Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 04, 1878, Image 2

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    She Republican.
Gioaoi B. Goodlandir, Editor.
Bandar, If ydi want to know what fa going ob
In the- bnalncaa world, Juat rwd onr sdvortUinf
alatana, too iiptial oolumn lo
Mo bibb worthy too offloa of Frealdant ikouM
U willing to hold itifeoantod in. or pine) thoro
hj no fraud. U. B. Oka at.
I Muld Bovor bar boot reconciled to the alt
TatioB bv tbt amalleat Bid of nioa of ft paraon,
howovor reipoeUblo In primta life, who Riuit
foroTtr oittj upon hit bruw tho ititnp of fraud
Ant triumphaat la AmarlcaB tiitorj. No tub
aoquoat action, fcnwerar Bar.,, can waah
wajr th kttora of that raoord.
Chablib Ftuxrii Aiuia.
Undar Ibo forma of Jaw, Uuilivrford It. Hay a
baa baca daolarod Praaidrnt of tba United Stalea.
11 U titla raita njion diifrauohiitment of lawtal
Totara, tba falaa aartiftentM of lh ratorning oS
oan acting oorropUy, and the deolaloa ol a aota
mini ob wtiieh baa rafuaad to bear erldenoe of al
laged fraud. For the Drat time are the Amariean
people ebnfroDtad with the fact of a freudulcntly
oleeled Praaident. Let It not be underatood that
the fraud will be silently aequieaaed la by the
oountry. Let ao boor pat IB wnicB lot aiurpa
tioa ia forgotten,
Addbbhi or Dibockatio M. O.'i.
One hundred years of bum as deprarity acca
Bulated and eonoent rated Into a alinaz of crime.
Never again In flvt hundred yean ihalt they bare
an opportunity to repeat tba wrong.
t would ratber hare theeBdoraameotefaouar
ter of a ail lion of the American people than that
of the Louisiana Returning Board, or of the Uum-
miiaioB which excluded the facia and decided
the qneition on a technicality.
Tfloa. A. Hkrdbickb.
Democratic State Ticket,
Hon. JOnN FEliTKi,
or CRAwroan ooithtt.
or URTinonoit covntt.
Hon. ir. v. KOSS,
or HORTSoHinr coiiarr.
Attention ! The citizen who
removes from one borough, wtird
or township to another between
the 5th of September and elec
tion day loses Ins right to vote,
becauHo he must reside at least
CO days in the district where he
oilers to vote.
The whole Cabinet, except McCrury,
of tho War Dejtartmont, was on
tramp last week.
Turn out to tho Primary election on
tho 14th, and voto for the bent men,
who aro running for the several offices.
Withdrawn. Wo have beon au
thorized to withdraw the name of
Lewis 0. Bloom
a candiduto for
The Democruts of the Clarion Jef
ferson district havo nominated James
M. GufTuy lor Congress. Ho will clean
ilarry White out. Jumcs Mosgrove,
of Kittunning, in the Greenback can
didate. Go to Tin Election. Democrats of
Clearfield county, go to the Primary
election on tho 14th, and see that your
neighbor goes along with you, so that
all may participate, and thcro will bo
but littlo growling afterwards.
For Congress. The Democrat of
Union county, which is within our
Congressional District, have declared
for J. T. Baker for Congress. Tho pro
ceedings of thoir County Convention
do not contain the names of tho Con
ferees. Still on Hand. It was said that the
fumous letter which Shorman wrote to
Weber, and which was destroyed by
Wcbor. wonderful brothor, is now in
tho possession of a member of tho Pot
ter Committee in its original shape,
thoroughly unimpaired.
At our Primary canvass it is the
duty of Domocrats to solcct tho very
best men. Choose thcro who will add
strength to the party, instead of bear
ing it down. Is be honest, capable and
a Domocrul, aro the main points to
IIexioamzed. Tho Ohio Jiudicals
aro having an unhappy time.' Tho
Cincinnati Enquirer of tho 25th ult, in
alluding to thoir distress, Bays : "Tho
orators and managers of tho Ohio cam
paign held a council of war in the city
lust night, and rosolvcd to say nothing
about Hayes. Thoy don't want to
Moxicanizo tho party any rooro."
The District Conferences. As our
county will bo the last to got ready to
moet in Conference, we propose to be
first in announcing a meeting. We
tborefore suggest that Bellefonto bo
fixed as the place, and Thursday the
19th day of September as the timo for
the assembling of tba Judicial, Con
gressional and Senatorial Conferences.
What say you in the balance of the
district ?
"Bthictlt Confidential.' Such is
the title oi a privato circular sont out
among the faithful by Wm. C. Arnold,
Esq., Chairman of the Radical county
Committee. From the tone of the doo
omont, it seems he has assumed the
authority, and is now negotiating with
the leaders of tho "Greenbackore" in
this county, looking lo a union, or a
combination of the Radical and Green
back leaders, in tho approaching cam
paign. VesdvisoDcmocrnUof Green
back proclivities, to "look a littlo out,"
as thoy are being negotiated for per
bead, Just like so many catllo, but
somebody else will pocket the cash.
The whole machinery of the Itadical
party In this county is now at work
negotiating for tho Greenback voto, and
we advise thoso Democrats who havo
joined the Greenback faction to move
Vwly remain froemcn so that they
.cannot be hand cufTod a iow days be
fore the election and then ordered to
rote the Radical ticket. The "Nation
al movement if a humbug, or a kind
of iido show for the Radical circoi
manager, who (rant to take In all the
officers and catb too. So, look out
For the boned t ol those who are not
awuro of tho law upon the subject, we
produco the Act ol Amwmhly rcgulat-
i)Xeusos 'of candidate fur
The act of April 18, 1871, pamphlet
lews, 1874, p. 64, ays;
fiai-Tioi I. 0. (I .Melee-, dV, Th.t do per.,
ha .ball h.rMfl.r b. a oaadiriale for tb. aoni-
uoiivB, or fur .ieetioo to lb. Keneta or llonae of
Hepraaeatetirea, or to aey otnoee or In. juuMi.ry,
or I uir atet.. nUBiaipal or ooual offloo in this
eommonwMlih, .hail p.j or ouatribut., .llhor
dlrMtlj or ladtroouy, any aion.jr or aiaar
.bl. thing, or knowingly .lluv it to ba don. b;
olbora for blm, .Uher for tb. aoniia.lloo, .lo
lloa or appointm.nt, . nooauart aipanaa.
ai follow., to wit t
Pint. For printing BBd trar.liog .xponMa.
Haooad. For dtiMmiaatioe af iaforaiaUoB to
tho pabllo.
Third. For political ueotiBgi,
aod ooBfoBtiooa.
Tb. forfgolng .xpsniai may b. In.urrad ith.r
la pr0B or through otbrr individual, or w
mittee. of organiaalioo. duly aonttitutod for tho
Eurpoaa, but nothing oontaiaad ia thi. aot ah. II
a o euBatruod to authoriM tb. payaaat of noa
ay or Btber thing for tb. rota or infla
me, or any olaolor, altbar dltwtly or iadimtly,
at primary, townahip, ganaral or apMial ala.
lioua, Bouiioating eouvonUona, or for any aor
rupt puriuaa. whatever incident to aa aleetloa ;
and all judicial, auto, ouuaty and municipal o di
cer, herenfter olMted ahall, ceror. .ntarmg upoa
tba dutlaa of napaotlv. oSoaa, lake aad aub
aeritia tb. oath praMhbod by aaotion flrat, of ar
ticle mvcb, of Ibe oonatitutiua i f Ihla oamnioa
aaltb. Hae. t. Kvery paraoa vlolaliog either of the
proii.iuni of thia act ahall be guilty or a oiird.
meaaor, aud oa aonvietioa aball ba aubjeot w a
fine sot oioeeding one tbouaaad dollara, and lo
inpri.oom.ot But .xooadlng ob. year, er nota or
.ilh.r, at th. diioratiOB of tba oourt.
Tbut law is certainly explicit enough
for candidate and voter to understand.
Besides, the oath an officer must take
before be enters upon his duties, re
quires him to swear tbat "1 have not
paid or contributed or promised to pay
or contribute, either directly or indirect-
ly, uny money, or other valuable thing
to procure my nomination or election
(or appointment), except for nocessary
and proper expense e.rpressly author
i;cd by law."
Ws Sscono liik llu-iioN. The Pitt-
burg Post, in alluding to tho Demo
cratic squabblo in tho XXlst Con
irroMioiml district, says : "Tho Demo
crats of Green, Kayetto and Westmore
land, who care littlo who fill tho offices,
so that honckt men are chosen, should
hco to it, und that promptly, that thoy
arc not shorn of their strength and
influence with tho Democracy of tho
Still o, by a miscrablo squabblo as to
who should be Congressman. Tho
office is un honorable ono, and tho am
bition (o fill it meritorious, but to make
it a matter ol intrigue and barter is
disgraceful. It seems to us the decis
ion ol tbo question rests with West
moreland county. This county con
cede tho nomination to either Fay
elta oi Green, and It has tbo casting
vote. What fairer plan can be devis
ed than to submit tho question of
whether tho candidate shall bo Wise
of Green, or Boyle of Fayette, to the
Dotnocmtiu voters of Westmoreland ?
