THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WBDN2MDAY WOKNINO, JULY IT, 1S7S. Terms of Subscription. If paid In edrunee.or within three moaths...$3 08 tf paid after tbrM ud before li a.oaibs... 3 60 If paid after tbe ojplratton of aii tnonbli... I 00 ffmHtMTi. B. M. PirraifeiM, A Co., Newa peper Advertising Agent, 17 Park How, oorncr Ueeknan Street, are oar dalj tathoiHeeo Agent In New York City. RELICiIOLH MOIICKM, MetkodUt r.plncopftl Church Hot. J. A. Mi MifRNAT, Pastor. tServlct erery Babbatb tt A. M., and Tft P. M. Bubbelh Hehool at t A. M. Prayer Mooting every Thursday, at U P. M. Conn union Harvloa, Orit Rabbet b of ovary month, at HH A. M. Went Clearfield M. K, Cburch.l.ev William II. Dill and W. 8. VYilmk, Paatora. Preaching ovary altarnato Hunday, at 8 o'clock, P. M. bun day Sofaool at 31, P. M. All aro in vited to altand. Preeb terlau CburcbKev. II. B. Hut Lin. Sfibbntb services morning and evening Beb batb Sobool at I P. M. Prayer Mooting Wednei day craning. Ht. Prancla Church Catholic Rav. P. J.BueniDAM.- Preaching at 10J o'clock, A. M., on tha trat, third and fourth Saadeye of eaob month; Vespers and Benediction of (be Blessed Sacrament at 7 o eiocn, v. a. Bunday school tvtry eunuay aftarnoon at I o'clock. Cloariald people, la how odltltlng the Hnntmit ratr Play, Park eounty, Colorado. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ti mi r ..old mo uiitu asaaiu oodbt. Heeond Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Fiiat Monday of Juno. Fourth Monday of September. timb or no torn common ritAa. Pint Monday of Juno. Second Monday of November. poblio omenta, Prttidft Jdgt Hon. Cher lei A. Mayer, of Look Ha van . Anittanl Lmm Arfya Hon. John H. Orris, of Bellaronto. Atutcinf Jmdyet A brain Ogden, Clearfield) Vincent B. Holt. C Warn aid. frofkonotaryHi bloom. Htgimr and JtatordirL. J. Morgan. Dittrttt Attorn Win. M. JdcCu Hough, 7Vearr David McQaughey. JSTAari Andrew Panti, Jr. Dpuiy Sktriff-CMH. J. Keaggy, Clearfield. Comnty Surofyor 8mual . McUloikay, Cur aensvill. Vaunt CommttortCKTk Brown, Clear field TbomaeA. Medaa, Cbeit P. 0.; Hairii Hoovar, Clearfield. i County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear fld j Samuel A. Caldwell, Wllllnmagrovt John U. Connor, Burnnido. Covntw Coroner J. B. Naff, New Washington. Jury Comm i eet ontrt Dr. Jamaa P. Burebfield, Clear fled, Joiepb Aloiandar, Madera. Superintendent o Pub He School M. L. Mo Dnown. Clearfield. .Wtro Weight MeaenreeJtrw W.Carllle, office at Luther burg Pa. Notariu Public John W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra- debaugb, Cyrus Gordon, Clearfield i Joepb R. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Corwensvllle j J. A. Living stone, DuUots City. Nearly til the wheat and rye in this county he boon harvested. Tba or op la bailor than anticipated by tha farmer geaerelly. If you want tho boat Sewing Ma eblna, buy tba Wood, Improved in 1877. For atlo by M. R. Boon. Claarfleld, Pa. JylMm. Dr. J. M. Stewart, oftbia place, will bo abaaat from bio offio on Wodaeiday and Than day, July 17th and Itiib, attandlng tho milon or tba Coolral Dantal Aaaooiattoa at Tyrvao, - a Lokt f Uu'iuo tUortiocn oi lUo 8th Inat., on ibt river road, boiwtan Lumbar City and Curwenivlllo, a valoobla oar-rlng. Tba Under will ba aaitably rowarded by amding (bo Bi to tbla oOo. j - 1 1 A Bio Timnu. Unr Vbilipaburg nalghbora enjojad tba blggaat Fourth of July that aver waa awarded to any vlolalty oa tba waitarn alopo of the Allogheniaa. Wa woro not prtaeot, bat wa ara told that tba corporate limit of (bo borough luiitatrd a baa hlva for anmbcrp, and all want off wall. Lint of letters remaining uncluimod a the Poftoffloa at Clcarflald, fur tha wak andiag July lo, 1678 ; U. W. Alllxun (Attorney at-Law), Margaret Albert, C. D. Kvana A Brother, Daniel Jone, K. II. Kliiilan, Wa. D. Keen, Mra M. J. Luma duo, Mra. Maggie Meyer, Miia Maggie Sbitnet. P. A.GiOLia, P. M. At the Rxpublican oftioe ia the plaoe io got yor job work dona, w ara tnuy prpard to do anything la the printing Una, will do It wall, ana at the right kind of prloaa. It. Salt ! Salt I ! A car load of No. 1 a It, Urge twilled a ackt, full weight, jaat raoelved at Juba McQaugaoy'a, and to bo had Jaat aa ohoap aa It can bo purchased oywbreele. Also, a lot of rock or lump aelt, for tha oa vl Jl))e. jolO-St Oar Seta eolamn it decidedly interesting in a local point of view, and profitable reading to outtidari who want to lava money. J)og days commenced laHt fciatiirday. a i 'Squire Kerr married hi" firet couplo on Monday morning. a Dr. Stewart adminitei-a Kitroun Oiiile Uai fur the pa In lei extraction of teolh. 3 a an W'orknu'O bavo commenced laying brick an tba new reitdrnce of William D. Diglar, weit and of Pine atrtel, I A lurie invoice ut lislnnu tucUlu juot roctlved at 11 order a Hub atbtt, nut to rirai National IUrr, Cleirflelrl, Pa. A t-liungo in the date lor IcutlieiV oxHOiination at Ciuweonville and Lumber City if made In tha prugremtue tbla week. The tenth annual tu'smon of llio Pi nmylvania Slate Deolal Society will bo held at Bedford pringt, July 30tb, Slat and Auguit lit. Rev. A. il. Sorabowor, of Reading, will preach lu the Cleat Held Daptiit Church noxt Sunday, morning and evening, at the naual hoara. The s lutein ents of the County Na tional and Pint National Uankaan pnbliihed la thii paper to day. Both wftheae inatitatlooa arft aouod Onanoially, aa the report! will ibuw. The warm weather ot the pattt few wecki ha greatly improved tbo appearance of Ibt corn field.. Tb new oat in thia regiua look wall and the eroppromliea to ba an abundant one. Dr. J. L. R. Heichbold, ol this bor ough, will attend the meeting of the Dental Aim elation at Tyrone to-day and to morrow, after whiob ba will ipaud tome time vliitiog hi friondJ ai Brook villa. awi - The Auditors of Lawronce township pnbllah a atatoment of the Road, ttohool aad Poor fundi of their dlatrtot for 187?, which ihoald ro ot! ve b careful pernial from tbt lai-payera of that townahip. The Juniata Valley Camp Meeting will oomtnenoe at Newton Hamilton, on the IHtb of A u go it and cloio on the 3.3d. Tbo Mt. Union eongregatlon will have ebarge of tha boarding tent and nataurant. Jlarptr'i Magazine for An gnat is on our table, abock full of origioal and Interesting matter. Leave your order at the Clearfield Poit offiee, wbera thii and all other magaiinaa and pa par ean bo had. We are authorised to give notice in at a meeting ot tba Aauoaal luiatiaa Temper anoa t'nlon of Clearfield will ba bald la the Court Route next Monday evening, July 23, at! o'clock. Rev. R. P. Campbell, of Woodland, ti&a been at eored a ana of the epeakera for that occaaion. m a aw Prof. George W. Weaver, for a nnm bor of yean Principal of tha free aeboola at Cur weniville, hai boon alceted ta fill the aame poiltloB In tha public lehoola at PanAeld, In . HuatoB lownihip. Mr. Weaver I a good teacher, and wa bava bo doubt tha Pen! aid folki will be wMI pleated with him. Mr. McQuown, the County Superin tendent, in forma ni that ha baa aacurod Hob. Schuyler