Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 24, 1878, Image 2

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    OtoBoi B. Goodlander, Editor.
Mu, If jroa wnt to know wh.Oi going on
la tho bullae., world, Ju.t read our advartl.lng
wolamat, lb. Hy4ul ooluaia la pailloular.
No u worthy tbt oKn of Preeldent ehould
bo willing to hold It ir oounttd In, or plnood Intra
by any frond. ' ,
I would noror have boon rtoonoilod to tbo ola.
Vin by tbo imnllut aid of mine of n per.oo,
bow.ror resectable In prlrnto llfo, who mult
foroTor tarry npon bio brow tbo Homo of frond
am triumphant la Amtrlean bl.tory. No ub
eequaat oolion, however aerltorloaa, ean wa.h
away tbo letUre of Ibot rooord.
Uodtr Ibofonao of low, Rutherford II Hoyel
bu boon doolorod Prt.ldent of tbo Dolled State..
UU tUlo root! npon difranchl.ement of lowfnl.
Vetera, tbo foln eertiHoatei of tbo Moraine oB
ooro aotlng eorrnptly, ond tbo doolilon of o torn.
ulaefoa which boo refuaed to hooroTidonoo orol.
legod frond. For tbo Drat ttnto oro tbo Amorienn
people oon fronted with tbo foot of a fiauduleatly
olootod Proiidont. Lot It not bo nodoratood that
tbo frond "III bo .llently acquteeeed In by tbo
eanntry. Lot no hour poM la whleh tbo uaurpa.
tl5B 11 forgotleo.
Aonnnu or Dnnooaotio M. C.'a.
Ono hondrod year, of boman depravity aeon,
molotod and ooooontrotod into a olimos of erimo.
Noror again In ira hundred year, aboil they boro
an opportunily to repeat tbo wrong.
Daaiat. W. Voobbbbh.
X would rotbor boro tbo ondorfoment of a qnar
tor of a mtlliua of tbo AatehooB pooplo than that
of tbo Louiiloaa Rotnrning Board, or of tbo Com
miiaion whleh oaoiuded tbo faeta and daoldod
tbo qnoation on a tnohnionlity.
Tnoa. A. HKBDBirEo.
Democratio State Ticket.
rut aovBRvoi,
or vsior cooMTr.
or CRAwrokD ooditt.
run BEcarrART UTiiBAt AryAtRi,
or r trim KOMI! cvrsTr.
FOR I1'R1J1 Jl fK,
Hon. H. P. ROSS,
Radical Statismansh'P. At one
time the investigation of frauds is pro
. nounced a revolution, then again as a
farce. Rich, indeed !
"Tlio Duties of tho Day," tound on
our first pago lost week, is the title of
a lecture by the editor of the Philadel
phia Timet, that should be read and
pondered by everybody.
(loon, ip Tat;. A coal trade Jour
nal says the producers of Connellsville
coke see a profit in shipping this arti
cle to Italy to compoto, not only with
Knglish coke, but with American an
thracite coal, which is seeking a markot
"Pub. Doc.". Congressman llackey
has onr thanks for a copy of the Me
morial address delivered in the Unitod
States Senate in January last, on the
life and character ol Oliver P. Morton,
of Indiana, as well as a copy of the re
port on Forestry.
Still at Work. Jeff Davis' Re
publican spoech at Mississippi City on
the 4th of July, enables tho Johnstown
Tribune to "fire tho Northorn heart"
to the extent of a whole column. Jeff
is the paid ally of the "irreconcilahles"
up north. They onght to increase his
A Queer Mason. The "National"
candidate for (Jovernor, Mason, tarns
ont to be the most popular corporation
lawyer in wostern Pennsylvania, lie
soems to bave been engaged by nearly
all tbo corporations in that section of
the State. And yet, tho most yelp
given by the "Nationals" is corpora
Harrisburu, Pa., July 19, 188. The
members of the Democratic State Com
mittee are requostcd to moet ol Cres-
fton, on Thursday, August 1, 1878. A
full attondanoe is earnestly desired.
R. M. Speer, Chairman
QuiEov, Conclusions. The Radical
leaders seem bard to please. When the
Potter investigation was started, the
officiary of that party issued an ad
dress pronouncing the step taken by
Domoerat to unveil the scoundrels
who took a hand in the fraud, a "Rev
olution"! ' Now the same men de
nounce the developments as "a sham."
When do they tell the truth, or is that
pure fiction, too ?
Sherhan Covered. The joint tes
timony ol Mrs. Jonks (white) and
Eliza Pinkston (black) before the Pot
ter Committee, is so conclusive against
John Sherman that it will be impoesi.
ble for bim to humbug the publio any
longer. These two female frauds and
forerunners of Louisiana Radicalism
are a disgrace to lii human race. But
if Sheiman can negotiate with them,
all right ; we have no objections.
Paul art Election. According to
rule 4th, our primary election will bo
held on Saturday, September 14th.
And the announcement of tho names
of candidates will be in order on and
after the 14th of August. Tbii will
give five insertions previous to the cloo
tion. The foes which must be paid in
advance will be as follows : For Judge
or Congress it will be $20.00 ; Senator,
f 15.00 ; Assembly or Treasurer,! 10.00 i
Commissioner, 15.00, and Auditor or
Corooor, $3.00. This will iuclade 10,.
000 tickets for each candidate, and the
necessary blanks to conduct the eUo-
tion. tf.
A Word to Candidates. Gentle-
men,while you are canvassing the coon
ty, ostensivly In your own Interest, it
would be well enough to see that all
our party friends are registered in dae
time. All not registered by the lib ol
September, will stand a good ohanoe
to low their rote In Novembor. Again
"Then i large class of voters very
.negligent about paying tbclr taxes
The tax mast i paid not later (30
.days before the election) (ban the 4tb
of OotoWr. Thiol cosy 4oty will not
' take much trine aad wiH be of oongid
rable service to lb parly. Will jrov
. do it. 2t
Tbo National (irernuarkor In well
dofinod hy tholiarriaburg rutriot which
says: "He la ono wbo talcna such c
"""Tufua YVHivoiit fciilTTJC'iiima ktiuon to
lull foroo lo which be ii opposed to
defeat what be want, and sustain what
he la opposed to I
"Observe the facta. All the finan
cial measures oomplainvd of were en
acted by Hepublican Congresses
wben the Government war) in the hands
ol tbo Republicans In all iU branches.
The abstraction ot a largo number ol
voted from tbo Democratio party by
the (Jrconbackcra must givo victory to
the Republicans and plaoo every branch
of the Government again in their
bands, When that happens the meas
ures thus sustained will of course be
continued and tho (irecnbockers will
be defeated in their desires,
"No sooner did the Democrats get a
majority in cne House ol Congress
than they pained a bill repealing the
resumption act, compellod thercmono
ligation of eilvor, made greenbacks re
ceivable for customs and stopped their
dosti action, proposed interchangeable
bonds, etc. To defeat the Democrats,
therefore, is to destroy the powor that
alone can and will accomplish these
and kindred results. 11 once 11 the
Greenbackors defeat them, they defeat
the very measures they are io favor of,"
Must Oivr Bail. We notice by
our exchanges that the last Legislature
passed a law to the effect that Count
ty Commissioners will henceforth be
required beforo entering upon the offi
cial duties to give bond with sureties
to bo approved by the Court ol Quarter
Sessions af tho samo county, or by one
of the judges thereof, and in such pen
alty as the said Court (ball deem suffi
cient, but not less than two thousand
dollars each, for the faithful discharge
of all duties enjoined upon them by
law, and for tho faithful and legal ap
propriation of all county and other
moneys which the said Commissioners
havo any authority to draw out of the
county treasury, upon check or orders
given by them, or over which they
have control ; the said bonds to be tak
en in tho name of the Commonwealth
for the use ol the count)', and shall be
acknowledged before tho Tteoorder of
Deeds of tho samo county and recorded
in the office at the cost of the county.
