If! 1 ji--::: u THE REPLICAN CLEARFIELD VK. " WEDNESDAY MORNINQ, AUOl'ST II, H;l. Terms of Subscription. If paid la advance,., wlcnia Ihm uuiaike..,tt M If poid efter three aid before ail aoatbe... t 0 If jiaid after theeipiratloB of lis uioobta.,, I SO aejrM.ssrs. 1. M. ParraaaiLL A Oo.. H.a a.p.r Adverll.tn Afenta, 87 Park Row, corner bevkaa. Street, ere. oar duly aalfcorllad Afouts in nww iwr viij. KbLK.IOIJH NOTICEM. Mrlllodlat F.plseonal Church Rar. J MrMi-auAT, Pastor Karvlara ev.ry Babbalb u io, a m., ana i, r. M. Sabbath School at A. M. Prayer Median every Tbursd.v. at N P. If. Coaio union Service, trit Sabbath of every luou.n, m '! a. m. Meal lltarflald M. E. Il.dr.-r, R... William II. Dill and W. 8. Wilsom, Pastors. rre.cBina; every allarnala Sundey, at I o'olook, r, M. ciion.y Bcoool at 11, r. M All an la vlleo to auaiia. Preebt tcrlaH ( liurchKcv. II. g. HnTI.lt. Hol.bath services morning and evening 8b bath School at I I1. M- lrjr Meeting Wednea- t. Frauds' ChurckCat1.tille Ha. P J.Shuida. Preaching at 10, o'clock, A. hf.,oa the first, third and fourth .Sondaysof each month; Vespers and Benediction of lb Blessed Sacrament it r o'olook, P. M Honday Be boo I every Sunday OFFICIAL IMHKCTORY. VIMl Or BOLAIBO QIUBTBB IBMIUJII OOUHT. Second Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Plret Monday ef J una. Fourth Monday of ttoptomber. TINS OP OLOmt COM MOB PLBAS. First Monday of June. -Second Monday of November. public omenta. Prttidmt y-HoD. Charles A. Mayer, of Lock ilavea. Aitittant tow JudgtUo. John H. Orvla, of ncuaioDia. , AfooinU Judgn Arrant Of dan, Claarflald inceei a. uoit, jiearneia. ValAoaaMrv Kli Bloom. Rfiti$r nd RKrdr-. 3. Morgan. LHitrut 4f.ry.Wia. M. MeCulloogb. TVeusNrcr David MoUeughey, Sheriff Andrew Panti, Jr. VuHfv Sheriff ChrUt. J. Ken frr. Claarflald (7oNfy Survgor 8amaal F, McClopkey, Car enarilla. County Commfotlonrt Clark Brown, Claar Held f Tbomaa A. Mc(Jea, Chart P. 0.; Uairii liooTer. viaarnsia. County Uorftlort Willitm V. Wright, Clear field Samuel A. Caldwall, WiiliaBagroTt f John u. uonnar, uurnaiaa. Uonnty CoromrJ. B. Naff, Ktw Washington. Jury t'oMMtanaatra Dr. JaniM P. Burebflald. Clcarflad, Joacph Alexander, Madera. tiuptinHudent PmUit SeAaa. M, L. Mc Qnown, Claarflald. Utattrof Weigkf & MtamrnJttM W.Carl I la, office at tolheribarg Pa. iVotartai Public John W. Wrigley, Wn. Ha dabangh, Cyrua Gordon, Clearfield Joaeh II. Irwin, N. B. Arnold, Carwenarilla ; J. A. Living it on a, Dulioia City. Our Spttial column la decidedly Interaillng in a local point of view, and profitable reading to outaldera who want to lava money. bog-days end on Saturday next, the J 4th In etn i. m e - - Alius A. MucJjeod will re-open her arboul on Monday, riaptembor 2i, 1878. A full lino of Fall halHjuHt opened at Hirllngnr A Ho ih', which they will tcll ebeaper than ever. e awn The juice of that aromatic vegetable, tbe oofott, It li aiiertad, will Inntantly cure the Irritation produced by Inciting of tbo moMjulto. The Editorial exctuHion to the Mam moth Cafe, in Kentucky, itartad on their tour from Pittiburg tbla (Tuvaday) morning. Ten day will be orcupled In tbe trip. Wo ftcfinnwli'dgo the receipt of The Camp imjf, ptlllibcd In tbe Interest of tbe Juniata Valley Camp Beating at Newton Hamil ton, giving tba proceed iugi lo full. The Juniata Tribune, published rt Mifflintown, Juniata county, bn been parch aed by Mr. Kara D. Parker, and changed from a Radical to a Democratic peper. Mr T, D. Ger man Is tba editor. a 1 The IteynnldttviHu Uerld has been enlarged to an efpht-pige paper, with sii columns to tbe page. Six pages of tbe mam moth sheet are printed on tbe patent plan, and two pages are printed at Reynildivilla. James L. Ijcavy, of this borough, has secured the contract fur carrying tbe mail between this place and Penfleld, Tor the year commencing a tba 1st day of October next, at wbiib time Mr. Oearbarl's contract expires. In our advertising columns will be found a statement of the borough school funds for tbe year ending In June laiU Tax payers should look eerefollj over this statement, la order that tbey may know juat what Is done witb the school money. Patrick McMontiB, a Mollie Maguiro, arrested la the Iloutsdalo coal region soma time go by Oncer Clark, of Osceola, was tried at Banbury last weak and convicted of murder In tbe first degree, for tbe killing of Coroner Hcsier at SbaBokia In 1874. m e - - Missofl Helen Watson and Grace Car don have opened a general assortment of Notions snd Ladies' Fancy Hoods, la Row's store room, on Second street, to which tbey Invite tbe atten tion or the ladies of Claarflald and vicinity. Their advertisement will be found to this paper. - 1 11 m e Miss Iloltie Moore, .of Luthonburg( bas beaa appointed to take tbe place of Miss Maggie MeCulloogb, as one or the t each era in our graded school. The last named lady declined to accept the appointment, having accepted a posi tion is teacher In the Williauaport Dickinson Seminary. 1 e awn - . Tho members of the Episcopal Sab bath -School or this place bald tbelr annual picnic t tbo West Clearfield Park grounds on Wedoei day of last week. It was a pleaaant affair, and .was greatly enjoyed by all who participated lo it. During tba heavy rain that afternoon, the pic nickers took shelter In tba exhibition building. A young man who imbibed too freely of bad whisky, and was Baking considerable noise aboat ear streets, last Thursday afternoon, was arrested by Officer Dorrlt and asbered Into the pretence of Bsqulre Howe, who committed him to Jail to sober up. The prisoner was re leaied tba next mora tog, after ptlne; a couple of dollars for eosd. George Butler, Sr.. oi Lawrence township, will sell a lot of cattle, hogs, agricul tural Implements, sawed lumber, household goods, etc, at public tale on his farm, on Friday, tbe Wlh day of August, nt 10 o'clock A. M. Mr. Butter has tuheaged his farm for a tract of land la Vlrglala, and bo expects soon to remove to (hat 8tat. A team of homes belonging to J. 11. Stewart, of Bradford township, took fright at tbe oars, near Miss Ogdens', on Monday afternoon, and mn away. A son of Mr. Stewart, who waa driving, was tbrowa ant of the wagon and aon lUcrabty Injured. Tbo wagon was badly wrecked, bet tbe bones escaped without Injury. Tbey were caught at Mr. Bargees', a start disteae from where tbey started. a 1 Gone. Benjamin Bloom, the IbhI ol savaa brothers of that name, died at the rcftdeoee of bis son, near Cufwensvllle, on tbe 13th Inat, In tbe Mth year of his age His death was sot unaipected. He leaves behind bltn the latgeat tirele of relatives, probably, of aay other person Is the ooanty. But obo of tbe family of eleven children (seven sons and four daughters) now survives. Mra. Bowles, tbe only member of that family left, Is nearly 74 years of age. The Harvest Home and Granger Pie-aic, oa Ibe old camp-meeting ground near tx Sheriff Road's farm, la Lawrence towashlp, on Thurtday last, was a magnificent seooee The crowd of people In attendance was large, and ovrytblag paased off pleasantly and la good order. J. B. Read delivered lbs address of welcome. Addressee wort delivered by Leander Dana lag, who was Proitdeat of tbe meeting, Mr. Roan, of Centre ooanty, and Rev. Henry 8. Butler, of ClearSeld. Inflammation of the kidneys m known by fever, pnia in tbe region of tba kidneys and shooting along theeoaree of the atcier, anmbacas of tbe thigh, vomit lag, nrloo high colored and frequently discharged, eoetWeoee and cello pains. The BeroecM, at Buebu, Baek-aeh, Liver nnd Kidney Care, is warranted to raltae thaea symp toms, as It has not failed In aa doing lha put ten years. Dally, people call to tell as of I he great benefit race i red frem aslag It Prepared by B. K Tkompsoa, T'tes villa, pa. Price II. 0 per bottle. For sals by all druggists In Clearfield, aad by Joe. Seylet A Boo, Latbersbarg. Cawuidatu. It will ba observed thai llw llvl of eeudldatoa la aalne pretty mil f I- t I (.