u i i . m JIEVUBUCAN.: CLEARFIELD, IA. WKUNEHDAY MOUNINU.HBI'T. 14. ); Terms of Subscription, If paid in advene. or witbiD tbr month. ,.9 Oft If tnid Mftrr three i lfre all aumhs... J 60 f pant alter the riplrallon of all tounhts... t 00 firMff'ira. H. M. FaTTraoiu. A Co., New. f,(r Advertising Agents, JI7 Pirk Row, ftorner lirrkBiBK Mrvet, ar our duly auh-.r'Swl Agil.l j r .m York CUt. Ittvl.tt.K'l MtlU M. Mrlltodlat i'.pl-rop"! C'liurrltRf?. J. 8. IrMt'MiiAT, IVt-r. Services rvry Hahlmib A M., end 71 P. M. Salit'uth bnhool al V A. M. 'r..y f Marling every Thursday, at T, P. M. T'liiiu mion (Service, flrat Hah bath of every ...i.'li, .il li4 A. M. yci CIrarlleld M. 13. liurrh R.. iViliuu U. I'" I- W. H. Wimos, Pastors. r.rnrbutg every altrroet Huod.iv, it 8 u'alorfc, t, m. i-umUy hclnml at Vi, P, M All uro in ti't-d to at I'll d. I'rcbttrlitii (hiiixli .)Uv. U. B. lliiTi.au. S.tilnith srrviccn niurniug and evening Bab t,,,ih School at 3 1. M. Cramer Mooting Wedne- T Vning. M. ITaucU Ckuixli t'athuUc Har. P. I, SiiKRitiAN. Preaching at 10 o'eloak, A. M., on c tint, third and fourth Bunda; i of each montb; Vrfperssnd HeDedletlon of the Blcsettd Sacrament t V o'clock, P. M. hunday Bohuol vry .Sunday fiinooa at 1 o'clock. OFFICIAL IiIHKC'TORY. . Ttu or oi.miio quArro ikmiohi cod nr. Kfctmd Monday of January. Tliird Monday of March. l-irst Monday f June. fourth Monday of September. rista or oLDir.a oommux plkai. F i rat Monday of June. Second Monday of November. runuo or r icaat. fmidnt Jsdg Hon. Charles A. Mtyer, of tck Haven . Aaiitant Law Judgt Hon. John II. Orria, of '.i!lfonte. ; A'toeial Judgt Alirani Ogdeo, Clearfield Vincent 11. Hull, Uleartleia. VutAoaolare KH Bloom. It ry tiler and HteorHtr L. J. Morgan. IHttrict Attorney Vim, M. McCullough. Treaturtr Uevid Mcueugliey. Sheriff Andrew Pent, Jr. Jfrpulg Sheriff Christ. J. Kraggy, Clearfield. Cuiialy Surveyor Samuel P. MoCloskey, Cur aonsville. County Commiuiontrt Clark Brown, Clear fl.dd i Thomas A. MoUee, Cheat P. 0.; Hairls Hoover, Clearfield. r'iNxry Auditor William V. Wright, Clear field ; Hatnuel A. Caldwoll, YVilliamsgrov ; John 0. Conner, Burmide. County CorontrS. B. Neff, New Washington. Jury Vomminioutm Dr. Junes P. Durchfleld, Clfarttcd, Joaeph Alexander, Madera. Suptrinttndent of Public School M. h. Mfl Quown, Clearfield. Staler of Weight & Mtaturet Jeiie W. Carllle, office at Lnlhenburg Pa. tfolarit Public John W. Wriglty, Wm. Ra debttugh, Cyrua Oordon, Clearfield; Joae.h K. Irwin, N. R. Arnold, Curwennille ; J. A. Living atone, Dulloia City. Our Special column la decidedly Interfiling In a local (oint of view, and profitable reading to ouUidera who want to aave nionry. M., VV OtiMMU 1 "Will uu tnke whoat, oata or o'rn for aub-n-rijiiiun J" We arc oflun Inquired of in thia way b It-tter from )ntrona who reside at a diitanoe fioin CU-at field. We agin y yea. Thereoeiuta of a rrruiiiiMe merchant or au ill owner In the Tirinity, will am or ua juft at well ai the cub. To illluatrate : If any of our palrona will deliver ut a bag of grain at the mill of Joseph II. Itretb, In (heat townchip, Horace lVitchio, In Ilurniide, Tliomaa II. Porcey, In (Irahim, Wm. Porter or uaw', In Lawrence, or Brown k Seyler'a, at lUwkton, t'ni -D township, and forward their rtceipta for the amount, we will credit them on tbtir account for the fame. In thia way all may aeon pay what tl.ry owe, If they will puraue thia cmrae. tf. The furmers nro now tojipin their I.uilifH1 irimiuing hingcri, rar i ty, at Flerk'a. in rettl t2b-Jt. St-vcro (rot-U wsro Yinhlo in thia virinty Iwst gtindey and Moodiy morning. S. J. Gntt H, CurwiiiHvillt bun tho Isrgrft stock of Bonis and Mioes In the county. - IIuvo you seen tho nuw good at Fleck A Ci s atore 1 2b I. li. v. J, A. Aldrct will pn-iu-b in tho Clrarfifld Unptltt Church or it Habbsth morning. T, public are respectfully Invited to attend. - 1 M r.Ci.D.Coodtullowfthifl borough, Lul ben very ill for aorue time past with typhoid fever, and at the present writing is considered to be in a rath.t r critical condition. Fleck & Co.'b now advortincmont will le found In our paper this week. They have re cived their new Fal Uoodi, and are now nndy to vtait upon their palrona with promptness. 1 Mr. Ilotnor Vnuhun, aolietinfragont for the A I toon a Tribune, took in Clearueld last Faturdsy, and xpent a short tltno in this office. He teemed to he very much pleased with the ap pearanco of our village. Wo are rcquenled to stato that the Temperance meeting which was to have been held on Moaday evening, has been postponed until neit Friday evening, the 27th Inst. Isral Test and F. O'L. Duck, Eiq.'rs.wltl do tbe speaking, . 1 - Tho inoltintf notes of tho cay and festive organ grinder were beard on our atreetr one day last week. The same party passed through this pUce early last Spring, and ve pre sume that be Is now on bla way to Winter quar tert. May he never visit us again. Tho leadera of tho Hudieal party in this borough look a short cut on their country brethren on Saturday Ut. They met In the Ja nr nal office and filed up a ticket which they will ask tbe devotees of that party to put in n inntion today. Nothing like "manufacturing public opinion " tn eases of emerenry m mm - - Tho agency of tho Singer sewing machine in thia place has become permanent affair. Owing to tbe le-ge business which has been done In tbe county since last April, tbe Company has established a Branch Office at W il ley's tailoring citablltfaent, on Market street, with J.(W. Nieklio as Superintendent. mm mm Tho linplirtt congregations ol Clear- Ovid and Curwensville nave engaged itev. l. a, Aldrod, of Centre county, to become their regular pastor, be dividing bia time equally between tbe two congestions. Mr. Aldred Mil take up his rcaidence il this place, nod will occupy tbe prop trty owned by CapL Uaulla, east end of Market tlreet. f 1 ho Fair and festival lor tho beno- fit of Hu Francis CVholle Church, of this pi see, la In full progress in Pie's Opera lloun, and ll meeting with much encouragement from eit liens and tUitors to onr town. Tbe fancy ai tic tea on exhibition, and fur lale, are handsome, and tbe refreshment! served are excellent. It will be open every day and evening tbla week. Drop in and get ft good meal. Yon will Rut regret It. -e mm Tho Orpheus Cornet Hand, one ol tbe new organisations, paraded our street! last fUlurdoy mght, and serenaded some of our eitl eetiS, Tbe music was very fine, and we hope to bear tr.ena often. Pmf. J, P. Rowbothnm, Philadelphia, R st -class tcacbrr, has been on gged aa sn Ibstmelor, ai d the Orpheus ail) soon, under his super Isim, be one ol the finest mutlctl organisations In this ugton. Wo neglected to siato laid wevk that Mr. w. j. Holler baa nil new store open no teady for boiintia in Room No. S, Opera House building. We call tba at terpen of our readers to his advertisement In tbia paper. Mr. II offer hai a large and select stork ol dry-goods, which be has just purchased, and be will dispvae of tbe same at price to e It all. He feeli sure that be II not be undersold, lis also keeps a choice line of i mottles to wbicb he invites the attention of lb pebllc. Ktrrithing la and about Hotter More is new and fresh. flew improvements are continually going on la our town. I oe rreeoyiTi Ration are having a splendid fire-brick pavement laid in front of their Cbnreh. en Reetnd treat In order to rmplet the squart with brick ex Uovernor Btgler suggested to the Daptlit eon gregatlon (;be two Church properties adjoining) that If tbey weald raise a eertaln amount oBf-y, he would continue tbe pavement along front of tbeir property. Clarence L. Barrett, who by the way U always toady to extend a btlj'ln band to the poor and edy, took tbe a flair is charge and by subscription snceecded la railing the reqalrcd sum to templet It- Hence, both congregations will low bave a good nbitaatlal walk in front tf their Churches, which will aot bar t be replaced for gi aerations to eon. THE ANIMAL HLST. V Mverwi eara a TruTSwTr'tfr"4.. tnd aUut ttii plaee bave bees la the habit or ehooaing (idea and er gairg In i (eMtral hunt, the loalng aide pay log for a an -per for the entire party and Invited gut at a. The bunt tbla year look plane oa Thursday laat, the 19th itiit. The party win iranliod with tweoty-twe mem on aeb aide, ubdt-r the leadership of Ed. A Leavy and Iiatld Mi.Usugbey, as follow! : cai'T.tiAvr'a an; a, jiut't. oaiutiar'a aim. Kd. A. Lravy A. W Waltar Kird. fiaokblt A. H. Allrtuou Warrin I'born Aiuua hennanl John F. Kraglv K, O . tboipeiu.iiif ii. M. Uurchh.li ,. A. AI. Row W, C. Carduu m S H. ilulttrs L'huiKs k Irwin.,, Frank C. Cardon... J. F. Fmkbeiner... K. M WilU-y Wm. E. Wallace.... Ferd. Mituuoll Krnut Booh John fiiiiutuuna 11. U.tShaw las. McLaughlin. 