r.-':. tw.i. . ! THE MANSION HOUSE. 1 CornerofFeOf.mUndMarhotStmti. I ( I r.AnKii ha. I old fjommodloot Hole) hat. dorlne ' the peal yoar. keen enlarged to double ita turner tapetlty for tbe eiertlnroent o( atran gera aad guaatt. Tba wbolt building baa beet j refaraiahed, and tbt proprietor will apart ao peiae to render bit f uetti oomtortable while ileyiag with bin. p9-Th 'Mapilon Heme" Omolbot rani U and from tht Depot on tht arrival ipd departure July ltTMf " Propria? A LLEGUENY HOTEL Market Street, ClnrHcId, Pa. Wa. 8. Bradley, formerly proprietor of tba Leonard lluuae, bevlug Issued tbe Allegheny Hotel, aolleila ahare of poblie patronage, Tbt Ilouae baa been Ihorougtilr ropeired and newly furntihed, aud gusils will and II a pleasant Hup. Elnaj placa. Tin table mil be supplied with tb til or overriding In tin market. At the bar will be found the beat wince and liquors. Uood etebllog ettaehed. . WM. rj. UllADLKV, May 1!, ';. I'ropri.lor. SIIAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A front annate,) CLBAKPIKLD, PA. The undersigned baring taken charge of this Hotel, would respeotfully lollrlt nubile patronage. Ieb2a,'7. U. NKH TON M1AW. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINUTON, PA. Thia new and well furnished bens, baa been taken by tbe nndentf ned. lie feela eonlident of being able to render ealiifaelioQ to ibete wka may faror bin wltb a eall. May t, 1871. 0. W. DAVIS, I'rop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILlPrJIIUrtd, PKNN'A. Table always supplied witb tba beat the market affords. The traveling publle la Invited tooall. Jan.l,'7(. ROllKltT LOVD. gnats. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maaonlo Building, one door north of 0. D. Wation'a Drug Store. Passage Tickets to and from Lirerpool, Queens town, Ulaagow, London, Parit and Copenhagen. Alao, Drafts for tale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMKS T. LEONARD, Pres't W. M. SUAW, Caihier. Janl.'ff DREXEL & CO., No. 3d South Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers In Government Securities. Application by mail will reeeire prompt atten tion, ana all loloruiation cheerfully lurntahea Ordera aolicted. April 11-tf. r. K. ARltOLP, fl. W. ARM OLD. 4. I. ARN0LI F. K.ARNOLD & CO., ISnnkerN mill ISrokerM, Keyuoldayllle, Jefleraou Co., Pa, Money received on depoilt. Diaeounta at mo derate ratea. Eastern and Foreign Kxchange al wave on band and eollectiona promptly made. Heyaiildavillr, Dee IS, I874.-Iy JlflltiStlll. T L. Jt. I1EICHIIOLI), J. "I1KCCOS II K N Tl IT, flraduate of the Penmylvnni College of Dental Surgery. f'fDi-'e in re.idenee ol Dr. lfilh,oppoaite ttio bbuw Houie. mebU, '78-lf. DR.. E. M. THOMPSON, (OCce In Bunk Building,) Curtvenavllle, Clrarlleld Co., neb 12 '7(1 If. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, t'LEARKIRI.D, PA. (Omoe in realdenee, Keeond street.) Clearfield, Pa., May 1, 18771. Hi5rfIIaiifoii3. MEAT MARKET. . F. M. CARDON & BRO., Od Morkit EL, odo door wit of HonaloB Huoao, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar ftrnnffptnoBlH tro rf tbo mort ootnplotr ishftrMtor lor furnlihlng tbo pnbllo with Frotb MU of til kind,ndof I bo wry boat qutlity. Wo olao dal ia all kinda of Afrieultar! Implo menu, which wo koop on oxbibtlitn for tbo beo ofit of tht publio. Coll Mound whon ia towo. and tako a look at tbinjri, or addreaa oa . M. CARDON k BRO. CloarSfllda Pa., Jul; U, lS76-(f. HEALTH HAPPINESS. Health aotl IlBpjiiotaa art pritloa Wealth to iDtir pojaeaaors, ana jrot ibu; art witbtD tbo revob of a?ary otto who will aM M right s Liver Pills, Tbo aora Ct'RE for Tnrild LWer, Pyip'p ala, HeadaRbt, Bour Blomtcb, CoDMlpatinn, Debility, Nftoiea, and all IiiHiou umiliinla and Blood diaordcta. Nona (tenulno onlraa alnrrl "Wta. Wrih., PhllV If your Drugitiat will not nupply aend 26 crdU for ngi boi to liarrick, Knilar i Co., 70 N. 4th St, .'Mia. ' D,2( 77-Iy. V CJ(n W IC TRr'HT.All otfaera oio-t r fur thfir turk befora It loavea tha bop. And an all flenh Itaa tha graatof thoflold, ana tha iimmue or men art hka tbs Bowrra thfrrenf they art giren ooo dy and forgot tea tbo neit thctoforo it U beit n'tt lo troit any body. All kicda of work will bt dont ia thia ahop for eaab or ready pay Boota and aboea of all atioa aad atylet tbt bttt ami f he pent ta town. I bavt rtmorfd aiy ahop to tha lowtr and of town, in Taytor'a row, on Rood iirnt, near tha depot, wbrre I will bt found at all tinea, waiting fur eaatoinara. All work warn o ted good and ebeap. Alao, all klada of Leather aad Shoe Findinga for aale Tba eltliena of Clearfield aad viola!. are eapeetfullj Inrlud to g.Tt ue a eall. JUS. 11. DKERINQ, CUarficld, Pa., July 11, 1377, fi.oi it, i i:i:i, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Rwera No. , Ple'a Opera llo.ae, Clearfteld, Pa. Keefteonitaatly ea hand BUSAR, COFFEE, TEAS, 0DA, COAL OIL, BVRUP, BALT.I BPIOBJ, MAP, ' Caaaed aad Dried Frnlta, Tokaeoe, Olgara, Caa dlaa. Older Tlnege, Setur, Igga, At. ALSO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, 4c, AU ef wkleb wig ha eald ebeap for enei at la waeaaag. anr aoeauj ei ww. A.tJ. ERAXE CO, CWteM, He. II IrTa-U 1 Jlnr atjirrtisfmrnts. GUINZBURG'S CLOTHING STORE, . . WoHlorn Hotel Corner, Clcnrfleld, ln. I We have just ivrclvrd on entire new 'stork of ? V HEADY MADE CLOTHING, For Ulen, Youth's mid lloy'ta. Those Roods have been aoleoled with particular onro, and bought lor