Colfax, of Boa lb Bead, Ind., to deliver a Ionian la Clearfield daring tha next aeiaioa of tha Teaoberi'CovBty Inilitnte, which will ba hatd omaitao Ib Deoember. Mr. McQ. will endeavor to aeeur atbtr oolebritlee for that oooarloo. Tho parties who stole two old hena and about twenty young oh ie bona from tho farm of Joirph L. Thompaon, Is Lawrenoe townihlp, aear Mt. ZIcb, an riqueited to ratura than and aava cxpenaa. The partiaa an known to Mr Tfaoenpaon, and if tbry want to aava tbemialvaa from a dlagraoeful expoaure tbay will eioort tba birda book to their Ant rooatlng plaoa. Look out, Bow I Jooeph moaoa bulaoa t An adjourned mcetini; of the Hun tlngdon Preabytary waa held at Bedford on Tues day and Wedneaday of laat week, at which timt Rev. J. R. Beodenon waa ordained and Initallcd paator of the PreebytarlaB Church la that town. The clergymen io attendance from thii county were Rev. II. B. Butler, ol ClearAeld, aad Rev D. II. Campbell, of Anaonville. Tbo Preabytary adjourned to meet at Lemon, Centre county, on tba Stat Tueedey la October next. M i - - - The Cubwensvilli Rand. The id am ban of tbia mueical organisation paid oar town a vlflt Uit Wedneaday evening, and during their itay had tha pleasure of laelng tbo next tioveroor. Tbo talent and deportment of tola band cannot be diiaoaoted, and It 1 a m It for tuna that tbla borough ia unable to gat up a almilar organisation. During their viiit, boaidaa iera nadiug Senator Dill, they afterward ox ecu tad a number of piece throughout tha borough, to the delight of the old and, particularly, the young alera. Shall Clearfield have a band too 1 Tbli il new tbo ojueillon. - M I Independence Day. T lie luai Fourth of July made Clearfield appear like a Sunday. The turnout to Pbllipaburg wa large ; then tbon were turnout of clan, faction and Uuiilfce, in every dinetlon In tbo morning, who picnicked In the grovel adjoining town. But aueb a rain atorm eet In between 1 and 3 o'clock P. M. and waa kept up until evening that tha detraction of itaMb, ritibun and ball wai gricvoui, Indeed. Five thonasod dollar of looie caib Waa apvat outiide of Clearfield by pcraona who would have rpeut it ben at home bad an opportunity: bean given. Ii taktl no Solomon to see how our bul ne men loit their harrcat on tho Fourth. How to Prevent Disease. Now that lira Inauranoo Ii io nearly dead, it la beat to pnvent dlaaaat, and tho boat thing to do It with I Dr. Fenner'a Capitol Bitten. Bend for a cpeelal circular oe hi St. Vltua Daaoe Speoifia. It baa never failed to aura. II. B. Bpaokmaa, agent, Clearfield, Pans 'a. A Fact. An advertisement inserted in the Republican will reach Don readen than If publlabed In all tbo other paper la tha conn- ty, and ooit tbo advartlaet leaa thaa one-half In other wordt, an adverlixment peibUahad In our jcurnal U worth double tha prioa of that charged by any other publlthor la tha ooaaty, "It la a fact." tf. Bceeite Fob Balb. R. Nawtea Shaw koopa a . Bugglea and riattorm fwn the ilhW Salt I .Twtl l;as vmt ewwivavl am awaka W Taa;,w"?' waaiil ,ufr v iTT ao tha articU eaa bo had at two do.laev agw. IKS '28 X'Z&Z Romomber that Lytle is County Agent for borriuarw'i Xoauooo, aad aaa aali uam atfaotory prioea. They ara tho boat tobaoaaa la marktL Try them. ay I van la. may l-u. Wanted. Two live men to Belt Teas to the trade, on eommiaelon of (one half tbo profit! ) Saleimen standing no loiwa. Commtialon paya ble ioob a good an revolved by purchaser, Perm aaent poaiiioa to right partiaa. All goods tbipped from New York. Addrasa, R. D. WKIR A Co. Pittsburgh, Ponn'a. Western Managers. June 3ML Dental Notice. Dr. A. M. Jlilli would any U hi friend and former patienU thi ha hai not retired from practice at has boon m iBduatrioaety circulated by tome parsons, bat will continue to give bit penonal attention to all who may dealn it, or to aaatet Dr. Heiehhald whem ever required. Nitrwui Oxide Qai given for tha painless extraction of teeth. April 34-tf. a To Sportsmen. A gun smith has loouted ia Clearfieled, an Second street, next door to the First National Bank, who can do all kinds of repairing, key fitting, etc. He baa alio a full Una of Uone, Revolvers, Fieblng Tackle, Keys, etc, oa head at all tinea. A full niekle plated, oven -shot revolver for $2.50 at H ardor's, next to First National Bank. July S-3U TukMobiIannon Rhiimie. TheCom- uiiraioncrs of Clear lid d ami Centra counties have awarded tho ton woik lor lUa mw lridgo acroaa tbt MohhOniU eratk, below K lartuwn, to Ueoro Spearing, lor $S8o. Tlitro wim nlteeo bida for the work, ranging from $640 to $1,100. A number of the bitii went of the "straw " kind, Irum the fact that the bidders failed to furnish the proper soreliea for tho eomplttion of the work. The superstructure, which ia to be of iron, was awarded to the Milton Car Works, for $1,2.-1. Tbo bridg is to be one span, 1(J feet In length, and It to be completed by tbt first day of next October. Tho total oost will be $2,130, one-half to bo paid by each eonnty, m 9 - Another Anderson. Thomas An derson, who baa been In ebarge of Sheriff Pants' stable. In some way, two weeks ago, acquired a basket filled with groceries, belonging to Owes Campbell, of Bogge township. Mr. Campbell, suspecting said Anderson, came to town last Monday morning, and, after obtaining a permit from Eiquire Howe, repaiied to Thomas' resi dence, in this borough, and then found his boa ket and elotfaa, wlaai the grrls. Thomas, therefore, baj a caa oa tho liat for the September Quarter Sesiloni. It would stem front this that be it no better than tbo Louisiana Andersons, though be may not bare Sherman, Jenka and Pinkston tn lifted on his side. - The time of holding the Young Mao's Prayer Meeting, wb icb Is held in the leetan room of the PraibytertaB Church every Sabbath, has been changed from evening to morning, just pnvloni to the regular boar for presetting bervloe, Until farther notice, the meeting will be held every Sabbath at 9:46 A. M, A eordlat Invllitloa Is exteodod to allium la attend, and especially to the young men. m Kev. J. H. MeMurray, pastor of tho Clearfield M. I. Choreb, wa absent last Buaday, attending the n-openlng of a Church at Miles burg, Cealn ooaaty. Hie pulpit was ably filled Ib the morning by Rev. K. J. (Jray, President of Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, who preached an eloquent sermon. Rev. A. D. Yoeom, a former paitor af the Church, now stationed at Belle fonle, preached In the evening, and waa greeted with a large eongregatlon. Mr. Yocum'a friends hart are numbered by hundreds, who an always glad of an opportunity to hear him preach. . a John B. Tarnon, a member of the Kmpire Hook and Ladder Compaay, of At toon a, waa killed July 6th, bear East Tyrone, while the company wen retaining from a eelebratioa at Bellefoate oa Ibe tib. He waa Handing oa the stepa of tba ear-platform, looking back to the rear af the train, wbea be waa struck oa the book af the bead by aa Iron bull project) ug from the ll mime af a bridge ipaaalng Ibe Juniata river at the place above aauad