Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 25, 1878, Image 2

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Gkorui 11. Uoodlandkb, Editor.
Reader, tf 70a want (0 k mow what li going n
In the bualoeaa world, juat read our advartialng
column i, tD iVxeial oolumn in particular.
Nn in rb worthy the office of Prttldrnt hnuld
be willing to bold it if counted to, or pleeed there
br aor fraud. V. n. Urant,
I eould never have been reeoneiled to tho ele.
Tatien hf tho amallait aid of mi no of a peraon.
however ra pact able in private life, who in nit
loroTor carry upon hit brow tbt tenip or irauu
Ont triumphant in American biatury. No aub
eequent art Ion, fcowerer neritorioua, can waah
away tho Icttera of that rooord.
CnAnLRR Fninrti Aan.
Under the forma of law, Hulberford 0. Hayea
hat bona declared 1'realdt-nt of tha United Slatea.
Ill till refit upon dlifranohlirmont of lawful
votcra, tho fall aertlAcatm of tho returning olfl
eere acting corruptly, and tb decision of n 00m
mUilon wbleh bai rrfuaed to hear evidence of al
leged fraud. For the tint tino aro tha American
people eunfronted with the fast of a fraudulent.,
lee tad Prealdenl. Let it not bo nnderitood that
tho fraud will bo eilently aequleaned in by the
country. jof no uourpaa in which ineuaurpa
Uud li forgotten.
AnnRKfli or DnnoflNATiQ M. C.'a.
One hundred yeara of human depravity accu
mulated and concentrated into kclimai of crime.
Nerer again In Aro hundred yean iball they ha? a
0 opportunity 10 repeat tno wrong.
DamiblW. VooniKaa.
I would rather bare tho ondoraemont of a quar
ter of a million of the American people than that
ot tne liOUMiana Returning Hoard, or or U10 Uom
miaalun which excluded tho factl and decided
the question on a technicality.
Taoi. A. Hbudricki.
Democratic State Ticket.
roa oovbrnub,
or CRAwrokD oolktt.
FDR ll'I'RKMR Jt'DflR,
Hon. II. P. 1J0SS,
Democratic County Ticket.
SaMect In derlslea af Di.lrlct
ma conubkhs:
ISRAEL TEST, of cleabfield,
I Subject to daclitiuB of District Conference.
Suujeot to decision of Dlitriot Coofereooe.
A . D. H EJf X ETT, of new wasiiinoton.
1MIIJ.IP POTTS, cfhecoaria.
KLAII JOHNSON, of iireenwood.
WM. V. WRIGHT, of clearfiebd,
.103. G1LLILANP, of karthaus.
J AME3 A. MOORE, of Clearfield,
The Cohvktion. Tho proceedings
or the Hcmocrntic county Convention,
will bo found in full on our flint page
this week.
Maine. That election in Muine was
a regulur cbill lilaino. Baltimore Ga
ailf. Yes, Halo foil liko Lueifor, but
didn't do Murcb barm. Lancaster In-
Conferences Wo loarn that the
Judical and Congressional Conferees,
met at Rollefonto, on Tuesday, but up
to tho time we go to press we have no
account ol their doings.
That Star ua Set. Heretofore
Maino has been call the "Morning Star
of Republicanism." Hut at the last
election tho farmers introduced a new
pcllinf, and now its the mourning star
the llayes y sunset which foretells
tho coming storm.
The Radical Tide. The Phila
delphia Record, of Monday, September
Ptli, contains 31 column of Sheriffs
ales, Thua, under the John Shorman
licsumption scheme, aro ptopcrty own
cr being defrauded tif their home
steads, and the change in the owner-
shin nr Mia sntl
Mr. J. 11. Lambert, of tho Thiladol.
phia Timet editorial staff, has bocn
commissioned by that journal to take
a survey of tho political field in Penn
Kylvania for tho purpose of writing a
inorongli review of tho situation, and
will visit every county in the Stato
uring the campaign.
iuo Maine election put anotbor
(Judical United States Senator vory un
expectedly overboard, and the inquiry
is, what Is to become of Hannibal Ham
lin ? For years hi hctc noir ha beon
the fear of lueing tho franking privh
lege, and it is now a fixed fuct bis right
in this direction will b6 forever cut off
after tho 4th of March.
Hor and Cold. The editor of the
Bellcfonto Watchman growl liko
boar with a soro head, becauso the
Democrats ot Centre county prefer
liovornor Curtin for Congress to Mr.
Meek, Tho puff ho gives the gentle
men who accopted the Radical nomi
nation for Congros four year ago, is
Just as much out of placo as the dis
play of his own malice
Our Nominees. The names of the
Pcmcratio candidates placed in Domi
nntion on tho 17th instant, will be
found at our masthead this week. The
district and county nominoos make up
tho strongest tiekot the Democrats
over placed in tho field, and it is with
pleasure that we call upon our reader
to support the county tiekot with all
their might
Tin Great Hm. Mark what we
predict : The party that stole the Pres
idency in 1870, will not survive it
four year1 period. The crime 1 too
huge and carries with It the sting of
extinction. Uhis great national sin
will not go unpunhhed. 11 aye may
got away with hi two hnndrtd thou
tand dUar salary theft, but hi party
will be ground te powder. Like tbe
crime of murder, the perpetrator will
h found some day and punished as
the law directs. or. curtin.
Tha Democrat ot Cenlro, at their
county Convention, lint wook, noniint
let Guv. Curtin tor Coiijrw. A coin-
'..T.,i'TrrV,.'(i6.'i.e.' f"f f,l
inttiitlucti liim to tlie member of the
Convention, and wliun presonteJ lit
Bpoko aa follow:
1 bare but Ave minutes not aa long
aa I generally talk. My fvlluw-citi.
zona, 1 madu up my mind when In I
foreign country, holding a commission
of my government, th ajVtlio policy adop
ted by the national administration mint
lead to the trouble and difHcultici
which bnvo occurred in the pant of the
country. 1 came tc I-.- VT2, and
1 could get into tho Stale. In tin
meantime the Democratic party ol
Pennsylvania bad taken my friend (iov,
lligler from the ticket and placed my
name upon 11, and I was eleotcd to tho
Constitutional Convention.
Since 1872 I have labored insidious
ly to produce reform in the govern,
mcnt at Washington and in this 8tat.
I believed that the timo would come
when the public sentiment would turn
to tbe oondition of tbinga there and
bore, and that wo would have such re
form a would conduce to tbe pros
perity of tho country and to the glory
and powor of the nation. Twice I hare
canvassed Ohio, once Indiana, and I
have been in Pennsylvania and New
I have exaiuinod tbe platform upon
which Mr. Pill stand, and it meet
with my entire approbation, and I shall
give him my vote and support (Ap
plause I cannot understand why, if
my old friend of Republican antece
dent desire reform, they should at
tempt to secure it by an organization
which cannot succeed. If tbey want
reform, Id them follow me and change
the cntiro administration. If those
placed in power fail, let them be re
turned to the people.
Fcllow-citizenB, 1 nover had the con
fidence tlninW God I never had the
support of the "ring" in Pennsylvania.
Tboy opposed me wbilo I wa laboring
lor tho country during the war; tboy
never voted for me ; I never had tho
disgrace of their fellowship or friend
ship. (Applause) For the gentlemen
placed in nomination by the people
against me, I havo the kindliest feel
ings. I kvo no triumph in this uo
cess. It is a triumph of yourselves to
placo mo on the stump and enlist mo
in the field which way lead to reform.
