- XUJEL-PEPURTjIOA.N I PlQto" Citt. At last tbo plgMiiJ ' -r- 'jL. ..,'JjTT'rw'V' Ay. 1."! i sWg. CLEARFIELD, PA. WKDKCr.DAT MORNING, JULY , IB7L Terms of Subscription. If paid ia edvnnoe.or wlthia three months... If paid aftsr three and before sii SBoaibs... 1 of If paid after the expiration of lis monbts... 1 W TMtSSrS. 8. M. PBTTtSOILL 1 0.t Mltl- lltekBU Street, are our duly authorised aTi Ageats In Nsw York City. hblioioi;h notices. Methodist Episcopal Church Rer. J. 8, MrMtttFiT, Pastor. Hervlore every fisbbatb at 10) A. M., ud I P. at. Sabbath .School tt A. U. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, at T P. U. Com n union Service, fir it Sabbath of every eiontn, ai it At M. West Clearfield M. E. Church. Ravi William II. Dill and W. 8. Wilsoh, Pastors. Preaching every alternate Sunday, at i o clock, P. U. euaflay Ho boo I at j.), p. AI. All art in rltd to atttnil. Presbtterlas. Church Hot. H. S.Bim.u. Sabbath services morning and evening Sab bath School at I P. N. Prayer Meeting Wednes day evening. Ht. Franele Church Catholic R.t. P J. Snr.aiDan. Preaching at 10J o'clock, A. M.( on tho Brit, third and fourth Sundays or ecn most Vespers and llenedlotton of tbo blessed Sacrament st 7 o'clock, P. M. Bundsy bcnool every bud nay afternoon at 9 o cluck. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. tiki or loLDijra quaitkb kmiuki court. Second Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Pifft Monday f Juno. fourth Monday of September. TIKI Or HOLD! SO OOUHOH PLRAI. Pint Monday of Jana. Second 41 on Jay of November. , ruBLio or pic a no. Preeidenl .fWpa Hon. Charles A. Mayer, Lock Harta. Aitnt Lw trfia linn. John II. Orvls, HfelUfunti. Auotimtt Judge A brum Ogden, Clearfield j Vioocat U. Holt. Cloarftald. protkonotary Kit Bloom. Reaiettr and Recorder L. J. Morgan. Dietriet Attorney Win. M. McCullough. 7Vf-ar-lavd MeGeughey. Skerig Andrew Pants, Jr. Ifuut Skeri fChriit. J. Keainrv, Clearfield Cntw ffareeyot-Samuel F. McCloskey, Oar ncnsvllle. Count Commiiiotrt Clark Brown. Clear- Held t Thomas A. MeUat, Chest P. 0.; Ilairis lloovar, tilaarfiald. Audits William V. Wrlfht, Clear Hold fiamual A. Caldwell, Willlamsgrovo ; John 11 Cunnar. Hurniida. County CorontrJ. B. Nsff, Now Washington. Arw 6'oMfjifsn'ottsrs Dr. James P. BurcbUeld, Ckarfled, Joseph Alexander, Madera. Supritrndtni of Publim Schooti M. L. Mo Quowa, Clearfield. StaUro Htiyklid-MiaiurtiJti W.Carllle, offioaai Lutbersburg Pa. NtmriM PnUie Joba W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra debangb, Cyrus Gordon, Clearfield j Joseph R. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Curwensvilla; J. A. Living stone, Dullols City. Oar Speial ooluron ts decidedly Interssting tn a local point of Tiew, and prohublo reading to outsiders who want to lava money. The days are growing shorter. Dog days and pic nics nro upon ns. Pill, How, Kerlig, A h it s, and tho Fourth of July. . ' - Tho Journal and tho Curwensvillo Tt'mn will not be Issued this week. ! Ex-(iov. Bilur, and wito oro on a riiit to Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, ntar York, Pa. Largo quantities of stono aro being broken in the low plaras on tha Market street bill. The thormometor ban got right down to bottom now, and the weather Is warming op rapidly. mm 1 A New P. M. Abner B. McArdlo has been appointed Post Master at fiarnside la this oouoty. Smith V. Wilson Kaq.t will delivers Fourth of July address St the celebration at Ksrt baus to-morrow. Ilov. S. C. Swallow, presiding elder, preached to tbe UlearOeld, At. K. Church on pub day srsnlng last. John Lcitr.ingcr has been installed as elerk In tht Poet-office, under Cept. Osulin, John will make a good assistant. - Thero is a stray hore at the farm of Daniel Krise, la Uirard township, which the owner is rcqussted to look after. The new Philadelphia Uukory on Market street adjoining Kratscrand L tie's store, Is where people go for bread, oahes etc. The Retlefonto papers say the trestle work ob tbe Snow Shoe railroad will not be re built but tbe road will go around the ravins. The post-office at JuBois, to Brady township, has beta made a money crJer office, tht arrangement going into effect on tbe first Instant Yon can put it down as a solemn truth tbat If your religion has failed ta sweeten yonr temper, you bare got hold of tbo wrong arti cle. S. T. Rrockhank Ksq., will be the erstor ol the day at the Luthersburg celebration to-morrow morning and also at New Salem, In the altera eon. Kr.ra Ale has the contract for the building of the new residence of W. D. Digit r, Esq , on Front stmt. He Is putting It through vigorously. Fred Saoket has remorcd bis tin and store store from tbe Opera House to tht stand fermerly occupied by Saoket t A Bchryver, oa lecond street. mm e - For cheap and handsomo tombstones, nannments, or marble work of any description, (O to Joshua Flaherty'i Marble Yard, Third street, llearfleld, Penn'a. ,lmm i CIcarQeld willsend animmensocrowd Pbitipiburg to-morrow, to witness tht Fourth i July celebration at that place. A gay and fee Irs time Is anticipated. Our devil wants to go flxhing to (trrow, and la consequence thereof we will not wee a psper aeit week. The neit Isiae of the iurt-BLicia will be dated Joly 17. A hand organ mado its appearance a oar streets, early oa Monday morning. If lea r held can't celebrate tbe sanlrcrsary.tbe hand 'gan man oaa at leaat raise a Utile eatbasiasm aoeg the children. Thus fur this season Lock Haven IS shipped (0i,PO feet of lumber, and for arded ui.OSI logs through tha aaaal for Jersey bore, Wllliamsport and other points, an increase 1 10,04 over tht same period last year. m m ' The Tyrone Herald will bo moved tio Its aew office this week, and the paper will , be Issaed for two weeks. Jones wants tt give Is devil a chance lo get acquainted with a eleaa oe. S access to the Utnld la its aew quarters. Frank Fielding, John W. Wrigley, t. W. Lse, Ed. A. Leavy and some others, lei I kit place oa Taesdsy last, oa a Isrgt flat boat, Mr soma point down tht river. Tbey will ftsb ad hunt on tbt route, nnd bate a good time gt n rally. Somebody left a two-home team eadiag la front of Thorn's planing mill at boob I Tharsday last, aad when the whistle blew the am started as If tht eery eld serateh was after tl It was captured oa Front street. No damage U done. ie e - M. L. McQuown, tbe County Super ten dent, has mspped out aa alabviete pro am ms for Ibe tiemiaatloa of teachers la the heel districts or the eoaoty, whleh be publishes -day. The suptriBteadent desires tha directors I be pre tea I at the esamlaatleae. Read his tgramme. Tbo administrators of tbe KsUte of (Ham Bell, aes'd, adjowraed tbe sale of the real lie