It is an honorable, speedy, and wo be
lieve, will be a satisfactory plan of ad
jusliiienl. Tho Democracy of the Stale
who uru organizing and working to
elect the Stulu ticket, have a right to
demand of the party in the Twenty
rirHt district that it Btop all nonsense
and get to work."
Boosting Grant for 1880. The
Wanhington Republican, crying aloud
in tbo wilderness and endeavoring to
muko tho paths straight fur Grant,
Arkaaaaa wiUiead off tbla year la the column
of Stalea eoracd by Democratic rietoriee. Tbe
bull-doting retorted to by the While-Line De
mocracy makea tbi. reault a certainty. Tbe or
gaalaalioa ol regitneot. of iafantry aod .avalry
aud of battcrica of artillery ta ba weed ia tb.
n.ndina sampaian aa Democratic ataaciea eaa
sot fail to eonvinea the doubting Tbomaeoe of
tba north tbat Irea ausreg. ta tb. mock.ry in
that Stat..
Of such is tho stock in trade of tbe
average Radical newspaper. Now
every intelligent being on the West
ern Hemisphere know that Arkansas
is to-day a Democratic Stato. Thcro
is no necessity for bull-dozing. If the
Government at Washington should of
fer a premium of 12 per capita for Re
publican vote tho Stato would atill go
Democratic. The ncgroea will noarly
all voto the Democratic ticket thi
year, though a little persuasion and
argument may be necessary. The sto
ry of tho organization of infantry, ar
tillory and cavalry for political pur-
poses is,'of course, all bosh. Arkansas
is closo to the Indian territory and it
is necessary to keep up a largo militia
showing in ordor to prevent incur
sion of the savage.
jtEARNKYtBM. Tho ratriot ays:
Tho California rcformor, Kearney, I
not helping tbe National much in this
Stato. in hi speech in Philadelphia
he roccntly defended tho infamous Mol
lie Muguires. lie Boid the execution
of tbe murderer tho past year waa an
act of oppression. Continuing he said :
"The Mollio Maguire movement ho
beon sent across to California and
branded by tho slimy mas that run
newspaper in the interests ofplundor-
era as a band ot cut-thtoats, when they
are only an organization of honest men
organized for sell protection. But tho
oppononts of the laboring men, the in
fornal cut-throat, assassins that run
the railroads of Pennsylvania, sond
their secret emissario into the ranks.
They were the men who committed
tbe foul deeds, the foul crimes, in order
that thoy might have a plea for break
ing up workingmon'i organization:"
Attention ! Tho citizen who
removes from one borough, ward
or township to another between
tho Cth of September and elec
tion day loses his right to vote,
because he must reside at least
GO days in the district where he
offers to vote.
Thi Last Down. The Times finds
that the market in Philadelphia ia as
lively a It I in Mew York for bogus
bond for bankrupt. It seems that
person contemplating bankruptcy,
and having large liabilities and very
mall assets, aro anxious to buy cheap
securities, which they may put in
their schodule of asset and satisfy
their creditor that, though they aro
worthies now, they put their monoy
in tboro years ago when thinga went
a kiting, and tbat bankruptcy has been
causod by thoso unfortunate invest
ment. Theao people are supplied with
what thoy want at tbe rato ol a dollar
a hundred, or leas, by people who mako
a business of collecting worthies to
curitios and vending thorn to bank
rupt. Mori Shrinkaoe. The defunct
Heading Raving Bank, which failod
soma timo ago for a largo amount due
depositors, ha compromised with If
creditor at 65 cent on tho dollar,
payaU U) J):t,llment within three
It has coino to our knowledge that
oiiio of our Democratic f'riendsaru un
der the impression that Gov. Bigler,
one of the visiting statesmen to Lou-
oen and liearU at Mew Urleana, or tue
impression mado on his mind during
his visit to that Stato for tho purpose
of witnessing the counting of tho elec
toral vote by the Louisiana Returning
Board. Thia is an entire misapprehen
sion of the facta. In the first pluco,
the Commiltco of five ( 1 which Judgo
Trumbull was chairman, and of which
Gov. B. waa a member, made a very
oluboi'ule report, in January 1877.
And in addition to Ibis Gov. Bigler
mado a report over hi own signature,
which appeared in tho columns of the
Republican on tho 3d of January, 1877,
which to our mind waa the clearest ex
position of tbe fraud we had seen. But
it must bo noticed that tbo Committee
of which Gov. Bigler wa a member
hud no legal status, and for that reason
it waa immediately followed by the ap
pointment of a Congressional Com mi t
toe and the report of that Committee
necossarily become the basis of action
ol that body. Those therefore, who
fool like censuring tho Governor for ili
releclion ol duty, will pleoso put on
their studying caps and overhaul the
file of Ibis journal, and satisfy them
selves that be did more than was re
quired of him under tho circumstances
surrounding thi case of fraud.
"Elect a Democratic Congrea. and you .bould
er a debt of 0II, 00,006 for properly lakea
from tbe rebele during tbe war oa tbe eopl.
Kleet a Republican Congreaa aad you will tide
over lb. threatened auger.
We find tho foregoing stuff in ncuriy
all cur Radical oxchangos. Tho edi
tors in question aro either very igno
rant, or dishonest, aud assume that
their reader are just as stupid as tbey
aro. which ia not very compimentary
to either party. Besides : Tho allega
tion is a NAKED UK, and if any one
waa foolish enough to attempt a thing
of tho kind, the Constitution would in
lorpose and defeat the measure. The
XlXtb Amendment to that instrument
reads as follow :
Sac. IV. Tba validity of th. public debt of tha
UoiU-d Slataa anlhoriaed by law, Including deble
incurred l.r tbe payment of penaiona and boon
tie. fur eervtea io ia.umction or re-
brllioa , rhall Bet b. qaettloned, but neither the
Uoited fetatea aor any elate aball aaaume or pay
any debt or obligatioa iaourrad la aid of ineur-
rectioo or rebelhoa agaiaat tbe United Stalee, or
elaim Tor tbe waa or emancipation of any alavo,
but all euch debta, obligalioue, aod elaiuia aball
be bald Illegal and void.
Sac. V. The CuBarreea ahall have power lo ao
foree, by appropriate Lagialation, tb. proviaioaa
oi iota article.
It look as though "the rebel debt,'
and a few bloody shirt, wa all the
stock that the Radicals have invested
in Ibis campaign. This is a mighty
cheap platform for a high toned moral
idea party to stand upon.
Toe Constitutional Oath. ForJ
tho benefit ot our readers wo copy
tho oath to bo taken by all persons
elected to office under the now Consti
tution which reads as follows :
"I do eokmnly awaar that I will aupport, ob.y
aod defend tha eooetitutloa of tha United Stalee,
and Ibe eonatilatioa of thia Cotniaonweallb. and
tbut I will diacharge tbe duliae of my office with
fidelity ; tbat I have aot paid or cootributad, or
promiaed to nay or aontribute. either direetlv or
iodireetly, any mooay or other valuabla tbiog to
procure my aomiBeuea or aleolion, except for
nrceriary aad proiier eapenaee oioreeatv author-
led by law t that 1 have aot kaowiogly violated
any claelioa law of thia Commoawealih, or pro
cured it to ba done by atBera ta my bob. If; that
1 will aot knowingly receive, directly or indirect
ly any mosey or other valuable thing for the per-
r.irmaaco ar aoa-porformauea af any aot or duly
pertaining to aiy once, oiuer tnaa ta. oompoBea
tioa allowed by law."
Candidate for office should clip it
and pin it in their bats, and occasion
ally read it to their constituent jotliat
no one nocd offend knowingly.
Attentiok ! The citizen who
removes from one borough, ward
or township to another between
the Oth ol September and elec
tion day loses his right to vote,
because he must reside at least
GO days in the district where he
oilers to vote.
'Stuck." The Punxsuuwney Spirit
says: "The decision in the case of tbe
Two-Dick Lumber company against
tho Indiana Deposit Bank is rathor
hard on the latter institution, taking
from them a largo amount of usurious
interest, $2,000 'bonus,' (what the
devil's that,) and putting them into
tbe costs, which amount to something
over 12,000. 'Tho way of tho trans
gressor, &c.' " "Two-Lick" has also
been a littlo troublesomo down this
way. Ilarry Whito should got tho
government engineer, who are now
exploring tho rifllea of the Conemaugh
to make a survey of "Two-Lick creek"
for the purpose of ascertaining whothor
it will not aupport more than ono saw
mill at Indiana rates of interest.
Tug Drifting Carpet-baouf.r. Tho
vicissitude of public lifoaro strikingly
illustrated in the career of Frederick
A. Sawyer, formerly United States Son
ator from South Carolina and subse
quently assistant' Secretary of tho
Treasury, who baa been appointed lo
a small clerkship in the office of tho
coast aurvoy of tho Treasury Depart
ment. Sawyer is a man of eminent
scholarly attainment, but bat boon un-
fortunato, and by a aerie of reverses
ha been compelled to accept almost
the smallest office in tho great estab
lishment in which at at a former period
of hi life t'O held such an eminent po
st tiou.
