Hotels THE MANSJOH HOUSE. i i.i AKi n.i.n, PA. riIlHat'l ad eommodloua lllel hai.dnrtnp tbt paal yr heat n1Tl to double ite farmer oap aelty fur tb entertainment of itren gra tod goteta. Tht wholt building bu beet refurnlihod, and tht proprietor will apart no puna to render hit fueatt totnlortablt while ttaylng with him. fi&Ih Huorloi llouea" Omni bm runt tt and from tbt Depot on tht arrival and departure of each train. W. C. CAHUON, July !I-T7-tf Proprleloi LLKGHENY HOTEL Market Street, Clearfield, Pa, Xfm. 8. Bradley, formorly proprietor of tht Leonard Houh, having leaicd tbt Allegheny Hotel, enlleiti iliare of public patronage, 1 bt ll'iuit hat been thoroughly repaired and newly fumtihed, and gueeta will And il a pletaent etnp plng placa. Tlit Ulilt will bt aupplied witb tbt beat nf everything In tlia market. Al tht bar will be found tbt belt winra and liquora. Uwod elaUiug attached. WM. 8. UUAOLKi, May 17, '7. Proprietor. OUAW HOUSE, to (Cur. of Market Front atrtet.,) CLEARr'IKLD, PA. The underfilled baring taken charge of tbl Hotel, would reapevlfully eullrtt public patronage. rebSt.'Ttt. H. KJEttTON bllAW. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NBVT WASHINGTON, PA. Thli new and well furnlibed houft haa bren taken by tht undaraigned. He feola confident ot being able to render aatlafaction to tboie who may favor bim witb a tall. May 8, 1873. 0. W. DAVIB, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILIPSBURU, PENN'A. Table tlwaya aupplied witb the beet tbr mark afford. Tbt traveling public ia invited fneall Jaa.176. ltOIIKKT LOYU. County National Bank, OP CLKAHKIKLD, PA. ROOM In Maeonle Building, one door north oi 0. D. Wateon'a Drug Store. Paeaaga Ticketa to and from Liverpool, Queens town, Ulaagow, London, Parii and Copenhagen. Aleo, Drafta for Bale on the Hoyal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prea't. W. M. SHAW, Caahier. Janl,'7T . DREXEL & CO., Nu. 31 South Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities! Application by mail will recalvt prompt atttn tion, and all Information cheerfully furntabed Order aolieted. , April 11-tf. P. R. IRNOin. fl. W. ARNOLD. J. I. A R HOLD F. K.ARNOLD & CO., ISaiikern itiul ISrokcrM, Keyuoldsvllle, JelTtraui) Co., Pa, Money received on deposit, Diacounta at no derate ratea. Eastern and Foreign Kiohangeal wave on band and collectione promptly made. KtTnoIdevllle, Da. I", 1874.-ly 5ftistry. T L. fl. IIEIC1UI0LP. J t S U It (; P. ) N 1) i: NTIHT, Graduate of the PtnnylrnnU Pollece of Dental forgery. 'thee in reimence ot Dr. ii ilia, nppnaitt the hhaw Iluuae. mchlS, '7H If. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (Office in Bunk Building,) CurwciiavUle, Clearfield Co. Pa. inch 22 '76 tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (OOico in realdrnee, Second atreet.) Nitron. Olid. On fur lb. pain .M eitraetioa of tuoth. Clearllrld, P.., May 1, 1RJT-1.T. ptsrdlancous. IOII PRINTINU OP KVERT DESCRIP ttun nnctly aialnd t tbll offi... MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAKDON & BBO., On Market St, one doorweatof Manaloa lionet, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar trrangemtnta art rf the moat complete character lor furniablng tht public with Freih Meata of all kind, and of the rtry bait quality. Wt alto deal in all kinda of Agricultural Implt menta, wbioh wt keep on exhibition fer tht ben efit of tht publio. Call around when la town, and take a look at thlngi, or addreaa ua P. M. CAKDON k BRO. Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 1S7Mf. Just lloeelved ! Just Received by ARNOLD, at CURWENSVILLK:- Car Load Nova Sootia Plaster I Car Load pure Corn, Rye and OatB Chop 1 Car Load Deakcn Salt 1 Car Load Choice Family Flour ! Car Load Dry (ioodi, Groceries, Ac! Atetf- Shingles, Bark, It. R. Tics and Grain will bo taken in exchango. Carwensvillo, May 1, 1878. T M CJOI) W E TRtJHT." Alt othtra muat X, PJ for thrir work befort U Irarea tbt bop. And aa all fleih la aa tht gram of tbt field, and tbt promiata of men art likt tht flowera thereof they are given one day and forgotten theneit therefore it i beat not to truit anybody. All kinda of work will bt dout la thia ahop for eaab or ready pay. Uoota and aboea of all aiiea and atvleaJ-tbo beat and ohoaneat in town. I have removed my ahop to the lower end of town, in Tnv I or 'a row, on Keed atreet, near the depot, where I will ht foond at all timta, waiting for euitomera. All work warranted good and cheap. . Alio, all kinda of Leather and Shot Findioga for aalt. Tht eitliena of Clear field and vicinity art vipeeiiuuy inviiea to give me a call. JOS. 11. DKKRIND, Clearfield, Pa., July II, 177. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market BU, ClcarCelri, at the Pott Office.) fpilK anderaigned bega leave to annonaet to X. tht eitiarna of Clearnald and vicinity, that he haa BUed op a room and hat Juit returned from the city with a large amount of reading matter, eonaiating la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Paat Hooka of tvtnr dt- tcriptioni Paper and Knvelopea, Prenrh preated and plain) Pent and Pencile i Blank Legal raptra, tetaa, Mortgagee) Jtirtgment, Kiemp. tion aad Promiearv notraj While and Parch- neat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Gap, and Hill Cap. oneei eauaia, ior titntr nano. rinw tr violin constantly on hand. Any books or atatlonar deaired that I may not havt on hand.will bt ordered by Irat txpreaa, and told at wholeaala or retail to tail ttwtotnert. I will alao ktep period ioal literature, men aa jnagatinea, newapapera, ac P. A.UAIL1N. Clearfield. May T, 16S-tf The Bell's Run Woolen Factory Pena townihlp. Clearfleld Co., Pa. BURNED IIIITI BURNED UPI Thesnbatrlbtri havt, at great ex pen at, rebuilt a aeighborbood nwtflty, la tht erection of a Int tlaaa Woolea Manufactory, witb all tht modem Improvement attached, and an prepared to maba ail nlnda of Ulolba. t'eaeimerte, HatlnetU, Ulaa- hete, Flannela, Ac Plenty tf gooda oa hand to apply an our old and a thoaaand atw tualomera. whom wt aak to comt and eiamine tar atotk. Tht baalaata of CARDINQ AND Fl LLINO wilt roetlva oar tapeelal attentloa. Proper arrangemenU will be made to eaeeivt and dtlivar Wool, to aalt tnttomera. All work warranted and done upon tht abortaet notice, and by atrltt attta tloa to bwatntet wt hope to rtallat a liberal ah art ai pabiit patroaagt. lOMM) rOUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wt will pay tbt bightat market prlet for Wo aad ttll tor manufactured gooda aa low at almllar gooda eaa bt bought la tht county, and whenever we fall to render reatoaablt aatlafactlea wt aaa alwayt bt foand at bona ready to makt proper tipiaaauoa. tuner in penea or ny itittr. JAMES JOHNSON A HONS, aprlllntf Bower P. 0. mUrtltanrotif. Spring 1878. ma THE BEE HIVE. To the Citizen of Clearfield County : I have opened up one of the largest and most attractive stocks of goods ever offered in this county, which must be seen to be ap preciated. It is not necessary to go into details, but will say that the following departments are thoroughly full in all qualities and styles. Dry floods, ! JJillinery Goods, j Hosiery and Gloves,! I Corsets, Ties, I Ilandkerchie f s, ; Furnishing Goods, Kid Gloves, Embroidery. Ctis.siiners, Shawls, lumens Wiiite Goods, Linen Suits, Skirts. Thee goods have been selected with the greatest care, were bought for cash and will be sold for cash, and my expenses being very light they will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. Clearfield, Pa , May 1. 