THE REPUBLICAN. . V- it - .v - CLKAHKIELU, PA. WKDSKS3AT MvRNIKtl, JUXK ft, 1178. Termi or Subscription. If paid la advanea.or within thrw month...!! M It pata tivt mrce iito . n bdbih,,. c If paid after the eipiratlon of tlx monbu... I 00 -MeMri. 8. M. Pitt t we ill A Co., Uew- Eaper Adrerliilriff Agents, 87 Perk Row, torn eekmao Btreet, are uur duly aathorlxed Agea In N. York City. RKLK.UKJH NOTICI:M- Methodist r.plseoral C'hurfb Rt. J. 8. M ('MURRAY, Pastor. Servian rry Babbelb 104 A. M., and 71 P. M. Habbath Hnhnol at t A. M. Prayer Meeting erery Thursday, at 7J P. M. Conin union Kerviee, first Hal.beth of ovry month, at H'1 A. M. Weet C lrarHcld M. E. Clturrli. Rt" William II. Dill and W. S. Wilbob. Pastors. Preaching rery alternate Buudey, at I o'elook, P. M. tiunday tlobool at i, P. All are ia rlted to attend. Preblerlaa thurcU Rot. H. B.Butlrr. Hrtftbutb services morning and veaing Snb bath Hobool at I P. M. Prayer Moating Wednes day t van tag. Ht. Kmucla' tharth Cathallt Rer. P. J.Hhbbipak preaching at 101 o'clock, A. M.,on tlio Drat, third and lourtb Sundays of each month; Vespers tod Benediction of the Blessed .Sacrament at 7 o'clock, p. M.Punday School Try Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. OFFICIAL DIRECTOR V TIMR Or OLDIfl BUABTBB BWIOKI COURT. Fecund Mob day or January. Third Monday f March. First Moaday ef J una. Fourth Monday of Baptambar. TIMR OP aoLOIHO OOHROR FLK.B. Pint Moaday of Juna. (Jaoon d Monday of November. ri'BLto orricatta. Prudent JHtjt Hon. Charier A. Mayer, af Lock Haven. A.iiitt Lmm aalIoB. Joba U. Orvls, or Belle font. Aooimt JudgtAhnm Ogden, Clearflold, Vincent H Holt, Clearfield. ProtMonotarplt Bloom. ReyUttr ana Hteordtr L. J. Morgan. Vutriet AUornty Wat. M. MoCulloufh. Trtaturtr Uavid McQauibey. -. Andrew Penti, Jr. Of Christ. J. Kcaggy, Clearfield. County 8 rvty or 6am ne) F. M:C.oskcy, Cur wensvill. Cowitfy Coaiaifwioaere Clarh Brown, Clear field t Thomas A. McUee, Cheat P. 0.; Hwril Hoovar, Claarflald. . Coumtw JiMftion-Wiltlan V. Wilgbl, aar flcld f Hamutl A. Caldwell, WilllatnigroTe ; John 0. Conner, Burniide. Commtg CoronirJ. B. Kaf, Now Washington. Juty Commiiiotr$lr. Jamea P. Burcbuuld, CI earned, Joanjth Alexander, Madera. AtpaWaffRrfenl Pt" Sckoit-John A OrrRory, CurwaBiville. Stahro Weiyhhd oiar Jr'ttW. Carlilt, offlca at Trootnlle, Pa. Xotaritt PMtfie-John W. Wrigly, Wm. Tt. dchauich, Cyrut Oordon, Clearfield; Joieph K. i Irwin, N. B. Arnold, CurweuM ilia ( J.J.LinRla, Oieeola Mills : J. A LWinptona. DoUola City. Our Special column ll decidedly Interesting in a local point of f lew, and vrontable reading to outsiders who want to save money. The leafy month of June. Jmlgo Orvin presided over the Cam. brta Court, at Xoenilurg, (set weak. S. J. (iutt'8, C'urwenHvillc, hoIU boots and nhofi chcfiper than any mnn in :ba county. As the season 7r lawfully caloliinjr black Lbh opeard ob the 1st Inil., big bats stories are bow in order. . m - A.C. Duncan, lq.,KivuHHoti(:e in our lijpr to day of bis apMinloient at Atfigaea of the estate of T. J. Prow, of Cnrweniville - m Tbe Mitelicls worn by the train gt-nls ou ibe main line or tbe PtitinKylvaniA Rail road wire disaarded tbe 1st of toil m ntb. - - MiM McAlpino will rt-sume teaching : tin Monday, June 17 tfa, and req'jefts bar scholars to meet her en atnrday, June to Arrange hours for lessons. Aaron 0. Tato, JCq.t member of the House af Representatives, has our thanks for a copy of tbt Fiflh Annual Report of the Insure no Corainliioncr of Pino 'il ran ia. The County Tivanurer'a sulo of uu aeatcd lands In Clearfield Bounty will take pleoa at tbe Court House, on Monday next, the TOtb Inst. Interested parties should bear this in mind. An lee Cream Festival, for the bene fit of the Clearfltld Baptist Church, will be held at tbe residence of Mr. Richard Phlrk next Rat urday ivening. The publlo are cordially Invited to attend. Six persontt were baptized by inimcr iloB to ibe dam at A. L. Ogden's saw mill, a short tlislsBee north of this borough, lat Hunday fore noon. Tbe ceretnuBiei were eondnrled by Rev, Mr. Flegal. - - a m - - A Ilia Tin no. A I toon a was pretty well overrun last week. A meeting of the Orand Commanderyof Knights Templar, and t Problbl. lion State CDveotion, alt turned out on Decora tion Day and made tbe Mumtaio City look gay and festive. (carhutt'fl livery stable U woll sup plied with good honei and can leges for hire, at reasonable raws. Mr. (ieerbart'i stock ll all In good eondilion, and persons who wish to ride nnt for pies rare or bnMBese will t tbelr own iBtsrtstl by glring him a call. Mrs. 8. J.Brown respectfully informs her patrons that she has removed ber hair-dress ing Moms to the room over Wiltey'i tailor shop, on Market street, where he aan hereafter be fi'Rnd, prepared to do all man a or of fancy hair work at moderate prices. ' 11 ea Hon. Ge.orce It. Barret, Jlon. J. JJ McEnally, D. h. Krcb', Prank Fielding, and T. II. Murray, Eiq.'rs, are at Ilarrisburg this week, altendiog tbe May term of the rJuirsmc Conrt. There area large number of cans from this county to bs argued. Mr. A. Guineburg, the popular cloth ing man, is anw la the East lejing in a new stock of faihloaable gar men ta for Bummer wear. He will return in t few days, and his Mends and patroni will then have n rare opportunity to pur ehat gnod clothing at low prleee. The Administrator of tbo estate of Wm. Bell, late of Greenwood tonathlp, deceased, will sell several valuable tracts of land, at the Court House, in Clearfltld, on Tuesday, June Jilb, at 1 a'oltek P. M. A full description or the lends can bo found In our advertising eolamne. Mr. Alcm B. Tate,' editor of the Wllllamiport AW of Hop, who was a delegate to tbe FrehlbltiuB 8tata Coevootion last week, at Altoona, gave as a pop oall ob Thursday, while oa his way home. Mr. Tata says that his Sir is rising t hut he stowed to have little U"p af elect ing the Ptohibitiou ticket next Fall. imam t mm Hon. James U. Gillespie, of PtinxHU- tawBey, present member of th Legislators from Jefferson eoaoty, was robbed at tba t'nlua Depot, Plltaburg, last Friday night n week, of bit pocket book, containing $101 In money and a draft for $400. Mr Oilleipie was joit returning from liar rlabarg, and tu relieved of bis wampum on tbe platform after dMadlng from the tar. . mm 1 Tbo Citizens' Cornet Band, of Osce ola, spent several hours la Clearfield last Friday, on their return fun Cutweasvill, where tbry had been participating in the ceremonies of the day previous Dteoratie Day. Poring Ibelr ojoura la oar town they serenaded several of our citlisnt, discoursing oxoellenl mnsie. Osaeole can well afford to Lo proud of ber Coroet Bnd. WilliauiRport is to have a Htttto Sun dav-School C oar en Hob from the 1 1 tb to the llth of Jane. Tb Bmihti saya : - Delegate