Ben' "First 8etTo," Tho hero of
Fort Fisher, etc., Ben Butler, openod hi
campaign in a characteristic speech at
LqwoII, Mass., on Saturday evening,
Tbe South, tho administration, the last
Presidential eloction, the Potter inqui
ry, tha tariff, tho finance, tbe labor
question and hi great and patriotic
service were the principal bcada of his
discourse. lie expect to bo elected
Govornor of Massachusetts. It would
be a Joke on "the hub" if tho man who
voted 66 time for Jen Davis for Pres
ident, should come in possession of the
oal of tbat "truly loyal" Common-
A Club Ueetinq. Wo have been
requested to state that tho Domocrats
of Uoshon township will moet at school
houso No. 1, on Thursday evening
next, September Stb, for tbo purpose
of organizing a Democratic Dill Club,
Several speaker will be present to ad
dress the meeting. Domocrala, or
ganize. Right. Wo notice tbat the Demo
crat of Clinton county set down on
Andrew Jackson Quigley, who served
aa a member of tho legislature during
tb past term, lie wa tho cloanost
out demagogue In tbat body, on tha
Dwmocratio aide. He has beon prop
erly treatod.
To the Democratic niters of Clearfield
In obedience to lliu rules governing
tbo Democratic tarty of Clearfield
l-uJ'nly.'.i-i'r. I '. 4V..W.' .-."-v.
County Committor hereby gives no
lico tbut the election fordelcgntes, and
for the instruction of such delegates,
a to candidate, tor the several offices
to bo filled at tho approaching No
vember election, will be held ut the
Election House in the several boroughs
and townships in raid county, ON
DAT OF SEl'TKMUEU, A. D., 1878,
beginning at 1 o'clock, p. in., and con
tinue open until 7 o'clock, p. in., ol'suid
day. The election will be held by the
Vigilance lommiltcv, who ure the Elec
tion Boards, and aro constituted as
follows :
viuiLaaea comuittsb roa
lluroaid. Borough Jno. Kim., (1. W. U.rdl
acr. C. R Patrick.
ClearbVId Uorougb Tboa. Keily, Fred U. Car
don, M. U. Brown,
Curwenivill. Borough Tboa, J. Frow, Jno.
Nerria, B. Ilartahorn.
HuutiJele J.uiea Ward, E. C. Howo,
11. n ooden.
Lumbar City Eli Uile, I. D. Uuppy, Willlaa
Newburg Borough Iaaafl Markla, Jno. Rod
dan, Eli C'lruiaon.
New Waabington N. A. Arnold, H. D. Koer,
Adam Ureih.
Oieeola Borough J. P. Ilale, Tat Ualligbor,
Robt. Iwaba.
Wallaoeloa Joo. II .It, Oca. Kmeigb, M. D.
Itfooaria TowuH.ip Joo. lOndman, W. V.
Wllliaua, M. Uraloig.
11.11- 0. K.trloker, J.,lio II. Bretb, Godfrey
Bloom Sidney Smith, Adam Weaver. Henry
Bogga-O. G. Uerrilt, J. B. WoodaiJa, T. II.
Uradford-J. K. Wll,a, W. I. Curley, Alcl.
Brady George C. Kirk, Lcwia Scbouk, l'eler
8. Weber.
Burnaiile Daniel Uorjian, Jatuai Sylvia, Jaa.
Cheat Moaea Thurator,LawrcD(. Kl lian, Jo.
II. Bretb.
Covington F. L. t'outrlet, JoIib Piciiril, Dr.
W.J, Gilliland
I locator A. 0. Sleiner, 0. W. Ilawin, W. E.
Fergueoo D. Aaroo Wiee, John Moore, John
T. Straw.
Girard Uaorg. Ureeo, iohn Lcigjy, Auguat
Uorhra Epbraiiu K. Rhlri-y, J. A. L. Flag J,
A.S. Sbaw.
Graham Tliomaa If. Forcey, Kliea Kvaua, A.
0. Dal..
Uiauowood Jeaaa Kelater, af. W. Johnaon,
Aaron W. Newcomer.
tlulieh Jainea Flyna, John 8. McKicroan, W.
J. Conrad.
lluaton Frank C. Bowniaa.
Jordan K. A. Crerawcll, John Tutteiaon, B.
Frank wiao.
Kartbaua Godfrey Fuller, John Gillilaad,
Ororge Ueekendorn.
Knox Jamea Bloom, John R. Duol ip, Iaaae
LawrtBce George II. Hall, Mili-e Rrd, Uor
ril r. Wallace.
Morrle John H. J. W. Hollenbuob, Hen
ry Hoover.
I'ena Jemea B. Clark, George C. F.aftnora,
R. Duolap.
Pike Henry A. AdJIoiuao, Silnuol S. Moure,
A. J. Cupplea.
Unien Thomaa Brock bank, Richard Laborde
Samuel J. Gelnetl.
Woodward William Lulber, Tboa. Matberr,
John K. Henderaon.
Tho Electors have the right to vote
Ono person for President Judge.
Ono person for Congress.
Ono person for Senator.
Ono ponton for Assembly.
Ono person lor Treasurer.
Two persons for Commissioner.
Two persons for Auditor.
One person for Coroner.
And lor the proper number of dele-
gnto assigned under rule 2d to each
election district.
Tho delegatus will meet in t lie Court
Room, in Clearfield, ON TUESDAY,
SEPTEMBER, precisely at 1 o'clock,
p. in., and proceed to nominate candi
dates for the several offices uliove des
ignated, and to select three Senatorial
Confcrocs to meet like Conferees from
the counties of Centre and Clinton, for
tbo purposo of selecting a Senatorial
delegate to the Stato Convention. And
ono person as Representative dolcgato
to tho samo Convention. Also three
each, Judicial, Congressional and Sen
atorial Conferees.
It is the desire of the County Coin-
milloo that tho members of tbo Vigi
lance Committee, or Election Hoards,
be at tha Election Houscb at the time
ppointed, and bo prompt in the dis
charge of the duties onjoined upon
mom. jhrap.l test,
John W. Howe, Secretary.
ULEARF1ELD, 1 A., Aug. Zlst, 1878.
The Bankrupt Harvest. Tho 29th
10th and 81st day of August, wore
roal "Acid days" in the United State
District Court. Thoso duys wero tho
closing hour of the Bankrupt law
which expired on the 1st instant by
limitation. The Williamsport Lumber
men beaded by tho entcrprizing llcr
dic, turned out in flocks. Peter went
n on $1,000,000 followod by B. 11.
Taylor & Sons, Edward Lyon, Charles
E. Gibson, and others whoao liabilities
rango from ,200,000 down to $75,000,
Tho irrepressible Peter attached the
following codicil 'to hi petition :
In Juatlo. to myaeir I deaire to refer very brief
ly lo eome of Ibe Immediate naavee of rev flnan-
rial dilBcultiea. Th.y may ba traced diiactly ta
tb. .normoua ibrinkag. la roal eatate, In atonha
of incorporated oompaniaa of all kladaaad to tha
nnaneiai diaaaUra whioh have overtakes a very
larg. aambor of thoe. with whom I have had
bueinoae traaaaction. .looe tb. fall of 1813. At
tha beginning of the prracnt long-continued de
praaaion I .atimafod that I owaed real aetata to
tba valu. of over M0o,u00 ; alocka, booda and
other eeauritiea to the value of over I,3UII,U00.
It ta no aiaggeratioB ta aallmato my loea oa
ebriokage in real eetato at aj.euO.Ovo BOIi mJ
loea ob anrin.age IB eecurltlef, Includliig ctoca.
and th. like, at IVUO.HOII. aod I have loat by th.
f.ilarae af olkere tba .urn or aver $1,200,000.
Thaaa m iafortunaa were aurely auRicient to impair
my reaouroea and eapilal ao eerkouely a. to Lave
aa alher alternative oat Ibe aoarae I hav. takea.
Sir. Ilcrdic seems determined to tor
toro himself into a Mar.oppa, il hi vi;
tality should bold out for another year.
A Bia Thing. Our neighboring
Congressman, C; en. Wbito, turns out
to bo the greatest engineer that this
or any other ago ba produced. The
llollidaysburg Standard, in alluding
to tbi scientific statesman, remarks:
"General Ilarry Whito cautiously inli.
mains that it ia practical to establish
navigation from the Ohio to the sea
board, from tho Ohio river, at Pitts
burg, thenco by the Allegheny to the
Kiskinunolas, thence by tho Kiskimin-
ela and Conemaugh to tho Alloghony
mountains, thenco across thorn by
moans of a tunnol, to the waters of tbe
Juniata, thenco to tho Susquehanna
nvor, tbonce to theChcsapcakobay.or
by way of the Schuylkill river to the
Delaware bay. A big thing."
September Election. An election
wa hold in Arkansas on Monday, and
in Calilornia and Vormont on Tuosday
last, but wo havo no returns. Tho
election In Mai no comes off on Mon
day, the flth. Tho next in order la the
eloction in Colorado, first Tuesday (7th)
of October. Indiana, Iowa. Ohio and
West Virginia, on the second Tuesday
(14tb) of October. The balanco, twenty-eight
ol tho forty nino Stale and
Tarrilorics, hold their eloction In No
vember. Aitkntiok ! The citizen who
removes from one borough, ward
or township to onother between
tho Oth of September ftiid elec
tion d.jr loses his right to voto,
because ho must reside rtt least
60 dnys in the district where ho
olTers to vote.
