THE'MAlfbfOirTimrSEf Ceraar of SeaoBd and Markat Street., tLEABflELD, PA. THIS aid ud eommodloaa IloUl una. during Ike put year, beea enlarged ta doable lu former tepaolty for the ontertelnmtal of .traa (on ud geealt. Tho wholt building hat bou r.rarelah.d, aad tha proprietor will apart at peine ,le raador kli gueala temfortabio while itayltg wllb him. ar-Tb. 'Maaaloa Hoalt" Omalbea mat la and from Iba Depot oa Iba arrival aad deperturt w oaoa iraia. w. 0. UAItuurt, July Proprietor LLEGHENY HOTEL Markat Street. Clearfleld, Pa, Wa. fl. Bradley, fortnorly propri.tor of fb. Laoaard Hour., having leaeed tba Allegheny Hotel, aolioite a tbara of publio patronaga, Tba Hneee bat baaa thoroughly repaired and aewly furniihed, aod gaaau will find it a plaaaanl alun ping plaoa. Tha tnble will ba auppliad wltb tba neat of orerythlng la tha markat. At tha bar will ba foaod tba baat wloaa and liquor.. Uood tabling attached. WM. 8. BKAULKY, Ma; 17, '7. Proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Markat A Front atraett,) CLEARFIELD, PA. Tba undarelgned baring taken ebarga af tbli Hotel, would raapootfull y eollelt publio patronage. labl,'7o. H. NEWTON bUAW. WASHINGTON HOU8E, NKW WASHINGTON, PA. Tbla aaw and wall farnlibad bouaa baa baaa takaa by tba andaraignad. 11a faala eonfldont of baiag aula to randar aatiafaattoa to tboaa who mar faror him wltb aoall. Marl, 171. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Street, PHILIP8BURO. PRNN'A. Table alwaye applied wltb tba baat tba markat aaoraa. too traranag pabiia la tavitad toeait. jan.l,'7l. ROBERT LOYD. County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. -1 00M In Maaonte BolMing, oao door aortk of X V U. f - walaoa a iJnig stora. Paifare Tioketa to and from Llrarpool. Qoaana town, Ulaagow, London, Parii aod Copanhagan. Alao, Draft! for aala on tha Koral Bank of Iralaori aad Imperial lJank or London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Praa't. W. M. SHAW, Caablar. jaal,'77 DREXEL & CO., No. 91 South Third Street. PhlUdelphla And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by ust) will riv prompt tt Hon, and nil Informitloa-ebMirfuHy fnrniahed Ordtra aoliotL April 11-tf. r. K. ARNOLD. . W. ARNOLD. J. B. ARNOLD F. K.ARNOLD & CO., Bankent nnd Broker, Heynoldarlllc, Jefloraoa Co., Pa, Moaaj raeaired oa depotlt. Diaeonata at mo darata rataa. Eaatara and Foraiga Eaobanga al wara an band aad oollaotiona promptly mada. Raraoldarllla, Dae. It, 5fHti3tru. J. t. JR. nEICIIIIOLI), IBnOEOI DEHTIIT, flradoata of lha Panairlvanla Collaga or DanUI Horgarr. Oflloa la raiidanoa ofDr. llilla, oppoalta lha Hbaw Houia. mohlS, '78 tf. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, ( (OSca In Bank Balldlog,) Carwenarllle. ClrarOeld Co Pa. rack 11 '7.lf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (OBoa la raaldaaoa, Baooad atraaL) ClaarlaM, Pa, May 1, tUsrfUaiuous. MEAT MARKET. F.M.CABD0N& BRO., Oa Markat St., aaa door wart of Maaaioa Hooaa, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arraagamaeta ara rf tha moat aomplata eharaetar tor furaiiblng tba poblia wltb Fraah Maau of all kind, and of tba rary bait quality. Wa alao daal la all kiada of Agrloaltaral Imple ment!, whieb we keep an oibibltlon for the baa- oni or tna paoiie. uau aroaod waea IB aowa, and take a look at thing!, or eddreai na F. M. CARDON A BRO. Claarlald, Pa., July 14, Wi-tf. HEALTH & HAPPINESS. nHh and Happincii arc!cRt Wealth to I heir poiMMor, and ytt thj ar within tba reveh oi cvarjr qq wbo win uae Wright s Liver Pills, Tba ealy aura CVRB for Torpid Llrar, Dyapap aia, lleadaebe, Bour Rtomeeb, Coaitlpalioa, Debility, Naaiea, and all Billioua domplaioti and Biood diaordna. Nona genuine nnleea !lgoid "Wm. Wright, Pbil'a." Ir your Druggtat will aot aupply aeod IS eanU for ona boi to Barriek, Hollar A Co., 7 N. 41b St., I'blla. Dae, 16, '77-ly. "TUCIIDWE TRUH T.-AII atbera meal X pay fur thalr work before it leevea the akop. And aa all flaik la aa tba graaa or tba Raid, aad tba promtaea ef mea are like tbe lowera tbereef they ara glrea one day aad fergottea taeaatt tbarefore it la beat aot to treat anybody. All hlnda of work will be done la tbla ahop far teak ar ready pay. Boola aad aboea of aU aiaea aad Itylee tbe beat aad ebeepeet la Iowa. I bare removed my abop to the lower aad of rowa, la Tar lor i row, ea Heed atrael, aear tbe depot, where 1 will be found al aU timea, waiting for auitomera. All work warraalad good aad ekeap. Alao, all kind! ef Leaiker aad Shea Finding! for lale. Tko eltlaaaa ef Claarlald aad elaialty an oapeatfally larlted U giro me a eell. JOg. U. DEEHINa, Clawneld, Pa., July II, luff. NEW FLOUR. FEED, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Roeta Ho. 4, Ple'a Opera, CUaroeld, Pa. Keep oeaMaatly ea kaad Sl'OAR, COFFEE, HAS, ' SODAJ COAL OIL, STRUP, SALT, SPIOBfl, SOAP, Oaawed aad Dried Pralta, Tekaeea, Cbjen, Oea dlea. Older Vloagar,;Batlar, Igga, Ae. ALSO, EXTRA HOME MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Cora Metl, Chop, Feed, Al af wbiek wti be eetd ebeea ht eaak at la A. a. K1AMEE A tW Otaarlela, Me, tl HT4.