THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WBDNKSDAT MORIffNIe, AUOl'ST it, 1171 Terms of Subscription, If paid la adraaoe.or within laree iaoathe...$f OA If paid efur tbrc aad balore els noniha... I aO If paid after the expiration of els Boohla... 00 dr-Mecara. 8. M. ParrmtatLL a Oa., Hewe gaper Ad.erllelne; Agents, J fare. Row, corner Uerkesaa atreet, an aurdnlj aataorleed Aieaw la Nw York City. KLvLIGIOlm leOTaCk. Mrtiladlet Kiiar.oal CkurchRtr. J, g. MrMtiBaar, Peatcr. ervieee eeer Sabbath V H A M., and T) P. M. Sabbath School at A. II. Prayer Mediae, eeery Tharadaj, at ti P. M . Coma unioa BerTlee. firat Sabbath af ararr .k , IA1 . U Meat t learneld M. E. Church R.t,. William u. uiu, aod w. B. wilbos. P.aror..: Preaching every altaraata Sunday, at e'olock, r. aa. auo'iey bobooi at 2, r. M All ara la cited to atleoa. Preabtarlau t hurch Her. u. B. Bbtlsb. Sabbatb arrTiece morning and evening Seb- eatn ocoowi at a r. m j-reyer Meeting Wodneo- aay evening. Ml. treacle' Church Catholic R.t. p. 1. HaaaiDia Preeohing at I0 a'olaok, A.M., aa me nr.a, uim ana lonrtn aunaeyeor aaoh areata Veipara aod Benediction aflba Ulaaaad Sutaanl at I o'oleek, P. M. boaday School every Buaday aftarnaoa at I a'alook. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. timb or aoLDiaa qdabtbb aaaaioaa oonat. 8eeoad Moadey af Jaaaary. Third Monday of March. Ptrft Moaday af Jama. Fourth Monday af September. naa or bolbiio commos plbab. Firat Monday af Jane. Sacond Monday af November. ruauo orncBBa. -rcctUM JxlpUo. Charlal A. Mayer, of Look Uaraa. itaeiataal taw Jeotge Boa. John II. Orrla, of peiiciooie. .aeeocialc Judau Abram Ogdea, Clearfield Vincent B. Holt. Clearfield. Voleoaetary BU Bloom, fteo-lercr mnj Hfordtr L. J. Morgan. Mafriel Altoraay Wm. II. MoCallough. Treaturir DaTid McOanghcy, ShtrilT Aodrew Ponta. Jr. Uepmf Sktrijf Chriat. 1. Kaaggr, Clearllald. Caaaly tfaraayorwcjataual F. McCloakey, Cur. aanaaiiia. fMafy Ceamieaianare Clark Browa. Claar aid Thomaa A. Modea, Chaat P. O.J Until uoocar, uiaarnaia. Count) Audiltr William V. Wright, Clear field ; Samuel A. Caldwell, Wllliemegrove j Joba C. Conner, Burnaide. Coaaly Cocoa.r J. B. Nan", New Waahlngton. Jury Commifiomtrt Dr. Jamee P. Burebfield, Clearfied, Joaeph Alexaader, Madera. o'anen'aleaa'aat a Puilit StknltM. I. Me Quawn. Clearfield. StaUrof WtighltJt Jeaaarea Jeaaa W.Carlila, oBioa at L-olberaborg Pa. Solaria faalie John W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra dahaugh, Cyrua dordon, Claarlleldj Joaenfa R. Irwin, N. B. Arnold, Curwenarillai J. A. Living atone, DuBoia City. Oar Sptetal column ia decidedly interealing )b a loaal point of view, and profitable reading to autaidere wha want la aava money. After Monday next it will bo lawful to aboot black and gray cqulrrcla. Voter, are you rejriHlored f If not, atlted la l before Ibe ftth of September. Mtea A. MiirLeod will rc-npen her acnooi oo Monday, peptembar ZJ, 187B. a-a m Mr. Ilicliard Moiwop is havinir bin atora building, on Market atreet, newly paiotad and etberwiae Itnprorcd. Tho rnloa by whit h to govern the Democratic Primary Klaetioa will be foan4 oa tbe fourth page of tbia paper. Cul. iiodgera waa aoveroly bitten on tbe hand, one day laat week, while tryiog to acparata two lag" doga that were fighting. Rtv. J. T. I'rotbero will nrnach in the Kpiacopal Churob, Clearfield, next Baaday morning and evening, at tha niuat houra of holding acrvlorr. Will. 8. Reynolds, editor of the Reyaoldaviile llirittd. eprnl a few hoora la lowo laat Wedneaday afternoon, aod called al oar office. Come again, William 1 Jiew. Jumea II. McCord, ot Gettys burg, preached la the' Clearfield M. K. Church laat Sunday aveaiag. Mr. McCord aad family are vialling relativee In tbia place. V . . ucmncraia gut assosoed, and aco that your Drmocralie neighbor la aaaeaad. There. day, September 1th, la the laal day opoa which aaareiDienta and reglairalioae aaa be made. Tobacco chowcrs, have you tried the aew brand of tobacoo, HCroaa-Bar fM It II tbe flaeat ind brat tobacco ia the warld. Far lata at Joba A. Stock'! Cigar Factory Ia Clearfield. C. Krntaer, Chairman of the County National Committee, laauaa a call for holding 'a OrecBbaek County Convention, la tba Court Houae, at Clearfield, ob Wedneaday, Sept. 4th, All persona interested In baring a Celery, Fruit and Vegetable Eipoaltloa la Octo ber aait, ara recreated to meat at Weteoa'e tobacco etore aa 3locday evealof , September 90th, at f o'clock. The Newton Hamilton Camn meet- lag ended an Friday laat, and all tba Clearfield folka who hid been la attendance retoroed home that day. They report a ploaeaat meeting aod a good time geaerally, e m One of tho most pleasant affairs ot tba leaaoB waa tha loclal pie nlo bold la tba grove at " Polk'i Bottom," near lowo, laat Wednei day iftentooa, by a party af young folka. The axeralaei were highly enjoyed by all wha par ticipated la them. aa a ei We Icarn from tho Indiana Democrat, of the lid laat., Ibat Rev. 0. W. Baker, of Balla burf , bee declined ta accept tbe call extended to him by tbe Baptlat eongrcgatloai of Clearfield and Curwenavllle. . WayneSlatinnCamp-meetingopened oa Taeeday af mat week, and will eoallne antll Thoraday evening af Ihla week. Soma raw par anai from Clearfield were la attendance, but tbe ropreeeatetloa of our towa at Wayno waa aot Bear aa great al at Nawtow Hemiltea. Philip Dolt, Rf., whom we notiocd laat week aa bavlag baea otrlouiry injured by hil bona roaaiag away Bad tbrowtag bia aul of Iba baggy, waa labea from the tleneloa Uooeo, la Ihla borough, to bll home aaar Olea Hope laat Tharaday. Wa ara glad to laara that be ll bow la a fair way to recover. The largo frame residence on Fourth eireat, hBawa al tbe iBdreae property, which kaa beea Branding la an nnflnlahed aoaditloa for aome time pail, la belag computed Inalde, aad a coat ar two af while palat beautifully adoral iba eat aide. Thla property WM recently parahaaed by Mr. William Scbwem, Sr., of Latheraborg, who ll baring tha balldlag talahea). A marriage ceremony took place at the Nawtoa Hamilton aamp ground, aa Meadey a weak, tba 1tk laat, al which Rev. J. B. McMurray cfielalad. Tha contracting partiee ware Mr. Charlal A. Miller, of Lewletewa, aad Mica Miopia Matlkewi, or Bear Nawtoa Hamil ton. It ia probayly wall eaoagh U atari eat la the matrlmeaial atata from a oamp meallag, bat each afelra aavor a little toe macb af romance la aalt oar erode Ideaa. A couple of thieves stole a horse from Mr. Tyler, a baggy from Mr. Hewitt, aad bareeaa aad a baffala robe from a mlnlater, aU Hvlag aear Pen laid, la llaatoa lawaahlp, aae Wight laal week. Tbay left with their booty, aad for a cauple af dayi aad aigbtl were aaoamped at Iba " Big Spring," aa tha Roobtoa road, a mile or two from A. L. Ogdoa'l aaw mill. Ooa ileble McClellaa got wctd of Ibcm, and laat Tharaday morning be alerted after them, bat they bad left aad eeeld aot he found. A NobleUrandmotuer On Thurs t'J ot leal weeb whim Mn. Kloab, who reeldee at Tyreaa, aaya lha UimH, waa la Iba eat af drawiag water frem aa apea well hy maaat af a baekct attached te a rape, a little graaddaagbler, aal yet three yean eld, aeeldentelly fell tato the well, wblck la tea and a half (aal deep aad can talaed aboat twa net of water at the lime. After ealliag for anirtanee a few tlmel wilbaat receiv ing aay aaawer, tba aid lady, who la la Bar flat year, proceeded ta reeeee Ike ablld wltk aelalag bat the allgblly prejeeliag lloaae la the wall far feel ar Bead belde aa bar way la aaw oat af