m 4 THE MANSION HOUSE. fraerof Soecnd-eiul Starlet Struts. . TUH eld aa aoaaodloa. llol.l baa. darlae, tee pael 7ar. baea .Blarg.d le doable lu foraer earaeltr for the oatertetaaosl ef .tree. g.r. aad gvtU. The whol. bnlldlag baa b..a refarai.b.d, Bad the proprietor will .pare ae pain. ,U randtr all (aaata soafortabl. wall, atarlae; with hla. r-Th. 'Maailoa Ho..." Oanlbe-. raai le . aad frea the Oapal e. (be arrival Bad d.partar. of each irala. W. 0. CAKUUN, J air ll-n-tf Pfoprlelal LLEGHENY HOTEL Market treat, Clearflald, Pa, Wa, fl. Bradley, foraorly proprlotor of tba Laoaartl Houae, baring leaaetf the Allegheny Dotal, aoJlelta a aharoof poblle petroB.a., The HouM baa boea thoroughly repaired ana B.wiy furnlabod, aail gu.aU will and It a pleaaenl .l'ip tilog plaaa. Tlia labia will ba supplied with tba bait of everything la tba aarhat. At tba bar will ba fraud tba bait wlnea and liquors. Uoed itabliag attaobid. KM. S. UIIADLB1, Meyll, '7S. Proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Markal a front atrelli,) GLEAHFIKLD, PA. Tba enderalgned baring taken charge of tbli llotel, would feapeotfally aollolt nuhiic patronaga. 100X0,78. n. (itHjua oiia... WASHINGTON HOUSB, NKW WA8HINUT0N. PA Tkla Daw aod well forniahed bona, baa boaa takoa by tha and.r.ign.d. Ho Tea), oonfidoat af balDg abla to ronder ..tlafactlon to thoM who a.y laror aim wun a ean. M.rS, U71. 0. W.DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, " Mala Blraat, PHILIPHBURI1. PENN'A. Tabla alwari supplied with tha hart tba aarkot aaord.. roe trarallag pablle l larnoa to ean. J.o.1,'70. HOUKHT LOYD. County National Bank, .OF CLEARFIELD, PA. 1) 00M In Maaonio Building, one door oorth ol J. V 0. 1). Wileon'. Drug more. l'uaage Ticket, to and froa Llrarpool, Quaeni towa, Olaae-uw, London, Pari, and Copenhagen. Alao, Drafta for aala on tha Royal Bankof Irolaatl and Imponal Bank of Ijonuon. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pre.'l. W. H. SHAW, Caihlor. janl,'7T DREXEL & CO., Nu. Jl South Tlllrd Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application hy mall will rooolra prompt atl.n tlon. and all Information cheerfully furni.hcd Orders eolieud. April ll-tf. r. a. aaifoLD. . w. Arnold. j. b. arrolp F. K.ARNOLD & CO., Hanker and Itroker, Reyttoldivllla, Jcafrraoti Co., Pa. Money rooeired on depot! t. Dlacounta at no derate rate. Kattera aud Foreign Ki change al ways on hut ud eollccUoni promptly inmdo. Heyuoldtrtlle, Deo. 16, l74.-ly grntlstrj. J L. It, nEIOIUIOLD. Graduate of the Penn-ylrium Col if ire of Dental Surgery. Oflioe in midenre if Or. 1J HIp. opposite the bhaw Uouie. mcbl3, 'Tb-lf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OSca la Bank BaildlnK.) CurMrenavillr, l lcarfirlil Cn.. Pa. aeh It 'To If. J. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (OIBoa 1b raaldraea, Saoond atraet.) Nltroej Oiida Oaa adnilnl.ttrod for tho pain lata eitraotioa af Uatb. Claarflold, Pa., Ha; I, lSTT-lr. ttsrfllanrous. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CASDON & BRO., On U&rkot 6t, one door went of Hanilon Hoqm. CLEARFIKLD, PA. Oar arrangement! aro rf (ho nont oomplet rharaotor lor fumiitilac the publio with Freib Metta of all kind, and of the Tory belt quality. Wo alio deal la all kindi of Afrrioultaral Implo meata, which wa koep oa oibibltioa for tho bea. fit of tho poblio. Call aroand when la town, aad taao a look at utngi, or aiidreii ni V. H. CAKDUN 4 BRO. Clearfield, Pa., July M, 1875-tf. HEALTH & HAPPINESS. Health and Hap pi nan art priooloii Wealth to meir poMeiior , ana yet tney ara witmo tm reooo of otory one who will uh Wrights Lhcr Pills, Tho only nro Ct'RB for Torpid Liter, Dytpep- lla, Ueadacha, Boar Stomaoh, Comtipatiun, Utbiiity, naoitea. and all Billioua oomplaint and Blood diaordeta. None genuine nnleas ligned 'Wm. Wright, PhllV If your Draggirt will not inpply lend 25 onU for one box to Uarrick, Holler i Co., 70 N. 4th St., I'hila. Deo. 2, 77-ly. TH OODWE TRUHT.w All othere mart X P7 fr ,npl1" vott bforo it learoi the ahop. And aa all floiib la the gran of the fteld, aod the prom i mi of men are like the floweri thereof toey are given one day and forgotten the a est therefore it ii boat not to trait any body. All hmdf of work will be dona ia thla ahop for eaab or ready pay. Boota and ahoes of all altee and atTloa tbe beit and ehoeneat in town. ' I bar removed my ehop to the lower ond of town, In Taylor'a row, on Keed atrott, near the depot, where I will be (band at all timei, waiting for en atom era. Alt work warranted good aad ebftap. Alto, all kleda of Leather and Shoe findlnge for aaJo. Tha cttlieai of Clearfield aad rleiolty are apeeuaiiy inTitea to give me a ean. J 08. H. UKKUINU. Ctoaraeld, Pa., Jaly 11, 1877. NEW FLOUIt. FEED, GROCEltY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Room No. 4, Fle'a ()era Hon, ClrarBeld, Pa. Kaapa ooaltaatlj on hand 6UQAR, COFFEI, a , IXAS, . SODA.) COAL OIL, 8TRIIP, SALT, ' SPICES, SOAP, Canaad and Drl.4 Fralta, Tobaooo, Clgara, Caa . dlaa, ClaWr Vloogaa. B.tur, Eggt, Aa. - 'fa ALSO, EXTRA IIOME MADI Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, 4o., AH af wklok ail Wa aold okaap far aaak at It aaaaaaga far aomtrr proaaaa. JOHN F. KRAJIKS. Ctearlald, Hot. II fatd.