and tbelr wive coming over tbo Feaasylvaala Rail road and breach, Philadelphia A a'rte Railroad and brsBfhes, Norther Central, Allegheny Val ley, Cumberland Valley, and Erie A Pittsburg Railways, will be fuiBtshed with order for eaoor stoB tickets, good from Juno Itth lo ISth laolusiv, with ae sales after Ja llth, upoa applicetioa lo B. E. FiBBcy, Local Secretary, Box 441, Williams port, Pa. The lodire of American Mechanics, ' of this plea, made an effort lo obsorv Dseorstion Day, hut oa aeeoaat of tbo rata It waa a partial failaro. Tbe programme as mapped oat waa for . the member of th Order lo aei stable at their t hill la tbo Opera floeee at o'clock A. M, aad (rem Here proceed la regalia I the cemetery, 'l and, after aa appropriate addreaa, decorate tbe ! grave of all sold tors awrtod ther. A heavy rata act la tbe algkt p rev ions aad eoat'aood fairing , laeeaaeatly threnghent tbo for part of tno day. atd tb eeremoay waa netaod aotll la the afteraooa. About t o'clock P. M., tba rala hav ing ceased, a earn ber of tba members of th Or der above iad keeled, with a row oittsoa aad a martial bead, pre ass Jed to tb cemetery quietly doootatod with honntlfal flower th grave of la fane he. I.nlioa' I tutting Kit.tera.fur 75 cent tt 9. J. UaU CurwaoivMI. FUek A Co V Tbo Clearfield Fire Brick Works have stopd lo make some see eatery repair to the machinery. Kinkbinder's new bakery is doing a lively business. Ills adrar taeuieot will appear in tbe RirDBLiCAM as soon as begets everything la good tanning order. m mm List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Poefefflfteat CJearfield, fur the weA ending Juno i, u;a j ,' John F. Blak, James Hut den, David Young. P. A. Oai lir, P. M. . e nnt A Good Ohukr. Tbo lluntitii-Ion (UuU says that John WhiteKeaJ k Co. have just secured oontreet to fsrntsK ibe Boston A Albany Railroad Company with 160,000 tons of bttomio ous eoal. Tbe coal will be taken from the Ocean colliery, In Clearfield ocroty. J. B. Blown would inform the fit i aens of Clear Held county that bo la prepared to tune and repair Organs and Melodeoni on short notlea and reasonable term I. All work guaran teed. Address, Soseph B. Brown, Clear!ialJ, Pa. Clearfield, June 6 .St. Court. Tbo wcond week of the May term of Court wound op on Friday afternoon. All tbe eases set down for trial We: a eltbor tried or Milled. We are to bare two wetki of Court at the June term, Commencing on the third Monday, tbo lith. This term is for the trial or civil causes and snob Commonwealth cares as were atljonraed over from tbe May term. ; aw Dkcoration 1at. This Federal holi. day was pretty well observed throughout (be eouotry. Id Ibe noribern and western portion of Ibis Bute tbo forenoon was deluged olth rein, aod in the taste m and southern portions It poured dowa la the alteraooa, while the forenoon was very pleaaaat. After all, however, each section had one-half a day of good weather, and the original programmes were pretty well canted out. WHO ItMOMgf Ei. Ktci'UBUt'AR ear A'i j-As the campaign Is approaching, and the services of a hand will bo needed by both parties, the cltliens who have been recently contributing money for lb purchase of instruments, Ac, would like to bare some one rise aod explain where are all ihelnttrumvnUaod money which was subscribed and paid for that purpose during the last year or two. Maki- CtfT.iK. Clearfield, Pa., June 3, 1878- " The Clearfield Jovruat of lata week : Three men, William Jones, James Hines and John Simon, employes of tbe Jones Brothers, were are arrested at Dubois on Thursday last, as aceeoaoriei to tbe shooting of H P. Montgomery, in Iti is plaee. A writ of kubtat oorpn was issued on Friday, tba 17tb, and the prisoner were brought before Jodge Holt, who discharged them from custody, no witnesses appearing against them." TAe ( rVyaoMsvi'f e) Aye. There are two mistake in the foregoing : First, there is no such newspaper published la this county as lb ooe named by the editor t S eond, neither uf the parties indicated were lodged la prison. Keen your E open a little. Probably a Fatal Affray. Con- stalila JauiUca, of Lulhcrsburg, lodged Benjamin Sir ley hi prison at this place thi (Tuesday) morn Ing, for bating assaulted iu an outrageous man ner one Jamas MeUrah atDuBoii, on latt Monday evening, 81 Miry is a carpenter from Williams port, and Mcltrah Is a miner. Tbe two men bad a uarrel, when (he former picked up a piece of a scantling ard struck the latter ob (he forehead o serjously that one of bis rye tu forced out on the cheek. He wax also badly Injured internally from being trampled upon alter be wus knocked duon. It Is not expected thai tbe iojured utun can rtouivr. na i - - Head Til kir Stories. The Cumbria Freeman says : The JhrafH man, and the Cswbria townohip shicp wbicb furnished nearly twelve pound ot wool ai one clipping, are respect fully Invited to take a back rest, a Mr. John Rebrolh, of Wilxorv, ha a oocyvsrold cwa from whfeb IflJ pounds of clean woo) were clipped this Spring, and Mr. James Bborthill, of Bumtnerhill township, has a ram which netted Its owner 18 pounds of the same commodity equally free from imparities, These sheep, it Is proper to say, are of tbe Cotswold breed, and were bought as mates by tbe to gentlemen named." Misb Hamlin's Lbcturku. M.isa Fun- ni Hamlin will deliver her wo popular lectures, entitled " Advertisement, or Reading Charaottr," and " That Atb, or What Aunt Bally Said," lo the Clearfield Court House, en Tuusday and Wednesday evealngs, Juno 4th and 6th. at I o'clock. Admission, 15 Cents. Ticket niy be ob tailed at tbe postoffle. She Is a siMer or Dr. B. B. Hsulln, well-known a an eloquent divine and lecturer, and this la what a contemporary tas or the two : " Both Dr. Hamlin and his sister lectured re cently in this place (Phillpsburg), aad It was difficult to determine which pleased th more the Dootor by bis eloquence, or Miss Fannie by ber wit and humor." A Word to School Boards. By the Act of May 1, 17I, It Is made tb duty of every Uraid of School Direct on to publish a financial statement at the end-of eaoh school year, for the information of tbe tax payers aod they are per tnittrd to do so either by "not less that ten M band bills, or by publication In the two newspapers " having tbe largest circulation among the eltl sene, intisled." Tbo Directors who an anx ious that the statement should be generally seen by " lb cltison loterasted." will of coarse employ ibe latter means, beena all Intelligent families now-a-days lake tbe newspapers, whereas not one In every Are clliaens would lake tbe troubl to carefully scrutinise the statement, If tt bo stack on tbe wall or school house door. Sad Affair Little Child Killed A little child of Mr. Hiram Depp, who resides la Canoe township, (Indiana county, aged about 11 years, met with an accident wnub cauted ber death oo Friday evening, May 17tb. She bad gone to tbe field a hire ber father was plowing, and, when he had flnlihed bis day's work, he un hitched bis team and placed bis little daughter upon ana of the horses lo ride to lb barn. A young borne in an adjoining field leapod o'er th fence and eame running op along aide of tbe leant, aod they both started oif on a trot. The sudden start joFtled the child oif the horse's back, and falling to the ground broke ber Berk, and she expired Instant. y. She was an only child, and the parent have the ryrupalhies uf the entire community In moarnlng ber na'lmaly death 'aexeeraisne Spiril, mm m Temperance Meetinii.