1 am at war icith the Cameron ring;
with the men who pilfered ycur pub
lic treasury, who now raise tbe bloody
shirt once more in the faco of this groat
peoplo and ask that tho war which
should be forgotten and forever shall
bo fought over ugain. Tboy were va
liant in the quartermaster and com
munity departments ; they sold hay,
oats, liiirwa and mules and damned
poor inutr at that. 1 will give my
fuilhl'iil efforts to turn the thieves from
the public tivusury and to restore this
great government once more to purity.
I do not know what the rusalt may be
in tho district. You have placed me
before the ( onfereos of six counties,
and if it is their pleasure to nominate
me 1 will try to discbarge tb duties of
my high and important trust in such a
inunner as to meet the approbation of
my constituents. In all the official
positions in which I bave been placed
I always did desire that in this beauti
ful country, beside these green mount
ains, where the Allcghenies roll up
their magnificent crests that these
people amongst whom I was born,
whore I bave lived, and whore, by the
blessing of God, I trust to die and
be buried I only ask, and bave al
ways asked, that I receivo their ap
probation. (Applause.)
Chicken Coming Horn, etc. In
1865, a Massachusetts Carpet-bagger
Kimpton wa elected Slate Treasurer
ot South Carolina. Accent revelations
establish the fact that be and bis Con
federates plundered the taxpayers of not
less than (100,000 during hi adminis
tration. When Hayes withdraw the
United State troop from that State
Kimpton returned to dwell among the
Plymouth rockor, for safety. Gov.
Hampton learning of this robbery com
mitted by him, issued a requisition for
bis return. But the Governor of Mas
sachusetts under the advice of the At
torney General Train refused to do
liver up the thief. An exchange say :
Attorney General Train, ot Massachu
setts, 1 probably convinced by Ibis
time that bis lato decision In tbe Kimp
ton case, refusing to surrender that
outlawed thief to the South Carolina
authorities, was a pretty bad invest
ment. Train wa a candidate for re
nomination before tbe Republican State
Convention on Wednesday, and was
boaten by more than two to one. But,
Yankee like he still continues to dwell
in tbe province of the balmy Rock.
tm. i
"Dunder und Blitzen I" Such was
the exclamation of one of our German
tax-payer upon learning what it cost
to run the Stale government nnder
Uovornor Packer, tbe last of the Dora
ocratio Governors, in 1858-69-60, in
contrast with Governor Hartranfl's,
from 1st July, 1875, to 1st July, 1878.
We now allude to only one jtem, the
public printing, nndor each adminis
tration lor these three year :
i ricnia. aamuarr.
4I,SSI IS. ,137.704 I.
171,761 11.
101,047 II.
1111,421 I. 1411,447 41.
Those figure are copied from the
official record, and thow that Hart
ranfl's administration baa charged tbe
tax-payer just about four tf met a
much as it coat nndor GovernorPack-
er'a administration. .
Another Gone On br one the
Radical rose fall. The Democrat la
the Oregon Legislature last week eleo
tcd Hon. Jamo H. Slater United States
Senator, for six yean, from tbe 4th ot
March next. Tbi (opplanta tbe no
torious Hippie-Mitchell, who mad to
much fuss over the Cronln electoral
quostion in 1876, and had poor Morion
go out to Uregon for the purpose ot
ousting Senator G rover. But Morton
was so mortified and grief-stricken over
the farce that be never made a report
oi bi investigation and cam home
and died. This Oregon trip eoat the
Radioal party It bead, and bow the
tail of that k it I lost too. Within on
year the Radical ol Oregon bar lost
their Congressman, an4 their United
Bute Senator. Coral he mad It
lively for the Pacifle slope la Ikl lat
itude. I
Return of the Democratic Primary Election held Saturday,
: i I i
.. BrHldorough.. 17' ,7
ClMrt.ld Ill: In,
1 CurwraiTllkl " T4 71
HnlidaU II i is
Lumbar Clljr ' Is; SI - ...... V J. ,
N. Wi.Ii'Ior it
OmoU in it
i Walluotoa ! J
BAowrlttowaallp Svi S
B'M " ....! W IS
BofKi . ,... 11! 14'
1 .... til t
Brad; ....I 171 J7
. Burmid M .... IH ft:
CW .... 114! 1141
Co.lDgloa " .... tuf 141
Dmalur .... 44
F.ria.oa .... (.J. 10
Ulrard ,.. j, la
Uoabaa " l! g
Urabara " .... 41 41
Uraaaood .... 10 Is
nulla .... ,11
Ha.los . .... 5: li,
Jordan .... l
Karlbaw ..... 44; 4a
" .... IM Ivlll
l.awraaaa " .... J6:i; l
Morrli " .... 107 IUi
Fans .... 61
" .... 14! 1I7
f"tl " .... IS; M
Woodnrd .... tl 4
j7ti i79i null
For eighteen long weary year tbi
country has been afflicted with war,
enormou taxation and general bank
rnptey. The reflective reader natural
ly Inquire : W ho has conferred those
tnisfortunte upon ns? We say the
Radical party, because It has stood
sponsor at the bead of Federal and
State affairs during all tbi poriod. Not
only has lile and property beon treat
ed as cheaply as a billiard ball, but re
cent event go to prove that the Fed
oral Capital ia not even moderately
safe against our law. A Washington
correspondent of tbe Philadelphia
rimes, draw this picture :
"For several days crowd of repul
sive vagrant, calling themselves work
ingmen, with a mischievous Jew nam
ed Cohen at their head, havo been pa
rading tbe street of Washington and
calling on government officials and do.
minding that contractor on public
work should pay the laboring men
higher wage. Of ooursa government
officer have nothing to do with the
rate ol pay allowed by contractors,
but tbe ignorant colored men, deceived
by Cohen, who make a good living by
enforced contribution from them, can.
not be made to believe this and are
easily encouraged to parade the city in
noisy procession. Threat have beon
mado by thorn that tboy would forcibly
interfore with laborora on theitreeta
and public works who were not receiv
ing more than a dollar and a quarter
per day. Such interference is not like
ly to take place, however, for it cer
tainly would be (not with forco on the
part of tb government. Apprehen
sions have also been felt tor tbo safety
of tho hundred of million ol money
and bonds in the Taeasnry Depart
ment. Such atop bave been taken for
the protection of tho government lunds
that no anxiety need be entertained
Several hundred stand of broecb-load-ing
musket have been plauod at dif
ferent point in the department con
venient of access, and certain detail of
guard have been made from among
tbe employe who are skilled in tbe
use ot tbe musket Large quantities of
fixed ammunition have also been be
stowed in different parta of tbe build
ing. A telegraph also communicate
with tbe Arsenal, wber troop are
stationed, and with police beadquar.
ten. A small battery of Galling gun,
with a auffieienl amount of cartridges,
ia also posted in tbe building. A night
attack on tbe Treasury would be whol
ly fruitless owing to the positive secu
rity of the vault, which are tbe strong
eat in the country and protected by
every device known to be of value,
Tbey are absolutely burglar-proof. Co
hen and bia crowd, however, are not
dangerous. All Cohen want i noto
rity, with now and then a fat collec
tion, and bis follower want to get a
living also without working for it.
They havo been parading the street
itb banner tbi afternoon and to
night a crowd of tbem bave bivouack
ed in tbe neighborhood of tb Arsenal
and are making night hideoua with
their noise, but no serious troublo need
be apprehended in the morning."
