Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 23, 1878, Image 4

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(Xrotref Second and Market Street.
THIS eld ud ommodtoai HoUl hu. daring
lb past ;nr,b nlrgd I doable its
former capacity tor me entertainment or i mo
or and cuest. Tbt whole boll Jin a ku bsea
.refurnished, and tbt proprietor will spare mo
pains to rodr hi guests omfortabl whll
staying with bin.
,P-Th Manslob nous '. Ovalbut runs to
Mil Irom tbo Dopot ot tbt arrival and departure
oi not train, w. m. LAnuun,
July JJ-TT-tf Proprtotoi
Market Street. Clearfield, Pi.
Wn, B. Bradley, formorly proprietor of tbo
Leonard House, boring Ihh4 tbo Allegheny
Hotel, tolielU a share of public potronag, Tbo
Hone bat boos thoroughly repaired and newly
famished, aod guest will And It pleaoant flap
ping plaoo. Tbt tablo will bt supplied witb tbt
beat of everything Id tbo market. At tbo bar
will bt foand tbt best wines and liquors. Uood
tabling attached. . W4I. B. BKAULKV,
May 17, 'J. Proprietor.
(Cor. of Uukat Front llreele,)
Tb. undersigned having taken charge of tbti
Hotel, would respectfully solicit publio patronage,
r.4 'J. tt. NEftTIIM KI1AW.
Tbil now nnd wt furnished hnnsu baa been
taken by lh. undersigned, lit feel, oonndent of
being able to render satisfaction to thoao who mo
laeor bin wltn oall.
May 8, 1873. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r
j ' Moll Btreet,
Table always supplied wltb tbo boot tho market
.floral. Tbo traveling public le invtioa toeaii.
j.o.1,70. ROBKRT LOYD.
t?":: "2nls:
County National Bank,
11 OOM In Masonic Building, ono door north of
J. V C. D. Watson's Drug Hlore.
Fuiifto Tickets to .ad from Liverpool, Qocent
town. Glasgow, London. Paris .nd Copenhagen,
Alto, Drafts Tor lolo on tho Rojtl Bonk of Ireland
and Importal Bink or Londnn.
W. M. 6IIAW, O.ihlar.' janl,'I7
No. 31 Houth Third Street, PblUdclphU
And Dealers In Government Securities.
Application by mail will recti to prompt atten
1 1 in, and all ioformatioa oh ter fully furnUbed
Urdon lohcted. April ll-tt.
r. k. ikmolr.
Hanker and lirokcrM,
ReyMnldriTlIle, Jeflerton Co., P,
Money reeeired on dtpotlt. Diiennnti at no
derate ratfi. Eastern and Foreign Exchange al
way ta hanil and oollrctiom promptly made.
Keynoldtvllie, Doo. 1A, 1874. -ly
" s u h g e o m dentist;.
Graduate or the Pennoylrenli Cnllefre of Dental
Hurgnry . Office In residence of Dr. II i Ha, oppmtte
tbo tihaw Ilouae. tochlS, 7-tf.
(OSoo In Bank It.ildio,)
Cnrtrtnaollle, Clearfield Co., Pa.
mob 'TO-tf.
(Offlco In residence, Second etroet.)
Nitrniu Oxide Gai adminielered for tlie paln
tae extraction of toetb .
Clearfield, Pa., May i, IMMt.
tion naatlj eafecnted at thla offlo.
On Market St, ont door weet of Maniloa Uoqm,
Oar arraii gem onto art rf tbt meet eomplet
fharaettr for furnliblng tbt public with Freeh
Mean of all hind, and of the very boat quality.
Wt alto deal 111 all kindi of Agrioaltoral I m pie
men ti, whiah we keep on eihibitios for tho ben
efit of tbt public. Coll around wbeo la town,
and take a look at thing, or addreoe at
Clearfield, Pa., July 14. 1876-tf.
Jnst Iteeelved !
Just Received by ARNOLD, m
Car Load Nova Sootia lMantor 1 1
Car Load pure Corn, Rye and Oats
, Car Load Pcakon Rait 1
Car Load Choice Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry d'ooda, Grocories, &c.!
SLingloB, Bark, K. U. Tics and
Grain will bo taken in exchango.
Curwonsvillo, May 1, 1878.
b T N ClOU W E THtJMT." AH othtra mail
X P7 f0' their work bafort It leavot the
bop, Aod at all Beth la a the graea of the field,
and tbt promisee of eaea art Ilka tho flowera
thereof they art girea oat day aod forgot ttn
tbt neiU thetefort it In btit not to trust anybody,
All kindi of work will be dont ! thia ehop for
toab or ready pay. lloott and ahoci of all aliea
tad atyle the beat and ebeepcrt In town.
I have rtmortd my ahop to tho lower end of
town. In Taylor'a row, on Reed etreet, aeor the
depot, where 1 will bt found at all times, waiting
fr euatomert. All work warn a led food and
Aleo, all kin da of Leather and Shot Finding!
for tale.
Tbo eitlieni of Clearfield and vicinity art
oapeetfully lnrlted to give me a call.
Clearfield, Pa.. July 11, 1877.
Market ML, Clearfield, (at the Pott Ottee.j
TUB andentgned kgt leavt to annoaneo to
tbt oitiieni of Clearfield and Tiaintty. that
bt hat ft teed ep a room ad boa aat rotwrned
from tbw city with ft largo amoaot of reading
.natter, toointlag ia part of
Bibles and Miscellaneous Books,
Blank, Aeooant and Past Book a of every dt
aorlptlon ( Paper and Kn vet opes. Freooh pressed
and plain i Pent and Peacilt blank Legal
Papers, Deeds, Mortgages! Jadgnatnt, Eieinp
tioa and Prmisarv noleai While and Parch-
meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Con, and Bill Cap,
(Snoot Musie, for either Piano, Plata or Violin,
toaotaatiy oa boot. Any book a or atattotary
desired that 1 may not have on hand, will bt ordered
by first ti press, and told at wholesale or retail
to twit customer. I will also keep periodical
ttraiart, oven as nageunat, nowspapera, .
p. a. uaLlin.
Clearfield. May f, US-tf
The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory
Pan. townahip, Clearfield Co., Pk
j ( , in not
Tbtaahtorfbert have, at great eiptnet, rehattt a
atlgbborbood aeetssfty, la the erection of a firtt
elass Woo lea Manefaotory, with all tho modern
improvements attacked, aod are prepared to makt
all kin da of Cloths, Caastmtma, fiatiatlU, Blaa
heU, FlaMtU, At. Pltoty of goods ta hand to
aopply all our old and a tboaaoad new eoaumera,
whoa wo oak to eoms aad aaomlat ear atotk.
Tat bastnees of
erlU rtjotlvt tar aspeotal atteatkaa. Proper
arrangements will be made to rewetvt and deliver
Wool, to salt customer. All work warranted and
dent awon tat shortest notice, aod by strtot attaa
tion to beilaee we hope to realise a liberal shore
of patne patroaago
Wt will pay tho hlghett market pHet for Woo
nd tell ear aaafaeiered goods at low at similar
gooda eoa bt bought ta tho eoaatj, aad whenever
we fall to reader reotoaabw aatiafattlea wt oaa
ohrays bt found at home ready to make proper
vaiMaMaiiun, iio.r im ymrwvn t oj Ml tw.
apriliatf Rower P. 0.
ur em ;3MwtiMtttnt. I
PaMiolnet .r.rj Wodnaadaj If
Hu tb. Larfoet CtrcaUtlo. tl any paper
In Pannaylraulau
The largs and oonatantly inoraaaiog
circulation of tba Ripublicak,
rendura it valuable tobuain.u
men an a raodium thro'
which to reaoh lie
If paid In advance, . . . $2 00
If paid after three monthi, . 2 60
If paid alter fix montba, , . 8 00
When papcrg are aont outside of the
county payment must be in advance.
Ten lines, or lean. 8 times, . tl 60
Each subsequent insertion, 50
Administrator' Noticed, , . 2 50
Executors' Notices, .... 2 50
Auditors Noticos, .... 2 50
Cautions and Estraya, ... 1 50
Pisaolution Notices, . , , 2 50
Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00
Special notices, por line, ... 20
Ono sqnaro, 10 lines, . . . $8 00
Two squares, 15 00
Threo squares, 20 00
OncTourtb column, . ... 50 00
Ono hull column, . ... 70 00
One column, 120 00
III, A Mi N.
We bavo always on hand a large stock
of blanks ot all descriptions.
&c, lc, Ac.
We are prepared to do all kinds of
61 CH A8
&o., Ac,
Goodlauder dk Iee,
Clearfield Cavity, To.
'tmttT J0'
I r ...-v,, p. -
It will doublluaaaurpriae many Dem
ocrata all ovor the country, to learn
that Andrew O. C'urtin baa been noui
inated lor Congress by that party in
Centre county. Mr.Curtin is best known
as Pennsylvania's War Governor.