aad.kaockvd od into the dlteh along tide of tha traek. Ue waa picked up aliva,ktdied before the traia raaebed the itatloa at Tyrone. Ue waa aged aboat 23 yean. We, like almost everybody else, theegbtotery family in Ibe land waa supplied with one af those maeb to bo deilred Beeeteiilofr a tewing machine -but, upon conversing with J. W. Nieklia, tba agaat of the Stager Maanfae taring Company at tbia plaoe, we found we were greatly ml stab a j for he Informs aa that he has told ever fifty ef tkoee Jaatly eelebrated Singer Hewing Machinal liaea he eame to Clearfield toanto-M' lAree moefAe ago. Re alae I a forms aa that (be Singer Is to-day Ib greater demand thaa ever, notwithstanding new machlatt hart been heapad upon the market ai.d eld ante have charged Ibelr names, taking lone name that will likely lead tome ef Ibe anwary ta panhaae a machine that la a few yean they an eenpeUed either te throw away or trade ll off for a mere toag, aad at last bay a Singer. Aad we heartily color id a with Mr. NWkHa ia hit tUiemeal, that tt la better re bay a Singer at first, aad have a machine thai will leal for yean without gettiag oat W repair, thaa te boy a model and ia a lew , yeara have te repleoe It with a linger. Tba eAee af the Slagar b Ib Will.y'i tetlevnag establish-1 BMat, ta Market at reel, Cleerfleld, Pa. I Accidental Poisoning. On the night of the 4th, tayi the Clinton Democrat, Mr, George McQormick called at Wallace, II 11 ton A Co.'t drug iton, in Lock Haven, for tome tnedl olne, including a pint of whisky. Ha left the latter in the laboratory, and when ha eame back be took op another bottle (notwithstanding It waa of different sixe and shape and labeled Car bolie Acid), thinking be bad his own, and went off. Upon reluming to bis farm Just below town he tok a drink of the add and and died la aboat half an hour. Dr. Walla was called, but eonld afford no relief. Deceased waa a flue farmon quiet, kl&d and industrious, aad hit sudden tak ing off ii deeply lamented by a large iltvle of lelailvt and fr ten da iloJiK. Kx-Uor. Rigler and wife bare returned home, after making a lengthy visit to Judge Black, at York, Pa. Tha rVfta fttpue. (('can, In alluding to the mooting of these two prominent Dtmoeratlo statesmen, Ironically n marks) "We presume then two Democratic boron hare concooted a plan by which all oar moral, social and financial wrongs are to be cured, by simply putting their party In power." Well, If tbey have agreed upon a plan, It would be well enough for the country te try It ; and If Ibe peo ple do not faie better thaa tbey have under Radi cal rule, wo will ak to have them and all their friends tamed out of office be Ton they waite one balf the precious time that tha friend or the editor In question have. An Auokehhive Reporter. The re porter of tbo Bellefonte R'nre was enterpris ing enough to eroai the Allegheny Mountain on the Fourth, for the purpose of witnessing the Pblllpsburg eelebratioa. When ba reeobod the town be found it full of people, and, Io imitation of ether young men, be pressed his way weitward, so bi te flank the crowd and be at rest. He forced himself through the village, eroited tha placid waters of tba Mosbaonon, and fouod him self half way across Deeator township, la thii county, before be reached the outer elmle ef hu man beings. What happened the man afterward! he falls to' relate, except that he got mixed up with the girla and bands ef masle aad be may be the poaieasor of a bora yat, for aught we know . Merited. The editors of the AI- toon a dally TWom, Ib their Issue of the III Inst., pay the following compliment to ear neighbor aad ftllow clilten t 'Rev. William H. Dill, of Clearfield, very acceptably filled the pulpit of tba First Methodist Kplieopal Church yesterday morning and evening. His discourse ia the morn ing wai foanded oa II Corinthians, W: 17-18. aad that of tba evening oa Romans, xlv : 7. Both texts wen tkilfully bandied and tha potato la them very eltarly set forth, lit elosed hlsevea lag sermon with a ilrong appeal to tha young people te lei tbo Infleeaea of their lives be In favor of Cbrlatand Christianity. Rev. Mr. Dill la a brother ef Hon Andrew H. Dill, the Deme oratie candidate for tioveroor, aad la una of the moat p lease Bt gen i km en among the Methodist clergy ef the Central Pennsylvania Ooafenace, At a preacher ef rlgbteeusnoae he ia forcible, elo quent aad acceptable, and hai a boil of warm friends amoag the eharcbei. May be long be pnservad ta the ebanb ta preach the unsearcha ble riches of Christ te dying men." A Union Fair. We learn that ar raagemeau an heiag perfected for holding a Fair la Pie'e Opera Hoaae, dariag the firaf week of the September Court. One af the feataree af tbt Fair w.ll be a eoatett betweea 4he Meads ef Rev. P. J. Bberidaa ind Rev. Wat. H. Dill, fur a eet ef the New America a Cyclopaedia, IS von met, library binding. The mode af eenteet will be by ballot, a vote te he coast dend equal te 16 eeati, and the elergymaa fr whom tba meat eaah bat beea contributed during the Fair will be awarded the Cyclopedia. The books will be oa txblbl ttea al tha PoatoBot, la this plaoe, naill after tba eoateet It decided. The finds reallaad will be ased for missionary parpoioa. The Mm da of tba two gaatlemoa) earned will, aa doubt, ply their tMatlen from new antll the tleta ef the Fair. Fer retea itt l ar twealy vttea far It, Just at yea like. We aaderstend liaea the above wat put In type that the lady Meadf ef Mn. Kate A. Penta, ar thii borwagb, tad Mra. Kelt O'Keefe, af Car weasvllle, have determlaed ta teean a ttlver tea rat, which Ii la he dlspnead ofla a ikwOar anaaaar. Away Down. Prices have been re duced from tan to fifteen per cent, al the Phila delphia Branch store, and that it the plaoe to boy obeap and good clothing. The largest stock and the best Wamiutta shirts erer In this town. Ci In and examine goods and prices. je 19 tt. Wool and all kinds of grata taken In exchange for slot hi og, at Iht Phlla. Branch Clothing Stort. -o a - The Clearfield Gas Company offers, at par, Coapon Bonds in denominations of tJM and $jOf eaob, bearing interest at the rate of aii per eeatum per annum, payable etui-annually at the First National Bank, The Company hu iasutd bonds to the amount of $10,000, and fl,0O0 of tbla wat taken bat a few dayi ago by one of the Clearfield banks, leaving $4,000 to be disposed of. Capitalist! who are seeking a safe invest ment for tha ir money, would eoniull their inter est by Investing In these boo da. Tbey oan he purchased at either of the Claarfleld banks. Any information nspectiog the Una Company, will be cheerfully given by A. F. Boynton, President, or W. W. Botta, eeorejary. JelO-tf. i Mr. K. Jy. Thompson, Titusvillo, Pa. l)wr Sit : I take pleaaun la loondlng the virtues or Sleeper' Arnica Liniment. About three month si oca I bad In one of my feet what the M. D.'a said was acute rheumatism. In thi day' time I waa unable to bear the weight of a sheet on my foot. 1 made an application of the liniment at 4 e'eloek p as., and in one boar then was a decided ohango for the batter. The aext day at noon I put oa my boots aad have bad no further trouble Very truly yon re, M. M. TtTTTLB I. K. Thompson, Proprietor, Titasvitle, Pa. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by all drugglitt In Clearfield, and by Jot, Seylor A Boa, Lulhen- burg. Clearfield Coal Trade. State ment of Coal tad other freight! tent over the Tyrone) A Clearfield Dlvlalon, Pennsylvania Rail- road, for tha week ending July 0, 187S, and the same time last year i OOAU For tho week - Same) time laat year , to we. 40,631 47,6V7 Inoreaaa Pnvioaely duritig year Same timt laat year Deoraaae Total ia 1878 Same time laat year...HM.,HH..M...l Deoreate OTBBB raXIBBTt. Lumber.. Miscellaneous freights 036 . 609,48$ . $66,887 . 6fl,8V9 . 833,149 , 678,809 64,880 .308 earr, ,.3:io A Very Painful Death. A pecu liar fatality teams to have followed the hoy Plea log, who died ia thii borough aa Tnetday evening of last weed. Daring the rafting Beaton laat Spring be became enamored with the river, and constantly repaired to 111 haaki agelait the ex preet eemmaada of hit parent. He nought every opportunity to escape from bit home, and finally, while playing ea a raft, be fell Into the water aad waa oarrled some distance down the strata., when be waa by aoeident reeeued from a watery grave and restored to bis parents by yoaag Mur ray, who happened to bt near tt the time. Thii frightened him from the river bank foretime) but Just at soon aa the flood subsided and the wa ter became warm enough, he retorted to the river again for tho purpott ef bathing. While In the water a few weeks ago he happened te eat hie heel on bo old fruit oan, which wat embedded In the aand. Tho Injury loomed Insignificant, and be continued hit bathing two, three, and area four timet a day, oattl four dayi previous tobli death, wbea hli foot became Inflamed aad ex- oeeedlngly paiaful, producing look-jaw and finally re tu I ting In death, IDs sufferings were awful, and tbla ease should prove a warning ta all di bed tent boyt. A Heart-rending Traoedt. Tho rVyoeiiHg Democrat relet el the following : Oat of tba most aad and shocking aealdeaii that wa have ever had ee ceil on ta record ecenrred near tb It plaoe (Tnnkbanaook) oa Thursdry, the 4th Intt., at aboat 10 e'eloek A. M,, while many ef eurelllMBi were absent, attending the Centennial eelebratinn eeremoalea al Wllkee-BAim. A eon ef Jacob BrnageM, Howard by name, aged It, waa aboottng at a mirk placed epon the tide of a moke houae In their back yard, with a smooth rifle. This be had been perm 1 Mad te do by hla father, who, It la laid, halped hla to mould tba bulled. Suddenly, at the boy wat examining the mark after aakiag a thot, be heard a faint toaad la the adjolalng fltld when Mr. Drungeai waa cradling wheat. Going to the place from whence the sound proceeded bt found hla father lying on Ibe ground Insensible, with a bullet-hole la tbo back ef bla bead, frea which the blood wat flowing profutely, Il atemt that Mr. Bruogeii happened ta be ataadlag, at the very aoaeat tha hot wai made, Ib aa exact Ilea with tba direct lot take by tha hall, wblea, although It bad patted through a dletaaee af tame twa head red foot frea the aaisle ef tba gan, and bad planed twa boards, eaeh over aa Inch In tblekrett, aad f rased a peaeb tree limb la IU eon r so, atill re tained luflcleat la petot te prodaoe a aortal waaad. Medical ajilsteaea waa Immediately summoned, and Dr. Mulbullaad made an meffeet aa! attempt ta extract the ball, probing the waned te the depth of aereral laches. It toon beea ma apparent that aotbiag eonld be doae te prevent the death af the weeaded man, whleh took place aboat three bouri after the aoeldeat, tbt patient remaining Insensible nearly all Ibe Intervening lima. We eaa toiretly realise what a dreadful ttete af afflict Ion the family mast be thrown late by ibb unexpected aad a eat heart read tag tragedy, or what a terrible warning It aaaveyi agate the tare leaa ate of daageroas weeptBA, The deteaiei wat a aaa aboat M yean af ago, a highly retpeeted tit lien Bad hlad neighbor, lie leavet a wife aad three children, tba yoBBgett af whoa wai Iht one whoa lockkat aad 111 ated head to ai ml trad tba aid aoeldect that hu left hla fetberleee." jtcdtfff. Fanrt aid V tear. nine. D. W. Jordaa baa aa baadt, dally, PKB8H VEGETABLE aad all kiadi ef FRUITS, whiah he will deliver ea ewt loaaere la aay part ef the town. Clearfield, Pa Jaa. la, iSTaVtC. Ota nunoB Pbb Cbstt. Dmoodbt an Old PaicBt. Sewing Macbiaeeeaaaow bepamhaeed at MemH'1 tta aad variety atore. froaa $36 up ward. All ktadeef tewlag aaehlatt repaired oa the sbertett aeifta. Clearfield, Pa Jaly 1$, 1877. WmvBB 1 10e,e ft iaeh ahaved thlaglea te average frea la $ taehet fcr which we will pay the kigheet market prteo. A. J. KBAHBR V9.t Wahtbb. Soma aailly learned pertoa or Art lit to aaau tec tare uvtmmwt rTBnr oils uabvab PicvefeBB la tbia eeunty, oa Royalty. Painted from photographi ar any picture, And It the Finest Oil Painting made Before the territory it teou I will paint piotorea 8x11 for $1S and warrant them for life, livery peraoa should have one, aa Oil Paintings oa Van vat are we oaiy pictures that will stand tho teat of timt, and oan be handed down te posterity. Fartlenlare free. L.T. LUTHKR, , Nov. Tt 1877-ty. Carry City, Pa. Liter in King. .. -Tb, Liver la the Imperial organ of the whole human eyaiem. aa it no a troll tbo life, health and bappiaeaa of man. When il U diet ur bed la Itt proper aotion, all kloda of allmenta ate the natu ral melt. The digestion of food, the movement if tbo heart and blood, tha aotioa of tba brat a and nervous ayatam, are ell Immediately eoa nectod with the workings of the Liver. It hat been aaoeettsully proved that Graea'l Auguat Flower ia unequalled in curing all persona af file tad with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all tne numerous symptoms mat rasuu irom aa unheal t by eoaditioa ot the Liver ana otomacB. Sample bottlea to try, 10 oenU. Positively sold In al towns ei the Wottorn Continent. Three dosea will prove that il it just what yoa want. - julyl7,'7t)-eow-ly. Dots'! bt Utteived Many person aay "l haven't got tbt Con lump Hon1 when asked to euro their con ah with Shi' loh'a Consumption Care. De tbey lot know that Couxba wad to Comnaiptfon and a remedy that will cure Consumption will certainly cure a cough or any long or toroat trouble, waxaow It will cure when all otnora leu ana oar iaita in II la to potltive tbtt we will refund tho price aald If you receive no benefit. Ia not tbla a fair p repetition. Priee, 1$ eti 60 eta. and $1,00 per bottle. For leme Cheat, Book or Bide, nee rjni- loh'a Poroua Plaatar. Price, 36 eta. For aalo by all Drnggtitt of Clearfield. TTBONS 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH 3w Qfatrtittmtuit. afN aad after Monday, MAY $0, 1877, the VfPataeagerTraiaawtu ran daily (except Bub- day) between Tyrone h viaarneia, at loiwwt CLEARFIELD MAIL. W. B. Plubmbr, Cebdiwior. LIAV1 SOUTH. Why will yoa snflcr with Dyspepeta aad liver complaint, constipation, ana