The question naturally arise, who
gave birth to, and raised this brood of
social and moral outlaws T Weanswor
tb Radical party. And we defy suc
cessful contradiction, squirm a yon
Philadelphia Ahead. The State
ring and tb city ring have for year
coined money out of tb tax payer by
keeping a full Treasury. W have
frequently called the attention of our
reader to tb fact that thore is al
way a balance of from on and a half
to two million of dollar in the Stale
Treasury. Tbia money I used by the
member of the Btate ring, and ia worth
1120,000 annually to them. W no
tic that tbe Philadelphia ring Is still
worse than the 8tate ring, which keeps
over three million ot a balance on
hand. What wonderful economist
thow Radical are if the tax payer
take them at their word.
Horn Tktimon v.Tb Centre Hall
Reporter, one of tb Democratic organ
of Centre ooonty, lo alluding to their
nomine lor Congre lay : Hon. A. G.
Curtin, i the choice oi the Centre
county Democracy tor Congrae. A
tbi nomination meet tb wishes of
very good and promlotnt Democratic
leader in tbe Bute, we Uk It a tb
meet jodiciou that tbe Convention
could kav mad at tbi time. For our
opinion of Got. Curtin, see last week's
Reporter being a citizen of oar county,
it i needle to say that our people
Were ever proed of him. Hi nomina
tion will glv great, strength to the
Bute ticket.
If iitakm Idea. That Ulysses S.
Grant has tnrad bummer, and lire
now on Ire blow, deadhead ticket,
and bi expense are paid fool
who think when be it "Emperor of
America" be will give them title,
"bin ribbon," "garter," and "lUr."
Bueh are tbe idea now enUrUioed by
tbe follower oi General Grant, and
tbey will only real is tb tra tcU
wben too laU to avotd tbe charge of i
being anoM and very poor ImlUtors
of royally.
14 ..
ID ..
S .
1 .
II !
4 .
14 j
770: evil
Ivy I mm
The first prominent politician in the
South to full by tbe prevailing cpidem
lo wa cx Governor .Sum Bard, who
died at Baton Rouge, La., on tbo l!Hh
inst. He was a native of New York
city, J)ul removed to Louisiana when
about twouty flve years of ago. In
1855 be becanio Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction in bis adopted Slate and
was thoncelorward rather conspicious
in politic. During the war bo served
in tbo Confederate army. After Leo's
surrender be settled at Atlunta and in
1867, abandoning tbo Democratic cause,
entered tbe Republican ranks as an ad
vocate of General Grant' election to
tho Presidency, About Ibis timo be
started tbe True Georgian as a Grant
organ. Hi reward wa an appoint
ment a Governor of Idaho, but tho
Senate failed to confirm him in tho
place. Ho then turned a baek somer
sault and landed in tbo Democratic
camp. In 1870 bis paper nominated
Governor John T. Hoffman, of Now
York, for President, and General Gor
don, of Georgia, lor Vice President.
The True Georgian disappeared and
was succeeded by tho Atlanta IntAU.
gencer, which bad even shorter lease ol
lifo. Failing in journalism and obtain
ing no regulation from the Democracy,
he became a Republican again, and
was appointed Postmaster at Chatta-
nooga, Tenncsseo To this tho Tcnnes-
soo Congressional delegation objected,
and ho was content to accept the post-
office at Atlanta. Hero he remained
some timo, meanwhile being a noisy
third-termer. In 1875 a removal, on
the ground assigned by Postmaster
General Jewell that bo was altogether
too unanimous," mado him luiuous.
The result was that he knocked at the
door of the Democratic parly again,
but was not admitted. Tho lust days
of his life were spent in editing the Ba
ton Rouge Herald.
The Rev. John M. Chase, the Green
back candidate for Congress, and his
on, go spooking around in Democratic
neighborhoods for tbo purpose of prose
lyteing. Tbo "old general" and bis
son turned up at a meeting they had
called at the Ohio school bouse, in Dc
catur township the other night, for tho
purpose ot enlightening the "Copper
beads'' in Ibat vicinity. Tbe ion open
ed the campaign and gassed for ono
hour, when "dad" took the slump for
two hour moro, and at 11 o'clock pre
sented bi audienoo with bis Green
back Constitution, and succeeded in
getting one signer a boy, named Brice
Pixon. Tbo son intersplices bis speech
wilh "my father will tell you so," and
when the sire arises he injects into bis
remarks, "my son told you so." A
correspondent thinks if the Chases
would come back there again, and bring
tbe young man along who signod their
paper that there would be one Green-
backer less, becauso he would oraso bis
name ii be had an opportunity. If tbe
Chase family is in earnest about con
verting tbe heathen, thore is some ex
cellent territory in the county, open
or missionaries. Curwonsville is a
good placo to open a mission. Gulich
township would still be a bettor field ;
because tbe Radicals, wbo have perpe
trated all tho mischief Chose complains
about, are plenty in these localities.
Lot tbem bave a three hours' lecture,
and lot tbe pemoerals alone. Tbey
oan't be caught wilh chaff, anyiotv.
The Maine Question. Thoro Is al
ways more or loss sport made ovor the
election in tbe Stato of Maino. Tbe
recent cyclone which passed over the
pine tree Stato, is slluded to In tbi way
by the editor of tho Philadelphia Timet:
"Because tbe Republicans of Maine had
a majority of 11,000 in 1877 and were
dofeated by 12,000 in 1878, the North
American falls into tbe regulation ways
of the averago organ and figures on
percentage, it' possible in tbe pres
ent confusion of parties, that tbo Re
publican ticket may be elected in Penn
sylvania, but there wouldn't have been
any possibility of iU dofeat bad Maine
given her usual Republican majority of
th last quarter of a century. Tbe on
ly percentage there i to figure out of
th Main election as applicable to
Pennsylvania, I that which would
make a Republican minority of a hun
dred thousand or so, with a wrangle
Between tbe Democrat and Nationals
as to which oi tbe three ticket might
tumble through, it looks to ono on
th outside like a mathematical conun
drum that might be produced in tbi
wise : It 52,000 National vote in 1877
reversed the Pennsylvania Republican
majority, of 18,000 given in 1876, and
looted the Democratic ticket by near
ly 10,000, where will the Republican and
Democratic tlckots land in 1878, with
th National vote swellod up to 100,000
or 150,000 r There' figur work for
Recorder Quay."
Well Don. The veteran Green
back et wbo fkiled to hoar Congress
man Clymer's speech on Monday even
ing, missed a rare treat. He really
eloeed tbe party oat and landed tbe
prime mover in the Asylum. He ex
outed bit duty well.
Marry Cox, the Harrisburg car rob
ber, baa been recaptured.
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Tho Harrisbiirg Telegraph, tho State
organ of the Radical party, and a low
other insignificant sheets, have recent
ly beon inulignitig the aged futher,
und tho brother of Senator Dill, our
nominee lor Governor. Tho Rev. Jas.
C. Clark, tho Presiding Elder of tho
Harriitburg district, recently address
ed tho Telegraph in this way:
Uakkimuuro, September 10, 1B7R.
V. H. Uergner, Editor Daily Telegraph
Deab Hib : Absence on official duties
prevented me from seeing your paper
of tbo 7th until lust evening, when 1
was pained to find in it a personal at
tack upon two of tho preachers of the
Central Pennsylvania M. K Confer
once, Rovs. H. G. and W. 11. Dill.
When political papers go out of their
way to make personal attucks of this
kind they must be held accountable
for their utterance, and this being a
"family uft'uir" in another senso than
that intended by tho caption of your
article, involving as it does tho good
name of Methodist preachers in gen
eral, I cannot allow it to pass by iu
silence, especially as a portion of your
article indirectly implicate mo with
ono of my brethren whom you openly
In your issue of last evening you
suy you chargo tho Rev's. Dill with
nothing, after asserting, without equiv
ocation, in your lormor article, that
since tne nomination of A. H. Pill for
Governor "bis father and brother, both
(vrespected ministers of the gospel, aro
rouming ovor tho State, preaching lo
strungo congregations." If Ibis lan
guage means nothing, you had better
lelt it unsuid. If you mean by it that
these two ministers have been doini
more preaching ill. mod from their
homes than beloru Mr. D.'s nomina
tion, and aro doing this lor thu sultuof
the effect it may hare on his eluution,
I waul to enter my solemn protest
uguiiml such a charge.
