Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 02, 1878, Image 2

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    5hc jKcpuliliraii.
Gioboi B. Goodlander, Kditor.
Rndw, If yon want to know what li going on
li the baaineaa world, juit reed unr advertising
olunna, the Special oolumn la particular.
No man worthy too offise of President aftould
t willing to hold it tf counted in. or placed there,
by any fraud. V. n. 0mt.
I oould ntrtr have boon reconciled to the ele
ration by tbo Mnnlleat tid of nine of a per ton ,
however reapectable 1b private life, who nuit
forever earry upon hit brow the tamp of fraud
Ant triumphant la American hiatory. No aub
aequent aeilun, however saerltorloua, oan waah
away tba lettera of tbat record.
Crarlik Fkahcii A d a hi,
Voder I be formi of law, Batberford 0. liayaa
hat been declared Prtaident of the United Btatea.
Hit title reata upon d i if ranch If emeu t of lawful
voters, the falee eertiftcatec of the return log ofl
eera acting corruptly, aod the deolaioa of a oota
ttiaaloa which haa refuted to bear evidence of al
leged fraud. For the first tin are the American
people confronted with the foot of a fraudulently
elected President. Let It not bo understood tbat
the fraud will be allently noquteaced in by the
coantry. Let no hourpaia in which the usurpa
tion ie forgotten.
ADvaaaa or Oimoomatio M. O.'a.
One hundred yea re of human depravity accu
mulated and ooooent rated into n olimai of crime.
Never agala in Are hundred yeara shell they have
a vppurluulty to repeat lb wrong.
Dahibl W. Voorbiks.
I would rather have the endorsement of a quar
ter of a million of the American people than tbat
of the Louisiana Returning Board, or of the Com
mission which excluded the facta aod decided
the question on technicality.
Thus. A. HiNORicia.
Democratio State Ticket.
rotj aovRitio,
or CRAwroki) corTr.
rOQ ItipRRMR J t't OK,
Hon. II. P. ROSS,
Democratio County Ticket.
riB conmiess :
ISRAEL TEST, op cleari-oslo,
$nbjet to dariaioa of Diitrlet Confrrenca,)
Subject to dcciaion of Diilriit Conreranoe,
A.D.BENNETT, of new wasiiinoion
l'HILIP DOTTS,cr beccaria.
for county commissioners:
c w. kyler, of 11radf0rd,
KLAH JOHNSON, of oreenwoou.
WM. V. WRIGHT, of olearfieru,
JOS. GILLILAND, of kartiIaus.
for county coroner:
JAMES A. 41 00 RE, of clearfield,
Sonator Wallace and cx-Stato Sena
tor Yorkcs, of Bucks county, will ad
dress tba people of Altoona on next
Friday evening.
A Free Offering. If the cilir.eiu of
any of the counties on our western
border are in need of Judges, Con
gressmen and Senators, Centre and
Clinton counties are full of unemployed
atatesinen who would not hesitate to
fill vacancies of that kind, and make
themselves nsoful to any party honor
ing them in that way.
A Rare Document. Wo this week
present our readers with the speech ol
Hon. R. It. Spoor, Chairman of the
Democratio Stato Committee It is
full of stubborn tacts which every vo
ter should contemplate and adopt, be
cause it is very evident that the party
in power will never grant relief, and a
change is thorefore necessary.
Notice. We have learned incident
ally that an association of Christian
statesmen has been formed in this
(XX) Congressional district, with an
office at Bollolonto and Lock Haven,
cither of which will furnish any sec
tion of tho Btate with candidates for
Congress, Judgo, Senator or Assembly.
Citizens outside of Centra and Clinton
need not apply.
An Ofeninq A friond informs us
that James A. Moore, our nominoe for
Coroner, learning that there are still a
few mora statesmen in Centra and
Clinton counties, who have not yet
been placed upon any ticket, baa con
sented to withdraw and let one tako
his place on our ticket, providod the
applicant is a Domocrat, and provided
furthor, tint tbe applicant's petition is
filed by the HHh of October. Rack
np, patriots I
Brazen Ihpudenci. What a pity
it is that our District is not entitled to
another Congressman, Senator, and
Jndge, so that Centre and Clinton
could obtain one each in addition to
what they bave been getting away
with in tba past, at the oxponse of
Clearfield. It is a wonder they don't
offer us a member of the legislature.
The politicians in those two counties
posses tba Impudence of male pigs
turn crosswise in the highway deter
mined to let nothing pass thorn.
A Revolution. Nothing is more
pertinot to the thoughtful citizen than
the fact that Gov, Biglor presided at a
meeting in tho Court House, on last
Tuesday night a week, while the au
dience was addressed by Gov. Curtin.
This was not so twenty years ago.
Those of our readers who wore in tbe
habit of listening to those two champi
ons from 1848 to 18G0, which was an an
nual occurrence, will be glad to know
that these two gentlemen now occupy
the same platform, and are harnessed
for Pill and the whole Democratic
JtiiMiit Mavxii. The Clinton Iemn
erat, in u 1 1 ul iix to tlio nomination
of the gentleman named, appropri
ately ivnmi k : ' It will U wen by
the roeeudings of tin' .1 inliciiil Confer
ence. I iM lit llellrfmito on TiiomIuv.
ll.nt C-. i:ye.."H-u
niuu'iy .iiimT.iutui tornrj'iTTg'u iVi7,?rs''
Sioiiildti position of President Judgo
of this Judicial Disliiet. This U not
unexpected. It is tho natural result
of tho ablu and highly satisfactory
manner in which ho has tor ton years
discharged the duties of that position
It is possible that this compliment to
bun and rndorsmnvnt ot his judicial
conduct, nmy be incruasej by the fail
ure of tbf Hu(lt yariy tojJMo
cundiiliile in nomination against him,
feeling satisfied with him and roeog
nixing 1 hut it would bo useless to con
test tho election with him. Hut lot
that bo as it muy, tho nomination will
be ratified by a majority that will car
ry with it un emphatic approval ol
tho nominee, and give to the people ol
this District tho servico of a Judge for
tho next ten years (if not called to u
higher sphere of legal duty) ihut is
ripe in experience, rick in acquirements,
fully versed in all tho duties of the
position, ranking with tho best legal
minds of the Suite, and standing loro-
most among its District Judges."
