! , I (I ; ! c. u 20tft3. '" THE MANSION HOUSE. Corn.r.fSeoo.dadMar.atStrti. CUSAKI'IKI.I.FA. mun eld '41", io . .,.t mf, fc..r J9: Wit o.peo7 !' "f'""??" I' "? .... ..1 ..iiu. The whole bntUtng bu booa "furniik.d, en proprietor "HI "P palai .10 render hta inu comfortable whil. laying I"1- . ,. ,-Tbe 'Manaioa Itoai." Oinniboi mm to tod from th. Depot ol tbo errleal end departure of ..co treia. W. 0. UAKDoN, Jul, ll.T7.tf Proprietor LLKGHKNY HOTEL Market Htreet. Cloerflclil, Pi. Win. 8. Ilradlry, forinorly proprietor of tbo i.0 IIuu.o, baring leeer-l J1" Allegheny llMel, eolioile iboro of public patronage, 1 b. llouee hoi been thorooglily repaired end newly furnUbod, onl guelle Kill toil rte plee.ent atop pint plooo. Tht toblo will bo eopplied wilb l. but if ov.rjlr.lr., io tbo market. At tbo bor rill he found tbo bt.t wine, eud liquor.. UooJ .tabling attached. WM. 8. llllAUI.r.V, My IT, Ioprlotor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Morkot A Front itroct.,) OLKAHKIKLD, PA. Tbo undorilirii.il boring tok.n charge of thli Hotel, would rvapeotfully eollelt public patronage. l.bi,'T8. Ji. HKwTON bllAW. WASHINGTON HOUSE, . . NKW WAHIUNUTON, PA. 1'bli dow ond well turoieh.d houee hoi been tokoa by tbo uodereigneri. Ho fool, oonfldent of being oblo to render eatiefartlon to thoae who mo foror biat wltb o oalU Mo; , 1871. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. IOYD HOUSE, J : I Main Street, ' ' PfllLII'SlHTRll, PKNN'A. Toblo alwaye ouppllod with tbo bolt tbo market aTorda, Tbo traveling public li invited to e.ll. j.n.lTD. ROUKRI L0YD. jBnufcs. County National Bank, OK CLEARFIELD, PA. I ) OOM In Moeonlo Building, one door north ol X V 0. D. Wataon'a Drug Store. I'aaaage Tiokete to ond from Liverpool, Quoem town, it la. (row, London, Peril ond Copenhagen. Alao, Draft. fr oole on tho Royol Bonk of Ireienri ond Imperial Bank of London. JAMKB T. LEONARD, Pre.'t. W. M. SHAW, Coihier. JmlTT DREXE1 &SC0., No. 31 Botltll Third Htreet, Philadelphia iut.YK.ERS, And Dealors in Government Securities. A'ilieation by mail will reeeivo prompt otten tion, ond nil Information cheerfully furni.hed Oricre .olitled. April 11-lf. r. r. Aitxi.Ln. a. W. AROOLO. J. I. AI Silt. n F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Hunkers and Kroker., KnyilolitnYllle. Jeffcr-eotl Co., Pa. Money rceolvrd on deposit. Di.countj ot Ino ilerele retrl. Kii.tern ond Foreign Exchange nl w.v. on h.'inil and collection, promptly mode, Reynoldaville, Dec. Ill, I874.-ly grntistrif. T I' J 0 l. r. iiEicimoux n V II V. V. ON 1) P. N T l h r. tiraduote of tho Ponuftylvunla Colleicc of Dontol Surgery. Office in reiidenre of Dr. Hill., oppoiite tlie bhw liouBo. mclii:i, 'Te-lf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (dSco in I!nk I'.uii l.i,s ) Ctirvtt'novillp, Clrarlield Co., Ia. mcb II '711 If. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, pa. (OITjuo in rr.ldcnce, Second itroet.) Nilrnul Oxido (loo odinlniitered for the piln eu eitroction of teeth . CleorBeld, P., May 1, l77.1y. pisrrUaiifous. .1 on ii:intic; DF KVPHY DKSCMP lion nnfttly nwatetf t tbii o(Rrt. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON & BEO., On Markot St., out door wett of Maniion Ilonn, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oufvrang(DintH r rf tha rnont eoainlt chrcter mr firntshtt.r th public with Fresh Metti of till kin it, nin) of the v try beit quality. VUo deal ib all ktndi of Afrrieulturftl Imple ment!, which we keep on exhibition for the ben efit of the public. Call around, whoa in town, and take a look at things, or nddre ui F. hi. CAKDON A BRO. ClearReld, Pa., Jalj 14, lH76-tf. Just Kcecivcd I Jusl Pvoceivoil by ARNOLD, at CUIIWEN.SVJLLE:- Car Load Nova Scotia Plaster ! Cur Load puro Cum, Ryo and Outs Chop ! , Car Load Deukcn Bait 1 Car Load Choice Family Flour ! Cor Loud Dry l.oodi, Grocories, Ac! CNiinglcs, Ifuik. it. it. Tics and Grain wilt bo taken in exchange Curwonsvillo, May 1, 1878. 'TN CiOll W K THIJW-AII othow ma.t X rl fur their work bo fore it leavat the slop. And as all flcik Is u the rr.ui of the field. and the prouiiwi of men are like the flowere thereof tatty are given one dny and forgotten the next theiefure it ii lit not to trust anybody. All kinds of work will be done la this shon for rub or ready pay. Boots and shore of all sites and styles the beat and cheapest In town. I have removed tuy shop to the lower end of rown, in lay. on row, on lleed street, near the depot, where 1 will be found at all times, waiting fur customers. All work warranted good aod cheap. Also, ell kinds of Leather aad Shoe Findings for sal. The eitlieni of Clearfield and vicinity art ttpeeuuuv invitea to give me a call. JOS. 11. DUE KING, Clear 0,1 J, Pa., July 11, 1S77. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS rf STA TIONKR Y. Market U, Clearfield, (at the Poet Ofllre.) TUB anderefgned begs lcar to annonnce to the eitiieos of Clearfield and vicinity, that he baa fitted op a room and has Jait returned from the city with a large amount of reading matter, coin, mug m part or Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, DlanV, Account aod Past Books of every do scrip tion i Paper and Envelopes, French p reiser and plaint Pens and Pencils, Blank Legal Papers, Deeds, Mortgages) Judgment, Rxeuip lion and l'romisar? notoei White and Paroh- ment Urlef, Legal Cap, Heeord Cap, and Bill Cap, Hbeet Music, fur eittter Piano, Flute or Violin, const an t ly aa band. Any books or stationary destred that I may not have on band, will be ordered by first express, and sold at wholesale or retail to suit eaiUimere. I will alto keep periodical I iterator, lech ai Hagaetnes. Newspapers, Aa. P. A. UAtLIN. Clearfield. May 7, 186Mf The Hell's Bun Woolen Factory Toon towoibip, Clearfield Co., P. BURNED ) I) Tl BURNED UPI Thesnbsoribers hare, at great expense, rebuilt a neighborhood necessity, in the erection of a first class Woolen Manufactory, with all tho modern Improvements attached, and are prepared to make all kinds ot viotos, uasstmerea, uaiineiu, uian krti, Flannels, Ao. Plenty of goods on hand to supply all tur old and a thousand new customers, wnuia we asa o eoaao ana examine our iiocb, Tbo bastness of CARDING AND FULLING will reoeiva oar ospaclal attention. Prom anwagenioate will bo made tn roreiro and deliver Wool, to salt customers. All work warranted and done anon tha shortest notice, and by strict at ten tioa to business we hop to realise a liberal share of paMlo patronage. KMX Ml POUNDS