- At the Tern Mr a nee meeting held la the Conrt Uoase last Monday evening, tbe following parsons were elec ted as officers of tbo National CbrHtlan Tempor- ance Cnloa vt Clrarfleld, t serve the cnrulrg term or six months : President Dr. J. P. Barchfleld. First Vic President D. W. McCurdy. Second Vice Presl dent Henry Bridge. Secretary Dr. J. L. R. Ilelchhold. Treasurer Wm. A. Hagerty. Kiecutlve Committee Joha J. PatUrson, F. 0 Harris, Oscar Mitchell, Qeorgo C. Moore, Oeorge D. Runk. Tbe President-elect, upon taking tbo Chair, ade a few appropriate tt-marks, urging the mem bers of Ibe Association to greater t'al la the canaa. Hhorl add ruses were then delivered by Rev. U. S. Buttler, T. B. Dalley, Erq., and Rev, J. 8. MeMurray, Some excellent singing was rendered for the occasion by the choir of the M. K. Church. CONPIOENCK. This Is the com mete is I aa well as tb social faith of all men. Wbea confidence Is lost, vice ntaally becomes a partner in lb affair of life. Tbo filth of one man ia another, like vlrtae, Is easily lost. What great car aad caution should bo exercised la upholding confident? In Govern mant ae wall as personal affaire. To Illustrate ettll farther i We catered a iore th other day, aad whllata conversation with th erebaat, a gentleman walked Into the room aad paesed Bp to the book-keeper' desk, where he addressed th Cleik i " I want to settle tbal ae eoaat of mine." Altar passing ovar lb aeeoaat, in a mutual way, the parties agreed a poo a ba. a a pa or t IT 10. The debtor, wltboal further ceremony, hauled ant his pars and ooaated dowa the amouat la etlvor half aad quarter dollar, re- markiag i M I have had that for some Dm hut as we are get I lag lots of new one, I need not keep tbo old aa." Onr cariosity led as to la q air about the data th oeia, none of which bore a later dale than IfM twenty year ago. Tbo passage of the Silver Bill drew thi eld deposit from It hidlog plaee aad pat It la eirealeUeo. Tbo who an la the dally hat, it of handling aaoasy Inform a that throe fouitba of all the ell ver tola wow la Ireolatt bean data provfoes t IBM. Mon Democrat! leglslntion will fully niton boaffdenoe, aad plao Uoverament aad poops aa th trn lino of proeperity aad pease, ll we o3doo thai brought than ld Urn tee forth frosa th dark vaalls aad pat them In elnnlallo af!. Carpet chain, IT oenU per pound, at Ft A Co'f. y3l 4u Carpot chain, 17 cents per pound, at neck a un.'a. xaxi ea. S. J. Gates, C'urwensville, is selling man's and boys' odd suits at east. my 11 It A glass jar full of collars for 25 cents, at S. J. Gate', Corweasvill. m2-3t Carpet chain, 17 cents per pound, at Fleck A Co.'. 50,000 railroad ties wanted by A. G. Kramer Co. j-B.0 l. - iM - Carpet chain, 17 cents per pound, at FlrH A Co.'. Wanted. 60,000 railroad ties, at A. 8. Kramer A Co.', Clearfield, Pa, Jaa. tf. A. G. Kramer & Co. want ftO.OOO rail road tie. Job. 9 tf. Carpet chain, 17 cents per pound, at Flack A Co.'s. mayK-at. Salt I Lytle has just received an other lot or fine Bait, largest sited twilled sacks, eo the article can bo bad at two dollars again. Remember that Lytle id County Agent for Lorrillard's Tobacco, and ean eel them at factory prices. They are the beat tobaooe ia market. Try them. Wanted I 1.000 cords of Hemlock and. Rook Oak Bark, for which wo wlU pay the highest market trloe, ' JylZtL A. O. E ram as A Oo. - mm Wm, Powell, the hardware man, tells the public all about his immense itock of goods In tbie piper to-day. Mr. Powell ha a largo stock or hardware, farming implement, stores, etc., which he Invites tbe public to oall aod ex. amine. 1 We have been requested to state that arrangements have been made among tb cltliens or Clearfield borough and Lawrence township, to meet at the Cemetery on Wednesday, June llth, for the purpose of cleaning np tbe grounds. Let all torn out. Not Over Yet. It appears that (be DuBols tragedy u to be traversed again ia onr Court, ia tbe shape of an Indictment for riot. Andy Baura and a number of hi confederate have been arrested and gar bail for their appear tno at September term or oar Conrt, to answer a charge of riot. The mail train on Thursday last was made ap of four passenger oeohes, and was brought up the mountain in two aaoti on. It waa two hours behind time at Utis station. Returning In the afternoon, It was held at Cnrwansvllle nn til four o'clock, In order to give all who wished a chance to see all tbe decoration service at Cur wensvllle before It left. Another stock of Spring Goods, and the finest assortment of Wameutta Bhirta In town, at Shlois' Pbil'a Branch Store. Wool and all kinds of grain taken in exchange for goods nt th Philadelphia Branch Clothing Store, Pie's Opera House. mayli-eX . Dental Notice. Dr. A. M. Hills wou'd say to his friend and former patient that be baa not retired from practice as ha been so iLdustriously insulated by tome persons, but will ntlnu to give his personal attention to all who may desire It. or to assist Dr. Ileiobhold wbenv eter required. Nitrous Oxide Gas given for the paiclrsi extraction of teeth. April 14 -tf. A Fact. An advertisement inserted In the Rxf t'BLicAH will reach more readers than If puMlnbed In all tbe other paper In the coun ty, and cost tbe advertise! lest than one-half In other words, an advertisement published In our Jturnal Is worth double the price of that charged by any ether publisher in tbe county. It Is a fact." tt. Potato Buns. Now, that it is fully demonstrated that Paris Orecn U the only safe and reliable exterminator of the potato bug, we offer for sal a strictly pure article, mailed lo any part of tba county, for AO cent per pound. Tb quality can he easily tested by dissolving a small quantity In aqua ommomi'i. A pure article will form a clear bine snluttoa, without any sediment. H ARTS WICK A Irwik. Ci.Bjnriai.D, Pa., May 15, 1878-4t. Sad Accident. We learn that Hen ry Whitehead, Esq., of Union township, was Borloasly Injured on Saturday last, th 1st Inst. II had some mea under hi employ, engaged In repairing th lumplka near Cappler'a run, and while two of them wen onttlng a tree down, a blast of wind earn along and censed the tree to fall In a different direction from that designed by th choppers, and, In falling, aom of the branch truck Mr. Whitehead over tbe head aad shoalderi, crashing him to the ground. It wa an aceldcat that h waa not killed outright. H I la a erttt oal conditio ; but was considerably better oa Mondsy afternoon, with hopes of recovery. Clearfield Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and other freight tent over the Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tbe week ending May 35, 1S78, and th name time last year t COAL. For the week - Sam time last year Decrease Previously during year Same time last year Decrees , Total In 1878 Sam time last year , Decrease ... 