Those Civil Service Reformers.
Tho oxnmplo in civil servico reform sot
by tho Hayos administration consists
in every meinour of the cabinet ubnn
doning hi.- post of duly and traveling
over (he country to mako partisan no
litical speeches. To bo sure in doing
so they only imitate Hayes himself
who has turned out as grout a fraud
in tho enforcement of bis civil service
order as bo proved himself in ucccpl-
ing tho presidency as tho stolon gilt of
the forgers and perjurers of the return
ing boards. More: Curl Sebum, ono
of tho principal beneficiaries ot the for
geries and porjuries through which
the presidency was stolen, and a most
zealous reformer of tho civil service
withal, made a political address at Cin
cinnati on Saturday night in which he
repeated the well-known arguments
in fitvor id an exclusive gold stand
ard. The Cincinnati Empiirrr stales
that the licpiihlicuns of Cincinnati
wcro obliged to raise a purse of 500
in order to secure the delivery uf tho
address. So it svcnis that this great
doctor of the civil service violated his
own regimen and swallowed tho med
icine of tho machine politicians for
JIoyt Nailkii. The editor of the
Clarion Democrat says : When ut E Ion
bnrg Gen. Iloyt Baid tbat whin he
would come again he would "show that
the Repi.hlii -an parly holds the key to g prosperity." True enough,
Mr. wo d'l-l'C.liovciiinr, tun it won't
be long. Your party lu.s held tho keys
to piiispi iiiy und to financial ruin for
tho pusl ti ii years, but yon have only
chosen to use the latter, at tho com
mand of the ni b and powerful, not re
cognizing that labor is the source of
all prosperity. Our mills, furnaces and
factories stand idlo. Lnborers can not
find employment and their families arc
reduced to want and starvation, while
tho money kings only grow richer.
Kvery aonar tney noiu win buy two or
throo times as much property us it
could Lavo bought a few years ugo.
Yes, Mr. Hoyt, tho peoplo uro Jilting
on judgment upon the Republican par
ty, and even tho assistance ol the blood
sucking corporations, whoso obedient
child you havo been, can not savo you.
Sot your houso in order and prepare to
hand over tho keys to a moro luithlul
Only Half the Storv. Ono of
tho Radical speakers who flirted tho
bloody shirt so frcoly tho other night,
also informed his hearers that tho
rebel claims on file before Congress
and tho Department, amounted to
1350,000,000, and that this sum would
bo paid out of tho Treasury if tho Dem
ocrats carried tho next Congress. We
will admit his assertion for the salt cot
introducing another fact. Three hun
dred and forty millions of tho sum ho
named is placed on file, by carpel-bag
attorneys and agents, who havo elop
ed from tho Southern Status so as to
remain outside of tho penitentiary.
Every one of theso drummers aro as
sisting to elect Radical Congressmen
so tbat they may bo ablo to obtain
their pay. The Confederate Briga
diers will nover allow theso claims, bo
cause they know all about them.
Party Dishonor. Tho reader is
aware that when tho Radical parly
thrust Andrew Johnston into tho Pros
idontial chair, that he proved an ele
phant on their hands, and thoy abused
him outrageously. Now, tho party
has Hayes on hand and the abuso of
"the government" is equal to tbat in
the days of Johnston. And wo have
no doubt that if the Radicals bad a
controlling majority in Congress that
thoy would havo impeached Hayes bo
foro this timo. Tho very men who in
formor times termed the President "the
government," and denounced every
body who did not look upon him in
the same way, or spoke disrespectfully
ol him, as traitors : But now theso
same men lampoon and bully "tho gov
ernment" without a cause. What con
sistent jewels these "loyal" Radical
leaders prove thomselvea to bo.
Their Canoioati. Tho Greenback
Senatorial Conference of this district,
met at Tyrono on Tuesday tho 21th
ult., and nominated S. Woods Culdwoll,
of Clinton county, for .Senator. John
Smith, Dr. Ai. Thorn and It. N. Slop
py, represented Clearfield. Mr. Cald
well, we bcliovo, was the Cashier of
the dclunct Bank at Ronova, a branch
of the bankrupt firm of Wm. M. Lloyd
A Co. He is a working man, ofcourso,
and has, up to tho present, earned his
broad by tho sweat ol his brow, and is
therefore one of the horny-handed sons
of toil "in a horn."
Secretary Sherman baa written a
letter to tho NooroUry of tho Honest
Money League, ot Chicago, in which
he complains that bis financial views
have boon misrepresented, and says
there will bo 'no lotting down by tho ex
ecutive branch of the government as
to resumption on the 1st of January.
The voter who desire to make snro
of bis franchise, and neither bo hinder
ed from voting nor have his vote cast
out and rendered nugatory after it has
been put into the ballot box, should see
to it that bia tax bo paid between this
and October 6.
10 HE I
Many roinphiinls have been intidu
to U4 bocii'isn the Suu Treasurer bus
refused to pay tho money on I lie school
dialts issued to (he several wbnol dis
triW in tdw ciinntv 'all of .vt.o-n ',.t,i
In the,, reports previous to ihu I -a ol
August, except (iulich district. But
up to tho present none bus been paid.