general debility when yoa eaa ittat ovr atore enuoa t vyatona VilaJiser which we toll ea a positive guarantee to cure you. Prloe 10 eta., and 76 eta. For tale by all DruggtiU of Clearfield, HACKHETACK. a popular and fragrant per fume. For tale by all Druggists of Clearfield. Dee. 6, '77-Om. Uae Dr. Van Dyke's Sulphur Soap The leading external specific for diaeaae of the SKIN, and beautifiar of the COMPLKXION ; for the Bath, Toilet and Narstryj is recommended by physicians. Bold by Druggistt. ihot 26 Ctntt f box, I Cakes, 00 Cent. K. S. WKD8TKK, Prop., 60 H. 6th St., fblln. july!T,7S-tow 6a. Time flies and so do diseases of the ikin when that incomparable purifier of the cat tele and beau tifiar of tbo complexion, Ulenu'l Sulphur Soap, it uaeu io oiiperee inem. rimpiee, oioioaes, orea and bra lies, and the me are invariei ly ra- moved bv it. Sold bv all Drucxiita. Hill' Hair A Whisker Dye, Blark or Brown, 60 oenU. Jul7-tt, alut Iteoelved ! Just Roeeivod by ARNOLD, at UUKWJiSVILLIfi: Car Load Nova Scotia Plaster ! Car Load pare Corn, Rye and Oata Chop I Car .Load JJeuken halt l Car Load Choice Family Flour 1 Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac! ar Shingles, Bark, R. K. Tics and Grain will be taken in exchange Uurwonsviiio, May I, l7a. CorweasvlIK-l.lO, r. Clearfleld,...M..1.40, " Leooard,... " Barrett, .,.... i. " Hoouind.i,,j. 1 V f Biglev- 4 H, WaJlAoetoo,.....4.17, " Blue Ball, 4-36. " Graham ...4.31, Philipsbun, ...4.86, " Bulner!, ...4.99, " Boynton, ..4.46, Oioeola, 4.63, " Pewelton, 6.06, " Summit, $.16, " Vantouyoe,.H.6.36, Tyran $.08, " 1 CLEARFIELD ACCOMMODATION. Ww. L. Bhoadwi Conductor. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Tyrone,..,. t.0,A.n Vanaooyoe,.,.. 9.35, 14 Summit H 9.60, ' Paeeitoa 10.00, M CaoaolA,..10.19, " fojDloo 19.17, " Stetner t, 10.33, Philipaburg,10.36, " Graoam 10.38, " Blue Ball,,,.,.. 10.87, WallaauB,...18.44,M Bigler 10.63, " Woodland 10.69, M Barrett, ..11.87, Leonard, U.13, " Claarfleld 11.19, " Varwonavllle,. 11.40 r.B. TlHHOLIjTI01V OIT rARTNEHNHIP. 4AJ J r. HraKv eivea thAt the eo-partnar. i .'..v-'..i" altlf,r bwtweon A U. knui and Jaha M. Ti f i rrnr a ana i mtynK G. Kramer A Co., In the rooery bus loose. At Clear I old, Pa., wat dissolved on the First day of July, 1878, A. tt. Rraaer having withdrawn from tbt firm. All books and oooouota art in the kanda of A. G. Kramer for settlement, at hla eflc, when all partial Indebted ta the firm an requested te tall and settle the tame. A. U. KRAMER. J. f. KRAMER. Clearfield, July 3d, 1878, 4t. Carwemvtlle.. 6.48 A. n. Tyrone, 1.16 r. a. Olearfleld... T:19 " Vaatooyot,....l.3 " Leonard, 7.36 " Summit, 1.00 " Barrett, T.S6 Powalton 8.30 Woodland T.6I " Otooolt. $ 46 " Bigler, 8.07 Boynton 3.6.1 WallaoeteB,.H $.31 w Stalnor't, 4.00 Blut Ball, $.86 " Pbiltpabnrg...4.a6 " Graham $ 46 M Qraham .4.40 Philtpsburg $.00 " Blue Ball, 4.66 M Steiner'a, 9.10 " WalhMetoB, ...6.13 " Boynton, 9.36 " Biglor, 6.38 Oaceola....... 9.80 M Woodland,M...6.46 Powalton, 10 00 " Barrett, 6.6? Snmmlt, 10.80 M Leonard, 6.06 V an eooyoo,n.. 11.07 p. V. Clearfield, 6.20 " Tyrone M11.60 " Carwenavllle,.7.00 N LEAVE NORTH. larrtfl In Whit. Iwp.. Cmbrl. oouaty, oo Saod.r. ud. inch, 1H7, b. K.r. W. B. FurdT. Mr. Tho,. Kut.r ul Uim Mar, A. BlIlH, both of Clf.rl.lil oouatjr. On Thur.J.r, Jun. llh. I"7I, br H... J. M. Sobiok, Mr. U,ur( J. Fh, ill., Ol.u- uld et'UDtr. nod Mill Msirfi. Bell, of Orbl- uui., Huntingdon wantf. On Sond.T. Jin. llHh, 187,, b. W. I. C.rl.r, Kiq., Mr. w nor .nd nllM AUMbbiui' n.l, both of Urndford towmhlv. In Morrii tomihip, on Sund.T. Jun. SVth. HU, br ... A. H. McCloik.T, Mr.BMj.niln 11 ur .nd uim Amilu c. lloor.r. bulb vf Ul..r- ueld Munlj. In Morrff town.blp, on 8nnd.v. Jun. ItOtb, 18TB, br K.r. A. D. MeCloik.T, Mr. Kil.r ud M l, Bottio B. J ury, botb of Clurfi.ld oountjr, At th. raided, of Mr, Bb.w, In W.IUoMon, on Snnd.;, Jan. Stlh, 1871, bj K.r. J. i'uro. Brown, Mr. Omr C. Lrm.n,of Look li.rn, P.., nd HI,, Jnlln B. Dm.lkw, of H.wlon H.mllton, ronn m. At th. of M. Smith, .t B.rr.U lUllon on Taoid.r, Julj td, 1871, kr W. I. Curl.r, I.q Mr. Tbomu Duki.. of llontidnlh nd Miu Annl. i.nnab.rrr, of Bradford township. At Phlllpaburl, P.., on Tbur.d.r, Jul? dth IH7S, nj u.r. int., v. r.rdoa, nr. UMtfl r) Rlok.rdl .nd Mn. M.,i, IS. Back, bulb I Clnrl.ld, P.. Oo Tbor.dir. July 4th. 1878. br D. Eia., Mr, Morrlion .nd MlM J.a.l.Soba- nald, both of Dnlon township. At th. of th. brid.'t Uihn. on &na d.r, Jul. 7th, 1878, br R.r. Otttti Leldr. Mr. Alfrad L. Bloom and Mlu LoulM fimitb, bolh of ijioomiofion, i;ioarn,ld oonnty. At tb, of Mrs. Darld Lanibsrrr. on mursaaj, jair in., i.7B, by n.r. wa. H. VHl, Mr. Tbomaa J. K.ucr aad Miss MaliSMJ. Lans barrr, botb of township. At th. Mansion Hobs., Cl.arfl.ld, Pa., on Mob lay morning, Jnly 16th, 1878, by Jamas K.rr. Em., Mr. Justian Tripofn.y and Mra, Csloatia. rioara, notn ot uortogton township. &TAOI LINES. A stage learos Corwonsrill. daily for R.ynolds rillo, at 1 o'olook, p.mM.rriTiog.tR.ynsldsTUI. at 8 o'elook, p. m. B.tnrning, lear.s H.ynolds rill, dally, at T o'elook, a. m-, arrlring at Cur w.nsrillat 12 o'elook, Fara,M.h way, 13, A stag. Iaar.s Carwonsrlll. dally, at 1 o'elook. p. m., for DuUoi, City, arming al UaHois cily at 8 o'eloek, p. aa. Returning, kare. UuBol. at T o'eloek, . m., daily, arrlring at lloolook, nj. JTara, aaob way, ,2. PniLIPSBI'RQ JIOS11ANNON BRANCDKS LUUM BOETir. BTATIOBS. A. BI. If. P. II. Morrlidal., 12:40 Pblllpsburg, 11:11 4:82 BUinar'a IMi 4:14 Boynton, 11 14 4:18 OsomU, 10:18 11:04 4:10 Mo.hsr.nuo, 10:88 11:11 1ST Sterling, 10:t 11:48 8:J0 Hontsdal., 10:48 11:40 8:48 MoCauley, 10:58 11:85 8:40 LBArfl BOITTBJ. A. at. A. BJ. I. H. 1:0 1:15 1:10 1:14 1:911 1:44 1:51 1:57 8:01 8:07 1:11 0:10 8:55 8:50 8.45 7:8S t:SB t:44 7:51 8:08 8:11 8:18 8:40 8.11 8:85 8:18 t:M 8:18 Ksndriok's, Kamay. 10:68 11:80 11:18 11:16 Tb. nnd.r,lgned would InK-rin tha old patrons of tb. Arm, m wallM tba publle In g.neral, tb.t h. will oootlnu. the bustneM at tb. old staad, and proposes to sell goods obeaper than erer. Ulro meaaall. J. V. KRAMKH. TilANTS AND FLOWKKfs. X Th. nndwsign.d glrw aotle. ten tne eitlsena ol Clearfield oounty, that ha has al hi, green hous. In ClearAeld, . large quantity of au Bind, ol VEMETABLE AND FLOWER PLANTS, whleh h. will tell .t rcaaonabla prleas. lie has Early and Lat. Cabbage Plants, TomatoM, C.l.ry, (auliDowar, &gg I'lanta, Pepper rianu, Ae. SWEET POTATO PLANTS, $4 88 per 1,00, or ntty onto par nundrad. All kinds of FLOWERS for pot. nod bedding, banging baskets and raMS, suon a. Assorted Heliotropes, Single A Double Petunias, Ueranlnms, Bage, rnobsta, raastee, Agera- tuu, ColBUS, Uabliae, Verbenas, Ctphea, Cannes, Centauraa and Cineraria, Begonias, Broralla,, Pinks, Phlox, Ac, Ao. FOR ONI DOLLAR, will tend mo done., strong, rigorous, w.ll braooned Bower plants ! any selection. Wbore the selection is Isft to m. I will guarantee satis. faction. ERNEST BOCK. ClearOeld, P., April H,1-lt. $..HMk:s.'l Column. S. 3. &tfi tt.'t Column. 