laa well. Hew ebe maaaged U aeala Iba wall with tba blld la her anal la a myilcry area la beraelf, but aha aaeeeadad la arlegtog It ta terra ma, aba thlnba la leal Ibaa f ro miaalaa aHar II fell. Slagalarly aad very fertaaaUly laa ablld waa aal burl la lha meat. It It oappeeed that at alwag to the wall aad kepi lie keel, eat af tba water, that preteetlag clraeelellea, aalll Uo graadmatber t aae bed it. Heftintor I Rcgialer 1 1 Register 1 1 1 Oat rcgiitcred aaw I Xiw Pall (joona Ne Kali gnoda abaap for aaik at I. A. Flack A Oo.'a. Ro. Wm. U.'lTll" will preach at llora'a Shanty, aa Iba Roabtoa road, oa Senday cat, September lit. at II) o'clock A. at m a. To I.ANlJUiailg AND 8Tcimi l!l'tR8. Ljtle baa aa Brrsrgeeaoat with aa Kael.ra Cigar Factory aa that ha eaa Ml) elgarl Ity Iba box or Ibouaaad at bottom Agaree. Olra Ibair aigara' aaa trial. if. Row. W. 8. Wilwin, of West float- laid, praaohad a aoraaua at Iba Juaiala Valla; Caup-meollog. near Nawloo Hamilton, oo Wcdaee day aaeatog of laal weak, froia Acta ni:l . Da Ibyeelf ao karta." Try tho La Alborada hand-mailo t aaal Cigar, which Baa lately braa Improved. Manufactured and aald by Joba A. Block, In Clearfield. It la cold la Carweaarlllo by J. B. UrabTaBd Rorabaugh A Norrla. Another batch ol .Sheriff ' miles is on baud tbia week. What a glorloaa bleaaing (F) tbe Kedical party haa eBlalled opoa Ihla eouotry ! Oct regiaterad, vote tba Damocratie ticket, and help to reatore tba confidence of tbe people thro baalneaa a ill fioarlah aad Sbcrlf'a aalaa will not be near aa plenty. A Lahv Who Didtiii HkihtThino. A lady living ia Cleveland, Ohio, whoaa ablld bad bean givea up to die af cholera Internum, aaya tba child waa oat af daoger la three houra from the lime aba kegaa giving Dr. Fenner'f Uoldea Relief. Price It, aOc, aod tl. Ilarta- wlck k Iraia agenta, Clearfield, Peaa'a. Noiici to our Millinery Tradi. Hata and Uunnrta trimmed ia tba lateal atyle at T, A. Ft ICK A CO B., any time after Iba 10th of September, they baring accorad tba aervieea of a Ne. 1 Mil'laar aad Trimmer from one of tbe very beat aod moat Paabtooable eetabllahmvnte lo Philadelphia. sug.18'71 fit. ' Georgo," said a Second street uii'l la a youag man reoenlly. I love yua all tbe aamr, but aa cor city relallvea ara eomlng next week, Bother Ihinka you bad better atay awa7, brcauee your long hair and freoklcd face might make tbvm think our acquaibtancea werta't very bigh-toBed." The y. m. haa But beea there alnca. a e - The oflkcrs of the Clearfield County Agriaaltural 8ociely held a meeting at tba Court Huuae lait Saturday, for tha purpoaa of arrang ing mattera la regard ta boldiag a Fair tbia Fall. We Incidentally laara that tbay have determined to bold a Felr tbia aaaaoa ao tha grounda af tbe Weal Clearfield Park Aeeoelaltoa. There will he bo time to loee. An Old Settler Uone. We Icarn from tha Punxautawnay fyirif, that Mr. Ellla Erana, aa old tattler and ealecmed olliaen, died at tbe reeldcnee of bia eon, Jaalah Evaaa, lo McCalmont towaahip, Jcfferaoa oounty, oo Ibe ilal laal., la tha flat year of blaaga. 11 r. Ivaoa waa born la BcbuylbiH eounty lo 17SH, and act- tied In Jcfferaoa eoaoly in April, 18.18. He baa baea a widower for over forty yeara. Tha de. aeeaed wea a eoaelo of Joalab Kvaba, Kq., of Curwonavllle. Fire. On Wednesday afternoon laat, tba lumber yard of Btrnmermao, lleao A Co., at Gardner 'e alation, oa tba Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad, waa act oa lire by tbe aparka of a peat. ing loeomotira, and deatroyed about two aod one half million feet of lumber, keaidea tbe railroad awiteh, large ptalforme, aod everything la tbe yard. One eer loaded with lumber waa alao burned. Tha loac la eatlmatad al tlc,0OO, on which there ia an inaurance of 118,000. 8ad Bereavement. Mr. John 1. Boull, aldeet ana of Hod. Edward Soull, editor of tbe Somereet Htraltl, waa accidentally drowned oa Tharaday afterooon, Aug.zZd, In Ibe Potomac river, near Cumberleod, Md., whither he had gone on a flabing exearaioa. Tba young man waa wading In the atrcam, wbea be luddenly ateppad Into deep water and lha current carried him down. Tbia la the third dcalh In Mr. Senile family withla a very abort time, be baring loat two daugblrre from diphtheria during the Sum mer. Tho Atwociute Judges, Ogtlen and Holt, called a fpecial Courr laat Friday eveoing, at fi o'clock, end laraod an order to tbe Protboao tary for a venire for Jurora for tba September term of Court. Twealy-four Grand aod ilxty Traveree Jurora were ardercd lo bo drawn far tba firat week. The erlmiaal oaael will bo dlapaaad of durtog tbe firat week, and an axtta anmber of juron will be drawn la aaaa tho Tomer metier bould be brought up. Thlrty-llxTravene Juron were ordered to bo drawn for tbe teoond week. David G. Nivling, Ksq., who turned Granger reecatly, aod oeoupiea tbo farm at Cen tre, la Lbwreoeo townahlp, which formerly be longed to Judge Barrett, la the ebempion corn grower ia tbli county. Laat Saturday morning ha brought two Halle of aora la lo-va that eaaured fourteen fact la height. He haa half aa aora or thla kind nf aora growing. Tha variety ia boowa aa tba " Scnthara White," aad la tba Weat and South It matarea before the froata ooma. II will aot mature la tbia aactloa, Iba froat Inter fering heron tba ear la folly ripe. The attention of parents and teachers la lavited lo tha adrertiicmeat la tbia paper beaded " Stale Normal Bobool. Loeatioa la ex. oeedlagly healthful, and Iba towa af Indiana furBlahat highlit church prlvtlcgea. Balldlag la new and eommodloai, and tl furniahed lo tha moat approved manner. Valaa of balldlag and furniture ovtr UOO.Oto. Inetruetloa of a very high order. Mr. Joba H. French, L. L. D . baa been ealled to tba Prineipalablp. He la a man af large aequlremeata aad aa edneator of National repalatlao, aad needa ao reoommeodation at ear beade. Terma very moderate, 1 , a eai , Clearfield Coal Trade. Stuto- meat af Coal aad other helghte aaal over tho Tyrone A Clearfield Dlrieion, Pannaylvanla Rail road, for tho week todlog Aug. 17, 1878, and Iba lama time laat year t OOiL. For tbe week M.,U....M Same time laat year Decreaae Prevloualy daring year Same time laat year Decreaae Total In 1878 Same time laal year Decreaae H ,,. otbbb raaioaTS. Lumber Miacellaaeoua freight! . 91 care. , IV Another Dill Club In numuanoe of a oall made, a Bomber of Ibe laeaaoerata af Lawreaoa tawaablp aaeembled ia Ibe Moalgomery Dlatriot Bebeol lloaae oa Taeeday aveaiag, the Jtlb laatant, far tba patpeea af ergaelaieg a Demeentle Campalga Clab. Tba meeting waa ealled to order by Mr. Jabs A. McBrlde, aad tbe ebjael thereof being elated, Ike Democrat! of Ibe dlatriot preluded to ergaalaa tbemeelvee Into tha " Montgomery and Caalro Democrat le Dill Clab," will Iba following oSeera t Ptealdent Oeorge B. HaU. Viae Preaideata J. L. MrPbenoa and William H. Veaumeat. Secretary J. L Coaklla. Traaaanr-Tkamal MlPhoraua. Aflar Iba orgaalaatloB vol aempleled, Smith V. Wilton, laq, waa letrodaced aad addreaaad the mectlag. He waa fallowed b) 1. 