2-14 0 Mt-Oaughev aiH Jubn W. IIumi...... Ill Vraoa (i Hnrris..., .'1 t)Hirgi t. M"on ... 61 lUt Vti bb U. K. Fultrioti eh A, M. Fleck VV , L. Hub u,i U2 A. M Bloom Ho Harry Mill 80 Jauiea Kerr ('.ft Howard Krauttr.... bit Jobu K. Harder..,. 3 ii lleury (Sbofie H. Bit .Humutd U orrell.., flu Barney Clark rtu D. M Doheny Htl Kd. M. llumiourg., 6il Cbaa. II. Halford... AO Jaues P. blaver.,.. .H Kr.nk Powell ftJiJauk lJuuglierty... 5s 112 IhU I tit) l"tjl 1,V24 Tutal 1,702 Captain Loavy aide won by 2iS points, BUk H-iuirnl acort-d t ) (lry riu,uirrels S ) llHwkx, S( Wild Piteous, 4 i I'm.- Su'.rrels, &. The g.ime kilM by both sides footed up aa follow i Black Hquirrcl w 4 ft (Iray (juirrel 30 Hawk Wild Pigeona... Pine Squirrels,, .. ft ..Cult Total 781 Or H.e wild pigeons killed, Kragle, Finkbeio cr, llowe, Kerr, and Cramer eaeh got one, and the hawks wire scored to Sbaw and Milla. tioo. Moore eaptured the largest Dumber of black qulrrcla 8), and John Kragle and Jamea Mc Laughlin were tie oa gray, having four ta-b-Bd. Leavy bad 40 " pinie' AI. AVallera 41t, and Fred. Haokett 41. Take It altogether, ibis bunt was the most suc cessful and pleasant of any yet Indu'gtt.l in, and wa eij)ed to the utniuet by all who engaged In the sporty On Friday evening all hands repaired ti the reetaurant of S. 8. Butters, whtro tbuy pattook of a sumptuous feast at the expense or Ciptain McGsughey'i company of Nimrodr. Clearfikld Coal Trade. Statu- Dent of Coal and other freights sent over the Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for Ihe wet'k ending iept. 14, IK7S, and the aame timv last year : Ton. 2M7I ..... SU,62 ..... 4, ill) I 8K2.5I.1 ..... For the week Same lime last year.. Previously during year.. Same lime last yenr Decrease Total in 1878 Sane time last ytar Decreaeo . 4(l,()t)0 . V08.UH4 uTnr.it rnnoHTa. Lumber Miscellaneous freights .. 8:ierit. ,.Uo " I'p IN AHM8 I W'O htht WOek no ticed (be fait that some of our progreetive farm era bad lows a new kikd til litat, ttriued the " Clawtob," which, in uppcaiance, is one tf the finest qualities vl wheat e ever saw. We Lav several communications btfore ul denouncirg it aa a fraud j and a mill-man informs oa that tba Produce Ksohange, t f New York, Boston, Phila delphia and Baltimore, late discarded It, and will not pun-bate or Jfal in it. He gives It as his opiLion ibat tbe " Ful's " variety of wheat is the best, and if farmers with to exchange seed, we would adtlse them to procure It. Wo propose to putsue this wLvat question, and we will be obliged to our rvadi-rs, if they will ssitt us in obtaining auiborities and t pin ions upon the qualities of tbe several varieties now used for seed in this oouniy. Let the let be adopted . m mm . Our School Tax. Tho tux-payortt of Ciearteld borough will dike notice that Hie un paid poilion ol the duplicate lor Hcboul and Build- leg tales for 179 Is low in lie bauds of J. C. Whiten HI fur colltclicn. Tbe Act of Assembly relating thereto requirts that these taxes shall be eoilecud within sil weeks from date of warrant (Sept. lGtb) witbiut cost to the tdi-pnyer j other- ise, tbty arc collectable in ninety dsys from tbe eiplratiun of tbe sit weeks by dittre, at the cost of tbe tal payer. It la absolully necessary that (be Board of Hchool Directors bate the wko amount of the duplicate at tbe tr disposal by lb 1st day of February, 179. By ordi r ol ibe Board. Wn. R. Bhowk, Storetary. Oua County Fair. County Fairs arc now tbe order of the day everywhere. The eople of tbe rural dWtriuts are now divided Into two claases those who have something to exhibit, and iboie who go to ice Ibe exhibition. It la tbe period of gigantic beets, colesial squashes, Hon ing heifers and marvelous colts. Ihe officer! of our County Fair bave spread before our readers their programme for the season. It now becomes be duty of tbe farmer, tbe mechanic tbe leburer, and all others who desire to make the exhibition a suceeii and a. credit to our eounty, to meet these -fficcis on the Fair ground at the appointed time nd m ike a display of their products. Tbe Pre mium List is published this week on our furth gc mm 1 Some Kuu. Mr. John K. Duntun, ol Knox township, baa shown as a specimen of tho ben fruit wbicb his ehlckeni produce, Tbe egg n question is 6i Inches in cirouiuference and weighs 4i ounces. It is the product of a cross between tbe Black and White Bramah,and Is one of Ihe many eggs these bens lay, mott of them being equal in sise. A doacn of tbia siio of eggs s certainly worth two ul the ordinary sise, and if it colt no more to raise tbe Improved chick than tbe scrub, then why not hare more or Ibe in f m - Court Tbia is tho ft rat week o! our September term of Court. Judge Mayer la preaiding, assist d by the Associate Judges, Og den and Holt. Jackson ratehin, of Burnside borough, was made Foreman el tLe JmnJ Jury, which retired to lis room a' out 3 o'clock on Mon day alternoon. We noticed Jude Or? is in the Court room 00 Monday, but be did not lake a scat on the bench. He left for home on the after noon train. "Tub CoNFfcuiBNCK Niwh." This iB the title of a journal published at Harrlsburg, In the Interest if Methodism, It ha just entered upon its fourth year, very much improved and enlarged. Those of our readers, who want obesp church peper can obtain It for one year, by inoloaing &P Cents and addressing Her. W. M. Fr.TSinger, Ilarrisburg, Pa. Tub Turnkr Cask. This absorbing question eenie op In Court on Monday afternoon, and after an exchange of views between tbe Ccurl, District Aftotney tod tbe Defendant'! counsel, the ease was postponed until Ihe Novem ber term. It will (ben be disposed of by fixing a time and place for Ibe new thai either In Ibis or some other county. Tho Womclsdorf (liucks county) Utrrxld, pabllsbed by M K. A T.J. Rnyer, Jr., the In tier being a ion of Dr. Boyer, of Clearfield, reached ua last week. It Is Independent In poli ties, and published in tbe interest of tbe village of Womelsdorf and vicinity. Take Notice I Parties having Caps, Capes, ft Lamps in their possession, belonging to Ihe Democratic Campaign Club, are requested to return Ibsm Immediately to Uunltsburg Bboe Hture, la order that they may be repaired for use during ibis campaign. " A Word to tiu Winr,." A singlo drink of ice water often cause cramps and pain la Ihe bowels, diirrbna, Ac, which may be as speedily ared by Dr. Fenner' Ooldea Relief. Prlc n, &Qe, snd VI. Hertssfica a irwta agents, Clearfield, Pa. s 1 " (ienrgo Weaver and lr. IlolehhoM, both residents of this borough, who ht'bra eoanacd to their bed with serious Illness, are recovering. Tbe former I able to be out ef doors, and Ibe latter is mending rapidly and speet to be out boob. Mr. David Hcilhrun has retired from the Srm of (lulicb, McCorkle A Co., manufactur ers and dealers la furniture and undertaker, hav ing disposed or hi laureat to J, Lewi Wrlgley. Tbe business will be carried at the eld stand as heretofore. LoKT ! A child's gold chain and locket was lost ia Clearfield on (attrdey, Septem ber Hk A sellable reward will be paid any ne returning the lame la W. W. Dim. The Fall moetingof tho Hnntingdon Presbyter will ba held tn Ihe Presbyterian Church ef Spring Creek, at Lam on t, Centre eoee ty, commencing aett Tweeds afternoon, Oct. lit. Ladies' Fall and Winter conl. now at e best, at T. A. Fleok A Co ' -. Trimmivl hnU and bonneta. in tho i.. vi .