"The younger Pill tuvai hoil in Har
risbiirg recently." 'I rue, and did so
oil my pressing invitation, as did also
my. brother, ol Shumokiii, and II. li.
Mosser, of New Cumberland, as 1 had
lour quarterly meeting to hold upon
the one day. Win. II. pill has lor
years bocn responding to calls of this
kind in all parts ol our conference, and
no ono baa been more ready than bo
to render aid of any kind whenever
ana wlicrovcr it was needed. The
wholo conforenco is competent to at
test that bo is now doing only what
bo has been doing for years. As mv
guest and belpor, therefore, 1 cannot
permit bim to be charged with what
I know to be untrue.
As lo tho venerable Henry U. Pill
whom you implicate in ibo same
charge there is not the slightest found
ation for tbe assorlion, and if he were
as widely known a you say ho has
"roamca ovor tbo stato, it would bo
altogether unncccssory to refute it.
For nearly half a century he has do-
voled himself to tho work of the min
istry und baa borno an unblemished
reputation. 11 is brother ministers will
aoethatin bisdeclining years, that renu
tution shall remain untarnished by un
principled any nncaueu lor personal
attacks, even if mado under pretended
political newspaper freedom. They
are too jealous of their loyally to the
flog under which they live, also, to
permit it to be impeached as you bave
impeached it in your allusion to the
days of rebellion and secession in
chinch and State. Tho first voto I
cast in my conferonco wus in the city
of Baltimore, on tho 5tb day of March,
jMjZ, wben 1 bad the honor to say
"aye," wilh Father Dill and lCil other
Methodist preacher brothel on tho
loiiowing resolution
"Resolved, That as a body ot chris
tian ministers in conlerence assem
bled, we hereby express our abhor
rence of tho rebellion now existing
within our borders, as bemir treasona
ble, in iU origin, mnguinary in its prog,
ress, and as tending to retard the ad
vancement of civil liberty throughout
ino worm,"
I regrut that our church and minis
try havo been dragged into a political
controversy. There vdns no necessity
for it, but, as tho issue bus been lorrud
it will be promptly mot, a we do not
propse to surrender our good namo
for the sakoof any political narlv. and
espociully wbilo a Methodist preacbor's
heart pulse in our breast, we do not
propose that our brethren shall be
maligned, in tho region where we havo
our temporary habitation, without en
tering our most emphatic demurrer.
James (j. Clarke.
a soul hariiowino picture or tub
We know it is impossible for those
of us wbo reside in tbia latitude, to
realize the horrors of tho yellow fever.
We happened to outer tho bonier of
the a IB ic ted distrieU at Nashville,
Tennessee, on the 23d ol August, where
we mot hundreds of refugee from
Memphis, Natchez, Grnnada, Now Or-
leans, etc., fleeing North, with death
literally at their bools. Tho sight was
an awful one tocontemplato, although
we noticod no funeral procession, but
the wbolcaalo abandonment of home,
businoss and neighbor, by hundreds,
aye, thousands, of old and young,
mule and female, white and black, is a
sight we never want to look upon
We did not remain long in the
midst of such scenes, but struck
North a fast as tho locomotive could
whirl us, landing at Louisvillo, Ky., in
the evening, and at Indianapolis, Iud.,
by noon the next day. .
Tbe editor ol tb Memphi (Tenn.)
Appeal, wbo, through unavoidable cir-
cu instance, was rompcllod to remain
and look upon tbe calamity for th
fifth time, depicts tbe surroundings as
follow :
"No pen can do these scene and ejr
September 24, 1878.
o 5 J. o J
p r ' 3 i
! I ! 1,
I . f l III 17 II
I 4 17 ll' 1BI 101. ihh
2" .... ! 44 IS, 171 4. 711
I; V I., SKI 4, j): s
l: IUI II Id! ll !!
Hi I ml z! 7: i7l 24
i'i ; Mi i ii hi is
; ! 321 H 41! ls! ti
I I 21 Il: i,l -!j !l
ill Sli il I2i ' SO
: 871 a.l 7i ill m
,J I, ill ! I, I..
I V 10 111 77' 00
22.'! 1 Slj ;s! 3711 I f. 1 1 42
2'! II 4 V 4.l II, 14
! 111 I 42 22 1"
I I. j 44 7o Oil
II 2W Is' n! 41.
4' ' 01 IVi ll, li io
I i Ii I In 14
- 2, 14 in 1;. HI
.13' ' 99 ISl 0 s 44
2' I 10; i' III 14 SO
I j IS 01 ii ir.l
I j 31 1 41 2! .',4
; I 0! I III 02
ii l' 40 41I :u
III I k 111 s! ,I 111
I2i ll 44 07 lit:1 147 214
I 41 10 44! HI, l4
I 14 44 4S II 60
0 V 71 41 44! HO1 143
li SI l 9 .... 86
I 2, III i Il U 40
"ieel 74 1141I 84l i4v ir,Piiiiii
i ' "in,
I3 I
'"I i
81 I III.,
l ,
sights Justice; no tonguo exuggerute
them. Lisping childhood, hoary and
venerable old age, the vagrant and Ibe
mercuanl, the man ol God and thu un
believer, are all taken, arc all claimed
uliko by thu awlul pestilence. It thins
an raims, anil brings sorrow to tho
mansion, tho cottage und tho cabin.
ibe cry ol tho lulherless is beurd
every hour, claiming the pity, the sym
pathy and tlie tears of Hie immt bard-
encd veteran.
In Ibis office, us wo writo, thoro are
but two left of ull who a month ago
wero cmpioyeu in inc cuitonul, count
nig uou composing rooms, an I our
pressman is down with the fever.
Strangers lo the office, us to tho busi
ness, aro attending to our iifl'uir., while
tne oniy editor lellon duty alternates,
through sixteen hourt a day, between
his desk and a cas.'. This is our per
sonal measure of tho dreadful epidemic,
and surely it is a sad one. It has mov
ed us to tears many a timo Ibo past
ten days, although we aro not used to
ino melting mood.
Our experienco is one wo will never
forget, and it is a common ono. The'
fifth epidemic we hove passed through,
this a irpassos thorn all in the horrors
it has uncovered. PareiiU have do-
seited children, and children parents,
husbands their wivoB, but not ono wife
a husband. Men havo dioppid deud
on the streets, while otliors havo died
neglected, only to bo discovered by the
death-spreadinggases from their bodies.
Littlo children clamoring for the food
she could no longer givo, havo appeal
cd to tho dead mother, who gave up
her spirit as she guve birth to her last,
in me agony oi ine lever.
Ministers of tho Gospel carrying mes
sages of pcaco, hurrying from house
to bouse, havo had their weury steps
arreslod and their woik stayed by the
pestilence, that walks in the noondny
ns at night. The priest, administering
tho cxtremo Unction, and tho bride of
Christ, wiping tho death damp from
tho forehead of those whoso friends
and kinsfolk aro fur away, are almost
paralyzed in tho sacreil an, and die
even before we know they are sick.
Tho business of tho hour is the succor
ol tho sick, tho burial ol tho deud and
the euro ol the needy living.