-. li - 11. u.Z. m, aftl.'afl.ot ba laiartad. To Landlubds and Storbkkspkrs. Ljtla baa an arraogeBent witb aa Xaatert Cigar Factory to that ha eaa fat) algera by the box or thouaandat botton, flgnraa. Qlrt tbelr elgan ooa irlaL tf. Lutheran Preaching. Rev. P. B. Shark, of Vw Millport eharga, will pnaoh la tba Claarflald Lutheran Cburob next Sunday, Aunuit ?5(b, at 11 Mock A. M. and 7J o'clock F. M. A full attendanot vS tb avaWllr, of tba Cbareb la apaolally rtquaa'od. Pity thb Unkortunate. There aro aeBa people who are sever willing to profit by tbe eiperienoe of otheri, or tbey would keep and aaa for all atonaeh and bowel troubles Dr. Fennar'a Uoldea Relief. It alio eurae lame back, kldoay eouplalnt. Price 26, 6fto, and $1. llartawiob 1 Irwin ageota, Clearllald, Pana'a. Cheht." Your communication has bean rrealvod j but tba editor la abitnt, and the " devil " doea not like to Mi u cue lha reapoDiibllity oi i'uiitibiug eotnt or tba Iteou ooatained there. i. It will keep (Ur a wat-k or two, however, by wblcb time tt la expected that tba rui.onilbla naa will U at bla (.oat, whoa It will be given to niB tor Impaction. Mui.tjply.no. Tbe luto Jiunjamin Bloom left bablod htm fla children, thirty eight grtDd-ebildrea, and fifty greit-granJ-ohiUreii, ihowing that bit progeny la tpreading. It it Mid that bo vary amah deelred to let another generation it art log op, and eonaurtd cobo of bii great grand-cbtlJrea for being io alow about getting narrlod. a - List ofluUorfl remain in ir unclaimed in tba Poatoffloo at Clearfield, for the we A ending Aug. It), 1878 i Dennia Burgoo a, Terrieaa Caldwall, Jauel Campbell. Qeorga Dean, W. 0. Juitioe, John Ku ger, M. K. Light, Floreooa Porter, Dela Painter, Peter Stooer, John H. Sinytb, Char lea A. Taylor, Nannie M. Wllaoa, John H. Warren, Mrs. Rebecca Wtam. P. A.Gaulih. P. M Moke Gone. Another squad of oar cltlsenittarled torthe Juniata Valley Ua up-meet- log on tba AocoiuBodatioo train laat Saturday morning, and a e umber went on the Mail train la the afternoon, to reioalo over Sabbath. Clear field wn pretty well rtpresenttd there ieet Sab' bath. A Bung the trot holderi, we notloo the natoaa of the following penona from tbla county: Mra. Teat, Rar. J. S. MoMurray, Ker. VYm. II Dill, of Clearfield ; Her. Ucorga Leidy, of Cur. wenavllle ; Mn. Blattenberger, of Woodland. Cleahkikld Coal Trade. State meat of Coal and other frelghu eeot over the Tyrone A Ckarflald Divialon, Peonaylvaola Hall. road, for tbe week eoding Aug. 10, 1879, and tbe name time laal year : COAL. or tbe week ama time last year.. Decroaie Previously during year Bawa time last year Decrease Total in 1878 Same litue last vtar Decrease ... OTOkR rRKIOUTS. Lumber Miscellaneous freights .... 97 cars, .... V8 Friuhtful Accident.-We learn from the Selinsgrove riatrs that a frightful acci dent occurred at Gross' steam saw mill, Just below Shaiuokio Daw, on the Vtb Inst, by Ibe explosion of tbe boilers. Charles Elliott, Engineer, on re turning to the mill after dinner, discovered that s water In tba boilers was low. Instead of drawing tho fire, he recklessly or isuorantly filled tbe boilers witb cold water, the terrible rovult of which he did not live loug enough to know. There waa a terrible explosion and tbe air was filled with all sorts of debris. Elliott was bliwn one hundred feet distant into a pile of wood. His body was mangled and dead, A boy named Charles Freymeyer waa blown one hundred and filty feet into tho canal and was instantly killed, or drowned, John Gross, one of the owners of the mill, waa blown a considerable distance agalost a heavy log, and was ladly scalded and dead wbu found. Was. Freytuejer was knocked soli teles s and severely scalded, and Isaac Fetter bad bis head badly cat both expected to die.! Jacob Hendricks bad bis hauds scalded. Tbe mill was ruined completely. Sad and Fatal Accident. From thoAllootia Tribmn, ul tba 17th lost., wo learn that Mr. Henry Beyer, a cltiua of Tipton, Bialr eounty, aad a brother of Mrs. John W. Sbugarl, of this borough, engaged in the lumber business at Ratney station, Clsarfield county, ws Instantly killed laat Thursday, the loth Inst. Us and no employe ware engaged la rolling logs down an In cline to the mill nt Harney. The logs beaao to go down end foremost, when Mr. Beyer aalled to stop sending them down. He then passed over tbe logs until he reached tbe foremost one, which started to roll aad threw bim ta front paasing over bim. Two others followed and rested on his body. Whea token from beneath them It was found that his neck was broken. His remains were taken to kis homo at Tipton on Friday, and tbo funeral took plaoo tbe aatt day. He was agtd about 60 years, and leaves a wife and eight children to aourn bis death. Mr. Be) or was a most oxeelleat cltlseo, and a largo circle of eo qualatauces will deeply symprbite with his bereaved family la this melancholy tragedy. So Wi Go. The Junta la Valley Camp-meeting Daftg, of Friday last, relates tbo following, which occurred oa tho camp grounds the day previous t " Mr. Benjamin Norton, an eateemed eitlsen of Newton Hamilton, and Re cording Steward of tbe Methodist Cburob at that place, was seised with a sudden hemorrhage of tho luags yesterday afternoon, whiofa in a few mi Dates proved fatal. He had taken bla sent la the Tabor nacle to listea to the preaching, but feeling faint be arose and proceeded across Circle No. J to ward bis teat, before reaching which be sanh down exhausted and bled profusely. He waa eonveyed Into a neighboring tent and medical aid summoned, but nothing coo Id be done for hla relief, and within fifteen minutes be breathed bis last. He bad bean In feeble health fur some years. On Thursday of last week he removed to bis tent oa tba camp ground, expecting to derive benefit from n residence of a few weeks In tbo woods, but bis Heavenly Father bad prepared a place fur bim In tba Paradise above, and bow he If with tbe redeemed In that better country." That Social Kvil. The tramp is the burning, blislering shame of this age and one of the sorest spots oa our civilisation. Tbe Philadelphia authorities have been experiment ing on this olaaa of criminals for some time. That city was being filled with tfaaa nnd, for tba pur post of intimidating Ibem, 600 were arrested and Incarcerated In lock-ups, prlaoaa, etc., where tbey ware fed aad slothed. There was no flight oa the part of tkoat left roaming at will, and, like killing (Ilea, others soon took the plaoes of tbe vagrants arrested aad In prison. It Is very evldoat that eueneeeneat wltaoat labor bas no terror for tbe professional vagrant, and some other policy mast ha adopted in order to prevent the spread of this social disorder. The best core to be aiod la ibis and eveiy ether community would be to arrest them, attach a ball and ehala to them, aad compel them to make our pubtic toada and streets, la charge of aa overseer, wbo will compel them to do a fall day's work In the internet of Ike public. Tbla kind of treatment would stop tbe production, thoaa oa hand would soon make tbelr oseapa, and society would gel rid of this peat. O mmm Sebious Accident. M r. Philip Dotts, of Beoearla towaablp, one ef tbe Democrat la can didates for Oonaly Treasurer, mat with a very serlons aocldeat on Wedaeaday afternoon of last week, while passing through Ulrard township. Mr. Dotts waa caught out in n thunder storm, near Congress Hill, and while hoisting an um brella tt shelter hla from the rain, his borso (a fonr-year-old oelt) bee ems aaauaageeblo and ran away, throwing hla oat of the buggy against a tree, injuring hia about tbe head aad fractnr log a couple of ribs. After lying In an nneon setona state for several hoars, in the rata, bo re covered suOeieBlly to enable himself to reach (he nearest bouse, that of Mr, Alex. Murray, about n alia from where tho accident ooarred. Tbe biff; was vary badly wrecked and scattered along tbe road for two alien. Tbo borta become entangled In the haraees, and waa foaad news over an embankment, lying on bla bank but when righted, tho animal seemed to act as though It had Just been a sbewer. Mr. Datts remained at tho realdenee ef Mr. Murray antlt Friday aoraing. whea ba waa ana voyed to Clearfield. He te now lylag at ibe Maa slow House, la this borough, where be is getting along wall nnd recovering aa rapidly as can be expected under tho elieam stances. Be expects to bo