Slows.' THE MANSION HOUSE. Otrairof Sondand Mirkst StrNU, ' I . ' I. EAR FIELD, PA. TI1I9 aid ..4 o)odloBi Hold bai. darla, tba put yiar, baaa aalariid lo doabta In foruir oapaoit for tbo entertainment of atria. tan aadneill. Tbe wbolo balldtn. bai bMB riraniibed, and tb. proprietor will ipar. bo peine .10 render bis gaoiti eomtortabl, wblli Urlaf with blm. AarTbe 'Maaitoa Uoaio" OmBlbol mm to Bad from tho Depot OB tbo bttItb) and dopartan 01 usb itbib. w. V. VAIVUUCT, Jalj -tT.f ! i . f. ProprtelM LLEGHENY HOTEL Market Btre.t, Cl.ardfld, Pi. Wn. 8. Bradley, (ormorl; proprietor of Ibo looaanl llouto, barlni tad tbo All.fbon, llotil. eollelti a ibaro of Dublin patroaairi, Tho m baa beea tb.reaihl; rapalmi and aewlp faratibed, end fneiu will tad It a ploaaant Hop. pln plaoe. Tbo lablo will ba loppliod wltb tbo bMt of aror;tblD la tbo market. At tbo bar will bo fuiio I tbo bolt WI0M aoa nquori. uouo ItabliBf attaobod. WM. 8. BRADLEY, Maj 17, 'II. Proprietor. hnk'vf HOUSE, O (Cor. of Harkot A Froet itraiti.) . CLKARFIBLD, PA. Tbi naderiieaed barlna takB eharae of tfaia Bolol. would reipeotfallj lollell nublto patronage. lebZB,'7B. it. nn lun DllAn. WASHINGTON HOUSK, - .-. v- i NEW WASH1NUT0N. PA Tbll bow and wall fnrnlihod bowl baa booa taho by Ibo indorsigood. ilo fooli ooafldont ol bolng able to render latiifaetloo to tboao wbo Bay faror blai wltb a oall. May I, 1171. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, 7 II, MalB Strait, ' " . PRILIPBBURO, PKNN'A. Tablo alwayi loppllod wltb tho bolt tbi market BtTordl. Tbo traroliog pabllo ii Inrltid to oall. jan.l,'7t. R0BBRT LOYD. 4 County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. 1) OOM In Maionle Building, ono door Borth o XV 0. D. Wition'l Drag Htori. Pawaga Ticket! to aad from Llrarpool, Qaoani town, tilaicow, Londoo, Pari! and Copnhiirn. Alio, Draft! for lall on tho Royal Dank of Irolanrl and Imporial Btnk of London. JAHE8 T. LEONARD, Pm't. W. M. SHAW. Caihlor. Jinl,77 DREXEL & CO., Mo. 31 South Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities, Applloattoa by mail will receive prompt atten Hon, end all iuformalfoa cheerfully furnished uracil loiictca. April ii-tr. r. K. A WOLD. . W. ABJtOLB. i. B. All HOI F. K. ARNOLD & CO., flanker and Ilrokem, Reynoiditrille, tfalTaraoit Co Pa, Money received on deposit. Discounts at mo derate rate. Kaatern and Foreiga Bichangeal way oa bud and collect Ion t promptly mad. - Reyaoldsvltle, De. M, lili.-Xj T L. nEICJUIOLD, K SURGEON DENTIST, Graduate of the PanniTlvani Colli-m of Dental Suriterjr. OtEoaln ruldeoee of Dr. llllli.nppoiit ine DDaw iioute. - nekii, 'lo-ti. ; DR. E. M. THOMPSON, ( (OSoa In Bank Baildlng,) CurweaiTUle, cieartcM Co., Pa. BMk It tl If. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA, (Ofioa la midoBOO, Sooood atroot.) Nltroal Oitdo Oai idmlolMired for tho pilo- iitraotloB of teath. Cliartild, Pa., May t, IsrMy. 1 $rtisriIlanfous. I OB PRINT! NO OF EVERY DE8CRIP tloa aaatly aiaoBtad at tbll offloa. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAHDON & BEO., Ob Harkot 0L, aaa door waat of MaailoB IIobn, , . CLEARFIELD. PA. Qui -arraBg.Bsoati aro rf taa nort ooaipliti inaraotar lor roraiintng nna pwrtiu wiia jrro.h kfoatiof all kind, and of thorory bolt quality. Wo alio dial la all kiodi of Agrieultaral lajplo BilBti, whick wi koop ob oxbibition far tha boa alt of tbo pabllo, CaU around wkia la town, ad taki a look at thing., or addrooi ai ' V.U. CAKDON A BRO. Clrn.ld, P.., July 14, 17-tf. 1 alnst Iteceivcfl ! . .i Just Received by ARNOLD, at CURWENSVILLE: Car Load Nova Scotia Plaster t Car Ijoad pare Corn, 1U' and Oats Chop I , . , Car Load Deaken 'fWt 1 - :i Car Load Choice Family flour I Car Load Dry (ioode, Groceries, etc.! Mat Shingles, Bark, It. K. Tics and Grain will be takon in exvhango. Curwsnavillo, May 1, 1878. it IN (MID W E TR tWT. All otbtrl mail Dav tor w.rh bora it hana tb. kop. And ai all S.ib Ii al tbo grail of tho gold, aad tbo . pruiaiaaa .at Bkoa art Ilka tba Sow.ri tboroef-ttioy ara giroa ana day and forgot In tbo ooit tbaiiforo itii bait at to truit anybody. All kiadi of work will bo doao la tbll ibop for aaib or roady pay- Boon aad ibooi of all lim ad ityln tba bill aad ohaipiit la towa. I aaro rotaoviw aiy abop to tbo lowor aad of towa, la Taylor'i row, oa Raid atrMi, aiar tbo dopet wbait a will ba teuad al all tinoi, waiting fur laitoaiarl. AU work warraatod good aad ohiap. . , Alio, alt kiadi of Laatkir aad Shoo Finding, for aala. . Tba altluaa af Cloartold aad rlolalty ara tipoouaily lailioa u giro an a oall. JHH. U. DhERINa, ClwIUld, Pa., Jaly 11, ls7. READING FOR ALL 1 1 , I iOQKS dSTA TlOSi'i 1U Markat IrU, Clearleld, (at the Poat OUre.) TBI aadonignod Bogl teara ta aaaoaaeo to tbo oIUmbi of ClcarS.ld aad rlolalty, that k. kal Sttad op a Iwob and baa Bit ratoraad frota tba olty wltb a targo anoant of raading Mauar, eanli.uag in pan ul t . Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aoeoaat and Paai Bookl of arary da ariplioa t Pip.r aod Enrolopoi, Fronoh prooMd aad plala t ran! and Plnelll Blank Logal rapan. iloodl, Mortgagl JwlgiaaMt, Kl.ata. Uoa aad ProaiiiarT aotMi Wbtta aad Parok. Biaal Brlaf, Lot al Cap. Rooord Can. aad Bill Cap. Baart Uaila, for ailhir PUao, Plata ar Vlolla, aaaitaatly aa bawd. Aay baoki at ttatlaaary dM tbat I aiay aot bara OB baad.wlll b. ardarod by trot aipnal, and Bold at waoloialo or null to aail aaitoaara. 1 will ahw boap pariodioal HMfMera, 1Mb at itagaalaaa. Miwipanvi, aa. " P. A. UAVLIM. ClaarSold. May T, IMt-tf The Bell's Han Woolen Factory Poia, Uwaahlp, CUartald Co, Pa. V H B D OUTI , , , lit r , BURNED UPI Taeiabatrlberi have, ai freat wpeBM, reballt a Mibborbod aaoMilty, la tbe er-MtJoa af a Irtt law Woolaa Maatifaetorr.wUh ail tba aiodara InproraMaati attached, aad ara prepared to ataba ail kind. r Ulotaa. UaMlaMraa, BatiaelU, ltlaa kaU, riaoaela. aa. Plenty of goadi oa haad ta aapvlf ail our eld aad a taoaiaad aaw eajteeoara. wmm we ui 10 aoaM aaa ettaine aar itoek, Tba baaiaaai of OABDINQ AMD FULLING Ul reaalf tmr eefolal Btaaatloa, Prvpar aawraaai a) n BMi irrann mam OWITaW Waal, to emit tatrtoeaata. All work warraatod aad mmm myvm mmui mmm WJ imn OUOB- Mea to tMutaeot wa bfo ta roallao a llboral abate akaf MaaftJktiftal akaTafk. . Sfj aWBBgJBByaWBBlBBBBBa IOjOOO P0UKD8 WOOt WANTED I ' Wa will pay the tiffbett Market priee for Woo aad oall our aaafaoiared foode aa lew aa elaitlar food eaa be aoacbt la tbe, aad wboneTor w fail to roedor raaieaabla atlafaotioa wo aaa alwevtteroeed at boate ready to a take proper eaolaeattea, etttrer la aeroea or by letter. AHftfl JOHNSON A AOftfl, aaHlttttf Bower t. 0. Election Proclamation TTT lll'lt KAK. b aa Aot of tbe Oemral Aimu. If Llv of tbe CuiuaioTiwrallb of I'eor rvlvapia i-nlillrtl "An Act to rrjultle tlie (J r hern I hloclluB Uit in (lit CtimnoDWerviia. t J'ma uihh i be hhrnff- of tbe aevvrel oountiea In gi pulilic notice of xueb elecllua, tho plaoet where to bo held, and tbe omocra to oa aieoiea, TiiKiiiruRB. I. AKDRKW PRNTf, Jr., Iliab Fbt-rlff tr I .Mrr.a.HJ ooauty, do hereby tire fab- lie Noiloe to tbe elector! or theronnty or t ivar flrld, lliat a grneral elfptiun wltl bo held ob Tvbmpat roi.Lowmu thi riant Monti at or Hn- vrmiiir (be in tbe &tb day at tba month), at the aeraral elertioa diatriota in aiif ooutitj, at wbit'b tine and place tbe a.uaikfluu votera will vote For one ponoa for Judge of the Supreme Court of tbis LoeuutODweeiui. For ono peraon for Governor ot tbll Comraoa wealth. For one peraoa for Lltatenant (Juvarnor of tbti tow moo wealth. Forooo per ion for Peortta ry of Internal A (Tain ' ai thu UoDnoBweaita. for one peraon for Preeident Jadco of tha XXV. J udiciai uutrtot, ooaipoatxi of ibo couaiiea 01 learneia. Lent re and t iauo. For one urrtoo ior Centreee for the XX. Cob. frreittciinl tlialrlct.onBipoaaeaoi looeeuoueeoi Ulearttel'l, ktotre, Vila tun, ata, luimw aim Union. For one per ion for Htate Senator of tha XXXIV. floneloilaf Dialrlet, oontpoeed of tba oouatlca of L learn eld, lontre and l, union. For oae perroo for AaaeinMy to rrpreaent tbe eountr ui irarneiu in ine iiuuaeui nrprereniav tiiea of thla Commonwealih. For one poron for Treajurer of ClearflelJ oountr, For two peraona to eerre aa Cotnuiiailooeri of Utarneid eouoty. For two perionato arrveaa A mi i tore of Clearfield ' county. For one peraon lo terve it Coroner of Clearfield county. Tho elector of the county of Cteardeld will take notice that tba aatd electioo will ba held at tbe following plaoea, tIb : Hurnaide borougn at tbe pub'ic Mb9oi bnaae la aald borouirhi Clearfield boroagh, at UwCommiiiloutrV ofllee, IB tbe Conrt Houae. Carwenavilla boraoib, at the honae of Samuel Way, eoriirr of State and Walnut atreeti, la aald borough. Iloulida'e bonough.atjitt public boataof Wot Purkrr. in said borouab. Lumber City bomugb, at tbe publto reboot houpe In ibtiJ oorouuB. Nmburg borough, at tho Mbool houir, In aald New Vabingion borough, at tbe publlo aobool home, la aaid borough. Osceola borough, at tbo public houae of Milo IIoTt, in aaid borough. WaDaoeion borough, at the public ichool home la eald borough. Bvecaria townbip, it tbe Voloa Hotel, In Qieb Hope. licit townihip, at the houae of Robert MehalTey. bloom