TILK JtEPIJBLICAN.. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCT. J, IS7b Terms of Subscription, If pi id In aditnoe.or within three moutht ,.$2 00 If paid iftr three and before its month.,. J 50 If paid efler ihtejapiralloo of lix munbti... I 00 7-Meteri. 8. M. PirtwiLL A Co., Newt Mtt:tr Advertiiing Agenti, 7 Park how, turner ' Pfrtf-jf .s.rret, art our 4qv a'jrit(s1 Amenta I. Nw York City. RCMIiMM It NtlTICKN. Mrlhwlltt I-:plcopa. lllirr h Rev. J, ft. MrMrmiAT, ParWr. Srrviefi every Sabl.atb u in A. M-, md T, I'. M. Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Prayer Mealing ovary Tburadey, at 7, P. M. Coiau union Service, first Sabbath of every flonth, it 1. A. M. Wnt C'leertteld M. E, huich. Rtri. William 11. Uii.L and W. ft. Wimor, Pat tort. preaching every alternate Sunday, at I o'clock, I'. M. Sunday School at Si., P. M. All ara in tilrd to attend. Irne!) terlau lliurf UlUv. II. 8. Butler. - Sibb-th aervirrt morning and er en in ft ISeb luttlt School at 3 1. M. Pruyor Meeting Wednea jay evening. Nt. H reticle' t'burch ( athulic Hoy. P. f. SmaiOAB Preaching at 10, o'clock, A. M., on lie tint, third and fourth Sunday a of each month; Vet peri and benediction of tba UUiaod Sacrament nt 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday Hobool every Sunday afternoon at I o'elook. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY TIVI Or oLniRO qUARTM IKMIORI OOttRT. Second Monday of January. Third Monday of Marob. Fut Monday of Juno, t o art h Monday of September. Timor aoLoiaa com nun plbai. rirt Monday of June. Second Monday of November, rcBLio orriciHi. Pruident JtdgUou. Cbarlei A. Mayer, of I.k Haven. Attittant Low Judgi Hon. JoLn H. Orvll, of llcronta. Atoeati Judgt Abram Ogden, Clearfield; Vincent B. Holt. Clearfield. Vol A vaolary Eli Bloom. tgitttr una Recorder L. J '. Morgan. tUttriet Attonuy Wn, M. McCullough. Trtaur$r David McGaughey. Sktriff Andrew Penti, Jr. Irpti( Sktriff Clirlit. J. Kcaggy, ClearAetd. County AWvcyor Samuel P. MeCloikey, Cur- .ntville. (VmnfV Commiuinntr Clark Brown, Cleer B "Id t Tbotnai A. McUee, Cbeit P. 0. llairta hoover, Clearfield. (Wry Auditor William V. Wright, Clear field ; Samuel A. Caldwell, Williemigrove Jobo 0. dinner. Burn aide. County Coroner J. B. Naff, Mew Washington. Jury Cummiiontr bt. Juniea P. Burobfield, Cl'rbpd, Joiejib Alexander, Madera. indent of Public SckooUM. L. Mo Junwn, Clenrfleld AVncro Wttghttd: MewurnJttai W.Carlilt, oflire it Lntheritiurg Pa. Aolnriet Public John W. Wricy, Wm. Ra--li bnuh, Cyrua Gordon, Ckarficld ; Joaeib It. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, CorwrniTille ; J. A. hiving atooe, iJulioia City. Our Social column is decidedly interaalfng in lornl foint of view, and profitable reading to outriders who wnnt iasave money. i:t of ol ni: t Will jitu t'ko wtn'rt, omu or e rn for sub. fit in ?" We mn ofttn lri itrod of in thie way b htler from lrona wlio rt l Ic at a UioUooe from CIvarrvlii- We igun te,v va. The rcrcitts of a iri'Hiiililu inerrbant or mill own it tn the vicinity, will anwor u Ju't na will l'u s:h. T illli.itnttj : If any of our pitroiiF will deliver ui a bug of grain at the uilM of Jueei.h II. Ilreth, in Che Ft townhii, Hotao r.itchia, in Bmuiido, Thomas H. Forcoy, in (lrtibam, Win. Porter or baw'f, in Ljwrenoe, or Itrowa A Boylcr'f, at Itoukton, UnlD towiiFbip, an-l furweH their reedpti for the amount, we will eredlt the a on thrir s-count fur the smne. In this way all may loon pny what ll.cy owe, if they will purine this eurse. tf. Are you roing to nttend the County Pair week after next 1 LadicH li iiiuiiing liingcH, in grout varirty, at Flock's. io-S. . m Tlio ptihtio Bfhools of lU'm borough will cpen next Monday, Oet. 7th. JI:vve you poiii fuck A Co 'a store f the new goods nt i2f S. Straw lints luivu been culled in by the clerk of (he weather. m mm LiuiicH Full uml Winter fout( now tt end bft, at T. A. Fkek A Co.'s. s3i-ll. J,(nk nt the ciicuh cut in the biir 7 elephant ibow advancement sideways, and see If juu enn nci'gniie your great grandmother. Two huniJrcd ourriugeB will be sold at public sale at Ilriknri Baiarr, Pbiladi-lphla, on Tuesday next, Oct. 8lb. Hce advsrtiiment. Tom Dover, iunnerly of this place, has already sold bis lnleret In the Womalsdorf (Pa.) Itrrald and retired Iron tho publishing buiintit. mm i PiaiioH tuned by Prof. J. P. How botham, now in Rime ting the Orphem Cornet Band, of CharSeld. Also, lesion given on the Flute, Clarionet, Cornet, oto. Tho Owceola HeariHe tuV8 : "Hon. A. II. Dill, ranjidite for (lorernor, baa takt-n stork in tbe Oieeola 0:1 Company, to tbe amount of $'0, If tbeis Is anvtbing In 'grease Mr, 1)111 ought to be elreled." Two large bulletin boards, each li0 feet in length and 12 ft at bight havs been erected and covered with show bills by the paste brigade of Belli Brothers' " Hevcn Elephant Show " and Cirru, abioh Is to exhibit here next weok. mm wm JuH received at tbo Pliiludi:lliia oranan Clothing More, t large itooH or men s, yontbs' and boje Clothing, and a variety of fancy salts lor children. Alio, a fine stock of over eoalt, which we can sell cheaper tl.ao any other atore in town. mm The Krio M. E. Conteronco, in cb- sion at Oil City for a week past, will conclude Its labors today. Over two hundred ministers were present. Bishop Ames presided. Brady town rblp Is the only territory of our eounly embraced within tba bounds of this Conferrneo, Tho Cilir.cnfl' Cornet Hand rmnnlied the ntile for the Mnrpby Temperance meeting on Monday evening. Addresses were delivered by 1 1 rati Test and P. O'Lcary Buck, K'q.'ri. A col lection, amoaating to $0 was taboo up, to nsvd la defraying tbe expenses or tba Union. . i mm Wo bad ft cull litnt KutiinUy from Mr. Joseph I, ft- 0, of nolatid, Centre eouniy wbo edverltses la this paper fur a quantity of sbavtd hoops, and we eta recommend him as an booest business man wbo will do joM as be prom tees. Parties having suob an arllele for aale can not do better than to deal with Mr. NlU. mm - Mr. Cbarlen Slow, un old newKiiaiter aequaintaaea, Is bow aettag aa prers ageut of Hells Brothers' big 7 elephant show. He Is K nUI, whole-soiled gfotlomin, wiih whom It is a plsasuro to do boil nets. The large adver tifcmenl of Ihe Cue and Menagerie in oar paper to-day attests to iLt fact that be tiOJciFleiids bis business and tha ase of printer's ink. The second quarterly meeting norv ices etrs held in the CI eat 6. Id M. K.Cbureb Issl Habbath. Rv. 8. C. Bwallaw, Presiding Klder, presebed 1b Ihe morning, on abioh oouailoa tba eeerament of tba Lord's Supper was admtaistered. A toie Feait was UIJ ia (be Uoture room ia tba ifurnooa at 1 o'clock. tUv. U. W. Hi or Half Moon eberge, Centre eouaty, formerly pastor of the Clearfield Cireiill, prvarbod for Rev. At c Hurray la tba areeiog. Ono ot Mr. Jorieph Sliuw'a bomeH aa Uktn from bis bar a, in this borough, one aiabt last asek. without the pvrmii)n af the priprlitor, and after making whatever ass tbey intended, the unknown ptrty turned the animal hrare and allowed aim to return borne, Tbe berse, ith bridle and saddle on, was found near Ihe bsra in tbe morning Aa examination of tbe t rent i its showed the fellow was In saeb a great buny that be had to eul the halter, not taking time to nolle It. Lant week was one of ununual ex ei lenient end interest to oar borough, Conrt was in ssssloa the entire week, and tbe Catholic Pair I in operation every day and evealng tho Biaoeraey held meetings In the Conrt House on Monday and Tuesday evenings on Wednesday afternoon tbe Radical County Contention came off la the hall of the American Mechaaies, in tba opera llonsa, and la tho evening tbay held their anneal meeting In tha Conrt II ease t en Thursday evening tba Green back ere held a Bass aetiag In tba Conrt Honst. Three braea and a martial band famished mosle for tbt savsral oacaelone abort saee tinned. WlUT A (iKEAT is EWAPAPtft lATi OF I ever vi tiled tbU Iim H1 reach here by It tpa- eial Iraiai on Tburaday, Oct 10th, and that is tba Great European Hv-n Klepbant Railroad Kipo aition of the Balls Bros, Its proportions ara sin. ply rnormoue, and Its educational and amusement resources almost beyond eomputatloa. It ia also as superior In refinement and elegaooeof premut ation as It Is overshadowing In