Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 26, 1878, Image 2

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    hc gUpuHiran.
Gkorqi B. Goodlandbr, Editor.
Ruder, If yom wwil to know what 1$ Rolnf on
la tht baittmi world, Juit rari our nivert.-lng
olnmni. tbo Spteial column In partloultr.
No man worthy too offloo of Proildint tboald
b willing to bold It If oountod In, or nloood thiro
by 007 froud. U. S, (Hunt.
I oon Id Bovtr hovo boon rwoncllod to tbo !
Tfttioo b tbo finllt old or mios of porion,
however mpoaUblo loprlrftto lifo, who tourt
foroTor oorrj upon fail brow tho it trap of fraud
fin. triumph in t la Anorleon hiitory, No tub
ooquont lotion, fcowtvor merit orlou. fn wh
iwi; tbo lottora of thot roeord.
Clt ARLtn FlUHTtl A DA Mi,
Under tho formi of low, llntborford B. IIiym
hu boon dooUrod Prosidnt of tbo U oiled ButM.
llli tltlo resti upon dlif roach licmont of lowful
votori, tbo folio oortlDettri of tbo returning offl
con toting oorTuptly, ond tho doolilon of eon.
minion which boi refund to beer evidence of i.
leged frond. For tho Ant tin on tbo Amorioon
pooplo (ton fronted with tbo foot oft fraudulent I j
olcolod President. Lot it not bo undoritood that
tho frond will bo illontlj nctfulooood In by tbo
QooDtry. Lot no bourpuu In which tbo usurpa
tion li torguUtn.
Addhiis or Dimoc ratio H. O.'a.
Out hand rod yean of butnio deprtvlt aeon
null ted and oooeoDtratodlntonolimai of crime,
Never agftln In ovo hundred jearo aball they bare
an opportunity to repeat tuo wrong.
Daxirl Wi VoonnBH.
I would rather bare tho endowment of a quar
ter of a million of tbo American people than that
of the Louisiana Returning Board, or of too Com
minion which excluded the facta and decided
tbo qucitioa on a technicality.
Tnoi. A. HanpaicKB.
Democratic State Ticket.
ron sotrrror,
or union county.
or caawrokD oocitt.
Hon. H. P. ROSS,
Col. Goorgo P. Kane, Moyor of Bui
timoro, died on tho 23d.
Hon. T. J. Quinn, member of Con
gross from tho Albany (JJ. Y.) district,
died in Washington on tho 18lh inst
Government Accounts. Tho sys
tcm of book keeping as praoticed in
the Unitod States Treasury Depart
ment, is pretty well elaborated on our
fourth pago this week.
Stat Central Committee. Hon.
11. M. Spoor, Chairman of the Demo
cratic State Central Committee, an
nounces that until further notice the
headquarters of the committee will be
at 320, Market street, Harrisbnrg.
Stanley's Lament. The Spring
field Republican has learned somehow
that Stanloy Matthews now sits at
homo and sings tho song of the unfor
tunate Dutchman :
"When I dink, of vrI I am
And vat I tiled to va,,
X dink, I'to droved aytelf nvnj
Mitout euffiolenl mum."
"But it li not llketv that Senator Dill will be
eneoeeded bv R Democrat."--VliUiamtporl Bullitim.
Well, that's cool for an outsider who
knows better. There arc a half a dm
on of Democrats in that district who
could easily bo cloctcd, because Senator
Dill has shown to the peoplo tborof
that that is the kind of a Senator to
have. .
Radically Tbci Tho Boston Post
avers that it is plainly evident from
tho conduct of the Radicals in Congress,
that they place far more reliance on a
standing Army than in tbe people.
Their eagerness for an increase of 5,000
more mon is very appropriate. It
noeds no Daniel to interpret their hand
writing in this particular.
A Dodger. Hayes bad the pluck
to veto tho silver bill, which tho peo
ple wanted ; but he lacked the moral
courage to veto the river and harbor
bill, which a corrupt lobby wanted for
the purpose of plundering the Treasu
ry. Ho is not mado of the BtuT that
the country needs in the Whito House
these crooked timos.
Stranoi Music The Lewistown
Democrat, aptly remarks: When the
Rev. D. 8. Monroe makes a speech fa
vorable to tho Democratic nominee for
Governor, tho Lewistown Gazette pro
nounces it "a rather out-of-the-way
thing for a Methodist preacher ;" but
whon the Rev. Dr. Edwards, in his
Horthaestem Christian Advocate, urges
Mothodists to voto agninst tbe Demo
cratic party, then it is " ringing odi
torial !"
A Neoativi Confession. Because
Senator Matthews will not swear ho
didn't, and because Secretary Sherman
could not swear he didn't, there is much
misdoubt in tbe land. It is not only
what Anderson swears to that makes
his accusations strong ; it is what Mat
thews and Bhorman refuse to swear to.
Tho two great lighta of the Adminis
tration that walk like pillars of fire be
fore it, rofusos to bo brought to book
in their own defenoo.
Hone Aoain Senator Wallace and
his family returned from Washington
to their home in this borough on last
Friday ovoning, all enjoying good
health. It gives us pleasure to know
that the Senator holds the highest con
fidential party position on the Demo
cratic sido of the Chamber in that body
of able Representative mon, although
but a few years a member thereof. If
his party friends koep on promoting
him it will become onr duty to hoist
bis Dame for tho Presidency by the
time the XLVth Congress closes.
Congress Closed. Tbe second ses
sion of tho XLVth Congress clos
ed on Thursday morning last, at 7
o'clock. Tho time fixed for adjourn
ment was Monday, and then Tuesday,
and finally Thursday. This body can
not most again until Monday, Decem
ber 2d, unless Mr. Hayes should deem
it necessary to convene it by procla
mation. At that time it will meet and
remain in session until tho 4th of
March, 1879, when the term of all tbe
members of the TJonss expires, nnless
Xhey are re-elected next November,
Diplomacy and strategy aro now
pmtdnywl, Innteml of rjnnrinn and Its)'.
y.-rJ:ri. W' -v-i--
Congrats of diplomats aro now in sen
si. .li al Berlin, Prniwia, and tho grout
head of the German Kmpire in the pre
siding spirit.
This step at settlement by all the
power of Kurope, has created some
jealousy on tho pait of the
Turks and their former allies, as Is
vory evident even at this distanro from
the theatre of action. According to
this, (im iWOaC leponpriMiiulgitted, tho
Turks, the Roumanians, tho Servians
and tho Montenegrins hold private
mooting frequently for the purpose of
coming to an understanding; or, in
othor words, to devise measures of de
fense in case tho results of the Congress
should not be satisfactory.
Those four allies will protest against
any resolutions adopted by Congress
which aro not to their taste. They
even go further, and do not scruplo to
apeak of resistance by onus; so tho
possibility of a renewal of the war with
Russia is thus reoponed. These bold
rebels doclara that they will not wait
lor England. If that power should
not bo willing this time to take side
with Turkey thoy will go to war with
out her assistance. Moroovor, thoy
are supported by the Hungarian com
mittoo. -
The Turks and her allies look upon
this Congress of diplomats as just so
much of a party which has assembled
to divido tho Turkish Kmpire, between
England, Franco, Germany, Austria
and tbe rest of Kurope, each of which
want a piece of Turkish territory for
future cultivation and enjoyment.
The State Militia. An act was
passed at tho luto session of the Legis
lature, for the purpose of reorganizing
the Stato Militia, or, "National guards,"
as tho Royal ideas of Radicalism has
titled tho organization. Tho Govern
or has taken the preliminary steps in
this matter, and through Adjutant
General Latta has promulgated a gen
eral order relieving Major Generals Os-
borno, Sigfricd, Heaver, Uuidckoper,
Gallagher, While and Dobson, respec
tively of tho Third, Fourth, Fifth,
Sovonth, Kighth, Ninoth and Tenth
Divisions of the National Guard, to
gether with their staff officers. The
following aides-de camp, on tho Gov
ernor's staff, aro also relieved : Col. J.
