Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 12, 1878, Image 2

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5 I
Gioeui B. Goodlanuks, Editor.
KmmJit, If ta want to know what U (ofo on
U lb bitoM world, jml rul ear kdvtrtUiof
otaast, tbo SpiMl ooluma in partllr.
Wo m worthy Ibt otte of PrMldMt hoold
U willing to bolU It 1 oonnUd in, or jnlieod tbtro
Ij to; fr.ud. 1T- 8 UitAitT.
I ooold BOfor b?o booa rwtcilod to tbo J
rttiM by tbo mftllMt id of atito of portoa,
hawoTor nipoeublo to prlnto lit, wbo .
fororor e-vrrjr upon bta orow mi nwp iu
Int triovphoat im Aaorlean hiKery. Ho inb
ttquoat mUoi, fcowoTor aoriterioaa, wk
wy tbo Mttori of thst rooord.
Chaslii Fiahcii Adam.
Undor the form of tow, Rutherford B. lUyttf
bu boon dMlarod Prtildtot of tbo Units. Sum.
II Im titlo re K upon d.afrueb.w.BMit of lawful
TOton, tbo folio oorllfieatei of tho rotorblog offl
eerf Ktiog oomptly, nd tbt dcito of earn
mUtio wblob ku rvfnvod to bur ovldooo of 1
legod fraud, for tbo firat tin or tbo American
paoplo ouaifrootod witb tbo fact of fr-udul-ntly-
Icelod PraaldoBt. IM It oot bo aadoratoed that
th fraud will bo ..ntl aqnlooMd Id by tbo
oooaUf. Let o hourpaM ia which tboBaarpa
tioa ii forfu.UD.
Apoaina or Dmocbatio II. C.'i.
On hundred yan of haaaao doprkvity awa
mnlatod and eonooatratod Into olioiai of orino.
KoTorngali in Bro buodrod -fan aball tboy baro
a opportuniiy to rrpat the wrong.
DillBL W. Voobibbo.
I woald rat bar bar tbo oadaraowont of aqoar
tor of a ojilttoB of iho Americas people than ibat
of tha Looiriaaa RotaroiBg Board, or of tbo Com
BiMioo which oxludd tbo facta and docidcd
tbo qaoatiOB a a taebaieaJity.
Thui. A. Hkipbicki.
Democratic State Ticket.
Hon. AX DEE W 11. DILL,
or crioa eocnir.
roa LiaiTBSAXt aovieiioR,
or caiwrokD oorarr.
roa McaaTAav ijttimal ArrAiaa,
or KcaTixeDoa cvctity.
roa irraBHi rrsr, '
lion. 11.. P. ROSS,
or oxtoobbbt cohwtt.
ArTE&A PosTorricK. The Hunting
don Globe declares for General Grant
as ita candidate for the Republican
nomination for the Presidency in 1SS0.
Still Piobimo. Threo hundred and
lorty-eix new wells were completed in
the Bradlord oil regions during the
month of May, yielding 5,650 barrels
per day. Tho wells completed cost on
an average $3,500 apiece.
To tub Point. Tho editor of the
Philadelphia Timtt remarks: 'Sena
tor Matthews may have the right to
plead his Senatorial privilcgo and re
fuse to appear before tho Potter com
mittee for examination, but he has the
undoubtod right to go tliero voluntari
ly and not aland before the country in
Mlf-confesaeil guilt. That's the Eng
lish of it."
All Fudoi. The Venango Specta
tor says: "The twaddlo alout dissatis
faction among tho Cumocracy of the
oil region in regard to their Slate
ticket is without grounds. Tbo Dem
cruts of Venango, at least, are well
pleased with the nomination of Pill,
Fertig, Rosa and Africa, and will do
their whole duty till the last gun il
Mrs. Geo. II. Pendleton is a daugh
ter ol Francis Scott Key, author of
the "Star Spangled Banner," and all
Washington society awaits her enfre.
It made her so mad when "gentleman
Ooorge" was defeated by the "Buck
eyes" lor Governor, that aba lett Ohio
and went to Europe, and remained
thcro during tho time for which her
husband was defeated.
A Good Man. We notice that tbe
Democrats of Indiana county have
nominated our highly esteemed Iriend,
Jesse M. Barter, of Cberrytree bor
ough, for the Legislature. If a ma
jority of the voters of Indiana county
will consult their own interest and
that of the Commonwealth, Mr. llarter
will, of course, be elected, and he will
make an honest Legislator.
Will Said. The Huntingdon A'euv
(Ind.) says of Mr. Africa, the Demo
cratic candidate for Secretary of In
ternal A flairs:
Is sverr pvtlMo. pofclW r prltit, la hleh
tc hM Smb plm4 dt psfty or loeitT, ht hu
rficebftrgW alt SbU nithftjlty sb4 femtitfMtori
if. U i s frslL well-informed cititM, wbo
win Ik rvopocl of oil who who, bo oonel lo
ooUot, wbotber onploro or foqnoiotoBor. Ho
wll ft Sowbt Bo'l o lorto volo lo tbtl eowotr,
MB Ifoloeted will reSeet Ibo erodit m bt4
f too oVporlDMBl tbot bo boo ibia Tbt bi dtpotr.
That RavoLUTion. Tbe "Hevolu
tion" ol which the Radical journals are
in such terrible drosil, began in Oregon
the other day with rather disastrous
results to the party of Fraud, Forgery
and Violence. Their leader in that
State, the redoubtable Hipplo Mitchell,
was completely unhorsed, tbe Demo
crats gaining a United Status Senator
and a Congressman into tba bargain.
"Soiled Dovta." About tbe worst
soiled political doves, or vagrant Slates
men, that this generation has tarnish
ed the public, are John Sherman and
Stanley Matthews, two Buckeye states
men who are running the Hayes admin
istration. Having cohabited witb the
Looisianna and Florida Returning
Boards, to their hearts' content, they
Bust naturally fall into the gutter with
them. Both should step down and out
from public gate.
Foa Was. The Lock Havtn Dem
ocrat, in alluding to the question, says :
"Senator Dill's resignation of bis sen
atorial scat to accept the nomination
for Governor, is like a General burn
ing hi bridges behind him. It means
fight, and bit party will rally around
aoeb a leader in tbe spirit that be en
ters upon tbe contest, and when tbs
bogle sounds tbs cbarg he'll find a
following that will make tbe hills and
dales of the old Commonwealth ring
witb enthusiasm of men wbo mean to
Srosrivi. The funny man of tbe
Altoona Tribune, at skit sport in this
way : If the Democratic State Conven
tion waa Di7I atory In reaching their
Ma Rut, they rtrtig td (finiahed)
their labors by going to Africa armed
with a Speer. Nevertheless the Repub
licans expect to do some oy(s)-ing
daring tbs campaign, and will throw
auny a Stent at their opponents. Witb
tbeir dark (Dunktt) man they will Ster
rttt toe) Dtll tlOTj candidate, and carry
the war into Afrira and break tbs Dem
ocratic fipeer.
The rtfuull of lb Potior invcutiu
tion nvvma In ImtliiT niiny iwipl who
'took n luml in tba rrimo, mil nt
r.-..- r-.-.-.: '.i..-,-.-.!.. ..
I'luladt lpliia Time, in kw u of Ibo
4lb, uoon tbta point. Ho iut the inio
in this y :
There i no method known to the
law wlii-ruby any development of elec
toral frsadi by the Potior inrutiga
tion committee or otherwise, however
flagrant, Van aflcrl the titlo of Mr.
llaye to the Procidcncy. Hehaibevn
comiuiioned with tho highest cere
mony of unquestioned law, and any as
sault upon bis title, however conceited
or directed, would be revolutionary,
and as such must bo regarded as an
assault upon the government itself.
II I l . I) ;.l..t If a
be affoeted by the Totter investigation, i
' 1
If it shall prove beyond "i
deubt that Mr. Hayes was personally
cognixant of snd direct participant
in electoral frauds, which j,'ave him the
voto ol a State or Slates that bsd voU
ed against him, and, afier bis inaugu
ration as President, be fulfilled corrupt
criminal contracts made with bis
knowledge and consent, by tbe corrupt
appointment of criminals to publio of
fice as a reward for their frauds, be
could bo impeached for high crimes and
misdemeanors In office, and removed by
conviction by a vote of two-thirds ol
tbe Senate,
"This would not be an assault npoc
bis title, for that would be undisputed,
but bo would be impeached Just as any
other President would be impeached
tor poeitivo corruption In office; and
none will deny that any President thus
guilty should be dismissed from the
highest civil trust of the world. The
law would demand it, and tbe law pro
vides the means to entorce it.