townvnip, at toe Booae ol tba late ajuniea Bloom, rr. Dogga townahlp, at the boufe of Edward Albert. H red ford townibip.atlbo boaaa of Jieob Pieroe. Uraaly townahip. at thepabtie houae of William Bfhweni, Jr., In Lotharaburg. -Rum tide towMhip, at Vuuog'a aobool hotiae. Cheat townahlp, at the publioeehool houae Bear Bimoa Koraoouith n. Covin it on townahlp, at tht aobool houae In Malanaburg. Deoa'ur townphtp, at Centre acboot houae. ForguaoB towButiia. at thehoueof Joha Greg ory .formerly oecupird by Tfaua. Kobinron,(Uroa4 way.) ttirard lownohin, at Congroaa Hill aobool house UoaVn townabip, at tha public echool houae at HhawtTine. OratiRBo towaahip, at the houae ef the late Jacob Hubhr. tirtrnwuod townahin, at tbe pabllo houae of samuei iiutigan, to asm lownimp. tlulirb tuwnaliip, at the public echool houae, la Janeaville. lloitoa township, at the hiute of the late Je aae Wilaon. Jordan townahlp, at tbe public echool home, in Anaonvilla. Knoi township at Turkey Hill aohool houae. Kartbaua townxliip, at ilridgrn'a echiral buune, Lawrence township, at the Arbitration room, to tbe Court Houae, in the borough nf Clearfield. , IMumi townihip, at tba boaie formerly occupied hy lliomaa hyler. Penn towmliip, al the bote) forineily hrpt by W. W. Anilerron. Pike tiiwovlKp. at the townihip th-hoot buuae la tne rHirniiftn m utirwrtiaviue. Voion iwnctip, at the bunae of D. K. Brubaker. Woodward lowaabip, at tbe booae of Tbo mat Uendert, ... AN ACT rwiUtiiig the mode of Toting at alt rlffiiona in the several eonntiea or thia t'om monwratih, approrej the 30 lb. day of March, A. ll. IRrtrt. Si:rTiH I. if oanrrVet by the Senate and float of KeprerenlailTe of the Commonwealth of I'enaayuanta in Ueneral Aseemniy met, and it la hereby reacted by authority of the eamc, That tbe qualified voter of tbe several aoantiea of thia Lorn mon wee. to, ai an general, lowntnip, oomugn and aneciel eleettona, are bereny, Bereatter aulbor iaed and required to vote, by ticket, printed, or written, or pnrtly printed and parity written, aev erally elaaakfied as foll'twa t One tick ahull em brace the namee of all judg- l of euurla voted for, and 10 be labeled, oataide, "judiciary one ticket eball embrace tbe names of tho Bute officers voted fees mi k ",i.u , .M, brace tho names of all eouoty o (Boers voted for. including omoe oi senator, me moor, ana mem Here of aaautly,if voted for, atid ractabere of Congreaa, if voted for, and be labeled, "county j" one ticket shall embraoa tbe names of all lownahip ottoari voted fur, and be labeled, Mownbip i" oue ticket hall embrace tbe aamea or oil borough oOoers voted for, and be labelled, "bwrougB t" and each olaaa ihall bedepoaitei in eeperate ballot boiea. A lurtaer auppiemeot w ine am reguiatiag eieetioBS in tote sjonmoBwealtn, approved January , aad Febraary 13, A. D. 1874 t ' tar.a tk roLLi iaa to bi garroran. Pre, i. At all elections hereafter held under the lawa of thia Commonwealth, tbe pella shall be opened at lorea o'clock, a. m., and olosad abeevea a clock, p. m. ArroiitTKBxr or ivtnmn a inspf ctobn. Rrc, II. In all election district where a vacanev eilati by reason of tha disqualification of the offloera or otnerwiao ta an election board hereto fore appointed, or where any new district thatl be formed, tbe Judge or Judge of the Court of Com mon Pleaa of tho proper county shall, ten days before any general or special eleetioa, appoint com pe tent persons to III aaid Temoei, and to conduct tba eleetioa la aald new districts, and la tbe .annolntmeat of inspectors in any oleetioa district both shall not be of the aame pilitleal party, and the judge ef eleetioa shall lo all eases bo of the political party having the majority of votes in aaid district as oearly u the laid Judge or Judges ean ajeertaia ine race, and in ease ef the dlsBrreefneBtof the judges m lo the selection of Inspector the political majority of the lodges shall select one of eaid laapeoton, and the m ioor Ity judge or judges shall select the other. Hac. T. Whenever there enaii ae a vaesncv la an election board oa the morning nf an election, said vacancy ahall be filled la Conformity with existing lawa. BUTIBI Or BLBCTIOtf orricBRi, 8ic. 8. At the opening of tbe potli at all etee. ; tlona It ahall be tbe duty of tha Jndget of election for tbeir reepeettre amtrtcts io deaitnate one of tho Inspectors, whoae duty it ahall be to have 1b custody the reiislry of voters, and to make the entries therein required by law, and l shall bo tbe duty or the ether or ine aatd inspectors to reoeive and Bomber tbe ballots presented at said eleetioa. Hao. 9. All elections by the H titans ahall bo by ballot ; every ballot voted shall be numbered la the order In which it eball bo received, and the number recorded by the clerks on the Hat of votera oppotdte the name of the elector from whom re ceived. And any voter voting two or more tick ets, the several ticket l so voted shall each he numbered with the number mrra'ponding with tbe number to the same of the voter. Ai.y elec tor may write his name upon his ticket or eauae the same to ba written thereon, and attested by a eitlaen of the district. In addition to the oath bow prescribed by law to be taken and sul scribed by election officers, they shall severally ba sworn or aoirmed aot to unclose bow any elector shall have voted, unless required to do so as witnesses la a Judicial proceeding. All judges, iBipectors, clerk i aad overseers of any eleetioa held under this act shall, before entering anon their duties. be duly ewora or affirmed in tbe preaeBee of eab etber. Tbe judge a nail be swera ay tbe minority inspector, If there shall be such minority inspector, aad la eaee there shall ba no miearlty inspector then by a justice of the peace er alder man, and the inspectors, overseer and clerk shall be sworn by the Judge. Cert I Beat of such swear lag or affirming shall be duly made oat and sly fl ed by tbe officer ee sworn, and attested by the officer who administered the oatb. If any judge er minority la pee tor refusea or fella to sw oar the off cere of eleetioa la the mabaer required by this act, or if any officer ef eleetioa shall act without being Irot duly swore, or ii any officer of eleetioa shall sign the form af oath without being duly swora, er If any judge or minority Inspector shall certify that any offioer was swora when be was aot, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and upon con vie tloa the offioer or officer so offendlne shall be fined not eaoeedlng one thoesand dollar or imprisoament not eioeeding one year or both la tbe direretiea ef the court. aoa-aaaieTBaaa votbiw. (tar. It). On the day of election any person whose acme shall aot appear, oa tbo registry of voters, aaa wne eutmc tbe rtcbt to vote at aald eleetioa. ahall produce at least one oalified voter i tec aietnei ss a witness to tba residence or the olaiment in the district la which he eJelms to be a rotor far the period af at least two months rmmodiobtory arescwdlag sold alcetlna, which wil aeac shall be swora or affirmed, aad subseribe a wrmvw, or partly wmien aaa partly ariBtea aa davit to tae facto stated by him, which affidavit shall define clearly where the reside Is ef the pertea ee claiming to ee a voter, aad tbe person so claiming the ricbt to vote ahall alee toko aed subscribe a writ ton, or partly writ tee and eerily printed affidavit, atatlng to the beet ef fete knowl lodge and belief when and where be w bora t that he has been a cltlseB ef the Halted Btatee for eaa month, aad of the Oommoawoalth af reonaylraaiat tbat he hoe resided la tbe Com moaweelth ee year, or If formerly a auallted ceeoter ar native bore eitleea thereof, and has resaered therefrom aad retaraed. that be hoc ceded taereia sit meaihc aett preeedioe eaid aloe. Hoa t that be has resided ta the district la which be etelms to bo a voter far tha period of at least iw Btoaiavs immoej lawy psaeedtng sold eleetioa tbat he has act moved late the dietrlet for tbe urpoee ef venae taerola i that he hac. If twee ty-two yean ef age ar upward a, paid a Stele or ooaaty tai wlthla two years, which was aaeeeaed at least twa month aed paid at least one caoath before tbe eVeetioa. The said affidavit shall also state whea and where tbe tai claimed to be atd by the affiant was assessed, and whoa and where aad ta hem peld, and tho tai receipt therefor ahall be prod seed for eieminatlea aelees the em am saaii state ta am amaavit taat it aas been lost or destroyed, er t hot be eever received aay aae, it a aatojraiteee ctttsea, snail else state wBea whore aad by what court be wee aatorallaed aad shall alee predweebte certificate of aatorelicatlan foreiamlaetloaj bet If tho pereoa ae el aim lag ine rig at to vote saaii take aaa subscribe aa affi tUvll that he t a notlve bora eltlsea f the Mnittd Slates, or if burn el e where ahsll eele lb fact In hia affidavit and l-all produce evi dence that he has been i.aiurliaed, or la entitled to eillieafHp by reason of hia fslher'a naturali sation, enj ball further atat In his affl lavii tbat he la at the lime ef oitking the affi lav it of the age of twenly-ou end under twenf v-lwi Tears : ( h las beoa a fit lira of tba United 8latea one mohib, and ha rcaided la the