When the integrity of the country was
threatened, aud war was the only
means of safety, Gov. Curtin was one
oi tho moat determinedly aggrossivo
and patriotic of all the Chief Magis
trates ot the States adhering' to tho
Old Union. When the war ended, It
found Curtin qne of tho staunohoat
friends of a regeneration of the dis
affected States an advocate of a
restoration to citiaenship and social and
political fraternity. Androw G. Curtin
waa un exemplification of tho more hon
orable Intentions of the honest wing of
tbo Republican parly in tbo days of
serious trial during the war, and bis
principles of republican liberty changed
not a whit when tbo Fifteenth Amend
ment throw nearly a million of votes
into the parly ranks; and, by the ex
cess thus achieved, led its leaders Into
vicious ways and corrupt practices.
Governor Curtin retired to private
life; and the breach that separated him
from bis old party affiliations, grew
wider and wider. Ho refused to yield
bis principles that he might share in
the aggrandisements of party power
and, ruibor than sink his honor be
neath personal respect, withstood tho
tempting allurements of ambition's
fondest hopes witb as much earnest
ness as he had defended bis country's
honor In the darkest hours of Its trib
Honesty and uprightness of charac
ter bring tboir own roward. To day,
Andrew G. Curtin, instead of sharing
the opprobrium heaped upon Blaine,
Hale and other loaders of the Republic
can party, finds bimsolf at the head ot
the ticket in his native county witb
every prospect of retaining the respect
of the people of Pennsylvania, as, also,
an almost certainty ot being returned
to Congress by the Democrats ol Con
tre county. In conjunction with the
Democrats, it is not nnlikely that the
Nationals will give him their support,
thus polling what may prove the
heaviest majority for any candidate in
Pennsylvania. Sorristoicn Defender.
KniTOR Patriot : One subscribing
himself " A Methodist Preacher," pub
lishes In the Harrisburg Telegraph, oi
tbo Tth inst., his views at length upon
tho candidacy of Hon. Androw H. Dill.
A sincere regard for that army ol
Christian men who bear that name in
ellnes me to believe that the name was
there assumed by one wholly unworthy
of it. Think of one whose calling is to
proclaim tho blessed gospel of " Peace
on earth and good will toward men "
using the following words over the
signature of" A Methodist Preacher
"And U it laid that a number of
Methodist preachers, in view of secur
ing their votos for the Democratic
candidate for Governor of Pennsylva
nia are now riding on the railroads on
lree passes." . .
And then after publishing the He and
slandering th. profession, sanctimoni
ously adds: ''Surely this must be
false." It is proper then in further
criticism of said publication to disre
gard that writer's pretensions and put
him upon tba roll of common acalots,
whose seal outstrips their wisdom.-
This "pious" writor lies under somo
strango misapprehension, and basely
seeks to influence his brethren by
inuendo where be lacks the boldness to
mako a falsehood out of the whole
cloth. For example, be asks :
" Is Hon. A. II. Dill a Rebel 1 1 do
not say so. If he bad been in the
South during the war, would he have
acted as his brother did f I cannot
tell. I can tell that at the North tho
Democratic candidate for Governor did
sot with a party who sympathized
witb the South, opposed the war, and
denied that tba soldiers bad the right
to vote, now can any JUotnouist
preacher, who is a Republican, though
be hu profound respect and kindliest
feeling for his honored father, vote
tor his Democratic son ? "
Let ono who knows, and a Republi
can who voted for Abraham Lincoln,
Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B.
Hayes lor Curtin, Geary and Hart
ranft, answer. About eighteen months
ago the Hon. Androw 11. Dill was in
troduced by letter to me at Lewisburg,
and at the intorvlcw that followed the
views expressed by Mr. Dill made an
impression upon my mind which the
events of the intervening years have
not yet effaced. Young as Mr. Dill
tben was, he bad th. mind of a far-
sighted statesmen, aa subseqent events
proved. He abandoned bis bom. and
his hopes in the far South to east bis
lot witb the people who would soon be
called upon (as h. then believed) to
maintain tb. integrity of the Govern
ment and ol the Union by eaerlfioes oi
blood and of treasure ; and soon there-
alter the war came. The sacrifice was
demanded of the peoplo with whom
Andrew H. Dili had cast bis lot. ' I did
not go to the war Andrew H. Dili
did not go to tba war (exept during
tbo brief period of th. invasion of the
State) ; but we lived in tbe same town,
surrounded by tbe same neighbors and
friends, and no man, woman, or child,
ever questioned tbe loyalty or patriot
ism of Andy Dill during all those try
ing years of sacrifice and sorrow, And
when peace came al last, tb. good peo
ple of Lewisburg, without distinction
of party, called a meeting to celebrate
the happy event, then .nd there the
hateful "Copperhead" and blatant
" Rebel ' were silently ignored and Mr.
James Aiken, Andy Dill and your
bumble servant were invited to address
the people. And on tho very night
that Abraham Lincoln waa mardered
at Waahicgtoo, and before tb. aad
news had I sacked us, Andrew U. Dill,
by request of the men who knew him
best and respected him most, made an
eloquent, wanly and petriotie speech
on the issues of tb. war and the return
of peace.
it was Andy Dill's manliness in bis
youth, bis freedom from the tricks and
cant of tb. dewgogue, bis statesman
like views upoa political questions that
I .endeared him to tbe psopkt who knew
aim and, U lh. Commonwealth shall
be so favored aa to have him for her
have heretofore united In sending him,
torm after Uirm, to llio JIcum nd to I
torm alter term, to llio II on no and to
the Senate; and the" Preacher "of the
Telegraph will hear au answer lo his
bvpocritical query : " Is Hon. A, II.
Dill a Rebel ? "
Thore are men in uvcry walk In life
there may be somo in the pulpit
who cannot coinpielicnd how oilier
men may bo as good as ihey and yet
not havo taken their " pap " from the
same spoon. And there is a horde of
men who would shriek themselves
hoarse to prove their patriotism, but
who would not bo able to comprehend
how another who follows the Golden
Rule of doing unto others as you
would that others should do unto you
could bo as good as they.
The financial quest Inn is the web and
and whoro is the intelligent voter, be
ho Republican or Democrat, who ques
tions tbo soundness of Senator Dill's
views upon this Iksiio 1
Uniok Coi-ntv, Oct. 8, 1878.
At tbe bottom of tho political errors
and fallacies that are now so prevalent,
there is one pervading misconception.
It is that "Government" is an ull
powerful, all-wise and irresponsible
thing whose business it is to provide
for tbe wants of tbe people in a pator
nal way ; that in somo mysterious way
Government is better than the men
who compose it ; that if times sro bsrd,
it must relieve tbe distress of the poor ;
it must protect labor against capital ;
it must regulate the hours of work aud
the rate of wages ; the amount ot
money in circulation and its value, and
do all these things not upon the im
mutable principles of business, but to
help the poor man. Take up any
Greenback-Labor platlurm und all this
will be found there, coupled perhaps
with fierce denunciations of " money -powor"
and " bankers."
Such ideas ure nut of native growth.
Like Communism and Sociulistn they
are imported Irom monarchy. It is
the theory of the Amcricun Republics,
Federal aa well aa State, that " Gov
ernment" has nothing to do but lo pro
tect Liberty, personal security and
property. It bus no business to med
dle witb tbe contracts of the citizens
whether tbey be lor buying or selling
goods, or contracting lor service or
labor. It tho theory of our lorefuthcrB
that Government should limit itself:
strictly to protecting life and property,
and leave to the people themselves full
control of their own private affairs. 1 1
used to be said that our system gov
ernnd best becauso it governed least.
Our people were not only free from tho
control of despots and I y rants, but
free from the interference of tho Gov
ernment which they tbomsclvcs estab
lished and sustained. Now, however,
thore is a party which favors giving
to the Government greater and more
dangerous powers than can be sufely
intrusted to any Bet of men, however
pure in aim and purpose they may be.
But wo all know that " Government "
is usnally composed of gentlemen -of
about tbe same average intelligence
and virtue as the rest of tho peoplo.
If a low state of morality exists among
the peoplo, they will choose representa
tives who are in general accord with
them. Sometimes very bad men get
into powor, and it is dosiruble that tbey
should have as littlo powor as possible,
for any power given to Government to
"protect" one class against another,
may be turned irom its original pur
pose. If, for example, tbe Government
under its present powers can bring
misery upon tbo country by unwise or
oorrupt legislation, how much more
might it bring if its sphoro of legisla
tion were enlarged if, in addition to
tbe interests that it baa already man
aged so badly and corruptly for parti
san purposes, it should be tho banker
of tbecountry, the custodian of savings,
tbe regulator of wages, the arbiter ol
prices, tbe munugcr of lines of trans
portation and manufactures f That
all these things would be manuged
bsdly is as certain as that almost every
thing that Government has had charge
of has boon managed badly. The tar-
iffs bavo been badly managed, the pub
lie lands, tbo Indian relations, tbe
Navy, tbe Army, tho Internal Revenue,
the National Finances. It is, there
fore, desirable rather to restrict tho
field of Government operations than to
enlarge them, and in nothing is this so
important as in Finance. Wo will
never bo safe until Government goes
entirely out of the banking business.