During tho time the Ropuhlicun par
ly bits been in power in thi SUiLo the
axnvntJttutVji oY thrMatu!f. I, !
lor liiw uruumry oujtH is Ul fruvui iiiiivui,
havo been increased from $3711,091 to
the enormous sum of'$1,3:i2,.'l83. These
figures are compiled from tbo appro-
priution bills of those dates and other
ofllciul sources. We tako tbo central
year of the last Democratic adminis
tration ((ov. Pucker) and compare it
with tho lust of Republican rnlo (Gov
lltirlranlt), which give tho following
losultH, lo wit:
11,001 $10,0110
1,701) 4, too
1.5H0 J, alio
1,700 1,0011
1.(0 l,6O0
9,000 4,0110
00 1 ,800
000 1,5110
1,500 1.5-0
00 1,800
100 V00
1,700 6,0011
6,4110 iO.OIIO
l,U7 t.l'IIO
000 e,O0ll
1. 90 14.400
1,000 a,00il
8,700 111,400
:10 1,600
Moo g,7oo
1,201 6,600
0,4-0 t,460
2,01 4,100
IjO.OoO 611,7.10
700 016
30,000 80,000
SOU 000
1,000 7,6115
Salary of goveraor
Secretary ooinmonwealtb
deputy aeeretary comuliB-
wt-al tb
Auditor general
Sorvayor general tieorotary
internal affaire)
Attorney general.
Ili-puty attorney general..
Adjutant general
Superiut, ndont of eeutuioa
State libraries
State librarian aaaiataaL
Hlat. treasurer..
Clerk and mo'erngrr hire a
atale and executive depart
Contiogeutexpeoaee lor acme.
1'iivatereeretery to governor.
Clrrk and ineereager hire au
ditor general'a office
Contingent oxpenaeo furaame.
Clerk and nrjaeeiiger blr. aur
vry.r gen.rala otfira, now
aeorclary interne) alfalra....
Contingent expenaea lor eame.
Cleik hire attorney general'.
Clerk hire adjutant gonerara
Clerk and nteaeenger hire io
aohool department-....
Oontingi-nl expenaea far ratne
Clerk and meaena;er hire itato
trcaiiurerr oOiee
Mirotrllancoua eapenaee .tale
Pay of legialalura, elorka.ruil.-
ago, ai. turnery, etc.. .. .....
Dlatribuling lawaaud journal.
Public printing and binding..
llarilaburg fur water
Uaa for poblic bulldiuga (for
Salaries of auprenr.
oourt Judgea f 18.701'
Balance ol Pblladel'a.
judgea 1(1,9110
Salariea of Allegheny
Judge! 1,!C0
Law ju.lgca of other
oounliec .5,0110
Aeeuoiat. judgar za.uot
125,700 480,000
Salary rupcriutendeul public '
printing 800 1,100
Contingent expenaea of iane 600
Legialatlve Record ($7 perpg.
for l58 and 110.40 for '7) 3,1170 SS,584
Legialativa Uncord wrapper
(at (0 per each member).... , 1,250
Iuiiraveuient public ground,
expense., eto 1,831 12,000
Ilarriiburg ore eompenlra
1100 each) tld SOU
Superintendent public build
toga end gruunda Oil 1,400
Pivewatrbnianpubltcgrounde 4,600
Indexing Journal., aeuate and
boua. 160 600
Coniuiiseiun.r bureauof alalia-
tioa 1,600
Lieutenant governor 8,600
Janitor fur eatne... 160
Contingent axpeaaea board of
pardona (lorinerly paid by
eccrctary of commonwealth) 600
Total 1370,004 11,131,68.1
Wo omit appropriation for com
mon schools, etc., pensions, interest
and payment upon public dobt, guar
antees of interest to railroads, canal
and navigation companies, penitentia
ries, houses ol refuge, hospitals, asy
lums, etc, pay of Mexican soldier and
other items that uru controlled by U rn
porary circumstances in amount and
were unavoidable, and also sundry
trilling and temporary appropriations
lor incuieuial expense. (Jluurniso
tho foregoing tables include all tho ob
iucls of appropriation necessary lo the
proper conduct ut tliu icoveriiliient.l
In lHCO the iHipiilulioii ol the Sute,
as per United .Slates census, wusii.iMKi,.
I la, unu tue Mute expenditures under
Democratic control wero aWJ.lWI or
utiout thirteen cents for each nidi
viuuul. In Hi Utlie pipulttlion a per
census was 3,ozi,t!l. Allowing tlie
same rale of annual incrcuso a from
lHul) to 1870 tho population would be
about 4,014,638 in 1878. Tbe State
expenditures under ltcimblican con
trol wero for that year 1.3:i2,383 or
nooul urn tv-Uirco cent tor each in
dividual. Who dare defend this ains
ing robbery of Ibo pcoplo?
Hut an increase of population is not
a just uasm tor an increase ot govern
menial expenditure, for tbe aamo offl
ciul machinery that will govern throo
millions ol people will equally well
govern five millions, with only slight
auditions to mo number ol local oln
ccra, a few additional clorka, some in
crcaso of courts, eto. No mora Gov
ernors or departments of government
existed in !87H than in 1859, but 118
members wero added to the legisla
ture oy mo uonslilution ot 1873, and
lor that no particular party is roanon-
sible. The increase of oott, however.
by that addition should havo been only
stripped ol all new-saury explanation
then, wo havo the fact staring the peo
plo, tbo taxpayers, broadly in the lace
that it cost iiori than thrsi Tines
In other words, as tho Ntato eorern
ment need not cost much over 137!),-
O'ji, as ncrctoloro demonstrated bv
i)emojratio administration, tho present
ucpuuncan administration literally
ro&j Me people of the immense sum of
neany one minion oj aoilars annually I
1 110 ngurca we give are irom tbe of
ficial record and they can not be dodir-
od or explained away. Tbcro thoy
stand beyond tho power of contradic
tion, or exenso, or extonuatinir eircum
stance. They clearly show tho annual
robbery that is perpetrated uixin tho
people. Do tho people ao well liko to
yay taxes that they will continue tho
to.ntblirans in power? Do thoy liko
io ue rococo vy tno million r
ur will thoy prefer honest rulo ond
economical expenditure?
ii tue pcopio want to oontinue the
. . r -
extravagunt Uamcron Kcpublicati rule
sncy win enoci tnoir object by voting
for lloyt and thus keep tho same cor
morants in powortliat liavo boon gnaw
ing their vitals, wastintr their atib
stanco and oppressing and grinding
e-ieiu w tue enrtn lor yearn.
nut il mo people want honest and
frugal Stato government, which ahall
not take from them their substance
and shall leave tlietn to tho comforta
ble onioymcnt of all their ritrht and
all that belongs to them, thoy must
vote mr Anorow ji. inn, tbe Demo
cratic !Stato ticket and Democratic
member of tho Jjprislalure.
The Democratic party, if auoccssful
at tho next oloction, will bo under
bonds to administer tho government
in tno most frugal mannor tbat efficien
cy will permit. If it doc not do this
it will be promptly burled from oftloial
placo, for it ia upon tbi plede-e that it
will como into power. It therefore
will not dare to fail in thia matter of
thorough reduction in expenditures.
But if tho Hepuhlican party shall again
bo successful it will ho a license to steal,
and endorsement and approval ol ex
travagant expenditure, a positive in.
junction to go on and spono! all that ia
possiuio and steal all that I leal That
ia me issue mo people will decide.
Lot us recapitulate, that tho under
standing may not be clouded :
Total amouatofdlearetlonary aipaadl.
mree aooer admialalra
tion for an. year
tl (11,014
Total amount of ainendilur. for Berne
parpoeoa lar oaa Tear aeder Kepabli-
aa raw .....l,lel,m
The people can put a stop to this ex
tortion, profligacy and tbefl onlv bv
voting against the men who porpelo
ato 1 1.
(Jalusha A. tirow ia said to be tbe
rising man for United Btatea Senator
in the minds of the bard-monor u re
porters. Don Cameron can't aaake a
npeecb. and jodge Kelley ia ailent ; aiffn f vbich lit waa bimaelf thaaa
and both are ftoft-monev advoratea. Mhor.
The nomination ol Mr. (iodlovo H
Orlli, of Indiana, by tho Itepublictins ul
the ninth district ol Unit Mule, lor l.tin
grcss, shows bow much reality there is
in the Republican cry for reform. The
I'bilodflpliia T'UKS fyiunicntiinj upon
Vi b'ni i-ize--ratiM,wu
"air. (iodlovo 8. Drib, wull known
us an Indiana statesman, in engnged in
Ins herculean Inenniul labor ol explulli
ing how he hecanie u Veiiexuuiiin
ciuiins lobbyist. This bus been made
necessary by bis nomination to Con
gress by the Republican ol the ninth
district. Two years ago ho was lifted
from the huud of the llcpublican Slate
ticket in Indiana because Ins campaign
had utterly broken down under the
ciinrircs aiiiimsl fifuf, and it luissurpris
ed a great many people to see him dug
up and run for another ollico this year.
Tho revolt against Orth, led by la tin.
Low Wallace, is already formidable,
and bis chuiices tit being burled lor a
few years more lire decidedly good. A
Republican vru chosen from the tlis
triut in 1874 by u plurality of 4fl, un
Independent candiduto having polled
something over five thousand votes. In
187C tho votos of tbo district wa Ho
publican, 10,1)91); Democratic, 15,570;
Independent, 3,349."