WOOb WARTRDI We will pay the highest market price for Woo and toll oar manufactured goods as low as similar goods can bo bought la tho county, and whenever we fall to render reasonable iatisfaetton w oan alwayt be found at homo ready to make proper explanation, ottner la person or ay letter. JAMES JOHNSON A BONA, jiprllWtf Bower P. 0. Jlnv flufrtlsrmrnttf. Cheapest Those who investigate the ((ilESTCLQTilINi)) Ami get thenr at tlie LOWEST PRICES, will of necessity be led to conclude tbrtt 8UINZBURG S CLOTHING STORE, WfHlFni Hotel Corner, tlcnrfield, la. Is the Place to get the Cheapest and the Best. And they will also come to the same conclusion in regard to HATS, GENTS' FDENISHINQ GOODS, TEUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, Etc As we prefer selling our Summer over, WO Will give our customers ttciuiti uurguuiB. COME AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. COV.YTIl 1 ! HO It ICE of Mil at market Cte.rll.lJ, 1'.., July 17, 1878. mi THE BEE HIVE. To (he Citizen of Clearfield CfAtnty : I have opened up one of the of goods ever offered in this county, which must be seen to bo ap preciated. It is not necessary to go into details, but will say mat the following departments are thoroughly full in all qualities and styles. ' Dry Goods, i Millinery Goods, Hosiery and Gloves, UasaimerB, Shawls, i Corsets, Linens Handkerchiefs, White Goods, I Furnishing Goods, Kid Gloves, I in broidery. Linen Suits, Skirts. These troods have been selected bought for cash and will be Bold for cash, and my expenses being very light they will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. Clearfield, Pa., May 1. 1878. JOHN TROUTMAN, r DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTHIASES, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 6TKKET, NEAR P. 0. Th. onderilffned beffi Iooto to Inform the oltl aon. of Clearfield, ond tbo poblio irenoroll?, that bo bal on band ft one oaiortment or rurouoro, neb Waloot, Cbeitnot and Painted Chamber finite!, Parlor Sultel, Reclining ftnd Eltoniio, Cbaln, I.adlol' and Oeatl' Kail Chain, to Per forated Dinlog and Parlor Cbaira, Caoo Heat, aod Wlnd.or Chair., Clothe. Ban, Step and Kitan lion Laildtn, Hat Raoki, Benibbtng Bralhei, kl MOULDING AND PICTURE VRAMXS, ooktnt Qlae.ee, Chrvmai, Ae.. which woold ultatile for Holiday proienti. doeto 71 juii.i iMiiiiflAp. FloOlJIt, TKEII, AND GROCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Room No. 4, Pie'. Opera. Hem, t'lerUcld, P.. Keep, oon.toftllj OD band SUGAR, COFFKE, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, SYRUP, SALT, SPICES, SOAP, Oanaod aod Dried Fralta, Tobaeee, Clgare, Cea etlea, Older Vinegar, B.tter, Eggo, Ae, ' ALSO, EXTRA HOME MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Floor, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o., All of which m be eelc oboes tot eaek er eiebange for eoaatry prodoee. JOHN r. KRAXBR. Clearfield, Nee. II lN..tf gjw dvertisrinrntj. and Best. subject of where to get stock rather than carry them iidoAM In txrhangt for goodt price. 1878. wi-yJ OAK HALL TSE'rsoPLS's mm clqtbiks souss. 1878.-18th yoa.r. With much greater variety Than ever With ampler facilities Than ever With far more customers Than ever Tib arc better prepared Tlian ever At considerably lower prices Than ever To luppl Th Mom and Bora of Anuria With (mporb Clothing From th L&rgoot Clothing Homo In Antwrioau Only On Price. ' The Lowest. Term. Cash. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned. templeo and prlceo mailed onrwhert. Orden by mall promptly executed. WANAMAKER & BROWN Sixth & Market Sts., Philadelphia. largest and most attractive etockfl Carpets, Oil Cloths, lies, Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, kc. with the createst care, were WM. REED. HUNT'S flreet KMi Kurnnniiifl t It hu bt'IiiretiiflpabllcXtyeara and use.) tj eUl clautne, lit 'NT'S KhSI III V tunaveo rrom iio(rriaa; VUY ruree all IHe- aereor un niemrN. iiiaaeer. ana i rlnar Ifreans, llropey. Caravel, 11 la br tea Ipcoutlaenrft and Iti'trntton ml Vrnm. nun i- rH It HMKDY encouraifct ilerD. emir a,n atpeUte, brace up th yitcTn, and rrnewed ht alth Is the -ulL JIl'KT'Bl MKn KIV rarea fain UlbaHldBullaHi. off I.stna. I.Mnrrai I IV, Female) illHeaara, Diiturtva hler i, II arta, or etna, l.tinrral llrbl. BMa ripep,irae ar of Hi Kid ' rrlno-tbtenliul ai Aapeiiin, itriyhi a uiaraar era ana all ( omulainia or inr ilriana. HI NrN Hr.!t1RIl iune,aooroMia want never iM iurerurutaDenioine putillc.and tlie utiimit re I lance mar or plai In It, llU'T'll IIWIKUV la pretifired tMs-HiiiiiiT's .V" Known (u ion. . Am trial will bond W pampblot to REMEDY j'ooTiuajica.R.1.1 To tie ntform ClrJMi Comlt ' Tho onderilgned hoeing boon appointed by tha Department, at Waibington, principal reporter of tbo Agrlcnltorat Htatl.tlc or tlearDold oounty, reapeclfnlly mtneiti tho eo-oporatlon of ,11 to fte.ltt, by Mnding th. lubeerlher all lb. informa tion tbey eaa bearing opo. to. following quel' tioni, 00 u to ooetile him to mobo oa oorroot statement to th. Department, , po.aibl, t llow many horrot bar. died In yonr borongb or tow,, ebip, and of what dlaoaeo. How many eowi and ealrel, and of what dleoaeo. How many ahoep bare yon loet. and .r wbot dieeaeei aow mono killed by dog.. How many big. hero yon loit, and of what dtoeaio. What prtfalilng dlee.e.1 amonget to. poultry. In all caaoi gii. lb. r.m ediei need wbioh bare boon foond to b iaeeeai. fnl, aod In all eaaot to gi. th. oa.b ealoe ot all lock ai nearly ai pontblo. By Iho w-oporatlo. of onr oitlten. ta g.n.ral npoa tbeeo Important partleoian, th. Ageienltorai report! WMI boeom. an enotolonodiaof eeefnl iaformalioa to tbo nnb lie, by enabling the Departmoot to pnbh.h tbo dte.a..a, tn. lo..o,and tbo remedlee that bar. bee. fonnd moat beneBelaJ io eertaia dioa.eo Any other Information thot will bo oonalder.d I pnblle beaett, will bo thookf.ll rooeieed. Addroee th. inbaeribor at Grampian I1 1 1I, Clreifiold Co, Pa. SAMUEL W1DKM1RB. Uaroh II, 1171-lf. REMOVAL ! James Im. Lcavy, Having nnrohasod tho entire stock of Fred Raohett, nerehe gives aottee that he has moved tte ft. Into the room lately oeeopitd hy Heed A Hegerty, on Bee find itroet, where he Is prepared to offer to oa ec find tht pablle COOK ST0ES, PARLOR STOVES, of tht lalfft Improved patterns, at low prints. HOUSE FDENISHINQ GOODS (hi Futures and Tinware. Roofing, Spooling, Ptomblog, Gaa fitting, R.pairl.g Pomps a .peolalty. An work warranted. Anything Is my Use will be ordered opeeleJ eeatres. JAM. L. I.SAVT. Proprietor. FRED. BAGKKTT. Agest Cloeried, Pa., J.ly , lT-tf. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAItKIKM), 1A. WKDNRKDAV WORNINll. SKPT. Ji. U7I. A Jtr. I'runklin J. Moses fur muiiy yuain uiijoyoa iiiu uun iiruoitii- tUtKU 01 kulllg a (,'ntllll IIKV'UI III IMC band of tliiown, niuitiorutu, luixtTit and porjururri, wliu atliiiininlt'rcd tbo Slult) Oiivoriimeiit of Sotilb Curolmu, and bold bih carnival ot (titiiu tlioro fur leu or iwolve yuain iru:o(inr tbo revo lution of lSTli. . Woilo not untlortitiind tliul Mr. Moam undfrtukoei to yuvgf btmtwlt n ll ih rooiilattoti or to tlt'iiy hid guilt, bill b e i 1 1 1 expulriuli'd lloni bie formur Statu, a tliraixd and ruintid man, a broken rvoil, tit tor notbinu- but conffHaion of bin own Kins and exposure of bie ossoeiutc tbit'Vts, wilb nomvlliing of tbo fooling wilb vtIiku tbo fou domned murderer contiilniU's bis body to tbo cause ot mcdiiitl ncicnco .Mr. Mo ses has undertaken, through tbu co. umne ot tbo Now lork llnald, to otter to tbo public a lull emilession ot tho unholy manner in wbivb bo and bis crow discharged their functions of gov ernment, abused their trust, plundered their Dconlo. and aided tbo party in tho North wbicu eusluineu liiein in iiieir political power. Wo recommend a a cloao porusul of -Mr. Moses' niirrutivo to the manv inoue iiooiiio who nave actually boon eo fur misled by their bittor prejudices as to believe that no such culumitv over befell a State us hen south lurolum nausea irom iso- gro and Carpet bag rulo to tho control of tho Democratic party. If tho mod ern Moses account ot luo genesis ol tho Palmetto (. itipot baggor, to bo lot lowed by his exodus, is not as vora cious as that ot bie biblical numesakc, it ie certainly scarcely less interesting, lie makes no effort to shield or anolo- gir.o for biuiscll, except that lie. declines to be made tho scapegoat for tho sins of all. Tho Ku Kltix excitement, ho says, was.a delibcruto job set up by tbo Uepublicun managers to iiiuko puny capital ; iew lorn roughs wore im ported, an aimed constabulary was up pointed, and a Rccret managing cubul was formed, all paid out of tbo .State Treasury and popular luxes, whose business it was to stir up or invent "outrages" whenever occasion there or bore demanded them for political eH'ed ; tbo inliitnous Major Lewis Mer rill, formerly well-known about Uuluin bia, in this Stale, was paid by the Stale olllcors to keep tho Suite in eon slant pandemonium, and he ufiorwurdn was rewarded by being allowed a steal of (35 ,0011 from iho State, liy etich devices, narrated by Moses in tho first of a series of papers, tbo Republicans kept this Slate prostrate until they hud well-nigh destroyed her sovereignty. What do our l'cpubliniti readers think of tbo scamps they helped to sustain in powor ? In a letter to tho Now York Sun, Moses tells bow tho returns from South Carolina wero manipulated in tho lust Presidential election. Ho declares that when they first camo in tn the Returning Board if teas fuviul Hint Til den had carried the Hlnte ly over one. thousand majority of utrutly toat votn. A number of Kepiiblican counties wero tampered with to iiicirase t heir mnjoi i ties. This proof exists : A moderately proioi'iritt and wnrth) lt''ulill oan lniig In Ciluuihu liaa In bl. ,.-.riin ooo of the tii;e. of p.pi'r no wlikli !L,- li.iiriiiir oa. dooe, all the ofiar.uler. ol ohieli, wioi the nani. of ibo eountlr., on in tlie hamtwii'injr of r. L Cardota, onr of the niembera nf tt.e It nird. The returua frum fjbarleatown, Oioriteiooo end liar liogtoa countlea were the onea wbu:b were tam pered with and in which aotlielent voire acre altered to giro tb. State to llayea. navitEs abovt giuxt. Tho Now York World lias recently been considering bow tho -Republican party prospered under General (i rant's Administrations, and can not as tbo re sult of its investigations discover that Radicalism increased very greatly in numerical strength while, tbo (ioneral was its official head. In lHn'8, when Grant was elected President, tho Re publican party hud 214 of 285 votes in tho Electoral College, and in 1870, af ter Grant had " run " his strong Gov ernment for eight years, tbo Kepiibli can party bad 173 votes (exclusive of the i votes of Louisiana and Florida which were really duo Tilden) out ot 3C9. In olbor words, tho strength of tbo Republican party in tbo Electoral College was 75 per cent when Grant began, and 47 per cent, when ho got through. In I8ti8 tho Republican electors for President and Vico Presi dent in tho sovoral States received 3,015,071 votes in a poll of 5,724,684, and, 1873, they received 4,0:i3,2!)5 votes In a poll of 8,411, 130. In othor words', the strength of tho Republican party at tbo polls was 53 per cent., nearly, when Grant began, and 48 when ho got through. 1 be Congressional records show that in 1809 tho Republicans hud in the llouso 151 of 229 Representatives, and in 18T7 they had 110 out ol 293 ; thus indicating tho strength of tho Itcpubii in the popular chamber ot tho National Legislature to have considerably do creased under (jruntisni. In tho Sen ato of the United Slates in 1809 of the 70 Senators tho Republicans hnd 51), while in 1877 they hud 39 of 70. This is rather a heavy shrinkage to occur under General Grunt and dots not augur for him a very popular run for his third term of tbo J'rcMdcncy In 188t). Then again in 18li9 of tbo 37 Slates 27 bad Kcpobliran Govornors, and alter tho election of 1870 there wero 15 Republican Govornors in Union ol 38 States. Those figures will be of Interest to our Republican friends who have so long been foretelling tbu speedy death nf tho Democratic purty, or have alleged that it is already dead. ibo abovo slatiscs show what a lively corpso Domocracy is, and wo predict that when it next strikes tbo Itcpuhli can party, the Radicals will bo under tho impression that a thunder bolt bus struck them. Wo agree with tbo World that, " regarded lrom a practical stand point, tho Grant movement is not so very imposing, altor all. A MIOCKlXa DHATJ1. THE COHI'HI SWELLS TO TWICE ITS NAT URAL SIZE. " Galiu," a correspondent of tho AI- toona Tribune, writing from Williams burg, lllair county, gives tbo following account of a shocking occurrence in that village, under dale of Wodncsduy, September 1 1th : A ternblo calamity bofell our es- teemod fellow-citizen, Dr. Panlbunius, and his lovely and accomplished datigb tor, Klennor, last evening. It seems that a couple weeks ago