vaitness, and oomes reoom mended and indorsed In tbe highest and most invalided terms by the entire press wherever It has pitched Its mammoth ten is. ruch Indisputable authority as tho Pittsburgh hilg Ditpotck (mpbataiily praises it as fullowa , The f elepbanta, to wbiob snob prominence taa been given In nur advritiiiog eolunms, nr. rind by (Le Pan HeLdle jesterday, together with tbe balanoe of Ihe big new menagerie and eiious by which Ibey are eu-pWijtd as a disilnotUe title. The really superb and sensational parade on tba fioulh tide in tbe morniig, together with tbe bifcbly original and successful ndwrtislng eaca-pa-te of tbt two-horned rhiooceros, gave the show such a first-elass seod iff that business was excel lent in the afternoon and extraordinary at night, when tbt smoke-tinged brawn and muscle of Bir mingham rallied la admirable disorder to forgot tbt furnace, factory and forge in tbe pretence of the ' Tn pU al Ttrrors ' and ' Monarch of Musc.' W ell nccBiDiindid as lb show bas ccnte, and liberal as rue id pntciref, it fudy merits tbe one and n Oei u iheotrrr. Much liUrality, orig inality and iiigcMilty t deployed In Its street pgi ant, which rerun to c itas tLe limits of purtiuilily in that ilirectiun, and givoan eitollcnt frte idiaof what tomes alter for pay. Tbe mi-o-agerlt It very larga and compute, end notably cosmopolitan. Tbe oirous troupe Is aa anuaually large one, and combines a wide diversity of talent Tbe barebicb rididg is of tbe best, and the various gymnaite feats eommand eootiuued applause. Willis Cobb's educated dogs, monkeys and goats give most entettaining and laughable variety to the programme." Tub Singer, All persons having a Singer Hewing Machine ara req anted to call at tbe Branch Office of Ihe Singer Mnuf 'g Company, on Market street, Clearfield, (in tbe Tailoring rooms of M. M. Villey), for needles, etc., as by so doing they will lav money, besides thry get oolbing but tbo genuine pari, or pslcss, wbiob ean not be procured from outside agents. Also, persons desirous of purchasing a Sewing Maabiua should be sure to buy the one reofgoiseil by ail to be the Acme uf Perfection that Is the Hingor. No matter what couotry, family moves to, either in Europe or America, If tbey ore In possession of Singer and need parts and pieces for it, Ibey will ba sure to find an agent of Ihe Singer Com pany to supply tbm: no matter whether It Is one of tbe machines first manufactured, or one of tbe very Utost ItnprMed. The great lurorae which bat attendtd tbe sale of (be Singer Machine is at tributed to the fuel that nothing bu) the best ma terial is put in etch machine ; tbe exie with whU'h It is learned ; the Implioity uf tboir construction, Ac. Tbe best guarantee of perfect reliability is In tbe record of twenty-nine )cais c nitanlly In creasing suetfttFS, during "vhiob time they have mude and sold over SiKil.Udl) uiajbinas (the an nual sales arc now over a quarter of a milli'itt), while In tbe same p-riol Mores of other makue have bct-n placed upon tbe market, nearly tll ol which have passed away and tba aiaihiaea are Worthless, fur tbe makers eautiot be luund nor tba parte duplicated. The Mngt-r Manufacturing Coui( any have tmily earned the reputation ul taking care of t)i int res'i ol its cuitoius, and will cuulititiu to d rr o ii. In ot Jer to accommo date ihe lare dtman is tor thite ciUt'.MeJ Sow ing MaoUiuet. Tbe Coiupauy bve cstablisbai Branch OOlcei In every ouatjr iu the State. Tbe Ucucral Agent for this eounty, J, W. Nleklln, or one of tbe Looul AiirntF, will cull up -n any per sons desirnus of j.iocuiing one ol there household ncceilies. All couiinuiticitUons aildrasscd to The Smtr Manufaotorii g Coutpany, Clearfield, Pa., will receive prompt attention. Persons buy ing a machine wilt 6t pirca intlrKcliott frrt of rkartj until tbey oun operate lallihctorily. mm en - Barn Iemroykd by fntE. The Tramp mid Htl Trck lijkt.Oa Tucrday night the 24th ult., between 1 1 and It o'clock, tbe barn of Enoch Ucarbart, in Decatur township, was sat on fire, and with all its conteuts, was totitly de stroyed. Mr. (learhart'a bay, grain and other crops were stored in the bun, and we Icarn that bis wag-ns, farm Implements, and rxrioii other kinds of property, Including poultry, all went with tha flames, Mrs. Ocarhart and other mem bers of tbe family were abient that day and eve ning, and bad the horses with them, or tbe losa would, perhaps, hare I rcn still greater. Some time during the evening, or near dark, two tramps applied fur lodging, and were refused by Mr. (Jrarhart, who repeatedly declined to keep 1 them overnight. Tbey finally declared their in tentiop to sleep In tha barn. This, too, was re fused, when tba .tramps started away, swearing vengeance on tbe proprietor for refusing' to bar- Sor tLem on bis premises. Later tn tha evening two of Mr. Gearhart's bojs returned home, and after Informing tbem of tbe threat) made by tbe nomads, It was proposed to watch Ihe pnmlees that night, but on further eonsldtratlou, tbey concluded tba tramps had gun away, and that their threats were merely in tin Jed for in timid, tlon. From the manner and appearance of tho rascals, Mr. Qearbart did not fed altogether at ease, and after looking frequently until a lata hour, concluded there was no danger, and went to sleep. When be awoke, tba light through tho window sooo revealed to him that his barn waa oa lira The neighbors were at once alarmed, but ft was too late to check Ihe Dames. We have not learned the amount of lots, but understand ihe property destroyed was Insured for tl,.'O0, or perhaps tha bam alooo, was inturod to I hut amount. Mr. Uearbart if an liiduttrloui and highly -respected eititen, and it If dobbiful whether bis inraranoe will cover t full amount of loss. Uwrola HrrtilU. Sentenced. Judge Muyer, who held Court hert lat week, sentenced tha following parties, wbo were found guilty i John T. Carter, larceny of honey ; pay n Ant of 41, costs (.f prosecution, and six moatbs imprison ment in eounly Jail, T. Jeff, Murphy, larceny of M j one years in tbt penitentiary. Benj. Strahley, assault and baticry thrtt moiiiba in vounir Jail. H. D. Ritirnbuust and J. D, Hopkins, lurcany of two buries from Samuel Hegerty j each two years tn the penitentiary. Addis Panver, assault and battery with Intent to hill ; six mootb In oounty jntl. Jona and Hiteklab Witsm, larceny tbe form er to two years In lie penitentiary, and tbe latter to six months in tba county jail. These parties art father sod son. George James, cruelty to animals ; sentenced to pay e-iits of prosecution. awa a - - The Union P'air. This enterprise, held In Pie's Opera Jlouft during last week, proved a grand financial success. We Icarn that the aggregate receipts amounted to Iht sum of 1,100 34. A Silver Tea Hat brought $.1HI.&0, the CyelopirJie $i:(7.7i, and tbe amount realised from the table and salt of articles ran up to t77.f. Tbe expenses reached ?28.i.'l, leaving a net profit of 73 Ot. One of the fee I tires of the Fair was a scarlet velvet chair cushion, which was coveted by many who saw It. Una entering gentleman took forty eAaaees bat It was handed over to Miss Myrtcr, of Penn townihip. This euihlon covered about Into tbe Treasury. Father Sheridan and tbe Committee of Arrange ments lender their thanks to tbe patrons of tbe Fair, for tbclr attendance and liberal contribu tions to the same. Tbey lender special thanks to tha Bands, which, oa each tvtniog, rnterlalnsd tha audience with their excellent nude. M t'siAL Concert. The CKni Ueld Cornet, or Cilisena Band, intends giving a grand vocal and Instrumental ooacsrt, la tha Opera Uoust, on Taeadajr evening, October 15th, 1H7H. The boys have beta at eonaldcrabte ospaiaa In procuring tbt serf lees of an Instructor, and they ask tbe public to a.ilil lhen la paying that In debtedness. Soma of tbt best Musical talent tf tbt town will takt part In tbt ex e ret as, and tht ntertaimmrnt will he worth tht admission fee, Irrespective of tht worthy thjeat to wlilch the proceeds will g. Tht programme will bt tn nuunced In daa time. Let aver) bed; torn out and give intra a benefit. The Conspiracy Case. Andrew K. Banm, Alex. Patterson and Paddy Burnt, who la coajunclion with twa el bar man, named Mo Lain and Livingston, were tn trial last week