"President Hayes is tbe lawful sorer
oign of the Republic and as such is re
spected and obeyed by forty millions of
free people at homo and by all tbe na
tions of tbe world. What be has done
prior to bis election to tbe Presidency
cannot be inquired into to assail bia
right to bis office Only lor deliberate,
flagrant and oUiarly proven crime in
the discharge of his sacred duties, can
he bo impeached, and Impeachment
must in itself, affirm his lawful title to
tbe Presidency."
Firs and Brimstom. The Potter
investigation and ita revelations have
stirred up the Sherman brothers, al
most putting them on the war-r rpath
again. William T ecu nine h Sherman,
General of tbe army and brother of
John, tits accused, bas informed a
trusty reportor of the ew York Her
ald that bo bas not called out tbe
troops, but that ho can summon on
hundred batteries of artillery to Wash
ington, in ease of emergency, in twen
ty-four hours. Six hundred pieces of
artillery, well served and supported by
I olonol Thompson's Marines and the
Household Troops, consisting of Rog
ers, sou Webb and tho steward of tbe
White llouv, ought to be able to keop
peace in the capital, l-tl ryu don't
know whether they could m:loilh
a terrible French Coo do Tar. In view
of (bo formidable and foreign charac
ter of tbo proposed movement to over
throw the government, lbs business
interests of the country would feel
safor if General Sherman were prompt
ly Tested with authority to place arms
in the banda of tbe cleika of the In
terior Department and put them under
the command of Major General Caro
lua Schorr. Tbo Sherman family does
not seora to have been improved by tbe
Cameron alliance.
Qt'ita Legislation. Tbe Lower
House of Congress passed a bill on tbe
6th inst., by a vote of 137 yeas to 103
nays, reducing tbe tax en Lobeoo from
twenty -four cents per pound, to sixteen
cents. As we are in debt over bead
and ears, and tbe revenues now scarce
ly pay the current expenses of the
Government bounties, and the in
terest on the public debt we cannot
see bow we are to get along with a
reduction of 33 per cent, on Ivrurie
If tbe design is to impose more taxes
on tbo neceuttiet to make up tbe de
ficiency realised from luxuries, we de
nonnce the change of policy as Infa
mous. And we now scire a notice on
our statesmen, that tbe only true poli
cy, as long as they avoid honest, direct
taxation to support tbe government,
is to tax the luxuries tobacco, tea,
coffee, whisky, beer, etc., and let tbe
necessities of life go free. We can all
keep house without these luxuries if
we are unwilling to pay tbe taxes Im
posed by the government, and cannot
be denonnocd as traitors or enemies to
tbe Federal Union.
The Radcial Missionaries. It was
a graphic touch with which Senator
Dill outlined the party in power, when
bo spoke the following in bis speech
of acceptance of tbe Democratic nom
ination for Governor: "For nearly
twenty yean it baa bad, with tempor
ary exceptions, complete control of the
destines of the nation, and has swayed
to its own uses in Executive, Judicial
and Legislative Departments, and
what bas it done? With full power
to increase the tariff it has lowered it
It found this country with wealth
generally diffused, with few million
aires and no squalid poverty T What
do w see aa tbe result of its policy 7
At one end op society tbe nabob, at
the stbeb T0 TEAM1. If tbs mission
of the Republican party is not yt
ended, it ocoht to end."
Anti-Camebon. The recent returns
of the Radical primary election in that
Radical stronghold, Lancaster, Indi
cates for once the overthrow of the
Cameron dynasty in that connty, and
tbe anlis are greatly slated over tbeir
victory, and arc crowing loudly. Be
sides: Tbcy have trotted oat Governor
Hartranft as their candidate for Uni
ted States Senator. This all looks
very well just now oa tbe surface, bat
we will be greatly mistaken ia Lan
caster's election returns, and in tbe
members of tba Legislature from that
county, if they don't sons out tbe same
as heretofore when tbe lira arrives.
Tbe voters of no connty in the Stats
are more bigoted and mors easily ball
dosed than those at "tbs home of Tbad
Mob 8 IvtsTiOATloN. Hiaalsy Mat
thews is not satistsd with lbs discov
eries and Investigation mads by tbs
Potter Committee, bat hs is going to
have on of his own.
A Bad Sroar.A few weeks previ
ous to the adjournment, the Senators
and members of the Legislature made
an excursion over the Cuinbefland
Valley Knilroad to Martinslmrg, West
..iir.f - -Sty t',1: -:;,..?.:.
i-ri 'i ,-.:-..::! m
was not lnvorav, In pressed witn tin
behavior of the legiklative excursion
isla on their return from thoir trip to
Martinsburg. It says: "On their re
turn through this place they conduct
ed themselves simply as rowdies, and
left bore a worse impression oi this
portion of our law making body than
was prevalent before. Witb a total
disregard for the rights of property,
they invaded Mr. Westafer'e yard at
the railroad, and broke down his shrub
bery, almost destroying a caotua locust
tree filled with beautiful red flowers.
In fact, a party of roughs returning
from a priie flght would not have act
mii venrmm Vnr man ikf All f.lattaM IIia
bul for , MBativo body.uppowd to
gislatire body supposed
represent tbe people of a Stato like
ours, it was actually degrading.
Rest Assured it is Tats! Such s
tbs language of the Philadelphia JVurM
America in alluding to the Sherman
Anderson tussle. The journal in ques
tion is the lesding Radical organ in
this State, and tbe editor remarks;
"Seoretary Sherman docs not think he
wrote the letter to Webber and An
derson. The rest of tbo country will
generally think that he did. 'Make no
mistake in weighing the testimony of
James E. Anderson. Mo man occupy
ing a position of honor and trust ever
risks making the target for obloquy
and vituperation for tbe pleasure of
lying. His story is not a pleasant
one, but, rest assured it la true.' Mr.
Anderson's tcslimoy is confirmation of
the prevalent belief that purity, was a
thing unknown in Louisiana politics.
We do not excuse any of tho wrongs
to which he was a party but tbeir
existence and his acquiescence aro
scarcely to be wondered at when we
read of tbe atmosphere of evil by w hicb
be was surrounded."
Oub Next Governor. The editor
of the ContTfnc itotri, wbo is an un
adulterated Radical, begins to see
things in tboir true light And we
suspect that more of the brethren will
take a view through the same glass
before election day, In alluding to our
nominee for Governor, be says :
Seaotor Dill boo Woo ploood is soalamtion for
Oororsor of tbia Coaaoowtolth by Ibo lno
orMie party. Ho II s tsloatod and Beoooiplltbtd
gontleaiaa, Of ooediBfl popaltr la blf own boBM
and rleiaity, aad auodf a .food ehanoo of aoo
oom la Ibo oobornotorial oontott. Ho la ibo eon
of Ror. llinrr O. Dill, of this eoaferewoe, who
for nearly belf a oentnry hae boon lory iat tbe
ebarab faitbfoUy ne na aaiboMadev of tbe erooe.
We were ia error la etallng ia owr loot tbal Fa
ther Dill had lone been a innerer ia health. Il
woe oa aeeooal of hie now eaiatod ooaipaBlon's
feeble health, and sol any aerfoaal Islmity,
tank bo retired from tbe etreeliyo raab. Ha
prraehee with ae aineh ylfor aad Interval aa erer.
aad Iho work be perfonae la hi i home ebarc e
jaitllee tba beeKoel ol the title or "janioy
preaeher" aoaetinee jueoenly girea bi. We
ood(t ala late hist on tbo hkalibuod of hie being
tbe father of eon of ear fataro wororaors.
The voter who hesitates to cast bia
vote for Mr. Dill insterl of Mr. Hoyt,
is a partisan in the true sense, and of
course bothers his conscience bat little
over State affairs.
Stranue Fatality. A Washington
telegraph of the 2d said ; "Tbe wife of
Major W. J. McDonald, Chief Pert; of
the Senate, died suddenly this morning,
at about ten o'clock, of angina pectoris,
with which she had been ill, but was
suppose 4 to be recovering. Her hus
band bas been ill for soma time, pot
being able to be at the Senate chamber
for tbe past week. This morning his
pbyaician felt it hia duty to inform Mrs.
