SheftrpuMtran. . Uioboi B. Goodlandxr, Editor. CLEARFi KLDPa. WEDNESDAY MOKNINO, SKI'T. I, 1878. Render, If yon want to know whet 1 Rolnft on In the business world, Just read our advertising toiumns, tne Spm.4 ou,ua.a io particular. MAXIMS FOR THE DAY. No man worthy tht ofllee of President should 1m willing to bold It If counted In, or pleeed there by any fraud. V. tt. wbaht. I ooald ntvtr hvt been reconciled to tht tie. vatien b the smallest aid of mint of a parson, however respectable la private life, who must forever cany upon bis brow tb stamp of fraud flrtt triumphant la American history. No sub sequent action, however meritorious, can waih away tht letters of that word. Ch-ls Faris Ada mi. Under lit forme of law, Jtutbcrford B. llayes hae been declared President of tbe United States. Ilia title rests upon disfranchisement of lawful voters, the false oertifleatee of the returning offi cers acting eorruptljr, and tbe decision of a eon miaaiiin whiob baa refused to hear evidence of al tead fraud. For tbe Drat tin are tbt American people confronted with the faet of a fraudulently. elected President, Let It not benderatood that the fraud will be silently acquiesced in by tbt country, jusi no nourp&ai in wnicn tne usurpa tion la forgotten. Addbeu or Da hoc ha tic M.C.'a. One hundred yeara of human depravity accu mulated and concentrated into a dim a I of crime. Never again In five hundred years eha.ll they bare an opportunity to repeat the wrong. Daniel W. VOOSHIKI. I would rather have the endorsement of a quar ter of a million of the American people than that of tbe Louisiana Returning Board, or of tbe Com minion which eicluded tbe facta and decided tbe question on a technicality. Thos. A. Hkmdricki. Democratic State Ticket. roR QoVRRMOR, Hon. ANDREW 11. DILL, of trsioR coumr. roH L1EUTEKANT QOVaTRSOR, Hon. JOHN FEHTIG, or cMAwrokD coi'mtv, fOR RBCRKTART IHTBRltAL AFFAIR, Hon. J. SIlir.SON AFISICA, or surtirooor cortRrr. fOR .UPRRRR JtrnOK, Hon. II. P. KOSS, OP NORTOOMRRT COUKTT. DEMOCRATIC The people of Clearfield coun ty are inyiled to (isseiiible in 91 ANN MEETING in the Court Room in Clearfield, on Tuesday, September 24th, '78, at 8 o'clock, p. m. Among the prominent speak ers invited, are HON. ANDREW H. DILL, the Democratic nominee for Governor, nox. it. M. si'j:i:it, C'bairin'n Democratic State Committee, SENATOR WALLACE, E.v-G0Y.NCURT1N. Citizens, come and listen to the plain, undeniable truths that will be presented on this occa sion. The great issues before the people will bo fully discuss ed, and the needs of the Stato and Nation will be so presented that all who hear will be enabled to vote intelligently at the com ing election. liead our fourth pago carefully this week. "Who Is Andrew II. Dill?" set forth on our fourth pago. He is Tho "Longevity of State Treasurer," to be found on our fourth pago is wor thy of perusal. Senator Wallace's bblo speech and the Democratic platform, will bo found on our first pago this week PoiNiKU. Tho Philadelphia Record suys : "A paper that lies about its cir culation, should bo circulated by liars." That's rather natural. A. Fact. When it is a "fixed fact," with three tickets in tho Hold, that Dill will bo elected Governor, with the bal ance of tho Stulo ticket, why should Democrats bolt now ? Conferee Mketinos. The Demo cratic Congressional, Senatorial and Judicial Conferees meet at Bellrfonte, on Thursday, Sept. 19th. Delegates will govern themselves accordingly. An elaborate articlo on tbo lumber trado will bo found on fourth pngo this week. Tbo statistics embraced thcro in aio worth filing away for future rcferonco by all who nro engaged In tho trade. Tho Vermont and.Mnino elections have knocked Radicalism into a cock ed hnt in those two 8 lutes, and after Massachusetts spctks on tbo subject, Iladicalism will bo as dead as Kcar rieyism among tbo Plymouth rockers. Dr. Washington L. Atlee, an emi nent physician of Philadelphia, died on Saturday night of cancer in tho stom ach. Ho was Yico President of tbo Alumni Association of JefTerson Col lege, where ho graduated in 1829. Tho Doctor woi well and fuvorubly known to many of our ciliacns, all of whom will griovo over his demise. IIimu.T Important. Voters who desire to make their rights sure should attend to the payment of their tax with out delay and without dependence on any ono clso to do It Persons desir ing first or socond naturalization pa pers should report themselves at once. Thoro is timo now to discharge those important duties, but it mny be lost by failnro to attend to them. MA MEETING NATIONAL JIUMKJATIOX. The Vftgarii' nnd ordinary crookwl ncm t rue t Iced hy the common politi cian, no rally )RHheM current, witb the inuny, botuutw nothing better is ox toi led of them. But when the iit- liyUluil.tbu Wi'pJS Pridmitiul mcmboni of bii Cabinet, adopt a aimi lor lino of policy, their conduct be- cornea humiliating in the extreme Ilence it ia meet tbut publio attention should be called to tb is suantlul perim tralod upon tbe people by their serv ants. Soon ultor Joe Jiruilloy counted Iluyt' into tbe Prusiduiiliul cbair, tbe luttcr issued an order forbidding ret- erul oflicoholdors from participating in coHTenticna or ol directing nomina tions. To tbii we bad no objections, if carried out. But recently llayoa has so oponly defied bis own order, that bis conduct and that ot bis Cabi net, becomes odious. John Sherman and George W. McCreary, two of the members of his Cabinet, have been on the stump in Ohio and Iowa for month post, rallying their friends, cquul to tbe lowest canvasser, while Iiuycs, and his A ttornoy General, l)iv. ens, bare tramped all over Ohio and Indiana, making spoeches ostensibly, on their way to Minnesota for a pleas uro visit, but, In fact, to make stump speocbes in the States indicated before the October elections. Such is tbe spectacle presumed by Ilia Fraudu lency and Cabinet ministers. If tbey break all the rules ol political proprie ty, and drag their official robes in tbe mud, who can be restrained. PaoniOALiTT. It should alarm the tax payers of tbo Stats, when tbe fuel is pointed out to them that Gov. Hart- ranft is spending nearly three times as much money to carry on the affairs of the State, as was spout by Governor Packer, the last of tbo Democratic Ex ecutives. To illustrate : URDSR FACKSS. Id IMS... ..oM,sju.m 408,0117.40 Id 1810 Id 1881..., ........... 401,861.41 Total... , lt,J0,8).17 I'RI'BR I.RTRARPT. Id IS. 3 Id 1874 In 1675 ....