Htate, one year i or, if a native-born eiliaen of tbe Htate, and removed iherfrom and returned, tbaf be baa re sided therein six months next preceding said election, and in tbe election district two months Immediately preceding mob eleetioa, he ahill be entitled to rot although he ahall not tievu paid tataa. The said affidavits of all pernios maklrg such claims and tbe affidavits of tbe witness to their residence shall bs preserved by the election board, and at the close of the election they shall ba et closed with the list of votera, tally list, and other papers required by law to be filed by tbe return Judge with the prutbonotary, and ahall re main on file therewith In tbe prothontury's office, subject ta examination as other election papers are. If the flection officers shall find that the applioant posseasee all the legal qualifications of a voter ba snail be permitted to vole, and his amo shall be added to ibo list of Uiablei by the election officers, the word "tax" being added w here the claimant claims lo vote oa tai, and the word "age" where he claims to vote oa age, the same wards being added by the clerks 1b each ease respectively oa tbo lists of persons voting at suob tlectiou. CIULLIMUI or RKOItTBRKD VOTBBI, Sac. 11. It shall be lawful for any qualified oil lies ef the diitriat, ootwltbst.ndia( thi name of the proposed voter Is contained on the list of resident taxable, to challenge the vote of cuoh persons, whereupon the same proof of the right of auffraro aa now required by law eball bs pub licly mauo, and aetna on oy ine election ooaras aod the vote admitted or rejected according to tbe evidence. Kvery person elaiming to be a aatarallsed eitisea ahall be required to pro duce hit naturalisation certificate at the election before voting except where be has been for Ave year consecutively a voter in ibo ant net in which he offers his vote, and on the vote of such person being received it shall be tbe duty of the election officers to write or stamp oa such certifi cate the word "voted," with tha day, month and year, and if any eleetioa officer or officers shall receive a eeoood vote oa tae same aay oy virtue or the re me certiorate, except where sons are en tilled to vote becauae et the naturalisation ( their fathers, tbey aod tbe perroa who shall offer ucb second vote than be guilty ot a raisjemvan or, and on conviction thereof be fined or impris oned, or both, at tbe discretion of tie court, but tha floe shall not exceed five hundred do'lara In a ch case, nor tbe imprisonment ono year. The like punishment sbsli bo Indicted on conviction of tbe officers of election who shall neglect or re fuse to make or cause to bo made tha endorse menl required ae aforesaid on said nature I nation eertcrfiate. EGLEfT t r rCTT or blkctioh or kick r ft, KacTiow 13. If any eleetioa officer shall refuse or neglect to require such proof of the right of auflrsge as ll derorlbed by tnic law, or the lews to which tbii Is a supplement, from any person offering tu vole whose name ii aot on tbe liar of assessed voters, or whoso right to vote is chal lenged by any qualified voter present, and shall admit such persoa to vole without requiring luoti proof, every peraon so o (lending shall, open con. vietion, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be sentenced for every such ofience ta pay a fine not exceeding fire hundred dollars, or to ondergo an Imprisonment not more than on year, or both, at tbo discretion of the Court. CAM VAS or TBI VOTE IT TUB COt'aT. Pir. 13. As soon a the polls shall close the of ficer of the election ihall proceed to count all the vote east fur each candidate voted for, and take out a full return of the aame In triplicate, with a re tar., aheet la addition, la all of which the votea received by each candidate ihall bo giv en after bio or her name, first la words and again In figures, aad shall be signed by all of raid of ficers, and certified by overseer If any, or if net o certified the overseers and any orliuer refusing to sign or certify or either of them, shall write upon each of lb return hi or their reasons for not signing or certifying them. Tkt vr at soon ru MMNfed akalt alto b mubtirla and nil dtctnr! from ice window fo Ikt eitiuttt prtttnt, and a Arts aforeineNr iewtHa rae votes recetrea oy stira canHtdatt tkaU fce mailt and signed 6y tk elect hir ojftrtrt at soon as tkt volt it counted, and Ikt tarn tkalt be immediately potted vp on tkt danr fif tkt tiVffioa A ohm for information of tkt public. The triplicate return ahall be enclosed In envelope and be sealed in tb prctenra oi tho o'Tloere, and one envelope with tbe unsealed return sheet given to tbe Judge, whtcn mall eontatn one llt of voter, tally-paper, and oaths of oftiaor and another of aaid envelope shall be given to tho minority inspector. All judpfe living wttnin twelve miles of tbe Prothonotary's office, or wilhid twenty-four mil, if their in a town, village or olty oa the line of a railroad leading to the county teat, ahall before two o'clock, pott meridian, of tbe day after tbe election, and all other judgec ahall before twelve o'clock meridian of the second day after the election, deliver said return, together with return sheet, to the Pro. tboBotary of the Court ef Com moo Pleaa of tbe county, which aald return aheet ahall ho filed, and the day aod hour of filing marked thereon, and shall be prater ed by tb P rot honorary for public inspection. At twelve o'clock on th said second day following any eleetioa. th Prothoootary of ih Court of Common Pleas shall present the f.aid returns to Ihe aaid court : lo counties where there I no resident President Judge, the Associate Judge shall perform tbe duties imposed upon the Court of CummoB Plea, which ahall convene lor ; said purpose ; tb returns presented by the Pro- ' tbeaotary shall be opened by said court, and com- j putd by aueb of Its officers, aod sucb sworn as sistants aa th eourt shall appoint, ia tbe presence of the Judge or judge of laid eourt, and the return certify and cerliAoat of election issued I nader tne seal oi in court, as is now required to be dooe uy tee return juagec, ana tb vote ai so computed and certified shall be open to the public, or In case of complaint of a qualified elector a nder oath charging palpable fraud or mistake, and particularly apeclfying the alleged mistake or fraud, or where fraud or mistake ic apparent oa tbe return, the court ahall examine the return, and if ia the judgment of the conrt it shall be necessary to a just return aaid eourt snail iue summary process agamtt toe elect ion omoers and overseer if any, of the elaotioa dlatriot com posed of, to bring them forthwith into court, with all election paper ia their poeaestlon, and If tiftl neble mlalake or fraud shall bo discovered. ft shall, epoa I ucb hearing as may be doomed aeeeaiary to enlighten he court, and be correct. I by tbe court, and o certified ; but allegation of palpable Trend er mtttake shall be decided ay me said court within ibreo daya after the day tha return are brought into eourt for computation, and tho said inquiry shall be directed only to palpable J raod or mistake, and shall aot be demd a Judicial jurisdiction to conclude aay coolest bow or hereaft-r to be prtivlled by law, and the other of aaid triplicate return shall be piaaoeu in use dos son sealed up "ui. Nethiag la Ibis act shall reaulre the reteras of eleetioa of borofb er tewnihio officer to be made to the court as directed in thi aeotioa. but all th returna of the eleetioa of townihip and borougn officers to be enclosed ta a tewed cover. directed to the Prothoootary of the Court of Coin moa Plena ef tha proper county, and shall hy some oofLof them ba delivered late hia offioe -.i.k.i- .a . . . anil ro nay alter every io Clad th.r.ln t. ai. wnerc there are three Ar swore judge of Said court, learned In the law, Kt least twa judges ahall sit to compute ana cr tify returns, unless unavoidably prevented. Il any of tbe aaid judges ahall himself be a candi date for any offioe at any election be eheii not ait with the eourt or aot ia counting tke returns f to oh tlKtion, end in such ease the other juoges. If any, eball act, and if in any county there shall be bo Judge qualified to bold the said court under the provt ions of ibis act present end able to act, thea and la every suck ease, tbe register of wills, the sheriff and county commissioner of the proper county shall be and constitute a Board, who, or a majority of whom shall have aad exercise all the powers, and perform an tne duties vested. IB or re quired to be performed by the eourt of com mon plea of suca eouoty, oy and under tne provt- clou of this section; but none of the said offlsers shall act as a member of such Hoard when him self a candidate fur any office at the election, the returns of which the said Board ic required to count under the provision of thia section Hac. I. In all elections hereafter the certificate of naturalisation, if genuine, ihall be conclusive evidence of the facts mentioned therein, and where tbe persoa offering ta vote claims the right on the payment ef tax, tha receipt of suoh tax, If signed by Ibc propr officer, ahall be th evidence tbereof i ll sucb person aoec