1. Bayder, Kaa., who waa Inlrodaeed aad apoba brlaly oa tba laeaet af tba aampalga. M aaar I B. T. Brocb. beak aad J. P. MeKaarlek, apaa reqaeel, ad dreaaad lha Clab, Tho Clab-book waa opeeed, cad aama Iweaty-ivo ar thirty valen of Ike dla triot itappad feiward aad earalled Ibemeeleei al membera. Tha meeting adloaraad la meet al Centra an Taeeday aeealng, Auguel 17th. - i m Printers' Pio hic. A preliminary meeting ta make arrBBgameata la kald a pta-aia party, la aa oompeeed af prlatera af lha aeuallaa Cambria, Blair, Haatlagdaa, Semareet, Bedford. Miffiia, Jaaiala, Perry, Clearfield, Centre and Pul. tea, waa ealled al Iba JrWet ofilee, Tyrone, oa Bal- orday. Lloidarllle, Cambria ooaoly, waa deter mined apea aa tbe place, aad Saturday, Sept. tlb, waa aboaea al tba day for tbe prepeaed party. Tba Committee af Arraegemeale, ooaaiallag of Mr. Dora of tbe Altooat TWInae, Mr. Joaee af tba Tynaa jVcrafat, Mr. Fry af Ibe Newport Jfrwe, Mr. Wllleaghby af the Hanllagdoa Mimt, aad Mr. Barclay af the Alteoaa faa, will meat al aatlagdca to day (Wedeeedoy) la perfect the arraagveaeati. Tha Bell't Uap Rellreee) baa llteeded Ibe onrloa; el lit read to tbo ptliian, aad II kaa baea accepted. Clearfield eoaaty wal aal rrpreaealed al tba meeting aa Saturday. Wa aaggeal thai ttept be I eaa a al oaaa Ivaeag tha mem a ara of laa arafl la Ibla aactloa to aaad a delcgelloa ta tbt prlBlan pie. ait. Wa prater bavlag It ta Bay e.j daj Ibaa Saturday, (ladef Iba pnaael arraageaMat, Uiece Hvlag aleag laa T. A 0. R. RH wlablag to alload tba party, a III be compelled la leave homo aa Friday aae) reaeaea aoay cam Aaebcth. Tone. ... 10,0117 11,081 ,. 4,884 .. 7,I0 .. Mtl.ilS .. 11,141 ;v,i87 .. lai.114 iiomotitCor that l.ytTe'u County Agent for Lerrlllard'a Tobacoo, aad oao cell tbem at factory prloea. They ara tha bail tobeaoee la market Try tbem. IIICIIICA1I). The aaw Cbarcb building of the United Bretb reaia Chrlal.naer Krlertown, will be dedicated to Iba aervice of Ud oo funday, Hrptembar 8lh. II. v Hjeb, al Jobnalowa, will oOloiata. All ara lovlted to attend. Come, and let ua have a good time. D. Btbavrb, Paator, A Fact. An udverttscment Insertotl la the Rai'L-tLlcaa will rracb nan rvadcra tbao If publlehed In all the, other o aperl ia tbe coun ty, and Boat tba advartiael leal Ibaa one-half In other worda, an adrertiermcnt publiabed in our jcurnnl ll worth double tha price of Ibat charged by any other publiahcr ia Ibe county. "It la a faot." If. List of letters rontuining unclaimed In the Poetolfloo at Clearfield, for Ibe weak ending Aug. Jo, 1871 I L. M. Dcaber, Uyron W. Harlow, John Howard, Ouetof Hegland, Jamea 8. McKolacy, Frederick Miller, Alice NolJer, N, M. Sbaw, Morgan II. Tbomae. P. A. Oai'lin, P. M. . aaeaH Drntai. Notice. Dr. A. M. Hillg would ii to bid) fr Until ind Toraisr ptlifDti (bit bi bi not fetlrttl from pud let fan been io Uduilrlouilj clrculmcd ty inrti pfriom, but will 0' to fifebii pcri( nl itttailoB to all who tut dvnira It, or to ntlit Ir. Ilolofabold whvn oror rtqofrtti. Mtruui Oxldo Qti given fur tlx, pkiolvM ritraoilon of ttb. April H tf. m m I K. K. Tiiumi'son : J.ut fiiirinc J wm ttolti. with bc&d-iobo and billioui nopor, and wu out of lorti icnertllj. I procanxl on botttt of iiaroimap aod a box of Dandelion and Maedraka Pi Hi, taktog boib aa dirroud, and In a faw dajl ! wu altogethir a different mftD, aod feel log perftcllj well. M. B. Mirrniwa, Titairllle, Pi. Birotna ia prop ind hj K. Tbompioa, Titui- Ti:K Pa. Price $1.00 per bottle. For la It by all drwggliU In C'liarOeld, and by Jo. Saylar A Sun, r.uther burg. aW amwi Tho ('loarfiold (.fld Company oflof, at par. Coop on Ilondi In dannmlnatioui of f:i()0 and e0 each, bearing loltrost at tha r.ta ol ilx par oentuui par annum, pajabla Hml-anouaJIy at the Pint National Hank. Tho Compmy haa iiiued bondi to tha amount of $10,000, and $0,001. of I hii wm taken bat a few dayi ago by one of tha ClaarBeld banki, Icarlog $4,000 to be diipoved or. CapitalUu who ara leaking ft nfa invest ncnt for their money, would ooniott their Intar- ait by inverting In theta bondi. They on be purebaaed at alther of the Clearfield baoki. Any ilefortnallon reipeetlng tba Oai Company, will be cheerfully given by A. P. Boy n ton, President, or W. W. Iletti, Eeeretary. jallr tr. "acaaimV -attaaawaa-- i Stolen Huuhb Kecovkhkd. A gon- tleman In tfali plioe recently purohaied a fine, looking bona at a low price, from a man who waa an entire it ranger. Tba purchaser oonoluJed be had struck a tery good barguio. Tbo horse, as It was mhieqiiently developed, proved to bare been stolen, aod on Wedceidsy last, a man from Bradford eounty, came aluog and claimed tba animal as bis property. After furnishing litis factory evidence that tbe buna bad been stolon from bin it was rerlored, whin tba owner left for tbe wilds of Bradford with tbe animal In charge. People ahould be very aarcrul when dealing with Irangen, either in hones, or aay other business trio lie t ion. Always " look a leetle oat." KAUBATH-M JIOOI, I IMTITI Tli. Tbe following is tbe programme for tha Loci) fiatibath-Soboul Institute to be held in tha Bloom Ington M, E. Churob, on Friday afternoon and evening, September th, 187 com men clog at 2 o'clock I. M.: ArTEBJCOOJ SKIM ION. A. J. Hmllh lo preside. Devotionil eieroim, to be eonducUd by Rr. D. 11. Campbell. Ad drew of welcome, by A. J Btnith, Tbo sincina ba onndnoted by James It loom. Value of Sabbatb-fiohuula to Cburobea ; " discussion to ba opened by D. Erhard. "Value ofSabbath-Sohaols to tbe Community;" opened by R. 0. Hamilton. "What Constitute! a Successful Sabbath School ?" opened by Wm. Carry. ' How can we most effect ually cultivate a Jblinlunary Spirit In tha Sab-bath-School t " opened by Ibeo. Farnewortb. aioiir iKastoa. Dorotional ex ere ties, conducted by Rev. J. B. Uritr. "Is a Sabbath-School Library Bene Beial ?" opened by W. A. Wise. " How oao a Sabbath-School be made attractive to Children 1" opened by W. T-te. What are the leading trot hi to ba taught in tba Sabbaih-Schaol ? opened by W. A. Bloom. Kn-y by Ure. Ella Bloom. J. 0. Omen, F. Apaus, W. A. Bloom, Johoas Ulooh, Cu mm It tea. MAMMOTH CA 10 fiit, 8. A eorraspoDdeot or tha Uarrlsburg Patriot, writing from Alsiaodria, under data of August 10 lb, saye i Soma time ago a Mr. NetT, reeiding near Alexandria, Huntingdon eounty, went to bia well to get a drink, and found U dry. He then went down Into the will to mike repairs, and wu much surprised to find not a pint of water aod tha bottom fallen out. A cool breese blew up strong enough la rustle tbe leaves of a tree Hand ing near. He tied a lantern to a rope one hun dred feet long and let It down, and, as tba lantern still burned, ba rightly concluded that the air waa pure. He then procured a spliced rope three hundred feet In length and to the end attached a basket containing a lantern, a dog and a oat. Ha let tbem down, striking bottom at two hundred and nirety-ooa feet. At the end or six hours, tbe basket was brought up. Tha lantern was Hill burning, and tba only visible efleot on the dog aod tbe at was chilliness. The next d.y the owner of tbe well aoeumpanied by a truty neigh bor, Mi. .Ufford, descended to the bottom. What wu their surprise to And an immensa eava, stretching miles and miles In every direttloa. Stalagmites and stalactites or magnificent gor geousoeii tent beauty and variety to the other wise tomb-like scene. Here and there a flowing stream of water rippled over atopy bods, while thousands of bats fluttered their clammy wings, surprised at tha Intrusion of wan. Pet rifled sea shells of a hundred varieties aire wed the floors and protruded trom tha strata. After spending ten or twelve boon of oontiauoe wanderiog, dur ing wbloh time they penetrated beneath aud be yond Alexandria, and dlioovered a vein of nickel ore and a nugget or metal resembling antimony, tbay ret in aed to the surface, where their half sti.oken wivu clasped them to Ibair bosoms, thinking they bad been lost. It Is supposed that this cava la connected