$ to,r.r .... l,0,lll,t.l 1,112,071 St Tol.l H, 779,116.78 Now, if the tax payer wants a Gov ernor to spend a million a year let him vote for Iloyt, il ho wants but about four hundred thousand of his cash spent in a year, why thon vote for Dill. Iicndcrs, look at tho figures, and why not bo astonished. A Compliment. The editor of the Lowistown Sentinel, in alluding to tbe speech of Senator Wallace remaiks: "Senator Wallace never speaks but be says Miituthing something to the point, uiid easy of comprehension. II is speech at Lock Haven on tbe 9th gives a clear, consise and lorcihlu ulucidation of the Gnuiiciul imuc involved in the Congrenniiuiul elections this fall. We shall not mur its force by a resumo or analysis, but give it to our readers noxt week. It will aid materially in dissipating tbo mists which both noli tical parties opposing tbe Democracy havo thrown around tbe financial ques tion, and carry conviction to tbe mind of every honest inquiror after the truth." Badly Sold. The result of the Maino election baa ruined more men than Blaine and Hamlin. Tho Kev. Gen. Gorfiefd, of Ohio, was sent down thero and did stump tbo State all over. Tbe Cincinnati Enquirer in alluding to tbo affair says : "Farmer Garfield, who was sent to Maine to do duty, consid ering tbe result, will appreciate tbe following anccdoto : A staff command er was inspecting an English yeoman ry regiment on outpost duty. 'What arc you doing hero my man V ho aaked a vidette. 'Makin' a danged fulo of mysor, air.' 'How so T 'Why, I should bo at a boam carryin' bay.' Garfield should have romained at home carrying hay." Plundering. In 1858, 1859 and I860, Gov. Packor spent 11,209,849.17 in 1873, 1874 and 1875, Gov. Uartranft spent 3,279,215.28. A ad according to the bills rendered for 1876, 1877 and 1878, his last term will cost a half mil lion more making bia billa for those years $3,779,215.00, or more than THREE TIMES as much as Governor Packro'a administration. Laboring man, farmer, mechanic or merchant, have your wages or profits been MruV bled, in the last throe yeara, or doe the scale hang tbe other way 7 Hall Nominated. We are gralifi od over the nomination of our friend Hon. John G. Hall, of Ridgway, lor Sonator, in the Cameron, Clarion, Elk and Forest district. He served two years in tho Assembly, and as a mem ber of tbe Constitutional Convention, with honor to himself and the State, and is now fully qualified to serve bia constituents in a similar manner in tbe State Senate. Dead. A contemporary says that the Mew York Sun baa killed the Cal ifornia patriot Kearnoy at one blow, by simply publishingone ol his speech es, word for word, aa ha delivered It. Hence the cloud now overshadowing thia modern hero, who but recently burstod forth from the pacific coast lor tho purpose of enlightening the stupid Last. Well Put. The ISorristown De- I fender, puts it in a nutshell in thia war : ' W by does the Radical press all over the country condemn the Potter investi gation T Upon the same principle that tho thief curses the law and tho Jury for sending him to a telona cell." How, lot aome Radical organ man centre and givo the Defender man a blck eye, of equal magnitude, or dry up. "If toy tthw Ul.o s DMnwrat to bobIsrM for CWrou b tho I. la oORfamoo Is Ibll di.lriol touol s R.dinl fail, imi'dom ami... I, Why, who in the world baa intima ted anything of tho kind 7 Or ia thia a kind of intimidation known to tbe lat itude of Lowistown, only. Wo wonder if lb stalwart Senator, Blaine, baa finally heard tht news from Maine. It look a aa though some ol the chorda of affinity between Maine and Blaine bad been anapped aaunder by tbe rocont election returns. The political land alide in Maino on- currod while Blaina was stomping other territory in the West. It ia well that tbo hot weather period waa past ed, or tbt Senator might bavt been snnstrnrk again. THE MTMARY flutiirday IttHt wo tbe time fixed hy the Rule of the Democratic party ol llm county, fur holding our primary election. We are unable to giro inure thin tbe rote polled in the borough ol Cerfcl(l and Lawrence low u Lip. lull one and express the popular will of our party. Bos on, iwp. Mayer, 212 258 Test, 213 2til Belts, 203 237 Gregory, 1 2 McAtoer, 4 2 Tate, 47 90 Bonnet, tit 6 Humphrey, 98 166 Stewart, 20 28 Dolls, 89 76 Denning, 1 39 Scbwoni, 30 32 Mooro, 08 68 Thompson, 6 27 Head, 39 61 Klingor, 4 2 Dunlap, 11 67 Ijansborry, 12 25 Clark Brown, 124 100 Mitchell, 5 0 Shaw, 43 117 Chambers, 3 5 Christ Brown, 4 2 Kyler, 105 77 Shoff, 6 7 Stephens, 0 2 Bloom, 2 11 Picard, 6 11 Johnston, 13 12 Couteret, 30 10 S-raw, 29 65 Rowles, 50 97 Wright, 154 162 Gilliland, 106 147 Moore, 188 244 J udge. Congress. Senate. Assembly. Treasurer. Comm'r. Auditor. Coroner. KoImpbovemint. We rejoiced when ro learned that tho leading Legisia. tive rooster, Hurry Huhn, of Philadol phia, was defeated for re-election, This man Huhn was the Radical leader on tho floor of the House at Harris- burg lor a number of years, and en gaged in every corrupt Job that camo into that chamber. But bis defeat was no improvement in city morals, be cause we learn from the Record that more infamous charaoter is to take hii placo, while Huhn ia to be made Clerk of the Senate. The journal in ques tion, in alluding to this case, remarks Tho Republican managers in tho Fif teenth ward have in pretended defer ence to publio opinion set aside Mr. Henry Huhn as a candidato for tbo Legislature, and substituted Mr. Klisb W. Davis. This ia a change for th worse The substitute is a viler dose than the original prescription. No po litical hack in the State has a more offensive reputation than Elisha W Davis. He represents all that is cor rupt and law-dctying in legislative ras canty at ilurnsburg, and carries around with him a face where shame is ashamed to sit. His nomination is an infamous aspersion upon tbe voters of tbe Fiftoonth ward in that they arc- expected to ratify it at the polls." Tu State Voti oh Apples. In July last, Mr. Thomas J. Edge, Secre tary ol tho Stato Board of Agriculture, sent out blanks over the Stato to three hundred reporters,, asking each to namo tho best three- varieties of sum mer, lull and winter apples. These gentlomon bavo just mado thoir respec tive reports, of which the following is a oopy : SIMM i. Early Harvest, 192 j Red Astranch- an, 124; Bough, 52; Townsond, 18 Bcnoni, 10 ; Doroso, 6 ; Rod Streak, 5 Caleb, 4. FALL. Maiden Blush, 104 ; Smoke House, 94 ; Kambo, 70 ; Queen, 64 ; Fallawa- ter, 64 : Uravcnstein, 18 : York Impe rial, 10 ; Winesap, 8 ; Doctor, 6 ; Por ter, ; ramause, 0. WINTER. Baldwin, 118; R.I. Greening 98 orthorn 8ny. 78 : Smith's Cider. 17 Roxbury Russet, 40 ; K of Tompkins Co., 8 ; Seek-no-Further, 38 ; Ramanite tZ ; Swarr, a ; Spitaonbcrg, 40. Queer all Around. Wo notice that tbe Philadelphia Prets, now arrivea at our poatoffice tho aame day it ia pub lisbod, wbilo all tho other Philadelphia dailies, put in an appoaranoe tho next day. Has tho Press man a govern mont speciulty ? It looks like onter prise but upon a second glance this idea Tanishos, becauso tbe day aftor the Maino election it never alluded to thatannualaffairand we had to wait for the other dailies alter all, to acortain what had happened the day previous in iilaine'a political truck patch. It would be well for tbt proprietors of tbe other journals to learn bow ono of "my two papers both daily" makes its way through tht mail twenty-four hours in advance of tbe other dailies. A Snob Retired. Adam Badeau, who won distinction solely by hia per sonal attendance on Grant, has boon restored to the army and placed on the retired list, with rank of captain. Grant gave him tbe rich Counsul-Gonoral. ship at London ; and Badeau