THK.BEEUBUCAN.. CLEARFIELD, PA. . WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, U7I. Terms of Subscription. If paid la advance, or within three months... $2 0 It paid after three aad before six months... t M If paid after the expiration of six aioohts.,. I W NT-Messrs. 8. M. Pbttvvsill Co., Nswt- Iaper Advertising Agents, 17 Parh Row, eorner leek man Street, are our duly antoor'sed Agonal la New York City. RKLIUIOim KOTICIvM. MctHodUt KiiUcop&I Church Rev. J. 8. MrMraiur, Pastor. Service! ovary Sabbath at 1U4 A. M.t and 71 P. M. Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Prayer Meeting over; Thursday, at TJ P. M. Coma union Service, first Sabbath of ertry month, at 104, A. M. Went Clearfleld N. E. Church-Revs William II. Dill end W. 8. Win on. Pastors. Preaching every alternate Sunday, at o'clock, P. M. Sunday School at 2), p. M. All art in vited to attend. Treat)) terlaN Church Her. 11. 8. Butt a. Sabbath services morning and evening Sb biitb School ot P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes day evening. '.. Ht. PrnucU' Church Catholic Rt. P. J, Sbkhidah, Prching at 101 o'olook, A. M., on the first, third aad fourth Suudaya of ooob Booth; ; Vespers and Bcnedictioo of the Bleated Sacrament ; at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday School every Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. TIH OP auLDTliO qlABTK Stt SHOWS WOBT. Second Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Pint Monday of June, : Fourth Monday of September. TIUB OP OLPIDQ OOMHO M.KAI. First Monday of Jane. t I I Second Monday of November. !' FCBLIO OPP1CBBB. ' Pfdt Acye Hon. Chariot A.Mayer, of Lock Karen . Attiaiant Lw Arfflt lion. John H. Orvti, of ' Uellefuote. Ataotintt .iidpfs- Abram Ogden, Clearfield; Viooent B. Holt, Clearfleld. V Protkumotarp Eli Bloom. i Rtgittir and Rteortterh. J. Morgao. V Dittriet Attorney Win. M. McCullough. Trtawtr David MoGeughey. Shtriff Andrew Penta, Jr. Irj)uty SUriff Christ. J. Keaggy, Clearfleld. County Surveyor Samuel F. McCloskey, Cur ( if en iv II le. County CoMMiii0iir Clark Brown, Clear-: field ( Thomas A. MoGee, Chest P. 0.; Hairls ; Hoover, Clearfield. , County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear ' field; Samuel A. Caldwell, Wtlllamsgrove ( John . 0. Conner, Burmlde. j County CoronrJ. B. Ncff, Now Washington. Jury CoMmitoera Dr. Jsmea P. Burobfleld, i Clear tied, Joseph Alexander, Madera. ; SupmriuMtdnt of Public SckomiiM. L. Mo il (juowo, Clearfield Sealer of HVtoifs JVeuearee Jerst W.Carlilo, office at Lutherburg Pa. h Xotarin Public John W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra- drbangb, Cyrua Gordon, Clearfield; Jon-ph K. - Irwin, N. R. Arnold, Curweoarillo ; J. A. Uving ' atone, Dulloia City. Our Speeial column ii decidedly latoroating la ' a local point of view, and profitable reading to I ouUidert who wnnt to lave money. ( Jtimos S. NorrU has boon appointed jtottaaater at Woodland, tbla uunty. Try " Purity " Navy chewing tohao- an, at luhn A. Sloik't tobaaao ttoro, n - urn j New potatoes woro in mnrkut hero , lait week. At Ihrty oenta a eok they art very dear eating, i i ' : Human Events. On Wednesday latt our borough wat tbo aocnt of a fuoerel, two i Wfddingt and tfarea blrtbt. j I jroHnn. Huck&tiniltarti have opened j a law office in tbit borough, to tbo room lately aecupied by J. B. A A. W. Waltert. , I Tho M. E. Paraonao, on the corner; f Third and Walnut ttreeta, tbia place, it under-! . goin extenttve repalri. Tbo homo will be quite Iwndaome when fluiabed. j. Jtev. Wm. II. lill will preach next Sunday, Jure 2-1, at Sbawtvllle, at I fl o'elock A, M.; Oofhen, at I o'clock P. M., and Weat Clearfield, at 8 o'clock P. M. mm ' Several partiea of (iipnios were en- miopcd near the borough limitt latt week. A Irovo of I beta, wilb the oraal accompaniment! of tbtldren, tor tea and dog, pataed through town an Friday, going in the direction of Curwenavillt. ,. - A. W. Lee, Kq., an ex-KeiBter and Hceorder or thlt county, hut at preteot engaged -Itt the lumber butitett at Iowa City, Iowa, It tit it ing hit Bum rout friend In thia place. At hury locfci at tfcongh wttttra life agreed with blm. A Cornet Band has already been Org a oi ted la oar tow a, and meett every even ing for practice. An tflerl will ht made to orgaalio another one, under tbo charter recently granted iy tba Court, and a meeting will be held for that Borpoae oa Tburaday area ing neit. n f Suvabbled. Our "Devil," in mak ing np tba forme last week, got tbo marriage aad faith noticea mixed. But wo art glad to learn ft at the marriod folk have all tumved the oat at -ferophe, and are bow getting along aa well tbo ttidea and gtoomt who have never hoon mixed lp with the dead. I It looks as though tbero will bo no fWrA nJnly in our borough tbla year. It la trhapa Juat a well neeauat our Pbiliptburg Higbbora have made aocb gigantic arrangement! for a big time that many of onr eltltent and all Jong the railroad Eaat of tbit contemplate going rvr there to epend a holiday. Fixed. "The Government" pro em. Ilayea hat finally aettlod tbo po t matter hip in thlt borough. Laat Saturday bo tent to ta t:. 8. Senate tht name of Peter A. Geulia, ti on Monday be waa confirmed, For the pro, rt oar "brother chip" mutt continue to daub I baoda with ink. Court Aoain. Tho first week ol m June term of our Court convened on Monday at, Judgea Or rii, Ogden and Holt en the bench, hero art atveral long and todloua trialt oa the A, and wt mpoet tho whole week will bo oon a ed, unlaai a break-down oceurr. Tbo ttound eek will open atxt Monday, which will tloao at our Court baalaoai until the September term. a i Aad now, Mr. James Kiley, one of firm af Riley Orot., tho popular laodlordt ' tbo bout bearing their nemo la tbla tough, waa marriod la Clearfield oa Toot $ morning but to ayoanglady or tba lama ate. Coaaesently aba baa only changed bar the from Mitt to Mra. Ktley. May proaporty nw them all the dayt of their llvta St. Jfary't tefie - - s Hail Storm. We notice by ourex ingee thai portion of tho country North or at 4 degree) wai vliited by a very tevere bail ra oa Wedntdy aad Tharaday let). A eak patted over Lutheraburg, thlt county, on idneaday, which la aaid by M the oldeat la Labi -tt " to have bet a Ibe toverott that ever v lilted tl lection. But very litlte damage Wat done W all. - i i - A Proper Step. Wo notice that the inly Com mi at ion tri have patted a retolutloa, ertag their Janitor ta krk tba door af tht irt lionet every ovening at 9 o'clock, ft It Orient that during tba Summer Bight tho ball ! I ttalrwayt art tafetted with tramp, male and ale, who amoko aad tqulrt their tobaooo Julee Itbelooraod malting, and make the room I aor