00,904 other rnatonr. Lace ber , M ..,.. Miscellaneous frcigut ..117 ean, ,. SB H The Marryino Fraud. Some two or three weeks ago a person representing himself to b Rer. G. W, Moon, and a minister In the Reformed Episcopal Church of Newark, N, J. cam to Lewlstown, Pa., when ha in trod need himself to tb ministers or lb plan and quickly gained, at legit to some extent, tbelr eonfldeoe. He preiched In tbe Methodist Church, by invita tion, bis first Sabbath than. His quick acquaia taooe and appanntly too great familiarity with some of th ladles created at least la on of the preacher's minds a distrait that led to aom tele graphic iaquiri ooBcorning hi standing, la tb meantime be visited Milroy, small village km nin miles north of Lewistown, when he sought and obtained the acquaintance of a young lady la good society and proposed marriage and elopement, lie teld bar ho wa a pnacbor In New York, on a salary f 13,00, aad had almost persuaded ker to accompany him, but bar frmr lover coming horn at this juaetun pat a stop to further proceeding. Going baok to Lewistown, h wa met by aa sn raged trio of ministers, who gave him a very abort time to pack hi hit and leave never to ret era agaia. The word rroelvod from his former horn repreeent him to b aa Impostor, and warns people I bar nothing to do with him. 11 Is reported to bar mad a call at Middliown, Pa., onfcl trip westward, and hie conduct ther was similar to that at Lewistown and Milroy. B waa last heard from at Altoona as n temperano lactam. Important to Fishermen. Some of tb baogei. made In tb Fish law by th Act passed by tb LeglskUanof 1871 an of Impor tant to fishermea. Tb Urn when black bate may b legally eaagat It from Jua 11 to Janu ary IsL Moat anglen Would bar preferred, wo think, lo hare th fishing seoaon pen on tb lit of July that Is, If they dsiin that the base shall have a fair ehano t Increase aad multiply. Under the old law Ashing with Ht or hoop note was entirely prohibited voder the new act U I 1 lew fa I to flih with hoop nets, In streams not la-1 habited by brook treat, daring six months of the year March, April, May, September, October and fevember. Th aaesbee of -4b note, however, mast bo act tees the lash la sis, aad trout, baas, pik aad piokerel eaaght la them mast bo rotnrnrd to lb water, on penally af $2 loo. It I veiy doubtful If not berate a will pay mach a l lea l ion to this proviilea. Th trout or baa captured la hoop nets will have peor shew of be ing thrown hack lot th water, aotwlibttandlng tb penally. Th provision af th law that bass of a lees sU tba ill laches shill not be caught, under tit penalty, will reqalr anglen to rry foot rul r tan measures with them a part of their tqalp- meata, or ) provide them solve liberally with $11 hill to pay in with. Imagia n angler, wh I eapinrlng bass la pretty lively nyks, pall ing at hi tap aewiri and tab lag th diaoen Ion f ever) lib before phwleglt In his basket. 'oh a M array, who baa Imm mia-eaee) for some time nasi ia orMtleg n meonmeal tn tbe Oetbolie Mmelery, arer the frare of deeMeee momhors of tbe Uati famllr. iaforma as that eame, wltbla a WMk, catered tbe eeawtory aad kBMheel large ploMoff two of in. eerwerf of tbe baM stone of tbemoaaaMBt. He eeWe a reward rite, dollars for the name of the party who teamlttrd Ike ootrag.. Jet -It. TOR. M...05 .... 21,V3a .... 1,410 4;.J,8K .... &uo,4o0 06,474 ...U 47.1,4V! ... 10,3Va It has boon eootomary In old Mmmnaltlo to suspend pieces afatlok enlpkor around Lha nooks of children) as a pro taction against oontagioa la epidemics. A thorough webmg with O Una's Hill's Hair A Wbnisr Dye, Blark or brown, M nnt. may 13-it. Oil BnanUD Pn Cm. Dimoot on Ol Pici,.- b.pnrhAMd al tlerrell'l li. od wl.t, nora, (roi $i af ward.. All kind, of Mio mMuiSM nfwlrad oa tb. ,aoru.t aotiM. Clurldd, Pa Julj ll, 117T. WiiT.a ! 100,000 It-iaoh ih.r.d iblnalu to ...rag. a s to ii InobM for whwa w will p.j ta. bigboat ntrkot prio. A.U. Kaiaia Co., f.b.U tf. Cl.arld, Tt. Buaoiia Fo BL.. K. A'.atoa SUw epi a tali supply of Frodoma Baggiw and Platfora Wiioh for ,al. To b. mm at lb. tlbaw II com jard. Call oa or addrau biai al Cloarl.ld P.aa. jliaala. 7 !-. Wahtko. Bom. .,illjr l.irn4 pmoa or Art lit to naooraotlr. LuiH.a'l 8(L Uaarai Picraaaa la Ibi, oounly, o. Koj.Ht. Paiaud frooi pbotoaripba or an pieturo, and ia tb. Oil Palatini mula. Defer, tb.torrltorj i. ta.o I will paint plotorM Halt for it aad warrant tb.m for lif. Kr.ry praoa .hould bar. oo u Oil Painting, on C.nTa. ara lb. oal, piotnr., that will ,Und th. tMt of titn., and oaa b banded dowa to poilerllT. Partlouln frM. L. T. LUTUKK, Nor. t, UT7-ly. Corrjr City, Pa. 4 Hentarkable ilttult. It make, no differene. how many Phyaielana, or how maoh medteio. yoa bar. tried, It ta now aa niabliabed faot tbal Oormaa Syrup ia the only remedy whleh baa girao eompl.taaatiira.lioa ia MT.r. eaaM of Lung DiaeaMa. It if true there are yet tboaeande of pereona wnn are praoiapoMa to throat and Lung AflMtlona, Coaanmptioa, HomorrhagM, Asthma, b.'.r. Oolda Milled oa th. llrMat. Pneamoaia, Whooping Couch, Ae., who bare ao peraonel knowledge of boeehce'a Uermaa Hyrop. lo auea we wooia My mat ov, 000 doiea were Mid last year without on. com putet. Coaeuaaptjree try juat on. bottle. Heg uler alia, lb oenu. For Ml. hy 0. D. Welion, Clearfl.ld, Pa. alay J-l, 1877-eow-ly. Don't be Uttcirtd. Many perMneuy "I baren't got tbe Coneamp lion" when naked to oar. their eouiih with 6bi- loh'a ConoumptioB Cur. Do tb.y not know thai Coirgha lead to Conaauptloa and a remedy that will euro Consnmplioa will Mrtainly oar. aeonghorany lung or throat troabm... Wekaow It will oar. when all Ottawa fail aad oar faith ia it fa poaitiro that w. will refuad the price paid if you noeiv, ao benefit. If Dot thif a fair propoiitioa. PriM, II tie 60 ota and $1,011 per bottle, for lame Cheat, Back or Bide, uia Bhl loh 'a Poroaa Piaater. Prioa, 26 eta. Pur Bale by all Druggiata of CltarHeld. Why will yoa anffer with and lirei oomplaint, Conatipatioa, aad general debility whea yoa ean get at onr alete Bbilob'a Byatem