repaid by a eulogistio biography at the publio expensa. Economy rules tht hour I This ia tho way a Republioan adminia tration provides for its pots and squan ders tht publio money. Badeau has no more claim upon tht Treasury for pay aa retired captain, than the mil lion of workingmon who are now seek ing employment throughout the coun Tm Right Sound. The Democrats of New Hampshire at their lata State Convention among others passed the following sound resolution : Resolved, That tbt fraud ; first tri nmphant in American politics, and un paralleled in the history of tht world, wnertc-y tbt will ol tbt Irtemen or the ropublio waa defied and subverted. and a defeated candidato plaeed in the rresiaenuai cnair, than never bt Ignor ed or condoned, and wt call npon tht Democracy ana tbt people throughout toe isnu w siana vim us in aeroana- ing tht vindication of tbt right and tht condemnation and punishment of tbt wrong, to tbt end that fraud aball bencorortb. be powerless and odious and free government a reality in America. Taui Politeness, An American travelling In Switzerland, in a long let ter to the Norristown Defender, among other things aaya : The people are aa busy aa beavers, continually at work, women as well as men work In the field, and right good laborers they make. Wt stopped to talk to tome while busy In tbt Sold making bay, and found thorn aooial, happy and con tented and models of politeness. Kvory little boy on tht street and mountain roadside apeaka and raises his bat aa yoi past. Somt of our American youlbt eoold learn letaona of politeness even In these mnnntainons regions. A GREAT STORM. The recent heavy rain bus caused widesjireud dcvuxlution in tho western counties of this Stale und eastern Ohio and West Virginia. The Ohio river raised sixteen leet in that many hours, at Stoubensville. Tbe destruction ol bridges and culverts lias been iniinenso. worth ol bridges. Horses weio . l away like- drillwooil and hundred ot cattle, hogs and sheep were swept out ot fields, along the stream and drown ed. Tho storm seems to huvu com menced in Canada, crossed Lake K.rie and traveled south ulong the Pommy! vania and Ohio Statu line, crosed West and old Virginia and went Into tho At lantic Oeeun. Meudvillo IV., Wheel ing, West Vs., and Richmond Va., and their mnpoptivo vicinitiessv' have Buffered tho most, Erie, September 13. The heavy rains during tho pust forty-eight hours have hindered rail road travel. All trains on the Knu and Pittsburg road wore abandoned to day, and it is reported tliut two freight truins on this roud wcro wrecked lust night. Ono train went crushinu through the bridge north of JumeMown. Tbo other train went through the tres tie south ot Jamestown. Tho follow ing iB a list of persons killed and injur ed in the wrecks on tho Eric und Pitts burg road : Killed John Bauer, firemen, of Erie; Isaao GunHheimer, brukeman, of Erio ; I?. B. McDowell, brukeman. ot Shoupsvillo. iNJuaED Auuin Suhlindwein. en gineer, ot Eric, leg and arm broken ; S. McCabo, ot Erie, eiiL'incer. right loir crusnea ami luiunv injured All trains on tbo Lake Shore and M ii-lii o-nn Nnnl hern RnnH hut ivn Kii and Cleveland, owing to tho washing oui oi culverts at swunville, Spring- uuiu anu ueneva ana uio undermining of tho track, have been abiindonooT I rains run between Erio and Buffalo. Tho damago in tho surrounding coun try by floods cannot bo calculated Nearly all tho bridges for milos around are reported carried away. Hundreds of bead ot cattle were picked up by tho waters and drowned. Tbo break at Swanvillo on tho Lako Shore Road has been repaired. Trains run as far West as Geneva, where passengers are trans ferred. Tho body of James Dodswortb was recovered this ovoninir. Thoro uro forty vessels in port storm bound. A schooner is ashore three miles bo- low Erie. Tho crew aro sufe. Wheeling, W. Va., September 13. This section of the Stuto was visited last night by tho heaviest and stcadi- rain ever known hero. Tbo rain was continuous all day yesterday and last fight it fell in torrents. Tho river roso twelve feet in tho luttcr part ol night and is still rising and the ruin continues. All tho railroads leading into the city have been badly dummied. The Hcmpficld trains have not yet come in. The water is eighteen inch es over the track of tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad cast of Cambridge. No truins havo been running on thoClovo hind and Pittsburg or tho P., W. and & y. Hoad Binco yesterday A heavy washout has occurred ul the cast end cf tho Pun Handle bridgo lit Steuben- vine, besides serious damage at other points. Heavy damages buve occur red on tho lino ot tho Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad, including the loss of a now iron bridgo at Mingo. The l"., W. anil hy. Jioud is also budly wushed. No trains nro expected on tbo last two numed roads to-dav. The creek opposite this city is two and a bull leot Higher than ever known. Ih turnpiko roads in the neighborhood are also badly wushed. No loss of lite has as yet been reported. riTTsiiURG, September 13. The severe equinoctial storm which has prevailed in this vicinity for three aays reached its lull lurv lust night, wucn tne ruin lull in torrents and was accompanied by a tremendous gnlo of wind. JNOdanisgcot any consequence is reported lit tho city yot, but rural districts report groat destruction, espe cially of railroad property. Travel on the Western railroad linos bus irencr- ally been Biispcnded, hoavy washouts having occurred on the Pan llandlo, rort Wayne and Clevolund Roads, and also on the Erie branch. The new Wheeling branoh ot the Pan Handle lino is also obstructed. Largo forces of trackmen aro at work, and travel will probably reopen west to morrow. Tho telegraph lines suffered severely. Meadville, Pa, Sept. 13. Tho storm did eroat damago. Tho creek running through tho hourt of the city overflowed Its banks, flooding tho principal strceta and damaging prop erty to tho amount of $1011,01)0. Scv. oral lives aro reported lost. A freight train on tho A. 4 G. W. R. If. went through tho bridge a short dislunco west of Moadville. Later. The names of thoso who lost tbeir lives last night in tho flood art cngincor Goorgo Brown, fireman Gcorgo Hoffman, and brukeman Mi chael Cahill. Tho locomotive and five cars aro nndor water. About 7 o'clock thia morning S. C. Dcrrickson went to tht corner of Park avenue, and while cngagod in pulling driftwood that was blocking up tho channol fell into tho stream and was carried under tho long Driuge. A gentleman who saw tho ac cident hurried to tho other end to rcs cuo him, but was too Into, only reach ing it in timo to sco hia body whirl past in tne rushing torrent, At liuntown, hve miles north of Uonncautvillo, the houso of Wm. Law rence was awept from its foundations early mis morning and borne down the stream aome distance with the family in it, Tho entire valley at that place ia a perfect sea of water, and fears are entortaincd for the safety of uvea. rartica iroin l onneautville armed with many ropes, aro endeavor ing to anchor tho houses. An accident occurred this morning at Shcnango. 