McDonald that hia disease would pro
bably terminate fatally. The announce
ment to shocked tbe lady that it again
brought on the diseass witb which the
had suffered, and she died in three-
quarters of an hour." If ws art not
mistaken tbe parties named are tbe
Father and Mother-in-law of CaptLor
ansa Lorain, of Fortress Jrfoproe, bat
formerly of this plas and well known
to all before be entered the army, Bp
Mart's Mispobtvne A Washing
ton telegram says: In 1873 Dr. Mary
E. Walker might have bad a Treasury
Clearkship bad ahe consented to take
off her brooches and assume a feminine
garb. She bad been designated for
appointment in General Spinner's office
and bad pasaod the necessary elimi
nation, but when her appointment in
blank came before Secretary Boutwell
(or Richardson) ha declined to tign it
unless she would change her styls ol
dress. This the refused to do and ip
consequence never entered npon her
duties. A bill baa been reported from
the House Committee on'Claims giving
ber 1900 for services she never perform
ed. Tbs House will probably veto tbe
Risioned. Our nominee for Gov
ernor, Hon. A. H. Dill, Bute Senator
from the XXVII District, composed
of the counties of Northumberland,
Snyder and Union, forwarded bit res
ignation to Lieut. Governor Latta, on
tbe 3d inst A precept for an election
to fill the vacancy at tbe next general
election will be issued by the Lieuten
ant Governor. The Democrats must
see to it that they put an excellent
man In the field, so thst they may
again carry this Radical District.
When the District was formed, tbe
Radicals had a majority of over 800,
which Mr. Dill overcame and went
210 better. See that tbe same thing
it done this fall.
Short and Candid. That ultra
party organ, tbt New Tork Tribune,
accidentally otters the truth occasion
ally. Hare is tbs last effort :
It la ndowhetdlp trwe !hl tbe lapahlloas
party, and aooaort nana of Bay party, kayo Beth
to fail by a paitiaaa defeaoo of SeeraUry Shey
aa and taaalat Matthewe.
As political desperadoes, it is con
ceded that I bees two Radical leaders
are entitled to the premium tor party
crookedness when viewed through a
patriotic and moral glass. If Sherman
and Matthsws are Dot speedily set
asids by tbeir party friends, H will be
come tbs duty of Democrats to mors
for tbeir impeachment and disgrace.
How Cbanoed tbi Tone. Since
Oregon bat gone Democratic the
Preti speaks of "tbt semi-barbaroas
Southern States, and the rudest of tbe
Paoilo communities against aa," and
declares tha "tbs bops of lbs country
bow lies la tbs coceciesce and intall.
genes of tbs North and West" When
thaws Smi-barbaroas" and " rudest "
Stains wen a serins) to eoant ia Hayas
tbs scosatariemeM" and "intoUlgsteCer" ol
tbs North vers busy direction tbt villainy.
Tbe editor ol tbe Cambria Freeman
tales the facta of tbe case in detail in
this way : "Tbt Demoerutic party uf
this State enters Upon he present "in
wbo has never been ilutValed jn a polit
ical oon teat in which be was a candi
date. Mr. Dill bas our times been a
candidato lor tbo suffrages of the peo
ple, and although on each occasion he
was confrouted by a decided Republi
can majority, bo never fuilcd to over
come it. In 1HC9 bo first became a
candidate for tbo lower branch of the
Legislature in tbe district comjioaod of
the counties of Lycoming, Union and
Snjdor, which was Republican, and
wasentitled to three mombcrs. Geary's
majority in tbe district over Packer
was 364, but Mr. Dill was elected by a
majority of 73, both his Dvmocratio
colleagues being defeated. At the next
election (1870), ho was choson to the
Stato Senate from tho same counties
by a majority ol 1,119. In 1873 ho
was a candidate for ro-eioction in tbe
district composed of tho counties of
Northumberland, Perry, Snyder and
Union, was elected by 23 votes, the
same counties at the election one year
before having given Hartranft a major
ity over Buckulow of 1,413. In 1870,
the last time he ran for tho Senate,
bia district embraced Northumberland,
Union and Snyder, and hit majority
was 399, Hayes having. a majority
over Tildcn at the same election in the
same counties of 484. Tbe Democracy
of tbo State will, therefore, march in
solid and unbroken ranks under the
banner borne aloft by Andrew II. Dill,
confident that it will lead on to victory.
Thcro is magic in his name.
The Great Fraud. There are still
thousands of voters who believe that
Hayes was elected President, but it
will not be long until the Potter Com
mittee will make it as plain as the sun
at noonday. Webber and Anderson
wore tbe men who forged the returns
in two of the counties, or parishes, as
tbcy call tbem in Louisiana. And tbe
following letter which was banded to
Committee we think will throw some
additional light on thia dark subject :
Vaw OaiBias. Noaeeabor M, 1S7I.
Mnaaaa. D. A. Waaaaa aaaJaasa K.AaDnna-a
QairyLinas I Yner note ef area data baa Juat
boon reeeifod. Krilhor Mr. Hayeo, aayeolf, the
goatlonjoa wbo aeooaapany ear, nor tbe oonatry
at berro oaa orer forget Ibo obligations aador
which yoa will hare plaeod at, rfaould yon ataad
Ira) la tbe poeitioa yoa bare teaoa. Froai a long
aad iatiuiete acqueiptaaco with dor. Ileyoa, )
eat luatiSed ia aaeuming Iba reanoBoibiltVy for
pronieoo aaade. Bad will gveraaloe tbal yoa will
bo provided for aa eooa altar tbe 4th of March ae
atay bo practicable, a id lo roes aianner aa will
OBeele yon both lo loaro Loeiaiaaa aboald JM
drool It accoeeary Very trnly yonra,
Zona Saaanaa.
Is not that a pretty letter for a man
holding the keys of the United States
Treasury to write to men wbo are both
guilty of forgery and perjury, and tell
t(icm to "stand firm," Reader look at
the dale and reflect over the matter.
llg Sirs thr Straws, etc. The ed
itor of tbe Springfield (Mass ) Repub
lican evidently aces things in their
true light In alluding lo tbo recent
Democratic victory in Oregon, ho re
marks :
Tbo Oregon eleetloa la a bad rend -off for Ibe
Repablioaae. Ita Moral la fortnaatoly very plain.
It teaebee Ibat lead-aooading naaifeatooa aboal
Ibo deagora of Deaaoerntie "Revelation" nnd
"Mesieaoitatioe'' 14 sot frighten the noooiry
Into ro-oleellog Hipple-Mltchcll. If the Ra
pabliews aanegvra are g'Bw to make iboir cam
paign on tbe platform of riadioetiog party baelta
waona too nepnauoan volerf are auk to death or,
they annat eipeel to ktoe.
It is well enough that there ia
oue Radical editor in this country
I-hp js honest enough to warn
bis readers snd.iiilorm tbem flat the
election of demagogues instead of
statesmen, must cease. The defeat of
that arrant demagogue and political
harlot, Hippie-Mitchell, for United
States Senator, Is a glorious victory
for the Democrats.
"That Old Coon." Ex-Senator
Simon Camoron gars a light review oi
hia life to a newspaper man tho other
day, In tbs course of which be atu,dd
to tbe met that he began life in a news
paper office, and said "he should never
cease to have a kindly feeling for tbe
men wbo do tbe hardest of all work,
tbe work of a newspaper." Somewhat
taken by surprise bis auditor said,
"And yet yoa are credited with dislik
ing and speaking badly of people con
nected with tbe press." "Of course, I
am, of ccirse 1 am," tbe Senator went
on ; "but there is not a word of truth
m it ; thst story they tell of me talk
ing of 'them literary fellows' is made up
out ol the whole clotb, as are nearly
all auch yarns regarding our public
men. I never used the oiproeeion, and
I never disliked press men."
Wnica Horn, Please T The Radi
cals claim that James E. Anderson,
in his cross-examination on Tuesdsy
of last week, showed himself to be one
of the most despicable rascals alive
which, if true, proves him to be exact
ly the kind of person to engage in the
despicable work which the indisputa
ble documentary evidence submitted
proves be did, in Louisiana in the fall
of 1876. To prove Anderson as a ras
cal at least half proves tho case, as no
honeet man could or would have done
what AnfJcrson is charged with. And
if he was good enough to associate and
confederals witb Stanley Matthews,
John Sherman and other ''visiting
statesmen" in the fall of 1876, why is
he discounted now, when he proposes
to tell the whole troth and nothing bat
the truth. - '
"Tbo plalltadoe adopted by Ibe Dcoaoeratie
HUJe Coo von I ten aro limply aa arralgaawat ef
tan nepabileaa party, Beidiog It mepoaaibio for
tbe eitrting tnnaciai dir-eee, waat aad misery i
la fact far every evil Iblng Ibat baa boom na paaa
withla tbo paal eighteoB yeare. Borne of the
ebargea Mr. Wallace brlaga eg 'at tbe Repnbli
nawa have nemo degree of plaaaibilily, while ia
otkore lb Domecmia an Jaet aa mack te blame
aa their owpaaoata."