A friend bus called our attention to un
article In the October number of the
tihwl Jiiurtml, which will partly cx
pluin tho cause of the delay, lo the
public, viz :
Dfi'AIitmknt Instruction, October, 1H78. (
Ihu htnte Vrettsulvr inlormeti tiw
Department of public Instruction, by
letter, on tho (1th day of September,
that two hundred thousand (8)11,11(111)
dollars wore then in tho (ionurul Itev
oiiuo fund of tho Commonwealth, ap
plicable to the payment of .State appro
priation la common schools. Before
that date, no authority was given to
issue any warrants to school districts;
but since, school warrants havo been
issued tor the whole amount allowed to
bo paid. None of thu warrants issued
by dirocli(.n of tho Stato Treasurer
were sunt to tue following counties,
viz : IJluir, Carbon, Chaster, Clearfield,
Fayette, Huntingdon, Juniata, I. uiorno,
Lycoming, Monroe. Schuylkill, Susque
hanna, Union, Washington, York,
Dauphin, Ilurksand Westmoreland, lor
tho reason that such counties have not
paid certain tuxes due the Common
wealth. This statement explains why
warrants for Stale -appropriations have
not been Issued as lieretotoro to school
districts, and it will also answer nu
merous letters relating to thu subject
and uddrcssed to lliu Dopnrlmcnt ol
Public instruction. Tho wuriants al
ready issued wcro sent to such school
districts as hud first filed their unnuiil
reports and certificates in tho depart-
Hampton to Rice. Charleston, S.
C, September 25. Governor Hamp
ton has addressed a letter to Governor
Rico, Massachusetts, regarding tlio re
fusal of the latter to surrender Hiram
11. Keinptnn for trial in South Carolina.
Gnveinor Hampton says: "I regret
that tho chief e.xocnlivo of tho grout
Stnto of Mussuchiisutls should havo
committed so flagrant a violation of tho
supreme luw of tho land. Tbe viola
tion is irreparable In its nature, as tho
State suffering thereby bus nopossiblo
rediess. Had you confined yourself to
giving a simple rclusul lo surrender a
fugitive 1 should make no further com
ments upon your loiter, as the disro-
gaid by the executive uuthoritiis of
ono Slate concerns tho w hide people of
tho United States: but inasmuch as
you have seen lit to base your action
on the ground that in your judgment
the object in procuring tho Indictment
against Patterson, Purkor and Kemp-
ton does not uppear lor the purpose of
trying Kempton for the ciimo charged
iigainst him, but lor another purpose,
it is my duly us Governor of Souiu
Carolina to add that your statement is
entirely unwarranted, and to repel un
worthy imputations, as I do, with in
dignant scorn." If Gov. Rice can af.
ford to lot Kempton escape after that
scorn, wo shall tully ten for Governor
Tins and That. Mr. Murray, in
his speech at tho Radical mooting in
tho Cuurt Houso lust week, informed
his Sunday School nln, and nil other
present, that tho Radical party in this
county was composed of the intelligent,
moral and upright clauses, whilo anoth-
e. spcukor averred that tho party was
founded and organized by religious aud
moral men. If theso assertions aro
facts, why was that notorious Mollio
Maguire, Xingo Park, selected to ac
company tho Radical Chairman to in
terview a prominent gentleman resid
ing in tho Southorn portion of tho coun
ty, for tho purposo of persuading him
to become the joint candidate of tho
Radicals and Greenbuckors for the
Legislature. If tho party is lead by
men "controlled by grand moral ideas,"
why was this Penitentiary convict in
vited to "been" aiound over this coun
ty soliciting men to become candidates
for ofllee. Ho bus certainly cost us
onougl), in cash and morals already,
without ever contributing a single dol
lar by way of taxes. If this Mollio
Maguire was import ed to help lo sot up
another riot, or a political job, it is well
enough for tho taxpayers to know
whothor tho men who are "controlcd
by grand moral ideas," or soyie wicked
"cusses," enticed him to como bore,
whoro ol all men ho is tho least wanted.
The Radical Ticket. Tho leaders
ot tho Radical party mot in tho Uni
ted American Mechanics Hall, In this
borough, on Wednosday last, and nom
inated a full ticket after various efforts
had failed to mako a straddle ticket
with tho Greenbackors. Tho nominees
areas follows: For Assembly, John
P. Bard, of Curwonsvillo; for Com
missioners, John Norris, of Pike, and
UurrisIIooror, of Clearfield ; for Treas
ures, Lucion Bird, of Huston ; tor Au
ditor, J. 8. Norris, of Bradford; for
Coroner, Joseph Johnson, of Chest.
Tho Norris family happened to strike
tho right spot, becanso our opponents
hare some hopo ot electing a Com in is
sionor and Auditor, but no oilier part
of tho ticket. '
CoiiI'orations ? This nightmare an
noys some peoplo as vohcmentlv as
holy wator does tho arch onomy ol tho
human raco. It is, also, notorious that
Mr. Mason, tho Greenback candidate
for Governor, has been tho special at
torney for a score of corporations, yet,
Senator Dill has never been omployod
that way. Tho editor of the Hur-
risburg .Tafriof aays: "Andrew H.
Dill, in all his extensive practice as a
lawyer, never appeared i attorney for a
corporation. Ho was always on tho
other aido. In making this assertion
wo speak wheroof wo know,"
Ethriiioe Says No. Tho Radicals
of tho Slato of Tennessoo aro hunting
a "Conrodcrato" as a candidate for
Governor. They wore gunning for
Hon. Emerson Elhridgo, and ho an
swered the committoo in tho negative,
closing as lollows: "May tho grass
grow under my feet, tho wood deny
mo slicltfr, tlio earth a gravo and
boaven a God if 1 voto tho Kopublican
tickot." It is evident from this that
Mr. F.tliridgo docs not mean to sacri
fice bis chances lor heaven In any such
cheap way aa that.
"Tho acclamation Convention." is
what the boys call that small select
ring gathering which met in the Lodge
room of tbe American Mechanics, in
Pie'a Opera House on Wednesday last.
for tho purposo ol nominating a tickot
of moral idea men.
it a Dtwr, co.wiixrroy.
Tho liiidind County I
Which tts.wlilhLd ill the Oc
invention I
r.i House, 1
on VI eilucailav lu-l, was the must
"unuiiiinoiis" body of men ov.'r con
greguti'd hem nth I hit roof ot l hat
mi I tue, W. C, Arnold, Esq,, called llioj
Convention to order, und u teinpoiurv
organization was ellVcted hy culling .J
A. Sonierville lo tlio Chair, and elect
ing Win. Wighdon temporary Secre
tary. A list of delegates was prepar
ed, and tbu bu.dness ot tho Convention
tioti began.
tieo. W. Ithooiit was tiiianitiioiisly
elected permanent Cliairinuii, and Win.