for tonspliaey, were found guflly. McLalaand Llv logslen wart acquitted. Application was at one made for a new trial, and sentence was suspended until next term of Conrt. This is n oast growing put tf tbt DtBoia Centtnnlal Colliery affair. Shawl Lost I A double-blanket shawl, maroon and brown plaid, waa ItH oa Wedneaday evening, Sept. 1Mb, en tht road bt. tween Cerwrtaville and Cleei field, or la Clear field borough. Tbt under will be liberally re warded by Itavlng the tame at tbt Ru r si.n ai of) ft. Trimmed hats and bonnets, In tbo latest etylee,ut Fleck Co.'s, Z COURT PROC EEDI NCK-.IBT WEEK. '.eca;.ir,!r r vJuuri eon veiled as z o qkkx p. September, Md. lN7fi. with President Judge, C. A. Mayer, and Associate Judges, Alt ram Ogden and Vinot-nt B. Holt, on tbe bench. Tbe Consta bles of tbo several boroutfhs andlownthips being called, made their re'reellrt rsturna. Thi Grand Jurors were then called and J ackson Patcbin, of Borne de borough, selected foreman, after whiob tbey wart properly swum and char god by tbe louri, ana relirea to pan on me umonunaiai wIiomi eaaes wr ra brought to their notion. John llnllcnback, J. L. Conklin, Awl Reed and Harry Uemiibill. were appointed lipstavtu. Joho llul- lenback was lelerlrd to wait oa tbt Grand Jury The argument Ha, being called over, tbe follow- ng caics wcredispoatd oft ".lVTtT et at., vs. A. CpuVgrarT. ffj. Sfi. J an tier- Term. 1K7S. Bill in K'lUitr. lx- oeptions Ui Maatcro' repnrt dioied ol. N. BiFhel vs. Wm H. Head. No. tU.JunoT., I7H. Certiorari to W ra. Hi the1, Uaq. Proueed inga and Judgment ol Juatice affirmed. Hood A Co., to uaa, vs. Wm. A. Bloom, Execu tor of Abram Bloom, doe'd. No. 2X3, January Term, lfi7a. Kult It show cnuae why judgment ahonld net be opened and dolendnut let into a defense. Rule made absolute i judgment opened nd defendant let into a defame. Piank, Livcrigbt A Co , v, Solomon Zimmer man. No. 4V, September Term, 177. Rule to ahow eauie why judgment should not be strirken oil for irreirnlariliea appearing of record. Rule mode absolute and judgment itricke.i off. Overseers of the Poor ol' Morris lowmblp, vs. Overrccrs of Graham township. No. 1, Septsm tier Term, 178. Appeal from order of rcmorsl. Argmd. lavid KoiCHy vs. Ir. At Hmrn. No. Ui, Septemher Tsrm, 178. Rule grunted tn show cause why judgment i-hould not bo entered for want of Fiifncifiit affidavit uf defense. Paul Kingston vs. Hopper Bro's. No. !4S, Juno Term, 1878. Rule granted to show cause why judgment ahonld not be stricken from tbe reoord as to Samuel Hopper. Wm. Keys vs. Aaron Leslie et. nl. Nu. 14ft, March Term, 17 '. Rule granted to show cause why Judgmeut should not be entered for want of aulhoieut affidavit of detente, Tbe following miscellaneous matters were brought before the Court during tbe week t i 1 be petition of tbt eitisens of Uroonw ed twp , praying for the appointment of Jone Kcster, as t'onalable, In place ol John Haglet, who refuses to ant. Prayer granted. Smith V, Wilson filed bis report as Auditor, diolrihuting the money in Ihe bands of the Sher iff, arlaing from tho sale of Ibe real estate of Jeremiah Cooper. rmi.k, Livtright A i o, vs. itirtst iniic-ry. No. Un. June Term. 1674. Pewf. Air. Sherifl 1 Penis oidered to execute a deed for dt fen dint's real rstele, which was sold by Sheriff Mol'benon. j who failed to execute a deed before tlio eipira-j lion of his term of ollioe. j Tyrone A l'lnrnld Hallroal vs. M. McCaully and Klin R Light. No. , Scpteinoer Term, lb7rt. Report ot viewers filed and confirmed. Report of Coiniuittoe on exeminatlona lor ad uilnsion lo the bar, rictinmending the aduiiiin of R. 1). cwoope. Filed, and applicant sworn In as a member ot the bar ol tbe several Courts of Clearfield county. U. H Keller, Kiq., of ihe Centre county bar, was admitted to practice In the several Courts of this eounty. Wm. Riddles, Adm'r and Trustee of Jbbn Uearbart vs. Ld Perka et, el, No. 22-1, Januury lerm, lH7n. Report uf T. II. Murray, h'., Mailer la fruity, II led and lima for filing excep tions eateiidud to f jib October, 17H. J. B. Hbafier va. J. I. Uigtco. In Faulty. Rule granted to sbuw canst why report of Mji' r abould not be set atfide. 'fli s. Hare A Bro. vs. Samuel Reed, defendant, end James MrMurritv, garnishee. No. lii. March Term, HJb. Rulo granted to show why fnjdor, Harris A Bennett, Young, Smith, Field A Co., and Bancroft A Co., should not be ad mitted a oo -dt-lend no l a and allowed to make delense as to thrir respective oUtmi. George M. Brintnn vs. Bavid Dunn. No. IS, .tune Term, lM7tl. Lat ease on trUI lit for sec und week continued at ooiti of defendant. om8AXi' cornr. A rule was granted on the heirs of Win. Irvln, lute of Curwensville, deu'd, to show cause why a writ of lojuurtioo Fhould not Issue to restrain tbem ftim cutting, felling or carrying away tim ber from an ul tlit preuiista allotted to any of ll.t heirs ol at id decedent, or llieir vendees, until the ir.di'hlednt'ss ol said eitatc be fully paid, slid their severs! rt-cogniraiices died. An otder to fell renl caUta for pajimnt of debts was gran tcU to r. a ward 1'idgeon, Auminia traor of I'eler Nw, Ittto of Woodward townlnp, dee'd. R. II. Moore, Adminiitrator of Samuel Tmv, late of ilrady towntbip, dee'd, tiled his repon ul j air i'i inerrui .-imw ui wmm ueceucni V. V. Coutritt. Adinlniiirator of Fflix Picard, lute of Covington towuliii, dee'd, fild hi report of Fale of the real estate of aaid decedent, Tbo report of the CommlFaionors appointed to. mnkA toililinn of Ihe real ttat uf (Jftu. Khiinol. deo'd, was tiled and confirmed, und a rule waa granted on bis heirs to accrpt or refuse said real I eatatt at the valuation, or show c it use why the same should not bo aold. John T Straw, Administrator of Jos. Straw, dee'd, filed hit report or the snlc of the ical citato of piaid deccdont. W. II. Wilhclm. Administrator of Jacob Wil- helm, Into of Graham townabtp, dee'd, filed hi renort ot salt ol ral a lute wuleli was ol lam uo- . cedent I The rest estate of Henry Irvin.late of Lawrence tewnabipt dco'd, waa allotted to Samuel Irvin and ; Richard S. Irvin, heirs of said decedent, at tbt j alualion thereof. Joseph M. r-inilh filed bis final accounts ai i GnardUn of Eveline Cowan, (now Kvcline Sites), John Cowan and Millard Cowan, minor children of Thomas Cowan, late of Beooaria twp., dre d. F.lita P. Curry Died ber account aa Adminis tratrix of John Curry, late of Jordan township, dee'd. Wm. Stoddart filed his partial account as Ad miuistratwr of Jonona Stodart, late of Beooaria lowmblpt deo'd. James riynn nieu ins nnai account as Aomin Istraiorol John Creaswell, lata of Gulicb town ship, dee'd. Wit. R. Dlokenson filed bis final account as Trustee of tbe estate of Hamilton Weld, latt of Beccaria township, d"d. John F. Picard fl ed bis accounts s Guardian of Lucy Snd Blisabetb Picard, minor children of John B. Ficard, hvt ot Covington tap., dco'd. Tbt account ot it. ll. nnaw, nxeouior oi Junn Shaw, sr., late of Lawrence township, dee d, was filed and confirmed. Robert Byera filed his account as Adminiitrator of Philip B. Ncff, late of New Washington, deo'd. Jesse M. llartcr filed his account as Adminis trator of Edward king, lata of Burnslda twp., dee'd. VT. M. end Janice Cat heart filed their flni) ac count as Kxecutors of David Cat heart, latt of Knox townahkp, deo'd. Znehariah McNaul filed his final nonnuntt as Guardian of Rosanna McBrlde, (now lliaanna ThnmpFon), Robert R. Mcllrlde, and Frank McH ride, minor child, -en uf Wm. Mcltride, lata ol Curwenoville, dee'd. J. 11. Hbitw nied his final account ai Adminis trator of Samuel Sha (Trier, lata of Lawrence twp, dee'd. Hbephcn Graff filed his final aoconnt as Admin istrator of Frederick lleiilt, la't ol Lurwensviue, der'd. Henry Graffiua was appointed Guardian of! Almina Rinler. minor child of Wm. Kiuler, late I of Lanoasirr eounty, deo'd. rraak A. Fleming Diet I his renort as Auuuor distributing tha balanoe in bands ol V. I). J. Merlin, Administrator of lloborl I'rott, lata oi UiiFtoo township, deo'd. W in. O. Bigler was annolnteil Guardtan of J no. P. Shlmel, minor child of Wm. Shluiel, lalt of Bogga township, deo'd. Mart in Welts was appointed Guardian ol nor Owens, minor child of Thomas Owens, lata of Fcrguion township, dee'd. QI AUTKR SKRSr.MS. Petition