likt a pig ttye than tboat of a public j and, la onr judgment, If the building la t burned It will occur la tbla nay--from the aad pipe. Iot So Dad. The editor ol tbo ma Ltdfftr ay that W hi taker, of tht Vtnmm oerlwar, at Fraaklia, hat beea Bating ttraw a all Sam mar, and ba ebuiaa them by por ting tbo following local at tba opealng of OB t iter A. O. Egbert, ot-Congrettman, baa the i patch af tlrawberriet within a hundred '. Waea a dealer, tbo other day, wanted te II that th Doctor didn't aeed fur hit own wat met by the reply t ' No air, I won't wm i what 1 eaa t we I aa going to give frWaw," W otiU Ilea at th aid plaoa. t Doctor evidently hwowa what tie alee k.'t " appetita bo baa doctored him to rang. ietu Heaeino. We notice that anh of July Coaailta af Arrangement, lipabarg, have aeearod eiG ovtr aor A. U. a Orator of tho Day. Tbit ol lltelf will aany af tba oa-Uoveraer't edd frlonda aad lUaeaa ta aelebrata tba Foartb, for ta rpow af aottiag bla. Aad K aight ao that they ooe Id poraaadt bla to raa for a tail Fall, aad thereby lara tba oa-Raa-eaipetewtiary la praetieed aootaat agaia. wacy af bit eiporloaet aad aqaaiataae aretaautiva aapatlty lika thia taaaot ao mated. With Oartia la tba Uell of Coa fetrteoatlBg tba XXth diauloi, weald oaa a? alike aa tba aoattltnaat aad tba Repra Try Law Iothier' MAoomr JCefobm. Ihtv Mre iroiinr to uavo Temperaooe toit-booki 1b the publie k boo la of Bell font. -- i i Exactly So. Aoexchikngoln npck- ingof tbo incoaalderatt glrU aad "tilly pop-in-jaya " that talk and laugh In publia audioneoa to tbo anaojanoe jf pertona wbo attend for dlfica lioa and Improvement, aey t M Such pertone have no bavlroM in any aocb naaenbly ; fur if they do not wlab to loara, they have at right by their aeaaoleea batterings to Interfere with the Tl(btt.aitd ploatttrt hta.M ' -e- - An Important 1k'imion.- Jndgo Aibuan, la tho Orpbaoa' Court at Philadelphia, reoonily lied a very lmportaBt opinion concera Ing tho rlgbta of orphaaa la choosing and ap pointing their owa guardiaai. The point decided waa that whea minor attain tbo age of fuurtcea yean they may oioruiao their right of removing ohelr legal guardian aad ehooalng a aew ooe, without regard to whether the oxiatlng guardian la fit or unfit to oiocuta tho dutiei of guardian; ahlp. - ii e mm A Ci'TK Tiiirf. A tramp culled at tho Penn'a. Repair Sbopa la lluntlagdoa week hefuro latt, and after learning tbo realdenct of Mr. Mom, tbo matter oeonaaie, repaired thither, and informed that gentle man 'a wife that her hat band bad lorn hi working paota and dcrired her to tend him bit beat paataloona. Mra. Moat b tiltatd fur tome lime, but finally gare the beat piotaloooi Mr. Mom bad, atnoo which time neither the clothing aor tbo tramp-thief have p'ut la an appearance. m m Terrible Death. Tbos. Maguire waa killed la tho Pa. Railroad yard atAltoooaon tho ltth latt. Tho tiact manner of bla death la a myttery. Tho oara were being ibifted over tbo weigh acalet, when the body waa ditoovered be neath the train, It having beea dragged a eoa tiderable dlataneo. Flva ear patted over him and the head waa completely fevered from tbo body, whllt hit obett aad liabi were out aad bruited la a terrible manner. The deeeaaed waa aged about 60 yean, and leave a wife and (tve ebildroa to mourn hit untimely death. .Dental Meeting. -The Central Pa. Dental Ataooiatioa will meet at Tyrone, on Mon day, July 1Mb, 1878. The programme baa been arranged at followi : Kttayim Dr. 0. 1. Robb, of Huntiogdua ; Dr. J. M. Stewart, or Clearfield. Papert to bo. Submitted Dr. J. W. Irenberg, of Altoune, on " The Beat Meant of Elevating tbo Dental Profusion;" Dr. W. II. Miller, of A I toon a, ob " Plaatie Filling;' Dr. M. L. Logan, on M Aneaetbttia;" Dr J. C. M. Hamilton, on " Den tal Anomaliet." Clinical Operatort Dr. 0. h. Rcbb, "Sort Foil ; " Dr. Blackburn, u Abel ion Foil." I The Clenrliold Gas Company ofTers, at par. Coupon Boadt la denomination of $390 and j00 each, bearing fataroat at the rata of ail par centum por annum, payabtt ttml-annually at tho Firtt National Bank. Tba Company hat Uauod bondt to tht amount of S 10,000, nod tft,000 of thla waa taken but a few Java ago by one of tht Clearfield bank a, leaving $4,000 to bo ditpoeed of. Capitalist who are aeoking a tafo Invest ment for lhair money, would eooault their inter tat by in vetting la thctt bondt. They can bo purohaaed at either or tht Clearfield bankl. Any information respecting the (let Company, will bo cheerfully given by A. F. Boyntoo, Preaident, or W. W. Uetlt, Secretary. - jotlMf. mm Clearfield Coal Trade. Sta le nient of Coal and other freight tent ovtr tho Tyrone A Clearfield Divition, Pennavlvania Kail road, hit tbo week ending Junt 8, 1878, and the aatue time laat year coal. Town. For tht wrk 27,4SV Same time laat year H !ft,121 Increaae Previously during year Same time latt year Deonaaa Total in 1H78 Same time laat yier Dtereaee otukr pRRienTt. Lumber - Mieoellaueou Ireigbta 1,868 .... o;t,(;u 4i3,2SU ... wjrt .... 520,621 ... 6711,410 ... 63,SHtr .lift cart. ...141 " More Imwyerh. J. F. Snyder, a Clearfield by, who read law la tht office or A. 8. Landii, Ktq., at Hollidaytburg, Pa., waa admit ted to practice In tho Court or tht ooanty oa Tueaday morning, and will open aa ofltoo In tht Opera Home building, In tbia place, la a few dayt. Frank eomet hero well recommended b) bit pre ceptor, and bla examination before the committee of tba Clearfield bar developed th fact that ho had paid elote attention to bit atadioa. May tuceett crown hit effort t. Mr. Wm. H. Fatteraoa, who alto ttadied at Hollidayiborg, waa admitttd to practice la tho Court of tbit county on Monday. Mr. Pattartoa li a young man, and ha flattering pro r pact of a tuoeettful future before him. lit hat opened aa office at Hoatadale, where ho will bo pleated to tee all la aeed af hit torvloei. Killed. We elsewhere in thia issue chronicle tht auddea death of Wa. Uolt, of Snow Shoe, Centra county. Mr. Holt waa a eouaia of Judge Holt, of tbit borough, and John Uolt, Kaq., of Wellaeetua, nnd wa wall-kaowa to many of oar eltiieaa, wbo will regret to loara of bla auddea domlte. He wat a prominent eaaildato for Lieu tenant (Jovornor on the Greenback Statt ticket. He wa tbe partner of our late ton nam an, Wm. K. Wrigley, la the lumbar butiaeta, at tht tia tht latter gentleman wat killed on a log job, a Dum ber of year ago. Their deatba hava been tingu larly tragic. It it bat a few week einoe that Mr. Uolt, in aompaay with o Governor Bigler nnd a aumbtr of other gentlemen, tpeat teveral hour In our oflle, and, from tht lift and vigor of tho man at that tiaa, it it almott impoaaibl to real lie tbt fast that bo it dead. But then, be waa ooly mortal