reaovod to his home, near Glen Hope, In 0 row days. It bj bo teastdored a anero accident that be waa not hilled 1 beeauaa, tf hla head bad struck tka tree, Instaad of his shoulder and tide, his bra la 1 weald hart beta daabed oat. Kern ember that Lytle it County Agent for LerriUard'i Tobaeeo, and cam nil tatm Li fc:tcT7 prim. Th-y u law bst tabaaaaa la J.. daW '' bM fi nlM At the Republican office is the place to get yonr Job work dona. We are folly prepared to do anything la tbe printing Hoe, will do It wall, and at tbe right kind of price. tf. .. a ,, Dead. Thomas G. Hood, the head of tbo Philadelphia dry-goods firm of Hood, Boa bright Co., died la that city oa the lath inat. Mr. Hood was well-known to nearly all our chants. a A Fact. An advertisement Inserted la tbe Hkpublk'a will rwacb i raders than tf published lo all tbe other papers la the eova- ty,and eoit tbe adverttaei leas than one-half In other words, aa advertisement published la our Jcurnal la worth double the price of that charged by any other publisher la the county, It is a fact." tf. DCDICATION. Tbe new Church buildinc of tbe United Breth renin Christ, near Kylertowu, will be dedicated to the service of UoJ on Sunday, Hep ten bar 8th, Kev. Speck, of Johnalown, will officiate. Tbe friend of the Cborch Intend la have a basket pic-Mo on the occasion. All aro Invited to at tend. Come, and let us have a good time. DcTauTBa, Pastor. Dental Notice. Dr. A. M. Jlilli would say to bis friends and former patieats that be baa sot retired from practice as has been Illustriously circulated by soma persons, but will e nlinue to give bis personal attention to all who may desire It, or to assist Dr. Helohhold when ever required. Nitrous Oxide Gas given tor tho painless extraction of teeth. April 14-tf. Tho Clearfield Gas Company offers, at par, Coupon Bonds la denflBinatlons of 9309 and 0I each, bearing Interest at the rata or six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually at the First National Bank. Tbe Company has issued bond to the amount of $10,000, and $8,000 of this was taken but a few days ago by one of the Clearfield boohs, leaving $4,000 to be disposed of. Capitalist who art seeking a safe invest ment for their money, wonld tonsnlt tbelr inter est by inrestlng In these bonds. They can be purchased at either of tbe Clearfield banks. -Any iu form at Ion respecting lha Una Company, will bo cheerfully given by A. F. Boynton, President, or W. W. Betta, Secretory. JelV-tf. BpeciaiB, Oxa Hi'xnnxo Pan Cbrt. Discount on Old Pnicas. Sewing Machines eaa now be purchased at 1M err ell's lin and variety store, from $Jto up wards. All kinds of sewing machines repaired on ine soonest notice. Clearfield, Pa., July IB, 1877. Waktks 1100,000 18-Inch shaved ahlngli to average from 8 to 8$ Inches for which we will pay the highest market price. A. G. K bam a a A Co., fsb.18.tr. Clearfield, Pa. BuaoiKS For Sam. R. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of Fredooia Bugglea and Platform Wagons for sale. To be aeon al tbe Shaw House yard. Call oa or address bim at Clearfield Penn sylvania. - may 18 -If, Wa RTitn. Foine easily learned person or Artist to manufacture LoTasn'i I'atbkt Silk Castas Pictdrks in this county, on Royalty. Painted from photographs or any picture, and la tba Finest Oil Paiating made. Before the territory ia tat cn l will paint pictures exit for i ana warrant them fur life, livery person should have one, as un rutntings on uanvaa are too only pic'ures that will aland tho test of time, and can bo bonded down to posterity. Particulars free. L. T. LUTHnlK, Nov. 7, 1877-ly. Corry City, Pa. .In 1 nttrniable Truth You deserve to culler, and If you lead a miser able, unsatisfactory life In this beautiful world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you your unreasonable prejudice and ekepticisw, wbfoh haa killed thousands. Person al knowledge and common sense reasoning will soon show yon that Green's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or D.vapepslo, with all its miserable effects, such as sick bead ache, palpitation of tho heart, sour stomach, habitual oostivsness, dlaiinces of the head, nervous pros tration, low spirits, Ac. Its sales now reach every Iowa oa the Western Continent, and not n Drug ?ist but what will tell you of its wonderful cures, on can buy a sample bottle tor SO cents. Three doses will relieve you. Julyl7,'7B-eow-ly. I'oii ?tff Curt thai t ough. With 60 Hob's Consumption Cure v can curt yourseir. It hat established the fact that Con sumption oao be cured, while for Coughs, Bron chilis, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all diioaaea of Throat and Lungs, it is absolutely without aa equal. Two doses will relievo yonr child of Croup. It ia pleasant to take and perfectly harmless to tbo youngest child, and no mother can afford to be without It Yun oan nae two-thirds of n bottle and If what wn any is not true we refund the price fa id. Price 10 cents, 50 cents nnd $1 per bottle, f your lungs are sore, or cheat or back latne, asa Hbiloh's Porous Plaster. For sale by all drug gists of Clearfield. Have yon Dyspepsia, aro yon Constipated, hart ron n Yellow Skin, Loss of Appetite, Head Ache. ( so don't fail to use SH1LOI1 S HYSTKM VI- TALIZUH. It is guaranteed to relieve you, and will you continue to suffer when you tan bo cured on such terms as these. Price 10 cU. and 76 eta. Sold by all druggists of Clsarfield. Well's Peraian Perfume, HACKMETACK," Is rich and fragrant. Try it. Sold by all druc- gists of Clearfield. dee.,'77 sow8m. (Joe Dr. Vaa Dyke'a Bulphnr Soap. Makes the skin beautifully white aad healthy. rem ores dandruff, chafing, prickly heat, sores, eruptions, burning slinging an t itching of too sun una scat p. a suipnur Data wita it it ntgniy recommended. Always ask rar it by its rail name. julyl7,'78-eow-fiou The fact of tho business Is that Sulphur Baths bare become anneoeasary si nee the introduction of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, because thst article an swers the same purpose, via : tha removal of eruptions, rheumatism and gout. Bold by nil urn ir risiiv Hill's Hair A Whisker D's. Black or Brown. 00 cents. augl4-4t Just Received I Just Received by ARNOLD, at CUKWKWS VltiliK : Car Load Nova Hootia Plaster 1 Car Load pure Corn, Rye and Oatt Chop I Car Load Dealcen Halt I Car Load Choice Family Flour ! Car Load Dry Goods. Groceries, 4c! Shingles, Bark. It. R. Tie and Grain will bo taken in exchango. I'ut'wonsviiio, JUay 1, 1H7H. CLEABHELD MARKETS, Cl.BARFtBLD, Pa., Aug. 20, 1ST I. Floor, per ewt. SI SO I so 1 so 1 40 1 25 1 SO 1 00 Buckwheat Floar, per cwt... Corn Meal, per ewt Chop, rye, per ewt unop, mt ied, per cwt Fran, per cwt , Wheat, per bushel , Rve, per bushel , Oats, per buahel uorn, ears, per bushel..., Baokwheat. per bushel Potatoes, per bushel Apples, per bushel.... 40 to loo Hi J so 1 80 name, per pound , Hboalder, per pound Dried Beer, per pound ....... Chickens, per pair,,,,.., outter, per pound Ke-ga, per doaen Salt, oar sack, large...... Coal Oil, per gallon.. uara, per ponao: ........,, Dried Apples, per pound..., Drlrd Peaohes, per pound.., Brans, per bushel H1 PB0DUCE MARKET EEPOET. PatLADBLPBtl, Aaguet 10. flear New wkoat weak) aid 8rn fairly aatlra aaperAaa,S8 80(d) a; aitraa, a.ifo4i reaamvaala raaiKy, a.