-tf HXtw girtiftilsfmruts. .v', v? -THATT"; GUINZBURG S CLOTHING STORE, Western Hotel Corner, Clearfield, Pa. Vic have Just received an entire new Block of READY MADE CLOTHING, For Men, Youth' and lloy'ti. Tboso goods bavo boen solootod with panic pricoa. We are thoroloro prepared to compote wuu ana eu oheapor than any other house in the county. We will soil you full suits of Spring Clothing at from 12 SO to $1S 00. For fifteen dollars you can buy as good a suit now as you oould gel one year ago for $23 00, und nil other articles proportionately oboap. We bavo also roeoivod comploto stock of NECK WEAR, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS and VALICES, HATS, CAPS AND UMBRELLAS. Please cull and examine our stock boforo purchasing. A i"1 TTT AT rlTTIll i, I-.pril77S A.VrUllljJOU IVJT, Agi SOMETHING FOR FARMERS. il' 'AWw,- F. 91. CARDOX & UltO. HAVE J 1ST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OP CHAMPION MOWERS AND REAPERS, A LA RGB LOT OP Farmers' Friend Grain Drills, Corn Planters, Heebner'8 Level Tread Threshers, and Little Giant, No. 2, threshes and cleans grain ready for bagging. WHICH will b add CHEAP aud EXCHANGED lor GOOD YOUNG HORftE. Also, a car load of TIGER HAY RAKES, SOLID IRON AXLE all the way through, Claarlald, Pa., April 14, 1ST.. STOVES, TIN-WARR AND GAS FIXTURES. JAMES L. LEAVY, Harlnit parehaaed tba atock af Frd. Saehctt, htreby u Ta notice that ha ia prepared to furniih all kin da of HEATING, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, of tht beat aadlataat In proved pattern, al rary ww pnoea. OAS FIXTV11EN. 1U baa alao en hand, a lot of BRACKETS, CIIAlf DELItiltH and OAS LAMPS, of all alnda, at anitabla prioea. Oaa fizturaa ordared at abort notion, to oaatomara. TIN-WARE. Alan. a anm r i.Taa maeuioii manl tt oaamHi.rmiitBaawal Tin-ware, to which ha inritea tha attantioa ef paronaMrN. Front mrt nt Room Ko. 1. PTKfl nPURA IIOU8K. JAS. L. LKAVY. I'ropriator. FRED. 8ACKETT, fcupX Claarfiald, Pa., Im. IS, 77-tf. act cnitura rntis ucs. To (A- Otd'M-t of CUarJitld (humtg t Tba nndaraia;ned haring beaa appolated by tba Department, m Waahiai;toii, principal reporUr of iba AcrioalturaJ Butiitiea of Clnarfleld aotintr. retpecifDlljr rsquaata tho ae-operatton of all to aaaiat, wy atmding tba aabaerthr all tba informa tion they eta bearing apoa tha following qpa liona, ao aa to onable biaa to niaha aa eorret a ataAamest to the Department, aa poaeible i How many boraea hare ia yoar bereagb er town abtp, and of whet diaeaaa. How many eowi end eaivaa. aad of what diaeaaa. How many aheap have yoe loat, and ef what diaeaaa f bow many hilled by doga. How many hog hare yon teat, aad ef what diteaae. What prcradiog diaeeeea amongat the pealtry. Is ell eaea gire the rem ediea a ted wbieh bare been fonad to he aweeeaa M, and in all aaeea t fire tha eaah ralea of all Block aa nearly aa eewible. By tha ee-op ration ef oar elttaone im f serai npoo tfceee tuportaat partteaiara, lha Agaieultural raporta will beeome aa aneyelopedia af naefal Information to tbe pab )i, by anabliDg the Department le pabliah the diaaataa, tha leaaea, aad the remedloa that have hoea fonnd meat heneflelaJ la eertaia dtteaaoa . Any ether information lha will ba ooaaldered n panlio benelt, will be thaakfalh reeeived. Addreee the aahaeribar at QrampUn Hllla, viearnoiaue ra. u ami; Kb WIUUMIHH Marah 11, !B7S-tf. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! CHBMIOAL8I PAINTS, 0115, DYE STUFF VARNISniS, BRV8ME8, PERFDMERT, FANCY 000DS 1X5ILET ARTICLES, Or ALL KINDS, PUSS WINS8 AND LIQUORS for mediated porpeeea. Traaeea, Sappertera , Sekeol Bweba aad StaUe. feaad la a Drag Store. PHTlIfllANB PRIWClIPTIOIfg CARE PTJLLT COMPOUNDED. Barlag a large al perlaaaa ll aeaotaett. ia la aaalaeaa tkey oaa fire eat, eat. J. f nlkraarTmr JTIHM F. MWUL Claaraell, Deeembor la, llt. Jftf flvfrtlsstmrnt. tJ"rC,---i'-,L'V T1- - particular cure, and bought tor oash at self dumpers, the beat rake lu the world. THE TIN SHOP1 UlMG HVOWV MAC11IE! FRED. SACKETT, ROOM NO. 8, PIE'S OPERA IIOUSK, Clearfleld, Pa. Respectfully tnfonna hie eaitemera, aad the pub lie In general, that he eentinnea to uanafaatare ell hi oil of Tln.Coppcr & Sheet-Iron Ware, Of firat-eieea material only, and la a work map -Ilka awaner. HOOFING and SPOUTING dose oa inert aotiee aad Tory reasonable terma. COOK STOVFdS, HEATING BT0VE3A5D FURNACES uwaya kept in atoekf and for aala low. Gas-Fitting and Plumbing a specialty. Oaa Fliturea alweya ea kaad. All work fuaraa. teed to fire aetiifeettoa. A ihare of public patroaageeordlelly eolleited. FRED, SACKETT. CleerSeld, Pa., May , 1977. SEWING MACHINES AT REDUCED RATER! THE NEW IMPROVED Weed Sewing Machine, roa a.La it Mllen R. Ucem, CLEARFIELD, PA. (Reildeoee, Walt Cleartald) Tbe NEW IMPROVED WEED le awe of tbe beet maohiaea la tba markat, and run. eery light end oaiet lu aaw eyliader Bleel Kbutlla baa only owe kole to be threaded, and beldc Iwlea aa eeaeb thread aa moat any other aaubiwa, i It baa oaa af tha beat Narrow Hammer, made. . Its Table la long aad roomy. It baa no geera aad eama. It baa no aerawa er iaoe-plete to be ra mered while eilieg er eleeaieg. Tba WEED, before tbe kto impror.meat, drew a prlea et tbe Perie Etpeaitlea ia Freaoe. alao, ea award at the Ceataaoiel Espoiitlea, aad la almoet arary Bute ia tbe Ualea. Maeblaeaaold aa Monthly Peynenta. Paraoaa akauld set bay Before eeolug Iba New Weed. Hey, grata, beef eettle, aad aome kiada ef eld Maebiaaa takes ia part pay far Maw Mnebieeo. Al kiada ef Bewiag Maebiaaa aleaaed aad repair ed . Alee, dealer In all kiada of Hawing Meablae Needlea, Oil, Kemera, Teak markara, Caalere, Heaiaaera, Bbattlaa, Cheek apriaga, Ae. In ordering eartkiog by latter, be aara to glee eeme of maohtae. Ueab mast aeoompaay all orders by mall. Paraoaa waatlag Boy ether kiad of aaaehiae, pleaae write for prioea. aayl-lm JEMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Won Id reapeetfally notify tbe pnblle generally that he haa remorad hia Qroeary Stere from fihaw't Row, le the bvlldlag formerly eeeepied hy J. Milaa Krataer, en Baooad a tree t, aeit door te Biglor'e hardware etore, where he lateade aeipiDg rait itae ei GBOCEIIIEH. BAMS, DRIED BEEF aad LARD. 8V0ABS aad SI RDPB, stall grades. TEAS, Oreaa aad Blaok. COFFEE, Re Bated aad Oreaa. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CajtJTKO FRVITM, AD kiada Is tba market. PICELES, te Jan aad Barrels. SPICKS, Is every form sad rarlety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL aUHm'orCMACKE. SOAPS, MATCHES, . oRIID APPLES, X DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil a&A XsU&p CMmatyt. Aad a good aeaartmeat ef tkeoa thlage meaalty kept la a groeeay stere, vkiek be wlU aloaufe far marketlag at tko avarket prleea. WID eel irer aaak as aaaaalr aa aaw ataee baa. (teeee salt aad sas all steak aad J edge Per TnWW wjatnaeee Omaraeld, laa. I, mi. a r. . aw THF REPUBLICAN - . .. i . . ... ......I ,jarr)IlAlr' ; CLEARK1ELD, PA. WIDNtSDAT MOHnTnO, JUNE It, 1871. TREASURY BOOK-KEEPING . HOW A BALANCE WAS FORCED FOR THE FISCAL YEAH ItJUA. NKW DEVELOPMENT IN THE CASE OP AN OLD FRAUD -MODIFICATION AND PAHSAQK OF THE BILL TO RE PEAL Tin Hi'ieir. risl'WP- TloN ACT MEXICAN AWAHD BILL, ETC. In the course of tbe investigations of the committee on expenditures in the Treasury Department it has been round that in the Treasurer's journal i'or June 30, 18U5, the account for the quarter and tho fiscal year is completed by soveu orders of tbe transfur of notes irora tbe Washington offices to offices at New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Louisville, the total of theso sevon orders being (19,000,000. These SI!),. 000,000 are balanced by an entry also at the close of tho account fur the quurter and tho fiecal year ol $ 1 9,000, 000 deposited as temporary loan at six per cent. Ho depositor's name is given either on this account or on the list of loan depositors. The deposit is put down in a lump, as by disbursing offi cors ; no intercut to be paid. A close investigation of the records, which has quietly gone on for some time, rovoals the fact that no sucb deposit was made; that tho entry of 119,000,000 Is fulso, and that tho balance which it helps to make is forced. It turns out that the $19,000,000 were taken from tho re serve of unissued compound-interest notes at various limes before Juno 30, and transmitted to assistant treasurers and depositaries w ho paid them out. This issue of 119,000,000 wus concealed, not beitig even placed on the books which wero withheld from publio In spection. The transfer order, which simply directed the moving of notes from one point to another in Treasury offices, and did not represent money, were put into tbo reserve in pluco of these secretly issued nineteen millions of notes, and were carried on the books as cash till Juno 30, when they wore entered on the journals, instead of be ing put down at their dates. Mean while tbo books fulsely staled that those nineteen millions were on hand in the reservo, when they were really in circulation. Tbe transfer ordersj were falsely stamped as paid by the Treasurer, June 30, 1805. Tbo regu lar books and records do not show the nature of the transaction, which bad to bo carefully examined to got at the trutb. The Issue was not acknowl edged in the Treasury statements lor afterward. A certificate of tomporary loan deposit for $19,000,000 was made out to tho credit ol disbursing officers, and pat away in an unusual pluco. This certificate was mado out July 1, and dated back to June 30, which took it back into the previous fiscal year aud made it seem applicable to balance toe account, while the notes were secretly going out, Tho amount on band during the fiscal year was made to appear hy the books to incroase in stead ol diminish. When the Issue finally acknowledged tbe temporary loan deposit of 119,000,000 was put down as paid, while in fact no pay ment took placo. Secretary McCul. lough stated in tbe Fall of 18C5 that without tbe 140,000,000 rcaliied from tlie sales of gold to November 1 of that year there would have been a necessity tor a further issuo of Interest-bearing notes. It now transpires that during Ibis very time tbia very further issue was made. Mr. Glover says it has sot yet been ascertained whether this immense forced balance and secret issuo covora a great defalcation, but that bo has in bis possession sworn evidence that nearly every important account of the Treasury has been fulsilied to an un known but startling extent, and that if the IIouso will authorise his commit tee to sit during tho vacation, and vote the needful expert aid, he will prove it. II o says it is impossible, with out such investigaliou, to know how many secret issues and forced balance. have boen mado. It will bo remem bered that it came