Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 16, 1878, Image 2

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    111 i
(iEonoi B. Goodlanokr, Editor.
Reader, If you want to know what fi going on
to the buiintu worltl, just read our adt-ertiiipg
column, the Special oolutuo in particular.
N'h man worthy the office of President should
bo w illiojt (o bold It If counted io, or plnoed ther
by any fraud. If. 8. Urakt.
T coultl never have been reconciled to th all
vatip by the smallest aid of mine of a person,
hnwerer respectable to prirni life who tnuit
forever carry upon hit brow tlie stamp of fraud
lirt triuinphant In American history. No sub
sequent an inn, howrrcr meritorious, can wasfe
avrny the loiter tf that record.
( riABi.ri Frami-ii Aiihi.
'Tudor I he forms of law, ltuthnrford 11. Ilayai
bit brat) declared lreM-nt of the United States.
111a title rHa upon ditfranrhiirmrnt of lawful
Tutrm, tbe fuUe certificates of the returning offl
ccrs at in jr corrupt Jt, and the dec ii ion of a com.
mifin whirb ban rrfurd to hear eridenc of al
Irped fraud. For the Crt time are the American
people roti fronted wilh the fact of a fraudulently
elect ltd I'rcslilr-nt. Let it not be understood that
the frand nill bo silently arquteared tn by the
coon try. Let no bourpnas in w.i.i-u '.tie usurpa
tion ia forgotten.
Aunnrm op Demochatic M. C.'i.
One hundred year of human depravity accu
mulated and concentrated into ft climai of crime.
Never apain in fir hundred yeara shall they have
ao opportunity to rej.rat the wronff.
DariklW. Voorhkm.
I would rather bate the endorsement of a quar
ter of a miliii.n of tbe American people than that
of the LeuifUna Returning board, or of the Coin-
mifnton which excluded tbe facta and decided
the question on a technicality.
Democratic State Ticket.
Ftlft. OOVERXon,
or i' stow ( ou.iit.
ron Lirt'TRXAXT oovfhsob,
run kcrktart iittiral Arrxm,
or III?KTIinDO!l CtilTMTY.
ron ri REMB jt nor,
Hon. II. T. ROSS,
Democratio County Ticket.
run L'l'NllIlESM :
HON. A. G. Cl'RTIN, of bki.lekonie.
roR ashemiilv :
A. D. 15 EN N ETT, of n f.w wash i noton.
for treasurer:
ELAII JOHNSON', of (ireenwood.
VM. V. WRIGHT, of ci.eakfierd,
JOS. G1LLILAN1), of kartiiaus.
JAMES A. MOORE, of Clearfield,
1 ' VJU T.I.I
Tlio Democratic County Committee
herewith presents the programme for
holding meetings throughout tho coun
ty, and now invito our parly friends
to assist in carrying on a vigorous
campaign-against the common enemy
of Iroo government. Frionds, study
tho programme and fir the dato of
your meeting in your mind, and get
your neighbors to turn out with you.
All turn out to tho following meetings
Qraham llublar'a, Thursday night, October
17th. r-pc.kor.-J. F. McKenrlck, A. 0. Kr.
wit ana o. i. nrochliane. llonderene 'a, Thursday night, Oo.
tober 17(b. Kre.kers-l. L. Knbi, W. II. Pat-
eif'id , r. m u uura.
.New narhiogton Tlmrday night, October
ion. welter, Wm. M
.Mrllulloutli, Ahrntn Iliintihrey end Jee. Kwt.
l-licrrUrce 1-rHl.r.Oeteber lOib Speaker.
""" vi.ik, i-wi. .iter tiarrelt and T.
J. MeCnlloueb. Mnine. Pchool noa.0, Frid.j Octo
ber IM.,rcl Ten and S. T. Brock
oiok. ('l,, FrH.r nlht, October 1Mb
flpi-.ker.-Col. W.Her Wm. J. McCol.
loiiKn, Abrnm lluinbre. anil Jm. nw.
I nion korktoD, Friday Oeiobar 18th.
Br.kcr. J. . McK.nrick and W. A. HaffeMy.
l.nther.butg Saturday attcrDoon at 8 o'clock,
October lllib. 8i..ker. J. I. McK.nrick, Dr.
T. J. Uoyrr. Frank Ficldlof and W. A. Hagmy.
DuRoli Saturday night. October 111. Speak,
or. J. F. KcKenrick, Dr. T. J. ttoyer, Frank
Fielding and W. A. H.gcrly.
IVnnrille Saturday night, Oct. Illlh. Speak
er. Col. M ailer llarrctt, Wm. M. McCulluugh,
A. Humphrey and Jaa. Kerr.
IJIra Hope Saturdny night. Oct. 19(11. ftpcak
n D. L. Krrb,, W. II. I'altcnon and V. O'L.
Hloomini;t'.n Pnturilay night, October 19:k.
Cfcakere f J Mel'illougk and 8. V. Wll.on.
J.ncville Frid.y night, Oct. 18th. Speak
er. D. I. Ktf'u, W. II. I' anil F. O'L.
Ilonttd.le-Tuetd.y night, Ootobar JInd.
SpeakerFrank P. Tirniey. E.., of AHoont,
David L. Krch. and J. i Hnrdcr.
Fbilip.hiirg SaturUy night, October 26th.
Speaker. Ex-lior. Walker, of Virginia, as
Hot 'a lligl.r nnd Curtin, Senator Wallae. nod
Iirael Te.t.
Tho timo for meetings at Curwcns-
vilje, Osceola, and several other places,
will lo fixed hereafter,
Israel Test, Chair'n.
John V. Howe, Socrotary.
Ci.F.ARFiEi.n; Pa., Oct. 4th, 1878.
Confedcrato Major General Htoek-
ton, who has enlisted as a private sol
dier in tho federal army, has been de
tailed to a clerkship in tho War De
partment at ashington.
HourzDAi.E Meeting. A Demo
cratio meeting will ho held at Houtg,
dnle, on Tuesday evening, October 22,
addressed I'J Messrs. Tierney, Krebs
and Snydor.
Ll'TiiERsnt'Ro and Dl' Hois. Messrs.
Frank Fielding and Dr. Doyer will, in
addiliun to other speakers, address the
Luthcrshtirg and Duliois meetings on
Saturday next.
Head tho articles on our first page
taken from the Pittsburg frst and the
Ilarrisburg Patriot, bearing on the
Know Nothing lio put forth ly tho
Philadelphia Standard.