Tho last words of those who are
wull are at night farewells to the dead.
and the first in tho morning 'who lives
and who has died?' All day, and
overy hour of tbo day, Ibis question is
repeated, and the beurt sickens at the
reporU, and Iho soul grows weary
ovor the repetition. And yet there is
no renei nor release. orso and worse
and worse the epidemic has grown,
until to day it has ennpod tho climax.
and tbo hearU of tbo bravo men wbo
bave stood in tho breach are blanched
with tear, with ft dread that annihila
tion awaits us, and that we are due
tined to bo blotted from earth.
Fear sit on overy face and dread on
every heart. We work, not in the
shadow, but in the very face ol death,
Wo meet bim on every band and nt
overy momont in tho numos ot bis vic
tims and in tbo desolation bo has
spread about us. Hope wo bave none.
Wo despair of any relict, but wo are
nerved for the end. Wo pray bless
ings upou tbe generous wbo have help
ed us in all the Stales ; wo pray for
tho safety of those wbo bavo come
among us to nurso tho sick and minis
tor to tho dying, and we ask that the
names of tho womon and tho men who
have laid down their lives lor us shall
be handed down forever among tho
brightest and bost of earth."
Tbo Democratic assoinblairo, which
oonvonod in tho court room on lust
Jlonilay nluht, under the auspiccB of
the Central Dill Club, was a scene that
mado XJeinocrats feel good.
The mooting was called to order bv
Dr. J. P. JJurchtield, President of the
Uud, aller wluch Israel Tost, Kq.,
Chairman of tho Democrulio county
Committi'o, nominated (iovernor Biir-
I n ,i . ... - .. . "
ii-r as i-resiuem, ana tno loiiowing
Vice President (jooruo ii all. John
Shaw and H. Olydo, ol Lawrence; Jno.
I.iiflilncr, of Jieccaria ; John I). Millur.
Chest; John Campbell and John Wct-
acl, oi Jjoll; John r. Howies, of Penn ;
Lewis 1. Bloom, of Pike: Tbo. lloo-
ver, of Curwonsvillo; Georiro Brishin.
of Osceola ; C. Harlei, of Morris ; Isaac
Gobs, of Docatur ; I . Cald well, of UuRir ;
isaao AiarKlo, ot jNewburtr and Isaac
McCloskoy, of Karthaus. A. W. Wul
ters and J. F. Bnvdor. 8ecretario of
th uontral Hill l.'lub, acted as Secroia
rieot this mtetinif.
Gov. Iliirlor upon takinir Lis scat
mado some very appropriate remarks.
ni. tiiu uuiiL-iuaiutt ui wilicn, it. iiircn
field moTCtl that Col. Walter Barrett,
Goo. M. Iirisbin and A. G. Kramer, lye
appointed a commit too to wait upon
Senator Dill, and introduce him to the
mootino;. Also, a commitloe consist
ino; or D. L. Krohs, Ksq., Dr. Cross
well and Captain Frew, to wait upon
Hon, Hoiator Clymer, and bring him
beforo tho asscmbluKO. Col. Bnrrott's
committee soon appeared with Sena
tor Dill in charge, and Introduced him
to the President of the meeting, who
in turn introduced Mr. Dill to the
meeting;. Aflor which, Senator Dill do.
livorod one of hia characteristic and
profound pieeho, fur which ho has
earned a national reputation.
At the conclusion of Senator Dill's
speech, Gov. Miglor Introduced lion,
Iloister Clrnior, member of Conrroaa
from Berks county, who procooded, at
icngin, to nriniijn luo ilatlical parly
for the various orlmos committed
gainst tho people, and especially tho
laroeity oi ino rrcsiuoncy. JHr. Cly
mor' remarks woro of that fair and
positive character that hi hearers of
the Kadical persuasion were almost,
Felix liko, persuaded lo vote the I)em.
ocratio ticket in November. At the
conclusion of Mr. Clymor' remark,
Hi meeting, nn motion, was adjourn
ed until Tuesday evening. A we are
compelled to go to pres on Tuosday
afternoon, w are unable to state what
occurred on the occasion indicated.
Tbey ara now arresting Peter Her-
dio, of Williamsport, for obtaining
money undol false pretence. Peter wa
ahead when last beard from tho mon.
was spent.
U.tDlc.t!. PisciiMFiTUHE. The Phil
adelphia inks, in niunlin lo the iu
wnt election ill Muliio. uy : "AHcr
ull the elaborate, npologutie and ex
hluni.toi v Bitiilcs ul the orguiiH on the
Jilli.iO t ltiilioil-TtiO l.luill ICllii'.s). tif'lt
iul.lii ai. hiivu iililioiiiily elected their
Siiitu tii-kuiH uud ull the members of
Congress, uud lliut tliid yeur they hme
ull lliu Statu eunilidiileo mid tM o of tlie
tlvu I'lHigieMhiiiuii. IjuhI ycur, in a
total Vole ol 1(11,821, (iovei nor Con
ner hud 11,0(10 l U iir iiiujorily, uud tlii
yeur, in a totul volu of l'.'li (Mill, ti'i.v
enior Conner in defeated by 12,H."7.
Thu uverufjo llepul.lieaii mujurity of
Miiitij on u full oU Iiuh lioen iihi.ut
twelve per cent, which in l'eiilivlvn
ni.i would give a liepuhlieuii inujoiity
ol 110,000; null 11 revolution in I'viin-
sylvunia eqinil In t)mt of 41 nine would
leave only liltle Hlireds of Hepiildi. all
ism here and ihvle in spotn. I'rhli
sylvniiiik muy wuhhlu very wildly in
Koveniver, nut uuy that hIiccuii t
wulilihi, aeeording to thu Maino tinker
board, is in luvor of llovt. Tout's
what thu figures say. and they don't
often lie."
I.khtowinu (..'oNI'I.IMtMs. liases
has just uppoinu-d that Confederate
guerrilla chief, John ,S. Mosl.y, to '
14,009 Consulship iu China. This we
presume may bo taken as u mark of
respect paid to those -of tho "loyal
North," who fell by tho bunds of this
cut throat. Tho loyalists and friends
of Muj. James H. Larimer, in this
country, no doubt reccollect Mosby's
raid at Urislo Station, Virginia, in 1SU4,
how tbe gallant Major, wbo "sleeps on
tho hill, and Ins party wore amba di
ed and murdered by Moshy und his
men. Tbe reader of this journal, who
still remember Muj. Larimer, when he
was thu editor, should cull thu alien,
lion ol their loyal neighbor to this
last freak of Civil Korvico Reform which
Hayes has palmed off upon "tho loyal
millions of tho North."
Turnino up Their Noses. The
New Yolk World notices Unit "tho
Timet and Tribune, are very indignant
becauso a stono cutter named Murcb
has been elected to Congress in Maino.
Thore was a day when tbo hardy me
chanic of tho North mot fur different
treatment nt tbo bands of our esteem
ed contemporaries. Things aeom to
no cnangcti since lliey ran a ruil split
ter for Iho Presidency and proudly
founded their party on the "mudsill''
or society. Verily Iho party that set
a Massachusetts cobbler and a Tiiin
esseo tailor to preside over tho United
States Senate must buvo undergone a
strange revolution in its notions, lhal
it should turn up its nose at a member
of the ancient and honorable guild ol
flfit; tUfrttsriiifiits.
CAUTION. M, wifa Margaret, having lad
m. brd and board without ju.t oaura or
Crorocalinn. I hi-raba wara all poraoaa aol to
arbor or tniat bir on my aooounl, aa I am do-
icrtainod roil to puj anj dcMa rontroolM b. bar
in my ..a. llhlNKV y.ll.LlOX
Trontrilla, Pa., IS, 1-78 3t.
