Gkobob B. Goodlandir, Kditor. CLEARF1BLD, Pa. WEDNESDAY M0HN1NG, Al'OIflT II, 1ST. Bndtr, If you wint to koow what li going on la tb builnM world, Init read our JrtUlh olnoiDi. to Sftteial column to parlleuUr. MAXIMS FOR THE DAY. No man worth? the offioe of Preeldont ihould ba willing to hold It If oountod in, or jpImm! tbere by oy rraud. i'. I could oerer havo been raoonailed to tho alt Ttl be tha atnallait aid of nine of a pariva. bowerer reapaotabla In prirote lift, who unit forever sorry upon ma nrow ine up m irauu tint trlumohant im American hiitorr. No ib- aaqaant aotloa, however ueritorioai, oan waifr' way tna letter! or that reoora. Vhamlkm Fa-m tl Apamb. Under the forma of law, Rutherford B. Hayee haa been daolared Pniidftnt or the In. ted btatee, Ilia title reiti upon disfranebliement of lawfol rotert, in a raise eertiflouea 01 me reinrntng oro eera acting oomptly, and the deoiaion of a oom miaaion wbiob haa refuted to hear evidence of ! leged fraud. Vor the Brat Urn a are the American people eon fronted with the faet of a fraudulently- elected President. Let It not be ondentood that tha fraud will be ilently aoquleeeed In by the oaniry. iet no boarpaai u which ueuaurpa tloH la for jo: tea. Apdhim or Drmocratic M. C.'i. Ooe hundred year of ham to depravity aoou oulated and eonoent rated Into a elimai of orime. Never again In Ave hundred years hall they have n opportunity to repeat tha wrong. Damiul W. Voormibi. I would rather have the endorsement of a quar ter of a million of the American people than that of the Louisiana Returning Board, or of tha Com minion whieh eioluded tha facta and decided the Ho tMkaiMlltj. Tuoa. A. Hkmoricxb. Democratic State Ticket. FOR OOVRBKOR, . Hon. ANDREW 11. DILL, Or ORION fODRTT. roR LIIUTRRART BOVf RRoR, Hon. JOHN FKKT1G, or CRAwrokD oornrr. roR RRCRRTART IRTRRHAL ArVAIRR, Hon. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, or HCRTiiiopoa codrtt. roR Itn-RRMR J1MI0K, Hon. II. P. JtOSS, Or MORTOORRRY COURTr. "Tho Republlosh parly goes iDto thli campaign to win Ylctory by fighting, Dot by fraud." Phil adelphia Prtn. Well, that is a decided improvement on tho pant, because fraud has been the rule, not tbo exception. Quay, tho Jtadical Chairman ol tbo Stato Committee, went to Pittsburg lost week to shape tho "Citizens' " Legislative ticket in tho Camoron in terest. Quay cumo away with a flea In bis ear. Why not Yei.i.. If tbo liadicul par ty really wants a live and thrilling is sue, why doesn't it sound a key -nolo over tbo six horses tbat a Democratic House forced Tecumseb Sherman to sell, while bo is fighting tho dclicacios of the season at a Washington hotel ? A Material Difference One of tbo salient points in Senator Thurman's spooch will bear repetition: "Under seven years of Republican rulo the ex pensed of running tho government was :i.45 per capita against 11.94 per capita fur a poriod of sovon years under Dem ocratic rule." TniiB Bua -bear. Tho same old tune of "Itebcl Claims" is now being piped by the Republican orguns. It is the "Grandfather's Clock" of their party. The organ grinders don't seem to bo aware of tho fact tbat Bomo yean have passod since "the old man died" who was frightoncd out of his wits by tho campaign bug bear of "Rebol Claims." Attention, Candidates! Under our party rules, tho time lor announcing the names of candidates lor county and district offices expires next week. No nainos of candidates will be an nounced in theso columns after the 28th inatnnt. Thoso, thorofore, who aro in earnest, and wish to livo up to our party rules, bad boltor bo on hand, not lator than Monday, tho 2Ctb. Attention, Democrats. Tho Dem ocratic State, Congressional, district, county, city and town committees that have not alroady done so, are requested to communicate at once with tho Dcm orratio Congressional Committee, at Washington, J). C, addressing their communications to Hon. Joseph C. 8. Blackburn, Chairman, or to Duncan S. Walkor, Hocrotary. A complete list of each Committee, with the postofflco address of each mombcr is desired. Clinton's Conferees. Tbo Demo crat of Clinton county last week at their County Convention appointed the following district Conforoos : For Judicial Conferee, (her. were appointed, John Rishsl, of Porter, Thoe. J. Pol, of Lamar and P. Prendible, or Look Haven. For Congressional Conferee, Peol B. Merrill, sq., Col. A. 0. Noyet, and (Jan. 0. K. Ileok Dan. For Renalerlat Conferee, Qeorgo Q. Aehen. karh, W. W. Rankin, and W. II. Brown. The gentlemen named aro all repro sentativo Democrats of Clinton county,! and tho majority aro not strangors to the district. Damnable Work. Previous to the mooting of tho Pittsburg Convention, a small ring of unscrupulous politicians, assuming to be Democrats, but really in tho employ of "Don" Camoron, compiled what was called Senator Dill's Legislative record, and put it In circulation tor tbo purpose of defeating his nomination lor (iovornor, but they failed. The labor of these mar-ploU is now being tililiiod by the Radical State Committco, which is circulating it broadcast over the Stato as a campaign document, for tbo purpose of defeating our nominee for Governor. Mr. Quay, the Chairman of the Radical Stato Committee, if be has not already paid tbat bevy, should reward them hand somely for compiling bo much cam paign thunder for him and bis Secre taries. Rosier, aoe. how the Uliors of cheap demagogue can be used to dog. troy the right. We hope Chairman Bpeer and his Secretaries will forret out the rascale who done this dirty work, awi fe their namot to tbo pub lio fet fm-, ho. A more low and damnable fraud, baa not been palmed off on pur party for fifteen yean than ihia one. Who did It f TIIOSK JIOM)S. The Radical press is terribly exor cised over tho alleged over-issuo of State llonds in 1H53. The Harrisbiirg says: "The i'liilk!inu ..r.i.nc 'mtf Utin copies an article Iroin llarpii's iluguzinr Ui which it gives tho head ing 'Lying Newspapers,' and imperti nently invites to the articles the atten tion nt ono of its cotcmporariiw. In the samo number of tho Ilullrtin is a strained and dishonest attempt to fix the responsibility for tho alleged over issue of Stnto llonds upon a Demo emtio administration in which appear the lollowingseiitonce: 'The overissue of Stuto llonds and tho spiriting away of tho Treasurer's official bond must have been so nearly together that tho coincidence ia at least suggestive. What tho Iiulldin means to suggest ia that the Stato Bonds wore stolen by tho Treasurer and that his official bond was stol.'U at the tunio timo in order that his socurity might not become ro sponsible. But instead of blurting it out this pious journal prefers to insin ualo a calumny. Downright lying would bo much more manly. Tbo gab bio about tho missing bond of a Treas urer twenty-five years ago is simply absurd. If it were in existence and if the Statu bonds bad boon over issued to tho amount allegod, there could be no recovery from the sureties. If tho bonds wero not In existence the mak ing of it could be easily established wero that at all necessary. It is di