D. Lacier, Scranton ; Col. C. J. Arms,
Lancaster ; Col. Thomas M. Walker,
Krie j Col. Stanloy Woodward, Wilkos
barre ; Col. P. Lacoy Goddard, Phila
delphia ; Col. A. Wilson Norris, Phila
delphia. This order is rendered neces
sary in view of the going into opera
tion of tho act providing the reorgani
zation of tbo Stnto Militia into one di
vision of fivo brigades, which the Gov
ernor has sot about to carry into ofTcct
as promptly as possible. This attack
of tho Commandor-in-Chiet upon the
shoulder straps, will wound many a
brave hero from which he will never
recover, unless ho is reappointed. We
are glad to notico that om friend Col.
Hartshorn is not among the wounded.
A Political Dead Beat. The Ohio
Radicals bad an awful time In their
Stato Convention, on tho 12th, to got
Hayes endorsed. But under the pros
sure of urgent advices from Washing
ton and New York were enabled to keep
down tbo opposition to him and to
patch up a compromise resolution en
dorsing him, to stand side by sido with
a contradictory one approving of
Grant's scalawags and carpet-baggers
in tho South whom Hayes has Bnuh
bed. In the favor of the convention
Grant seems to have decidedly the bet
ter of Hayes, and since tbo two rival
cloments of the party now seem to be
marshaling under the banners of Hayes-
ism and Grantisin, it Booms that the
latter has the better outlook in Ohio.
As bctweon tho outright rascality of
the Grantites and tho snivelling hypo
crisy of tbe Uuyesites, the choice pre
sented to tho Buckeyes is very likoly
to drive tbem to another endorsement
of Democracy as the saving salt of the
Wholesale Poisoninii. Pittston,
Pa., June 19. Tho lamily of George
Judgo, member of the Legislature from
the Seventh Assembly district, who
wore poisoned yesterday by drinking
frosh milk from a milk cow, and whose
lives were only saved by promptly ad
ministered antidotos, aro all recovering.
Miss Judge, a young lady of 19, bad
several convulsions, aftor which she
relnpsod into a stato of insensibility.
She now shows signs of rocovory.
Thirty persons, all told, mostly children,
who tasted the milk were more or less
effected by it, many of them being seiz
ed with violent vomiting. Tho num
ber nndor the cans of several physi
cians is eighteen, all of whom aro con
valescing. Ths doctors pronounce it a
case of animal poisoning, and on exami
nation of the cow's udder found it had
been bitten by a snake.
True Radicalism. Ad exchange
says : The monoy to pay a commission
sent bonth in behalf ol Hayes's politi
cal fortunes, seems to have been bor
rowed from a Now York bank with
tho promise that it should be repaid
from the national treasury by so ap
propriation smuggled through Con
gress. The new system of civil service
reform that stops assessments on the
clerks, and pays campaign expenses
out of tbo national treasury, is such an
improvement on tbe old plan that wo
do not wonder the Ohio RoDnblicans
endorse it
War not Investigate. The editor
of the Cincinnati Enquirer, in alluding
to the Oregon election, hits the nail on
the head in this way :
Woaldn'l Seealot Hlpplo-Mltoboll, tret-walk)
of Penniylreaia, row erf Oreres, Ilka to bill a
aamlUM appelated to lareetieeu toe room
elective Ir tbat far at Plate tad Sad ml what
haa beooaa of tho RepablsaaR eaten ao aied te
The New York World chimes in, In
this way :
Ike Crete KovabllMR iur haj a tee) nlk
ed. Or Ik mlmr, It haa ror trad, aad with
eealiaeratilo etfeet. Bat the atnaaea aoaaee to hart
We twaa( ronnd for In RoaeM of tkl RoMbll
eaai bo loadod at.
The DirrzaENoa. Bismarck never
achired any greatness until after forty
years of age. Just mark ths difference
between him and James K. Anderson.
Ths latter is only thirty-firs years of
age and has achieved greatness equal
to the former In a different direction.
Fame and in fmy are nearly alike,
except In their definition. In that they
vary considerably. Jut so with ths
two statesmen.
Kxroor.n Theutlcmpt ol Sherman,
Hayes & Co., to smuggle (ho sum of j
Ki.OOO through Congress, in tho goner-1
in sending "visiting statesmen" to New
Orleans in April, 1877, was nothing
more nor less than uo attempt to roll
tho Treasury. John Sherman bud' no
more rluht to pay out this sum ofi
money, than he had to shoot Hayes.
Wo aro glad to nolo that at least one
of the "visiting statesmen," ex-Guv.
Brown, has forwarded bis cheek to tho
Trcusury for IS27.C3, being his share
of tho plundor. It is said Sherman re
turned tho check saying that tho Pros
idont is of opinion that Congress will
yet make provision fur the payment of
the expenses of tho commission, and if
it does not, ho, the President, will feel
it his duty to contribute from bis own
means toward tbo cancellation of tho
obligation. Wo are satisfied that theso
li,000 will be stolon from the Treasu
ry in somo way unless the Democrats
keep their eyes open. Hayes will no
more pay this sum out of his $50,000
per annum than he will hung himself
whilo allowed to sit in the Presidential
Iron Failures. Four of tho larg
est iron manufacturing establishments
in western Pennsylvania fuiled last
week. Two at New Castle, Lawrence
county, and two at Sharon, Mercer
county, viz:
Kimberlr. Cernea a Co. Nr. John SptsrluRa
nd Mr. Jue. forker. .
Dradlor' llrli A Co. Mr. JmeM A. CrRwforU
Rod Mr. H. n. CuiiologliRta.
Etno Iron Co. Mr. A. M. Btoni sad Mr. A.
L. Crowford.
NeibRnnock Iron Co. Mr. Joha S. SIreIo and
Mr. M. 8. Maraud.
The assets and liabilities of these
firms are sot down as follows :
Kimborir, Cernta A Co.. liabllUita..! MI.17I II
Kimberlr, Carnaa A Co , aiaata 2i8,lJJ SV
DeSalt. I 103,140 71
Total llebllltlta of tho four,v8,eW OS
Total Raeatf of tbe four Arma b66,7VA 00
Delot - 611,303 00
These blessed times striko tbo iron
manufacturers just like the lumbermen,
and all must go down together. And
if thoro is no improvement in states
manship, and change in tho policy of
government, both tho leading indus
tries will remain proslralo, and entail
untold misery upon the laborers and
tbeir families who have been turned
out of employment by false govern
As M 10 in be Kxi'Ected. Just as
soon as Senator Dill was nominated
for Governor, tbo Radical press, know
ing how odious the term bad become,
denounced him as a carpet-bagger, be
cause ho happened to be born in Mary
land whilo his aged futher was sent
there by bis Conforonco, to pro.tch the
gospel. "Carpet-bagger!" That's a
nice "moral idea" to retail among vo-
tors of sense. To show the drift of
this Inlamous attack upon the Senator,
wo quote a paragraph from tho Hunt
ingdon Monitor of last week. Tho ed
itor says:
A Repnbliosn Methodlit minietor, who la well
known many of our oltiaana, declare t to a
prominent Demntrat of tbia noantT. tke otber
day. tbat ha intenda to Tot for Dill for eor
ornor. Tbo Rereraool reotloman Raid that ba
armlj raeolrod to do that, whan tha Kepublwas
papera began to abuaa Dill aa a Carpet -beftr,
imply beeeute hie old father waa aipoundinf
MethodUm in Maryland, at tba tlm of bii birth.
Tha Carpet-bag argoRiont effaiart Dill will prora
a Tory unfortunate one for Ilia Hepublteaoa.
The editor in question no doubt
states tbe case exactly as it is work
ing, and tho gross indiscretion of tbo
Radical journalists will lose thorn thou
sands of votes.