aot produce cueb re ceipt, then the payment of tbe tax may be proven by the oath ef seek persoa, er etber evidence stating when, where and to whom each tax wa paid. Notlr b farther Hereby fflven. That all psrson except Jostle of ta Peace, who shall bold aa offioe or appointment ef tract under the government ef the United Htate, or of thli State, or of any Incorporated district, whether a commit stoned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, wbo Is or shall be employed un der tbe Legislative, Kxecutive or Judicial de partments of thia Stat or of tbe United Htates. or any olty er incorporated diatrlct, and alio that every member ef Congreaa, or of the Htate Legislature, er of lb com moo or eelect oouoetl ef eny eit er commissioner ef any Incorporated district, are by law incapable of holding er exercising, at the same time, tae nine or ap point maul of Judge, Inspector er Clerk of any eleetioa ef thi Commonwealth. OF ELECTION OFnCRRft. Ia ease tbe persoa who ahall bava received th ceeoad highest number of vote for inspector,,!) aet attend oa tbe day of election, then tb persoa who shall bave received tbe second htgbeet num ber ef vote for Judge at the aext Braced lag elee tioa. eball aet ae inspector ia bic plseei and ia eaee ta pereoa Who shell Bave reeeived ta high' eat aumbor or wtoi for laseeeior anal I aot attend, the persoa elected Judge, shall appoiat an leipec tor la bl place i and la eaee tbe person elected judge saaii aot attend, taea tae laspeetor wbo re ceived tae big nest number er vetee, snail appoint a ledge ia nit place i or if any vacancy shall con tinue la tbe Board for the space of one boar after ine time axed by law for ine opening ot tae elee tioa, the qualified voter of tho township, ward or diitriat for which such officer ahall have beea eleeted, present at the place of election, ahall te loot oae out ef their number lo fill such vacancy. Also, taat wear a Jadge, by aiokaeee or una voidable aooldeat, I able to attend suob meet ing ef Judges, the Ike cart I finale er return ahall be taboa ebargeeaf by one ,of the Inspect en ar elerki of the eleetioa ef the diatrlct, who shall do ana perform the duties required er said Jadge aa able to attend. CONBTirrtlONAL PROVIHIONR. fipeclal atteetioa Is hereby directed te lb tin Article ef tb new UeasUlatien. Heetloa I. livery maleeltlita twenty -oae years ef age, peacemlng th following cjualltcatloai, sbaii be entiuea to vote at ail aieeiioas t FirstHe shall have beea a sitttea of the t'al ted Atatoc at least eae meetb. HeeoadH hall have resided 1b the Ittte oa year, ( bar Ing previously beta a aualift ed elector er aetive bora eltliva of tb State, he shall have removed therefrom and ret rood,) then all moa tht. Immediately areoMlai th eleetioa. Third-lie shell have redded la the eleetioa district where be eball offer to rote at least two month teamed lately areeediag tbe eleetioa Fonrthtf tweety two yean af age or upward be shall hare paid within two years a State or county tai, wbioh shall litre been aasel at least two months, and paid at Uml on month before lli etretlnu Fkc. 4. All rlrctions by the eWlitni shall he bv ballot. Krery ball it voted shall be number ed in the nrder in which ll shall be rrovived, and the numWr record d bv the cUeiloa erH-ers on th lit of voters, opposite the nnme of the eleo (or who pres-nts tbe ballot. Any elector may write hia n tme upon bi ticket, er canoe the same to be written thereon, and attestrd by a clliten of the ilitlrift- The election officers shall be swora or affirmed not to disclose how any elector shall have Voted unless required to do so as witnesses In a Judicial proceeding. Hit'. 6. K lectors thai1, la all Cains except treason, felony, aod breach or surety of tbo peace, be privileged from arrest during their kttendanoe on elections and 1b going to and returning there from. 8 to, ft, Wheneror any of the qualified elector of tbii Commonwealth shall he in actual military service, under a requisition from the President of tbe united Mate or ay ine auinortty oi mis Commonwealth, suoh electors may exercise the right of suffrare ia all elections by the eit liens, under such regulation as if tbey were present at their usual biases of election. bio. T. All laws regulating l lie noiding ot elections by the cltiieo or for the registration of elector shall be uniform tbrouglitut the Mate I ut no elector aliw.ll be deprived of the privilege of voting by rcatoB of his aame not being regis teied. Bsso. 8, Any person who shall give or promise or offer to give, to any elector, any money, re ward, or other valuable cortideratlon for bis vote at an election, or for withholding the ra-ue, or 1 wbo ihall give or promire to give sucb consider- I atlon to any person or petty for such elector who shall receive or agree to receive for himself or for another, any money, reward r other valuable oonnideratlon for his rote et an eloot on, or for withholding lha same, rhall thereby forfeit tbe right to vote st sonh election, and any elector whoae right to rote h1l be challenged for cucb ea-jso before the election officers, shall bejequir ed to swear or affirm that tha matter of the chal lenge is untrue before bis vile shall be receive I. 8rc. 9. Any parson who shall, while a oandl data for office, be guilty of bribery, fraud, or will ful violation of any election law, nhall be forever disqualified from holding any office of truit or profit in thla Comtnonwulth. anr person convict cd of willful vio-ati-n of the election lawa shall, In tdditton to any penalties provided by law, 1-e deprived of the right of suffrage absolutely for the term of four years. Sito. 13. For tb purpose of voting no person shall be deemed to havo guineJ a residence by reaton of hit alirenoe, while ouiploved In the serv lec, of ei'hcr civil or military, of this Stale or th United Bite, nor while engaged in tho naviga tion of tb water of the State or the I'nited Stat", or on the high seas, nor while a student of any institution ef learning, nor while kept in any poor house or other asylums at public expense, nor while oonfinrd In public prison. Sac. H. Oittriot election boards thrill consist of a judge and two inFpctors, who ahtll be cho sen annually by tba elfWeos. Kanh elector shall have the right to vote for the judge anJ oue In spector, and eah in Doctor thai I apjxiint ono clerk. The first election board fur any new dis trict ihall be selected, and vacancies in election boards filled, ai provided by law. Klection offi cer shall he privileged from arrest upon days of election, while engaged in making up and trans mitting return, e ." t upon warrant of a court of record or judge thereof, for an r lectin n fraud, for felony, er for wanton h reach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemption from jury duty during their terms of service. Sac, 15. No pemon tin 1 1 he qualified to serve as an -flection officer who shall hold, or ihall within two month havo held any office, or ap pointment or employment In or onlnr the gov eminent of the United Sta'es or of thii State, or of any city or county, or of any municipal hoard, coin ml ion or trust in any eity, p.ive only jut ticct of tb peace, aod aldermon, notaries public, and parsons in the militia ten ice of the State; nor shall any election officer be eligible U any civil offioe to be fillel at an election ttt which he shall serve, save only to such tubordina', muni cipal, or locnl officers, below the grade of the eity or county offioer, at rhal I be demgneled by gen eral law. ax ait roa ihk taxatiox or Pons akd thb iro tpttio or atixci. fiurnox I. flt it enacted, 4 , That from and after the passage nf thi act, tlieru -hill be as tested, levied aod collected, annually, with otW county taxes, in eaoh of the townhip and bor ough, of this commonwealth, from the ownera and keeper of doji, th follring nninol taves, nameiy : rnr eacn maie uog, rns turn ot niiy ccnti. and lor every female dog ton s-tta of one i dollar, to be paid to the treasurer of the county whore collected, to be kept by Mm separate and in such manner that ha eaa know bow mu -u has been nollectrd from each township and 'joroueh and how much paid out for lone or damages in each, at any time, Vi ba a fun I from whioh per sona sustaining loss or damage to sheep bv a dog or dog, and the necessary costs ia etahllbing their claim there Tor, ai herein prori led, m .y bo paid. Sic J. For the purpose of levying and col lecting such taxec, th a ties ton In each town ship and birnuga shtll, anrtmlly, at the time of aliening other taxable property, artiu and return to the county eommiBioneri of ihetr coun ty a true statement of all the dogs In tbelr town ship and boroughs, retpectively, ami th nanea of ptriona owning or keeping such dogi, ami bow many ot each sex 1c kept or owned by each per son i and such eommissionera in each count v ihall, annually, levy and came to he collected, the taxei hereinbefore named, with, and in Ihe aame manner, that other count v taxea ate col lected. Hac. I. That wheneror aay person shtll sul fate any loss or damage to aheep by a dug or doga, In any township or borough, such person, or his or her agent or attorney, may complain to any Justice of ibe