presented praying tbe court to vacate that part of the public mad leading Irom Madera bridge to tha mouth of Pine Run, whiob lies be tween enrntir of Joseph Alexander's lands and the said Madera bridge. James Mitchell, Iaaac Hagsrty and David U. Ilental appointed viewers. Petition of eitiseos of rlko and l.aw rente townships for n road to lead from Josiah W. Thompson s, in liawrenet township, to Anarew Clippies, in Pikt township. Also to vacate n por tion of tht road now open from J. W, Thomp son's to Andrew Cupplts, In Pike towmbip. Jus. Mitchell, Jaa. Thompson, and Jjbu 1'uniap ap pointed viewers. Keport of viewers laying out a road from n polut near the term or Michael Walker, to n point in tht old I'hilipaburg and Janesvkllt road at or near tbt Beaver Hun bridge. Confirmed M SI. Petition of John Q. A. Johnaon, Jacob Preytr, and II. 1. Knvder, to have tbeir properties an nexed to Beaver Ridge aohool diatriet, in Bell township, for school purpoaes, read and oonaid crod, and Tho l. Moore, Anthony Hits, and Jobo Ruaaell appointed tommlFetoners to io'iuiro into tht propriety of granting the prayer ol the peti tioners. Report of viewers laying out a new township to beoalltd "Sandy townalnp," out of tbt parts of Brady and Huston townships, filed and an election ordered to bt held on the stb Monduy of October, 1878, at "Behwem'f Hotel," tn Lu- tberinnri, at wblon election the outlined tieotors of Brady township, and of that portion of Uus- lon tOWnsmp, rtaming Wi mm me Douuuarm oi tbe propnetd new townahip npon tha question of the erect ton ol n new township. Tha report of the Commisaioncri appointed to Inquire lute the lunacy of W ra. T. Irvin, ol Law rence towoahip, wax read and held over. voiamoawealtn vs. r. vtooui, ueienueot ms- charged nuder insolvent act. n l tern ber in, w oloek, p. m., court aajourn- td until 1 o'clock, p, nt,, Moodar Hth Inatant, mm aw Post the Hogije. Tho following poster Is being elrctlated, and for fear the scoun drel might wood his way hitberwards, we puhliab It for tba benefit of tbe public i I AO RfCvVAMDl A horse, buggy and harness were stolen from my barn on Saturday moruing, July I3lb, 1n78. Itte mart was tf cbestnut color, Ivur years old, and wat a good traveler. Square-bos buggy, Driscoll A Morris makers, Abdover, N. V. tbe barneFt was niobel or silver-plated. Tbo above property was taken from my premises by Simon Holu He Is about 49 years old, Bas a long, oiaeu beard, and Is atari; six feat in htight ; is n good taller. sDeekinf very rapidlv. preaches tbt Uni versalis!, faith and Temperance, and Is an Impos ter. Kditors, spot blm. 1 will ny fill lor the recovery of the property, and ili for tbe arreat and delivery of the lb let, end the Tratleee of the lat Universal Society at Wblleivill.mil pay fliiO additional for hta arrest and delivery to tlitsntr ifl of Allegany eounty, N. V. PKRRY POTTER. Andovtr, N. T.,July th, ln7c. 1 liuvo opened an immense Hx k ot dry -goods In all tht varied branches, tt which t ask tbt attention tr cash buytrs. My stock Is not af tht sensational Cheep Jobs order, but good nnd reliable goods, and purchasers will find tbey will save money la buying their goods fro ma. Wn. Kb-rd. Clearfield, fiei.1,17. ' - - Oh lcvt,wF th nam ling e 5mavawahf?aeMnWMaat l- The goldrn-tawuey asb ttea Stand Uard by tbe cottage door j October glows on every ebeek, October shines in every eye. While up the hill and down tbt dale Her orimson banners fiy. Seribmtr' Af agaii aw or October. Men and boys' Curwimcres, clionr than iht eheapeat, at Fleck k Co.'s. s'J 3. . mm a aw Dress-goods to plcuno everybody In quality and price at Fleck A Co. 'a i3j-S. A fine lino of Blankets, cheap, at T. A V lark A Co.'s. sW-fi. To Ijanolorbh and Stobkk ef.pf.rh. Ljtle has an arrai geiueot with an Kastem Cigar Factory so that be enn sell cigars by tbe box tr thousand at bottom figures. Glvt their cigars one trial. tf. Bo careful in buying your stocking yarns, aa much of it li mixed with cotton and shoddy, and Is not worth knitting up but Win. Rtcd's la guaranteed all wool and warren ted to wear wail. e Notice to Woodsmen and Logmen. 1,000 genuine wood-stock Pipes have been lately received by John A. Stock, which ha will sell cheap, wholesale or retail, at hi Cigar Fac tory In ClearfislJ, i James Mitchell, of this place, cut his foot very severely on tbe in-step with an axe, last Saturday, while chopping at the log camp on Curry's run, in Bell townibly. The wound Is painful, as well as Inconvenient, List of let to in remaining unclaimed In the Postofltoa at Clearfield, for the wesk ending Sept. SO, 1878 I Melvln Hamilton, Anoio W. Mcboncll, Huson Mullen, Francis Watson. P. A. Gait Ll.t, P. M. - lie Timely Information. Tho words " bloody flux " carry a terrible meaning with Ibutn this year, though this disease Is harmless by ualng Dr. Formers Golden Relief. It aUo quickly cures diarrbira, kidney diseaics, io. Price 2So, 6Co, and $1. Hartsnick A Irwin agents, C'lr&r fleld, Pa Court Week. Tho second week of. Court convened on Monday last, at I o'clock P. M., with Judge Orvls presiding. A few Common wealth extra were csrrird over from Inst week and were dispoied of, Wt understand that nearly all the civil oausts set down for trial will be tried or settled. Dental Notice. Dr. A. M. Hills would say to his friends and forinor patients that be but not retired from piactlct as bas been so Illustriously circulated by some persons, but will orntinut lo give bis personal attention to nil who may desire it, tr to assist Dr. H Hub boll when ever required. Nitrous Oxide Otis glvnn for the painless extraction of teeth. Aj ril 31-tF, Pay Your 'I axes. Kvery voter who bns not pnitl a tux within tro tears muft pay on or before I ho 6 th day of next October or else he cannot vote at tbe ehctioc. There are many persons, especially joung men wlo neglect this important duty, and they should know that at an tieotion suob at will bo held in November with great excitement exlFting, every ohitasle will bt thrown in tbt way of exercising their right to vote by liadirs at parlies. They, therefore, abould go at once lo the oolleolor and pay their tax. That Is the rnfest way to avoid trouMe. I.O.O. L'kwHeTd Lodge, N o. 1 98, I. O. O. P., elrcted the following oiliueri last Sat urday evening, to servo the ensuing term or six months, vis : N. (i. Samuel J. Row. V. (1 .-William G. Foper. Secretary . -John K. Boltorf. Assist. Sccretsry. Albert M. R. TreaFurrr Jacob D. Pnoke. Rep. to Grand Lodge, J, I). Suulio. Tbe installation uf officers will take place next Saturday evening, when it i desired a larA'c num. bcr of tbo members will be present. ' Fleck & Co. have their largo" stock of now Pall and Wialer goods on tue shelves, ready for customers. Wc buve Ihe very fioest assortment aver ollercd In tha county, and at prices bo low tbat we defy competition. Call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere and thus save monay, for nt gunrantee satisfac tion. Full particulars next week, seplS M. FLKCK A CO. N, B, Wt have one of tht very best Milliners, who will spare no efforts to please customers in ererv style to suit the see-on. T. A. F. A Co, i The ClcaihVId (jus Company offers, at par, Coupon Bonds in denominations of $-100 and jt)0 each, bearing interest at the rate ot six per centum per annum, pny able semi-annually at tbt First National Bank. Tbo Company has issued bonds to Iht amount of $10 000, nnd $'1,000 of this wax taken but a few days ago by ono of the Clearfield banks, leaving $4,000 to be disposed of. Capitalists wbo art staking safe invest ment for their money, would consult their inter est by Investing In tbeat bonds. Tbey tan be purchased nt eithsr of tht Clearfield banks. Any Information respecting tba Uai Company, will be cheerfully given by A. P. Boynton, President, or W. W. Belts, Secretary. jeltf-tr. imm aw A No. 1 Band. Tho Curwensvillo Band had occasion to visit our boroogh several times last week, during tbo protracted political nutting. It Is now one of tbo best equipped or ganisations in the State, and the personal deport ment Ii wholly unobjectionable. As musicians, they buve few equals. However this borough Is at present cultivating two bands, wbo propose in the near future to outgeneral each other tn per sonal deportment, music