Wighdon, by unanimous consent of
the deiegaCcs was coiitinued.s . nod
nent Seereiary.
Nominations went decided in order,
and the Chairman asked for nomina
tions for Assembly,. .Inn. P. Bard, of
Cunvcnsville, was put in nomination,
and there being no other candidate he
was uoclarcil tlio unanimous choice ot
the Convention for that position.
C ininiiHsioners were next III order,
und lor that position there were seven
aspirants, as billows: A. P. Mooro,
llurris Hoover, John Norris, Sr., Jus.
L. Cook. T. It. McCluro, S. O. I'ulchin
and J. K. Lee. Hut ono ballot was
had. Hoover und Norris leading all
others, und they were declined tho
Win. Ifudebaiigh wait iinuniinoiisly
nominated for Trcusnror, but ho de
clined, anil afler several otlior parties
had boon nominated anil they declin
ed, tho Convention finally settled on
Lucion Bird, of Pcnflold, and he was
made the nominee.
J. S. Norris, of Woodland, was nom
inated by occlumution for Auditor, und
Jos. L. Johnston, of Chest, was unani
mously nominated for Coroner.
Daniel Faust, Joint Swan, Sr., and
Dr. J. G. ilurtswiek, were appointed
Congressional conferees iiniiistriicted.
John M. Adams, li. D. Swoopu, and
C. W. Smith were appointed Judicial
conferees, and they were iininslriictod.
Cyrus Gordon, Lewis 1. Irwin, and
Lucion Bird, wereappointed Senatorial
conferees, also iiniiistriicted.
Tho Convention then proceeded to
elect a Chairman of tho County Com
ndtteo for tho ensuing year. Dr. II.
II. Van Valzali mid P. U." llurris, Esq.,
were numinntod. The vole stood, Vun
Valzuh, 18, Harris, '.'II, ami Mr. Harris
was declnred ulucted.
Alter making several amendments
to the rules, and tiansucting other un
important business, the Convention ad
journed tine die.
Tho Democratic Confere. s lor the
Twenly-fil'lh Judicial District met ut
tho HroekeiliolV House, in liclVlontu,
on Tuesday, the 'J lib day of September,
at '2 o'clock p. m , and "! ,y
tho election of Hon W. C. Fuluy, of
l learlielil. as l'n suleiit, and J. W.
Gephart, of Centre, as Seereiary.
Tlio credentials of Conferee from
llio dill'ereiit counties were then called
lor, and I'residmt Foley presented the
following certilicalo troin I tin duly np
pointed Conferees ol Clearfield coiinly:
Ci R&cpiti ii, I'., Sviit. i::J. Mrs,
W. liombv nubrtital. snd .iipoiut W. O. KoIko
fur u. .ltd la our I'm. I, if ri-Kulnrly ,re.jrit to
obii our rotri ti His Ju.lici.l Ounf.ruei from
Clr.rlidd st III. Jullrl.l Ion,. h.ld t
lloll.ronl., Id f.ror nt II. n. Ch.rl.i A. Myr for
President Judg. WitucM oar bind. th. day sod
ye.r David L. Kitsn.,
Waltsi BAininrr,
J. F. W, Kksric k,
Clinton county was represented by
Patrick Prendihle, John Risbel and
Thomas J. Fox, and Contro by Adam
Hoy, Solomon Ettinger and J. W. Gep
hart, all of whom wero shown to have
been duly appointed by their respective
County Conventions. Tho President
announced that tlio nomination ot a
candidato for President Judgo was the
principal business before tlio Confer
once, and on motion Hon. Charles A.
Mayor, of Clinton, was unanimously
A committee of throe, consisting of
President Foley, of Clearfield, John
liishol, of Clinton, and Adam Hoy, ofl
oniro, was appointed to notily Judgo
Mayer ol his nomination, aftor which
tho Conference adjourned sine die.
J. W. Gepiiaiit, ' W. C. Foley,
.Secretary. President.
Desperate Prisoners. SliorifTOys
terand Deputy Winscll, of Elk county,
camo to Warren last Friday with two
prisoners to tako the evening train to
Pittsburg. They woro James Duilv
and Patrick Goodman, sent up for bur
glary, tlio lormer two years and six
months', and tho latter Iwo years.
They wcro lodged in jail till train time,
8.30 p. m. Going 10 Iho depot, Daily
somehow slipped his hand cull's und,
storied to run. Ho was pursued by
Winsoll, the Kheriir holding to Good
man. Tho Deputy fired his revolver,
Daily looked buck and run uguinst a
troo when ho wos grappled by Winscl.
Daily showed fight and a slrui'irlo en
sued till Ben. Nesmith, who was pass
ing, camo to tho Deputy's, aid and bo
was sccurod in timo for the train. At
Irvine, both made a rush for tho door
and had lo bo prutly severely handled
boforo they would submit, they wero
desperate characters.
A Wonderful Oversiiiiit. Al
though there wero thrco set of speoch-
os delivered at tho Radical mcctini:
in this pluoo by picked oiulors, yet
neither of them over ulluded to tho
President of tlio United Slotes. If
Hayes was wof counted in, as they aver,
why manifest so much modesty on
this point. Wo declaro that ho was
put into office by fraud, perjury and
forgery, and holds his office hy virtuo
thereof, and every intelligent Rudicul
knows it, and the stumpers are asham
ed to name him.
The Old Business. All tho Radi
cal organs in the Stato are engaged in
tho manufacture of "better times" just
now. This is an annual occurrence
the month before the election. Theso
demagogues havo played this game
for five years, and havo succeeded in
closing the eyes of many voters here
tofore. Will they succeed again? Vo-
tors, see that yon are not tooled again.