Vermont's Declaration. -Tho Do in
ocrats of tbo State of Vermont assem
bled in Stato Convention on the 20th
inst., and after putting a full ticket in
the field for State officers, adopted an
excellent platform. Tho resolution re
lating to the Presidential question reads
as follows :
Reeoleeot, That tbe thanka of tha peeple of the
uotua matea are duo to tha men who oiirisatrd
tha preeeot inroetigation of th electoral fraoda ;
tbat tha rerelatloni already made befor tho oom
mitte arlmioatinR tba Secretary f th Treaaory
and tba KepoblioaR Renator from Ohio Icrto no
room to doubt the wiodom of tbia tnenitifation.
and that wbik the Drmoeratio party of Vermont
wonld enaction Ro Mrault upon tha official till of
rretidont uayo u nriet tna proeacutioa ana
poniehment of mil who tided la th fraud by
which tba Preeidency wat wreated from the Dem
ocracy. Tbo sentiments of this resolution
seem to prevail everywhere, tho op
posite being the exception. Tbo
" Rovolntion " invited by the Radical
Congressional committee, and their
aiders and abettors must provo a fail
ure, whilo the authors will be pro
nounced demagogues, if not knaves.
Bin Weddings. The lost of thoso
cams off at Princton, Now Jorsey, on
tho 20th. The contracting parties
wore ex-Governor Swan, now ono of
the Congressmen from Maryland, aged
73 years, and Mrs. John R. Thompson,
widow of the lata United States Sena
tor of that namo, aged B3 years. The
ox-Governor has a villa at Newport,
Rhode Island, a fine mansion at Wash
ington, and an elegant homestead in
Baltimore, and lives all over tho conn
try during the year. Tbe bride has
lots of cash. There is a big luss
among the children on both tides, but
that will soon tuo side.
The Plundered Indian. The ras
calilies of tha Indian ring have at last
driven tbe wretched Bannaka to war.
Evon General Crook, a staunch Indian
fighter, admits that they have boon
shamefully swindled and drivon to ac
tnal starvation. Theso Indians who
were our allies as against the Pi Utes
and the Sioux, are now drivon by des
peration to the plunder of the whites.
They have taken position in tho lava
beds, and tbe droary story of Captain
Jack and Scar-faced Charley will have
to be told onoe mors.
A Mixed Ticket. Some of the
dissatisfied oil mon held a meeting at
Foxburg, Clarion county last week.
ad nominated tbo following State
tickot, and emblazoned the names on a
huge streamer which was aispendod
across the principal street of ths village.
Tbo ticket is as follows :
OaTarnor AaSrvw O. Cartln.
Lient. tiTrnr CRRrla W. Stoat.
Jndg Bapreea Coart Daniel Area.
Bec'y Interne! Affaire J. Bimpeoa Africa.
Ws suspect that these oil men are a
little too slippery, and would not be
safe to tie to.
Turns nr Aoain. Old Subsidy Pom-
sroy, wbo narrowly escaped the Tenl
tontiary in tbe days of ths Credit Mo
bilior frauds, baa announced himself as
a candidate for United States Senator
In Kansas to aueooed Ingalla. He pays
the public a poor compliment in Imag
ining that bis rascalities have been
forgotten. However, he is in every
respect as deosnt as Ingalla, and la ful
ly as respectable as ths average Kan
sas politician.
The Two SenatuBk. Tho editor ol
the Washington J'ost, in alluding to
thocontost in Pennsylvania, savs: Don
V "Mjjr T'X 4 itf tiXX'S. . .
there wasn't going to bo much ol a
shower, ut first, but the defeat of his
candidates in more than one-third of
tho Assembly District Conventions
that have boon bold thus fur, bos torn
up his youthful mind. It is even
rumored that unless Don shows tip
hotter in tho remaining conventions,
ho will bo retired and tho old man
tako the track again to try and save
tho status of The Family. It shoiild
be remembered In this connection that
Senator Wullaco is supposed to be
gently guiding things in Pennsylvania,
this season. The peculiarity of Wal
lace as a political manager is, that tho
onoiny never can tell exactly how ho
is getting along until tho thing is done.
It is suspected by tho Cuinerons that
Wallace, having produced harmony in
his own party, is trying his hand as a
disorgunizor on tbo other fellows. This
is sad. According to the olhics of tho
Clan Cameron, every follow should
"shinny on liisown side." Consequently
the Citmeroniun clansmen fool yery
hard toward Wallace, and f'reoly accuse
him of striking Don below the bolt. It
i'i a littlo rough on a man who has just
been married tbe second time.
PRMneTLVARiA Druocract. The let Stale
Democratic Convention tbat met in l'itleburg put
tha following abanrd plank In their platlorm or
'A thorough Inveatlgation Into the tlaotnral
frauda of IS70 ebould u mod fraud ihould ba
expueed, tbe truth vindicated, and criminate pun
lebed, en! opptm nay oftac wpett (ae Prtndt
tiai lint at dawyerou ro our istlifHttoaj anli rait
free fa tie reialre."
Tha Jodaa tbat a'lppod thai Impotent aad ab
aurd eoneluiion in the r)iat platform ought to at
once go out and hnng himeolf. We do not recol
lect of eo great an incompetency ooturring In any
political paper In our elpertenon. Aoaeae ien-
Thejudiciary committee of Congress
on Thursday endorsed tho Pennsylva
nia plank by a vote of eight to ono,
and tho Houso arrived at tho same ab
surd conclusion the next day by a voto
of 831 to M. Hero is the resolution
adopted by the Committoo :
JlreoW, That tha two llouaee of Iht Portj
fourtb Congreaa having oounted the votaa oaet
for President and Vloe Proeident of th United
Statee, and having declared Halherford H. Ilayoa
and W. A. Whreler to b doly elected Proeident
and Vio Praeideot, ther i no power in any aub
aequent Congrela to revere that declaration, nor
can Rny auch power bo eioroiaed by the eonrta of
tbo United Kutea or aoy other tribunate that
toograee oan create under tha Oomtitulion.
Wo presume the Kansas editor will
now give the Congressional Judas, bail
Columbia lor their "absurd conclu
sions." Hayes Is as fully entitled ts
his seat as Grant was, and will hold it
unless lie is romovod by impeachment.
Whero is tho "Revolution" predicted
by tlio Radical Congressional Commit
tee. Poor fools I
A Candid Declaration. Tho Phil
adelphia Sunday Press, an independent
journal, that has not hcretofoie mani
fested much sympathy with tho Do
mocrucy, pays this tribute to Senator
Dill: "And row H. Dill holds a warm
place in tbo affections of tho people of
Pennsylvania, and vory doscrvedly.
Ho has proven himself not only an
able legislator, but an honest ono, and
Is thorefore entitled to the confidence
so generously reposed in him. no will
not forfeit it His prolongod legislative
career is marked by nothing disreputa
ble. No charge of corruptions of any
kind has ever been preferred against
bim, for tho excellent reason that he
has never given oven bis most vindic
tive opponents a chanco to impute
wrong to his actions. Open and above
board in all his dealings, whether witb
individuals or tho public, he has com
pletely disarmed criticism, and there
foro stands before tho people to-day
the personification of the Jeffersonlan
idea of public officials, capable and
Self Condemnation. Wo notice
that Senator Cameron, and licpreseo
tative Thompson, aroso in their respec
tive Houses on Monday, and offered
some bumcome resolutions authorizing
the appointment of a committee of seven
members to sit during recess to inquire
into the causes of business depression
and as to what means should bo taken
to restore to labor its rights. Tho res
olution is the extremity of domagogistn,
but in tbe midst of tho contusion in
cident to tho last hours of a session it
was passed by unanimous t-onset, no
one caring to oppose it lest he might
bo misunderstood. Tho idea that the
loaders of a party, which has dircctod
the policy of this Government for eigh
teen years, is certainly damning proof
that they aro unfit to govern it any
longer. It is woll that these two Hud
ical leaders have mustered courage
enough to confess their crimes.