-1 1 R. J. Gates, Curwonsvillo, is closing out his entire itock of clothing at cost. Men and boys' CaHNimcres, cheaper than tbe ebeapest, at Fleck Co.'a. a. 1 ai You van buy a pair of Mon's Calf Boots for fl.60, at B. J. uates , lurwensvme. Hress goods to pleaso ovorybody in quality and price at Fleok A Co-'s s2j 3. 1 m S.J. dates, CurwoiiBviilo, is soiling his Clothing off at coat. s4-4t. ' s Women's heavy shoes for fl, at 8. J. dates', Curweisvl'la, Pa. sJ 4t. flno lino of Ulutikfts, cheap, at T. A Fleok A Co.'a. t2ft-l. 1111 w JiimtM Ii. ijcuvy wants bovituI liun- drrd busheti of oats, fur which be will pay csnh on delivery at bis stable In CIcarDi Id. - in iVrHoim in nt'cJ oi Clothinir tihuutd go to 8. J. dates, In Curwtnaiiile, where ou can buy at cost. 1 1 liunu'mher t hut Lytlo is County Ageiit for Lorrillard'a Tobaooo, and oan atll tbein at factory prices. They are the beet tobaeooi In arkl. Ty thn. Wu liuvu now on hut id nuvL-ral thoitn- and Dnt-cliai enve'opM, which we will print fur busineea men, or any body elaa, at prieea that oan- not bo rivalled. Call and are tbetn. tf. tt the IUpuhlican otlico is tho place togetyonr job work done. Wear fully prepared to do anything tn tbe printing line, will do tt well, and nt the right kind of price. tt. Another largo stock of Shot, Powder and Caps received at Harder'a Gun Store. A full Ickel-plated seven shot Revolver for $3 50, Next door to First Nat. Bank, Clearfield, Pa. si 1-3. To Landlords and Storekeepius. Lytic has an arrangement with an Kastcrn Cigar Factory so that be can sell cigar by the bcx or thousand at bottom figures, dive tbeir elders one trial. tf- Thirty-five Cents for Dats. Formers can get 35 cents per bui-bel for their oat t duinsbnrg's Clothing Store, In exchange for ;oodi, and pay no more for goods in thia way than If tbey paid (he cash. - Try it, and le con vinced of the fact. Lmt of letters remaining unclaimed in the Postoffloe at Clearfield, for the week ending Sept. 23, 1878 1 J. A. Cal lwell, John II irk r, Mr. Jennie II art- sock-2, Miss Harah K Hoover, John A. McQlllis, Mrs. S. A. Waterman, John Whitehead. P. A. Gaulis, P. M. A Fact. A n advertisement inserted the Rui'i'ti.U'AH will reaob more readers than if published in all the other papers In th coun ty, and cost the advertisci lent than one-half In other words, an advertisement pabllsbed in our jcurnal is worth double the price or that charged by any other publisher in the county., It Is a Tact." tr. Dental Notice. Dr. A. M. Hills would say to bis friends and former patient that be ba not retired from practice is ha been so illustriously circulated by some persons, but will continue to give his personal attention to all who may disirc it, or to assist Dr. Hoicbhold when-' Tor required. Nitrous Oxide Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. April 34-tf. A Rich Cchs. Tho wag of tho flor- riatuwn Hrrnld bought bis wife a (00,(100 shawl at Stewart's New York store, a few weeks ago. He says it was made for the Empress Eugenie jast bi-fore Napoleon's Sedan, and the Empress could not raise the cash after that affjif. He Is low on tho bunt of a f HO.uOO pair of pools. We hop he will find them. What bothers us is, to know how tbe fellow mnks his money. Only a priater with tl 20,010 invested in two garments ! It Is astonishing ! The Centre County Fair. Wo learn from tbe Phllipsburg Journal that tbe officers of the Centra County Agricultural Fair bave made arrangements with the General Ticket Agent of tbe Penn'i. Railroad Company, who has ordered all agents oa Ihe main line between Huntingdon and Altoona, oa the Tyrone A Cleer- lield hiancb, and the Bald Eagle Valley branch, to aell excursion tickets to Bel I Ton te on th 8tb, 9th, 10th and I lib daya or October, good to re turn until tbe 12th inclusive. Tbe officers or tbe Fair have our thanks for a complimentary ticket. But it look! now is though the Fair will hare to go on without our presence. Kleck & Co. havo their largo stock of new Fall ami Winter goods on tbe shelves. ready for customers. W have the very finest assortment ever offered In the county, and at prices so low Ibat we defy competition. Call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere and (bus save money, for we gusrantee satisfac tion. Full particulars next week. eplS-3t. FLECK A CO. N. B. We have on of the very best Milliners, who will spare no efforts to pleas customer in erery ityle to suit the season. T. A. F. A Co, Tho Clearfield (ias Company offers, at par. Coupon Bonds In denominations of f-IAO and MO cfteh, bearing interest at the rate or ill per centum per annum, payable semi-annually at th First National Bank. The Company ha issued bonds to the amount of $10,000, and $1,000 of IhU was taken bat a few daya ago by one of tbe Clearfield banks, leaving 94,000 to be disposed of. Cipitlista who are seeking a safe Invest went for their money, would consult tbeir Inter st by Investing tn these bond. They can be purchased at either of the Clearfield banks. Any Information respecting the tins Company, will be cheerfully given by A. F. Iloynton, President, or W. W. Belts, Eecretary. jelfl If. Tho Barosma is perfectly harmless In its effects, working a cure by gently stimulating the liver to excret Trom the blood all particles or matter that are polionous to It, the stomach, heart, kidneys, and other organs or tie body. When Ihe liver is torpid and Inartive, ibe whole systrm must suffer, undergoing a process of alow poisoning; the stotnarh Is tilled with carbonic acid gas, Inflaming th mucous membrane, or coaling of lb stomach. Tbe Barosma neutralises tbe icid, taking It up and carrying It off without further Injury to the system. It Is pleasant to tbe taste. Most pet pie take It full strength from tbe bottle ; a few mis it with a little water, wfalob may be done tf thought best. Prepared by K. K. Thompson, Titusvillr, Pa. Price, I per bottle. For sal by all druggist in Clearfield, and bv Jos. Reylsr A Son, Lutnrfcarg. Spec tat a Wistip The undersigned wants several bun - dred bushels of OATH, for which he will pay tbe cash when delivered at bis Livery B table, in Clearfield. J. L. LkaVV. ficpt. 18, 1878 ol. Ot Iltiitnaan Pan Cxr. DiicotiaT or Old Pnicaa. Hewinc Machines oan now be purchased at ftlerrell's tin end variety store, from 4 up wards. All hinds of sewing machine repaired on the shortest notice. Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1877. Wauvso t 100,000 SA-lneb shaved shingles to average from to 64 inches for which we will pay lb highest market prioe. A. U. Krahrh A Co., febJS tf. Cleerlteld, Pa. Health I an Inestimable jewel. Th cough that deprives nm of ft may take yonr life too. One bottle tt Hale's Honey of H ore hound and Tar will avert the evil, and save yon from eon sumption. Wlllyoa weigh Life against a half dollar r Hold by all Druggl-ts. Pike's Toothache Drops aura la one minute. icplll.U. Wallaee'a D. T, Tilephone Tbacc la the only tobacco that makes a good chew, and all good iafivM of the weed sav so. and will nsa no other. Fur sale only at watann s twgar ami iouiwo store, Market street, next door to Merrell's auction room. Also, eole agent lor ma -ia diepnania Ave-eent segar, wbicb ts the only genuine Havana at(,'Ar for the price to b bl in l tie maraei. sept ll- BuafliR Fox Pai.a. R. Newton Shaw keep a fnll supply of Frednnia Buggies and flatlorm Wagons tor sate, in w ' yard. Call oa or ad dre him at t learn rid rean- ayivania. --. WiMTun. Home easllv learned person or Artit to manufactar Lcvnaa Parnar nn.i uahvai Pirvoana tn thia county, on Royalty. I'ainte4 from photograph or any picture, and I the Finest UN raiaimg nans, ueiore inn wrriiipr tal an I will taint tttetur HslS for fit and warrant them tor life, ttvery person enoma nave me, aa Oil Painting on t aova are the only picture that Will stand th lest of time, and oan no nnnuea aova w Kin..j' L. T. LtiTHKH, Moy. T, 187r-ly. Oorrj City, Pa. At Mr. T. R. Wat ion's, Market Street, neit door to the postolnce, yon will find all the new sty lesef Fall Hat, trimmed and anlrimmod.er trimmed la order ea snora nwiw-i y t.. ....I ik-at at Will also bo received erery week durtnt lb eaon all ew stile out Also will keep all kiada f Fancy and Variety floods or Ihe seasna. swKa, x. m. naiown Cteerneld, sept 4-3t. Wotd.