Ct'RTiN as a CANDinATK. We can
not lor tbe life us imagine bow any
Democrat can hesitate about support
ing ex-Governor Curtin fur Congress
in this contest. Governor Curtin ac
knowledgodly is ono of the most brill
iant men in America, intellectually,
and bis fitness for a seat in Congress
is thorefore indisputable. His experi
ence in public life, aa well as bis ability,
pre-eminently qualify him for th posi
tion. That h. fairly and honorably
secured the nomination of the Demo
cratic party, by and through Its regu
lar usages, is a fact patent to every
body. Noon. dares disputo it. What
objection, tben, can any fair-minded
Democrat make to supporting him 1
" Ah," says one, " Curtin waa a Repub
lican." Yes, but bis oompolilor in tho
race, Mr. Sotb II. Yocum, is a Repub
llcan. Governor Curtin ss long as lour
years ago repudiated the Republican
Administration as oorrupt and untrust
worthy, and then, as well as in tho cam
paign since, supported the Democratic
candidates, both npon the stump and
by his votes, and to day unequivocally
endorses every word in tbe platlorm
upon which Senator Dill was nominated
forGoveinor. On the contrary, Govern
or Curtln's competitor, Mr, Yocum, al
though, like Curtin, a " Greenhacker,"
still maintains his former views as a
Republican, and is even now seeking
to become the candidate of that parly.
Surely, between these two, no Demo
crat needs time to make a choice.
Blanton Duncan, the Greenback can
didate for Congress in the Louisville
(Ky.) district, travels tbo country with
a platform on whoels, on which are
mounted a cannon and locomotive bead-
lights. Blanton is blatant son of a
gun anyhow. II. puts his foot into
everything, but accomplishes nothing
to mako himsell honored or respected
II w. are hopeful, w. shall always
find more sympnlbixers on the journey
than if w. are despondent
,9ai irfftlttmrnM. I
tieCUOn rrOCiarnailOIl.
T limiSAH, bjr a. Ael ol Ibo Honerel Aearm
, V bly of the Commonwealth of Pen' .vivaria
entitled "An Aet to reifulele Ilia lienor.) Kloclinn
within Ibia Cmauaaweallb." It If enjoined uima
tho hborif. of (lie ae.pral oountloe lo giro publio
notice of .nob eleelinn, the plaoea wber. lo ba
beld, and the ofBacra to ha oleetrd,
Tlin.eru... I, AKDllKW PKNTZ, Jr., llifb
HhrrifT of Clearfield oountr, do boreb giro Pub
lie Nolleo to tbo .lecture of tbe ooonly of Clear
Seld, thai . S'-n.r.l olretiun will bo beld on
Tiiianav roi.i.owtaa th. r ih.t Muhhay or No.
vruaaa (being tho J.o tinf l irAr-olaA. tl A.a
leveral oleetlun diitriota in aaid ouunlj, al whirb
time and lao. tba qualiflud votara will rot.
for ono nereon for Judge of tba Supreme Court of
Into Cominooweallb.
For one pereon for Uovernur ol thin Ouamiun-
Por one iiereon for Lioatonaul llorerour of the.
Commonweal! b.
For ono i.renn for Heerelarr of Inlernal Affaire
of tfaie Cumroonwreltb.
Por one pereon for 1'reekdent Judge uf tbo XXV.
J udiolal pi.lrlet, computed of Ilia counliva of
Clearfield, Contra and (Jltutuu.
Por ono nereon lor CangreM fur Ihe XX. Con-
gref.luiial litriet,eouiioiard of tho oi.untleeof
iiearneiu, ventre, Ultnlon, r.ia, aumin ana
Por one perron for Stato Seiiaturuf Ibo XXXIV.
S.natotlal Uietriet, oompoied of the oouoll.e
of Cleertleld, Centre and Clinton.
For ona per.on for Auemhlr to rrproorot Ibo
enonlr of CkorGelii in Ihe lluuocf itrprcnta
lire, of thie Cnuimutiwrallli.
Tor ono por.on for Tr.aeur.rof Cleurfleldoniiotr.
For two poreoiie to corve a. C loiuiiaelonor of
Clearfield oountj.
For two porloneto rcwel Amlllunof Clearfield
Fur one pereon to aatro ee Coroner of Cloerdrld
Tho electore of thoroiinlr of CleiirSuld will taao
notioa Ibat tb. eald oloctioo will bo beld at the
following plaeee, rii :
Ilumeide borough at the public eobool houea In
eald borough.
Clearfield burougo, at thi- C"mtnliaioocr' offica,
in tbe t uurt Huuio.
Curwen.ville borough, at the bouae of Samuel
War, ourner of Si ate and Walnut elreete. In raid
Houlidale borrougb, atjlna public bon.aof Wm.
Parker, in enid borouh.
Lumber Cirr borough, at Ihe robool
bnn.o In aaul ti'jrungn.
NeMburg hnruugh, al Ihe eoliO'il huu.r, in cold
New We-bingit'O boiougb, at Ihe public aotool
houre, in told borough,
Cceola bnroogb, at tba public lioue. of Milo
tfort, in aeiit nurugn.
Walleoetoo boroogh, al Ihe publio .choul bnu.o
in earn ouroucn.
Brooarla town.blp, at the Union Hol.l, in Glen
Hell the huuwof Robert AMinftVy.
Illoom townrhtp, at trie uouooof ihe Into J.uei
Illoom, Mr.
Ilugge township, at'be hour, of Kdward Albert.
ttrniltord town.blp, at too houto or Jaooh 1'ieroe.
llradr town. hip at thp publio huu.oof William
fa'rbweni, Jr.. In Luthei.burg.
Murn.lda tow thin, at Yuung'e lob'iol houea.
( hot towoehlp, at tho ptihlle toboul huoae nenr
Blinon Horabough ..
Covington town.bip, at thj ashuol houM In
bora ur tuwn.hlp, at Centra acboot houea.
Ferguson town.bip, at lhebon.eof John (Jrrg
ory,foiui.rljr occupied by Thoe. HoliuroD,(Uroud
tlirard townsbin, at Congress Hill school buusa
Uo.ben town.bip, at tbe publio schoul bouse at
Ore ham township, at the honaoof tbe late Jacob
Urernwood township, at tba publio house uf
Hamoal Uiihgan, In said townahip.
tiulirb town.bip, at thepuhlio school house, ia
Huston towo.bip, at tbe home of Iba lata Je esc
Jordan township, at the public school buo.e, in
knot tuwn.hin at Turkey Hill school bouse.
Kartiuus township, al bridgen's school houea.
Lawrence town. hip. at the Arbitration room. In
Ihe Court House, in the boroogb of Clearfield.
Mums township, al tba buu.a formerly occupied
by Thumas Kyltr.
Peon township, at th. hotel formerly kept by
W. w. Anderson.
Pike township, at the township erhuol house in
tlie oorougo oi turwensTiue.
t'nion township, at tbe house of D. K. Urohaker.
Woodward lowu.bip, at the houia of Thomas
Henderson -
AN ACT regulating Ihe mode of voting at all
elactione in tlie eevorol counties of this Com
monwealth, approved the .totb dny of Marob,
A. I). Itt'ln. vis :
Sktviox I. II tl eaoef.ef hy tbo fteiiau and
Hnu.e of rleprcsentatlvae of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania in tlenaral Assembly soot, and It Is
hereby rnaoted by authority of the aame, Thattba
qualified voters of tbe aaveral eonntieo of this
Colonionweaun, at an general, in.ii.nip. norougn
and etiecial elec' lone, are hereby, herealter author.
iard and required lo rota, by tickela, printed, or
writtrn, or partly printea ana pertiy wriiun, eer
erallv elaaellled as follows : One ticket shall cm
brace tbe names of all judges of courts voted for,
and I. ba labeled, outside, "judiciary ;" ona ticket
shall etnbraoe the name, of tho Slate offloere voted
for. and ba labeled, "state on ticket aball era-
brace Iba names of all county offlcerc voted for,
Including otnoo of aeoator, member, and members
of assembly ,if voted tor, and members of Congress,
If vded for.anil bo labeled, "connty ;" on. ticket
shall embrace the names of all township offioars
voted for, and tie lanelao, "lnwnatp; one licaet
shall embrace the name of all boroogh officers
voted for. and be labelled, "boroogb :" and aaoh
alass shall ba deposited in separate ballot boiea.
A furlhor supplement lo tna Act regulating
rlectiona in thia Commonwealth, approved
January Id, aud February IS, A. U, 1SK :
Sac. A. At all alecllona hereafter held under
lha lawa of thia Commonwealth, the polls shall ba
opened at aeven o'aloek, n. m ., nnd oloead at eavan
o clock, p. at.
iFrontTMRRT or jrr-aua a laar.rrona.