A Report at IjAst. Senator Gro
ver has been exonerated from charges
that were trumped up by his political
enemies. The Committoo on Privileges
and Kloctions, through thoir Chair
man, Mr. Wadloigh, presented a re
port to tho Senato to tbe effort that
the charges aro without any founda
tion. This waa the case that killed
Morton. Tbat Radical fusee which was
loadod by Morton and Mitchell to kill
Grover, went off backwards. Morton
is buried, and Mitchell, although yet
on hia legs, might as well be dead, as
the Democrats have twolve majority
on joint ballot, and will of courso send
a Domoernt to tbe United States Sen
ate in his place.
An Enormous Tbekt. Tho Naval
committee of Congress which has been
investigating that Department of tbe
Government, for the past year, has
discovered far more and higher frauda,
perpotraled on the Treasury, by Sec
retary Robeson, than thoso ol Belknap
and his Confederates, who were all
sent ntto exile and disgraced long ago.
The aggregate theft amounts to one
hundred and eighty tuv millions of dol
lars (1182,000,000) and the robbers
move around among decent people ap
parontly as sinless as doves. How long
will the people submit to be plundered
in this way. It Is no wonder that the
stock of tramps is increasing.
Ws notice that Congressman 8. 8r
Cox will visit Sweden, Norway and
Iceland, during the recess of Congress,
and on his return will write another
book. Those who have read his
"Buckeye Abroad," and "In Search of
Winter Bnnoeama," will want the
The editor of tho Baltimore Qa;ette
blackens one oye each for two eminent
statesmen in this way: Mr. Blaine is
suffering Irom a stroke of malaria. If j
ths weather was only warmer John
Sherman might find it to bis interest
to cultivate a sunstroke
O! O!! Howard. We notice that
Genorul Howard is again in hot pur
suit of the r,d Mr on tlm rilttin fi"d
but as yet bo has killed no Indians, as
hu alwsye reaches the field too late
The General lina had no luck since hu
and bis cofudurativa robbed tho negro
bureau at Washington, of throe mill
ion dollars, and thereby cheutcd the
ex slaves out of their dime savings. If
the War Department did nut wwh to
send this "christian General" to the
penitentiary, which he had earned, it
should have ii,i,l,ed hiiu to Alaska
instead of to San Frnuciso. , There ure
lots of old women in tho country who
could niuko a better fight than How
ard. Let Howard retire and put a
General in his place who will accom
plish something.
No Go. The "Moxicauization"
which the Rudicnl statesmen predicted
because of the revelations of tho Potter
committoo, are not so lutul as theso
men anticipated. It is tho other ox
that is being gored. Tho Railicul
camp is being Muxicauized instead of
tho country. At least two of their
leading statesmen are as dead as Credit
Mobiliur Colfax aad Oakos Amos. And
Kliza l'inkston and Mm. (.'apt. Jenks,
of tho celobrnltKl homo marines, may
as well bod with John Sherman and
Stanley Mutlhews, from tho fact that
tho latter are as devoid ol moral integ
rity us tho former are of virtue li'
any other four persons have more fully
embraced total depravity lliuii the four
indicated, we have not licurd of their
Snoiiiieiiy. Tho enthusiastic Wash
ington dispatcher of the Now York,
,S'un,nubosoms himself onSpcaker I'un
dall in this way :
Th jobber! who were intereited in all th eub-
tidy icbemoa befor Cngreei are fiercely howling
tn tooir rare ai npcaeer uanaeii lor the Horn in
like flrraneeo with which he rtetetad all thee raidl
upon the Treaiury. He defeated tlio Dratilian
jeb ha defeated tbe Texaa Pacific Job ho pre
vented the ra-enaotincntof the franking privilege
and tha ra-adjuatmen t of railway mail pay a
large job, which had been oarelully worked up by
tbo jobbing Poetul ominiioiou. All aorla of
throat ar made by the eubiidr Jobbere ae to
their pwrpoae of defeating Rendall tbia fall in hia
dietrict. Tbey may make tbe effort. Itnndoll
dofloa tbem to do their beet. Ha eoorttauch an
itaue oefure the people.
Now, if tho speaker wns tho rccop
taclu of all tho power and iiifluunco in
dicated, over the members, why did he
not keep more ol them sober the three
lust days of the session.
A Conundrum. Will somebody
plcnso answer. Tlio utnount puid for
stationery by the Democratic Legis
lature of 1875 C, was t25,.'l()4.41. For
the Republican Legislature of 1877-8,
tho umonntpuid n us $10,31 i. 11. The
Columbia Herald says, theso amounts
aro tin m the official records in the
Auditor General's ofllco. Tho tax
payers would liko to know why a lie
publican Lcgislutuio expended S13,
010.48 more for stationery than tho
preceding Democratic Legislature,
which Republicans had licensed of ex
travagance. CtuiiNii to Lite. Some of the oliso
lote polilicul jockey's have recently put
Grant on the course for a third term.
This has resurrected tlio "blood-letting"
lacharialt Chandler, followed by
tho materialization of that pious old
fraud, ex Senator Harlan, lie lifted
up his head in the late Iowa Republi
can Convention and waa honored with
tbe temporary chairmanship of that
distinguished body. Tho vory men
tion of Grant's namo seems to buvo
warmed tbe old snakes, and Credit
Mobilioritos and whiskey ringstors into
Prettt Good Testimont. Tho Phil
adelphia bulletin, one of tbe leading
Radical organs of that city, in speak
ing of onr nominee for Governor, says :
"So fur as ho has gone, Mr. Dill has
given strong reason for bclioving that
he is a capublo and conscientious man
His withdrawal from the Senate will
create a good impression, tor whilo tlx
act was not required by propriety, it
shows that he is a man who is scrupu
lous whero other good men would be
lax and Indifferent."
Goino Abroad. There is quite a
rush of Americans to ths Paris Kxpo-
tition. On Thursday and Friday last
no loss than seven ocean steamers sail
cd from tbo port of New York for Eu
rope, most of whoso cabin passengers
were bound for Tans. Tbcro was not
a single Amerlcarrvcssol among the
number. Both onr war and our com
mercial navies are dwindling away
untlor the corrupt and fulso economy
of the past fifteen years.
Somebody Ltino. Tho best liars
this ago has produced are tho parties
who stolo the Presidency. And as
might bo expected, they are all sculla
wags and carpet baggers. The three
last witnesses heard, Anderson, Cant
and Mrs. Jinks, clap the climax for
square lying, and if James K. Ander
son isn t Indicted for perjury it is very
evident that Thus. H. Jinks should be.
K-Judr Henry Loothrr. of trie, bee broken
lone from hi old p'ttltiael (yoke nod mado a
lireewoacR epeaen al mugway, R.ik oounty, hie
M4 noma, or vredneetlay evening. He cham
pioned tht eaar of tbo National! and gave th
OamerR dyRaaty Hatl Colombia. It looks a tf
thtoge were getting looe about tn rota ir poll
tie op In Kri when rpr Ilk Jndg Lotbr
treat ever Iht Itnee. 'AfoWjaia fiatee.
That's too verdant. Had the editor
used an " S," instead of an " L," most
ol our citizens would have known tbat
ba was alluding to " Hank Soothor."
A Failure. Col. Hoyt, the Radical
candidate for Governor, spent the
whole of last week in Tittsburg, trying
to mend tho breaches mado in the
Radical party line by the members of
bis own household. But his mission
was a failure. Radicalism Is still tnrn
ed pretty well upside down in Al
legheny county. The malady cannot
be oared bolore November.
A Lively Tsimary. Tbe Demo
crats of Westmoreland county, held
their primary election on the ISth.