-F1v first class cigar maker, to work vu Hai Aoa ttnd made etgare. A. Wataon. MJrer It AliisT. Tbe Liver 1 the imperial organ of the whole bum an system, as It oonlrois ine me, nealtn ana happiness of man- W hen tt Is disturbed la Its proper action, all kinds of ailments ate the natu ral result. The digestion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of th brala and nervous system, are all Immediately con nected with the workings of tbe Liver. It has been eneceaeaully provsd that Ureen'e August Flowrr Is uniual)el in curing all person af dieted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms thai result from an unbealihy condition u( tho Liver nnd Hlomack. (ample bottlea to try, 10 cents. Positively sold in all towns en tbe W. stern Continent. Three doses will prove that it i just w hat you went. julyi;,'7 eow-lv. - M's? ihnllrtts the Worid. When wo aa? we believe, we have evidence to prove that Khiloh'e Consumption Cure is deeidedly the best Luna- Medicine made, in as much aa it will cure a common or Chronic Cough in one half. Ibe time and relieve Aa:hma, Bronchitis, v boop. ins- Couch. Croup, and show more cases or Coo sumption cured than all others It will cure where tbey tail, It is pleasant to take, harmless to the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. Price, loots. 10 ots. and $1.00. If your Luog are sere, Chest or Hmok lame use Hnilob s 1'orous iaater. Hold hv llartswick A Irvin, C D. Wat- sun, Cleartield, Pa. Mto I'oii ilclirve il. That in this town ther are scores of persona passing our store every day whose lives are mate miserable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, boar and Utxtreaeed Moinacli, Liver Uowpiaint, mnanpa- tion, when for 76 eta. we will sell them hhilob a Vllaliiar, guaranteed to cure them. Hold by llartswick A Irvin, and a D. Watson, Clearfield, Pen n 'a. The most popular and fragrant Perfume of the day "MAi hftlM auk try it. bojci oy nans wick A irvin, aud V. V. Wauoo, blear Hold re. Aug. 2H lH78-em pd. Uae Dr. Van I))kea ffulphor Hon p. The leading external specific lor disease of the 8K1N. and beautifler of the COMPLEXION : for tba Batb, Toilet and Nursery Is recommended by physicians. Hold by Druggist. 1'rice Cents ; box, S Cakes, AO Cents. K. 8. W EB.STKR, Prop , iO N. itbSt , I Lila julyl7t'78-ow flm. Xorvouj llebilify. Hal vVcakiiCN or Depreaalou : a weak exhausted feeling, no energy or courage; tbe re sult ef nieutal over-woiii. Indiscretion or eareaaea, or some drain upon tbe system is al ways cured by Humphrey'! llomti'pathio Specific No. 2ti. Il tone up and Invigorate! tbe system, dispels th gloom and despondency, Imparts strength and energy, stops the drain and re juvenate the entire man. Been used twenty years with perfect suocoss by thousands. Bold by dealers. Price, SI per single rial, or 90 per package of five vials and $2 vial of powder, gent by mail on receipt of price. Address ItiiBipIireya lloma patlilc Med trine Company, li.u Fulton Kt., N. V. C. D. Watson, Agc.it, Clearfield, Pa. sept 18, 1878-ly. CLEARFIELD MAKKETS. Cf.RAnriKLn, Pa., Floor, per owt. Buckwheat Flour, per cwt Cum Meal, per ewt Chop, rye, per cwt Chop, mixed, per cwt Sept. 22,1S7B. $2 i0 8 00 1 00 I 40 I 2b 1 00 1 (10 Ji ao 70 no 40 to 100 15 40 2. 10 5 00 20 1" 8 Kran, per cwt , Wheat, per bushel Rye, per bushel Oats, per bushel , Corn, ears, per buhel , uuckwneat, por but hoi Potatoes, per butthel , Apples, per bushel aws, per pound Shoulder, per pound ...-. Dried Beef, per pound Chickens, per puir nutter, por pound K?gs, per dosen Halt, per lack, large .... Coal Oil, per gallon , i.ari, per p'uud Dried Apples, per pound Dried IVaches, per pound lit a ns, per bushel , PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. P1n1.AliKi.rniA, September 2:1. Breadstuff are dull, but witt) out change in prices. Cotton is quiet at UjfibMf lor middling. Flour 1 in better demand, but prices arc un changed. Hale ol 1,20" barrels, including Min nesota extra family, freah grou.td old w libit at b 7K'0 2a ; Pennsylvania do. do. at $1 7 5 (to 0 2b ; pulvnt atyi other grades at $0 IbOy 60. Rye Hour is unchanged. We quote at $' 26. In corn meal no traiiaaclloiis. 1 here is a lair demand for wheat. Hale oi 0,0110 bushels, including Ked, as t quality, at lic(i,$l tlfii 1 Amber, at $ I 0j7i, 1 Utti : 6,0uu buabels, November, No. 2, at It 0ii, at $1 00, and White at 91 I70nl 10. Bye is steady at oSAOc. Corn The local consumers purchase to a fair extent at former prices. Hale of lu,0uQ bushels, including rejected, at iVUubze r. steamer at on( 61c j sale in elevator at 61 62c, and prime Vet low ato2ie. Oats are quiet and unchanged. Rales of 8,000 bushels, including old White at 3l('i.S.tc: new White at 27(rt,:t0c) and new Mixed at !(-I(2t jo. Clover seed sella in lets at 6fu7io. Timothy Is quoted at $1 3i(il 45, Flax seed is wanted at I 47. W nisay is firm. Sales of I00 barrels Western at SI 10. Nkw Yoke, Sept. 23. Flour Slate and West ern steady ; Southern unchanged, dull. Wheat a shade' tinner 1 moderate business, mainly speculative. No. 2 tspriug, September, II 00 ; 8. u u II bushel do., October, l Ol ; No. 2 Winter Red, September, $1 001; 8,000 bushels do., October, II l") ; No. Amber, cash, $1 04 do., September, 1 4). Corn without decided change. Mixed Western, spot, 48(Me. Oats turn. Stat, 2B($3?o ; Mixed Western, 27(4Uc Cni(auo,Sep'.ember2l. Flour steady and un changed. Wheat steady, but generally higher and la fair demand. No. 2 Red Winter Red bite lor cash 1 VOlo for October; No, 2 Chicago Spring Mia for cash ; H7go lor October o lor November f bar (uybOJo for all the year round ; No. 3 Chicago epring, 70o70ie ; rejected, 6Ue. Corn quiet and weak, ) .ro fur cash ; S0c for October ; 3'ljU:t7e lor November; rejected, A.a. Oats steady and linn, and tn fair demand : 11' 1 0 for cash ; tViQMit tor Octuber ; 211(21 it tor November. Rv steady and unchanged. Barley easier ; II 04 for cash 1 II 00 fur Oct'r. At tbe close W heat stronger ; 87io asked (or Uctooer ; eiic lor November. ( orn easier declined Jo. Oats steady and unchanged. Carried. At tin Protbyterisn Parsonage tn Anfonvillc, on Thursday, riftit. 6th, 1 S7. by Iter. David II Campbell, Mr. Cbarlej R. McMurray and Miss Melissa bhoff, both ol Woodward township. At Ihe M. V.. Parsonage In (Hen Hope, on Tuesday, fcrpt. 