(j5 aaj Mieaawla do 88 68(0.7; pataat Bad hifkgradea, 7(o,l. Rye Boor, S3 76(d) I. Corameal, tl 76. Wbaat laactlva. Irmi pad. tl 8! Ml 881i am. bar, tl 08(a) I 00 Cora aaiet, kigbev, trai y.llow, 63(a)62r! ld,4M(m4aa. Oat. lower, dall, waabi Paaaeylvaaia and waet. era wblla, 8(Jlel weatara miaad, I7(o)3t. Hya eoareo aad Brm; Bla Bid. Prevlarnae Ormart maaaraU Inqalryi bmm pork, til 35(0,11 6B. H..f hama, til 60(n,33 68; India maea beer, IT 60(d)li emobl .boulder 84ei aalt pa 6((d) ei.amobed beme,l6($l3e piekledda, 10(a) l.l greea da-, 8a. Lard ira, I kee balebere, T ally kettle, 8(. Better aalet aad trm for eboiaei areaaaery. Bradford oo.atj and New Yark aatraa. tMI0o wnlera raaarve, I3(al4a. Kggi .laadyi PeBB.jlvaBia, 18(oll7 weelara, 14(p) I8e. Chea. dall, BBekaaged. Petroleum dull, anebang.d. W ki.ky aotl.a, aeam, 8ra WMt.ra, l 88. Naw Y.ai, Aug. 10. Ploev But. aat waet- rB aoebangod, ouiet) aoatbera Mardy. Wbeal ,(la Mw medeval.ly aotivat He. I wiaterrod, A.gu.t, tl ll Deplember, tl III O.. tober, tl . C.ra ifoife lw,ri moderatB tradat mlaadweal- era epol, 41(0) 4 Vfo; do ralarea, 4i(it63a. Oata 8rm etele, 8(l)(o)li Billed waatara, 11(3 8aa. Beef heavyi aew pUla awe, tKQll. Park llaadyi aew .M, till vv( ll 13. Urdateady! eaeam paadwad, t7 78(1 H. Baiter trm. . Wblibj Uead, waatara, II M. Cainoo, Aatait 10 floar Ira. bat aot aaa. lably klgbar. Wbw ia fair d.maad bat leweri tr I red wialer. We, He. I do.. tTle far oa.k, 3We, for Tgu"l t6,t for Baptemben Ma. I Ckleafo spring. II No. I do, 9to naked; t8e bid for each, WtefollM for Augnat, H(,H for SepUmbon vlie ferOotoben Mo. t do., old ie; eaih and"Aogai7a5i"i I& 'i-pte ( Ml. V 374.. Oat. alaady and la damand, tti Ibr aaahj S2io lor Baptcmbari ralaotad, lata. R.a aaalarat alia. Barl.7 ouirt and aak at tl 14 foraub; tl U) Tor Baptambar. At the Leondard House, Clearfield, on Thursday, August lib, 1878, by Rev. W. H. Wilson, Mr. Constans C Holler, of Holand, Centra county, and Miss Mattia HassoB, of Biaiaer's station, Clearfield aonoly. In Ferxuson towns. In. on Saturday, Aug. lock, 1878. by Hev. B 0. Baud. Mr. Win. O. Barrett nnd Miss Mary J. Baker, all of Clearfield county. JirtJ. In Greenwood township, on Saturday, Augost IK a. 1878, In fate I eon of Jobn a. and Bessie Derrick, aged fi days. In Pike township, on Tueaday, Aug. 13th, 1876, at tbe reaidenoe of bis son 1 bom as, ueojai Bloom, aged 87 years, 7 months and 13 days. gaUroads. Pennayl vauln ltnllroad TYRONE A CLKARFIELD BRANCH OX aad aftar atoada,, MAY 10, 1877, lh. Paaaanrar Traiaa will rua daily (aie.pt Bua- daya) batwaaa Troaaaad Glaarflald, a. follow! i ClIARFIKLD MAIL. IV. rJ. PLuaaaa, Coaduotor. LAV1 SOUTH. LKAVB NOKT1I. Canraatvlllal.tt, p. Tyroaa,.H...... 9.00,a.m. Olaarl.ld, I.aa, ' Vaaaao.oa t.ii, " Leonard,, 1.49, Bammlt, .tall,'' Barralt, J..4, " Pooalloa, TC.0I), " Woodland, 4.01, OaoMla,......ll.l, " Bi,larr. 4 0a, Uojnlon 10.17," Wallaoaton,....4.l7, " Staloar'., 10.33, Bla. Ball, OS, " Pailipibarf, .10.55, " Orabam 4.31, Oraaam 10.JN, " Philipiaarf , ...4.15, " BluaUall 10.37, Sl.ln.t i,.. i ll, " W.llaoatoB,...10.44, Boyotoa, .4.40, - Biglor 10.53," Oiaaola, 4.53, Woodland, 10.511," Powalloa, t.05, " Barrott, 11.07," Humoiit,.........4.IS, " Laoaard 11.13," VanMO)oo,....5.35, " Claartald 11.111," Tyrone,. M0, " Oanrao.Tilla,.ll.40p.a. CLBARFIKLD ACCOMMODATION. Wit. L. Rhoadi , Conductor. LKAVB SOUTH. LKAVB NORTH. OarwaB.HIcH 0.40 a. Cl..rcld. 7:10 ' Tyron., 1. 15 P. H. Vanaooyoe,... .1.511 " Summit 8.00 " Fcw.llon 3.30 " Omli,. 8 45 " Boynton J.5.1 " Stainar'a, 4 00 " Philip.bur,...4.85 " Orabam 4.40 " BluaBall 4.55 " Wallaoatoa,...5.l3 " Iliglar, 5.38 " Woodl.ad, 5.45 " Barratt, 6.67 Laonard 8.06 " ClaarB.ld, 8.30 " Carwen.villa,.7.00 Laoaard, 7.35 ' Barralt.. 7.35 Woodland,.... 7.53 ' Blilar 1.07 1 WallaMloa,. 1.13 ' Blna Ball, 8.33 ' Orahaai, 8.45 Philip.bar,.. 1.00 8l.io.ra....... 1.10 Boynloa, 0.35 ' Oaaaola, 0.80 ' Powalton 10 00 1 Summit, 10.80 Vanaonyoo,M..ll.07 Tyron 11.8)1 ST Alii LINKS. A lllv. Caraaa.ailladally for Raynoldi- tIII., at 1 o'clock, p.m.,arrmogal R.ynoldirilla at 0 o'olook, p. m. R.taraing, iaavaa Haynoldl- Tilla dally, at 7 o'olook, a. m., arriving at Cur wanivilla at 12 o'olook, n. Fara, aaoh way, $3. A Uaga loarai CoratniTlll. dally, at I o'oloak. p. m.. for DuBol. City, arriving at DuWoia t'lty at o'etook, p. m. Raturning, Iaavaa DuBol. at o etoea, a. m., aany, arriving ai vurw.B.vuio a. 3 o oloek, ai. rara, aaob way, si. P1IILIPHBUKQ A MOSIIANNON BHANCIIKS LBAVB aotJTB. I.XAVB SORTO. a, v. p. m. r. n, 11:40 STATIONS. Morrtsdale, Philipsbnrg, Slciner's Doynton, 7:35 T:38 1M 0:10 7:51 6:b& 8:08 f:b0 8rll 8:45 6:18 8:40 8:21 8t86 8:38 8:30 8:36 13:25 i .11 12:11 4:24 12:14 4:16 10:20 12:1)4 4:10 Osooola, Mosbaniioo, 10:34 11:62 t bj Sterling, 10:18 11:45 8:5U Houtadale, 10:48 11:40 1:46 MoCauley, 10:58 11:35 S 41) Keodrick's, 10:58 11:. 10 ;:t5 llamey. 11:18 11:25 8:30 BALD BAG LB VALLEY BRANCH. Ex. Mall.. P. H. A. H. r. N. A. M. T 15 8.:i0 leave Tyrone arrive 6.10 8.05 7.48 7 13 1.47 Bald Ragle 6.68 6.10 4 46 4.37 4.16 4.01 laava 1.15 8.01 0.J0 Jaliaa Miteaburg Bellefoata Mileeburg T.00 1.34 8.65 1.33 10.86 8.46 13.16 t.08 10.40 843 8.3.1 33 8.00 6.16 llowara 141. 11.13 arrive L. Ilavea TYRONB STATION, aaarwaan. a.m.' PaeiBeBipreu 8:10 Uarrlabar, Aeo'm, 1:60 P.M. Mall Train, 1:1 Atlaaie Bipreaa, 8:60 Pbila. Kipraia, 10:33 WB.TWARti. A. M Pittsburgh Bip'at, 3.60 PaclOo Kapraaa, 8:16 P.M. Way Paiaenger, 1:16 Mail Train, 6:94 fail Liaa, 7:06 Oloee eoaneotlon. i aad Look liavea. aylT-tf. tad. by all tralai at Tyroaa 8. I. BLAIR, 8ap.rlBteBdeat. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW ORADI DIVISION. ON and aftar Moaday, Deo. lOib, 1877, tbe paeaenger train, will rua daily (eieapt Suaday) botweea Red Dank aad Driftwood, aa followa t EAKTVYARD-D.y Mall leave. Plttihurg 8:30 a. m. Red Bank 11:50 ; Sligo Junction 11:08; New Bethlehem 1:07 p. m. May.vlll. 1:16) Troy 1:80 Broobvllla 1:00 I Fuller'. 1:36 Rey. aoldavllla 3:61 f DuBoi. 8:33 t Summit Tunnel 8:46 1 Penl.ld4:06 Weedville 4:17 1 ll.nea.IU 4:60 arrive, at Driftwood at 6:66. W EMTW A ft I D.J Mail Imv.i Driftwood 13:16 p. a. B.a.t.tta 1:00; Waadvilla 1:40; PanBald 1:45 Summit Tuaaal 1:07 ; DuBol.l:30; Rayaoldivlll. 1:61; Puller'. 1:67; Brookvill.S:3.H; Troy 1:40; Mayavllla 4:16; New Bethlehem 4:30 ; Sligo Junction 6:10) Red Bank 6:37 1 arrive, at Pittsbarg at 6:10 p. m. tr The Reynoldarllla Accommodation leave. Reyaoldarillo daily at 7:66 a. m. aad arrlv. at Red Bank al 1 1:00 a. a., Pitlaburgb at 3 .16 p. m. Leavee Pltubargh at 8:86 p. m Had Baak at 6:66 ,. m.; arriving at Reynoldaville at 0:05 p. m. Cloae eoaaeetloB. aada with trala, oa P. A R. Railroad at Driftwood, and with train, oa tha Allegheny Valley Railroad at Rod Bank. DAVID MrCARUO.U.n'l Sup't. A. A. Jacibob, Hup'l L. U. Dlv. 8TAOK LINK. clkarpibld to paapiaLn. Tha undersigned would inform the public that he 1. bow rnnoing a stage line betweea Clearfield aad PanDel'i, three times a weak. Tba stage leave, Clearfield oa Tuesday., Tbure d.ys aod Saturday,, at 6 o'olook a. tn., arriving at l'enfteld at 11 o oloek m. Ketnramg aaine day.. Leaves Penfleld .t 4 o'olook p. m., arriv ing at Clearfield at 8 o'elook p. m. Conneotioa ic meJe with traiaa on (ba Low Grade R. R. at Panleld. Faro, each way, 11.60. (IKO. W. OKAHUART. Clearfield, Pa., Fob. 13, 1878 dfrrtisrmtats. HOUHB WAKTICD. The undersigned wlsbea to purehaaa a good young horse, about three or four yeara old, medium site, roond and well built, and good traveler. MILKS R. I1KKR3, Aug. 14, 1878-3t. Olearfiald. Pa. McKKNRICR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLIARFIKLD, PA. All legal baalaeaa antrested ta hla eare will re- raiv. ,roaa4 atleat raa. Otto. .ppMlia Court Haaaa, la Masoaia Balldlag, sr. augl,7B-ly, DR A.T. BCIHIYVER, MEDICAL KLICTRICIAN Aaa KCLRCTI0 PHYSICIAN. Oflea al lh. Laoaard House, Beer the depot, vieerBOM, ra. Haa mad. lha dlaeaaea of wemea aad chlldrea a apeelelty far yeara, aad will attead I. all ealla, Blgnt OV lay, IB tka boro.gb of Clearfield. Bl Bmlnatlaaa aad advloa fro. for oa. aoath. at bis oBoe ealy. Jalyl4, '7t tf. I7IXKCIITORB). HOTICB -Nolle. I. here. J by glvea that Lell.r. Teatamasl ary aa tba est.t. ef DAVID LA 110 ARB, late ef I'aioa tawaship, ClaarteM C... Pa.. deo'J. h.vla. k... duly graaaad ta the aadaralgaed, all poraoo. In debted r eald eelet. will plnee make immediate waymeat, aad Ikoea having elaima er deaaBd. will preent them properly anlbratlealed for eot. tlam.at wllhaM delay. DAVID DRKHP.LKR, CHRIST. LABORD, Keakln, A.g. II. 1878 tt. Bieealora. Noncte ATI penoaa are hereby ..tilled ih.t tb. followiag paraoaal property aa my rara la uwraao. lawa bip, ClearfieU aoanty, Pa., b.leega aa an, and aa aa. alee ha. aav In teract ia It, fl, : Oaa cow, I three yeer aid aad I twa year eld heifer, 8 .keele, I light wagna, 8 aerse aara aad 4 aeree Mra. Joha Oarae, wb. IIvm ea taa htm, is werking far wages, aad haa a. lalersel la aaytblag apoa lha fara bow, at that aa, aeraafur an raleed apna It. LUAMI AMI VARNH. A. 1. 