two trumps captured a pair ol enormous reptiles which the Doctor pronounced to be ot ..... . ... that deadly species known as " blowing vipor." Tho Doctor purchased the reptiles, Mitonding to forwarded them to tho Zoological Gardens in Philadelphia. Hiding their transportation tho snakes were placed in a largo glass jar, tbo top being carefully secured by a cover ing of wire gaur.o. The jar was then placed on an elevated bracket in a ro moto corner of the Doctor's office. Last evoning the Doctor and bis daughter were returning from a visit to tho coun try, and, the Doctor having occasion to mako up a proscription, they both entered bis oflico, the Doctor lighting a lamp. And now comes the terrible donoucmcnt. A largo owl swept in through' the transom abovo tho door, and flow with the speed ol an arrow against the lamp, knocking it over and scattering tho oil and broken glass in overy direction. Tho bird seemed frantic, flying and dashine in every direction, while a general crash of hot lies anil glasses was beard on every side. Meantimo the Doctor bad lit another match, but just in time to re ceive his daughter, who sprung with it wild cry to his arms ; in tlie darkness ho gathered his darling in his urnis, and in a moment realised tho situation. Tbu owl hud Jislixlpd the jar In, in 1 1, o S '!"' ft-,. '.v V Hr.-t.yrvX'H i .t Speedily ha groped his way, culling loudly liir help, which, tho hour being lato, was elow to pui in an appeurutice. Tbey seemed blow, but scarcely five ininutcselapsed until a full donen ladies and brave men were on tho spot. No living hand tun indite the horrors ol tho next few minutes. Miss Klennor, who bud been insctisiblo since she sprang to her father s arms, was now being cured lor by tho ladies, whcni one simttlluncotis shriek almost fror.o Ibo blood and purulyzetl each nerve. et not all I .it was 1 humus J.atz s and that seized the glillcriiig replile by tho neck and choked its Icarliil lungs apart. It had bitten the ludy midway between tho ankle and tho knee. She was now carried immcili. ately to her home, where every known antidote lor poison was administered by her now trantic father ; but all to no avail. She died at 0:30 o'clock this morning. After taking tho poor un fortunate young lady home, some ol tho men, knowing there bad been two snakes, returned to tlioomce una soon despatched tho other. An examina tion showed its two largo fangs, were missing. Ibis led to Iho conjecture that possibly the Doctor bad been bit tun. A husly return and close exam ination resulted in finding tho fangs in tho thick leathers of the Doctor's boots, who, being so alarmed for bis daughter, bad not tho slightest know l edge of being struck. Tho corpso of ibo young lady was swollen to enormous dimensions, while her general complexion is in harmony with tbo spots ami general coloring nf tho snake. Tho largest of tbu snakes measured four uud one-half feet, the smallest four feel. Tbey ure pro. notmccd by our old people the largest of the species. Our community is wild with excitement, and great sympathy is manifested for the Doctor and bis family, who have been hero but a short time. lXCllKASlil) J) HUT. It appears, according to tbo Phila delphia 'Junes, that tho National bond ed debt and interest are greater now than ul any lime since tbo pit sunt Re publican Secretary of the Treasury entered ollico; tbu exact increase of tbo bonded lie lit since the inaugtiralion td Mr. Sherman's iidiniuislrution of our HnunceB is (120 973,11(10. Eighteen months ago the bonded debt wus (1,. 097,097,500 ; now it is (1,818,070 500. Tho foregoing figures are from official sources and show tbo increuso to bo as we buvo slated. Truly iho Kopubli cun party and its Secretary of the Treasury havo been most uiiliirliiiiulo in their financial management. The Radicals richly deserve defeat lor their linuncial blundering, if for no other reason. Tbey have hud solo control ot the administration of tho Govern ment ever since tlie close of the war, thirteen years ago, and their whole policy has been a mistaken one. Tbo Republicans have bud every opportunity to securely estubli-li our system of finance upon u firm basis ; but, instead ol doing so, they I uve show li theui-.ciws ciiiiieiy inadeipitile for tbo emergency, mid tho result is that nothing tealiy t lleclivo bus been accomplished by Ibtm. 'l'hey have been ciui'.iiiiiully linKci ing al the finan cial question without attaining uny de cided, good results They have only, through their mischievous und utiw isu efforts, created general mistrust und business prostration, when wo should have, bad their party leaders been capa ble of properly curing for I he country, a fixed und excellent fitinncial policy and a general revival of business. Tho only way to correct these evils is to vole tho Democratic ticket, and in this manner put competent men in oflico men who will honestly and carefully administer financial ull'itirs. As fur tbo Republicans, they havo tried their hand at National finauciuringand havo most signally fuilud, USELESS MILLIOXA IKES. William 11. Vundeibilt bids fuir to full behind even bis futber, He bus given nothing to churches and little elsewhere. Daniel Drew did found a Seminary, but it wus much on tho principle that a duvout Calholio pnys tor bis prayers j he is the same old sin ner and stock speculator still, except that bo hopes for sorno sort of Metho dist absolution. As for Jay Gould, or any of tha Wull street millionaires, one would as soon imagine a shark setting up for a clergyman as their doing any thing but on purely selfish motives. E. D. Morgan lias, perhaps, the finest of all picture galleries, but it is for bis own contemplation ; Cyrus W. Field cures tor nothing but telegraphs and elevated railroads ; Tilden for nothing but politics ; R. L Smart lor nothing but liis refinery and his library j Hon nor, again, for nothing but his Ledtjer and his horses ; Singer, tho sowing machine maker, thought only of get ling aa many wives as possible ho had accumulated and redistributed nix, when he wus untimely called away ; Win. 1'!. Dodgo is a very benevolent man, perhaps a little too ostentatious about it, but with no art tastes ; S. 1.. M. Hallow is nothing but a lawyer and a good luilroud operator ; the Drown lirothers aro good men anil good bunkers, but to iboin and tn nil others liko them, tho rrt idea which Theodore Thomus represented appeal ed in vuin. tinrinniifi ua:ette. Sim im.t Sca n dalous. A rece n t order of tho War Depurtinent