Times will not improve whilo public
plunderers dwell in high positions. A
change must bo made or complete ruin
will ovcrtuko all.
For Conoresb Tho Greenbackors
mot in District Convention, at Bello
funto, on Thursday, taV ?fltli, and nom
inated Both II. Yocum, of that bor
ough, on tho first ballot, lor Congress.
Tho voto stood : Yocum, 11; Chase, 4.
This proceeding Is wholly ornamental,
becouso Governor Curtin will bo elect
ed by not Icbs than 6,000 majority.
John Smith, L. W. Riltonhouso and
John M. Chase, Jr., wore tho delegates
from this County, Instructed for John
M. Chaso, Sr.
Somo of "tho loyal millions" aro aw
fully vexed because tho "war Govern
or," having bocomo disgusted will) tho
conduct of Radical rogues, led his par
ty, in 1872, and has now been nomina
ted by tho Democrats for Congress.
Ex-Gov. Andrew 0. Cnrlin, is a vol
uino ol pure Inula as against corrupt
rings at llarrisburg and Washington.
Ho point out tho rogues as a detective
would, henco tlio turned np noses wo
noticed in tho Radical columns.
""r 'andhlalo for Governor is muk-
iX a gruuu campaign ol the Male, uuil
is winning friends wherever he goes.
Wu prnpono to lay bis speech, which
ho inado at (livenshiiig, on llio evening
of the ''!th ult . before our routfi-tn noxll
week, Tho Philadelphia, in ul
billing to it suva
'Soiiulor Dill delivered un eluborato
speech on tho financial issue at Greens
burg, it is refreshing lo find a eandi
dale lor any ofllee in those days of
shuffling und trimming who desires to
spcuk with clearness and emphasis op
tho money question ; and ull who read
.Mr. Dill's lilteruueo must credit him
not only with thu clearest ooinpruhon
siuu of iliots.t.,1, olfto with the most
frank and miiiily doclaratioiisofhisfuith
on tiiosuhjuct. It is no chip-trap eam
caiiipulgn document, designed to bo in
ternreled one way in one section oi class,
unu unother way to other sections and
classes. Ho plants himself squarely
on llio constitutional standard ol money,
uccopts it not only as the inexorable
mandate of tho law, but us tho only
safely ol publiu credit and business
prosperity ; and his discussion of the
problem is rupleto with dignity, re
search aud candor. In his roviuw ol
the resumption policy ol Secrulury
Sherman, he expose the folly und tho
evil rosulls of subordinating a great
National issue to tho arts and tricks of
the politician. Ho shows most con
clusively how ouforeod resumption has
returded tho return of thrill, increased
our debt, contracted tho currency, and
given distrust and uncertainty to tho
channels of traiio'whon they most ot
all needed confidence; and he points lo
the only method by which permanent
resumption can be attained without
violence to business. Herein, notably,
does Mr. Dill's well considered utlor
anco differ from tiludes of those who,
frightened by the shadow of repudia
tion, the fruit uf thuir own distempered
imagination, merely echo the meaning
less cry for 'honest money' as Iho only
means of relief. Ho not only tircaoiila
tt diogiiosis of tho country's diseuso in
luiiguugo temperate but forcible, but
hu prescribes tho remedy in terms
equully dispassionate and intelligible.
Ho would have tho currency ntiilorin
und regulate its volume according lo
tho demand, mako banking free in fact
as well as In name, proscribe a just
rale of interest, und so order Iho issue
of money by the Government that
every dollar assigned lo Iho bunks lor
circulation si, nil suspend interest on a
dollur of tlio national debt. Under
such u programme, with tlio retrench
mont and economy he demniitfs, the
sun oi prosperity win soon appear
unnvo mo Horizon.
If Democrats stand to their colors
tb's fall, it victory in ibis slate, in No
vember, is assured. From llio Dela
ware to Lid.u Eiie, every DennHiat
and cniisi rvalivo w ho bus a vote should
mil only go iho pulls und vole, but
should ciist t In-i r votes tor Andrew II.
i x 1 1 and Hie wliolu Democratic tickot. this be ilouu and otlrticlniy will
ho one of ihe greatest ever achieved at
li.o bullot box. Tie inducements to
stand firm to Iho ticket this fall ure
si router lhaii lor the lust Iweiitv veurs,
Tho Republican parly is rapidly losing
its hold on the confidence of the coun
try and each election proves that tho
Radical train is on the down grado to
political destruction. With the Dem
ocratic tide rapidly rising tlicro is every
reason whv the lank and file ot the
party should stand firm. Wo do not
appeal to them because wo have anv
fear they will le recreant to thoir do
ty, but to incite them lo increased ex
ertions. Men who have stood firm to
their party for tho last eighteen years,
under the must adverse circumstances.
and at times when it was dangerous to
do a ucmocrut, will not now lorgot
thuir duly. Light ia close at hand,
und ono more united effort will bring
us within the rays of tho now political
sun, and tho hopes of twenty years
will rcacn llioir Iruilion. In tunes past
our political enemy havo tried many
ways to break our runks, and just now
they are at thoir old IrickB. Several
now parties a cunning device of the
enemy have been nut into tho field
in the hope that they may draw off
Democrats, but this Republican chaff
will notcatch many birds in 1HT8. Men
of all parlies should remember that re
forms in this country can only bo
brought about through the agency of
ono or tlio oilier ot tlio old political
parties ; and thoso who support now
parties with a single idea throw away
their strength. Tho Republican party
having lost Iho confidence of the peo
ple, the country looks lo tho Democratic
parly to restore lost prosperity, and an
honest administration. Tho election
of Dill will bo a long stride toward tbe
much desired reform, and his election
certain if ho recoivus a full party volo.
Eoykftoicn Dimoerat.
Dill in the Field. Mi. Dill, tho
Demncratio stun lard-bearer, has open
ed up a gallant canvass. During the
past two weeks he bus been visiting
some ol tho western counties, and has
Imon mooting with monster receptions
wnerover no goes, i lie wonl tout
has thus far boon passed along tho lino
is that the people aro lor Dill, and turn
ing out to hcur him in vast crowds.