1VA Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. YOU CAN'T STOP THIS W AKE ItOI AD TOll T. A. FLECK & CO.'S ONE PRICE STORE. OOM1D AND 19X2X3, Philadelphia Branch Clothing Store, ROOM NO. , OPERA HOUSE. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS : EVER BROUGHT TO CLEARFIELD. ijUantou. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. , . Curwentrllla, Pa. Jan. , '7 8 If. Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs.' Curweaet Die, Jee, r, " ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Ciirwensrllle, Pa., Jan. II, '78-tf. ARNOLD UAH ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. . .. SI1AVED AND SAWED. Carwenivllle, J&i. V, 'T tf. ' (ioihhi)m:h' notk iu J In the Urphena' Court of Clferfleld eoueijf, P In the mit'er of Joitjih Kvler, deo'd. The underiifued, appointed nndoumminlonml to take teitlmunjr ee to the utlten delckted in the petition if tteorge Krler,aud return tbeieme tu t'uurt, will attend to bit duiiet na euoh at fail oflioa In Clearfield, on Tueadej, the Ktb dajr af July, IsTrt, at 1 o'oloik p. m., wbea and wbera all part lei Interfiled di; nttend. ti. V. WILSON, ClearAeld, June 19, 7S-3t. Commliiioner. F ion SALE. T. A. FLECK & CO. The underlined would reepeelfallr Inform tbe .illu.a ef ri.,.M and k. hu ia.JJJ.VJJ I . JJ J. J.I J4 J. V J.V J. XVJJ. 1 VJ IV WUiii JJi, BALD KASLR VALLEY BRANCH. l. Hail. Hall. Kip. r. m. a. sr. p. m. a. a. 7. IS 8.30 leare Tyron. arrive 8.18 8.05 f.18 8.47 Bald Kagl. h it 7.48 8.01 (.30 Julian .1 f.OV 8.14 t.ii 4.48 8.43 8.31 10.05 Bellefonu 4.87 8..18 8.45 10.15 HII.abo.rg 4.15 8.88 8.08 10.40 Howard 4.0 6.00 41 11.18 nrriraL. Hare. tear. 8.15 5.15 TTRONS STATION. aaarwann. PaeiBe Bipreas Harrislmrg Aoc'rn, r. n. Hall Train, 8:18 Atlantio Kipreao, 8:50 Phlla. Expreaa, 10:33 w.srwiBU. a. Pittaburgh Kip'as, 1 Paoifle Klpress, 8: Way Passsnger, Mail Train, Fast Line. 1: 8:34 7:08 In Pike towBibip, oa Wedneedar, Kay 13d, 1H7I. of eoaioBDtloa. Willi. MtrvaT. mb of Wai'. UarTer nod Fraaeei Ella Lauaherr. aced 1 nonini aaa aajri. To Pike townihlp, oa Pridej, Jane Tth, 1"T8, eoniuBBptiea, Franeea Ella, wife of Wo, Har ve Laughar7,aged U yean, 1 Month and 4 dajri. In Pike townihlp, en Wodneidny, Jaae SAtb, 78, of eoniumntioa. WUIIan llnrvev Lnuaher. agea ii ean, i aiontn aaa v day. At tbe reeldenoe of ber brother. Thomu Wr. t, la Decatur townihlp, oa Hatardar. Jalr 6th. at o, mra. uoioee, agea eu eare. Id ClearBeld boron eh. oa Taeidat avnlntr. bij ?m, into, ivawera i., eoa ei rrina A. and Q. Fletnlnr, daye. eged I jeare, 8 wioatbe aad 11 CLEARFIELD MARKETS, CL.AirulLD, P.. Flour, per ewt Buebwhet Floor, ner ewl. Corn Heal, per owt , Chop, rye, perewt Chop, miaed, per ewt. uran, pr owt , Wheat, per bnshel Rr. per bushel Oata, per buahel Corn, oars, per bnihel naoawnaac, par nnsbel..H., Potatoee, ner bushel Apploe, par basbel name, per pound Shoulder, per pound Dried Bmi, par pound Cblehens, per pair Butter, per pound Eaga, per doom ............. Salt, p.r seen, large , Ooal 8er seel il, per gallon Lard, per pound.. urtea Applee, per pound.......... Dried Peaeheo. per poand Beans, per bnsbel..........,.H., Julr 18. 1878. 8.1 00 1 1 88 I 40 I 8, 1 80 1 15 70 85 38 78 88 48 to 100 Hi 8 It 40 IB 11 1 00 10 10 8 1 58 f.b.lBlf.) ClearBeld, P.. PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. P.iLADBLrnu, Jaly 15. .Flonrlrm t fair do. mend for eboie.; supurBoee, 82 5flfo)8 extras, 84: family, 8.VKS74, Hlnn. sota d.v M($5 50 patent aid' high grade., 0Cflt7. Kr. lour, 1 78121. Coramaal. $1 40MJ 58. Wheat strong, higher! red, flftl tSi ember, uetaii let w.ll. .1 la. Cor. hlghen fairly aetlre; yellow, 5&5le.l lied, 47je, hid Jaly. Oata htahea, Irmi Peanstlranla aad weaeera white, l(S4: weM.ra miaed, Slaie. Bye, eimoo. Prerislons qolet, fteadri snaea porh, ftl0otl0- 13: be.f hams. Ill(i(lll 50i Indie meea beef. t!7i moh ebevlders, .(aieiei shoulders tn salt, Hi imohed bams, U(gll,e plehled do, 8(ote; green do,, 7fajSe. Ur. steady batob.rr, tli(70i elly Bet- Butler qatet and steadleri eraamerr. lBfAlB.: aw York aad Bradford oosalr eitraa, 14(iltai reserre, 10(oalle. K dell: Peaaarlraala. II Ills: weatera. Ci.10. Cheese nominal: Now Tork faner. BirmBei weetera eboteo, 8Kd)7o. retromm nomlnelly .nebMged. Whlaky quiet) WMterp, II 88. r Ton, July 15. Floor State and woet- ara Imiy; stale, B8 WW I 0.; .ntra e. .(. io, roeed keep, Ohio, S4M4 7tl Mm. io. te eood exlr. weetern. t4fa,4 iO aoathern Heady! eomeaen I. fair eitrn, M 7Aa)l 75) gaod vneioe wa ae esune XB, Wheat q.leti wltioat doeidad .huge; No. I later red, Aagaat, Bl . Corn ia lower, aallroi mixed weetera eaat. 48 (i,4aa do. fatarea, 4tto4g uue arm nuw, U(a) lie I Weetera, 14(a) 41a. Beef ..let I aewplai. Baem,tl8(aili,50! Ben Ire do.. tll.5(elll. Porh henry now aoee, IIB.ItdnlB.H. Lard baary .team rendered, 8)7 .174 . Whisky let Weeten, l.,7). fsiraoo, Jaly 18 Floor steady aad Irm. Wheat I. fair demand ; naetllad I eptioM klgh and eaah lower I No. 1 Chleaaa Harlae. .Ua ia. eash 8ti(aSI8o for July 841(aj841e for August : 81e MSepteeabari Kh d.., BTtaBtJe. u.r. nasaiUM m gasBirally towar aad Irreg. rar t Uta (ar eaM I 111. foe Jalr aad Septmbar i 111 A Ml. fcr Aagaeti ledoelod, 14.. Data trmer, hat Na, 1 aaotably higher HK& lleforoaeh I4te for July I lltfillfe far An g.H t Mile) 114. nxRepIMb i rejected, too. Clo con nee tt on made by all tralni at Tyrone and Look Karon. S. S. BLAIR, my 17 -if. Superintendent Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. and after Honday, Deo. I Oth, 1177. tba paaeeaaer traina will run dailr lexoept Sunday) betweea Red Bank and Driftwood, a followa i KAHTWARI). I)ay Mail leares Pittsburg B:2U .. ni. Koa isenR ti:o.) migo Junotton lz:uo New Bethlehem 1:07 p. m. ntayarille 1:10 Troy 1:30 Vrookrillo 1:00 Fallar's 1:35 : Rey. oldsrille 1:51 1 DuBols 1:33 Summit Tunnel 8:41 1 Poateld 4:05 Weedrilie 4:17 1 Benontt. 4:58 ) axriraB at Driftwood at 5:55. W EttTW A RIWDey Hail leans Driftwood 13:1. p. m-i B.netetvs 1:0V i Weedrilie 1:4. Penleld 1:45) Summit Tunn.1 1:07) UuBolsl:30; Heynoldsrllle 1:51 : Fuller's 1:57) Brookrille 1:83 Troy 1:40) H.TSrllle 4:11; New Bethlehem 4:111 Sligo Junction 5:10) Red Bank 5:27 1 arrlres .1 flttsnnrg at B:1V p. aa. B Th. Reynoldlrfll. Aecommodotlo. leerea Reynoldsrille daily aA 7:58 a m.) and arriras at ned Bank al I l:ue a. m., Pittsburgh at Z:Aft p. Leaee PilUbnrgh at 1:18 p. m. RW Bank al 5:55 p. m.j arrlring al Heynoldsrllle at 0:05 p. Close oonneotlonf made wilfe tralsf on f. A Railroad at Driltwood, ud witk traina on tho Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID HcOAROO, Uen'l Sup'U A. A. Jartaon, Bop'l L. U. Dir. BTAOI LINE. CLBARriBU) TO rBBrtBLIh Th. nnderslgned wpuld Inform tho poblio that he le now rpnning . auga line between Clearfield ud renneld, thro, times . wesk. Th. stage leares Clearfield on Tuesdays, Thura. dava and Batnrdara. at 8 o'olook . m., arrirlna nt fenfleld at 11 o eleflk m. Betarning lame days, keares renneld nt 4 o elook p. m wrlr. ing nt Claarfleld at 8 .'elook p. m. Oonneotlon ia mad. with train, on tho Low Oracle R. R. al Penleld, Fare, aarh way, 81.50 UEO. W. UKAHUART. Clearfield, P k, Feb. 13, 1878 rw gmi'trtisfintnts. "7THAY IKIRHR. Came trespassing on j j pramteas ol tn. snoseriner, I. tilrard town. ship, on Batarday, June 12d, 1878, a. iron gray horee, with . whit, fee., ad supposed to be .bout tern years old. Tbo owaer la requested to ooma lorward, pro., property, pey ebargoe and ibbo aim away, or Bo will be dispose, ol as tl Is. dlraots. DANIEL KR1SK. Ollllngbam, July S.St Michigan Lands for Sale. (K),000 arre. of boat farmlni luda. S4 to $10 par .era, and 178,000 ears, of tha beet plae landa at from $18 to $75 per acre, on railroad, ud good navigable streams. Good water ud good For pamphlets and full information, sail oi or addreaa UISNJAMIN HUM BK, Agent, tt Federal St may 8, 'fi lm. Allegheny City, Pa. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE OP Samuel Troy, deceased. Br virtue ef ao order limine oat of tha Or phan!' Coart of Clearfield eonnty, there will be eipoeed te naplle eeie at the pablio houie of Unafel Uoodlander, la tne Tillage of Lutbenburg , viearueia eouatj, ra oa Saturday, July 201 h, 1878, At t o'eloek, p. m,, the following deeerlbod reel eetateof tSnmael .Troy, dee'd, illsaU la Brady townintp, eaid oounty, bounded and deeenbed ai follow: Befiaolne at a hem look, thenoe b? land of LI. Beane aaet 81 perobee ia a kiokory ( inenee eoatn 1I peronoi u n eneitaat ; tnenoe tut 86 perehee by load of Wai. Klebell, aow Andrew Penti, Jr., to aa aehi theaoe north by land of John P. Roller, aow tl. M. Johnitoa, 103 perebae to tba plaea ef beglaalag, oonUinlng 51 ACRES AND 105 PERCHES, and allowance, aero or leia, being the eatue treat of land eoaeared by ioeepa fnrker Horrle to Hamael Troy, reeordd la Deed Book "Y," pure , ao., bavlar anoai rorty aerei cleared. and a frame heaee, two itorlet high, atyewt tVtii reet, rati I bam end el ber eutbaildinae, with a good bearing wnba-d. All thetnterettof Banael iroy, at toe Use ef Ui deeeaoe, will be told. Taaai or RiLa. Oee-tilrdotwh at tha time of eale, and the balanoe la two equal aaaual pay- ateatopwltli laUreet fro tha eoaflmtloa ef eale, to be oerured by Mortgeg or Judgaieat Uend an the prealee. I' 187 8 4t. Adailaiitritor. Philadelphia' Bakery and Confectionery, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA, Th. nndnralaned he. opened n new Rakerv aad Ceafeetl.aety oa Market street, aad ia preparad to faraiah arerytbing la hla llae o. abort notlM. He keeps oa hud tho rery bett ef FRESH WHEAT, KTE AND BRAN 33 n. 33AD, ROLLS, RUSKS .nd CAKES OF ALL KINDS, And.le.atoek of CANpiKS, NUTS, 1AIBIN8, ORANQR9, e. Fancy Cnkr. tn Weddlnge, Partlee ud Pleabse, aspplM ...rt mum, Bjt ia. rwry rawest prlwk ICE CREAM, SerrK Is) . BjeaAud wall famished roeej. Ir atrial etUollee t. baeiaaaa ha hone a. aril and rmlr. liberal eaan ef patsaaaf.. JOBK r.FIRKBRINln. Cloweld,)eln,TS-4l. just opened the largttet and hast stook of REJDl'vVJDE ClOTHl.YU ' HATS, CAPS, (VrttfA' Furnithint Oof, TRUNKS, VALISES, &o., erer brought to Cleerfleld , and which be will sell obeaper tbea any other tore la towa. The largeit itoek of Wamsutta Shirts erer brought to thti towa. All Baiehed, ready lor tneiauaury i eaob. Call and tee, and be oontlnood SIMON BIILOrS. Clearfield, Pa., Hay , 1878 3m. GEO. WEAVER & CO., ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF NEW DRESS GOODS, BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. A LAI'GK STOCK OK MUSLINS, CALICOS, GINGHAMS, AND TICKINGS. SHUTTINGS, SECOND 6TREKT. CLEARFIELD, PA., MEN'S AND BOYS' COTTONADES, AND A GOOD LINE OF CASSIMEKS, Have opened up, In the atore roomjalely oooopied by Wearer A Belts, on Second etreet, . large and wen seieeiej atook of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF WHITE GOODS & PERCALES Tnrkoy flcds, and all othor kinds of TABLE LINEN,Jvory cheap. LADIES' COATS call and too them-tbey aro Dice. BLACK AND FANCY SHAWLS. BED SPREADS, ALL PBICES. QUKKNBWARK, WOOD A WILLOW WARS, HATS AND CAPS. FLOUR, FEED. SALT, Ac. Whleh tbey Kill dispose ot ml reaaoaabla rates j lor eaab, or exchange lor oountry produea. GEORGE WEAVER A CO. Clearteld, Pa, Jaa. 8, 1878 U. , BEST STORE IN CLEARFIELD OTB STOCK OF Goes ahead of anything ovor brougliljto tbia town. LADIES' LINEN SUITS ALL PRICES. PARASOL8M PARASOLS!! This stock is more oomplete than ever. "lOWrllllHIP BTATEMBNT- DAVID MEASE, Treaaurer of Bens town- ahln. In nooount with tho School, Road and Poor i fund of said township, for tba year aadiag Jnn. IB, IBiO. bcbjool rr.o p.. To balanoe at laat (ottlomeat ,..... tl.'Ts 4t To amount of duplieataof 1877 1,1104 IS I To naonnt ef Htato appropriation 108 88 To tai of Charley Berry t 88 Total By amount orders redeemed Amount doe township.... ..8.1,44 18 ... 1,SJ 84 ii . LADIE8' AND CHILDRENS' HOSE, LADIES' AND GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES' TIES AND BOWS. AT FVLL g.lJTB OF VOOLKfa VOHK VOItSKTS. By teaehera' wagaa J 808 AO By fuel end oonlingenciee 75 81 By Colleot.r'e per eenlag on $300 15 BO By reduction to prompt tea-payero 4 88 By making dup. and putting up notioea.. S 60 By one day at Battlement 1 60 By W ft eaatege oa 11,401.14 18 81 By etoBoretlons M 01 50 By am't retarned to Commiaaioners 01 8a By Interast paid J. H. Turner 108 76 By am't paid far publiabing Itatemeat af I "79 and 187f 1 60 By bill of Keaaa Turner 4 87 By amouut allowed Seorotery 88 Oil uy amoual ol old orders redeemed H .30 30 Total I,5M 04 CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN. KID AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES for Ladies and Gentlemen. Bitching, Collar, and Cuffa, I.soen, Now Fringog and Trimming, Now Em- Droiuorics wnito na ooioroo, Lurtain jvois. Sunpendera, Shirts, Nocktio, Underwear, Shirt Fronto, S'lk Handkorchicis. To balanoe I. handl af J. Dime!iug....4l,B4t 65 To ' " D. Msaaa 118 00 Balano. due towuablp,. 66 loan rtmn rm. To amount of duplicate 41,184 tn To bal. in banda of Collector Dimellng. 85 11 To orders from Dlmelina to Dr. Bereh- Bald, 11. and U. Mease IV ny To order on Auditors 80 81 To order from Louder to J, Barger, H B. Shlmel and D. Meaaa.....,,.... Toorerwork, D. Downing To order Darld Hraia H Mil i id stocky cheap CARPETS OIL CLOTHS AND CARPET CHAIN. 18 87 8 00 81 81 Total.. ...41,418 88 Br work done br eltitena uudsr Londnr and Dlmellng Il,l!t 11 ny .mou.t relumed te Uommleelonerlk. 1 w By exoaoralioas, Louder A Dimellng... By work of Leri Loode, Superrisor, 68 day 108 00 Br work of Dimellnc, 44 dars 88 08 By 1 day setting, Dlmell.g A Loader.. 4 00 By oaoneratlona, Loader's doplloate 80 Br order for orerwerk ta D. Downey, 11 K. Shlmel, D. it ewe aad J. Barger... 10 18 Bt exonerations on Al. Lnmadues del lu 4 16 By par eentage oa road dup., $1,184.60.. 