announces that Adam Hudeuu is rcstoretl to tbo army and placed on tho retired list, with tbo rank ot Captain. I nder the last Administration this arrangement, so comtortablo for liadeuu, would not have surprised us, lor the man has only gullied distinction as a personcl ultcmlunt upon General Grunt, who provided for him handsomely and gave him tbo rich oflico of Consul General at London, to which post he carried off a trunkltil of Government pnpors, that bo might continuu his eulogistic. biography ol Giant at Ins leisure and al tho public expense. Generul Grunt had a way of Inking cure of his personal adherents, and his cure for liudeau was no worso than his other performances in the snma line ; but it is hard to see what claim ltutlcaii has upon Mr. Hayes, and as ho certainly has none upon tho country this appointment is simply scandalous. Vhila. Timet. Joint Dilate Mr. Dowecs, tho Chairman ot tho Greenback State Com mittee, has challenged both Messrs. Dill and llnyt, to meet Mr. Mason on tho stump in joint debute. Mr. Spcer, the Chairman ot tho Democratic Stato Committee, in answer to Mr. Dowces, writes as follows : It l! of ellal importaneo to tbo tal payere of ill partlea that ear Btot. Uoreinmeot be hon.etly and economically oondaoted I that alm.ea, hard ened by the BufTrrence of year., be thoroogbiy ecrreotod thot Iho berdon. of taielioa be light ened, ond thot Ring rale bo ott.rly overthrown. The term, of yoor nolo woald eem to limit the dieene.ion to Natlnaal la...., bet yoe moat re member Ibat the Kieemi.o of the Slate een neith er eoln a dollar nor iaane a f reenbaek. Tbo anb- Jeet of lb. .orreney la nally remanded to Ibo election er aetsoere of Conffraaa ane memeera of the lgielatore, who will cbooee a tailed Siatea Senator. Mr. Dill, the Democratic candidate for Oiireronr, le opeoly and eerne.lly eommllted to rerorm In the admialairallca or eor state en.ira, end be will be gl.d to meet Mr. Meeon, the con. didalo of yoor party, or any other candidate for floeeraer, la the dieeoaalon of all the I.auea In volved la the campaign, at any .oavenieat time and piece, (ioVERNklRNT Thanks. Tho Hayes family are still tniraiied in their Vt est cm tour. This lamilv will becomo as Inmoua In the tramp line as tho Grant - 'family. JJnv g.tlt'rrtlsjtmfnt. TWELFTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION. ov Tiria ( lenrflolil County Agricultural - . Si.p!j1v - - ... .i. ... "".l'J'.VVK--e,.-W'll.L HE II KI.U ON THE GROUNDS OFTHE WEST CLEAR FIELD PARK, On Tuesday! Wednuariny, Thursday und Friday, October ISth, 16th, 17th and lHth, 1878. THKAairasH. JOHN Mv-OAUiJllKY. KXarUTIVa niMMITTMK, J. H. Ill OOM, Pike T.'wn.hlh. .10 UN NOHHIH, J'tlte Town-tilt). W. , HlKllt-L, Lawrence Tili-hip. JOHN HM 1 1 II. Uwrenee Townahlp. 8. B JORDAN, Lanrunct Township. JA MRS L l.EAVV. cmar or roiin. ISAAC 1). N0HKI8. RirietH AND HKI1ULATION. Family tickets $1 00 Single ticket), during Ulr Ml Single admission ticket tb Children order ten yoars old, when aoaompa did by their iarentt or guardian, free, and un der that age not admitted unless oeomjmnled hv parents or guardian. Every person wishing to be enrolled as u mem ber of l he irWIolr, uiion the iiavinent of one dol lar to the Treaaorer, will reoelve a certificate of OM-Deberahlp oohtainiog the name of the appli cant. Kvery per ion eo enrolled as a ueinhor ihall, on the premutation of such eirttflnale, roneive a titrkt-t that will admit hunt-elf, wife, and children under eighteen yrars of age, during Hie fair. I. He mrmuorf or thu noeiety wi i rreoive a iiini Ur ticket. AH iiersons must hi prvMd with tioket , either signed hy tht I'reciilent or Chairman of tlie Menu! he Uommttlee. to twain auiatasion, 'I hey will he furnlfhot hy tht Treasurer r Kef rotary, or at the office on he gruiiud. Pit riis HOlitlff as Jud.fi are ett"uHi t' herniue nimiiirra nf (he S cictr. 1'ereims from oilier ei until s can beccute members by 0"tny)ying with he ali'-ve rules t ladi'-a can )eomie mmtiiiers ly ' the payment of fifty emi's, J Flhibilnrs muft ba e tholr nnlntila and arti e'es erlered on the Heeirtary's hctolis on or before tlie scroml day of th- fair, ai twelve o'c'ock ; and 'l annuals and articles, oicept borves for ploaa ure and for the trotting premium, mut be luounht atihiu the enoloaure a early as twelve o'uloek on Wttdnesday morning. All persons en tering animals and articles for vxlilltion must trocuio cuds from the Peerttury wi'h the noto ur and clart upon it, and atU(h the same to the animal or article pivlous to being placed upon the ground. Hay and straw will bo fur niihed gratis for all aaiinals entered for pretnl urns, and grain will he furniihcd at cost for those who driire to purchase. No horse shall be entered or allowed a premi um unless he is free Irom disease. Horses will be received until Bonn on Thuraday, but tuunt htire been entered previously. All persons who .litem! to ealiibit horses, tattle, sheep or swiuo or nlio io tfn d tuolTar them for saloon the ground, are rirutteil to nolifr th" Her rotary nf surh in tt'iition on or before the fourteenth diy of Oj.o br, and leave with b.ui a lit and full detorip tiou of the fame. The nunilier and ola, and (he number la Hie rlas, with iho nmne of the article will nppeur on the on id a It ac bud, but the iiatno of the exhibitor will nut appear. Premiums ami Diplomas wilt be nnid on and after tho first Monday nftrr the Fuir, a- d until the Brat dny of December, 1 ifl.r which a'l monied prcmiuius unclaimed w) he considered as a donation to (he hoeietv. The ofUccrs of the Hocieiy and members of the Committee of Ar langcnionts mut wear a badge deaignating their tjffl'-e. A select poliee force aifl ba in oor stant attrrdftOcit for the preset vstiou of order atid pro tection of property. The trolling cour t Is lovel, well grutlod and one Imlf mile In cir u-t. Ample srran gemeuls will ho made fT tho oonvnnlenee and comfort of visitors. liistrm-t!"ns to ,'udgfi. No ti'itmnt or article m eUiilittion fr a prcrtiltiin to receive an award in tnoie ihan one rl ifs. This di e not embrace hnrrcl entered lor the trotting premium Judgos are ripretly re'iired not to award p'ent utn to -ter-ted aniioai. Nipremiumi r.u n ird ed to bu'la, e-iwn or brtft'r which rliall nppiar to hue been luttt netl, n'y it lhi-n.aa of Ut oat l!t! i tlm object of lbs Hi.ciety bcii g to htive su n ri- r aniintils -f Hu i (lewcri.inm t-,r hreetling. Fat t at lie. Tlie Judi-s on fat onttlo mil give pmliciilar tttmlion to the at a. i.n n 1 a