out belom Mr. Glover's committee in the lust Con gress that Huntington, Jay Cooke's cashier, repeatedly borrowed largo sums from tbe reserve, and that con siderable amounts wero often absent from tb. result, and represented by slips of paper. Tho experts to the committee are appalled at tb. $19, 000,000 revelation, and one ol them, an experienced accountant, says It is tbe most atrocious financial transaction he ha. ever heard of, and that there is no telling to what extent fraud and falsification bave gone. Mr. Glover says that his illness has been unfortu nate in preventing the closing ol many matters under Inquiry, but that be deeply regrets, as he often slated dur ing the sesaion, that bis committee was not empowered to get to work last November, instead of waiting till March, for that then these mattora could bavo boen fully developed and laid before Congress and the country by tbia time. NEW DEVELOPMENT OF AN OLD FRAUD. In the course of the investigations by the committee on expenditures in the Troasury Department Mr. Glover baa been enabled to comploto the record oi a fraud which was slightly reported at the time and attracted very little at tention. In 1864 Charlos H. Cornoll, of Ohio, a friend of Secretary Chose, ex-Cashier of the Farmers' Bank of Salem, also ex-Cashier of a Bank at Athena, Ohio, and ex-Treasurer ol a county in that State, and a man highly rocommended, was appointed to a posi tion in tbe office of the Itcgister of tbe Treasury. About two yean later be was mad. chief ol the redemption division in tb. Treasurer's oflioo, which was charged with the cancellation and other Treasury note, redeemed or otherwise withdrawn, Ills duty was, after the count of these notes, to bave them cut lengthwise In halves and send on. ball each package to eat to the oRlooj of Lb. Secrotary of tb. Treasury and th. other to that ol tbo Register, to b. there counted and rocorded. If tb. counts in the, two o SI cos and In Cornweir. division agreed tb. pack age, cf halve were taken to the base ment and there, by Cornwell and a olerk from each of those two offioea, thrown Into . furnace and burned. This wa deemed perfect protection jK,l'""t rttUU'; but ono dny 1 son ol ' one of the clerks, who had boon ores- r fit b-trnlnrr Vnrt bis t'other whatl of money in hia pookot A watch was then kept on Cornwell, and tbe fuel was ascertained. Secre tary Chase on bearing of tbe matter sent to the War Department for a de tective General L. C. Baker was de tailed to work np tho caeo, and a search of Cornwell' desk in the treasurer's office, and ol his house in Georgetown, doveloped proof of bis guilt. In tbe latter place wero fonnd halves of about ,M, worth of notes. tu(uty showed that he had been In the habit, when he got upper and lower halves ol tho same denominations of notes, of stealing packages ol whole notes ol that denomination, replacing them with the packages nf half notes already ab stractod, and entered on the books as destroyed. By this replacement he made the count of notes delivered by him agree with that of notes delivered by him, and till he was caught in the act everything seemed correct. How much ho bad stolen does not seem to be known. He admitted stealing $5,000 of greenbacks and $18,000 demand notes, beside othor amounts. 11 o bad bought $25,000 of bonds and $0,000 of certificates of indebtedness, which were eold and the proceeds applied to lake np tho notes he acknowledged having reissued. Tbe case ia important be cause it shows that a fraudulent roissue ol a considerable and unknown amount actually took place. His case shows wjiat may bavo been done, and the making of a fulse certificate of desti ne. tioiiol'$30,000fractionalcurrency paperi in ono case, and of false certificates ol destruction of over $18,000,000 ol bonds in others, which investigations in past years have developed, show that a dis- posilion to repeat such offenses existed whilo vast destructions were going on It is stated by a gentleman who has bad access to confidential information that Cornwell realized over $100,000 by bis peculations, and paid his coun sel, Lieutenant Governor Ford, of Ohio, a tee of $10,000 after his pardon was secured. Baltimore Gazette. THE INVESTIGATION. Tbo following candid article from the Now York Journal of Commerce, ot May 22, (a perfectly independent popor) will well repay perusal : "It was not safe at first to predict what course the investigation would take or exactly for what purpose it was originated, and a truo estimate ol its character depended wholly on tho answer to these questions. If the ob ject of the measure was to unsettle the work of the Electoral Commission, and to remove the present incumbent from tho Presidential chair, tbe great mass of good citixens of all parties would feel that, however just tho result in itself considered, it could only be reach ed through a great National excite meut too costly lor patient contempla tion. Hut if the purpoxe ol the inves tigation is to settle the great question not only left unhealed by that Com mission, but which it absolutely refused to consider, the mas. of the people will most heartily accept it There never was a sorer disappoint ment than was lull in every bonest breast than when tbo Commission tbat was devised to settle tb. great contro versy which