with those at Warrior Hidge and Sinking Valley, only a few mtles away, flpaoimeas of the alotel ore have been aent to Philadelphia anal aed, and It was pronoonoed superior to the nickel of either Lancaster or Ger many, the only two plaoes on the glob where It ll now mined. AR RENTED KOK MURDER, John Warring, a ear renter who, for tbe past IS months, haa been la tba employ ar the O. C. R. R. Co., at tbelr warehouse in East Portland, wu arrested yesterday on a requisition from the governor of Pennsylvania, upon a obarge of mur der, alleged to have bean committed In Clearfield eounty la thai State la the rail of 187D. The tory U aboat as Mlo wi : Three or four yean agi there lived with his wile ta Iheoonaiy named above a railroad engineer named Waple. Aa official of tha company named Torner beoame en amored or Mra. Weple, wha tt seems wis rather i'freo la her ways,' and with tba aid of Warring eoaoooted a aehemc by which ber huibind was committed to the State penitentiary of Pennsyl vania for a tarn af seven years. Tba woman joined ta tbe plot In tha consideration of certain promises which Turner made ber, and which, af tar U had ia weeded and be had vented his cvtl parposas, he refused to ra tlfy. Resentment Kg In it his Inconstancy prompted a strong re venge. Her tatimuy with him wu ef such a eoandeattal ekaruter that she wu able te give testimony which would commit him to the peni tentiary for the crime of anon. She bad sworn out paper necessary for bts prosecution when she wu mlesod. and a week later her dead bodr. pierced through the brent and the baok by pistol balls, was found In a forest not far from where ha lived. C.reemctaaes led le suipieloa against Tumor and Warriag.aad tho former was arrested, hut the latter "getting wind" of the matter de parted for parts unknown. Turner wu tried and convicted bat moving for a aew trial the ease hu beea ooatlaeed from term to term and sen (nee has not yet been pacead upoo him. Al though diligaat narah bu bean made for Warring his wkcreatMBte wu not ascertained aatll a few weeks ago, wha when his wire, overjoyed by re- calving a ratter containing money from htm, Im parted knowledge af the cireametanea te detectives wha appeared la her In the guise of friends. Mr. Hoover, a deputy sheriff cf Clearfield county, wu dtipmlobed for tha eiile and arrived by the last learner. He went ta Salem, precared a requisi tion from Oev, Ohadwleh aad returning to thla ally pat tha matter Into, the. hands ar offloet Hud. eon, who eqon found Warring aad lodged him la lha city Jail. Warring stains that tba charges arc niierly (alee, aad that be can cully prove aa aliot.. Mr, Heever and hi prisoner will depart by the steamship Orj JUymhU which sells this saoiilag.Da Orefewa f, A. At tuo iieTi.W.r lc ... ...... I..t A W- mam. eT.all. ..,mMJ to do anything la the printing line, will do It well, and nt tha right kind of prieee. if. SpectalM. O a IlrHDRin Pan Cuht. Dimwit or Old pRirni. Sewing Wu htnsi oun now be purchased at Mrrrrll's tin and variety stun, from $U up wards. All kinds of tewing luaubtnai repaired on the shurteM notion. Clearfield, Pa,, July IS, 1877. Wamtih ! 100,000 XA-lnrh shaved shingles to average from 8 to fti iaelies fur wliloh we will pay the highect market prion. A. U. kHAKIH 4 CO., relr'.Ja-tf.J Vlcta-aWla, P. . Buaoits Fon Sai.a. R. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of Fredoma Buggies and ('Inform Wagons fur sale. To be sann at the Hbaw llnum yard. Call oa or address bira at Cluarfield Pcnn sylvania. may IS-tf. Want in. Some easily learned person or Artist to manufavtun Lcrnan'a Patrnt Bili Cawtac Pioturk In this oounty, on Hoy ally. Painted from photographs or any picture, and is the t'ineit Oil Painting mails. Before ib territory is ta' en I will mint pictures bxIO for f 10 aud warrant thrm fur life. Every nersun should have una. as uu filming! on unnvoj are ine oniy uto'urei that will itauu Hie test (it time, and can be Immlfd down to posterity, l'rtirulnn free. b. T uv, Nov. T, 1877-ly. Corry City, Pa. Liter is HUtff, The Liver Is the imperial oritan of the while human system, as tt controls the 1 1 fit, health and happiness ot mn When it is disturbed lo Iti proper action, all kinds ot ailmenia aie (be natu ral result. The dlitcitlun ot rood, the movement of tbe heart and blood, the action of lli brain and nervous system, are all luimriliitrly eoa- neoted with I tie workings or toe Liver, it nas been successfully provud IJreun'l August Klower is unequalled in curing all perfoos af flicted with llyspopiia or Liver Compluint, and all tba nuinerui symptoms that result frim an unhealthy condition of tbe Liver and Btomark. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively sold io ail towns on tbe Western Continent. Three doses will prove that It is Juit what yon want. Jutyl7,7aeow-lT. II Chaliengt the World. When wo say we believo, we haro evidence to prove that Shilob's Consumption Cure ii decidedly ! the bait Lunt; Modioine made in u much ai It will aure a com m on or Chronic Cough In one half the time and relieve Axtlima. Bronohitla, Whoop ing Cough, Croup, and show urn re cniei of Coo suinption eurrd than all uthen It will cu.-e here they tall. It is pleaiant to lake, harm leas to the youngeit child and we guarantee what wa aay. rnoe, 1U ots. (U ots. and 9 l-UU. IT your Lung aro sen, Chest or Biick lame use Sailub's Porous flaner. Hold by Hurtswiuk A Irvin, C. V. Wm- son, Clenfieid, Pa. fio Von iUliete Ii. P That in this town there are scores of person pasting our store everv aay wnose lives ara mai miserable by Indlitesilon, Iiyspenila. Sour aod distressed tMnroarh, Liver Complaint, Cnnfhpa tlon, when for 76 ots. we will stlt them Shjlnh's Viralltar, guaranteed to cure tbem. Rold by llarlswlck m Irvtn, and U. U. Wataoo, U .cornel J, Penn'a. The tnnst pnrintnr and fragrant Perfume of the day "IIACKMKTACK try ft- Hold hy Hirii wick A Irvin. and C. D. Watson, Clearfield Pa. Aug. 28 lK78-8m pd. Van Pr Vnn Pyhn'a tulphur Koap. y The leading external speriflr for dii'aie nf the PKIS. and heatitifier of Ibe COM PLKXION i for the Halb, Toilet and Nuneryt Is recommended by physicians. fMd hy Druggists. Price 25 Cents ; but. S Cuke-, ftf) Cents. K. 8. WKB8TKH, Prop., 00 N. 6th Pt., Phila. July IT, '78-cow 8m. Use Dr. Van lake's Kulphur Koap. Makes the skin beautifully white and healthy, removes dandruff, chafing, prickly heat, sores, eruptions, horning stinging an I itching of the aia and icsip. A stilpnur tut a with it is Highly rtcommen ued. Always ask for It by 1m full name. July 17 ,'78-eow-6in. Tbe feet of the buiiness is that Solnhur Bathi bare become un Decenary sinoe tbe iotroduetlon ol ulenu s buipbur noap, lieoauie thit article an swers the same purpose, vii : tbe removal of eruptions, rbsuuiatiim and gout, Hold by all L'riigrtitJ. Hill's Hair A Whisker Dye, Blirk or Brown, 50 cents. auglMt. Just Itrvolvrtl ! Just riecoived by A1.XOMI. CUR WEXSV1LLE : Car LnarJ Novn fcotia I'luslcr I Car Load pure Corn, Jiyo and Out Chop I Car Load Dcnken Salt ! Car Loud Choice Family Flour ! Car Load Dry (iooda, Grocorios.fVc, Kir Shinnies, Uurk, It. K. Tics and brain will be taken in exchango. Carvronavillo, Mny 1, 1878. CLEABFIELD MARKETS. CLiAnriiLD, Pa., Aug. 28, 1871. Flour, per cwt, M Mr I 00 1 6fl 1 40 1 2b 1 00 I 00 nO all Buckwheat Floor, per cwt.. Corn Meal, per cwt "hop, rye, per cwt Chop, mixed, per owt , Bran, per cwt Wheat, per bushel Rye, per buihel Oats, per bushel Corn, can, per bushel Buok wheat, per bushel