This is tbs way a Radical exchange
pats it, and it is deoidodly tool to blame
tbs Democrats for assisting to ran the
business and morals of the country
when they bare not bad control of a
single branch of tbs Federal govern
ment la eighteen years. It would be
just aa lair for Henry Ward Beecber
to charge his crookedneem on some
Philadelphia preacher, or aa Adam did,
oa "lb woman."
Too CaooEED. The aged Barrabbss
of tbs Lewiatown Oaxttet, is an aw
ful enemy of "rings" and "set ops."
Hs Is one of .those ancient innocents,
who nsver lis wbils stating facts. . Oh
sot HsBevergetscrooked. Two weeks
agohsannoaacsd that lbs Wallace ring
had settled on Congressman Mackey
for re-eleotion. Last week be saw it
Ml another light, tnd informed bis read
ers that "tbt Wallace ring" bad settled
dowa oa e Gov. Cartin, for Congress.
What bs will say next week it pretty
bard to eonjecture,
State seems to leave no doubt of a com
pl to Democratic victory. Tbe follow
ing dispatch waa sent to the Washing
ton Pott.
Portland, Oregon, June 7. Nearly
full and complete returns have been
received from all parti ol tbe State,
and these juslily us in the siatoment
that the legislature will be Democrat
ic by a majority ol at leuat twice over
both Republicans arid Independents,
Some of tbe Independents will act witb
the Democrats and increase this major
ity. It is positively known that the
Democratic vote on joint ballot will be
as high as Bay -one votes. Wbittakcr's
majority (Durnooratio candidate for
Congress) will be between five and six
hundred and may run over tbe largo
figure. Thia it not disputed by the
Republicans. We also claim the elec
tion of Thayer (Democratic candidate
for Governor). Tbo rest of the Stato
ticket it in doubt, witb chances favor
able to the Democrats.
W. II. Watkins,
Chairman Dem. State Com,
Senator Grover received last evening
a dispatch from the same sourco of a
similar import
Sherman Cai-tihued. Tbe Phil
adelphia Inquirer, one of the Radical
organs of this Stale, in alluding to tho
Poller investigation, says :
Tho oeontry wonld tot have placed the value
of a atraw npoa aayailDg that Andereon oonld
have owora te, but il bappeaed. aarortaoetely for
tbe secretary, taat be lou'a aot ilea theeeihcn
I icily of tbe letter In each a decialvo manner aa lo
eaeee it la be throws oat Hia reply waa alto
gal bor anaaiiafactory.for If Mr. Sbermaa wrote
each a letter bo ebonlit kaew It, aad If he did out
write It ho ebould be able to proauaoco it a for
gery. The North American, another organ
of tbe same strpe, treats tbe subject
elaborately and closes in on Hayes'
right bower in ibis way i
SaereUra flbermaa dooa aot think ha wrote Ibe
letter lo Wthbor nnd Aaderioa The rest of the
ooaotry will goosrally think that ha did.
By the time the investigation closes,
it will be very strange if a number of
prominent "Buckeye" statesmen are
not shelved and disgraced for life, be
cause ol their eagerness to boost a man
into the Presidential chair wbo was
not elected.
A Specimen Brick. Among the
documents submitted by Anderson to
the Potter Committee is the following
contract to steal the State for tho Rad
icals :
Kaw Oblsibb, Nnr., tint, lirl
Br aa acrrrment entered into thia dav between
Jaeaeo B. Aoderenn, Enpervtaor of Kegiatratlon
for tbo panab or Seat relietaaa, La., and Cbae.
B. feeb, member of Coegreaa from tbe Stith
Coagreaainaal Dialrlrt of Loo i liana. It la agreed
that aatd Andereea aball eapprcra evidenoe allow
ing that Iha eaid pariah ef Beat Velietaoe wee
rairiy earri-d by Ibe Itemeeratto party at the
elaeiUp arid et'.rrtu'ief T. S7A. tberelir eroctiag
Ibe OBlire Praaccreiic tilale ticket aad Cong raaa
aaan, ia evnaideratiea nf which the aatd Naah
egreoa to rarnre for eaid Andcraen tha poaitien
of Naval Officer al Ibo port of New Orleaae. La.
JanaB a. Aapaawn,
0. K. Nabs.
The aVoeo atreemeat waa eignod Is oar sroo-
eaee the Jill at N-iremtcr, 18; t.
J. M. TonuBC'is,
O. B. Monaas,
The Eastien War. Tho field dp
bate over tl0 r between Russia and
Turkey is about closed. A Congress
of all the powers of Europe has been
agreed apop and tbe delegates a,re to
meet in tbo city of Berlin, the Capital
of Germany, al no distant day, for tbe
purpose of drawing up artielct of peace
botween each other. "The balance of
Power" it tbs bone pf contention
among the crowned beads of Europe,
Poor Turkey ! All have a pitch at her,
and bow sbs will corns out of this Con
lorence no one can conjecture, because
sll would like a piece of her rich ter
ritory, and especially Dardanelles, to
make themselves happy.
RadicaLLt Tbue. Tbe Radicals
over in Indiana held tbeir primary
election on last Saturday. We notice
that for the office of Sheriff they polled
4,423 votes, yet tbey only gave Judge
Slorrett 3,1 JO at tbe November elec
tion last year. Things must have been
lively over there to enable the party
to get out 1,373 more votes at a pri
mary than at ths general election
But, then, they can do tbe funniest
things in tbe world over there. It la
not long since that the Commissioners
lost 60,000 worth of bonds, but there
waa very little fuss made about it at
tbe time, and ws presume the tax
payers have lorgotlen tbe affair.
A Good Sib, We notice by the pa.
pers that "a call to Democrats," num
erously signed and beaded by James
U. Hopkins, Jsmes P. Bsrr, Malcolm
Hay, and scores of other prominent
Demi crats of tbs cities of Pittsburg
and Allegheny, calling upon all Dem
ocrats to meet this Wednesday eve
ning, in ths former city, for tbs pur
pose) of organising "a Central Dill
Club." ' Mr. Hopkins was Mr. Dill's
chief com poli lor lor Governor, ably
backed by the other two gentlemen
PRmed. When such men go to work,
po one need beitt gs to tbe rcsalt
of ths canvas, -t
Hold on a Little The Ilarrisburg
Patriot remarkt : "It it not easily seen
wby tbs Republicans of Pennsylvania
should break tbeir nocks trying to elect
Don Cameron or anybody else to the
United Stales Senate. That branch ol
Congress will inevitably be Democratic
by from ten to twelve majority after
tbe lourtb of March next. A Repub
lican vote from Pennsylvania in that
body will be of no earthly consequence
tor tbe next six yesrs. Tbe overthrow
of carpet-bag government in the South,
tbs reach in Oregon on Monday, Jons
3d bsvs settled thst matter."
The Tbve Pouct. Tbe transfer of
tbe Indian Bureau to the War Depart
ment was agreed to in the Senate com
mittee by a vote of seven to two. This
is a great step in advance, for thoarh
ths army bas bsd Its rascals in full
measures it bas never rotten down to
tow as lbs purest dsyt of tht Indiau
King. There u bow some chance that
ths red men will get bis salt junk and
bard tack, and hit blanket, and aot be
swindled out of tbt wbols.
Op Course be is. Tbe New Tork
TVi'isn spends a large portion of ita
vitality every day in proving that
James K. Anderson, tbe champion wit
nets, is a scoundrel of ths drst magni
tude. Of coarse bs ts, otherwise be
woald not have been engaged to do the
dirty work that bs performsd in Loa
isiaaa. Alt tbs men who sU Lb,
Prwsideocy art tsoaadrwet, and Andes-
son It jatt as bad as tha rest oi tbem.
There are 8301 Odd Fellows in
Counterfeit silvvr doUarectro plen
ty in New York. , . ,
'T?r Jfivivo.-'j. U . Invention
a.. j;...j-:iiir-.t.'';(;;k- v i-.