and dress. Competition Is tba life of all business, and when directed by our reel motives must Improve men and society, bvnet wo expect to set tht members of our bands as royally equipped as our up-river neighbors by tbt Hint the holiday scaion approaches. Tub Ladies Ahead. Wo aio nu advocalo ol female lufiragt in n political sense, but wt like to lee tbem utilised inasaial way. The managers of the Union Pair (.urohaard a let of Applctun's Knoyclipndia to be voted for dur ing tbe continuance of tht Pair by tbe friends of Father Sheridan and liev. Wm. II. Bill. For a Silver Tea Sat, Mn. Sheriff Penis, of this place, and Mrs. O'Kcele, of Curwenirlilr, wen nomin eted and voted for. Tbo tola) vote polled for the former was 6M, and Ibe cash realised amounted to $1.17.76 while the vote cast for Ihe ladles was 1,5.18 (almost three limes), and the cash received amounted to tht sum of 1S4.60, Father Sberl dan was awarded Ibe books and Mrs. O'Kccfe tht Silver Bet, both magnificent prises. Look Out for Them I Tho borso- thleves art on their last raid tn this section fur tbe season, and they art driving a lather auroras- ful business too. One of tbem steals n boras and conceals the animal for a week or ten days, when bt sallies forth and sells it In a few days a confederate eomei along, peddling book, or locking for an Iniurauce job, and, while doing 10, gsls tight of tho hone, and informs tbt owner or person having it in charge that tbt animal bas been stolen, In a few days thereafter a third parly comes along in company with a confederate, claim! tbe burse, pays charges, and takes It along, or ttso If tbe victim pays fur ibe animal agala be ll allowed tn retain it, Thla ti one of the ways of obtaining double pny for rtolcn propirly. Look out for these rogues. it i Important. A lady bail been sitk between three and four years with Fouiele Weak neis, emaciated, wasting of tlrsoes, toss of vitality and Herb, nervousness, palm in the back, poor tppetitt, constipation, disilneis of beid nnd bit ter taste In mouth on tiling In the morning. She said i " I was urged to try the HaMatue by a lady friend wbo bad been oured by Ihe same, and finally bought two bottles, Which helped uit at oner, and I concluded to give It a fair trial and took half a doaen bottles. By tha tltut thry were nstd op I had gained thirty pounds In fltsli, and am now perfectly strong and healthy." Prepared by K. K. Thompson, Tituivi'l, 1'. Prfot, $1 per bottle. Fur sate by all druggists In Cltarntid, and by Jos. Styltr A Ion, Luthersburg. Look to Yotm Bridges. Tho Hunt ingdon Monitor of lost week relates the following : "on Tuesday morning, as William Poster, who reside! In Oneida township, was on hhj way to thii place with a four-horse wagon heavily laden with lumber, and whilt trotting what Is called tha 'Black Bridge,' which spans Stone Creek about iwe miles from town, tht structure broke down and precipitated Mm and Iht whole team Info Ihe creek. Tht height of tha brlrfgt Is about 18 feel, and tbt water at '.hat pi act Is vry deep rendered more so by the latt rains. T wo of his borsei were drowned and after making a narrow escape tlmself, he succeeded In cut ting tbt gears off tht frani span anJ got them out saftly. Another person hod preceded blsx with a two-horse lean, but fortunately had cleared the bridge whtn It wtnt down. Tht lots Is heavy ai Mr. Posltr, and likely the county wilt be look ed to, to share tha heavy less. Mr. Foster ra ceived a very severe rut on the head In Iht nn 1 etremnnlofia detrcnt. Co 'no and see my Biack Cashmeres, I as tbey cannot be excelled for prioe and quality. vr - . ... ... ri Remember that Lytlo In County Agent for Lorrillard's Tobacoo, and oan tell them at factory prices. . Tbey arc the best tobaooat la market. Try tbem. m i A Fact. An advertisement inserted In tbe Rrtfi blica will reach more readers than if pulllabed In alt lbs other papers In tht ooun ty, and cost tba advert uu l Utc than one-half In other words, an advert! went published la our Jturnal is worth double tbe price of tbat charged by any tffl-r put libber In the eounty. "It Is a raol." . . , tf. Arrest op Peter IIeiidio. The! Willlatorpnrt Dn-mtr of Friday Init, evi: "Tills morning Officir Hnuuol Campbell, of Columbia, Lancaster county. Pa., arrived in lbs city with a warrant for the arreit of Peter Herdle, sworn out by the officers of Ibe Columbia National Bauk, charging Hurdle with having obtained n large amount of money y falsa pretenses from that bnnk. Tht warrant was Issued by Samuel Evans, Ksq , a juftinc of tho peace at Columbia, anJ on his arilvul In Williamaport, tht officer had his warrant endorsed by Alderman A. II. Stead, and at once proceeded iu search of lltrdio and arrest ed bitu, bringing him before the alderman at his office un Market street. Herdlo waived a bear ing, and Alderman Slrad required him to furnish $j,CO0 ball fT bU appearnnat at the ensuing term of court in Lanoa'tcr county to answer tht ohirge. j Guy W. Muynard swore that ha wm worth tht : amount, and became Peter i bondsman, and the great Nicholson pavement constructor was set at liberty, Messrs. Allan A Gambit, of this city, are counsel for tbo bauk, and wt bavt no doubt but that this arrest Is but tbe precursor of others, as it Is hardly likely thst Peter's numerous vlo- tinii will consent to let him escape tht meshes of the law. Rpeclttta. Wast an The underiigned wantvasveral hun dred buehels ot OATS, for which be will pay the ou when delivered at his Livery Stable, lo ClfurfloM. J. L. I.kavv, Sept. It, 1879 t. Oh Hi'xnuKn Prr Ckkt. Diicorxr on Olp pRirnn. Sewing Miu-hfnes can now he purchased at Menrll'i tin and variety slore, from $:& up wards. AH kinds of sewing machine! repaired on the phorteht notice. Clearfield, Pa., July 13, 1 877. Wantli. ! 100,000 2H-1ncb shaved cbiihglcj to averna from 0 to fij Inuhes for wbiob wc ill pny the higiieM market price. A. U. KnAnrn A Co., feb.ZMf. Clearfield, I'j. Hculth In an inoitimaljle jewel. Tht cough that deprives you of it miiy take your life too. liie bottle of linlo i Honey ot lloreuound and Tar will avert the evil, and save you from oon- Fumptioii. Will you weigh Life against a ball'- Hollar f riold ity all l'riiggl-is. Pike's Toothache Drops ourt in one minute. cptlMt. ItrrKiiFH Pm Sai.u. H. Newton Shaw keeps full umily of Predoma Buggies aod Platform abulia lur ssic. jo ne aero ai me rnnw iiouao yurd. Cnll on or addroFs hi in at Clearliold I'enn- ijlvanto. may U-tf. Wastkh. tome euaily learned person or Arlist to ma' iil'aeturc l.itTifitit'a Paikst Silk Carvab 1'u ti:km In this county, on Royalty. Painted from photographs or any picture, and is the f i nest UU I aiming nmne. J mi ore ino territory ia la' en I will paint pictures cxIQ for f 10 and warrant them lor life, Kvery person should bnvc one, as Oil fainting un luuvas aro tue oniy pictures thul will stand tbt list ol liuio, and oan be bniided tluWti to poatertty. Particulars fret. It. l. Li' i ur.it, Nor. 7, 1877-1 v. Corry City, Pa. .Ii t ndt ultibtc Truth. You deaarve to sutler, aod It you lead a miser able, uusatiFfaetury lift in this bcautilul world, it is entirely your own fault and there Is only one oxcufci lor you your unreasonable prejudice and ikfpticl'in, willed naa Milliil tnouianus. rerson- al knowledge and common scnae reaanning will con show you that Greeu's August Flower will cure you ot Liver Complaint, or lMpcpia, with all its miserable eliceta, sucn a sick headache, palticitiun of tlit heart, sou r stomach, habitual ooitivcneis, dininess uf ibe bead, nervous pros tration, low pints, Ac. lis elos t,ow rea':n every town on tht Wcitcrn Continent, and not a Drug gist but wbttt will teli you of its wonderful cures. luu can buy a sample bottle tor H't cents, ilirte dois will relieve ou. Julyl7,'78-oow-ly. f ?ri.vi tlr cry body io Know. Rev. George U. Thavtr. an old cm ton of this Vicinity known to every one as a moat influential citisrn, and Christian Mlniater of tbo M. K. Church just this moment stepped in our store to say. "1 wiFh every body lo know mat l consider that both myself and wife owe our lives to, Shilob'i Consumption Cure." It ll having a tremeudous ale over our counters and Is giving perfect satis faction tn all oascs ol Lung Dijscs, auvh as noth ing ele bus