In another place tho samo pnper, in
speaking of the- subject of Jladicul re
form, vury pertinently romarhs :
"There is a headlong revivul of re
form. The notorious James Harlan is
on the stump ir. Iowa ; Subsidy I'om
eniy is inuking u canvas ol Kansas
for the Sonalorship ; Orth is running
lor Congress in Indiana; Kobuson is
expecting a nomination in New Jersey ;
Kellogg i appointing all tlio federal
officials for Louisiana ; John Sherman
is going to mako Home party speeches
in Ohio ; the I'rcsnlent bus been try
ing lo set up a nomination in Cincin
nati ; Chairman Quay has told all the
l'cdcral ufllciulH in J'oniisylvuiiiii bow
much be expects each to cinlrioulo to
the cause ; Jioss Koyes, of Wisconsin,
lias como out lor biinscil lor United
Stales Senate, while Urother Orvil is
going around interviewing himself tor
the newspaper and educating Brother
l lyases up to a third term. Kctorm
like this is perfectly irresistible."
IUdical Voucher Thieves. Tho
llurrishurg Patriot say : How happy
such desperuto Republican organ us
tho llamsbiirg Telegraph would be if
tbey could only fasten upon a Demo
cratic official, living or dead, tbo over
issue of Stato bonds which occ tired
over a quarter of a century ago liut
wilh all thoir reckless and unscrupu
lous lying they have failed in their
darling purpose. Tbe fraudulent bonds
have been traced into Hepuhlican bands
and theie all track ol them is lost.
Lately in order to raiso a suspicion ol
Mr. John M. Ilickel integrity it has
boon given out that his bond to tbe
Slate for his last torm of office ia nut on
filo in tbeoflice of the Secretary of the
Commonwealth. Who says so f Why
tbo present Republican officials of tho
hlu to department who are personally
interested in raising a talso issue for
the campaign. Their conlinuunco in
ollico depends upon the ability of tho
Republican leaders lo befog tho real
questions involved in the canvass by
misrepresentation und falsehood. If,
tburclorc, tho bond uf John M. Dickie
is not on tile in the office ol the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth il has pro
bably gone where the missing vouch
ers of the Auditor licncral' office fur
the accounts of the Superintendent of
I uljl tc liroumls went at tho closo ol
(iunoial Harrison Allen's official carcor.
The He-publican voucher-thieves are no
doubt able to tell, if bey would, where
the lltckol bond can bo found.
(ioKiNd THE Ox. Tho editor uf the
Cambria Freeman makes a decided lo
cal hit in this way. Ho says: "Col.
John S. Moshy, the dashing rebel cav
alry officer from Virginia during the
lute war, has beon appointed by Mr.
Hayes I'nitod States consul ot tbo city
uf Canton, China. Wo of course do
not quarrel with Mr. Hayes' taste in
making this appointment, because wo
havo always held to the viow tbat a
thoroughly reconstructed rebel like
Mosby, who possesses both character
and brains, I a fit man to bo appoint
ed to anv position which ho is compe
tent to till, but what will the loyal
editor of tho Johnstown Tribune say
to this translation of the ox-rebel, Mos
by, to tho Flowery Kingdom, by tbo
same man acting a President who
signed bis name to tho commission of
the aforesaid editor a postmaster at
Johnstown? It is a cruel dilemma in
which to placo an editor, who, about
onco a woek, ia thrown into convulsions
becauHo tho Democratic 8tato Conven
tion of Toxas nominated a ticket com
posed entirely of mon who had 'serv
ed in the Confederate army.' If ho
can re-sign himself to thia act of grace
on the part of llayca to Mosby, there
is somo hopo left that will be able to
anrvive the outrageous insult by the
Texas Domocrats in nominating for
Stato offices men who aro both honest
and competent, but who liko llayca'
friend Mosby had worn tho gray, in
stead of the blue."
Just So. A ootomporary say: His
not atrango that Republicans repudia
ted their party, bocauso tbey know
that it passed all tbe laws which havo
brought about tbo present deplorable
depression and ruined the material
tirosnects of the conntrv. Thov real
I i v - j
ize tho necessity of stepping down and
out of J olin Sherman' contraction, and
labor destruction party ; but boing pre
judiced against Domocrats, and fear
the cognomen ot "turn-coat, tbey
come nan way and loin thourcenback
organisation. Wilh Democrats the
caso i ontircly differont. Their party
ia not responsible lor any of tbe law
nor moasuro that oppress tho country.
On the contrary tho Democratic party
i on record iu opposition to the re
sumption and contraction policy ot the
banker and bondholders. The only
chance lor bringing the country out of
chaos and liberating tho pcoplo from
tho rulo of money and corporation pow
er ia tho complete success ol tho Dem
ocratic party. Tbe V. 9. Senate will
have a Democratic majority next fall
tho member being elected hereto
fore; and u n leas Democrat foolishly
desert their party in thia omoritcncy.
the Lower House of Congress will also
be Democratic. Then law can and
will be passed in tbe intorosU of the
peoplo ovor tho President's veto if
Candidates. We notice by our ex
changes that P. Gray Meek, of tho
Bellofonto Watchman, ia a cantlidato
for Congress In this district, and Cy
rus T. Alexander, a prominent Lawyor
from tba samo town, i arandidato for
SlateSenator. It looks now as though
Mothor Centre would furnish about
throo Congressional aspirant Curtin,
Mock and Bush.
A Jsiw Depinition. Tbo True
Mitryluruler, of Trincou Anno, windit
up an editorial on "Practical Comrnun
sm" with : "Laid week it took thirty
largo chickcna from Mr. A. G. Wood
lord ; alao lant Friday it broko into a
1mm on lion, luaao D. Jones' Arcadia
farm and took ten buehela ol wheat"
Hon. Jiobert Liddoll, ilayor ot Pittf-
burg, fllod a petition it bankruptcy on
the 26th nit. Liabilities 1100,000, aa
aeU 176,000.
Tbe mop tim en t OTor h grave ofl
Proiident JefToraon will be after do-
Romance or a Spool or Thread.
A Willimanliu, Conn., girl who works
in the thi'uud factory, wrote her name
and the words, "Wanted, a husbuiid,"
on a spool. Wbon the thread bad boon
wound iikiii it, tbo spool wa sent g many ell era tu a Ho Jaolo.'y.
in f)Uirr;VV-7ii.." aSnW TibUaS.ii
gentleman chanced In aeo it alter the
thread had been removed, and at onco
took a luncy to address tbo maiden ;
she ut once responded, and they cor
responded for emtio timo, until at
length she disclosed tho fact that alio
was already engaged, but' would pro
vide him with ono as good as herself.
So did iO,aml to all appearances her
kind oflice were accepted wilh a rel
ish, as tho (ioorgotiiwn Star say the
uuitios ul the pair appeared in the Ad
wate's mitrriago list lust woek. This
celebrated thread can be had at 11. A.
Kralser'e Dry (ioods Storo. 31.
rrimary Election, Saturday, Sept. 14.
Fsa The fee. wbi'-h muat b. paidnadvanoa
will la aa lollowa: ror or Conaraa.
will ue$20 Senator, Hot Aeoembly orTraueurer
SI0 t'ouioiieilonrr, lb, and Auditor or Coroner1
S.I. Tbla will liiol I0,0ist ticket, for aob, aod tba Boooaaary b anka to conduct
tl.0 a;ooti',ii.
W'r re tutborittxl to ftnooaQtM tbi of
CUAHI.KS A. MAYER, of t lit. Hp eouatjT, ft
tundlilHt fur lb uhiM or Prttlrlsnt Jud2, tib
jt'tt (. lli rulva (uvernlng lit Utnoortlio rl7
ropfuiLM adtirvi, latxik iurn. r.
W' r Huthorlsed to noounovi tb DftU ol
JHHAKL TK T, of Clerfii-Ii boruuirh, M ft eftn
tliditittl for (be offlos) of Cttan$, tubjwt lo (be
ruii I'tvoromg tue l)emoortie ptvrtjr.
Pot'fflo wldrvif, Cltmrltild.
We art) authorised to tnR9ttnefl the ntosor f
W. MKT TH, of Ulcftrfltld KorotiXh, m . oondidnt
for the uffloB uf rtt Henator, luuject to tbt ririoi
fnTeroiny the uemoflrftUe part-. addreM, Clearfield, V.
We tit authorited to neaae tbe Maune of
JOHN A. UKKOORV, of CnrweDivllle. ai a
didate far the office f A"mMj, hjw?t ii th
rutM goTentiog the iiemoeratie party.
1'otluD.o addren. Curweoarille, Pa,
We are authorised to anoounee tbe name of
MATT McATKKK, of Hoattdile, ai a eaDdidte
for the office of Amnbly, ubjeot to tbe rules
goveraiDf tba Ueuioeratie partjr. addrcta, Iloatidale. Pa.
We are anthnriied to enonuooe the Datne of
AARON O. TATK, of Clearfield, ai a eaadidate
for the office of Awetnblj, eubjoet (o tho relea
governing Ibe liemoratie party.
PoatoOioe addreaa, Clearfield, Pa.
We are author! led to announce tba nana o
DK. ASH b. UKNNKTT, of New Waibinctoa, aa
a candidate for the offieo of Aiaotnbljr, luujMt to
me ruica governing the liemoerauo party.
PoaioAoe addreaa. N. WaahtDgton, Pa.
Wo are autbonwd to annouooe tbo name of
ABKAM 111 MPHHEV, ol Lawrenoe tow nib id
ma e eandidate for tbe 0A00 of Aaeembly. anbject
to ma ruiea governing tbe Uetnooraiie prty.