mlitnilti-d lor exaininatioti. It ii b- l eve I. all other things bj ing eUl, the beat oat tin have t'.c irrea'cat weight int-r i lie stnaMet suH'riices. Thu Jiides will rtiiiire ell in this oUm to bo weibeil, and will take measures to Ke the suprrfxea ol each, and publish His Mult with the rcpo't. 1 hey will also, bctire awanilug any premiums, require the manner and cost of feeding, as require by the regulatioaa of the premium lit. If there Is but one tihii'itor, and be may show several animals In one class, premiums will bo awarded in accordanoe with the merits of the an imal. Tht Superintendent will take every precaution in bis power for the safety of stock and articles on exhibition after their arrival and arrange ments on the (round, but the Society win net bo r-sponsible fur any loss or damage that may oc cur. Kibibiters will bo required to give personal attention to the animals and articles, and at tha close of the fair to attend to their removal. Any article not enumerated In the clauses placed on exhibition, if worthy of notice, will bo suitably rewardod. All article may be entered fret of ehirga, ex cept horses for pioasare or for the trotting pre miums. Any Information dcilred oan be obtained by addressing any of the offlMrs, LIST OF PBEMIUMS. CLAF8 I. OPEN TO AM tlUKKDB AND COMPETITORS. Best bull $10 00 " cow 10 00 All breeds come together In this elate and com pete with each other, to he judged by their good points, symmetry of frame, ability to fatten, and the flock Ibey will produoe. CLASS J. GRADE CATTI.lt 0WNKD IN THU COUNTY. Best row for milk $8 00 " belfer, S years old A 00 " belfer, S yean old 8 0C " calf, under 8 months old 100 CLASS FAT CATTLK. Best fat bullock, cow or bull $5 00 CLASS 4 -TnoitOUOII-HUKD II0HSB4. OI'KN TO ALL B"t stallion, any breed - 8 00 " mare and colt, any breed, owned In tbetounly 10 00 CLAFS 6 FAMILY AND FARM H0RRKS. Best single family horse, 1 00 " main hod oarriage hnraer. 8 00 " gelding or mare for work 4 00 The exhibitor will he require-! to product statement from at least three responsible nelah- bori as to qualities of horses, to entitle him to the premiums io tuis class. Best t years Md eolt ft Ofl " S yrars old clt 4 Ofl " colt und or I years old S 00 CLAf-8 IV TUOTTINfl I10R-K8. OPKN TO ALL. Best time, S In 6, In single harness f 100 00 No premium will be paid In this ell" unlets there are at least Ave entries made at 20 each, nor unlets theft art three borers to trot Each hurra to trot aeainat lime. Tht horst winning this f urse will not bo allowed to com pels for the Jrrmiumi In the other classes. No trols In classes , T or 8 until the full amount of entries art made, and the entrance feel actually paid. CLASH T.-TBOTTINfl INRINOl.K FlARNKSS (FOR llonSKSOWNKl) IN THK COUNTY, AT LBAST FIFTKKN DAYS ItKtOKK THK FAIR.) Best 1 la 6, aillt heats, against time t-.8 00 No tireratum will bo awarded la this class an lets there are seven entries made, end tft for each entrance paid. The horse winning this promt i in Ibis claat will Dot be awarded a premium in JVo. a. CLASS 8. TROTTINH IHBSFS OWNED AND RAltiUD IN 111 It CU1NTV. Beat I In 3, against time 10 00 No premium will bt awarded In this class un Iras there are five horses entered to compete for it. entrance 'to, at. CLASS 9. SIIKKP AND WOOL. Boat bunk, any breed. 1 HI " ewe, any brood fl 00 " lamb , 1 00 " fleece of wool 1 00 CLASS 10.-SWINK. OPKN TO ALL. 11 rat boar, any breed I 4 00 " breeding low, any breed 4 80 " pig under six mouths old I 00 CLAPS 11. POl'LTRY. Beat coop uf 8 Spring chickens $ I 00 ' to toiheys, under I year old I 00 " dltplay of chickens, not less tbaB 12- 2 00 CLASS It. PLOWS, ROLLRRS, DRILLS, HARROWS AND CULTIVATORS. Beat plow for stuhblo or toll $ 1 00 " tab. soil plow S 00 " clod eroaher aod roller combined S 00 " grain drill I 00 " threading machine I 00 11 corn planter Dip 'a boras rake I 00 M orlxlnal invention of acrlcoltural Im pie men t ft 00 " harrow 1 0(1 " fanning Bill I 00 M cultivator 1 00 " tort shelter I 00 All art Isles In this tlsss not manufactured Is the eoanty will be awarded no monied premium. oui may receive a diploma. CLASS 1S.-M1SrKLLANF.ors FARM! Nil lMPLRMkNTS. Beat bee blve $ 1 OA graiatradtet 1 an ' lot of gardea tts 1 80 ditplay of farming ultasils ewaed by tabibltor a 00 This class subject to the rule In Class 12. CLASS 14. CRKBAL URAINS. Beit I aeret of winter wheat. $lt 00 bushel of winter wheat 100 I aeret of rye 8 0t " bushel of rye 1 I aeret of tele H 80 ' t aeret of baokwhent 8 00 " t a-rea of corn 8 00 (iv dvrrttgtutf-M. Peat t acre of clover seed., " 1 buabel of potatoes,.. 4 00 1 00 bushel ei tin -my.. Crupt being enual, preferennt will be given to those that yield tie largest net profit. Htatemenls to ba furoi.li-d by the exhibitors. Tbey mart he mn'itei oracighed, and a sample vira!W4 as lue r4.,- r-tfl.A.nl. f-.Y-f.aif jMwA.sf fa-' aif't ina'uowmutee wfia a ttaiewtit siloed thomaeivea, under pledge of vereol'v, of tha quantity of grain raiaed un the ground entered lor a premium, and must state as correctly es he oan the kind and condition of the previou oropa, the hind and quantity of seed towa, and the lime and mode of putting It in the ground. lrs.ns enuring field crops lor exhibltluu, or la tending to do su, may give aotieo to the Hi ecu tlve Committee at any lime, and have tbo uvld lutniun-d and examined by the commit lee while growing. CUUrt U-BUKAD AND CKHKAL FOOD. Heat loaf of wheat bread - &n louf rye I rea 1 " li.-f ..,.rn hrosbJ pouue cake D'p'a ' Jolty cane - l' " ' l.o und enke D'l' ' Iron eakt '"I1 ootlee erke "'I' " Udroake - Dip " rake of any klod, diploma and &0 " prtsi-rvt's, diploma and " jelly, diploma, and 6" " uiai.lnv of preserves and Jell? 1 Oil ' iite cream , - 60 CLASS Hl.-UUTTKR AND ClikRHK. Hot 10 pound or mora nf firkin bnttvf, at leatt 8 months old M CO Jj pounds r more of butter I M ibecre made by exhibitor I 00 The exhibitor to glvt a statement of the man ner of preserving the butler aud of making the OLASI 17. ri.Ol'R. Best I Wl lli. wheat floor " lot) H(. buckwheat flour i " 61 lbs. corn meal. ci.tHi 19 nour.srio ARTiOLaii Ilest box or jar ol honey 3 00 1 60 1 OJ l 00 " peaches put up mr tight, diploma tomatoes put up air tibt, diploma... 11 bluckberrlea, air Hgh. diploma ' fttnor jar of pickles, diploma... . ' rurd ham, diploma and.. i ' dried Itetf, with mode of curing- ID ri.asi 111. domkhtio MaauraoTKRKB. Meat III yards Heni.el $1 Ofl l yard aattoel.. I ' 16 yards woolen carpet. S 00 " III yards cloth 1 00 " ! yards rag carpet, (wool chain),, .. 