-tf JJfw 3(Jwt.5cmratf. Cheapest Those who investigate the subject of whereto get And get them at the LOWEST PRICES, will of necessity be led to conclndo that GUINZBUR6 S CLOTHING STORE, Wostorn Hotel Corner, Clcnrfield, la. Is the Place to gel the Cheapest and the Best And they will nlrio come to the snmo concliiNion in regard to HATS, GENTS' FDENISHINQ GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, Eto. As we prefer selling our Summer over, wo will give our customers actual bargains. COME AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. ClnrH.1.1, Pa., Julj 17, U7. . I y vg T.SnHl, With 1 Vf' ' I THE BEE HIVE. To the Citizens of Clearfield County ; I have opened up one of the of goods ever offered in this county, which must be seen to be ap preciated. It is not necessary to go into details, but will say that the following departments are thoroughly full in all qualities and styles. ; - Dry Goods, Millinery Goods, Hosiery and Gloves, Cnssimers, Shawls, Lorsets, Linens, Handkerchie f s, White Goods, I burnishing Goods, Kid Gloves, Embroidery. Linen Suits Skirts. These Roods have been selected bought for cash and will be sold very light they will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. Clearfield, Pa , May 1. 1878. SOMETHING FOR FARMERS. i jn. CABDON A mto. HATS JUST RECEIVED k CAR LOAD OF CHAMPION MOWERS AND REAPERS, A LARGE LOT OP Farmers' Friend Grain Drills, Corn Planters, Hoebner's Level Tread Threshers, and Little Giant, No. 2, threaho and cleans gTaiu read; for bagging. WHICH will be aold CHEAP and EXCHANGED far ;MD VOW HO HORnRK. Also, a car load of TIGER HAY RAKES, HOMO inOK AXLE ill Ilia way through, aelf dumpera, tha beat rake In tha warla. Clearl.14, I'a., April t, 1H7I. AT GUINZBURG'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, There Is now boing opened tho largest now Hock ercr brought here of NTKAW 1IATN, FELT HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS. ETC. A (lor having looked at goods at all othor pltcos, eomo to us aod com. pore prices, and you will be convinced that our are positively THE CHEAPEST GOODS. IX PROOF WK HAVE TUB BabjrJShoca, . . 20 cents a pair. Children'! Shoe 78 cents a parr. Misses Shoos, . . . 90 conU a psir. Women's Drees Bliocs, , . ' PO oents a pair. Womena' Morocco Buttoned Shoes, II 25 a pair. Womcns' Kid Shoes, . . 1 95 a pair. Women' Slipporj, . . .15 oents a pair. Mene' Sboei, ... 95 cents a pair. Mons' Dress Shoes, . 1 45 a pair. Mens Dress Boota, , 3 00 a pair. Mone' Slippers, . .80 oonli a nair. We have alio an aaaorlmtint too We take your measure lor any shoes at prices comparing with list pricos. A nything w have not got wo will got you withont estra charge. All kinds of produce taken In trade tbe tame as though it was cash. 3. CiTTIlr2S33ry3cl.CaVa BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Clearfield, May 227R. Second Street, opposite Cmrl noise. 2tw gfli-frtlflsftnfut. and Best. . stock rather than carry them 1873. pg - J OKK HULL ::i mil nm:i cisiaifis e:::; 1878.-1811. jr. T V.V i, inch greater variety Than ever With aviplcr facilities Than ever Yt'iih far more customers TJian ever Wc are Letter prepared TJian ever At considerably lower prices TJian ever Tha) Han and Bow. Superb Clotbiac From tha Largest Clothing; Hoaaa la Aaurloau Only Ono Price The Lowest Term. Cash. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned. Bandit, and price, mailed anywhere. Order, br mail promptly executed WA1IAUAXER & BROWN Sixth & Market Sts., Philadelphia. largest and most attractive stocks Carpets, Oil Cloths, lies, Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, &c. with the Greatest care, were for cash, and my expenses beinir WM. REED. "MM. FOLLOWING TRICK LISTs 0 P A P K X S 0 L E S numerous to snecifv. at all nricea. THE REPUBLICAN. WEDNBHDAT MORNINuTaUOUST CiVa" THE RAPE OF THE BALLOT. We agree with the Pbiladulphia Times that tbe confessions of tho Flori da ballot thieves who returned the doctoral veto of that State against Tildun by fraud, are of little moment. Liko tbe confession of Mrs. Tilton, they couia when tho judgment of the world is irrevocably rt.aileup as to their guilt, and the penilontiul or contract admis sions of those who bad ulready added perjury to crime, are but repetitions of tbe old, old Itwson that wrong baa no refuge from just retribution. It is now, and for months has been, the ac cepted