Vilaliier whiob we Mil oa a po.ltive guarantee to euro yoa. PriM 10 eta., and 76 eta. For fale by all Druggiata f Clearleld. I1ACKMKTACK, a popular and fragrant per fume. For aale by all Druggiata of Clearfield. Dm. 6, '17-nm. Just Received ! Junl Received by ARNOLD, al CUHWENSVILLE: Car Load Nova Scotia I'lnsler I Car Load pure Corn, Pye and OaU Chop ! Car Load Deaken Salt ! Car Load Choice; Family Flour ! Car Load Dry Goods, Groceriof, kc. JetT Shingles, Dark, It. It. Ties and Grain will be taken in exchange. Curwonsvillo, May 1, 1878. lUarrlfl At the rcstdenc of Daniel B. (Irafflus, near Puoxsntawney, Pa., on Sundny, May lVtb, 1878. by Rev. J. T. Qladbill, Mr. Klia Lininger, of Union township, Clearfield county, and Miss Lydia 0. Rupert, ot Bell township. At the Clearfield M. K, Parsonage, on Thura- dey evening, May 2M, 1871, by Rev. J. 8. Mc Mur ray, Mr. Henry J. Wining and Miss Miotic Bar- ger, boin oi uiearneid, i'a. In Keating township, Clinton eonnty, on Ron- day, May 1 2 lb, 1H7S, James Uaaos, aged about 70 yean. In Morris township, on Thursday, May 16th, 167H, Clara Catharine, daughter of A. C. and Lydia M. Folmer, aged I years, t months and 20 day. iieiieronie pipers pioisa oopy.j In Morris township, oa Tuesday, May list, 1878, Joha Rapp, aged about 31 year. Ia Morris township, oa Saturday, May JMh, 1878, Alloc Amanda, daughter of A, W. and Joae pblna Raymond, aged 1 year, S months and T daya. CLEARFIELD MAEKETS. Cmarpuld, Pt., June 4, IB7. Floor, par eat.. M to Bnekwbeal Floor, par ewt. Cora Meal, per ewt Chop, rye, par ewt Htl Chop, mlx.d, per ewt Brna, per ewt Wheat, per bubal............. By., per bu.bel M,, O.t,, per buahel , Cora, ear, per buehol.. ..., per bmhel Potaloea, per boahel Apples, per bnahel llama, per pound Bhonlder, per pound ........ Dried Bm, per pound Chtokene, per pair Bnttar, per pound Eggs, per dosen Belt, per sack, large.,.., Coel Oil. per gallon m Lard, par pound Dried ApplM, per pound... Dried Peachea, par pound.. BMua, par buabel....H so I 00 1 40 1 16 1 10 1 16 70 16 16 It DO 40 lo 100 t 16 40 10 10 1 00 20 10 s 1 to PB0D0C MAEEET EEPOBT. PniLAitxLPnia, Janet. Floor dull; saperflnei, Vl; extras, $4j Peokrylrnnia family, $j(rj,e.oi; Msnneeota, do, 4.7&(i.i.U1 pUnt and high graces, ftUaT.'.O. Kve dour, $. C'ommeal, 3.&0. Wheat quiet, lower; nmber, $l.l2(fl, t.H; red, ll.OVrml.Ui white, I-I5fa.t.l7. Corn quiet, a shade lowrj yellow, Iflaj mixed, 44c; Jnne, 46c. Oat dull and heavy; Pennsylvania anl west ern white, lite; western mixed, 27( SHc. Rye dull and weak, Oafqifloc, CHiraao,JuBo I. Klour doll, unchanged. Wheat strong and higher, but unsettled; No. t Chicago spring, 971 fr h; SnlfdKAjle fo lune; W.Hla.l'.lic for July; No. S do., S0fj,87f rejected, 72(73o, Cora active; shad higher; S5Jc for each, ASo for Jvnet loe for Jul; 3Hje for Aucust. Oat nnse tiled, but generally lower; 22 jo for oath; zxtc fur July; liic for August. Rye firmer, olo. Barley firmer, 47. gailroato. PeniiMjIvnnin Railroad TYRONE 1 CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON and after Monday, MAY to, 1177, the PasMoger Trains will run daily (aieept Bon days) betwoea Tyrone and Clearfield, as follows : CLIARFIKLD MAIL. W. S. PLnnaaa, Coaduotor. LKAVB SOUTH. LRAVI NORTH. Curwenarillo,. Clearleld...... Leonard,. Barrett, Woodland .1.10, r.a .1.40, - ..140, ,.1.64, " ..4.01, " . 4 oa, -4.17. " Tyrone,-.... Vanscoyee,,.,. Bummil, Powelton, ...... I.eo.a.a. 1.16," 60, 10.00," Oseeola,....,. Boj nton Btelner'a, Phlllpabari, Orataem...... Blue Ball Wallaeatun,.. 10.11, ,10.17, " 10.11, 10.16, 10.18, 10 87, 10.44, Bialer, Wallacetoa,... Blue Ball...... Unheal .4.16, .4..1I, " .4.86, " Phlllpsburl, .. Btelners,. ..4.S0, .4.48, ..4.61, " .1.06, ..1.16, " Boyntoa,.. Bigler .10.61, Oseoole, .. Woodland Barrett, ........ Leonard 10.60, 11.07," 11.11, " Powelton, Bummil, Vanertoyoe,.... .6.36, o IH, Clearfield Cnrwenarille,. 11.10, " Tyrone, .U.40r a. CLEARFIELD ACCOMMODATION.: Wa. L. Rhoaob, CoBdaetor. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Cerwearrille. t.4t A. I. Tyrone I. It P. M, Clearteld. 7:10 ' VeaMyoe,...!.e! " Leonard, ..... 7.11 " Summit, 1.00 ", 7 6 " Poweltan,......l.lO " Woodland..- 7.61 " OmooIs- I 4i " Blgler 1.07 " I BoyntoB J.63 " Wallaoela, I tS I Bl.lo.r'a....... 4 M " Blaa B.IL t il " Phlllaabare...4 It Sraham I 41 Oraham. ......4 40 Phlltpeberg. 110 Blue B.1I.....4 S6 Stelaer'a. tit " Wellaeoa. ...Ill " Boyntoa t it " Bigler, ...1.18 " OeMola....... I SO Woodlead,....l.4l " Powelton, Iltt " BerroU,.....t.67 ", li lt " Looaard,.....! II Vaaeeoyoe,...ll.t7 p. a. ClMrfield 1.10 " Tyreao, ll.64 " Carweaarllle,.7.M " PHILIPRBURO MOBHANNOlf BRANCHES LBA.S BOOT!. p. a. A. . A. M. STATtoaa. IN Morrisdale, Ml 1:11 rhlllpebarg, tit l:5t Sloiaer's 1 II 1:41 Boyaloa, 1H t il 7:11 OeMOle, 1:44 1:61 1:04 Meebeaaea, 1:61 1:64 I 11 BterHng, 1:11 1:41 1:11 Hoatadale, 1:11 0 41 III MeCeoley, 147 1:16 I II K.adrlck'a, 1:11 l:SI 1:11 Ramey, A. a. p. a. p. t 11:11 11:11 411 11:11 4:14 11:14 4:11 1014 114 4:11 It II 11:11 I 67 I0U 11:41 1:61 11:41 II 40 1:46 Itll 11:11 US 11:61 ll:.1t 1:66 11:11 11:16 I II Railroads. BALD IA0LI VALLIY BRARCH. Mall." " . Mall. i "T;vTf- ... si: i-ff 7H 1.01 (.14 31 1.46 t.oa 41 Kap. -- a, .4T .! 0.61 10.06 10.40 11.10 BaldKafM Jails M llesburg Bellefonte MilMbur, Howard arrire L. llare Ml' 1.10 7.40 t.oo (.46 0..1.1 tu too 4 46 4.17 4.16 4.01 leare 6.16 TYR0NR BTATION uir.HL A.M.I WBBTWAnU. A M PaelfioEipKif liloll'lttaburghKip'aa, 160 llarrlaljori Ace'ss. 1:60 1 Paelllo iUpress, tilt r. a. Mall Train, !:! Attkatia airiese, 6:.0 Pbila. Ksprosa, 10:.1S r.ll. Way I'.lwng.r, 1:16 MSi) Train, 0.64 Past Line, 7:01 Cloas eonneetlona made by all train, at Tyrone and Loek llaren. 8. I. BLAIR, Snperlntendeni. BTAflB LINKH. A sugelearea Cnrwenar ills daily for Reynolda rllla, at 1 e'oloek, p.m., arrirlngat Reynolda.ille at t o'clock, p. m. Returning, learea Reynolds, rille daily, al 7 o'cloek, a. m., irrivlng al Cur wenarllle al 11 o'elook, m. Fare, eaeb way, tl. A stage learea Curwcnarllle daily, at 1 o'clock, p. m., for DuBola City, arrlrltuj at DuVola City at t o'olock, p. nt. Returning, Icaree DuBoia at 7 o'clock, a.m dally, arming at Curwenavilleat 11 o'elook, DJ. Fere, Mcb way, tl. Allegheny Yallej Railroad. LOW QRADB DIVISION. ON and after Monday, Dm. loth, 1177, tb. puMnger trains will run daily (.XMpI Sunday) between Red Bank and Driftwood, M follows t w EASTWARD Pay Mall learea Plltaburg 8:50 a. m. Red Bank 1 1:60 1 Bligo Junction ll;08i New Bethlehem 1:07 p. .; Maysrille 1:10 1 Troy 1:10 llrookrillo 1:00 Pullar'a 1:16 I Rey. noldarills 1:61 1 Dalloia 1:11 : Humrnlt Tunnel :40 Penfield 4:061 Wwdrlll. 4:17 1 BennetU 4:60 arriTM at Driftwood at 6:66. W KWTW A RU Day Mail learea Driftwood 11:16 p. m-i BenelrtU l.0! Weedrlll. 