from Jens 2Mb aalll Augasl 2ib at which they wltl tgsla offer for sale at tbt Court ate, la this borough, tht real estate ef said Hed, consist teg of three valuable tracts of I la Greenwood, tawasblp, a fall dmetlpitea 'hick will be feand la ear advertising cola mas Imm -e m - Vc notice by our exchanges tbat In the tramps have commenced the work ef rag reaping machines for the farmers. As a ml thiag a tramp will act cvBdescead to lbs af grain bar vert, aad their destraetlveBcct Is fort, tatlrely oat principle. There will be a war bet wee a the farmers aad the tramps Uy, and then tha tramps will get scarce i would be tiactly the aorreot thing. very owner of ft plgeoa net would bo If It were not for tho Infamous game law passed by tha lata Legislature. Oa Thursday or Friday last, the birds settled la the ftortbeaal part of Summit towoibip, aai inBuiiHd pairing and balldlog nests. The aeittug is tow porieds being from two to three -fourth of a mile la width, and ta ercaslag la slsa erery day. On Monday a sew flight or birds oma In from the east, and oom eneed aeiting with tha others. In order to rraob iba uestiag from this plaoe It Is asMssar to fol- t,m Vha QdjirtDurt a J Jersey Shore turnpike to tha lop 7 the hill, tbtu lara to the left following a so sailed 'Billy Lewis road." From the turn pike ll Is searecly half a mile lo tbo nesting grounds, and long before a nest Is seen the noise of the birds Is heard, first similar to tha feiat sound of an up-and-down saw-mill, growing louder as the fist lor ad trances, until the noise Is almost deafening, and conversation by persons, except when speaking vary loud, cannot be heard. They art Indeed a very noisy community, and can be heard nearly b mile from tbo neat log. Kvery free U fall of nests, and birds by the hundred bop from limb to limb and pay but little attention to the intruder. 'Iba nests are Botrtry substantial existing as they do of only a fsw sticks Isid on the upper branches of the trees, that one woul J think wobU be thrown to the ground by tht first Wind. Pot'tr Emttrpri. The Lloyd Bankruptcy. Another step in this somewhat tedious ease was taken In the U. 8. Distrlet Court, in session at Williams port, on Monday. The efforts of the creditors to throw Mr. Lloyd late bankruptcy were finally uooesiful, and the further proceedings will h under the bankrupt law. Tht total amount of provaLle debt Is $SIM,.1I2.2, and Ibe total uui bcr of creditors with provable claims, over $20 In amount, was 768. Of these 300, having prove bla elalms aggregating $316,103.28, Joined lu the petition. It is stated that tha allegations of fraud the creditors' petition were withdrawn, and than the adjudication was ordered. The creditors ill now proceed to elect assignees, take charge of tbeSMOts and wind uptheaBeirs. 4mm S Reader, think of It. After banking for eight years, and discounting millions of dollars, at from fen fo fiffrtu per cent, and Ihrn bate a debt of nearly t'e hundred (AoNieW dollar on hand, Is one the of mysteries of the progress af the age in whioh we lira. Into what sink hols, did Mr( Lloyd i novel his galas Is a vwry proper question for his creditors to ash. Struck by Lioutnino. A corres pondent at Luthersburg, sends aa this : M Oa Friday evening, June 21st, Brady township, was visited by a heavy thnnder storm, during which the bouse of Mr. Ueorge M. Thompson was struck by lightning. It struok tbe oorner of tbe build ing and ran to Ibe chimney, splintering the tie which conducted it and shattering tbe chimney. It lore off some hoards oa tbs outside and some plastering oa the Inside broke off the lightning rod and leaped to the ground. It struck tlost to tbe wall and entered the cellar, and followed a board across the cellar " playing hob " with crock lids, etc. Mrs. Thompson and her daughter Roile were la the bouse near the chimney at tbe time and were much alarmed, tbe house being full of smoke, but neither of them were Injured." Jour- ML a cm Tub Court Fizzle. The accond week of our June Court was a complete flssle, neither of tbe law Judges putting ia aa appear-' anoe. Tbe Associates Og'len snd lioll, Beld the Jury and suitors until WeJoetdsy wailing on a President Judge, but none sppearing oa the ground, Ibe Jurors were discharged, and partiss and witnessts left for tl.elr homes, some shout as mad as men generally get when fooled out of their 4ghts and thvlr caah. Wbo was the mum of this expensive bluuder, we have not teamed, but tho same kind ol a fraud had better not be repeat ed very soon, because there is contempt enough for tba people maaifestod by tbose In authority ia tba Fedcrsl and Plate depsrlmcnts, without coming down lalo our municipal affairs, and if continued cannot and will not be endured. PlIILIPSllURd'S (iLORY. Tho clubo ralt preparations whioh are being made by our neighbors, for celebrating the 4tb, hss put that lively town oa end ae it was never before. Every body bas been celsbrallng for a week past and the surrounding country fur miles, has became hal lowed with u tide tiled patriotism which will find vent la tbat borough, to-morrow, rata or shine. Io addition to the presonoe ol Kx Gov. Curtia, as Orator of the day. Senator Wallace, has also beta incited. The Senator Is so assd to business and excitement, thai bis return home, for rest and recu peration has proved tbe reverse. And not enjoy log his usual good health, he msy not risk a fourth of July at Pbilipsburg, unless ha concludes that excitement might prove beneficial to bis health. Burglary. Tbe residence of Mr. Peter Fry, in East Tyrone, we entered sometime during Friday night by one or more midnight meebanies and despoiled of f 50 In money, a Penn sylvania railroad tbeek for $3 ft, a quantity of clothing, can of lard, ham and other articles. I1 appears that tbt money aad check wart taken from a chest In tbt same room la which Mr. Fry and bis wife were sleeping. It Is believed chloro form was ased on the sleepers and thus tha daring theft made perfectly easy. Mr. Fry can vary Illy afford ibis loss. Ms Is a hardworking industrious man and has managed to save the amount taken by close ceoaomy. It Is to behoped tbe guilty party or parties msy be discovered and get the punish ment they deserve. Tyrews Democrat, mm w Child's Play. Tbe Centre Hull lie- porter says t A barn oa one of tht farms of Wm. McFarlans, of College township, Mr. Batb gato tenant, was hunted oa Taeaday afternoon, IS. Mr. Bathgate, wt are Informed, sent a child ta the bouse for matches, which were brought, but the little one retetaed some, and went lo tht threshing floor and laooocntly kindled a fire with the matohes la its possesion, which caused tbe dsstruotioa of the barn, Tbt