1878. HUNT'S Thn flrrat Klin. alpdirlne lanotam-w ruiiipuuiKl It haa beee bi-f it it t he pnhllc 90 vrara at u Qcti ot all cuLtwa, 111 NT'S it kM ED V liajkateil from llmtt-nn REMEDY) to dlo. Ill S VH HV.Ml diHt-aae aad oVmin but ircia wtio have been up 7 riiraiciane raare of tJii Hlducy-, Uladdrr, and irtnarv Ontana Droutiv, t;rei I, Dlabflee, and Incoiiilnpiicfl and Knrnrlnn of f'rtne. 11 1: N Th It KHKII Y rncMurajtca tie -p, rrratci aa trpetlte. omccs no (in- sviiNmii. whI renewed aJth laftwrfenlt. HI'XT'H KKM euree I'ala In thrbidf. lim it, or l.otn. trnrml DrblU III. kViiiinle JJiHi-naCH, l(ltirti-d Mrrp.Lo of Appftllr, llrtchl'e )lariif of ilir Kid- ti-TNBitdall r.iiivlalnta of ti t'rlne-entiNl (irKana. Ill M H HfcinFIIY I- ptirvlr rrn Ubli'.Mirtni'ftiia want nurrr tx-foie furntaheil to tht puttllc, and the it!inr,t n-Uance may ne placed In It. IMNTH tllllV U nrrMrrd BX- f.llV la prrMrrd K HUNT'S nivwi.i i or i lit kwte dlieiM-i, and Eaa nevftr bo nntri In r. It. tine Irtal will COO beud ivt pamphlet to REMEDY raorutaaca, B.I. JEilOVALl f JOHN McGAUCHEY Would reapect fully aotify tht pnhllt generally that ht haa reaaoved hi Grocery Store front Hbaw'a Rnw, to tht building formerly occupied by J. Mi lea Kratser, on Second atreet, aeit door to Bigltr't hardware atore, where Be In tea da keeping a full lint of (J lKM llltli: H. HAMS, DRIED BKKf lad LARD. SUGARS aid B RUP3, of .11 frulM. TEAS, Omn and Blub. COFFEE, Roajted and (lrD. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, c.i.r.rvn ihiits, All kind. I. tba mukM. PICKLES, in Jan and SPICKS, In .r.rj form Ml FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDS OF CRACKERR. SOAPS, MATCIIES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PBACHia, DRITD CHERRIES, Coal Oil anl L&mp Chlsa&syi, And . rood aaaortm.nt of Iboa. tblnca aavallT i. . grooarj ator., wbirh b. will Ir oiark.linc m U). n.rn.1 pn... Will a.l for aah a. ob.aplj al .oj .tbw oat. PI.m. ull ib1 ao. hia nock bad judg. for yooraeir. jwim MOUAUUIIKT. Clurl.H. Jan. 9, l. fi.oi it. Fi:i:, AND GROCEliY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER. Room Now 4, PL's Optra lloaa, Clearfleld, Pa. Keej-ttonalaatly oa baad 8U0AR, COFFEE, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, BYRUP, SALT, SPICKS, SOAP, Canned aad Dried Fruit a, Tobaoto, Clgare, Caa dltt, Older Vinegar, ButUr, Igga. Aa. ALSO, EXTRA DOME MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Floor, Corn Heal, Chop, Feed, 4o.t All of wbltb win bt told cheap far taah tt la titbangt fer toaatry aradatt. JOHN t. KRAMER. Clearfield. Hot. , IM4..lf. UlsrrUanfou. OAK HALL ihs'psopis's mm ci:3J s:::; 1818.-18tk ru With much greater variety Than ever With ampler facilities TJian ever With far more customers' Than ever Wo are letter prepared Than ever At considerably lower prices Than ever T. Bmpplj Tk. Mam ui Scjt f Amnio With fopwk CUtklms Trim tk tu(Mi ClotUai HinuMl biaariw Only Om Price, Tht Uweit Termi Cuh. Salltfaction Gumnleed or Money Returned. Banpla. and prioM nailwl anrwherr. Orden by mall promptly executed. "WANAMAKEB, & BROWN Sixth & Market SU., Philadelphia. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall I'aper, Window Blinds, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, &c. WM. REED. HEALTE 8 HAPPINESS. Health and Ilapploaef art prlotltaa Wealth to their poaeceaora, and yet they art within tht reach of tvtry ont who will aat Wright s Liver Tills, Tht only aure CURB for Torpid Lir, Dyaprp elt, Headache, Hour Stomach, Cooatipation, Debility, Naueea, and all Billions ton plaint a and fllood dieordeie. None genuine no I eaa aigncd "Wo, Wright, Phil'a." If your Druggiet will aot aupply tend 14 eentt for ont bos to Barriok, Hollar i Co., 7 N. 4th St.. I'bila. Deo, 26, 'T7-ly. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, nATTItr.aHSKN, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STRBKT, NIAR P. 0. Tbt aadtralgatd begt Itart to la form tbt tHL ttna of Ultarfleld. aad tht public generally, that bt hat on band a ana attortment of Furniture, each aa Walnut, Cheats ut and Painted Chamber Bui tea, Parlor Buitea, Reclining and Eittnaloa Chain. Lad i a a and Qeata' Eaay Chain, tht Per forated Dining and Parlor Chain, Cant SeaUand Windaor Chain, Clotbat Ban, Step and Ei ten lion Laddera, Hat Raeka, Btrabhlng Braahee, At MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, ooking Olaaaee, ChremJt, Ac, which would talublt for Holiday pnaenta. dteirTB JOHN THOPTMAN A NEW DEPARTURE IV LUT1IER8BDR0. Ileraaftor, goodi will bt told for CASH only. or la taeaaaet for aroduoe. No hooka will b kept In tbt future. All aid aacoanta moat bt tetUtd. Tboa wbt taaoot taah ap, will alaata aaad ovtr tbttr aoita aaa CLOSE THE EECORD. I aaa determined to tell my goodt at cub prloea, and at a diaeount far below that ever offend la thia vicinity. The diaoouot I allow my euetoaert, will make them rich In twenty yean If they follow my advice and buy their goo da from me. I will pay earn for wheat, mil and oiover ated. DAN 1Kb UOODLANDKR. Lutbtnborg. January 17. 