Potatoes, per bunhal Apples, per buabel Hams, per pound Kboulder, per pound Dried Beef, par pound Chick en l, per pair Butter, per pound Efgs, per doten Bait, per saok, large Coal Oil, per gallon Lard, per pouud Dried Apples, per pound.., Dried Peaches, per pound., Beans, per bushel xo 70 60 40 to 100 40 20 10 3 00 20 10 8 8 1 to PEODUCE MARKET EEP0ET. pHiLanii.rHiA, Aug. 36. Floor (leady , super perBoes, tl buls,..i , tiitia, :idU ; Peoni-lva-nla Family, a 7 6 fa, 3 2i Minnesota do., $6 oO (u,7 ) pateat and higb grades, 7(S 0. Kye tl..ur, $3. t.'ornuieal, i 76. Wheat firm and higher ; Red, fl Oofal 081 ; Amber, fl OOKwl 07. Corn Arm and u no hanged i Yellow, 60(ii5lc., mixed, 4ifie. UaU a sbaile steadier, but dull Pennsylvania and WesUrn White, 10j27o ; Western uiixed, 34(v2ftc, Kye unchanged. Provitiune a met and firm i miu nnrk. 110 7a foil II ; beel hams, JI 5u(n,2J 6u ; lodtan men oeef, $17 Mini 18 ainoked shoulders, 64c; salt do., oi,i,flef smoked bams, i2aU; pickled do., llHfijloje green do., So. aVulter ohmoe steady ( other grades dull j creamery, ivitt ilraiord eouuty and Wea Vork extras, isfqilUoj Western Knierve, l2fmN. Kgge seeroe and tit in ; Pebn sylvan. a, IttfalOo : Weslero, ls((i, lfl, t'hoete steady and onobangod ; New Vork fon oy, Hdittilo f Weelero cbmee, 7f'i4.e. PeuoMin nil tet Bnd steadr i refined. KlUi Crude, 7io(fiJ8p. Wbisay bigber, active and Brm j Western, 11. Naw Yoatt, Aug. 2ft. Flour Hoatbarn heavy j about stead v . WbeattiprlDg dull, nominally u no hinged ; Winter quiet and stradv i Winter lied. Auj.i.i $1 10 riO.OOU bushels do., Heputnber, tl V9, rurn anaae tower ( moderately aeilve ; mixed nesiero spot, (oj4ato ; do. Tutun, 4M (.1,6.(0. UaU nrw j tiiate, .)U(,,;i7i t Western, 2o(alo, Bcel unchanged j new piriin uieis, lo(yill. Pork heavy ( new men, $11) 20(g,10 4u. Lard steady j steam rendered, I. 4u7 43. Butter Ono. Whisky steed j Western, l IIJ. Cnicaoo, Ausuit 2d. Flour in aood d em and W beat active. Una and higher at on en In it i No. 1 red winter, 8i(n.6e No. 2 red winter. Via for cast. V4je tor .September No. 2 Chicago opring, Mto for cash aud August; ItijtvUflo for 0p- tetooeri ivo loructoberj No. X do , hue : reject ed, flOe. Cora doll, weak aud lower i S7fjjA7to for eaih; i.o tor Deptemuen 22 io ur Uuiuheri reieeted Oats dull, prices shade lower i fllifdaVlle t cane ( ma iur Depteuircri 3.!,o for October i re jectcd, 17tc. Hye steady and unchanged. Bar lev steady. In fair demand t ftl.M fur eaih: ai.voa ior eepiemoer. VlarrUl At Ibe reaid.Boe ot the brluVe fathrr. WadBcadar. Aufu.t 11th. IH;R. br Her. U. Jiraca. aaalalcd b, He.e. 8. V. (Touch. r aad U B Aue, Mr. Hobert Uj.r. and (liaa Maria L. Dull, bclb v. wwauip. At tbe realdaBaa af the btlile'a rather, oa Wed n ce dar a.aaloi, Au,ual Hal, !", b, Her. Hear; o nuiiar, air. nailer B. Boalliard, or UleerOrld, aad Miaa ta I. Ilobaeker, af Waal t'learleld. Jifll. In Bradford teeraablp, oa Friday, Au,ual 9h, al lha realdenoe or ber to Mark, Mra. Mere A. K.ler. widow ef Jaeob k.ler. ee.d Bo . ..a , aere. A le.laf aad loead aictbar, aa humble Chrla- I laa, aba reala la Cbrlal. a a la Bradrerd lawaahla. an fljturdar erealae. Au(. ITlb, l!l, ef eauauaapllea, Arena M ltoe, la Ibe 13d ear af bia ecje. Ia Pena toanihlp. oa rtuodar. Anenat 18ib. I ;, Mar, Ada Peaia, aed U jeera aud i leoulbi. Dearcat lehoel-aaete, Ibca beat kft aa j Iter, lb, lull w,, f.el But 'lie tlod Ibat balb berefl aa, He eaa til aar aertcwi Deal. p. 0. a. Ia Leoaber Cllr, at lha rreldrana cf bia ana L..I. aa Monde,, Ae,aat llllb, lam Mra. Kaa Jordea, wife el Joba derdaa, Br., acj U ..ara and II daja. Iler baa, aaflda ara f&ldad, liar werft aa eerth la duac. Iler trlela ara a'l aaded, llarbaareal, irowaliwia. aaa ?t.S' V?.flH$WiwAa-..Vl I TTORHG vV A N T E The underiigned J. J. wlrhea to pureoe a good young horse, ebuut three or four yean old, medium use, round aod well built, and guod traveler MILK ft. BKRKS, Aug. 14, 1878 3. Clearfield. Pa. VIHTOHH NOTICE Io the matter of the E.tite of B. B. WRIUHT dfe'd. By order of Orphaoi Court 3vih Mav 1878, I will hear and d is nose of exceptions filed to the account of the last will and leitamcnt of B. B. U UIWHT deo'd. at my oflloe In the Borough of i learlleld, oo Thursday, tun oar or Hep i ember, ISTH. HI KXTKAL W. SMITH. ( learlleld, Aug. SI, Auditor. IXI'UTOI,S WOTICR.-Notlce Is liere J by ginm that Liters Testamentarr on iboeMileof IlAVlU 1-AHOAUD, V of I ninn town-hip, Clearflrtld Co., Pa., di, having been duly granted to the underside. 1, all p-roni in dehtcd to said estate will pleisf mako iinmwtiAte paimrnt, and those having claims or demands will prtsrot th-m properly ainhontioated for sei-tli-u.tDt without delay. DAVID DKKSSI.KK, :HllItsT. LAI10KI, RiKkton, Aug. 31. H7H 8t. r.xecutori. NOIiCU. that the All persons ara beraity notifled tho following personal tnrer(v on my farm in Lawrence town hip, ClearuolJ ounty, neiooga to me, and no one te has any In tereit in it, vis t One cow, 1 three year old aud 1 two year old heifer, & ftiuat.,1 lijfht w;igoo, 8 acres ooro and 4 aorus corn. Julia Carn, who livei on the furrn, is working fur wages, and bu no iotereit iu aoything opoa the Urm now, or that may hereafter be rained upon It. CONSTANT CARXS. Aug. I I, U78 :it. IVnitsylvunia Feinule College, Pittsburgh. (Vast Knit) 1'a. Cuu.rar.vrE tfa it oi'rm Hxi-riusaan 12, 187. Location, 4 mllrc from Court House, overlook. ing Kail Liberty valley. Easy of nooess and free from soi'ike. Terms tor boarding pupils reduced. For particulars and catalogue! apply to MI.iS HKLKN E.tKLATItRAV, Q. A. BRIl h V, Troas. Actiug Presidint. July 24-2m. V7ILLIAMSP0ET Dickinson Seminary. A nr.t-claaa Rchool fur hctb acxea, combiatD tb'iruugb tn. (ruction tn all hreactiea ol atuily, with tbucomtorta of a pooiX b"iac, al lower raica than anv ioatitutloti ol equal irrade In tba State. Hrrrular conrae In Music and Art, unjer eminent tcai'hera. Nfirmal rcacbitig free. Fall term ofieiil Septamhor 2l, 1M7H. ctid for Cat.ltigue. Addraea KKV. KDWAUD .1. UKAY, A. M., Principal, July ii-6w. Wllltatuapurt. 1'a. HALE OF BER LirO IN" Perm Township. Clearfield Co., Pq. The undersigned, Attorney in fact for the bein of the late Jiirepb Bon. will oiler at public sale at tbe Court House, In tbe borough of Clear Bold, cn TUESDAY, SUPT. 21, IS7S, a valuable piece of land situate in Ponn township, Clearfield cnuntv, Pa., wnrrsnted in the name of Nioklin A OrilTitb, No. adjoining lands of Dr. J. P. lioyt, Ja tun Mo Co m, Irvin A MehalTey, Frederick HalTertv, and other, containing PIPTT OTlZISP thirty-fr arres of wbiob is well titnoered. Tha terms of aula are, one-feurth eaih -n day of sale, and the balanee on the let day of Joly, I87S, to be secured by bond nd mortgage on the premised U1IHIHTOPUKK KKATZKK, A tt'y in ifit for the hein of Joe. Boon. Clearitold, Pa., Aug. 21, l87S-tl. ' ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF Heal Estate of Joanna Stoddart, deo'd Jaacsvillo, Clearfield Co., Pa. Tn pursuance nf an order nf tbe Orphans' Court of Clearfield ootintv, the uodenirned A dm trator of Lha estate of Joanna Htoddart, late of (.uliob townnbip, deo'd, will soil at puhlig ..ale, oo toe premises, in Jitnermiie, on TUESDAY, FEPTBMBEU It, 1878, at 1 o'clock p. in., tbo following described prop' eriy, to witi All that, certain trwt or piece ol land situate In the village of Janesville, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded and described aa follows On the couth hy Mrs. Kiddle, on tha west hy an alley, oo the north hjr atr', being a lot 80 feet front hy Jilt) feet deep, wkli a small two-story mme bouse and a stable ulreon arenled. Tbrmc One-half cash oa confirmation of sale. and the balance in ono year, with interett, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the pnmises. WM. SIODDAKT, JaneavHIe, Aug. 14, 1878-81. Adm'r. A NEW DEPARTURE LIT II Kit SRI KG. Hereafter, goods will be luld for CASH only, or in oxchaOK" for produce. No books will be kept in the future. All old account! must be settled. Thoae who eon not caub up, will please upia over ineir notes ana CLOSE THE RECORD, I am determined to sell my goods at cash prices, and at a disoount far below that ever offered in this vicinity. The discount I allow my oustomcrs, will make thorn rich in twenty years If uey tiiow my advice and buy their goodi from i. 1 will pay cash for wheat, oats and olnver- cfl. ,IM A 1Kb UOUULAN UhH. Lutbersliurg, January 17, 177. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stovo Lining and Firo Crick, kept oonataatl, cn hand. STOXE AXD EAUTIIEX-WARE OF EVERY DKSCRirllOXI CHOCKS! POTSI CHOCKS I Flelier'i Patent Alrtlflit Hell' Mealing run filial DI'TTKIt CHUCKri. with llda. C1IKAM CKnCkrt, MILK CHOCKS, An bK - H I 'TT BR URUtKS, FLOWER POTH, I'lE DISHES, 8TEW P0T8, And a great many other things too numerous to mention, to bv bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE.-WARS, TOTTER Y, Corner ol rhcrrr and Third street!, CLKAItriKWU, PA. . eu(l SEWING MACHINES AT RKDUCbD HATKI I . a-" THK NKW IMPROVED Weed Sewing Machine, ron site ar Milrll. 11 am, CLEAR F1RI.D, PA. (Residence, West Clearfield) Tha NKW IMPROVKD WKKU Is one of the bcftmarhinre la the markH, and mm vvry light and a,ute lu new eylinder (ileel HhuKle has only one hole to bo thrrsded, and holds twine a much thread as most any ether maebine. It has one of lha best Narrow llemaierc made. Its TaUe la long and roomy. It haa ao gran and cams. It has no arrows or Isae plate ta be re movd while oiling ar ekaniag. Tha W K K 1, bslsn the lata improvrnrat, drew a price at lha Parle Kipeiitifti B pra0ot, alio, an award at lha CintiDaial Kipoiiiba. and In almmt every State tn the Tnlnn. Machines rold on Monthly Paynents, Persons sboold not bay before seeing tbe New Weed. lUy, grain, beef cattle, aad coma hindi of aid Man hi nee taken tn part pay for New Maebinec. Al binds of Rewlng Maeblnn cleaned and np air ed . Alao, dtaler la all hmde of Mewing Mir aloe Needles, Oil, Htiffire, Toeh tnerheri, Castors, Ileinners, Hhatllea, Chech spHaga, Aa. In arderiaa anything by lelb-r, be aara ta civs name ef maehiae. tub mast aooompany all orders by mail. Persons wanting any other kind of machine, plossc write far prince, ang.U-Dm fR h,,, Movd '-f M Ik SU-Hal kmg.iv fBt U B M 'rarf LtYr (laiaiajeliaif I, CViMaMt,,, nir( nrl m u, tad mU drr.n)w-" li l lo.r kv4 V (lell.r. Lhirril.ict,rlmef.l.vT(.wMj,.lni M W "UaiiimaBiwllW ana f tjull k,-.-r Auditw. tf IH' I til -"" MUrt- ,,t, piu, K m rhlb(aVaaeiaaJw(atJreiUlri1uaVvtir'lll VA gff -TL Atlanu lllf Kaodf. a,,M 1V ff'a. H-'.l lav all irye'W"-l"-"r iaMi fj, ff H I HI t.t t liW t T'l T'T Prni ,, f. TM A C'-.a.(,' ,a:-V'"j- fawaajaa CAUTION All persona are hereby ei attun ed against pamhulag or in any way med dling with the futiowing property, now ia Ibe piiursilon of John Bmigh. of Unban, township, to wit : One eook stove aad toon is, ana parlor stove, lot of tin wan, two beds aid bed ling, two oider barrel, two pigs aad aoe orosi-eut saw. as tbe same was purchased by meat Constable's sal on the 16th AuKUit, 17, and is anly left with said u.igb on loan, subteot to mv order at any time. J A ME MUVKK. Urahamton, Aug. SI, 1878 St AIMImrRATItl NOTICI2. Notioe la hereby giveo that Letters of Ad mmiitratinK on the estate of M. IIUTLKK, Iste of WieOlward townahlp, Clearfield county. Pa., deceased, having been duly granted to tha undervigned, all persons indebted to said estate will pleae make immediate payment, and tbore having claims or demands again it tbe same will preeeut tbem pruperly authenticated for settle meut without delay. CAT11AKINK HI TLKH, Adminiitratrix. Aug. 21, 1878 nt. HUNT'S Thij ;rfat Ktena. 8lf dlrine la not a n w btfumtlie nnhllcai ran a i it lias beoB and uhi1 " unrJ HI aUI riMWta, in n r-rt 1k.ikiV REMEDY nr.a?wj from llnic rlnf laxIM) and dtaalh hun. drcils who have n to din. III'NT'H IIRMPllV runti ell lla. u, a tin t lt,w.i..n. B Ot I life K IJn.i.. IllRitil-a.. at.rl 1 a I ruiirv "tee, aud yitaanm. IFruSM,, fwrBVCI, if U bet lllNT'HItK llrlrnttoB of K1IKII V encouragri aleep, crfatee an In the Hide, Itark, or l.olne, lienertiT Urbl. Itr. Feinule llHrari,llliiurit a wlttp, J,oaa f Appniie. Itrttclil'e Utifnac or thh Kid nera aud all Conii'lainta cf tb. rrtne-Uenlinl rgane. iiim-js hkitikuv ) purely tt-se. liir.andrnpf-UawantnrTorlrt'fiirnruuhpdtotue null ll II I KT'S II KillfllV i'K &(. alMita dli I It KNBl. V (or i he eaaraa and 'S tas i.Bwaraa ta fall noun One trial will REMEDY WM. F rt.ATtKR, rnuvivaacM, B. I. Misses WATHOX A CARDON. would cnll the attent'on of the ladies of Clearfield and vicinity iu tuo urge aiota 01 Notions & Ladies' Fancy Goods Which they hive Juit opened In Row's Store Koom, on nrcood street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Thiy hrep, White Goods, Embroideries. Rushing, jics, iinnuxriTniei!, jouan, i;nn, 1.11 f, and Kid Ulores, Ribbons, Raib Rib. bom, Hamburg Edging!, and iniertl-mi, Lioei, Silk and Wool Fringes, all colon, Ladies', Misses', aod Children Hosiery, white and oolor.-d. Buttons, Lsdiea'. Underwear. Com hi and R rushes, Conetc, all Linds ol Zephyrs ueruianiown nooi, iava canvass, n ig gam, Dreii Protector!, and all other articles for Ladies and Chil drens' Wear. Bv strict attention to the wants of their custo mers, they Lot U receive a share of public pat-r-nagc. Their pricei will bo as low ai the lame oualitv of gooda oun be imrouaied at anv other pi aoe lo io country, call ami see us. KctneuiOer tbe place! now i Store Knom, Second itrset, Clear field, Pa. August 21, 1K79 tf. JhTEW AND GROCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Kcira No. 4, Ple'B Ojicra Houae, Clearfield, Pa. Kte,e ccnatiintl oa band COFFER, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, FVHUr, SALT, SPICES, SOAP, Canned and Dried Frnitl, Tobacoo, Cle;ara, Caa dira, Cider Vinegar, Butter, Kftga, Ac. ALSO, EXTRA 1I0.MK MADE Wheat and lluckwhcnt Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &c, All of which will be add cheap fcr each or la oiohange for ecantry produce. JUI1N F. KRAMER. Clcarllcld, Not. tl lS7l..f I tonodOII UTATEMP.aiT. Slalcia.nt of Jl t'l.arnelJ bomuKh Huhool fund for tbareara ending lat June, IS7H. DR. To kal. H7S tax In MeClellan'e benda.J 4S 41 To bal. 7 and '77 ia Powrll'a handa.... 1,1111 110 To ain't of IS7S tai .." t,IMt S3 To am't of State aproprialion 113 an To am't of Academy rent 62 Oft To Int. on Irwin mortnee to Deo. 1, '77. Jill 00 To am't ef Milla' Judgment H litO HQ To am't of Irwin mortgage 1,00(1 (If, Shaw, tuition gill To am't of H. Porter, tuition 10 f I To am't reo d from Collector Wearer. 1 HI 41 To tal. due Trcaaurer Ill 8s ,7"l 4 CR. Pr ain't or'lera rrdreraed jfll.wiffl ZK Hy cnupuaa ,etd to lal Aprii, l"7S 2,0.1 00 Dr H per rent, allowed on M,7.2:i.... tit OS lir am t ,8 tai tranaferred to Collector Weaver ,JM JJ Br eionaratin.ia allowed Wearer M 40 S3 He rclieie to 30 dar payera oo )l,2;7.67. ;) 8S Ilr am t due from Colleotor Powell on 1870 and '77 tai By eionrretlona io I'owell hy am't da. from Mot'lcllen on '71 lex.. Hr eaoncrallcna allowed MoClellan no St .0 11.7 am't A. II. Hhaw, tuition of 1877. .. II; am't of R. Porter, tuition of 1871... by am't allowed Trcaaurer for printing .11 il I, 74 t 00 anq eiatienerr Ii. bal. due Urougb Trcaaurer Ill MS aar'iifTa aat rxraNniTt'Rra ron laia. Ml. To am't of IX7S tai I,5 SI To ain't of Hiltc ajroiriaiitn 4U3 Vd .1,0(11 J9 CR. II; am't pall teacher! $I,S) 01 Rr am't paid janltnr ! 