- -Tit v,-W..V-j.V;v5.- rV,
i iriv .' Tho duty ol tho hour isprompt,
earnest, thoiough organisation. With
tho remili of tho lulu Statu flection
boloiu us, the highway to victory is so
plain thut oven tho blind can walk in
it. Let Democrats worship at their
own altar I Lot the men who have
stood by our standard through storm
and hail through defeat and disaster
strike their locks again and present
an unbroken front to the common loe.
Read with open cyo, und consider with
honest heart, the result in Ohio and
Indiana. They bring yoti fruitful les
sons. In Indiana tho Democrats followed
the old Aug, and stood shoulder to
shoulder In tho shack of battle. Vic
tory now gilds thoir ensign ; a mnjori.
ty approaching twenty thousand for
our State ticket, and tho election ol
nine out of thirteen numbers of Con
grcsB a gain of fivo and a mojority
of flvu in the Legislature are the sub
stantial fruits of their devotion.
I n Ohio wo have elected oluvon mcin
hers of Congress, a gain of throe ; but,
while in a pitiable minority ot the
wholo popular vote, the Republicans
havo elected their Stato ticket by a
small plurality, through tho folly of
our own people A sufllcient number
of Domocruts wandered into tbe Green
back organization to secure the defeat
ol their old faith and the temporary
success of ihoir relentless foe. The
Republicans who protended to be
Groeiibackora betrayed their profes
sions, and at the polls deserted, their
new party. And now tho Democrats
who wero misled and deceived in the
consuming shame and sorrow of thoir
betrayal awako to the truth that they
have been made tbe instruments to per-
pctuato Republican misrule and defeat
their old frionds and cause.
Democrats of Pennsylvania, 1 call
upon you to swear with unlifted band
that like tactics and treachery, led by
corrupt men and moans, shall not sue-
coed bcro in November. To pause in
your duty now is a crime. United,
the Stuto is ours, and the feast of In
diuna will bo spread upon our table.
If you waste your ballot upon a third
candidate the spoiler will reap tho har
vest and rob you of your own I Load
ed with the plunder of many years,
the Republican managers are debauch
ing tho people, and are maintaining
Groonback organizations in Democratic
counties for tho cunning purpose of
dividing our forces and thus securing
our defeat Hopolossly demoralized
themsolvcs, In their uttor despair, they
seek to divido us. Shall tho lesson of
A CiritCl OltflAX SPKAKS.
a run.
!.! -l.IA.r Tliini TK TO DILL.
Dr. Fowler, editor of tho New York
lt'hrit'ati.A !ril'M-, br Iwn a i7-( en..' '"' Demwrutiij i.apers ft Centre
UlilWl 'S."?irlir-a V.'iwh'.iijjit'-.r ';".-''-." ly 'V.i J-v-ot ".w.t fcii'vlt- lur
long time, but the deportment of the Senator, in alluding to him say
Ohio und Indiuna pass unheeded ? If
faithful to our flag no human power
can arre-it our march or delay our tri
And by should Democrats desert
their paity now? Tho evils and bur
dens under which tho people groan
are the bitter Iruits of Republican rule.
Shall our (oily perpetuate in power tbe
authors of our woe? Orshall wo not,
burying minor differences, unit jour
forces and go forward to their over
throw ? The path ot duty and of sale.
ty is Oclore us, ana J summon every
If any of oar people bavo been hesitat
ing they must now see that tho only
nopo ot success is with us. With a
history dating from tho birth of the na
tion ; honored with illustrious names
and deeds, the Democratio party calls
its wayward children back to its fold,
that thoy may share In the joy and re
joicing or its coming victory.
R. M. Speer,
Chairman State Democratio Com.
uur Iick it. Democrats, and all
other citizens who want to assist in
bringing about a better condition of
public and private affairs, here's the
ticket for you to put into the ballot
box on the 5th of Novombor :
For Governor,
Andrew 11. Dill.
For Zicutenant Governor,
John Fortig.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
3. Simpson Africa.
For Supreme Judge,
ilonry P. Ross.
For President Judge,
Charles A. Mayer.
Our first page this week is tho best
we Iisto put ont for a long timo. Evory
arliclo fnd thero bears upon a cur
rent fact, ud crory reador should pe
niso Uicm so as to ad understanding.
Tho Sheep Dog Law will be found
at length in tho Sheriff's Proclama
tion. This Act of Assembly is to b
voted upon this Fall. who fa
vor the statute will vote for it, and
those opposed to It will rote attain! it.
For Conjreti,
Andrew G. Curtin.
For Stnator,
Cyrus T. Alexander.
For Assembly,
Ash D. Bcnnott.
For Treasurer,
Philip DotU.
For Commissioner
Conrad W. Kylor,
Elah Johnston.
For Auditors,
William V. Wright,
Josoph Gilliland.
For Connor,
James A. Moore.
October Elections.
The Democratic Tide Rolls on
Hayes rrvi'if causes- him to brink out
In the lust issue of the Advocate in this
umphalic limn nor Ho says:
"Tho Secretary of tho Interior, a
professional foreigner, ami nn oHeunivu
lutlilel, is beheading tho Indian Agents
recommended by our .Missionary Hj.
ciely, without even a show ol reason.
The election held on the second
Tuesday of October, huvo resulted fur
more favorably for tho Domocruts than
was acliciputcd from tho hugo efforts
made by Hayes and his Cubinot, and
all his ofllco-holders. Huycs himself
stumped Ohio und Indiuna, out and
buck, and everything thut money and
power could accomplish wus done to
bold these two Stutcs, yet, the Radi-
call hold Ohio only by about 3,000 on
the Slate ticket, whilo tho Democrats
gained two mombors ot Congress, worth
more than all tho potty Stato ofllcors
elected. Tho Democrats swept Indi
ana by 10,000 majority on tho Stuto
ticket gained throo Congressmen and
have a majority of eight on joint bal
lot In tho Legislature, thus also gain
ing a United States Senator.
Iowa, that has heretofore annually
rolled up her Radicul majority from
30,000 to 60,000, now roosts at about
15,000, whilo they mourn tho loss of
two Congressmen, something that has
not happened in twenty years.
West Virginia, truo to her recon
structed pledge, sonds a solid Dem
ocratio Congressional delegation to
Washington, and our party elected
nearly evory thing olso throughout
the State.
Such a substantial Democratic vie
tory has never betoro been guincd in
tho Statos named. Had not the Dem
ocratio. Groonbackcrs in Ohio been
sold out, tho Democrats would have
carried that State by 20,000.
In West Virginia, the Radicals and
Greenhackers joined hands and the
Democrats thrashed both, and they
wid stay thrashed for many years, be
cause the allianco was too unnatural.
It was liko Bishop Simpson and Bob
Ingcrsoll occupying the same pulpit.