Tho official crookedness practiced hy
a number of Commissioners, in other
counties, the past ten years bos
brought the passage of this law, so as
to enable the county to bag something
alter conviction. As tho law now
stands a Commissioner can be ever so
crooked and a little bit ol jailing is
about all that can bo done, if he is found
guilty. Hereafter the tnx payors can
go fur his sureties.
iVTHUKRADiCAL.-TheChiengo Time:
refers to the dismissal of Lieutenant
K. W. Maxwell from the 1 niled States
army lor drunkenness us one of Mr.
11 ayes' "special cases." It seems that
among other extraordinary perform
ances of Lieutenant Maxwell was that
of drawing pay several times for one
month. Tbo history of the ex-Lica-tenant's
career runs about as follows :
He had been a ufember ol the Spring
field, Massachusetts, police lorco, be
came a corrupt special constable of the
State io the jcy of liquor dealers, so-
oured a place in the T'nitcd States se
cret service bqrjau, joined tbo church,
married, accompanied William EChan
dlar to Florida, helping that budding
statesman to steal the State for Hayes ;
was detailed to aocompany the Presi
dent elect on bis journoy from Fremont
to Washington, and last Summer was
appointed from civil life to the Lieu
tenancy in the army. This was done
just after West Point had graduated a
large class for which no places could be
found. The young man turns out as
might have been expected, and the
President has no apologies to make to
tho public. But then he promised to
reform the civil, and the Maxwell ap
pointment was in the military service.
Will Done. The Jkmocrtic Crusa
der for July 20th, contains an excellent
likoness, of J. Simpson Africa, our no
minee for Socretary ol Internal Affairs.
This will be followed by likenesses ol
Judge Ross, Hon. John Fertig, Sena
tor Wallace, Speaker Randall, Hon. C.
R. Backalew, Hon. Hioster Clymer,
Hon Levi Muish, Hugh M. North, esq.,
Wm. C. Wilson, esq., their local candi
date for Congress, the venerable Asa
Packer, (wbo was elected (Jovernor in
1869 by 7,000 majority and counted
out) Hon. Jeremiah S. Black and other
Democratic Representative men. This
feature of the Crusader is alons worth
more than the subscription price of the
paper. A club of twonty ($8.) copies,
should be raised in this borough.- Put
us down for $1, Addross, Ranch A
Wylie, Lancaster Pa.
A Bad Indicator.. -Aooording to
Dunn Barlow's mem,ntile igrcy
circular, the failures in tbia State lor
the past six months were 564, with
(17,117,010 liabilities, against 383 lai
urea and $8,268,830 liabilities for the
same months of last year. The in
crease may be partly accounted for on
account of tbo repeal of the bankrupt
law, and partly bocause ol tbo failure
ol the party in power to meet the de
mands of the limes. A oommencoment
of the return to prosperity cannot laks
place till the party that bos brought
the bard times on is put ont of power.
Thcpatienl cannot recover under the nurs
ing of the hand that administered the
poison I The people mast apply the
remedy, by changing physicians. It
is a very simplo remady,
Tdi Next Job. The Radical lead
era are not satisfied with an annual
war with tba Indians so as to plunder
the people, it is very evident that the
Administration designs to got up a war
with Mexico. By tbia means it was
hoped toaover up the Presidential fraud.
The Democratio House la in the way
however ; and If people do not want
another expensive war they bad better
see to it next eUction that anoiK
Democratic House bealeoted. U both
Uonses of Congress become Republican
we may look with certainly for t war
with Mexico.
Accident. We regret to learn that
Hon. John Fertig, the Democratio
oandidate for Lioatenant Governor,
WM thrown from hii horse, near Titos
ville, on kbtanjay last, with such vio
lence as to confine bins fft bia boas in
conseqiianco) ol the Injuries receive
Tbo editor of the Huntingdon Mon
itor punclioa his neighbor of tho Journal
in this way : "A recent issuo of the
Journal censures Mr. Hill, our citndU
Ltlogate in a Democratio Hiate Con
vention, held, at Uarrisburg, in Febru
ary, 1WG1. Tho Journal publishes a
resolution, which it says wus adopted
by that convention, strongly deprecat
ing the civil wur, which then threat
eni'd our land, and also expressing the
opinion that tho Union could not bo
maintained by foroo of arms. Now, is
it not most remarkable that the Jour
nal censure Sir. Dill lor havWg sup
ported that resolution, when wo take
into consideration the fact that tbo
Hon. John' Scott, thou a resident of
this town, aud the Hon. John Cessna,
of Hod ford county, were both dulogatos
in that convention, and voted for the
same resolution? Mr. Scott not only
voted for the resolution, but be made a
speech in support of it, Tho Republi
can parly has honored both Scott and
Cessna, since their support of that res
olution, by electing the former to tho
UniUid Stales Sonato, and the latter to
Congress. The Journal strongly urged
Mr. Scott's eloatlon to tho United
States Senato, and for years past it has
given him an earnest and zealous sup
port. And yet, strange to say, it
censures Mr. Dill for doing just what
Mr. Soott did In a Democratio State
Convention, seventoon years ago. O,
consistency, thou art a jewel!"
Tub National Robber. Tho Trus
tee of the notorious baukrupt firm ol
Jay Cooke, & Co., is preparing to di
vide what is lolt among the plunder
ed creditors. Tho Philadelphia Record
in alluding to the case says : "Tho oom-
mitteo appointed by the creditors of I
the bankrupt firm of Jay Cooke & Co.
has called a meeting of all the credi
tors, to be bold on tho 22d ol July, at
433 Chestnut street. At this conven
tion Mr. Edwin M. Lewis, Trustee, will
submit a statement of the bankrupts'
creditors as proved since the last re
port, and of tho property and estate of
tho bankrupts converted into money,
or realized and collected since the last
repot t, together with a statement of
such as may be outstanding, specifying
the cause of its being outstanding; also,
what debts or claims are yet undeter
mined, and stating what sum roinains
in his hands, which will be open for
inipeotion and examination by the
creditors during the sessions of the
committee. Tho committee will, hav
ing audited, adjusted, and settled the
accounts of the Trustee, proceed to
make such order as to a dividend and
distribution ol tho said estate among
tho creditors entitled thereto as they
shall consider proper and warranted by
the condition ol the estate Any cred
itor can then be heard by the commit
tee who may havo any suggestions to
make in the matter of tho estate or ac
counts, or objections to submit to tho
claims againBt the estate." '
A Queer Case. TheSuprome Court
ot this Stato recently disposed of a
queer case. A lady riding in a street
car had to stand np. The car stopped
suddenly and she full pvor, breaking
her knoe pan. She sued for damages.
Tlia company claimed contributory
negligence on ber part, In that she did
not take hold of the strap provided for
standing passengers. She set up, on
the other band, that she could not
reach or bold the strap, owing to the
stays which she wore, and that, with
the present fashions, no lady could do
so, at least without inconvenience and
possible Injury. The lower court de
cided that tbe lady, in taking bold of
a fellow passenger's band, bad done all
that was necessary, and that, under
the circumstances, she was not obliged
to stretch up to tho lamp. It award
ed hor $2,000, and tbo Supreme, Conrt,
reviewing tbe caso, declines to interfere.