PoatoOioe addreaa, UlearUeld, Pa.
We are author lard to annonooo the oauo ol
DANIEL STEWART, ol Bradford tuwbihip. at
a candidate for the office of Treavaorer, aobjret to
the rolca gorernina; tbt ueinecratte party.
Poatoffloo addreaa, Woodlaad. Pa
We aro anthorlud to aonenneo tho nana of nuns, or lieecaria townahip, aa a
eandldate for the offloo of Treaanrer, aubjeot to
me ruica gorernina; tbe Urmoeratte party.
Poatoft.ce addreM, Glei Hope, Pa,
Wa are authnritM to anoouneo the name of
LKANDKR DBNNINW, of Lawrence tewaabip
aa a candidate for the offine of Treasurer, aubjeci
to ina ruira governing me uemocratio party.
Poftoffice addreaa. Clearfield, Pa.
We aro eutboriierl to anaonnea tho aatoe of
Clt A HLE8 eCHWKM, of Mwaahip. aa
eandidnte for tho effioe of Treaaortr, aubjeel to
inn ruiea govern nt; tbe Uemoeratie purty. addrraa, Luthrriburg. Pa.
W are authnrlrfd to an a nunc ibe a note of
TIIOM AH A. IIOOVEH. of Curwaaaville. aa
oandidato for tho offloo of Treavanrar, eebject to
in ruiea gnvcrning trie ifemonratie prty.
PoflolGtiO addreaa, Corwenaville, Pa.
Wa are au(hrlid to anoounee tho a.taa of
PANIKL W. M00K8. of Clearfield, aa a eandi
date for the office of Treasurer, aubjeot lo tho
ruiea governing ine uemooratlc party.
Poatoffloo addreaa, Clearfield, Pa,
W are aoifanritrd lo anaoaoeo tha Bane of
JOB. A II W. THOMPSON, of Lawrenoe town
hip, aa a candidate for the office of Treaaorer.
aubjeot to tho rule governing the Democratic
Poatofflce addreaa, Curweoavflle, Pa.
We are anthoriied to announce the same of
JOS I A 11 R. HKAD, of Lawrence towaefaip, aa a
oandidato for tbe office of Count Commiaaioaera
aui'jaet 10 tbt ruiea governing the DvHoeratio
Featothoe addreaa, Curweuaville, Pa,
We are aateoriied to annoaaoe tbo aaaio of
BKNJ, h LINUKR, of Cheat townahip, aa a eaa-
didaU for tbo office of Conat Conialaduaor.
aubjeot to tbe ruiea governing tho Democratic
roatotnoo adaraaa, Jiord. fa.
We are author! ted to aonoune e tba Baaae of
JOHN DUNLAP, of Piho townahip, aa aeaadl
dale for the oflioe of County ComaiUaioiier. aub
Joet to tho ruiea governing the Democrat kc party,
roatonoo adareat, utoeuiogtoa, Pa.
Wa are antbnrlied to announce tha name of
SAMUKL LAN8UKRRY, Sr., of Bradford town
abip, aa a eaadidate for the offloo of Co-.ta.ty Cow
aniaaionor, aubjeot to the ruiea governing tho
Waaaoormiie party.
Poatofflce addreaa, H oodland. Pa.
Wo aro author I ted to aanounce tho nana of
CLAHKL BHOWN, of Uwreoco towaahip, aa a
oandidato lor the once of County Coumiaaiouor,
aubjeot lo tbe ruiea governing tho Democratic
Poaiuffloe addreaa, Cleerlald, Pa.
We are autltoHted to auaAunni the uaau of
H. TUHnKH MITCUKLL, of New Washington,
aa a OMdldate for the offioe of Coanty Comajla
aloner, auhjt to the ruiea govern ing the Datne
cratio party.
roatonco addreaa, a, Waahingtoa, Pa.
we are aothorlaed to annowane tha aua. nt
JOHN BHAW, of Lawrenoe towaahip, aa a eaa
didate for the office of Oomailaaiooar. anb-
jw im .n) mm goraroing the Uenoeralic party.
i uviuLuotj auareaa, uiearnoid, ra.
Wa aro aathorlted to announce tho oaaao of
wm. P. CHAMHI KM, of CurweMville, aa o eaa
didate for tbe office of County Conniaaioaer, aub
jeot to the rulet governing tbe Democratic parly.
Poatoffloe addreaa, Cur wenar tile, pa.
We are aothorlaed to anoaaoe tba naota of
CHHIBTIAN RKOWN.of Covingtoo towaahip,
aa a can didate for tbo office of County Coumie
aioner, aubjeot to tho ruiea governing the Demo,
orotic part j.
Poatofflce addreaa, Karthaua, Pa.
We are aotheriied to annouooe tho oauo of
CONRAD W. KYLKK.of Urahaaa townahip, aa
oandidato for Iho offloe of Cniijuty Oanmlaaloner,
aubjeot to tbe rulee go mm ng the Democratic
Poatoffloo addreaa, Orahauitoa, Pa.
We are authorised to annouooe tho aamo of
rtlKOKKiCh HIIOPK, of BMoaria tetroabip, aa
a candidate for tho office of Ceoaty Cemaaiaaiwoer,
aubjeot to the ruiea governing tho Democratic
Poatoffloo addreaa, llagerty'i m Roada.
We aro authnrlaed to anaouoce the aaae of
CALVIN HTKI'UKNH. of Cheat towaahia. aa a
oandidato for the office of County Commiaoloaer,
euojeof. to tna ruiea governing too Democratic
PootvlBco addreaa, Mo P ban on, Pa.
Wo are authoHaed to aaaoonea tbo samo of
WM. II. BLOOM, of Piho townahip, aa a eaadi
date for the offloa of Count v Commiaalouar. m.
ject to tho rutea irovorntng the Domooratlo port.
rvaiomoo aaareaa, vorwcnavtlle, ra
We are authnrlaed bo annoaiBae- tha aaunai of1
Hill riCAKU, of Corlngiao towaahip. at a
eaadidate for the offloo of Ceooty Commieaieoer,
aubiect to tho rolaa governiaf tho Democratic
roofeBjee addrtaa, r roa eb villa, Pa.
We are authorliad to aaaooooe the aamo of
KLA1I dOHNKON. of Uroeowood townabia.. aa a
oanaiu.iaj fwW um aje oi uouaiy vommiaaioaor,
oulject to tho ruiea, governing tho Democratic
Poatoffloo addreaa, Grampian HI I la, Pa.
We are aothorlaed to annouooe the name of f.
P. COl'TKHKT, of Kartbaua towoablp, aa a eaa
didate for tbe office of County Cemmiaelener, cab
jeet to tbe ruleo goveroing tho Uemoeratie part.
Peatotjoo addrova, Bolt Lieh.
Wo aro authorlaed to anaoaooa Iho name of
RKTDKN fiTRAW, of Jordao towaahip, aa o
eaadidate for tho offleo of Coaaty Auditor, eubjoet
to tho ruleo governing the Democratic party.
Poatoffloo addreaa, Aaaonvlila, Pa.
Wo era authorlaed to anaouoce the aamo of
PHICB A. KOWLK8, of Kaoi towaahip, ae a
oandidato for the office of County Auditor, aubjeot
to tbo rulee go vara lag tho Demoorattc party.
Peateaaee add rea. Mew Uillrort, Pa.
Wo aro authorlaed to anaouaco tho Bame of i
WM. V. WklMHT, of Clearfield, aa a oaodidoio ,
for tho offlee of Ceuoty Auditor, aobjeet to tho
ralea govoralng the Damoeratie party.
Poatefflea addreaa, Ctoarfleld, Pa.
We aro authorlaed to auooaaoa tho mmmm af
job. MiLLibANU, of Karthawo
oandidato far too effleo of Ceuoty Aud Iter, aoh-
' to Me ratoo geveraiag tae voaaeeratto party.
Peotoffioo addreaa, Three Ran a.
Wa era aalkorleed ta aaaaeBaea Ika mm r
JAMKH K. MOUBB, a( Clf.rd.ld karoaak, a a
raadidal. for the .Hoe af Oeruaer. ..bjeot ta Ika
rale, aorerala, tk. baaiomi. part.
revi.aj" aaM(, UHnriald,
?Uuj dwUsfrafnts.
We have prlntad a largo sntnber af tha aew
rKt HILL, and will oa tha reooipt of (west
lee aware. Mall a ennv ta oy addroea -vte
halloa la hereby (leva tbat l.ettera Tela-
ft,r0(4rr oiUbrvfteW WNJAMl bi ft' .0lH.S ,
"imlt ' W-;.-'-" ...f t..ic naaxa...
dao'd. bavial Been duly araatad I th. ander-
alanad, all person. Indebted to raid .Mate will
fileaae mak. Immediale payment, aud tbnea hiiv
nff elalme or demanda wilipreeeot them properly
nuihentlcatad for .etll.m.nt without delay.
Cnrwlnavllla Pa., Au(. 18,'7S l. Kaeoutor.
NOTICI? The Uipayora of Lawreooe toan
ablp, will pleaao take notice lhat Ibe Poor
Tax Duplicate for l7t,and tbe School Tal Pupil
cata fur 107, ar. la my hand, tor eollention and
tax-pay.r. Bra required ta pay tha lam. tu m.