threatened to plunge tbe nation into a new civil war merely de termined tbo succession to th. Presi doncy on technical grounds, and refused by a vote of eight to seven to make any investigation that would show who was honestly elected. If tbe tribunal bad properly taken up tb. inquiry gathered in all tho available 'testi mony, beard the arguments and ap eals from both sides, and then decided in favor of tbe present incumbent while the rosult would not hav. satis fied any of tbe political partisans -on the defeated sido, tho people, having secured at least tbe form of a trial, wou';d have acquiescod in it without any serious murmuring. Th. refusal of even this form was a great mistuko, and tho popular discontent which grew out of it has not abated with the lupse o4 time. . A strong Committee has been ap pointed, and one that w. trust will deal fuirly and honestly with tbe ques tions at issue. We do not expect from its investigation a full exposuro ol the frauds that were perpetrated. So long a time bus elapsed that some traces of th. gross corruption will doubtless lie obliterated. But w. do bop. that tbo main facta will be set lorth in blaze of noonday light, and th. real criminals b. held np to tho publio gate. If th can be done it will prove a more effec tual safeguard against a repetition of th. wrongs than any that can be estab lished by the promised legislation that is. to follow it. When Instruments of evil are rendered infamous, they must war against the good more openly, if at all, and their ill designs can thus be exposed and. defeated. With these avowed objects and limitations, we do not see why the search to be mado should not commend itself to every honest man who thinks more of tho welfare of bis country than any mcro partisan triumph. UNFOLDING. Tho Potter committee continue Its startling disclosures and confirms tbo opinion tbat it is engaged in no random search for facts, bat is rather develop. ing a story that is known in all its do- tails to th. examiners and only awaits unfolding to the public. The witness yesterday, was on. of tb. Hayes elec tor, of Louisiana, who testified to the interesting details of th. attempt to bribe bim by a brokor of New Orleans named Uernandcx, acting, as is now known, for gambler who were inter estod In tb. election of Tilden. There wa nothing new In this testimony, ex cept it details, tbe fact of tb. attempt mad. to corrupt Levlssoe having been mada publio on prior Investigation. According to Leviase.' story, which there is no ground for discrediting, be wa offered first $40,000 to refus. to act a so .lector, bis tempter insidi ously suggesting to him tbat he should refus. to do so on high moral grounds, taking tb. position that th. Hayes lectori bad not been chosen in Louisi ana. A seductive picture wa painted to him ol tb attitude b. would occupy before th. ooantry, refusing to Uk. an offios and exercise a power to which b. bad aot been chosen by tb. popular will ; and receiving 140,000 for tbia masnifioent display ol virtu.. Lev Ii-1 soo wu not tempted by the prico, but demanded 1200,000, not, he declares, lh the intention ol taking it, but, to his lemptur and to keep up the negoti alien until be could learn who was at the bottom of it. Tbe explanation ol his reason for offering to sell out fur ailiO.OOO ii not vory satisfactory, but is satisfactory to know that tbo doctor could not bo bought for $100,000, which he says was the biggest figure that was finally offered him, and then tho condition was that be should vote for Tilden. We must all feel refreshed mat there is on. main In f(.o country who has refused to sell his voto for $100,000, evon though it was for tho right ; because tho right must not got votos in that way. We do hope that this pleasing imago ol Lovissee's virtue will not be destroy od during tbe future course of tho ln qtury by tbo revolution that bo got more for the vote be did give than was offered him for the one bo refused to cast, But the surprising fact appears thut though Luvisseo refused tho money that was offered him to abstain from voting, be, in reality, did not vote ; or rather, he did not sign the papers, de claring the vote ol himself and his col leagues, upon which tbe electoral com mission based its conclusion that Hayes had received tho voto ol Louisiana. Luvissc. did sign one paper or one set of papers; only ono paper of this set reached tho Yico President and that one came by mail. It was inlornial und incomplete ; and it was discovered to bo necessary that others should be substituted. This was done, and formally correct paper reached the Vico President by mail and a copy of it wus also presented to bim by tho spocial mosscngcr, Thomas C. Ander- son, of tho returning board. These lutter papqrs Levissee declares he did not sign ; and the result is that tbo vote ol Louisiana was awarded to Hayes on forged pupcrs. This objec tion to his titlo is a technical one, as it is conceded that Lovissee signed the original papers, and no doubt would bavo signed the copies of them correct ed in accordance with the requirements of the law. But Mr. Hayes' offlco was accorded to him by tho commission wholly on technical grounds, and not because be was in fact honestly elocted. if it hud appeared to tbe commission that the e'gnuturei wero