Hubry pf Tfft Cohise The West
Virginia Stalaman takes things at
they are, and alludes to a case In point
in this way: "Up In the State of
Ohio, wbero dwells tbe greatost bowl.
ers over the sad lot of the colored man
and brother they hung two weeks ago
at sfansfield, a negro man for the
crime of murdur. TJc-lorp (lie hour set
for tho execution, tho mob outsido of
the jail sal u tod tba oulpril's oars with
howls and jibos : "Bring out your
d d nigger." "Lot him dance his jig
on the platform," "D n a damned
nigger, anyhow," etc., etc. Thoy
finally wound np tboir orgy by break
ing down the jail enclosure and threat
ening (he Sheriff's life if he didn't
"hurry np the corpse. Could such
an nnseemingly execution lako plaoa
anywhere South, what a jar it would
produce among tbe negro-loving hypo
orites ot that samo Ohio community."
A Silver Li kino in the Cloud.
Not long since a San Antonio darkey
did some whitewashing for a man liv
ing in Ward No. 5. On paying for the
job tbo employer paid off Mose, for
that was the darkey s name, in Mexi
can quarters at par. It was aureral
days before Mose found out that they
were only worth twenty cents. Mose
was much hurt about it. "Joss to think
of Colonel chcalin' dis hard work,
ing niggah outen thirty cunts. Foah
God, I would nober hab believed it on
him. I hadn't ortor tuk de job In de
fust place." And then bo added more
obeorlully i "But ef I hadn't white
washed de fenoe ( nebpr would bab
tound out where all dem chickens roos
ted what 1 sold next morning, for a
dollar. De banks babn't cotcb up wid
dis niggah yet, bcah I heah "Galvts
ton A'nri.
Stranoe Taste. An exchange says
that Bishop !L)il" Qaven'l Fourth ol
July blast is devotee to Rhode fsland's
refusal to repeal tbe law forbidding
marriages between whites and negroes.
"Not till we rise to tbe hclghth, of race
intermarriages," argues the good Bish.
op, shall we "secure national brother
hood throughout the land." Ho should
bare set an example In early life, and
in (bit wy coerjsscd the world that
be is honest with himself.
A StW Departtm. Under the law
of 1878, people who unnecessarily beat
or ill use their children; bin them to
acrobats Rod gymnasts, or beggars,
keep them In brothels or at indecent
or dangersous occupation, or not only
liable to punishment, but may bave
them taken from their custody and put
undercharge ot gaardiana appointed
Dy the court
, T , ,
J be inombors who composed the
.aco ( ongrcst and foriniilulcd tho
i, , , til i i n
minded toward. Kmrland. jn ,.iviffl
m, II l t
That powor already commanded
Gibraltar, tbo entrance to that great
inland Sea, and tho Island of Malta,
off the coast of Italy, and about mid
way between (iibrallar and the mouth
ol the rivor Nile, foot-bold enough for
any ono ol the Kiiropcnn powers to
hold. Hut Knujand eonius out of the
Russian Turkish war by having the
most important island In the. Meditur-
unean .b. dUvl. tt lier. .This inland is
situated in tho eastern ond ol tho sea
Indicated, and but a short dlstanco
from tho ooaslof Asia Minor. It will,
in a military sense, command the
month of tho Nile, nml ull Kgypt and
Pulostine, and will bo made a great
military station on the direct highway
from London and Liverpool to tbe
Kast India possessions. Knglund's
vlotory is complete. Slio commands
the Mediterranean absolutely, and
Russia duro not navigate tho Black
We predict that within thirty years,
Turkey in Kuropo will be dividod
between Austria, Germany, France
and Italy, while England will foreclose
bor mortgages on the Turks, and take
Turkey in Asia, as hor portion of tho
plunder belonging to tho sick Turk.
Thus, by the substitution of good gov
ernment, the valleys of tbe Kuphratos
aud the (iarigrs will again become
civilized and populated equal tolormcr
times. Then tho tido ol emigration
will bo eastward instead ot westward.
Tbis celebrated Williamsport 'vx
millionairo bos issued an address,
blaming bis bankruptcy and misfor
tunes upon other people ; chiefly tbe
Government, and more particularly the
'Democratic administration' of Andrew
Johnson. If bis other allegations and
figuro statistics aro as void of tho trutb
as tbis declaration, his three-column
letter had bettor not be studied by
Sunday School children, or adults who
have spent a great deal of timo and
money in tho lobby of tho State Legis
lature. Peter finds fault with tho Govern
ment, alias the Radical party, ot which
be Is a-bright ornament, and assisted
to concoct tho very policy which bo
claims ruined him. If he wanted to
Ing politics into his buisnoss affairs,
why did ho not tell the naked truth,
and allow the reader to draw his own
conclusions as to what caused his
Tbe fact is, Peter lived too last. His
modo of business was a kind of Mollio
Magtiircism, which, if practiced to Its
legitimate end, leads to bankruptcy
just as sure as it does to tbo gallows.
His confessed oconoiny in early life,
and bis greut experience havo all end
ed in misfortunes, and like thousands
of others who have led a similar fast
life, he, Adam like, puts the blame
upon others.
The Wav to Bridoe the Bi-oonr
Chasm. Tbo Bedford Gazette, in al
luding to a Fourth of July celebration
in that county, remarks: "It is a bit
ter pill for the advocates of tho san
guinary rag to see a distinguished cx
confedorate General and a gallant Un
ion Colonel sitting side by side on the
platform at a Fourth of July celebra
tion. Such a scene was witnessed at
Woodbury, this county, on Thursday,
July 4th, whon General Imbodon, of
Confederate oavalry fume, and Colonel
Higglus, of tbe 84th Pennsylvania Vol
unteers,, occupied a seat together at the
celebration at that place. General Im
bodon was not only prusont on that in
teresting occasion, but be delivered an
addross full of eloquence and patriot
ism. Let us have more of this union
of hearts and union of feeling; then
the harrost will surely be peace, bap
plncu and a lasting union."
Plain Talk. The Democrats of
Allegheny county at their rccont Con
vention passed somo very solid resolu
tions, one of which reads as follows:
Tbo Bnllaid Hooao of tho Cameron LngUlnluro
lo on I j oqoallod by tbo body oallod tbo Snata,
wbaro la witnoaaod notorloua Comaroa lobbriita
dlolalingtbo notion of Ibot body, appoiatlon; oom
nitloaa, aj in tbaonar of tho ' oi'o fax aftol," if
norlng tbo norar of IBO toagloUoB Biking tbo in-
raatigotloa, and In oppmoliog a aouaittoo lo
ooror up ond bldo lb. roltrnnrar of ttio"grao-
orra, wno oneaieoi mo uommonwaaitn out or
$34, OilO. Wo domoBd that tho ooaonnt of Ibo
loot bo raoororod or tho nronor t-lalo ofliorra
aaa aata oaooey no pom into tna i rraiurr
It is a remarkable thing that a few
bad men can combine, In this noonday
of Christian Civilization, and mb tbo
Stato Treasury of this sinount of money,
to which neither of the parties had any
more logal and moral right than tbe
fellow has to bin neighbor's horse which
he secures by theft In the dead bnurol
That's So. The editor of the Phil-
adelpnia Junes, wno persists in doing
everything on tho square with "tbe
government," remarks : "WhyLevisoe
should be taken and the Jonks loft Is
oneoftho problems ol the heated term.
Lovisoe didn't uistipguish liimsell as a
witness half as much as Jenksdid, and
it standing by fraud is a recommenda
tionwell, tboro's no sort of compari
son. Poor llayos, and Poor Sherman
It these Uhio Niamcse twins can
weather the thermometer at 100 In
the shade, and the revelations of the
Pottor committoe, tboy can defy the
d 1 and evorybody else, and may suo-
ocod in holding thoir offices during the
' - - - i
Tub Number Increasing. Tbe
Philadelphia Timnsays: "Mosby comes
oat for Grant in 1880. Tbis increases
the number of third-tormers to four
Doacon McKee, of St. Louis ; Robeson,
of New Jorsy ; Brother Orrille, of all
around, and Mosby, ol Virginia. Tbe
oause Is getting along as wall as oould
be expectod nndcr tbe clrcurnstapces."