7th, ln7H, by Hev. W. W. 1'un mire, Mr. Daniel (i. Farley, ol AUemanaville, and Mrs. Nanoy MuCuIly, of Janesvilla, At the residence of the bri jo'e father, on Tuns dav, Krutember iKih, 1 H7n, by Hv. William M BurvhUeld. Mr. 11. W. Taylor, nf Hoodhurn, tiul- livan county, N. Y-, and Mrs Hannah M. Collum, of Uullols, Clcerneia oouoty, fa. sua. At rnlnnvllle, Centra county, en Rat ur lay RrpU 7tb, IH7H, of dropsy, Catharine H ill, aged 74 years, e mon ins ana i nays. (iv dmtistmcnts. State ZVorinal Nfliool, INDIANA, PA. The Winter Term of twenty-ili week, will open Monlay, Soptcmtor 0, 1878. TEHMS-I&.00 PKR WKKK. Including Tuition, Boarding, Room, Heat, Light and Washing. Musto citra. nest ftormei ftctiooi Building in the Htate. r acuities tn every respect eual to any Normal Kchnol in tbe tint tert H tales Students may enter at any time during the term For particulars, aend lor catntogue to Aug. 27, 1H78 lm. Principal. -VrOTICE IH nANKHIIPTCr. Hl.trlel j Court of Ih. I oil.d SUM., fur lb. W..l.ra iiLiriAtot finnir Tinu. Till. It to alt. aotir. that on th. ima .lay ot Haiitrmoar, A. 1). I7,a w.rrmBi 10 n.nirapioj wu iMO.d .io.t th. nt.t. or W. N. I' roth.ro, ot Dulloia. in th. eonnt, or Ol..rn.M and HU'a or rnoijl.aai who hftiMtn a.ljuita-a a nana nipt apoa hi. owa MltlioB t that tb. p.yu.nl ol any n.titl and Ih. df)it.rr or an. prnnorlv b. lon,inR to .uoh Bankrupt t him or Tor hia Qfl. ud Ih. lr.nf.r ot an. Dron.rtr hr him ar. far- biddrn h, law : that a nMlina or th. ar.lilor. .r aid llankrupt to pror. th.ir a.nu ana snoot. ona or mora aiiIkhm. or an Mlata, win o. oi'i at a Coart or ll.nkrunlc,, to h. holdra at thi oflio. or (i. W. UiH4, Indiana, "a., aerur. J . Marrh.nd, Ku., H.irlil.r, on tb. 14th day October, A. U. 1J, al 10 oVIork, a m. juiin iiai.i., V. - Marshal, aa MaManfar rillibnri, fl.pt. JS-Jl. T(ITIfl! IH RANKRUPTCV.-Diftriet J.1 Cuarl or tha t'ailmt Slaua, for tb. W..torn Ui.trlol or P.nna,lvanla. Thia ia to air. aotira that oa th. 11th dar or rl.pt.nbr, A. 1. IKTS, a Warrant la rlankraptfly waa ImumI a,ainaltb. MUUoril.Br, LHarinht, i,r Oananla Milla, la Ih. oouat or Cl.arll.14 aoi Hlate or I'.niiarlrania, who has baaa adiada;.d llanbrnpt apoa bk, oaa p.titloa I that tha par spent of an; d.hta and th. dallv.ry or any prop, rlv b.loDiin. ta auofa ll.nkrntil la biai or for hit iim, and lb. Iranifrr or aa, prnpart. bt bin, ar. rorhtail.a nj i.w mat a nj'-aiinf Ol in. errmtoi or aald Hankrupt to prora Ibnir stbta and ahO'iai oaa ar anora Atfianata ar bia .ptau. wilt ba b.li at Ihs Laonard llouaa, I'l.arD.ld, I'a., bafor. 8 K. WootlruB, Baq., H,Hialr, ob Its tth da, NevsBibcr, A. l. H7s, at II o'olook, a. aa. JOHN HALL, V. 8. Marth.l, as alMaaogar. Pill. bur,, api. Ji-li. , 5,000 Rail Koaa Tie CurweMvll!, P. Jo T-t. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. CurwttMvlllt, Jn. V. Wl ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwensville, Pa., Jan. , '? tf. AI ItlTOH'H NOTICE. Tn re estate of M. Nichols, deo'd. All persons Interested will take notice that I will he at my office on tbe Id day of October, I H78, at 10 o'elook a. m., for the purpose of making distribution of balance in ibe hands or John 0. Pcliryver, Administrator of M. Nichols, dee'd, under my appointment a Auditor. W. W. BUTTS, Clearfield, Pa.. f.LlIiT8-3l. Auditor. XFCHTOIIH' NOTICE. Notice la here by clven that Letters Testament arr on tbe estate of DAVID LABOARU late of Colon township, Clearfield Co., Pa., dcc'J, having been duly granted to tbe undersigned, all persons in debted to raid estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands will present them properly authenticated for set tlement without delay. PAVfl) DRHSSLKK, CIllUbT. LABOR. D, Rock ton. Aug. 21. 1878 fit. Executors. Pennsylvania Female College, FittHburrh, East End) i'a. CotxaaUTi tiah oris Skptbubir 12,1878. Location, 4 miles from Court House, overlook ing East Liberty valley. Eeiy of access and free from smoke. Terms for boarding pupils reduced. For particulars and catalogues apply to MISH HELEN K.PKLATREAV, O. A. BERRY, Treas. Acting President. July 34-lm. "VfOTICE. To all whom It mny Concern. ThU certifies that I have this day (August 2'J; 1870), purchased the mine known as Cliestbut Ridge mine, situate In Brady township, Clearfield eoncty, Pa., owned before and operated by Jones Brothers, Including all the R. R. track a, schute, and other improvement and appurtenance be longing to said mine, together with the interest ef June Brothers In a leu of land made by Robert Osborne, of tho above place, wherein the mine is operated, containing 800 acres of land , or thereabout, and known as tract No. 20U2. Said Jones Brothers to act as my agonta, with full power to mine and ship coal as tbey deem best to my interest WM. OSBORNE, Hcpt. II, '78-St. UuBols, Clearfield Co., Pa. rpKl AI, MKT. List of causea it down for J trial at cecond week (30lb day) of Septem ber Term of Court, 1878. O. L. Sehoonorer Martha Rankin Daniel Weaver IJeorge M. Bilsbir Bair, Bubo A Co. v. J. C. Brenner, Jr. v. Walnrigbt A Co. ts. Austin Kerin. vs. The P. R. R. Co. vs. Henry Hhowaltcr. J. 0. Smith rt. David McKinncy. 1st Hp.Cb.,Cbftrrytree r. J. 11. A J. A. Lamborn Joseph Uoss vs. David Uoss. George 11. Barrett vs. Adam Moyer. David Hemple Tl. Joseph M. Hmtth. D. Hose at. al adra'r vs. J. Frank A J W. Neff. Livenght, Lingle A Co. vs. WhitcnmbA Townsend Wm. Porter, ndm'r , Wm. V. Wright. W. Albert A Bro'a vs. Isaac Brlttain. Austin Klin vi. . Churchman etal,ex t'nion Banking Co. Vi. Arnold A Hartshorn. Catawtsaa Deposit Bk vs. " I). J. Uar A Co. v Lever Flegal. Ueorge M. Brisbin v.. David Dunn. ELI BLOOM, Prothonotsry A NEW DEPARTURE L I T II E U S II II U G . Hereafter, goods will be sold for CASH only, or in exchange for produce. No books will be kept In tho future. All old accounts must be settled. Those who cannot cash up, will please hand over their notes and CLOSE THE EECOED. I am determined to sell iny gooda at cash prices, and at a discount far below that ever offered In this vicinity. Tbe discount I allow my customers, will make them rich in twenty years If tbey follow my advice and buy their goods from me. I will pay eash for wheat, oats and elover seed. DANIKL UOODLANDKK. Lutbersburg, January 17, 1877. Ri:(.ITIHft NOTICiS. Notice is hereby given that the following ac counts bare been eiantined and passed by me, and remain filed of record in this oflioe for th in spection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all other interested, and will be presented to the neit Or phan' Court ot Clearfield county, to be held at the Court House, in the borough nf Clearfield, com- enotng on th 4tn Monday (being the z.id day l ot (September A. D. 1878 t Final account of Joseph M Smith, (luardian of hvehne Cowan, (now k valine Bites), Jonn Cnwan, and Millard Cowan, minor children of Thomas Cowan, late of Beecaria twp , Clearfield county, Pa., deo'd. Final account nf Elisabeth I'. Curry, Administra trix of the estate of John Curry, late ol Jordan township, Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd. Partial account of William Stoddart, Administra tor of tbe estate of Joanna Stoddart, lata of Ueccarla twp., Clearfield county, Pa , deo d Final account of James Flyan, Administrator or the estate or John Creaswell, late or Uuhcn two.. Clearfield count v. Pa . dee'd. Final account of Wm. K. Dickinson, Trustee of the estate of Hamilton Weld, late of Ucocaria twp.. Clearfield countr. Pa deo'd. uardian account of Jubn J. Pieard, Guardian of Lucy and Elisabeth Pieard, minor children of John B. Pieard, lale of Covington twp., Clear field countv. Pa., dee'd. Final aoeount of R. II. Shaw, Executor of til estate of John bhaw, Sr., late of Lawreno two.. Clearfield countr. Pa . dee'd. Final account of Robert Byer, Administrator of the estate of the Philip 11. Aett, late or now Washington, Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd. Final aoeount of Jnsse M. Darter, Administrator of the estate of Edward King, late of Burnside two , UlearOeld county, fa., deceased. Final account of Wm. nf. and Jam CathcarL Eseoutors of the estate of David Cathcart, late of Knox twp., Clearfield county, Pa., deceased. Final account of Zacharlah MoNeul, Ouardian of ltosanna Mc Bride, (now Hosanna Tbumpson) Robert R, MoBride and Frank McBride, minor children of Win. MnBride, late ef tbe borough of Curwensrillc, Clearfield county, Pa., dee d. Final account of J. B. Hbaw, Administrator of Ibe estate nf Samuel II. bhatfner, late of Law rence two., Char field oouniy. Pa., deceased. Final acrount of Mcphen draff, Administrator of the estate of Frederick Ileidt, lata ot tho bor ough ol Curwensville, Clearfield county, Pa., de oeaacd. L.J. MORGAN, Sept. 28-te Hogister A Recorder, COMMISSIONERS' SALE of Unseated Lands IN Clenrfieltl Count y, I'iv. Kotlre Is hereby given that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly, approved April d, 104, entitled, "An Aot directing tbe mode of telling C mealed lands for taxes,' ana tn several sup tilemetit thereto, there will ho eiposed to prMlc sale at tba Court House, in the borough of Clear field, at 1 o'clock it. m no Wednesday, the ffitb day of October, 187", the following tract or niece of an seated land pnrchawd from the County Treasurer, from IM4 to 1871, inclusive. PURCHASED 1604-1 Arret K-'arraerW or Owntr. Towtthip. 