conviction of tho dispassionate men of all parlies in this country, and ot intelligent people throughout tho world, that Florida and Louisiana hon estly voted for Mr. Tilden lor Presi dent j that tboir votes were perverted by tho most delilientto and monstrous fraud of history, and that tho Nation bowed to tbo decision of tho Klectoral Commission because it wus oreated in good faith and gave peace to tho Re public in the namo of law. Already much of the truth of tbe fraud in detail has come to tho surface, and from week to week there aro criminations and confessions Irora the degraded actors in the great crime against free government, which cloud every honest instinct of Republicans and Democrats with shame. The decision of tiio Elec toral Commission will stand, because it gave President Iluyos a lawful title untainted by any fraudulent act of bis own ; but tbi. Government is not strong enough to bear tbe strain of a repetition of the Florida and Louisiana frauds, and unless most carefully guarded against by just and unambigu ous legislation, tho struggles for the offices and plunder will spocilily mako government "of the people, by tho people and lor the people to perish from tbe face ol the earth." Baltimore Gazette. SHAMELESS TlllEVER Y. The uuducious recklessness tbut has characterized many ol tho stealings ol our Republican State officials during tbe lost doton or mora years is simply astounding. It is not to bo doubted but that if the vouchers ot tbo men who bare served as Stale Treasurers since the war were to be carefully gone over, tbcro would bo developed ovi donees ot expenditures aggregating hundreds of thousands of dollars made without tfio fuiiitcst lingo of authority in tho law. To be sure thorn would be but little lo be gained by entering into an investigation of the kind at this time. Tbe indications ore clear that tbe people have . decided to bavo no more Republican State officers in Penn sylvania ; and of but few of the rasculs could anything ho recovered, no matter how plain tbe proofs of their guilt might be made. The exposflion would simply put ns, ss s people, in a still more mortifying position before the oountry and tho world than that wo already occupy. We have in our possession a copy ol a receipt in tbo handwriting of ex- Treasurer Rawle, for " traveling ex penses during my term, $800." This money bo paid himself on tbe 4th day of May last, just three days before the law required him to vacate for " Square Timber." Tho law is explicit. It al lows a State Treasurer 15,000 per year, and nowhere in it can be found excuse for tho pnymont to one occupying the position of another penny. It is true that each department is provided with a contingent fund, and that outol said fund, under certain circumstances, traveling expenses might bo paid . But llonry, despite the fact that bo is a wealthy man, took $800, out of moneys in tbe Treasury " not otherwise appro priated," and receipted for it on the tenth of a sheet of ordinary foolscap to himsolt, when there was but a little over $5 left in bis contingent fund. In just such a shameless way have millions of the money of tbe pooplo of Pennsylvania been appropriated by their officials and their officials' friends. It is a good thing that they have re solved upon a change of rulers. It would bo almost impossible for any change to bo other than an improve ment. Luzerne Leader. THE LABORING MEN'S CHOICE As between Mr. Dill and Gon. lloyt for next Govornor, it appears that the laboring ;non prefer Mr. Dill, and many of such men, who have hitherto voted with tho Labor party, will, at the coming gubernatorial election, vote for Mr. Dill. We Infer this from the circumstance that Hon. W. II. Stanton, ot Luiorne county, bos recently ex pressed himself strongly in favor of Mr. Dill's eloctlon. Our readers will remember thai Mr. Btanton wan elected Judge of the Courts of Lnaorne county last Fall, by a largo majority of votes over both tbe Republican and Demo cratio parties. He may, thorolore, bo regarded as a representative ot tho Labor movoment, and bis viows with respect to supporting Mr. Dill, un doubtedly aro shared by them embers of that party, not only in bis own county, but also throughout the Slate. Judge Stanton regards, we think with good reason, the contest for Govornor as rooting solely botween Mr. Dill and Gen. lloyt, and hence conclude that all vote which may be cast for othor candidate than those named, are thrown away. He docs not hesitate lo announce his own preloronce to Mr. Dill, and bolieves him a hotter friond to the Interest of laboring men than any other candidate in the Sold. Judge Btanton, In annonncing his in tontion to vote lor Mr. Dill, says : ' sat beside Mr. Dill In the Senate for two years, and I know him to be a good man. There is nothing of tbe aaneliutobioue