1:40 1 Penfield 1:46 Rummil Tunnel 17 1 DuBola l:30j RcyaoldaTllle!:61; t'uller'a 1:67 Brrokrille l:3; Troy S:40; Meyarllls 4:16; New BetUebem 4:10 j Bligo Junction 6:10 1 Bod Bank 6:27 ) arrirM nt Pllleburg al 8 10 p. m. aT- The Reynolderille Accommodation Imtm Rcyooldsrilla daily at 7:60 a. m. aad arrires at Red Bank at 11:00 a. Pittsburgh at 1 36 p. m. LeavM Pittsburgh at 6:10 p. m Kod Hank at 6:66 p. m.; arriring at Reynolds, Ills nt IH06 p. m. CloM oonneetloas made with trains oa P. A B. Railroad at Drifteood, and with trains on Ibe Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID MtCAKllO, Uan'l Sup'L A. A. Jacasoa, Bup't L. U. Dir. 8TA08 LINI. rLaaartaLD to rxitrriLn. The underaigned would Inform the puMio that he is now tunning a rtage line between ClMrfleld and Penfield, three time, a WMk. Tha stage leavM Clearfield oa Tueadaya, Thurs daya and Baturdaya, al 8 o'clock a m., aniring at Penfield nt 11 o'elook m. Returniag hm days. Lsbtm Penfield at 4 o'elook p. m arrir. ing at ClMrfleld al 8 o'clock p. m. Connection Is mado with traiBS on the Low Grade R. R. at Penfield. Fare, each way, tl.SO. UKO. W. UKAKHAUT. ClMrfield, Pa., Feb. IS, 1878 FARE FKOM CLEARFIELD, TO BellefonU, Pa ....! 06 Lock llaren 1 70 Williamltiort. I 80 Huntingdon . 1 80 Lawiatowa. t 00 Maryarllle. 4 60 Cuwenarill. 10 OmooI. 06 HAHRIrJBURU... 4 76 Middletewa $6 00 Marietta. 6 6, LancMter t 86 PHILADELPHIA 7 06 Altoona 1 6 Jobnatowa. I 80 I'billpaburg 61 Tyrone 1 11 PITTBBVRO t It $w flmtlstmrnt. At Ibe Republican oSice is tbo place to get your iob work done. We are fully prepared to do anything in the printing line, will do it woll, and at the right kind of prices. tf. MONEY TO I.OAN.-Tha Mutual Life Insurance Co. baring resumed loaoa, ap plications op well improred farm propertiM, to the one-third of their euh ralue, will be eonald ered, in rume not leas than $2,000. For nartica tors, Ac, auly to HI H.VT11AL W. SMITH. April 17, 77-lm. Clearleld, Pa IN BANKRUPTCY. Western District of PenasylraliU, aa t At Pittsburgh, the 18th day al Hay, 1871. The nndwslgnad htraby girM notiM of bis appolBt ment as Assigns, of Thomas J. Prow, of Curwens rille, in tb. oounty of Clearfield and Bute of P.nnsylraaia, within said distrl.1, who haa bean adjudged a bankrupt upon bia own petition, by tbe lot Court of said district. A.C. Dl'NCAN, Jens I, 1878 11. ' Auignee. (CAUTION. All perMns are hereby warned J agaioat barboriag my wife Rath, who hM let! my bed and board without any Juat eauM or proreeatioo, and I am determined to pay no debts of her eaotracting after this date , linleu compell ed by law. MATTHIAB UUCKKNBEHRY. Alel'herson, May IVlh, "71 3t. CAUTION. All person, are hereby eantloned egalnat purchasing or in any way meddling with the following property now in the posMsaion of Ira DeWItt, of Brady town, hip, rli : One bay msre, I buggy, 1 set single hernMS, a lot of a, log. at the DoWitt saw mill, and oertaln intsrwta formerly owned by DeWilt in eontreots for stamp age. Haid property tu purchased by me at rjh.rlf. Mis on tbe d day of May, 1878, and is left In poinsaloa of said DeWItt snbjMI 10 my order al any lime. JOHN W. BUCK. William. port, Pa, May 11, 187S -It, A UDITOR'sJ NOTICB A. Ia the Orphans' Corrt of Clearfield Co., Pa. Ia tbe Baiter of the Mtato of Andrew 8. Moore, deoeojed. The aBuenigned Auditor, appolBted by the Court to make diatributioo of tbe balaoM remaia ing ia the band, or Wm. T. Moore, Admlniatrelor, Ao., of Mid deoeeaed, amongst the partlM legally entitled thereto, hereby girw notice that he will ait for tbe purpoa e of hia appointment al tbe office of McKnally A MoCurdy, on Satnrday, June 12d, 1878, at 1 o'eloek p. m. W. A. UA0IRTY, Clearfield, June 6, 1878-11. Auditor. A IIDITOR'B NOTICE. A. tn the Orphans' Court af Clearleld Co., Pa. In tba matter of the Mtate of Melloda Courtney, dM'd. The undersigned Auditor, appolated by the Coart tomahe dietrlhutloa of tbo balanee remain ing la the heade of U. B. and Bamae! M. Bailey, Adminietratora, Ae., of Mid dMeaaod, amonget the parties legally entib.d thereto, hereby girM notim that h erill .11 aW tb pafpe.e of hte ap pointment at th. oAeo of MoKnaliy A McCurdy, oa rriday, Jane llat, 187H, al 1 o'elook p. m. W. A. HAUKKTY, Clearleld, Jus. I, 1871-11. Auditor. DIHROLUalON. The eo-partnerehip here tofore existing between Isaae M. Stage and Clark B. Norrie, doing buslnMS nuder tbe firm name of Stana A Norrls, waa diaMlred by mutual eeasent ob the 10th day of May, 1878. Tbe books and accounts of th. lai. firm will be left at their pleee of business for thirty days for estllemeut, slier wlitob they will be left with a proper officer for collection. ISAAC M. 6TA0E. CI, ARK B. NOItRlS. CloarMd, P.., May 11, 1878-41. Tbe andsrsigned will Mntlnne tbe butchering busincM at the .11 stand, aod aaks a .hare of public patronage. ISAAC M. STAUE. William Powell, StCOXD ST., CLitoriKLIt, PA., Dealer in Heavy end Shelf IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ULASS AND PUTTY. Wood & Willow-ware, Ac. Keeps oonstantty en hand tb beet Cooking, Heating and t'arW Stoves and Ranges of ell deaerlptloaa. Table aad Poeket Cutlery, lerpoatere Toole, auea as news, llaionots, Hiuares, Beach Stops, PlenM and Plane Irons, Chl.els, Bitta. Augers, Adsse, File., Hinges of all kinda, Locke, Bersws, Bssh Cord, Pulleys, etc., sto. Farming UleiinIlM, Plows, Cultlretors, Double and single Sherel Plows, Oultlrator Teeth, Urala Cradles, Beythea, SaathM, Hoes, Forks, Rakee, Hay Forks, Farm Bells, etc, ste. Hone SboM aad Horn Nails, the beet make of CroM eul Bows aad axes, ttrlndsteaes aad Urladstoae Flslene, and ererytbiag anally heal la a Irat.elaM Hardware Btofe. Alio, a fall etook af House Furnishing Goods, Tabs, BeebMs, Brashes, Bsskesr, Lamps, Chim neys, eta. All binds of Tinware kepi ea head and mads la order. Roofing aad Spoatinf promptly at- Persons wlibl.g aeytblng la my liao, art la. Tiled to oall aad examlae euwk end prleee . WILLIAM FOWRLL. ClMrfleld, Pa., Jeee I, 1171 tf, PLANT AND FLOWER. Tba aadersiaaed barebr airM Botloe to all klads of VEOETABLI AND FLOWER PLANTS, which be will sell al rruonahle prioee. He haJ Early end Lata Cabbage PlaoU, TomaloM, Celery, rauliflower. Egg Plaata, Pepper Pleats, Ao. SWEET POTATO PLANTS, 14 II per 1,101 or atty oobis nor buadrea. All hinds of FL0WEKS for pots and bedding. banging nasxsls ana rases, sncn as Asserted Heliotrope., Single A Double Petunias, Uereniame, Bage, Pgohsla, Paasies, Ag.ra lam, Colous, Dsbllaa, Verbenas, Ctphea, Cannes, Centaur, and Ciaeraria, Bagoniaa, Broralia, Migooaelts, Pinks, Phlox, Ac, Ae. FOR ONE DOLLAR, I will send ana dowa, strong, rigorous, well breached flower plants of any selMtioa. Where the sslMtioa is left to me I will guarantee Mill, factiea. EKNKBT BOCK. Clearfield, Pa, April 11,'78-lf. OOSeXXI BUTO tbb new Philadelphia Branch Clothing Store. ROOM NO. 1, OPERA HOUSE. The underaigned would respectfully reform the eitlMos of Clearleld aad riclalty, that be has Jest opeaed tbe largest aad beet stock of REJOV-MJDE CLOTHI.ViJ, HATS, CAPS, Utuit' rurniihittg eSosMf, TRUNKS, VALISES, to., aver brought to Clearfield, and which h wilt sell cheaper than aay other atoro In town fall and see, and be oonrlncoii. 