done. Bourbon, Ind. May 15, '8. Br. Matchett A Fiance Sold by HarUwick A Irwin and V. I). Wation, Clearfield, Pa. Va llifnaa Mfumtt. It Is sl ran A so many people will continue to suffer day after day with impcpMa, Liver uom- laint, Constipation, Sour Htouiach, uenerui Lie ility when they an procure at our store 8111- l.Oll'H V1TAL1ZKK, free of cost If tt docs not cure or relieve tbem. Price 7.' tts. Sold by Hartswick A Irwin and J. , Watson, CluarDeld For Lame Baek, Pldt or Cheat ast SHI LOH'8 POROUS PLAr-TKK. Price 25 tti. Sold by Hartawlok A Irwin and C. I. Wation, Clearfield, Pan n't. Uu Ir, Van Djke'n Kulphur Noip. Mnktl tht Fkffi beautifully whita and healthy, removes dandruff, chafing, prickly heat, tores, eruptions, burning stinging ant Itching ti tna km and scalp. A lulptiur nam wun u is mgmy recommended. Alwajs ek for ll by it full name. July l7,'7M-eow-fli. X?rvoiiM Ilobllity. VHal Weakliest or Hrpreaaiun : a weak exhanMcd feeling, no energy or courage) tba re ult or mental over-work, IndiacreUoun or exceaNet, or some drain upon tht system is al- wnys cured hy Humphrey's Homirpalhio Speeille Nu, in. it tones up and invigorates tot system, diapols tht gloom and deapondenoy, imparts strength and energy, steps too drain ami re juvenate tbo entirt man. Been uied twenty years with perfect sucoeaa by thuuaand). Sold by dea'ers. Prioe, $1 per ilngle vial, or $5 per package or live viats and viai oi powder. Bent by mail on receipt of price. Address Humphreys' Horn it path If Medicine Company, li il Pulton St., N. V, U. I). Watson, Agout, Clearfield, Pa. sent. 18, 1H78-ly. ittarriftl. At Glen Hortcon Wednesday, Sept. 11th, 178, by Rev. Wm. II. Dill, Rev. R. P. Campbell, of Woodland, and Mus Jlattie U. rtgtil ol uien Hope 'At Ihe reFideiic of Ihe bride's mother, In this hrtrongh, on Thuradav, September 2rtth, 1H78, by Rev. Henry S. ItutW, Mr. Thaddnus H. Shew and Mies Mary W, Moors, all ol ClearSeld, Pa. Died. In Pen field, on Friday, AuguFt 9tb, lftTfi, of cholera Infantum, Martba hlla, dauguieroi .toon 1 and Ada 1. Williams. At the residence of her daughter, In Burniide ttwoahin. on Saturday, Auirust 10'h, 1878, Mrs. h'htahoib Curry, sged 8l years, 6 month and 10 days. In Clearfield bnrough.on Wednesday, feptem- her eth, Us;s, Agnes 11., wife of I. V. Ogden, aged 2.1 yearF, 9 months and 10 days. In McKean entnify, on Tuesday, Sept. 2llh, 178, oftvpliold lever, John Newcomer, formerly acitisen of New Waibingtn, Clearfield oounty, In the 40c b year of his aue. $ru; dvrrtlsrmrnts. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties Cww.Mvlll,, r. Jan. , '18 tf. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. Curn,vlll,, Jnn. II, 'M If. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Carw.n.vill., P.., J.n. I, '71 If. wommmwmmmmmmg B1I.HMI ,l.-""-"-I..Ul..lll ;i,.-.fi,.,n..riw1ml.r- W HltMNl lathe L'U-riiil tif,tiT tna at Hcrr- f to. Mn-MIHi. O. "ll trr-- A- Hm,ltn, tmr si. r iLi.i.i n a i )-, m , ft- MM hy Vrvrf.f Htl A v rTli. a iLi.i txi:ctrT)wn koticr. Ii Netlce Ii hereby given that Lelteri Teita- ntary on the estate or BKNJ AMI N BUOOM.Hr. late or Pikt townahip, Clearfield County, Pa. deed, bar in a- been duly granted 10 tha under aigned, ill persons Indebted to raid eatatt will Please make immediate pavneni, and inoae uav iug claims or demand ill praapul tbem properly authenticated tor settlement without delay. THOMAS BLOOM, Curwlnivillc Pa., Aug. 2,'I8 fit. Kxtoutor. SPEUALnndEXTuA bai.K np 200 CARRIAGES ON TUESDAY MOENUJG, October 8th, 1878, it 11 o'clock, at HERKNESS BAZARR, Ninth nnd Hitnnn KK, Hiifn, mmm Prices of Shingles. SHAVED AND SAWED. Curwansvllle, Jan. 9, 'H it. NOTICE IN BANK. Rtl PTC Y. Dislrlot Court of tbt United State, for the Western liiatrlct uf Penneylvanio. This Is to give notice that on the 10th day of September, A. D. l7H(a Warrant in Bankruptcy waa iaauod against tbe estate of W. N. Protbtro, ol buBois. in tbt count T of Clearfield and Suit of Pennsylvania, who bas been adjudged a bank rupt upon bis own petition ; tnat me payment oi any ihe dt-Uv-wCT f wy VffVny ba- loniina to such Bankrupt to him or far his use. and tbt transfer of any property by him are fr- bi'ldcn by law; tbat a meeting oi tut creditors or said Bauk runt tu prove their dbls and ehoest ono or more Assignees of bil estate, will be held at a Court of Baukruptry, to ba holden at tbt oflioe of U. W. Hood, Indiana, fa., before J, A. Marchand, Ksu., Register, on tht 14th day Aif uetoter, A. v. IT, at tu o otora, a m. JUHfl J1AL.L., U. 8. Marshal, ax Messenger. Pittsburg, Sept. z5-2t. TOTlCI3 IN HAN KHU PTC Y District Court of the United States, for tba Western Diatriet of Pennsylvania. This ti to give notion that on tbt Utb day of September, A. I. 1878, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against tbe estate of Henry Livtrigbt, of Osceols Mills, In tbt eounty of Clearfield and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adiudged a Bankrupt upoa bis own petition ; tbat tht pay ment of any debts and tha delivery of any prop erty belonging to suon liankrupt to litm or Tor rns use, and tbe transfer of any property by him art forbidden by law ; lhat a meeting of tho creditor! of said Bankrupt to prove their debts and choose one or mora Assignees of bis estate, will be he Id at the Leonard House, Clearfield, Pa., before 8. fi, Woodruff, Esq., Register, on tht fith day of November, A. I. I87tf, at ll o'clock, a. m. JOHN HALL, U. 0. Marshal, as Mcaiengcr. Pittsburg, Sept. H&-21. -TOTICR IN HAN Kit IIPTCY District X Court of the United States, for tbe Western Diatriet of Pennaylvania. This is to give notice that on the 17th day of September, A. U. 1H78, a warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued ngainat tht t state of Joel C. Forest, of Lawrence township, tn tbt oounty of Clearfield and State of Pennsylvania, wbo has been ad judged n bankrupt upon his own petition; that the payment cf any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to suob Bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him art forbidden by law ; that n meeting of tht creditors uf said Bakrupt to prove their debts and chooae one or mora Assignees of hii eatatt, will bo held at n Court of Bankruptcy, to bt bolden at the Leonard Home, Clearfield, Pa., be fore S. E. Woodruff, Kiq., Register, on tbe 0th day of November, A. D. 1878, at II o'clock, a. m. JOHN HALL, V. fl. Marshal, as Mostenger. Pittahurg, Sept. 2-2t. "VTOTiCE I N BANKRUPTCY. District Uourt oi toe tin una oieies, ror ioo western Biatrial of Pennsylvania This ii to give notice, that on the 21st day of September, A. u. it a, a warrant in bankruptcy was Issued against Iht estate of Lioael W. YY eld, of Utabville, in tbe oounty of Clearfield, and Stale of Pennavlvanib. who bas been adjudged a bank rupt upon bis own petition ; that tbo payment of auy deoti and tut delivery oi any property be longing to such bankrupt to him or for bis use, and the transfer of any property by him art for .bldded bylaw; that n ineetinfi of tbe creditors of aaid bankrupt prove their debts, and choose ono or more aoixnent of bis estate, wil beheld at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo bolden In Holli- dtiysourg, l a , uctoro Jobo nrotnernne, Kaq., Register, on the Slat day of October, A. B. 1 H T rt, at 1 1 o 'aloes, a. m. JOHN HALL, V. S. Marshall, as Messenger. Pitt durg Pa., Sept. li, 1H78 It. New Fancy Store. Misses WATSON A CARDOM would oatl the AUCutian cX tbs lidios (f 0'arflald and vioinity to the large stock of Notions k Ladies' Fancy Gooda ! Which tbey have Just opened In Row's Store Room, on Second street, CLE AH FIELD, PA. Thry kf-cp Embroideries, Ruching, Ties, Handkcr- euteil, uonars, t-oir, Hire, enn mu uiovoa, Ribbons, Sash Hibbons. Hamburg Edgings and insertions, Laces. Ladies' Misses , and Children Hosiery, wol to and colored. Corsets, all kinds of Zephyrs, German town Wool, Java Canvass, e. By strict attention to the wants of their custo mers, tbey bopt to receive a share of public pat ronage. Their prioea will be aa low aa tb. Mm, quality sooda oan be pnrcbaaed at any eth.r pfao. ia Ih. oountry. Call and aee na. Remember tb. plao.; Row'a Store Room, Beeend ctrMt, Clear. ueld, ra. Aoguat 21, !7S tr. M. THOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEERS. SALE OP STOCKS OF Tt'RNPIKR COMPANIES OWNED BY TUB COMMONWEALTH Or I'blKN'A. In punuanoo of tbe proviaiuna of lb, Aot ap proved Jun. II, IH7S. .atitled"An Aot toautbor it. th. Auditor O.ner.1 to lell tb. atoeka held by tbe Commonwealth tn turnpike and plaok road oompaniea at publlo ,al.," there will b. eapeaed to aele, at tn. MERCHANTS' IXCIIAjXUR, in th. city of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, 00TODER S, 18H, at IS H.. tb. following turnpike atocka, owned by tne Cuuimimwenlth, lo wit : On, hundred aharea Anderaon . Ferry. Water- ford and New Haven, Sin aharea Armstrong and Indiana, 41)0 aliar.. U.ll.fonte and l'bill p.burg, 201) aluroa Butler and Mereer. I.AOOahar.a Centre, .1)0 aharea ( enlre and Kiab.onqulllaa, lot .bare, Clifford nod Wiikeebarre, SOU aharea (lap and Newport. 