hypocrisy of some of the latter-day stalosmen about him. Ho is the honest, sincere man that he appears. A man's nationality or creed make no difference with blin. I have hoard some politically opposed to him call biro, since bis nomination, a cor poration man. I certainly always found him on the othor sido. lie al ways aidod me with his counsel and support in my efforts to got protective legislation for the laboring men. The measures I introduced to this ond In tbe legislature went to the root, and yet ho did all bt could to aid me in gelling thorn through that body, ll ia a fact that a ocrtain element of the Democracy of Luierne, eompoiiod of what 1 call the Kiiow-NotbinK Porr.cc- count of bis liberal, oon-soctanan views and tendencies, and they will voto cither for Mason or lloyt. These Democrats wbo so propose to vote aro men ol lurgo capital, and are connected with the banks and coal nd railway corporations. Hason is not seriously objectionable to them, for it is an alle gation not denied, and, as I urn posi tively assured, undeniable, that be has figured throughout moel of his profes sional lile a a corporation attorney. Col. Hoyt's chief patronage has been from tho suiue source, and my experi ence has aught me that such men, no matter by what party nominated, will be corporation attorneys even if sitting in the chair of the executive of Penn sylvania." The Pennsylvania Sutra). The orllceholding purl of tbo Radical parly is so completely under the control oil Camcroniem, as to be virtually their serfs. Tho Old Man abdicated and put his senatorial toga on his eldest born son Don in true baronial style, and with it went his serfdom. This full aro to bo elected men who are to declare that transfer unroptblican in spirit and contrary to tbo will of the pooplo, or they will give their consent to the proceedings by re-electing tbe son of tbe Old Man. Men grow airo glint by long continuance in power and become bold and defiunt in their acts. In iho days of the teudai system, tho serfs of some musters wore collars. Sir Walter Scott introduces a charac ter in lvanhoe of one that wore the baduo as a "born serf of Cedno the Saxon." Tbo only difference belween that poor devil and the Cameron's serfs is, that while both are collared, and equally under tliu master, the badge of the latter day serfs aro worn concealed. There ought to be enough independent men in every county to break up this serfdom, tbut has de bauched its politics, and is widely known to the discredit of Iho other wise honest fume ol ibu Keystone State. This full is the time for such men to act by vo'.ing with tho Demo crats. Clinton Democrat, In the Line or Promotion. Tbe Philadelphia Times saya : They have a way of electing their candidates for Governor in tbe central Susquehanna counties. Simon Snydor, of Selins grove then in old Union, but now in Snydor county was tbrico elected to tho Gubernatorial chair ; James Pol- lock, ol .Northumberland, on tho oppo site side ol tho river, from Union, was elected Governor by 40,000, and Win F. Packer, of Lycoming, tbo Susque hanna county imiticdiulciy above Nor thumberland, wus chosen Governor by a mujorily cqnul to Pollock'. The little county of Union is the only one of tbe line of thu central Susquehanna couolit-B of Dauphin that huaii't had a Governor of its own, although it was entitled to claim Snyder, and now Dill proposes to fill up the gap. Tho can didates for Governor of tho tiorlltern Susquehanna region havo been ntii formly unfortunate. Judge Wilmot, of Bradford, was beaten by Packer; Judgo Woodward, of Luierne, was beaten by Curtin, and Judgo Packer, of Carbon, was Beaten by Geary. Hoyt and Dill can look tbe matter up and see whether or not there is anything in this to in fluenco the future. Tub Dbbtos Tusk. If the Turks hiul their debts paid, tbe arrangement effected for thorn by the Berlin Con gross migbl extend tbe tile ol their Government indefinitely. The jealous. ics of the Great Powers would continue to bo, as they havo boon lor tbo past century, tbo best guarantee of an un disturbed possession ol the territory tho Turks now occupy in Kuropo and Asia. Unfortunately for tho future prospects of the Porto the Power which has onderlaken to maintain the inviolability of the boundaries now set for Mahommcdnn power S also the chief creditor of tbo Nation it puts un der a new obligation. It is manifest tho Turks will never pay their debus except by territorial Indemnity of some kind to Kngland. It is equally certain the Kngllsh will never surrender their prosonl advantageous position without obtaining a full equivalent, not only for the Turkish bonds owned by Brit ish subjects, hut for all Government outlay involved in tho political manage ment of affairs in tho Levant. A mi;si no Til eOi.d Hots. Tho news- papers aro amusing themselves