3 00 " pair brnnkets I Oil not I Irlnired tnitla, dililouia and, 60 wooli-n coverlet I G" speeimeo of knotting, knitting or nee d e-work by a Utai under eleven J""- - " lb. Hocking yarn foot mat.. 60 " tidy mat 4) ( 2(1, HKBIH.I, llltLL, WAXWORK, 4c. Beit rprcitnen of neeUe-work, diploma and $ 60 " specimen of sewing on machine, diplo ma and..... 60 " spt-elmen of Bowers in worsted, diplo ma and " speciinm of embroidery In worsted, diploma and " specimen of embroidury in lace, di ploma and " niecimen ol embroidery In inmlia, di ploma and " rpciitneo of leather work, dip. and,.. " spei'iui-n of wax flowers, dip. and..., specimen of fea'ber work, dip. and... " specimen of ornamental work, diplo ma and " thirt made hy Mis unirr 12 years, diploma and , " bad qui It, eatlmatot fur work, diplo 1 00 ma and 1 00 rtaal 21 MlLtlNKiir Ann nnKfleuAKtxa. Bert millinery work, diploma aod " dreas-making, diploma and CI.ABB 22. ARTISTIC wo UK. Best photograph taken oa the ground.., i' lanuicnpa paint " penmanahip " architectur e! drawing H 11 oil painting , " portrait painting ' cit lie painting ' painting in water colore , orniinit'nUl painting of any kind.., " farming set-tie class 23 - ttasluxB. (lent design for firm houct and stable..., ' dciiffo for dairy house. , " d -aign fur fruit home , , $1 00 , I 00 . Dip . .Dtp. . Dip. . D . Dip. . Dip , Dip. , Dip. . Dip , Ofl , I 01) , 1 on CLASS St. UBTALUir FABtHC ANB UAfHIKRr. Bert enoking Hove " parlor atovr u specimen, Inn lence specimen of tinware .. " lilaeksmitbing. diploma and ' spoeimen of gunsmitbing, dip. and... " specimen of iron turning ii on 2 mi 2 00 I on 1 on t on I plate casting, diploma or. original Invention in eounty dianlav of American table and pocket 1 oo 6 00 cutlery 2 00 dhplay n edge tools 1 00 CUtiS Jj. VKMICI.KS OF ALL KIND, Best familv oarriage 2 i0 hunrv I on " farm wagon 2 00 1 Bleigh X on ' lumber sled I U0 horse cart 1 00 wheelbarrow 1 On The premiums in this elais art intended only for articles manufactured la the eounty. Diplo. mat may bt awarded to articles not made In the oounty if deserving of notice. This rule also applies to class 24. CLASS 28. CAB IN ETW A UK MADK IN CO. Best dressing bureau W 00 extension table t 1 00 Tariety of chairs 1 60 bedstead.... I 00 wa-hstand , 60 set parlar furniture 4 00 Bet ofehalrs I 00 aofa 2 OH oentre table.. , 1 00 lounge, diploma aod 1 00 office chair 60 rustic chair I 00 CLASS SO. C0OPKRINO, CARPENTERING, Ao. Best pine wero tubs, stands, Ac $2 00 Bet ol gram measures i on window blind 2 0(1 lot of bucket 60 specimen of sash 1 80 panoel door 2 Ol) tramp of any kind 1 00 CLASS 38. ROOTS AND OARDKIf VEtiETA Bl.KS. Best buabel rutabagas tl Ofl liuahel carrots I " 1 12 stalksoelery 60 1 4 buribel sweet potatoes.. I OH 1 buihel table beets 1 A beads cabbage, diploma and 60 1 variety of melons, diploma and. 60 squiabea, diploma. &0 1 pumpkin, diploma and 60 1 care plant 60 It muat be shown that all vegetables hart been raised by tht exhibitor. CLAPS 29. CrRRIKRS. fi DDLERS AND SHOKMAKRRS. Bert dl'p'ay of bootp and abocs. $2 80 rid ng aa iflle for lady I do riding bridle and martingale.... side Aniahed harness leather sleigh robe mvle by exhibitor.., carriage barnois., 1 0t, 1 00 2 Ofl 2 00 finale harneat... tide kip leather aide sole leather..... tug ham eaa gentleman's saddle.. traveling trunk calfskin 60 50 t oo 2 on 1 00 60 60 side upper leather.., CLASS SO.-TAILORS' AND UPHOLSTER ERS' WORK. Beat suit of olothes made by hand $2 00 fan it and vest made by a lady 1 aw usk mat l rest. 1 Ad hair mattress.. 2 00 straw mettrest. I 00 coal made by a lady. 1 00 CLASS JH.-PKINTIND IN COUNTY. Brit newspaper f I 8d h.enk ov handbill 60 - card 60 ' specimen of ornamental printing 2 08 CLASS 82 STONEWARE. Best assortment and quality $2 09 CLASS 33. WOOD AND 8TONK. Rett dressed atone.. .., $1 On butter bowl - 60 " turned article.. 1 " floor boards, worked 1 00 waahlna machine 60 " weather boards, worked, I CLASS 24. NATURAL MINERALS. Best mi', of useful minerals of Clearfield eounty, including toal 12 88 " potter's tlay 60 limestone. 1 00 tins clay 60 CLASS 25. FRUIT. Beet dlrnlaT and ireattst variety ef craft ed applet t 00 " dl'ntny of pears. 1 00 ' quinces.... 1 " specimen of apples, 1 bushel.. I 0.1 M specimen ol American grapee I 00 " natural grapes raised io county I 00 H domestic grape wint.. 60 " currant wine 60 " blackberry wine. 6fl CLASS M.-HORSRMANSHIP. To tht lldy who maneges her horse best and sits moat gracefully ... Dip To tha eentleman who man area his horse best and sits most gratefully Dip. Best driving on tht traek by a lady Dip. Best band with brass in si rum eats Dip. Beet hand of menial muait..... Dip. CLASS IT.-NURSERIKS, Beat nursery entotaing tht greatest rati, ely of fruits and ehrubs, cultiva ted la the moot approved manner, the applicant to furnish written description, with variety and mode of toltart.. 12 80 CLASS I8.-RIFLR SHOOTINO. rtasT match 69 Tiana. Bett I shotl, Btrlng eaa ere I8 00 Second best 8 00 Third beet. 4 90 Fourth beat I 00 Fifth best. I 90 IKCnHD MATCH 104 TABI'l. Best I shtts, string mtasara Ill 90 Second beat T 09 Third best.. I 80 Both matches ta bt shot according to tht fo lowing rales i No shoot me to take place nttil there art I wen ty 8 ve en tries In tech match at $1,80 aa entry, Position, ileodlog i off band, free arm any kind ofguat op" ligBU) Boalhting 'sbottand no shots eelled"- shoot three and measure three measurements to be made from centre of ball to centre of target. The range will bo eeieeieu uy the Judges and each marksman to furnish his L.'Ul.W,.'V.lie,Miei t.ie 1 J , e - tW.Ury not later than Boon oa Thursday, Uo- to bar J7lb the third day ot me lair. I'ereons entering for the ma tab will be almil- ted to Ibo grounds fret of charge ou the day of the matoh, Dlscrettonary premiums will be awarded for all articles of merit not embraced In the abovo, aod exhibited by mechanics in all the various brandies, and U ll hoped that a general exhihi. U-'B will te made. For all improvements useful Io lha former, and having valuable properties, although notnade In the county, premium i may be awarded by lha Kieeutive Committee. la all rises of merit, diplomas will be awarded to ex hibitors residing out ol the tounty , and m-h p r ajma are MrHiallfJ.r-xi'yl V1 w'"1 tfae fair, and exhibit any article tbey may oBoos. Tn.y wmI receive every attention at the hands of IheoM acre. An earneat appeal Is made