.ad aava eoeja. 1 have alao for cilleotloo tbe
I'oor Tai for Is'f's. and tba School Tax for 170,
opnn which t.l-payera will receive adieoountof
nva per cent. II paid within thirty day. Irom data
of thi. aolioe. 1 bava alaa forcolloolion tbo Stat,
and county tal fur 1H78, which tal-pay.r. ara
rea aired lo pay aad lave ooata. The ebova talea
caa ba paid to me at any time, at my rreidanoe ia
Lawrenoe townahip, ar at Clearfield an tb.
flr.t week of September Court.
Au( IS, '78-31 Collector.
mtute Xoriual 8cliool.
The Winter Term of twenty tii wevkf, will open
IttoncUy. September 9( 1878.
Ina!uliiig Tuition, Boarding, Rooro, Ilea, l.lht
and M'aehiag. Muaiceitra. Beat Normal Aobool
bull-tin in tbe Btate. Paoilitica io overy rcapeot
eiual to any Normal School in Ibe Untied Matee.
Htudeota may enter at any time during tho tor in
For particular, aeml for catalogue t
JOHN H. fHKNClI, L. L. I).,
Aug 27, I87S-1U. PrlocipuL
There will bo otpoeed to pnbtio aale at tho
Court Hfiuee, io tbe borough uf C learnt-Id, oa
ot I o'clock p. m., tba following deter i bed prop
erty, to wit : All tbat oertain tract of land aitu
ato in (Ira lit m tuwnahip, Clearfield county, Pa.,
bounded on the north by land of Calvin rifecle
and Albert Owen, on th aoath by land of Ben
jamia Bpaekman, on tbo weat by Und of Iaaae
Kylor, and on the oat by land ot Martin Naylor,
oontainiag 117 ACRKS and allowance, 75 aerea
of which la cleared, having a two atory frame
houae, a one aod a-tulf atory home, and a lar re
new barn thereon. Three eroharJt ef fine fruit
treea, eomprlalng applea, pears, oberriea, aod
other fruit a. A apring of good water, and a amall
atream rnoniog through tho coot re of tbe premiiea.
Ono-lbird upon oooflr motion of talc, aod the
balance in two equal annual paymenta, to be
aeeured by bond and mortgage on tbo preiniaej.
Urabamtoa, Aug. 29, 1878 It. Adm'r.
Whbrbai, Hob. C. A. MATER, Preaident
Judge of tho Court of Common Ploai of
tho Twenty-fifth Judicial Diatriut, com po ted of
the eountica of Clearfield, Centre and Cliotea
and Hon. A an ah Oanan and Hun. Vihuuvt B.
Holt, Aaeoelate Judaea of Clearfield county
have taaued their preempt, to me direcud, for tbe
noiding of a Court of Common PI eaa. Orphan
Court, Court ef Quarter fieoeioaa, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Deliv
ery, at tbe Court Houae at Clearfield, In and for the
county of Clearfield, commencing on tbe fourth
Holiday, tho SJd day of Hrpt., I WIN. and
to continue two week a.
NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to the
Coroner, Juatiova of the Peace, and Conatablee,
tn and for aaid oounty of Cloarflcld, to appear in
tbetr proper percent, with their Hcoorda, Rolle,
inuuiaillona, Af aonnatlona, and other K em cm-
bran eee, to do tboae thinga which to their ufficeo,
aod in their behalf, pertain to bo done.
By an Act of Aaaembly, pasted tbe 8th day of
may, a. u. irtoe, it it made inc uuty ol tno Jut
ticca of tbo Peace of tho aevcral count lee uf thia
Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Beaaluna of tbe ret pec live
count ire, all tbe reongniaaocee entered into before
tliem by any peraou or pereono charged with tbe
eo in minion oi any crime, except ouch oaaea aa
may no ended oeiorc a Juattce ol tbe roaoo, un
der eiltting lawo, at leaet ten daya before tb
commencement of tbe aeoaiun of tho Court to
which they aro made returnable rofpectlvely.end
In all oaaea where any reoognitancee are entered
Into Icaa than ten daya before the oouimenoetnon
of the eeaaion to which tbey era made returna
ble, the aaid Juttloee are to return the aauio in
tbe aamo manner ae if aaid act had not been
OIVEN nnder my band at Clearfield, tbla iTtb
day of April, ia tbo year of our Lord, one
Uioutaad eight hundred and
iepi to ANDREW PKNTZ. jr, Sheriff.
I h. 'Notice la hereby elven that the folio wine ac
count hare been examined and paaeed by me, and
remain filed of record In thia once for tho in-
0)cction of bcira, legatcca, creditor, and all otbera
intcrvatcd, and will be preacnted to the next Or
phana' Court of Clearfield oounty, to be held at tbo
Court tiouae, in the borough of Clearfield, eom-
menoina on tbe 4th Honda v (beine tbe 2Jd dav)
oi oepietaoer A. v. 1870 t
Pinal account of Joeeph M- Smith, Uuardian of
A veil no uowaa, (now Dirolino Ditee), John
Cowan, aad Millard Cowan, minor children of
Thomaa Cowan, late of Beccaria twp., Clearfield
county, ra., ec d.
Pinal aceouat of Eliaabeth P. Curry, Admioletra
Uii of tbo eat ate of Joan Curry, lato of Jordan
towoabip, Utearfleid ooaaty, ra dec O.
Partial aoeoant of William Btoddart, Adminlatra-
lor of tbo eetale of Joanna Btoddart, lato of
Beccaria twp., Clearfield county, Pa., dee d.
Final aceouat of Jameo Ply an, Admlalatrttor of
the eatate of John Cromwell, late of Oulieh
twp., Clearfield county, Pa, deed.
Pinal account of Win. R. Dlckinaoa, T matee of
tbo eatate af Hamilton Weld, lato of Beoearia
twp., Clear field oounty, Po , dee d.
Guardian account of John J. Pieard, Guardian of
Lucy and Kliaabvth Pieard, minor children of
aloha a. ricara, lata of Uovingtoa twp., Clear
laid oounty, Pa., doe'd.
Final aceouat of R. B. Shaw, Ei trot or of Iho
etlato of John hhaw, Sr., late of Lawrenoe
twp., Clearfield oounty, Pa, dee'd.
Final account of Robert Byera, Administrator of
the eatate or the Philip 11. Jieff, late of New
waabtogtoa, Clearfield county, Pa , dee d.
Fiaal account of Jaoao M. flarter, Admiaiatrator
of tbe eatate of Kdwartt King, late of Buruaide
twp., i; tear net d oounty, Pa., deeeaaed.
Final account of Wat. If. and Jameo Catboart,
fix ecu tort of tbe eatate of David Catboart, lato
of kbox twp., Clearfield oounty, Pa., deoeaaed-
Fiaal aceouat of Zacbariah UcNaul, Ouardlan of'
Koaanna McBride, (now Roaanna Thompawn)
Robert R, McBride and Frank McBride, minor
children of Wm. Mo bride, lale af the borough
of Carwenavillc, Clearfield oounty, Pa., dee d.
Final account of J, B. Shaw, Administrator of
the at tale of (Samuel H. bbaflnor, late of Law
ranee twp, Clearfield oounty, Pa., deeoaeed.
Fiaal account of Stephen (Iraff, Administrator of
tno eatate of rredenok Heldt, lato of the bor
ough of Curwenavilie, Clear lie Id oounty, Pa., de
eeaaed. L.J MORGAN,
Sept 28-aa Ragiator A Recorder.
TIIBV LIMT, Llal of jororadr.wofortPea
taeihar Tarn, A. D. 1.78, Mavmneia't aa
th. 4th Moada,, tti i aj, aad ta aoati.a. (or two
W. L. Aatea, Lawrwoa,
tni OIimv, Morril.
L. Kroaaa, Oaeaola.
Johl Oaraa. Piha.
II. PantieolT, Barnalda tp
joaa n. uaaiap, Kaox.
The Wkll., Karthaaa.
J. L. Boaeall,
RoMnhrana, Huatoa.
Aaoa Saailerlla. Hell.
A.O.U.heU. Law'aat
W H Rad.baBKh,Law'a.
Zaa OHea. Lawraaea.
A H, Oaeaola.
U. N., Bara.ld. bar
Joe Retla, Woodward.
J Patebin.Uarneldebar,
A M (thaw, V.llaoellM.
If K.phart, Dao.tar.
Geo Wlllltaa, Daloa.
a. Jllifwr, uarwcaarllle.
R. M. Jokaan, J.rda..
liarnaoa Uoaa, Owiaala.
raavaRaa mBoai. a
D II Davla, Bararlde k. Ill QraBaa. Bradford.
R Owe. Waodward. B D Hohonaover.tlrahaia
A VoBawav, Mvta(loa.Joba V Uira, L City,
1 0 Copaahaver, walvak
J.ha Caaaly, Cb..u
tleorc. Cobl. Graham.
lliu 0aiH.j, arady.
David Barr, DMBtar.
fred Hhaff, Haaeari.
ieha Laa, Burnrid. twp
llao Q Marrilt, Aoajra
It W Dlok.y, Haul. J ala
J Harrieaa, Woodward.
David Valr. Beoaaria.
lleary hiirr, Brady.
Uvl Suad.rlio, Bell.
Sidney Bailtk, Blaoai.
Tkornaa Coanla.
J U Merr.ll, taorrl..