cash at pmiiu prices. Wo nra thorofore prepared lo compote with and oll clipncr thun any othur house in Ilia county. Wa will toll you full aniti of Spring Clothing at from 2 50 to 115 00. '.! fifteen dollars you can buy as , year Biro lor f2o (II), and nil othor Wo linvo alao received a coinjdolo'itocli of NECK WEAR, GENTS' FURNISHINQ GOODS, TEUNKS antl VAUCES, HATS, CAPS AND UMBRELLAS. I'leaso call and examine our stock boforo pnrobMing. ' i-i IG-aprll .V7S SOMETHING FOR FARMERS. F. 9f. C AltDOX Jb l.UO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF . CHAMPION MOWERS AND REAPERS, A LARGE LOT OF Farmers' Friend Grain Drills, Corn Planters, Hcebner's Level Tread Threshers, and Little Giant, No. 2, threshes and cleans grain ready for bagging. WHICH will be told CHEAP and KXCIIANUBIi for UOOD YOUNG IIORHES. Also, a car load of TIGER HAY RAKES, HOMO IRON AXI.E all the way through, aeif dumpera, the beatake lu the world. Clearfield. Pa , April 24, I87S. mm STOVES, TIN-WARE A If J) ' GAS FIXTURES. JAMES L.LEAVY, Having purehaacd the atock of Fred. Baekett, berehy v ivea notice that ho ia prepared to furaha all kinda of HEATING, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, of the beat aadlateat Itnprovod patttrnf, at vary iow price e. AH FIXTVIIFN. He hta alao en hand, a lot of BRACKETS. CH ANDKLI KK8 and OAS LAMPS, of all kinda, at anitable prieea. Uaa 11 it urea ordered at abort notloe, to an it eaMomera. TIN-WARE." Alio, a eomtil.te aaaortaieot ef manufaetared Tln-ware, to wbiob be Invttea the attentloa of purohaa.ra. rrnnt pari of Kiom No. 3. PI K 8 OI KHA IIOl'SB. JAK. L. LEAVV. Proprietor. FKKII. gACKETT, Sup't, Clearfield. Pa., Deo. I,, 77 lf. Ajmciiltiiral Statistics. To (e CUiuena nf CttarJltfH County t The undtreijrned having been appointed by tht DepennKBt, at Waabinc ton, principal reporter of he Airienltural rUtitlea of Clrarlleld eounry, rcfpfctfuDy rrqurata the co-operation of all lo eaiiit, by tending tbe aubacriher all the informa tion tbey ean bi-aring upon tbe folio wing qitea tlona, ao aa to enable him to make aa correct a atatetnent to tha Department, aa poaaible i How many borate bare d ed in your buroagb or ttwn ahip, and of what diaeaaa. How me or aowa and ealrta, and of what diaeaae. How many aheep hitfe yon loat,and of wbat diaeaae bow many killed by doga. How many hoga buTt jou loit, and of what diaraee. What prtrailing dixeeaea anion gut tbe poultry. In all eaaea gie the rem ediea uaed whieb bave been found to be auoeaa Tul, and in all taaaa to gift the eaab value ol all atock aa nearly a pemible. By the oo-operation of our oitlifta In general upon tbeae imporuat particular, ice Agatoaiwai rMrva win oeoema an eoeyelopediatt uaeful information to tht pub lic, by vnnbltng tbt Department to pulthah the diaeMea, tbe luaaea, and tba roiaadtee that hart beta found moat beneoeial In ttrtata ditaaea . Any otbtr tniormatiuo that will bt eonalilered a publle benefit, wilt be thankfully rooelred. Add rem the aubeeribtr at Urarapien Ililla, ClrarfitldCo., Ta. rMMUKL WIDEMIKK. Alarcb 18, IS7B-tr. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALKnS IN PURE DRUGS! CUEMICALBI PAINTS, OI1JS, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, ' . BRLSUES, PKRrOJIEET, FANCY 900DS TOILET ARTICLES, or ALL KINDg, ' PURE WIXK8 AND LIQUORS Ht newleinal parpoeea. TntaaM, B.pportm, bVbwoI Hooka aad Stailoa. cry, one all ataer wimm anally foaad la a Draf Sure. PHTSICIArtft' PRMCRfPTIONS OARI PDLLT COMPOUNDED. Heel.g a krg. ra pert.ee. U Ik. kaalaMi thef ee. gir. ealwe aat. UoMUea. , t. a. iArmcK. John r. uwin. CVaarleld, DwamWar It, ISM. gj. v waWJukaakaEell Rood suit now aa you could got one artlolt'l proportionately cboap. A.GUINZBURG, A.i THE TIN SHOP. RIWIVG MVOWV MAllinE! FRED. SACKETT, . ROOM NO. J, PIE S OPERA HOl'PB, ClearOeld, Pa. Re.peetfutly laforn. hla euiUmere, and tba pub lie to general, that be eontinoea to nanofaelure all kind, of I ,: 1 j Tln.Coppcr & Sheet-Iron Ware, Of flrat-olaa material oaly, and la m workanan like manner. , ROOFING and SPOUTING don on ihort notloe nod very rtaaooat)le tor ma. COOK STOVES, HKATIIfO BT0VFI8 AWD Ft'RNACES kiwaja kept In atock, and far aala low. Gas-Fitting and Plumbing a specialty. Oaa Fiitarea alwaya oa hand. All work gnaraa tae4 to gira eattafaotioa. A ahare of publio patronage cordially aollelled. FRED. 8ACEETT. Clearfield, Pa., May 1, 1877. SEWING MACHINES AT REDUCED RTBS! THE NEW IMPROVED Weed Sewing Machine, roil lat. a ar Mile II. ISecrH, CLEARFIELD. PA. (Realdenee, Wett Clearfield) Tha NEW IMPROVED WEED It one of the beat maflbtnea la tbe market, and rana very light and quiet Ita Bew eylioder S'eel Shuttle ha only una holt to bt threaded, Add holde twioe aa mean thread at moat any other uanhint. It baa one of tha beat Narrow He mm era mad. Ita Table It long and roomy. It baa no ceara and oama. It baa no aorewa or taot-plttt to be rt- morea wnne ouing or eieaning. Tba WEED, before tbe let improvement, drew a priee at tba Parla Exposition ia Pranea, alao, an award at the Ceateanial Kipoaition, and in almoat every Bute in tba Union. Maebiaetaeld on Monthly Paynenta. Peraoaa thould aot buy before teeing tbe New Weed. Hay, grain, beef oattla, aad noma kinda of aid Maebinea taken in part pay for New Machine. A 1 1 kinda of Hewing Maohiaraoleaaed aad repair ed. Alao, dealer ia all blade of Hewing Machine Neadlea, Oil, Ruflere, Talk marhera, Caatora, Httamera, flht.tttee, Cheek apringa, At, la ordering anything by ItUer, ba aara aa glva name of maobina. Caah mnat aooompany all ordera by mail. Pertoae wanting any other kind of maohiae, pleaat write for price. aayMm JEMOVAL! JOHN McGAUCHEY Wonld rtapeetfully notify tha publle generally that ha hat removed bka Grocery Rwra from Bbew't Row, ta tha building formerly ooeopitd by J. Milea K ratter, aa fleeoad atrett, atxt door to Bigltr't hardware ettra, wbera at latanda kaeptng a tall Una of r a 11 O C 12 It I E H. BAMS, DRIED BEEF aad LARD. SVwAES aad Bl RUPB, of all gradae. TEAS, Sroaa and Black. COrPBE, Henaled aad Oreea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, ca.rjrr.n FRUITS, All kl.da la Ik. aerkot. PICKLES, U Jan and barreU. SPICES, U .ear, fene aad rarlat. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIKMOP tRAtrdElfa. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CnERRtES, Coal Oil tal Xaimp CUmatya. And a go aaa.rtaiMt af th.ee thlaga anally ket la a ffrMory ore, wkkk be will aiekaage for aiarkeUni at Hm atarkM arteea. Will eel far eaak aa ekeeply aa aay ether an PWaee .all aad en hla ttaek aad )odge kr fnmU' ' ' JOHN McflABOnET. CUard.ld.Jaa. 1, 1171. THE REPUBLICAN. -A .ny.V-s.... y ' CliKAIIKIKM), I'A. WKtlNtriaAY M0IIN1NH. JUNK U. li.t A FEEBLE KEYXOTK. Tho aiiiioiiilinmit of tbo Potur com mltuo Iiuh arouBuil tho wholo lUyca family Cabinet unit all. Tlie "(Ion. fvtlvrulu lltigailicr," who draw tho aulury of Poalmuitlur fjoncml Kty baa, in imitation of John Kht-rmun, .dilroaaed an open luttur " To the pco nlo of the Houtli," VutilJ ;( him down aa un axs or a ruguo, we euro not which. Aa llio editor of tho liuliimuru Ga zelle ekina him tar butter thun wa can, wo therefore introduce liia view s of tbe " llrigadiur," aa followa : , And now Mr. Key, who drawa salary ub a Ciunorul I'oHtmuster, aya it moaua " war. As ho phruaua it " bloody civil war." John Sherman had previ outilv Naid that it nivaiil war; and now oilier letlora may be expected from the Mixed CuuimiiMiou which ia commonly known aa tho tie facto C'ubineu it ia we pruaume one of lbs conditiona of their tenure of oflico to regurd all in quiry into the fruuda which guvo them their plucea aa wur-r r, and bloody, gory, .rovoluUonary, atbeiatical war. Mr. Key tho repentant rebel who alwaya goea around with tho junketing te facto to aerve aa a turget tor tbe email witticisms of tho rent of tbe Mixed CoiuinisKiun tho reformed ae ceaaioniat and the brand ftnutched from the burning and to weur tho cap and bells for his fraudulent master, has no aonao of peraonul dignity, or he would not aurvo in the scullion department of the Cabinet, and he hua no Bouse of honor, or be would not make himnt'll ao ridiculoua aa by bia "open letter to the 8outh," lie Iiuh not even wit enough to wear bid cap and bells well, Ho ought to know thut no Southern man nor Norihurn man either cured a alruw lor hia opiuioua on any auhjeet, and all lock upon hia character with protound disguel. The open letter ol Mr. Key wuh doubtleaa inspired by the aenlimenla of a Cabinet meeting. It may bo followed up by others. Mr. Curl 8cli urn will pel Imps write a letter to tho Germans, telling them in the pureat Prussian dialect that if any in quiry ia Hindu into the electoral lruuda, civil war will again prematurely de compose tbeir suuer kraut and ensan guine the wbile-loaineu lager, lie may remind them thul tbeir Limbur- ger, and their pretzcla are at atuko ; ihuir Leiderkruntua and tbeir tfcbuct zeiifesla trembling in the bulunue ; thut all tbuaa will bo lust to them if the frauds by which Curl Helium and lluyes hold their olUcce be brought to light. Mr. Kvurls may write an appeal to all dictionary niukoi-s, culling upon them in the nume of all tbe long words n tbe lunguuge to come to the rescue of Fraud, antl give authority to a series ol ponderoua epithets which bo 1 poses to burl lengthwise at tbo " lie hellion." Tbo Ancient MuriuurThomp son might write a letter to the Protest ants, whom he bus long titken under bia especial caro aa aguinsl the Pope, and cull upon them to Use all their in fluence to prevent war lor the investi gation of the electoral fruuda in bia opinion also Is war. Ho might, how ever, at tho name timo order home our uld rotten bulks of tho Navy and get ready all his torpedoes. Mr. McCrury must nexi write a letter to the brave boys in blue, calling upon the 11 to do fend fraud lo the Issi drop of tbeir blood. Mr. Devens, the Attorney den oral, must write letters 10 all tbe Judges and juries, culling upon them to annul tbo ancient rule that " Fraud vitiates everything," and lay down instead the new ruling of tbe dt facto Administra tion aud its supporters that " Fraud when successful must be maintained," under nenaltv of War-R fl. By pursuing thia course Mr. lluyes may succeed in terrifying certain peo- neoule in bia own parly who wuul to bo terrified, but he can never rutlle tbe serene apathy ol " Business Interests," or even raise tho hopes of the old army contractor or the ancient, plethoric sutler. Tbey know very well that Ibore will be no war nor goro. There ia no legul way of unseutiug Mr. lluyes except by impeachment. Uulover may be the report of tho Potter investi gation, it will leave Mr. Hayes undis turbed in possession ol his ollice, unless his conscience should induce him to resign, which is nol likely, or else fuels are