like tho rett of na. Can it be boY An exchange says " A pbyalciaa ot Brooktillo, Jellerton oounty, la formed tbo Krpmblteau of aa laatanoo of aad re- teltt folloniog tbe catelct handling of clothing Inficnd with diphihcia. Borne ten month ago a lady rtaidiug ta Armstrong county buried era I mem tier of Iter family wbo bad died of thlt fearlul diaeare, at.d alterwardt packed up th bed-cloihing in a tight box, leaving It la that ounditluo lor nearly a ytar, whea It wat removed to the bbuat of a rJaiie, where the intended making bir heme, atd wat oj ined in the pretence of titer a I childna. A few day alltrnard one of tbo little onta net taken tick, and another and another lollvwod, eata oaao proving lalal, until four bad died aad tba child tea of aaatber rela tive, ia tbe lam vicinity, alio It II victim, two dying, making til victim of oarehaa handling ol tho elotbing, and two ft mi tie tor row for tba loea of th little onet." The Fourth at Philipsruro. Our Beighboriag town of PbtMpahorg will telebraie tbo torn log Fuurtb of July la grand ttyla. To ere will be a National valuta at 6 o'olook A. M.: fantaatlt parade j climbing a greeted polo, for a Art dollar prlw ( tub race, for a tea dollar priao grand prooetaioa of tbt military and too ret toolotiea, four Cornet nnd other band of autio, aLd tltiaen otoorting tbo Orator of the Day to Ibe Speaker' atand reading tht DeoUratioa of ladependeBoo ; oration by Hoa. Aadrew 0. CurUn, of Belief on to. Afuraooa Ballooa atceoaioa at 1 o'elock ) race open to all pertoat j National tournament, representing tbo thirteen original Statct j or wa ing Quota af Beauty parade j firing talut at I o'olook P. M to eloo with a graad dltplay af ire-work la tbt tvoning. W notice that onr aataal friend, Mr. Chester Man oa, ha beta appointed Chief Marthal by the Com mil tee of Arrangement, aad, from the plan blocked oat, It U evident that tht Pnllipinnrgert art going le have a big day oa tho approach tag aoaivtrtary of oar National Independence. Colonel Hisuel. In tbe death ot OoL John Rttbol, Urrgg tewnthip, Ceairo oounty, loot oaa af her Boat at fa) tltlaoaa. Colonel R it bet hat a a amber af relative rotldiag ia Brady towaahlp, thla county, aad waa partoaally haowa ta aaay of oar cititeaa, who will regret ta kara af bit deaita. Ha wat la bit TOth year. la aotleiag bit death tbt Centra Ball Yfortr aya i Mr. Riabol had aa attach af appopltay week befcrh laat, aad ha liBgerod aatll laat Sal arday aaralag (June fith), whea ba expired. U will bo atd la all tbt o ire lee af bit aolgbbor hood tbo abarob, tba tebaol, tueitty, publia ta- terpil, all fouad ka Cat. Riabol aa araetil tap poller. Hi aetgbbera foand la blaaaaftaad torn tent ad Titer, aad tvor ready la loadtbaa bla boa aaiiaiaata. Ho an kind, genial, aad opea hearted ia all hit deatlag aad a to la ti ooe. for thirty year ht tewaiaip oatraated bla with tbe ofteeof Jettieo wf Ua Peaot, which ba bold at lb tiaa af hit death, and a boat a quarter of a aeatary ago bt bold lb eaea af Caaaty Coaaia- tlear. Ja all hit tratt Coloael R libel wat traa. lha poor alwayt fouad la hia a friend j the Let her aa abarob a auaag plUar ; tba af tduoatioa a wara sapportor, aad bit family tba kiaweot hatband aad tat bar. We knew bla bag aad well, aad, like all at her a, only kaew bla la reaptet him. To bt brief a good aad aaoful man baa beea tekia from a Coloael Joha Riabtl U ao aere." , . . Salt ! Lytle baa just laceived an- othar lot of Ina Salt, largoat alaad t willed aaaka, Re mom her that Lytle ti County Agent for Lorriltard't Tobaooo, aad eaa toll them at factory price. They art tho best tobaooo la market, Try them. Salt ! Salt f ! A car load of No. 1 tail, large twilled aaeka, fall weight, Juit motived at John MoQaugbey'e, aad to he had juat a eheap aa It ran be parohaaod any where el to. Alto, a lot of rock or lump aalt, for tho ate of tattle. JelV-lL Away Down. Prices have been re duced from ten to fifteen per cent, at tho Phila delphia Branch store, and that la the plaoo to buy cheap and good cloth log. Tho largettatook and tba boat Wamaatta ahirta trer In thlt town. Call la and examine gooda and prlee. Jo 19 it. J. B. Hiown would inform tbo cili icna of Clearfield county that ho it prepared to tuna nnd repair Organa aad Melodeona oa abort notion and reaaonablt tertut. All work guaran teed. Addma, Joaeph B. Brown, CltarOeld, Pa. Clearfield, June 9-St. (in to lltrlingor & Itook'i store and ate their new atock of Clothing, Halt, Capt aad Oenta Fornlahlng Uooda. Alto, a Una aaaort ment of Wbltt Vettt and Linen Dattora. Tho Owl Shirt bat ao equal for oat dollar. Pleaao call aad too. Jolt tt List of letters remaining unclaimed la the PottoBoa at Clearfield, for Ibe weak and log Junt 17, 1878 i Wm. Bumgardocr, T. H. McDtrmott, Miaa LUilo Mona, Mrt. Martha Roaa. P. A. Gat Lin, P. M. ie aw Housekeepers having chairs or any thing in that lino that needt repainting, oaa get them done and look aa wall at aew, at tho lowoat ratet, by W. H. Lament, painter. Pleaon leave ordert attbo houtt, on tho alley, back af the old Mcthodlat ofanrch building. joll-tt. e A Fact. An advertisement Inserted In tho Bkfublicam will roaoh niort readara than ir publlahcd In all tho other popart la tho ooaa ty.and ooat tba advortiati leal (ban one-half In other worda, aa ad vert iee ment pabliahed la our jcnrnal it worth double the prlco of that charged by any other publieher la tbo county. "It la a raot." tf. Dental Notice. Dr. A. AI. Hills would aay to bit friend and formsr patient that bt bat not retired from piacUct at bat been to iLduttrlontly circulated by torn parsons, but will tonlinut ta giv e bis personal attention to all who may detir It, or to attlat Dr. H tick hold whea tvor required. Nitrous Oxido Qat given for tho painUat extraction of tteth. April 84-tf. mm Look at this I What a great variety of good tmokiog tobaccos to bt found at Joha At Stock t store, ia Clearfield, to wit : " Vanity Fair," "Old Judga," " Killickinick," "Lone Jack," "Seal of North Carolina," geBuloo " Durham," Yacht Club," " Dog Tail," " Pride of Durham," and twenty other first-class brand. Call and try them for your own satisfaction. a- e St1 n day-School Convention. Tbo A l too Da District M. K. Sunday-School Convention held lit leitioni for 1878 at Martlmburg, Blair couoty, on Tuetday and Wednetday or last week. Tba Convention wat ealled to order by tbt Pra aiding Kldr, Rev. B.C. Swallow, Th officer elected war al folio wt : 1'retident Rr. 6. C. Swallow. Vic President Bev. J. S. Mo Murray, Iter. George Guycr. Secretary W. II. Swartx. Aatlatant Secretary Rev. laaiah Bdwardt. Treaturer Rev. William Qwynn. The addrets of welcome wat delivered by S. B. Lytinger, Eiq or Martlnitmrg, and