with gelling op Senatorial aido shows. Since the Columbia Spy introduced Governor llartranlt, tbe Lancaster In quirer has put Edward McPherson on the track with some nice remarks, while the Germantown Telegraph feels as though Galusha A. Grow is exactly tbo man for the position now huld by the young Cameron, llai iiiIcm specu lation of this kind will do to keep the boys alive through the Summer days. It might just bo possible by tbe lime tbe next Legislature meets tha Demo crats will have word to say in the making of the next United States Senator. Ukiiii Pas. After all tho Kearney communist have not elected more than about ono-tbird of the members of Ibo California constilutional conven tion. Iho thirty -two delegates at large were elected by tbe non-partisan organisation, showing that a majority of tba popular vote of the Stnte is also against communism. Vermont and Massachusetts have recently held thoir Domocretie State Conventions. Both congratulate tho oountry on the retrenchment and econo my instituted and carried by the House of Representatives at Washington, and both approve the Potter Committee invoeiigstion. Governor llartranft Las Issued proclamation, fixing the 13th day of August next, for holding an eloctlon In Lexeme county to decide on the proposed division of the same, and to designate the county-sent of the now county. Tna Dirriaxsca Whcnover newspaper says t kind word of a man, that man never discovers the isvor ; but II a newspaper handles a man a little roughly, the man finds It out by 8 o clock the next morning. POlSONhSO THEIR YOUNG. The Wont Chnstor Jrffcrtonian of a recent dale, relates the following : "About a month ago a pair of robins .,, anv j ...u uai. ut luv ,dkt ,... .-.-m.v, this borongh. In due course of time two lit le robins were the pride of the parent birds ond subsequently tbese way-ward offsprings proceeded lo pre maturely seek their own tortunua in this wide, wide world. They however did not get lor ero they wtro made the prisoners ol man ono being caught by Mr. 4.mc,Finegan a children and the other by the little folks composing Mr. James T. Mulliu'a household, residing on W eel Gay street. The youngster ro bins wore placed in sepurute ougee and bung out in tho back yards of tho res pective residences of the above named gentlemen. Here they were many times a duy visited by the parent birds and sumptuously fed upon worms and cherries, and the little oues thrived und grew and gave promise of soon arriv ing at the lull zenilh of a bird's estate. Yesterday, however, a new and sud phase camo over tha scone and In a very sudden man uer tbe two fledgeling almost instantaneously tiokenod and died. Upon examination being made it was discovered that tho lust meal furnished them by the old birds wus ooinjKiscd ol a small pioue of poisonous vino, and tbo eating of this naturally enough caused death. "We bare many limes beard it said thai it is cbaracleiintic on the part of these bird lojHiison their caged young, when no hope for their liberty is oiler ed, and il this bo so, this circumstance may be set down us a deliberate double net of infanticide upon the part of Ihcso distrucled and discouraged parents." "It is IIei.l, 8ik." A Washington correspondent says : Tbe duy alter Anderson laid tbo worst of bin letters before iho Potter investigating commit tee, Mr. II ayes arose early is the morn ing and wont to seo Sherman before tho Secretary was out of bod, , Imagine his surprise to find Stanley Matlhews sitting by Sherman's bedside, and tho Secretary of tbe Treasury sitting up in bed with bis night-cap on I Mat thews bowed and was silent; Sherman smiled a diabolicul smile ; Huyea wore a storiu-cloud on bis massive brow, and he had a copy of tho testimony in his band. Tho situation was intensely dramatic. "Mr. Secretary," said the President, " What do you think of all this ? " And Sherman quietly untied tho strings of his night-cap, laid that useful articlo aside, cleared bis throat, and replied : " It is bell, sir.' Matthews, wilh downcast eye, said : " They aro crowding us." John A. MacGnhun, the well knorn and brilliant war correspondent of the New York Herald and Loudon Daily .Vi ms, died at Constantinople, Turkey, on Sunda', Juno 9. He contracted spotted fever in the Russian camp at San Stcfano. Jlo wus an American snd in his achievement as n corres pondent with the Russiun army through tho war, and iu those famous letters in which he pictured the Turkish butch eries in Bulgaria, be showed tho world tho kind of journalists that we produced on this side the ocean. Ratuis Teickt The editor of the llarrisburg Telegraph, Senator Camer on's borne organ, when he proposes to say something rude of our party friends, frequently quote the Lancaster Intel ligencer rather than to stand on his own feet. This is decidedly