peace of auch township or bor ough, in writing, to be signed by the person making such complaint, stating therein when, wher and bow su'h damage was don, and by whose dog or dog, If known i whereupon the lust ice of the peace to whom such complaint ahull be made, shall can a a notice to b served oa the owner or keeper of th dog or dog ean Ing the damage, If known, tbat a comprint ba been made to him of cucb loss or damage ; and if the owner or kc-per of such dog or dogs does not ap- fear, at soon as practicable, an 1 s -tils aa 1 pay or suoh lots or damage, then cuoh justice shall appoint three competent disinterested persons, not related to the claimant or other peraon Inter fere ted therein, to appraiae the lost or damage suttalned by the claimant and aueh appraiicrs, after being iwora or affirmed by auch justice of th peace, or aom other competent pcrenn, to perform the dutiec of tbeir appointment without partiality and according to tha best of their judgment and ability, ahall, aa toon aa practicable oxamin tbe place where tbe damage ia claimed to hav been done, and th sheep injured or killed, if practicable, aad tbey ar requested to doao, aod shall be exa'Oind, ob oath or affirmation to be administered by on of them, any witness called before them by aubnrena from such jus tice or otherwise, and after making diligent in quiry la relation to such ota m, ihall determine aod report to sucb Justice in writing whether any aueh damage bu been sustained, and the amount thereof, and who was the owner or keeper of the dog or dgt If kBtwn, by which sitnh itmt. ha been -"" "r "y "" thereof was caused by a dog owned or kept by the claimant, which report, so made, shall be signed by a majority of such appraiser, and de-1 livered to tne justice by whom they were ap-1 pointed. I pro. 4. Tbatapon receiving aonb report, the said Juali shall immediately make a certificate t hereon .ir thereto, cigned add sealed by him, tbat each appraiser were duly appointed and cwirn by him, and tbat they mad such mport ; and If by sack report It appears that anr damages hav bean sustained by th complainant, the said jus tice ahall deliver aweh report and all papers re lating to the eaae, to auob claimant or his or her agent or attorney, upon payment of the costs np to that time, hereinafter provided, for hiving the aame secured to bo paid.) to be delivered to the commissioner of th county where such dama ge bave been sustained to be Ale. in their offlos. Ban, m. That upon tho commissioners of tbe county receiving aueh report, it ahall . appear 1 thereby that a certain amount of damage or oa baa been auaUlned by the claimant to abeep, by ; a dog or dogi not owned or kept by him or her, ; the ihall ttnmedlate'y draw their order on the treasurer of iuob county to favor of the olaimait for tha amount of loaa or damage auch claimant fcaa aattained according te aueh report, with neo diary and proper cost Incurred as aforesaid, lo be paid out ol the fund raised or to b raised hy taxea on dogi a herein bo 'or provided! and If It shall appear by auch report or otherwise, that a responsible pereoa wa the owner er keeper of the dog or dog hy which tbe damage aplloe J ol was done, and there Is a reasonable probability each damages and eoit eaa be collected from ucb owner or keeper, then mob enmmtttloneri shall Immediately proceed, In the manner pro vided by law for the collection of debts and colli by a suit or suits from the owner or owners or keeper or keeper of such dog or dogi, and plan th proceeds thereof, leas cutis, la the proper sheep fund of th county : Protidtd, At any and all times, it shall b th duty of lb owner of any sheep-killing dog or dog, or any person owning sheep, to hill any and all dog, guilty of killing tbeen within thi commonwealth. Hrc. fi. That all dog In this commonwealth shall hereafter be personal property and subjects of larceny, and the owner or keeper of any dog shall be liable to the county eommisiloueri for all lota or damage to aheep hy auch dog, with all the eoate Incurred in recovering and collecting such damage, Including aa attorney fee of Ave dollar, if finally determined before a justice of tbe peace, and of ten dollars If tried In a eourt ofeommoa plea but at any time after aotice ef a claim for damage under th provttioot ef thla act, lb owner er keeper of any dug any leader to th claimant ar his egint or attorney me b leg inch claim a aura ef money equal to the lot of damage auiiained, or may offur before a justice of the peace, with notice to the claimant, hia agent or attorney, aa aforesaid, a judgment la aa actio of treaspaa for tbe amount of suoh loaa er damage, and all cost up to the time of auch offer, Wbiab offer, for a fee of twenty cunts, shall be entered oa the docket of auch jntlo and In ease th claimant in suoh ease, or com mislonerc, as th ease may be, ahall aot accept of auch tender or offsr of judgment, and after ward! oa tb final determination of auch eat hall aot recover a greater amount than lb sum o tendered or for which a Judgment has beea offered, at aforesaid, bldaa th lntrtt and coat since such leader or offar, as the case may be, lack el its a t ar com mini oner ckall cot r cover ear costs accruing after each tender or of fer, but shall pay to tb defendant or da fen deal tb ooi ts such defendants hav Incurred sine tuoh offer or leader, including aa attorney foe at hereinbefore provided la ease of a recovery by claimant, which etti may be deducted (com Ike amount of any judgment recovered ia aueh cae by th claimant or eommiastoaer, and if each Judgment la aot sufficient such oeilt may be col lected by an action of debt la any eourt hav ing Jurisdletioa of each amount as ia other eae ef debt. Bar. f . That j oat lees of lb peae fir tht spe cial service under the provisions of thia act, shall be entitled to ene dollar for each eat, aed th appraiser each oae dollar par day for th urn aceosaartiy spent ay they in Inveatigaitag each claim, to be paid by the claimaat la cuck ee. Bir, fi, That at the en I ef each year tha com- miul.'ncri of a-h county hH certify lo th trraturer of the count r the several eUiins and amounts thereof, f,lt- (, thile ofti-io un lor IS prorisions of thla ant, remaining eopai I : sat any tu -n ircaurr ,(,,11 bvs in Bit nan it. of tnooeva eiilteotnl for the pvmmt there if, in ire than two bun Ire 1 dollar aoive the amount of lui-b claims, he shall luvni- liately app rti a and di'tribut I be exnesi t-i tho several soil nil dn trlula In such county, in proportion ft the amount of auch balaoo or excess rattel by aatd taxes ob d"gs la eoh or la the several towa ships or boroughs forming tuoh districts, raipect ively, and shall notify tbo clio l treaiursr ol such districts how luiiao it is entitled lo of suck boosts, mjid ihall tmy ti tame tu eunb suhtxtl treasurers, on their receipt an 1 ordsri for tbe aame for the tujiptrt of the coin in jii icho il. of suidi dirtrict. 8n. 0. That this act ihall not repeal or affect Ihe provisions of any s.-ooial law in ret a I loo to the same lubjeet in any county ol tbi- common wealth. Hkc. 10. That the lUriff nf ea-h county, on tbe reqiieot of the oounly oomuiissinuers, shall cause tli is act to be publiebed therein, with aal in the tame manner as notices of tbe next gen eral election be published : and for the purpose of deciding whether or nut th set eral provisions ol this aet ar desired in the seven! ojuulic, the qualified electors therein may vote at such eleo iftit, by ballot written or prtotel on I be. outiidu "8heep Law," and on the inide "For the 8hep Law" or "Agiinat tbe IShoep Law ;" and ia each eouuty wherin it shall by a proper count of suoh ballots that a major it f are "For the Sheep Law," this aot shall immediately lake ef fect, but hi no oiber county until a tun J on ty ot the qualilled elector thereof, eft or like adver tiseineut in like uioDer, have determined tbat they desire tins aot to t k ett.-ot thereio i Pro tided, That thero suall ho lo a Iverliiement or election lur susli purpose io aoy county ul'leoer thin once In two years. ArrnoVKp The l.ih dy of June, A. U. lT". JOHN F. HAKTrtANFf. UIVKN under my hand and sial, at Clearfield, Peao Y. this ninth dav of October, In L.S. tbe jssr of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and seven tv eight, md of tbe Independence of the 1'nttod State tb one hun dred and third. ANDftEW rUNTZ, Jr., Sheriff. yiisrcUaucons. Ml Tho fJreat Kid afcrllrlne Lt not an.-w ci'tiifxjiiiid ) t ha been tu (.irr tliepublluaiyrara I'd imwI Lv all claes. 111 NT'K KkTIKHV iiusavMi from llnui l-Inat REMEfW rj M ai and dealt, hiitv Orrrts atio hae beea to die. Ill NT'S tr..Ut:tV cure all l. raars of the h. Iduc) . Illnddrr. and I rlnary Organ, Props,. iJre.,rl, Olabrlea. and Im-oollneiirrt hid Iteieutlon of f'rlne. Ill: N re It KMKIi V enrwaii,.. ."tVie arUCtltfl. blaUH'i ill) Cir svitcm anr! rrn .-.