1 ho train proceeding down tho Kno and Pittsburg Railroad just below She- nango ran Into a floating culvert and wont down, killing the engineer and fireman and injuring tho first bruke man so badly that bis recovery is im possible. The bodies had not been re covered np to 4 o'clock, p. m. ' Richmond, Va., Sept. 13. A heavy gnlo prevailed bore last evening and night, but did no serious damage in the city. Reports from tho surrounding country, however, show tbat in aome Instances the storm as sumed the proportiona of a cyolone, prooting and blowing troca through tbe air. In the southern portion of Cheslorfiold county tho storm raged icanuiiy, leaving hovoc and destruc lion along its path. A number of houses are reported blown down in that county and several persona injur ed, similar reports are received Irom parts ot llonneo and Hanover coun ties, in which buildings, trees, fences. orchards and everything movable suf fered to a great extent The atorm awept ovor tho country near Peters burg in a northerly direction, ita track ranging from fifty to three hundred feet in width. Itio damage to tbe rail road ia roportod. Telegraph poles and wires wtre down In aoveral placoa,but havt tinot been repaired. The storm camo from North Carolina, passing np through tbia Btate in a northerly course. A telegram received this af ternoon from Lynchburg, aaya the amea river at that point baa risen 1: feet, and ia atill riaing at tht rate of 18 Incbea an bour. A dispatch from Lynchburg at A p. m. reports the water rising rapidly. A number or merchants nore, dqing on- neaa In tbt lower part of the city near the river, are removing goods in anticipation of a freshet at this point. The latest from Lynchburg stales that the river at that point bas risen filteen feet and is rising six inches per nnnr. Stat Fair. On" Monday, Kepi. 23d, tho twenty. (lHh annual exhibition of the IViinsyUuniuStule Agricultural Society will commence at Krie, and con linuu tivo duys, closing on Frlduy, the 27th. From indications thus lur. the forthcoming display will be ono of the grandest and most varied over present ed under tho auspices of the Society. thorough-bred and fine-bred ,'lori-es, herds id' short horn, Holstcin, Alder- ney and other cultlo, tho choicest breeds of sheep swine, Kt, together with a mechanical, vcgcluhlo, florul und domestic culluttiou seldom brought to gether in liny community. Large buildings, additional stiihhng ami shed ding bavo been erected, und ull con veniences supplied for the ai commodu tion of exhibitor and visitors. Excur sion tickets will bo sold at Kr"stW re duced rules on all ruilroads centering lit Erio. Col. Alox. K. McClure, of the Hiiludclphia Umet, will bo present and deliver tho annual address. On tub Down Grade. Tho Itudi- cals bavo done much bragging uboul cuptuiing tho next House ol Represen tutives, Gilt bo fur their progress in that direction is anything but onrmirugiiig. If the Democrats conliniio to gain as tbey havo so fur in tho low elections lor Congressmen, the next Houso will bo Democratic bylhirtyor forty ma jority, instead of fifteen us in tho pro- sent House. Iho Kciiublicuiis insist the first election held lor Congressmen their member in Oregon, then thoy lost ono in Vermont, and on Monday thoy lost two in Maine. In the pros out Congress these three States uro represented by nino Republicans and no Democrats ; bit in tho next Houso they will have but' five of tho nine members. If they cannot bold their own in such Suites us Vermont und Maino, they certainly have u sorry snow in tne great 51 id. He and Western Stutes. Thoso ol our readers who Imve not yet read Judge Sliurowood's opinion on the legal lender qusstion should hasten to peruse that document. I was given in full on our first pago lus week. 2tw giflmtlssfmfiit. TWELFTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION. 0E TXZZI Clearfield County Asrleullura LMHiCly, VILl, BE 1IKI.D ON TUB GROUNDS OF THIS WEST CLEAR- On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ana rnnay, uciober ism loin, 17th and 18th, 1878. TMKAII'RKR. JOHN McOAUUIIEV. KMrvrivi coutfiTri. J. R 11I.OOM. Pifc Town ib I p. JOHN NORKIS, I'ik TowmMp. W. . hlHHK.., Uwruoo Tuffnthlp. JOHN SMITH, UwretxH) TnD-hip. 8. It JOKDAN, Uwreoe Towniliip. cimr HARIIIAL JAMES L LEAVY. cntir or roLfrt. ISAAC B KOKRT8. ni'IsM ANR ItenilLATIONri. FsUiitljr tick! Jt no nimjifl lien!, dunn rtr 40 mnjlj tdia ifn ticket 4 ChlUrra under (in yeira oi l, wnrn toooup.v ftifd b tht-ir purMit or ffmtriii&n, fr unit uo- drr that e not dmitleJ unltoi eiomiiiiifit hy parent! or KflirJitvn. Hvrrr poron milling to be mMI'd ai ti mem ber of iliti Nx-lety, upon the l artDent of on !! Itvr in tbe Treicurrr, will receive a eertlffratt of ifltmbrrrbip containing tbe name of tbe ppll cenl. Kvfrj periun eo enrulM ai a tnnmber eh ell, on the presentation of uteh eertifluate, receive a i if km mat will admit htm-eir, wife, and children under eighteen ran of km. durin thai it- Life member? of tbe Soeivt will receive a simi lar ticket. All pereone mait be prorldei with ticket, ellber tinned hj tht Prafldent or Chairman of the Eiarutir Committee, to abtain ad mil ion. j win Da rurnUhod ljr the Traaiurtr or Secretary, or at the office on the ground. Per eona aatin ae Jmlgct ar eipeotei to become members of the Stole!. I'ereooa from other eounhee can beoome m ember i by oorajlying with the above, ruleei led in can btOotne member by vus thieii, ai oiiy eenie. Klbibitora muit hue their aalmala nJ trtt ties entered on the Heeielary'a books oa or before mi itjcona aay oi tbt tatr. at twelra o olock j an all animals and srtielei. extent hone for bIm. ure and for tbo trottloa; pramiams, nail be brought wlihln tbt enoloeure ai early aa twelve o eiwu on Wednesday momma;. All parsons ea loring animais and e rt i del for tlhibition aaust procura eards from tbe Secretary witb the Bom ber and olais upon it, and attach the Mine to the animal or article previoaa to being plaood uronna. nsy ana straw will bo tar- nUhad gratis for all aalmals enterod for prmi uroi, and grain will be furoiibsd at ost for tboss wno antra to purchase. No noree shall be entered or allowed pre I urn aelffis ha ia free from diase. Horses will o reoeirea antii noon on Thartday, but am it are been entered prer iouely. All persons who intend to oihibit boms, antlo. sboen or swine. or who intend to offer them fur saloon the ground, aro rrqneated to not iff (he Secretary of such in tention on or acror the fourteenth day of Octo- or, anu leave with him a lint and full dcaerlp tion of tbo lama. The number and nlati. aurl lit Mntnlukf tn ttie. oiats, with the name of the article will appoar on i he eird attav-bed, but tba name of the eshibitor will not appear. Premiums and Diplomat will be paid on and Her the first Mnndty attar the Fnir, v d until lha first 4mr of December. 