Mac. S. In alt election dlvtrictswbera nvacancv
aslsta by reason of lha disqualification of tba
otnoera or otberwlee tn an election nonra ner to
for. appointed, or where any new district shall ba
farmed, th. Judg.or J.dgcaof th. Court of Com
mon Pteaa of the proper county chatl, ten days
before any general or special eleetion. appoint
competent pwrsone to Sli aald vaoaneie., nod to
eondoet tha election in aaid new dietriets, and In
the appointment of tnepeetora in nay olealion
district both shell not be of the eama pnlltieal
party, and tha Judge of elections shall I. all oaaee
be of the political party having th. majority of
vote, in aaid district aa nearly aa tha aaid Judge
or jorigea can ascertain tba fact, and la .aaa of
tbe dieagreemeat of the jodgoa a. to tba aaleetion
of Inspectors the pollticnl majority of tha lodges
shall select on of said iaepeotors, aod th. minor
ity Judga or iudgee ahalt .elect the other.
ban. 7. V. honever there ehail bo a vaoenftv in
an election hoard on tha morning of an election,
aaid vaeanev shall be filled i. conformity with
agisting laws.
ptiTtta or SLirrton orricgna.
f-gr. S. At lb. opening of lha pnlta at all eloe.
lions It shall be Ihe doty of the Judgea of election
for Iheir reereotlre distriale to detigna'a ana of
tbe inspectors, whoee dnly It aball bo to bava In
costody th. registry or voters, aad to make tb
entries therein required hv law, and tl ehail be
Ihe duty or lha other of tha said lnepeatnre In
receive and .umber tha ballots presented nl said
Sao. . All elections hv Ihe eliltena shall ha h
ballot every hallo! voted shall ba numbered In
Ibe order in which It shall ha received, and the
number recorded by the clerkson tha ll.laf votara
opposite tho name of tha elector from whom re.
calved. And any voter voting two or morwtlck
ete, the aaveral tlokrta ao voted shall aaoh ha
numbered with the number eorrespnnding Willi
lha number to th. nam. of tha voter, Anv alee
lor may write hla name noon hi. tlekei ......
lha earn, to ha written thereon, aod nttestod hv
a elllsea of Ihe dletrlct. In addition to th. oath
now prescribed by law to ba taken nnd aul scribed
ny election oBcara. tbey shall several v ha sworn
or affirmed nal to dl'olose how any aioctor shall
nav. vi'ien, unless required to da ao aa witnaasas
In a Judicial prooeeding. Ail lode-ae. laanactora.
clerks and overseer, af aay eleetion held under
tnia aat snail, oeror. anterisg upon thalr dalles,
ba duly aworn or afltrmed in lha nreseaoe of
eaahetbar. Tha JnHga aball ha ivs'a hv the
minority iaepeetor, If there shall ha mob minority
inspector, and in ooaa .bora aball b. n. mlnnrltv
laspeetoT the. hy n Jaslto. of tbe or alder
man, ana toe l.epeelors,ovrsoersend clerk ehail
be aworn by Ihe Jodgo. Ccrtlncetas of eueh ewear.
log or affirming aball ha dnly m.da ont nnd eign
id by lb. .Acer. a. aworn, and .treated bv Iba
officer wh adealnieferev, th. anlh. If any Judge
or minority Inspector refusea ot fella to aw ear the
officers of .lection in th. manner required by this
net, or if any etteer af eieeiioa shall aet without
being Bret daly sworn, or If any ont oar of election
aball sign tha form f oath witbuat being duly
sworn, or if any judga or minority insneator ehail
certify that any .Steer waa aworn whop ba was
aot, aball be deemed a anisdeoBeonor, and npon
conviction tbe officer or offioars so ollending shall
ba fined not eaeeeding ona thousand dollere ar
imnnsoe-aaeat not eaaeed ng one rear or both ia
tba discretion of tha court.
Pan. )S. Ob tha day af election any parson
whose nnma shall not appear aa tha rcgletry ol
voters, and who alalms tna right to vole at aaid
election, shall prodaae at least ooa ejalified velar
of tbo district as n witness la Iba reeldenee of
lh. el.ln.eot In tba dlatriat la which ha rlaiaa. to
ba n voter far tha period of at leaat two months
Ivasedietery preeeodlag said election, wn a. wit.
nose shall be aworn ar affirmed, and anheariba a
written, or partly written and partly ariated aA- to lha facta elated by him, which affidavit
aball doAn. elaarly where Iba residence le af the
person ao elaiasmg to aa n veter, nnd tb. parson
so alaimlog lha right to vole aball also take aad
subscribe a wriitea, or partly written and partly
printed effidavIL etatiag lo tbe beat af nis knowl.
ledge and belief when nnd wber. h. waa bora i
that h. baa bean n cltlsen af lb. United Slates
for ono saealb, and of tha Commonwealth of
P.nnsylvaaiai that be has resided ia the Ooes
oaweoltb oaa year, or if formerly n qualified
elector or native born aititea thereof, nnd has
temovod therefrom aad retamed, that h. hu re
sided therein g SIOBtbsnegl nracediag aaid alee,
tioa Ibat ha has maided is tna district In which
be oloiono ta ha a volar far lha period of .1 lal
two months immed la'ely preceding said ebtttloa ,
that ha baa not moved lata Ibe district for the
purpoeo of voting therein Ibat ha baa, If twen-ly-twa
yaaraaf age or upwards, paid n Slate or
eouaty tea wllfain two yeore, which waa aaeeaeed
at leaat tw. months end paid at least on. month
before Iba election. The eeld aftdevit abad aleo
elate wb-n and where tba tag claimed lo be paid
hy th. affiant waa aseeaiovd, and whan nnd where
and ta whom paid, aad tba las ra-eipt therefor
aball ba prndaoed for oiamloetleo aaleel lha aball state la hli affidavit thai It baa beea
led or doMeoyed, ar that ba aerer received anv
and. If n natarallaed ailisen, ehaU also Stat, when,
wuer. an. ny what eoart ho waa natnraileew and
shell alee produce hi. eortlSeateot natnrallaallon
roreiaaalnetionj hat If tha pereon ao olaiaalag
ia-. rigei re vour anen take an. aa am
m gKlffrtlSftntnts.
ie V-l'WUAlf'-I. lK .oM
United States, or if born elsewhere shall alate
the fact In bis affidavit, and aball produce ev.
denoe that be has been naturalised, of t. entitled
to ciltlcn.lilp l-y rc.on of his letlisr's nalureli
sallun, and .ball further alate In hlanA-laiii Ibat
be Is at Iba lima of making the effl lavit of tba
age of twenty-one and under twcntv-lno aara ;
that ba baa beuo a oltisin of tha tailed Hlales
ono month, and has resided In Ihe Slate, ono
year ; or. if a native. born cllisen of tbe Stale, aod
rvnioved therefrom and returned, thai he baa re
lldid therein sil months neat p breeding acid
election, aod in Ibe electi on dietriot two montba
luimi-dlalvlv preceding curb election, be shall bo
entitled to vole although ha aball a.t have paid
laaos. Tha said affidavits of all pi-reuHa tuekitg
such claims and Iba affidavits uf tha wltncases to
their residoooo ehail be prcearvod hy the election
board, and at tbo close of the elaotloa they ehail
ba arelosed with Ibe list of voters, tally list, aod
other papers requiro'l by law to bo filed by tba
reiuro judge wllb tbe prulbunotary, and suail re
main ou tile tboreaith in tba protbonlary'a office,
subject to examination as olber eleetion papers
tie. If Ibe election officers shall find thai tba
elmlioant possesses all Iba rgal uoalibcollona ol
a voter ba aball bo pertniluut to role, and h-e shall ba addsd to lha list of tagables by tbe
eltciieu officers, tba w -rd "tax" being added
a here the claimant claims to vote on tag, aud tba
word "age" where be elaiius to iota on ege, the
same wards being added by ilia clerks in each
cafe reapoctlrely oo tho lull tf peraona ro'tog
at auob t, lection.
riAkinui or ttt.uiira"tPi vorbee, j
Site. II. Tt rhall bo lawful fir aoy rjutllfled
eititrn or tbe di-Mlot, notaithuii Hn thi name
of tbo propoird rotor la oontamed oo (ha Hit of
ml dent teiahle. to rhallene the vote of audi i
poraona, whereupon tbo aame proof or thj right,
of ruffrago aa now rrquira.) by law aball be pub-1
llcly niatle, and aot a by the elertiyb beard, j
aud Iho vote aiimittod or rejected acoordicg !
te Iho ori'leiipc. Krery perno claiming to be
a naturallird dtiiea ahall bo required to pro
duce bii BeUrelli4t!na ocrtlSna'o at tbo election
before voting except where he baa been fur five
jrare ronaecatively a voter In the diet rid io
abiob be aflcr hia rutc. and on tba vole of such
pereon bring received it that! be the duly of iho
elrciloo offloi-re to write or stamp oo tucli certifl-'
eale the word "voted," with tbe month and
year, and if aoy election oil -or or ufiioer aliall
rtct-ivo a eecoad vote on the ame dny by virtue
of tho fame ten ideate, earr pt wbcro luna are en
titled to vole IbrceuM ol ihe naturalisation o .
iheir fittbrrr, Ihey and tha it rum who aliall oQr
such irrciid vole thrill be guilty T a Oil JeaUtan
ur, and on O'-nvlrllon tlitivt.l It II Did or iinprie-1
ooed, or hoh, at tbo discretion of t l.e court, hut
th Doe ball hot eic-eii five hundred do'lars lu
iai-h ease, nor the intpniuniaeLt one year. The
ike punnhment shall be la dieted un ronvietion
of the officer of elo tion wbu ahall ncglegt or re
fuse to make or cauee to bo burte tliO endornc
mt bt required aa aforesaid on said naturalimttoq
HKOLKt-r (r dittv or ii-tcTH'ji grncr.ns,
fB4Tiin 12 If any election officer shall r-fue
or neglect to require luob proof of ibo right of
suffrage as ti described by this lew, or tho laws
to whivh this is a supplement, from any pereob
nirxring to vote wboe name ia But on tbe lilt of
a me r ed votrra, or whnee right to veto I chal
lenged by any qualiAed voter present, and shall
admit such person to vote without requiring such
proof, every nerson so offending aball, npon con
viction, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall bo
enlencod f reeery such offence to pay a flue not
exceeding five hundred dollars, or to undergo an
imprisonment not mure than one yeir, or both, at
tbe discretion of tbe Court.