There were thirteen candidates for As
sembly, nineteen for Commissioner,
eight for Register and Recorder, ten
for Treasurer, seven for Poor Directors
and five for Auditor. Total, sixty-two
Congress having adjourned Ben But
ler is now at I i berty to resu mehlspnrault
of Mr. Stanley Matthews, but if he
should ever catch him he will probably
discovor tbat he has nothing to ahow
fur it.
A Discovery. TheCinoinnali Iireak-
fast TabU baa discovered that ths rea
son "the boy stood on the bnrning
deck" was that thoro was a brass band
Four hundred coopers ant on a
A vein of magnolia Iron ore has
been discovered on Mount I'enn, Berks
Tho Suite Teachers Association
will meet In Reading in the latter part
of July.
Moleeishiirg bus a female huso bull
club. They want a yming man for
Lust month 5,800 tons of stool rails
were rolled on one train of rolls at the
Cumbria works.
Greenland has no cats. Imagine
cuts in a country whero the nights are
six months long.
The First Nulionnl Bunk of St.
Joseph, Mo., was robbed of'))19,H(IO on
Friday night last.
A Biddeford, Me., lady has taught
hor large Newfoundland dog to curry
the train of bur dross.
1 lines will spend the Fourth of
July at the Wyoming Centennial Cele
bration, at Wilkonbarre.
A Itiillulo judge sent a trump to
imiimiii iur Luiiiy j care. now turn;
Stuto is not a healthy place for the
wandering vagabond. 1
Mrs. Fortune, of Halifax, having
givon birth to twins, both girls, tho
Now York Jivjirejis reflects that Miss
fortunes never como singly.
An elopement was frustrated in
Greene county by a dogseizing hold of
the lover and holding him until iho
lather ol Iho girl returned home from
It must be suid for John Khermun
thut ho possesses grout skill in select
ing tcniulo witnesses. Kliza l'inkston
u nd Mrs. .looks uro both marvels ol
their kind.
Tho Union Pucilic Railroad Com
pony bus purchased u siillieient num
ber of guns to arm all their employes
on overland passenger trains fur pro
tection uguuist robbers.
A gentelmnnof Philudephiu, whoso
nume is not Known, has sent a chock
fur twenty five thousand dollars to the
centennial lund of Philips' Academy,
at Anoovcr, Massachusetts.
Tho board to examine iuto tho case
of General Fitz John Porter will con-
vono at West Point, N. Y., Monday.
The members of tbo court are Gens.
Schoflelil, Terry and Gettey.
Bible distribution is diliL'chtly cur
ried on at the great Paris show. Kvory
body of every nationality, who will ro
coive it, is handed a copy ol the New
lostainont in his own tongue.
If you want to got on in this world
yon must bo willing to tako the biltor
with the sweot. Unless you aro ready
to hour your share ol the genjral bur
den you should not have been born.
Mrs. Homoily.of Armstrong Run,
Clarion county, wus killud by a stroko
ol lightning, mi r relay ullornoon. lust,
Col. Toinplelou, of Brudys' Bend was
coiisnloraoly injured oy the sumo shock
Goorgo M. Martin, lor several
years a clerk in tho Registry DeparU
mont of tho Now York PoatofHco, was
arrested last woek for robbing regis
tored letters. Thoy wore all in transit
between distant points.
Tbcro were introduced it, to both
Houses of Congress tliiring tho luto
session C.C29 bills, and 21.) joint resolu
tions, which aro in the nature of laws.
Of the bills over five thousand were
introduced in the House.
Now York Etching Express:
"Now that the Indians are moving,
anxiety for Howard begins to ariso.
If the K)or man should got within fifty
miles of a redskin, there's no telling
wnat might happen lo him.
Dauphin county sent thirty nine
ririsoners to tho eastern penitentiary
ast year. This number was exceeded
only by tho counties of Philadelphia
and Luzerne. No wonder Uarrisburg
wants the middle penitentiary.
A momlior of tho Kansas Legisla
ture named ebb killed another man
named Pago, who cheated him at a
game of laro. Mr. n ebb shows pro
per appreciation of the prerogatives of
a Representative. If there is any cheat
ing to be done no wants to do it him
self. A singular caso is on trial in
Brooklyn, whore Mrs. Mallay brinirs
suit aguinst St. Peter's Roman Catho
lic Church for Jl 11,01111 tlumagcs on ac
count ol tho injuries received by slip
ping on the icy steps. She armies tbat
us sho was bound to attend Mass under
pain ol mortal sin, tho church was
bound to keep its approaches In a sate
Tho boilers in tho steam tannery
of D. Caldwell, at Gaysport, adjoining
Holliduysbiirg exploded at eleven
o'clock on Friday morning lust The
boiler house and an adjoining building
were ertirely destroyed. (Jeiirco Ber-
cor, Lewis C. Barrnner and Goorgo
Hartley were badly scalded. Iho latter,
who was the engineer, Is not expected
to recover. No cause is assigned for
tno explosion.
The surviving members of Mr.
Bryant's immediate family are two
brothers, Arthur and John Howard
Bryant, who are both living in the
West, and two daughters, the elder of
whom is tho wile of Mr. 1'aiko God
win. John Howard Bryant onrollod
his namo among the list of American
poets by some vory rood work in his
younger days. He is now a citizen of
Princeton, Illinois.
Tho new iron steamship City of
uoiumnus was succonsiuiiy launched
from tho yard of John Roach 4 Sons
at Chester last week in tho presonco of
a large concourse of peoplo. She is
272 foot long, 3H foot beam ; depth of
hold, 24 foot 10 inches, and has a ton
nage of 2,2r0 tons. She is fur the
Uecan (Steamship Company, of Savan-
nah, Ga., and will ply between that
city and -Now tork.
Sixtv-nins colored r-miurAnfji nml
cd from Now York recently for Liberia
under the auspicics of tho American
Colonization Society, who will support
the emigrats for six months after their
arrival. About a dozen cabin passen
gers were also on board. It is under-
stood that efforts aro to be mado to
open np tbo buck country of Liberia,
and by tho construction of roads to
bring tbe products to tho coast.
Mr. Both Green has invented a
shad-hatching apparatus which hs
thinks will hatch out a much larger
pan oi vne eggs man have been hatch
ed heretofore. He provides two boxes.
in one of which currents of water pass
through a perforated bottom, keeping
uv "KK" 111 wuBuinfc motion, vt non
tbe eggs are hatched ths young fish
will follow the current to ths top,
where the water passes over Into the
other box, which is the receiving and
feeding box, and atay thoro nntil they
are large enongh for removal.
--Tho man-fish, Captain Boynton,
had a perilous swim a few weeks ago
sci one the Straits of Gibraltar. A great
shark swam around him and grew more
and more aggressive until it was fright
ened away by ths explosion oi a dyna
mite cartridge. Night came on and
with it high wind and waves, during
which the captain waa lost nioht ol
several timos by tbe boat's crew who
were so Irightened that they insisted
thst hs should Rive id ths vovase and
got into the boat At lost ths captain
mads land and Irightened terribly a
party of Moors, wbo ran away as fast
as thoy could, thinking that some
dreadful soa monster had landed on
their shore.
Ma Kuitor: The members of the
HVt4rj?'",.', v'.- -j"" -X-- ''
you, for our respective Statu offices,
nun whoso characters aro undefilod
ami nolliiintod with any political con
spintcics ; and more: wechallongo any
man to assail thoir characters. Tho
men whom the Democrats have placed
before the pooplo of the "Old Keystone
Stale," aro noted for perspicuity, in
tegrity and honesty. Those men do
not seek tho offices for which they
havo been nominated; but, on the
other hand the offices uro socking them.
What is tho goeat question for our
practical solution ? Unless wo gnntly
err, that question simply is: Shall we
allow liaud, tyranny and corruption
lo reign in the future as they have in
the past, or shull wo trample them un
der our feet? That thoro aro many
good, honest und pulriotio mon in tho
Republican party, is incontrovertible.