178. alttr which a'l tnoaiod premium unclaimed will ho oonsidered a a donation to lha fciM-Lt r. Tba officers of tba Society and members of the Committee of Ar ranipmonte mm. wear Utiff deeignating Ihelr onVe. A select police forro will bo in eonatBot attendance fur the prtrervatiun of order and pro tertian of property. The trotting oourra Is level, well graded and one half mile in circuit. Ample arran gements will be nede for the onrenienoa to mfort of visitors- Instructions to Judges. No animal or article on ekhibition for a premium to rooelro an award In mora than one olans. This does not embrace horses entered for tbe trotting premiums, .a, -is r eiprostly required not to award promlamt'ta nver-led animals. No premiums are to be award ad to bulls, eows or heifrrs whiob shall appear to hare been fattened, vnty In the olais of fat cat tle ; the object of tbe Bcnieiy being to hare so-1 pcrior animals of this des4rkption for breeding. Vat t'attla. The Juln on fat eattle will giro i particular at bo lion to the animal submitted lor examination. It Is b lieved, all other things be ing equnl, the best cattle-bare tbe greatest weight oyer the mails it auperflrss. The Judges will require all in this elas to be weighed, and will me-um w girt the superncei or each, and puijll'h the result with the renort. Th will also, befuro awarding anv premiums, require the - " wi ibt.ihb, require i oy tne regulations of the premium lift. If there is but one eshihitor, and ha ma y show at rem I nniamls In one eUm, premiums will be wttruea in Bcooraanoe wiin tne merits of the an imal. Tht Superintendent will take every precaution to bit pnwer for lha safety of stock and artieles on tlhibition after their am ml and arran re man ts oa the ground, but the Society will not bt reponsitia for anv or damasra Ibat mavv oa. our. itiBioiters win be require! to give per von l attention to the animals and articles, and at the oloae of the fair to attend to their romorai. Any article not enumerate! In tht elanes placed on eihlbliion. if worlbv of notice, will ba suitably rewarded. All article may bo entered fret of charge, ai oept horses far plea Pare or for the trotting pre miums. Anv Information deilrtvl en be obtained .. jurr-Mug ony oi me omocri. LIST OF PREMIUMS. CLASS 1. OI'KN TO ALL BRKKDS AND COMI'KTITORS. Best bull fin 00 M w. 10 00 All brettlsonmt together la this class and com pete with each ether, to bt Indeed bv their stood points, symmetry of frame, ability ta fatten, and inteioea ioy will product. CLASS I.-ORADi CATTLK OWNED IN THK COCNTV. Bert cow for milk Sfl 00 boiler, 3 yeara J !.., til " heifer, I years old 8 wP " ealf, under 8 months old I 00 CLAW l.-FAT CATTLE. Boat fat bullock, to war bolt - $5 Of) CLASS 4. -THOROUGH nilKD UORSIS. OI'KN TO ALL Best si I Una. any breed $S 00 mart aad aolt, any breed, twntd la Mneeenaty m 10 In CLASS ft -FAMILY AND FARM IIORSRS. Best single family bnrse 12 0w M matched ferriage horeai 8 04 gelding or mere far work M 4 The aibihitor will bt req aired te prwdact I statement from at least three responsible aeigb- bora as to qnalittts or horses, to eniiilt kits to tat p remittals la this alass. Brat t year old solt11M-iW. 8 00 44 8 yearsold oolt .,., 4M aolt aader I years old 1 CLASS 8.-TII0TTINO HORSIS. OPKW TO ALL. Bet tint, 8 la ft, In single Bsrnees I04 Jlftt Stfrrrtlsrmfnts. No ptfin inn will be paid In Ibis clai unlets I hire aia at leait Art enlriea made at tV2 recti, ror vn!ta tbeit tit ilirrt hrs lu trut Kanh Mie to tut sgalnpt time. Hit horse liming tlitl 'uru nil) nul he allowed tn compete for I lie pn tviinis in iLoiberrlMn No huts in eleaxs A, T r 0 uiiiil the full amount nf entries at und( aid thr entrant fee actually paid. CLASS " TliOTTINM V.i jtJNlll.R llAnKlt. AT LEAST Hf . KKN 1A VH tiKHiHK TDK KAIH ) Deal 3 In I, lull heatr, against time $j0 00 No premium will be awarded In thl rlM on less there are men entries made, and $C U,T each inlranet paid. The burse wiuning this premium In thl iilaa will nwt ba awardej a rrvuiivtu in No. . OLAtSSD.TROTTINO IKiRSRA OWNXD NI HAWKD IN T II K CtlUNTV. Uet 3 In A, against time flu 10 No premium will be awarded In this on. leas tlmrt are II v horiea eutarod to ouutpata fr t. Kntrunr a, $i, CLASH V.-MIKKl' AND WOOL. Ilest buck, any breed $1 iO " ewr, any bread S Ott Umb 1 00 " fletoe of wool I 1)0 rLABH I0.-8WINK. OI'KN TO ALL. Ilfft hoar, ni breed $ 4 00 " dreading sow, any breed 4 00 " lg under sii months old S U0 CLASS ll.PUl'LTUY Itest soup of fi Hprlng ehlkcns $ I 00 " two turkeys, artier I jeer ol J ., 100 M display oftliicktiil, nut tj ihan 1U.. 10 CLASH I1.-PLOW8, KOLI.KKM, DKILLS. JJAhkUWa AND CULTlVATOIlri. Uest pli.w Tor itubble or soli $ 00 " sub.sutl plow j oo " clod aruther and roller entul'ined 1 00 grain drill 00 ibrenblng aiaobioe , $ 00 " corn plauttr Mp'a iiotm raev j) (ig M original ioventiun of agricultural im plement 00 " barrow ,u fanning milt , , f 00 M cultivator I Oi) corn shelivr 00 All articles in this class not manulactured la the oounly will be awaidi d no uunied premium, but niay receive a dip'otua, CLASH ia.-MISl'KLLANK(H; FAHMINU lMi'LkMLMH, Het bet hive 1 oil " grmeradlai 00 " I'll of gnrden too go " display of terming utensil uwuvj oy rkhibilur & 00 This tins aut'ject to the rule In Class 13. CLASS U.-CKltKALUBAlNS. Itest 2 seres of winter wheat $10 00 bunhel of winter whnat J Ofl t acres of rjt.... ft 00 buili el of rye 00 faoresofoats A U0 ' I acres of buckwheat 6 00 " I acres of corn 8 00 I aore ol cluvtr seed 4 00 u 1 buftbol of pttUluss 1 00 " bushel of timothy oo Crops being equal, preference will be given to those that yield tba largest net profit. H t element to bt furniphed by the eshibitor. They muct be mianored or weighed, and a sample furnibed Bt tbe rair. Applioants fur premiums must fur nish tba eommiltet with a stalemenl signed by tbemieln-cs, under pledge of varaoi'.y, or the quantity of gram ranad on tho ground entered i i-ruuiioui, mu muai flaw as vvrrtotiy as lBU li i . !0,,,,IU,H, th prioB crops, the kind and quantity of seed sown, and me time aro looue oi putting it tn the ground. tTBiim vnurmg nam erops lor exhHutioo, or In tending to do so, in lire Bailee to the Kana tive Cuiiitnitie at any time, and have tba tirld mtaaured and tiauiined by the oommitlet while growing. CLASS H.-BRBAD AND CEKKAL FOOD. Bent loaf of wbtat bread loaf rye bread " bef earn hrad , " pp'.nne cakt..w jelly cake " poundcake , ' trait Cuke ' eufiro eeko ' Udy cake " rake of any kind, diploma and 60 60 60 Dip'a nip Dipe Dip'a Dip'a Dip'a 60 M prrsrrves, diploma and ' jflly. diploma, and " uivplay or preserves and jelly " ice sream CLAPS In.-BUTTKR ASH Cli 'ESK, Best 10 nounl or mora of flrkin butter, at 60 60 I 00 60 leart 3 munthi old fl f O ' 5 pounds or more of butler I 50 ' ihecne made by exhibitor I 00 The exhibitor to give a statement of the man ner of prism Ing li e t uner and of uakirt Ihe ounir. cms 17. ri-oiit. Best 100 lb, wheat Hoar " 100 ilu. buckwheat Hour , 61 lbs. oorumoal CLASS 18 I)OHRTIC ABTICLU, Boat boa or Jar of" honey 18 00 1 60 I 00 $1 00 peacht put up air light, diploma w tomatoes put up air light, diploma... M blackberries, air tight, diploma......, ' faner Jar of pickles, diploma cured bam, diploma and.. " dried beef, with mode of coring- 50 60 CLASS IV. DO atr. (TIC MAHUFACTURBS. Best 10 yards flani.eL 2 00 itt yards satinet. 