1K77. Asnricultural Statistics. To Ike CYd'etae Ultarfitld Oommtj t Tbt ondereigned having been appointed by tht Department, at Waahlngton, principal reporter of tbt Agricultural tttatiatiet of Clearfleld county, reepeet fully rrquetta tbt co-operation of all to aeaiet. by aending tbt aubaerlbtr all tht In forma-1 Hoa they can bearing opto tbt following qnea tiona, to at to tnablt him to makt at correct a atatemeat to tht Department, aa poaaiblt t How many borate havt died la your borough or town abip, and of what d Urate. How many aowa and calve, aad of what diaeaat. How many aheap havt yoa lert, and tf what diaeaat) bow many killed by doga. How many boga hart yoa mat, aad of what diaeaat. What prevailing diieatta ingat the poultry. In all caeet gut tbt rem edict need which bavt beta foand to bt aueeeae ful, and ia all caeca to give tht eaab value ef all a lock aa nearly aa poaaiblt. By tht to-opera! torn of our eitliena la general apoa Ihtat Important partlculare, tht Agaieultural reptrta will become aa eoaytlopediaet aaefal iaiormatioa to the pub He, by enabling tbt Dtpartmtat tt pabliab tht diaeaat a, tba kaata, aad tbt re mod lea that havt beta found moat beneficial la etrtaia diataeea . Aay at bar laformatioa that will bttoaaidtrtd a pabllt baaelt, will bo tbaahfull) received. Afdrtn ua aa beer i bar at u rata plan inna, CleatfttldCta, Pa. SAMUEL WlDEMIRE. March 11, UTI-tf. REMOVAL ! Jamos Li. Ijcavy IlavUg purchased tht totlra atock of Fred. Hack ett, hereby gltef aotlct that ht hat moved Into tho room lately occupied by Read A Harerty, an Second ttrttt, when at U prepared lo offer to tht pabllt COOK STQES. PARLOR STOVES, of tba latttt Imprartd patteraa, al low arltta, HOUSE FDENISHINO GOODS, Qas Fiiturei and Tinware. RfrAeg, ffpMtlnt, FlaablBf. Q rillltiff, aad Rapalriag Paaap. . apMlaltt, All rMeli .ra warraatM. A,ijttl I. Ua. .Ill U witni ...IrM. JAB. L I.KaVY, FnRD. 8A0H KTT, A(nt OUart, Pa, J.I. I, ISTI If. THE REPUBLICAN U.NK.,UV M0UN1NH, 00, ) IN MIlMtHtV OK N ANNIi: Hl.fHlM. Daarfrlnl, at your rrueat I writi auine line on Nunnie'a death ( Our little flowera, how eonn tliy fdt how fleet ing la their breath ! Our Utile one, bow lliry tnlwint aroun t'theae heart! of oon j How bard to aay the Uat farewtt.1 How aad tbt parting houri ! Mourn not, deur friend, our luviug babea havt only gone before j They art waiting at tho gulden gait, to ate ua enter there. Oh, glorioaa thought ! our bahea. tnoy ataud around the throne above I A crown adorna their lovely bead thoy king re deeming lovt. Mourn not, dear friend, jour Nnnuie b a guno where aorrowa never cotntt, She'll never know the griff end wot that now aurrounda your bouit. You art ture that Nunnie la aafr In benvi n wbit of our obildren left ? Then, M ua watch aud wait and pry tbut they too tt aavad at death. She bu Bum for tou Lrr lt aaect aong alio haa peeaud the vailev thruuiih, And over Jordan, aa the ling, In glory wuita tor you. 'faun, huib taah murmur, diy taob I s your Nannie eloira above t LUt ! do you bear that muaio aww t f Chriit ditd lor Inoae he lovea. Oowtt, Pa , A a null 19, IS7. JJA.VPT0X WJiJCK. If ever Smith Carolina appeurud ut diaailvantau in licr former public conlunlioiis with MuanucliUHellH, alio cerluinly liiim r a,leinlent Willi credit to lieraell una tier olllnols hi l he inut ti-r of '.lie Ui'inmid iinii tlio Uuvcniur ,,f JHa.t,ueUii.eUs lor lliu ri'tiirii ul tliv Ihiel Kimptun to the C'oii'tiion w.-ullti Uiuinsl llie luw nf wliicli bo iri otl'elidur. Tliut deliiulidGiivelliiH' Uiee ciioati lo iiut litmor ; nut bcruiiro it wuh lliliil'inul, nor ueuiunu tliu Kederul Unn- alituiiun did nut ejininiiiul linn to honor it ; Iiut nimjdy and solely bu eiiUBe bo uHcctotl to think tbut lump Ion wua wunted for aomc other purpone tbun to answer the vrimo with which bu in cburged. Ho Biich Ihinguppeurcd on the reciiru. and no privute inlorma tion to this t'll'cct tbitl governor ICico could have bud would justily bim in bis unconstitutional and discourteous course, iiut tho letter of liovernor Hampton, which wo reprint, fully un sworn und point-blank denies lice's in tiniation flatly gives bim tho lie and leaves bun not a h'g to stand upon Ho ia hold up before tho country ua an ollicial who refuses to extend for bis State the ci urlcsics which liuvo always been Held between the sister Common wealths of tho country, und who ignores tba mandates of tlio Federal Constitution by an act which is ull tho moro llufjrrnl becuuso its results arc irrcparublo. Massachusetts says to tho fleeing thieves of every other .Slate that her portals stand open to them and that bur arms will bo thrown around them to prevent their reclamn lion. We have beloro noticed that these chickens may come homo to roost Massachusetts has about as lari'o an average of fuuitivo criminals as any other State in tlio Union, und she can not oxpoct any Htato to extend to her tho reciprocal courtesies und rights which nIio denies to others. Her thieves will defy her laws with impun ity, becuuso her own course has fur nished n reason why their operuliun should not extend beyond her own borders. How different tho course ol an ill right and aide jurist in Cincinnati when culled upon to decide a similar case I in the matter ot rcnnsylvnnia s de mand for tho return of a fugitive, Judge Longworth decides lhat ho has "no right to inquire into tho guilt or inmi cenco of tho accused, but only to deter mine the legality of tho process, and wbotbor he is in truth tho party do scribed." Had Governor Kieo hail the samo nice regard for tho law ho would not have to submit to bis arraignment by the Governor of .South Carolina for a flagrant violation ot the supreme law of the land and for having sought to dclond bis unconstitutional conduct by a pretext " entirely unwarranted " and an ' unworthy imitation." Lancaster Jnlclligrnccr. A DESPERATE THICK. Olio of tho doHporulo tricks resul ted to by tho Kopublicftti Ion (lorn in the Kronen t cnuipaign is a nucret cfTort to and togcthor the wKliern of tho Into war into a pat (man political ori'n nida tion in fuvor ot tho Kepublican Statu tiekot. rormorly they oranir.otl nol diors' Clubs openly, but finding that tho honorable and riirht tliiiikinir vot- orans doclincd to bo unod any loiicr to auranco tho intcruAls ol a aelhih political clique they wore obliged to attempt in secret whut they dured not do openly. Hut they oro likely to fail in thoir clandentino sohomo an signally as they would have dono if they hud irone about the matter without any effort at concealment. Tlio veterans take no stock in such political trickery. Tho following ia a copy of a litho graphed circular m-lting lorth tho aims and methods of tho Republican trick sters : Thb Prtartvm RoLtiitH' Latntia, 1305 CntararT Strbrt, Pmi.Atai.rHia, Kept. Hub, 1878. W iSii On the Republics Htata ticket only are tht namta of tbt men who faend tbt en emy with ua during the war for the Onion. In view of thia fact the ab're organisation hai been formed of aoldiera without rcgnrd to party, and your co operation ia aaked in getting up a Lregue in your eounty, tenuing promptly iu tbet bead quartera the namea of all your mem bur a and all aoldiera of whatever politioa ia your county. It il important that not only Kepublteana abould bt enrolled, but