C( AtlTION. All peraon. are aautlnnid
arain.l pori-fearlng or In any way noddling
with tha following d.orllid pm.,tr. now la tha
p....r..lon of Caarloa I). Jolin.toa. of llu.toa
lown.bip, via i (Id. borara (bar ao l roan),
1 wagon, 1 pair (IHa. i culling b'.l. 1 atoraa lot
of bedding, bandikikoa, cbalna. grain. A... aa t ha
raioc oolong to in. and la left with aald Johnatoa
on loan only, auhjejt to my ordir at an. timo.
bb!a, Aug, 11 '7j. j. L. JollNSDV.
A UTIOJf .-.All porr-ontaro hort-by caution..!
y again.! porchaaing or ia any way m., Idling
with th. following p.nsin.l properly, now in tb.
po.aoaaioa of Curn.liu. D Tolib., of P.
townablp, via i On. gray mar., I roan horaa an I
barnara, I wag.m, I plow, I barrow. b i,
P'ga. low ooaro oata. ao doira ryo, S aoroa buck
wheat, and 4 aoraa eorn, aa Iba earao oolong to
me, and la l.ft wilh raid Tubba on loan ont',
lubj'Ot to toy order at anr tin..
Harroa, Pa , F.-pt li, 17S-3.
The Arm trading nndrr the neve f Oulinh.
j.-.oraia a uo., waa Itn. Say (Sept. II),
en oy mutual ooaaent. Dav d Il.ilhrun rati..
Th. book, will remain at tha old .tan I for eettl.. anui urtoner 2Mb, altar which Ume all un
etii.o account, will be left with an nfW for
oouaoiiuo. K. r. OHMt'H.
Tha andertlgned baling of bia Inter,
.it In tb. furoitar. buinl to i L. Wrigl.y, the
nu.ineaa win noreaner oe carnal on by H. y
Uullch, Robert MeCokl.and J. L. Wrigley under
hiu, uaoiv oi uuiiob mot.or.i. uo.
il uourtot tiia tolled Stat.., fortbo Western
Di.trtctof Penneylvania.
Thia i. to ale. notice that on the 17th dav of
oepmnor, a. v. in7B, a warrant tn Uaakruptoy
waa lamed attain. t tbo aetata of J.ial C. l'.,r..i
of l.awrenoe town.hlp, In tba oouoty of Clearfield
ana mat. oi r.nnavivania. who baa bean ad.
jnl;il a bankrupt upon bi) own petition; that
toe payment et any uuiita and tbe delivery of any
proper. 0eiina;io to aoen n.inarupt lo mm or
for bia aae, and the tranafcr of any properly by
bm are forbidden by law ; that a meetinr of lha
creditors of said ua"krupt to prove their debt,
and choo. ono or mora Assignee of hi, eatat.,
will bo held al a Court of llankroptoy, to ba
nomrn at the irtonard Hoar., CLarneld, IV, bo.
foro f. It Woodruf, K.q., Rejrial.r, oa tba Sth
day of November, A. D. 1S7. at 1 1 o'clock, . at.
U. . Marshal, as,
rillsburj. li It.
J. a t-ourt ot in. foiled State., for Ibo W.slern
District of Ponnsvlrania
This is to f iva antic, that on lb. list day of
,ii.hih.i,a. ... 1 1. 1 o, a warrant in nankrnptcy
was laeard ejrainst lha eslata of Lionel W. Weld,
of t'tahville, in tbe county of Clearfield, and State
of Prnnayleania.who haa been adiudi-ed a bank.
rupt upon bia own p.tition; hat Iba payment of
..j Hr.ii ... ,ue Delivery at any pruperty ba
lonaiog lo aucb bankrupt lo bim ar for bia use,
and tba transfer of any prop.rtr hy him ara for
bldded by law I Ibat raratitia of Iba oraditora
or ,ald bankrupt prove tbrlr, and chooa.
ono or more;nee, or bis Mtata, wll bo bold
at a Curl of Bankroptoy, lo ba holdea In llolli.
rtayshurf, I'a , before John Brolherilne, Rao ,
He,leter, on tb. Slat day of October, A. D. I87S,
at 1 1 o'.loak, a. a.
V. 8. Mushall, a. U.eaenaar.
Pill burn Pa., Sept. 15, lSiS lt.
nnoM nn. tiiri.e opkra ii(iijiEi
Clearfield, Pa., ij
C arpo(H, Oil IotIin9
Etc., Etc, Eto.
wirt iakb cotrrmv proihtcb
Urtv adi'trtisfmrnts.
T,ajri;l) 40H10I10 ft urlNin fj.f
I.,np Plaa. dallv.rpd ll oar li-l.
SO0O, on Trioaa A UliarHold. P. A K., Hal.1
Rnirla Vallajr. I'oon'a Hall Kad', and
ivU.a ! !!! rJ is.b
,.1ni A..r... JO , nv.rt.
til.l Id 4u. ' Kdiaual. UiO. u
C1 All TIO V A'l l..r.un. ar. o.iili .0
) .d azaia.t uii-.ldlinf or bavinf iu) Ibiorf lo
d.i with a oertaio Itf.i-borao wn;u, now tn lha
Miiarraion of W in. IMoa of Tun toaro.hiii. aa
ilia aatua bslon'. lo nia, uo.l ia lalt Willi liuu on
Iimib only, .ul-jaol to iny orj.r al anv ttitis.
OKU. II L .V It'll
ClaarOald, P.., S.,,t. IS, ls7 -It.
uLliAullii eons.
'otarta-a Nuib rutwa awfwowiiiif t,uri
KERRY S. XIEGLER, Soli Bin u fact urer,
JURY I.IMT, Met ofjorori drawn for:rlep
tcrob.r Tarm, A. D. IS7R, eommcoeini oa
the 4th Monday, 2nd d oy, and to eonlinuo for two
oaAan jenona la?,.
W. L. Antea, I.awrcnee. !John Carni. Pike.
Fred Ulaaey, Morril. ill. PantionlT, Hum tie tp
L. Krouee, Oecenla. K. llonlap, Knox.
A. Hoaenkrane, Hu.ton. rtiua White, Kurthauf.
Anvie Hunderlin, Hell. II. I,. Ilnn.all, Brady.
A.U. Lawbend, Law'ooeiW 11 Hudel.augli,'ce
ZaaOgden. Lawrence. A II tlrornwalt, Oecol-i.
O. ll NelT. Uuroaide horjjoa It.lgle, Woodward.
AUMcC'ardle Ilur'al.letp J Petehin. 11 irnii.ln bur.
A. llilgfr, Cnrr mi rills. ,K M 8bw, WnlUneton.
K. M. Jt.hnnoti, Jsrdan.'N Kfplurt, Itntur.
Htrriioo Uom, Otoe I ft. :(Jeo Willumi, lot n.
I) II Dstrli. Burniiilt b. Ill (Ir.ffioi. Bradford.
H Owen. WiKiJimriJ. jU I) tioho'.nornr,(irhu.
A (.'inoiv. Our.nston. JoIid P Uila. L i'itv.
J C t'opfiihftror, Uulicb Joint Cuuuljr, C licit.
JIM MnilrT, Urt4y. Ui-urRo toMe, Urfthfttn.
Ilitvid llarr. Dttwtur. lotto Lou. tm
I'm) Mi off. .Jracii,n. Jro ) Morrill. It nova
J lUrriaon, WoudvrarJ. 0 W Diokny, llourii!,.
David Uiir. Becoaria. 1 lltnrr Knrr. UimiW.