Cava vase or tbb rone ar tira coi'mt.
Prc. Ill Aa anon aa tbe potla shall close the of
ficers of tbe election ahall proceed to count oil
the rotes cmt for eecb candidate voted for, and
take out a full return of tba same In triplicate,
witb a returti sheet in addition, in all of which
the votes received by aaoh eandidsLe ahall be giv
en o'ter bis or her name, tint io word and again
In figures, and shall be slaned by all of said of
fleer", nnd certified hy overseers if any, or If net
so cert i fled tbe overseers and anv oniier refusing
to lira or ceriily or either of them, shall write
upon each uf lha return his or th-ir rona for
not i it-nine or certify mn them. Th oofs os eooa
a counted tinU alto ee publicly aud fmilg dtela reW
from (Ae wtMdois lo fee cinafN jireatm, una a
hrimf tiattmtnt altmwimif tht rotta rtftntrd Ay eocA
wtnfliiinlt iknlt bt etattfe and tigntd by tht eecfion
njfieert a toon at ikt Oct is counted, nwd the tarn
ihnll bt immedintrlif potUd up on ikt dmor r ikt
election himtt far information of tbe pubiie. The
triplicate returni shall be encloied in eovetopos
and be aenled In Ihe prcicni e of tbe oncers, and
ono envelope wltb tha n mealed return abeet
girrn lo the judge, wo tub shall contain one list
of voters, tally-pspor, and oaths of officers and
another of aaid envdi pe shall be given to tbe
minority inspector. All Ju'ljre living within
twelve mils of tbe Proibonolary's offloe, or withid
twontyfour miles, if their reoidoec bo tn a town,
vi llano or eity on tbe line of a railroad leading to
tbe county aeat, aball before two o'olock, post
meridian, of the day after rhe eleetion, end all
other Judges shall before twelve o'clock meridian
of the fecund dsy after the eleotion, deliver said
return, together wltb return sheet, to the l'ro
thonotary of the Court or Common Fieoa of tbe
Bounty, which said retarn abeet shall be filed, and
the day and hour of filing marked tbereon, and
the II be preserved by the Prothoaoiary for public
Inepeetlun. At twelve o'clock oa tho sad second
day following any electioo. the Prat ho notary of
'he Court of Common 1'leae shall preeeut ihe said
returns to tbe said c art : la conn tie whan there
Is no resident President Judge, the Associate
Judges shall perform tbeduiies imposed upon the
Court of Com mm Plea, which shall convene for !
said purpose t the returns preevntod by the Pro
ibonotary shall lie opened b laid court, and com
pated by such of its offloere, and each sworn as
sistant as lha court aball appoint, In tbo prescnoa
of the Judge or judges of said court, and th
returns certify and certificate of election laeoed
under tho al uf the court, oe la now repaired to
no done ny too return juacee, ana me vce as so
eomputed and certified shall be open to tbepuhH",
or in case of complaint of b qualified elector under
oath charging palpable fraud or nietake, and
partioularty specifying the alleged mistake or
fraud, tr where fraud or mistake Ii apparent or
tbe retarn, tbe court shall examine the return,
and if In the Judgment of the court it shall be
necessary to a Just return said court shall tasne
summary proceu against tho election "ffieere and
overseers if any, of tho election dlitrlct com
posed uf, to briug tnem lortneitb into court,
with all election papers in their poasession, and
If pal eble mistake or fraud ahall be discovered.
It shall, npon each hearing as may bo doomed
aoecefory to untight? bo oourt. and bo oormaiad
hy tbe court, and so certified ; but allegations of
palpable fraud or mistake shall be decided by the
said court within three day! if or tba day tho
returns aee hrounbl Into court for computation,
and the said Inquiry shall ha directed oaly to
palp. hie fraud or mistake, and aball not bo
deemed a Judicial JuriaJttton to conclude any
cootest now or hereafter to bo arovldod by law,
aod tbe other of said triplicate returns shall he
piaceti id ine dii ana ft'tlfxt np Wiie me eenois.
Not nine to this aot shall rwouiro the return of
election of ber-Migh or township nffioara lo be
Biuu hi me- courts oo a treated ta this ecu wo, 0111
all iho returns af tha election of township and
borough ofiWre to bo analysed la a ei'ed cover,
directed to the Prethonotary of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of tho proper county, and shall by
some on or them bo delivered into his offloe
within three daya after crerv aueb election bad
filed tberela. In eoemtirs where there arc three
or marc Judges of aaid eoart, learned In the law,
at least two judges shall sit to compute ana eer
tify returns, unlets unavoidably prevented. If
any of the said Judges aball himself be b candi
date for any offiac mt any election be aball but ait
wltb tbe oourt or aet ta annnting tbe returns of
saoh elecUoa, aad In such com lha other Judg,
If any, shall act, and if In any eouaty there stun
ha no judge qualified to bold tbe aaid court under
Iho provisions of this not present and able to art,
then aad in every such case, Ue rrgistsr of wilts,
the sheriff and county commissioners of tke proper
county shall be and eomtitute a Uosrd, who, or a
majority of whom shall havo and axerclsc all tbo
powers, and perform all tho duties vested ia or re
quired to be perforated by tbo court of common
picas of such eouaty, by and under tbo provi
sions of thia section f but none of tbe said olhoen
ahall act as b mem bar of aaoh Board wheo him
self a candidate for any office at tho election, he
returns of which tho said Board to reqiired to
count ander tbe provisions af this aeotlon
Rao. I. In all elections hereafter the certificate
of naturalisation, if genuine, shall bo cone I naive
evidence of the facts mentioned therein, and
where tba person offering to vote alalia the riant
on the payment af tax, the receipt of such tax, if
signed by the nropr officer, shall be the evidence
thereof j if toon person dec not produce suoh ra
eetpt, then the payment of tb tax may be proven
by the oath of such pereon, or other evidence
stating wbeo, wber and ta whom sack tax was
Notlrt lb further hereby given. That
all parsons except Justice of the Peace, who
shall bold bb office or appointment of trust under
tha government of the Hatted Utatei, r of this
Bute, or of any Incorporated dtstrlot, whether a
etimmlsalooed officer or otherwise, a subordinato
officer or agent, who 1 or shall bo mphyed an
der tho Legislative, Bxceutlr or Judicial do
part meats of this meteor of tho United Btatee.
or any el 7 ar looorporeled district, and aim
mot -vary member 01 Vom gross, or of h State
Legiilatara. or of tba common or select oaoeil f
any city or eommUsioaor of any incorporated
district, arc by law tnearioblo of holdina ar
exeretsioff, at tha earn time, the ottoo or am-
pointment of Jodgo, Inspector or Clerk of any
alMilnn Of this Commoawoaith. . v...'
of kubctio of pros R ft.
In eas tbe person wb shall bavo received the
second hlgheet numboraf vote for Insnoator.sheN
not attend on the day of election, then Ihe percoa
who shell bar reeolved Ibo oeeond highest num
ber of rotes for judge at tke next preceding elec
tion, shell act M impeetnr ia bis piece, and ia
eaeo lh bevtob who shall hove received the hich-
est oa moor of twice for inspector shall not attend,
tba person eieetea ;uag, snail appoint an inspec
tor In his place 1 and in oaoe tbe person elected
judge shall not attend, then tbe Inspector wb re-
oeivea too eignaet number ai voles, shall appoint
larlge in hi piece 1 or if any vacancy shall ooa
tiaue ia tbe Board for Ibe space of ono koar aflcr
the lime fixed by law for the opening of the elec
tion, tbe qualified voters of tho township, ward
or district for which suck oltccr shall have been
elected, present at the plaoe of election, aball ao
Met one out of their number to IH eueh raesney.
Aleo, that where Judge, by slohaesa or una
voideble Occident, I usable to attend surh m eel
re f of Judaea, then the aorUAcoes or retarn shall
bo takeo eharge of by one of tho Inspectors or
clerks or tbo election or tb district, who shall do
and perform th duties rawulred of eald iudere uw-
this to tleod.
flpecial etteatiow Is hereby directed le Ibe Itk
Artiete of tbe Near Constitution.
Bert loo 1. Ivory maleeliisen twenty Mi years
of age, pflpseestDg the folkwiag qaalkloatloas,
shall ba entitled to vet at all elections :
First He shall bare bean a ltixn of tbe Vl
tod States at least oaa monih.
Beeood He shall bare resided la lh 8ttt
oa year, (ot, if having prericmly been a qualll
ed elector or aatlva bora eittsea of the Put, ke
shall hare removed thrrrom aud re tamed,) then
six months, immediately proeediag th dectloi.
Third He shall bar raeided la th etoctto
district where be shall offer te rot at leaat two
calks Immediately prooediag tke otaetlob.