aoldiera of all partita. At the p rel ent time theatoeaaity of the election of tboee who fought with na la aa apparrnt aa it waa in the try ing daya of l(tfll-t. A copy of thia haa been lent to eomt of your frienda. Truly youra, ROU'T. L. ORR, Preaideot P. S. L IKT 18 SKASOy TOGETHER. Occnnionall y ro como acrum Dtimo- cral who queries whether tho Memo crat bail not, better go into tlio Na tional movement, tboro being "lots ol l(epublien who want to boat the party, but liavo been educated to liato the name of UomocraU and will not go with ub." If men who havo got aick of Kepuhlicanimn want relief, let them come into the Democratic party. Tho Democracy will welcome them with open arm. Iiut II tlioy will not do that, then let them work out their own salvation. On tho insues tho Nationals raise, tho Democracy aro clean ; while aa much cannot be eaid of man' lead ing National, l'ray tell us what has brought into being the grost national debt ! Who caused tho bonded debt to be payable in gold, principal and in terest ? Who has saddled upon tlio nation a swarm of tax gatherers f W ho is responsible for tho distress in trade, in manufacturers, in all industrial pur suits? We ask, who has brought ruin and dospair upon the ponplo T liuvo not the agitators dono their share of the inlamous work r Have not some of the men who aro now bowling about the laboring men and their wretched condition, aome of them, being the most radical in the Republican camp for the lost nucen yean, and uavo tliry not, in and out of Congress, done their level best to fasten laws nnon tlio nation giving to capital all the advantages wnicn it now enjoys r Aro not many of these men soldiers of fortune, ready lo join any parly for porsonal gain, and roady to betray party when that party ran no longer be mudo nseful to gralily thoir personal ambition or en hance their pecuniary gain 1 lias not the Republican parly fastened upon tho Nation all its past and present woes 1 Has not that been a majority party in the Nation in consequence ol the recruit it hna received from the Democratic party? This desertion by me I'cmocraia oi meir party, and the vi. u. llioy liuvo (,-ivcn to llio liupubli cum I'lirlv, i whut lian duno tho miv cliifi; Sow, what is tlio reinody f Why, rinily I'nr (hoso who Imve gono iii.' ti wi -dw L'oim wiliu ppny 1,,J ,1 IK'., It II ' 1 WHO IlliVO ttUlll'IIU It) BtriKO ! doWTl DtMIIIKTUllt! lu ilK'illU'H und loi.l : I... v.. . : . . I , i : tlHHI UIU IIUUUI) tjI'UUl UIIU Ulttllll.lll, not composed of the cluss of men to bu rolled upon in an emergency like the present to bring older oulol chaos. vtu urge un nuinocraM 1101 10 nu ue- eeived by the cry of the iigitulora. Stuud fust to tho Democratic party and the lloiiuieiatie principles. Ho not ihrxw awuy your votes upon third parlies, who huh ply wunt to use and then betray you, Munlprlirr ( ) liOOSTEUH TO TJJE11EAH. It is a lamentable and singular thing that in this iinp'irliint political year llie Doniourai y ut lliu two extreme corners nf lliisNtute should have made such unfit Congressional iHiininutions us those ol Will. 11. Diiiiiiiiek, ol' Wayne, and Morgan IE. Wise, of itreeii conn lies. We have hefoie releneJ to the biter und there is every prospect that he will be forced to uhuudon a candi dacy whieh Ihreuteiis the loss of a Democratic district. Dimuiick's dis trict is Republican und llie election of a Demon ul there would bu a decided gain, though not impossible in these limes of Kjilical revolution if u decent canuidulu were nominated, in nomi nuling Dinimlck, hoivevor, tho Demo cruls of llie district have torfeilcd every cluim to bucccss und have ilepiived themselves nl , v, r liht lo const ler aiion from tlcir brethren in the Stuto. W. II. Diiiiiii.ek is notorious llii,,iik'l,. (' thu C..iMii.u,t.alli, a. H l.ei-lu j live r sMcr und jolj'nn f,i.h, it. In hi. In.l cxp-Ticmv n u l,,i.'aior he was ileicclcd in a con.pir:t'y to bhiek iiiuil the lunk-i of the Slulo tin I to k:l litem his vole for all tli.U be could com mund for it. Ho was only saved ex pulsion by bis prompt resignation, which was such a convincing conies sion ol his guilt that he was thought lo have been tinully remunded lo privute ble. He has, however, since then in sinuated himself into Democratic Stuto Conventions from which no doubt ho would have been kicked out had he not been content to hide his diminished head in silence and obscurity. The Democracy of this district seem to insist on pushing him to llie I rout and desurvo nothing bill defeat for their pains. 1 1 muy as well bu under stood first as lust tbut there is no con sideration of party fealty which com mands party support for a conlessed thief, whose conduct since tlieexposuro of his ruHCulily has been that ot uu un repentant sinner ulwuys looking for a new chance to repeat his offense. In telliijtnerr. IIXCOLS MUSVIE A recent writer in Scribncr's Muga 7.ine says : Kew were anure ol the physical strength possessed by Mr. Lincoln. In muscular power ho was ono in a ihous and. Due morning, while we were sit ling on deck, he saw an axe in a socket on tho bulwarks, aud, taking il up, hel 1 it ut linn's length ut the extrcmi ly of the helve with his thumb and loiellnger, continuing to hold it there for u number of minutes. Tho most powerful sailors on board tried in vain lo imilutate hi in Mr. Lincoln said be could do this uhen he was eighteen years of age, and hail never seen a day since llial lime when he could not. It occurred lo me, when reading tho de tails of tho plot that terminated in the deulli of lliu President, that his abduc tion, winch was at one time proposed by the conspirators, would have resul ted very disastrously lo thoso who should have the tcrmily to undertake it. Tho plan proposed was to waylay the I'rosident at night during one of his frequent visits lo tho War Depart nuint, when lio was in tho bubit of go ing to read the telegraphic dispatches during the lime of important military movements, and when ho would oflen remain until a very lute hour, return ing ulono through the grounds of tho White House. A half-dozen men were to seize and carry him off ; but, bad they attempted it, they would probably have lound that they had met their match, for ho had the strength of a giant. Judgo Swell, of Chicago, who was an intimuto friend of his, says that ho has seen him dash into a crowd where two powerful men woro fight ing, and, taking each by the collar, hold them out at arm's length in the most helpless and ridiculous position. HoNtsT and Moral. Of course the Radicals are all honest becansa tho leaders say so. But the editor ot the