13 8V MILLINERY. TRIMMED HATS AM) 1I0WETS, ILOUFUS, RIBB0S, Trimming Silks, Oninnicnts, Feathers, &c. 8 is I Our trimmer, MISS MF.ACHEN, ia with ua agiiiti, ready to trim Jlati and IJonncto, Jnst as yon want tticm. Toul... ...J1.4J8 80 We bought our goods In New York and Philadel phia for CASH, and they will be sold CHEAP. poo. rr.n ca. To halane. at mat settlement Toftmoant of dunlioata..,.H.,.H H Teerffiilby error To order of Pearea, for Pollard Ta order af Joba Millar, for Cooper.... To support of Wilaoaorofl nealey " E. N.s.aa A. Brine Ta .rdes to Reory Ooae Te .rder U Uaorge W. Shlmel........... T. Aadltora'aad Clark's .rdera To order to H. E. Bklmel aad Sliur, for Boaley t 874 88 141 06 , 17 81 17 08 66 li .16 14 117 10 11 14 I 85 16 18 10 00 11 68 I 80 Spring and Summer Dress Goods. Toul., ....41,457 tl By orders pald..M ...,S By BBoaaratieeie .n......aM. By am't retnraad ta 0ommltaU.era.... By error DiasellBg s account By amowat per iaaab Dimallng By land al H. A. Baimel ral'd ta Corn's. Br eiaoaratloai . By I we days eeullng..... By making dupUeate tiy ansenag Trewearar. a.... Mr s.ta. aA 1 par M.L o. $6n8.M bal. la baadt ef Collector Dlmellaa- By bal. I. af CaMaoesr Bebtk..... By baL I. kanda of Trewarar Mom.... 884 14 7 46 11 86 17 11 WJIA.T WE CJITAllAXTfilai WE GUARANTEE that we will sell nil kinds of Dry Goods cheaper than any other store in Clearfield. , , WE GUARANTEE polite treatment to every one of onr custo mers, without urging them to buy. WE GUARANTEE that we have the largest and chocest as. tiB I, aortment of all kinda of Dress and Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery 1 J; ana nancy Uoods in (Jieariiekl. 4 I I 78 68 II 16 117 16 108 88 It (7 Total... ...4 1, 457 til W., tb. aadoreitaed Aadltereef Boae. town ship, certify that we k.r. esaellad the forego- I log aeeaa.ia aaa IM them ae above autoa. jnrlH BKIHII, SIMON THOMPSON. inna 18, 1878 41. Auditor-. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. April 17,'7S. Tht anderalrned will wll t trlvt nU ll tbkt tract or parcel of land itaat tu Deatr totrnabip, Claarflsld eonnty, Pa., within a abort dioUnoa of tba Trrona A Claarfiel l R. R.. and adjoinltiK land! of Kohart Hudaon and oto-rt, ud known aa tba Jacob B. 41 ear hart lot Tbo aald tract containing 60 aeroi mora or Im, with two faina of raluabla eoa) thereon, baa about 0 ncres eleared, and la tha key to a larva bodr of ooal about being deTaiopad. n ill be aoid low and upon eaiy termi. Cloarfleld, Pa., Jaly IS, 1H7. For particular, apply to VAVID ii. k u HUB. Ifoiv to Tench (School ! A Rare Chamze for Teachers. Tbe tecond ntnlon, tight wecki, of the LomKrr Clly Male and Kemala Academy will begin KontUy, July 8th, 1878. Special Imtruotiona will be iven In Theory and Practice ur Teachlnir, git-inn tMfbera eipnr(unlliea EQUAL to AN. and fjKCONU to MONK io the county. Noruul Courae......... $4 Oil Higher Courae .......... 4 0 Boarding, 12.00 and $1.60 per week. Rooma for ai-lf-boa rdera oan be had cheap. Call on, or addr-n 0. 0. KM Kill, Principal, Rev. J. 0. UltKU, K C. BELL, Juno 12, 1S73-41. Lumber CU, Pa. A DMINISTRATOES' SALT7 .V. or 1 Ural Estate in Covington Ttrp, In por nuance of an order of tbe Orphane' Court of Clearfield county, the nnderaipned, AdrainU tratora of tha eiUta of John B. Ptcard, late of Covington townihlp, doe'd, will ofler at publio ulc, on 8ATI RDAY, JI LY 20, 1878, at 8 o'clock p. m., all that oertaio tract or plrre of land lit Bate tn Covington townahip, ClearBeld county, Pa., bounded and dexcribad aa followa i BeginMing at post corner 2(19 perchri from a white pint, corner of traet No. lSVfl, and being part of aald warrant ( thence north 160 percbei to a white oak corner; thenoe ewt 07 percbaa to a white oak; thence foutb IAS nercboa to a white oak ) Ibence weit 07 perehee to plaoe of begin ning, containing vi acraa and lit o-lu nercboa and allowance, excepting and referring thereon t two acre more or leu told to FeliK Pioard. Trrk4 : One-tbird eaah, and the balance In two equal annual paytueota, to bo aeoured by bond and mortgage on t he p rem lie. CAROLINR P. PICARD, JOHN J. PICARD, AdmlnittratorM Frvncbvirc, Pa., June 10, 1878-41. J.H. LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in GrocorioS, THE LA U,0 EST and BKST SELECTED STOCK IN THE COuNTl . COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SYRDP. MEATS, FlrSH, SALT, OILS, WEENSWARE, TUBS and BI'CKKTH, Dill ED FRUITS, CANNED UOOII8, SPICES, BROOMS. KJ.OUII, FEED. County Agent for 1.0HI1.I..1RWS TOII.ICCOS, These goods bought for CASH in larn iota. and Bold nt nlmosl oily prlc. JAHKO 11. L1TLK, Cl.ar8.ld, I'a., Juna 11, IMS-ly. PRIVATE SALE Valuable Real Estate 1 The nndetitgned, Hring ii Peon two., Clear Aeld oounty, Pa., offera the following raluabla Heal Estate for aale: 448 Acres of Land, more or leaa. In Becoaria township, lying on tbe north aide of big Clearfield creek, and within one mile of the aame. The aboro land U heavily covered with hemlock, white oak, rock oat, and other bard wood timber, and a quantity ef white do, said io ne nan a minion or more leek Tbe aame ii heavily nnderlaid with biluminoua ooal, and directly on tbe line of railroad leading from UontadalotoCnalport. ItiralneUnnknown. There are, also, ether valuable mineral oa the same. Tbe above land Ilea about two and a-balf mltee below the villain of Ulen Hone, adjoin in ff landa of tteorge Groom and others, on what ia known Porter a run. Tbe improvement on tbo Dron- erty are a good geared amw mill, In running order, bisb dam, stone breast, made in the boat man ner, fit for almost any machinery. There is.also, larin i re me dwelim noun and frame bank barn thereon, and about forty or fifty arrea, more or less, of tbe land la eleared. Any perron ishing to forest in property of this kind will do well to examine thi property. I will sell the nolo or tne undivided Bait tnteet, aa may salt theporchaaer. Tbe above tract of land will make iwo or lareeianns, wmcn wmoompare favorably un ine greater part ei our eonnty. frioe and terms made koown to any person wishing to pur chase. For further particulars call ia person or Idrass the undenlicned at Grampian Hill P.O.. Clearfield county, Pa. 6AM L VY1DEM1KB. Jan. , 1 HIS-if. William Powell, sbcoxi) ST.,, pa.. Dealer in Hoavy end Shelf HARDWARE. IRON, NAILB, PAlNTfl, Oil,?, VARNISHES, ui.Aa .u rui n Keep eonManlly on band tbe beat Couklna. Heating and Parlor Stoves and Ranges all descriptions. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Carpenters' Tools, oueh aa Aawa, Hatchets, rquarea, Jtench Htopi, fiance and Plane Irons, Chifela, Bilta, Angara, Adaea, File, Hinges of allkinda, Looks, Screws, Bash Cord, Pulley, etc., etc. Farming Uteiiftll, Plow, Cultivator, Dmible and aingle Hherel now a, unitiraror leetn, uraia cradles, Brythes, lnathe, ltees, Fork, Hakra, Hav Fork, Farm Bells, ate., etc. Horaa 6hne and Horse Nails, tha beat make Croee col Saw aad aiea, Oriadatottea and tlrladitoae Flitaree, and everything anuelly kpt la a Imt-claaa Hardware Store. Alto, a fall stock of ouse Furnishing Goods, lIRI'f 1IE9, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, Ar. All hlada of Tlawara haft an hand nnd made erder. Koofln. nnd Baoalin. nmmntlr at. lenilsd te, ; Persona wlsbin, anytbln, I. my tine, are In. rlud tn rail and esamior rloeb aad prieee . WILLIAM POWELL. OmitrM, P.., tr . I'M If ,