The editor of tho Doylostown Demo
crat, Gen. Davis, in alluding to the
canvass says :
"Dill or Hoyt that's tho word,
Which will you have ? You, tho peo
ple, must decide this momentous ques
tion at tho ballot-box in November.
Woll, what's tho difference botween
thorn ? It lios just hero. Tbey rep re
sent different ideas, different habits of
political thought, and principles as ad
verso as tho poles. Wo bavo no word
to utter against Hoyt. We have known
him for years and respect him. Tho
writer oi tins article was his brigade
commander for two years, and docs not
hesitate to boar testimony to his cour
age on tho field. But the trouble
with Hoyt is, that he is only tho rep
resentative ot tbe effeto and musty
principles of the Republican party. If
eleotod be will be in duty bound to car-
ry out Republican policy, which tho
people are anxious to got rid of. Things
will move on in tbe samo old rut, and
hard times will as usual, bo cured with
promises. There will bo no change
wiin noyt in tbe Kxccutivo Chair
oxiravaganco in btato appropriations
will continuo, and no saving to the tax
payers. It is uttorly impossible for
party to correct its own evil dcods and
turn asido into now paths. The oloc
tion of Dill will bring a new set of men.
with new idoas into powor. They will
bo elected on the Bquaro issuoof reform,
and a correction of Republican abuses
and their success, and tho salvation
of themselves and party, will denend
on their faithful carrying out of thoir
pledges. All who, want, s
kmVaui ucuer times in nil
Take this slip and cut it in three
pieces, fold them up, concealing all the
names of the candidates, putting the
COUNTY, on the outside, then yoor
ballot is ready for the Inspoctor
thrco tickets making a full hand.
Tui PiiiLipsBuao MiiTmo. The
Democratio rally, which was to have
been held on the sixteenth, has been
postponed until Saturday, tho 26th,
when three ex Governors will be pro.
ent Walker, of Virginia, Curtin and
Higlor, as well as Israel Test, Esq.,
and llon.Georgo Bull, of Philadelphia,
Governor Walkor ia one of the best
stump speakers in the United State.
Forty mix members ol Con gross are
to be elected In October elections. Of
those thirty ar Republicans and six
teen Democrats. It is hardly possible
that the Republicans will not loose
ground. The Democrats will lose Col
orado, but thoy are sure le hold their
own in West Virginia and Indiana,
and the will certainly gain at least
four members io Ohio. Tbe Green
backer may edge ia a taaaln Indiana
and Iowa.
pLPfT .
acool bard
times, will vote for Dill but if thoro
be any who wish things to go on in the
old way, and do not care about Booing
daylight, lot him vote (or Hoyt. Thore
can be no doubt but what that will
keep things as they aro."
The Election Proclamation. We
call tho attention of voters to the proc
lamation of Shoriff Penli in this issue.
Evory right and duty laid down in the
law as bolonging to voters and election
officers, is found in this document, just
as plain as the English languago can
mako it. Let every Judge, Inspoctor!
and Clerk socuro a copy of the Repub
lican containing this document, and
lot thero study it, and tuke the papor
along with thorn on tho eloction day,
so that when any dispute arises be.
twecn tho Eloction Board and tho vo
ter, it will be easily disposed of by re
ferring to the proclamation.
AoaEEABLrM'sTAKEN. The Venan
go Hpectator sayi: "Colonel Alex. Mo
Clare's address at thoHtato FairinErio
last week ia highly commendod by tho
Erie papors. Tcoplo who thought ho
was only an amateur in farming and
that he would recommend the introduc
tion of the hydraulic ram In sheep
husbandry woro igrocahly disappoint-
"Hon. (yrtis T. Alexander, the
choice of Centre eouniy for Stuto Sen
ator, und ratifled as tho candidutu of
the X X X 1 V. district by the Conference
which met in thin borough without u
dissenting voto utW the first bullot,"
was born in Potter township, in the
But what mro cnuM wo ,Mvv"t from V? l"J" "u 18 now. consequent Ir
anian who belioves nil mission work I the iM year ol Tub ago.
Tim Know Notiiiso Room hack. ! Siiinificant The Johnstown Dem-
ti . io i ii 7v i i, J Tuo -'rirwi.iirs .(yiiniii, the ablest Culh- 0cr,ir, in alluding to cur noniineo for
I lie 1 lnladelphiu Irfeyraph Is one ol ,0 uniuj ,, Ulil(,, states, com- r... ..,! a ..,!.
i Curtin )iM twou nominated for (.on-
'-I- ;!e l-n.ii.)..M .,l'.i.toJ
tielh District. Thus is a Republican
tl.o Itudu itl utv.& t.i tl.ij State, nnd , i.i. uts tin Debir.i v's docciiliiui of the
.v,w;-.t-..iJls .,
and all Christian work to be nn cxplod
od sitperstltion? Tho common news
paper management shows more wis
dom than has yet been shown by this
Administration. If an opera, or-u per
formance at tho theatre, is to be ru-
fiortcil and worked up, somo ouo is se
eded who is believed to know some
thing about tho subject to bo treated.
But our government selects as Secre
tary of tlio Interior, to care specially
for our peculiuily American interests,
a professional foreigner, nnd to adjust
the policy of tho Christian treatment
of tho Indians a professed infidel. This
administration may not feel tho need
of the Christiuu sympathy ami sup.
port of tho country. Nevertheless, it
can do nothing without Unit sympathy
and support. Schiirtz and llayes can
do without these no better than they
can do without a Redeemer in tbe day
of judgment."
Tho verdancy of tho doctor is elab
orated when ho alludes to "CkrUtiun
treatment" and "Christian sympathy."
Ho should know that Hayes, Sehurtz
A Co. received their pluces at tlio
hands of a Reluming liourd, and that
they lire just carrying out tho pro
gramme blocked out by tho rogues
who put them in oflleo. Wo aro glad
to know that tho doctor is learning
more than theology recently.
The Catholic Standard's assault upon
Senator Dill hasculledoul thb following
stutcinont Irom Archbishop Wood, of
Philadelphia, who administers a sharp
robuko to tho editor of that paper for
muking his journal "a machine, to bo
used by political managers."
Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Cathedral, Lodge Sijiiare, Phila
delphia, October 5, 1H78. Wo huvo
seen with much regret, in tho Catholic
kViifkhiruT ot tins tlutc, an nrticlo
headed "Know-Nothinirism in Penn
sylvania Politics.''
o desire to disclaim ull responsibi
lity for tho article ; an I indeed lor any
articlo, no matter where or how pub-
usneii, on political itsiics.
illiout renouncing our political
rights, which wo fully appreciate, wo
havo never interfered in politics, and
aro too much occupied with infinitely
re important manors io ao so.