moan lor a man to be so great, and must end In bis discomfiture at lost- Senator G rover's comment on tho work of the last session was short but to the point Ho said : "It was pow er I osa to do good during tbe past ses sion, but it will be different next timo, for tho Democrats will have a majority in tho Scnato and House, and then we will rorolutionixo things." i An oxchango remarks: "Tho un happy Italians aro not so anxious about Tyrol and Trieste and the en croachments of Austria around tho Adriatic as represented. They only want a chango of Ministry. Wo would like to spare them a few of our minis ters, such as Boochor and Tslmage." Madame Bonaparto is certainly a remarkable woman. At the age ol 00 bIio enjoys excellent health, and is pleasantly sojourning at the residence ol her grandson, Charles J. Bonaparto, at Hnltimore. She has admirably filled the role ol hello and heroine. A Live Pledge. John II. Snyder, convicted of murder in Columbiana county, Ohio, In ISO, and sent to tbo penitentiary for lile, has boon pardoned by Gov. Bishop, on condition that be abstains from intoxicating liquors. The Alarmed Biteetes. The At lanta (Ga.) Conttitution says : " The avorago Ohio Republican searches his house evory night beiore retiring to see if Jeff. Davis isn't concealed under some of tho beds." , Tho Cincinnati Commercial says " Tho last Presidential election would havo been utterly loot if it bad not been for tbe help of tho Liberals." This is a new designation lor the " Return, ing Boards." , ' There could bo no hotter proof that the rural Groenbackors at Syracuse, N. Y-, on the 24th ult., did not know what ailod them than that high-tariff resolution in tho platform. And Jack Kehoo still languishes iu prison, wondering whst will be the complexion of his fate, but leeling oer tain that "the old msn at llarrisburg will not go back on him." Justice Smith, of New York, very sensibly aslred a criminal : " Why did yonjubject yourself lo a trial for mur der because of a woman who was un true to yon T" A Posaa. Painful question by tbe Sultan : " Is this Turkoy, or is It merely portions of Kngland, Russia, Aoslria and othor countrieaf" i!uio Express. Tho Cincinnati i'i7irrsays: "John Bull sitting on the Island ol Cyprus, preparing to plant his feet in Palestine, is the current Punch and Judea show When the office socks the man, It generally find bim ; when tbe man souks the office, he has to find himself and pay the boysj A YEN1A T. SINNER A T BEST. Tbo Pittsburg Critic says the Repub lican Journals continue to point tho finger of scorn at tbe delinquencies of tj.XWki.cpu7 P-!!t, of tht":twer Ujita .tyt itaifeV'Tii"'wT?rr"A-, ( sinner ta such a tara avis tuui mo scandul gluttons of the opposition almost starve for their favorite dish. However, il is consoling to know that hut tin was but venial at best ; it was brought to light, condemned and pun ished by bis own porly. What a con trast, however, to tho despicable man ner which the many stupendous Re publican malfeasances havo been white washed I II was not charged that bo was nn embctilcr or that he slolo any thing. It would tuko a thousund Polks ten limes repeated to equal tbe sum total of the New York Custom House frauds under tho Loot-Murphy retiimo. His offense exhibited none of tho "addition division and silence rocommonded by "wee Kcrnblo; " none of the Credit Mobilier corruption ; none of the War Department profliga cy ofCumorons or Belknap. He took no bribe for bis Influence ; bo stole nothing; his punishment was speedy and adequate. Unlike Colfax, tho Christian statue- man, be did not swear that be hod not received a Lribe, and then havo bis perjury exposed by the production of a check on the memorandum book, in which Oukcs Amos kept bis Union Pa cific transaction. Colfax did all this when be was Vice President. Polk has no handsome wife, like Belknap, to flaunt in Washington society the sums corruptly drawn from tbo sales of post traderships. He did not, liko Wells and Anderson and Cussonavs, sell tbe Presidency to the highest bidder. Ho bus not truflli ated in cadetships ; be das not deall in crooked whisky. His delinquency consisted merely in ex ceeding his authority in tbe way good nutured, yielding men of any parly would bo liable lo do at any time. Re publican journals and orators do invite public attention to a trivial offense, which is in such conspicuous contrast to Ibo enormous crimes perpetrated by men high in the confidence of their own party. WiSfflLanrous. A NEW DEPARTURE a LVTIIEftSBITRG. Hereafter, K"J vili be aold for CASH eat;, or 1b eiobaope fur produne. Ho book, jrill b. kept is the filter. All old aeeoaat. Ball be Battled. Thuae wbo eannot ea.k ep, will pleaae aaaa over (aoir aoiaa asa CLOSE THE RECORD. I am determined to Mil bit rood, at cash priiw. aod-at a diMoant far ttkw that uffrl ia Una viatnitr. Tha dtaeoaat I allow n raitomert, tll makatbaa riob In twrntj yean If lis J folio toy Evdrlts. at buy their foodt from M I will pay eatb for wbaat, aati aail elovar- Latbariliorg, January 17, 1877. "pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kapt eeastaaUT oa head. ST0E AD EARTim.WABg OF IVERT DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! POTS1 CROCKS1 Flatter's Patent Alrturht Self Sealing rra.il vane. BHTTRR CROCKS, wllk lid.. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS. ArrLI - HI'TTIiH CKOCKH, PICKLE CROCKS. PLOWBR POTS, PII DISHES. STEW rOTS, And a great aaor othor thinga toe aamarea. IB aeatioB, to he had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE-WARE TOTTERY, Corntr af Cherry and Third Straata, LLKAItriKLU, I'A, T4ft The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory Pann towaikip, Claarflali 0, Pa. HCTRHED OUT! B U R N ED U PI Tha iabaorlW bara, at rt aipaaa. rabnllt a aaifhKorboed BcwaHty. in tat tmtion of Irat alaaa Woolen Maanfaetary, vita nil tha odern Intprorewienta attached, and araprennred to make an ninai oi uiotna, uaaatmeraa, eatiaetu, Bitot, beta, flannel, Ae. Plenty af goode on hand ta attpply all onrold and ft thovannd neweuttoinera, wuuin ww mb m mm) ni esaunina ear iimi, Tha bnitnaaa ef CARMNQ AND FULLING will raeelra oer aipaclal attention. Proper MTMamanta will ba made to recti re nad deliver Wool, to tnU emlomere. All work warranted and dose upon the hitrtett aotleo, and by itriet atten tion to bualneai we hope to naliia a liberal than i pnoue patronage. IMMMi POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will par tbe hirbeit mart it nrioa tor Woo aad aail our manafaoturetl good aa low aa limllar good ean bo bonght In tha oonaty, and whenever wo foil to ronder roatonablo eatiifeoUoa wo ean alwaya be fonnd at home roody to make proper vspiMiwvaa, ei.KOT in perms ot sjy inner. J A hi KB JOHN HON A SONS, aprlltntf - Bower P. O GLEXX'S SULPHUR SOAP. A STMmo Rmtnv ro Diikasm and Injuaiu or Tin Skik; A HniTHrvL IltAUTiritt or TIIK Cohtlxxiohi A Rixiailx Means or PaxvxsTiNO ako KtLIIVINO Rlla-UMATISM AND OoUT, AND as Unxqualxd DniNficTAirr, Diodo- la AKO CoUNTM-UllTANT. OtVnn's Htilihur Soap, beiide. eraill cating local djuaaea of the .kin, huiehee de fect, of the compleiioa, and impart, to it gratifying cleameaa and amoothneaa, Sulphur SUtthm arc celebrated for caring eruption, and other di.ra.ra of the .kin. a. well a, kheamati.ni and Oat frame,' Hutjthur Sanp produce, the aame tftrrts at a moat Inning e.prnw. Thi. admirable a pea tic alM .pee,liljr heal. nm. trmiirt. tnUi. twnu, tfrmtnt and ruts. It remom dandruff aad prevent, lb hair from failing out and laming grajr. Clothing and linen aaed m the alrk tarns la diunfectcd, and diaeaaea eoaaananicabbi py contact arhh the peraoo, pre fan led by it. The Medical Fraternity sanction Its ate. Pricei-35 and SO Cutis per Caki; per Box (S Cakts), 60c and tl.20. . at. aBat the Wee eatae and Svmby n i.iiln bat ay a IfcattM. " MILL'S HAIR AM WRIHKRR DTK," SUawa ar Brm, M ( oaaaa. C I. Wmm!, rrsfr, 7 Rlith JIt., I.T. rTjSaV 0ur it'll 3tilirrtlmtat. THE REPUBLICAN, Pahliahed err Wedaaedej J GOODLANDER &. LEE, C'LRAHKIBLU, PA.. Has the Large.; rtrealaUva ef el arr la Mart Sweater Paaajylvaul. The large and constantly increasing circulation of. the Republican, rondors it val uable to buai noss moo ss a modiura thro' which to roach the ' publio. Tebms or Subscription : If paid in advance, ... $2 00 If paid after three months', . 2 50 If paid after six months, . , 8 00 When papers are sent outside of the county puyiuont must bo in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten lino, or less, S times, . $160 i Each subsequent insertion, 50 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 50 Executors' Notices, .... 2 50 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 50 Cautions and Eslrays, . . . I 50 Dissolution Notices, . . , 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: Ono squaro, 10 lines, . . . $8 00 Two squares 15 00 Tbreo sqnores, 20 00 One fourth column, .... 60 00 One bull column 70 00 One column, 120 00 in, am: s. We have always on band s large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. 8UMMONS, SUBPOENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, &o., Ac, Ac. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of! PRINTING sucn as POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, ; STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, ' .CIRCULARS, . :io.,Ao., . IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON .REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlonder fe Iec, Clearfield, Clearfletd Conn., Pa, pisrtUatuous. Lalvory ratable. 