-A h,-ith fi the result, DI'NT'H 1 K II l.l rurea I'alu ii the Hide, llarU, or l.oiii., t.enerul llrlilU IV. FfMiinle llltfaara, Jli.turbt-aJ rli--p. Loaa Of Appetite, HrlKhr lll.t-nai- of I lib It'd- E ! lanu in inin iiinm oi i in- i ritio-si lrsan. Ill NT'm ItKMKIIY I- pur-1 ilili-, Hid mt'cu a want nr ver before fum lali letmnl lv vikqi ilitidtvth'l tne uiiinisi rfHimci) aiav uc riiiun uln It. . ItrViTfl H hM I'D V U prr-pnred It K- Li";.v;sfJiijT?0 pas never boon annwn o inn. One trial will boud ior pamphlei to lEiEOY REMOVAL! James Is. Licavy, Il-iving purchased tho entire stock of Frrd. Stfekelt, hert-by gitet aotice that be has moved into the room lately occupied by Krcd A Ilarfcrty, cn Heoond street, where ne i prepared to oflvrto ine iutiic COOK STQYES, PARLOR STOVES, of the latut ImprortJ pttterni, at low prices. HOUSE FUKNISHWG GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware. lUi.ftng, iSpoutlng, Plumbing. Gas Fitting, and Repairing Pumps a spueiafty. All ai.rb lar...l Anvtblng In air line will he ordered sneelal tf .1..: l tii! i I uii v Proprietor. FIIED. 8ACKKTT, Agent Clearffed, Pa., July it, 1878-tf. iCURES HUMPHRET8' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Been In a-cnernl tiae fnr twenty rear. Frrrr where proved the nio-l MAI-'K. hlvlr!. KCONonu tl.ftnd I FI'lt IKf niedlriiifbafcnowii. They arr Juat what the people want, anr Ins; lime, money, alrhnraa and aufTf rtnir. l-:vrry elnaie a ms tne the well irlrtt perecrlptloa af u eitilncut pliyatcltui. No. Cnrre. Oeata. t. FfTere, Concretion, Inrlfimmatlona, . . US I. Worms, Worm Fever, WormCoiic, , H JV t'ryin:-4'4illr,orToetblngof Infaato,, 4. Dlarrhora, oM'hlldrriior Ailulla, . 155 8, Dyacnirry, Oriplug, Itilloue Colic, . . tS A I'liolerm-ltlnrbiia, Votnitlog tft 7. t iillscha, Colds, Hroncbilla, t3 8. Krnralvla, Toothache. Parearhe, . . U 0. Ilrarlarhra, Mirk llradaiho, VtfUgOk , ts 10. Ity-prpMln, Dlhona htfmarh, . . , SS 11. tupiirraHPtl, or I'ainfnl IVrtoda, , , . 11 W lillrw. too Profnw Prr1ot, . . , , t9 M fruuii. CotiKh, Il Oicalt Urvaihlnr, . . tS 14. hull llhrtitii, KryiiM)sji, Kiupttiiue. . tfl 15. HIienmnllMin, ft In nma'tr 1'ulns, . , 11 Id .Varrnnd Asnie. rhiii Fever, Ague. , tu IT. I-llfHs. blind or bleeitliijr, ...... 50 15. Ophlfinlniy. anl Kmc rr Weak Kyea, , W if ?ivm,'mrsss0, . st 7i. Atliinn, nppresei-d itn-athinir, . , , 60 ti. marhararre, Itupalri-d ln'arinff, , M SI. Nrrotnln. enlared giunda, KwHIlnee, , M ft. i;rnrrnl Pehlhiy, I'iiyslral Woaknoaa, , BO V5. triKV and ecniitv rii-rri'thme, . . , , W 90. hi'it- fjni't-, alckiite frmii riding, , Bu 17. It lftnc.HIrnC. (Jrnvcl, bo tH. Nrrvuna llrhllitr. Vital Weakhra. 1 Or) rt. h irr M'Mttli, (tinker, bo St). I r-ft.'trv UrtthiirtsM.wcttlnirthelMd, aO 1. Patintnt IVritHl-, nrvrith rtpsni, , . 60 Si if urn"!)!, paipliationa, etc , 1 00 VI. I pilrn i-y,, St. Viiu Dance, . 1 00 tt. Iiblliei-'ft, ul crated sore throat, . . IW 16. ( ttiati C'-.n '.ealiuna and Uruptloae, to ' vmn am. Cae. Mi-wfn with, above OJ InritTC vlahi and jMaimalof dirertlona, $ia.(rt Caar M nrocco, of W lai pe t lala and Hook, I ,M Three r"inrri(fM, nrt went hy ihr rf alnalr imix or vtnl, lo nny ptirt of tha riMititry, trrr nf charge, oa receipt f rirlrr. A.l 1rr himplirrv-'H'MiienvTpthlr Mettlrlnere). O'li- and rK.t. Ui Fn!t n Hi. Nw Voik. l". :ilr ti nil tlniararUla. 1 JllTnrlhFy9 BpeHfio Uanual on tha care nnd tni.itiiM ntof dineaMt and lu oura, acntlTKitJLrtn pypUoution, Fi.oun. fj:i:i, AND GROCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, KiHita So. 4, Ple'a Opera Houae, Clearfield, Pa Keeps eoaitaotly oa hand SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, HODA, COAL oa. SYRUP, SALT tfPICRS, SOAP, Oanaed and Dried Fruit, TobalVe, Ctgara, Caa dles. Cider Vinegar, Batter, Rggc, Ae, ALSO, EXTRA HOME-MADE 1 Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o., All of which win k old aheap fr caii. er ia change for country Broduee. J01IM F. KRAMER. Clearflald, Nov. II, 1174. U. fol (mm t.. Iur IIIimkI ntlif j;mirnt.,c ufli. all li. Brad : -jl t uifd mi arm cSVrgf- Jfer I 1 r u(ii.T tt 1 1 k u n h t- Jhalai If vfiyiafi "m NT'S TWELFTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION. OS TIIH Clearfield County Agrlrulhirnl MH'iriy. WILL US IIKI.I) (IN Till GROUNDS OF THE WEST CLEAR FIELD PARK, On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 15th, 10th, 17th and lHUi, 1878. TBKAIUBKB. JOHN McOAUUIIKV. a k bcutivb coMairraa. i. It. III.00M. Piko Towmblp. JOHN NIIHKIR, I'lk. Townahlp. W. I.. KIKIIKL, Liwrooca Tuwn.blp. JOHN KMITII, Uwraaoa Town.hlp. B. B JOMUAN, Lawtopcl Towo.blp. CBIRP NAMHAL JAMES L I.EAVY. caiar or policb. ISAAC B. N0IUU8. Bl'LEK AND ftrttlULATIONS. Family ticket $t of) single tickets, during fair 50 Single adiniitlon ticket ja Children under ten year old, when aooorap tiled hy their parent or guardian, free, and uo der that age not admitted union accompanied by parenu or guardian. Krery peraon wiahlng to be enrol ted s a mem ber of Ihe Society, upon the liavment of on d,l. lar to the Trcaturer. will receive a eertlfkeata of I memberiblp oon tain log the name of lha appll Kvery perion so tnrolkd at a member shall. on the preeatatlon or auch enrtlRoate, reoeiv a ticket that will admit biiuielf, wife, and children under eighteen years of age, luring ibo fair. line memoerr ot tbe Society will receive a tiioi lar ticket. All persons must he nrivldcd with ticket. either signed by th President or Chairman of Ihe Kiecutir Committee, to sbtain admission. They will lie furtilnhel hy th- Treasurer or Secretary, or at tha office on the ground. Per sons aotititf a Judaea are etneolel In become mrmliera of the 8 defy. Persona from other counties ren became member by complying with the above rule! ladiea nan become incmtMriby ihe payment of fifty cent a. Kxhibitor mui-t hno I heir an) in .1 and arti cles eitered on ihe Hecietrry's look on or Lefore tne second flay ot the fair at twelve o clock i and all animals and ariiclea; except bones for pleas or and for th trot tin nremiumt. tnot ha broujrbt wlihin the enclosure a early aa twelve ocioca on wednerilay morning. All parson en tering animal and articles fur eiMhitioo must procure cardi from the Secretary wi-h the num ber and clas upon It, and sttaoh th same to in animal or article previous to being placed upon me ajrouna. it ay ana atraw win i-e lur ni.bed grati fur all animal entered for prenii. uma, and grain will be furnished at coil for lboe who dnlre to purchase. No horse ihall be entered or allowed a prensl urn unless he Is fre from disease. Horses will be received until Booa oa Thursday, but muni have been entered previously. All persona who intend to aihibit horses, cattle, sheep or swine, or who Intend to offer them for saloon the ground, are requested to notifr tbe Wet rotary of sucb la teptionon or before the fourteenth day of Octo ber, and leave with him a list and full descrip tion of the tame. The number and class, and the number ta the clatt, with the name of tbe article will appear on the card attached, but tbe name of the ihibilor will not a piiea r. Premiums and Diplomas will he paid oo and after the Ant Monday after th Fair, a- d until the first day or Decern Iwr, )78, aftir which a'l mooted premiurui unclaimed will he considered as a donation to the Soeictv. Tbe officers of the Society aad members of tbe Committee of Ar tangementt must wear a badge designating their nffl'-e. A relect poli.e force all! be la eon il ant atli.daarcror tl.c prrsrtvatica of rrdcr and pro tec I Ion of property. The tr' t'iug cour e I level, well graded end one half mile in cir uit. Ample arrangements will Ive made fr h convenience and oomfort of viaitora. Instruction to Judge. No animal er article on exhibition for a premium to receive an award In more lhan on class. Tliit does not in brace horses colored tor the trotting premium Judge ar eipreisly required not to award premium to over-led animals. No premium i are 1 1 be award ed lo bmlt, cows or heifers which shall appear to bar teeu uttencd, on'y lu tbe class or rat cat tie; Ihe object of tha Society being to have au peri or animals of thia description fur breed inc. Fat Caltl. The Judge on fat cattle will give particular attention to the animals submitted lor eiaminatioa. It i believed, all other things he. ing equal, tbe best cattle have the great oai weight oyer the smallest soperOoes. Tbe Judges will require all In thla olaet to be weighed, and will take ueaauree give the su pernor of each, and putill-h tha remit with the rvpon. limy will alto, before awarding any premiums, require tbe manner ana cost ot i ecu ing, aa require i oy the regulation of the premium Hat. If there is but an exhibitor, and be may show several animals in on elast, premiums will be a ib aeeoruanoe witn tne menu oi in an imal. Th Superintendent will take every precaution IB bis power for tb salety of stock and articles a exhibilioB after their arrival and arrant- uiCBia oa th ground, but th society will aet be raponsinte lor eny loaa or damaae ibat may oc cur. Kthibiter will be required to give personal attention to the animal and articles, and at tbe close of the fair to attend te tbeir removal. Any article aot enumerated la tbe classes plaeod oa exhibition, if worthy of n tio, will be suitably rewarded. All article may be entered free of charge, ex eept horses for pleasure or for the trotting pre lum. Any Information desired eaa be obtained by addressiog any of the offloeri. ( LIST OF PREMIUMS. CLASS 1. OPEN TO AM BREEDS AND COMPETITORS. Best boll $10 00 ' oow 10 00 All breed come together Ib thla eta and com pele wltb each other, to be Judged by their food points, symmetry of frame, ability to fatten, and tbe stock tbey will produce. CLASS I.