Eight President Judges will be
elected in this State next full.
Tho Western Union Telegraph
Company owns ovor 20(1,00(1 miles of
The subscriptions to the 4 percent
loan amounted to 1525,000, on Tuesday
of last eek.
' Union oounty, Pa., ia free from
debt and there is not a criminal con
fined la iter jail. -
' Two hundred moubanics and labor
ing men, recently lull Huntingdon
county for Kansas.
Tbe Secretary of the Treasury has
issued a call for tho redemption ol $5,
000,000 0-20 bonds of 18ti&.
General Grant and bis wife and
son aro expected to reach Berlin from
Paris on tbe 20th instant
Caleb Cusbing is 79 years ot age,
but looks twenty years younger and
works sixteen hours a day.
Tho -Bankruptcy repeal bill baa
passed both bouses ol Longrcsa, and
baa been sent to the President for bis
President Hayes and other officers
or tho liovernnient, visited tbe nsb
batching establishment, at Uarve de
Urace, Aid., last week.
The late cyclone in Wisconsin is
to be mado tbe subject of a scientific
examination by Professor Daniel!, of
mo university ol irgima.
A Reading firm has been awarded
the contract for furnishing 400,000
bricks for the new state lunatic asylum
to ne erected al Aornilown,
Tbe Cincinnati Enquirer says : If
menenaswno rinea tue grave or lion.
Scott Harrison are apprehended the
people will decorate them.
The National Bank at Canton, Brad
ford county, was robbed on Tuesday ot
last week, of 120,000. No clue bas
been obtained ol tba robbert.
One hundred and sixty-five per
sons were killed at the Wyoming Mas
sacre, one hundred years ago. Tbe
aniversary will be celebrated on tbe 3d
and 4 lb of July.
Edward Webb, a negro murderer,
was hanged at Munsncld, Libia, on Ibe
31st ult A mob of 2,000 persons broke
down the jail yard fence and the Sher
iff waa obliged to bang him publicly.
Wm. J. McDonald, chief clerk of
the United States Senate, died at bis
residence in Washington city on tho
5lb inst. He waa connected witb tbe
.Senate tor a period ol torty-lwo years.
Robert Whilelaw and Wm. Lewia,
two Mollie Magufres who were recent
ly convicted of arson, at Greensburg,
l-s., were sentenced ror six years each
to Hie f enitenliary by Judge Liogan
Colgate A Go's., soap factory, at Jer
sey city, waa completely demolished
by an explosion on the 6tb inst,. The
loss ts about I5QO.00O and three hun
dred men aro thrown out of employ
James G. Blaine was yesterday
elected Chairman of the Maine Repub
lican mate uommiiiee, his nineteenth
consecutive election. Tbe State Con
vention will be held at Portland on
August 1.
The (wrctoonlcs of unveiling tbe
monument of ex President Johnson
took place al Greenville, Tenn., on the
sin inst, in presence ol a large number
of prominent persons from all parts of
iue uouniry.
The Indiana Republican! are op
posed to tbe Mexicanizalion of tbe
country. As between a country nioely
Mexicanlzed and a country badly John
Sbermaniied, ws rather think that we
prefer tbe former,
The greatest benefactor ol the
female sex on this continent it Judge
Grant, ot Davenport, Iowa. He bas
adopted seventeen girls, raised them,
and married most of tbem off with gen
erout endowments.
Benjamin Harrison, ton of tbt late
John Scott Harrison, ia a letter to the
C-CiuTiali Commercial, announces his
determination to prosecute to tbs ex
tent of tbs law Ibt resurrectionists who
stole bis father's body.
Fanny Ellsler, tbo greatest dan
seuae since the days of the daughter of
Herod, who skipped tbe bead off of
John tbe Baptist, is eighty four years
of age. Napoleon III. was once in love
with ber, but she mil lives
Rev. Adirondack Murray surpris
ed his Boston congregation tbe other
day by telling them that be bad de
termined to take a year's rest before
he was lorty years old, and that it suit
ed him to do it Ibis year.
Marshall, tbe janitor of tbe Ohio
Medical College, at Cincinnati, where
the body of Hon. J. Scott Harrison was
round on the 3Utb nit, wat released on
15,000 bail. Mr. Harrison's body wss
taken to spring lirove pemetry.
The Republicans attribute their mis
fortunes in Oregon to an excess of Uip-pel-Mitchellism.
Thedestractive agen
cy known as Hipplo-Milchcllism, in
ons thae or another, it "doing" lor
tbe party all over tbe country.
Tbe body of W. II. Irwin, a prom
inent real estate dealer, ot fittsborg,
Pa., was found in ths Monongancla riv
er, on Tuesday morning of last week.
It ia probable that be committed sui
cide on account of pecuniary trouble.
John P. Jones, a Baptist clergy
man of Pittsburg, Pa., was arrested in
New York on the 1st inst., just as he
wss goout to sail lor curope, ana neid
for forgery. He formerly preached in
Verona, l'a., and mors lately in Butler,
Several hundred miners of Charles
ton, West Virginia, captured a steamer
and proceeding (o Blackeborg stopped
all tbe mines in operation there. Tbey
then returned to Charleston on tbe
cars, rofuiing to pay tbeir fare. Tbe
moo was very aoueive.
- An Injunction bas been asked lor
in the Luaerna courts to prevent the
commissioners, appointed for the par
pose, from laying oot tbe new county
of Lackawanna, upon ths ground that
the Act of Assembly providing for tbe
new oountry is unconstitutional.
Alter serving twenty. five years in
tbe Iowa penitentiary for a enrpe that
be never committed, Mr. Graham bas
been released. He is now a lunatic,
and any remarks bs mar make oon
corning lbs intelligent jury will doubt
less originate in ma mental unsound
ness. It is told of Sporgeoo that it is bis
bsmt to shut himsell as on Bandars.
sod that ana Saturday a man called
and instated on teeing him. "Tell bim."
said tbs visitor to bis servant, "tbal a
servant of tba Lord wishes to see him."
The message was delivered and ths
following anjwer returned : "Tell him
that I am engaged witb his Master."
The Bev. Vosbtrgh, of . Jersey
City, wbo bs just been acquitted of an
attempt to poison bit wife, administer
ed communion ia bis cbarcb on Ban-
day, and in tba evening preached from
tbe text, "These ars tbey which came
out ot great tribulation, and have wash-
ed their robes and mads tbem white
in tba blood or the Lamb." Hs allud
ed to tha verdict la his lata trial, pon
which there waa hearty applause,
wkick hesjcerptsd, kt said, aot Tor him
self, but in be half cat jastica.
Tbe Philadelphia Timet, in alluding
to what happened in Oregon on tbu
3d inst, says : A !
"Oregon sends a very plain and I or
pretwivo admonition lo- tbs political
l-'at i?Ae'oov .-koh ween ymiUvr avi-v',
rovololiou to escape rrvelautir Aim
Hlute has a Senator and a Congress
man who are among the foremost to
shield Republican electoral frauds by
bowling against investigation as revo
lutionary ; and it bas taught both
sides that fraud isn't in favor with tbe
people. While it gavo a Republican
majority on tbe general ticket it elect
ed a Democratic Congressman in place
of Williams, Republican, and a Legis
lature that will choose a Democratic
Senator in place of Mitchell, Republi
can. The )ieolo of Oregon, like the
masses of the peoplo of every Slate,
don't love fraud, no matter by whom
it may be committed. Tbey didn't
relish the Grover-Cronin fraud, that a
Democratic Governor and State offi
cers attempted to deprive Hayes of an
electoral vote, and tbcy elected a Re
publican Governor and State ticket.
They don't relish Republican frauds
per et rated in Louisiana and Florida
and sustained by their Republican Sen
ator and Representative in Congress,
and they have said their say about it
by electing a Democratic Congressman
and a Legislature tbat will elect a
Democratic honator, giving tbs Dem
ocrats two unexpected gains in tbe
next Congress Politicians and organs
have notice from Oretron that the
frauds which slain tbs escutcheons of
Oregon, Lonisisna and Florida will be
condemned by the people of all parties
whenever they can deliver tbeir judg
ment on the subject"
San Francisco, Cal., June 9 A
Boise City despatch says: "Thelndl.
ans bave gathered in strong force at
Juniper Mountain. Colonel Bcrchard
is a-stcbing tbem witb bis command.