to our own people to wake this the best fair we have ever had. Let the exhibition be worthy of our piople aod ored lUble to tbe tonnty. It ll peculiarly a oounty institution. It should be a farmer'! society, and from l hem should receive the most atu-nlion and enco irageuient. Its good cfieou bare been felt and muuti more good may he done. I1AH1U3 1100VKH, I'reaideul Socretary. (Dur (Dun dmtisnuent. THE REPUBLICAN, Puhllabed tvtry M' ad need ay by GOODLANDER & LEE, CLKAHflELO, PA.. llaa th, l.arftat ( Lrculatlou of any paper In Nurtliwenteru Peuu.ylvatila. The largo and constantly increasing circulation of the Republican, renders it valuable to business mon as a medium thro' which to roach iho public Tkrms or Subscription : If puid in advance, . . If paid aflor lliroo month a If puid after tiz months, $2 00 2 50 a 00 Whon papers are Bout oatHide of the county payment must bo in ad vane o ADVKUT13ING: 1 n luiui. or loHH, 8 timoa, , $1 60 Each subseqaont insertion. 5u AdminiHtrator' Notices. . . 2 .SO Exocutora' Notices. . . . . 2 f0 Auditors' Noticos, .... 260 Cautions and En trays. ... 1 50 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 50 Professional Curds, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special noticos, por lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, Two squares, . . . Tbroo squares, . . One fourth oolumn, , Ono half column, . Ono column, . . S 00 15 00 20 00 50 00 70 00 120 00 JOB PRINTING. We aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING POSTICUS, IMtOURAMMKS, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, io., 4o., IN TUB BUST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS DY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. GoodlRiuler A Iee, Cloarflold, Clrarlield County, Pa. lAvery Wtable. Y, undersigned begs leare Ut Iniorio tlubmi i lie that be is bow fully nirpar to ae date all in the way of furniahinj H-.ses, ltufriM Kf.i'At-s wi tlarrni'v-TS-t':.. umtt uotu-1TJ he that be is now rully iti t au tn the way uf furniahi Wtwefeu ihird and ourtb. UKO. W. OKAHHAkT H.arlleld. Feb. , 1874 r. niiLUM. r. st'coaatoB. oaiiLiacs. (.1 I II II, Mti'OKklE & 10.S FUKNITUIIE ROOMS, Meld. Pa. Market tttreet, Clearfield. Wt Bianufac'.ort all kinds of Furniture fa Cham beta, Dining liooma, Iiihraries and Haiti. If you want furniture ol any a tod, doi't Li 7 until you see our siuea. UNWIiltTAKIXi In all It! branenM, prompt, attended to. UI'LICII, MeCOHKLE I CO Clearfield, Pa., fob. t, '7. at m'lL "-I !rrv;:.ytU.'r' HOKET CF HOREHODND ADD TA3 FOR THE CURE OF Concha, Colds, Infloema, Buarsencss, r.fa."1. xireathing, and all Affoctioni of the ihrosi, Bronrhial Tubes, and Lungs, leadirg to Coniumption. Tin" infiillil.Ic miietly i ctnii-cil t.f tie II,.m;v of tlie jilanl IlnictMHind, in il.t-n. '. ituifin i:!i T.ii-Him, extindttl fr.in : l.tiK I'mxciriF. of the ftnti tici; ,n '(m.svmi'i, ot It.iltn -f C.ilcntl. The ILmi-v nf Hortlmmul f.i oiln.s si'ATl kks ail iintatHiiin and tnlkiiiiiiiiiiiu: (lie Tar-Lalm ch ant s am- v.y ' il. anil air ins n ires Itrailinti In tnc I it.iu: , 1 atl.litititul iiurrclicitis lnp ilic nviiI. niitl Itciithfiil acti.'it. 1 . tn lico kern vnit from tiyi:i; tt.i- ;;rt .T n. cine of n f.im'HM iioitor )v li.t- hi" i t I'm; Minis of livt". hv it 'in lii htye yt'w yim . N'.ll. Iho T:ir-l!alm IsaMiu r sau-ll. I KICKS 50CI.N1S AND $1 I'Ki: i:'T1l.r, Crent aavins to buy lari;c MIMk4 Too(licli IropsM Vurt, iti 1 MlntK,'. Sold by all Drupgisla. C N. CEITTENTON, Prop., NJ- JJARD TIMES HAVK NO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLE1 I am await that there are some persons a little) hard to please, and I am also aware that tba complaint of "bard times" is well nigh univenal. Hut I am to situated now that I can aatisfy tba former and prove conclusively tbnt "hard timet" will not effect those who buy their goods from us, and all my patrons shall be iniiiatr d into the se cret of HOW TO AVOID IIAItU T1MKS I have goods enough to supply all the inhabi tants in tbo lower ond of the county which I sell at exceeding low rates from my mammoth store ll HU LbONBURU, where 1 can always be found ready to wait upon callers and supply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such as Cloths, Satiuetts, Can line res, Mulini Delaines, Linen, Drillings, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats sad Capeall of the best material and made to order Hose, Socks, Uloret, Mittens, Laces, Ribbons, It GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffre, Tea, Bugar. Rice, Mnlasres, Fiah, Fall Fork, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queens ware. Tinware, Casting, Ploel and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Corn Culti ra ters, Cider tresses, and an Kindt 01 Axes, Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Glaus, and a general assortment ot Mationery, .GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hand, and will bt eul at the lowest possible figures. J. 11. McClain'l Medicines, Jayne't Medlclnei Hosteller's and lluofland's Bitters. 601)0 pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest prioe will bt paid. Cloversced on band and for tale at tht lowtst market price. Also, Agent for Strattonville and Curwcnsttlls Threshing Machines. fejuCal) and see for yourselves. Yon will and everything uaoally kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIKT. FraochTlIlt P. 0., A ego it 12, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iSueeeeeors to Boynton k Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers ol PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Carner of Fourth and Pine StrML, ILKARI-'IKLO, Vk. HAVINO engaged In the nanafaetnre of ir elan MACHINERY. wo retTeetfotrfrofora he nublio that we ire now prepared to ill all order! al cheaply and aa promptly aa oan be done la any of tho eltlea. We nanafietnre end drill. Mulay and Circular Saw-Mill Bead Dlookl, Water Wli.li, flhaftlnf P-tl'T', Oifford'l Injector, Steam fjeufeo, Sleani WblftH Ollere, Tallow Capi, Oil Cnpl, aeuf Corke, Ai' Oooki, a lob. VllTll, Cheek Valtee, wrongbt in Plpee, S'.eam Pnnpi, Boiler F.d Poatpa, AnS rrletloa Metm, Bo.p Stone rarkln,, Ooe Peek at, and all kind! of MILL WORKi lor'1"1 with Plowa, Biol Pole., COOKAXD PARLOR STOVES, end ether CASTINOS of all ktnde. -Orderi MNelteel and illed at elty I""" All letter! of Inquiry with refereaoe to Biehlnere ef oar menafeetare provptly aaiwered, by addrae lag a. at Cleartold, Pa. JanlTd If RIIILKR, TOttNfl A RRn 1 ,