Columbia Jltrald hedges in this way : Verily a pretly "honest money" party arc tho Republicans. Last year they ran West for governor ot Ohio on a Boft money platform and West himscll truckled in his speeches to Iho most violent communism. This year their platform in this Stule is silent as tho grave on Iho money question and the only candidate for Whom they are mak ing a fight, Don Cameron, is dumb as un oyster on that subject. At Iho samo timo Kcllcy, Krrett, llayno, Shal Ion burger and thu rest of their inflation Congressmen aro renominated. The Republican party of Pennsylvania lor "honest money" forsooth I As well might it be said that they are for hon osl elections and honest administration of tho State government. " Honest money" Republicans! Kaugh ! Not Exactly So Tho Montroso Republican, in animadverting upon the career of William II. Dimmick while a member of tho Legislature in 1873 4, speaks as follows : It w.l during th. terui wli.n th. Di-iaocrsta bad attntrol uf that body, and whoa th.jr made it Ih. mnat acandalttna and cuirupt I rgi.lalur. Ibia'alib ba. known la half. ..nturj. All Biann.r of Jottbsry, bribery and rsM.lll; gansr .11; praratled. Wo airrco with tho editor of tho Re publican in what ho has to say about this lji'gislulura Willi mo nno single exception lhat it was a lfcpublicun instead of a Democratic Legislature, tho former having 8 majority in the Senalo and 14 in the House, with Henry 11. McCormicK, Republican, of Allegheny county, as Speaker of the House al tlio lime tins corrupt worn was being done. Wyoming Democrat. Who hi ih. According to tlio Rock land (Mo.) Opinion, Thomas 11. Mure I., the purcoesor ol Juitfono iiulo, in the Kill!) Coni'resHiontil bintfict of Muino, id a gnntnno and honoiit man. lie in a native of Hampden, Me., and, therefore, a follow townnman of the venerable Hamlin, Ho has twice been driven from a work on Government slruetureo becauno ho had dared to vote tho Demo cratic ticket in defiance of Socor Koho tton'a aubordinatea. il waa alter hia last diachnrgo that ho began to organ iro the ISlono-cuttora' Union. Mr. Murch is but 40 eamol ago. A happy family in tho bent evidence lhat he ia a good citixen and father, and not tho worlhleaa tramp that he linn boon "tig mat used by Jay UouM'a Tribune, Overboard.-The Hcv. K.J. (a raven, D.D ,agninHtwhom lltero were chargoa ot drunkenncM and conduct un boon in ing a miniHtcr, waa tried by the 8he naniro IVonbyterv. at itfi recent sonnion held at 8hiironf Mercer county. The cane waa submitted to tho Court late on Wednesday evening, the lHih u It., and tho final vote utood I Guilty, 19 ; Not guilty, 4. l)r. Graves waa there fore excommunicated. He gave notice ot his appeal from tho decision of the iC'ourt, aud will carry the caae before tho Synod of Erie, which moeta in the city oi Aicauviiie on the inn ni wci, Uiv tlifitiSfutniis. TWELFTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION, OJ 72ZE- "Wdd f OMlIt AgriwHlirill WILL UK lit 1.1) ON Till GROUNDS OF THE WEST CLEAR FIELD PARK,' On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Ortnhcr 15th, IGtli, 17th and IHth, 1H7B. TRKAtMIRFR. JOHN MoOAUUIIKY. exBCI'TIVB roMHITVKI. J. R. III.OOM, Pike Tiiwnihin, JOHN NlillKlH, I'ike Townahip. W. I BISHU,, Uerrence Townhip. JOHN HMITII, Lewrenoo Township. H. B JORDAN, Lawrence Townaliip. cairr a a nan a i, JAMKS I. I.EAVY. emir or foi.ica. ISAAC II. NOKRIS. RULFS AND UKOULATIOS. Family tlrketa $1 0 Sinirle tioketa, durint fair 60 Single edtutaaion ticket 25 Children under ten voara old, when accompa nied by ibelr parent! or Ruardian, fro, and un der that a rc not admitted unleaa accompanied by parent ornuardiao. Every perion wialilng to bo enrolled aa a mem ber of i he Koclelv, niton the ua v men t of ont dol lar tn the Treasurer, will receive a ccrtitiratt of mrtnbcriblp ooRtainicj tht name of the appli cant. Evtry peraua ao enrolled aa a meinlter ahall, on tht preentalln of each certificate, roneive a tlvkrt Hal will admit him ..If. wife, and -bldren ur.dar eibttn yara of age, Jurlnc the fair. l.Ht iflrmhera of tht f ocirty wi 1 receive a aim I lur ticliet All cri na m,iat bi .rvi.J with tlnkHa, ttner Hji mil by iht I're.Uent or i hairtmn t the Pifcuti e I'ntinoitte. , to wltTtai Ndiuiatnt iThey Milt ' furn.Mi.. I t.y h Tw.'urer -i J i-tH-ie:nr?. or ml Mie IK o on 'lm jf-n "I. r 1 - a nn'irirf hr J uUs-a art e.p I t h cio m nilxra ..f (lie Seit-I. IVre-n fr-nil a br i r. tn.'i. sun hpc hid m niHera by c-nnvty ii j( w'lh I hr ;tl. v?uie; U1 I'ttQ kiiH' hi '.li'i. r i In' I'm meiit nf til'fy ecu a. Kilnbiiurn inn) hnc iheir afilnt l mi 1 arti c'va Ci Ittiil uti 1 lit- Soicinrt 'e V on ir t,ft.ri- tl.c ei;m'l diir of the fair at twrlre u'clock ; au-l ell aiiima'a aud artlatea, etoent h(re fur ploai ure anl fur tht trot tin iirerainma. munt be brought whliin the cncloaure a early aa twelveJ oviuok on WiMlutiiley mirninic- All pera ma en Inina: tnimala and artifice lor iliitiition muet procure canla from the Secretary wi h the num her and cIr upon It, and attach I tie eamt to ibe animal or article previoua to being placed upon me ground. Hav and at raw will be lur nubed gratia for all aoimala entered fur preml utui, aud grain will be furniihed at ouit for tboac who deal re tn purohate. No boree aball be entered or allowed a pre tat mn un l-n be ia fret from diceaae. Horaeawill be received antil noon on Thursday, but uiuat have hcea entered iirevionalr. All peraont who intend totthibit boraea, cattle, abaep or awinc, or who intend lo offer them for aaleoo the ground. art rrqiieitcd to not iff ibe Secretary of aunb in- tvntiun on or before the rnartoenta day oi ujio bar, and leave with him a lint and full drier p tion of the raiut. The numlier and elai.', and the number lo the elaia, with llie name of tho article will appear on ibe oard attached, but tba name of the eibibilur will not armnar. Premium! and Diploma will be paid on and after the (Irat Monday alter tbt Fair, t' d until the firat day nf December, 1&78, afti r which a'l monita preiniuini unolaiinrd mil be conililered aa a donation to the r-ocictr. The offieera of the Society and mom ben of tht Committee of Ar- angemenla muat wrar a bade deaignaling ibelr offli'e. A re tee I force will be in coralant atfruance lor the prticrviit,n oi rrurr ana pro- tectioo or properly. The trolling cour t la level, w-l! grudcl and one half to lie In circuit. Ample arran geiuenta will be mode fur the eoarcniencs and eomfurt of vieitnre. Inatruetiona to Juliet. No animal or article on eihibition for a premium to receive tn award in more than one el aaa. Una doea nt embrace boraea entered lor the trotting premium Judgea are eipretily required not to award preiniuini to itvcr-led aniuaU, N i premium are t award ed to bu'la, ewa or hcil'cri which ihnll appear to bavt been uttened, in'y in the olaia ol lat oat- tie ; the ohject of the Hociety being to havt au pcrior animal a of lhi deacriptinn for hrevding. Fat Cattle. The Judzea on fat cattle will give particular attention to the animalf lubmiltrd lor eiaminatiun. Il la believed, all other thing be ing eoual, Ibt beet cattle have the great rat weight oyer the am alien t luperficei. The Judgea will require all in thia eUaJ tt he weigh nd, and will take men ture a tt gite tho auparfieea of each, and publish the reault with tht report. 