14, 1876 St. mTolloi, rVtnrulk Vlct B,.'U, PitnplM. ami all BHeiaS rtt tUm tnluwonilf WaW -w I fuipowtri. BtMrwrnibMaiiihrauttrifttv- erbealth. Ht.4 It mf m ! Beeer ei8.--v a npMAf, tmttu, o Hti f.'Hfjr -foil tluM ml ItjtflMX"-Mr. M iNriMr.Jaif fB AW HMrtj, V tntt . B. R. SELl.ta. A ( (1., m O ttn't, ritHiPwri'ii. rt. jWdl if pnm m4 vA ii " T ' ' ii 1 J 11ITHAY MULE-Cuni tNii.Mlnii the W'tV - - 0 lAn sninlliusJaAT4.uLlrwWrt tba laft aida. 1 aa awaar la hareby aotiflvd to oama forward, prora imipariy, and u.a It away. or It will ba dlipoaru oi ai Ilia Uw direct.. DAVID MnKINNKY. Lutaaraburg, Pa., Aug. 7, 1H78-3I. Pennsylvania Female ('oIIcro, Plittburfh. Katl End) IV CotLaulATa raaa araaa Bapr.aaaa 13, 11.78. Location, 4 mllrt from r,urt llouaa, overlook. ing Kaat Liberty valley. Kajy of aoaeaa and froa from amokr. T.rai for boarding pupil, reduced. ror particular, ana wi''m .poly to MISS IIBLK.N K.I'KLATHKAN, Q. A. BERRY, I'reaj. Acting Pre.U.ut. July 34 3ia. WILLI AXISP OUT Dickinson Seminary, A firxt-olass School for both sexes, ooinbintng thorough Instruction in all branobos oi study, with tbe comforts of n good home, nt lower rates than anv institution ol equal rrade In the State. Regular course in Music and Art, unJcr eminent teaohers. Normal (eat-aing free. 111 utrm opens September 2d, 1N7H, Send for Catatogue. Address KfciV. EDWARD J. GUAY, A. M., Principal, July H 8w. Wllllamsport, 1'a. tAUTIOMawAll persons are hereby wnrncd J against purchasing or In any way moddlirig wtin tba !olk wing personal property, now tn tuo possession of Anttlc fiiglcman, of Oorineton townshin. via : Two horses and harness. 1 tim ber sled and chains, 1 plow and harrow, 1 culti vator, fi aorea rye, S acres oats, 8 acres corn, 3 acres book wheat, patch of potatoes, II acres of wheat, lot of hay, I two-horse wagon, f threshing machine nnd belling, about 1.U00 foot of pine boards, shovel plow, bay knife, cant hooka, lot of fiioe plan x and ooaras, i spring calves, 9 year is g calves, 10 sboats, 1 sow and 8 pigs, as tbe tame was purobaaed by ma at Sherifi's sale on the I Via day of July 1878. and Is left with said Uigleman on loan only, subject to my order at any lime. bTKI'HKN KOI 8SLY, rrenonvtito, Mg. t, 17. at. HALE OF Ti.WB rt ... W . IN '. Penn Township, Clearfield Co., fa. Tbe undersigned, Attorney in faot for the heirs of tba late Jnsepb Boon, will o(T.r at publio .ale at Ibe court Mouse, to toe borough of tioaraold, on TUESDAY, SEPT. II, 1878, valuable piece ofland situate in Penn towoshlr Claarflald oounlv, Pa., warranted iu tlia name t Nicklin A UrtSth, No. 6!0, adjoining land, of Dr. J. r. rloyt, James McCuna, livin MehafTcy, rreoenoK ivanartv, and otaera. eootaioing FIFTY AORBB, thirty-five acres of wbieb is well timbered. The terms of sale are, one-fourth oaah on day of .ale, and tha balanoe oa the 1st day of July, IS7H, to be secured by bond and mnrta.ro on the premises CllltlblUl'lIKH KKAI.KK, Att'y in faot for the h.lrs of Jos, Boca. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 31, 187S-td. Orphans' Court Sale. In pursuauee of aa order of the Orphans' Court or Clear nc id eounty, tbe undersigned Adminia tratorof the estate of Joactib htraw dec d, will expose to publio sale at the poitotfica, in Marron, ferguson lownsnlp, tlearnelJ county, i'a on SATURDAY, AlTOUBT 24, Ufs, at 2 o'clock p. tn., the following das. ribed real estate, to wit : i he undirlded one-nal" nt a cer tain tractor piece of land situate in Ferguson township, bounded as follows i On tbe eant by lands or Charles Davis, on the south bv lunds of tlenrgc William, on the wexl by lends of Enoch Straw, nnd on the north by lands of George. Michaels, eon Ut mar in tbe whole one Hundred and twenty acres, being the tame tartd whih Is netd in common with Knoca btraw, and being an unimproved tract ol land. Taints or Sai.b. One-third cash at time or sale, and the balance ia two rnual annual pay menta, to be secured by mortgge or judgment oon a, do a ring interest iroin confirmation oi aale. JOHN T. STRAW, Marron, July 31, 178 4t. Adin'r. ORPHANS' COUaT SALE OF Beal Estate ofJoanuaStoddart.dec'd. .v iTancovillo, Cloarllold Co., Pa. In pursuance of an order nf the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, the undersigned Adminis trator of tbe estate of Joanna b tod dart, late of t.ottcb town ship, deo'd, will sell at public aale, on the premises, la Jenenrills, on TUESDAY, SKl'TKMBEP. 10, 1878, at 1 o'clock p. tn., tha following described prop. srly, to witt All that certain tractor piece of land situate la tbe village of Janeaville, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described as follows On tbe south by Mrs. Riddle, on tht west by an alley, oa the north hj street, being n lot SO feet from by 3D0 feet deep, with a small two-story irsrae House and a stable thereon erected. Tbrms One-half oaah on confirmation of sale. and tbe balance in one year, with interest, to be seaurea ny bona and mortgnireon the premises. WM. STODDAKT, Janeellle, Aug. 14. I878-At. Adm'r. A NEW DEPARTURE LlTlIEfiSnUKG. Hereafter, goods will be sold for CASH only, or In exchange tor produce. No books will be kept In the future. All old accounts must be settled. Those who eannot Cash up, will please hand over their notes and CLOSE THE RECORD. I an determined to sell my goods nt cash prices, and at a discount far below that ever offered In this vicinity. The discount I allow my customers, will maketbem rich In twenty years If iney roiiow my advice and buy their goods from me. 1 will pay cash for wheat, oats and clover seed. DANIKL t.OUDLANDKlt. Lutherit.org, January 17, 1877. pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining aud Fire Brick, kept constantly oa band. STOXE AXD EARTH - WAKE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! CHOCKS! POTSI CROCKSI Kl.her'a Patent Airtight Heir Brallng Knilt (anal BtTTTKR CROCKS, with lid., CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLR - BPTTKR CHOCKS, PICKLK CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIR DISHES, STEW POTS, And a great many other things too aumerous to mention, lo ba had at FREO'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, vomer of Cherry and Third Streets, CLKAKFIKl.D, PA. augS SEWING MACHINES AT REDUCED RATES I Till NEW IMPROVED Weed Sewing Machine, ron sale or Allien It. llcern, CLKARFIELD, PA. (Realdenee, West Clearfield) Tht NKW IMPROVRD WKRD It one of the boat machines In the market, nnd runs very light Bnd qulei IU new cylinder Hi eel Phallic has only one hole to be threaded, and holds twice as much thread as most any other machine. It bas one of the brst Narrow llemiaera made. Its Table Is long and roomy. It hat no geart and tarns. It haa no screws or Use plats lo be re moved while oiling or cleaning. Tbe WKRD, before the late improvement, draw n prise at the Paris Kipoeillnn In France, also, an award at the Csotennial Kxpositiuu, and in almost every fltate In tbe 1'nlon. Maeblnet sold on Monthly Paynenta. Persons sheuld ant buy before ereiug the New Weed. Hay, grata, beef eattle, and some kinds of old Maehinet taken In part pay for New Maaohleea. i Ail kladt of Hewing Marblaes cleaned aad repair ed . Also, dealer in all kinds ef hewing Machine noodles, Oil, RufDsrs, lack markets, Castors, Jlemmers, fl kettles, Check spring. At. In ordering anything by letter, be ante tn girt name of machine. Cash must noeontpany all orders by mail. Persons waatleg any other kind of machine, pleats write for prices, ang.M-Xm ' Hem g.h'frtlsrratnt9. C' I f( I.IM.T I Tba aad.nlinad loat 4 yu uaa I Uaadrad Dallaf Nl'.luoiil Dank - J Haturdav attrru.ion. Auru: u. fhitwuliCtfiu SVi T.ia'-u.'Tr, and vne t;oun itouee. the nte waa put m a uiary lor t'lt. wnion is also lost, lie will pay $10 for any information that will lead to lh re covery of tbe money, UKOKOK TIIOKN Clearfield, Pa , Auguri T, 187a. Sheriff's Sale. TY virtue or sundry writs of Tea. Ex., Issued 1 I out ol tbe Court of t-oinmoa rleaa or Clear- hfldCo., and to medirectad, there will be exposed to public sale, al the Court llouaa, in the borouvh of Clearfield, on Friday, tlie atHh day ul Aiipiet, ihim, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the follow-isg-i-.r--1& rval estate, to wit i A cettain piece of land situate In Huston town, ship, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and de scribed as follows t On the north by property of tiiratn nooaward and nil iv. jliomas, on tht so urn ny woodward street, and on tht west by U. 11. Pear sot, having treated thereon n two story frame house, a good barn and other neces sary outbuildings. Belied, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James A. Pcarsol. Also, a certain tract of land situate In Burn-' side townriiip, beginning at a stone at a public road; t hence by land of J. M. Cummlngs north HO degrees wes: A3 6-10 perches to n blaok oak ; tbence by land of Lemuel Dyers south S degrees oast hy land of James Haley 62 6-10 perches to a maple stump t thence by land or C. Neff and others 206 perches to place of beginning, contain ing 1 0 acres and allowance, and having thereon erected a large frame house, large barn, wagon shod and other outbuildings, and a good orchard, witb about 76 acres cleared and under good cul tivation. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as tha properly or John A. tiyen, Tbhms or Hai.b. The price or sum at which the property shall be struck off must be paid at tlio time or sale, or such other arrangements mads as will be approved, otherwise tha property will bo immediately put up and sold eiain at tbo ex pensa and rink of the person to whom it was struck oil, and who, tn case of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good tht same, and la no instance will the Deed be presented in Court for confirmation unless tbe money is actually paid lo thetiheriff. ANDREW PEN'i'Z.Jr., BiiBRirr't Orrici, Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 7, 107fl. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of writs of Lari Facia; Issued out of tht Court of Common Pleas of Clear field county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at tbe Court House, In the borough of Clearfield, on Friday, the HOtb day of August, 1878, at 1 o'clock, p. m, the following described rcul estate, to wit: All that certain lot Ho. 154 In tho borough of Clearfield, Clearfield county, Pa., being 172 feet deep by uO foot wide, and bounded on tht nort h by Vine street, on the eat by lot No. liltf, rn the south hy an alley, on the west by an alley, and having thereon a two-story frame dwelling bouse, 2x feel, with kilcWn attached, and two amill frame stables thereon creotcd,with other improve ments, all In good order for tenants. Deed A U. Keod to li. L. Reed, dated 15tb Juno, 1872, recorded In Deed Book "N," page 058, Ac, Deed tl. L. Kecd f I. O. Darger, by deed datod 97th June, 1 K63, and recorded tn Deed Iionk "X." page 22, Ac, assignment on the back of said last dei-d I- U. Darger to Dennia Crowe!), datvd 16th July, iMi, recorded in Deed Book No. ft, page 1 10, and deed Dennis Crowell to Levlnn Darger, dated Hth November, 160(1, recorded at Clearfield, In Deed Book No. fi, page 240, reference being thereunto bad will moro fully appear. HeUed, taken in elocution aud to be sold as the property of Lev in a Merger and Isaiah Q. liarger, tier hus band, with notice to James I. Adams and Lelilta Ada nil, and terra tenants and oooupnnts. Tbrhs or 8alk. The price or sum at which the property shall la struck oil must be paid at Ibe time of sale, or such other arrangements made aa will le approved, otherwise tbe property will be Immediately put up and sold again at the expense and rick of the person to whom it was struck off, and wbo, In oaso of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and In no instance will the Deed be presented in Court for confirma tion unless (be money Is antnally paid to the ohena. A.NUHKW PhNTZ, .ir., PrtRntrr'a Omen, 1 Sheriff. Clearllcld, l'a., Aug. 7, H7S. j Sheriffs Sale. out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear' field county, and to mc directed, there will be exposed to PUBLIC HAI.B, at tbe Court House, tn the borough or uiearneid, on KrHny, tbe ail in day or Ausrust, i7, at I o clock p. The following described real estate, to wit: A tot of ground situate In the borough af Clear field, mate ol Pennsylvania, known in tht plan of said Itorouifb as lot No. 2H7, known In tbe plan aa Bteler's addition to said borough, bound ed aa follows : On the south by Reed street, on the west by an alley, on the north by an alley, and on Ibe east by l't No. 2J8. The said lot be ing 60 feet front ly 3 j feet deep, being tbe same premises which Wra. Bigler, hy deed dated June 2d, 18(12, eonveyed to A. 0, Finney, recorded in book "W, pa ire 22 j, who. by articles of acree- ment dated JMh March, lfttM.aold tbe same to 0. C. Passmore, on which article or agreement there is duo and unpaid to tne Assignee of said Finney tha sura of 7hr1 34, tbe equitable Utercet In tbe said (icorge O. Pasiiuore being levied osj, subject to the paj ment of said balance of purchase money, On which premises are erected a two-story dwell ing house and other buildings. Also, one other houst and lot nnw tn posses sion or Edward T. Reynolds, being Hit same ground pnrcnased ny said ueorjre u. rassmore from Archibald Khaw, tbe balance of purchase money due bim being about $600. The said lot being oft feet front on Head street, and 4.1 feet deep, adjoined on the south by lot No. 2.17, and an alley, jetted, taken In execution and to be sold as the property or George C. Passmoio, Also, all tbo following property of James H. Ferguson, situate In Fergnsoo township, Clear- nsld eounty, Pa., bounded and described as fol lowa : On the east by land of K. L- Slrunk, on tbe south by Und of Dillon A Young, on tho west by land of Hill A Bro., and on tht north by land of Leinoldt A Davis, contain In 170 acres more or less, with about 4b acres cleared, and having thereon erected n two-story frame house, small frame barn and other outbuildings, and n small orchard thereon. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as tht property of J, U. Ferguson. Also, tht real estate or Defendant in tbe bor ough of New Washington, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded snd described as follaws : Beginning at a eorner of Dr. Dunn, on Main street ; tbence west along Main street 2s0 feet to public road ; thence along public road north-east 800 feet to corner on lot or Rose ; thence along lot of Rose and Dr. Dunn 100 feet to plaoo of begin nlng. Also, one other lot situate tn New Washington, negmntng at corner or alley on Main street; tbence west along Main street 1U8 feet to comer on James tlallacliert thence north along land of ssid Uallaguer 240 feet to corner of ti. W. Daris; (hence east alone said Davis 100 feet to an alley; thence south along said alley 210 feet to place of ocginniog, having turrcon erected a cottage house and office, wash house, stable and other outbuildings, Heised, taken in execution and to be told as the property of Win. MahatToy, Also, all Ibe following real estate of Hiram McClinscy, situate In Hell township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described at follows : iNortii l land o! lUmea Mrt'linscy, west by other lauds, cast by lands or Finney and t'atton, south by other lands, containing about 120 acres more or less, with about HO acres cleared, and having erictd thereon two log dwelling bouses, log barn and other neeesary outbuildings. Belied, taken in execution and to bo sold as tbe property of Hiram McCliniey. Also, Ihe following property of B. A. Hippie. situate in Iturnsldo t.iwoiliip. Clearfield county. Pa., bounded by lands of Win. Hewitt. K. A. Irvin, Mr K wen and tSomervllle, containing 100 acres more tr less, with about 10 acres cleared, and having thereon erected a small log house. beiied, taken in cieculion and to bo sold as tht property of K. A. Uypplt. Also, the following described real estate, situ ate in Chest townriiip, hounded on the east by tend oi Anny rraiiy, south y land of Thomas Vonaly, west by land of A. Moltarvey, and north ny land ol John tonaly, containing 105 acres more less, with about 40 acres cleared and under cultivation, with a young orchard, and having thereon