Any one who will tnko wtu to ex-1
amino tho appropriation we have given
lo tho Catholic standard will liml that
wo approvo it "as a uscliil auxiliary to
tho Catholic cause, as well as a sale and
instructive lomily journal," and not,
tuereloro, as a machine to be vsed bu
political managers.
no coulil scarcely have given an
approbation moro specilio and more
oleurly defined. James F. Wood,
Archbishop of Philadelphia.
Those missionaries who weio so
zealous in circulating tho slumler, now
have an apportunity of engaging in a
similar cnterprizo, by circulating llio
Bishop's letter denouncing the libel.
Will they do it?
Radical Texts. Feeling humane
interest in all human efforts, wo sug
gest to tho Republican speakers of this
county, ospocially thoso who speak
socond in tho numerous institutions of
lonrning which dot our county, and
who are thoreforo debarred from hero
ically or gently waving tho ensan
guined under garment on account of
tho tattered condition in which it is
left by tho fellow who precedes them
iuhl itiey bcicct, irom mo loiiowing a
text upon which to dilate:
Credit Mobilier Swindle,
Tho Frcedmcn's bank Frauds,
Black Friday and Jay Gould,
Tho Emma Mino Swindle,
Tho Carpet Bag Robberies,
The Indian Frauds,
Tho Navy Frauds,
Nepotism and Grantism,
Defalcations in tho Public Service,
Belknap's Robbery of tho Soldiers,
Camcronism and Ring Rule,
Tbe Recorder Job.
and tho last and most stupendous
crimo of
The Stolen Presidency.
Anvot the o.ti- - '
auuildrs, and will givothe speaker am-
plo opportunity to spread himself on
the great and glorious record of his
A Wounded Patriot. A n exchange
says: "Another sorehead in tho field!
C. S. McCormick, of Lock Havon.
wanted to bo tho Demociatic candidate
for judge, and in a county convention
received two votes, against an over
whelming mojority for Hon. C. A
Mayer, who has served tho pcoplo of
that section vory acceptably. McCor
mick now demonstrates his character
as a man and his merits as a Democrat
by becoming an independent candidate
forjudge, and will bo dufealcd at tho
popular cloclion oven moro disastrous
ly than ho was beaten in tho conven
tion oi ins lata party, llo will meet
tho fato that all sucb soreheads de
serve. Tbo Democratio parly through
out tho Slato is just in trim to teach
thoso professed members of it who aro
in it only for spoils, and who aro ready
to quit it when they cannot get all
they want, that tlio parly ia better off
without them."
"From his earliest youth ho has been
an active, working unflinching Demo
crat. In the canvas of lfi.r)0, one of
tho most bitterly contested ill tho an
nals ol Centre county politics, although
he had not attained bis majority, young
Alexunder boro a conspicuous purl,
making a brilliant and ullectivo canvas
of his nutivo Puma and Nittuny vulhos.
In 1805, and again in 18I1C he was
elected to tlio Slato Legislature, where
ho mudu his mai l: us a careful and hon
est public servuiu.
"As u lawyer .Mr. Alt xuudcr slunds
at tho head of his profession in his im
tivo county, and puihups no citizen
within her limits is mure highly or
moro worthily respected for probily
nnd honor.
' Born nnd reared on a farm, und now
connected with oneof the growing indus
tries ol this section, ho is familiar with
llio wants of tho luboring masses and
in earnest, active sympathy with thorn
lie is really tho nvople's candidate and
as such will roll up an old fashioned
mujority in this tom.ty, whit h we feel
confident will be responded lo cordially
by tho counties comprising tho remain
der of the district." Ilellrfonte Watch
man. Tho Ceiftro Uull Reporter says : "Tho
Democratic Senatorial Conference, nom.
inutcd C. T. Alexunder, Esq , for
Senator. Mr. Alexander is well quuli
Bed for tho position and bus had soma
Legislative experience, llo has been
an active Democrat in former cam
paigns and an effective speaker, and
will bo busy in this important cam
paign until the evo of tho election, in
working for tho success of the Demo
cratic cause. Tho interests ot this dis
trict will bo faithfully represented by
Sir. Alexander lio is acquainted with
every section ol the ibreo counties
composing it, their industrial pursuits
agricultural, mining, munulncliiring
and lumbering and the men interest
ed in them. His extensive law prac
tice has brought him in contact wilh
all these and he has acquired a thorough
knowledge ol them. His nomination
is generally satisfactory, and ho w ill
receive a largo majority at tho ki1Is."
Tho editor of tlio Philadelphia CiitA
otic Standard, having sold himself and
his columns to luay A Co. lor cah, as
is tho usual way of knaves und feds,
sees fit to lio about and u.:iil Mr. Dill,
our nominee for Governor, charging
him wilh being u Know Nothing ut
eighteen years of no. This lio is but
ter on tho bread of every Know Noth
ing Catholic. This class of politicians
sustain tho sumo relation among men
thut the mule docs lo the horse an
abortion so deformed in nature that
iiiun and beast sea Uicm as they ure.
Tho mule politician possesses one rare
quality impudenco.which boiiihorited
from his beastly hiolhcr and which
he frequently displays before tho human
race us his long cared partner does his
hoels. This is about tho way they do
it :
Mule Politician. "Jim, thoy say that
your man Dill is a Know Nothing?"
Jim. "How did you find that out ;
aro you ono, loo ?"
M. P. Oh! the Catholic Standard
says so."
Jim. Well, if that is tho caso, you
Know NotbingCatbolieswill certainly
bo suited this campaign, b.causo Hoyt
is a much older Know Nothing than
Dill, jou aro one of the last men in
mo worm inttt snotiij growl, lie sure
you are not lying about this thing."
lho M. P., huving found his mutch,
showed bis bind end to Jim and, mule
like, disappeared.
made on Senator Dill, by the knave, or
foul, who presides ovi-r lho Philadel
phia Standard, says :
"Archbishop Wood evidently has no
ambition lo figure before his fellow
citizens in I ho chin acter of an organ
grinder, und the In ief card in n li'u-h he
repudiates somo of tbo very lidit ulous
l!' pi tho Catholic Standard
has both pith and point. Tho urlielu
in the Standard on "Know-Nothingisin
in Pennsylvania Polities" was a mean,
malicious and uncalled fur attack on Mr.