1.S0 A. Scott Fergus un. 135i John W hitmer H..tlulib. 0. nannau. ()eo. Ashton .....Knox. Thompson A Englemnti Peter Henry Wood ward. SIIO 110 fi.1 mio 40 41 111 111 100 Ii 200 70 J7 llota I 101) )l I 100 40 100 bt IA ST 0 Mary Connolly John MrConnall Vary MrCunnally loeo suit! ioo7. Cat harniaB .. B. 8. Calb.rs Klias Krphart JohB HobiaoB l'aul Whlla No. lima John Palton llaort.W.llniy... Mary Connally.... ,. Bwarla. llrady. Dooatur. F.ritiison, Kartbaas. Knoi. Lumbar City. Woodward. lOOO and lOOO. Jabn Haana Hwatts, Ncaryllrrk Frnlnn A flprarar Ilrll. ....Illuom. ...Bo,. Tlr.Jlotd. ....llrady, ....Kanhaai. llannab nt.wari. Uaora. Turnar... Haunt . Mellarvay.. T. A J. Whlla.... Charles Willlnk William Michaels Riles Witeott .....Kooi. Ale. Hnnter Jnslah Jordan " Thomas Jordan J. D. Hhaw Lawrence. Morgan ..M " (leorire (late Mnrrlc. 1070 unci 1071. John Pauaman Ueccarla. John Thomas H igg. Martha Worthingtoo Chut. James Wilson Hnstea. No. iM, Wm. Posrs.. " Wm. Hi (t'er Morris. Pat Hagerty - Penn. M. Ilrnry Pike. John Loader Woodward. 3011 H'O HU too 41 .' IIS II IH I.HI n ao 1110 an ai mil Aimt CI.AHK BROW N, J, W. Uowa. HAHklfl HOOVKR, Clerk. XHOS. A.MrtillKK, Commissioner. Commissioner Office, I Clearfield, Ha, Rept. I. '7Ml. f grip flwtisemftits. SS5SS?ff Ira wnu. mail mdt I. an, .ildrw. tMI AUNOI.I) UAS"AlVANCKO Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Curw.n.rllle, Ju. 9, '76-tr. IXr.CUTOHH NOTICK. 4 Netlc ts hereby given that Letter Teats mentary on th a estate of BENJAMIN BLOOM, Sr late of Pik township, Clearfield County, IV, den'd, having been duty granted to tbe under signed, all persons indebted to raid estate will J i lease make immediate payment, and those bar ng claims or demand will present them properly authenticated for letllotnent wlthoutdelay, THOMAS BLOOM, Curwinsville Pa., Aug. 28, '78-01. Exeoutor. A' DMI NINTH ATR IX NOTI CP- Notice Is hereby glvea that Letters of Ad ministration oa th estate of M. BUTLKR, lale of Wcodward township, Clearfield county. Pit., deceased, having been duly granted to the undersigned, alt person indebted to said estate will pleas make immediate payment, and these having claim or demands against the same will present them properly authenticated for settle ment without delay. CATHARINE BUTLER, Administratrix. Aug. 21, 1878 fit. HEALTH HAPPINESS. Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth tn their possessors, and yet they are within th reecb ol every one who will us Wright's Liver Tills, Tho cnly sure CCHK for Torpid Liver, Dyspep sia, Headache, Hour titoinaeh, Constipation, Hebility, Nausea, and all Billioui complainti and Blood disorders. None genuine nnless signed "Wm. Wright, l'hil'a." If your Druggist wil) not supply aend 2o cent for one bos to Bar rick, Boiler A Co., 70 N. 4th bt , Pbila. Deo. 28, '77-ly. New Fancy Store. Misses WATSON A CARDON would eatl tbe attention of the ladie or Clearfiold and vicinity to th large stock or Notions & Ladies' Fancy Goods ! Which tbey hav just opened In Row' Stort Room, on Second street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Tbey beep Embroideries, Ruohlng, Tins, Handker chiefs, Collars, Cuffs, Lisle, and Kid Gloves, Ribbon, Sash Ribbon. Hamburg Edgings and insertions, Laces, Ladle' Misses', aodCbildrens Hosiery, white and colored. Corsets, all kind of Zephyr, (lermantown Wool, Java Canvass, An. By strict attention to the wants of tbeir custo mers, they hope to rtceive a share of public pat ronage. Their price will be as low a the aame quality of good can be purchased at any other place in tbs country, (-all and see ns. Remember tbe plane; Row's Store Room, Second street, Clear field, Pa. August 21, 1878 tr. SherifTs Sale. BY virtue of writs of J'i. Fa., Issued out of tbe Court of Common Plea of Claar field eountv, and to m directed, there will bo exposed to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House, In tbe borough of Clearfield, en Thursday, tbe 2th day of tptember, 187M, at I o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, to wit: A certain lot or piece of grouna in th village or Dull is. Brady township, Clearfield, county, Pa.. Bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at a post in the public road now called Long street ; t Deuce snutn i aegror west too leei to an alley i t hence along said alley in a south-east dire turn 83 feet to a corner or Wm. Kri'ior lot j thenc north 47 degree east along said firmer a lot 1 WU leet to publioruad; thence along said road 83 feet to place ef beginning, and baring tberoon ereotod a frame store bouae, two stories hi eh, lht'.'6 feet, with wareroom Hxlfi attached. Seised, taken in execution and to bo sold a th property of F. Tracy and C- A. Barr. Tirms nr Hals, Tbe price or sum at which tbe property ahell b (truck off must be paid at the time of sate, or such other arrangement made a will b a i proved, otherwise tbe proper ty will be immediately put up and sold again at th expense and risk of the person to whom it wa struck off, and who, in cas of deficiency at ub re-sale, shall mak good th am, and tn no instance will th Deed be presented tn Uourt for confirmation unless the money ts actually naid to the Sheriff. ANDREW PKNTZ.Jr. Mtantrr urrica, I unarm. Clearfield, Pa., Sept. II, 1871 1 M. THOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEERS. FAI.K OF STOCKS 01? TI RNPIKK COMPANIES OWNED DT Til K COMMON WKALiil OF PENN A. In hursuaooe of th nroviilons of th Act ap proved June IS, lB7,entitled"An Act to author is the Auditor General to sell the stocks held by tbe Commonwealth tn turnpike and plank road companies at public, sale," there will be exposed to ssie, at me MERCHANTS' EXCHANOB, in th city of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER S, 1878, at IS M.. th following turnpike stocks, owned by tn Commonwealtu, to wit; On hundred shares Anderson Ferry, Water ford and New Haven, 3(10 shares Armstrong and Indiana, 4U0 share Hellefontc and Phill piburg, 20tl shares Uutler and Mercer, 1,600 ihares Centre, tt)0 -bare tent re and Kisbaooquilla. lot shares Clifford and Wilke-harre, SOU share 0p end Newport, 100 share Jlanovr and CarWle, 76 sham HrriurT. Carlisle and Cbamherabnrg, 3.12:1 ah area llunliusdon, Cambria and Indiana, ISO shares Indiana and Rbensburg, 200 shares Little Conestnga, 910 sharss Lewistown and lluntina-don. bWJ shares Mercer and Meadvllle, 12V share Milton! and Owego. 1H0 share Mor- gantown and Churchtown, 247 shares INew Alex andria and Conemaufh. 