1 hey will alao, before awarding any premiume, rrquire the manner and coat tf feeding, ae require j by tbt regulation of the premium lirt. II there U but one eibi tutor, and be may ahow everal nnimaU la ont olaai, premiuma will bt awarded ia areordanet with the merita of Iht an imal. Tht Superintendent will take every precaution in bit power for tbt aafely of atock and artiolea on tibibition after their arrival and arrange meata en tht ground , but tbt nooltty will net bt r-ioonaible for any loat or damage Ibat may oc cur. Kibibittrs will bo required to give personal attention lo Iht aoimalf and artiolea, and at tht eleee of the fair to attend to their removal. Aar article aot enumerated lo Iht elaaara placed on oihlbiilon, if worthy of notice, will bt auilably rewarded. All article may be tntcrta trot or cnarg, ex cept bo rite for pleaiaro or fur the trotting prt miuma. Any information dealreJ can bt obtained by addrnaaing any of tht offiucra. LIST OF PREMIUMS. CLAPS 1. 0PKN TO ALL BI1EEDS AND COMPETITORS. Beit bull 910 00 cow 10 00 All hreeda come together la Ibla claaa aad com pelt with each other, to he judged by their good poinia, eymmetry of frame, ability to fatten, and the atock they will product. CLA8S 2.-0 R AliB CATTI.R OWNED IN T.IK COUNTY. Beat row (or milk $S 00 heifer, II jeara old. .... 6 0" heifer, 2 yean old S tT calf, under 6 mootha old I 00 CLARA I -FAT CATTLE. Beat fat bullock, tow or bull b 00 CLASS 4. THOROUGH. nttKO IORfi83. OI'KN TO ALL Beat alallion, any breed $3 00 " mart and colt, any broad, owned la tht oonnly - 10 00 CLASS 6 FAMILY AND FARM HORSES. Beat alngle fatally borao m 2 00 H matched carriage boraat S 00 " gelding or mare for work 4 00 Tht tihlbitor will be required to product t atattmtht from at lea ft three reaponaiblt neigh bora at to qualitlea of boraea, to entitle him to the prtmluma la thia elaai, Beet t yeara old colt H $1 00 " 1 yeara aid colt 4 00, " toll under S yrare old 2 00 CLA8P fl.-TROTTINO IIORFS. OrEM TO ALL. Beat time, I In 6, in aiogle hirneaa 0 00 No premium will be paid In tbla elia an (era there are at leapt flvt enlriea made at 420 each, nor nnleia thett art three hema to trot Each hone to Irnl againt lime. Tht hnrat winning Ihia purae will Bui he allowed tn compete for the premiuma in iht other claaaea. No Irott in elaatet (, I or 1 nniil Ibt full amount of tntriet art made, and Iht entrance feet actually paid. CLASH 7. TROTTING tNPIXOLF HARNESS (FOR ID'RHKfl OWNED IN THE COI'NTY, AT LhA&l FIFTEEN DAY bHrohK TUB FAIR ) Beat t In 6, milt beat a, again it tlmt $ 00 No prtminm will bt awarded In thia claaa an lete there are aeveo tntrlca made, and $0 for each entrance paid. The ho rat winning thia premium in thia claaa will not bt awarded a premium In No. S. CLASS . TROTTING HORSES OWNED AND RAISED IN THE COI'NTY. Bat t la X, agalnat lime $10 00 No premium will bt awarded la Ibla claaa nn leia there art 6vt boraea entered to tompett for il. Entrance let, $4. CLASS 9.-IIEEP AND WOOL. Beat buck, any breed.. , $1 (0 " ewe, any bittd I 00 lamb I 00 H fleece of wool I 00 CLASS 10 BWINB. OPEN TO ALL. Beat boar, tat breed ... I 4 00 44 breeding tow, any breed , 4 00 " plf ander aix mnalht old I 00 CLASS 11. POULTRY. Beat toop of ( Spring ehlektnt 1 00 " two tarkeya, under I year old 1 Oil " dtiplay of chicken a, aot Cera tbaa IS- S 00 CLASS IJ.-PLOWS, ROLLERS, DRILLS, UAhHOWti AND CULTIVATORS. Beat plow for alebblt or toll $ f 00 " aan-tollplew fl 00 M tlod truaber aad roller ewmhintd I 00 grata drill fl 00 Ihreahing macbiat S 00 " torn planter... Dip'a N borea rake 1 UQ M tilt inal invention of titrleultural im plement..., 6 00 " barrow 1 00 fanning mill fl 00 cultivator m I tora aheller H 1 00 All arilalea In Ibla el aaa aot man a fae tared la the tnaaty will bt awarded aa monird premium, bui may receive a diploma. CLASS U.-MISrRLLANEOlS FARMINd IMPLEMENTS. Beat bet bit $ 1 00 11 iralaeradle H 1 00 " fol of gardea tooltM I 00 dlnlat tf (arming ataoalla ewaed by exhibitor H 6 00 Thia l aaa tahjeet U tbt rata la Cleat 12. CLASS 14. CEREAL URAIN8. Beat t acret of wloler wheat n 00 buahal tfwlaitr wheat 100 " 2 tcrea tf rye S 00 " baikal tf rvt I fl acret tf tola H H ft 00 fltertttfbaehwbaat ............ 6 00 ' I acrtt of corn t0 I ilfiv aflrtUrmrnW. Brail irrvol itivrricd I of f,ute. 4 00 I 00 I 00 4 tu.h.l ,1 Ilia Ihy.. tale ftirnl-li-d llie etltibliure. They aiu'-t , . t x . it tit ': t k. 't I be in autrt or aciglird, a d a aeinple farninhed at Ihn r'alr. A p leant for premium! inua' fur inrh the cuuiiiiiltue whh a ate'i-menl aigued y lbtuulvea. uoder pleditt of vtracl'v. of llit quantity of grain rawed a ibe gruud tnlerud lor a premium, and niuit atatt ea correctly at he can the kind and ootid I lion of the previoua crupe, the kind and quantity of aowo, and thu lime ard mode ol pulling It In the ground. Pi-raoiia enurinir field croin for exhibition, or in tending to do ei, may give notice lo tbt Kieca tire Committee at any lime, and bavt tht ueld lurwured and examined by tba committee while growing. V.IAM li-RHKAD AND CKHKAL FOOD. licit loaf of wheal bread loaf rte I read I'll " liaf corn bread &u " tponite rake Dip'a jelly eaae. Dip a " pound cake -. l'ip " " Iruit take - Dip'a B'-Wee nake Dip'a " lady cake Dip'" " rake ol any kind, diploma and " priarra, diploint. and ' Jelly, diploma, end 6" " Jieplay of preiervca and jelly I (id h-e cream w tU CLASS m.-liUMKR AN!) CliKSR. Rett HI pounds or mnrt of flrkin butler, at bail S uvntbe old $1 CO " A p utda or more of buttvr I oO " i tiaoe mado by exbihiior 1 00 Tnu i-xhihilor to girt a atatetuent of tho man ner ot pnat rviug ike butter and of making the obcene. t'l.4a 17, Ki.ot'a. Drat I On II... wheat flour M "0 Iftti lb', buckwheat Hour -. I ou " 6! Ibe eortimeal 1 td cLtue IS tnjMtisnc anncLt. Det box or jar of honey l!00 " puche put dp a r tight, diplo ne M loin a tooa put up air tight, diplom i... " lilarklerrii f, air Ogh'. diploma ' fanov jxr of j ick'ea, diploma cut ml iikiii, Jipii.uia an I.