Nothing is known of tbe condition ot
affairs at the lava beds. Csptain Har
per, wbo went from Silver City yester
day with twenty men to attack tbe
Bannocks reported at South Mountain,
bas sent back for reinforcements. A
party of about seventeen men who
went by way of tbe Flint district to
join Captain Harper's company came
upon a body of Indians, estimated at
100 in number, four miles east ol South
Mountain, on Rail creek, and had a
flght Tbe volunteers lost one killed.
O. U. Purdy, ex-County Auditor, aad
Tom Jones, a saloon keeper, were
wounded, and six others aro missing.
Tbe volunteers were forced to flee.
Tbe loss of tbe Indiana ia unknown.
Groat excitement prevails in Silver
City. General Howard, who has been
daily expected witb a column from
Oregon, is reported to be 150 miles
from here. Colonel Summers, of the
First United States Cavalry, with
three companies of Infantry from Angel
island ana the troops stationed at
Benicia, have gone forward to reinforce
tbe troops in Idaho. '
"Tit por Tat." Tbe New Orleans
Timet, com menu nit on Ibe psiier revo
lution which a few sensational journals
in tbe North are conducting, says,
witb signifies! irony : "If there i to
he a new war, as is to confidently pre
dicted, il must commence in tho North
Ibis time. When it begins, tbe South
will calmly go ahead and raise more
cotton and sugar. Certain fortunate
Individuals wbo ars posaesaed of tbe
money will perhaps, buy some gold, or
tell bonds short It will not be the
South's affairs. When tor bumaaity't
Bake it becomes necessary lo end the
strife, the South will proceed to do it,
and then the bones of tbo Southern
cavalry corpt will bs watered in the
great Northern lakes. It may be nec
essary further for something to be
done 'to maintain intact the results of
tbe war.' In that case lbs 8outh will
probably establish a system of military
governments, until the contumacious
States agree to behave themselves.
This is all perhaps a long way off, but
it might happen, if the rebellion tbe
organs are so dolefully predicting were
to come to pass. . .
How Marked the Change. The
F, F. V.'t could only be found South
of tbt Potomac, up to 1876, but now
there seemt to be as many North of
tbat stream Its in tbe South. Accord
ing to ths latest returns from tht Pot
ter committee tbe rape of the Presi
dency was accomplished through
Fraud, Forgery and Violence.
Washington Hotels. Tbe furni
ture of the Metropolitan and Willard't
Hotel, Washington, D. C, has been
sold al auction to satisfy creditors.
These hotels were of tbe largest class.
The servants of all kinds are large
losers by the lailure of tbe former estab
lishment Pure extravagance broke
both establishments down.
Rhode Island ia tbe smallest Stats
in territorial sias 1,306 square miles
in the Union. Delaware comet next
with ,120 square miles, lollowed by
Connecticut with 4,750; then Masaa
cbusells follows with 7.800.
Ufw flwtlsrmrntj.
OTIC It To all trhaoa It aaav Caarara.
I borobr iito aot too tbat aftor tho dau of
tan aottoo I will that aa, aad atd for daa-igor,
all oatAJo that brook iato my to ita, throagh law
fal foaoaa, oa ay far la Lawraaoa toworhtp.
Claarlold, Pa, Jaao 11 UTtUlt.
Admlnlatrator'a Sale
XUtl SstAti la Coviagton TVj.
Tbe nwderrigwod, A dmlnlatrator nf tha aetata nf
Prill Pioard, of Covington. Iwwaehip, Clear
old ooaaty, Pa., aVe'd, will ewer for aale at pen
ile ant ery, en ths pramleon, oa
Saturday, July 6, 1878,
at I e'elork a. m.. tbat eertaia lot of nroaad alto.
nte in thn iewnehlp nferseaid, hounded en the
act aad snath by lands of Joha B. Ptoard, aad aa
the woot aad north by lands nf Aag. Bewgeua,
eeotuluing TWO ACBK8, baring thereee nroetod
n feed frame dwelllag honeo, elable, aad lao
noeeaeary owteeitMiage, together with the uje
preoamealn. TERMS Of SALE i
Ons third nf the pumhuos meaey mact be paid
oo tie day nf eale, aad ths nnwoeo is two eaual
aaawal payments, na h Baca red by bond nnd
mertfleg ee tao pvemlaeo. f. . OOUDKIBT.
rcBaohvllle, Ha, Jans It, llrl-ll. Adm'r.
A l'DmR'EvTBerelot.B.dei
V pswdltareasf Uaibia Behead dbtriot. Clear,
told eewMy, Pa, ba, the jaw and lad Jus Id,
HIS. a
Bakaen ee baed from last year ll.lU TS
A mown t ofbwpHoala far IS7T dll It
Prom State apprsprlaliem.. M ft
tl.ttl Tt
Tenehere' 1 t , , - ,,. ,,
rti tt
IS ts
as st
I? It
I ft
r ss
ii tt
M 17
Hew bwtMiaga..
Pool nnd eaeuiageaaiee..
Salary af taeretafy
a per swat, of to prwmpt tu payees..
a, aena
r I and Collmir a per can lege.
(alas ee 4ns TlaaaMei...
I. k L.PLE8AL,
I. K. Bstaav.
We, tho aedarelteel Andieere ef aoshsa die.
trtot, CraarSeld ooanly. Pa, her lag narsfalrp el.
amiaoS tho nbov Ml am of ths Treeeurcc. tad
bom aorreot at ao eonl of enr hnowlodgs aad
leaf, ILLtS IBWIN,
h B.OE1BAM, .
J. A. till. VOW
aowweaiiae, row in, rvrw-St.
e -a au- a. . '
TA taw s-s-4 re M rwwn ah $mUml aWewv tar tk. A
"' IsMP Ol -Hal .if i, Oastaiwa. hai M
B awOa mi .a .fiw t tted Ur sWal AT
B 8WU..t rilbevm-oml S.-L Co-B..- AT
.awoMMm..Mos IkowsfJ.
AT amWhassNA. - I twa ruswaaal BtaTstw- Uvat rta K
niuWnmun4mUtmmmr'twi)H VA
Jf -Teams Awmawa, a ammbdrr .. rttt tmm a
MsVM tw4t ; at ItrvastMi. asm. soev.r, Omrnr Kam-atw
Jf a a tiii.taa a Nvra a rt.t..wj rv H
l.att t
glrtr adwttjftiifnts.
Sheriffs Sale.
1y vlrtoo of wrlto of Lvri tftm'ti, funo.
I oail of ta Coort of Ooa Ploaa of Cloar
II4 oobb.v. aaJ to aw dtftoiott taoro will
W opoatd to a.eblio lalo, al tbo Ooart Urn
ia tbo boroafb of Cloarfiald, oa Haionla;, tbo
r;j ; yr -V i r.w" V
I OoHatB two otor" front d-rolllog huuio, 19
hr aiiaaio la tho t til ago of
(loarlald coualjr, i'a., booaJotl aad dvaoribod aa
ullbWl: Oa tbo oatt by Mai Urt, um iha
aottbj ao alio?, oa ibo ami lb by M oward by
Job a kubargr, Oftid lot boiag iity fat I frost
ob llaia troat by ooa haadrad aad amy foot
dotp. Haiaod, takea la oaooutioa aad to bo aold
aa tbo arouorty of Vim. UoIaWoh.
Alao, all ibo aedividod 4-l of tbo Uwimt
Irani of land, lloated ia Brady townabip, Claar
Aald Col, Pa-, btsBodod and aa Mlowa,
to wit t Hog i a ala at poal ta tho diatriet lint at
tboaootbwaat eomr of toit! traot of land ; tbonoo
oortb I" aat til S-Io pare ha lo peat ; tlioont
oonbaatr! eorotr of aaua ; t banco tart Its port-hat
to a pott j thoaoo touth H0U wort lOtptrvboa
to bocotuek i tbeaoo ouath tV Boat tt oronta
to a poal ; tboaoa to lb ao woot 14 7 lo porohtt
lo a pott f thonot toatb to" tart Vt porohoa to a
boacb i tb.Bco aorth 10 It parcbot to a
poal i theaoa toatb M" , 4$ porobot to a boaeh ;
iboaoo too lb Btfi taat t arehra lo a poal;
tboaoa toatb lot trobot to a poat j thoBoa toatb
IV wort At a-lt parohct to a pott or oplo t
tboaoa aauth lt0, wool 1J4 porchaa lo rod oak ;
Ibooooartt 134 porchaa to a pool tboaoa U
ttt 1 IT t-lt poreho to pott j tbaooo woat 109
porobot lo poatf tboaoa toatb 14 woot It 8-10
ptrohea to a pott ; thoaot north 8lfJ woti HI por-
place ef beginaiag, eoctaiolng elevea baadred
aad aavcBly-Ioar (1174) acree more or torn, cor
rect moeeuro. Helaed taken la eteoatioa and to
be eold na tbo property of Robert Oibora, Hubert
1. NMbolaoa nnd NaiLaa Carrier.
Tsana or Sals Tbe price or lorn nt wbleb
tbn properly obeli be atmck of mutt bo paid attbo
lime of eale, or anch otber erraagemonte made aa
will bo approved, etberwiae tbe property will bo
Immediately pat ep and Bold agaia at tbe eipoaeo
aad vlak of two poroea to whom it waa etrnck off,
nnd who, In eeee of doAetcaey nl each ro-enle,
eball aaake good tbo aame, and Ib no iaitaneo
wUI tbo Deed be prcacated la Coart for oooSrma
tioa nnleaa ths aaoecy ia actually paid to IhB
bberif. . ANDREW PKKTZ, Jr..