verting to wilnoss the strained efforts of tho Bulletin and other partisan sheets to mako a little political capital about an alleged but not proved irreg ularity of a quarter of a century ago, when thero are plenty of cases of a far moro recent dato and easily proven." A Wonderful Flower. Tho von erablo Thurlow Wocd, on Wednosday last gathered soino newspaper repor ters at his palatial mansion to witness tho blooming of ono ol the rarest flow ors in the world, tho Flowor, or Spirt- tut Sanrtus. of Brazil. The flowor is rare, even in its native land. The stalk is about forty inches in height, with a leaf like that of a tubcroso. On tho top of the one at Mr. Weed's borne are four of the flowers, tholowostof which is in full bloom, the throo others in bud. The flower in bloom is small and of tho exquisite cream color. Its porfumo is delicate. It is similar in shape and sizo to a Madeira nut opened but still joined. Onc-huifof the flowor remains upright, and the other half lies down exactly at right angles to its male, ex posing in tho erect part a most dain ty floral grotto, in which rests, appar ently upon a perch a petal shaped like a dove n limit to fly, with outstretched head ami extended wings. Tho dove iB crcum white, with the exception of the upper extremities of the wings, which u n l iniitilully speckled. The porfectiiui mid lif'e-liko appearance of the dove tiro incredible to persons who have not seen the flower. The Climax Capped. Tho larceny of the Presidency has bad another seal added to tbo infamy. Hayes has ap pointed the notorious Mrs. Jonks to a fat ofllco. Tho Philadelphia Timet in alluding to this infamy suys : "Jf it bo true, as reported that tbo notorious Jenks woman has been appointed to a place in the New Orleans Custom House, it caps the climax of Secretary Sherman's infamy. It is an act that hardly any other man filling a bigh position unilor tbo government would daro to own, for it cannot be construed othorwiso than as tbo reward ol porju ry in the face of overwhelming and pronounced public condemnation of the perjurer. Mr. Sherman has done many culpablo things since bo first ontered into the conspiracy to make a Presi dent who would mako biro Socrolary of tho Treasury, but this takes tho lead. Ho is a hardened political sin ner and bas grown very bold by suffer ance, but be may yet (earn that the wages of political Bin is death." Chester Strikes. This county is one ol the Radical strongholds in this Stato. At their recent gonoral county mooting tho brethren unanimously adopted tbo following, among otbor re solves : ReeoWeil, That thin meeting approve the ooorao of Hon. Jaroe B. Brerbart, our repreteo. tatlra in the Stat. Beaeta, and that we inatraet the member of the Legielatora from thia aoootj to rota fur him for United Stataa Senator and to aae all honorable mean toeecare hi election. Last winter Senator Kverhart refus ed to go into caucus to nominato the younger Cameron for Senator, and ovon refused to voto for him alter he had been nominated. His consistency in both cases now has its roward in be ing endorsed by bis manly action, and the high honor of being presented as the competitor of Don Camoron in the race for tho Senatorship. A few more Republican counties of the State fol lowing tho lead of Chester, would make Don and hia trainers think tbat their claim of hereditary title is in danger of being knocked into smithereens. Moral Ideas. That famous moral idea corner of the Stato, embracing Crawford, Erio and Warren counties, has a spectacle on band just now, which doe not accord with the former profes sions of the statesmen of tho North west. Tbo Warron Lalger puts a now aspect upon the difficulty in the Twen ty seventh Congressional district in re gard to the Republican nomination, which gives it a commercial character. It says Mr. Osmor, tbo nominee, neg lected to pay some of the delegate' ex penses, which Roed, of Krie, was called upon for. It further declares, on tho authority ol the F.rio Gazette, that Wat son, tbe present member, bad to buy Rood off two years ago. It would not be bad plan for the people of the Twenty-seventh district to take this matter in hand and leave all these bar gaining gentry at home and Bond some honest Democrat like Dr. Egbert back again. A Campbell Joke. Tho Patriot aaye : Jakoy Campbell, ol the Somoraot district, finds it necessary to play tho demagoguo considerably since tho nom ination or Ucn. Colrrotb. lie is out in a letter promising' the ei soldiers of tha district transferable land warrant) and enlargod pensions if thoy will only vote to return him to Comrress. H must imagine that the veteran! of his district are aa easily imposed upon as the Alrican man and brother downf Sooth was when the rarpot-baggera promised him forty acres ol land and ft mole. But probably he will find bim elf slightly mistaken. "XOT H FRAUD!" Tho Philadelphia Vi'. says that "Mr. (irow represents tbe bout element of the Republican party, which is tho hect element of bl.B'Sy?!!'' ,'J1 ."J0" im3'-(-jil-iir..fiigTi Tj tiTi.'ri.tM;-.-flghting, not by fraud." The success of tho "best element" of tho Republican party in 1870, when thoy stole tho Presidency from tho Democrats by "Iraud," and put a flrst clasa Fraud in the White House, should tempt tho party of great moral ideas to contintio in tho path which bas hitherto led to victory. Any departure from tho old wuy will assuredly loud to defeat. This "best element" of tho Republican party bas bilhorlo been tho representative men of that party, and if tho people aro tojudgo them by their acta in tho past, tho Democracy cun afford to go into Ibis fight on hon est issues. The Republican loaders must be diffuront men from tho Cam orons, beforo tho people will believe tbat Mr. Grow represents tbo best ele ments of that party. And if tho Republican party "goes into thia campaign to win victory by fighting, not by Iraud," such men aa Quay, Muckey, Errett, and other henchmen of the Camorons, tho "re spectable element," no doubt, in tho estimation of tho Prens, will have to take a back Boat and go to school over again. You might as well expect the leopard to change its spots as thoso men to forgot their political trickery and rascality, and it thoso mon, who have been loaders of tho Republican party in tbe past, and aro its chosen chiefs to-duy, couslituto its "best ele ments," what shall we say of the little pups who only bark when tho big dogs give tongue .' Crusader. Sitting Bull to be Arhehtxo. A Washington despatch says : "Tho au thorities horo will tuko no action at present with reference to Sitting Bull, being convicted that bis condition is hopeless, and that ultimately bo will become a prisoner of war by surrender. Lator reports represent that be is starv ing, and must Boon succumb. Ho de clines to oxpretta any penitonco for his criminality in tbo Custer massacre, and insists upon roturning to the United States with full pardon for bis crimi nal deeds. Ha and bis followers will bo arrested and treated as prisoners ol war upon their sotting foot on Ameri can soil. The action of tbe British