la artaaily
! tathe hbanlf. AN IUIEW jr.,
iiamrr'a Orricn, ( SherirT.
I lunti.M. I'a., Oct. U, IS78. (
SherifT's Sale.
")Y T.rtuo of anndry writ! of l. Ex., iMaotJ
f I out of tha Court f Common I'lra uf Clfir
Qo!l ("ft , and to m dlrrotod, thera w i il lio eipoird
tn piiriU,' ante, nt tlm '''iirt l!'ina. In th huroitjEh
nf OnrfiflJ, nn frlday, ttio Hlh day of
November, I HIM, at I o'elook.p. m., tho fulbiw
In j ilffcrlhi'd ral aetata, to wit. ;
Allnf dotVndant'a iatarrat tn ao i to a frrtiin
trantofland vitua'a In Morn toa'nhirt. ClarHflj
Hrmnn uHit, oonr -yad by Mtll.a AHn'irt. Ki
ar'titor, to Jtm.'S llitthaa bt d I dtu, May 4tS,
Irili, rccordd in lad II .,ik "V, pig 4 1 j.
bmindi'd a'.d dforirm'l ai follow : Dititilti( at
a ehftttiut enrnar 1 tlinoa antitb 1 ddife well .13
parch- tn a d"ftrv.l ; thenoa aoutb .1 dcraai
enitt 112 prohr to a hrmtook ; tbanoa north S'i J
)rr"ri weat IAS parohaa to a aarrioo barry, mow a
p't) ; tTDoo aouib n9 deroei atat lal peroho t
ehfutnut and pUa nf btijinninff. tMi'.tninioj Mi
annni anl 1 11 perchan and allowaatMt.
AIo, tho liTe aetata of thi di fan 1nt ot. In. to
ao'l out of ad thtt. trnnt of Und on which he now
rrptdar, aituate in Morria townahip, RnntaiDinf
lf T arraa, baing prt of Rain 01 Mi lei' anrvi-y,
ponvcyrd by tlratt at. al. to J ami ma llmhei. hj
drd rrenrdrd In Dead Book "N," puga . bouti
drd and datrrllv-d at fol owa : HfRlnninft at a
ebeatnat anath-eat ooroer of thii aad laud f ir
rartlynf Abram Brown and Alpurt ; tbanoa north
I dfajrve aait '67 prchpi to a poit ; thanoa nirth
PPdigrrra aeit n ruhet ton pout thcooa
rootb I drtrrra went r7 ptrrhai to pot; f lb"n:a
' aouih P9 irg- rant O0 pcrchen to plaoo of ia
fiinrin(. b-ivinff ob.iut HO aera nf r lot red lan.t. a
Kvd iao-tory tama bo, wiib kttahrn. a Ii-k
barn, two thnrdi, and nu'ltoi di.iir t!iruin.
Soifd. tuVin ht cXifutloD ail tu ba a-ld ai tha
property f.lM'nt a liuith?a.
Al-o. thu f.ill'iwitu dficrih-J rft aMIata of la
feD'Unt fitHate in thj b'rouh of Luiabr C.tTi
hfginnioit at a nhrftnut; tlirom a ulb 6 decree
at 68 psrshft to m ft ; lhnoi aortb St d'uraei"
putt An I oel t thonott 'th M derHi ait iat;
tbrnet poulh II dffrrea writ (UI faat ; thenoa
a-nth ft) dajrrcea oil 8-0 perrbaa lo a ooraar
l Chritiiin Veafror'a lot thanao by aaiol I 'tnoitk
20 dr-rrr eat ISO ftet (hvnoo aoofh t d.rea
catt 120 frut to atroati tbanoa by atraat north tJ
direai at il ftt; thr noa by oibar Iowa !(
euih Al drtftrrea east 50 percbrato a poat t fba
fuih 9 doraea went 27 i parotiea t tbanoa louth
Sft f green rait tb p' rohfi 10 a poat a Una 0! C.
M. Moure ; tbi'ttra by land at mid Monro and I d
of Famual Kirk north Ii dereea taat 179
pfffhrj to a a oot tbanoa anrlb 16 decraiw wen
t4 perrhea ti a rheMnutj thaaoo br Un ! of
In in'i helm north 53 dtgraea went 44 prrohe to
iAt by hiokortj t tbrnca by laad f ItoVrl
Y mitf auuth Ifl ui-ffrufi watt 12H narehoa U a
Mark oitk : tlin- nor lb HI wt 21 oa -
obai to placa of Italian 10 (, enniaialng 6t aara,
mora or !", &Q a-rei ole tvrad. burin thoroia a
iwo itury frame h-i'is, Irana btrn, W4ia ibl
nnd ubfr natliuil lin 4. Sdital, Ulta la 1J0J
tion and to be nit ai thu propjrty of Jatai A.