Dill, which would have done discredit
to any journal, but tho publication of
which in a religious paper was simply
disgrucelul. If Mr. Dill over advocat
ed Kiiow-Nothiuingism it wits when
he was a boy, and before ho bad wit
and experience to know whut ho was
talking uboiit. What ho professed to
believe when bo wus eighteen years old
has about us nint h bearing upon his
political standing ut tho present timo
as had George Washington'searly Tory
principles with his policy alter ho be
came President of lho United States.
Wo hope to see Mr. Dill's competitor
elevated to tho Governorship of this
State, but wo havo no desiroto seo lho
Democratic candidate slandered, or to
have his defeat accomplished by other
than tho most honorable moans. What
ever thero may bo against Mr. Dill as
a politician, it can be truthfully said oi
linn that there has been no suspicion of
dark-lantcrnisin about his course. Ho
has been, in fuct, lotiiarkubly open and
uboveboard In ull his sayings and do
ings, und if he shouli have the good
luck to be elected Governor of this
Stato there is no reason lo doubt that he.
will perform all the Gubernatorial func
tions without fear, favor or partiality, and
leithout religious or any biut other than
that which is to bo expected of a zeal
ous advocate of a certain order of poli
tical opinions."
Conoress Settled. Tho victories
gainod by the Democrats at tho Octo
ber elections settles the fact that the
noxt Congress will bo fur larger
Democratic than tho present body.
Moro: Thero will bo a majority of i
Democrats in tho next United States
Senate, and with a majority in tho
House, the Democrats propose lo do
tho counting ut the next Presidential
eloction. Tho fiuuls of Returning
Boards and tho 8 by 7 Bradley Com
mission and ull other Radicul schemes
to defraud tho people out of the next
President is ut an end. His Fraudu
lency Hayes will bo set up in a cor
ner afioMhe 4th ol March noxt, and
compelled to obey the Constitution and
tho Inns of tho land, just liko other
pcoplo, or he will bo deult with as all
other violators ol llio laws arc. Mr.
llayes cannot afford to put himself in
a menacing position to Congress after
the 4th of March, upon the grounds
that tlio individual who receives stolen
goods und appropriates them to his
own uso is just as guilty ol larceny,
as tho fellow that stolo them. Hence
llayes must behave himself a little bet
ter in tho future.
-'Sir vi',('J; ICatf'otie Standard n follows:
ti. j.'ill, wi j is too well known,
und who has too distinct a record for
bin) to deny, pronounces tho charge
as from beginning to end, a lie. 'l ho
charge, whipped up into such froth, is
that, ill Nnow Nothing times, he was
u Know Nothing! Hut, his ago is
there lo plead lor him. In Know
Nothing limes ho was a boy in his
teens 1 He deelaros, even then, that
he was never alliliuted with them.
(Not being ( f Ytlr lio timid not
have been u member of any lodge.)
Mr. Dill denouncing the wholo story
us a lio, mukus its publication, without
proof, very objectionable.
"Mr. Dill, Democratic candidate for
Governor of Pennsylvania, has a char
acter siiflicioiiily fciihsluntiul to obtain
entire belief when ho declares he never
teas affiliated to the Know Aothings I
Wo stand on this.
'Tho Catholic Standard, ail excellent
und iiblu Catholic paper, has been
tricked into u great fault. Professing
to keep out til polities, it ought nover
lo havo published, as editorial, a filthy,
tiilse und treacherous, political docu
ment, concocted by the 'Cameron
ring.' "
A Grand Proposition. Congress,
man Glover at the lust session intro
duced in tho House of Representatives
a bill for lho protection of States Irom
domestic violence, which provides,
among other things, thut any Govern
or falsely cerlilying to tho President
that riot, insnrreclioii, or overt acts of
rebellion aro occurring in his Stuto
shall be deemed guilty of misilemulior,
und on conviction thereof shall bo fined
not more than $10,000, or be imprison
ed not moro than ten years, or be both
fined and imprisoned. One good result
might follow lho passage of this bill.
If it should seem probable that it wus
likely to become a law, ex Governor
Chamberlain oi South Carolina, and
scores of ot her carpet bag rogues, would
very likely consider it for thoir inter
est to travel abroad.
Jtruv jMi'trtlSfmruts.
TermhleConflaurtion. An incen
diary fire broke out in tho oil town of
Edonbtirg, Clarion county on Sunday
morning. Thu firo broko out at hull
past threo o'clock, in tho rear of Wil
bur's livery stablo, Main street, spread
ing rapidly nnd soon swept over the
entire block. The firemen were prompt
ly on hand, but their efforts wero par
alyzed bv the insufficient water. The
War Governor of Pennsylvania uboiit
lo go to Congress from u Deniocialiu
stronghold, while tho Confederate bush
whacker, Mushy, goes abroad as a full
fledged Republican to represent tho
United States. That tho world still
moves will bo tho reflection of many a
Rip-Van Winklu when ho thinks of;
this. There is a special significance in
the noniinulion of cx-Govcrnor Curtin
by tbo Democrats."
i Waii.inu. The Lowistown Ga:itte,
tho Radical organ ot Mifllin county,
finds itself and friends without a can
didate for Congress in this district,
and now advises its fricnicMo settle on
Yocii in, the Greenback candidate. How
is that for "crow," "straight out" Had.?
The Rudieids in no section of the Stuto
ure being so severely punished for
their put transgressions us ihey uro
now in this (XX.) loiigrcsMonul dis
trict. They really havo no meat of
any kind, except "crow," ami that's
awlul tough.
The Question. Shall the Cameron
despotism continue, nnd must the peo
ple of Pennsylvania continue to wear
tho yoke of hereditary political bond
age ?. These aro the issues to be met
and answered in this Stuto on the fitb
of November next. What that answer
will bo we havo no fears, because nep
otism liko despotism, straight, has but
lew advocates on this Continent. That
Pennsylvania will divest herself of her
personal bondage, now wo havo no
Revenue I Tho Clinton JJemocrat
says?: A political partnership has been
formed between Cline G. Furst and C
S. McCormick, of Lock Haven. Furst
is the silent partner and adviser; docs
the "fixen up," and occasionally writes
a piece (liko tho obituary pamphlet on
the eve of tho primary election.) The
object of tho firm is revenge. They
will get their reward ghostly dreams.
Wcniierfi L Enterprise. The Con
gressional and Senatorial territory in
which Alloona is located, is becoming
entirely too small to accommoduto the
swelling proportions of tho editor of
5,000. Rail
)ICi:J KOH PAI.K A f. ,.d,
It "k. of li.llsn, hybrid, and bi.,k m
lo innreM. Irani. u!r, for .ale by
I'laarSela, Hs, Oct. . T..4L ' ' "ILW
attorney at law,
Curwi n.rllle, ClrarOeld eoonty, Pa.
t. , '71 it.