Government in harboring Sitting Bull in Canada is objected to hero, tho Cab inet holding that Canada would expect tho United States to refuse aid and sustenance to Canadian subjects who bad committed crimes of the character perpotratcd by Sitting Bull. Tbo Com missioner ol Indian ArTuirs suys no Government official will assumo res ponsibility for Sitting Bull's good be havior, if he is allowed to remain on his roturn." Commune Butler. Ben Butler made a two hours' speech the other day, at Biddeford, Maino, before a convention of Grocnbackors. He said be came not to make a speech, but to commune with the people on tbe publie interests of the day. He bad loft the old par lies and had belonged to the Demo cratic party until it attempted to des troy tbe Union. Ho was with the Republican party until it deserted its founders, tbe laboring men. Capital ista new bold tbe Republican party bound hand and loot. Hayes has vio lated every pledge and betrayed tbe negro of tbe South. Tbe effort ol Grant' administration to strengthen the publio credit was swindle. Ho re viewed tho history of the greenback currency and claimed tbat it should bo mado legal tender for all debts, public and private. His commune idea expresses tbo whole mattor. Butlor haa robbed aud disgraced both tbe Democratic and the Republican parlies, and now ho is ready to make com mon causo with political free booters to rob and plunder all. He ia a scoun drel by nature. Enormous Increase of State Ex penditures. As illustrative of tbe dil- forenco between the expenditures of Democratic and Republican adminis trations lor State purposes, tbo Patriot says wo comparo the expenditures of Governor Packer, the last Democratic Governor, with thoso of Govornor Hartranfl, who ia likely to be the last Republican Govornor, compiled from official documents, as follows : TSRRB YKAR Or aov. rACKRR. H5 I SMI UI.O. ...... .1,HSS IS 4DH.097 40 4(l,3 tl Total for three Jean l,2ll,m 17 TRRRB TBARa Or 0.0V, lARTRiRrr. art ... (i,igi,073 ss I87S 1877 1,170,1157 47 l,J13,J7 II Total for three jean tS,7,0O7 An increase of I2,4('6,168.39 ovor that of tho last three years of Demo cratic rule. Tho difference ia bo enor mous tbat theft and profligacy are at once suggested. Whero does all tbo money go to? The pertinent inquiry will hereafter be answered. Desertino the Ship. Like rats, all tho shrewd loaders of the party in thia and othor States, are leaving the sinking Radical veasol beforo the drowning period overtakes them. When leaders like Butlor and Kelly jump1 overboard, the rest of tbe erew may well be alarmed because they aro tho last to desert when there ia safety and plenty to plunder on board. Thoso mon do not wait until tbe wreck is complete, but thoy aro now making for the shore in dead earnest, whilo a lot of foolish, bigoted follows liko Blaine and Grow are trying to stop the enormous leaks in their vessol with bloody shirts and pocket-handkerchiefs. Tbey must evontually drown and go to the bottom with the hulk. Tin True Inwardness. Senator Thurman, in his recent spooch stated this homely fact : A national bank cur rency moans the indofinite porpelua tion ol tbe national dobt Tho nation al banks, as far as their circulation is concerned, aro founded on that debt. It Is security for their notes ; and when ever tbe dobt is paid the banks must retire their circulation and cease to Is sue notos. In order, therefore, to por potuato their privilogo of issuing notes, tbey must strive to perpetuate tbe na tional debt. And tbe public may rest assured that they will do so ; and the influence ol mors than two thoasand such institutions spread all over tho oonntry, will be very powerful indeed.! 1)1 LL AS a hackr. An exchange snys ihnt Senator Dill is always the " winning horso " in any raco bo enters, either for nomination O?. Cl'Il'.iUC. ' A! 'a. " rvenrd " , Oil t It'll "pliTito tif "liu.rlat7 liirtwtiTo?B?fiw' ted to the House of Representatives in 18H9 by tiie district composed of tho counties of Northumberland, Union and Snyder. Tbe district choso three members, and Mr. Dill was tho only man elected. His majority wus 73. Gov. Geary's majority In tho district ut tho sumo time was 2b4. This was his first election and be run uhead of bis ticket 432 votes. In 1870 bo was elected to tho Senate from the district com posed of the samo counties. His ma jority was 1,119. At tho election of 1871 the majority of tho Republican candidate for Auditor General over McCandless in the counties composing this district was G23, showing a gain of 1,734 voles lor Senator Dill over hiB parly. In 1873 he was aguin olectod to tho Senate from the district com posed of tho counties of Northumber land, Perry, Union und Snyder, by a majority of 23 votes. At tho samo election tho majority of tbe candidate for Supremo Judgo in tho district was 1,179, Dill running ahead of his ticket 1,202 votes. In 1872 thoso sumo coun ties guvo llurlrunft a majority of 1,413 votes ovor Buckulew. Again, in 1876, Mr. Dill was a candidate for Senator in the district composed of tho counties of Northumberland, Union and Sny der, tho litllo Democratic county ol Perry having been stricken out in tbe apportionment in order to increase the chances of his defeut. But, notwith standing tho excitement ola Presiden tial year, Senator Dill's majority was J 90 voles, whilo tho majority of Hayes over Tilden in the district wus 194, a gain of G93 votes lor Mr. Dill. JNCKKASIXQ Oil DECUEAS1XG TUKXUMHKR OFDELEGA TEH. Under our party rules the number of delegates each borough and town ship is entitled to, is based upon the voto polled for Governor ut the lust preoedingelection. (See Rule 2d ). The present allotment of delegates is there fore based on tho vote cast tor Govern or In 187S. At that election Bradford township lost a delegate by not polling her full Democratic vote. Her voto in 1874 was 108, and in 1875 was 146, whilo Brady township went up from 334 in 1874, to 352 in 1870. Hence that township was aicarditi an addi tional deleguto lit two vote, whilo Brad ford (osf ono by five vote. Our Demo cratic friends will soo by what ban hap pened in the past that it takes but a few votes to either lose or gain ono delegate: If llout.dulo polls six cotet more for Govornor in November than in 187G, it will bo entitled to 3 dele gates, while Osceola needs but four votes more, Beecatia 18, Bell 20, Chest 9, Covington 10, Decatur 15, to give them all three delegates, instead of but two. It is but proper that our party friends should mako an effort in the districts named to increaso their power in tbe Convention, when so few votes will do it. Now let us bco which of the dis tricts will gain or lose delegates at tbo next election. . Swallowed All. Tho Democrats of Clinton county aro again after every thing in the gill of the people in thia soction of tho Stuto. At their recent County Convention they appropriated all in this way : Nomination for Judtt beina: In order. W. H Brown nominated Judge Cbarla A. Mayer, and on motion so wa nominated by aeelamatlon. For Coagreia, Mr. Bimon nomloated lion. L. A. Uaokee, and on