J (J aMnffuil, Mot ric. Levi Sjodotliu, Hull.
J Koii Bloom, I'tk. Sidooy Hmitri, lilooin.
B Alflxaodfr, U'wKtw'd. Tbutuai Cud d I v. Cticit.
J- hn Clark, Hrt.lT tf A Ual'twull, llra-lfurd
Ilrnj KUdo, OmuoU. W. Whit-aide, Ueoenna
WiUun lliiuvvr, liutfgi. llagtrty-,
I)aM Jt ho, WuutlMard. Sin I U Daviv, "
Ja Ward, HuuIiJaIs. Wa T Cm j. bill, bell
P liarniur, Covinxlua. J, ll.lfn, Curweinrilt
H K titer, KnrLbam. C llanle, Worri,
0 Weihlp, Wwniwarrl. W'tn. My, Ofceula,
It Uutnbirvr, Hnvlturtl 8 F tiultcti, Lawrrnoa
Ifna3 lUerlj, Uolich. I U MfClovka;, Katrth'i
.1 lUynuDti jr., Urtrrii. iJohn Purur, CUartield
U PouiDgtua, of Hob't, J M Ujrvii.
Clii'it, (.1 UiiRig.rijQcr,Cu'(top
Alt'm Pearna, M.rrli. !S M Weiiater, Cbait
Jdo Truman, WondvrarJ Uanial Paul. Daoutur
VtAhk W, Un lr, 1(1 .n to 1 1 W Smith, Uulinb.
Jdo KiDK-r., UurDii.J. J A WilriJij. Krajrj
PU. attatttcrti, UeflAtur. , Alci fcLieM;, Mtrni
Uer,ie r'ntiel, t beiL j
TRAVirt! Ji'HOH 2D WRitK.
Dvi4 DrfMlcr. Id: op IP Curlft, I.ra.HjrJ
Ttimai hyler, M irrn Prp lnru-k Ztnu. K. nn
Frank ;
(wr. Ulfarttvlii: U W.Hheri, tiuatitrt
Thoi Petrkt, l.mdrd
A L llrrf, tlearlielj
Hid Hu'idJ, Cbe.t
W J H-ll r,
A FiTguion, Vvrgutou
II Tito mar, Urkm
V 0 Ctiriloo, Clenrti. l l
Uditid IflliUKor, Ilraly,
Malt Wt-Cully, I but I
Pat Larrl(nt itxiU
Alitn Walk.)'', Knua
T Townieiid, Womiirr.rtJ
P Iuna, lltut)t.U't
W Doijfhenbaufrtt.itood.
0 iSeiirio, D arm id ti.
J II Hn.Mj, Mrna
J Mcliarvy,Kl' A. Obatl
1 M CiiutHtra, d'ur'a il ia
N t Ltnich, Lawrvoot)
Jacob t tttQ, 111-1 1
n VV.It-,
Dau'l Mi.ore, Karirmuf jJ M AiUux, Cl.arf.4l.
Auitin UliiK, Uufti.ii jMnrliu Ul tuin, Kukx
D C llvural, H ij jwurd .Lmmit Stiliuuk, lira ly
Jtff Ulo
CorwentTilltjL Flog!, L.wreniM
MnU'tiiant of (ha Kd. S-hool and Por
funis of H oixlward (
iiahiji, for Itm jraar nnitnj;
IH.M. Jubn M. lhaac,
ln aiurer, in ft.-o t. Til
To am( Ed Tra. h.iniJi taal aeltliUrni..$l,t.J ,ns
To ain't rwi'd frmn Vn. Tranoarsr 750 7.1
lo Puiiliette ofJ. Htiafiuun. lSiiiiflrtla..r. An 7 J.J
To W m. Lttihar'a dup, of ';fl,lraolerrwJ
lo Julio b ban boo oj Ji
To 8up IciDciilar u.tu H Oli
To taiea (ranaleiratl fmm Duoabtxi to
Sbanonn 4 75
To a't ot' oriiar drawn ob Tratar-r
Juhn SliaoDon Tno at
To ..up. of John llnnnhoa. burritur... (iy I 24
To Itat. laioa oa llaarly aolaie i) Q.i
To taint iranartrrtal from Snaooga to
biinahiw jj ;j
r oracra drawn od Tniaa ujr Djoat Oi t(ii 87
To dup. of H. Utobaiiia, duiarriiiir rlU 0V
10 laxea irana trred from Dunabut to
tUcowtli 3 50
n oruera drawa on Treat, b Kiooarda. SJf V
a. Iftf
liy work doot hy taiablai Jr Joha
bbannob $ 003 9;
liy work don by cootraet under JoIid
hliannt.a 481 TJ
By work dona hy S. B. Uunlap for Jno,
Fbannoil. 4S IS
Itj work duti by Shannon, Suparvioor.. li(5 00
ny ciDDfrationa no 45
By taiei traoal'rro to Donaboa 17 24
Uy work dune by taxablea undar John
Donab'w, Huparriaor 1,147 Ot
Hj work dona by j. Uonahoe (JO
II; taiea tranafarrad from Donahoa to
Shannon , 43 74
liy taxra traailrrd from Lnaha to
Hie bard 1 3 50
Hy work dona by J. Low a fur Dunaboe. M 00
U.r exoneration 47 07
Uy work dun by Uxablta unikr U.
H iobar da ...., &71 57
Uy work done undr B. KLdridga for
Hiohardl isj fg
R work dona bjr II. II. Buuxhuian...... 3 &0
Hjr work done bf 11. Hiebarda. Bun 11 1h
Uy txonarationa 17 so
Hy or d era redeemed for IH7T M 1,113 6il
lij ordera rcdaatnetl for 178 450 du
07 bai m hand of Treaa. at act tk wool lfiS 411
Total n.HiiVj ri
To bai. in handi of Treajurar... $ 169 40
To ordrrt drawn on Tr. by Shannon 700 04
To " " DoBfthue. H'4 K7
To Hieharda. JI117 01
By order reltaue l
To enlara oatatatdlnf for 1177...
$ T? M
....... 4t
uy ordflrt redefned for 1878... ...
TflUl indeblcdnaaa
270 Ot,
IftU 40
By ain't In Trefurr'i handa
Total InaVUrdntM over all rraourcaa al
etileaitnt.....HH $ lot fit)
MON 0110 ML
Tokal. in Treaa. KardaatlaatMilllaaneBt.l 117 T7
To am't we'd fnm Co. Trraanrer 77 &I
To am't of duplioat for IR7r 715 (to
Total.... . tl.Tlfl 00
By ordare mreraed... , 4,7 y
By am tin Treat handaand Bncolleotod. 1,3 HI 4
RKrurrB and asrmniTunti.
To am't of ordera drawn o Tmaurar by
O. B. Tata, Urert(r 13,600 1ft
To am't af ordera drawn on Tnaaurua-
by Joa. Aleiandtr, Uranaar. . 68 Aft
H.'.SS tl
R, ata't la Trasarar'a hand.
Ry am't da. from Lawreae. twp.
li; am't due by luwaship
$1,111 M
19 00
1, 110 II
t.Vltl IS
To oalstaadlng ordir.
..M.I0I S
To am't duo by Iwp. over all retorr..$l1SU SI
acaooi rpaa for Tear audio. Jua. t, 'TS na.