Saralrr'a Or r lea, I seen..
Clonrleld, l'a.. Juae 11. UTS,
SherifTs Sale.
BT virtue of write el Fi. Ft., lined
oat of tbe Coart of Common Pleas of Clear
Bold oouatr. and te aae directed, there will he
oipoeed to PUU 1.IC 8AI.B, at tbe Conn Uonae.
ia tbo borough of Cleorield, oa Saturday, tbe
ih day of Jens, IST9, nt t o'clock p. m,
the followlag daacribod real eatate, ts wit :
A eertaia lot of (round litnaU ia tbs village of
Olea Hope, Bercaria lownlbip, Clcarlsld eouaty,
Po, boeaded end doncribsd as followa : Begin
ning nt n corner on Pront rtreel tboasn along
aaid atrrot ainy-lro feet to let of 8. C. Patobia ;
tbeaoo along eaid lot naa baadred aad eiity-lre
feet to r-pruoe aireet i thenoe slong Spruce tract
lily-Ire root to tbe Bald Kagle tarapike: Ibeaee
aloag aaid taranihs oao bBndred aad ailty-tre
frot to place of begianlag, and being known ia
plan of said village as lot No. , aod baviag
thereon erected a Urge three atory brick bollding.
tlitt fort need as a betel and lodge room, a
ruble 24it feet, with seal hease, bake oren.
oora erib, nnd other necsaaary oalbnildinga
Boiaad, token ia elocution aad to bs sold aa Ibe
property of Ibe OJd Pellowa' Hall Aaaoelatlon , of
whieh Usury Dotti aad Joha llratua are Traa
I oaa.
Alto, a sortalo traot of land llluale In Oroon
wood towmhlp. ClearSeld enrity, Pn , bounded
aad deasrlbed at follow!: Oa tbe oaat by laadi
Joha Iraia A Brother, aoatb by land of William
Moore, wo-t by landa of lleerge Beyera, aorlb by
mads of Wieb aad George Uayerr, ooauiaing
eighty asres more or leas, with about tbirlv aena
cleared, aad a ynnog orchard growing thereon,
nan aaviBf a two-atery fraene aiuae, leg barn,
aad ether oatanildtnga tbcraon. Soiled, takea
IB circottca aad to as sold as the nrnuarte ef
i.i.- i.-i. ' '
Alio, all IbBt lot or piece of had alloala la tha
village of Burarido, kaowa aa lot No. , and
houndeJ aa feUewe, via I Oa tbs aorth by lot of
Klias Rooraer, oa the west by aa alley, oa tba
aoaih by lot helongiag to Jaekeoa Patehin, aa
oaat by Market llreot, tcgetbar with a frame
dwelling beaeo, about 1SUI feet, nnd n frame
table, about JOxJS feet nnd otber oathulldinga.
Belied, tahca la etooutioa aad to bs sold aa the
property ef Jobs Dataller.
Alee, a aartsla piece er traot of band in Slrard
towaibip, Clearteld coaaly, Pona'a. hounded
nnd deeeribed M follewa, vll: Begiaaiog ut
etonea, t brace by Uad ef 8 ocelot aorth oaa hun
dred aad thirty four perchee to tunee, thence by
Isada el A c leader Marray, aast about oao hun
dred aad thirty-eight perobss to atoaoe, thence
eoatb ens baadred aad thirty (our nerches to
atones nnd oornerof Tbos. Leoonrd '1 lead, thence
weet by tuna aae hundred aad thirty-sight
parebee to plsos af bogiBalag, eeataiaiag 12S
aoree more or leae, aad kariaa BS acrai cleared
aad having a good orchard thereon, and havlag
hereon erected a frame heaao thirty-two hv forty
test, two etorien high woll-titthed, nnd a leg
house, a Urge bank burn. wngon-ahoJ, hlachamith
abnp.eprlag-aouae, and other out-bwildiage, tkea
boiag aaana trasta af had wblob J. J. Pie aad
wife aeaveyod to Wendell Endres by deed dated
March fth, lirt, aad recorded ia deed book No.
4, page IIS. s
A lee lbs following leu er pleeus nf gronad ait.
sated la las koroagh of Clearteld. Clearfield
ooaaty, Pn, in what la sailed Meseop't addilioa
to laid borough, tbo tret hanaded and deeeribed
aa fellewBT BeglaaiBg at alley na oitoaded
roarth at root, thence aorth aloag aaid street lorry-alee
and nno-half feet to a post, thanes in an
easterly direelioa two baadred feet mors or leu
to a poet corner on line of Jaa.B. fjraham, thence
ia a soathorly direction aloag said II rah am',
lead fcrty-nlae nnd one-half feet to aa alley,
thence la a westerly direction along aaid allay
tors hradred font mars or less to ths placs sf hs
giaaiag. reoervlng tba water right aad teeervlag
lbs right to go npoa said 1st aad lay pi pee from
the epriog upon said fel ta soavsy water from
ths aaid spin, to ga wherever the leneor may
aae 1 1, alae aa go npoa aaid tot to repair eaid
pipes aad waU la Mid tpriag. Bed being there
on creeled a name house forty by toeM'-feer
foot, with wlag eiileea by thirty -two feoC with
food cellar aadcr same, there iialeoaa ies-hoaea
aa aaid let.
Also, two slber leu la aaid Moanp's aoMltloa
ta tbe borough of rieatleld, boaeded aad deoertb.
ad ae follows i Boanded oa tha east by Uad nf
Jaa. B. Graham, no the north by aa alley, oa Ike
soalk by a alley aad sa the weet by Fourth
street, aad kaowa as but No. forty tre and for
ty ill la raid addilioa to tba borough nf Clear
teld, nad harlag I hereon erected a frame howee
two atsrlss high eileaea hy tweety-toar feet with
hitchea attached, a largo brewery witb throe
beer vaults, and a frame stable, aad other ewt
bnlldinge. Sciard, ukea ta eiesuttow, nnd to bs
cold as lbs property of Wendell Eedrac
Taut nr Baiw. The price or ana at which
ths prnpsrty ahull bo struck af mail be paid al
lbs tims ef sals, er sack elher amageaeau
7b the Citizent 0 Clearfield Qjunty
I have opened up one of the largest and most attractive stocki
of goods ever offered in thia county, which must be Been to bean-
nrecifiifrl. Tt tat nnl 01.,..,, t , JAt.:i. L..a :n at.. a
1 ' - J
the following departmenU are
Dry Goods,
! Millinery
Cai! inert,!
tlosiery and (J loves,
I Corsets. Ties. i
White Goods.
Iland kerchiefs,
j Furnishing Goods,
Kid Gloves,
.Em broidery.
Liuen Suits,
These goods have been selected with the greatest care, were
btUtrht for Ciuh And will ho mnlil for cull einrl anar ma-nnnoc. koina-
ery light they will be sold cheaper than the cheapest
Clearfield, Pa , May 1. 1878.
There is bow being opened the largest new slock ever brought here of
After having looked at goods at all otber places, coma to as aad com
pere prices, and yoa will bs convinced that oars are positively -
Children's Shoes,
Misses Shoes, . .
Women's Dress 8hoet,
W omens' Morocco Buttoned
: Worsens' Kid Shoes, ,
Wosena' Rlippors,
Ment' Sboes,
Mens' Dress Shoes,
Msn Dress Boon,
Mens' Slippers,
Ws bava also an asaorltasnt loo
Wa take yoor mrasnrs lor any shoes at prices comparing with list
prices. Anything ws bava not got ws will get yoa wilhost extra
charge. All kiodt of product tsksa ia trade tha aame as
thoagn it wot cash.