Tbe editor might have added that tbe
Bolknap's were tor Grant too, and
evorr crooked whiskey rinirster, al
though Grant telegraphed to St, Louis
at one time "let no guilty man escape.'
All, however, escaped except Deacon
McRoe, who he pardoned out ot the
Hmrpntt Wmllf aaodoaoaa tao whala alitoil of
i no roiaor iraaa-iaroaiifauoB into taaao low
Hanoi "Thorn waa a aatad road that Wtaa at a
aHMi aiftway, ant (maaailr swindled Iota a
aastrroi trass, aas ran no a woo. -
Yet, and Hayes and lira. Pinkston,
and John Bbertnan to Mrs. Jenki
will be tba worst treed party that ever
made tracks, by the time tbe Invest!
oration closes. Just wait.
Uihinkhs Failure.- Tho Now
inrk Mercantile Agency nuulislitu a
,, , , ,., ,
coinpurutlvoslittomoiitof the members,
. , .
am the amount of the lai urus that oc-
r'' - ' Tv7 "
"UIIIUVI Ul iHllUlvn III HIV 1UI iul " ivw
.-.r. , . , . ,
a.,.i.n A 7.10. nml ,..,.f,tit In nooHtr
one hundred millions of dollar, ($99,.
60(1,171.10), and during tho latter
i . ,
period, 5,825, amounting to over one '
hundred and thirty millions of dollars, (
($130,832,766.15). Thero is no doubt
hut the repoal of the law
caused hundreds of failures this vearl
which might not havo occurred had
the law remained upon tbe statute
book, und but for this tho case might
not look so bsd alter all. But we will
wait and see how it will romo out next
That Criminal Monument. The
editor ot tho Philadelphia Ledger, pass
ed through Altoona the other day und
noticing tho fragments of Summers
riots, says :
"On Ibo Ponnnjlvooio railroad, near Altoona,
llirro la a Ions of KOoatlT looaiof loootnntivoa,
tho ioia ad wrooka of oniinoa dan-agril, but not
oompletalr de.lrojid, djona I ha riola of loll
Huiomor. In loll rlow of tho oum
orona onilooo ol Ibo oompan; who poaa ond ro
om., or llva In Alloona, Ib.j abonld aarra na
warnlns-a of laat roar 'a ntidiommar fnllr, whon
working man Ran idlon ond tblarao an opportu
nity to rob nod riot."
It ia oiiq of tho most sickning sights
that an honest man can look upon, and
speaks louder than tho nlteringsofa
score of orators, o the subject. The
wrecks servo as a monument eroded
to tbe criminal folly of fiends in hu
man form.
Still Learninh. Fred finintsays,
' Pa has learned a good deal since he
has been abroad." If Fred is actually
telling the truth, all we have tusny is,
that it is awfully hard luck lor the
country that ha did not go abroad be
loro ho begun his first term of office.
But stilt the American people will no
doubt bo rejoiced to hear that he is
learning something. They wore afraid
that he has been wasting timo, loafing
around with those ignorant, unscrupu
lous kings and nobles over there. So
fur asCicsarism is concorned they could
not teach him anything. As a milita
ry autocrat be can beat uny of them
and carry a rail.
The Wat the Monev Goes. Thero
is such an officer at Washington as tho
Presidential barber who is paid Irom
tho Federal TruaMiry. The office was
established by Grant and is continued
by Hayes. The barber attends lo no
other duties than those pertuining lo
his profession and which aro required
at Ihc While House, yet he is carried
on tho Treasury roll as a cleric. Un
dcr Grant ho was ratod as a $1,200
offi inl, but Hayes has prompted him
to a $1,400 berth. It is thus that Iho
people's money Is squandered while
want Is sturing thousands in the fuco.
The Vote mn Coxoress in 1870.
We republish the vote polled for Con
gress in this (XX) district in Novem
ber, 1876:
col ansa. bjh sbv, oru. Ban.
Crntra 4,110 S,3:it j
Clinton t.Ui 1,010
Cloarfiold , t,t"i
Klk I J7J O.'i
Mifflin 1,001 1,710
Union 1,3111 ' l,m
Total , - It. 119 11,11" I
Tho majority tut Mr. M.ackoy was
5,031. It will bo observed thai Clear
field polled tbe largest Democratio vote,
and wo propose to repeat the feat tbis
Those Stones. The Harrisbnrg Pa
triot remarks: "In vindication at least
of tbe 'truth of history' it is proper to
say that Hon. John Fertig, Demo
cratic candidate for Lieutenant Gov
ernor, was not thrown from a horse,
but in dismounting stepped upon a
round stone, which resulted in a pain
ful spraining of the ankle joint, not so
serious, however, as to be likely to
confine him to his house many days.
The Stono ho will run against next
November will bo likely to do him
much less injury."
B..JB LIO 1 .. . Ul.t.
Thb.Votr fox Senator. Below
will be found a tabular statement of
tho voto cast for Senator In this
(XXXIVlh) district, ia 1876:
l, Ban.
, 11,31
pri, majority :i.
Tbo election ol a Hi
natnr this fall
will bo for lour years,
The UtroHM. An exchange ex
claims: "More oivil service reform.
Ben Butler's brother-in-law is suspend
ed Irom the postmastorsbip ot Now
Orleans. Thai is tho way tho Essex
statesman is to be taught respect tor
the reform methods of an administra
lion lor which he unwisely expressed
his contempt." pid cock-cy? will five
Hayes a hazing for that scurvy trick,
A Bad Marriaqe. The alliunco
formed by tho leaders of tho Green
backers and the Labor-Union parties,
is a very unnatural partnership. The
latter wing is a secret oath-bound
league, something akin lo tho old
Know-Nothing organization, while the
former profess to antagonize all such.
political dedges. We predict that
thero will be a dissolution about the
first of October,
Tbo Cambria county Democrats
havo nominated tbo following ticket :
Assembly, Lucien J. Woodruff, Jchn
Fonlon j Register and Recorder, John
G. Lake ; Treasurer, Joseph Wertnor
Commissioners, George Gurley, John
Pampboll j Director of tbe Poor, Dr.
Jesso Patterson ; Congressional con
ferees, John Blair, Robert L. Johnson,
John Drowney.
The Pennsylvania railroad, begin
ning on Monday next will run a fast
train to Now York, leaving West Phil
adelphia Depot at 7.35 a. m. and arriv
ing at Jfew York t P 35 n Rh
luring, the train will leave New York
at 3.65 p. m. and arrive at 6 55 p. m.
Tbis makes the quickest run between
tbe two cities ever attempted on this
"The OoVERBiiEifT" Swino. Hayes
and a portion of his Cabinet were on
a tramp through Ohio, on Saturday,
Sunday and Monday. The attempt
to "enthuse" the Huokoyoi In tljli way
will fail. The Democrat will carry
Ohio in October just as lure as Hayes
will hare a sucoessor.
1 eanwwaroT-j-s a .1-- I
There are vague motors saost that
Mm, Jenki dictated Rliaa Pinkaton'e
Srst story, and James R. Anderson ber
At the swwion of tho Supromo Court,
convcml at llurrimn-i, in
May last, for the Middle Itrntol
ANllBKn rOfl U H. W Bl - I.UIII.BO I . A U.