forged on the papers presented to Congress, it could not have recognized them and awarded Hayes the Presidency on the bare ground on which they did award it to him, namely, that on tho face of the papers it belonged to bim and thoy had no authority to go bohind the papers. Tbe commission could not bave avoided an examination of the papers (hem- selves, and could not huvo considered p certificate whose signatures were wholly or in purt forged. It is violently urged by the partisans ot Hayes I hut his title has becu adjudi cated and must nut be challenged. Even Democrats of respectability are heard to assent to this doctrine. But this testimony takes away the founda tion etone of their argument. Tbcy cannot claim that Congress granted the electoral commission power to decide the presidential question npon forged certificates. Tb. most tbat bas been claimed by those who choose to con sider the decision of tb. electoral com mission to be final is that it bad power, under tb. delegation to it by Con gress of its powers, to decide the election upon the certificate.; but it cannot be claimed tbat tb. subse quent evidence as to tb. forgery ol those certificates does not afford ample reason for tb. re-opening of tho case. No court in CbriBtondom would toler ate such a continued triumph of fraud. Lancaster Intelligencer. ' Political Tbaiiicdian. Tbo Phila delphia Time says: "Th. Democrat of the Potter Committee bavo about decided to drop Senator Matthews,and not dignify bim by a test of power with tba Senate. Just as the Demo crats incline to drop him, the licpubli cans discover that he is in th. worst possible position lor a long stay, and they want to force him to volunteer bis testimony. Matthews' brief polit ical career will be set down as tbe shortest and moat resplendent comedy of errors of modern history. He can't lot himself alone, and when his enemies Conclude to let him alone because bo is just where be must do himself and bis party most barm, bia friends prod him from .very aide to go and do ex actly what thoy were at first afraid he would do. There teem to bo but on. mora act in the Stanley Mutthows com edy, and that is for bim to step down aud out." Bulla rd'i Case. O. F. Bullard, ex legislator from Delaware county, was convicted in the courts ol that county recently of embezzling the funds of a building association of Media. Wbilea member of tha Legislature be wa ar rested and imprisoned, but attempted to evade prosecution by pleading his privilege as a member of th. House. 11 is Republican friends in th. House assisted bim a far as they could by bringing him to llarrisburg, allowing him to draw 1000 from the State Treas ury, and then make bis escape from lb. custody of th. Sorgeant-at-Arms. Tb. Stat, paid a further sum of $500 for his recapture, and a bill presented by Sergeant at-Arms Gaines of $197.00 for photographs, etc, of th. escaped Legislator. H. will now take his seat in the penitentiary lor tbe next year, to th. disgrace of the State and him self. Hear I Heart Y. hungry men It's coming t Relief ii at your door Th. Radical candidate for Governor ha got the thing you long bav. sought but could not find I Id bis speech ol acceptanc. b. says, "our tru. reliofj will come from tbe natural and inher ent and right force of th. community." Did you ever I Wbo would have tbougbtilT Yoa couldn't have guoesed 'twas coming tbat way to have saved your life I Read it over Again I Grap ple the idea (if you can) nnd then be bappy I No wonder the Radical plat form was silent on the money question with this remedy at band. "Our true relief will com. Irom the natural work ing of tb. natural and inhoront and right forcesoftbecomrounity." Whewl CItnfon Drmoeraf. Itigersoll says b bai Bo respect lor anvbodv who believe, ta Lb. hot nlao.. Another blow Bt th. Administration. $ti1lanroti. TKAM HAW MILL FOR tALB.-A fw havwit&vf ww, VUat.T porta- 1 .k-:w.vv At1 feat entar, warraated, will be anld eery ehaap. Apply ia pareoa or by letter to WM. HOLT, Moiheeaoa, May it, II7I-.I., P. Livery Ntable. rpilE audariigned bega learato tatorm the pab- X lie that ha la bow fully prepare to aoeoi r fully prepare to eoeommo raraiiaiug H.aea, Buggiee, , oa tbe ahortoat aetiae aaa date all la the way or Saddle, aad Uaraeea, aa reaeooabla terma. Keeideaoe oa Loo eat .treat. Betweea t hird end jrourtn. UKO. W. OEARHART, Olearllald, Feb. 4, l!7t. DRUG STORE. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At tShaw'e eld at and, Clearfleld, P., bat J .at oprnftd e new atoak of and la now prepared to farnlab aaythtag la tbo tbe Una of Druga and Medioieee at tbe vary low' eat eaeb prleea. lie haa alao oo hand a Uree atoek of Combe. Uair end Tooth liriiihoe, Veooy Artielea, Toilet ana rnet-mg Boape, aa $ everything uenelly kept In a flrat-oleaa lruf tttnre. PHYSICIANS' PEESCEIPTIONS eotaponnded with oara, day or night. A liberal abate of patronage reapaotfulfy eolleited. bPACKMAN Clearfleld, Pe Oct. 14, 1977. TINA SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Haa opened, In a bulldtm oa Market afreet, oa the old Weetern Hotel lot, Appoaite the Coart hdbh in ;irarneia,a 11a ana snoot-iron maaa factory and Store, where will bo fonnd at all timea a full line of HOUSE FTOOTSHIlTcl GOODS, Stores, Hiavrdw&re. Etc. Honae Spouting aad all kinde