-ORAIH? CATTI.R OWNED IN THB COVNTV. Best cow for milk 00 " heifer, S year old flM " beifer, t year old . I Of calf, under 0 month old , t 00 CLASS S FAT CATTLE. P.. fat ImllMb V-tl a Ml, CLASS 4. THOROUfl II-BRKD HORSES. OPEN TO ALL Beit stallion, any breed $) 00 " mare and colt, any breed, owned in tbe county , A on CLASS AFAMILY AND FARM IIOKHKS. Beat single family horse $2 00 " matched carriage borsec S 00 " gelding or mar for work...., 4 00 Th exhibitor will be require! to produce slatemettt from at least three responsible aeigh bors aa toqgalitlra of hortca, to entitle him to ihe premium in thia claaa, Beat 1 yeara old oolt ...... $1 OP I year old colt 4 00 M colt under S year old I 00 CLASS ft. TROTTINO HORDES, OPEN TO ALL. Beit time, S ta ft, Ib alngle harness $IOt 00 No prrminm will be paid In this r unless there are at least fiv entriet made at ftSO each, nor anlri there are three horwa to trot Each herse to Irot against time. The horse winning this purse will not he allowed to compete for the premium In the other classes. No trots ia classes 0, T or I until the full amount of trlea are made, aad Ih entrance feea actually paid. CLASST.-TnOTTINO IN SINGLE HARNESS (FOR HORNER OWNED IN THE COUNTY, AT LEAST FIFTEEN DA Yu UBt-OKE THE FAIR.) Best I Ib I, mile beats, against time t - 00 No premium will be awarded la this data un less there are seven entries made, and $6 for each entrance paid. The horse winning this premium in this etasi will not be awarded a premium la No. I. CLASS 8. TROTTINO HORSES OWNED N1 RAI8KD IN TUK COUNTY. Best I la A, against time 40 00 No premium will be awarded In thla cleat aa lete there are Ave hnree entered lo compete for it. Entrance fee, 4. CLASH 9. SHEEP AND WOOL. Beit buck, any breed.. A (,0 ' ewe, any breed 8 on ' lamb J 00 M fleece of Wool 00 CLASS 10 SWINE. OPEN TO ALL. Bert brer, any breed 4 00 H breeding saw, aay breed .,....,. 4 00 ' pig under ia month old.... I 00 CLASS 11. POULTRY. Beit coop of Spring ehickaos $ 00 " two turkeys, under 1 year old I 00 M display of chickens, aot leu thai IU j 00 CLASS 11 PLOWS, ROLLERS, DRILLS. HARROWS AND CULTIVATORS. Hast plow for ctubble ar coil ft 1 0 " sub. soil plow , I 00 H clod araaher and roller combined I 00 grain drill 00 M Ibreshiag macblee ,,,, 00 M eora pituttr , Dip' bora rake g oo M original laveBtloa of agricultural im plements , 00 barrow HHWH 1 00 " faanlug mill oo eultlrator 1 oo eora tbeller M I 00 All article la thia elan aol bibbd factored la tbe eowaty will be awarded ae moated premium, but may receive a diploma. CLASS 11-MIflrR!,LANKOUg FARMINO IMPLEMENTS. Beit bee hive ,.. $ 00 M graiaeradles m M 00 " lot ef garden tool. 1 00 " display ef farming u lean Is ewoed by exbiblter w ft 00 Tkli elan subject to th rule la Class It. CLASS U.-CERIALO.RAINS. Beet I acre ef winter wheat, ..... $10 M buabel of wlater wheat I OO " taereeefrv. ....... a M bushslefrj M oo " I acres af eat MM ,.... ft 10 I aerec ef buckwheat N. ft 00 I acres of core.. I 06 Wii tXrtrrrtisisrinrat. B..t I irro of rl.ivur id " I uf pnUtn.1 4 Oil 1 00 I 110 J hu.h.l i f liin thy.. Crop! being vmiubI, preference will ba given tu those that yield tbe largest net rofil. Ftslemeals I funil'hed by Ibe exhibitors. They wurt be m snore-d or weighed, a-d a sample furoiabid at Ihe Fair. Aj p'luant fr premiums mutt fur. nih ihe ooaiiultle with a tla'enient tigned ty themselves, under pledge ef veraoi'v. of the quantity of grata raised oa the ground entered lor a premium, and must state a correctly be caa the kind and oondiuua or the previous crops, tb kind and Quantity of aeei towa, and Ihe time and mode of pulling It In the ground. Persons enuring Held crops forcxhibtlou,or In tending to do so, may give not loo lo the Kxectt tive Cuinmittce at any time, and hav the nrld measured and examined by the committee while ironing. CLAHd IV DIlUAD AND CEHKAL FOOD, Heat loaf or wheat bread- &0 " loaf rye bread iO " loaf euro bread bO " sponge cake Dip'a " jelly cake Dip'a M poundcake a Dip'a fruit cake , M Dip'a cflee cake Dip'a iauy can ., d cake of any kind, diploma aad ot preserves, diploma and ft'i " jelly, diploma, and Ml uisplay of pre tar vet and jelly 1 00 M lue cream J,o CLASH In. UUrTBK AND Cli'KSK, Best 10 pouods or more of flrkla batter, at kat It mopthtold HM ft 1)0 " o pounds or more of butter.. ,. I 60 iheese made by eihibltur I 00 The exhibitor to give a statement of the mm ner of preserving the butter and of makiog tb cuss 17. vloib. Rest tHO Ib. wheat flour " 100 lb-, buukwbeat flour " tt Iba oornmeal.K. i t IS PoMKflTIC aBTICLkS. Beat box or Jar of honey , tt oo 1 at) I Od $1 00 p.-ache put up air light, diploma M inmatoes put up air tight, diploma... 11 blackberries, air tigb. diploma. " fenor Jar of ) ick'es, diploma " cured bnio, Ji'l m ani. " dried lcif, with mode of curing. fwm 10. homiktio BAaurAcrrata, Uesl III yards Annuel $2 00 lo yards satinet 00 ' 14 yard woolen carpet S 00 " 10 yards cloth Oil " ItV yard rag carpet, (wool chain). ... 1 00 pair blanket. 00 wool hinged mills, diploma and " Woo leu oovt-rlet I 0O " specimen of knotting, knitting or nee-d'e-wurk by a Miss under eleven year 1 00 " lb. stockiog yarn 60 " foot itiat. . 60 tidy mat oo TLACH 20. HkBnLB, atlELL, waiwoik, Ac Beat specimen of needle-work, dlplomaand $ ftO ipeeimca i tewing oa maobiee, dlplo ma and JO " rpeoimco of fluweri In wonted, diplo ma and... 6t " rpccimrn of embroidery io worded, diploma and i 10 M apcoimen of embroidery io lace, di ploma aud 60 " at'ocimen ol embroidery In tnuvlin, di ploma and 60 " specimen of leather work, dip. and.., dU " apeciuun of wax flowers, dip. tad.... to ' apectmen of feather work, dip. aod... 60 " spec I men of ornamental work, diplo ma and 60 " thirl made by Miai under IS ytara. diploma and I 00 " bed quilt, estimated for work, diplo ma and 1 00 class 21. -MiLLininr inn paisaHtKixo. Best millinery work, diploma aad " dress making, dipl imi and CLASS 21 ARTISTIC WonK. Best photograph taken on the ground..... " landscape paint H ' pen m a n s h i p H1I " arvhitotuil dreeing " oil painting M portrait painting. M cattle painting painting in water oolura " ornamental painting of an kind.... " farming tcene. 23 - DBSItl. Beat design for farm boat and It able $1 00 1 00 Dip Hp. Dip. Dip Dip. iip Dip Dip. Dip D.p. 11 00 " design for dairy house.. 0u d-aigo for fruit house too CLASI It. BBTALLir rABRICI ABB HACHtaKaT, Usst cooking stove. H H $2 00 ' parlor stove 2 00 M specimen, Inn feuoe S 00 ' specimen of tin war.. I 00 blackimithing, diploma and 100 " specimen of guntmithing, dip. and... 1 0 " ipecimen of iron turning 1 Of 11 plate casting, diploma or. M I 00 original inventioB ia county ft oo " display of A in erics n table and p'teket cutlery 00 ' display of edge tools....,,. 1 00 CLASS 14. VEHICLES OF ALL KIND. Bett family carriage $2 i)0 " boitgy ' r M farm wngon t 00 sleigh M... 2 00 lumber slsd I horse cart. 1 M wheelbarrow 1 On Ihe premiums in this class are Intended only for articles manufactured in the eouoty. Diplo mas may he awarded to artiole aot ma te ia the county (f deserving of notice, Tbll rule alto applies to else 24. CLASS 2A.-CABINETWARE MADE IN CO. Best drestinr bureau. $9 00 " extenaioa table I 00 M variety of oh airs ....,. 1 bi bedstead..,,- 1 " wahs'and 60 " set pnrlar furniture 4 00 " set of chair I 00 " soTa 2 00 " centra table. I 00 lounge diploma and 1 00 " office chair. ftO rustic chair H 1 00 CLtSS Sfl.-COOPERINd, CARPENTERING, AO. Beit pine ware tub, stand, Ac. " set of grain measures " window blinds. " lot of buckets speeimcB of ash... pannel door ... $2 bO ... I 00 ... 2 on 60 ... 1 00 ... I oo ... I OP pump of any kind.., CLASS 23. ROOTS AND GARDEN VBtlETA RLE. Beit bushel rutabaga $1 00 " bushel carrots I 00 " 12 sulks celery 60 1 hihfl a-weol tratalOC I 00 " bushel table beets ou ' 8 beads eankage, diploma and 60 " variely ol meluno, diploma and 60 ' squaibes, diploma. 60 " pumpkie, diploma and. 60 egg plant. 60 It must be shown that all vet debtee have been raised by tba exhibitor. CLASS 20. CURRIERS, SADDLERS AND nllOKMAkERit. Beit dlsptay of boots and ahoea. nH M riding saddle for lady " riding bridle and martingale.. " cid finished harnesa leather " aleigh robe made by exhibitor carriage barnen HH H ' tingle barnett . ' aide kip leather. M aide aole leather. 14 tug harness . 'I gentleman's saddle. , $2 00 2 00 60 I 1 00 2 00 t 00 &0 60 1 00 t 00 " traveling trunk I 00 " calfskin &o " side Bpper leather. ftO CLASS 80. TAILORS' AND UPHOLSTER ERS' WORK. Beat lull of clothei made by hand H pantl aad veal made by a lady.. husk mattress. , , (' hair mattress ,. straw mattress , M coal made by a lady... ,., $2 00 I 60 I 00 I 00 I 00 t 00 CLASS 81. PRINTING IN COUNTY. Beat newspaper ft) 1 b.aak M,. 60 handbill , 60 " card.. 60 11 epeoimee of ornamental printing 2 00 CLASS 31 STONEWARB. Beat arcortment and quality H $2 00 CLASS -IV-WOOD AND STONE. Best dressed atone.. , $1 00 butter bow 60 " turned article,. 11 floor boards, worked...,. M washing maohioe. , " wialher board, worked. 