00 Ry am't paid for wand and eoal Ill St by am't paid for printing and Jnnrnat... it ft 11; am'l paid for repelra to furnace, Ac. .17 74 By aaa't paid for regieter, preca, ecal, ac 14 7, by am't paid for diploma ft 00 By am't paid for parohment, crayon, Ao 11 7 lly am't paid for ahorel, amah, broom, Ac 3 la 11; rebate to X0 .la; Ua paj.ra tit il hy exoneration! , , 4, Sit I'y per rrn'ere to Collector 09 fi Hy am'l paid Secretary . 10 00 lly perrentaee lo Treaaorer afl l& Balance ia Treeanrer'i hand! 470 14 1 Ml tn Ilal. rccelpta over ripenJlturaa.. . ;o 14 aaaBTa. To bal. daa from MoClellan. tai of'7... I 474 01 Ta bal. daa from I'owell, ua of IC-'i;, t t M To bal. doe from Wearer, tai of '70 I,li$ ,1 To tnilioa daa from aHJolaiii, dietioli for IA7asd 1870 ,71 S7 To bal. due from adjoining dlatriati for 41 ,a To amouat daa frota graded aeboiara ia diatrlet .. . 741 00 , i,000 (0 211 00 t,4 Ot My am't J. W. Themee To Int. en aama la let June, 17.. To balance , IH.I"I 1 I III HA , l.axo ti 11,000 oo . nt oo tn ici n LIAIII.ITIKI. lly am'l oatatanding ordere lly eohool bond, due lat Antll. INK1. By Int. oa bonda la lat June, l;l... LlaSllltlea aaaat, Wa, Iba nderalgned, aedllora, batin, eaana laed Ihe aceouale of J. 0. Wbilchill, Trcaaarer, and af Ibe Bckool Board af ClcirOeid boroafh, do brraby earllfy that we lod them el abora euted. II. W. NMITII, , A. 1. 1IAUKHTT, CleatOeld, Aug. tl, mri-ll. Aadltora. gumtisfafat5. i .. HEALTH 8 HAPPINESS. Health and Happiness arc prioress Wealth to their poraeasora, aud yet they are within the reach of every one who will use Wright's Liver Pills, Tbe "nly sure CUKK for Torpid Liver, Dyiprp. sla, Hvadacha, hour Stomach, ConMipatiuD, I)cbility, Nausea, and all Hilltuiis outoplainta and Blovd disorders. None genuine uulus slgnrd "Wm. Wright, PhilV If your Druggist will not send li eents fvr to, box te H-Hrlrk, Boiler i Co., 70 N. 4 lb at , Puila. 1m, 28, '77-ly. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NKAH P.O. The nndcrrfgned brgi leave to Inform the cltl seos of Oleurfield, and tbe public generally, that ha has on hand a fine assortment of Furniture, saih as Walnut, Chestnut and l'ainted Chain bet 'Suites, Parlor fiuilcs, UeelioiDg and Kitenxion Chairs, Ladies' and Gents' Easy Chairs, tha Per forated Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cane beats aad Windsor Chairs, Clothes Bars, Htep and Kt ten sion Ladders, Hut Kaeki, Scrubblog Iiruibs, Ac MOULUINQ AND PICTTHK FRAMKS, ooking Glasses, Chromji, tie., which would e iitable fur Holiday present i. 4m17X JOHN TROUTMAN. REMOVAL ! James Li. Lcavy, Having purchased the entire stock of Frd. Saokett, hereby givec notice that he has moved into tbe room lately occupied by Read A Uairerty, on Second atreet, where no is prepared to oiler to tba public UEjiTLYQ Arn PARLOR STOVES, of tbe latest improved pattern, at low prices, HOUSE rDBNISHINO ; GOODS, Gaa Fixtures and Tinware. Roofing, Fpouting. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, and Repairing Pumps specialty. AU work warranted. Anything in my line will be ordemd special If desired. JAH. L LEA VY, y Proprietor. KURD. SACKKTT, Agent. Clearficd, Pa July S, ISTB-tf. TUB HEW liiii Branch Clothing Store, ' ROOM K0. 1, OPERA IIOUK. Tbe unJernigncil woulj rcapcelfully iLfarm the cllitcna cf Cicirficld and rlcinlty, that ba haa juat opened the targaat and beat rtock of rie.f I'-.n.ntr., HATS, CAPS, r.'riifa.' Fttrnltlilntr Goods, . TRUNKS, VALISES, &c, arer brought ta Clearfield, and which ha will aril cheaper than any ether atora tn town. ALL K1XDS OF ORAfN TAKEN IS KXOIIAXSE FOR GOODS. Call and lee, and be convinced. SIMON 6I1L0.8. Clrarlicld, Pa., Ma; . 1876 ia. Z. 21. 1 tat U Co.'s Column. T. A. FLECK & CO. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO CLEARFIELD. 1 ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF NEW DRESS GOODS, BLACK CASHMERES, ' ' BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. ' f x r-.-i-T- :-j' " ' A LAltOK STOCK OF MUSLINS, CALICOS, GINGHAMS, AND TICKINGS. MEN'S AND BOYS' COTTONAPES, AND A GOOD LINE OF CASSIMERS. ' A UEAUTIFUL STOCK OF WHITE GOODS & PERCALES. Turkey Hctis, and nil otlior kintln of.TAHLE LINEN, vory clicnp. LADIES' COATS call and leo tlicm - lboy are nice BLACK AND FANCY SHAWLS. BED sntE.VDS, ALL TUICES. . LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' HOSE. LADIES' AND GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES' TIES AND BOWS. . fl LL LI.VE Of COOLERS CO Mi CORSETS, tr -.--;-.3r-r-r- an T f "t i f fe, - -r-a-r-.a -!: . i-.-- -r:r KID AND IISLE THEAD GLOVES for Ladies and Qentlomen liucliing, I'ullani and CuiT, Laoca, Now Krinsca and Trimmintr, Nov broiilocisa wliila and . -a.A a.. Suoponden, Bhirl.a, Nocktici, Vndorvjronr, Shirt Pronta, BMk Iliindkcrcliiota MILLINERY. TRIMMED DATS AM) U0.SETS, FLOWERS,. RIRRCS, Trimming; Silks, Ornniucnls, Fontlicrs, Ac. WHAT tVI! Jl!AK iNTi:i:j WE GUARANTEE that we chonppr than ony otlior Btoro in llcnrliciu. WE GUARANTEE polite treatment to every one of our custo mers, without urging them to buy. WE GUARANTEE that we have the Urgent and cliocest an nortment of all kinds of Dress and Dry Goodn, Notions, Millinery and Fancy Goods in Clearfield. , T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - Market Street, Clearfield; pa. April 177S. i ... .Itisrfllanroui Pittsburgh Femals C:!!::i, Elegant buildings. Kight deparlmcnts. Twen-tv-three teachers. JS)tbcial induoevenls fur Fn n b. Germs n, tlocuiion, Drawing, Tainting, Needle-work, Wai work, Ac. Thirteen teachers la Uie CotsexTfttory of kMuaio eonnreted with Ibe enllvga. Inilruotion la the eltuiooti of Mmi'' Thiury of AJ mm ihoruogh Uajis, llarmony, As., and the use vf the Jrail Organ, Cal'inut Ors;ao, Piano, f.uitar, Mute, Vioiio, and Voice Culture, Pittv full leipsona for eighteen dollars. Uintlemeo admitted to Conservatory. Charges io tbe College and Con servatory less than any school affording eiUsJ advanUgei and aoouinniodBlinDS. Fall Tern opens be pt ember 4tb. Hand for Catalogue to , KKV. L 0. I'tRSHINU, D. U., ' July U tw. Pittsburgh, P. j , Agricultural Statistics. To le Citt af Charflrld County : Tbe indersignod having been nppointcd by the Department, at Washington, principal reporter ol ihe Agricultural Ktati.tidi uf CU-arfleld county, reiprctfally requeita tbe oo-operation of ail lo aisil, by sending the subscriber all tho lufurma- tiuo they can bearing upun tbe fullowiog ques- j tiuua, so as to ooalile him to make ai correct a : ctatemcnt to tbe Department, as pnrsible : How 1 many burses hare i ed in your bortiucb or town- I ship, and uf whet disrere. Huff many ouwi and cahea, and of what diseaeo. How many sbet-p havo you luc, and of wliat diicare bow many killed by ilgi. lluw many bugs hnvo jou lost, ana uf nhat ujrant, nltat prtvailitig di' canst aiuenrft ttie poultry, in all oasei Bite the rem I ediei used which bavn been fuund to be suoocss- ful, and in all cases to give the eab value of all stock as nearly al possible. By the co-operation 01 our riiurm in general upun ttieie tii)iurtant particular, the Atfeioultural ropurts will becoioi an ene.iclopndiaet uielul inlormalion to the pub lic, by i-nabling the Department to puhlish the diaeaCr, the luei,aad the remedies that hare beta found must benefiolal In eertaio dime met , Any other inlormation that will be considered a public benefl;, will be thankfully raceived. Address the subscriber at Grampian IIHU, CKaifieldCo., Pa. BAMUKL W1DKMIUK. March is, isrs-tr. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SHC0XD fTHKEf. CLEARFIELD, PA., Have opened up, la tbe Mora room lately oeoupied by Weaver A Betts, on Beeond street, a large and well selected stock of , DrV - GOOdS, GrOCerieS, - " ' . HOOTS AND SHOES, QI'EHS'SWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, IIAT3 AXD CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which they will dlrpoaa of al rrneon&Ma rate! for caah, or exchange lor country produce. OEOnOK WEAVER a CO. ClearOrid. Pa.. Jan. 9. lala-tf. Z. .fieri; & (f a.'s Column. RHIHTIXG9, Em- cnKiiuJ, I'urtiiin Nota. , .'.. will noil all kiiulu of Dry Goods a it a Old wan is 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Curwensvllle, Pa. Jan. 9, 7i-tf. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curweusville, Jan. w, '7-tf. A UN OLD TAYS GASH or TRADE. Curwenivlile, 1'a., Jan. tf, '78-tf. AKNOI.D HAS AUVANCKU Prices of Shingles. SHAVED AND 8AWED. Curacnarllic,JaB. 9, '78 If. pOK BALK. : The underlined will sell at nrirata sale all that traot or parcel of land situate la lieoatur township, Clearfield county, Pa., within a short ditunoe of the Tvrone A Ctenrfial I H. R.. and adjoiuitig lands of Hubert Hudson and oloers, and known as tbe Jacob U. tit-arhart lot, Tba said tract containing 00 aorvi mora or less, with two veins of valuable coal I hereon, has about JO acros oleared, and Is tbe kev to a la rue bodv of coal alout being develuped. Will be sold low aod upon easy terms. For particulars, apply to I'AVll) L. UKKU8. ClwllrH, Pa.. July IT, IwTn. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. TUB nndenlgncd, having attablUhed a Nur scry on tbe 'Pike, about half way between Clear field and Curwonsvilto, is prepared to fur nish all kinds of Kltl'lT TKKKd, (standard and dwarf,) Krrrgretms, Bhrubbery, Urape Vlnee, Uoofoberry, Law ton Plarkberry, Btrawborry, and Kaupberry Vines. Also. Siberian Crab Trees, , Wulnoe, and early scarlet Hhabarb, Ac. Orders promptly attended to. . Address, J. U. WRiailT, rep2fl -S -j CurwensvlUe, Pa. Gas Bonds for Sale. The Cltarucld tlaa Cnmpanr olTra for, at par, Coupon ilmda of , icili and $iuO denomina tiona, boarinit intcrcal at the rare of s per centum Ser annum, pay.ble aciai annually at Ilia Kirat alitmnl UiidIi of Clcarfleid, Pa. The worke of tbe Clwerfirld Uaa Oomnan. .r erected at a coat of .i,ulln, and tha Uooda la. aued are limited by law lo Ill.DOA, aecurcd by a mortnaire on a'l tbe Compnnr'e property and francbiae, In faror of Wm. 11. Dill, Caahlcr ef Ihe Pirat National Bank, ami John II. Adam., Caabier of tba Clearleld Count; Bank, In truat. Tbe Dircrtora nronoae to laaue h,t Blannn r thcae bnnda for the purpoae of funding their float ing debt, and hut $luuu remain nneul.1. Anr in- Imm.llon rcrpeclmg tha irorka "ill ba glren bj tha I're.idcot or Trcaaarer of tha Company. Honda can lie had al anj of Ihe Clcarfleid banki. n.n.naitn, A. r. liOl.NTON, I'rcaidenl. g,,,. ,nj ivrai. W. I). IllllLRR, JAMKS IltH I.N, JNO. . IHWIN, Clearfi.hl. June It, '7S tf. Ilirectora. PI.ATH AM) FMIrlKR!. Tbe nnileraiffned hereby sirca nolloe to Ithadilacnaol ClearBeld oounty, that ha baa at j bia arccn houaa In Clearilchl, a large quantity of all kinda of VKOKTABLE AND FLOWER PLANTS, which be will sell at reasonable prices, He baa Early at.d Late Cabbage Plants, Tomatoes, Celery, I aulitlower, Egg Plants, Pepper Plants, Ao. SWEET POTATO PLANTS, fl 00 per 1,000 or City cents per hundred. All kinds or PLOWEHS fur pots and bcddlag. banging baskets and vase, such as AnFortfd Heliotropes, Bing.e A Double Petunias, tlcraniuuis, Bago, tuchnia, Pansies, Agera turn, Culeue, Dahlias, Verbenas. Ctphea. Cann as, Ccntaurea and Cineraria, llngonias, aUmvelia, Mignonette, Pinks, Phlox, Ac., Ac FOR ONB DOLLAR, I will send one doien, strong, vlgoroas, well branrhud flower plaots of any selection. Where the srlectiun is lilt to me I will guarantee satis faction. EKlNKrjf HOCK. Cioarld. Pa, AprU 2178-tf. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Groceries, TI1K LAliaESTand 11KST PKLKCTKD BT0CK IN IIIK COt'NTV. COFFER, TKA, Sl'UAR, SYRUP. MEATS, fish, SALT, OILS, QUEEXSWAUE, TUBS an4 Bt'CKKTS, Dlilfcl) KKU1TS, CANNKD 000 DP, SPICKS, BROOMS. FLOUfl, FKED. County Agent for LOlllLL.tRirS Ton.iccos, There gooda bought for CASH io large Iota, and lold at almoat city prieee. JAMKS 11. LVTLK, ClearDeM, Pa., Jone 13, l.S7S-ly. PRIVATE SALE Valuable Real Estate I Th under Iirncd. llrln Id Peon twn., Clr- fleld county, Pt., offer, lb following Ttlunblt neai nctRtetor Mia: 446 Acres of Land, mart) or lew. tn neeeirift lownvbin. ltio on thm north tide of big Cletrfield oi-mIi, tntl within on nil of th fftmo. The bor Und ! kurllr jffasred wttb hemlock, whit oak, rock out, and other hard wood timber, ud ft quantity ef white pine, uld to be half a million or wore feet. Tbe tame ia heavily underlaid with bitaminoua eoal, and directly on the line of railroad leading frm HotittdaletoCoalport. Itaralua linnknrwn. There are, alno, other valuable mineral i on tha Mime. The above land Ilea about two and a-half mi lea below the village of Ulen Ho), adjoining landa of Oeors;e Uroom and othere, on what ia known aa Porter'a run. The Improvemonta oa tbe prop erly are a good geared aaw mill, io running order, a high dnm, atone brtatt, made in the beat man ner, tit for almoat any maobinerv. There la, alao, a large frame dwelling boiiae and frame bank barn (hereon, and about forty or Rfty aorea, mora or leM, of the land la cleared. Any pereon winning to inreat In property of tbia kind will do well to examine thia property. I will aell tha whole or the undivided half toteieit, aa may auit the purehaier. Tbe above traot of land will make Iwo or three farmi, which will oompare favorably with the greater part of oar oounty. Prioe and torma made known to any pmon wiibinc to pur- nhaNe. For further particulare eall in pernon or aildreaa the anderfigoed at Grampian llill P.O., iBuriiem couniy, i a. dam It .riUbMlUK. Jan. 0, lN7H tf. William Powell. HKCOSD ST., CLKAKrtElD, PA., Dealer in Heavy end Shelf HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, PAINT, OIL, TARNIfHG8( tlLAHS AND PUTTY Keept fniaTitIy on bnd tha rait Cooking, Heating and Parlor Stoves and Ranges of all deterij tlona. Table and Pocket Cutlery, i arpeotera rol, aueli aa fawi, HatebeU, tuuare. Bench eHi'pn, PUnaa aad Claok Irenii, ObieU, Ilitla, Aagera, Adtea, l ilra, 11 ingna ol all kind, Lorki, Prrfwi, Hih Cord, Pullrj, etc., a te. Farming P)'w Cultivator, ulia and fngla Phoval Plows Cultivator Teeth, drain Oradlee, Hrythea, Snathe, Heea, Parka, Aakea, Hay Porka Farm lielle, ate., tte. lldraa f hoea and Hnrae Nalli, Ibe beat make of Croat cnt flawe and aaee, (Inndaionea and 1 1 rind r tone Piilnrea, and everything a Dually kpt In a flrt rlaaa Hardware Ptore. Alao. full atoek of House Furnishing Coods, nnifiifs, lamps, cniMNKva, tt. All hinda of Tinware Vent en hand aad Bad. ta arder. Hoo!n and faonliai promptly at tended lo. Prraom alahlnf aerltilnf In ny line, ara la rlted to call and alanine clock aad prieee . WILLIAM l'OWBLL. , Claarllelil, Pa, Jam I, l7 If. it 1' ! I