F north If rwaaty-twa years of at or upward
Xrgnt dwtinrmfutj.
t,H tae -eel euvn iwo fr run -i
sktunt tal. railtO aoo., nT mmmwmww -
leail I wo Moaibf, ao4 fat 4 at war one uai
MnM the. nil-tluM
tire. 4. AM elretiona by tho olilieaa ahull bo
bv UH'il. Krery bHt eiled aball bo a umber
ad la (he i-rdor In abich II aball bo reo-Wrd, end
the aurntitr reovrdd by tbe eleeioO efllcera on
tht II at of rot era, oppeelto Ibo uaoto of tbe elec
tor who pwnu tbe ballot. A of elector nay
write ble nine on Mi ticket, oraaaao ibeaaine
to be written thereon, and atleetrd by a oitlien of
the dlitrlct. Tbe eleetion offloere aball bo ewora
nr affirmed Dot to diielote bw ooy elector aball
bare voted unlou roqalred to do ao aa wltnesioo
In a indicia! proceeding
. Kleeture aball, ia all Mea eioept
Ireoeon, 1'elony, ami breach or mrely ot tba peace,
be privile(fld from orreit ilorinu hltendanoo
oo olectlooa and to fulng to and retarn-ag tbrro
frotu. Hbc. A. Whenever any of elio (luallfled electore
of tfaie Cotaiaonwealtb ehail bo in actual military
eer vine, umier a reiuieitibO from tbe raiMent at
tbe I'Diti-ti Matci ur by tbo autaortiy oi una
Ctiiifunwtaltli, mob electore may emK'lie tbo
rifbt uf aulTraffO In all by the etl.atDa,
undor suoh regulations oa if tboy were proaent at
their uaual Dlaooa of eloctioa.
liaa, 7. All law regulating the holding of
ekntiiru by the clliaeo or for the regiatrattua uf
rleotor ibt.ll be ua I for to tbrougliout tbe titete
)ut do eleotur aliall lie denrlvcd of the pririlexo
ot voting by rooaon of hia oome bet being regie-
Hkc ft. Any person who shall gtvo or promise
or otiV-r ta give, to any elector, any money, ro-
wra, or ottier valuable eorilleratloo lor ni voio
at an election, or lor withholding ibo ea-ae, or
abu ahall atrw or nromlse to bivo suoh consider
at too to soy person or party for sueu elector who
saaii reama or agree to receive ior diuiivii ur ii
another, any uiooet. reward ur other valuable
ejonri'Jeratioa for hi rote ot aa eleeton, or for
wilbboldlog the same, shall thereby forfeit tbo
ria-bt Io vuU at such oieotloa, aod any elector
wkosa ritht to vuU aball he ehallenited for Ittob
oausc he lore tho election offloors. shall bo requir
ed to swear or affirm ibat tbe toot tor or tbe etiai
lento Is untrue before bt v to shall bo received
Hr.n. 9 Any person who shall, while b oendt
data ft r olnoo, be guilty of briberr, tread, or will
fill violation of any election law, shall bo forever ,
disqualified from holding any offlo of trust or
prufit tn t me vommoaweaitn. anv person oonviet
ed of willtul vio'sti'a of the election laws ahull,
In addition to any penalties provided by law, ha
deprived of the right af suffrage absolutely for
tbe torm ( fur years.
Hco. IS. Fur Ihe purpose of voting no person
shall be deemed to have gained a rcsidenoo by
reason of hia absence, while employed Ihe serv
ice, of either civil or military, i f this Htate or tbo
United Hlate, nor while cflfptged la tbo oavig.
tion of tbo waters of tho Kioto or the United
States, or on the high aeae, nor while a student of
any inalttution af learning, nor while kept in any
poor bouse or other asylum at public etprbsa,
nor while eon fined in pablie prison.
Sac. 14- listriet election boards shall consist
af a judge and two tnpeelor who ahall be cho
sen annually by the citiiens. Kach elector shall
have the right to rote for tbe judge and one In-1
epertor. and ea-b inspector ahall appoint ono
clerk. Tbo first election board for any new die
trict shall bo tc looted, and raoaoeiea in election
boards filled, as provided by law. Election ofB
ors shell be privileged from arrest upon days of
election, while engaged in making up and trans
mitting return, except upon warrant of b court
t recora or Jutiare thereof, tor an election fraud.
for felony, or for waatoo breach of the peaee. In
cities they may claim exemption from Jury duty
ouriog i netr term or service.
Ban 16. No per-on shall bo anal i fled to serve
as an election efteer wbo ahall bold, or shall
witbib two montba bavo held any office, or ap
polatment or employment ia or under the sor-
rnment of tbe tnited Stu'ei or of this Htate, or
of any city or eonnty.orof any municipal board,
eommissiott or trust In any city, pare oaly jus
tices of tbo peace, and aldermen, notaries public,
ana icrsooo tn Ibo militia eomoo ol the Biaie
nor shall any election officer bo eligible te any
civil ofliee to be flllel at ao eleetion at which he
shall serve, save only to tucb subordinate, manl
ipal, or local officers, below tbe grade of the city
or county officers, as shall bo designated by gen
oral lows.
Skctiqr 1. Bt itemarl,i, dre , That from and
after the passage of tblo act, there shall be as
sessed, levied and collected, annually, with other
connty taxes. In each of tha towasbips and bor
oughs of this commonwealth, from tlie ownori
and "eeners of dors, the following named taves.
namelyi For each male dog, tbe sum of fifty
j eenU. and for every femalo dog the sum of oae
dollar, to bo paid to tbe trcaaarcr of tho county
whore collected, to be kept by him separate and
in suan mbner.tbai be oaa enow bow aiutb baa
been collected from each township aod Soroush,
and how much paid out for losses or damage in
earn, at any time, to be a luni from which per
sons sustaining loss or damage to sheep br a dog
or dog, and the necessary costs in aeubllsbing
their claim therefor, 01 beret o provided, may be
8 r.r. I. For tho purpose of lowing and col
lecting such taxes, tho assessors la each town
ship and b'irnuga ahall, annually, at tho time of
assessing other ta sable property, asoerteio and
return to the county commissioners of their coun
ty a true sutement of all the dogs In their town
ships and bnrouKbs, respectively, and tbo names
of persons owning or keeping suoh dog, and how
many ot ooob sex is kept or owned by eaeli par
son t and such commissioners la each eouaty
shall, annually, levy and eauee to ba collected.
(be taxe hereinbefore named, with, and In the
aame manner, that albor eoabtv taxes or aol
looted. Hac. S That whenever any person shall sus
tain any loss or damage to sheep by a dog ny
dors. In any township or borough, suoh person,
or hie or bar agent or attorney, may complain te
any jusuoa of th peace of uab township or bor
ough, in writing, to bo signed by the pereon
making such coin plaint, stating therein wheo,
where and bow aueb damage was dona, aad by
wboec dog or dogs. If known t whereupon the
tustic of tbe reaoe te whom ouck onmpleiat shall
be made, shall cause a nctioc to be served on tbe
owner or keeper of tbe dog or dogs oaa Ing the
damage, If known, thai a computet has beea
made to bim of tuck teas or damage t and if th
owner er he per of suck dug or dogs docs not ap
pear, as soon as practicable, and a.ltle and par
for such Ions or damage, then suoh jimtioo snail
appoint three competent disinterested persons,
not related to tbe claimant or other parson Inter
teres ted tberela, lo appraise tba lees ar damage
sustained by tbe claimant f bod such appraisers,
after being sworn or affirmed bv suoh justice of
tbo peace, or some other bam patent person, to
perform tbe do tie of then appointment without
partiality and according to tho beet of their
judgment aad ability, shall, aa soon oa prootioobls
exoinin- the plaoe where Ibe damage is claimed to
have beea dmie, and the sheep Injured or killed,
If praci (cable, and they arc reqaestH to do so,
ana shall be oxaioloed, oa eatb or affirmation to
be administered by ono of Iksm, aay wllnois
called before them by a subpoena from anh Jus
tine or otherwise, and after making dillfent in
quiry In relation to nth etu'm, shall determine
aad report ta suck Justice In writing whether any
such damage hu been sustained, and tbe amount
thereof, and wbo waa tbe owner or keeper of the
dogordg. If known, by which such damage
has been don, and whether er not any part
thereof was oeused by a dog eweed er kept by
tbe claimant, whloh report, 00 made, ahall bo
sicnod by a majority of such appraisers, aad do-1
livored ta the Juitio by whom tbey were ap
poiated. 1
Hie. 4. That upon receiving sack report, th
said justice shall immediately make b certificate
thereon .tr thereto, signed ai.d sealed by htm, that
such approvers were duly appointed on 1 sworn
by him. and that they made suoh report) aad If
by suoh report it appears that any damages have,
been siiNtained by the complainant, th Bald Jot '
tire shall deliver such report and all papers re.H
let ing to the sase, to aueb claimant or his or bor 1
agent or attorney, upon payment of th ousts ap
to that time, hereinafter provided, (or having the
aame secured to h paid.) ta ba delivered to Ibe
commissioners of tha eoooty wbero eoh dama
ge have bwea aastaiwed te be file I im Iheir efiec
Buc. fi. That upon tba com mi to ner of the
eouaty reoelvlog rack report, tt shall appear
thereby thf a certain amount of damage or los
baa been sustained by tho eiatmaot 1 sheep, ky
a dog or dogs not owned or kent by him or her,
they shall immediately draw their ordv an the
treasurer of such connty In fever of the claimant
far the amount of leso r damage suoh claimant
has sustained aceordlag to suck report, with nec
essary and proper costs Incurred as aforesaid, to
be paid cot ol tho food ratoad or to ba raised by
taxes ea dags a oerelebe era provided and if
tt ahall appear by soak report or other wise, that
a responsible por so was tke owner or keeper of .
tha dug or dogs by whisk the damage complained
ol waa done, aod there lao roooonable probability i
aaoh damages and ceils eoa he collected from
such owner or keeper, thoa suoh commissioners
shall Immediately proceed. In tbe manner pro
vided by lew for the collection of debts aud easts
by a 'nit or suits from the owner or cwacrs or
keeper or keepers or sunk aV or dog, aad plaoe
tbo proceeds thereof, lass costs, la the proper
sheep fand of tbe county t PwitUd, At aoy aud
all time. It shall be Ihe duty of the owner of
any sboep-klUiag dag or bVg, or any pereo
owning sheep, to kill aoy bbd all doge, guilty of
hilling sheep within this commonwealth.