tbo annual Sunday-School terra on wat preached by Rv. B. B. Hamlin, D D., of Altoona. Mtttrt. B. F. Oibbonty, John R. Tbomptoo and Tboma B. Beyer were appointed aa Execu tlv Committee, and authorised to Hi lb baaia of rep mentation, prepare a programme, ttc. : Tha Committee on Resolutions was mad np aa follows : Ktv. Wm. II. Dill, Rv. George Leidy, Clabaugb, Mita Nora Confer, Mr. H. P. McAllltttr. Th Clearfield M. ft. Sunday-School wa repre sented by Miss Kdi'h Tat, Mr. Harry B. Powell and Rev. J. 8. McMurray. " Clearfield Mitiioa Rev. Wa. H Dill. Woodland Rev. R. P. Campbell, Dr. Boua. Cnrwentrlllt Rv. Geo. Leidy, I. B. Segner, Pbilipibarg Rev. H. 0. Pardon, J. W. Mai tern . I OrabamlOB Wn. II. LlngoofelUr. Oaeola and Douttdalo Elmer Blattcnbtrger. , Th neit tosiion of tht Convention will b held at Tjrron ia June, 1879. mm o- mn TERRIRLE RAILROAD ACCIDEN1. Th BelHfont WalcAman, of laat Saturday, baa tbt following details of tht dreadful railroad accident which occurred near Snow Shot on the Uth I nil ant t M On of th moat torrlblt aocldeaU It baa vr beea our lot to record oeoanad oa th Bellefoat A Snow Sho Railroad oa Taatday afternoon last. Tha traia wa erosing Miller's Spring trettle, about all Bile thlt lid of Snow Shoo Iowa, on its way to Bellefoat, aad wa about th alddl of the t true tor when th whole conoera gavt way, and th train wat precipitated into th gorg be low with a tremsndoaa orasb. Th trottl was about 660 foot long, nnd 6o fet high, aad about 560 feet of th trottl fell with th train. There were only three paatengert aboard, to wit i James 8. Sommervllle, and bit son Harry, of this place, aad Wa. Holt, Ktq, of Snow Shoa. Mr. Boa- mervllle wu badly hart about th htad, fan and breatt, aad hi Httl boy had a leg brokan, Mr. Uolt had both legt brokaa, and wa a badly la Jo red that he died about 8 o'clock th taa va- lag. Wa. Temple, th engineer, atuck to bit pott like a hero aatll tba falling train atraok th ground below, and blew th whittle a long at h at ablt, H waa eomlderabty hnrt, but not dangtrootly. Th firamnn, Jacob Rapp, waa found beneath tba wreck, and wa to badly hurt that it is feartd he taaaot roeovtr, H. O. lllntoa, brnkaman, was hurt torn, but not seriously, tnd tho conductor, Edward Nolan, wat injured about th ifaouldert, to what eittnt wa hava aot ytt learned After tha newt of tbt accident reached tbia place, Dn. Potter and Hibbler Immediately hurried to the ateno of tbo accident and did all la their power to aitigat tha suffer in gi af the In jured popl. Messrs. Holt, Tempi, Rapp, Hla ton and Nolsn wtr taken to Baow Shoa, and Mr. Bommtrrillt and toa wtrt brought to their bom her, a larg crowd of poopl gatharlng at tb depot to tee tbtm taktn from tbo train. They wort earrld homo aa lounges, and aaay wtr tb Mpraasloo af tyapathy and com mi Herat loa that ascapad froa th lips of tb erowd a they were toaveyad through It Tb aaa af tba accident do aot teem la be known at yet. A heavy freight trala, tb angina of which weigh toa tons aer tbaa th ana at tached te tb trala that foil, patted aver tht trotttt about aa boar prtvloaaty, aad wa are la. formed that gnat oar ba alway been taka to keep tb tr title ia good repair. It la taggeetod, howovtr, that th heavy freight traio atralasd th trettle to lit ataoat capacity, and prbpt shoved It forward, thut preparing th way for tb awful aealdant thnt followed to teea after. Strange ta lay tht greater portion of tbe trala rtmaloed aa tb track after It reached lb ground. Tbli It tappotod t hava bora tht re tail f the Boveaont af th tmtl la falling. It wa a Boat terrlbl affair, aad w hop w aay never b ealled upon to record tueb another." Special t. Farit and VitoarAnLit. D. W. Jordan baton bandt, daily, FRESH VEGETABLES aad all kindt of FRUITS, which b will delivw to cat- tomers In any part af tbe towa. uearfltia, fa,, Jaa. 10, 1871. tf. Oaa Hi'inana Pin Cant, Diaooi'vr aw Olb Pntrat. Sewing Maehlnct eaa aew bo pnrrbaaed at MerreU't tia and variety stem, from $3t up ward. All kinds af sewing anohln repaired oa the thortott notice. Clcarfiald, Pa., July 18, 1177. WaatBa 1 Ito.owt M-laeh bavd ih i ! le average from te li iaeh for which wa will pay th higbtat arkt price. A. ti. Kbabbw A c., fab.ll tf.J Chrartld, Pa. BtraoiB Foa Salb. R. Nowtoa Bhaw boas a full aaanly af Predoala nit aad Platform Wagon for tale. T b teea al the Shaw Hoa yard. Call aa ar addrena hia at Clearfield Pcaa. tylvaala. , aay II-U. Baaatlfal fleWa ne doabt had a waoeeaBlexlea, bat it 1 more tbaa denbtful whether h) i needed ia parity lb eompleiiona af the tadi who a that In I a tub re aaxiliary af foaal lovellaeta, utena e nuipaar rop. noia ay an Druggist. Hill't Hair A Wbuker Dy, Black ar Browa, M ea4s. j 19-41. Wiaran. Some anally lmed perooa ar ArtMt ia aaaaiacrare kataaa a ram at bilk vabvai PiovBBaa la tbia aaantw. aa Ravalty. Pain tod from photograph ar aay picture, aad It lb Ftaect Oil Fatal lag made. Before ibe territory it taiw I will p!at picture lilt far 81 aad warrant them for I if. Every pereoa abenld bav oev a un rainuag aa Leave are ta aaiy tlctare that will stead lb tort of Uaa, aad ana i handed dovra at aaatartly. Pnrttoalar free. m L.T.LUTHER, not, f, lirr.1v. Cwrry City, Pa. I 4J Remarkable Keault It Bake no diffcraoot how many Phyalelana, ui V vt jb xaedlafna 7"i hivvtd. U e rented which ha given complete aatiafaetloa la eevtre eaae of Lung Dlat. It 1 true there are yet thousand of pcrtont who ar prodispoted to throat and Lung Affections, Consumption, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Bever Cold set tied aa the Breatt, Pneumonia, Whooping Ccujrh, Ac, wbo bav ao peraoael knowledge of Boeehee'i Germaa Syrup. To tuck wt would say that o0, WO dosen were told latt year without on eom p lalal. Coneutnptive try Juat an bottle. Reg ular six, li ceo li. For sal by C. D. Walton, Clearfield, Pa, May IJ, 1877ow-ly. Ho'! bt Utfeived. Many peraont aay "I haven't got th Oonaunip t Ion" when aehed to care their tough with Shi lob 'a Consumption Cor. Do tby aot hnow that Cough fend to Consumption and a remedy that will cure Coatumptioa will certainly our a eongh or any lung or throat trouble. Weknow It will cur whea all other fail and car faith la It It so positive that w will refund lb prio paid If yon receive ao benefit, linot thit n fair proposition. Pric, 10 ett 40 cto and $1,011 per bottle. For lam Cbett, Back or Side, ute Sbl lob ' Porou Flatter. Price, 86 ota. For aal by all Drugglet of Clearfield. Whv will voa coffer with Dytnentla and liver complaint, Conatlpatfon, nnd general debility woen you eaa get at onr aioi onuoo a oyaiem Vitaliaer wbioh w tell on a poiitir guarantee to our you. Prioe 10 ett., and 76 eta. For aal by all Druggita of Clearfield. HACKMETACK, a popular and fragrant per fume. For sale by all Drugglet of Clearfield. Deo. I, '77-Om. Junt ltocelved ! Jast Itcceived by AUNOI.D, M CUBWENSVILLE: Car Load Nova Scotia riosler ! Car Load pare Corn, Pye and Outs Cbop ! Car Load Deakon Salt I Car Load Cboica Family Floor ! Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, io.! Sr Shlnffles, Bark, K. B. Ties and Grain will be taken in exchange Curwenavillo, Hay 1, 1878. At Krl.rlown, oa Tkorid.r, April Ui, 11178, bj A. W, K.;noiid, E.q., Mr. William C.rper, of Columbal, Oblo, lad Uiu Lltil. Ilnllmao, of Horrii lownabip. ClMrflcId ftonoty, Vt At th. Conp.r i.ttl.m.nt. on Bund.T. Maj llllh. 1878, bjr A. W. Raymo.d, Eaq., Mr. Wm. M.r. tod Miu K.lliw Aqb 1I..ui, both of Murria tuMoablp. At lb. raiidcoc. of tb. bride'. Tathar, on Thura. d.T, M.t I.1d, l7, by H.t. l.ld II. Camiib.ll, Mr. William Vutrj, r Jordan towaablp, nod Miaa alar, A. uomaiooi, ei tiwcari. lowninip. O. Frldar, M.T Jllh, 187S, br Rar. William U.mmlll, Mr. Hobart rrian d Ml J.. U. Tboapi.n, botbof Uoutsdala, Claarflold oeunt. On Baturda., Ma, S4lb, 1878, I.J Jamu 7. Shoop, Riq., Mr. Il.njamln B.rr, of CbaMerrilla, Cleartald ooonlj, and Mri. Jan. Walk, of fbilipa bnrg C.ntr. oouotj. On Sunday. Juna Id. 1878. br Jubn Rfll.b. K.q., Mr. Wm. Ilainaa and Miaa Alio. U. Wlaor, boin ot tloggo lownobip, Ulaarliald ootintj. At th. Paaamora llooaa, Philliiibarr, oa Sun day, Jun. 2d, 1878, by Jam.a t. Kboop, Mr. romp aiot.r, ot uiaarnoid oo.ot,, ana Mita bidnaj Ubrooutar, ol vantr. oount,. On Tuoidar, Jun. 4tb, 1878, bj R.v. Willi. Ottnmill, Mr. Robrrt WaUon and, Miaa Mar, Da rn, notnol uouiadaia, Vlaarnaia flooaty. On Joo. 4th. 1878, by Rar. William nemmlil, Mr. W. II. thof and Miu Mairgl. 0. uaraon, notn 01 Maaara, uaarnafd oouotj. At tho M. B. Paraonar., Pbtlinaburc. on Sun day, Juno 1Mb, 1878, by Her. H. C. I'ardo., Mr. Jam. J. Mo..ra, of Philipaburf, Oanlr. oounty, and Miaa Kmma Coehrana,of CltarBald ooanty At tbo M. K. Parionaar. Pbiltnibnrr. on Tu.a- day, Jun. II lb, 1878, by R.t. II. V Pardoa, Mr. 11. .id Bqutroa and MIU Kat. JJel'lallan, both of Pbillpibur,, Pa. At St. Franola'Chureb, Cl.ar3.ld, 00 Wadnaaday mornlnf. Jun. lllh, 1878. by R.t. Falbar R.rbl- gi.r, Mr. 0. A. Wood, of llarrlabura, Pa., ood Miaa Fanni. M. LMoat., of Claarfiold, Pa. At tba of th. bridc'l parcnla. on Wadnaiday, Jon. I2lb, 1878, by Hit. John T., Dr. H. B. Vaa Valaah aod Miu Uuaala Umilb, both of Cl.arl.ld, Pa. In Bradford townahin, on Sundar. June 9th. 1878, of typhoid fever, John Graham, ton of Abra ham and Catharin Graham, aged 11 yar, 9 monint aaa aays. In Clearfield borough, oa Monday, Jnn 10th. 1878, Bertha Irwio, yvunKCtt dauahter of Jaiae Irwin, SrH aged 31 year aad 9 moatha. CLEAEFIELD MAE KITS, CLBABrtBLB. Pa- June II. 1878. Flonr, per cwt. M $3 SO Ruck wheat Flour, perewt m 00 Cora Meal, per cwt 1 CO Chop, rye, par owt l 40 Chop, miiad, per ewt 1 lb Bran, per ewt 1 ao Wheal, per baahel ., 1 It Rye, per baahel to Oat, per baahel ib Cora, ears, par buabel SO Book wheat, perbnthel TO Potato, dot buibel u Urn Applet, per baahel 40 to 100 nam, par poena 10 Shoulder, pr pound 6 Dried Beef, per pound 16 Chicken, pr pair . 40 Butter, per pound It Rfga, per dosen Hw 10 Ball, per aek, larg H J 00 Coal Oil, pr gallon 30 ijera, per ponod M Q Dried Applet, per pound. .......... ft Dried Peaoboa, per pound.... 8 Dean, per buahl.....HH 1 0 m mm m PE 0DUC MAEKET EEPOET. Phi. tnwt T..-. IT W1 . n.rfin. ,t 9h ,tlH, tl A.. l---.-1-.-:- f ily, t(uit Til Mlnnaaota do., 84 60(j 4(1; pat ant and bifb Rradra, $8(oi7 .0. H a . a a.i J. NUtll, D, 1( Cornmaal, tl te. Whllnm, .mk .1 l.T..f I.. ...I .1 a. (3 1 II)) whita,tl I8(ajl 10. ' ' voru qui.H IBM.., 4.1)0; milM, 440. n u mn, , P.nna.lw.rii. J kit. .ICtaJlq wMtarn mliad, J(.J,.10. ny. uuu, aoioiovo, V.w Vm t.. i . L'l a.. i. ... , rfllll I. .. - - , .1.1. ..J .1 . $8 Mtdhl 90 1 otbar gradca unohang.d; weaurn dull, bfaT.r; 1 W. Jo low.r. Corn nniat i p.f.rn. annt. do. tutor., 4lrai4IJe. I), a hanvyi itata, 28f(i,.14ei waalara, l8ri,30o. RmI tia ma.a tll,r.,.ll hb. ... .Undo, til rtfijilt. rork 8rm n.w meu, .10 10. Lard flrmi ataam randarod, 87 07. Whlik.y qul.t and firm; treilrm, tl 08,. Cntraao, Jun. 17.-Flour ual.l and woak : bat not quotably Uwor. Whaat Irragular and aatl.a bat tk and low mt 1 No. I Chioajro aprla,, V.1 for eah 90(u) Wt for July! 84(1,8110 for No, I do., Corn aetl.. but . ahad. I.wmi 351. for auh: ibi. for Jnly; 86jo for Aaguat; kJmI.SI.. Oalt I. fair demand bat lowari 8.1fo for M4h; 38a for Jnlyi 121. f.r Aa(nat rtjaewd, IV. ny. awaw at oato. Barley Mi.r, 48, PennHylvanlnRallroad TYRONB k CLEARFIELD BRANCH fV and aftr Monday, MAT 10, 1877, th. vsraeaancr rrami win run daily tateant Hun. daya) katwm Tyrone and Claartald, oa follawa CLBARFIRLD MAIL. W. S. PLnnana, Cadooior. L1AVI SOUTH. LKAV1 NORTH. CarwanaTlllOfl.tS, a, 8.40, Tyrona,.. V. ..cotm, .... .M,.n. .J4, " Ionard,- 1.48, ", I 4, Woodland, 4.81, " BiKl.r, 4 08, WallaMtonl..4.l7, BlM BalL. 4 li, Urahana ...411, Pblllpahnri, M.4.8, ' rtaramlt PoeltM,.., OaMola,- Bojotoa, ....' . . 80, " H.OO, .It.ll," .18.17, .10.11." Phlllpabarf,. Oraam Bla. B.ll , Wallawlon,... Blgkrr Woodland,..., Barrett, ltonaiat.H.l Cle.rt.14, It 18, 18.37, 18.44,,, ,11.17, 11.11," 8Mn.r'a,....4.8, Boynto.,.,., 4 44, Oamlo, .... P.ritoaH. Hnmmil,.... Vanemye,. Tyrone ,...4.61, -.. 8.0S, ....!, ..!, t.N, 11.18," ll.ttr.a Cnrwnteetlha,. CLIARflELD ACCOMMODATION. Wa. I.. Ra.ant, Condo.Ur. LRAVS SOUTH. . L1AVI NORTH Oenrn arlll. 8.48 t. a. TyrofM,..H..,l.l3 p. a. Cbrt.ld.. Mt " VaaM.yoa,....l.t3 LmareL,.... t it " Summit,.! SS " B.rreiu... l it " P.ltn, Wwdld, t.ll,.......l 4t Blflor, 8 tl B.,.ion,..J.H " Wallaete.,. t il " Blelner'a,...t M Bloo Ball, I ll " Pbillpabarg...4.ti - rabui, ... 148 Srabub ...4 4t Pklllpeb.rg t.ll " Blot BeJI,...4.t Bteaa.r'a....... t it " WalUeMott, ...t.ll Boyaum,. t it Bi, OiawK..... t.M ",,..t 41 P.w.ltM, UN " Barr-Ht,..l.H 8elt,.., .11.88 laMnard, r. . Cle.ra.ld, t il Tyrant ll.M ',.7.t .1IH,1.HI'HU MI'"IIIINN,"" HHANDHKfl TiTIOl. a, a., philipebarg, Sulnar'a p. a. p. a. 13-48 Tilt tint f:44 t il Till 8 54 8:08 1:611 lilt 1:41 1:18 8:40 8:11 8:86 8:38 8:90 l:3i 13:16 4:11 13:33 4:34 Boynton, Oeoaola, 11:14 4:11 11:04 4:10 18:18 Moahannoa, 10:11 11:41 1:41 11:44 1:40 11:18 1:44 11:81 8:411 11:80 8:96 11:16 8:10 Starllog, 10:41 llouledala, 1048 MoCauley, 10:41 ii.ndnoki, 0:4, K.mey. 11:11 BALD HAULS VALLBY BRANCH. lal. Mall. " Mail. kip. r. . A. a. r. . l. 7 16 !. Tyrone trrlre 8.06 T.ll 8.47 Bald Kagla 7.48 8.01 8.10 Julian 7.0V 8.14 8.64 Miloabnrg 4.41 8.43 8.31 10.06 llell.ronta 4.87 0..13 8.46 Mlleaburg 4.16 813 8.08 10.40 Howard 4.03 8.00 8 43 11.18 arrlroL. HnToa 1.16 6.16 TYRONR STATION. naaTiralui. A waaTwann. A. M Plttikurih Kiv'H. 3.68 PaolOo Bipreea 8:10 llarrtaburg Aeo'n, 8:60 I'aoloo Kiprell, 1:18 la. i7 .. a.ia f. M. p. 1:16 8:84 7:8 Mall Train, 3:20 Atlantio Gipreaa, 8:60 Philn. Biireaa, 10:33 Way Paiaenger, Mall Train, Fait Line, Cloae oonnaottona made by all trnlna at Tyron. and Look Jlaran. D . ULAllt, naylf-tf. Snp.rlnUnd.nt. 8TAlt LINKS. " A aUa.leavaa CarwoniTilla dally for Raynolda. rill., at 1 o'olook, p.m.,arrlTingatReynoldiTillo at 8 o'clock, p. m. B.turnlng, I..T.a Reynolds Tillo daily, at 7 o'olook, a. m-, arriving at Cur eoirllleat 11 o'olook, aa. Faro, aaoh way, tl. A atnn lanvna OnrwenaTlll. dally, at 1 o'olook, p. m., for DuBola City, at DaBoia City at 8 o'elook, p. m. R.turning, Imv.b DuBoll at 7 o'olook, a. la., dally, arming at CurwonavilleU 13 o'olook, m. 