brought lu light which would make bia impeuchmetil a public necessity, and even tben the Republicans are still In the niujority in the Seiiuie, und inasmuch as lliul body put lluyes into oltiee with lull knowledge ol the frauds, they would doubtless keep bim there upon the unanswerable argument of 8 to 7. Tbia la ail well known 'ut the White House. What is feared there ia not war, but discovery. Mr. Key is holding up onool those pumpkin spooks with the lurid caudle ol " wur" inside, in order to bide his own terror, and to pay another installment to lluyes for his nominal tenure ol the l'ostiuaster ship and the aulury thereunto annexed. A'A'o w xoTinsaitiU re vi ved A NEW SIORET POLITICAL OROANIZATION TUB NATIONAL OUKENDACK LEAGUE TO THE rnoNT. Many or tho voters who belong to tho National party do not know that the leaders of tbeir party bave organ ised a secret political society, tbe mem bers of which assume an obligation, recognize each other by signs and gripa, and are admitted to meetings by regu lar pass-words in abort, a secret po litical society in every aoiiae of the word, rrhoso plan of operations may not be vastly unlike the secret wing of the old Know-Nothing party. The National Greenback Lerguo ia the name of tbo new political organization, and whilo a majority of those who hold membership in the National party may not belong to the now secret or ganization, all the members of the lat ter are leading lights in the National party, Thia sccrot organization ap pears in tho political arena as the pro fessed champion of everybody and everything. It takes upon itself multi farious responsibilities. It picks them up as though they were mora trifles, and undertakes in tbo most chivalrous, off band manner to usher in the mil Ionium in abort order. Liko Dr. Gilli pod, whose doae for all equino ailment ia a "a plug o' tobacco and a pound o' borax," tbe National Greenback Leaguo bave ono universal panacea vote for us and don't tell anybody. Here's the prescription : NATIONAL OBLIGATION. I. I do Beet aoleojalt nraalaa oa af eaared boaet teat I will net rare.) lb. aaaa of aay one preaeat or of aoy peraen wka aey beoome k.owa to aa aa a anaber af tk. Natlaaal Urvenbaok League. I. I ala. are re lee thai I will aot renal sat of tao eigne, grtpior peae woraa teat I aay rewire, beloogtog te aaid Leagaa, t. ft. peraee aot a Mioer. a Furtboraoea. I eta. broalea on a. henue that I will aot rate for aa, a. a lo All any eaoo of be.ee, trial or proll, wb. la aet fledged te evpport the prlnnlplo. eel forik la Ike platfora ol the sola ri.iloo.J Oraeabaeb Leaine. Tbe Society baa a regular method of Initiating new members, eomowlist similar in its features to those of tbe aecral orders, lo tha Initiation tbeae obligations are taken In lull. Then tbs platform of tba League la read to tbo ponion undurolnff; tba Initiatory ocrcmonlt'i, and after this the old mem bers rise and aituultaaaoUHly aay : . IVi i )., v!tra. m rrwnv"" Utereata and aadl Beeaeeuyanrrnluaiei.Ml.tio jtae lo iMuiie 01 u., ai.ii e wrlewuie y.u w U4t,pariy. Woe to trailuia " Alter thia little Wun.ing ia (iren to the initiate, tho grips, aigneof reoogui lion, puss-words, and other funny feat ures are iuipurtud ; but just w but tbeae features comprise, or whether there are other ufo guards, tha reporter could not learn. The next business, in the lormution of a new Council or Lieaguo, ia to choose officers (who hold their places three months;, aa loliowa ; A I'reaiduiit, Vice Preaident, Socrulury, Treasurer, Sergeant at-Arma, Guard, und a committee of ihreo on new mem here. Tbe membera cluitn that there ia no initiation fee, 110 weekly or monthly or yearly or any other kind of dues no aasessmcnta of any sort or kind but audi ol tho members aa choose to do so can voluntarily hand in any contributions tbey please, bow over email or largo, to the Treasurer, lor the purposes of the League The prime movers of tbo Society areanxioua lu ititiato all workii.gmon into their order, and wisely concluded that tho movement would become popular if no money were demanded of the membera. Tbe platform ol tbo League ia said to bs tho principles udnpled at tbe Greenback Convention held at Columbus, Ohio, September 13th, 1877, tbo main principVs ol which are in cluded in the ToJedo platform. The Greenback League is strongest in Ohio, Illinois and Indiana, but also a firm foothold lu every Ktate where tho National party bus existence. Most ol tho members are the leaders of ihe Nutionul purty, but they deeluro that tbo Nalionul party have no further connection. "Tbe National Greenback League is an organization that makes a test of principles affecting money, and boa for ita object the retiring of National bank notes and substituting greenbacks. This ia ita cardinal plank, and on tbia a test is niado, viz : thul members will not vole for anybody for an office who ia not publicly in litvor of their plut- furin. Thai lest is made by the Demo cratic party and the Republican party by implication, as is known by the fuct thut men who do not endorse their platforms are not considered members of their party." The Workingmen't purty and the Greenback League are separate pnrlics. No candidult'S are ever nominated or ever to be nominated by tho League. Hut if any number of men t-booso to (jft ttrjaellivr and promiao each other that they will nol be fooled into voting for any candidate w ho is not publicly