Bru. 4. That all docs lo this commonwealth
shall hereafter K peroeaal property and subjeeu
or larceny, and tna owner or keeper of any dog
shall be liable o the oonnty oommlsalooers for
all loss or damage to iboep by sack dog, wiLh all
the eoeta laourrt-d fa rcooraring and oollecting
oacb damage, including an attorney foe of lv
dollars, If finally determined before a Justice of
the peare, and of tea aXlav If tried la a court
or comma pleas 1 bat al aay lima after
of a claim for damage under ihe provision of
this act, tbe ewaef er keener of aoy dog m.y
leader te tb claimant or his ognt er oueroey
me k lag sack claim a am of money equal 10 tbe
loss of damage sustained, or may offer before a
Jostle of lh peace, with actio to the elalwanl,
bis agent or attorney, as aforesaid, a judgment
lb aa aetioa of tresspass for the omonnt ot ou in
loca or damage, and all cost up to tb lime of
eeoh offer, waieh offer, for a fb of twenty cents,
shall be aabtrod en Ike deohet ef such jacttee 1
aod It eaea tbe elalmaal hi sack eece, er earn-m-etonero,
as Ibe ease may be, shall net accept
of suek tender or offer ef Judcmeni, and after
ward an ihe fiaal detrmlatln ef aaoh ease
shall net recover a greater amewil than tna ua
ee tendered or for which a judgment ha beea
oflerad, as aforesaid, besides the tbtrt bod
cost since neb tender or offer, as tke oaa may
be, eueh claimant or ommissir ahall bet re
cover any costs ooaralog after saoh loader er of
fer, bat shall pay to the defendant or defendants
the costs suck dendanta Itr Incurred eiaoe
suoh offer r tender, Including an attorney fee as
hereinbefore provided tn cam of a recovery by
claimant, which cth may ba deducted mm lh
amonnt of any judgment recovered In qnh s
by th efaltaants or ommislener, bad If tack
Judgment it not soft cleat such easts may be eel
Ietd by an bcttn af debt la aay eoart hav
ing Jurisdiction of sgck 0 mount M lb other so
of debt,
Bsc. t. Thlt Justice ef tha pseo fur ths are
rial Servlefl under tha brovlalnns ef iku L
shall b entitled to en dollar for eueh eaeo. h
tb. .pprniasn swat mo stellar far day few th.
Uaaa naoaeaarUy anont bv tbey la lavedl.atla.
aocli claim, u be paid by tb. alalmwl In and
Sac. a. Tk.l at tbe end af oaek yaw Ik. com-
$ rpl 3 tiff rtiSfitu. its.
. m-Miwii - , . , . ji
- - -
Mnta tboroof. filed In tbelr ofliee under tho
proTiaiooaof lb la oat. ranainiog nnpaid ; enl if
aoy luoh treasurer eliell bavo in bu bul-l, of
niooeya col lee e I for the payment I hereof, m ro
than two buo-lred dollura ab ie tba otuount of
uoh eleiiaa. bo aball tiatoediately apporti in aad
dittlribato ibe m6n V the eoveral eobuol die
trleta In each connty, ia proportioo U tbe
amount of aaoh balance ur exeou roned by eatd
Uice oa d"jc lo each or ta the eereral town
bin! or borough f.rtrtitij( iiioh dlatriuta, retpeot
ively, and ihell notify tbe acttool treaaurer of
aunb dtitrlvta bow muoli It ia en tilled to of auob
ttneva, and aball pay the name to tueft aobool
treaaurora. on tbelr reoeipw ana order ior u
awe, (or tbe oupptfrt J taJ caiainon tohuoW
auob dietriut.
Bo. That tbt bat ali-.ll but repeal or affect
tbe provlaiono of any e,eolal law Id relation to
tbe fame lubjeet lb any county of thia com at on
wealth. Hrc. 10. That tbo ihe riff of each eoooty, on
the requeat of tbo Monty eomtaiiionora, aball
eauee tbil act ! be pul'linbed tbrrelni wltb aad
n the aame mauarr ae notice of tbe beat geu
eral I election be pubhsbwl ; and lor the purpuea of
OMiaiPf IBtlPsr W in. Jim inwriniuti. w.
this aet are desired in tho aaveral counties, tbo
qualified eleciore therein may Vole at auob eleo
tiot. by hnl lot wrillea or pnntol on tbj uatsidt
"Mieep taw," and on the iasl'te "Yht the Hboep
Law' or ''AgAinst tbo bbeep Law and lb oaob
oauty wbcrio tt shall appear by a pnper eoanl
of su?h ballot that majority are "For the
Sheep hiw," this ajt shall immsJiatoly take ef
foct, but lu no other county uotil a atijonty ol
the qualified electors thereof, after like odver
tlteiuout tn like manner, have determined that
tbey destra this aot to tke ulTet tttereia t Pro
dd, That thore shall be uo advertisement or
election fur suoh purpose ia any a-'Unty ofteuer
than once in two years.
Ari-aovan The lltb day of June, A. D. W.
GIVEN under my hand aad leal, at Clearfield,
Peaa'a, Ihl ninth day of October, in
L. t. tba year of oar ltrd one thousand eight
hundred and seventy eight, aad of the
Independence of the United Stales tho oue hun
dred and third.
ANDHI I'KNTZ, Jr., Hh.ritl
Orer I.OO9.e)Ofl t-nttlo unlrt. It l the mn-t nnn.
ntnr remxtty fur C'I 4JIIW, CXiLIMS, ( Hoi ,
IIOAHK.Wrjia, and nil TIIHIIAT and 1.1
tbteeaeetu HkhInwu In uw for hulja century, love
lorn rtHUDimeiitl lu t- M. TotHsa, I.oiig I'.O., 111.,
at; "l MK il my two children from Itttt orare." A. 1..
hiMNoiA, of BuHinnire, M4.. also iv: 'll wilt cur.
tbe wont cfuth imnifdiAlriy.'1 Tnb SSO Olhvrl
PrliHfi OS rnta. JM rents, and ai.SMl invr inutile,
ft. E- bklsLfcUb dt CaOj trtf t, rutabaiarBls.
?'nti t.reat Hlslne
led I fine la But ft
p.imrHiiinrT It hu taatum
tnitirr (lie paoiic 3ii yeore
0id mvd bt all rltiApi,
to die. II I' NT N ItK.rlt.H
uosred from HnKi-nnsj
eAkfl mad tilh hi in.
rttretls atio have beea
irtvo bv Phvelciana
1 1 N'T hi ItKlltllV pars, tall 111..
s or ti
rih klitut.. IllntUrr. aiil 1 w..p.
Oraantt. Ifroiikv. Urail, J Mabel ea, utg
IiironilDeni-e aid Uelentlou ttf IMno.
mini 17 r.n a ennuidj-nviioi itpep, rrraie. tui
appetite, brace, uo th" ivAtf-m. anil renewed baltb
tsLbereeult. Ill NT H ltkMKIV cure IbIn
In the Hide, flark or LotiiA. Ucnerul Jrbl.
Ity, Fmnnl U !, i.lHrtMw Iren,
f Appetite, lirlfcbi'a l)ieN.r of ihb kid
Deaandall Contulatnte of tlie rf no-Uentlnl
Or 1 an. I1'NTTH KI.MRflV I" purHy veite-tat)i-,Mir,raeeUawantntrertrfipruriilabesltoiha
puMlc.and toe utmfu rrllaice mar or pta:sdln 11.
lU'TS H-I1V le nrepMred K-
line tr!
WW vm
bead lux pamphlet to
James lis Leavy,
Having pur abased tbe entire stock of Fred
Ssckelt, hereby gives notice that he has moved
Into the room !.ttely oceupird by Reed A Hagerty,
oa neeond street, wber he it prepared to offer to
the public
tiF..tri.ri e.r
of lb latest Improved patterns, at low prioar,
Gas Fixtures and Tinware.
Robllnf, Spoutlnir, Plumbing, Oaa Fittiti(, nnd
nepairiag rump, n eDeeielty. All
work warranted.
Anything In my lino will be ordered scedej II
ue.ircu. JAB. L LEAVY,
Olearsed, Pa., July S, 1878-lf.
In trenerwl ao far twenty yrnra.