'are, won way, Allegheny Valley Sallrond. LOW 0RADB DIVISION. ON and after Monday, Deo. 10th, 1177, the paaaenger trnlna will run daily (eieapt Sun day) between Red Bank and Driftwood, aa followa i KAKTWARIJ. Day Mall loaree Pltl.burr 8:20 n. m. Red Bank 11:60 j Bligo Jnnotton IJ:.i New Bethlehem 1:07 p. D.s MaTarilla 1:16 j Tmji 1:30 i Ilrookrille 1:I0 : Foll.r'i 1:86 i Bay. noldirllle 1:51 ! DuUoii8:33l Summit Tunnel 1:48 1 Pentold 4:06 WeedTlll. 4:17 1 Boneaett. 4:48 arrtr.e at Urinwood at t:60. W EKT W AH DDay Hail lear.a Driftwood 12:16 p. m. BeneietU 1:00; Wedrlll. 1:40; P.nleld 1:46; Summit Tunnel 1:07 1 DnBoli3:30j ReTnoldeTlll.3:63: Fuller. 1:67: BrookTilla 3:13: Troy 3:40: Mayarlil. 4: IS: New B.lhlob.m 4; W : SI. go Junction 6:10 1 Red Bank 1:37 I arrlTM at Pittaborg U 8.10 p. m. Th. RrynoldaTllle Accommodation Iutm ReynoldlTlll. daily at 7:60 a. m. And arrle.. at Red Bank at I l:uv a. m., ntlauurgn at i:aa p. na. Loarea Pittaburgk t 8:10 p. m i Rel Bank at 1:66 p. m.j arriTiiigatReynoldiTlllaattiOi p.m. CIom aonnMllont mad. with traina oa P. A K. Railroad at Drift.ood, and with trnlna on tho Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Kant. DAVID McCARIlO, GenI Bup'L A. A. Ji:o, Sup't L. O. Dir. STAOK LINK. rLIAKPIBLP to PBnrill.n, Th. nnd.rain.d would inform tb. putilio thnt h. la now running a itage line between Clet-Aeld and Panfield, thra. titn.a a vetk. Th. etage l.nvea Clearfield on Tuaadaya, Tbura daya and Salurdaya, at 8 o'elook a. na-, arriring at Pendeld at 13 o'clock m. Rolursing aam. daya. Lea... Penflald at 4 o'olook p. m., arriT ing at Ulearneia lies oiooa p. m. Connection la ma-la wilb iralnl on tn. iow Orad. R. H. at Penuold. Far., nch way, 81.60. UKO. W. UBAitUAitl. CleorBeld, Pa., Feb. Ill, 1878 FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO BellefonU, Pa tl 06 Look li.T.n 3 70 WlllUmiport- 1 80 Huntinrdon- 1 80 Mlddletnwa 86 80 Marietta. t 60, Lanenater t 86 PHILADELPHIA 7 81 I 00 Altoona I 86 Maryarllle- 4 60 Johaatowa........... 188 CnwanaTlllo JO I FhiliDibor.. ........ tl Oacoola 86 Tyrone 1 23 UARRISBURQ ... 4 76IPITTSBURO tit At tbo Rkpdblican office is tho nlaco to aret yonr lob work dona. W. art rally prepared to do anything In the printing lint, will do It well, and at tb. ngnt una 01 prion.. 11. COMMIRHIONER'a NOTICI' -In tb. Orphana' Court of Cl..ruld oonaty, Pa. In th. mnt'er of Joeeph Kylw, dM'd. Th. aod.roigned, appoiaeaA aad .ommiaeioned to Ink. teatimony oa to th. d.LgaUd ia tba petition of Uoorg. Kylar, and return the tame to Court, will attend to bla dutiea aa auoh At hia oftio. in Cl.nrB.ld, on Tuteday, th. Vth day of July, 1878, at I o'elock p. m when nod wbnr. an parii.B tnircai.d may aueaa. B. V, TT 1L.OUI., Clearfield, Juat 10, 78-St. Commiiiiontr. How to Teach Nohool! A Bart) Change for Teacheni. Th. tneoBd teeslon. oicbt wMka, of th. Lambar Oily Mai. and Fem.le Academy will hegia UoacUy, Jut 8th, 1878. Pn-clal will b. tlr.n la Theory ana Practice of Teaching, .nportunltlH RqUAL to ANY aud 8KC0ND to AONB la the oounty. Normal Coarat 88 Ulghw Conra. 8 00 Boarding, tl.BO and t3.68 per week. RoooM for oaa b. had eheap. Call on, or nddroaa C. 0. EM lull. Priaoipal, Rer. J. 0. UKEKH, F. C. BELL, Junt 13, 1878.41. Lumber City, Pa. A DMINISTEATORS' SALTT "V. OF VAL0AB1.8 ' ileal Estate in Coring ton Trp, In norsnanoe or an order or th Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, tb andertigaod, Admlnia tratort of tb ettat or Jha II. Pioard, late or Oovlngtoa townthip, dee'd, will offer at public ale, oa PATURDAY, JULY SO, 1878, at 8 o'clock p. a., all that certain tract or plee or land titaat la Covington townabip, Clearfield count, Pa., bounded aud dtorbd aa follow : Beginning at a poet oorner M perches froni a white pin corner of treat ISe. IBM, and being part of aaid warrant t thence north 168 porchea to a whit oak corner ( tbenoa east 0T parch te a whit oak( thoaee sooth 108 perobea ta a whit oak tbeno wett 07 perobat to pleo or begin ning, aeatalaing 04 acre and lt9 8-10 perchee and allowano, ieptitg and rrrlng thereont two acre more or leu told to rein noire.. Tana Ono-third oath, and tb balance la two equal annual payment a, to ba teea rod bjr oiiaa ana mortgage on t ne premises. VA kulin a r. I'lfJAHU, JOHN J. PICARD, Adminittratortt i Frenobrlll, Pa Jaa 19, 1878-4. AUD I TORS' RRPORTRiieelptaaad ex neodltureaor Qotbea Hcbool dittriet, Clear field oouotj, Pa., for th year andlnd Jun 8d, 1678, BBCBIFT. Balanoe on band from latt rear il ,14.1 78 Amount of Do pit oat for 1877 - ' ! rrem state appropriation .f ' ' $I.TS 78 axriKDtriftat. Teaober' talari . New beildleir. Pool and M Puraltar M Repair ..MH Salary of Secretary n per neat, on to prompt lai payer....,. Kxoaoratloot M Traturer's nd Collector's per oeatage. 11,831 48 Balance due Treasurer Z iti AlUatt J. A L. FI.BliAL, B. K. Saiaar. Praidnt Wt th undersigned Auditor af Oothen dit triet, Clearfield oouuty, Pa., baring carefully l aminod th ahore aeoooat of the Treaturer, tnd them orrct to tbe best af onr knowledge aad belief. KLMH IRWIS, J. B.ORA1IAM, J. A. FULTON, Skawtrille, Jua II, AadiUra. J.H. LYTLE, Wholesale & Botail Dealer in GrocorioS, TIIK LARUIrlTand BEST SRLKCTBD STOCK IN THB COUNTY. COFFEE, TRA, Sl'OAR, STROP. MEATS, HHII, SALT, OILS, QUEENSWARR, TUB! aad IIICKRTK, CRItCD FRUITS, CANNRD HOODS, Si'ICKiJ, BROOMH, rwvn, PEED County Agent for LORILCIHD'M TOBACCOU, Than gMda katght for CASH hi Urge u and eeld at altaM .it, ,rleM. JAMES H. ItlLI, ClMr.ld, Jaa. II, 1171-ly. , m Srw &ivtxtlmnt. pltoatw.4 A, w.11 ImprovM farm propartlaa, to tb. oao-lhird te cue. .nine, will n. ewneld. red, la auma a.t laaa than tl.Oot. For nartloa Ure, Aa, apply to HI RXT11AL W. SMITH. April 17, 17-lm. Claorte4d, Pa. IN RANKRUCTCY Wrttara District nf Paaaayl van la, aat At Pittsburgh, ta toth day el May, 1878. The andralgnd hereby glee aotlo of bit appoint