father was unable to arrest the flames. No Insurance." At this distance It looks as though tbe Father had about as Utile sense as tha child, and tbe latter should aot he censured for what It Inherited from tha former. c ew A Lesson for Parents. It is a powerful argument for parents to heed, In the re port of the Eastern penitentiary for the year, tbat ihry give a summary of prison statistics since 1834, and of tbe 1,980 prisoners received, only 689 bid trsdes when committed. Ol those re cti red during the yar, nearly one-half were be tween IS aad 26 years, and oaly 05 had a trade. Aa Idle maa's brain Is tbe di vll's workshop, and a msa with a trade Is much Itsa Habit to become a criminal tbaa one without a trade. Educate your boys ta useful employments, learn them itsdes fur which tbey have aa aptitude, aad yoo will best serve them, yourselves and tbe State. A Singular Accident. A rather singular aoeidsot occurred lo a boarding school for young ladles at Dylestowa one day last week. One ef the young ladles, la a spirit of jest, en deavored ta climb out one ef the rear windows of the school room, about tea fvtt from tbt ground. In doing so she fell, aad a large gold ting oa tha third flagur f bar left haad oaagbt la a book oa the window ledge, aad as soea as the girl's weight was brought to bear oa the ring her finger was amputated by Its sharp edge as eleaa as though the operatloa had been performed with a knife. Not Right. Tbo Bollofonte Watch man attempts la anaoy our former devil, la this way: M Cardie, of the BrookvUlo Dtmoerot, has beea married a liile over a year, aad has made tba discovery already tbat the dearest spot oa earth Is aot 'sweet home,' beta milliner's shop. " That Is a base IbsIo nation. Ha has beea married well oa to three years. Bat having aoafidenet la tbe ability af tbt a imp, we art satisfied that be will ha able to tope with bis Belief on to re tiler 1b this personal attack upon him, aad set himself right before the peblt. Fast Travellers. The Altoona sua, of last weah says i " Several carrier pigeons were received from Nsw York oa Satarday last by Mr. Mr. Stephea Bewley, express ageal, aad oa Monday foreeeoa about eleven o'clock they were released. Oaa af the birds reached New Yorh at Ml, aad another at 6:1a tht tarn evening. The others did aot make aa good time." The shortest route weald ho frees Altooaa te Harris. barg 1S1 miles, from UarrlsVurg te Bastes) 1M sad frem I banco ta New York 74, total 112 miles. The Place fob Consumers. An old acquaintance la Kansas, writes at aad amoag other things says i Tbe mrgest and best wheat crop aver gathered la this State will he harveoted this summer. Tha touatry ia everrua with msa heating work. Forh Is worth l teats per pouad, eats 12, tor a SB, aad wheat M eggs ft, aad hut- tor T te teats." That H tbe aeavea for tht worhleg maa, or con turn sr. hut the p reducer may aot see U ta that light. m m The Oldest Mili.eb Uone. The Seltesgrave fimee, says i Denial Haas lager, ef Beaver township, worked at tht mllllag business from (he aga af 1ft years ap ta 6ft, ha v lag acta eagaged coat la tally la tha mtlltag beslaese for about TO years. He lied eu the !Xd alL l'hls filth year. Bis Ufa severed aearly the entire period ef this regies af touatry, sites settled by whits msa. Salt f LytU bu Just reoeivod an- i V, vM twUM eeehe. Remember tbat Lytle Is County Agent tor Lorruieru s Tokeeoo, ana can sell them at factory prices. They are the best tobaeoca U market. Try them. Mr. John K. Kinkbuiiior, au experi enced Baker ana Uonieotlonsr has opened aa as- tabltsaiaeat ia that Una, la this borough. Read bii advertisement la this paper. All Gone. About a month ago we H44 to vu 4tt of a "fid ot air. Leu gory, la Piha township, of eoBiumptloa, and that tha Father and Mother wort down with tha same dis sase. Siaoe then both have beta conveyed lo tbe tomb. A frame dwelling house in Philips- burg, belonging to Anuy Jack sob, oi tots borough, was totaly destroyed by fire oa Monday Bight last. We have not learned any particulars la regard to lira. There was an Insurance of ISO on tht building. A Vacancy. Mrs. Mary Henderson, I'ostmittress at Biatrsviiis, Pa., died on Wednea day last, aged about years. Tbe deceased had been postmistress of the Iowa for over 18 years past, aad filled the position to tbe entire sstlsfac tlon of ibe people. m a i Look Out. Next to the prolowtional taemp comes tha patent right vender, and tba Harrlsburg FrJeorayA advises all to look out for tbe w Wagon Tongue Supporter lightning rod man, and "Patent Shears" swindlers, who are aow at work ia different parts of the ooantry, - Kditor MoPike, of the Cambria Free man, was a caadidate for the Democratic aomlaa lion for Treasurer In Cambria county, but tbt con vent Ion aomiastod another 'maa for tbt posi tion. The same eon vent ion aeminated L. 0. Woodruff, of the Johnstown Vmocrt for tbe Legislature, Fare Rates. An Kxchango says : " Those of our readers wisniag to attend the Ka ipment of the Qrand Army of the Republic at Gettysburg, will aoU tbat the following are tbe rates of fart for tht round trip from tbs points named i From Tyront, 6.5 ; Altoona, $4.75; Pbilipsburg $0 Clearfield W.li. Mr. Nicklin hasjust received another lot of tlegant Dinger Sawing Maonlaes, which are oa exhibition at Wlllcy's tailor shop. The oger Is tbt best macbiae la the market, and cheaper than any other. Call oa Nlchlla and buy a machine for your wife, your daughter or your sweetheart. Mo eh tees sold oa easy payments. A Fact. Anadvertisomontlnsertod la the RRri'tLicAM will reach more readers than If published In alt tbe other papers la tht conn ty.and tost tha advertise! less than one-half In other words, an advertisement published In our Jturnal Is worth double tha price of that charged by any other publisher la the county, "It Is a fact." tf. ( Tickets ir you Please." The Clinton Lkmocrmt says i Orders for tickets at excursion rates can be had on and after July 1st ever the Penna. N. Central, Bald Eagle Valley Clearfield and Philadelphia A Brio Railroads, to Wayne Station, by addressing the Secretary of tbo West Branch Camp Westing Association, Lock Haven, Pa. In Town. Mr, P. Gray Meek, the able aod fearless editor or tbe Belle Ion te Watch mum, paid our borough a pop visit oa Friday lasL Col. Wm. T. Alexander, for many years editor of tbe Clarion Democrat, spent a week with his rel atives uid friends here. Time is aot storing tbe Colonel very hard because be bas a way of putting up altb things as he finds them. Wanted. Two live men to sell Toss lo the trade, on commission of (one half tbe profits), Salesmen standing do losses. Commission paya ble soon as goods are received by