known to favor their greenback ideas where is ihe harm in il 7 That's all there is to do about the League. No woikingiiiiin is required lo join. Every one is Iruo in thut respect ao dun't be cniinim'd about lite matter. Tbey are separate paitio, but many workiiinicii join ibcr'e National Leugties because they know that llioi wrong finuficiul policy of the old parties lias (nought the country lo the verge ot ruin, und they wunt the Nulionul bunk notes retired, the bonds paid oft in gruenbalka, and no paper currency but greenbacks In clrculution. Mil. STEI'IIEXS' APPREUEX- inuxa. . The venerable Mr. Stephens, of Geor gia, like the venerable Mr. Weed, of New York, imagines that the country is always standing in the atlitudu ol attention, wailing to catch such words of wisdom and notes of warning aa be may see fit to drop. The writing of a letter is no more to him than tho trim ming of a toe-nail to an ordinary per son unufllicted wilh views, Mr. Ste phens' unfortunate connection with the Southern Confederacy has developed hia bump ut caution to such a degree that be can u I most weur bia but 011 il instead of bia bead, and bis fear ol revolution ia ao great that if bo aaw a man tanning a sheep skin witb a view to mailing a drum-bead be would leel like tupping him 011 tho shoulder and whispering in hid ear the terrible belief that the making of drum or tbe beating of a drum at this particular stage might throw the country into paroxysm or set brothers to hamstringing each other liir smull wages to be paid in do, predated paper currency. Wo admir. Mr. Stephens' statesmanship as a rule, but wo deplore bis nerves. In bis re cent letter in reply to Mr. Potter' com munication to theambushed clergy roan, Mr. Stephens says that " tbe idea that Mr. Hayes can be peaceably nnseated by Congress ia as delusive and aa guile ful as the whisperings of the groat arch fiend in the shape of a toad, in tho ear of Kvo.lroin wbicb sprung alt our woes.1 Perhaps it may be considered flippant upon th threshold of a rerolulion lo inform Mr. Stephens that the generally accepted idea in regard to lbs illlle affair between Eve and the Visiting Statesman from the Sulphur district ia that tbe arch fiend (so called) assumed the guise of a serpent. This informa tion is gathered from loose and incom plete scriptural accounts ; but we may safely say tbat nine tenths of the peo ple wbo have any knowledge upon the belief that our frivoloOa grandmother waa persuaded into bor awkward but much to be regreted blunder by t huge sorpent with a basilisk eyo. Mr. Bto- pbons may bave bad a special revela tion wbicb enables him to aay toad He has been on the eartb a good while and ll may be tbat ha baa conversed with persons wbo were in tbe neighbor bood ot tbo Garden ol Kdon at the time of the occurrence, and Is lima in a post lion lo correct history. But we dlgrosi. What we wish to say is that Mr. Hayes or any other man in tbe Presidential Chair In this country can be peaceably unseated whenever bis offense is suffi cienl to cause proceedings to be insti tuted, We do not pretend to say tbat ha was a party to tba fraud, which made bim de facto President j but il it could be proven tbat be was, be would be very promptly impeached and turned out of office, and there would be no war to speak ol. Mr. Potter's commit tee should be permitted to proceed. When il bas gathered all the testimony accessible, the American people will judge of it aid make up tbeir minds aa to what ia to be done about il, It may be that the country will enjoy a big laugh when Mr. Putter comes to exhibit the contents of bis nek The whole thing may end In a hearty gatTaw. Tbe Investigation ma result in showing Mr. ll ayes to ba a whita-socled, inno-lot cont creature, who has simply had th misfortune lo bavo wicked partoora. If it should reveal bim as a conspirator apd tho ulenticul person who killod ceislttre would In found to send Dim law k to Ohio. Mr. .Stephena baa a much poorer opinion of the American people than be ia warranted in enter taining by reason of anything thut has ever passed under bia protracted ob servation. Jialtimvrc Gazette. Insurance and Incendiarism. Tbe Supreme Court ot Wisconsin baa just decided a rase of great interest and im portance lo Wealeru insurers and in sured. A law was puascd in that State in 1874, providing thut tbe amount ot Insurauce written in a policy "ahull be taken and deemed the true value of the properly al the lime of tho loss, and tho amount of tbo loss sustained, shall be the ntousureof dainagea." The Court holds thut under this statute, in case of total loss of property without criminal fault of tbo assured, the value ol the projieriy must be the amount named in the policy. Il further bolda that tbo measure of damages being fix ed by the alalute, tbe company baa no right to abow thut tho assured sustain ed a loaa lass than tbe amount written in the policy. The Court recognized tbe manileil policy ol the statute to be to prevent over-insurance, and there tore Considered it wise and wholesome. "Uurelolore," say the Chicago Inter Ocean, commenting on the decision, "ll baa beeu lb practice willi companies doing business in Wisconsin and iu most of the other Western States, to assess the damage alter a loss by fire and pay only the actual damage prov ed, without regard to tbo value speci fied in Ihe policy." 