ment aa Asaiao of Thinoas J. Prow, of Curwuu- ville, la the oounty of Clear-field and Stat or Pennsylvania, within aaid dittriet, who baa ba ndjudged a bankrupt upoa hia owa petition, by the Dittriet Court or said dlatrlot. A.O. DUNCAN, Jua ft, 1878-31. Assignee. PLA1TH AND FLtlrVER", Tbe nndertigned hereby gives aotlo to th itlaena of Clear Held oonaty, that bo has at his green bona la Claarflold, a larg quantity ar all kind or VEGETABLE AND FLOWER PLANTS, which ha will tall at reatonabl prlott. Ht hat Early and Lata Cabbag Plant, T-bmato, Celery, Caa)ifiowr, Kgg Plants, Pepper Plant, Ao. SWEKT POTATO PLANTS, $4 00 par 1,008 or fifty oon La par hundred. All hind of FLOWERS for pott and bedding, hanging basket and raocs, such as Assorted Htllotroptt, Binglt A Doubl Petunia, Uaranluin, Han, Fuoktla, Pernio, Agra turn, Oolu, Dahlias, Verbenas, Ctpbea, Cannaa, Centaurea and Cineraria, Bagonlas, Urovalia, hlignonatt, Fink, Pbloi, Ac, A. FOR ONE DOLLAR, I will tend aae dosoe. ttrong, vigorous, wll branched flower plant of any eletioa. Whre th letloa Is ln te n I will guarantee tat if. (action. KKNKHT BOCK. Clearfield, Pa , April U,H-tt. ----Taa anw Philadelphia Branch Clothing Store, ROOM NO. 1, OPERA U0U3B. Tha aademlgand woald roapoctfully taform th. ettluna of ClearOold and Tielnlly, that hi hao jut optn th. largoat tad boat Itook of m:.ini' clotiu.m, HATS, OAFS, Vault Fumithlnt Hood; TRUNKS, VALISES, 4Vo., tver brought to Clearfield, and which ha will tell cheaper than aay ether ttoro In towa. Call and tot, and be ooavinced. BIM0N SHLOttt. Clearfield, Pa., Hay 8, 1878 8m. THIS WEEK AT H.A. A MEW AND ATTRACTIVE HTIICK OP DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS. CAItPl.TM, BOOTS. SHOES, &C, WILL HE OPENED And Ui Cheap Jor hi Clurldd, Pa, April 17, 1871. GEO. WEAVER & CO,, SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., Hat. ooMtd na. la tb. atoN room lately Mounted by Wearer A Betta, oa Soeoad atrMt, A larg. And wall Mleotad atook or Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QtlRENSWARI, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Whloh they will dirpooo af At naaonaM. ratal . for raah, or iiohanga for vouatry nroduee. OEOROR WBAVKR A00. Cl.arB.ld, Paw Jaa. t, 18!t-tf. William Powell, ascoso sr., cisarhkid, ta., Dealer in Heavy end Shelf HARDWARE. IRON, NAILS. FAINTC, OILS, VARNISHES, OLA 88 AND PUTTY. Keeps ooeitantly aa band tha beat Oeohlng, Beating aad Parlor Stoves and Ranges of all deeertpttenf.. Tab), and Potket Ontlery, CarpMUri' Toole, tek aa Sawa, llatebata, Sqaarejo, Bneh Slope, Plane. aad Plant Irana, Ohieela, Blue, Aagtrl, AdaM, Fllea, Hinge, of all kioda, Looka, Srrawa, Be.b Oord, Pnlleya, Farming IJteiialla, Mowav Oaltl.At.rt, Donbl. and llagl. Rh.rri Plewa. Calliralor Teeth, Oral. Oradlat, Beythva, SaothM, lie).., Fork., Raket, Hay Porta, Pirta IWIe, tu, tta. Hera. Shoew tad Borlt Naila, tha beet make ef OfMtaal Sew. amd alee, tad GrladeiM. Platartt, aad T.rythhig acaeJl, kept la a Irat-tlaM Hardwar. Blolt. Ala., a fall atook af House Furnishing Goods, brushes, lamps, chimnets, a.. Ad klada mt Tlawtr. kept m kaad and aad. IU.Ag and Spmtiag promptly at- twadl ta. Penoai wlehl.g aaythlog la By llee, art I. PIIM H taa H4 eiAaml.. eteot aad prMM . WILLIAM POWII ILL. KRATZERS ff.tro.'vi Column. T. A. FLECK & CO. M"arket Street, Clearfield, Pa. YOU CAN'T MMnea e.r i ti a T WE AUG BOUND FOB T. A. FLECK & COS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT T. A. FLECK & CO. HERE WE ARE FOR. ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF NEW DRESS GOODS, BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. A LARGE STOCK OP MUSLINS, CALICOS, GINGHAMS, AND TICKINGS. MEN'S AND BOYS' COTTOXADES, AND A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF WHITE GOODS & PERCALES. Turkey Reds, nd all otlior kinds of TABLE MNEN,,very cheap. LADIES' COATS call tnd teo them they art nice. BLACK AND FANCY SI1AWL8. BED SPREADS, ALL TBICES. BEST STORE IN OTR STOCK OK Coca abend of anything ever bronghtjlo thia town. LADIES' LINEN SUITS-ALL PRICES. PARASOLS !! This itook ia more LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' HOSE. LADIES' AND GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES' TIES AND BOWS. Jt rt LL LIJTE Of VOOLEfS CORK CORSETS. CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN. KID AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES for Ladies and Gentlemen. Hitching, Collars and Cuffs, Laoos, Now Fringos and Trimming, Now Em broideries white and colored, Curtain Nols. Sii'pcndera, Shirts, Neckties, Underwear, Shirt Fronts, Slk ITandkerchiets. CAHFETS : good stock, cheap CAP.FETG oil cixvrns and carpet chain. MILLINERY. TRIMMED DATS AXD B01XETS, FLOWERS, BIBB0S, Trimming Silks, Ornaments, Feathers, ttc. Oar trimmer, MISS MRACIIEN, is Uonncts, jnst as We bought our goods in New York and Philadel phia for CASH, and they will be sold CHEAP. Spring and Slimmer Dress Goods. WHAT WJS GUARANTEE t WE GUARANTEE that wo cheaper than any other storo in WE GUARANTEE polito treatment to every one of our cunto- mcri, without urging them to buy. WE GUARANTEE that we have the largest and clioccnt an. sortment of all kinds of Dress and ana fancy Uooda in JlcarticlU. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. April 1778. I. . CtVl Column, STOP THIS ;i.t ONE PRICE STORE. TO CLEARFIELD. SPRING & SUMMER. SHIRTINGS, A (iOOI) LINE OF CA&SIMERS. CLEARFIELD. PARASOL8 !! complete than ever. with as again, ready to trim Hats and you want tbem. will sell all kind of Dry Goods Ucarhcld. . Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery t3 1 $ni0rftlanrottaf 5,006' RalVXdad'tiesr Cum.n.Tllle, Pa. Jaa. 1, 18-11 ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curweairil!., J.o. , tB tf. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Corw.nivllU, P., Ja. 9t 'T If. ARNOLD IIAS ADVAN'CED Prices of Shingles, SEAVED AND SAWED. CarwtnivllU, Jm. 9, '78 tf. STRAIN HAW MILL FOR ALR. A Mtwnd-bftBtt !4-bor powr, filnilj port bl u mill, ftlnoit Dtw, fall rigf. od in pr feet order, wvnnttd, will b told vmrj cheap. Afiplj In pottuB or by Utter to WM. HoLT, UoabkBttoa, M17 29, T8TS-4I. Cotntrt Pft. IJ very N table. TH B tjndorilgntd hmgt Imto U Inform tho pnb He that be i now fully preptro to wwbbo. imf all in the way of farnisbin Uv.eee, Bn(gte& tfaddUe wd Iluaeet, on tbt ibortoat noUoe Mid en rMoneble tome. Hetidenee oa Loentt etreet, between Third end Fourth. QKO. W. Q EAR HA IT. UwfiJd. Feb. 4.187. A VD1TKII NOTICC In tbe Orpb&ne' Corrt el Clearfleld Co., Fe. In the Better of the oeute of Andrew B. Hoore, defleeted. Tbe nadenigoed A editor, appointed by tbe Court to make dUtribatlon of the bilanoe reoinln Ins in tbe bandi of Wm. T. Hoore, Administrator, Ac, of ifttd deeetued, anoogit the part let legally eotitled tberato, bertlyr f ire notio that be will it fur tbe ptupoae of bin appoint meat at tbe office of MrKnally A McCurdy, on Satnrday, Jane 23d, 1678, at 1 o'elook p. n. W. A. UAUIRTl, Clearfield, June S, 1878.JL Auditor. AriJiTiins wiiticb. In tbe Orpbant' Court ef Clearfleld Co., 1'a. In the mattar of tbt etaU ol llellnda Coortnej, dee'd. Tbe oadertiitoed Auditor, appointed by the Court to make distribution of tbe balaoeeremala itK in the bandi of 11. B. end Samuel M. Bailey, Adminiitraton, Ao., of aaid) deeeaaed, amoaget the partiee legally enliU.d thereto, hereby givee notlro that he will pit for the narpoao of bli ap poiatmeot at tbe office of UoEoaily A WcCurtiy, on triiuy, June 2 lit, i7, at I e oitx-t p. m. W. A. HAQBKTY, Clearfleld, June 6, 1878-St. A alitor. SALE. The nndenignod will tell at private eale all that tract or pareel ef land eitaato In Deoatar townthip, Clearfield ooanty, PaM within a ibort dlataneo of the Tyrone A Clearnel't R. R aad adjoining lande of Hobert lludeon and otoera, and known ae the Jacob B. Qearhart lot. Tho aid tract oontaioing 60 aerei mora or loea, with two Teioa of raluable eoal thereon, baa about 10 acres cleared, and ie the key to a larre bodr of eoal about being developed. Will bo eold low and upon easy terms, rer particulars, apply to DAVID L. KRKBS. Clearfleld, Pa., July IS, 1871. DRUG STORE. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Shaw's old Hand, Clearfield, Pa , baa jaM opened a new stock of and is now prepared to furnish anything la the tho line of Drugs and Medicines at the rery low est cash prices. He baa also on hand a large atok of Combe, Hair and Tooth Drushea, Fancy Articles, Toilet and Sharing Soaps, and everything nmaily kept in a Ant-class Drug Store. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with care, day or night. A liberal share of pa irons ge rirpectfulfy solicited. H. B. SPACKMAN. Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 24, 1877. PRIVATE SALE or Valuable Real Estate I The nndetnlrnod, living la Penn twp.,-C1eer field county, Pa., offers tht following ralsablt Real Ittatefor aalt: 446 Acres of Land, ore or lese, la Beeeoria township, lying on tbe north side of big Clearfleld creek, and withla ono mile of the tamo. The above land ia heavily covered with hemlock, white oak, rock oat, and other bard wood timber, aod a quantity mt white pine, said to be half a million or more feet. The same Is heavily anderlaid with bitamiaoai eoal, and directly oa the line ef railroad loading from HoutidaletoCoelport. Its value is unknown. There are, also, other valuable minerals on tht name. The above land lies about two and a-half milet below the village of tileo Hope, adjoining lands of George Groom aod ethers, oo what ie haowa as Porter's run. The improvements oa the prop erty are a good geared saw mill, ia running order, a high dam, atone breast, made la the boat man ner, lit tor almost any msiehiaery. There ia.aleo, a large frame dwelling house and frame bank bora thereon, and a boat forty or Htly acres, more or less, of the land is cleared. Any person wishing to in rest in property of thia kind will do well to examine this property. I will tell tbo whole or the undivided half ioteaost, as may suit the purchaser. The above tract of land will make two or three farms, which will compare favorably with the greater part of oer ooanty. Prion and terms made known to any person wishing to pur chase. For further particular eall ia nereoa or address the undersigned at u ramp taa Hills r .0 Clearfield county, Pa. BAM Is W1DBMIKB. Jan. 9, 1871-tf. Tt'RV I,IHT Names or jorora drawn for June Term, A. D. 1878, commencing on Iho Sd Monday, 17th day. nan aiKtt. John W Davis, HeeeartaleTacob Myers, Beooarla t Condnel.CovingtoniTboi W Kitchen, Cheat Oeo K Tate, Woodward jSam'l Browa, Lawrence Wm Motlervey, Chest Daniel Frv. Chert Jos Winnery, Bradford J Summorville, Boraslde John Lightner, Beooarla1 D A Cathoart, Kaox lligler Worrell, Newhurg 8 P Sboff, Woodward J B Rougeuxlr, Cov'ton Perry Drauckcr. Brady H Richards, Woodward Wm Wlngert, Brady Adam Mover, ir, Morris Aaron Bhirey, Ooehea Jos Moore, FerpuMtn J I Rorabaugh.Burnsidt Jos Law ford, W uodward Darld B moose, Jordan 8 Coudilct, Covington J Brickley, Burnsitle tp. M 6 Spenoor, Peao Uust Liviuntoa. Bradv J Psssmorv, (Iroonwood 'Dr D R UooJ, Oseeula R A Leevy, Clearfleld j Philip Erhard, Kaog 4 W Narebood, UrahamlKtra Mays, Jordan U Dougherty, Lawrence Theodore Brown, Pike IBCOXD IftlK. Oeo R Mokle, Knoi K Ashonfelter, Brady Walter Hhlrey. Bradford Mitebel Sbope, Uirard Tf siw r-Birj. unuiui Vincent Smeai, Boggs i n os iantoo, tiawreaea Joha Hunter, Jordan Reuben Straw, Jordan P R Htakto. Lawrence IJB Holionback, Morris D Faust, CurweosTille P Uilligen, Chest Froemaa, Peon Miles riogal, Morris J H Porter, L City J D Lehman, Woodward John Powell, Graham Brady Kirk, Brady Wm I Forney, Bradford Oeo Charlton, Howtsdalo Henry DotU, Boooaria Wm Hoover, Bra (ford J W DeHats. Brady (loo M Nolder, Brady W B Fox, Kaei T J Frow, Curwensrille Taos Ketlly, t'learHelfl Philip Tubbs. Beeearia Jacob Fryer, Oreoawood David Forccy, Bradford I Uee M Brisbio, Osoeola Jabob Barger, Bradford I N A Arnold, It Wash'ton! Dennis Lewis, Lawrence R U Thompson, M Harry LMogrton, Clfd TRIAL LIHT. List of eaa sot tot down for trial at June Term, 1871. jrn via rinT risk, lt o4T, 17th dat. 0 L Sehoonover H D KeMler vs. J C Brenner vs Oacoola Park Ass'n vs. Berwtad, Whito A Co Vt. n m vs. A 0 Finney vs. King A Feller vt. Daatet Gormoa vs. Fetor Meyer vt. Riogold, Dillon at at vt. David Got vt. James D Aataoar vt. A M MeClara vt. Bamaol MeCnao vt. BeaaeU's Br Imp Co va. i m Abram Kepbart ast M Hurley A Bra George W Caldwell R Arthurs Joha C Ferguson Martha K Hoy dor Thomas Mile boll Joseph Oofs M Mcllendryotal G B Good lander Thomas If runs Fred Li 1 1. Id Charles Robackaf John C Tyler W'm H Pontiua David Sample Wm D Pontlut vs. Wm F Joha sea vt. Arnold, Hartahora A vt. Joerph M Smith atoo wan, rot nra aoaair, I4ra. Jamet P Hale vs. Tbo M L A L Co The Wash t B AlAs'n va. Geo Hagor A terra toa Freehold BAB An n vs. MeGramot A Pratt John F Hull vs, Hamael Jenkins Bigler, Yeaog A Reed va. Joha DaBoia Wm Gregg . R A Irvfa Kepbart A Bailey J F Read Holomoa Hallmaa Martha Hantor Beyer, Gayer A Oo D J Hoar A Co R I Owens C H Gardea A Co Joha G Glaaegew Beyer, Gayer A Co H it M vt. Tho II L A L Oo vs. J K Homer to, Joha M Chata va. Leonard Kytwo Toaac vt. Lover Ftegol vt. D L Ftrgaaoa va. Jaoxt Kerr A Oo vt. L Bloom va Mary A Sboff otal va. r Raaaey at al y rt. Ihoff KM BLOOM, Prothfiaotarn f Clnrt.M, Pa., June 1, llrl if