1 t 00 60 I oo CUSS 14 NATURAL MINERALS. Rett ral' of useful minerals of Cloud eld oounly r Including coal.... potter's Clay , M limestone. fine clay , CLASS Ji.-FRUIT. , $2 00 1 00 ftO Doit display and greatMt variety af graft ea app tea. " display of pears.... , $6 oa I 00 I ta I o.' I to 1 00 60 60 qutw., m ' speetmea of applet', I buthel speeimea al Amerleaa grape , " aaturaJ grape raised Ib county. dome It grape wine.. , H earraat wine M blackberry wine. CLASS 36.-noRNEXANiUIIP. To the ndy who managaa her herec beet aid atta most araoefullv Dip. Dip. Dip. W.p. To the gentleman who manage bit here beet aad ail moat gracefully,..,.,. Beet driving oa tb traek by a tadv M Best bead with brae uistrwaeat M Beet bead ef man let maste M CLASS 3T.-NURHERIK.-t, Best aarry oow u la lag the great t yat. ety et iruiw and ah rubs, eeltiva led la the moot approved manner, lb applicant tw furnish written deacrlpiiee, eltb variety aad mode of cult are.... MM $2 AO CLASS 19. RIFLE SHOOTING, rieey a atcb 60 vabbc Bett ft ahot. itriae raBr $10 00 Seeood bet..H M.,.MMM.... OB Third beet. ......... . 4 00 rourth beet...... ..... ......... I 00 Fifth beat. I 00 laoostB a area 100 raana. Best S shots, string meaiero. $11 M Heeoad beet..... ...,.. f 00 Third best...... IH Botb matcki ta be thot aocerdlng to tb fol lowing raiea t No shooting ta take place uatll there are twea- ty lv eat He ta aeck metek at $1.00 aa eatry. flew aJmtlsrtufuH. Position, staadlagi off-hand, free arm j any kind of gua t epoa tights; ao sllhtiag"bota aod no shot "called' shoot three aod measure three; measurements to be made from centra of ball to centre of target The range will be toleeted by ih Judge cud each uieiksuiao te furnish bi own target. AllparttM desiring to shoot must give their Bamra, aetompamitd 4y tkt eafrWNC , to lb hWcretary aol later than aooa oa Thursday, Oc tober I7tb tbe third dsy of the fair. Peraona entering for tb m itca will be almil ted to tb giound free of charge on Ibe day ef tbe match. Dlseretiunary premium will be awarded for all article of merit not embraced ta tfta above, and exhibited by mechanio In all the various branches, and it la hoped that a general exhibl tluB will he made. For all Improvement useful to tbe farmer, and having valuable properties, although aot made In the county, premium may be awarded by the Kxecuilve Committee, in all rasa of merit, diplomaa will be awarded to ex- n lot lore residing out ol the county, and auch per sons are cordially invited to attend tb fair, and exhibit any artiole ihy may eboota. Tay will receive every attention at th bands uT the om oera. Aa earncat appeal Is made lo our owe people to mate i nia tti bett lair we bave ever had. bet the exhibition bo worthy of our people and cred itable to tbe county. It I Doc.lirly a county institution. It should b a farmer' society, and from them should reueive the must attention and enoo ra.t cut cot. ! good effect have been felt ana munn more guod may be don. NA ntANIbb KISlIKL, HARltlS HOOVKK. President Suorelary. (Dur Ou'tt dmtUmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Publl.bM a.ary Win.J.j by GOODLANDER & LEE, t i.i:akkiki.i, r.. Ilaa tb. l.ara.t I LrculatloM of aiiy paper In lortUw.Mtcru l-euliiylvaula. Thu lurgo and cotiHiantly increasing circulation of tho Ktruni.icAN, rondcra it valuuble to businoBa mon as a medium thro' which to roach tin) public. TiRMs or Sun.cmPTioN : If paid in advance. . . . 12 00 If paid after three monthi, . 2 50 If paid after aix months, . . 3 00 When papora aro aent oatsido of the county puyment must be in advance ADVERTISING: Ten lines, or less, 8 time, , ti SO Each aubsequont insertion, 5u Administrator' Notioos, . . 2 SO Executors' Nolicos, .... 2 SO Auditors Notices. .... 2 50 Cautions and Estrays, ... 1 50 Dissolution Notices, . . 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 linos, year, 5 00 Special notices, por line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One aquaro, 10 lines, . . . 18 00 Two squares, 15 00 Threo squares, 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 60 00 One half column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 JOB PRINTING. Wa are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING eucii as POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER 1IEADH, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, ' 2 to., Ao., IN Tns BEST 8TTLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Good lander & lite, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa. lUlsrtllsawus. -11 very Stable. 'pilK und.rilxnad b(l l.ava to Iniorm th.h.k. 1. Ill that b ll bow fully nnparW to booobbj.. d.t. all In tbo wayoffurni.oln, 11.. mi, Buim tfaddloa and Uarnall, oa tbo .olio. a roaion.blo tirnl. Hiaidmoa oa leaititrMt. bilwaan ibird and Fonrtb. OKO. W. QKAHHA&T 1l.ar0.ld, Fob. 4, K7. a. a COB K LB. B. IBILIIDI, (i 1 1,1(11, MrtMKLE X (O.'S FURNITURE IV00MS, Market Ktreet, Clearfield. Pa. We manufacture all kinds of Furniture for Chambers, Dloing Rooms, Librariss and Halli, If you waat Furniture of any kind, do&'t bg u&til you see our a tuck. ll imliHillaiili aii la t i.' Urn : IMUMtTAKI.Xj In .11 111 branobi, pranptly attaadd ta. (H'LICII, MoCOKKLB C0. Cl.arD.ld, Pa., Frt. (, '78. mmm. HONEY OF HOEEHOUSD AUD TAB FOR THE CURE OK Ooaghi Colda, InBoeoia, Hoaraecaia, Hjiflt".!t Breathing, and all Affectioni ef tW Throat, Bronchial TnLea, and Lungs, leading to ConinmpUoB. This iiifalliLle rrmerly it compmcd if tl lldNT.V f the plant Ilouhotiml, in tlicio-i ! union with Tah-Hai.m, extiaited Un il I, IKK 1'RINCiriK of the forest litre Ai k:-, Mi.samka, or H.ilm of Cilcnd. The lloncy of Hurclmund son, Ill's ami st'ATrKks all irritations and inllnninmtioiiK, n the Tar tialm ci.i.anshs ami ufai ilicilmai ami air pansagci leailinj to the lm(. Fi'.t atldittunnl tngredicnls keep the cot-l, moist, and i liealtliful action. J et no pi. IHiiicc keep vu from trying llii- jjieat iv.eili cine of a fanious ilfxrlor mIio lin. savctl tltou aantUof livra by it "in bit large private praititc. N.B. The Tar-Halm hafc no mad iaiir ta? mcil. I'KICU 50 CKNTS AND $1 PER Iton i r. Greet taving to buy large sire. " Pike TtMsthiiclio lrtiH" Ciire in 1 Minute. Sold by all DruggiM. 0 N. CETTTENTON, Prop., N.Y- JJARD TIMES HAM NO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLEI I am awat-e that there are some persona a Uitl bard to t lease, and I am alao aware that tbt complaint of "hard times" ia well aigh univcraak out 1 am so attuatea bow inat 1 can eaiiaiy tae former and prove conclusively that "bard times" will aot effect tbo who buy their goods from me, and all my patron ahall he initiated Into the se cret of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have roods enough to iupily all tbe Inhabi tant ia the lower end of the county which I sell at exceeding low rates from my mammoth store IB MULBONIIIIRU, where I eaa alwaya be found read to wait apon caller and cupply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sucb a Clotht, Ratlactts, Cast! mere, Mutliai Delaines, Ltnea, Drillings, Lelieoe, Trimmings, Ribbon, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boot aad Shoe, Halt aad Capa all uf the beat material and made to order Uose, Bocks, uiovca, el it tens, iae, tu boons, ae QROrKRIRfl OP ALL KINDS. Coffe, Tea, Sugar, Rice, M classes, Flih, Kilt fork, Linseed Oil, Fiab Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Castings, Plowi and Plow Castings, Nail, Spike, Cora Cultiva tor, Cider Press, aad all kinds ef Aii. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Qlea, aad a gsaarat aaaorlmaat ef Htationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always oa bead, and will e cold at the lowest possible it g ores. J. U. McClaiu'c Medicines, Jayne'c ltcdlolcai Uoitettr'a and HooOand'a Hitters. 600 pound of Wool wanted for which ta hi g beet price will be paid. Ctovarseed ea hand and for aale at th lowest market price. Also, Agent for Strattonrlll aad CorwanttUst Threshing Machinci, a-eVCall and is for yourselves. Toa will lad vary ih ing ueually kept ia a retail etc re. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenchrllle P. 0., Auguat 11, U74. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iSoeeetaora t Soyntoa A Toang,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer af PORTABLE & STATIONJ RY STEAM ENGINES Coraor of Fosrtb aad Pla., CLBARPIBLD, PA. HAVING mgtfd I. tb. aaaafet.ra (" alar. MACUINKRT.waroiDoolrallrlBrora h. publlo tbat wi in bow ,rp. ta IS an ardcrl ai oboa,); and al promptly ai oaa ba doal t. any of tb. .ItlM. W. aua.faotar. ..d drill. Mular and Ciroular SawMilli Blookt, Water WbmIi, Bbaftlaf Palwrli Oiford'l IajMtar, Suaja ig, Suaai WblUa, Ollara, Tallow Capi, Oil Capa, Oi.f. Coobi, Al' Ooclil, Glob. Vtlraa, Cbnh ValTM, wr.aht In. PIpM, 8'... Pnaipa, Bollar Food, AL Friotloa Uoma, Swap Stew, Pafblnf, O.w Park' a,, and all kiadi of MILL WORKi toplb" wltb Plows, IM BolM, COOK AND PARLOR STOTSS, aad iuW CA6TIMOS .f all alaaa, aa-Ordar. MUtlM aad Sllad al l, prUM All tottan af Inq.lrj wltb rafaraM la nabli" af awr aiaa.faatara prwaiptl Hiwond, b, Udn Ibf b. at Claarlold, Pa. BlIILSR, TOWNS RSSD. jhawlal Jl . . .