of Job work, repair ing, Ac, dona on abort notice and at reaeonable reue. A tea, agent for tba Singer Sewing Machine. A aupply of Maahlnea, with IS'eedlee, Ao., al waya oa hand. Terma, atrtotlr eaah or eountrr oroduoa. A ahare of patronage aolloited. O. B. MBKRELL, fiuperintendfot. Clearfleld, April 3&, 1 877-lf. A NEW DEPARTURE LITIl EUSDl R;. Hereafter, goode will be eold for CASH on It. or la eicheege for prodo. No hooka will ba nepi ia tna imare. All eld aeeouata mnat bo Battled. Tboee who e&nnot eaah np, wtll pleaea umu wvojr lavir pviw bib a CLOSE THE EECOED. I am determined to aell my coode at eaah prtewe, aod et a dteeoent far below tbat ever offered In tbia viiwnlij. The diaeonat I allow my ooertomere, will make team rich in twenty yearn If lhy follow my adie aad bay their gooda frwm i. i win pay eaaa tor waoet, eats aad ioer- M. VAHIKI IM)DLANDKR. eUatherabarg, Jaaaary 17, 1877. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VA8KS, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eeaalaotir ob bead. STOVE AXD EAETIIES - WARE or evert description i CROCKS! POTS I CROCKS! Fisher's Patent Airtight Keif Mealing era It t aail BUTTER 0R0CK8. wllb tide. CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS. arrLi - pu 1 1 an ukuukb, FLOWER POTS, FIE DISHES. STEW POTS, Aad a great maay etber tblnga too aamerou to meatloa, to be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Ooraar ol Cherry and Tbird Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. aogl The Bell's Run Woolen Factory Pane tawnhip, CVeoxteJd Co., Pa. nCRNBO OUT! et nor BURNED UPI Taeaubearibere bare, at great eipeaae.rebwlrta aelgbborbood aeeoaaitT. is lae ereetiea ef a Srm. eleaa Weelea Maaufaeterjr.wlUl all tbe avedera improremeBta etteeaed, ead are prepared te aaaae bji eieaa oi uioiaa, veeetmereo, oetlBOtU, slloa kata, Flaaeale, Ae. Plaalj of geede ea bead le auppl, all oar old aad a laeoeaad BOW ouateeaora. Tbe beiiaeea ef CARDINS AND FULLIN9 will roeoivo oar eepoetel etteatlea. Proper arrangements will be made lo reaeirt aad dellror Wool, le aell owetoeaere. All work warraated aad doao apea lae eberteet aetiae, aad by atrial atten tion le baltneoe we nope to reallae a Hoeral a bare et panne patronage. 10.000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will per tbe blgboat market prlea for Wee aad aell oar mnnufnetared geode na low na rlniier gooda aaa be eeagbt la tbe eonntj, and w. ran to render reeeeneble eetliraettea wo oaa alwnya be feand at home ready to mnbe era ear ipiHMiDa, eitner in peraen er ny letter. ' a-uiinnun suns, eprlUstf Bewor P. O. V f.. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. A Stmuvo ttKMinv roa Dumuhj and Injuiiu or tiix Skin j A Healthful DuuTinza or tux CoMruxioH A RauAiLi Means or Phviktino astd RrurviNo Rheumatism and Govt, and AN UN EQUALED DlSINrEcTANT, DgODO- aiiEt and Coontii.Ieeitant. aienn't Sulphur fhap, UMt eradl. catiag local diKaaei of Iba aim, baaiaboa de fect" of the oampleaion, and ion pern to it tmotrlng cloarneee and arnootkaoaa. Htlphur Itrefft are celebrated far cwvmw truntioaa and other dieeaeet of tha aid, at errll ai Khramatlrat anxl UnwL fVfrran'S Sulphur rwjesge Ewodaon the aara. rSerta at a moat trilling oapreue. Tbia eimirebi tpecinc alwiipeoJily heart tmi, tnmtt, jraVeb, aWreu, armor and nth. It rraome daadnuf and prrreala lb heir from mlnag eat aad luraiag gray. CMIiIng and Dnrn eerrl Is Itie tit room It at tin leered, and dilfaan (emrnnnirabhe bf contact with the prraon, prevented by It. The Medical Fraternity aanctioo in ate. Pricis!5 ond50Cnifs 'firCtk: r Box (3 Cakts), 60c ttftl.M, M. I Bay IS. Una fim aad eVerehe waiimin Sold by all Druaaita txwH raii ajro WnWm tn, Uae or Ire WW, s Coats, a i. oLrrniTii. rrfr.? stut i.,i.t. yu 5ur an fli'frtiitmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabllebod overt Wedaeeday by GOODLANDER &. LEE, CLBAMaVIGLD, PA., Haa the Larsjaat rUxaUtlom of any paper la Norther eatera PeanaylvaaJa. Th. large and oonitantly increasing .circulation of th. Bepublican, renders It valuable to business men ai t medium thro' which to reach tb. public. Ti'BMi or Subscription ; If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 If paid uftor three months, . 2 60 If paid alter six months, . . 8 00 When paper are sent outside of the county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten lines, or less, S times, , tl 50 Each subsequent insertion, 50 Administrator Notices, . . 2 50 Executors' Notioes, : ... 2 50 Auditors' Notice 2 50 Cautions and Estrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, . . . , 20 YEAKLY ADVERTISEMENTS: On. square, 10 lines, . . . 18 00 Twosquaros, . . . . , . 15 00 Throe squares 20 00 One fourth column, . . . 60 00 Ono ball column. .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 HLAMW. W. have always on hand a large stock ol blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, 8UBP(ENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4c, Ac, Ac. JOB PRIMING. W. are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS P08TER3, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER. HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, .CIRCULARS, ; lo., Ac, IN TnE BEST STYLE, AND ON 'REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlander A Ie3, aearSelJ, Oeailetd Canty, Pa. gSinrrtlanraus. SURE REWARD I -SSrlaas ??. A V k VI . e-itotjtUO per Aero! Beech end Maple Lead la Mlabiaaa la la. MILLION ACHE UKANT of lb. u,,,, hapiea and Iudlaaa Railroad Compaay. TITLE PKHFKVT. Strong Sell Sure Crope Plenty of Timber Xe Droagbt NeCbiaeb Huge No "'Hopple.