CUarleld, May 22,-78. Ssoood Bin, opposite Coart Hoaat,
w ttt(tlitmtnts,
vado bi oil I Wo approved, oUotw.m lao a ror.
if will oo .du.i.l- at aa aad mH HaiaL
Usooftptaoo aad rials of tao aortoa lo mUmit
" vt, mb wtiayg ibs oaao Of BoaaloBO u
vat. ro-taia, ibaH Bioko coa4 tho aaoio. aa u
ao laataBoo will tbo Uood bo aroooaiod IbOmM
for ooolmaiioa bbIom tbo mmy it Mtaoii,
as unit w fkntz j-
. I BS.
"Tead.Vi.'iirVlilw.S. I
Q9S BtWARDv-A toward or $S3, aad
qnvfliooo aakod. will bo paid ' rotor,
to Cl-arltvid U.lKo, I. O 0. P., ofaa old blia.t.
Book aad Ldn. takoa fro tbo Lodflo Root,
oaa titoa ia March Of April, 1174, TLmh bo,.
aro of a Taloo to aa; oao but tao Lodgo, fe
mii luaal nfortBOO.
hj ordor of tbo Lodgo.
CUarfl.U, pp., M.j, , UTI 4t tfoorotar.
Michigan Lands for Sale.
SIMMIOtl aerca of boot term lag laadi , Si la
tit por Bora, and Irl.tlts acree of tbs boat plae
land, at from til to 7J per sere, an railroad,
aad goud navigable etreemc. blood water aad
good ceil, Pot pampblete and full Information,
cell oa er addroaa UENJAMIN BI'NTEK,
Agent, IS Pedsral St..
aay s, tUia. Allegheny City, Pa.
DIMMI.UTII!t.-Tbe oo perteerehlp bora,
letoreealatiai belweea A. B. Heed and 1
uli a h,..,.. V. T "t.nw. iZ " , ,
J. Hngerty, doing bnaineaa eeder the arm name
owiag mid Arm are reneeeted la makB immediate
paymaat to A. B. Keel, wbo- retain! the hooka
end Boeouota. Aad all poreooi baviag staims
galast lac Ira will praunnl them to htm for pay.
meat. A. B. HEED,
Cloaileld. Pa, May ii, 1871 4tO
TO B TOMB MASORSTbs saderslgaoS
will receive propoeele until a ace en Hator
day, Jaaa 13d, 157a, for hnlldiaf aha I men la for
an iroa bridge acraee Uoihaaooa erech. between
the eounUce ot Centra nnd Clonrleld. The ebul
maola to bo rough but lubetaatiol aeeea work,
coaeatrd. Plaaa and epoeitoatioot oaa bs eeea
at tho CommtMloaere' oftco, at Cloaraeld, whore
bidi will roreecired. Ths CoeamtMlonore retain
lag tha right to reject say or ell bide.
Cloarleld, Pa , jeli. It It. CommlaaloBSrs.
Kotieo is hereby girea that Lstters of Ad.
miniflretioa sn tbn oatnts af WM. OLENK,
Uts of Pike towaibip, Cloarleld oeaaly,
Pa., deceaaod, baviag been dnly graated to tbe
anderaigaad, all pereoni ladeblad to Mid eatala
will pleaas mass immediate payment, aad them
baviag claims er damaada agaiaat tbe Mme will
prsseat thea properly aatboaUoated for settle.
mentwilhout delay.
New Millport, May Ii, U7.oL
i.1 aacn wtlh aa Act of the Uenerol Aaaombl.
of Ibis Commonwuullh, approved tho ild day el
March, A. 1. 1871, aad Iha Boppleiaeal appmeedi
tbe Sd day of April, A. D. 1671, "relating to tbo
oollection of Utei in tbe oounty of Clear Isid. '
netice U hereby girea to the tol payera residing;
la tba diatricu below named, tbat Iha Coaaiw
Treeaarer, ia eooordaaoe with the anoond eeetiea,
or reid Act. will atuad at tbo ptaees of aoldiag
the borough and tnwusbtp eleetteas aa the fol
lowing aaaaed daye, for tbs parpeee ef reeeirmg;
ibe Connty nnd btote tales aaeeeeed tor lets:
For Dulloii, Tbaraday, Juas 13, lrota 7 to ll,(at
Corley'a Hotel.)
Por Troatvills, ThoraJay, Juns l.t, from I tel.
Por Lolheraburg, Priday, June 14, from f to a.
Por Bloom tewnblp, Saturday, Jaao Is, from If
to A
For Hike townabip, Friday, June II, from I te I.
Por Curweaivillerjalaruar.June 11. from Itioa-
For Cheat twp, Moaday, Jaao 14, from It to a.
Por Newoarg bar, Toeaday, Jaaa II, from I to II
Por New Washington, Tuesday, Joae li, from I
to I.
For Baraaids twp , Vedaeedey, .rsas 21 from t
to I.
For Burntld borough, Thursday, Jaaa IT, from
I to 4,
For Bell towaibip, Friday, Jims IS. from I to 4.
For Urnenwood twp, Hautrday, Jaao is, from I
to 4.
I' pea all taxei paid lo ths Treasurer there wdl
ho a redaction of Bve per cant, while Ire per
eeat. will be oddest niter thn Brat day of Jul;
next, to all unpaid taxee, makiag a digoreeoe of
TEN per ooau to prompt taa-paysrs. Partial
eaa. from ths I rat el May, pay their usee at tbt
Treasurer's oftee.
Noma to Maat-auara. A rare spportsnity
will as given to mcrebaau to ooaco forward at the
lime Bad place let forth, and Hft their L teeasi
hr Itla. DAVID McUAl tillbY,
Craarlald, Pa , AprU 17, 1S1I Treaaurer.
RJOAXj JUaat'T'A.'X'Zjl.
OP ..
By virtue sf aa order llaalaf sow et Ike 0V
pkaas' Conn nf Clearteld eoewvjt, there will he
eipoeed to Pahlio Sale at tha Ceatrt Boom ht the
Borsngh sf Clearteld, aa
Taoaday, Jane ti, lrnS,Bt I o'clock p. m.
the fcllewing described Reel Batata af Wm. Ball,
dee'd, to wit :
Kb. I. A eertaia farm sitasto la Qreaaeoad
towaebln, Clearteld Bounty, Pa, hoaadad aad
deacrihed al followa t On tha Borah by tbe west
breech nf the InsquohaMaa riveri aa tbe couth
nnd weal hy elher land earned by said Wm. Bell,
dee d, aad sa tha oast hy lead af Reed A Oweee.
eeataiaiag twe hundred nad eighteen aaroa, abaca
sixty nevee of which U cleared nad under geed
out lien-ton, buying tk arena neat ted a food her
dwelling homes, a mrgu new hank bara aad aabw
ealbaildiAge, and a hearinf orchard- There hi
also aa tba preaiaas a valaahle ail) anal, aad
ceniideraWu oak, pine nad kemleek timber.
Ne. t. Aaolher trad ef toad eiteete ia mid
towaehip of Urneawaad. lying sn tho Swath beak
of tbe busqaoaauaa river, eeBtoiatag tog norm,
about lo aoree ef which ta olea red, and tbebalaam
u well timbered with piaa, nah and hemlock.
No. S. Another tract of lead sttaate Ut rail
towaibip of vreeoweod, en iha North hook of
the Seeqaehuunn rirnr, asntniniag about let
aeres, more at lees, about II asras of which w
e leered, and tha naaiadsr Bee upem R a eonaid
nrable qaaalily af pUa, aak aadkoalaok timber.
Taana or Sals : Oaa third la aask sa eoalr
m at lea af Mle, aad the balance ia eon end two,
years, with alsrsst stsared on the wremiaea.
Bower, May it, ItTMt.
tu gvr tutu ur-tuitrt, uuv wilt Jtajr til at
thoroughly full in all qualities and
Goods, Carpets
Oil Cloths.
Wall Paper,
Window Blinds,
Bugs, ic.
20 tents a pair.
. 75 cents a pair.
M cents a pair.
PO cents a pair.
' ,
II 25
a pair.
X5 rants a pair,
95 cents a pair,
8 00
80 cents a pair.
num.rana in ane;rr m .11 nnraaa.