motion he was nominated bj aonlamation. For Henator, Dr. J. II. Plahbnrne nominated Hon. S. R. Peala, who wa ulso nominated be ao olamation. Tbo capacity for oflico, as displayed from timo to time by our down river neighbors, is wonderful. It scorns that most of them are slatosmcn. They ovidcntly beliove tbat if you nover ask for anything you seldom succeed in obtaining it, and thcrelore they usually ask for all that's going, and they are getting pretty export at raking it in. It is a wonder they don't invito us to select our Sheriffs and other county officers from that garden ol export statesmen. Proiiiuioub for Mischief. Tho present position of General Butler in politics reminds tho editor of tbo Now York World of tho Nevuda mulo, when ongagod as tbo donkey in tho play of "The rorty Thiovos," before an audi ence of miners. At tho critical moment of this debut, ho stayed his fore-feet and kickod. "lie kicked tho prompter into tho orchestra, and tho call boy in to tho flies j ho kicked away tho rob bora' jam ot oil, ft cavorn and an ex panse of forests, and he made all the company shriek 'Open Bosame' as its members sought some shelter ; nor was that mulo secured until it had destroy ed tho wbolo platform upon which tho foot-lights biased. That mulo no long er stars; yet it was well thought of until such prodigious powers of mis chief wore dovolopod." How Thev do it. Wo havo beforo us a printed circular, issued by Mr. Quay and directed to a Federal office holder, which Illustrates the manner of raising funds with which to conduct Republican campaigns. Hero is a copy : RooH or HtriisurAR Rtats Comhittrs, ) N. K. Corner Tenlb and Chestnut Street, j PniLAliaLrniA, Jole 17, I87S. Bin i To meet the leeitlmate and neeeasery el- pensee of the campaign we ara compelled to eall upon ma inenili ut tne nepanilcan party tn Pennaylraala for Rnanolal aid, and would request that von oootrlhoui for inch nurnoee the anm of $11. Pleeae addresa communication to tho ohair- sn. Very truly your, M. 8. Quat, HI Chairman. Truly a modost "rcquost" on the face of It, but if tbe wretched P. M. to whom it ia addressed fails to comply off goes his official bead I It is the request" of the brigand to tho trem bling travolor he bas stopped to "stand and deliver." Put Him Overboard. The Lan caster Intelligencer romarkB: A. J. Qulgloy, late Democratic member from Clinton, having boon defeated fairly lor tbo ro-nomination, now announces him self an indopondent candidate, and thereby proves his dishonor by violat ing biB pledge to stand by tho nominee of tbo Convention. QiiikIcv haa been somewhat of ft disorgauiier In times past, and bis present sore headism will only Inspire tbe Clinton countv Democrats to stamp out all such rene gade scalawags who hang on to its skirts only aa long as thoy can food oo tho official psp. THA T HORSE. Kx Gov. Palmer, of Illinois, when beforo tbo Potter Committee, among other things raid : "Wl'k n. dlirrtpeet to Mr. Tilden, I belleee If These aro idle words. It Mr. Tilden bad "mounted Lis horse," means, wo suppose, beaded a column of men to march on Washington olso it means nothing: for Tilden rode tin horseback every day during that exciting time. If mounting his horse means a forciblo resistance to tho counting in of Hayes it would have been tho thing of ull others which Grant desired,,. For Unit purpose the army hud boon called to Washington, artillery posted to rake the streets and military telegraph stretched from tho barracks to the Whito House. The Senate, headed by tbo audacious and rock less Morton, would nover have yielded, tho House encouraged by "Tilden on horseback" would not have yielded, and the coun try would have been thrown into the uncertainties and confusion of a dixput ed succession. Neither Hayes nor Tilden could lawfully have boon coun ted in or inaugurated ; Caleb Cushing and old Judge Tail were all ready with their legal opinions tbut it was Grunt's duty to hold ovor and order now election j and thero was the army to "preserve order" a thing which Gen eruls Sherman and Sheridan would have followed hiovilalily from the ap parition of 'I ilden ot horseback" if Gov. Pulmer'sflgiiruofspeech bus uny iiieun ing. It was fur better for Mr. Tilden to assume us be nlwuys bus -that it wus not bis loss, but the loss of the American people whoso will was de feated through fraud und fiirco. If be bad "mounted bis horse" it would have lowered the whole causo to the level of a personal wrangle for tho high office. Baltimore Gazette. AN A WFVL EXPLOSIOS. A powder magazine at Pottsville, containing 1,200 kegs of giant pow der, was Btrnck by lightning on last Saturday allernoon causing ft tromondous explosion, killing a num bcr of persons and destroying con siderable property. With tho indis criliulile brightness of tho lightning tho magazine and all the buildings around it were literally blown into atoms. Words can givo no idea of the shock. It was liko tho bursting fortli of volume crater, where explosive gases havo been accumulating for ages. Pottsville is a largo town. I la build in's rest on solid rock foundations, but on this afternoon, when tbo 1,200 kegs of giant powder were touched by the glowing lightning tho town and nil tho earth around it shook as if a planet hud struck them. To recount tbo numbcilcH distant windows destroyed on this remarkable occusuin would give but a faint idea of the terrnhle foli o of tho powor. Inmates of houses wero hurled from chairs as if they were in tho pulti of an avalanche. Large and deeply loot ed trees which had withstood tho elo mental fury of a hundred storms were torn asunder, snapped off like twigs, while their massive fragments were scattered to tbe winds. All this was but the work of an instant, yot the des truction was terrible and complete. Twenty-five houses wero crushed as If they were eggs under a locomotive. Solid and substantial houses were liter ally lorn into kindling wood. Coming to a Point. On Wednes day, during a supplementary examina tion of Col. Roberts beforo the Potter Committoo, Goncral Butlor asked the witness whether "the fairness and jus- tico of his case which Hayes's friends acknowledged, did not mean then the breaking up of tbe Packard Govern mont" ? and Col. Roberts answered "That was tbo result aimed at, because Nicboll's had a majority of votes." "Then," General Butlor said, in a voice of thunder, rising in bis sent, "did not justice and lairncss equally require that the man who received a majority ol votes of Louisiana for President should bo declared elected, as well as tho Governor, lor whom you say jus tice and fairness required recognition f" Col. Roberts replied that Gen. Butlor's .view was correct. What sort of an answer would Fraud Hayes himself msko to such a direct, blunt and com prehensive quostion ?, A Scott ish Scheme. We see it an nounced that Governor Hampton is reselling out for another of the old ring robbeis ol South Carolina. Ex Governor Scott Is tho party ho wants this timo. Scott is living at Napoleon, Ohio, and it is reported at Columbia, S. C, that Govornor Hampton ha, for- wardod