1 1 adds that the effect ol ihe decisiou will be to compel a closer inspection aud vulualion of property oil the purl ol agents and a lower appraisal at the time the risks are tukeu. Postal Frauds. Postmaster James, of New York, has just completed an investigation of the extent of aulea ol postage stumps by country postmasters by which tbe revenues of the Pustollioe Department are decreuaod. Some of these postmasters bave been detected in purchasing pianofortes, parlor or gans, sewing machines, and tho Innu merable articles 'which compose the slock usually lo bo found in tbe "gen eral store" of which the postmasters at tbo cross roads offices are, aa a rule, the proprietors, aud paying for the samo in poslage stamps, for the " sale" of which in ibis irregular way, they cluim (and until detected must be al lowed) tbe same commissions wbicb tbey would receive on account of bona Mr rules in the regular course ol business, ll is found thut about 12, 000,0(10 worth ot stamps have thus been annually disposed of in New York, the Government thereby losing nearly H.000,000 by tbe increased pay of country postmasters. Communism Three or lotar hundred men gathered in Turner Hull, Si. Louis, on Friday evening, May 17tb, in an swer to a call addressed " to working men who bad seen military service either in this country or Europe." Ferdinand Amreln called the meeting lo order, and said its object was to lake steps for the organization of military companies composed exclusively . ol working men wbo were military vet erans, " to serve the purposes of work ing men and protect them against en croachment npon thoir rights by Ihe military and police." Otbor speecbea of a communistic tenor were made, and about 250 men enrolled themselves, aa "soldiers of the army of working men." This ia the first military organization ever alarted by the Communists in America. Woman's Hotel a Fa 1 lube. The New York 7V;ii says: Mrs. A. T. Stewart, bitterly disuppoinled, bas made up her mind, alter two months' experience, that tho Woman-hotel ex eri 1 ent is a complete failure. She has tberelore concluded to abandon it, and will open the edifice lo tbe public on or about ihe 6th of June as a eom mercial hotel. The cost of the hotel us 13,700,000. Tbo hotel will be Conducted on the present style of the Metropolitan hotel, retaining Professor Edwards Scblecher and two assistants, aa well as the remainder ol tbe present help, and will continue under tbe man agement of Mr. Henry Clair, under whom tho Metropolitan bas averaged aa bigb as 118 arrivals a day, and who ia general manager of all the hotel property of the Stewart estate. NoTVr.Hr Attentive An exchange says : "Senator Sharon, of Nevada, bas not been in Washington for two years. Ilis colleague, Mr. Jones, was in bis seat some three montba ago, but is now engaged in making ice by pat ent process in Galveston, Texas. The lattor ia a candidate for re-election, and certainly be ought lo succeed in secur ing a return lo Galveston." The great four-mile race at Louis ville, Kentucky, between Ten Broach and Mollie McCarthy, on the Fourth of July next, promises lo be one of the moat notable turf events of the season. The famous mare is already en route to Louisville in charge of Bud Doble. A Jewel. Tbe Charleston Actcs says t ''Governor Hampton bas sent to Mrs. Custor a field glasa which former ly belonged to General Cniter, but was captured by one ol Hampton's men and oaed by him during the last two year, ol tbe war." ! Tbe committee of eleven to investi gate the alleged frauds in tbe late Presidential election bas been appointed by Mr. Sayler, of Ohio, Speaker pro tern, of tbe House, and ia composed of seven Democrats and four Republicans. Thieves went through the pocket ol Hon. Richard Vaux, of Philadelphia, at Pittsburg recently, and carried oft bia gold-rimmed eye glasses, bis Ma- sonio badge, and a well-filled pocket- book. What bas eiliundt Bradley to say now in view of tbe confession, of Mo Lin and Dennis? Gueas bs rather wishes he bad decided in favor of Til- den. Retributive jualioe ia sometimes slow but very aura. "Dual to Dust" la tha novel bat by no means inappropriate heading which tba Chicago Ttsvs gives to Its account tha Cam.roo-Sharmaa nuptials. Hi'MiLiATixa. The Herrisburg Intlrpemlenl, of the 23th ult., says : On last Thursday niirht ititinluir if miiii-tMirej (jflluura and vt ..aT H K KKrUgLlt AN. Senate, as a tukeu ot than appfeciafttuiiT' of Iho kindness extended then., by al lowing (hem tho lunda of the Common wealth aa a remuneration for gracing the halls of Legislation with their presence, sot up a big thing (in tbeir estimation), In tbe shape of a Col lation and presentation in the four principal commilteo rooms. Liquors, wines, etc., were in abundance. A Bachanulian revelry was kept up until the " wee imu' hours ay ant the twal," some of our informant, allege, until dawn dispelled durkness, participated in by Ljcense Law man, Murpbyilea and Prohibitionists alike. Such scenes In the State Capitol building are a dis- gruco to tbo people ol the great Stale of Pennsylvania. We deem it a duty we owo to tho community to denounce them, and hope we may never again bo called upon to chronicle a recur rence.' On tbe 2,800 acre, ol territory of Babcock V Uulinga, in tbe MoKean county oil district, 250 wells have been sunk, and not a dry hole hat been found. Such a showing aa tbia waa nover known outside tho Bradford field. $UsfrUatuous. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Hat oprned, In a building oa Market ttreet, oa tha eld Wan 'era Hotel lol, oppneita tha Coart novae ta uioarueia.a rta and boeet-iroa mean factory and Stow, wbera willbt found at ail timee a lull line of house rTOOTSimTO goods, Stores, Sarchrm, Etc lloaae 8patlng aad all kinda af Job work, repair ing, At., dona an abort notion and at reaaonable ratea. Alao, ageet for tht Singer Sewing Machine. A tnpply of Maebinea. with lYeedlee, Ac, al waya oa hand. Ttrmt, atrictly oath or country product. A ahart of patronage to licit ad. O. B. MERRELL, Superintendent, Clearfield, April 15, ll7T-tf. IV NEW DEPARTURE IN Ll TH EKSBCRG. Hereafter, goodi will be aold for CASH only, or to eirbange for prod.ee. No hooka will be kept la tbo f.l.r.. All .Id fteeoaota aoat be aettled- Tboee wbo oaooot oaek op, will plaaaa bead over tbeir nouri ad CLOSE THE RECORD. f am determined to tail my good a at eaah prloee, and at a dieaoaat far betlvw that aver offered ia thia vicinity. Tba diaeoant I allow my eaatomera. will make them rich In twenty yeara U tbey follow my advioe and buy their goode from mo. I will pay aah for wheat, oate and eloae eted. DANIEL UOODLANDKR. . Lutberabnrg, Java .vary 17, I ATI. 'pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oonnandy os hand. ST0E AD EAET11E.1 WARE or every description I CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS Plaher'a Patent Airtight Self Pratt t.oel ealtat BUTTER CROCKS, witb llda. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, ArrLI - n I TTKK CnOCXB, uri-vi w i-u nf v o rLowiR pots, rxi dishes, STEW POTS, nd a great many athar (Mage law aetaeraaa ta mention, U be ha4 at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE WARE POTTERY, Corner .1 Cherry and Tblrd Streets. CLEARFIELD, PA. oagS The Boll's Run Woolen Factory Peas lownaklp, CharSold IX, Pa. SUSSED OUTS a.v so. BURNED UPI Tha aabaarl aara hava, at greavt aanemaa, rthvlH a ntlchborhood aeoeaaity. la tbe erteiion nf a InU olaaa Woolen Jfaaafaetory, with all tha medal improvtiaeata at taw bed, and art prepared to mako all kinda af Clot ha, CWaaiaaeru, SatiawtU, Blan kete, Plaaaala, the. Plasty af goode mj had ta aapply all oar aid and a ihoweaad aaw netomaea. whom wa aak te eeaaa aad eiamlae ear a took. Tht baeiaeee af CARDIK9 AND FULLIltft will motive far aapaotal aataatk. Proper arrangement! will ba made tw rataiva aad dellvtr wool, to tait eaatomere. An warh warraated and don apon tha aharUet aotlea, and by etriet attem tlon to haeiatto wa bepe ta fwalloe a Uberal tiara il fr-naiie pa.rovge. IOMM POUKDS WOOL WA1VTEDI Wa will way tha hlghe market ariea for Waa and aall aar mabaaCaatared gawda aa law aa ttallat goode taa be bonarht la tha otaaty, and wbenevar wa rail ta reaaer raaaoaabta eatlafaetiea we aa alwaya ba foand at home ready ta make amw aay tuawow, viuier in pereaa r ay aauar. - 4Am9 JVHlsaUH BUflB, aprlllflif Bower P. O. at GLENN'S SVLPlWll SOAP. A Rthuvs XsMinv rot Diuusn and Imjc.izj of tug Skin; A HuLmrvt Dkautifirr or THE Comiuxioni A ItaUABU Miami or PazvaNnxa and KtUITIKO RHtUMATIMf AMD OoVT, AND A USIQCALID DlUNlTtCTANT, DlODO. .uaa and Coc.iTza-laaiiANT. (VmrTa Sutphnr flrxin, brtldn emit, ejlinj local dtarasea of the akin, baniikn de. fecti of the eompleiUm, and imparts te it gratifying clcarncae and araoodueaa. Sul)hur Baths are celebrated for cvriaf oruuttoua an4 mhn die ae af be akaa, ea well aa KheumMna and Ueat. tViwaaia1. Hutithur feast predixxe the aun aaacM at a moat Irithng oapwaae. Thee aawaarwba. epecifk alio ipewdlry heals reeve, iewuM, arweUe, em, tfintmi and rMir. It re asm, dudruaT aad prereeta the hair (ran fsduaf oat aad twrninf fray. Clot tun. and Han awd la (he ek rosaa ll aiteifrctrd, antl aaeeaaea coenramnLcaukt by cow act with ihe peraoo, prevented by it. The Medical Fraternity eeoctkw lu aee. PricM-!5 Qti SO Cntt Ctki; bm Box (3 Cakn), 60c. tnitlSd. N -Bef Ik bete cate, and SMeebe awaanaa aM by a llraaoiiw, "BttW BltB 1ID WHISKER BTt, eUeedi at aVerwe. f Coals. - t L tiallllW!. rrtfr, 7 Urtt lull. ar s9t avrrtlirmrtrt. '--- "-. . J rabh.bed ..art Wadaeeday by GOODLANDER &. LEE, ' t'LBARtIEl.n, rA Has the aUrfeet ('Ircalallua mt au) paper la Northwestern Peaaeylvaauu Tbs large and ooneiently increasing circulation of the Republican, renders it valuable to business men as a medium thro' ' ' . which to reach the , , . . public ' Teems or SimsoBimoa : If paid in advanoa, . . 12 00 If paid after three months, . 2 50 If paid after six month,, . . 8 00 Wbsn papers are sent outside of the county payment must be In advance ADVERTISING : Ten linos, or leas, 3 time., , ft 60 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . , 2 50 Executors' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors' Notices, . . . , 2 60 Cautions and Estrays, . . , 1 60 Disaolution Notices, . , . 2 60 Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, por line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, . ; , fS 00 Two squares 15 00 Throe squares, 20 00 One-fourth column, . , . , 50 00 One halt column, .... 70 00 One column, .... . 120 00 Hie INKS. We have always on hand a large atock of blanka ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPOENAS, V . EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, - . LEASES, " . BONDS, ; FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, J 4c', he, Ao.