16 yards woolen earptt. 10 yards ololb 16 yards rag carpet, (wool chain).. jair blankets wool fiiogtd mitts diploma and woolen toverlet specimen of knotting, knitting or nee-d'e-work by a Miss under eleven 1 S 00 1 00 I 00 I 6t year 1 00 lb. stocking yarn 60 foot mat.. 60 tidy mat 60 CLASS 20. ffKBPLI, IHKI.Lt WAX WO til, C Bast rpeelmen of needle-work, dlplomaand $ specimen oi sew tag oa macbiae, diplt ma and H specimen of flowers in worsted, diplo ma and , o specimen or embroidery la worsted. diploma and 60 epeoimea of embroidery ia laot, di ploma aad , 1 specimen ol embroidery in muslin, di ploma and 0 ' epeoimea of leather work, dip. and... 60 ' specimen of wax flowers, dip. And.... 60 1 speetmea of feather work, dip. and... 60 ' (jrecimea of ornamental work diplo ma and 60 ' shirt made by Mist under 18 yeara. diploma and 00 1 bad quilt, estimated for work, diplo ma and 1 00 CLABI 21.- BILLIIIHT AXD IiBMSBH A KtJtB. Beat mlllinsry work, diploma aad.. $1 00 dress making, diploma and , class 81. a art STIC WORK. Best photograph taken on the ground Dip. Dip. Dip. Ii ip Dip. Dip. Dip. Dip. Dip. Dip. 1.1 00 1 00 1 00 landscape paint , peninanthip , aerhiitctural drawing. H oil painling , portrait painting , tattlt painting , painting in water colors... , ornamental painting of any kindM. farming scene.. , ct.Aaa 23- Dasia.i. Best design for farm boost and itrtblt design for dairy house- ,.., design for fruit boost CLASS 81. MITALLIC FABMICS AND MATH I KB ST. Bastoooking stove $3 00 parlor stove.. j 00 specimen, Iron fences t 00 sptcimeo of tinware 1 00 blackimithiog, diploma and 1 00 specimen ol gunimtthing, dip. and... 1 00 sptcimen of iron turning H 1 00 plete oasting, diploma or. 1 00 original invention ia county 6 00 display of American table and pocket cutlery , 00 " display of edge tools. 100 CLASS 25. VEHICLES OF ALL KIND. Best family carriage f 00 " uJrit7 , 8 0s " farm wagon , f 00 "I" 3 00 lamber sled Ofl " noree cart 1 wheelbarrow 1 ii Ihe premiums In this class art Intended only tvr articles manufactured In the county. Diplo mas may bt awarded to articles not made ia the oeenty if deserving of notice. This rule also applies to olasB 34. CLAS9 24. CABINET WARE 1IADE IN CO. B.rt dreMlRr bar.. a.... M el!.n.toR labia " r.rlalr of ab.ln " b..lfte.rl " RRabatand Ml parlar f.rBitar. " lei of .h. Ira " totm " rotitr. lounge diplom. Rod.... otto, ehalr " obairH ...... I I to I 110 ts i M I 00 I to I M I Oil to .... I 00 CLASS I0.-CO0PKK1NO, CARPINTKRINd, to. Boat pi., .ar. luba, il.Rda, Ae f! lift ' ael of grain BHitrH I 00 M wlBdow blladR, 01 )ol.fbaebela ...., " HWiRN gMh 1 00 " panol do.r , I 00 M pan, f .B hiRd I 00 CLASH It. ROOTS AWI OARDRN VlalTA III, KS. Beit bo.h.l rRlabaiR..,.. . t " buihol .arrou t 00 " U.UU.oel.rj to M bo.h.l iwmi polRtoM 1 00 bo.b.l labl. bnla tO 6 bMda ..'ibaife, diplona RBd tt " TRri.lT .f Melon., diploma Rod to M ia..bM, dlploiRR. to " pvaiphiR, SiploiBRRndU to " .(( pl.RL.. tt It RSRat b. ahown Ib.t all tocelablM ban bMS rRiMd b tb. .Rbibltor. CLASS S.-Ct'RRIRRK, SADDLEttS AND OIIURHAR.RH3. D.ll; ufbooliad.boe. .. M 00 " ridisi RRddl.forlRdy 100 riding brtill. .nd RiRrttiigal.4 to tid. tnl.b.d bar.Ma halbn I 00 elgh rob. rbrS. b Ribibltor lot Mrrtag. barn... m .M I SO " liRgl. baro.M M ot rid. hip lealb.r.. to " rid. Ml. Ualb.r. tl M tog b.rnw. 10S1 Urtc di'fillsfnuuta. 'i ,.niirti..D, I on " I 110 ..II. kin in " lid U',.r Iw.lh.r 10 TI.AHS SO.-TAII.nKit' AMI tll'llUl.HTKIl. KHS' Weill K. P.l full ot ololt.a liy b.rxl I) 00 " ...1 r.t Rl.dtt 1.. Udy. I 10 l.u. l.Rllrrai.. .Ir.w in. tlr.... eosl by t I.Jy CLiStl ll.-l'llI.N'tlNU IN COtlNIV i 1 uo ll sit newapapif " b ana -, handbill v card ' sptcimen if ornauiental priuiing..., CLAStt 31,-HrONKWAItb'. Hest atsorimeni and quality II t 00 $2 00 CLASS 33. WOOD ANU BTONK. Det diesaed stunt $ " butter bowl , " turned article " fl.tor bnanls, worked ., I 00 " waahiug uiaoiituti 60 " wrnther t oardi, worked I CUBS 14. NATURAL MINERALS. Uest sul'iif upt-ful mineral of Clturfleld county, lueludlug anal. potter clay " limestone fine clay CLASS 35. FRUIT. Dest dl'plHy and grealest variety ot graft' 2 0 60 1 00 00 en apples.. " dUpluy of pears. 1 00 1 H ' quinces m " peoi tin-o ol eppH, bushel... M ' s eimea ol American grape " natural grapes raised In eouuty douieatic grape wine " Oiirrant wuit " blackberry wine, CLHS 80. DORSKMANllllV To H e lady who manages her horse beat B d sits most gracefully To tba gentleman who manages his hurat best and sits moct gracefully Dest driving on the (rank by a lady Best band with brass instruments licet band of martial music CLASS 37. NUEHKRIK3. Bast nursery en tn la ing the gresteit vari ety of fruit and shrubs, eulttva led in the most approved manner, (he applicant tw turn lib written deacrluiioa, a 1th varUtv and mode I I I 60 0 60 Dip. Dip. Vif. Dip Dip. oi ouituro.K It 00 CLANS IH.-HIFLK 81IOOTINO riaST MUCH 60 YARDS. Bavt i shots, string measure. ...9I oo ... 6 Ofl ... 4 00 ... 00 ... I 10 Second best Third best Fourth best . Fifth best aCCOKD MATCH 100 TAH1H. Best 8 nhots, string measure ...15 00 ... f f0 ... 8 00 Second beit..., Third b Both tt-ilohe to bt shot accord in a to the fol lowing ru as: No shooting to take place until there are twen ty-flve entries in a, oh match at $1.00 aa entry. Position, standing; ofi-hand, free arm ; toy kind of gun i open lights; ao sighting" abola and ao shots "called"-shoot three and measure tbree.- meaaurementi to be made from centre of ball to centre of target. Tht ranee will bt selected hv ibe Judges and each marksman to furnitk his own target. All tierliau d.alrlna In alinnl .i tk.l. names, mccompaxitd bw th tnlramrt , to the Secretary not later thaa Boon on Thursday, av. Oc utoer win ine mira day oi tns lair. Person entering f ir the milch will be admit. led to the grounds fret of charge oa the day of int maicu. Discretionary premiums will be awarded fur all articles of merit not embraced in tht above, and exhibited by meobauics In all the varinus branches, and it ia hoped that a veneral exbibU ti n will bt mado. For all improvements useful to ins tanner, anu naving valuable properties, altnougrt notmatie in tne oounly, premiums mar be awarded by the Executive Committee, la all rasos of merit, diploma will be awarded to ex hibitors residing out ol tbe eounty , and sui-b per son are cordially lovited to at trod ths fair, atd exhibit any articles ility may cboos. Taey will reoeire every attention at the bands of the on oers. Aa earnept appeal Is made to our own ptoplt io ma no inis toe oest lair we bavt avtr had. Let the exhibition be worthy of our people and cred itable to tbe county. It Is iiecnliarlv a ouuntv institution. It should be a farmer's society, and from them should receive tbe most aiu-otiua and enoo trageuient. lis good effeota have been felt anu toucn more goon may be dont. NATHANIEL KISIIEL, IIAKRH 1100 V Kit, l'rtsidtnt Secretary. W. J. IIOFFKlt, RKM NO, TIIRKB OPKHA HOUSE, Clearneld, Pa., OF.AI.ER IN DKY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. QIEEXSWARE, I1ABDWAEE, CarpetM, OH