a requisition on the Govornor of Ohio for bim. Ho is charged with having bought ft majority of votes of tbo members of the Legislature during the sessions of 1871 and '72, in order to defeat his own impeachment for "high crimes and misdemeanors," and in or der to raise) tltav annney to buy the voles ho issued fraudulent warrants on (he treasury in tho names of imaginury pontons to the oxlcnt of 1100,000. Chinamen. The Now York Post haa taken a census ol the Chinese popul tion in Han Francisco, and says: "In connection with the question tho lol lowing statistics of the Chinese popu lation in San riancisco and their eati ngs will bo of interest: Merchants and professional men, 1,000 ; cigar makers, 5,000; laundrymen, 1,500 ; servants, 7,000; boot and shoemakers, 2,000; slipper makers, 800 ; gamblers, 1,400 ; makers of clothing, 3,000; peddlers, 5,000 ; fishermen, 1,000 ; laborores, 1, 000 ; other occupations, 3,800 ; women, 2,000. Total, 82,000." The Contest Ended. Tbe forty year ccntost to divido Lnzerrle county was ended last week. In accordance with the Act of Assembly a vote was taken on the question of forming Lack awanna county out of the upper end of Luzerne The voto stood for 9,615. against 7,029, giving almost 2,000 in favor of tbo now oounty. Scranton will of course be the new oounty seat. Ready fob Bubiness. This issue ol the Republican contains the procla mation ol the Democratic County Com mittoo, embracing tho Vigilance Com mittee and the rules and regulations governing tho Primary Eloction, so that if the members of tha Vigllanoa Committee and the voters give the subject ft little attention then nood be but little confusion on election day. THE OEM OCR A TIC PRIMA R Y EI.ECTIOX. To the Democratic voters of Clearfielil County : In obedience to tbo rules governing ll.u pcijinc ratio party of Clcurituld .ifcA.'V- I"- tV4,-.-..S Am IA2-.1 County Coinniltlui hen by gives no lice I hut the election liirdelegutes, und tor the instruction of such delegates, us to candidates, lor tho several offices to bo tilled at tho upprouching No vember election, w ill bo held at tho Election House in the several boroughs und townships in said countv, ON SATURDAY, TUB FOURTEENTH DAY OF SKPTK.M BER, A. I)., 1878, beginning at 1 o'clock, p. in., and con tinue open until 7 o'clock, p. in., of'suid day. The election will be held by tho Vigilance Committee, who ure the Eloc tion Boards, and are constituted as follows : tlOlLAMCR CoMUITTRn rOR 187S. tlarn.1,1. Brooh Jro. Klioe, U. W. llarJi- urr, C. R Patrick, ClearQelil lloniujrh Tool. Rrily, Jaeub A Faint. J. P. Ilurelileld. Curwensrille Borough Tho. J. Frow, Jn" Norris, U. Ilertabora. Iloultdala Jaine Word, E. C. Howe, (leorxo II. Wooileo. Lumber Cur Ell llile, I. D. Uoppy, tViillim Morebrad. Newliurg Borough Isaao Xl.rkl. Jiiu. Rei ttr. Kit Uli.ui.on. New Waihiiigton N. A. Arnold, II. i). Ho, A.lam Brelh. O.oeola Buroufh J. P. ll.lt. Pat OalUg-ber, Root Uwsbo. Wallaoeton Jno. Il.lt, Ueo. Kmeia-h, M 11. Reidy. Brvoarie Tuwn.hip Juo. llioitman, W, W. Willi.,,,.. M. Bralmif. Bell- C. K.trfc-ker, Jobs II. Brelh, liodlre Wearer. Bloom BiJooy Bioilh, Ad.iu Wuaver, I wry Peoia UoKs 0. (1. Merrill, J. B Woudaide, T. II. W.,l. Bmdfurd-J. R Wilson, W. t. Curley, Alei. -I.lvioR.ton. Brady lirorge C Kirk, Uwli .'shoox, Peter 6. Webrr. Burnsitle Ilsuiel O.Tiuen, Jaoios Sylrts, Jil, t'b.pm.n. Chest Lawronee Klllian, John Connty, Jo II. Ilrrth. CotinRton F. L. Coutriel, Jt.Ln Pionrd, Dr. W J, Uillilaod Ilocalur A. O. Hlrln-r, 0. W. ll.-sjn, W. K. W. noner, Ferguson 1, Aaron Wise, John Moore, Jobo T. Straw. Uirard tloorge Oreeo, J-ihn tjeig-ir, August Beausinger. Iloiben Kibniia K. Bhirey. J. A. L. Flegtl, A H. Shaw. Oraham Thomas II. Forory, Ellas Rrana, A. C. Dla. Greenwood Jessa Kelstar, M. W. Johnson, Aaron W. Neweouicr. tlulieh Jamas Flynn, John 8. MeKlernin, W. J. Conrad. Huston Frauk C. Bowman. Jordan B. A. Creeswell, John Patterson, B. Frank Wise. Karthaus tlodfrry Fisher, Jobs Oilll'and, Ueorg. Ileokeodorn. Knoa Jaiues Bloom, John R. DunUp, Isaac Miiys. Lawrenos Oeorge II. 11.11, Mllra Reed, Mor rll K. Wallace. Morris Joha M. Holt, J. W. Hollenbaok, Men re Hoover. Pens James B. Clark, George C. Paasmoro, R. lluiil.n. Pike Henry A. AdJIoman, fiamuel 8. Moore, A. J. Cunple. llaien Thomas BrockbanV, Richard Laborda, oetnuol J. Uelnett. Woodward William Luthrr, Thor. Mathers, Jobn K. Henderson. The Electors have tbo right to vote lor One person for I'rosidont Judge. One person tor Congress. One person liir Senator. Ono person for Assembly. One person tor Treasurer. Two persons for Commissioner. Two persons for Auditor. Ono person for Coroner. And lor tho proper number of delo- gutes ussigned under rule 2d to each election district. Tho dclcgtttos will meet in theCotirt ftootn, in Cleurfleld, ON TUESDAY, THR SEVENTEENTH DAY OK SEPTEMBER, precisely at 1 o'clock p. m., and proceed to nominate caudi dutes lor tbo several offices ubovo des ignutcd, and to select three Senatorial Conferees to meet like Conferees from tho counties of Centre and Clinton, for the purpose of selecting a Senatorial delegate to the Stato Convention. And one person as Representative delegate to tho same Cnvention. Also three each, Judicial, Congressional and Sen alorial Conferees. It is tho d.'siro of tho I ounty Com mittoo that tho members of tho Vii'i lance Committee, or Election Boards, be at the Election Houses at tho time appointed, and be prompt in tho dis cbarge of the duties enjoined upon them. Israel Test, Chairman. John W. Howe. Secretary. Ci.EARriELD, Pa., Aug. 21st, 1878. All Weono. Somo of our party friends deport themselves very strange ly during the primary canvass. Thoy are not satisfied with shouldering candidate, and do all they can in t do cont way to bo successful, but tbey will attack a competitor and abuse him soundly for tho purpose of tor warding tbe interest of their favorite. This modo of electioneering is all wrong. Wo like to see voters zeal ous for their candidates, but it is dis graceful to turn around and abuso a rival. It is just like a bird befouling its own nest, and wo all know that it is a very dirty bird that does that. A Duti.ee Brick. It seems that "Bon" has t fuw bricks loft. Here is a specimen of tho ono ho dashed at "the government" recently : I cant lee any administration. I'd Ilka lo know what Hayes administer. Tbs only admin istration I have aean la hi appoiatmeat of e7 men wno aellied bim to fraudulently a 11 the kin-h eat oAre in tbe government. He baa appointed more scoundrels lo omoe than were aecr known la the ooootrj bofora. Nover before haa tbe Essex states- man thrown a brick moro vigorously than Ibis one, Had somo Democrat uttered this naked truth, It would be denouncod as false by the Radical proas. But Ben has "bottled" them securely. Modern Philanthrope Tbe Bal timore Gazette snya : Tbe pardon mill has been running under full powor over ainco Hayes went into tbe White House. Between March , 1877, and May 20, 1878, according to tbe late re port of tbo Attorney General, 284 of lenders were turned looao. Tbe list inoludos