100 aharea Hanover and Carlale, 670 ah.re, ll.rriaburg, C.rli.le and Ch.mb.r.burg, 8,123 ah.r.a Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana, 4H0 aharea Indiana and Kbenaburg, SOS aharea Liltla Con.atojr., V'iV ah.ra L.wiatown and Huntingdon. :1V3 fharra M.recr and Mendvlll., I2K ah.rea Milford and Owetjo, lu ahare. Mor g.ntown and Cburchtown, 247 aliara Now Alex andria and Conemaugh, I.Of.O aharea Perkiotnen and Rpading, 340 aharea Philadelphia and tire.t llend, Sf.0 ab.raa I'hilip.bnrg and Ha,qnebanna, Stltf ahare. Kobhatown and Mount Plraaanl. 60 eliaraa Suiqu.hanna and York, 2!0 aharea W.rn.abiir,.. Ureeneaitle and M ereerahurr. 4.0 aharea York and Uettyeburg, 4S0 ah.rea Sugar Valley aud Whil. Uwr. Purchnj.re will be rrnulred to nay ten per e,oL of tbe purciiaee money at tbe time of Bale, and the balance to the Slate Traaaurer within thirty day, after the aale, and upon tb. production of ,lie Stale Tree.urer a receipt, tb. Auditor uentral will tracKfor Ihe aharr. ol atnek to tho re.peotire purcbaaera, in acoo.danoa with tb. eeejod ,eo tion of tli. aot aforeaaid. WM. P. 8CHKLL, Auditor Ueneral. M. THOMAS SONS, Auolioneir,, 1.19 A 141 boulh 4lh 8lr.et, Pbll.d'.. llarriaburg, Sept. II, 1970 ill. COMMISSIONERS' OF SALE Unseated Lands (noiilloUtCc)initj, Pa. Nollr. la hereby given that In pureuanoe of an Aet nf Aaarmtily, approved April Sd, 1H04, entitled, "An Aet directing tbe mod. of Kliing tnixat.d Land. Kir Uae, and th. eeveral aup plruielila thereto, thar, will be expoaed to publlo aal. at th. Conrt Houaw, in the borough of Clear field, at 1 o'olook p. m., on Wednesday, tha 16th day f Ootilr, i7, the following tracla or nlrnra nf nnacated land, pupeha.ed from 111. County Traaaurer, from ISO to 1871, inrlutlve PURCHASED 1861 i Arm UO )2!i M 200 110 f.,1 l.'.S 100 40 41 85 m t is SIIO 70 ir Slola I 100 TI 6 100 49 10O 51 18 8 87 00 S00 I "(I 1 01 , TS 41 H'arrjarea or Ow.rr. To.p A. Hoott Frrguaon. John Whilinar Uulli-n. No. 1056 (I M. A.hlon Thomp.on A Kngleman Pat.r llrnrjr ..Karth.u., H.Kuor.. ...WoodwarJ. Mary Connelly John MoConnell Mary MoCoonelly lOUU axiict 1007. Catharman H. S. Catbera Kllaa kepbart John Hobiaon Paul W hile No. lOOIt John Patton ...Ueoearla. llrady. ....Deeatur. ...F.rgueoa. ....Karlhaua. .H.Knox. ll.orgeW.II r,y l.iin)tr city. M.ry Connrlly Woodward. lOCJO mid lOOO. J.bn lleam H.nry Drrk Frnton A Hpono.,.. lUnokb Stewart Ueorg. Turner. Ileum . Mr-W.rvey T. A J. Whit, , ..Ileeoaila. Bell. IIIKim. llog.a. II rail ford. Urady. .....Kartbaua. Cbarle. Wllllnk " William Mlohaela " Silaa Wileoti Knoi. Alel. lluntar..., Joaiab Jordan , " Thomaa Jordan H J. B Shaw Lawrence. 85 Morgan " ISi Ueorg. Uate. Morrla. 1070 am xx art XB7X. 22 John Ranamnn lleooaria. Ill John Thome. Hogga. Ut Martha Worthinglon Ch.at. 150 J.maa Huron Ilu.loa. tw No. 6005, Waa. Puw.ra - " luo Wa. lliglar ... Morrla. 80 Pat llegarly Per w, 8.1 M. Ilenrv ..PIke. luo John Loader ..Woodward. AMratl CLARK BKOWN, J. W. Hewn, HARRIS IIOOVFR, Clark. THUS. A.MeilllKK, Commlaalonarf. Commla.lon.ra' Offli, I Clearfield, Pa Sept. 18. '78.4a, I WaliTiWiMiili, imkiUUimttU iaen.M...i.. And thoir rcspoclivo fumilios, aro notldod that on Monday, September 15tli,.lS78, Thore will bo oponod a Guinzburg's Store, A luro and ontiroly now stock of BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, Etc. We will bo prepared to bow tura aro llilowot prison in tlio Slate that wo bnvo tlio larot utiortmcnl, which wo warrant to givo hatlcfaction, or thoy will bo replaced. In cxclniniio fur tlioso goods I am anxious to recoivo tho muoh despised silror, tlio troublo some greenback, the uniuxod bond, or thosubatuntial pioducts of tlio farm. (You tnkes your choico how yon pays your money ) The elections aro coming on. Tho "Ah I bow aro you? How is your family? Nicelittlo boy, tbat! Oh, it's a girl, is it 1" aro as plenty as lightning rod men, and just as hard lo get around. You want now BOOTS nnd SITOES for tlio Winter, and GUINZBURG'S IS THE PLACE TO GET THEM. Therefore go in a solid body, cxiimino their stock nnd price the goods. The following prico list will give pooplo an idea of what wo aro doing. A b.bj'a good abo. SO cent, A b.hjf', fod .bo. .- 40 e.nta Child', good ahoea with h.l 65 ont Bo'a " .. fl.UU Miaac. dr.,a aho.a I.no Miaau oalf alloc. 1 .011 M laaea botton.d ahoca 1.2& Woman', uurosoo p'gned aboaa, 1.00 " " MK.dahoH 1.211 " r.lf.kin ahooa I.li better draaa aboaa 1.0" " btatdnaa ahoca.. .II0 " kid buttoned 2.M All dltwMtatjl.a. I have a number of styles in all IIATS, CAPS. PURSiSniNO GOOPS, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, V M BliKLLAS, Kto. Also, what you may want in GHOUKllIUS and TOUACCO, in ex change (or grain of any kind. At fjSuIiizburg'a Hoot and Shoe Store, (Flegul's old stand). Second St., opposilo Court ITouno, sopt 1 1,78. CLEARFIELL, T A Z. ilnl Ca.'a Column. Fall and Winter Goods in great variety, tiro now ojieii nnd ready for sale, at PRICES THAT CANNOT BE COMPETED' WITH, (by small buyer), nt tlio widely and well known Dry Goods Store of T. A. FLECK & CO. It is only necessary for us to announce to the public tbat with the constantly increasing demand, wc ore ever enlarging our stock, both in minntity and variety, so that any and everything needed in the inostdurable and fashionable lines of goods can bo bad at our store at nil times. Our goods have been selected in person by Mr. Fleck, mostly nt tho manufacturers, and by buying in large quantities, we save the jobbers' profit, ami are thus enabled to sell at VERY LOW FIGURES. To also have one of tlio very place, ready to trim HATS c5b in the very latest styles, and trusted to Miss Oresty s care Wc know whereof we speak, ot all persons wishing to buy Dry and examine our stock bcloro buying elsewhere. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, ' ' CLEARFIELD, PA. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, AT GUINZBURRG'S OLD RELIABLE STORE, Old Western Hotel Corner, Clearfield, Penn'n I have just returned from the Eastern cities, and am now rcceiv. ing a full line of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, of tho best, most substantial and fashionable goods ever bro't to ibis town, while tho prices aro lower than ever. CALL, SEE AND BE CONVINCED. HATS, GENTS' FDENISHINQ QOOPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, Etc. REMEMBER THE PLACE : GUINJIUHCTS CLOTJUNti STOKE. Western Hotel Building, Clearfield, Pa. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND STRIIET. CLEARFIELD, PA, Iliv opwDOil up. In the tore room l-ttly omuf)ll by Wtartr )ittj, no tcoond itreet, a Itrgt and well nlevtad ntnok of Dry - Goods, Groceries, HOOTS AND SHOES, QI'EENSWARR, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, IIAT.4 AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Wbiob tbey will diapoM f nt rra.nii.lil. ratea for raah, or eiebange fur country pruduea. ' IlKORtlK WEAVER A CO. Cleart.ld, Pa, Jan. , 1171 tf. . CtAIITIftN. All per ion, ara b.r.by w.rn.d J agalnat purehaalng or In any way mrddllng with tli. I.llowlng peraon.l propnrly, now la lb poaaeulon of Leopold Naabwind.r, of Morri, towaaotp, tin Two aowa, 1 beifer, I bora., 1 fwo-bora. wagon, I epring wagon, I aled.S plow., I barrow. I boga, 5 ohlrkena, all tb. wheat, rye, oala, buekwbeal, bay and n.itatMa, S aria liarneea. batt ahalaa, aingl. and doable Irxa, I eook at.,,., I be.liag atov S tablaa, ohaira, bedateada, bed ding, I enpboard, diabaa and alnk, aa tha aarae wm purobaaad by me oa Ih. 101b of September, 187?, aad I, left wllh ..Id Maihwlader oa loin only, anbi.ol to my order at any time. FKTKH MOVER, Kylerlnwn, Pa , Sept. 1'', 1876 .11. ittrw drrrtisritirntj. rrl tf m j O o o a w CJ r o c N cr c i-i Cd o 0 (- p P- w tr o CO kl boota... ..11.30 ... 