To am't la Treaa. hand, laat,ltl 11
lo male appropriating ,.,.. ISO 7,
To daplteat. for 1ST? I,BU I
,127 Oa
ny order, rrd.m.d -......!,; ,10
uy ireaa.aoa vollaolor a par Ofatajr. on
'. lit DO
oj srea..paro.aufaaaaiaUappropri
."" - Its
By bai. a taadi al 1,74 ii
fj.UT (15
LlailLiTin. To onUlandlnj order.. 11,114 (4
RaaoitBi bi.-Bv am't la Tra,. hand..S,7 it
Hal. lae twp. by Treaiarar..
H.i.ll 01
Wa, tk'o BBderslaBod Audltera nt H'..I..
towaahlp, bavla duly eiaraiaed tha amount, af
said towaahlp, hareb; aarlllt Ibat wa lad tbem
as above otaled..
tnos riRvnitRRos.
J. tasaaaiariaa, JKSS1 DlttuINH,
. .. O'otk. Aaditara.
Sept. IS, t-l,
SI in 1 1 ay
a-Oa, POLISH Wa. Huiaa-a
Urw (U'frtlS5fmtnt.
Great Western Hotel
Noi. l.lll, Ull A I.H4 M.ra.t olraat, '
Termsi, a.OO per day.
Till ll'.lsl I. Drar tha new
I. Drar tb. n, w VMt Bl'Ji
T.,.,,l.. I'. N Mi.,, ana A"
T. W. TiulHIK, p,,,,;, '
a.w llaaonie
of Kina Arta.
J)l 7
IU 1'iM'iHil, iu builJu.jf; on Marktt utrtt, m
fht. ..Id .Viiern II . u I wt, npK'iii. (lis CoWi
HuutM) ,n ('li-atl.pM.K T o Ah , hhet Irun fcUr-n
l. iir ti 1 1 Morn, wlioru will be found al ill tiinm
lull lUll IfT
Stovcfl, Hardwaro, Etc.
lli.UMry.uOiK ao.l nil kind, of Jul. wo,,, tep,ip,
lot;, in,, .lone on rln.rt eotioo and at rea.uuabla
ran Al., h,(i r.t f-ir tho
SingerSewing Machine.
A fui-i-ly of MmoMhm, rith Nwilr., AH al.
wan uti liiinj.
'larmi, trlotly eauti or country produca. A
ubitr ul fialronag auiioltcd.
CliaificlJ, 25, 1877-lf.
At filiaw'a old ataiij, ClearfnlJ, Pa., Lji JaU
okiioJ new iiutik ;f
PI K .MV I rti .Vf OHl'US,
and tanow prepared to furniih anythln Is tha
lha line of Uruica and Medici Oat at tba r.r lmi
eat o.i it iirtrea,
nt .wii'ioun bund a lar. atock of CotntSa,
Hiiranil Tooth Itruahrf, fauft Art idea, Toilet
and " ha vinr am arerviliin n.n.n. t-.
to a ftrtt-olaaa Liru Stare.
compounded with oar., duy or sight. A liberal
.bur. ot patronage raapectfulfy tolicited.
H. It. bPACKMtN.
CleararM, P... Oct. 14, IS77.
nrrn In renernl nacfnrtwrnfw yenra.
E:.iy.".!"l,'t P"-a tn nm.i (in:
hllrt K, K OSOHU A1..04 I I Fit K1
"iTil"'. anown. They arr Jut what,
the people want, ewTlnx lime, money,
alrlmraa and atiirt rlna:. Kerry alnajle
apirlllo the wrll irlrU peracrlllloa til
n eminent pliyelclan.
Cnrca, Cent.
. Worms Wi-naVever. Worm VMe. . . 13
. i-rliiat-4'ollr.orTeethlngorlnlaita,; n
4. Ilinrrhira, of ( hlldrtn or AUuli . . K
5. I li-i-niiTv, Orlplng, Wlloo.CuU;, . . u
a iioiorai-yiitrbtia. Vomuiug. .... to
1. I OUXlia, Ooldo, llronchltl., . . . . .
S. Tacuinlaria, Tiotharhe. Karearbe, . . to
. Ilrailnrhrs, Slrk Headache, VortW . to
II). l7yH.e.ln, Rilioii. stomach, . .7 . to
II. irraard, or Palofnl Hrrioda. . . . to
It niiltm loo I'n.fuae Period." . . .
n rroiiu. ftiauta, Il Sicult Brcaihlnir, . .
11 fcult Hhrttin, Kry.liielae. Krnnliona. . ts
Mlirinmitlam, Itheomaile I'nloa, . . 15
11 Fi ver anil Aarttr. chill Force, Airuea, . M
17. File., blind or bloi'dlng, . . , I,
1 OiDtlhnliny, and Sore or Weak Eyea, . HI
III. 4 .ilarrh. acute or chronic, Inflnenaa, . So
ta Miinnnlns-niiKli. Tloli-nt coiuba. . M
II. Aalhllia. onnreaai-rt Hr.ihlnA a,.
. Far niartiararra. Impaired beariiw"
It. arrntltla. enlarired clanda. Swelling.
iX llrniM. and PcautT Bccreiinna.
l. I.filri-Hl IM.ililr, PlivalcalWeakiiejia.
Hi. hrn-.rk!iriM, alcknera rrumridlura . b)
7. H.dnry.llUraHr, UrATal, . , , . . to
rrvou llfUIIItT, Vilaiffeatiwaa, 1 1
fci. Knrr Wouth, Canker T . 60
). 1 rinnry VrnfcntfttinBjthobed. 6fl
81. P:i.ultil PprldaTorrtitaHaaiiia, . . M
w llirMorir Heart, palpitaiiooi.ftc . I 00
W. l;illrpr, bpauma, rit-Vitoa1 Dtocn. . 1 Ol
8t lafiililhrrtR, nlrrraled aoralhmat, 7 . ftO
o. llirtfiili- CuiiCPi.iluni and EraUooa, 60
rr, Mnrorro. with a bora St law Till- tnd
Maiiualoldireclloiii, llO.Oa)
Cte Morotxo, or 10 largarialaand Book, 1.00
alnBlfiyiior tlal. io may part of the
cniintry, (rre of cKarse, on nctiptf
rirt. AdrirfK
Ollite ami I.rsiit, 1( In it on 8t. Nt-w lork.
av flor Htil'' n' u "iniu.
rHumphreyB' Srwelflo MannaJ on th
care find treatment of diewsjm tuul itt onrw.
ent FliEifi 00 application.
for taadleinal parpn,,.
Trassea, Supporter., 8.-hool Boeks Bad Rtatloa-
arj-, and all otber artlolea aaoallj
found la a Drag Stort.
rtlLLY CO.MPOllNDKU. Havin. a brew av.
perteaee ta the buainoaa Ikev aaa gtva aatiea eaW
HearSeM. Iieoaiahae I, ta.74.
Would raDeetfullv notiftr tha nuhlUt ri,aiv.lT
tbat be haa removed bia tirooary Htore from
Shaw'a Row, to tha building formerly eeeapiad
by J. Nilee KraUer, on ISaound itreet, next door
to Biftler'a hardware flora, wbara ha tntaoda
keeping a full Una of
a it c i: it 1 1: h.
8UOAR8 aad St Rt'1'8, of all (radea.
TEAS, Oraaa and Rlaok.
COFFEE, Routed aad Oraaa.
All klnde la the market.
PICKLES, la jar aad h.rr.le,
BPICKS, In overy form, aa.1
CoU Oil ui latvnp cMmncyi.
Aad a frwd aa.ortm.nt or thoes thln(e a.vally
kept la a aveMrv Man. wbleb ka will aanhajiae
fur marhMln at Ike market prim
Will Ml fa, aask aa ebeeply as say alher one.
Pleaee nil aad aaa hie rtoea aad lad fat
Clearleld, Jan. f, 1171.