ATTORNEY at law,
.f-CpOfflna in the Opera ,u.t, oolti, ', '
4 lllirillfM KOTItli Inth. .
f tbe e.iat.of Nirbola. .Sollda, dao'd. 1.
Court or Lumtnoo IWaj of Cl.arfl.ld Co, p.
rno unorriigneu Auditor, appointed by tB
Court to make di.trtbntioo of the balanoe la Ik.
band, of J. A. Ti-rpa, el. al., Admlnl.tralon, at
of .aid dee'd. sutoog lh. partice legally .nt'liiad
thereto, hereby giv.e notice that bu will .it
the purpoae .if but eppoi. latent at tb. at&n f
Mcf naliy Mcl'urdr, in Cleat Hold, on Thurid..
the 24!a day ol October, )S7., al 10 o'eln-k n at
(.Wield, Out. II-tl. Audilot
rillTOH'H O.lpla.A..
.ltd M.itlien- Carri.r,
General llalbcrl E. Paine, ex-Congressman
from Wisconsin, has been ap
pointed commissioner of patents, to
succeed Spear. Ho will enter upon
his duties about tho 1st of November.
$tx gifli'rrtisfrafnts.
A Bad Omen. The very day (Tucs
day, October 8th) the patent Green
back organ oponed shop in this place,
tb Toters in Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and
rest Virginia knocked tbe Greenback
Nationals into smithereens in thoso
Tb editor of tbe Philadelphia Stand
ard is about tbe cheapest editorial
skunk now at large. Tbo baby says
b was Imposed opon. It ia perfectly
In order now to toll who did IL Blub
ber It right out and then go and imi
tate Judas.
South Carolina' prodigal (on and
Senator, J. J. Patterson, la mentioned
in the Ball Lake City paper ot tbe
24th ulu Ha wa junketing with Geo.
9- Cannon and other saints.
ol I bo Jersey Shore Herald, was a can
didate for the Legislature, in Lycom
ing county, but fuiled to havo delegatus
enough to nominate him, when tho
Convention met. Ho disposes of bis
caso in this way : ' C. S. McCormick,
Esq., is an independent candidate for
tho office of Law Judgo in lho 25th Ju
dicial District. Mr. McCormick sub
mitted his claims to the decision ol
the Democratic County, Convention,
and wo would say in relation to this
movo, that it is a mistake. Independ
ent candidates nover amount lo any
thing after submitting their claims to
the rules governing Conventions. We
feel wo wero badly treatod in this coun
ty by somo "roosters" after serving in
tho parly fully for over forty years,
but wo will never mcriflco our man
hood by offering our services as an in
dependent candidulo, let tbo treatment
bo what it may. Mr. McCormick is a
young man yet, and being a gentleman
of ability and a good lawyer ho has
chances in the future and therefore
ho is foolishly ruining his prospects by
boing an independent candiilnlo under
lho circumstances."
Political Dodoino. The Radical
leaders of this county held a caucus
in this borough lust Saturday afternoon,
tor the purposo of making a straddle
ticket. 1 hey agreed iiiton a program
mo, and adjourned, after agrooing to
meet a committee of Grecnbaekers, for
tho purpose of learning their views ol
the scheme. Tbo "groonioa" did not
nibble lho bait as freely as the Rails
anticipated, but steps woro tukon to
form a joint ticket in the future, pro
vided all would act in harmony. Tho
sebemo is to "bum" Read off tbo Green
back Assombly tickot, and jump Bard
on, and kill the Bird candidato fur
Treasurer, and swallow Kratzer. This
is the kind of auckorgamo proposed by
we party leaders, but it has not boon
oomplotod at last accounts.
Lost Cash. It is reported that the
Camcrons will spend 120,000 in this
Congressional district to defeat Gov.
Curtin. It may bo true, but wo nover
recollect ol them doing such a foolish
thing a that. Simon and Don are in
the babil Oakos Ames like of put
ting their money whero It will do tb
most good. Spending money in the
AA. district to dolcat Curlin is throw
ing it away.
He Confesses. Tho Philadelphia
Timet says : "The Catholic Standard for
tho present week confesses to an error
ol judgment in tho publication ol its
universally condemned article attempt
ing to revive tho dead Know-Nolhing
issuo by an assault on Senator Dill, but
it vindicates its management acainst
all imputations upon its integrity. It
emphatically denies that any extra
odition of tho papor was contracted for
or printed, and adds that 'no pecunia
ry or valuublo consideration whatever,
or proroiso of any consideration,' was
ever proposed or expected. It was
simply imposed upon by Mr. Delancy,
tbroagh parties apparently moro re
putable but as unscrupulous as himself
and misled Into a bhovous blunder."
Just as we expected. The editor ad.
vertisos himself as a fool. That is, be
has done a vory dirty job lor a dirty
dog, without compensation.
Io tho course of his somowhat vari
ed career the lute Governor Sam Bard
was a druggist, a dentist, a Motbodist
minister, a State supsrintondont of ed
ucation, a Journalist, a Conledorate
quartermaster, a Territorial Govornor
and a State printor, and twlco appolnt
ed P. M.. and rejected. I
The Reason. Had tho Democrats
ol Ohio been willing to sacrifico two
Congressmen at tho rccont election
they could easily havo carried the State
tickot by 5,000 mojority, but they pre-
ferrod men who would help to aettlo
the Presidency in 1881 instead of a
Secretary of Stato who would be kick
od out of office in 1880, and of no earth
ly use to anybody. Tho wisdom of
tho Buckeye Democrats, is quito risible
since the election. They made no ef
fort to cany their Stato tickot but
bont their energies on electing Con
gressmen ami county omcers which are
of far moro uso in the future, in a par.
ty sense. In Pennsylvania the contest
is chiefly for State officers and on State
issues, and for those it will bo waged
with unrclonting vigor to the end. Tho
Ohio canvass bears no ecmblsnoo to
our contest. Indiana was like ours.
So tlio victory.