But thoro is simply no similitudo be
tween their nominees and the above
named qualities, excepting Judge Ster
rett, who, I believe, is as honest and
upright as any man in tho Stuto. lie
mem her "Camcronism" does not work
lor the interest ol the pooplo, but tor
self intorest. llavo not such men us
theso boon "running" our government,
both in National und State a flairs?
Shall wo allow our government to do
gencrato lower than il is at tha present
time? If wo want our country re
stored lo its former prosperity, we
must, as a people, join bunds and work
harmoniously togothor, in order to ac
complish thut which God and human
ity demand. Be not discouraged re
member in Iho time of Washington,
that noble spirit went through fire and
water to work out a nation's salvation.
But a greatur work still remained
tho work of framing a form of gov
ernment for themselves and posterity.
That work has been accomplished.
But tlio modo of government which
tho pooplo havo beou a century and
more establishing, is now standing on
tho brink ol a dreadful precipice, and
tbo parly that is now in power is put
ting it over this dreadful precipice witb
precipitancy. Ono more stop and tho
American jlepublic will not stand be
fore the world as one great monument
of civil and religious liberty. We have
every reason to be encouraged. Wo
achieved a grand glorious victory in
1870, but fraud proved victorious
With such a man as the Hon. A. II.
Dill (a man of tho most reputablo char
acter, wore he not would he havo been
returned to Uarrisburg for nino con
soctive years from a Republican dis
trict. Uo ranks high among Pennsyl
vania's noblest and most honored men,
and before many achievements are
written on tho pse-csot timo tbo namo
of Hon. A. II. Dili will bo found under
tho head of statesmen) for our leader
and standard bearer, the Democratic
tickot must sweep tho Stato by 15,000
majority. If we but work, victory is
ours, and "Republicanism," witb all
her mighty men of valor can't wrench
it from us. What is the history of tho
Republican party for tho past twelve
years? It is a history of shiimo, of!
corruption, ol cruelty, rugs and ruin.
It has tuken lustre from business and
mado it dim ; it has tukon strength
from tho limbs and made them weuk
and tottering; it has taken vitality
from tho blood, and filled it with seeds
of disease and death ; it has turned
hands from doeds ol usefulness to bo
como instruments of brutality and
murder; il has broken ties of friend
ship and planted seeds of enmity ; it
has taken Injury from tho tablo, and
compelled men to cry out on account
of famine and beg for bread; it has
stripped hacks of silk and broadcloth
and clothed them with rags; it has
taken away acres yes, farms and
given not even a decent burial place
in death; il has filled the world with
tears and groans of the poor and help
less, with wretchedness and want. We
have now reached the time when the
poople demand reformation in the af
fuirs of our government, and "Cum
tempos oecessitasquo postulat, deccr
tnndum manu est." Xerxes.
June 7th, 1878.
A Great Gain. During the present
session of Congress, the delegation
from Oregon was solidly Radical ; but
tbe people of that Stale, at tho recent
election, concluded to reverse things,
and the delegation will be solidly Dem
ocratic. So much for tbe lato Senator
Morton's investigation of tbo last elec
tion in that Stnto, which cost him his
The Noni.i Twentieth. Clrai Bold,
Clinton, Centre, Mifflin and Union
countica composo the XXth Congret
sional district of Pennsylvania, and
has raised within its borders a number
of the ablest men in tho State Gov
ernors, United States Senators, and we
expect to loan tho I'nitcd Stules a
President before long.
Disappointed. Tho editor of the
Baltimore Oa:ettemy: "VinnioReum
Iloxie announces that notwithstanding
she is woddod, she will continue to de
vote herself to 'art' Tbocountry was
hoping that this talented woman would
confine herself to tho production of a
fow works of nature."
Tin DoDiieks. Senators Blaino and
Conkling both dodged the voto on iho
repeal of the resumption act in tho
Senato. The House bill was only de
feated by ono majority. Senator Wal
lace of Pennsylvania, voted for repeal.
Senator Camoron was absent, or not
That's Old. Tbe Radicals now
say that Ben Butler lias gone over to
tho Democrats. Tho cry is not now.
Wbenovor a Republican evinces an in
clination towards honesty ho is always
charged with being in sympathy with
the Democratic party.
Confiscation. The Altoona Tribune
and tbe Bellefonto ,rnU have literally
confiscated the Recorder of the Mount
ain City, and if half of what the papers
in question insinuate Is true, wo are
amazed that auch a man evor reached
lbs position be holds.
The Oovtrnor bat RppttvW R bill appropri.
Uag SA.eOO for the oroolion of R mooamoat over
tl-UTrnor Ueary'a g rev. frcAaag.
That is rather a cool job. John W.
Geary and Geo. O. Kvans, and tbeir
confederates, robbed the Stale Treat
ury of 1290,000. Why not give Kvant
15,000, too?
3rw flwtlstmtati.
M. M. McCULLOUtiir.
Ofl. In Meeonlt nulldlRC, or' rtreet, oh.
vie Ue Crt jS.'TI'tr.
Will v.m.M-U.1. III. 1. .
lotjr. O0o In Ple'i
inn H, T".
Opera Hone.
C ACTIOS. AM pwwaiRr Ronb oIor4
nralnet Mranaalar r In nav ... b.mIjii...
Wlln tht following prowartr, Row Ir poaaaeeleR of
" v. " i, iwaoai.t via 1 une fen
nr., 1 eedjle rr4 brittle, I , ut Mdln(, 1
OMk aoava, ae tat east til ptrekartS Wv eat tt
Oenetaale't ,al on tat It fa; tf Jtn. I.TI, aaj
la ln Witt tale) Wit as Una txlr, at.jM li
r.r al aa? IIbm. . at. aloKIE
Mow Millrwrl, Jena J, 1ST II
2lftt' Jtflvrrtlnfmrnlu. J
TT virtu of writi of Lturi Fteiai, Imuoc. I
J ami of tlit Court of Mat of CUr. I
ftcld oantf, tied to d.rwlpiit thr wiV, j
b oipaMd to pMI ), tvt lb Cotrt llouio, ,
In lb boruugtt of OlnmrSold, 00 Hfttardiij. , tin '
S.itb Uy of situ., IH78, mi I o'vtook, p. 01 ,
tbo folluwlng dticribd ret.1 cMtto, wit: j
A etrlafii two It-ry irsai dwallioji boooe, 20
bf HO Urt, riant la tb filliijt of Ittiiii'Mr-g'-r,
'! Held enuoly, i'., bouO't-'J and druuritied
followi i On tlttt eiftt bv Main ftrrt, on tht
weatby an allcr, en th routh hy lot. twntd by
Jobn KurubarRvr, Mid lot being iitj fert front
on Mnin rwt bj one huudrtd hiiiI mitjr (wet
fjtj. HtMied, tikon in rxfmitlun and t be told
at the jiroprMy of Win. Mrlntoih.