- JOB PRUTLNG. Wa are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, i ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, .CIRCULARS, .,4o., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON" ,'RKABONABLB TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlander A Iee, ' OearfieM, CkartelJ Caiaty, Pa. larfUituoni. SURE REI7AIID1 5 YEARS TO PAY FOR A FAEM. 84 to 810 per Aoro. Heeeb sod Map', lsd to Mirbtge. ia ik, - - yjp 'ri aN7..f i!..i;.i.d . Conpony. TITLE rKHFEVT. Stroo, SellSure Ciopa Plenty .f TiaberN. Droagbl No Cblork Boga No " 'lloppera Ru.alng Htreeae Par. W ater Ready Market, 8eboolaKailre.deeapMtedlhr.ugb ...ire of tbe grant. yMaWod for paapblet, Kagll.b o, U.rmaa. Addreea, W. U. IIIIIIIIAKT, ' l.ane Coamlwioaar. GRAND RAPIDS, M1CU1UAN. Marek 11, lalS-Jo. (.11.1111, McCORKLE d 10.S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Ntreel. CUaraold. aa. W. aeaafee'..r. all kinda of Faroit.ra for Cbaabara, Dialog hoana, Librariaa aad Helta. If ,oe waot t'urnimre .f aay kind, doa't bay until yo. mo oar etoek. I'NDilUTAKING In all lie b-ronekee, proaptly ettanded ta. OUI.ICn, MrCORKLB S CO. ClearSeld, Pa., Kab. S, '71. READING FDR ALL 1 1 a B00K8 &- STATIONERY Market BU, Clearfield, (al tha Pawt (c.) TUB andereigaed btga love ta annoanet la tbe aitiecna of Clearfield and vteiaity, that he haa I tied ap a room aad baa Jaat returned from the rily with a large amvant of reading matter, rooaiatlag La part of Bibles and Mijcellaneons Books, Bleak, Aoroant aad Paat Book a of every do aoriptioBj tapr nnd Enveltfaa, K reach preaeed and plain iena and Panel la; Blank Legal Pepere, Deeda. Murtgageaj Jadgmtru, Eittup Uon and Promiaarv aotea, White and Pareh. meat Brief, Legal Cap, Reeord Can. and Bill Cap, Sheet Maai, for eitbtr Piano, Plata ar Violin, oonataatly oa hand. Any bookt ar a tat ion try deaired that I may aot haveoa hand, will bo ordered by tret etpreea, aad aoM at wholeeale or reuil to tuit ouetomere. 1 will alao keep periodica) llteratvre, aewh aa Magattisoa, Wtwipai-era, Ae. P. A. UAULIil. Clearleld. llay 7, lt)S-tf Why you Should Buy THE WAMSUTTA SHIRT, FOR SALE AT OATHS', Cl'RWfcNfVILLB. The braom la made of I be beat Irlah tiara, li three ply and lined wilh heavy hutchrra I fata. A gtnniae Waxaulla mnalia ia aaed for the body. A perfect ll la gneraateed. Thia Shirt it entirely tmabad aad ready fur let laundry. A careful eiamlnatioa I girea to each aliirt, and thia la addition to the above point learaa tbe ahirt wiiboat aa tqeal. FOR SALE BV " Si Ja Gates. DEALER f CI.OTHINO, BOOTH, f-HORa AND UKaNTS' FURNISHINQ OOOUH Oarweiierilre, Pa , April l-flm. JJARD TIMES HAVE NO EPPECT IN FRENCHVILLEI I atn awara that there are eeme peraoaa a HtUa hard ta pleaaa, aid I am alee aware that ihe oomplaiat of "hard tinea" la wall aigh aaiveraat. Bat I am ao aitaatad aaw thai I ean aatlafy tha fonaer aad prove neaelaaivaly that "bard timea" will aot afoot tboee who. hay their gooda from me, aad all my patroaa ahall ba initiated lata tha ae eret af HOW TO AVOID HAIiD TIMES T have gooda cnoogh to aapply all the Inkabi taatt In tha lower aad of tbe ooaaty whieh I all at eieeeding low ratae from my mammoth at ore ia MULoONKURU, where I aa alwaye bo feaad ready ta wait npon eaJleri and aapply them with Dry Goods of all kinds, Bath aa Clothe, Satinetta, Caatimaret, It at Una Detainee. Linen, Irilliaga, Calieoet, Trimmlaga, Ribbon a, Laea, Rtadj-made Clothing, Boou and flhoee, Hat aad Cape all f tbe beet na ate rial nad madt to arder Uoea, Botha, Ulotee, UK ten a, Laoaa, Ribbon, da GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. 1 Oofaa, Ta. Sagar, Rice, Molaatma, Fiah, (ait rerk, Ltaeaed Oil, rah Oil, Carboa Oil. Hardware, Qeteenawara, Tinware, Caattaga, Pkl aad Plow Cattiaga, Naila, Spiket, Cora Ca)tiva Ura, Cider Freeaee, aad all kiadt of Aiea. Perfamery, Palate, Varalih, aiavaa,aad a geairal aaeortaaewt of Statleaery, 0 OOD FLOUR, Or different brand., alwaya ee hand, and will ba aold al th. teweet neonate IfirN. 1. bt. MeClnla'a Madiaiaea, Jayna'a Medlelau lloatetter'a an. JJooBaad Ulltera. ,00. ponada ef Wool wsntad (or wbicb th. kigbeit srtoe will be paid. Cwrmawd OS head and for aaie at the rawest aerkot prtee. Asm, Agent for Blretteaellle and Cnrwanarllh Thraakiaf .Maebinea. ttx.C.11 am, eee for yowreereee. TenwIIMal mrytbla, eanally kept la reuil atara. . w L- M. COVDK1ET. Frenebrtlle t. 0 1 Jut 1 1, 1.14. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iBwoeaeeera ta Boyatoa A Yaaag,! FOUNDERS 4 MACHINISTS MaaaiWtaran af 10 RT ABLE a STATIONAKT STEAM ENGINES Ooraer ol r earth aad Ptae ttreate. CLKAaPlCLD, PA. HAVIN8 engaged la Ike aaoafeetere ef IraV aa MACHINEaT.w.eaaeetr.nl.fMa be p.hna that wa are new prepared te III a a die as ekeepry aad a preapUyai ana be daae haaperiaeeitdM. Wesenanthatenaaddaaia Mulay and Cironlar Saw-Milli Seed llMka, Wata. Wkeek, SUftiag Palhya, aiford'a lajeetet. Bleu Saarea, Steea WkleOat Ollera, Tallow Owaa, OU Onpa, aae Ooehe, A Oeeka, Slob. Varree, Okeeb Vntea), arrwagbt ires Plpae, BHee Pnapa, aelhar Peed Pea ye. AeS trletJoa Maerae, Bawp Stone PseUnf. Paat eg, and nil kind, MILL WOSKi tegetbat with rim. Sled Selee, COOK AND PARLOR STOTSS, and .the OABTMOS a aM katda. JSC Order. eaUelaa nnd laed al aiy P AS bMara ef tnear, with nana il be aee.) ad awa? a ennaeleja ,iea,lly nnaaaaa. by aeer hj aj n ChrnH eld. Pa. fAg ft fi ft f i r fi (l 2 rJ , V V H iealiaef BtaUa. I