sinners against tho rovenua laws, grand Inrcenists, for restoration to citizenship on expiration ol sentence and on account of critical condition of health. Mr. Hayes has a large flabby heart lor one who is so small in othor respects. A IsRowleb. n embellished our columns two weeks ago, as usual, with somo stubborn facts, to which ft cor respondent of tbo Journal objects, at length. Wo bavo read the critic's epistlu, and camo to the conclusion that wo would not attempt to argue the case with him. Ha knows far too much for us, and we will allow the great mass to pass upon our respective arguments, and pay who is right What we said is either true or false, and we will adhere to tbe former and risk our reputation fur truth upon it. A Little White The Humsbarg Patriot of Monday remarks : "Col Jas. Worrall, ol this city, loft this morning at tha head of an expedition authoriz ed by the government to discover tbe Concmangh and Kiskiminotas. At this season ot tho year tho discovory of these streams will be matter ot difficulty. Wbon (ound tbe question whothor they shall be made navigable by slack water or macadamized still remains opsn." Komance op a Spool op Thread. A Williinuntio. Conn., girl who worka in the thread factory, wrote her name aud the words, "Wanted, a husband," on a spool. When tbe thread had been '..C4tll"l M("t. "trW. , J, as ax'lil. iu South Norwulk. lleie a Richfleld gentleman chanced to soo it alter tho thread hud been removed, and at once look a luney to address tbe maiden ; she ut once r--ponded, and they cor responded for some time, until at length she disclosed tho fuet that she wus alreudy engaged, but would pro vide him with ono as good as herself'. She did so, and to all appviirnmcw bur kind nfllees were accepted with a rul ish, as the Georgetown Star suys tbo names ol the pair appeared in the .4f voeate's mitrriugo list lust week. This celebrated thread can bo had at II. A. Krntzer'a Dry Goods Store. 3t. unouiiffiitftitj. Primary Election, Saturday, Sept. 14, Free Thr fet-sabl-h must ba paid lo advance will le a. lollowsi tor Juitgo or migrans It will be ft30 1 Henet-.r, Slot Ai.omblT or Tree-urer ft 1 0 1 t:omuii,luner, So, and Aalltnr or t'oruner :l. This will inelode 10,000 tickets for eaoh r.ndidete, and the nooessary b anks to ounluct ILe eleetooi. PltkWIDKNT JUDQR. We are authorised to annouuoa tha mm of CMAIII.KS A. MAVKH, of Clint.. eounly, aa a oauold'te lor tbe office of President Judge, sub ject to Ihe rubs governing tbe Democrat c party Poatottioe address, Lock llareo, Pa. STATE HENATOR. We are authorised to annoonoe the aameof W. W. II KT I S, of Clearfield llorough, ae a candidate for the office or Mtate Hi-nator, snhJe9t to toe rul governing the Drmooratie party. I'oituflice address, Clearfield, Pa. AS.SE1I1ILY. We ate authorised tu announce tha a.tuie of JOHN A. UKKllORY.ofCurweosville.asacan didate for the office of Assembly, cubject to tb a rules governing tbe Domoeratio party. Pohtutno address, Curwsnsvllle, Pa. W arc authorised to announce Iba name of MATT McATEKR, of lloutadele, aa a candidate for tho otlioa of Assembly, subject lo lb rules governing tho Democratic party, a PostohHee addrces, Houlidale, Pa. We are authorised to announce tha name of AAHON C. TATE, of Cleorfleld, as a candidate for tbe offioe of Assembly, aubjeet to tbe rales governing tbe Democratic party. PosttOioe address, Clearfield, Pa. We are authorised to announce the nsme of Oil. ASH D. 11ENNHTT, of New Washington, as a candidate for tbe oBloa of Assembly, subject to tbe rules governing tbe Demooretis Party. Postofflca address, N. Washington, Pa. We are authorised to ennnuaoe tha name of AbltAM III MPHRKV, ol Lawrenos township aa a candidate fur the office of Assembly, subjeot to the rules governing the Democratic p rty. Poslotbca address, Cleartield, Pa. TKKASL'RKU. We ttfaj riuttiorit' d to nnoono tha bubo DANIKIj PTKWAHT, of Brnlfunl towhlm. cantlitiBt fur tho ofliee of Treurr, ubjrot to tho rulci gflveralna tbo lettior....fl party. i'OlU.0'H)O ftllfJ.'OM, VdOallaOl, IV Wo aro aothniited to anoeiiBOo tb Bauto ol faodidtstt for Ihaoffiooof Tictjrr, uiijol to riiii..r ihiii. ot utcrari toUBinip. iBa ruiei guvfrniDX tna utroocratlo pony. 1'u.tufiioa aiJdrtM, lilat H..pe, Pa. Wo km. tnthnriird lo onnounnt tho namo of LKANDKK DKNNINU.or Larooco t.wo.tim i a eaoilidalo fur tho offioo ol Trraiurer, suTjoot to ibo ruic governing the lietnoeratio parly. Poitathct adtirnt, Clearfield, Pa. Wo aro authorltod to announeo tha ntmf of CIMUI.KS ttCUWKM, ot Uradj towaihip, at a eanaiaaia lor too omt or irraaarar, abjeet ti lite- riili guvorntnrt tho uerntXiratto part. Poftitffioo iddrcai, Lutherbur. Pa, We aro aothurlioii to anominca the flame of THOM Ah A. IIVmYKK. ol Corwei.iTille.ai oandidala fur tbo offieo of Treaiuror, lubjeot to tne ruiei goveroing mo Demooratia party. 1'o.toffloo adJreea, CuroaoaTille, Pa. Wt ar euttii.rUed to aonouaoo tbo a a wo of DANIKL W. MOOKK, of Clearfluld. a a eandi date for tho offlat of Trotwarer, aubjeot to the rules gortrwing the Uemoeratie party. iVwtuffioe ad droit, Clearfield, Pa, Wo aro aathnrttod to announce Ihe aewo of JOSIAII W. THOMPSON, of Lawrence town hip, at a candidate for the offlo of Treasurer, uhjeot to ihe rule gore rnln g ihe Utn-jeratis pen-. Postfifilce addraae, Curwenit ille, Pa. COMMISSIONER. We are rubor tied to announeo tha name JOSIAI1 K. hKAO, of Lawronee townnhtp, at a oanniuaie nr toe "moo Ol uounij uoniniHioner, aut'joct to the ruiei govorniog the Deaooratio panjr. PoHtohoo add root, Corweoaville, Pa Wo aro RUteoriied to annonnoe the nam of BKNJ. KLINUKK, of Cheat townahip, aa a can didate for tho offioo of County Ootnm.Mioaer, uhjeot to Ihe ruiei governing tho Uauooratie party. Poftoffloe e.Ureia, Hard, Pa. We are aothniited to aonouaoo tbo name of JOHN HUN LA P. of Pike towoabip, ao a oaadl date for tbo offloo of Coantv ConaiiMioaer. ob ject to the ruin go reining the Dcatoeratio party. a oitomco aodreee, Bioeuiiogton. fa. We aro aot homed lo annoonoa the nana of RAM U KL LAN8BKRRV, Sr., of Bradford town hip. al a candidate for Ihe offioo of Coaaty Com- miMioaer. inbjeot to the rulet gov trot Dg the Lt-uiuaraiig party, Poftoffloe addrew. Woodland, Pa. We are aothorlied lo annoonoe tho name of CLA Kit 1IHOWN, of Lawrence tnwnefaio. aa candidate for the offioe of County CommiiiioBer, subject to Ihe in lei governing the Democratic pony. Poitofflce addrtM, CieaMleld, Pa. Wo are Bfltf.orittMi to annonnoe the name of H. Tl KNKK MITCHKLL, of New Waxhiogton, ai a candidate for tbe offioe of Oonnty Coatotia doner, object to the ralei gorerniog tha Demo cratic party. roatomct Mdreie, n. Wacbington , Ta. we an authorised to annonnoe tha name at JOHN BH AW, of Lawrenoe township, aa a emo. didate for the offioe of County Commissioner, sub ject to the rules governing the Dt moors lie party. j osiomoe eatress, iiearneiii, re. We are authorised to announce the name of WN. P. UHAMHIKH, ofCurwensrillo. aa a oaa. amnio lor tne omoe of tonnly Commisiioaer, inb jeot to the rules governing the Democrat ia party. rosiomoo aauroea, I