1.00 ... I TS ... 100 ... 1.00 I.1 aboa.... buokla ibnoa.. Lis l.iO U.n'a kip boola li .. I 74 " ' 1.50 " ahu.1 .. 1.50 " " buoklfd ahota 1.70 M.n'a dreaa boota $2, $.1 .nd 4 00 Fid. dr.aa aboea from $1,35 npw.rJa. tbo abovo goods. Also. O Z. gi. lt(i & Co.'fl Column. best Milliners constantly at her J30JSTJSTJS,,rJC,& we guarantee tbat any work en will be pleasingly executed. that wo will make it to the interest boods ol all descriptions, to call OOMX1 0X1X1 Tna hbw Pliiliidi'lpliia Branch Clothing Store, ROOM NO. 2, OPKRA HOUSE. Tbe underaignrd would roapeetfully inform tb. eitiacna of Clearflrld nnd vicinity, lhat ha baa Juat opened tho largnat and beat atook of iir.tit -..; ti.oTiii.ro, HATS, CAPS, tJrnl ' 'irii(7ilnir tiooiln. TRUNKS, VALISES, &o., crrr bronght to Clrarfl.ld, aod whlrh h. will aril cheaper than any othrr atore In town. ALL KINDS OF OltAIN TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR U0OD8. Calf Sklni, ghrep Prlta, and Fura of all binda lakea in eiohange, Cnll and tea, and bo oonriaeed. RIMOX SIIL0.8. ClrarOrlJ, Pa., Sept. tl, 1878 m. GasDondsforSalc. The ClrtrtleM fl Cnmpany oftr-a for lalo, et par, Coupon Bondt of $.'io and 0f denomkna tiont, bearing intircut at the rate of (I pr eentnm Rtr inDurn, peynhlt eml tnnoally at the Vint tlitnal lUnk of riearfleld, Pa. The work, of th- ClwerR-M Uai Cumptny were rreeted at a eovt of iXll.OtO, and tbt lion.li ie tud are limited hy law to $l2,mo, eeoared by a mortgage oa all tbt f..ni.anr'i proper. and OtnchUe, In Taror nf Wm. II. Mil, Cashier ef Iht Pint National Itank, end John M. Adamr, Cathirrof tht Clearfield Cimnty Bank, In trait. The Directors' prniott to tmoe but 110,000 of theet bond for tht ptirpnte of landing their float ing dtht, and bnt $iuno remain ont'ild. Any In formation mpeetint Ihe worke will be given by (lit Preti'leui or T rente rar of the Company, Unndt can h bed al any of the Clear field t-anki. W, W. IlKTTrt, , A. P. DOYNTON, Prttldrnt. Bee. end Treai. W. I). HHII.KIl, JAM KB 1KWIN, JNO.F. IKW1N, Citarftnld, June 19, '"ft tf. IHrwtnr. Ill 91, 101 Piano f r only ft DleiaiN K.nl 1776 Piano for lftftftflfl r .aces. ;;r":j1';-,,.eoiT1 urgans, A.H. fn. nnl 17,. Oman for onlv 1281 Organa for only tu. All warraatad all yrara . lon't fail to .end for lllnatrated Catalogue. BUNNbtl.L A MILI.KH, ' Original Maaufaeturor,. Lawlatoaa, Pa., Sept. II, 1878 8m. A. T. SCIUirVER, Ofllnt na Becd ttrtet tear Ike Leonard Honee, Cleartild, Pe. pt 4-lm Ifir UwUsrtnrnts. "17011 SALE. that Intel or p.roel sf Und aila.f. la IlMalar town.bip, CU.rfl.ld ountj, Pa., witbia a abort di.UnM of tn. Ttron. k Cl.arfl.l'l H. R.. aad .iIJ'mdiiis luda of hubrrt liodaoa and oto.ra, and known aa th. jMb 11. U.arh.rt lot. Tb. Mid tnei oont.ininK 00 acroa B.ir. or le.1. ilb two Tpina of valuaM. i.l Ib.reoo, hiu about 10 arrea l..r.'l, .nd la th. br to . lar. bHl, of mi.l .liout bilnt; drrt)oKKl. Will Ii. Hld low aod upun M.jr l.riu.. r parlloulara, appl. to 1A IU L. KHKHS. Cle.rO.id, I'.., Jul, IJ. la;t. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, UANGINO VASES, Slove Lining and Fire Brick, k.pt ooDKtanU, on h.nd. STOVE AM EARTHED WARE OF EVRRT DESCRIPTION ! CROCKS! POTS! CROCKSI Klalier'a Patent Airtight Hclf- Healln Kruit I .ml BUTTKR CHOCKH, wllh lida, CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, A rl LK - UUTTKK CKUCKt), ' PICKLK CHOCKH, FLOWER POTH, PIB DISHES, STEW P0T8, And a gnat many otb.r thtnga too Bum.rona tt a.oUon, to b. bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner of Cherry and Third Streets. augl J.H.LYTLE, . Wholesale dc Eotail Dealer in - GrocorioS, TUB LAltUKSY.nd HKST SELECTED BTOCK IN TUB COUNTY. COFFER, TEA, SUGAR, QUEKNSWARE, TI'BS and Bl'CKETS, PRIKI) FRUITS, CANNED GOODS, SPICKS, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. SYRUP. MEATS. FISH. SALT, OILS, County Agent for I.ORII.1..1KIV8 TO 11.1 t'COS, Theae gooda boucbt for CASH In lam Iota. and aold at alraoat eity prieoa. JAMES U. Ll TLK, Cleartald, Pa., June 12, 1878-ly. PRIVATE SALE or Valuable Real Estate I Tha nnderelned, Hrlni In Ponn twp.. Claar- field eounly, Pa., offen tha followinf raluablt Real KitiUfor tala: 446 Acres of Land. bom or Imm, In Bforl townihip, lying on tba north fide of big CUarflld eraak, and within ooa ml la of tha tamo. Tha abova land ll haarilj eoTored with bom lock, whita oak, rook oat, and other hard wood timlwr, and a quantity af whita pine, laid to b half a million or mora foot Tba m It heavily nndarlaid with bituminou ooal, and dlrreily on the line of railroad loading iroui i ton it aale to loaiport. lis niui ti anknown. Thr are, alio, other valuabla miooraU on lha (tie. The above land lie. about two ind a-half mlloi below tho Tillafra of Uien Hope, adjoin leg lands of (leorge Urooin and otberi, oo what it known at Portfr'i rnn. Tba Improvement! oa tbe prop erty art a good geared taw mill, tn running order, a high dem, etone brrait, made io the bett man ner, fit for almoit anymacbtnary. There ii.alao. a large frema dwelling boat and frtma bank barn thereon, and about forty or II fly aoret, mora ar leti, of tht land It oleared. Any pereon wlthlng to invert in property of thlt kind will do well to examine thii property. I will tell tba whole or tba undivided half inteeett, at may init tbo porehaaer. Tho abovo traot of land will mako two or three farmi, wbiob will oompara favorably with the greater part of nor oounty. Priee and termi made known to any perton wlthlng to pur chase. For further part ioo len eall in perton or addroat the undenlgned at Oram pi an llilli P.O Clearfield oounty. Pa, BAM L W1DEU1RE. Jan. 9, 1871 tf. SEWING MACHINES AT REDUCED RATES I -VI THE NEW IMPROVED WeedSewing Machine, lilos lt. Ileorm CliEARFIKLD. PA. RetiJenee, Wait Clearfield) The NEW IMPROVED WEED U one of the bttt machinei In the market, anl rum very light and quiet Iti new oylinder Steel Shuttle hai only one hole to be threaded, and holdi twioe aa much thread ai mott any other machine. It bat one of tbe bttt Narrow 11 em men made. Iti Table Ii long and roomy. It bu no gear and oamt. It bat no errawi or Uae-pltte to be re moved while oiling or cleaning, Tht WKKD, before the late improvement, driw a priie at tbe Peril Expotition In France, alto, an award at tha Centennial Kzpotitinn, and in almnnt every State In the 1'ninn. Machine! told on Monthly PnynraU. Ptriona ihniild not buy before leeiug tbe New Weed. Hay, grain, beef cattle, and tome kiudi nf eld Machine! taken la part pay for New Maohlnet. A)l klndt of Sewing Machinei cleaned end repair ed. Alio, dealer in all kintit of Sewing Machine Need let, Oil, Rnffltrt, Tnck marker., Caitort, llenimen., Sbuttlet, Check tpringt, Ao. In ordering anything by letter, be tare to give name of machine, C'aeh mutt aocompany all orden by mail. Perton t wanting any other kind of machine, ploaee write for price. aug.U-.tm William Powell, SKCOXD ST., CLEARFIELD, PA., Dealer in Heavy end Shelf HARDWARE. IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNIHUEH, ULASdANU PUTTY Ketpi Ointantly on band tbt bait Cooking, Uniting and Parlor Stoves and Ranges of all deter iptlnnt. Table and Pocket Caller), tnentert Toole, teen ei eawt, iiateoeu, Niutuet, Bench Stopa, Planet and Plane Iron, Chinli, Bittt, Anger, A diet, Fllci, Ilingetofallklnrft, Loekt. H.-nwi, Haifa Cord, Pulltyi, tie., ate. 1 "arming UlenHll.i9 Pl.iwt, Cultivaton, Double nnd lngle Shovel Plow, Cultivator Teeth, drain ('red Iti, Scythe, Snathe, lleet, Vurki, Rahee, Hay Furkt, Farm lltllt, tie., etc. Hone Phei and Horn NalN, the beet make of Croat cut Saw. and axe, tirindttonea and (Irladttone Fliture. and everything oaually kept In a flrit clttt Hardware Store, Alto, n full ttock of House Furnishing Goods. DRisiiEs, Lamps, cniMNEva, nr. All klndt of Tinware kept oa hand and made to order. Roofing nnd Spooling promptly at tended to. Perton wlthlng anything In my line, are In vited to eall and tiamine ttook and prioee . WILLIAM POWKLU Cle-rfleM, Pa., Jane 1, INTt tf.