purchaser, Perm anent posltioa to right parties. All goods shipped from New York. Address, R. D. WEIR A Co., Pittsburgh, Penn'a. Western Manager I. June 16 4t. Dkntal Notice. Dr. A. M. Hills would say to his friends and former patients that he has aot retired from ptactlot as has beea so iLdustrioasly circulated by soma parsons, but will cratinuc to girt bis personal atleallon to all who way dei ire It, or to assist Dr. Htlohbold when ever required. Nitrons Oxide Gas glrca for the painless extraction of teeth. April 24 -tf. i i To Sportsmen. A gun smith bas located la Clearfleled, oa Beeond street, aext door to tbs First Natioaal Bank, wha can do all kinds of repairing, key fitting, ttt. He kas also a full Hot tf Guns, Revel, Fishing Tackle, Keys, etc., oa haad at all tlmts. A full aleklt plated, seven shot revolver fur $2.50 at Herder's, next ta First National Bank. July 1 It. Away Down. Prices have boon re duced from tea ta fifteen per cant, at tha Phila delphia Branch store, and that is tbe plaoe to buy cheap and good olothlng. Tha largest stock and lbs best Wamsatta sh Irts ertr la this town. Call la and examine goods aad prices. Ja 19 4t. Wool and all kinds of grain taken la txobaoga for slothing, at tha Phi la. Branch Clothing Store. Compliments. This is tbe way one editor speaks of another up towards tba Bradford oil field ; "The towering egotism aad anpara leled effrontery of the drunken loafer wbo pretends to edit tbe M'Koam Uiner, presents the most dis goiting journalistic spectacle tbat wt know af. He throws oa mora lug than tha chief editor of a metropolitan daily, and that, too, la face of the fact that he is as devoid of character as ths pro prietor of a Flva PoiaU gin mill." The Clearfield Gas Company offers, at par, Coupon Bonds la dsnom I nations of $300 and o0l each, bearing iaterest at Ike rata of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually at the First National Bank. Tha Company has Issued bonds to tht amount of $10,001, and $6,S00 of this was taken bat a few days ago by one of tbs Clearfield hanks, leaving $4,00 to he disposed of. Capitalists who are seehing a safe Invest ment for their money, w oald eonsaU their Inter-! est by lavesting la these hoods. They oaa he ' purchased at titbtr of tba Clearfield banks Any information respecting the Gas Company, will be cheerfully given by A. F. Boyntoa, Presideat, ar W. W. Belts, Secretory. Jolfj-tf. A special passenger train will bo run over tht Tyrone aad Clearfield Railroad la-morrow tht 4th as followst Leave Curwensvlllc, at 7:40 a. m.i Clearfield! j Woodland, 1:20 1 Bif ler,l;IO Wallaeetoa, fi:40 1 Blaa Bell, I: so; ar rive at Phllipsburg at 1:06) whtrt It will ha htld aaUl 10:31 end arrive at Oaeeoie at IfcftS, aad Tyrone at 12:01 p. m. Returalag tht trala wil' leave Tyrone, at 1:15, p. m,, arriving at Osceola. at 2 54; Pbilipsburg, 2. SO, where tt will agala atop until V Ot, and will arrive at Clearfield at 1MQ aod Curweasvllle 16:26, p. m. This will be quite aa ascommodatlea to p ericas living along the Hot ef the road, as tbey caa spead the Fourth at Pbilipsburg, aad return home the seme evening. Clearfield Coal Trade. State meat of Coal aad other freights seat ever the Tyrone A Clearfield Divlsloa, PauasylvaBia Rail. road, for tha week ending June 22, 18T6, aad the same timt last year i OOAU For tbe week ........... Same time last year Iaereose.... ...... M...M.. Previously during year.... Same time leet year Deereeee....... H 67,688 Total tn 187S ..m........-....- 678,627 Same time laagytas-H M H S2V,212 vttnaH,, ... 44,184 aaa ranoara. Laaabar.. ..11 1 .art. MlaMllaawa. fralght... ....... 13 SKarrlrd. Al Aaaoarlll.. aa Tharaday, Jaaa l.llh, 1,71 by Kar. V. O. Balrd. Mr. Edward D. Uarl.r aai aliaa ;aaal. Wllll.aa., balk af Oarwaurilla, Pa. Al Rnr MlllMn. ai Tbaradar. Jaaa I7th, 1171, by Raa. P. B. Bbrrk, Mr. kwjaaaia TkaaaB- ao. aaa in aiarj iw,ihm, aotB af uiaar aid mat,. Al Rabat Makafy'l la FraakllB, Olaarl.M MaBly, o. Tharaday, Jaa. i;tb, 117a, ay B.r. U. B. Agaa, Mr. U. W. Jua, f DaaUr, Malaa., aad Mua Jjaaal. 1. Mahal j, af fraakiia. O Tharaday. Jan. 17lh, 1171. by Ra.. tt. 0. Pardaa, Mr. fraak 0. Ulbbaay, H TyroM, aad im vtaaa roraa,M rauipwarg. Oa iaaday, J.aa llih, 1171, by A. R.akla, Mr. SMrg. Ilar.bb.rgar aad Mia. Paaba Otta wa,, bath H Karthaaa tawaablp. 33 Irl ta Corlagtoa l.w.ahl,, .a Maaday, May lata, 1871, af dlatbwla, Ida U. daagbtar af Aagaataa aad Haaa Aaa HagMay, f Cri.gtMi lawaablp, ag I yaan, f Boat., tmi 4 daya. Oa WaABaaday, May lfta, 1171, dlptwarla, Awetaala A dMgbtw f Aagaataa Bad Rm Aaa UagMy, .f O.rl.gtM lawaablp, agad II yaara, I aaaala. aad I daya. Oa Thandar. Jaa. Ilk. 1171. Aaalaa R- d.aghtor of AagwMa. aad Rhb Aaa MagaMy, af Crlaf taa tawaihip, tfd I rati a.lki aad 1 daya. . Atthe .uttr Republican office ft tie place teh work done. We are fall; prsprd well, autt List la tbe PostofBot at C learnt Id, for ths weak aad lag July 1, 187S i C. O. Event A Bra's. Will Irvla. Mrs. Msger Weaver. P. A. Gautia, P. M. Salt I Salt I car load of No. 1 II, Urf. iUM uxkt, Ml n.ljkl, Jurt imirid t Jok. M.a.iiib.,'1, ud lo k jut u ohM, u II ou b. parehtwl uywh.ra Im. AIM, lit tt rock or limp nil, for lb. an f will.. j.l-S. PRAISE VBOM TUI MvLTITUDI. Uu&drda, yu tboaundi, wh. b.r. bM. mound from Hf. of aslnr, olo I. pnlilof tb. .loom- In,, knlll,, poriljirn, lorifirMln,, urn il.ratlr. prop.rllo. of Dr. Fraon'i Blood ud Llr.r Heatdj nd D.rr. Tool, .lib hll C.pltol BUI.n. Um bl. Coofb U00.J la til aoa,b Ooldoa Hollar la p.la II. B. Pp.oiata a,.al CI.orfl.ld. Pooo'o. m i m Ikroama la tbs name of a medicine tbot b.J qarod mar. MM. or iolUmmatioa or tb. bidoaff, blodd.r and grarol tbaa aa, kaowa pro. p.ratloa aitaat. W. bara a rat aunbar of Mrtlioalot from botb au).a aad r.mal.1 wbo bar. bo.n ouredj .iparlrtolrg alnott laitaat roll.r. la ea.M of baek-aob. atralal ar oold. It h.a bo rqaal. II I. pnparad bj K. K. ThoaipioD, Tilmrlll., Pa. Aak aa, raapootabla aruggt.t, wko will g.l It for 700 If b. ko. aol got It la kl. .took. Prioo 11.00 p.rottla. For Mlob, all druggllU la Cl.arl.ld, aad b, J. H. B.jl.r k 800, Lutlitn- barg. FauiT and Vkortah.... D. W. Jordaa ba. oa haadi, dallj, PHKBIi VEUKTA11LK0 aad all kiad. of r KliITS, watob ao will aMlrw t. aa. ocn.n la any part of tha Iowa. ll.arn.ld, ra., Jaa. la, IB7B.U. Oaa lli'noiari Pbb Cawr. Diaootiar oa Old PaicB..8.wiag Maebla.a wta aow a. parobaaad al Mamll . lis aad rarl.t, atoro, iron boo ap warda. All kfada of awlnc naobta.. rwatrad oa ta. anorMat boiim. Cloart.ld, Fv, Jul; II, 1I7T. Wabtrb I 100,000 26-laek abarod abiaglo- to avwag. from I to M Inobaa for whleb w. will pa, tb. bigb.at aaarkrt prlok A. u. ttaiaaa uo., f.b.tl tr. Cl.arll.ld, Pa. Rnaoina Fob Si lb. R. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform Wagons for salt. To he seen at the Shaw House yard. Call oa or ad drees htm at Clearield Pean sylvan I a, .may U-tf. Beautiful Helen ae doubt bad a flat oompttxlon, but it Is more than doubtful whether It exceeded in purity the complexions of the ladies wbo use that inimitable auxiliary or icmaia loveiiacss, Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Sold by all Druggist. Hill's Hair A Whisker Dyt, mark or urown, is cents. jelv-et. Wahtuo. Soma easllv learned person or Artist to mano fee tare Lumen satiny bilk uastvas Piotvrbs In this oounty, on Royalty. Painted from photographs or any picture, aad la the Finest Oil Painting made. Before the territory Is taken I will paint pictures Sxll.for $IS and warrant them for life. Kvery person should have one, as oil fain tings on veuves are me oniy pictures that wiU stand tbe test oi time, and can be bunded down to posterity, particulars ires. i. i. lu iutn, Noy. 7, 1877-ly. . Corry City, Pa. f Remarkable Result, It makes no diffcreooe how naov Physicians, or how ranch medicine yon have tried, it is aow aa established fact that Oermaa fly rap is the only remedy which has given complete satlsfaetlon In severe cases of Lang Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands of nertons who are predisposed to throat and Lang A flections, Cuasumplion, liemorrbegei, Aslbtae, Severe uoias settioa oo tbe Breast. pBeamooia. Whoopina Couth. Ac- bo have no persoaal knowledge or Uoscbees uerman oyrup. lo sucn wo wouia say mat ov, t)00 dosca were sold last year without one com la tat, Coosumptires try jost one bottle. Msg lar rise, 7b eeots. For sals by C. D. Watson Clearfield, Pa. May 23, 1877-eow-ty. t'ou .vTfiMl ("aire thai t'ourh. With Hhilob's Consamption Core yoa can cart yourself. It has established the fact that Coa- mptioa can be curea, wane lor uougns, uroa itii. Whoopiag Coot h, Asthma, and all diseases of Throat and Lungs, It la absolutely without an equal. Two doses will relieve yonr ohlldof Croap. It is pleasaut to take and perfectly harmless to the youngest child, aad ao mother caa afford to be without it. Yoa caa net two-thirds of a bottle aod If what wa say is not true we refund the price aid. Frioa 10 eeots, 60 aents aad 01 per bottle, f yonr lungs are sore, or chest or back lama, ase Bhtioh's Porous Plaster, for sate by all rug gists of Clearfield. Hare yon Dyspepsia, are yoa Constipated, havs oa a Yellow Baia, Loss of Appetite, Head Ache, f so don't fall to ast iSBILOU'S 6YSTKM VI- TALIZHR. It Is guaranteed to relieve you, aod will yoa continue te suffer whea yoa can ba ttured oa such terms aa these. Price 16 cts. and 76 etc. bold by ail dmggiaU of Clsarftdd. Well's Persian Psrfuma, - HACKMETACK," rich aad fragraat. Try 1L Sold by all drug gists of Clearfield. dec.6f'77-aow6m. Innt Keoelved ! Just Received by AltNOLB. at CUR WENS VILLK Car Load Nora Bcolia Plsster 1 Car Load puro Coro. Rye and Oats Chop ! Car Load Deukon Salt 1 Car Load Cboioe Family Flour 1 Car Load Dry Goods. Groceries. Ao.! Itar Shinnies. Bark. 11 R. Ties and Grain wilt be taken in exchange Curwensvillo, May 1, 1878. CLEABFIELD MARKETS. Clbabviblb. Pa.. Jul 2. 1871. Flour, per ewt 3 20 Buckwheat Ploer, per ewt 6 00 Cora Meal, par cwt..... ....... I 60 Chop, rye, ptrewt 1 40 Chop, miied. per ewt H....M 1 86 ii ran, per ewt i ta Wheat, ptrbashel 1 lb Rye, per bashet 70 ets, per bushel 16 orn. ears, aer bushel 30 Book wheat, per bushel 70 Potatoes, par bushel 30 Apples, psr bushel , H, 40 to 100 iiams, per pound it Shoulder, ner pound 6 Dried Beef, per pound M 16 Chickens, per pair . 40 Batter, per pouad . 1 6 Kgga, par doseu , 10 Salt, per sack. lane.......... 1 00 Coal Oil, per galloa 20 Lard, per poaod 10 vriec. hippies, per pouad...HH..M a Dried Peaches, per poaad....H.n 8 Bsane, per bushel. .... 1 66 PE0DUCE MARKET EEPOET. PaiLanaLPnu, Jaly 1. Ploar dall. daoli.iBfi aanardnaa, A9faj..lA i Mlr.a, a4f44.1oi P.bb it Irani, faailly, 4(aiS.10 p HlBBoaola do., B4.00 igia.ani patea. ana oign graaM BoiajT. Rya loar, IS. 74(4,1.13,. CoraBMal, 11.41. Wheat dull; rad, tl.lil.ll i aatkar, II.IKoJ 1.18 whlu, 11.11(0)1.10. Cora dull, lowar, atak y.Uow, 44a.) ailttd, 410. OaU dall, lawar I Panaoyrraala and Waaler! whlu, 11W89. w.aUra aliad, l,(alla. Kya aaebaagW. Prariatoaa Ira aaMa park, $10.11 j BMf haaa, tllWll.Mi India am Wl.ll), imohrd haaa, 10(a)ll. piekladdo.0Kg10. aaokal abonld.ra 1(0,14 1 BBMldara la aall, alfa.5,0. Lard lra rooaa batok.ra',0f(oj7o! ally klltla, 7l(o,7i.. Datlar qaila ml J erraa.ry, 18((0l9. Brad ford wtaaty aad Maw Yark.xtraa, 14(aloe; wm Ura raaarra, 1 1 (at 1 3o. Kgga lo.r,oai.tld; Panaaylraala,14141e waatara, Il(ail4a. Chaw town, Mnak hwryg Naw York faaay, 7)(a,M waalara .botoa, KoiOifc Patrolraa qalal, rrtaad, ila erad.,lilla.. WblakyMaadyg wntwa 11. 0. Haw T.aa, Jal, I. Floor Bula and WMt r. dall i atrMgl, la bayaro faror aoathwa haary aad qui.L Wb.nl dall aad haary llwla lawn) Ka. 1 aprlng, Jaly, a d., Aagart. 18 Cora t(aJ4. lowar dall; aliad .atara, rpot, 41t(4U. . datwra,41(i4ta. Oaudalh auia,lo(3o woaUra,1017o. Bf aaabangW. ParhqaMi saw a Ma, tll.M. Lard qatol aMaa rwakrad, 7.10(7!1 Whlaky q.lal) wwtora,ll.08i. Cairaao, Jaly l.Ftoar dall Bad hMry laid n. IB ardar la Mil WMB willlag I. aaaka HBM doaa. W bmI al fair daaaaad bal lowwri Jl .. I Ohloaga aprlag aad Ma. Ido., I0(. for mtk ll($lal far J.I, . for Aagaatr Ma. I d. II.. Om Maady, fair d.aaad aad nlaar aaalar, IMaafaf aak, ll(a)Mia for Aagaat rajaatod, Uata ouady d Ira 14a hr Mah 13) for Jaly 111. for Aagaal m)MUd, IO.. RyaM, at tl.. B.rUy Iraa, al 4ao. Al lha aloaa Whaal dall, a abada lowar , llo far Jaa. I U. It Jaly ll(91. for Aagaal. OaU Irregular I 14. far jaa. I 13a. far Jaly i tlo far Aagaaa. Can aaaiwi 111 ( 381. far Jaly. IlliallOla fMAagaM. KARR FROM CLEARFIELD, TO B.IW..U, Pa ...... 10 Mlddlrtrwa . .UN Look HM.,., 1 70 Martatta. It, . I II Wllttaaiepart..... 1 10 Baatlatdo. .... I N PUlLADBLmiA III Allan. .. I II Lralatowm. I II MarynIU 4 II J.baav.wa, I 00 Canarrllla M Oanol. It Phlll.br. ......... II Trroa. I II ARRIflBmi.,. 4 71 PITTPBTRO 11 Railroads. J TYBONK k CLEARFIELD BRANCH Pamagor Trala. will run dall, (.xcpl Sua- oay.) aotwMa T7r0a.uaviMra.ld, a. luiiowi CLKARFIKLD MAIL. W. B. VLi'aaaa, Coadaolar. LKAVI BOl'TII. LEAVK NORTH. Corw.oartll., J.I0, r Ol.arl.ldH 1.40, " Tjr roil VaaaMfoo.. BuaiiBli,.,,,', PowdtoB.... . O.M.l.a. rr.ii' .10.00, " LMaard,w ...V, Bamtt, .....I.J4, " Woodlaad, 4.01, " Bl,l.r 4 0, " YY.1Iu.Iob 4.17, " Omola,,..... 