During tho coming week, in company
with Hon. Heisler Clynier, he will
speak at Clearfield, Johnto n, Greens-
burg, Monnnguholu City, Cannonsburg
and Washington. He will bo at Car
lisle on tho 30lh instant, at York on
Octobor 1st, and at Reading on Octo
ber ilnl. Mr. Hill anil tiovernor Cur
tin will speak at Allentownon Octobor
Ith. It will he seen that the eloquent
young leader of tho Democracy means
business trom now till the Din ol No
vember. His protest against the fi
nancial mismanagement ol the Kenuu
lican parly, as well as against the odi
ous ring rule of tho Cumeron faction
in Pennsylvania will ho heard in every
county oi '.lie uommonwcann. 'im.
dilphta Commonwealth.
Condemned. Tho Agitator Rear,
ney is tho freshest illustration of the
prophet not without honor save in hia
own country. The California Green
back State Committee waits eastward
a resolution declaring that thoy not
only uo not ondorso or amliale with
the "Sand-lot Orator," nut deprecate
tho action of all representative organi
zations of tho party which have enter
tained this " blatant, profane and low
humbug," aa ho docs not in any way
speak for the workingmenol California.
Senator Giles, of Vimjinia, and Judgo
Duval, of Maryland, boarded in Wash
ington during Washington's Adminis
tration at thu house of a Mrs. Gibbon,
whoso daughters wero talkalivo and
wore not young. Home yours aftor
they mot at Iho capital, and whilo chat
ting over old times the Sonator askod tho
Judge, then Comptroller of tlio Tress-
ury, if bo knew what had become of
"that cackling old maid, Jenny Gib
bon I" "Sho is Mrs, Duval, sir," was
tho reply.'
Lieut. Thomas A. Mahood, ol tho
Bebel army, was temporarily stationed
in Pennsylvania during tho war, where
ho foil in love with Miss Gentry. The
removal of the t loops (operated the
lovers to meet no more, but.ihouqb both
subsequently married, Mr. Mahood ia
Informed tbat hia sweetheart of fiftoen
years ago recently died at Philadelphia
and loft him part of hor tortuno.
That Bird that tho Radicals placed
on thoir tickot last week, for Treasurer,
will got'a number ono ducking on the
5th nl November next.
And I lie only one ?urlli, '
Clearfield, Thursday, October 10, 1878.
Equestrian Exposition by Special Train.
An Unfettered Menagerie, of
A Stupendous Steel-wreen
by Locomotives ;
The One Great Circus of the
In Glittering Harness on tho highway seen.
On a Great Gold-Encrusled Tableau Car, thro' the public streets.
Two-IIonicd Black Rhinoceros
In captivity ; a Pachydermatous Iron-clad, in which $22,000 in
gold is invested.
A Living Museum of Marine Monsters ;
A Vast Tent-Temple of Illustrious Human Prodigies, em
bracing Veritable Miracles of all Mortal Marvels.
And yet to every department of which ONI'. TICKET ADMITS. n4 Kir th prlre
charged by Hnoni Khlrh art but a decimal fractiou In comparlaoa with 11.
IT fitpl ,, 1 . "i F'sV" OS asawa aaaaaw im
w t t ' ' , i
Many times more show
ejwiiuuiuu cuarges
C.tnn An..l.. I ..I r..
.u jnnci'ii
the ninKiiiticent public illustration of
sources, in tuo ajijjiiiiost wiliioiii-jirico
A Menagerie of Miiinnioths miirchiiiK in the streets.
A DnriiiB ()mii Den of Monster Lions, performed
the Dauntless Dosworth.
Tho liorgcous Memnon Throne of Music, drawn by twelve Camels.
The Steam 1'iano of the Cyclops, whoso notes may be heard for miles.
Massive squares of Vehicular Mpoctnclo and Landscaped Lairs.
Alh'Koric Illustrations and National Tableaux.
Tho MnrdUira of the Mcmphl.
Tho Masques of the Komikal Ku K lux.
Succcodirtg Squadrons of Spirited ThoraiiKb-Urod Steeds.
A Living Avalanche of lioyebmbod cinployos.
A Moving Triumph, such as Thebes ne'er saw.
An Exhibition Presenting far moro than can bo Advertised.,
Approved by tho Pulpit, Press and Public everywhere, and the Groat Fam
ily riuld Show of America, tncrilinn thciiatranaL'O of tho mothers and dunvh.
tern of our favored land.
Admission tp all, 0 cents, (ihlldrcn under nlno yeara, 28 cents.
Doors open at 1 and 7 n. m IVrfnrmnncca In thn Vr1,r. i,. .. k...
later ' '
Will also exhibit, in all its
Tyrone, Wednesday, October Oth.
Philipslmrg, Friday, October 11th.
Moving Mountains;
Guarded Zoological Garden, drawn
World on Sumptuous Palace Cars,
Performing U Elsphants 5
)n combined und simultaneous acts.
Anil behold the nuirvcl of marvels,
lliirly luetics limli, and less than one
year old the first nud only ones over
exhibited anywhere.
for nothing than any other
nan a aonar 10 see.
.l. l.l: I .1 - V..I
uir mu Hl'iHW mill ino IIMIU Ones to SO
tho Ituilroiul l.cviuthuo'a Millionaire Re-
Amusement l'ngeant of any
procession by the
stupendous entirety, at
ur '(U'frtlsniifnK
W.tNTKI. tOO.ona fruitful frt Ftmvtr.
11 o ft dnllvnrtl m er )t'l or
1 000, on Tjiodm 4 Cl-.rfUld, I'. A K . 1UM t
nU V.llr-y, irjj l'.on' lUil HkU, l fr '
Which I Will Mf lh ttifh.
AJ Iri, J01 I XKYt,
ll II 4m, Rultod, Cjntr Co I'.