Alu. all tha until. Jim) of the fullntvln
tract of land, itualad In II rati y towutvblp, ("Jlnar- I
field Co, fa., bounded and dricrlbed follow.,
to wit : Heginninjc tt poit to the diitrlot line nt j
tlit ounier of ld traet of land i thence
north 1 rati flit I ft. 10 ptrrhee lo poat : thence ;
nortltncat eornar of tatne t tbenoa tact 10H ior- I
fb to post 1 thmet mtiih went Mtfl penheo
to nemiooK 1 tnence luuth tv' till 1 :a
loapoit) tbenoe ioaib 10 weat M T I" nerchra
to poat 1 thence aouih 611 eaat U4 perobaa to a
beech ; thence north SO" eH ttU perchee to a
jioet t tbcni'e aouth fill0 eait 46 pcrrhea to a brack ;
thence auutb 8li V6 perches to a pnat 1
thrnee auutb tflN erebea to a poat 1 thence auutb
KV" wat t(rl ft Ml peruht-e to a put or tuaple (
tbrnoe aoblh I0U)U weat lt4 perchee to red oak )
thrno" ft 114 nerchea to a poat; ihcnoe 14
weat 117 6 li pare boa U poat ; thruce eal lus
percboa to pout 1 thence aouth 1 went art M -III
jierohea lo a poat! Ihenoe north HSJ treat at per
ebea to aaugar t thenee north l)uart GU peuhei
to a pinei ihenoe north wrat 70 perchue to
place fl Beginning, containing eleven hundred
end aeTenly-foor (1174) aarei more r lexa, our
rret me mi re. belied taken In eieaotion und to
be aold aa tbe property of Itobart Ovborn, Hubert
J. Nlchulana and .Nathan Carrier.
Tmrmi or Blb. The price or aum at wbhh
the proper!? ahall be at rue k off mutt be paid at tbe
time ul vale, or aufh Utaer arrangemente male aa
will b approved, other Im tbe property will be
Immediately- put op and told again at tho expeQue
and rlak of the person ts whom it waa atruea off,
and wbo, In oam of deficiency at aueh re aale,
ahull ma kit good lb eatne, end tn no inatanoe
will tbe Itt-vd be preeraird in Court for eon ti rota
tion nnleaa tbe worry ta actually paid to tbe
Sb.r.fl ANDKKW PKNTZ, Jr.,
fntmirv'u Orrira. Sheriff.
Clearfield, Fa., Jane 12. Ih7S. I
Sheriffs Sale.
BY rlrtua of writs of Fi. Fa., limed
oat of th Coart of Common Fleaa of Clear,
field eountr, and to me directed, there will be
ei posed to FUBM0 SALE, at tbe Court House,
in the borough of Clearfield, on Saturday, the
2tfl b day or June, U7tt, at 1 o'eloek p. tn.,
tbe following deaoribed real estate, to wit:
A certain lot of groond tiluata la tbe village of
Giro Hope, Bocearia township, Clearfield oounty.
Pa., bounded and described aa follow t Begia
nlng at a eorner on Front ft reel; thenee along
aaid atreet Bitty fir feet to l t of 8. C. Patch in ;
tbeaee along aaid lot one hundred and llity-fira
feel to spruce street ; thenee along 8prooe atreet
iity-tv feet to the Bald Katie tnrni ike; thence
along laid turnpike one hundred and aixty.flvol
feet to place of beginning, and being known is j
plaa of Mid village aa lot No. , and having
larrvuu wiioieu larRa lurtf story mre ouimiDg,
42 1 M feet used aa a botel and lodge room, a
stable 24iJ5 feel, with coal boose, bake oren,
norn ertb, and other aeceoaary outbuildings.
Seised, taken In execution and to be told as the"
property of the Udl Fellows' Hall Assooiatjon , of
which Henry Doits and John Brattoa aro Trua
lecs. Also, a eertaln tract of land Minute In Grata
wood township, ClearfloU eonnty, Fa , bounded
and described at follows : On the out b y landa
John Irvia A Brother, tooth by land of William
Moors, wet by landa of Ueorge Bayers, north by
land of Wiek and George Beyers, containing
eighty acres morn or lata, with about thirty acre
cleared, ard a )nnng orchard growing t hereon,
and havlrg a two-stcry frame boue, log barn,
and o(hT outbuiidinga thereon, tjeiaed, taken
in earfutUn and te ba told at tbo property of
John Iehven.
Alt", a!) Il-at lt r pieee of land rltuate In the
j village of ilnrnstde, known a lot No. , aud
bounded aa follows, vu: On the nnrth by lot o
filial Rooloer, on the weat by an aller, on tbe
tomb by lot belonging te Jai-ksnn Patch in, on
east by Market street, together with a frame
dwelling houe, about ltU3J leet, and a frame
stable, about iVxSQ feet, and other outbuildings.
Beiied, lakra in elocution and to bt aold aa tbe
property of John IetwMcr.
Also, a certain piece or tract of lend In Girard
township, Clearfield county, Penn'a, bounded
and described at follows, vlu Brgitming at
atontt, thenc by land of Ronelot north one hun
dred and thirty-four perchet to atone, thence by
landa of Ale lender Murray, eaat about one hun
dred and thirty-eight perches to atonee, thence
aootnone nun area and thirty-Tour perchet to 1
rt one 1 and corner of Thut Leonard' land, thence :
west by eatne on hand red and Ihirty.eight
percbra to place of beginning, containing 120'
aeret more or leaa, and having 99 acre cleared 1
and having a good orchard thereon, and having !
t Hereon erected a frame bouse thirty -two bv lorty
feet, two stories high well-finished, and a log 1
houae, a large bank ban, wagon-thed, hlackimlth
shop, spring-house, and other out-buildings, these
belnr tame tracts of land which J. J. Pie and
wife conveyed to Wendell Bndret by deed dated
Bereft 7m, in, I, aad recorded la deed book No.
4, page 114
Also tba following iota or pleeea of ground alt
anted ia the borouih of Clearfield. Clearfield
eonnty, Fa., in what It called Mossop's addition
10 ram aorouga, ine nrat ooundtd and described
at followt: Beginning at alley on extended
Fourth street, thence north along taid atreet forty-nine
and one-half feet lo a post, thence in an
taaterly direction two hundred feet mora or leaa
to a poat comer on line of Jas. B. Graham, ihenoe
in a southerly direction along aaid Graham's
land forty-nine aad one-half feet to an alley,
thence in a westerly direction aloog taid alley
two hundred feat mora ar leaa to tbe place of be
ginning, reserving tha water right and reeerring
the right to go apon aaid lot and lay pipes from
Ut spring upon taid lot to convey water from
th taid Hiring to go wherever tbe leasor vey
tee It, alto lo go upon taid lot to repair said
pipes and wall ia said aprirg, and baring there,
oa erected a frame boui forty by tweutr-four
feet, with wing ttittea by thirty-two TeeC with
good cellar under tame, there ia also an ice-bout
on aaid Int.
Also, to ether lnta In said M..sHp'f addition
to the borough of Clearfield, bounded and describ
ed ae follows t Hounded on the eat by land of
Jas. B. Graham, on tbe Berth by an alley, on tbe
aouth by aa alley and on the weat by Fourth
atreet, and known aa lota No. forty-five aod for
ty-tii in said addition lo tbe borittgb of Clear
field, and baring thereon erected a frame house
two alorlea high lateen by twenty -four feet witb
kitchen attached, a large brewery with three
beer vault, and a frame stable, and other out
building!. Bailed, taken In execution, and to be
told aa tba propetty of Wendell Endrea.
Taaa or BatB. Tb ario or tuta at which
th property shall ba a truck off must be paid al
th tlm of sale, or aueh other arrangements
To the Citizens of Clearfield Cmtitt
I have ODOIlPll nn mm nf tl.a la
of goods ever offered in this county, which must be Been to be np-
n.:.i..i t : . . ' . . .... . ... . 1
piiuivu. it, is noi necessary
the followintr dcnnrtmpntN urn
W 1 -
Dry Goods,
Millinery Goods,
Hosiery and Gloves,
; Corsets, Ties,
Furnishing Goods,
I Kid Gloves,
i E m b r o i d o r y.
White Goods.
Linen Suite
These goods have been selected with tho greatest care, were
bou ''lit for chrIi and will In. ar.lil ,, m k;
very light they will be sold cheaper than tho cheapest.
Clearfield, Pa , May 1. 1878.
Tbcrs is sow being opened tha largest new nock ever brought hers of
After having lookod t goods st sll other places, como to u nd com
.pars prices, and you will be convinced that ours aro positively
Childron'i Shoes,
llissea Shoos, ' . .