. ...... ,
t n i I. 0(1, 1. M Y.ib..,. .),..,. IftilQ un
action of ojuctmont was brought in tho
(:"urt of. Common Pleas of Clearfield
county, by Andrew l'enlz, Sr., nl lira-
,w'flipi M AttiMitr UKaln(a Wln.
t'orloy, of Jefferson c-junty, ol. al., us
deteiidanls, for some liinu'tv acres of
land situate in Brady township,
. The attorney were, fi.r the plainlift;
i J. B. MoKnnlly, Ktq.; for the defend
ants, II. B. Swoope, subsequently, Wal
lace & Krebs, who withdrew from thu
case in 1872, and wero succeeded hy
G. K. & W. Barrutt. Numerous un
successful attempts wero made by the
ttounsels lo have the' case disposed of.
It was twice on the trial list in 1870,
twice in 1871, and was down for trial
al the Juno term, 1872, und ulso for
the November term of the same year,
ai which last lerm it was, on .(Novem
ber 19th, reached and tried, the jury
rendering a verdict for tho plaintiff.
A motion lor a new trial was made on
November 23d, 1872, which, after be
ing on the argument list for January,
March, Juno and September terms,
1873, was, on tho 26lh ot September,
1873, over-ruled and a new trial refus
ed. On tbe 20th of October, 1872, a
writ of error from tbe Supreme Court
was filed, and the caso wus argued at
the next suasion of that court, und tbo
judgment of tho court below was ro-
vorseu ana a venire facias de noto award
ed. The record having been returned
from tbo Supreme Court to tho Court
below for correction, tbo caio wus ac
cordingly placed ii Kin I be trial list for
March, September and November
terms, 1876, and also lor tho January,
Juno and September terms, 1877, ul
which last term tho canto was reached,
on tbo 2d ol October, 1877, and u ver
dict rendered fur defendants. A writ
of error was thereupon taken, the case
carried before tho Supremo Court,
whore it was argued in June laat,
and on Juno 10th, the judgment below
was affirmed.
VS. W, 0. SallTIl ET. AL.
Tbis caso was an action ol ejectment
lo enlorco specifio performance of con
tract commenced on Novembers, 1870,
to No. 137, Jamiary term, 1871, by
Klijah Ashcnfvlter, administrator of
Peter Ashenfeltor, deceased, against
W. C. Smith, of lirookvillo ot. al.
Tho attorneys on the Record woro
Messro. MeKnally i. MeCurdy and J.
L. Cuttle, for tho plaintiff, and tho
Messrs. Barretts, lrvin, Jenks, and J.
11. Fulford, for tbe defendants. Like
tlio above case, tbis one was also fre
quently set down tor trial. The rec
ord shows it to have been on the trial
list for Novembor term, 1872, for tho
January, June and November terms
of 1873, for tho June term of 1875, and
also lor the November term of 1875,
at which term it was reached, tried,
and verdict rendered fr tho plaintiff;
premises to be released uon tbe pay
ment of $1,500. The case having been
taken to the Supremo Court on a writ
of error, judgment of tio7 jiros. was
entered by the Judges thereof on Juno
4, 1877. A writ was afterwards ob
tained from tho Supreme Court, and
tho case again taken hclore II. and was
argued at the lust session of that court
at liarrisburg, for the Middle District.
The court, on June 10, affirmed the
judgment below.
PANir.L rnvr.n, ah.minictratoii, vs. b.
This case, No. 349, January term,
1875, was a "feigned issue," framed by
order of Court, in which David Frver.
administrator of John Khrgood, dee'd,
of Brady township, was the plaintiff,
and 1). C. Rishell and C. M. Risboll, of
tho samo township, were tho defend
ants. Tho issue was framed to deter
mine to whom judgment No. 72, June
term, belonged. Messrs. Wallace &
Krebs represented the plaintiff, and
MeKnally & MeCurdy tbe defendants.
Tbis caso was upon the list for the
5th Monday of May, 1875, and was
reached on the 31st. Tbe trial re
sulted in a verdict for the defendants.
The case was carried before the Su
preme Court on a writ ot error, and
was argued beforo the Judges thereof
in 1877, at which term the judgment
below was reversed and a venire facias
de novo awarded.
The record having been returnod
from tbe Supremo Court, tbo caso was
on tho trial list for November term,
1877, at which term it was tried, and
on the 13th of November the jury ren
dered a verdict for the defendants,
Th case was again takon to tho Su
premo Court where il was argued in
Juno, 1878. Tbe Judgment below was
affirmed on Juno 10th, 1878.
Tbis case was an action of ejectment
for a body ot timber land situated in
Knox township, commenced in the
I ourt of Common Pleas, on December
16th, 1873, to No. 409, January term,
1871, by the itxecutorsaf Wm. Irwin,
Into of Curwensville, deceased, as plain-
tin's, against John M. Chnso, of Wood
ward township, as defendants. The
attorneys wore, for the plaintiffs, Wal
lace & Krebs, and J. Ji. Mchnally and
T. 11. Murray for tbe defendant.
The case was on tho trial list lor
June term, 1878, and was continued.
11 was ulso on the trial list for Novem
bor term, 1878, at which term it was
trio J. The jury rendered lor the de
fendant a verdict for the land to be re
leased on payment by the plaintiff ot
tho sum ol flUQ. A motion was at
onoo filed tor a new trial, which mo
tion, tbo Court, on tho 28th of Novem
ber overruled and rofused a new trial
and ordered judgment to be entered
on verdict. A writ of error having
been taken, tho case was arguod before
the rjitprcmo Court, at liarrisburg,
which Court, on June 17th, 1878, af
firmed the judgment below.
This is Rn anlion ot "esse1' brought
by Geo. M. Brisbin, of Osceola, to No.
209, September term, 1874, against the
I'cnn'a Railroad Company, to recover
damage for the use and occupancy of
a certain building in lloutxdalo. The
flaintitl was represented hy Messi.
,ingle, Fielding and UcEnslly, and
tho defendants by Messrs Wallace A
Tbe case was on tbo trial list for tbo
June and Hcntcrobor terms, 1877, and
was reaohed at the last mentioned
lerm on October 8d, verdict for plain-
ii n ior aojiMU. The case belnif prop
erly before tbe Supreme Court on a
wno oi error, me uagmoni oeiow was,
on June 17lb, 1878, reversed, and a
venire f anas de novo awarded.
The Hupreme Court, after a session
or six weeks, adiourned on June 25th
1878, for the summer vacation, until
voioDor ttel,
Tba average tramp affect to hate a
reaping machine as extremly and bit
terly as a Calllornia Jack Cade hates
Cbiuaman. Whon tbe a. L begins
to manifest his hostility lo the reaping
machine In a practical way, tbe only
thing to do for him Is to sprlnklo blm
with tbe contents oft double barreled
shot-gun. If this be treason, holp your
Don. Peverly Douglas, member of
OongroM from Virginia, had a narrow
escape from drowning in the Matlo-
poni rivet Ibe other night owing to tbe
sinking of a ferry boat Friends of Hr,
Douglaa have long been of the opinion
that cola water was his gret enemy
It is said that James L. Wright, the
Labor man, lots been trying to get
Miison to w ithdraw from tho National
tipkel. Wri.rht hn,s !.&.'..'. p'iVV'"
a-Wo 4o7-wV-a-. r.''!-?' ('''"
side ul' coal companies, und railroad
companies, to help bis argument.
Philadelphia Sunday Times.
The above clipping but faintly ex
presses tbo dueji dyid corporation al
iluities of the National tiiihernutorial
candidate. We havo received Irom tho
records of Mercer county tbo names
ol the Pillowing chartered companies
uow using Mr. Musiin'a services :
Pennsylvania Company.
Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago
K'rifc tiiiuf Pittsburg Railroad.
Atlantic and Great Western Railroad.
New Castle and Franklin ltailnwd.