nrweosvilia. Pa. Wa are author Ism! to annonnoe the name of CUHIbTIAN KKOWN, of Covington township, aa a aandidala for tha offioe of Couoly'Commii i loner, subject to tbo rulea governing the Dcm emtio party. Potoffioe ad dre as, Karthana, Pa. Wo are authnriard to announoo the name of CONRAD W. KYLKK.of (Irabam township, aa a candidate for tbe office of County Commissioner, uhjeot to tho rnlee gorerttinf tbe ifemocrMi party. Poti office address, Orahamlvn. Pa. We are authorised to annonnoe Ihe name of i-KKIlKHICH KHUrr, or Heeoaria township, aa a eandidata for tha offlee of Coanty Comiatsoieoer, subject to the ruks governing tho Demoeratle pa". F-oatolGoa addresa, Ilegertv's k RoaJa. We ara authorised la annonnoe the naaaa of UAI.WN DTKPH KNI), of Cheat township, as a oandldals for Iba ottos of County Comnifsiooer, ouhjeot to the rules governing tha Uesaoeratle p"7 PostobVa sdJisss, RlcPhersoa, Pa. We ara RRIhorlted to aneeanee tbe name of . at. HIAI'IM, of Pike township, aa a candi date for tha oBee of Uenntv CmbbIiiIdmp. eoh. Jeol la Ihe rules governing the Demon ratio party. - , s-esioason aoor.se, iirweasvllK, pe. We are authoriaed to anonwRoe the Raase f junit riCAau, or CovingtoR lowaibip, a a oaodidste for the offlee of County Cousmisaiaaor, sub set to the rule gorerRiRg tha IteBaaeratle penj. IVtolIioe addnas, P.encbilMe, Pa. We are anthorlaew to aaeoe.ee the nasao af ELAII JOHMBtlN.ot Ureenwaod lowe.hln . oandldate fir the oOeeof County Commissioner, eubjret to Ihe rule, governing tho Ilemoeralie I'oetoBioe addresa, Oramplaa llllla, Pa, AUDITOR. ne are authorised to annoonaa the naoaa of "i im-i tilKAW, or Jordan township, aa a to the rule goverRlng tbe Demoeratle party. Postoffioe address, Aneonrillo, Pa. wu.ubw ,ur loeoincwoi UOUOIT AUR tor. lUUHl We ara authorised ta anaoone. the Raaaa ef mm . Hllvl LKH, of knot township, aa a eaadldete for tha ottoo of County A editor, aubjeet w .i governing ma trees eora lie party. I'estoBea addraae, New Millport, Pa. Wa are aathorleed ta aaaonaea the lies of WM. V, WHlllHT, ef Clearteld, as a eaadidRte for tha ettoa af Coanty Awditor, eubjeat to tha rulea governing tbo Demaoratie party. r-eeiomee.Mareea, L'laarHald, fa. Tt a are as'-ssrlsrs to R-inoaneo sh. w.ma i un vi 10 u. nbuuas, at a,awreaoe towaihlei. as a saadldeM ear tho ooa of Coanty Auditor, sab. Joel le tha roles gov.ralag tha Deasoeratie parly. PoeloBea addresa, CarwaaevilH). w gutrrrtUrmmt. tll1tlts) MtlTU K.-. la tna matter of the Estate af I. B. WRInltr deed. By order af Orphaaa Oowrt lath liar 11)1. 1 will bear aad dlapoee af esoepllona lied aa tba aeeoRnt af tha last will aad taausmeRt of fi. y WHiailT dee'd. at my ottoe In Iba Borough of Cleargeld, M Thnraday, I lib day Rf lepteoahar, ClaarleHl, Aag. II, 7 41. Aadltor, nunAinaa w, BHITH. fU! vuUsfmfutfK CIAIITIIIM. All persona ara hereby aaulloa- ed agalnet purchasing or ia any way mod dllng with tha following property, now la Ihe poenssloa of John Kinlgn. of Ursbam lowmhlp, to wit i One cook stove and atoaails, one parlor aiovo, lot of tlnwsra, two bed and bd ling, two '.'v Vwrlilit. ore1 i-tr m,o ,,4-o i toe same wT p.n.w it) IB Vr.Ta: oa tha loth Auea.l, l7H,and la only left with said Kiuigh on loan, subieet tn Riy ordsr al any time. JAMKIHOYKK tirahamton, Aug. II, ISTI it AIIMINIxrHA TK1X' NOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration ou tee aetata or U. liUTLKK, Ista of Wt-o-lward township, Clearfield county, Pe., decerned, having been duly granted to tbe undersigned, all pereuas indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those haetng elaiiue or demande against tbe same will present them properly authenticated lor settle iarnlwitbout delay. CAlllARINK nt'TLKR, Adialolstretrii. Aug. II, 1S7S lit. HUNTS Th fir llrlna if DM ft in iH.unrl i It hu biwn . IM'NTH itKMKIlV W pfflpmifiuuTMl from I In. Ting IC.I lEIII'1"" bo " Dta tlvrri Bp bf ltifclclavo to die. Ill NT HK.IKIV rura all DU rMB of ih. H I) nc llUdsifT, nd TrUiarv Ureal, Iropv. JrH, tfubvlM. ind lIl4i?.ra,,-f--.I,',., I'riM. nuMnna, Hark, r 1, .JwrM f AvMlltd. HrUht'a It ! of ih of Ih Kni. I 'r4naa-iJ.nl fan I ' ill N TV KMMKOVU I'lucIt . srsintnafrplwhiniSinilaKiiil t n Ilia 1K1V It utiK-lv vrifiv pul'llo uid (he utinoiil p'lluice tuT or placed In jl. .L,r'lT8 HKMKDY la arrxred t 'HKnol.V for 11,0 II Blsi aaaaio fMrSriiuiirs 131BEDY NEW MILLINERY STORE ! Misses WATSON A CARDON would eall the attention of tbe ladies of Clearflvld and tioinily lo Ihe large stock of Notions & Ladies' Fancy Goods 1 Which they have just opened in Kow' Store Itooui, on Hvennd street, CLEAR r'lEU), PA. Tbry keep, White (iooda. Embroideries. Raohiof, lias, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuff, Lisle, and Kid (J loves, Ribbon, Hash Kib bons. Hamburg Edgings, and insertions, Lin, Silk and Wool Fringes, all colors. Ladies'. Kisses', and Children. Husierr , wM:e and colored, 11 at lone, Lidiel1. Underwoar. Combs and Bruihei, Corsets, all Linds ot Zephyrs Uer man town Wool, Java Canvass, Wig ganr, lress Protwtors, and all other articles fur Lad ire and Chil drena' Wear. Br strict attention to the wants of their ensto mars, they fco(e ti rvoalre asliara of publio pat-r-nage. Tholr priees will be as low as the same quality of goods on be pnrcbased t any other pleoe ia ih country. Cull ami see us. Remember tbo plane; How's Store Hooio. Seoond street, Clear tield, Pa. August 21, lM7a if FliOlTK, FI.K1, AND GROCERY STORE. a JOHN F. KRAMER, rtoom Ko. t, Ple'R ierR lloner. Clearfield. Pa. Kee seonstaatlT or hand Sl'flAH. COFFEl, TKAS. SODA, t'OAL OIL, SVHtir, SPICKS, SOAP, Canned and Dried Fruite, Tobaeoo. Ctgara, Can- divs, Cider Vlaeg.r, Bailer, Egga, Ae. ALSO, EXTRA OOjIK-MADI Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn MetJ, Chop, Feed, 4o., All of which witt ha sold ebean for oaah or In ezeheoge for eoentrr produce. JUII.1 r. H KAJlKn. Claarlald, Not. 11 IS74.-1 BOROIICi II R)T ATKM E ST. . Sla'.m.nt of Clearfleli boroueb Sehool fond for the imn ending lav June, 197S. DR. To bl. 175 tar. in MeClellsn' handt..l 4511 41 To bat. '7 and 77 la Cowell's handa.... 1,1m DO To am'l of I87S ti-. ,S5 32 To ain't of Bute appronriatloa 4111 91 To am'l of Aoedeuir rent H ol tn To Int. on Irwin mertgageto Dee. 1, '77. 9 40 00 To am'l of Mills' judgment 41)0 M To am't of Irwin mortgage 1,0110 011 To am i of A. M. Shaw, tuition. ........... tt II To am't of R. Porter, tuition . ........ ...... 10 It To am't reo'd from Oolleolor Wearer.... 181 41 To tal due Treasurer.... Ill 88 ,7114 id CR. By am't ordare redeemed .f t.ang It Br anupoRs paid to 1st April, 171 J,01 oo By It per eenl. allowed on $.1,V7.!3.... VV 93 Bv am i 78 tat transr.rred U Olleetor Weaver I,J.1i I! By aaoRerationa allowed Wearer 46 IS lly rebate to 10 day pavers an l,i7).i). S3 M By am i dna from Collector Powell or IS7 and '77 Ui 80 88 t 18 414 tt 84 40 8! II II 74 By .ROBeratloRa to Powell Uy am't da. from MeCntllaa aa '78 tag. By aaoneratiaoa allowed UeClollaR.. By am't A. II. Shew, tultioR of 1877.,.. By am't of R. Porter, tuition or 1 877.... By am't allowed Treasurer for prloting anfl etationary M M.7M tt By bat. due borough Treasurer t 1 1 1 RRrRirra arr RirRRnrttiRt, roa l'tlil. t DR. To am't of 1878 tai 1 UI Jt Ta am't af Slate a.propriation 4l)t 98 " CR. ' '' By am't palf leaehar $1,9i9 88 By am 't paid janitor 110 tn By am'l pel. for wood sod eoal 121 TV By am't paid for printing aad Jonraal... It ia By am'l paid for repairs to furoaoe, Ao. 17 74 By ami paid for register, press, seal, Aa 14 tt By am't paid for diplomas I M By am t paid for parchment, crayon, Ae II 17 y am't paid for shovel, brush, broom, do I li By rebate to SI day tat pajere. .......... 