'pil K and.rtlxned beaa leave to laiera tha peb. JL lie that ka 1. no. fullr prepare to eeeoatea. dte aU la tbe .are f.uiaiti.a tl..aaa, IluaaMa, A-a.. . VriM. W m. . a. . . M RMNHM Will.. K..I4WM... ..IwBri. eeiwaea .airo anta awafio. OKO. W. 8EARHART Olearl.ld. rob. . ISTt. a. M'coaatB. . aaasava. GCL1CII, Mt'CORELE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Clearfield. Pa, Wo aanofaestnre nil kinda of Furnitare for Chamber, Dialog Rooms, Librar.ee ond UaJU. If yon want fu rait ore of toy kind, don't bay antil yon too oar flock. tlNDEItTAKINO In all It. br.neha., pranptlt attaadad to. OITLICII, HcCOHKLE SCO. Claartald, Pa., Fab. , '78. CtMJtPj '2H.T33;t'rUtiK-'Nj 4... LJLAJL L SEWING MACHINES AT REDUCED RATES! TUB NEW IMPROVED Weed Sewing Machine, ron i.ti.n ntf " MHom Jl. IleerH, CLEARFIKLD, PA. (Reildtnet, Wet Cleat-teld; Tbo NEW IMPROVED WEED Ii one of the beet marhinet In the market, aod mm very light and quiet Iu new ryHoiler Hloel Shuttle nu only one hole to be threaded, and hoi tie twice u much thrad aa most any other waohine. It hu one of tbo beat Narrow llemmen made. Iu T a,l le if lung and roomy. It bee no geare aad earn I. It ba no imi or lice-pUte to here Bifired whil oiling or el an In,;. Tbe WKKI, betre the late fmproTrnunt, drew a prlie at the I'arie ExpOfllion in t'rentjsj, nleo, en awurd at the t'ettieaniai Eipoeiii-'O, and ia elinofrt evrry (Stale in tbo Uiitoo. Marbtnre told on Moelhly Psyntnti. Pereuat hould not buy before eeiug the Near Weed. Hay, grain, bref cattJe, and tome kindi of old Maw-hint taken in pert pay for New Machine.. A,l kind of Hewing tlaehlnea cleaned and repair ed. Alio, dealer in all bind ef rawing Machine Needlee, Oil, KufHera, Took markara. Caoton, HanBra, Bnuttiee, t;oeok aprmgi, Ae. In ordering anything by Irttrr, be rare to girt name of machine. Cash most aoentutiaoy all order by mail. Pereoui wantiDg any ether hind of machine, pleeaa write for price. my 1- 3m JJARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLEI I am aware toot there are 1000 peraoo a little hord to pleaee, and I am alio aware that tbe eomplaint of "hard timet" ia well nigh nnlveraaL But I am ae aitnnted now that I oao aatiafy the former aod pro to ooaelaiiToly thai "hard timet" will not effect thoee who emy thoir gtMtd from ma, and ail my potroBi ahail bo taltieiod Into the . rot of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I hare gooda enough to aupj.ly all tbe Inhabl tnnta in the lower end of tbe county which I U at eireeding low ratee from my mammoth ature in MI LKONH1 R(i, where I ean nlwaye bo foaa rnatly to wait upon aollara aad npply tbota enth Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Sack n Cloths, SnUnette, Canumeree, M ualiftl Detain ee, Linen, .trillings., Cnlttooa. . Trimming!, Kibbona, Laoo, Roadj-mad Clothing, Boota and Shoot, llati and Cvpi all of the beet material and made to order Boat, sot it, uiorea, Minna, lecee, niboont, a GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Ten, Bngar, Rioo, Meloaeet, Pith, 6ail Purkr Lintood Oil. Fnh Oil, Carbon Oil. Hard ware. Queen trware. Tinware, Caatioga, Ploni and Plow Caattngt, Nailt, Spiket, Corn Coltiva tort, Cider Preesat, and all kinda of Aiet. Perfumery, Palnta, Varnith, Glaaa, and n general ataorttaent ef Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different branda, always on hand, and will be aold nt tha loweat potilble figure. J. II. MuClaln't Medicine, Jayne'a MtJicioM lloitcttar'a and lloofland't bitter. leOI ponndt of Wool wanted for which fat higbeet price will he paid. CtoTtttted on hand au si for tola nt tho lowatt market prion. Alto, Agent for StrattonvtUe aad CnrwentTillt Tbrothlng Maohtooo, ttm-CaJl nod too for yonraelvea. Too will lad ovary thing mueaJly kept in a retail a lore. L. M. COUDRIXT. frenchTille P. 0., A goat 1st, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Sneeetaora to Bey n ton A Tonng,) FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Haanfaotarora af PORTABLE k STATIONiRI STEAM ENGINES Oaraar at Foartb aad Plae SlrMte, CLEARPIGM), PA. HA VINO aitaad la th. aaiaraetara ef I leee MACUINERT.DaraapeelfallTl" ba pablle that wa are kew prepared to til a Mder. as aheaple aad aa proaptlva. aaa b. aa la .or af tba elites. Wa aaaaf.etar. aed .aa1 Mulay and Circular Saw-Milli Read BkM-ba, Water Wba.li, SbafUa( Pa"1 OlSord'a Injector, Steaa Oaefaa, Sua" WblH Otlara, Tallow Cap., Oil Capa, Oaaf Corbt, 0xik., Globe Valraa, Cbaek Valraa, ro.(bt It Pipes, Steaa P.aapa, Boiler read raapa, rrletlo. Hetrea, Soap Steaa PaealBf, Qaa ft and all klaS. ef HILL WORE I "I"" with Plates, Sled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVM aad etber CASTINGS ef all Hade. J4P-0rd.r. solicited aad Iliad at ait; t0 All leltere ef laqalre with rafereaes a ef ear aaaafaelara proapll. aa.wartd, k; ad kae aa .1 ClMpB.ld P. '''ytey ,... .urn-,.' -a"' JaaH If BIOLER, T0WN8 S