Mercer Mining and Manufacturing1
Mercer Iron und Coal Company. 1
Jamestown and Franklin Railroad.1
By serving some of these companies
bo allies himself to tbo Standard Oil
Company, it being a chief stockholder.
t)n tlio subject ot usury tbo matter
is still vorse, as be figures as defendant
and delendunt's counsel in niavu tenths
of the suits that havo been brought
for usurious interest. We are merely
outlining what our National friends
mny expect il they continue to press
their anti -corporal ion candidates. They
have tied a mill stone about their necks,
and tho waters will overwhelm them
if it is not loosed. I'ittsburg Critic
(Workingmen's Organ.)
It la a llltlo lii.fular that Iter. Wm II. Dill,
brother of tbo Donooraiia noaii nao for Uororaor,
aliould apand bia euinntar rnoatton traveling
around ihoHtnto proaobiog. Alooaa Radieal.
Mr. Dill is not vacating. His pos
ition in the Conference is that of a
missionary, and right well does ha ful
fill bis calling. He goes wherever tlio
Presiding Kldcr assigns him work lo
A Bio Kibe. A destructive firo oc
curred in Kiltaning about half past 1
o'clock on the morning of the 17th
inst. The tire broke out in a tin shop
owned by Jas. McCullough. Owing
to the doluy in applying water tho
flames gained great headway, burning
properties to the amount of $120,000.
The Trub Plan. Council Bluffs,
Iowa, has on effective way of dealing
with tho tramps. Fifty of them who
seized a train and came into town in
first-class carriages, are now working
on tbe streets, with the thermomctor
at ninety-five in the shade.
Hrokb Jail John Gibbons, tbo
Mollio Muguire convicted of the at
tempted assassination of Wm. Thomue,
at Mahanoy City, escaped from tbe
Schuylkill county jail on tho night of
tbe 18th. Ho had not been captured'
at last accounts.
A Vibti'E. The Bucks county Mir-
ror says: "rorgot and forgivo is a
Christian motto. Ex-Prusident Grant
can nver have been a thorough Chris-
lian; ho was always for getting, hnt
for giving he was not a shining ex
ample. (io Ahead. Tho Altoona newspa
per editors are busily engaged in nom
inating a Congressman for us in Ibis
district. It is not niton one sees so
much disinterestedness spread out fo
liberally In foreign fields, these hot
Tba Juniata 76uic says : Robert
S. Taylor, Esq., of Huntingdon, son of
tbe late Judge Taylor, has been ap
pointed Superintendent of Harbors of
tbe Pucific Mail Steamship Company,
at Aspinwall, Panama.
Svh Stbick. Tbo deaths througb-j
ont the country during the past week,!
from exeossivo heat, were far more
numerous than at any other period
during this generation.
Sabcastio. Hearing of California
women killing bears, tho Oil City her.
rick would like to find on the pages of
history where a women ever got away
with a mouse.
lUur dmtlsfmtn.s.
Wo bee printed a large BBmbor of tho sow
PEE BILL, and will a Iho receipt af twoaty
Svo oente. mall a eoov In any addreae. ojvta
The Lawrence townrhip School Board will
rcoeiva propoeale for tho bonding of a Frame
School llouae, ia tho Pemdiea aub-lllatrlet, aatil
Satorday, Joly 17th, l7e For .peoiacalion.,
aad other Inforaiatioo, apply to J. L. Conklin,
Bceretory, or their attorney, . T. Rmckbonk,
Clearfield, Pa. BAM'L L. HIIODBS, Preo't.
July 17-11. J. L CONKLIN, Secretary.
Teller, Krriirulev Llccn, B tie, fimpW,
ul llllOd ft,.) tar! volil li rUw.mitrr
rulrxiwrii. terMloiniiaili4aiiariiir
Ift." J. K. rVhfMlli, 0. 'Il t.rriJ
m thlM ! l.a,.,l.s."-JJra. SmtiUW. -r
am a. fret. il. IL ULLEli CO.
s, riittv.r(a, it, m ibj ivn vaffhsal ajuel
in 'froont wih Naftfl, 9ohool nni Hoor fundi of
Uld daitiiot, fof 18,8.
To mount f , ....M,..$4,44 1 T I
To Aad.tore order. tOA SI
M AMI 91
tlj work t)n hy altiMn. ,
nnnerftttoni t 03
Tlj aia't fftid Burrliinrt for wrk t-i II
Ity trial. t trt lo U. U Norrtt' book ........ 1 II 04
Dj M't of Usm ot work, by NwU., 82 U
cnooL ruib-Mu
To ftnoant of dapllMto
$1,7 M IS
, l T
Si.t BS
. 174
lt an
I S7
14 91
To bftUiiM t list M-ttlcmcitt
To miti't iaMaiiwMt (Vnssi Oa TauiiM
To tm't rov'd froa N Rlnb. MH
To '! rto'l frtna Juko Kh......
Tn woaai'rl si' ol t BR. . ..J..
To mt rfe'dfrooj ' Ho wo
iDwin oioio tppropnuit....
... 441 tf
y ante re aadltai H $2,25 22
By einneratioao to tag par era, a per et. .
aa Ms 50 ij m
By I par at na 1 2.1M.22 allewed Traaa. 4S IS
By t per neat, oa I, balldiaf lai,
allowod Treaaaroe M j 14
By oioaeratloaa oa dup'iooto 14 bl
By balaaeadaa rtobool fand 1,345 61
W.MS 4
Ta balaaoa daa Reboot fand.. ....H,3tJ SI
root rraa no.
To order, to Ororaeora -....... ,... IS ts
Ta aanaal oy dnplioala for Hl...., 1,174
Toaraaraf daaaeo Irwla... ... 14 as
IO Bin l ret a or W. A. Head, aa lndg't. S7 44
To ami roa d at N. Rl.bol 84 SI
To aal roo d ef JubB thaw, rolleelor- If St
By ererh aad Oflhee by Ovaraeeri 12S 4b
By aoa't af ordera aadllad Jaao I, 'II... 40. 4
ny am 1 aa aaoa J, al 1 per eeot... 11
By per aeataira allowod tag payora, oa
1M9, at perooal .. u a,
T ardet No. l,aod nor eon lege on oaata 2144
By balaaoa daa Poor faad. 7(114
' ll.7 SI
Tn bat doe pae foodea aatUoaea4....t 141 It
le era. 1 aa Bo. Trvaewrer for kill for
heealag aawpmaf Plaetwp......., S04 SO
Bill of Aadltan aad Clark for aatllla.. II ao
We, the aadoralgned Aadltara af Lewronee
towaoblp, bara aadtted aad oatUedl tba aeooaola
af Janapa Oweaa, la aeaoaat wltb) RoaA Bobon)
rw, ib'b. . Mla, awvo ntaeeej.
Attaelt A. B. IHAW,
LawiiBaoww, 0. J. CONKLIN,
Clark. Aadltart.
Ctr.r4.ld, Jnly IT, lT4 II.
fU' SUmtlstmfuts.
CI AtlTION. All pwraooi are hereby eon tinned
J agelo.t pun-haaios or iu any way oaeddliog
with the following property now in tho pnoeeita
of Jarab MrLanon. ol Dteatur tnweibtp, '.ll
.i. im, -. ..-vnr--..'- ,1-rr,''-Jf.vt- iMr, fAtou. l-nir
.lode, 01 laa ranie UilnnBa tu lue and la left with
bin oa loeo atily, aubjeot lu oar order at eny
linio. J KIIK Ml All Mel.AIIHKN,
Wwtboeelur, July 17, IS7S me
Nclico ii brrotiv glrr-n that Le!tiri 'if Ad
mlnialrallon oa rlie e.lalo of JOHN K.