1,(100 abare Perkiomea and Mending, 24U shares Philadelphia and Ureat liend, tbii a ha res Philipsburg and Husiuehenaa, 3(10 share Ronhstowa and Mount Pleasant, 60 share Kusqurbanna and York, SAO share Wavneshurg, Ureencastl and Meroersborg, 400 ihan-a York and Oettyaburg, 48 share tiugar alley and Whit Deer. Purchasers will be required to pay ten percent, of the purchase money at Ihe time of eale, and tb balano to the 8 tale Treasurer within thirty days alter the sale, and upon tbe production or tne Htale Treasurer receipt, tne Auiiitor uencrai will tracfer Ihe chare ot stock to th respective pure hasp ra, in aonortlanoe witb the icond sec tion of th act aforesaid. WN. P. PCMFI.L, Auditor liuneral. M. TllOXt Afl A RON 8, Auctioneers, 1311 A 141 boutb 4th Street, Philad'a. Harrlsbnrg, tfopt. II, IHTS St. - ASSIGNEE'S . SALE or VAtrABLn REAL ESTATE ! Th underricned Aiiitne In Bankruptcy o N. K. Arnold, bankrupt, will ell at public eale, at Ih Draurtker House, in the borough or tnr wensville, Clear Held oounty, Pa, on SATURDAY, RRPTKMHKR 28, 1H7I, at 1 o'clock p. m., all the right, title, irtereat and rlaim ot tbe said bankrupt of, in and to the fol lowing described property, subject to lien and enftutuberancaa inereon, via i One certain lot of ground situate In the borough nf Cur wens villa, bounded on the east by lot 01 Mr. Marv Fleming. on tho south br State street. on th west by other property ef said bankrupt. and on the norta oy an aiiey, naving arnoiei tiroB a two store frame dwolling house, own iklnin eirbt room, nod cellar, ice house, An., am being now occupied a a residence by said hamnkrunt. Also, one certain lot of ground situate tn the borough aforesaid, bounded on the east by above let, on the sooth by State street, on the west by Walnut street, and on the north by an allay, hav ing erected thereon a largo three-story frame huiMing, enoni ax irat iroov on nimxm irv, 70 foot on Walnut street, OMupted a a store and law office, with public bat) on third story, with a frame stable, eorn erib, Ae. Thi i one of tbe most desirable business properties In the borough, nd le. In all respects, a verv desirable property, Also, said bankrupt' Interval, th Mm being tbe undivided one third inter! In a certain tot or piece of ground situate ia Pikelwn., Clearfield Co ,Pa., bouodftion the south by the Khe turnpike, nn th ! hv lands of O. L. Rfed, on the north l,, i.nrl. t,f a. L. Heed and Jacob Itifr, ow a east by lands of Jacob Itilger, eonUla ing about bit acres, eb.nl one-half cleared, and having reeled thereon a two story frame building, used M a woolea factory, Including tbe machinery, and anw in operation, with dry bouse, wool bouse, three frame dwelling bouses, barns and other otbuildinrt also, a saw mill with good water power. Thi property Is situated U mile west of Curwensville, on the Krie turnpike, and I 1 on ef the most desirable location for a woolen factory la th countr. ! AlSfl, tb undivided on half Interest ta a Cer tain tract or piece of land itoata la bloom Wwa ship, oounty and Slat aforesaid, eontaining about 84 acre, end about one-half cleared, bar ing erected ibareon a email bona and barn, be ing the earn tract of land purchased by John Patton from Jacob llilgrr, and by bin assigned ta Arnold A HarUhora, said Deed bole of record. Also, the andividd one-half interest ta a oertata tract or piece of land ltt la Dell township, county and State aforesaid, bounded oa the north bv land nf W m. Ileil, dee'd, oa the south and west by leads of John . Bell. Md on th east by lend of Wm. MoUnMhM, dee d, con taining about ao acres, and about one half cleared, and having erected tboreon small frans boa and log Blab). All of the above described properly to bo U tuhj'ct to Ilea aad encumbrance. Terms, easb. JOHN F. BARD, Carwenavllle, Pa.. Rep! II, l7-t. Assign. seersTivTrpill8 m utri l.r SS ;rtr tht BianAtrd Ummtj fr Ui. LW wk u tt Urm- (fetjmH. (Wiim. 8ui II '4 M H jfM, tS mil "thfttU f U t.lttr Im4 jW V .1Imi' I.Iim flimm.l .f LltrlW.Hmi gV Hlii.'k MMp!! mi t 4uil wurl '-Wm Ailr A gf iialtiianr 1 ran rwanuaail H.ll.rt l.li.t Milt gf TtiTkatMaMnJr.4ar4Ur(lnSMWr'ftllU. g LW TL A'Uibi. m rtaa.lj. Krutuckf. rrlra Ik. ag4 Wltat. Htld kr all Druf and Moatr? Sura Kaqiwa K gy k r hfIii its i cm rr-r . en m r fj IXUrtUanfouf. HCETliroLM,. .5555! ' . . . . Aud thoir rospoctivo fumilioa, aro notified that on Monday, September 15tli, 1878 There will bo oponod a Cuinsburg's Store, A luro Hid entirely now ttock of BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, Etc. We will be prepared to uliow t lint our. aro lliolowoat pric'on In the Stnto j Hint wo liuvo llio lur'fBt iianortniont, which wo warrant to givo kntitfuclion, or thoy will bo rcpluccd. In exchnnKO fur theae V'W'." I nm anxious to rcocive the muoh doaiicd tilvor, the trouble- ome greenback, tho untaxod bond, farm. (You tnkoi your choioo bow Tho elcctiona are ooming on. The your family? Nice little boy, that! plenty ua lightning rod mon, una just You want now HOOTS and SITOE8 for tho Winter, and GUINZBURG'S IS THE PLACE TO GET THEM. Thorofore go in a solid body, exumino tbeir stock and price tho gooda. The following price list will give peoplo un idea of what wo aro doing. A baby' good shoe 20 cents A baby's god shoe - 0 tents Boy's Child's gwd shoes with heel..,..,...D& cents ei.vu Misses dress boi...H M'O Misses oalf shoes 1 00 M lasea buttoned shoes 12a Women' morocoo pegged sboea 1.00 Men' " sewed snoes calfskin shoe - 1.24 better dress shoe boat dress shoes 1.00 kid buttoned 3.&0 Men's All dlflerent styles. Vine I havo a number of styles In alt TIATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOOPS, TRUNKS, SATCITELS. UMBKKLLASaKto. Also, what you may want in G ROCK HI KS and TOBACCO, in ex change lor grain oi At ttJuIuzburg'a lioot (Flegol's old stand). Second St., sept 11,78. Z. 3.. ilr(b A Co.'j Column. Fall and Winter Goods in great variety, arc now open nnd ready for sale, nt PRICES THAT CANNOT BE COMPETED WITH, (by itiii (ill buyers), at the widly end well known Dry Goods Store of T. A. FLECK & CO. It is only necessary for us to announce to the public that with the constantly increasing demand, we are ever enlarging ourstocK, both in quantity and variety.so that any and everything needed in the most durable and lusiiiouable lines of goods can be had at our store at nil times. Our goods bave been selected in person by Mr. Fleck, mostly ot tho manufacturers, and by buying in largo quantities, we save the jobbers' profit, and VERY LOW FIGURES. We also have one of the very place, ready to trim HAT'S edb in the very latest styles, and trusted to Miss Uresty s care will be pleasingly executed. We know whereof we speak, that we will make it to the interest of all persons wishing to buy Dry Goods of all descriptions, to call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, AT GUINZBURRG'S Old Wcftterii Hotel Corner, Clearfield, Pen n'n. I have just returned from the Eastern cities, and am now receiv. ing a full line of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, of tho best, most substantial and fashionable goods ever bro't to this town, while the prices are lower than ever, CALL, SEE AND HE CONVINCED. HATS, GENTS' rOMISHINQ GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, Etc REMEMBER THE PLACE : GUINZIIUIIG'S CLOTHING STORE, Western Hotel Building, Clearfield, Pa. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND STREET., CLEARFIELD, PA., Have opened op. In th tnr room lately occupied by Weaver A Hetts.om Second street, a larg and well selected toek of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SII0KS, Ql'KENBWARE, WOOD WILLOW WARE, I llATd AKD TAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which they will dispose of at rtasonaH rates for aash, or eichaoge lor country prodiM. , im .' HIORMK WIATa-R A CO. Clsaraald. Pa. Jaa. I, l7s-ll. : . CAIJTIOM. All naraoBS ara karah, .r. bk.Ib.1 porohaaia, ar la aay w.y aaoddlin, ailh th. lollowl.f oaraoaal Breparty, Bow la lha ,.raai.taat of Lao'd Nuhwradrr, af Utmit loarnabift. lai Twm aowa. I haif.ff. 1 baraa, 1 fwo-hora. .,oBr 1 Sfiria waaoa, 1 al.d.I plows, I harrow, i hogs, Is ekleaaoa, all tba wbaat, rjra, aau, baahwhaat, h, aad Batata.., 1 uu harawaa, ball ebalaa. aiB,la aad doabla Iraaa, I aaob atora, I baaliaf ata.a, I taklaa, ahalra, awdataada, brf dlo,, 1 aapboard, diabM aad alak, aa Ika aarna waa parabaaad b, aaa aa th. latb aT H.ptrabar, Itll, aaul hi Ian with aald Ha.hwladat oa laaa oalr, aBbJaai la mj ardar at aa, lima, PKTKR MOTKR, Krl.rlnw., Pa., af- ' V 1171. ill. pisrtUatifou, td c tr CD CD O 0 0 V) ft r-f o p N CT! 1 w 0 o rf P P Pa Ui o CD or thoHubstantial produutt of tho you pays your money ) "Ah I how are you? How is Oh, It's a girl, is ill" aro on a ham to got arouna. kip boots.... 