1 Reaa Blaoai, Pike.
B Aletaader, Woodw'd.
J.hB Clark, Brad,
B.aj Kll.a, Oaaa.1..
WIImb lloovar, Bog,a.
Davl.1 Juha. Woodward.
8 A Caldwell, Bradford.
v. naitaaid., UMoaria.
D.vld ll.irerty,
K.a'l tl D.vla,
Waa T Oaaii.h.11.
Jaa Ward, Hawtadala.
V uaraiar, CoTlagto..
B Rtw. K.rtk.aa
J. B,t,er, Uarwoaavila
C Uwtle, Uorrll,
0 W.lbta, Woodward.
H Boaiharf.r, Bradfurd.
Iaaaa lleiertr. Uall.k.
" aaaya, UMMha.
I t Uultok. Lawreaoa.
I 0 MeCleekev. Kartk'a
J RayaioBd Jr., Morri..
Joka Parter, Ctaarleld
J af Byroa, Brady'
U Baaiardaar,Uov-ftra
8 M . brier, CkeH
II r.aiB(aa, of Hak'l,
Ah a. Paaraa, Marrik
Jaa Tnamaa. Woodward
u.ot.l, Ueoat.r
D W Baaitk. liallok.
fraak HeBrida, Blooaa.
JBa K la, ar, Buraatda t
P 0. Matter, DMaJar.
J A WaolrMfa, Hi aaTd
An Bhiakle, Morri.
Uearf. flakd, Cheat.
vaava.a. aaaoaa la w.aa.
David Draaana., Ualoa
Thnai. Kvlw. Marri.
P Onrley, Bradford
Pradariek Klpp, Pans
A 0 W .libera, UoakM
Tho. P.rha, Bradford
Aha. Walke., Knot
T Towaaaad, Woodward.
P Daaa, UiHalvtala
W batab.abao.ab.Waed.
Praak Cooper, ClaaHald
mm nartar, waodward
A L II Ma,
w i ...
W i Hofar, k.rtkaa.
A Parfaan, r(aM
u tai, aaae, Uraaaa
f 0 Card.. ClaarleM
David llllntat, Brady,
0 Bakriaa. Boraaida aa.
U H Brawa, Mantt
J A.,Ukaat
i aeoiaiiy, uaaal
Pat Larri.aai. Omm la
Jaoak 0 hi., Bell
Ilea l Meie, Kartkaa
Aaalla Bllae, HaeoM
D C Hwaal, Woodward
Jtf BIoob, Carwaiarille
n a t...iaa, latwraan.
M t Wallaoa.
J H Aduaa, Clnrldd
Maatta UJoaa, Kbm
lwl. Hekoek, Urady
It Pt.j.1, Lawraaea
jii tsdi vv esiern Hotel
Km. 1111,1111 1311 Market SliNt, '
(It, mil) typooife Wmaaiaaer'. j,
PlaikdolpM, reaa'a.
Tbla Hotel lo near the new Public Buiu,.
new Masonic Tomil, V. 8
Mini, and A.?'
oi riue Ana. t. w. TltAUCK, p,
ovkh a ix nionr,
Hai opened, io a OuiJ.og un liarket street m
the old Weslern Hotel lot, opposite tie clw
Huuae in Clearbeld.a T.a and Hheet-Iroa Mu
factory and Store, where will he found at all tia.
a full line of
house rroirisiinTa goods,
Stovos, n&rdworo, Etc.
Houae Spouting and all hindt of Job work, repair,
ing, Ac, done on abort notice and at reasun.bU
ratca, Alao, agrnt fur tho
Singer Sewing Machine.
A rapply of Macblnea, with Neodlet, do, J.
wava ou bund-
lertna, strictly cash or oountry produce, g
aharoof patrona,go oolloitod.
Clearfield, April 25, 1 877-1 f.
At Sliaw'a old aland. Cluarf.el', Pa., ha jut
ojiencd a new stock of
Pf it f.V MESH VRiUs,
and ta now prepared to furnish anything ia tho
tho line of Drugs and Medici net at tt ery loel
est a;h pr(?M.
He hj alao oa hand a Urge atock of Comka
Hair and Tooth Brusht-t, Fancy Article, Toilet
and Pbavlng Soapa, an l everything usually get
In a firet-clast Drur btvre.
..impounded with ear., d.v or Bight. A liberal
ahar. of palrouafr. r.)t.clfairy aolielted.
II. B. Bl'ACKilAN.
Cloarlleld, P.-, Oet. 4, l7T.
; TH2inLD"P0WSa
Bern in irrarral naafnr twenty yean.
Fvrrywhrre prnvrd th. ano-t HAKR.
Hl.wv'I.K. Kt-ONUVIK Al.aal t.Kflt lt i
medlrlne. known. They are Juatwkat
tha pwopl. want, aavlnc time, money,
alrknraa ana atitTrrlrur. F.vrry .male
aarrlna tha wall tried aerscrlpttaa al
aa caaiacat aayaieiaa.
Noa. Cnree, Cnu
1. Prrara, Vinretloo, InHammatlona, , . r
1 .VnrmN, Wnrra Paver, Worn t'oitc, . . Is
t t rvlni-t'ollr, or Tertliinitotlntaota,. B
4. ntarrhera, oChlldreB or Adnlta, . , fe
6. Dy.entary, Orlplo, . liilkjii. CuUc, . , s
A I'hnlera-Morbu., VonilUog ks
T. ('oiiarha, Colda, Brnnrbltia B
& Nruralatla, Toothacha. Farearhe, . . B
0. Ileariarhaa. flck Hi-adath., Vertigo. . B
10. llyapeaMla. Billon. Stomach B
11. Biiiiiprraaed, or Painful Period., . . . B
1. a. hi.M. Inn PhAiu . ... . H
13. t'rnnn. Conh, Dilllcolt ltrcthln,, . ,
14. hnlt Khrnin, rvilprl... Rrniitluna.
15. Rhrumatlam. Itbrnro.lte Pna, . .
10. Vrrer and Agile, Chill Fever, Aattaa, .
17. rtlra. blind or blcrdlna, ......
18. Ophlftnliny, and bore or W.ak Ryea, ,
10. f ntnrrh, .cute or chronic, lofloenee, ,
to. M honptnat'flitarh, violent ooagha, ,
tl. Aathmn, oppreaaed Breatblne, . , ,
ft Far DUrhitncra, lmiuUred hearlnir,
S3, aarrofula, enlared Bland., ttwHIiora, .
St. arneral Debility, I'hraical WeaJuuuw. .
S3. I,rp.y and .canty Beeretiona, ....
SR. Wrn-Mlrknaaa, alckneM frumridloa,
S7. Kldnrv.lll.rnar. Gravel
SB. Bjrrvoiia larbllltT. Vital Weakoaoa. I ttl
19. anraMntith, Canker as
SO. I rlnary Mrnknraa,w.ttlnft thabad, at
II. Pnlnlul Pcrloit., orvrltb Buaana, . . U
at m.raxa ot Hrart, palplutiona. etc. , I 00
AS. F.ullrary, buaam BL vltn.' Daoca, .1 00
t avlphthrrla, nicwated aor. throat. . . CO
ao. CfcironlG Conacattoa. and aVaiaaoBa, Bv
Caar, Morocco, with above SB larva Tl.l. and
atanualofdlroctlona. Iiaaw
toCMorrx.of SOIarrevUlaaiuiBook, A. at)
Thaaa rrmrdlra are .eitt by the ra
alnalr boa or alal, to an, part mt tbe
rountry, frrr or caarsc. aa receipt at
Erlre. Addreaa
uniphrr j Homeanatale kfedlrlnert.
Ofliceand Itrpot, 1IW Fulliin Kt. New Vora.
For Nnle by all DrnveTlata.
I" Unmphraya' Spadflo ai.nn.l on the
oara and treaunant of diivnaan mnA its oars.
BeatFKEEon applloalion.
or all kinds;
for Baadlolflal porpoees.
Tru.aM, Sapporlars, Sokaol Book, aad Statlaa-
ary, an. all otbar artiola. anally
foaBd la a Drag Stare.
FULLY COMPOUNDED. II .via. a torn at-
E.rlaaoa la tba h.ilo.aa th.y eaa flea aatlr. mt
faotloa. 1. a. BART8WICE,
nara.ld. Donanbar 1. 1T4
Would raapaatfally notifv th. aahli. ....rally
that ka kaa raaofad kit Uroeary Bier, froa
Hkaw'. Row, to the buildiBg fornarly earapte.
by 1. Mile. Kralaer, oa Beeoad atraal, Mil deer
to Bigler'. hardware aura, wkara ke ialeael
ktoptBg . fall Itaa af
SUGARS and 8TRUP8, of aU grades.
TEAS, Oreaa aad Bleak.
COFFEE, Roaalad aad Oreea.
All kind, ii th. aaraet.
PICKLES, la Jan aad aarrala.
8PICE8, 1, every fom aad nrlety.
Ooal Oil aad ZaU&p Clvlm&iri-
Aad a toed aeaoHnaat ad tkeae tklan aaaalrf
kept la a graaary Mora, wkkk ka will eiehaafa
far atarkeliag at tha aurket prleas.
will Ml far aaak aa e.eapty a. aay elka. eaa
Plaaa. aall aad SM kla aleak aad led rat
-' Jena McoabwHEt.
Claarleld, waa. , lilt.