HIIAfFKB, lata of Brady twp , 1'learHeld .,
Ponn'a, deo'd, baring been duly granted to
tbo onrieriroert, all peraona Indebted to void
aetata will pleoae make immediate payiorat, aod
thiiaa having elaiine or deroanda will preaeot
tbem properly authontlrotod Pit eeltlnBent with
out di'ley. IIK'I. O. KIKK,
Lutborabnrg, jo XS, '70 St. M'p'v.
ia hereby given tbot Letlere of Adminla
tralion on Hie eiteto of ABRAHAM II OVKH.
lain ul 1'iko Inwo'p, Clearfield ouunty, Ha., deo'd,
having been duly granted to the underaigned , oil
porouna indebted lu eoid eetoto will pleate make
itninodiate payment, nod tnoeo baring elaltua or
demanda agein.t tho eama will prejont them
properly authenticated fur rettlemont wllbout
dolor. .MtlillAltKT IIOOVKK,
New Millport, Pa.. July I, I87S
J orijrr io anniiio the A!iainiotrarii of Hon.
A. K, Wrifht, lolo a partner In the Clearfield
County Bank, now deeeaeed, to aettle her admin
istration nwount, tba Ciurt of Common Pleas of
Clearfield c-nnty, oo her application, with tbo
oonaent of tho aurvivlng partnera, boa orderei
oa nooonnt to ho taken of ito areata, and appoint
ed Jbn W. Wtigley, Km., tbo Koeoirerol aoid
IhoUeorlver will bo found ot tho Honking
Uouee, whore tbo buaiaeao of BankiBg will be
continued by tbe eurvivlog liarloere Jalnee T.
Leonard, Jatnee B. tlraham, Wm. A. Walloon, O.
L- heed aod Wm. I'crler who are reiponaible
for and will pay tho drbta of the aolil Ckorfield
II. L. RE HI).
ClearlrlJ, l'.,Ju!y 1778 4t.
.utjoi R.ri:u '
a .I.-.I..I..4 d . ej e
:auiiiiiiisirioria nnm (
Real Estate ia Covington Tvr$.
The undersigned, Admintitrator of the aetata of
Pelia Pieard, lata of Covington townehin, C'loar
aM ,,., l. a 'a .in r... - ...i.
lie out ory, on the preinioee, oa
Saturday, August 10, 1878,
at 1 o'clock p. to., that oortaia lot of ground rlta
oto In Iho towoebip aforoaaid, bounded oa the
eaat and aoutb by loode at John B. Pioard, and on
tho weat and north by londa of Aug. liougous,
containing TWO ACKUS, boring thereon elected
a good tame dwelling boneo, .table, and Ibe
noeoeaary oulbuildioga, together with tho im
proved pair.
Ono-lbird of tbe purebaao money moat no paid
on tbo day of rale, and the balaooe in two equal
annual paymeou, to bo arcored by bond and
uiortgageoQ tbe premiaea . P. COl'OKIh'T.
Pronrhvitle, Co., Jury 17, IR7H-41. Adm'r
Asriciilliiral Statistics.
To lit Citt'xeni a f'lttirfleltl County :
Tho nrderiijtnFd haring beeo appointed by tbo
Department, at WaehiDjtlon, prion pal roportor of
tho Agricultural Ktatialici of CU-arftnld county,
rofptcifully frqaetti tbo fo-operation of oil to
aMitt by tending iho aubrior all tha in form a
tion tbey ran bearing upon tho fallowing q.ica
liouf. po aa to aaahla him to make a correct o
state in cd t to t lie Department, aa poniible : How
umby boraei hare & ed in yuur korongb or towe
ihip. and of what dieae. How many rowi and
oal.e. aod of whut dine. How mtny fbttp
hare you loft, and of abat diaeaae; how many
killed by dgi. 11. .w many hgp hare you loat,
and of what dis rat. Wbat prevailing diaoeet
among l the poultry. In oil catet H.e the rem
ediea UFrd which bare been found to be luooeat-
iul, and in all oarce to give the oab value ot all
loot nearly af pue-iole. by the co-operation
of oar eiliteoi to general upon Ibeie important
parucuura, me Agaieuitnfai reporti wii tetnona
an enejolopeiliant umit.1 inl'-TuiatHm to the pul
lie, by vnabliog the Department to pnbhb tbe
ditveaMt, tbe rj..efi,aod tbe romedtes that bave
been found mutt benotieial in oertoin dieaoa .
Any other ialormation that will be our. tide red o
public benefit, will be tbankfullj rooeived.
Addresa tho u beer i ber at t.ramnian Hi 111,
CleatfieldCo., V SAMUHL Wll-LMIKK.
March 18, l7H-tf.
James Li Leavy.
Hating pnrahawd tho entire ttook ef Fred.
Seekett, hereby giro notice that bo baa moved
Into tbo room lately oeeapied hy Hoed A Hegerty.
oo Second at root, whom he it prepared to offer to
tho publio
HK.iTi.ra ..!
of Iho laleat improved pallerea, at low priooe.
Gas Fiitures and Tinware.
Rotten, "poatln. Plumbing, Oaa Fitting, and
Kepoiriag Pumt a opoeiajij. All
work warranted.
Anvtliinn tn n, line will h ntd.Mrf muI.i ir
deairol. JAS. L LKAVY.
A (cat.
ClenrnVd, Pa., Jnly 3, HTS-tf.'
' WILLIAM BEI.b, Dee'd.
By TlrlBe of an nrdor lieuinf oat or th. Or
pbane' Court of Clrarflold ooontv. thero will ho
eipoaad to Pallle Sola al tba Court lionet In tha
uorongb ot llearfleld, on
Turadny, Aofriiot SO. tra, al I o'rlnrk p. na,
the following denrlhod Real E.tale of Wro Bell,
arc a, 00 wu I
No. 1. A eortoia farm I.lualo la Uroeawood
townrhip, L'lenrrleU oiiuaty, Pa botrO'lod aad
deeorinrd o. follow, i On t(b aortb by tho weat
branch of t ho 4u.qaeaaana rlrrr f on tbo Booth
and weal by other land owned hy .old Wat. kV.ll,
dee'd, and on tho eaat by land of Rood A Oweaa,
eontelningtwe haodred and eighteen aorea, about
itky aorea of whleh, la aleeind aad anoVr good
eollira-ion, having tbereoa e reeled a goo I log
dwelling bona., a larga aew ha ok bara and aiber
outbnildl.iga, and a bearing nrehard. Thero ia
alao an the praraieee a volaabie oaill eaat, aod
eon.idarab't aak. pina and hotnlo.ik timber.
Na. fl. Annlber tract of land eltuato ia eatrl
town.hip of Oreeowood, lying on tbe Sontb banb
of Ibe Hnaqnebonna river, oontaining 2ufl aeroo,
about liaereeol which I. oleared, aad tbebaleaoo
Il well tioanored wiib plno, oak aad henalonk.
No. g. Anotoer trael of hand aitaate la oatd
town.hip of Oreonwoed, oa tha North banb af
tbe Buaoaebeaaa rivar. onniolnl.s ahsnl Sfie
aeraa. aaure or loea, aSoul Ii aaroa af whioh ia
oieoreo, a.a the remainder hoi npoa it a ooa.ld
eraoie n,nanniy 01 pne, oa aad bemlaot liaahar.
Taaua oa S.I.B 1 Oaa third ia ooah on a.B..
naattoa of Bale, aad lb balaaoa ia aoo oad iwa
yoara, with iulora.1 leeurod 00 tbo
a namriliN HKLL.
Rower, July I, U78-4I.
amlnn'loa. for tooobera ia aad fir Otoarl.ld
ouunty. f tho aaboal yaar ISrS. will bo k.ld at
the following tiaQMaad plaeoa:
Bradford aad Bradford ladopandaai, al Bigler.