Youno Men or Clearfield. Many
ot You will cast vour first vote this fall,
lie sure you are right, then drop it in.
nut belorti doing it, listen to tho wiso
advice of our neighbor of the York
Democrat. "Y011112 men of this countv.
whocastyour first vote this full, bo Auro
to vole right. Remember that by vot
ing tho Democratio ticket you voto for
a strict construction of tho Constitu
lion ; Homo rulo ; lho supremacy of
civil over military power ; tho equality
01 all citizens before the law ; liberty
ol individual action, unvexed by sump
tuary Iuwb ; lho absolute acquiescence
in lho lawfully expressed will of the
majority; opposition U all subsidies;
retrenchment and economy in tho ad
ministration of our Stato and National
Governments." This brings before
you tho Democratio ticket. Tho men
aro good tho principle of tho parly
are sound nofe Ar (Acm.
total loss is estimated at Irom e.150,0L0 1,10 Jribunc. If ho would manifest
to $100,000; largely insured. Two! half as much cnterprizo in attending
hundred nnd twenty live buildings to bis own business, us ho does to thut
were burned, and the town is almost jofhis neighbors, ho will hvo much long-
completely destroyed. There is much or 111 l'10 affections of his readers.
suneringdmnoiig the losers. A Relief A ClII!AI. (.Bow.Tho filct tllill tllc
Committee has been onrauized and the ,,;,., ,,, , Lw
contributions of food from adjacent ., r . 1 1 . "
, , . . J ' 1 gressmcn 111
towns and luimcrs in the vicinity-arc ,, - ., , . . r , '
.... ' 1 think a cheap affair for them to crow
"""""" " "'" """"" over. But if they feel liko crowing
Bad Off. Tho Radicals and Green- j lul ""'" K Democrats can afford
backers have hnd a great timo in hunt- 10 stand by in silence and let them
ing up a candidate lor Congress in tliis;cr"w
(XX.) district. Tho leading ringslors
ol tbo Radicul and Greenback persua
sion first tramped over tho district to
gether for tho purpose of looking up a
candidate to settle down upon, but no
ono having oven nibbled at their buit,
tho partnership dissolved, and each
faction went a gunning on its own ac
count. Tho Grecnbaekers soon found
a Mr. Yocum, of Bcllclonlo, willing to
offer himself as a sacrifico upon tho
altar of bis country. But the party
"controlled by grand moral ideas," and
by "Christian statosmnn," is unable to
find a candidate upon which to besto'v
a noniinulion for Congress.
"No one to Love," etc.- Tho Radi
cal Confurocs of this Congressional dis
trict, after allowing their minds to
wander across lho Allegheny mount
ain ; along the bunks or the rugged
Susquehan.ia, as fur down as Shamok
in Dam, and then across to tbo Blue
Juniata, looking for a beloved one, a
real patriot, on whom to confer a nom
ination lor Congrecs, finally Bctlled
down at Bellefonlc, lust Wednesday,
and failed to nominate anybody, for
thut important office. It is said that
tho Conferees winked at Yocum, the
Greenback candidate, after they found
tliot thoy could get no respectable man
lo tako a nomination in Ihn . 01
Radicalism m. ;- iuiii the
vamcron Seive.
TRUSTEE'S NOTICE All p.r.nm hat
ing claim, egainet Mrflirk A Perk.. In
their banking bo.ioei., at Philip.barg. Contra
oounty, Pa , will prent Ibem to mo at my office
n Clearfield, on or nfler the l.t d.T of November
rie.rt.rd, Pa., Oct. , '78 31.
rbilip.burg Journal oopy.
It Was Our Blunder. The Reno-
vo Kceord calls our attention lo the
lact that S. Woods Caldwell, tho Groon
back candidate for Senator, is not lho
Caldwell who was cnBhier of tho de
funct Rcnova bank. Tho editor in
question say a:
The nominee ha. been proprietor of the trein
llooae, Lock ll.een, for tbe part ail yearl. He
na. raiead on a farm and worked iher. nnol k.
nrrirad at the age at manhood, when ho enli.ted
in tha war for the Union and faithfully eerred
hi. country a. a Midler until the rebellion wa.
.oppre..e.i. ii r Caldwell waa n Democrat until
ISP!, wben tho Detnooraiie State nn...nit... ...
t Lanc.ter and adopted a hard money
Stnoe Ihen he haa worked for lb. Bane nletli-d
lo Ira. flneoolal reform ami If tho people of thte
Senatorial dt.triet deeira lho oleetion or an abla
and hone.t man to repteeent their intere.ta at
ll.rri.burg thi. winter, ihey will certainly Mat
Ihoir eotea for . W. Caldwell. Will lb.
iirwa pleeee an. he tbo Deco..ary correction in ita
nest i.suf.
There! did you ever soo a thinit
done any nicer? What a pity Woods
has becomo so crookod, "honest man"
as he is !
The True Way. The Piltsburir
Tost in (peaking ol the Democratic
canvass takes this view : "Wo have
nothing to fear but everything to gain
from thefiillcstdiscussion. Great mass
meetings aro not tho requisite, but
ward and township meetings aro what
is wanted. Thero should be a general
circulation ot Democratic documents.
The speeches of Thurman. Pendleton,
Vorhocs, Dill, Wallaco, Sneer, CIvmor
and others should go into the hands of
all tho voters. Within tho last ten
days there has been an astonishing re
vival in the Democratio ranks in west
ern Pennsylvania. The game of 'brag,'
played by lho national', played itsell
Tin Government Circus. The
Uayos circus portormod In Pittsburg
lasi wecK to lair crowd. It is verv
kind in Mr. Hayes to give these tree
exhibition. Tbe times are bard, and
snows use uarnum a cost money.
these Iree entertainments amuse tbo
peoplo, and everybody oan got ii) with
out paying a cent or resorting to tho
disreputablo dodge of crawling undor
ine canvas. '4 hey also enable small
politician to thrust tbemselvea into
prominence by banging on the Presi
dential ooat-tail. There is no barm in
these shows. They help the railroad,
tbe saloons, and hotola, and perhaps
Mr. Tilden'i salary may as well be ex
pended In that way as In any other.
The Arab Friuhter. An exchange
says: "Parson Newman, who was once
chaplain to President Grant, finds tbat
the discourses which be preached to
young men in W ashington can bo util
ized in New York, his present field of
labor, whore ho haa begun a series of
sermons to young men. in bis dis
courso last Sunday be told how ho
frightened an Arab guide on .Mount
."mini by flourishing a revolver. It
would thus appoar that the worldlv
Purson woi.t armed cap o pio when
inspecting United States consulates
abroad. There is no telling how many
poor tievns 01 consuls ho frightened ms utile revolver."
i rouble ail Around. Mr. (Juay,
tho Chairman of the Radical State
Committee, is engaged in whalloping
the Catholic and Methodist churches
right Bmartly. Ho Is, no doubt, lho
author of tho articlo against Mr. Dill,
which appeared in the Catholio Stand
ard, and the articlo which appeared in
the Harrishurg Telegraph, signed a
"Methodist Preacher." The man who
conccivod the infamous Recorder Bill
is tbo right man to drag the churches
into a corrupt ring fight. No one but
an export In political crimes could fab
ricate either or tho documents. It's
tho work of an old roostor of more
than ordinary ability.