erected n log bouse, frame barn, nnd outbuildings, and splendid spring of water on me premises, nciied, laacn in execution and to be sold as the property of John Robinson. Also, all those tbrce certain pieces or found situate la Decatur township, Clearfield ooanty, Pa., described as follows i No, 1. Beginning at a dgwooj (gnns) hy a targe reel out, being a corner or land conveyed to Wm. L. Drane ; tbence north 22 degrees east 140 perclips along Drane's line to a rock t Ihenre stmb 9 dr grres east 5i percees to a red oak i (hence south .14 degrees 12 2-10 perches to a chertnut grub) I hence south 9 degrees west 10 perches to a red oak thence north 01 degrees west 2 2 10 perches to a post t thence south 14 degrees west 121 perches lo post on line of said Drane ; thence along aald line north 87) degrees wrst 2 perches to place of beginning, containing about three acres, all cleared. No. 2. Beginning at a dogwood (gone) north east corner of land conveyed to said Drane; thence slung laid Drane's line south 2 degrees west 6 perches to a post ; thence south Al degrees east 16 parches to stones thence north Tl degrees east Jlfll perches to stones; tbence north 22( de grees east 4 810 perches to a rook oak thence north 10 derretja west 04 perches to a rock oak : thence Borlh 30 devrens west 16 Perches lo rork oak i thence north ?7 degrees west 18 perches to a post; Ihonoe west II perches to chestnut proui i llienee south a dearer west a.A perches to stone t thence north 07 decreet west IB 7-10 perches to a chestnut grub j thence south 68 do grees west 71 perches to a small white pine ; tbence south 41 degree west 20 perches to wbitt pine on said Drane 'a line llienee along said line south hi I degrees east 76 perches to beginning, containing 10 acres and 161 perches, all cleared. No. S. adjoining the last place, and beginning nt n white pine on line of said Drane and west- ern corner of piece last described ; thence north Dt or greas weat sv I IU perches te n stake; thence south &1 decrees weat 20 1-10 aerobes thence south &2 degrees west 14 8 10 perches to sloaus on said Drane 'a line; thenoe along said line south 87 dearees SI ft-10 tuwohea ta nlkM at beginning, containing about 4 acre and 20 per ches, mostly cleared. The Improvements on this aro a small two-story frame boast, about 1AM4 feet, and a log stable, fteised, taken in execution and tt be sold as the property ol Wm. (Joes. TBBMl OP RAi.a The nrlae ar Mm at wklAk tht property shall bt struck nff mail be naid at the time ef salt, or such ether arrangements made as will be approved, otherwise the proper ty will be Immediately pot up and sold agate at the eipenae and risk or the person to whom It was struck off, and who, la east of deficiency nt such re sale, shall make good the same, and la ao instance will tht Deed be presented la Court for eonflrmetioa unless the nuaey ii actually pttd to tht hberir. ANDRBW PKNTl.Jr. nniRirrt Orrica, I B he riff. Clsarfield, Pa., Any,. T,HU I 1 gew 3.Jvtrtlgrmtntj. TH -TIC Elf CORRTABI.EtV FIM a, Wahava pnatad a larf. aaaibar af tba . VflM 1,7T.4 iuJ ! ar tli.Hi i.Ar i.Hi.. n-f -y-rB-rW' V"-.k m-4o RUNAWAY. Uft my house In Brady township, on Baturday, July ITtb. Kt7, my son Calvin Clayton, aged 16 years. Notice is therefore hereby given to all concerned, net to hire or harbor said boy, or trust bim en my account, as 1 will not pay nay debts eontraeied by him, and wl'l tvdlecl, by law, all tges for work don by him while he is under age. JOHN CLAYTON, Lutberaourg, Pa., Aug. 7, l7i-Ii AMMIGNRK'M NOTICF,. Wcalern DM r let of Peiiu'a, . At Curwensrllle, tht 2Atb day of July, 18711. The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis ap pointment as Assignee of Newton K. Arnold, of Curweo'vllle, In the county or Clearfield and fltate of Pennsylvania, within said District, wbo bas been adjudged a bankrupt upon bis own petition by tne Afietriri tJvurtot said District. JOHN P. BAKD, Curwensvlllc, July 31, '78-41. Assignee, HEALTH & HAPPINESS. Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth tn their possessors, aud yet they are within tbo reueb oi every one woo will uso Wright s Liver Pills, The only sure Ct'KR for Torpid Liter, Dyspep sia. Headache, Bour Htomach, Constipation, Debility, Nausea, and all Billioua complaints and lltood disordeis. None genuine unluss signed "Wb. Wright, PfcU'a." If your Druggist will not supply sand 25 cents for one box to Derrick, Holler A Co., 70 N. 4th St , Phlla. Deo, 26, '77-ly. REMOVAL ! James I. Lcavy, If a ring purchased tbe entire stock of Fred, fiaokett, hereby gives notice that he has moved Into tbe room lately occupied by Reed A Hagerty, on Meeond street, where bo is prepared to oiler to the public COOK STOVES, IIEATI.rO AJt'lt PARLOR STOVES, of the latest iraprovsd patterns, at low prices. HOUSE FUMISHING GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware. Roofing, Spouting, Plumbing, One Fitting, and Repairing Pumps s specialty. All work warranted. Anything in my line will be ordered special If dtsirtd. JAS. L LEAVY, Proprietor. FIIED. 6ACKETT, Agent. Clear fled, Pa., July 3, 1878-tf. TBI nnw Pliiladcljiliia Branch Clothing Store, ROOM NO. 1, OPERA HOUSE. Tho undersigned would respectfully inform the oitliona of Clearfield and viciaity, that ba has Just opened tho largest and best stork of itE.inr-jtAUE ci.OTiii.ru, HATS, CAPS, aVriiM' firriiloAiiir Coorfu, TRUNKS, VALISES, &.O., ever brought to Clearfield, and which ht will sell cheaper than any other store In town. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR OOODS. Call and see, and be convinced. SIMON BHL0SS. Clearfield, Pa., May It, 187S 8m. Z. iUxl & (fo. Column, T. A. FLECK & CO. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO CLEARFIELD. ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF NEW DRESS GOODS, BLACK CASHMERES, 1JLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. A LA lif. K STOCK OF CALICOS, GINGHAMS, AND TICKINGS. MUSLINS, MEN'S AND HOYS' COTTONAPES, AND A BEAUTIFUL WHITE GOODS Turkey Rcdn, and til other kinds of TATiLE LINEN, very clienp. LADIES' COATS-cnll nnd too tlicm-.-lhcy nro nico. BLACK AND FANCY SHAWLS. BED SPREADS, ALL TRICES. LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' HOSE. LADIES' AND GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES' TIES AND BOWS. A t l LI, Ll.rL' Of COOLERS CORK CORSKTH. KID AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES for Ladies and Gentlemen. Ruching, Collar and Cuffo, I..ws, Now Fringes and Trimming, New Em broidorics wliito and colored, Curtain Nets. Suspenders, Shirts, Neckties, I'ndorwoar, Shirt Fronts, 8'lk nandkorchieit. MILLINERY. TRIMMED HATS AD B0WETS, FLOWERS, BIBBOXS, ' Trimming Silks, OrnnniciiLs, Feathers, 4e. WHAT WIS JI Alt iTKF.t WE GUARANTEE that we will noil all kimls of Dry Goods cheaper than any other Btoro in Clearfield. WE GUARANTEE polite treatment to every one or our custo mers, without urging them to buy. WE GUARANTEE that we havo tho largest and chocest as gortment of all kinds of Dress and Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery and Fancy Goods in Clearfield. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. April 17,73. SaieWdtanfoui. Femula Mm. ' -Na. . . ) at, Elegant buildings. Bight department. Twen ty. three teacbars. Special Inducements for French, German, Elocution, Drawing, Painting, Needle work, Wat Work, Ao. Thirteen teachers In tba Co&sorvAtoxy of tfusio connected with the college. Instruction In the elements of Music Theory of Music. thorough Base, Harmony, Ac, and tbe use of the tiraud Organ, Cabinet Organ, Piano, tinllar, Flute, Violin, and Voice Culture. Billy foil lessons for eighteen dollars. Gentlemen admitted to the Conservatory, Charges In the College and Con servatory less than any school affording equal advantages and accommodations, tmil Term opens (September 4th. Bend for Catalog ut to KKV. I. 0. PURSUING, D. D.. JuiyH-fiw, Pittsburgh, Pa. Am'iciiltural Statistics. To flit Citi of Cltarfald Couafy i The undersigned having been appointed by the Department, at Washington, principal reporter of the Agricultural (Statistics of Clearfield eounty, respectfully requests the co-operation of all to assist, by sending the subscriber all tbe informa tion tbey oan bearing upon the following ques tions, ao as to tnablt bim to make as correct a statement to tht Department, as possible i How many horses hurt d-ed in your borough or town ship, and of what disease. How many cows and calves, and of what disease. How many sheep havo yon lest, and of what disease) bow many killed by dogs. How many hogs hart yon lost, and of what diseast. What prevailing disessts amongst tht poultry. In all cases girt tht rem edies used which have been found to be success ful, and in all eases to givo the oash value of all stock as nearly as possible. By tho co-operation of our citlsens in general upon these important particulars, the Agaicultural reports will oooomt an encyclopedia ef useful information to tbe pub lio, by enabling the Department to publish tbe diseases, the losses, and tbe remedies tbat have been found moat benefiolai In oertaia diseases . Any otbtr information that will be considered a public benefit, will bt thankful!) received. Address tbe subscriber at (1 ram plan Hills, Cleaifleld Co., Pa. SAMUEL WIDKMIRB. March 13, 1878-tf. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., Have opened op, tn the store room lately occupied by Weaver A Betts, on Second street, a Urge and wcu selected stock or Dry - Goods, Groceries, R00T8 AND SHOES, QI'EENSWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, &c. Which the, will dispose of at rrasoaable rates for easb, or eicbaoge lor eouatr, produoo. OE0RUE WEAVER A CO. Clearoold. Pa.. Jaa. . 1878-tf. if. g,. lk & Co.'s Column SHIRTINGS, A GOOD LINE OF CASS1MEKS. 'STOCK OF & PERCALES. PlStttlSaUOttf. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. '? f --4"'.?er VUVlfc';., . ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. Carwanavllle, Jan. , 78-tf. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. CurwoMvllle, Pa., Jaa, , '71 if. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, ' SHAVED AND SAWED. Curweoevllle, JaatTtjtf. JpOB SALE. The underlined will Ball at arlvate aala all tbat traot er parcel of laad sitaet. la lleeetar towo.hip, Claarflald .ouotv, Pa., witala a ahort dl.tanoe of tba Tyrone A Cleartald R. R., aad aiijoiDing leads of Robert Hudeoa aad others, aod haowa aa tba Jaoob B. Ueerhart lot. Tba aald tract oaatatBio 88 saw Bora or lass, with two veioa of valuable aoal thareaa, baa aboat 88 aeroe cleared, aad la tha hev te a lara. hod, of coal aboat bain, developed. Will be .old low Bad opoa ear, tarns. Par partlenlere, epplv to DAVID L. KRKR8.' Claarflald. Pa., Jolj U, 1873. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. TH8 aod.rrljTi.d, bavin, aauhllahael a Nar aerjr oa tbo Tike, about half war Botweea Clearfield aad Carweaavill., i. prepared ta far Blab all binds ef FRUIT TREKS, (Haadard aad dwarf.) KrerBrwaas, Shrubbery, drop. Vines, Oooi. berry, Lawtoa Blackberry, Strawberry, aad Ra.pb.rry Vleea. Also, Siberia. Crab Trees, Qulaoa, aad early eoarlei Rhubarb, Ao. Order, proaptly attended to. Address, J. H. WRIGHT, sepjfl 88 Cnr.ea.vtlls, pa. Gas Bonds for Sale. Tbe Clearfield Gas Company offers for tale, at par, Coupon Bonds of 1300 and tout) denomina tions, bearing interest at tht rate of A per eentum per annum, payable semi-annually at tbo First national nana or utarneld, re. Tbe works of the ClearAeld Uaa Company were erected at a ooet of $31,000, and the Bonds U sued aro limited by law to $1 J,00t, secured by a mortgage oa all the Company's property and franchise, la faror of Wm. H. Dill, Cashier of the First National Bank, and Jnbn M. Adams, Cashier of the Clearfield County Bank, In trust. The Directors propose to Issue but $18,000 of these bonds for the purpose or faadiag their loot ing debt, and but HwuU remain nnaold, Aav la. formation respecting tho works will bt glvea hy the President er Treasurer of the Company. Bonds can be bad at any of tbe Clearfield banks. W. W.BKTTri, A. P. BOYNTON, President. Bee. and Trees. W. D. BltlLEK, JAMES IRWIN, JNO. P.IRWIN, Clearfield, Juno 10, '78-tf. Directors. PLANTS AND FLOWERS. The undersigned hereby gives aetloe ta the citlsens of Clearfield county, that ha has at bis areas boost tn Clearfield, a larre qnantitr of all kinds of VEGETABLE AND FLOWER PLANTS, wbloh be will sell at renaonablo prices. Ht hat Early and Late Cabbait Plants, Tomatoes, Celery, Cauliflower, Egg Plants, Pepper Plants, Ac. 6WEET POTATO PLANTS, $4 00 par 1,000 or nnyeenit per nunarea. All kinds of FLOWERS for pots and bedding, hanging baskets and vases, inch as Assorted Heliotropes, Single A Doubts Petunias, Oeraninms, Bage, Fuchsia, Pansies, Agera turn, Coleus, Dahlias, Verbenas, Ctphea, Cannes, Ccntaurea and Cineraria, li agon las, Brovalla, hlignonettt, Pinks, Phlox, Ac, Ac FOR ONE DOLL AH, I will teod one doten. stronv. virorons. wall branched flower plants of any selection. Where the selection is left to mo I will guarantee satis faction. KKNKfiT BOCK. Clearfield, Pa , April 24,'78-tf. J.H. LYTLE, Wholesale & EeUil Dealer in Groceries, THE LARQESTand BBSTSELECTED STOCK IN Tub COl'.NTT. COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SYRUP. MEATS, PISD. QUEENSWARE, TUBS aad BUCKETS, DRI ED FRUITS, CANNED OOODS, SPICES, BROOMS, FLOUR, FRED. SALT, OILS, County Agent for LORILLARD'S TOBACCOS, These foods bouiht for CASH ia lara. lata. and eotd at almost city prices. JAMES H. LYTLE, Clearfield, Pa., Jaa. 11, 1878-ly. PRIVATE SALE or Valuable Real Estate I Tho no dot signed, living la Penn two.. Clear Held eounty, Pa., offers tht following valuable Real Estate for aale: 446 Acres of Land, mora or lest. In Beoearla township, lying on the north sidt of big Clearfield creek, and wilhia ono mile of the tame. The above land Is beavllv covered with hemlock, white oak, rock ea t, and other hard wood timber, and a quantity ef white pine, aaio to do aau a million or more net, Tbo tame Is beavllv anderlaid with bitamlnona coal, and directly oa the line of railroad leading from Houtadale to Coal port. Its value is unknown. There are, also, ether valuable minerals on tha same. The above land lies about two and a-halfseEtM below the village of tilen Hope, adjoining lands of George Uroom and others, oa what it known as Porter's run. The Improvements oa the oron- erty are a good geared saw mill, ia running order, a high dam, atone breast, made ia tbe beat wan ner, fit for almost any machinery. There Is, alto, a large frame dwelliog bouse and frame bank bars thereon, and about forty or fifty acres, more or less, of the land Is cleared. Any person wishing lo invest in property of this kind will do wen io examine tms property. I Will sell tbo whole or tbe undivided hair Intestst, at may suit tbe purchaser. The above tract of land will make two er three farms, which will compare favorably with tbe greater part of our eounty. Price aad -terms made known to any person wishing to pur chase. For further particulars call ta person or address tha undersigned at ram pi an Hills P.O, Clearfield ooanty, Pa. HAM L WIHLM1BB. Jan. 9, In 71-If. William Powell, iKrOSD ST., CLEARFIELD, PA., Dealer in Heavy end Shelf HARDWARE. IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARMSBErL ULAHS AND PUTTY Kmos .casually an hand tha e-et Ceoklaa, lleetiDf aad Parlor Stoves and Ranges of all descriptions. Table Bad Peaket Oetlery, I'erneaurs' Toole, each aa Sawa, HeleheU, fiiuarae, Bach Btoas, Pkaee aad Pssa. Iroas, Ohlsala, Bills, Aeiera, Adaea, Files, lllaireeaf .11 kind.. Lot.., S.rea, Besh Cord, Pulleys, ' at.., at.. Farming Utcnalls, Plows, Cultivator., Doual. aad eie(le Sk.v.1 -owe, vamvaior Teeia, uraia cradle., Beythea, Saathea, Hocje, Perke, kehea, Hay Forke, Para Bella, ate ate. Horae 8koes aad Bare Nalla. the hod Bah. af Creel, cut Seals aad a lee, Qriadeteaee aad M riedstea. Flitaree, aad erorythlag uaally heal la a tnt-elau Hardware Slora. Alaa, a full stock af House Furnishing Goods, BRl SUES, LAMPS, taiMNRYS, A.. All a lad. af TtaaarB kea aa head aad aad. I Tdto """ "f""'t P""'" at- PeraoM alehiBf aaytaia, la ay Uaa, er. (a. sited to Mil aad eaaala. Maek aad arleee . WILLIAM POWELL. Clearfield, Pa., June 8, 1878 If, 4; A" .I . ! i