Aln, a ofrtaia tr.t iof land nituata io F.ritti-ia
township, rirtarfli'ld enm:y, ., houmlcl on lh
"'l by laad of A Ir i. Kaiprtwoa, a tall, by landtof
nuienr ucn,wot l y I m la of Hurtin Walt,
n -rta I y I nd of John K Ura l, aad eoataininc
SO a.'fej wore or It a, with alnat C4 aorea otaaraJ,
hvinf; ibt-nca rroii'd a twti-fttiry twuta, fratua
hank barn, aad bearina orchard, on aiid itn;aiit.
Hviiad, taken in est-ejlloa and to ba aoU r.a tlit
property of Kinbenoa Hnad.
Aim, a -r'aln traot f land tltoat ta Daoatar
tcw-nhip. Clearaald -wanly. Pa., bualed a foU
loam (ia (he tomb by llcllrfnoU and L'arweaa
tl!c tn rt),. ike, went by townihip roid, aorih by
Ian 1. or M. Owena, and oa tha hy laadi ff
WaHaor, tlraham Co., o btaining 4tt aorai. a I
ttnprovnd, baring a Ure frame bouM, larifo haik
bira, and oibar oultiuU liu tharaoa are'lrd.
SeiieJ, takm in axecuttoa and lo be aold aa tba
properly of l P Copelin.
Alao, a oertaiB traet or Und ait oat a tn Corlnc
too lownibip, Clearfteld eounty. Pa., boanded
waal by land of uirmaa tooth by Krtbaaa'
hein, and ruiilainlng 0 aoraa, mora or lea, and
bavir.g thrtoo two tnutt houara, aad outbuild
AUo, another certain ploee of ground altaata ia
Prennhrillo, (nvingtoa towaahtp, boundad aad
deeribed aa fallow : S.iath by puhltn road, aart
by eburrh lot, n orth by aama, waat by raid, toa
Uioiag about 1 aerra, mora or leaf, and having
thereon artad a two stiry t.M hooHs atahle,
and other outmkldlnga. Satied, taken in aiaea.
' Md to be told ai tba propo-ty of Joha B.
All ., a -rtia traot nf land aituata la Pitt"
townihip. eiajrlleld eonntr, Pa, boandad and
dateiltied aa lollnwi x On the ao-ilh hy J. P. DIN
on tbe waat by Toier A ."harp,,h hy Wra M.
Hloo, raatainlng 71 larai 4 aeroa alaartxl.with
platk bouie, rraaia I. era. and yoang orahard
ib.reor. S ited, tahen ia axaeaiioa and to ba
aold aa tba property nf U. B. Draaekar
Aijo. Ilr Tirtao of aaadry wnla af l d Kx,
and -. , iauej nut of tha t'ourt of Oomtaoa
Haan, and to ma diraetml 1 A eartain tract of Und
atlante io tlulirh townihip, Clearfield aoaaty. P.,
boanded Kit by Und or J,.ha Jor-Uat Hoath by
load or J..ka T Hnxer , Woet br Uad of Alexan
der War ray , N.mb by land of Wi, Wbiietida
ooniatnlag lui ar,a, mur or Iom, aad baiag
tliereoa a largo bearing orchard. Inrja plank
frame dwl i0 home, two atnriea bijtb, frarat
naok barn, Urge etaula, and alber oattvitldtag.
riiad, taken ta etenatim, ail t ba ild ft lha
property mt W, H. Huiiib.
Al.o. a ertaia tract of land aitaata In Wod-
atd lownahip, C ten r Bald enaatr, Ha., bowadrd
on the ea-t by iho fhiltpa plaee, oa tba aoutkhy
'and of t ha,a A Cbarebmaa oa tba waat bt land
uf M. tbaa. na tha artb by William enJ
John Howlra,antat.lng IDS aarwa and allowaooa
witb about 1& aarei alaaiwd and an ier aullla
ita, and having ibereoa ereoted a two iiury
rrawa boo-a, Im2 bara Ha2 feet, atih
abed atlaobad. htiiaj, ..ken ia eveaailon, aod
to be Mid aa ibe property at W. Aiwrt A Urot.
Taaaa or Sals - Tba at aa at abieh
tha propony ahall be etruak of Miiai ba paid al
tha ttase oT aala, or aaeb oibar a-rangeaeou aada
aa wtli bo approved . etaerwiee tha properly will
ba inaved lauiy put up and aold acaia at It
poaaa and rtfe of tba peraea to whi t waa
truek af, aad who, ia aaaa of 4oeieoy at aaak
ra-aal, ahall make good tha aaaa, aad la aa
tfteteaoe will tho Deed ha presented la Ooart foff
ooalraatina aaleaa tbo money ta aetaaltr paid W
naaairr'i Orrira. 1 Sharif,
vworwoia, ra.,iie, 117H.