- 5 " diitu htif, w.ih iiio-t.i of ruling 6U i.rva IK. nour.tno .t Fcrt tea Heel V' arie - ! 0" M( yard- aloef. I H IS jar in wix.len earpel.. 1 0" Hi yard ol .tn.. t 15 r. rag: rirpi-t, i wnl rhuin).... 1 l0 air biiit.krta 1 o ' a 1 1 1 tinted imoi, d j l -ma mid u Wim.Ii ii r.overlet 1 utt " ppvirati of hnolling. knitting or ne-d'e-work i-y a Mia obder eleven yeare 1 00 lb. Hocking yam , 60 " f.ot uiat.H 60 " tidy uat , 10 I'LAM 2d. ! tnKLL, VAXWoaK, dc. Beit fprcitnon of needle-work, diploma and $ 60 " apcoiuien ofaewingonmacbiae,diplo- ma and 60 41 apeciuien of flowera in wonled, dijilo- ma and 60 " apecimrn of embroidery In wonted, diploma and.....'. 60 " apecimen of embroidery in laot, di ploma and 60 " apecimen ot embroidery in mualio, di ploma and 60 " rteiuien of la at her worb, dip. and... 60 " apeeimen of wax flowera, dip. and.... 60 apecimen of fee' her work, dip. aad...' 60 " apecimen of ornamental work, diplo ma and- 60 " ihlrt mtidt by Miaa under 12 jeara, diploma and 1 00 " bed quilt, tatimated for work, diplo ma and 1 00 CLANK 21 , W I LUX IKT AXD IiBtalM AKIBO Bert millinery work, diploma and fl 00 " dreia-making. diploma an l I OH 22. ARTiaric work. Beat photograjih taken on tbt ground. Dip " lamiacape paint I'ip. " peninanahip Dip. " arrhiteetnr! drawing Dip. M oil painting Dip. " portrait painting. Dip. " cuttle painting. Dip. " paintina in water colon. Dip. " ornamenul painting of any kind Dip. " farming eceue Dip. claw 23 - DBIIGSS. Beat deaign for farm ho tire and stable $-'t 00 " defiga for dairy houac.. 1 01) " d'lign for fruil huuit , 1 00 CLAIt 21. METALLIC fABRICI AUD hUCRiainr. lleit cooking etovc i 00 " parlor atove 1 (10 apecimen, lr-n fence, H S 00 ' r peri men of tinware I 00 blaekamilhing, diploma and I 00 M apecimen of gunamlthing, dip. and... t 00 M rpecimcn of iron turning I "0 " plate cntinff, diploma or.. H I Of) " original invention in county 6 00 " diajilny of American table and pocket cuilory S 00 " dlrptay of edge loula I SO CLASS J... VKIIICI.KS OF ALL KIND. Beat family carriage " buirgy " farm wagon M aleigh lambor eltd m...... " horte cart M wheelbarrow i $2 JO , t On , S 00 , 1 on , 1 00 , 1 oo 1 Ihe premiuma in thia claaa art intended only for articlea manufactured In tht oonnly. Diplo maa may It awarded to articlea not made it tht eounty If deterring of notice. Thia ralt alao applita to eiaae It. CLASS 20.CAB!NETWAnE MADE IN CO. Beat d renin a bureau . $.1 00 44 extension table 1 00 " variety of chain . 1 60 " bedatcad 1 00 " wa-hnand .... 60 ' att parlur furniturt 4 00 " act of chain I 00 toft Z 00 ' centre table 1 00 M lounge dipl'ma and- 1 00 ' office chair 60 H ruaiic chair 1 00 CLASS 10 COOl'EKINO, CARPENTERING, Ac. Beat pine ware tuba, alanda, Ae $2 10 " act of grain mtaaarea I 00 " window blind .1 2 00 " lot of bucket! , 60 " apecimen ofaaah 1 00 " pannel door S 00 M pnuip of any kind- fl 00 CLAfS 2S. ROOTS AND GARDEN VEGETA BLES. Beat buabel rutabaga , 1 00 " buahel carroU 1 00 It aulka celery 60 " 1 huihel aweet potatota 1 00 buahal table heeta 60 " S heada ea'ibage, diploma and 60 " Ttriaiy of meiona, diploma and. 60 M equanbet, diploma. ,,, 60 " pumpkin, diploma and- 60 " egg plant 60 It muat bt thnwn that all vetctablee bavt been raited by tbt exhibitor. CLASS 29. CTRRIRRS, SADDLERS AND 8II0EMAEBRS. Rett dirplay of bnotaand ahocau $2 00 hd ng aaddle for lady ... I 00 riding bridle and martingale 60 " aide flniahed barneaa leather 1 0 ' aleigh robe made by exhibitor 1 00 " carriage barneaa. H fl 00 alngle barneaa S 00 aide kip lather 10 " aide aole leather 60 " tug ha ni tea fl 00 1 pro Mem an 'e aaddle S 00 traveling trunk 1 00 " cm If kin M 60 ' aide upper leather M 60 CLASS 80, TAILORS' AND UPHOLSTER ERS' WORK. Beat ault of elolbea made hy band $2 00 M panla and vent made by a lady 1 60 huak matlren , I 00 ' hair maltreaa I 00 " elraw maltreaa I W " toal made by a lady 1 00 CLASS SI. PRINTING IN COI NTY. Beat newapaprr $1 0 ) " b.ank - 60 ' handbill 60 ca'd. 0 f aperlmtn-o( ornamenlal printing S 00 CLASS 32. STONEWARE. Beat aaaortmtnt and quaht) $2 00 CLASS 1.1. WOOD AND STONE. Bett dreaaed atone $1 On M butter bowl 60 M turned article.M I 0i' lotr boarda, worked. 1 00 M waihinc machine..., 60 " wrather boarda, worked I 00 CUSS 84. NATURAL MINERALS Beit ati. ut aaefal mineral! of Claarfltld ' county, inoludiug coal 2 00 M potter a elay . 60 Itmeatont 1 00 flntelay 60 CLASS 16. FRUIT. Beat diaplay and greattat variety of graft ed applet $6 00 dlrplay ofpoart H I 00 " quincoa m 1 00 " apecimen of applea, 1 buahel.. , I 0.1 " apaeimoa al American grape 1 00 " natural grapea ralaed in ooaoty 1 00 domealic grant wine,M 60 M ear rant wmo nH 60 " blackberry wiot- - ...... 60 CLASS 8. HORSEMANSHIP. To tht lady who aaaoegee her hortt beat and lite moat gracefully ... To Iht geallemaa wbo maaaget hia buret beat aad aitt moat gratefully Beat driving on tht track by a lady Ileal band with braat laalrameata Beat band of martial mmle CLASd IT.-NURSEHIBS. Beat aureery enatalalog Ibt great it rati tiy tf fruitt and ahrubi, cultiva ted la the moat approved manner, tht appllcaat to fnraiah writun deaerlptita, with variety and mode tf on I tare.- Dip Dip. Dip Dip Dip $fl 10 CLASH H.-RIFLB SIIOOTINO. riaar BAToatO yabii. Beat S ihola, etrtng aeaiart I0 00 Second beat 00 Third btaU 4 00 Fourth be I 00 Fifth Uit HH S 00 eooae mattb 100 tabps. Beat I ehoU, ttrlng m eaa art $15 00 Second beit H m f 00 Third beat-.. I 00 Doth mtcb ta bt abot aocerdlog ta tbt fol lowing rale t No ahootiag tt takt place aalll tbert art twoa-ty-flrt tn trice Ii tech match at fll.OS aa tatry, Jjrur girJcrrtiurntfuts. Poalllon, alanJl.lti off h.nJ, frr. arm I njr HKxl ; of ,, i ,, albla : o lllbtint"ibula auj aa buU "..llprt" ahool IhrM .nl ui tbr..t the J.dgra ai.U a dgra and w iuaiaato uan target. Allparllei deairlug to about muat give tliel nenire, acvompnuini bg lAa tmtrtnr , U Iho Hi-cretnry not later Ihm anna on Tlurliy. "o IrKer 17th tho i litre! diy ol the lair I'traoni entering for ibe m4tuh will lie aim ti led to Ihe grounda free of charge on the day ol ibt match. Dtaerelluoary prtmluma will be awitded for all artlcht of merit not em brace J In the ahuvt, and exhibited by meobanioa tn all the varloue branehea. a,ud it ia hoped thai a exhibi tion will bt made. For all iuiprovemeula ueful lo the farmer and having valuable pruperltea, although not ma le In tht county, premiuma may be awarded by the Kxeoulive Committee. In all etoei of merit, diplomaa will bo awarded to tx hibitora rending out ol llie