81 81 By eioReratioas. ....., 48 18 By per eenlage to Collector 89 K ay am't paid Beeretarr 10 By par eeatsge to Treesnrer 18 88 Balance ia Treasurer hands 471 14 iron 18 Bal. reoviptt over eipendilures aaaRra. To bal. d.e from M eClollaa, lai af tl., t 471 II To bal. due from Powell, tai of 78. '17 bal. due from Wearer, tat of ft I lu al To taltlon doa from RdjoiRh.g dltliloli for 1874 aad 1871... avi av To bal. dna from RdJolRlRg dislrlaU for 177..... . ..... 4, ,6 To amount doe from graded scholars In aieiriat JJ 88 By am't J. W. Thama mortgere,.,...., not tt To Int. sa saaa to lit Jans, !::, !1! M to Raianoo T.lil 01 $I8,I0 tl LuatLiriaa. By bal. daa Treat. Whlleklll a in 8t I, HO 01 II, not ta lit M ay am i eatsUndiRg ardoro By aehool bonds doe let Ab.ii fans By let aa Roads to lei Jane, 1ST 18.101 tt LlRMIltlaa aver asset $ M61 tl W. Iba RRdarelaaad. aodltora. harlaw a..a Inad tbe cecals of i. O. Wbltehill, Traaaarer, aad of tha gobaol Board r ClMiaold borough, do hereby certify that wa tad them as above aloud. II. W. SMITH, A. J. BAUICH.Tr, Cleareald, Aag. II, 18T1II. Aadltor. gem gVfluf rttsfmrnta. Great Western Hotel Not. 1.111, lll ft IHI Usrket Street, ' (Dirfrtlp otnosit WwsMsiece Oread tfcjeei I PfciUlolplei., Pm't. Ibis Hotel Is near tbe new Publie Hii!ld. new M Slums Tsuiple, I'. 8 Mial. and Aesa,. of Pino Arle. I. W. TUAICK, tnf-' oi-r-n Ai-l. nianr. 111', 11 1,, TINA SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Hal opened In ft bulldiug on Market street, the old Wealern Hotel lot, opiyosite Ibe Cun House In Clarl)eld,a Tin and bheet-Iroa UiM fartory and Store, where will be found at all lia a full line of eotjse rroinsmiTa gooes, Stovos, Sardvaro, Etc. House Spouting and all kinds of Jub work, repair, ing, Aa., done un abrt notieo and at roasbnablt reus. Als", ag' tt for tbe Singer Sewing Machine. A suj'plv of Machines, wtlh Needles, At., sj. wars on bund. Tennp, itrlutly oash or country produce. 4 share el patrouago eoliuited. 0. 0. MKRRBLL, 8ipcrinteadr..t, Clearfl.tlil, r 2L. 187T-lf. I) HUG STORi:." H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Shaw's old stand, Clearfield, Pa, hjj Ju opened a new stoek of Pt RE 1.rt FHESU DRI OS, and Is now prepared lo furnish anythtnf ia tbe the line of Drugs and Medicines at tbo vary Joel eet eesb prices. 1 He ba a'so on hand a large stoek of Coabt, Hair and Tooth Brushes, l"aney Art tolas, Toilet aud Hiaving Hoaps, an l eerlliin; nanally kept In a flrst-elass Urutt Blero. PHYSICIANS' PELSCEIPTIONS ootupounded with eara, day or Right. A liberal share of patroaaga rorpeotrulfy eolieltel. H. B. bPAUKMAM. Clesrteld, P., Oct. 14, 1877. 5-0 TH3 HUB POWM f"? CURESK HU1IPHBEYB' HOMEOPATHIO SPECIFICS Ween In arenerml uae for twenty yearn, Kvprywhere proved tbe itin-r nArR. MINPI.K, il'StSoniCAI.Rad KFFIUKNf naedlelneeknnwn. They are Juatwbat tbe neopie want, aaTlna; time, aaener. RlekneaR ana RiinTrvina. Kvrrj Rlnale Rpertne the writ titers PeraerlRllon af itn ctttlneitt plsyalciaa. Nor. Cnrra. Cents 1. PererR, Congretlon, lnflummtlkms, . . it a. Warms, Worm Fever, Worm Colin, . . II . r lna;-t ollr, or Teething of InlanU,. BJ 4. Illarrhora, of Children or AduIlL , . h 5, Dvaenterr, Orintiuj. Uilioua CoUo, . . IS S. I'bolrra.llorbua, VofniUng, . . K 7. C-oilRha, Colds, Urooehltie K & 74ruralR-laf Toothache. Facearbe, . . tt a. Hradarhea, 8tck llradarhn. Vertigo. . Is 10. Dyepenoln, llilions Sh.niach B 11. iittreeard. or Palnfol Perioda. II It. M hi tea, too Profuse Period. .... 15 IS. f raun. Coooh. UjfliRnlt ttr.,.thln . . M 14. hall Uheiim, Ery.lpeles. Kruinlona. . 15. Rheumatlam. Khi-umatlc Paine, . . . rvvrrnno) Aame. Chill Fever, Agnaa,. 17. Ptlea. blind or bleeding 1& Ophlhntjnv, and Sore or Weak Even, . IS. I'atarrb, acnte or cbroole, Inllnenta, . to. M hDorslnK-fotiah, violent ooogba, . tl. Aathma, oiipreawd Brc,tanffi , a t tt. Far Dltchararea, Impaired hearlnr, t Hrrftfllla. enlarged glanda, Hwelltnea, , It, .enrrml Debllitr, Phvsleal Waakaeaa, . tn. Dropoy and acanty fleeretlone, .... to. Hra-Mlrkneaa, aiearieae froat rtdlag. . i. nienrj.ui.nw, ur.vei, ..... Rl M. Itrrvon. neblllty. Vital Waakaeaa, 1 10 M. here Moulh, Canker, 69 SIX 1 rlnnrv W rak neoe, vrrttlnf the bed, lo Rl. Painful PerlodR, orvrlthSpaama, . a) U.1 Dlaeaae af Heart, palplutlona, ete. . I M 53. P-allrpaey. bpaama, St. Vttoa' Dance, . I 00 54. Dlpeltherta. nkeratod aora throat. . . U 85. tkronle tnaeattoaa sod Kmuoaa, rAaUU cun. Cautr. Mornees. with above atft taryR Tlsla and ktaaoalotdireeUoaa, Ilt-N teaeHoroceo,of W large viaie and Book, .N Taeae reajtealiea aro aent ay the rase alnale bax ar wial. ta mmw petrt af tke rewntrj, tree ar taarge, race I racalptaat Drier. Addrena unaiaireya'Biaanea swathte Medlrlaera. tTBice ano irepot, luv niton nt. near I era, Par Rale fey all raursTlBta. l"Ry" Humphrwyn' Brseoiaa as.M.i m the ' TTitmimt nf rtlnanna aad lut Quia. aantrHIX oat applioattoa. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND BTEEIT, CLEARFIELD, PA., PRALBBfl IK PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OllaS, DYE STUFF VAHXIHllES, BRUSHES, PKRFTJMERT, FANCV 800D3 IOILKT AKTICLKS, OF ALL KINDS, "Stf WINES AND LIQUORS far aaedlotaal paryoaea. Trusaoa. Supportara, School Bookl aad Slatlel try, aad all at bar art Ic tee Rtaally foand la a Drag Stert. PHYSICIANS' FRRHCRIPTION8 CARS FOLLY COMPOUNDKD. Having a large tt aarlenco In the basines they oaa give aatire sat lafaclloa. J. (1. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. nrgol.l, iWoaabor 18. 1874. JEMOVALt JOHN McGAUGHEY Wuokl rerpeatfully aotlfy the pablie r.ner.117 that ba bu romovad bia Qrooary Store Iron rihaw'a Row, to tha botlding formerly oaeerad by J. Mi lee hi ratter, aa Koaoad atraol, aalt aeef to Blglar'a hardware atora, where ba laleada keeping a full lino of CI UOCFsUIEN. HAMS, DRIED BEEF and LARD. SUUARS and 81 RUPS, af all grades. TEAS, Oreen and Black. COFFEE, Roasted aad Qraaa. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, fA"A"EO FRVITM, Alt kinds la Us merhot. PICKLES, I. jara tad karrela. SPICES, R every Inn u4 rkriMT. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDS OVC AC! SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DEiWn CHERRIES, Ooal Oil ui Xiamp ChlmaeTfc Aad r goad aaaortmeat af theoo tklage asaaTIJ kept la a grocery store, wblrb be will aioheags for marh.llog at the aaarhet prieeo. Wirt Hi Car aask at Rkaapiy at any ether eae, Plaaae tail aad tea bis ataek aad ladga M yoaraalf. JOHN atc.ACOHIT. Plaa.l.l I t A !