11.30 1.6 1.7ft S.00 1.00 I. So 1.&0 2 25 S.76 ISO l.ftO laced sboea.,,, buck It hoes kip boots... " shoes M M buckled shoes 1.70 dress boots 12, $3 and 4 00 dress shoes from f 1.2o upwards. tho above goods. Also, any Kinu. nnd Mhoc Ntore, opposite Court Homo, CLEARFIELL, TX o CD . llttl k t.'t Column. are thus enabled to sell at best Milliners constantly at her 3BOXVIV3fiS - X,S we guarantee that any work en OX OLD RELIABLE STORE, s25 THB BBW Pliiladdpliia Branch Clothing Store, ROOM NO. , OPERA I10USB. Tho unii.ralKaed woald raspeetfolly larom tha .ItlKBS of CLartrld aad rlclailr, that ha baa Jast opaaed tha largoat and bast stock of noii'..v.fnc CLOTin.ru, HATS, CAPS, Uenlt' I'vrnlihing Voodi, TRUNKS, VALISES, &o., ever brought to Clearfield, and which be will sell cheaper than any other stor la towo. ALL KINDS Or GRAIN TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR 00ODS. CU 8kios, Bbeep Pelts, and Purl of all kind taken in iobang. Call and tor, and bo oovinod. PIMON SIILOfl Clearfield, Pa., Bop t. 11, Wo m. GasDondsforSalc The Clrerfisld (la Cmnpany orTer for sale, at par, Coepa B inds of $.'t00 and $&00 denomina tion, bearing Interest at th rat of 6 percent urn per annum, payable eemi-annuallj at the first National Hank of ClearAeld, Pa. The works of tb Clearfield Ua Onmpany wer rretd at a soft of ill, 900, and tbe llond is sued ar limited by law to 11,01(1., aeeured by a mortftaK oa a' lh Onmpany' property and franchise, in fsvor of Wm. II. Dill, Cashier of th First National Hank, and John M. Adams Cashier of th Clearfield Countv Bank, In trut Tb Directors propose to Issue but $1,0A0 of these bonds tor tne purpose or lunding tnetr float. Ins debt, and bat $490 remain anvnld. Aay in- formation resptetfng tbe works will bo glvea by tn rrMtjni or ires sorer r tn company, Dnnda can be had at any of tb Clearfield hank. n. n. iim in, a . w. uu i n itm, President. Bee. and Trea. W. D. ftlUl.KK, J AMK6 IH W IN, JNO. MHWIN, Clesrfild, Jaa It, 'Tl tf. DLrootor. Ml 11,280 P,.bo fur only A Oroan for on It ?. 3fl Ore-ana for only t0. All warrantee! alt yoar Don'l fail to vend for illoBtratod Catalog na. Original Maaafaetarora. Lwltan, Pa., Sept. 11. ISTfi Sm. D R. A. T, SCUUYVEit, OaHea aa sttvat arstr tha Laoaard Hooaa. Claarl.1.1, Pa. arpt. 4-lia gu 3.drrrti(mtnt. F OR SALE. Tb" drv(aM wftl at prtrato aalo all township, Clearfleld toiaty, Pa., witkl a abort distanee of tb Tvron A Ctoarfiel l R. R . and adjoining land of Robert Uudeon and oloere, aad known as tb Jacob B. Oearbart loL Tho aid tra4 eontaining 60 aero mora or lea, with two coins of valuabla aoal thereon, ba about M aorva leered, and 1 tb key to a larg body of ooal aUt iMiug deeelopenl. Will b sold low and upon eaay term. Fur parllculara, apply to IAVID L. KRKD8. ClearAald, Pa July IS, 187. rJpERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, f?tovc Lining and Fire Brick, kept oonitaatly on band. ST0E AMI EAfiTHEl-WARK or EVERT DKSCRIPII0SI CltOCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Fl.her'a Patent Airtight alf. . (aalinf Fruit canal BUTTER CHOCKS, wllh 1 14a, CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, ArrLB OUTTKR CHOCKS, PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER F0TS, PII DISHES, BTKW i-OTS, Aad a f raat nan, othar tbiafs Ua aaatsroms i$ saanuoB, to Da Baa as FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - AVARE POTTERY, Oornr ot Cherry and Third BtrooU, CLBARFIELD, PA. angl J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in GrocorioS, THE LA UO EST and BEST 8RI.ECTKD STOCK IN THE COUNTY. COFFEE, TEA, Sl'GAR, SYRUP. MEATS, FIKII, SALT, OILb, QUEENSWARE, TI'BS aad BUCKETS, DIUKI) FRUITS, CANNED GOODS, 8PICES, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. County Agent for i.oniLL.inira tobaccos, Thssa Roods bought ror CASH la larga Iota, aad sold at almost vixy prloss. JAMES H. LYTLE, Claarlsld, Pa., Jaaa 11, ms-lj. PRIVATE SALE or Valuable Real Estate I Th undersigned, living In Penn twp., Clear field county, Pa., oilers tb following valuable Real Estate for sal: 446 Acres of Land, more or le. In Broearla township, lying on Ih north aid of big CloarSatd creek, and within on mile of th same. The above land ll heavily covered with hemlock, white oak, rook oat, and ether bard wood timber, and a quantity of whit pine, said to be half a million or more feet The same ia heavily anderlald witb bttuminou coal, and directly on th line of railroad leading from lloutadaletoCoelport. Its valu 1 nnknown. There are, also, other valuable mineral on th m. Th above land lies about two and a-half mile below th village of Ulen Hope, adjoining lands of Ueorge Uroom and other, oo what t known aa Porter' run. Tb improvement on the prop, erty are a good geared saw mill, ia running order, a high datn, ston breast, mad in th best man ner, nt fur almost any machinery. There is, also, a larg fr tne dwelling bona and fram bank oaru thereon, and about forty or Ifty eerea, mora ar less, of th land ia cleared. Any person wishing to invest in property of tbia kind will do well to eiamine thia property, I will toll th whole or the undivided half inteaest, a may uit tbe purchaser. Tb abov tract of land will mak two or l ore lams, woion win oompar ravoraoiy with tbe greater part of oar oounty. Prion and terms made known to any person wishing to pur. oh as. For further particulars oall in person or addre th undersigned at 0 ramp I an Hill P.O., Clearfield oounty, Pa. SAM L W IDEM 1KB. Jan. v, l7-tf. SEWING MACHINES AT REDUCED RATES! THE NEW IMPROVED Weed Sewing Machine, roil ta bt Ille It. Beem, CLEARFIELD. PA. (Residence, West Clearfleld) Tha NKW IMPROVED WEKD 1 one of tb best machines in the market, and ran very light and quiet It new eylladcr Bteel Bhnttl ba only on hole to b threaded, aad held twioa as muoh thread a most any ether machine. It ha one of the best Narrow Hemmen made. It Tabl Is long and roomy. It ha no gear and earns. It baa no screws or faco-plato to b re moved while oiling or cleaning. Th WKKD.befor th let improremcnt, drew a priie at th Paris Exposition in France, also, an award at tb Centennial Kipositioo, and ia almost every state tn tbe t oici. M arbine sold on Monthly Paynents. Person should not buy before aeelug tbe New Weed. Hay, grain, beef cattle, and some kinds of old Msofeine taken in part pay for New Machine. Ail kinds of Sewing Machineacleaned and repair fd. Also, dealer In all kind of Hewing Machla Needles, Oil, Ru fliers. Tuck merkers, Castors, Hammer. Shuttles, Check springs, A. In ordering anything by leuor, no an re u giro nam of machine. Cash most accompany all orders by mail. Persons wanting any other kind of machine, plcsse writ for price. aug.M-Sm William Powell, SSCOKD ST., CLEAKflKlD, Dealer in Heavy end Shelf HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNI6HK8, AflU I VII I Ki oonstantly on hand th boot Cooking, Heating aad Parlor Stoves and Ranges of all descriptions. Tabl and Pokt Cutlsry, CrrnUrs Tools, seen as paws, nairnets, iuaree, Beaoh Stops, Plane aad Plan Irons, Chiel, BitU, Auger. Ads, Flic. Hinges of allkinds, Loks, Screws, Bash Cord, Pulley. t.( ate Farming UIeiiII Plows, Cultivators, Double and ctngl Shovel Plow. Cultlvatot- Teeth, Urain trad I oa, Beytbes, Soatbes, II, Porks, Eake, Hay Fork, Frm Bells, tv, tt. Hera ShoM and Horse Nails, the Wst make of Cros cut Saws aad esse, Orindalono aad Urladsion Fi iters, and very thing aeaallj kspt la a Rrst-rlaas Hard war Stor. Also, a fall stoek of House Furnishing Goods, BR IH II IS, LAMPS, I'HIMNIVa, tt. Att klada of Tlflwara kapt an .aad aad aiado ' ta ardtr. RMBBf aad Spoaliag ,raasptv at taadad to. Paraoa, wlabiB, aajtailaf la aaj llaa, an la tllad la aall aad aiaasla. atosk aad artoaa , WILLIAM VoWELb, CIsarD.ld, Pa., Jans i, 17" tf. Ii',