Everywhere proved the ma-r fcAl K,
ftlrtiKi.K, MoNi Al oud i.fpH ikV?
luetllrlnM ksowa. Tkry are jnet what
the people wanu saving ttmr, money,
btrknroa wndi anflrinir. Uvcry a marie
bpet-iflo the well irlrsl pcrcriptum of
am eaalaesit yhyatelao.
f oo. Cnrco, Cent.
1. KCTera,tTigMUon,Iiiflammtkms, , . oft
1 Worm, WumiPtiver, WormCoik, . ,
.;iiikiiii-,ot imnincoi iniOBl..
4. Blarrhora, of CMMien or Abolt.
, fin nynenterjr, Oripiiig. biiinaeCttrUc, . .
5. f 'hwlrro-florbu, VomiUng, . . . ,
T. I oasrha, OoWb, BraBchitis, . . . ,
& NeurwlKlo. Toothache, rafcorhc, . ,
9. Ilrnriarheo, Plrk Header he, VcitW ,
la hrsneMla. liiJtonA HuxnAh . .
11. biiiiureaorsl, or Palnfnl Peitod. . . . IS
tl Uhlteii, too PrtifriAa PerUxlT . . , . -V
U. (reun. Ooneh, ltlicnlt Breathing, . , ta
14. Unit Kheiun, KrvAlpelaa. Krnplioo. , 15
14. Htietimatlam, Rhi-umatlr Peine, . , t3
lo. fever and Asrue, tti.l, favor. Ague. . 10
IT. Pllea. blind or bin ding. . . . . . tO
it, vpninaimy, unn rtore or weaR Kree, .
19. I'wtnrrh, arnte or chronic, ItiDiiema, .
Wl MhoAptnv-C'Auwh.vtolent coughs, .
tl, Amthma, oppressed Breathing, . , .
W. I'.ar DiarUarajra. Impaired lieortnir, .
VL Hrmfuln. enlarjred Blaiids, BwHIIne, ,
Ik General ItobiMy, Phvalcal Weoknese, .
IA brill, and ecoiity Rrcn tiona, ....
tfl. Mra-Mieknee, strkneee from riding, ,
fA 7rrvoii- isebihlV, ViW Weakneao, 00
ta. hitre Mouth, Canker w
90. I rlnnrv . mkiieea.wetllne lh hA an
. i ninini rrriunv orwim niai"Tu, ,
t. naloltatlnna sals. t on
M. t.ullnM-v, Bjianma, St. Vliua' Dance, . 1 00
94. Dlphtlirrin, ulrereted Sore throat. . . (W
pk, thron!c;nYctluaa aad aVaptWa. 80
rtkltLI CASIC.
Cw.r. Mn-wci. v. it above ai I one rial and
1 ('ualof dirccilotis, IIO.M
, pbac Uoracco, of to Urge lala and Book, g.00
meae rr men ira nreaent by Hie rnt
In air hot or vial, in any part af the
country, free of chante. on receipt, of
rlre. Ail'trr
Oilke and lrpt. it.i ln!iiti t-t r . New York.
Tor fciile hy ail UrusrwUtc.
Vv Humi-hrflyV BtMrtfle Monnol on the
oar and treatment of dieoaae and tta otue.
eentfllKtCoa apjilioatiun.
oa Ro. 4, eio'n Ou,r Henaei,
ClanrA.ia, ra.
C t -.lh, t 1, , - - , '
Keep, oonstantly ao haad
Canned and Driocl Fmlts, TobnoN, Clgara, Oaa
. dla Olilat Yln.j.r, laiwr, I,,,, e.
Wheal and Buckwheat Flour,
Cora Meal, Chop, Feed, &o.,
A tl wbtak wid be eald .baan U each o, In
uebaag. far so no try nrodoea.
J011H f. KRAMKa.
Cleorteld, Her. II, tafd.-lf.
1MIK anderalKood bejr Iooto to Intorn tha pi,
lie that be la now fully prepstW to oceoJae!
4ate all ia tbo way of furaUbtag IL.eea,
doddlea aud llarneoa, oa tbo abarteat aotlee and
an roaaonablo terra. Heeldenoe on Loaait ttreeL
fcajtweca Jhird aud fourth.
utto. vr. okakpaat
Olearfleld. Peb. 4. IM74.
b. H'CobKlb.
. baiLIKUR.
(.U K II. MeCORKLE & 10.S
I Market Htmt, t'lrardcld. Pa.
Wo nanofactaro all klnda of Pnroitare for
Oh am Ix re, Uiulng Kooutf, Librorlea aod Ualle.
If yoa want Furniture of any kind, dai't bay
nntll yoa eoa our etook.
Id all it branehe. promptly attended la,
Clearfield, Pa,, Fab. I, '7.
Coughs, Golds, Iniosnie, Hoarseness, Difficult
Breathing, and all Afiectlona f the Threat,
Branchial Tubes, and Lungs, lsading
to Gonssmptioi,
Tliis tnf.illililt rcninly is ciiianr.i of li e
UoNKVnf the plant llorcliounil, in ilicni 1
union w'hU Tak-Uaim, cxtiacietl from li.v
LiFft I'tiNciriR of the forest lice An is
Hamamra, or lt.ilm of (iilCrtd.
The II-ncy of llorcliouml m-fnm-s ami
v:Arri.Hs nil irritation and inflammation, rm !
the Tar-lialtn ci.ransk ami hkai tlicihm t
inri air i.a.Ma(je leadinj lo the In i 1-ivi
adilitional myredicni Ceep the oijj.uii ci I,
mit, and hi licalthful mlion. 1 ct i:n pre
jtlditc keep you from tryin llit yrcit mt.ii
cine of n famcni itix-lor who lias snvnl tln-n.
sand ofliven hv it 'in his piivalr praitke. 1 lie tar-Halm Im. no uaU iamc or
pRicrs 50 cr.Nrs and $i rr m.r.
Great wring te buy targe aire.
"Pike TooUiiu-lio Dwiw" Cure
lu 1 Miiiuto.
Sold hy all Druggifcla.
I am aware that there ar eoui bersuns a Httl
bard to please, and I am alee aware thai th
eomplaint of "hard time" Is well nigh universal.
But I am o situated now that I can satisfy the
former and prove conclusively that "hard times"
will not effect tho wbo buy their goods from me,
and all my patrons shall be initiated Into th so
crot of
I have goods enoueb le all the InhabI
tanta in the lower end of tbo county which 1 sell
at eaeeeding low rates from my mammoth store In
MULSONUUHG, wber I can always be found
ready te wait upon callers and supply them witk
Dry Goods of all Kinds,
Buck as Cloths, Batlnotts, Oust meres, Manila
volumes, Linen, irtutngs, calicoes.
Trimmings, Bibbons, Laoa,
Ready-made Clothing, Boot and Shoes. Rat aad
Capo all uf tho best material and made to order
uo, cocks, utovei, buttons, .Uoocs, Kibbons, A
Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rica, Molaseo, Pish, Salt
1'ork, Linseed Oil, risk 0(1, Carbai Oil.
Hardware, Queen ware. Tinware. Oatlbi. Plow
and Plow Castings, Nails, Bp ikes, Cora Cultiva
tors, Cider Presses, and all kind ef Aie.
Perfumery, Paints, Vornlsk, Olass, and a general
assortment ct otattobory,
Of different brand,, nlwaya on band, and will ba
eoid at tba lowest poeetble Bgurea.
J. II. McClaio'a Medicine,, Jeyno'l ModlclBse
Hostcttar'a aad liooaand Blltere.
100, nonada of Wool wanted foe wbieb lb. price will be paid. Clovaraeed on baad
and for eale at tba lowest market prtM.
Aleo, Agent for Btrattoavllle and Curwontvlllo
Tbrnsbing Itaehinaa.
ta. Call and see for yonraalvaa. Ton will lad
averjtbing usually kept in n retail
Fre.ckvllle P. 0., Aagnet II, lltt.
iSaooataort U Boynlam t Tonng,)
Masufoeturort f
Corner of Foartb ,nd Pino Itnota,
HAVIN 0 engaged In tba BaoafcirMra of Irtt
.IBM HACHINIRY.w.reawetWlrUrevm
b. public tbat wa are sow prepared to I PI alt
ordara as aheaply nnd aa promptly ai saa be eoa.
in any ot uo alllea. W. mnnafaotoM nnd deal la
Muky and Cironlar Saw-Mill
Read Block., Water Wheel, Rbaftlaf Fnlleyl,
Oiford'o IoJtr, Steam Oaunn. Steeas Wbletrse.
Ollsra, Tallow Cnpi, Oil Cars, Gang. Oocwl, Air
Oocka, Olcbo Vnlvaa, Cback Valves wrongbt Iroa
ripea, B-.aam ramps. Boiler Food Pampa. Aatt-
rrlello. Hetrw, Boon Itono racking, Sam Peak-
ng, nnd nil klnda tt HILL WORK, tegetka,
witk Plawa, Sled BaVaa,
aad etbar OABTIKOS tt all ktada.
Ordara aoBelud and HVad nl eiiy prveaa
1U lattora of lae,alry witk ran, rem ea te aaec blowy
of ewr maaarictara promptly anewored, byaddreo
ang na at OleartaM, Pa.
JnnlTd tf BIOLKPs, T0Htt RIID.