eounty , and aunh ptr aona are oordiallr Invited Ut attend tht lair, aud exhibit any artio a Oiey ur cti'JOM, Taay will receive every allrniiua at the ban le of the ufl'i- cera. An earned a) pen I la made to tur own people to ninae mu tiiti oeii lair wt have ever tAH. xei the exbibttion he worthy ol our piople and orcl ttabla lo (be oi.unu. It la neo ili-tr'y a count v inntilution- ll aliiuld bt a fir met 'a t elety , and Trout idem ahoulil receive Ihe iuuti atlniiou end i nno rai'iiienl i g'io-1 etlmiti but nnm fvlt aud in J more good may lie di,e. NA niANIt:i. RISII1-L, II A R It H HOOVKIl. I'rt'tdeiit rTiii ry. Our (Dim rtrrrtisfaunt. THE REPUBLICAN, P.bll.hnl vnr Wlaa,,l GOODLANDER& LEE, 4 I I 1HKII- I II. F I., lltfa ttii t.t rieM t tit illation of ati) paper In 4irt h H-relrrii lntiii aula. The I urge und coiiHtantly inoiTUHing circulmion of the Uepuulican, rondurs itvaluuhlo tobuainess men as a modi urn thro' which to reach ihe puhlie Terms or Subhcription : tf paid in advance, If puid after ihreo month, If paid after six months, $2 00 2 50 3 00 When papers are aunt ouioide ol the county payment must be in advance ADVERTISING : Ten lines, or Icsh, B times, . SI 50 Kuch subsequent inner tion, 50 Administrator Notices, . . 2 60 Executors' Notices, . ... 2 AO Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Erttrays, . . . 1 50 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 50 Profo8nional Cards, 5 lines, year, b 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVEKTISEMENTS: One square, 10 linos, . . , S 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares, ...... 20 00 Une-fuurth column, . ... SO 00 Ono hull column, .... TO 00 Ono column, 120 00 JOB PRINTING. Wo are prcparoU to do .11 kinda of PRINTING rostuas, I'ROGHAMMES, CAKDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL 1IEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMTIILETS. CIKCULAKS, Ao., Ac, IN TUB BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDEltS BY MAIL VOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlander A Iee, Clearfleld, Clearfield Countj, Pa. 5(HiSfftlanfous, IMt K underaignad bei leave to iniorui U.k -i he tbut it tf now fully prepar-' t (attr 4j or O..H a iiuj-i.. Si. xld.ea an-l lUriiraa, on Iht aborteat noti. ..i K..i,i.K.. i - - bfiweon llitrd and Funli. tlEO. VY. OEARIlAkT "l-r:ield. Feh. 4, tHT4 a. a coax lb. o. BKiilhba. uTI.ini. HcCORKLE & 10.S FURNITURE ROOMS, Mti rliet Htrcot, Clcarlleld. Wo tuanufaoturt all klndi of Furnltnra for Cliamtra, Dining Rixtma, Liumrlca and lli,i, II you want Furniture of any kind, uSn'l to until ynu aeo our alork. ' IJ KIIT AUI Ktj la .11 It. branclitn, T.'m),rly att.nd.d to. OI'MCII, Mi'C'lKKLIi a CO riorll.lJ, I'a., Feb. I, T. IIAljIi'S HONEY OF BOREHOUND AUD TA yon THE CURE OF Cocrti, C'jlit. In?lnen:t, Hcaraenc:. ftiT.c Bren thin and all A&ectlnna tf the 'Ihroat, roni:Lial Tnhei, and Lcnga, leading to Con3unitiua. This iiif;il!l)lc remedy is ccmj oir! .r i! IluNJ V of the phut Ilmd'ouii.!, in l ti;i . nui.n il!i Tvi; Il!i, ctuclj l d in r I. IKK l'ltlMIIIK of tin: fiTf-l lilC A:! Mm smf. , nr ll.ilm uf idem!. m- n:i:s all iriitnlinii the Tar-li.ilt). n : w-i ami air p.isvajjcs It-.vti ;ind i n T n i : i n i .-i ' " c jii, r s a:I" in -.;1 tlietl -ir; to llie It.n;' . 1 . Kill (l.C !!'. r-. r, a'l'iiiiou.ii mrtii moist, and IkmIiWuI ntiii-l'. I vt VI iii lice keen you frrirn living tlii-- f.teil n' . cine of a fani'nia (ortnr ho 1i;s r. t-t tti-ii;-MMils oftives lv it 'm hi;;e prixnle pi.utiu . N-11. The Tar-lUlm hai. no iasii: of sticll. PRICKS 50 CLN'IS AND $1 Tl'.R If'TTlT, Crrt aaving Ii buy lrpr ia. "1'lko's TiMilliaHie Irrm" Cure In 1 Mimito. Sold Ly all DruEcMn. 0 N. CEITTENTON, Prop., N.Y II ARD TIMES HAVE NO ETTKCT IN FRENCHVILLEI I am awaiT that there are acme rrrr-'-r; a little hard to plcaae, and I am alao aware thai tbt complaint of "bard timei" ta well aie:h nnivertal. But I am ao aitoalcd now lhat I can aatiify the lormr and prove eoncloalvtly that "bard titnea" will not effect thoto who buy their (tondi from ma, and all my patmna thall be initiated into the m cret of HOW TO AVOID HAIiL TIMES I hare gooda cnotigh lo iup ly all the inhald tanti io the lower tod of the county which 1 aril at rxrmdmB l"-w ratea from my mammoth atre ti Ml'l.HuMil HG. where I can alwaya be frond ready to wait upon call era and aupply IL-em wtk Dry Goods of all hinds, Snch aa Clothe, rlalinetta, Caaaimerea, Motlini Delainea, Linen, Drilling!, Calieoea. Triwmingi, Ribbona, Laot, nadj-madc Clothing, Boota and Phoea, llala ao4 Capa all of the beat material and made to order Hoee. Socka. Ulorea, M'ttcna, Lactt, Kibbona, da GK0CBHIK3 OP ALL KINDS. Co flee. Tea, Svgar, Bice, MoUiaea, Fiab, full 1'ork, Linaeed Oil, Fiah Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Quecnawara, Tinware, Caatinga, Pluai and IMow Caatinga, Naila, Spikea, Corn Cultiva tor!, Cider rreatea, and all kinda of Axta. Perfumery, Fninte, Varnlih, Ulaat, and a gen rat aaaortroent of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different branda, alwaya on hand, and will be aold at tht lowest jioaaible fig urea. J. II. McClain'a Mtdirlnta, Jajnc't lJedicinea HocUttcr'a and Ilttofland'a Uittera. 6(Ht8 potmda of Wool wanted for whieh tba higheat price will bt paid. Cloverteed oa band and for tale at the loweat market price. Alao, Agont for Hrattunville and Curwrnittllf Threhing Machiuea. tic Cell and ec for youreolvee. You will tti everything urually kept in a retail atort. L. M. mtlDRlKT. Frtnchville P. 0., Anguat 11, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, Sucrciaora to Bojntfi A Young,! FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Menufartnrere ol PORTABLE k STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of uarth and Tin. StrMU, ( I.KAIII lr.l.ll, PA. RAVING .nffar.) in th. tB.nafa.tur. f flr4 .laia MACHINERY, w. rrrpHtfuH; M" Y f ohlifl that w. ar. bow itr.r.rH to all rJI araVr aa rhcapl; and aa promptly aa oaa V J,.' In an.T of th. cltl.a. W. utanafaotur. and it Mulay and Circular Saw-Millf H...1 Blorha, Wain Whrla, Poll.Jl, OitTord't Injwtor, BtMra flanf.1. FtMBi Wbl'll", Oiler., T.llo. Capa, Oil Capa, Gang. Cofka, " Cotka, (lloh. Val.aa, Chmk, wreoM Ik PIpM, Bl.ara Pampa, Boll.r FMd Pumpa, AnH rrirtioB Matraa, Boap Btoa. Paliin, Oaai Pack B(. and all kinda af MILL WOKKi tofiko with Plowa, DM dol.a, COOk'AXD PARLOR STOVES, uti .th.r CASTINI1S of all hladt. imfOtim aoHolM aad Iliad al eitr PrM' All htlan of Inqalrj with nfaraaM to ajwhln f oar aaaniraolar proaiptl uivmd, hy addra. rnf aa at Olwrlald, Pa. JaaHl tf BIOLM, 10VVH 4 MID --l . I Tk-a - m