Clothe, Etc, Etc, Etc IVIIX TAKE COtlNTRV PRODUCE IN EXCUANCB FOR OOOIX AT MARKET PRICE. t'lrsrOelJ, P.., Bept. Is), IHTH tf. C0MMISSI0NEBS' SALE OF Unseated Lands Clearfield County, Piv. Nollr. ta hereby glrea tbat Ir puratiRRo of aa Ant of Act of Aaaeatlilr, April S. 1R0,. nlilled,"An Aet dlrtetiog tb. aiod. .f mIIIrr VBiaated LaRde for Uiea, Rnd th. Hrml nn. therato, th.r. will b. .ipoaed to pobli. ,al Rt th. Coort Hon.., Ir Ih. boroogb of Ul..r- ield, Rt I oelook p. n., or HednMlR,, tb. Ittb day of October, ISTS, th. following tract, mr pieoe. of RRMStod I.Rd. purebRMo; froaa tba CouRly Trauurar, front 1884 to 1871, Inoluair., PIHCIIA8KD 1981-1 Acre, 150 jilt otr 201 00 1,1 ItH SIIO 40 41 81 818 1 i.O 11 lot 7 17i IIOIR I 100 71 I IKttrraRle. .r Oi.r. rlM.iR, A. Soott H Fergo.aa. Jobn Whltojw Oolieh. No. 18ii K.rlbsBa. flM. A.hloR Krox. ThomproB A,.H 14 P.tar llrnry Woodw.rd. M M m Mar, Coonelly " farr MoCoRR.IIy ' lOOO lUld 1017. Cri b.rniRR BcmrHr. R. 8. t'alb.r. Brady. Kllaa Kephart DMator. Joho RoblmR M I'a.l Whin P.r.uKM.. No. 1001 KatlbRRl. Job. PattoB Knot. !lorgc W.dray I.onb.r City. Mary CoBBelly Woodward. loea .unci loos. Heaaa llisryBerh Fenion A Speact... HaRBab Stewart George TarRer llaani Moilarray T. A i. Wblu .... Meecrla. Ball. ....niooRi. ...1I0..1. ..Br.dford Brady, It 18 SI 7 SI 100 Ml 100 til. 71 41 ! Ill .....Kartha.k Tb.rlM Wllll.k William Mlobeai. " Bllae Wlleotl Kaot. Alex. Ilaoler Joalab Jordaa ' Thnma. Jordan i. B.Shaw LawrMra, MorgaB ". Qeorire U.iea Morria. 1B70 aad 1B7X. Joha Baaamas ...Beeoarla, Jobn Tboma. Big. Martha WortblBloa.,..,Oba.l. JamH Wlleoa MaalM. 22 ma in sit oo ll 0 SI 101 No. tost, Mai. Power. Wm. Bigler Pat Hagerty Si. Deary Joha Loader ....Morria. .... I'ep.. ...Pike. Woodward. CLARK BROWN, HARRIS MOOVRR, THOS. A. SleUHIR,! J. W. Bewa, Owrh CoB.mlMlear' Ofloa. I Cl.ir8.ld. P., 8et. IS. '78 41. ( Hfiu drrrtlsrmrnts. W.intkii ioo,ona ruun.ra fi Sh.T.d llonp Pul.a, d.llv-ir--4 la a.r Ii-1. of s oijo, or Tj ou-i a cir.m.M. h. a k., u.ij K.kI. V.IIiit, rdJ I'.fln's K.ll Ru.d, Rn-I fur wtilrb 1 will rHjr lb. ...h. Aildn.., JOS. I.. NKKK, Hit II 4-a. M..l.uJ, Ornlr. l.'u I'., lAtJTION All i.raoa, r 4iuti-.u- w birT.tni I tin "lriMtf nf divine ',ti - 'ti n, tn .HR s iwii tf.r.ii .TiifTlT. it .1. 1" ()u...mIiir or W IB. Priu. or l'l. t..ll.llt), R, ill. urn. b.lopg. to n., .oil 1. 1.11 wild uiui or Iorr ouly, .ulij.otto RijT oril.r .t on; tiui. 1KI. U. LAN1UII. Cl.arB.ld, Pt 8.,1. IS, 1 sis 11. to bO iw ami JETPASTE. , POLISH. k..ry a,4,..Bwl.M n BrC r. buri.-n. ') It, kvaOasjall' Blasl taa. Bvm. UTS. Sat fauaAsa vf . UL 'ft. POLISH Wm. Huiu-tt NO Bsvisriiwo. OUBT RUST, WABTK, HERRTS. ZIEGLER, Solo M anu ftel urer, SBaa, ee B thm BteM, ratatlaltu. TVHY IJMT, List of Jotora drawn for;Sep tern her Term. A. D. IMS, eommenclnc on the sth Wood ay, 18d d ay, and to oontinaa for two weeks. oa a ao j i' so a a I at waag. W. L. Antes, Lawrence. jJohn Cams. Pike, Fred Olssey, Morris. jll. PentloolT, Burns de tp L. K rouse, Osoeila. John H. Dun Ian. Knox. A. Kosenkrans, Huston. Tlioa White, Karthnus. Amos Hunderhn. BWI. . J. 1. II mull. Bradr. A. O, Lawbead, Law 'nct'j W 11 lleduhaugh.La w'ot ZasOjtd-n, Law re ore. A II (Ireenwalt, Osceola, ti. D. NelT, Bnrnsida IwriJoe Kelpie, Woodward. AHMcCardle Utir'si letp' J Faloiiin, imrniido bor. A. Bilger, Curwcosville. j A M Shaw, Walleoeton. K. M. Johnson, Jordan. iN Rcpbart, Deetur. Harrison (loss, Osoeola. 'Uao Willi ami, Vaum. TBAViria a u Bona. D II Davis, Burnetii b. Ill Oraffias, Bradford. K Owen. Woodward. jD D Sohoonorer,Orabam A C'onowav. Covlnaton.iJobn F Uile. L Ciiv. J 0 Cnpenhaver, Uuhcb John Connly, Cheit, ismiley, Hraly. ; (Jeorge Coble, Grabiita. David liarr, Decatur, :joob uee, numiid twji jtleo il Merrill, Uogs. 'G W Dickey, Ilouuiale Frd tSboff. lirocari. J HarrUon, Woodward David Hair, Beooaria. ' tlenry Knarr, lirsdy. I Lel Sunderlm, Ucll. 'Sidney Smith, bloom. J U Merrell, Morris. J Ross Bloom, I' ike. B Alexander, Woodw'd 1 noma Uoonly, Chest. S A Caldwell, Bradford W. VYhiteaide, Beeearia bn Clark. Brady Bea) Kline, Osceola. Wilmn Hoover, Horsi . uarid lla(eriy, David John. Woodward. Ham'l li Davi Jas Ward, llouts Ixle. ! Win T Catui bill, B -II. PUarnier, Covington. J. U li;er, Curwonsvilt II heiter, Kertbaua. C liartle, llorri. C Weibie, Woodward. Wm May, Oteeola. II U,nnUr.,r, Bradford K F Oulicb, L iwrencS I iliac Hagorty, tJolicb. jl C MoCioskey, Kiirtli's I Ravmond jr.. Morris. John 1'urter. Clearneld U Henington, of Kob't,J M Byron, Brady Chest. Hi HumgRirdner, Cov'gton Ab'm roaret. Morris. IS M Weoiter. Chost JnoTrumao, Wmideard Oaoiel Faul, Decatur Frank M.-Brvlc, Bl iou. D W Smith, Uulich. Jno king sr., BuraiidetiJ A Woulridgo, BraJfd r u. Mautern, I fee at ur. Alex Bbield, Monii Uovre Fishel, I bust. VRAVRfK JUBOBa !n witv.x. David Dreaaler, Tnfoa jPCurley, Brallord Thomas K)ltsr, Morn 1 Frederick ipp. tVnn Frank Cooper, CUarBeld. A C Wnltbera, tiohea Wm Barter, Woxidward iTlioa I'arki. llradt.ird A 1. II ('If.rS.m A bin Walkc, Knox T Townsend, Woodward P Duoa, lloulsdle W Digbenhaugti,Wood. C Sehriog, Burnside tp. J 11 Urowo, Morris I Mcilarvof.ol A, Chest nn hoUoU, CSou W J li -e.-r. K.rib.m A KrrgoaoR, K.rKU.ofl 11 Thima., Ur.liROl K C Tariloo, t'laarnrl-l D.ild Kllmior, Ural,; Mail MoCuIit, L'hul 1'at UarrlKJo. I M Chambers, Cur'srilie N H Lanich, Lawrence Jacob C e. Hell H F Wallace, Uau'l M .ore, Kailnaul J M AJnmi, Ul.arAelil suuin un, llu.lun Manlo Ulioin, Knol II O, Wooilward Sobook, lira Ir Jff UloolB, Cari.eoirill.L Fle(ii), tirimmv Tf llatenieot of the Hoed, H-ihuol and Poor fund, of Woodward Inwnebip, for the year ending , unn .v. . have, trraiurer, In aec t, i : RUiR rt'RD PR. To Riu't la Tn-R. hernia laat ialtl.mtnt..$t,0SJ 39 To am t ree'd from Co. TrM.orar 760 79 To Duplieat. ofj. HbaBooo. Huparvia-jr. 107 13 To n at. Lather dap. of , I traaiferrod to John bhanBOB 13131 To Soiiplementary tase. 29 011 To taxea traoaf.rred from Uoaahoe to SbaaooB To ara't of order, draws oa Traaaurer by John Sliaono. 700 04 To dap. ofjobo Donahoe. Bu)ar,iior... St 24 To ba!. taxea or llagerty aetata 10 61 To taxea traniferrad froat Sbaanoa to onabo. Kl 87 To dap. of H. KtebRida, Uunerrieor ...... 00 09 To texe. traa.ttrred froax Doaaho. Riebanli 3 10 To ordora drawa oa Tree., by Riobardi. 37 91 Total $1,109 99 rRRBIToR. By work don. by taxabl.a nador John Sbanaea f S0.1 17 By wnrlt doo. by coatraot under Jobn 8hanooB 48 71 By work dooe by 8. B. llRRl.p for Joo. Bh.nnon u 48 11 By work doo. by Hhaoooa, Bup.rti.or.. IDS 00 Hy .xooeratiooa H 30 41 By l.xea traoat'erred to DoB.ho. 17 28 lly work doo. by taxablaa under John Donahoe, 8up.rriaor M 1,447 01 By work don. by J. Doaabo. 309 110 By tax.. traosferr.d from Dun alio, to SbuaoB - 41 71 By taxea traB.f.rred from DoBnbo. to Klebardi 3 10 By work doo. by J, Low. for Dooaho.. 14 80 By .toa.ratiop. 47 97 By work don. by taxable, apder 11. Kiebarda 171 17 By w.rk doo. nder B. Kldndge for Riob.rd. 181 '8 By work doo. by II II. BoughraRO..... 