Doubling up. Two year ago the
Radical in Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and!
est Virginia elected 30 Congressmen
while the Democrat bad only 15. Now
the latter elect 23 and the former 82,
This show that the Democratio tide hi
still rolling on.
Clearfield, Pa.,
CnrpotM, Oil Cloths
Etc, Etc., Etc
Clearfield. Pa., Hept. IH, IHlsl If.
in too court or Comm..
,-irm. 01 lo-.Trnem county, r. Al. Lee. re X.
Hi, S. pt. Term, 1S78.
The un-leraigned Autilor, appointed by the
Court to dtalriboto tbo mon.ya art. ing from tb.
al. of ili-frmlanu' re.leelete, hereby giro. Bitie.
tbat be will attend to the dutiaa of hi. appotai
mettt at bta office in t leerfteld, on Thiir.J.y, ine
!th day f October, IsfS, nt 1 o'clock, p. at.,
when audwU.raall parlie. lutercrted mavattanj'
ClmrtoM. Oct , '78-31 Auditor.
Great Western Hotel,
Noe. 1311, Ull t l.1i M.rkal Street,
(Dirttlljf a;mMi'I. Wn.UMet-er'e (jranit Drp4,
PUladolphia, Penn'a.
Tormt IB.OO per dy,
Thla Wet el U orar tbi eew Publle Buildiojri,
new Mmouio T tin Die, l'. 8 Mint, nt A cad tar
of Fln Arti. T. W. T1UICK, Pmp'r.
orrn all mo nr. j-.T, '7tf.j,
Health ami Ilrpint ar price!- Wtalib to
tlieir poMraaort, and yi they art within lh met,
of ever on who will un
Wright s Liver rills,
The my rare Cl'RK for Torpid tiTtr, Dyspep
sia, Headache, tiour Stomach, Conitipatiun,
Dtbility, Nautr, and all BiJiiou eoniplaiata a&4
Blood disorders. Nona genuine unices signcti
"Wm. Wright, Ril'a." If yoor eOtaxgist will
nut supply ivod Ji cent for one hot to limit k,
Kolltr Co., 70 N. 4th Ut , Phila.
I'ee, 2(1, 77.y.
Improved Spring Beds,
Tli untlri.jri)il beri Imt to Inform the etti.
hoi of Clearfield, tod th pttblie generally, that
h bu on htnd a fin assortment of f urnitart,
neb as Walnut, Cheat oat and Paiuted Chant
Bui.e. Parlor Suite, Reclining and Exunioa
Chairs, Ladies' and OeoU' Easy Chairs, tb Par
forated I)tniog and Parlor Chairs, Can Seats and
Windsor unairs, uiotnaa Van, htep and hi ten
lion Ladders, 11 at Raoks, Scrubbing Brashes,
ooking Glass, Chromes, lo., which would
suitable for Holiday presents.
HereaiVr, goods wit) be sold for CASH only,
or in eihaoff for produce. No books will be
kept in th futnr. All old ftoeonnts must be
settled. Tbo who cannot ab wp, will plus
band orer their note and
I determined to H my goods nt etui
price, and at ft discount far bolow tbat ever
offered in this rieinity. Th discount 1 allow my
customers, will make them rich in twenty years U
tbey follow my ad rice and buy their goods from
m. I will pay oah for wheat, oats and elorer
Lutfaerthurg, January 17, 1677.
Asricullnral Statistics.
IUto opened np. In the aloro room lately occupied
by Wearer A Delta, on Bceond meet, a large and
Dry - Goods, Groceries,
To te CVneeae a (WdWal S,., ,
Tho underaigned baring been appointed by lb.
Ilepartaaent, at Waehlngton, principal reporter el
lho Agricultural fitetittiea of ClearBeld oounty,
reepeetlully reqneala the eo-opetation of nil to
u.i.t, by landing tbe aubeeriher all the Inform.,
tion they ean bearing upon tb. following ques
tion., ao aa to enable him to mako a. correct a
atetemenl to tbo oepertmeot, a. poisibla : Bow
many horaa. bare d ed in yonr borough or town,
hip, and of what diieeae. llow many eow. and
enlvea, and of what dieeeae. How many aheep
hare yon loat, and of that di.eaeeg how many
killed by dog. How mane hoe. hare ton lot.
nd of what di.reee. What prevailing diatom
mongit tbe poultry. In all oases gue th. rem.
ediee ..ed which hare been found to he eueeeet
fnl, and ia all case, to gir. the e.tb ralae ol all
Block as nearly aa Dos.ible. Re tbe M..nunn.
of our citisco. lo general upon the.. Importaal
pnrticulera, tha Ageioaltnrai report, will beeoat.
ao voeyelopedia el naeful information to the pub
it', by enabling tb. il.parlment to puhlirb lee
dieearoa, the loe. and tbe ramediea that bar.
been found moat beneAeial in certain .lltetie. .
Any other information that will b. oonildered a
public beneSt, will i. thankfully rmired.
Addreee lho .ubecriber at Urampi.n Hills,
Clr.i6.ld Co., p.. 8AMI. KL WIDKMIKK.
March 13, is;
Which the, wlU dlraoee ef at NUM.U. I..
for Meh, ee ..change let eenalry
ClMrleM, Pn., Jnn. I, IS7I tf.
Al Kbaw'a old at.nd, Clearfield, Pa, h.l Jit
opened n new atotk of
nd la now prepared to faruieh anything in the
tha line of Drug, aad Medicine, at tha eery le'
ol eaah price. 1
H haa alao oo hand a larew .tneb r rnnhL
II. ir and Tooth Brnahea, fancy ArlieLa, Toilet
and Sharing goapa, ant erytoiag atnally kept
In Crst-olase Drag Store.
ompounded with eare, day or light. A liberal
hare of patronage r.rpeclfulfr aoliriled.
Clearield, JV, Oct. 14, IS77.
lie. opened, la halldlng en Market etreel, an
the old Weeiern Hotel lot, eppoello th. Con"
tone, la Cle.,,, Id. , Tib and Sheet Ire. Nana
fnetort nnd Store, where will be foand al all timet
foil line of
Store, ftudwar, Eta,
llnnaaftpontln. nad all of job work, Impair
ing, Ac, don. on ahort aetice and at reaeonael.
"AM. Alee, agrul for the)
Singer Sewing Machine.
A npnly of 11.0.1., .It, 1H al
war, an hand.
Tama, strictly eaah er eoaalry a redeem A .f patrena. aelielwd.
0.( MKRItU
CleereM, April t, 1ITT U ''ru""'