10.11, Boialoa 10.17. " Sl.lnw'a, 10.21, ' Pbllipabarg,.10.2t, " 0 rui.cn li lt, " Bin. B.l 10.17, Wallaooloa,...10.44, " Bi,l ..10.il, Woodlaad, 10.i, " Bamtt, 11.07, " Looeard 11.11, " Clwl.ld 11.10. " Blao B1L 4., - Ur.b.o 4.91, " Pbillpabarg, ...4., " Suio.r'a, 4.311, " Boyntoa 4.40, " Oacla, 4.61, " Fowtoa, " Humioit, Mo, M Vanaoo7oo,.....o.i, " Tyrona, 1.00, " Carw.aaTlll.,.11.40 r.a. CLEARFIELD ACCOM MOD ATION. Wo. L. Bao.lia, Conductor. LEAVE 80UTII. Corwooarlllo. 6.41 A. Cl.arl.ld.... 7:10 " Laooard t.lo " Il.rr.tt. T.lo " Woodlaad 7.SS " BlgUr,. 1.07 " Wallao.toat 1.11 " Blaa Ball, (.It " Graham i.4i " Pblllpabarg. 1.00 " 8l.1n.r a, 0.10 LEAVE NORTH. Tjron I, It r. II. VaaMo,oo)....l.i3 " Sommit I.Ot " "ow.lloo, 1.10 " OaoMla, 141 Boyatoa, A. hi 8l.io.r'a, 4Jt PbHlpabarg...4.1li Ur.li.m .4.40 Blu, 11.11 4.t, Wallwtoa,...t.ll Biglw, i.!8 - Woodl.ad,....t.4t Bamtt,.... .t.67 " Laonard 1.0, Claart.ld 1.10 Carwraaiill.7.00 " Bojnloa 1.10 " Oaoaola, I SO " Powtoa. 100 8omc.IL lt.lt VaaaMToa....ll.t7 r. M. Ijrroo., .11.0, PHILIP8BURQ A IJOPIIAHNON BRANCHES lb.tb aouTB, .. a, A. at. A. L8&TB aoarB. A. if. 0. a. p. a. 11:41 11:16 4:31 11:11 4:14 11:14 4:11 11:11 11:04 4:10 a. a. BTATioaa. Morrladala, 7:16 Pbilipabarg, 7:38 Suin.r'a 1:00 1:15 1:10 114 1:10 1:44 1:1J 1:67 8:01 3:07 1:11 7:44 Boyntoa, (10 7:61 !:66 8:110 1:10 1:11 8:46 1:11 1:40 1:11 l:i t:l 1:30 l-M Uaowla, Moahaaooa, I0:t 11:61 1:67 Bl.rling, 10:41 11:45 1:60 Houtadala, 10:41 11:40 1:46 MoC.al.;, 10:63 11:35 1:40 Kandriob'a, 11:68 11:30 1:36 lt.m.J. 11:1 11:15 1:30 BALD BAGLK VALLEY BRANCH. Ki. Mail. Mall. Exp. P. at. A. V. a r. SI. i Ms S.aO leave Tyront arrive S.IS 8.0& T.28 6.47 Bald Kagle ft.frS 7.48 8.(11 0.80 Jul lea l.lt) 1M S.24 9 tb Milesbarg 4.46 43 8.32 U.Sft Belleronta 4.17 6.S3 8.46 10.16 Milesbarg 4.26 6 2 9.08 10.40 Howard 4.02 6.00 6 42 11.16 arrive L. 11 area leave 1.26 6.26 TYRONE STATION. BAsrwaao. a. a, WBBTWIRD. Pacific Express 6:10 Pittsburgh Eip'sa, 2 66 Harrlsburg Ace'm, 8:60 I'eolOo Kip 8:16 P. H. Mall Train, 8:2(1 Atlantic Express, 6:60 Phila. Kxpress, 10:32 r. a. 1:16 6:34 7:116 Way Passeogsr, Mail Train. Fast Line, Close connections made hy all trains at Tyrone and Lock Haven. S. 8. BLAIR, mylT-tf. Superintendent. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW ORADB DIVISION. ON and aft.r Hoaday, Daa. Kth, 1177, tba paaacng.r Iraioa will raa daily (aieil Bun day) b.twaB R.d Bank and Driftwood, a. follow, i K.AHTWARI). ll.r Hall La... Pitlaburg 5:11) a. m.i Km liana Il:t; bliro Jun.lloa 11:08 N.w Bothlehna 1 :0T Mayarllla 1:111 1 Troy 1:10 I lirootrlll. !:! t rallar'a 1:1. I H.y. Boldarilla 1:.1 DuB.I. 1:39; Konailt Tuan.l 1:40! Pmlald 4:la WmItIII. 4:17 1 Ilao.i.lU 4:W i arriTM at Driftwood at i:it. H BUT W A R 1W Day Mall Imth Driftwood 11:1. p. an.; llenantU 1:0V WMdlltl. 1:40 1 P.nl.ld 1:4a; Hommil Tnanal l:0t ; DaBola!:.10j H.ynoldaTtll.l:tI; rallar'a l:S7; BrookTIII. 1:1 J i Troy 1:40: Mayarllla 4:lii M.wB.tbl.h.m4:li Eligo Jonotiua 4:10 1 Kad Baak t:17 arriraa at ruuburg al 1:10 p. n. Tha Rayaoldnlll. Aoeonnodatloa Iutm RoyaoldaTilla daily at T:00 a. aa.l aad arriraa al Kd Bank al 11:00 a. a., PltUbnrgk al 1:91 f. m. LaarM PilUbargk at 1:10 a. B. KmI Bank al :lo ,. m.; arrlriog at Hayoofdavlll. al 9:01 p. ai. CIom eoBBaetloaa Biada with traiaa oa P. A R. Railroad at Driftwood, and wltk train, oa tk. All.gbaoj Vall.y Railroad it R.d lank. DAVID McOAR(10,U.B'l Sop'L A. A. Jaoiisb, Sapt L. U. Dir. 6TA0S LINK. CLBAariBLO to paarraLO. Tha ttndaraln woold Inform tha nnollo tbat a. la bow raaniBg a alaga lln. batweaB Olaarteld aad 1 .oD.lil. t&rM iibim a wwt Tha alag. I.aru Clnrflald oa Ta.ad.yf, Thnro- day. and Balardaya. at I a'lflk a. la arrirlag at PaBflald al 11 .'ahrek n, RMaralag fama daya. uim rannald at 4 .'aiooa p. arrlr ing at ClMrlold at I a'oloek p. . uonnaotloa to aia.. with tralB. .a IB. low Qr.d. R. R. al Paal.ld. Par., aaeh way, I1.S0. UKO. W. UKARuART. Cl.ara.ld, Pa, F.b. 11, 1171 9rw giflvrrtlSfUKOts. tOUNHllir STATEMENT. ' DAVID MRASB, Traaaarar of Bogga low ahlrt, la aoeonat with tba School. Road and Poor fand of Mid tawaahip, for tba yar wdiag Jana ia, isis. 0CBOOL rtilB Da. To balaao. at la MttUataal 11,371 40 To amount .fdopllo.U of 1877 1,004 11 To araoaat .f Hut. approprlatloa - 100 IA To lai at unari.y Harry . 80 Tola! M44 la By aatoaat .rdara radMotad.. I,8I to Anoaot da. Uwnahlp 1,0M tt By Uatoh.ra' wagu , ., Br foal aad eoBtiaaaBoiaa ..$ IN 0, .. 75 II By CollMt.r'o par MBtag. aa 10l By raduetioa I. proapl tu-paym Ily making dap. and putting., aotUM. Br ana day al MtltooMBt .. It 10 4 t 1 M I to 18 OS l to 81 18 10, (8 Ily Traaa. par cnuga oa 11,401.14 Ily .xonaralloa. .... ........ ....... By am't ratarnad i. 0oamia.loa.ri By iaUra.1 pnid J. B. Taraar By aa't paid far pabllahlac Itataawl of 1870 aad 1877 il 10 4 87 II 00 Ml 10 By bill of Eau Turaar By aatoant allowad BMratary By aaoaat of old ardara miaaaiml Total... ....1I.4M 84 To bal.ae. ia kaada of J. Dim.llag... -11,141 It To - " D. Mwa......... Ill M Balaaoa du. townablp.. 11.000 tt koAD rviD pa. To kmnoat af daplleata 41,114 l To bal. la baada of Colloetor Diaellng To orjera fro a Dlanling to Dr. Bank laid, B. Morratl aad D. Mmum. ....... To ordar ob TraM. by Aadltora... To ordn from Loadar lo J. Bargar, 11. K. Bblad aad D. M To overwork, D. Dowalag.... To onirr Darld Maaa. - 10 ,8 CO ,1 II 17 I 00 tl II Tol.l...... ..ti.iia io B. work dona by oitliona nndar Loader aad Diaellng 11,111 II By aaoaat raturned t.OommiMionrl. 41 17 By .toa.ratioaa. Leder A Dimeltag... I 18 Br work ef Lerl Loade. Buoerrioor. tl daya 108 M By work of Diaallag, 44 daya 81 By 1 day Bottling, Diualiag A Loader.. d 10 By eiooeratlona, Loadar'a duplioata 10 Br order for or.rw.rk U D. D.waay, M. R. 8kla.l, D. Meaae aad J. Burger... 10 18 By eaanaiaUea. o. M. Laaadaa'a del. tax 4 It By per taUn oa road dup, II,I8I.M II 80 Tol.l ..11,478 18 pool rraa na. To BalaaM at laat eettleaenl T. aaoaat af daplkala ... 174 II .. 141 It Ta eredilby error Te order .f Pa.ro., fur P.llard Te enter af Joba Miller, fur Ceuper.... To aapporl af WllaoMreft - - Bealoy " " K.NewaaB A. Briaa T. ardor la Hear, Oom Ta ardar ta Ooerga W. gblaaal T. AadH.ro' aad Clerk'a ordera Ta ardor to II. K. Sklael aad llator, fur BaeJej...,. .... ... ir ii I oo tt it 81 14 111 N II 14 I .4 It II ae II M I to Total ......11.457 It CB. y erdaro paid . I tM 14 By eiuaerattoae - I 4i By aa't retamd la OMtataaluaiara..... 18 II By arm aa Dlmeli.g. amaal....... tl ,1 By aaoaat aer Jaoob Diaallag 151 14 By rand ef ll. A. Balael rai d te Coa'a.. 1 tl By aBeaeralleao II By Iwa daya aHlliug.,,........... 