-' Ruaaing Ktreama Fare Water Ready Market, Seheola Railroad eompletad taroegb eealro of Ibe graet. pir Sand for pamphlet, Engli.b er tlaraian Addreee, W. O. UUOUAKT, ' Land Cemaiaiieaar ORAND RAPIDS, M1UMC1AN. ' March II, ltUe-Sie. B. H COBELB. Gl'LlCII, McCORILE & (O.S FURNITURE ROOMS, Markat Street. Clearfleld. p. We aaaufae'.ure ell hlnda ef Purn.tnrw for. Chamber. Dialing Koome, Librariea and Ut.Ua, If yon want Furniture of any kind, don't boy aatil yon aee oar a look. iMn;itiAKi(j Ib all It. branehoe, promptly attended to. G1ILICII, MrOORKLE A CO. Cleartald, Pa., Feb. , 7 8. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS 6 STATIONERY. Market MU, Clearfield, (at the Post OCre.) THE anderaignrd bega leere to anaoaaeo te tba eitiaeaa of Clearfleld and Ttelaity, that ba haa fitted up a room and baa Jnat returned from Iba city with a large amoant of reading matter, eonaiating la part of Bibles and Misoellaneoui Books, ' Blank, Aerount aad Puat Book, of ever. d. aeriptiun ; Paper and Eoeelepea, French nremed end plain Fena and Penellai Blank Legal Paperi, Deeda, Mortgagee) Judgment, Eieup Uon nnd Pnimianrr noteai White aod Parch ment Brief, Legal Cap, Reeord Cap, aad BUI Cap, Sheet Muaio, ror eitber Piano, Flute or Violin, eonatnatly oa hand. Any hooka or atatlooary deeirad tbat I may aot here oa hand, will be order., by tret aipreaa, nnd Mid at wholeenla er retail to Bait auatomara. I will alee beep periodica! literature, aueb aa Mngatiaee, New. paper., Ae. r. A. UAULIN. Clearfleld. May 7, lSM-tf Why you Should Buy THE Hi O P 2 MilSUTTA SHIRT, FOR BALE AT GATKS'. ClHWKNSVlLLK. Tha tximam la nf Ik. VimI TrUk Mum I. three ply and lined with heavy bate her linen! A gtnnine Waatutta merlin la nd for tha body. A prfeot Bt ta guaranteed. Thia Shirt la entirelv flaiehed and . tVr th laundry. A careful examination le rjren to each ehirt, and thia in addition to the klruva Dolntm Uavm tha bin wilboat en eqael. FOR PALE BY S. J, Gates. DEALER IN CLOTIIFNO. ROOTS, HHOB AND UKiNTfy M n.NlrUlNU UOODrJ CnrwenaTille, Pa., April 10 3m. JJARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLE I I em aware that there ere aome tvereoae a little bard te pleaae, end I em alao mui that the eon plaint of "hard timea" ta wall nigh aalTeraaL uai i am ee euaate new that i aaa eatiery the former aad prove eeaolnaively that "bard timea" will not effeot tboee who bay their gooda from , aad ell any patron a aball He. in It ia tod Into tba at ei HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have gooda eaoegh te pily all the tnhahU tenia la the lewar and of tho eoaaty wbieh 1 aell at ateeediog low ratae from my mammoth a ton la MUL60NBURO, where I eaa elwaya be foaad ready to wait npon ealtera aad aupply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, 8 neb aa Clothe, flatlnette, Caaalmena, hf aliai Veiatnee, Linen, UriHinga, Celieoea. Trimmings, Rlbboat, Laoo, Reedy-made Clethlcg, Reeta and Show, Hata aad Capeall vf tha beat material and made to order Huh, 8oeke, Olovee, Mitteae, Lneee, Ribboaa,d GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Soger, Rice, Molaaaaa, tUh, pall Pork, Llaaeed Oil, Fnh Oil. Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qeeanewere, Tinware, Ceatlnga, Plowi aad Plow Caatinga, Naila, Hpiltee, Cera CaltiTa tore, Cider Preaaaa, and all kiada ef Axea. Perfamery, Paint, Varalab, Qlaaa, aad a gen-rat aaaertmeat ef StaUoaery. GOOD FLOUR, Of different hraada, alwayt ea head, aad will be told at tho lowaat poaeible I g urea. J. H. MeClala't Medieiaea, Jayao'a Mediciaa. Hoautter'a aod Uooflaad't Bittern. tool pouada of Wool wealed far wbieh Ibe hlgheat prioe will bo paid. C)o7oreeod oa bant aad ror aala at the leweat market prlea. Alao, Agent for StreltouYllW nnd CurweatTllle Threahing Meehlnea. jta-Cnll and aee ror yonraarree. Tea will M OTorylhlng aawally hept ia a retail More. - L. M. COUDRIET. FreacbrUle P. 0., Aagaet It, Itle. B1GLER, YOUNG & REED, iSeeoeeeora te Boyatoa A Toeag,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Maaefaetarera ef lOBTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of F.arth aad Pisa StroeU, CLEARFIELD, PA. HA VI NO en (.red la tht maaafaetare offlrM elnas MACHINERY, we reapeetfally lahra ht publio that we art aew prepared to ill all erdare at theaply and aa promptly at oaa ha deaa la nay ef the eillet. Wt auaaftetara aad daal ll Malay ud Cironlu Ew-Milli and Blooka, Water Whoela, (keftJag Pol I. It, Olferd'a Injector, "teem Satget, Steam Whirl Ollert, Tallow Copt, Oil Cape, 8 Beg. Oeokt, AS Cooke, Slob. Vairoe, Chert Varrat, wroagbt Irrt PI pea, Steam Pern pa. Belle, Feed Pampt, Aall Frietioa Metrea, lea Stoma F Beting. Sam Feet ag, nod all kiada of MILL WOBI l together with Plewa, Sled Bake, COOK AND PASLOS 8T0VKS, j 0 i ami ether OASTIrlOl of aU klade, aaT-Orwart tollalted and llloA al tut t" All krttert of loo, airy wlla aoftroaat It tanehlaerj af our BoMelhotart promptly aaewered, by addret lag aa nt Clears eld, Pa. JaalTe-af BlaLER, T0BN9 A KEED