8IM0N SULOfi. Clearllald, Pn., Hay , 178 m. THIS WEEK AT A NEW AND ATTRACTIVE HTOCK OP DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, BOOTS, SHOES, &C, HIM. BE OPENED hi Ui Cheap or Cash. Cle.rn.U, Pa, April 17, 1878. GEO. WEAVER & CO, 6KCOND BTREKT. CLEARFIELD, PA,, nave opened up, In tbe store room lately oeonpled by Wearer d Belts, o Beoond atroot, a large aad well selected itook of , Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUKKN8WARR, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, &p. Which lliey will dlspoM of at rreioaabte rales for M.B, or exonaage tor oouatry nroaueo. ORORflR WEAVER A.00. Clearleld, Pa, Jaa. , I87l-lf. i IIDITOHH'SITATEIHKNT.-J.C.Whlte- hill, Kaoj., Treasurer of ths borough of Uleeraelt, la aecoaot wun Ibe stnet lunds lor 1177-1. nnaraa.;idup.lnhandsofMrClellen. 141 11 To bal. 1HTH dap. In Bands ol roweti.... ajv vv Todap.lK77, I,10 11 To dog tax paid hy W. Dorrltl to M To eni'UM'd from J.W.8mttb paremenl II It To em't real from Kratssr's market lot. 01 to Total .11,1104 44 CKKOITOB. By orders paid t U ''' By int. psid on judg'l, J. W. Smith....... II II By am'l paid Judg't,J. W. Smith 10 71 By am'l paid in full en A. W. Walters' lodgment . 17 17 By ooupoes paid H n .116 tt Br bal. Illidup. with H. B. Powell.... IW II By exoneration en duplicate, 1177 17 71 By ehstemeat oa tVCO ia deys 0 I perMul 41 00 By cost prlating aolleef, Ae t 00 By li per Mat. oa collected..-. I 10 By Aedltors' feM t W By 1 per Mat. oa reemeat ol $1,- 151.11 7 M By bal. aaoollMled dnp. 1177 174 41 By hel. la bands of McClellaa, dup. of 1ST! 141 II Total Bal. due Treasurer Whlteblll AU5I tl t 14 7 1 We, lb. nnderslgned Aadllors of ClMrfleld borough, baring duly examlaed the foregoleg eeceunt of i. C. Whitehill, TroMerer of Mid bor. ougb, do And n balaaM duo htm of Blty-fonr and 7H-I00 dollars, (164. 7) i and there remains aa collect on duplicaM of 1171, ia hand, of Treas urer Wbllehlll 1174 41, aad la bands of H. B. Powell, dup. or IH7H, liao IS i aad ia heads or Joha McClellaa, dup. of 1171, I341.M. H. W.SMITH, JACKSON IIA11ERTY, l Auditors. A. W. (IRAUAM, J April I, 1171. STATEMENT OF BOR01UII FINANCES. LIABILITiaS. Amount of bonds redMmable ll'0 41,100 tt I ateraet daa ea bond, to Jan. I, "7.... 17 17 Jedgmenl and iatorost to June I, 1171, J. W. Smith m B.L ea Boyer Jadgmral end Msts Bel. dee Treasurer Wbllehlll....... Oatstsadiag orders H 114 1.1 14 tl 14 11 Mil t Total r,4l4 N Assara. el. dep. 1171 with S. McClellaa Bel. dap. 1171 with II. B. Powell Bal. dep. 1171 with J. O. Whlteblll.... Bal. ea paremaat of D. W. Moere..M Am'l tiling pereaeat of I. Toot.... Am'l tiling pareaMBt of 0. Howe Am'l repalra nerval oat, W. 8. Bradley Am'l repair, paremeat, i. MeKaally Rnt ea Market lot aetee, Oollell e MeCorkle Real of Merhot lot, Joha Sulieh........ Paremaat of Ijwleera CharehMM.MM..n Total .. UabUlliM erer aents... Total J7.4H4 tt I 4e eertlfy the feretolai atetomeat of aoreagh laaaoM to be aorreet. JA8.WR1UI.IV, Attest t BargoM. Crr, fleanis, Clerk. Mey tl, li lt. LA. KRATZERS. 141 11 lit It 174 41 II II to M it ta I to I tt ti tt tl tt M It .1 tit tt .M.itl 14 f . 3. lrrt kl.'t Cslurnx. Market Street, YOU CAN'T M4niCtj WK AltK BOUND FOR T. A. FLECK & COS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OP GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO CLEARFIELD. T. A. FLECK & CO. HERE WE ARE FOR ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF NEW DRESS GOODS, BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. A LARGE STOCK OK MUSLINS, CALICOS, GINGHAMS, SHIRTINGS, AND TICKINGS. MEN'S ANP BOYS' COTTOXADKS, AND A GOOD LINE OF CASSIMERS A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF WHITE GOODS & PERCALES. Turkey Itedt, tind all other kinds of TABLE LINKN.Jvory cheap. LADIES' COATS call and aeo thcm-tliey ro nice. BLACK AND FANCY -SHAWLS. BED SPREADS, ALL PBIE3. BEST STORE IN OTR STOCK OF Goon ahead of anything ever brouglitto this town. LADIES' LINEN SUITS-ALL PRICES. PARASOLS II This stock is more LADIES' AND CHILD REN S' HOSE. LADIES' AND GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES' TIES AND BOWS. a m i ll Li.rr. or coolers cork corsets. CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN. KID AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES for Ladies and Gentlemen. Knelling, Collars and Cuffs, Laoes, New Fringes and Trimming, Now Em broideries while and colored, Curtain Nets. Suspenders, Shirts, Necktion, Underwear, Shirt Fronts, Silk ITandkcrchieis. GMT. i id stack, Mil OIL CLOTHS AND CARPET CHAIN. MILLINERY. TRIH9ED HATS AD B0WETS, ROWELS, RIBBOXS, Trimming Silks, Ornaments, Feathers, ttc. Onr trimmer, MISS MRACUEN, ii Bonnet", jnat at We bought our goods in New York and Philadel phia for CASH, and they will be sold CHEAP. Spring and Summer Dress Goods. WHAT UK ClIJAIt AXTEE t WE GUARANTEE that we will aell all kimlfl of Dry Good cheaper than any other utoro iu Clearfield. WE GUARANTEE polite treatment to every one of our custo mer!!, without urging them to buy. WE GUARANTEE that we sortment of all kinds of Dress and Fancy Goods in Clearfield. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Aprir.17,78. f . 9. t(l k Vt.'t OJsIumn. zim Clearfield, Pa. STOP THIS rafBf ONE PRICE STORE. SPRING & SUMMER. AND COLORED ALPACAS, CLEARFIELD. PARASOL8 I! complete than ever. with at again, ready to trim JIaU and you want them. have the .urgent and chocest am and Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery laUrrUanrous. JOH PRINT1NO OF EVERY DE8CRIP Uoe BMtly exeoaled al this osxeo. A T Vfl7 ft UTI MTS Cnrwenarille, Fa. Jaa. t, "7l tt arxott. want? Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. CurwOBavllle, Jaa. , "71 If. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Ciaenlrllle, Pa., Jan. , '7 tf. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. SHAVED AND SAWED. Curwensrllle, Jaa. 9, "71-lf. F iOR SALE. Th votitnlfMtl will Mil t prlTkM ult U that tree! or pare! of Und Id I)mtu townihip, ClMrBcId eoantj, Pa., within a ihort diitatie of tba Tjrooa A Claaroal l R. R., aa4 adjoin in tt laadi of Robert Hudjoa aod otoera aad koowi aa tba Jaoob B. Gear hart lot. Tba aid treat oooUtniag AO mfm nor or Uti, with two Tolni of ralnabFo aoai tbaraoa, hai about 10 aerea olearod, aad la ti hey to a larf hod nf ooal about bln dTloped. Will U aotd low and uboa aaiT Urmi. For partlealan, apply to DAVID L. KRKBS. Ckarflald, Pa July tl, 1871. WEST BRAXCU - Insurance agency. PENTZ BROCKBANK, AftA. (SaMtfon to UnrrayA flordoa.) Tbo fo tin win ( flrft-ehiH (mnpanlai rcitnuaiotl: North Drltlth k Hareaatik Fira Iaa. Co., or KogUad .38,(rO,oO Srattltb Oomnorclal Fire las. Co., of Enflmd 0,m,0ift Nurth Amtrioa. of Pbitdelpbla..M.M.. 4,700,tfl Firo Afafwlaiioa, r.f Phtladelphla 1,100,000 Watortowa Fir. Nw York, laara farm property only M TtlO.oOf Mobil Fir Dopartuont laa. Co m I7,Ww Penoaa In th ooaatry waotlag laiuraao, ean bar it promptly atteaded to by addrMtiag tu ia perion or by letter. Lowett poaiible rat la Amt olaia oonpauiee. Ao mwttmtntt. ORloe ia Pi'i Opera UooM. ANDREW PKNTZ, Jr., B. T. ItROCKBANK, Clearfltld, May I, 1878-ly. Agent. COURT PROCLAMATION. WaRBBAt. Hoa. C. A. MAYER, Praiidrot JudfT of tbo Coart of Coniuoa 1'lea of the twen ty. firth Judicial 1 lt riot, oompowd or tbeeona tie of Clearfield, Centre aad CI i Blot), and Hoa. Aaaaa Oodr aod Hon. Viicht B. Holt, AtsKMiiate Judgei of Clearfield Co., have imued their precept, to me direct cxi, fur the holdiog of an Adjourned Cuort of Common Pleat, at tb Court Home, at Clearfield, ia and for tut conn, ty of Clearfield, commencing on the THIKD MONDAY, THE 1?T1I DAY OF JINK, 1879, and eontinatng two weeks. NOTICE 1 therefore hereby given to juror atd wltneaftu, la and for said oounty of Clearfield to be and appear In their proper perion. at It! o'elook A. M. of said day, to do thou thing! which ia their behalf pertain to be done. GIVEN under my band at Clearfield, thli ITtta day of April, in tb year of our Lord one thou aand eight hundred and eerenty-olghL ANDREW PKNTZ, jr., tiberlff. aprK-te. DRUG STORE. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Shaw'a.old tand, Clearfield, Pa., haJ Juit opened a new itoek of PI AC VRVSli OHHiR, and I now prepared to furniih anything la th tb line of Drugi and Medioinei at th very low' at eaik price. U haa alio on band a large stock of Combi, Hair and Tooth Draibea, Fancy Article, Toilet and Sharing Boapa, and rery thing anally kept la a firat-claii Drug 8tr. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with ear, day or Bight. A liberal bar of patronage rrpctrulfy aolicited. H. B. SPACKMAN. Clearfield, Pa., Oct 14, If77. PRIVATE SALE or Valuable Real Estate I Tb Bndertirned, It ring ia Pen a twp., Clear field oounty, Pa., offer th following ralaabl Beal Kitate for sal i 446 AcreBof Land, or or 1M. is Beeoarla townihip, lying oa tb north lid of big Clearfield creek, and within on mil of th eame. Th abor land 1b hearily oorered with hemlock, whit oak, rook oat, and etber hard wood timber, and a toaatity f whit pin, aaid to b half a million or more feet. Th lam ia hearily anderlaid with bituminon eoal, and directly n th line nf railroad loading from Boutidal to Coalport. It ralue 1 unknown. Ther are, alto, other valuable mineral on th name. , Th abor land lie abect two and a-half mile below tba rillagoof Qlea Hop, adjoining land of Oorg Urooa and other, oa what ia know ai Porter' run. Th tmprareiaaU oa tb prop erty ere a good geared sawmill, ia running order, a high dam, aton breaet, sud ia th beit man aer, fit for almoit any maohinary. Ther te.akao, a large frame d walling houMaod fram baak barn thereon, and about forty r fifty aer more r lei, of th land ta cleared. Any peraoa wiihing to inreit iu property of tbla kind will d well to eiamiu thi property. I will eell th whole or tb andlrided half inteettt, as may nit the purchaser. Th abor timet of land will make two or three farm, which will oompar farorably with lb greater part f ur oounty. Priee aad tormr mad known t an? pereoa wiabiag t pur. obaa. For further particulars eell ia peraoa or addresa tbe undtnignea at u ram pi en mil i.u Clearfield oounty, P. SAM L W1DEMIRK. Jaa. , 187S-tf. Jl'RV MSTNamet of jurors drawa for June Term, A. D. 1878, eommencing oa lb Id Monday, 17th day. riast wbck. John W Daria, iJecearis, Jacob Myers, Beoearla Y i Uondrlel,tJoringtoa;Tho w Kitoneo, tneet Deo E Tate, Woodward Sam'l Brown, Lawrence Wm Melarry, Cheat Daniel Frr, Chert Jos Winnery, Bradford jJ Hummer villa, Bora Fide Joha Lijrhtner, Beoeari D 4 Catbeart, Knox Hitler Werre-L New burg S r Dhoff, Woodward J B Konrenx jr, Cor'ton Perry Drauoker, Brady H Richards, Woodward Wm Wingert, Bmlf Adam Mover, jr, Morrii Aaroa Bhirer, Uoahen Jo Moor, Fergusoa ;J 1 Korebangh.Burniiil Jo Lawford, W oodward Darid Hmous. Jordaa 8 Coudrlet, Coringtea J Brickley, Burn lid tp. H B cpeaoar, renn uuat urtnttto, uradv J Passmor, (ireeowood Dr D H Good, Oneeola I A hmmvf, Clearfield Philip Krhard, Kaoi I) W Narehood, UrabajB Eira May, Jordan R Dougherty, Lawraao Theodore Brown, Pik BBCOD WBSK. Go R Mohl, Knox iK Aabenfelter, Brady Walter Shi rey, H red ford Mttcbel Shop. Uirard Vinosnt Bmeal, Bofas Tbo Lanioh, Lawrene Joba Hunter, Jordan P R H Inkle, Lawnao Routine Straw, Jonlaa D 'anat, Caraensrllle J B HolienbMk, Morris Wm Freeman, Pen a Mile Flegai, Moiris J H Parter, L City J H Lehman, Woodward P (lillltan, Chest T J froer, Curwsnarllle This Hrlllr. ClearleU PbIMp Tubbs, Keeearla IJnBB roweti, uraaaa, Jecob Fryer, (Ireeowood tired. Kirk, bredr D.vld Ferrer. Bradford iVTai I tores,, Bradford Geo M Briebia. Oeoeole Deo Caerltoa, lieatsdale Jaeob Bsrfsr, Bradfora JIlenrT bolU, Beoearia n A Arnold, fl w aan Ion' ra iiooT.r, oraiiora Dennis Lewis, Lnwronee J W DeHass, Brad, H U Thompson, " Dee M Molder, Brad; Uarr, J.tlncsten, i;ira n i roa, n.noz TRII. LIHT. Ult of oease, ret down (or trial al June Term, 1171. jtmBTBBM riasr wrrr, lo nosbat, 17tk pav. 0 L Srhooaorer . J 0 Brenner B D Kee.ler ts. Oweola Park Asa'a es. Ber.lad, White Co TS. " " s. A C Fiona, es. Kin, A Fuller ts. Denial tiormon es. Peter II oyer s. Hlnfeld, Uillea el al rs. Darid tlese TS. Jamee D Aataoaj ts. A It Hectare TS. Semael McCaa rs. Bee Belt' I Br Ima Co vs. 1 H i m Abrara Kepbart aes M llerl.T Bra ileorje W Caldwell H Arthurs Joha C KertTison Marten K Hordet Thomas Mitchell Joee,h tloss M Mctfsnilrr at al tl B Good leader Thomas Bvaas Fred Llsaeld Charles Ro her her Job. C Tjler Wat H foati.a Darid Remple Km U reetl.e vs. Wm f Johasoa ve. Arnold, Hertehorn A n ra. Jowph M Bmllk aeoosD waaa, rot-ata Bonner, tar.. James P lisle vs. The M L A L Co ThoW asa'a BAL As'a vs. Uee Hat-er A terra tea Freehold BAB Asa'a TS. MeOrefor A Prett Jeba F Hl.ll TB, Hamaerjenhiae Bigler, YeaBf A Reed ea. Joha DeBoio Wm (Iron re. B A leahart A Belle; J F Beael Helomen tl.llmaa Uarlaa Healer Berar, Oa;er A Co D lieu A C. Bl Oweae U ardea A C Joha Uleaeaww Bo;er, dnrer A Co .MM vs. Tbe 11 L A L Oo vs. J K tUxer TS. Joha M Chaa. va LeoaarA K;ler TB. i ToUf ts. Lerer FVagal vs. U L PerirosM ve. Jemee Kerr A C. ea L ajtoom to. Her, A BhoeTatal rs. t RaavaT at al vs. Hei a IL1 BLOOM, Pre' ba atari.