J h? bd lid boavrd without Jull or
Krovowtifift, I hroby warn II fironi not to
.rbor or Unit nr on my twounnt, u I in dv
lornitnctl nt to fty ny dnhu nont iei hy hur
TnmtrlU, P , flopt IS, in- I.
CAI'TION. All poreoai aro horebr atutlm
d AKlniit neddllng or boring anvtbiiig t
do with ocriVa two. bono wagon, now Id th
potWMlo nt Wm. IMoo of Pito towmbip, a t
llio Mto bulutif i.i no. and li Ult with him oo
loan onljr, tMiliJeot to my ordor at any timit.
(1K(). U. LAN. Oil.
Cltarflold, Pa 8pL IS, lrtS-St.
CAUTION All ptiraoni are hamby cautioned
frlnt purchasing or in any way noddling
who me following acriioa property, now in tha
prtMM'Irn of Chariot I). J ohm too. vt lluiton
townrhip. tin Onoipan honra (bay ml roan),
1 WRffon, 1 pair ! If, 1 cutting b l. S iIitm, M
of baiidiog. baodikikM, ehalni. ra'.i, In , a Ilia
a mo iMlung to ma nod U Ion with ill J Jnhnt om
on loan only, uhjae' i. my orjirr uir U ni .
S.bvla, 24 TS-ai L. JuIlNSOV.
CAUTIOI.a prrfonaaraborvbr ra-Hioned
ajratfiM parhaaig or In any wi) tnn MHrif
with th following pront! pri:rty. n-iw in th
poii Mine of Cornaliua U TuVu, of Pruon
townablp, viti Ono gray mart, 1 roan bono an I
barnaM, 1 wig m, I plow, I harrow. 1 b g, A
piga, 100 down oat, 60 doarn ry, I aoraa bujk
wboat, and I tor oorn, aa tht aama bolong to
mo, and ia Uft with laid Tubba on loan oolr,
aabj-at o my ardor at any lime.
Karroo, Pa , Sop I. i, H7-St.
Great Western Hotel,
Nob. 1811, 1I1S at 13i Mtraat Btrnt,
Directly oppotttt Vtanamkt' Grand Depot,)
rhiladolpMa. Teiui'a.
Ternifi, ta.OO j3sr Xm.y.
Thla HuUl ! near thi nw Publio Buildinga,
now Uaaonie Tarn pi. U. 8 Mint, and Aeadvuy
of Fine Arta. T. W. TKAUCK, Prop'r.
oraa ai.liiobt. IT, 7H ly.
Tba flroi trading ondrr tho name of Gutieh.
McCorkla t Co waa Ibii day (Sept. 21), difaolr
ed by notoal oootcnt. Iavid llcilbran retiring.
Thobovka will remain at tba old at and for aoitla
mrnl until Octouar 25th, aftor which tint all on
tettlad aecounlf will ba left with an officer for
eollfotion. B. F. OUL1CH,
8-pt ta.' I). HKILOKL'K.
Tho oiidrriignod baring dpoeJ of bla loter
cat fa tbo furoitaro bimiujaa to J L. Wriktlov, tht
bualneaa will horeaftar bo oa'riod on by K. V.
linlicb, Hobrt McCklaaud J. L Wrixlay under
tb flrio nana of (Julieh Mc()rkl A Co.
II aa openrd, in ft building od liarket atrtot, on
tbo old Wcitarn Hot I lot, nipiaito tht Court
Hoot In CIaitiold,a Tin ani Mioli Iron Manu
factory and Storo, wharo willr-t found at all limea
a full lina uf
house roBinsiima gooss,
Stoves, Hardware, Dtc.
Hoo H pouting and all kind' of job work, ripir
ing. Ac, dna on abort not;co aud at rvuaunable
rata, Al, ejfDt for tho
Singer Sewing Machine,
A mpply of Machinei, with Needtaa, Ae., al
way a on hand.
Tana i, at Hotly oaah or country produce. A
afaara of patronago solicitod.
Cltarllald, April li, 1ST 7-1 f.
1 T etatatnent of tha Road, Batumi and Poor
funda of Woodward townahlp, for tho year ending
ioio. donn m. inaia, irraaurer, m ac t, via
hoad rrnD M.
To am't In Treaa. handa laat aettleuient.4l.0SJ 38
To ain't roo'd from Co. Trasaorar 7.r0 TH
To Duplicate of J. Shannon. Huperviaor. 607 A3
To Hi, Latber'a dup. of '76 trantfe rred
to John bbannon 122 lib
To Supplementary tai 29 OG
To taxea tnaaforrod from Uunaboo to
Shannon 43
10 Ml ot orden drawn on Traaaurer
by Jubn Shannon , 769 94
To dap. of John Uonahoa. buperriaor... W4 24
To bal. taiea on Hagerty eoUte HMH tf Sit
To Uiea tranalerrod froaa Bbannoai ia
llonahoe JJ jj
To ordare drawn on Treat by Donaboo 824
To dap. of H. ftiebnida, Buperriaor...... XuO 00
To Utw trana'trrod from Donaboo to
Rich ard 1 3 &a
Ta ordara drawn on Treaa. by Bicbarda. S97 VI
Ttftal ...................i,80V V
m a 01 ran.
By work dona by taxable under John
fibannen $ 60.1 97
By work done by eon tract under John
(Shannon 40.5 75
By work dona by 8. B. Dnnlap fur J no.
Shannon 49 $
By work done by IShannon. Bupereiaor. Itlll 00
By eionvrationa :t0 4j
By taiea transferred to Donaboe '17 20
By word done by taxahlea under John
lonabM, tiuperviaor ,.. 1,447 01
By work done by J, bonaboe 011 00
By taxea t ran if erred from Uonahoa to
Bbannon 4 7J
By taxae tram tarred from Jjonaboe to
Hlebarde S 6(1
By work done by J. Low fur Donahoo. 14 CO
By eienaretiora ., 47 (,7
By work dona by taxablee ander II.