4 N By Bublag duplieal. Ill B, eelertag Treasurer 'a boad Id By par aaatageat tpOTal.aaltl.M 18 By bal. la kaada afOollaalet Diaallag.. ,11 It By bal. la baada ef OeltoaU Belab..... ,01 as By bal, la haadiTruaaarer Main..,. t, fi TaUl...... ... ...JI,4II 71 We, Iho audrralguad Aadltora ef Bogg. law. ehlp, rartlfy Ihet wa hare aaaala Ik, fereg.. lag aoo.ua u, aad lad tbeoi aa abora ruud. J0H5 IKIHH, tlMOV THUMP90N, Jnn. 18, 1171 It. Aadllon, lb. oaa-tklrd af Ih.ir uk rain., will b. woald rod, la aotaa aot Iwa thaa $2,001. For aartioa- lara, Ac, apply to 1H RXT1IAL W.8M1TH April 17, -77-lm. Cloarlald, Pa. TklANTS AND FLOW KHU. X Tba anriaralgaad bor.by girM aotleo tbo altiaaaa of Claarliald oooaty, tbat k. ka. kla grMB koaa. la ClwMd, a larg. quaalitj ail aintia ai VEGETABLE AND FLOWER PLANT8, wblek ko will aall at rraaooabb prioaa. II. 1 Early and Lata Cabbag. Planta, TocoatoM, CLry, .anunowOT, Bgg riaoia, rappar rianu, Ae. SWEET POTATO PLANTS, t4 II par 1.001 fifty aati per buadrad. All klnda of FL0WEH8 for poU ud baddln aanging oaaaata aaa tbmo, mob b. Aborted Uvllotropo., Biogl. A Doublo P.toola., u.ranlamB, Bag., rncbala, Paaaiaa, Ag.ra taoa, uol.ua, uaailaa, varbanaa, utpb.., Caaaaa, Cenlauraa Bad Ciaeraria, Bagonia., BroTalia, MigDOBatt., Pinka, Phloa, Ao., A. FOR ONE DOLLAR, I will a.od oaa dotaa, atroflg, vlgoroua, wall braaehod Sowar plaau of any aalMtioa. Whi tb. aalwtioa U left t. aaa I will guaranU. aatla. faetloa. KKNKSI BOCK. Clwl.ld, Pa, April 1I78-tf. PHILADELPHIA Bakery and Confectionery, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. Tbe BBderslsmed has opened a aew Dakerv aad uoniecuonory on Mariet straei, ana is prepared 10 inrnisn every inmg in bis line oa soon notice. tit keeps on aaaa toe very best oi FB1.SU WHEAT, RYK AND BRAN 3 3RL 23 jGLX. ROLLS, RUSKS and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Aad a aiot stock of CANDIES, NUTS, RAISINS, ORANGES, Ac. Fancy Cakes9 For Weddings, Parties and! Plenles, sapplled oa snort aotloe, at tbe very lowest prices. ICE CREAM, Barred ia a aaat aod well furnished room. By atrial BtUntlOB t. buaiaaai k. Bona.. to erit ana rac.tr. a iiaarai aaar. of patroaag.. JOHN P.PINKBBINKK. Oluro.ld.j. Id, -78.41. Philadelphia Branch Clothing Store. ROOM NO. 1, OPERA TJOTJSI. Tb. aad.rlgnd woald naiwcirully laform Ibi olliaaaa of Cloarflald aad riolaity, tbat b. ha. Juat op.Bed tb. largeat and b.at atook af HATS, CAPS, (.'rail' M'urnithlng Goodt, TRUNKS, VALISES, &o., ever brought to Clearfield, aad which ht will sell cheaper than any other store In town. Tbs largest stook of Wamsutta Shirts ever brought to this town. All finished, rsaJy ror ineieunury 91 eaco, Call and see, aad be convinced. SIMON 811 LOSS. Clearfield, Pa., May S, 1876 3m. THIS WEEK A MEW AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OP DM GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Aiipi:ts, BOOTS. SHOES, iC, WILL RE OPENED hi Ui C:::; for Cash. CI.arl.Id, Pa, April 17, 1171. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF RSAL ESTATE OF Samuel Troy, deceased. B virtue of aa erder Usui or out of the Or phans' Court of Clearfield couaty, there will be eiposed to paplle sale at the public house Daniel Ooodlaoder, la the village of Luthersburg, Clearfield county. Pa., oa Saturday, July 20th, 1878, At t o'clock, p. nthe followlog described real estate or Ham net Troy, Jaed, situate la Brady towoibip, said county, bounded and described as follows: U eg inn tog at a hemlock, thence by land ef I. I. Beams east (ft perches to a hickory i theaoe south IAS perches te a chestnut : tbe nee west 86 perches hy leads of Wn. Hlsbell, aow Andrew Penti, jr., to aaash; theaot aorth by land of John P. Roller, aow (J. M . Johnston, 1IU perches to tbt place tf beginning, oontainlug 51 ACRES AND 105 PERCHES, aad allowance, more or less, being the satue tract ef lead convey ad by Joseph Parker Norris to tiauoei Troy, ar., recorond ta uecd iook "x, psge lal. Ac, ha, lag about forty acres cleared, aod a frame house, two stories high, about S0xa24 feet, small bara and other outbuildinga, with a good bearing orchard. All tbelaterestof Samuel Troy, at the time of his decease, will be Sold. Taaas er Silb. One-third eah at the time of sale, aod tho balance la two equal annual pay Beats, with Interest from the confirmation of sale, to be secured by Mortgage or Judgment ifoad on tbo premises. HKl'BKN II. MOORK. Lalhcrsbarg,)e l,'T8-4t. A deal ol at rat or. GEO. WEAVER & CO., RRC0ND STRKKT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Havs opened ap, la ths store room lately aecapltd hy Weaver a Bette, oa Bemad street, a large aad wall selected stock of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SI10K8, QUKRNSVTARE, WOOD A WILLOW WARR, UATA AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, 4c. Whleh they will dispose ef at reasoaahle ratee for rash, ar eichaaga lor eeaatry aredvee. H. A. KRATZERS 0K0RQI WEAVER A 00. Clsartteld, Pa., Jan. I, IR7I If. I. td syo.'i Column. T. A. FLECK & CO. Market Street, YOU CAN'T Wi; AIIE K W-!Walva T. A. FLECK S CO.'S ONE PRICE STORE WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OP GOODS EVER BROUGHT T. A. FLECK & CO. HERE WE ARE FOR ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF NEW DRESS GOODS, BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. A LARGE STOCK OK CALICOS, GINGHAMS, AND TICKINGS. MUSLINS, MEN'S AND BOYS' COTTON AD AND A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OP WHITE GOODS Turkey Reds, nod nil other kinda of TABLE I,INKN,Jvory elieup. LADIES' COATS call nnd eo tlicm-thoy aro nice: RLACK AND FANCY SDAWLS. BED SPREADS, ALL TRICES. BEST STORE IN OTR STOCK OF Goea ahead of anything over btoughtjlo this town. LADIES' LINEN SUITS-ALL PRICES. PARASOLS II This stock ig more LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' HOSE. -LADIES' AND GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES' TIES AND BOWS. .1 nxjc Li.rE or cooi,Ers cork corsets. HEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN. KID AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES for Ladies and Gentlemen. Duelling, Collar, trtd CurTa, I.noca, Now broiuorlci wlulo and Suxpuntlors, Shirts, Neckties, Underwear, Shirt Fronts, Silk ITrtndkpreliieia CARPET, a good stock, tk; Mil ' OIL CLOTns AND CARPET CHAIN. MILLINERY. TRIMMED HATS AXD BOW ETS, FLOWERS, Rl BUOYS, Trimming Silks, Ornnmenls, Fonlliors, 4c. or trimmer, MISS HKACIIEN, ia uonneta, jnat aa We bought our goods in phia for CASH, and they will be sold CHEAP. Spring and Summer Dress Goods. WHAT WE WE GUARANTEE that we cheaper than any other store in WE GUARANTEE polite treatment to every one of our cunto- mers, without urging them to buy. WE GUARANTEE that we rtortment of all kinda of Dress and and Fancy Goods in Clearfield. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building. - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. April 17,7a. V. Irrk ft (ta.'t Column. Clearfield, Pa STOP THIS ISOVNIS FOlfi TO CLEARFIELD. SPRING & SUM ER, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, SHIRTINGS, KS, A GOOD LINE OF CASSIMERS. & PERCALES. CLEARFIELD. PARASOLS I! complete than ever. Fringe) and Trimming, New Km- colored, uurtain jxota. with us agniti, ready to trim JlnLx and you want them. New York and Philadel aiAItATI.i:: will null all kinds of Dry Goods Clearfield. have the largest and chocest as- Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery lllisrrltaorouj. " arn6ldvants Curwenarille, Pa. Jaa. , ll-tf. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curw.nat Ule, Jan. 0, 78 tf. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Cnrwensvlllo, IV, Jan. 9, '78 tf. ARuNOLuD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED ANI) SAWED. Curweosvills, Jaa. 9, T8-lf. COMMIHKlOSEK'fl NOTICIw la tbe Urp bans' Court of ClaarlleU eooaij, la. la the matter of Joseph Ktler, deo'd. The uodersigned, appoioted aad aummisnloaod to take tastiiaoi.7 aa to tbe naturs daiycaled m the petlt.oa of Ucorirc Kylar, and rat ura the same to Court, will etteDd to bis duties as such at bis ofl.ee in CI ear Held, oa Tuesday, ths f th day of July, at 1 'cluck p. when aod wtiere all parties Interested may atteod. S. V. WILSON, ClearSeld, June 19, '71-St. Commtssluocr, F 'OR SALE. The anderslsned will sell at Brirala i.U tvll that tract or parcel of land situate la lOeoatar township, Clearfield oouoty, Pa., within a short distance of tbe Tyrone A Clear fleli It. H., aad adjolntnf leads of Robert Hudson and otoers.. and kaowa as tbe Jaoob B. ticarhart lot. Tbe said tract conUininn AO acres more or less, with two reins of rsluabls coal thereoa, bu about SO acres cleared, aad is the key to a larire body of coal about being developed. Will be sold low; aad upon easy terms. For particulars, apply to Clearfield, Pa., July 12, 187A. How lo TeutJi Nehool ! A Rare Chance for Teachers. The seeoad srsslon, sight weeks, of tbe Lamber City Male and Female Academy will begin Monday, July 8th, 1878. Rpecfal inrtrootioaa will be ,ir.a la Tboory and Fractlra or Teaelllna;, ,irii, taarh.ra epnrluailiu EQUAL t. ANiaod bKCO.S'O to IoNK la theeouotr. ormal Coara. , 00 lli,aer Coqrae , uo Boardiu,, ,2.00 and II. 5 per whi. Reom. Call ob. or addreaa C. C. KM1I1II, Prioeipal, Rev. J. 0. OKKKIl, . 0. BELL, Lumber Citj, Pa. June 12, I878-4U ADMINISTEATORS' SAL XT' OF V.1LIMBL " I Real Estate in Covington Tirp. In pursuance of ao order of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield couaty. tbe undersigned, Adminis trators of the estate of John B. Picard, late of Covington township, dee'd, will offer at public sale, on SATURDAY, JI LT SO, 187S, at 1 o'clock p. IB., all that certain tract or pleo of land situate lo Covington township. Clearfield oounty, Pa., bounded and described as follows: beginning at a post corner zfll percbos from a white pioe corner of tract No. ISilft. and belnr part of said warrant! thenoe north 1(16 perches to a wnne oaa corner; inence cast V7 percaes to a white nek: thence south left perobes to a white oak Ihcace west 97 perches to place of begin ning, containing v acres and uv B-1V percbrs and allowance, excepting and reserving thereout two acres more or less sold to Fclii Picard. Turks One-third each, and the balance in two equal annoal payments, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. VA KULJ.N K r . 1'ICAHD, JOHN J. PICAHU, Admin islraiors KrencliviPr, IV, Jooe 19, 1878 it. J.H. LYTLE, Wholesale 6c Eotail Dealer in CrocorieS, THE LAlWgJiTond BEST SELECTED FTOCK IN iiie coisir. COFFER, TPI CJUEENSWARB, TI'BS and Bl'CKETS, DRIED FBUITS, CANNED QOOIlS, SPICES, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. si6.n, 8YRDP, MEATS, PISH. SALT, OILS, County Agent for LORILL.IRD'8 TOn.lCCOS, There loeda bouaht for OASII la larva lata. and sold at almost city prices. JAM Ka II. Li TLB, Clearfield, Pa., June 13, 1478-ly. PRIVATE SALE Valuable Real Estate I T- ezJsta!r. in .P8oB Clear- field count 7, Pa,, offers tbe following y(,i Heal Estate for sale : 446 Acres of Land, ore or lass, la Bteearia township, ljing on the north side of big Clsarfield creek, and within one mile of the same. Tbe above land Is heorllr eorered with hemlock, white oak, rook oat, and otbar bard wood timber, and a quantity ef white pine, said to be half a million or more feet. The same la heavily nnderlald with bituminous coal, and directly on tbe line of railroad leading from lluultdale to Coalport. Its value Is unknown. There are, also, other valuable minerals on the same. Tba above land lies about two and a-half miles below tbe village of Ulen Hope, adjoining lands of Oaorge Groom and others, oo what is known as Porter's run. The Improvements on the prop erty are a good geared saw mill, io running order, a high dam, clone breast, made in the best man ner, fit for almost any machinery. There Is, also, u-ga, i ram uwcuiing oouieana irsme bank barn mereon, and about lofty or any foi acres, more or less, oi tne land is cleared. Any person wishing lo invest in property of this kind will de well to examine this property. I will sell tha whole or the undivided half intesaiiL aa ma jit the purchaser. The above tract of land will mak two or three farms, which will norni, f..r.nhl. with tbe greater part of our oounty. Price and terms made known to any person wishing to par chase, 'or Turther particulars oall in person or address the undersigned at (iraun.ian till. P.O.. Clearfield omintjr, p.. BAM L HIDISMIRK. Jaa. v, lH7H.tr. William Powell, ssroxn sr., ciKAnruin, pa.. Dealer in Heavy tnd Shelf HARDWARE, inoX, NAILS, PAINTS, Oll.fl, VARNISIIKS, Keeps eonttanlly on hand ths best Cooking, Heating nnd Parlor Stoves and Ranges of all descriptions. Tab Is and Pocket Cutlery, isrpeuteri' Tools, soon as Haws, Hatchets, fraaros, Bench Stops, Planes and Plane Irons, Chisels, But. Augers, A dies. Files, Hinges of all hind.. Locks. Hfrewa, Sath Cord, Pulleys, etc., etc. Farming U(cuI1m, Plows, Cultivators, Double and single flherel flows, vumvaior reeia, uraia cradles, Scythes, Hnathes, Ilea, Porks, Rakeo, Hay Forks, Farm Dslls, ate., ete. Horse Shoes and Horse Nells, Ike heel make ef Cross-cut Saws aad a sac, Grindstones and Uriedstone Ft i tares, andeverfiblncasnallv kBt In s first-class Hardware Store. Also, full stock of House Furnishing Goods. BRl'SHK9, LAMP8, tniMNKVS, Ae. All kinds of Tinware kept on hand and made to erder. RooArf nnd Spouting promptly at tended to. Persons wishing anything In my Hoe, are la st ted to call and examine stock and prioes. . WILLIAM POWELL, OarflHrt, fa., Jnne I, H7" If.