Women' Droit Shoes,
Womena' Morocco Butlouvd
Woroona' Kid Shoes,
Womena' Slipper,
Mens' Shoos,
Mona' Drcsa Shoes,
Mens Dresa Boots,
Mens' Slipper.,
W.I. I. "I '
.. ..... .n anourimeni 100 numerous to specify, at all prices,
Wa take yoor measnrt lor any short at prlooa comparing with lilt
prices. Anything wa bar oot got w will get yoq without extra
obarge. All kinds of produce taken In truda tht tama aa
though It wat cash.
Clearfield, May 22,79.. Second Street, opposite Court Hnua
. iht up d 4H,j.t at
Iheeipanao and riak of tbe person to whom it
waa atruuk off. and wbo, in eae of deficient?; It
mil re-eai.ii puo.ii hhh ine eaoie, and
n Instance will tbe leed be preaeated la Coart
for eoobrmatloa unleaa the nnney la eetuell
pald to the (Sheriff. ANDKKW PKNTZ, Jr.
811 a hi rr'e Urrica,, I Kbarlf
Cloarfleld.Fa., June It, 1171. 1
Sheriff's Sale.
Y virtue of sundry wnta of V Itiaed
9 out of tbe Court of Common Fleas of Clear,
field Co , and tvnedireeted, tbera will be exposed
to public tale, at (he Court Hou-, lo the borough
of Clearfield, on Wvdiioadny, tli loth day o
Jul-VftVi. ) o'elirflk, p. m., the folio.
Ing dceertbed real estate, to will
A tierteln tract or piece of land aituate In Bait
township, ClearHald eounty, Fa,, hounded and
dese'lhed aa follows : On tbe aouth by lands of
Cah in Millr, on tbenat by lands of K A Irln.
on ihe north by lands of Kurti t Bell, and on
the west by lands of A. M. MeCluro, euotiniDg
pti'.y.eeven acres more or leaa, and baring abuut
thirty acres cleared and under oaltivailoo , with
a good bearing orchard, and baring thereon
ervetvd a log house, log barn, and otber out
buildings. Bolted, taken In exeeution and to be
old aa the property of Utnry Ueihl.
Also, tho following lob or pleocaof ground ait
Bate in tbe borough of Oaoeola, Clatrfioid oounty,
Fa., houndrd and de'eriled aa follows: Uo tbe
eait by Klanehard atrerl, on th tooth by Kate
street, on the wat hr Urn y alley, and 00 tho
north by lot of H Knydar, and known in general
plea or aul borne gh as lota ISoa. Itt and 171,
and baring thereon erected a small stable. Halted,
taken in eietmrioa aid to bo told aa tbe property
f W.C. Lingle.
Tinna or Ham.-The prloe or aum at which
the property ahall be atruuk off anatt be paid at
the time of Rale, or tuoh other arrangements made
as will be approved, ojbrrwiae the property will
be Immediately put up and told aain at the ea
penao and ri-k of tbe pertoa to whom it waa
truck yd, and wbo, tn ease of detirienoy at sueb
re-sale, shall mitke good tbe aetne, and la no
itanoe will tbe Deed be presented in Court fur
uou&rniatioD nnlera tbe tnontv is actually paid to
UieHberiff. ANDKKW FKNTZ.Jr.,
iMutRirr'a Ornca, I h her iff.
Clearfield. Fa Mi.y ID, U79.
Gas Bonds for Sale.
The ClrarfleM Gaa Company offera for tale, at
par, Coupon Hands of 3uf and $1(H) deaomina
tiuna, bearing In tercet at th rat or fi por centum
tier aunutn, payable aeiul annually at th First
National llitnk of Clearfield, Pa.
The worka of tbe Clwarfield Gaa Company were
erected at a Mat of tl.OuO, and tbe Bonds is
sued aro limited by law to $12,II0, secured by a
oiortgsge on a-l th Company's property and
franohtu, In favor of Win. II. Dill, Cashier of
th Firet National Bank, and John M. Adams,
Cashier of iho Clearfield County Bank, In trait.
Th Directors propose to iasu bat 119,000 of
these bonds for the purpose of funding their Boat.
Ing dibi. and but $4u00 remain unsold. Any in
loimation rerpeeting the works will ba given by
the Pro'ident or Treat rer of th Company.
Bonds can be had at any of the Clearfield banks.
W. W liKTTrf. A.F. BUY IS TON,
Prefidvbt. Bee. and Treat.
W. D. Hill LRU,
ClearfMd, June 19, '78 tf. Directors.
AriiiiIiiilrntor'H Hale
Fvcal Estate ia Covington Twp.
The un4ereirnel, Adminlitrntur of tbe netat of
Pelil I'leard, lato of Covinatan lewoihip, Clear'
field eountr, I1.., d.e'd, will offer for aale at pan.
lie out ery, on tbe, oa
Siturday, July 6, 1878,
al S o'clock p. ai., that certain lot of ground lta
aie ia ibe township aforesaid, bounded oa the
east and aouth by landa of John B. Pieard, and oa
tlie watt and north by landa of Aug. Kongeui,
containing TWO ACRES, having thereon erect.)
a good frame dwelling boufe, atable, and the
neocasary outbuilding, together with the im
provenii'O's, TERMS OF SALE :
One third of tbe parch as money must ba paid
on the day of sale, and tbe balance in two equal
annual paymmta, to be secured by bond and
mortgage on tba promise. V. f. COl'DRIKT.
Frcnchrille, Pa., June 12, IS78-.1l. Adm'r.
2 Notice la hereby given that tetter of Ad
uiiomtratioe on lb estate of WM. ULBNN,
1st of Pike townahip, Clearfield oounty.
Pa., deceased, baring been duly granted ta tba
undersigned, all persona Indebted lo aaid estate
will please make iuiinedial payment, and toot
having claims or demands against tbe tama will
present them properly authenticated for settle
ment without dolny.
ew Millport, May 15, 1878-01.
TO ft TOME MA0?IM.-The undersigned
will receive propoaala until aooa oa Satur
day, June 2 2d, I87H, for building abut men la for
an irun bridge across Hoshannon creek, between
the counties of Centre and Clearfield. The abut
ments to be rough but aubatantial mason work,
eemeteted. Plant and tpecifioationt oan b a sen
at the Commissioner' office, at Clearfield, where
bid will he received. Tba Commissioners retain
ing the right to rejeot any or all bills.
Clearfield, Pa , JelS, 78-St, Comtnisaiooera.
Michigan Lands for Sale.
SlKI.OOO acrea of btet farnlnr landa, U to
It per tore, and 17MM aorta of tba bent pine
Undent froaSItto $75 per arre, on railroad,
and (rood navigable Btreana,. Good water aod
rood eoil- For pamphlet, and full iofnrmntlon,
oaU on or addreaa JiHNJAMIN UUNTKK,
Afent, federal Ht
aie; I, '7 a im. Alleibonr City, Pa.
atU. sua au7 rar?TtB U af Lbs Uw Unjal
, armn um rill, frt4 M tf Urt CmIiiI
fclri MiMllsat rav W salt vort
Tbss Ada. ems Rt Kantl. a,.,.... as. '
rea. mm WT lriIIU ut niairf
. r-trr.1.
VMTICE.-Tonll whom It may Can rem.
1 I hereby give notic that after the data of
tnte notice I will shot up, and hold for damages,
all eattla that break Into my flrlds, through law
ful fence, on my farm In Lawrence township.
Clearfield, Pa, June 12, 178.31
to go into details, but will say that
ilmrnmrlilv full ;.. nil ,,Ni;n n.,,i
WrI l'aner.
Window Blinds,
Rugs, &c.
20 cenla a pair.
TS cen Is a pair.
90 cenla a pair.
PO cents a pair.
II 25
a pair.
I pair.
MB cent a pair.
OS tenia a pair.
11 45
a pair,
a pair.
8 00
80 cent a pair.
....-r..e. ,U
...- .)a.u