Kiebarda 671 47
By work dona under B. Kldntlje for
Kiabarda M 1M eg
By work done by II. II. Buugbman 2 60
By work done by II. Ricoanii, Bap 225 7i
By txonerntiona 17 80
By ordara redeemed for 1977 H 1,212 OA
By ordera redeeuaed for 17S 450 00
By bal. In handa ef Treaa. nt aettlemeni ItlH 4u
ToUl 24,800 99
To baL In bandi or Traaaurer 168 40
To rdert drawn on Treaa. by Rkaonon $ 70V 04
To m i0OfcBoa. U 87
To 14 Hlobarda. 3M VI
By ordara redeemed HM 1,212 10
t 72 00
To ardera nalatanding for 177.,
By ordara red orated for 1878...,.
ToUl indebtedneea
By aaa t in Treasurer i handa....
.... T20 06
270 00
- 168 40
Total IndebttdneMovar all reaoareea at
ettlenieBt..hHM.MH.H.H.M,H,HJ 9 tfi
root roan ba,
Tobal.laTreai.handiatlaatalUaMit.l JI7 7T
To am't reo'd froaa Co. Treoanrer 77 52
To ami of duplicate for lti?7 714 so
- 11.711 ot
By ordara rvdaaated 4t'm
Braai'tlaTrrai.bandaandaanlUeta4. I,MI M
sccairra aao sir'SaoirirHBa.
To aat't of ordara drawa oa Traaaurar by
U. K. Tola. Oraraoar Uii0, H
to mm i oi oToaaa arawa oa Troaaoror
ay joa. Aiaxaadar, uroraoor , as a.
By aia'l la Troatoror'a bandi..... ll.JBI M
By aat doo trooi Lawroo Iwp M. so n,
By aaa'l dao by owa.blp.......... ),8 ,J
W, ioi an
To aalalaadlaiardm a l0 t
To aa't duo by top. ofar all,ll( S
ax sooL roaa-lbr yaar oadloa Juno t. no
To 't la Troaa. baada laot aottk oa.nL.1,i I SI
i. o..,. appropriatloa .. ISO )K
o wspiioMo ior ioii MM M i pii
xi; os,.
oraoroMaaad ai ...
By Trw aad Uolloeaor'a par aaaugro oa '
jyi,.Jt- : I- it o
- fwewwwwenatatwappropr.
aia. ... .... ,
- m iroaawror , l,7la t
...$.1,SI7 05
....,T,.k i.oauuaflln, ord.ra. l,ls ,4
R.a.cacaa.-By aai'tla Traaa. baod. J.TSt t
BaL aa Iwp. by Tntaarar ti.alti tl
Wa, ba aadmlaaod AudlioM nf wu., ,
laanablp, bala daly aiaaiiaad Iba aooooau of
M abaro ataud.
m wwamp, aoroaa aaniio ta mm mmA .1
Tnoa. HRNbRRsaN,
8aSBiaaa, JKSH OtOUINg,
. . .. .cL,rk- Aadlvara
"John" troutmanT
Improved Spring Beds,
Tha undaraiguod Wga loovo to Inform tU du.
lao of Olaurftoltt, and tho puhllo general I (ky
bo baa on hand a Ino aorlinrnt of PuraliiM!'
ocb M Walnut, Cliaatunt and Paintrd Chwju
Unit-' a, Pallor Kullea, Hctllning and EiUit,,,
Obaira, l.mli'' and UiwiIb' Ht Chalra, tha J
f.-ra led Inning aud Parlor tHair, Cant 6Uui
Windaor I'haira. Clotboa Hum, Mp and Kn.
iuu haddvra. lint Ktvaka, hrul.t.itiv Un,abN
noktng tJI'rt. Chrcnua, Ao which wuu4
iiitahla for Holiday pn'ft.ta.
dofll07H InHV TIHM'TMAV,
At Fhaw'a old atanJ, Clar!lall( Pa, Iwi jut
opmai new ntotk of
and la cow prepfircd to furnUh anything ia tha
tha lina of Uruga and Modiciaaa at tba vary lof
eat oaah prtoaa. '
Ila biia alio on hand largo atook of Coral
(lair and Tooth liruibef, Pfini'y Artiolaa, T-i
and hbaviug Snn,$, ant airylhiog oau illy ktu
In a Grit-claM lirui Store
compounded with oaro, day or night. A liliml
fbart of patronage rcfpfotfuiry aollitd.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. U, 1877.
vTr-ra It.
feo4r-niiMft Btwc .
itrjk. Haraiata II.
mimrjhjl Uus7 Pskaw
lMM4nwrn,UTt. tartMMMf M.trt
HENRY S. ZIEGLER, Solo Manufacturer,
Wlae, Oee a Ma atvtM. r!um$u.
M T II E It S 15 1 K G .
llereaftrr, gooda will be told for CASH anly,
or in exohange for produoe. No booka will b
kept in the future. All old aocauata Boat ba
ettled. Tboao who eaonot aah up, will plaaM
band over their notae and
X am drttrmiafid to Mil my noo&i at auk
prio.., and at a difeoanl far baloir that .tit
otferad In tbia Tielnity, Tha diaoonat I allow mj
auat'iDi.r, will maaetbem rfoh in twrnty yuariK
thy tflluw my advlM aod buy-thair good, frga
oi. I will pay eah tor wbsat, oatf aod elorv
Latbrrabnrii, Jmo.rj 17, 1S77.
W. af. IOFFK,
Clearfield, Pa.,
C'arpols, Oil Cloths
Etc, Etx., Etc
wiLi. iakk (jnr.vritv pnonicn
ClfardeW. Pa., Ilrpi, is,
for aaadlelaal parpaaa.
Traaaoa, Bapportara, Sabaol Boabs aad StalUa
ary, and all atbar annua aaaally
fcaad la s Drag Stan.
FULLT OOMPnilNlmn u..i.. . u,r M-
jjHjaoali iba baatoaa akay aaa g Ira aallra a
t. a. HARTSWICs.
nwtald, Daoaabar la, 1174.
a Cw POLISH Vm HuttW
' HI f Brirxtiwa.
1 1 II w"bT2.