Mnaday, Jnly 2S
Drahoea, al Irrnbamton, Tooeday, July SO,
Morria, at Kvlertowa, Wedneadar. Jul .11.
Covlagtoaaad Kortbaa.,al Union Fohool lloaea,
Tbnreday, Auga.t 1.
Girard, al Oongraa. Hill, Friday, Augu.1 2.
.foaoea, ni sooweviiie, catunlay, Angual S.
Cl.arfteld, Lawrenee and Lawronoa In-1 at Clear-
leld, hlonday, Aognat t,
lleiton, al Penueld, Wedoearlav. Anenat 7.
laloa and Valoa lad, al Roekton, Tauralaj.
Aegnrt 0.
Bradr, at Lntherrborg. Friday, Aug rut l
Dogga aad Wallanetoa. at Wojiaeeloa, Moo.lav, 12. "
O.ctula and Daaalu, al Oaoaola, Tueaday, Aug.
Uanl.daU and Woodward, al, Wadoar-
day, Angnrt 14,
Breoarla aad hladara Ind,at dleo Hope, Thera-
dar. Anguat IS
eelleb, al Jaaaerille, Friday, A avert IS.
Peea and Pennville, Mooday, Aag. II.
Bell and Qreenwood, nt Boerer, Tneeday, Aug 10.
Mew Waabingioa, al haw Waohtagtaa, Wedaao.
day, Augaot 21.
Buraeide borwogb awl tewaehla, al Raroaoay
Sebool Hoaao, Tburrday, Aago.t 12.
Choi and Nawaarg, Friday, Aug. 25
Pike. Pike lad., aad Carwoaavilla, at C va.aa-
rill., Tneeday, Aognat ir.
Lamher Clly aad Fergaeov Vaaaarl City,
Wednnedny, Aag,rl M.
aai, al New M'Upert, TbaradaT, Angnet 2.
Jordan, at AaeosrilM, Friday. Aagaet 20.
Tba ei.alo.tloe. will ha la part an) and
-....',., rgia n a emeel a. a. Teoti
aioBlala af good aaoral aharaotar, algaad by Iwa
reputable etuoea a, will be raaalvad of L . u.
" I aoj ant aonaalawd. aaai
.7 J "7 arirw7.oo aagarweng laa aaJM
tloa af taaoatrl 1 haaoa I bone la aeet tkaa. all
tbeta aaeoilnp. I alea reo, Iks aha tWelary
J' - S" l'm " ta "aw af tbt Baa.
T . - sF,r Boaha atodod tar law
.v.,n, rm. amaera aro raojnontod ta bo IB
Great Western Hotel
Noo. 1X11, St A It' Market Street, '
Palladolphiit, psna'a.
Forxxaea, sB.OO ixr clje.y,
Tbl. Hotel la aear tbo new Pulille Bolldinn
now hi aeon ia Temple, (I. g. Mini, nod Aeodelie
of Pioo Aria. T. W. THAICK, fropr.
orr-s all Mianr.
6-ito6lO per Aovo.
Ileeob and Mapla Und la Michifao 1 iw.
MILLION ACHK ti KANT of tba tlrand
Hapida and Indiana Railroad
TITLE Ji,Hr i(T. Ml Hure Uropa Flenty ol Timber N
DronbtNi, Cbi bub Uitgi -No " 'lluiipm,"
RuLntng t-treoma-Hnro w ater Ready MarkeU
tohooli Railroad oompleted Urongq
oentre uf the grant.
pfr- Bend for pamphlet, Kogllfb or (lertoao
Addreaa, H. O. iitUUAHf,
? Land rotnmiaiuier.
Marrb IS, U7a-.,ttn.
Morkrl ML, licarllalil, (al Ibe Pont OBlre.)
THE anderalcned be(t loara to announoa la
tlio oltlaena of CleorSelil and vlrlallv, that
be baa fitted on a rouaa aBil baa jaet rotarnos
from tha eilv witb a larra aatoaol of median;
Bialtor, oonaialiog la part of
Eibles and MiscellaDeora Books,
Blank, Aocouot aad Paaa Dooba of ararr do.
aerlvlion -, Paper nnd Envelope., Freneb iireeaed
and plain fane and I'eocilai Blank Uj.l
Paper,, Ueoda, Mongoiae Jod(neol, Eienin.
tiun an. I proaiierv notoe; Wblto and Parek.
meal Brier, Legal Cop., Keourd Oaji, and Bill Cao,
SUeot Moalo, lor eitlier I'lnno, Flato or Violin,
oon.tantly on band. Any book, or atallonar;
deaired that I ma; not bave oa band, will be erdor.4
by Irat oapree., aad aold at wboleealo or retail
to auil oiuiumira. I will alao baen noriodioal
lileralore, aucb aa Ua(aalnoe, Nowepapere, ale.
Illeerneld. May 7, IHIH-lf
Hm opened, in a building on Market treet, ea
tbo old Weatern Hotel lot. nppoetta tho Mown
I.ouM in Clearfield. a Til and Sheet-1 roe Maoe
factory aod Btere, where will Iw found at all timet
a full line of
Stoves, Ewfarare, Etc
Doom Spontlni and all kinda nf job work, ropalr
nE, so., done oa abort notion and at reaeooeble
rat-a. AIm,, agi-nl for the
SingerSewing Machine.
A anpply of Machine,, with Neellrr, tr., al.
waya on band.
Term., atrletly eaeb or eoaarry prodoeo. A
.hare of petronago aolivllod.
Cleerlleld, April 35, HiT-lf.
At Phmw'a old itind, Clearfiell, pa, kai Jiek
opened new ttoek of
F' "E FttES" unvtl'
. ond U now prepared to furniah any tbiag if, tho
line of Urtjci and Medicinej at tba vat luat
oat eath prtoei,
Ho hae aleo on band t largo atoek of Cntaba.
Ilatr and Tooth Brnihef. tmmey Artieleft, tt
and Hbarlns Soapa, an l every tb log swaally Wpt
In a Irit-oleai irag Store.
on an pounded wltb nam, day or Bight. A liberal
hara of patronage raepeetralfy ooiioitod.
Clenrnclr!, Pa, Oct. 24, l77.
second 8IRBIT,
. t
. FAKCY 900i
fat avaaViotaal paiwoaaa.
Txi.'ea, Supporter., Srkeal Book, and Slot lon
er;, and all other arttelea ataallj
a Dreg ittra.
FII1.LY OOMPOVNDKU. Ilavio. . larae el-
aorleaoo la tha bu.inaaa tboy aaa give eat ire aak
fWrteld. Doooeahor IS. IT4.
Wr.llLI Mat(eaailo..lla. .-ala 41.. h.11 . .ttar
" - mn j aav.ti t aaaai paiuiic srwarwiaM-
thai ho baa removed hia Orooory Ble re from
Hbaw'o Row, to tho bat Id ing formerly ootopte
" sx rmxmrw, n ceeowa eirooc, avail eTtyaj.
to Bigler'i hardware a tore, wbero he tatono
aiarwpiBJBj B ,H naoj n
It C E I I E S.
EUUARS aad 61 auPs, af all gradoa.
TEAS, Sreea aad Blaok.
COFFER, Roaeted aad Oreea.
All klada U laa atarae.
PICKLES, la Jen aad barret
8PICKR, U avary larta aad tatalaey.
Ooovl Oil and lata? Chiiuirrfc
Aad a gone) aalarfaat at tltaaa Ihlage eeeeST
keait on 0 mm kk.a n. iu .lrkaal
rW nt tha atarbal prteaa.
Wig Ml far njV at .keaply at any ttaor aaa
noata tall aad aaa bia ttaoa asd jaaga
Tnwreert ,
John sicaAranii.
Cleer4.ll, Jaa , lTV