2 to lly work doo. by 11. Hieb.rda, gup 211 71 Hy axonaratioBa n 17 80 By order, for 1X77 1,112 SO II; order, redeemed for 1878 410 00 By bal ia band, .f Ttmi. at Mttlenxeat If 8 40 ToUl 1.09 To bal. ir handa af Traaaurar.. , -t 109 40 LUIILITIR., To erder. drawn es Treat, by Shannon t 709 94 To " " " 824 87 To " Bich.rda. 97 91 1 1, Ull 71 1.112 a t 710 SS Ry ord.ra r. lecKel.. To order, oat.taaili.g for 1877. .. $ 720 OS By order, redeemed for 1878 411 00 ToUl indobtndneai t 270 08 By am't la Treaaarar'e aaad. 118 40 Total iBdebtedoeaa OT.r all resoana. at ,.H 101 IS POOR POROPR. Tohal.iBTrea..handi.ltaataptllenient. 217 77 To am't rre'd from Co. Treaiurar.. 771 II 711 80 To am 'I of dupllo.l. for 1377 Total ....(1,711 00 By .rd.ra re'leeued .. 417 M By .m't is Trr... baiidaaad RRi-olleoted. 1,181 16 ToUl S1.J10 00 RRrstrr. tun RlrRRDirtiRRa. To am't of order, drawa OR Traaanrer by U. K. Tela, Orarmr $.1,100 IS leant .1 oraor. dr.wa oa Iraaaurer by J... Alex.ader, Or.raear IS II Total BaaooacRR. ,J9.S1 SI By am't la Traa.ur.ra bandi By am't du. from Lawreaoa twp ., By am't duo by townihip -.11,181 tl 21 00 , 1,810 12 S8.I0I 88 To aatttaRding ord.n ..11.101 88 Te .m't du. by twp. oyer alt raaoaroai..$!,lll 82 btrooi. roB tbr jou aadlRg Jaa. 1, 7Ibr. T. .m't Is Tra. baa li tail,111 tl T. Slot. .pproprinlloR ...... 180 78 To duplicate for H77 1,0(4 71 Totol .....lull Oi By order, rrdemod .11,417 By Treae. aad Oolwelor'a at Malaga aa ai,.ir..v By Trwu. paraMtag... StRt. Rpproprl- alio. By bol. Ir bead, of Traaar.r ICO 00 I as . Hit it Tatal ..31,117 SI LliBiLime. To autataadlaf .rder...l,llt 14 Hsioorcri. By am't la Tn... haadi.1,781 11 Bal. la. twp, by Tiruarar .11 HI SI We, tb. and.r!gRod Audllar. af Waadward towaabip, haelag daly aaamlaod tbe aoeoaau ef aald towaabla. b.rebr aartilt thai w. lad tbam aa ebere alatea. TBOS. IIRNDRR40N, AtlHt: JAMK9 COHNKI.V, 1. Brrbrbihors, JKHSIt DltlUiNS, Clark, Aadllora, Sept. II, 71-81, I KADYv llll MIXED ! jlrw aflmtlacmrnts. n a xr . tt vjiccil vv esiern rlotp Ki. 1311, 1313 A tVh Market g,rttti ' 1 iKrwrfy oxMir Wmmarnxkir-, Ormmd Wj Philadolpliia, Toaa'a. Tomxm, a.OO raor aew i .4UOD.a ituii.;., U. ti. Miat, and Aeaat n of Fi... An. T. W.TiUUCK,' oraa ai t Bianr. jji jt TIN & SHEET-IRONWARE CANDIS MERRELL lias opeiif-d. In a buitdinc on Marktatr.. Sa.Al Vrsena llolvl li. nimuaile tb ll... Houso in Ckarlkeld.a Tm and Shaet-Iroa Man. fartory and biore, wbem will be found at all tisate a full linu of noxrsa rTOircsnnTG goods, Stoves, Hardware, Etc. llnuHi .-"-.iiIiiir; an, .11 kisil. of J.ib work, r.p,r. In. Ac, don. on .hurl nolle. oJ t m.,o01i,, rstu.. A!.i, .((.-li lur la. Singer Sewing Machine. A supply of Machines, with Needle, Jc., . Ttrms, strictly cah or country produce. A share oi patronage solicited. O. B. MERRELL, Soperiotendeot. Clcaifield. April 25, M7Mf. DltUG STOJIE." H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Pliaw's old staud, CI. jr ll Pv, baj jaH openei a new stock of pvre ..r rnvHii nni Ls, and 1s now prepared to ftirnUh anything ia tbt tht lint of Bruits and Medioines at the ver )rl est cash prices, lie tixsaisoon band a lure stock of Combs, Hair and Tooth Brushes. Faucv Articles. atid baving tS'.aa, am avery thing usually kept In a Grit-el. Dru htere. PHYSICIANS' PEESCEIPTIOUS oiiioinunJfil witb da; or olirhl. A flur. of .trooKo rexpccttuiry miIIoIImI. m. u. el'ACKXAN. Cl,.rB.I,l. P.., Oct. 14, 1877. ICURESI HUMPHEETB' HOMEOPATtHIO SPECIFICS nrn in srnernl iiecfnr twenty rrari. Fvrrynhrre nrovr-d the mn-r UXyy stifliJi K, oSunii Al and frFlcihYf inruirinri known. Thry are Juat v. hnt the people want, ft nT in if time, ninnrv. alrkneaa nnd Hiimrtnv. V.rrf ainsrle anertite the well tried pencrlptton oi a emineut pby.lcltuu r Cnres. Cents I TSTrrn C"petlnn, Inflammations, . . ft I Wonni, Wiinii Kev,,, Wurro Cilc. . , 15 L'T5'ln?",ol'rjor Tebtng of Infanta., ts a. Olarrhira, of Children or Adnlta, ft. lintrrsi-ltlnrbiia. Vornitlof. TT . . 7. fl'nurh), Colds, Bronrhliis, & N'MirnliriR. Trotharhe. Pacearhe, . , tl t. Iiraitarhea, ftick Hi Mwhf, Vwiijro. . 15 10. I pep. I a, Biiiona Btomath, , ,7 . 15 H. fcumireeard, or Hainfnl Peiioda, . . . 15 11 M hi lea, too Profnae Perlndx ft i C roiin- OooiOifficnltBreathlnfr, . . ft 14. Knit Hheuiii, rvlplae, Kniptluna. , ft is. Ithriimailhm, Ith.-umarfc Paint. . . ft HI Fever unti Amie, Chill Fever, ALue,. W 17. rilea, blind or bleedlnr, . ... . , b IH. Ophthnliity, and tSore or Wrak Erea, , DO Ifl. C nlnrrh, acnte or cbrontc, Iniluonsa, . 60 M. MhoopinK oiisrh, violet che, . M I. Asthma, oppreseed BroathlnK, . , . W M. ISUrhanree, lmiialred hcarlnff, . M n. atrrotula, enlarscd bUdos, HwpJlinea, , to ft. ft?neral hcbilltv. Physical Wcaluteaa, . 00 U. Ilrfipoy and ecant? Becrcttons, . ... 60 M. Nra-lrl neaa, alckneea from ridlnff, . CO 87. Kidney. HlKeaae, Gravel, . , . , . (so . Kervmia iseblllty. Vital Waakneat, ! t . Nitre "tiouth, Canker, (a so. 1 rlnnry M ea k ieaa, wetttns the ltd, BO 81. I'nlnliif Perloda. orerlih Hiteams, . . u 1 lltpnrof Heart, palpltatJone,etc . I 00 SI K.ptlrMey, bpaama, Hu Vitus' Iianca, . 1 S4. Illphtherla, nlceraled tore throat, . , M 8a. Chronic Contteatluna and KruUtma, U FAMILT C1AES. Case, Monireo. vrith above SS laraje vlsls anit .Mauualof directiona, , . . , , $10,00 Ca ae Morocco, of SO Urgt vlala aad Book, 4.00 Tlieee remedlea are aent by tbe eaas alnale bo or vial, to any part ef the eoiintry, free af charge, on receipt-o( innphreya'iiimiennatkleXedletnera. Otlke nnd l'-pt, M Fulton Ht. Nrw York, Tor Male by all rae;a;leta. Hv Hnmphreys' BpeWflo MannaJ cm the care and treatment of diseaaa and ita car. MntFRo& applicatioa. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PUKE DRUGS! CHEMICALSl PAINTS, OIIJS, DYE STUFF VAKNiKiiKs, BRV8IIES, PBRFUy KRT, FASCi O00D TOILET AKTICLES, Of ALL KINDS, PC RE WIXES AXD tlOVORS tot medietaal parpoae. TruaM.. Supporters, S.?hool ll'ioka and StatloR- ary, and all other arlioloe atually fvuad la a Drug tstora. PIIVSIPIANS' PRKSCRIPTION8 CARi- PtlLLY COMPOirNllrill. Haring a targe a- ertoneo la Ihe bueinea. tbey .aa gir. oatir. Mt- Iftioa. J. . I1ARTSWIPK, JOHN F. IRWIN. Ct.er8.ld. tmte 18. 1.74 JKMOVALI JOHN McGAUGHEY WoaM rrpeftfully notify tbt pablle ftnerslly that ht has removed bis Grocery Btere froaa Shaw's Row, to the bulldlne; formerly oeeapietl by J. Miles K raiser, oa Hecuad street, aeit door to BlRler's hardware store, whtrt ht iatenda keeping a fall hnt of H it o i: ii 1 1: h. HAMS, DRIED BEEF and LARD. 8CUAR8 aad Si RVPS, of all grade.. TEAS, flrws and Black. COFFEE, Roa.ttd aad Unas. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, All kind, la Ih. market. PICKLES, ia Jan aad barrel.. SPICES, la erery furm aad ..rlety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINIMOKCRACKKttrt, SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLE8, DRIED PRACniS, DRIED CIIERRIE'. Coal Oil aa& Lamp CMmEoys. And r good aaortmn .f tboa. thing, anally kapt Is r groovy .ton, wbieh b. will ..change for marketing at lha market prioea. Will Ml for aaak u .bnply M asy ether .so. PleaM .all aad MO kU Msak ul Judge for y.Rrealf. . . JOHH atcOAt'OHIT. Cwarield, Jas. 1, 1171.